#these say preview... like what are you gonna do to them leave them they dont need editing
galaxymagick · 2 years
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220902 piano man op. 9 concert | ©reminiscence524
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phantaloon · 5 months
okay fuck
ngl it was... i dont want to say disappointing, bc it wasn't, but it was surprising i think
like i get some things have to be rushed, hopefully s2 will have a bigger budget and they'll have more time or more episodes, but one thing im not digging a lot is the cuts in this episode is particular, like when percy tells annabeth what he talked with hermes, but they dont show that conversation, its a bit weird, but not too off throwing
also! not sure how to feel about the introduction of may castellan so early on, but not much was said enough for it to truly matter or change anything, so im just not gonna mind
also didn’t think hermes's presence was necessary in the first place, and i didn’t think lin's acting was as interesting as ares or dionysus or haephestus
but having said that, i actually really liked the vibes of this episode, especially since the show has been more character and plot driven rather than action driven
it was slow, yes, but it was fitting, and i think it was a nice break from the rush of the last two episodes, and i loved seeing percy and annabeth work together like that, and i LOVE how much they're showing grover's dedication to finding pan
also the wise girl, and percy driving the taxi were fucking highlights
and like, two things really caught my eye and have me insanely excited for an explanation
one is the flashback hermes shows percy, like wtf is going on there, i see young percy in the car on his own in front of a house, and given the conversation all i can think is it has smth to do with sally, possibly with gabe, possibly hinting at the abuse she went through, possibly hinting at how much it cost her to do everything to keep percy safe, of what it was for her to love poseidon and know he loves her and know they can't be together, and i really hope we get an explanation
the second is the FOUR PEARLS, like we KNOW sally doesn't leave the underworld, not only bc that's in the books, but bc shes not there in the preview for next episode, and fuck am i antsy to see just how they're going to lose the fourth pearl, will it be luke's fault when grover gets almost dragged to kronos? will it be on their way to hades? what makes him lose the pearl?
and ohhhh, it was one thing to leave sally bc he didn't have a way to bring her with them, it's completely another thing to have to leave her behind bc he lost the way to get her, and i can't wait to see his ANGER, god fuck i want to see a completely feral percy fight ares
so yeah, not my favorite episode, especially back to back to how fucking amazing last episode was, but im really excited for the things to come and how its changed some things that leave us, the book readers, in the dark as well
really looking forward to next week :)
edit lmao i forgot the ONE change that really upset me: what the fuck do you mean they missed the deadline? like now what lmao? richard whY?
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youngpettyqueen · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
aaaaa ty Sarah!! boy lets see what are some of my favs...
a matter of the heart is currently like. my top favourite thing at the moment. months went into 16k of Charleshawk, Charles and Hawkeye character study, gratuitous amounts of hurt/comfort... it is everything To Me (shamelessly gonna use a second to promote this one to anyone who hasn't read it yet PLEASE read my Charleshawk mania)
like a dog because its just so fucking funny. I would say "not to toot my own horn" but this game is about tooting your own horn so ill say it I wrote this one in such a way where I can literally picture it as a canon scene in my head. I reread it whenever im in a bad mood and it always cheers me up
leave your roles at the door I maintain is my most underrated fic. I love it a lot, I think Margaret and Radar's dynamic is criminally under explored both in canon and in fanfic, I do really need to write like a 10k fic about the dynamic I envision for them in my head their friendship could be sooooooo good
a welcome awakening is one I wrote for a request but I want to expand on it tbh. it as a scene works FANTASTICALLY imo I love it a lot I love the moment I captured but I love it so much I want to like, write a fully-fledged fic about the entire scenario + the aftermath. maybe when I get through a bit more of my insane WIP backlog
and miles to go before i sleep while there are parts of this fic I wouldnt mind revisiting at some point, I still love it very dearly for being my first multi-chapter work since I was a teenager. I still love my take on Hawkeye/BJ here, I really like the way I went about a getting together fic for them, so while I do at some point want to go back and do some edits, overall this fic still holds up as one of my favs
also hope we dont mind some honourable mentions here cause some just barely didnt make the cut-
a very important question listen this one didnt do as well as like a dog but it makes me laugh till I cant breathe
what do you do with a drunken major? my first Charleshawk fic and still a fav just cause it uses my fav canon Charleshawk thing which is Charles using Hawkeye as a teddy bear when he's drunk
and then a tricky one cause its still a WIP but I already know its a fav. here's a preview for an upcoming Houlihawk fic-
But when she turns to tell him all of that, the words stick hard in her throat. Because Hawkeye just meets her teary glare with a quiet, sympathetic frown. He doesn’t say a thing, and he doesn’t have to. Her resolve crumbles like sand and so does her glare, falling away as she presses her lips in a thin line in a last ditch effort to save face. She can’t throw him out. He knows, he understands. She needs that. Needs him. “Hawkeye…” She mumbles.  Hawkeye sets the flowers down on her bed. He opens his arms to her. “C’mere.” He invites. She’s not proud about how she throws herself into his arms. But she doesn’t care much about her pride right now. She’s not a Major right now. She just wants to be held. She just wants to cry. 
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neutrallyobsessed · 4 months
sehh el sindrome de abstinencia de topher bus viene con español de mas, asi que deberia ser tobi col, que se yo puta madre DONDE ESTASSSSSSSSSS
but lets see how this revelation comes to them~~
hmm so theres this kinda lack of feelingggg, like now Joan and Abe are literally each other's girl and boy next door,,,, they're doing this taylor swift thing were they speak from the windows....hmm i need more jealousy fits from each other about each other yknowww
wait, so if Abe is gonna be like JFK, and JFK is gonna be like Abe.. then wHO'S DRIVING THE VAN???????
oh man, i love that type of joke! in the fic im writting i put it several times like actually lolol
((((~~save me oh, save me topher of the intro~~))))
ohhhhh new clones??? or maybe not, it does sound like a lot of work lmaoo yeahhhhh
without raisins lol
oh damn that epic yo but like, did you fuck harriet at least?
aghhhughhohgoihjbnjdwieouwhaoaogsghhh hhhhh ok,,, okkk ok we all know that i wanted him back and HE IS BACK FUCK YEAH but i cant really decided if that was a good way or a bad way but lets just say that my ice cold water bottle has completely evaporated!! and imma- imma get a new one...... brb yeah :)
but like- yeah that's 3 (THREE) unfunny yet popular hcs disproven by canon all at once: he DOES shower, he DOES have hair and he DID fuck at least once.......... tbh the balding virgin is kinda funny but i have my reasons~ and come on people! who doesnt love a good cold shower cuaNDO TE ESTAS CAGANDO DE CALOR VIEJA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NO WAIT 4(FOUR) HCS! He doesn't dye his hair either! but like, that's not bad or unfunny is just- Do you know why el Dibu Martinez is nicknamed like that?
NO YEAH VAN GOGH I BELIEVE YOU 100% LIKE ACTUALLY SJKSJSKJSKSKS and can we get a hell yeah for Ivan? hell yeah!!
EL PRIMAS!!! EL JOTA EFE KA ES EL PRIMAS!!!!!! tho i expected that more of topher yaknow? like! like he had the sleepover with abe como no vas a traer a tus primas???
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ooooooooooh Erica Rivinojaaaa you wouldnt fuck abe? thats actually super cool and a breath of fresh air. like a lot of writers and producers self insert in their shows to fuck their characters but here Rivinoja is like "nope im not gonna fuck the characters!" and thats actually hella based, we love to see it!!! leaving that to the fans eh ;)
yeah you know all bout cementary film screenings dont you joan? lol
ok i know she means she doesnt like having her picture taken without consent but still, you did sent a titpic to abe soooooo
UUUUGHHHHH FUCKING FINALLY i thought they all knew tho, like especially Cleo? who dated Abe?? eh whatev lol
my fav gags making their appearances once again!
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ohohoh they gonna find out~~ NO SHE DIDNT GO BACK~~!!! OOOO- yeah explain that Cleo wasn't invited there.... that she was barely in the show last season.......... LIKE- YKNOW
Ahahaha funny you say that cause before that you were like tHiS SO laMe and now you do want to get invited aaaa
This scene is so aesthetically pleasing.... and ok if it is Bloody Mary, it's ok for an overuse of blood, but still, it could have a lot more impact if y'all DIDN'T overuse blood all those times before!!
people die all the time, yeah ok lmaooo
Aww the boys care for her- NOOO UN PINCHE FURRRO AAAAAA
oh what is this? scott pilgrim?
Hmmm didn't understand that reference...
And that's why we all need to stay hydrated and have a nice cold bottle of water near by~!
Hahahah~~! HAHAHAHHHHH!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO GIRL! you having sex with EVERYONE who DONT MATTER what the fuck
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there is SO MUCH jealousy and regret in this screenshot, i love it!!
Rating: Abe still a virgin/10!
Topher Bus has appeared on screen for 8 seconds.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
Listen, physical torture is horrendous on its own but that preview seems to suggest physological torture. How are we going to get the sex (consensual) from there? Dont let me down KP. Destroy him Pete!
i do wonder what's gonna be the one thing that will make their relationship finally shift into something MORE, because there has to be a turning point, for both of them, and IM SO CURIOUS to see it
i can't find the source right now, but i think i remember bible and build saying that vegas and pete will find something they're missing in each other, and while it's not hard to understand what vegas will find in pete, it's definitely harder to imagine what pete could ever find in vegas, but i feel like that for both of them is gonna be a matter of being seen and accepted and desired and loved for who they are
vegas wasn't interested in tawan's love because, ultimately, tawan never saw behind vegas' mask, but pete is different. vegas can't manipulate pete like he did tawan and porsche because, from day one, pete has always been the one person who could see vegas for who he really is, and to have someone see him and still want ALL OF HIM (the good, the bad, and the ugly) is definitely gonna play a big part in vegas falling for pete
i do think it's gonna be pretty much the same for pete, but it's harder to explain it with him because his bad and ugly parts aren't as glaringly obvious as vegas' are, but here's the thing.. his good parts are easily overlooked too. pete does have some darkness in him, but no one sees it, because no one ever really sees PETE to begin with. there's this fantastic shot in episode 5 where vegas arrives on his bike and then you have both pete and porsche in the frame, except pete is out of focus. imagine having always lived your life like that, never truly being seen, and suddenly you find yourself becoming the center of someone's undivided attention, someone that will want your darkness as much as your light. it's gonna be intoxicating for pete, though i definitely think it will take him a bit longer to come to terms with it, which is why i can very easily see him have sex with vegas and then leave to go back to the main family, because pete does already feel attracted to vegas to a certain extent and despite his better judgement, but feelings are definitely more complicated to deal with after everything he went through
one thing is certain, though, unlike SOMEONE, vegas is not gonna forget about pete once he's gone, and that will make all the difference
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chobangs · 2 years
Hmmm... I think I'm just gonna wait for the show to finish before watching from episode 13. I was holding out hope that the writer won't go the typical k-drama trope but its not looking good at the moment. It will be a shame if it actually does because I thought this would be the best writing ever. I have a bit of hope left but I'm not holding my breath. I've been burnt too many times with this k-drama shits.
I don't like the Minwoo-Suyeon agenda. I'm with all of you who say his back story doesnt excuse his ableism. He's a prick and if Suyeon suddenly becomes attracted to him, out of nowhere, I hope it's something like 'grow up first and then we'll see' . It's a big NO for me.
I don't feel its right for YoungWoo and Junho's characters to just break up like the preview. I mean theyre not even officially together! What's up with that as well! I thought that was a cut scene and the next part is them talking it out! Now, that's out of character for me! Communication, honesty, openness were theyre foundations and now, they suddenly dont know how to do to that??
What are they gonna do with Tae Sumi ? I feel like that should be more fleshed out than trying to make Minwoo and Suyeon happen.
As much I'd like to keep EAW and watch YoungWoo live, grow and love, I dont want this to be a multi season drama. With Kang Tae Oh enlisting too, I can never accept anybody else as Lee Junho. On the other hand, I dont want to wait for 2 years before the next season. I want them to have a good ending on episode 16. I just want them to be together, fighting prejudice together, learning and growing together. I just want them stronger, together!
Anyway, imma enjoy my trip and let's all be strong. Aja! 😅
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mineashthetrash · 2 months
I know what the new WC books remind me of now- its fucking Bravelands, the tone and mood is fucking Bravelands
I read bravelands when the first few books were out because i was bored and thought it looked interesting, but the feelings and 'vibes' were WAY OFF! The general mood is defeatism and tragedy, a suffocating, cloying feeling of nothingness and sadness. Very few happy things happen, and its not even imaginitive in its tragedy
like. Spoilers for like the first 3 books. The twist villan sucked ass. Nothing interesting happens with him, and 90% of the book is 'character who knows character b is evil' thinking about how evil character b is and how much character b sucks.
That's what the Frostpaw scene in Wind's preview reminded me of. The 'oh my fucking god not again, this guys clearly fucking evil, why is everyone either an idiot or a jerk'! THATS why i dont really want to read Wind, because ive read a whole book of nothing but that before and i hated it
Idiocy in warriors is nothing new, but it doesnt feel like anything else, either. Its hard for me to articulate exactly what i mean, but. P03, Avos, even OOTS had characters to like, scenes of banter or playfullness that broke up the seriousness, characters who liked each other. Meanwhile in ASC i dont blame Nightheart for wanting to leave, because his clan feels like a bitter, angry piece of cardboard. In po3 jayfeather was liked. Not everyone liked him, but people shared their prey with him, people tried too hard to keep him safe, his clan sucked towards him at first, but people eventually grew to appreciate and respect him.
