#this became an essay oops
shanicetjn · 2 months
In what order is ur fav Willy wonky?
Omg Kit- You can't just put me on the spot like that!! /light-hearted
If I really HAVE to choose from the films, it'll have to be Timothée Wonka - Johnny Wonka - Gene Wonka.
Info-dump below:
I grew up watching and getting obsessed with Willy Wonka through Johnny Depp from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). I literally have watched that movie at LEAST 60 times and it's one of my favourite favourite films ever!
(I might be the ONLY one having this opinion but-) That film is the most magical thing I have ever seen as a kid and Mr. Wonka is just the most relatable person to me. Also, how can you not love THIS face:
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That later introduced me to the book by Roald Dahl that the movie is based off of which I read religiously. I never knew about Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) until I started seeing the memes!
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Fast forward to recent times- To the Wonka (2023) trailer that dropped last June..I initially thought it was a joke because I just could NOT believe they would still make Wonka stuff let alone a film. But no, it was real (and I watched the trailer a good 20 times).
Went to the cinema TWICE because I was so absolutely blown-away by Timothée Chalamet...It felt like I was transported back to my childhood and all that whimsy came back to me at full blast.
He's so beautifully interpreted...EXACTLY how I imagined younger Willy to be like. Literally reignited my love for Mr. Wonka of 20 years! And the most important thing to me? It's so absolutely surreal to see a Willy Wonka that is the same age as me.
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After that, I finally got to watch Gene Wonka twice in the last 2 months after knowing about it for idk-how-many years. AND I love him so so much too..??
He's totally different to Johnny Wonka yeah but once again- What's not to love about and relate to an unhinged chocolate man that has murderous tendencies? >:3c
It was so fun to catch all the little details / references they put in the Wonka (2023) film from that movie! Also, it makes the transition from Timothée Wonka to Gene Wonka all the more tragic.
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Sorry for such a long post and info-dumping but I just really wanna talk about him and the amount of joy Mr. Wonka has given to me over the years!
Willy Wonka never steals but he has certainly stolen my heart. ♥
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the-sleepy-silurian · 2 years
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Where 👏 is 👏 the 👏 Alberta 👏 and 👏 Hetty 👏 content?!👏
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maxsix · 1 year
@thatgirlfromhotelcalifornia: I’m glad you asked me about Luka Modric. 
His middle name is WORK-ETHIC. You align yourself with a grounded, hard working, self made man who never sought flashy glory but rather, just kept quietly working so hard that it became impossible to ignore him. He cut through the Messi v Ronaldo cloud (that cast a shadow over everyone) to be recognised and respected on his own merit. His inner strength is so inspiring, he remains humble and he gives me such nurturing Dad vibes, like how Sebastian Vettel is the Grid Dad for all the young drivers. 
Modric is a Total Legend and I think he should always be talked about when people are having a conversation about ‘The Greatest Players of All Time’. 
I think Modric fans appreciate meaningful hard work. They appreciate the heart and engine of a team. They appreciate that life is not just about Goals Glory And Fame. 
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chut-je-dors · 2 years
i recently fell down the rabbithole of watching karen compilation videos on youtube, out of morbid curiosity. of course the karens themselves are appalling, and it’s disgusting how there can be people like that out there. however, another thing that made me wonder, was often the reactions of the people answering to the karens.
if you watch too many videos of karens for your own good, you start noticing roughly 3-4 different ways that people react to karens Up To Their Bullshit.
the mocking, “witty” type
the anxious type
the unhinged type
the calm type
the mocking type is the people who will start mocking the karen, laughing, going “ooh karen” etc. this might include shooting insults at the karen, at the way they look, calling them a bitch etc. people try to outwit the karen, or come up with a “sick burn” that’ll make them the heroes of the comment section, full of children going “ooh that karen doesn’t know what hit them”. this type includes the response “ok karen”. (the sickest of burns - and the red cloth to a bull.)
the anxious type and the unhinged type often go together, or rather the unhinged type is born out of the anxious one. the anxious type sounds often scared (and for good reason, it’s a karen), and the anxiety caused by being attacked by a karen might spiral, causing that the victim repeats the same sentences over and over again (”leave me alone”, “go away”, “you’re making me nervous” etc.), talking on top of the karen, in an increasingly raised voice. might include signs of hyperventilation.
the unhinged type is either born out of this anxiety, or the victim simply starts getting increasingly worked up by the karen’s precense. this results in both the victim and the karen yelling at each other, neither listening to the other, spurring each other on, to the point where it’s near impossible to tell who’s saying what. the yelling match will go on forever, often with the karen eventually starting to walk away, stopping every 10 metres to yell some more.
the calm type is the people reacting in a... calm way. talking in an even voice, not responding to the karen’s rage emotionally. often seen in customer service (bless them). the karen, at some point, starts acting like they’re walking on ice in converse shoes; they can’t get a good footing, they’re losing their balance with nothing to grasp on from the victim’s response. they end up repeating themselves, showing signs of confusion, and eventually stalk away.
where i’m going with this is, how shocked i’ve been to see so many people reacting to a karen with the types 1-3. maybe it’s a cultural difference (and between the USA and finland there are PLENTY) but i wouldn’t see myself - or any of the people i know, really, react to a karen in an unhinged way in public. to my eyes, it just makes the situation worse. aggression causes aggression, and if you react to a karen aggressively, it just spurs the karen into a spiralling fit of rage (or... even more than what’s already going on).
the way i see it - karens shouldn’t be able to feed from the response they’re getting. they’re emotionally immature people, who have grown to be arses. responding to a karen by mocking them, or raising your voice, doesn’t to my eyes make you better - or if that sort of a hostile, emotional response is normal in the USA, no wonder the land seems to breed karens? i dare to say that the karen leaves/the situation is diffused much much faster, if the person attacked just keeps calm. it’s attracting to try and get the final word, but with karens, it’s not really possible, cos they’ll keep going to the end of the world - ‘cos they’re dickheads.
of course you might get anxious with a karen yelling at you. i would too! i’m not condemning that, but it’s good to keep in mind should you happen upon a karen that an anxious response (as any emotional response) spurs the karen on as well - they get pleasure from seeing your sweat in their presence. they want to be the winner, the... alpha if you will (yuck). they want to be on top of the situation, and by showing your anxiety they gain confidence in their actions. i don’t know how to learn to control your anxiety, if you’re inclined to have it, but trying to keep yourself calm and keeping your voice levelled, remembering to breath, and trying to concentrate on something else to distance yourself from the imminent emotional reaction - like having your wallet in your hand and tracing it with your fingers, feeling the material - might help. at least for myself.
just ignoring the karen is a good way to go as well, i think. what i see is an absolute no-no is responding “okay karen” as you see many people do, because that will spur the karen on - and keep the conversation going. you want to end it as fast as possible. a good way to think of it is, there’s a toddler in a rageful fit. you just have to wait it out.
(of course, keeping in mind that we just see the tip of the iceberg in the videos - often the karen is a neighbour who just keeps harrassing the victim, and if my neighbour came over to complain about something trivial for the third time, or acting like a dick, or being a bigot, sure i would explode eventually too - or if i knew the karen could act violent, or had been in the past, i would react with anxiety as well. still, even then it’d probably be better to try and keep a calm head?)
so.... don’t feed the karen?
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qprstobin · 9 months
Stobin Different First Meeting AU where they go to prom together. This was meant to be an au post and turned into a mini fic oops (written completely within a tumblr post so sorry for the poor quality)
(edit: realized I should link the fic I was inspired by for those who don't follow me and so didn't see me reblog it earlier)
Steve doesn't necessarily want to go to prom, right? Like yeah, he'd been imagining it for a while, but now that he was very, very single it just didn't have the same shine that it used to. And he really wasn't ready to start dating yet. However, he didn't want to just, not go to prom, and also knew it would seem really weird (and pretty fucking sad) if he didn't go.
Which leaves him in a conundrum.
