#these are all first 2 years of highschool maybe?
youraverageaemondsimp · 9 months
“Be Quiet.” // DILF!Aemond Targaryen x Babysitter!Reader // PART ONE.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 FOLLOWERS! (+200 now) so here is the awaited fic, celebrating a milestone <3 based on this poll, dilf aemond won at the end haha 💞
WARNINGS: unprotected p in v sex, dubcon(?), oral (both f and m.), blowjob, cum eating, cum play(?), breeding kink, multiple orgasms, age gap (9ish years), DILF aemond, single father aemond, power imbalance(?), throat fucking, cunnilingus, lots and lots of kissing, + not proofread
WC: 7.1k (yeah...)
« part two // 🎄 special »
Getting fired from your job while trying to pay rent and gathering tuition fees isn't exactly ideal, you wanted to pursue a bachelor's degree after high school, but you didn't have enough money, coming from a family that was barely held by, nor were you eligible to apply for student because there were legal issues.
You moved out of your parents not wanting to financially burden them anymore, renting a decent apartment with just enough space for you to call it a 'home' you've been working for the past 2 years, a decent paying job but it was enough to get by and save up on the fees too, everything seemed to be going perfect until you suddenly got fired and your landlord decided to increase the rent.
You knew you'd have to cut into your savings to pay rent now, but you didn't want that, you halfway there to your goal, you were expected to get promoted and get higher pay, you calculated it, that it would only take one more year for you get enough amount to pay for the first few sems, and then maybe you'll be able to apply for a student loan by then.
But fate had different plans, and here you were on your couch scrolling through multiple apps to find any type of job, extremely desperate.
And that's when you saw it.
“Babysitter needed.” you thought how perfect of a job it would be considering the degree you wanted to so badly was based in psychology, child psychology specifically, and interacting with kids will probably give you some type of experience?
You quickly clicked on it and found the contact number, and decided to call it, you bit your lips nervously hoping they'd pick up.
“Hello?” you heard a cool voice say which sent shivers down your spine.
“Hello- yes uhm, Hi! I am calling because I saw the post on the app that said you needed a babysitter for hire?” you stumble over your words and mentally facepalm yourself for it.
“Yes, indeed. Are you interested in applying?” he asks and you quickly reply with a yes.
“Do you have any prior experience?” he asks and you reply with a quick yes, you've babysat a few kids throughout your highschool era for quick cash, as a way to not rely on your parents for menial things.
“Mhm alright, I don't want to bring your hopes up by saying you got a job, I'd like to have a personal interview first, if you do not mind.” he says and you say, thanking him and he hangs up the call.
You were fucking shaking.
It felt like applying for the first job of your life all again, the nervousness, the anxiety, the everything.
Aemond had saved your phone number and sent it to his assistant, Floris, asking her to run a background check on you, and to see if you had any criminal background, he read your name on the file that got delivered to him, sipping on his coffee while he scanned through your details.
You just turned 21, recently.
‘So young’ he thought, ‘Let me guess, she's probably looking for jobs in order to afford education.’ he guessed and he was exactly on the money with that one.
He wasn't that old himself, barely 30
He inherited his father's business at just age 23, being the only one capable of handling such pressure, his elder siblings couldn't stand a chance against him, and since then, he's maintained the Targaryen name perfectly.
He remembers falling in love with a woman older than him, he was 24, she attended one of the business parties he dreaded going to, Alys rivers was her name, they dated for 2 years before deciding to pace things up and get engaged since everything was going perfect for both of them.
Until Alys got pregnant, Aemond was overjoyed when he heard that news, but he didn't know that the child would suck the life out of her.
She died giving birth to their son, and he was devastated, being heart broken by her death, however he never once blamed his child, it was their choice to birth him, and it failed miserably.
But 3 years had passed since her death and he had moved on from her death, ready to love once again, yet it was extremely hard to find someone that wasn't after his money.
He knew he couldn't just live in the misery of heartbreak, and Alys would've wanted him to move on too.
His son, Aenys, recently turned 3 too, he inherited Aemond's purple eyes and silver blonde hair, typical targ features, but he saw how the softness of his nose, sharpness of his eyes resembled his mother.
But back to you at hand, he went through all your papers deeming you fit for the interview, he called a day later telling you the address where the interview would be held, his office.
Yes, his fucking office, as if you were applying for a job at his company, he justified it by saying that you were technically his employee.
When you got out of the taxi and looked at the company in front of you, it finally clicked in your brain that your employee was none other than Aemond Targaryen, and it only made your anxiety worse.
You went to the receptionist and told her your name, and she typed it in, giving you a small smile, telling you that you were exactly on time. She called his office to tell you that you were here and led you to his office. You looked around and noticed how big this company was, a bunch of employees working in their cubicles, typing away.
“Mr. Targaryen?” she called out and you heard a small ‘come in.’ Before stepping inside and pushing the door open for you to enter, you did and she stepped outside, closing it gently behind you, leaving you alone in the room with the man.
Aemond hadn't looked up from his files until the door closed, and when he did, he felt his breath caught in his throat.
“You may sit.” he says and you nod, sitting across him on the opposite side of the table, you felt so small under his gaze, it was so intimidating but you put up with it.
He began the interview by asking questions about yourself, and all relevant things, but there was one question that caught you off guard.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” he asks and you furrow your brows, “Excuse me?” you question, noticing how odd of a question it is.
“Don't get me wrong, the previous babysitter had one, and she used to bring him to the apartment and…” he cleared his throat and you immediately caught on to what he was implying, “Oh! No! I do not have one, and even if I did I would not do that!” you reassure him and he gives you a nod.
He was fucking lying.
But you didn't know that.
The previous babysitter was an old lady, who Aenys liked a lot, but sadly she had to leave the city.
“I hope you know that you're expected to work full time? I leave for the office at 9AM and return back at 7PM, and you'll need to be ready to work those long hours, and sometimes I might not even return till late at night if there is extra work.” he says and you nod, and before the question can leave your mouth he cuts you off.
“Do not worry, you'll be paid for those extra hours.” he confirms and you nod smiling at him.
And then came your terms, which he agreed to, he made you sign a one year contract, and you did it without hesitation.
Frankly the pay was so high you would barely need to work 6 months to reach the full amount, but you still did an extra 6 months considering how having extra money at hand doesn't hurt.
And with a handshake, he accepted you.
You were practically going to spend most of your awake time with the kid, it sounds hectic but the pay was too good to pass up on, I mean, $80 per hour? fuck yes, you'd be having around $230k by the end of the contract. Aemond was filthy rich.
It was finally your day to go to his house and you already knew it was going to be big, but you were still shocked when you arrived to the destination, it was a 20 minute drive from your house, and it was located in the richest neighbourhood to exist in the city, you felt embarrassed getting out of your taxi at an area where everyone probably had their own cars, heck, a collection of them even, but you paid the fare and the guard got up to question you, you told him and he quickly nodded before letting you inside.
