#they only told him to wait a week
flamboyant-king · 8 months
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I had an Isaac run where it was so stressful my heartrate was at a 145bpm and it persisted for 6 hours. After that, like every day that followed, my heart would just suddenly shoot up to 120-140bpm for an hour if I so much as thought about something I've been stressing over recently. Everybody encouraging me to go to the ER. And I'm just like "Oh please I've actually always been like this, I'm fine." Had to chop down my Adderall dosage. But I swear I've felt like this since high school, but I guess the medicine enhances the feeling and that feeling was ANXIETY.
So, suffice to say, playing The Binding of Isaac™️ almost gave me a heart attack.
#and its not the adderall thats just inducing the heartrate#cause i only got prescribed adderall this year#dad got diagnosed with afib when i was still in school. he rushed himself to the hospital with mom while i was taking a test#i was like what the heck where did you guys go and mom said oh dad was having a heart attack or something and we didnt want to bother you#like WOULDNT YOU TELL YOUR CHILD OH MAYBE YOU WONT SEE YOUR FATHER AFTER WE GO TO THE HOSPITAL BUT FINISH YOUR EXAM BABY#that was like 2020 and we have a couple of those oxygen readers for your fingers and it measures your heartbeat#i out one on for fun im just sitting there at the dinner table and my heartrate was at 120#like i didnt do anything we been stuck at home because pandemic and we just having a nice dinner#and my heartbeat was just thats my resting heartrate. they told me to try the blood pressure thing#average blood pressure but truly my heartbeat was just vibing at 120. mis padres were like oh no maybe you have afib too#babes youre too young to have that. and i jsut said oh is that what it means when im nauseous and have to lie down#i havent been diagnosed with anything. i suspect is tachycardia but no official thing#although i havent seen a cardiologist. what if we pay to get a screening and its nothing#i dont want to go thru all that and let it be nothing. lets wait until its a real problem#when my brother and his family visited just like what two weeks ago he was like#he was sitting on moms exercise bike and said it reads your heartrate#and it did you put your hands on the handle and it reads yer pulse#i told him like oooh let me try. hey brother my resting heartrate is 120 a lot. and hes like. what. get on this thing#and i get off the couch literally resting and lay my hands on the handles#and we see it go up. from 80 to 90 to 100 to 110 to 120 and hes a nurse and my moms a nurse and he says go upstairs and rest#dont hang out here with the kids. and im like ha i already told mom#he said sit there for ten minutes dont do anythingg and were trying again#he got mom to call our doctor and my doctor said to stop taking the adderall which is NOT IDEAL theres worse repurcussions to stop cold#so i cut mine in half. cause i had a dosage of 20mg and i almost fainted at work. we died the dosage down to 15#but after all that i cut my 15 down to 7.5 cause hey i cant stop cold but i can ween myself#brother said i shouldnt be taking adderall if im not doing anything that requires focus. but im like i need focus to live man#look at how much ive been drawing...i mean its only in like hour long intervals but its productive#so theres that. i can feel my heartrate already up but i guess its just a thing with me...anywho#doodles#the binding of isaac
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
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starting the year ✨wrong✨
#(this is about work ok. long rant in the tags bc auauauauauauauuauauauauauauauaaaaaaaa)#i’ve worked for just t h r e e (3!!!!) days this year and i think im already all burned out lmao#first i was stuck doing 2 workstations bc this freakin’ b o z o of a coworker decided to take the week off without prior notice#and *t h e n* the internal components of one of said workstations kicked the bucket and was only replaced today. sads.#rip to our wasted time and futile fixing efforts though. flashtag wetried#that’s not all t h o u g h i was told that i have to jump to the other work shift bc one of my coworkers is resigning#b u t the thing is. all of the other dudes in that shift are from [insert bordering country] and always speak in their nation’s language#so i won’t be able to communicate well with them for the most part ​esp s o bs#and if [insert country here] has a national holiday and a l l of them decide to take the day off..