#they have bags inside of their shell that holds useful items such as pearls and rocks and extra spears
catabibaz0n · 1 year
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A small, gray box wrapped in a purple bow sits atop the doorstep. Inside are a few small items — some polish for a gunblade? A set of bottles to hold various cosmetic goods within, some shiny polished shells, and various assorted decorated cookies. Happy Starlight!
"What's all this?" Siberite asks looking the box over and a small shake, "Starlight gift? But why is it so late?"
"You realize a lot of places in Eorzea close for a few days during Starlight, right," Thancred says with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around her to rest his chin on her head.
"Well its not like there was ever much time to stop and celebrate," she grumbles before waving away the notion, "I also cannot be expected to know all cultural details of Eorzea seeing as I didn't grow up there." He gives a playful roll of his eyes as she turns the slip of paper attached to the bow over, "From Saint Nymeia. I don't recognize the handwriting though."
"So it must be from the Saint themself."
She shakes her head pulling the bow free, eyes widening at the contents inside. "Cookies! And decorated so well," she holds up a white snowflake that sparkles from its pearl dusted sugar, "Well we have to find a place to hide these lest my parents claim them, for it is 'unhealthy' for a Lady like myself to have." She hands the plate to Thancred, who takes it and sits on her bed sorting them between the two, "Let's see, oh there's something here for you! At least I'm fairly certain it is." She holds the bottle up watching the viscous liquid move down the bottle, "I think it must be handmade due to its lack of a label."
With a cookie stuffed in his mouth does he take it, popping the cork free to sniff its contents, "Oh this is some genuine polish. Comes from Bozja or at least the method does."
"And that's where the gunblade technique began, if I remember correctly." Thancred nods, searching for his bag, "Perfect timing seeing as you just ran out the other day. Let's see what else-. Oh! How perfect!" Siberite smiles holding up a small pack of bottles, "I have been needing something smaller to keep my make up in. Make everyone else stop complaining about how much space my current ones take up."
"I never complained."
"Not only that it would be much easier for the shops we visit to fill these than the other ones."
"Wouldn't their smaller size mean that we'd have to stop more often?"
"And?" He raises a brow, "Oh how tragic we get to see more market places that I would have wanted to visit anyway. You know there's a lot you can learn about a culture from their beauty routines."
"Twelve help us when you have to convince Estinien of such things." He glances down into the box at the last gift of polished shells, "Oh those are pretty."
She picks up a pink one turning it over in her hand, "They are! A little impractical as they are, but I saw a stand that had jewelry made of shells, maybe they can help in making them into some necklaces and charms." She lays them out on the bed, "They match up nicely with one another and there are enough that I think maybe we could make three matching ones."
"Mhm. One for you, me, and then take one to Ryne....after I see if they're from anywhere more specific." She smiles up at Thancred, "What do you think?"
He returns the smile with a soft one of his own, kissing her cheek, "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea."
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qwenck · 2 years
tag game - tagged by @eeveearoace
favorite time of year: there’s a week between fall and winter and another week between winter and spring where the temperature isn’t too warm but isn’t freezing cold either
comfort food: one specific brand of ready-made samosas.
do you collect stuff?: yes. i’ve got a bunch of stuff just piling up on my dresser, including:
medium sized safety pins
a piece of chalk i found next to the track one day and kept
1/4 of a ruler
one small yellow paperclip
two small ketchup packets (probably expired by now)
one small ranch packet (also probably expired)
two weird metal things i found on the road some time ago. i dunno how to describe them. you can pm me if you want pics later (for some unknown reason?) but i’m too lazy to take pictures now
an old wiry headband. it’s uncomfortable to wear.
two old, unusable cameras. one of them uses film but the film inside of it is ruined so :/
the other one is digital but i don’t know where to get the batteries for it. it did come in handy once when i had to draw a camera and google images just wasn’t cutting it (it kept cutting out where all the buttons were, even when i added “references for artists” onto the search. rude.)
did i say i had one paperclip. well i was wrong. i have three paperclips, including the first yellow one. the other two are uncolored but very shiny. one of them is charred at the end, because it was used to hold up several cheetos and knockoff oreos during a chemistry experiment where we burned snacks to see how many calories they contained. I think we were supposed to throw the paperclip out but i snuck it out of class in my hoodie pocket because,,,, shiny,,,,, i fucking love chemistry class. the other paperclip i think i stole it off a desk or something, because, again, shiny
i’ve also got this green balloon (uninflated). I don’t remember where I got it from. Maybe a goody bag or something?
the SHELLS i forgot the shells. my sister was spending time with her friends at the beach and i was just also there so me and one of the friends’ sisters went looking for shells to pass the time. one of the shells i got was one of the cool spiral ones! there was sand in my room for weeks afterward though
i do have this giftbag-looking bag there from the eye doctor that used to contain a bunch of contacts. now it contains 1) a bunch of ads for crystalize or whatever it’s called 2) yarn 3) three-ish expo markers 4) broken machanical pencils 5) a repair kit for a drone that i never fully got the hang of piloting, mainly kept because it has a screwdriver
you may be thinking “but doesn’t a collection have to have a common thread between all of them” and you may or may not be right, i don’t know. but i will answer the question anyways. the common thread is that most of these items are useless to me and i should really put them away but hoarder brain says “you will need these later” and i can’t argue with that. heck, it’s already come true for a couple of them!
favorite drink: apple juice, probably? or mango lassi
favorite song: it changes over time but recently i’ve been listening to this mashup and hell's coming with me by poor man's poison (dl pearl anyone?)
favorite fic: oh this one is hard. tie between flee your ghosts (burn your house down) and There May Be Some Collateral Damage by @/metisket.
tagging: @titsmasher69 @zzrkpfor /nf
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Spring Showers & Autumn Breezes
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Pairing - Felix x Noona Reader (By a year)
Genre - Fluff, Smut, Friends to lovers.
Warnings - Suggestive Dialogue, Virgin reader, Slight spit kink, Mostly vanilla, Female receiving oral, Soft Dom Lix, I got hella carried away.
6 months ago
You were always a perfect student who never had time to focus on making friends or hanging out with people after school. You always had your nose in a book thanks to the constant orders to only focus on studying by your parents.
You graduated early and inherited your father's business, becoming one of the youngest business owners in Korea. This intimidated many people, some of your customers and employers not even being able to look you in the eyes.
But one day when you took over as cash due to an emergency a pregnant employee had. The song God's menu played across the speakers in your store, you enjoyed Stray Kids' music it made you feel free and not have to build up any walls.
You were bouncing along to the Chorus in your 6 inch heels, restocking the bottles of perfume behind the counter.
"Excuse me?" A familiar deep voice called, the freckled idol smiled at you once you turned around.
It was Lee Felix from Stray Kids, holding two of your personal favorite colognes in his hands. They were your favorite ever since your father first let you sample them when you were thirteen. They weren't strong and one smelled like a cool autumn breeze while the other smelled like spring showers.
"Just the two?" You asked, bagging them gently in a paper bag.
You hoped that the idol didn't notice your awkward and stiff dancing as you stocked the shelf behind you. But the soft smile that stayed on his lips said otherwise.
"Aren't you the owner of this business?" He asked, looking at your name tag which was the only one with a last name...the same last name that matched the businesses.
"Yeah, I inherited it from my father. I'm covering for a cashier at the moment. But I don't mind, it's rarely ever busy in here." You answered, adjusting the already tight ponytail you've kept up for the whole day.
"This store is actually one of my favorites. I love the plushie selection here, they are all relatively cheap." Felix
You softly chuckled at his love for the child like items, secretly knowing that he had a love for plushies. Felix was your bias, his sunshine like and free spirit personality always caught your attention. You knew it was due to the fact that you were the complete opposite of him.
"My personal favorite is the No Face plush we have on the top shelf." You reveal, catching his bright gaze.
He shyly grinned at your gaze, almost as if he was waiting for you to finally open up a bit and relax. Felix has visited the store many times, only seeing you come out of your office once or twice... And each time you had a cold expression and had this unapproachable wall built around you.
"Would you like your receipt with it?" You asked, slowly beginning to crawl back into your shell.
"No, but I would like to see you more often." Felix murmured, sliding you a piece of paper with his number scribbled on with a pink pen.
Before you could even reply, the bright younger idol already had a foot out of the door. You had just gotten your biases number... What the hell were you going to do or say if you even called or texted him.
Two months ago
"Lee Felix, is that my coat?" You question, a serious gaze in your eyes as you crossed your arms.
"I'm sorry Noona... It's just so comfy." He whines, tucking his cold hands into the pockets of your VERY expensive coat.
Ever since Felix has been beginning to visit you, he always seems to either steal your clothes or your snacks. You weren't too fond of his new habits and wanted your clothes returned since you barely had any left in your closet.
"Okay okay okay... You can have the coat but you must return my Hello Kitty hoodie tomorrow." You demanded, ruffling his chocolate brown locks.
He rested his head on your lap as you sat down next to him, his arms latched around your waist as he snuggled in closer. You weren't used to affection at all, the closest thing you got to it throughout your life was a pat on the back and a high five.
"You're such a pain sometimes." You sigh, cautiously raking through his hair which caused him to smile.
"Two things, you wouldn't invite me over if I was such a pain. And how am I a pain if I just cuddle you the whole time and chat." He countered, a sly glimmer brushing over his tapioca pearl eyes.
"You steal my stuff all the time." You explain, pointing at your coat which he was currently wrapped in.
"I don't steal everything."
"Name five things."
"Fine, your cat."
"You have joked about stealing him."
"Your food."
"You do all the time Lix."
"....... Oh! I've got one! Ha!"
"Fine, tell me then... I'm sure you're wrong."
"Your sex toys."
You gasped out loud, slapping his arms countless times as he laughed by how red your face turned. He never told you knowing you'd get embarrassed, but he found your bucket of toys last time he visited when he was searching for your extra fluffy blanket to take a cat nap in.
"How many did you see?" You asked, your tone much softer and bordering on shy sounding.
"Enough to know that you're a sub who has a lot of kinks." He teased, winking playfully as he was adoring you bashful state.
Felix found himself admiring your bashful state a bit too much, almost finding it cute by how blushy you were from the topic. He felt an urge to kiss your flaming cheeks, but held back not knowing if you'd take his feelings too well.
"I'll let you keep the Hello Kitty sweater if you never mention my sex toys again." You reason, slightly taken aback when you realize how long he's been staring at you.
Felix nodded, feeling slightly bad for making you so shy. But he made up for his teasing with a soft yet tight hug, still smelling of the cologne he bought when you first met. This time it was just the autumn breeze, which brought you a wave of comfort you weren't used to and never felt before.
1 week ago
You've found yourself admiring everything Felix did, to the way he pouted playfully when you rejected a hug or to the way his tone changed when you were feeling down. Everything about this man made your heart go into a frenzy, and you had no idea anyone was capable of doing this.
You've grown attached to Felix and feel lonely when he isn't with you, you've even considered asking him to move in with you.
"Hello? Earth to y/n." Felix commented, breaking you out of your lovesick gaze.
"Sorry, I'm just really tired from work." You half ways lied, truthfully tired but secretly just admiring the natural beauty of your close friend.
He smiled softly, brushing away some of the loose strands of hair that covered your face. His hands were always so warm and gentle, acting as if your were made of glass that could shatter at any moment. Any time he touched you it either warmed your heart or created a small pool in your panties.
"Why don't I tuck you into bed, and we can watch something till you fall asleep." Felix reassured, a hushed voice but the deepness still present during certain words.
You were in an oversized shirt with small lacy panties, Felix admired your beauty but didn't see it as sexual tension or sexual period. He just found you gorgeous no matter what you did or what you wore. And has even felt sexual tension with you more than once, but that was a different time and place than it was at the moment.
You didn't need to watch anything to fall asleep with Felix wrapped behind you. His voice alone was enough for you to completely destress and feel the hard work you've been doing finally catch up to you.
You were passed out asleep so you didn't notice Felix placing fluttering kisses all over your cheeks before he fell asleep wrapped around you. His head completely nuzzle into the crook of your neck, every hot breath he let out fanned onto your skin.
You woke up the next morning cold, not realizing you were missing a warm presence you never knew was even there. The moment you opened your eyes you were met with a warm dish of pancakes and a small note
'I had to leave for work but I didn't have the heart to wake you up. Enjoy the food - Felix.'
You giggled into the pillow next to you, fully aware that you were head over heels for the younger Aussie. You never thought you'd be attracted to someone younger until you met him, but you didn't mind since it was only by a year. You smushed your blushing face into his pillow, taking in the scent of the spring breeze cologne.
It was hot outside, so much so that you thought you were going to melt into the couch. You didn't think Felix would be home until tomorrow when it was supposed to be cooler outside, so you stayed in your underwear and bra while sitting in front of the fan. Your hair and body were soaked from the cold shower you just took, and you knew if he walked in it would look rather... Sensual.
"Y/n, I know I'm home early but I brought cak-" Felix exclaimed, stopping mid sentence once he saw you and nearly dropped the cake.
You would've covered yourself with a blanket if it weren't for the fact that all of them were in a basket in your room since it was so warm out. You weren't in any lingerie or anything fancy, just a pink bra and cute heart panties. Which somehow made it worse for Felix.
"Why do you always do this?" Felix sighed rushing to the kitchen to place the cake in the fridge.
You were confused as to what you did, knowing you rarely ever show skin on purpose unless it comes to a situation like this where you would pass out from the heat if you wore something too thick. So you followed Felix to the kitchen, not really caring that you still had bare minimum on.
"What do I do?" You ask, your tone was serious but on the inside you were worried you annoyed the man you secretly adored.
"You tease me." He retorted, still confusing you since you again... Never purposely do.
"What do yo-"
"Y/n, you're in your underwear with wet hair and still slightly wet skin while sitting on the couch squirming in front of the fan. And yesterday you bent over me so your chest was literally in my face when you were reaching for a book you wanted to read. I like you a lot... And it takes every ounce of sanity in me to not take you right then and there. And when you cuddle into me during movie nights, or call me Lixie, or laugh at the lamest joke that no else is laughing at, or the way you scrunch your nose when you are annoyed... It makes me want to call you mine and I just want to kiss every inch of you and dose you in love. And it's hard when I truly don't know if you feel the same. "
"Lix I-"
"And you are so damn hard to read, one day you're all over me and the next you barely even give me a glance. And plus you probably don't want to date someone who's younger than you, your friends have even told me that and listed the men you have been with... Which have all been older than you. "
"But it's hard to stay silent and act like I don't see you as a goddess who I want to be with and be called her boyfriend. Especially when you always wear strawberry chapstick and apply it to your already soft lips. And when you let out a sigh and completely let go whenever I hug you. Or how you can never sleep without holding onto something so you've gotten used to holding me, Instead of your stuffed No Face plushie that I bought you the day after I first met you.
"Goddammit I love you, I love you so much and if I'm being honest I don't know if I can keep pretending like I'm alright just being you're friend or-"
Before he passes out from ranting so much you shut him up in a very satisfying way. You kissed the lips you've been craving for the past six months, and they felt better meshing with yours than you ever imagined. His hands were shaking for all of the built up emotions he just let out seconds ago, but you didn't stop kissing him until he got to calm down and realize you loved him too.
"Lixie, I love you too. And I would love to be your girlfriend." You murmured in a hushed tone, only inches away from his face as you both were still holding onto each other.
His eyes flickered down to your lips, a small playful glint sparkling in them when they reconnected once more. But a new wave a confidence was in this kiss, he cornered you against the counter as he began to nibble on your lip.
You've been with many guys before, but none of them have ever seen you naked or had sex with you. The farthest you have gone with someone was with your ex boyfriend Jaebum, who was your first makeout session and taught you how to use your tongue like a professional porn star.
