#they have given me Infinite Power and i will use it to make this kid's life as queer as physically possible
apollos-boyfriend · 10 months
so my younger cousin is flying in to visit from brazil on sunday, and will be staying here for like, the entirety of july. which, don't get me wrong, is super cool! i love the kid! but it felt like a super weird move, considering his parents are the SUPER strict and borderline helicopter parents. even the smallest prank/roughousing with him/his little sister would lead to a strict talking to from his parents, he couldn't ever do anything without their clear permission, that sort of stuff. so letting him fly at alone at 16 to a whole different country and stay there for a whole month seemed WILDLY out of character. additionally, it just felt like a super last-minute trip. it's not like we have any plans to do when he gets here, and the flight itself and stuff only got booked like, midway through june.
and i was talking to my mom about it, kind of trying to nudge some answers out of her, and after a while she went, "yeah, i think they're sending him over here to get away for his boyfriend. see if the distance breaks them off." which, first of all, surprised me because last i checked, they didn't KNOW he had a boyfriend. literally everyone in the family did EXCEPT for them because while that entire side of the family being semi-conservative, his parents (mostly his dad) are EXTREMELY old-fashioned. so clearly something already went wrong. and considering the only reason the rest of the family knew is because one person found out and it spread like wildfire, i have a sneaking suspicion he wasn't the one to tell them, either.
and second of all. they're sending him HERE. to try to make him forget his homosexuality. i couldn't do anything but just wordlessly gesture to the multiple pride flags scattered around my room, then to myself, because really? he has like two other cousins in the us and they're sending him to me? honey i am about to introduce this kid to queer scenes you have never even heard of. he'll be returning home with labels only shrimp can perceive
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vivi-the-goblin · 2 months
Just thinking about the poetic nature of the Gith
Originally, there was just one species that broke free of the mindflayers and turned to bloody rebellion. In the aftermath the Githyanki (those who follow Gith) formed a new militaristic culture based on their inherant superiority, while the Githzerai rebelled against becoming like thier old masters and left (those who spurn Gith). The Githyanki live in the Astral Sea, a place where nothing ages or changes unless change is forced upon it. The world is vibrant, sure, and it IS constantly changing, but only through force and intrusion.
The Githzerai live in Limbo, a land of infinite chaos where even the fabric of reality might turn from air to bread to napalm in a second. It is only through massive willpower and active dedication that you can craft anything, and that needs to be actively and constantly maintained.
The Githyanki have not changed. They became their old masters. They have slaves of their own. They're coping with the scars of their enslavement by making sure THEY'RE the ones on top this time. Though they still identify themselves around wiping out their old masters, the system never fell. tyranny just gained a new face and explanation. The same face, the leader has been the same bloodline even since those times beyond measure, with the current one being an undead immortal ruling for thousands of years, unaging even when in places that do change. Githyanki are forced to occasionally explore to have kids and let them grow to adulthood. But they leave the encampment only to plunder resources, keeping the kids as secluded as possible and dragging them back ASAP to double down on indoctrination. Nobody moves on, and the youth who attempt to are met with force.
The Githzerai have changed so much they're no longer the same species, even if they are still externally recognizable. They left for a land where everything changes. However, through introspection and dedication to ensuring personal freedom, they thrive. Specifically, it's from their leaders giving up that freedom to eternally power their chunk of safety in the storm. Literally sitting in a sarcophagus for eternity, the death of self. You'd think would be horrible, given the whole point was escape from eternal labor and gaining freedom! But the difference is that it's willing, it's their choice, one they were free to make or decline. They chose to make a home others could grow up in safely, a place that would still remain for them even if they left for a time. These elders are also don't age...but they're the ones who came to terms with their trauma, fought, and decided to move beyond. They even lost the initial war, but persisted and kept working to break the system. And they do so by supporting those that come next, trusting they'll keep fighting to stop this cycle of oppression.
The Githyanki are conquering the stars but haven't really moved an inch. The Githzerai are living in an ever-moving and actively hostile world, but came to terms with themselves and their past and moved ever forward.. Beautiful.
I'm also thinking about how the Githzerai names a city Susanowo. Like the brother of Amaterasu. Like, in-universe named that after actual スサノヲfrom actual Japan. Because Earth exists, and the various gods USED to exist there. An old empire kept kidnaping people from Earth, and the gods followed their believers but got stuck. I keep running into bits of lore that tie into that and it hits me like a truck every time.
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livwritesstuff · 2 months
when I was little, my dad used to spin around in his desk chair and hold my hand so that I would run around in circles as a way of tiring me out, and to me that is such an Eddie thing to do. Steve probably hates it because he’s worried he’ll trip the child and hurt them
lol yeah Eddie is the absolute king of those weird dad hacks – 
He isn’t necessarily sure he was meant to be a stay-at-home dad — not that he isn’t thrilled about it, especially considering the alternative for him really is some kind of nine-to-five office-type job which he definitely wasn’t made for.
It’s kind of just how things worked out for him and Steve, because when their first daughter was born in 2001, Steve’s counseling job was strictly in-office and Eddie was already at home all the time (writing novels or whatever), so it was the natural order of things.
Don’t get him wrong – he loves it, especially when their daughters are a bit older – but his days aren’t necessarily all that productive, so when he’s got deadlines to meet, he has to get a bit creative.
Creative usually means that Steve comes home at 6pm to some kind of questionable bedlam.
His favorite was when Moe was four and Robbie nearly two and he came home to find them running circles around the kitchen island where Eddie sat typing on his computer.
Eddie: I told them to stop when they ran twenty laps.
Steve: *knows that Robbie can’t count yet, and while Moe can, she also tends to jump back to 2 as soon as she hits 11 and ends up in an infinite loop*
Steve: Sweet.
Steve: How long have they been doing this, then?
Eddie: About thirty minutes.
Steve knows that their kids aren’t made of glass. Most of Eddie’s solutions for tiring out their kids don’t bother him too much (other than raising some eyebrows over how the hell he comes up with this shit). Occasionally though, his judgment is even more baffling than usual.
Like, taping cardboard to the stairs to make a slide…fine, sure, whatever.
Taping cardboard to the stairs and sliding down on their mattresses…less fine.
Tying one end of a rope to the swing in their backyard and the other to his ankle so Hazel stays asleep while Eddie gets some writing done…Steve can understand that, given how they’re in a phase where Hazel will only doze off while she’s in that thing.
Hooking up a power drill (granted, it’s on the lowest setting) to the baby rocker so it’ll bounce on its own through naptime…absolutely not.
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lakesbian · 5 months
and now for our Checking In With The Dallon Sisters poasting
Panacea shook her head, “Tattletale found a way around my sister’s invincibility. Glory Girl was bitten pretty badly, which is why I didn’t come sooner. I think it hits you harder, psychologically, when you’re pretty much invincible but you get hurt anyways. But we’re okay now. She’s healed but sulking. I- I’m alright. Bump on my head, but I’m okay.”
victoria is demonstrably having a bad time with the previously noted psychological pain of being forcibly reminded that, no matter how hard she tries, she will never be the spotless, invincible, perfect hero she wants to be. the bug bites suck obviously but the "sulking" After being healed is an indicator of where it really hurt--not just physically.
(amy's power reminds me of. do you guys know that one tumblr post about the concept of exploring the horror potential inherent to D&D-esque fantasy healers? like, the horror inherent to being perfectly, magically healed from horrifying injury a hundred times over, and being expected to just get up and keep fighting afterwards, without any regards to how your mental health is doing. that's exactly how amy's power functions: you're made physically better than ever, and expected to get back up and keep being a hero, but you still have the memory of the pain and the lingering psychological aftereffects. but, like, you're fine now, so you just need to get over it and go back to throwing yourself in the line of fire, okay?)
amy is also right off the bat clearly not doing so hot--she's acting very shy and withdrawn and unsure compared to both of her prior appearances. obviously that is due to the horror of some random villain going "btw, remember that you're ontologically an invader into the family you are trying to belong in!" but i think it's probably compounded by the fact that amy is so used to being treated either 1. like she's intrinsically awful/unwanted or 2. like she's only valuable/desirable as a resource by Everyone But Victoria that walking into a room of heroes w/o victoria by her side is always liable to make her insecure and withdrawn.
oh, and the burnout. obviously the severe fucking burnout.
