#this is because i like to have different mc personalities to explore when i write
dangaer · 1 year
writing otome love interests is fun until u realise just how much otome mcs know and help them overcome in their route as a whole.
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chaedomi · 9 months
Hi I just found your blog and you are so talented, your writing is so immersive you really have a gift, I was wondering if you could write for some yandere oshi no ko? Maybe with the mc being a very famous model, platonic or romantic is fine
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WARNINGS . YANDERE, female reader, can be read as platonic or romantic, ooc, hints toward spoilers in manga (and anime for those who have reached a certain point), implied stalking, mostly everything you'd find in a yandere post, unhealthy relationships (if i missed any, kindly alert me)
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YOU WERE pretty and sensational. You had a diverse career that allowed you to explore different types of styling, keeping the job interesting. You were also a huge influence and an inspiration to many, encouraging them to pursue a career in modeling and to experience various brands of fashion and cosmetics.
However, what attracted people to you the most was not your career, but rather your unique personality and your unparalleled charisma. It was one-of-a-kind, something that would leave people aching for more… similar to a former starry-eyed idol. It's no surprise that you have a ton of admirers, and that includes the odd ones as well.
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Let's be real. Model or not, unless you were of use to him or acquainted with his sister, AQUAMARINE would see no necessary need to interact nor get to know you. Why should he care about someone who will eventually fall from stardom?
But, in this case, it was different. Very much so. It was as though time stopped for a split moment when you both passed each other in the school hallways. Faster than his mind could process, his hand was already reaching out to grasp your arm as if he were to let you go, you would disappear for an eternity. Unusual of him. After you overcame your brief surprise from the sudden contact, you offered him a polite smile, eyes twinkling with unspoken mischief… to which he gawked at like an idiot.
How was it possible for you to possess the same charm as 'she' did…? He’s so stunned and in disbelief that he’s incapable of constructing a coherent sentence for some time. No investigations were made to confirm his assumptions… he was THAT convinced. You best believe he made the effort to become associated with you. It wasn’t as though he was desperate to attach himself to you, you noticed, but somehow, he always found a way to be around you, and if on the correct setting, it was beyond unnerving. You shrugged your shoulders at his abnormal behavior, justifying it with a “you’ve handled worse.” By the time it is finally drilled through your thick skull that hey, ‘something is wrong,’ Aqua would have fully wedged himself into your life. Good luck trying to avoid him…
There is an annoying obstacle in the way… namely your career as a model. Not to mention, the large fanbase you have gained over the years. So much as it was very tempting to find shady methods to force you to void your career entirely, the problems that can arise afterward will be more than problematic.
As said, because you remind him of a certain individual, his extreme tendencies will begin to lay on you. Just because he cannot end your career does not mean he cannot become overbearing. The fear of seeing you injured or harmed in any way replays a very unpleasant memory in his head…
He constantly monitors what you do, and whom you choose to interact with, and makes decisions that seem appropriate for you. It's as though you’ve lost your right to free will…
He's aware of how wrong it is. But, to him, it feels like a second chance, to lift some of the burden that he has carried on his shoulders for a while, to rid of the guilt that was slowly destroying him mentally and emotionally. Well, at the very least, he didn't convince himself you were 'her'. Even though there were some strong resemblances in characteristics, it was still easy to nitpick many differences (to him).
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There's without a doubt, Aqua was only familiar with your existence due to RUBY. A walking and living example of a true stan and diehard fan; god, she was obsessed with you. Magazines, products, advertisements, brands, merch, anything that has your face plastered on it, she’s out to grab it all… what she can afford, by the way. Your hair! Your lips! Your EYES! How can someone be this attractive!? Forget Model… someone put you in a museum for you to be admired by millions, quick!
As you can tell, Ruby has quite an attachment to you. And this is her without the yandere tendencies included. It was terrifying and had the potential to creep out anyone unfortunate enough to listen to one of her passionate rants. Other than her fawning over you for your glorious visage, there was another reason as to why she acted the way she did. You were just like 'her', the way you spoke, the way you moved, everything was down to par. It filled her mind with memories of 'her' helping her cope through dark times, and you were too doing the same, distracting her from the negativity that threatened to cloud her mind. At some point… she fully believed that you were 'her' in another body. You just had to be! Explain the similarities! It took thorough reasoning for her to understand that the possibilities were low. You were around her age, so by the time 'she' passed away, it would have been too late for that to happen.
On the day of school, it came as a big shock to her seeing so many famous faces inside the premises. But the biggest one of them all was when you walked inside her classroom all smiles, apologizing to the teacher for your tardiness. Shit… was she actually inside a dream right now!? She pinched and twisted her skin for good measure. Nope! She was alive and conscious! There’s no room for argument, she most definitely did snap a couple of pictures from where she seated, behind you. Somehow, she mustered up the courage to converse with you after class, falling deeper into her admiration for you.
Unlike her brother who saw your career as a nuisance, she fully supports you to continue all the way! In addition to that, it's a massive stroke to the ego that she had the privilege to bask in your presence while the majority had limitations. Do you know how many people would kill just to breathe the same air as you, The Loveable Model?
Turns out, Ruby can make for a dangerous yandere. Once Ruby puts her mind into something, the results made afterward are so impressive that it’s scary… But, it’s not like she’ll ever need that to happen, as long as you vow to stay by her side, she’ll make no drastic attempts to prevent herself from losing something as she previously did.
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For KANA, at first, it was an in-between… Although it was not to the extent of Ruby, she was a fan of yours… you were just too entrancing! You’re the reason why she went through many style phases, buying useless shit she didn’t need, wearing expensive brand clothing that you featured in… you get the main idea. Sooner or later she had to stop as she noticed the money she made from her child career quickly diminishing the more she allowed herself to indulge in her fan side for you. Begrudgingly she put a halt to it, still buying your magazines every now and then.
The other half is completely sour when she sees how whipped Aqua is for you. (she totally doesn’t question if Aqua’s attachment to you was romantic or not…) She kind of gets it; your personality, your looks, and your status as a famous model, you were a ten. But, there was a difference between love and admiration, so you were some sort of rival to her.
Fear not, Kana gets past that, clinging onto you instead as she got to know you in person. It was bound to happen. Kana was already ‘under your charm’, so it was only a matter of time before that admiration morphed into an obsession. Kana can be very clingy and manipulative. Manipulative in the sense that she uses her sad-sob backstory to ground you by her side. The majority of her supporters are now her anti-fans, she doesn’t have her parents around, and now you, the idol she looks up to, want to leave her too!? You wouldn’t do that to your lovely supporter, right?
Kana wouldn’t care about your career too much, she understands what it’s like to really love your job, so she doesn’t complain a lot. As long as you treat her kindly and remember her, she is content. Please.
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It's like, the calmer the individual is, the uglier their hidden side will be. And MINAMI will not be excluded from that logic. There is no doubt that Minami was affiliated with you due to her status as a pin-up model. On some weird, rare occasions, you would find yourself as her partner for a certain aesthetic for a photoshoot. So, yes… you knew each other to an extent.
What you couldn't wrap your head around was the fact you always felt a sense of unease around her. She out of all people. Why? She's an absolute sweetie, gentle and pure at heart. She always compliments you on how you look and praises you for the work you put in toward modeling. She goes on further to say she can see why people adore you so much.
There's nothing for you to worry about… except for the glaringly obvious issue that her eyes seem to follow whatever movement you make. It could be the twitch of a finger or any minority; glance to the side and there are pink doe eyes already staring holes into your face. Or when you're seated in the courtyard and just so happen to look at the corner nearby and see Minami there, who smoothly brushes it off with a friendly wave.
It was fine to you, till you began to see those pink doe eyes in the more uncanny places, namely restaurants you're in, or your job… you could swear you saw those pink eyes somewhere inside your house one time. But as you blinked, they vanished. As you take a peek at Minami who catches your gaze and laughs brightly, you can't help but wonder if it was just your imagination and you were overreacting…
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Hmm… This one is a bit tricky. You see, FRILL doesn't tend to expose much of an expression or a reaction. You never know what's going through her head or how she feels about something till she bluntly puts it into words.
She's also affiliated with you because of your careers, (the magazines of hers and you are always trendy and are the most popular) so you weren't awkward or tense around her. It's just… Why is she looking at you like that? It's similar to Minami in the sense her eyes never leave you, but there is a layer of coldness in her gaze, in addition to the slight furrow of her eyebrows.
You thought she hated you. For what? You didn't know. It couldn't be career-wise, she had a great number of followers and need not be concerned about you overthrowing her. She didn't come across as the petty type either.
What did you choose to do about the matter? Simple. You approached her with a blinding smile, getting straight to the point. That day you got to witness a sight you'd never think you'd receive an opportunity to.
Embarrassment. She got embarrassed and the light blush that crept its way to her cheeks had you staring in astonishment. It was out of character for her, much more the difficulty she had to fumble out a proper sentence.
You just left for your next class as the bell rang because wow, that was unexpected. It was cute to watch, seeing Frill become so soft-spoken around you. Who knew that a high-ranked celeb like her looked up to and admired you too!?
You're so amused by her change of personality that you don't notice the icy glares she shoots toward people daring enough to take another step closer to you…
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Another person who viewed you as a rival due to how whipped Aqua was for you. It didn’t matter whether Aqua’s attachment to you was platonic or romantic, the undivided attention Aqua gave you was something AKANE dreamed of having. So, when the chance arrived for her to develop a new character for the reality show she was featuring, she jumped at the opportunity to become what Aqua desired in a person. Spending hours studying your character, she aspired to impersonate you. Sadly, it didn’t work as well as she thought it would. Of course, she could never compare to you and your charisma. You were beautiful, very famous… there are just some things you cannot copy.
Initially, it was disappointment over Aqua’s lackluster reaction to her change, after all, she thought this a good way to pay him in return for what he did for her. Later, as she began to develop romantic feelings for him, the disappointment morphed into frustration. She felt like a loser all over again… No effort will make him adore her as she wants him to… So, she gave up.
Strangely enough, you managed to weasel your way into her heart in place of Aqua. She didn’t know what to make of it at first, frozen with a pale blush on her face when you praised her for her work. The way her heart thudded against her chest… she didn’t even react like that to the boy she so claimed to like. Perhaps he wasn’t the one she should waste her time on…
Even though Akane is considered one of the more ‘dangerous’ yanderes with her high intellect and analyzing skills, she’s pretty much harmless. In the nicest way I can say it, Akane is akin to a loyal devotee of some sort… As in whatever you desire, Akane will try her best to provide it, impersonation or not.
Akane is familiar with your works (god, BLESS the photographers for capturing your elegant essence in the most perfect angles), and is amazed, but she's not that into it??? Maybe if you were to branch out into her area of acting, the hype would be stronger… That doesn't mean you should stop in any way though! Continue to pose and look pretty while she appreciates (read as obsesses over) the sight. However, if your career were to ever… become an obstacle between you both, THAT will get her FULL attention.
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In this scenario, let's pretend you were around the age when AI was still alive. Let's think about this. Suppose you had a terrible childhood without correct familial guidance, or experienced situations that resulted in you being unable to feel and express love properly.
Now, imagine you came across a person who made you feel the very emotions that you desperately sought out. Would you want to distance yourself from that person, especially when they granted you something you've been seeking for so long?
The answer is no, and that's exactly what Ai did. By far, the worst one out there. She isolates you, she breaks your bonds with other people, and when you try to voice your complaints about her actions, she has the audacity to play innocent, baffled by your accusations.
A master with her words too, you would point fingers at her, the bad guy, and somehow, the argument would end with you apologizing and her rubbing your back gently as a large smile spreads on her face.
Surprisingly, she was the one who encouraged you to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. You agreed, thinking she was being normal for a change, but then later found out it was for her to spend time with you without consequences… Who would complain about two famous celebs hanging out with each other!? Not that she had a problem maintaining a lie, she just wanted the easier route.
It was very shameful that you felt a sense of satisfaction over the announcement of her funeral. Too bothered by the things she did while she was alive to you, the news deserved a celebration instead.
You lived a few more years of your life in peace. However, the day both of her children arrived on your front doorstep, it made you realize that Ai had no intentions of leaving you alone, allowing her children to replace the role she owned in your life. Even in death she still found a way to trouble you…
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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strange-pass · 3 months
Hello! I saw you had requests open! I was wondering if you could write something that's like... just domestic life fluff. Maybe they're in the human world together and just chilling. I don't know. But just some nice domestic life fluff. Either with Barbatos, Solomon, or Simeon. I cannot decide as my heart is longing for all three of them right now 😂
Up in the Human World
Domestic life Headcanons
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Pairing: Simeon, Barbatos, Solomon x GN! Reader (separately)
Synopsis: Simeon, Barbatos, and solomon go to the human world to visit MC
A/N: These were so adorable to write. I was so excited that anon requested these because I haven’t written fan fiction in a bit so I’m glad people want to see more work! I decided to try out a new divider because I find this one so cute honestly. I may try out a couple depending on what I’m writing. This was written as romantic by the way! Have a lovely day 🫶
Requesting here
genre: Romantic fluff, no warnings!
word count: 1270+ altogether
💐 Simeon:
-Simeon loves visiting you in the human world because he barely gets to go, he’s either in the celestial realm or in the devildom. When he does go, he stays with you for a month or two before he absolutely needs to go back. This visit is considered his break and he loves spending it with you.
-You and Simeon have a movie night every week, just you two in order to spend time together. There are some human movies that are available in the celestial realm, but rarely. He suggests two types of movies, bad movies, and romantic movies. Since he’s a writer, he likes to criticize the direction and story telling of the movies, he cannot believe how bad and cliche some of the movies you have, get. He tends to gravitate towards romance movies when suggesting a genuine movie, this is because he likes the emotional closeness to you. When he’s watching these movies though, he sometimes thinks that you two have way better chemistry than the main characters in these story lines and thinks of how you two would handle situations in the movie. He likes when you pick a movie though, he likes to explore different options and styles of writing. One thing that will never change is how he loves to cuddle you, if you’re alright with it of course.
-Since he has a garden in the celestial realm, he grows various flowers outside of the home. He grows the, outside because he thinks direct sunlight is better for the flowers. This is also for your own good in case you have an allergy to the pollen. On occasions, he grows plants inside that don’t smell in case the weather isn’t ideal. He’s still a bit naive since the celestial realm has the same kind of weather every day. When he brings seeds to your home, sometimes you need to tell him that they don’t grow in this region of the world. Once he gets used to the technology you use, he makes sure to check what grows in your part of the world. He tries to grow your favourite kind of plant, and gets you to water the plants with him.
