#things are fiiiiinally all good
dogsayswoof · 1 year
Hounds from Hell Chapter 1
Summary: Wednesday Addams takes an interest in a certain football player.
Word Count: 1.1k Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Hounds from Hell Masterlist)
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Wednesday Addams has always noticed your presence as you have always noticed hers. She was quiet but observant, but you were also not hard to miss. As the star quarterback of the Nevermore football team, you were not hard to miss. When she asked Enid about you all she could do was squeal in excitement.
"Fiiiiinally, you're taking an interest in something other than death around here. Y/N is the quarterback for the Nevermore Ravens, our football team. She's kind of a fur as she isn't a werewolf but she is a wolf of some sort. They're all really quiet about what they are-"
"They?" Wednesday cut off and Enid nodded,
"Her and her pack. The Hemingways, or the twins, George and Elizabeth, with the white hair both extremely quiet, and the Bassets... ugh Benton's shimmering black hair, and then his younger brother Atwell. They usually get picked up on full moons by their families. I guess they must be pretty wealthy because they usually get picked up in a limo, they don't appear until the next morning."
Wednesday nodded processing this information.
"Thank you for this information"
"Do you like her?" Enid asked a grin from ear to ear.
"Y/N? We are somewhat friends if you want me to put in a good word" she said giggling at the thought.
"That will not be necessary" Wednesday replied coldly, turning on her heel and heading for the door.
"Whatever you say Wednesday" she called out.
You were fresh out of football practice when you were approached by the small dark girl.
"Y/N Y/L/N"
"Wednesday Addams" you said coolly, running a hand through your sweaty hair.
She stared at you studying your features.
"Did you need something from me? I am quite a busy woman" you said and she just stared a deep hole into you, causing you to shift.
"I noticed you are doing.. less than adequate in chemistry. I am offering my assistance so you can keep participating in your extracurriculars."
Your face burned hot at the thought of Wednesday noticing your failing grades.
"And.. how did you come to know that information?" you asked.
She crossed her arms,
"I just know these sorts of things" she replied in her typical monotone voice.
"Alright fine. Yes I need help."
"Then it is a deal. I shall help you and you will help me"
"How will I help you?" you looked confused, tilting your head sideways.
"I shall inform you of that later. Come to my dorm tonight. 7pm. Do NOT be late."
She turned to walk away as you watched.
"Yes ma'am" you called out after her.
You and Wednesday continued your study sessions, planned around times that Enid was not there, as not to be plagued by her suggestive looks and constant teasing.
One night, you were lying on the floor, books and papers spread in front of you, a massive headache on the rise when you hit the floor, pushing yourself up.
"Alright, I can't do it anymore" you said roughly.
Wednesday looked over at you from her desk.
"Well you are hopeless. Your brain's ability to retain basic scientific information is incredibly lacking."
"Thank you Wednesday" you said groaning and falling back onto Enid's bed with an arm over your eyes, "I have gotten a bit better"
"Yes, you have gone from D average to a C average." she admits.
You sat back up on the bed and you looked at her, studying her features as she carefully dissected the homework in front of her.
"Do you want to talk about something more interesting?" You asked and she looked up at you again.
You both stared at each other, a small familiar burning sensation growing in your stomach. You quickly looked away and tried to force the feeling away as you recognized what it was immediately.
"I suppose we could take a break."
"Alright, then, fire away. Ask me anything you want to know."
"What are you?"
You were taken aback by the abruptness of her question causing your face to drop before a small smile took it's place.
"The truth?"
"That would be preferred."
"A hellhound" you said casually getting up to play with different trinkets on her bookshelves, "My ancestors from years and years ago made a deal with the devil that they couldn't repay. Instead of turning over their lives to him they became servants to Hades."
You flipped a dagger as she watched intently absorbing this newfound side of you.
"My family became hellhounds. The Bassets, bloodhounds, and the Hemingways, soulhounds. As time progressed their loyalty was rewarded, the ability to live human lives and roam the world but as long as they remained loyal. Every full moon we have a duty to perform."
Her dark eyes bore into yours as you turned to look at her.
"What are your duties?"
"The soulhounds herd the souls of the unfortunate victims. The bloodhounds collect blood from the bodies. The hellhounds, are the right hand men to Hades."
Wednesday was entranced by every word you uttered.
"What do those duties consist of?"
You walked over to her, leaning on her desk with both of your arms and leaning in.
"I am responsible for the death and destruction of who Hades demands"
Wednesday felt the shiver down her spine as you whispered that to her. She followed you as you flopped back onto Enid's bed some sort of puzzle box in hand. Every ounce of her wanted to learn more about what you just told her, but she was at a loss for words for once in her life.
"You kill people then?"
"Yeah, but I try not to kill people who don't deserve it. My brothers and I have always followed that rule and it has satisficed Hades so far"
You rolled the puzzle box in your hand before glancing at your watch.
"Shit. I have to go. Curfew" you said flying off Enid's bed and shoving your homework into your backpack.
Wednesday stood up from her desk and in front of you.
"Thank you for sharing that with me" she said and you halted your actions. You smiled down at her and you thought for a second that there was the slightest hint of a smile in return, until the door flew open and Enid was standing there in an excited shock at the scene playing out in front of her.
"Oh... my... GOD" she screamed 
"That's my cue to leave" you said breaking away from Wednesday and heading towards the door. 
With your body inside the hallway, one hand on the door, you leaned back in and smiled.
"Come to the game tomorrow?" you asked and Wednesday crossed her arms again.
"I could think of several other more interesting activities to torture myself with than watch a bunch of boys tackle each other for fun."
"Good. See you tomorrow then." you glanced at Enid, "Goodnight Enid"
You took off down the hallway in order to get to your dorm before getting caught.
Enid looked at Wednesday and if looks could kill Wednesday would have been dead.
"So how long exactly have you been seeing Y/N?"
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harringtonstilinski · 4 months
I Didn't Run Away This Time, Right? - Steve Harrington
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Munson!Reader Word Count: 5,584 Warnings: aaannngggsssttt, fluff, major character death, tried not to use y/n or y/n/n, hallucinations (reader sees someone 👀) Requested: no | yes; i hope it meets your expectations, anon friend!! Smut: no | yes; A/N: Hi, friends! Reader is 18 in this fic, Steve is his canon age (which I think is 19..?) If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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You couldn’t get there fast enough as your feet pounded the pavement below you. There was one person you had to get to; your older brother, Eddie. It was stupid as shit of him to drop from the tied up sheets that led your group from Hawkins to the Upside Down before cutting them.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you spotted a body on the ground. “Eddie!” you yelled, running faster than you thought possible to get to him. Sliding on your legs, you were careful to not kick him in the head like you used to do accidentally when you two were kids. 
“Hey, kid,” he grunted. “Bad, huh?”
“No, no, no, you’re gonna be fine,” you said, checking over his wounds. “We’re gonna get you back home and I’ll patch you up.”
“Okay,” Eddie sputtered.
You went to help him up, but with the amount of pain he was in, he said, “I think I just - I think I just need a second, okay, kid?”
“Okay,” you said, getting at least his head in your lap. The tears were non-stop streaming down your face, the droplets hitting his cheek.
As he started choking on the blood trying to come up his throat, he looked at you before sadly gritting through his teeth, “I didn’t run away this time, right?”
“No,” you sobbed. “No, you didn’t.”
You could hear the tears in his voice as well as see them in his eyes as he said, “You’re gonna have to look after those little sheepies for me, okay?”
Taking a shaky breath, you cupped his cheek, saying, “You’re gonna do that yourself, Ed.”
“Nah, kiddo.”
Your cries started to come out harder, knowing that you were going to lose your big brother. Resting your forehead on his, you let the tears fall from your waterline, Eddie’s eyes closing for a moment before he said, “Repeat it, kid. Say it.”
“I’m-,” you sobbed. “I’m gonna look after ‘em.”
Grabbing his hand in yours, you laced your fingers with his, not caring about the blood, sweat and dirt covering both of your hands. 
“ ‘Cause I’m actually gonna graduate this year.”
“You are,” you nodded, sitting back up to look at him. “We are.” He chuckled weakly, his grip on your fingers starting to go slack as you both said, “It’s our year.”
“I think it’s fiiiiinally my year.”
You could feel his life slipping from you as you held him as you whispered, “It is. But you have to hold on. Okay? Just hold on.”
Choking more on his own blood, Eddie looked at you, and he knew his time was coming to an end with you, so he decided to say the one thing you barely said to each other. “I love you, kid.”
The sobs were wracking your body at this point, knowing that his life was slipping away. You sniffled a deep breath, releasing it as you looked away from him, trying to blink the tears away. When you looked back down at him, you cried, “You can’t leave me all alone, Eddie. Don’t leave me here alone. Do you understand me? We have to graduate… together.”
Grunting as he choked, he whispered, “Say it back, kid,” as you gave him sad eyes. The last thing he heard from you before succumbing to his wounds was, “I love you, too, bubba.”
As you watched the life drain from his eyes, you cried harder than you ever had before; harder than when your mom left, harder than when your dad got hauled off to jail, screaming his name as the anguish washed over you. “EDDIE!!”
As you cried over Eddie’s lifeless body, you whispered tearfully, “Please, don’t leave me.” Laying uncomfortably over Eddie’s body, you couldn’t really hear anything over your sobs. Not even Robin, Nancy and Steve’s footfalls. Not even Dustin’s own cries. You didn’t register hands on your arms, pulling you up. It didn’t hit you until Eddie’s body started to get smaller and smaller.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you said, pushing at the body that was all but covering you. 
Steve's arms went tighter around your body as you struggled to get out of his hold. “Babe-,”
“Let me go!” you shouted, realizing that you were now back in the trailer. “I can’t just leave him!”
“Babe, just - what happened to the sheets?”
Resting your forehead on Steve’s chest, you sobbed into him, gripping the sleeves of his jacket tight in your fist. As Steve placed a kiss to the top of your head, he sighed, feeling extremely bad for you in this moment. You just lost your brother and you had to leave his body behind.
When the six of you had figured out a way to get back to Hawkins, you ran straight to yours and Eddie’s room; Wayne having let the two of you have it when he took you both in. Everyone tried to protest about you going in there, but their voices quieted down once they saw what was in your arms; your favorite shirts of Eddie’s, including a Hellfire shirt that he had made for you.
You weren’t a part of Hellfire, but more of an honorary member. You knew about the lore behind D&D because of Eddie, but you had no desire to play the game.
Steve ended up taking you back to his house to shower and change, and to try and get some sleep.
Of course, neither of you got any sleep. Every time you closed your eyes, all you could see was Eddie’s lifeless body in your lap. The morning after Eddie’s death, you’d all learned about the ‘earthquake’ that happened after Max’s death on the news, the reporter having said if you have items to donate, you could take them to the high school’s gym, where they set up a shelter for those who lost their homes.
You didn’t have any items that you wanted to donate, mainly because everything you would want to donate… was Eddie’s. 
Two days after Eddie’s death, Steve finally got you out of the house to help volunteer at school’s shelter. You had made a pitstop with Robin and Dustin to the Wheeler’s house to gather the items that they were going to be donating.
After greeting and hugging the Byers boys, Mike and El, as well as meeting their friend Argyle, you left with Steve, Robin and Dustin to head to the school. You didn’t know where to go after the volunteer gave suggestions on where to go, so you stuck with Dustin, passing out cups of water, and giving blankets and pillows to those in need.
Your heart shattered when you saw your uncle standing by the bulletin board, watching as he took down a graffitied missing person’s paper on Eddie, just to put a fresh one up. Walking up to him, you placed a hand on his back. “Wayne?”
He looked down at you, a sad, but relieved smile on his face. “Hey, kid.” Hugging you, he sighed. 
“Can we talk?” you asked.
“Can’t imagine we got anything to talk about,” he said.
Pulling back, a small smile formed on your face. “There’s that Munson sarcasm.”
You both sat down, a deep breath escaping your body. 
Wayne sighed a deep sigh, putting his arm around you. “Your brother is innocent.”
“I know,” you whispered. “He wouldn’t’ve hurt a fly.”
“He’s still missing.”
Tears formed in your eyes because you knew the full truth as he continued, “I’ll put as many posters as I need until he’s found.”
Wayne went to stand, but you grabbed his shirt, keeping him in place. “I was with him. I was with him when the earthquake hit.”
“And where is he now, kid?”
Taking a shaky breath, you closed your eyes, not ready to break your uncle’s heart. You reached into the top of your shirt, bringing out the guitar pick necklace that was around your neck, the one you had grabbed the night he died. With a tearful voice, you sobbed, “I’m so sorry, Wayne.”
He took a shaky breath, resting his head on top of yours that you had rested against the front of his shoulder.
“I wish everyone knew the real Eddie,” you whispered-cried. “Like, really know him because they would’ve loved him. They would’ve known how much a good big brother he was; like, the best. He always made sure I had something to eat when dad would go off and do… whatever the hell he did. Ed would… would put me first before himself. He’d let me sleep in his bed when I had nightmares.
“Everyone would’ve seen how good of a person he is-was. Even right there at the end, he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything we went through. I never even saw him when he got mad. He kept that part of his life away from me because of our father. He could’ve run, or even saved himself, but he didn’t. He fought. He fought and died to protect this town; this town that hated him. He fought to protect me. He isn’t just innocent. He’s a hero, Wayne.” You looked up at him, seeing the tears streaming down his cheeks as you said, “A goddamn hero.”
You and Wayne held onto each other as you both wept over the loss of one of your favorite people. Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you looked up at Wayne, seeing him looking over your head.
Turning to look at whatever or whoever was looking at you, you saw Steve standing there, a solemn look on his face. You stood and wrapped your arms around his neck, sobbing into him. “I miss him so much.”
Wrapping his own arms around your middle, he sighed pressing a kiss to your neck. “I know,” he whispered.
You and Steve had started dating right after you turned 18. Since Dustin was in Hellfire and the two of you became friends, he’d introduced you to Steve. The two of you hit it off like fireworks, feeling those sparks the first time you and he laid eyes on each other; you thought he was cute, he thought you were beautiful. Steve, of course, waited until you were 18 before he made any sort of move on you, respectfully.
You knew of Steve from school, but the Steve you knew of was King Steve, not… Steve. Having known about him and Nancy when you were a freshman, you tried not to make the same mistakes that were made during their relationship, so when you told Steve that you loved him, you meant it. When Steve said it back to you, he meant it.
Being with Steve meant the world to you, but losing your brother put you in a state of depression that you weren’t sure if you could bring yourself out of. You wanted to try for him and for everyone else, but you built up walls that no one could tear down.
If Robin asked you how your day was going, you’d give a short “Fine,” and stick your nose back in your book. If Nancy asked if you wanted to go shopping, you’d make up some excuse to not go. The same with Steve; he’d ask you on countless dates in the weeks since your brother passed away, but again, you’d give some excuse to not go.
Dustin took over creating campaigns with Mike, Eddie having asked him to before he ran off to save the world. You’d be at Hellfire, but were distant, giving spaced out looks while sitting in your brother’s chair.
You’d still sit with Hellfire at lunch and walk with them to the classes you’d have together, but even they couldn’t break your shell, Dustin being the main one.
“Come on,” he would half-whine. “You gotta talk to us. We lost him, too.” All you would do was give him an upset look before grabbing your things and walking off school grounds, where Steve would find you walking on his way to Family Video.
Eddie had asked Dustin to look after you, something he was trying to do, but since you had built up your walls, the young teen couldn’t get you to talk about your grief, but he kept trying… for Eddie.
Since your trailer was basically destroyed because of it being the home of Chrissy’s Gate, you didn’t have anywhere else to go but to Steve’s. His parents weren’t home half the time, so it’s not like they would care or not if you were there. Wayne was fine with it, as long as you kept him updated. 
He didn’t want to leave you by yourself, considering the state of mind you were in, but you’d promised him you wouldn’t do anything stupid to yourself, and he’d believe you. Steve would be worried sick about you while on his shift, all but fumbling with his work.
When he’d come home, the smell of food would hit his senses as he locked the front door. Walking into the kitchen, he’d find dinner prepared; a plate being left out for him with the utensils he’d need. A note would always be left on the plate in your handwriting. 
Sorry for not waiting up for you. Also, sorry if it’s not good. I don’t really know how to cook that well. Eddie always did the cooking. Anyway, I hope it’s good. I love you. -Babe
It was three weeks after Eddie’s death when you all decided to have a service for him. It was beautiful, something he would’ve wanted. When you snuck back over to retrieve more of his stuff, as well as some of your own, you’d listened to all of his tapes that you took to find the saddest metal song for his funeral service.
At the reception afterward, Jeff suggested that Eddie’s favorite song be played, which happened to be the same song he played for Chrissy in the Upside Down; Master of Puppets by Metallica. You cried and Steve took you home.
Since Steve was still at work a few days later, you’d decided that looking out of the window was cutting it anymore for the moment, so you were now sitting on the floor of Steve’s room, back pressing againsting the mattress. Legs bent at the knee with your schoolbook resting on your thighs, your walkman laying beside you with the headphones pressed to your ears, having decided that homework would be a good distraction.
You didn’t register when Steve had walked into his room, hearing your voice sing Def Leppard’s Rock of Ages. Even with your walls up, he could see the real you shining through. 
What Steve didn’t know was that when you weren’t around anyone and you were alone, you let your mind wander. Today’s daydream, Eddie sitting on the bed behind you, strumming on his guitar as you did your homework.
Feeling tapping your shoulder, you swatted at the hand, saying, “Stop.” When it happened again, you sighed. “Eddie.” Shoes were now in your line of sight, seeing that it was Steve’s shoes, not Eddie’s.
As Steve squatted, you crawled back into your shell, hiding yourself from him. “Baby,” he whispered. When you didn’t respond, he sat facing you, his arm resting on his bent knee. “Baby, talk to me.”
You looked at him, seeing a figure standing behind him. Looking behind Steve, your eyes went wide, seeing Eddie standing there, hands in his pockets, giving you a small smile that you instantly recognized.
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked back down at Steve, who was looking at you confused. “Uhm,” you whispered, seeing movement. Looking back up, you watched as Eddie moved from directly behind Steve to stand to the side of him. Eddie pointed to his ears, signaling you to take off the headphones.
