#they’re gayyyy
strawby-jelli · 4 months
Oh they’re so sapphic
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deathbeforedecaf · 27 days
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cookieblobber · 4 months
The Possible New Future of the Sonic Franchise - Thanks to fucking Sonadow
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A few days ago it was rumored a Sonic Generations remaster was happening and will be revealed in the State of Play, which then revealed Shadow will be playable. It was really unknown what the hell this meant, but many theorized this was going to be a Bowser’s Fury/Kirby Return case: Game from an old console is remastered/ported with a whole brand new campaign that may or may not be related and possibly intertwined with said game’s story or lore.
They were correct.
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Oh yea did I forget to mention BLACK FUCKING DOOM IS BACK?????
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There isn’t much yet to go off of right now in terms of what’s being planned here besides this excerpt on steam
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Alright, enough showcasing, what the hell am I talking about by this game (that was just revealed) being a new future for the Sonic franchise? Well, it’s mainly due to these two things: the usage of Black Doom, and this fucking logo
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A little bit of a history lesson -
Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)
….wasn’t really a well received game. Besides how many viewed it to be trying too hard to be edgy and dark and gritty, its gameplay was a lot left to be desired. Confusing and lore retconning writing, weird awkward gameplay, you probably already know by now, it was arguably where SEGA/Sonic Team got scared of doing spin-offs with other characters. The concepts and ideas were there, there were still reasons to like the game and like how Shadow improves as a character in the canonical story of the game, it was a small shiny stone in a pile of coal. Besides 06, this was the most development or focus Shadow would ever receive as a character before his massive change in writing in 2010.
Due to the 2010s change in writing style and how characters were written thanks to SEGA to avoid any association from “erm Sonic tried to be serious at one point? Cringe!”, Shadow possibly became the most controversial character of the cast, with him going from a really intriguing 3 dimensional character about trauma, loss, and trying to move on from the past, to many feeling like he’s regressed into a Furry Vegeta or a tryhard loner who doesn’t need friends to help him, the IDW comics being a big example of this. He still had a few good moments like his whole prologue in Sonic Forces, but even then it wasn’t anything intriguing like his story in Sonic 06 where he learns to accept his future might turn out shit, but he’ll always fight back with his team if things get dark (see what I did there?).
Before I continue, I would like to say - blaming Ian Flynn for how Shadow’s written in the IDW comics where he’s more brute and moody…..doesn’t seem correct, imma be real. I know he may have the occasional odd idea of the characters, but it’s very clear the way he’s written is due to certain mandates from SEGA and how characters/the world should be like. If Shadow’s whole moody brute demeanor is truly how Flynn views the character…..how does that explain how he was written in the Archie comics? aka the older comic series Flynn wrote for before SEGA started to get strict with the franchise, aka the series many believe to have had really great Shadow moments? I’m not saying there can’t be criticism for how Flynn may sometimes write characters, but in the case of him being the sole reason for how Shadow is written, that assumption made on him is a lil unfair.
Regardless, in recent times, it’s no doubt that the franchise is starting to rebuild it’s confidence again: acknowledging the old 3D games, including 06, having a more serious story with layers and depth like in Frontiers, Frontiers itself reintroducing Sonic’s friends and their struggles, making them playable once again in a 3D game (again, Shadow was cool to see in Forces but, you could only go so far with a simple reskin of Sonic). Not to mention after the update that brought back these characters, we got Sonic Superstars where the main selling point was that it was a co-op game, and Sonic Dream Team having a focus on the franchise’s more forgotten character: Cream the Rabbit (not to mention bringing back a sorta SA2-style gameplay where 6 characters were grouped into 3 styles of controls). Oh yea also prior to all that, Amy was made playable in the original Sonic genesis games via Sonic Origins.
So, what does all that have to do with the future of the franchise, and why is Shadow 05 important here?
