#they'll just be uploaded randomly
kimtaegis · 6 months
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This Christmas I'd like to share my love for this community by doing a little Xmas Gift Giving! I prepared some little presents that I would love to exchange for just one simple thing:
Send me an ask or make a post tagging me (#annietrack) in which you give a person that's part of armyblr the love they deserve. Whether it be you telling them how much they brightened your year, if there was a post of them that made you especially happy, what you wish for them for 2024, it's completely up to you; you can even gift them something, like a gif(set) or any other kind of art!
Of all the people who participate I will randomly choose five people that will receive some little presents from me. The presents are
🌙 1x Jimin's Photofolio with all inclusions ❄️ 1x 2 official photocards of your choice from my small pool of pc's that I would've sold otherwise (all in great condition) + lots of freebies 🎁 3x one bts gifset of your choice from me; it can be anything you want (yes, also a huge compilation if you'd like!)
Christmas at Annie's (I'm laughing writing this) will end on Taehyung's birthday, 12am KST on Saturday 30th December 2023. I will announce who will receive the gifts on Sunday, 7th January 2024 and will then contact the persons privately as well.
I kindly ask for you to follow me and reblog this post if you participate (reblogging just to spread the celebration is very welcome)!
For some more (important) info, please read below!
Lots of love,
I will cover all costs to get the first two presents to you (worldwide).
If you're only interested in one or two of these gifts, just put the respective emoji somewhere in your ask or in the tags! If there're no emojis, your name will come in all three selection pools (but please note: you will only receive one present max. I will randomly pick names in the pool order: Photofolio, photocards, gifsets. e.g. If you receive the photofolio, I'll take your name out of the other two pools. I hope this makes sense, if not, let me know!).
Since a lot of you like to keep yourselves anonymously/ might be too shy to express their love for someone openly, I would like to offer the option of sending asks on anon as well. In this case, please think of a unique pseudonym (no emojis please) which I can add to the participants' list(s). If you get chosen to receive a gift, please contact me on anon again, telling me your username so we can talk about everything else. I will keep your identity a secret, I promise.
Please please please tag or otherwise make clear who your ask or post is dedicated to so I can make sure they'll see it!!
I will start shipping out the presents the following week after the announcement!
Lastly, here are pictures of the Photofolio and the photocard pool for your consideration (I apologise for the quality of the pc photo; it's already dark as I'm uploading this)
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abbyshands · 3 months
Hi kit, do you know how to tell if a person sending asks saying they need donations for their family in gaza, is fake?
Cuz someone sent me an ask and I’ve reblogged it but I was going through the comments and there a several blocked and one of them says that the op is scamming people.
I know there are ppl like this that are that horrible, but I wonder if you know how tell them apart ? Or if anyone knows for that matter. Cuz I don’t want to mislead people and give them the wrong information or anything.
hi, honey! this is gonna be all over the place but. i've had this very thing happen to me before as well, maybe three or so asks just like the one you received. i did fall for the first one, but once you see them over and over again, i think it can get easier to tell when it's a scam. one thing to note is when the actual account began to post. i notice a lot of these accounts began to post in recent days or weeks. at the time that i donated to the first person who sent me an ask like this, it was february, and they began to post around mid january. the next tell is one i see a lot, where they'll reblog a bunch of things about palestine, but they will all be in a matter of hours, days, etc. usually never weeks (and also, you'll see that they randomly begin to reblog in very recent days. ex. all their reblogs are from three days ago and onward). one more thing: look at their posts (not their reblogs. their actual posts), and check if it says "some replies may have been blocked, deleted, removed, etc). absolutely, 100% not a good sign. chances are, replies are being removed by the op because they're getting called out for scamming.
the structure of the actual ask is also a dead giveaway. if it ends in "my goal is x amount of money," usually somewhere in the hundreds or thousands, not a good sign. if they are asking you to respond to their ask PRIVATELY, not a good sign. if you copy part of their ask and paste it into tumblr or do an internet search, and you see it elsewhere, not a good sign! these blogs will go around copying the same message into people's inboxes. chances are, someone else on tumblr has posted about the very person who sent you the ask, OR, you will find it somewhere else on the internet, etc a gofundme (which, by the way, is where most of these scammers obtain their story or pictures. they'll find it in gofundmes as i said, articles, etc). before you engage, copy the username of the person who sent you the ask, and paste it into the tumblr search bar. this is how i found out that the first person who sent an ask like this to me was a scammer.
this post here (which i absolutely implore you to read, as it captures what i want to say here much better than i'm doing so right now) explains why there is an abundance of people on tumblr sending asks like this in people's inboxes. for one thing, they target popular tags (ex. literally, the "palestine" or "gaza" tags, or any tag that may be trending at the time), or, they go for blogs who are consistently reblogging and/or uploading content related to the genocide. why? because they're taking advantage of the fact that you want to make a change in regards to what's going on. and if that's the case, what would stop you from donating to someone "in need," right?
if you want my honest opinion, if someone is sending you an ask about this on tumblr at all, it's likely not real. to put it into perspective: people who are really in gaza and want to escape, raise money, etc, will go to big network places such as gofundme, because there are better chances of them raising actual money in general, but in a short period of time. as opposed to asking people individually, their cause will be more widespread, and more people will see it. not only that: places like gofundme are pros at figuring out what's a scam and what's not. op in the above post noted this, and how places like gofundme will remove causes that are clearly scams. that's why scammers avoid places like this at all, and go to places like tumblr, where it isn't so easy for the actual site to remove their post. it's only when people on the app pick up on it, that scammers' facades fall. does that make sense?
i feel like this sort of jumped around, but i hope i was able to clarify what you were asking anyway. if someone feels the need to add onto this, please do, and if i need to clarify any point i made, etc, please let me know! ♡
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jiminsass-istant · 3 months
Gushing about BTS randomly (and rightfully)
Just watched the boracity magazine new upload. This one:
I kinda wished she would have dived deeper. But it just seemed like she was trying to convince people. Still, a good video, made some good points.
That's why I want to add some things-
BTS have proved the quality of music from the very start. While other kpop groups were formed by 'alloting' skills to members, bighit in 2011 was holding a friggin rap competition, hiphop battle style! Participants were teens who had written their own material, sometimes their own beats.
