#they're relevant for. if anyone else knows any other ways this guy is relevant then i'd be interested to know. i got like 4 hours of sleep
front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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Tips on writing non-verbal communication between characters who know each other really well? Particularly in an emergency situation where other forms of communication aren't possible. Specifically I would like advice on how to portray certain gestures/facial expressions as meaning something specific to these characters that wouldn't be obvious to anyone else.
Body Language Has Special Meaning for Characters
There are two ways you can portray certain body language (gestures, facial expressions, body movement, and posture) as having special meaning to specific characters:
1 - Build Meaning in Ahead of Time - The best way to portray certain body language as having special meaning to your characters is to build that special meaning in ahead of time. For example, let's say Character A needs to convey to Character B that they shouldn't speak, and they do this by sucking in their upper lip. At some point earlier in the story, you would establish that Character A does this when they feel like they're talking too much. You can have Character B or another character notice, and then Character A or another character can explain why they do that. Then, have it happen a couple or few times at relevant points so the reader learns what this facial expression means. Then, when the characters are in the emergency situation, when Character B notices Character A is sucking in their upper lip while making urgent eye contact with them, Character B (as well as the reader) can draw the conclusion that Character A is saying "close your mouth... don't talk."
2 - Explain Meaning in the Moment - Although it's ideal to build the meaning in ahead of time, if you absolutely have to, you can explain the meaning in the moment. For example:
Another man walked into the room, and from the way the other lackeys looked at him, it was obvious he was their leader. He looked from me to Ted and back again, then he approached me.
"My guys tell me you were snooping around in our warehouse. Care to tell me who you are and what you were up to?"
I drew in a breath through my nose, ready to answer, but Ted's urgent gaze crossed with mine. He sucked in his upper lip--something he had a habit of doing when he knew he needed to stay quiet--and I knew I needed to keep my mouth shut.
Out-of-the-Loop Character C Witnessing This Moment
Now, let's say Character C is the POV character here, and they don't know that Character A sucks in their upper lip when they need to stop talking. In this case, even if you were able to build in the meaning ahead of time through A or B's POV chapters (if they had any), it still doesn't help Character C know about it in the moment. And if Character C is the only POV character, then you obviously can't build that meaning in ahead of time. In either case, you could do it like this:
Brod and the other lackeys stood over the captives until the boss man arrived. Everyone shrunk back from the middle of the room, giving Boss room to inspect the captives. He looked from one to the other, approaching the one whose expression held the most bravado.
"My guys tell me you were snooping around in our warehouse. Care to tell me who you are and what you were up to?"
The brave one drew in a breath through their nose, ready to answer, but then their eyes flickered to the urgent gaze of the other prisoner, who sucked in their upper lip. Almost immediately, the brave one pressed their lips shut. Whatever it was they'd been about to say, they'd apparently changed their mind.
The hidden meaning of the gesture is obviously not explicit here, but it's clear enough in context that it's reasonable for the reader to assume the sucked in upper lip was a signal of some kind. And it would be reasonable for the unknowing witness to make that assumption, too.
I hope that helps!
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furiousgoldfish · 7 days
Actually all abuser's justifications for abusive don't hold up. If a child is being loud, annoying, selfish, rude or disruptive, how is abuse going to help? How is violence, yelling, unfair and disproportionate punishments going to rectify this or resolve the issue? Obviously the solution is to be adults about it and understand that this is a child, they are by nature disruptive, loud, selfihs, annoying and rude, that is literally any child because nature makes them like that! The abusers have been the same as children, they have no right to expect a child to be obedient little servant there to satisfy everyone's needs and never be annoying once, what the actual hell? No natural child is like that!
They'll also act like the child hurt them first, hit them first, provoked them, asked for it, so they 'deserved it', um what the damn hell are you talking about? Are you an adult or a helpless pile of mushed crap who gets provoked by a kid being a kid? Do you not know how to deal with an aggressive kid without bringing on trauma and violence? If you have actual beef with a freaking child as an adult, you are 100% in the wrong, every single time, what do you mean you didn't learn to control your violent impulses after the age of 15. Even children are more capable of handling a situation than you are, you stupid justifier of abuse, your arguments rely on everyone believing that you are a fucking incapable idiot. Telling how you never react the same from provocations from your friends or your boss, somehow in those situations you can keep you calm? Act maturely? Not scream or beat the shit out of those provocateurs? It's almost like you have perfect control but want to abuse children anyway.
Then there's also 'I had a hard childhood too', and you went out of your way to create more hard childhoods for other people? Oh not just other people, for children, your children, who are your own flesh and blood, who you took responsibility to protect and care for, to give them a good life and safe future? These are the people you decided should have a hard childhood because you had one? If a guy gets hit by a bus, can he now legally hit you with a bus and it's ok bc it happened to him first? Can every person in the world who had it tough now take it on you, and it's ok because they are the victims and you should just have understanding that it's okay they're now doing it to you? No you don't like that? Then shut your filthy mouth about your childhood, if you're bringing it up to justify your abuse instead of trying to dismantle it to make SURE you never do it to anyone else, I don't wanna fucking hear about it. Do not bring up your own abuse as a defense for when you abused someone else! It's not relevant! Bring it up in therapy! When you're not actively victimizing someone and asking for compassion and support from a person you took these same things away from!
Abuse helps nobody. It accomplishes nothing good for anyone. Desire to abuse is never justified. You can do every single thing in your life without abusing anyone. Do not fucking act otherwise. Nothing that ever happened to you gave you the right to hurt someone who couldn't fight back.
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crab-boy-blues · 7 days
I cannot express the amount of home that this show has given me.
As a queer, transmasc person, I have never felt very comfortable with labels. I thought I was lesbian, then non-binary and bisexual, and then just a gay trans guy. Although I'm fairly sure I'm only attracted to masculine aligned people and that I am masculine aligned myself, I only felt the need for those labels because it's just so much easier to be binary. To have solid answers to who you are, to fit nicely into one category, to be easy to explain. But I have never been a polar or binary person in any sense, I have always been fluid. From my gender identity to expression, my ADHD fixation cycle of constantly moving on to new things, to my tendency to mirror people and morph a bit into different situations.