First off: Shadow is getting that same treatment as other friends, but possibly on an even bigger level: being a new playable character in an older title and being a big enough deal to get his own story and reintroduce people to what makes him who he is sadly no co-op gameplay but hey that would require completely changing this game from what it was initially was. This is really perfect timing as with the upcoming release of Sonic Movie 3 and Shadow being the next foe for Sonic to face off, Sonic x Shadow Generations will be a perfect title for new fans to dive into and learn more about Sonic’s history and dive further into Shadow’s history, just like what Sonic Origins was for fans who just came back from watching Sonic Movie 2.
This whole thing is also a massive implication that other characters than Sonic may start to get their own campaigns again, building more lead-ups to possibly full on spinoff games. I should say this again: Forces did try to do something with Shadow, but for the most part it was just reusing whatever the game already had to create a quick and easy 3 level prologue that…doesn’t really add all that much to the overall story (at this rate you can probably assume Forces tried to do a lot of things Sonic is now attempting to do, however due to the kinda era it came from, it didn’t have much going for it). Sonadow Generations seems like something bigger and more personal to the character involved, something that could possibly rival the OG game’s campaign.
The fact in this story, they’re going so far as to make Black Doom the main antagonist of this campaign and giving back Shadow’s tribal logo is a massive sign that this is a true attempt to revisit Shadow’s entire legacy. They could’ve easily just made his whole ordeal involve what happened in Sonic Adventure 2, after all that’s what he’s most remembered for, but going as far as to properly acknowledged a lesser known game as being part of the Sonic lore instead of dismissing it simply because it wasn’t well received, it continues to show the confidence this series has started to regain. Sure, it’s weird, it’s wacky, it’s wild, but it doesn’t make it any less something to acknowledge or at the very least make good out of something bad. While we did get hints of Shadow 05 still being part of the canon via the Eggman logs in Frontiers mentioning Black Doom, having him come back officially was still a completely wild thing to see; never in a million years would anyone have thought he would come back as the main villain.
The biggest part of this whole thing is: if SEGA is allowing for Shadow 05 to be fully acknowledged
this might mean they’re starting to pull back on their restrictions on the character.
As I stated before, it is very clear they wanted nothing to do with this game or anything similar to it ever again, I mean the fact we never got any spin-offs after this really shows they weren’t gonna come back to other characters ever again. But now…everything’s on the table. If Black Doom is making an appearance, if Shadow’s tribal logo is back as part of his identity, what else could there be next? Will Shadow start to use guns again? Will he ride his motorcycle, and other vehicles like in 06? Hell, will motherfucking Mephiles come back again for this campaign?
Not to mention the description of the game stated that Shadow will confront painful memories, will we see Maria in HD getting shot, or the commander from Shadow 05 who was out to get him making a reappearance? This might be the first time in a whole decade since other human characters (not counting Sage since she isn’t exactly fully human) making an appearance again in the Sonic franchise. Again, we may have gotten hints of them still being a thing with the likes of Frontiers’ Eggman logs bringing up GUN and Maria, but actually showing up in-game means other humans can still make appearances in-game.
(Take this part with a massive grain of salt but I’ve heard that Ian Flynn in the past has expressed he wanted to bring back Black Doom and Mephiles, but SEGA didn’t allow it, now that one of them happened, it proves that there indeed has been less restrictions now)
If there are less restrictions being made on stuff like acknowledging Shadow’s game, what could this mean for how Shadow himself may be written now? We’ve seen how apparently well written Shadow was in Sonic Prime, could this carry over to the games and comics where he has a less frustrating depiction? I mean, the fact Ian Flynn was hired for one massive mainline game (Sonic Frontiers) and suddenly they’re doing all these lore related things for the franchise or going back to pull up any old stuff and see what they can do with it, it shows there is a level of trust between SEGA and Flynn and letting the man cook. And it makes complete sense too, he’s been a long time writer for the franchise since the Archie comics, he seems to have a great understanding of the characters.