“No, I hated that he would have a normal life, because I’d given up mine.  I was scared that I might intentionally make a mistake.  That I might let myself fuck up the procedure with this kid.  I could have killed him or ruined his life, but it would have eased the pressure.  Lowered expectations, you know?  Maybe it would have even lowered my own expectations for myself.  I… I was just so tired.  So exhausted.  I actually considered, for the briefest moment, abandoning a child to suffer or die.” “That sounds like more than just exhaustion,” Gallant replied, quietly. “Is this how it starts?  Is this the point I start becoming like my father, whoever he was?”
the "every second i rest, someone dies" conundrum would be nightmarish for her even if she had the healthiest social support net on the planet, but her circumstances make it infinitely worse. she's treated by everyone in her "family" but victoria like an invader, and even victoria has unintentionally stressed the importance of using her healing power in the way that the family wants (i.e. to cover up victoria's police brutality) in order to Be A Good Family Member. amy has internalized that being a good dallon is the same as being a good hero, and failing at being a dallon is the same as being overcome by her ontologically criminal roots. so she works herself to the bone, and when she inevitably starts to falter, she views it as an indicator of something intrinsically wrong with her rather than as a sign that her family + society's expectations for her are harmful and unfair.
and dean's advice for her only reinforces this further:
Gallant let out a slow breath, “I could say no, that you’re never going to be like your father. But I’d be lying. Any of us, all of us, we run the risk of finding our own way down that path. I can see the strain you’re experiencing, the stress. I’ve seen people snap because of less. So yeah. It’s possible.”
he suggests that she try to take a break, but only in the service of "so you can heal more people in the long run." he validates the idea that she could go "down that path," as if becoming a villain--becoming A Bad Person--is a risk all heroes have to fight against on an individual level, as opposed to criminality being a result of circumstance and not even inherently immoral. and of course dean thinks that way--he's a millionaire child soldier, his entire life is predicated on individualist thought with ignorance to the ways in which systematic factors impact people. acknowledging that amy is being horrifically mistreated would mean not only acknowledging the flaws in the PRT system, but acknowledging what might lead people to stray from it, and he simply can't do that. it goes counter to every idea that his life is built on.
he never even tells anyone that amy thought about letting a child die, or if he did, it didn't go anywhere. she was desperate for help all along, increasingly ready to explode, and everyone just ignored it. because as she says:
"My sister’s all I’ve got. The only person with no expectations, who knows me as a person. Carol never really wanted me.  Mark is clinically depressed, so as nice as he is, he’s too focused on himself to really be a dad. My aunt and uncle are sweet, but they’ve got their own problems. So it’s just me and Victoria. Has been almost from the beginning."
this is also where we see another more blatant sign of her crush on victoria--it's very ambiguous as to whether dean is interpreting amy's feelings towards him as meaning "wants to date me" or "jealous of me for dating victoria" but i think it's probably the former because there's no way he would keep his mouth shut if it was the latter, lmao. really what this scene is doing is introducing all of the stressors amy is experiencing that, because they're going unaddressed, because everyone else is refusing to address them and she has internalized that's how it should be, are going to boil over horrifically later on. that burnout and fear of accidentally-on-purpose making a mistake will lead to truly being unable to heal victoria later on. that sense of obligation, that if she can't keep healing she's turning into her father, will contribute to her being unable to just walk away from victoria instead of trying to heal her. her crush on victoria--the ultimate example of how her should-be family has ostracized her--will boil over in the impulsive brain alteration & the sexual nature of the wretch's design.
and all of this would've been avoidable if not for, as mentioned in the prior post abt this interlude, the dallons' and the PRT's enforcement of wallpapering over the kid heroes' pain to Keep Up The Show.
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weirdmarioenemies · 8 months
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Name: Scaredy-Shroom
Debut: Plants vs. Zombies
Here is Scaredy-Shroom! A very humble fellow, who I love very much. Scaredy-Shroom is scared, as you likely know. He is frightened, uncomfortable in the given situation. And as someone easily scared, I can relate to this! Especially when I was younger and even more easily scared! When I first heard about Plants vs. Zombies, I thought "Zombies? I don't want to see that!" and assumed it had to be a Scary Game. And now kids are growing up as Scary Freddy The Scare Bear fans. I would not have done well as an iPad Kid. BUT ANYWAY!
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Scaredy-Shroom may be scared. But he is courageous! Arguably. I don't think he would be fighting zombies if he was not planted by the player. But he's here, and he does a good job, even if he is scared! I am proud of him. He has a low sun cost, respectable damage, and infinite range! He DOES cower under his cap if zombies are too close, but it is a small setback, and you owe it to him to keep him feeling safe, after all he's done for you!
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While he does a good job at night, there is really no point to using Scaredy-Shroom during the day. He'll be asleep, so you'll need to use Coffee Bean to wake him up, and at that point you've spent as much as you would have on a Peashooter! And Peashooter does not cower and stop shooting at any point! I think this is okay, though. Scaredy-Schroom doesn't need to be a miracle worker. He is very stressed and needs his sleep. Look, his cap is even shaped like a pointed sleeping cap, a little! He is so cute.
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Have you heard the news? It's part of why I'm making this post! Scaredy-Shroom was NOT in PvZ2 for a very long time, but just recently, after about 10 years, was added back! At first, I was hesitant about the slight redesign, specifically the cap. This is no longer a pointed hat, but instead has a jagged, seemingly broken bottom! I really do wonder if this was intentional, or a misinterpretation of the original design. Oh well! I have decided I like it, and looking kind of disheveled fits his character! He doesn't have arms to do it with, but it makes me think of him rubbing or picking at his cap when nervous, like I fiddle with my hair. He's just like me!
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So? Was Scaredy-Shroom's big return worth the wait?
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No, it was not! Scaredy-Shroom is, simply, just Not That Good. In the first game's night levels, he is good! He has his use and the game is built around that! But in 2, an unbalanced game with even more difficult zombies, as well as a steady stream of new and extremely powerful plants being added, he just does not have what it takes. They DID give him extra defense when hiding, but it's really not nearly enough. Indeed, Scaredy-Shroom in PvZ2 is not very good.
And I wouldn't have it any other way!
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Like I've been saying, Scaredy-Shroom is, in the first game, useful in some levels, and nearly useless in others. He isn't SUPPOSED to be overpowered, or even strong! If he was, that wouldn't be Scaredy-Shroom! I can understand people being disappointed with his weakness in 2, but as someone who no longer plays it, I'm just happy to see him finally in a game again, and with a neat new design. Ideally, he would have been in the base game with campaign levels designed for his strengths, but it is too late for that.
In a way, it's good that he probably won't get used much. It gives him time to relax. I'll just let Scaredy-Shroom speak for himself here:
"How did I get talked into this? I wish I was at home."
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roseworth · 2 months
hi tumblr user roseworth im desperately trying to figure out how old rose and eddie were by the end of their tenures in tt03 / how long they knew each other and it is... difficult especially because sooo much happened dc-event-wise during tt03. do you have any canon sources or noncanon thoughts on their ages beyond eddie being 17 in part of tt03 and rose being 14(?) when lilli dies ^_^
hiiiiii <3 unfortunately i dont have a great answer for this bc. comic timelines. but ill do my very best
so for rose the only time we get anything about her age in tt03 is in issue #0.5 (when she gets taken by slade) when it says that lili and slade met 18 years ago
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so i assume that makes rose ~17 when she join slade (since lili would've been pregnant for 9 months after this)
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we also get this panel saying that lili died 18 months before rose joins slade, putting her at around 15 or 16 when lili dies. iirc she was 14 when wintergreen sees her for the first time, so we can assume a year went by between wintergreen meeting lili and lili's death (if tt03 is to be believed! but deathstroke 1991 (annual #4) mentions that shes 14 when her mom dies)
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anyways this also means that roy hired her as a live-in nanny when she was 16 years old which is really funny to me. but none of that matters; point is she was 17ish at the start of tt03
this is just my personal headcanon but i assume that the time between titans/yj graduation day -> infinite crisis is around a year, and if rose joins up with slade a little after graduation day then shes with him for just under a year
HOWEVER if we go by what slade says in nightwing #112, rose has only been with him for a few months
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so based on that, rose is 17 (probably closer to 18) when she leaves slade
then infinite crisis happens and we skip to a year later! so shes 18/19 now. we dont get any specifics on her age but just for funsies we can assume that shes at least 18 since shes smoking and cyborg doesnt have a problem with it (he confiscates her alcohol but not her cigarettes), and the tobacco age in california in 2006 was 18
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THEN it gets complicated. i dont have a source for this but i think theres supposed to be a year between oyl -> final crisis, making rose 19/20 by fresh hell (the secret reason she got kicked off the teen titans was because she wasnt a teen #adulthood)
also in fresh hell, she orders alcohol at a bar in canada (in the northwest territories where the drinking age is 19) so theoretically that makes her at least 19. though she never actually gets the drinks because she gets in a fight 2 seconds after this so she doesnt get carded so who knows!
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from there. i dont have much. i assume that a full year doesnt go by from fresh hell to the end of the universe (if anyone knows how long bart & kon were dead for that might change things, but i assume we're not given any exact info on how long it was), so i would put rose at ~20 right before the new 52 happens!!
as for eddie, ill use the same tt03 timeline that i used for rose
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like you mentioned, hes 17 in tt03 #42 (for reference rose is 18/19 at this time)
he didnt join the teen titans that long before this, we see him asking to join in 52 #51, which is like a week or two before tt03 #34 (the first tt issue after oyl) so its safe to assume that eddie is 17 when he joins the team
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anyways after #42, i dont think we get any mention of his age? which is honestly kinda weird since his age is Very Important given that hes selling his soul to neron at 20. we should have an eddie's age tracker at all times
if we assume that hes 17 when he joins the teen titans and oyl -> final crisis is 1 year, then hes right around 18 or 19 when he dies
when he loses his powers then tries to make another contract to get them back in tt03 #68, kid eternity mentions that he'd have "a few years of superheroing," so him being 18 around this time makes sense
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then he dies in #74 </3 no mention of his age anywhere but id say hes right around 18 when he dies
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take all of this with a grain of salt bc a lot of this is just me making up timelines. but i personally think rose is 15 when her mom dies, 17 when slade takes her, 18 when she leaves slade, and 19 as of tt03 #34 (oyl). and eddie is 17 when he joins the team and 18 when he dies!
