rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page 9!)
Previous Page / Next Page (coming 8/6/17...?)
I think I can get a page in today. It’s just a little late compared to usual- had to do the ol’ Family Stuff. Which, I suppose for me, isn’t too bad. It just takes up a lot of time.
Anyway, we’re in Inkopolis Plaza now! The squids are getting closer and closer to Turf War! Aaaand Mylo didn’t see Moon, I guess. We’ll see how that bodes next page.
I’m really happy with how the backgrounds came out here- Inkopolis Plaza is super hard to draw, and I think it looks competent on this page. I’m also satisfied with how most everyone came out, especially the new random background squids. Although, one of them isn’t really new…
It might be difficult for me to be consistent with my updates in the future, since summer is basically over for me in two days. I mean, I’ll still have the free time, but it’s gonna be a lot less frequent. Either way, I’m gonna try and still work on this. I promised you guys a comic, and I’m gonna get you guys a comic. Even if it’s difficult for me to update. New page next week! Enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page Seven)!
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I LIE! I lie to all of you- I can get a page in! I have a quick few minutes at hand, so the best thing to say is, “eh, why not?” But either way, I LIE!
ANyway, we’ve got waaaaay lighter lighting. The characters are actually in not dark-pink colors. And speaking of characters, Mylo’s dads! Tyrone and Otis pop in for some advice and stuff.
At this point, I have run out of buffer pages due to vacation, so I’m gonna see what I can do to get at least one more back into the buffer roll. Maybe I’ll work concurrently on pages. I’ll have to see- the next two pages will feature drastically different enviornments and characters in contrast to each other so it might not work well there.
New page next week (hopefully)! Enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page 6)
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At least, for a good long while. While I am happy for that, I’m kind of disappointed in myself for not making a page this week. I suppose considering my birthday, the Fourth of July, and a massive plane ride were all this week justifies it slightly, but I feel like I still could’ve gotten a page in. Bluuuuuh
I’ve been trying to pay more attention to composition, especially with the speech bubbles, in the next couple of pages. I think I’ll try and experiment with less linearity, though, in that regard, and try to use the art and the way the squids are facing in conjunction with that more.
There will be a new page next week, but it might be earlier or later since I know next Sunday’s gonna be pretty busy for me. Enjoy?
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page Eight)!
Previous Page / Next Page (Coming 7/30/17)
We say goodbye to the dads, and hello to another case of “Mylo’s random things impractically sticking out of his backpack.”
I kind of threw this page together really quickly (I did all the lineart and coloring for the squids last night), but the good thing is that I didn’t have to stay up too late to do it- and, aside from pacing issues, it looks alright.
Not a whole lot to say otherwise- however, I am at a point where it’ll be easier for me to attempt two pages in a week, since the next two take place in the same location with the same characters. So I hope I can at least get a head start on a buffer page.
New page next week! Enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page Five!)
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Tumblr is weird on Firefox... but you know, at least it works! *glares at Chrome for freezing up every time I open it*
Anyway, we have our new page! Moon finally speaks, and we see the plan go into action. Somewhat.
Character-wise, I’m content with how this page turned out, but I am slightly disgruntled at the emptiness of the backgrounds. It was at this point where I was really starting to get tired of drawing the cafe, though, so I guess that could contribute to it. We won’t be at most locations in the comic for more than two pages, at least up until the squids start turfing and we’ll be on Hammerhead Bridge for a while.
New page next week! Also, stay tuned for some possible changes to the bio page and the directory, and maybe even the theme of the blog as a whole. Enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
On the (Near) Future
TL;DR- TSKHIU updates might be sporadic for the next month or so as I prepare for school and I try to recover from the recent burnout I’ve been experiencing.
I really hate to be one to admit defeat, but I think I’m starting to reach a “burnout” phase with TSKHIU. Over the past week, I’ve been horrifically slow with the next page, only working on it in extremely short bursts, and when I do dedicate time to actually working on it, I get distracted by other things or I fall asleep.