Not just authenticity of their roots, but also top tier music production. There are a lot of brave people who claim that bts music went into downfall after 2017/18. But say this to a music producer and they'll laugh in your face. Because BTS has constantly pushed boundries, bringing in foreign producers, keeping up with hiphop trends and constantly getting better with each release. Let's talk about BE album, shall we? "Dis-ease"? "Fly to my room?" "Telepathy"? Not a single song in this world that sounds like them. Levels of production and composition that kpop will take a decade to catch up to. And let's talk about "run bts", "for youth" and "yet to come". 3 bangers in their latest album. Hell, Run bts was even a viral tiktok trend. They have never once compromised or let me down with their releases.
Bts have collabs with artists like Anderson Pak. Name 1 kpop group who can pull this off?
Depth of lyrics, depth of concept, effort of production, added with willingness to perfect their performances. It will take a kpop group years to catch up to this level. And it's not possible unless their label allows them to write and compose their own songs, find the right audience and be authentic.
Kpoppies argue that bts fans don't want to explore other groups and somehow other groups have better songs? Gurrlll(gender neutral) please. I have infact heard most of bts contemporaries and even 2023 releases. Most music is just...trash? There are 1 or 2 songs from few other groups that are worth putting in my playlist but not their entire discography because they keep missing the mark.
Now let's talk about vocals shall we? While there are plenty of talented vocalists in kpop, they are not versatile. Everytime these vocalists do high notes they end up sounding like Korean ballads 😫. Can they try singing differently for once? Not to mention the forgettable voices and almost similar vocal textures in the entire group? Bts is the only group that gives 4 entirely different voices, versatility as well as wise distribution of lines. All 4 of them use their strengths and perform live. Even though 2 of them were not even singers to begin with, they have still managed to tremendously grow over the years.
So, no i won't be getting into other kpop groups because they don't hold my interest. If i like a song, I'll add it to my playlist. Let me know when they write their own song and have a completely unique concept THAT IS NOT JUST A VISUAL CONCEPT and a completely well produced album with effort put into each song.
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formulaocean · 14 days
Introduction just to pin!
22 she/her, 🇩🇪🇬🇧, somewhere between bi & ace, infp
This is primarily a formula 1 side blog with a little bit of rpf- favourites, other interests, and ao3 links are below. As ever- keep it fun and don’t delve deep into conspiracy theories. These are real people we’re talking about :)
Teams: McLaren was my grandparents team so I do nostalgically route for them a little bit but I’ve personally supported Red Bull for a long time and can’t help but be drawn into the doomed yet ever hopeful tragic narrative of Ferrari too. For a back marker team I also want Williams to do well!
Drivers: On the current grid- MV33/1 (love it when your underdog fulfills their potential and his skill level is extraordinary) CL16 LH44 OP81 FA14 LN4 AA23 YT22
Recent ex grid- NR6 (being a Nico & a Max fan is being in the trenches sometimes no hate here please) SV5 JB22 MW and fond of a few older drivers too but there's a bit less of an online community!
The dynamics of Lestappen & Brocedes make me a little bit insane but I also appreciate a whole bunch more- they'll probably just come up a lot less. There won't be a whole lot of actual rpf on this blog because not everyone likes to come across that but my ao3 is https://archiveofourown.org/users/Oceanallaround
Always happy to talk about my fics, your fics, any recommendations etc! I'm currently working on my hunger games au multi chaptered fic, a sequel to my omegaxomega one shot, and a multi pairing more comedic fic which is still in the planning stages. Renaissance artist lestappen, modern day brocedes drabble, omega max are finished and uploaded.
Other sports: I get very into and play tennis and love keeping up with ATP and WTA standings and tournaments. Loosely follow moto gp, f1 academy, f2, some sec. I also have got really into womens football the last couple of years and have adored the atmosphere of the games I've been to- very hyped for euros summer however!
I study Classics & English currently and will be doing a slightly more useful masters next year. As such I'm pretty into all kinds of history, literature, art, theatre- I find ancient roman jokes far too funny.
Music: Mitski, Lana, Taylor, Phoebe, Hozier, Arctic Monkeys, Noah Kahan, The Cure, Fleetwood Mac etc. (walking stereotype)
Other “fandoms”: fallen off a fair bit but occasionally get sucked back in to whatever is happening in superwholock, marauders, Batman (who hasn't had a Jason Todd phase), the whole “existentially sexily sad” Sally Rooney flea bag aftersun situation, dangerously addicted to letterboxd, political & historical & fantasy tv shows
Will randomly get very emotional over nature and trees, oceans and rivers, mountains etc and pretty into hiking wild swimming and watersports when I'm able.
Lastly there's so much going on in the world but this tiny anonymous social media isn't going to get political or humanitarian on main. More than slightly apalled at the state of the world but I interact with enough of it day to day. For me tumblr is about getting way too excited about things- not way too sad.
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frostbite-merun · 7 months
Youtube is a dumb idiot platform run by greedy jerks and I'm smarter than Neal Mohan. Here's eleven entire ways youtube could make money to keep itself afloat without being anti-consumer
1- For every 1 hour of video uploaded by a single person, charge 1 USD. Data needs a physical place to be stored and that costs money, it is completely reasonable that the people using this service pay a small amount of money for it. That said, don't retroactively charge people for video already uploaded or change the fee itself. One and done. Have some integrity.
2- Actually talk to the creators and set up some sort of (actual) partner program among the larger million+ subscriber channels wherein Youtube representatives help facilitate sponsorships (and take a little bit of that money as a treat). That way there's an alternative to predatory MCNs and it solves the issue of people not being able to get in touch with youtube reps, because they will be working directly with youtube reps
3- Make the livestreaming function more accessible and visible (1-5% cut from all donations/subs/whatever they're called on there)
4- Kill youtube tv, movies, kids, and all things of a similar vein and make a singular secondary site dedicated to professionally-made content from studios with the option to either buy a subscription for unlimited access to the library or purchase digital copies in a one-time transaction (basically just make netflix 2 but good, you have the resources)
5- Remove embedded ads for any video under 20 minutes, remove midrolls altogether, raise the price advertisers have to pay for this limited real estate. A lot of people still do not use adblockers, they'll see these ads. You control the supply, so make the people demanding it pay instead of those of us innocent bystanders.