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science-lings · 1 year
You all know how I like to make botw Link a nerd when it comes to potions and botany but I have now decided that it would also be neat if he was also more interested in mechanics and physics than he seems, like even before the calamity. 
I mean, just imagine, this kid who since the age of four has been naturally great at fighting, the latest in a long line of royal knights, his path only being reinforced when he’s discovered to be the reincarnation of the hero, his duty to the crown being reinforced in his head for years and years, and maybe at first he thinks that he and Zelda would get along due to their similar interests. But she immediately hates him for the sword on his back. 
So every time he escorts her to the royal tech lab, he desperately wants to participate and tinker but he’s just a guard, and all he can do is listen. He loves it when she rambles about what she’s doing and he finds it all fascinating but it’s also been fused to his being that he’s just a soldier meant to gladly die for her and his thoughts don’t really matter. 
Then, when he comes back from the dead, in a room full of mysterious ancient tech, the first thing he’s given is the sheikah slate. And the whole theme of the game is curiosity and discovery and exploration and why should that be limited to just the world? He should be so excited to get the runes and learn how to use them and be baffled by how they defy the laws of physics. He takes pictures and figures out puzzles and has a blast working through problems with the tools he’s given. (also the implied building mechanic in totk... you cannot tell me that he’s not super hyped about making his own car) 
He would think that the champions dlc would be totally worth it when he’s given the master cycle zero, he even gives it the new name of Vah Epona. He powers it with his near infinite supply of apples as if it were a living horse and balances zooming around with teleporting to shrines because that’s just as exciting. 
But in the end he’s still supposed to be the hero, so he can’t stay to talk about tech with Robbie and Purah, he’s happy with waiting for those lectures until Zelda is freed, he has a feeling she’d be interested in it too. 
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goldensunset · 9 months
How does death work in the TWEWY universe, from the perspective of the living?
Thinking logically, I might believe that the Players are merely in a coma, stubbornly refusing to die until they either get erased or win.
But it's also so amusing to have the idea of a Player winning the game and crawling out of their own grave because they were, in fact, Actually Deceased.
REAL this is bonkers to me
•the coma idea is neat but i doubt there’s any doubt in the minds of living people that these guys are dead. we know eri referred to shiki as having died.
•i believe it was established in the reports in the first game that by the composer’s power they are reformed with a new body (iirc). which begs the question of what happens to their old body that’s been buried or cremated or w/e. wouldn’t that be wild if it just remained so when the person died again now they had two bodies in the same grave or w/e lol*
•i think it was implied in neo at some point that once someone comes back to life the living sort of just. forget??? that the person ever died??? which is insane. like their memories of reality are overwritten by the lie that the composer feeds them. only the reborn person knows the truth which. ouch. that has to be a horrible burden to carry. but it makes sense
•but i also think. if i remember correctly shoka has a line (i think she was talking to beat?) that’s like ‘geez how does she even remember you’ when he’s talking about how he’s communicating with rhyme. which. girl what do you MEAN. is she implying that the living forget the dead ever existed at all even if the dead have not been erased yet??? that can’t be right. we know eri remembered shiki. or is it specifically because of the weird thing that happened to the people who got pulled into the game without dying. where like their entire presence online got erased (why exactly did that happen? idk)
•i think they say something about how rhyme and shiki, as former ug residents, can see beat, rindo, fret, and nagi even across ground lines because those guys are not truly dead. ordinary rg residents can’t see them at all and no rg residents can see neku and shoka are truly dead. idk. but still i would like to know what the situation was like for, say, nagi. someone alive in the ug. did the people who knew her temporarily forget her. dude
*another set of questions has been raised. sorry <3
•first question: do all of the recent dead in an area automatically join the game? most are probably erased, and probably immediately. twewy week one has dialogue that implies the size of that week’s game was a mere 12 people. idk what average number of people in a given population die per week in real life so idk what conclusion to draw there. but probably more than 12 in all of shibuya lol.
•anyway, if it’s not everyone, if where do the other dead go??? instant erasure?? i think it might be that as a test to see who’s worthy of rebirth, only certain people even get a ticket into said test. like the reapers use their prejudice to determine if you’re even worth inviting. or if that’s not the case, the people who get in could simply be the people who WANT to live again. a lot of people probably just accept oblivion. the reason we only see plucky young kids (or like. nerds and influencers in neo lol) is because they still had entire lives ahead of them and were not at all prepared for death. so the reapers might’ve just like read their souls and determined their desire. of course we see like the twewy main 5 all being like ahhhh idk if i have anything to come back to am i even worth it… but that���s just them lamenting the state of their lives. that’s not the same as openly welcoming death.
•second question: could you die and play the reaper’s game multiple times? cheating death infinitely because you’re just that good at solving puzzles beating noise? imagine a player on their fifth life and death the reapers are like ‘c’mon man just join us already it’s the only path to angelhood aka the ideal highest state of being. every game is a gamble and you’re only getting older and less capable. don’t you want to chill out and live in peace?’ and the player’s like ‘no shut up i don’t want your crummy job. i still have so many books to read and my cats need me. i’ll see you in like a month when i inevitably fall down the stairs again’
tldr: ‘oh simple ask i’ll respond right away with just a few words and a normal amount of thoughts about the twewyverse’
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kytedevlin · 3 months
The End
Playing with a new graphic. As for my opinion on the series. This is its only logical conclusion in my opinion. This isn't any hate for boruto as I have only seen parts, Though suffice to say it, im uninterested and have no plans on watching it either. To me the show ended after the infinite tsukiyomi, despite all of the growth that our favorite characters go through thats just something to powerful to not succumb to. The type of storyline created afterwards is very pleasing to the fanbase, to pleasing. It is literally everything a happy ending should be, atleast until borutos characters are revealed. But that is just it boruto is strange in that way, its world is oddly familiar yet completely ignorant of the fact that the ninja world is a world stricken with the turmoil from conflicting interests. It is the same world, nothing has changed, everyone is a bit friendlier but they will eventually be put at odds friends or not. As for the actual events of the infinite tsukuyomi, it happened, it cannot be undone, any remaining and logical enemies were already handled, rinnegan captured, byakugan eliminated, they literally ignored the byakugans power the entire series, the only thing stronger than sharingan, then captured the strongest doujutsu of them all. and then spliced the ultimate, pain and blood soaked path of the sharingan, with the deadly, strange, and self sacrificing, disease of a doujutsu. The Byakugan received no growth and all of its strong users killed making it virtually ineffective. Byakugan remains un weaponized throughout the entirety of the war. Despite all the hindered plans, the knowledge gained, and prophecy discovered. They just abandoned it entirely. Now that being said, its not that the characters didn't grow or finally get that reciprocation they needed but it ends once its tsukuyomi is activated, everything else is a delusion within a delusion only getting close enough to the lives they used to live, as they get closer to their bodies death, which my assumption would be by starvation. And possibly even turning them into another form of zetsu at best...or worst? The ninjas could never live in a world without chakra or violence, it is simply to alien. So they are given lives, just close enough, without any of the effects on the actual world to make them feel at ease. Boruto and his life are just the makings of someones fantasy, whose? Hinatas? Sakuras? Who knows. But it can't be someone who knows of Narutos Bloodlines. He is related to everyone down the line, the uzumakis being a precursor to many of the strongest bloodlines and kekkai genkai wielding users. None of his children remotely resemble their ancestors and are almost carbon copy naruto 2 and hinata 2. They completely forgoe all of narutos natural blood rites. And their possibilities. As the rest of the students formed of the relationships are also in some ways a means to an end. While sakura and sasuke end up together sasuke is always away because neither of the two will ever know him that well. Hinata never really did, and sakura also really has no idea who he is. Only Naruto, Orochimaru, juugo, karin, suigetsu, and kabuto know who he is. He has virtually no personality at all going forward. Liking sakura fine, marrying and having a kid with her? The fanbase raped his entire character. The person whose memory is being conceived can only be someone who knows basic information about him and his demeanor. Aside from me getting away from my point and poking holes in boruto, its probably not a bad series. But I also don't believe that naruto had to continue. How the prophecy was told, how it was stretched all the way to the end, how at every juncture it continued unimpeded, how it reached the absolute maxim of its potential. Only to be broken in a few moments? Not even in the same decade, at the minimum. A century in the making and not for a century less is all i can say. Try going to sleep for 2 minutes. Tell me how much time passes afterwards. Anyways thats the block limit. And hopefully i can let my piece rest. Feel free to take yours.
