#this has been such a fun impromptu project
ghostalservice · 2 years
Frenchie FuckFest!
Do YOU love Frenchie?
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We do! That’s why we’re running Frenchie FuckFest, where a group of authors (including ME!) are all giving Frenchie a chance to shine. 
Featuring works by CartoonMayor, CobaltAugust, Demolitionwoman, Foxtails, Ghostalservice, Heartroots, Skrifores, Theveriest, and Wardrobespierre! 
See what’s been posted so far below the cut, and check back or subscribe to the series to see what’s still to come (spoiler: MANY more phenomenal fics)!
Day 1: A Cook and a Musician Walk Into a Kitchen by @bonesofyourheart Frenchie/Roach. 
Roach is always up very early in the morning prepping meals for the crew of the Revenge. Frenchie suffers from insomnia. Some mornings when Frenchie wakes up earlier than he'd like, he goes down to keep Roach company in the kitchen. This is the story of one such morning when Frenchie has morning wood and he and Roach hook up.
Day 2: Give the Sea Her Due by @demolitionwoman-blog. Frenchie/Buttons/The Sea?
Buttons is basking in the moonglow. Frenchie joins him.
Day 3: Mum's the word by CobaltAugust. Frenchie/Izzy
There was a passage near the rec room that led to a small room that had, until recently, been used for storage. It was now occupied by Izzy. Frenchie ducked into the passage to wait until dinner. He’d assumed Izzy would be with his captain, but when Frenchie approached the door to Izzy’s quarters he heard a faint noise – a grunting, groaning noise.
Day 4: Fuque Non by @ghostalservice (me!). Frenchie/Stede (sort of)
Frenchie's not sure what the Captain's deal is, but he's going to give it a go.
Day 5: Easy Come, Easy Go by @skrifores. Frenchie/Fang
Frenchie, held on the Revenge after the end of Season One, misses Wee John. He finds some comfort and support in Fang.
The point is, he thought he was prepared to lose more stuff. That’s life, innit? Easy come, easy go. Fall in love with Cara for a couple of nights til it turns out she has a husband - oops - have an on-off with the boatswain til he gets demons all up in his blood - it’s a bit shitty, but. Bit of a price for freedom, and a bit of a prize too. Never know how long you’re gonna keep stuff, but you get to have it. Could be dead tomorrow anyway, so.
Day 6: Oh Yah by @zombee. Frenchie/The Swede
The Swede has never had his dick sucked. Frenchie is intrigued.
Day 7: Afterparty by wardrobespierre. Frenchie/Lucius
Lucius's plans to get railed into oblivion have fallen through; Frenchie looks good in his posh outfit.
“Fuck’s sake - what do you want me to say?” Lucius was giggling now, giddy with the headiness of Frenchie’s proximity. He always smelled a little like cloves, for some inexplicable reason, and it had never been as appealing as it was right now.
“Say something ridiculous, like that you want to fuck me.”
Lucius stopped laughing. Frenchie’s eyes were full of heat, and his smile was wicked.
Day 8: Vibe Check by theveriest. Jim/Frenchie
The vibes on board the Revenge after Stede leaves are absolutely rancid. Frenchie is doing his best to help.
Day 9: Life’s a Trip by @skrifores . Frenchie/Ed
Stede has an interest in watching Ed hook-up with someone else; Frenchie is happy to oblige.
Day 10: like room people do by @ratchet​  Frenchie/Wee John
"I mean, fucking isn’t room exclusive. Pete and Lucius don’t have a room—hasn’t stopped them going at it every which where."
"But it’s something that you think might be…better? If you’ve got a room to do it in?"
Frenchie shifts and rolls over, squinting through the dark and trying to pull John into focus. He’s got an inkling what this is about, and he’s never been one to shy away from saying what needs to be said.
"You know you can just ask, babes."
or: we should just fuck (like room people do)
Day 11: Mess in the Mess by @demolitionwoman-blog​ Frenchie/Ivan
Ivan surprises Frenchie in the kitchen, and then Frenchie surprises him.
Day 12: Midnight Watch by me! @ghostalservice​ Frenchie/Black Pete
Frenchie and Pete aren't invited to Spanish Jackie's.
Pete slumps a bit and joins Frenchie by the railing, elbows on the polished wood. “I hate being on watch when we’re in port,” he admits. “Boring.”
Frenchie tucks the snuffbox back in his pocket and turns slightly, shifting until his body faces Pete’s. Boredom is a luxury, and one Pete doesn’t appreciate. He shrugs, stretching his body out as he leans on the railing. “Doesn’t have to be.”
Coming up next: A few more crew members!
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art · 28 days
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro! If you haven't seen their Meet the Artist piece, be sure to check it out here!
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dantesunbreaker · 6 months
Hey Ghestie! If you are currently taking requests, may I please have some headcanons for how Copia & Secondo (individual headcanons for them ofc) act as father figures to a Sibling of Sin 🥺 preferably one w/anxiety and is touch starved totally not projecting
Fatherly Papas
Of course Ghestie! Though I took the liberty of doing all the Papas because I also could use some fatherly Primo in my life. Also I'm posting this while on mobile so I am scared to see what it looks like when I get back to my computer 😅
There are many days spent working in Primo’s garden together. Not only just because Primo needs help with the physical labor in his older years, but because it is a quiet relaxing activity that gives you time to bond with each other
Physical touch is often, ranging from small reassuring pats on the hand to warm heartfelt hugs pulled tight to his chest. Primo wants you to physically feel the promise that he will always be there in your time of need
Sits and listens to you troubles as an active listener, asking questions that get to the root of the issue and then offering what advice and comfort he can if and when needed
Primo knows the signs of when you are getting burnt out or straining yourself too much while working and will bring you tea or treats that help you relax
Is beyond touched and flattered should you ever give him gifts on Father’s day, might even get a bit emotional. Will thank you by pulling you in for a hug followed by a chaste kiss on either the cheek or forehead. There is no toxic masculinity in him, so Primo is very open to giving kisses in non romantic relationships
Secondo told you that you were always welcome to come to him in times of need, he never really expected much to come of it
On occasions that Secondo catches you in the halls or in public and notices you displaying signs of anxiety, he is quick to step in and help. Starts with a call of your name as to not spook you before putting a firm yet comforting grip on your shoulder
Even Secondo will admit he is not the best at comforting others, especially with his words. But that does not mean he will not give it his all
Brings you to his office so you have a private place to let go, sitting in silence as you let out whatever has been causing you to struggle
Once you have gotten everything off your chest, Secondo will pull you in for a tight hug, paying no mind to whether or not you are soaking his robes with tears
Will hold you for however long you need, a warm and comforting embrace that makes you feel safe and accepted 
As you are pulling away from the hug, Secondo will look you in the face while telling you how proud he is of you. Tells you that he sees everything you do, how hard you work, and he could never feel anything but pride at that. Success or failure, does not matter, Secondo will also support you and always be proud
Absolutely wants to be seen as a sort of  “fun dad”, and always tries going out of his way to keep you smiling even when you really don’t feel like it
Terzo is very open about all sorts of physical affection and never holds back. Will give you as many hugs as you need, will brush your hair if it helps you feel calm, greets you with a kiss on each cheek, anything that you need Terzo would try to give you
Always wants to be caught up on whatever is happening in your life whether it be big or small things. If something important happens that Terzo doesn't know about it kind of crushes him because he will feel like he is failing as a paternal figure
Good active listener when you come to him needed to vent, responds with concern and empathy and always asks if you want advice for the issue or simply to get it out
Whenever Terzo catches you having anxiety attacks or getting over worked, he stops everything to whisk you off to do something more fun and relaxing. Sometimes this means impromptu trips to theme parks
Totally also gives you extravagant outfits for your birthday and Christmas
Equally touch starved, expect that when Copia provides comfort that it will entail a fair amount of physical affection
When walking together, Copia will place a hand either on your back between your shoulder blades or on your opposite shoulder 
Copia is also not always the best at comforting with his words, but his awkward ramblings and signature Copia noises are comforting enough at times
Makes you promise to come to him if you are ever struggling with anxiety or any other mental strain. Does not matter what time of day, Copia will always set everything aside to be there for you. Whether you just need someone to vent to or if you are seeking advice, he is there to offer what help he can
The times you come to him crying, Copia will hold you tight to his chest and softly reassures that you can get through this and that he is with you every step of the way
Honestly, the type of guy that would also treasure anything you ever make for him. Instead of hanging drawings on the fridge, he will hang them in his office. Also the type that would cry at your plays or dance recitals should you ever have anything of that nature. The ghouls go with Copia to keep him from making too much of a scene
Introduces you to the rats as “their much larger and less hairy sibling”, immediately feels nervous about it and will give you a look that says he is waiting for your response. It will make his day if you are on board with being a big sibling to his rat children
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raainberry · 6 months
Studious Confession
« Done deliberately or with a purpose in mind. »
Yunjin x gn!reader
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synopsis - you and your friend yunjin get sidetracked while speed running revisions for finals
wordcount - 1.8K
A/N - save me scholar yunjin, save me…
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Absolute academic weapons.
That’s what you and Yunjin aimed to be when you scheduled a study session at your campus library. Exam season was breathing down your necks, and you ignored it for as long as you could, taking each other on the most impromptu hang-outs instead.
Convenience store runs that lead to mukbangs, walks around campus that somehow turned into treetop adventures, late night drives after a long day of classes you spent screaming to whatever she played on the aux… Risking your education (and probably your future) had never been so fun, but all good things must come to an end.
As the end of your junior year approached you were the first one to bring up studying, suggesting you should probably pump the breaks on the distractions. She only called you a nerd, but gave in when you proposed to study together.
The time itself wouldn’t be fun at all, but at least she’d spend it with you. “A win is a win.”, she’d said over the phone, and it only took a few more days to actually motivate yourselves. Reserving a study room was a step in the right direction, but what happened in there would only make you take two steps back.
“That doesn’t even look like me.” You said after she revealed her doodle in the corner of your notebook.
She spent the last five minutes trying to sketch your features out on the bit of blank paper left on your notes instead of focusing on her own.
“Yes it does, look!” She gestured at the messy drawing. “That’s your eyes and your mouth.”
“I am looking, I’m just not seeing.”
It actually did look like you, Yunjin was too talented for it not to. You were just looking at it upside down as you sat across the table from her.
“Well look harder!”
“I don’t want to, stop distracting me!” You whined, switching your pen for a highlighter.
“You’re so mean! Give me my airpod back.” She whined back, actually catching your attention this time.
“I don’t want to share my music with you anymore. I need to listen to sad music alone because you’re so mean to me.” She argued, her hand out waiting for the airpod in your ear.
“Are you serious?” You asked, and she only stared at you, retreating her hand only to fold her arms over her chest. “If I say it does look like me, can I keep it?”
“You can keep the drawing, yeah.” She scoffed and you sighed.
You were unsure whether she was serious or not, so you decided to try something that could only have a positive outcome.
“Coffee break?” You proposed, and just like that, her smile was back.
Relief washed over you when her hand found yours, dragging you down to the nearest vending machine. The latter was familiar, it has seen your faces more times than the study rooms as you sometimes only came by to get a coffee from the machine right next to it.
That’s where you met Yunjin, on one of the rare nights she dedicated to her due projects. You’d offered her one of those cheap paper cups, a hole in your student wallet but nothing compared to the world she invited you in afterwards.
Her own little world, the person she was within it, the things she saw and built… It was all so beautiful. You’d get her a thousand of them if it meant learning one new thing every time.
Sometimes you brought her here in hopes for it, and it never failed. The same thing would happen: you’d get her a coffee, she would fight you, try to pay for yours, and you’d ask her about something you’d noticed about her to change the subject. Small details you’d noticed; a pretty necklace, some new earrings, a new hairstyle or the way her makeup looked. Sometimes her mood stood out to you, had you curious. She’d soon forget about her self-imposed debt, getting caught up in the excitment of whatever had caught your attention that day.
“I like your glasses today. How many pairs do you have?” You asked after she sighed out your name. “This is like the fifth pair I’ve seen you wear.”
“Thank you. I have a few. Even more back home.” She said, making you raise an eyebrow.
Her answer was shorter than usual. No spilling over to another subject that your question reminded her of. No squealing about where she got them from, holding your arm as she practically begged for you to come check the small store out with her next time.
Her hands stayed put in her pockets, below the sweater you’d asked about a few weeks ago. It looked comfortable and cozy, and she seemed to grow fond of it based on the way she pulled her hands into the sleeves so often.
“Do they even help you see?” You asked, joking around in an attempt to pull a little more out of her.