-The first time he’s asked to sleep in your bed, he’s a bit red in the face. He insists that you don’t need to offer him the bed.. the real reason is because he’s nervous of being so close to you, he’s not sure of the habits he does in his sleep, or how you’ll react if he accidentally pulls the blankets off of you, or something bolder like pulling you closer to him. No matter what, he’s happy that you wanted to sleep in the same bed as him since it shows you trust him.
💐 Barbatos:
-Barbatos asks for permission to visit you in the human world when he has a vacation. The downside is that he can’t stay for very long since he serves Diavolo, but comes as often as he can.
-Whenever he visits you, he has a habit of serving you like he would Diavolo. He does not mean to do this, but since he cares about you, he automates to his butler personality to show how he feels about you. You need to remind him that he can sit and relax around you. He listens to your advice for a while, until he gets antsy and ends up cleaning so you have a perfectly tidy place without any worries.
-He loves baking together, it’s not just a way to spend time with you, but both of you can sit at a table and enjoy your handiwork. Depending on your baking level, he will pick a recipe that’s a bit above your level so he can teach you how to bake it properly. He finds it to be a fun challenge for both of you, his part of the challenge is making sure that it’s fun for him and you to do.
-You have different foods in the human world, and he wants to make sure he tries all kinds of cuisines. This gives him new ideas for his own cooking, and a fun date idea. He suggests something new for dinner every night he’s there, so you go to different restaurants in order to try dishes. The thing is… going to new places all of the time can be a bit exhausting, so you ask him about delivery and he’s a bit surprised by it because he’s never tried ordering food through an app. They have akuber in the devildom, but Barbatos always makes supper, so he never needs to order out. After some time, the money adds up so Barbatos just makes the food himself since it’s cheaper for you and he makes excellent food, even if he’s never cooked the dish before.
-Barbatos always sleeps by himself, so he seems like he is glad to be joining you for sleep. In reality he’s a bit hesitant BECAUSE he always sleeps by himself. It’s a bit of a vulnerable position for him, but as long as he keeps reminding himself that it’s just you, he’s having the most comfortable sleep of his life alongside the person he cares about the most.
💐 Solomon:
-Solomon visits you a-lot since he doesn’t technically work anywhere, he goes wherever he’s needed. The downtime between him going somewhere is spent with you, at your home in the human world.
-He loves cooking for you! Mostly to your detriment… He has so much passion for what he makes for you, but you can’t tell what he was trying to make most of the time. He says that he put his own spin on the original dish, and then questions why you look so shocked as to what recipe he was trying to replicate. He always thanks you for making food or ordering though, just as long as he’s no where near the kitchen.
-When you’re doing something in your home, you’ll find little love notes in random places from Solomon, he leaves these in hopes that you’ll find them and feel loved. They are always in little envelopes that are stamped with a red rose to signify his love. He hides them in the weirdest places though, in a shoe, the back of the freezer, between the cushions of a couch, and the pocket of a coat you haven’t worn in a while.
-Whenever he goes out, he almost always comes back with a game for you to play with him. It could be a game as big as monopoly, or a dice game like Yahtzee. What he doesn’t want you to know is that he is great at all types of games because he’s been alive for so long. The only thing that gives him away is how overly confident he is, sometimes a bit cocky as well. This can also be his loss because he doesn’t replay games for long periods of time since he doesn’t have many people to play them with. When he loses, he feints being sad, but loves seeing the smile on your face when you win.
-Solomon is actually the first one to suggest sleeping in the same bed, he’s a bit cheeky like that. He has absolutely no problem in sleeping beside you, but he never shows just how excited he is. This is his own little dream, being beside you and making sure you’re safe through the night. Maybe in the morning he’ll surprise you with breakfast as well, made with all his heart, of course! Seeing you is his motivation for working, and he glad he visited.
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alcazarofthestars · 3 months
Hi, hi! I have a request~ What about Yandere Blade x reader who was a part of astral express? The reader is close friend of Dan Heng, so they are always together because their personality is similar. Like, Blade fall in love with them, but they hate him because he's Dan Heng's enemy. That's it. Anyways, nice to meet you~ :3
Oooo~, so like enemies to lovers or a one sided romance? That's interesting! I really liked this idea so I tried a different writing style, please tell me whether or not you like it! It's nice to meet you too btw!
Summary: After leaving the Luofu due to certain unknown reasons and joining the astral express along with a close friend, [Name] had met a rather mysterious man who called himself Blade. After their encounter, they keep feeling watched... Thankfully their dearest friend, Dan Heng, is always there with them to help! (Takes place after Loufu story quest.)
Warnings: ooc, Yandere, yandere content, stalking, unrequited love, one sided romance, unhealthy obsession, obsession, fighting, bad writing, blood, mc is Stelle, gender of reader is unspecified etc. If any of those scare and/or make you uncomfortable please leave.
Suggested to read in dark mode!
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Being a member of the astral express has its own pros and cons even more so since you have the ability to manipulate blood, why don't we go through the pros and cons of being in the astral express crew in [Name]'s point of view?
1. You get to travel the galaxy with friends while also going on fun adventures together!
"March, call everyone to come here! We're almost arriving at our next destination!" A cheery voice called out to a light pink haired girl who started joyfully skipping down the astral express' halls with glee. After a while March had come back with two other people one with dark black hair and the other with long grey hair. "Finally," The [HairColor}ette started. "We're nearing our next stop!" They said excitedly while turning to her pink haired friend who shared the same level of excitement as they do while imaginary stars surround the happy duo. Seeing this, the black haired male just sighed while the grey haired girl only hummed in response. "We're only stopping here to get some supplies, remember?" As the male said this, the stars surrounding the duo shattered and fell to the ground. "Really? Aw man, I really wanted to look around..." [Name] pouted as they turn their attention onto their black haired friend. "... Fine, I'll ask Miss Himeko to give us a few days to explore, happy?" He sighed unable to resist his friend's pouting face. "Very, thanks Dan heng!" They said as they hugged him. "Wanna try some of the food there? I heard it's very good!" March chirped happily. "hm... I heard so too. Sure why not." The taller grey haired female responded. "Seriously? You two want to spend the time there?" Their black haired friend deadpanned at them while [Name] went between the two to stop any chance of a conflict. "Ahaha, how about me and Stelle go check out the food while you and [Name] go sight seeing?" March suggested as all the others nodded. "Great! It's settled then! We'll regroup back at our hotel at nine, deal?"
2. Meeting new friends and making new connections while helping others in the process!
The black and [HairColor] duo walked around a historical sight while taking pictures and reading the history of said sight. "Ne ne, Dan heng... Are you hungry yet? We've been walking and looking around for one and a half hour..." They complained to their close companion to which he only hummed in response. "Sure, let's go get something to eat." He said as his dear friend cheered as they took his hand and dragged him at a quick speed. "Hey, calm down. I can walk on my own." He grunted as [Name] finally let go of his hand. "A-ah, right... my bad..." They apologized as Dan heng turned around to dust off some dirt on his shirt, but when he turned around again his dear friend had disappeared from his sight. Meanwhile, [Name] had got distracted by a spiderlily that shouldn't be able to grow on this planet. Intrigued, they went to investigate it only to find a trail of said flowers growing. Curiosity kills the cat they say as when [Name] followed the trail, they found an injured stranger who had many massive wounds all over his body. The unconscious injured stranger had handsome features; like his long silky black hair that fades to red covering one of his eyes, broad shoulders, his ears that both carries an earring one that's shaped like a tassel and the other is shaped like a piercing(?), bandages covering some parts of his body, his strong hands-... 'What am I thinking?! Get it together, [Name]! Stop staring at the stupidly hot stranger and help him!' They thought as they finally stopped gawking at the feature that adorned the injured stranger. 'The nearest hospital or clinic is miles away... But... The hotel we're staying at isn't far! And I think I have some medical supplies in my bag to help him, time to put all those lessons with Miss Himeko to use! Great thinking, [Name]!' They thought happily while trying to carry the stranger.
After a while, they were finally able to get the stranger to their hotel room but to do so they had used an unused long coat and a dark shade of glasses along with a black masker to hide his injuries and disguise him so that [Name] wouldn't get reported by onlookers to the police for kidnapping. Thankfully, by some miracle, it had unexpectedly worked. They placed him on their bed and used some alcohol from their bag to clean his wounds before using their ability to manipulate blood in order to stop more blood from flowing out of his body then patched it up using the stuff she had prepared from her bag and lastly took off his top to place bandages on then placed the blanket on his body. 'I did it! Miss Himeko would be proud!' Happy with their work, [Name] let out a breath that was unintentionally held in due to the stress and sighed before looking at their phone to send Dan heng a message that they're fine and went to explore a bit by themselves while also telling him to meet up at the hotel lobby just as they planned together. Looking back at the stranger, [Name] couldn't help but feel as if they had met/knew him before in the past... (Pls bear with me I don't really know how to bandage a person..)
Not that long after [Name] had gotten very tired to the point they were fighting to keep their eyes open but soon fell asleep while sitting on an armchair that they dragged from under the lamp and moved it beside their bed so they could watch over their patient. Soon, the stranger woke up and the first thing he saw was a gorgeous [HairColor]ette sleeping so peacefully on a chair right next to him. The sight of them made him speechless, breathless even and wonder how such a perfect being exists in this cruel world. He couldn't help but be attracted to the said person who looked like they were blessed by the aeon of beauty herself, expecilly with those features of their's that make you want to keep looking for hours on end. Snapping out of his thoughts he shuffled around the bed to get out but ended up waking up the sleeping beauty (that's what he named you) beside him as they let out a yawn. "Haah... Are you awake...?" They mumbled while stretching their arms up, "Mhm... Do you need anything...?" [Name] asked while offering a smile. "... Where am I? and who are you?" He asked. "Ah, right. Well first of all, we're at a hotel located in St. Freya. Secondly, I'm [Name]. Nice to meet you... uh..." They responded. "Blade, my name." He answered. "Ah! Alright, nice to meet you Blade!" [Name] said as they gave him a closed eye smile to which he only nodded "Likewise." He said while looking at the person that saved him. "That reminds me," They started. "is there anything else you need?" [Name] asked clearly worried about their patient's health and need. "... Why... Why did you save me?" He questioned in a monotone voice, if you didn't know any better than you would've thought he was angry but due to a a friend who is as cold as ice most of the time, you have learnt to read people's expressions and body language to understand a persons true feelings. "A-ah... Well you see, I was traveling with some close friends of mine and we were going sightseeing but I kinda got bored so I went to look around, that's when I found you in a small alley... It wouldn't be kind of me to just ignore you, but since the nearest hospital or clinic was miles away I took you here. I apologize if I did a bad job at cleaning and patching your wounds, I'm not that skilled in these types of stuff... But if you do need anything else just ask me, alright. I need to go out for a while to meet up with some friends, will you be alright here?" What came after their question was nothing but silence that was cut by Blade's answer "... No, I'll be fine." He said with an unsure tone. "... Alright then, please rest while I'm away...!" [Name] said as they took their bag and left from the hotel room door.
"Yes, I'm very sure, March." While looking for her friends in the now crowded lobby she heard the voice of her closest friend, Dan heng. "Hey! You guys! Over here!" [Name] shouted to grab the attention of her dear friends who instantly turned their heads in [Name]'s direction as soon as they heard her voice. "There you are, you idiot!" March angrily said as she ran in [Name]'s direction followed by Dan heng and Stelle who shook her head at March's childish antics. "Whoa there, calm down, March." [Name] sweatdropped. "Do you know how much you scared us? Don't do that again, you hear?!" She said as she lectured [Name]. "Did I really...?" They asked in denial. "Yes, yes you did." Dan heng sighed. "What were you even doing, [Name]?" Stelle asked. "Huh? Oh, I found someone who was injured and helped him." They answered. "Oh. Alright. Wait.... WHAA?!" March exclaimed. "Is he here?" Stelle asked pushing March out of the way affectionately. "Yeah, why?" [Name] responded making Dan heng face palm. "Why didn't you take him to a hospital or clinic?" He sternly asked with a glare that made March snap out of her dazed state. "Ooh girl you're in trouble now...~" She teased making you glare at her to which she sticked out her tongue. "Uhm... Well you see... Uh... the hospital is... too far and I thought he wouldn't make it..." they answered in defeat. Dan heng sighed. "Alright, let me check up on him. You two can go ahead and we'll catch up later." He said to March and Stelle to which they responded with a nod and walked off. "Come on, [Name]. We're going." Dan heng stated as he walked towards the elevator "R-right!" [Name] said before following him, unaware of the pair of eyes that have been staring at their figure for a while leaving the hotel building.
When they arrived at [Name]'s room the stranger was no longer in their bed which made [Name] shocked. "Huh?! Where is he...? I could've sworn I told him to stay here... The wounds wouldn't have healed properly if he walked too much..." The [HairColor]ette panicked. "Hm... It seems that our injured stranger has left a note before leaving." He said pointing out the piece of paper on their bed before picking it up. "H-huh? what does it say?" They asked in curiousity. "It reads; thanks for the jacket, glasses, masker, and help, sleeping beauty. I'll probably visit the astral express in the future to return those, but maybe not. If you're ever in danger call me. -Blade..." A loud silence engulfed the duo. "You... You meet Blade...?" Dan heng broke the silence with his question and wide eyes. "Uhm... Yes? What's wrong...? are you mad...?" [Name] said in worry. "It's-... just-... I'm not mad, just please don't get anywhere near him. He's... dangerous. Alright?"
3. Having a fellow member protect you, even if you aren't aware!
Lately, you have been feeling watched but there wasn't any evidence to your claims. You tried to tell March and Stelle, but they only said "Huh? Really? You sure it isn't just your imagination or something?" and "Maybe it's the angry ghost haunting you for eating my ice cream." You had also thought about telling Himeko and Welt but decided against it afraid that they'll overthink things and make the situation more complicated than it actually is. So as a last resort, you told your best friend for his suggestion and prayed to whatever god that he'll help you out. "And that's it..." You explained to Dan heng who has been listening to you rambling about feeling watched and the chill you feel whenever you leave the astral express for the past hour or so while he sorted out some information on the traditions of different planet that you had collected from your latest solo adventure to a new planet. "Hm... I'm not able to do much, but if it makes you feel better then I'll look out for any watching eyes and unwanted visitors." He hummed. "Really?! You're the best!" [Name] chirped happily. "yes yes, now go to sleep or else you'll be tired for your expedition tomorrow." He ordered which you complied with. Happily skipping down the halls, [Name] has started feeling a bit safer thanks to the previous conversation they had with Dan heng but one thing has been bothering them for a while... "Don't get anywhere near him. He's... dangerous."