But nothing about our world just lets you live free and fluid like that. This is not conducive with our society of cishet being the default, and anything else needing to be clearly stated. Because you can't just be different and go unexplained, you have to justify your very existence. It is exhausting to live as a fluid person in many aspects, and constantly having to pinpoint myself on arbitrary scales that were set up by other people, to help them understand. I don't owe anyone coordinates to the exact degree of my transness. You don't owe anyone an explanation.
Our flag means death is such a beautiful depiction of a way of being that just lets people be. At almost no point is straight the expectation. The words queer and gay don't come up a single time throughout the show (correct me on that if I'm wrong), because it's just not relevant. The point of the show is that they're in love, and the fact that they're both men has almost no bearing on the situation whatsoever. Because it doesn't change anything. Jim is never acknowledged as trans, there isn't a coming out, Jim is just Jim, and it's not questioned. Olu, Zheng, Jim, and Archie's relationship is never clarified. Because we don't need to know if they're two couples or one quadruple, it just. Doesn't. Matter.
This stupid fucking beautiful show let's these wonderful characters be who they are, no presets to their selfness. To hell with historical accuracy, to hell with realism. Because this pocket of celebration of self, of queer joy, of love, it isn't about that. It's not about the details, or the timeline, or the exactness. It just is. It's fluid and free and fucking beautiful. And it's a home for people like me.
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"it's about belonging to something"
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goldensunset · 3 months
i'm curious, do you have any thoughts on whether its more narratively fitting for n to have zekrom in black or reshiram in white? its been a debate for ages, i'm personally on the zekrom side and dont really understand the reshiram argument
OOOOH ok i think i did overhear a snippet of that debate on your blog a while back but of course i didn't understand any of it yet. i have been thinking about that... my first instinct would be to agree and say zekrom the dragon of ideals is more fitting. buuuut i really do think you can argue both ways so i will do so here
so! truth and ideals. what he wants and what he thinks is true. what he wants, deep down, is undeniable- he wants pokémon to be happy. that's his ideal world no matter what. what he seems to want specifically is the separation of pokémon and humans. that's the ideal that he works toward, and it's because he holds a misguided view of reality. what he believes to be true is that keeping pokémon is abusive. because of this factoid, because he firmly believes the world is a certain way, he feels spurred to action to remedy that. he values that which he perceives as truth and wants to bring it to light. both truth and ideals are therefore thematically relevant to him because they line up- hold firm to the truth you know, not letting anyone else tell you otherwise, and let it drive you to make changes for the better in the world and seek your ideal.
BUT. does he really believe that idea about abuse to be true? at first, yes of course. but as he says- from the moment he begins traveling the world, and more specifically upon meeting the player- he begins to notice that pokémon seem happy with people. he doesn't understand. this goes against everything he had been told about the world. so, do these experiences make him change his mind about what the truth is? maybe bit by bit. does he admit the error of his ways and step down and step off? NOPE.
and that's the crucial bit. the real, actual truth is right there in front of him but he can't bring himself to acknowledge it. he has committed himself to a certain ideal and he's going to see it through or fall gloriously while trying. he's set his heart on conquering unova and making it perfect, bringing about the noble ideal of happiness for humans and pokémon alike- except by now he knows that's founded on a lie. would reshiram, the dragon of truth, really accept him as a hero with that sort of dissonance in his heart? or would it rather accept the hero who truly does understand and accept the way the world is, as a mixed bag of good and bad?
but on the other hand you could argue he's well aware of and in acknowledgement of the truth. he truly has witnessed the abuse of pokémon before. that isn't a lie- it's just a statistical minority that he's only just now finding out is a minority. but even if it is- for a guy who loves pokémon that much, that's completely intolerable. it doesn't matter how many trainers are good people- even one hurt pokémon is one too many. it's not worth the gamble of continuing to let it happen. so even if he has witnessed the truth of the majority of the world now, his truth isn't all wrong either. it's still very much significant to him. he has a fuller understanding of the world than most do, as someone who's seen both the good and bad of it. and he does admit something like this to the player at mistralton- he knows they're a good and kind trainer, but still says the separation needs to happen, even though that would bring about injustice to good trainers.
in this situation, he can probably recognize that there's both something to be gained and lost either way, whether trainerdom continues or not- and also that those two aren't necessarily equal. there will be pain for certain pokémon if it continues, and there will be pain for MANY people and MANY pokémon if it stops. maybe in that situation after having travelled the world he can understand by now which option is truly better. which is the real ideal world, the lesser of two evils. but that sad fact of pokémon abuse is so significant to him that he'd rather still forgo the world as it is now. he clings so stubbornly to a certain truth that he forgets to look at the big picture of things and consider what really is ideal.
in the end though the question is, i guess- which is more thematically fitting for him to fly off on and keep as his best friend? he's learned his lesson in the end that he was doing the wrong thing, and determined that the two dragons representing truth and ideals don't need to fight. but even so it's not like the two dragons reunite. he still stays with one. and he still lost the fight to the player with the other one. so the real question is, in the greater scheme of things, which one won the fight narratively? truth or ideals? what lesson did he learn? what lesson did we learn?
SIKE i think that's taking things too far lol. like i said it could go either way and also they don't need to fight. and the dragon isn't purely symbolic it's also like his bestie at that point of course he's gonna keep it even if he's a changed person lol. anyway hope you enjoyed my academic essay i only completed my degree in this particular field of study about 18 hours ago so i hope i'm qualified enough to talk about this
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get-rammed · 9 months
would you tell me more about skeevy drug dealer Diego? 👀 does he still think he's hot shit? and how does he know Bonnie? did they meet before or after Bonnie met Monty? it'd just be funny if he met the both of them without realizing they're related or finding out later on lol
God complex given human/big crocodile form. He is an absolute unit. Standing at 7 feet tall while Human, and 15 feet tall while gator. Absolutely shredded. Knows he's hot shit. Knows he can wreck your shit.
Also has a wide variety of goodies for the depraved. Doesn't really sell directly anymore, but will to a select group of people. Everyone else has to go to one of his lackeys.