“Only two of them do. These aren’t one of them, though.” She giggled to herself, and you could only shake your head at her absurdity.
“Do you even want to pass?” You chuckled as the machine made all kinds of mechanical noises, signaling that the coffee was ready.
She rolled her eyes, getting her hands out of her pockets to grab the cup from yours. The heat emanating from it was the last thing she needed on this fair weather day, but the taste of that coffee was just too good to pass on.
The taste wasn’t the only thing that pushed her to accept each and every one of the cups you offered her. She didn’t even pay attention to it at first, but as time went on, she started looking forward to it. Sometimes to the point of craving it.
Caffeine was dangerous, sure, but she’d come to realise it wasn’t what she had become addicted to.
“How long are you going to keep this up?”
She broke the small silence that had taken its place between the two of you. One of your favorite songs was playing at a faint volume from the airpods you were still sharing, filling in for the lack of words. Your mind had drifted off, long gone and barely listening to your favorite melody as thoughts of her occupied the back of it.
The sound of her voice brought you back, all conscious and hiding how crazy you felt thinking about someone standing right next to you.
A curious hum resonated from your chest, and your eyes met her questioning ones.
“The coffee. When are you gonna let me pay you back?” She asked, and you smiled.
“You don’t need to.”
“But I want to. You spent like a hundred dollars since the beginning of the year.” She frowned.
“That’s a bit excessive. I’d say 30 dollars at the most. It’s really cheap coffee.” You pointed out.
It took everything in her not to call you a smartass. It seemed like a terrible way to confess her feelings. Especially when what she felt, the light she saw you in painted you as far more than a smartass. The opposite, or maybe a more positive and kind alternative.
“You really don’t want me to pay you back?” She insisted, and you shook your head, amused.
This wasn’t the first time she was asking, and you didn’t expect it to be the last, but your answer would remain the same.
You didn’t want her money.
“You could at least admit you want something in return.”
Her words wiped the delectation right off your face. The lighthearted atmosphere suddenly vanished, replaced by a heavy and uncomfortable one.
You had trouble finding the right way to breathe, scared it would shift the conversation into a much too unpredictable path.
“Wh—what?” You stuttered, furrowing your eyebrows in the most natural way you could.
Yunjin wasn’t having it, although in a simpler moment she would have laughed at your poor attempt.
“Come on, Y/n.” She probed. “No one gives out that many compliments out of pure kindness only.”
“There probably are a few people—” You started, but the way she stared at you kept you from rambling further.
There was no escaping it, she obviously knew what was going on. In theory, you couldn’t be surprised as you hoped for your actions to be obvious, or at the least for her to notice them.
Now that she did, you weren’t sure what to do. Hell, you didn’t even know where or how to stand anymore, you hadn’t thought that far ahead.
“Well—I mean, I kind of have been doing this to get to know you a little more.” You mumbled.
One of her eyebrows furrowed, and you sighed. This wasn’t exactly ideal for the embarrassment you felt.
“We’ve been friends for months, is it so difficult to do that? Am I that hard to read?” She wondered, amused.
“I don’t know, it feels easier this way… For me at least.” You looked down, eyes sweeping the floor as you did your best to avoid her gaze.
Embarrassed was only the start to describing how this whole thing made you feel. Everything you did, everything you told and asked her in order to find out more, as sincere and truthful it all was… It all seemed so silly. Collecting all those bits of her personnality, of her mind; piecing them all together in sercret and falling behind closed doors…
What was the point of putting yourself through so much if it would all come to light anyway?
Would it even be worth it?
“Right. Well…” She trailed off, and your eyes were pulled by the sudden movement of her hand between the two of you.
You watched as it hesitantly approached yours, waiting to see if it would welcome it only for you to wrap your fingers around her palm in a heartbeat— that was to say it happened fast as your heart had picked up the pace for a while now.
Yunjin kept her smile to herself, hiding her appreciation behind treacherous eyes that she focused on your joined hands. The spark she held in her gaze whenever she looked at you was hard to erase—she couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it.
“Let your wallet rest a bit.” She joked, finally looking up at you. “Whatever you want to know, next time you can just ask.”
“Do you like me?”
“Oh.” Her eyebrows raised in surprise as you shared a laugh over the sudden, bold question.
It wasn’t exactly unlike you, but judging on the past couple minutes, neither of you really expected it.
“I do like you.” She admitted, a shy smile letting you know she wasn’t as cool about it as she tried to be before adding. “When you’re not nagging me about finals.”
“If this is one of your ways to get out of studying I’m gonna be so mad.” You half-joked.
It would be a pretty insane thing to pull, but you wouldn’t put it past her. She loved to avoid schoolwork, no matter the excuse.
“If it was I wouldn’t ask you to get back to it.”
“You haven’t.”
“I am now.” She smiled, tugging on your hand the same way she had to bring you here.
You could only follow as she jogged back to your study room. Whether her excitment came from studying or the progression of your relationship, you had a small idea. It put a smile on your face that you wouldn’t be able to get rid of for as long as she was the one holding your hand.
And wherever she’d lead you, you’d follow.
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tilebytiles · 3 months
Star Treatment (Alex Turner x Reader) - Part 5
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summary: there’s a strange man named alex that has a strange obsession with you, and he makes the strangest offer of your life.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: none
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
Your time on the moon was almost over.
With the close of your galactic journey came a bittersweet feeling; you’d had a lot of fun at the hotel. Although you neglected the casino aspect (you’d never been much of a gambler and didn’t intend to start), you took multiple dips in the pool, perused the library countless times, and even ventured into the gym once or twice. The fitness jungle was intimidating, so you only really used the treadmill, but it was still something. You’d gotten to talk to Alexa and Miles a lot more, and they both agreed to keep in touch with you once you were all back on Earth.
The person you’d miss the most, though, was Alex.
You hadn’t seen much of him over the last few days, despite your stay being extended; James had been sent back to Earth prematurely, and a round trip for the rocket was at least six days, so you were more or less stuck up there until further notice. Although Alex’s glances towards you had become more tender, his touches more like caresses, his words spoken in a soft tone he didn’t use with anyone else, you hadn’t spoken much to each other since your impromptu sleepover. You were hesitant to ask him about it; you yearned for his attention, but you also understood how it might look if he was suddenly doting on you every hour of every day. You’d be proving James right, more or less. You would rather step out the airlock than do that.
You also knew talking to each other once you got back home wouldn’t really be an option; he told you once that he’d open the hotel to the public within the next month, meaning his attention would be entirely consumed by his project. You would return to your regular job, and he would remain an unfinished canvas, a story never to be completed. Would he even come to the café anymore? Would he want anything to do with you?
"What's got you all worked up?" You jumped at the sound of Miles' voice and whipped around. He was leaning against the doorway of your room, his arms crossed over his chest and his left eyebrow cocked up.
Your own eyebrow rose at his question. "I'm not worked up. I'm just standing here."
"You get worked up in your own ways," he said with a shrug. "You tend to zone out. In this case, I've been here for nearly three minutes trying to get your attention, and you've just been starin' at the clothes you've got on the bed."
You cringed at the mental image his words painted in your head. "Sorry. I'm just thinking."
"About what?" When you didn't answer and instead looked back down at the clothes- the tee, joggers and socks you hadn't worked up the courage to give back to Alex yet- realisation seemed to hit Miles like a truck. "Oh. About Al?"
Miles was the only one that had approached you directly about whether or not there was anything between you and Alex. Alexa had taken a more subtle approach, nudging you with her elbow and winking whenever Alex smiled at you in passing, but Miles had been much more direct, his curiosity regarding your relationship coming in the form of an abrupt "Are you shaggin' him?" over lunch one day. You told him no repeatedly, probably so much so that it could be read as yes. You didn't dare allude to what had really happened between the two of you, but you were honest with him in admitting there was something there. Something you both felt.
"Why don't you just talk to him?" His words dragged you back to the present.
You sighed. "I wish it was that easy," you mumbled. "But what am I supposed to say? For all I know, I might just be some fling of his."
Miles barked out a laugh at that. "You're kiddin', right? He's bloody obsessed with you."
"He could just be playing it up."
"Y/N," he said, his voice taking on a much more serious tone, "if Alex was fuckin' around with you this whole time, I would seriously harm him. That's a major 'if', though. I've never known him to be that kind of person, and neither has Alexa. He isn't the type to toy with someone else's feelings."
A voice rang out from somewhere down the hall. "Hey, Miles, have you seen my camera?" It was Alexa.
Miles sighed and offered you one final sympathetic glance. "I mean it," he said softly. "Right now, I doubt you're the last person he'd think of leavin' behind." And with that, he left your room, shouting down the hall about how he hadn't seen Alexa's "bloody fuckin' camera".
You looked back down on the clothes you'd neatly laid out on top of the bed. You'd been planning to give them back that day, actually, but every time you finally worked up the courage to do it, you quickly convinced yourself it would be a bad idea. You hated how insecure you suddenly felt; you were positive that even if Alex was obsessed with you, someone better would come along. Someone more deserving of his obsession and unwavering affection. The more desperate side of you wanted to believe Miles, but the more rational side of you knew that whatever existed between you and Alex right now would be gone as soon as you set foot back on Earth and returned to your routine lives.
Your time on the moon was almost over, and you hated it.
Miles had delivered the clothes in your stead. Now that they were finally out of sight, out of mind, you found yourself laying face-up in the pool, staring at the vast expanse of stars above you. The water was cold, uncomfortably so, but you didn't care; you just needed to think. You needed something else to focus on, something that wasn't the man with the heavenly Northern accent and the well-kept goatee and the shoulder-length hair that was always an elegant mess and the crisp suits and the smile that could charm God. You felt a little pathetic, if you were being honest with yourself- this time, you didn't do that as reluctantly. Maybe self-degradation came to you a little too naturally. Technically, you'd known Alex for months, but it was mostly his existence you knew of, not who he really was. Well, that and his favourite kind of coffee. Still, that didn't really tell you much about the kind of person he was. Knowing he liked his coffee burning hot didn't tell you his favourite colour or favourite food. Knowing his surprising disdain for pumpkin spice lattes didn't tell you his favourite book or his hobbies. Knowing the only pastry in the display case that he ever ordered (on the rare occasion he did order something besides coffee) was the pain au chocolat didn't tell you his middle name, his hometown, his favourite music, his dreams as a child, the things he was nitpicky about, his favourite animal, his greatest fear, how he wanted his body to be dealt with when he died, or whether or not he'd seen Blade Runner.
You would be lying if you said you hadn't imagined his response to all of those things before. You guessed his favourite colour might have been something like orange or yellow. His favourite food was something savoury, no doubt; he never struck you as the type to have much of a sweet tooth. His favourite book was definitely one of the classics. His hobbies had to be reading (that was an easy one), perhaps writing, maybe even playing an instrument. His middle name was something prim and proper, his hometown was somewhere like Newcastle, his favourite music was the oldies, his dreams as a child were to be an astronaut in space, he was nitpicky about his appearance and having everything in perfect order, his favourite animal was something predictable like a dog, his greatest fear was being forgotten, he wanted to be cremated upon death, and he had most certainly seen Blade Runner and would consider it criminal for anyone else not to have. Those were all just guesses, though, and you knew some of them were probably painfully inaccurate. But you didn't think you would ever get the answers.
Somewhere nearby, you heard a door open and then close, and for a brief moment, it dragged you out of the monotonous trance you'd placed yourself in. You quickly slipped back into your lull, though, continuing to stargaze and letting the water around you prick at your skin, giving you goosebumps. You didn't notice the door to the changing room shut, nor did you notice the small splash that accompanied the unidentified individual lowering themselves into the water. You were beginning to think you were perfectly content with staying in that pool forever when the water around you began to rock and bob, bouncing you with it. A figure came into your periphery, and the small glimpse you got made you turn your head, water instantly flooding into your right ear. Alex was wading beside you, casting small ripples into the pool water as he stroked his arms across the surface, keeping himself afloat. You slowly turned your head back to its previous position, feeling the water dribble out of your ear as you continued stargazing.
He was the first to speak, and you hated how your heart lurched at the sound of his voice, as if it would burst from your chest and wait for him to take it. "You've been avoiding me."
His voice remained neutral, but the underlying hurt in his words was glaringly obvious. "I wasn't trying to," you said quietly. "There just haven't been chances for us to talk."
"That's bullshit, Y/N, and you know it."
You shifted and struggled in the water for just a moment before assuming the same wading position he was in. For a few seconds, ones that suddenly felt uncomfortably long, all you could do was stare at him. His expression was neutral, too, but his eyes betrayed his emotions. They always had. You were reminded of the quote about the eye being the window to the soul. "I'm sorry," you finally said.