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crowhyun · 1 year
Level Infinity // Chapter 10
Words: 4.0k
Warnings: not much but FEAR MUAHAHAHAHA, there's much build-up, and just a little cliffhanger...
(Also, I have to make sure this is known, but this whole story WILL contain smut in the future, but it is not imperative that you read it! This is just a warning that it will happen, though, so be wary)
You all peaked into the open street drain, water droplets creating echos in the darkness. You gulped, fearful of what could be underneath the streets of level 11.
"Are we sure about this?" Mark asked. "What if there's no way back up? Then what?"
"If that would be the case, I'm sure whatever is down there could lead to another level, and that's what we're looking for, right?" Arin replied, looking at Mark with a smile before she suddenly jumped down the drain, startling everyone.
"Woah-" Mark jumped back, eyes as wide as saucers. He looked up at Beomgyu. "Is she okay?"
Beomgyu just shrugged, not nearly as surprised as everyone else. "Arin! You good down there?" He yelled down the hole.
"Yeah! Just...wet." She replied, and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Come down, guys, the jump isn't that far."
One by one, you all jumped in, Mark being the last one to jump. Upon planting your feet on the floor, there was a small splash of water, making the legs of your pants uncomfortably wet. 
"It's so dark in here..." Beomgyu said. "How will we know where we're going?"
"We've got just the thing." Mark said, fumbling with his bag in the darkness. You were wondering what he meant, but then you were answered with a bright light emitting from the flashlight in his hand. You forgot that you guys had that, only remembering the flashlight being used on level 7. 
Now, you could see the stone walls and dripping water, as well as the long sewage way into even more darkness. 
"You've got to be kidding me..." Yeonjun said, a heavy breath flowing through his nostrils. 
"It's not a surprise, given that it's the usual pattern throughout the levels." You sighed. Long hallways and nearly infinite sized rooms, every corner not looking much different from each other. "I don't doubt that there's something useful down here, though. Let's not get discouraged too early."
"I agree." Mark nodded. "Let's just walk as far as we can, I've worked in the backrooms for long enough to know that there's always something along the way."
"Did you say that you worked in the backrooms?" Arin asked, following Mark as he started to lead the way down the dark passage.
"Yup." Mark said. "I used to work in level 2 for some time. I don't know how long it was that I worked there, but I had to work there so I wouldn't be killed by Jerry."
"Jerry? Like that bird that some people worship?" Beomgyu asked, brow raised. 
"Unfortunately. I wouldn't be surprised if Jerry showed up out of know where. I know he's looking for me..." Mark gulped, then shook his head. "Sorry, guys. It must not be so comforting to hear that we're in even more danger."
"Good thing we don't need comfort." Yeonjun said, looking ahead. You looked at him to see if he said that to be snarky, ready to elbow him in the ribs, but his facial expression was softer than usual. Did he say that to...reassure Mark? Was that just how he communicated? He was an anomaly for sure.
"What's that bird going to do, anyways?" Beomgyu scoffed. "I made it this far without even using my power. I doubt that a weird bird could put me in danger."
"You shouldn't underestimate Jerry." Soobin said. "The bird doesn't even have to do much to hurt you."
"He's right. It's his worshippers that are the most dangerous." Mark said. "You're lucky you haven't come across them."
"Mark?" Arin spoke.
"You're quite cool." She said, making Mark stutter in his words.
"Oh, r-really?" You saw the flashlight shake a bit in his grip, and you tried not to laugh. Arin was right, though. Mark was a natural leader. He was fair, smart, and charismatic, despite not being the strongest or most aggressive. He was valuable to this little team you guys had going on here.
"Hey, Arin, you never called me cool." Beomgyu pouted.
"That's because you're not." She shrugged, serious as ever, and Beomgyu scoffed. You wondered how those two could keep such lighthearted attitudes during these times. Beomgyu has always been playful, but...he kind of changed, but you couldn't really figure out how. You noticed how Taehyun had changed, right away, though. Unlike in the real world, here, Taehyun was colder, quieter, more...distant. But that didn't confuse you in anyway. You didn't doubt that you had changed, either. It was just something about Beomgyu that made you feel uneasy, a feeling that made you uncomfortable. Maybe he really wasn't just fine and dandy under that persona of his. Maybe it was just a mask, and maybe that was the part that made you uncomfortable. Your friend didn't really seem like your friend, anymore.
Amongst your thinking, Yeonjun had noticed your silence, used to you usually putting in your two cents within every conversation.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked, and you looked up at him, wondering if he was talking to you. The question felt more like a command, but you were too lost in your head to really care.
"Nothing important." You said, not wanting to tell him about your worries. You didn't feel like he'd care, anyways. 
"Hm." He simply hummed. Yeah...he wouldn't care.
"What if the next level is going to be a really dangerous one?" You suddenly asked, quiet enough for only Yeonjun to hear. "Do you think we can keep fighting, or...what if we just...die?"
"That's a stupid question." He frowned. "I don't care how dangerous the level is, you or anyone else might die, but I'm not dying until I'm where I need to be."
"So...you don't care if anyone else dies?" You asked him.
"Interpret that how you want." He spoke. "If you don't want to die, then you won't."
"That's not how things work." You humorlessly chuckled.
"Does anything work normally here?" He retorted, and you shut up. Now, Yeonjun had a point, but...not wanting death doesn't make it stop chasing you. At the end of the day, though, he could be right. You'd rather believe that than to believe that you'd never make it out alive.
"Hey...you guys see that?" Mark spoke, holding his flashlight up towards the ceiling. You looked up to see a small sign, dirty and rusted, hanging from the ceiling. It had something written on it, but you couldn't make it out due to the condition of the sign. "What does it say?"
"I can't tell." You said, squinting your eyes.
"The..." Taehyun spoke, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. "It looks like it says, 'The Metro'."
"The Metro?" Soobin questioned.
"That would make sense, right? We're underground, and there might be a metro down here." Beomgyu said.
"Would it work, though?" Soobin asked, interested piqued.
"I don't see why it wouldn't." Arin said. "I guess we'll have to find out. It's just ahead."
You guys had stumbled upon something significant earlier than you expected, but you weren't complaining. Following Arin down the dark passage, she found a rusted metal door, embedded into the stone walls. Right above the door was a clearer sign before, 'The Metro' painted in red. You were a little weary of the door, at first. It could lead to another room, another level, or even certain death. 
You didn't have time to think about it, though, Arin grabbing the door handle with confidence and swinging it open. You wondered how she was so brave, given that it was such a contrast from her rather innocent look. You didn't know her whole story, but you assumed that she's been here for a while...
"It's...a train station." Mark said, eyes blinking in surprise. Looking through the doorway, he was right. It was just simple train station. Mind you, it was empty and dark, but there didn't seem to be any imminent dangers anywhere. Walking through the door, you kept an eye on your hand, watching it to see if you had entered a different level, but nothing changed. Looking back up, you saw that there was no train, and everything was eerily still.
"Is there supposed to be a train?" Soobin asked, frowning.
"How would any of us know that?" Yeonjun replied. 
"Well...there could be a train coming." Beomgyu spoke. "Maybe we just have to wait for it. I'd rather wait for a train than to keep walking, trying to look for something."
"Who knows how long we'd have to wait, though?" Taehyun said. "It doesn't seem like anything will be here anytime s..." Taehyun trailed off at the distant sound of an old-fashioned train. The distinct "choo-choo" sound came closer and closer until a steam locomotive appeared out of the tunnel, screeching to a stop. "...what?"
"See, Hyun! A train!" Beomgyu smiled brightly, pointing to it.
"B-but...that's a steam locomotive. Those aren't the kind of trains that are in subways...isn't that dangerous?" Taehyun questioned.
"Not dangerous enough, apparently." Arin said. "Don't expect things to be normal here, you'll just make your head hurt."
"We should probably board the train-" Mark started but was quickly interrupted by Soobin.
"Board it?" Soobin looked at him with wide eyes. "You can't possibly think that would be safe. Where would it take us, anyways?"
"To another level?" Mark replied. "That's what we want, right?"
"Mark's right, let's board it before it leaves." You said, and Soobin looked at you with pleading eyes. "I'd just rather not stay here, Soobin. And we're not leaving you, either."
"All aboard! Ding, ding, ding!" Beomgyu nearly scared everyone with the volume of his voice, entering the passenger cab of the train, Arin following right behind him. You were about to follow before Soobin tugged on your arm, whipping you back around to look at him.
"(Y/N), I don't think this is the right idea." Soobin said, a worried look on his face. "L-let's convince them to go back to look for another way, o-or to wait for a different train. I don't know why, but...I don't like this train." He got more frantic as everyone else started to board the train after them.
"Look, even if I wanted to convince them otherwise, it's a bit too late, now." You said. "We've come this far, Soobin, I doubt that another dangerous level is going to end us. Besides, this could be the only way out of this level for a long time."
"Come on, Soobin, we shouldn't wait any longer." You grabbed his wrist, and all but dragged him along with you on the train. He had no choice but to follow you, and once he stepped foot on the passenger car, the train went into motion, and you held on to the nearest bar so you wouldn't fall. Looking around to see if everyone was safe, you counted heads, pausing once you were met with one extra. 