Kinda guy you see and immediately make room for because he will not move for you.
He met Bonnie on accident. He was barely 16 at a concert. Dawn took him to go because she liked the band, and wanted to bond with her newly adopted son and show she cared for him.
They got to meet the band up close and something just kinda clicked. Bonnie and Diego talked a lot after and hung out a lot in the weeks following. Just getting high and vibing, going on trips an such. Dawn didn't care too much as Diego got a friend, and didn't get the vibe Bonnie was being a creep. He genuinely wasn't, just kinda clicked with the kid. Straightened him out a little.
Until Diego got into selling shitty weed and worked his way up. Then he became a plug for the band and their staff. Yes Freddy has done some drugs, but not anything too hard. Man just wants to a lil weed and to pass out sometimes.
Skip a few decades and waddles in a 23 year old Monty to replace Bonnie. Diego basically brushed the guy off and told Bonnie he'd be better off else where. Didn't mention they were related. Didn't feel it was worthy of bringing up.
They are related by blood. Diego's bio parents gave him up when he was born, and he got bounced around a lot. Made him a lot of different types of traumatized. But felt so safe and secure with Dawn, and she helped him find some of his family that did want to see him.
Monty's mom adores Diego, partly because he looks just like her. Careful not to say he looks like her sister, his mom. Who was ostracized from the family a number of years prior for just being a shitty person overall. And partly because he's a polite young man who's been nothing short of friendly at the family gatherings :)
Diego doesn't much care for any of his bio family, but knows how far a thank you and a smile can get him :) especially with the scary croc lady
Diego and Monty's relationship is very "we're related, I see you once a year at family gatherings. Don't talk to me.". Diego has always lowkey viewed Montgomery as a loser. A runt who wasn't ever going to go anywhere. He would die the useless sibling to his family.
Yes he has said that to Monty. No Monty has never told anyone. He was 15, being berated by a cousin he didn't know for no reason other than Diego wanted to make him cry and knew Monty wasn't a narc
Bonnie of course asked Monty later if he knew Diego, and got the hint pretty fast how that whole situation is. Didn't really do anything with the information because it didn't seem relevant to him at all. Diego has been his friend for a long ass time, and he just needs Monty to play well so he can retire.
Within the current timeline of the were AU, Monty is 26ish (I've probably said other ages in the past but for now slapping that age on), where Diego is 47, and Bonnie is 55 (not old, old, but old enough to know he wants to kick back. He's been rocking for just over 30 years man).
Diego has made passes at Y/N. Mostly because he knew it upset Monty.
He gets along fine with Morgan, but Montana he's always butted heads with. But he respects her enough to leave her alone.
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Current headcanons for possible stobotnik boom!Stone
He works at/owns a coffee shop a couple towns over. Eggman was there to pick up a specific thing and decided to get coffee on the way out. It was love at first sight. Stone put a heart next to the name on the cup. The next few weeks sees a serious decrease of Eggman sightings and Sonic's feelings are a tad bit hurt. The team investigate and discover no, Eggman doesnt have a new nemesis, he's just utterly failing to flirt with this one barista and its painful to watch.
Eggman decided he cant rely on machines to handle everything for him after a few to many mishaps so he hires a personal assistant. Stone turns out not only to be super competent but half the time he's more efficient than the machines and he makes the best lattes. Theres a behind the scenes rivalry between Stone and a couple robots. Eggman has no idea he's crushing mega hard on Stone but everybody else knows. If Sonic has to hear one more rambling rant about "how great Stone is" he's gonna scream
Stone somehow inserts himself into Eggman's life. Nobody has any idea how it happened (well Sticks has a few theories). Including Eggman. He just showed up one day and never left
Stone opens a coffee shop that becomes a popular new hang out place. He's not much of a character but he is in most episodes. He can be seen serving coffee, staring longingly at Eggman from across the room, and chatting with costumers. Theres a unspoken rule about not damaging his shop during fights (his coffee is too divine. No one is willing to risk not being able to get some because he closed the shop down)
Villain Stone villain Stone villain Stone
Villain Stone who does like two attacks, is then invited by Eggman to join forces, and next thing anyone knows they're partners
Villain Stone who's trying to get Eggman's attention by making him jealous stealing his nemesis and becoming his rival
Stone gets one episode and then after that he's just occasionally seen in the background and given two lines. Stone moves to town (Sticks is convinced he's a government spy placed here to gather information) and as the only other human in town, Amy is convinced Eggman and Stone are destined to be together and she works nonstop to create romantic situations to trap them in. It somehow works. Eggman is constantly calling to reschedule fights because "i cant do thursday im going bowling with Stone"
Stone works as a government liaison. He's got a neutral relationship with both Eggman and team Sonic (even Sticks. She stops by his house to ask convoluted questions that he patiently answers or to spy on him) but seeing him usually means "uggggg what now" for all of them. Stone has a closet shrine filled with pictures of Eggman and the only people who know are Sticks and Knuckles. They dont talk about it
The government sends a group to the island to investigate something and everyone is super aggravated by all the red tape. Stone is the guy in charge. Eggman is pissed at the group and Stone in particular for grinding everything to a halt until Stone takes off his sunglasses and theres a cartoon "pretty girl hairflip" kinda thing when Eggman sees Stone's eyes for the first time. Now instead of stuttering and flushing in anger when talking to Stone he stutters and flushes because of butterflies. Stone and Shadow either have unexplained beef or are the kind of friends where you quietly stand together because you dont know anybody else here which is also unexplained. Either way its weird
(Oh what if Maria was one of the members of the group and thats why Shadow was hanging around oh great im going on a tangent now-)
(Or maybe Rouge is there and her and Shadow act like old friends. This is only relevant because Knuckles spends the whole episode looking at Rouge with heart eyes and theres a "get Knuckles a date" side plot)
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lucem-stellarum · 5 months
I'm not 100% sold on this yet myself, but...
What if chronically-ill Guy?
