#they're both talking about khan
glitteringpoet1685 · 6 months
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Capella and Maria at the bi-weekly mistress get together
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sockich · 2 years
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You're not telling me something. Please, Batman. Don't ruin the story of my greatest victory with your outdated morality. I'm not looking for a lecture. I was even able to brag while we felled your dastardly Firefly. That's not it. Than what is? You spent years focused on a single crime lord. That dedication isn't about glory or efficacy. There's a reason this victory matters to you. A reason why you care.
Batman 2021 Annual #1 by James Tynion IV and Ricardo López Ortiz, art by Ricardo López Ortiz
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youremyheaven · 11 months
vedic astrology observations
philosophical songwriters often have tropical virgo and pisces placements. many of them have jupiter ruled nakshatras. mrigashira nakshatra pops up a lot as well. all of these placements contribute to the contemplative nature of these natives, they are deeply reflective and take on an almost religious tone with regard to how they speak of things.
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hozier- pbp sun + mercury, anuradha moon with ashlesha ketu
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leonard cohen- uttaraphalguni sun, purvaphalguni venus, pushya ketu
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sufjan stevens- ubp moon, mrig mercury, jup revati amk, punarvasu saturn amk, ketu in krittika
(in my previous post, i had mentioned how ubp & punarvasu natives love butterfly imagery and here's sufjan on stage with wings!!)
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bob dylan- rohini sun and venus, krittika moon, mrig mercury, ubp ketu
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bruce springsteen, uttaraphalguni sun, chitra moon+ mercury +ketu, swati venus, mrig rising
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joni mitchell vishaka sun + mercury, pbp moon, punarvasu rising, mrig mars atmakaraka
2. Shatabhisha & Pushya natives make great teachers. They thrive in positions where they're able to empower and encourage others.
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Sidney Poitier in perhaps his most famous role, as a teacher, in To Sir With Love. He has Shatabhisha sun.
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Robin Williams, in one of his most iconic roles, as a teacher in Dead Poets Society (he also plays a teacher in Good Will Hunting). He has Pushya sun, Shatabhisha moon.
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Aamir Khan plays a teacher in one of his most known roles in Taare Zameen Par. He has Pushya moon.
3. Fairy Godmother roles in cinema are often played by either Taurus rashi or Pisces rashi individuals
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In the 1987 movie Maid to Order, the fairy godmother is played by Beverly D'Angelo who is Rohini moon
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in the 1997 movie A Simple Life, Martin Short plays the fairy godmother. he has UBP stellium (sun, mercury and rahu)
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1997's Cinderella has Whitney Houston playing the fairy godmother. she has Revati moon & jupiter (ive talked about pisces rashi's connection to butterflies before and look at how whitney's spreading her wings in this picture!🥺)
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in 2015's Cinderella, Helena Bonham Carter plays the fairy godmother. she has Rohini sun & Ketu in Revati
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Maleficent is played by Rohini sun, Revati moon native, Angelina Jolie
i've previously talked about how Rohini nakshatra is associated with shape shifting and transformation and Revati nakshatra is known as the wealth giving star. These two combined create the ability to deeply transform one's life, heal from old wounds and ways of living and rise to the high echelons of society. They're both known for creating wealth. it only makes sense that these natives would be chosen time and time again to play the "fairy godmother" responsible for transforming the lives of a virtuous person trapped in unjust circumstances
4. ive noticed that many mars ruled men (mrigashira, chitra, dhanishta) go after older women 👀 bharani is another nakshatra that pops up often (bharani is the meeting point of mars and venus)
my personal take on this is that mars influence makes natives interested in taboo and unconventional topics and areas. all 3 mars ruled nakshatras belong to the "servant caste" and bharani is an outcaste nakshatra. what this says is that these people have no desire or need to conform or adhere to the norms set by society. they don't care for the status quo and feel no sense of belonging to mainstream society so they simply do as they please<3
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Ashton Kutcher, Dhanishta stellium (sun,moon & venus) was married to Demi Moore who is 15 years older than him. Demi is a Bharani moon.
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Aaron Taylor Johnson has Mrigashira sun, Dhanishta moon and venus in Bharani and his wife Sam Taylor Johnson is 24 years older than him.
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Hugh Jackman, Chitra sun (and mercury) and Mrigashira moon is married to Debora Lee Furness who is 13 years older than him.
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Emmanuel Macron, Bharani moon is married to Brigitte Macron who is 25 years older than him
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Nick Jonas, Bharani moon, Chitra venus and Ketu in Mrigashira is married to Priyanka Chopra who is 10 years older
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Nick Offerman is married to Megan Mullaly who is 12yrs older than him. He has Mrigashira mercury atmakaraka and Saturn in Bharani amatyakaraka
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Nick Cannon, Bharani rising was married to Mariah Carey who is 12yrs older than him
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Blake Shelton, Mrigashira sun & venus, Jupiter in Bharani atmakaraka with Ketu in Bharani is married to Gwen Stefani who is 7yrs older
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Roger Moore was married to Dorothy Squires who is 12 yrs older than him. He had Chitra sun & mars (amatyakaraka & atmakaraka)
5. others have made observations regarding how Jupiter influence blesses a native with voluptuousness. imo Jupiter, cancer rashi and Moon ruled nakshatras can make a native naturally busty.
Jupiter being the largest planet creates voluptuousness in its natives often blessing them with large breasts (obviously other placements will also impact your appearance) Cancer rashi because well, cancer rules the moon and the chest so its kind of a no brainer and honestly every cancer girl ik irl has a big bosom. Moon is yin and bestows its natives with a very curvy physique.
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Christina Hendricks is Shravana moon
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Billie Eilish is also Shravana moon
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Emma Kenney is Vishaka moon with Ketu in Shravana
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Ariel Winter is Shravana sun
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Scarlett Johansson is Vishaka moon,rising and ketu
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Katy Perry is vishaka moon & saturn
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Jessica Simpson is Punarvasu sun & mercury and Vishaka rising
Tumblr has a 30 image limit per post so I cant include more examples :( but look forward to pt 2 <3
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atopfourthwall · 1 year
I wanna clarify up front that I both understand and agree with the "don't send death threats to creators" and the whole fan entitlement thing... but listening to Zeb Wells gleefully, smugly talk about how funny it is that people care about Ms Marvel and dismissing the criticism of his fridging her is absolutely fucking maddening, and kind of disgusting. Kamala Khan is a character who was massively meaningful to me, and has been massively meaningful to a LOT of brown girls who read comics. The whole treatment of her has been really, really gross - and tinged with more than a little bit of racism, not least of all the whole "Let's bring in the teenage muslim girl for one issue so she can die to save a white lady." Yes, she's going to come back soon, this whole thing is a marketing stunt to make her a mutant and MCU-ify her... which is gross in and of itself, but at least means she's not gone forever... but that's part of the problem. From start to finish the creative choices made for Kamala Khan during this arc feel incredibly exploitative, particularly because she is a woman of color - none of them are ABOUT HER. The creative team have made that abundantly clear, multiple times. Again - I am not gonna send anyone death threats, and no one should do that. But what do you do when creators seem to be actively trying to provoke that response? How are fans who are upset by this supposed to respond to this kind of overtly provocative dismissal of why this is significant to us, particularly those of us who AREN'T really represented particularly heavily in comics to begin with? How are we supposed to get Editorial to understand this is simply not okay when they seem to WANT backlash, and will treat ALL backlash as something positive or otherwise funny? I'm not buying any of the comics about "The Death of Ms Marvel", but I know other people will - and I'm worried that message could easily be interpreted as "People don't care about Kamala Khan anymore", which could lead to MORE mistreatment of her character. As someone who is very familiar with the industry and fan culture surrounding comics - what would your advice be in terms of expressing how shitty this decision was and how specifically terrible Zeb Wells and Nick Lowe's attitude have been to this whole situation?