On your next exploration trip, Dan heng had advised a plan to help you with your (not so little) little problem the troublesome part is the fact that he didn't give any info or told you about it. As you happily walk around the planet that the astral express had stopped by to gather supplies to find some snacks for March, Stelle, and Pompom while also stocking up on perishables and blankets thanks to Stelle who built a pillow fort during a blackout and accidentally trowing them all away after she was no longer using them since the lights had turned back on. While looking around you had stumbled upon many happy couples out on dates while looking into each others eyes that are full of love, kids happily playing with each other laughing and smiling together as they all ran to hide while playing hide 'n seek, a mother and her son who was helping her carry their groceries as he told her what had happened at school today, and much more. You contently stared at them from afar not noticing the small genuine smile that was appearing on your face, but deep down inside you admit you felt a bit jealous of the happy people spending time with each other wishing you could be like them one day where you don't feel alone. Snapping out of your trance you continue to find what you came here for, the reason you came here in the first place, to help out your mentor, Miss Himeko and your close friends on the astral express. Once again, walking around in search of the items needed, you had started to feel that cold chill and watching eyes once again but when you looked back, there was only two kids playing soccer with each other in the far distance. Brushing off the feeling of being watched as being paranoid, you continued to walk around unbeknownst to you that there was some drama happening not too far from where you were...
"I'm not letting you get anywhere near [Name], and that's final." A familiar stern and serious masculine voice stated, judging by the tone, he must be angry at the person he's talking to. That person being none other than Dan heng. "Is that so?" Another voice chuckled in amusement at his statement. "Do you really think you're strong enough to defeat me? No matter how hard you try, you'll never be able to defeat me. I will get them, and you won't stop me, Imbibitor Lunae." The other voice said, knowing well that all he said was true.
1.Getting Injured During Missions, Whether It Be A Small or Big Injury
"Ooh! Look over there! Isn't that Mrs. May's purse?" March happily exclaimed while pointing in the direction of a small purse covered in snow. Today [Name], March, and Stelle had gone to look around Belobog as the other members of the astral express went to stock up on supplies once again. While travelling, the group had stumbled across Mrs. May, a very nice elderly lady who lived in a nursing home along with her cats, searching for something. It turns out that one of her pet cats had taken a liking to her purse and would play with it, but then one afternoon the said cat had taken the purse outside without her knowing and returned home without it. Worried, Mrs. May has been searching for it since yesterday without any progress thus she ended up asking the group to search for it. After a few hours of searching all over Belobog, and stopping Stelle from digging through random trashcans on the side of the road, you had found a few signs of the purse such as a strand of light pink silk sticking out in the snow along with some other stuff like money, coins, and a grocery list. "I think it is, at least from the descriptions Mrs. May had given us before we left." [Name] explained as the group went to investigate the purse. "I wonder how it ended up here though... This place is quite far from the nursing home, and I highly doubt a cat would travel this far in this extreme weather..." March voiced out her concern. "I think you're overthinking again, March. It has been days since the purse first went missing, the weather must've been warmer that day." Stelle turned down her thoughts. "Well whatever... As long as we found it it's time to return the purse to Mrs. May now!" March exclaimed. "A-ah... How about you two go first, I'll stay behind for a while. There are some things I want to check out to put in the archives back in the astral express." [Name] explained as the other two nodded their heads at their friends words and turned around towards the direction of where they came from. "Alright then, see ya later, [Name]." Stelle said already walking away. "Bye! Don't forget to call me if anything happens!" March happily said as she too left and tried to catch up with Stelle.
As soon as the duo was no longer in sight, [Name] let out a loud sigh that they were holding in for a while. 'This feels off...' They thought as they started to look around the area for some clues and crouched near a tree to take a short break. 'I swear I felt something off... My mind is playing tricks on me again...' Just as they stood back up, an unexpected force forced them to get blown away into the snow and landed on their hand to stop. 'A... Voidranger...? Wait a minute... What is it doing here?!' [Name] panicked. It's unusual to see a Voidranger in Jarilo VI of all places, after all. Looking at their hand [Name] realized that they were bleeding... sighing then taking out their weapon of choice, [Name] went into a defensive stand. Facing the enemy, [Name] closed their eyes for a second and when they opened them, the Voidranger had already been taken out. Right behind the Voidranger is a familiar figure with long black-ish hair, Blade. "It's you..." [Name] whispered softly, but Blade was still able to hear what they had said but all he gave them was a small nod and said; "If anything happens, just call my name." before disappearing leaving [Name] alone.
2.Getting Lost During An Exploration Trip.
"Aaaaaah....! I hate these types of expedition trips... Why are we even doing this in the first place?!" March groaned as she dragged her feet to follow her fellow comrades who were looking around in some abandoned ruins. "There's some treasures here that we need to retrieve. So just hang in there for a while longer, we're almost there." [Name] explained to their tired friend as March pouted in return. "Well can you please carry my bag? My back is starting to hurt... I mean, why did we even bring these bags in the first place?" March complained yet again as she handed her bag to [Name] who is now carrying it. "And can you believe how-" All of March's words didn't register in [Name]'s mind as everything she says starts to sound like gibberish along with everything else. Soon, [Name] finds themselves zoning out and when they have snapped out of it, they realize that they're now lost. They were in a room with a lot of dust and some... weird purple gas around the room. Looking at their surroundings, [Name] isn't able to find or hear the group. After a while, [Name] had decided to walk around in search of their friends. After a few hours, they were still lost. Hell, it felt like every hallway was the same! Not to mention how [Name] had started to feel dizzy after walking for a while, and this dizziness has not gone away. Frustrated, [Name] plopped themselves down a wall and hugged their legs. "I wish Dan heng was here... or March... or Stelle... or anyone else..." [Name] whispered to no one in particular as they start to sob. "Hic... maybe not Miss Himeko... or Welt... they will definitely be disappointed or tease me..." They tried to calm down. "Alright, [Name]... focus... calm down. What do I do..." they said the theirself and placed a hand on their chin. '... Help... Dan heng... Blade...!' They thought as their vision becomes fuzzy due to their dizziness from before, drowsiness takes over them.
"B-.... Blade...!"
Just as [Name] whispered that, a mysterious figure and fog appeared seemingly out of nowhere. The figure soon became more clear, long black hair that fades to a reddish color, a lean body build, and broad shoulders. Without a doubt, that is the one and only Blade. "You called?" He asked. But unable to keep their eyes open, [Name] had fainted right in front of Blade. "Huh, guess the gas worked better than I thought." Blade mumbled as he crouched down to reach [Name], carefully playing with their hair while enjoying looking at their delicate features. After a while of silence, Blade had placed his hands around [Name]'s body, and slowly picked them up in a princess carry and walked away not noticing the small bag that was left behind.
3.Getting Kidnapped By Your Friend?
When [Name] had woken up, they were no longer in the abandoned ruins that they were in before. Sitting up from the bed, [Name] looked around and realized that they were in an unfamiliar surrounding just as they were about to get up, something was stopping them from doing so. It was a chain on their foot that was locked on both their foot and the bed. Seeing this, [Name] panicked. Not long after, Blade had entered the room. "Blade...?! Great timing! Now come and help me get this chain off my foot-" they said before getting cut off "That won't be necessary. Why would I do that if this is everything I've ever wanted? Having you in my arms, your full attention, your everything!" He exclaimed. "What...? Blade... You're crazy...!" [Name] shrieked as Blade only grinned in response. "Maybe I am. But just know this, I'm only this crazy for you, dear [Name]." He said as [Name] could only widen their eyes in response, afraid of him and his obsession with them.
"You'll be mine, and mine only. Why would you want to separate us?"
Extra HCs:
Whenever you and Blade cuddle he would hug you so tight that you'll barely be able to breath.
You and March would paint each other's nails whenever you have the time.
Himeko can be super strict sometimes when teaching. (Welt having war flashbacks.)
Stelle got scratched by one of Mrs. May's cats
The group was searching for [Name] but only found your small bag and March's bag.
Blade didn't tell Kafka or Silver Wolf cause they would tease the living daylight out of him.
Authors note: I got so lazy at the end... BUT thank God my exams are finished! I'll start accepting requests again. This has been rotting in my drafts since December... I finally finished it!
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maleyanderecafe · 7 months
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Close to Obsession (Visual Novel)
Created by: Unknown Hermit
Genre: Horror
I'll be doing some recommendations for the #72 Hour Murderboy Mayhem since they do have quite a lot of yanderes (and some from creators you may know!) This one is made by @you-and-him who of course is working on the You and Him game and I do like the yandere's design in this one, (plus, pink haired male yandere, which is fairly rare). This one is fairly short as a demo, but hopefully it will be expanded on in the future.
The story starts out with the MC talking to a police officer about a sudden murder that happened in front of them. Clearly still affected by the situation, they start to recount it. While having a Hinder date with someone, they watched as a man came in and killed them. The MC is freaking out while the man seems satisfied with his work, he reveals that the two had actually dated once before from Hinder, though the MC doesn't remember it. The man gives the MC a piece of paper before leaving, leading to them calling the police. The officer offers to drive the MC home after this traumatizing event, remembering the note that they got, stating that they should meet up next Saturday, signed Max.
We then get a more in depth look at how Max thinks. We see that Max was inspired by the MC, and believed that killing the man is viewed as art in his eyes. He believed he needed something bold so that the MC would remember them, holding out a ring that he will presumable give to the MC in the future.
I will say that Hermit always does a good job in putting the MC in the most impactful situations at the start, which really lets you get into the meat of the action. In this game, we start out with the aftermath of the MC experiencing murder something that really traumatizes them. It is always cool to see a more realistic reaction to murder, and I think it would be neat if this carries throughout the entire game, where the MC kind of has PTSD from this moment, as it's something that they are clearly very shaken over. I'm curious if the MC will decide to go to meet Max, or if perhaps there's a branching timeline for something like that.
I always find it fun when creators have multiple yandere vns because they get to explore different types of yanderes with each one and we can see how they differ. Compared to Adam, Max is a lot more lucid about his obsession with the MC, even very blatantly going out of his way to kill their date in front of them just so that they will remember him. It's also cool to see more of the muse kinds of yanderes since the way that they view love and their definition of love is often different than how other types of yanderes view love. From more reluctant yandere to a more abrasive one, that's always fun! I have no idea how he was able to get away with simply murdering someone and running, like was there no other evidence besides leaving a witness? I guess only time will tell. I do think Max's design is pretty fun though with his side bun pony tail to his collar, he feels more like someone who would probably like animals. I'm wondering if that will be part of his characters, or if the collar is actually referring to more...kinkier parts of his personality.
Overall, a cool first shot of what the game is going to be like. From the time writing this, it doesn't really seem like Hermit has a full idea of what the game will be like, but I'm excited to see what direction they end up heading in as they continue to work on the game.
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damnation-if · 1 year
I just want to say, as a certified monster fucker, I'm already in love with your story hahaaa <3 I'm glad we're getting more adult stories and the themes in this one are so intriguing, can't wait for the rest ! Alsooo, I really liked the way you describe things? I do not know how to explain it haha but I could easily visualize what was happening and the general atmosphere you're going for and I thought that was neat :^)
thank you so much for your kind words!! i truly appreciate them and i'm so glad the descriptions were to your liking! i have at least some level of aphantasia, so i'm always worried that i'm not describing things enough haha... glad that doesn't seem to be the case!
i was actually talking to my friends just yesterday about how there's relatively few Creacher-y ROs around... so for whatever reason, i guess because it's on my mind, i thought i'd take a bit of time/space here to mention all of the Monsterfucker Approved (TM) ROs that i could come up with, in case anyone else might be interested. this list isn't meant to be exhaustive (in case i miss anyone) as sadly i am yet to become all-seeing and all-knowing 😔
Creacher (Alien)
Rhaxa and Imxa from Project Hadea by my beloved @nyehilismwriting. spikey, scaley, bitey, etc. 👌i also love and appreciate the attention to detail put into worldbuilding for the different ways their species communicates and thinks and so on, showing the culture gaps between them and humans. quality buggies!
Creacher (Eldritch)
Roach from The Passenger... the mc is also an eldritch creacher in this one, which may add or subtract to the enjoyment for various different people lol
Sysba from Attollo; i also think this game in general is pretty monster friendly, with a bunch of monstrous side characters and so forth. the cool kind of neo-gothic vibes give it a feeling a bit akin to a cyberpunk Penny Dreadful... it's about as Monsterfucker as cyberpunk gets i think!
Beacon from Stygian: The Abyssal Lighthouse by my good friend @salty-stories. this one is probably the most Lovecraftian of the eldritch creachers i think, heavy Call of Cthulhu vibes. it's still in progress but i'm personally willing to wait haha
Creacher (Parahuman)
Lorelei and The Other from The Golden Harp; pirates and sirens and mermaids, oh my!
Danny and Isla from When It Hungers by the wonderful @roast-ifs ... the game is still on hiatus but it still lives rent-free in my head always... the monster mcs are So *chef's kiss*
Oisein from The Nameless; due to the sheevra mc there's a Lot of really cool exploration of the boundaries of humanity and stuff like that... we love a "nonhumans shouldn't be able to feel/do this" story... we love it a Normal amount for sure.
Creacher (Indefinable)
Trace from Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs; an iconique creacher... the game itself also has excellent kind of Appalachian gothic/supernatural vibes and a dark undercurrent of Lurking Monster Foreboding.
Games with Applicably Creacher-esque Vibes
Virtue's End by my beloved friend dani... the ROs might be human, but the mc most certainly is not<3 dark fantasy and sumptuous Monster vibes, what more can you ask?
anything by the extremely talented @thirtybythirty (links to their games in their pinned post). everything they write has a compelling undercurrent of... eldritch existentialism. perhaps the creacher is in fact the Narrative... or maybe the humans were the creachers all along...
the fabulous OFNA: Birds of a Feather - it has the perfect combination of things Not Quite Human and Not Quite Right to create a rich and ominous atmosphere, well-worth playing even though everyone is Technically human lmfao
anyway sorry for rambling on and i'm sure there's a bunch i have missed but. i do feel like it's worth giving praise where it's due for games and writers that we appreciate! thank you again for your kind message (and for giving me a chance to talk about this a bit lol)
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another-lost-mc · 12 days
I'll be real with you, I kinda hate how in the game the MC's trauma is kinda "overlook". Like wdym we literally just got brutally murdered by Belphie then suddenly we're one big happy family?? I personally would stay the fuck away from Belphie 😟 And I'm really excited to see Belial's reaction (def not having favourite rn)
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No, that's valid. My issue with Lesson 16 isn't Belphie or what he did (I mean, it sucks but I can see his perspective too). My issue is MC's reaction to it, or lack of reaction.
