#they are not together but he is so happy just being in cahoots
flowerflamestars · 1 year
No Graves snippet
It was too easy, to sink into living the life the Archeron’s carved out.   By the time Lucien awoke the next morning, in a slightly too-short bed that was among the furniture that had come with the property, they were already gone. A note greeted him, in Nesta’s slanting hand: furniture at 11, trees at 1, stay to sign.   A fire he hadn’t lit, hungry red that spit sparks to ask him, have you lost your mind? He did not need to see Eris, much less hear him, to understand the actual sentiment, though it bled from the question the kitchen hearth threw at him by the time Lucien was done brewing tea: that city is a godsforsaken death trap. The messages the High Lord is sending do not come from a well man. Do you need help? Lucien would have very much liked to read those missives. He could imagine the demands: armies, promises, money. Based on what? The name of the most famous traitor in the land, who no one had been surprised to see commit atrocities in Hyberns name, even compelled. Not after how he’d spent the last few centuries ruling the North.  SAPLING, the fire yelled.   An extra four hundred years that touched only Lucien was near enough to level their ages, which made the tone feel very unfair. Still fond, though. He was not actually offended enough to let the fire scorch Nesta’s new kitchen.   “I’m fine,” Lucien said, aloud, his own voice proof and magic too. Eris was Vanserra enough to feel every path through a forest- to be both outraged and know that something fundamental was changed. “Stop worrying and stay alive, old man. I’ll see you on the battle field.”   He’d see him at the summit of lords, but it was a sure enough warning: Lucien, like Eris, inclined still toward a single truth.   To fight if they had to, to stop the sort of carnage Hybern was capable of unleashing on their land.
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
So to ramble-recap the My Hero Creed fusion concept:
Assassins and Templars are a thing. Pieces of Eden and Isu are. Abstergo is a thing, potentially defunct (or their Animus project research group at least) by the time Desmond reaches Japan. The Solar Flare was stopped but Desmond survived using the Eye and its not clear if anyone tried taking credit or if people were like "okay that was weird but we're good and hey why's a bunch of people (Templars) hiding in fallout shelters BEFORE the flare hit what the hell did you do". Eagle Vision either doesn't count as a quirk or maybe it does because Quirks Are Bullshit and the "cult commune" Assassins just NOPED out of reporting who had a "quirk" because the Templars are in the government NOPE.
AFO has or is about to get a Piece. Going by the Nomu hunting Desmond likely knows something about the Templar/Assassin war (although how much is unclear). Eraserhead is hunting the apparently false charges terrorist not-villain who some high up in Abstergo likely claimed was an cultist assassin who murdered one of their lead researchers. Which considering Humarise might be a thing if the movies are canon is a whole other pack of worrying statements.
Eraserhead has at the very least Midnight and Present Mic in cahoots in catching the "weird foreign maybe-vigilante maybe-secret agent". Nedzu knows a lot about "Subject 17" from his own illegal hacking and independent research but it's unclear if he bothered to tell them yet, if only to keep them from Freaking Out Desmond with their knowledge. Going by the run-ins it is possible that Desmond has been in Japan longer than a month, but no shorter than a week.
And Desmond picks up Izuku as a not-assassin student pinning the concept's events taking place about a year before Izuku starts at U.A. High. Which... raises questions on how often the Nomu are sent after Desmond or if they're less "brain exposed Nomu" and more like those Vigilante Bomber/Anonymous things which were a thing about a year to three before Izuku is on the rooftop. Aizawa's not gonna be happy if he hears those things are still around. Or have something like them but more 'creative' if they are Nomu-Nomu. AFO is wasting/risking a lot to get Desmond which means he KNOWS the value that Desmond is ("quirk", arm, blood...).
Also the concept gravitates to Desmond/Aizawa. Not sure if Desmond/Aizawa/Hizashi but definitely Desmond/Aizawa. And Nedzu apparently ships Aizawa/Desmond.
The concept of Desmond having a quirk all along that he either didn’t know about/never really talked about becuase of being trained on the farm to never give information to anyone is really funny whether that is eagle vision or more hilariously something that makes him more susceptible to Isu tech/seeing ghosts/etc.
As for timeline wise it will probably extend from the year before Izuku is accepted into UA through canon (I mean non animus reliant training and funded pieces of Eden at best based off of a map/memories/etc centuries out of date takes time) so while Des might not be hunted by Nomu at the start he is certainly hunted by several heroes who see him as a sort of odd vigilante/a civilian that NEEDS TO STOP JUMPING OFF OF BUILDINGS. The Nomu come later after he has foiled a few plans up to and possibly including yoinking at least one piece of Eden out from under AfO’s lack of a nose.
I’m definitely leaning towards Aizawa/desmond for this one. There’s just something about a grumpy tired and feral tired together that is incredibly compelling to me. Well that and “flirting through the most extreme game of tag” is also very funny
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codeword-art · 3 months
I just sort of want to get this out of my head so I can move onto other things, but I don't think Lilith is going to be what we expect her to be. Barring everything Vizzie previously stated about the Morningstar family, I just have this gut feeling she's not the big bad.
Lilith may be antagonistic at first, maybe not who knows at this point, but I don't think she's the problem that Sera seems so afraid of. Especially with how Lute approaches her at the beach, that is not someone who is afraid of Lilith. She insulted her daughter by calling her a brat, and made demands out of her. 
I know there are theories about Alastor and Lilith being in cahoots together because of them disappearing at the same time, and Alastor's attitude towards Lucifer. A lot of people think Lilith has Alastor on a leash, but correlation is not causation. I strongly believe Alastor just didn't like a stronger and more influential figure popping up at the hotel, what he considers his territory. Alastor is a grade-a-narc, and he likes to pick fights with bigger male authority figures to secure his place in their world.
In the finale, Alastor was distressed about his deal, possibly forcing him to stay at the hotel even though now it nearly got him killed. He wants out, but he’s scared of whatever or whoever has him, to the point he’s second guessing if there is even a way out at all. From here we see a very peculiar motif. These red eyes. Both in his tower (which don't appear anywhere else in the hotel), and his shield.
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These eyes are literally everywhere, and in the beginning animatic we see that these eyes represent the pit” or Hell. They show up the minute Charlie mentions that a great black pit opened up, which her parents were then thrown into as punishment for allowing Evil to take hold of earth. Lilith and Lucifer are cast into these eyes. I know there is a theory that these are associated with Lilith, but I don't think so. I think they’re just representative of Hell itself, or the entity of Evil itself. Motifs are a BIG thing in Hazbin, everyone has one, especially the Morningstars. 
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The motifs we know about Lilith are what we've physically seen so far. We know she inspired Hell through her music (which seems like a Morningstar habit honestly, they all do this). Charlie as a baby has music notes on her dress. 
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The animatic in the beginning story shows Lilith with her music notes, as well as Charlie calling it back in her song " Happy Day in Hell". Then, after being shown Lilith and her music notes, then eyes show up at the bottom with the city of hell being created. 
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Lucifer also has a call back to eyes since angels have many many eyes in their forms, especially Seraphim. However, his motifs almost always appear in golden yellow, both on his person and in his architecture. The Hotel has many eyes everywhere, but they are all clearly related to Lucifer either by their gold color or his maroon shade of red that's all over the hotel. They're almost always symmetrical in the architecture as well, while the hell eyes are more misshapen.
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*Which side tangent, but it's very clear this Hotel used to belong to the Morningstars before it was abandoned and Charlie took up residence. It's dilapidated, heavily, to the point Charlie was willing to let Alastor in to help liven it up a little. Per the large circus imagery, I think it's safe to say it was Lucifer’s, for one reason or another, which is interesting.* 
Anyway, these Hell eyes are red, always. And Eve is very heavily associated with the color red in the very little amount we get to see of her. 
Even Lilith is standing outside the aura of red that surrounds Eve, Lucifer, and the Apples. 
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Charlie's main motif seems to be hearts, and it's also shared with her father as he has a heart in his tail just like Charlies. 
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What we know about Lilith is second hand, but I think it's fair to say Charlie would know her mother better than anyone (minus Lucifer obviously). Charlie says her mother loved her kingdom, and she passed that passion onto her daughter.  So whatever is happening with Lilith I believe has to do strictly with the exterminations and that only. A bargain, a willing prisoner, a tired and hopeless queen that’s done with it all? Who knows, but I don’t think she has anything to do with Alastor's whole ordeal, nor the enormous threat to Heaven as Sera talks about. 
