#they're a little confused but they got the spirit
pseudophan · 3 days
TW for discussion of homophobia.
Hi, Nora! In the spirit of pride month I want to tell the story about how becoming a demon phannie has deprogrammed my bigotry when I was a teen.
I grew up with homophobia being the norm amongst the kids. In my country it was quite precise though, a bit different from what Dan described in BIG. We didn't use "gay" as a synonym for "bad". Boys wouldn't be called gay for crying or liking theater or just being well-behaved. Not in my school at least.
No, there was a clear-cut definition that gays were only the boys who liked boys. But if you fit that definition, if someone knew you fit that definition, then god help you. You would be constantly mocked, bullied and beat up at school. The headmaster would call your parents and tell them to fix their broken little pervert. Your parents reaction could fall anywhere from a stern talk and calling you a disgrace to a beating and sending you to a military type boarding school. Treating a teen this way was perceived as completely normal. Nowadays the kids have thankfully become way more accepting despite our governments best efforts. But now you can also add a visit to the police station to the pile.
Sapphics just didn't exist, as always. That's why when I told my friends "I genuinely think boobs are more attractive than dicks - they are more esthetically pleasing to look at" the only reaction I got was confused laughter and strange looks. No, I did not realize what that said about me back then. It was just foreshadowing.
I remember my parents occasionally saying that it's a sickness and shouldn't be allowed to be demonstrated in any way. Peppering it with the usual "they can do whatever they want behind closed doors". And if people got beat up on the streets for being gay...well they just brought that on themselves by flaunting their sexuality, didn't they?
I lived with that worldview until I was 15 or 16.
Then I started finding out that some famous people were gay. But it only got me to the point of "I like his art, so I won't stop consuming it, despite him being gay". In my mind if you were gay and wanted people to tolerate your existence, you had to be talented in order to justify it. And have the decency to not act gay in public. Yeah, I know, bare with me.
When I found Dan's channel in 2015 I instantly fell in love with his videos. Soon I also started watching Phil and then the gaming channel.
My gaydar was non-existent at the time and, ironically, I was conditioned into thinking that gay people just like to announce that they're gay to everyone. So, since Dan and Phil never did, I just took their word for it. For almost a year I just enjoyed watching their content without a second thought.
Then one day I saw the compilations. The radio show clips. The old videos. That was all it took really. My brain couldn't compute, couldn't connect the "sick perversion" I heard so much about to what I was seeing on my screen. It wasn't unnatural, or disgusting or deliberately demonstrative.  It was fucking beautiful. They simply couldn't help being extremely adorable.
Starting from that day the thought "keep it to yourselves" never occurred to me. I just wanted to be a fly on the wall.
I never dared to write fanfiction or make compilations or, god forbid, directly ask one of them in a qna. I was happy to just lurk and snort that yaoi cocaine in silence.
In hindsight, Dan and Phil were the reason I didn't instantly hate myself after having the first crush on a girl and realizing I was bi in 2018.
Later I got into breadtube and realized just how insane and baseless all those conservative talking points were. But DnP were the sole reason I left that eco-chamber in the first place.
So thank you to Dan and Phil and thank you to all fellow demons 💜
fujoshi-ism saves lives is the thing
no but isn't it odd the way things work out.. the fact that dan and phil were able to help you like that is amazing, and also it's very funny that they did it through the power of rpf
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glitter-stained · 12 days
Random goon: Hey boss, were you the one to pick that name as an alias? And why this one?
Red Hood : I used to have another name, before... A long time ago. But that person is dead now. I get to choose for myself now, they can't take that from me. I won't let them.
Goon: Huh.
Random Goon: Say boss, why do you never take off your shirt in front of us?
Red Hood: Well uh, I actually have that really fucked scar on my chest and I'm not comfortable with...
Random Goon: Don't worry boss, we get it, you don't have to explain yourself to us.
Red Hood, high on some toxin: God, I wish my family...