He let out a small scoff and looked down at the water between you. "At least tell me why."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because you'll think it's stupid."
"What's stupid is thinking I'll think it's stupid." His gaze darted back up to meet yours, and you could tell he was having a difficult time keeping himself contained. You were reminded of the look of anger he'd had the night of the party, and how horribly it contrasted with his features. You didn't think he was built to be angry, and you hated the thought you were making him feel anything close to that.
You sighed and tilted your head back to look up at the stars again. Not looking him directly in the eye made it easier to confess what had been weighing you down so much recently. "I'm scared you'll forget me, Alex."
Silence followed, then, "What?"
"You're going to get famous because of this hotel. You have to know that. You won't have time for me anymore, which is fine because I'm just the girl that made your coffee, anyway. Even if you did have time, there's a chance some other girl will come along that's way better than me in every aspect. She'll be prettier, nicer, more successful, more important. I won't even be jealous of her, because I'll know she'll be far more deserving of you attention than I am. You'll fall in love with her and forget about me and I'll force myself to move on and maybe, eventually, I'll fall in love with someone else, too."
More silence punctuated your words, but this time, Alex didn't fill it with objections or utterances of confusion. Although you were staring up into space, from the very bottom of your line of sight, you could tell he was still staring at you. His mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, as if he was struggling to think of exactly what to say. You didn't blame him; how could you? You'd just dumped an absolute boatload on him.
It felt like an eternity had passed before he tried to form an answer for you. “I could never forget you, even if I wanted to.”
Slowly, your head lowered again, and you stared at him, unsure of what to say in response. Now it was your turn to be stunned into silence. You looked off to the side, then at the edge of the pool behind him, then back at him. “Why?”
He sighed and ran a wet hand through his hair. “The first time I saw you,” he began slowly, “I was ready to worship the ground you stood on. You might think yourself to be plain, Y/N, but in less than a few weeks, you became my whole world, only leaving enough space for …” He gestured around the two of you, his eyes widening a bit, much as they always did when he wanted to emphasise something.
Your brows knitted together at his confession. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I was well aware I’d sound mental,” he said bluntly, dropping his arms back into the water with a small splash. “Because I knew you’d think I was a creep. I was obsessed, and I felt guilty for that, even if I wasn’t tryin’ to stalk you or anything.”
You considered his words. Although you wanted to deny it to make him feel better, you knew he was right; you probably would’ve told your manager if one of the customers tried to confess his undying love to you. “But …” You trailed off, trying to think of what to say next. Your gaze dropped to the water again. “Who’s to say you still feel that way, now that you know me?”
He let out a short laugh. “Fuckin’ hell, Y/N. You’re quite stubborn, aren’t you?” When you didn’t respond, he continued. “When I told you how I felt the night of the party, I meant it,” he said quietly. “I wasn’t lying to you or trying to comfort you. I’ve always had feelings for you, and as far as I’m concerned, I always will. Nothing will change that.”
You didn’t say anything and looked away a little shamefully. You felt a bit silly for being so doubtful up to this point; it was clear Alex liked you, a lot. He called it an obsession, but you didn’t know if it really was as dramatic as he was making it out to be or if he was so inexperienced that having feelings for anyone qualified as being madly in love. Then again, he’d never struck you as the inexperienced type … quite the opposite, really, especially when you considered the ease with which he’d eaten you out.
Alex seemed to pick up on your remorse. He let out another sigh before saying, “Let’s get out of here, yeah? I don’t know about you, but I’m fuckin’ freezing.”
The two of you clambered out of the pool, heading into one of the changing rooms to dry off as best you could and wrapping yourselves up in robes. You’d have to shower later, you thought to yourself. You wondered if you could shower with Alex, and the mere thought tinted your cheeks a light shade of pink. Although you didn’t vocalise any of your thoughts, he seemed to be thinking the same thing as you, for he entwined his hand with yours and said, “Shall we go to my room?” All you could do was nod.
Inside his room, things were the same as they’d been the last time you were in there. You followed him into the bathroom, watching as he gently shut and locked the door before turning to face you. He offered you a small smile, a gesture that made you feel comfortable enough to shed your robe and strip out of your bikini. He followed suit, letting his robe and his swim trunks hit the floor in a circle of damp fabric around him. You refused to let your gaze wander to any part of his body that wasn’t his face, and at the sheer effort that seemed to take on your part, he couldn’t help but laugh.
One of the things that scared you the most about taking a shower with another person was the possibilities. As Alex turned on the water and tested it a couple of times, making sure it was warm enough before stepping inside with you following suit, your mind immediately jumped to the possibility of Alex rearranging your insides against the shower wall. Did that idea come into your head a bit too eagerly? Yes. Were you embarrassed by it? 100%. Would you ever tell Alex you had that idea? Fuck no. Were you a little scared of it happening because Alex was the only man that had ever touched you and you weren’t even sure if you’d like having sex? Absolutely.
To your surprise (and perhaps relief), though, nothing of the sort happened. Alex let you shampoo his hair first, letting out small sounds of contentment as you massaged his scalp. You worked slowly, not wanting this moment between the two of you to end anytime soon. Once his hair was adequately shampooed, he washed the suds out of his hair, then grabbed the bottle off the shelf and squeezed some into his hand. He snapped it shut on his wrist, set it back down, then began massaging the apple-scented shampoo into your own hair. You didn’t have to lean down like he did, considering you were shorter than him and he could access your scalp much easier than you could his.
You two had been in a rather comfortable silence, and he was the first to break it, although not jarringly so. “D’you like cookies?”
A small laugh erupted from you. “Who doesn’t?”
“Fair point,” he mumbled. “I was just askin’ because the café made too many yesterday, and I was gonna steal some for you.”
“Well, what kind are they?”
“Chocolate chip. Close your eyes.” Alex seized the shower head, and you quickly did as you were told, feeling the water and shampoo rush down against your head. Every so often, the water would hit your hairline, and it tickled. As he worked, he continued talking, although the torrent made it a bit harder to hear him. “I might steal a dozen, then we can split ‘em.”
When he finally pulled the shower head away from you, you reached up to dry your eyes. “Bold of you to assume I would share.”
“Ah, well …” He looked off to the side, then back down at you, his hands settling on his hips. “You’re talking to the hotel owner, so I don’t think you have much of a choice.”
“It’s a bit cruel of you to use your position against me.”
He merely hummed in response, unable to hide the smile your words generated, and grabbed the bottle of conditioner.
The rest of the shower went smoothly, and you were a little sad when it ended. It was, arguably, the most intimate you’d ever gotten with him. You two had helped each other wash, and gradually, you became less shy about touching each other. It made you realise something; you’d been viewing this kind of physical contact as sexual for an embarrassingly long time, but now that it was happening, it wasn’t sexual at all. You regretted the lewd circumstances your mind had tried to frame a shared shower in.
You’d gotten dressed following your shower, and now you found yourself back in Alex’s bed. This time, he was laying with his cheek pressed against your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat. On occasion, his fingers would begin to tap out the rhythm against your sides, although they’d stop a few seconds later. Your own fingers worked absentmindedly through his hair, and at some point, you’d begun to work on a small braid. You didn’t think he could feel it; if he did, he didn’t say anything. It would be amusing to see him discover it later.
His voice was a low rumble, and you got the idea he was more tired than he let on. “Thank you.”
Your fingers halted their movements. “For what?”
“For existing.”
Those two words made you want to cry, and you had to force yourself to blink back tears. You worked more urgently on his braid, trying to keep yourself distracted, but this meant he could feel you tugging at his hair now. His head lifted from your chest, and his expression softened into one of understanding as he shifted his body upwards and pressed a kiss to each of your cheeks, catching tears that weren’t there. “I mean it,” he murmured. “And … thank you for giving me a chance.”
That brought out the waterworks, and the tears, hot and heavy, poured from your eyes before you could stop them. His hands left your sides and came up to cup your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away your tears. He kissed your forehead, your nose, and then your lips, lingering there longer than the rest. When he pulled away, he pressed his forehead to yours, staring deep into your eyes. “Stay with me.”
Your eyes widened a little. “What?”
“Stay with me,” he repeated. “Help me manage the hotel. Or … hell, if you don’t want a thing to do with this, I understand, just-” He sighed and screwed his eyes shut. “Stay in my life,” he whispered. “Please.”
He didn’t have to ask that of you. The answer would always be yes. In a million universes, a million more lifetimes, the endless aisles of circumstances that were lined up neatly in the library of what could have been, you would always follow him. Maybe in one world, you would meet as a biker / florist duo. In another, he’d be a dazzling musician, and you’d be an awestruck photographer. In another, he might be a damn vampire, trying to navigate the world without being killed and while shunning the daylight and wearing sunglasses positively everywhere. He could be some eldritch horror, and you would still follow him to the ends of the earth. You knew that even if you were under a horribly strong curse, he would always find a way to break it. He would always find a way to make sure you could follow him. “Of course I will,” you whispered in reply. “Always.”
His eyes slowly peeled open, and he managed a soft smile at you, kissing you once more. “The day after you stole my heart,” he murmured against your lips, “everything I touched told me it’d be better shared with you.”
tags: @elexnorislingtxn / @edandmollydeservebetter / @sagegreensimmr / @billyseye / @not-a-big-slay
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Modern Bridgerton AU
Colin & Penelope
Colin has no interest in getting anywhere near the family business. He takes an extended gap year after high school (he goes to “find himself” on a farming collective in New Zealand…after parting his way through Europe for 6 months). Eventually he does make it to college, after which he fucks back off to wander around the world.
Penelope has always enjoyed writing, but more importantly loves observing people from the side lines. She’s the quiet one in a loud, kind of obnoxious family, so pretending to be invisible comes easily for her. She goes to NYU and gets a degree in Journalism. While there, she starts the Whistledown blog making observations about the New York elite (it started as a class project…then she kept going). It's mostly benign. Sometimes it’s the social stuff (who was at which party wearing what), and sometimes it's in-depth analysis of how someone’s business is doing (data and all). Whistledown basically becomes required reading for New York upper social circles. 
Fun side note: While Colin and Penelope have always known each other (Penelope is best friends with Colin’s younger sister Eloise), they’d never spent any time together (who hangs out with their little sister’s friends?). That is, until they get to college. Because of Colin’s gap years, they end up overlapping at NYU for a couple years, during which time they get pretty close…like, REALLY close. But then Colin graduates and heads off for his adventures and Penelope stays in New York with her ever growing Whistledown blog.
They reconnect when Colin comes back to the city. There’s a drunken hook up in the back of a cab (following a party of some sort), after which they spend the next day together. Since it’s a Sunday, Violet is hosting Sunday Family Dinner, so Colin just texts "I'm bringing Penelope." Everyone's like, cool, great, we love Penelope. They show up holding hands and keep sitting down next to each other with his arm around her waist, holding hands, leaning into each other - full couple mode, no shame. It still takes everyone legitimately half the night for someone to go... is something happening here? 
Patented Bridgerton style everyone-at-once conversation explodes at the table: 
Benedict: Surely Penelope can do much better than Colin. 
Eloise: No way something is happening here. Oh my god are you two dating? No way, you would have told me. Oh my god, are you two actually dating?
Kate: Eloise, are you going to be okay? 
Daphne: They did look awfully cozy at Cressida's birthday party last night. 
Sophie: Did you two hook up after Cressida’s birthday party?! 
Anthony: Did you think none of us would notice that you were suddenly a couple?
Gregory: We’ve all been here for 3 hours and none of us did notice. 
Hyacinth: Except for me, obviously. 
Francesca: Then why didn't you say anything?
Colin gives them a few minutes to wear themselves out before announcing that yes, they are together. And things escalate quickly after that, with them getting engaged after a couple months. At their engagement party, a drunken Colin makes an impromptu speech where he announces that he’s “just SO PROUD of his fiancé, Penelope! Do you guys know how awesome she is? She runs that gossip blog that everyone’s obsessed with ALL BY HERSELF! How cool is that!” Yeah…no one knew it was Penelope’s blog.
The consequences of her being outed as the author of the blog aren’t dire (it’s not like she’s ever been intentionally malicious or tried to ruin someone). In fact, she starts getting access to hot ticket restaurants and parties, and the society girlies are suddenly nicer to her as they start trying to score spots on the site for their side hustle brands. She gets a buy-out offer (Buzzfeed, Cracked, Wired, whatever) and the site expands. A lot. She continues to run it, and Colin writes travel articles every once-in-a-while (he’s basically a kept man and living his best life in their Upper East Side penthouse).
more (x)
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flanaganfilm · 1 year
Hi Mike! Just wondering about the wonderful Katie Parker. Since she’s been a part of the Flanaverse for a pretty long time, I was wondering how she joined Absentia and which of her roles in your work is YOUR favourite? Personally I can’t get over how good she was as Poppy.
