#theyre wide open?
fjordfolk · 1 year
Last year I anon wrote in about Walkee Paws. And if I recall Sparta would like to know why I would want to do such a thing to her, BUT! they cannot fly off of narrow Sparta feet. Are they silly? Yes, very much so. But I also live in the cold, dark, snowy North and frequently must choose function over fashion. Your dogs are wonderful. You are wonderful. And I just wish to bring your attention to Walkee Paws once again.
I remember these actually!
And anon I love you but while making Sparta look like a dumbass is priceless, I'm probably not going to spend 770kr/76 USD on a product that I can't see or touch, can't accurately size, and that I don't know whether or not would work for her 😅
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Would Bardaby (from the Fantasy Au) still do his affectionate biting as shown in the original WH or would it be different?
i'd say Yes Absolutely!
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he's gotta be more Careful about it tho... look at those chompers...
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the-anime-man · 5 days
Based exclusively on the season 6 trailer and the season 6 finale teaser for game changer, my prediction for what the game is is this:
All 7 of them are checked into a hotel and get locked in their own rooms and must figure out how to escape said rooms similarly to the escape the greenroom episode, maybe it's a 'first person out wins' scenario?? Idfk, but if what i described is the two parter, i am so fucking goddamm excited dude
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rexscanonwife · 7 months
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Brea likes to cheer Kepler up whenever she can with real food instead of the ration bars the republic supplies them with on long missions. His favorite are ronto wraps whenever they visit Batuu! 🌭🌭
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moonlilyshipping · 4 months
listen we can acknowledge that fanon can lead to generalisation and be annoying but theres something about the main trainers/rivals in pokemon gameverse where it's widely accepted that theyre 'a specific flavor of lgbt+'
aka silver is trans, shauna is bi, lillie is lesbian, penny is trans/nonbinary, and victor, out of all the boy players is the most likely to identify as gay because this image literally radiates 'that one boy in the class who hung out with all the girls because hes actually gay'
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like yes this post sounds lame in 2024, but most of the boy protagonists in the mainline pokemon games were always featured to be the blue-and-video-gamez-are-for-boys-only energy since the 90s (basically the concept that boys have to behave as heroes and girls are supporting roles)
and then there's victor who's main hobby is cooking, not like a professional master chef (a title commonly associated with men), but hes in a home ec class and he's cooking for a cute boy he likes (hop)
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gnomeantics · 8 months
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this is so upsetting it is like giving up my own children
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aerequets · 2 years
has anyone else realized the parallels between Kaz + inej and loid + yor yet????? i just thought about it and omg
big brain, scheming guy that not-so-secretly simps for his stealthy assassin/thief knife wife. I'd even thought that Kaz looks like a dark mode version of loid before. omg
and actually the thing that made me think of this was the whole --
"would you have come for me then?" Dirtyhands would not. "I would have come for you."
-- part in crooked kingdom.
JUST IMAGINE post-reveal twiyor, where loid ends up somehow helping yor despite everything in him telling him not to, and she asks him something like
"I was always an assassin from the moment we met. would you have come to me then, loid? when I wasn't just yor briar but the thorn princess, too?"
and he knows twilight would not. twilight would do her the courtesy of putting her out of her misery, cut his losses and move on.
and he's a seasoned liar, he speaks in the most calculated way, but this time he can't stop himself when he says "I would come for you. I would come for you, and if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. because that's what we do. we never stop fighting."
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lesbianralzarek · 5 days
going through the tag for a gal that i think may be a new blorbo for me and a noticeable majority of the posts are filtered content. blocking ships that annoy me asap is the best way to keep my cortisol levels within normal range, but the cost is so host (<- first time writing that out and i realize that ive been mentally spelling it like an existing word that does not rhyme with cost, but whatd you have me do? "the cost is hawst"??? self-defeating)
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chainsaw-dick · 1 month
seeing my home get 'modernized' and fields and parks and empty spaces turned into ugly as shit suburbs and modern houses with insane fucking traffic on roads I remember being straight up empty just a couple years ago and seeing houses where I used to walk through tall grass when I was a child while theres unused fucking apartments and whole buildings rotting just a couple minutes away. im gonna fucking kill myself
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honeypotreal · 4 months
art/edit (for the like, one gacha photo i added) dump for one of my HEAVY fixations that i think about 25/8 (increasingly old content as it goes on)
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muirneach · 1 month
i find the ‘just a girl’ thing horrible for many obvious reasons but just saw someone comment that on a post about female athletes i think i just saw red. do you know the shit that women in sports have to go through every day?? the constant belittling and harassment that they face?? oh my god
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lesbiancarat · 1 year
also apparently hoshi spoiled on his birthday live that SVT are having a comeback in October!
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dirt-str1der · 7 months
Kiryu doesnt use plasters (band aids for american) because hes an open air wound kind of man but if he did he would put the adhesive over the wound
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unmanageably · 5 months
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ethxrxalitys · 5 months
my partner pumpkin lives in my mind rent free a massive chunk of my waking hours. i know in all actuality they arent actually what i think about constantly, but every day, when im without them i do something or see something or my mind just wanders and inevitably they come back to mind and i often catch myself with the goofiest grin as i think of them.
im so excited to explore the future with them, it makes me just. happy to think about being next to them, a year from now, and to think about how we will both shift and change and how each of us are in our own rights will grow from our love and i so so hope im blessed that we are able to keep growing together like two vines intertwined, reaching towards the sun for a very, very long time. im so gay for them its absurd, im so in love and i love them so very much its CRAZY.
#personal#its i love my partner hours#i love their smile#i love the way they stick out their bottom chin when theyre concentrating#i love the way that after a bad joke they smile so very wide#and mouth partially open and eyes a bit closed they look at me and tap my shoulder and ask me if i got the joke again and again#and the way they sit (they pose like a cat)#they MOVE like a cat. the way their shoulders sit when they sit up is exquisite#they heal so fast from things its crazy i dont understand this person and i love them and also i do understand them#and i love them for that both understanding and also the thingd that my brain csnt comprehend abt their brain and how they work#like the fact they can do math#they helped convert a recipe for me at a dinner as i was cooking#and it was just#idk#it just filled me with such a sense of oh. yeah. i made such the right decision#and idk HOW i made such a good decision. but loving them also has made it easier to make choices that arent going to harm me inevitably#maybe its bc im happy#and i dont need that external validation from others as much#ive stopped thrifting nesrly completely too#which is crazyyyy#but also that was my coping strategy#and how i dealt with stress and i suddenly realized the other day#thst the last times id gone thrifting itd been driven by a friend wanting to#idk man. idk.#anyways.#their grin is stupid cute and i love them and theyre a dork and theyre the most wonderful partner i couldve hoped to wish for#im so lucky
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paris-h-france · 5 months
> I want to talk to people so bad but I feel so cringe for just existing.
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