#well. um. ahahahaha. im ✨screwed✨#(but speaking of taking the day off… one of said guys on that shift has an approved leave for cny. which is funny bc he’s not even chinese)#(rips if the actual other chinese dude on that team has his leave request rejected bc of that guy lol. happy cny to him ig)#a n d also i was made to (sorta) teach these two new coworkers (of sorts) the workstation i’m at for the week#b u t the thing is. i do everything here by left (didn’t receive formal training either lmao sadge)#and i also couldn’t explain anything well in general bc it seems like my flow of thoughts can’t streamline itself ig#so i think i confused the poor guys more than anything. but like. why me??????? aaaauauaaaaaaaaaa#idk why one of them came back for more ‘education’ from me thoughhhhh#i’ve tried teaching ‘em stuff at another workstation before this and my feedback was ‘wait slow down you talk too fast’ s o o o o .#ig i’ll have to guide them though again in the morning though. sighs. this wasnt in my job description :(#speaking of job descriptions though… this h e l l a annoying guy no one likes who resigned a few months ago (to much rejoicing)…#is!!!!! coming!!!! back!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#w h y. like. w h y. why is he so attached to this company he l l o? why is our manager so attached to him helloooooooo????? why him???????#our workloads literally t r i p l e when he’s around bc he’s just the way he is. auauauauauauauauaaaaaaaaaaaa#aaaaaaaaaaa i dont wanna work aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#science industry (derogatory) questionable laboratory conditions (derogatory)#felt cute; thought about retiring early idk
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i stg if catherine dies next week i'm finding sally wainwright and making sure she never sally wain-writes again
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vaugarde · 1 year
not to complain abt a thing every pokemon fan and their mom has complained about but man i just realized another reason why not putting the battle frontier in oras was a failure of a decision- because the next game, sumo, and its postgame kinda hinges on you already knowing who anabel is, and i think a good chunk of the fandom either didnt know or didnt recognize her at all because the last time she appeared was in the deep postgame a game that had come out nearly a decade before. so having the battle frontier, or at least the frontier brains, in oras would have reminded the audience and told new fans who anabel was and given us a reason to care about her
#like i didnt know who anabel was so a good chunk of the meaning of her appearance was lost on me#yes shes older and looks different in that game but the game like. clearly expected you to know who this was#and why her being a faller is ironic#and itd make the parallel of looker being amnesiac in the battle frontier area in oras more clear#putting the battle frontier- hell actually having the frontier brains appear in any capacity- would have told new fans who anabel was#so her appearance in the next game feels less random and ‘’wait who?’’#bc like. lol i had no clue who she was when i first played sm. even as someone who’d beat emerald by then#partly bc itd been years since i touched the cartridge at that point but also bc shes not accessible easily#echoed voice#someone liked an old post i made about ingo and wow yeah in perspective hes handled way better#bc hes also like an important battle tower npc but he a) was easily accessible to people who had gen 5 or saw the anime#b) was already an extremely popular character who was getting referenced as late as the acacia vid that year so even if youre a newer fan#youd probably have heard of him in passing or seen him with emmett#and c) is one half of a whole. hes partnered with emmett hes usually seen with him hes made to match with him#their relationship as brothers is emphasized#hes clearly out of his element in hisui and we can see the effects its had on him#contrast with anabel who’s connected to nobody. only the other brains if you squint#and ig that crush she had on ash in the anime which doesnt count bc this is gameverse#and she probably forgot about that within a week anyways#bc shes ten#so like. oras was the moment to re establish her. give her those connections. have her talk to looker. give her a background#and instead they prioritized what feels like spite towards the new generation of kids#ofc theres also the idea that legends is someones first pokemon game but even so it wouldnt dampen the experience#especially once you looked him up online or something#meanwhile with anabel i looked her up bc i was confused and went oh. oh that person. battle frontier. ok
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twinkskeletons · 5 months
lost my earphones i need to be shot
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dangaer · 1 year
the one thing i think will always be downplayed in obm is the reality of just how much of the 'silent observer' barbatos remains.