He thought for a while that maybe he would go with one of the junior cheerleaders. While he didn't have any close friends anymore, he was still friendly with plenty of people. There were girls that wouldn't be going to prom unless they had a senior boyfriend - some he had even gone on dates with in the past who wouldn't think a single prom date meant that he wanted a new girlfriend.
However, he is pretty sure most of those girls would have... other expectations for the night. And honestly? He isn't quite sure that he was ready to get back on that horse either.
... Not that he thought women were horses.
He's pretty sure men are normally the ones called horses in riding metaphors.
That left him stuck. He couldn't just not go to prom, but also didn't want to wind up trapped on an actual date with someone. So who could he ask?
His solution ended up coming from an odd place.
Robin Buckley was... quite honestly, kind of a weirdo.
She was cute, in an alternative sort of way. She never took any of his shit (he wasn't completely sure she even liked him) but also reluctantly laughed at the snarky shit he said under his breath during their Film History class. And not in the fake giggly way girls did when they were flirting, but didn't actually care about what he was saying, just the way he said it. She actually seemed to think he was funny. Even if that revelation seemed to piss her off.
The only reason he was even in Film History that semester - and therefore, knew who she was - was for the easy A. He got to watch movies in class, and watch movies for homework. He was willing to plow through a couple of shitty essays in exchange for a class that he didn't feel like a complete idiot in.
(Well, he was pretty sure Robin thought he was an idiot about movies, but just because he had trouble remembering the names and shit of characters, didn't mean he couldn't analyze the themes, fuck you very much, Buckley.)
They had gotten assigned a project together early on, and it hadn't been completely terrible. She had quickly taken over doing most of the writing portions, but hadn't thought all of his ideas were terrible. By the end of the project he thought they were even sort of having fun together.
He'd always been one to try his luck, take a little more than he was given. So, after that assignment was over, he started sitting next to her in class, not wanting that easy, if sharp, camaraderie to end. Robin rolled her eyes at him and asked him what he thought he was doing the first time he did it, but she never sent him away.
They ended up chatting more and more during down times, passing notes to each other and sharing sly comments under their breaths during the movies. Steve often had trouble paying attention at school, his mind easily wandering away, and it was almost as bad during most movies, but Robin helped keep him on track.
The class turned into one that was done for the easy grade, a last ditch effort to improve his already hopeless GPA, and became one he actually enjoyed.
The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of going to prom with Robin. It made the night seem a little less unbearable.
He thought about making a big deal out of asking her, because he knows that's what girls (and even Nancy) had enjoyed for past dances. He quickly scrapped that idea, however, because not only did he not want to put pressure on her like that, but also she seemed to hate public spectacles like that.
Or at least when aimed at her, they both enjoyed watching drama unfold in the halls a bit too much to say she hated it completely.
So Steve waits until the end of the day, their film class being their last, to pull her into an empty classroom. She follows him without question in a show of trust he didn't realize she had in him. The notion warms him, and for some reason makes it more difficult to get the question out.
"Why do I feel like you're about to try to sell me drugs or something?" Robin asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He squints at her in offense.
"Why is that your first assumption?!"
"I don't know! Why else are you pulling me out of the hallway all secretive like, making sure no one followed us, into an abandoned classroom," she asks, throwing her arms into the air.
"The classroom isn't abandoned, it's the end of the day! Also, who does drug deals on campus, that's just stupid?" He asks rhetorically, before waving one hand through the air, as if trying to erase the current thread of conversation. "That doesn't matter, you're distracting me."
"Well then, get on with it! Some of us have practice we need to get to."
"It's like talking to the kids," he mutters to himself, "Whatever. I wanted to ask - will you go to prom with me?"
That stops Robin up short. There's panic in her eyes now, though Steve isn't sure what exactly put it there. Was his reputation that bad that even band geeks are terrified of getting asked out by him?
"You want to go on a date? With me?" she asks slowly, disbelief coloring her voice, though it doesn't hide her unease.
"No, I want to go to prom with you," he scoffs, "Not go on a date with you."
"That is a date, dingus! The person you go to prom with is literally called your date!"
"Okay, sure, maybe, but I don't actually want to date you," he said, rolling his eyes at her.
Like, okay, he understood his reputation for being... what did she call him last week? A 'huge effing rake'? But that didn't mean that he was trying to date any girl that looked in his direction. A lot of girls looked in his direction. That was too many women, even for him.
Robin relaxes a little at that.
"Then why are you asking me to prom instead of someone you actually want to date?"
"Because!" he says, resisting the urge to flail his hands back at her. "I don't want to date anyone right now. Most people I ask are going to expect all these things from me - they're going to want dinner, and at the very least a kiss at the end of the night if not more, or another date the very next day. Because Steve Harrington is supposed to want those things!" He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair to calm himself. "But right now? I really don't."
"Well then, what does Steve the Hair Harrington actually want?" She had relaxed fully at this point, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth.
"I want to go to prom with someone I consider a friend, someone who makes me laugh," he says after a moment of silence. "I want to dance badly to really corny pop music and drink just enough spiked punch that I don't remember how much I hate wearing any sort of tie. Then I want to go get milkshakes or go see a really trashy midnight horror flick, just because I'm having so much fun I don't want the night to end."
That small smile has grown into a reluctant grin on Robin's face. It makes her eyes shine and her freckles pop. Steve thought that if he was in a better place, if they had met at a different time, he could have fallen in love with her.
But they had met now instead, in some shitty public school elective course, and she was the closest thing he had to a friend that wasn't a snotty middle schooler.
"That sounds... like a lot of fun, actually," she says, mischief sparking on her face. "Who would've known the hidden depths hidden behind all that hair."
"Hey!" he protests half-heartedly, unable to keep a grin of his own off his face. "So what do you say? Wanna go to prom with me?"
"I guess," she sighs, acting like it was such a trial to go to prom with him. Him! But her next words make up for it. "Since we're friends, and all. However, I still expect you to buy me dinner, though you can keep the kiss goodnight to yourself."
Steve can't help the giddy laugh from spilling out of him. For the first time in weeks, he is actually looking forward to prom.
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cottoncandysprite · 5 months
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you cameo'd in the new todd in the shadows video
Yeah. I very recently became a fan of Somerton's "work" (been a super longtime fan of Todd tho so that's kinda wild), literally only subscribed to him last month after casually watching him for about a year. I just watched the YOI video right after rewatching the series a couple weeks ago bc it popped up on my feed bc of algorithms.
What Somerton did makes my blood boil because in recent weeks I actually was really inspired by what I thought was his writing in starting my own media analysis essay (iykyk), only to find out that he stole all of it and the more iffy parts of his essays that I ignored started to connect into a pattern of him just Being a Huge Dick. So yeah, as a writer, an academic, a fan of media analysis, a queer person, and a former fan of his, I'm super fucking pissed.
I don't want to go back to the video to find the full comment bc I don't want to give that jackass more views, but it was me genuinely talking about how much YOI meant to me as a queer teen and I'm kinda upset that I put it under a video that really did not deserve it.
I haven't watched Todd's full video yet (I still have like an hour to go on the hbomb one) but from what I gathered around that timestamp I'm glad Todd used me as an example to prove that shitbag wrong lol. Get his ass Todd
Anyway if you want some recommendations actually good queer video essayists, my favorites are Alexander Avila (formerly AreTheyGay, currently has a similar breadtube style and very cinematic direction while discussing aspects of queer and online culture), Matt Baume (talks a lot about gay film/Hollywood/sitcom history in particular which I find fascinating), Lily Simpson (reviews "trans episodes" of various tv shows) and Kaz Rowe (my current favorite, has a really cool aesthetic and talks about everything from general history and myth debunking with queer/feminist focuses to victorian bullshit to golden age Hollywood history)!
