#theyre friends and you cant tell me otherwise
theanomalous · 1 year
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tbh im mostly doodling him as something to do with my hands
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toytulini · 1 year
If you get the urge to say shit on this post, consider: dont. not looking to engage in a dialogue about this, i will block you
i know this isnt whats gonna happen but god id love to learn nothing about that new hp show. i dont want to hear shit. not even about how bad it is. tmi. dont curse me with that info. why do you know how bad it is. why are you telling me. go look up a weird bug on wikipedia. or dont. dont tell me about it. dont put it on my dash.
#toy txt post#i know thats not whats going to happen tho. i know my dash will be flooded with gifs and screencaps and ppl who#maybe they didnt hatewatch it piracy or otherwise. maybe ill be generous. maybe they read an episode synopsis on wikipedia#and theyre telling us about all the new bad dumb shit theyre doing#and then we're all gonna get mad and spread it and talk about it nonstop#to shame everyone into not watching it#but like in order for this info to get out. one of you watched it. whyd you do that. whyd you tell me about it#and i know for my contrarian friends my wording it like this is making you want to watch it out of spite. its making it sound like#tasty fun spicy forbidden knowledge#no its just gonna be the same dumb stupid boring shit. maybe with an added dash of heinous transphobia antisemitism and racism etc#for gods sake go read a goddamn harry potter fanfiction instead#just dont put it on my fucking dash#im so ready for us to be done with this terfy fuck. for her to be irrelevant. i think thats what would hurt her most. she found a way#to thrive on the controversy shes feeding off the negative attention#and im not saying like dont call her out like i get we have to do that like i Get It i Know#that we cant afford to just ignore her bc shes literally using her billions to influence laws in the uk to hurt ppl#like i know#but god just imagine how much it would suck for her to wake up and nobody fucking cares either way#not mad at her anymore just Done. shes irrelevant#drop her. go do literally anything else#imagine how nice it would be if she puts a show out and nobody talks about it good or baf#bad*. and then theyll be less likely to do more. bc they cant count on it being clickbait that ppl are getting heated about#cos i think this is just. shes in her cancelled comedian netflix special era. shes getting specials about being cancelled and shes Only#getting them bc shes 'cancelled' cos if ppl didnt feel strongly about her good OR BAD it wouldnt get clicks it wouldnt get attention#i wish we could afford to do this i wish ppl would just be fucking allies to trans and jewish ppl about this#im so tired#anyway. ill leave reblogs on this for now. if anyone fucks up they get turned off
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too many thoughts head full :( sorry for the big huge rant in tags btw i just have too much going on rn
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snekdood · 9 months
anyways if nick fartez and any of his skeevy fans are spying on me online I needja to know this: no one will ever love you or like you or fuck you and its all your fault bc your a nazi. the only way you'll ever get anything is if you rape someone and you and I both know that doesnt mean shit except how desperate you are to stick your dick in someone and how much you're willing to violate people who actively dislike you and would never be around you if it was their choice. it didn't hafta be this way but you decided being a ugly skeevy nazi was more important than anything, which is sad. honestly jump off a cliff, save yourself the time.
#posting this bc idk where I saw the clip maybe a vaush video or keffals or some shit but he mentions his 'jewish bully' which he says in a#way thats obvious he doesnt actually have one but seems like a direct reference to me and how I would vent about having a bully who was#jewish also. but the whole point I was making in the first place is that her being jewish has nothing to do with her being a bully. its#whatever trauma that made her so shitty bc otherwise her sister was really nice to me and we got along and were friends#just thought I should post this to remind them since they probably hate watch me and try to see me as a lolcow to compensate#for their own shitty fuckless lives.#hey at least I can get some lmao.#really makes me wonder though. who exactly is reporting to him about me? I WONDER if its the same person I keep kinda#coming to the conclusion about that theyre secretly a alt righter which is why they desperately try to paint me as one.#i mean hey bud! why were you writing lyrics to a song about hitler on your kupika?#im sure you're so so happy that that website is taken down. too bad I have screenshots and video evidence of it huh 😢#+everything else about you and your history ik about and the shit you cover up like. it kinda seems like its compiling into one thing.#innit ya channer? hey at least I thought those conspiracy theories were about something else entirely. you prolly know exactly what#theyre referencing. which is probably why when I started talking about them not knowing what they really meant you instead#saw it as an opportunity to take down a trans person. and also why you somehow knew about the “bohemian grove” and were the#first person to tell me about it. but whatever no ones gonna believe me... for now.#cant wait for the day your ass gets exposed for the shitty skeevy fuck you really are xoxoxo#though who knows. maybe nick and his fuckless followers picked up on me from vaush's chat. but honestly I feel like i'm such a nobody ass#person on there that idk why they would. so kinda think its someone else. someone who might've been following me for longer.......#and was the first person to tell me about the bohemian grove and also enabled and egged on the conspircy theory beliefs 🤔🤔🤔🤔
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this might be controversial but i feel like so many straight men arent even attracted to their sexual partners? they just use them to get off.