If Shadow 05 is getting this level of acknowledgement, what about other more forgotten games? Will we one day see Sonic 06 be better acknowledged, or more likely a character like Silver having a bigger role in something related to the events of 06? I mean for some reason recent episode titles of the upcoming Knuckles show revealed one episode called “Flames of Disaster,” who’s to say they aren’t already looking into 06 for some ideas for not just the movie canon, but as well as the main canon?
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I’m drifting off a little but I’m sure you get by now what I’m tryna say. This game, as it may seem like just a simple small remaster with extra content, may end up creating something bigger for the franchise going forward. Seeing how Sonic Team is behind this remaster and not Blind Squirrel (the people who made Sonic Colors Ultimate; while possibly rushed by SEGA, they’ve also have had a questionable track record with remasters), and hints that Flynn is behind this story, I think we are in great hands with this game. This may be the first remaster to finally be flawless in every level, which I know is a little sad to say when it comes to this 30+ year old franchise, but hey, can’t win them all!
Before I end this comically large essay, I would like to make one final note on this whole topic. As I was writing this and taking breaks last night, I came across a tweet that was kinda starting to go around about this game.
To summarize, the tweet essentially claimed that Sonic was still stuck in the past. The franchise was still relying on nostalgia pandering as its identity, and due to the contents of Generations being a whole celebration of Sonic’s history (and what unfortunately started SEGA’s cling onto Green Hill and Chemical Plant), aka alleged nostalgia pandering, it proves the franchise’s identity is still about how when Sonic used to be cool. It hasn’t attempted to evolve in the past 14 years.
You can probably guess what my thoughts on that take is after reading this whole post.
I don’t think so.
As I already showed, the addition of Shadow’s story more than proves this is still stepping forward. It’s taking an old beloved game and instead of just updating graphics or performance and leaving it at that, they’re making something brand new out of it that may define future ideas for other characters that isn’t about Sonic. Not to mention this game barely attempts to be all like, “Revisit all these iconic locations from your childhood!!!” SEGA is clearly looking at Generations not as that one game they can rely on for easy nostalgia pandering, but as a successful and fun game from the last decade in its own right. I mean to the general public, it’s considered to be “one of the few good Sonic games.”
It can be argued that the addition of Shadow and Black Doom may be pandering to the audience into Shadow but…really? They’re tryna solely pander and play on the nostalgia of a small minority of players who liked a game that was considered to be the start of Sonic’s downfall in the 2000s and make that the selling point of this remaster to the general public? Where some in said general public may argue that they’re about to ruin a rare good Sonic game with stuff that they think no one ever liked??? I don’t really believe it.
Hell, speaking personally, I’ve never played Shadow 05, I don’t own a GameCube, maybe a PS2 but even then I didn’t get much games at the time. While I sorta played around with the franchises growing up, I fully got into it around when Sonic Mania came out (and even then it took me a while to finally play it). So even though I may be hyping up Black Doom’s return, I myself am not coming from any rose tinted glasses or anything, these are just observations from the many discussions I’ve seen online or videos showcasing these games. Same would go for a lot of people into that game as many while loved it, still would acknowledge where it fumbles and how it’s definitely not the definitive Sonic experience to have.
Sonic has begun to evolve, experimenting with new ideas and offering new and different ways to enjoy the franchise. As mentioned earlier, lots of shit happened in the past 4 months. While I agree that something like Frontiers relying on the same old levels for Cyberspace to be stupid, that shouldn’t undermine the actual new stuff it offers for the franchise. I feel like we’re already far beyond the franchise needing to be like “hey remember Green Hill???” as it’s main identity for a game/the franchise. And even then, this shouldn’t mean Sonic can’t look back on previous entries anymore ever again.
Many want Sonic to be like other franchises, like Mario, Kirby, etc, they’ve been also occasionally doing the look back on an old title or old past, so why not let Sonic do the same? We shouldn’t immediately respond to a callback with claims that it’s poor nostalgia pandering, as the take away imo always should’ve been that there should be a balance between original and new and looking back on what worked.