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andhumanslovedstories · 9 months
Hello! I love your blog very much. I too am a second degree nurse. I just graduated from an ABSN program and I'm struggling to get my foot in the door anywhere despite good grades + honor society membership + in state license already secured. I live in NYC and the nursing shortage here is CRAZY but for some reason no one wants to talk to me. Would you recommend home health nursing for someone in my situation? I did my preceptorship in the ED and that's 100% where I belong, but the bills are really piling up and I have no prospects. How long did you do home health before you went bedside? Thank you for any advice you have!
(Disclaimer though for all this, I'm across the country from you and have no idea the landscape of nursing jobs in NYC.)
I worked in home health for 18 months. If my goal was to get to the hospital as quick as possible, I didn't need to be there that long. I wasn't in any particular rush to move on. Plenty of people worked less than that and got hired at a hospital, I think something like a year was the average. I know the different between sending out my new grad resume and sending out my home health nurse resume was night and day. As in: literally anyone wanted to interview me.
I'd encourage you to at least apply and see if you can interview. You get to interview the company right back, and that'll let you know the kinds of work they expect from you. There are two main types of home health: the kind where you visit a lot of patients in a day and the kind where you're with one patient for the entire shift. The first kind is doing stuff like dressing changes, medication management, or periodic assessment. The second kind is more like general caregiving with nursing related requirements. I mostly did the second one, and worked night shift. So I fed a patient dinner, I gave them a bath, I got them dressed for bed, then tucked them in and stuck around until morning for their needs in the night. But within that was trach management, seizures, G tubes, medications, central lines, ongoing assessment, all that stuff that got this person nursing hours. I'm not gonna lie--it was often very very boring. I read a lot of books.
(btw west coast disclaimer again, but if you're willing to work nights, you'll get hired more easily. Everyone everywhere in the world doesn't have enough night shift coverage. also, oops! this got long and became an essay on home health!)
For downsides, in home health you can get limited training and orientation before you're alone, responsible for a patient. And then it's all on you. I had some gut-dropping moments early on where I encountered something I didn't know how to handle and didn't know how urgent it was. There's supposed someone you can call at all times, but multiple times when I did call, no one picked up. It can be super stressful and frankly dangerous as an inexperienced nurse. Luckily, many times you have the patient's family as a resource. It's likely they've been doing this years longer than you have. Though it's worst thing in the world when you wake someone up at 3 am because you're unsure and concerned, and then have that person explain in a really supportive tone of voice that these frequent, very brief seizures were probably just hiccups. Hypothetically speaking.
You can get too entwined with the patient and family's lives. It's hard to call out sick because you know no one can cover you. It's easy to cross emotional boundaries. Imagine spending 40 hours a week with someone and their family. They'll occupy a spot in your brain.
And I don't think it's a great place for a new nurse to stay for years and years, just for like professional development reasons. You won't get exposure to a variety of patients (unless you work that other type of home health in which case enjoy seeing eight different patients a day, hope traffic doesn't suck), so it's easy to forget stuff you just learned. I never had to think about transfusion reactions until I started at the hospital and shit now it's relevant all the time. I had to completely relearn how to hang an IV piggyback. Plus, since you work alone, you don't get the chance to see how other nurses work. It's hard to figure out a profession when you practice in complete isolation. It's easy to learn bad habits and have no one ever correct you.
But there's a lot I like about home health. You really do have a perspective on patients and patient care that is unique to home health and long-term care. In the hospital, you don't always get that long-term perspective. If you work with someone for a while, you can track how they progress or decline. Why do some clients stay at home for years and others keep going back to the hospital? What's different about their conditions and cares? You see all the work it can take to keep them steady. That's perspective that easy to lose. It helps you put the patient on a timeline that extends beyond the hospital. If you click with a patient and/or family and work with them for a while, it can be very satisfying working with them because you see so clearly the impact you're having.
Also! I read so many fucking books! I listened to so many podcasts (played so so softly). I knitted and learned sudoku and practiced yoga, looked up vacation spots, put in my grocery orders, and organized my playlists. I also could research and research and research. I had time to look up everything about every condition my patient had, and once I felt more comfortable with those, I moved on to looking up whatever other disease process and patient experience seemed interesting. I'd make myself a little curriculum and, after my patient was tucked in, and be like "tonight's class is vlogs about having a trach."
There were plenty of shifts where I bustled all fuckin night, and sometimes those shifts seemed to be in one endless hellish row, but often I had a lot of time to myself that I could spend however I wanted, as long as I was still in the room with the patient, able to meaningfully hear and see them, and keeping up with the night routine. I fucked around a lot and got paid for it because the job is to be available when needed, and you're not always needed. (I'm not saying slack off! I'm just saying even colicky babies sleep peacefully now and then.)
Anyway jesus christ that got away from me, but like please know that I was in your exact place, and I know how much it sucks and how crazy it makes you feel because I THOUGHT WE WERE SHORT ON NURSES DON'T ANY OF YOU FUCKERS NEED A NURSE, and know that all the other job hunts after this should and will be easier than this.
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taesspark · 8 months
Keeping Score
drabble #4 from the Spellbound series
pairing: Jungkook x reader
genre: enemies to lovers (but mostly enemies so far oops), hogwarts au
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none
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You roll your shoulders and stretch your neck to no avail. You must’ve developed this impenetrable ache when you were hunched over your Potions essay last night in the common room. Or maybe it was when one of the idiot chasers on the Quidditch team (surprisingly not Jungkook this time) hit you between the shoulderblades. Either way, you are not having a good time, and this time it has more to do with the physical pain of sitting against this rickety, unsupportive library chair than the mental pain of working on a project with Jeon Jungkook. 
“Need some help?” Jungkook grins at you from across the table. The both of you had been working on this project for a while now, and you just now notice how few people are left in the library. 
You scowl at him, cursing the day McGonagall decided group projects were the new thing. “Don’t mock my pain and suffering, Jeon.” 
You massage the back of my neck and wince at the permanent crick that had taken residence in your already exhausted body. 
“Try rolling your head around,” he says. You can’t tell if he was joking or actually trying to help, but then he starts rolling his head around. “In circles like this. It always helps me.” 
You frown, but you roll your head slowly in a circle just as he did. Halfway through, you’re struck by a stinging pain. “Ow, ow, fuck.” 
“Are you okay?” Jungkook leans over the table and reaches toward your neck, as if to examine it himself. You swat his hand away. 
“Maybe you should go to the Hospital Wing or something?” He offers, unfazed. 
“I’ll be fine. It’s just-” You attempt to stretch your neck again “-really annoying.”
It’s more than annoying. It hurts like hell. But you’re not about to tell Mr. Jeon “Go to the Hospital Wing” Jungkook that. If you went to the Hospital Wing everytime something hurt, you’d never leave. 
Jungkook stands up. You stare up at him blankly and ask, “Where are you going? We’re not done yet, and I am not doing this entire thing myself.” 
He doesn’t answer, instead walking around the table and standing right behind me. “Y/N, I know you like to pretend to hate me and whatever, but what if I said I could solve all your problems?” 
“I highly doubt that, Jungkook.” You deadpan. “And what do you mean pretend to hate you?” 
“Trust me, just this one time.” 
“No thanks.” 
He sighs. “Listen. What I’m about to tell you is top secret information.” 
“Top secret?” You repeat, bewildered, craning your head up to look at him. Jungkook is a bit red in the face. Although you’re not sure how you got yourself into this impromptu secret-spilling with him, you can’t deny that you’re curious. “This better be good.” 
“You can’t tell anyone.” You sneak another look at him over your shoulder. He’s serious. Even the sparkle in his eyes is dull. “I mean it.” 
“Okay, fine. I won’t tell anyone.” 
“So,” Jungkook starts slowly, “my mother suffered from a lot of aches and pains when I was a kid. She became really interested in all sorts of home remedies, massage therapies, herbal treatments, the sorts. And she taught me all of it.” 
You don’t say anything for a moment, just processing that Jeon Jungkook, Quidditch Extraordinaire, Hogwarts’ Golden Boy, the Doofenshmirtz to your Perry the Platypus, was well-versed in massage therapy of all things. You also don’t mind letting Jungkook simmer in nerves as he waits for your reaction. 