I don’t know if it's Eve, or some other force, but I think Alastor is way more in over his head than making deals with Hell’s love struck family. I think he’s doing deeds on behalf of a much larger universal evil that’s present throughout all of hell. We know in the beginning that Evil existed before the creation of Eden, we see a creepy representation of it in the beginning standing next to “Good”. Good and Evil have been at war for eons. This force was itching to get its blood red hands on Earth, and so just maybe it also wants a piece of Heaven. 
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Alastor wasn’t sent to the hotel to check up on Lilith’s daughter. I think he was sent to have the best chance anyone could at getting a foot into Heaven. We have to remember Charlie is Lucifer’s daughter, the King of Hell that still has connections to Heaven. Enough to get a meeting for his daughter. No one knows what gets a soul into Heaven, and considering how messed up Adam was, it may not even have to be real or mean anything. Charlie wouldn’t take Alastor that first time, because she didn’t owe him anything. Now she does, per their deal after her failed negotiations. As long as none gets hurt, but having her let him join along for their next holy vacation or something similar would fit that criteria.
Sir Pentious making it to Heaven would send Sera into a panic. I doubt she wants sinners, people that have been touched by evil, barging through the gates into Heaven redeemed or not. Clearly by her face, she’s distressed. Sera doesn’t want a war with Hell, because of what is in Hell. Evil has never had a better opportunity to corrupt the incorruptible than it does with an army of demons and a deluded Princess with dreams. Just like her father. 
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So I don't think Lilith is the villain. A small one, maybe, but Lucifer still wears his ring and Charlie speaks the world of her. She looked happy in her portraits with her family, and I don’t doubt she’d do anything to protect them, but that’s an entirely different argument. No, I think Lilith exists to distract everyone from what is lurking underneath. Lilith and Alastor might have disappeared at the same time due to a similar cause, but I don’t believe it's because Lilith initiated a deal with him. Alastor was lured into a deal with a much larger threat, the same threat that concerned Sera enough to start the exterminations in the first place, that might have also triggered Lilith’s involvement.
Of course this is all speculation, and there really is no solid proof, but I just need this written and pushed away from me so I can move onto other thoughts. I know there was, or may be a character called Roo, but I try not to involve older concepts or ideas since so many things can change when the final scripts and show are done. I'm just going off strictly what we have seen straight in the show.
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taylorrepdetective · 8 months
What do you make of the nfl/taylor/pr stuff going on? Those Kelcey family comments are something
I think people in general are overreacting over the response and making more of it than is there. It’s pretty straightforward. The kelces want publicity. They have a bunch of stuff to promo. Even Mama has product. Taylor likewise, and she’s used to it. But the kelces pursued a ton of attention back in February around the Super Bowl so they are not shy about fame. They are selling themselves, as they have been for awhile. Of course add in Taylor, and it’s gonna become huge, but I think they are handling it perfectly (or very close.)
The NFL likewise jumped on the possibility of expanding its audience and boosting ratings. How much of it was done in cahoots with Taylor and the kelces is the real question. I haven’t seen anything to suggest Taylor and the NFL aren’t working together, though they tried to spin it that they weren’t. But once again if you parse the words and separate what is coming from sources and what is official statements (where they likely wouldn’t outright lie) you can see they aren’t denying Taylor being involved. Just that she wasn’t involved in everything.
On the other end I see people trying to spin mama’s appearance on the today show as her throwing shade at Taylor or something, but I watched the whole video and people, as usual, are taking it out of context to feed their own biases. When she said “it was Ok” it was clearly done in a joking way like any of us would do like “how was meeting Taylor?” “Oh you know it was ok lol” *screaming inside* and that’s how the hosts took it and that’s how normal audiences watching it would take it. Only chronically online people would spin it to be a diss.
Also what I think people aren’t used to is that they are admitting to the promo side of it. By not trying to hide that, it actually in a weird way, lends authenticity to it, and this is something we’re not used to. They are basically saying “yes, we’re gettin publicity, here’s what we’re selling, isn’t this great! But also we’re not talking about the details of the romance side because that’s private.” This is new and refreshing and I think it’s great but swifties are definitely thrown off by this because it’s soooooo different from from the last 7 years. So people see some it in a negative light. But if you actually listen to what the kelces are saying, they really haven’t said anything beyond “it’s fun we’re happy, Taylor’s great!” There is nothing wrong with that. Might I remind people that one of the things people hated about joe was that he never uttered her name or had a favorite song or praised her at all? We knew they could be private without being so damn WEIRD. And now we are here.
Literally the ONLY misstep I’ve seen from this whole circus is Travis supposedly staying over at Taylor’s the night before the Jets game. And that is the only thing we’ve seen real damage control over, other than simply “is the NFL doing too much” which only something the NFL really has to do damage control over because the kelces and taylor are just saying, “hey that was their choice I can’t help it if they overdid it. But I’m having fun.”
I think overall it’s been a very successful run so far. Only time will tell what the end game is here. But I stand by my thoughts that it’s likely to be relatively short lived. Whether that means weeks or months, I can’t say.
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gatitties · 2 years
Board games
─ Dbd x gn!teen!reader
─ Summary: Board games weren't made for friendly play, peace was never an option
─ Warnings: none
7 <  8 > 9
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You hid behind a tree watching as the assassins' bonfire was a complete siege ─although no one could get hurt─ axes flew back and forth, throwing knives, grunts and even some logs were thrown directly from the bonfire they were in placed, scattering dust everywhere.
Well, you didn't expect a bit of 'family fun' to affect them so much, although considering that on the survivor side there were some fights, you had to imagine that the killers weren't going to fall short, but you didn't expect to see so much chaos. You started to listen to the Entity, you didn't want to mix the groups in your stupid ideas, it was enough that a single group formed such a show, oh god, you loved all this chaos who did you want to lie to.
"I hope you're happy, Michael has mortgaged my house and I can't even rip his brains out."
You watched as Freddy hid in the same tree as you, surely tired of trying to harm others without being able to use his weapon.
"It's not my fault that you don't know how to organize your earnings old man."
"Fuck you and your stupid games."
"You're just angry because you were the first to eliminate yourself, you're a crybaby."
"Fuck you whore."
"I also wish you a good night!"
You chuckled as he walked away, rubbing your hands together like your job here was done, walking back to your cabin so you could try and get some sleep if your shitty schedule felt like having a good one rest night. You slept like a little angel unaware of all the emotional damage you had done for those stupid games.
Now, maybe we can go back in time a bit to find out what caused the small fights on the survivor side and well... the madness on the killer side.
This morning you woke up quite upset, not that anything in particular had happened to you, you know, teenagers don't know how to feel many times and you just had that feeling of constant annoyance, anger against everything and nothing at the same time. Maybe it was because you were thinking about your family, maybe you thought too much and maybe you missed your parents a little even though they were not the best caregivers in the world. You hated being dragged out on some days to do 'family things' when you knew it was part of therapy with your psychologist, but sometimes, very rarely, you enjoyed that time with them.
Especially the days when you played board games, not for anything in particular, but you were a top notch liar and cheater for all kinds of games, you were a brilliant mind when it came to these games, because you never liked losing, you never lose.
So this led to the entity giving you a deck of cards, Monopoly, Twister and the most feared Uno.
It was not very difficult to convince the survivors, as always, they had nothing better to do, besides they were board games, who doesn't like them? Or at least, who had not played one at least once? At least it was that and not like the last time you had them play Just Dance without a break.
You won most card games, along with Feng Min, there were many complaints and everyone thought that you were in cahoots to give each other victories, the truth was that when no one was looking you hid a card behind you, until you shouted Uno when no one expected it. You weren't a big fan of monopoly because of its duration, so in that game you preferred to watch how Nancy looked like a businesswoman buying most of the streets, Laurie wasn't far behind, they were practically leading the game against Ace, Tapp and Nea, surprisingly Ace ended up winning for being a high roller, causing the girls to accuse him of being a con man and a thief.
There were harmless little fights in other games but nothing beyond that, nothing compared to a pitched battle in the opposite camp.