Usually, my schedule for pages is that, after the release of the most recent page, I have to finish sketching out everything (backgrounds and characters) for the next page by Thursday. As of yesterday, I am only halfway done with character bases. Which really sucks. The pages are a massive undertaking since I essentially put in almost as much effort into each panel as my regular drawings, but much to my dismay, I can say that, coupled with the burnout, I’m just not gonna have enough time in a week to finish it.
But does that mean I’m gonna say “I quit” right here and right now? Heck no.
I’d never be able to live with myself if I couldn’t complete, or at least get a decent way through, another comic that I promised I’d finish. We haven’t even seen the Stagecrew Kids heck up yet, and I can’t just quit before that happens.
What I am going to do, though, is just try to relax and give myself a slight break from the scheduling for the next month or so. I’m still gonna try and get at least two or three pages out within a month of making of this journal, but it’s highly likely those pages will be a bit spread out in their release.
I am gonna try and also share some “regular” art a little more often. I feel bad that I haven’t shared a single chunk of art this past week, and I feel like it might be good to let myself draw some smaller stuff. For this time, I’m gonna try and stray from logistical drawings like ref sheets or bio pics, or drawings for special occasions, and just have random squid kid art. What I’ll share of this caliber, I dunno, but there will be art.
I hope that having a small, less restrictive time period for myself will help me get back the “I actually want to do TSKHIU!” feeling I’ve been missing since page six or so came out, and I hope it’ll help me focus in real life as school starts again. And, of course, I hope it doesn’t backfire. I’ll try not to let it, anyway.
The end goal for the “break” is that by early to mid September, I get myself back on a regular TSKHIU schedule, with (hopefully) at least two to three pages uploaded between now and then and a few buffer pages to fall back onto.
And one last thing. I just want to say, thank you guys so much for tuning into TSKHIU these past ten(?) weeks. This little project has been a new level of difficulty for me to endure, but watching it expand into something slightly coherent is a pretty neat sight. I really don’t think I could have made it even this far without y'all’s support, whether it be through favorites or comments- just knowing that people are reading it and thinking of it as something decent enough to add to their favorites is really heartwarming to me.
Well. That got a little longer and sappier than it should have, but I think everything is in there. Have a lovely day~!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page Four!)
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Scribner proposes the inciting question of the entire comic, and the espresso machine actually gets used. Nice nice.
With that said, I’m not really happy with how this page came out. I think a lot of it’s in part due to Leo just being drawn not so well anywhere and a slight lack of detail compared to the last pages. And we’re still stuck in the stupid cafe. Don’t worry, though. In two pages’ time we’ll be outta here for a good while. 
New page next week, and possibly some other things in store! Enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Cover)
So! I figure that, now that it’s summer, I’m gonna need a big-ish thing to keep me busy. 
I’ve also really wanted to have a comic on this blog for the loooongest time. I’ve toyed with a couple of potential plot ideas, but up until a couple weeks ago, I haven’t really had the initiative to do any of them. I eventually said “screw it” and look where we are now.
The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up is going to be a story about the Stagecrew Kids- Mylo, Scribner, Bennie, and Moon- who, after getting bored of their stagecrew endeavors, decide to go and turf together. And, much to their dismay, nothing goes as planned when they come face to face with one of Inkopolis’ toughest teams. 
I feel like now’s the time to start worldbuilding about the squids and their daily lives, and I’m esctatic to begin writing about them! And it won’t just be the Stagecrew Kids, either- a lot of characters I’ve introduced to the blog are gonna be appearing, too, so that’s pretty neat-o.
Updates to this bad boy are gonna happen on Sundays, so swing by next Sunday to watch everything unfold! (or maybe later today... I’m feeling bad that I’m only giving you guys a cover, but I also need to work on the comic, too. bluuuh)
I’m super excited to begin this, and I hope it ends up being something awesome! Thanks, and enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page Two!)
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I just love it when you post art to the wrong blog. Bluuuh, anyway...
The Stagecrew Kids make their entrance, with such hip lingo as “yo” and “henlo”. Because, I guess.