Quickly taking off the headphones, you reached down to your walkman, pausing the cassette tape and looking back up as a tear fell from your waterline, Eddie suddenly gone. Your eyes danced around the room, Steve looking more worried.
“Babe?” he voiced. He looked behind him, not seeing anything but his posters on his wall. When he looked back at you, you had more streams covering your cheeks. Sighing, he whispered, “Oh, baby,” before moving to sit beside you, his back resting against his mattress with an arm around your shoulders. 
Steve pressed a kiss to your temple, resting his chin on the top of your head when you dropped your head to his shoulder. “It’s okay,” he said softly.
“I’m so tired of crying,” you whispered. “He’s such a dumbass, basically sacrificing himself like that.”
Releasing a deep breath, Steve moved his head to rest his cheek where his chin just was. “I know, baby. He did what he thought was right.” When he moved his again to look down at you the best he could, he noticed your notebook, seeing your homework written along the lines of the pages. “What’cha working on?”
Looking down at your papers with a deep sigh, you sniffled before picking your head up. “Math. Eddie and I had the class together. Teacher’s a real bitch. Always has been.”
“Wait, who’s your math teacher again?”
“Mrs. Martin.”
Chuckling, Steve nodded his head. “Yeah, I had her last year. Barely passed.”
“You barely came to school,” you said, chuckling.
Steve smiled at hearing your chuckle. It wasn’t much, but it was something, and it was music to his ears. “Hey,” he whispered, gaining your attention. “What do you say we go downstairs, order some takeout and have a movie night? Just us.”
Softly groaning, you tilted your head back. “As much as I would love to do that with you, I have about a week’s worth of homework to catch up on.” You didn’t really have that much homework, you just needed an excuse to not spend time with him, even though that’s all you wanted to do.
Placing his lips on your temple once more, Steve gently squeezed your shoulder. “Okay. Well, I’ll get you something. I’ll bring it up when I get back, okay?”
Nodding your head, you looked at him. “Okay.”
Since Eddie’s passing, you’ve only kissed Steve a total of two times. Those two times that you placed your lips on Steve’s, you were taken back to that night in the Upside Down, the two of you having shared a kiss before he went off to flambe Vecna. 
Steve understood when you expressed your concerns to him about it. He said he’d wait until you were comfortable with kissing him again.
You thought it was stupid that you couldn’t kiss your own boyfriend, but your mind kept taking you back to that night over and over again when you did. In this moment, as you looked at Steve, you wanted to kiss him, but couldn’t bring yourself to.
So, you closed your eyes as he placed his lips on your forehead, your eyes closing at the feel of his lips on your skin. When his lips disappeared, you opened your eyes, seeing his already on you.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too,” you whispered, voice shaky.
Steve stood and walked out of his room, wiping a tear that had fallen from his waterline as he stepped into the hallway. When he closed the door behind him, you put your walkman back on and got back to your homework.
When he got back to his house around 30 minutes later, he went upstairs after calling your name and getting no response. Opening the door, he sighed at the sight before him; you curled up on his bed in one of Eddie’s t-shirts. Your face looked the softest it’s ever looked in the last three weeks. 
He walked over to you, placing the bag on the floor before kneeling beside the bed, watching as you slept. Leaning forward to press his lips on your forehead for the second time that night, he stood as he grabbed the takeout bag before heading back downstairs to take off his shoes and place his keys in the bowl on the entryway table.
Sitting down on the couch with this plate of food, he let out a groan before turning on the tv to watch his favorite sitcom, Family Ties. The newest episode was to air the next night, so the network was playing reruns of the past episodes.
He wasn’t that far into the episode before he heard you screaming Eddie’s name. Placing his plate onto the coffee table, he stood and quickly made his way to his room, seeing you gripping the sheets tightly in your fist.
It wasn’t until you screamed again that he jumped into action, laying behind you on the bed, putting his arm around your own to keep you grounded. “Baby!” he exclaimed. “Sweetheart, wake up!”
When you let out a whimpered cry, he rested his forehead on your shoulder, kissing the skin he could reach. “You gotta wake up, beautiful,” he said, voice soft as ever.
Feeling arms around you, grabbed onto them, breathing shakily before turning onto your back, opening your eyes as you cried. “I’m so sorry,” you whispered, voice filled with tears. “I hate that I’m putting you through this shit, Steve.”
Sitting up to rest on his arm, Steve looked at you with nothing but love and adoration. Shaking his head as he cupped your cheek, he whispered, “Don’t be. I’ll always be here for you. I’ll help you through your grief and trauma.”
That only made you want to cry harder, but you willed the tears away before taking a deep breath, smelling the food on his breath. “Go eat, please. I’m sorry I took you from your food and sitcom.”
“It’s fine, baby. Do you wanna come and eat with me?”
Placing your hand on his wrist that was by your face, you tightened your lips, looking down at a random spot before shaking your head. It was killing you not spending time with him. The main thought that ran through your head was the fact that Steve would leave you, too, if you kept this charade up.
Releasing a deep breath, Steve nodded and moved to hover over you for a moment before getting off the bed and exiting the room. When his feet had hit the floor, you turned your back to him, letting the tears fall. The last thing he heard before he shut his door was your soft cries.
“I don’t wanna do this,” you said, panic in your voice. You were standing with Robin and Nancy in your Hawkins High green graduation cap and gown. “I can’t do this without Eddie.”
“Hey,” Robin said, placing her hand on your shoulder. “He’s here with you. He’ll always be with you.”
Your breathing started to pick up slightly, so you reached into your gown and grabbed the guitar pick necklace that you never took off. “It’s not the same, though, Robs. I need him here with me. Physically, not… mentally or emotionally.”
Feeling another hand on your other shoulder, you knew it was Nancy. “He is here. In spirit.”
“Yeah, okay,” you muttered.
Robin and Nancy looked at each other, sympathetic looks on their faces. When Robin looked back at you, she watched as a tear fell from your waterline, knowing that you were trying your hardest to keep the tears at bay.
When it was time to go and take your seats, you couldn’t leave Nancy and Robin, so the administrators of the school let them sit with you, holding each one of your hands, the roses that you all were given sitting in your laps, only… yours had two roses; a red one and a black one.
If Eddie had lived, he’d be holding the black rose that was given to you, muttering how stupid it was that he received a rose because roses were for girls, and you would snicker next to him, trying not to get in trouble with the teacher sitting at the end of the aisle. 
When Robin’s name was called, she patted your hand and stood up, walking to the stage to receive her diploma, the same thing with Nancy when she called. It seemed like the entire Class of ‘86 was graduating except for you.
“And now, we’d like to bring to the stage–” When Principal Higgins called your name, you looked up from your lap in shock, Nancy and Robin smiling big at you, happy that your time had come. They helped you to stand, walking with you to the stage so that you wouldn’t fall.
You looked at the sky and you swore you could see Eddie flipping everyone off. Looking at Principal Higgins, you looked him dead in the eye, flipped him the bird before snatching your diploma from his hand.
But before you could run like hell off the stage and off the field, you looked at where your friends and family were sitting, shocked to all hell when you saw Eddie sitting in between Dustin and Wayne, clapping and smiling. You could’ve sworn you saw him mouth the words, “Our year, kid. Good job,” before vanishing.
You broke down in tears right on that stage, falling to your knees in front of your graduating class, not caring that they were witnessing your very public breakdown. 
Steve, Dustin, Robin and Nancy all four rushed to the stage, helping you to stand as you sobbed uncontrollably over the loss of your brother. Since you couldn’t walk very well because of the sobs taking over your body, Steve had to bend down and pick you up, carrying you to the car.
He didn't get very far before you took a shaky breath, looking off to the side in front of Steve, saying, “I saw him. I fucking saw Eddie!” Steve stopped his feet from moving any further as he looked down at you.
“What did you just say, kid?”
Resting your head on Steve’s shoulder, your forehead touched the skin of his neck as you stuttered, “I-I saw E-Eddie. He was s-sitting between Wayne and D-Dustin.” As you tried to calm your breathing, you only cried harder.
“Oh, shit,” Dustin breathed.
“Kid, your mind is just playing on you,” Wayne voiced, sighing. 
With your tears still ever present on your face, you looked up at Steve, eyes red from crying. “Put me down, please, Steve.”
He looked down at you the best he could, seeing the red in your eyes. Sighing, he nodded and set you on your feet. Feeling bad about keeping his hands on your waist, all he could do was look at you, knowing that you were probably going to run. “Are you gonna run?” he whispered.
You didn’t answer him because you both knew the answer. You would. But where, Steve didn’t know. Only you did. When he sighed and looked down, Steve let go of your waist, and not missing a beat, you turned and ran as fast as your feet could carry you.
With your feet hitting the pavement and your breathing heavy, you had only one goal in mind; getting to Eddie’s grave as fast as humanly possible. You weren’t sure how long you were running for, so when you found yourself sitting on your knees at your brother’s headstone, you were almost on the verge of a panic attack, you were breathing so heavy.
“You’re a liar,” you gritted through your teeth, tears streaming down your face. “You’d said this was our year. Our year, Edward. That makes you a fucking liar. I can’t believe you’d leave me alone, too. Ever since Wayne took us in, you always told me I’d never be alone, that you’d always be there for and with me. But you’re not.”
Hitting the side of your fist on the ground as you bent at the waist, you sobbed. You sobbed for the loss of the little boy you saw through your six year old eyes, for the fifteen year old who held you when your dreams became too much and introduced you to metal music, for the eighteen year old who failed his senior year the first time, for the young man he grew up to be right before your eyes.
Hitting the ground again, you took a deep breath, sitting up. Looking at his headstone, all you could see next to his name was his smiling face. This only made you cry more, the sobs wracking your body
“You lied! You’re a fucking liar! I hate you!” you cried, smacking the front of his headstone where his name sat, repeating those last three words over and over again. “You’re a fucking coward, Edward Munson! You hear me? A fucking coward!”
Placing your forehead at the top of the headstone, you let the tears flow down your cheeks, not hearing tires on the pavement behind you or the steps on the grass from someone’s shoes.
Steve watched as you took a deep, shaky breath sitting back up on your knees, your hand replacing where your forehead just was. He took a couple of steps towards you as he heard you say, “Nothing’s the same without you here. Wayne had to move trailers because of the Gate, I couldn’t donate anything of yours because the thought of getting rid of your things hurts me to my core.”
Kneeling down behind you carefully, Steve was fully prepared to listen to you grieve for your brother.
“You were wrong, Eddie… so terribly wrong about not being a hero. You are a hero. You saved me… a-and you saved Dustin.” Sighing, you closed your eyes and hung your head for a moment before picking it back up to look at Eddie’s name. “I love you, bubba. So much.” You leaned forward on your knees to kiss the top of his headstone before sitting back on your knees.
Steve knew that you were done talking to your brother, but he waited a moment, hearing you sigh in finality before he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump at the feel of someone touching you.
Quickly turning to face him, your features softened when you realized it was just Steve. You looked at him for a moment before smiling softly at him, both of you moving to sit next to each other, his arm around your shoulders as your head rested on his shoulder.
He sighed, resting his cheek against the top of your head. “I know that I’m sorry is the last thing you want to hear right now,” he whispered. “So, I’m not gonna say it. What I will say is that he’s always going to be here with you. Maybe not physically, but in your heart. I know him being in your heart isn’t the same as being here physically, but…” He stopped his words, looking down at you the best he could before bringing his hand to your chin, gently raising your head up to look at him.
“...he’s always going to be with you.” Putting his hand gently on your chest where your heart sat beneath your sternum. “In here.”
Smiling slightly, your eyes danced between Steve’s, asking, “My boobs?” before letting out a small, quiet chuckle at him as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“No, smartass. Your heart.”
Placing your hand over his, you leaned your head back against his shoulder, your eyes still locked on his. “I love you,” you whispered. “And thank you.”
“For what?” he asked, confused.
“For everything. Letting me basically move in with you, for letting me grieve even though we both know I’m gonna be doing that for a while. For loving me even when I put the walls up.” You looked back at your brother’s headstone, tears filling your eyes once again. “I just can’t believe he’s gone.”
Holding onto you a little tighter, Steve sighed, kissing your forehead when you turned your head into his neck. “I know. I’ll always be here for you, baby, even if you just want to cry, my shoulder is available 24/7.”
You chuckled at his words, looking up at him. “Again, thank you. This time for being supportive, or… at least trying to be.” Smiling softly, you couldn’t help but hear Eddie’s voice in your head, saying, “Kid, if you don’t love up on him, I will resurrect and do it myself.”
Steve didn’t wonder why you chuckled before looking over at the headstone once again. “What’s up?”
Shaking your head, you said, “Just something Eddie would say popped into my head.” Taking a deep breath, you sighed it out, saying, “It’s going to be tough,... but I’ll make it through.” Looking back at your boyfriend, the soft smile never leaving your face as you said, “Especially because I have you by my side.”
Resting his forehead against yours softly, Steve sighed, letting you take the reins on the next set of words that leaves your lips.
“I love you, Steve.”
“I love you, too, baby.”
The wind that blew over the two of you was just wind to Steve, but as you closed your eyes and took a deep breath in, you thought it was a sign from your brother, telling you everything was going to be okay.
Opening your eyes, you gave Steve a small smile before cupping his cheeks, and finally, finally giving him the kiss he oh so deserved.
A/N 2:  hi, friends! let me know what you thought about! again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Notes: i'm running out of nicknames to give reader when not using y/n or y/n/n. give me some suggestions?? also, i'm irritated at myself for not finding the gif i wanted.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak
Steve Harrington Taglist: @madaboutjoe​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag!
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on February 22, 2024 *Happy 31st Birthday to me!!*
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longbobmckenzie · 3 days
dream hunter - Titian/Evthys (SCN)
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First of all, thanks so much to @queen-of-boops for gifting me this GORGEOUS artwork of my man Titian. The work was commissioned from @erixadraws who did an amazing job!!
Second, I've been working on this Titian/Eva fic for legit 5 months, and it's fiiiiinally done! Hope you enjoy!
It’s a good thing shesmu don’t dream… or this man might haunt hers.
Wordcount: 8,995
Rating: Explicit
read dream hunter on AO3
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simply-ellas-stuff · 16 days
I don't get why Blair blamed Jenny for Chuck and Jenny having sex. "Whored yourself out to Chuck"??
Chuck once tried to rape Jenny when she was 14. Blair knows about it. Yes J put it behind her, but that doesn't change that it happened.
Jenny is also about 16/17 in season 3 and season 4. Chuck is in College, so probably around 19/20/21.
How is it Jenny's fault? How is she 'banished' from Manhatten and unable to even be around her family?
Yes leaving Manhatten was a good thing for Jenny. But she comes back with the intention to simply to and interview and leave again. Blair stalks in, lays down rules, and then only agrees when J says she won't come back for *Christmas* in exchange for a day pass.
Jenny might've made the decision to have sex, but there is a MAJOR power imbalance between the two of them. Chuck is at fault. So how is Jenny blamed?
Chuck and Blair both ended up using Jenny like a pawn and somehow Jenny was the one punished because their fucked up game.
Like it was deserved that Blair and Chuck had that shit thrown at them. "Zen Jen" got bullied all fucking day long and Fiiiiinally took a cheap shot after Blair harassed her all day and Chuck treated her like the toy.
And yes I know Taylor Momsen wanted to be relegated to Guest Star instead of Series Regular but, still. There's easier ways of keeping J off the show without Blair blaming J for being taken advantage of by Chuck.
And also, WTF is Serena's problem with Jenny? Jen had a crush on Nate and made bad decisions because of it. Jenny was sixteen? Like Serena did way the fuck worse shit?? It doesn't make sense to me that Serena can forgive Blair over and over and over again but not Jenny?
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murfeelee · 10 months
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Witcher Season 3 (AKA The "Final" Season 🤣😂)
Alright y'all, back at it again with my 3rd Witcher tv show "review" or whatever. S1 | S2
Disclosure: I already told y'all that I've made peace with this being the Yennefer Show, and that I'll keep watching when Liam Hensworth plays Geralt in S4, because this show ain't been about Geralt or witchers anyway--it's about the mages, obviously. Like, I don't blame Cavill for leaving, cuz if I had to play second fiddle to Yenn when I'M the titular MC, but I don't have ANY scenes, ZERO speaking lines, and NOTHING to do in my own show, then yeah I'd quit too! So I'm not gonna complain about what I WISH this show was--it will NEVER be the books or the games (definitely not Game of Thrones). Missed opportunity.
All that being said, unpopular opinion, but IMO Season 3 kinda slapped? The 2nd "volume"/part was the best BY FAR, but I genuinely liked the vast majority of the episodes. I give S3 a 9.5/10, because I actually have very few complaints about this season overall, I'm shocked. (EDIT: I have DEEProoted suspicions about a lot of naysayers/hatewatchers who say the show's "unwatchable," just because it's got a multicultural cast/"agenda"--sounds like racism to me.)
The MAIN PLOT actually went somewhere!!!! A wild Vilgefortz appears! ^0^ He beat the DOG SNOT outta Geralt, YIKES! XD
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One of my biggest gripes about S1 was that the show didn't focus nearly enough on THE BIG BAD, Vilgefortz. Cahir got SO MUCH screentime doing literally NOTHING for 2 whole seasons, meanwhile the rest of Geralt's Hanse was NOWHERE to be seen, and Vilgefortz was just sitting in the cut looking pretty, like wtf?
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And Season 2 was barely any better!
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But yeah, S3 FINALLY gave us Vilgefortz's dastardly behavior I'd been waiting for. He effed everybody up at Thanned, as I expected--that's my special evil boy! <3 (Now that Ciri jacked half his face up I'm very sad--that man is absolutely splendid to look at. A moment of silence for the eye candy, it will be missed. U_U)
THANNED. ^0^ Hoooooooly god this was great, even better than Sodden in S1. Episode 6 is the best episode in S3--such a great battle; people were dying left and right. And MAMA TISS!!!!! She went OFF! O_O
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It was so sad, but ofc this was all gonna happen--they had Tissaia allllll the way up Vilgefortz's butt, so OF COURSE she was going to be crushed when he INEVITABLY betrayed her. (I don't blame you though, girl, cuz he's SO DANG PRETTY! I'd be crushed, too!) But at least Mama Tissaia got that body count up during the battle--SLAY! The way Filavandrel was just.... 🤯
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Speaking of the elves, Francesca and Fringilla were put on the backburner (after dang near dominating S2); but I like the way their arcs ended, even though I felt bad for them. Very good scenes; the mages & their arcs are the very best parts of the show, as usual.