Felix began leaving open mouthed kisses along your jaw line and neck, only stopping to suck and bite on sensitive spots of your flesh. Painting purple and red marks along your neck and collarbone. Just as his lips were diving into the valley of your breasts, he stopped himself and looked up at you.
"Are you okay with this. Because we can stop at anytime." He reassured, brushing away the wet pieces of hair that stuck to your face.
Everything felt fast and many people would think it was too soon, but you felt so comfortable with Felix and have had feelings for him since you first met. So it felt right, and your heart didn't feel any bit of anxiety when it came to letting Felix take you.
"I'm alright with it, but can we go to the bedroom?" You teased, not wanting your first time to be a serious fifty shades esc time.
He beamed you a kind smiles, lacing his hands with yours as he guided you to your bedroom. Which was lightly messy but still comfortable and tidy enough to not be considered gross. Felix detached from your grip to shut the dark curtains and close the door behind you.
"B-before we continue... Can I tell you something if you promise not to tease me?" You ask, a bit ashamed that your a virgin even though it wasn't uncommon for someone your age who is still considered quite young.
Felix nodded gently, his hands stroking up and down your arms as he waited for you to confess what you were hesitant on telling him.
"I'm a virgin... I haven't even been eaten out before." You sigh, not looking up at his eyes even though he didn't find it lame in the slightest.
"Don't be ashamed of it y/n, it just means I'll have to make it more special." He whispered, his lips pressing soft fluttering kisses to your cheeks as his hands roamed your back.
With that knowledge in mind, Felix rushed to the bathroom to steal the candles and rose petals you always store for your saturday bubble bath routine. He lit two on each bedside table and sprinkled a few rose petals across the bed and pillows.
Felix took your hand as he sat on the edge of the bed, guiding you onto his lap as he grinned at your softly. His tongue peeked out of his lips to wet them, before he pressed them against your once more. This time it still had the same confidence but it was much softer and slower. As if he wanted to take his time with you and make it memorable.
You bit his bottom lips lightly testing the waters to see if you were allowed permission, he groaned as your hips grinded against his growing erection. You didn't even realize what you were doing to him until he pushed your core closer to his clothed cock. The bulge in his jeans grinding against your clothed clit deliciously.
Your tongues were clashing in each other's mouth messily, you would suck on his tongue briefly as his licked striped on the roof of your mouth. You were whispering in the kiss, beginning to rut against him to enhance the euphoric feeling that made your clit begin to throb.
"Do want to feel something even better sweetheart?" He teased, bucking his hips into yours making you fall into him.
Felix flipped you over, stripping away his shirt and jeans. You've never seen him shirtless before, and truly was a heavenly sight with his gorgeous slim yet very toned body and matched with strong dancer thighs. Before he could ask for permission, you sat up slightly, unbuckling your bra and throwing it onto the floor. You both went in for a feverish kiss, both of you groaning and whimpering as you rutted against each other like bitches in heat.
He began to kiss down your neck, reaching the valley of your breasts until his lips hovered over your right nipple. He spit a small drop of saliva onto the erupt bud, before he engulfed it with his lips. Swirling it in circles it his tongue before letting go of it completely with a small pop.
You could feel the wetness in your core begin stain your panties. You moaned airily, running your fingers through his hair as he payed the same attention to your left nipple. He softly grazed his teeth across the very tip of the erect bud only to chuckle softly as let out a desperate moan that went straight to his throbbing bulge.
Felix began kissing his way down your tummy, sometimes switching between giving small kitty licks as he reached closer to where you needed him most. His fingers hooked under the fabric of your panties, pulling them down your legs until you were completely nude in front of him.
Your heart pounded in your chest as the realization that you were about to be eaten out hammered itself in your brain. So many worries slipped into your brain, did you shave enough? What if you smelled? What if you tasted bad? But all of it left when hit tongue first flicked against your clit. All you could see was stars as he sent you into euphoria.
You've never felt such pleasure before, it was almost intimidating by how good it felt. You were on the brink of screaming when he began to sickle on your clit and dark his tongue harsher into it. Small shrieks left your mouth as he lapped your pussy, switching his attention between your leaking hole and throbbing clit. When you were beginning to murmur how close you were, he decided to take the next step and stiff your hole with his fingers. He let them scissor you so that you would eventually get used to the stretch, he sucked on your clit harsher to try and distract you from the stretch of his two fingers.
You got use to his fingers and your loud shrieks of pleasure returned as they began to slowly dark in and out of your leaking hole. The sinful noises of slurping and squelching only making you come closer and closer to your orgasm.
"I-I'm cumm-" You couldn't even finish your seltence before he drove his fingers in and out of you sending you into an intense haze of pure pleasure.
Your legs shook as you came down from your high, Felix pulling you closer to his body as he calmed you down from your first actual orgasm.
"Do you want to stop here?" Felix whispered, stroking his fingers through your hair completely ready to ignore his needs and take care of you.
You shook your head softly, knowing you could take at least one more orgasm before calling the quits. Plus you truly wanted to see the man you've fallen in love with naked, but you would be very bashful if you admitted to it.
"I want to go the full way." You whispered, playing with his boxers causing him to moan rather loudly. Surprising both of you when it it happened.
This just proved how hard he truly was and how thoughtful and gentle he was with you, completely subsiding his own aching needs just to make sure you were okay and got what you wanted.
You pushed him to the bed, smirking confidently as you shimmed his boxers out from under him and threw them to god knows where in the room. Felix was about to protest on you riding him, wanting to take control and make sure your needs are met. But it was too late, since you were already sinking onto him.
The stretch was bearable, it was definitely a feeling that took time to get used to. So you sat there on his lap completely filled to the brim with his dick, Felix sat up wrapping his arms around you and letting you you slump into his body. After a couple of minutes he began to guide you up and down his length slowly.
The pain was beginning to mix with pleasure, before the pleasure completely took over. You began bouncing up and down his shaft with a faster pace, Felix now beginning to fall into your body as the pleasure was catching up to him.
You were so tight and so warm, it was nearly impossible to keep his composure when you felt so good. You were both holding onto each other as you both chased your highs, your hips experimenting by grinding down fully till you were full and swirling them around softly.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he mumbled absolute nonsense. His hand went back to your overstimulated clit, drawing rough circles, making you scream in pleasure as tears brimmed your eyes. Your clenching became tighter and more frequent, you increased the pace until you had to stop from the intense pleasure you were feeling. The the tight clench around him made his chase his high only seconds after.
Felix pulled out before spaying white ribbons onto your thighs. Both of you shaking and sticking together from the sweat you have both created due to the body heat.
Felix laid you back down onto the bed, grabbing a tissue from your nightstand as he ruffled rose petals out of his hair and swiping some off of his shoulder. He softly wiped his mess off of your thighs, and took a different tissue to wipe the rest of the remaining cum that was pooled in your core. He rubbed your legs reassuringly when you twitched at the sudden constant, too stimulated and finding it a bit much.
"Are you tired?" Felix asked, noticing the way you cuddled into your pillow.
You nodded without saying a word, but yet still smiling like an idiot. The thoughts of finally losing your virginity, and losing it to a complete angel of a man who you've been doting on for months. It was all so exciting and you couldn't stop the smile on your face even if it began to hurt your cheeks a tiny bit.
He pulled on a fresh pair of boxers before pulling you up to lift his shirt onto you, his lips leaving a small kiss to the tip of your nose by how cute you looked in his clothes. He cuddled behind you, rubbing shaped onto your tummy as he pressed kisses to your neck, jaw, and cheeks. All of the energy that was drained from you along with the calming presence of your new boyfriend made you fall asleep in an instant.
Felix looked at you one last time before he fell asleep, smiling to himself knowing that you were so special and were going to be the one for him.
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flamingsemi · 4 years
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Declassified Island Survival Guide From a Seasoned AC Veteran
A friend of mine recently bought ACNH and was very confused as this was her first foray into AC, so I made this info dump guide. I thought somebody else in the world might be able to benefit from it as well. Hope you enjoy! Happy Animal Crossing-ing!
Daily Tasks:
Talk to your islanders. talking to them, completing favors, and giving them gifts will increase your friendship level. Don’t forget to check up on villagers that are inside their houses! They might be crafting a DIY and they will give you the recipe if you talk to them!
Shopping. Everyday the items in the shops will change, this include the items on the nook store, accessible through the Nook Kiosk in town hall/the tent in the plaza
Log on to the Nook Kiosk every day for free nook miles!!!
Walk your beaches. You’ll find shells, and a message in a bottle with a DIY will spawn every day.
Watering flowers. Watering your flowers will lead to hybrids growing. this is how you get colors of flowers such as purple and orange, etc. If it rains, you don’t have to water the flowers, but if you do, then you have a higher chance of hybrids growing.
Money Rock. Every day there will be a money rock. hit it with your ax or shovel (I use the shovel) for cash. Don’t forget to dig a barricade behind yourself to keep you from sliding so you can get all 8 hits in. 
Money tree. Every day there will be a glowing fissure on the ground. Dig it up and you’ll find bells. HOWEVER DO NOT FILL THE HOLE. Instead, bury bells there. This will result in a nursery money tree growing. Trees take 4 days to grow. IMPORTANT AND I DIDN’T KNOW THIS AT FIRST money trees will only grow money once, so after you’ve collected the bells, it’s just a regular tree. I personally have four money trees with one being used and then replaced every day for an endless loop. However many bells you bury is how much money will grow X3, however keep in mind that sometimes it will only grow bags of 10,000 bells, despite planting more than that. To be safe, never go above 50,000 bells, as the likelihood of not getting back what you buried seems to increase after that, but do whatever you’re comfortable with. 
Fossils. Everyday you will see star-shaped markings on the ground throughout your island. Those markings indicate that a fossil is buried in that spot. Dig it up! Then, (once he is unlocked on your island which shouldn’t be too far off) take your fossils to Blathers at the museum to get them assessed. He will tell you what the fossil is. From there they can be donated to the museum if it doesn’t have that fossil yet, or if you already have it you can place it on your island or you can sell it. ALWAYS GET YOUR FOSSILS ASSESSED BEFORE SELLING THEM. An unidentified fossil is only worth a few hundred bells, where an identified fossil is worth a varying couple thousand depending on what it is. There will be 4, sometimes 5, fossils to find on your island everyday.
Catch bugs and fish! bugs and fish spawn throughout your island everyday all day. Different bugs and fish have different conditions for spawning. Some spawn all day in any weather, some only can appear at night, others only during the day. Certain fish only are catchable in the rain. Also most bugs and fish are seasonal, with new bugs and fish being able to be caught every month. Donate your fish and bugs to Blathers to fill up your museum, and sell the rest! It’s one of the main ways to make money. 
Dive for scallops! Go swimming and dive for sea critters. If you catch a scallop and you have space in you pockets, Pascal the otter will spawn and ask you for it. In return he will give you either a pearl or a special DIY recipe. He will spawn once a day. Also the critters you catch can be donated to the museum and also sold.
Not daily tasks:
* Potential weekly visitors include Leif, Kicks, Sahara, Flick, C.J., Gulliver, Gulllivar, Label, and Redd. Characters that can be found on the Plaza are Leif, Kicks, and Label. Leif is a sloth who will sell you plants, Kicks is a skunk who will sell you bags and shoes, and Label is a hedgehog who will ask you for fashion help. Characters that can be found wandering around your island are Sahara, Flick, and C.J. Sahara is a camel who will sell floorings, wallpapers, and rugs, Flick is a chameleon who you can sell bugs to, and C.J. is a beaver you can sell fish to. Both Flick and C.J. will buy their respective creatures for a higher price than the Nooklings will so it may be a good idea to save your bugs and fish for when they visit to make bank XD. Another character that you will initially find wandering around your island is Redd. Redd is fox who you will unlock later after you have donated enough stuff to your museum. Once you have, you will see him wandering around your island. Talk to him, and then the next day his boat will appear at your secret beach which is the tiny stretch of beach off by itself. Redd will sell you art work which can be donated to your museum. BE CAREFUL Redd will sell fake artwork!!! You can only donate real artwork, so choose wisely, as one player can only purchase one piece of art per Redd visit. Other players can purchase one piece of art from him too though. Gulliver and Gullivar are seagulls you will find washed up on your beach. Talk to them or hit them with a net until they wake up (just keep at it!) Talk to them and they will explain what you need to do for them. If you complete the task, you can expect a letter and a gift from them in the mail the following day. You will get one of these visiting characters everyday save for when K.K. Slider is in town. They are random, but characters that did not make an appearance one week are more likely to show up the next.
if you’re early enough in the game that the clothing store is still a visiting event, One day you’ll walk into the Nooklings and see a Hedgehog. After that, the hedgehog will be selling clothes in the plaza on random days. After I think 3 visits she will ask you about setting up a permanent shop. After that, this is store you can buy clothes from, clothes change every day so check often!
General tips:
Don’t sprint near water if you are looking for fish. Sprinting will scare the fish away.
Just regular running and walking will scare away bugs that spawn on trees, stumps, and flowers, so proceed with caution when hunting for bugs. When holding a bug net, hold down A while you walk to creep towards bugs without scaring them away. Release A to swing your net. Bugs like butterflies, dragonflies, and bugs that spawn on the ground will not disappear when scared, they will just try to get away.
Fishing tip if you find yourself struggling: it’s easy to get trigger happy when fishing. Something I do to make it easier is closing my eyes and relying on the rumble of the joy con and the sound of the of the bite. You register sound better than you do visual cues. This is how I catch all fish cause I get to nervous and anticipate bites.
If a villager has a thought bubble above their head, TALK TO THEM! They have something important to say! They either are thinking about moving (which you can encourage or tell them to stay) or want to give you something. 
The same goes for if a villager runs towards you calling your name to get your attention. They either have a reaction to teach you, or a gift!
Don’t be upset with your island layout. Eventually you will unlock terraforming which will allow you to destroy and create rivers, cliffs, and pathways anywhere you want. The only thing you cannot change is the plaza, and the mouths of your rivers. You can also build inclines and bridges, and move the museum, shops, campsite, and houses, at any time so long as you have the bells. You can only build one bridge or incline a day though, and the same goes for moving buildings. 
Eating fruit will give you strength. With that strength, you can destroy rocks by hitting them with your shovel or ax (they will respawn in a different location the next day) and pick up entire trees with your shovel.
a stone axe will allow you to hit a tree indefinitely, but just an iron Axe will cut down the tree in 3 hits, so don’t farm for wood with the iron Axe! also you can remove stumps with your shovel
when filling a hole, press Y to use your foot to cover the hole instead of using your shovel. This will increase the longevity of your shovel.
BE CAREFUL WHEN SHAKING TREES!!! There is a chance of a wasp nest falling! If that happens, wasps will chase you and try to sting you. You can catch the wasps with a bug net, or you can run into a building to get them to stop chasing you. If they sting you, use some medicine to heal yourself. If you get stung a second time before using medicine, you will pass out and wake up in front of your house.
IF YOU ARE GOING TREE SHAKING have the net equipped and shake the tree from the front. If a wasp nest falls, it will fall to either side of you (or right on top of you but it doesn’t matter.) Your character will turn to face the wasps. Immediately after your shocked animation, swing your net to catch the wasps. 
2 items will spawn in 2 random, non-fruit-baring trees on your island everyday. Shake trees (with a net equipped in case of wasps!) and there’s a chance an item leaf will drift down. 
On mystery islands there will be 1 item in a non-fruit-baring tree. Same tactics suggested as seen above
Don’t be afraid of spiders and scorpions.  They will only try to bite/sting you if you are holding a bug net, otherwise they will ignore you. You should try to catch them if you are comfortable doing so though, as you can donate them to the museum and you can sell them (they are expensive! more so if you sell them to Flick!) Just creep up to them slowly and you’ll catch them just fine.