It was early in the morning, you came quickly so Aemond could show you around the house and introduce you to his kid, you stood there nervously as you rang the doorbell, Aemond had checked through the security camera before the door opened, revealing the house interior.
You quickly stepped in and he closed the door behind you. You expected him to have maids and a bunch of staff, but you were surprised when you found none. No wonder he asked if you can cook, you'd probably be doing all the work here besides the cleaning.
“Aenys is in his playroom, let me take you there.” he says cooly and you follow him, taking in your surroundings.
He opens the door to the playroom and you immediately find a kid, who you assumed to be older than 2, playing with his dragon toys, making rawr sounds, and yelling the word ‘dracarys.’ you smiled at the cuteness.
Aemond cleared his throat which caught the attention of Aenys and he smiled brightly before he jumped in his arms, “Papa!” he yelled, before he turned his attention to you and looked at his father in question
“Hey aeny, do you know how the previous babysitter had to leave town?” he asks gently and Aenys nods, “And papa needs to be away for work top right? So I got you a new babysitter who will take care of you.” he points towards you, explaining and Aenys looks at you tilting his head slightly
“Hey, Aenys.” you give him a small, waving your hand, he shyly waves back before he hides his face his fathers chest, you chuckle at the cuteness.
“I'll go give her a house tour okay? And then I will visit you once again before I leave, have fun darling.” He says and puts his son down, and Aenys looks at you once again, inspecting you, observing you, you smile at him once again, and this time he gives you a shy smile.
Aemond leaves the room and you wave a quick temporary goodbye to Aenys and follow him.
“Aenys, doesn't have a mother, or at least he had to grow up without one” Aemond randomly begins and you look at him confused. “My fiancee-” he sighs before halting his footsteps, “She- she had died while giving birth to him.” you watch as he takes deep breaths, “It's okay if you don't want to talk about it now, we have a lot of time anyway, just open up to me when you are ready, sir.” you tell him and he looks at you, giving you a nod and resumes the house tour.
It was fucking big.
Just like he said, he visited his son once more before leaving for work and the entire day you spent it with Aenys, getting to know him, observing his behaviour.
You noted that he was extremely shy at first but then he eventually warmed up to you, he still had his guard up of course since you were fairly new and a stranger in his life, you introduced yourself and he did the same.
He showed you all his toy collections, which you were genuinely fascinated by, he had so many dragon figurines and remembered each one by their name, his favourite was vhagar.
“It waass papa's once, when he was jus like mee.” he babbled cutely, the way he pronounced the words were so cute too, you swear you could die at it.
“Vhagar belonged to your papa?” you felt awkward saying the word papa, but you knew you had to considering that it was the term Aenys was used to, he nodded, smiling.
“Yesh! He gwave it to meh.” he says and you smile.
Aenys had quite a developed vocabulary for his age, though he pronunciation was a bit off, but you knew it would improve with time.
And just like that, you and Aenys grew close, he was always cheery to see you, you cooked and looked after him, feeding him vegetables in a way he would enjoy, and Aemond was surprised when he found out, considering Aenys refused to eat vegetables.
You put Aenys to sleep one day, singing him a lullaby and caressing his hair as he fell asleep in his bed, he watched you with big doe eyes, which were slowly beginning to get droopy as sleep overcame him. He closed his eyes and his brows were relaxed. You sat there for a while, watching him sleep, and you look at the time, 8PM, Aemond was running late, but you didn't mind, by the time he usually fell asleep, Aemond would've been there, listening to you sing to his son and when he finally fell asleep, you would leave, politely saying goodbye to Aemond, but this time you had stayed, since Aemond was late.
You noticed how Aenys eyebrows furrowed before you saw tears coat his eyelashes
“Mam… mama… I want mama...” he mumbled in his sleep and you swear you felt your heart wrench at that, then you heard small sniffles.
He was crying in his sleep.
Is this what usually happens after you leave? You felt extremely sad, you remember how Aemond had told you that Aenys grew up without a mother, how she had died during childbirth. You never really thought about it much but you realised how tough it must've been for Aenys, then suddenly you remembered all the times you played together or watched cartoons, how he would say the word "mother" longingly when he was referring to a mom dragon, or how he stared in a daze when a cartoon showed a mom taking care of his child.
He was beginning to notice an absence of a parental figure in his life.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sniffling getting louder, and Aenys was beginning to borderline cry out, you quickly picked him up and carried him, pacing around the room gently as you patted his back, his hand clung tightly onto the sleeve of your arm and he rested his cheek on your shoulder.
“Shhh, Aenys, it's okay.” you try consoling him but he kept repeating the words 'I want mama, mama.' in his sleep over and over again.
Not knowing what to do, you began to feel bad, so you did what you thought was the best.
“Aenys, Mama is here, it's okay hush now..” you coo gently into his ear and that's when he finally stops sniffling, 'mama?' he mumbles and you hum, “Yes, it's mama, do not cry anymore okay? Mama is here.” you caress his hair and he finally relaxes, you were so entranced in comforting him that your brain managed to ignore the presence of Aemond himself, who had arrived when you picked him up and paced around in a panic, he was going to interfere but then he heard you say those words.
You stopped dead in your tracks when you noticed him, heat climbing up your face as you realised he probably heard everything and also you were stricken with fear too cause you likely overstepped.
You gently placed Aenys down on the bed and got out of his room, anxiety coursing through your veins as you realised what you had done
But you were only trying to comfort him.
Aemond soon followed you out the room as well and you turned around to face him when he closed the door.
“I apologize— I'm so sorry—” you began.
“Don't. It's fine, I can understand why you did that.” he cuts you off, and you wince.
“He- he's been noticing.” you began and Aemond nodded, “I've noticed too.” he replies and sighs.
“Aenys has changed a lot since you've started babysitting him in a good way , and I've noticed it, he's becoming more and more aware of the world around him.” He moves to the living room, sitting on the couch and you do the same, sitting on the one opposite to him.
“I've made sure that he never felt a lack of anything in his life, but I guess it's only natural for a person to desire something he can't have.” he says.
“Aenys can have a mother, if you remarry, that void will be fulfilled somewhat.” you suggest and he looks at before chuckling “I've thought of that too, my mother said the same thing, but i cannot trust anyone, especially considering how many are after my money, who knows if they'll be kind to him, or whether Aenys will like them or not.” he sighs.
“That is true.” you agree with him and he looks at you.
“Unless… ” he begins, eye scanning your entire being and you look at him, your heartbeat quickening, just as he was about to say something, your phone rings and it cuts off the trance-like state you were in, and you look at it to see who it is.
It was a spam call.
But then your eyes bulge out of your sockets when you look at the time, “Holy shit it's late, I'm sorry sir but i have to leave now, or else it will be too dangerous.” you say and quickly apologise and he nods, dismissing you. That was the first night, sleep came to Aenys peacefully.
But it didn't to Aemond, he was lost in thought about everything, but then his mind wandered off to somewhere it shouldn't go.
The way you comforted Aenys stirred something inside you, the moment was perfect, you cooing in Aenys' ear that you were here, pretending to be his mother.