Also just want to quickly say I’m so excited to see T’Nia again in Usher. Thank you and have a lovely day!!
I first met Katie back in - I want to say 2008? Somewhere in there. She was friends with my girlfriend at the time and soon we were friends too. She was an actor struggling to find footing in LA and used to come over for movie nights and crash on our couch, and as time went by I started to think of her as a sister. I was working full-time as an editor on reality TV shows and trying to get something started. I wrote Absentia as a project for my friends to star in, so Katie's role was custom tailored just for her. Same with Courtney, Dave, Morgan and Justin. We were all living in LA and had similar dreams, but were all struggling to pay the rent and this was a chance to make something together that might get noticed.
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(Above: The first table read of ABSENTIA, sometime in 2010)
We had a blast making that little movie, and it actually did what we all hoped it would do - it kicked open some doors, and led to Oculus being picked up by Trevor Macy at Intrepid Pictures (who has produced everything I've made since).
Katie had a small cameo in Oculus, playing the phone store clerk who sells Brenton Thwaites his first cell phone after being released from a lifetime in a mental institution. The scene was sweet and Katie was great, but it wasn't in the final cut of the film. I think it may be available on the blu-ray but I'm not sure to be honest. Katie remained a great friend, but there weren't really roles in the following movies that were a perfect fit. When I got my first shot at making TV, though, I really wanted her to be in The Haunting of Hill House. She auditioned to play Joey, the recovering addict who befriends Luke. The studio wanted to go another way with the part, and so I decided to write the new character of Poppy Hill for Katie instead, and she absolutely crushed it. It was meant to be.
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(Katie as Poppy Hill on the set of The Haunting of Hill House)
After that, she was kind enough to take a smaller role in a much bigger film, portraying Silent Sarey in Doctor Sleep.
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(Katie signs autographs at the premiere of Doctor Sleep)
When it came time to make The Haunting of Bly Manor, I had a fun idea for Katie and my wife Kate to play the doomed sisters in one of our coolest episodes. It was exciting for Hill House fans to see them together, but it was really terrific for me to have so much trust in two actors who could make such a huge impact in one episode.
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After Bly, Katie joined us for The Midnight Club, and has a wonderful role (and does some of her absolute best work) in the upcoming The Fall of the House of Usher. Just before those, though, she joined us at the Saturn Awards in LA, where we had an impromptu Absentia reunion with my sibling Jamie Flanagan and my dear friend Doug Jones, both of whom acted in that little movie all those years ago. It was really neat to see everyone in the same place again, and think back about how far we've come since those days filming in that pee-covered tunnel.
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Katie is a phenomenal actor, and I was lucky enough to work with her at the very beginning of my career, and now five more time since. She's unique among the family of actors that I've accumulated over the years, in that she was there from the very beginning. We sat in a tiny apartment in Glendale dreaming of making movies, worrying about paying our rent, and trying to figure out how the hell to get where we wanted to go. I'm proud to know her, proud to collaborate her, and proud to call her family. I expect you'll see her in many, many more Intrepid productions for years to come.
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alexinchainsfest · 3 months
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Well, that was fun! At least it was for me, I hope you guys enjoyed it too, biggest thanks to everyone who participated ♥
13 works were added to the collection over the month, so here is a recap!
Sweet Amnesia by Myulalie for @rirren [E, 4 374 words]
Ian disappears, and Alex gets into his head to hire “Ian’s old army buddy” to rescue his uncle. Yassen Gregorovich comes with a price.
Adjournment by iceblyecyanide for @strangesoulmates [T, 5 399 words]
“Did no one ever tell you that it’s impolite to enter someone’s room without invitation, Alex Rider?” Chess prodigy Alex Rider is attending the 1981 Moscow Invitational when a moment of curiosity leads him into trouble, and lands him an impromptu rematch with the World Champion, Soviet Grandmaster Yassen Gregorovich.
The Boy in the Ice by Myulalie for @lastlymatt [T, 3 932 words]
Project IceX takes Yassen to a lab in Siberia in order to relive a miraculously preserved humanoid, seemingly older than humanity itself.
I don't want to lose you again by turtle_snail for @shehungthemoon [T, 7 461 words]
Alex gets a phone call from the hospital saying that his uncle was in a bad accident. Except, Ian Rider died four years ago…
A Surprising Holiday by TheOtherBlue for @myulalie [E, 3 487 words]
Alex runs into Yassen while on holiday in Greece and sees a chance to flip the script of their encounters. Yassen isn't entirely convinced, but is willing to play along.
The Monster in the Cellar by Too_Many_Rooks for @icebluecyanide [Not Rated, 5 104 words]
'Perhaps he’d lied to himself as much as he’d lied to MI6. Every report they’d demanded had read the same; his nephew was normal, and safe, and happy, and they couldn’t have him. Ian was his parent in every way that mattered, not a prison warden for the thing that might lurk inside him. No one would take his kid away from him. But the snarling, blood-stained, monster, barely conscious with all his hate and his hunger that was chained up in their basement didn’t much resemble the sweet little boy who’d run to greet him at the door when he returned from long overseas missions, or the child who’d stare with wide-eyed joy and fascination as Ian showed him the world, nor even the stroppy tween who liked to complain about how boring and embarrassing his guardian was.' Ian is forced to enact a plan he'd been desperate to avoid when he returns home one day to find his nephew... changed.
Lot 14 by Rirren for @lastlymatt [E, 2 509 words]
Blind and deaf, Alex Rider is helpless as he is auctioned off.
Pinewood by turtle_snail [T, 5 166 words]
Alex and Freddy are captured by nightshade, the situation is starting to seem dire and maybe Alex can’t sass his way out of this one.
A different kind of sacrifice by limnal for @strangesoulmates [E, 4 346 words]
Alex, a young Celt, has been chosen to be handfasted with Yassen, a druid known for his love of blood magic and human sacrifice. There are expectations to fulfill this night.
A Winter Offering by LastlyMatt for @myulalie [E, 4 561 words]
In order for the village to make it through winter, Alex has been chosen as a sacrifice for the spirit of the woods.
Salt Water by Myulalie for @shehungthemoon [E, 4 618 words]
Five times Alex forces Yassen’s hand (and gets away with it).
Disciplinary Action by icebluecyanide for @lastlymatt [M, 4 475 words]
General Alexei Sarov makes good on his promise to have Alex whipped. "There will be no more outbursts," Sarov told him, his tone brooking no disobedience. "You will be quiet, and you will watch. And when Juan's punishment is over, you will take his place." Written for FebuWhump Day 24: "I'm doing this because I care about you" and the Alex in Chains prompt "Alex tied up in front of an audience".
The Mystery Suitor by turtle_snail for @myulalie [M, 8 311 words]
“I’ll think this is an amazing deal. It will bring prosperity to both our kingdoms. I think Prince Alex can agree.” He heard Ian say. Alex's curiosity doubled. He caught his name being included in some deal Ian was making on his behalf. “What was that about?” Alex demanded, not hiding the fact that he was eavesdropping seconds before. “You have a suitor.” Ian said, "I just got a marriage proposal.”
What a way to start the year! Thank you to all the participants, once again, and happy reading to anyone catching up now ♥
Feel free to keep browsing through the wishlists and gift something to someone even if the event is over, I'll be happy to reblog it here if you do!
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
Overall BTS in Order Summary + Takeaways
Okay, this project was a) impromptu and b) fun and c) biiiggg.
There are some observations and thoughts that didn't quite fit in any one month that I wanted to add on. I also wanted to think through what I take away from this timeline as far as ggdd's relationship. So here's super-duper long post.
Shenanigans on set - professionalism
It's commonly observed that ggdd are a chaotic duo, and the impression you get from watching bts highlights is that they must have been a nightmare on set. If you watch through the bts clips on the daily, though, it's easy to see why gg and dd are well-regarded by people they work with.
Most of their day is endless takes of doing the same scene over and over. They spend a lot of time talking through a scene and their characters. Sometimes making small modifications but usually just giving a scene another go. They're usually doing this in harsh physical and emotional conditions, whether hanging on wires, immersing themselves in cold water, doing fight scenes in thick robes and sweltering heat, or working into the wee hours of the morning. Both gg and dd worked while injured and/or sick.
The moments of chaos are pretty rare and typically not disruptive. They're during moments where they're waiting for the crew to set something up. Sometimes they're egged on by the crew and the director. Overall, they're dedicated professionals who took advantage of slow moments for some fun but were otherwise focused on the show.
Kudos also to the rest of the cast and crew who were similarly dedicated. (Also, how do I get a job as dd's umbrella holder? Where should I send a resume?)
If you go into the bilibili playlist expecting non-stop ggdd shenanigans, you're gonna be disappointed. If, you're, like me, a nerd who finds the meta of filming interesting and doesn't mind sitting through people doing the same thing over and over again, then you're in luck because there's literal hours of that.
The fuzziness of the timeline.
I want to provide some cautions with the timeline. I rely heavily on a cfan-made bilibili playlist whose method I honestly can't understand bc it doesn't translate well through Google. What's more, I made some judgment calls when comparing against other timelines I've found, a cfan-made Weibo timeline, and vic's timeline here on Tumblr. Any of these could be wrong, so don't take this timeline as super-duper solid.
There are times I identify a clip as a widely-known translated clip, and there were also clips that were NOT in the bb playlist but that I tried to place based on some assumptions. I want to break these down.
Type 1
This is simple. These are when there's a clip on the playlist that is identical to a translated clip I've seen, just without the subtitles. This makes up most of them. The chocolate bar hug, the bondage conversation, the jealousy in English clip. As long as the bb playlist date is correct, then the date for these clips should be correct.
Type 2
Much less common. This is when I've seen a longer, translated version of a clip on the bb playlist so I'll include in the timeline what else goes in that clip.
As an example, the bb playlist has the clip of dd pretending to choke gg. I've seen elsewhere that this clip continues past where the bb playlist cuts off to also show gg singing Sam Smith to dd. So I place those both on the same day. These should be as reliable as Type 1
Type 3
These are the most open to error. There are clips that are not in the bb playlist but that have gg and dd in the same costumes, shooting the same scene as playlist clips. In those cases, I make a (big) assumption that they took place on the same day.
As an example, the bb playlist has Cloud Recess era gg and dd in the Cold Springs (not the secret cave but the place where gg makes his sword pee). The playlist does not include the clips of gg injuring his foot, but I've seen those clips and they're shooting the same scenes so the costumes and such are the same. I assume they're all on the same day.
But I could be wrong. Oftentimes, the same scene is reshot weeks later for technical reasons. Some scenes take multiple days to shoot. The script was also changing as they shifted away from het-washing wwx, and they had to reshoot some scenes as a result. The clip of gg injuring his foot could be from some other day when they had to shoot those scenes again for whatever reason.
Likewise with the cloud recess library pretzeling clip. I'm guessing it goes on 8/20, because that's the only day the playlist has clips from those scenes. But that does not mean that 8/20 was the only day cloud recess library scenes were filmed.
The other scene that falls into this type is from June, when gg and dd complain to each other about how few scenes they have together. The clip I've seen (elsewhere) was clearly taken while shooting the scene where LSX and WN run off together, so I've placed it there.
This brings us back to what I explained in April but I really just want to pound on it: we know SOOOO little. Most days, we don't even have an hour's worth of bts footage. There are so many scenes shot that we don't have any insight on. And we don't know what we don't know (and probably never will).
There are some clips that weren't included on the bb playlist that I can't even begin to guess the date for. I've seen the clip of gg saying "delete it" to a wwx/wq scene, but even though I know the costume that gg and dd were wearing, I don't have anything more specific to place it to a date.
I also really wanted to know what the date is on the clip of dd questioning a costume-jiejie about what gg said about him in an interview. No such luck. The most I can do is guess it may be related to the interview in July. The Aug interviews seem way too late for that clip, but who knows? (Honestly, the July interview seems a bit late for that type of clip)
Another clip that I wish I could date: the clip where dd casually mentions how handsome Xue Yang is to prompt gg to give rainbow farts to lwj.
I was also just curious about the WQ scenes in general, so I was disappointed they weren't on the playlist. I've seen some of the original WQ scenes elsewhere (I guess from gg solo playlists on YouTube), and I'm just generally interested in the shift the production team made in response to fan complaints (and maybe to complaints from their stars?).