You turn around in your seat fully to face him, watching with pure joy as he shifts awkwardly on his feet. He avoids your gaze, all but hiding behind the palms of his hands. 
“Don’t laugh at me,” he mumbles. “I told you because I thought it might help.” 
You try but you can’t hide your shit-eating grin. “Jeon Jungkook. Are you offering me a massage?” 
He sticks you with a pointed look. “Don’t make this worse than it has to be. I’m only offering because the Quidditch team needs you uninjured at the game this weekend.” 
You open your mouth to tease him more, but all of your thoughts are drowned out by the unbearable pinch in your neck. With a grimace, you turn back around in your chair and gesture to your neck. 
“Okay, sure, do it. Work your magic.” 
The second Jungkook’s hands brush at your neck, you start to realize that maybe this isn’t such a good idea. First of all, you’re in a very public library, even if it’s nighttime and most students are back in their common rooms. Second of all, your project has been abandoned midway. If you don’t finish tonight, you’ll have to meet up with Jungkook again. Third of all, isn’t it weird? To have Jungkook massaging your neck? You couldn’t say. You’ve never been in this situation before. 
The moment Jungkook pressed a finger onto a specific point on the back of your neck, all of these concerns whooshed out of your head. Suddenly, the fact that you’re in a library seems trivial. Your eyes flutter closed at the next touch. 
It’s like your body is made of buttons, and Jungkook knows exactly which ones to press. It’s too good, like bite-your-lip-so-you-don’t-moan-like-a-weird-freak good. 
“You good?” He says softly after a little while. 
You mumble something intelligible, eyes still closed. He laughs but continues doing his magic—literally. You think he took out his wand for a moment, and after that, a wonderful, cold sensation spread throughout your back and shoulders. 
You don’t open your eyes until after he stops. He actually has to say, “You can open your eyes now.” 
The overwhelming smugness all over his stupid face meets you when you open your eyes, and it’s enough to make you cringe in embarrassment. 
“So. How do you feel?” He asks, settling back into his seat across from you. 
You purse your lips and busy yourself with shuffling your papers around. 
He rocks back and forth in his chair, looking entirely too pleased with himself. The relief in your neck was enough for you to let him have his moment. 
“Thanks, Jungkook.” You stare stubbornly at the parchment that you had been working on before.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you.” He’s enjoying this too much. 
“I said thank you,” you snap. 
Stupid Jungkook and his stupid skills. It’s not fair that he’s good at everything, even something as random as massage therapy. 
The smile on his face is warm, but still, he says, “You don’t sound very grateful.”
“Don’t push it.” You roll your eyes at him, and if possible, his grin widens. In your absent thoughts about slapping the grin off his face, a thought strikes you. You grin back at him. “Now that I know about all your wonderful...skills, I sure hope that information doesn’t somehow fall into the wrong hands.” 
Jungkook’s smile falls. 
“Imagine the people I could tell,” you whisper, relishing the momentary fear you catch on his face before he replaces it with casual nonchalance. 
Y/N: 1. Jungkook: 0.
Fine, you suppose Jungkook gets a point for massaging your neck for 10 minutes. 
“You wouldn’t,” Jungkook says. “Not after I made you feel like heaven on earth.” 
“I think you give yourself too much credit.” 
“Some would say I deserve the credit.” 
“Your mother, perhaps?” 
“You, actually,” he all but leers at you, “and those noises you made just now.” 
He gestures at your neck. 
Fuck. You thought those noises were in your head. 
The corners of Jungkook’s lips curl up at the lack of an immediate comeback. 
Y/N: 1. Jungkook: 2.
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A/N: I haven't updated this series since Jan 2022 because life got busy (grad school) and I started writing an original story. This has been collecting in the dust for years, so I figured it's better to post as is than not at all. I may do the same with some other fics, but no promises.
Taglist: @kneel-begyourpardon @flowersgirl02 @chimchoom @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Hi! How about some domestic and nsfw hc for Rayan? The sandy-skinned god deserves some love too 😆
Domestic Life with Rayan
N/A : This took a little while to write, sorry you had to wait dear !
Warning : NSFW under the cut
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Goes to the Cosy Bear Café every morning before heading to Anteros Academy to have a little chat with Candy and enjoy a cup of coffee with her (also if she needs to and that he has the time to do so, he helps her to put the tables outside)
Sometimes, when he’s done with his classes of the day, he comes to the Café and sit in corner, sipping on a drink, while he’s preparing his next classes, grading some of his students’s essays or simply reading a book
He always order something different to drink because he wants to try everything Candy put on the menu
Grocery shopping with Rayan is so funny because he has his little list and it always begins with him following it diligently but he’ll always end up wandering around the aisles (and Candy looses him in the supermarket)
He and Candy often end up buying everything but what’s on the list lmao
Loves perfumed candles, there’s dozen in their apartment (I JUST KNOW THIS, and if Candy looses him during grocery shopping, he's probably picking up some)
He likes cleaning days  and he’s very particular about the cleaning products he uses (once again he spends so much time in the supermarket choosing them)
He often puts on jazz or (modern) classical music in the background while he’s working or reading 
He knows all the tea about the neighbours and he shares it with Candy (he’s very good at small talk and at connecting with people, therefore my man end up being told everything that’s going on in the building lol)
Likes doing online shopping with Candy (whether it’s for him or her)
Watching documentaries (documentaries on Ancient Greece or just historical documentaries in general and that’s just a personal intake ‘cause I love these lol)  together while cuddling on the couch with Rayan combing her fingers through Candy’s hair
Actually, loves playing with Candy’s hair when they’re cuddling
Random compliments all the time (like complimenting her outfit or just tell her that she’s the most beautiful woman he met)
naps together became a habit, especially during more stressful times of the year
also sleeps in on Sundays and would probably make a brunch with Candy afterward
Rayan wearing his glasses when he reads or when he’s on his computer and Candy going feral because of this (sorry but the illustration of him for that Valentine’s Day event, LORD HAVE MERCY)
He’s often the one that organises the dates : he love trying new restaurant and I think he likes gastronomic cuisine since he finds it as tasty as it is pretty 
He also likes the kind of dates that allow him and Candy to show their creative side (like the date in one of the Valentine’s Day event where they went to a workshop to make perfume, that was so sweet btw) 
He likes to go out with Candy whenever they can but he also enjoys when they stay home together for some quality time
When it comes to oral, he’s a giver. He’s not really the one to tease but he likes taking his sweet time doing so
He likes to receive it too though and if Candy wants to get on her knees, he has no objections 
however he loves it the most when it happens in the morning (the morning wood oops) or at his office at Anteros during an unexpected visit 
About that, he may or may have not fucked Candy on his desk and it may have happened more than once (I had to do this one, I MEAN GUYS)
Candy trying on his glasses for fun and him realising he has a thing for this because she look so hot with them
Would moan but lowkey you know ? Like he isn’t that loud but he doesn’t restrain himself either (And I just know this man has a deep voice so it’d be music to Candy’s ears) 
However, he likes it if Candy gets loud and it makes him go even harder 
Praises. A lot of them. Also call her with pet names during sex (might let out a « good girl » and ahhhh)
he owns a copy of the Kama Sutra (I am not saying that he’s into that or anything - even though he really might -  but he definitely read it because well, as art enthusiast, of course he wanted to know a little more about the art of making love)
As much as he loves admiring Candy’s face, he loves backshots (because it allows him to hit it deep)
Breading kink ? (Maybeeee)
Despite all, I don't think he's really into being called Daddy (even tho he has that "Daddy aura", whatever that means, idk myself) because it'd make him think of that Freudian theory lol
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I'm sorry I am taking so long to post (I didn't expect to receive this much requests but I'm also glad to see that the fandom is still alive lol) but I'm trying my best to answer them all !