LODGE OF SORCERESSES RISE! ^0^ Dijikstra & Philippa. 😍
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These freaks--I LOVE them, your honor! 😅 I was so hyped to see Geralt break Djikstra's leg, but Philippa had me ROLLING when she was like "well, it's a good thing you like pain"--I DIED! XD These kinky mofos! They're hands down one of the best parts of the whole show--I LOVE how sinister Philippa is (her bird feathers are such a great touch--whoever was in charge of her costumes & HAIR 👌), and what a simp Dijkstra is for her. It makes me so sad to know how things go for them in the video game--I sided with Dijikstra to kill Radovid, and was so hurt when he went after Thaler & Roche. But....yeah, I did pick the option to break his other leg, so....oops? XD
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So yes, I'm excited to see where this show goes with Philippa and Vilgefortz; how their schemes line up (or not) with Emhyr and the Fake Ciri; and how that effects the REAL Ciri and how she eventually ends up under Avallach (I hope we get to see him on the show!).
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Speaking of Ciri, we FIIIIINALLY got to see some domestic Geralt, Yenn & Ciri--even if they are on the run from assassins; and Geralt's iced Yenn out cuz she tried to sacrifice Ciri to Voleth Mier back in S2. A lot of the fandom HATED that they made S2 Yenn betray them, but I think S3 did an alright job of not retconning her, per se, but patching things up. Cuz it's NOT a good look to have your (REAL) main character (LOL) hated by the fandom for betraying her own "daughter." So was the domesticity hamfisted? YES. But was it necessary? GOD yes, otherwise what's the point of showing The Last Wish? They're supposed to be a FAMILY, so for god's sake start giving them scenes to actually SHOW us that--stfu about "destiny"!
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Probably another unpopular opinion, but I liked Episode 7 with the unicorn. These are the kinds of adventures Ciri NEEDED in S1, running around some stupid empty forests doing NOTHING is different from learning how to survive on her own in a strange wilderness, encountering strange creatures, and tapping into the good AND bad sides of her magic.
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And oooooh my god, the GOAT has returned.
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A lot of...hrm...interesting conversations were had as Ciri was hallucinating in the desert, with love of my life Grandmama Calanthe, as well as Pavetta & Falka. It's a shame that Ciri didn't get this kind of development MUCH earlier in the series. Too little too late? We'll have to see where Ciri's plot goes with the Rats in S4 to find out if her new whole Chaos/Fire magic arc is worth it.
AT LONG EFFING LAST, we're getting some HANSE ACTION!!!
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I've been SO EFFING SICK of Cahir. I'm glad Ciri finally got closure with him from SEASON ONE, and that he's FINALLY in the Hanse now--took y'all long enough, ffs! And Milva's interesting so far, so I'm glad to see her around, giving Geralt & Dandelion grief. So in S4 all we need now is Angie, and YA BOI!!! ^0^
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I wish Mistle and the Rats were better established--the whole Wyvern thing wasn't done very well or made much sense, and Mistle & Ciri should've had WAY more scenes. I wasn't feeling any chemistry between them, which is annoying, since Ciri's a lesbian in my TW3 game--is the show gonna go with hetero Ciri instead? Or is her love of Mistle gonna be what pulls Ciri out of the Fire/Chaos dark arc they're teasing for S4? 👀
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What's annoying is that we already had a Dark!Ciri arc in S2 though, and EVERYONE hated it. We see Yenn reconcile betraying Ciri, but where's Ciri reconciliation for slaughtering all those witchers at Kaer Morhen? 😡 First she's possessed by Voleth Mier, now she's possessed by Falka? This show's great at focusing on Yenn & the mages, but leaves Ciri in the same ditch over & over--it's irritating.
Ep5 was a LAME way to end the first half/"volume," I hated that episode. The whole ball just bored me, with the dancing and singing--I get it--"all is not *clap clap* as it seems," stfu already. I didn't care. It was OBVIOUS Stregebor was being framed; WTF was that mop on Istredd's head; WHY was Triss the only one with a braincell who cared that students were going missing when apparently the school's SO strict; why don't these mages start TELEPORTING for once, and stop running around SLOW AF; how the HECK did y'all let HUMAN Dijkstra jump a WHOLE SCHOOL OF MAGES--this is an utter embarrassment. Usually the mages are the only thing this show gets RIGHT, so to see them all faceplant like this was just baffling & frustrating.
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And again with the monoliths--how do y'all NOT KNOW these things are here!? Same with the one hidden in Kaer Morhen, like REALLY? NO ONE's medallion is going off? Omg. Istredd! You STUDY these things! Start TEACHING these drunk AF mages a thing or two--this is why Vilgefortz and Dijikstra wiped the floor with y'all on your own turf! 🤦
The pacing was SLOW AF. Episodes 3-5 particularly dragged.
Everything with Cahir I wish was in S2 instead. That elf was GORGEOUS and I hated to see him go, but what was the point of all that again? I almost expected him & Cahir to start banging! (My perv brain; I need help, y'all. U_U)
Speaking of!
ALLLLLLL this mess about Dandelion & Radovid.
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What "ripple effects"? XD It was UNNECESSARY. We all know Radovid's a disgusting genocidal racist psychopath and Dandelion's a womanizing old man--I'm not interested in seeing Radovid going through all this effort to seduce Dandelion, just to DOUBLE CROSS him to get to Ciri, like wtF? TBH, I feel like we were queerbaited, yeah I said it. 😤
And it's SO unfair how we have alllll these sex scenes with naked women's vajayjays & boobs all over the place--even Philippa got in on the action, hey hey hey! ;) --but we never get to see man-on-man action!? Wow, they kissed, SO WHAT!? Men never get full frontal nudity and it ticks me off, cuz naked women are just all over TV, meanwhile the dudes don't show SQUAT, and it's happened AGAIN.
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Anyways, those are my only real complaints; otherwise I liked S3, it was much better than S2 IMO. Just don't expect too much--turn your brain off, and accept that this show doesn't gaf about Geralt (or even Ciri really) whatsoever. I'm here for Yennefer, Vilgefortz, and to see the Lodge of Sorceresses make themselves an absolute menace under Philippa so that Radovid literally flips his wig (that horrible weave MUST go in S4) and effs everything up for mages & non-humans.
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
Gilded Family
Rating: Teen and Up, Gen
Ch 21/?: Months Ago...
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, Ch 6 , Ch 7, Ch 8, Ch 9, Ch 10, Ch 11, Ch 12, Ch 13, Ch 14, Ch 15, Ch 16, Ch 17,  Ch 18, Ch 19, Ch 20
In which none of the previous golden guards or wittebro died, actually, they're all fine and living happily together as one big dysfunctional family
Goodbye, Golden Guards.
Belos raised his scythe, but it was Phoenix looking down at a terrified Jason and Hunter, Phoenix who swung downwards at them.
“No!” Phoenix blinked up at a starry sky, blinking. “Hrngh?”
A dull ache throbbed in his arms and ribs, but considering the way the skull had fallen apart, he was surprised it wasn’t worse.
“HEYA!” A blue and yellow face appeared over him with a grin. “You’re awake! Fiiiiinally! You were so boring!”
Phoenix rolled out of… a bed? with a yelp, scrambling backwards away from the Collector. “Stay back!”
Collector laughed, flopping on his stomach in midair and kicking his legs. “Re-lax, I’m not gonna hurt you. Right, King?”
The tiny demon kid from the head waved at him from on top of a spinning blue star, now clothed in starry robes and a matching hat. “Uh. Hey. Yep. Not hurting people is our whole thing! Just… just playing games!”
Phoenix rubbed his eyes. “I’m still dreaming. Right? Wow. The other dream was more realistic than this, this is…” He stood up. “This is… are we on top of a tiny planet?”
All around them was endless space and stars, save for a window of bright light, and the little planet they stood on.
“It’s real,” King assured him, “I, uh, I saw you falling on the day of unity, and…”
“And I SAVED YOU,” the Collector yelled, punching one fist in the air. “BAM. Our first owl house adventure, swooping through on a star to catch you, and WHAM! Now you’re back here with us! This is our room, in the archive house!” He tapped his chin. “Maybe I should make bunk beds… those would be fun, or even a TRIPLE BUNK BED! Might make story time hard, though. We’ll see. Hm.” Collector circled around Phoenix’s head. “That liar Phillip said he destroyed all of his grimwalkers, and I couldn’t play with them, but he was wrong, wrong, wrong! And now you’re here, and we can be friends, like he kept saying maybe one day! Ha, take that, Phillip, your grimwalker is my friend now. Right? We can be friends? I saved you.”
Phoenix glanced at King, who nodded frantically. “…Sure… we can be friends…”
“YES! You can be our Hunter, do you know what he’s like? Yeah, of course you do. I bet you know about lots of adventures we could do, Belos sent you on adventures for him all the time. Hey, are there any more of you? Are all of them alive?!”
So he didn’t get Caleb and the others. Good.
“No. Just me.”
“Awwww, we could have had enough players for any game. Oh, well, I guess there’s always the others.” The Collector sat cross-legged in midair. “Are you hungry? I bet you’re hungry, I think mortals have to eat like every three hours or they die or something. That’s why puppets are easier.”
“…What exactly is it that you want?”
“Huh? What a weird thing to ask. Oh, yeah! I forgot!” Collector snapped his fingers, and a bundle of cloth fell down from out of nowhere into Phoenix’s hands. “That’s for you, new friend! So we can all match! Don’t worry, King and I will leave the room so you can change, no peeking, promise.”
The Collector floated out into the bright light, and King hopped towards Phoenix. “Just… play along with what he says, okay? The alternative is… not great.”
He bounced up into the air and out of the square of light, and Phoenix sat back down on the bed with a whump. At least everyone else had gotten out. The kids to the human realm and… hopefully everyone else had just gone home.  
Phoenix shook out the bundle of cloth. The clothes were silky, a deep blue long-sleeved tunic, and pants in a dark lavender. Stars dotted the hem of the tunic, the collar, and the ends of the sleeves. A golden moon glinted up at him from a belt buckle.
Alright. I’ll play for now.
He changed clothes, checking himself for injuries. He twisted his upper torso, wincing as his ribs protested. Yeah. Those were broken, or at least bruised. Bruises, bruises… Phoenix picked at the edge of the bandages around his arms, but didn’t remove them. He’d have to eventually, he needed to check on those wounds, but with any luck, he’d get out of this… archive house… first.
Phoenix yanked the tunic over his head and retied his ponytail.
“Alright… now how… do I…”
Phoenix jumped, the way he’d seen King do, and he rocketed away from the tiny planet with three beds, soaring through the window of light. Whatever weird gravity was in that room disappeared, and his feet tapped onto solid stone at the top of a staircase. Collector clapped his hands.
“Yay! You look great! Okeydokey, so, we have a couple of adults around, don’t worry about them, they’re here to help! Mamadalia!”
A woman with bright green hair stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at the Collector’s call. “Yes… Collector?”
“This is… Uh, Hunter, right?”
“It’s Phoenix.”
“Oh, whew, that’s way cooler. This is Phoenix! He’s been super sleepy and just woke up, so he’s, like, really hungry! Can you get uuuuuuuusssssss… King, quick, what do mortals eat?”
“Uhhhh, food? Fruit… vegetables… pizza bagels…”
“I don’t really need anything,” Phoenix tried, “I’m—"
“Pizza bagels for Phoenix!”
“Why dooon’t I just go with… Mamadalia?” Phoenix suggested, “That way I can make sure there’s enough for everyone?”
“Awww, okay, yeah. Come back soon!”
Phoenix walked down the stairs as quickly as he could without running. “Let’s go.”
“Mamadalia” raised one eyebrow, but turned heel and clicked down a hallway with no further comment. Phoenix chased after, looking behind him to make sure the Collector wasn’t following.
“How long has it been since the day of unity?”
“A day or so. Relax, you haven’t missed anything.”
Phoenix waved a hand at the hallway. “I think I’ve missed quite a bit! Sorry. I’m sorry, what’s your real name?”
“Odalia. Odalia Blight.”
“You’re okay?”
“Do you mean besides the fact that I’m wearing the most ridiculous outfit in the world? But oh, I suppose I’ll survive.”
“Alright.” Phoenix grabbed her wrist and ran towards a window, tugging her behind him. “Don’t worry. We’re getting out of here.”
Odalia yanked her arm away. “What on earth are you talking about? Getting out of here? I may be… Mamadalia, but it’s better than the alternative, thank you! No one is ‘getting out of here’!”
Phoenix yanked open the window.
The Isles fell far, far below them, miles down. The closest any land to the ‘archive house’ was the remaining horn of the titan, and the house was even floating above that.
“We aaaaare… flying.”
“What an astute observation.”
Phoenix brought his head back in and shut the window. “Okay. We’ll find another way.”
Odalia snorted. “There is no other way. You aren’t going anywhere. Try anything, and I’ll call for the Collector.”
Phoenix stared at her, gaping. “Are you serious?!”
“Listen up… whoever you’re supposed to be… I’m not putting my neck on the line for some half-baked escape plan. I perform the role of Mamadalia and get access to one of the most powerful beings in the universe. If I play my cards right, I not only rule this miserable dump heap, but shape it into what I want.”
Phoenix gestured towards the window and the broken skull outside of it. “Do you really think you can control that?!”
“Oh, please. He may be powerful, but he’s a silly child. I know how to handle children.” Her eyes gleamed. “And if I tell him you tried to escape, then that makes me more trustworthy and removes some of the… competition.”
“You know what else would remove competition? Letting me escape. But fine. Fine.” Phoenix stalked down the hallway. “Why don’t you just show me where the kitchen is, and we can leave each other alone?”
Odalia chased after him. “Or… I’m willing to let you in on the spoils if you help me.”
“And what could I, the competition, possibly offer?”
“I haven’t been picked for the role of ‘friend.’ You have. That gives you a closer position to the Collector. And his best friend. If either of us truly has their ears, it will be you.”
Phoenix’s gut roiled. “Can I just—I would like to point out that they’re kids. Kids with insane powers, sure, but kids.”
Odalia sighed. “Oh, please, I already told you, I know how to handle children. I’ll walk you through it, I just need your position. Here.”
She drew a circle in the air, and a purple gem thudded against Phoenix’s collarbone, secured by a black string.
This way, I can talk to you and hear what you’re hearing, Odalia’s voice said in his mind, I can tell you what to say, you simply need say it.
Phoenix halted in his tracks, yanking the necklace off. “No. Absolutely not. I don’t need your voice in my head, and I definitely don’t want you spying on me.”
I’ve dealt with enough omnipresent watchers for one lifetime.
“At least think about it.”
Phoenix opened another window, holding the necklace out. “No.”
“Drop it and I go straight to the Collector,” Odalia snapped.
Phoenix’s jaw clenched, and he slowly dragged the gem back in.
“Put it on. You don’t have to say what I tell you just yet, I’ll give you time to decide.”
“Do I really get a choice?”
“Of course you do. Here, let me show you the other choice.”
Odalia touched the pendant at her throat, and purple light beamed out, forming a picture of the isles, overwhelmed with strange blue plants and sparkles. The view roamed over Bonesborough, empty and silent, and then finally into the Archive House, stopping at a door. Phoenix slowly turned, spotting the same door to his right. Phoenix reached for the handle, slowly pushing it open.
Lifeless, dull eyes stared back at him. People—or, at least, what used to be people—lay collapsed all over the floor, joints bent at awkward angles. Phoenix backed away.
That’s what he meant.
“What happened to them?!”
“They didn’t want to play the Collector’s game. So he made them. Those are your options, Phoenix. You can play the Collector’s little game for the rest of your life. You can make a run for it and get stuck a mindless puppet, still playing his game. Or you can play my game, and stand to actually win something. I’m sure you’re a smart man—you haven’t been turned into a puppet yet—but handling children just isn’t your forte, darling.” She patted his shoulder. “Like I said, I’ll give you time. You don’t have to say yes right away. But the clock is ticking on how long you can keep the Collector happy without me. Now, how about that kitchen, hm? Don’t expect me to cook for you, though.”
She strode away, and Phoenix took a deep breath.
Haven’t had to deal with someone like her in a while.
But every coven head had just been another Odalia Blight. Maybe the setting had changed, but competing with a manipulative snake to get in the good graces of a volatile being that had the power to destroy you? He could handle that. Maybe he’d gotten a little rusty with Caleb and the other Grimwalkers, but this was the same game he’d been playing for half of his life.
And that meant there was a way to win.
“Does he… even need to eat?” Phoenix whispered, handing King a dragonfruit.
The fruit spurted out a burst of flame, but King didn’t seem to be burned by it. “No idea.”
Collector paced back and forth, waving a squash around in the air like a bat. “Now! Since the real owl lady is… sick… we need a replacement. Phoenix, while you were finding snacks, King and I vetted some possible options, but I want your opinion, too. Did you know the Owl Lady?”
“Only from stories.”
“Hey, me too! Cool, cool, we should both have the same ideas. Candidate one!”
Collector clapped his hands, and a familiar (if older) woman appeared, her eyes darting around and taking in all of her surroundings.
“Terra?!” Phoenix yelped.
She looked him up and down for a moment, then marched over, squinting at the scar that went through his right eyebrow. She gasped. “Rosebud!” Terra reached for his face. “They told us you were dead! But it looks like you haven’t aged a single day.”
Phoenix knocked her hand away. “Don’t touch me.”
“Oh, looks like this rose grew a few thorns, hmmmm?”
Collector floated between them. “Phoenix? Do you know her?”
Phoenix crossed his arms, turning away from Terra. “Unfortunately. You don’t want her to be your Owl Lady, she’s not very nice.”
Terra gasped. “Rosebud. After everything I’ve done for you?!”