There really are only two things you can do: -Talk about it - give the reasons why and discourage other people from buying it or anything else related to this debacle. Contact Marvel and say "As a fan and customer, I am upset and you are damaging future sales by doing this." Will people listen? Eh, maybe not, but you can't control what other people do or believe. -Now this is the really hard one, but it's the same one that I've stuck to: actually don't buy it. In fact, don't buy anything with Zeb Wells' name on it. Tell people "Do not buy anything with his name on it and this is why." And you have to stick to your guns on this. "Ms. Marvel is coming back already? No. Fuck you; you have made it clear you do not want me as a customer and my opinion does not matter. So I am washing my hands of this. Unless I can see that you recognize what a mistake this was, I will no longer be a customer. And I will tell others to not be customers." And I know that can be hard because you WANT to support the character, you WANT to read more stories with them, you feel you need to... but you have to let it go. Because otherwise they'll pull this shit again in 5 years because they think they can get away with it. And if they don't hear the message... well, that's their problem. This is their mess - they can revel in it and you're free of it. After all, if they're still producing the bullshit that you hated to begin with, why are you STILL giving them money? And this is why I still haven't bought a Peter Parker Spider-Man comic since One More Day - especially when, like Lucy and Charlie Brown, they keep yanking the football away at the last second for fixing it. They don't want my money? Fine. They won't get it.
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
So, people naturally have opinions with the AEW All In Footage releasing - something I'm surprised was genuine footage and not some work or swerve. Here's my cents about it;
Just because CM Punk didn't lie about the altercation doesn't put him in the right. He still deserved to be fired still because he attacked an employee. This doesn't make Punk look strong, or tough, and it doesn't mean he's truthful about everything, he just didn't lie about something there were several witnesses for.
People are forgetting that Khan 'fearing for his life' is a separate interaction to the Perry fight, reports beforehand have made a point that they talked after the altercation - since Punk was immediately in a match afterwards - one to one.
AEW never said Punk was lying, most reports after All In match what Punk said, including Samoa Joe's own comments about it. Showing the footage was framed in the way of the Bucks' EVP character delusion that many have missed the point of. FTR even came out and questioned why the footage was necessary, which means there is awareness of it.
I don't know why they're blocking the footage, don't ask me because I don't have the answers I'm just a guy in England seeing this unfold; maybe it's down to the negative response, maybe there's some other legal things about it given how Punk is a WWE wrestler, I sincerely don't know.
Nobody wins from this for sure, but Tony Khan could never win from this anyway. Punk did a full on interview about the incident with a known Pro-WWE Anti-AEW guy and people waited for a response; when they didn't get the 'twitter meltdown' he gets mocked, when Copeland does a promo talking about the positives of wrestling he gets mocked, he shows footage of the altercation validating Punk's firing and he gets mocked.
Many just want Khan to be Vince 2.0 or failing that someone out of depth with money and a toy box of wrestlers, even though that's exactly what Triple H is too he just inherited it rather than built it from the ground up.
In an ideal world AEW and WWE wouldn't take shots at each other, but they do, fans however only give AEW shit for it. Punk buries AEW on an interview, Triple H takes subtle shots at AEW talents in the build to Wrestlemania, Punk and other wrestlers also take shots at AEW during and after Wrestlemania and it's treated as banter, but AEW wrestlers respond and it's 'rent free' comments. The reality is that WWE and AEW both live rent free in each other's heads, because they are in competition with one another.
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
Live-read: "Les Dessous de Dofus" - part 4
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Yes, this is funny, because they both take themselves so seriously. But also, the fact that Kerubim talked to the king, implies that he's doing this weird fucking superhero thing to patrol the streets at night to calm his own nerves.
Kerubim's responses to stress are very fascinating becase they're usually "it'll solve itself" and "if I don't solve it right now I will lose my fucking mind", and usually, the more serious things go into category 1, and the more random, non-threatening things go into category 2.
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I would give actual money to know if Kerubim says "tu" or "vous" here. And there IS a right answer to pick between the two.
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Actually, I am not going to pay for that. At least in part because I can't, due to being in a country that isn't a part of SWIFT.
Anyway, yeah, he does in fact use tu for Atcham here.
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I love him so much, its insane.
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If I said that this exchange between Bad Portrayal of Gay People and the boufbowl guy implies, through parallels ("he's a god" "no he isn't, he goes to toilet", "umm well actually--") that Joris's feelings for Khan are of romantic nature (a childhood celebrity crush.) I feel like everyone would say I'm insane and urge me to get my head checked.
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[shaking head at luis telling keke his wonderful figure is bad] i would treat him right. babygirl
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"He must have drank a glass of water... Silly accident." I love you so much, Luis.
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Atcham learns intersectionality.
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I understand that the joke is probably that this thing shows random things, but somehow, if this thing does, to some degree, show people's wishes, — Joris's reflection being buff and covered in boufbowl stuff, and Kerubim's having a frilly dress with an umbrella while making soup, fits together in a very beautiful way.
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He's such a beautiful artist.
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(guy who's insane voice) do you think that Atcham would like to be a good person and is haunted by the fact that, simply by existing in opposition to Kerubim he is expected to perform atrocities? Or do you think that to him, being the catboy Joker, is the only way he can be taken seriously and not belittled all the time, which is a good price to pay?
Do you think he actually has strong beliefs? Would do horrible things for love? Does he feel good about the warcrimes he commits in Waven, together with Kerubim and Jo——
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Even while disguised, Kerubim can make him so angry it makes him look stupid.
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And here's the cat from the beginning of the comic. Yeah he's 10. Yeah Atcham framed him. It's insane.
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God, please, let this say cunt in french too. 🙏
No, I won't check it this time. I don't want to be disappointed.
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One of the three most beautiful Krosmoz characters, everybody.
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #36: 1985
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Wham!, Madonna, Wham!, Foreigner, Chaka Khan, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Tears for Fears, Dire Straits, Madonna, a-Ha. End description]
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1985 showcases many significant moments in pop music history. For one, this was the year of Live Aid and We Are the World -- two high profile instances of the charity single and the benefit concert. Today's poll also features one of the first uses of computer-animated human characters with Dire Straits' Money for Nothing. The team behind the video, Gavin Blair and Ian Pearson, continued working in the field of computer animation. Under their new company, Mainframe Entertainment, they also created the animated TV series, Reboot. With their extremely prolific work in computer animation, there have been some accounts that they're not thrilled being reduced to just "the Money or Nothing guys". They reference the music video in an episode of Reboot.
But one of the biggest things to mention here in my opinion is the presence of Madonna. While her first singles were released earlier in the decade, 1984 and 1985 is really when we see her moment take off. In 1984, Madonna performed Like a Virgin at the MTV VMAs and the number culminated in her rolling around on stage in a wedding dress. The performance was controversial and there were those who saw it was career suicide, but the backlash wasn't enough to stop her upward momentum. If anything, the backlash made her more of an icon in the public eye. Like Michael Jackson and Prince, the decade doesn't make sense without considering her influence, both in music and in aesthetic.
Speaking of Prince, his presence on the charts is once again featured on this poll with the inclusion of Chaka Khan's I Feel for You. The song was originally performed by Prince in 1979 and he returns to provide vocals and instrumentation to Chaka Khan's cover. However, I'm bringing it up to draw attention to the music video. As I mentioned in my way-too-long 1973 ramble, hip-hop and rap have already been in existence for a while (by this poll, the subculture has been around for over a decade) and has found some significant success. I've resisted the urge to ramble about The Message and Rapper's Delight, since those songs didn't get as much Billboard pop success and I try (oh god do I try) to keep these posts focused. However, the 1980's is when we start to see more mainstream audiences forming for the genre. It will be a while until we see rap itself find its place on these polls, but by this point, the movement was recognizable enough to the general public.
And, of course, there is another notable music moment that happened this year. I am of course talking about the release of post-punk band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' second studio album, The Firstborn is Dead.
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randomshyperson · 1 year
New Romantics - Chapter Two - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Trapped in a loveless relationship that has cost her friendships, Wanda watches her senior year of school turn upside down after a party. She will make new friends and may end up learning that not every relationship is doomed to failure.
Warnings: (+16), straight and toxic relationships, making out, underage drinking, language, co-dependency, conversations about insecurity and self-worth, attempted romantic comedy, unrequited love at first, friends to lovers. | Words: 4.507k
Skamverse Collection | Series Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad |
Chapter Two- Easter with Ink and Phones
Downtown, Tuesday 02:14 pm
A soft melody echoed throughout the room, but you weren't paying much attention to the lyrics. Your dominant hand was doing the work of painting the canvas, and slowly, the image of a faceless female figure was forming in the paint.
But your creative process was interrupted by the pause of the music - Making you realize that you were, in fact, paying attention to the melody.
"Hey!" Your protest was soft yet annoying. Natasha laughed, holding up the radio control. 
"Sorry, but they're calling you again." She says and you sigh tiredly. 
"I thought we blocked the number."
Natasha places the remote control on top of one of the countless bookshelves in her makeshift gallery. "Well, I had that geek neighbor of ours look at the phone, but whatever she did, it didn't work."