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apompkwrites · 1 year
I'll be honest, at this point there are so many different au's of the black sheep that I just gave up on keep up with all of them I'M SORRY
BUT I also just had this fantasticly amazing ideia (that I think I haven't seen yet?) for an older sibling!draconia who is several years older than Malleus and who aided Lilia in raising the little prince
(tw to romance, heartbreak and a long asf essay with extremely rushed and underexplained angst, also many spelling and grammar mistakes probably)
Older sibling!Draconia who technically grew up with Lilia, learning with him everything know
Imagine older!draconia training with lilia and the other trainees (is that the term?) because they're the next in line! they king/queen/regent has to know how to defend themselves if needed!
And during their boring theorical classes, were they've been stuck in a room with some old lady rambling on about how oh so amazing the heir to the throne (them, older!draconia) is instead of the history of their lands (that they may or may not already know like the back of their hand —in their defense they had a lot of free time once upon a time, no friends and the royal library has a whole lot of books) for the past 3 hours
And then suddenly they look at the window and boom! there is Lilia and some other 2 friends they made during their training and outside classes, all of them making really funny faces that make older!draconia want to laugh their soul off, but they can't! they're in front of a teacher and they have to show some respect! oh dang it the lady thinks they're laughing at her so she just decided to end the class, what a shame
Now the 4 teens (however many years that is in fae logic) are running into the forest for a little break with the lovely animals and everyone's having a great time
And yeah sure everything's fine everything's great royal teenage life blah blah blah falling in love with your best friend Lilia and having a secret relationship bc you're still a royal who has an arranged marriage to come blah blah blah you have a little brother now!!!!! and he's a cute little round egg!!!!!! awsome!!!!!
But OMG!!! wait!!! There's a war coming!! Quick get your armour, sowrd and shield and go help the generals with strategies!!! Oh Great Sevens finally!! the war is over and you're victorious!!!! but then again you have a whole lot of newly downloaded trauma, you're now parentless and friendless (they're all dead yay!!!) and apparently the elders are putting you in for marriage??? right after you lost your parents and your friends???? oh but wait your amazing and loving (is she? she is here) grandma is fighting for your freedoom
Oh oops too late tho!!! it became too much and now you're running away from your home (???) after the first next few decades, leaving behind only a bunch of letters, cold sheets, a heartbroken lover, little brother and grandma and a huge mess
But of course older!draconia wouldn't leave them just like that, they just go and pull a Maleficent (Live Action), they keep taking care of their family from the shadows
Making sure little Malleus doesn't die because of how reckless and careless Lilila still is with simple and domestic chores bc he trained all his life to go to war and doesn't know how to wash the dishes
Doing their best to comfort Lilia duting those nights full of nightmares and tears, sending a gentle breeze and some cute little birds his way
Making sure that their grandma isn't tiring herself out by pulling constant all nighters (faes also need to get some rest from time to time grandma!) by blowing out the candles with some cold breeze form outside, so that way Maleficia would get tired of having to always be lighting up the candles again and just go to her room because when did it get so cold in here?
Of course she knows it is her oldest grandkid, this is far from being something natural and who else would have the guts to do that?
Overtime Malleus starts to gradually forget more and more about his older sibling who he loved and loves so dearly, something that pains him and everyone around him that knew them, mainly Maleficia and Lilia
A few thousand years later Lilia also finds a baby somewhere and he still doesn't know how to take care of a child properly what the hell Vanrouge if you're gonna take a kid in at least know what you're doing- no stop it (older!draconia) leave me alone
And because Lilia still doesn't know how to take care of a baby, and because he still has royal duties with the Queen and Malleus, of course older!draconia goes and does their best to help as much as they can without being noticed
And of course Lilia knows they've been helping him, he has known for the Sevens know how long, he can still feel their presence in the gentle breezes that caress his cheeks and hair every other night, ca still feel their loving and longing stares, looks and glances on the back of his head everytime he turns his back
He just doesn't get why they don't just come out and show themselves, it's so obvious they're the ones who've been around this whole time, hiding in the shadows and in the deeppest parts of the woods, being the origins of the many tales, miths and legends the smaller towns have, giving life to the little things thrpughput the whole forest, helping however they could while still doing their best to hide away from the cruel world they live in
At least for him it's obvious, but it is also sad
It's sad to watch as Malleus breaksdown every other night because he's progressively forgeting about his beloved older sibling as time goes on and Lilia I don't want to forget about them
It's sad to see the way the Queen's lingering gazes on some places, like the library, the one tree they always used to take naps on top of, or the hallway where their old room used to be; to see the way she sighs as if she just lost way too many years of life with just a glance at an otherwise regular tree
It's sad to see himself on the mirror, to watch and remember and relish in everything they once had, in everything they could've had; it's sad to feel himself yearn for someone who's doing their damned best to stay hidden, because there's no way they will come put just like that; it's sad to remember all the times he wished to any and every god out there to allow him to turn back time so the he could get one chance, only one more chance to make things right and to make them want to stay and to help them, that was all Lilia wished for most nights, but alas, it never worked
But what was even sadder was watching people come and go, even more so the palaces' servants; it was sad and upsetting, watching all these people that watched him grow up, that watched them grow up, that raised all of them and that knew every kid there like the back of their hand go and be replaced with new people, people who didn't know anything, who were there only because
But Lilia does his best; he does his best to raise Malleus right, even if sometimes he needs their help
He does his best to ease the Queens' burdens while being a mere servant and caretaker, even if sometimes he need their help
He does his best to keep his stress, nerves, anxieties and nightmares at bay, even if sometimes he needs their help
And he does his best to be the best father figure he could just for Silver, even if sometimes he needs their help
Even if Silver reaches an age where he asks way too many question, normal behavior for children of any kind, and one day makes way to many questions about the stranger in his dreams, the stranger that he remembers seeing in his fogy baby memories, the stranger prince Malleus sometimes talks about very very vaguely and why are they showing up on my dreams father?
And even then, Lilia does his best to keep unwanted emotions under the warps, because he doesn't need this child to know everything just yet, but he still takes his sweet time teeling his son about them
About the previous heir, who ranaway because of the pressure, about their old friends, who he loved dearly and to this day holds close to his heart; he tells him as much as he can, without telling him much
And with that, Silver's curiousity is satisfied! He knows who the kind and pretty stranger is, he knows he doesn't need to be afraid of them, because his father trusts them, and if his father trusts them then they must be a very good person. So yes, Silver's curiousity is satisfied
When one day Sebek Zigvolt comes along, Lilia doesn't really complain, ot is after all one more distraction from his aching heart and one more friend for his little child and his little prince, who's heart has been coming to a calm for the past few decades
So Lilia is happy when they all become very good friends, because this way Malleus' heart won't be hurting as much as Lilias' is, Silver won't ask as much questions about the kind stranger (who turned put to be the previous heir to the throne) and all in all Sebek is a very cute child, very loud but also very cute
Older!Draconia wants to smack Lilia into the next universe tho, because Vanrouge what the fcuk are you doing with 3 kids you still can't cook for shit you mf-
anyways this is everything and this is very long sorry for the whole testament
also do you think I can be ⚜️ anon if that one still isn't being used, bc this is not the first time i've brainrotted in your inbox and I don't think it will be the last (it happend back when you first started your black sheep au, I dont think it had an actual name back then???)
dw i sometimes forget about some of the black sheep au we have too
i. am going to go feral for older draconia who falls in love with lilia but runs away bc they don't want their life to be upturned for an arranged marriage.
and them living like live action maleficent!!!! and yk how silver is very similar to aurora? imagine that silver actually meets older draconia in the forest the same way aurora does in the live action <33
and some angst as always. imagine the first few nights that older draconia ran away. imagine lilia who stayed up late into the night, sobbing openly at the fact that the love of his life is gone. he begs and pleads to any god that will hear him to bring them back. he doesn't think he can live without them...
and older draconia is just a few feet away from their old home, sobbing alongside lilia as they beg and plead to any god for them to be reunited, in this life or the next.