Random Goon (on boss-sitting duty): why not try reaching out to them?
Red Hood: They would never accept me as I am now... They wouldn't agree with my so-called "life choices". Besides, they don't miss me, they miss the person they think I used to be... I wasn't even a man when I last saw them.
Random Goon: Damn boss, that sucks.
And then the goons throw the Red Hood a party on trans visibility day and Jason is so confused he straight up cries.
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To answer your question Roy;
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Also how are tango and topper handling after their simulators-
Roy: "That doesn't help meeeeee-"
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mairiieux · 2 years
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earlymorningtram · 1 year
i thank you for your contribution, google docs
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bottleblondebeachbabe · 7 months
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0809sysblings · 4 months
maybe part of why john loves mikoto is because mikoto cant love himself. if john is the type of person mikoto wanted to be, then maybe someone who is capable of loving him even knowing all of his flaws is part of that. self love in the system baby, even if they are so bad at it.
gghjggjh... :((( :')))
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so true anon. so true... I'd say more other than just incoherent screaming but I want to fall asleep soon and if I try to think any more I'll get my brain too riled up 😔...
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pocketramblr · 2 years
AU where Midoriya isn't able to convince Bakugou to work with him during the finals
1- Izuku tries. You can't say he doesn't try. But Bakugo would rather lose, and Izuku can't beat All Might right now. To win, he has to leave the exam.
2- he doesn't go directly for the door- All Might is expecting him to be reasonable and try. Instead he vanishes down a side alleyway, taking a post of the fence All Might threw at him.
All Might expects a sneak attack and stays prepared, covering his weak side, but by the time he realizes Izuku has snuck around and back, Izuku's too close to the exit and makes it just through in time.
3- Izuku passes the exam. He got through on time, he has to. It's just a matter of of Bakugo will or not. All Might, RG, and Aizawa discuss. Aizawa shrugs and says pass both, even if he prefers them to have worked together. All Might honestly doesn't feel good about Izuku running, it feels antithetical. RG frowns at both of them, and strongly disagrees. She's the one who watched the entire exam, and Izuku finally did what she told him he needed to do at the SF, and also tried to work with Bakugo, but he just refused to. All Might thinks about about the start of the year, how Izuku almost told him about OfA, and has to agree. The decide to pass Izuku, and fail Bakugo, and Aizawa prepared a set of noice cancelling headphones to deal with his reaction in class.
4- When the League attacks the camp, they know one of their targets is in the lounge, and warps in closer to there. Kouta is never near Muscular - until Izuku carries him there, as the students sent back to the lounge realize it's on fire. The remedial students inside all got out safely, but then had to fend off further attackers. It's utter chaos, with half the students focused on the lounge and slowly beating the villains back, and the other half slowly dropping to sleep in the woods after Ragdoll was taken.
In the aftermath, the villains forced to leave at Kurogiri's pickup, they don't take Bakugo. But they do take Tokoyami, snatched up by Compress in the woods.
5- some things do not change. Izuku is going to help the rescue team. This is not an exam. AfO will not leave Tokoyami alone if Izuku sneaks away. This is the villain Izuku has to face, and he will save his friend along the way. Some things do change. Aoyama, a dear friend taken, wavers more.
And Bakugo, pride twice burned because he failed his exam and he doesn't get why, because he and everyone else at the lounge heard that the League was after him mostly, a target, a victim, a failure - Bakugo goes to Izuku and says Izuku isn't running this time. He's going to help Bakugo beat the villains and get Tokoyami while Bakugo blows Tomura to smithereens. Which, Izuku was already going to go with the rescue team. But if Bakugo is going to start helping now, well, they'll take him for any extra fire power they can get.