I get that it's an otome game and MC is supposed to be focusing on the other characters so they don't want to spend the a lot of time going on about MC's potential trauma/feelings, because those are complicated things to explore and take a lot of screen time away from the *romance*. For me, the Night Dagger situation in S2 is similar - my MC would be a mess after what happened, and while there are more appropriate responses from the characters after (Lucifer getting angry, concern for MC who passes out), it's still glossed over a bit too quickly for my liking.
I think that's why I like reading season re-writes, because authors spend time exploring issues that the game didn't, or they find different ways of resolving the conflict with Belphie that doesn't require time travel shenanigans.
Writing/changing Lesson 16 is probably the biggest hurdle for me when it comes to writing the S1/exchange program stories with the OCs. MC's motivations for creating pacts is different, and I think MC having friendships/relationships with Devildom citizens other than the brothers means that Belphie's plan and his whole locked in the attic thing probably won't hold up for long. Don't get me wrong, I like the potential for drama and hurt/comfort if Lesson 16 happens, but it's a pain to make it function in AU stories that don't focus on the demon brothers monopolizing MC's company and attention. lol
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lili863 · 1 year
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DARK! Ominis (Dominis) x Y/N or MC
Warning: 18+, Mature, Nsfw, Minors DNI
An: Welp.. better late than never, I say.... ahaha...this is longest fic I ever fucking wrote Imma be honest. But! It has been an abosulute joy thanks to all the love it received ❤️ So whenever I write for Ominis (which is all the ducking time) I try to incorporate his personality as MUCH as possible. THIS is a Dominis fic. Meaning Ominis will NOT be a soft sub who whines..(not that there is anything wrong with that 😏) it's going to be this whole other side of him that I wanted to explore (he is a gaunt, after all). A side I know many people who write for him doesn't often like to incorporate maybe..because we all love him as the soft loveable boy who is a soft dom at best, so all I am saying its going to be a little different thats it.
Also, this fic is pure word vomit, and my pent-up sexual energy converted to a word doc. I am not nesseraliy a good smut writer, but I tried my best. I hope yall enjoy
Part 1
Part 2
The sound of your heavy breaths rung throughout the empty quiet halls as you ran harder then you ever did.
You didn't even have the energy to think about everything that just happened, including teaching paxton a lesson he wasn't going to forget. But that thought was certainly going to be revisited later.
As you raced through the empty corridors, your boots clacked loudly against the marble floors, and you could only hope you weren't causing too much commotion.
The urgency of this chase heightened with only 15 minutes left as you scrambled over flights of stairs, the passing halls blurring in your peripheral vision. When you reach a corner, a dead end loomed before you, with more stairs leading to a higher level on your right.
Your aching body turned to move towards the stairs when suddenly a mysterious brown, rusty door materialized at the end of the wall.
You froze, observing the door with wonder. You had walked these halls plenty of times, but you dont ever recall seeing a door like this.
Had you just missed it all this time?
The activities of your late night venture, however, soon caught up to you. Exausted, you had no choice but to seek refuge behind the door. As you approached, you noticed the intricate carving etched onto the knob, its design shrouded in mystery. Slowly turning the handle, you felt a sense of relief that it wasn’t locked. You couldn't run anymore. You needed to hide.
The creaking door opened, giving away to a dark, desolate room.
Your hands reached behind you, to feel for your wand when suddenly you pasued.
With a groan of frustration, you realized Ominis had took it which mean you were now wandless.
"Bollocks" you muttered.
As you looked upon the dark room once more, you quiekty debated if this was a good idea.
Especially in this castle-
Before you could finish the thought, your ears perked up at the sound of footsteps behind. Whipping around in a state of painc, your wide eyes faced a shadow moving towards you as it seemed to be heading fown the stairs you were about to go up to.
"Damn Sharp. Expecting me to patrol when those ungrateful brats can't even do a simple job-"
Your heart began to pick up at the sound of that voice.
It was the caretaker.
Well shit. Now you absolutely had no other choice.
You quietly stepped into the room before slowly closing the door, cringing at the slight creaks.
In the dark of the room, you waited behind the door, hearing his footsteps approach the door.
You held your breath,praying they go the other way and to your relief. All you heard were his grumbles of complaints before his footstpes became fainter down the hall.
A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you slowly turned around to face the room.
There had to be some torches here you could light up wandlessly.
To your relief, a circular window appeared at the end of the room, where the moonlit night graciously casted the room in an ominous glow.
Even if it did make the room look a little creepy, you were grateful for whatever light it provided.
Squinting your eyes, you scanned the room as best as you could when the edge of a table caught your eyes at your right where a bunch of books were stackted on top.
Perfect. There was probably a candle there you light up. You approached the table cautiously, feeling your way with your hands.
What you would give right now to have your wand with you.
As your fingers touched the wood, you noticed a collection of leather-bound books and some small candles besides them.
You took one of the metal holders, which supported the waxy stick, and proceeded to cast a small flame with the tip of your finger, instantly lighting up the dark little corner of the room.
The tall stack of books was the first thing that caught your eyes. It casted a shadow on the wall behind it, snatching your attention.
A singular book laid on the table besides the stacks as you held the candle near to it to give it some light. You ran your fingers over the carving on it which read, “A Muggle’s Guide to the Wizarding World.”
How intriguing.
A smile crossed your face at the sight of it. It seemed like it was written by someone who wasn’t a blood supremacist lunatic.
Perhaps youll take this book and read it later.
Turning around, the light began to touch other parts of the room as you walked in deeper.
With quiet steps you approached the other corner when suddenly, the light revealed what stood in front you.
Fuck"! You hollered in surprise.
Your body jumped back before your heart picked up again, seemingly getting no breaks today.
The candle you held almost spilled its hot waxy substance all over you before you steadied yourself.
The dim light revealed a horde of large statues shrouded in white, dusty cloths that looked like ghostly apparitions in the dark.
Shivers ran through you in waves at the chilling sight.
"Thats no creepy at all.."
Unfortunately, your sarcastic remark did nothing to lighten the mood as you stood still in their presence.
The faces of the statues were covered, but the sheet did nothing to mask their expressions, like a curse woven into the very fabric pressed upon their features, their horrifying expressions pierced through, most looking like they were stuck in constant torment, almost clawing at the sheets.
You could feel the air in the room take a turn to something much more sinister.
Your hand drew to press on your chest in an attempt to calm yourself as your mind urgently notified you to get out of this room this instant. Your eyes flew to the door, as it was your only exit out of here before rhey slowly made their way back to the unsettling visual in front of you.
There wasn't much time left to the game. If you could brave it out for 10 more minutes, all of this would be well worth it. At least that's what you tried to convince yourself with.
You inhaled a deep breath before turning around and walking away, opting to read that book you found earlier in an attempt to distrqct yourself when suddenly a creak behind you had you spinning around with a jolt.
Once again, your heart began to slam against your chest. Everything was still, and yet something just didn't feel right.
Furrowing your brows, you focused intently, trying to pinpoint the origin of that abrupt noise. Time seemed to stand still for a brief moment, a tense silence enveloping the surroundings.
You scoffed in disbelief and shut your eyes at the ridiculous situation. To say this night has been eventful would be the understatement of the century.
Another sigh forced its way out of your lips before you turned around without another look and began walking towards the table.
You grumbled now slightly annyoed at yourself. "Must you put yourself through this torture? Really? After everything you went through? And now here you are, scared of a couple of statues -"
Mid-sentence, your head snapped towards the object of your complaints, only to find the cloaked figure mere inches away from your face.
Time stood still for a fleeting second before a blood-curdling scream tore from your throat, echoing through the room as you stumbled backward, landing on the floor with a resounding thud.
The candle in your hand flew and shattered on the floor, your precious flame fizzing out immediately and shrouding you in the darkness of the room
“Fuck”! A curse unleased from your lips as you looked upom the looming figure standing over your body.
Panting violently, you crawled backward in desperation until your back collided with the table legs. Instinctively, your hand darted to your pocket, fumbling for the grip of your most precious object , before the blood drained from your face
Dread consumed you as you realized the bitter truth – you didn't have your wand. In the very moment of direst need, you found yourself utterly defenseless.
You wanted to curse Ominis, but your attention was consumed by the baffling proximity of the statue—how it had silently moved inches away from you."
Was this room enchanted? Were these statues sentient?!
Something was wrong here.
Amidst the rows of silent statues, a single figure emitted a bone-chilling groan, jolting you from your thoughts. Your eyes widened in terror as you watched the figure deliberately rotate towards you as if it were alive.
Your immediate thought was to flee, as your eyes darted between the door and the glostly figures seemingly waiting to just jump you, but it remained still and fixed its gaze on you, almost as if it was waiting for you to do something.
There was nothing in this room within your proximity or sight you could use to defend yourself with. You could only rely on the limited amount of wandless magic you knew but the only thing you could think of that could do some amount of damage was confringo, depulso or a bit of your ancient magic which you were still working on.
But even those spells weren't powerful enough without your wand. You weren't that advanced yet.
In a split moment of clarity, you huffed with vigor.
Fuck this!
Determined not to be trapped, you took a deep breath and hoisted yourself up wirh trembling legs and marched forward through the room, laser-focused on reaching the door.
But just as you neared your escape, it looked like your presence had bothered these figures more then they let on as all of them suddenly slid towards you, stopping abruptly in your path.
You gasped in terror, once again trapped as tears threatened to spill down your face. Quickly, you retreated yet again.
Maybe you had use these spells after all. You had no choice.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, your hands shot forward, poised to unleash any magic you can conjure at anything obstructing your path. Every fiber of your being was focused on reaching that door, even if it meant fighting tooth and nail. Just as your incantation formed on your lips, three of the statues sprang to life and lunged at you agreesivly. Their unexpected movement left you with scant seconds to react, no time to conjure the protection you desperately needed.
As your body recoiled backward, on the verge of another embarrassing fall, a powerful force suddenly enveloped your waist, swiftly pulling you back while a protective arm flew to shield your eyes from the object of your fear. You jolted violently, your hands flying to grip the arms around you as a shriek tore from your throat.
Upon being trapped by this sudden presence, your mind instantly whipped up in a frenzy of panic and fear as you writhed violently against the figure with a sob.
Without your wand, you felt helpless, and this kind of surprise was hardly what you ever encountered in a fight.
"Arresto momentum."
Suddenly, all the chaos in the room seized before compelte silence ensued.
Your body froze after hearing the incantation before realization struck you like a bolt of lightening.
The figure shielding your eyes proceeded to push you head back against their shoulders, leaving you vulnerable and at their mercy.
With a heaving chest, your shaky hands drew up to your eyes feeling the long, cold fingers pressed against them gently.
At the touch, the figure leaned down, their warm breath caressed your neck.
"Game over".
You gasped. "...Ominis"?
"Did I scare you darling?"
His taunting voice cut through the air, a striking contrast to the chilling atmosphere of the room, eliciting a whimper from your trembling lips..
Both of you knew that question didn't need an answer because it was painfully obvious.
With a small chuckle, you felt his soft lips press a gentle kiss at the side of your neck before murmering into your skin. "They're not real love."
You slumped against the figure with heaving gasps as relief washed over you at the quick comprehension of what was going on.
The atmosphere seemed less haunting now, but that was likely because you swiftly grasped the identity of the mastermind behind the hell you just went through.
With a sharp intake, you twirled around in his arms and threw your arms around in his hold, hiding your cowardly face in the crook of his neck, relishing his comforting scent.
It was Ominis all along, just having a good fucking laugh, probably because you ditched him earlier with that deranged jerk.
But how he even managed to find you or sneak into this room was something you couldnt even comprehend.
Irregardless... you lost. Miserably.
You wanted to unleash your wrath, but right now, you had half a mind to scold Ominis for this rather cruel prank as the fear still gripped your body in a paralyzing hold.
He felt your trembling body pressed against his, a visceral realization that you sought his embrace after all that happened.
A few moments passed by as everything sunk in.
You came to him.
The young Gaunt eagerly encircled your waist, pulling you into him with as much restraint as possible while his other hand cradled the back of your head.
As dark as it was, Ominis couldn't help but feel a sinister pride swell within his chest at the choice of your actions.
At the end of the day, you belonged to him. Even if you didnt know it yet
Ominis felt the dark locs of your hair tickle his face before he inhaled your alluring scent, becoming comsumed by an overwhelming possessiveness.
He was aware of how popular you were at this school.
With a constant stream of admirers vying for your attention, it was hard to control the unhinged emotions clawing at his chest as the days went by.It took all his remaining control, not hurt Alexander Paxton
He got off way too easy. And what's worse was the fact that Ominis knew that there were others like him, scattered throughout the school, all harboring the hope of one day claiming you as their own.
But this time, he wasn't just going to listen to people talk about you as if they could have you.
They can't.
Perhaps next time, he'd blast them through a window or snap their wands in half. But one things for sure, they weren't going to get away with just a simple threat of explusion anymore.
And merlin he knew..he knew how wrong it was to think like this.
Yet, no matter how fervently Ominis tried to convince himself otherwise, he couldn't ignore the undeniable truth that he would stop at nothing, going beyond boundaries, to protect what was rightfully his.
The thought of anyone calling you their girlfriend or in the future - their wife somehow made him sick to his stomach.
The two of you held each other in silence in the dark of the room before his hands, once encircling your waist, ventured lower, their grip tightening on the bony contours of your hips.
A faint whimper slipped from your parted lips, stirred by the delicate sensation. The small knowing smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth was a response reserved solely for you, effortlessly coaxed forth by the mere sound of your voice.
Thats right.
Only he could hear you like this.
With a deft flick of his other hand, the statues began to move again, but this time out of your sight showcasing Ominis wandless prowess.
You tried not to gape at the effortlessness of his gesture, but it was quite hard not to be impressed, even if you knew Ominis had a an understated talent in magical capabilities that he so cleverly concealed behind a veil of modesty.
You felt the young gaunt's nimble fingers travel lower, coiling around the back of your neck and encircling your pulse point beneath your jugular.
He observed your pulse silently as a way to check if you were truly alright, which seemed to have calmed down a bit.
You sniffled before muttering "How are you even here? How did you find me"?
Ominis smiled softly, "I gave you my word, did I not?"
"So you just decided on a whim to scare the living lights out of me?" You frowned.