6- A single banner ad on the homepage that you charge advertisers out the nose for, make those little idiot marketing firms fight tooth and nail for even a brief second with it. If you're going to keep people from blocking ads then have this be the singular unblocked ad. Vet whoever wants to rent it thoroughly and keep it as a static image with no audio.
7- Kill content farms. Put in a daily upload limit and investigate channels that upload large amounts of content (especially similar content) frequently. Kill cocomelon and its ilk with hammers. Hell, I'll do that one for free.
8- Fire Neal Mohan and beat him over the head with a boogie board until he apologizes for the crypto bullshit. Likewise. If anyone utters 'web3', 'crypto', 'nft', 'ai art', or 'metaverse' in a non-ironic context, fire them. Then fold their salaries back into server costs.
9- Enforce rules fairly and fix the copyright system so people actually want to use your website. Throw in some quality-of-life changes to while you're feeling spicy. More customization for the actual aesthetics of a channel page would be cool
10- You can keep youtube premium but don't put website functionality behind a paywall, explicitly state that premium is for people who want to support the website, show them exactly where their money is going, and maybe add little bonuses like hats for your profile picture that are randomly unlocked as you watch youtube for premium subscribers only. This is exclusively cosmetic. You can even put out hats that match those special google banners and holidays and shit. Just something cute and nice as a 'hey thanks for supporting us'
11- Integrate the merchandise tab better in a NON-OBTRUSIVE WAY. Maybe have a function for larger channels to have an embedded shop page on their channel. Not the weird, clunky version of this that they have now
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This is an introductory post.
Hi everyone! I'm Melody.
I'm an anonymous writer (unless you know me already), usually posting all, if not, most of my works on Tumblr and also then on Tik-Tok; I like the simple format of the dark theme and the account header of my posts on Tumblr and use the platform to swiftly screenshot and upload them with accompanying music on Tik-Tok.
I'm sure there's an easier way to do it all solely on Tik-Tok- but I like this way, and it seems easy enough for me, and unique enough that I can call it my own.
The content I produce is mostly Free Verse poetry. It all started with a simple writing exercise I made up called "A Month of Emotions." Essentially, I write a poem every day, usually about my feelings or some form of event that happened that day. I give that poem title, and then at the end of the month, I mash all the titles together and post that altogether as another poem, entitled "A Month of Emotions"
That poem will be coming very soon.
Now, you may look back at my archive and be like, "Melody, you didn't post every day for a month," or "there are poems in you Tumblr archive that aren't on tiktok."
Those are both true. As to the first point, the original exercise began as a way for me to accomplish 2 things:
1. To start writing more
And 2. To practice feeling, expressing, and confidently affirming my emotions. To enhance my emotional range. Even the "bad ones" i.e sadness, loneliness, grief, anger, hatred, etc.
With both these 2 goals in mind- I think while yes, not posting *every day* for a whole month is a failure of the arbitrary "challenge" I believe I got what I needed from it, and the original exercise evolved into something a bit bigger than itself.
I also believe that in the spirit of "A Month of Emotions" the "skipped" days also speaks to the emotions and feelings of that day. Whether it was burn-out, or an overwhelming experience that took me more than a day to process into words, I believe it true to exercise still, and in the entitled poem, "A Month of Emotion" I think they'll be implemented as a doubled space between lines.
As to the second point:
I didn't intend to begin posting on Tik-Tok, but then I just did and that started me off on the platform beyond just being a lurker, liking posts, saving to my faves, etc.
I won't delve too much into my personal life, but I will share some fun tidbits.
I've enjoyed writing in some form for a long while. I distinctly remember a moment in freshman year where I told myself that I wanted to become a writer. Back then, I used the word "author" as the intention was to write stories in book form. Maybe some day I will, but I'm transmuted my definition of storytelling across multiple mediums.
Nowadays, I write poems, as you can tell. I also work every now and then on writing a long-running D&D campaign. It's just the skeletal structure of a campaign, as to avoid strictly railroading players into an inevitable rigid story.
To me, D&D is an improvisational collaborative storytelling exercise, with sprinkled in game mechanics and rules to help broadly give things stakes and to introduce a little luck...
To me, it's less of a "game" strictly speaking, and more like when a group of musicians get together and jam out randomly and create a song.
In this case, I just haven't gotten a group of people together to play it with me as a DM. I do have a group, but I'm in as a player for their stories and we've been at a capacity between campaigns. As mine is much more long form, I'm patiently waiting until it's my turn to start spinning the webs of story.
Earlier, I mentioned music and very much purposefully too! I played in band since 4th grade, picking up the saxophone. I still have my ol' instrument. She sits in her case in my closet. There's a part of her that's broken, making it nearly impossible to play correctly, and I just haven't had the funds to fix her since after senior year.
After senior year, though, I still practiced and even studied music. Using keyboards and piano, I went to college learning about the music industry.
Things got crazy, money got tight, a job I had became too demanding of my time, and for other troubled reasons, I also wasn't doing too well in school and lost passion and interest and finally stopped going.
Then after I switched jobs and things were looking a bit better and I was just barely able to start school again- the pandemic happened, I lost the job I had going for me, and it seemed pointless to start school when the whole world looked like it was burning down.
But now, finally, after years and years, I might be able to start going again soon.
So much has changed since then. I originally had aspirations to develop music for video games.
I still enjoy music very much, it means so much to me and is very important as well.
Who knows? Maybe I could finally run the DnD campaign that I've written as a passion project, jotting down the adventures of me and my players in a more final form, creating that story.
Maybe I can share that, get with an animator and voice actors, and create a series? Maybe I could make the music for that! Or maybe the story could be spun into an action rpg like video game, work with indie developers, and do that!
A younger version of myself would think all of that above is dreaming too big- but as I mature and grow older, the more I begin realizing none of that is impossible. In fact, even if it is just a hobby now, with practice, passion, and effort, it all seems very achievable!
I think that's enough for now. I encourage everyone to take a deep breath, drink water, and continue dreaming. I'll be back with my poems soon! Thank you. 🤗
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dojae-huh · 1 year
Hi, about April fool's day, some of fansite or just fan of idol make impersonated and upload some photos or videos of other idol. In the link that jh in other fansite to celebrate April fool's day. And I found some of them upload jaehyun and Doyoung together. whether it's just the two of them or with other members. Like dojaejung, haechan.