“After…!” Phoenix whirled around again. “You have been trying to poison me since I was thirteen!”
“Oh, please, I never gave you anything in deadly amounts. I was trying to build your poison tolerance, Rosebud! I did it because I cared!” She waved a hand. “I did it for your predecessor all the time. Now there was a man who did whatever it took to win.”
The Collector laughed. “Oh, I remember him! He was really good at statues! Although that miiiiiiight have been because Belos petrified him. Huh.”
Petro. He was the guard before me?
Collector tilted his head at Terra. “You wanna try and find out?”
Her face paled. “No, thank you.”
“You should give it a try,” Phoenix snapped, “See if that builds up your tolerance to petrification.”
“Oh, what is wrong with you? What happened to my sweet little rosebud?”
Phoenix waved a hand. “I don’t know! What did happen to him? Did you ever bother trying to find out?! So much for caring, huh?”
Collector floated between the two of them, holding his arms out. “Neither of you are being very nice,” he said firmly, “You are going into time out!”
The Collector snapped his fingers, and the world around Phoenix blurred into a haze of blue dotted with huge golden stars before settling into an empty void, back on the tiny planet. Phoenix jumped upwards, but the window of light vanished, and he fell back to the planet. He flopped onto the bed with a whump.
Well, that certainly was well-handled, Odalia’s voice said. Phoenix pulled the purple pendant out of his pocket, the gem glowing in the darkness. You need my help more than I thought. Maybe I should rescind my offer before you get us both in trouble.
“Oh, be quiet,” Phoenix grumbled, shoving the necklace under the bed, “You’re the last thing I need right now.”
The window of light opened again, just long enough for King to float down. The little demon clicked a lamp on and sat next to Phoenix, swinging his legs.
King looked up at the void. “Got kinda heated back there.”
“Even before Belos tried to kill me, I’d started trying to avoid her. Trust me, you and the Collector don’t want to be anywhere near her. Once I started mentoring Darius, I kept him far away from her.”
“Yeah, she seems like a real nice lady.
“She has been through three golden guards,” Phoenix burst out, “She was there when the guy before me was on a bloody conquest in the name of Belos, knew him personally apparently, she was there for half my life, and she was there to see Hunter replace me, and she didn’t once think that something might be wrong?!” Phoenix flopped backwards. “She did notice,” he grumbled, “She just didn’t care. I don’t know why I expected anything better from her, I know what she’s like. Sorry, I know you probably have no idea what I’m talking about.”
“Yeah, expecting good things from the person who routinely poisoned you as a kid is a little weird,” King agreed, “You doing okay?”
“Are you? I haven’t gotten to talk to you without… him… around.”
“Mm. Yeah. He’s… I’m still trying to figure him out. For now, I think if I go along with him, teach him new games, he’ll leave the people I love alone, and that’s… that’s what’s really important. I can figure out details later.”
“So… you don’t want to be here?”
“I’d rather be home. With Eda. And Luz.” King picked up a stuffed rabbit, squeezing it tightly. “But Luz is in another dimension. And Eda’s in her Owl Beast form until I can figure out a way to get an elixir to her. Lilith might have been able to help, but… she’s a puppet. And so’s Hooty. And…” King’s eyes welled up with tears. “And I don’t know when I’ll get to see them again, or if… if…”
Phoenix reached out, but didn’t touch the little demon. “Uh… permission to touch?”
King nodded, and Phoenix scooped him up, holding him in his lap. “I know we… kind of just only met properly now. But… look, I’ll help you figure out a way to turn your Eda and Hooty and Lilith back to normal. And… I don’t know your Luz, but she’s with my Jason, and I know he’s not going to stop looking for a way back to his family.”
King sniffed. “Luz won’t either.”
“Then between the two of them, I’m sure they’ll get back to us. And in the meantime, the best thing we can do is… try to stay alive. And try to get out of here. With our loved ones.”
“How are you planning to do that?”
“I don’t know yet. But I’m working on it. And when I do figure it out, I’ll take you with me. We’ll get our friends, and we’ll find somewhere to hide where the Collector can’t find us. Promise.”
“Thank me after we’re out of here.”
The window of light opened again, and Collector drifted down, tapping his index fingers together. “Phoenix? Are you… mad at me? I won’t make you play with Terra if you don’t want to. And I’m sorry I put you all alone in time out, it’s not nice to be alone.”
King patted Phoenix’s arm. “It’s all okay, Collector, Phoenix and I had a really long talk, and he feels a lot less mad now. He just doesn’t like Terra very much, and he’s still not feeling too good from Belos attacking him.”
“Okay, then maybe we wait until tomorrow to play? So Phoenix can feel better? And no Terra. Building up poison tolerance did sound fun, though…”
“It’s not,” Phoenix said flatly.
“Really? Man. Okay, we’ll stick to owl house. Do you know how to play, Phoenix?”
Phoenix shook his head. “You’re going to have to teach me.”
Collector’s eyes lit up, and he sat cross legged in the air. “Okay, okay, okay, so first of all…”
He started rattling off rules that sounded more like stories, and Phoenix nodded along, acutely aware of the glowing pendant tucked under his bed, and the fact that Terra was out in the archive house somewhere.
Just like the coven.
Figure out the rules of the game.
Play your cards right.
Win before they do.
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Updates (finally)
Sup guys. I'm fiiiiinally back with another work to add to my collection. Yeah, it's been what, 3 months since I last posted? A lot has happened to me since then, nothing bad, all good things. I went on a family vaycay to the "Happiest Place on Earth" early December, got a new job, got a new game for Christmas, *ahem* Baldur's Gate 3, and then that took over my life lol. But now that I'm back, I plan to continue with my ongoing works, probably with Cater's first.
So here's by belated, three day late, Valentine's fic! Hope you guys like it! Valentine's Promise
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
you and fwb harry would have such a good thing going then, any time you're stressed or needy or just missing each other you get together 😌 there's always lots of unhurried kissing because he's just obsessed with your lips, and bc he loves having you sit on his lap 😌 that almost always leads to grinding on him until you're whimpering against his lips, and at that point he's smiling and picking you up to bring you to the bedroom 😌 and of course this always leads to one or two mindblowing orgasms 😌 and pretty soon you realize that you have a crush 😌 and ofc you've always had a little crush, i mean look at him, but now you're thinking that it's more of a crush crush 🤭 but you're both too scared to say anything, so you just continue on like everything is normal, getting together at least 3 times a week and you're basically already dating 😌 then one day you're cuddled up on the couch together, sitting between his legs with your back against his chest, watching a show but not really paying attention, and you lift your head and say "Harry?" and he hums to let you know he's paying attention, and you just decide to go for it because you've waited long enough so you say "do you ever want to have sex? with me?" and you can feel him freeze against you, he actually stops breathing for a second but then he tries to play it cool and he's all "yeah, of course I do" and he's trying so hard to be chill so he doesn't freak you out but inside he's like 😋😆😄😘😝bc he thinks maybe it's fiiiiinally happening 😌 and you nod, still not looking at him, and he thinks you're not going to say anything else but then you say "do you maybe want to do it sometime soon?" and he's losing his mind hearing you talk like this but he just says "yeah, of course baby, whenever you feel like you're ready" and you're quiet for a minute and he really thinks you're going to drop it for now but then you're very quietly asking "do you want to do it tonight?" and his eyes nearly roll back in his head 😌 he takes a deep breath and says "come on, turn around so I can look at you" and he helps you get resettled so you're straddling him, which is definitely a favorite position for both of you 😌you have your hands braced on his chest and you're suddenly feeling very shy so you're staring at them instead of his face, but he grips your chin with two fingers and tilts your head up to look at him 😌 he says "you know I'm always going to give you anything you want, hm? if having sex is what you want then I would be more than happy to do that with you, but if you aren't ready to take that step yet that's okay too... I think we both know I'm fucking obsessed with you and I'm more than happy with anything we do" and you're blushing a bit at his words but you keep your eyes on his and say "I know... I'm pretty obsessed with you too" and he laughs, leaning in to kiss your cheek and saying "well I'm glad to hear that" and you nod, just looking at him for a few seconds before you say "I want to though, I don't want to wait anymore and I just want to feel you like that" and he can already feel himself getting hard under you, but he doesn't want to rush things so he just nods and says "I want to feel you like that too" and you smile a little bit, leaning in to kiss him 😌 it's very soft and gentle at first, kind of just feeling each other, and then it quickly gets more heated 😌 (1)
he grabs the sides of your face to hold you close and your fingers clutch tighter in his shirt, his tongue swipes over your bottom lip and you open your mouth a little to let him in 😌 soon you start moving your hips against his slowly and he lets out a low groan, he keeps trying to pull away to say something but he can't stay away from your lips from long and you can't either, but he manages to get a few words out between kisses 😌 saying "why don't we- let's take this- let's go upstairs" and you make no move to stand up, you just keep kissing on him, so he finally just wraps his arms around you a little tighter and stands up 😌 he keeps you wrapped around him and his lips don't even leave yours as he stumbles into his bedroom, and then he drops you on the bed and stands over you to look at you 😌 he's breathing so hard and his lips are swollen, and his hair is a little messy from where your fingers were running through it 😌 he says "lay back pretty girl, need to get you ready for me first" and you stare at him for a few seconds before you say all in a rush "take your shirt off" and he's smirking so big saying "oh really? want me to take my clothes off?" and you nod, and he sighs dramatically and says "I guess so, just for you" even though you both know he's very much into this 😌 he pulls his shirt off and lets you stare for a while, but then he says "now your turn" and at this point you're not even shy bc he's seen you naked so many times already so you take yours off too 😌 ofc he staring at your chest right away, and he says "you're so fucking pretty, baby" and you blush, looking down, but he says "none of that now, need you to look at me" so you look up again and he smiles and says "that's my good girl" and steps closer to the bed 😌 you have to tip your head back to keep eye contact bc he's so much taller than you 😌 he steps closer again to he's standing right between your legs, and he grips your chin to keep you looking at him 😌 he says "I need you to promise that if you ever want to stop, or something doesn't feel right, or you're just not feeling it anymore, you'll tell me right away" and you nod, but he says "I need your words, baby" so you say "i will, i promise" and he strokes his thumb over your cheekbone, looking in your eyes to make sure you're sure 😔 your heart is beating so fast and you're a little nervous, but you know this is exactly what you want 😔 he says "lay back for me?" and you do, scooting up to lay your head on the pillows, and he's just watching you, so obsessed with how you look laid out in his bed like this 😌 he crawls up next to you, kissing up your chest as he says "I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby, all you have to do is lay there and look pretty" and you nod, tangling your fingers in his hair as he kisses around your nipple 😌 he remembers you're pretty sensitive there, so he spends a bit of time paying attention to them 😌 soon he can feel your thighs clenching together and he murmurs "that feel good, baby?" and you nod again, letting out a breathy little sigh when he smiles against your skin and starts sucking a little mark into your collarbone 😌 he runs his thumb over the pink spot and says "now everyone will know you're mine" and he is soooo smug about that 😌
he keeps kissing around, all over your neck and shoulders and just anywhere he can, tell you how pretty you are and how much he likes the little noises you let out 😌 he works his way down your chest, licking over your tummy bc he loves the way you giggle when he finds a sensitive spot 😌 he definitely bites on your hipbones to make you squirm and playfully try to push his head away, but he just smiles and gives you another little kiss 😌 finally he gets to the waistband of your shorts and he says "can i take these off?" and you nod, lifting your hips to help him out 😌 he groans a little when he sees you're not wearing anything under them, and then he looks up at you and says "you little minx, you were planning this weren't you?" and you blush a little but shrug and say "a girl can dream" and he shakes his head with a smile, laying his head down on your thigh and giving you a few little kisses while his fingers dance around 😌 he drags his fingertips up and down your inner thighs, and when you try to move your hips up to get him to touch you he moves away every time 😌 finally you huff and say "will you just touch me already?" and he smirks a little bit saying "patience, love, need you to be ready for me first" and you're getting frustrated so you say "that would be a lot easier if you would stop teasing" and he laughs saying "don't act like you don't love it when i tease you, I can literally see how wet you are right now" and you know he can do this for as long as he wants to so finally you give in and whine "please, I need you" and that's exactly what he wanted to hear 😌 he finally moves his fingers to brush over your clit, and he can see you relax now that you're finally getting what you want 😌 he starts rubbing slow circles just the way he knows you like, and after a few moments he replaces his fingers with his tongue 😌 then he brings his fingers up to your mouth and taps them on your bottom lip, clearly wanting you to get them wet for him 😌 once he decides he's ready he pulls them out and brings them back down and slips two inside 😌 ofc this is nothing new for you, you've down this before lots of times but he always knows just what to do to make you lose your breath 😌he keeps sucking on your clit, and he crooks his fingers up to find your g spot 😌 soon you're moving your hips up in time with his fingers and he moans against you and you can tell he's grinding down onto the bed a little bc he's so turned on 😌 he keeps doing exactly what you like, pressing his fingers against the sensitive spot and flicking his tongue against your clit 😌 he lifts his head just enough to say "cum for me baby" and gets back into it, and a few seconds later you're tensing up and gripping his hair to push him against you 😌 he works you through it, grinning when you swear a few times and gasp his name bc he knows you're feeling so good, and it's all because of him 😌 his fingers are sliding in and out so easily from how wet you are and he's absolutely obsessed with the feeling, but soon he has to pull away bc you're gasping that it's too much 😌 he comes up to kiss you and as always you moan against his lips, but this time when he pulls away you say "i like it when you do that" and he knows exactly what you mean but he wants to hear you say it, so he says "when I do what?" and you blush a little bit but keep eye contact to say "when you kiss me after you- you know, and I can taste it on your lips" and he thinks he's never been more turned on in his life 😌 and he smirks and says "yeah? guess I'll have to do it more often then, won't i?" and you nod, still blushing, but he doesn't let you feel too embarrassed before he's kissing you again 😌
I think he would definitely take his time with you, he wants you to be very wet and ready for him bc... well he's not small 😌 soon you're moaning against his lips again and trying to move your hips up, so he takes that as his cue that you're ready 😌 he slides his hand back down and lets out a soft hum, saying "you're so wet, is that all for me?" and you nod so fast, finally speaking up again to say "you know it is, now please stop teasing I'm ready" but he doesn't think he's had enough kissing yet, so he leans back down for another 😌 he rubs his fingers slowly to get you worked up again, and when you start whining into his mouth he decides to have mercy and give you what you want 😌 he rolls away and reaches into the nightstand drawer, and you take a deep breath when he pulls out a condom bc you're a little bit like 😶 oh this is actually happening for real 😶 and he sees you're starting to look a little nervous, so he puts his hand on your cheek to make you look at him and he says "nothing to be nervous for, we'll go slow and I'll take care of you like I always do... I'm always gonna take care of my pretty girl" and he kisses you so gently 😔 you nod, and he reaches back down to open the package and roll the condom on and you're watching the whole time, he sees you staring and he smirks saying "don't worry baby, I'll let you do it next time" and you blush, but nod saying "i would like that" and he looks so satisfied 😌 then he cages himself over you again, pushing your head down on the pillows, and his eyes get so soft and he says "you are, you know? you're so pretty, prettiest girl I've ever seen" and he leans down to kiss your cheek 😔 he stays like that for a few moments, then you huff and say "you're making me nervous, will you just do it already?" and he can't help but laugh at how impatient you are 😌he reaches down to rub at your clit a few more times, then he says "ready?" and you nod, gripping his shoulder, and he starts to push in 😌 you gasp a little bit at the new feeling, and he stops right away, searching your face to make sure you're okay and he says "alright? want me to stop?" and you shake your head saying "it doesn't hurt, just feels kind of weird" and he acts all offended like "oh so now my dick is weird 🙄" and then you're both giggling, and you say "you're so annoying" and he nuzzles his nose on your cheek saying "you love it" and your face is all scrunched up bc it tickles, but you both know he's right and you absolutely do love it 😌 he pushes in a little more, and it stings a little bit from the stretch but it's nothing too bad by any means, and anyways you have his pretty face and his lips on yours to distract you 😌 though you're barely kissing each other, you're just moaning and letting out needy little noises against each other's lips 😌 soon he's almost all the way in, and he huffs out a big breath and puts his head in your neck saying "almost there, baby, you're doing so good for me... still feeling okay?" and you nod because it's starting to feel good, with how big and warm he is and how he's deeper than his fingers have ever been able to reach, and you say "It feels different but- good, feels good" and he groans, pulling out a little bit so he can slide back in, and you feel him shudder a little when he whines "you're so tight, feels so good-" and then his hips are finally pressed against yours, and you're both breathing so heavily because it's so new and feels so good and you both like each other so much, even if nothing has been officially admitted 😌
he's trying to keep himself together when he says "I'm all the way in, you feel so fucking good" and he sounds a little desperate 😌 you clench around him, just to see how it feels, and he lets out the neediest noise you've ever heard and drops his head to rest on your collarbones and says "don't do that, I won't last long if you do that" but you do it again, since it feels good for you too, and he nearly whimpers 😌 finally he says "are you- can i move?" and you breathe out a little yes, and he has to take a deep breath before he pulls out and then pushes back in, and you're both wound so tight and needy for each other that just that one movement has you shaking 😌 he grinds his hips against yours, pushing as deep as he can, and he smiles when you moan out and he knows he's right on your g spot 😌 he says "yeah? right there baby?" and does it again, and you clench around him and saying "right there, please don't stop" and he shakes his head, murmuring "I'm not gonna stop, I'm gonna make my girl feel good just like I promised i would" and he reaches down to rub your clit 😌 he goes in circles in time with his thrusts in and out, and then when he's deep inside he uses his other hand to press down on your lower stomach and you nearly scream 😌 he says "right there, hm? you feel me, deep in your tummy?" and you nod, gripping at his wrist to hold his hand in place 😌 soon your head tips back and you say "I'm close- I'm so close" and he nods saying "cum for me baby, show me how good i make you feel" and your nails dig into his arm as all your muscles tense up 😌 you gasp his name a few times and he can tell you're so close, so he leans in to whisper in your ear "want to feel you cum while I'm inside you" and that's all it takes to have you nearly yelling his name 😌 he watches your face, absolutely obsessed with the way you look when he's pleasing you, and keeps rubbing his fingers until you come down enough to try and push him away 😌 then you're out of breath and a little overwhelmed but you manage to get out "I want you to cum too, I know you're close" and clench down on him again, and he groans saying "I am pretty girl, I'm so fucking close, you have no idea what you do to me" and you lean up to kiss under his ear, right where you know he's sensitive, and whisper "then show me" and he lets out the most feral moan before he grabs your hips and pulls them against his so he can be as deep as possible when he cums 😌 then he flops down on top of you, and you're both breathing so hard and he rests his hand on your chest and smiles when he feels how fast your heart is beating 😌 after a few minutes he says "please know I'm serious when i tell you that was the best sex I've ever had" and you're blushing right away, but he doesn't make you answer because he says "feeling okay? are you alright for me to get a cloth to clean you up?" and you nod, all 🥹 on the inside at how considerate he is 😔 when he comes back with the warm washcloth he spreads your legs gently, and you gasp and tense up because your so sensitive when it brushes against your skin but he shushes you quietly saying "I know baby, I'm almost done" and then he throws it off to the side and crawls back up next to you 😔 you're both quiet for a moment, and you're feeling so safe tucked in his arms, and you take a deep breath and say "I'm glad you were my first time" and he nuzzles his face in your neck, giving you a few gentle kisses before he says "me too" 😔 then he speaks up again, and he sounds so nervous but he says "I'm glad you trusted me with this... i really like you, and I have for a long time" and you smile, cuddling more against him when you say "I really like you too" and you can feel him smiling against your skin as he hugs you a little tighter 😔
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hearthianhatchling · 4 months
tagged by @sleebyshiba for the "9 people you'd like to get to know better" tag game! i shan't be tagging people because i barely have any mutuals here except people i already know well BUT your will is my command my friend <3
Last song: i don't actually remember so i put my music on shuffle and it gave me riches and wonders by the mountain goats <3
Favourite colour: yellow!! i love warm colours the most, although all colours are good colours, even the bad ones
Last movie/TV show: fiiiiinally started watching the terror and enjoying it very much
Sweet/spicy/savory: .........id like to request a lawyer
Relationship status: wouldnt u like to know
Last thing I searched: a manatee amigurumi pattern!