All this to say, take the timeline as fuzzy. If someone wants to take on the herculean task of tracking down and correcting my errors (and making that super-awesome comprehensive Google sheet), then you have my highest respect (and my sword).
Is the devil's timeline possible? Looking at you, may.
I've been approaching my takeaways from the assumption that they met first on DDU, didn't interact for a year, then properly met again when they ended up on the Untamed. I don't have strong feelings about the Devil's Timeline, honestly, and I wouldn't be too surprised if it's true. But I tend to stick to the documented first meeting timepoint when speculating, just to not compound speculation atop speculation.
But putting that aside, if there anything in the timeline that rejects the Devil's Timeline out of hand? Not really. Some of the harder to explain dates are also hard to explain with the standard timeline (I'll get to those), so the devil's timeline is as likely as anything.
Is there anything that supports the Devil's Timeline?
Well, there are some clips that indicate a committed relationship much earlier than the standard timeline assumes. This may not necessarily mean we're in devil land. It could just mean their relationship moved faster than most people think. But they are notable.
Let's look at 2 clips in May that stand out as odd.
On 5.22, there's a clip attached to a rumor that gg and dd had a fight. The rumor goes that dd left the set early for some reason. In the morning, when gg asked where dd was going, dd said it was none of his business. When he returned, gg gave him the silent treatment. Dd grew increasingly upset about it while gg got snippy about how dd clearly didn't want him to care about him.
The clip this goes with is shot from a distance. There's no real sound, so I'm assuming that somebody did some lip-reading to come up with a transcript (that was then translated to English for the version I've seen). In it, an upset dd tells gg that he never told him (gg) not to care about him (dd).
There's obvious issues when relying on lip-reading for a conversation. Especially in this case, because their mouths are blocked at several points by people bustling around. The most I can reliably say about this clip is that gg does look a little frosty and dd is most definitely upset (like, startlingly upset).
If the rumor and the lip-read are accurate, this type of exchange only really makes sense in the context of some type of serious relationship. This was about a month before the dragon boat festival date.
I don't know enough about the original rumor to even have a guess as to how reliable it is. It's interesting to me, though, and I'm not inclined to dismiss it out of hand. If it's not true, then I wonder what, exactly, dd was so upset over if they're not yet in a relationship.
The other odd clip is the 5.17 clip of gg being jealous of the camera guy.
It's clear that gg felt threatened by the camera guy, but it's ambiguous as to what that implies about their relationship. Jealousy can rear its head within a romantic relationship, of course. But it could also manifest if they're still just friends but gg feels a special claim on dd somehow. Maybe they're in early flirting stages. Maybe gg knows dd has a crush on him, likes it, and feels threatened when dd's attention (which is usually pretty focused on him) is taken by another guy.
Any of these could be the case here. So gg's jealousy doesn't necessarily indicate that gg and dd are an item at that time. But it could.
These 2 clips are definitely interesting in how early they happen, and the earlier we see signs that gg and dd are an item, the more likely the devil's timeline is real.
So yeah. If you're on the devil's side, you got just as much support as anybody else based on this timeline.
Confusing dates
@bzhitstruth and I brought up a couple clips on the timeline that surprised us with their dates. Specifically, the jealousy in English conversation and the "I'm not talking about wwx, I'm talking about xz" moment. Both of these take place in July, while it seemed to me that mid-June would be the latest that gg and dd could get together based on the walk of shame after the dragonboat festival date.
Why is it weird to have these 2 clips a month later?
Well, the jealousy conversation involves them each accusing the other of chatting up other people. DD is specific about having heard gg talking to a girl some days ago whereas gg just accuses dd of having talked to men on WeChat. (I'm putting aside whether dd and gg were chatting up other people bc I'm not incredibly interested in going there. I'm more interested in what it says that they had this discussion). This is a conversation that I would expect to see if they were either not yet in a relationship or if their relationship was brand new and they were bringing up old habits the other had that they feel threatened by.
It reads oddly if they're a month into their relationship.
The other clip is more subjective, but my general impression before doing the timeline was that dd's smooth pickup line there is some early-stage flirtation. Both dd's line and gg's reaction come across as fresh and new, not an interaction one has with a person they've been dating for a month.
These are both Type 1 clips, so as long as the bb playlist is correct, then I'm 100% sure that they're dated correctly.
As to what to make of all this...uh...
"It's complicated" relationship status
Here's a best guess? I'm not committed to this. Just spitballing ideas that may fit the timeline.
I'm also basing this on my experience dating before I got married (I got married when I was 28, so I was still dating when I was gg's age). Of course, I got married around 2010, so the tech and dating landscape was different then. And obviously, I'm an American bisexual woman, not a gay/bi Chinese man. So my experience is probably gonna be a poor fit for gg and dd's experience, is what I'm saying. Take everything with a big ol' grain of salt.
One thing I'm pretty firm on, they had a sexual relationship on or before 6/18. Dd's walk of shame is hard to otherwise explain. There is the possibility that dd did that lazy smell test thing where he didn't have any clean clothes so just wore what he wore yesterday without thinking about it. I knew a looottttt of guys his age that did that (in fairness, I did that sometimes). Course, they were poor college students or burnouts who did not have PAs and staff to do their laundry so...
I'm sticking to it my certainty here. It's not realistic that they started a sexual relationship later than 6/18.
I noted in the May summary post that when dd realized that gg was physically affectionate, he hopped to take advantage of that (not in a predatory way). On 5.4, dd was constantly draping himself all over gg. What if they started having casual sex around this date?
Bear with me, y'all.
Plenty of decent relationships start with casual sex. My marriage began with me intending it to just be FWB (my wife had other intentions and, well, obviously it moved beyond FWB). So let's not do any shaming on this (in other words, I will take it personally). It's a part of modern life. In addition, my understanding is that actors' sex life is oftentimes connected to what they're filming at any given time.
Being friends w/ benefits (FWB) means gg and dd have an intimate connection that we see on set sometimes. On 5.7, dd helps gg practice his dance, for instance. But it also means that they're not on firm romantic footing, even if feelings are creeping in (which they definitely were).
How might this play out? Check out my fanfic outline:
On 5.17, we have gg getting jealous of the camera man. He feels some exclusive claim to dd given their FWB relationship and given dd is clearly nursing a crush on him, and he doesn't like having competition for dd's attention.
On 5.22, they have that fight. I wonder if gg took dd by surprise by pushing the bounds of their relationship to that point. GG, like dd, is feeling more invested in their relationship than a simple FWB requires, and he's getting annoyed when dd doesn't act the same (by going off to lunch without telling him where he's going). DD looks stressed bc while he does want something more with gg, he didn't realize they were at that point, and he's worried he screwed things up before they could develop.
After that point, romance might have started to play more of a role in their interactions as both of them pick up on the fact that the other might want something more as well. On 6.1, gg pulls out the heavy flirting with a kabedon and whispering in dd's ear. DD is clearly into it.
On 6.7, we get the clip where dd seems to ask for a kiss from gg. If they've been having sex since May, this isn't a huge surprise. Their relationship must also be common knowledge on set (they had that 5.22 argument in front of a bunch of crew and XL, all of whom didn't even seem to be paying attention).
On 6.14, they have the frankly obscene Cold Spring Adventures with each other.
Then on 6.18, they go on a date (with director and producer for plausible deniability). Maybe it's the first actual date they have and marks when they officially move from FWB to explicit romance.
On 6.30, there's the scene where jgy monologues while gg wants dd to romantically give up his life for gg (and dd's like, "nah, I'll just use my sword").
Moving a FWB to a romance can be weird and can take some work. Old habits creep in a lot and the fact that things started as FWB can lead to some early relationship insecurity.
On 7.17, dd's a little insensitive when he calls gg stupid after gg injures his foot in the water. GG honestly doesn't seem to notice (he's focused on getting to the shore and looking at his foot), but dd is clearly beating himself up throughout the clip and apologizes multiple times.
On 7.18, we have dd doing his "I'm not talking about wwx, I'm talking about xz" line. Maybe he's going hard, trying to make up for his misstep from yesterday? Given gg's reaction, this is clearly the type of romance he's looking for, so dd pretty much nailed it.
On 7.23 we have the English jealousy conversation. As they started as FWBs, they were probably aware that the other had similar arrangements in the past. That was probably a source of insecurity for both of them at the beginning as they moved onto a romance. This may be what's behind this particular conversation.
On 8.4, the night before dd's birthday, we get some big romance with rooftop stargazing and a birthday countdown. Then on 8.5, the cake and prezzies. On the morning of 8.6, dd posts his Weibo message about continuing things he started at 21 when he's 81.
DD's Weibo post always read as a response to something specific. Maybe gg was starting to have reservations about where their relationship would go after filming. The end was in sight, and gg may have been wanting to pull away, citing dd's age as a concern.
At the same time, they haven't put the kibosh on things yet. Maybe they're just trying not to think about it. They're busy enough, after all, they can put it out of their minds. That's how we get gg singing sam smith to dd on 8.18.
But then something happens. Maybe gg gets some big reminder that filming is wrapping up soon. Whatever it is, he deletes dd as a contact on WeChat. This leads to the 8.20 fight where dd asks gg to add him back and gg says they'll go their separate ways.
Maybe gg does add him back that day after the fight. Maybe he decides to wait until the very end to disconnect rather than hash it out while they still have filming to do. Maybe there are crucial events happening that were never caught on camera (Okay, this is definitely the case).
Whatever it is, they return to some form of normal for the next couple days. Then on the day they wrap, maybe that's the day gg breaks it off again. This is why dd was late to the photoshoot and why they fought on the steps after.
Whew. Okay, so I think that kinda accounts for all the ups and downs of the timeline.
Again, I'm not committed to this take. I'm just spitballing something that might make sense of some of these dates on the timeline. I'd love to see what other folks come up with!
We're all probably wrong anyway, and there's no way we'll ever know! 🤡🤡🤡🐢🐢🐢🐢
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notebookishtype · 2 months
Hello, do you have any recs for star wars books and comics with the best lukeleia content? In my lukeleia era and I really wanna start reading some OT legends stuff but I don’t know where to start.
Stories that take place during, between, and shortly after the Original Trilogy? We are lucky to have decades worth of content set in this time period! It’s the only place we can find things published before the sibling reveal, and/or acknowledging that Luke and Leia were attracted to each other.
✨I’ve included links to every book and comic mentioned below. I don’t think it’s immoral to pirate from a corporation. If you (general) take issue with that, I have bought most items listed at least once, and I would lend it to you if I could.
✨Some of the comics are only available in large collections, you may need to scroll to find the correct issues.
Legends Books
The first that comes to mind is Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. It was published in 1978, Luke and Leia were still love interests, and it takes place after ANH. They crash land on a mining planet and discover there is an Imperial presence there.
Fun Facts:
This story was commissioned to be a low budget sequel if A New Hope flopped.
This novel also inspired some of the canon lore for kyber crystals.
I started an impromptu reread earlier this year, and I did not remember how shippy this book was. This is just four pages into the book:
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Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was also adapted into a comic in 1995… and it was still incredibly shippy? I recommend both if you have the time and executive function. If you’re low on focus or time, go with the comic.
I’ve been told the novelization of A New Hope also has the same vibes, and is by the same author. So if you enjoy Splinter thats another place to look.
As far as other novels, we’re mostly looking at crumbs. Off the top of my head I know both Shadows of the Empire and The Truce at Bakura acknowledge their feelings for each other.
Shadows of the Empire:
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The Truce at Bakura:
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I would only recommend these if you’re interested in the rest of either story.
Shadows is a take on what happened between ESB and ROTJ, published in ‘96. Want to see how the Rebels get the plans for the Second Death Star? Read this. Want to see Darth Vader forced to play politics? Read this. If Han and Leia’s relationship is a no go for you, you might consider skipping it. Content Warning: the antagonist attempts to “seduce” Leia via pheromones. Read: rape. He is a serial rapist.
Truce takes place immediately after ROTJ, and has some great character moments for our heroes, again a lot of focus on Leia and Han. I do, however, choose to view the fact that Luke’s love interest in this book is a young Imperial Senator who we are meant to compare to Leia, through a shippy lense. I cannot escape the idea that Luke is projecting. Otherwise this book is about dinosaur looking aliens using human’s life energy to power their ships.
If you’re interested in checking any of these books out I recommend looking here or here.
Legends Comics
Splinter of the Mind’s Eye (1995)—as mentioned above.
Star Wars Tales (1999-2005) 15, Do or Do Not—Takes place immediately after ROTJ. Luke is processing after the Battle of Endor, and uncertain of his place. His feelings for Leia are acknowledged.