Though there was some photos jh with ty, mk, hc, jw. I think jaedo stays more. Some of them fansite outside NCT. Like Gaeul IVE, Yeonjun, till athlete fansite.
Do you think they just post it randomly? Or there's an other reason? Their chemistry an example.
It is just for doing fun, and ik that. But im just curious.
Link A thread with pics.
My guess is that JaeDo are known as popular members inside the fandom (remember their position on the list of most popular ships in SK) and recognised outside of the fandom (they were Inki MCs, Do and MITH). The fansites could like them, their friends could like them, or the fansites know they'll gain attention.
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iggurichan · 5 months
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now that 2023 is over (and i didnt overslept like yesterday), i figured it was time to properly talk about my thoughts during the year. back in early march i decided that i wanted to make my art accounts more active by doing weekly drawings. honestly i thought i would've stopped after the first month, but surprisingly i kept up the weekly upload schedule up until the end of september. obviously i didnt keep up with my weekly schedule after that, but it is pretty crazy looking back on all of the drawings i did, easily the most i have done in a single year. just looking at my archive on tumblr speaks for itself when you see the content from the years.
as for what's next in this year, it's hard to say if i would keep up the weekly schedule since it probably isnt too realistic without leading to eventual burnout like last time. however, i do enjoy drawing whenever and that is something i dont want to stop doing, i just wont be too hard on myself with deadlines to avoid that same mistake like last year. i also decided that this year i want to start up a small comic that i will be doing throughout the year, obviously im not expecting a lot of people to read it but hey it would fulfill that desire i had last year of keeping my art accounts active while doing something im interested in. i havent decided how the pace of the comic will go yet and i dunno how soon i can get that started, but maybe it will start in february? dont hold me to that, i get distracted easy whenever it comes to any side project as some people might know (doesnt help that i've recently been playing granblue versus last month). also i have a few unfinished sketches i never finished last year, i dont really have any plans on finishing them, but at the very least it cant hurt to share them.
however, i also decided that weekly i'll be answering some year old questions i have in my tumblr ask inbox as a way to buffer some doodles while working on the comic. though i only have 4 or so questions to last me a month, so if you want to ask me anything (within reason), feel free to ask me anonymously if you want to ask me multiple questions, i have no idea it would be you anyways. just know that your question wont be answered until february since i want to answer these really old questions first. this lets me do some fun doodles while keeping my art accounts active during drawing downtime. speaking of accounts, i still gotta post my past drawings onto bluesky, pixiv and etc, i've just been really lazy so honestly it's hard to say when those will be at the same status as my twitter and tumblr. but they'll serve as more options to show my art in the scenario that either site randomly dies one day. whenever i do update them, i'll also make a new pinned with my current accounts to reflect that as my current one was just a placeholder so my pinned wasnt a wall of text like this one is.
thanks everyone who checked out my art last year, it means a lot to me. doing drawings is a fun hobby and i enjoy looking back on the drawings i've done.
tl;dr upload schedule wont be consistent for my sanity, but i plan on making a comic this year, also ask me questions on tumblr to give me an excuse to do doodles weekly
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cosmicgardencreative · 7 months
Some thoughts
Everyone's heard someone's own tale of woe of missing the old days of the internet. Never once during my 20s did I think about what kind of struggles NSFW artists would go through into the 21st century.
But after departing from y!Gallery for transphobic rules, then tumblr's poor handling of the porn ban, and now Twitter/X for just general wtf-ery, it's not easy uploading anything adult content nowadays and hope to build rapport.
Needless to say, I think tumblr is a fine platform if you toe the line just right. After Ismaire's sequel Halloween piece was hidden then red-flagged, it got me thinking about our experience so far on tumblr:
1) I follow #dark fantasy with the intent of seeing dark/gothic artwork, and yet somehow "dark fantasy" is conflated with dirty talk. I didn't think much on it cos whatever, everyone has their thoughts. Recently, though, the algorithm suggested a post where someone openly talks about masturbating to a porn vid and getting lost in their orgasmic headspace. It left me impressed when I realized how many people are willing to express their kinks with such explicitness -- without any mature labels. Surely Community Safety has bigger fish to fry, like those porn spam bots👍
2) An artist I follow shared a nsfw link to an old post with the Mature community label, and the image depicted an obviously explicit penetrative sex. Surprisingly, it's still hanging on because I guess a cleverly placed sticker was a good enough censor. You'd think this is somewhat encouraging that maybe we too can share some creatively drawn sexy times. The same artist also managed to hide an explicit pic of their OC getting finger banged under a "keep reading" link, and that was definitely not censored. I'm glad they're able to show it off, but personally, that's way too many mental hoops to jump through just to share the conclusion to the OC's horniness.
3) So then I post a drawing of a queer triad wearing scantily-clad costumes, no labels for potential mature content. We'll ignore that MyungJin was showing of their breasts, albeit no obvious nipples, and Vance's package was implied under the skirt. Meanwhile, Ismaire's sequel piece, labled as "Mature" + "sexual themes" gets hidden right after uploading. We were left confused why it wouldn't show on our dash or in the tags. After a few attempts of troubleshooting, then we saw why: Community Safety deemed Vance's hand going down Bidan's panties as sexually explicit, even though no genitalia was exposed. After meditating on it, though, we both figured it may as well have infringed the community guidelines🤷🏻 There's no reason why we should be confused by this, right? Especially after point #2.
While I'm on this topic, I need to point out that tumblr failed at being transparent how their Community Labels work. Yes, it works by helping people who don't want to see mature content. But was there ever a mention on how tumblr will hide your post from tag search if it detects infringement even with the Mature label? Maybe we're late to the party, but I guess it now makes sense how some posts are able to fly under the radar. Gotta get that visibility somehow.
For those that do, remember how some people's posts were randomly flagged for mature content before the purge? I had to wonder if tumblr was able to refine an automated bot/AI that can visually detect mature themes, and flag it for staff to review. Or maybe they just straight up queue in a mature post pool for people to manually review and release.
This happened to an upload I did on a fandom blog this year. It was a Leon/Ada pic that showed a lot of bite marks on Leon, Ada's skirt was hiked up exposing her butt, and the post was clearly marked "Mature". I contacted support about it, asking why it's taken more than a day for it show up in the tags. All I got in response was that I should give it time, but they'll also look into the community label for me.