they feel entitled to a megan fox or porn star type (no matter what they themselves look like) but since they cant get that they settle for the next best thing because its better than nothing. thats why many men cheat as well, theyre just waiting for something better to come along.
this is such a widespread phenomenon theres even several sayings on it. in german: „loch ist loch“ which translates to „hole is hole“ meaning no matter where your dick lands at least you got off and „lieber widerlich als wieder nicht“ which (loosely) translates to „i‘d rather have sex with an ugly/gross one than no sex at all“.
sex for so many men is completely centered on putting their dick somewhere and ejaculating. many straight men dont love pussy, they dont necessarily desire their partners, they just see them as a means to an end, or otherwise they would put in actual effort to satisfy her as well. this is underlined by this cliché of women being so difficult to reach orgasm, when in reality, women often dont know how themselves because they internalise they cant come and dont get in touch with their own sexuality, and men dont bother trying.
ive heard from many female friends that they want sex more than their male partners because they always leave them unsatisfied. for most men sex is over when they come. and if they actually cared about and desired their partners they would ask how to satisfy her as well. dont get me wrong, orgasm isnt the end and center of sex, but there is a clear clear gap here.
and i think in longterm heterosexual relationships, women get so frustrated they just dont want sex at all anymore. this might also lead to the „my wife always has a headache when i want sex“ dumbassery because at some point women more or less consciously tell themselves im sick of being used by him to get off. i‘d rather have no sex than unsatisfying sex. then men use this to justify why they cheat and neglect their wives, well we dont have sex anymore so she isnt of as much value to me anymore. when its their own fault the wife checked out of their sex life.
this also explains why sex buyers are mostly male. they either feel entitled to fuck an attractive woman they wouldnt get without paying or they just want to get off and need a vessel.
i know i will get some idiot in the notes saying my jakey isnt like that. okay good for you. but what about his former sexual partners? and what about all the other women who have given up on sexual satisfaction by men out of frustration or maybe even think they are the problem? this is not a fringe phenomenon this is reality for many women who have sex with men.
and how would it be different? the whole sex industry is catering to men. and we have established that porn is seeping through the cracks into the mainstream. which only makes sense if most men start watching porn from a young age and carry what they learn there into the bedroom with unsuspecting women.
this shit makes me so angry! women deserve so much better!
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skatingbi · 7 months
Guys imagine...Chopper new to the strawhat crew and he wants to do like one of those routine physicals with everyone and also just get to know them n shit.
Chopper like "How do you ALL have PTSD symptoms what the heck guys" and everyone just shrugs bc fuck if they know lmao
Zoro and Sanji alone are two whole cans of worms he's already mentally preparing to open, Luffy is your token ADHD kid with both inattentive and hyperactive types. Nami SEEMS fine. Except not when she tells Chopper about the Arlong pirates and he immediately makes a new page of notes.
So chopper sits everyone down and is like "Okay so. If you ever need to talk about something, ANYTHING, im here for you!" and everyone is super touched by how kind this kid is.
Everyone in some capacity does, and theyre like little therapy sessions. Some talk to Chopper more than once a week and he's perfectly fine with that. He likes helping the crew he's become a part of. Some actually talk about what affects them (nami and usopp) while others will just bust in with the most random shit known to man (luffy and i KNOW sanji would too u cant tell me otherwise). Regardless chopper listens no matter how small it is.
The only one who doesnt visit is Zoro. At first, Chopper doesnt think much of it. Zoro likes to keep to himself anyways and the kid doesnt wanna force anyone to talk to him about their problems, its counterproductive anyways to try and do that. After thriller bark, though, Chopper sits Zoro down against his will.
What he does learn though is that Zoro doesnt want to add more baggage to whatever chopper is dealing with. Despite chopper's reassurance, zoro refuses to stress the reindeer out. Its not even because zoro thinks he needs to be strong, its because zoro sees chopper as like a little brother he wants to support and take care of.
That totally doesnt make chopper tear up at all. Nope.
Zoro does talk to chopper that day about some stuff like Kuina, his childhood at the dojo, him being a pirate hunter before meeting luffy, and a few stories from before chopper joined. If they were friends before this theyre definitely best friends after.
After that, maybe once in a blue moon, zoro will go visit chopper. Sometimes he'll take a nap and other times he'll talk about something mundane. He's probably only talked about something serious maybe twice, but chopper still listens no matter what.