This is the 2nd sick video he has. I'm sure it's more due to the fact that Guy is pretty close to Erik's natural voice, and he doesn't have to worry about adding things like the magical sound effects or multiple characters, things that would require a lot of effort on the back end, or weaving in complicated plot heavy elements when he's not feeling well. But... have we gotten sick videos for any other character? I appreciate Erik wanting to continue providing content for us, but there are so many other character options. It gives us an opportunity to explore character depth.
I know it's a bit of a running stereotype that chronically ill (assorted flavors) overlaps with neurodivergent (assorted flavors) overlaps with writing (as both hobby and profession) but... what if though? He's got the latter two, so why not the first too? While its not impossible that he has some sort of obvious physical impairment (such as amputation, or requiring a wheelchair), if it was meant to be canon from the get-go I feel like Asher or Gavin/FL would have made a specific mention of it when they interacted with him. I sincerely doubt that he'd pull a JKR-Dumbledore and be all 'it was toootally there it just wasn't relevant to the ~story~' after the fact. Erik is decently good about #representation, though he does have to balance it out with wanting to keep his characters as physically vague as possible so we as listeners can project our own mental expectations. But, neither writing nor pizza delivery are necessarily automatically overwhelmingly physically demanding (plus, amputees/wc users absolutely can drive with proper assistive devices) so that doesn't automatically exclude invisible conditions either.
I'd have to do a bit more research before I decide if I want to hc a specific condition, of course. Especially if it's something I don't have myself. There are a couple qualities I have in mind, some criteria that I think would make sense with what we know about him. I also have do decide if there's any expectations I'd want to subvert with this. Like, I don't think something like celiac's or Crohn's disease makes sense because he works in a pizza shop, and seems to voluntarily eat that kind of food frequently. He's also super chaotic and high-energy just... all the time, even when he's sick, so something mental and depression-adjacent also doesn't sound quite right (with the caveat that ADHD and depression can coexist in ways that seem incompatible at first glance). I'm kind of vibing with something (or a treatment for something, like steroids treating eczema or COPD) that leaves him at least a little bit immunocompromised, because he seems to be frequently sick whereas Honey doesn't seem to catch it even though they're both worried it's contagious. I don't want to say anyone else's headcanon is invalid, but I'm still in the process of integrating this idea into my brain so I'm open to suggestions. I'm not afraid of ignoring minor canon details when it suits me, if there's something that would otherwise fit him perfectly.
Does anyone else have any specific ideas? Thoughts? Added dimensions that I'm missing out on or things I haven't considered yet?
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bylertruther · 1 year
random thought, but i feel like putting all of the blame on karen for the fact tht mike doesn't open up to her is a little ...................... (insert vague hand motion here bc i can't think of a fitting, not-childish eloquent word) ????
yes she's the parent and yes she does have to make the effort to create an environment where he feels welcome to share and talk to her, but karen cannot force mike to open up. mike doesn't respond well to his parents being overbearing and honestly he doesn't react well to ANYONE coming at him head-on no matter how close they are to him.
mike needs to come to people on his own terms when he's ready and collected himself. and karen knows that! she literally says that to ted when ted offers to go talk to him in s1 because they know will's death and disappearance is hard on him. and no i don't think they should've taken away his toys aka doled out a punishment when mike wasn't cooperating in s2, because that's simply Not how you handle such a situation, but they did it because they thought well if us being "soft" isn't working then maybe us putting our foot down will get through to him. it's not like they did it bc they thought to themselves "lmao fuck that guy 🖕".
and even though mike doesn't seek support through verbal means like nancy does, he does seek comfort from her through physical affection! and karen does give it to him! whenever he feels like he's lost will, he goes to her and breaks down in her arms and she drops everything to go hold him.
the point is that when mike does go to her, she's there. they all care about and love each other in that family, including ted. karen and ted are not plot-involved parents like joyce and hopper are, and we're not going to get a deep dive into any of the other families unless it's relevant to the plot. ... as we've literally already seen before?
and ted is the way he is because he's written as the kind of father that spends all day at work to provide for his family and gets home and just wants to watch tv and eat dinner and go to sleep and repeat that ad nauseam for the rest of his life bc tht's just what you do and you only have so much energy (smth smth silly little play). i'm not saying he's father of the year and no one should ever comment on his involvement with his kids, but... that's just his role to play in this story.
he's clueless abt the crazy shit that goes down in hawkins the same way that everyone else is clueless abt it but that doesn't make him a bad guy lol. there's purposeful juxtaposition of him chillin' watching the news cover everything up while joyce and hopper and the kids are out there losing their minds almost dying fighting monsters saving the world etc etc. it's supposed to be comical. he lives here and he has no idea what's really happening, unlike us and the central characters of the show.
not every family has to look or act like the byers or sinclair family to be Good. you can try your best to get someone to talk to you, but they're not going to do it if they don't want to. mike is a hothead that doesn't often share or even totally understand what he's feeling, and if he does, he rarely opens up all the way. he still keeps certain things to himself and only reveals just enough to achieve his goals. it's mainly when he's apologizing over something big that he manages to be open, and that isn't even something that happens often or outside of a situation that necessitates it.
and the whole "not knowing exactly where your kids are, but knowing they're with their friends somewhere and that they'll be home later tonight" isn't a sign of abuse or that they don't care. that's what life was like before the technology that we have now, and that level of freedom was the POINT. it's a big part of WHY the duffers chose the eighties. such a story wouldn't work with our current technology. that isn't even an experience exclusive to those that are 30+ or whatever. i'm in my twenties and i remember my childhood being like that.
like. i don't think it's as black and white of an issue as some people suggest. the wheelers haven't been perfect parents, but they're not malicious and they do love their children, even if they clearly don't always understand them. saying that karen and ted don't care about or love their children and that they're on the same level of neglect as lonnie is just... i mean. what?
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pulchrasilva · 1 year
Sorry if this is random, but not many people are in the rswr fandom so you may be flooded with questions for the next week.
how related do you think Roman from sanders sides is to Roman from rswr? I know they address it in the first episode a little, but it’s still unclear to me. They seem very different in terms of personality and goals. It can’t be a coincidence because Thomas sanders wouldn’t just use one of the names of his well established characters for nothing.
sorry again, this was really long.