Current obsession: you'll be so surprised to hear that the polar expeditions fixation is rearing its head again
Last book: currently rereading two towers and also reading north by seamus heaney! the last one i finished (last year) was madhouse at the end of the earth by julian sancton...unsurprisingly
Looking forward to: hmm...there's not really much going on to look forward to in the near future, but i want to start a next big crochet project (probably a sleepy bunny friend) and i'm always looking forward to my irish dancing classes and can't wait to start on heavy shoes hopefully in the near-ish future! otherwise there's some gigs this year i'm very excited about, some family events i hope i can make it to, and the aotearoa trip with my dad and two of my siblings later this year :)
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 37- the fwb saga
btw can I just say ty for all the love on this concept 😚 i did not plan to go this crazy but here we are 13,000 words later and I love her dearly 😚
thinking about getting into a little fwb arrangement with college harry bc you're inexperienced and you're tired of it 😌 he says "well i could show you a thing or two 😌" and he truly means it as a joke but then you pause and say "would you?" and he looks at you with wide eyes and he's stumbling over his words to say "yeah, of course, I'd love to" bc he's had a crush on you since forever and it's fiiiiinally happening 😌 you're just staring at him and he's like "oh did you- you meant like right now?" and you shrug and say "now's as good a time as ever..." and then you notice he looks a little off so you're taking back what you said and saying "but we don't have to do anything if you're not up for it, I just thought since we're alone-" and he cuts you off to say "that's not what i meant at all, I was just surprised... and you're right, we do seem to be all alone 😌" since his roomate is staying the night somewhere else, and harry doesnt think you'll be going all the way that night by any means but he still wants privacy so he can take his time with you 😌
then in true harry fashion he doesn't hesitate, he just jumps straight into the awkwardness and says "so have you kissed anyone before?" and you're already blushing but you shake your head and say "not so much..." and his eyes soften, he steps a little closer and puts his hands on your hips, ducking his head down to meet your eyes and he says "hey... don't have to be embarrassed, it's not a big deal" and you're still a little blushy but he says "and it's kind of hot that I'll be the first guy to kiss you 😌" bc he knows just how to use pesty comments to break the tension and make you feel relaxed with him ☹️then he's looking at you again and your smiles fade a little bit when it starts to feel really tense in the room again, but this time it's a good kind of tense that makes your tummy flutter and your heart pound a little faster 😌
he's right up in your face when he whispers "do you want that? want me to kiss you? and show you what a real kiss feels like?" and you're already so turned on just from a few words that you can't imagine what it'll be like when he actually touches you, and all you can do it stare at his lips and nod 😌 he doesn't give you any more time to stress about it, he just wraps his arm around your back to pull you closer and presses his lips to yours 😌 he doesn't do anything too crazy since he can literally feel you shaking from nerves and all the adrenaline but he can't stop himself from running his tongue over your bottom lip just to feel you shudder 😌
you pull away after a few seconds, feeling a little dizzy from all the things you're feeling and the way he's so close and how good he smells, he notices you look a little out of it so he smiles and says "we don't have to do anything else, you look like you're about to pass out" and his pesty words are enough to bring you back down to earth, you roll your eyes and try to pull away but he tightens his arms and says in a quiet voice "don't go, I didn't mean it" and kisses your cheek ☹️ you say "sorry, you're just, um, you're really good at that" and you're blushing so hard it hurts but he smiles and says "and so are you... are you sure that was your first? seems like you've been holding out on me all this time" and you just laugh and put your head on his chest ☹️
after a few minutes you're feeling braver so you say "i don't think- I don't want to stop there" and he's trying not to get too excited so he keeps his voice even when he says "no? want to kiss some more?"
and you nod shyly, he smiles and says "I think i can make that happen 😌" and then he's walking you backwards toward the couch 😌he turns around and falls back on it, then he pulls on your hips and says "come on, come sit" and you're a little hesitant at first but he says "we don't have to do this, or if it makes you more comfortable you can just sit next to me, it's whatever you want" and the sincere look on his face makes you feel safe, so you do what he wanted and straddle his lap 😌 when he has you all situated he grins and says "hi" and you're both smiling so big when you breathe a little "hi" back 😌
he realizes he's not quite comfy with the way the cushions are settled so he tells you to put your arms around his neck, then he wraps his own around your back and stands up to resituate with you just hanging on him 😌 when he sits back down he says "good girl, thank you" and he does nawwwt miss the way you blush harder than you have all night 😌 he smiles in a teasing way and says "oh yeah? you like it when i call you my good girl?" and you can't even respond to that, you just keep your arms around his neck and tuck your face in his shoulder bc it's all too much to process 😌
he chuckles a little bit and says "come on pretty girl, look at me" and when you raise your head he cups your face with his palm, stroking your cheekbone gently and says "I'll just have to keep that in mind, won't i?" and he's smiling in such a cheeky way 😌 then he says "but anyways, where were we... oh right, i think you were about to kiss me again" and you roll your eyes and say "oh was i?" and he goes "yup you were 😌 probably should get on it too I'm feeling pretty lonely over here" and then you catch him off guard by leaning in first 😌
he can feel you're still nervous so after a few seconds he pulls back and says "don't worry so much, just follow my lead and do whatever feels right, yeah?" and you nod, and he wants to see how much it really affects you so he murmurs a "good girl" just to see you blush again 😌 this time he feels you squeeze your thighs together a little bit and he's going crazy knowing you're just as turned on as he is, but he figures this is enough for tonight so he just pulls you in for another kiss and doesn't say anything 😌
he can't believe he's getting so worked up just from kissing, but the way you're clutching onto his shoulders and very subtly grinding on him and the little noises you're making have him so hard he can barely think 😌 when he can sense you need a minute to break he pulls away and kisses down your jaw and neck, searching for any particularly tender spots for him to have some fun with 😌
he's saying stuff like "fuck, baby, you're so pretty" and "how've you been keeping those lips from me all this time?" and when he can't take it it anymore he comes back up to kiss your lips again, and he mumbles "you're gonna have to be the one to stop this, because I'll sit here and kiss you all night if you let me" and grips your hips a little tighter to help you rock against him 😌 that sounds like a good plan to you so you end up kissing until you're both so tired you can't do it anymore, and then he picks you up and carries you to bed and cuddles around you with the promise that you'll continue this in the morning 😌
I'm glad u guys are whores for that concept just like me 😌 anyways the next morning you would wake up to him cuddled so close around you, you push him away just enough so you can stretch and ofc that wakes him up so then he's watching you stretch your arms and legs out and you accidentally (or maybe not accidentally 😌) let out a pretty little moan and he's just like 🤤 bc he's a boy and he can't help it 😌 after all he did go to bed hard and he definitely wasn't complaining but he's also still very hard and you are nooot making it easy for him 😌
once you're a little more awake you turn back to him and cuddle against him again and you can feel how hard he is, and you're blushing all over again bc you don't know how to react to that but he just says "just ignore it, it'll go away... well actually it might not if I'm with you all day but still just ignore it" and then youre both giggling bc he's so dumb ☹️ then he says "I do recall saying something last night... maybe something about continuing what we were doing?" and he's trying to guage your reaction, not wanting to push you at all but you just cuddle into him more and your voice is muffled when you say "yeah, I would like that" and he's so happy to hear that 😌
he tightens his arms around you and flips you over so you're on your back, you nearly scream at how fast he did it and he's laughing at the shocked look on your face, then he leans closer to your face and says "you're so cute, do you know that?" and kisses the red spots on your cheeks 😌 then he kisses a little trail towards your lips, but every time you turn your head to kiss back he moves and lands on the corner of your mouth or your chin 😌
finally you get frustrated and grab his jaw to hold him still so you can kiss him and he's sooooo turned on to see you taking what you want 😌 you spread your legs a little more so he can settle between them, and he has his hands tucked up under your shirt to rest on your sides 😌 he pulls back to kiss at your neck again, and of course he remembers all the spots you like from last night 😌 he definitely leaves one or two lovebites, nothing too crazy just a few little pink marks for him to run his thumb over 😌
after a few minutes you get impatient and pull him back up to your lips again and he doesn't even try to hold back the moan he lets out against you 😌 he never wants to stop kissing you, but the way you keep raising your hips to grind against him tells him that maybe you're getting a little too needy so he pulls back, looking absolutely drunk on you when he says "we can keep kissing like this, or we can do some other stuff... what do you want from me baby?" and you're staring at his swollen lips when you say "what kind of other stuff?" and he's smirking so big when he starts moving south, kissing all along your chest and tummy as he goes 😌
when he gets to the waistband of your shorts he looks up at you with an eyebrow raised, and you nod quickly and lift your hips to help him out 😌 he moans again when he sees you and how wet you are and ofc he drags a finger through the wetness and says "fuck, you're soaked for me already? we haven't even done anything yet" and you both know he's teasing bc you can see how hard he is, but you have to admit you like when he talks to you like that 😌
he brings his finger up to his lips and sucks on it, he closes his eyes and lets out another little moan and says "taste so good baby... gonna let me have a real taste?" and he can tell you're nervyyyyy but you nod and spread your legs a little more, so he gets settled between them and turns his head to kiss your thigh saying "nothing to be nervous for, you know I just want to make you feel good" and gives you a few more kissies on your thighs☹️
finally he has his face right where you want him, and he loops his arms around your legs to hold you still before he takes a deep breath in and says "you smell so good... bet you taste even better though" and he doesn't give you any more warning before he dives in 😌 he licks along the full length of you, then stops to suck your clit between his lips 😌 you're already gasping and fighting against his hold because it feels so good but he just holds a little tighter, and he's so strong he really has no problem keeping you still 😌
he can tell you're holding back on making noises, maybe you're embarrassed, he doesn't know, but he just can't have that so he pulls off and says "need to hear you lovie, I need to know I'm doing a good job, so let me hear you" and gets back into it 😌
your head tips back on the pillow and you let out a real moan when he sucks more harshly on your clit and you can literally feel him grin against you when he hears it 😌 he pulls away just enough to say "that's my good fucking girl" and then he's back at it, he has his face buried in you and he shakes his head back and forth to drive you crazy even more 😌
soon you're gasping that you're close and he speaks against you so you can barely understand him but it's something along the lines of "cum for me, show me how good I am" and he's making a mess, his tongue is everywhere at once and moving so fast against all the sensitive spots when you finally tense up and cum 😌 it's definitely the most intense thing you've ever felt and it seems to go on and on, especially since harry does not let up the whole time 😌
he just keeps working you through it until you grab his hair and pull him away, whining that's it's too much, and he has the most cocky look on his face when he sees how fucked out you look 😌 you're fighting for your life trying to breathe normally again but he just crashes his lips against yours and you can't help but moan, being able to taste yourself turns you on a lot more than you imagined it would 😌
you moan against his lips and he's cradling your face again, when he finally pulls back he says "well... how was that?" and you laugh breathlessly at how big his ego is, but you figure he's allowed to be cocky after making you cum that hard 😌 you say "it was... really fucking good, I won't even pretend, because that was the best orgasm I've ever had" and he's sooooo smug saying "good to know 😌"
and I still have more thoughts about that fwb concept... he's quickly discovered that going down on you is his favorite thing to do so he's always coming up to you asking if you want to practice 😌 even in front of people the demon hugs you from behind, whispering in your ear "why don't we get out of hear? i need some practice 😌" and you're blushing so hard but you nod and follow him to his car 😌 ofc he opens the door for you and is such a gentleman 😌
but that all goes out the window as soon as he gets in the car because he's been waiting all day and he's just obsessed with you 😌 he has his hand on your thigh and it's slowly creeping higher, pushing your dress out of the way and brushing against you 😌
this is the first time you're experiencing how much of a tease he can be, he's only giving you the most gentle light touches, and every time you move your hips to get more he pulls away, tsking and saying "don't be naughty, baby, need you to be a good girl and take what i give you" and you're absolutely soaking through your panties but he doesn't seem to care 😌 it feels like the longest car ride of your life, but finally he's pulling into his driveway and turning to kiss you 😌
you're so desperate and he can feel it in the way you grab his collar and pull him closer and closer, and if you let out a needy moan against his lips, who can really blame you? after all he has been teasing you all night 😌 finally he pulls away, and you're pouting and chase after his lips a bit but he just smiles saying "come on pretty girl, let's go inside so I can take care of you properly" and he leads you up the pathway 😌 you're clinging on him and he's having a hard time getting the door unlocked with how whiny you are, but finally he manages and pushes you inside 😌
he has you up against the wall before you can even think and when he presses his hips to yours your head tips back on the wall and you let out a loud moan, not even embarrassed because you can feel how hard he is and you know he must be feeling the same way after all the teasing 😌 he leaves one kiss at the corner of your mouth but then he goes for your neck, kissing very gently over the old lovebites he left and probably leaving a few more 😌 he's so possessive and he wants everyone to know he's the only one who makes you feel good like this 😌
and yeah maybe he secretly likes you as a lot more than friends or whatever this little arrangement is, but he's not about to think about that right now, now when he has you whining and squirming under him 😌 the dress you're wearing shows quite a lot of skin and he's very pleased to see that, he has easy access to kiss all over your shoulders and chest- but that's not his plan for today, so he dips back up to kiss your lips and he walks you toward his bedroom with your lips never leaving his 😌 he pushes you down on the bed and starts unbottoning his shirt, talking absentmindedly like he's just thinking out loud about what he wants to do to you 😌
he says "I think I'll give you my fingers this time... haven't done that yet have we? so far I've only used my tongue on your little pussy... so maybe this time I'll use my fingers, find your g-spot, get you to squirt for me? how's that sound?" and you're staring at him with wide eyes because he talks about such erotic things so casually and he looks at you expectantly, clearly wanting an answer, so you nod your head quickly and say "that sounds- sounds really good, yeah we can do that" and he's smirking so big when he walks back over and says "alright, that's what we'll do then... but firstly, you're wearing far too many clothes" and takes your hands to help you stand up before he pulls the dress over your head 😌
he drops it on the floor and says "you've been driving me crazy all night, you wore that little thing on purpose didn't you? knew it would turn me on" and you nod shyly, blushing harder when he unhooks your bra and drops it to the ground 😌 he lets out a little groan and says "got the prettiest fucking tits, baby, how come you've never let me see them before?" but he doesn't give you a chance to answer before he pushes you back down on the bed and gets his mouth on you 😌
he sucks one of your nipples into his mouth, licking and being so gentle and he brushes his thumb over the other one to feel you whine 😌he pulls his mouth away, blowing a gentle stream of air on you and he smirks when you gasp and arch your back up 😌 he says "you like that? you like having your pretty nipples played with?" and you nod so fast, gripping your fingers into his hair to hold him close when he moves to give some attention to the other one 😌 finally he pulls away, kissing his way up your chest before he rests his forehead on yours and says "haven't kissed you nearly enough today" and presses his lips to yours 😌
of course you love doing this but also you're all worked up and aching for him so you manage to pull away, just enough to say "I want you to kiss somewhere else" and he has suuuuch a cheeky smile on his face when he says "yeah? where?" knowing you're too shy to actually say it, but he still wants to tease you a bit 😌 you blush and say "you know where" and he goes "hmm I don't think I do, I might need a little reminder" and he's guaging how far he can take this before you break, but then you catch him off guard by grabbing his hand and guiding it down between the two of you 😌 you let go when it's between your legs, and he drags his fingertips against you, gasping a little and saying "oh, baby, you're so wet for me" and you nod, biting your lip a little when he circles your clit 😌 he says "you have been a good girl for me today, and i like good girls... so i think you should get what you're begging me for" still taking over you, and his voice is a bit condescending, but you can't pretend you don't love it 😌
he crawls down to settle between your legs, giving you one good lick before he looks up at you again and says "what did I tell you I was going to do?" and you stutter out "give me your fingers?" and he nods, tracing around your hole with his middle fingers and says "keep talking... what did I say I was going to do with my fingers?" and you're blushing so hard but you manage to say "you said you were going to find my g-spot and make me squirt?" and he murmurs "that's right..." and leans down to suck on your clit 😌 he gets you all worked up and ready before he finally slips his finger inside, and he can't help but moan against you when he feels you clench on him 😌
he tries a few different patterns, sometimes more tapping against it and sometimes rubbing back and forth, but he finds you squirm around most when he uses more pressure to really dig the pads of his fingers against it 😌 he settles on a rhythm like that, sucking your clit in the same pattern And soon your moans get a little louder and closer together and he's pretty sure you're about to cum 😌 he doesn't dare lift his head to ask though, he just follows your cues and moans again when your back arches 😌
of course you can feel him moan and it vibrates through you, making you moan and clench even harder, and you're both so turned on it hurts at this point 😌 his lips keep working, not leaving you for a second as he curls his finger and tries to find that spot that will make you see stars 😌he's pretty sure he's found it when you let out a sound that's somehwere between a gasp and a moan, and he knows he's right when he keeps pressing at that spot and you cry out 😌
he hums against you, questioning if that feels good, and you nod and say "right there, right there, please don't stop!" and he has no plans to stop anytime soon, so he slips a second finger inside and then starts moving them both against that little spot 😌
he's doing everything he can to hold you down with his one free arm, but you just can't help moving around when it feels so good 😌 finally you gasp out that you're close and he doesn't let up, he just keeps the same steady rhythm with his fingers and sucks a little harder on you, flicking his tongue against your clit as well and that's what finally does it for you 😌 your whole body locks up and you let out the loudest moan he's ever heard from you before he feels you gushing against his fingers 😌
he still doesn't slow down, he wants to help you ride it out for as long as possible, but soon you're pushing him away because it's too much 😌 he comes up to lay next to you, you're still breathing so heavily and you blush harder than he thought was possible when you see that his face is all wet 😌 you bring your thumb up to wipe some of it off his chin, and he catches your wrist and licks your finger clean 😌 he gives you a few minutes of just staring at his pretty face and trying to calm down before he asks "so I'm guessing that was good, then?" and you can't even bring yourself to tease him, you just nod and say "yeah... really fucking good" and he looks soooo satisfied with himself 😌 then you reach for his waistband and say "i could return the favor?" but he grabs your hand to stop you and says "no, i already came in my pants" and he doesn't even look embarrassed to admit that, because you're so hot and everything you do turns him on 😌 you're a little surprised but you say "okay... then will you just lay with me?" and he says "that I can do, but let's clean you up first" and gives you a soft kiss before he runs to grab a washcloth 😌
and you shake your head a little, saying "not like that- i want to touch you like you touch me" and he's nearly losing his mind from how turned on he is but he doesn't want to freak you out or embarrass you, so he just nods and says "we can do that... but why don't we finish up here first?" and your head tips back on the pillow and you nod, saying "yeah that would be good" and he can't help but smile at how cute you are 😌 he gets his mouth back on you again, circling his tongue around your clit and flicking it against you just how he knows you like 😌you curl your fingers in his hair, pushing his head a little more against you and he figures he'll tease you for that later but for now he just wants to make you cum 😌 by now he knows your body and all your reactions pretty well, so he can tell you're close when your thighs start to tense up and you grip his hair tighter and your moans get a little more breathy and higher pitched 😌
then you haven't been able to stop thinking about returning the favor from that night, but you're not quite sure how to bring it up to harry and you're also a little embarrassed about it because you've never done it before, but at the same time the whole point of this arrangement was for you to get experience so one day you bring it up 😌hes fingering you or going down on you again, something he's made very clear that he loves to do, and he can tell that you want something but he's not sure what. so he lifts his head to look at you while his fingers keep working and he says "i know you want something baby... tell me what it is and I swear i'll give it to you" and you can barely form words as his fingers keep pressing against that spot inside that he's so fond of, but finally you manage to say "I want- I want to make you feel good too" and he rests his head on your thigh, leaving a gentle little kiss on the skin there and he says "you do make me feel good, every time i touch you i feel so fucking good"
he works his fingers a little deeper, humming against you and that's what does it and has you cumming on his fingers 😌 he's very smug and satisfied as always, coming up to kiss you because even though you've never admitted it he knows you get off (at least a little bit) on being able to taste yourself on his lips 😌 he gives you a minute to collect yourself like he always does, holding your hand while you stare at the ceiling and try to start breathing normally again 😌 he kisses your hand a few times, murmuring about how you looked and sounded so pretty for him 😌 after a few minutes you look at him and say "can we do it right now?" and he laughs a little bit at how eager you are, then he says "we don't have to...I don't wanna rush you into anything" and you shake your head, sitting up a little to say "I want to though, I've wanted to for- a while" and you blush when you admit that, he grins so big and leans closer to make you look at him and he says "yeah? a while? you've been thinking about sucking my cock between your pretty lips for a while now?"