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yknow its a hard line to dance, but i do love when people make the stans a bit mean at times in fics/art (hard line to dance, because its pretty easy to stray into ‘sounds like author just hates these two’ territory unfortunately)
it seems to me that ford has trouble with communication. he often cant tell when something he says could be hurtful to someone
(i say that because you can tell he really does care about his family and he does to try to make things up to them- ie, comforting dipper after the bill thing, praising mabel and letting her write an entry in the journal after the unicorn thing, actually trying to find ways to mend his relationship with stan in spite of everything)
stan is the type of guy to scare children and laugh about it. there is an entire episode dedicated to this. he nonchalantly insults people, hes unapologetically cocky, and, maybe most interestingly, he also seems to have trouble telling when something he said might have been hurtful
hes kinder towards his family/friends (note: kinder, he is definitely still mean to them at times. see: boss mabel, the bottomless pit, etc.) but he really just does not care at all about upsetting strangers. he delights in making people angry, at least, the facade he puts on does. and of course, this isnt an insult towards him, it…actually kinda makes sense when you think about his past. not that it made him that way necessarily, more that it sort of emphasized those traits i think
in a similar vein, i think at least part of the reason ford has difficulty interacting with people could be because of his time spent in the multiverse. it seems he doesnt really like having to interact with strangers (excluding most anomalies). in fact, the only time you see him doing that (that i can recall) is when hes talking to the government agents. otherwise he just sort of…doesnt acknowledge their existence at all. the only exceptions are the members of the zodiac, and he gets time beforehand to know most of them
anyway- when you take those two people and put them on a boat together, you get a really interesting (platonic) dynamic! these two guys who are aggressively protective over each other and who will both absolutely deck a stranger in the face
imagine a scenario where stans insulting some random stranger and the person throws an insult back just to get knocked out by ford whos absolutely not going to tolerate it (except from stan, who gets the equivalent of a slap on the wrist)
or imagine a scenario where someone notices fords extra fingers and theyre overreacting about them and it gets to be stans turn to fistfight someone
its fun to think about, but hard to pull off. oftentimes you get ‘ford is definitely egocentric and thats it’ instead of ‘ford struggles with communication/general human interaction and especially hates interaction with people he doesnt know’
oftentimes instead of ‘stan is unapologetically mean to a lot of people (and theres a good possibility that being homeless and having to live with filbrick emphasized this)’ you get ‘stan can be mean but hes not as bad as ford and also it doesnt actually count as being mean if its directed at ford’
and, of course, this isnt to say you have to change the way you write them, this is simply me saying i like seeing these two parts of them interacting with each other. and it ended up much longer than intended
if youre like me and youre afraid of depicting them as mean in any way because other people scare you, you dont have to write them that way! you should write your fics for you first and foremost and if you dont want to write them that way, you are in no way obligated to!
anyway- theres a lot more i could say about this subject, but i think this is long enough
(just a small bonus bit to say that living with filbrick + all the bullying he had to go through definitely affected ford just as much as stan. and that neither of their traumas are more important than the other)
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renarots · 4 months
tagged by @solaireverie
thanks pookie <3
1. Who or what got you into F1?
i grew up in a pretty big nascar family, my family would put it on the tv instead of watching the kids and natural progression i fell in love with motorsports. i do think a combination of seeing the tooned cartoon and me being fascinated by the engineering in the cars dragged me fully into f1.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
for me it was fernando alonso and jenson button. although jenson is retired i still watch him in his other series like nascar. i still support fernando as well although i feel like it passed the torch on to lando when he was the reserve for mclaren and then later took the seat at mclaren. if you cant tell im a huge mclaren girl.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
lando norris and yuki tsunoda, cant pick one but yeah theyre my ultimate pookies 🫶
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
my biggest driver pairing right now is lando and oscar, i think their pairing is what lando needed and what oscar needed and theyve already shown they push eachother so i cant wait for this season. my ultimate that i think about is fernando and mark tho, theyre my roman empire. from them always misisng eachother as teammates and then the infamous abu dhabi 2010. i could go on an essay about them (as a treat i also love nando and jenson)
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
no but i did get my friends and their cats into it. one of them is a ferrari fan and the other is a mclaren girl more leaning towards op81 but im gonna make her an ln4 girl soon. her cats are both mclaren cats but one only loves lando, she legit gets disinterested when someone else is on screen. one time she literally followed landos car off screen and my friend didnt even know that was lando so she was surprised her cat caught on to him.
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
i know i mentioned it before but abu dhabi 2010 is definitely one i watch a lot. 2020 austrian gp as well, even tho lando got the podium cause of disqualification it still holds a special place in my heart. Runner ups are silverstone 2023 and Abu Dhabi 2023 where pookies lead the race for a period of time.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
singapore is lovely, silverstone because of this year with lando leading the gp just really put it up there, and i think interlagos always has me excited, even if mclaren has a bad track record with it (please get your shit together for quali guys)
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
ive never been to one theyre too expensive in america to go to one but i have been to a couple nascar races and those were so lovely. im hoping to take my friends and i to the suzuka gp next year tho (its so much cheaper please f1 sort your shitty pricing please)
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
no and id rather melt into the floor than meet one
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
i think the rb19 (rocky) has to be my fave rn if you asked me a year ago i would say otherwise but from an engineering standpoint rocky is the most beautiful piece of machinery ive laid my eyes on (excluding my beautiful b&m rollercoasters of course (my first love fr))
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
not really tbh
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
"i nearly said i wouldnt want to be married to him but obviously i- im happily married to a lady but" -mark webber (🫵🏳️‍🌈❓)
"who is the blind guy in the alpha tauri?" -fernando alonso (even tho it was against yuki it was so funny from this years radios)
"soy lago" -lando norris (i miss carlando guys)
"fernando is faster than you" -rob smedley
realised thats a lot of fernando related quotes but oh well 🤷‍♀️
🏷️ <3
@dumbf1sketches @formulafics @disneyprincemuke @lovewithmary @piasstrisblog @bekaillustrates @honeyhobbs and anyone who would like to participate
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zabacore · 9 months
draft that my friend (worst enemy) is forcing me to post ;;p
the henry stickmin collection headcanons!
