#thinking i might do some uniform redesigns soon
smzeszikorova · 1 year
I made a chart.
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erinhime83 · 10 months
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Its that time again for some Division designs!  I sort of go derailed from doing these thanks to the WfS rewrites, but I am determined not to wait another year to do the Cataclysm sequel, so here we are.  Three months out and me freaking out about the last couple of design pictures I need to do, lol.  These are simple and easy to do once I start on them, and they look neat, but it’s just the getting started that gets me, lol.
So these two are the first minor characters that I’ve done.  They sort of straddle the line – they’re not important enough for me to consider being major characters, but they’re not shoved to the back burner, so to speak.  But the fact that they are minor characters is probably why I was dragging my feet, since I had to figure out their style and all.
So first we have Felix, whose the second in command of the Lolita team, so he’s featured quite a bit.  When I first created him, he was supposed to be someone who simply did not like Nova for whatever reason.  He was supposed to be pretentious and an ass, thinking her newbie status was going to get in the way.  He’s still a bit pretentious, but as soon as I started writing him, all aspects of him being an ass disappeared and he somehow gained respect for Nova and I started to like him.  I mean, considering he’s on a lower tier team by choice would sort of suggest that he’s not completely full of himself.
He’s supposed to serve as the more grounded team leader, the one who understands their situation rather than be mad about their status.  They should be a top tier team, none of them truly want that, because they have seem how pretentious and annoying those teams can be.  Felix was drafted to the same team Astrid was on when they first started, and he’s like the only person who doesn’t view her powers as creepy and villain material, which is why he agreed to join her when she started her team.
I do see Felix as being a bit fashionable – he and Astrid have similar tastes – so I sort of slapped something hipster-y on him and I sort of like it?  It suits him, in any case.  The rest of him’s so dark that the green just pops, lol. 
As for his Storm King uniform, I didn’t design it, sadly, but it looks so much cooler than anything I would have come up with.  Granted, being as self-important that he is, you’d think he’d have a more complicated and expensive uniform, but I guess he just figures to stay on the level’s he’s at, and hey, what works, works.  He looks cool, and that’s all that matters.
The next one is Ethan, who is a fun character to think of scenarios with.  Too bad I couldn’t put them all in the first book, lol.  I’m not sure where the idea came from originally, but I loved the idea of the rest of his team claiming that his superpower was ‘laziness’ because he didn’t want to do anything, and also that he was forced to join by his parents.  And the idea that Blake is basically his keeper, frustratingly trying to get him to do anything.
But the thing is his power is super cool and useful and unusual.  Blake feels he has potential, which is why he keeps pushing him, and Ethan isn’t completely disinterested in the idea of being a hero, or else he wouldn’t listen.  It’s mostly that Ethan is a bit of a loner who would rather be doing anything else, but he’s slowly warming up to the team and the idea of being a hero.
And then the fight at the gala happened, and he had his first real taste of being a hero, and, well, Cosmic Star herself complimented his powers, so now he’s making more of an effort.  (Blake is a little worried that Ethan might be scooped up by a better team now that he’s Making An Effort, but he doesn’t need to worry, since Ethan wouldn’t want to acclimate to a new team.)
His style seemed easy enough – I ended up aging him down from what I originally had him at so he was younger than Nova, and sticking him in skater teen fashion just made sense.  It works well with him and his personality! 
AND THEN there’s his redesigned uniform.  I had always planned on Ethan getting a little more serious after Cosmic Star complimented him, and I realized last year that it should mean he has a new uniform, so I had to go and actually think about what he’s wear.  I’d imagine his parents were still the ones who designed it for him, lol.  It’s simple, but he looks really cool now.  Definitely more like a hero than some dude who threw something together.  I really like it.
So yeah, the first of the minor characters.  So more should be coming soonish, just so I can get all this done and over with.
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iennoganan-aha · 2 years
Here’s Jay!
These are original designs so I’d appreciate you didn’t heavily reference, steal or copy them :)
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If you aren’t aware what Subterranean AU is, again see the post before this one. Easy explanation, it’s a magical boy au with the ninjas as magical boys. In the AU the boys are all tied together to Lloyd in ribbons of fate. The AU takes place in an original setting I made for a group of ocs that I out the ninjas in.
If you seen the original you already know this but if not, this is his role in the story.
Jay had an odd relationship with his magic, he doesn’t hate it like cole but he isn’t carefree about it like Kai. Before being fated, he almost never used it. He was a late bloomer, most people find out their magic at ages 10 (like Lloyd) where Jays magic manifested at age 12. He’s had his magic for the least amount of time, Lloyd being the most inexperienced due to him having the youngest magic. Jay can’t fully control his transformation or magic as well as Cole, Kai and Zane can. He wants to help people, but is too scared of death and so he often doesn’t do much until he’s paired up with the others. Once he’s fated with the others, he starts to come out of his shell. He feels more at peace, and while he’s upset that Lloyd is magic, he feels a new purpose in life. He becomes more broad in his attempts to help, taking after Zane because he is one of his biggest inspirations in his self acceptance and journey of heroics. He wants to help people, he wants to take down their shitty ass government.
His magical boy design is based off a show host, or a “rock star”. I also used his prime empire design as inspiration. I’ll probably redesign or at least tweak it soon ‘cause it’s the weakest design out of the four. I like the bottom half but I think the top half still needs work. I gave him a long tailed jacket to feel like a showman’s, and high waisted pants. His fate bows are around his ankles, and his gem is on his collar. (I know I drew it on his chest a couple of times, but it is on his collar lmao). I wanted his hair in his transformation to be more like his hair in the movie, big and curly. While his civilian form looks more like his actual design from seasons 1-7.
Little trivia
He still lives in a Junk yard, but it’s just in the city. It’s more of a scrap yard for old cars and stuff though
Just like Kai he’s between 16-18 depending on how old you think the ninjas are, I’m indifferent
He goes to the same public school as Kai, as shown with his school uniform being similar to Kai’s.
His powers are more to do with technology now than just electronics, but he can still control electrical currents. I know his signature weapon are nunchucks but I think the visual of his weapon being a stage microphone might look cool and play into his show host theming, I still needs work on the visuals and logistics if that though.
He is currently unemployed and still living with his parents, poor boy
He met Nya when he and his dad visited their parents welding shop. Nya being in charge at the moment cause Kai was at work.
If you have any other questions or some things weren’t clear, you can ask. Cole is next so if you have any questions for prep,, go for it 😅
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shinobicyrus · 3 years
Meeting for the First Time Again
A short little DS9 fic inspired by @c-rowlesdraws more alien redesign of Dax. Here’s a re-imagining Sisko’s reunion with his old friend.
Besides bearing DS9’s new Science and Medical officers, the USS Bhaskara was offloading much-needed support personnel and medical supplies for both the station and Bajor. With the Enterprise being called away earlier than anticipated, the Bhaskara would likely be the last Federation ship any of them would see for weeks.
Major Kira had accompanied Sisko aboard, and had stood straight-backed and on edge during the formalities between him and the Bhaskara’s captain. Charitably, Sisko figured it might not have been comfortable for her to be stuck in the unfamiliar close quarters of a Federation starship, or it maybe being surrounding by over a hundred sapients of a dozen different species all in their matching, pristine uniforms.
He still hadn’t come to a final verdict with her, yet. Certainly she had no love for the Federation. Hadn’t been at all shy to disclose that fact either, which he couldn’t help but privately admire. It was the kind of refreshingly straightforward attitude that Sisko didn’t encounter as often as he liked, anymore.
At least he knew where they stood. There may never be any friendliness there, but there could at least be a mutual respect, if they didn’t give each other brain damage butting heads all day.
Well. That was what their new doctor was for.
He was human and very young. His blue uniform was freshly replicated, and a medical bag hung off of his shoulder as if he expected to start performing first aid the moment he stepped off the ship. Sisko had read his file. Doctor Julian Subatoi Bashir had the highest qualifications of any medical practitioner he’d ever seen, and the academic accolades to have his pick of duty assignments.
Instead of research or a ship’s physician, he chooses a barely-functional Cardassian monstrosity on the furthest fringes of Federation space.
No one makes that choice unless they have something to prove. That never boded well. Sisko could only hope the few weeks tending to a people trying to recover from decades of slavery and genocide will give the good doctor a good dose of sobering reality.
Thankfully, Captain T’Shel was vulcan and took zero offense when Sisko politely declined their offer of a light tea in their stateroom. With the amount of work still needed to get DS9 up and running, it was only Logical he take his officers and return to work as soon as possible.
Their disembarkation went without incident, though Sisko half-expected the airlock to jam again. Next to him, Doctor Bashir took in the grim Cardassian architecture of the promenade with that eagerness unique to academy graduates on their first assignment; his eyes sparkled with adventure and Sisko marveled that he himself had ever been that young. 
DS9’s Science officer was more sedate, flowing over the tall rim of the airlock on many legs with a smooth, liquid grace. Two pairs of stubby but strong limbs pushed her long body upright and brought her flat, vaguely amphibian head at about his chest-level, passably mimicking a biped.
“Commander.” Major Kira looked uncertainly at her charges. “If you’d like me to give these two a tour of the station – ”
“You and Doctor Bashir go ahead, Major.” He turned to the trill and saw her already looking at him. The face of a stranger. Still, he smiled at her. “I’m afraid I have to put Lieutenant Dax to work right away.”
Dax nodded, unperturbed at being put to work so soon after a long starship journey. Not even time to throw her pack into her new quarters.
Major Kira for one just seemed relieved. The sidelong glance she gave Dax made it clear how unused she was to dealing with non-humanoids. Sisko couldn’t bring himself to judge – all of her interactions with off-worlders before now had involved Cardassians.
Before she could herd him away, Doctor Bashir half-ran past Kira to Dax’s side, stopping them from leaving. Sisko was too surprised – and too curious of Dax’s reaction – to chide him.
This time.
“Jadzia!” He adjusted the strap of his bag, completely heedless of the disgruntled glare Major Kira had leveled at him like a charging phaser. “I was thinking. Maybe we could…” He cocked his head, boyish smile shy but still precocious. “Get together later. For dinner?”
Dax did not answer immediately, as if he...she were weighing the question. As one second, then another ticked by without a response, Sisko watched the fear creep into Bashir’s eyes as it slowly dawned on him that he was holding up his commanding officer. Sisko said nothing to add or alleviate his anxiety, and Bashir stammered, looking to him and then back to Dax. “O-o-or a drink?”
Dax blinked slowly. Her mouth curled into a shape a human would find friendly. Her voice was thick, melodious and warm like rain on a muggy day. “I’d be delighted.”
Three words was evidently all it took to leave Doctor Bashir a dumb, grinning blob of hormones stuck in place in front of the airlock. Dax and Sisko left him to be pried off the deck by the Major.
They walked side-by-side down through the promenade. Sisko kept his strides small so the four shorter limbs on Dax’s lower body could keep up without much difficulty.
While trills could stand upright just fine, walking without all eight limbs was another matter; like expecting a human to hop around on one foot all day. Any Federation-raised citizen wouldn’t think twice about trill walking past low to the ground, but Curzon had stubbornly mastered the art.  
‘Gotta look them in the eye, Benjamin. Think I could have gotten anything done at Khitomer crawling around the Klingons’ pointy boots?’
Watching her walk was what did it. The dignified posture, head bobbing and both pairs of upper-arms clasped behind her back. It was all Curzon, but eerily incongruous. Like looking into the mirror and seeing the wrong color uniform.
Sisko leaned down to ask, “He’s a little young for you, isn’t he?”
“Trills mature a little faster than humans, but we’re close in Standard,” Dax said. “He’s twenty-seven and I’m –”
“Three-hundred twenty-seven?”
“You know I stopped counting, Benjamin.”
“How convenient for you.”
Dax chortled a bubbly trill laugh. “What was that human expression you told me once? About youth and old age?”
“Youth is wasted on the young.”
“A pitfall I’m glad to have avoided,” Dax grinned.
“You’re dodging the question.”
She stroked her whiskers like Curzon used to do when he was pretending to be a forgetful old man. When...she was pretending. “And what question would that be?”
“Whether the man knows he’s chasing after someone who’s technically older than his great-grandparents.
“Of course he knows,” Dax’s upper body stood a tad straighter. “He finds it fascinating. He’s never met a joined species before.”
“‘Fascinated’ isn’t the word I’d have chosen to describe it.”
“It’s the spots. And the arms,” She raised two of them to fend off his raised eyebrow. “Don’t worry Benjamin, I’ve been around humans long enough to be able to spot a harmless crush. He’ll sigh and pine at the ‘unattainable older woman’ shield he put around me until he gets over it.”
“I’ll trust your expertise on the matter,” Sisko said wryly. “While we’re on the subject, what’s your opinion of him?”
“My opinion?”
“You've trained your share of clueless ensigns and terrorized enough trill initiates...”
“That’s true,” Dax agreed. “I happen to remember one young cadet who swore he’d be captain of a starship by thirty.”
“And an admiral by forty.”
“How is that going for you?”
“Further along than Cal. And you’re changing the subject.”
Those whiskers, again. “The subject being?”
“Come on now, Dax. You two were stuck on the Bhaskara for three weeks. That’s more than long enough for you to get a good read on him.”
“Is this an official request from my superior officer?”
Superior officer. Curzon. That…was going to take some getting used to. “If it has to be, but I’d rather be talking with an old friend whose opinion I trust.”
Dax looked pensively at patterns on the deck plating as they walked. “He’s...young. Eager. Brilliant and knows it, but even the arrogance feels like an affectation. Almost obligatory. At least, it’s flimsy enough that I doubt it will last long outside of a competitive Academy environment.”
“He specifically asked to be here.”
Dax’s hum was like rippling water. “He told me that as well.”
“That sounds like a man with something to prove.” Sisko didn’t hide the disapproval in his voice. From another officer under his command, maybe. Not from Dax.
“Yes, but it’s to himself first and foremost. I’m not a counselor Benjamin, so I couldn’t tell you why, but  I’m confident his rough edges will be smoothed over with little bit of time, wisdom, and real-world experience. And,” she added with a thin smile. “The guiding hand of a wise mentor.”
“I hope I can live up to your example.”
“Oh, I meant me. You’ll do too, I suppose,” Dax winked. “I taught you everything you know.”
For the first time since he boarded that godforsaken Cardassian station, Ben Sisko laughed. “Not everything, Old Man.”
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
“Yeah, right. What future?” - Twisted Wonderland OC
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Jacob Orion Columbus is a side character in my fanfic, Twisted Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure. Often seen as a difficult student, he's a student from Royal Sword Academy who appears to have connections with Jonah Argentum.
==/Technical Information/==
Japanese: ジェーコブ・オリオン・コロンバス
Romaji: jeekobu orion koronbasu
Voiced by: ???
Debut: Chapter 57 - Beginning of the Rebellion
==/Biographical Information/==
Name: Jacob Orion Columbus
Nickname: Jake, Jakey
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: 1st September
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 155 cm
Eye Color: Blue
Homeland: Radiant Haven
Agar Every (father, unknown status)
Rebekah Columbus (mother)
==/Professional Status/==
School: Royal Sword Academy
Dorm: Arvorking ( @animenightmarenation )
School Year: First
Class: 1-D, Student no.6
Occupation: Student
Club: Equestrian Rider
Best Subject: Zoology/Wildlife Biology
==/Fun Facts/==
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Blueberry milkshake
Least Favorite Food: Peas
Dislikes: Rules, Chores, Homework, His mother worrying about him, Thinking about his future, Any mentions of his biological father and missing brother
Hobby: Animal care (mostly his dog), Going on a magical wheel ride
Talents: Mechanics, Scavenger hunts, 'Beast tamer'
Jacob is a teenage boy with dark skin, blue eyes, and dark blue hair with light purple bangs and downward ahoge.
He's usually seen in his school uniform which consists of an unzipped short-sleeved white hooded jacket with gray buttons and a gray checkered pattern at the hem. Underneath, he wears a black shirt with a V-neck. He also wears dark brown cropped trousers that were hemmed with the same checkered pattern as the jacket and black high-top boots.
He doesn't really like his dorm uniform. It feels uncomfortable and just doesn't suit him. His dorm uniform consists of a dark tunic top, light green capelet, white trousers, brown belt, and red boots. He also wears a long brown scarf and reaches his nose.