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I am still formulating Thoughts about episode 7, but I am Many Feelings, friends.
(Oops, I ending up writing an essay, so I guess I did have lots of thoughts.)
Feelings about Put being so eager to love Pat properly this time, that he can't acknowledge that he is still putting his career first, that he's distant in a way that is actively hurting Pat, all for the need to protect his job.
Feelings about how clear it is that Put and Pat still love each other, but can't yet allow for the reality that it's not what they need.
Feelings about how what Put is doing isn't even wrong -- he's not being cruel intentionally! He's protecting himself and trying so hard to make it work with Pat! -- it's just unfair to both of them. He wants to be with Pat, he wants to stop being lonely as he builds his career, and I genuinely believe that he loves Pat! It's just not enough for them to fit together now.
Feelings about how Put is realizing these things, but is unwilling to give up the chance to fix things; to admit defeat. Feelings about how he sees what's there between Pat and Jeng, and he's jealous, but it doesn't make him immediately possessive, he's scared to lose Pat, and he's guilty about the things he can't offer him.
Feelings about that scene with Put and Jeng, where they establish that they Know what the other wants from Pat, and low-key threaten each other, but both walk away feeling guilty and called out.
Feelings about how Pat wants Put to be able to love him the way he needs, and how he has, since the moment Put became a part of his life again, so easily gravitated to him. To the comfort that familiarity offers, to the respite from his own loneliness, and the promise of healing the part of him that still loves and misses Put.
Feelings about how lonely all three of them are:
Pat seeking familiarity and connection with Put, and with pyramid scheme guy. Pat being drawn over and over to Jeng, and sharing details of his life, and still struggling with the reality of their positions, and how he can't let himself want Jeng. Pat's heart visibly breaking when he isn't able to get what he wants from Put, when the connection and comfort he wants and needs is unable to be freely given. Pat purposely leaving the pain of that realization to seek out Jeng, but unable to reach for him without getting drunk (and them both leaning into the excuse of inebriation to provide cover for the feelings they're leaking all over, and for touches that can be written off).
Put desperately reaching out for forgiveness, for reconciliation, for the connection and love that Pat offered him in the past, that he's held onto and is all twisted up with regret and longing and guilt and love. Put being forced into the closet, into having to hide his feelings for Pat-- for his career, instead of because of his own fear and uncertainty this time, but still wanting Pat so desperately.
Put being so afraid of discovery, of Chot knowing, of Jeng knowing, of his manager knowing, that it makes him walk away from drunk Pat, and have to leave him to Jeng to take care of.
Jeng, holding himself apart from his coworkers to maintain control of his image, and control in general. Holding himself back from Pat, when he realizes that he's his boss now, keeping physical barriers between them to avoid giving in to the urge to touch him, but unable to stop reaching out emotionally.
Jeng only being shown to regularly interact with his brother, and his restaurant partner (and his niece, but even his sister seems to be regularly absent from these interactions), and then with Pat and his friends, and the crew of the film, but only Jaab outside of work for several episodes. How playful he has let himself be with Pat versus the stern detachment of their first interactions. How awkward and distant he is with his parents, how so much of his kindness is done without witness (buying the baked goods, advocating for Pat with the clients, etc). *It was fascinating to see him take care of Pat with Chot right there*
Feelings about how Chot sees what's happening, and is trying to make sure Pat knows he's in Pat's corner, whatever happens (but still teasing, as besties are wont to do).
Feelings about Jen and Jaab, and how far apart they are this whole episode. About Jen reaching out, but Jaab pulling away, unwilling to be a consolation prize, and afraid to be hurt after loving Jen silently for so long. About how both of them are so obviously hurting, so obviously missing each other and their friendship, so obviously wanting.
Feelings about how the lines are shrinking and blurring so beautifully, even as all of them continue to tiptoe on them.
And don't get me started on my feelings about how Put goes on the defensive in the preview.
Oh look, I guess I had enough thoughts, oops.
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canadianlucifer · 5 months
1, 10, 20, and 21 for Seidou?
*vibrating with excitement* yeah i'm so normal about him
under the cut bc I wrote nearly 1k words and 50% of that is the first question oops
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Where do I even start? I'm gonna separate og and re here and explain them separately.
Starting with the unbelievably tragic insane opossum, he immediately became one of my faves when I first read vol 3 because it was just such a shock I think. Obviously I felt bad for him when I thought he died, but the contrast between his human self and now was just crazy. I'm not entirely sure why I liked him when the volume came out bc that was back in 2018, but after rereading the series I can fully say I like him so much now because he is just incredibly sad and complex. I could go on and on and probably write a whole essay (which, huh. Come to think of it that might actually be fun), but it kinda boils down to "he didn't deserve to suffer like that" and that leads into why I'm also a fan of his human self.
In og, he was a bit of an asshole, yeah, but he was just a kid. He was excitable and eager and quite emotional, easily showing when he was happy or proud or angry or upset or scared and the CCG took advantage of that. He was indoctrinated and told that genocide is the only option. He was only 20 year old when he was given a gun and told to kill and that that wasn't just okay, but good. That he'd be a hero protecting Tokyo for murdering people. He was told "good job" for killing and was even upset when he wasn't able to kill even more, wanted a promotion so he could wipe out families and communities and be rewarded for it. I could go even further with how fucked up the CCG is and their practices but let's move on. Seidou is one of the few investigators who didn't become an investigator because of some personal hatred for ghouls or a significantly traumatizing event, he became an investigator because his mom was scared of ghouls. From what he wrote in his will it seems that he wasn't particularly scared, but his mom certainly was and he wanted to protect her. So he went to the academy and worked hard but it just wasn't enough. No matter how hard he tried, he was always second place. Always just not quite good enough. He still got the job he wanted, but it's clear he wanted Akira’s place. He wanted to be partnered with Amon and to go on missions but got stuck with a workaholic that calls him into the office at 10pm to fix a report (not to mention knowing that he's already drunk like. It could wait until morning, do you really want someone in the office that's wasted? But that's for another day-). I think it's important to understand his human self to fully appreciate his character in re, there's just so much context for why he became like he did if that makes sense.
WOW I have been rambling for a while oops let's move on lmfao
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I doubt it. As a ghoul, no way he's way too annoying of a friend. Like, clingy but also pushes everyone away and at some point you just have to be like "fine, be that way." I would not be able to stand his emo ass tbh. As a human, I just don't think he'd want to be friends with me lmao. Like, he places so much of an emphasis on rank and achievements and stuff I don't think he'd want to hang out with someone who'd have absolutely no interest in the CCG if it were real and would probably harbour ghouls lmao
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Oooh good question... hmm, I'd say Kaneki honestly. Human Seidou and kuroneki would be good pals because they'd just be silly good pals hanging out and Kaneki should've known more about both sides before going off the deep end and Seidou should've had someone to talk to outside of the CCG to know when his aspersions were getting a bit obsessive, someone to point out there's more to life than work and I think Kaneki could have shown him that through his stories. And with ghoul Seidou and kingneki, we only saw it a little bit but they seem to be on good terms after he got his sanity back. Kaneki says that they're similar in that they're both empty and need something to chain them down lest they go off and die and they could be each other's chain so to speak. Like, if they make plans to get coffee or whatever it's like "well shit I can't die now, I've got plans", it's the same mentality if having a gym partner I think. You get a gym partner because it holds you accountable for going to the gym, you don't want to disappoint your friend, right? Anyways yeah I think Seidou and Kaneki would be good pals.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favourite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
INFLICTING THE HORRORS UPON HIM AND THEN GIVING HIM THE EMOTIONAL EQUIVALENT OF WARM SOUP. You can see in the two fics I've written that I just love putting that babygirl into bad situations and then giving him comfort it is the BEST. Hurt/comfort my beloved.