But it genuinely feels like nobody likes our main characters. They dont have friends, people dont share prey with them, people dont even say 'hello, how are you'. it feels like everyones either being an idiot for the plot, being an asshole for the plot, or just generally being unpleasent. its one of the reasons i hate Lionblaze's rettconned personality so much. We need gentle giants, kind cats who can be a bit gruff or arrogant, cats who deep down are nice and playful, not another fucking POS who would rather kill you than look at you.
At least bravelands embraced this, and had a 'its nature, whatre you gonna do' kind of vibe. Everyone knew shit sucked, and they tried to make the best of it. god this is super incoherent. Sorry
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oneandonlysoftie · 3 years
Hi dear! I've seen you didn't talk much about Sadistic Beauty these days... What are your thoughts on ending and two side stories? Especially Wookying and Minho's one? Tbh I'm disappointed and disturbed :(
i had to step out of this story bc it was leaving me frustrated, irritated and disappointed not to mention very confused LOL. yep, im still fairly disappointed with where the author went with this. a major conflict that should or could have been in the main story was the whole drama including wookyung fighting with doona to get minho but it was swept under the rug only to return as some after thought as a side story (probably excluding doona).  there was such a great opportunity to finish it in the main story but the author decided that minho had to suffer all of the consequences and everyone else is going scot-free LOL. truly a shame. i wasnt surprised that doona was ending up with haesol, never was into them, still not into them. i have a certain distaste for characters like haesol, he’d be best described as a simp. and i absolutely loathe simps lol. there’s a fine line with being there for someone and being there in hopes that smth more might change, he def wants to date doona and saying that he’s okay with how things are and if they don’t date, is basically a blatant lie to himself. if that was the case, he wouldn’t let her string him along and use him for sex. the feelings he has for her will just be kept in the back, but it will most likely resurface in some way or another. in the long run, it’d hurt him and that’s just not worth the hassle. obv since the writer wanted them to happen, he’s prob gonna get what he wants lol. i def found the whole rivalry btw donna and wookyung in order to get to minho way more fascinating, and wished it was explored more. now, the only thing im happy with is gyerin is probably getting her happy ending with the new girl. she’s also the only one who went “fuck this” once she saw doona wasn’t going to reciprocate her feelings, and im rlly glad she did that. at first, i didnt think much of her, but now, seeing how the story went (lmao), im all for gyerin being happy. and as for wookyung and minho, im interested in how their story will unfold. but i feel so so bad for minho, he was a jerk and an asshole i wont deny that, but he didnt deserve all of the hate and harm he got and still is receiving according to the side story preview. wookyung is still a great and fascinating character, i do like characters like him, but how he was used was just not satisfying. and it seems like there might be a case of stockholm syndrome coming up where he might fall for wookyung. i just wish doona had smth to do with it before she parted ways or she could have helped minho, but yeah. *shrugs* this story left me confused as to what the author is doing, there is wasted potential and opportunities at every corner. the plot goes one way then goes another to end on a weird note. i also think the whole gl, bl stuff was more of a fanservice thing and that’s probably why it’s more of a disjointed story? as in, i feel like the gl and bl stuff should either have been more of a focus and woven into the story or it should have been entirely separate so the author wouldn’t have to shove many things at once and just focus on one or two pairing. one thing i might add for the story is that it felt as if it was trying to make us surprised, but the so called “twists” that happened just made it more confusing and those probably shouldn’t have been there as they don’t add much to the story narrative. back to gyerin, you can see that gyerin and the new girl can have their own separate story from the start (she didn’t have much to do with the primary conflict and could easily have a flashback to doona instead of the whole fanservice lol). the same goes for wookyung and minho as well, and it’d have been perfectly fine. at the end you basically see three pairings, the m/f, the f/f and the m/m. however, we dont even know if minho is into men? so i’m not sure how’s that gonna be considered BL? then again, every pairing could have been in the main story, but it’s not? for some reason??? it feels as if the author wanted their pairings without putting in the effort of making it into the main story, hence the side stories or they just wanted to make it separated without putting too many characters in it. obviously, for wookyung and minho, there’s no way doona wouldn’t have done smth if it was fully explored in the main story, and it might have changed the ending too. there’s multiple ways the story could have gone, but this one was the only conflict that was much more interesting imo, but it wasnt used that much.
gyerin didn’t really have much to do there other than be lesbian fanservice for doona (and the audience, writer and maybe the artist too?), and to be some kind of support for haesol. that’s about it, so i can understand why she’d not have a full blown romance in the main story, but seeing that she keeps reappearing, she still could have her side story integrated into it. lmao i don’t even kno if doona is bi/pan lol or if she just had sex bc she was drunk then did it just for pleasure without being interested in women at all.
EDIT: iirc doona did get aroused seeing gyerin uh doing stuff, so it could be possible that she is interested in women, but maybe only sexually? although i still could be wrong lol and it could just have been a moment of “I’m straight, but horny and u’ll do for now”. she could be in the closet too, who knows.
overall, sadistic beauty had some interesting conflict, some good characters (ill never like haesol lol), good art and the storytelling by this artist is well paced, but the execution and where the story went leaves a sour taste in my mouth. would i recommend this story? absolutely not. it is so frustrating, and for what? i wish i had saved myself this headache from the very start but the art and the fact that doona was a dom was what reeled me in. i only came back to it to see if the writer redeemed their story in some ways, but... well... you saw how that went.  i would follow the artist if i could, their art is beautiful. however, i cannot say the same for the writer. from my exp, it seems that many webtoons have good art, but the writing definitely leaves way more room for improvement. that said, i do hope ppl will learn that in order to make a great comic/webtoon/manga and so on, it is not only about pretty drawings. the story and writing should be up to par with the art. if not, it should be at least close to it. because the art might attract people, but if the story doesn’t resonate, if it doesn’t make much sense, then ppl are bound to leave and drop it. and what is a story, but pretty pictures and nothing substantial in it? nothing, but superficial beauty.
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masterhandss · 4 years
‘My Next Life as A Villainess’ Anime is over...
A lot of us are disappointed that Katarina’s adventures are finally over, and a lot of us are gonna miss watching the wacky hi-jinks of our dense villainess. I’ve seen a lot of people say that they will stop posting or paying attention to hamefura after the anime ends, and while I might be the same to some extent, I just want to say that there are still a lot of hamefura things to look forward to after the anime ends!
These are actually some very obvious things to look forward to, but you know I’d still like to share them so you can use them to fill the hole in your heart that the anime left behind.
Edit: (9/30/20) I added stuff, as well as a cut for all yall who says my posts are too long qwq
The Manga
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Hamefura still has an on-going manga that is currently in Chapter 3 of the Light Novels! A lot of you already read it, and understand that it can get frustrating when there’s a lack of updates on the english side of things, but if you’re really curious, you can go over and check out the JP releases every month so you can have an idea of whats to come for the manga :DD (The fan translation of ENG Chapter 26 came out a few days ago so you know it’s not dead!!)
I’d recommend reading the english translation on Mangadex, since most translation groups officially upload their translation on there. 
The Spin-off (Hametsuo/Bakarina Alter)
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It deserves it’s own category for just how unique it is in terms of its reception in the western crowd. I know a lot of people probably read it, but I guess people barely talk about because it’s not really that far into it’s premise yet. 
I just can’t stop recommending this manga to people (despite not going where I thought it’d be) because of how good the art-style is and how much promise it has. It updates monthly, which I know is a long wait, but it does pay off when you see the quality of everything. Plus it’s just fun to imagine how hamefura would go if it followed the typical “villainess otome isekai” format.
I actually love talking about hametsuo, so maybe my posts are woth the look ;; w ;;
The Light Novels
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credits to @sparckle-art​ for the scans!
I’m happy to read that a lot of people are gonna go switch and buy the light novels after the anime ends! By the time the anime ends, the Vol. 6 of the LN would release a week later, acting kind of like a replacement of what is supposed to be a new episode for that week.
The fan-translated version of the web novel is available online, up until half of Vol. 4, but I still recommend buying the books on bookwalker (i don’t know if the sale is still there, but I’d recommend picking up the book regardless!). If reading the fan translation piqued your interest, then playing for the books would definitely worth your money if you ask me! 
An increase of sales might show them that there’s interest for this light novel, and might make them translate the JP novels even faster! (or maybe i’m just too impatient to wait 2-3 months for Volume 7 dshfjsfgs who knows?)
My only warning is that the tone really does shift post-arc 1 (Fortune Lover I) so if you’re looking for harem hijinks, from spoilers I’ve seen I think there would less of that and more of world building. (ps. please stop asking me where to read it ;;-;;)
Edit: Volume 8 is coming out in a few months, with Volume 9 probably being released at either Jan or Feb next year, then after that it’ll be a yearly update
StoryMe Otome Game
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credit to the hamefura reddit discord for the screenshots!
I’m surprised a lot of people doesn’t know about the StoryMe game, despite it updating every week alongside the anime. Just kidding I didn’t either lol, I actually found about this thanks to the hamefura reddit discord server! StoryMe is a choose-your-own-adventure otome game, kind of like those “Episodes” or “Chapters” game that gets recommended on Youtube a lot. 
It’s still in japanese, which is probably why not a lot of people knows of it yet, but it seems like you can play as Katarina and romance anyone from the entire harem (yes, the girls too), so keep you eyes peeled for if ever it gets an english translation!
It’s basically the bluray Fortune Lover game with the DVDs, but instead of Maria, you actually get to play as Katarina!
(I’ll make a separate post for this later, maybe)
Edit: The game just came out in English in September 16, and just spat out a 11-episode update at September 30
tldr: go play it, it has 19 episodes out right now
Katarina’s Farm
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It’s a newly announced mobile game with a web trial version that centers around playing as Katarina, trying to earn money and points for expanding your farm land, planting more expensive plants and getting the other members of the harem to join you! It’s a 2D pixel game that seems like it wouldnt take too much time to play (you can get the first 4 characters within 30 minutes of gameplay, but that might be adjusted in the mobile version) so I understand if it might not interest some people, but that’s still something to look forward to!
I made another post about it so check out the link to the web version here!
The Bluray Otome Game
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While I can’t say this for certain, but maybe if there was ever an official english bluray release, it might include the Fortune Lover Male Capture Target Routes that are included in the game. Maybe someone will play it and translate it even! It would interesting to see how different the boys are, and give us further appreciation for Katarina’s influence and changes!
There’s a preview for a CG in Keith’s Route, which comes with the second bluray (no pv for Geordo ;; w ;;)
Edit: All the boy’s routes are out in Japanese
We don’t know if they’ll ever be released in English though, so hopefully someone translates them at least ;;w;;
The Manga and Yuri Anthology
Missing the hilarious and heartwarming antics of Katarina and her harem? Then you should check out the Manga Anthology (that has just been been translated in its entirety). It’s 14 chapters of absolute hilarity!
There’s also a Yuri Anthology, featuring the 4 girls of the harem! If you’re looking for more of that then, it’s an absolute recommendation!
Spin-off Visual Novel
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Edit: They recently just announced a spinoff visual novel! It takes place after the Fortune Lover 1 Arc and features sexy pirates hgsjhgsdf
It’s just recently announced so there’s not a lot of info besides the company making it (it’s Otomate) and the fact that it’s gonna be an all new Bakarina adventure uwu
Bakarina Radio
I heard there’s a Bakarina Radio too, featurning the VAs of the anime cast. 
I don’t know if its a regular thing or a one time thing, but its still worth checkin out!
The Second Season of the Anime
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I seriously wasn’t expecting another season, considering how different the next arc is, but I’m happy nonetheless for more Bakarina! I hope this motivates the fans to continue supporting the series, as a bigger reaction will definitely lead to more content for us to enjoy! I have a theory about S2, which I think is worth the read :3c
Other Otome Isekais
There’s a lot of other Villainess Otome Isekai’s that are worth the read, and a lot of them as just as interesting as hamefura, despite the lack of a harem (from deep rooted revenge to hilarious and crazy villainess, there’s a lot!) The quickest recommendation I can give is just looking up “Akuyaku” and “Villainess” on Mangadex (do both btw they dont have the same results), but theres a lot that doesn’t get recommended so do your research! I swear it’s worth your time!
Anyways, I hope any of these fill the hole that the hamefura anime will leave in our hearts as we wait for season 2! (sorry for repeating the same line again hdsfgdjhsfg) Feel free to add anything like fanfic recommendations and artists, as I can’t cover everything on my own, as those really help provide hamefura fans with content :DD
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC)
Story Rating: Explicit
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic
Story Warnings: Phone sex, sexting, dirty and degrading talk, Bakugou’s really fluffy don’t @ me. 
a/n: I was going to do like... the fake text screenshots along with this story and draw the pictures that they are sending to each other, but I was just getting too frustrated with it and I couldn’t find the time I needed to do it all, so I’m just gonna go with normal text lol. Maybe next time! 