Star Wars (2013) 1-6, In the Shadow of Yavin—Takes pace after ANH. Leia is working with a handpicked X-wing squadron, to expose a spy. Her position in command causes friction between her and Luke. This is one of the few stories really leans into Leia having feelings for Luke.
Star Wars (2013) 15-18, Rebel Girl—Leia accepts a political proposal in exchange for a secure base location. Luke is a jealous brat about it, puts himself in danger, and plans to run away.
Marvel Star Wars (‘77–86)—I haven’t read these yet, but I’ve seen plenty of panels and pages posted on Tumblr that give lukeleia vibes, even some that take place after ROTJ. These have been gathered into several omnibuses. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Disney Comics
Star Wars (2015) 1-6, Skywalker Strikes—After ANH, the gang is infiltrating an Imperial arms factory, Vader shows up, Luke has a crisis. The Luke and Leia interactions are primarily in issues 3 & 4, but it’s a solid story arc.
Star Wars (2015) 33–Actual Publisher’s Summary: The Hero of the Rebellion & the Princess of the Revolution! Luke and Leia finally get some time alone… Unfortunately, it's stranded on a desert island.
The Storms of Crait (2017)—After ANH. Our heroes travel to Crait, in hopes of establishing a base there. Luke is delightfully flustered by a kiss on the cheek from Leia.
Star Wars Adventures (2017) 4 & 5, The Trouble at Tibrin—Leia and Luke are on a diplomatic mission that goes awry. Leia rescues Luke in this one. Acknowledges Luke’s feelings.
Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018, Mind Your Manners—Another diplomatic mission gone wrong. Not all that shippy, but discovered it while making this list, so it felt wrong to leave it off.
Star Wars Adventures (2020) 7 & 8, The Princess and the Bog, A Twin Tale—Leia and Luke are scouting base locations. Luke is terrible at following Leia’s orders, and wants to pet all the animals.
Star Wars Hyperspace Stories (2022) 2–Another search for a base location. There are several cute moments between them in this one.
Deleted Scenes & Behind The Scenes
I know the ask was about books and novels, but I’d also recommend—if you haven’t already—searching for deleted scenes, alternate takes, behind the scenes photos and promo photos, etc. There are goodies from each film, but the most substantial stuff is from/for ESB.
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Is That Everything?
I doubt it. There are many other stories that take place in this time frame that I haven’t investigated yet. Here are some that are on my list:
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (Legends novel)
Heir to the Jedi (Canon novel)
Heart of the Jedi (unpublished Legends novel)
Star Wars (1977-1986) (Legends comics) (mentioned above)
Star Wars (2020) aka Star Wars V3 (Canon comics)
Razor’s Edge & Honor Among Thieves (Legends novel duology)
I’d bet on there being content down the timeline that reads as shippy, but that’s a whole future post.
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bioexorcizm · 1 month
HI DEX I hope you've been well!! I see you've been Jack posting a lot and I haven't seen the movie yet but I need info about your s/i or your shop lore. Or just anything!!
♡ @eternally-smitten
thank you nat! i know i havent gone into much detail but it was because i was still trying to think through things. will put it under a readmore as well bc its fairly lengthy for an ask!
my s/i is named harley! they are an artist (and i use general artist bc they often dip into a lot of different mediums for their art), and use their platform to push for social change; they gained notoriety from a very hefty anti war effort in the 60s & well into the 70s through various public demonstrations and art projects -- it's why they initially were interviewed impromptu via phone by jack sometime during '68, though back then he was still doing radio in chicago.
fast forward a few years, night owls airs for the first time in '71. within the first year or so of running, jack (who has only heard of harley's recent projects, being an ny resident themselves) asks harley back for a proper interview, this time on the show.
it goes fairly well, with high ratings solely because before this, harley mostly kept out of the public eye, their art and its messages being the centerpiece of public consumption (think banksy), and jack really only having the means to contact them at all because of that mostly-unnoticed interview a few years prior. harley agrees, hoping to get their message out to a wider audience, but beyond that, harley and him just mesh well in personality and humor, and quickly become friends.
from there, they keep in contact as casual friends, with harls helping him with some writing once in a while until after a couple years (i imagine we're into '74-75 at this point) they quietly resign to a creative co-partnership after the us pulls out of vietnam (read: harley decides to take a step back from the big outspoken antiwar efforts and focus on philanthropy for affected parties, leaving them with a lot of downtime and a lot of creative constipation) of some sort, with harls splitting their time between their own art and being around to help with jack's show.
obviously harley at this point is absolutely in love with jack, but wholly respects his marriage and never breaks those boundaries, leaving it as a one sided, unreciprocated (?) crush for quite some time. after jack's wife gets sick and dies, though, harley presents themselves as a shoulder for jack to cry on, and maybe he realizes he was always a little in love with them too, and that it wouldn't be so bad to go through the next few stages of the grieving process alone...?
so. yeah! friends to lovers, with a lot of slowburn and quite a bit of angst thrown in 🫶 theres some fun hcs i have for them (like jack calls harley "ziggy" after ziggy stardust, since their fashion sense and gender freakiness is VERY similar to bowie's act...or maybe bowie got it from them...? 👁️) but that's the basis!!
sorry it is so long i just have been thinking abouy them nonstop for quite a few days now ❤️ i would LOVE to talk more abt harley and/or their relationship though so please feel free to ask anything else !!
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bladerbunny · 7 months
Brooklyn Headcanons
Casual headcanons
>Afraid of pelicans and seagulls, despite them being birds. He had a bad experience at the beach once and can't quite get over that. >takes up small carpentry projects as a hobby in order to build bird houses. >lowkey artsy fartsy. Can paint a nice landscape if he is in the right headspace >Piano music. loves piano. Something about it settles him nicely >Allergic to grass. >He hates motorized transportation of any sort and would rather walk across town instead of waiting for the crowded city bus. He gets anxious packed in with other people >Sweet tooth. Hide your candy! >Doesn't wear socks >Cried when he forgot to feed his Tamagatchi and it died, forcing his teammates to have an impromptu funeral for it (ming ming did the eulogy and hymns. it was a lovely service) >Teaches parrots to cuss at the pet store because he doesn't believe they should be in captivity.
Relationship Headcanons
>Dating Brooklyn is actually a lot harder than you would think, at first. He sees commitment as another way to limit the freedom the birds have that he has been craving all of his life. But once he finds the right partner, he realizes it's the same feeling. >He loves passionately, and can get a little out of hand with showing that. Once he tumbles down that hill, you have to let him know you need the space to gather yourself. He can be smothering. >Loves to hold his partner close and do a little shuffling slow dance to absolutely no music whatsoever in the background. >Love language is quality time. >If you let him he will want to spend every waking moment with you >Take this man on a date to the zoo, or a fun picnic in the park one sunny afternoon. >Is so afraid of your judgement. really the first time he has ever given though to what someone else thinks of him. >Jealousy can be a problem. >Will lie awake in bed for hours watching you sleep, brushing a strand of hair out of your face, placing his forehead against yours, and just taking in every little bit of you he can get. >Will steal your bathrobe and slippers in the morning.
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fandom-go-round · 2 months
The First Few Dates aka Middle Aged Lover's Club (MALC)
The first time they go out, it's not really a date. At least Yashiki doesn't think it's a date. Are four people allowed to go out on dates?
Mashita Satoru x Yashiki Kazuo x Daimon Shuuji x Hiroo Madoka (Poly Relationship, OT4)
This won't leave my head. You're welcome world for the ship no one asked for. Is this going to be a thing? No idea.
Warnings: Implied Canon Typical Violence, Low Self Esteem (Yashiki), Polyamory, Poly Negotiations, Pre-Relationship
The first time they go out, it’s not really a date. At least Yashiki doesn’t take it as a date. Hiroo had insisted the adults get together to let loose and Yashiki didn’t have the heart to say no. Mashita had loudly and insistently said he wasn’t going, a blatant lie since he was sitting right next to Yashiki. Hiroo and Daimon sat across from them, a bottle of sake in the middle of the table.
It doesn’t take long for Hiroo and Mashita to start bickering, Hiroo getting louder the more alcohol she drinks. Daimon sends Yashiki an amused look, shaking his head and ordering appetizers for the table. The two of them catch up while the younger two exchange barbs, easily starting an impromptu drinking contest. Daimon’s leg bumps into Yashiki’s under the table and he winks, Yashiki’s cheeks going pink. The other two don’t notice, getting close as they lean across the table.
The night ends with Hiroo leaning heavily on Daimon and Mashita smirking at her half-asleep state. Daimon gives Yashiki’s arm a squeeze before taking Hiroo home, the dual lab coats blending into the night. Yashiki drives Mashita back to the mansion, the ex-detective’s good mood not faltering. Mashita spends the night and Yashiki basks in the lightness in his chest; the normal crushing weight has left for the night.
The four of them don’t have time to get together for a couple of months, seeing each other sporadically. Yashiki takes a few cases with Mashita, not as partners but just to help. The knowing glint in Mashita’s eyes betrays what they both know, it’s only a matter of time. He always feels safe with Mashita, even when they’re running for their lives. The younger man is a steady presence at his side.
He goes to lunch with Daimon a couple of times, the two of them meeting at a diner close to the hospital. Yashiki always feels comfortable with the doctor; he doesn’t know what exactly it is but he enjoys relaxing with his friend. They talk about music and the other Mark Bearers, content to exist just the two of them.
Hiroo is harder to get a hold of but Yashiki does his best to make time for her. Usually that means she drags him over town to run errands, carrying her bags and then going for drinks after. She takes longer to relax than the others but Yashiki is proud the first time she actually laughs in front of him. She’s beautiful when she grins.
The next time they’re all able to get together Daimon picks the place, a trendy karaoke bar. Mashita looks like he’s going to cuss everyone out but Hiroo drags him to their room before he can make a scene. Yashiki doesn’t know half of the songs they pick but it’s fun to see everyone let loose. Daimon has a nice voice (when he’s able to sing without coughing) but Mashita is tone deaf. Hiroo vows to never let him live it down but Mashita doesn’t complain too much. It might be because she’s leaning so heavily on him as she laughs.
Something is changing between them. Yashiki can’t pinpoint when or how but things are changing. Mashita has been thawing, not only to himself but the others as well. Hiroo’s teasing is less mocking and has a sweeter edge. Daimon jokes more, something sly on his face instead of serious. Yashiki thinks that he’s changing too; more willing to relax and connect with the people around him.
Moe has been teasing him, saying that Mashita and Hiroo visit him at the mansion a lot more often. Once Moe knows, everyone else knows. Yashiki doesn’t think it’s a big deal, everyone comes to visit him, but there’s something that he’s missing. The one time he asks Mashita, the ex-detective looks at him, sighs and then rolls his eyes.
“Figure it out yourself, idiot.” The words lack their normal heat, Mashita sounding fond. Yashiki had meant to bring it up to Daimon before their next get together but it slips his mind with another spirit case.
Eventually Mashita drags them all to a local hole in the wall, something that Yashiki had walked past without noticing. It’s a mix between a jazz club and a bar, the lights dim and booths secluded. Mashita had swung by the mansion before hand and helped Yashiki pick out an outfit, something completely out of the norm. The detective hadn’t let anything slip, just smirking as he got Yashiki ready. As questions were ignored or brushed off, the older man giving up after a while. Yashiki feels silly as they walk in but once he sees Hiroo and Daimon he feels better; they’ve dressed up as well.
They’re booth is tucked into a corner, away from the noise and other customers. Yashiki enjoys how the low lighting caresses everyone’s face and resists the urge to touch. It’s not something he thinks about often, the way his eyes and hands want to wander. Most of the time he’s able to push the thoughts back but tonight it’s harder. Partly sake, partly because Mashita’s hand has been on his knee the entire night. There’s something unsaid pulsing among them and Yashiki isn’t as scared as he should be.
The tension bubbles over once they leave, exiting into an ally in the back. Yashiki is laughing at a joke Daimon told, bumping shoulders with Mashita. Hiroo turns around at his laugh, letting go of Daimon’s hand to cup his face and kiss him. She tastes like sake and mint, Yashiki freezing before kissing her back. His eyes slide closed, only opening after Hiroo pulls back. The look on her face is self-satisfied, the scientist licking her lips as Yashiki’s cheeks go red.
Mashita let’s out a scoff behind him, Daimon offering a kind smile at Yashiki’s mounting horror. The doctor doesn’t give him time to react, leaning down to kiss him as well. This kiss is softer, tasting like citrus and sandalwood. Yashiki gasps when Daimon’s tongue brushes his lips, the older man taking advantage of his open mouth. Yashiki is sure that he’s going to stumble until Mashita’s arms wrap around his waist. Daimon pulls away; Yashiki gets a brief view of Hiroo dragging him into a kiss before Mashita is on him.