No need to apologise for sending me asks! I'm always happy to talk, especially about roleslaying
This is a topic that's been rattling around my head for a while so here goes
I would agree with you there, sanders sides and roleslaying with roman are very different. Different universe, characters, message, tone, etc. I think there's probably no in-universe connection between the two series tbh (although it can be fun to imagine the roleslaying universe as the creation of princey, for example).
Some people call roleslaying a spin-off of sanders sides but I'm not a fan of that tbh. It's a show that involves a guy who makes another show, not a spin off. Roleslaying has a much larger cast of entirely new characters, much more worldbuilding and whats looking to be a more complicated plot. Spin-offs usually take place at least in the same universe as the original media, but that's clearly not whats happening here.
Plus if it was a spin-off or if sanders sides had any real in-universe significance to roleslaying, "doc" Janus probably would have had more than 5 minutes screen time and Roman would be more similar to side!Roman
Personally, I think that dnd is the kind of game where someone who has an established oc might choose to adapt them to fit a new universe, because people are very attached to their ocs and it's fun! I do feel that at it's core, roleslaying is just thomas and his friends having fun and telling us a cool story as theu do it.
So Roman was taken from the sanders sides universe because he was an established character who Thomas enjoyed playing, and then he created a new character based partially on side!Roman and partially adapted to better fit the context of the campaign. A prince really wouldn't have fit with the story they're telling here, and changing that part of Princey changes a lot of Roman's character so we end up with a very different person. But they have the same name because rswr!Roman came from side!Roman.
When it comes to doc Janus, some people might say that he was there as a way to grab sanders sides fans' attention and in some ways I'd agree. But I also think his inclusion in the story (and likely any inclusion of other ts characters in the future) probably started from AJ thinking "hey my friend has these cool ocs, and the character he's playing is already inspired by them, I bet he'd enjoy it if we put some of his ocs into the campaign!" But doc janus isn't plot relevant or anything because at the end of the day, roleslaying isn't supposed to be a spin-off or sanders sides focused at all
So. This got a bit longer than I was expecting but to summarise. I think that the roleslaying and sanders sides universes are totally separate, but they have references between them just for fun. It's like the equivalent of putting a character into a private campaign as a reference to an inside joke, except theres an audience who's also in on it
I know my mutuals have a lot of thoughts on this topic too so if anyone else has something to say, go ahead! This is just how I personally think of the 2 universes and what I'm guessing the intentions are behind how they reference each other
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bardofavon · 11 months
Lol the Darkling, so unhinged. It does strike me that like no one understands Kaz’s motivations and connection to the Darkling given he’s afraid to show his vulnerabilities, talk about the blackmail, admit he’s in over his head and the Darkling appears to be just using Kaz to outsiders.
One thing I’m curious about is whether Nikolai and the others understand he’s touch adverse. Kaz speculated Nikolai might’ve guessed but that would be another ??? for them in what is happening with Kaz and the Darkling. On that actually, I wonder if Kaz’s backstory will ever be shared with anyone in this fic- Darkling obviously wants to know and kaz had thought about how he hasn’t even shared it with Inej.
It is kind of funny that as much as he's stressing "I am not the Darkling's pet and I am not in love with him" he hasn't even considered throwing out how much more the Darkling is into him than he is into the Darkling but at that point he thinks it's just really not that relevant to anyone who isn't him. Like at this point he's pretty sure if he said "actually the Darkling really wants me and I'm just using him for power" everyone would be like "mmhmm okay kaz whatever you need to tell yourself" so what's the point.
As for the touch aversion, Nikolai has Kaz's intense reaction to him putting an arm around him to play around with in his brain because that is definitely not how normal people react to something like that, but he might not have jumped straight to touch-aversion as opposed to "just really fucking hates me for some reason" except that he did have several conversations with Inej and Jesper planning how best to "rescue" Kaz, and although they wouldn't outright tell him Kaz has problems with physical touch it probably set off some alarm bells in his head the way they advocated to minimize the amount of manhandling people did of him.
Strikes against him realizing Kaz is touch averse would be him sharing a bed with the Darkling every night and how incredibly close they were when he walked in on them while they were discussing the Darkling's name.
Really it's all kind of in a category of "a lot of things are fucked up about that guy and until they're relevant to me or useful to my cause i'm just going to save it as a problem for Later Nikolai"
No one else other than Nikolai has really connected the dots that there's any sort of actual phobia going on because everyone else gives him a huge personal space bubble by nature of really not wanting to be around him anyway/generally being afraid of him. They're not thinking he has any kind of phobia, but everyone in general is kind of ???? about Kaz being intimate with anyone just because he really doesn't seem like the kind of person who would be into that.
anyone hearing rumors back in ketterdam is definitely like "what the fuck is going on over there?????"
So actually re:backstory, one element keeping him from sharing anything from the Darkling is the fact that the Darkling used Kaz's old name at one point, meaning Kaz does know that the Darkling knows more about Kaz's past than anyone else does somehow. It hasn't come up again because Kaz has specifically avoided thinking about the implications of that, but on a subconscious level it's keeping him from opening up about any of that with the Darkling on his own because he already feels the betrayal of the Darkling possibly taking some of it before he was ready to give it.
Much of Kaz's backstory is something he's never shared with anyone so it's not like there's any way the Darkling could figure it out without Kaz willingly sharing it, meaning actually sharing it with him would be giving away very precious currency. If Kaz ever learns the Darkling's name or more about his own past it might make him more inclined to share, but it's very doubtful unless he's in the position of realllllllly reallly needing to regain the Darkling's trust...which...okay is not entirely impossible.
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so now they've added her flop series to the timeline order 😐
correct me if i'm wrong but didn't the russos say that the events of AC weren't canon? which lead the stggy stans argue that she never married and/or had children with anyone else? (which btw doesn't make any sense whatsoever cus she did infact had children or a child.. i don't know i'm not so sure, shown in pictures kept in her hospital room in CA:TWS) but now apparently it's canon and even included in the official MCU list 🙃
all i gotta say is, try as hard as y'all want to make her relevant Disney, but it's not gonna change the fact that she was one of the people who enabled the growth of HYDRA in SHIELD, who were the very people Steve "the love of her life" fought against until the moment he put down that damn Valkyrie into the Arctic
TBH I think they're intending it to be seen as happening in an 'alt universe' / timeline (idk what the difference is, and frankly I don’t think they do either). 