It was so perfect.
Almost as if you were made for that.
Aemond felt his heart flutter.
For the first time in years.
He couldn't help but accept the pull he felt towards you.
Aenys doesn't seem to remember the incident, probably cause he was literally just sleep talking so it was left at that, but you and Aemond however grew a bit close after that incident, he came back home early as he can, so he could spend time with his son and you, he was subconsciously trying to get his son used to both of them being around, both present in his life as parental figures.
You obviously weren't able to leave early just because he got home early because those were your mandatory hours, so it became your new normal to spend time with him and Aenys.
You couldn't deny that there was something definitely blooming in between you and Aemond, he would often throw appreciative comments in your way, which made your belly pool up with heat.
You noticed how he wanted to stay by your side, physical touch lingering, he had suggested that you 3 should go grocery shopping, and you found it odd considering he could literally order his clients to fetch them for him, but you agreed anyways, using it as a chance to get outside and let Aenys interact with other people. Aemond was heavily against sending him to the daycare, because he was scared for his son, it was understandable but it also set Aenys behind a bit.
“Mama, I want this!” you hear a kid yell at his mom and you watch as she refuses it gently, telling him no and that she will buy him the next time they come back here, and the kid just pouted, you chuckled at the sight.
You turned your attention to Aenys who was staring at the scene too, and you realised how he was in a daze once again as well, you looked at Aemond who also seemed to notice.
Aenys quickly ran in another direction and you panicked and almost ran after him before he was back in front of you again, grabbing the same toy the other child had grabbed earlier and showing it to you. “Ma-” he cut himself short before pushing the toy to show you “I want this!” he says and Aemond was confused at first and he was about to agree to buy that toy for Aenys until you butted in, “No Aenys, we can't buy it right now! We'll buy it next time when we come back here okay?” you say and he smiles sheepishly at you, before pretending to pout and put the toy back in a random shelf.
You chuckled at the childishness, he just wanted to feel the same type of experience that others do. Aemond knew it was just you both playing around, he didn't miss the way Aenys almost called you his mother, and it spurred him on further, the way you acted as a genuine mother.
Those type of random moments became often, and it pushed Aemond further and further to the edge, the way you would act like such a perfect mom made him want to bend you over any surface and fuck you, filling you up with his cum.
Aemond then suddenly started joining for lunch, he would usually eat at his office, but he made extra effort to drive home so he could eat with his 'family.' He loved your cooking, you made it taste like home, he would watch as you cut smaller pieces of fruits and vegetables for Aenys so he could properly chew and eat. He imagined how perfect you would be as his wife and like an official mother to his child, or better, children, all of these small things were pushing him to the edge
And soon it would push him off it.
Aemond cursed himself when he drove through the rain, already running late, he looked at his watch and read the time, it was 10PM, the meeting in the afternoon stretched over two hours long which set back the rest of his schedule by a lot, he quickly parked his hair before making his way inside his house, open the door with the extra key carried before shutting it close.
“Look Aenys! Dada's here.” he heard you say and he was immediately spun around, he didn't expect you to stick around this long, but then he realised it was raining heavily and you always went by taxi, there probably would've been no taxi available in this weather.
“Aenys didn't go to sleep yet?” he asks, undoing the suit he was wearing before throwing it on the couch, approaching both of you, taking Aenys into his arms.
“He wanted to wait until you got home, he was worried for you, though he seems tired hmm.” you pinch his nose playfully and he scrunches it up, “I'm not twired…” he says but then yawns earning a chuckle from both you and Aemond.
“I'll put him to sleep, you go freshen up.” you say and Aemond nods, giving him back to you.
Fuck everything about that interaction felt too domestic.
And Aemond had lost his resolve.
He found you sitting on the couch, scrolling through something, he sat down next to you.
“What are you doing?” he asks and you look at him, “Trying to book cabs, but there are none available at the moment due to the weather.” you sigh before placing your phone down.
Aemond should've offered to drive you home but instead he offered to let you stay.
“You know you can stay over, I do not mind it.” he says and you look at him “Really? I don't wanna be a bother—”
“Oh please, you are never a bother.” he cuts you off and smiles at you. “You should freshen up for the night, you've been here since morning.” he says but you pout. “I do not have any clothes.” you say and he simply shrugs, “You can wear mine.” he pushes the buttons, wondering how far he can get away with it, he knew offering you to let you stay at his house already broke the employee boss relationship, hell, the moment he desired you was when it already broke.
“Mhm okay! Where is the guest bathroom?” you ask and he shakes his head, “The water heater is broken in that one, it's better if you use the attached bathroom in my room.” he says.
The water heater wasn't broken.
He was lying.
And you believed him.
He watched as you got up and made your way to his room, which was right next to Aenys', considering he has to react if something happens to him, he followed you inside opening the cupboards and giving you his hoodie and fresh pair of boxers which you thanked him for.
He left the room to give you privacy, but oh gods his mind was racing with all the thoughts.
He paced around, trying to contain himself, and he stood there in front of the door.
And then you opened it.
His hoodie reached to your thighs, and you looked at him, shocked to find him in front of the door, lips parted.
He snapped.
He quickly pushed you inside and shut the door behind you, slamming his lips against yours, and kissed you fervent hunger, you stumbled back and you almost fell but he caught you by your waist and pushed deeper into the kiss, moving his lips hungrily against your.
He pulls away, silently giving you a way out if you need it.
You should refuse this.
You should push him away.
But you don't, instead you wrap your arms around him and pull him into a deeper kiss, he groans when he feels you kiss him back, he pulls away once again, before grabbing you by your arm and pushing you onto the bed, making you fall on your back, your hoodie rising up, revealing your stomach, which he kissed lovingly before he pulled the hoodie even more further up, exposing your tits and pressing kisses to the nipples, causing you to gasp.
He pulls the hoodie off of you completely, and you raise your hands to assist him, he pulls off his shirt too, exposing his naked chest, and you bite your lip at the view, next he takes the boxes off you, doing the same, leaving you both completely bare to the room.
He pushes you upwards to the bed and crawls on top of you, kissing your face, neck, collar bones and valley between your breasts, his hands grab the flesh of your tits before he kneads them, massaging them, thumbs flicking the nipples making you arch your back.
One of his hands trails down to your core, dipping into the heat, he outright moans when he finds you practically leaking, collecting the arousal and bringing it upwards your bud. Rubbing small circles which makes you gasp.
He pulls his hand away and brings it up to lick at the wetness that has accumulated on the fingers, humming in satisfaction before he pressed kisses which travelled downwards until his mouth stopped right at your core, giving a small kiss to it to, you shivered when you felt his hot breath against it, the way the air he exhaled would hit your clit. He kissed the inner part of your thighs first, making you needy with want, wishing he'd just take you into his mouth.