There was a man, much older than anyone else here. He was sitting down, looking out of the train window even though there was nothing to see but the stone walls of The Metro. You felt a chill down your spine. There was something about this man that made you feel uneasy.
"Guys..." You whispered once you saw that no one else noticed the man. "Am I the only one seeing him?"
"Seeing who?" Beomgyu said, looking towards where you were looking. "Oh...who is that?"
Everyone else's attention went on this man. The weird thing is, though, the man didn't seem to notice you guys staring at him. Was he even real?
"Hello?" Arin called out to the man, but he didn't answer. He didn't even move. "Weird..."
"I told you guys we shouldn't have gotten on this train, I bet there was another safer way to the next level." Soobin said, brows furrowed in frustration.
"I don't think he's dangerous, he's just sitting there." Arin responded.
"Yeah, well, let's keep our guard up." Mark said. "You don't know what could happen." he gave one last dubious look to the man before looking at Soobin, who was sweating a bunch. "You okay, Soobin?"
"No." He said. "Why would I be? I feel like I'm going to throw up."
Mark sighed; sympathy written all over his face. It wasn't like he could do anything about the situation at hand, but he wished he could. Soobin wasn't made for this, hell, no one in the real world was truly made for this, but Soobin more so. He was going to make sure to keep an eye on him.
"Hey, man?" Beomgyu said, waving his hand in front of the man.
"Beomgyu, stop, he could be dangerous." You said. "Just leave him be."
Beomgyu looked at you then back at the man before shrugging and looking away. "There's got to be a reason why he's just sitting there. I think he's an entity."
"Well, Soobin and I thought Mark was an entity when we first met him." You said. "Things are different from what they seem, sometimes."
"Wait...you guys thought I was an entity?" Mark looked confused, eyebrows furrowed and mouth agape.
"Yeah, you literally worked on level 2." You chuckled, but your laughing abruptly stopped along with the screech of the train wheels. Holding onto the pole tightly, you felt the train stop. The horrid screeching slowly but surely came to a stop, and everyone froze. Were you at your destination? 
You looked out of the window to simply see a dark paved road, streetlights lining the seemingly endless path. But...that was it. There was nothing else.
"What...where are we?" Mark said, looking out of the window. "I haven't heard word of this place before."
"It seems like there's nothing else here but this road." Arin added.
"So, it's either an easy level, or it's a trick." Yeonjun said. "We should get off here. I doubt we have any other choice."
"W-we can't wait until the train pulls off again?" Soobin asked.
"We can never tell when a level is safe or not. It's always best to just take our chances with the first opportunity we get." Taehyun said. "Let's be safe, though."
"Everyone, drink some almond water." Mark said, taking water bottles out of the bags and handing them to everyone. "It's great to take precautions just in case this is one of those levels where it's easy to become insane. If our experiences say anything about that, we wouldn't want to experience it again."
After everyone had drunk a sufficient amount of almond water, you guys started to get mentally ready to go out into this new level.
"Ready?" Mark said, wide eyes looking between the other six. You nodded, confident in your power to get through any level. "Alright, then. Let's go."
One by one, you guys stepped off the train. First was Mark, then Arin, Taehyun, Beomgyu, Yeonjun, Soobin, and lastly you. But, before you completely stepped off of the train, you heard a voice.
"Be still when it's dark." Said the voice, and you snapped your head back to look at the man that didn't speak until now. He slowly turned his head to look at you. "For when the blood red lights appear, they will make their move."
You had no idea what he meant, but chills ran down your spine. Why did he say that, and why did he say it now? Did what he say pertain to the current level you guys were on? Looking at your hand, you saw the numbers 741. It was quite a jump from your past level, which is probably why Mark didn't know much about it.
Whatever that guy meant, though...you felt that it was extremely important.
The second you stepped off of the train, it went back into motion, as if it was waiting for you to get off. Maybe the train was an entity itself. 
Looking at the level that you guys were in, it felt like you had just stepped onto a paved road in the middle of nowhere. Outside of the illuminated areas, it was pitch black, nothing as far as the eye could see. 
"Guys..." You spoke, not too loudly. "The man on the train...he spoke."
"Huh, what? When?" Mark asked, eyes wide.
"Right when I was about to get off." You gulped. "He said..." You gathered your thoughts to remember exactly what he had said. "Be still when it's dark, for when the blood red lights appear, they will make their move."
"What? What the hell does that mean?" Yeonjun asked.
"I'm not sure, but I think it's something we need to remember, just in case." You said.
"Great, the entities are giving out riddles, now." Beomgyu scoffed. "Now it's really feeling like a game..."
"Let's keep moving. Maybe we'd find out what the hell that man is saying." Arin said, starting her way down the road. The rest of you followed suit, not wanting to be split apart in any way. You couldn't help but continuously look around you even though there was nothing to look at. Something about this level was off. It looked so calm and peaceful, but it made you queasy. 
"Soobin?" You asked the man that walked right beside you.
"Do you...do you feel weird about this level?" You asked him, looking up at him with a face of concern.
"I feel weird about every level." He replied. "But I guess the feelings are weirder here. Are you okay?"
"I'm good. Just worried."
"Oh...I understand." He nodded. There was silence between the both of you as you all continued walking. "Uh, Y/N? About what happened on the last level and everything, I'm so-"
Soobin hurriedly grabbed your arm at the sudden flicker of the lights. The once white lights suddenly turned red, and everyone abruptly stopped in their walking. Eyes wide, you looked around, afraid. 
You were suddenly hit with as thought.
...For when the blood red lights appear, they will make their move.
If you had to stay still in the dark, then when the red lights came out, you'd have to...
"Run." You whispered. As if 'they' has heard you, you felt the ground slightly rumble...and then came the sounds of rushed and heavy foot steps, but you saw nothing. With the sudden spike in your heart rate and the alarm going off in your head, you knew you had to move, and you had to move now. "Run!" You screamed.
Without any question, everyone started to run down the road. You figured everyone had remembered what the man said, and that it most certainly pertained to this level. You don't know what you would've done if the man hadn't told you that. 
Soobin was just slightly ahead of you, turning every so often to look behind him.
"Don't look back, don't look back!" You repeated to him, eyes wide as you ran. Your chest started to hurt from the heavy breaths you were taking, but you knew to keep on running. You started to hear distorted voices, and it was like the voices were getting louder and louder. Even though it felt like your legs were about to give up, you knew you couldn't stop. Something was chasing you, something you couldn't see, but only hear.'
Suddenly, Soobin tripped. He felt over forward, and you knew it was unsafe, but you had to stop. 
"Soobin, get up, Soobin!" You yelled at him, pulling on his arm to try and help him up, but it seemed to be no use, because Soobin looked petrified, his eyes fixated on what tripped him. There, on the ground seemed to be an object. 
You squinted your eyes, trying to decipher what it was. It had blood splotches on it, and it was cylindrical in shape. That's when you noticed that it wasn't an object. It was a body part.
Not only was there one body part, but there were dozens, all swept across the road as if hundreds of bodies were just recently mauled. When and how did they suddenly appear? 
"Y/N, Soobin, hurry!" You heard the voice of Mark, who was just ahead. With all of your strength, you pulled Soobin up, and he stumbled a bit before you both started running again. This time, you all had to steer clear of the bloody body parts, even with the fear and disgust settling into your bones. 
Suddenly, as if that wasn't enough, the lights shut off, drowning you all in pitch black darkness.
Be still when it's dark...
"Everyone, stop! Stop!" You yelled. You heard nothing more. Not a footstep, not the distorted voices, nothing. You all had froze. You wanted to catch your breath, you really did, but you didn't dare to make a noise, not even the noise of air coming in and out of your lungs. 
You were afraid. You were deathly afraid. What if...when the lights turned back on, if they ever would, that everyone would be gone? That it would just be you. What if you were gone? How would everyone fare? Taehyun, Mark, Beomgyu...Soobin. 
The lights suddenly turned back on, but instead of the white lights, which you so desperately wanted, they were back to red. That's when you knew you had to move.
Thankfully, Soobin was only a meter or so ahead of you, and everyone else was just a bit further. Pulling yourself out from your frozen spell, you went back to running. It felt that no matter how fast you ran or our far you ran, they were only getting closer and closer. The mauled bodies on the ground served as an example of what you could turn into. 
There had to be a way out, otherwise, you would all be lost to exhaustion. the adrenaline in your bodies could only hold you guys up so much longer.
Getting off of this road had to be the only option.
The lights suddenly cut off once more, and you froze. You were already close to the edge of the road, so, you took it upon yourself to do something. Slowly, but surely, you moved your foot over. Ince by inch, you were getting closer to the edge, and once you felt that your foot was nearly there, you felt around for exactly what was at the perimeter of the road.
There was nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Your foot met with nothing but the edge of the road. So, out in that pitch black area was just a void. There was no way to leave...
And on the lights went. Time to move on.