I am happy to say that regardless what this remaster is, we are in good hands again.
also unrelated as hell but pray for this man, he has not uploaded a Sonic video in 4 months, I think SEGA killed him by over feeding him with content 😭
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malewife-cas · 7 months
i’ve never felt disappointment quite like when i found out jackie & shauna weren’t canonically in love
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coconut530 · 11 months
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kittiehotline · 1 year
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didntevenmakeit · 1 year
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bobbedrake · 5 months
she called her…. A bud waiting to bloom into a beautiful flower….. she gave her a hair ribbon so she could see her face better….
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insxghtt · 1 year
hot knife — ellie williams x reader
if Ellie is butter, then you're a hot knife.
warnings: fluff, lots of cursing (it's ellie), lesbians being really really gayyyy, ellie and reader are 18
based on a request. y'all needed it, i needed it, we all need this.
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You were angry. Well, not angry like when someone tells you something you don’t really want to hear, or when someone messes with someone you deeply care about, or even when someone is trying to tell you what to do. No, this was a different type of angry. Something you have never felt before. 
It was like when you have a dog and this dog that you love so much only cares about someone else. Shit, you’re the one feeding it, you’re the one who covers that ungrateful dog with a blanket when it’s snowing outside, you’re the one who loves and would do anything to protect that dog when someone tries to hurt it, or kidnap it, or some shit like that. 
Of course, Ellie was not a dog. It’s not like you were comparing her to one, no. That would be just superficial and kind of mean, honestly. You cared about Ellie more than you would care about a dog. Also, Ellie was so much better than that. She was perfect. Every detail of her was just beautiful to you. You weren’t angry at her. You were angry at yourself for feeling like you were invisible every time she looked at her. 
Why did Ellie had to pay attention to every word she said? Why did she seem so happy when Dina talked to her? Most importantly, why did you care so much? It’s not like Ellie was your girlfriend. She was your best friend. Wasn’t it enough? 
Apparently, no, considering how shitty you felt when you saw Dina and Ellie laughing in the park while playing with snowballs. That morning, you were supposed to meet with her. You two made plans to have lunch together. Well, you didn’t plan that, but it became kind of a routine, so you though she would be waiting for you in front of your house like she always did. 
Ellie didn’t like to take care of herself. She was used to skip some meals and you were quick to notice it. Of course you would notice it, you were always looking at her. Since the day she arrived at Jackson for the first time. 
She was only fourteen then, but fourteen years were enough to make her tougher than the other kids. Tougher than you. You were more innocent than her then and that made it difficult for you two to connect. Yet somehow, you were able to sneak into her life. ‘If you are butter, I can be the hot knife’, you told her one time. That was the first time she laughed in front of you. Since that moment, you made it your goal to put a smile on her face at least once every single day. She deserved it. 
It hurt like hell when you realized you were not the only one doing it anymore. Dina was pretty, smart, confident. They made a good match if you look at it from any other point of view that it’s not yours. 
“You’re staring”, a voice next to you brough you back to earth. You didn’t have to look to know that it was Jesse. 
“You too.” 
“Do you think they’re like...”, he made a pause, obviously uncomfortable with the use of the word. “Lesbians... or something?” 
You raised your eyebrows and looked at him. “Is there a problem if they were?” 
“Well, I... No, it’s just that I...”, he stuttered. 
“You are unbelievable”, you sighed. 
“Hey!”, Ellie yelled when she saw you. “You!” 
She ran to you with a big smile in her face. For a second, you even forgot about that awful feeling. 
“I knocked at your door, but I guess you weren’t there anymore”, she stopped in front of you. Her cheeks were pink because of the cold. “Me and Dina went to sleep late yesterday, so I woke up late, and... you know.” 
Yes, of course, last night. When Dina and Ellie talked for hours and hours at the stable and you just decided to leave because it was just too much for you to handle. 