You didn't even have time to play anything much beyond Uno and a single game of Monopoly. You didn't know if they did it on purpose or not, but Frank always had that +4 ready for Freddy, the devil couldn't win a single game, but he wasn't the only miserable one, you noticed that everyone cheats, a liar catches a liar after all.
"Wait, wait, Danny, since when you only have two cards left to finish, just one turn ago you had to grab +2." He shrugged his shoulders concealing, you narrowed your eyes looking at his crossed legs. "Stand up."
It was not by your order that he obeyed, but everyone's accusing look made him reveal that... there was nothing under him, you looked both ways, on his left was Bubba and on his right The Deathslinger, you made the latter stand up, revealing a pair of cards below him.
"What the hell? These are not mine."
"For God's sake, it's not fair! Why am I the only one standing up? Don't fuck with me, come on, you don't have the balls to stand up all of you! Even you!"
He pointed accusingly at you, at your request everyone else who was playing got up, most had cards hidden somewhere near their seat, however you smiled brightly at Ghostface seeing that you had nothing to hide, not in this game. You weren't stupid, you wouldn't rat on someone knowing you've done the same dirty tricks, that's why you played fair in this game.
Things heated up in Monopoly, where money was made by threats of not paying dues on purchased streets, as with the survivors, you refused to play, preferring to play chess with Amanda as the chaos was only beginning to blame that board game.
Michael inexplicably got most of the property, making gold pretty quickly, his unflappable manner only pissed off Freddy, who was constantly in jail for not being able to pay, that even the Demogorgon ─who just moved the token back and forth as directed by Wraith─ had more money than him, well, he set off a small fight that ended in the chaos of the beginning.
It was one of your best nights of sleep, perhaps the conflict gave you peace of mind or exhaustion, either of the two, it was worth it as long as you could sleep, leaving it up to the Entity to stop your 'good deeds' towards her community formed by herself.
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inventedfangirling · 9 months
this post is 100% a joke and none of it is to be taken seriously but WHAT if i let my imagination run wild and make up a buncha bogus clown predictions cos i need to get them out and i need sandray to be happy!?
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i know it's silly to think about a possible happy ending for any of the three(or more) pairs in messy gays the show (idk who coined this but i love it and am copying it, thankyou) especially this early into it's run while we haven't even seen the half of it BUT i still want to put forward my two cents now so i can come back later and check this post out and laugh at how wrong i was. im going to go as wild as i possibly can (within the limits of the show) so i definitely will be going wrong. i can't wait to see just how wrong lmao.
lemme just put on my clown makeup real quick.
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alright now that's done, without further ado.....
nick & boston
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...are gonna blow the group up and mess everything up for everybody, they'll be fighting in front of everyone but they'll be in cahoots at some point, playing everybody off each other and then somehow riding off into the sunset with a buncha cash to a land where nobody knows them, boston is still sleeping around (i dont totally buy his words from the ep 5 preview) but so is nick now, finally having discovered the joys of non monogamy, the last shot is gonna be them setting foot in this imaginary land and its gonna be epic
sandray my beloveds....
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....are gonna fall in and out of love one after the other, never at the same time ending in a huge fallout and they decide to part ways forever until fate (ray keeps showing up at places sand gets invited to sing at) intervenes and brings them back and gets them to fall in love at the same time once again and this time despite all the nickboston fuckery and every other mess the group gets to, they get together and decide to stay together, their last scene is ray taking sand to his mother's grave after having been proposed to on a beach or a boat (what up eclipse reference) and its gonna be so sickly sweet we wonder how we got here from where we started!
top & mew
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i know im not writing a fic but its kinda similar so TRIGGER WARNING : mcd
ah topmew, ngl i have no fcking clue what these two are gonna be upto. i genuinely have no read on their future as a couple. it just doesn't seem plausible in the least. i wanna be dramatic and say top dies in a tragic fire accident that mirrors his childhood incident and mew gets his hotel business (this is real and i didnt dream this up right? i have a tendency to do that lmao) and he rescues a kitten and calls it mew and they live happily ever after or the kitten scratches him to death, eitherways i cant see them happier together than they were here in this silent disco scene, which could be surface level for all we've seen so thats them
cheum & april
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these two are gonna show up together towards the middle of all the drama yell at all of them for being such dudes, dole out choice advice, leave until mess gets sorted and will bring everyone together for one last time during their wedding before they move away to another country, far away from the messy gays and their mess and then they'll write a story based on the messy gays and then sell the rights to a famous director duo and then they sit back and watch the money rolling in, happy, in love, and unbothered💅✨
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starkjoy · 1 year
Watching Greg be so good at swooping in and looking ridiculous to make tom look good this ep, and how their double act is Tom then shitting on him to make himself look better, I had a cool thought, what if that’s what we are seeing all the time. We have only seen Tom and Greg in public situations, where they obviously plan out their moves beforehand and aren’t afraid to look stupid to get what they want. We don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors with them right now, and with Tom being so handsy, it could be more than anyone around them realises… If you watch their walk up to the plane, Greg launches into a ladykiller act, but when Tom cuts him off he actually had just said ‘get some Norwegian wood’ while looking at Tom, idk about you but that’s a dick joke imo lol. Tom wouldn’t want anyone to catch onto how close he and Greg are if it means a lot, and their play may be for Greg to talk about girls/dance with girls/bring girls back to keep people off the scent. I would love if the audience finds out the same time as the sibs, or has to guess from little moments that don’t add up you know? Maybe we don’t get to see the whole story because that’s private? Idk it would be kind of a cool way to do it and feel true to life where people don’t necessarily broadcast their relationship in public and you just kind of realise one day, oh they’re totally together, and by then their like basically married. As a viewer I feel like that would actually be a really comfy and less intrusive way to see queer rep, your just like oh I’m glad they have each other, phew haha.
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hmm, in theory i'd be happy with that, but i'm skeptical the writers are playing 4D chess in that way. if the episode one bridget randomfuck plotline never happened, i'd be a bit more open to the thought. when greg was chatting with tom in "private" at the event, he was crude about his pursuit of her and tried to impress him with the rummaging tale...why would he do that to someone he's sleeping with or in a relationship with? and he only told logan after tom fucked with him about it. unless they coordinated a whole homoerotic private performance in the hopes someone would overhear their horny whispers, i doubt that plot was fabricated to hide their affair.
i mean, they could be sleeping together and not exclusive, and greg did that to make tom jealous, or they get off on telling each other about their other conquests. but that feels so wildly out of character for tom given he never wanted an open relationship with shiv.
sadly, i think "they were fucking all along" will only live in fanon. the ONLY thing i think could work is a) they had a threesome during their disgusting brothers era, it was weird and changed their dynamic and they're avoiding it by being super bro no homo, even if they do long for each other or b) they fucked 1:1 with the same result. i could see that being revealed in a fight between them, explaining some of the tension or lack thereof we've seen so far. but still think that's pretty far-fetched at this rate :/
edit: i DO want to add that i fully agree tomgreg have been in cahoots and we haven't been privy to that—but i don't see that extending beyond their business scheming. not clear whether we'll see their inner machinations either. maybe it's all been left on the cutting room floor.
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do you think that rio's feelings towards beth about how she never wants to get her hands dirty stems at all from similar feelings he might have with his cousin? Nick benefits greatly from Rio's dirty work but never dirties his own hands. Maybe a parallel can be drawn?
Hi Anon! Ty for a thought provoking ask!
I think the reason Rio ever even liked Beth at all has a lot to do with the dynamic he has with Nick. You know how people who are adapted to living with an abuser are often incapable of having healthy relationships until they resolve their traumas because calm relationships seem “boring” or “lacking passion?” That’s Rio. I don’t want to say Nick defined Rio’s entire life, but he certainly seems to have been a catalyst for significant and permanent life changes throughout Rio’s history. So it isn’t a far reach for me to see the parallels in Rio being so drawn to someone like Beth, who seems so much like Nick but is also so much like Rio himself.
So I agree with you completely, Rio’s resentment toward Beth about her wanting the kingdom while having Rio do all the dirty work was also his resentment toward Nick. As well as other resentments Rio had toward Beth. Her not choosing him was him still feeling that betrayal of Nick not choosing him. Her hiding behind her power and social privilege constantly highlighted for Rio everything he had given up. And it wasn’t fair!