Not really happy with the first two panels- first one definitely could’ve been composed better, and Leo kind of looks like a sad cat in the second panel- but the third panel is honestly probably my favorite one I’ve drawn so far in the comic. Leo just has that perfect sort of “petty trauma” look in his face.
Fourth panel’s pretty ok, too. Bennie looks a little off kilter, but overall it looks ok.
New page next week, and hopefully a vignette thing today or tomorrow! Enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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The Stagecrew Kids Heck it Up (Page Three!)
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The uke is out, I repeat, the uke is out!!
Anyway, here we have the first page I made after I revealed the comic to the internets. For the most part, I’m happy with how this page came out, even though Mylo looks a little off in the first panel and there are some perspective errors with the background.
There might also be some readability issues with the text... if it’s a little weird, please let me know. I’ve been trying to see if I can fix it over the next couple of pages, so it might also be a composition error on my part. Bluuuh.
New page next week! Enjoy!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
Next page of TSKHIU will come tomorrow, as I don't think I'll have enough downtime today to finalize the page and upload it. My apologies. I might preview another (small) thing I'm working on since it's just on my iPad and it's easy to get out of the way later to compensate. Have a good Sunday :>
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rancid-squids · 5 years
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Y’all y’all I’m doin’ another comic
“Self-Preservation” is my second foray into doing a weekly comic, and hopefully my first successful attempt (rip TSKHIU). This comic will see Human!Bryant's struggle to reach an understanding with his past- and his sister- on the day of their mother's death.
This comic does have a few content/trigger warnings attached to it, so be wary. If you ain’t a fan of seeing abusive familial relationships, swearing, derogatory language against LGBT folks, smoking, and/or eyestrain-y content, I’ll be tagging pages with that stuff for blacklisting appropriately.
I’m v excited to start this! I’ve been wanting to work on this since March-ish of this year, and I’ve been making pages the majority of this summer. I also have a decently-sized buffer, so hopes to me maintaining that to some extent 🤞
Hope you guys enjoy! The first page will be dropping tomorrow and subsequent pages will arrive on Wednesdays, so stay tuned!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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Inktober Day #5- Long Ah, Scribner, don't put that finger up. Though, I guess you do seem a little miffed. We're 1/6 of the way there, about! I'm gonna need the weekend to catch up, though- I've used up one of my two buffer days, and based on how that went with TSKHIU that doesn't lead to any good thoughts... I'll also very likely post some regular art, too. I might do a dump. I'll hafta see. Enjoy?
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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This zombie of a blog has risen back from the dead! For now, at least. I dunno how long it’ll stay alive...
While I think this “break” I’m taking is helping me get back into the swing of things for school (which is in two days, rip), I still feel a little bad for taking it since I haven’t really been doing much that I said I would in my previous post. That being said, I’m gonna try to get the next page of TSKHIU done this week, and I’ll try to make finishing it my top priority. It’s time for me to slowly readjust back into making it so I’m ready when September comes and I’ll have to get back on schedule.
Onto the art at hand! It’s been a while since I’ve drawn anything Meskra related, which stinks a wee tad. I’ve also been longing to do some lineless art, so... I did! While there are some areas of this piece I’m happy with (Mesonii’s socks, the blanket, Sankra’s left leg), there are other areas where I feel I could’ve done better (Sankra’s face and right leg are a little bit choppy).
I’ll try to see if I can find some stuff to post over the week just so I don’t turn into a zombie again. Enjoy~!
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rancid-squids · 7 years
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Happy Pride Month, friendos~
I was a little disappointed in myself that I didn’t draw anything for Pride Month last year, so I started off by drawing Mesonii, Sankra, Delpha, and Bryant. Overall, I’m super happy with how everyone came out, which usually doesn’t happen a lot when I draw more than two or three character, so that’s pretty neat-o, I would say!
I’d really like to draw a couple of the other squids who are also LGBT+, too, so I think after I finish the next TSKHIU page this week, I might try and do them. 
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