You chuckle, your eyes back on the screen. "America Chavez was definitely messing with you, sweetheart."
Natasha grimaces. "No, because she charged for the hour and I'm going to commit a crime if it was a prank."
Not wishing your friend to go to jail, you gave up painting. You started to take off your dirty apron and gloves, telling Natasha that you would take care of it. But before you could leave the studio, she called you. "It's easter, Y/N. Maybe, I don't know, you could give them a chance."
You chuckle. "Christmas is when we get more generous and tolerant, Natasha." That's what you say to her with a wink before leaving the scene.
It's not a surprise that America answers the door when you ring the bell - Both of their mothers are nurses, and usually, work on holidays like these. Her apartment is not empty anyhow. The kids from downstairs, Kamala Khan and Bruno Carrelli, are playing video games on the couch and sharing pizza from the night before.
"Hey, neighbor." America greets you excitedly. You laugh.
"Don't hey neighbor me, you little pest. Come on, you charged Natasha about the phone and now you're going to do the work." You nod toward your door, but America hesitates.
"Wait, I can explain-"
"Come on Chavez, don't try to wind me up." You interrupt with a grimace. "Do the job we paid for or I'll call your moms and tell them what you've been doing."
The girl snorts in defeat, and nods to her friends, saying she'll be right back as she leaves them playing.
You lead her straight to the kitchen and grab cans of soda while she goes to the phone. She picks it up and presses a few numbers.
"What are you up to?" You ask curiously, and she sighs.
"Your phone sucks, Y/N, it won't let me block any untraceable numbers. Are you running from secret agents by any chance?"
You chuckle, opening your soda. "I wish I had such an interesting life. You retort. "My parents are both psychiatrists and have private numbers so that patients don't save their personal contact information and try to call back."
America grimaces softly. "But what if the patient really needs to talk to them?"
You shrug sadly. "They don't care."
America doesn't insist, without knowing how far the intimacy for questions of good neighbors goes. She stays on her task for a while, before asking, "I can only block calls from all over the country. Are you sure you don't have any Brazilian friends you don't want to unintentionally ignore?
You deny it, taking a big sip of soda and watching America finish with the phone. When she releases the handset, you extend the other can of soda from the counter to her.
"The door is always open, kiddo. If your friends want a soda." You tell her, and you both know that this is an invitation for her not to spend the Easter holiday alone.
She smiles in thanks before leaving, and you go back to your studio, only to find your roommate snooping - or rather looking - at your paintings.
"Did you find something you like? It's all for sale." You joke, managing to get her to smile. You walk over to the radio, and Natasha tilts her head as she faces the painting you are starting.
"Who are you painting?"
You feel your cheeks warm, so you remain with your back to her with the excuse that you are choosing the music.
"A girl from school." 
Natasha makes a sound of interest. "Pretty?"
You laugh. "Smart."
"That's not what I asked."
"She's in my literature class, always reading. Quiet, but not shy. Sarcastic but never mean. And she has quick answers for almost everything. The first week she was the only one in the class who had read Madame Bovary, and the opinion piece was so impressive that the teacher praised her out loud in front of the class." You continue to ignore Natasha. "She has a strong Sokovian accent, so I guess she must have been born in the north since English is more like a second language in that part of the country. And yes, Natasha, she may be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
Your friend smiled, pushing the locks of her hair behind her ears. "Did you notice that she was beautiful before or after you fell in love with her?"
You chuckle, walking over to your painting. "I'm not in love with anyone, don't be ridiculous. I don't even know her."
Natasha watches you intently. 
"So you notice all the girls in your literature class who are sarcastic but not mean, and paint them for hours?" She retorts and you can feel the tips of your ears warm.
"I've only been painting for a few minutes." You defend yourself, but Nat clears her throat, and when you look at her, she is pointing to several sketch boards thrown behind the main one. Most with faces and figures that look a lot like the larger one. You roll your eyes, sighing. "I know a lot of girls." You try, but it only makes Nat laugh.
"What's her name anyway?"
You draw with the pencil what would be the outline of a nose. "Wanda Django Maximoff."
"Full name and you swear you're not interested." She teases, and because your back is turned, you don't notice her reaching for her cell phone. Rolling your eyes again, you continue to draw and paint.
"She signs her full name on the door call. I think it's cute."
"I bet you do."
Deciding that you were no longer going to give Natasha material to torment you with, you focus on your painting. But the redhead only gives you ten minutes of peace before she calls you back. "Hm?"
"I found all her social media. Instagram, Facebook, and even Linkedin. She used to do tutoring can you believe it? You're right, she is very pretty."
You spun around the seat, curiosity in your gaze as Nat angled her cell phone so you could look too. But then you turned around, "No. I don't want to be a stalker."
Nat chuckled, shaking her head. "You know that's how people know each other in the 21st century, right?"
You roll your eyes, sliding your paintbrush across the canvas. "I'd rather talk to her for real than through a screen, Nat."
"Oh, and how's that going?" Nat teases, smiling at your displeased snort. But she puts her cell phone away the next moment, taking pity on your annoyance and adding more softly, "Maybe you should give it a chance. A little online chat just so you don't scare her off, and then you can go full Romeo Montecchio on her."
You laugh, shaking your head. "Thanks, but I think I'd come off as a complete disaster online and effectively scare her off before I had any real chance."
"So pessimistic." Nat muttered getting up. She walked over to the radio connected to your cell phone, probably to change the music. When she laughed for no reason, you took your eyes off the board to her. "The universe is in my favor, my friend. Wanda Maximoff just requested your friendship on Facebook."
You stumble on the bench as you get up in a jump to go to your cell phone. Nat is telling the truth, the notification is right there. Wanda and her stupidly beautiful face on a Facebook icon.
"Oh, okay, what do I do now?"
Nat giggled rolling her eyes. "You click yes." You make mention of picking up the cell phone, but Nat pulls it away with a grimace. "God, don't be ridiculous. You can't accept it now, she just sent it."
You frown in confusion. "What? Why not?"
"Y/N, for heaven's sake, you can't look desperate. Think about. It's easter, she can't think you're well… locked in a studio waiting for a notification. Nope, you have to look busy, and interesting. Wait at least a day to accept or even the end of the holiday."
Nat puts the phone in your hand, and you scratch your hair with the other, "But I want to be her friend now..."
The redhead giggles in disbelief, taking the phone back. "I'll take care of this, you can go back to the painting, Da Vinci."
"See you at dinner." She escapes the studio before you can protest.
Downtown, Wednesday 08:25 am
You have accepted this request for friendship. You and Wanda Maximoff are now friends.
"You are so weird, Y/N, I swear." Yelena's voice made you bang your head with force on the ink shelf, definitely not because you were distracted by a stupid notification from hours ago.
"Jesus, don't you and your sister ever knock?" You retorted, mashing your head with one hand and with the other holding a pot of paint.
Yelena was holding a package of take-out Mexican food that she left on the small table - the smell made your stomach jump and reminded you that you were starving - before approaching the nearly finished painting in the center of your gallery.
"Why would I knock on my own apartment?" Yelena reasons teasingly, and you chuckle rolling your eyes. 
"Not that I agree, but why am I weird?"
She nods at the board with her chin. "You're painting Novi Grad's Wednesday Addams in the middle of Easter."
You chuckle. "Do you know Wanda?"
Yelena shrugs. "Not really, but she's well-known at school."
You hum with your hands busy separating the right shades of paint. "Really, why is that?"
"I don't pay attention to rumors, sorry." She retorts distractedly. "But that painting turned out beautiful. Did she commission it or what?"
You chuckle awkwardly. "No, I wanted to do it. My brain didn't seem to accept getting her out of my head until I paint it. It's the eyes and the wine's fault, I'm sure."
You sigh. "I met her at your welcome party and helped her with her makeup. And I also had a few glasses of wine. I came home with the trace of her eyes stuck in my head, I couldn't stop thinking about it."
"Artists are so weird." Yelena mutters, and you chuckle.
"Tell me about it."
Yelena sighs, throwing herself into one of the armchairs. "Wanda seems to have gotten herself into a little bit of everything at this party." Yelena then comments. "I had a fight with Kate and I was a little... shaken up. Wanda found me in the bathroom, she was kind and helpful. Who knew."
You frown, looking at Yelena. "What do you mean shaken up? Is everything okay?"
Yelena sighs, forcing a smile. "It's just the usual, honey, don't worry about it."
You drop the ink on the table. "Yelena, you can talk to me."