Depending on the season, there will be some special materials floating around your island that you can catch with your bug net. This include snowflakes in the winter and cherry tree petals in the spring. I assume there might be some falling leaves in autumn, but I haven’t experienced autumn in the game yet so I can’t say for sure. 
To raise your island’s star level, there are two major things to do. One, put flowers freaking everywhere. Two, put furniture FREAKING EVERYWHERE. your beaches, your plains, your mountains, DECORATE EVERYWHERE!!!!
Every sunday before noon, there will be a little piglet girl walking around your island. She is selling turnips. This is the way to MAKE BANK in Animal Crossing. the turnips are meant to be sold in The Stalk Market (get it?). Everyday (save for sunday) you will be able to sell your turnips to the Nooklings. The price of the turnips changes twice a day every day, the change occurs at noon. the idea is to buy turnips low and sell turnips high. the buying price of turnips will range from around 90 to 110 bells every week. The selling price will range from like 30 bells to like 700 something. Obviously, the higher the better. IMPORTANT! Turnips go bad after one week, upon which they are worthless. Make sure to sell your turnips before the next sunday!! However I would allow one stack of turnips to go bad once as this is how you catch ants. Drop the rotten turnips outside and ants will spawn on it. The same goes for catching flies, just drop some trash outside. BUT DON’T LEAVE THE TRASH FOREVER it will lower the star rating of your island.
Never sell things to the Nooklings via the drop box unless you have to. Selling via drop box comes with a like 15% reduction on the sell price, so you won’t get as many bells as you would if you sell to the Nooks by talking to them.
Day resets at 5 AM, not midnight, so don’t panic if you need to complete something by the end of the day and it’s almost 12.
Your villagers will teach you reactions. Aside from the 4 defaults you start with, The reactions you can learn are divided up amongst the villager types. For example, from a Normal type villager, you can learn Pleased, Fearful, Sadness, and Glee. Additionally, a villager will teach you one extra reaction if you max out your friendship level with them. If you’re best friends with a Normal type villager, they will teach you Daydreaming. So if you wanna unlock all 44 reactions, it’s important to get villagers of all different types and befriend them!
Dropping items of any kind will lower the star rating of your island if there are too many things on the ground. This includes turnips unfortunately -_-
Giving villagers gifts increase your relationship with them. But, if you wrap the gift before giving it to them, your relationship will increase by an additional point. Color of the paper doesn’t matter as far as I can tell. 
Villagers have preferred styles and colors of clothing. You can give them whatever you want, but they will particularly enjoy items that match their preferred style and colors. Villagers also really appreciate gifts on their birthday! You will be notified via the notification board in the plaza about a week in advance of a villagers birthday
See a yellow bird (daytime) or an owl (nighttime) sitting on top of your notification board in the plaza? That means there’s a new post on the board! Go read it!
Holidays occur in animal crossing too! Holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Easter, New Years, and many others have Animal Crossing equivalents. Special events and items can be experienced and obtained on these days, so make sure to check in! You should also check in on YOUR birthday ;)
All in all, Animal Crossing is what you want it to be. This is just one way of playing. You can focus on whatever you wanna focus on, and do whatever you want to do. I just went crazy covering all the bases. I’m here if you have more questions. I hope you have loads of fun!
If you’re interested in keeping track of all the stuff you have, there is a free app called ACNH Guide. It can help you keep track of what bugs and fish and fossils you have and also what bugs and fish are currently available and where to find them. You can also log items and DIYs and music and what villagers you have and mark off the rocks you’ve hit, the money tree you have planted, and the bottled message. It can also help you keep track of what days the visiting characters come. It also has a built in turnip predictor which can help you make the most money that you can! And they are adding to the app all the time. I really recommend it if you want to keep track of all the craziness. 
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volahre · 3 years
babe for the weekend - chapter 3
read on ao3 | 1456 words | rated Teen and up audiences for later chapters | Fox Mulder/Dana Scully | Weddings | set in late season 6 | UST | eventual resolved romantic tension
When an old friend from high school invites her to her wedding and she brings Mulder along as her plus one, Scully reflects on her life, her place in the world, how much she has changed and what she really wants.
I originally started this to explore the topic of growing up, aging and feeling like you are missing out within the character of Dana Scully, but it has become so much more than that - but read for yourself!
chapter three
Scully wanted to send thank you notes to her past self for deciding to fly a day early. Used to her weekday work rhythm, she woke up at 7 and after a hot shower – bless this motel and their working boiler, she thought as the warm water ran down her shoulders – she let her hair air dry while reading the next chapter of the book she had started on the plane before styling it. The reception would start at 11, and afterwards there would be a buffet, so she debated whether getting breakfast beforehand was really necessary. Putting on some quick makeup she knocked on the adjoining door between her and Mulder’s bedroom.
“Come in”, she heard his voice from the other side.
He was still in his boxers and the tee shirt from yesterday when she came in. “Good morning”, she said and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed.
“Morning, Scully”, he answered, shaking out his pillow and blanket.
Catching herself looking at his dishevelled hair for a little too long, she quickly opened her mouth to speak. “I was wondering if you were interested in breakfast today?”
His face lit up and he took a step towards her, but she knew him well, detecting the playfully sarcastic nature of his act. “Oh, you’re inviting me? How very kind of you!”
She laughed, looking down at her feet. Had she made this awkward already? “No, Mulder, I just wanted to ask if you thought it was going to be worth it. We ate dinner so late yesterday and I’m not really hungry right now, and looking at the schedule for the celebration, we’re going to get lunch soon anyway.”
Her eyes went back to him, locking their eyes again as she had done the evening before over their respective plates of chicken salad and fries.
“I’m not that hungry either”, he said. “How about I get dressed and we just go for a little walk?”
She smiled at him, the sun peaking in from the window creating strange shadows on his face. “That sounds like a good idea…I could use some coffee though.”
“Deal”, he said, grabbing a pair of jeans from his overnight bag.
The area was hilly, with sand joining the drying grass beneath the asphalt the closer you got to the beach. Scully was glad to have packed flats along with the heels she planned to wear for the reception.
“Just tell me one thing”, Mulder said as they were sitting on a bench overlooking the promenade, each holding a Styrofoam cup of coffee and the wind blowing her hair into her face (She made a mental note to get back to the motel on time, turning up to the wedding with thick strands sticking from her head to all sides was not a good look).
“Go ahead” Scully wondered if they were sitting closer than usual or if it was the wind blowing his familiar scent over to her.
“How many of the people we’re going to meet today have you been involved with?”
She laughed, thinking about her younger self, wearing braces until she was 17 and always being a little socially awkward, especially compared to Melissa. “Mulder, I don’t know what you think of me, but I can tell you I was not exactly popular in high school”
“That doesn’t answer my question”, he said, grabbing a sunflower seed from his pocket - was that pocket even big enough to hold a bag? - and cracking its little grey shell between his teeth.
She sighed. “There was one guy, Colin, we had chemistry together. He would ask me to help him with his homework, invited me over to his place and all that, and I, naïve and sixteen as I was, thought he was being for real” it sounded so stupid in retrospect.
“What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Nothing. He was not my type.” She crossed her legs, wondering what her type even was. Tall, dark hair, strong arms, dimples, an unusual interest in the supernatural? Feeling blood rush to her cheeks, she quickly took a sip from her cup hoping her arm would conceal the obvious redness creeping up her face.
“What, are you blushing?”, Mulder grinned softly.
“No I’m not!”, she answered way too quickly. “Anyway it’s not like that. There was another guy, towards the end, I guess. Marcus, his name was. He was really into music, would play me songs by Joy Division on his guitar.”
“A real charmer, I see”
She grimaced, swallowing the last bit of her coffee. “Wasn’t Ian Curtis kind of a jerk though? Anyway” she looked at him, taking a deep breath. “Marcus went on to study psychology if I’m not mistaken. So you two are at least going to have something to talk about in case you meet today.”
Was that weird?, she thought to herself. Implying her past crush and her current- he was not her crush, she reminded herself. Why was she even using this word? Did women have crushes past thirty? Or did you just go on dates and decide to call yourself an item after a certain amount of time? She had been out of the dating game for way too long. Maybe if she started going out with more people again, she would stop having daydreams about people whose relationship with her was supposed to be platonic at most. Outside of high school, college or academy contexts, where would you even meet your crush? At work, a voice inside her head said. Massaging her temples, she realized her thoughts kept spiralling back to one thing, the one thing she had permitted herself access to six years ago.
“Hey”, she heard Mulder say next to her, the source of his soft baritone sounding much closer to her than before. “Are you alright?”
She took a deep breath and sat up straight on the bench as he lay his arm around her, his thumb gently caressing her shoulder. Letting herself sink into his touch, she shook her head. “It’s just weird, the thought of meeting all these people again”, she half lied.
“Shhh, that’s okay”, he said. Not interrupting his movement on her shoulder, he used his other arm to reach over her lap and took her left hand in his right one. After a quick look at her watch, he suggested they go back to the motel and she nodded.
With the help of what felt like almost an entire can of hairspray she got her hair back in place, hoping it would stay over the day, before putting on her dress.
She had chosen a dark brown velvet dress she had found at a thrift shop. It was not particularly revealing, the idea of people who had mostly looked down on her back in the day seeing her exposed shoulders or deep cleavage had seemed intriguing at first, but given a second thought, she realized that it would probably make her uncomfortable in the long run. After putting on a pearl necklace and matching earrings, she felt elegant nonetheless. Dropping her lipstick, her perfume, and her cell phone in her purse, she walked over to Mulder’s door.
As he opened the door, his eyes wandered down her body and his face changed, it was somewhere between a child who was just given his first candy cotton of the year and something darker, that she almost felt he was trying to hide. Had she ever seen him wear this suit before? As weird and clumsy as this man could be, he definitely had his moments. He had styled his hair, the black suit fit him perfectly, complimenting his body in all the right places, and his cologne was just a little stronger than before. Not pungent, but rather…enticing. She stepped a little closer.
“Hi”, he smiled down at her. Was it an illusion, or were his eyes lingering a little longer on her lips than usual?
“We match”, she grinned, lifting her arm to gently touch the brown velvet of his bow tie.
“Yes, we do”, his smile grew even brighter. There was satisfaction now, in his expression, taking over the excitement from before.
She cleared her throat. “We should get going”, she said, turning her face towards the entrance door as if to point at it with her nose.
The venue was only a 15-minute walk away, which they spent in silence, her heart beating loudly against the inside of her chest. Not knowing which explanation she preferred between seeing her old classmates again and Mulder and her walking with their arms linked, she chose to ignore it. This was a completely platonic relationship, mind you.
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star-birthmark · 4 years
Hello I was hoping that you might be able to do Josuke who has a crush on chubby s/o who’s a stand user as well and s/o starts receiving small gifts and letters from Josuke with her stand finding them?
Note: Please go easy on me for this one. It was my first time making up a stand for a story and I'm not sure how it turned out. But essentially the reader's stand is called Harmony Hall (after the Vampire Weekend song yes), and it's basically like Harvest in p4. The difference is that the user can choose any bug for the little stands to take the shape of. If she wants to get from place to place, for example, she'll turn Harmony Hall into a colony of ants to carry her around. If she wants to fly, she'll turn them into a group of butterflies. Attack? Mosquitoes. You get the point. Sorry anon if it's not what you had in mind, I'm only trying to be as creative as possible please go easy on me.
So, without further ado: Signed, CD: Josuke x Fem!Reader: 2.1k words
Josuke Higashikata had a crush on you. But he could never outright tell you that. At least not yet. He had a cool guy persona to keep up and he wasn’t going to let a little crush get in the way of it. Except for several problems. It was not, in fact, a little crush. It was, in fact, a big crush on you. You, probably the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Every time you laugh at one of his jokes in class, his heart soared with glee when he saw your beautifully round cheeks widen with a smile. Every time you meekly raised your hand to answer a question, he mentally cheered you on for getting the right answer. He saw how you would sometimes shift uncomfortably in your chair for fear that someone might have been judging your appearance, ready to fight anyone who might make you feel bad about yourself. Because to Josuke, you were probably the cutest thing to ever step foot in this little town he called home. He saw your curves and rolls and thought about how soft of a cuddler you must be, all the while a dusty red came to the boy’s cheeks. He saw your bubbly personality and inherent shyness and wanted nothing more than to bring you out of your shell through his love. But of course, he couldn’t actually tell you all this. 
But Crazy Diamond could. 
The first time you received a letter, it was hidden in your locker at school. Harmony Hall, an adorable loveliness of ladybugs flew into your line of sight and presented the letter to you in a heart formation. You teasingly wave your stand away with a tut of your tongue and go to inspect the letter. 
“Hello, I’ve been noticing you all over the school and I want to encourage you to keep that cute smile up! Brightens my day! Shine on!” - CD
Confused, you put the letter in your bag with the rest of your things and go about your day, not thinking much of it.
The second item you found was a small box addressed to you, resting under one of the legs of your desk. That’s weird, you didn’t even notice anyone touch your table... Picking up the parcel, you untie the quaint pink bow at the top and see to your shock, the pearl bracelet that you had broken a few days prior. The craftsmanship was impeccable, you couldn’t even tell where the cracks had been. You feel something touch your leg and look down to see a small ant from your stand holding up a small notecard that went along with the gift. 
Inside read, “I was gonna buy you a new one, but it seemed like you liked this one best. So I decided to repair it! -CD”
Later that week, you read the note aloud to your friends as you all sat together for lunch. The table was adorned with several gifts and notes that you had gotten, from the bracelet to a drawing of one of your favorite characters done by Rohan Kishibe himself. How the hell did this “CD” guy even get that? There were a few more notes, all that Harmony Hall has collected for you from various locations in the school. 
“I just don’t know who’s been sending me all of these things? It’s not any initials I recognize…”  You huffed. 
One of your friends chuckled at your perplexed state. “Aww come on (y/n)... if you ask me, this “CD” seems really romantic! I wish a guy would send me all these cute notes and gifts.”
Another one of your pals nodded along. “I know! You’re super lucky (y/n), to have such a secret admirer.”
You laughed along with your friends until your eyes looked over your friend’s shoulder and made contact with another pair.  Josuke was standing cooly against the doorway when the two of you locked eyes. You let out a polite smile and he quickly turned around awkwardly, nervously combing his pompadour as he walked away. Your smile remained on your face as you watched him leave.
“What are you looking at (y/n)?” 
“Hmm? Oh, nothing…” You smiled shyly, trying to shrug off the moment. 
But your brain simply couldn’t let it go. You wondered if someone like Josuke could be into someone like you. You decided to find out. 
* * * 
“I’m telling you guys, I’m nervous! She’s gonna find out soon!” 
Josuke paced back and forth in the empty classroom. Okuyasu and Koichi sat there watching the lovesick teen struggled with how to come to terms with his intense crush on you. Little did any of them know, of the unassuming (and very literal) fly on the wall that was relaying all of its information for your viewing pleasure via your stand. You listened in to the conversation from another classroom, guilty that you were intruding, but you simply had to know how Josuke felt about you. Josuke Higashikata wasn’t anywhere close to the initials CD, but you couldn’t help but think there was something here. 
Okuyasu shrugged. “Why don’t you just ask her out? She might like you back man…” 
“Exactly! Just tell her exactly how you feel!” Koichi agreed. 
Josuke groaned; his friends weren’t understanding the situation. “I can’t just tell her my feelings! I can’t just tell her she’s the cutest chick I’ve ever seen… even if she may not see it that way…  Just, I gotta be cool about all this!” 