As for don't like, I'm not sure... I don't write too often. I suppose dialogue is kinda difficult, I have a hard time giving characters different speaking styles, I end up making everyone sound the same but that's more of a general writing thing, not specific to him.
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thegentlefem · 9 months
What got you into GFD?
I really love this question, and yet I don't have an exact answer to it. The short answer is that nothing in particular got me into gfd, it has always just been a part of who I am. I enjoy taking care of people and dominating men. I'm an independent person who doesn't conform to the mainstream. I have an innate hatred for the way society promotes toxic masculinity and toxic femininity. So gfd is my perfect niche. I'll give a longer answer below if you'd like to read it. Thank you for the question!
So I just went ahead and wrote an essay in 5 min oops it's probably more information than you wanted
I guess the origins of it can be traced as far back as elementary school. This seems really trivial but I used to be a competitive gymnast, so as a kid, I was constantly surrounded by strong girls (and boys) in the gym training for hours every day. It was normal for me to see girls who could do 50 push ups no problem or climb a rope with no legs, and at such a young age my female and male gymnastics friends were very equal in that regard. On the playground at school, I even remember arm wrestling a few boys during recess and winning. Things like that were fun, and they usually birthed friendships. No really one cared about society's views of femininity and masculinity because we were too young to understand. Good times.
In middle school, puberty hit and I realized that society didn't consider physically strong or independent women to be "normal". We were outliers. Dating became popular in school, although I never participated because it seemed too dumb to me and the girls with cliques or immature boys seemed so exhausting. My strength wasn't a source of friendship or interest anymore, and instead people (guys) were intimidated or weirded out I think. Goodbye male friendships. I was introverted and mature, not charming or cute like other girls. Girls were supposed to like smiling all the time and doing their hair, putting on makeup and acting cute to flirt with their boyfriends, right? I felt like that was foreign to me, that everything was backwards, because I knew that wasn't what I wanted. And no way was I going to sacrifice my personality for a stupid middle school relationship. So I stayed in my introverted lane and didn't get involved in dating drama.
In high school, I discovered more about my sexuality and about what I wanted from a relationship. Have you ever read Is It Wrong to Get Done by a Girl? because that's how I felt. Along with real life things, I also began consuming more media. I discovered movies and books with characters or scenes that sparked my interest. Whether it was seeing a man being tied up, a stoic character being comforted, or a man generally taking a submissive role to a woman, I was hooked. Like a memorable scene was seeing Wonder Woman tie up Steve Trevor in the lasso of truth, mwahaha. So no one event got me into GFD, it was just a desire that always existed within me and became more apparent as I grew.
My sexuality became centered on wanting to take a dominant role, but also on curating a relationship based on respect, love, and affection. I realized that toxic masculinity for men existed just like toxic femininity did for women like myself, and I just wanted to give men the love that the patriarchy of today will never show them. GFD allows me to be the woman that society will never appreciate properly: strong and in control, yet caring. GFD allows my partner to be the man that society will never appreciate fully: vulnerable and passionate, yet strong.
So, I appreciate anyone who has read this much, and I appreciate this anon ask! I also hope other women with a similar experience can read this and realize that they aren't alone in their desires. This really allowed me to reflect on myself and I would gladly answer similar questions.
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cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
What about reader proposing to Viktor? I’m so bad at requests I’m sorry lol <3
Not me taking two months to get back a request OOPS
I know this was for the five somethings prompts, but my brain is working in headcanon format rn im sorry
Viktor x gn!Reader (SFW)
-Neither you nor Viktor had ever expected to end up in a relationship, much less with each other. You’d met when you were merely students, and had been bitter rivals for years, before you’d drunkenly fallen into bed with one another after some fancy event you’d both been invited to.
-A drunken night during which time you admitted that you really didn’t understand why he hated you so much - didn’t understand what you’d done or how you’d offended him to warrant such a reaction.
-The days following had been awkward, before he’d finally singled you out and apologized for how he’d acted towards you. It would take a couple more years to get the reason behind his actions, but for the time being, you were sated by an apology (though you did also manage to get him to agree to dinner together).
-The rest was history. Your relationship had grown stronger from there; you became a force of nature when working together, constantly encouraging each other to learn and grow. There wasn’t a person at the academy who wasn’t aware of your ingenuity as a team, even if most of the student body had never met either of you.
-Eventually your schooling came to an end, though, and you went your separate ways…
-At least in terms of work.
-Viktor found a temporary job as Professor Heimerdinger’s assistant, and you started your career as a lab technician. Both of you were run dry by the end of every day, falling into your shared bed with groans and quiet complaints. You barely had the energy to tell each other about the kinds of nonsense you had to put up with - impossible tasks and hazing by coworkers, or having to sit and read through dozens of shoddy essays written by the first-years.
-You’re together almost three years by the time he starts a partnership with Jayce - four years when you finally quit your job to join their team - five years when you come into the lab one day, riddled with anxiety.
-Viktor is thankfully out for the afternoon, leaving just you and Jayce to finish up with the experiments you’d had planned. Jayce, though -brilliant as he is- did have a tendency to stray from the checklists you’d always lay out. Typically he’d find little things that you’d missed or not taken into account, or a test would go so awry that the prior plans needed to be scrapped and rewritten. But today?
-Today he was chatty.
-Even worse, he was chatty about you. Asking you why you looked so stressed all of a sudden, why you were fidgety, why you kept digging around in your pockets as if to check for something.
-You cared about him immensely, but sometimes you really hated that he was so observant.
- “You have to promise not to tell Viktor,” you whisper to him, glancing one last time at the door. Jayce nods quickly, and you pull a little box out of your pocket - wrapped in dark leather, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
-Jayce’s eyes go wide. “Is that what I think it is?” he asks.
- “Yeah. But!” you cut him off before he can start offering his congratulations, “I still need to ask him.”
-You open the tiny box, and observe the ring. Dark polished steel, without gems and subtle enough to not call attention. It doesn’t look like much at first glance, but up close it’s covered in intricate engravings and beautiful details that you know he’ll appreciate.
- “I made it myself,” you explain, “though getting his ring size was a pain in the ass. I never realized how lightly Viktor sleeps until I tried to wrap a string around him - it took me an entire week, Jayce. A week!”
-You sigh, and shut the box, shoving it back into your pocket. “I just…don’t know how to ask him. I want it to be personal, y’know? Private, intimate. We haven’t really talked about getting married, but…I want to spend the rest of my life with him.”
-Jayce’s eyes go wide, and you continue, “But what if we’re not on the same page? We’ve been together for so long that we can predict each other pretty well, but…I don’t know. I’m just nervous, I guess. It’s not every day that you get to ask your boyfriend to marry you, so it’s not like I’ve had any practice- what are you doing, Jayce?”
-The man in question is very urgently gesturing at you, a multitude of movements that you’re completely unable to comprehend.
- “I believe he’s trying to tell you to stop talking,” an amused voice comes from the doorway. “Granted that I’ve already heard most of your conversation, though, the action is moot.”
-You swivel around in your seat, eyes wide as saucers. You open your mouth to speak, hoping you can save yourself, but not a word comes.
-Jayce dips within a couple seconds, loudly proclaiming that he ‘forgot the thing at the place’ before all but running out of the room. Leaving you and Viktor. Alone.
-The silence stretches on for longer than you’d like, before you’re finally able to say anything.
- “This…isn’t how I wanted things to go,” you grumble, leaning back in your chair to stare at the ceiling. Viktor hums a quiet reply, and you listen to him amble across the room to take a seat in the chair that Jayce had recently vacated.
- “And how did you want it to go?” he asks, his tone carefully neutral.
-You roll your head sideways, breaking your gaze away from the tiles above you to instead stare at your boyfriend. “I don’t know,” you admit. “Maybe dinner at our favourite spot, or a night in together. Something quiet, that was just for us - I wanted to ask you without an audience, or without some grand show, because…because I know you don’t like that kind of thing. Plus, I love the moments we have together. Our quiet mornings and lazy evenings, our sleepless nights in the lab. That’s…what I want, for the rest of our lives.”