I personally don’t believe Rio hated Nick. I think he loved Nick. In the way victims love their abusers. The man clearly had power over him. Made him believe Rio couldn’t be King without Nick’s help. And I think this is something Rio resented. But they were also brothers. Abusers go through cycles of love bombing before they turn on you, and those happy periods can be very intensely intoxicating. They turn on all their charm. Make you feel so good. Like things could actually be this way forever. This is the Nick Rio loved. The brother who took him out for boba and had boxing matches with him and probably was a role model with girls and friends and how to be successful. They probably had a really good working relationship in the beginning. And it probably grew more distant as Rio watched Nick keep his hands clean and smile at council meetings while Rio had guns pulled on him and evaded arrest over and over.
So yeah, I imagine Beth trying for a power grab at Rio’s expense was extremely triggering for him. Yet another entitled person trying to take what he bled to make. Him wanting to mold her was him taking control of a life that felt very much not chosen by him. It was his way of taking back power from a representation of “Nick,” and him trying to mold her into someone more like himself. Because if Beth became more like him then that would mean that Rio isn’t lesser than Nick and Nick isn’t the one with the “right” kind of life.
I also think this is why he was so hurt by Nick and Beth being in cahoots in season 4. It wasn’t (just) his romantic feelings for Beth. It was also this affirmation of what he already feared – that privilege sticks together and he isn’t part of that world. Beth was important to Rio for many reasons, and the most important reason was because she represented everything he felt he’d lost or could never be, (as I mentioned in a lot more detail in this post.) Rio’s betrayal of Nick wasn’t him choosing Beth. It was him choosing himself and his own happiness for once. Because for the first time he knew he deserved it.
(And him picking Beth to be part of that happy life was very in line with what abuse victims tend to do. He chose someone chaotic and abusive in her own right. And he thought this was better. Because she gave him just enough of that “love bombing” to intoxicate him and make him miss or excuse all her red flags. He couldn’t settle down with someone levelheaded and steady like Rhea, for example. Because that was too “boring.” That didn’t have enough chaos and his brain chemistry was wired to feel security only in chaos. The way this show is a goldmine of accurate trauma representation! It lovebombs me just enough to make me excuse all its glaring problems. 😂)
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Okay just finished watching all of Downton Abbey!! here are some thoughts. sorry for the length but I need to get this out of my system this has no particular order or reason I am just wringing out my mind like a dirty washcloth.
I feel like everybody here looooves Thomas. Probably like 90% of the Downton Abbey fanfiction on Ao3 are about Thomas. Um you guys know there are other characters in this show right? So I know it's unoriginal. But. I have to admit it. Thomas is my favourite and i love him <3
like they would be talking at dinner about Important Plot Things and Thomas is in the background serving appetizers and I'm like lol. there's Thomas. Then I'd have to rewind cuz I wasn't paying attention
but man he is so nasty at the beginning haha I think people forget that sometimes
I told my (blissfully offline) friend that I like him and she's like, why??? He's so mean???
IDK I like him BECAUSE he is mean! He's terrible and nasty and I like him for it!!
because like why should he be nice anyways? Should he be GRATEFUL to have the immense privilege of holding the door open for someone?? he's been handed an unfair lot in life and why should he be happy about it? poor little meow meow <3 <3
the costumes are sooo pretty. So glamourous! So beautiful! A real feast for the eyes. But like, it does seem all rather silly sometimes lol. Do you really need to wear a special outfit just to dinner. Do you really need so many staff to wait on five people XD
So I actually quite liked Tom's relationship with the family by the end of the series (especially him and Mary) their friendship is very sweet but Tom's arc still frustrates me soooooo much. Like oh yeah suuuure you're all about socialism and equality when you have to drive people around for a living but then you happen to marry a lady and suddenly you're all about upholding the same classist structures that once held you down. 🙄 What ever happened to your PRINCIPLES man?!! He has all the political backbone of a jellyfish. 
And like, Miss Bunting and even Miss Braithwaithe were RIGHT about Tom but they were made out to be SOOO obnoxious, like they were unreasonably painted as villains but at the core of it they were RIGHT. He WAS getting uppity. He WAS forgetting his roots.
Lord Grantham’s like "ooooh it's so sad those terrible brutal communists have been killing those poor innocent Russian aristocrats, oooh how horrifying i do not condone violence and killing" Yeah, but like... it's not as if the Russian peasants weren’t dying brutally at the hands of the rich and powerful for centuries. You weren't crying about it then.
Vera and Lavinia were like the same character to me. The same except so far the opposite it swung around to being the same. Vera was absurdly evil and Lavinia absurdly good and they both served no purpose except to be the obstacle to the One True Pairing 🙄
also Mr. Gregson's wife! Do we even learn her name? Poor lady is having a terrible time of it imprisoned in a mental hospital and literally nobody cares. :/ So much for those wedding vows, "in sickness and in health"
I think! Thomas and O'Brien's friendship is cute! so under-rated. partners in crime. they're in cahoots. >:3c Too bad it had to end like it did :(((
I think the plot with Jimmy would have been more interesting if Jimmy actually HAD led Thomas to believe he had a chance. Like if Jimmy's maybe having some weird feelings he doesn't know how to deal with. But then when push comes to shove Jimmy decides he just doesn't want to risk it and acts all offended to save his own reputation. Because as it is it felt like... a little too sudden. Or maybe I just feel too embarrassed on Thomas's behalf that he made such a mistake.
Anna and Mr. Bates. Ugh. I found their romance SO boring and tedious, so many obstacles were thrown in their way I forgot why they even wanted to be together in the first place. one of the worst subplots and they NEVER let it go
 Daisy was saying a lot of nasty things too by the end of the show honestly. But nooo Thomas is the mean one
 I feel like there is some sort of parallel that could be drawn between Ethel and Thomas. Or I'm not sure if it's a parallel but... how do I put this. If you think that Thomas's lot is unfair, then what happened to Ethel was also unfair. Because what did she do, really? The same thing I bet everyone on here wants Thomas to do. We all love Thomas but nobody really cares about Ethel. :/ idk I thought she had spunk and ambition and it's a shame they had to reduce her to a "fallen woman" subplot
it's so stupid that everyone had to get paired off at the end. Personally I don't see why Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes had to get married. oh the amatonormativity
on the other hand I think Mary and Carlisle should have married lol. XD Yeah they'd be unhappy. but they are suited for each other and it would certainly be INTERESTING haha (dunno how serious i am about this)
Edith’s outfits were always the nicest in my opinion. loved her colour scheme!
everyone's always like "oooohh noo our way of life is dying this is so sad" :((( I mean I guess?? It's sort of sad??? But ultimately. I Do Not Care about the lives of the British Aristocracy.
fun show all round
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larsisfrommars · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 5 Reaction
Julio lost the fight :/ and Isabela seems to think Cristina did something/hurt someone and that’s why she disappeared (based on the bribe letter).
Diego has shown up and is NOT happy to see Isabel and Julio alone together, good thing Andrés is there to break the tension almost like ���hey she’s not alone with him, see?! Please don’t hurt her 😀😅” I love him so much Your Honor.
Bros don’t let bros let blood stay caked on their body! Especially when that blood is evidence of the life savings you just lost before your friend tried to take on a guy twice his size! [insert B99 gay vibe meme here]
Diego confronts Isabel about being in his office, Isabel accusing him of being paranoid and justifies her actions enough to keep him from attacking her further.
Aww, the dogs are all being kept in Andrés and Julio’s room and Andrés won’t talk to Julio because he lost his savings when Julio lost the fight, noooooooo pobresitos!
Diego claims that something extremely scandalous involving her brother (I think?) he’s telling her something to assuage her suspicions about his role in Cristina’s disappearance and that he’s only trying to keep her family safe from disgrace, just looking out for her. She seems to have bought it.
More Belén and Andrés loudly masquerading(?) as a happily engaged couple and Andrés mom is NOT happy about any of it. Oooooof.
Detective Ayala is back for an autopsy on Ximira. Apparently all this “examining the body” shit is new in this old fashion town and Ayala be explaining shit to his sidekick lol.
Alfredo and Sofia are getting screentime again! It seems I was mistaken about Sofia having a miscarriage from falling down the stairs and Alfredo’s mother is coming to the hotel. Unless I was right and nobody has told Alfredo yet? He’s very excited regardless (probably because he feels bad about trying to leave in the first place I hope).