This is the kiss that makes Yashiki ground, all teeth and tongue and smoke. Yashiki thinks he’s dreaming, that has to be the reason all of this is happening. There’s no way everything would fall into place this perfectly; life doesn’t usually give him what he wants.
“Stop thinking.” Mashita’s voice is a growl, pulling away just enough to scold Yashiki. He doesn’t respond, brain still trying to reboot. Hiroo lets out a uncharacteristic giggle, smirk wide on her face.
“He should be thinking about the right stuff now at least.” Her tone is teasing and Daimon shakes his head, a fond look on his face.
“Should we take this inside?” Daimon’s words help to sober them up a bit, the four making sure no one else has seen them. The ally is empty and Mashita takes charge, taking Yashiki by the wrist and pulling him towards the van. Yashiki let’s them lead him away, slender fingers brushing over his hips.
“Does this mean we’re dating?” Yashiki can’t help but blurt out, the other three stopping just at the mouth of the ally. There are a few heartbeats of silence and he’s sure he’s ruined everything. Hiroo breaks the silence with a lout groan, running a hand down her face. Daimon starts to laugh, loud and carefree in a way Yashiki only hears occasionally.
“Of course we’re dating. We’ve been dating for months.” Hiroo’s voice is her normal brisk tone, Mashita giving a chuckle.
“Now you feel my pain.” Mashita teases, Hiroo smacking him on the arm.
“This is all your fault! You told us you’d talk to him!” Yashiki watches as the two begin to bicker; Hiroo pinches Mashita’s wrist and the ex-detective smirks.
“I did talk to him. It’s not fault he’s dense and self-sacrificing.” Yashiki snorts, feeling a wave of confusion and affection.
“We didn’t really talk…” He trails off and Daimon raises an eyebrow, interpreting something different in his silence. Yashiki goes red again and Hiroo huffs, crossing her arms.
“You liar Mashita! You were supposed to keep your hands to yourself!”
“Shut it you noisy brat; you’re one to talk about keeping your hands to yourself.” Mashita looks pointed at her fingers on his arm and Hiroo pulls back like she’s been burned. Her face goes red and Mashita gives another smirk, crowding her towards the wall. Yashiki clears his throat, all of them turning to look at him.
“I’d like to talk about it, if you’re all still willing.” Some of the sexual tension bleeds away, soft looks appearing.
“We’d like that.” Daimon gives Yashiki’s shoulder a squeeze, the doctor moving onto the street. They all share a secret smile, Hiroo moving to walk next to Daimon. Mashita falls into place by Yashiki and the older man smiles, linking their pinkies for a moment before letting go.
He doesn’t know when they started dating but he’s not going to complain. Yashiki might not think he deserves it but he’s going to cling to this happiness with everything he has. That’s what it means to live, after all.
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piggyjeans · 2 years
Hey! If you are taking request can you do one where the teen reader brings their partner on set and they aren't good news? Sebastian and Evans are very protective and try to make you see it and you end up believe them after an incident
Sebastian stan x teen!reader, chris evans x teen!reader, Sebastian stan x coworker!reader, chris evans x coworker!reader, Sebastian stan x platonic!reader, chris evans x platonic!reader
Requested by @youre-amazing-say-it
Readers pronouns: she her :P
Warnings: ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP!!! A lot of gaslighting, he hits her at one point, mentions of killing small lil animals but not explained graphically just mentioned in passing, also mentions of aggression and hitting ppl for no reason… underage sex mentions a few times.. mentions of parents being divorced.. yea… longest list of warnings I’ve ever written!
(A/n): this wasn’t proof read as usual soooo yeah and I don’t really read my fics through so lmk if there’s a mistake or anything. lmk if u wanna be added to my taglist as well! I’ve been mindblowingly stressed lately and might get grounded soon so if I drop off the face of the earth yk why. But I’ll write as much as I can before then. Notes r appreciated, enjoy <3
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Filming has felt like it’s been going on for ages. It honestly felt never ending! And as much as you loved your co-workers and never wanted to leave them, filming a superhero movie is hard work.
You even had your 16th birthday on set. Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans were the ones to set up this whole surprise impromptu sweet sixteen for you. Well, as sweet as a sweet sixteen can get on a professional and incredibly expensive set. But the cheap dollar tree birthday decorations fell off all of the surfaces long before anyone had to worry about damaging any props by taking them down.
They even invited your boyfriend! You avoided talking about him on set because you don’t want to appear unprofessional. It’s difficult enough being a teenage girl in this industry. However, Chris and Sebastian are different from anyone you’ve ever worked with before. And definitely different from your average man.
They dragged it out of you after they saw you smiling at your phone. And you told them all about it, Sebastian literally sat on his stomach on the couch in your trailer, kicking his feet back and forth. And Chris sat on your ottoman smiling fondly as you spoke about your boyfriend, the love of your life.
“We met in middle school. In detention,” You mutter quietly, your cheeks flushing pink.
Chris widens his eyes and side glances at Sebastian. You keep your gaze averted to your hands in your lap, playing with your old, chipped nail polish. “Ooh, a bad boy,” Sebastian lightly teases, sensing the shift in the once comfortable environment. “Why were you in detention?” Chris offered with a light smile.
You glance up shyly. You've missed this, being able to be a normal teenager who could sit around with her girlfriends and gossip. Well, Sebastian and Chris weren’t the ‘girlfriends’ you’d made in high school, but they definitely would make do for however long it took to film this godforsaken project. “He spent every Friday after school in detention. He was aggressive, he was a bully, and he would hit his friends just for fun. During free period, my classmates would tell me he killed frogs and rabbits and stuff,” You gush about him with an aura of such delight, but as you progress further into your love speech, you become disgusted with the things you’re saying, and your blind love starts to wear off.
“Anyways, I told off my PE teacher just to be with him in detention. Also, I was just starting my period and he wouldn’t let me sit out, so,” you trail off awkwardly, looking down to your hands to play with them again. An attempt to avert the attention away from your possibly psychopath boyfriend.
Chris and Sebastian are quiet for way too long, but you’re too scared to look up and meet their eyes, scared you’d said something wrong. “How long ago was this?” Chris finally questions quietly, you look up at him and Sebastian, seeing their concerned eyes fall upon your unknowing gaze.
“We were fourteen. He’s not a bad guy. He just had… issues as a kid. His parents were getting divorced and stuff…” you reassured them, guessing what they were thinking from the looks on their faces. You’ve had this talk a hundred times before. With your parents, who have never approved of him. And your friends, some of whom you lost because of your boyfriend. But you figured it only brought the two of you closer together, even if you painfully lost some of your best friends in the process.
“Aren’t your parents divorced?” Chris hesitated softly, you nod with a confused look on your face. “Did you ever punch your classmates in the face?” Sebastian adds. Suddenly you feel very defensive over your boyfriend. He’s had hard times in the past, but no one knows him like you do. No one understands him like you do. No one loves him like you do.
But you can’t articulate any of those feelings, nothing comes out. You open and close your mouth several times to say something, like a fish. But you can’t think of anything, your mind draws a blank. Finally, something; “This is unprofessional. I’d like you to leave.”
At your sweet sixteen, Sebastian and Chris had the pleasure of spending time with your boyfriend before you had arrived. Inviting him a little earlier than the rest of the guests. You spoke so highly of him, they figured he felt the same way about you. So they figured he’d know you so well, and he’d like to help set your party up. Only the best for their collective y/n.
When he strolled onto set with both hands free, shoved into his pockets, Sebastian nodded up to gesture and show Chris he was approaching. No words were shared, but the silence said enough as they watched the boy approach them, looking judgemental and smug as he glanced around the room at the cheap decorations.
He nodded his head to the men as he approached them, as his way of greeting them. They glanced at each other before Sebastian spoke, “hey, I’m Sebastian. This is Chris. You’re Jacob?”
“Yeah,” Jacob simply spoke. Not meeting the man’s eyes, seeming extremely bored and uninterested with this conversation and this environment.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, man. It’s great to finally meet you,” Chris added happily, holding his hand out for Jacob to shake. Jacob pressed his lips together in a smile and nodded.
Chris furrowed his brows and held his hand out for a moment longer before bringing it down to grab a piece of tape to attach to a streamer. He kept his mouth closed for the time being.
Sebastian scanned the boy, “gifts or cards or whatever…” he paused, his eyes searching for any sign of anything that could be your type, “you can put them over in that basket.”
Jacob finally opened his mouth to form a sentence, a very bold one at that, “Oh, I’ll give her a present tonight. At her hotel.” He smirked, meeting the both of the men's eyes.
They both paused what they were doing to stare at the boy, speechless. Sebastian’s mouth agape, “We stay in our trailers on set, we don’t have hotels,” Chris explained as he narrowed his eyes and stood up straighter, confused by what this young man might be insinuating.
“Well then, when the trailers ‘rockin…” he courageously esponded, with a daring and fearless tone in his voice. Sebastian bit back the urge to allow his entire body to shiver at the conversation they were having with this boy, who’s conversation could only be held by the topic of sex. And in the context of y/n? They weren’t liking this, not one bit. Especially with the prior knowledge you had informed them of.
Thankfully not long after, more guests started to arrive, and they had other things to focus on, more people to greet, and Jacob moved onto Better things. Tormenting other people.
Further into the night, neither Sebastian nor Chris could shake whst Jacob said to them about you. Neither of them mentioned it to each other, but they had a hard time focusing on anything else.
When you arrived, completely shocked and so thankful, they put on a beautiful front. You didn’t suspect anything was wrong with them. Perhaps because you were so wrapped up in the beauty, the happiness, and the thankfulness because of your coworkers, but also the stress you were automatically filled with when you locked eyes with your boyfriend.
Jacob walked over to you, as you stood in the middle of the room, and he grabbed your waist tightly. He instantly shoved his lips into yours, and forcefully kissed you in front of everyone, all your coworkers, your friends, And the staff and directors and those alike. Those you tried so hard to be professional around.
So here you were, in quite the predicament. You loved your boyfriend, and knew what would happen to you if you made him unhappy or said no to him. But you also had a job to keep, a reputation to withhold, and you were only a teenager, in a very vulnerable state in front of all your coworkers, who you’ve previously done a good job at keeping aspects of your personal life from in the past.
After a shocking second of aggressive making out, you pull away softly, looking up softly into his eyes. You hadn’t seen him in so long, you missed his pretty eyes. You’d rather appreciate him, not his saliva in your mouth. But when you pulled away from the kiss, he looked at you confused, and as you looked at him with happy, innocent eyes, he forcefully pulled his hand off your waist, and for lack of a better word, shoved you off of him, walking away to the drink table.
You would have followed him like you usually do, to console him and apologize and make sure he’s okay. But that reputation. You’re worried that only made it worse. So you attempt to act as if nothing just happened, plastering a large, toothy grin to your face. Walking over to Sebastian and Chris and giving them a huge group hug. The party continued without the awkward silence, and moved on as if there wasn’t just a make out session right in the middle of the room.
You socialize with the party guests, and blush as everyone wishes you a happy sixteenth birthday. You wait until the cake is served and you’ve taken a bite or two of your slice, giving your compliments to the chef, before setting your place down since you couldn’t stomach any more, and walking over to Jacob. Who’s spent the remainder of the party sitting in the corner looking utterly betrayed.
“Hi Jakey,” You softly whisper as you approach him. You place a small kiss on his lips in an attempt to redeem yourself for before.
He shoves you away from him again, not kidding you back, “oh, so now you’re comfortable with kissing?” He asks sternly. You watch his angry figure with dad and confused eyes.
“I just didn’t wanna do it in front of all my coworkers. Jakey, that’s weird, we’re barely sixteen.” You attempted to comfort softly, but he rolled his eyes, stomping out of the party. You were thankful not many people noticed, at least that you could see.
He stomped off of set, you following him quickly behind, attempting to preserve this relationship in any way you can. You figured the downfall was coming soon enough, but you would rather it not be today.
“You never want to kiss me in public. You’re embarrassed of me!” He yells at you. Tears sting your eyes as you accept the fact that you’re back in the toxic environment you worked so hard to leave. This is why secretly you’ve been loving all the production delays and how long it’s taken to wrap filming. You love being away from home, because it means you don’t have to deal with this.
“Jake, I have no problem displaying affection in public! I’m not embarrassed of you, I just don’t think everyone needs to see what we do,” you start strongly, before he cuts you off in annoyance and impatience, “so you’re admitting you think I don’t deserve to be seen with you in public! What, is it because you became an actor? So I’m not good enough for you now because I’m just a high schooler? I’m just Jacob, and ‘oh, look at me I'm big time actor big deal y/n’, huh!? That’s all I am to you!?”