[only doing triple threat bcos thwyre love theyre life theyre god]
henry stickmin !
my little baby boy is white as hell holy shiiiiit. he is as pale as paper he is edward cullen. he says "ni hao" like "knee how" i love him tho. also hes def european or sumn idk. like italian or british IDK
HES SO BICURIOUS ENERGY GROWLS.... IDK. HE JUST SEEMS LIKE. CONFUSED ABOUT EVERYTHING HES SO SILLY. also a he/him user he doesnt get into that mentally ill stuff
thsi is baaaasically canon at this point but hes autistic + selectively mute!!! hes nonverbal a lot no shit hes kindof like ferb.
henry would watch brooklyn 99. idk i cant explain itbut he would. he probbaly wouldnt even understand it rlly he would just watch it
henry stickmin
charles calvin !
GAY GAY GAYYYYY GAYYYYY MLM!!!! HE IS A GAY HETHEY I DONT CAAARREEEE I DONT CARE!!!! also provably dabbled for a bit as a nonbinary but decided otherwise
soz can u tell charles is my fav character
he has audhd!!!! he definitely likes like the little wiggly slug fidgets giggles like thw ones that go wksjskanwskdjjd. yeah
goes NOWHERE without those headphones. always listenignt o music or smth to keep him focused
he prob has like commitment issues ;p idk he seems lole the type
when he goes to bed he needs like 17 different stuffed animals, two blankets, 5 pillows, white noise, music, a podcast, and a hefty dose of melatonin to fall asleep
wittle bonus stickvin/stickduo hc >< charles and henry are probs soooo like clingy to each other cus charles was like?? the youngest pilot rihjt? so he was probably very lonely and henry spent all his fuckin time commiting crimes so he probably had dno fuckin friends either. CUTESY!!!!
ellie rose !
she was my queer discovery awakening thtas all.
OK NO shes def like puerto rican or sumn ^^ idk they just havw that energyyyyyggggyghbgyghh
helllaaaaaa attachment issues oh my lrod if she isnr a daddy issues girl idk who is. their dad def like abanoned her adn her mom or sumthin idkkkk
third wheel to stickduo but is nevwr mad about it. isntead she just makws fun of them
"henry dont be a fucking pussy and hold his damn hand" "charles take OFF those goddamn headphones you look like an idiot"
yea she def swears the most out of the group too i lovw her
wine aunt. ill say no more
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chokkito · 7 days
Top ten favorite character duos or trios (romantic, platonic, otherwise etc)?
OKKK THIS WILL BE A BIT LONG SO ^-^ bear with me pleaseee, also i will be putting some ocs here because im just like that im sorry anon <3 ALSO THE LIST WONT BE IN ORDER BECAUSE I LOVE THEM ALL VERY MUCH THE SAME
1 - Sans and Papyrus
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Is Undertale considered cringe rn? Idk and idc to be honest, god these two had SUCH a chockhold on me when i was like 11-13, i loved them both SOOO MUCH, i just found them extremely funny and also very charming, also nowadays everytime i see them i just see me and my sister because everytime we bicker about something is never serious and ends up in us just trying to annoy each other like they do....Aughhhghh i love these silly skeletons.....
2 - Nikita and Anya (Anya was made by @raskolovey btw <3)
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YEAH DIDNT TAKE A LOT FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT MY OCS...Also ignore how Anya has some eyebrows in it, they were there for comedical effect....ANYWAYS!!!! OHHHH THESE TWO, GODDDD, i love them. i love them so much. I love how they end up being a mirror with each other (with nikita being considered a "god" as he grew up and Anya being considered a monster) but how both of these views on them from a young age made them have kinda of the same trauma and problems with not knowing who they actually are, and how this made them so close to one another.
Also idk the idea of Anya being the normal one despite it all is very funny to me, points for them being platonic soulmates
3 - Rin and Len
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4 - The Funger 1 cast
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idc if theyre four im sorry im feeling like when the teacher tells you to make like duos and you ask them if you can make a duo of 3 people but yknwo I CANT SEPARATE THEM!!!! God these four IDIOTS are so STUPID and i HATE THEM so much but i also love them and GODDDD any fanart involving these four together is simply PURE GOLD...I know funger is like a really dark game with dark subjects and all but yknow i like to imagine them somehow just being friends...I think they deserve it...4 single parents to the girl...single because these foes are NOT married and yet they all act like a divorced polyamorous couple!!!!!