The conclusion was laughably redundant: "We deemed your post as mature and labeled it for you." I mean, sure, I guess I needed their stamp of approval that it was indeed "Mature". Least I got a win when it was now allowed to be floating in the tags after a couple days of the initial upload 🙄
It's tiring to compartmentalize your art when sexuality is part of the experience. And to be clear, I'm not complaining. It's just discouraging thinking that you're being compliant, to put all this thought and energy into creating a piece, only to have it hidden with no communication that it's even being reviewed until you get an email saying the post has been flagged. Meanwhile, there are people out there who'll just explicitly talk about their kinks without the community labels, or have the post appropriately labeled, but then share the real spice under read more links.
Sure, we could've appealed, but honestly, we're just here to have fun and post. Neither of us care to spend the energy debating nuance and the subjectiveness of mature content with a company who didn't find solutions to not shaft their community from the beginning. Tumblr has evolved, and it's made it clear that queer artists just can't be true with their art.
That all said, we're planning to keep the blog, but just like Instagram and X, it's a lower priority to update when the engagement is already difficult to cultivate.
In a fit of frustration, I got us a key generated to Pillowfort because at this point, where else would we share our stuff? And man, am I glad I did. It's only been a few days, and honestly, we feel a lot better for it. We're not here for the numbers or clout, but it's a pleasant surprise seeing that we gained a few new followers in less than a day after we introduced ourselves to the community.
And I'm gonna be real: it's refreshing to have people actually like your stuff without worrying whether someone's gonna judge them for it, or that there's some pending horny jail waiting for them. The like function is pretty much like an AO3 kudos, and I think that's for the better really. If I liked something enough that I want to find it again, then it's more meaningful to share it so others can see it too.
If you've read this far, and are interested in participating on a platform where engagement and communication is encouraged, with an easy NSFW label system, hmu. I'm happy to generate keys for anyone to try out :)
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jaythelay · 8 months
Not gonna be surprised if it's common knowledge already, will be if it's not, but Youtube will randomly unsubscribe you from channels. Also unlike videos.
This was a problem back in the day that I guarantee was just not fixed as much as it was intentional. A channel I'd never unsub from, but haven't watched in a long time, was not subscribed too.
Fact: I ain't unsubbing from Karl the man Jobst.
He isn't of any importance to this mind you, just that, after years of thinking to myself "is youtube just...unliking videos and unsubbing from channels at random?" I can safely say yes to both. Why? God knows. If it's a bug, it's been around too damn long to be considered anything but a feature.
It's utterly random. Random channels, random videos, I haven't tested who would be exempt because honestly, where to begin? Why unsub/unlike random gaming videos?
Here's my dumbshit theory: It isn't about specific people or creators, but genres. I've been saying YT is going to be hyper focused on TV and talking heads for a while, utterly abandoning the content creator for bigger, far less complicated bux from corporations.
It's about dwindling numbers over time to feign a loss of interest in this medium/genre of content creation in order to make the numbers appear lopsided to the algorithm. Only those willing to play the game of daily uploads with strict rules for language and content shall be allowed.
Ya have to remember YT makes no money. Google is Google, they honestly don't need YT and actively hate having to deal with it, they'll tell you this every time something changes by personally fucking over the creator in some magnificently fucked up new way.
They've been trying to push good quality content out for the cheap, formulaic crap that shits profit off children's horrid attention spans. Why do you think they're pushing 4k and 60fps behind YT premium? Why doesn't their autoplay pause eventually? You sleep watching videos, free money, where as netflix is already paid and wants to save money. Why push anti-adblock nonsense? Various reasons all of which amount to "corporations somehow making recording breaking, streak setting, record breaking, record profits, can't afford good advertising nor leaving people the fuck alone"
Google is slowly transitioning YT. They've raised the temp multiple times and only learned how to do it slowly as of late. Of all companies to be scared of as actually intelligent and capable capitalist fucks, Google is of the top dogs.
Mark my words, I've been saying it for 2 decades at this point, but the fact remains: YT intentionally makes itself worse in intentionally horrid ways specifically to fuck the creator over, but absolutely will never do the same to a company or celebrity with one backing them. I mean shit, look at Hulu, it's a dumpster fire nobody could respect, but it made companies money, so, now streaming is terrible because everyone realized they could do it, do it cheap, crappy, and offer worse for more, and people will actually buy it.
Like they did another netflix subscription. Believe it or not, but corporations make decisions that harm the consumer and citizen in order to gain just a small fraction for themselves, rather than ever improve their own platform or content.
And in netflix's case, I mean shit fuck them, fuck them hard, but when you idiots ACTUALLY used Hulu? Fucking HULU? I'd say "Fuck standards, they don't gottem" too. Pay Piggy Useful Idiots.
And that, is why they randomly unsubscribe and unlike...stuff.
It's totally realistic guys! (But no seriously it is and please develop standards)
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amuletduelist · 9 months
a, f, l, and q for fanfic!
Thank you, I'm love you, ahhhh ; w ;
A - How did you come up with the title to...?
You never actually specified a fic sdjhadjhdw oh no.
So! Me being me picked one randomly and ended up with 'Lean on Me.' And let's be honest, at the time, I was neck deep in my Day6 hyperfixation, so that was probably a big influnce. But it also deals with the idea of how much Horikawa and Izuminokami lean on each other in both daily life and in battle. And even then, leaning on each other does not always mean that things will go smoothly, mistakes will happen and they'll get hurt. But they can overcome it and live for each other.
F - Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
Would you believe that a lot of my recent fics are... pretty short on dialogue fndksnsjs. It's a bad habit I've gotten into and I hate it, so I'm gonna use this snippet from an RP from years ago that still has me in shambles whenever I look at it.
"Kaiden, listen.... I'm sorry about this... but it's-- you're not alone, ok? You've... you've got me, I won't leave you alone. I got you into this mess... 'm sorry, man. You should have just... but we're here now. Together. That's all that matters now. We'll face this. Together. I'm not leaving you alone, I swear to you. Kaiden... your decoy is gonna stick with you until the end. I promise."