A breathy laugh escaped his lips. "All in good fun, dove. I must admit, I didn't anticipate you being so utterly terrified by a bunch of statues"
The embarrassment crawled at you yet again.
"Yeah, well, how would you feel if you were trapped in a dark room with these abominable looking creatures all out to suddenly get you"?! you exclaimed, feeling a surge of annyonace rising in you.
Ominis pressed his lips, almost looking like he was trying to suppress his amusement, which still shined through his cloudy eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, go on and have a good laugh. I cant believe you find this funny when you were the one who snatched my wand! In front of a prefect"!
You pulled away from him, glaring softly.
"You mean to tell me that an ancient magic weilder like you are completely defenless without a wand"? Ominis smiles, tugging a stray hair behind your ears.
"Darling, however, did you manage to defeat a whole rebellion?"
You frowned, ready to retort a response, but really..it was a valid question. Even without your wand, you should have been able to destroy that statue with the range of the magic you were capable of. But in the heat of the moment, your mind just drew a complete blank, which wasnt an excuse you were about to give to Ominis, with him knowing you have won hard fought battles with worst odds.
"Y-yeah well.."..
You sighed, your head falling on his chest in defeat.
"Not everyone is a master at wandless magic like Gaunt. Just...please dont tell Sebastian"..
Ominis couldn't help the playful smirk that appeared on his lips highly amused before sputtering out a laugh that echoed through the room.
With a scoff of disbelief, you rubbed your temples with a sigh, trying to suppress the small grin that eventually made its way to your lips.
Your heart throbbed at the melodic sound that dissolved your pissy mood in an instant.
"I am serious, okay, please?! Sebastian would never let me live this down-YOU are never going to let me live this down, are you"?!  Your hands flew to his collars, rocking him with sob like groan. The highly amused slytherin chuckled as you whined desperately. "Ominis please"!
"I just find it fascinating how you're able to ram through dark wizards and goblins on a daily basis, and yet a bunch of statues managed to get the jump on you."
Rolling your eyes, you remark, "You will be surprised to know that fighting dark wizards and goblins is much easier since you can actually see them and not have them pop out of the dark at you"
The teasing grin on his face widened, "Well, I dont have that luxuary, and yet finding you wasn't really much of a challenge darling".
You grab him by the collars again with a glare, tugging him closer to your face.
"If I knew what an arrogant arse you were, I wouldn't have underestimated you like this"
With a breathy scoff, Ominis licked his lips as darted down to them.
"And yet it seems that's exactly what you did"
His retort silenced you, the truth of his words sinking in and extinguishing your anger as quickly as it had flared.
Gradually, you started to grasp the reality of your situation.
Ominis, ever observant, noticed your sudden quietude and playfully tapped his fingers against your hip, a smile playing on his lips, entertained by the gears that he can practically hear spinning in your head, trying to make sense of his unexpected presence here.
"You knew I had found you back there. Didnt you".
His sudden question hung in the air, catching you off guard.
Momentarily silent, you responded after, "....Yes. It was pretty hard to ignore how your unseeing eyes practically zeroed in on me. "
"And yet you went out of your to avoid me. We both knew I'd won your challenege already".
"I wasn't trying to avoid you" you muttered under your breath, which Ominis no doubt heard.
You felt a finger lift your chin to face him fully, a taunting smile on his lips.
You pulled away from his hold with a huff. Nothing was going right for this evening.
Ominis stood up straighter, now practically towering over you.
"Game wasnt over yet Gaunt. You still had to catch me".
Ominis didn't reply immediately. With a momentary pause, he stepped back and leisurely leaned against the table behind him, emitting a thoughtful hum.
"You know, perhaps I would have shown a bit more kindness tonight if you hadn't ditched me with that insuffeable twit before turning this torturous game of yours into a wild chase around the castle. But alas, it seems you enjoy testing my patience."
You chuckled quietly, making your way over to him with a smirk. "Ahhh.. I see you're still hung up on that"
Ominis scowled, a dangerous glint in his eyes as his features hardened at your teasing remark "You would be wise not to test me like this, even when it comes to you, my paitence still has its limits."
A finger smoothed over his silk green tie before grabbing it with a small tug.
Ominis seized you in response, pulling you forcefully towards him until your bodies collided.
Oh, how you loved this.
Times like this are the only chances you get to take peak at the manifestation of his other side. He always tried to hide, especially from you.
"And you should know...I would do it all over again just to see every little vein pop out of your pretty little neck".
The air surrounding the two of you dropped several degrees at your bold statment as you observed his face drop to something darker. It was the type of face Ominis had never shown even when the two fo fought. Suddenly, being so close his overwhelming presence started to suffocate you.
A throaty chuckle resonated in the air, but you knew he found this moment far from amusing.
"My suspicions are correct then. You love nothing more than to get on my nerves and see how I react. Is that it"?
Inhaling sharply, you instinctively pulled your face away, creating as much space as possible between you and Ominis. The sheer intensity of his gaze made you shrink back making you second-guess the wisdom of provoking him in such a way.
"You have some nerve darling..."
A chill of anticipation coursed down your back as Ominis leaned in.
Oh, you were really in for it now...
With a firm grasp on the back of your head, he pulled it back, exposing your neck for his view. The sensation wasn't painful, but it didn't feel gentle either.
Ominis leaned down, leaving open mouth kisses along the center of your throat, feeling the vibrations of the faint moans escaping your lips.
You hissed sharply, feeling the pinch of his sharp canines grazing your delicate skin before nipping it.
Ominis moaned lowly, feeling the small finches that racked your body with each each bite. His stomach turned in anticipation as your reqctions spurred him on.
You gripped his neck in retaliation, trying to endure the sweet pain as the flat part of his velvety tongue laved over the bruise with precision, soothing the ache. Ominis began to suck lightly, delighted in the way you squivered beneath him.
Forget a scarf... you might as well just not go to class tomorrow with how purple your neck probably looked.
In a swift motion, he seized the back of your thighs, effortlessly lifting you up.
You wrapped your thighs around his waist instinctively as he expertly maneuvered both of you, flipping you around until you found yourself seated on the table behind him.
As you held his shoulders for support, he took the opportunity to tug your core closer to where he needed you before delving deeper, his hips skillfully rolling against your drenched panties in a breathtaking rhythm.
A broken cry left your lips as you tried to clench your legs.
"W-wait.." You sighed breathlessly at the way his dominanating gestures had you at his mercy
Gripping your jaws, he bought your face closer to his until his soft lips were just ghosting over yours.
"Are you sure? You're the one who practically begged for this. "
You shivered, breathing him in not at all used to this kind of intimidating deamenor from him.
Those cloudy eyes pierced into you with a scrutinizing glare as his bulge pressed more forcefully against your core, grinding on it over and over again until you were shaking in his arms, a string of broken cries pushing past your lips.
You weren't even sure what you were pleading for. Your mind had turned to mush, consumed by the numbing pleasure Ominis relentlessly bestowed upon you.
The young gaunt released a throaty chuckle at you incoherent words as he pressed a kiss on your cheek, absolutely adoring the way you melted under him.
"Isn't this what you were hoping for all along?" Ominis murmerd into your cheek.
Any last shred of dignity left in you was far gone at this point as you nodded hopelessly.
You felt him smile into your cheeks before laughing softly "Your such a brat."
Your mouth agape, your eyes started to flutter at the dizzying rythm Ominis set, not even registering his words properly.
The wet, sticky substance drenching your panties smeared all over your thighs and onto his trousers.
Ominis could smell you already, his dick twitching and straining from the confinment.
For a moment, his fingers explored your face. Gliding over your cheeks before feeling your soft warm lips.
Hr didnt waste a second after before he surged forward and collided with them. Both of you instantly sighing at the sensation of one another
The kiss was firm and unyielding as his lips slid across yours to get a better feel of them as the world around soon faded into a blur.
You felt so soft and inviting, Ominis could practically feel the way your magical aura vibrated in air and dance around his.
Tilting your head, you deepened the kiss, urging your head further in his direction. It was as if Ominis had been patiently waiting for that final confirmation, and with a deliberate swipe of his tongue against your bottom lip, he claimed his dominance. A gasp escaped your lips as he invaded your mouth, pushing you back, leaving you no choice but to surrender.
You fought for control for a fleeting moment but soon lost to his vigor, allowing him to take complete possession.
His fingers drew up and pulled your chin down, widening your mouth to accommodate him fully, devouring you.
With ragged breaths, he tilted to get a better angle, exploring your mouth before brushing your tongue and flicking it with his.
You gasped as he sensually sucked on the tip of your tongue, eliciting a soft whimper that escaped into his mouth, which he eagerly swallowed.
The strange dominanating sensation had you tugging his hair hard, squeezing your eyes shut
Ominis grunted, inhaling you in as his fingers felt his way down to your bare thighs, giving the plump fles a firm squeeze.
You were quickly running out of air as you desperately tried to draw breath through your nose, yet Ominis showed no sign of relenting.
You tightened your grip on his hair, desperately yearning for a breath of air as you tried to pull away A pleading moan escaped you, and with one more harsh suck Reluctantly, Ominis withdrew, a primal groan rumbling from his throat, leaving a delicate thread of saliva briefly connecting your lips before it snapped, leaving you both gasping for air.
It wasn't long before Ominis leaned in to give you one more peck as his hand felt along the table where you sat and grabbed his wand.
Ominis abruptly turned around and casted a confringo spell at the fireplace behind you, catching you off guard. It became apparent that Ominis was more acquainted with the room than you, effortlessly knowing the precise location to direct his spell.
The fireplace flickered to life, illuminating the space, painting the walls with a soft, golden hue.The crackling flames burst forth its radiant heat, spreading like a comforting embrace.
"Stand up, my love," Ominis offered you a hand as you hopped off the table curiously.
With another flick of his wand, Ominis conjured the table into a huge soft mattress, levitating the stray books here and there to the other corner of the room.
You gaped before smiling softly, facing the syltherin, a devilish smile gracing his lips "Oh..you've thought about this, didn't you? Us. Entangled in bed"?
Ominis tossed his wand to the far side of the mattress with a mischevious glint to match running his hands along your hips, "Allow me to demonstrate exactly what I had in mind."
The shirt tucked in the waist band of your skirt flew out, with his deft hands quickly unbuttoning your shirt. The fabric slipped off your shoulders as the soft pressure of his hands guided you down onto the mattress.
Ominis couldn't wait another second. He wanted to feel you. He wanted to taste you.
The pale skinned male knelt on his knees in front of your form before tracing his hands up to your thighs to your knees, pleased to feel your legs spread apart for him obediently.
You watched him crawl and settle in between your legs, feeling your heart ram against your chest violently.
His fingers traced down your collarbone over the soft mound of your breast before clicking his to tongue in dispeleasure at the article of clothing covering them.
"I want these off".
You didnt miss the command evident in his tone.
Long pale fingers traced up the strap of your bra before hooking underneath and tugging them down your chest, relasing your perked nipples from their confinment.
Quickly figuring out the mechanism, he snapped the metal clasp at the back and tossed it somewhere in the room.
Finally, he felt the soft flesh your breasts, a sigh of content escaping his lips.
They're softer then Ominis had imagined. And so smooth.
You grabbed his wrists, flinching when the palms of his hand rubbed your peaks.
Ever observant, Ominis paused before grabbing your breasts and flicking the peaks with his thumbs repeatedly, smirking at the small noises escaping your lips.
"Merlin..your so soft...promise me you'll let me sleep on them after this"
His teasing remark had you giggle shyly, struggling not to cover your face in embarrassment.
Ominis couldnt wait for your reply as his hot, warm mouth encased your nipple brushing it his tongue, rolling the senerive nub between his teeth.
"Ooh..." your head rolled back as Ominis sucked with enough pressure that had sent waves of pleasure washing over you.
He kneaded your other breast as the throaty groan vibrated on your skin.
You nearly lost it. Hands shooting up to his disheveled hair. A string of moans left your lips after your legs quickly wrapped around his midsection.
Ominis quickly unlatched before giving your other mound the same love. His hot tongue pressed flatly against the other hard nub before giving it a gentle tug with his teeth. You gasped with jolt, feeling Ominis smile onto your skin before yanking off your breast with an audible pop.
If he could, he would just be buried between your breast all day, just kissing and worshipping to his hearts desire.
The fair skinned male interrwined your fingers with his, moving down and planting sweet, soft kisses down your sterum, following to your stomach.
You blushed, realizing your skirt was nowhere near decent anymore and had ridden up to pool at your pelvis.
Your eyes only widened after feeling his fingers hook under the hem of the bunched up skirt, including you panties, which Ominis proceeded to tug off with no hesitation.
A deep sigh escaped his lips as the sweet, musky scent invaded Ominis senses.
His hands smoothed over the back of your thighs before lifting them up, your bare cunt now fully exposed.
Your hands flew to your face, feeling extremely shy even though you knew he couldn't see you.
He planted small kisses down the side of your knees, a desperatkon clinging to his actions.
"All mine" he murmered onto your skin.
"You know you belong to me now..dont you love"? The restraint Ominis had on saying his true feelings completely vanished in this moment as your breath hitched. A sincerity shining in his eyes, he gazed down in your direction. Your eyes oftened at his declaration. Somehow, you knew he was finally speaking the truth about his feelings. And his words weren't just driven by lust.
"Yes," you whispered. "Yes, I do."
With one final tender kiss, he trailed his lips along the curve of your navel with a renewed vigor, planting soft kisses down the expanse of your inner thighs.
You were literally soaking at this point. Ominis felt the juices collecting on his lips as his tongue.
"All this for me, love? I didn't even do anything yet. " The young gaunt playfully gave you quick nips, causing you to buck your hips in response.
"Didn't do anything? Who's the liar now? " You replied breathlessly.
You couldn't help but let out an embarrassed squeak as he placed a teasing kiss just above your clit.
Oh, he was going to enjoy this thoroughly. As much as you loved your delicate whimpers, Ominis needed to know how you sounded when you screamed his name drowning in the ecstacy he provided with you.
The long lashes you always envied tickled your skin before you observed the beautiful male hover over your heat.
You ran your fingers through his disheveled hair, moving them out of his face before his tongue flattened against your folds and applied pressure dragging upwards and flicking across your clit.
"Ah fuck-" !
The obsencity that flew out of your mouth ignited a primal hunger within Ominis as he savored his first taste of you.
Your head rolled back and fell to the mattress as your hand flew to grip the sheet besides your head. Your legs instantly went to clamp shut from the sentivity, but Ominis firmly held the back of your thighs with an unyielding grip, raising them higher and causing them to brush against your stomach.