It felt like you had been running for ages, and your stamina was slowly depleting. As long as everyone was ahead of you, it took at least a little bit of the edge off, even if you didn't notice it.
"Guys!" You heard Arin ahead of you. "Look!" You saw her point towards a direction, and looking ahead, you saw the streetlights veer off to the side, illuminating a building of some sorts. As you ran closer and closer, there was a tall sign, and on that sign was a picture of a clown. It screamed bad news, but you felt that there was no other way to get out of this marathon.
"Hurry! It's just a bit further!" Taehyun yelled, looking back, eyes wide in fear, making sure that everyone was still alive and no hurt by whatever it was that was chasing you. 
Only a bit further. Just a bit.
It felt like there were only seconds before your legs were about to give up, but you stayed strong, pushing your way to the end. 
Once you all approached the building, the lights turned off, but you couldn't give a damn about staying still, as there were only a few feet before you could burst in through the doors. 
But even in that moment, that moment of a few seconds of the broken rule, you felt a sudden rush of impending doom. They were right there.
Right there.
The screams rang directly in your ears, and the pain from every wound, every bruise, raised tenfold. There was a severe pressure in your back as you wings sprouted from their dormancy, making you fall to the ground as the metal feathers scraped against the pavement. 
Although your wings may have made everything a bit harder in this moment, you couldn't let that stop you. The weight of your wings held you down as you continued to run. Approaching the building, you watched as everyone ran into the open doors, as if it was inviting you all in. But there was one thing. You couldn't fit through the doors.
"Y/N!" Soobin yelled for you from inside of the building, and all you could do was look at him with a panicked expression. You couldn't fit through the door. Everyone was in there but you. What would be a blessing has turned into a curse, and the voices only kept getting louder.
"I-I..." You couldn't say anything. Your eyes darted from person to person as if someone could help you, but even with the tight grasp that Soobin had on your arm, you couldn't be helped. What would become of you now?
Taglist: @bluesoobinnie @axolotlboo @xcookiemonsteer @strawbrinkofdeath @jaxavance @y4wnjunz @rosie-is-everywhere @jjunisangel @favoritejake
P.S: It's been a while since I posted a chapter, so please let me know if you'd like to be added on or taken off of the taglist!
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ralexsol · 6 months
Okay, so I just rewatched S1 of Loki. And since the last time I watched, so many opinions of mine have changed. Instead of focusing all on Lokius and their character arcs, I went into this viewing instead looking at Sylvie, completely throwing my initial dislike of her out the window to be unbiased.
And MAN, am I glad I did that. Because I connected to Sylvie on a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL.
In my eyes, I see her as a trans allegory. Lokis are usually genderfluid, right? I mean, that's the impression I get - our main 2012 Loki, who's only difference from the Sacred Timeline was escaping with the Tesseract, is classified as genderfluid. And that makes perfect sense, he's a shapeshifter and all that, yadda yadda stuff that's already been said, love it.
But here's the thing. The thing that made Sylvie a Variant, to our knowledge, was that "she is a woman!" So, let's think about this for a second. She's different because she's STRICTLY a woman. Not genderfluid. She/her in her bio. And it finally clicked for me that she's... trans. Literally trans. AND THATS WHAT GETS HER ARRESTED BY THE TVA! She wasn't the right gender, she dared to do something nobody wanted her to. She was different, unexpected... a Variant. And she had to be annihilated because of that.
I know, I know, I'm just stating what all of us already know, we KNOW thats why she was arrested. But you have to actually think past the annoying "oohhh she's the only girl Loki great original idea Marvel" in order to sympathize with her character, because she is VERY sympathizable.
She's literally just a kid, living as her truest self. She's ripped from her family by essentially the government of the universe. She's taken to a trial that nobody walks away from innocent. But Sylvie is different. Lokis are the definition of chaos, the unexpected, defiance. And she's the most defiant of all, because she defied even the preset she was given as a physical person. Nah, she didn't want to be a man or even nonbinary. She was a woman, and they wouldn't let her be. That wasn't allowed. They would hunt her down just for fucking existing in a way that didn't match up with their perception of Lokis.
Her entire life was fighting against a system that wanted her dead. They would rather have order and their precious little clean, easy system (that in reality is harder to maintain than letting people be free) than to let her just fucking exist as she wanted to.
The resentment grows. Of course you want to take down the entire system. Of course you want to burn it all down. Because not only did the government hunt you down, they had already hunted down an infinite number of people just like you. People who didn't find happiness in what was force-fed to them. People who didn't want to tread down the only path provided.
Isn't that what all of us people in the LGBTQ+ community want? To tear the system to pieces, to start over anew? I mean, that's what I want. Because it's flawed right to the very core - at least, where I'm from (the USA), it is. It was made to keep rich, white cishet men in power. A system built from discrimination and power-hoarding cannot be reformed. And even if you tried, it would take too long. It HAS taken too long, and it's cost countless innocents their lives.
You can't undo all that trauma instantaneously. Of course Sylvie would burn it all down. Of course she would kill He Who Remains. Of course she wouldn't want the TVA to keep existing. Yes, there are people in the TVA now that want to change it for the better. Yes, she needs to open her heart and realize burning it down doesn't fix everything. Because you can't rip everything to shreds and not create something new in its place. Fighting tyranny doesn't just end with kicking the dictator out of power - you have to set fair rules to prevent the same thing or worse happening again.
I understand why she didn't want to come back. She had fulfilled what she thought was her only purpose, and finally settled down into the life she utterly deserves. But her story isn't over yet. She can be at peace with having created a new world in which the tyranny is over. In which everyone makes their own choices. In which she can be a woman and never fear time itself imploding. It's just hard to let go of something you've been holding onto for so long. You've been fighting to keep yourself alive and true, and it's hard to accept when maybe... you are winning.
You are not a Loki because you are Sylvie. You broke your guidelines so deeply that you are your own person. There is nobody like you because deep in your very soul, you are the truest Loki to ever exist. You defy. You survive. You and your glorious purpose, to smile and know you are a woman and nobody can tell you any differently. You are exactly whatever you choose to be.
THATS NOT EVEN ALL OF IT THOUGH. THERE'S MORE. And yes, it's about our main Loki and Sylvie's relationship.
I'll come right out of the gate: I've been a Lokius shipper since literal day 1, and nothing will ever change that. I don't ship Sylki and I never will, end of story. I don't see them as romantic at all. What I DO see, however, is looking yourself in the mirror and feeling love for yourself, having survived everything and still more. Let me explain what I mean.
The whole first season, Loki gets to know Sylvie and more of her backstory. And obviously they have the fun dynamic of being two "Lokis" (I hesitate calling Sylvie a Loki anymore) because they're both insanely arrogant and backstabby, yadda yadda. But Loki becomes fonder of Sylvie. Why?
Because they see this other version of themself that went through something so similar yet so incredibly different than them. They are still genderfluid - and bisexual - and they went through that journey of self discovery. They realized they didn't exactly fit the mold, classic trans story. But the difference is that while their family came to accept that and they got to live their life as themself, they see this distorted mirror of what could've been. They see a life where Odin and Frigga didn't accept them. They see the life they were lucky to escape, a life of hardship and a battle they never had to fight.
Sylvie was so brave. But she's been broken time and time again, and she's lonely, and she's never had anyone to care about her. It's you. She's alone and you've just been told by an old friend that you will be alone until the end of time. That you are unlovable. You are the same. You feel so much empathy and you realize something important.
You're looking at this beautiful person. A person who has endured so much pain, and she is beautiful because she is herself. She fought so hard to exist and she has never had a win and she's never had anyone who ever truly understood her. She is you but not you because she is herself.
It's a similar feeling to looking into a mirror and seeing yourseld as a child. Different but the same. Your lives as a whole are completely different. But you still face the same issues. You look in the mirror and the other you is broken. The other you, just like you, thinks they are unlovable.
But you know what they are going through. And you love them more than anyone ever could. You understand more than anyone ever could.
As someone who is on the aroace spectrum and struggles to parse if I'm feeling romantic or platonic feelings (I won't even get into that), I see the Sylki kiss as a complicated but understandable action. The idea of feeling romantic feelings towards yourself is something unfathomable as nothing really can equate to it in our world. I won't get into the morality of it, because honestly, the answer to that is completely based on subjective opinion, since it's an abstract concept. Anyways, my point.
My POINT is that Loki has a lot of feelings and doesn't really know how to express them. Also, like, I'm pretty sure Sylvie only kissed him because she wanted to trick him into letting his guard down to kick him back to the TVA lollll.
As for the end of S2? Well, after the incredible mind-boggling Ep4, I have no idea what way the plot will turn from here. But as for character arcs, I think Sylvie will come to realize that this new TVA can be a force for good. With a new code for keeping the timeline safe from multiverse jumpers who wish the conquer multiple planes - AHEM Kang or others -, and NO PRUNING INNOCENT TIMELINES, why not keep it around? It's a whole different system at that point. It's no longer forcing people to be exactly as intended. It let's them live out their lives however they want to, safe from existential threats.