Tagging @lady-bakuhoe​​ ‘cause she’s been so excited about this and pumping me up about it, and @rhombea​​ ‘cause she read it over and helped me with it, and just because I adore them both.  (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Art in banner by me
Me = Koge Cutesuki = Bakugou
Me 3:03 AM: I miss you, Katsuki. I can’t sleep. (>﹏<)
A small sigh left Koge’s lips as she stared at her phone screen, rolling over onto her side to face the wall. The spot beside her was empty, the pillow untouched and the sheets cold, which was something she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to. Sure, she had spent many nights alone when her lover was off on a trip or on a late-night job, but that didn’t matter. No amount of time could make her get used to being alone, not when she was so used to and craved his presence. It was truly miserable when he was gone, even though she did everything she could think of to try and distract herself. 
She spent time with her friends, watched movies, played video games, did yoga and meditation, went shopping, read books, and anything else she could possibly squeeze in so that the only time she was undistracted was while attempting to sleep. Along with texts and phone calls from him, she could get by, especially if the trip was only a few days or a week. But right now, he had been gone for a month. All the distractions in the world couldn’t stop her loneliness now, and what was worse, he was on the other side of the world in America. 
There was a huge hero conference being held in New York and being one of the top young heroes in Japan, he had been invited along with quite a few others. He was horribly busy, every day being either an event for the conference, meetings, or doing touristy things with his friends that had gone with him. Koge was glad that he wasn’t alone, with at least Kirishima and Midoriya there to keep him company, but damn was she jealous. She wished that she had been able to go with him, too, but her work responsibilities at home prevented her from leaving. 
It didn’t help that the times were so different on top of everything else. It was difficult for Koge to find time to talk to Bakugou for more than a few minutes over the phone, since he was 13 hours behind her in time. Right now, for him, it was just past two in the afternoon, meaning that he was probably in the middle of an event or maybe eating lunch. 
Meanwhile, Koge laid in bed, alone, cold, and bundled up in multiple fleece blankets for comfort as she waited for his response. 
When her phone buzzed in her hand sooner than expected, her eyes were instantly on the new text message, cuddling up tighter under the blankets. 
Cutesuki 3:07 AM: you need to try to sleep, utsuro. its late. 
Me 3:07 AM: I know, but… It’s hard without you. (。•́︿•̀。) I’m cold. 
Cutesuki 3:08 AM: i already know youre bundled up under all those fucking blankets, probably wearing my clothes, too. spray some of my cologne on my pillow or something. 
Me 3:08 AM: You know me so well. ( ◡‿◡ *) I am just as you say. And I already put some on my pillow… I didn’t want to mess with yours. 
Cutesuki 3:09 AM: considerate. of course youre in my clothes, might as well throw all of yours out. 
Me 3:09 AM: Hehe… ( ´ ▽ ` ) They’re just so comfy! 
Cutesuki 3:09 AM: which? 
Immediately, Koge felt heat rush to her cheeks, biting down onto her bottom lip as her stomach fluttered. He wanted to know what she was wearing. He had to be out and about right now, so what was he getting at? 
During trips like this, the two of them were no strangers to phone sex, exchanging sexy pictures or messing around on video chat if they were able. Sadly, Bakugou was also sharing a hotel room with his friends to save on funds, so time alone was scarce for him. In fact, the entire time he had been gone, they hadn’t been able to have more than a slightly flirtatious conversation before he had to go. Koge’s toys could satisfy her in the moment, but nothing could ever compare to the way he made her feel and the pleasure they could create together. Just the thought of the intimacy they shared made her body grow hot, squeezing her bare thighs together to try and relieve the new aching at her hips. 
Cutesuki 3:11 AM: well?
Sitting up, Koge reached over and turned on the lamp on the bedside table before leaning back against the headboard. Holding her phone out, she took a selfie, doing her best to make sure she got a flattering angle that showed her body beneath his black skull t-shirt and her bare legs, with a playful smirk and a peeking tongue being all that was visible of her face. Satisfied, she sent it to him, settling down to wait with her legs stretched out in front of her. As she waited, her heart only pounded harder in her chest, hoping that is what he had wanted to see.
Me 3:12 AM: (*´︶`*)
Cutesuki 3:16 AM: fuck. 
Cutesuki 3:16 AM: it would be that shirt. 
Cutesuki 3:16 AM: youre so predictable. 
Me 3:17 AM: Well if you know, why’d you want to see? (¬‿¬ )
Cutesuki 3:18 AM: i need something to jack off to. 
Koge’s body was immediately covered in goosebumps, making her shiver and squeal quietly to herself, bringing her phone up to her lips and kicking her legs like an excited child. Maybe he finally had some time to himself? Or was he hiding away in a bathroom somewhere? Any option turned her on. 
Me 3:18 AM: That’s all that’ll get you off, huh? ┐(︶▽︶)┌ Guess my job is done. 
Cutesuki 3:19 AM: dont be a smartass. more. 
Me 3:19 AM: More? (◕‿◕✿)
Cutesuki 3:19 AM: now bitch. or would you rather miss out on this? 
Within the next few seconds, he sent in his own picture, displaying his hips, clad in grey sweatpants. He seemed to be sitting on a bed with what looked to be a hotel room behind him, but that didn’t matter to Koge. All she was focused on was his hand, which was clutching onto the hard form of his cock beneath the fabric, showing off his size. Feeling as if her heart was in her throat, Koge squeezed and rubbed her thighs together, looking over every inch of him she could see, from the peek of his belly beneath his shirt to the strong veins that ran along his rugged hand and up his arm. “Damn you, Katsuki! You hot asshole.” 
Me 3:20 AM: Challenging me, huh? (ಠ_ಠ)
Cutesuki 3:20 AM: im threatening you. show me your tits. 
Unable to stop the smirk that crossed her lips, Koge pulled the t-shirt up, holding the bottom hem of it between her teeth. With only slight position and maneuvering, Koge was able to get a similar selfie as the one a moment ago, showing her legs, torso, and mouth. This time, she had the shirt taught so that it held her breasts in place, only showing a nice and plump peek of the bottom of them, along with her stomach. Her mouth was in a teasing smile, teeth shown clamped down around the shirt, and little pale blue undies fit snugly on her hips. 
Me 3:23 AM: (¯▿¯)
Cutesuki 3:26 AM: fuck youre such a tease. 
Cutesuki 3:26 AM: i miss you. 
A new picture came along with his message, bringing a new wave of heat to her already aching cunt. His cock was now out of his pants, hard and irresistible, crowned with a dribble of precum that had begun its descent down the underside of his head. He wasn’t touching it, using his free hand to hold his sweats down out of the way instead, but Koge could still see a little dark area that had gotten wet before he decided to expose himself. He had also removed his shirt at some point, so his muscular frame was visible. 
Giving a frustrated groan, Koge slipped her hand between her legs, beginning to lightly stroke along her sex outside of her underwear. Already soaked through, she couldn’t get her eyes off the picture, nibbling at her bottom lip as she pleasured herself. Every vein and girthy inch of him had her entire body on fire, wanting more than anything for him to shove that beautiful cock down her throat. She missed his hands on her body, the warmth of him against her and how delicious he tasted. 
Me 3:28 AM: Ooh, I get the dick before I even show you the tits? You must be horny.
Cutesuki 3:28 AM: you’re killing me.
Me 3:29 AM: ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
Sinking down a bit more against the headboard, Koge pulled the t-shirt up over her breasts, being sure to hold her arms in a way that nicely squished them together. Her recently fully healed nipple piercings gleamed in the dim light, and since they were so enticing, Koge decided to get a shot of the other piercing. Getting her mouth in the frame, she opened wide and let her tongue loll out, displaying the piercing on the wet muscle as well. He had yet to really get the chance to play with her with them both fully healed, so she knew this would set him off. 
Cutesuki 3:32 AM: fuck. I want to fuck that pretty mouth
Me 3:33 AM: Want to fuck my throat raw, huh? Or maybe my tits? 
Cutesuki 3:33 AM: show them closer. 
Me 3:33 AM: nuh uh. Pic for pic, right? 
Koge moved her fingers back between her legs, rubbing her clit on the outside of her soaked panties. Though, what she received wasn’t a picture. It was a video, the preview making her immediately slip her hand inside her underwear for direct and more vigorous contact. 
Pressing play, she felt her entire body quiver at the view, which was filmed from where she would assume his left knee would be. The frame tilted up, his hips all the way up to his nose was visible, showing a clear view of him pumping his cock and frustrated snarl. 
“Pic for pic, Utsuro? You fucking tease. Hmn, fuck-“ His voice cut off with a grunt, followed by a deep groan as he picked up the pace on jacking off. “Show me what you really want, whore.”
When the video cut off, Koge couldn’t resist playing it again, beginning to plunge two of her fingers in and out of her pussy as she watched him. It was so hot, his voice so gruff and filled with passion, that sexy growl with each degrading word making her heart race faster. She could only imagine what he’d be doing with that sexual tension; his hand around her throat as he fucked her into the mattress. Or perhaps his fist balled up in her hair while he made her gag on his cock. 
Although she didn’t want to stop, she took a moment to slip her undies off, tossing them away. Positioning the phone, Koge used her free hand to spread her glistening pussy open, showing him just how wet she was. 
Me 3:40 AM: I want your dick inside me, Katsuki. I want you to fuck me like the little horny bitch I am. 
Cutesuki 3:41 AM: good girl. 
Me 3:41 AM: I want to hear you. Can you call me?
The instant the phone began to ring, and his adorably innocent picture appeared on screen, Koge answered it, holding the phone up to her ear as she continued to rub delicious circles on her clit. “Katsuki…” She couldn’t restrain a soft moan, slipping two of her fingers into her cunt at the ragged sound of his breathing. “I wish you were here with me.” 
“You just can’t stand being without my cock, huh, little whore?” Bakugou’s voice was deep and quiet, making Koge sink further down to lay and dig her fingers in deeper. She could almost feel his body on top of her, pressing her down into the mattress as he hissed in her ear, his thick fingers teasing her pussy in punishment. “You’re such a nasty fuck, always begging for me to fuck you.” 
Koge was sure to let her voice flow freely, not restricting and moans or gasps of pleasure. “I love it so much, Katsuki. I love your big dick inside me! I want to cum all over it-” She paused just to hear the soft and frustrated grunts he made, even able to hear his hand working over his cock in a quick and steady rhythm. “Yes, Katsuki. You’re close, aren’t you, baby?” Much to her surprise, Koge found that even she was getting close to cumming quickly with just her fingers, which was a feat in of itself. After years of being with Bakugou, of growing so used to the way he fucked her, she found that something so tame as fingering herself couldn’t usually get the job done. A toy or two usually had to be used to get her off, but tonight, all she needed was the sound of his voice and a vivid imagination. 
“Yeah, I’m fuckin’ close. Damn it, Utsuro, your voice is fucking hot. And those shitty piercings… fuck!” 
“Mm, that’s right,” Koge’s voice hitched, moving her fingers back to her clit to work herself over the edge. “That’s it, Katsuki! Cum for me-” She was cut off again by her own moan, leaning her head back into her pillow as her hips arched up into her fingers. Straining against the sore burning in her forearm, she forced her hand to continue rubbing, listening closely to Bakugou’s own groans and curses of pleasure. She could tell the exact moment that he came, his voice growing into a deeper growl and trembling with relieved sighs. He couldn’t hold it for very long, and just the thought that he had been wanting her so badly immediately pushed Koge over the edge as well. 
Entire body quivering and twitching with the force of her orgasm, Koge clutched her thighs together, slowly and lightly letting her fingers slide across her pulsing sex to ride out the orgasm. In truth, she wasn’t sure how loud she had been or what she might have said when she came. All she had done was listen to Bakugou as he finished, imagining that tight grip on her hips and his hot release inside her. She could feel those rough and calloused hands slide up her sides, caressing her body so close and lovingly after ravaging her completely. 
Relaxing her body back against the bed, Koge rolled over onto her side, nuzzling her face against her pillow and taking in the scent of his cologne. On the other end, she could hear him still panting to catch his breath, though a sharp chuckle cut him off. 
“You sniffing some dirty boxers, Utsuro?” 
“What?! No! I’ve never been that desperate.” Koge couldn’t resist her own soft giggle, smiling against the pillowcase. “I told you, I put some of your cologne on my pillow.” 
Before she could respond, Koge got a message alert, pulling her phone away from her ear. Putting him on speaker, she opened the message, feeling her entire body flush hot again at the sight of him. Hand still around his dick, his lower stomach, sweatpants and fingers had dribbles of his cum, gleaming against the well-lit room. With a groan, Koge rubbed her thighs together again. “Man, I wanna lick it off!” 
“Where’s mine?” 
Sitting up again, Koge got into another pose, making sure her chest was exposed along with her puffy and wet pussy that was still tender with the need for more attention. Lips also in the frame, she puckered them in a sweet kiss, her fingers in a cute peace sign to go with it. After sending it, she pulled the shirt down and got comfortable again, smiling as she heard him give a short chortle. 
“You’re cute.” 
“That’s my new phone background.” 
“No! Someone will see it!” 
“No one ever sees my phone, stupid. I’m not an idiot like you who leaves it out where everyone can see the screen. Besides, they’ll catch a glimpse of the most beautiful woman they’ll ever see. That’s a privilege.” 
Cheeks flushing, Koge cuddled her blankets to her tightly, nuzzling herself into her pillow. “That’s not true… I’m not the most beautiful.” 
“You are to me.” 
“You’re too sweet. Turning me into mush over here when I can’t kiss you. Usually I’m the one doing the sweet talking.” 