He scoffs angrily, his volume increasing, “And, I was going to give you birthday sex too. Yeah.”
You quietly let his words sink in as you weigh your options and try to think of what to say. Once again your brain is failing you, you have no clue how to react in this situation.
“Get off my set,” You quietly mumble after nearly a minute of silence. He scoffs.
“Get, off of my fucking set,” you growl at him, not moving a muscle. Your brain initially made you consider stepping up to him, but you’re significantly shorter than him, so you decided against that. But it didn’t matter anyway, because he approached you and slapped you directly across the face. You don’t react. Not at all, it barely even phases you and you simply blink.
You don’t have to say anything else, as he slowly makes his way off the set and out of the parking lot, towards the bus station. But you don’t care where he’s going or how he’s getting there. You just hope he stays gone.
As you watch his silhouette fade into the street lamps and surrounding scrambling bodies going in all different directions, you hear two people running up behind you. You don’t need to turn around or hear their voices to know they’re Sebastian and Chris.
“Are you okay?” Sebastian worried, cradling your cheek. “That little shit slapped you,” Chris huffed angrily as he watched his body emerge.
“He does that to me all the time. It’s just because we watched it in a movie together, it’s just an inside joke.” You quietly stare into the distance blankly.
“Y/n,” Sebastian says, looking into your helpless innocent eyes.
“No, it’s not,” Chris says softly.
“No, it’s not.” You whisper quietly.
That’s the first time you came clean, the first time you realized something was wrong. The first time you stopped lying about the things he did to you and how he made you feel. The first time you stopped letting him isolate you from everyone else.
You reconnected with the friends you lost because of him. The first time in a long time you had an open, honest conversation with your parents. You spoke in passing about things he did to you, and didn’t rush to excuse his behavior. You let speculation be speculation, because the speculation was fact. And you had the trauma to prove it.
You talked to Sebastian and Chris about it a lot. They were there to listen to it all, they welcomed you In with open arms. Lucky for you filming didn’t wrap for several months after your sweet sixteen, after your sophomore year of high school ended, during summer break. So you didn’t have to worry about seeing Jacob or purposely getting yourself sentenced to detention to make out with him much to the dismay of the detention supervisor of the day.
And lucky for you, when junior year started, after weeks of freaking out and crying and calling Sebastian and Chris, you found out that Jacob had moved upstate to live with his mother, because she got custody.
Taglist: @ohworm-writes @spidyyparker @littlemortals @americaarse plz lmk if u wanna be added x <3 have a great day. Love u
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justforbooks · 11 months
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With his shrewd eyes and his forks of corn-yellow hair, Julian Sands was a natural choice to play the valiant, romantic George Emerson, who snatches a kiss from Lucy Honeychurch (Helena Bonham Carter) in a Tuscan poppy field in A Room With a View (1985). “I wanted him to be real, not a two-dimensional minor screen god,” he said. “I liked him in his lighter, sexier moments, less so when he was brooding.”
Sands, who has died aged 65 while hiking in mountains in California, was dashing in that film, but he could also project a dandyish, effete or sinister quality. He was blessed with a mellifluous voice and a lean, youthful, fine-boned face, even if, as a child, his brothers insisted he resembled a horse. (He agreed.) In James Ivory’s film of EM Forster’s novel, he was pure heart-throb material. His participation in the notorious nude bathing scene was no impediment to the picture’s success.
Prior to that, he had played the journalist Jon Swain in The Killing Fields (1984), Roland Joffé’s drama about the bloody rise of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. The picture marked the beginning of his friendship with his co-star John Malkovich. “I’d been cautioned by Roland to keep my distance from John because he was an unstable character,” Sands recalled. “And John had been told by Roland to stay away from me, because I was a refined, sensible person who didn’t want to be distracted. In fact, we bonded instantly.”
Malkovich directed Sands in a one-man show in which he read Harold Pinter’s poetry. First staged in 2011, the production had its origins in an occasion six years earlier when Pinter, suffering from oesophageal cancer, had asked Sands to read in his stead at a benefit event in St Stephen Walbrook church in the City of London. The writer “sat in the front row with his stone basilisk stare”, Sands recalled.
Not all his work was so highfalutin, and a good deal of it fell into the category of boisterous, campy fun. In Ken Russell’s Gothic (1986), he played the poet Shelley, who indulges in sex, drugs and séances with Lord Byron (Gabriel Byrne) and the future Mary Shelley (Natasha Richardson), and is prone to recite verse naked in thunderstorms.
In a similar vein but far less deranged was Impromptu (1991), which brought together other notable 19th-century figures including George Sand (Judy Davis) and Frederic Chopin (Hugh Grant). Sands, who played Franz Liszt, described it as “Carry On Composer”.
Born in Otley, West Yorkshire, he was raised in Leeds and Gargrave, near Skipton; he later described his childhood as “part conservative and part Huckleberry Finn”. His mother, Brenda, was a Tory councillor and leading light of the local amateur dramatic society, while his father, William, who left when Julian was three, was a soil analyst. Julian made his acting debut in a local pantomime at the age of eight.
At 13, he won a scholarship to Lord Wandsworth college, Hampshire. He moved to London to study at Central School of Speech and Drama, and while there became friends with Derek Jarman. He played the Devil in an extended promotional video that Jarman directed in 1979 for Marianne Faithfull’s album Broken English. The role had been intended for David Bowie, who dropped out at the eleventh hour. “You’re devilish,” Jarman told Sands. “You can play it.”
The actor’s first film appearance came in an adaptation of Peter Nichols’s stage comedy Privates on Parade (1983), starring John Cleese and Denis Quilley, from which his one line of dialogue was cut. There was more rotten luck when he won the lead in a new Tarzan movie, only for the financing to fall through. It was eventually filmed as Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984), with Christopher Lambert donning the hallowed loin-cloth.
On television, he starred with Anthony Hopkins in the miniseries A Married Man (1983). In Oxford Blues (1984), he was a rower butting heads with a Las Vegas parking attendant (Rob Lowe) who has tricked his way into a place at Oriel College. He was in The Doctor and the Devils (1985), inspired by the Burke and Hare case. “I had a roll in the hay with Twiggy which took about 15 takes,” he said.
Following A Room With a View, he agreed to play the lead in Ivory’s next Forster adaptation, Maurice (1987), before abruptly dropping out and fleeing to the US. In the process, he left behind his wife, the journalist Sarah Sands (nee Harvey), who described him as “restless” and “dramatic”, and their son, Henry. “I’m not the first person to create stability and security and then dismantle it even more effectively than I created it,” the actor said.
Once in America he took on an array of film parts. In Warlock (1989), he played the son of Satan, wreaking havoc in modern-day Los Angeles. Investing this pantomime villain with lip-smacking brio, he was likened by the Washington Post to a “hell-bent Peter Pan” and nominated for best actor in the Fangoria Chainsaw awards. He reprised the role in Warlock: The Armageddon (1993).
As an entomologist in Arachnophobia (1990), he was called upon to have as many as a hundred spiders crawling all over his face. Alternating these mainstream projects with arthouse ones, he played a diplomat in pre-war Poland in Krzysztof Zanussi’s Wherever You Are … (1988) and a monk in Night Sun (1990), the Taviani brothers’ adaptation of Tolstoy’s short story Father Sergius.
For the Canadian horror director David Cronenberg, he starred in the warped and witty Naked Lunch (1991), which disproved those who had declared William S Burroughs’s original novel unfilmable. Just as outré but less accomplished was Boxing Helena (1993), directed by Jennifer Lynch, daughter of David. Sands played a surgeon who keeps a woman captive by making her a quadruple amputee.
After starring as a young classics teacher in his friend Mike Figgis’s film of Terence Rattigan’s The Browning Version (1994), Sands worked a further six times with that director, appearing in his movies even when he was an unorthodox choice for the job in hand. One example was the part of a menacing Latvian pimp in Leaving Las Vegas (1996).
Later roles include a mysteriously unblemished Phantom in Dario Argento’s version of The Phantom of the Opera (1998), Louis XIV (whom Sands described as “the first supermodel”) in Joffé’s Vatel (2000), a crime kingpin named Snakehead in the Jackie Chan vehicle The Medallion (2003), a computer security wizard in the comic caper Ocean’s Thirteen (2007), a younger version of the businessman played by Christopher Plummer in David Fincher’s take on The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) and a sadistic paedophile in the gruelling wartime odyssey The Painted Bird (2019).
On television, he was a Russian entrepreneur in the fifth season of 24 (2006) and the hero’s father, Jor-El, in two episodes of the Superman spin-off Smallville (2009). For the BBC, he played two very different actors in factually based one-off specials: first Laurence Olivier in Kenneth Tynan: In Praise of Hardcore (2005), then John Le Mesurier in We’re Doomed! The Dad’s Army Story (2015).
His recent work includes Benediction, Terence Davies’s haunting study of Siegfried Sassoon, and the thriller The Survivalist (both 2021), which found him back in the company of Malkovich. One of several titles still awaiting release is the drama Double Soul (2023) starring F Murray Abraham and Paz Vega.
Sands never stopped wandering, walking, running and climbing. “I am on a perpetual Grand Tour,” he said in 2000. Asked in 2018 about his eclectic career, he explained: “I was looking for something exotic, things that took me out of myself. I think I found myself a little boring.”
He was reported missing while out in the San Gabriel mountains, north of Los Angeles, in mid-January 2023. His remains were found in June.
In 1990 he married Evgenia Citkowitz. She survives him, along with their two daughters, Imogen and Natalya, and his son.
🔔 Julian Richard Morley Sands, actor, born 4 January 1958; died circa 13 January 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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andmaybegayer · 6 months
Last Monday of the Week 2023-12-04
ah fuck the mondaypost
Listening: I have been going back through some of @kelp-of-discontent's recs that I've saved and not gone back to. Great taste! Here's Pool Kids's Pool Kids
I always love the unmoored feeling good math rock gives you and this really lands that.
Watching: Double Features, 1) Bara no Soretsu/Funeral Parade of Roses because @thosearentcrimes has been trying to get us to watch that forever and we finally just sat down and watched it on yes the extremely funny ultrawide monitor that was being used as my TV.
Bara no Soretsu is very good in that arthouse way where it's very unpolished and has some very out there ideas about what makes a good movie but executes on it earnestly and with a goal. It's a combination of a movie about transgender women in the underground gay men's scene in 60's japan loosely based on the myth of Oedipus and also a documentary following the actors as they make this movie, in a way that makes it kind of hard to tell when something is meant to be the movie and when it's meant to be the documentary.
It's very uh. Challenging? It's honestly less tragic than I was expecting and it's mostly just a fascinating look into this very specific time and place. The interviews are priceless, a trans woman very straight facedly looking into the camera when asked "are you having a good time" and going "no, but I'm going to keep doing it". 10/10
Also Tomb Raider but the 2001 Angelina Jolie one. An impromptu pick for Bad Movie Night because we had an empty house and didn't want to burn a good bad movie. Tomb Raider is most interesting in how it approaches shooting action which is to say that it's mostly not good at it but has brief moments of inspiration. A very generic action adventure story otherwise, featuring young Daniel Craig as a prettyboy graverobber counterpart to Lara Croft. They made Angelina Jolie do an English accent and she just could not do it.
Reading: The other short stories that came along with Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang. Tower of Babylon is a fun atmospheric story of the Ancient Sumerians building a tower to breach the vault of heaven. Division by Zero is a very compelling depiction of a mathematician going insane because she has proven arithmetic to be inconsistent, which is notably not accompanied by any material changes in the world around her, which I liked.
Making: Mostly preparatory. I have a few project I've been sketching out, including hacking my own controller onto a WS2812 LED string and automating my radiators. The stepper motors and the string arrived today. Looking into exprTK, an expression evaluation library that should be suitable for my needs, and the ESP32 RMT subsystem which is a cute little mini-DSP and modulator built into the ESP32 ostensibly for IR Remote Control but frequently used now to quickly and efficiently implement all manner of protocols.
Playing: More Dark Souls, although less this week because I've been doing other things. still working around Darkroot Basin but I really haven't been there long. The ents are a real pain in the ass when paired with the knights, not because they're very hard but because you just have to wait for them to jump you.
Tools and Equipment: a new AMD GPU tuning utility for Linux was released a little while ago, LACT, which has a much simpler interface than some of the older tuning utilities. I like it, especially since I was doing some fan noise tuning after I installed the new network card and being able to just hit the fan speed with a slider was convenient.
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