Your brow furrowed as you listened in. So he likes someone? You supposed that was a good sign in your favor, but he could be talking about someone else. That was a strange thing about the age you two were both in. Teenagers fall in love with other teenagers so easily. You smiled softly thinking about Josuke, speaking only a few doors down from your embarrassed self. Both of you wanted the other, but neither wanted to downright say it. You rested your head on your arms as you sat at your desk, listening in to Harmony Hall. 
Josuke kept speaking.  “I would look like a total idiot if I just walked up to her and said ‘h-hi (y/n)-”
Your head sprung up at the sound of your name, your face bursting bright red. On my god, he likes you? He likes you!!! Your head was spinning, so much so that you lost control of your stand, the insect falling from the wall. You weren’t made aware of this though until you heard Okuyasu grumble that there was a fly buzzing around the classroom. Before he could swat your stand away, you control yourself once more, albeit much more embarrassed than before. M-maybe you just misheard him? Did he really mean you?
“Anyway… as I was saying. I gotta be cool about this! I’ve been trying to lay low you get me? I asked Mr. Joestar for advice and he said he would write Lady Suzie little notes every once in a while, or get her a gift. So I’ve been writing these little notes for a week or so.”
You felt like you were going to short circuit. Not only did Josuke Higashikata have a crush on you, but he also admitted to being the one who wrote the notes. But then who was CD? You shook your head. Not important right now. You listened in more. 
“So how do you plan to ask (y/n) out then?” Koichi asked in earnest.
“Ah-ha! That’s where my cool guy creativity comes in! I’ll demonstrate. You see, I wrote one last note earlier today and placed it loosely in (y/n)’s desk compartment.”
You listened along, confused. Was that true? You hadn’t looked in the compartment yet that afternoon. You carefully lift the cover to your desk and find a horribly torn and mangled note laying atop all of your books and such. You tried to read the paper but to no avail. You continued listening to Josuke. 
“However, I ripped off a big section of the note to the point that she won’t be able to read it. Then when she goes looking for the other half, I’ll use Crazy Diamond with the other half. Like this-”
Suddenly, you felt your whole form spring up from your chair as your body was pulled along by the piece of paper in your hand. You tried to step back, fearing that Josuke would see you. Your stand tried to stabilize your feet to the floor so you wouldn’t be pulled, but they failed as well to stop this mysterious force dragging the paper and you along with it. You made a sharp turn into Josuke’s classroom, tripping on your way in just as the young teen turned around to see the paper coming his way. Instead, you landed in his arms, your face burning in shame. The two halves of the letter joined together seamlessly, crinkled in between the two of you as your head rested in the tall teen’s chest. Neither you nor Josuke wanted to say anything. 
So Okuyasu and Koichi spoke for the both of you. Well, not really spoke. Okuyasu more howled in laughter and Koichi called your name out in shock. You stumbled back from Josuke and straightened out your uniform, staring down at the ground. 
Josuke spoke first. “Sorry about that (y/n). Didn’t know anyone was still in the building.”
“No no I’m sorry to bother you all! I was just looking at this note someone left for me and then I got dragged to you…”
Shoot! Does he know that you know! He couldn’t have noticed Harmony Hall! And what was that weird force pulling you to him?! What do you do from here? You decided to make it seem like you had no idea just so you could give this big dork his moment in the sun. 
Josuke looked you dead in the eyes and decided to man up finally. 
“W-well… what does the note say?” 
He gulped as you looked down at the note, reading in fake confusion. 
“It says… ‘CD = Crazy Diamond = Josuke Higashikata.” 
Your face turned bright red all over again. What a lovable nerd, you were so grateful that out of everyone, he had a crush on you. Still, you had to play shock. 
“You’re CD?!”
“Yeah… “
“You’re the one who’s been giving me the notes?”
“Why me?”
“Cause um... Uh…”
“Cause he thinks you’re cute!”
Both you and Josuke turn around to see Okuyasu shout out the obvious. You chuckled a little as Josuke groaned in embarrassment. You then decided to be the bold one and took ahold of Josuke’s hand, biting her lip nervously. 
“Crazy Diamond must be your stand then?” 
Josuke looked at your shocked for a moment. “Yeah… He can take anything broken and put it back together. That’s how I fixed your bracelet- oof!”
Josuke was then cut off as you lunged yourself forward, enveloping the young teen in a tight hug. You nestled your head in his chest, overjoyed that someone liked you the way you liked them. Josuke looked down at you with a smile and patted your head gently. 
“Shall we go get a sandwich from St Gentleman’s?”
You giggled. “I’d like that.” 
And off the two of you went, hands interlocked, walking down the street towards the center of Morioh. Then suddenly, you looked up to see Josuke’s face twist in confusion. 
“How do you know about stands?” You smirked, ready to reveal the truth. 
“I’m a stand user. You know that fly that was in the room? That was part of my stand. I was listening in the whole time while you were confessing to liking me.”
At your simple words, Josuke stood frozen in the center of the street, lovesick embarrassment plastered on his face. 
“Oh…” You giggled and leaned up, planting a gentle kiss on your new flame’s cheek before taking off down the street, leaving him in further loss of brain function. 
“Come on!  The sandwiches are gonna sell out!”
“I-I’m coming!”
Josuke awoke from his daze and rushed to catch up with you. A single piece of paper fell out of his bag and fluttered onto the concrete. It was a draft that the young highschooler had planned to give to you, but thought it wasn’t very cool. What was written on it?
“This is the last note I swear because I need to come clean and be honest with. I’ve had a crush on you ever since you transferred into my class. And I can only hope you feel the same way about me. Whenever I’m near you, I only want to tell you that you should see yourself the way I see you. Come and find me if you feel the same way.        
-CD aka Josuke Higashikata.”
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fantasyfandommaiden · 4 years
Adrien’s Apology Gift
Adrien still remembers his insensitive comment towards his mentor… he wanted to make it up to her, but he just didn’t know how. 
Adrien sat in the dining room, pushing his food around his plat more than actually eating it. It was about two days after Mlle Regal had temporarily replaced him as ‘Bombay’ when he was sick and even though he was feeling better, he still didn’t have much of an appetite. 
He remembered what he had said to her when he was angry. How he brought up her being akumatized without meaning to, he felt awful about it but didn’t know how to fix it or make it up to her.
“... Adrien, even if your still not feeling well, you should still try to eat something.” Nathalie said from where she sat next to him, looking at her tablet. She was the only one that sat with him lately as he ate, which he appreciated.
“I feel fine… just not hungry.” he replied softly, placing his fork down with a sigh.
Nathalie looked up from her tablet to look at her charge with a noticeable frown. She turned off the device and placed it on the table, looking at Adrien. “What’s wrong Adrien?” 
“... The last time I spoke with Mlle Carmine, I got kind of angry and… I brought up the time she was akumatized.” he said softly, looking down at his plate “... I hadn’t meant to, its just… I was angry and upset.”
“... Why were you upset?”
He couldn’t really tell her that he had been made at Mlle Carmine because she refused to let him transform into Chat Noir, so thinking fast on his feet, he quickly responded “She was telling me how I shouldn’t have gone to school and such with me being sick, that if an akuma attack occurred I would have been in danger, I told her that I had been around more akumas than her, and that she didn’t know anything about it…”
“... I see.” Nathalie stated, leaning back in her chair “... Adrien, I’ve known Carmine for over a decade now and I can tell you that she is not one to hold grudges. All you have to do is apologise and all will be forgiven.”
“... Should I give her something?”
Nathalie raised a brow at the question, before remembering that with the Agreste family (as well as Chloe’s family if she recalled correctly) they always gave gifts as a way of apologising… which wasn’t a BAD idea, however their idea of an ‘apology gift’ always had was FAR to expensive if anyone asked her. 
“... If you like, however Carmine doesn’t care for expensive gifts, so anything over fifty euros is too much.” 
Adrien frowned slightly, suddenly half of his gift ideas going out the window. 
Once back in his room after dinner, Adrien opened up a web browser and began looking up things as Plagg and Zeus hung out around the room. His eyes traveled towards Zeus as a thought occurred to him.
“What should I give Mlle Carmine? I mean… what would a witch need.” he asked his familiar, the hamster looking up at him with a raised brow. 
‘Depends on the witch’ the familiar thought back to him. ``I do believe that Mlle Carmine is a kitchen witch, so usually anything to do with cooking or the hearth, however from what I saw she already had most of the tools she would need. You would need to ask her or someone who knows her craft well to figure out what she would need.’
Adrien frowned at the thought, thinking it over. He didn’t know much about Mlle Carmine’s craft, and although she had met her uncle, he had no way of contacting him. The only other person he knew in the magical community was…
Adrien’s face scowled at the thought, not liking it one bit. He REALLY didn’t want to ask him for help, even if the misunderstanding had been cleared up… but it looked like it was his only option at this point. 
That coming Saturday Adrien had his bodyguard drive him to the farmers market, with Adrien wearing his disguise so he could easily travel through the crowd without being mauled by his fans. Although to be on the safe side, his driver still followed closely behind. 
He walked towards Theo’s stand, where the man was setting up. Adrien was still debating how on earth he was going to word this when Theo, almost as if sensing him, looked in his direction, a large smile on his face.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my favourite customers apprentice! What brings you here Adrien? Running an errand for Carmine?” he asked, bringing out more items. 
Adrien hesitated momentarily, glancing at his bodyguard before walking towards the table, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Not exactly Theo… I actually wanted to ask your option on something.”
The man looked at Adrien with a raised brow, raising his hand in a ‘go on’ motion as Adrien began to speak again.
“I said some… unkind things to Mlle Carmine during our last session, and I would like to give her something to make up for it. Something that would be…” he glanced at his bodyguard who had picked up one of the wooden sculptures, examining it closely, smelling the wood as well. “... Useful for what she does?”
Theo seemed to catch his meaning, placing his index finger on his chin as if deep in thought as he thought over the question. “Something Carmine needs…” he hummed, before kneeling down to look at all the items under the table, rummaging through something. 
“Ah-HA!” Theo suddenly stood up, holding a small, simple wooden box in his hands. 
Adrien looked at him with raised brow and an unimpressed expression “... she needs a wooden box?” he asked slowly.
Theo rolled his eyes, before he opened the box to reveal that the inside was lined with a… something? It reminded Adren of those shiny shells you would sometimes see in movies.
“This is the mother of pearl, or nurse. It purifies tools or anything placed inside the box.” Theo explained, smiling. “I had to transmute it to make it sealless inside the box, but place anything in here and the item will be purified. Carmine had mentioned during one of her visits that she has been needing to purify her tools a lot more recently, and this is an easier but equally effective way of doing it.” 
Adrien was still somewhat confused on why Mlle Carmine would need to ‘purify’ things but he figured that was something he could ask at a later date. “It's kind of…” he didn’t want to say that it was bad, but the box was…
“Plain looking?” Theo asked, smirking, causing Adrien to blush. “Yeah, usually one would carve runes or sigils in it to decorate or protect the box from outside forces, I haven't had a chance to yet… that and sigil crafting isn’t EXACTLY my thing.” he said, looking at Adrien, smiling “So… interested?” 
Adrien thought it over. He could probably decorate the box with runes or sigils, Zeus had come out of his pocket to look at the box and was clearly excited about it. “Yeah, how much?”
Theo looked at him, chuckling “No charge.”
Adrien looked at him with wide eyes “But, how do you make any money?”
Theo shook his head, handing Adrien the box “I always do this for first time customers who have… the gift.” he said grinning “It’s how I make sure they come back for more. You’ll need to get carvers tools but I think you’ll do fine.” he said grinning at him. 
Adrien gave him back a small smile “... Thank’s Theo… I appreciate it.” 
Later that night Adrien was looking at Amazon to find some carving tools, Zeus was already looking closely at the box with great interest along with Plagg when there was a knock at his door. Adrien walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Gorilla, which was confusing since his shift ended about an hour ago and Adrien was pretty sure that he had already left.
Gorilla looked down at Adrien, holding out a cloth bag. Adrien continued to look at him confused before taking the bag and looking inside, blinking. Inside was a pair of heavy looking gloves, as well as a book and something wrapped in leather. 
Adrienn brought out the leather bound item first, unwinding it to reveal wood carving tools, similar to the ones he was looking up online but these ones appeared to be well used but still taken care of. Looking at the book he saw ‘Beginners Guide to Wood Carving’, also a well used book that looked like it was at least ten years old.
Adrien looked up at Gorilla in surprise “Were these… yours?”.
Gorilla nodded, opening the book and pointing at the first page, which detailed safety producers, as well as the gloves where Adrien noticed were knew and cut-resistant. Adrien smiled widely “Thank you!”
Gorilla returned the smile with a small one of his own and a slight nod before closing the door and walking out. 
Adrien all but ran to his desk, looking at the book excitedly. “Oh man… but… what should I put ON the box?”
‘Depends what you want to do.’ Zeus thought back ‘Since this is your first time I would recommend something simple.’
Adrien nodded, thinking it over. “... Theo mentioned something about runes and sigils… could I do those?”
Zeus paused for a moment ‘...  I think you should try sigils first. You can place more of what you want to do.’ he said ‘I’ll teach you.’
For the next week Zeus taught Adrien how to create a sigil, really though it felt more like really complicated drawing for what was essentially a squiggly line. 
Adrien had chosen what the ‘statement’ of the sigil would be, which he had decided would be ‘Keep this box and its contents safe from harm’. From there Zeus told him to get rid of the vowels and repeated letters, leaving ‘KP TH BX ND CNS F RM’. After that, Zeus showed him how to place each letter under a value ranging from one to nine, and to get rid of any repeat numbers. Than he had to follow a circle to make the design. It took him nearly four hours to actually make a design he liked and felt right before he even attempted to carve into the box. 
When he started his hands were shaking and he had to keep taking breaks because he wasn’t used to this either. 
Adrien thought that this would take him maybe a day to complete, instead however it took Adrien almost two weeks to complete. The entire time he just kept thinking ‘This is for Mlle Carmine, I want to get this right.’ over and over again. This was the first gift (besides Marinette’s that is) that he had made and he wanted to get it right.
Zeus watched his progress the entire time, remaining surprisingly silent, only giving Adrien his input or advice every once in awhile. The only advice he seemed to give repeatedly was ‘This is all about intent kid. You have to WANT it to work. Want it bad enough, and it will happen, trust me.’ 
On On Saturday almost two and a half weeks after Adrien had purchased the box, he was ready to give it to Mlle Carmine.  
Adrien felt nervous as he stood outside Mlle Carmine’s apartment, gripping the present in his hand. He had wrapped it in simple blue wrapping paper and a small bow, nothing too overly fancy, but he was still nervous. What if she hated it? What if she already had one like it?
It took Zeus biting his ear for Adrien to finally open the door and enter Carmine’s apartment, his mentor sitting at the table, writing on a notepad. She looked up and smiled at him “Hello Adrien, ready for today’s lesson?” she asked him as Adrien entered the apartment, closing the door behind him. 
Adrien took a deep breath before walking up and holding out the present. Mlle Carmine looked at it confused than with an amused smile “What’s this?” she asked. 
“It’s… an apology gift, for what I said last time.” Adrien said somewhat bashfully. 
Mlle Carmine looked at him with a sympathetic smile “Adrien, there is nothing to feel sorry about.” she said, reaching for the gift. “You were angry and I understand that-” Mlle Carmine took hold of the box but her entire body shook as if she had been electrocuted and she nearly dropped the box. 
Adrien looked at her in shocked worried as Mlle Carmine looked at the box confused, before taking it from Adrien and opening it rather quickly. Mlle Carmine looked down at the box, specifically the sigil design with an inquisitive yet curious expression. 
“... Adrien, did you design the sigil?” she asked evenly, not taking her eyes off the box.
Adrien gulped slightly, feeling nervous all of a sudden. “Y-Yes.”
“And did you carve this into the wood?”