The blonde hesitates, but then sighs. "I don't know, Kate's been weird since her new stepfather moved in. She was going to come out to Eleanor, but she keeps putting things off. We've been fighting so much, and maybe she's just lacking the courage to make a decision."
You wipe your hands on the washcloth from the canvas and approach your friend and roommate. "Yelena, I think you should talk to her." You say, and when the blonde makes mention of protesting, you hold up your finger. "Talk. Not accuse or demand. Ask her what's bothering her. By god, you two are so annoyingly in love all the time, what is this now? A sweet sixteen crisis bullshit?"
Yelena giggles, rolling her eyes. "I have no idea, Y/N, if I did I wouldn't be involving other people." She retorts. "Carol is sure Kate wants to break up."
You grimace. "Carol doesn't know anything, don't listen to her."
"Oh, am I supposed to listen to you then? Why? A degree in romantic comedies like The Notebook?"
"Honestly, you and your sister are the worst." You chuckle throwing her a dirty paint washcloth that makes her jump away. "Get out of my studio, I'm done giving you advice, you pest."
She flashes you her tongue, and you laugh, wishing your friend wouldn't give up on Kate Bishop before the younger girl gets up the courage to hand over the commitment ring you helped her choose.
It was only when Wanda's painting was ready that you left the studio to take a shower. You had already removed the top of your clothes when your cell phone vibrated.
'H'. This was the message on the Facebook chat coming from Wanda. You got online because you thought it was a bug in the application. But soon after she sent a larger one:
"Sorry. I meant to say Hi, but I just pressed the H."
You smiled to yourself. Wanda was so cute. You thought about Nat's advice about sounding interesting and taking your time to respond but you didn't want to leave her without an answer now that you were online. But you also felt weird about talking to her without clothes on, and you weren't going to put the pieces on the bathroom floor back on your body.
Finally, you sent an emoji of a thumbs up and headed for the shower, with no idea that the girl across the country was thinking you thought she was somehow stupid.
Novi Grad, Thursday 10:04 am
"Come on guys, I know the holiday makes everyone tired but just two more days and it will be the weekend again. Have a seat..."
You hastened your step at the request of Mrs. Frigga, the Literature teacher. She waved to the chatting people at the back to get down from the tables and sit down properly, and you balanced your notebooks on your left arm to take an empty chair. There was a little commotion with the boys, and somehow you ended up sitting, without realizing it, right next to the person who hadn't left your thoughts the entire holiday.
Wanda tried to disguise her tight grip on her book, watching out of the corner of her eye as you distractedly took the seat next to her and took the items out of your backpack, only to notice her the next second and offer her a gentle smile.
"Hi." You say, taking off your jacket next. "Or should I say, 'H'?" 
She giggled at your joke immediately, some of the nervousness flowing into her stomach like butterflies. She felt silly, being so anxious about someone she didn't know. Maybe it was your fault, for looking so lovely and pretty without the slightest effort.
Before she can think of how to continue the joke, Frigga is speaking again.
"I hope you all did the assignment I asked for." Remembers the woman, receiving a chorus of dissatisfaction, to which she only chuckles lightly. You curse low from your seat, and Wanda looks up at you immediately.
"I totally forgot we had homework." You mutter to Wanda's curious gaze. "You think I can guess the answer?" You joke with a funny grimace, making her chuckle again. Frigga looks at the two of you.
"Would you two like to start?" she asks aloud, and you swallow dryly. Wanda licks her lips, drawing the focus of the teacher and the room to herself as she asks:
"Of course, miss. What would be the question?"
Frigga smiled. "What do you think being a wallflower is?"
"The non-official definition is related to shyness, to being the socially awkward and reserved person. Which fits well with the personality of Charlie, the protagonist." Wanda replies. Frigga nods in agreement and looks at you.
"Anything to add, Miss L/N?"
You press your lips together, thoughtful for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I agree with Wanda but I feel the answer is slightly incomplete." You say, drawing the attention of the class to you. Clearing your throat, you continue. "I think it's more connected to a person's unique characteristics. Wallflowers are unique in their particularities, that's what makes them special. Even if Charlie wasn't shy, he would still be observant and very considerate."
Frigga rests her back on the table. "Better, Miss L/N, thank you." She says. "I like how you two complete each other answers, how about being partners in the report? And maybe for the semester, it might be good for you both."
You look at Wanda immediately, finding her already looking at you. The room is a bit of a mess with the announcement that the report could be done in pairs, but you have your full attention on the girl next to you.
"I think you're stuck with me, Maximoff." You joke, making you smile.
"What a tragedy." She retorts good-naturedly, managing a soft laugh before you two get to work.
It almost amazes you the way you work in perfect harmony with Wanda, but you are so distracted by her presence that you forget to think about it. She doesn't share any other classes with you, and when Literature ends, she seems just as hesitant to say goodbye as you are. 
"See you around, Maximoff." You speak then, trying to make things more casual, unaware of the internal battle the girl lives to build up the courage to ask you to lunch with her. Unfortunately, you have already left with the crowd of students when she thinks she could make it.
Downtown, Thursday 07:34 pm
"You ate my noodles again?" 
Natasha takes her attention away from the television, an apologetic expression that doesn't seem very genuine. You sigh impatiently, tossing the empty box you had taken from the cabinet into the trash before looking for your keys. She pauses the movie - receiving a protest from her sister - and kneels on the pillows to look at you. "Hey, sorry, Steve and Sam came over and there was nothing to eat..."
"And you obviously served my food." You retort sarcastically. Nat mutters that it was the only thing she had to eat, but she and her sister stand in a curious silence with the way you are struggling with your sneakers. 
"Are you okay in there?" Yelena asks from the armchair, and you snort loudly.
"I'm hungry." You grumble, getting a roll of the eyes. And then you sigh, one of your sneakers on. "And I don't know how to ask a girl out."
The sisters exchange excited glances. "Wow, that's interesting." Natasha comments. "It's Wanda, yes?"
Yelena looks ready to say something, but you get up in a bad mood. "Yes, she's very cute and I don't know how to say that without making an embarrassment of myself."
Natasha jumps up from the couch, excited. "Well, my friend, lucky I have a million tips. Yelena, we're going to buy food, don't watch the movie without me!"
The blonde rolls her eyes, pulling her cell phone out of her jeans, and Natasha tries to put on sandals before walking you out of the apartment.
On the other side of town, as Natasha makes you laugh by listing out the most foolproof movie seduction tips while you shop for noodles, a couple argues on a balcony. Wanda ends the night with tears on her cheek, just like you, but for different reasons.
Novi Grad, Friday, 02:05 pm
Wavy hair cascaded over a dark denim jacket. Wanda first adjusted her clothes, and then her headphones, taking them off to put in her backpack. She was alone again and looked a little bored. She searched through her backpack for something, and you sighed when you caught a glimpse of her hand full of rings giving the material a gentle squeeze-
"You're staring again, weirdo." Yelena teased, sitting in the chair next to yours. It was afternoon break, and you were sitting on one of the patio chairs. She had been on her cell phone, exchanging messages on the edge of passive-aggressive with Kate Bishop for about fifteen minutes, and in theory, you were reading. But since you noticed Wanda leaving through one of the hallways, your attention was solely on her.
"No, I'm not." You grumble, turning your gaze to the item in your lap and getting a short laugh from the blonde.
Yelena didn't take her eyes off her cell phone as she spoke, "Natasha and I invited her to something earlier today."
Trying not to show any latent interest, you raise an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"
"Mm-hmm." She mutters. "The Graduation committee is already separating the sales teams, not that you're very interested in that." Yelena hints, but you don't mind. She sighs faintly. "She was sitting with two other boys from Nat's class, and they declined to participate. They're kind of preps if you want my opinion."
"And Wanda?"
Yelena didn't hide her little smile. "Is that interest in your voice?"
You rolled your eyes, your cheeks blushing lightly. "Come on, it's just curiosity." You retorted. "Not to mention you know damn well I'm interested."
Yelena giggles, shrugging. "It doesn't get any less funny to torment you for it." She says. "Wanda said she'd think about it. Maybe that will be a good incentive for you?"
It's your turn to laugh. "You know I don't care about these things, Lena. If I could make good money as you guys get from the fundraiser, I'd spend it on something much more meaningful than a party. I've been trying for months to get some money together to fix my truck."
Yelena sighs. "I still don't understand why you don't use that student money of yours."