Jacob is a quite difficult kid to approach because of his trust issue. He doesn't have friends growing up so he doesn't really know how to socialize with his peers. He's blunt and honest, sometimes doesn't even care about others' feelings. He would also hide his face every time he gets excited, like pulling his jacket close to his face.
Jacob is actually a brilliant-but-lazy type. He's able to build his own magical wheel with the scraps that he found in the nearby junkyard, but at the same time he would never do his homework, takes nap in class, and don't even bother with the exam. He's also surprisingly good with animals.
Cold on the outside, but he's crying in the inside. He's basically that one kid who has trouble showing how much it hurts him and how he regrets doing everything he had done but never really make an effort in doing it. Everyone had already seen how bad he is, so why bother change.
He's a lonely kid and questioning about his future often. He really wants to know where he belongs and what's his purpose in this world? While he loves his mother, he also realized that he only causes more troubles.
Entering RSA was a small step in transformation. Jacob becomes more open and often seen walking down the hall with someone (mostly Rielle who loves to drag him around) and starting to care about school. He's rather clingy once he had friends, always want to stay with him because he's worried he would be alone again. He won't hesitate to punch anyone who dares to hurt his friends.
Jacob was born in Radiant Haven, a small harbor town located near the Valley of Thorn. His mother works in a family inn owns by a friend of hers while he didn't really know what his father's job was. His mother was the one who mostly raised him for his father was nearly absent in his file. Little Jacob tried his best to gain his father's attention but always fail in the end. One day, his father just... left and never return. The little family never recover from that. But lucky for them, the family dinner's boss is very kind and very supportive of her. His son was also a childhood friend with Jacob, but he soon left to continue his study.
Jacob wasn't the best in coping with his father's disappearance. He refuses to remember the man who just up and left without saying goodbye. Jacob grew up becoming a troublemaker, both in school and in his everyday life despite knowing how much it hurts his mother. 
When the RSA's Flying Golden Carriage arrived from him, he remembered how joyous his mother's face was, knowing that Jacob might have a chance for his future. Of course, Jacob would roll his eyes for that, but he said he might give it a try for her sake. 
RSA turns out wasn't so bad. He made friends (more like some people approached him but the most notable on was Prince Rielle Triton) who are always supportive of him and make sure he doesn't get left behind. He still doesn't know what the future is holding for him, but it doesn't seem as cloudy as before...
==/Unique Magic/==
Portkey Gate, which allows him to teleport anywhere he had stepped his foot in. However, this only works if he knows and remembers where is he going. This is also not an offensive type of magic, so he needs other ways to attacks.
Name meaning:
Jacob: "seizing by the heel", "supplanting" Orion: the constellation Orion, the most famous constellation so it's often used in navigation Columbus: 'dove' in Latin, named after Christopher Columbus
Jacob has a talent for magical wheels. He can build one on his own even upgrade it with scraps.
When he was younger, he loves to go to the local junkyard and found some potential scraps to rebuilt.
In RSA, because he mostly doesn't know where to go, he enrolls in the Helpers Course.
He's pretty athletic but doesn't really want to join the Magishift Club because there are too many works and practices.
He's really good at animals. In the Equestrian Rider Club, he's often on the horse care duty. For once, he doesn't mind.
His horse is the most untamable, but both rider and horse managed to trust each other. 
He named his horse Rain because they first time bonded during a really heavy storm during his horse care duty. The poor girl was terrified of the thunder so Jacob tried his best to calm her down.
He may or may not have a crush on Rielle, but it was still vague for him.
He's the first non-NRC OC that appears in my fanfic, debuting in The Rebel of the Wilderness Arc, which also marks the first appearance of @animenightmarenation​ 's RSA OCs 
During his first appearance, it appears that he might have a connection with Jonah, wondering why the NRC student doesn't remember him.
He and Jonah have some similarities: their Biblical name (Jacob the son of Issac and brother of Esau; Jonah the prophet who was swallowed by a big fish) and relationship in sailing (Jacob surname is from Christopher Columbus; Jonah is the 'Captain of Ramshackle Dorm').
Like other NRC-RSA students, Jacob is basically Jonah's hero counterpart, even though their personalities are the opposite of each other (also note that Jacob is more individualist compare to Jonah's collectivist).
Jacob is able to build himself a hybrid weapon between a sword and a blaster acting as his 'magical pen'. He uses his crystal on to the sword-blaster and it can shoot basic light magic attacks and form a light blue laser-like sword. This weapon can also be used as a baton or a wand to cast magic.
Back home, Jacob has a white husky dog whose name is Artoo because she liked to chew on everything when she was a pup.
==/Behind the Scene/==
Previously, Jacob has dark brown hair with red bangs. However, the color of his bangs is nearly similar to Jonah, so I recolor it.
He also used to have a darker color scheme with portrays his bad boy side, however, I changed that too.
He's actually a redesign version of a scrapped DCA OC named Isabella. After a few complications to fit them in the plot, Isabella was scrapped and changed into Jacob.
I often call him 'Yu-Gi-Oh boy' because of his hair (which is actually pretty tame compare to the usual Yu-Gi-Oh standard)
He was inspired by two Disney characters; in original Twisted Hero and Ezra Bridger from Star Wars Rebels
The other inspiration for this boy is actually his main twisted form. However, because he's connected to Jonah's real villain, I'm still keeping it a secret
Some of his traits come from Ezra Bridger: his blue hair and eyes, his scavenging tendencies, the traveling between places/worlds, their hybrid weapon, their beast taming talents
Originally, I want to give Jacob a telekinetic power similar to the Force, but because it seems to be too overpowered, it was scraped
Jacob weapon is basically Ezra's lightsaber-blaster weapon and combines it with Kingdom Hearts' keyblade ability to cast magic
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts,  his school uniform is based on Riku's outfit in Kingdom Hearts 3 but with a different color scheme.
Hiss nickname 'Jake' can be a reference to the main character in the Disney Junior show 'Jake and the Neverland Pirate'
A sudden realization that he's nearly the same as Deuce. Both of them likes magical wheels and both troublesome boys, except Deuce stopped being a bad boy while Jacob is still trying
His birthday is the date of the premiere of Star Wars Rebels short Property of Ezra Bridger, which is also marked Ezra's first appearance in the series
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
The Hagakure Paradox
So, I’ve been going through My Hero Academia and... I figured I’d spend this last week talking about it.
A lot of my posts come from a place where I'm annoyed by the things people are saying. If I've had any reason to make posts like these at all, it's because people don't agree with me over things and I don't want to be seen as crazy for disagreeing with so many people. If I didn't think I was going against the mainstream with so many of my ideas, I wouldn't have started a series called "Opinions I'll Probably get Stoned For".
However, it's not often that I feel the need to make a post like this about something I don't particularly care deeply about. Toru Hagakure is nowhere near one of my favorite characters, either in Class 1-A or in the series as a whole. Last year, I called her de-facto worst girl of Class 1-A. A lot of what I could talk about regarding Hagakure could more easily be used to talk about Momo Yaoyorozu, a character I have much more personal interest in.
Though, I feel like the discourse surrounding Momo has been done to death. At this point, the trenches are in and you're on one side or another. And, while that's probably also the case here, I can at least empathize with the people I disagree with regarding Momo. I don't feel the same way about this.
I will be talking about stuff that happens in the manga in this post, so you...
You know the thing.
As I'm sure we're aware, this debate has to do with Toru’s hero costume. As it stands, her quirk makes her invisible. Unfortunately, she's not able to make other things invisible. When she wears normal clothes, she's not able to make them invisible. Her current hero costume is nothing more than a pair of boots and gloves, and often she's willing to take those off and work naked.
For much of the series, the problem was obvious. Horikoshi created a female character that has to run around naked to use her quirk properly. Even being invisible isn't enough to stop her from being involved in some awkward fan service moments. One had to wonder if he were to write a male character with a similar quirk if he'd handle them the same.
And then Lemillion came on the scene.
Miro Togata's quirk involves him being able to phase through objects. On the one hand, the use of his quirk also affects most of the clothes he uses. When he demonstrates his quirk, he passes through his gym uniform. So, that means things are equal, right?
Sure, if you don't count his hero costume.
His hero costume was made with his hair. He grew it out purposely to be able to create a costume that he'd be able to use his quirk in and not have to worry about doing his work naked. And, theoretically, all he'd have to do to fix it when it rips or is too small is send it in with more of his hair to account for what needs to be adjusted. Need I say more?
In my honest opinion, I don't think it's unfair to wonder why Toru's outfit isn't similar. I generally want to say he came up with the idea for Mirio's quirk and outfit long after Toru's were locked in his mind. And, considering she never sees him in his costume and/or doesn't know how it works, it makes sense she doesn't get the idea to make a similar outfit. Still, I do get the problem with her running around naked and wish that she was constructed differently.
Of course, that's a really important thing to keep in mind. This isn't just an issue of a character that runs around naked. This is an issue of how Kohei Horikoshi decided to construct a character. When I see a lot of people's redesigns for Invisible Girl's outfit, it seems like their only focus is addressing the "she's not wearing clothes" issue. If that were all that this was about then I'd probably talk about the general issues I have with the redesigns. I might have gone in on some of the more famous redesigns as flawed, though well intentioned.
But a lot of people who complain about this seem to be forgetting a really important fact in this: we don't know the full extent of Toru Hagakure's quirk. As it stands, we haven't been formally introduced to her quirk. We don't know exactly why her invisibility works the way it does or if turning things invisible is part of her abilities. 
As it stands, we know that there has to be something else to her abilities than being invisible. As of the Provisional License Exam arc, we've seen her use abilities that involve light refraction which she’s working towards using more. That feels like something that will be important later on when we find out about her quirk. I'd be shocked if that isn't at least part of why he quirk is constantly active.
So, let's (actually) talk about why Horikoshi might have written Toru Hagakure the way he did.
Hagakure represents a special type of character arc among the students. With a lot of characters, we have a decent idea of what a quirk is and how they can improve their skills with it. For others, we're unclear how they can become better heroes because we know what their quirks are. But Hagakure's is about the only one where we have a path of growth for her despite not knowing what her quirk was.
Up to the Joint Training arc, Hagakure's strength was that she was invisible. That's not particularly helpful in a situation where physical ability is measured, such as the quirk evaluations or the sports festival. However, the stealth hero was able to avoid trouble when the USJ was attacked and her invisibility was crucial to her and Shoji passing their exam. It’s the thing that she works to improve during the summer training and light refaction doesn’t come into play until after that ordeal is over.
However, something happens in the Joint Training Exam. She ended up being caught in the joint training exam despite being invisible. To be clear, she was at a state of visibility because she was covered by mushrooms. They were removed and she became invisible. And she still lost despite not being visible.
If there's anything to be learned from this it's that Toru has to learn to be a good hero without relying on being invisible. How that will work stands to be seen. However, that will be dependent on finding out what her quirk is. Nothing I've seen in preparing to write this tells me that Horikoshi doesn't know what Hagakure's quirk is and isn't saving this up for just the right time. However, I'll definitely be interested to see what he has planned.
I think the best next step would be practicing control of this quirk. Not necessarily in the sense that she's able to stop becoming invisible. Rather, learning to turn other things she's directly touching invisible. I would like to see light refraction become a skill she uses to make things around her invisible, not unlike Marvel’s Invisible Woman whose hero name she pays homage to.
It's worth waiting to see how this will play out. My Hero Academia is a series that's in it for the long haul and it's not likely we'll get answers to these questions any time soon. As someone who's been through his fair share of long-running series, if and when Horikoshi actually gives us an explanation, it will make sense of the things we've been complaining about. Of course, if he doesn’t then you can complain about how much of a hack he is then. (Why does this sound familiar?)
For now, I do want to talk about the idea that she should have a similar outfit to Togata's. I get the idea behind it, but there are issues with it. On the one hand, we're not terribly sure if Hagakure has hair that can grow to the kind of lengths that could justify making an outfit, or if the technology of the universe is at the level it could synthetically replicate her DNA into a synthetic material. (inb4 “but Lemillion’s visor!”)
On the other hand, assuming either wasn't an issue, at this point in the series, the end result would be the exact same as being naked. Which is what she's already doing. Obviously the decency issue is fixed, but should Hagakure need help, it will be harder to find her if she’s invisible. When the League attacked the summer camp, remember that she was wearing normal clothes. They couldn’t find her during the USJ attack.
Personally, I hope that she learns to make other objects invisible and that we get something similar to Violet's outfit from The Incredibles. That feels like a good in-between of what people want and it's certainly better than "her outfit, made with her DNA, has better control of her quirk than she currently has". At this point, I just want an end this stupid debate forever.
In Conclusion:
Despite literally making the exact opposite claim multiple times in this post, I’m totally fine with Toru running around naked. The people who complain otherwise are needlessly prudish and there is no possible need for nuance regarding this topic. Anyone that disagrees with me ought to jump into a vat of toxic sludge and pray for a quirk in the next life.
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jdkloosterman · 4 years
Just to See You Smile--Ochako’s Story (3): Team Battles
This… can’t be right.
              Ochaco’s face was absolutely burning as she stared at what she’d taken out of the suitcase.  I said space-themed heroes! A spacesuit! Like Thirteen!
              “Yo, Ura, what’s taking so long?” The dangle-eared girl (Jiro?) called over at her. “C’mon!  Teach is gonna be upset if you’re not out there in time.”
              “Right, right…” Ura bit her lip, still looking at the costume. Perhaps it stretched, but it still seemed far FAR too small. This sort of thing couldn’t be practical for hero work.  It’d be like wearing a swimsuit!  People would be staring at her…
There was no help for it. Sighing, she started to slip out of her uniform.  Is my bra even going to fit in this thing?
              It did, and even seemed to hide the outline relatively well, but Ochaco kept tugging different sections, hoping to loosen it up, so it was impossible to be sure. Are they looking? Are they looking? They probably think I’m one of those heroes like Mt Lady or something! Oh my word why didn’t I just say I wanted a space-suit!?
              “Are you uncomfortable?”
              Ochaco looked up and saw cleavage.  She blinked.  “Um…”
              “Is it your costume?” the supermodel girl, Momo, asked.  “Did they not make it to your specifications?  They don’t allow for complete redesigns, but you could probably get it resized.”
              “Uh… well, I didn’t offer many specifications, really…”  Ochaco said, tugging under her armpit.  “I guess I just thought… I figured they’d choose something practical.”
              Momo snorted.  “Oh yes,” she said, “it seems support courses are full of people who prefer to take ‘creative licenses.’  They left this with my costume.” She showed Ochaco a note.
              Momo Yaoyorozu.  We reviewed your request for an open costume with exposed skin and came up with this.  It’s not quite like your original design, but we think you’ll agree that it’s cooler and sexier.
              Ochaco blinked at the note.  “…huh.”
              “I didn’t give them many specifications, but I noted that the back and midriff seemed like logical spaces to leave open for the creation of large items.”  Momo gestured at her front distastefully.  “How do they expect me to move in this?”
              Ochaco had to agree with that point.  In fact, looking about at the other kids, Ochaco felt a bit better about her own outlandish costume. Even the boys—one was topless, and another had a skin-tight bright yellow costume, like an overmuscled banana.  Iida’s armor at least looked practical, but the French boy was almost painful to look at, and Bakugo had some bizarre orange-and-black hair pieces that she couldn’t begin to guess the point of.  
              The whole thing seemed more than a little ridiculous, like wearing a clown costume to a war zone. Izuku, she noticed, as the boy ran out to join the others, had chosen a much more sensible outfit—not much more complicated than a hooded jumpsuit.  “That’s a great costume, Deku!” she grinned at him.  “Really down to earth.”
              Izuku rubbed the back of his head.  “It… my mom made it,” he admitted.  “Yours looks really… nice.”
              That was a relief, at any rate.  Ochaco turned, just in time to see All Might give Izuku a very strange look.  It quickly vanished, though.  “All right!” the pro hero called. “Today, we are doing team battles!”
              She watched as Izuku was carried off in a stretcher by the robots.  He really needs to do something about that quirk, she thought.  They’d won (Iida was sitting, crushed with shame, next to her, Bakugo fuming on the other side of him), but it’d been down to the wire.