Diego is UPSET somebody (somebody meaning Felipe, not that he knows that) took the bribe money YIKES! He in trouble now!
Ayala has discovered a knife tip in a gash in Ximena’s body. Which means she was stabbed before falling into that pit in the woods. I think they either have or will piece together that the rest of the knife belongs to the kitchen wear at the hotel.
Diego just received an ominous phone call with a disguised voice from INSIDE the hotel and the receiver is off the hook and still swinging. Pasquale (the desk clerk) seems to be more in cahoots with Diego than I realized, or is at least an informant of some kind.
Julio is trying to apologize (and maybe make up for?) the fact he lost all of Andrés’s money and ends up shoving him in the laundry room. Belén just so happens to be ironing clothes inside.
AAAAAAND Andrés just proposed and tried to initiate a kiss (very overexcitedly/badly) Belén is very reluctant. But when she initiates the kiss it’s totally fine. It also could be a sign that Andrés thinks he’s in love with her but she’s not in love with him and is essentially using him as protection (can’t really blame her but oof).
Getting the distinct impression Andrés knows absolute zilch about actual relationships/romance and is reasoning because they’re getting married they must be in love, right? Especially since Belén kissed him first. Even tho they’re getting married because he lied and she doesn’t wanna get fired. Oh honey… no.
Pretty sure Diego just embezzled a bunch of hotel funds to make up for the bribe money Felipe stole from him to pay of the bowler hat middleman of whoever is blackmailing him.
Sofia has gone to her mother for help with the whole Alfredo in-laws situation but Felipe has come in with a different emergency the cops are there about Ximena! The investigation has begun!
I KNEW IT! I knew Belén was still under Diego’s thumb (literally, he’s very violent with her the poor thing). He interrogated her about everything that’s been going on. I think he might be wrongly assuming she had something to do with the missing bribe money. She clearly doesn’t have anything worth giving and reminds him she’s pregnant, he’s not happy about letting her go.
I was right about the matching/missing knife piece thing. The head butler/waiter has pointed out two of the wait staff that would’ve had access to the knife drawer, Julio and… Andrés. I am VERY worried one of them will be wrongly accused of murdering Ximena.
Julio and Isabel are flirting through the door of her bedroom. He’s thanking her for helping him the night of the boxing match and I’m pretty sure she parroted some of what Diego told her to assuage his concerns (maybe told him she’s probably not dead? Again, a bit spotty on the Spanish).
Uh oh, Ayala just addressed Andrés in front of the entire wait staff. I have a really REALLY bad feeling about this… oh, phew, he’s just being interrogated 😮‍💨
More parroting of Diego’s words now that Diego has convinced Isabel he’s less involved in the Cristina thing than he really is. Time to interrupt this romantic interlude with Andrés always ducking as he enters a room like somebody is gonna throw something at him like he do. How are you so this politely awkward?! Blessed.
Ayala is frustrated that he couldn’t get anything from either of our boys and is beginning to suspect someone higher up (I think?) has a hand in what happened to the girl.
Meanwhile! Andrés is bringing Belén flowers because I love him he’s her fiancé. Almost walks in on Ayala interrogating Belén and his mother, overhears they’ll likely be searching the rooms.
Julio’s sister’s uniform! He books it to their quarts to grab it so it won’t be found by the authorities! He shoves it in a closet right as Ayala and his mother round the corner which would look Extremely Suspicious… I have a baaaaad feeling about this.
Ayala found the uniform where Andrés stashed it almost immediately. Andés, Andrés Salinas, Andrésito please do not get accused of murder for trying to protect Julio even though you’re upset with him my heart can’t take it.
Meanwhile, Isabel is snooping on bowler hat guy and Julio got tipped of by the dog loving pianist about something and !!! Somebody just knocked bowler hat guy out with a shovel and took the ominous bag he was carrying AAAAAAAAAA Isabel don’t chase him by yourself!!!! Oh no she got hurt and it’s a cliffhanger I know I can watch the next one right now but also FUCK U!
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lowkeyren · 26 days
unrequited love...not!
in which — wriothesley is smitten with you just as you are with him. but you think he's in love with another woman, so sigewinne plays cupid (she's sick and tired of u guys) 
pairing — wriothesley x gn!reader
ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff, wc: ~900, no thoughts just sweet wrio, ty guys sm for the support so far xx love yall!!! likes n reblogs r appreciated <3
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to say that wriothesley is heads over heels for you is an understatement. this man has been lovestruck ever since the day he laid his eyes on you. and he wasn't the type to be secretive about his massive crush on you, in fact; it's practically common knowledge for everyone in the fortress. sigewinne can only sigh and shake her head in disappointment every time she sees wriothesley showing his not-so-subtle affection to you (and you being blissfully unaware of the heat that rises up on his neck everytime you even show a hint of a smile) from afar. either way, it seems like wriothesley's feelings are no secret to anyone but you.
well it's not like you were completely clueless…. it's just that, the almighty duke of the fortress is an undeniably charismatic man, it's no surprise that many women flock to him like moths to a flame. and you weren't any different. truth to be told, you found yourself too, unable to resist his charms. each time he flirted with you, your heart raced without fail, cheeks flushed, and brain short circuiting, overwhelmed by his presence. —he never fails to notice your every reaction, catching every subtle flicker of expression, let it be the twitch of your lips when you try not to laugh at his jokes or the raise of your eyebrows when he mentions a topic that piques your interest. knowing that he also has this effect on you reassures him, that you felt the same way too… or do you? 
wriothesley sighed as he put down his teacup, closing his eyes and resting his head in his hands, eyebrows furrowed. what's gotten into you..? you have yet to visit him for the last 3 days, and frankly, he missed you. were you intentionally avoiding him? but to him it was clear that your feelings are mutual— you liked him and he liked you. 
though for you, it might have been a little more complicated. 
"well, care to explain? what happened between you guys…" sigewinne puts down the half used bandage wrap and turns to face you with a questioning look. 
"h-huh what do you mean…? everything's perfectly fine." you smiled and feigned ignorance —so poorly that sigewinne saw right through you the moment you opened your mouth. "tell me everything." she shoots you a pointed look. when you start talking again, she shows a hint of a smile that goes unnoticed by you. 
"i guess there's no point in avoiding this anymore… look, it may sound stupid to you but the other day, i saw wriothesley together with clorinde. i was about to go up to them, but! they seemed really happy together and i didn't wanna interrupt… they're quite close with each other so i thought they were in some kind of relationship, and i didn't wanna interfere with my own feelings… since clorinde is also a dear friend of mine after all." 
unbeknownst to you, while you were busy recounting, wriothesley had quietly entered and stood near the entrance. he could not wrap his head around why you would think that he could possibly be in cahoots with fontaine's champion duelist. sure they may be good friends but— he thought he made it clear that he wants you, and you only.
just as he was about to speak up, sigewinne butted in: "hey, so what you're saying is that you like him too?" with your head still hanging low, being too engrossed in this whole venting session, you have yet to notice wriothesley presence nor the ever glowing mischievous glint in sigewinne's eyes. 
"you need not to be so blunt…then if i must admit, yes i do like hi- huh? what do you mean "too" ?!"
as you stumbled over your own words, you made eye contact with wriothesley who was still frozen in the doorway. you could feel your heart racing, seeing the prominent flush on his cheeks —and yours too, you finally realize the truth of your mutual affection. 
sigewinne quickly excuses herself but not before discreetly giving you a playful wink and a thumbs up to wriothesley. 
"out of all possible ways, i did not expect you to confess your feelings in the midst of an unexpected revelation." wriothesley walked towards you with a huge smirk on his face, having finally got the confirmation that he has been longing for, from the very person he has been pining for since day one. 
you know he's teasing you even at a time like this so you too pretend to be unaffected, tilting your head to the left and folding your arms across your chest. 
"hmph... you should be oh so relieved now that you know your feelings are reciprocated." 
"yes of course darling. i feel complete whenever you are by my side. and i haven't been more happy than i am at this moment."
his words are sincere, a striking contrast to just a few seconds ago. you chuckled softly, feeling a warmth spread through you as you reached up to cup his face, with a cheeky smile: 
"just ask me the question already!" 
with a grin, wriothesley leans in closer to you, eyes sparkling with affection, the air tensing with pure sweetness. 