You laugh. "That's because you don't listen to me! I've told you a million times that the scholarship only covers my housing and food!"
"So boring..." You laugh again, returning your attention to your book. Yelena keys a few things before adding, "When are you going to build up the courage to ask her out?"
"I'm working on it."
"Let me guess, waiting for the right moment?"
You shrug. "Maybe."
Yelena giggles, looking at you. "Sorry to break this to you and my super romantic sister but this is complete bullshit." Declares the blonde. "If someone likes you, any time is the right time. What do you think is going to happen, Wanda is going to magically guess that you are into her and hang around you until you build up the courage? Don't wait for that. Go to her, and ask her out. If it works, it worked. If not, it gives you even more time to move on."
You stare at her in shock for a couple of seconds. "I had forgotten how practical you are."
"Thank you."
"I didn't say it was a compliment." You retort good-naturedly, receiving a light kick to your leg. You laugh and look away. 
Wanda has taken a flyer out of her backpack and is putting it up on the school bulletin board. You smile and close the book. 
Yelena raises a curious eyebrow. "Well?"
"Wish me luck." You say, leaving the item beside her before going to approach the brunette.
The flyer was a reminder about the deadlines for the university's admissions letter submissions, and you guessed that one of the professors had asked Wanda to paste the notices. 
You reached next to her, one finger going to the title of the item she just pasted.
"H, as 'Have you sent your admissions letters yet?" You started with a little smile, turning your face to look at her. "Or, H, as, Have you got any plans for tonight?"
Wanda giggled shyly, a little surprised at the unexpected invitation. You, despite your heart leaping in your chest, kept your composure. She opened her mouth to reply, but you both were interrupted by Natasha's exit from the cafeteria, the door next to the board.
"Hello, you two." She had a suggestive little smile that made you bite the inside of your cheek. "Is Y/N repeating our invitation from earlier, Wanda? It would be a nice addition to have you two on our sales team."
You could dig a hole in the ground now, but for your friends. Wanda gives a nervous chuckle, looking between you and Nat before speaking. "I think so. The meeting will be in the auditorium, right? I didn't know you were on the committee..."
"I'm not-"
"She's what we call a ghost member." Natasha cuts in giving you a gentle nudge. "She lives with me and Yelena did you know? So she's been helping with activities since she got here, even though she's not officially part of the club."
"Oh, got it." Wanda mutters, twiddling her fingers as she tries not to exchange such obvious glances at you.
"Can I expect you at the meeting today then?" Natasha insists smiling.
You give Wanda a small smile, and her face lights up. She nods. "Sure, I'll be there."
"Great, I'll see you later." Natasha says, pulling you by the arm.
When you are far enough away, you turn to her with a grimace. "Why did you do that? I had just-"
"I think she has a boyfriend." Natasha declares and it's like a complete bucket of cold water.
"God, you're completely clueless." Nat scratches her forehead. "I'm not sure, but I think it's the boy we saw with her earlier. We're not from the same group of friends, and I don't give a damn what people do in this place but I think so. There is some rumor of a fight she got into as well but no one really remembers either. Parker is a terrible informant. And I need a bigger team, and this is the perfect opportunity for you to find out if she's taken and in the meantime help me with graduation."
"I hate you." You grumble sullenly.
Nat laughs, grabbing your face to kiss your cheeks and wipe the grimace off your face. 
When you join Yelena, she looks up at you. "Did you make it?"
"No, your sister ruined everything."
"That is an unfair statement, I am getting more information for an efficient approach." Explains the redhead, and you have to laugh. "You don't appreciate the work of a spy."
You and Yelena burst out laughing.
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irithnova · 2 months
More on Chagatai Khanate
I feel as if Chagatai Khanate is not talked about a lot by me. This is despite the fact that I pretty much have his whole characterisation and storyline planned from birth to death in my head and I have written about him before as a part of larger posts however I have not dedicated a single post to him.
I somewhat fashioned his personality off of the actual Chagatai. I also did something similar with Golden Horde and Jochi.
He really fits into the role of the ignored middle child well to be honest. Both character wise and how the actual Chagatai Khanate is perceived. From what I've seen over the years, when people reflect on the different Khanates of the Mongol Empire, they often think of the opulence of the Yuan Dynasty and Ilkhanate, or the infamous reputation of the Golden Horde in Europe, with the Chagatai Khanate often coming last and least in many peoples minds. Hell, a Khan of the Chagatai Khanate itself declared that it was a "miserabe little ulus", so its no wonder its not given as much attention.
I wrote this before in a much longer post about Mongolia's relationship with the different Khanates (Mongolia came to be the figurehead of the Yuan Dynasty) but I think Chagatai Khanate was born only one year after the Golden Horde (kind of wanted it to be poetic in the sense that this reflects the actual age gap between Jochi and Chagatai) so they're quite close in age. I think this only made him more competitive towards his eldest brother (Ilkhanate being the youngest). This is especially because Golden Horde felt outcasted to an extent as he was the representation of the Jochid territory and there was a lot of speculation about the nature of his birth - if Genghis Khan was actually his father or not. This casued a lot of tension between the actual Jochi and Chagatai, this is something Chagatai constantly berated him for. I think this is the same for Golden Horde and Chagatai Khanate. Not in the exact same way of course - no one was questioning whether he was Mongolia's child or not. However as he was the representative of Jochid lands - he was seen as illegitimate by proxy if that makes sense.
Out of the three brothers, I think Chagatai Khanate was the most similar personality wise to Mongolia. Don't get me wrong, all three of them inherited his traits, such as his stubbornness, competitiveness and intelligence. However if I was tasked with knee jerk picking the one son who just is the most like Mongolia personality wise overall, it has to be Chagatai Khanate. 
This is one of the major reasons as to why Chagatai Khanate wanted to be the favoured son. Golden Horde was technically his first born, however he represents the Kingdom of  a bastard. He considered Ilkhanate a weakling who was not strong willed like he was and just bent over to whatever Mongolia said (unfortunately for Chagatai Khanate, thats exactly why Ilkhanate was Mongolia's favourite). He thought Mongolia would prefer a more hard headed son - like him. 
Considering this reasoning, Chagatai Khanate was expecting... More? From his father. More approving pats on his shoulder when he did something right, more proud smiles when he stood his ground. Sure Mongolia gave them all attention but it was never enough. He was always busy with something else or late for something. 
For the longest time, Chagatai defended his father a personal level and was extremely uptight about upholding tradition and rules. Out of his brothers, he was the one who was so anal about upkeeping proud Mongol tradition. Not that he was not a troublemaker in his own right - he most definitely was, however he was very conservative when it came to this. He could pretty much recite the entire Yassa code off by heart. Hence another reason why he thought he should be the favoured son.
Before Chagatai Khanate came to resent his father, he saw his meticulousness of upholding Mongol law and tradition as an extension of his love and respect for his father. But as time went on and there were more developments in the empire (as in, infighting between the divisions), Chagatai Khanate no longer saw it as an extension of his love for his father but as a competition. He was already given the short end of the stick when it came to the wealth of his Ulus ("miserable little ulus") which he was most definitely a sore loser about and not only that, Mongolia went on to establish the Yuan Dynasty under Khublai Khan -  a dynasty that ruled over China, posed itself as being a legitimate dynasty with the mandate of heaven, Khublai himself was very fond of China and there were whole wars fought between Khublai and Qaidu - the de facto ruler of the Chagatai Khanate, as Qaidu was more traditionalist compared to the more liberal Khublai. It's speculated that one of the discussions that took place during the 1269 Talas Quriltai was about Khublai straying away from Mongol tradition and turning to China! I explained this in more depth in a previous post I'll link here, it's a lot more historically dense but it's worth a read if you want more context. 
Even before the different Khanates went their separate ways, I think Chagatai Khanates resentment began to blossom. I think he realised that no matter how hard he tried, Mongolia would never consider him his favoured son. So he got strangely competitive with Mongolia in more subtle ways before everything blew up. Who could inspire more fear in the lesser staff, who was the better wrestler. Mongolia caught onto this and was... Not impressed. He was quite annoyed at this. I don't think he felt threatened but I do think it's funny how the son most similar to him personality wise annoyed him the most. Admitting that you're obnoxious, Mongolia? (At least in the context of this era).