5 - Jing Yuan and Yanqing
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FATHER AND SON??? FATHER AND SON GWAHHHHHHHOGRBOTIOGBETIBRI AUGHHH I LOVE SOME SINGLE PARENT REPRESENTATION IN MEDIA!!!!! Ok so like the idea of Yanqing just being adopted by Jing Yuan and him taking care of Yanqing i just...aughghhghhh IM SORRY BUT anything involving a single parent and their kid just makes me IMMEDIATELY happy, i LOVE seeing any type of happy family representation in media, they are just SUCH CUTIES!!! Like look at Jing Yuan...Hes just proud of his son...And Yanqing's little >:D face.......Aughghghghghhhghhhhhh did i put them here just because honkai is my current hyperfocus?....Yeah! But anyways!!!!
Also anon i was gonna put 10 here but....its midnight...and im a bit tired....so i will just put 5.........im sorry.......sniffs...................
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spacedlexi · 2 years
Question, what made you ship Violentine? I personally liked how Violet was rightfully suspicious of Clem and AJ but still accepted them, and grew to like them. Along with the fact, no matter what, during the Marlon confrontation, she will stand up for Clem and Aj. Also her making a pin for clem, dancing with her, and star gazing (just off the top of my memory) was really cute, she is also just really badass.
yes to all of that 🥺💕 i liked violet in the first episode and the little development we get between her and clem is nice, how they can both relate to each other about their losses and how they are seeming to find comfort in each other during their talks in the dorm and while fishing (especially if you mend her relationship with brody she really relaxes). but i think what really solidified the actual relationship for me was in the beginning of episode 2 when violet realizes everyone is about to Jump this Child and immediately without hesitation stands in the middle against her friends and community to protect this little boy who just killed their leader, because he is a Little Child and everyone needs to Calm Down, and marlons hands werent so clean either. for the rest of the episode she stands against all of her friends to defend clem and aj and she does all of this regardless of your choices up until this point so it wasnt like it was determinate based on how nice to her you were
then she falls into the open leadership position, that she doesnt even want, because no one else steps up to do so and Someones gotta do it because otherwise the group will fall apart and it is already splitting at the seams. she quickly becomes someone clem can rely on (she'll even shoot lilly if you fail to pick an option), and clem becomes someone violet can rely on as well as she helps violet with keeping the group together and trying to smooth things over after marlons death. violet goes from being a loner who has dreams of leaving the school because she just never felt like she belonged there, to becoming its leader and does her best to keep everyone safe (and beats herself up hard about it if she fails), and then ending with leading the school side by side with clem. co leader badass girlfriends
i left s3 Very Opinionated that i Did Not Want ANY romance options for clem because i didnt think theyd ever be able to pull it off. so i had the bar set Pretty High. but violet ended up being exactly what i wanted in a love interest for clem. theyre very evenly matched. similar attitudes and goals and maturity level, their ability to relate to each other and what theyve been through (vi is very s3 clem at the beginning of s4, feeling like shes lost the only people she cares about and has walled herself off to other connections), violet stands up for both clem and aj without hesitation because its the right thing to do, and shes tough as nails. she grows a lot between the beginning and end of the season she really comes into herself as a leader especially if you friend/romance her. she is also So in love with clem and cares about her so deeply. hearing her plead if you tell lilly youll join her if she lets everyone else go you can hear in her voice how much the idea of that hurts her because she Cant Lose Clem like shes lost others (props to gideon adlon for doing such a great job voicing her)
ALSO one of my favorite scenes where minnie and clem are fighting and vi shoots minnie to save clems life i love it. the Gay Drama of it all shooting your ex to save your new gf but still not having the heart to leave her (again) makes me go like this every time
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also their romance lock in scene is Incredible....Perfect...Spectacular.. their entire romance from that scene on is just so cute they are such a good match for each other. they both make the other feel like they have someone they can rely on without hesitation. AND shes so good with aj. treats him with respect, is kind patient and understanding with him, tries to make him feel less scared and more confident. like when theyre putting the walker guts on and she kneels down to be eye level with him and tell him hes doing a good job and she looks up at clem reassuringly and clem smiles back AUGH!!! thats what im TALKING ABOUT!!! clem needs someone that not only She can rely on but also someone she can trust that aj can rely on as well and vi is that person!!! AAHH
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maeshelix · 6 months
Does the game ever mentions their nationality or country of birth?
I've seen some fanarts and headcanons depicting the friend group with being either from a different country they were born or Nationality, an example being headcanons I saw depicting Sunny and Mari as Japanese-Americans, Kel and Hero Mexicans, Aubrey as either German or Korean, and Basil either Swedish or British.
Is there a piece of information I'm missing from some random side quest in the game that mentions their country of birth or nationality?
nope. theres fucking one piece of evidence per family that might point to Sunny and Kel's nationalities maybe? but otherwise no ethnicity is ever directly stated ingame.
for Sunny and Mari, its the bonsai tree in their parents room that their dad had when he wasnt being a fucking deadbeat that you can find during the memory house section near the end of the sunny route.