“For the last two weeks yes.” 
“Hm…” Mlle Carmine continued to look at the box, before standing up and looking at Adrien. “Adrien, did you know what you did?”
Adrien looked at her confused and worried. Had he done something bad?! He gulped again, feeling a large lump forming in his throat “N-No…”
Mlle Carmine gripped his shoulders, looking him in the eye as a large, ecstatic smile spread across her face. “Adrien… this box has been imbedded with a protection spell.”
Adrien blinked, confused. “But… Theo said that it was used for purification.”
“It is, but when the sigil was placed on it, a protection spell was cast as well.” she said to him, clearly trying desperately to contain her excitement.
“But Mlle, that doesn’t make any sense.” Adrien told her, looking at her confused “I was the one to put the sigil on it, that means that I…” Adrien’s eyes widened as the realization washed over him “... I cast the spell.”
Mlle Carmine nodded enthusiastically, still smiling brightly “You cast a spell. Adrien, you cast your first spell!” she exclaimed suddenly hugging him tightly. 
Adrien was still in shock about what he had just heard. He hadn’t placed any blood on the box, or said any magic words, or place any magical items on it. All he had done was carved into the wood. He then remembered what Zeus had kept telling him. 
‘This is all about intent.’
Mlle Carmine often told him magic was more about intent than actual knowledge sometimes… he casted a spell. 
“I casted a spell.”
“Yes, yes you did! I am SO proud of you Adrien!” Mlle Carmine said, hugging him tightly. Adrien blinked, not being able to remember the last time someone other than Nathalie had said they were proud of him. He hugged her back, feeling a warm feeling filled his body. 
This was one of many steps in his magical journey.
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masochistic-eden · 5 years
Rules Are Rules"||↫Shin x Reader↬
Warning: includes:
•Sexual content
•Use of bad language
It was a rather cold night at the Tsukinami residence, and unfortunately enough for you, your cuddle bag wasn't around.
Shin Tsukinami, your boyfriend had yet to arrive from the business trip he had gone on with his brother Carla.
It as midnight, and let's just say you had gotten somewhat...
Now, of course, Shin tended to any of your sexual desires and needs, but tonight, he wasn't here.
You tried to ignore the thoughts as you laid down on his bed, hugging onto his pillow. But they kept on creeping into your mind. The way he'd press you against a surface and whisper all of the rather sinful things he wished to do to you. The way his cold, rough hands would glide down your body, groping wherever he could to get a reaction out of you. That tone of voice he'd use to tell you to beg for more, to beg for him to take you right then and there.
The very thought got you wet between the legs before you could even stop yourself.
Of course, you could easily satisfy yourself, Shin did have a bunch of his 'toys' lying around in the closet, but... Shin always had one main rule in your relationship.
You were not allowed to touch or pleasure yourself. After all, only he could make you feel such a way, only he could touch your most sensitive parts.
You, of course, being the 'obedient' and 'innocent' girl you were, just abided to this one rule.
But... Shin wasn't here at the moment... And he wouldn't know of course.
What he doesn't know wouldn't hurt him right...?
Enough was enough, you couldn't take it anymore. You needed some sort of relief and you needed it right now.
You moved towards the bathroom, grabbing a towel along the way, as well as 'the box' as you entered the bathroom.
Now 'the box' was a smaller collection or toys. Just a few small dildos and vibrators. A ball gag and a belt.
It wasn't much, but for now, it would have to do.
You stripped yourself of your clothing, shivering at the cold air that was even inside of the manor. With a sigh, you climbed into the tub and filled just a little bit of water so that you could get a bit comfortable.
You soon grabbed the dildo from the box, your hand grazing over the material with a soft bite of your lips.
This was rather new, you were also kind of embarrassed that you were actually about to do this. But again: you needed relief, and you needed it now.
You could remember that your strawberry blonde haired boyfriend always edged you out before giving you what you truly wanted... So that's exactly what you were gonna do to yourself.
Moving the toy to your entrance, you soon spread your legs out, causing you to bite into your lower lip when you realized how truly wet you were.
Slowly, you moved the item, sliding it up your slit ever so softly which caused your knees to lightly shake. With a small shudder, you repeated the action once more.
Small breaths left your lips as you did this once more, then again, and again. Before you knew it, you were already soaking.
All you could hear was Shin's seductive voice in your ear of when he would tease you.
You couldn't take it anymore.
You allowed the small tip of the toy to enter you, a small shudder of anticipation leaving from your lips. Bit by bit, you slowly started to enter the toy into your walls which ached for attention. Even if the attention was being granted by you yourself.
Once the dildo was almost at its base, you slowly pulled it out just so that the tip lay within you. You then thrusted the toy back in once more. Then retracted again, then pushed in again.
You kept this action up slowly, moaning rising from your now parted lips as you moved the item as slow as ever.
With your head tilting back, your lips parted once more, more moans leaving your lips. "M-Mmm~" Was your quiet gasp.
This was nothing compared to Shin's girth that stretched your walls whenever he would take you. But again, it would have to do for now.
You head tilted back once more, moans leaving from your lips on repeat. "A-Ah... Sh-Shin~" You stuttered out, starting to imagine the male taking you once more, claiming you as his again and again.
"Shin..~" Your eyes went half-lidded, your words being spluttered as your hand continued moving the dildo. "Shin~ A-Ah Shin~" You gasped, only for your moan to be cut short.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" Came a voice from behind you.
You didn't even have the time to look, for you were now in someone's lap, a cold hand having grasped the wrist of the hand which you were pleasuring yourself with.
Your eyes were wide and your heart sank when you felt cold lips on your ear. "Mmm... It appears my little girl is being rather naughty tonight...." Came his voice once more.
You knew his voice all too well, the way the words rolled off his tongue sent shivered down your spine. You were at loss for words, and the only ones that left your lips were:
"Not expecting me to be home so early dear?" Shin whispered into your ear, his hand gripping on your wrist. "Is that why you've decided to go against one of my rules?" He questioned in a low tone.
"Shin I-"
"Don't try to explain," Shin spoke, in almost a growl. "You know very well that I do not take likely to one of my rules being broken..." Were his words as he slowly slipped the dildo out of you, tossing it back into the box which caused a shudder to rise from your mouth.
"You're definitely getting a punishment... I wonder what it should be? Spanking? A good fucking? Or perhaps I should tie you up and deny you of your precious orgasm all night long. Would that be enough?" Shin questioned, his grip tightening on you.
The male's golden eyes scanned around, before his eyes laid on the moveable shower head and a cruel idea sparked to mind.
A smirk had found itself creeping onto the First Blood's lips as he grasped a hold of the showerhead.
You, on the other hand, were trembling. 'Oh gosh, what is he going to do? Spank me with the shower head?' Was you thought. Not like you'd actually mind to be honest.
"Spread your legs." He ordered with a small grunt, causing you to slowly spread your legs out slightly. But this did not satisfy Shin. "Tch, you can do better than that Toy." He threw your legs so that they hung on either side of the tub.
Shin smirked as his ungloved finger traced your wet slit. "So wet... Such a slut~" He whispered to your ear softly.
You bit into your lower lip softly, hearing him turn the water on. He had waited for it to get warm... No... Hot. The water was steaming.
"Mmm... I wonder how sensitive I can get ya..." He smirked slightly, his wrist flicking so that he aimed the water as your spread out entrance, causing you to shiver at the feeling of the fast spouting water which hit against your sensitive flower.
"Mmm..." Was the shudder that had been drawn from your lips. "Tch. It's so easy to get a noise out of you... You truly are desperate..."
Shin leaned to your ear and whispered the bone-chilling sentence which made you tense.
"Here's your punishment."
His thumb was quick to change the setting of the showerhead so that only the buds which formed a small circle in the middle spouted water, and spouted it fast.
The male the spread your folds with his free hand, two of his fingers holding them open as he aimed the fast hitting water against your clit, causing you to gasp sharply at the sudden electrifying pleasure that spread throughout your now pulsing core.
"A-Ah!" Was your cry, it was a sudden shock of pleasure that came way too quickly, and just would not stop spreading across your sensitive pearl.
Your mouth fell agape, sharp moans and gasps leaving from your parted lips.
Shin seemed to chuckle, his hand holding the shower head in place, the water hitting against your clit repeatedly.
"Heh... Too much for you?" His thumb glided across the setting once more, causing the water to shoot faster. "How about now?" He asked, but all he got from you was a gasping moan. Once more, his thumb glided the setting, put it on the highest so that the water was now spraying violently out of the nubs. "Now~?" He whispered to your ear in a low, seductive tone.
You couldn't even form a proper sentence, the pleasure that shot through you didn't allow you to as your head tilted back against your boyfriend's shoulder. "Sh-Shin~!" You mewled, you back arching as you seemed to roll your hips against the fast-moving water. "O-Oh Sh-Shin!" You stuttered out, causing the male to chuckle rather darkly.
"Look at you... Just a bit of water against a sensitive spot and you've already succumbed to the pleasure. Your face is contorted so lewdly, I wish I had a mirror to show you what an absolute slut you're being for me~" He growled into your ear, harshly biting into the shell of your ear, groaning as drops of your sweet blood fell on his tongue.
But the pleasure overtook the pain completely, you could barely think straight. Moan after moan leaving your lips as you squirmed in Shin's lap.
But this wasn't enough...
This wasn't enough to make you cum, to make you reach what you truly desired. And Shin knew that... That's why he decided to put you through this cruel, but pleasurable torture.
"What do you want Y/N~" Shin whispered to your ear. "What is it that you desire? That you need~?" He whispered huskily, your eyes rolled back slightly from the immense bliss.
"Sh-Shin..." Was your helpless stutter. "Sh-Shin.... P-Please.... Sh-Shin f-fuck me! M-Make me ahnnn~ C-Cum Shin~!" You gasped, your voice pleading for the First Blood to have his way with you.
Shin smirked, seeming pleased with the answer you had given him, and in a moment the water had switched off and the shower head was thrown to the other side of the large bathtub.
The male didn't even remove his clothing properly. He was already missing his black jacket along with his boots, so he just unbuttoned his shirt and went down to his pants.
The sound of a belt unbuckling could be heard and you knew what was to come next when you saw he had lowered his pants and boxers to his knees.
Keeping you in the position you were, your back facing him whilst he kept you within his lap, Shin's already hardened member pressed against your aching slit.
His tip slowly slid down your entrance, your wetness coating the small area of his member, causing him to softly shudder.
"Mmm... Beg for it." He grunted out, his hand going down and slapping your thigh. "Beg for me to bury my cock deep within you." He growled into your ear.
You had to obey, after all, you needed this right now.
"Shin..." You whispered his name, a shiver crawling up your spine. "Shin please enter me..." You pleaded. "Please... F-Fuck me... Make me scream... C-Claim me again Sh-Shin..." You pleaded, feeling yourself getting wet at the thoughts of him taking you once more.
It was quiet, and you were starting to grow a bit impatient.
"Sh- Ah~!!" Was the sudden cry that left your lips, Shin had thrusted up into you, burying his entire length deep within you.
A loud grunt sounded from the male as he held your hips. "Ngh... So tight..." He grunted out. "You'd think I haven't fucked you before..." He breathed, his golden eye glowing as he wasted no time to draw his hips back, only to snap them back up so that he entered you once more.
This action repeated, again and again. Shin never went easy on you, maybe on some rare occasions, or when it was your first time with him, but even then you struggle to walk the next day.
"Shin~ A-Ah~" You gasped, your neck arching as your half-lidded eyes fixed to the bathroom ceiling. "Ngh... " Came his soft grunt as he thrusted up into you at a fast, unforgiving pace.
"Louder slut... I want your moans echoing off of these bathroom walls." He ordered, and you simply complied, letting your voice loose. Gasps, moans, pants and even soft whimpers leaving your lips as he drilled up into you on repeat.
Even whilst you were 'on top' in a way, he still held dominance over the session. "Ngh~ I bet you love being used like this... " A small grunt left his lips. "Don't you, my little slut?" Was his question, but of course, he knew the answer. He knew that you loved every single second of whatever he did to you.
"Shin~ Oh Shin p-please~" Was your gasp, your eyes having gone half-lidded. "Please? Please, what?" Shin let out a mocking laugh. "Please go faster? Please use me more? Please make me cum and scream your name?!" He asked, his hips moving in a never faltering pace which caused a loud moan to slip past your lips.
"Or..." He smirked and suddenly rammed his tip into a certain spot which he knew would make you squirm. "All of the above~?" He whispered, continuing to hit against that one spot in such a fury, it was as if he wanted to abuse it and make the nerves numb.
"Y-Yes Shin!" You cried out, your neck arched once more and the male took his chance, grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking your head back so that it was forced up against his shoulder slightly. "As you wish slut~" He smirked, his hips slamming against yours in a punishing way. You knew for a fact you would not be able to walk or even crawl tomorrow.
But at the moment you didn't care. You were growing closer to your much-desired climax
"Shin!" You rasped. "Sh-Shin I-I'm-!"
"Cumming? Not surprised." Shin chuckled lowly, his hips still moving against yours. You swore your own hips were going to have bruises from how harshly his own slapped into you.
"Scream Y/N... You belong to me, understood?" Shin growled into your ear. "Only I get to give you this pleasure, to fuck you this hard. Only I get to make you scream for me and cum so hard." Was his harsh voice, before he moved his fangs down and bit into the base of your neck.
You panted, feeling your cheeks heat up when you heard Shin's moans against your skin. His eye was closed and blood slipped past his lips which were locked onto your skin. "Y-Yes Shin!" You cried out. "I-I belong only to you!"
His own thrusts were starting to get erratic so you knew for a fact he was close too.
You were on a pleasure high when suddenly, the tightening knot in your stomach had snapped and you released onto his member with a cry of pleasure. "Sh-Shin! Shin!" You cried.
It didn't take much longer for Shin to reach his own climax, the male ramming up into you one final time before he released his seed into you.
You weren't worried, you were on birth control anyway. Right now, you were trying to calm down your heavy breathing.
The strawberry blond pulled away from your skin, licking his lower lip which dripped with blood. He himself also panted.
Soon, both of your breathing had calmed down and Shin leaned to your ear, his member still throbbing within you.
"Did you think your punishment was over?" Was his husky whisper, and before you knew it, you were slammed against the tub floor, your chest and stomach pressing against the cold surface.
He hadn't even pulled out of you, a dark chuckle leaving his lips when he had heard your yelp. He hovered his body over your own.
"Next time... Think twice before breaking my rule~"
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mortal-eternity · 2 years
Last Minute Gift Ideas for Christmas
If you're buying last minute Christmas gifts, there's no need to apologise or offer an apology; we won't hold it against you. Even though you swear to yourself that you will start and finish holiday shopping early this year – life gets in the way.
Did you simply run out of time trying to figure out how you'd spend your vacation amid yet another unpredictable travel season? Are you a lifelong procrastinator who can't seem to come up with a good idea? It's not a problem. Allow us to share some of our favourite last-minute gift ideas.
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Crossbody Boho Fringed Leather Handbag
This leather crossbody handbag is handcrafted with embossed leather patchwork embroidery. this beautiful genuine suede leather handbag for womenis the perfect gift for this Christmas. This purse is a show-stopper, and it was made just for you.
The bag's tan leather body is embellished with rich fringe and a Magnificent Embossed leather Eagle pattern with a prominent motif of shells and golden studs, giving it a boho vibe. This one-of-a-kind item is the ideal size for everyday use, with a strap that can be worn short or long, over the body or on the shoulder.
The purse includes one zippered compartment and an interior zip pocket. The lining of the compartment has a basic brown hue.Please keep in mind that our goods are handcrafted using natural materials. As a result, the materials used, such as leather, may have subtle colour variations and defects.