Your sopping cunt was on full display and there was nothing you could do, completely at his mercy.
He dove down and repeated the action, but this time paused to close his lips around clit and suck harshly.
Your back rounded with another strangled cry as tears pricked your eyes.
Ominis slurped your juices with a deep groan before his tongue swirled around the hard pearl, flicking it over and over.
"Oh fuck Ominis"!
Your ecstatic cries reverberated through the room, filling the air as you bucked against his face, jolting with each suction of the hard nub on your core.
Ominis growled letting your thighs fall beside each side of his face before wrapping his hands around naval to keep you grounded as he continued his assault on your cunt.
Shamlessly licking and bitting alternating between you clit and folds.
Ominis let out a guttaral moan that vibrated against pussy, his grip on you stomach tightening.
Fuck you tasted good. He had imagined eating you out many times, but his fantasies couldn't hold a candle to how you actually felt.
The sounds of slurps, kisses, and groans filled the room as you felt a knot tighten harshly in your stomach, almost to the brink of being painful. You were so close, and Ominis sensed it.
He brought one of his fingers and dragged them down your folds until he found a slit.
The long appendage slid across the entrance back and forth as if to determine this was where he could push it in.
Cautiously, as to not hurt you, one finger pushed into you as you gazed down at Ominis nervously. The unfamiliar feeling didn’t hurt at with how wet you were. That is until Ominis decided to put a second finger, and that’s when you felt the sting.
You hissed arching your back, ready to ask him to take it out, but Ominis anticipated it.
His lips flew to your clit, giving another mind numbing suck causing to you contract around his fingers, effectively distracting you from the pain.
Your gummy walls felt otherworldy to him. How wondered how you would feel with dick penetrating you instead of his fingers.
Slowly, he began to pump harder, picking up speed as you helplessly writhed in hsi embrace
His other hand swiftly reached up, firmly gripping the hand on top of his head, pinning it down by your side, and intertwining your fingers.
Your hips began to stutter as his fingers began curling inside, dragging out against your walls and plunging back in before you got a chance to breathe.
Ominis groaned, his face buried onto your pussy, drowning in his own ecstacy with how tasted before feeling another gush of your lqiuids burst onto his lips as he pumped harder.
Your eyes fluttered shut as your chest heaved rapidly feeling the oncoming orgasm.
With one last snap of his fingers, white hot waves drowned your entire body as you convulsed violently against his face, mouth ajar and eyes rolling to the back of your head before shutting tightly.
Ominis had never felt so turned on in his life feeling you getting lost in the pleasure he provided.
His aching dick demanded to be taken care of as Ominis rutted into the mattress to give it some friction.
"I cant anymore..ahh-Ominis"!
He was still eating you through the orgasm as it faded after a while, and you started to whine from the sensitivity.
The young slytherin finally unlatched from your core with a smirk, licking the glistening juices dripping down his chin after giving you the most earth-shattering orgasm.
You slumped against the mattress, somehow more exhausted than him, watching him crawl over you.
"Merlin, you tasted heavenly"
You shook your head, bring his face closer to yours. "Oh my goodness Ominis...I dont think I can feel my legs".
The young gaunt laughed, giving your thighs a light smack.
"That's too bad, I was just getting started, love."
Before you could react, his hand seized your hips, forcefully flipping you over to lie on your stomach. A surprised squeak escaped your lips as you felt his strong hands pulling your hips closer, bringing the tip of his eager bulge to press against your wet core.
Ominis glided his hands over the spine of you back before his palms rounded the smooth flesh of your ass, salivating how pleasnt they felt.
"Fuck dove, how can you be so perfect".
He couldn't help but give your cheeks a sharp smack with a wicked grin, delighted with the way he felt them move, as the lust clouded bis mind.
You yelped, just knowing there was going to be a visible print back there. It seemed he was adamant about marking you in every way possible tonight.
Perhaps Sebastian was truly the innocent one in your group with the way Ominis claiming you.
Blind to the unfolding scene, your senses were heightened, feeling the scorching press of kisses trailing along your spine. One hand skillfully parted your thighs, granting more access to your heated core, while the other gently swept your hair aside, revealing your neck in all its glory.
Ominis hovered over you, his breath fanning over your ears. "Dont think you're forgiven just yet, Dove. I'll make you cum around my cock so hard you wont even be able to take a step out of this room tommrow".
His low husky words caused your breath to catch in your throat, sending a shiver down your spine. You knew, without a doubt, that he intended to fulfill that promise.
With your cheeks pressed against the mattress, you stuttered, "H-have you always been this wicked Ominis"?
His nose pressed against your cheeks as you felt the mischeivious grin on his lips.
"Only because of you, love. Dont worry, this way we can spend the day together, and I can help make you feel all better".
"Yeah? And exactly how would you help when you're, the one who caused it the first place, " you whispered back breathlessly.
Thr fingers that laid on your thigh trailed up before gliding through your slick folds, earning a deep moan from you.
"Like this"
His fingers plunged into your sex yet again as you cried into the sheets gripping it tightly.
Ominis bit your ears dragging it out with small grin before pressing soft kisses on your neck, contrasting the way he roughly fucked you with his fingers.
"That's it. Cry for me... just. Like. that".
A broken sob of pleasure rung in ears as you arched your back, tears streaming down your from the brutal pace Ominis set.
The young gaunt gritted his teeth, losing his mind with how your core sucked his fingers in, shivering at the wet squelching noises echoing through the room.
But you were still painfully tight. And as eager as he was to stuff you to the brim, the last thing he wanted was for you to be in too much pain.
A thought suddenly entered his mind before his fingers experimentally began to spread apart within your wet walls, sissoring you as gently as he could.
You grunted, gripping the sheets tightly, writhing in his hold.
"I know.. I know, just a little more love. Then I'll make you feel good"
You let out deep breath, instinctively rutting against his fingers in an attempt to accommodate
Once he felt you were okay, he pulled his fingers out, now kneeling back from your shaking form, unbuckling the belt on his trousers. You bit your lips, turning head around, watching nervously before you see a pale prick spring out of its confinment with an angry red leaking tip
Gripping your hips, Ominis lifted your rear to align with his pelvis, where his erection eagerly awaited.
A wavering sigh pushed past your lips as Ominis glided his leaking tip over your slit before finally, he gently pushed the tip in.
....Oh fuck.
The stretch was already getting to you.
Ominis grunted at the tightness, more worried about how you felt before he heard small noises of pain escape your lips.
"Breathe darling..."
Sucking in deep breaths, you allowed yourself to try and relax, reminding yourself that this is was Ominis. The person you truly loved.
After a couple of moments, the stinging subsided before you took control and pushed you hips back further, allowing him to slide deeper into you.
Ominis tightened his grip on your curve, your hips, a concentrated look, etching his face.
"Are you sure your okay"?
The worried voice had you smile before licking your lips, feeling the tinge of pleasure slowly washing over you as the outline of his erections dragged past you twitching walls.
You pushed your hips further, filled to the hilt feeling the tip touch a deep part of you that made you gasp.
"Omi..please start moving- ahh this feels s-so good".
Your heart throbbing pleads had Ominis lightly scoff, a dark grin appearing on his lips.
"Look at you...feeling brave already"?
You bit your lips, trying to suppress the cocky smile as Ominis smirked, pumping in and out slowly.
A shaky breath left his lips at the sensation of your soft wet walls sucking him in every time before he pulled away. It was unlike anything Ominis has ever felt. Now he was afraid rutting himself into his hands at the thought of you just wasn't going to cut it anymore.
You gasped, breathing heavier, feeling his dick plunge into your harder and faster. And soon you turnee into a crying mess again, feeling the tip of his dick kiss you deep. Ominis sensed it as soon as he touched it. The spongy little wall at the end thay made you flinch every time.
Licking his lips, a dark smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he began to pound deeper, your ass bouncing against his pelvis violently.
A loud whimper escaped your lips as you felt Ominis's other hand caress your backside, the touch followed by a sharp and resounding smack as he rammed into you balls deep, drowning in how delicious good you felt.
One particular snap of his thrust had you squeeze your walls around him tightly, causing the young slytherin to stutter in his thrusts with a gasp.
Your walls began to contract, and you couldn't help but tighten around him harder as Ominis groaned at the mind-numbing sensation.
Before you expected, Ominis grabbed the back of your neck, pushing you face down into the mattress, fucking into you at an angle that allowed the dick to hit your g spot.
Your voice cracked with the yelp that pushed past your lips, back arching further, allowing him better access.
Ominis head rolled back, his mouth ajar at the new postion, your head down and ass up in the air.
He kept hitting your cervix repeatedly as your eyes rolled back. Ominis may not be able to see the sweet sight of your wrecked out pussy fluttering around his cock, but just the thought it had him double over you, waves of hot pleasure racking him.
Leaning down, he encased your entire back, hovering over your trembling figure before slowing down his pace to deliberately grind into you, sensing the way you jumped slightly.
"Your doing so good love" he pressed a kiss to your temple before wrapping an arm beneath you, taking a hold of your jaw.
He lifted your face, tilting it gently to the side, granting him access to plant tender kisses on your bruised neck.
"Do you want to come darling" ? Ominis murmered.
You whine lightly, leaning into his touch "Please"...
The young Gaunt chuckled lightly amused but more so happy that you were enjoying this as much as he did.
"Very well".
The curt words hung in the air for just a second when suddenly, his hand swiped underneath to reach your gushing core before gliding over to your clit.
Simultaneously, Ominis pulled back before thrusting into you hard, rubbing your pearl viciously.
A scream tore from your throat as your white knuckles clenched the sheets tightly under you.
Ominis grunted, sensing he was close, but he was a man of his word. When he said he would make you cum hard. He meant it.
With deep, forcful thrusts, he felt the tip of your cervix again, a smirk appearing on his lips at the rediscovery.
The young slytherin attacked your clit mercilessly as he pounded into you with a strength that kncoked the air out of your lungs.
You thought you were going to pass out with the stars that began to appear at the corners of your vision, your orgasm hitting with a force you almsot couldn't take.
Your mouth ajar, the sounds stuck in your throat, you spasmed fierecly against him, letting the high take you over. The way you pulsated and clenched around his cock had Ominis falling into his own orgasm releasing spurts of his white milky seeds into you. He bit your shoulder as your contracting walls milked him for everything he had.
You groaned, feeling the hot substance fill you up before dripping out of your hole.
Both if your moans filled the room as you both experienced a high that was now burned into your memories.
Ominis had finally claimed you in every way possible.
After a fleeting pause, Ominis mustered the strength to lift himself up, the weight of exhaustion tugging at his every move. Determination fueled his actions, overpowering the weariness. With a gentle yet firm grip on your waist, he rolled you over to face him, his touch evoking a tingling sensation across your skin. As your eyes met his glistening, sweat-drenched form, you couldn't help but be captivated, a lump forming in your throat. Ominis leaned in once more, his forehead gently resting against yours.
"Thank you".
You shook your head "For what...your one the who did all the work here".
Ominis pressed a tender kiss to your forhead with a smile, "No. I meant thank you... for agreeing to be mine"
You couldn't help but feel your heart swell at his words, staring up at him adoration. Your hands reached up to cup his jaw, warching him lean into your touch.
"I was always yours Ominis".
Your lover flashed a soft grin, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss, and you eagerly reciprocated. After a few blissful moments, you both pulled away, and you noticed his arms tremble slightly, indicating fatigue and a desire not to overwhelm you with his weight.
Without a moment's hesitation, you firmly grasped the back of his neck, pulling him down towards your chest. Ominis emitted a sound of surprise at the sudden movement, now fully positioned on top of you.
"Just rest, love. Werent you the one telling me how you wanted sleep on top of me like this" you giggled.
"No buts, you're not hurting me just just relax."
Ominis let out a soft chuckle, settling in with ease as he felt the warmth of your soft skin beneath his face. A contented sigh escaped his lips as both of you shifted to find comfort in your new positions.
You summoned one of the sheets from the surrounding area, conjuring it into a soft blanket and draping it over the two of you. The blissful aftermath of your intimacy combined with the cozy warmth of the crackling fire enveloped you, creating a sense of comforting contentment like never before in your life.
Ominis couldn't have been happier at how this evening ended, grateful that you even bought up this game to him in the first place.
He imagined in the near future, he could tell this story to his kids about how he and their mother had confessed their love for each other after playing an exciting game of chase throughout the dark castle.
Minus the rough mind blowing sex of course.
Ominis felt your fingers rake through his hair, your calm even breaths already lulling him to a sleep. As he teetered on the edge of sleep, a resolute determination welled up within him. He made a solemn vow to himself to create a future where he would wake up every day to the comforting presence of you by his side. And it was promise he intended to keep. After all, he was a man of his word.
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 3 months
FourRaccoonsInACoat Masterlist
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Thanks for stopping by my masterlist, I am thrilled there are people who are interested in my writing! You may be asking, did I really create a logo for a nonexistent book series that only exists in the BG3 universe and features Malta the crime-fighting cat, all for the sake of a gag?
Yes. Yes I did. I will speak no more on the matter.
My fanfiction is centered around Baldur's Gate 3 and explores the romance between Astarion and the Dark Urge. The Durge MC in my works is based on my first BG3 Durge, a female half-drow warlock named Eli. I currently have one ongoing chapter fic, as well as a few one shots that all take place in the same universe.
I write fanfiction for myself as a way to decompress from life and because I enjoy sharing my stories with others. It legitimately makes my day when someone is entertained by my writing, so thank you for every comment, like, message and kudo. Much love and appreciation to you all!
Also, if you're here for BG3 Incorrect Quotes, follow that link for the masterlist.
AO3 Account - All of my works are crossposted to AO3.
Ongoing Work
Head Full of Ghosts:
Current Rating: M
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Eli has spent a lot of time combing through her fractured psyche, trying to piece together any semblance of facts about who she was before she awoke on a mind flayer nautiloid. In all that self-reflection, she has concluded there are two things she is very good at. Killing people and drinking.
Neither of which is proving very useful as she tries to navigate interpersonal pitfalls after being appointed leader of a ragtag group of maladjusted misfits who are trying to source a cure for the illithid tadpoles in their heads. As if that isn't problematic enough, she's also having to contend with the growing affections between herself and the group's resident vampire spawn, Astarion.
Between fanatic cultists, goblin raids, murderous urges and cryptic memory loss, Eli figures a relationship is the last thing she ought to get herself wrapped up in. And from what she's seen of Astarion, the cavalier rogue seems to have his own breeds of specters haunting his steps.