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and that, combines with sunny mari and their dads physical appearances (they all have straight black hair, theyre all pale as fuck [though even the mom is pale as fuck in the family portrait but whatever]), their family dynamic kinda matching the cultural stereotype of asian-american parents being strict and obsessed with academic success (this one sucks but ive seen it thrown out as a reason they think so by people before), and the fact that maris ghost kinda looks like an onryō leads people to think theyre japanese-american.
for Kel and Hero, its this picture alter at the top of the stairs to their house, which google tells me might be a Dia de Los Muertos ofrenda, since thats the only thing that comes up (though this system is white as hell so i defer to any hispanic people who might see this post to tell us what else it could be. either way its not stated ingame what it is.)
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and with kel having darker skin then basically everyone else in the game (though the family portrait shows them all having kind of brown tinted skin except for sally), people came to the conclusion that theyre hispanic-american.
For everyone else? its literally just vibes. Aubreys house is a decrepit shithole with no notable cultural items in it, she and her mom look white, Basils house is kinda just a nondescript american suburb house full of plants and we never see his parents and he looks white, every fucking sprite in this game except for the Bread family, the npc Brent, his mom, and the pharmacist, is white as hell so we cant really tell with them. its almost all vibes.
and honestly its probably also vibes with kel and sunny too. both of the pieces of "evidence" i showed are easy to miss if you arent looking out for them (or if you arent obsessed with this fucking game like we are) so its just as likely that asian and hispanic players saw sunny and kel, saw traits that they shared with each character, and basically went "oh hey same". and thats probably what it is for the other characters too.
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s3cr3tjuic3 · 10 months
this is random/out of order and purely just my projections and based on my friend's headcanons
if you find this sky-why then hii :3
regressor all the way‼️
all the ghouls and ghoulettes know abt his regression and they adore him while little but mountain is his main caregiver
a fair amount of his regression is vent regression bc he has so much responsibility
he's a horror baby, cant convince me otherwise (dont ask me abt fav movies lol, ive only watched scream lol)
cowbell and zephyr occasionally babysit aether when mountain is busy
cg/babysitter! is always up for babysitting any of the ghouls or ghoulettes but is mainly a cg for aether and cumulus
despite seeming really stone faced and reclusive but he's actually a major softie, especially the ghouls/ghoulettes he has a stronger connection to
a very laid-back cg/babysitter, he tries not to have too many rules but some of the ghouls/ghoulettes act feral swiss and aurora
a lot of the ghouls/ghoulettez have a great sense of trust in mountain, which is why he babysits a lot of the other regressor ghouls and ghoulettes. a lot of them just feel safe in his presence l
he's really good with sensory seeking and sensory avoidances so he's always able to help out
shes a flip! but with a big regressor lean <3 she also occasionally babysits any other ghouls or ghoulettes and sometimes babysits aether but a lot of the time, cumulus and aether regress together
shes a very active cg! she loves playing pretend with littles and adding to their crazy storylines when playing
she occasionally babysits aurora and swiss when they want/need it
shes a very active little! she LOOOVES baking with mountain!
she also loves watching horror movies with aether and mountain!
and she loves arts and crafts! she always tries to get the other ghouls and ghoulettes to join her and set up an arts and crafts day! (it always works)
also a regressor! she doesnt want a cg but she doesnt mind being watched over every once in a while when she feels a little too young to be by herself. and that is usually the ghoulette sunshine
she loves loves LOVES playing pranks on the older ghouls and ghoulettes and just being mischievous in general
she also loves dressing up when shes regressed! her little wardrobe ranges anywhere from vintage gothic dressed to bright flowery sundresses!
also you cant tell me that sunshine hasnt also bought her a few tiaras to go with her dresses
she also loves to be carried around! bridal style? yes! piggyback rides! of course!
her favorite person to play with when regressed is swiss (especially when theyre both little, then everyone has a problem™ on their hand /j)
(saved my fav for last lol)
swiss is also a flip! he mostly has a cg lean tho
when swiss is little, he's s like a metronome. either he's chaos reincarnate or he's the sweetest little angel. there is no in-between and there is no indication. the ghouls/ghoulettes just have to guess.
when swiss is chaos reincarnate, he's often found with aurora causing chaos and pulling pranks! or he's just running up and down the halls of the ministry until he falls to the floor in exhaustion and one of the ghouls/ghoulettes has to drag him to his room for a nap.
when he's not causing chaos and problems for everyone in the ministry, he'll usually ask cumulus to read/tell him stories while he cuddles with his plushies (or whichever ghoul/ghoulette he can get his hands on within the first thirty seconds of cumulus agreeing to read to him)
he also have a deep love for plushies! you want the key to his heart? get him a plushie.
swiss is mainly rain's cg tho he doesnt mind looking after any other ghouls/ghoulettes, especially aurora and cumulus <3
despite how swiss acts on stage, he's a pretty mellow cg with few but strict rules.
whatever his little wants to do, he's gonna help with! is he kinda bad at arts and crafts? maybe. does rain loooive arts and crafts with cumulus? of course! does that mean when he participates.in arts in crafts that rain's and cumulus's crafts look better than his? also yeah,,
swiss is also just a very gentle cg. he always encourages and reassures any little he looks after. he also carries around a little purse with stuff for his littles like band aids and fidgets
while a lot of ghouls/ghoulettes go to aether with their problems or even sometimes mountain, if they feel that they just arent up to talking to those two yet, swiss always makes sure his room is open to impromptu sleepovers and cuddle sessions!