“I miss you. This last week can’t go by fast enough. All this shit is great for my brand, but damn, I’m worn out. All this social interaction is fucked.” 
“Is that why you’re in your hotel room today? Isn’t it like two in the afternoon?” 
“I didn’t have a panel today to go to, but Kirishima and Deku did. I could have gone out, but I decided to stay in and relax. I’m kinda glad you weren’t able to sleep.” 
Reaching over, Koge turned off the bedside table lamp, placing the phone down on his pillow as she snuggled up nice and tight into her blankets. “Aw, I had good luck then today. I’m really glad. Tell me about it! How’s it been?” 
Koge wasn’t sure how long they talked, with him chatting on and on about what was happening, who he had met, and what benefits the convention had towards his hero branding. They laughed and got annoyed together. Bashed on this person or praised this company. Reminisced about what they missed of each other and what they wanted to do when he returned. But, at one point, Koge drifted off to sleep to the sound of his voice and his scent on her pillow. 
When she awoke to the sound of her alarm going off, Koge yawned and gave a heavy stretch, snatching her phone off the bed beside her, since it had at some point fallen off his pillow. Turning off the alarm, she looked at the time, immediately feeling guilt weigh heavily on her chest. “Oh no, I fell asleep talking to him… My poor Katsuki.” 
Rolling over onto her back, she went into her text messages to send him a good morning and apologize, but what she saw there instead made her stop. Bakugou had cleaned up and changed into some new lounge clothes, getting kind of an awkward selfie of him with the city view behind him as he stood on the balcony of his hotel room. It was a cute and innocent exchange compared to the debauchery that had occurred just a few hours ago, and it brought a fluttering to Koge’s stomach.  
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: i could tell you fell asleep from your snoring. its cute.
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: glad i could make your stubborn ass fall asleep. 
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: love you. call me around 10. the two idiots will be gone for a while tonight. maybe we can have round 2. 
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: xo
Smiling, Koge opened her camera and took a picture of her own, sleepy faced and smiling, still bundled up in her blankets. Attaching it to her message, she put the phone down once she responded, giving another stretch and a rub of her eyes. 
Me 8:02 AM: I love you too, my Katsuki. I’m sorry I crashed. (╥﹏╥)
Cutesuki 8:03 AM: new bg picture. 
Me 8:03 AM: What?? (・・;)ゞ Just pick one! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Cutesuki 8:04 AM: youre beautiful in all of them, dumbass, i cant pick. 
Cutesuki 8:04 AM: cant text right now. call me around 10. love you.
Me 8:04 AM: I love you more! (♡‿♡) Cutesuki 8:05 AM: youll never. xo 
Me 8:05 AM: (´ ε ` )♡
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (101-125)
Back on my bullshit. Starting to get into the nitty-gritty of it now. Had 75% of the series spilled blah blah blah you know the drill!
EP 101 (Another Twist): - oh thank GOD some normalcy, hello Nikola - Nikola: Elias ur son is annoying - Michael: i'm going to kill you Jon: get in line lmao - poor little michael shelley he never stood a chance - bye bye michael EP 102 (Nesting Instinct): - BEETLE WIFE BEETLE WIFE - HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT BEETLE WIFE - also the boys are communicating kind of a bit maybe EP 103 (Cruelty Free): - this dude is so strange i love it - m o n s t e r  p i g - awwww rest in peace toby - LMAOOOOO JON finally using his powers for evil EP 104 (Sneak Preview): - hoo boy time to cry it's Timothy Time - my baby Tim :c EP 105 (Total War): - wheeee another war one - I feel like this woman knows more than she's saying - "i'm lucky i suppose" are u sure buddy - "how long would it be that i would have to wait for death" dude just die sounds like it'd be easy in this hellscape - "gerard keay after he faked his death?" nah u wish it were that simple jonny boy EP 106 (A Matter of Perspective): - M E L A N I E - yo space boy does not shut the FUCK up - AYYYY THERE'S MY ACE REP - Elias: I'm gonna have to dock points for the murder attempts - lmao Elias is gettin' tired of his employees asking him to kill them EP 107 (Third Degree): - time for the American leg of the tour - Gertrude what the actual fuck ma'am - Elias said "here's some eldritch tylenol" - ah yes, back to your regularly scheduled kidnapping - TREVOR'S JUST IN THE T R U N K EP 108 (Monologue): - as a theatre person this person sounds D R E A D F U L - this was an odd one but i like it EP 109 (Nightfall): - i love these two so much holy shit - listen I KNOW i’m gay but like,,,,,found family makes brain go brrrr EP 110 (Creature Feature): - TRANS STATEMENT GIVER AYYYY - lmao spider time EP 111 (Family Business): - GERARD TIME GERARD TIME - my poor darling boy - Mary Keay’s A+ Parenting way to go lady EP 112 (Thrill of the Chase): - "welcome to buzzfeed unsolved today we're going to kill a man" - JON'S BACK THANK FUCK - a w w daisy misses basira :C EP 113 (Breathing Room): - Jon's trying to stop the apocalypse but Martin just wants a travel diary - MARTIN STOP TOUCHING IT - oh ew wtf brain kebab - jon: wow. interesting. what the fuck did i just read. EP 114 (Cracked Foundation): - If y'all don't leave Hill Top Road ALONE - poor lady she's just trying to do her job right - oh wait she's not...real? the web confuses me but i guess that's kinda the point - Tim ouchie my feelings - What a right little investigator, you go Timmy EP 115 (Taking Stock): - FINALLY a Salesa statement it's about time - m e a t g r i n d e r - HELEN!!! - aww poor Helen :c she's being nice Jon don't be rude EP 116 (The Show Must Go On): - lmao love this Archival Staff Meeting - Elias trauma bonding is not the same as team building - GERTRUDE VOICE HELL YES - Chess Robot - what in the Spiral statement EP 117 (Testament): - aw hell yeah mini doomsday diaries - okay martin is actually really funny lmao - JON BURN THE FUCKING PAGE YOU SHITLORD - oh okay thank u EP 118 (The Masquerade): - SHOWTIME MOTHERFUCKERS - Martin deserves a little light arson - Elias can't you just behold the door opening what an eldritch loser - oooooh i love this Martin and Elias face-off this dialogue is superb - Tim: Jon needs to learn how to sacrifice people also Jon we have to save all these randos EP 119 (Stranger and Stranger): - I'm two minutes in and I'm already stressed - Daisy: level up - Gertrude and Leitner yelling at Jon is just a Sims Family Discussion - aaaand there goes my boy :C EP 120 (Eye Contact): - Again, I lose another precious character and I gotta listen to ELIAS - Time for the Season 1-3 recap - Peter said "lmao nice" - "be seeing you" okay elias that was funny - "i'll do my best to keep the place afloat" okay peter that was also funny EP 121 (Far Away): - season 4 baybeeee here we go - Oliver Banks Time - me, eatin my chef boyardee: alright Oliver gimme a good monologue - "i've learned to live with it" i dont think you LIVE with anything mr. banks - i love his voice it's nice - did he just...manifest a gun - A FUCKING SATELLITE LMAOOOOOOO - georgie: sir your vibes are rancid I'm going to have to ask you to leave - wakey wakey jonny boy! EP 122 (Zombie): - Basira Georgie no don't fight - poor Jon y'all lay off the poor man - this statement is too relatable bye - JON'S SO WORRIED ABOUT MARTIN PFFFF EP 123 (Web Development): - CAN'T ANYONE BE HAPPY FOR JON LMAOOO - Basira: "wehhh you're not human also Melanie being a whirlwind with a knife is 100% normal" - GOD imagine if Peter never existed and it had just been Martin lying his ass off trying to save face - wooooosh - Jon: at least Tim and Daisy have the good sense to be dead damn - "play dead" G O D - spoooooooky website EP 124 (Left Hanging): - oh what's good sky grandpa - MARTIN WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOUUUU EP 125 (Civilian Casualities): - baaaah - the 16th fear is Scotland - we love a good DIY surgery - god Melanie's VA is brilliant
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Ramples
S8 ep10 Old Love, New Love, Is this True Love💕💕💕
Ohhh this episode was a goodie. First of all, Ned and Florence were so cute throughout this entire episode. Florence looked beautiful in that dress! I liked it better on her than I did on Molly. Also that first kiss between Ned and Florence was one of the best kisses to come out of this show I must say. That was a good kiss😉 I also loved Katie and thought she played her character very well. Everything surrounding her felt very natural and I really like the way the conversations evolved about her feelings concerning the marriage. I thought that plotline was very well connected and flowed well.
When Elizabeth first went to talk with Rosemary I was SHOCKED that she didnt apologize. She acknowledged her actions, yes, but then she was just like 'let's put our differences aside' instead of asking forgiveness and making up. I was very surprised. I guess it's just a slow step towards Elizabeth going back to her old self. Her and Rosemary will probably make up fully in the next episode when Elizabeth really starts to come into her true feelings. That said, I do appreciate that this tension between E and Rose extended into this episode because sometimes the plotlines in WCTH just go by too quickly or kind of fade away and are forgotten for a while before cropping up much later.
I love how both Elizabeth and Henry Gowen give advice that ultimately applies to themselves and the things they have learned and now it has opened up their hearts more and they can now see things more clearly. In Henry's case, this episode makes me think that they are gonna bring back Abigail. I don't even know what to begin thinking about that and there's so much controversy I don't think I even want to comment on it. I will just say that I loved Abigail's character and I loved the plotline between her and Henry Gowen. Ok moving on.
I really liked how we saw the gears turning in Elizabeth's head everytime she would talk with someone and give advice in this episode. You could see it right away at Ned and Florence's wedding that she already regretted sitting with Lucas and she was having major second thoughts about her relationship with him. It was very quick, but if you paid close attention to her face, you could see she was having doubts. Also, small note about that wedding scene, why the heck was Nathan sitting like that in the back row with his elbows up on the pew??? Just--why would they have him sit like that? It looked so awful and made him seem lazy and unrefined. And I didnt get the feeling that he felt uncomfortable by seeing Elizabeth sitting with Lucas so...it didnt even make sense, it was just bad. And it was also weird the way Carson had his arm around Faith. That is way too much pda for that time period.
More on Carson and Faith...I dont like them together, I never have, and I don't even want to bother talking about them anymore than I already have.
Fiona and Mike. I'm starting to really like them. I'm also starting to really like Fiona as her own character. I didn't always like her but she's really growing on me this season. I like that her progressiveness makes sense for her character and I really like the way her personality comes through in the acting. She's very natural in her delivery and Fiona feels very real and like someone with depth and layers to her. I don't know the name of the actress that plays her, but she is doing a fantastic job. I'm really loving Fiona🙌
I really liked the scene between Florence and Molly, when they were speaking by themselves. I love a good heart to heart between best friends and it felt like a good moment to have it then. I just love female friendships. Sisterhood is the best❤
Moving on to the reception I suppose. First I'll say that I love that Robert has noticed Allie and he seems to like her now. I think they are so cute together. It was so adorable the way he complimented her hair, her reaction, and then their dance. They were so cute. Ha! And then the joke that Jesse made about them getting married before Mike and Fiona! That was so funny, it was good chuckle.
I was surprised that Lucas hadn't asked Elizabeth to dance at all, but then I thought maybe it's because she was making herself distant from him in the crowd bc she doesn't want to lead him on anymore. Or the writers just didnt want to have any awkwardness in him asking her and her saying no, or them ending up dancing even if she doesnt really want to. Oh and I was also completely disgusted when Lucas brought up Allie again to Nathan at the reception and trying to manipulate Nathan into leaving E alone by bringing up his child. Ugh I hate it so much when he does that. It's not the first time he's done it. I wanted to hit him with a kitchen towel!
When Elizabeth walked up to Nathan I straight up thought she was gonna ask him to dance I was losing my mind! but then that wasnt the case. Yo, I was so shocked though I was on the edge of my seat let me tell you. Then she asked him to talk outside and I--!! What!! I could feel the relief in both E and Nathan during that talk. Oh it was like a breath of fresh air. Finally!! Team Nathan is coming in! Now after all those talks and moments of E giving advice, Elizabeth is finally able to take her own advice and take control of her life again instead being lead around by her grief and her fears. She is becoming ready to really be in a relationship with Nathan and I am so relieved it's finally happening. I was concerned about the pacing of these last few episodes bc I didnt know how they were going to write how Elizabeth comes to realize she can't live in fear, but I thought it was written in pretty well. When they spoke outside I was surprised that Nathan reached out to hold her hands. I thought that was pretty bold, but oooh she didnt pull away from him! And oh how awkward they had Lucas see them through the window. At least he sees now that Elizabeth has strong feelings for Nathan. I mean, he knows that N confessed his love for her Twice and both times she couldnt even say anything in response and just left. And now he sees that she'll allow them to hold hands, so... Lucas may actually bow out of this love triangle before Elizabeth has a chance to break up with him. That's what I suspect will happen next episode, that Elizabeth will call everything off with Lucas, but yeah he may make it easy on her and not put up a fight. It's not like Lucas has ever used the word love with Elizabeth anyway. He definitely doesnt feel as strongly for her as Nathan does, as seen through his actions and words, but that's a whole other subject that I don't have the time or energy to go into right now.
I loved Elizabeth in that dress btw I thought she looked really pretty. That dress had such a lovely design.