It was kind of funny how Jesse gulped when he heard Ellie saying that she and Dina were alone for hours. It obvious how much he liked Dina, but she didn’t seem to realize. 
“What were you two doing last night?”, Jesse asked. 
“They were doing drugs and making out, Jesse, that’s what they were doing.”, you said sarcastically. 
“Oh my God...”, you rolled your eyes. 
“We were talking”, Dina explained to him while she was getting closer. 
He laughed nervously and nodded.  
“I’m sorry I made you wait”, Ellie said to you. 
“It’s fine.” 
You just shrugged and turned away, now heading to the bar where you usually had your lunch. Ellie looked at Dina without really knowing what to do. You didn’t sound fine. Dina gestured for her to follow you and that was what she did. 
You entered the bar with her. It was weird how distant you were, but she tried her best to stay positive. You saw Seth from far away and gave him a signal. He already knew you and Ellie pretty well. He didn’t exactly like you, but he liked Maria, Maria liked you and you liked Ellie. That meant free lunch every day. 
When you sat at one of the tables to wait for the food, she sat in front of you. 
“Listen, I found this movie in one of the patrols and I...” 
“That’s nice”, you interrupted her, staring at your hands. 
“Okay...”, she nodded. You were not interested in the movie. Alright. “So, I was thinking we could...” 
“Did you and Dina have fun last night?” 
She opened her mouth to answer, but Seth called your name before she could say anything. You stood up and walked to the man behind the counter. 
“Thank you, Seth”, you said before taking the two sandwiches. 
The man responded with a mumble. You didn’t look at Ellie when you gave her one of the sandwiches, but she still followed you when you walked out of the bar. 
“Can you slow down a bit?”, Ellie asked. 
It didn’t really make a difference. It took her a few seconds to realize where you were going. Your home. Something was off. You two usually had lunch in the park. When it was too cold, you went to her place because it was closer. 
When you finally arrived at your house, you didn’t ask her to come in. No, you entered the door and closed it behind you. Okay, that was just too much. 
“Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?” 
“Oh, so now you care!”, you yelled too from inside the house. 
“What?”, she tried to open the door, but it was locked. “Did you just lock me outside your house?” 
There was silence for a few seconds. “No...” 
“The door seems pretty fucking locked to me!” 
You were being childish, and you knew it. With a sigh, you left the sandwich on the corner table and opened the door. Ellie stared at you, but she didn’t seem angry. No, she seemed... hurt? 
“Are you mad at me because I woke up late?” 
“Oh, fuck you! It’s not about that!” 
“Alright, then what is it?”, she crossed her arms, waiting for an explanation. 
You had no other option but to just deny it. 
“It’s nothing.” 
“Really? You think I'm gonna buy that?” 
“I don’t need you to, it’s the truth”, you shrugged. 
“So, you just ignored me and locked me out of your house for nothing?” 
“Maybe I didn’t see you.” 
“You did see me.” 
“Maybe it was the wind.” 
“The wind can lock doors now?” 
You really had no arguments, huh? 
“Stop...”, she whispered. “Come on, let me in? It’s cold.” 
You sighed and gave her space to enter you house. When you closed the door, the silence filled the room. Ellie took the backpack off her back and looked for something in one of the pockets. You watched in silence as she took a VHS film and showed it to you. 
“This is what I was telling you about...” 
“Who the fuck is Donnie Darko?”, you read the name. 
“I was hoping to find out.” 
Why did she had to look at you like that? 
“Well, I think Dina will love it.” 
“Dina? Why would I...”, she seemed confused for a moment, but then it hit her. “Wait, are you jealous of me and Dina?” 
Jealous. Was that the word? 
“Fuck, no!” 
“Oh, my fucking God, you’re jealous!” 
“No, I'm not!”, you could feel your cheeks burning right now. “Why would I be jealous of you two?” 
“I don’t know, maybe you have a thing for her...” 
“I do not have a thing for her.” 
“You have a thing for someone then?” 