As for why I love this particular piece of dialogue so much? There's a lot of reasons, honestly. That whole RP was a huge push out of my comfort zone for me, having never written horror before. But I just like that, somehow, even with the absolute hell Kaoru was going through at that particular moment, I still got his complete loyalty to those he respects (and, even if he couldn’t admit it at the time at that particular canon point) and love, even as he knew that this was a situation that was going to end horrifically, to put it mildly. Also... this whole rp just cemented our friendship ; w ; (I'm sorry for bringing this part up again, tho. But you asked sksmsm)
L - How many times to you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
SWEATS NERVOUSLY!!! Usually there's a few rough drafts/rewrites on the google doc a particular fic live on, but when it comes to uploading it, it's usually just a quick grammatical/spelling check before I fling it at the mercy of Ao3 users. And even then I miss things, I am a disaster.
But in all seriousness, it can be months from when I write the first draft until I get to a place when I'm somewhat satisfied with what I want to upload it, and it's gone through countless rewrites by the time I reach that point.
Q - How do you feel about collaborations?
SLAMS MY FISTS DOWN, I LOVE THEM. Love reading them, love seeing how two authors can weave their writing styles together to create a story~
And I would love to collaborate with another fic writer someday, hopefully when I have time to write more than a drabble ; w ;
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blueecaaa · 1 year
so today i woke up and decided to be a blogger
First imma introduce myself hi I'm Nika but i prefer people call me blue and I'm 15 my Instagram is blueecaaa if you like you can follow me i would appreciate it :) i also maybe Start streaming on twitch this summer also sorry if i have bad grammar it's bc English is not my first language
So Today I've sent an email for applying to be an actor and the whole day i was practicing to fake cry even tho i have a test tomorrow and probably i will fail bc i didn't study for it also i didn't told my parents that I'm applying for an acting job bc they'll kill me bc they're too strict...
Idk how to tell them
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Also a short story Time
I was doing my make up when i was about to put my lipstick on my dumbass bird flied and ate the fricking lipstick and ten minutes later he threw up on me and his vomit was red idk why but it was funny to me
I'm a swearing person and this is my first time here so idk if I'm allowed to swear
Now here is some more information to know about me i love sketching, Minecraft, cats
And i loveeeee Melanie martinez literally I'm obsessed with her i mean she's a goddess
My favourite colour is obviously blue and my favourite anime is perfect blue ( it literally my pfp )
And my favourite food is mac and cheese
My favourite actor is jenna Ortega ( she's an icon and i knew her before Wednesday)
And my favourite song is choke ( if i ever got cursed by vecna just play it to save me )
And my favourite bands are i don't know how but they found me and cage the elephant these two are the best and i love to talk about them all the time !
Any way that's it for today
Imma upload more blogs randomly here bye :D
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rancid-squids · 7 years
On the (Near) Future
TL;DR- TSKHIU updates might be sporadic for the next month or so as I prepare for school and I try to recover from the recent burnout I’ve been experiencing.
I really hate to be one to admit defeat, but I think I’m starting to reach a “burnout” phase with TSKHIU. Over the past week, I’ve been horrifically slow with the next page, only working on it in extremely short bursts, and when I do dedicate time to actually working on it, I get distracted by other things or I fall asleep.
Usually, my schedule for pages is that, after the release of the most recent page, I have to finish sketching out everything (backgrounds and characters) for the next page by Thursday. As of yesterday, I am only halfway done with character bases. Which really sucks. The pages are a massive undertaking since I essentially put in almost as much effort into each panel as my regular drawings, but much to my dismay, I can say that, coupled with the burnout, I’m just not gonna have enough time in a week to finish it.
But does that mean I’m gonna say “I quit” right here and right now? Heck no.
I’d never be able to live with myself if I couldn’t complete, or at least get a decent way through, another comic that I promised I’d finish. We haven’t even seen the Stagecrew Kids heck up yet, and I can’t just quit before that happens.
What I am going to do, though, is just try to relax and give myself a slight break from the scheduling for the next month or so. I’m still gonna try and get at least two or three pages out within a month of making of this journal, but it’s highly likely those pages will be a bit spread out in their release.
I am gonna try and also share some “regular” art a little more often. I feel bad that I haven’t shared a single chunk of art this past week, and I feel like it might be good to let myself draw some smaller stuff. For this time, I’m gonna try and stray from logistical drawings like ref sheets or bio pics, or drawings for special occasions, and just have random squid kid art. What I’ll share of this caliber, I dunno, but there will be art.
I hope that having a small, less restrictive time period for myself will help me get back the “I actually want to do TSKHIU!” feeling I’ve been missing since page six or so came out, and I hope it’ll help me focus in real life as school starts again. And, of course, I hope it doesn’t backfire. I’ll try not to let it, anyway.
The end goal for the “break” is that by early to mid September, I get myself back on a regular TSKHIU schedule, with (hopefully) at least two to three pages uploaded between now and then and a few buffer pages to fall back onto.
And one last thing. I just want to say, thank you guys so much for tuning into TSKHIU these past ten(?) weeks. This little project has been a new level of difficulty for me to endure, but watching it expand into something slightly coherent is a pretty neat sight. I really don’t think I could have made it even this far without y'all’s support, whether it be through favorites or comments- just knowing that people are reading it and thinking of it as something decent enough to add to their favorites is really heartwarming to me.
Well. That got a little longer and sappier than it should have, but I think everything is in there. Have a lovely day~!
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crownwillow · 3 years
Disclaimer: Do not take this as fact, I am not a professional tarot reader nor does tarot control the future. This reading is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: pedophilia, statutory rape, child abuse, domestic abuse/disputes.
An Aries. This may be one of Yeonjun's exes or just someone he had a crush on in the past.
I feel like they may meet online or their relationship will be rumoured/revealed through the internet. So, possibly a Dispatch reveal or fans may make compilations of evidence of them dating.
Someone in the entertainment industry. Could be an ex-idol or someone that changed companies. Could also be a manager or staff member at his company.
Someone intellectual, articulate, good with their words and think things through. Despite that, I feel like this person will be very fun loving and spontaneous.
I feel like this person is born between 1995-1997.
As for their appearance, I feel that they're very, very physically beautiful. If they are an idol, they may be the official visual of their group. Dark hair but they may dye their hair blonde a lot or vice versa, I feel like they're pretty solid, they may have abs or muscular arms, brown eyes, pale to olive skin.
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A Leo, with a fair amount of fire placements in their charts. I feel like this person is very cheerful, child-like and fun.
They're very detailed oriented, they observe things well and notice things that most don't. This also helps them with their drawings, I feel they may be a visual artist.