and you nod, nearly forgetting to breathe when he brushes his thumb over your lower lip as he speaks 😌 then he pulls back and says "come on then, i've been hard for you since i got here" and he stands at the edge of the bed, guiding your hands to undo his belt and pull his pants off 😌 you reach down and palm him through his boxers and his head falls back, he lets out a big sigh and says "already feels so good, baby" and since you're in such a position of power you decide to tease him the way he loves to tease you 😌 you say "really? i haven't even done anything yet and you're already whining" and he's caught off guard by your words since you're usually the shy and blushing one, so he swings his head back down to look at you and says "my girl has a filthy mouth, hm? why don't you show me what other filthy things that mouth can do?" and he's very satisfied to know he has the upper hand again when he sees you blush at that 😌
a bit of your confidence has faded away once you slips his boxers off, and he can see how nervous you look so he puts his hand over yours and says "look at me, please" and when you meet his eyes he says "we don't have to do this if you don't want to... just because i've done stuff for you doesn't mean you owe me anything in return, i need you to know that" and you nod, saying "i don't feel like i owe you anything, i just want to make you feel good like you do for me... i just don't really- i don't know what i'm doing, so i need you to tell me what you like" and he's both very emotional knowing you feel safe and respected by him and also very turned on by hearing you say that 😌 he says "thank you so much for being honest with me and trusting me, it really means a lot... and of course I'll tell you what to do, the reason we're doing this is for you to get some experience, isn't it?" even though you both know this little arrangement has already gone far beyond its original purpose 😌
but now is definitely not the time to discuss that, so you just nod and wrap your hand around him gently 😌 he says "wait, wait" and grabs your hand, opening your palm toward him and licking up the length of it slowly😌 your eyes go wide at what he's doing but he acts like nothing is out of the ordinary as he licks all over your palm and fingers, then he lets go and says "okay, now go ahead" and you're still slightly in shock from how erotic that was but you snap back into it and reach down again, gently taking him in your hand and looking up at him, he nods and says "just like that, just a little harder- there you go, just like that baby" and he's already breathing harder, trying so hard not to lose it when you start stroking up and down 😌 you keep flicking your eyes between his face and your hand, trying to gauge his reaction to see if you're doing a good job, but soon you don't have to look at him anymore because the sounds he's letting out are telling you that you're doing more than a good enough job 😌
after a few minutes of getting used to it you look up and ask "can i use my mouth?" and he groans deep in his chest, trying so hard to keep it together and he says "of course, if you want to" and he's about to give you some direction but you cut him off by leaning in to lick him 😌 he gasps and throws his head back, biting his lip so hard he thinks he might draw blood, but he really can't bring himself to care about that when you're making him feel so good 😌 you're just giving him little kitten licks while you keep stroking, but then you notice how much more tense he gets when you pay attention to his head so you focus your attention there for a while 😌 finally you get a little braver and suck him into your mouth, not taking him very deep yet because you're still getting used to the whole thing, but you circle your tongue around his head, and he lets out the whiniest moan you've ever heard, so you figure you must be doing alright 😌
you take him a little deeper, trying different things with your tongue to see what he likes, and your hand keeps stroking, and it's when you reach your other hand down to cup his balls and squeeze at them a bit that you can tell you really got him 😌 you can feel how tense he is and he's nearly trembling from trying so hard not to buck his hips, and his teeth are clenched when he says "i'm close, i'm so fucking close, you need to pull off" and you don't do what he says at first, not wanting to stop just yet when you know he's feeling so good, but he grips his hand in your hair and pulls gently, moving you back and away a little bit and his eyes nearly roll back when you pout at him 😌 your hand keeps stroking him and he says "didn't want to cum in your mouth for your first time- that wouldn't be very-"
finally he feels like he can open his eyes again, so he looks down to see you staring down at your chest and he immediately feels bad saying "i'm sorry, that was a lot, I'll go get a towel-" but he stops when you drag a finger through it and bring it up to your lips 😌 he's in awe as you suck your finger clean, keeping your eyes locked with his the whole time 😌you shrug a little at the shocked look on his face and say "wanted to know how you taste, since you're so obsessed with doing it to me" and he groans, still staring at your chest when he says "fuck, pretty girl, you're gonna be the death of me" and he gets up to grab a towel to clean you off 😌once everything is settled he pulls you into bed with him, cuddling you into his arms and taking a deep breath to smell your shampoo he loves so much😌 you're feeling a little self conscious so you say "did I do okay?" and he lets out a little huff of laughter, nuzzling against your neck to say "i can honestly say i've never cum that hard in my life" and you blush at his crude words, but ultimately you're just happy you did good for him 😌 he mumbles something like "i don't know how you always make me feel so good, but you really do" and you smile, but before you can respond his breathing evens out and you can tell he's asleep😌
and he nearly chokes on his words when you lean in to lick him again 😌 he's moaning basically every other word and he says "need to- baby i'm so close, where do you want me to-" and you move back just a little, still stroking him, and say "on my chest, please?" and he nearly loses it right then hearing how sweetly you asked 😌he manages to look down at you and says "of course baby, always gonna give you what you want-" and then his head tips back again and he finally cums 😌 you're a little surprised at how much there is, and you're a lot more into this than you thought you would be as it hits your skin 😌 as he's coming down he looks back down at you and he has to close his eyes for a moment, because the sight of you covered in him is just too much to take so soon after cumming 😌
no one can convince me fwb harry isn't into watching you touch yourself.... one day you get together and it's been a while since you've seen him, maybe you're both busy bc of finals or whatever but then one day the just shows up at your door 😌 he pushes you inside and he's kissing you right away, breaking away to say "missed you so much" before he's back on you 😌 he walks you to your bedroom and at this point he doesn't need any guidance, he knows exactly where he's going 😌 he's saying the filthiest shit against your skin as he kisses down your neck, all "don't know how i lasted so long without touching you" and "i bet you're absolutely dripping for me" and then he pushes you to sit on the bed, he looks down at you and says "and I know you missed me too... poor thing, you haven't been touched in so long have you" and you're starting to feel really comfortable with him, to the point where you feel like you can talk back a little to rile him up, so you say "i mean, i still touched myself" and he's a bit taken aback to hear you talking so bluntly, but he recovers fast and says "did you? i bet it wasn't as good as when i do it, though" and you're still feeling a bit bratty so you shrug and say "i guess you'll never know, will you?"
and his eyes darken a bit at that and you know you have him right where you want him 😌 he gets kind of an evil looking smirk on his face and he says "yeah? it's like that? why don't you show me then?" and your face drops, but he just keeps talking 😌
he says "you want to be a brat? do it then, show me how you touched yourself" and he's so smug knowing he got you flustered again, but then he sees how hesitant you look so he drops his facade right away and moves closer, cupping your face in his hands to make you look at him and he says "hey, you know i'm just playing, right? we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with" and you shake your head a little bit, keeping eye contact when you say "i want to" and he smirks again, knowing you're okay to keep up the act, and he says "yeah? quit fucking around and show me then" and his words have you more than a little turned on 😌
he pushes you to lay down but he stays standing over you, watching your every move as you slide your hand down to the waistband of your sweats 😌 then he realizes something, and his eyebrows furrow when he says "are those- are you wearing my sweatpants?" and you nod, your eyes locked with his as you slip your fingers under the fabric 😌 his head tips back and he groans, because the sight of you touching yourself while you wear his clothes is just too much for him 😌 so much that he can't help but reaching down to palm himself through his jeans 😌
then he lifts his head back up to look at you, and he's so turned on he can barely think 😌 your fingers are moving slowly, but he can't quite see what you're doing through all the layers of fabric 😌 and you've pulled your shirt up to expose your pretty bra, and his eyes go wide when he sees the lacy little thing and he says "you were planning this, weren't you? you wanted me to come over" and you say in a breathy voice "one of your friends told me you left the house, and i figured you might be coming here" and he snorts saying "you're so needy for me, you just assume I'm coming to see you every time i leave the house?" and you say "i was right though, wasn't I?" and for the first time that night he's a bit speechless 😌
after a few minutes of seeing you rub slow circles and listening to your breathing speed up, he pulls your hand away and sucks two of your fingers into his mouth 😌 your eyes go wide but you watch him, circling his tongue around them and moaning at the way you taste 😌 once they're soaked and you're very much out of breath he pulls your hand away and says "now i want you to put them inside, and fuck yourself like i would" and you don't even move to do what he said right away, you're just staring at him a little bit shocked but he raises an eyebrow and says "did you not hear me? i told you to fuck yourself with your fingers" and you shake your head saying "sorry, sorry, i heard you" and slide your hand back down, and he's watching with a very satisfied grin on his face and says "been such a brat today, but i'm glad you're finally listening to me" and you close your eyes, trying not to whimper at how filthy his words always are 😌
because it's true, he's just as needy for you as you are for him😌 then he says "that's enough teasing, why don't you take those pants off" and you're not really in the mood to tease him anymore so you do what he said, and you're about to settle back on the bed but he stops you saying "the shirt too" and you take that off as well, and you're reaching for the bra clasps but he shakes his head and says "leave that on for now" 😌
finally you lay back and look at him, and he's just staring at you like it's the first time he's ever seen you 😌 you roll your eyes and say "it's nothing you haven't seen before you weirdo" and he just grins and says "yeah, but you're pretty every time" which makes you bluuush 😌 then he says "go on, keep touching" and you do what he said, reaching back down between your legs 😌 he watches as you slowly rub circles around your clit, biting on your lip because it feels good 😌his eyes keep flickering between your hand and your face like he can't decide which he wants to focus on, but finally he settles on your hand and watches the way your fingers move 😌
but he's not having that, he grabs your wrist and pulls it away again, and when your eyes shoot open and you start to protest he says "you keep your eyes on me, or you don't get to touch at all" and at this point you can't even tell if he's bluffing, but he certainly looks very serious so you nod and say "i'll keep them open, i promise i will" and he smiles, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips before he lets go of your hand and says "that's my good girl... now go ahead" so you take a deep breath, moving your hand down yet again and he watches as you trace down your tummy, running your fingers over the sensitive skin lightly to tease yourself a little 😌 he's making mental notes the whole time, seeing how you whimper when your fingers trace over your hipbones and how you clench your thighs a little tighter when you use your nails to scratch lightly 😌
your eyes are locked on him as you slowly trace your fingers through the wetness that's gathered from all the teasing, even though he's not looking at your face because he's so focused on your fingers 😌 you let out a soft moan when you brush against your clit again, and everything feels so much more intense than normal since you know he's watching your every move 😌 finally he's had enough of watching your slow and teasing movements so he says "what did i just say? i told you to put your fingers inside, didn't I? such a brat... i don't like bratty girls, i like good girls, so be a good girl and do what i told you" and his voice is low and serious and you're not sure it's a good idea to test him any further so you do as he said, sliding your fingers lower to slip them inside 😌
you sigh at the feeling, sliding your fingers in and out slowly to get used to it and harry is absolutely obsessed with you 😌 he can't stop staring at how wet you are, or how much you're stretching yourself out from just two fingers 😌 how your fingers slide in and out so easily because you're soaked 😌 finally he pulls his eyes away to meet your eyes again, smiling softly when he sees your eyes are locked on his like he told you to do 😌 he says "finally being a good girl, are we?" and you nod, not stopping the movements of your fingers as he talks to you 😌he says "i'm glad to hear that, you know why?" and your voice is a little shaky but you still manage to answer him, saying "no, why?" and he says "because good girls get rewarded" and the way his voice is so sultry and low only turns you on more, your eyes slipping closed as you get closer and closer to the edge 😌
only a few seconds later he gives you a little slap on the face, not hard at all just enough to get your attention, and your eyes fly back open to see him right in front of you and he says "what did i tell you? said to keep your eyes on me... it almost seems like you don't want me to be nice to you" and you shake your head, saying "i'm sorry, I do, it just feels good" and he shakes his head, saying "you keep being naughty like that and you won't like what happens" and you're so helplessly turned on that you figure it's in your best interest to listen to him, because he's shown you before that he's very fond of things like edging and he can tease you alllll night if he wants to 😌 then he sees how your fingers have slowed down and he says "none of that, baby, need you to keep going, make yourself feel good" and you nod, pushing your fingers a little deeper 😌 your palm rubs against your clit and you let out the most needy moan he's heard tonight, and he reaches down to palm himself again and says "that's a good girl, that's what i like to see" and you can't even focus on him anymore because there's just too much going on 😌
after a few minutes of building yourself up you're starting to think you need more, so you try to push your fingers deeper but you can't really reach with the angle, and he sees your face scrunching up and he smirks a little bit, saying "it doesn't feel as good as when i do it, does it baby" and you shake your head, still trying to reach for that spongy spot inside that he always finds so easily, but then you huff and say "will you just do it?" and he laughs, saying "I don't think so, you told me you did this all the time when i was away, so what's stopping you now?" and you whine, moving your legs around a little because you're getting restless and say "but you're here now, so why won't you just do it?" and he says "because you've been a brat today, and brats don't get what they want" and you pout at him, but he just traces over your bottom lip with his thumb and says "put that away, good girls don't pout" so you do, tipping your head back a little as you move your hips up so your hand will rub a little more against your clit, and he glances down again to keep watching 😌
then he says "since i can tell you're trying to be good for me, how about this: you make yourself cum first, and then i'll give you my fingers?" and it's not exactly what you want, but you know harry can and will hold out for as long as he wants to so you nod quickly, saying "yes, i'll do it, i want to be good for you" and he smirks and leans in to kiss you 😌 you were already close before but having his weight on top of you and his lips against yours gets you so much closer to the edge, so you're moving your fingers a little harder and grinding your hips up against your hand and you're barely kissing back because you're just moaning into his mouth😌 he's not to proud to admit he's more turned on than he probably ever has been before, and he can tell you're close when your moans get a little whinier and closer together😌 he barely even pulls away, just enough to say "cum for me, give me a good one and i'll give you what you want" before he's on you again, and it's only a few more seconds before you cum 😌
it's desperate and frantic and he's absolutely obsessed with how he can literally feel you tensing up under him as you moan 😌 finally he pulls away and he has to whisper for you to breathe, because your eyes are clenched shut and it seems like you're pretty out of it, but then you take a few deep breaths in and open your eyes to look at him again and he's having a really hard time keeping his lips off yours 😌 he leans in for another kiss, moaning because you're so sweet and because he's so turned on from watching that all go down 😌he barely gives you a minute to recover before he's reaching down between your legs, he bats your hand out of the way and rubs the pads of his fingers on your clit and you cry out into his mouth 😌 he pulls back to look at you while his fingers keep working and he says "too much? want me to stop?" and you shake your head, breathing heavily but you say "don't stop, feels so good" and pull him down for another kiss 😌
his fingers slip inside sooo easily from how wet you are, and he curls them to find your g-spot right away, which has you crying out again😌 his thumb comes to rest on your clit, rubbing slowly in time with his fingers inside, and he can tell you're getting close right away since you were still so sensitive when he started touching you 😌 you're moaning pretty much constantly against him, and his lips curl up in a cocky smirk when he feels you clenching on his fingers 😌 he pulls away and says "are you close, baby? can feel you squeezing on me... you're always so tight, and wet for me aren't you" and his words have you that much closer already, so you grip onto his shoulders as you nod😌 he kisses your cheek and says "open your eyes, i want you to look at me while i make you cum" and that has you clenching on him yet again, and it's almost too much to handle but you do as he said anyways, opening your eyes to meet his 😌