              After getting their score and evaluation (Ochaco felt irritated at Momo calling her attack “haphazard”, but she couldn’t actually disagree), it was time to watch the others.  
              Mina skipped close to her.  “Excited to watch Shoto’s match?” she whispered.
              “What? Why do you ask?” Ochaco looked at her.
              Mina giggled.  “All the girls are.  Well, I guess Toru’s in the match against him, but it should…”
              “MATCH OVER! HEROES WIN!”
              Both their heads went up, just in time to see the building ice over.
              Ochaco blinked.  “That was fast.”
              “Awww…” Mina pouted.  “Oh well.  You’re up, Kirishima!  She gave the grinning red-head a high five.  “Knock ‘em dead!”
              “That’s the idea!  We’re the villains!” Kirishima smiled, moving out the door.
              “I told you we know each other from middle school, right?”  Mina said. “He’s really great.”  She leaned in closer and whispered, “anyway, don’t listen to Momo, I thought you did amazing against Iida!”
              “I shouldn’t have laughed, though, she was right about that.” Ochaco smiled at Mina. “I feel like I should be taking this stuff more seriously, really; it all seems like one big game sometimes.”
              “Eh, we’re in high school.” Mina waved.  “You need to have fun in high school.  I mean, once we start doing internships and stuff, sure, but at school you gotta take a moment to crack up now and then.”  She leaned back, interlacing her fingers behind her head.
              “You and Midoriya work really well together, Ochaco-chan,” a voice said.  Ochaco actually had to look down to find the speaker—the frog girl was crouching low on the floor, squatting on her haunches.  “Most people would have been only focused on their own fight.  You two were coordinating back and forth. Ribbit.”
              Ribbit?  Ochaco shrugged it off.  “Deku set up the teamwork, I just took advantage of his attack.”
              “You took advantage of it quickly.” Frog-girl said, stroking her own cheek. “That’s just as much part of teamwork as anything.”
              “Dude. Midoriya was a beast.” The yellow-haired blonde grinned.  “Dodging all around those blasts…!”
              “All Might really should have called off the match,” said the frog girl.  Her tone wasn’t accusatory or wondering.  It was calm, observant.
              “Was it that dangerous?” Ochaco looked at the others.
It had all been too fast to think.  One moment, they were running through the building, then suddenly Deku had tackled her, just in time to dodge the explosion.  They’d hit the ground hard, the heat had washed over them, and then Deku was pulling her to her feet by the arm, shouting at her to go-- Run on ahead, Uraraka, don’t worry about me! That last image of the scrawny boy standing between her and the maniacally grinning Bakugo had haunted her all the way up the elevator shaft.  She had kept telling herself to stick to the plan, to trust that Deku knew what he was doing…
She swallowed.  “He’d… Midoriya said Bakugo would focus on him… so we thought we should split up…”
“That was the right call.” Frog-girl nodded again.  “Bakugo seems too nimble to effectively gang up on.  You would have been in the way.”
It was a bald, tactless statement, and Ochaco blinked at the strange girl. She saw some of the others looking too—but no one disagreeing.  Apparently the girl had only said what the others were thinking.  But the girl herself hadn’t even looked away from the screens.  “Kirishima and Sero seem to do well together.”
              Ochaco hadn’t really been watching the screens. It looked like Kirishima was taking on the kid in the yellow muscle outfit, while the tape-boy (Sero?) had already ensnared the flocks of birds trying to attack the bomb.
              “Playing to their strengths while retaining independence,” the girl mused.  “It’s a flexible strategy, but could be exploited by a more coordinated team like yours. Too bad it looks like Sato and Koji aren’t that sort of team.”
              Sato. Koji. Sero. Ochaco repeated the names in her head.  People liked it when you remembered their names, but it took a bit of work. “You’re… taking this pretty seriously.”
              “Ribbit? Am I?” The girl’s large eyes blinked over toward her for a moment.  “I guess I don’t really know the difference. Tokoyami and I are going up pretty quickly.”
“Kirishima and Sero are really well suited to defense.” A bird-faced boy seemed to materialize out of the darkness.  “A devious stratagem, to use the tape as a net like that.”
“Sato could have charged right through them.  If Koji could’ve distracted Kirishima…”
Ocahaco felt her attention slipping as the others began analyzing the attack strategy of the boys on the screen.  She should be focused, she knew, she should be paying attention, like the others were, but she couldn’t help it.
It was weird, but she kept feeling it—the firm pressure of arms grabbing her around the waist, pulling her clear of the heat of the explosion. Surprisingly firm arms.  
              To Ochaco’s surprise, Deku disappeared soon after class.  Everyone wanted to talk to him about his amazing battle, the way he’d dodged Bakugo, all sorts of things that Ochaco had had no idea about, but he excused himself nearly immediately.  It was a pity, because the others had all decided to grab an after-school snack together.
              “A mochii cake? Is that all you’re getting, Uraraka?” The blonde boy (Kaminari, Ochaco reminded herself.) looked at her.
              “Um…” Ochaco hadn’t expected anyone to really notice. “…yeah.  I’m… um… I’m on a diet.”
              “Ah, right, that makes sense.”  Kaminari nodded.
              The earlets girl (Jiro) smacked him. “You’re not supposed to agree, moron.”
              “Wait, I’m not?” Kaminari looked confused.  
              Jiro gestured.  “Does she look like she needs to go on a diet?”
              “Well no, but…”
              Ochaco felt relief as the table started arguing about how to respond to diets. At least they’d forgotten about her meal plans. The mochii cake was honestly a bit extravagant, but after a look at the school’s lunch plan, Ochaco felt she could splurge a bit—UA had a remarkably affordable cafeteria. Probably due to Lunch Rush’s quirk… She shook the ungrateful thought away.
              “You have quite a formidable quirk, Uraraka,” said a voice.
              Ochaco turned. “Ah!  Thank you…” she struggled to remember the tail-boy’s name.
              “Ojiro.” The quiet teen did not seem put off at being forgotten.  “Mashirao Ojiro.  Does your quirk run in the family?”
              “Ah… no.”  Ochaco swallowed.  “No, my parents are… there’s not a quirk like that anywhere in the family.  It’s a mutation.”
              Ojiro nodded.  “How do you come up with your moves, then?  I’ve never heard of a quirk like it; there must not be a lot of examples for you to study.”
              Ochaco shrugged.  “I don’t really… come up with moves, I guess. I just use it for whatever seems handy at the moment.”
              “You improvise, then,” Ojiro said.
              “…yeah, that sounds right.” Ochaco nodded.  “I mean, I’m always looking for ideas—when we figured out my quirk actually was I started reading up on space and gravity and stuff so I know how to use it.  But I haven’t really thought of any combat applications.”
              “It’s impressive that you’re able to react that quickly,” Ojiro took a drink of water.  “I needed to practice a great deal before my reflexes were fast enough to use my quirk effectively.”
              “What is your quirk, anyway?” Ochaco asked.  She’d wondered if there was more than the obvious to this boy.
              “It’s just the tail.” Ojiro smiled.  “That’s all it is.”
              “…oh.” Ochaco wasn’t quite sure what to say.  “That’s… wow.” She blinked as the full implications hit her.  “Wait, so you smashed your way through the placement exam like that?”  She stared at him.  “You… must train a LOT.”
              “…I do.”Ojiro seemed to preen, just a little, before quickly re-composing himself.  “Many heroes do.  It’s not that unusual. Midoriya, I’m sure, must train extensively—he was able to fight Bakugo with almost no quirk at all.”  His face fell.  “Certainly he fared much better than I did against Shoto.”
              “Oh, but that was…”Ochaco realized she had nothing to finish the sentence. “…I mean, you couldn’t have…”
              “We were outclassed, yes.” Ojiro nodded.  “Hard work cannot always overcome raw power or an impressive quirk.” He played around with his glass.  “Good to keep in mind.”
              Ochaco looked at him for a moment more, then let her head rest against the table with a sigh.
              “Something wrong?” She heard him ask.
              “It’s just…” Ochaco waved.  “People here are analyzing and practicing and have names and costumes and moves all thought out and I… just…” she gestured.  “I mean, I didn’t even have a good idea for my costume. I feel like…” she laughed, sitting up.  “…I feel I’m just not on the same level with you guys.”
              “If you’re here, then you are,” Ojiro said. He smiled, almost to himself.  “I suppose I should keep that in mind myself—second-guessing whether one is ‘good enough’ to be here isn’t a judgment one can make.” He nodded.  “In a way, the school accepted us not even because of who we are, but who we could become.”  The nodding grew more pronounced.  “That’s a very good point.  Thank you, Ochaco.”
              Ochaco was confused.  “I didn’t…”
              “That makes me feel much better.” Ojiro drained the rest of his water.  He looked at her with a smile.  “I don’t usually talk this much to people I’ve only just met.  You’re a very easy person to talk to.”  He leaned closer.  “For what it’s worth, I didn’t put a lot of thought into my costume either, I just asked for somethin that would give me a lot of freedom to move.”
              Ochaco blinked.  I wonder what costume I would’ve gotten if I’d put that down.
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chockfullofsecrets · 6 years
Class 1-A vs. Tickle Might: Part 1
<< Prologue (in case you’re wondering what’s going on) :: Part 2 >>
(A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who offered their kind feedback, especially @gigglingknight ! 2.7k words and 4 kids - Mineta’s not getting back up again - down, 16 to go! Hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think - favorite scene, constructive criticism - your feedback will keep me awake at night to write part 2!)
The forty combined eyes of class 1-A were locked on All Might as he leapt gracefully from the wall of the training grounds, passing overhead and descending in a lazy arc into the mock city before them.
“He moves like a missile,” Momo said thoughtfully. “You would think such a big person would be less aerodynamic.”
Other students were less calm. “He’s gonna kill us all!” Mineta yelled. “I won’t get to enjoy my summer break at all!”
Hagakure clung to Ojiro’s arm. “Guys, I bet Aizawa-sensei sent him to beat us up before training camp. He probably thinks we won’t cause as much trouble if we’re all in full-body casts!”
Ojiro laughed, but he too was looking at the cluster of buildings in obvious dismay. “All Might’s the number one hero, he wouldn’t just indiscriminately fight us. I think.”
Even Aoyama’s sparkle was a little dimmed, his eyes wide in alarm behind his visor. “Mon dieu, didn’t you see what he did to Bakugou and Midoriya? His smile was as twinkling as ever, but… it was scary!”
“And he’s at full strength this time,” Satou added, his big lips pursed.
Those of them who were afraid edged closer to one other, clutching at armor and fabric and hands as if hoping they would fuse together into a single pro capable of taking on the Number One Hero. A select few, though, prepared to rally.
“It’ll be all right, guys!” Deku was smiling. Of course he was. “There’s a lot of us, and we have more experience using team attacks now! I’m sure we can impress All Might and Aizawa-sensei!”
Iida frowned. “Won’t it be easier for him to find us if we all stay in a group?”
“Maybe, but I feel safer with you guys!” Sero said.
“Let’s come up with a plan!”
A familiar snarl filled the air. “You extras can plan all you want!” Bakugou announced. “I’m going to face him head on! The only thing that would make me surrender is having to listen to you idiots for another minute!” He spun on his heel and stalked off, quickly disappearing behind the piles of concrete.
Kirishima grinned. “Guess I know what I’m doing, then.”
Mineta howled. “Just let him die! He’s really annoying! And if you get caught in the crossfire between him and All Might there’s no way you’ll survive.”
He shrugged. “Maybe, but I can’t just let him go in alone! And besides, what could be a manlier last sight on Earth than those two going at it?”
“I’ll come too,” Mina said, bouncing up and down on her toes. “I want to watch! And maybe I can get some surprise attacks in with my acid!”
The two of them headed off together after Bakugou, cheerily waving a goodbye to the rest of the group. Kaminari waved back at them like it was the last he would ever see of his two friends. Jirou scoffed and turned to look at the two planners left in their group. “Let’s call them the distraction, then… Momo, Midoriya, do you guys have any ideas?”
Bakugou’s arms throbbed inside his gauntlets.
The wounds from his finals match had been healed by Recovery Girl  - the old hag had been surprised that he’d been hurt so bad, even though Deku was in the next bed over with a shitty bruised spine, as if he wasn’t just as dedicated to winning even if it means shattering every bone in his damn arm – but the memory of just how much it hurt was still in there.
He almost wished Kirishima was here to guard his back. Shitty Hair could take a punch, at least. Maybe even one of All Might’s. But he didn’t need him to win. All he needed was the chance to get in one good blow of his own this time –
A sound behind him. He whirled around, one sweat-filled hand slinging behind him with even more force. As soon as he could see his target, he would –
Something closed around his wrist. A sudden jerking sensation as his arm was pulled upwards, and the explosion seared harmlessly into the air.
All Might was holding him suspended by one hand. Like a freaking ragdoll. “Ah, young hero! I might have expected you to come face me head-on.”
Instead of replying, he tried to blast the man with his other hand. It joined the other above his head just as quickly, held in that same massive grip. “What are you doing? DON’T RESTRAIN ME, YOU SHITTY – let me fight, old man!”
All Might propped his free hand on his hip. “A brave face, huh? You must really want a rematch. I think your sleeveless uniform’s really going to put you at a disadvantage in this round…”
He cocked his hand, fingers spread stiffly for a grab or chop, and Bakugou wasn’t afraid, he wasn’t, but that didn’t keep his body from flinching, a fruitless attempt to protect himself from the painful blow.
His captor paused. “Young Bakugou, are you – are you frightened of me?”
He lowered his arm enough for Bakugou to get his feet on the ground – still up on his toes, but at least he wasn’t hanging there like a sack of meat. “My boy, I must say that I’m very sorry about the end of our last battle. I wouldn’t have stopped you so forcefully if I didn’t think you were about to seriously injure yourself.”
“I’m not fucking afraid, okay? Just hit me already so I can hit back.”
All Might looked unconvinced. “Ah, that’s… good, young hero! Such an indomitable spirit!” His smile grew impossibly wider. “Besides, you won’t come to any harm today!”
“Oh yeah? Then what the fuck are we here to do, talk each other into submission? And what do you mean, I’m at a disadvantage because my uniform doesn’t have sleeves?”
“Ah, yes.” All Might cocked his hand again. His fingers were wiggling this time, and somehow this spiked Bakugou’s apprehension in an entirely different way. “Allow me to demonstrate.”
He’d never put much thought into a costume redesign, but as All Might’s evil hands came in contact with his bare armpits he decided that he needed more armor. Immediately. “W-whahaHAT! THE HEHEHELL?!” His palms were sparking uselessly into the sky, face bent into a helpless grin, and shit he was glad that none of the others in his class were here right now.
It was a relief, almost, not to be thrust into another bloody fight with his hero, but that didn’t stop him from kicking and screaming bloody murder, still on his tiptoes as he strained for some leverage to protect himself. All Might was chuckling. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you smile, young Bakugou! A very good imitation of my trademark, but perhaps we can do better!”
“NOHO – nowecan’t – AHAHA!” His entire torso was helpless under the attack, and his face hurt from smiling so hard. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it anymore. “OKAY nonONO not thaHAT just fucking STOP I GIVE I GIVE!”
All Might let him down gently, giving one last triumphant laugh as he patted Bakugou on the back. “An admirable effort, my boy.”
“I didn’t even do anything,” he mumbled into the ground. Was he still grinning? He was, like an idiot. He was an idiot. This was terrible.
Footsteps skidded into the street. “Bakubro, we heard you screaming – laughing? – oh shit, he’s here-”
Bakugou forced his head up. Kirishima and Mina. They’d probably followed him in.
He snorted. “You’re next, morons. Better run if you’re ticklish.”
They’d worked three-quarters of the way through a plan involving Sero’s tape (just. So much tape), Tsuyu’s mucus secretion, and a titanium bondage set from Momo when an explosion roared through the air.
“Kacchan,” Deku gasped. His theory was confirmed when the explosion died down only to be replaced with cursing at only a slightly reduced volume. And then there was the screaming.
“Such darkness,” Tokoyami intoned. “It will swallow us all.”
The screams continued, Bakugou sounding truly desperate. “OKAY nonONO not thaHAT just fucking STOP I GIVE I GIVE!”
Mineta fainted.