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styona · 5 months
So there's this vid on YouTube about some event (?) that took place in 2018 where the coffins of the three Papas were exhibited. The best part of the vid is the comment section
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everysongineverykey · 3 months
cishet people who are clueless but trying i love you. this morning i was talking to a straight guy in my class about it/its pronouns and how some it/its users like it because they see it as redefining their identities/senses of personhood, and he nodded sagely and started talking about the replicates in blade runner
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jessaerys · 2 years
i cant believe anti walter white / walter-critical blogs exist .... their seeing and perceiving the narrative slay
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
BeastStars - everyone's beast forms tend to be very open with affection, often moreso than the human form without conscious considerations to hold them back, but it tends to be in... less then desirable fashion.
Alligator and Wolf brain agree, bringing Polnareff a severed limb of prey to eat is the appropriate way to tell him you love him and he is a valued member of the pack. Sheepdog brain says who cares if your mouth is still covered in gross zombie guts, Speedwagon is sad you need to go give him an affectionate lick! Snake brain says hide somewhere warm with someone you trust and warmest spot you can reach is squirming INSIDE Caesar's shirt. Peacock brain says do a fancy dance for Okuyasu (that Okuyasu WILL NOT understand but others will) and cat brain says you need to mark him with your scent. Including the artificial parts of it, like the scent of hairspray that's become an integral part of your own scent.
And so on.
there's no worry about having to hide emotions or keep up a front or Human Social Norms, if they love their friends and family then dammit they're going to show them they love them <3
Jotaro just wants to make sure his pack is well fed! Their senses are so dull and they don't have any claws or teeth, so it's a wonder they're as well healthy as they are. A healthy and fed pack is a happy pack, and he just wants them all to be safe
I did a bit of reading as well, and Jotaro's probably going to be REALLY physically affectionate too. Wolves apparently show trust and affection with close tactility, so he's going to be allllll over them. He almost knocks them over when he leans into them because of how heavy and big he is
what if Jonathan's Sheepdog Brain also starts seeing Speedwagon and Co as sort of his "flock" in a way. He wants to protect them, keep the safe, and most importantly keep them together. He's their guard and their guide, and he wants to do everything he can to keep them alive and see from danger (this then makes Zeppeli's death hurt so much more. His flock was already so small, and now it's become even smaller)
and the mental image of Joseph trying to sneak up Caesar's shirt is made so much funnier by the fact that Joseph is W A Y bigger than him srufhbhdbd. He almost rips the shirt trying to snuggle into it and Caesar ends up being knocked over because of how heavy the mass of scales and feathers is
Okuyasu becomes Josuke's favourite perch. He's constantly demanding the other boys attention, be it with pets or scritches or just being there. He loves to groom Okuyasu's hair and Okuyasu in turn is one of the very very few people who's allowed to clean his feathers
I'd imagine Post Canon there's something of a Not So Passive war going on between Stray Cat and Josuke. Both are fighting for Okuyasu Affection rights and keep trying to replace the other's scent on him with their own, and they both fight. So much. It rarely gets physical, but there's a LOT of screaming and puffing up to make themselves look bigger
Giorno's the most reserved out of them all, and rarely shows affection. But when he does it usually involves a lot of playing around and cuddling. He also likes to "dance," aka what bees do to guide other bees, and will often times bring back/make flowers and honey. Maybe he even makes a small hive with honeycombs if they ever end up settling down somewhere which he uses to store it and keep it safe
and Jolyne........ yeah still trying to figure out what animal she is so To Be Decided djrbgjhdrb-
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emma-d-klutz · 3 months
I volunteer through a church, and I get email updates on their events pretty often. You gotta see the headline of one of them
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inkedmyths · 11 months
Funniest character trait that villians, shitty parents, and shitty parents that are villians can have: respecting people's pronouns
Its never not funny
Like "Yeah your dad is a dick but at least he acknowledges you're a man" is never not at least a little funny
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saintedbythestorm · 1 year
Gotta say... spotify had the perfect timing playing I want it all just as I stole a settler that the barbarians had stolen of another nation.
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startsbeatboxing · 1 year
i love my dad so much <3
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