-You can feel the blood rushing to your face, threatening to set the tips of your ears on fire. “It’s corny, I know, but- Viktor, are you crying?”
-Much to your dismay, your boyfriend’s eyes have glossed over, and you can see a fat line of tears welling up behind his lashes. You’re upright in half a second, scooting closer to him until you’re able to take his face in your hands.
- “Don’t cry,” you murmur, tenderly wiping the damp tracks off his cheeks. “We don’t have to get married if you don’t want to - as long as I’m with you, it doesn’t matter what-”
- “Ask me,” he interrupts.
-You pause.
- “Ask me,” he says again.
-You swallow thickly, but take a breath. “Viktor,” your voice is soft, “Will you marry me?”
-If his lips on yours in the next moment isn’t enough of an answer, then the breathless little ‘yes’ when you finally pull apart is. You carefully take his hand and slide the ring onto his finger, bringing his knuckles up so you can lay another soft kiss.
-It’s a perfect fit.
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straycalamities · 4 months
🍀✨🌼🌺🥊 for ace?
this is an essay (oops) so readmore B') tons of ramblings especially about the concept, origins, and brainstorming of ace below
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
so when camp entre (truffula flu) was in its death throes, i kinda saw the end coming over the horizon and was already thinking "well, i'm really attached to a lot of the things we've done here what if i made an original webcomic based on that" and so i had to start populating it
well originally i made andrew to be in entre's spot and he was literally deoncelerized entre (until 2019 when he rly became his own thing w just some similarities) and i'm literally swagtre-obsessed til i die so i was like well obviously i want to recreate a similar dynamic so i literally made ace to be andrew's love-interest and foil. that's why i include swag as one of his inspirations and it's..kinda obvious too. but trufflu swag-mod was fine w the obvious inspiration so it's all good
it was like a decade ago i did this so things are fuzzy but i remember when things really Hit me was when i remembered(? or someone mentioned? i forgor. just basically i ended up watching) Ferris Bueller's Day Off and it literally smacked me in the face like i know Exactly what i want to do for this character now. i threw in some eddy from eene and kuzco from emperor's new groove and boom. i had him.
(i cant find my original drawings of him rn but he just. looked like some Dude at the beginning lol)
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
now we get to the next part of ace's development. so when i made him he was kinda just..on the backburner but! i got the idea to try and put him in thneedville/thornville high and develop him there, but i Also wanted there to be more girl charas in the au and i was like "well i think his personality would be really interesting in a girl chara" so i made him a girl for my concept for that au
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him and his twin (was gonna be run by spike/rocky's mod) they were Ace and Anna (i think..) he still has the kinda original look here even if i made it a bit more feminine. he also doesnt have a twin anymore. i joke he absorbed her in the womb and that's why he's so lucky.
bc the thing i kept was when i originally made him (cis male), his name was gonna be Dwayne and he just chooses to go by Ace bc its a cooler name. and when i made him a girl his name was gonna be equally embarrassing so he..still ended up going by Ace. (i kept it. it's his deadname now LMAO) bc after the highschool au was a Flop for me, i was like well no i want him to be a guy again but decided to make him trans bc i didnt have a trans chara yet and i thought it was Time, especially as a trans man myself, to have a chara with those sorts of experiences like me :3
i was attached to the name Ace bc 1. its fkn cool 2. i always knew i wanted him to be asexual so. the puns 3. there's a lot more puns to be made w a name like Ace and it just fit his demeanor and stuff and the way he loves doing stuff with cards (cardtricks, poker, etc) there's a lot of weight on his name being Ace and i love it
his full name is Ace Dale Miller. and it was meant to sound redneck af. being someone born n raised in mississippi, i know the culture very well LMAO and so his middle name is bc his dad (regardless of being born afab) gave him that middle name bc of Dale Earnhardt. and Miller comes from the beer of the same name. bc that was a thing i wanted was his discontent and disconnect from his roots but never fully escaping them
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
in his mainverse (zombie apoc comic whenever that happens) i keep him early-mid 30s and typically that's the age-range i default to and have done the most to Set Up for. i like him being old enough to make a name for himself and be Set (before whatever plot happens to tear it all apart) and also being in that age but having the tendencies of a manbaby. it's funni to me
however in the cult au i want to eventually get running on a blog, he's going to be a senior in high school and being a teen is the general age-range i go for for that au
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
i'm a chronic multi-shipper especially with my own ocs, so he's had flings with a lot of my friends' and former-friends' ocs, but the main chara i default to (and is canon in his canon universes) is Andrew :3
he was literally created to go with him so. ya.
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exposes my obvious swagtre-redraws but acedrew. the Original Vision
but like i said i'm always down to clown with any oc with him at any time. he's just hard to love and hard to get to realize he loves. so everyone has to be prepared for that LMAO
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
his favorite things to do: be right, be correct, other people be wrong but not him, mobile games like candy crush, poker, card-tricks, darts, billiards, blackjack, craps, you get the idea he likes to gamble and do stuff you find in bars, he also likes singing, he also likes getting his way by any means necessary like it's a thrill for him to outplay and even manipulate other people so that things end up in his favor when luck isn't already working for him, he likes to show off but only when it works and people fawn over him for being so cool and skilled. oh yeah he also lowkey likes pranks and trolling ppl but he doesn't do it a ton? so i wouldn't call him A Prankster, but he does enjoy it.
he hates doing things that are the opposite of all that. like he hates being wrong, loathes losing, he hates being bored, hates getting dirty, hates too much manual labor, hates being inconvenienced especially in the smallest ways (but he does like a Challenge so this isn't the same thing as that), he hates emotions especially confronting or even recognizing his own that aren't happy good time emotions, he hates crying (him or other ppl)
the thing about him is he complains and bitches and moans about the smallest shit but if something Big and Serious were to happen to him either emotionally or physically, he'd play it off like he's fine. he's okay (he promises). like he'll whine about a paper cut all day but catch him with a mortal wound tearing through his middle and he'll hide it and march on til the blood-loss gets him. he's just That Guy.
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chenfordspiral · 25 days
Talk shop question: I’m really curious what it’s like to write in another language (if I’m wrong and English is your first language you can ignore this question lol). What’s easy about it? What’s hard about it? Do you think it in your native language and translate or do you think in English?
Oh my gosh, I love this question!
Yep, English isn't my native language! It's my second after German, and honestly? Writing in English is much easier than even trying to write in German. I know it sounds weird, but my brain refuses to even read any sort of fanfiction in my native language simply because it sounds "wrong" in my head. I wasn't comfortable with English, and honestly not good at the subject in school, until I started watching Castle when I was 15, and I will forever credit that show for teaching me English. Long story short, it became like a second native language to me; it just felt natural and suddenly so easy. I even went on to study English in university, and I had to write essays and term papers and everything in English, so the concept of writing anything in German became so foreign to me (unless of course I had to for certain classes) that it wasn't even a question to write fanfic in English as well.
At this point, I'm not sure I could even write fanfic in German. I can't explain it, but it just doesn't feel right. When I think about these characters, I think it in English, so everything I write is actually in English as well. Seriously, anything I write, even if it's just notes or a placeholder when I can't think of a word right away, is in English. Literally everything about my writing process is in English. German who? I don't know her 🤷🏼‍♀️
The hard part? Sometimes I just lack the vocabulary (even now) but then again, I wouldn't know how to write some of it in my native language either, lol. It really just feels so much easier to write in English. Years of being exposed to the language, from reading fanfic and being a part of fandoms to writing academic texts at uni, just made me much more comfortable and confident writing in English. It was much harder to write in German even at university. This sounds so weird as I type it out but it's true - writing has been easier in English since I was about 15.
Well, oops. This was quite the long-winded answer.. now I need to know how other ESL/NNE(S) speakers do this whole writing thing 😂
I never even thought about any of this until now. Thank you so much for this question, Diana! ❤︎
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