The racket tapered off at last, All Might’s laugh echoing tinnily in their ears as they all shivered. “Do you think he’s still alive?” Uraraka whispered. “Man, this is scary.”
Deku’s mind raced. The other students were thinking frantically too, but he had two pieces of information that no one else knew.
The first: In all the videos he’d seen of All Might, he’d never heard of him making a villain beg for mercy. All Might preferred to harm the villains he captured as little as possible, making it easier to the police to detain them without having to provide medical treatment and having the added effect of minimizing property damage.
The second: He’d grown up with Kacchan, who had never been in the habit of screaming in anything other than rage. The only thing that had ever made him howl like that had happened when they were little, and it was – it was –
“Midoriya’s about to faint,” Todoroki said.
“Deku?” Uraraka shook him. “What’s going on?”
He swallowed. “We need to split up and hide. Now.”
The class looked at each other in alarm. If even he couldn’t maintain his determination…
They were all going to die.
“We’re not going to die!” Mina gushed. “This is so fun! This is fantastic!”
She and Kirishima were sprinting away from All Might as fast as they could, taking corners at random in hopes that they would lose him. “Yeah, if we can make it back to the others, they’ll definitely be less scared!”
“Are you certain of that, young hero?”
They both skidded to a stop, but Kirishima still crashed into All Might’s massive chest and rebounded onto the ground. Mina shot past them both with a shriek. “All Might!”
The man crouched over him. “I was surprised not to find you with your friends, young Kirishima.”
“We were trying to find Bakugou,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. “Mina and I are really bad with directions though, so we got lost until we heard him screaming.”
“It seems you arrived at the perfect time to become my next victim,” the hero intoned, and wow that smile was the most ominous thing he’d ever seen now.
“I – haha –“ Kirishima spluttered, before remembering that he had a quirk. “Ha!” he exclaimed, activating his quirk and feeling immensely relieved as his skin hardened to a rock-like texture. “There’s no way you can tickle me now!”
“It will be more difficult,” All Might mused. Suddenly, he yanked one of Kirishima’s boots off. “I wonder, do your palms and soles harden as well?”
Kirishima, who’d had his quirk for all of twelve years, suddenly couldn’t remember. He glanced frantically at one of his hands and mentally cheered. “Ah, they do.”
All Might frowned, as much as he could frown. “If all your skin hardens, it’s pretty surprising that you can move at all…” Taking Kirishima’s foot gently in his hand, he rotated it right and left. “If this works, then…”
Kirishima felt something brush against his ankle, and without thinking, snickered at the ticklish sensation.
All Might’s grin came back in full force. Hesitantly, Kirishima offered him a weak smile. “Uh… maybe I just have a really cool quirk… and tickling definitely won’t work on me?”
Turned out, his ankles were traitors. A few scratches from All Might and he was already giggling frantically, his other foot drumming against the ground as he tried to roll over and crawl away. Even worse, as he lost focus his quirk began to waver, and despite his effort of squeezing his eyes shut and trying to will the laughter away he could feel his protective shell softening around him.
“Not so tough now, young hero,” All Might teased, and Kirishima groaned internally at the joke as his torture became a thousand times worse. The soles of his feet, the soft skin behind his knees – even squeezing his calf produced a new wave of laughter from him.
He couldn’t take it. No wonder Bakugou had been collapsed on the ground. “Mihihina…. MINA, HELP!”
A pair of pink arms wound themselves around All Might’s neck – Mina, jumping on his back. “Hi! All Might-sensei, can I go next?”
The tickling eased up a little as All Might turned his head to smile at her. “You know, my girl, this is technically a test.”
She pouted. “I know, but… tickling! I already failed my practical anyway, so I’m sure I’ll have to take the remedial classes. I might as well relax and have some fun while I can instead of running! Right, Kirishima?”
Panting, he considered this situation. This was definitely more fun than a fight, and it was really nice after the nightmare of preparing for finals. “Heh… yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I can hardly refuse such a polite request,” All Might proclaimed grandly, “but first, I need to hear a surrender from young Kirishima here!” He reached a hand up to scratch at Kirishima’s ribcage, the boy squeaking as he tried to bat it away.
“I could help,” Mina offered slyly.
“No, yOU CAHAN’T!” Two pairs of hands hovered over him, Mina reaching over All Might’s shoulder with her evilest grin. “Wait, wait, I give!”
All Might roared with laughter, offering Kirishima a hearty embrace as he wobbled to his feet. “A smart decision! She’s very determined!”
He glared half-heartedly at Mina, shaking his head with a rueful grin. “I’m going to get you for this.” He turned to All Might. “Do we get to watch the others?”
“You do have to leave the training ground. However, your Aizawa-sensei’s in the evaluation room. If he permits you to enter, then you can watch with him!”
“Cool! I’ll see you there, Ashido.” He looked around. “Which way is the exit again?”
As he left, Mina prepared to jump off All Might and take off – she felt like running at least a little bit, after seeing how wrecked Kirishima looked. But before she could so much as loosen her grip, All Might spoke in a decidedly villainous voice. “Well, young Ashido, this means it’s your turn now.”
He grabbed her uniform and yanked, and the next thing she knew she had tumbled over his shoulder and straight into his arms with a surprised shout. He dropped to the ground, cross legged, and released her unceremoniously into his lap. “Wow, you move… really fast, sensei!”
All Might chuckled. Evilly. “You said you wanted to relax, young hero? Perhaps you’d like a massage?” His fingers dug into the muscle at the back of her shoulders, and she found herself squealing with laughter as they hunched up instinctively. “Hm… you don’t look very relaxed. Maybe a different technique?” Said technique was a light massaging of her ribcage that had her curled into a shaking ball, giggling her head off. “This seems a bit harsh… are you really having fun, young Ashido?”
“Yehehes!” she giggled, burying her head in his shoulder. “Lohots of fun!”
His breath stirred her hair as he huffed with laughter. “All right, then.” He continued happily, paying special attention to her neck when he discovered that tickling her there produced actual cackles. She lasted for nearly three minutes before slapping at his hands and gasping breathlessly for mercy.
All Might waited until she caught her breath to move, standing them up together. She jumped onto him once more, offering him a hug from the front this time. He returned it slowly, a little surprised but pleased nonetheless. “You’ve had your fun, young Ashido! I hope you’ll apply as much dedication to attaining mastery of your studies!”
“I will”, she promised, climbing to his shoulder and somersaulting off to the ground. “Thanks a lot, All Might-sensei! It’s really nice of you and Aizawa-sensei to do this for us!”
He had to point her in the direction of the exit as well. She left with a cheerful smile, and he smiled in return as he cracked his knuckles.
Time to find his next target.
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porkchop-ao3 · 5 years
Charlie Foxtrot: Part 1/7
I have been working on this for WEEKS, it was initially going to be a one shot smut fic, but Tailor Rick had other ideas and made it all about him, so. This is rather a long fic, I’ve split it into 7 parts, but I worked really hard on this and I poured so much into it, I really hope someone will read this and enjoy it. It’s quite angsty, but I think it reveals a lot about Tailor’s character, and I’m proud of it. This is probably my favourite thing I’ve written. 
This is a fic involving Tailor (obviously) and one of the SEAL team Ricks; the bald one with the beard. It contains sex, but it’s not wildly descriptive like my usual smut, the focus is more on how their relationship changes over time. Thank you to @hoodoo12 for reading this and helping me out at multiple stages through this story!
I enjoyed characterising the SEAL team Rick, I haven’t seen him written about much so I had fun with it. A few headcanons formed as I was writing him, one of them being a certain accent, hehe. This fic is linked in with my usual OC universe, and the ‘reader’ from those fics, i.e. Tailor’s assistant, makes an appearance. As does Hairstylist Rick, one of Tailor’s special friends. I sincerely hope you enjoy this! 
Queuing up at a coffee shop was not something Tailor did often. His assistant would normally do it for him, though she was spending a weekend with her boyfriend. This had already put him in a bad mood, but to make matters worse the coffee shop just happened to be at the Citadel, of all places. Though Tailor usually vowed never to consume anything produced at the Citadel, he was sure he would die without a coffee, and so there he was, standing with arms crossed as he waited to be served.
The hipster looking Rick working behind the counter finally turned to serve him. He wore his hair in a man-bun and had a rather impressive beard, and under the apron he was wearing Tailor could see one heck of a garishly patterned shirt. The barista stared at him for a moment expectantly, and Tailor tutted when he didn't get the polite greeting he had been waiting for.
“Good afternoon,” he said with a bite to his tone. “One black coffee please. W-with two shots of espresso and three sugars. Please.”
“Sugar's over there, you help yourself. What's your dimension code?” the barista replied, his expression not changing once. Tailor told him then the barista held his hand out to him. “Fifteen schmeckles.”
Tailor narrowed his eyes but handed him the money anyway. He was then ushered over to the side where other Ricks were waiting for their orders. Tailor put some distance between him and the others, not wanting to make eye contact and get stuck talking to one of them, heaven forbid. Not that Ricks were the most conversational of people, but there was a smiley looking guy with a lazy eye and a bowl cut looking his way and Tailor did not want to encourage him. He stood there with his eyes planted firmly on the Rick behind the counter preparing drinks. He liked to keep an eye on the people preparing his food, when given the chance.
It was a couple of minutes before he finally got his order and he marched over and took it from the barista. He shuffled over to where the sugar and napkins were and set to work stirring in three sachets of sugar one by one. He stared down into it and sighed as he watched the sugar dissolve. It'd been a long morning and he had been running on one cup of coffee. That was not good. He'd been at the Council of Ricks’ offices to discuss new robes. He'd been desperate to redesign their uniforms for years and was finally given the opportunity. It was bittersweet, however, the head of the Council, Riq IV, could be a bit of a dick and Tailor couldn't quite work out if they'd get along or not.
Tailor picked up his drink and turned around as he started closing the lid on it. He didn't even notice the body that was standing directly behind him, and walked straight into it. His instinct was to apologise and move on, he wasn't one for confrontation. That was until he registered the heat spreading across his chest, which he soon realised was his coffee. His fresh, black coffee. Black coffee. On his suit. His white shirt. His baby pink suit jacket. Baby pink. Black coffee. His jacket... Thousands of pounds worth of jacket... Black coffee.
“What on earth are you doing, you bloody idiot!? Don't you see me standing here? Why are you standing so fucking close? Get the fuck away from me, haven't you ever heard of personal space?! Look at me! Look at my fucking suit! Do you have any idea how much this costs you thick skulled, absolute bloody wanker!?” Words just erupted from him without control. He could sense everyone around him staring but all he could focus on was the dark stain all over his front. He was livid. It was beginning to hurt, the heat from the coffee, but he didn't care.
“Uhh–” the other Rick started.
“Look! Th-tha-that's never going to come out! I hope you have your fucking wallet with you because otherwise we're going to–” Tailor finally looked up at the man he was yelling at, and stalled. “We're going to- um, you'll- we'll have…” he mumbled, his eyes glazing over as he took in the solid wall of muscle at eye level, the dog tags hanging around his neck, then the stern expression of the bald headed Rick he'd just lost his shit at. He seemed to be a military Rick. Of course, who else would Tailor have just called a thick skulled, absolute bloody wanker?
The Rick quirked a brow at him, waiting patiently for him to continue. Tailor cleared his throat, turned and tossed the remainder of his coffee in the bin behind him, and then arranged his face into a more composed expression.
“It doesn't matter,” he said, his voice smaller than before. He forced the next words from his lips despite it going against every fiber of his being. “It's just a suit.”
The bald, ripped Rick gave Tailor an odd look, sizing him up and analysing him. He had a large yet well groomed beard – no moustache – and numerous piercings. There was a plug stretching each earlobe and a stud above his top lip; Tailor would've turned his nose up if he wasn't worried about pissing him off any more. He squirmed under the attention, wanting nothing else but to run away from the situation and hightail it back home. That wasn't going to happen, it seemed. The Rick wasn't moving out of his way.
Feeling a need to fill the silence, Tailor spoke. “I apologise for my language. I didn't mean to cause offense.”
The other Rick frowned for a few moments, and Tailor felt his pulse pounding in his skull, almost giving him a headache. Suddenly, however, Rick smiled, then chuckled.
“I've heard worse, and from more intimidating folk, too,” he finally spoke, his voice not at all like Tailor had expected. He had a southern drawl, softer around the edges than he'd come to expect from most Ricks. It was still deep and a little gravelly, but he sounded… friendly? Friendly and extremely kind on the ears. “I'm sorry about th-that suit of yours. What d’ I owe you?”
He was reaching into his pocket for his wallet, and Tailor could do no more than stare. He was half expecting a swift punch to the face considering how he'd yelled at him just moments ago, and he was just stunned he still had all his teeth. He was also stunned at how opening his mouth had made him about twice as attractive.
“Um, that's quite alright. N-not to worry. I know a lady who- maybe she can get the stain out.”
“I don't know, black coffee sure is a son of a bitch,” Rick frowned, looking down at the stain on Tailor's shirt.
He didn't seem to mind about the splatter up his own front, but he was just wearing an off white wife beater. One that showed off just how thick his arms were, how toned his muscles were. He saw the edges of tattoos peeking out from over his shoulders; they must've covered his back. Tailor swallowed hard and averted his eyes.
“I don't want your money. It's fine,” he murmured, adjusting his tie, as if that was going to do something to make him look better.
“At least let me take you back to mine, get you out of that suit.”
“I'm sorry?” Tailor balked, his face immediately heating up, his eyes watering at the sudden pressure of the blood rushing to his head.
Rick smirked, clearly amused.
“I've got some detergent back at my place, su-supposed to be real good. If we get that shirt and jacket washed fast we might be able to save it.”
“Oh! Oh right. Of course. Yes, that's probably for the best.” Tailor nodded, instantly regretting his reply. He'd been so relieved to have his lewd misunderstanding cleared up that he hadn't really been concentrating on his own response. But there was no going back now.
“It's just up the street from here. Two minute walk!” Rick smiled, a lopsided kind of smile that was incredibly endearing. Tailor winced.
“Actually, I–” his sentence fell short and he sighed. Rick had already turned and was heading for the door, Tailor had no choice but to just follow.
Rick's home really was just a short walk away in an apartment block. It was pretty average, Tailor thought, and he noticed quickly that the place was lived in. It wasn't a complete pigsty, but it was far from neat and tidy. Tailor started to wonder what he was getting himself into, but he found himself just rolling with it. He agreed when Rick offered to make him a cup of coffee, he wasn't a huge fan of that instant stuff but he wouldn't complain, he still needed some. He took a seat at the kitchen table as he waited, brushing away a collection of crumbs from in front of him.
“You wanna take off that shirt and jacket? I can- I'll toss it in the wash.”
“Oh, yes, b-but it must be a gentle cycle,” Tailor warned, slipping off his jacket. He cleared the pockets of their items, leaving them on the table.
“Yes. Perhaps you have a delicates setting?” Tailor questioned, handing the jacket off to him. He was looking back at him with a blank expression and Tailor held back a sigh. “Don't worry. Whatever you usually put it on will be fine, I suppose.”
“You wanna borrow a shirt or something?” Rick asked, looking down at Tailor's shirt again.
Tailor hadn't really thought about taking his shirt off in front of this guy until now, and he was suddenly very nervous. Why on earth had he accepted this damn invitation?
“Um… yes. I suppose I should. Thank you,” he finally replied after a pause that was far too long.
Rick nodded and left the room for a while. Tailor groaned quietly, brushing his hand backwards through his hair to tame non existent flyaways, then he loosened his floral tie. He unbuttoned his shirt and was shrugging it off just as Rick returned.
“I tried to find somethin’ that might be to your taste,” he said, holding out a button up shirt to him.
The thing was creased up to hell. It looked like it'd been sat at the bottom of a drawer for God knows how long, but Tailor appreciated the effort. He swapped with him, and dressed in the borrowed shirt. It swamped him, given Rick was a lot more bulky than Tailor, and he found himself heating up in the face again.
He felt like some chick dressing up in her boyfriend's dress shirts. He'd never worn anything so ill fitting.