The events are impossible / could not have happened within the MCU timeline, because it's all supposed to be happening at the same time that CATWS told us she and Howard had already co-founded SHIELD and released/employed Zola (1946).
And all the events of CATWS are themselves impossible if that didn't happen, which would have had an enormous knock-on effect for the subsequent Avengers movies. Including Howard wondering where 'Arnie' is in EG, *ach-tw*
And with WhatIf they think they've made her history A-okay by treating Zola as if he's just another fun Nazi side-character like Zemo, and making Bucky a douchebro who's to blame for what TWS did (so the people like Zola who tortured him are not bad or to blame, apparently). 
But in fact all they've done is point out that hiring and working with and enabling Nazis to be immortalized and accrue world-shattering power is such an intrinsic part of Peggy's character that she'd even do it in other universes!  
(And they went with 'because she's incompetent' as the reason. Feminism!)
Canon-in-main-timeline or not (it's not), AC is still very revealing of character. Just not in the way the stans, writers, and actress think.
It's the show where we find out exactly how much of a rich privileged posh Englishwoman Pggy is. 
( Girl's boarding school, debutante, Stork Club, fiancee in the Home Office, brother in the Old Boys Network, skipping from career to career without worry of consequences, handed every job she's ever had, daddy's friends with a Senator, only non-rich friends are servants, etc. etc. But tell me again how she earned her place? ) 
It's the show where they really doubled down on 'she's the most important to Steve because- [delete Bucky delete Sarah]!!'
While simultaneously stealing every bit of Bucky's characterisation.
( Signature outfit colours, blue and red? Steve's last message was about her not his mother and Bucky? living in dingy apartment in Brooklyn with blond Irish 'room mate'? friend to disabled guys? math skills? boxing? war-record? besties with the Howlies? on the continent not in London? crackshot? whiskey drinker?? Stark Tech admirer? being the damsel rescued by Steve makes you his love-interest? 
Literally all she is is stolen wholecloth from Bucky. I guess I should be glad that, now that they’ve nerfed Bucky’s characterisation, she has moved onto stealing from Steve and Sam?)
It's also the show where the character based on a Nazi gets the only female Jew in the MCU sterilised by GSW because of arrogant incompetence, but can herself be literally impaled and just walk it off.
Where the line 'no woman is going to choose an aluminium crutch over a red white and blue shield' is apparently proven true.
Where the 'feminist' stabs blue collar creeps for offending her friends, but her rich white creep friend (Stark) merely gets told off. 
Where the threateningly pretty fan fave will be written out because lesbian ship is icky. 
Where Peak White Feminist Princess stops her disabled colleague from protesting women's disempowerment, on the grounds that she, the one posh white girl working there, knows how great she is, and that's all that matters. (Meanwhile she is shouting that being a woman makes her a better spy than the men but she can't spot a Black Widow until they're literally kissing her on the mouth. Oh, btw: lesbians are only villains!) 
And where POC will only appear (after fans have complained) to kiss her ass (to remind us how great she is! because that's how making a great character works! totally not a racist!) be Family Friend-ily desexed by Plot Machinations, and then be killed off.
Every time Pggy appears, they tell on her and tell on her tell on her, but still don't see it because-
Well, clearly, Disney are not going to hire people who think having a past of collaborating with Nazis is a bad thing and would criticise that in the writing, because putting that attitude in the media would damage Disney's IP.
They can subtly endorse Disney's Nazi past, though, to please the people who are into that. 
By erasing Judaism from any adapted Jewish characters, except the one who’s going to be sterilised. (Or adapting Jewish characters, if they’re going to be villains). 
By simultaneously adapting Nazi characters as 'heroines'. 
By introducing Nazi villains, but making them 'fun', saying they’re not Nazis... but keeping everything about which connoted Nazi-ism originally. 
( EG. an aristocratic Baron with a German accent who mysteriously managed to hang onto generational wealth after the Holocaust, from an Eastern European country that hates Captain America, with a big Hydra (Nazi) base in it? Who is a Nazi in the comics?? A woman whose interest in a disabled man is pitying but who becomes overtly sexual towards him once he’s an ubermensch? Who is a ‘spy’ but spends all her time around Allies because she’s actually spying on them? Who is a Nazi in the comics? Gee, I wonder it what it all means! Dog whistle! )
By making heroic characters mute whenever these Nazis speak -- and what they say will be treated as rational and correct (see: Zemo mansplaining what supremacy is while Sam agrees). By having non-Nazi villains do the same things Nazi villains did, but then becoming allies of the heroes (John Walker, Red Skull, and Pggy, all deemed themselves worthy to receive superserum).
By blaming the Jewish-character expy (Bucky) for things the Nazis did (to him). 
By pushing the Colonial-Power Superhero in rep and exposure just as a black man takes over the Cap Mantle (and citing ‘feminism’ to explain why this is Fine Actually. These are ‘Margaret Thatcher Utilised Girlpower’ people.)
And by making leftwing people the Bad Guys. 
(FATWS, TPB. The logical next step will be bringing back Steve -- the ultimate leftwinger -- as a Baddie). 
Now you might be tempted to think Pggy wasn't originally part of all this. Because in the original script she was more of a maternal figure, in Steve's eyes, and he was supposed to do what he did in the comics, and dump her for Sharon, with her blessing, while she died of old age. 
But she was always an adaption of Nazi Cynthia, for absolutely no earthly reason... other than pleasing people who are into that (if they needed a pre-serum woman for Steve, then Gail Richards was right there!) 
She was always, from way back in her short, intended to be the co-founder of SHIELD. 
And SHIELD was always intended to have been Hydra all along, because they’ve been adapting the Ultimates Run of comics (creepy, shit, misogynist), in which that happens. (And in which, incidentally, Pggy is not Steve’s love interest!) 