Her confusion was making you dizzy. You sighed and sat on the couch of the living room. 
“Okay...”, she was still trying to absorb that information. She felt weird trying to picture you with someone else. “Who is it then?” 
“Shut up, I don’t wanna talk about it.” 
“I think we are already talking about it, so...”, she looked at you. “It’s okay. You can tell me, you know?” 
“No, I can’t.” 
“Because I can’t lie to you, Ellie.” 
“But you don’t have to lie... right?”, she said, and you finally looked at her with tears in your eyes. “Oh...” 
You didn’t have to say anything, it was too obvious. You were in love with her. The tears started to roll down your cheeks, and you didn’t try to stop them. It was done, you couldn’t go back in time. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Ellie was staring at the floor. Her silence was terrifying to you. What if she never talks to you again? All your worries were soon replaced by confusion when she let out a laugh. 
“You know what’s funny?”, she smiled and looked at you. “I spent a week with this movie in my backpack, scared that if I invited you to watch it with me you would realize I was asking you on a date.” 
She left the VHS tape in the center table. 
“And I really spent hours yesterday talking to Dina, describing to her everything I feel when you’re around, asking her if it would be too bad if I really did ask you on a date.” 
The way you looked at her made her heart melt. It was almost as if you were begging for that to be true. 
“So, is that what this is?”, you pointed to the VHS tape. 
“I mean, if you’d like that, then I guess it is”, she looked down, trying to hide the tears in her eyes. 
You nodded and stood up. 
“I do like that.” 
She stepped your way, your faces closer than ever. “Okay, then it’s a date.” 
You gave her a shy smile and paid attention to every single detail of her. Eyes, nose, lips. 
“It’s a date”, you whispered before leaving a soft kiss on her lips. 
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girlsloveupdates · 7 months
Hi, I just started watching GL, have only watched GAP. Can you recommend anything? I'd really appreciate it.
Hello! Although there are not that many right now, I will include a list of shows that have already aired that you can watch. Make sure you also see this list to keep updated on which GL will be coming out soon — because there will be a lot! 2024 is the year, trust me! The GL renaissance is upon us. But while we wait here’s some others:
Main characters/main couple:
- She Makes My Heart Flutter (2022)
I love this one. Basically all the characters are lesbians and in a friendship group. It’s so sweet and endearing and I really recommend it! Kinda short but so sweet. One of my favourites for sure <3
- She Loves To Cook and She Loves to Eat (2022)
The characters are a perfect match. This show will make your heart warm and you will say ‘Me and who’ every five seconds.
- Sleep with Me (2022)
The chemistry is so good. It feels so raw and real. Sexuality isn’t really an issue at all. I really enjoyed watching, my heart 🥹
- Out of Breath (2019)
Both painful and heartwarming, it can be relatable to viewers who have experienced break-ups and finding new love. This series is fun and I like it.
- Couple of Mirrors (2021)
Because of censorship, their relationship isn’t ~specifically stated but they are canonically together by the person who created them. I mean, they literally live together, sleep in the same bed, raise a child together etc. The vibes are gayyyy, it’s safe to say they have romantic feelings for each other. If you love action and badass women, this is for you!
- Legend of Yunze (2022)
Lovers reunite after centuries apart. It’s so beautiful and I rewatch this quite a lot.
- Girlfriend Project Day 1 (2022)
Super short, but still really cute. The characters are forced to work together and things ensue. I wish they’d make more episodes 🥹
- Show Me Love (2023)
It’s not made/edited the best but it’s still cute and easy to watch, nice elements of comedy :D
!!!!! Here is a link to other mini web dramas !!!!!
Side characters/side couple:
- Bad Buddy (2021)
My sweetest Ink and Pa. I love them very much :) The actresses have their own GL together called ‘23.5’ which will air next year!