After starting up the washing machine, Rick placed a cup of coffee down in front of Tailor as he finished up buttoning his shirt; he left the top few buttons open, his own tie hanging loose around his neck. It smelled musky and faintly of cigarettes, it didn't seem to have been worn for a while, and Tailor wondered if it’d even been washed since the last time Rick had worn it. Oddly enough, the thought stirred something in him and he crossed one leg over the other, clearing his throat as he took a sip of his drink to distract himself. He burned his tongue, but didn't react.
“How's the coffee?” Rick asked him, looking at the spot where Tailor was resting the mug against his lip, blowing into it to help cool it.
“It’s fine, thank you. Coffee's coffee,” he said. “It's perhaps the one thing I'm not particularly picky about.”
“Huh? Is that so?” he replied, and Tailor caught the beginnings of a smirk as he lifted his own cup.
Tailor raised a brow, ready to question him, but decided to change the subject.
“You're in the military,” he stated. He'd noticed a few things laying around the apartment, photographs of him in uniform, with other Ricks in matching clothes. The dog tags around his neck were a giveaway too.
“SEAL team.” Rick replied. There was nothing arrogant about the way he said it, Tailor was surprised at how matter-of-fact he was.
“Well, then I feel as though I owe you an apology,” Tailor forced himself to say, lifting his head, holding his chin high.
Rick frowned. “What for?”
“For lashing out at you, calling you a thick skulled wanker, and so on.”
“You already apologised for that,” Rick pointed out, cupping his hands around the mug of coffee.
“Yes, well, I wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings.”
“Sir, I invited you into my home, washed your clothes and gave you some of my coffee. Does it look like there's hard feelings? Don't worry about it. Water off a duck’s back.”
“I meant no disrespect, if I'd have known who you were I'd never have dreamed about speaking to you in such a way,” Tailor admitted, avoiding eye contact. His face felt awfully hot.
“B-but if I was just some other Rick, some barista or store assistant, you'd have stood by it all?” Rick snorted, cocking a brow and smirking.
“Of course,” Tailor said, taking a sip of coffee. Rick chuckled, shaking his head.
“Fair enough. So what do you do with yourself? You look pretty fancy in that suit, must be doing well.” He jabbed a thumb in the direction of the washing machine.
“That suit is one of mine. I mean, I made it. I-I-I'm a tailor, a dressmaker, a designer.”
“Oh! I ain't seen you around the Citadel before.”
“That's because I don't work here. I was just meeting with the Council today, I'm working on some designs for them,” Tailor said nonchalantly, not even noticing the way the other Rick's eyes widened.
“You work for the damn Council? Holy shit, you are doing well.”
“The Council? I suppose it's a pretty high profile job. Though, I've worked for royalty back in my home dimension, so it's rather a step down.”
“You design the crown jewels or something?” Rick snorted. “I've never really heard of a British Rick. I know they're out there but you're the first I've met.”
“And you're the first Rick I've met with that lovely southern drawl,” Tailor replied, his tone lowering into a flirtatious one unintentionally. The other Rick blinked at him, his expression unchanging. Tailor quickly moved on, dropping his gaze to the mug. “I've made multiple dresses for her majesty the Queen, wonderful lady, absolute pleasure to work for. I've worked on suits for Prince Harry and William. Their wives have both worn dresses by me. Actually, I've been told to expect a call about a special commission for the Duchess of Cambridge.”
“Wow. You're a real hot shot, huh?”
“Well, I've worked hard to make a name for myself.”
“I believe that,” Rick nodded, his gaze lingering on Tailor for a few moments before he looked away. The two fell into silence for a while as they drank their coffee.
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cyclone-rachel · 5 years
Winndox + “You my die doing this, let me grab my camera.”
After his goodbyeparty, Winn just wants to get on with it.
He wants to leavealready, maybe try on one of the Legion uniforms and figure out all the ways hecould redesign them to look better. Maybe do some soul-searching and come toterms with the fact that maybe, just maybe, he has a death wish because he justvolunteered to go to the future and do battle with yet another Brainiac. Maybehe’ll just collapse on his (Brainy’s, but it’ll be his soon) bed in the Legionship and cry for a few hours. Or a few hundred years, he doesn’t know exactlyhow time travel works.
Whatever he’sgoing to end up doing, he wants to do it soon, because he can’t stand thesuspense- he is seeing the future, literally. It’s something he could bragabout, if he had any friends outside of work, and if he hadn’t signed the DEO’snon-disclosure agreements. So he’s just going to keep it to himself, no bigdeal.
(They’re probablygoing to wipe his mind at the end, though, Men-in-Black style. Then he doesn’tknow where he’s going to be or what he’ll be doing, but at least he won’t causea time paradox, and that would be good enough for the Legion.
He hopes they’llbe nice enough to at least leave him in his room, when that happens, or leavehim with a souvenir. Or let him keep some of his memories. Or…)
(God, he hasn’teven thought about any of the Legionnaires yet. People Mon-El and Imra andBrainy have led, people they trust, who trust them. Their friends. How are theygoing to react to him replacing Brainy?
The phrase “poorman’s substitute” is coming to his head, and he hates it, mostly because it’sright. But while he’s still in the present, saying goodbye to his own friendsfor now, there’s still one thing he hasn’t done yet.)
“Hey, James.” He says.“Can you take a picture?”
“Sure, man. Ofwhat?”
“I want a groupphoto. Of all of us. I…”
Winn pauses. Hecan’t cry right now, not here… he forces the tears away, and speaks again. “Imight die doing this. It might be my last chance- so, who knows? But I want youguys to be the last thing I see, if that happens.”
James claps him onthe shoulder, smiling.
“Just let me grabmy camera.” He says, and before he knows it everyone’s clustered in front ofthe DEO computers, J’onn standing beside him on one side, with Brainy, Kara,and Alex on the other. James sets up the camera on a timer, before moving tostand beside J’onn, and beside Winn himself, Brainy’s suddenly holding his handas the timer ticks down.
“Thank you.” He says,before everyone throws on smiles. “You are very brave.”
That’s the highest compliment I’ve ever receivedfrom you, Winn almostsays, awed. But why leave their rivalry- what could’ve been a friendship,maybe- on a low note like that?
“So are you.” He saysinstead, after the picture’s taken and everyone disperses. “Thanks for holding down the fort here, in my place.”
“You do not holddown a fort, it is not made of balloons- and the DEO is not a fort-“
Winn laughs, andthis time, he goes in for a hug. But it’s not so much awkward as it is hopeful.Still a work in progress, but with room for improvement.
Like their relationship,really, even if Winn would rather eat future dirt than admit it to Brainy’s face.
“Bye, Brainy.”Winn says, picking up his bags. “Good luck.”
“Farewell,Winslow.” Brainy answers, in turn, before heading back inside. “Godspeed.”
Winn rolls his eyes as he walks away, but the tonein Brainy’s voice says that he really, truly means it, and he thinks:
Maybe we’ve made more progress than Ithought.
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ffdoors · 6 years
Chapter 34
Toshinori’s arms searched for her again after his alarm went off. Instead he found a note on her pillow, stating she had left for UA High early to do some things. The man sat up and began to get ready for work.
The students of 1-A were still curious why their home room teacher had asked them to change into their hero uniforms when a woman walked into the classroom.
"This is Mode. She's the one who designed your costumes. She'll be meeting with everyone one on one to discuss improvements that can be made to them."
"Hello, class 1-A! Please be honest with me today," Pe bowed.
Everyone knew exactly who she was even before Aizawa had introduced her - the internet had gone aflame overnight with who All Might had been caught smooching in the park the day before; that he hadn't been seen going out with anyone in over five years; her identity was finally revealed when the couple had appeared in the background of a selfie someone had been taking in front of the Mode Tower building. She had no idea about any of it.
"Everyone head to the P.E. Grounds. You can show off your quirks to her there."
The class started to head that way, followed by Eraser Head and Mode.
"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you there?" He commented, watching her limp with her cane.
"I'm fine. I'd rather you only use your scarf on me when we're alone."
"I was going to use my arms," her smirked at her, his tone teasing.
"Oh," she put some hair behind her ear, embarrassed that she had assumed incorrectly, "No, thanks. I'm still good."
She noticed the students were giddy and looking back at her often. The woman wasn't surprised by it though – she knew her quirk affected teens more than any other age group.
"How did your date with All Might go?"
"Huh?" she responded, "How did you know-"
He brought up the photo from the internet with them in the background and showed it to her on his phone.
"Uh..." They had been seen indeed - Pe wondered if Toshinori knew about this yet, "It went okay."
"Just okay?"
"Yeah. He's a good guy but I don't think there's going to be a second date."
Shota lifted an eyebrow, curious as to why she was lying to him, but he decided that was between them two.
After arriving, Eraser Head instructed each student to use their quirks as the others sat on the grass and gossiped with each other. He observed how some of the students were flushed, others were excited, and others kept unusually quiet. The hero couldn't deny he felt a little hot under the collar, too, staring at her curves from where he was standing. He wondered if her quirk had always been so influential but he didn't think on it long. Mode was fully engulfed in her task, sketching in her notebook, writing plenty of notes, and tactfully examining parts of every student's hero uniform.
When her pace slowed then stopped when walking back to the classroom, the woman holding her side with a strained face, multiple students offered to carry her or other solutions to get her back to the classroom.
Shota erased their quirks to quiet them down then squatted down, "Climb on my back, Mode."
"… Could you carry me another way? My hip injuries aren't fully healed yet and that way's going to hurt."
He nodded understandingly then picked her up like a bride, Pe placing both her arms limply around his neck. With her so close, Eraser Head could feel his face heating up, covering the bottom half of it loosely with his scarf.
"When is your free period again? I want to talk to you about something," she inquired as he carried her.
"Later on this morning - 3rd period."
"Okay. I figured I could meet with all my clients since I'm here. I already met with Nezu earlier so that leaves... You, Ectoplasm, Cenmentoss, Present Mic, Thirteen, Snipe, and Recovery Girl. If I plan this right, I can meet with everyone. Good."
He set her down near the podium back in the classroom, hiding himself behind it.
Mode gave a short lecture about her family's company, a boring talk that everyone paid perfect attention to, then she bowed again, "Thank you for your valuable input. I hope your improved uniforms suit you well and I hope you choose my company in the future for your support needs. Goodbye everyone. - Eraser Head, I'll see you later."
He waved lazily and soon the bell rang, all the students hurrying to their next class. She met with Ectoplasm outside the classroom.
After the next period spent with that hero, she met with Eraser Head privately, then Cementoss.
Toshinori was able to sneak around and catch the occasional glimpse of his lover - almost all the students were talking about them. And some of the kids from Class 1-A just seemed to be off in their own worlds, Izuku included.
Checking his work emails in the teacher's lounge before lunch, her heard both her and Ken laughing outside the door.
"Hold on a moment - let me make sure the copier's free," Cenmentoss stuck his head inside, actually checking to see if All Might was in there.
Mode probably didn't know about his true form, right? They had only been on one date so probably not. All Might appreciated the warning, giving his fellow teacher a nod before hiding behind his desk. Ishiyama guided her into the room, keeping the other man from view, giving the blond the chance to sneak out. He showed her how to use the machine then he left, finding Yagi outside the room.
"Thanks for the warning."
The other hero nodded and left, a smile still on his face due to the interactions with Pe earlier.
"Your boyfriend is here!" All Might proclaimed as he made his entrance into the room pecs first.
Mode exclaimed in surprise, her hands dropping her sketchbook on the floor.
"Don't do that! You scared me," she flinched as she bent down to get it, the man helping her stand back up straight.
"Do you need a chair?"
"Yes, please."
He brought his over to her and she sat down.
"What are you printing out?"
His blue eyes watched as the printer spat out page after page. He reached out to grab one when she slapped his hand lightly.
"Hey. No peeking. It's a... present for you, okay?"
"Love poems?"
"What? No, you dork," Pe grabbed the papers instead, straightening them out before putting them away in her sketch book, "Is there somewhere we could meet privately with Midoriya? He, understandably, wasn't very forthcoming with me earlier and I really do want to improve his hero outfit."
"There's a empty lounge nearby. We can meet him there," he took out his red cell phone and texted his pupil.
Her head leaned on his body, the brunette momentarily closing her eyes, "I missed you."
"I missed you, too," he patted her head softly, petting her long hair. It was so soft under his fingertips.
"If you keep touching me like that, I'm going to have to take you behind the gym and have my way with you after all."
All Might paused his action, scratching the side of his face with his other hand then gave her another caress anyway. He watched as she stood up, climbed onto his chair, and placed her arms on his shoulders, one hand clutching her book. She leaned in and gave him a full kiss.
"Hm~" he hummed into it.
Were her lips always so tasty?
"Come on. Let's go meet with Midoriya."
He was disappointed they couldn't continue but he knew why - another one of those and he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her. The man easily lifted her off the chair and put her back onto the floor, both walking to the meeting place.
Midoriya always read up on the newest updates about All Might so he naturally researched about her, too, the moment the internet had figured out who she was. The majority he could find was about the Mode company, photos of her with different heroes over the years, and plenty of articles about the bombing of the hotel and its connection to her family and the Furious Fifteen. And that she was quirkless.
Izuku hadn't really thought too much more about her until he saw her walk into the classroom. She really was a pretty woman - no wonder All Might liked her. The teen took some shy glances at her while everyone was walking to the P.E. Grounds and he observed her silently while the other students displayed their quirks. He was very nervous when it came to his turn but he showed off One for All for her anyway. She asked him different questions: if his belt accommodated all the items he wanted to carry, if the pants and shoes needed to be redesigned to accommodate his quirk's strain on his legs, why he chose the design for his mask and if it needed changes to protect his neck and head from danger, etc. Like many of the other students, Mode requested he take off his gloves and she studied his hands, suggesting a different material to maximize the use of his fists.
When he was that close to her, he noticed how her eyelashes graced her eyes, how her lipstick emphasized her lips, how she had boobs... The rest of his morning classes, he was distracted in his own thoughts, pondering why he felt so attracted to her - was it because she was All Might's girlfriend? Izuku had never felt that way about anyone the pro hero had gone out with before. He just knew he wanted her lips all over his body and to see her tits bounce and he wanted her to do everything to him that he had ever seen in porn. Midoriya felt so horny and confused the entire morning. He had been debating sneaking off to the restroom to masturbate when he got the text from his teacher, asking him to meet with Mode. He scurried off to the lounge without hesitation.
When he opened the door, he found the Symbol of Peace adjusting his tie around her eyes like a blindfold.
"Is that better?" he was asking her.
Mode nodded in response.
His mind having been in the gutter all day, Izuku jumped to the wrong conclusion.
"I'M SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING! I CAN COME BACK LATER!" the teen proclaimed, already leaving.
Toshinori's blood sprayed out his mouth, "We weren't doing anything like that! Come back inside."
“Yes, sir!”
He sat down across from them on a stool.
"Hello again, Midoriya," she greeted him.
"H-Hello, Ms. Mode."
"You don't have to be so formal - Mode is fine. Thank you for meeting with me again. There is something I want to give you," she grabbed the paperwork out of her sketchbook and attempted to hand it to him.
Yagi gently grabbed her wrist and moved it so it was actually extended out in the student's direction.
"What is it?" the younger man questioned as he took and flipped through it - it was just paragraph after paragraph of words.
"It's a future contract with my family's company. You'll have to be officially licensed as a hero for it to start, but I was able to secure a 10 billion yen budget for you at signing."
"10 billion yen?!" he exclaimed - his mentor was shocked, too.
"I argued for more but this was all I could get. Anyway - my mother would be the one doing the majority of your support attire, with my sisters doing what they can to support you, too. It's valid indefinitely, as long as the company exists. Um... What else? I guess that's the majority of it. Please read it all carefully when you have the chance. If you have any questions, feel free to ask All Might. I'm sure he can give you a better idea what it's like to work with a support company."
Midoriya felt weird about accepting her gift. He hadn't stood out at the sports festival - shouldn't she be giving this to Kacchan or Todoroki instead?
"Oh. One more thing. It's not written there but my dad wanted to offer his support, too. I'm not sure how his quirk can benefit yours yet, but if you ever want anything metal designed in your future, he can do that. His company mostly does jewelry, but he can make other stuff for you, too. Here's his business card - just make sure to mention we met today so he knows who you are."
The woman dug into her pocket and pulled something out, holding it out towards him.