Neither one of them has any business mucking about with romance. But, neither one of them is particularly good at staying away from things that entice.
One Shots
In chronological order:
Fall for Me ---> Faint of Heart ---> Midnight Prayer
Fall for Me
Rating: E NSFW18+
Astarion wakes from a nightmare and goes to Eli, seeking reassurance as he struggles with the denial of his feelings. The last thing he wants to do is give someone else control over him, not after he’s so recently regained a taste of freedom. Over the past 200 years, every relationship Astarion was involved in had been nothing more than a means to an end, with Astarion either playing the role of manipulator or the one being manipulated. Attachments were leverage, giving someone a hook they were able to dig their claws into in order to gain ground. Isolating himself from connecting with others was how he had survived.
This, however…this was different. 
Rating: M
Faint of Heart
Somewhere along the way, more and more truth has begun to slip into the words Astarion has been using to charm Eli into his bed. He's not sure when it started, but sometime between their passionate nights and hard fought days, genuine feelings began to stir.
It all comes to a head after the crew stages a prison break out of Moonrise Towers. Now, during a rare evening of respite, Astarion is determined to make a confession, regardless of his fears over the fallout.
Rating: M
Midnight Prayer
Neither Eli nor Astarion knows what they're doing when it comes to romance. Their combined histories with healthy relationships adds up to an unsurprising total of zero. Astarion once admitted to Eli that he couldn’t remember ever bedding the same person twice. And Eli…well, she can't remember anything, frankly. Her memories of past lovers are nonexistent…at least…
At least until today. Today, when they’d finally met the infamous Enver Gortash.
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I'm having trouble with the Set Up part of my story. I have most things planned out from about the midpoint, but I feel the Set Up to be potentially too "boring" compared to the climax. From the inciting incident, the story takes place at a different location, so I see little point describing the location of their "normal," but can't entirely start from the new place either or the rest wouldn't get properly set up. Much of their "normal lives" get revealed in bits later, when they become relevant to the main plot, but until then, they'd be "unnecessary spoilers."
In short: I feel their "normal" to be either too mundane or give away too much, too early. Any advice for this situation, or for composing the Set Up part in general, without making it too "boring?"
Thank you in advance! 👐
MC's "Normal World" Feels Irrelevant/Mundane
It's pretty common for characters to leave their normal world as they head into some adventure in their upside down world. Bilbo and Frodo leave the Shire, Katniss leaves District 12, Dorothy leaves Kansas, Maria leaves the convent, Ellie leaves the FEDRA school, Mal and Alina leave the First Army... you get the idea. But even though these MCs leave their normal worlds behind for adventures in an upside down world, we still get descriptions of their normal world. We still get to see what Bilbo and Frodo's lives are like in the Shire and what the Shire looks like. We still get the tour of District 12 and get a glimpse into Katniss's everyday life before the Hunger Games. We still see Dorothy's life on the farm with Auntie Em and Uncle Henry before she goes to Oz... and that's because setting up the character's normal world helps us understand who this person is, what their normal life is like, what their internal conflict is, and what's at stake for them. All of those things are important if we're going to care about what happens to them after the inciting incident.
So, ideally, you want to focus on setting up three things: who your character is (their personality, their normal world goal/dreams, and their internal conflict), what their everyday life is like (what do they do, who do they know, what are their skills), and what's at stake for them/what's important to them (who and what do they care about the most.) And, also ideally, you want to find an interesting situation that allows you to explore all of these things at once. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings both begin with a party that lets us see life in the Shire, who Bilbo and Frodo are, and who's important to them. The Hunger Games begins with Katniss going hunting with her friend Gale, which gives us a glimpse at daily life (and the associated challenges) in District 12, not to mention a look at who is important to Katniss (her mom, her sister, Gale...) The Wizard of Oz begins with Dorothy having a conflict with her neighbor over her dog, Toto, who keeps getting into the neighbor's yard, which helps set up the various challenges young Dorothy faces in her life on a Kansas farm.
In your situation, you'll need to find something that lets you do this without giving away the things you want to keep secret. One way to do this would be to find a "normal world" scenario that takes place outside of the home part of their normal world. For example, if there are things you don't want to give away about their family and home life, you could start the story at school, which allows you to hide their home life while still exploring who they are, what they're like, and what's important to them.
I hope that helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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September 2023 WOTM: lilyoffandoms
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @lilyoffandoms. We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
This month's Writer of the Month was selected a little differently than normal. We announced that we would be selecting the WOTM from the participants in last month's Writer Appreciation Event. But the eleven writers involved all agreed the honor belonged to Lily. Lily has been a staple in the Choices community for so long, and they continuously go out of their way to support creators and spread positivity while continuing to inspire and create themselves. We couldn't think of anyone better suited for the honor, so please join us in congratulating Lily... September's Writer of the Month!
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog Name: lilyoffandoms Blog Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? Lily is fine (they/them preferred)
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
Best guess would be back in January of 2018. It was a joke at first since a friend saw one of their god-awful ads and said we should both try it. Next thing you know, we were both arguing over which books were better and regretting our decision to start. Though their opinions on what constitutes good books are almost as bad as the Choices ad that got us to jokingly play (and I say this most lovingly because they are awesome and I love them). I started with Most Wanted, and my friend started with The Freshman. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
Oh gods! I joined back in March 2019. I know I’m a Tumblr baby by most everyone’s standards, but that feels like a really long time. I joined when Open Heart book one was released. I had lurked, reading fanfics, for a few months before biting the bullet and creating a blog and actually posting. Only joined because I was taking my editor’s advice and writing something entirely outside my norm to break a particularly bad case of writer’s block. Thought I might as well share those silly things if I was taking the time to write them. Maybe someone would enjoy them. Never did plan on sticking around, but found so many lovely people that I’ve come to call friends.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It was lilyofchoices. My name + Choices because I am super creative like that with those sorts of naming things 😅 I changed it to lilyoffandoms when I left the Choices fandom for a bit. I’ve thought about changing it more times than I can count but I can’t bring myself to actually follow through on it. How do y’all’s change your blog name with each new book release? You are a crazy different breed of tumblr and you fascinate me.
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
I deleted the first one years ago. It was my first drabble. Currently, as it stands, the first thing in my archive is this post about Desire and Decorum, and it still makes me giggle.
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve only been writing fanfic since I joined Tumblr. I never really tried writing fanfic before that. Some nonfiction personal things before that but never anything like this world. It's been an adventure, to say the least haha
6- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to write about?
My favorite book is probably Blades of Light and Shadow, book one, but there are plenty that are really close behind. This is also the book I’d say I enjoy writing for the most because it is my favorite book, contains my favorite LI, and has one of my favorite OCs (Maiele) in it.
Though recently, I’ve been writing more for Crimes of Passion because it's more of a challenge for me. It's a different vibe between the MC and the LI and it's one I don’t often explore so I’m here for that right now. But I have a sneaky suspicion once Blades 2 drops I’ll be back on my bullshit with that again.
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were writing it today?
I don’t think it exists on this site anymore. Maybe in someone’s reblog? I still have it in my files. It was an Ethan x MC drabble featuring my MC, Merida. I still like it. I’d not change it cuz I’m a firm believer in writing it and don’t look back haha.
This is it:
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to form in his eyes. There it was. He had told her. Dr. Banerji was dying and Ethan was at a loss as to what was ailing his mentor and friend. Ethan stared at the young woman in front of him and then to the floor. He cleared his throat and made a small motion to turn back into Naveen’s room but froze instantly the moment he noticed her take a step towards him.
She threw her arms around him and hugged him, wishing to take away all of his pain, all of his loneliness. Silently willing him to understand that she cared for him. Cared deeply for him and much more than she should. “Ethan. I’m so sorry,” she whispered, one hand stroked through his hair while the other grasped his neck and slowly bent his head toward her shoulders as she raised herself to her tiptoes to meet him halfway.
He tensed upon feeling her arms around him. Arms, he thought to himself, that he had imagined holding him for a number of weeks now. Ever since that night spent sitting up with her watching little baby Ethan. “Merida,” he sighed as he gradually relaxed into the embrace.
She didn’t let up on the hug, squeezing him to her just a bit more tightly. God, she had wanted to comfort him when Dolores died but she didn’t know how he would respond. Now, he was facing the possibility of another friend dying and she couldn’t help herself.
He responded to the increased pressure of her hug and tightened his own hold upon her. Finding himself tracing circles up her spine and imagining what it would feel like to move his hands to tease along the skin of her back where her pants met her shirt.
Her breath caught when she felt his hands move lower. No longer making gentle movements along her spine but increasing their pressure upon her body, nearly massaging their way lower. She brought one of her own hands around to his chest, lightly bunching his white coat in her fist to try and pull him closer to her.
A loud crash echoed down the hall. “Shit!” a construction worker cursed. The two doctors jumped back from each other both staring into each other’s eyes seeming to question if they had both felt the same in the other’s arms. She blushed slightly. “I should see to my other patients. Dr. Banerji’s condition stays between us. Understand, Rookie?” he stated, his eyes narrowing. She nodded and he turned and marched down the hall.
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I love asking this question of others but don’t like it asked of me. I’m so bad at self-rep and advertising my wares 😂 But if I had to pick one, I’d say this one. It was so far outside my comfort zone when it came to writing that I almost abandoned it two paragraphs in. But I’m a stubborn person, and I refused to let it beat me. Plus, I had been wanting to write a noir fic for this book since it was released. Furthermore, I adore Hayden’s work too much not to gift a little something back for all the art he shares with us, so I knew I just had to make it work.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but found could use a little more love?
I didn’t expect last year’s Luck of the Draw fic to garner much love. Attention? Maybe. But not love and definitely not the response I got. I really enjoyed writing that one. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Fluff. I’m a sucker for happy-ever-afters and an endless hopeless romantic. Give me the fluff. All the fluff. 
I pull a lot of what I toss into my silly drabbles from real life. Always been a believer in writing, most often what you know, and sprinkle that all with a dash of the stuff you don’t as a treat. And my life is pretty fluffy thanks to my incredible partner. 
However, I do so adore angst I’m just not able to write it often because it hurts more to write. But I’ll always always read it. That pain is *chef’s kisses*
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Maiele, my Blades MC, is most definitely me coded. His whole personality, his choice of partner when it comes to personality, his constant flirting with said partner, his sense of humor, his lack of a filter most times, it’s all pretty much me. Gabriel, my CoP MC, is me when it comes to romantic gestures and Valentine’s Day. I may be a romantic, but I get weird when it’s aimed at me 😂 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Editing. I refuse to do it. I hate it with the burning light of a thousand suns. Those of you that manage to edit your fics have all my admiration. I honestly don’t know how y’all do it. Doesn’t it just bore you to no end? 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
I have more drafts than I care to admit. I would like to complete a series I started long ago for Ethan x Merida, but I don’t know if I’ll ever do that. I’d settle for finishing one of my drafts 😅
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
Nope, haha, I’d not be able to do that. If I were that brave, I’d recommend this one maybe. I do so love Flynn. Or this one, mostly because I do so love the idea of Gabriel just pouting on the couch.
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
Not really. I mean all of em probably. I read a lot of books in a lot of genres. Mostly I use my drabbles as morning warm ups for my day job. 
There are definitely fanfic writers I admire around here that encourage me to share my silly things everyday. Especially all those queer writers out there that have a rather thankless existence sometimes around here but keep sharing their stories! They are all my heroes!!
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Any and all of my Maiele and Tyril stories. I just love them sooooo much!!
17- Do you write original fiction? 
Yes, but until recently, I wrote mostly nonfiction.
I do have a fic I began a few years back when I was still teaching. I had a student who hated their writing class, so I promised to write a short story alongside them and read it to the class like all the students had to if they gave it an honest go. 
They did and so I did too, and I was asked the following year to do it again by more students and so I continued the same story. I’ve since continued that same fic, and maybe someday I’ll actually go looking to publish it. 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love the outdoors. Hiking, spelunking, kayaking, gardening, camping, anything and everything outdoors. My other favorite hobby, which I've done for years and years, is fencing. I still am part of a club and teach a few levels. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
😅 because it’s legit my state of existence at this point in life. 
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I want to send a special shout-out to all the absolutely lovely participants of August’s writer appreciation event I hosted. I still cannot believe y’all did this for me. 😘 These are each of my favorite fics you’ve written. Thank you for making our fandom a little brighter each and every day!
@aallotarenunelma Bathed in Sunlight @coffeeheartaddict2 Moths to a Flame @karahalloway A Leviathan Surprise @jerzwriter A Mother's Journal @ladylamrian Ma Cherie @mydemonsdrivealimo Run, Run @peonyblossom We're Gonna Get Married @petiteboheme Familia @storyofmychoices Passing Shower @tessa-liam All is Fair in Love and War @trappedinfanfiction What's In a Name? Lily's Top Three Commissions can be found here:
Crimes of Passion by @javsarts
A Year of Kisses by various artists: @lethendralis-paints @cashweasel @kundool @deheerkonijn @javsarts @weetlebeetle @kollapsar @mooreaux @rosefuckinggenius @/ArtbyAinna (IG) @littlestpersimmon @callmebeem
Trystan x Noel by @rosefuckinggenius
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cloudninetonine · 4 months
Reading the crossover stuff you've written for linked universe is rotting my head so much that it got me back into writing!!! (which is honestly a miracle I haven't written anything for myself in ages)
but like. I'm imagining a player's aid! insert who's also a big fan of Sky: Children of the Light (great game btw very fun with friends I recommend hehe)
and one day they just. find a random sky child????? In Hyrule??? so obviously since the sky child is all on their own where they really shouldn't be, mc just. adopts a kid. they can't really communicate well, if at all, except through very very exaggerated body language and gestures (emotes in the game is a common way to talk with strangers. or spam honking to get someone's attention. imagine the noise.) but eventually the player and the sky child become so close that they can just share looks or read each others body language and just know!
Wind has a new sibling now who is very happy to mess around and help play pranks on the others. The sky child wouldnt be afraid of Wolfie because they dont really have much reference for dangerous creatures except for the krill/dark dragons and Wolfie is too cute and small to scare them! Sky would probably really like them too because they can fly and they could be a really musically inclined sky child and be able to play different instruments! Like the harp in-game!! one of the links might find out about the child's arsonist related needs and be concerned, but the mc insists that the child is fine! Don't worry at all, Hyrule. They genuinely won't get any burns from standing directly on top of the campfire! they aren't a normal hylian child, they actually kinda need fire to stay alive and rain isn't good for them, it puts out their light. now I'm imagining angst with rain oh no-
the sky child (who would probably be a veteran who's been around a long time and was probably exploring out of bounds areas and somehow managed to get to Hyrule. whoops) is kinda confused but up for exploring this vast realm and find mc and they just. adopt this weird not-a-spirit-yet person who kind of has light too? so maybe a moth? (affectionate term for new players gicitdkgdigditdoyd)
and when the sky child first meets the chain, they are probably just freaking out over their clothes lol. cosmetics and basically dress up is a very big part of the game and the sky child would not be above begging to get their hands on their own really pretty blue scarf, black pelt, cool looking armour, etc etc.