Leather Fringed Western Cowhide Crossbody Purse
This Bohemian fringed leather handbag for women can complete your contemporary or Bohemian Fashion appearance.Fringe, Silver Braided Design, trim, and a prominent Shell Design cover the Turquoise Blue Cowhide Fur body, giving it a boho vibe.
The bag features a turquoise self-leopard pattern on the front and a whitish-grey self-leopard pattern on the back. With an adjustable strap that can be worn short or long, across the body or over the shoulder, this one-of-a-kind handbag for womenis the perfect size for everyday usage.The purse contains one zippered compartment, an inside zip pocket, and a silver clasp.
Chic Distressed Suede Leather Fringe Shoulder Bag
This distressed suede leather tribal colorful beaded patchwork shoulder bag will complete your modern or bohemian outfit.This fringed tote is handcrafted to a high level, making it a long-lasting and stylish way to remain organised.Beautiful floral abstract tribal beaded patchwork on the front of this distressed light grey suede tote shoulder bag. This handbag for women comes with one zippered compartment and one zip pocket on the inside
Genuine Leather Crossbody Handbag
Thisleather crossbody handbagis hand-crafted to shigh quality, with beautifully designed beaded stitched patches, tassels, and feathers, and is guaranteed to turn heads.The front of the bag is metallic grey with silver trim and exquisite beaded embroidery.
The handbag is roomy and would make an excellent summer accessory. For a sleek and classy look, pair it with any outfit. This purse is both utilitarian and stylish at the same time.Multi-color earth-toned tiny beads and pearls adorn the stitched patch. The craftsmanship is exquisite and beautifully executed. All of these features make this handbag for women a perfect last minute Christmas gift.
Vintage Crossbody Embossed Patchwork Tassels Everyday Handbag
This vintage genuine leather crossbody handbag features an embossed leather flap, a lovely metallic stone brooch, and Tassels with Shells.This one-of-a-kind handbag for womenis the ideal size for everyday use, with an adjustable leather strap that can be worn short or long, across the body or on the shoulder.
Metallic Silver Grey and Metallic Gold Color are the two colours available. Three black suede leather tassels with shells embellish the soft leather purse. It flaunts beautiful golden black metallic embossed leather bag flap with a turquoise blue golden leather crisscross braided design. The bag has a beautiful stone-set metal brooch.One compartment pocket with a zipper closure and an inside zip pocket is included in the bag. A metal clasp fastener is there to keep all of your belongings safe.This lovely and useful crossbody purse will quickly become your favourite.
This list is for you if you are a chronic procrastinator who is always scrambling to buy the greatest Christmas gifts – especially leather crossbody handbags for all of your loved ones. While most shipping deadlines have passed, you have some thoughtful gift options comprising of handbagsthat will reach on time if you find yourself in a rush for gifts at the last minute.
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Trinkets, Valuable, 3: More useful than simple baubles touched mystery, these items have either a clear purpose, a reliable ability or are made from a fairly costly material. The items could fetch fair prices to collectors of the strange, jewelers, antique or art dealers or simply to barter with if the owner is short on actual currency.
A 30 foot length of supple, incredibly strong rope. It can hold five times as much as a typical hemp rope but is twice as heavy and bulky.
A beautiful beaten copper amulet that hums whenever you face or travel south.
A beautifully carved jade headdress patterned with arcane runes.
A bizarre whistle that expels floating motes of Randomly Colored light when blown. The motes dissipate after a few seconds
A black chitin mask that covers the mouth that allows the bearer speak to beetles and scorpions. It doesn’t grant the insects any greater intelligence or the ability to speak back.
A black silk armband that causes the bearer to cast no shadow when worn.
A black silk undershirt that stops the bearer from casting a shadow when worn
A black velvet bag containing 13 silver coins. The coins appear to be covered in fresh blood when viewed by a creature who has betrayed a true friend
A blank wooden mask that when worn, changes to display an exaggerated caricature of the bearer’s face. The mask’s face mimics the movements of the bearer’s facial expressions in real time.
A blank wooden mask that when worn, changes to display the bearer’s face upside-down. The mask’s face mimics the movements of the bearer’s facial expressions in real time.
---Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
---Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A 30 foot length of supple, incredibly strong rope. It can hold five times as much as a typical hemp rope but is twice as heavy and bulky.
A beautiful beaten copper amulet that hums whenever you face or travel south.
A beautifully carved jade headdress patterned with arcane runes.
A bizarre whistle that expels floating motes of Randomly Colored light when blown. The motes dissipate after a few seconds
A black chitin mask that covers the mouth that allows the bearer speak to beetles and scorpions. It doesn’t grant the insects any greater intelligence or the ability to speak back.
A black silk armband that causes the bearer to cast no shadow when worn.
A black silk undershirt that stops the bearer from casting a shadow when worn
A black velvet bag containing 13 silver coins. The coins appear to be covered in fresh blood when viewed by a creature who has betrayed a true friend
A blank wooden mask that when worn, changes to display an exaggerated caricature of the bearer’s face. The mask’s face mimics the movements of the bearer’s facial expressions in real time.
A blank wooden mask that when worn, changes to display the bearer’s face upside-down. The mask’s face mimics the movements of the bearer’s facial expressions in real time.
A brass teapot that boils water when sung to for five minutes.
A bright crimson felt hat that, when worn, causes the wearer appear slender to everyone except themselves. Perceptive creature can see through this simple illusion if they try hard enough.
A brightly-colored glove that walks around randomly for one minute on its own when placed on a hard, flat surface.
A small ceramic beetle which becomes animate and cleans the floor of the nearby area while its owner sleeps.
A ceramic mug covered in a fire motif. It slowly warms any liquid placed in it to a bit above room temperature, and keeps heated liquids placed in it hotter longer.
A ceremonial silver spearhead covered in intricate royal designs.
A choker necklace made of black and white lace that renders the bearer’s speech backwards when worn. For example: “They speak like this” becomes “Siht ekil kaeps yeht.”
A cold granite wand that shouts “Lies!” whenever the creature holding it makes a factual statement.
A collar made of wolf leather which allows the bearer to perfectly imitate canine howls and growls.
A cracked mirror that shows the viewer as they were years ago, uninjured and in the prime of youth and health.
A creepy porcelain doll whose dark garnet eyes appear to gather the light towards them giving them a disturbing appearance. When the room is darkened its head will turn to face the nearest living creature within 20 feet that has line of sight to the doll. If the doll is put away inside a box or a bag it attempts to move just enough to get out and sit upright in plain sight, but it will only do so if it is not being watched.
A deck of oddly marked cards that shuffle themselves.
A deck of tarot cards that shuffle, deal and flip themselves
A disorganized bag of jewellery. Most of it is shiny costume jewellery and virtually worthless. However, a perceptive searcher finds one plain gold ring sized for a fat finger.
A fine silver candlestick. It holds four black candles. Three of them are almost burnt down to stubs while the fourth is as yet unused.
A fishing pole that can create an illusionary image of the biggest fish ever caught with it at the wielder’s command
A fist sized ball of snow that never melts. It is always cold to the touch
A folded piece of metal-paper with strange words and symbols that plays foreign music when unfolded.
A hand mirror that does not reflects living creatures
A hand mirror that reflects everything but the person holding it
A hand sized figurine of an elaborate stone castle that has tiny glowing torches and emits illusionary smoke from its chimneys.
A head sized sealed glass orb that contains water, plants, and small fish. The glass is stronger than steel and the ecosystem inside seems to be magically self sustaining.
A hooded, deep purple mantle that is doubled, fashioned of exotic fabrics, with gold embroidery along the hem.
A jewelry box made from an oyster’s shell containing a single large black pearl
A lantern with a black candle that never runs out and that burns with a putrid green flame
A large sack full of various sets of clothing including common peasant clothing, a foot soldier’s military uniform from the local region, a jester’s outfit, and fine clothing fit for a minor noble.
A leather armband bearing a single steel disc with a circular blue button in its center. Pressing the blue button allows the bearer to record a thought, memory, idea or message no more than 15 seconds in length causing it to turn red. Pressing the button while it’s red causes the bearer to recall or re-experience the stored information which turns the button blue again. The information can only be recalled by the creature that originally stored it, attempting to recall information stored by another bearer simply turns the button blue and the information is lost.
A live potted flower that grows humanoid teeth instead of petals. The plant is incredibly hardy and requires very little care to survive.
A masterfully carved marble chalice that can hold three times its apparent volume of liquid.
A matching set of self-cleaning steel utensils (Knife, fork, spoon) that chime at dawn.
A mechanical cricket that when whistled to, it will reproduce the same whistling every five minutes.
A metal cowl that keeps the bearer’s head cool at all times.
A metal eye patch that displays images of the bearer’s parents on the inside when worn.
A metal stylus which will draw black lines on any solid surface. The lines remain until either the stylus goes further than 30 ft from the writing, or until nightfall, whichever comes first.
A mirror one square foot in size, set in a silver frame. When a creature looks at this mirror, the reflection will move on it’s own and act in a flirtatious manner: fluttering its eyelashes, posing suggestively winking, and blowing kisses.
A narrow azure steel tube that sucks in air at one end, to blow it out the other.
A one liter clay teapot that fills itself with fresh hot green tea every morning at dawn. Any tea not consumes within eight hours completely evaporates.
A paintbrush that when used, turns any paint used with it a different Random Color with each stroke of the brush.
A pair of bone dice that emit maniacal laughter when shaken.
A pair of goggles that lets the bearer see the infra-red heat patterns that originate from plants and other vegetation only.
A pair of sturdy travel boots which reduce the weight of the bearer by five pounds when both are worn
A pair of wire and glass spectacles that make bearer invisible to themselves
A palm sized miniature of a duck, carved from ivory
A plush pillow with a silky red cover. Any creature of young age or small stature will be inexplicably attracted to this pillow.
A pouch containing a dozen carved wooden goblins figurines that fight each other when placed on a surface
A Randomly Colored handkerchief that automatically cleans itself and emanates a nice smell when used.
A remembrance locket that when opened creates a life sized illusion of an unknown person.
A rubber ball that screams and wails when it’s squeezed.
A shining steel hairpin. When affixed appropriately, the hair of the wearer cannot be soiled or sullied, the hairstyle withstanding even hail and storms
A silver and glass inkwell that cannot spill
A silver bracelet from which hang a number of charms carved from small gemstones. Each is decorated with a single rune (Fire, water, air, earth, dragon, angel, demon).
A silver rod that makes no noise when it strikes anything.
A single fishwood torch. It functions as a normal torch but requires no oxygen and can even burn underwater.
A small black cube that projects the image of a hand sized spider wandering around when placed on a level surface
A small bone disk that when squeezed, projects a life-sized illusion of a horse directly above it. The illusion remains until the disk is squeezed again and the illusion is always of the same dappled grey mare.
A small leather clutch purse containing a limited selection cosmetics and makeups that refills itself each dawn.
A small music box that plays by itself whenever someone holding it dances. The box always plays music that compliments the style of dancing the user is performing.
A small pot containing a sapling that never grows, but seems to dance when not watched. The sapling remains healthy even despite a total lack of sunlight, water or nutrients, but is damaged normally by fire or physical means.
A small pouch containing twenty cigarettes wrapped in a deep crimson paper that, when smoked, causes the user to exhale monstrously shaped smoke clouds.
A small pouch secured with rope wrapped around it and filled with a dozen individually cloth wrapped bronze coins. All are from different nations or kingdoms and have different designs. Each individually wrapped parcel is tied shut with string.
A small silver coffer set with three agates in a uneven triangle. The sides are sculpted to resemble tiger paws.
A small smooth river stone that may be absorbed into any point on the body and produced from another point at will.
A small spherical, brass astrolabe that automatically tracks the movements of the planes and other dimensions. It provides no useful information to those lacking a strong background in planar or dimensional geography.
A small velvet lined box of varnished walnut wood containing five hinged walnut shells, each have a miniature carved diorama inside. The carvings are intricate and incredible well detailed and would fetch a good price with the right collector assuming it remains in good condition.
A small wooden coffer containing a dire wolf’s withered tongue. This tongue tapers to a thin tip which is curved into a ladle-like form. When picked up a lapping sound can be heard and the tongue will pull the wielder toward anyone who is wounded in the nearby area.
A small, beautifully carved wooden fish. The fish is exquisitely detailed and obviously took a long time to craft. The sigil of a sea god is carved into its back.
A small, slim, featureless black rectangle of pliable, soft, but tough material. It tastes sweet but cannot be chewed (But can be easily gnawed upon without damage to teeth) or eaten. The flavor never runs out.
A smooth glass tube that emits a point of red light one inch in diameter and visible up to 30 feet.
A star shaped wooden pendant that sings whale songs when completely submerged in water.
A steel egg-shaped device that when squeezed, negates all odor within three feet of it for one minute, once per hour.
A steel hoop one foot across that automatically sharpens any blade passed through it as if the weapon had been worked with a whetstone, oil and skilled hands for five minutes.
A strange insect caught in a piece of amber. While in a person’s possession the owner slowly begins to see visions of crawling insects in his peripheral vision that disappear when looked at directly. The visions become more frequent and realistic the longer the trinket remains in his possession.  
A straw hat that changes the wearer’s hair color to blonde while it’s worn.
A strip of black cloth that, when wrapped around the eyes and head like a blindfold, causes the bearer to be unable to hear.
A stylus which writes in a different color depending on the user’s mood.
A supple wineskin, died a rich red-gold, with a polished maple drink spout. Water kept in this container tastes particularly wonderful.
A tattered cloak crafted from black wool with a blue silk liner. The bearer will perceive all other creatures as the opposite of their actual sex or gender. The illusion is not shown in any reflective surfaces and a mirror will show the bearer who they truly are.
A telescopic metal ten foot pole that collapses into a two foot cylinder
A thee-inch tall tornado that will spin in ever expanding circles unless held in the palm of a hand or in some sort of container. The force of its wind is equivalent to a light breeze.
A thick disk of iron and glass that, when pressed against flesh, instantly etches a tattoo of a black scorpion
A thick leather collar, plated in sections of silver, each inset with four small oval-cut sapphires. There is a large iron ring where the collar attaches
A thick wool cloak that Randomly changes color every day and is never the same two days in a row
A three-foot length of silken string that when given the command word, will coil around whatever it touches and grip it with one pound of force
A three-foot-long length of braided metal wire that rearranges itself into strange three-dimensional geometric forms every hour.
A three-inch high, solid gold statuette depicting the fell patron of a defunct evil cult. The statuette is incredibly old and has become worn and dented through the ages.
A three-inch-tall ceramic doll that dances when you clap.
A tiny brass clockwork cathedral that plays quiet organ music when wound
A tiny glass cube that distorts visibility within six inches around it.
A tiny intricately carved bone awl made for body piercing. The tool inflicts no pain when it pierces flesh
A toe ring made of gold-plated iron that is set with a marble claw. Around the base of the claw are a dozen pinhead-sized common cabochon cut topaz.
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femalekpopscenarios · 7 years
Jiyeon - Exchanging Gifts
(Jiyeon/Reader | 736 words | Mermaid AU!)
xxivmoonlightvixx: Fluffy Jiyeon (T-ara) please~? Thank you~~ [i died when I found your blog btw so if I request quite a lot...I apologize in advanced if I get annoying.]
I hope you don’t mind, I turned this into a mermaid au! My soul has been craving writing for more au!s. Feel free to request again if you’d like~ (And apologies if the gif doesn’t fit. It’s super hard finding any that aren’t sexy >.<)
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Rain lightly drops onto your umbrella as a heavy exhale falls from your lips. Readjusting your bag, you peer out into the ocean beside you.
 The sun hasn’t even risen yet.