Sylvie can sit in the back of her truck looking up at the stars in her McDonald's uniform, breathing in fresh air, and thinking about how good it is to be no longer the only one like her.
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uraharasandals · 1 year
It just dawned on me that Chika Shihouin was most likely a dad, and after wishing that I could be his spouse, I'm now yelling bc he!! Was!! A dad!! And now I'm wondering if settling down w a partner and having kids was what made him soft!!
Oh my god you're probably right!! Then again he could very well be the gay uncle because,,,,his design just screams that but I'm just now picturing him, a ruthless killer™ raising a literal smol human. It'll be a very hilarious experience, I'm sure
Also bestie, that's an absolute mood, I, too, wish I'm married to a man like Shihouin Chika, but alas
Anyways have some headcanons about him being a dad because this blog is now exclusively a Shihouin Chika fanblog, apparently
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(A coloured picture doesn’t really fit the general vibe of my blog but whatever)
If you ask him whether he’d ever thought about settling down and raising a family when he was younger, Chika would’ve probably laughed in your face. Him, as a father? I think the fuck not.
After he help drove the Quincy away, though, Chika started to have a change of heart. We aren’t sure whether he’s the first of the Shihouin Clan or whether he was the Clan head or just a member, so let’s just assume he was part of it but not someone very important. Because he doesn’t have the burden of needing to continue the family line per se, Chika had never given the matter much thought. But now, seeing the newfound peace he contributed to, the man is starting to change his mind.
I don’t think Chika would settle for a prim and meek wife, because that’s just boring and too stereotypical. It’s something the Kuchiki does, but definitely not the Shihouin, and definitely not Chika. No, he prefers someone feisty, someone who can match his fire with their own, and tackles life with the same fervour he himself has. 
Chika has to admit becoming a father was infinitely harder than he would’ve ever thought. Killing people was easy - stabbity stab stab and you’re done. With a child, you have to make sure they survive, and they certainly aren’t making it easy for him as a parent. 
He relies on his partner a lot on child-rearing, and there’ll probably be some heated discussions (read: arguments) when the kid is still small. Chika doesn’t really have a deep understanding of how fragile a child is, exactly, and his partner has to interfere when he play wrestles with his child (not a good idea when you’re a Shihouin).
However, Chika is definitely a fun dad. He plays with his children. A lot. After he gets the memo that children are fragile, he can easily entertain them for hours on end. He might get a little carried away with his teasing, but overall you don’t have to worry about your kid being bored or getting hurt. Chika may be fun and careless at times, but now that he has something precious to protect, he’ll not hesitate to use his powers for that. 
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vinegar-on-main · 7 months
1. Full name, age, gender, height, etc. Just bio info really.
2. What kind of world do they live in?
3. Are they good or evil? Protag? Side character? Villain? Hero?
4. Magic powers of any kind? Skills they have?
5. Favorite fact about them
6. Character arc?
7. Any other info you desperately want to tell someone
Putting this under a cut cause this is Loooooong
Also tagging @meme-boys-blog cause he’s heard me brainrot about her :p
1. Okay so that’s a bit complicated cause she uses three of em, depending on form. If she’s a human person, that’s Kuze, if shes humanoid, that’s Kuma, and if shes Shadow Creature, that’s Kurokami. It’s all the same person, just presenting as different aspects, you know?
Also she frequently uses bynames so watch out :p
Beat answer for age is Yes. She’s older than literally everyone and anything due to being a creature that is made out of the stuff that exists between realities.
Her gender is whatever you want it to be, but she generally prefers she/they. But she can manifest as any gendered human person as Kuze. The only exception is pronouns of it/it’s, mostly because of some Hollow Knight Stuff.
Also!!! Kuze fun facts: there’s some Rules that Kuze has to follow when manifested, it’s not a lot, but it’s just enough to tip off observant persons that they’re not exactly the Most Human. For example: all forms have to follow the basic template of white hair, pale skin, black eyes, black clothes. Of course, the black can be any dark shade of gray, so there’s some variation in the outfits. Eyes do not reflect light, skin doesn’t get cut like flesh and instead cracks like porcelain, bleeds Void, body temp is always room temp, etc.
Here’s a drawing I did of each one, from right to left, it’s Kuze, Kuma, and Kurokami
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2. Yes? Yes. She’s kinda my proxy into fandoms. An op SI oc. But she has her own personality sorta??? It’s A Lot.
3. Lawful neutral. She has her own personal values and sticks to them like glue, but overall she enjoys the concepts of freedom. She has the potential to be the scariest thing ever with eldritch horror shenanigans, or the wine aunt with weird eyes. She tends to make the worst kind of friends (See: Michael Distortion from TMA) because of her loose morals.
She’s not really on the side of destroying worlds, instead going for the cosmic horror angle of “not yet”. And even then, the Void doesn’t really need her direction.
She also travels to diff universes cause she likes the connection, and also she fears becoming a true monster. I mean, wouldn’t everyone?
4. She’s basically the God of Shadow in all its forms, but she doesn’t control it directly. All forms can stop time with ease due to a visit to jojo and stealing DIO’s stand for herself, Names have Power and she can stop it for an infinite duration. Also she can invoke someone’s true name to tell them what to do, this can manifest in different forms, but she tries to make it subtle :p. All forms are also skilled in every instrument type because music is kinda a huge deal for her, and also can create constructs that fall under the same restrictions as Kuze’s form. They can be pretty much anything. But she usually abuses it to make musical instruments on the fly. Almost forgot about the child in the room, during certain plot parts of Transformers Prime season 3, she made a trade with Rafael to repaint Bumblebee in exchange for his knowledge of computers. And given that this kid can hack The Pentagon… yeah.
Kurokami has the power to change her size to be as large as she wants, but the low end is 7 feet, plus horns. Power to dwell/hide in things/peoples shadows, only consequence being that the shadow itself is darker than normal.
ALSO!!! Soul shit, it’s a lot, but it’s a called direct interfacing. She dislikes the process cause it’s Very Invasive (think of it like forcibly issuing commands to someone)
Also also dream shit, she has a major influence over it cause when Radiance died, they left a power vacuum.
Kuze and Kuma have the previously stated abilities, as well as being overall weaker than Kurokami. The time it takes to get from either of these back to Kurokami is quite literally nothing, as the form can either melt or straight up explode, but going from Kurokami to Kuze/Kuma takes longer, even longer if it’s Kuze.
5. When as Kurokami, there’s some Special Voice Quirks!!! She can speak as any person that she has met or knows the Name of, and usually speaks with more than one voice. Her default is usually some kind of femme fatale, but they could also be a confident businesswoman type beat. Also, she speaks in plurals, using we/us/our instead of I/me/my. I just think it’s neat!!!
Also whenever she arrives in a new place that she’s gonna Chill in, she makes a card that automatically charges a random bank account that’s on an internal list. She mostly picks billionaires. She also can eat but she doesn’t need to but food is good.
Coffee addiction. Lots of coffee.
6. Okay so it’s a bit hard to pinpoint her timeline, but I’m gonna try my best.
- In the Before times, before Kurokami was Kurokami, she was something else, think of it like a Guardian Angel on crack and also omni-dimensional.
- She basically was that before she started looking after the cast for Persona 5, 4, and 3 in that order. When she was done with Persona 3’s main plot, something… spoilery happened that made her have an epiphany and was basically the catalyst for her to begin her search
- the search being, of course, to become her own functioning person. She eventually found her way to HK universe post Dream No More, and traveled down to The Abyss to dunk herself in Void.
- the most recent adventures were, in this order:
- TMA, where she made friends with Michael distortion and also became a menace to Elias. She rearranged his books and moved his shit semi-weekly
- Octopath 2, where she had huuuuge beef with the final boss for kinda encroaching on her domain cause she’s petty. Also she asked the gods pretty please for her to say hi to their chosen and give ‘em a boost
- Persona 5 Royal, where she revisited the place and could do what she actually wanted with Joker and Co. also fucked with Kasumi a little because she wanted to know Her Deal early.
- SMT IV, kinda visited it while passing through, but ended up making friends with Hikaru, so there’s that. So now she’s here to play music and kick ass. Also probably provide moral support for Neutral route via fun music times
-Pokemon X/Y: Yeah this was meant as a bit of a one time thing but here we are. She’s here to hang out with Sycamore (who highkey thinks she’s a Zorarark but doesn’t leave her because science!!!! Breakthroughs in Zorarark behavior!!!) and also spend an entire day working on her new holo caster because SOMEBODY decided to listen in on them. Also she’s there for the main events of the plot and I’m trying to justify Sycamore having fully evolved Kanto starters.
-SMT IV: Apocalypse. She’s gonna go hang out with Hikaru and also hang out with a different traumatized kid. But this one has a knife and is a gremlin. Nanashi gives her wicked flashbacks to TMA and ends up alerting Dagda when she tries to figure out the kids deal. Either way, Nanashi has a new stalker and Dagda has a new nuisance.
7. I have some documents saved on my laptop that are literally just Shit I Wrote for discord friends but I can post em here if you want. They’re kinda mismatched and scattered, but they give the sense of “shit happening in the background.”
