#this is a Star Wars blog
ben-her · 4 months
New url same bs idk if i like this one as much tho……….
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bisexualvader · 2 months
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what my notifs look like currently
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orbitalmirror · 1 month
[sighs] [opens trending]
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prokopetz · 1 year
That post about meme definitions is lying to you. "Glup Shitto" isn't about how Star Wars characters have silly names. "Glup Shitto" is about how the incidental Star Wars character with a cumulative eight seconds of screen time somehow has a silly name, a well established fandom, and forty years of meticulously detailed backstory.
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starwarjotta · 8 months
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Day 3 - cloak thankfully Obi-Wan's robe cloak is big enough to wrap around a certain Commander who might've been tossed into the freezing river during a mission oh and when there's a chance to make something even more Codywan? ofc I'll do it, here's a bonus
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it was a long mission, okay
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juniperika · 4 months
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usually, anything star wars related I come across on facebook is the absolute worst, but this??? top tier, I'm cackling
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moriaarts · 21 days
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Cody o’clock!!! - Republic & Empire
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suja-janee · 5 months
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Redraw for my blog’s 4 year anniversary! (Ignore the fact that I accidentally erased echo’s arm oh shitttt)
Old ver.
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dollsdesires · 1 month
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nephilim2point0 · 1 year
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Fox and the Loth Cats pt 2!! Idk how I want to draw clones just yet so ill just avoid faces for now eheh.
Also 'Fox and the Loth Cats' is a sick ass band name and you can't change my mind
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hipwell · 2 months
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Commander Cody
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eggdrawsthings · 1 year
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i just finished catching up w TBB s2 and I'm having the ✨feels✨, but I'm too bz rn so I'm resurrecting these old delusional SpecForce 99 arts circa 2021 instead :,)
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forcemeanakin · 3 months
Right where you left me.
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•WARNINGS: Angst. Situationship. May trigger people with abandonment issues or that have intimacy problems. Not technically cheating, but it may be triggering. Anakin's a douche bag.
Pairing: au!Anakin Skywalker x you!reader.
Summary: Anakin decides to pursue things outside of your relationship, breaking your heart in the process.
Word count: 1.7k.
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD, english is my second language, so please be gentle. If there are any mistakes, pls let me know in private so I can correct them, thanks :) Also I have a serious issue between differentiating “in” and “on” situations, so bare with me lmao.
You ran into the coffee shop, in a hurry, which is a normal state for you and your continuous tardiness. “Fuck.” You muttered under your breath as you forced the door open with unnecessary strength. 
Anakin must’ve been waiting for half an hour now. 
On your tippy toes, you scanned the room, looking for the golden curls to stand out from a booth. 
Trying to hide your excitement, you rushed to the table where your -relatively- new thing was waiting for you. You cursed your bag for making so much noise and told yourself off for packing so much shit. Maybe there was no need to bring all the stuff with you, but you couldn’t help yourself in your excitement to show Anakin all of the activities you had planned for you two and the remaining part of the summer. 
“Hey.” You whispered loud enough for him to listen to you, but your shortness of breath didn’t go unnoticed by him. He gave you a toothless smile as you sat down in front of him. “I’m sorry I’m late, I was at work and my manager-” You didn’t finish the sentence, instead, your face let him know everything he needed.
“Don’t sweat. I haven’t waited long. Five minutes to be exact.” He checked his phone carelessly. 
“Training ran long?” You hoped.
“Oh, no, just ran a little late.” He shrugged his shoulders. Like it was of no importance. 
At least you felt ashamed for being late. He didn’t seem to carry the same guilt.
Sometimes Anakin did this thing that stung your heart a little. His number one priority had always been him. And when you agreed to try things with him, you knew that was implied in the contract. Part of you had been hoping that you were going to be the reason that changed. 
So far, you had failed in your mission. 
“Oh, right.” You tried to fake a smile. 
“And how’s life outside of work, baby?” 
And just like that, your heart felt a little lighter and spark returned to your face. Especially when he reached out to hold your hand and play with your fingers. Especially when he used that nickname that you loved and you hadn’t heard in a while from his lips.
“It’s fine. My summer classes are always boring.” You rolled your eyes, chuckling at the end because he knew how much you hated to take extra courses. 
“I told you to give yourself some time off in the summer.” He raised his eyebrow.
“I know, I know…” You huffed. “Actually, I’ve been working on that.” You smiled, turning to your bag and taking some of the things you packed. 
Tickets for one of your favorite movies, that he insisted he wanted to watch with you. It made you smile so hard when he had proposed that plan, given that he was aware how much that franchise meant to you. 
You also took out some coins for the local fair, the one you two had walked by and promised to do that as your next date. 
The brand new control for your gaming console you had just bought to join him in video games because he said he wanted to share that without you. He seemed pretty excited to do that as an activity together and he even listed all of the games you might like. 
And right when you were about to take the keys of your summer house out, to hint him that you were ready to take the next step in your relationship, he stopped you. 
Anything intimate always made you nervous, even when you two were in the middle of it. It was a very vulnerable space for you and Anakin was your first in many things. It was normal for you to still be adapting to it. 
But you wanted to try. For you.
For him.