he moves his thumb down to collect some of the wetness that's gathered there, and then he moves back up to your clit to rub a little harder, and you moan so loudly that he knows you're close 😌 he says "i know you're going to cum for me, so just do it, just let go and feel good" and he leans down to kiss at the sensitive spot right below your ear, and that's all it takes to finally make you cum 😌 he feels every muscle in your body tense up, and you squeeze on his fingers so much harder than before and your nails are digging into his shoulders so hard that it almost hurts, but he likes it a lot more than he knows how to admit 😌 his fingers keep moving, working you through it, until you reach for his wrist and try to pull him away, gasping that it's too much 😌
he moves his hand, bringing his fingers up to his lips to lick them clean, and he keeps eye contact with you the whole time 😌 once he's done he leans down to kiss you, both of you moaning against each other 😌 finally he pulls away and says "that was the hottest fucking thing i've ever seen" and you giggle a little bit, saying "yeah, it was alright for me too" and he looks at you with a cheeky smile saying "oh really? only alright? should we go again, then?" and you're like "no, no, I'm good for a while" and he laughs saying "that's what i thought" before he flops down next to you 😌
you and fwb harry would have such a good thing going then, any time you're stressed or needy or just missing each other you get together 😌 there's always lots of unhurried kissing because he's just obsessed with your lips, and bc he loves having you sit on his lap 😌 that almost always leads to grinding on him until you're whimpering against his lips, and at that point he's smiling and picking you up to bring you to the bedroom 😌 and of course this always leads to one or two mindblowing orgasms 😌 and pretty soon you realize that you have a crush 😌 and ofc you've always had a little crush, i mean look at him, but now you're thinking that it's more of a crush crush 🤭 but you're both too scared to say anything, so you just continue on like everything is normal, getting together at least 3 times a week and you're basically already dating 😌 then one day you're cuddled up on the couch together, sitting between his legs with your back against his chest, watching a show but not really paying attention, and you lift your head and say "Harry?" and he hums to let you know he's paying attention, and you just decide to go for it because you've waited long enough so you say "do you ever want to have sex? with me?" and you can feel him freeze against you, he actually stops breathing for a second but then he tries to play it cool and he's all "yeah, of course I do" and he's trying so hard to be chill so he doesn't freak you out but inside he's like 😋😆😄😘😝bc he thinks maybe it's fiiiiinally happening 😌
he says "you know I'm always going to give you anything you want, hm? if having sex is what you want then I would be more than happy to do that with you, but if you aren't ready to take that step yet that's okay too... I think we both know I'm fucking obsessed with you and I'm more than happy with anything we do" and you're blushing a bit at his words but you keep your eyes on his and say "I know... I'm pretty obsessed with you too" and he laughs, leaning in to kiss your cheek and saying "well I'm glad to hear that" and you nod, just looking at him for a few seconds before you say "I want to though, I don't want to wait anymore and I just want to feel you like that" and he can already feel himself getting hard under you, but he doesn't want to rush things so he just nods and says "I want to feel you like that too" and you smile a little bit, leaning in to kiss him 😌 it's very soft and gentle at first, kind of just feeling each other, and then it quickly gets more heated 😌
and you nod, still not looking at him, and he thinks you're not going to say anything else but then you say "do you maybe want to do it sometime soon?" and he's losing his mind hearing you talk like this but he just says "yeah, of course baby, whenever you feel like you're ready" and you're quiet for a minute and he really thinks you're going to drop it for now but then you're very quietly asking "do you want to do it tonight?" and his eyes nearly roll back in his head 😌 he takes a deep breath and says "come on, turn around so I can look at you" and he helps you get resettled so you're straddling him, which is definitely a favorite position for both of you 😌you have your hands braced on his chest and you're suddenly feeling very shy so you're staring at them instead of his face, but he grips your chin with two fingers and tilts your head up to look at him 😌
he grabs the sides of your face to hold you close and your fingers clutch tighter in his shirt, his tongue swipes over your bottom lip and you open your mouth a little to let him in 😌 soon you start moving your hips against his slowly and he lets out a low groan, he keeps trying to pull away to say something but he can't stay away from your lips from long and you can't either, but he manages to get a few words out between kisses 😌 saying "why don't we- let's take this- let's go upstairs" and you make no move to stand up, you just keep kissing on him, so he finally just wraps his arms around you a little tighter and stands up 😌 he keeps you wrapped around him and his lips don't even leave yours as he stumbles into his bedroom, and then he drops you on the bed and stands over you to look at you 😌 he's breathing so hard and his lips are swollen, and his hair is a little messy from where your fingers were running through it 😌
he says "lay back pretty girl, need to get you ready for me first" and you stare at him for a few seconds before you say all in a rush "take your shirt off" and he's smirking so big saying "oh really? want me to take my clothes off?" and you nod, and he sighs dramatically and says "I guess so, just for you" even though you both know he's very much into this 😌 he pulls his shirt off and lets you stare for a while, but then he says "now your turn" and at this point you're not even shy bc he's seen you naked so many times already so you take yours off too 😌 ofc he staring at your chest right away, and he says "you're so fucking pretty, baby" and you blush, looking down, but he says "none of that now, need you to look at me" so you look up again and he smiles and says "that's my good girl" and steps closer to the bed 😌 you have to tip your head back to keep eye contact bc he's so much taller than you 😌 he steps closer again to he's standing right between your legs, and he grips your chin to keep you looking at him 😌
he says "I need you to promise that if you ever want to stop, or something doesn't feel right, or you're just not feeling it anymore, you'll tell me right away" and you nod, but he says "I need your words, baby" so you say "i will, i promise" and he strokes his thumb over your cheekbone, looking in your eyes to make sure you're sure 😔 your heart is beating so fast and you're a little nervous, but you know this is exactly what you want 😔 he says "lay back for me?" and you do, scooting up to lay your head on the pillows, and he's just watching you, so obsessed with how you look laid out in his bed like this 😌 he crawls up next to you, kissing up your chest as he says "I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby, all you have to do is lay there and look pretty" and you nod, tangling your fingers in his hair as he kisses around your nipple 😌 he remembers you're pretty sensitive there, so he spends a bit of time paying attention to them 😌 soon he can feel your thighs clenching together and he murmurs "that feel good, baby?" and you nod again, letting out a breathy little sigh when he smiles against your skin and starts sucking a little mark into your collarbone 😌 he runs his thumb over the pink spot and says "now everyone will know you're mine" and he is soooo smug about that 😌
he keeps kissing around, all over your neck and shoulders and just anywhere he can, tell you how pretty you are and how much he likes the little noises you let out 😌 he works his way down your chest, licking over your tummy bc he loves the way you giggle when he finds a sensitive spot 😌 he definitely bites on your hipbones to make you squirm and playfully try to push his head away, but he just smiles and gives you another little kiss 😌 finally he gets to the waistband of your shorts and he says "can i take these off?" and you nod, lifting your hips to help him out 😌 he groans a little when he sees you're not wearing anything under them, and then he looks up at you and says "you little minx, you were planning this weren't you?" and you blush a little but shrug and say "a girl can dream" and he shakes his head with a smile, laying his head down on your thigh and giving you a few little kisses while his fingers dance around 😌 he drags his fingertips up and down your inner thighs, and when you try to move your hips up to get him to touch you he moves away every time 😌
finally you huff and say "will you just touch me already?" and he smirks a little bit saying "patience, love, need you to be ready for me first" and you're getting frustrated so you say "that would be a lot easier if you would stop teasing" and he laughs saying "don't act like you don't love it when i tease you, I can literally see how wet you are right now" and you know he can do this for as long as he wants to so finally you give in and whine "please, I need you" and that's exactly what he wanted to hear 😌 he finally moves his fingers to brush over your clit, and he can see you relax now that you're finally getting what you want 😌 he starts rubbing slow circles just the way he knows you like, and after a few moments he replaces his fingers with his tongue 😌
then he brings his fingers up to your mouth and taps them on your bottom lip, clearly wanting you to get them wet for him 😌 once he decides he's ready he pulls them out and brings them back down and slips two inside 😌 ofc this is nothing new for you, you've down this before lots of times but he always knows just what to do to make you lose your breath 😌he keeps sucking on your clit, and he crooks his fingers up to find your g spot 😌 soon you're moving your hips up in time with his fingers and he moans against you and you can tell he's grinding down onto the bed a little bc he's so turned on 😌 he keeps doing exactly what you like, pressing his fingers against the sensitive spot and flicking his tongue against your clit 😌 he lifts his head just enough to say "cum for me baby" and gets back into it, and a few seconds later you're tensing up and gripping his hair to push him against you 😌
he works you through it, grinning when you swear a few times and gasp his name bc he knows you're feeling so good, and it's all because of him 😌 his fingers are sliding in and out so easily from how wet you are and he's absolutely obsessed with the feeling, but soon he has to pull away bc you're gasping that it's too much 😌 he comes up to kiss you and as always you moan against his lips, but this time when he pulls away you say "i like it when you do that" and he knows exactly what you mean but he wants to hear you say it, so he says "when I do what?" and you blush a little bit but keep eye contact to say "when you kiss me after you- you know, and I can taste it on your lips" and he thinks he's never been more turned on in his life 😌 and he smirks and says "yeah? guess I'll have to do it more often then, won't i?" and you nod, still blushing, but he doesn't let you feel too embarrassed before he's kissing you again 😌
and he sees you're starting to look a little nervous, so he puts his hand on your cheek to make you look at him and he says "nothing to be nervous for, we'll go slow and I'll take care of you like I always do... I'm always gonna take care of my pretty girl" and he kisses you so gently 😔 you nod, and he reaches back down to open the package and roll the condom on and you're watching the whole time, he sees you staring and he smirks saying "don't worry baby, I'll let you do it next time" and you blush, but nod saying "i would like that" and he looks so satisfied 😌 then he cages himself over you again, pushing your head down on the pillows, and his eyes get so soft and he says "you are, you know? you're so pretty, prettiest girl I've ever seen" and he leans down to kiss your cheek 😔
I think he would definitely take his time with you, he wants you to be very wet and ready for him bc... well he's not small 😌 soon you're moaning against his lips again and trying to move your hips up, so he takes that as his cue that you're ready 😌 he slides his hand back down and lets out a soft hum, saying "you're so wet, is that all for me?" and you nod so fast, finally speaking up again to say "you know it is, now please stop teasing I'm ready" but he doesn't think he's had enough kissing yet, so he leans back down for another 😌 he rubs his fingers slowly to get you worked up again, and when you start whining into his mouth he decides to have mercy and give you what you want 😌 he rolls away and reaches into the nightstand drawer, and you take a deep breath when he pulls out a condom bc you're a little bit like 😶 oh this is actually happening for real 😶
he stays like that for a few moments, then you huff and say "you're making me nervous, will you just do it already?" and he can't help but laugh at how impatient you are 😌he reaches down to rub at your clit a few more times, then he says "ready?" and you nod, gripping his shoulder, and he starts to push in 😌 you gasp a little bit at the new feeling, and he stops right away, searching your face to make sure you're okay and he says "alright? want me to stop?" and you shake your head saying "it doesn't hurt, just feels kind of weird" and he acts all offended like "oh so now my dick is weird 🙄" and then you're both giggling, and you say "you're so annoying" and he nuzzles his nose on your cheek saying "you love it" and your face is all scrunched up bc it tickles, but you both know he's right and you absolutely do love it 😌
"right there, please don't stop" and he shakes his head, murmuring "I'm not gonna stop, I'm gonna make my girl feel good just like I promised i would" and he reaches down to rub your clit 😌 he goes in circles in time with his thrusts in and out, and then when he's deep inside he uses his other hand to press down on your lower stomach and you nearly scream 😌 he says "right there, hm? you feel me, deep in your tummy?" and you nod, gripping at his wrist to hold his hand in place 😌 soon your head tips back and you say "I'm close- I'm so close" and he nods saying "cum for me baby, show me how good i make you feel" and your nails dig into his arm as all your muscles tense up 😌 you gasp his name a few times and he can tell you're so close, so he leans in to whisper in your ear "want to feel you cum while I'm inside you"
he pushes in a little more, and it stings a little bit from the stretch but it's nothing too bad by any means, and anyways you have his pretty face and his lips on yours to distract you 😌 though you're barely kissing each other, you're just moaning and letting out needy little noises against each other's lips 😌 soon he's almost all the way in, and he huffs out a big breath and puts his head in your neck saying "almost there, baby, you're doing so good for me... still feeling okay?" and you nod because it's starting to feel good, with how big and warm he is and how he's deeper than his fingers have ever been able to reach, and you say "It feels different but- good, feels good" and he groans, pulling out a little bit so he can slide back in, and you feel him shudder a little when he whines "you're so tight, feels so good-" and then his hips are finally pressed against yours, and you're both breathing so heavily because it's so new and feels so good and you both like each other so much, even if nothig has been officially admitted 😌
he's trying to keep himself together when he says "I'm all the way in, you feel so fucking good" and he sounds a little desperate 😌 you clench around him, just to see how it feels, and he lets out the neediest noise you've ever heard and drops his head to rest on your collarbones and says "don't do that, I won't last long if you do that" but you do it again, since it feels good for you too, and he nearly whimpers 😌 finally he says "are you- can i move?" and you breathe out a little yes, and he has to take a deep breath before he pulls out and then pushes back in, and you're both wound so tight and needy for each other that just that one movement has you shaking 😌 he grinds his hips against yours, pushing as deep as he can, and he smiles when you moan out and he knows he's right on your g spot 😌 he says "yeah? right there baby?" and does it again, and you clench around him and saying
and that's all it takes to have you nearly yelling his name 😌 he watches your face, absolutely obsessed with the way you look when he's pleasing you, and keeps rubbing his fingers until you come down enough to try and push him away 😌 then you're out of breath and a little overwhelmed but you manage to get out "I want you to cum too, I know you're close" and clench down on him again, and he groans saying "I am pretty girl, I'm so fucking close, you have no idea what you do to me" and you lean up to kiss under his ear, right where you know he's sensitive, and whisper "then show me" and he lets out the most feral moan before he grabs your hips and pulls them against his so he can be as deep as possible when he cums 😌
then he flops down on top of you, and you're both breathing so hard and he rests his hand on your chest and smiles when he feels how fast your heart is beating 😌 after a few minutes he says "please know I'm serious when i tell you that was the best sex I've ever had" and you're blushing right away, but he doesn't make you answer because he says "feeling okay? are you alright for me to get a cloth to clean you up?" and you nod, all 🥹 on the inside at how considerate he is 😔 when he comes back with the warm washcloth he spreads your legs gently, and you gasp and tense up because your so sensitive when it brushes against your skin but he shushes you quietly saying "I know baby, I'm almost done" and then he throws it off to the side and crawls back up next to you 😔 you're both quiet for a moment, and you're feeling so safe tucked in his arms, and you take a deep breath and say "I'm glad you were my first time" and he nuzzles his face in your neck, giving you a few gentle kisses before he says "me too" 😔 then he speaks up again, and he sounds so nervous but he says "I'm glad you trusted me with this... i really like you, and I have for a long time" and you smile, cuddling more against him when you say "I really like you too" and you can feel him smiling against your skin as he hugs you a little tighter 😔
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Leviathan Chronicles - reaction part 3?
These are more mixed reactions from last year when I listened for the first time.
Spoilers ahoy!