And now with WhatIf they’ve confirmed that working with Nazis really is just who Pggy is in every ‘verse, making this the fourth- sorry, FIFTH time the Same Nazis have “infiltrated” while she was either running the show or high up in the organisation. 
How many times is enough before people take the hint?! SIX?! Why wasn’t one enough?
It’s not an accident. 
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Do you have any favorite and least favorite tropes
Least Favorite Tropes
If you've followed me a while, you know I love to shout that tropes aren't bad. So, when I hear this question, my brain usually defaults to least favorite clichés. I always forget that just because tropes aren't inherently bad doesn't mean there can't be tropes I don't like. So, at your request, I sat down and really thought about it, and came up with the following list:
CW/TW for r*pe CW for s*x (They're #9 and #10 if you want to skip them…)
1 - The Alpha Male - He's tough, strong, emotionless, skilled at everything, hot and built, and full of raw sexual power. Every masculine person wants to be him, and everyone attracted to men wants to be with him… you get the drift. Guys like this are just a bunch of red flags sewn into the shape of a person. Unless he's the antagonist or a dirtbag with a positive change arc, it's just not my thing.
2 - Emotionless for Edge - I've said it before and I'll say it forever: specifically writing about a character experiencing a neurological or psychological condition that numbs emotion is fine (as long as it's either your own experience or you do your research and use a sensitivity reader), BUT… when a character is emotionless for the sake of drama or to be edgy, it just doesn't work for me.
3 - Insta-Love - You know how it goes… person meets person and within twenty-minutes of meeting, they're declaring their everlasting love for one another. That's insta-love, and I want to clarify that because I'm seeing a lot of confusion about that lately. Somehow, the popular definition of insta-love became about time spent together, and it was never about time at all. It's about whether or not the love feels earned, both through the events the lovebirds jointly experience and through how their budding love is shown through their interactions. Because, you can have two people trapped in a room together for six hours, during which time they experience a lot of harrowing situations, have to learn to trust and rely on one another, and confide things in one another they've never shared with anyone else, and you can make it believable that they develop romantic feelings for one another in that amount of time. But if you just stick them in a room together for six hours and nothing much happens other than they have a couple of random conversations and an argument about sports, and then try to tell me they're in love, that's not going to feel earned to me.
4 - Unreliable Narrator - This is where the narrator, usually the POV character, gives the reader information that isn't true. For some reason. I've never been a fan of this trope because I've never really seen it used well. It never really seems to serve a purpose other than to mislead the reader, but that just feels cheap to me. I'll concede that it probably can be used well and I'm sure there are great examples, but I'm just not a big fan.
5 - Obviously Beautiful - They're gorgeous. Maybe even the hottest person wherever. Everyone thinks they're gorgeous. Everyone within a ten-mile radius is madly, deeply in love with them. But they have no idea. As far as they're concerned, they're just a Plain Jayne. Pass…
6 - Dark and Tragic Past - Something unspeakable happened in their past, and it really doesn't have that much to do with the rest of the plot or who they eventually became, but you'd better believe the memory of those events will haunt their dreams and every waking moment where it can provide drama. Unless you're specifically writing about dealing with trauma, or the terrible events are both plot relevant and plot-necessary, this is a hard no for me. There are so many more interesting ways to give your character an internal conflict and emotional wound than by giving them a dark and troubled past.
7 - Never Together, Always Apart - This is really more of a TV problem than a book problem, but I've seen it in long book series now and then. It's when two characters are in love, they're obviously meant to be together--and they are together very briefly off and on--but even though it's not really that important to the story in any way, these two characters are going to be kept apart again, and again, and again. You'll breathe a sigh of relief that they're finally, finally, finally together once and for all, then something happens to drive them apart for the six-hundredth time. Not a fan.
8 - Hobby as Personality - I see this more often in YA, but it happens in all categories. It's where the protagonist has some special skill or hobby unrelated to the plot, like they love to read, play the bagpipes, write really deep poetry, or have a beautiful singing voice, but this is the most important thing about them outside of their role in the external conflict. There's no other attempt to flesh out their personality. They don't really have an internal conflict or emotional wound. There's nothing at stake to keep them up at night. They don't have other interests or obvious likes/dislikes. Their hopes and dreams, if they exist at all, revolve entirely around the special skill or hobby. I mean, I'm all for giving protagonists a thing that makes them special, but if that's their entire personality, it's not for me.
9 - R*pe for Realism - This is when r*pe exists in the story simply because it's a gritty setting, like a Viking village, medieval fantasy, or a pirate ship. Just. No. There are many, many, maaaaaaany examples of stories set in the distant past, dystopian futures, The Republic of Pirates, or dark and gritty fantasy worlds that don't include people being r*ped for "realism." It isn't necessary. It doesn't add realism. It's just an excuse to write about someone being r*ped. So, that's a great big giant bowl of nope for me.
10 - Emotional Situation Sex - The world is falling apart around them. Things just couldn't be worse. The future looks grim. But that's not gonna stop these horn dogs from getting it onnnnnnnnn! And they're doing it while both in tears and moaning their goodbyes. Nope-ity nope noooooooope! And hey… if you like this kind of scene, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Some of my favorite people love this trope. It's just not for me.
Now, just because I don't personally like these tropes, with the exception of #9 (which is just generally no...) doesn't mean they're inherently bad. I'm just not a fan. And I know some of these probably border on clichés by now, but for some genres they're still considered tropes.
Thanks for the fun question! I'll do favorite another day or see if I have a link to a past post.
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izzy-b-hands · 5 months
Been having a weird time waking up (small panic attack and body aches) while my brain is bombarding me with fic ideas (if it wants them so badly then it should LET ME WRITE THEM TO COMPLETION AND PUBLISHING but i digress)
Including a drawfee moment inspired one that im tapping the general idea out here bc it might not ever make it to the page otherwise and it keeps rattling in my head and has been for over a month so
We're in s2. But different. Slightly, at least. Stede's still brought Ed back onboard after barely a day of him being gone (if that), and suggestions are flying for how to help everyone feel more comfortable together.