Toshinori paused then cupped his mouth in her direction and whispered, "Mode, that's a condom, not a business card."
"What?" she felt the circular texture in her grasp, then dug into her other pocket and brought something else out, trying again, "Is this one a business card?"
Pe extended both out to the teen, "Go ahead and take that too, just in case. The bowl in Recovery Girl's office usually runs out on the days I visit the school anyway."
The teen was too embarrassed to protest, taking both the business card and the wrapped condom, reading over the card stock in his hand.
"You two are being really quiet. The tie isn't really working, is it?" She undid it but kept her eyes closed, reaching out toward the blonde's shoulder. Once she found it, she was able to approximate where his head was, effortlessly putting his tie back on him, adjusting his clothes so it fit correctly, "My quirk has been having more influence than usual today."
"It said online that you didn't have one..." Izuku chimed in.
"My mom has paid off a lot of people to keep it that way, but as long as you keep it a secret, I don't mind if you know. Um..." she spoke at the junior hero then addressed the man next to her, "What year do the kids here take Sex-Ed?"
"That's next year."
"Oh, well, I'm assuming you know about the birds and the bees, Midoriya. My quirk inspires people to want to act on their sexual urges so if you've been feeling weird all day, that's my fault. Sorry."
He felt himself blushing mad - that explained why he had spent the majority of the day awkwardly hiding his erections in class. Maybe that was also why All Might was sitting with one of his ankles atop his opposite knee, not with the wide stance that he usually had. The pro hero must have been feeling flustered by her, too.
"Can I ask..." the young man spoke up, feeling more comfortable now that he had the answer to why he was feeling hot and uncomfortable all day, "Why are you offering me all this? I've never heard of a support company reaching out directly to a student before."
She put some hair behind her ear, "You're right. I've never heard of anyone doing it either, but I believe in what All Might represents so I'll support you and him with everything that I am. The world needs heroes, especially now. If you're the one he's chosen to become the next Symbol of Peace, then I'll use whatever resources I have to help make that a reality."
Yagi had only told her that yesterday so he was shocked how passionate she was about it right then. Did she really feel that way about his dream?
Mode continued, "If it's okay with you, I do want to talk to you more about your hero outfit. I know my sister modified it without your permission - sorry about that – but please be honest with me about what you want and, um, let me know if my quirk makes you too uncomfortable at any point. I'll step out for a bit then we can continue our talk."
Here was yet another person who wanted to help him because they believed in him and his future.
"Okay. I'll be honest this time," he nodded with a smile.
She opened her eyes as Modoriya took a seat next to her, grabbing her notebook and a pencil off the table in front of them.
The woman began to quickly sketch him and his hero uniform and began, "I've been thinking about what you said earlier - maybe more padding around your ankles would be beneficial if you're going to be jumping around a lot. What do you think about-"
Toshinori watched as they discussed back and worth, obviously engrossed in their conversation about his costume. He got up to pick out teas for all of them but looked back at both of them from the corner of the room instead. It hadn't been a must in his mind that his girlfriend and his successor got along but he was so glad they did. All Might smiled, confident that he had made the right choice when it came to the most important people in his life.
Mode and Yagi bid Midoriya goodbye before he fluttered away, choosing to head back before the lunch bell rang.
"I'm doing class 1-B's consultation shortly then meeting with Snipe, Thirteen, and Present Mic," she sighed, leaning back on the couch, tired, "I guess my mother would want me to come home after that, but I don't really want to."
"We could extend our date another day."
"Right. She did want you to return me today, huh? Well, I'm sure she wouldn't say no to you if you asked her," Pe looked over at him, "Did you like your present?"
"It's really generous of you. His signing bonus is almost as high as mine was when I started at your company."
"I know. We invested a lot of money in you then. We even added a new clause on your contract that stated that-"
Toshinori didn't hear her words anymore, only seeing her lips moving, way too distracted to pay attention to her rambling.
He felt her familiar neck beneath his lips, one arm holding his weight up while his other hand was scooping her butt from underneath, groping it.
"I'm going to be late..." the woman barely complained from underneath him, her hand resting on his shoulder, goosebumps formed on the leg bent up beside him.
All Might blinked - he didn't even remember climbing atop her.
"Mode, has your quirk gotten stronger?"
She looked away, "Everyone who knows about it has said the same thing today. I've only been around my family lately so I guess I didn't really notice."
There were known reasons why a person's quirk could change - physical trauma being one of them. It all came back to her kidnapping again, didn't it? The man looked down at her, studying her face for a moment, then got off her and stood up, helping her do the same along with handing her her cane and sketchbook.
"Can I meet you here after school? I have another little present I want to give you but it's not ready quite yet."
"Yes," he nodded.
She gave him a small smooch on the cheek before heading out. Yagi sat down again, glad he had some time to will away his erection before his class with 1-A and to reach out to Silence per Pe's suggestion. He took out his phone and gulped then dialed her mother's number. He was surprised though immensely relieved it rang then went to voice mail. Toshinori left a message then went to teach his class, his mind still on what exactly Eight had done to her that day.
---> Chapter 35
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mrcoreymonroe · 5 years
Checking out the Virgin America Influence on the New Alaska Airlines Product
Hello beautiful! My Alaska Airlines VIP Airbus A321neo. Yes, it is weird typing “Alaska Airlines” and “Airbus” together.
Change is inevitable — especially in the airline business.  Change can be all fine and dandy when you are talking about it conceptually, but when the time comes, it is not always easy. As you probably know by now, Alaska Airlines and Virgin America merged, and the red/white Virgin livery is quickly being retired. Virgin was known to be a bit risky in their branding and marketing…. and Alaska played it a bit more safe. Although Alaska will be sending the Virgin America brand into the history books, it has been important for Alaska to incorporate some of the Virgin culture into the new merged airline. Not just for the customers who loved the Virgin product, but also for the employees who are in the process of getting to know their new family.
Ironically, the Alaska 737 with the ‘More to Love’ livery celebrating their merger with Virgin was parked next to our A321 at SFO – Photo: Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren | JDLMultimedia
I was recently invited to fly down to San Francisco (SFO) to get a first hand look of the new Alaska Airlines product that will soon be found across the fleet. At gate 54B, the airline had set up walls, and inside were a variety of new products to be experienced. Also, there were experts to answer your questions about what was new. There was a special treat, too. What better way to put it all together than to take a special VIP flight on one of their Airbus A321s (that previously flew for Virgin America, obviously)?
I was interested to see the balance Alaska decided on, and get a better idea of my hometown airline’s future.
Deplaning at SFO on the ramp — LOVE IT!
The Alaska Airlines VIP Event at Gate 54B
My day started early. Like 2:45 am early. But that is okay, as I had airplanes to see! When selecting my flight to/from SFO, I had a choice of flying an Embraer E175, Boeing 737, or Airbus A320. I opted for the E-Jet down to SFO (I freak’n love that plane), and the Airbus A320 back home. I chose the Airbus, since not only would this be the first time I will have flown an Alaskan Airbus (well, second at that point), but I figured it would be nice to compare it to the fancy new product I would experience during my trip.
My flight down was uneventful, and I was happy to de-plane from the ramp. The Alaska presence in Terminal 2 at SFO isn’t huge, so it was pretty easy for me to find our special VIP gate at 54B. I slowly made my way around the room, checking things out and learning about what’s new.
One of the first shiny objects I went to check out were the new uniforms. Now, this might shock a few folks, but I am not up with all the new fashion trends. I know what I like, I know what I don’t like, and I am not going to be able to offer a flowery description to go with it. That said, I really like these outfits. Like really, really like them.
Why does it matter? I at least know fashion is huge business, and when your employees look good, your brand looks good. Not to mention, if you wear an outfit for 14 hours, that you actually like, not only will you be in a better mood, but you are going to feel better about yourself.
The new Recaro seat. Kinda of. I mean, it is missing the tray and is bolted on the wall, but you get the idea.
Here is the big ticket item that most of you will probably care about — the seats (although yours won’t be bolted to a wall)! At first glance these probably look pretty familiar to the Alaska Beyond product you experience now. However, there are a few key differences (since I would have just re-written these in my own words and not have done as nice of a job, I have copied/pasted from Alaska below):
Ergonomically-friendly tablet holders at each seat that accommodate most tablets and smartphones. The holders free up tray table space and an added shelf keeps devices in prime viewing position. Flexible mesh pockets also allow for easy access to essentials during the flight.
Upgraded premium and main cabin seats now feature memory foam for added comfort.
Conveniently-placed and tilted power outlets at every seat (USB & 110V) that allow guests to easily locate and charge two devices at once. The electrical boxes under the middle seat have been relocated to provide more personal space for guests.
Cup holders throughout first class and premium class, so that guests can multi-task while they savor a craft beer, wine, or cocktail and have full use of the tray table.
Some fancy talk there, but these changes are legit and I will go more into my thoughts when I actually take it for a spin.
Pretty cool display with the seat in parts to better inspect it!
There was also a pretty unique first class seat display at the gate as well. Here are is the little write up from Alaska:
Redesigned first class Recaro seats that evoke the feeling of both performance and comfort, like a luxury car. The sculpted design features memory foam and a 40″ pitch, along with footrests to support guests of varying heights.
I might drive a 2009 Honda Accord (I mean, it is an EX with leather, sunroof, and a six-CD changer baby!), but I would say their new first class seat feels more like a nice, upgraded domestic first class seat. I only had a few minutes with it, maybe with more time it will start to feel like I am cruising in a BMW 7-Series.
In the end, those used to Virgin first class might be a bit disappointed (not much), but those used to flying Alaska are in for a treat. That’s a solid compromise as two brands, and experiences, get merged.
The best part of the gate area was the sweet food spread, including the world’s largest Alaska Airlines food plate. #nomnom
Flying the New Alaska Product on an Airbus A321neo
Standing around the gate area and looking at the different updates before boarding, I honestly didn’t get all the hype. Sure… each of these things was an improvement, but was it that much more than the Beyond product that Alaska already has, or does it include enough of the Virgin America influence? I was starting to think that it didn’t. Before I could contemplate it any further, I was told it was time to board and I made my way to seat 23D — a window!
If you want to experience what would happen if an Alaska 737-900ER Boeing Sky Interior cabin made a cute little A321 baby with a Virgin America discotech — this would be pretty darn close. Once again, let me pull from the elegant Alaska wording then give you some of my thoughts on all this:
Refreshed color palette from the updated bulkhead design to the carpet, bringing in neutral tones that are associated with relaxing environments against pops of Alaska’s signature blue.
Ambient mood lighting with calming, cool blue hues developed by lighting and color experts to complement the human body’s natural circadian rhythm. The result is lighting that changes throughout the flight to promote an uplifting energy during the day and calming energy into the evening.
A few years back, I would totally have made fun of that stuff about the LED lighting. However, after flying on many different airlines and cabins that use the lighting, I am a true believer. As long as the crew doesn’t change it from dark to “OMG EVERYONE WAKE UP NOW” bright.
Here’s the good and bad thing about these special media flights — they are fun. We cheered when we took off, everyone gets up and chats, we have some good food, and then we land. There are times where I get caught up in all that and forget that I have a job to do. Hence why you have three very nice photos of probably the coolest upgrade — but taken by Alaska. My bad.
Adding the fold-down shelf makes it so much easier to be entertained while eating, working, and not straining your neck. So simple. So good. But also probably so difficult to let passengers know it exists (be sure to tell your friends). It can hold your iPad, it can hold your iPhone, it can probably hold other stuff too.
Heh. The little plane in the old Virgin America RED screen has its livery updated. Cute little fella. #iflyalaska pic.twitter.com/w3D4lLgwXd
— David Parker Brown (@ARdpb) February 28, 2019
No question when Virgin America’s in-flight entertainment system, called RED, came out, it was amazing. It was better than anything domestically by a long shot and better than most international products. I didn’t realize how much it had aged until my flight back to Seattle on an A320 with the RED system. As long as you have your own device of some sort, I vastly prefer Alaska’s product. The big plus that Red had going for it was being able to order food and drinks from your seat (that option is not available on Alaska flights).
Thoughts on the Virgin America Influence
As we cruised at 36,000 feet above California, and I was eating my sweet ice cream (which Alaska serves to first class passengers on trans-cons and Hawaiian flights), it came to me. Each of these improvements neatly laid out might not be so obvious on their own, but when you see all of them working together, flying high above it all, it becomes much more obvious. This truly is a new Alaska with some of Virgin culture mixed in — they nailed it.
Are the Virgin diehards going to be 100% happy with everything? Probably not. Will any of the Alaska loyalists be unhappy with the changes? Probably. But that is okay. You cannot make everyone happy, and if we have seen anything from airline mergers of the past, coming together and moving forward can be brutal (for employees and passengers).
Our VIP pilots that will soon likely learn how to fly with a center yolk as well!
Next Steps for the Product and That Airbus Fleet
This sort of total change takes time. By early 2020, the airline expects 36% of their mainline fleet will have the updates. All new 737 Max 9 aircraft will be delivered with the new interior (although with the current headlines, who knows if that will be delayed) and I am very interested to see how this will look with the Boeing Sky Interior. There is also still the question if Alaska will keep the Airbus aircraft in their fleet. They still have them on lease for the next four to five years, and they plan to announce what they will do with the Airbus by the end of the year.
It is still weird seeing the Alaska livery on the Airbus A320, but I am pretty sure it looks good
What do you think of the new Alaska Airlines changes? If you flew Virgin America, do you think they have done the airline justice? Is this a good compromise or did they miss the opportunity to do more? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Disclaimer: Alaska Airlines provided for my flights, but all opinions are my own. 
The post Checking out the Virgin America Influence on the New Alaska Airlines Product appeared first on AirlineReporter.
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captain-ezri-dax · 7 years
Chaaracter description thing fooor the good good Nadia
Them as a child - Very small and scrawny. Developed her magic at an extremely early age, around 6. I’m sure there’s ways to bleach and dye hair, so until she got sent to the circle she’d bleach her hair completely white bc she thinks it looked cool. Got the tattoo under her eye when she was 10 to match her dad’s, who was also a mage. Tried using her magic to impress and intimidate other kids but instead got herself caught.
Them several years past their main adventure - Right in the middle of her depression days. Likely has a burn scar right on her tattoo when she tried to remove it, a few cut scars from her worst days but nothing excessive. Might go back to dyeing her hair if dyeing hair beyond bleaching it is a thing on thedas?? Still unused to her warden’s uniform since she never had one during the blight & doesn’t like it, mostly bc it reminds her of being just Another Mage in the circle so she modifies it for herself, maybe colouring it or adding extra armour. Spends a lot of time away from Corliss and Darryl & all the other’s bc she doesn’t want them to have to look after her. Has definitely lost her leg by a few years after & has a very crudely fashioned wooden prosthetic that’s cracked & kinda shitty. Despite all this though she still tries to be kind and help everyone she finds, still seeing that everyone on the planet deserves kindness until they prove otherwise. Sends the lost and broken to Corliss, some to recruit and some to receive the best healing she knows. Started snoring.
Their parent(s) - I honestly never really thought about her parents? Her father was a mage too and gave her the tattoo around her eye, maybe so he could find her again if she ever got taken by the circle or the other way round. Apart from that I got nothin
Their laugh - Surprisingly quiet. She’s naturally a very loud person, speaks loud and jokes loud and makes a lot of noise. Laughs loudly when she wants the person she’s talking to think that she thinks she’s funny. But when she’s with Corliss? Darryl? Landen?? Her laugh is quiet & happy & full of giggles but its genuine
Their crying - Very quiet, purposefully restricts it and holds it in if she’s around literally anyone. Hates crying in every way, crying somehow always makes her feel worse afterwards instead of better if she’s around others, simply because she feels shitty about taking their attention away from other things. When she’s alone she still cries quietly and restricted but does feel better after. Hides the red upset eyes afterwards quickly, no matter which.