Mongolia definitely had his own thoughts on Khublai and absolutely raised an eyebrow at a few things he did (like moving the Mongol Empire capital to China) however he was not expecting his children (except for Ilkhanate who pretty much always sided with him) to turn against him in such a way - and to accuse him of all people of disrespecting Mongol tradition! Yes, he was pissed. Especially at Chagatai Khanate who he saw as the instigator of it all. Despite this conflict ending, Chagatai Khanate was still very sore about it and continued being a pain to his family. What's funny is how much Chagatai Khanate and Golden Horde hated each other, but one of the only things that could unite them was when they wanted to bully and threaten Ilkhanate. lol. And I guess their shared frustration when Mongolia inevitably sided with Ilkhanate in the conflict - Mongolia/the Yuan Dynasty being one of Ilkhanates only allies (daddy's boy I guess)..
This staunch adherence to tradition did not stop though. Whilst the other Khanates became more sedentary, the Chagatai Khanate was still living traditionally (ironic as this was a factor in halting the growth of wealth in the Chagatai Khanate, something he complained about) and when the Chagatai Khanate broke up into two, the West in Transoxiana and the East called Moghulistan (Chagatai Khanate became the Eastern Moghulistan) , Moghulistan was a hell of a lot more traditional than the Western Chagatai Khanate. They upheld Chagataid tradition whereas the Western Chagatai Khanate used Chagataids as puppet rulers usually. They were even discriminatory towards the Western halfs more mixed status, and the Western half similarly looked down on Moghulistan for being "uncultured" from what I recall. Yes I do think he was hatecriming his son-
Anyways it's ironic because Moghulistan itself became increasingly Turkified over time and even adopted Sharia law over the traditional Mongola Yassa. He's my fave jock loser
Some other hcs:
Ruddy face
He and GH are similar in stature but he is slightly bigger
Bushy eyebrows
Small scar on his cheek
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marta-reblogs · 5 days
What with it being pride month, and what with me being a longtime DS9 fan, I've been thinking about one of my favorite throwaway lines from that show: "I’ve been a mother three times and a father twice." That's Jadzia trying to sympathize and show support for Sisko, who's struggling to parent Jake. But she could have just said she's been a parent across five hosts, or had five children, or whatever. It means something to her that she's been a mother three times and a father twice.
I mean, what must it be like to live in a species where so many of your leading members by definition have lived whole lives with both genders? There actually aren't that many symbionts available, but the fact that this is something Trill hope for, compete for, and part of what they want is that broadened, and that even if they're not doing this specifically because they want to experience both/all genders, it's an essential part of a joined life.... that's certainly Something.
I'm hesitant to call joining the same thing as being trans, because the different hosts do seem to hold on to their birth gender in a lot of ways; for instance when Jadzia meets up again with Lenara Khan in "Rejoined," her body language seems much more stereotypically masculine-presenting to me, because she's tapping more into her memories of life when she was a man. And of course there's "Facets," particularly Quark taking on the persona of the female Audrid Dax and talking about motherhood while he combs Jadzia's hair. It's played for laughs of course, but it does still create some space between joined Trill and human transgender experience, at least as I understand it as a cisgender person.
Even so. If it's not exactly making all your most important citizens transgendered, it certainly plays with a lot of the same questions I'd think would be at the center of that experience. So Jadzia can say, as she does at some point, that she's missed all the attention she gets as a young woman. She can smile when Sisko calls her "Old Man." And she can be confident that probably millions of Trill are fighting for the chance to be able to say the same. The chance to know both (or all) side of the gender-coin is the goal.
That seems special today. Probably moreso in the '90s. As a tomboyish teen girl who was supremely uninterested in the kind of things I was told teenage girls were supposed to be interested in, I certainly appreciated her doing her thing.
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strqyr · 6 months
Thanks for finally convincing me to block you.
Anyone who has that much sympathy for a dumpster fire like Adam Taurus is someone I need to see less often.
Any other abusers you want to defend?
you know it kinda defeats the purpose of anon when i know who you are, right? might as well put your name on it lol. but since you're here brightening my day, lemme talk more about adam, sienna, and the white fang in general:
(fair warning: this will get critical.)
did you know that sienna never admonishes adam for killing few humans—they had a whole short made for him, if she did it would have come up, but all she does is praise him as an "extraordinary resource for this organization"—and that the white fang was executing sdc board members under her leadership? that she wanted humanity to fear the faunus, to know they demanded respect, which not only shows that blake fundamentally disagreed with her methods—"and the worst part was, it (sienna's methods of "violence where violence is necessary") was working. we were being treated like equals. but not out of respect... out of fear."—but is the dumbest, most macho way to go about things?
(trust me, i would know, i live next to russia.)
where sienna considered the line crossed was attacking the academies, because she believed it would start a war with humans that the white fang / the faunus couldn't win, which adam disagreed with, believing they could. that's their main difference, and there's nothing saying sienna wouldn't be fine with the attacks if she knew it wouldn't start a war or if she believed it was a war they could win.
"violence where violence is necessary" becomes incredibly flaky stance when your goal is to cause fear, ya know. i think there's a word for that, actually, especially when it's done for political cause. something about... causing terror? terrorist, maybe?
but sure. sienna "bringing a human to this location is grounds for execution" khan would definitely have problems with few humans dying during the targeted attacks she's all for. adam's definitely the only problem here, going off the path sienna set him for by... following in her footsteps. uh-huh.
one other thing about the adam short: there's a scene of sienna, adam, and ilia fighting against androids in some sdc place with blue lights and all despite the very obvious security breach happening in front of our eyes. but the moment the human security forces show up with their guns raised high and shooting at them right out the door, sienna and adam continuing the fight while ilia—the one who was redeemed—takes off her grimm (read: monster) mask, the lights turn red.
they're not being very subtle there. almost like the stance the show is taking isn't just against killing humans unnecessarily, but straight up the issue is the faunus fighting against their oppressors at all, and both sienna and adam crossed that line.
or, that's how it comes across, at least; this is a show that's partially build around colors, made by a company that also played lots of video games. they know what blue and red imply.
sorry you apparently can't feel an ounce of sympathy for a fictional character who was written as a child slave and branded on his face despite how he was written later in his life. admittedly, i find it weird and funny how you draw the line at me talking about adam in the same manner as i talk about cinder—well, not really. i haven't called adam "my bby <3" yet. guess i could start, though, just for you?—but i'm sure you have your own justifications and excuses ready for that.
i know you probably won't see this if your claims of blocking me are actually true, but who knows. maybe your friends will get it for you. maybe you continue to come back, clicking on that "show anyway" or whatever the button says when you click on a blog you've blocked to see if i've answered your little call for attention.
and sorry that nuanced takes on characters upset you. i know tumblr is the Reading Comprehension The Site™ but remember, in the words of blake belladonna: there's no such thing as pure evil :) (even when the writing sure does its best to vilify the white fang willing to fight their oppressors.)
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glasswingowl · 1 year
Uzi's wing backpack is really cute! hope it's not foreshadowing anything :)
also was Nori the one initially obsessed with doors? and doll's dad. he was in the photo too, but then again, so was khan. Was he infected or not? if he has an id card, i didn't see it
does. does no one know who uzi is?? she literally exploded a gun in the middle of class that isn't something you'd easily forget. i mean i guess no one would really "know" her considering her complete and utter lack of friends up until now
all the other drones immediately fawning over N and V lmao.
ooh uzi's got a much better grasp of her powers now. someone's been practicing
oh N and V playing nice with the workers is really cute (also lizzy gets to sit with V!)
(also was i not paying attention or did thad just straight up disappear halfway through the episode)
V's being weird and cryptic again... also girl you know you're bluffing stop pretending you can just get rid of Uzi without consequences.
is uzi... resentful? is she upset that two literal murderers are able to make friends easier than her? poor girl.
oh hey doll. we thought you were dead (and you might still be idk what your fucking deal is anymore)
the killing/not killing the bug symbolism carries over to this episode too.
this bug can communicate! and we know for sure that it's connected to the solvers now!
it called her 002. it thinks she's nori. Were the inital test subjects registered, but not their children? would doll scan as yeva's number? (can't remember it off the top of my head)
oh she just turned that arrow into flesh. oh dear god it's alive. i never thought i say this, but i'm with uzi's classmates on this one what the fuck was that
"i live in the woods now!" ah yes that'll solve everything great job
oh uzi :( so this is why doll had such a large supply of oil on hand. good thing she had the stomach to drink it
(ok yeah thad's not with the group anymore where did he fuck off to)
"she's a kid, like us V!" ... ok how old are they actually i want to know. "like us" implies similar age range at least and they kind of hinted at Uzi being 18-20 with the prom posters but i wish they'd just TELL us in canon or word of god it on twitter or something
I thought rebecca's bf was Brad? did they break up? quick rebound time damn
oh doesn't matter they're gonna fucking die
JCjenson made a tape about "zombie drones". what did they know.
