rancid-squids · 2 years
posting with the Bryant bonus here for any stragglers hanging around- this blog is no longer active BUT I do post a lot over on my main tumblr @rancid-arts !! Come check me out over there for squid stuff and my other art too!
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💜 it’s ALWAYS the purple ones 💜
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rancid-squids · 2 years
i can’t believe squids are (still) real
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CEPHALOPOD CHAOS UUUUUH hey first post since the summer (and a little bit behind compared to my other socials lmao) but for good reason! I got to take part in the SPLATBATTLE! Zine over on Twitter and I got to draw Snapper Canal from Splatoon 2!  This was a monster to finish (eight silly little squids) but I was very happy with the final result :)
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rancid-squids · 3 years
This blog is inactive, but if anyone’s still hanging around here, I mostly post any Splatoon content I make these days on my main, @rancid-arts! Anyway here’s an impulse Mylo and Moon
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here I am to do my annual post of squid content and then subsequently suppress any and all squid urges until the next summer rolls along
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rancid-squids · 3 years
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rancid-squids · 4 years
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I am back with assorted Squid Things from the past month or so
tbh,,, I think this might be the last time I post on this account? At least, consistently. Since I’ve kind of gravitated away from Splatoon a lot in the past year, I’ve been inclined to just yeet these types of things on my main since they’re kinda free-form things not really relating to the canon (esp. since I do want to keep the human OCs these characters have been the base for on a... non-splat platform... splatform....). I figured I should at least put one last thing here.
I’m not gonna delete the blog, but I’m probs gonna migrate exclusively to my main, @rancid-arts. You are under no obligation to, but if you are still interested in seeing what else I’ve got in store, head on over there.
Anyway, it’s been real. Thanks for all the memories. Squid memories. Squemories.
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rancid-squids · 4 years
(from my main acc- you can DM me here too!)
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If you are interested in commissioning me, please DM me here. 
(More info under the read more)
Keep reading
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rancid-squids · 4 years
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Me? Drawing actual squids? It’s less likely than you might think but it’s still certainly possible
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rancid-squids · 4 years
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guess who can only draw one (1) thing and guess what that one (1) thing is
Also I’m MUCH more active on my Twitter (which isn’t saying much) but if you want slightly more consistent updates check there!
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rancid-squids · 4 years
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Bryant Cole, everybody. what’s new.
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rancid-squids · 4 years
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And I OOP here is some art of the college kids being bastard as they drink drinks you walk with in public and listen to Nori go off about Stone Butch Blues or something
Also! You may notice that the octo next to Nori is new. She is none other than Viola, Nori’s girlfriend! She does roller derby and constantly wavers between an “I will fight you” mood and an “I’m soft and I want to know about the world” mood. There’s art of her that’s been on my Toyhouse for a while, so I’ll share it here, too- all the way from April 2019 aka when the world wasn’t completely falling apart
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rancid-squids · 4 years
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it’s real “I miss drawing my squids” hours
(Also I WILL upload sp here are some point I PROMISE)
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rancid-squids · 4 years
Hey, y’all- to sort of focus my scope in terms of social media accounts, this account will more or less “retire” after I put the rest of Self-Preservation on here. Most of my thoughts and relevant info are up in the post above; if you wish to continue to follow me on the Tumblrsphere, follow @rancid-arts.
Thanks! :,)
Okay so uuuuh
I haven’t posted here- or, generally, any of my Tumblrs– in a hot second. And I don’t know if anyone is really following this blog besides folks from the Sonic days and/or porn bots, but I’ll tell my tale.
My radio silence has been true for the majority of my social media accounts except my Twitter.
On the personal side, I can chalk this absence up to a lot of things. I started my first semester at college in New York, and we know how things move in New York. On top of being extremely busy with schoolwork (not to the point where I had to pull an all-nighter, or even a 2:00AM-er, thankfully!), I started to get into D&D and I didn’t touch my Switch, so my interest in what most people would probably know me for at this point– Splatoon– waned a lot. (Splatoon-wise, I’m more active on @rancid-squids than I have been here, so look there if you are unfamiliar with names mentioned in the rest of the post).