The preview! Yessss! More Team Nathan for the win! Things are really turning around for us you guys. I feel so good. Finally Elizabeth will be going back to normal and Nathan's game will be coming in strong! Hahahaha! I'm so excited for these next last episodes!
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getallemeralds · 3 years
explorers of arvus: heading back / 3.11.21
Tumblr media
zoom and enhonse
LAST TIME ON ARVUS taure passed out and we are now down a healer! also we met a disciple of halvkar, and surprisingly did not murder her. this is fine. we have instantly gotten distracted by our various carts. cats. our various cats
DID ANY OF US CATCH TAURE, SHE FELL OVER sieron tried to catch her and smacked charlie+thorne in the face (he rolled a nat1, f) BUT the catboy is to the rescue bc silje is the designated Not Incompetent of the group today
CONSULT THE CHILD hewwo yrel yrel: her mind is being consumed by the serpent of nightmares. :D charlie: HELLO?????//
so, dendar(?) the night serpent is imprisoned beneath arvus! she was formed from the nightmares of the first sentient being, and sometimes she eats people's nightmares. if she's exceptionally hungry, she'll force nightmares onto people for her to feed off their fear. yrel thinks taure will Probably wake up. there's a thing on arvus mentioned by the locals called a "sleeping sickness" where people will fall asleep for a few days, sometimes longer, but will wake up. its magical in cause, the people afflicted by it have horrific nightmares, and its just kinda. a thing. wowza
(i have gone back to spelling yrel's name as yrel bc i think it looks nice)
OH HEY SOMEONE POSTED A THEORY ON ONE OF MY STICKMOLUS ANIMATIONS man i should get back to stickmolus sometime. once dsmp releases its awful grip on me.
i keep getting distracted by seeing myself in the camera preview. i have a tooth gap! what the fuck its cute?? K I KNOW WE'RE SUPER BLURRY IN FRONT RN BUT PLEASE HELP ME STAY FOCUSED I SWEAR -leo
we're gonna build a sled! to put taure on. thorne: i have a good strength score. ....i say, out loud charlie: i am four feet tall. [cue argument between thorne & sieron about them both being horcs but sieron has a +0 bc strength is his dump stat] OH, OKAY, THORNE ROLLED A NAT20 TO CARRY TAURE. NICE
[discussion about what to tell everyone at camp vengenace] thorne: the last thing we need to do is a witch hunt charlie: --and we already hunted the witch! the witch has been hunted.
time to discuss strategy! we need to figure out how to head back to camp vengeance, eg if we want to follow the path we already took or if we wanna do some trailblazing. looks like we're gonna try and take the most direct path! which means we'll prolly risk tangoing with some undead but im willing to risk it TINY HUT STAIRCASE sorry i just remember it now and then
nyx: [meowing at his cats] thorne: uh... why is silje meowing? jorb: silje's food bowl is empty jorb: you look at silje's food bowl and there's a divot in the middle and the food is all on the sides emotionally, we must bully the catboy silje saw something interesting and started meowing
thorne: ill take first watch silje: ill also take first watch. charlie: [quietly] gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy (but, like, extended for 15 seconds)
silje: [takes watch] [rolls a nat1 and gets distracted by looking at his crush]
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THORNE HAS LOCATED A DOG the dog does not give a shit about the tiny hut. THE DOG HAS PEED ON THE TINY HUT goodbye dog
EVERYONE IS ROLLING AT LEAST 1 NAT1 thorne: wow! that sure is a dog. thorne has drawn the worst possible dog. thorne has erased the worst possible dog. we dont speak of the worst possible dog its the dog version of honse. DONSE
sieron is now on watch! MAN we are havin trouble rolling today. at least kali's here to make sure sieron doesnt stare at a rock for 50000 years sieron sees a mouse! bottom text
charlie is now on watch! kali is havin a big ol thonk. nothing meaningful has come of this
i am perceiving some deer. sieron is not perceiving some deer. silje is perceiving some deer, but better the deer are fucked up and undead! silje has gone from "we should hunt these deer for food" to "we should hunt these deer for sport"
charlie: i do not feel like being jumped by five thousand skeletons
charlie takes first watch with sieron! WHY ARE OUR ROLLS SO TERRIBLE taure is super cursed right now. that's not very pog charlie: this place sucks. thorne: to be fair, we havent-- charlie: YOU'RE ASLEEP, SHUT UP
oh hey coolname galvanic finally partied. nice.
thorne is at watch! solar: hey, is leomund's tiny hut an orb? there's a critter digging around! AH, THE CRITTER IS UNDEAD. this could be a problem
solar: hey michael, how much does the horrific sin against god dog i drew look like this creature michael: [dice roll noises] about 50%.
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michael: if anyone likes, they can make a nature check-- solar: ME MEMEMEMEME ME ME ME
its a bulette! aka a land shark. problem: they are not normally undead. this one is undead.
jorb: imagine if you could tame one of those and use it as a mount. leo: IT WOULD JUST DIG UNDERGROUND AND LEAVE YOU THERE
we are just calling it a weird dog
we're going to mail a letter to the heart of arvus. HEY, CHECK OUT THIS WEIRD DOG,
solar: hey guys, check out this sick art of a bulette i found
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silje kept a lookout for the weird dog but its just fucked off. goodbye, weird dog give it up for day 3!
man there's been like, three incinerations today in blaseball. what's up with that. I SWEAR IM MOSTLY PAYING ATTENTION its just been an eventful day in blaseball. also im wearing my garages bomber rn. jaylen is home wooOOOO the wind smells stinky. this is fine.
we're actively avoiding whatever combat michael keeps nudging at us bc we're carrying around an unconscious person and i SWEAR hes gonna throw something directly at us once he's done with our shenanigans
huh. this place used to be inhabited? we're in the woods rn but there's some like, stone ruins? like, VERY ruins. like, not really any structures standing, but enough evidence to show there Were things. WE FOUND A STATUE charlie: i want to smash my face against the lore.
used to be a circle of standing stones, but most of em fell over or got overgrown. inside of the circle has been cleared, although v roughly-- ground's torn up statue is of fjolnir! warrior holding up a spear and shield. AH, THERE ARE CORPSES, a human got REAL fucked up here. one of the corpses is straight up impaled on fjolnir's spear. n ... not pog.
i am trying so, so hard to pay attention. but i also kinda wanna take a nap.
charlie: [stares at statue] [rolls a 4] i wonder if he had a dick.
okay so something rolled in, tore up the overgrowth inside the circle, and murdered a couple dudes. and was also super tall and human-adjacent. hrm.
oh my god why are we rolling so shit today. time to stealth away and hope we dont get casually dismembered
k: jorb's hair is so long... leo: K, PLEASE,
time for a break! i am very tired but im gonan see if i can push through a little further. nyx is petting his cat why do orangatangs look like that
first watch is thorne and sieron! have they even, like, talked thorne unhabby ): thorne's worried we were tresspassing when checking out the statue, meanwhile im thinking about that one time when sieron got bit by a groundhog
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(oh my god this is from late 2018)
leomund's tiny hut, aka the anti-sea bear circle we are getting SO much mileage out of the tiny hut. SILJE HUMS A SONG WITH KALI cute........... FINALLY I HAVE ROLLED ABOVE A 14 wait no i rolled a 16 twice. anyway we are not dead
nearly at camp vengenace! boy howdy i hope camp vengeance didnt get burned down. AH FUCK TAURE IS UNCONSCIOUS SO WE CANT CAST FOR DETECT POISON kaepora nearly made us all shit ourselves but its okay he just saw some bison and thought it was cool Michael Is Consulting Several Tables
WHY DOES JORB'S CAMERA ZOOM LIKE THAT why am i hungry. i have so many questions
HEY, TALL GUY [smacks sieron]
camp vengeance looks better! like, nobody's Obviously Sick anymore, the medical tents arent overfilled, we did it! we saved the dayyyyyy time to report to ryder! taure's getting dropped off at the medical tent
man remember when charlie didnt wear pants
oh man, with taure unconscious charlie is now taking point with social interaction. wild. jk im making jorb do it bc im tired HAHA NAT 20 PERSUASION BC OF ME HELPIN SIERON man ryder is such a cock. he was totally ready to keep throwing troops at heaven's brazier to die until we managed to persuade him out of it. jorb: did we tell ryder about the vision? michael: you kinda just took a look at him and went STINKY BOY!
okay yeah anything that dies on arvus will just pop back up as undead. man, arvus sucks.
ryder: alright, dismissed. charlie: seeya, soldier boy! :D hahahahaha im gonna eat his knees.
charlie: ive decided he sucks. silje: we've already arrived to that, you're late!
LMAO WE WALKED IN ON INGRID AND HER CRUSH they fuckin. nice. you go, you funky lesbian
jorb: we've got the tiny hut, we could go anywhere leo: we could go to SPACE! nyx: we could not go to space. leo: WITH A TINY HUT STAIRCASE, WE CAN,
we are 320 miles away from the spaceship that exists on arvus. nice.
michael: justin sees you-- roll a strength saving throw. leo: i cant wait to die! [rolls a 3] I AM CRUSHED BY MY DOG michael: he rolled a nat20.
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BOSS ENCOUNTER: CHARLIE'S DOG (the small circle next to him is one of the medical tents.)
sieron, to ingrid: seems like youve been doing well charlie: i punch sieron. sieron: sieron: the camp, of course.
man we have no idea if the heart of arvus is actually related to the prophecy or not. theres a Lot of stuff lining up, but not enough, and its hard to say how much of it couldve been literal?
solar & michael: [discussing exposition] me: [cracking up bc penn sent me a funny dsmp joke]
prophecies are weird.
charlie is just s she is just sitting here SILJE PLAYED CARDS REALLY GOOD AT ME nyx rolled a nat20 and took all my money
oh cool we can talk to yrel telepathically! time to hoist yrel. THIS IS SO SCUFFED thorne mentioned yrel and now we're trying to explain to ingrid that we have a magic talking snake charlie: I WANT TO GO HOME. thorne: we cant go, we have a GOD-KING to kill! "i think theyre insane, theyre talking to a snake" "ingrid, druids exist" "oh. im gonna go back to getting railed by my 7 foot tall girlfriend"
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nokiawrites · 4 years
Don't move
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SUMMARY: On the run from a man who claims you as his. But that's not your biggest problem. Your 7 months pregnant with the wrong man's baby. What will Dabi do when he finds out that the baby he's been told was his for the past couple of months isn't his. But instead the man he works with. How will he react when he realizes shigaraki has put a life long claim on you. Seems like you get the short end of the stick.
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'ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ʀᴜɴɴɪɴɢ.' ɪ ᴛᴇʟʟ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ. ᴍʏ ᴄʜᴇꜱᴛ ɪꜱ ʙᴜʀɴɪɴɢ. ᴍʏ ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ʙᴀʀᴇ ꜰᴇᴇᴛ ꜱᴍᴀᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴀɢᴀɪɴꜱᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴠᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ.
ɪ'ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ɪ'ᴍ ʀᴜɴɴɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ, ᴄᴏɴꜱᴛᴀɴᴛʟʏ ꜱᴜʀʀᴏᴜɴᴅᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴘɪᴛᴄʜ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱ ꜱᴜʀʀᴏᴜɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ.
ᴍʏ ꜰᴇᴇᴛ ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ʀᴀᴡ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄʀᴇᴛᴇ ᴀɢᴀɪɴꜱᴛ ᴍʏ ꜰᴇᴇᴛ. "ɪ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴀ ʟɪɢʜᴛ, ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴇᴇᴛ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀᴄᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ. ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ."
ᴘɪᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴜɴɴɪɴɢ ꜰᴀꜱᴛᴇʀ. ᴍʏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ ɪꜱ ʜᴀʀꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ'ᴍ ᴀʟᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ. ɪ'ᴍ ᴛᴏ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴛᴏᴘ ɴᴏᴡ
ᴀꜱ ɪ'ᴍ ʀᴜɴɴɪɴɢ ɪ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ɪᴛ. ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ'ꜱ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ ᴍᴇ. ɪ ꜱʟᴏᴡ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴛᴏ ᴀ ɴᴇᴀʀ ʜᴀʟᴛ. ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴍʏ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅᴇʀ, ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ꜱᴇᴇ ɪᴛ.
ɪᴛꜱ ᴀ ꜱɪʟʜᴏᴜᴇᴛᴛᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴ.
50ꜰᴛ ᴀᴡᴀʏ, ᴇᴠᴇɴ ꜱᴜʀʀᴏᴜɴᴅᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ꜱᴇᴇ ʜɪᴍ. ɪ ꜱQᴜɪɴᴛ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴏɴ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ. 'ᴡʜᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇʟʟ ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ?'
ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴀʀɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ɪ ʙᴇɢɪɴ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ Qᴜɪᴄᴋ ᴘɪᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴘᴀᴛᴛᴇʀꜱ. ɪᴛ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴍᴇ ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇ ᴡʜᴏᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ, ɪꜱ ʀᴜɴɴɪɴɢ ꜰᴜʟʟ ꜱᴘʀɪɴᴛ ᴀᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪꜱᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴜꜱ ꜱᴏᴏɴ.