Flashback images: Tessa (looking VERY drone like), a severed hand hanging from a chandelier, and an explosion (that looks VERY solver-esque.)
oh shit's going downhill very quickly.
OH DEAR GOD. REBECCA. sorry Rebecca enjoyers that's an L for you guys.
"Killing her, not saving you." it can be both V it's ok
did. did V just call her CYN? DID V JUST CALL HER CYN????
oh her tail's got teeth. no nanites though...
ngl N's pretty much the best person who could've possibly shown up at that moment
her wing joints are human arm skeletons. nope. don't like that.
ohh N is just the sweetest. very emotionally aware too
V what are you smiling at. V is there something you want to tell us
i know we were all joking about V x Lizzy but i'm not sure it's a joke anymore
i'm not going to ask how riding the bus like a stagecoach works
V taking blame for the murders? aww you do care <3
is n scared of his connection to uzi? worried that he might be dangerous to her? or is he secretly scared of her but not willing to leave his first real friend?
( i know i've mentioned this three times now but thad's not on the bus. where did he go. did he just decide fuck this i'm not dying here and walk home?)
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zahri-melitor · 11 days
Dark Nights: Metal
Well that was certainly an event.
I think the reasons to read this come under a handful of categories:-
Do you care about Barbat(h)os lore?
Do the words ‘Dark Multiverse’ sound like something you care about finding out more about?
Are you an event tragic and want to be set up to read storylines and events spiraling out of this?
Are you the sort of Batman fan who wants to see him curbstomp with everyone else’s powers?
If your answers are no, congratulations, skip this event, it’s a fever dream.
If your interest is piqued: look the best way to describe this uh thing is that a multiverse evil Justice League of Bruce Waynes comes to harass Earth-0.
Yeah. You’ve got:
Red Death (Bruce Wayne who absorbed the Speed Force from Barry)
Murder Machine (Bruce Wayne bonded with an AI of Alfred that’s infected Cyborg)
Dawnbreaker (Bruce Wayne who got a Green Lantern ring immediately after his parents were murdered and had so much willpower he could override the ring into letting him do murder)
Drowned (our gender-swapped Bryce Wayne who performed surgery on himself to turn amphibious to defeat Atlantis after they tried conquering the land)
Merciless (Bruce Wayne who was in love with Diana but ended up possessed by Ares’s helmet after her death)
Devastator (Bruce Wayne infects himself with the Doomsday virus)
The Batman Who Laughs (yeah you all know this one, is the Bruce & Joker combo)
It’s also a ‘collect the tv & movie references’ event, with specific visual references to things like: Star Trek Wrath of Khan; Mad Max Fury Road; Game of Thrones; etc.
It is also, I guess, stuffed full of in-joke references back to earlier events and storylines, both pre and post Flashpoint. Bart Allen gets name-checked. There's an Arthur's hook hand joke that lands quite well. There’s a comment on the street about turning Gotham into a No Man’s Land. Batman: Lost is just ‘how well do you recognise a bunch of classic Batman tales’. And so on.
Interestingly, the two titles that I enjoyed the most (in terms of both references and how their story was constructed) were Batman: Lost #1 (a Snyder-Williamson-Tynion combo book) and Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs #1 (Tynion, with Rossmo on art).
I know. I KNOW. But the Dark Nights: The Batman Who Laughs title, despite having literally everything working against it, had the most coherent storyline for how Bruce got corrupted, it was the only title that focused on the fact people would care, and as tends to be the case, it had Rossmo assigned for the art to do some really interesting things. Tynion can tell a good story and actually cared about the stakes of it.
While Batman: Lost #1 is far more understandable as a great event one-shot. It has Bruce hallucinating his future, being in his 70s at home in the Manor with a crowd of grandchildren running around (one has Gordon red hair! Another is called Janet!) and he's telling stories of his past battles to Janet. There's a library wall where the books are all his 'adventures' and of course they're all labelled with the names of various famous Batman stories (and it's fun to look through them and pick out the priorities) and as Bruce tells Janet the story she requested, how it went keeps shifting and other storylines are interposed (and also have oddities in them). It's a title that rewards knowing the original stories Bruce tries to tell. Dominique talks directly to the camera explaining how things will proceed in the Dark Night, Dark City scenes.
Finally there's actually a really lovely intro sequence to Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1 if you're a Bobo fan, which includes Rex, the Wonder Dog. I really loved that bit.
Either way, this was one of those events with characters stuffed into every possible panel for Meaningful Reasons and a load of nonsense (I'm not even going to bother understanding some of this, but I got the impression there was a whole pack of 'where has this character been' retcons put in place).
It's a very, very, very, very Bruce Wayne obsessed event. And while there was certainly good material to enjoy in it if you like playing spotto with previous events, the entire metal lore was just ultimately painful to read.
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jupiterjunebug · 2 months
ooo 30 + 77 + strickpage
For this
Holiday + In Vino Veritas
Classic New Years Eve type situations
Mandatory company party because Tony Khan wants to prove AEW has good company cohesion
The AEW backstage feral ambush promo camera guys are wandering around because they want to make all the guys who hate each other cut promos about how they're going into the new year ready to beat down
As such, there's also a lot of booze accessible to ENCOURAGE those promos
Half the roster is straight edge for one reason or another which means all that alcohol needs to be consumed by the other half
Swerve is not feeling up to cutting a promo, he's just here to have a good time and enjoy the party
He decides to give Giancarlo the slip and ends up in a closet
Meanwhile, Hanger knew about forty-five minutes prior that he was Too Fucking Drunk to be around people, and so he also hid in a closet
You guessed it! The same closet! They have to hide out because the camera is right outside and if anyone knows they're both in the same room then there'll be a stupid fucking angle written about it. They can't risk that!
Jay White is cutting the most rambling promo on whoever he's hating, this is gonna be a while, so might as well talk
They end up having a conversation about how annoying the paparazzi is and Hangman is disgusted to find himself drunk-laughing at one of Swerve's jokes
Eventually they both end up admitting that hating on each other is pretty fun and they like fighting and both realize simultaneously that the things they're saying sound pretty fucking gay
They end up sucking face and only realize that the camera is gone after they've had like a 30 minute long inadvisable makeout session
They both declare they're nevereverever talking about it again once they're sober but then can't stop thinking about it. Sorry, boys, dynamic is forever changed
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rhodeybugg · 2 months
A little infodump on Doll, Uzi and Beau in the solver-bound au, specifically their appearance in the later chapters of Before The Dawn/first act of the au.
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Lil bit of context: These three are born inside the labs in the SB AU. Tl; dr on Arti's drone reproduction headcanon, if two drones touch cores [literally, physically] after developing a spark and they are TRULY in love, the stronger and healthier parent will carry the droneling's core, which stays attached to theirs until they're ready to be removed, and the child's temporary "infant" body is stored in a small pod in the parent's torso. Both are manually removed, but still cause the parents pain.
There is so much rage in such a tiny body.
Zara's team has to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from biting everyone while doing her initial exams.
The company originally wanted to name her something tech-y like gadget or pixel. Zara suggested Byte. Nori wasnt having any of it and after consulting with the lab assistant drone that she'd been secretly sneaking off to see and had uzi with [cough, khan], settled on the name.
Big mama's girl. She'll bite anyone who isnt her dad that gets close to Nori.
Unintentionally bullies beau. Doesnt understand that her way of "playing" [biting his tail] hurts him.
She has a mouth and she will scream. And hiss. And chitter profanities that no human can understand.
No longer allowed to wear her nametag because they had to remake hers at least twice. She kept eating it.
Zara only manages to win her over with snacks. Uzi finally learns that the humans are the ones pulling the strings and if she behaves, she gets her own cookies.
Babey darling sweetheart.
The most relaxed of the three lab babies. She tends to get comfy and fall asleep just about anywhere.
Originally given the name "Dahlia". Yeva liked the company's suggested name, but it eventually evolved into calling her "Doll" and "Dolly" and the name stuck better.
Zara's favorite. Doll doesnt bite.
Please cuddle her she loves cuddles.
Tries to follow Yeva the first time she gets taken out of her sight for testing and doesnt understand why she cant climb the stairs.
24/7 curious. She kept trying to check out the camera while she was getting her identification photo taken. Likes to look at the scientist's blueprints and notes even though she cant read. Sometimes she just mimics them because she thinks the humans are neat.