And then he does, his tongue strides upwards from your opening to your clit, giving you one long lick before he captures your clit with his mouth, suckling on it, causing you moan his name loudly, both of his hands wrap around your thighs and he pulls them further apart, his fingers digging into the flesh as he hungrily devours your cunt, tongue flicking the bud constantly, you grip his hair and buck your hips, practically rutting against his face, you felt his tongue travelling down and lick at the wetness, the tip of his nose pushing against your clit, you felt your core tighten as the movement of his tongue sped up, causing you to topple over the edge and your orgasm hit you like a truck, making you whine loudly.
He greedily licked everything up before he placed wet kisses on your thighs, the residue of your wetness sticking to them before he sat back on his knees between your parted legs, you watched as he got up slightly, making his cock come into view.
Your eyes widened slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Aemond, this stroked his ego very much.
He was big, bigger than any you've seen before, it was pale with a tip that was flushed pink due to the blood pumping, oozing precum out of it, he pumped his cock in his hand to ease the area, coating his dick in his own precum before he positioned it against your entrance, you bit your lip in anticipation but then you felt him slide against your folds, covering his dick in your wetness as well before slapping your clit with the tip of his dick, making you whimper.
He then lined himself against your entrance and pushed in, and you arched your back at the stretch, it was so delicious, you felt so full.
He leaned on top of you and gave you a passionate kiss, you could taste yourself on his tongue, making you taste the tanginess, he supported his weight on his elbows which were on either side of you, gripping yours, fingers intertwined with yours. You were locked in a missionary position, a position that felt intimate.
Then you felt him move, thrusting in and out at a brutal speed, causing you to moan his name, the thrusts made you jolt up the bed, breasts bouncing due to the force emitted from it, his grip tightening as he grunted on top of you, rutting into your wet heat, his hair dropped his shoulders, cascading around his face, and you gasped at how godly his looked like this.
Then you felt his tip hit your gspot, constantly, which caused you moan extremely loudly, “Fuckk! Ahh~ Aemond!” you mewled, closing your eyes and throwing your head back, his hand left one of yours to cover your mouth as he continuously slammed into you.
“Shh, be quiet, or he'll wake up.” he whispers, referring to Aenys who was sleeping in the next room and you nodded, you felt him pull his hand away but his thumb traced your lips, you opened your mouth which made him put his thumb inside and you sucked on him, and you felt him groan, then he pulled it out, hand going back to grip yours, and you bit your lip to hold back your moans from slipping out.
You felt your core begin to tighten again and it snapped once more, causing you to arch you back, pushing your breasts against his chest and he muttered 'fuck' feeling the way you clenched around him.
His thrusts begin to grow sloppy and lose their rhythm, indicating that he was close, “Fuckk, I'm gonna cum inside you.” he says and you whine, “I'm going to get you pregnant, watch you grow round with my kid…” he growls, thrusting into you again and again, “You're going to give Aenys little siblings, You will, right? He looked so lonely, I think he'd appreciate that.” he grunts and you nod quickly, mind too hazy to even comprehend or acknowledge the complications behind you agreeing to this.
“Good girl.” he says before he finishes inside you, and paints your walls white, shooting up his seed far into you, riding his orgasm out.
You felt him pull out and thought that was the end until he pushed you over onto your back, and sat on his knees, he grabbed your waist and pulled it up, and you immediately switched to supporting your on your knees as you arched your back, stretching like a cat, your hands on the side of you.
He groaned when he watched his cum drip down your thighs before he scooped it up and put it in his mouth, tasting your combined essence.
He was still hard.
So he wasted no time, shoving himself back inside you and you whined at the way your walls felt overstimulated, not knowing if you can handle one more orgasm consistently.
He sheathed himself inside your walls, and moved with fervent speed like before, his balls slapping against your thighs, the room was filled with erotic noises, he gripped your waist for support, until his hand travelled slightly upwards, catching one of your tits before gripping it tightly, and rolling the nipple in between his fingers.
“I can't wait to watch them swell.” he grunts.
“You'd look so pretty with my child in your belly, the way your tummy will swell? Gods fuck, that is a vision.” he moans
“Look at you, taking my cock so well, like you are meant to.” he notes, thrusting in and out, watching as the previous cum leaks out.
He clicks his tongue
“So much is going to waste, tsk, it's okay I'll fill you up again, make sure you get pregnant.” he groans and you moan, “Ye-yes fill me up.” you say, and he smirks at that, “Good girl, taking my cock like one.” he leans against you, your back pressing to his chest as he leaves kisses on the back of your neck, and you once again, topple over the edge for the third time.
He finishes too, inside you again.
You both fall besides each other on the bed, and realise the weight of the situation after the adrenaline and excitement of the moment fades away and the breathing becomes more stable.
“I- fuck.” Aemond begins not knowing what to say and you lay there quietly.
“Listen, ever since that day you walked in, I felt some type of pull towards you, I wasn't sure what it was, but it was as if we were meant to me, and I couldn't ignore the feelings brewing inside me.” you watch as he speaks.
“I- to put it in simple words, I fell in love with you. I really did, though it's fine if you do not share the same feelings, we can go back to pretending this never happened.” he confesses.
“I am in love with you too.” you confess, “I pushed these feelings away, because it wasn't appropriate.” you say and he looks at you this time.
Silence falls between you two.
A comfortable silence.
He pulls you closer and wraps his arms around you, hugging you, and you hug him back, the he places loving kisses atop you.
You felt something hard pressing against your inner thighs and you looked down, shocked to find him hard again, you chuckle.
“Again?” you tease and he playfully glares at you, “Yeah, you're so fucking irresistible.” he kisses your neck, hips mindlessly grinding against you. “I'm so sensitive.” you pout, but you get an idea, you quickly push him onto his back before getting on top of him, and then crawling down in between his legs, before taking his cock in your hand.
“Fuck!” he moans when he feels your warm hand wrap around it, before you gently tug on it, pumping your hand up and down, watching as the precum leaks out, you collect some with your tongue, poking the slight hole making him groan and grip the side of your head.
You trail kisses down to his balls, before giving them wet kisses as your hand pumps his cock, you lick a long stride up his length before taking him in your mouth, as best as you can, hands resting on his thighs to balance yourself.
You bob your head up and down, swirling the the tongue around him, pulling away time to time to breath before descending onto him once again, the grip on the side of your head tightened and you watched as he sat up slightly leaning on his elbow, before his hips thrusted upwards, and so you let him take control.
He collected your hair into a makeshift pony before gripping the back of your head tightly and thrusting his entire length into your mouth, the tip teaching the back of your throat, making you gag slightly, causing tears to well up in your eyes, you closed them and tried to breathe through your nose as he thrusted upwards and fast, essentially fucking your throat.
You felt him twitch slightly in your mouth, knowing he was close, you sucked him and hollowed your cheeks, he threw his head back at that, he felt steady pleasure rising within him before such a force expelled from his body, causing him to peak, shooting out ropes and ropes after cum into your mouth, you felt it hit the back of your throat, causing you to swallow unknowingly, before he slightly pulled out, cause the remaining to fall in your mouth.