+ they also feature in Zero Photography
- Nevertheless (2021)
Watch this for Soljiwan, Nabi, and Han Sohee. The straight couples are questionable, but Sol & Jiwan, although a side couple, have the most beautiful story and amazing chemistry. 🥰
- Friend Zone S2 (2021)
Cris and Amm are a beautiful couple. They help each other with their situations, maybe they’re not perfect, but they are everything :D
Special mentions:
- Fragrance of the First Flower (2021)
- Love of Secret (2022)
- Wedding Plan (2023)
- Sweet Kaaram Coffee (2023)
I’ve definitely missed ones but these are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. The only main GL airing right now is Lucky My Love & Love Senior!
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runningonadhd · 4 months
Nooooo Don’t banish me to watch Disney channel comedies from the late 2000’s/early 2010s with silly little characters that I can headcanon to have silly little relationships that’ll never be canon because they’re a little gayyyy NOOOOOOOOOOOO
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tddyhyck · 2 months
how would dreamies react to the reader asking them to sub for the first time in the bedroom?
i’m so glad u asked 🤭🤭
i think mark would be a lil nervous bc you’ve never fully delved into dom/sub dynamics but he’s like ill do whatever u want 🥺 and he would end up loving it ,,, much to his chagrin,, i think he often feels overwhelmed and has so much on his plate that when he finally lets go and gets to be head empty it would be such a relaxing release,,, idk if that makes sense but yes
renjun either takes way too much or way too little convincing,, but once he agrees he would love it ,,, i don’t think he’s one who would be embarrassed or feel like it’s “gayyyy” to be submissive (u know how some men think it’s girly LAME ALERT) anyways he would be such a cute sub,,, i feel like he would secretly enjoy blindfolds the not knowing what’s next would just turn him on
ok jeno would be so annoying like he agrees to please you but in his head he’s like “they think they’re dominating me haha jokes on them” so he would go along but eventually fight for dominance and end up dominating you ,,, it would take like 5 sessions before he fully goes into any sort of sub space but once he did he would get the hype
you would dom hyuck like the second time you fuck let’s be honest ,,, baby loves dominating forces and if you say something a certain way to him he would whimper and fall to his knees..,, i can see him being a service top but like the whiniest,,, like he gets off pleasing his partner but also when his partner is mean to him
jaemin would probably mention it before you do imo i think he’s a full switch (him and hyuck) like he loves both aspects of dom/sub dynamics and is hyping you up more than anything,, he just wants to see you take control and edge him while you praise him 🤭
chenle shuts that shit down ,,, imo he’s a true 100% dom like if he took the bdsm test he’d score a 99 or something,,, but he would laugh in your face and then dom you lol ,,, i love him 🥺,,, but i think he also wants to make you happy so he would pretend for you but maybe in the back of his head he’s like they look so hot when they think they’re in control 🥺
lil baby jisung i think he’s curious and would be so down to try something with someone he trusts,, so if you suggest it he’s like name a time and location babes ,, i can see him doing “research” before lol i think he would be so into it to like it’s so overwhelming for him and seeing you tell him what to do would send him over the edge
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zees-hat · 2 months
whats ur fav ships and why !!!!!!!!!!!!!
u just unleashed my insanity.