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untitled-byler-blog · 2 years
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my baby's finally here <3
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I miss being threatened with a gun by Jarod :( (I beat road 96 yesterday and don't wanna replay the game now cause my finals start tomorrow and I wanna fully focus on them)
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
my beloved husband: has conceded that he might let me feed him black raspberries once he’s seen me eat some and not keel over
me, a goblin: googling how to eat grasshoppers and irritably rejecting out of hand any videos about how gross and weird it is but good for survival if you’re desperate
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fleshdyke · 2 years
#i cant wait to get out of this fucking house#still a few years until i can legally move out and even then i probably won’t be able to for a few more years bc of money#my dad gets mad at me for showing any emotion ever or being anything other than the perfect golden child#no one will fucking believe me that im autistic and disabled#i get fatigued from walking out of a fucking restaurant to the parking lot! look me in the eyes and tell me thats normal!#but just because im fat thats the reason for all my issues#thats why i have chronic pain and i just don’t exercise enough when they fucking know IM IN RECOVERY FOR ANOREXIA#and my dad wont stop talking about weight loss in front of me even when i ask him to stop because its triggering for me because im#just a fucking snowflake i guess#one time i asked him to stop talking about his diet or whatever when im around and he said no but i could use it myself! AND HE WONDERS WHY#IM FUCKING RELAPSING AGAIN#literally the past entire week i’ve just been repeating ‘no food is as harmful as an eating disorder’ bc its all that will fucking stop me#and he wont believe that i have tics for some reason so i have to fucking suppress them all around him if i dont want to get screamed at#and mid july of 2022 im still not vaccinated for covid. bc my dad is a conservative that doesnt give enough of a shit about me to get it#the only vaccinated person in my family is my mom and my dad didnt want her to get it either#but she says shes an adult so she has bodily autonomy#do i not fucking deserve that? do i not get bodily autonomy bc im a minor? fuck you#and i’ve told both my parents multiple times that i dont like when people touch me without permission except for my friends#ESPECIALLY ON MY FUCKING HIPS AND THIGHS AND ASS#BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAY BC THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT I WANT#i dont fucking care how shitty adulthood is i dont care aboyt the stresses it gives me i just want to be fucking out of here#i want to be out of here i want to be with people that fucking respect me like my parents don’t#i don’t want to be abused anymore i just want to feel safe in my own fucking home#and i feel like such a spoiled brat because i have everything i need given to me because im a fucking child but im complaining anyways and#logically i know i have every right to complain bc theyre not giving me privileges theyre givimg me basic human rights and even then only#some of them. i dont have fucjing bodily autonomy from the people i should be able to expect it from and i dont have respect or fucking love#the only thing keeping me fucking alive right now is the promise that one day i’ll get out of here#and its fucking terrifying knowing you’re relapsing into anorexia again but its so fucking hard to stop it#its got a fucking grip on me and its so fucking hard to get out of it#vent
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
Today is one of those days that I would drink if I had the money to
I can't wait to get the fuck out of this apartment
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violentdevotion · 2 years
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yes u r my designated shakespeare mutual bc u mentioned him like once also hi my one nsci class keeps saying 'xyz ameliorates disease symptoms' and then i stop listening and am like ohh i wonder how ameera is doing😁💗❕
hi hi hi hiiii !!! I'm doing a shakespeare adaptations module this semester so it's appropriate for the next for weeks for me to be <3 LOVE that I'm distracting u in class unintentionally. fun story so when I was like 10 my dad got me a little electronic dictionary bookmark and everyone in my class was fascinated by it and one thing we did was put out names into it to see the closest match and the closest match to ameera was ameliorate, to make things better, and it's such a pretty word that I remembered it for years and years and years and had 0 opportunity to use it in a sentence ever so it's my title instead and now 10 years later it's distracting you in class too.
#ameeras.got.mail#h tag#some boy that i think was bullying me broke it in highschool its whatever hes a prick and we go to the same uni but hes in the medicine#building and im in humanities and if he ever tries to speak to me im gonna report him and inshaAllah get him kicked out 🙏🏼#also i have a girl in my class who has the same name as u and she hates me AND the other day i had a friend tell me that she thinks brown#girls with sisters are bitchier and i was like NO !!! I HAVE A FRIEND WITH ONLY SISTERS AND SHES REALLY NICE AND I LOVE HER SO UR THEORIES#BAD but tbf she only said that bc she told me she can tell i havent got any sisters and i was rly offended#also how are you ?!#ohmygod no wait back to that conversation i then also told that friend that i gave u my address and ur from my favourite US state and she#gave me the worst look i just know all of my friends think im stupid af when i talk abt my tumblr mutuals 😭😭😭😭#anyway this week (starting 24th Oct) we're doing macbeth which is THEEE play ever ever ever like drama and all that and bc its an#adaptations class we're also doing macbeth orson welles and week after macbeth on the estate if u wanna stufy along with me#the past few weeks were 12th night#and our final assessment we have to write an adaptation ourselves and im gonna do brown muslim much ado about nothing#bc u know that scene where she faints at the wedding and her dads like yeah good if she had any shame at all shed die..... brown dad moment
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juwlie · 2 years
few casual relationships matter more to me than the friendship between me and The Other Woman involved in my 2017 situationship
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cheapcheapfaker · 2 years
an applicant walked in and had such intense BO that by the time he left my office nearly 30-45 minutes later I was in mouth watering hands shaking stage of near vomiting. never have smelled a man that rank. we had to open the front door
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slippery-minghus · 9 days
god i feel so fucking stuck. it doesn't sound like i'm getting that job i really wanted after all, which means my only real option forward is to take the supervisor role being created in my office.
they want me for this role. everyone at office level who advocated for its creation had me in mind. it's not really a career path i'm interested in, but it's something.
only problem is my patience and tolerance for Nightmare Coworker is getting shorter by the day. she blew a gasket again today when some r&d folks—whose arrival had only been mentioned to me offhand—showed up. because she wasn't told by the manager herself. she stormed away to go on a walk, came back, and stormed away again to have a long chat with the manager. manager is apparently only doing what the previous one instructed her to: rely on the two point people in the clinics. which, yanno, makes sense.