"will you be mine?"
ੈ✩‧₊˚ masterlist
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kudosmyhero · 10 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Annual 2012: Big Trouble in Little Italy
Read Date: January 15, 2023 Cover Date: October 2012 ● Writer: Kevin Eastman ◦ Tom Waltz ● Art: Kevin Eastman ● Colorist: Ronda Pattison ● Letterer: Robbie Robbins ◦ Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● oo, I like that Kevin Eastman does the art for the annual! It really hearkens back to the Turtles' early Mirage days… but in color! ● Leo, Mikey, and Donnie are parkouring through the city for training exercise while Raph and Casey do their own thing somewhere ● Donnie and Mikey finally convince Leo to call it a day, as they've been training hard that day ● Can I say that the idea of Splinter watching soap operas makes me so happy ● cut to Casey Jones on a rooftop near JOSIE'S BAR! (I love the ties with Daredevil) ● he's beaten Raphael in a race to the top. Raph, being a sore loser, tackles him and they both plummet to the alley, their fall broken by deep garbage ● They hear a crash, and a suitcase flies through the air beside them ● a homeless man, British by the look of his dialect, greets them. Casey says he knows that guy, but Raph says to forget it for now, they need to check out the crash ● car crash victims:
Eric Conner, driver for the savate ninjas
Louis Royo, underworld arbitration specialist; a go-between in a suit
Kanada and Timmy Two Shoes, possible cause of crash, two-bit no-good crooks ● a couple of cops (?) show up, Corbin and Miller, wondering what the hell the other is doing there ● (5 minutes earlier) two other people in the car
Fershid Diaz, lieutenant for the savate ninjas making a delivery
Max Frezatto, savate ninja strongan and bodyguard. brawn, bullets, and braggadocio ● apparently there's $5 million in the briefcase ● the deal is between the Savate Ninjas and the Foot Clan ● Kanada and Timmy Two Shoes are standing in the middle of the street, looking at the baseball bat that just fell from above (Casey's bat, dropped when Raph tackled him) ● Ah, the homeless man is Kid Kennedy, Scottish, former boxer. His earlier, "Oi, where'd ye come from, eh?" was a greeting to the briefcase that landed in the alley, not a greeting to Raph and Casey ● Kanada and Two Shoes go into the alley in search of the briefcase; they see it in Kid Kennedy's cart ● they threaten Kennedy for the briefcase, but the former boxer holds his own ● another Scot, Fightin' Ferguson, comes out of the bar the Skara Brae (which is where Casey's dad hangs out), and finishes off Two Shoes and Kanada ● (5 minutes earlier again) (this is kinda fun) ● Angel and the Purple Dragons gang outside Skara Brae. The bartender inside is Brooklyn S. Bridge, Angel's dad ● Brooklyn and Ferguson hear what sounds like Kid Kennedy ● cut to after the fight. open the briefcase and it's full of diamonds. (gems and jewelry would be a pain in the butt to fence, wouldn't it? just give me a cashier's check) ● Brooklyn sees Casey and Raph; he knows Casey because of his dad. orders them inside to figure out about the case ● they start talking about getting rid of the diamonds when there's a knock at the door ● 5 minutes earlier… back to the scene of the crash, and Corbin and Miller ● Max (bodyguard who was in the car) and Corbin (one of the two dirty cops) were in cahoots for an ambush to make off with the diamonds ● they wander to the Skara Brae to use the phone ● they call a guy called Fabrice ● 5 minutes earlier, Fabrice's p.o.v. His description: leader of the savate ninjas. French and frustrated. ● he orders Victor (Savate second-in-command) to go find the diamonds; he thinks this is a double-cross by the Foot ● Victor and Miller working together like Max and Corbin ● 5 minutes earlier, in the antique shop that is the new lair ● they see a news bulletin about the crash and see Raph and Casey in the background
● Splinter tells the remaining 3 to go get Casey and Raph ● in the bar, they decide to drop the diamonds back at the crash scene and let the cops find them on their own ● Foot Ninja, with Karai and Shredder both in attendance. Shredder tells Karai to gather her best ninja and go find the diamonds ● Corbin and Miller overhear Kanada and Two Shoes, who admit the diamonds are at the Skara Brae. Corbin and Miller secretively let their associated know as well (Max and Victor) ● word gets around, all the heavies converge on the pub ● Savate, Foot, and TMNT all clash ● Brooklyn, cops, Purple dragons, more Savate in pub ● fighting, fighting, briefcase keeps changing hands ● (I don't thing SWAT just drive around until they're summoned somewhere…) ● SWAT shows up, TMNT disappear, Foot vanish, Savate fall back ● nothing left to see but Casey's baseball bat ● next day, Shredder tells Karai that the Savate are going to die ● Raph and Casey are doing the dishes as punishment ● 👏👏
Synopsis: Leonardo, Michelangelo and Donatello are racing over rooftops, having just finished their workout. Donatello is disgruntled because Raphael is off with Casey rather than participating in their teamwork, but Leonardo seems more accepting. They head home for the night to the Second Time Around apartment, and greet Splinter.
At the waterfront, Casey Jones and Raphael wrestle and trash-talk as they tumble down the side of a building, landing in an alley. Suddenly they hear a car crash somewhere nearby, and as they rush to investigate, they're nearly hit by a flying briefcase and encounter a homeless man that Casey recognizes. When they get to the crashed car, Raphael smells leaking gas, and declares that they have to get the passengers out before it blows up. At the same time, two small-time crooks named Kanada and Timmy Two-Shoes scuttle away from the crash scene.
They rescue the men inside - including three Savate ninja and a professional underworld arbitrator, Louis Royo - just before the police show up. Unfortunately, a second cop car arrives before Casey and Raphael can flee the scene, driven by the two crooked cops Corbin and Miller.
A brief flashback shows that the Savate were on their way to pay five million dollars in tribute to the Foot Clan when their way was blocked by Kanada and Timmy standing in the street, looking at Casey's "flying" bat. The car spun out of control, and as it crashed, the briefcase full of money was sent flying into the shopping cart of the homeless man, an ex-boxer named Kid Kennedy.
Kanada and Timmy spot the briefcase and decide to steal it from Kennedy. A fight breaks out, and Kennedy is defended by his old friends Fight'n Ferguson and Brooklyn Bridge at the Skara Brae. Once Kanada and Timmy have been disposed of, Ferguson looks inside the briefcase, and is shocked to find diamonds.
Brooklyn spots Casey and Raphael on the street nearby, and orders them inside the Skara Brae. Raphael is dismayed by this development, since he's been spotted for the second time in one evening, and he's sure Splinter will be upset. Once inside the pub, Casey informs the three older men of where the briefcase came from and how they came to be there, Brooklyn predicts that whoever had the briefcase will come looking for it, and kill whoever has it. So he suggests that they quickly fence the diamonds and split the money amongst themselves.
Back at the crash site, it's revealed that Corbin is on the payroll of Savate bodyguard Max Frezatto, while Miller is working with Royo to steal the diamonds. Both cops arrived at the crash site as part of prearranged meetings with the car's passengers. Royo and Frezatto head straight to the Skara Brae in order to use the phone, and are surprised to find it closed. Inside the pub, Brooklyn orders the others to hide the case and act as normal as possible while the two underworld figures are there.
Elsewhere, the Savate leader Fabrice sees the crash on television, and is enraged by the loss of his car. Frezatto calls him from the Skara Brae, and tells him of the loss of the diamonds. Fabrice is convinced that this was all a setup, and so commands the two to go back to the scene of the accident, so he can send a troop of Savate ninja - led by his second-in-command Victor - to find the diamonds or kill who has them.
Back at the Second Time Around shop, the other three brothers are grousing about Raphael's long absence, especially as it is his turn to do the dishes. While Michelangelo is channel-surfing, Splinter spots a news report about the crash, which includes a photograph of Raphael's face. He orders Leonardo to go find Raphael and Casey, and bring them back as quickly and quietly as possible. And as the Turtles head out to find their brother, they spot a line of Savate ninjas running over the rooftops, and decide to follow them.
At the Skara Brae, Royo and Frezatto depart. Brooklyn argues that they should split the money from the diamonds' sale, but the others disagree with him. Ferguson argues that they should simply dump the briefcase near the accident site, and Kid Kennedy volunteers to do so.