Their interactions with their children, if they have them - She never has kids herself but there is Landen, to whom she acts as a Big Sister figure. When he’s a baby she’s up for looking after him but doesn’t know what to do, no maternal instincts or anything like that kick it so she just does what shes told when it comes to keeping him alive. Mostly hangs around to play with him, good at making him laugh. Teases him more and more as he grows up but she’s sure to spend days with him so he knows she actually cares and her teasing isn’t serious. Likes shapeshifting into different forms with him; curls up on his lap as a cat & sits on him as a bird
Their interactions with their pets, if they have them - She never rly has pets tbh & I’ve been considering the idea she’s allergic to dogs? Not badly but she sneezes & gets stuffy around them, so she’s always on the other side of camp when it comes to Corliss’ dog
Their interactions with their significant other(s), if they have them - Nope this good good girl is aromantic & never dates anyone beyond a casual boyfriend or two while in the circle, thinking that dating was something she had to do
Their interactions with their best friend - Corliss!!!! There’s literally nobody else she has or will ever care about more. She’s the only person that Nadia won’t ever be cruel to for any reason, since there’s never a reason to be. The only person she’s comfortable being emotional around. Constantly holds her hand, just because it’s comforting and nice & she’s warm. Corliss is the main reason she bothered to learn any magic that not explicitly offensive. Closest thing to a life partner Nadia ever has.
Their interactions with an enemy/rival - Fire. A shit lot of fire directed straight at their faces but not without a lot of insults.
Their interactions with a stranger (feel free to say who the stranger might be! wink wink) - I do wish the addendum hadn’t been added because now I don’t know if there’s meant to be a certain situation or what?? Is it meant to be sexual?? a friend?? someone she’ll get to know?? In general though she’s v business like with most strangers, she’s still got the mindset that as soon as she uses any magic she’ll get turned in, especially during the blight since she didn’t get her warden uniform. If said stranger is in danger or starving or anything of the like she’ll happily help or feed them or send some money their way, but she’s just as happy to hurt them if they’re a threat
Them in their favorite outfit - uh that’s a tricky one, i’m not sure she has one? I think she likes her modified warden uniform, it keeps her protected and she’s redesigned it so it looks significantly different but still recognisable as a warden’s uniform
Them in formalwear - Her warden’s uniform but with a tie. The moment you get her into an actual dress or outfit she’s dead. She couldn’t stand it in literally any way.
Them in an uncomfortable outfit - I think I just did lmao. But don’t put her in anything too tight or figure hugging either, she hates that too. She tugs and pulls at it forever in an attempt to make it looser and more comfortable.
Them tired - Don’t talk to her in detail because she won’t understand what you’re telling her, and you won’t understand anything she says back. No matter how tired she is though, she still takes over an hour at least to actually pass out. If she lived in the real world she’d like to have something to listen to, but she doesn’t, so she likes it when it rains so she can listen to the rain on her tent or on the window. Otherwise she’ll ask Corliss to read aloud to her. If neither are available she’ll lay there contemplating her life before she loses consciousness.
Them sleepy - Very clingy, very happy. Still can’t really understand anything or say anything comprehensible but holds onto Corliss’ arm and just babbles about whatever she’s currently thinking about. If she’s with someone she’s slept with or wants to sleep with, she gets super flirty but panics if her partner actually says yes & runs off back to be alone
Them sleeping - Not really much to describe tbh? She tends to outstretch one arm and rest her head on that instead of directly on her pillow and holds her legs in tight, but doesn’t really sleep very deeply and wakes up at the slightest stimulation
Them eating - very quick, very clean. She can’t cook to save her life but no matter what she gets, unless its extremely poisonous, she’ll completely clear it. I’m sure it’s something she learnt in the circle; meals were rare and scarce for her since she was a troublemaker. Not enough to get her tranquil or isolated but they couldn’t just let her be without punishment, so they’d take away entertainment and feed her less, so she ate everything she got. In retaliation she’d cause more trouble, which meant more punishment, and it kept going until she left the circle. Her unending appetite for days after her joining, she ate literally every piece of food supply the camp currently had.
Them drunk - Sort of similar to her being sleepy, but surprisingly more coherent but less understanding of social rules. Tends to get into people’s personal spaces a lot & stick close, genuinely not understanding that it’s weird or unwanted until they tell her. Drunk Nadia would kill sober Nadia, if she can get access to another drink she takes it no matter what it is. Doesn’t get blackout drunk too often but when she does, shit catches fire.
Wildcard/writer’s choice - I’ve been writing this for like 2 hours or more now & I. can’t rly think of anything for my choice so just know - Nadia has some rly nice tiddies. they’re gr8. Whoever gets to touch or see them is lucky
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
Ryanair’s Pilot Drama Threatens to Undo Its Goodwill Push
Ryanair, which flies only Boeing 737s, is seeing its reputation stumble after it said it would have to cancel thousands of flights over six weeks. Ryanair
Skift Take: Just before this pilot issue broke, Skift went to Europe to speak with Ryanair's chief marketing officer about how he improved the airline's customer service. Recent events will almost certainly set Ryanair back, but we think it can recover — if only because people like cheap fares.
— Brian Sumers
On a Friday night earlier this month, Ryanair issued a vague statement telling passengers it would cancel 40 to 50 flights per day for six weeks because it didn’t have enough pilots. It didn’t immediately say which flights would be affected, nor provide advice on what travelers should do.
It was behavior passengers have come to expect from Ryanair, Europe’s leading discounter. Over more than three decades, Ryanair earned a reputation for two things: low fares and disdain for customers. Some wondered if Ryanair management cared about passengers at all.
They had reason to wonder. For years, Ryanair’s CEO, Michael O’Leary, often made outlandish comments. “Are we going to say sorry for our lack of customer service?” he once asked. “Absolutely not.” In interviews, he would ask whether Ryanair should charge for bathrooms, or if the airline might ask passengers to stand, rather than sit.
That was supposed to be the old Ryanair. During the past three years, Ryanair customers didn’t hear that stuff much from O’Leary, who instead focused his ire on governments he believed were thwarting Ryanair’s growth strategy. Meanwhile, Ryanair sought to position itself into an airline people want to fly, albeit one with bare-bones service. Passengers would no longer be treated as the enemy.
This was not about altruism. By 2013, Ryanair had alienated some potentially lucrative passenger segments, including families and business travelers, with many willing to spend a few more euros for a more pleasant experience on another airline. Even EasyJet, another no-frills airline, had a better reputation.
In earlier years, Ryanair didn’t mind passengers flying competitors, but by 2013 the carrier planned to expand to some of Europe’s biggest airports. If it wasn’t nicer, O’Leary and the airline’s board feared, big-city passengers might avoid it.
By most accounts, the strategy has worked. But now, the airline’s reputation has again taken a hit, even though the airline claims pilot-related cancelations affect fewer than 2 percent of customers and will reduce revenues by about only 25 million euros, or $30 million.
“It just confirms everyone’s worst fears,” Neil Wilson, analyst at ETX Capital, said in an interview. “You have that niggle in the back of your mind — they aren’t really there to look after you. And that’s what they are showing. It’s pretty aggressive and doesn’t suggest they are treating their customers well.”
In a conference call with analysts, O’Leary said the airline has enough pilots, blaming the issue on a quirk of their vacation schedule. More pilots than expected must take time off this fall, he said. But its pilot union argues the airline’s problems go deeper, saying Ryanair has create a toxic culture, and noting many pilots have left for competitors, including Norwegian Air.
If the airline can return its canceled flights to its schedule in six weeks, as planned, Ryanair will probably recover. And since the initial Friday night public relations misstep, Ryanair has been more proactive, contacting affected customers.
But it may take some time before some passengers will give it another chance.
“It will have a reputational impact, for which I sincerely apologize,” O’Leary said. “We fucked up here, and we need to fix it.”
Always Getting Better
By many accounts, O’Leary, who took over the airline in 1994, was the person who realized Ryanair need to change.
Ryanair was no longer an upstart. O’Leary now runs what is now Europe’s largest airline, and to keep growing — it wanted new flights in established and competitive markets like Frankfurt, Brussels, and Rome — O’Leary realized the company needed to soften its image.
In early 2014, he hired former supermarket executive Kenny Jacobs as Ryanair’s first chief marketing officer. Quickly, Jacobs released a five-year plan called Always Getting Better focused on passenger experience improvements.
The airline started assigning seats in advance, ending the free-for-all boarding system that made some passengers nervous. It works for Southwest Airlines in the United States, but at Ryanair, boarding “looked like something out of a war movie,” Jacobs said.
It also reduced bag fees, introduced a new website and mobile app, and created a program that provided families with discounts and perks, promising moms and dads they’d find bottle warmers and changing tables on board.
Ryanair even allowed passengers to bring more bags on board for free, but it changed the policy this summer, when it realized too many passengers were bringing luggage, slowing boarding times.
Meanwhile, for business travelers paying a little extra, Ryanair introduced priority boarding, premium seating, and fast-track service for security.
“They were aware they were falling behind EasyJet,” said John Strickland, a UK-based aviation consultant. “They realized they could get a piece of the action.”
More recently, Ryanair redesigned its aircraft cabins with snazzy blue seats, mood lighting, and a bright yellow stripe along the overhead bins. Jacobs even introduced sleek new uniforms for pilots and flight attendants.
“It takes a man to admit you have been wrong and change your mind,” Daniel Roeska, senior research analyst at Sanford Bernstein, told Skift. “Michael got out of Kenny’s way, and let him do a lot of stuff that Michael said previously, ‘We will never do that.'”
Refining the brand
In an interview this month in London, Jacobs said he had freedom to make the travel experience better — so long as it didn’t cost the airline too much money.
While the onboard and airport products improved, Jacobs said he spent much of his time fixing the airline’s digital strategy. He joked that when he started, Ryanair’s website looked like it belonged to Hooters, the bar and restaurant with skimpily-clad waitresses. It might take a prospective customer 25 clicks to buy a ticket, and the system didn’t save passport or credit card information for future purchases.
“Ryanair was one of those unique brands that just had the cheapest product,” Jacobs said. “Now, it had the cheapest product with a rough-around-the-edges service, and it didn’t do digital. We’ve taken away the rough edges around the service and hence more people are flying with us.”
Jacobs said families and business travelers now choose Ryanair because, at least until recently, it’s treating them better. In the past, he said, Ryanair might have assumed its customers would return no matter how shoddy the experience.
“Ryanair did take its customers too much for granted,” he said.” I think families and business travelers would have just said, ‘I’ll fly with someone else.’ We now take our customers much more seriously.”
But not too seriously. The airline’s main goal, he said, remains to transport passengers on time and in a reasonably comfortable manner.
“We listen enough to customers, but you don’t totally listen to customers, because if we did, we’d be introducing lounges and Wi-Fi and ticket prices would go up,” he said.
If passengers get off a flight and say, ‘That was OK,’ it’s enough for Jacobs, who views short-haul travel as a commodity product.
“I don’t want people to say, ‘I love Ryanair,” he said. “I don’t think anyone flying a short-haul airline in Europe would say, ‘I love the airline.’ If you’re flying London to Barcelona with Ryanair, and the plane lands in Barcelona, you might say, ‘I love Barcelona and the airline got me there on time at the lowest possible price.'”
Expanding in Europe
Ryanair sought to soften its image as the airline altered its strategy to focus on larger markets and bigger airports.
Once content to fly only to secondary airports, or airports far from the major cities they purport to serve —Stockholm Skavsta Airport is about 50 miles from downtown — Ryanair is expanding at much bigger facilities.
“They needed to go where the people are,”  Roeska said.
Ryanair is now growing at the main airport in Frankfurt, and it’s already flying to most larger European airports with only two major exceptions — London Heathrow and Paris-Charles de Gaulle.
Fares tend to be higher at larger airports, even for low-cost airlines, who may undercut legacy airlines and still make money. Big-city passengers often spend more on ancillary items, Roeska said, because they’re more likely to pay for better seats or priority boarding.
In markets like Germany, Ryanair doesn’t have to match Lufthansa’s full-service approach, but it probably had to improve to make its product bearable for more travelers, Roeska said. For the 30 years prior, Ryanair rarely flew exactly the same route as another airline.
“What they definitely did was broaden their mass-market appeal to make it compatible with a wider audience throughout Europe,” he said. “It’s becoming a real airline and less of the gung-ho low-cost carrier it used to be.”
Ryanair is considering growing further. It has said it wants to buy part of the bankrupt Italian carrier Alitalia, though it’s not clear how serious Ryanair’s bid will be. And while the airline has said it no longer wants to buy Air Berlin’s assets, it wants to continue to grow in Germany, if Air Berlin’s slots at major airports become available.
At times, O’Leary has wondered whether Ryanair should fly to the United States. That’s not expected any time soon — O’Leary has stopped talking about it — but by refining its customer service, Ryanair someday could be competitive on shorter transatlantic routes.
Short-Term Issues
There’s little doubt Ryanair erred during its recent pilot problems.
Not only did it miscalculate how many pilots it would need for its fall schedule, but it also botched how it handled the cancellations. Initially, the airline could not tell passengers which flight would be canceled, creating confusion among passengers and potential customers. It continued selling seats on flights it knew it might not operate.
Ryanair has said it will try to transfer passengers to other flights, but O’Leary has refused to pay other airlines to carry them. If Ryanair can’t fly the travelers, O’Leary said the airline will follow the law and refund customers. Some passengers may receive cash compensation under EU laws, but the airline can avoid paying most penalties if it cancels flights early enough.
Many travelers think Ryanair hasn’t gone far enough, and some have said on social media they’ll never fly Ryanair again.
But almost every major European airline stumbles occasionally. Most recently, it has been British Airways, with multiple computer outages and its ongoing labor dispute with many of its newer flight attendants. Both Lufthansa and Air France also face occasional labor issues with some employee groups, forcing them to cancel flights.
Customers tend to return to airlines after most screw-ups. They even came back to United Airlines earlier this year after security officials in Chicago violently dragged one of the carrier’s customers off a plane. United has said it expects no lasting financial damage.
At Ryanair, most customers should return, if only because it’s often cheaper than the competition.
“It’s reputational damage, but it’s not fundamentally hurtful to the company,” said Wilson, the ETX Capital analyst. “People kind of expect this from Ryanair. It just sets itself back because it’s trying to position itself as a customer-friendly airline.”
0 notes
rollinbrigittenv8 · 7 years
Ryanair’s Pilot Drama Threatens to Undo Its Goodwill Push
Ryanair, which flies only Boeing 737s, is seeing its reputation stumble after it said it would have to cancel thousands of flights over six weeks. Ryanair
Skift Take: Just before this pilot issue broke, Skift went to Europe to speak with Ryanair's chief marketing officer about how he improved the airline's customer service. Recent events will almost certainly set Ryanair back, but we think it can recover — if only because people like cheap fares.
— Brian Sumers
On a Friday night earlier this month, Ryanair issued a vague statement telling passengers it would cancel 40 to 50 flights per day for six weeks because it didn’t have enough pilots. It didn’t immediately say which flights would be affected, nor provide advice on what travelers should do.
It was behavior passengers have come to expect from Ryanair, Europe’s leading discounter. Over more than three decades, Ryanair earned a reputation for two things: low fares and disdain for customers. Some wondered if Ryanair management cared about passengers at all.
They had reason to wonder. For years, Ryanair’s CEO, Michael O’Leary, often made outlandish comments. “Are we going to say sorry for our lack of customer service?” he once asked. “Absolutely not.” In interviews, he would ask whether Ryanair should charge for bathrooms, or if the airline might ask passengers to stand, rather than sit.
That was supposed to be the old Ryanair. During the past three years, Ryanair customers didn’t hear that stuff much from O’Leary, who instead focused his ire on governments he believed were thwarting Ryanair’s growth strategy. Meanwhile, Ryanair sought to position itself into an airline people want to fly, albeit one with bare-bones service. Passengers would no longer be treated as the enemy.
This was not about altruism. By 2013, Ryanair had alienated some potentially lucrative passenger segments, including families and business travelers, with many willing to spend a few more euros for a more pleasant experience on another airline. Even EasyJet, another no-frills airline, had a better reputation.
In earlier years, Ryanair didn’t mind passengers flying competitors, but by 2013 the carrier planned to expand to some of Europe’s biggest airports. If it wasn’t nicer, O’Leary and the airline’s board feared, big-city passengers might avoid it.
By most accounts, the strategy has worked. But now, the airline’s reputation has again taken a hit, even though the airline claims pilot-related cancelations affect fewer than 2 percent of customers and will reduce revenues by about only 25 million euros, or $30 million.