(fuck. maybe i should take the managerial track. so i can be there for my team like my managers in this job haven't been, and fire the fucking toxic mold spore before she infects the clinic.) (and honestly, because no one has left over her yet, that's likely why nothing has happened. but where the fuck am i supposed to go? back to the fucking donut shop???)
Nightmare Coworker is in absolute denial that she is not The Best, in denial that people with some modicum of power in our office want me promoted, and in denial that it could ever fucking happen. the only thing she has convinced herself of is that i'm going to "get promoted and leave" which. i fucking WISH.
but here we are. no offer in sight for the thing i want most right now. no exit signs for hundreds, if not thousands of miles from here.
i want to take that damn supervisor promotion, but i can't even message my own manager without Nightmare Coworker reading slack over my shoulder and then having a meltdown about it. how am i supposed to go talk privately to my manager, have an interview with her? Nightmare Coworker's going to fucking flip her shit when the reality of an internal promotion with my name on it comes to light. and i DON'T have the energy to cope with it. the only outcome that might not break me is if she has a massive meltdown and quits on the spot. no notice. and i don't know how realistic that is to expect.
myself and others at this office are surprised and demoralized that Nightmare Coworker was not fired months ago. and honestly in hindsight i think Old Manager was far too soft. he was supportive, but too supportive, to the fault that accommodating everyone means accommodating no one. and current manager is spread paper thin, which is why she needs an office supervisor. but the window to get this person fired without invoking catastrophe has long since passed.
i wish i could turn my cold, frozen fear into spite or vengeance. to internally be grinning from the sidelines as i light the match and toss it into the massive pile of kindling and firewood that Nightmare Coworker has dug herself into, and set her ablaze. i wish i could feel anything other than fear.
#personal#i'm going to wait until next week when i can talk to my manager in person#i don't feel like it's okay to tell her that i think Nightmare Coworker will *quit* over me getting promoted#but i can and probably should say everything but that#'Nightmare Coworker has expressed on multiple occasions how distraught she would be if i was promoted over her'#and 'considering her volatile outbursts every time something crosses my desk that she expects should also cross hers i am deeply concerned#about what will happen if i pursue this promotion'#i'm kicking myself now for not documenting every. single. outburst BUT that shouldn't be FUCKING REQUIRED.#i'm constantly in the fucking CROSSFIRE#last time she went off on a patient i was cleaning it up for a WEEK#the Early Shift Mailman didn't come in today because she is always so rude to him for Daring To Come Early#i had to entertain a whole fucking team of engineers for over an hour by myself while she dealt with her meltdown#because manager only mentioned in a throwaway comment to me that they were coming#(back when i was new and wasn't directly told these things by management#was i mad? fuck no! it's not my fucking problem unless management makes it my problem!!)#and it's not like manager did more than say that people were showing up at x time. didn't say wht they wanted. how long they'd stay.#nothing fucking *helpful*. so it's not like i'm getting this fucking red carpet treatment. i'm not. i'm just a fucking grunt too#we're all spread thin and frankly the lady who can't even keep up with her basic workload is NOT suited for more complex responsibilities#as soon as she came in this morning she started bitching about how much work i left her. work that was only left because *she*#went home early on friday. and takes 4x as long to do even the simplest of tasks#in the time it took her to file 30? 40? pages in between looking at her phone? i filed close to *200*#and she complains that she has too much to do#she can't even put down her phone while talking with patients who are standing right in front of her. her phone's too important#it's fucking disgusting and frankly i miss the setup at my old job where the manager sat right. fucking. next. to. us.#and breathed down our necks all day. THAT's why we went through 7 front desk people in the 2yrs i was there. because behavior was SEEN.#i'm so fucking done with this. i'm so fucking tired. i just want OUT
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the thing about developing self confidence in the way you look after being bullied as a child is that if you happen to look young for your age it's REALLY hard to see yourself as attractive because the only people hitting on you are creepy old men
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