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dear-alex-chill · 2 years
My favorite situational trope is by far the "Are we ready? We have to be" trope.
A. It is always a tragedy or battle or something heated that pushed them to this moment.
B. You can have platonic moment, romantic moment, community moment, exes forced to work together moment, parent-kid moment, ect. There's infinite possibilities for who is talking and their relationships.
C. It's never "if we aren't/don't" in this trope failure is never an option. There's no dichotomy. It's simply "well we have to be" not "i don't know" or "probably not" or "if not we're screwed". Failure is never acknowledged, which just makes it more powerful.
C1. Failure is not an option is way overpowered. There's so much in that phrase and it is so versatile.
D. This trope can be at ANY part of the story. It can be the opening line, it can be in the rising action or the falling action, it can be your resolution. Hell, it can be the climax. There is so much power held in a situation like this that is can be placed anywhere in a plot and it will work.
F. It's an end of story moment. This sounds like it contradicts the previous point but hear me out. This helps move the plot along. You can't just slip this trope into something. It has magnitude. It is important. Whatever happens after is in response to this quote. Often it is very easy to time skip or introduce another subject after this point because there's nothing to be said after it.
G. Artificial tension is so easy here! Creating tension is a struggle in certain stories and circumstances, but here it's practically a given. Someone is looking up to someone else that happens to be more of a leader. There's a pause. The readers/audience and the characters are waiting for a response. There is so much tension alone, without extra information/exposition.
H. THE RAW EMOTION. Similar to the last point, but more about the person asking the question. They are expressing one of their deepest fears. It's expressed they are uncertain despite the preparation. Yet the other person assures them (in a way). The act of asking someone if, as a group, you are prepared beyond just doubting a plan is so emotionally open. In this trope the plan is already in action, it's not hypothetical anymore. And that's why it is so heavy. The looking back doubt, the hindsight, regret, uncertainty. It's all reflected in that question and it's build up.
I. It's risky but those who take the risk can succeed. Yes, sometimes not everyone can pull of a trope. But there's a certain ratio of risk to reward. And in this case, the risk factor is enough to deter those who can't pull it off, resulting in those who can do it having a much more rewarding story. If a trope doesn't work, you don't keep it. So it really only gets used when it should (even though it works in many forms).
In short, we need this trope more in media. It's too perfect to be ignored in favor of 'enemies to lovers' or 'best friends to never talk now'.
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very-grownup · 8 months
I have once again watched a movie
I went to a movie theatre for the first time since February of 2020 (when a friend and I went to a broadcast of the Met's amazing production of Agrippina with Joyce Di Donato). We went to see Blue Beetle during a Monday matinee in an almost completely empty theatre (there was one man in the very back). It was my first superhero film since the Spiderman with Mysterio unless we're counting the werewolf thing which I know I wrote some words about and it's my first DC film since.
Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker?
Man, Batman Beyond was a good time.
I had a lovely time. I came out of it wondering why comic book fans are so surly and defensive about what critics say about their movies because can you imagine going into a movie made about a thing you already like and it's big and fun and colourful and you get to enjoy an adaptation of a thing you like; that's a treat! Perhaps too many treats have spoiled the Marvel fans. The only time I've gone into a movie adapting something I loved was the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie that came out when I was in university (and maybe Takashi Miike's Ace Attorney movie). This was my first time getting to see one of these superhero movies about a character I knew and liked.
Who was a Blue Beetle movie for? It was for me and the two friends I went to see the movie with; we are the Blue Beetle fans. Lady-type people in their late 30s and early 40s and we all enjoyed ourselves. It was just fun and sweet and if it seemed heavy at times with making sure its themes were driven home, it's a comic book family movie for kids and part of it was drawing strong parallels between violent imperialism/colonialism and soft imperialism/colonialism which as far as themes in a superhero movie go -- good choice.
It was fun. I've always liked Jaime and his sentai-inspired suit translates well to the screen. Xolo Maridueña is great casting. His hair is fluffy. Adriana Barraza as Jaime's Nana is a powerful presence in scenes even during the first act when she's mostly quiet. Damián Alcázar and Elpidia Carrillo as Jaime's parents are warm and frustrating in equal measures. George Lopez s Uncle Rudy is incredibly charming. Bruna Marquezine is Jaime's love interest, Jenny Kord, and the biggest suspension of disbelief the movie asks of us is believing Ted Kord got married and reproduced. She's got good vibes and costuming lets her be taller than Maridueña, pretty much always wearing heels. Belissa Escobedo is Milagro, Jaime's younger sister, who is the perfect trolling, cynical younger sibling just subtly under Jaime's shadow. There is one white person in this movie and it's Susan Sarandon as smilingly kind and evil industrialist Victoria Kord. There's no token good white ally.
Also Sarandon is bringing big Piper Laurie as Catherine Martell energy and we have to appreciate it.
It's an origin story ande a hero's journey story and very standard stuff but it's colourful and the hero's family are involved at every point instead of being background emotional gravitas for his character. Much like Jaime's comic book origins, an under-represented demographic is given a chance in the spotlight and has the added advantage of being created by people who are able to bring their own experiences and a sense of authenticity to what might otherwise be route.
OMAC's there. What a choice.
I don't need dozens of these movies. I don't need every DC hero dug up and given this treatment. But this was fun and an unexpected surprise. A superhero movie can just be a story about a guy and his family dealing with some wild shit.
I hope creators Keith Giffin, John Rogers, and Cully Hamner got some money from it.
Imagine, Infinite Crisis having a positive impact after all these years.
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petrichoraline · 9 months
Heheheh, here i go and I wanna know your
Favorite tropes
Kpop bands
Female characters
Ice cream flavors
Words in your language
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bestie i take days to answer single questions and you've given me 5 😭 okay then, let's get to it!!
a few things i go insane for:
power couple or stick it to the haters
when the characters know each other so well and prove their bond to outsiders. this includes but is not limited to:
"he's a monster!" "no, he isn't." (LBFAD)
"he'd never fall for someone like her" *he's head over heels* (Itazura na Kiss)
"i won't allow it!" *proceeds to give their blessings because they finally see how they're giving their kid what they failed to* (alternatively the couple flips them off and rides off into the sunset) (F4: Thailand iirc)
contract marriage or alternatively fake dating
nothing like faking it into making it 🥰 bonus points if a cocky mean outsider is into one of them and knows that it's a scam so they get a nasty surprise (idek where that is coming from but I've seen smth like that fs)
this trope's sister:
forced proximity combined with enemies to lovers
(one bed™️ can fit into this category)
oh to start on the wrong foot with someone but then be forced to see them in their natural state and appreciate the way they tie their hair before doing the dishes and help out the neighbours bring their groceries upstairs. to lie in bed thinking about how they bought an extra soda can ("it was on sale" ) that is coincidentally the flavour you love but they find gross. this trope is the gift that keeps on giving, you get domesticity, you get gradual mutual understanding, seeing them at their most vulnerable, it's so good. and they're basically prepared for marriage lol
introducing a bunch of diverse characters quickly through narration
i'm a sucker for a good variety of characters having unique to them intros (murder mystery staple) esp when it's like the camera going through an apartment building and you learn what type of person lives on each floor, it's so fun
found family or supportive friend group
again, usually a colourful bunch of characters, this time united by their love for each other. the compassion, the warmth, the shenanigans, it's so good 😭 (thinking of the kitty gang and the uncanny counter squad lol)
Kpop bands💫
for bands it's
1. Day6
2. The Rose
3. N.Flying
and then Xdinary Heroes, Lucy and FT Island sharing a spot ig haha
as for groups..i's insane to even think about it, I just know Seventeen and Day6 are on there, everyone else is depending on criteria lol like whose albums have i listened to the most? Ateez, Monsta X, Got7. who are legends i can't not mention? INFINITE, SHINee, EXO, BTOB etcetc. don't do this to me lmao
Female characters 🪷
I'll just have to go with ladies in bl because otherwise it's impossible
1. Hashimoto Mio (Kieta Hatsukoi)
2. Photjanee (MSP)
3. Yan Li & Wen Qing (to me they're sisters and they're sharing a spot idc) (CQL)
4. Fujisaki Nozomi (Cherry Magic)
5. Miriam (Tonhon Chonlatee)
shoutout to my love Jingjai from Home School 💓
Ice cream flavours🍦
in no particular order:
1. chocolate
2. yogurt
3. pistachio
4. raspberry sorbet
5. caramel
Words in your language 🔤
as I refuse to flat out state where I'm from you're getting descriptions of words lmao
the word for love with the connotation of it not being romantic (but could also be used for romantic love)
the word we use as a replacement for any place, action, quality, as a verb, adjective, noun or adverb when the proper word doesn't come to mind (works best if the other person has context, otherwise they're just listing out things you could mean and you get gradually more frustrated that they don't get it)
a made up word combining a word for idiot and the name for a french bulldog (I will not be explaining but it's hilarious)
an adjective from the word for moon that describes moony things like light, stone, cycle
and not one of my faves but a fave to use with kids - an endearing nickname from the word for sun
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