At a Foot Clan facility, Karai and Shredder are informed about the loss of the diamonds. Shredder order Karai to take the diamonds from the crash site, and declares that one way or another, the Savate will pay.
Royo and Frezatto stumble across Kanada and Timmy scheming to reclaim the briefcase for themselves, and quickly learn from the two thugs that it's at the Skara Brae. The two separate for a moment to call their respective crooked cops, declaring that they now know where the diamonds are. A Savate lieutenant, Fershid Diaz, quickly informs Fabrice of the diamonds' location as well.
As Miller and Corbin converge on the Skara Brae, Kid is preparing to depart with the briefcase. Raphael and Casey decide to follow the older men, out of concern that the Savate ninja will find them. As they leave, they realize that Kid and Ferguson aren't heading back to the crash.
Ferguson has decided to sell the diamonds himself, in hopes of getting Kid the brain surgery he needs and a trip back to Scotland for them both. However, they run right into the Savate. Before the Savate can do anything, Raphael, Casey and the other Turtles all arrive to defend the old men, and the Foot Clan arrives to take the diamonds themselves.
Miller and Corbin burst into the Skara Brae to demand the return of the diamonds, and are interrupted first by Angel and the Purple Dragons, and then by Fabrice and the Savate. A massive fight breaks out, with Fabrice being knocked out by one of the corrupt cops. Brooklyn orders Angel to call in the cops, and a SWAT team is summoned to the Skara Brae.
While the Foot and Savate battle over the diamonds, the Turtles decide that they simply need to get Casey and Raphael and get out. The briefcase is tossed from person to person until Karai and Victor both manage to grab hold of it, only for Michelangelo to swoop in and take it instead. As everyone piles on him, the briefcase is sent flying again and is caught by Casey. He tosses it away, only for it to fly open and scatter the diamonds inside.
Just then, the police arrive, and all three groups of ninjas decide it's time to leave. By the time the police make their way in, they find nothing but a baseball bat. The diamonds have fallen into the water below the docks.
The next day, Corbin and Miller view Fabrice, Royo and Frezatto in their jail cell, and swear off any further dealings with ninjas. Now that Victor is the new leader of the Savate, Shredder declares that the only tribute he will accept from the Savate is their lives. The Skara Brae is being restored to normal. Kanada and Timmy are still down on their luck.
And at Second Time Around, Raphael and Casey are washing dishes as a punishment for having gotten involved in so much trouble. After they've finished, they race each other again, and Raphael tackles Casey down a building, sending his bat flying once again.
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Fan Art: TMNT by kcspaghetti
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wonderwomemes · 10 months
One theme in good omens is that with heaven and hell being represented as some kind of business, ther is always talk about how "the higher ups won't like this" as soon as Aziraphale and Crowley consider working together, become associates, friends and partners (in crime).
Meanwhile in the flashbacks we learn that from the earliest days, the "higher ups" have been in cahoots all the time. Probably most prominently showed in the bet about Job. "The grapevine that obviously doesn't exist", and ultimately, Gabriel and Beelzebub. Turns out, there are different rules and consequences for you once you're in the upper ranks.
And they both realize this the second the truth comes out about Gabriel and Beelzebub. But BUT they come to vastly diffetent conclusions.
Crowley thinks that's it. You just have to go for it and now with the bosses example, he's save.
But Aziraphale thinks that he has to become a boss himself so he too can play by different rules than the rest. Even better, he can restore Crowleys Angel status (pretty sure even for 2 Angels to have a lovelife would be at the very least seen as inapropriate in heaven but whatever) So he's all giddy and happy because for the first time he sees a future where he doesn't need to deal with the all shattering reality that it (the system, his believes, what he was made for basically) is all fake.
People are quick to think Aziraphale is an idiot for this, but in the long run, it is probably the only way for them to truly be together. Because he knows just as well that there will be another war. And that Crowley will be destroyed if Heaven wins (which they must because obviously they will win, since they are the good guys and all that).
So if he can not prevent the war, he has to find a way to redeem Crowley so whatever they have, it might actually last forever.
From his point of view, he's the realist and Crowly is the dreamer.
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lilithrebellion · 2 years
For how often dl fans want people to try and understand why the dl boys act the way they do, it’s pretty hypocritical that they won’t do the same for Yui.
So I am going to propose a theory that I’ve been thinking about. Which is that I think a lot of Yui’s behavior can be explained by her having some serious abandonment issues.
We do not get much detail about Yui’s past when she was living with her dad. But we DO know that he was absent a lot for work and wasn’t able to spend as much time with Yui as she would have liked. There’s even a line from the Mukami’s Christmas event in VC where Yui recalls how she always had to decorate the Christmas tree alone every year because he was busy. It’s also hinted that the reason Yui is so good at cooking, is because she wanted to be able to help her dad out. She calls french toast her specialty, because she enjoys making it for her dad.
Through this, I get the impression that Yui wanted to be a good daughter for her dad, and that if she behaved and did things that would make his life easier, that Seiji would have more time to spend with her. The reason is literally work after all, so I doubt Yui would blame her dad at all. Which is why she wouldn’t complain about it, because doing so would cause more trouble for him and just be a waste of the time they do get to spend together.
I wouldn’t go as far as to call it abuse, because Seiji has shown to regret having to be away from Yui. But he is the only family Yui has and him being consistently absent, along with her being raised sheltered would cause her to feel lonely a lot of the time.
We also know Seiji was a vampire hunter (which he kept secret from Yui) and works for the Church. AND, it is revealed that Karlheinz was in cahoots with the Church (which Seiji does not seem to know), and he was the one who made them send Yui to the mansion. So it’s entirely possible that Karl would have also made the Church send Seiji on assignments where he has to be away from Yui, with the goal of making her have abandonment issues so that she would be easier to manipulate.
Karl has been controlling Yui’s life from the very beginning to fulfill his plans. The fact that he has these connections to the church does not make this too far of a stretch.
And it does work. Think about it, Yui’s dad just suddenly says he’s going abroad for work and dropping her at the house of some unknown “relatives”. Who end up being a bunch of vampire jackasses. It’s not surprising if Yui felt as if she actually had been abandoned. She’s criticized for approaching them on her own, but what is wrong with simply wanting to get along with the people you have to live with? People also say Yui should just avoid them at all costs, but that would just make her completely alone.
Maybe it’s just me coming to Japan on my own just a few months before the country banned all new entries due to Corona, so I haven’t seen my parents or friends in over two years. But I have not had a HUG in two years, and isolation SUCKS.
So I completely understand why Yui would want connections with people. Be desperate for them even. There’s even scenes where the guys will mess with her by ignoring her. They know she has abandonment issues, and are using them against her in order to manipulate her into feeling attached to them so they can control her. She can’t even make friends with the normal people at school because the guy’s keep her isolated from them. It’s terrible. And I’m pretty sure Karl arranged for it.
What’s more is that Yui actually is happy when she’s just talking with them normally about stuff. Yui literally just wants friends. She wants to be a part of a normal happy family. She doesn’t want to alone or ignored.
If anyone’s going to reply with “abandonment issues aren’t an excuse to be stupid/annoying” I’m going ask you right back: Why are mommy issues an excuse to be a rapist?
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tunemyart · 2 years
Please, Amy, please write the Xena-is-actually-Sappho crackfic! I could think of no one better suited 😁
I've been saving this bc I don't think I'll ever be able to provide in prose format but can absolutely write as a bullet point list.
In S1, Xena doesn’t accompany Gabrielle to the Academy, though she volunteers to take her “at least as far as Athens.” Why would Xena not volunteer to accompany her all the way to the Academy if she’s gonna go all the way to Athens anyway? Could it be… because everybody knows her there and would be like “oh hey what’s up Sappho?”?????
Xena won’t read Gabrielle’s scrolls until S5! Which is also really sus!!! WHY NOT SAPPHO?? Already too much hero worship? Can’t stand ur girlfriend’s early writing? (She’s working on it!!!) Don’t want to end up turning every cuddling and canoodling session into a writing tips session?? (Okay valid, but - )
Which is another thing!! There’s a certain point at which it’s gone on for so long that there’s no way Xena can possibly reveal she’s Sappho, simply bc Gabrielle would never believe it. Like can you imagine - hey, Gabrielle, I just came back from the dead/we’re about to be crucified together/you just delivered my child and now we’re moms, I have something to tell you.