ᴍʏ ᴇʏᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴅᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴀʙꜱᴏʟᴜᴛᴇ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ. ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴜᴘʟᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜱᴛᴇᴘꜱ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴀʟᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴛʀɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ ɪ ꜱᴇᴇ ʜɪᴍ ꜱᴡɪꜰᴛʟʏ ʙᴇɢɪɴꜱ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇʀ.ɪ ᴛᴜʀɴ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴏʟᴛ ᴛᴏᴡᴀʀᴅꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ. ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴀʟᴀʀᴍ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ɪꜱ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴏꜰꜰ.
'ɪᴛꜱ ꜱᴏ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇ ɪᴍ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ.' ɪᴛꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜ. ɪ ʟᴀᴜɴᴄʜ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇᴀᴍ ᴏꜰ ʟɪɢʜᴛ. ꜱɪᴛᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴘᴀɴᴛɪɴɢ. ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ꜱᴇᴘᴀʀᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ɪ, ᴏʀ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴍᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʜɪᴍ.
ɪ ꜱɪᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ʜɪᴍ. ᴀ ᴀʀᴍ ꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴀɴᴋꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ʙʏ ᴍʏ ꜱʜɪʀᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴏᴡɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ. ᴍʏ ʙᴏᴅʏ ꜰɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴀ ꜱᴛᴏᴘ.
ɪ ᴄᴀɴᴛ ꜱᴇᴇ ʜɪᴍ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ʜᴇᴀʀ ʜɪᴍ. ɪ ꜱᴄᴏᴏᴛ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ꜰʀᴀɴᴛɪᴄᴀʟʟʏ ꜱᴇᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ʜɪᴍ. ᴍʏ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ʜɪᴛꜱ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ. ɪɴ ᴜᴛᴛᴇʀ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ ɪ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴡᴀʟʟ.
ᴍʏ ʙᴏᴅʏ ʀᴇʟᴀxᴇᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ. ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ɪɴ ꜰʀᴏɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ʜᴇ ɪꜱ. ᴏɴʟʏ ʜɪꜱ ᴇʏᴇꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴠɪꜱɪʙʟᴇ. ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇʀᴀɴɢᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ɪɴ ʜɪꜱ ᴇʏᴇꜱ. ɪ ᴘʀᴇꜱꜱ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ ʜᴀʀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴꜱᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʟʟ.
ɪᴍ ʜᴏʟᴅɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ, ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ ɪꜰ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ. ᴍʏ ʙʀᴀɪɴꜱ ʀᴀᴄɪɴɢ 'ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ʜᴇ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴅᴏ? ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ʜᴇ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ᴅᴏ?' ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ʜɪꜱ ꜰᴇᴇᴛ ɪɴ ꜰᴇᴀʀ ᴏꜰ ᴡʜᴏ ʏᴏᴜ'ʟʟ ꜱᴇᴇ. ʜᴇ ʟᴀᴜɢʜꜱ. "ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʜᴀʀᴅᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱᴇʟꜰ, ʏᴏᴜ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʀᴀɴ."
ᴀɴᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʜɪꜱ ꜰᴏᴏᴛ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴍᴘʟᴇ ᴛᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠɪꜱɪᴏɴ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ.
I Gasped, waking up from my nightmare. Its the same dream as always. I'm being chased. I never see their face.
But I just know even when I wake up they're coming for me, but this time it won't be a dream. I look around my dark room.
Small bits of lights from the bright city light outside of the window gets in. I drag myself to sit up on my bad. Grabbing my phone, 3:05am.
I yawn looking around. I'm still feeling anxious. I feel a kick. And then another. Welp, guess we're up. " Are you hungry munchkins? Because im hungry too."
You slowly easy your way up and beg walking to your kitchen. Before you can even make it you feel pressure on you bladder.
'Ok bathroom first i guess.' You make pit stop. You sit on the toilet staring at your huge baby bump. Such and innocent creature yet the creation of a horrible mistake.
If only I could go back in time. This would be Dabi's baby. I wouldn't be hiding from my deranged baby daddy.
The glint in Tomura's eyes when he came inside me. I should have know that fucker would do some shit like that.
"How will you tell Dabi that your a dirty slut who let me impregnate her?" The thing is, I haven't. I was to scared to tell him. How could I possibly look Dabi in his eyes and say that this baby is shigaraki's.
If only I hadn't accepted that drink. I would have been able to fight him off. Scream for dabi. Anything. Would Dabi even believe me if I told him that I was drugged?
He knew Shigaraki longer. Hell he even considered him some what of a 'friend'. Of course he wouldn't.
So I ran. Leaving everything and everyone and hoping on the first flight to the U.S. and its been 3 months since then.
Now 7 months pregnant and getting closer and closer to your due date each day. Staying alert is getting harder and harder.
I finish using the bathroom and I waddle to the kitchen. Somethings off everything is too quiet. Even tiny stopped bouncing around in there.
I looked around my small kitchen for anything out of place. Then I walked out to my front door. All the locks were still intact.
Then I saw it. An open window that I had previously closed. I felt as if my whole world was once again. I was too heavy pregnant for a hand to hand combat fight.
Think over all of my options, to pregnant to run, Cant yell for help, and quirk would bring unwanted attention. Shit. Im stuck between a rock and a hard place, and totally unarmed.
You quietly shuffled to your way back to your room. Extremely alert. You rush into your bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind you.
Rushing around the room beginning to snatch clothes out of your closet and throwing it into a random bag you found.
You throw on some tights and a sweater, snatching your phone up you call the only person you know who would have your back. You dail the number with no second thought.
Pacing and waiting for them to answer. 'Pick up, Pick up.' You bit your nails. 'If they dont answer what am I going to do?'
They answered you let go of the breath you held "Keigo I think he found me. He's here I don't know what to do." Rambling on and on.
"OK (y/n) calm down, what do you mean he's here? Tell me what happened." His honey glazed voice calming you down. Breathing out and starting over.
"He's here he followed me back to the U.S, My kitchen window was wide open." He laughed on the other side of the line. "Are you sure your not paranoid? And I mean let's be honest they have no idea where you are, your safe hun."
You can her the smirk on his face. Oh how you wanted to smack him. Hawks begins to ramble on and on. You tone him out as you stand there and rub your round stomach.
You begin to sit on your bed to get off of your swollen feet. You hear a crickle. 'What the hell was that?' You switch the phone with the rambling man to you other ear.
You lean over and snatch whatever was under you butt. Paper? You unfold the unknown paper in your hands
"𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪"
You stared at the paper hands beginning to shake. The phone slipped from in between you head and shoulder.
"Hello? Hello? (Y/n) whats going on?"
You can here the urgency of his from the phone on the floor. Snatching up the phone "I need you to fly me out, tonight."
Shivering in fear. "I'll pay for you, pack your shit and call an Uber." "Ok I'll call you when I get to the airport."
Hanging up and slipping on your slides. Snatching your bag of clothes and hospital bag you sat on your bed, getting an Uber and waiting. This is gonna be a hell of a couple of hours.
Standing there in my hoodie and mask. Watching you get off the plane. Smiling to myself thinking. 'I knew you would come back (y/n), I knew you wouldn't actually leave me." I pushed my mask back up and began walking with a rest of the surrounding people, blending in. 'No worries though, I will get you."
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Fun Times with Wankers and Twats
Summary- Set with Playing It Cool characters. Mike x You. Going to one of Mallorys one woman shows might actually prove to be a good time Mike finds out. Nsfw. Sexy time. 
Work Count- 5k
A/N- Named “Me” Mike cause I like that better. Mallory is doing some British Slang, given to me by @what-is-your-plan-today​ (thanks babes, I so appreciate the help) and well excuse how bad her imitations are. Lol
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You looked over Mikes shoulder at the computer screen that he had been staring at for the past fifteen minutes, his eyes just roving back and forth reading. Proof reading quickly before he had Scott or Samson read it. Your hand slid along his shoulders and could feel the tension in them, knotting right where it always did when he was close to finishing. Digging your fingers into the muscle and rolling your palm into them made him sigh with relief. “You need to relax Mike, you know its good.”
“But is it good enough?” He pondered, sliding his fingers over the mouse to save it.
Causing you to roll your eyes at him, and grip the back of his wheely chair, pulling it away from the screen, turning it so he was facing away from the screen and more at you, you leaned down so your hands were bracing against the arms on either side of him and your face was inches away. “If I said it was fictional magic would you believe me? Action pack vividness? Dramatic flair making me just wanna throw myself at the main character? I mean, that would mean leaving you for a fictional character, but damn baby you wrote him just that damn good.”
“I would have to find his fictional ass and kick it for stealing my girl.” He said so solemnly that you chuckled and pecked his lips in a kiss. “and I can see down your shirt.” His head tilted, admiring the view. You tipped your own head to see what he was seeing, and you winked at him afterwards. “Preview for later, come on. You need to get dressed a bit more then tshirt and boxers.” Lifting yourself away and he scowled at loosing the view.
“Later? why the hell we waiting till later?” He groaned and tipped his head back, stretching out his arms over his head. “Where we going?”
You grabbed your purse and tossed your phone in, looking over at him low class acting like a child with that scowl on his face. “Mallory invited us to her one woman reading tonight. And were going to be supportive friends and go.”
He groaned once more in the child like whine of his, pushing his laptop shut. “Watch this is gonna be something like the vagina monologues. I can already see it now Y/N. There better be plenty of drinks coming to our table.”  You nodded listening to him and leaned your chin on your palm, elbow to the counter.
“Handsome, would I ever drag you to anything that doesn’t have beer? And You cant bring up that one time at my parents dinner party, cause I snuck it in for you.”
He grinned as he spun the chair and got up to head into the bedroom, grabbing a pair of jeans from the dresser. “Okay, I give you that. And like you said, were supporting Mallory.” You patiently wait, keys in hand, going to grab his phone off the table and tossing it as well in your bag. Mike had a writers brain, scattered and daydreaming alot. He came out patting his pockets, looking around.
“On the table by the door, along with the keys” You shoulder your bag, knowing he was looking for his wallet. Going to where you told him, a big grin crossed his face, and slipped both in his back pocket, wrapping an arm over your shoulder as he followed you out into the apartments lobby once locking the door. “What would I do without you sweetheart?” He kissed your temple and you smirk, looking up at him as you to wrap your arm around to rest your hand in his pocket, squeezing his ass lightly.
“Crash and burn Mike, Crash and burn.” chuckling as the two of you reach the car, you split away to get in on the passengers side once he unlocks it, and get comfy, the bar wasnt to far off, but you suspected you might be giving a few rides home. While Mike pulled off the curb, you dug out your phones and wallet, storing the rest of the bag on the back seat floor.
Mallory was already ringing your phone, and when you clicked answer, she didn't even give you a chance to say hello "oye! When ya getting here?!"
"Mal, relax. Fifteen minutes, plus you saved us a table front row right?" Your eyes rolled to see Mike give an audible groan, making you snicker.
"Course ya blimey wanker. Tell Mikey Boy to quit pissing and moaning."
"Mal said quite pissing and moaning."
Raising his voice he shouted. "This time she better not throw decapitated baby heads at my crotch either. Thats not art Mallory, that's battery."
"Oh what a twat. You can't censor me darlings, cheerio!" CLICK! And she was gone. Mallory was pretty ... Someone all her own.
"Sounds like were betting a British Mallory tonight" you exclaim excitedly as he looked to find parking. You search through the cars cup holders for change to toss into the parking meters.
"As long as its not that German one. Shes always violent when its the German one." He grumbled as he got out, recalling how fond he was when she threw several heads screaming in what you only assume was German, you were inclined to agree. Following him out, you handed the change to him to fill the meter.
Inside the local bar it was dark, a tad smokey, and the clinks of shots being taken at the bar are the first thing to notice. Next is a spotlight flooding the small stage towards the back, and there is Mallory dressed in a black dress, and a lit smoke balanced delicately between two fingers. She was sitting on the edge of the stage, rolling her heeled foot with impatience and bringing her fancy cigarette to her lips.
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"My darlings! There you are!" She hops down and you look over your shoulder to see Mike close by, coming right up behind you and kissing the curve of your neck playfully, whispering. “Shes not armed is she?” 
You squint at the woman coming towards you, and whisper back. “Not that I can tell.” Grinning and placing a hand to your hip, acting as if you were checking Mallory out. “Well M’Lady, arnt you looking fine.” 
You could see that she soaked in the compliment, tilting her head back and bringing the cigarette to her lips, pursing them in an exaggerated manner to purr out a ring of smoke. “Thank you darling, its all for the art that is life. Now you bitches come sit down.” 
Charming as always. 
She grabbed your hand, and she tugged the two of you to a crowded table. You promptly took the seat next to Scott, and gave a small wave hello to the other two occupants there, Samson and Lyle. They currently were debating over beer, which was the better kind. Samson was all for an all american beer such as budweiser if his comments were anything to go by. “Why change whats already good! This shit gets the job done.” 
Mike behind you lowers towards your ear to speak with you. “What do you want from the bar babe?” You look down at your friends, arching brows. “Whats good tonight?” Scott just hands over his craft beer, allowing you to taste. It wasnt bad, dark though. Samson holds up the all familiar red and white bottle and gives a low burp, and Lyle, well.... whatever he had just looked messed up, sloshing neon poison in his cup. “My own brew, I snuck it in. Made it in the back of my van.” Yea, Hard pass buddy. 