So the sky child is super caring and protective over mc. they would probably bite legend at some point lmao. they can just sense the bad vibes from him! They don't really understand it, but legend doesn't like their moth, and obviously they won't stand for any slander so they bite :D (even if there could be a communication barrier because they can't speak the language, only HÖNK)
side note, I'm actually writing a crossover fic for linked universe and Sky:COTL. can you tell that i've been losing my mind over them??
Shameless plug in to my amazing friend @sketchyspook who has their very own Sky Linksona that y'all should check out!!
God I haven't played Sky in so long PIUFGP
Now back to the ask
I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH IT'S SO CUTE- Player adopts a little child is one of my favourite genres honestly. LET THEM BE A PARENT!!! Running around and trying to take care of their kids they're gonna be in aches and pains at the end of it all PIUGFPI
Very happy after it all, sitting on Player's lap while Legend glares across the camp and they honk happily
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justatalkingface · 10 months
No idea if I send this one before (I think not) but here we go. I think Izu op could have worked! Controversial take, I know.
I mean...if Hori hadn't this mentality "Izu needs to suffer bc I hate him" this could be a 0 to hero story as Izu ends up having a powerful quirk. But for that to work we would need a few things
(Note how Hori seems to love the underdog trope but failing miserable)
1) time skip. Izu cant master ofa in a few weeks. On that note, the second user cant be bk 3.0
2) a writer who is interested in explored the ofa and what it can do. Like, what if Izu can have a quirk awaken? That would be cooler.
3) senseis who know what they are doing and who helped Izu not only physically but mentally. Wouldn't be swell if Izu stoped thinkig he is worthless? If bk got consequences and Izu CAN be mad at him for what bk did? Yes it would.
4) and a sense of limit. Yes, I did mentioned how op Izu can work but if he gets too op and can face all the big bad villains, if he can use ofa 100%...it would be a bit stalled in terms of writing "dont fret, super Izu is here". It would be Izu repeat AM's mistake. What I would do is make Izu, who after proper training and well used time skip earned how to use his quirk safely, has a support group. Ochako, Iida, Shoto and whatnot. Meaning is not just Super Izu alone.
Friendship wins.
But of course....Hori didn't went to this route. And the timeline is really ....a joke.
Anyway, to end. I do think the concept of op Izu could have worked if Hori had stopped his hate for Izu and focused on the mc and developed more ofa.
I... have mixed feelings about OP characters in stories, mostly because they don't do them right. The thing is, an OP character, on the scale we're talking about here, because in chapter one, All Might sets that ceiling of OP way up there? That is someone so... stupidly strong that they actually direct national policy just by their very existence; quite possibly the world changes because they exist. And I feel that, most of the time, stories either: A, ignore the implications that this person can beat up God and isn't hiding that fact, or B, makes some shallow attempts at acknowledging it, but quickly moves on from those attempts so they can fight their equally OP enemies without giving it it's due.
The point being is that introducing an OP person is something a writer should use carefully, the same way they should treat time travel, if they're not just some villain driven off by the power of love, friendship, this gun I found, and the McGuffin used to beat them.
...However, MHA is interesting to me in that it started off by doing it better than normal, with All Might. The story starts by insisting that All Might is so damn broken that Japan itself actually worked differently after he heroed for awhile, even though, as far as we can tell, he did nothing to actually try and manipulate national policy or anything like that.
He just existed, and everything changed in response.
And, while I admit I wasn't thinking that hard about it when I first read the story, the initial set up actually was in a great place to work with an OP Izuku... if almost everything after the initial setup went differently, anyways.
Let me explain.
So, early MHA, those initial chapters, just hinted at a lot of depth to it. Philosophical, legal, societal; part of the reason I, and probably others, fell in love so fast is that it was approaching the usual super hero thing from a new direction, and seeming to acknowledge the flaws in such a system the ways other stories generally don't.
Back then, it was the difference between being a Hero, the job description, and being a hero, someone who saved people, and how wildly disconnected those two terms were. The disparity between the weak and the strong, Quirklessness as something five seconds from being called a disability, a heroic system that had been slowly festering in on itself, for years and years and years, until we get people like Mt Lady, who caused god knows how much property damage just to kill steal a villain away from Kaminio Woods, who had the situation under control.
Into this toxic mess of a situation walks Izuku Midoriya: kind, smart, beaten down on for all his life for being weak, yet determined to stand up for what is right anyways, blinded by childish naivety and propaganda to how fucked up the world of heroes truly is.
And the man who changed Japan with his mere existence gave him his power, the power to stand above everyone else, to do anything he wants, because once he masters One For All, the only one able to stop Izuku? Would be himself.
And here's where it would have to change: Izuku's conflict, for most of the story, is simply about fighting; not about right or wrong, not should he do this, but can he do this? There is something he wants to earn, or a person he needs to beat, and so he tries to do it. Sometimes he does it by being smarter, more often he does it by being stronger, and sometimes, and too often for my tastes, or at least at the wrong times, he just can't.
Hori gives up on all the things that made MHA so interesting, only giving them empty lip service from that point on, so he can just do the usual shonen plot.
But imagine if he didn't. Imagine Izuku's conflicts being about idealism. He's strong, unbelievably strong, the second coming of All Might, acknowledged as such by the man himself, who may even admit that he is retiring. In a fight, Izuku wins, plain and simple; hell, he may have to worry about keeping his opponents alive rather than if he can beat them or not.
But that's not where the problems come from, beating X person in a straight up fight. The problems come from the system itself: a machine made to chew up idealistic kids and spit out cynical, money hungry heroes. An entire department in UA devoted to selling an image to the public, ruthlessly trying to take advantage of the new students while they're too new to realize what's happening. A bigoted, self-important teacher who hates him just for what he is, and is determined to ruin his career because he can. A government agency determined to control heroes and direct them to their own aims, who take an interest in this budding super star, and their pawn, merciless yet conflicted, who will kill to see their will done. A media system determined to get headlines, no matter the cost or who it may harm. A Number Two Hero ascendant, cruel and calculating, who uses his own offspring as pawns and views Izuku as a threat to his rise. Villains who, knowing they can't take him in a fair fight, try to beat Izuku in other ways, more complicated and sinister than a simple fight. Festering in his mind like a dark secret, Izuku's entire life as a Quirkless child, despised by the world for being Deku, for being useless, an old pain and shame that still defines him and shapes him, even if he's not longer Quirkless.
And with all this arrayed against him and his dreams, all Izuku has to guide him onto the proper path is his mentor, wise yet cynical and broken in his own ways, and his own innate spirit of heroism. And the choices he makes? Effects millions.
Leaning into what they said they were about, the League of Villains would not be a bunch of crazed murderers, but what Hori wants us to think of them: people beaten down by society until they felt they had no other choice but to fight back. Toga who isn't a deluded serial killer, Spinner and Compress with more development, and yes, the Dabi Benchmark of Insanity(TM) to keep them all sympathetic, because their purpose here isn't just as villains who have to be beaten... their purpose here is also about how heroes react to them.
To a LoV who is milder in what they do, so they still get heroic ire, still get labeled as, 'villains'... only for them not really to deserve that label, the hatred they get from the public, and the force used against them.
And Izuku, who is no longer a spectator but on the front line, sees that. He sees how they're getting tarred by the brush of 'villain', the way they're getting discriminated against because of their Quirks, and the eerie similarities it has to his own treatment as a QUirkless child.
And yet, the ones doing it are heroes, the ones he looks up to, and all but worshipped for his entire life, the ones supported by everything he's seen in his entire life, by the entirety of Japan.
And that is where the conflict is, that is what the story focuses on: what is right? What is a hero? What is a villain?
Well, that's how I would do an OP Izuku story, anyways.
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beetlebethwrites · 4 months
Also, i honestly commend your writing of Matt, ngl.
Not in a mean or backhanded way, but people actually having a primal rage over them means you're at least writing them with depth enough so that people actually feel real emotions with them, good or bad.
Which is normal if you're writing flawed characters like him, who aren't the epitome of "weekly therapy sessions". It might be a little unpopular of an opinion, but i think you're writing them well.
I mean, everyone has a route with very different character arcs and themes, i assume, large part of Matt's is his immaturity emotionally, his toxic positivity, which i struggle with sometime, and have gotten heat for some other people for expressing.
Which is why i'll do his route first. Not to say that some people's Mcs aren't justified to dislike him or take shit from him, but i feel like that's what makes him such as complex either.
I mean, all the ROs have their problems, Matt's just seem to be more personal because his issues might affect Romanced!Mc in a deeper level. Esp because of the messy friend group dynamic, and being Eve's ex who's not completely over her, some might not feel like they're the priority when they get into a situationship with him.
I'm sure it'll be explored in his route, so i'm just waiting on it!
This is literally it! I have a deep adoration for characters who are flawed and Matt is one of those. He's one of my favourite characters to write when the group are all together because his relationship to the others is so nuanced.
Anyway, I hope you continue to like YLAF as it goes forward and thank you for reading! 💛
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maleyanderecafe · 7 months
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The Stranger from the Bus Stop (Visual Novel)
Created: puresouldef
Genre: Romance/Horror
I think to be honest, there's only really one "yandere" ending for this game, and that's because the yandere in question kind of gives up if you tell him to go away. Normally I wouldn't really write a recommendation on these types of games, but I do find the idea of him writing on the door pretty intriguing, and the placeholder MC's expressions are pretty funny, so I'm just gonna write about it.
The story starts out with the MC recalling an old coworker called Mari and how she committed suicide. Due to this, the MC feels guilty of not being able to do more to prevent it and promises to themselves to help someone if they ever find someone in need. After work, the MC goes to the bus stop to go home, however finds a strange man waiting at the bus stop. They have the option to talk to him or simply walk home.
Talking to the man leads to them giving him their scarf because they seem cold, before walking home when the bus doesn't arrive. As the next couple of days continue, the MC feels as if someone is watching them, and finds strange numbers being carved into their door, causing them to be stressed. They even call the cops, however, they seem unhelpful and get phone calls from a strange person. They eventually meet the strange man at the bus stop again, whom they talk about the strange occurrences, and he asks if we would want him to walk us home.
Accepting it leads to him following the MC home, where he reveals that he has been stalking them and writing the numbers on their door, pinning them down in the process.
Being a bit more shy, the MC instead finds the man carving numbers on the door. He reveals that the numbers are the dates and times that they have met. The MC, scared, tells them to leave and they promise to never come back. This makes the MC calm down, but wistfully thinking about how the numbers should have been finished on the door.
Similarly, being more bold has the MC call the cops on the man, however, they come too late. They find a ID card in their room, revealing that the man's name is Reis.
Walking home and not interacting with the man leads to a bad ending where the next day, the MC finds out that they committed suicide by running in front of the bus, leaving the MC feeling extremely guilty.
Like I said, there's only really one ending where Reis reveals himself as the yandere, and it is kind of unfortunate he sort of just peace's out when the MC tells him to leave (though, who knows, maybe he's still stalking them and the MC just doesn't notice). Still I think it's a good instance of seeing how exactly the obsession of Reis grows from a simple kind act- which to me is always fun to explore. Reis himself seems more or less harmless, considering he doesn't really do anything very forceful except stalk the MC and carving the dates on the door. Unfortunately we don't get too much else on him other that he must have been really suicidal before the MC showed him some kindness, but it still does show how such a small act really can make someone extremely obsessed over someone.
Normally I'm not the biggest fan of having a black blob of an MC, but I do appreciate the different expressions this MC has. It makes it a lot more entertaining to play and some of the expressions are really funny to look at. Still considering that you're making a game that has the MC emote this much, you'd think you would have a more interesting design for a character. I think it's also nice that the MC has a motivation for being nice to Reis instead of the MC just being standardly nice with very little characterization.
Overall, a good short game. It is a complete game as well, which is pretty rare these days. I think for what it's worth, it was pretty fun. If you are interested in it, please give it a try. The translation is a little wonky at times, but I think it adds to the charm.
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summeroflove-if · 10 months
What do you love about writing each character?
Amber - I find Amber quite fun to write. I struggled with her at first, but once I found my footing, I've actually had quite a bit of fun. She's infuriating, there aren't many redeeming qualities about her, but there's a lot that I'm trying to hint at.
Anwar - I love the simplicity of their route. While you can have a full-on falling out with them by the end of chapter 6 (depending on MC's choices), a properly focused Anwar route is so simple and soft. I've just written a scene with them, and it's almost vulnerable, and I absolutely adore that type of thing.
Charlie - They're soft and sweet, and while I can find them a little boring at times, there are hints at something deeper there and I can't wait to explore that further as they get more comfortable.
Haoyu - with Haoyu, writing him is almost like second nature. The route itself is not intended to be simple like Anwar's or Charlie's, but he is easy for me. And quite frankly, he's 100% my type and if I was experiencing from a reader POV, he'd be the one I'd be writing fanfic about.
Izzie - Izzie has one of the more complicated routes and it's fun to plan her route and write it. I've never been much of a slow-burn writer, but I'm loving laying the brickwork for her and showing how torn she is between MC and Theo.
Mattie - Mattie is me. Not exactly me, there are definitely differences, but she is the most like me and her thoughts and feelings are so familiar to me that while I do sometimes have to think twice about what I'm writing, she's easy.
Noah - I have a love/hate relationship with writing Noah. I never feel like he's being written consistently so I find him really difficult, but I do adore writing little moments of softness into his scenes. My satisfaction with Noah is that everyone seems to want him and that's validating but also a little annoying because I really don't get it at the same time.
Scarlette - she's laid back but not afraid to speak up when she disagrees with something, which is fun to write.
Theo - I enjoy writing Theo but I'm waiting to fall in love with it, if that makes sense. A bit like Noah, I find him hard to write consistently, but I think when we get to the point where we can couple up with him, I'll feel differently because we'll have a chance to do a bit of a deep dive into him as a person.
Vanessa - she says all the things I wish I had the balls to. Okay, we haven't actually got to that point, but I do love her character and enjoy writing her scenes as she's putting herself first and going after who she wants.
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