I drew four shitty doodles of Scribner and Bryant being fluffy and shared one of them on my Twitter, and that was the extent of Splatoon content that I put out for more or less the final half of the year. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still love Splatoon and I’ll deffo tune in whenever a third game or a spinoff comes out, but I lowkey have sort of reached a burnout point/disinterest with the current state of the majority of the OCs I created for it.
(It’s a little bit of a shame, because y'all never got to meet Viola. I have a Toyhouse page and art created for her and everything. Just never made any supplemental art to bolster that tweet/post/deviation.)
Note that I’ve mentioned “current state”. I’ve given some of the characters a new lease on life through D&D. I started playing in a campaign in September and have succumbed to the hell that is crying over pretty dice, religiously listening to The Adventure Zone and having a slight interest in Critical Role (no spoilers for either, please), and drawing art of the PCs and NPCs I’ve made. Doing this has been a lot of fun, but because it’s so entwined in IRL business I haven’t posted much of the art that’s come out of this foolery.
At this point, though, I do want to maintain a decent amount of activity on my socials and let you guys in on what I’ve been doing, so you know what? I’m gonna post some got damn dnd and there’s nothing you or my self-conscious conscience can do about it
On another topic, I put the cover of Self-Preservation on this Tumblr and then never posted anything else. Don’t fret- I’ve made thirteen pages, and while they are all on my Twitter, I’ll post them here, too.
So then, I suppose I should present the question of “what does this all amount to?” Let’s bullet it.
I will be consolidating my presence on Tumblr into this specific blog, @rancid-arts. There is a high likelihood that most art from prior to 2018 will be deleted to maintain a more professional appearance. View it now while you can if you wanna chalk up some nostalgia or something.
After all pages of Self-Preservation are posted, don’t expect a lot of Splatoon art or activity from @rancid-squids, unless if it’s commission-related. 
Expect, for the time being, a lot more D&D and general original content being posted here. I have some TAZ fanart that I wanna yeet here that may or may not also lead into some larger things, so that’ll come tomorrow!
I’ll be uploading Self-Preservation pages on to rancid-squids and then reblogging them here every couple of days- it won’t adhere to the Wednesday schedule I’ve established; I’ll probs post in batches until y'all are caught up
I suppose that’s the long and short of it.
For more real-time activity, you can follow me on my Twitter . I’ll also do some similar updates to my DeviantART.
That’s all that’s pertinent/in my head right now. Oh, it is Christmas, though! And we’re generally in the middle of a festive break. I hope y'all have pleasant holidays and you take care of yourself.
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rancid-squids · 5 years
Welcometosquidhell -> rancid-squids
Been thinking of a URL change for this blog for a while to unify it with my other socials. So here it is!
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rancid-squids · 5 years
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rancid-squids · 5 years
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Self-Preservation, Page One
Cover | Comic Archive | Next Page (8/21!)
Who is that. Guess who it is. I dare ya. Not like we know who they are or anything,,,
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rancid-squids · 5 years
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Y’all y’all I’m doin’ another comic
“Self-Preservation” is my second foray into doing a weekly comic, and hopefully my first successful attempt (rip TSKHIU). This comic will see Human!Bryant's struggle to reach an understanding with his past- and his sister- on the day of their mother's death.
This comic does have a few content/trigger warnings attached to it, so be wary. If you ain’t a fan of seeing abusive familial relationships, swearing, derogatory language against LGBT folks, smoking, and/or eyestrain-y content, I’ll be tagging pages with that stuff for blacklisting appropriately.
I’m v excited to start this! I’ve been wanting to work on this since March-ish of this year, and I’ve been making pages the majority of this summer. I also have a decently-sized buffer, so hopes to me maintaining that to some extent 🤞
Hope you guys enjoy! The first page will be dropping tomorrow and subsequent pages will arrive on Wednesdays, so stay tuned!
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rancid-squids · 5 years
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