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vanibear · 1 year
not even for the bingo necessarily i would just like to hear ur thoughts on venitas because .they Plague me
houghg. venitas .i have So many thoughts about them lem im sosoaoso happy u asked !!!!.we’re going bullet point mode 4 this one (And to clarify these are more specifically abt what I think venitas would be like if ventus and vanitas chose to reunite)
my fav hc is that their appearance is always fluctuating. from more venlike to more vanilike to any kind of blend between based off of how they’re feeling. it makes them super uncanny to look at bc u could look away for a second and they would look just slightly different when you look back. (watching their hair change color and length in real time is very freaky) eye color is their biggest emotional tell
i think they speak with both ven and vanis voices at the same time like in game. this adds to the uncanniness and about them .i think the degree to which each voice is more prominent might change based on feelings as well
i cant decide if they work more like a su fusion or just venvan piloting them around pixars inside out style
they inherited vens pass out when stressed (or when theres too much arguing in your head) genes but not the classic j mccartney yelps so they will just randomly collapse and its terrifying
naturally tries to imitate ven when they are around new people/super stressed .they can be unsettlingly close but it usually leads to them passing out again. they dont go full vani very often but in certain situations itll happen
any sort of decision making is an ordeal .but Especially when it comes to clothes and food
itd be cool if they could dual wield wayward wind and void gear
Worlds Most Complicated relationship with touch and physical contact. ventus very desperately needs it from his friends while it makes vani want to crawl out of his skin .venitas struggles
has a habit of speaking their thoughts out loud and is very bad at holding their tongue despite very much so wanting to be good at it
vicious opponent in battle but otherwise are like an extremely nervous chihuahua
basically. to me theyr guy that is not exactly one whole guy but is still more than just one guy .frankensteiney and stitched together rather oddly. You immediately get the vibe that they are a Huge Anomaly and are probably bending the rules of nature
and really. the personification of one of the most powerful weapons ever is not going to be very normal
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(spoilers for coo again) just so ya'll know i can and will go the fuck off about the ottomans dialogue this year and actually i will fuck it we ball
i mostly wanna talk about when he DOES talk about his family bc as cute as him being in aknitting club with tawney judy courtney barry and belle is thats like the cute stuff i wanna bite into the LORE because its like idk about y'all but its like the more thomas talks about robert and crystaline and how the dynamics are changing and all its like a part of me cant help but wonder how much of an unreliable narrator he really is. like he talks about how the only times him and robert properly interact/talk is only for business stuff and otherwise they dont talk at all and he blames it all on Crystaline but its like ok. i feel like theres a chance that Crystaline gen not having Robert + Bobby's best interests at heart exists AND at the same time it feels like everything about Thomas' family is changing and he blames Crystaline for all of it. because like. you can TELL he loves his brother, there's literally no denying that, he literally outright says he left his parents to join robert in making the company and he was ok that he was the 2nd best. and in like the "who is?" podcast its said that he left the inheritance position for Saggs Corp bc he knew he couldnt lead that company for shit hes not a leader like his brother. but its like he also outright says that robert is his only connection to the suit world and that without him he'd only have his plants (even though hes able to make friends thru the knitting club and i guess there IS jennifer but she also works under robert so perhaps she doesnt count. smae with the knitting club too maybe since theyre all under COGS inc which again was founded by robert) and its like HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE PUTS SO MUCH OF HIS OWN VALUE INTO THAT GUY. LIKE OR SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES. LIKE HE DEADASS THINKS WITHOUT HIM HE'D BE ALL ALONE. AND adding onto that there's also the line about how thomas talks about hwo he loves his plants but he lets robert take and tear up the toons land because its good for the company, which his brother cares about, so he cares about it too. and he says something about how it'd be best for mary to keep her opinions down or something like that for the future or something like that and its like idk about you but that FEELS like projection on his part it really REALLY does because in that one treasure trove zip file in the phone call between him and robert he DID bring up worries about the toons fighting back and robert was like "nah its gonna be fine they'll stay in their lane" and thomas was like "ok i believe you because you are my brother" ITS LIKE. HE WILL FOLLOW ROBERT TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. AND AT THE SAME TIME HE FEELS LIKE HES BECOME 5TH BEST TO ROBERT. AND ITS LIKE. Its clearly not ALL crystaline, i mean robert is the one running the company and hes just getting more and more pissed off at the toons and according to a twitter comic its gotten to the point where the company is on the verge of going bankrupt because they spend so much on anti-toon security its like. sure we don't see all of it but its like i get the impression that robert himself is digging a deeper hole for himself (metaphorically) and hes changing for the worst, at least in thomas' eyes. but like he can't accept that. so he's blaming all of it on crystaline. and he thinks that if she was just gone, that everything would be ok again, and he'd have his brother and even nephew back (i mean the fact that last year he said bobby jr was being more distant towards him and he was like "eh its ok its all a part of growing up" and now this year he LITERALLY MADE A SWEATER FOR BOBBY and bobby rejected it because it wasn't a "good financial decision" its like bobby jr is a kid so idk he probs learned it from somewhere who knows but its like either way AUGH) but unless something really big changes it might not. and i think he probs knows that, in a way, but he cant accept that. after all, again, he literally thinks that without robert all he has are his plants. he feels like he depends on his family, his brother, to that extent.