I mean, consider the fact that when we do see Xena writing, she writes Gabrielle actually beautiful and poetic letters. I mean, can you even believe some of this stuff: [upon the occasion of their being merged into the same body] “In the same way that the world shares day and night, and never sees the same two together” [and all our personal favorite, upon going to the Norselands by herself] “Whatever happens, know that my love for you is endless.”
Does this sound to you like somebody who is not good at writing? Bc it does not to me!
I know, I know, now you’re gonna ask me - but what about all those sold out Sappho concerts? It’s hard to hide from your wife that you’re THE rock star of the ancient world. Au contraire! They split up often enough, sometimes we don’t even get a reason for why they’ve decided to do so.
Salmoneus is absolutely her stage manager, and it’s a running joke how often he’s 1) almost given it away to Gabrielle and 2) how oblivious Gabrielle remains despite that, probably bc she quite logically thinks there’s only room for one famous bard in her and Xena’s relationship.
Which leads me at last to: Many Happy Returns.
We're to believe that Xena went to all the trouble of not only a) buying tickets to a Sappho concert for Gabrielle (for which she, a detail-persnickety long-con-runner, forgot the dates? twice???) but b) getting an audience with her? and c) commissioning a poem from her??? which Xena then d) very unconvincingly playacted not knowing what said poem contained???? The poem was clearly the intended gift all along, sure, but I’m twirling my mustache re: why…
(*cough* it’s bc she was actually in cahoots with Aphrodite during Many Happy Returns to both plant the idea of meeting Sappho as a plausible thing Xena might have done and then distract her from the dangerous idea fact that there’s a suspicious connection between Xena and Sappho *cough*)
Also insert your Xena(Sappho)/Aphrodite headcanon here all “Ode to Aphrodite” style
In conclusion! Xena: Warrior Princess is actually the story of one bard who writes about the woman she loves and one poet who finally wrote a poem for the woman she loves in the triumphant series finale.
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delicrieux · 4 years
CORPSE REQUESTS???? HELL YEAH ALRIGHT so maybe one where the usual lobby is streaming but with bretman rock and he‘s kinda picking up on that cute we-like-each-other-but-we‘re-too-stupid-realize dynamic between corpse and y/n so he teases them and calls them out on it?? Idk just an idea, love you!
・:* ☆ author’s note: yo! yo! this is ✨cute✨ also....funky monky friday!!!
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Typical game, typical stream, not exactly typical company. While Bretman is an unusual addition, he definitely adds a certain little something that not only makes the game funnier, but the dynamic more lively. If someone were to ask you if you could listen to him rambling for hours you would announce a resounding “Yes!” - well, no one asked, but you still told your stream that. They appreciated the honesty. Some of your followers, however, snuck in a few comments that vaguely read “u sure u don’t mean u could listen to corpse forever?” among the sea of keyboard smashes and emojis. You pretended you didn’t see them , focusing on that stupid card swipe that get’s you every time.
There are impostors among your group of friends, and your job as crewmate is to sniff them out. For some reason you have an inkling one of them is Sykkuno because he was just a bit too sweet during the last meeting, amping up the innocence in his voice to a suspicious extent; the second one, sadly, you are blind to. Though, if a surprise attack were to happen, you at least have Corpse beside you, guarding you while you do tasks. 
The fairy-lights in your stream room twinkle and dim, your eyes lingering on Corpse’s in-game astronaut for a tad longer than necessary. 
You have been following him this whole time like a lost puppy. Running in circles around his little character. At one point a chase ensued where he tried to catch you and you were laughing and you hope he was laughing too but quite frankly you were too afraid to check what the stream had to say because you figured it was going nuts. 
A meeting was urgently called. You frown softly at the X’s sprung on some of your friends’ icons. “I’ll avenge you.” You mutter before unmuting your mic.
“Okay, so, it’s definitely not Corpse or (Name).” James chimes so quick you barely manage to catch him, “I passed them on my way to MedBay and she was just running circles around him while he was, I don’t know, AFK? I mean, yes, king, work! Give us nothing!”
“I dunno guys,” Sykkuno says after the laughter dies down, “(Name) has been acting pretty sus. Have you even done any of your tasks?”
“It’s not (Name).” Corpse opposes quietly, though his voice is drowned out by a cacophony of conflicting opinions.
 “The hell, Sykkuno?” You exclaim, hurt. Is he trying to frame you? You knew something was odd about him this round, “What is this snake behaviour? Yes I did my tasks, Corpse is my alibi.”
“I was literally with her the whole time.” He confirms, all in that calm, baritone of his, “If she killed someone, I would have seen it.”
“How do we know you aren’t in cahoots?” Rae questions. Seconds tick by, draining the timer. This is getting nowhere. Worst of all, you’re slowly being led into the fire before they flame you. Honestly, you aren’t the impostor. If you were, you’re certain they would’ve caught you already. “I feel like (Name) and Corpse would be in cahoots.”
“Okay, good point,” James says, “but the body was found in Navigation.”
“They could’ve vented there.” Sykkuno offers.
Corpse hums, “Spoken like a true Impostor.” 
“Aren’t you in Navigation, Sykkuno?” You grit.
“Yes, I, uhh, I found the body with James.”
“Sus.” You say. Your stream chat echoes it a thousand times. Maybe more.
“I don’t think it’s Sykkuno,” James mumbles, “but I also don’t think it’s Corpse or (Name). Like, I’ve seen them doing tasks around the map. Never have they been anywhere even close to a body.”
“Yeah!” Sykkuno exclaims, “Isn’t that suspicious?”
You gape at your camera, like you’re in the Office, before hissing a “How the fuck is not murdering people suspicious?!”
“Guys, seriously,” Corpse says with a light little laugh, instantly hushing the hectic conversation, “we need to vote or skip. I say we skip for now. (Name) and I have been together since I ran into her in Electrical before the first body was found. I really don’t know what else do you want me to say. Let’s skip, okay?”
A chorus of “Okay”s shakes the discord call - if it’s anyone that can convince them to do something, it’s Corpse. This talent of his is both frightening and wonderful. It’s good having someone defend you, though if he ever wanted to vote you out, you’d be done for.
Somehow, you think he wouldn’t do that, though. A smile almost slips onto your lips before you swallow it down. Incriminating. You will not appear soft on stream! Your audience would tease you all the way to hell and back.
Bretman, who had been eerily quiet through the exchange (or, possibly, accidentally muted his mic again), suddenly speaks up, “Y’all are too cute.”
“What? Who?” Rae asks.
“(Name) and Corpse. Don’t think we don’t see y’all coupling it up.”
You’re suddenly incredibly happy you always stream in low lights - it feels cozy, more personal somehow - because your cheeks flush with heat and you lean back into your chair, as if to get away from him and the screen and the game and what he’s saying. You dare a glance at the chat but it’s swimming from the influx of messages. 
Corpse is quiet. You’re not sure whether that makes you feel better or worse.
“Oh my God, no kidding.” James says, the last one to skip vote, “They’re always like this, I swear, it’s the cutest thing.”
“What about me and Corpse?” Sykkuno asks, “I thought we had something special.”
“First you frame me,” You speak up, “and now you’re trying to take away my only friend? Cold, Sykkuno. Real cold.”
“Yaaaas, miss girl, don’t let him walk all over you!” Bretman cheers.
Thankfully, the timer ends, no one is flung into the void of outer space and all mics are muted again before Bretman can say anything else. 
You feel nervous. Corpse’s astronaut stands next to you, immobile. Swallowing, you circle around him again. You grin when he follows after you. Good, so he wasn’t weirded out by that exchange after all. 
Wait, why do you care so much anyway?
Well, whatever. There are still plenty of tasks to be done and you need to catch Sykkuno somehow. With renewed enthusiasm, you connect wires, thinking of a game plan. 
“here from corpse’s stream, he just called (name) angel:)!!”
You briefly wonder if it’ll make it into his stream highlights. Something so insignificant, such an offhand affectionate comment...Probably not, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to hear it. Just to know how it sounded. To know if it really happened or was it just a little white lie from his fans meant only to tease you.
You wish you would've missed that comment in chat. Because now, with your heart racing in your chest, that’s the only thing you can think about.
hope you liked it! xx
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