They may go on morning runs, they could also move around a lot or have a single big relocation happen in their life.
I feel like this relationship is a once in a lifetime thing, like if Soobin didn't go up to this person or this person didn't approach Soobin, they may not have found love, or at least healthy and happy love, with other people.
This person could be a kindergarten teacher, a live-in nanny or they could be an investigator that focuses on cases involving children, such as pedophilia, statutory rape and abuse cases.
I feel like this person is born in the 90s, either 1991, 1992 or 1999.
Light hair (could be red, brown or blonde), brown eyes, dark skin, short, could be a bit on the chubby side.
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Another Leo. This person is very patient and focuses a lot on their appearance. They are strong-willed and are emotionally mature. They may also have a lot of physical strength, as well.
I feel like this relationship will be revealed because of a dating rumour that surfaces and then, HYBE just confirms it or something along those lines.
Yeah, I feel like there may be a compilation of evidence uploaded on YouTube or Instagram or something, which reveals their relationship. Could also indicate Dispatch.
This person is very focused on how others perceive them and make sure to look respectable and done-up, whenever they go out in public.
I'm getting the feeling that this person moved countries and experienced major culture shock. I feel like they moved to a place very different from their hometown, different languages, foods, values, the lot. This person may have immigrated to South Korea or may move there to help their relationship with Beomgyu.
With the Star coming out, I feel like this is another idol. But, with the moving, it may be a foreign idol, such as a Korean-American or something similar.
I feel like this person is 3-6 years younger than Beomgyu. I also randomly got the idea of them being born in '96, I don't know why. How contradictory.
Dyed hair but look best with black hair, blue eyes, fair skin, lean and may be a bit muscular or just physically fit.
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A Gemini. I feel like this is a soulmate connection, definitely. They'll stay together and be very happy and close.
We got the Lovers and the wedding card, soulmates and a marriage, a great couple, overall.
His partner may be someone that experiences a bit of jealousy or some people may be jealous of their relationship due to how successful it is.
I feel like this person is an idol and trained for a fairly long time, more than 3 years, I'd say. She might be under a company that is owned by HYBE or that HYBE has shares in.
I don't think they have anymore than 12 months between them, when it comes to their age gap.
They're very pretty, either to him or their fanbase, most likely both.
Black/dyed hair, light eyes, white skin, a solid build, maybe muscular arms or abs/both.
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Huening Kai.
I'm feeling a Sagittarius. But, my mind also went to Aquarius. This person is good at handling their emotions.
A new life is about to start, okay, so, this could mean that their relationship changes both of their lives very much or that they may meet/get together when something big is happening in one of their lives. (For example, debuting but I haven't gotten an indicator of an idol, as of right now).
Avoiding the facts, okay, so unfortunately I don't think this will be a fairytale romance.
I think for this spouse in particular (not for all of them, this is only one of Hyuka's partners and I'm sure he'll have a few) but I feel that this relationship will not be healthy.
I get the sense that there will be a lot of arguing, possibly neighbours even calling the police due to domestic disputes. This is so upsetting to hear for our lovely maknae but it's what I'm getting.
Yeah, I feel like there may be a fair age gap, with Kai being younger and they just didn't match as well as they'd hoped.
I feel like this person may be an intern or staff member at HYBE and that also could interfere with their relationship.
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Thank you for reading!
If you would like to request a KPOP related reading, my inbox is always open!
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taeyungie · 3 years
miss emily, your package is here! 🚚
🗓️ July
07/01: SiriusXM - Butter and Dynamite
07/03: Smash. Music blood x bts (undisclosed talk - part 1)
07/03: Smash. Music blood x bts (undisclosed talk - part 2)
07/08: Amazon music
07/14: Zach Sang
07/17: Most Requested Live
07/19: 102.7KIISFM
07/23: Spout Podcast
07/26: Weverse - JK
07/27: Weverse - J-hope
07/28: Weverse - Jin
07/29: Weverse - V
07/30: Weverse - RM
07/31: Weverse - Suga
08/01: Weverse - Jimin
07/28: BBC radio 1
07/01: Autograph time (BTS the best)
07/08: Army Playlist
07/12: Butter Jacket Shooting Sketch
07/15: Army Membership Renewal Message
07/16: Permission to Dance balance game
07/18: Permission to Dance mv shooting sketch
07/21: Suga LOG - he showed up after they got permission to dance #1 on billboard chart ❤️
07/25: P. to. D Project - a very funny video of bangtan trying to dance PTD along with their own suggestions
07/31: Butter epilogue film (in my opinion, the most lovely, special and emotional video from the whole month of july ☹️💗)
07/02: SiriusXM - Butter
07/02: SiriusXM - Dynamite
07/03: The Music Day - Butter
07/14: FNS Music Festival - Butter
07/27: Live Lounge - Permission to Dance
07/27: Live Lounge - Dynamite
07/27: Live Lounge - I'll be missing you (cover)
07/02: COWAY x BTS (making film)
07/08: FILA 110th anniversary
07/11: 110 years FILA (black and white video)
07/19: Smile to Smile
07/30: Samsung - get ready to unfold
07/05: BTS with Lee Hyun (part 2)
07/06: Army calendar (ep 1 - all member)
07/09: Butter message card - J-hope, Jimin, Suga, JK, Tae, Jin, RM
07/09: Butter album "thanks to" ☹️❤️
07/09: Army membership - Our story chapter 3, last chapter (more like a behind of scenes of the fairytale photoshoot they did a while ago)
07/13: BTS land (ep 1 - Jin, Jimin and RM)
07/16: Jin listening to Lee Hyun's song before its release
07/20: Snack time - RM
🗓️ August
*Bubble gum talk: voice hint (this is so cute ☹️☹️)
*08/10: Army calendar (ep 2 - all member)
*08/13: Memories of 2020 - you can watch it here (you should make an account first)
ATOZ V (on twitter) is scanning the pictures!!