Uses Zara's soft spot for the lab drones against her and steals her snacks.
The most 'talkative' out of the bunch. While dronelings can only communicate in chirps and chitters, Doll is constantly making noises.
Please do not percieve the baby he is very timid.
Half worker, half disassembler, because Alice formed a genuine relationship with the company-created disassembler that the lab set her up with as a genetics experiment.
Despite his code being primarily disassembly drone, he's very smol.
One of the few lab dronelings that kept their original name. [Others include: Elizabeth, Thaden and Emi]
Constantly attached to the human's hips when Alice gets taken for tests and experiments. He gets passed around between Zara's team and doted on. He loves the snuggles and kisses he gets from the female workers.
Likes to ride in Zara's satchel when she's working.
This baby boy is scared of anything that moves. Especially Uzi. She steals his food portions when they're together.
Very similar to Doll when it comes to having a sweet and gentle personality and obedience. The only problem comes when the humans try to work with him on learning and performing tasks and he simply cuddles up to them.
Mama's boy mama's boy mama's boy.
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pixiedane · 11 months
Hi!! I’m sure you’ve done one of your pairing things for Spock/Chapel, I was wondering if you could link it! <3
Hello! I actually have not yet, so here you go:
Let's assume everything that happens in SNW (including everything we have yet to see) and everything that happens in TOS happens exactly as we see it.
Post the five year mission (TOS), both Spock and Christine are overwhelmed with ~feelings~ (for each other and in general) and decide they need to Work On Themselves. Spock runs away to Vulcan to pursue Kohlinar and Christine runs away to Earth to pursue an MD. Christine succeeds but Spock does not. As much as Spock finds emotional entanglements extremely inconvenient and generally painful, he can't give them up. Despite all his attempts to convince his Vulcan mentors, and himself, otherwise: he loves Jim Kirk, he loves McCoy and Uhura, he loves his mother, and he loves Christine. He also genuinely cares about people, all people. So he fails to achieve Kohlinar and returns to the Enterprise and his friends, his loved ones.
Post his return to Starfleet (TMP), he starts teaching at the Academy and settles on Earth. Dr. Chapel now works at Starfleet Medical and thus they're in the same city and the same circles. One day they're both having lunch in the crowded Fleet cafeteria and end up sharing a table.
They catch up. Spock lists everything he's gone through in the last few years and slowly realizes Christine already knows. She laughs and says, Spock you're the most famous person in Starfleet and also Dr. McCoy loves to gossip. Spock finds that accurate and logical and they share a small smile. Christine launches into her own rundown but Spock indicates he already knows, too. He compliments her recent research paper. You read it? He says of course and that he knows all about the research trip it grew out of. She's flattered and blushing. He reminds her that Dr. McCoy loves to gossip and she laughs, of course, ha ha, but beneath the words she knows that Mccoy wouldn't 'gossip' to Spock about her unless it got an emotional response from him.
Their lunch is very pleasant but neither knows how to say so, or how to end it. Christine thinks she's too old to be so awkward and after all this time, and yet! Eventually Spock mentions a conference coming up, she confirms she's speaking at it and he says he looks forward to hearing her talk. They part ways.
Three-ish weeks later, she walks out on stage to give her seminar and Spock's in the front row with a handful of cadets he offered extra credit for attendance. The talk is well received, one of Spock's cadets asks a great question and afterwards Christine suggests she join her lab. Christine says she's going to hear a colleague and Spock asks if he may accompany her. She says of course and they end up spending the day together attending talks, speaking with student presenters, and having in depth conversations about the science over meals. Spock remembers Christine's favorite cocktail at the reception and they take public transportation back to San Francisco in order to elongate the evening.
This continues for approximately two years (the time between TMP and Wrath of Khan is up for debate but let's say it's TMP+a 5 year mission before Spock starts at the Academy so 2-3 years on Earth with Christine). They are close friends with deep feelings for each other. With their history and their age and their busy lives and all the complications of human vs Vulcan feelings and norms they don't (re)start any kind of traditional romance. They are comfortable and they are happy.
Then Spock hands Admiral Kirk the Enterprise to head out on an important classified mission that results in Spock's death. Christine is heartbroken. They were in such a good place. Their past didn't haunt them, their future was bright. She is So Angry — at Kirk because he's the reason Spock left and the reason it all happened, at Uhura because she's the one who told her, at McCoy because he wasn't the one to tell her, at Spock for being so perfectly good all the time. But mostly at herself for not telling Spock how important he was to her, for not keeping him with her or going with them, for not stopping it from happening. All her survivor's guilt comes back, and all her resentment that Spock can only ever be Spock. She loves him for it but it makes everything harder, always. Of course Spock sacrificed himself to save the crew, a crew of his friends and his students, how can she be angry at that?
Then she learns that Leonard McCoy has been admitted to Starfleet psychiatric. She goes to him immediately, uses her rank and connections to get in and give him her own assessment. She finds a man who is doubly familiar. He's McCoy one minute, begging her to get him out, and then he looks at her in a way that only one person ever looked at her and it shakes her to her core. Suddenly he's referencing conversations from twenty years ago, from before McCoy or Kirk were even on the Enterprise. It's terrible but also wonderful but so terrible. She promises to come back the next day and as soon as she leaves she puts in a call to the Vulcan embassy, to Ambassador Sarek. He's out, but she leaves a message and they set up a meeting for her.
The next day Kirk and friends break McCoy out and abscond with the Enterprise and she vows to give Kirk a piece of her mind the next time she sees him. She throws herself into work to avoid thinking about the fate of her friends and how she's been left behind again. It helps to imagine punching Jim in the face. She keeps her meeting with Sarek and is surprised to learn Spock told him about her. They get on quite well and he promises to tell her what he learns. She's the second person he calls after the successful reunification of Spock's body and katra, after only Amanda.
Sarek returns to Earth ahead of the crew in order to make the case for leniency. Christine greets him and offers to help in whatever way she can. They strategize for hours for days but just as things get started Earth is under attack. And just as things get dire, a Klingon bird of prey with two whales shows up to turn the tide (literally). Sarek and Christine's trial prep isn't needed because Jim Kirk and crew are the heroes we need always. She still wants to punch Jim, but hugs him instead.
Some weeks after The Incident With the Whales, Spock's door whooshes open to reveal Christine. Taylor Swift starts playing as he invites her in. She starts babbling immediately, says she's sorry to throw all her human emotions at him but losing him broke her, knowing he died alone, knowing they'd left so much unsaid for so long and if this is her chance to make it up to him she's going to take it. You are the love of my life, she says, but more than that you make my life better, you make me better, even when you're not in it. Spock is quiet, listening, watching. He reaches out, touches her cheek, brushes a tear falling down it, and she smiles into the touch, and murmurs thank you for listening and starts to turn away and leave. His hand drops from her cheek to her wrist and he says, Stay.
Christine becomes Spock's lighthouse. He goes where he's needed, he follows Jim Kirk to the ends of the galaxy and beyond, he brokers peace with the Federation's enemies (he tells Christine she doesn't have to come to dinner with the Klingons this time, but when they do actually come to an accord, she's proud of him), and then he comes back to her light. Eventually they get married. Christine thinks she's too old to be a bride, it's silly, old fashioned, and unnecessary, but Sarek convinces her to go along. The ceremony is on Vulcan and attended by their friends and former students, including Jack Crusher I, who brought his bff/bf Jean-Luc as his plus one.
Christine dies many years before Spock. The Vulcans say she doesn't have a katra, or at least not one that can be preserved the way a Vulcan's would, but Spock carries her with him. She's with him on Romulus. She's with him when he watches Vulcan explode in the past of a whole other universe. She's with him when he finds Jim Kirk again. She's with him when he helps rebuild his community. And she's with him when he dies and his katra is set free on New Vulcan.
Spock leaves his belongings to the younger Spock of his present universe. Along with photos of his crew, he leaves recordings of his memories. Spock keeps them safe and mostly secret (he tells Jim, Nyota, and Sarek) until his own old age and death. He bequeaths the recordings to Ensign Bradward Boimler with instructions to publish the other Spock's memoirs now that they can no longer interfere with the timeline. Boimler is extremely confused but Mariner talks him around by telling him Spock must know something they don't and also who turns down the assignment to write altenate universe history about someone as famous as SPOCK. Boimler rises to the occasion (Mariner helps) and the memoir is a success. Its dedication reads:
For Christine.
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