heads up im picky about ships and am not too big on multishipping BUT NOT CRAPPING ON MULTISHIPPERS YOU GUYS ARE COOL i like seeing the art and stuff :3 🫶🏻🫶🏻
will start with og and then reboot cuz YIPPEEEEE
Alenoah like ough they’re LITERALLY enemies to lovers fuck yeah the chemistry is great and the ANGST possibilities omg
GWOURTNEYYY omg they are so cute and the energy was there i swear. love that trope though like two ex girlfriends dating EACH OTHER LIKE FUCK YEAH
Ozzy because like they’re literally adorable and izzy is insane i love her. the world tour song owen sang about her is stuck in my brain 😭
Lyler. ohhhhh my god the cuties ever. Yall stay with me here when i say I HC THEM AS T4T LIKE FUCK YEAH ‼️‼️
Lesharold is cute but man it’s been ROUGHHH in world tour they’re sillies tho :3
Gidgette?? i swear that sounds so wrong for some reason but like whatevs 😞 they’re cute in season 1 but man they gotta work things OUT rn
Djuncan. holy SHIT i literally just learned about this ship TODAY and its already in my damn brain like not even kidding theyre real to me like the opposites attract is GIVINGGGGG
Rajbow OBVI like omg THEYRE SO CUTE :(( they literally light up when they see each other istg I WANNA SQUISH THEM AND PUT THEM IN A JAR
Damiwayne bc OOOOH THEY SNUCK UP ON ME A LONG TIME AGO. i used to be a juliayne shipper like right when i first started watching reboot but like changed my mind real fast 😭
Mkulia and oh my GOD i swear if they aren’t canon if there’s a season three there will be RIOTS i tell you, RIOTS. the villain gfs ever
Ripaxel i used to hate so so much but they GREW on me like GOT ME BY THE THROAT ripper is so pathetic and i love him, girlboss x actual loser
Chazee is where it gets more rare like this is such a crack ship but in an /srs way theyre GAYYYY i would write oneshots about them
Sillie. if u dont know its scary girl x millie now like this IS A RAREPAIR BUT LIKE HEAR ME OUT OKAY like girlfriend who does research x girlfriend who is an insane creature like do u guys get the vision 🙏
Nichemma oh my god they’re so cutesy i love them SO MUCH another rarepair but aaaaahhh i like it!! nichelle would be so much better for her i swear
thats all i got ‼️🫶🏻
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dr-lizortecho · 9 days
I think for pride I might just… ramble about all the rnm characters queer identities, cause it’s so cool they’re all soooo gayyyy
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msadmiral · 1 year
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Just a lil Anon Hc dump 🫡
Today we are talking sexualities.
Luke: Bi-sexual Disaster but Gay leaning. (Luke “Is One-Eyed-Blondes a Sexuality?” Rivers)
Aemond: Takes our Pookie a while but he soon realizes he is gay, maybe Bi, really his focus is on Luke so it matters little to him but there is still the “I like men?” Realization!
Laenor and Joffrey(the elder Joffrey): Gayyyy
Everyone else though? Bi
Except Aegon(the elder) and Helaena. Aegon gives me “idgaf” pansexual vibes. Just so carefree. Helaena is definitely AroAce, but she is just rather affection in a platonic way strictly.
You’re absolutely on the money with Luke. He loves both men and women but would choose dick over anything else without a doubt. However, he’s quickly becoming Aemond sexual and developing a bit of a scar kink in the meantime.
The thing with Aemond is that he’s spent his entire life both past and present with only Luke on his mind. His time with Alys was enjoyable (minus the witch fuckery) but that’s mostly because she was the closest thing to his lord Strong. And she definitely glamoured herself a few dozen times.
I’d say he’s Luke-sexual, but the realization that he would happily suck a dick knocks the wind out of him.
Alicent finds him just staring out the window one day as he ponders on his gay awakening and thinks “He’s just like me.”
Laenor and Joffrey are gay as hell, no doubt about it. One day out of curiosity Joffrey asked what the Nyracoohie was like during their time’s trying to conceive and Laenor simply shudders 😔
He had fun playing with her boobs tho. Can’t even lie. Not in a sexual way, but like…c’mon they’re boobs.
Aegon is definitely pansexual. The guy literally couldn’t give a shit about gender even if he tried. He’s also a monsterfucker so do with that what you will.
His biggest crushes are Jace and Venom.
Helaena is for sure on the ace spectrum. She wants to be in a relationship but without any of the romantic or sexual aspects. Our girl just desires someone to collect bugs with and snuggle on the couch.
Everyone else is bi, however Joffrey is straight with bi-curious tendencies.
Corlys and Rhaenys are the stright grandparents who wear those “proud parent” rainbow shirts which always manage to make Laenor cry.
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