#things that make you go hmm
qqueenofhades · 8 months
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(Me at every single Republican about the Hunter Biden nothing-burger, because truly.)
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nikkoliferous · 5 months
At least 20 soldiers were killed by friendly fire or accidents during the ground operation in the Gaza Strip, representing one-fifth of all fatalities, according to data released by the IDF on Tuesday.
With the intense fighting in the Strip, thousands of IDF soldiers are maneuvering in very densely populated areas. The IDF was aware that the danger was particularly significant during the night, as there was difficulty in distinguishing between friend and foe. The IDF invests heavily in addressing this challenge, including through technological markers found on almost every soldier in the field.
According to the IDF’s report, 13 soldiers were killed by friendly fire after being mistaken for enemy combatants, one from a stray bullet and another six in various accidents, such as being run over by armored vehicles.
At least one was killed by an Israeli airstrike when an attack helicopter fired on a building where soldiers were located last week.
The IDF doesn’t publish the full information on this incident due to various investigations still being examined in the IDF. In total, 105 soldiers have fallen in the ground operation so far. The army estimates that several hundred additional soldiers were wounded by friendly fire or operational accidents in enemy territory.
The new figure of 20 casualties who fell specifically from operational accidents or friendly fire is minimal and doesn’t refer to the first three weeks preceding the ground escalation, regarding the casualties on October 7, nor does it include other fronts. For example, an IDF officer was killed as a result of a friendly fire incident near Qalqilya at the beginning of the war, and other soldiers were killed as a result of a tank turnover near the Lebanon border.
Casualties fell as a result of friendly fire on October 7, but the IDF believes that beyond the operational investigations of the events, it would not be morally sound to investigate these incidents due to the immense and complex quantity of them that took place in the kibbutzim and southern Israeli communities due to the challenging situations the soldiers were in at the time.
The military said in a statement that efforts are constantly being made to prevent casualties from friendly fire and operational accidents by investigating these accidents and issuing lessons to thousands of soldiers in the Strip.
Translation: oops, we murdered too many of our own citizens and now we have to bury the evidence (literally) so the people don’t revolt
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mindstriker · 7 months
just saw a post that kicked my brain violently into 4th gear on the topic of neurodivergent kids who had to learn that eloquence was not in fact seen as a positive trait by other kids, and how difficult being "casual" can be- and holy shit? me? story of my life?
people hated the way I talked. they still do, some of the time- if I actually say my words the way they want to come out. a lot of words and terms come to mind- pretentious, ridiculous, formal, cold, try-hard, snobby, overly talkative (that one is true, honestly)- the list goes on. all of these words have been used to directly describe my behavior in terms of communication, since I was young.
as a result, as an adult, I can't even speak naturally without worrying that I'm either:
a) coming across as fake, like I'm behaving unnaturally/ acting like a caricature or character instead of acting naturally
b) coming across as any of those words and terms used above, mainly overly formal or pretentious
c) coming across as someone who takes themselves too seriously (i really don't, honest to god. i am an absolute jester of a person and my daily schedule reads like a fucking sitcom bit)
it even affects my writing. years of having people absolutely despise the way I speak have taught me to hate the way I think and talk to the extent that my own writing sounds like the product of a massive try-hard to me- even when other people praise it.
TLDR: thinking about the extent to which my speech patterns have been modified over the years by people really fucking hating the odd (but harmless) shit i said as a kid. the world is not a kind place to twelve year olds who thought salutations was a fun way to say hi
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spn-ish · 5 months
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... And then she deleted the post shortly therafter.
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in-my-loki-feels · 3 months
Getting a plan together for a Dr. Indianapolis Bones continuation and remembered that Indiana Jones canonically is terrified of snakes. So that could lead to some fun ideas! But also, the Dr. Bones of the SNL skit is pretty different from regular Indy, so I could say instead that he loves snakes, and that would also be fun. Much to think about.
More importantly for those who were interested, there will be more of this AU!
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ladylannisterxo · 2 years
I'm just gonna say it. I find it endlessly fascinating that Billy who was treated so poorly and was abused for years and was considered weak with no respect or responsibility was also the only one that kept that family together. Cause once he died, Neil just... fucked right on off.
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fruitchakra · 9 months
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saori (from mario, kishimoto’s one shot manga) and sasuke
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If this book was supposed to make Meghan look good, Harry and his ghostwriter are doing a terrible job. All he's done is confirmed what we know.
You know, if he wasn't also ripping his family apart, I'd say he was setting up a divorce narrative of a mentally/emotionally/financially abusive partner.
Perhaps he is.
Meghan stopped him seeing his friends. Meghan is a bully. Meghan is the reason his brother hit him.
That's what we've heard so far. We already know he looks ruddy miserable, so perhaps it is a cry for help.
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
"When we were children." She tore off a bit of bread and threw it at him. "As you know well."
"My lady should dance with her husband."
A lady should dance with her husband, huh
And there he stood, Harry the Heir himself; tall, handsome, scowling. "Lady Alayne. May I partner you in this dance?"
She considered for a moment. "No. I don't think so."
Lady Alayne, you should dance with Harry, he'll be your husband soon. Alayne? Ma'am??
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littlemisspascal · 2 years
So I’m looking at The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent on Wikipedia and the two CIA agents Vivian and Martin have the same last name? Did I miss where it said they’re married???
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namesisfortombstones · 7 months
I've been watching Dracula Has Risen from the Grave for the better part of three decades now... and it's just now dawning on me as I watch it tonight: why in the hell didn't Dracula have that priest under his thrall just take down the cross barring his castle? Coulda saved a little time and still gone off on his roaring rampage of revenge.
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Okay guys, I finally had a moment to look it back up: Theresa Peters.
That's the partner at UTA who is Alba's agent.
She's also the rep for Alicia Vikander, Kirsten Dunst, Viggo Mortensen, and Jamie Dornan, amongst others.
She's a real A-list rep. So, how the hell did Alba get her as her first Hollywood agent in 2020?
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caelenath · 2 years
My terrible sense of humor strikes again.
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superhumanfoods · 10 months
dear etsy sellers: it's very cute and hip of you to (i think?) put a couple drops of essential oil in the package for a nice scent. however, i am, in fact, allergic to mint, so the mintyness of these vintage jeans you just sent me is causing me some concern
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in-my-loki-feels · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time I thought, "I've never struggled this much writing a fic before" and been WRONG, I wouldn't have enough for a coffee but I might have enough to use a payphone, if those still existed.
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