As a more experienced person than you, Anakin had needs. Needs that you sometimes failed to meet. That even though he was patient, you could feel how your lack of confidence sometimes bugged him. Not in an explicit manner, just… the occasional huff when he tried something experimental in bed or when you started to psych yourself out of the make out session. 
Any other person would have already left, but Anakin was your friend first and he was well aware of your uptight personality way before the two of you agreed to be friends with benefits. He knew what he was getting into and he was actually glad to help you experiment with that part of yourself you normally hid.
So your demonstration of being an organized and planning psycho was nothing new to him.
“Hey, hey…” He slowed you down, barely gazing the things on the table and fixing his eyes on yours. “Before you get started, I wanted to talk to you.”
His serious tone alerted you. But you weren’t surprised. Something inside of you had been alerting you all weekend. You thought it was your well-known anxiety. However, this felt unusual. Like his habitual ghosting and lack of response for the past few days meant different things this time.
“Sure.” You took a deep breath, trying to make it not so obvious. “Go ahead.” You nodded with a little smile trying to appear serene. 
“So, sorry for not replying to your texts this weekend. I was out in nature, thinking and connecting, you know?” He tilted his head, his eyes looking for some compassion out of you.
“Yeah, yeah, of course.” You rushed the words when the silence dipped between you two, part of it your fault because you were too worried with your sinking heart. 
You could understand a little impromptu retreat, you only wished it wasn’t right after you did some pretty intimate stuff back at your house. That last day you two crossed more boundaries than ever before. And even though you highly enjoyed it, his absence after that had you feeling nauseous, making you overthink and regret your decision of not giving him your virginity right in that opportunity. Maybe he would have shown more interest if you would have-
“So…Uhm… I think we should stop hanging out.” 
Your heart was down by your feet when he pronounced those words. You tried with all your soul to control your trembling hands that lied in between his palms so he didn’t notice how he was ripping you apart. Your irregular breath threatened to put you on blast but you managed to keep it on the low. 
“It’s not about you, seriously. I love hanging out with you and spending time with you, among other stuff.” He chuckled lightly, but instead of following his action, you released the breath you were holding. “But I’ve been talking to this girl and I just want to make sure that everything is working out with her. Emotionally.”
The sting in your eyes only grew bigger as you realized how embarrassing and heart shattering this moment was for you. Your cheeks felt hot and tight, something you tried hard to disguise with a breezy exterior. 
Like a flash, you remembered the day both of you talked about the rules of your agreement. You kicked yourself mentally when you reminisced of the moment where both of you agreed to let the other one know if they wanted to pursue something with someone else. You had said yes, in the expectation that his constant checking in on you and daily talks was enough proof of interest. Meaning that he would not be looking outside of your “situationship” .
And you agreed, because that was your case. You were interested enough. 
“You let me know if you want to see another guy, okay?”
You could almost laugh at such stupid idea. Didn’t he know?
“I think it’s better if we stop talking, so I can figure out things with her.” He scrunched his nose, like he was running out of words.
But how many words do you actually need to let someone know you don’t want them? He didn’t need much more. You’ve gotten the message. 
“It’s nothing definitive, but yeah… Let me know if you have any questions.” He gave you a side smile, still fidgeting with your frozen-in-place fingers. 
That took you out of the slow motion trance you were in. 
“Y-yeah, okay.” You took your hands out of his quickly, blinking quickly into realization. You started to rush everything back in your purse, screaming the word “Stupid!” over and over again in your head while you carried on with a calm expression. “Do not worry about me. No questions on my part. Thanks for letting me know.”
I guess.
“Totally agree with not talking anymore.” You finally stopped for a second after pushing all of the items on your tote bag. He seemed to be analyzing your expression in search of any sign of real approval, because your shy and cold body language wasn’t reassuring him. So you put on your bravest face and forced a smile. “I hope everything turns out great with her.” 
Speaking those words felt like hot iron was passing through your throat. 
He gave you an honest smile and got up, taking his jacket with him. “Thank you. And thanks for understanding.”
You stayed frozen in place, your purse on your lap with your hands clutching it so hard you could feel your nails through the fabric. You limited yourself to nodding quietly and letting the side of your mouth curve slightly up. 
“I’m sorry I can’t stay-” He began explaining his sudden escape. 
“Don’t be. Don’t worry about me. ” You dismissed. “I’ll just stay and have lunch.” You took the menu and fixed your gaze on the listed items, anything that wouldn’t be his eyes. 
He excused himself off the table politely, leaving you all alone and speechless. You glued your eyes to his back until he exited through the door, begging silently that he would turn around and say something else. Something that would pull you back into his life.
It seemed like that wasn’t his plan.
“I know I shouldn’t look for you for sexual stuff, but can I contact you for friend stuff?”
The text arrived that Saturday at 1am, 5 days later, erasing any progress you had done. 
The day of his usual drunken nights. 
Right around the time he used to get bored and there wasn't anything left to smoke. 
Exactly at the time he would always contact you. 
And you?
You were still at the restaurant. Unable to move.
Every day since that day. 
Right where he left you. 
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jediskywalkerblog · 2 months
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Hay looks like the best dad🥹… also I’m living for his pj’s <333
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theresa-draws · 7 months
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here's my entry for star crossed @anidalazine ⚔️🌌
anakin gets hurt in battle and reunites with padme under the cover of night. he must leave when day breaks but for now, they are together.
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