i cant think of any more words because ive literally tried to post this like 5 times and tumblr wont let me but like holy fucking shit thomas. he isnot ok i think note i apologize if i got some of the dialogue wrong im going off of memory here.
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the ask about gabbriette following a chef is so funny because what is the bet that (unfortunately) everyone here is following at least one zionist whether it be lana del ray, jack black or whoever so to criticise her based on one follow?
on a different note, bfiafl chapter 5!!!!
omg it was so good and i love how matty and joshua get along and how incredibly evident that matty would still do literally anything for amelia :( and the slap? and what follows? so incredibly hot but also emotionally destroying that the only way he can cum is through punishment and pain and how even his pleasure is painful :( it made me want to sob i had to put my phone down for a second to process that ending because i dread to think what it was like for him after she left
i also saw mention the thing about fanfic feeling weird and fully yeah. i initially wanted to not read and 1975 fanfic because i thought it would be weird to read rpf again (i used to read a shit ton of fall out boy fanfic then other bands but after mainly read fully fiction) but then read one that circulated twitter and then the rest of the one shots in the collection and then went on ao3 'just to look' and now here we are but i guess the thing is whether you fully buy into it and ship it and be weird about it or if its just a fun thing but i honestly still haven't figured out why i cant not read fanfic but fanfic has existed for decades so its by no means a new thing to find weird
more personally though, i went christmas shopping today and it made me really emotional (mainly because of the evocative playlist) because i dont know who to buy presents or what to buy because as much as i should be seeing all of my friends from sixth form i dont really care much about them? like its always such an effort to see each other and as much as theyre lovely and im 'in contact' with them i dont really care much about them that much in comparison to my uni friends because i dont think they've been great friends? i feel like maybe im being harsh because they havent done anything wrong. but its also so many people to buy for and no one has mentioned secret santa. its nust really stressing me out because because i have already spent a fortune and have three gifts to crochet let alone another seven people to sort out and three missed birthdays
im so sorry for yapping so much but if you want i have a couple very pretty photos from this evening!! i also do genuinely want to know how you have been doing especially after the last couple weeks. i hope now chapter five is out you feel less like you're an incapable writer? because you are definitely not!!
Yeah, I mean, it’s weird how some people hold Matty’s partners to a totally different standard than ordinary humans. Also like…all Gabriette does is mind her business. Why can’t people let her live!
Oh my gosh thank you so so much for reading and for caring about what I write and the characters and everything this is such a generous and perfect reading 🥹💗💗 it makes me so happy when people pick up on stuff like that cuz that’s definitely what I had in mind but I never know if it’s coming across or not so thank youuuuuu 🩷🩷🩷
Honestly? If you think about it, most “great literature” is fanfic LMAO. Greco-Roman culture is mostly people shipping different gods and Demi gods and whatnot hahahaha. And then Chaucer and Shakespeare, Donne, Marlowe, etc. all wrote fanfics of ancient literature, medieval British history, Roman war fanfics etc. like I don’t get the stigma around it at all. It can be empowering and a way to forge community and tell stories that you would otherwise not have the tools for or the readership. So…why the fuck not.
No, I totally understand what you mean. I think that sometimes the friends that you make when you’re younger are just through convenience and stuff. Like you’re in the same class together for a lot of the time and you get to know each other. Over time it becomes a thing of “history” like sure they’re so different from you as personalities etc. but you’ve known them for so long and you’ve all put up with each other so it kind of just…happens. Then you go off to uni, you mature personally and intellectually and begin to meet more like minded people etc. and form friendships on different bases. It’s totally natural to feel differently about your previous friends now. It’s part of growing up. Some friendships stay. Some fizzle and come back around later in life. Others just kinda….end. And there’s no one right way to do it for everyone!
Yes yes yes yes I wanna see those pics!!!
I’m pushing through. Honestly I don’t know what’s going on but my mental health just can’t seem to improve lmao. Sure I’ve had bad days before, but not this bad and not for this long. Oh well.
Nah I still want to burn everything I’ve ever written and delete it off the internet. Chapter 5 ESPECIALLY. The pacing just ISNT RIGHT. But I genuinely ran out of ways to fix it so I just let it go. Maybe I just lack the skill set to tell the particular story that I’m trying to tell? Like I don’t even know at this point. Or maybe it’s the depression self-hate talking? It’ll be fine I guess. We’ll have to wait and see lol.
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