“Think Im gonna go with what Scotts having.” You tip your head back and nip in play at his jawline, and his hand gives your ass a slight pinch making you wiggle in your seat. Mallory next to you finishes off her shot of Vodka, about to throw her glass cause she was just that out there of a woman, but you take it from her before that happens. 
“Vodka to Wanker! Refill me up Buddy” She yells before grasping her black clutch and pulling out a tube of red lipstick, applying it heavily. 
“You ready? Looks like a good crowd.” You look around the room, and it did seem exceptionally busy tonight. 
“Always, my life is nothing but a stage” She said enthusiastically and puckered her lips, kissing your cheek to leave a mark on it. “Now I must go appease my fans.” She handed off her clutch to you and dispersed to the stage. Mike came back, just as you were digging for a napkin to smudge off Mallorys lipstick, he handed off your beer to you and a smirk played on his lips. 
“You know if you wanted to get frisky with Mal, all you had to do was tell me, dont need to hide it.” He grinned, sipping from his beer he had gotten himself, and set Mallorys refilled vodka towards the middle of the table so no one would mess around with it. 
“You would like that wouldnt you.” You licked your thumb and scrubbed at your cheek. “Help me get it off?” You grab his hand and suck on his thumb to the first knuckle, using your tongue to moisten his fingertip. Smirking as you saw his eyes darken at the sight. Take that Handsome! He popped it from between your lips and started to wipe off the lipstick. 
“I would be lying if I didnt say that it would be pretty hott.” he shrugged, looking at you from a sideways glance while he tipped his glass up to his lips. You arched your brows, and bit your lip, glancing at Mallory getting herself prepared on stage. You know hes expecting you to call him on his shit, but oh no, your not about that today. 
“You know what Mike” Your hand slides against his thigh, sliding to the inside and grasping lightly. “You go ahead and ask her baby, see how she feels about it.” Might have been mean, you were well aware of there history together, Mike having told you when you two first started going out. Now it was truly all under the bridge between them, but he did spurt his beer back in his glass in surprise, causing you to snort laughing. It was this moment the rest of the guys decided to throw in there opinions. 
“You know there aint nothing wrong with adding a little spice to the bedroom.” Samson remarked. “Wham, Bam, Thank you Ma’am.” 
You snicker. “Im sure your wife is all about bringing another woman into the bed to join you two.” He shrugged and sighed at that. 
“She is less in favor then I am, that is for certain. It will happen one day though, I have faith!”
Lyles eyes never left Mallory as he remarked “Hey, as long as you both are into it, I dont see the harm in having a good fuck once in a while.” At this Scott rolled his eyes and shook his head. 
“You all are hopeless, if you love someone, whats the need to add anymore into the bedroom then just the two of you. Its supposed to be an expression of love.” Leave it to Scott to bring in the more serious aspect, you rest your head on his shoulder and remark. 
“Awww Scottie-too-hottie, we all love you.” He resigned that none of you would actually take him seriously, and turned his attention back to the stage once the lights started to dim. Mallory, in all her dramatic glory whipped on stage, her heels clicking, her hand holding her cigarette held jaunty in the air. “Women can fake orgasms, and men can fake a relationship.... My memoirs” 
There was a semi collective groan at your table. And you still having your hand on Mikes thigh gave a light squeeze. Be nice. He glanced over at you and rubbed your lower back as his way of forgiveness, not wanting to interrupt Mallorys opening. “When I was 13, I had my first period...” Oh boy. 
You kinda go in and out, of paying attention, cause Mike reached under the table for your hand grasping his thigh and slid it up, cause sure enough, there was something much more interesting to pay attention to for you. Your palm cupped his erection through his jeans, and he leaned his elbows on the table, hands cradling his face as he watched the stage. You know that apt focus, unblinking eyes and flared nostrils are not because the show was that good. 
Sorry Mal. We still love you though. 
You slide your chair over closer to Mike, changing from leaning on Scotts shoulder to his, and flicked your fingers to snap open the button of his pants. Tilting your head to bite his shoulder, whispering just for him to hear. “Get them down Stud, and I will really make this worth it.” Without looking or acknowledging you, he did as you asked, dropping a hand momentarily under then table, then bringing it back up. 
Drawing him from his pants and boxers, giving him a full palm wrap around, and your thumb circling the head, pressing lightly along the slit, a little moist. You kept your movements subtle, a light squeeze, fingertips trailing up and down his length, which now you could feel was fully perked due to interest in your part. A dip of the hand once you reached near his groin, rolling his testicles around your fingers. Your gaze went back and forth beween his face and the stage, where Mallory started in on her next traumatizing bit. 
“If sex is a pain in the ass, then trust me, your doing it wrong” 
Your attention returns to Mallory, still giving firm strokes to Mikes cock under the table, you could see when he went to grasp his beer bottle, he did a bit to hard, his knuckles growing white, the way he swallowed down his drink was harsh, not a sip but a large gulp. On the other side the rest were oblivious to what game you two were toying at, it made it that much more exciting. That much more of a risk. God you almost wanted to drag him home now. Or back to the backseat of the car, that was fun. 
Tensing in your hold, you felt him stiffen in his seat, and a rugged word commanding your movements. “Faster” and you rubbed your nose in against his neck, kissing that little spot near his ear that always made him inhale sharply. Today was no different. 
“Feel good doesnt it, playing out in the open.” A bite to his lobe and pulling away, sure to keep yourself angled into him. Now you worked him, your thumb sweeping over his head, following the slit collected pre cum, and you jerked your hand faster, to bring him to release. Now his breathing was ragged sharp inhales through his nose, not daring to open his mouth should he make a interrupting sound. Once in a while his hip would jerk, following your hand and you would press your face in against his shoulder to hide a chuckle from you. 
“Oh fuck.” He wheezed and there it was, his cock throbbing, and pumping in your hand, released, and he took a gasp, his leg accidentally kicking against the table leg. 
“Leg cramp babes?” You question to hide from the others who glanced at you with questioning looks, Mike promptly nodded in reply with what you were saying. When no one was paying attention, you lifted your hand away and sucked on a fingertip, tasting him as he hurriedly stuffed himself back away, his eyes flashing at the way you were sucking him off your hand. He groaned and couldnt tear his eyes away. Grinning as you bit the tip of your finger, you leaned into him and slanted your face to fit your lips against his. The tip of your tongue trailed the seam of his mouth and the moment he parted his lips, you plunged in. Oh baby, this was all your kiss, and you were sure to keep all control of it. Drawing back your tongue, and swiping over his teeth, back to tangle with his. 
“You two are seriously making out during this?” Scott chided the two of you while Samson at the other end of the table was doing a fist pump. Lyle at this point was drowsy and half hanging in his chair, probably whatever poison he managed to brew in the back of that van. 
“What? that was riveting emotional story telling.” You smile innocently at Scott who narrows his eyes at you, Mike loping an arm around your shoulder and bringing you in close. 
“We got caught up in the moment, Scott.” Mike grinned, obvious in being a shit about it.
“What was the play about, Hmm?” He arched his brows, and a slight panicked look crossed Mikes face as he sought out an answer hopefully from Samson or Lyle, but they both had a smug look on there face. You two werent necessarily caught, but they all knew something was up. 
“Uuuh er- about her weirdly adolescent life changes? With Wanker thrown in continuously?” Mike took a shot in the dark, and they all grumbled, yea he gotten it right. Dont ask him the personal details, which he was damn glad he didnt pay attention to now. Some things, you just dont need to know. If there was one thing he was good at, it was using his writers brain to bullshit a lie into believable. 
Mallory bounced off stage, her cigarette finally gone off the stick, but she collected her back satchel from you and dug on out. Not that she was a smoker, it was more once she was in a character, she remained in that character. “So? What did all my lovelies think?” 
Everyone was quiet for a moment, occupied with looking in there glasses, or finishing the last swallow or two, Mallory looked wide eyed around the table. “Well dont everyone gush about my performance at once.” 
You decided that you would break the seconds of silence. “Babes, Love. Magnificent, I might leave Mike and shack up with you instead. You get me, your performance, so great!” Shit shit shit shit, what did she say? Something about asses. “I think more men should take it in the ass to see what you were talking about.” 
So this made Scott start laughing, he was just about crying, Mike and Samson both choked on that last swallow, and Lyle just shrugged and gave a goofy grin. “Sure, I try anything once!” 
Mallory gave you the biggest hug and kiss on the cheek, replacing the one she had left there earlier. “Darling, YOUR THE BEST.” grabbing her vodka from before, she shot it down all to once, getting to finally smash her glass on the ground in a dramatic turn of events. “SHOTS ON ME!” She grabbed Scott this time as Mike ducked out of her reach, and she stomped off with him. Mike came back up to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you in close to him, swaying a bit to the jazz music playing. 
“You want to get me pegged?” He mused, arching a brow, and he lifted to lick the pad of his thumb, rubbing it over your cheek to remove the kiss mark once more. 
“Well as Lyle said, should at least try anything once.” You grin teasing as you to wrap your arms around him and tilt your head back enough to look up at him. He rolled his eyes, and gave you a playful kiss, nipping lightly. 
“Only thing Im pegging is you when we get home.” 
“Well Handsome, im looking forward to that very much” You are sure to grind your hips against his, and he roughly dragged you into a kiss, hissing against your lips. “Tease!” 
“Got the drinks Wankers, come and get them.” She said in her very fake accent, and you weaved a finger in Mikes belt loop, dragging him back to the table and taking two shots, handing one to him. Straight up tequila, you thought looking at the taunting liquid in the glasses, well it does make your clothes fall off apparently. 
“So let me start by saying, Mallory, as always, great set.” Mike started, followed by Samson saying “Hear hear, I feel like I know all the struggles you went through, and never want to hear it again.” 
Mallory grinned “Theres only five more of these you need to attend.” 
Lyle, he tipped his head and hold up both his shot and poison liquor “Heres to five more retelling of Mallorys sexual escapades.” 
There really was nothing more to add, and the group of you lifted your shots in honor of the performance, and tipped back. That burn made your eyes water, and gasp out. One of you said “Lets do another” It might have been you, were not keeping track... and the next couple hours you all were pounding shots and chasing with beers. There was no way you were going to be driving anyone home. 
Stumbling from the bar giggling with Mallory, you have her under your arm, and Mike is on the other side of you. Her apartment was nearby, as was yours so it just made sense to walk. You dig into Mallorys purse for the lipstick, leaning over the hood of the car and writing across the windshield. ‘NO DD, WE PICK UP IN SUN TIME’ 
Drunk you was a unable to think
“That looks right? They know who it be” You giggle again as you slid off the car hood, and luckily Mike was standing there to catch you as you stumble forward, the two of you giggling, as you use his shirt to stay upright. “Mikey, Im drunk.”
“Me to baby.” He snorted, his blue eyes shining a bit brighter the usual with the giddiness. 
Samson and Lyle went off another way, and you three take to the street. You and Mallory trying to list off British slang in what now sounded like Australian accents instead of British. 
“Knobheaded Twatters” 
“God those dick heads be fucking Mungers” 
“What the hell is a munger?” You question, and Mallory shrugs when Mike pipes up “A real ugly S.O.B” 
This went on for several blocks, getting shouted at from sleeping people opening there windows to tell them to shut up. Mallory threw off a fit with one of them 
“Come down here you Slag, thats right, I saw One Eyed Joe go in your apartment last week!” 
Finally you all make it to a breaking point, and split, You and Mike giggling all the way up your stairs, and your trying to find the key to the door while he is sloppily kissing your neck and reaching up your shirt to play with your breasts, massaging them in a way that had you whining. “Im trying to open the door Babe” 
“And Im trying to wank you” He grinned while biting your shoulder. 
“Is that even a term?” 
“It is today.” He shoves the door open once you get it unlocked and shoves it closed once you two are inside. Hes already shedding clothes, and you go to fall on the couch, arm over your face. “Ugh I cant tonight.” You peek at him and giggle once more as hes hoping around on one foot trying to get his jeans off. He tosses them across the room, any change, wallet and phone went skittering across the floor and he goes over to you, grabbing your arms, you groaning in protest. 
“Mikkkkeyyyyy Im tired” 
“Need an aspirin?” He asks as he gets you up and you lean into his chest, kissing and nipping around one of his nipples, cause you could, cause it was fun to get a reaction out of him, lightly scratching your nails up and down his sides. Deciding to further tease him. 
“No, I need the dick. Now!” Changing your mind, you backed away and he followed, his eyes going dark in lust again and you made a come hither motion. Unaware of how far you had gone, the back of your knees hit the bed and you fell backwards onto it. “Ooh!” 
Mike took this moment to pounce, straddling you and lifting your shirt, he tossed that away to. “Fuck baby, that was so hot tonight” talking about your under the table hand job. “The way you just jerked me off, then licking off those fingers.” You smirked and licked your lips, purring. “It was fun, we could have been caught and kicked out.” laughter bubbling up as your squirming underneath him, panting as you can feel the bulge in his boxers where he was straddling you, and your hands was trying to twist behind you to get your bra off, he assisted, finally pulling it free from your arms. 
“I wanted to be under that table so bad, you have no idea. Next time were going someplace more private.” He tilted over you and straightened out to lay over you, his knee parting your thighs and rubbing it against your core. You might have ground yourself back, feeling the pressure ignite a flame in your lower belly, starting from the core.