 Trudging through the sand, you quickly reach the path of rocks that’ll take you to a secluded cave. You cautiously hop from one to the other, safely landing on solid ground thanks to months of practice.
 Entering the cave, you approach the body of water within just as your girlfriend pops up from underneath it, greeting you with a large grin and shout of your name.
 You take a seat beside the pond and slip your bag off your shoulder, placing it beside you alongside your umbrella. “Hi Jiyeon! You’re gonna love what I’ve brought you today.”
 “Oh! Is that my gift?” The female asks, pointing to your umbrella.
 “It’s not, but that’s called an umbrella. It keeps us humans dry when it rains. Do you know what rain is?” You questioned upon seeing her puzzled expression. She shakes her head ‘no’.
 “Well, tiny droplets of water gather together to form clouds in the sky and later, gravity causes the droplets to fall as rain.” You explain.
 Jiyeon pushes on the ground beside your feet, holding her body up near yours as her azure tail swishes about in the water.
 “Are you talking about when the sky drops water? As a matter of fact, that’s controlled by our god, Zeus. It’s pretty cute you humans try to have logic behind something otherworldly~” She teases.
 A huff of laughter escapes you. You know now it was best not to argue with her about any culture differences; the first week of knowing one another was full of such altercations.
 “Right… well would you like your gift? It’s a little similar to the snow globe I brought you last time.” You say.
 “Actually, if you don’t mind, could I give you your gift first?”
 “Oh, you got me something? You really didn’t have to, Jiyeonnie-“
 “But I wanted to! Isn’t that what mates do? We give each other items that help declare our affection, right? So,” The mermaid pauses, supporting her weight on one scale-covered arm as the other reaches back into the water and retrieves your gift.
 “Here!” She exclaims, thrusting a peach colored clam shell in your direction.
 With Jiyeon’s urging, you take the shell and gently open it, her name leaving your lips in a faint breath.
 Inside, there lay a large golden pearl.
 “Pearls of that color are incredibly rare to find, in ancient merfolk tales, giving your mate a gold colored pearl means-” She trails off, a heavy blush covering her features.
 “It means…” You softly encourage.
 “It means you’re asking to be with them for the rest of your lives. I believe humans call this age-old tradition a proposal.”
 Your hands fall in your lap, still grasping the shell as your face burns a deep scarlet.
 Don’t merfolk live long lives? Why is she moving so fast then?!
 “Except I wanted this to be more like a promise. I understand it must be difficult having me as your mate, and if we ever do make that vow to each other, even more problems may arise. But I wanted to give you something that has a significance to my culture, something that you could always keep with you even when we’re so far apart.” She tells you, bashfully looking away.
 “Not to say that I don’t want you as my life partner. It’s just too soon for something like that.” She peers up at you through her eyelashes, droplets of water still clinging to them.
 “Jiyeonnie,” You whisper, placing your forehead against hers as a hand raises to cup her cheek. “It’s beautiful, I’ll cherish it forever.”
 “Just like I plan on doing with you.” She says with a cheeky grin.
 You silence her by pressing your lips together, the taste of seawater on her skin. Serene moments are spent exchanging tender kisses until you pull away, gasping for breath.
 Jiyeon looks at you with adoration in her eyes before they light up in excitement.
 “Can I have my gift now?” She giddily asks, tail splashing around happily.
 Laughing, you reach over into your bag and grasp the miniature hourglass you’ve brought her.
 It wasn’t much compared to what she just gave you, but you had a feeling she would love it regardless.
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amfportfolio-blog1 · 7 years
I smell a rat
Overnight I became a rat. I don't know how or why but impossibly, my ears are sharp icicle points, my nose is long and rough and gnarly daggers extend from between a jagged mouth. My tail, tail, like a whip it follows and wisps behind me, as though it has a mind of its own. The claws of my feet rattle against the floor with every scurrying scamper, ringing against the tiled floor like rain against glass. My new form abides every thought and follows my every command. I have become what people see me as. A dirty, flee ridden, creature, with no trustworthy intentions. I can admit I am quite a difficult person. I'm intelligent, handsome, sarcastic and narcissistic, (I know aren't those people just the worst). But underneath this chiselled, olive toned exterior lives a man looking for the love which he'd been neglected as a small boy.  If only.
Friends, not something I have come by very often. Although, there has always been my trusty ally Bruno, my golden retriever. He loves me dearly, despite his three escape attempts (we've moved on from that tiff) and he sleeps soundly on the end of my bed. I had one friend just the other day, I asked to read his paper on the train, to which he smiled and said, "Course you can, here you are." There was also the time a couple of years ago, on my twenty third birthday that I'd managed to hold on to a boy from childhood; a man now really. Liam was his name and he was my opposite, with skin like chalk and a sweet and sour personality, which parents and cats seem to adore. He was handsome in a less obvious way to most (including myself) yet he always had a lot of friends. However, I dare say he envied my charm, and ease when speaking to women. After years of 'friendship', he stopped talking to me once he found out I'd been fucking his girlfriend.
You're probably wondering how I can talk so calmly while I twitch my new ears and swish my tail. Well, I've had several dreams of this. Of becoming a rat, tormenting humans and invading their rubbish, eating their cheese and crackers. Although I would always wake up. After several visits through the neighbourhood, I would awake. Yet hours later, here I am. Watching my reflection in the oven door, my beady eyes as empty as shadows.
Honestly, I've been waiting for something exciting to happen to me for a long time. I tire easily and cannot stand the constant familiarity of mundane life. Therefore I embrace this new body and will make of it what I can, for however long or short it may be. Bruno may even enjoy the company of a smaller creature. (Our games of hide and seek will be intriguing indeed. )
Two days have passed since I awoke as a rodent and in my sleep, dreams or flashbacks as it were have begun to occur. I hadn't considered the possibility that perhaps I had endured excruciating pain like the werewolf transformations in 'Van Helsing', but if my flashbacks are correct; thank the lord and all that is mighty for my ignorance.
My flashbacks are inconsistent and random, although some images reoccur each night - including a hoarse scream bursting from my lungs as my flesh and skin rip away from my bones. The throbbing ache as the bones over my body collapse to the size of rice granules, the shock as my eyes shift from ocean blue to pitiless, empty black shells and my least favourite part, the thick layer of grey, matted fur covering my new, miniscule, rat sized body. This new, exciting event is not all I thought it would be. I'd thought I could live like I had in my dreams, rustle through a few more bin bags, help myself to cheese and crackers, burrow inside of a sofa cushion. Every time I've tried, newspapers are thrown against me, spades loom above to squish away my insignificant life.
I'd thought I could be better as a rat, attempt a new life where I am not a complete failure to everyone I've ever met and then alienated in the process. I'd thought wrong. The disgust  I'd once felt from people, the women I'd abandoned minutes after burying myself in them, the parents I'd alienated myself from and the friends I'd cheated and lied to, what I felt now was all of this and more. More hate and disgust; more than I could stand. Even me, a heartless, twenty seven year old male who for the past ten years has chosen not to feel a thing. I blame my parents for who I have grown to be. Wouldn't anyone? They named me Carl for starters. One of those names where teeth snap and tongues curl from the sound. My mother, bless her heart was a sweet woman until she caught my Father fulfilling his duties with another woman. She didn't say anything of course, the delicate flower that she is wouldn't dare shatter the seemingly perfect life that everyone thinks she has. My sister, Tess is the only good one out of us all. She got the good gene's, my Mum's immaculate skin and hair and Dad's quick wit and confident manor. I was dealt the worst hand of course, but none the less I try to be as separate from them as possible. They live the charmed life of a wealthy, retired couple living for nothing in a country house on the outskirts of Buckinghamshire. Mum's only keeping up appearances, in her attempt to hold things together for the children. Dad wouldn't change for anything and I would assume is still getting his weekly dose from the dog walker down the road. Last time we were all together was Christmas three years ago. Mum had cooked for all four of us and  by the time we'd all sat down, Dad was already pissed, Tess had an air of chaos about her and couldn't keep her eyes from checking the clock. Probably had an item on eBay she was meant to bid on. I wouldn't have turned up at all if Mum hadn't threatened to pick me up herself, and the thought of my mother's meddling hands dancing over my things gave me  no other option. If that wasn't bad enough, Dad's eyes wandering up and down the help's behind had Mum crashing full bottles of wine against the newly painted, pearl white walls. It had only been a couple of weeks since Mum had followed Dad to the thirty something blonde's home, where she watched him rip the blouse from her body. Unfortunately for Mum, Dad didn't care all that much anymore, so whether she said something or not, it probably wouldn't make the slightest difference to him anyway. Which brings us back to Christmas dinner, where Mum's lost her marbles, Tess has lost something on eBay and Dad's hammered. Merry fucking Christmas.
Later on that day, Tess went outside for a phone call and by the looks of it, there's no second chance bid on this item. I used to be quite close with my Sister when we were younger, but then again who isn't? Up until the age of eighteen, it was us against Mum and Dad. They were relatively happy at that point, mostly because they had an equal hatred for my disobedience at the time. We shared the same interests and had a knack for water colour paintings. I went through stages of theft and vandalism of all properties I could get my hands on, but Tess always hated my hobby and instead urged me to carry on painting. When Tess learnt that I couldn't be told to do anything, she joined me on the occasion, to supervise until she found her new and current husband. William. She fell head over heels for him and married him within a year. They had an all expenses paid wedding on behalf of our delightful parents, and it took all of my ability and self control not to piss all over the whole thing. Will was an unemployed, aspiring to be writer while Tess flitted between jobs looking for something that made her blood sing. Firstly she tried to become a masseuse, and then a swimming teacher for children and now her current position within the pharmacy.  Five years later and she is still looking.
My fourth day as a Rat sent me to my parent's house in the country. The journey was long and the house difficult to see when moving so low down on the ground. I tried my best to stay hidden from the people walking along the same path, but everyone now and then they'd catch sight of my tail as it slithered underneath a bush. The girls would scream and run in the opposite direction and the boys creep forward to get a closer look. Fingers point and rocks are thrown to scare me away. In that moment I want to awake from this endless dream of torment. I look down at my claws, thick and yellow with dirt clinging to the tips. My fur is matted and wet, and my skin beneath itches , probably from fleas. Something which seemed like an exciting adventure three days ago, has now become something to escape at all costs. The impossibility of what has happened is not lost to me and I wonder if denial has stunned me to the point that hope is all that keeps me going. The hope that I won't remain a disgusting, creature forever.
It takes me the whole day to reach my parent's home and as I walk up the driveway, I see a glow through the window. Running around the back of the house, as expected the back door is left wide open. I tip toe (if a rat can really tip toe) over the threshold and dash across the terracotta tiles on the kitchen floor, into the hallway and through to the living room. To my surprise, Tess's voice is the first I hear amongst the clatter of tea spoons, tea cups and saucers. Mum has set out a spread of finger sandwiches and scones (how very traditional) with conserves and butter. Tess pauses to grasp at a scone and gnaws into it, barely stopping to breath around each bite. Someone's hungry. She reaches for a handful of the sandwiches and places them on her lap, her eyes dance from my mother's to her lap. Her eyes look erratic and wild, dark bags hang beneath them and her hair seems duller than its normal, golden shimmer.
'There's a lot I haven't told you Mum.'  Tess begins and shoves a sandwich in her mouth. She chews it slowly, her eyes are closed appreciatively .
'Tell me what's wrong Poppet, you don't look yourself.' Her hand strokes away the stray hair from Tess's eyes. 'And you've lost weight! Is everything okay at home? Are you and Will okay? He's not making you do this is he? You're perfect already, please tell me what's happening.'
'Okay, Mum, Stop,' Tess swallows the rest of the sandwich. 'Me and Will, we're having a few money problems at the minute. He's finding it hard to get a job, he loves to write so much and he's so talented. You should hear some of the things he's written, it's beautiful.' A smile lifts her face for the first time. I inch forward so that my nose is only just hidden beneath the cabinet. 'I want him to do well, so he writes most of the time. He work's when he can, he's trying to get a job as a teacher but he hasn't really got the qualifications. I'm still working at the pharmacy, but  they've cut my hours way down. It hasn't been easy, the last couple of years.' Mum reaches for Tess's hand and she squeezes it.
'Oh, Tess I wish you would have told me, I can lend you some money no problem. You should have come to me sooner.' Mum giggles and kisses Tess on the cheek.
'No Mum, you don't understand.' Tess looks down at her lap again, her fingers pull away the crusts from the sandwiches. She always refused to eat the crusts. 'We don't have anything left. Will, he's...he's got a gambling problem. This all started years ago. He'd just been let go from his job at the newspaper and he went to the casino and won a bit of money. But he kept going back, over and over again. Winning money on top of money. He was doing so well and then he lost it all. We lost everything. We've been trying to make ends meet ever since. Everything was so perfect and now it's just awful. We've sold everything in the house. The car is gone, I had to sell my guitar's and Will sold his entire art collection. I don't know what else we can do.' Tess leans her head against Mum's shoulder and weeps silently. I had no idea that Tess was having such a bad time. The last time I saw her was when she visited me on my birthday two years ago. I hadn't even bothered given her the time of day.
'Well, I'm sure Carl will help out too.' Mum says, but her tone says otherwise.
'Oh come on Mum, you don't still think he cares about us do you? When was the last time he called for a chat? Or popped round to see how you're doing? I sure as hell haven't had a visit from him recently.' Tess chomps down on another sandwich. 'He only cares about himself. Unfortunately he is his father's son.' Mum nods to herself and raises the teacup to her lips. She blows into the cup and sips. I think of the last time I saw her, three or four months ago when she turned up at my house with biscuits and a photo album. I turned her away with the excuse that I was late for work, when really I was heading to the gym. I ignored all of her calls after that too. Someone won't be winning son of the year anytime soon. I feel a draft and then a slam as the front door is closed. A pair of black boots enter the room, my eyes follow up the legs to my father's face. His hair is gray all over now and his once strong jaw has begun to sag.
'Tess, what are you doing here?' Dad says and kisses the top of her head.
'Just thought I'd come and say hello.' Tess continues to look at her lap as if there is something very interesting there, other than the sandwiches and scones. 'Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?'
'Oh good enough, still alive and kicking.' He stands there for a while, neither looking or speaking before he claps his hands together loudly. 'Right, well. Best be off, still early and got a few more errands to run. See you later Poppet.' He walks out of the room and leaves with a short wave. Before Tess can even reply, the front door opens and closes again. The sound of tyres scraping against the gravel signals his exit.
'He's always very busy these days.' Mum mutters and continues drinking her tea. Tess rolls her eyes. 'So, Yes. I'll give you whatever money you need. I'll sort everything. And don't you worry about your Dad, it'll be our little secret.' Tess nods and hugs Mum tightly. 'Now, don't you start that again. I've told you, everything will be fine.'
'I know Mum, I believe you.' Tess takes a deep breath and turns to face Mum. 'About a month or so ago, I was two weeks late. I was pregnant.'
'Oh darling, that's excellent news. I've been waiting for this for years. I'm finally going to be a Grandma.' Mum's smile oddly resembled that of a Cheshire Cat, but the tears continue to roll down Tess's cheeks. 'Why are you crying Tess?'