He pulled out completely and watched your face, flushed and hair dishevelled, you held his cum in your mouth, waiting for his command, “Swallow.” and you did, obeying him, opening your mouth to show that there was none left, he groaned as he watched the remnants of his seed drip from the side of your mouth before he collected it with his index finger and shoved it back into your mouth, and you click his finger clean, he grunted before you upwards and kissing you, tasting himself in your mouth, hands squeezing your ass before he gave one of them light slaps, causing you to wince.
You pulled away and breathed heavily, he smiled down at you, before he left the bed to clean both of you up, collecting the clothes and getting dressed before he pulled beside him in the bed, going to sleep while hugging your form.
You dreaded the next morning, wondering how you'll explain your relationship to Aenys, you woke up to an empty bed, you read the time, it's was just 8AM, you felt sad but then you quickly got up and went outside finding Aemond and Aenys awake, sitting at the table conversing, your heart warmed at the sight, Aenys spotted you and ran over to you, lifting his arms up, asking you to silently to carry him, and you did, you picked him up before placing a small kiss to his forehead.
“Mama!” he said and you froze, before you looked at Aemond, who gave you a small smile and nodded and your eyes softened at it, it seems he had done the explaining.
“Mama! Mama!” Aenys grabbed your face making you look at him and you chuckled, “Yes Aenys, it's mama.” you say and he smiles brightly.
“I'll go get ready for work.” Aemond says, getting up from the spot he was sitting on and coming over to both of you before he pressed a kiss to Aenys forehead, and doing the same to you and going inside his room and getting ready.
You put Aenys down on his chair and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, you made simple eggs on toast, and just on the time, Aemond came out of his room, looking all ready and you placed three plates down, along with fruits cut into small pieces of Aenys.
“I made breakfast.” you say and Aemond smiles at you, before sitting down and the three of you ate breakfast.
Applying for this job was the best thing you've ever done.
Who knew your life would change the course of it in the span of just a few months.
There were other things to discuss, and you knew it was plaguing Aemond's mind as well, but you both decided it will be best if discussed later and so you both basked in this moment, listening to Aenys babbles.
“So i hwave a mom now rightt?” he asks Aemond who nods, “Are you happy?” he asks and Aenys nods quickly, “Yesh! Aenys is wery hwappy! But…” he trails off and you feel your heartbeat quicken.
“I want a sibling too…” he murmurs
Oh gods.
Your eyes flickered over to Aemond who stared at you, you blush and look away as you remembered the details of last night.
“I wwant a swister… ! or a bwother!!! Hmm any is fine…” he babbles on, not knowing what he is asking for.
You look at Aemond again, who didn't seem to take his eye off you at all.
He smirks.
Oh fuck.
You quickly get up and collect the empty plates before going behind the kitchen counter and placing them in the sink, washing your hands, focusing your attention on them, until you felt arms wrapped around your waist before one trailed upwards towards your breast giving it squeeze, you quickly looked up to see Aenys was watching until you realised he was nowhere to be seen.
“He's in his playroom.” Aemond whispered in your ear, grinding slowly against your ass.
“Heard that? He wants a sibling so badly, surely you can't deny him right?” he asks, pinching your nipples through the fabric causing you to gasp.
He places kisses down your neck, before he spins you around and kisses you on the mouth, making you wrap your arms around his shoulder. He pulls away before kissing you on the cheek.
His phone rings and he notices the time, 9:15AM, he was running late which was the first for him, and it was his assistant calling him.
“Fuck, mood spoiler.” he grunts before shoving his phone back in his pocket before placing a kiss to your mouth once again.
“Don't think I'm done with you yet, it's gonna be one hell of a ride when I get back home.” he presses one final kiss to your neck before pulling himself away from you, granted it was so fucking difficult considering how he wanted to fuck you on the kitchen counter just moments ago.
You nod and follow him to the front door.
“Have a nice day, Aemond.” you say, and he smiles at you, coming to kiss you but then Aenys comes running towards you both.
“Is dada going to work?? BYE DADAAA” he screams and Aemond chuckles, before waving a small 'bye' to Aenys, and leaving from the front door.
He barely left and he already couldn't wait to get back home from work.
And you gulped, nervous in anticipation.
Oh seven hells.
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birkemakesart · 2 months
Highschool Meshi - the beginning - part 1
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What is Laios cocking? Find out when part 2 drops!
I finally finished half of the first comic for my Highschool AU. As an Illustrator making comics is pretty humbling. I feel like a fish out of water, but I want to take this as an opportunity to grow more as a story teller and artist. 💪
As for the story, it’s very low stakes, so of course Falin does not die. But she is getting punished to do chores for the school. I was thinking either she took the blame for Laios cheating at the test (like she acted as if the cheat sheet the teacher found was hers) or she just gets punished as an example for everyone doing so horrible or talking or smth.
Just as a disclaimer. They are not all in the same class. Chillchuck is a senior (together with Senshi but they are in different classes) and Falin is a year or two under Laios and Marcille. They just all take their respective midterm exam in the same room and sit together bc they’re friends. (Lol yeah that makes sense 😝)
I was also thinking of making Senshi and Chillchuck teachers and that maybe would have worked but I think it’s more fun if everyone is younger.
So yeah tell me what you all think or what headcanona you have for this AU.
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h0ck3yl0v3r · 6 months
foolish one
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
lh43 x childhood bestfriend!reader
warnings: angst, semi-swearing
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you and luke were inseparable. always attached to each other, whether it was you attending his hockey games or him attending your events. everyone around you guys always thought you were both dating, although you wish you were, there was never any romantic relationships.
highschool graduation happened, and you and luke both had committed to the university of michigan. as time went on through senior year, yours and lukes relationship was rocky, luke being too busy with hockey and girls to always be there for you. as for you, you were still one of his biggest supporters. it was in that long list of promises you guys made when you were seven. 'we promise to always be there for each other no matter what.'
college was rocky, you barely saw luke, heard from him, it was hard on you.
chances are, tonight, you've already got plans and chances are i will talk myself to sleep again
you cried every night, seeing pictures of luke at parties with girls while you were never invited. you felt invisible to him now, your mom and ellen called every day, they knew how much love you have for luke, they knew it from the moment you slipped and fell on the ice and luke helped you up, the moment your spark in your eyes grew.
and the voices say, "you are not the exception you will never learn your lesson"
that spark was now slowly fading away. you really thought you had a chance being his best friend that maybe, just maybe he'd be in love with you too.
don't know what to call this situation but i know i can't call you mine
the whole first semester of freshman year went by really fast, meaning it was now time for winter break, one of your favorite seasons. luke was still radio silence, you both always spent winter together, guess he's too famous for you now, another promise broken, 'we promise to never forget each other, no matter how famous we get.'
but goodbye screamin' in the silence and the voices in my head are tellin' me why
when ellen and your mother came down to visit they held a little gathering with jack, quinn, luke and his friends.
the gathering was a mess.
"yo moose who's this girl in your baby pictures." one of his teammates had brought up.