“Agree Sexy” He chained kisses down your neck, and over your collarbone, hyping you back up with anticipation to feel his mouth on your breasts, his hands firmly covering them. Getting to his hands covering you, he replaced them, rubbing his whiskered chin roughly in between the valley and sucking on the curve, lap of his tongue swirling and twirling over the erected nipples, making you whimper and giggle again in your drunken haze. Reaching down to slide your hands under his boxers waist band and dig your fingers into the cheeks, pressing him to grind into you.
“Then you agree I need you in me right this fucking second?” You bit his shoulder, and huffed against his neck. Your breasts muffled his next words and you let go of his ass cheek to cup his face, drawing him to look up. “What?” 
“I said, fucking hell yes Baby” He lifted off and luckily you were wearing a skirt, so he pushed it up around your hips, and slid his boxers down enough for his cock to spring out, you giggled once more seeing him at attention and reach up to wrap your hand around the back of his neck, bringing him down to your mouth, needing to taste him, feel him once more. Your kiss is clashing teeth, a pull and tug on both of your part, Hot sloppy, tongue lapping kiss as he shoves aside your panties enough and fills your entrance with his cock. 
So he was trying for slow, but you needed him now, so a push on his ass, and a lift of your hips, you whine into your fevered kiss at how he stretched you open so suddenly, loving that burn. You move your legs to wrap around his hips, thighs clasping his hips snugly. “Give it to me stud” His arms rested on either side of your head, and immediately started to rut and grind his hips, making you arch, going between moans and laughter. “Fuck yes! Oh you feel so good.” Vocal in your current mood, his grunts huff against your neck, your nails digging into his back, rocking with him. 
Having fallen on the edge of the bed, you two end up slipping off, your head banging on the floor and all of him tangled around you. He stutters to a stop and his hand lifts your head to check it. “Oh Shit baby, you okay!?” 
You wince and rock your hips, shuddering when you feel him hit your g-spot. “Yea baby, Im fine except you left me so close to cumming all over you. Dont let me loose it.” You whimper and look up at him, biting your lip as your channel flexes around him, just begging for more of him. So he returned to his fast rapid pace, Even he could feel his fast approaching orgasm, and it spurred him on. “Touch yourself baby” 
Nodding you reached between your grinding bodies, feeling for your bud, and when you pressed down, you jolted underneath him. “MIKE!” It spiked arousal through you to squirt, and you rolled it around with that pressure you liked so much. “Im there baby, Oh god, Oh god Oh fuck, I hope you are to.” 
“Yea I am” Gritting out, his balls tightening and staggering his thrusts filling you. You started clamping and tightening sharply around him, arching your back and grabbing his shoulders to anchor as you cried out his name, himself following right along, spilling hot jets of thick cum into you, pumping himself harder, till finally he was spent, you were spent, both of you stilling in a collapsed heap. You just lazed underneath him moaning on your bedroom floor, right next to your bed. His body sinking on yours, hot and sweaty, using his elbows to keep himself upright enough to not crush you. 
There was a few moments of silence before Mike lifted his head where he had it resting on your shoulder to catch his breath, looking down at you as you, closed eyed and humming softly in bliss was relaxing. 
“Why is knob head an insult? Shouldnt it be kind of a compliment? Im rather fond of my---” 
You shove at him before he could finish, the both of you laughing and he rose to get up, holding out a hand and getting you up off the floor to, his hands sliding to your hip and dragging your skirt down to step out of it, kissing on your neck and shoulder affectionately. 
“You are a knob head” You ran your hands over his buzzed head, and down the sides of his face to feel the scratch on your palms. Mike nudged you back onto the bed, and flopped down next to you, wrapping you in his arms, spooning you back to his chest. 
“Maybe, but Im your knob head.” He breathed softly against your neck, your hands sliding over his folded over your lower stomach, giggling once more as sleepiness started to close your eyelids. 
“Your right, Love you Knobhead” 
“Love you more Twat” 
@what-is-your-plan-today​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @jtargaryen18​ @p8tn0lish​ @curtisbbq​ @stardancerluv​ @imanuglywombat​
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wincore · 3 years
AGREEEE, WORKING OVER THE WEEKEND IS THE WORST esp since im in uni full time and i work 9-5 on the weekends which means... no breaks for me ever.. 🥲
MASSIVE CRUSH ON OIKAWA OMGGG I SUPPORT THIS!!!!! but i am unfortunately much older than 15 and still enamored by 2d men 😔 life’s rough like that HDJWKDJ YES ATSUMU CAUSES PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE.. HES THE WORST!! btw.. ive heard that the oikawa to atsumu stan pipeline is very real... so if u get to s4.. u may develop atsumu brain rot like me 👁_👁
OOO alright run on, extracurricular, vincenzo, true beauty, love alarm, & perfect crime. NOTED!! ive actually been meaning to watch extracurricular for a while now, it looks so interesting!! now that it has the wincore seal of approval i must watch 😤 OMGG SAKURADA DORI I SAW HIM IN ALICE IN BORDERLAND!! super good show but really gore heavy at some points 👁
ahh ok thank u for the reccs, ive been thinking about starting demon slayer too!! shoplifters sounds really interesting :oo crime??? i havent watched a full movie in a while so i will def check it out!! THESE R ALL GOING IN MY NOTES APP.
NEXT YEARRR omg it sounds far away but i know time passes so quickly nowadays so I WILL WISH U LUCK ONCE AGAIN 💛 i hope u update us when the time comes!!
UGHWHHD EVEN THIS SYNOPSIS IS MAKING ME MISS UR WRITING?!? I LOVE THE WAY U WORD IT... “given a choice to pretend, you find that jaehyun is the lesser of the two burdens to bear” AHHHHHHH omg “he’s in a relationship and doesn’t rlly care about the soulmate system” THIS IS ALWAYS SUCH A PAINFUL SCENARIO IN SOULMATE AUS PLSS!!! Wait is the soulmate of yn gonna be an oc/vague character or another member :O EITHER WAY... PAIN! THIS IS GETTING ME SO EXCITED AND U HAVENT EVEN MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT JAEHYUN’S LIKE IN THIS FIC YET
RUNWAY CHARACTER CAMEOOOS YESS I LOVE RUNWAY YN!!!! i actually reread it last night and ugh i was reminded how much i love yns personality... just the process of experiencing all tht self doubt with them!!! so real & makes u root for them :’)
“if jeno plays edward i need him to that apple scene like taemin did” WHHHHHWJDJJWJDBW THIS MADE ME CHOKE ON THE WATER I WAS DRINKING LMFAO
GODDDD THESE TROPE/MEMBER PAIRINGS, HARD AGREE HARD AGREE!!! HAECHAN AND RENJUN ARE E2L 100%!!!! i think bc the ppl in the bff2l category cant convincingly hate yn back LOL
“gets complimented on his lyricism often but like every song’s about you” STOPPPPP HES SO PERFDCT FOR THIS TROPE!!!!!
OMG I SEE EXACTLY WHAT U MEAN ABT SICHENG IN ROYALTY/CHAEBOL AUS... i think like u said it’s because of his poise & the way ppl are generally in awe of him but also bc of his reluctance to open up!! more reserved until he trusts u... funny and kind but sometimes perceived as aloof... those r some prince tendencies! “what are corporate businesses but modern day kingdoms” LMFAOOWJDJ SERIOUSLY THO
“mans really said i will not give you any onscreen idol personality to work with” HDJWJDJWJSJ LITERALLYYYY this is why i have trouble reading jaehyun fics sometimes bc sometimes they can feel “inaccurate” but its mostly just bc there’s no Standard Personality Stereotype to go off of. but a random & uncommon trope i think he’d pair well with is exes to lovers!! Yes im basically just a jaehyun + angst advocate.
“i think most of them would pair well with bff2l??” FACTTTTTTT and no im not just saying this bc its one of my favorite tropes.. heh... i think i told u this before?? but ur like the main reason i started enjoying e2l!!! i didnt like it before bc i love the PINING in bff2l but then i started reading ur works n was like OH SHIT! THERES LOADS OF PINING HERE TOO...
i think yangyang is not bff2l or e2l, he is in his own category which is Annoyer2Lover HDJWKDJ ex: troublemaker, wasted nights
OMGGGG I DID NOT EXPECT ROYALTY AU TO HAVE SUCH A LARGE LEAD IN THE SURVEY??? and cryptids is so low 😔😔 cmon guys, vampires r fun!!!
WE R LITERALLY WRITING ESSAYS TO EACH OTHER RN BUT I LOVE IT 🥺🥺 its a such a nice break to read ur response when im burnt out from studying!!
“—and when this whole game you’re playing is over, you’re going to say I rejected you.” ?!?!???? THE WAY JAEHYUN IS A LITTLE SHIT! THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE BOTH SO FUN PLSJWJDJEJ IM MORE EXCITED NOW!!
pls disregard the part in my last ask where i asked abt romeo roulette.... i had no idea all of the information i needed was sitting right in front of me 😔😔
- tata
WHAT 9 TO 5 ON EVERY WEEKEND???? the system has failed you this honestly feels like a villain origin story 😭 when does it get better???
ALSO let me answer the other asks separately for better readability lol we really out here writing essays GOOD THING i have practice writing but like. this is infinitely better to write 🥰
PLSSS SOMETIMES I WILL SEE AN EDIT/TIKTOK OF OIKAWA AND BE LIKE DAMN I REALLY NEED TO CATCH UP I MISS THIS MF also are you daring me to ruin my life for 2d men bc i will do it without hesitation. wait till i watch hq again and get that atsumu brainrot with you he seems annoying enough for me to like ^_^
AND YES PLS I WAS SO ABSORBED IN IT!! extracurricular was the most gripping show i’ve watched in a while like yes enough teen romance give me two unhinged teenagers doing crime 🤩 AND OMG??? THAT’S WHERE WE SAW HIM TOO and although niragi was literally vomit-inducing human trash, sakurada dori is like. a good actor. except i hated coffee&vanilla which starred him it was literally so cringe i couldn’t 😭 i blame the writers for that though. IM EXCITED FOR S2 OF ALICE IN BORDERLAND THO i really like horror (and i can tolerate gore if ive been desensitized enough) and like i read the manga too!!! the games were really interesting (although morbid).
😭😭 MY NOTES APP IS FULL OF RECS FROM FRIENDS ALL OF THEM HATE ME FOR NOT WATCHING THE SHOWS BUT LIKE. i binge 3 or 4 at a time and strike them off and then go 6 months without watching a single tv series hhh.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I SURE WILL UPDATE !!! it’s so exciting to think about grad school sometimes :33
AHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT AND THE PREVIEW TOO SGSDJKDS there’s a few differences in the actual fic i think bc i changed up the language (and i dont remember what else bc i refuse to look at my writing) JAEHYUN RLLY IS A LITTLE SHIT he’ll be like hm yeah im pretty chill :) and then proceed to beat yn at her own game at times. (she wins mostly dw) the fact that i made her soulmate cha eunwoo like girl if i were you i’d crash their relationship 🥱 (jk) but like. jaehyun too is 🤩 despite being dry af
ASDKDSKDS YOU REREAD ALL (ALMOST) 19K WORDS ??? IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THAT FIC SM AAAAHHH IM FEELING LIKE AN ACTUAL AUTHOR 🥰 i loved runway yn too they were like boss attitude with 20% anxiety.
LOOK JENO BETTER BE PULLING MOVES LIKE THAT TO IMPRESS THE GIRLS 😤 if he hits himself in the forehead with the apple, bonus points bc that was true comedy (as invented by taemin)
AND YES. LIKE I KNOW MARK HATED DONGHYUCK SO MUCH HE WANTED TO LEAVE SM BUT LIKE HE’S TOO NICE WITH EVERYONE ELSE 😭😭😭 i cannot picture him pissed off apart from that summer fight </3
thinking about dejun getting rejected by a girl he wrote a song for. rip brother.
IM GLAD YOU PUT THAT INTO WORDS BC THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!!! he’s got all of these regal qualities but he’s still human ykyk so it makes for the most amiable person on earth 😌 i love this characterization of him!!
oof exes to lovers with jaehyun... i had a similar idea a while ago (with theme song sincerity is scary by the 1975) that i discarded bc i don’t think i’m cut out to write that 😭 (YET) so i will keep this is mind. u r so right about jaehyun feeling inaccurate bc it’s like he’s very mild in personality onscreen sometimes?? so him having strong personality traits makes me go 🤔🤔 that man is overreacting. (jkjk but like you get the idea)
WAIT RLLY OMG BC OF ME???? i would never enjoy e2l irl bc irl dudes are 🤢🤢 and if they annoy me i will end them. but in fiction the mutual pining and initial disgust at yourself for liking the other??? helllooo 🤩🤩🤩 especially if it’s in a romcom style <3 bff2l is also better in fiction bc if the relationship doesnt work out irl and the person become uncomfortable with me i will just get annoyed jskshdl
LMAO YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT YANGYANG HE’S JUST THAT™ DUDE skgkhs he feels like someone fun to hang out with but he would annoy you the whole time. also he is cute 🥰
AND EXACTLY!!!! IM HAPPY FOR ROYALTY AUS BUT CMON. LOOK AT THOSE VAMPIRE TEETH. feel like media ruined vampires for people 😔 
THIS IS SUCH A NICE BREAK FROM STUDYING HONESTLY!!!! im like working on two semi-large projects AND studying course and out-of-course material simultaneously so my brain is a little fried. thank u for this 😘
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