'We still had no money a month ago Mum. I was scared and Will was in a bad place. He was drinking more and I know he we was spending most of his nights in the casino.' Tess's fingers are clenched so tightly together they begin to turn very white. 'I had an abortion. It was the only option I could think of. I haven't told Will. It would break his heart, he'd hate himself for it and I can't do that to him.' Tess lets her head fall into her hands, while Mum wrapped my sister's shaking body within her arms. My small, insignificant heart tightens to see Tess in so much pain. I had no idea she'd been in such trouble and hadn't cared enough to pick up the phone and ask. Mum and Tess continue to mumble in the background while I look back on each time I'd seen or spoken to Tess, what she looked like, how she seemed and whether she'd tried to reach out to me. I come out blank. Without realising I shuffle forwards and Mum immediately notices her son, the rat and my nose poking out from the cabinet. She screams and grabs onto Tess. Following the direction of her stares, Tess quickly bounces into action. She takes a pillow and the shoe from her foot. Rising from the sofa she slowly creeps towards me and lowers to her knees a meter away from me. I look at her eyes, still wet with tears and wonder how I could have left my little sister all alone for so long. Tess raises the shoe high above her head, ready to exterminate my life with the heel of her sandal. I edge backwards, out of sight and range of the shoe and rush out from under the cabinet the way I came in. I don't let myself stop, I feel as though I'm leaping through a pop-up book, I can hear the shouts and screams coming from behind me and their attempts to hit me with anything in sight. Something heavy slams against my back and I falter for a second. I turn my head around and crumbled on the ground (and partly on my fur) is a scone. I run ahead and escape through the door and into a large bush. Without looking back, I begin my long journey back home.
I arrive home and the night has come and gone. It is my fourth day as a rat and there are no signs of it changing anytime soon. I hurry across the lawn of my back garden and clamber up the steps and through the dog flap, into the kitchen. Bruno is sprawled across the sofa with his head positioned perfectly on a pillow with the words 'relax' written on it. My claws cause taps to sound on the floor and Bruno's foot begins to twitch. He's always been a light sleeper, and it's why he's made such a good guard dog. I head towards the square slots in the cabinets that I installed specifically for wine bottles. I climb into the first one and cling to the edge of the one above with my claws. My arms and legs are stronger than I expect and I reach the surface in no time. As I hoped, tucked away in the corner is a loaf of bread and a pile of grapes. Wasting no time, I let my teeth guide and dig into the loaf, tearing small chunks away and holding it between my claws. A few bites later and I reach for a grape and make to go back down the 'ladder'. Sitting down watching me is Bruno, his eyes are alert and aware and his tail swishes slowly from side to side. I inch forward and his eyes follow me. He licks his lips and waits patiently for me to give myself over to him. To gain an edge, I pounce in the other direction towards the front door and go flying across the counter and land flat on the floor. Bruno makes a run for me and I only just escape his teeth snapping at my tail. My legs continue to run, driving me towards the large tree stood in the corner of the garden. As I approach, my eyes focus on something at the foot of its trunk. It's a bird nest and buried beneath twigs, grass and leaves are three very small and perfectly oval bird eggs. Only a week ago, this same nest had been stationed directly above me on one of the branches of the tree. The heavy winds and rain must have knocked it down. I crawl into the nest and nestle beneath the twigs and leaves. Peeping over the edge, I can see Bruno has been distracted by the shadow of leaves on the paving stones, however from the bushes, emerge two large, identical rodents. Their eyes are piercing like ink and the noses point towards me, directing them like a compass. Jumping from the nest, I stand before it on my hind legs. The eggs will become dinner if I don't try to protect them. In an attempt to appear scary, I raise my claws in front of me (if I was still human, it would look like I was ready to box) and let a mangled, growl escape my mouth. The noise is sharp and feels strange to my ears. I do it again, clawing at clumps of mud and grass also and throw it at the rats. The rats grow larger as they approach, the shadows following them, loom over and create a theatrical show of jagged points and hunched bodily forms. The rats hesitate for a while, frozen  in place by their hunger to eat and their uncertainty towards me, but eventually they move on and disappear from sight. Without hesitation, I clasp my teeth to the nest and drag it towards the house, up the stairs and through the dog flap. While Bruno continues to play with the leaves, I look around the room in search for places to leave the birds nest. I spy the wooden, thatched newspaper basket and manage to fit the nest amongst the newspapers and magazines. I create a makeshift fort by tearing up the newspapers and creating a tipi like roof to the nest. I stand back and admire my work before I'm over come with exhaustion. I have no concept of the day or time, but in that second it doesn't matter and I crawl in next to the bird nest and fall asleep.
When I awake, the night has passed and the sky is a bright, cloudless blue. Unsurprisingly, I remain a rat, but I decide not to dwell on that too much. Instead, I peek through to check on the bird eggs before crawling out of the basket and over to the wine holders. Bruno has taken position on the sofa once again and this time he is awake. His eyes watch me, but this time I get the sense that he does not intend on chasing or eating me today. I continue up through the holes to the bread and resume my nibbling. The surface of the counter (that I'd considered too small before and planned on extending) seemed larger than life today. I pick a firm, maroon grape and sink my teeth into the sweet and sour juices underneath the skin. I think of Liam, and his sweet and sour personality. His girlfriend of three years that I'd seduced and slept with. The childhood memories we'd shared as we grew up together. I think of my sister and her struggles. How could I have changed so much? How did we go from fighting our battles together to barely trying to fight at all? I stroll towards the microwave to see my reflection and jump back so far I almost fall over the edge. The last time I had seen myself, my fur was a grey, murky brown layered with thick grease. My ears were pointed and my eyes were black. Yet now it all seems different. My fur is softer, my teeth not so yellow, and my claws are short and blunt (the way they should be). But the biggest difference is the piercing, blue of my eyes. I stare on and on into the same eyes that I was born with. The very eyes my Mum had passed along to Tess and me. I can't help but watch the emotion and the reactions of them. Just as I step forward a little further, the home phone rings. I go to answer it and then stop myself immediately. It goes to the answer machine and I hold my breath as the familiar, soothing tone of Mum's voice sings throughout the room.
'Hello Carl, I haven't heard from you in a while, I hope everything is okay?' A genuine smile unfurls inside of me and I lean towards the phone to listen carefully. 'I wouldn't have called, except there was a rat in the house yesterday and I'm worried that there might be a nest of them somewhere. Can you pop around and have a look if you have time? I would really appreciate it. Speak soon, it's Mum by the way.' The message cuts off and I feel a weight lifting off of me. A part of me had thought she would stop caring, but she never had. She was never the problem. I return back to the microwave and my eyes are like oceans of rapid waters. My tail has shrunken down to a small stump and with glee I jump down from the counter onto the floor. I dash towards the basket, where the nest of eggs rest. Inside the tipi, the eggs are shaking around in the nest and paper. Once again I clamp my teeth on the edge of the nest and drag it from the basket, across the kitchen floor and through the dog flap. I return the nest to the bottom of the tree and wait patiently for the eggs to slowly hatch. First one crack appears on an egg and then another and another until all of the eggs have broken and released its small inhibitors into the world. Before I can decide what to do next, a bird with grey and orange feather's swoops down and somehow manages to carry all three of the baby creatures. The birds, which were covered in slime were also a similar shade of grey and so for their sakes I hope that they have been saved and reunited with their mother. With my claw, I scratch behind my ear and feel the shedding of my fur as clumps and chunks fall onto the ground, along with the tainted history of my malice.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
The magick of seashells
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Posted by Michelle Gruben on Aug 02, 2017
Seashells are a very special magickal material—a beautiful gift of Earth and Sea. Shells are found in the secret space between these two kingdoms, which is revealed only during the change of tides. They are treasures from an invisible world.
Whether plain brown or white, or cascading with a rainbow of colours, each shell brings a message to the person who is fortunate enough to find it. Read on to find out more about the magickal properties of seashells.
The amazing seashell
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Normally, I’d just dive right into the correspondences of shells and their uses in spellwork. But instead, let’s stop for a minute to consider how unique and amazing shells are as a material.
What are seashells? They are the hard, protective exoskeletons of marine mollusks. Soft-bodied invertebrates create their own shells from minerals in their bodies and the sea. Each creature makes a shell that will be its home for its entire life. For this reason, shells can be seen as symbols of independence, solitude, and self-reliance.
Not only are they essential for marine life, shells rival anything created by humans in their beauty, strength, and mathematical precision. (The outward curve of a Nautilus shell famously follows the Fibonacci sequence.) The shapes and patterns aren’t random—they’ve been passed on through countless generations. It’s hard to contemplate a shell without being in awe at the power of ancestral memory and Divine creativity.
Correspondences of Seashell
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Every child knows that if you hold a shell up to your ear, you can hear the ocean. Naturally, shells are often used on the Pagan altar to represent the element of Water. Shells also correspond to Venus (the planet and the deity) and to the Moon, who gently tosses them ashore every tidal cycle.
For millennia, shells have been a symbol of feminine beauty. Their white-pink colours recall the blush of a fair complexion, and some shells resemble the female breasts or vulva. When Botticelli painted the Goddess of Love floating upon a seashell raft, he cemented an age-old correspondence into an indelible image.
Cups, mirrors, and combs are often made with shells (or shaped like them) in keeping with the Venusian aspect of shells. The use of shells in necklaces goes back to the Stone Age—though we have no way of knowing if these shell artefacts were used for male or female adornment.
But seashells aren’t just about beauty. Shells are also linked to prosperity and abundance. They have long been an important religious symbol to coastal dwellers who take their nourishment from the sea. Shells have also been used as currency by many world cultures. There are probably trillions of shells in the ocean, but it still feels special and lucky to find a perfect shell resting in the sand.
Despite their family resemblance, different types of shells have different properties in magick. Generally speaking, shells symbolise mystery, divinity, love, and prosperity—but each type has its own nuances. See the list of shells at the end of this article for detailed correspondences.
Shells in magick
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The natural cup shape of many shells makes them great for holding things! Shells make perfect little dishes for incense, sand, crystals, and herbs. Cleaned seashells can also hold food or drink for rituals.
Abalone shells are a very popular choice for Sage smudging. The shell is used either to catch the ash or to hold the burning herbs. (Some people believe that the latter use is improper—that it’s disrespectful to place Fire in a Water vessel.) If you do burn herbs or incense in a shell, put a thin layer of sand in the bottom to help distribute the heat and avoid scorching the shell.
Shell is sometimes cut into thin slices and used to decorate pendants, bowls, or just about any flat or curved surface. A shell-covered box or mirror could be a lovely tool for a Water witch’s altar. Small shells or shell tiles can be incorporated into the handle of a ritual wand or knife.
Of course, the most popular way to use shells is in their natural, unaltered form. Large shells can be placed on your altar or used to decorate indoors and outdoors. Smaller shells make beautiful jewellery. (Some even have natural holes for stringing!) You can add shells to magickal windchimes, mojo bags, or incorporate them into charms and amulets.
Finding your own shells
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It’s a fact: Shells that you scavenge for yourself are more pleasing than the fanciest boutique purchases. If you’re lucky enough to live near a beach, find out what kind of shells are available from your local coasts. Or head out at the first low tide and see what you see!
If you do buy shells, please purchase from responsible sources. Small-ish and common shells are the best bet. The bigger and flashier the shell, the higher the odds it comes from an animal that is slow-growing or over-hunted. Illegal exporting of rare shells is a big business that funds environmental pillaging, organised crime, and exploitation of labour. Don’t be that guy!
Some types of sea life have been making seashells in more or less the same designs for millions of years. Seashell shapes are timeless and sacred. They were here before humans, and will probably outlast us. Here are some of the most common shell shapes and their magickal lore:
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The Abalone shell incorporates all the colours of the sea and sky. The inside of the shell is coated with nacre, the same substance in pearls and mother-of-pearl.
Abalone has been an important food source for tens of thousands of years. The shells represent the giving power of the Mother Ocean. The iridescent hue promotes feeling of abundance, peace, and compassion.
Abalone shells have an especially sacred meaning in Native American and Polynesian religion. Most people are familiar with Abalone as a vessel for Sage smudging, a Native American spiritual practice.
The vibrant colour and natural lustre of Abalone shell makes it ideal for jewellery and ornamental objects. Wearing an amulet of Abalone is said to impart a calming, spiritual vibration and to help the wearer work through emotional issues.
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The Scallop is perhaps the most familiar seashell shape. It has a sacred meaning in Christian Europe, dating back to the earliest pilgrims—many of whom would have been illiterate—who were guided to pilgrimage sites by the Scallop emblem. The Scallop is an emblem of Saint James the Apostle. It may be adopted as a badge by anyone who has undergone a spiritual quest. Scallop shapes may be discerned in countless Christian altars and cathedrals.
Art nerds will recognise the Scallop as the seat or carriage of many an ocean deity. Poseidon is depicted riding upon one, and Aphrodite floats to shore in a Scallop shell. The Scallop appears on Pagan altars as a symbol of the sea goddess and the element of Water. Use a Scallop shell as a chalice, offering bowl, or vessel for love magick. (The large and colourful variety found in magick shops is a warm-water species called Lion's Paw or Mexican Sea Scallop.)
The Scallop is distinguished from other shells by the multiple rays and ridges, converging on a single point near the base. To medieval Christians, this represented the varied paths of travellers on their way to a holy site.  To earlier humans, the Scallop’s rays may have resembled the Sun’s beams converging on the horizon at sunrise or sunset. This makes the Scallop an especially fitting symbol of Venus, who is called the Morning Star or Evening Star.  
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The Nautilus is the nomad of the sea, travelling hundreds of miles on currents (and a raft of bubbles). The name means “sailor” in Greek. The Nautilus shell is an important symbol in sacred geometry and even mathematics—displaying a logarithmic spiral in its growth pattern.
Unlike some other shell creatures, the Nautilus does not shed or exchange its shell, but creates a large chamber for its body as it grows. The Nautilus shell is thus a symbol of growth and renewal. The outward spiral shape of the Nautilus suggests that it can keep growing indefinitely.
The Nautilus is one of the few sea creatures to have survived since the time of the dinosaurs. It is one of Nature’s true masterpieces. Meditate on a Nautilus shell, or use it in your magick of spiritual growth and expansion.
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The Auger shell is an elongated spiral, with an opening at the base and a point at the tip. In the language of shells, the Auger is both masculine and feminine, representing completeness. There are hundreds of varieties worldwide.
Auger shells come from a type of predatory sea snail, and the aggression of the animal is implied by its narrowly focused shape. Augers possess a venomous tooth that is the terror of marine worms. In magick, Augers are one of the only shells that may be properly attributed to Mars. Augers are popular for headdresses, magick wands, and protective charms.
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The familiar Cowrie shell is yellow or white and egg-shaped, with two rows of teeth along a central gap. Cowrie shells have appeared as currency, decoration, and religious items in nearly every part of the world.
Owing to its shape, the Cowrie often represents the life-giving vulva. It is used in charms for wealth and fertility. Cowrie shells are strung onto necklaces or sewn into garments. Additionally, the shells may be used for divination. There are several distinct systems of Cowrie divination stemming from African and Afro-Caribbean occult traditions.
Cowrie shells are admired for their fine natural polish. Their glossiness symbolises refinement and luxury. The Italian word for Cowrie is porcellana (“little pig”)—from which we derive the word porcelain.
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Not technically a seashell, Starfish are nonetheless available at many a beach seller’s stall. The Starfish is a spiny sea creature whose dried body forms the shape of a star. They are symbols of heavenly power, renewal, and good luck.
Because of their resemblance to the heavenly stars, the Starfish has an affinity with various sky Gods and Goddesses. How amazing to uncover a star within the depths of the seas! (As that old thrice-great Egyptian guy says, “As above, so below.”) As a (usually) five-pointed creature, Starfish are also linked to the Pentagram and the number 5, the number of Man. No wonder the Starfish speaks to the mystic's heart.
Biologists will tell you that Starfish are exquisitely sensitive animals. Its nervous system radiates from the centre and extends through each limb, allowing it to explore the ocean floor with grace and ease. Starfish are symbols of instinct and intuition. As a totem or amulet, Starfish reminds a sensitive person to adapt and thrive within their surroundings.
Starfish possess the superpower of being able to regrow a missing limb. Use them in charms for strength and recovery from trauma.
I hope this article has inspired you to dig deep into your collection of seashells!
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