"oh her, she's just an old friend." he had replied, 'old friend.' that hurt to hear, you were no longer apart of his life.
cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings i'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring
luke didn't know you were there, too busy with his new girlfriend and teammates. but you heard it all, you see it all, it was heartbreaking, quinn saw it all though. quinn was always second closest to you, being that person you looked up to, he was the first person you ever confessed you had a crush to luke on.
"it hurts quinny, it hurts so much, i feel like a ghost to him. i thought we would've happened i thought all the signs i gave him would've been enough for him to catch on. i feel so stupid" you sobbed into quinns chest, hos heart breaking for you.
"shh its okay, my brothers an idiot, please don't feel like stupid, it's not your fault angel" quinn rubbed your back softly as you sat there and cried yourself to sleep.
foolish one sittin' 'round waiting for confessions of love they ain't never gonna come and thinkin' he's the one, you should've been walkin' out foolish one
you woke up the next morning devastated. maybe in another universe it could've happened, but right now its time to piece yourself back together. you couldn't face watching your spark keep fading over someone who no longer is present in your life.
when all is said and done, he just wasn't the one no, he just wasn't the one
for you, luke will always be your past present and future, but right now he is not what is needed in your life, mayne one day he'll come back to his senses but for the time being self-love is the best healing.
tags: @drysdalesv @ghostfacd @shy4turcs
pt 2??
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corrodedcorpses · 2 years
Boys on Film
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Pairing: PS!Steve x PS!Eddie x Virgin!reader
Summary: Eddie and Steve have been your best friends for years. Although they've never done or said anything to make you feel bad, you can't help but feel inadequate to them when it comes to sexual experience. After they star in their first Threesome together, some weird emotions arise.
Warnings: Smut (18+), light angst, Masturbation (female), Voyeurism, Oral sex (m & F), Double penetration, watching porn (?)
Word count: 5.7k
a/n: I know I said I was going to post part 2 of this on my Ao3 but I think this account has finally revived itself! So part 2 will be up on here and Ao3 in a couple of days!
Also thank you to everyone for sticking around while my account was doomed, ily 🖤
Part 2 // Part 3
Eddie and Steve have been your closest friends for years.
Your friendship with Eddie started out your first week of highschool and the first week of Eddie’s third year. Eddie had seen you wandering the crowded halls, head down and gripping the strap of your worn backpack, trying to draw as little attention to yourself as possible. 
There was something about you, your shyness and innocence that Eddie seemed drawn to. He had thought about approaching you but couldn’t work up the courage or a good enough excuse to talk to you. 
Everytime your eyes met for a brief second you quickly looked away and Eddie saw, what he assumed, was fear in your eyes everytime you did. He was honestly surprised how fast his reputation spread, even to the newer students, but he was used to it by now. 
Luckily for him, as you sped through the halls at the end of school one day, head down low and staring at the floor, you had unknowingly stepped right into his path… and smashed right into his chest. 
You looked up at him with wide, shocked eyes and he offered you a kind smile back. He expected you to just run away, no one else bothered to apologise when they ran into him, but instead you stammered out a tiny “S-sorry, I didn’t see you, there’s just um, so many people”. 
Eddie was shocked for a second, his cold heart melting slightly at your tiny voice, but quickly regained his confidence and reassured you that “It’s totally fine, gets pretty crazy here at the end of the day”. 
“Yeah,” you’d replied with a sigh, “It’s gonna take some getting used to that’s for sure. People don’t just create a path for me when I’m coming.” you’d said with the slightest, still nervous chuckle, attempting to lightheartedly tease him. 
Eddie’s chest ached at the sound. “Well stick with me little one,” Eddie assured, throwing an arm around your shoulders and changing his original direction to walk with you, “I’ll protect you.” 
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics but couldn’t help looking up at him with awe in your eyes, blushing when he winked and smirked at you. “Now, where are we headed?” 
After that it seemed Eddie had decided that you were (somehow) worthy of his friendship and affection. You still don’t know why he had decided to be so nice to you that day but you were more than thankful. You’d both been inseparable ever since and although it had never progressed to anything more than friendship, you loved him dearly. 
4 years later at the end of your (Eddie’s third) senior year, he introduced you to the “now super metal” Steve Harrington.
At first you were apprehensive of Steve after hearing the rumours of “King Steve” and being no stranger to insults being thrown your way from Tommy H, Carol and the rest of the basketball team, even after Steve had graduated. 
Just like Eddie. 
Which is why you were so confused when he insisted on you giving Steve a chance and that he was sure you’d actually like him. You’d also heard the kids from Hellfire (especially Dustin) also gush over Steve, so eventually, with a lot of convincing, you decided that maybe he deserved a chance. 
Your first time meeting Steve properly was over at Eddie’s trailer, he’d insisted that the best way to break the ice was to all get high together, a habit you’d picked up thanks to the metalhead himself. You weren’t surprised that Steve also smoked, having heard about his infamous parties. 
Eddie had given you a ride home from school that day and you thankfully had a few hours with just him before Steve arrived after work. You were hoping that hanging out with Eddie would calm your nerves at spending time with Steve but unfortunately you spent the whole time practically pacing around the whole trailer, while Eddie watched you from the couch. 
Eddie found it amusing (and a little bit cute) how nervous you were but did his best to try and reassure you. 
“Don’t you remember that awful rumour that Carol spread around school about me?”
“You’ll have to be more specific sweetheart, which one?” He teased with a chuckle. Not helping. 
You glared back at him. “My point exactly. And Steve just stood there as they all laughed at me, at us practically the whole way through highschool!” You were almost yelling now. 
“Yeah but Steve didn’t do any of the actual bullying,” Eddie tried. 
You gave him a look of come on and he just shrugged in return. 
Luckily, before you could completely spiral, you both heard a knock on the door. You froze in your current pacing spot and looked at Eddie with fear in your eyes, realising you were closest to the door. 
You quickly ran and sat down on the other side of the couch before Eddie could even think about suggesting you get the door. Eddie looked at you confused while standing up, mumbling a don't worry, i'll get it with a fond shake of his head. 
He’d never admit it to you but he loves how shy you are, more specifically loves how shy you are around everyone but him and how you seem to always look at him to protect you when your nerves get the better of you. He liked feeling needed and trusted so much by you. 
Eddie had quickly opened the door, surprising you by pulling Steve into a quick friendly embrace. While Steve, even more to your surprise, gladly returned the hug. Eddie then stepped to the side to let Steve come in. Steve went straight to the kitchen, placing the two white bags on the counter and saying something about bringing reinforcements. 
It was only then that Steve seemed to notice you on the couch as you sat awkwardly fiddling with the hem of your skirt. 
“Where are my manners?” He asked rhetorically, striding over to the couch with his hand outstretched. You stood, timidly taking his hand to shake. 
“Hey I’m Steve, Steve Harrington”
“Hey, y-yeah, I know” we went to the same school dumbass, “I’m y’n”.
“Right,” he says, placing his other hand on top of yours, “Eddie didn’t tell me his “best friend” that I’d be meeting was so pretty.” 