Including, at Stede's insistence, Drawing Lessons with Lucius.
It's very clear, as he directs them in their sketching, that they're drawing something that has Ed's head/face, like the rest of Lucius' current sketches, but perhaps the best/worst of the entire situation
Is Ed, in his punishment suit and bell, at the end of the table, attempting to sketch. Not doing badly at all, actually. Which is both fine and not fine for poor Lucius, who just really wishes he wasn't this close to Ed physically at all rn
And it builds and builds until he's jumping any time anyone so much as clears their throat, and then.
Ed shows confusion at the next instruction. It's slightly unusual, or seems that way at least, for the current drawing.
Cut to Lucius leaning down to Ed, and directly in his ear asking, hissing with barely held back frustration over ALL OF IT because fucking christ he TOLD Stede he wasn't ready for something like this let alone also involving Ed:
"Do you know what a rectangle is?!"
(relevant animation of this Drawfee bit can be found here, for context of some kind lmao. The link should start it right at the beginning of the right clip, but if it doesn't, then it starts at 1:10 in this video:
Idk what else to pad this idea with to attempt to make it a full fic, bc it feels like the next thing to happen is gonna be Ed and Lucius tackling each other and not in a sexy fun way
but I do absolutely have the next bit present in my head of like. Archie gently saying she does know what a rectangle is, but if anyone else is having trouble that's okay, maybe they can all share their progress while they wait for Teacher (Lucius) to be ready again; she's trying so hard to help hold the vibe together, showing off her lovely sketch in progress while Ed and Lucius tumble in the background (they're not really fighting, just sort of grappling. They don't actually want to hurt one another, but they're also not getting the Emotions out any other way so. Awkward slightly threatening grapple with each other while Stede lets Archie take over the sketching session, "you guys wanna draw a snake with Ed's face? I can teach you that, and it doesn't even involve any rectangles!" and a cheer goes up from them all.)
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secretgamergirl · 8 months
It kind of hurts to think about just how stupid nazis are, and they need to be picked on about it more often.
It's late, I'm procrastinating about going to bed, and some nazi just wandered into a Discord server I'm in and started rambling in the most breathtakingly brainless way. He's not having any sort of conversation with anyone or saying anything relevant to the purpose of the channel, just... random stupid gibberish, mostly nazi coded, but mixed in with other stuff that's just... stupid. He's rambling about people clutching pearls over "the sexism and AI" in some banner ad that's just like, one of those generic corporate art deals with a bunch of random people smiling, and then he starts rambling about spiders and viruses that "shut computers down from epilepsy" and you can just see everyone else in the server having this mental debate over whether to just start shouting "what the hell are you even talking about you deluded weirdo? Do you even know what any of these words you're using mean?" or try to be more polite and diplomatic, or just pretend this loser isn't there.
Personally I'm biting my tongue because I have this strong urge to just kinda pin this creep to the wall and start interrogating him about why he's wasting his time watching youtube videos from other braindead losers and trying to parrot the incoherent garbage that comes out of their mouths, and how he expected people were going to react to this drivel, but I know this particular crowd wouldn't appreciate such an active effort to try and restart this piece of garbage's critical thinking skills.
For real though, it's one thing to internalize all the really really stupid propaganda and invent strawmen to try to argue with and all that, but even without the incoherent mutterings about feminism, this guy's making a first impression on a crowd of strangers that his brain doesn't function, he's not going to shut up, and he's just going to keep throwing out incomprehensible word salad until people stop paying attention or kick him out. How is that your gameplan in life? What sort of setting is that going to work in as a means of integrating with some sort of community?
This isn't the only recent example I've seen of this either. Someone was just telling me the other day how the whole nazi culture war sphere wasted like a week or two moaning and rending their garments because they got the idea in their head that in TMNT: Mutant Mayhem (which is really great, and you should see it), they "made Splinter gay." And like... they didn't. They didn't do anything that would ever give anyone that sort of impression. They actually made him rather emphatically heterosexual, and there's this whole bit about him wishing he could find a date. But... some braindead nazi got this idea in his head, somehow, and ranted about it because it was the best dumb culture war thing he could think of to ramble about, and then all the rest started parroting this idiot and shouting about how much they hate this movie that clearly not a one of them has actually watched, or read a review of, or seen a trailer for, or read a vague wikipedia summary on. They're just all making complete clowns of themselves for like a straight month. It's really just beyond pathetic seeing this stuff.
And like... I dunno. Obviously some of these people are so far gone there's nothing to be done for it but justified self-defense measures, but when these idiot children are first dipping a toe in the water, someone really needs to just pull them aside and ask them why the hell they think it's a good idea to take advise from the dumbest most reviled losers on the planet and start acting in a way that's obviously going to leave them completely and utterly shunned and ridiculed by basically every single person on the planet, you know?
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revvnant · 7 months
i will get on here but i've realised part of my hesitation is never have i ever read the books and never will i ever change that. i do not like the books i do not like scott and while i try not to bring bad vibes sadly in this regard not only am i a little hater but it's important for people to know when writing with me. fnaf is at this point the weirdest 'fandom' i've been in because there is almost no consensus on canon so it splits into a million streams of headcanon, most of which branch off from popular fanon, and i feel like an ant in a microwave sometimes trying to write michael. like every time i have to make my brain kiss someone else's brain and it's not even our fault it's because scott is allergic to writing a story full stop. so it's like how do i chop up my character to be digestible and usable while still being mine without asking other people to do too much of the same and i have never had this issue on any other blog because even when headcanons differed there was always a solid 'home base' of canon information. we can't even definitively say that mike is anyone other than the sister location guy. it's maddening. it's maddening to me to have to wait for scott to pussyfoot out new concepts in his books which i'm not reading because they're never well-written, that will maybe, abruptly, become relevant to game canon, often in a retconning way, depending on the response of teenagers on twitter. like jesus christ mate you live like this? you write your series like this? i'm going to swallow straight sedimentary strata. anyways in sam's house michael is michael forever he isn't charlie or freddy or vanessa. i'm being boiled in oil.
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