Lol that news intro song, i personally used it myself. ooh i hope these 2 hackers are some of the immortals that macallan was hoping to bring back to leviathan. OOH this is v interesting, no narrator this time? i LIKE IT. nvm the narrator is back. ok so this is gonna be harlequin. im curious how he's gonna get back into the main story. lol defcon. lol shrillex. lol pwned. ooh i like lazette tipping that waittress. LOL lazette complaining about dyed hair & punk fashion cracks me up. but i wish leviathan chronicles wasnt so ridiculously straight. thats why im hoping seinshen be bi. "hackers are not the most socially adjusted people" LMFAO LMFAO. ok so harlequin & lazette are smart to try to get a hacker to go down to leviathan to undo the virus. thats smarter than anything macallan attempted lol. is deepfaking really the best form of hacking? lmfao, i wonder if whiteegg is a discount apple. hmm, 2 episodes focused on harlequin already? lol, i love lazette's pickpocketing people. what WTF lazette just up and told him everything??? yea lazette you revealed too much. "what this isnt the test? i can hold my breath! i like the fishies!" its a great coincidence that cluracan knows about sanctuary. does that mean he's part of blackdoor or formerly? LOL I LOVE LAZETTE BREAKING INTO DR WHATSHISFACE. oooh elevator lock picking. her scene is fun. as much as i dislike any of the hetero ships, i think cluracan & lazette do work well together. i’m v glad that harlequin actually got rest & recovery??? SIGH, i wish harlequin or cluracan were girls so that A) girl hackers and b) lesbians. so cluracan can just take this much time off work? that said, macallan's employer's arent looking for her either? no missing persons report? ok thank god harlequin cleared his name phew. um HARLEQUIN YOU NEED TO INTRODUCE LAZETTE & CLURACAN. btw all those other scientists & programmers cant figure it out, how do you expect a mortal whose never seen this tech before, figure it out? LMFAO at this time, macallans team, tulley, seinshen's team are galloping around new york, arent they?
ooh flashback. but yeah i have a concern that tulley/toshi/anton wont go as smoothly. huh i noticed that season 1 & 2 used actual chinese/japanese VAs, but not there anymore in season 3. OH WAIT shitshitshit jason was actually freaking eaten by a crocodile? oh nvm. lol if jason was eaten by a crocodile that wouldve been lame. lol whit: wait, these esuits are our camp wtf? yo leviathan have created so many different suits/mechas. ok so what is going on with jason? and what did jason do to toshi? OMG FREDDY? lmfao tulley. uhhh christof does freddy's voice? that feels awkward... im glad toshi didnt do anything weird or escape. ooh oberlin is back. ok yeah its a real good thing tulley brought along anton xD omg death by fugu? xD ooh this is a good way to release toshi from his dad too. poor innocent oberlin has been thru so much im glad he has revenge. aha. i had a feeling evangeline would prioritize the lives of the people over the location of leviathan. "i hope you can steal this virus away." clever.omg shit did harlequin stab her to sleep? wait... macallan you seriously havent showered even tho tulley & anton were recovering for days when they first arrived at leviathan? alright, so team macallan & team seinshen are gonna meet up again at the aliens. im curious where anton is gonna go now. esp since he think seinshen has betrayed them & vice versa. lol whoever is sound designing seinshen's team needs to have a good bank of insect foley lmfao. ok whit, if the wall shocked you the first time, why would you touch it again. oh leviathan's flag features real leviathan i think? ooh team seinshen got to the aliens. oof so bennu & black door were exchanging leviathan tech. damn this world building is tasty. jesus, fiiiiinally whit & jason are fiiinally answering questions. and dammit. poor rebecca's VA has to do a LOT of distressing noises. omgomgomg poor seinshen & rebecca. ok alexander is still nearby right? what is the pen writing thing gonna be? dang this keyhole took a long time to close. i guess as long as christof is voicing seinshen, he gonna have plot armor. yo this computer virus is creepy as hell. what the FUCK was bennu capable of? i dont really understand this tech hacking plan. but lol at lazette shading the mayor. i dont really like this mayor. oh no im really worried. but i suppose at least everyone in leviathan is working together instead of bad allyship of seinshen's "team". lol "ew my clothes gonna be gross" "i'll do your laundry". omg this is super claustrophobic and she was climbing. "get wrekt" (ep madax) LOL. omg poor lazette id be terrified.
#personal#audio drama#podcasts#reaction#leviathan chronicles#the leviathan chronicles
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trashytummiez · 3 years
oh my goodness if you did a raven & beast boy thing I think I’d be forever grateful 🥲
Warning: contains burps hiccups indigestion tummy aches tummy rubs
"Unnngh...I can't believe I let you talk me into this," groaned Raven. A sharp hiccup erupted out of her and made her cover her mouth with both a blush and a groan.
Beast Boy responded with a gargantuan burp then slumped back in his chair. Smacking his lips he patted his belly and gave a satisfied sigh. His middle was bulging out with considerable roundness to it like smuggling a fleshy basketball beneath his incredibly tight spandex costume. "Man that was delish!" Beast Boy mused then rubbed his bloated stomach contently. "Ya didn't do half bad either Raven! Kind of amazed ya could keep up!"
After hiccuping again Raven groaned miserably to herself and stroked her own tummy. It was considerably heavier than normal and stuck out like a cute little potbelly beneath her own spandex costume. Her stomach wasn't nearly as bloated as Beast Boy's but it was still a pretty considerable food baby belly she was sporting.
She huffed in an exhausted way and slowly ran her fingers up and down her curved out middle. It felt so uncomfortably tight to the touch. Raven very clearly wasn't used to eating so much.
"...I am never...ever...ever...hic..eating this much again..." Raven muttered groggily. A sharp hiccup made her body jerk and forced her to take a deep breath to try and settle her overly full stomach down.
"C'mon admit it. That pizza was pretty killer right?" Beast Boy urged when his face suddenly tightened uncomfortably. He thumped his chest a few times until a long throaty burp erupted out of him. "Heh. Tastes just as killer comin' back up too!" Beast Boy joked after getting a whiff of his eructation.
Raven cringed in disgust.
"You're a pig," Raven remarked.
Beast Boy grinned then suddenly transformed into a pig and oinked at her teasingly. But then he cringed and reverted back immediately dropping his hands on his turbulent tummy when it started burbling deeply. "Ungf...'kay best not too that on a full stomach..."
Raven rolled her eyes then cringed when her own tummy gave a thick gurgle. She held her belly with one hand and held her freehand over her mouth. The young gray-skinned teen swallowed a gas bubble she could feel trying to creep up her throat then huffed.
"Ungh...feels so heavy..." she moaned and puffed some air off to the side.
Of course her musings were interrupted when yet another massive burp rumbled out of Beast Boy. He was clutching down on his bulging belly with hands and pushing down to make his burp as loud and as long as he could. The green skinned boy sighed heavily when he finally got it all out and slapped his belly with utter relief. "Unnnngh fiiiiinally!" he boasted wearily and then uttered a smaller after burp.
Raven flashed him an annoyed glare beneath her hood. "Dude you're being really grooOoOOOOOOOOOUUURRRPP!!!!" But to her mortal dread her disapproving commentary was interrupted by a big raunchy burp cutting her off mid-sentence.
Her eyes bugged out and her face flushed intensely when she desperately clamped her hands over her mouth.
"Oh g-gods excuse me...!" she muttered behind her hands in deep embarrassment.
Beast Boy grabbed his sides and laughed hysterically.
"Gahahahahahah!!! Dude nice one!" he praised and held his hand out for a high-five.
Raven just stared at him in an eternally dumbfounded way.
"...What is wrong with you...?"
"Aw c'mon! That was impressive! And I'll bet it felt good comin' up too right?" Beast Boy insisted with a cheeky grin.
Raven was about to tell him off but her tummy gave another thick gurgle. She could feel another gas bubble simmering up her gullet. This time she held her hand tightly around her lips and gave a thick closed mouth burp that could still be heard rumbling from within her slightly puffed and once again flush cheeks.
"Ungh...think I have heartburn," Raven remarked and gingerly rubbed her chest with one hand and her belly with the other.
"Yeah eatin' tons'uh pizza will do that. Plus this stuff is insanely greasy. Why d'ya think it's so tasty?" Beast Boy commented. "Why d'ya think I'm always burping after chowing down on this stuff?"
"Because you're a gross shameless boy?" Raven replied in a deadpanned drone.
"Nah! Well-I mean yeah-but that's not completely it! Nah it's cuz that's how I keep all the pressure in my gut so it ain't gettin' all grumbly and starts givin' me a bellyache."
As if to prove his point Beast Boy's belly gave an insanely gaseous groan. He winced and held his bulging tummy with both hands. The green boy looked uncomfortable for a second until he took a deep breath then slapped his belly heavily. That slap made Beast Boy let loose with a huge burp that blasted out of his mouth like a gunshot.
It morphed into him sighing heavily and grinning ear to ear. "Ahhh see?"
Raven was busy ringing out her in annoyance. But when her tummy emitted a very deep gastric burbling of its own she lamented.
This was going to be so gross.
With little recourse to combat her indigestion Raven caved. She gripped her bloated belly tightly with both hands then threw her head back. The burp she let out was so loud that even Beast Boy seemed startled by it.
She instinctively covered her mouth from being just as shocked by its volume as Beast Boy was.
The shapeshifter cackled and whooped. "Woooooooow that was ginormous dude!"
Despite how embarrassed she was Raven had to admit that felt really good getting out of her system.
She settled down in her seat and gave a small sigh gingerly rubbing her belly in contented circles.
"Unf...okay that did feel pretty good..." Raven admitted with a satisfied hum.
"Right? And the volume man! Didn't think ya had it in ya!" Beast Boy praised and joked.
Raven lazily glanced at Beast Boy and grinned. "Guess I'm just full of surprises today aren't I," she teased then immediately undercut herself with another large burp that left her blushing and covering her mouth as the rest of the gas rumbled heavily behind her lips. She turned her head to blow the gas off to the side and immediately cringed. "Ungh...and pizza. Lots and lots of...mrRRrrhp...pizza..."
"Ah you'll get used to it," Beast Boy assured her as he pushed himself up to his feet and staggered a bit. He held onto the table for support and held the side of his belly his free hand. That staggering disrupted some of the pressure in his gut and caused Beast Boy to let loose a big rumbling burp that rolled out of him for ten full seconds.
The absolute relief on Beast Boy's face after that was palpable.
"UNNGH god I needed that!" Beast Boy moaned and gave his glutted belly a relieved smack. He grinned a fang filled grin to Raven. "That's why I'm still the champ 'round these parts."
Raven rolled her eyes. "Cyborg will be devastated I'm sure."
Beast Boy snickered then surprisingly reached over and gave Raven's bloated tummy a few gentle pats. "Don't worry. You'll catch up to us sooner or later," Beast Boy assured her and teasingly rubbed Raven's belly.
Raven froze in place at the feeling of Beast Boy momentarily caressing her heavy stomach the way he did. But the dopey teenager didn't pick up on that when he turned tail and headed back to his bedroom cradling his own much larger gut.
Nor did he catch the way Raven's cheeks blushed furiously either.
It seemed that Raven really was full of surprises.
(...And pizza.)
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hatant · 3 years
I was tagged by the absolutely glorious @a-pyre-of-doom - thanks lovely ☺☺
Meet the blogger:
Five things you’d find in my bag:
1. My camera (even if I’m not going anywhere in particular, I will be lugging my DSLR and a couple lenses with me...always).
2. A book.
3. A hair brush/comb (usually both, I’m not going to lie).
4. A battery pack.
5. A pocket knife.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Five things you’d find in my room:
1. Too many backpacks (I don’t know how but I have a pile of bags, that I definitely need to sort through at some point).
2. Art on the walls (and against the walls, I really need to hang them up).
3. Knick-knacks on the shelves.
4. Random hair ties.
5. Books. On all the shelves and dotted around the place - I need more shelves.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Five of my habits:
1. Wearing a blanket thrown over my shoulder like some Roman senator (or Apostle if you ask my Mum) when I’m at home...which these days is all the bloody time.
2. Clicking/cracking bones - though I have gotten much better at not doing it so much!
3. Playing with my hair. If you’ve got it flaunt it 😂
4. Sticking out my tongue/playing with my piercings, especially if I’m thinking. When in the office it’s best practice not to do that - it gets peculiar looks 😂
5. Singing along loudly and badly and getting into music. 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Five things about my personality or traits that I like:
1. I’m quite an optimistic person, so that’s always good! There’s always a silver lining somewhere...
2. I laugh. A lot. And I smile a lot...I’m going to end up looking like a prune 😂
3. I’m pretty open-minded...though if someone comes out with something bigoted I will take them to task.
4. I have excellent (and sometimes random) tastes in things.
5. I always want to learn more. About people, about places, about concepts. I never want to stop learning things.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Five things I want for this year:
1. To go outside! Anywhere...but ideally somewhere abroad.
2. To go to gigs (two have been cancelled because of everything which, very fair but still sucks).
3. To be kissed and hugged (and a lot of other stuff but we’ll keep this PG for now 😂)
4. To be able to fiiiiinally get the tattoos I’ve been aching for.
5. To be able to get my own place again.
Hmm let’s see...@elysianvampire @igivegoodepiphany @thejesterrace @kezzaa @anannan-think-space if you want! 😊 @aspiringsorcerer dammit Dave I knew I forgot someone! And! @ali-chuck! Because I loved that necklace and want to know if the rest of your stuff is as awesome 😊😂
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justicecaballer · 3 years
i fiiiiinally after years and years of never being able to get around to it sought out medication to manage my adhd but whenever i do intake with a psych theyre like wow! you have major depression! we need to address that! and im like NO im fine i promise im required to say that i have had s*icidal ideation in the past but i swear thats not the issue right now but they just continue to be :) (wii fit voice) you are DEPRESSED
anyway this happened this time as well so i was given an antidepressant and i tried it and it sucked and i reported this back to the psych and she was like okay well that one had the dual use of treating adhd off label but since it didnt work we are going to try another antidepressant that doesnt do anything for adhd at all and on top of that i am going to prescribe a sleep aid since you said you had trouble getting to sleep and im like AAAAA
i had trouble getting to sleep as a side effect of the drug and i had anxiety as a side effect of the drug my anxiety and potential depression are NOT the things that are!!! giving me issues!!! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
also when i told her about how it sucked she was like you could have stopped taking it, you didn’t have to just power through, but 1. yes i did 2. you told me to take it 3. you never said i could stop 4. i cant reliably assess if a bad thing is Really Bad(tm) i dont have that ability. on a scale of 1 to 10 is a meaningless system of assessment. 5. I NEED TO GET A GOOD GRADE IN PSYCHIATRY 6. i thought this was normal
anyway i guess i’ll try this next one but if it sucks as well i’m just going to say you know what i’ll just figure something else out thanks for trying though
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous; continuing from this)
The Doctor set his head on Gravel’s shoulder as he finished typing up the last report. “That’s it for the day. Fiiiiinally.”
“Someone’s getting sleepy~” She stroked the back of his head as she curled around him. He made a great chair, no one could deny. “You ready for me to tuck you in?”
“Not tonight...Any other night, maybe, but not tonight.”
Gravel blinked. “What’s special about tonight, Doctor?”
“You don’t remember?” Shock overwrote the exhaustion on his face. “Hon, it’s our anniversary.”
“Oh...It is? I had no idea.” She blushed. Was this something she was supposed to care about? Every day with the Doctor was special, after all. Why worry about the exact number?
He sighed. “Well, I certainly couldn’t forget. There’s a gift waiting for you back at our dorm.”
“Oh, you wonderful man.” Gravel kissed his cheek several times in rapid succession. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear on my honor as a knight.”
“Don’t go that far, dear. Let’s get you home.” With a single practiced motion - he’d been doing this for months at this point, after all - the Doctor lifted her with him, eliciting a small chorus of giggles and a smile from himself. The sheer happiness even the slightest bit of affection from him gave her was infectious and intoxicating; with her at his side, he could do anything, and for her? Anything and everything was on the table, if need be.
Walking all the way to their dorm like this was a bit more of a hassle, but he managed without stumbling once. Practice certainly did make perfect. As he set her down, Gravel swiped her key card in the slot and opened the door, immediately seeing the gift box. “Aww, you remembered to wrap it in recyclable paper. Thank you!”
“Of course,” the Doctor smiled, closing the door behind him and collapsing onto the couch back-first. “I remember everything.”
“You really do, don’t you? Let’s see what we got!” She took the box, about the size of her head or a little smaller, and leaned back against him, back of her head square against his chest. The paper came away with a single pull on a flap on top, and when she opened the box, there was...another box. Gravel glanced back at the Doctor, who only gave her a wide smile, and so she opened it. Again. And again. Several layers of box deep, and eventually, the box in question wasn’t made of cardboard, but a hard black plastic with rounded corners and a hinge.
Gravel had her suspicions. “Doctor...is this what I think it is?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Open it and we’ll see.”
“...You open it.”
He smiled, taking her hands in his and opening the box with her fingers. “Happy anniversary, Senomy.” One hand let go to remove the ring and slide it onto her finger. “And to many more like it.”
“...Doctor...” She turned around, burying her face in his neck. “This is...I don’t deserve this. I didn’t even remember-”
“Shh, shh...It’s not always about what we deserve, Senomy darling. I’ve been thinking about this for awhile, and I thought doing this on our anniversary would be a good idea. Thing is, I ordered a bit late.”
Gravel pulled back enough to look him in the face. “You mean it’s not even our anniversary?”
“Nope,” he grinned sheepishly. “Missed it by two weeks.”
“You sneaky little mouse.” She undid the clasp of her breastplate with one hand and slipped it over the side of the couch, a satisfying clunk echoing as it landed.
The Doctor laughed as he wrapped her up in his arms, squeezing her to his chest with glee. “I’ll try to plan a little earlier next time. You know, in a way, this is our new anniversary, isn’t it?”
“That’s Knight logic if I’ve ever heard it,” Gravel replied, holding him to her just as tightly. “I told you you’d be a perfect fit, right?”
“Every day since I confessed.”
She kissed his neck. “Good...Speaking of good things, I should put this back in the box.”
“Why’s that?” He watched her slide the ring off her finger and put it back in the box. “Don’t wanna break it in?”
To answer the question, Gravel pushed him into the couch, whispering in his ear, “I don’t want to break it in the process, darling. We’ve got a loooong night ahead of us.”
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venndaai · 4 years
I fiiiiinally watched Picard ep 3
Main takeaway: that scene where Picard is having a domestic moment with his poly Romulans and then they’re suddenly attacked and Laris and Zhaban efficiently murder a bunch of Tal Shiar assassins to protect Picard is, by far, the sexiest thing I’ve seen all year
Additionally: Raffi/Agnes is a cuuute dynamic, I can feel my little soft gay heart latching on to Hugh and I hate it, evil Vulcan general hot, the incestuous Romulan double agents would be enjoyable in a campy one off mirror verse episode but are wildly tonally inconsistent here, and ohhh my GOD what is that colonialist aesthetic going on in the next time preview wHo thought that was a good idea??!!
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