You blushed hard at that. Hating his cheesy one liner and hating how much you wanted to like it. You shot Eddie a glance that said a mix between seriously? This guy? And please save me. 
Eddie gave you a look back that said play nice but asked Steve to help him grab some stuff from his room. You sunk back into the couch relieved as they walked away, how were you supposed to survive a whole night of Steve Harrington?
As Eddie and Steve got to the room you heard Eddie whisper “Seriously Man?” way too loudly.
“What?” Steve had whispered way too loudly back. 
“You’re coming on way too strong.”
“What? No I’m not, she's a total babe!” you rolled your eyes at that, there's no way Steve had changed as much as Eddie thought. 
“Yeah yeah, I know,” Eddie replied, “just chill out with the flirting, you’re gonna scare her off”.
I know? Eddie knows that you’re a babe? 
You did not have time to fully process what he meant when both boys returned from Eddie’s room with his trusty black lunchbox. 
You were relieved when Eddie sat next to you on the couch and Steve took the recliner. It was awkward at first, you were easily getting lost in the conversations with both of their big personalities but they made sure to ask you specific things and let you have enough room to talk. 
After you had all passed a few joints around it got even easier. You were surprised to find that Steve obviously cared a lot about Eddie, even remembering small details of the latest D&D campaign Eddie had been working on and making sure his favourite snack was in his plastic “reinforcement” bags.  
You also, despite yourself, started having fun and actually laughing with Steve Harrington for once and not at the expense of others as you’d seen him do too often in highschool. 
You were also surprised to see that maybe he wasn’t as confident and sure of himself as he used to be. He was still certainly confident but not in the same intimidating and arrogant way. 
Also, much to your detest, you started to find his lame flirting actually quite endearing. Eventually, you had no choice but to agree with Eddie that Steve Harrington was a really good dude now. 
Ever since, the three of you have been inseparable. 
They were your shoulders to cry on, someone to pick you up after a bad day, someone to tell all your secrets and dreams to. All three of you supported each other through every failed and successful endeavour. 
Especially Eddie who, after finally graduating, realised he really didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life. He started out at a shitty music store straight out of highschool but he soon grew tired of it, never one to settle for the mundane. He wanted something more. 
Although his ultimate goal is still to be a “rockstar” and the band is doing pretty well, Eddie soon realised that there was something else (other than guitar and Dungeon Master-ing) that he was extremely good at: sex. 
You’re still not sure how he got into it, if he’d decided himself one day or if he’d been approached by someone but somehow Eddie Munson finds himself as a semi successful pornstar.
When Eddie had first told you and Steve that he’d stared in a porno, neither of you believed him. You really thought he was playing some weird joke on you both as it wasn’t unlike him to. So, in order to prove to you both that he was in fact, telling the truth, he got a copy of the film. 
You were completely shocked when the tape started playing on Steve’s TV. The obscene images and sounds like a slap to the face, something you never thought you’d get to see or hear from your best friend. But, you had to admit, Eddie was good and he looked hot. 
You tried to ignore the growing ache between your legs as you and Steve had grilled Eddie all about it for the rest of the night, asking if it was good or awkward, how much money he made, did he think he would do more? How did he even get in this situation in the first place? 
He answered all your questions about how it was a little awkward at first but ultimately good and a lot of fun. He didn’t give specifics of how much he made but assured that it was definitely more than he made at the music store. He also was adamant that he definitely wanted to do it again. 
He wouldn’t go into specifics, and still won’t, about how he started up, always saying something along the lines of “being chosen by the sex gods” or “it just seemed a shame to not share my talents with the world”. Each time he was rewarded by a massive eye roll from you and Steve but neither if you decided to pry more than that. 
You were especially surprised by the interest Steve seemed to have in it, asking more about the technicalities of how it all worked. Steve, like Eddie, really didn’t have much of a plan after High School. You knew that although he enjoyed his current job, he didn’t want to work there forever. So it didn’t come as a total shock when Steve had asked Eddie a couple of months later if he could help Steve land a role in one of the films. 
That was about a year ago now. 
Although you loved your two friends dearly and although they have never done or said anything to make you feel inferior to them, you couldn’t help when those ugly feelings rose in your chest. It wasn’t easy being friends with two very confident, very attractive men. 
Being pushed aside by girls who shamelessly threw themselves at them or worse the ugly looks you’d get when they’d casually throw a friendly arm around you while you were out or the fact that you were hopelessly sexually inept compared to them. 
Especially seeing as those two men literally had sex for a living and well… you were still a virgin.  
It wasn’t for your lack of trying though, you’d just never seen yourself as an overly sexual person, having not even really touched yourself that much. Besides, most of the time when you try to, you can hardly ever make yourself finish.
You’d never understood when your friends would talk about their sexual experiences or toys they’d tried. You just didn’t get the interest but it was something you were definitely insecure about. Almost convinced something must be wrong with you. 
It also didn’t help that there were never any guys during High School that peaked your interest, other than maybe Eddie. But you were sure he didn’t feel the same way and didn’t want to risk ruining your friendship over a silly crush. 
So, in the past year, while Eddie and Steve were becoming more popular, staring in a bunch of different films and having a heap of different sexual experiences, you’d only found yourself in a brief relationship with a total dick. 
He was nice enough at first but had pressured you a bit more than you would have liked to do things you probably weren’t ready for. You’d eventually given in and tried to give him a blowjob but he was way too pushy and forceful and you didn’t enjoy it at all. He’d said afterwards that he’d return the favour, but after about 2 minutes kept asking over and over again if you were getting close yet. Eventually you’d just faked it for him to stop, not really feeling anything the whole time he had.
After that the relationship kind of dwindled and he’d broken up with you. There were many issues with your comparability, but he’d made a point to mention that you weren’t sexual enough. That part had really ruined your confidence to ever try anything again with someone else. 
You’d of course told Eddie and Steve about your relationship and how much of a douche he was when it all ended. They’d done their best to cheer you up and reassure you that you should never have to do anything with someone just because you’re in a relationship with them and that there was no shame in having little to no experience. 
You appreciated their words but can’t help but feel insecure in the fact that their job is to have sex and make other people feel good and you can barely even make yourself cum. 
It’s Thursday night, a night reserved for your weekly (when your busy schedules allowed) dinners with Eddie and Steve. They were always at your house too as you were the only one that lived alone. 
You didn’t mind though, you liked being in your little space that you had created and having the two people you loved the most inside it. 
You were especially excited for tonight as it had been about a month since you’d all be free enough to finally have dinner and you had missed them both. 
You all spoke on the phone regularly but it was different than actually being with them, missing how your body seemed to instantly relax the minute you saw them. 
Eddie must have picked up Steve as you heard the familiar sounds of his van approaching and two sets of people jump out. 
You immediately ran to the door to greet them, excitement practically bubbling out of you. They both shared your excitement, quickly pulling you into tight hugs. 
They’d picked up some food on the way and you’d already set the table, so you all sat and ate straight away. 