“It just confirms everyone’s worst fears,” Neil Wilson, analyst at ETX Capital, said in an interview. “You have that niggle in the back of your mind — they aren’t really there to look after you. And that’s what they are showing. It’s pretty aggressive and doesn’t suggest they are treating their customers well.”
In a conference call with analysts, O’Leary said the airline has enough pilots, blaming the issue on a quirk of their vacation schedule. More pilots than expected must take time off this fall, he said. But its pilot union argues the airline’s problems go deeper, saying Ryanair has create a toxic culture, and noting many pilots have left for competitors, including Norwegian Air.
If the airline can return its canceled flights to its schedule in six weeks, as planned, Ryanair will probably recover. And since the initial Friday night public relations misstep, Ryanair has been more proactive, contacting affected customers.
But it may take some time before some passengers will give it another chance.
“It will have a reputational impact, for which I sincerely apologize,” O’Leary said. “We fucked up here, and we need to fix it.”
Always Getting Better
By many accounts, O’Leary, who took over the airline in 1994, was the person who realized Ryanair need to change.
Ryanair was no longer an upstart. O’Leary now runs what is now Europe’s largest airline, and to keep growing — it wanted new flights in established and competitive markets like Frankfurt, Brussels, and Rome — O’Leary realized the company needed to soften its image.
In early 2014, he hired former supermarket executive Kenny Jacobs as Ryanair’s first chief marketing officer. Quickly, Jacobs released a five-year plan called Always Getting Better focused on passenger experience improvements.
The airline started assigning seats in advance, ending the free-for-all boarding system that made some passengers nervous. It works for Southwest Airlines in the United States, but at Ryanair, boarding “looked like something out of a war movie,” Jacobs said.
It also reduced bag fees, introduced a new website and mobile app, and created a program that provided families with discounts and perks, promising moms and dads they’d find bottle warmers and changing tables on board.
Ryanair even allowed passengers to bring more bags on board for free, but it changed the policy this summer, when it realized too many passengers were bringing luggage, slowing boarding times.
Meanwhile, for business travelers paying a little extra, Ryanair introduced priority boarding, premium seating, and fast-track service for security.
“They were aware they were falling behind EasyJet,” said John Strickland, a UK-based aviation consultant. “They realized they could get a piece of the action.”
More recently, Ryanair redesigned its aircraft cabins with snazzy blue seats, mood lighting, and a bright yellow stripe along the overhead bins. Jacobs even introduced sleek new uniforms for pilots and flight attendants.
“It takes a man to admit you have been wrong and change your mind,” Daniel Roeska, senior research analyst at Sanford Bernstein, told Skift. “Michael got out of Kenny’s way, and let him do a lot of stuff that Michael said previously, ‘We will never do that.'”
Refining the brand
In an interview this month in London, Jacobs said he had freedom to make the travel experience better — so long as it didn’t cost the airline too much money.
While the onboard and airport products improved, Jacobs said he spent much of his time fixing the airline’s digital strategy. He joked that when he started, Ryanair’s website looked like it belonged to Hooters, the bar and restaurant with skimpily-clad waitresses. It might take a prospective customer 25 clicks to buy a ticket, and the system didn’t save passport or credit card information for future purchases.
“Ryanair was one of those unique brands that just had the cheapest product,” Jacobs said. “Now, it had the cheapest product with a rough-around-the-edges service, and it didn’t do digital. We’ve taken away the rough edges around the service and hence more people are flying with us.”
Jacobs said families and business travelers now choose Ryanair because, at least until recently, it’s treating them better. In the past, he said, Ryanair might have assumed its customers would return no matter how shoddy the experience.
“Ryanair did take its customers too much for granted,” he said.” I think families and business travelers would have just said, ‘I’ll fly with someone else.’ We now take our customers much more seriously.”
But not too seriously. The airline’s main goal, he said, remains to transport passengers on time and in a reasonably comfortable manner.
“We listen enough to customers, but you don’t totally listen to customers, because if we did, we’d be introducing lounges and Wi-Fi and ticket prices would go up,” he said.
If passengers get off a flight and say, ‘That was OK,’ it’s enough for Jacobs, who views short-haul travel as a commodity product.
“I don’t want people to say, ‘I love Ryanair,” he said. “I don’t think anyone flying a short-haul airline in Europe would say, ‘I love the airline.’ If you’re flying London to Barcelona with Ryanair, and the plane lands in Barcelona, you might say, ‘I love Barcelona and the airline got me there on time at the lowest possible price.'”
Expanding in Europe
Ryanair sought to soften its image as the airline altered its strategy to focus on larger markets and bigger airports.
Once content to fly only to secondary airports, or airports far from the major cities they purport to serve —Stockholm Skavsta Airport is about 50 miles from downtown — Ryanair is expanding at much bigger facilities.
“They needed to go where the people are,”  Roeska said.
Ryanair is now growing at the main airport in Frankfurt, and it’s already flying to most larger European airports with only two major exceptions — London Heathrow and Paris-Charles de Gaulle.
Fares tend to be higher at larger airports, even for low-cost airlines, who may undercut legacy airlines and still make money. Big-city passengers often spend more on ancillary items, Roeska said, because they’re more likely to pay for better seats or priority boarding.
In markets like Germany, Ryanair doesn’t have to match Lufthansa’s full-service approach, but it probably had to improve to make its product bearable for more travelers, Roeska said. For the 30 years prior, Ryanair rarely flew exactly the same route as another airline.
“What they definitely did was broaden their mass-market appeal to make it compatible with a wider audience throughout Europe,” he said. “It’s becoming a real airline and less of the gung-ho low-cost carrier it used to be.”
Ryanair is considering growing further. It has said it wants to buy part of the bankrupt Italian carrier Alitalia, though it’s not clear how serious Ryanair’s bid will be. And while the airline has said it no longer wants to buy Air Berlin’s assets, it wants to continue to grow in Germany, if Air Berlin’s slots at major airports become available.
At times, O’Leary has wondered whether Ryanair should fly to the United States. That’s not expected any time soon — O’Leary has stopped talking about it — but by refining its customer service, Ryanair someday could be competitive on shorter transatlantic routes.
Short-Term Issues
There’s little doubt Ryanair erred during its recent pilot problems.
Not only did it miscalculate how many pilots it would need for its fall schedule, but it also botched how it handled the cancellations. Initially, the airline could not tell passengers which flight would be canceled, creating confusion among passengers and potential customers. It continued selling seats on flights it knew it might not operate.
Ryanair has said it will try to transfer passengers to other flights, but O’Leary has refused to pay other airlines to carry them. If Ryanair can’t fly the travelers, O’Leary said the airline will follow the law and refund customers. Some passengers may receive cash compensation under EU laws, but the airline can avoid paying most penalties if it cancels flights early enough.
Many travelers think Ryanair hasn’t gone far enough, and some have said on social media they’ll never fly Ryanair again.
But almost every major European airline stumbles occasionally. Most recently, it has been British Airways, with multiple computer outages and its ongoing labor dispute with many of its newer flight attendants. Both Lufthansa and Air France also face occasional labor issues with some employee groups, forcing them to cancel flights.
Customers tend to return to airlines after most screw-ups. They even came back to United Airlines earlier this year after security officials in Chicago violently dragged one of the carrier’s customers off a plane. United has said it expects no lasting financial damage.
At Ryanair, most customers should return, if only because it’s often cheaper than the competition.
“It’s reputational damage, but it’s not fundamentally hurtful to the company,” said Wilson, the ETX Capital analyst. “People kind of expect this from Ryanair. It just sets itself back because it’s trying to position itself as a customer-friendly airline.”
0 notes
mrcoreymonroe · 5 years
Checking out the Virgin America Influence on the New Alaska Airlines Product
Hello beautiful! My Alaska Airlines VIP Airbus A321neo. Yes, it is weird typing “Alaska Airlines” and “Airbus” together.
Change is inevitable — especially in the airline business.  Change can be all fine and dandy when you are talking about it conceptually, but when the time comes, it is not always easy. As you probably know by now, Alaska Airlines and Virgin America merged, and the red/white Virgin livery is quickly being retired. Virgin was known to be a bit risky in their branding and marketing…. and Alaska played it a bit more safe. Although Alaska will be sending the Virgin America brand into the history books, it has been important for Alaska to incorporate some of the Virgin culture into the new merged airline. Not just for the customers who loved the Virgin product, but also for the employees who are in the process of getting to know their new family.
Ironically, the Alaska 737 with the ‘More to Love’ livery celebrating their merger with Virgin was parked next to our A321 at SFO – Photo: Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren | JDLMultimedia
I was recently invited to fly down to San Francisco (SFO) to get a first hand look of the new Alaska Airlines product that will soon be found across the fleet. At gate 54B, the airline had set up walls, and inside were a variety of new products to be experienced. Also, there were experts to answer your questions about what was new. There was a special treat, too. What better way to put it all together than to take a special VIP flight on one of their Airbus A321s (that previously flew for Virgin America, obviously)?
I was interested to see the balance Alaska decided on, and get a better idea of my hometown airline’s future.
Deplaning at SFO on the ramp — LOVE IT!
The Alaska Airlines VIP Event at Gate 54B
My day started early. Like 2:45 am early. But that is okay, as I had airplanes to see! When selecting my flight to/from SFO, I had a choice of flying an Embraer E175, Boeing 737, or Airbus A320. I opted for the E-Jet down to SFO (I freak’n love that plane), and the Airbus A320 back home. I chose the Airbus, since not only would this be the first time I will have flown an Alaskan Airbus (well, second at that point), but I figured it would be nice to compare it to the fancy new product I would experience during my trip.
My flight down was uneventful, and I was happy to de-plane from the ramp. The Alaska presence in Terminal 2 at SFO isn’t huge, so it was pretty easy for me to find our special VIP gate at 54B. I slowly made my way around the room, checking things out and learning about what’s new.
One of the first shiny objects I went to check out were the new uniforms. Now, this might shock a few folks, but I am not up with all the new fashion trends. I know what I like, I know what I don’t like, and I am not going to be able to offer a flowery description to go with it. That said, I really like these outfits. Like really, really like them.
Why does it matter? I at least know fashion is huge business, and when your employees look good, your brand looks good. Not to mention, if you wear an outfit for 14 hours, that you actually like, not only will you be in a better mood, but you are going to feel better about yourself.
The new Recaro seat. Kinda of. I mean, it is missing the tray and is bolted on the wall, but you get the idea.
Here is the big ticket item that most of you will probably care about — the seats (although yours won’t be bolted to a wall)! At first glance these probably look pretty familiar to the Alaska Beyond product you experience now. However, there are a few key differences (since I would have just re-written these in my own words and not have done as nice of a job, I have copied/pasted from Alaska below):
Ergonomically-friendly tablet holders at each seat that accommodate most tablets and smartphones. The holders free up tray table space and an added shelf keeps devices in prime viewing position. Flexible mesh pockets also allow for easy access to essentials during the flight.
Upgraded premium and main cabin seats now feature memory foam for added comfort.
Conveniently-placed and tilted power outlets at every seat (USB & 110V) that allow guests to easily locate and charge two devices at once. The electrical boxes under the middle seat have been relocated to provide more personal space for guests.
Cup holders throughout first class and premium class, so that guests can multi-task while they savor a craft beer, wine, or cocktail and have full use of the tray table.
Some fancy talk there, but these changes are legit and I will go more into my thoughts when I actually take it for a spin.
Pretty cool display with the seat in parts to better inspect it!
There was also a pretty unique first class seat display at the gate as well. Here are is the little write up from Alaska:
Redesigned first class Recaro seats that evoke the feeling of both performance and comfort, like a luxury car. The sculpted design features memory foam and a 40″ pitch, along with footrests to support guests of varying heights.
I might drive a 2009 Honda Accord (I mean, it is an EX with leather, sunroof, and a six-CD changer baby!), but I would say their new first class seat feels more like a nice, upgraded domestic first class seat. I only had a few minutes with it, maybe with more time it will start to feel like I am cruising in a BMW 7-Series.
In the end, those used to Virgin first class might be a bit disappointed (not much), but those used to flying Alaska are in for a treat. That’s a solid compromise as two brands, and experiences, get merged.
The best part of the gate area was the sweet food spread, including the world’s largest Alaska Airlines food plate. #nomnom
Flying the New Alaska Product on an Airbus A321neo
Standing around the gate area and looking at the different updates before boarding, I honestly didn’t get all the hype. Sure… each of these things was an improvement, but was it that much more than the Beyond product that Alaska already has, or does it include enough of the Virgin America influence? I was starting to think that it didn’t. Before I could contemplate it any further, I was told it was time to board and I made my way to seat 23D — a window!
If you want to experience what would happen if an Alaska 737-900ER Boeing Sky Interior cabin made a cute little A321 baby with a Virgin America discotech — this would be pretty darn close. Once again, let me pull from the elegant Alaska wording then give you some of my thoughts on all this:
Refreshed color palette from the updated bulkhead design to the carpet, bringing in neutral tones that are associated with relaxing environments against pops of Alaska’s signature blue.
Ambient mood lighting with calming, cool blue hues developed by lighting and color experts to complement the human body’s natural circadian rhythm. The result is lighting that changes throughout the flight to promote an uplifting energy during the day and calming energy into the evening.
A few years back, I would totally have made fun of that stuff about the LED lighting. However, after flying on many different airlines and cabins that use the lighting, I am a true believer. As long as the crew doesn’t change it from dark to “OMG EVERYONE WAKE UP NOW” bright.
Here’s the good and bad thing about these special media flights — they are fun. We cheered when we took off, everyone gets up and chats, we have some good food, and then we land. There are times where I get caught up in all that and forget that I have a job to do. Hence why you have three very nice photos of probably the coolest upgrade — but taken by Alaska. My bad.
Adding the fold-down shelf makes it so much easier to be entertained while eating, working, and not straining your neck. So simple. So good. But also probably so difficult to let passengers know it exists (be sure to tell your friends). It can hold your iPad, it can hold your iPhone, it can probably hold other stuff too.
Heh. The little plane in the old Virgin America RED screen has its livery updated. Cute little fella. #iflyalaska pic.twitter.com/w3D4lLgwXd
— David Parker Brown (@ARdpb) February 28, 2019
No question when Virgin America’s in-flight entertainment system, called RED, came out, it was amazing. It was better than anything domestically by a long shot and better than most international products. I didn’t realize how much it had aged until my flight back to Seattle on an A320 with the RED system. As long as you have your own device of some sort, I vastly prefer Alaska’s product. The big plus that Red had going for it was being able to order food and drinks from your seat (that option is not available on Alaska flights).
Thoughts on the Virgin America Influence
As we cruised at 36,000 feet above California, and I was eating my sweet ice cream (which Alaska serves to first class passengers on trans-cons and Hawaiian flights), it came to me. Each of these improvements neatly laid out might not be so obvious on their own, but when you see all of them working together, flying high above it all, it becomes much more obvious. This truly is a new Alaska with some of Virgin culture mixed in — they nailed it.
Are the Virgin diehards going to be 100% happy with everything? Probably not. Will any of the Alaska loyalists be unhappy with the changes? Probably. But that is okay. You cannot make everyone happy, and if we have seen anything from airline mergers of the past, coming together and moving forward can be brutal (for employees and passengers).
Our VIP pilots that will soon likely learn how to fly with a center yolk as well!
Next Steps for the Product and That Airbus Fleet
This sort of total change takes time. By early 2020, the airline expects 36% of their mainline fleet will have the updates. All new 737 Max 9 aircraft will be delivered with the new interior (although with the current headlines, who knows if that will be delayed) and I am very interested to see how this will look with the Boeing Sky Interior. There is also still the question if Alaska will keep the Airbus aircraft in their fleet. They still have them on lease for the next four to five years, and they plan to announce what they will do with the Airbus by the end of the year.
It is still weird seeing the Alaska livery on the Airbus A320, but I am pretty sure it looks good
What do you think of the new Alaska Airlines changes? If you flew Virgin America, do you think they have done the airline justice? Is this a good compromise or did they miss the opportunity to do more? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Disclaimer: Alaska Airlines provided for my flights, but all opinions are my own. 
The post Checking out the Virgin America Influence on the New Alaska Airlines Product appeared first on AirlineReporter.
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