*08/09: mini fanmeeting through zoom call - a brief explanation
about two or three weeks ago, there was an announcement on weverse about this mini fanmeeting. Armys with membership, passports and ID in korean kakaotalk would be able to meet BTS through a zoom call. 200 armys were randomly picked and they had to wear pijamas (just like the boys did). It started around 7/8 am KST and it was divided in 4 sessions of 30 min each. i'm sorry i can't tell you where to watch, i've seen many many clips from many different accounts, but videos and photos will be uploaded soon by weverse! ☺️
08/07: 2020 MAMA
08/09: Samsung - just bts humming in a ethereal way (it hits me everytime i hear it) ☹️💜
08/11: Samsung - Butter
08/11: Samsung - Over the Horizon by Suga ❤️
08/11: Samsung - Suga explaining how he created his version of Over the Horizon
08/11: BTS meets LDF photoshoot (part 1)
08/11: BTS meets LDF phoshoot (part 2)
08/12: Previous of FILA fall collection
08/12: Samsung - photozone in ZEPETO (part 1)
08/12: Samsung - photozone in ZEPETO (part 2)
Yet to come
08/17: they'll be on tokopedia again ☺️
08/17: BTS land ep 2 (taekook)
i skipped their lives, selcas, bangtan bombs, jimmy fallon performances and WIRED interview, 'cause they are very easy to find and i think you saw all of them already 💜
i also skipped the choreography video of permission to dance and the louis vuitton show and its behind the scenes, since you have gifs from them
i didn't mention their "Permission to Dance anywhere" video, 'cause i saw you talking about it the day it came out. the same goes to their SBS interview
in case you haven't seen their "Butterful Getaway" performances yet (which happened after the release of permission to dance mv), they were all uploaded on BangtanTV. their full talk isn't there tho, but you can see it here
there are also their weverse interactions, short youtube videos and smash content
* is for the contents i didn't know where to fit in
that's a lot... i hope it really helps you ❤️ it was actually funny to do this (??🤓) maybe i should be a personal assistant in the future? i'm almost completely sure that i wrote everything from the past two months, but i can't garantee you, since bangtan are truly workaholics 😩 anyway... i know how hard it is to feel lost and late in midst of all their contents, so i just did what i felt was right. i had the time to do, so why not? 💗💗💗
okay once again thank you so so incredibly much for this PLS EVEYONE LOOK HOW LONG THIS ASK IS 😭😭😭😭 YOU DID ALL OF THAT AND YOU EVEN INCLUDED LINKS AND YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT?????? YOU'RE AN ANGEL FROM HEAVENS I SWEAR 😭😭😭😭 i didn't find like half of all these and i'm so excited to watch everything now 😭😭😭 THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO DO THIS FOR ME YOU'RE INCREDIBLE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hongism · 3 years
Hello caly/calypso/hongism/author of one of the best (of THE best, perhaps?) Ateez fanfics to grace the internet! This is gonna be long af dream stuff but
It is I, the poly of the roly, here to tell you:
Last night or sometime recently (it's hard for me to keep track of the days because I work 12 hour shifts overnight) I'd checked your blog as I do every couple days to a week depending how busy I am and saw the ask that was about the moc update and you were all sure let me put my life on hold real quick no BIG ! (BTW I haven't checked yet but if you've still got all that work ahead of you I hope you're taking GOOD care of yourself and getting plenty of rest 😤 and I will send good vibes to wherever you are so if you find random money or a stranger buys you a sandwich or something then I'll pretend it's because my vibes so good vibes so strong) so anyway I had seen that right after I got home from work and then passed right out so in my dream you ended up uploading the next chapter because a bunch of people had been hounding for an update and you were v v upset and didn't want to answer any asks understandably but THEN. then. Moc got turned into a TV show and it was fuckin COOL caly, way cooler than I'd ever imagined. And then because dream things it shifted from me watching it as a TV show to it being the reality i was in and at first I was y/n until I was like wait but I'm not a girl and then y/n was you (kind of, she was called Calypso, Caly for short and I don't really remember what she looked like besides brown hair which is what I've always pictured y/n with so she was you? But like your online persona I guess lol) and we were preparing to go rescue San and there was a LOT of tension between y/n and Seonghwa (also when my dream supplied you as y/n I remember thinking like o shit now we're gonna get a LOT of tension between her and joong lmao). I don't really remember what my story was like how I ended up there, I think I was just enlisted randomly for help like someone knew of my status and sought me out? But originally I was pretending to be a spectre when I was actually a normie who was very good at rogue-esque shit. Jongho was my first friend because y/n wouldn't talk to me cause I guess I was a lil too sus for her. Later Yunho and I became friends through constantly making faces at each like we were on the office whenever anything awkward happened between seonghwa and y/n trying to skirt around each other (I think seonghwa and hongjoong were together....? I don't remember!) and eventually there was some *other* stuff between Yunho and I at WHICH POINT. IT WAS DISCOVERED THAT I WAS APPARENTLY A SIREN BUT HAD LITERALLU NO MEMORY OF IT BEVAUSE *serum thingz* AND had no access to the dreamscape or didn't realize I was there when dreaming once again I do not remember. But basically it's my dream so it had to make me special lmfao also I don't remember anything about the actual mission but we got San back and there was a really cute reunion with him and all the crew but ALSO a very long awaited SMOOCH between San and y/n with hands squeezing each other's faces as if to make sure they'll never disappear again it was so cute. And then I realized I had a lot of shit to work out since I had a whole life I needed to figure out so once it was all over, I left without much of a goodbye and it stopped showing it from my pov and more like I was watching it like a show again and so for a few episodes of the moc TV show yunho had a short lived but very fiery romance with a normie-pretend-spectre-actually-siren who slipped quietly off the ship with little more than a pat on Yunhos shoulder v.v thank you for reading my dream fanfiction moc TV show sorry it was so long and BASICALLY WENT NOWHERE
-- rolypoly (also I forgot to mention but in my dream when I saw that you'd updated because you were tired of people bothering you about an update I was very bummed for you and didn't even read it. But I did watch the TV show. Although I didn't really have a choice because my eyes were basically a camera at that point. Dream stuff fun stuff)
BESTIE THIS WAS A WHOLE TRIP AND A HALF?!?!? ngl im pretty tipsy rn so it's even more of a trip than the first time i read it goodness im in love with this concept tho like yunho deserves it moc needs more drama as we all know it doesn't have NEARLY enough drama as it is!??! altho i must say,,,,,, an ? a ? for some reason saying a moc outloud sounds really wrong but anyways that's not even important at all just a tv show after moc would be so fun i would watch it i would love it i love that idea but don't you worry im not posting that chapter until i'm happy with it, so sadly that means everyone has to wait a little while longer for it to be up to my standards 😔💔
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