“So,” you say with a mouthful of food, “what did I miss in the lives of my two sex gods”. You giggle as you say the last part overly dramatic and teasing. Eddie smirks at your use of the nickname he’d given himself on many occasions as Steve just rolls his eyes at you. 
“Oh you know, same old stuff,” Eddie replied casually. 
“We’ve both just been doing a couple of different films, trying new stuff,” Steve expanded. They never seem to give you much detail, which you think you're thankful for. 
“Dazzling the world with our tallent,” Eddie not so subtly added. “Oh! And we did a threesome together the other day.”
You almost choked on the food in your mouth as you felt your eyes practically fall out of your head. “You what?”
“Yeah, well I’ve been doing more threesomes lately and we needed another guy for one and they’d asked if I knew anyone,” Eddie explained like it was the most casual thing “and I of course immediately thought of Stevie, especially because I know he’s been keen to try one.”
You took a second to process all of this new information. Your two best friends, had a threesome, together, for Steve’s first threesome. 
You tried to figure out the weird emotions you were feeling at knowing this, more thankful now than ever that they usually didn’t tell you details about their job. 
Steve and Eddie exchanged a confused look at the unreadable expression on your face, they certainly hadn’t expected this reaction. They actually weren’t sure what reaction they had expected but it certainly wasn't this. 
“Hey,” Steve tried, “it’s not like a big deal or anything, I mean it’s just work.” Steve didn’t really know why he’d said that, you knew it was work and you’d always been supportive of them both. And it’s not like you’d be jealous or anything but he needed you to say something. 
“Ouch Harrington,” Eddie teased, “not a big deal? You mean to tell me it wasn’t earth shattering, that I haven’t changed your life forever?” 
Steve just rolled his eyes and shook his head at Eddie but could help himself but laugh at him. You found yourself laughing too, finally coming back to your senses. 
“Right,” you said finally, “sorry, I mean it’s fine obviously I just guess I was kind of shocked?” 
“Yeah we get that,” Steve assured you. 
“Wait- Steve, since when do you swing that way?” you asked
Steve just shrugged in response. He didn’t really know what way he swung these days, he didn’t really care as long as he was having fun and besides, Eddie is hot and he definitely knows what he’s doing. So of course anyone would jump at the opportunity to star in a Threesome with him, right?
“He only swings that way for me,” Eddie teased while grabbing Steve’s hand from across the table and quickly brushing his lips against his knuckles, “isn’t that right?”
You giggle at Eddie’s usual overly dramatic, complete disregard of personal space flirting but don’t miss the fact that Steve doesn't pull away. You feel a pang of jealousy at how they seem closer now, they’ve shared an experience with each other that you’d never get to share with them. You’re confused as to why that hurts so much but you start to feel even more inadequate at your lack of experience. 
“You’re full of shit Munson,” Steve replies, luckily bringing you out of your thoughts as he pulls his hand away finally. You don’t miss how much he’s blushing though, and neither does Eddie. 
“Wait, you guys said threesome right?” They both nod. “So… I'm assuming that means the third person was a girl?” You’re not really sure why you asked, something inside you just compelled you to dig deeper about the whole situation. 
“Yeah, a pretty little thing,” Eddie replies.
“Mmm, she was sweet,” Steve comments. 
“Oh and so good,” Eddie expands as you feel bitterness rise in your throat. 
“Mmm”, Steve agrees through a mouthful of food. 
Of course she was good, that’s her job, you try to reason with yourself. But god you wish you could also be good at something like that. 
Your dinner continues with no other world altering revelations thankfully but you keep coming back to the fact that they’ve done a threesome together. 
You keep asking them how it was. Good.
Had they done stuff together or just to her at the same time? 
Together and to her at the same time. (You tried to ignore the ache between your legs when they’d mentioned they’d touched each other and not just her).
And many, many questions about her and what she was like and what she was good at. 
They’d kept their answers brief but from what you could decipher she was amazing. Some of the things and positions they’d mentioned seemed impossible. The fact that they had fucked her throat and practically bent her in half and both fucked her at the same time one in each hole? It seemed crazy to you. 
Every time you asked a new question you felt worse and worse about yourself but you couldn’t stop. You both needed to know everything and needed them to never talk about it again. 
Thankfully, you thought it seemed as though they hadn’t picked up on how awful you felt by the end of the night. 
But Eddie had, we’ll sort of. He knew you better than anyone and could tell you were feeling a bit insecure but mainly took your interest as being curious about the technicalities of it all. Which was also true, you couldn’t imagine much about sex with one person, let alone two. 
This gave him a wicked idea…
The next day you get home from work exhausted. All day you’d been messing up everything. You were completely exhausted, distracted and just not yourself, your mind constantly wandering to Steve and Eddie. 
You’d tossed and turned all last night after they’d left, the ache between your legs growing unbearable but again, you’d tried and failed to relieve it. 
You felt the weirdest mix of jealousy and arousal. You knew Eddie and Steve were hot but you’d tried your best to never think of them like that knowing you couldn’t have them. 
But after knowing someone had had both of them together you couldn’t help but think about what they would be like and about all of the times you could’ve had that. 
Maybe if you’d been more sexual your late night smoke sessions or the nights when you’d all stumbled home from the bars or from Eddie’s shows could’ve led to more. 
But every time you thought about that and let yourself fantasise about them, and their bodies and their lips and how they would feel all over your skin and their hands roaming all over you… you felt guilt. 
These were your best friends and you knew that thinking about this stuff would only lead to heartache. You weren’t sexual and you honestly didn’t know if you ever would be, they wouldn’t want you. Especially not now. 
Now they were more out of your league than ever. 
You’re so caught up in your thoughts of them again you don’t see it on your kitchen counter until you almost squish it with your bag: a tape. 
You pick it up to inspect it, almost certain you didn’t leave one here this morning and find a note taped to it. 
Seeing as you were so interested. 
Sprawled out in Eddie’s handwriting, complete with a winky face. 
You gasp and quickly put the tape back on the counter as you realise what’s on it. As if the tape itself was as dirty as the contents were sure to be. 
You stare at it for a moment, this is the tape. With video proof of your best friend’s threesome. You shake your head and huff off to your bedroom. Trust Eddie to do something like this. 
He was messing with you, there’s no way he’d actually want you to see it! I mean you did see another tape that one other time he showed you and Steve… but that was only to prove he’d done it!! 
God, did Steve even know Eddie dropped the tape off? Surely… right? Eddie wouldn’t drop it off if Steve didn’t know. 
You weren’t even sure why you cared that he’d given it to you; it wasn't like you were actually going to watch it. It’s not like you’d been fantasising about nothing but the contents of the tape for the last 24 hours…
I mean… if you just watched it at least you wouldn’t have to fantasise about what could be on it anymore right? 
God what am I thinking? You scold yourself. There’s no way you’re considering this. 
You get changed and start your nightly chores around the house as well as making dinner. But more times than you’d like to admit you find yourself picking up that damn tape to put it back down again.
Eventually you find yourself sitting at the table staring at it, dinner long finished and the house completely spotless. Your leg is bouncing uncontrollably as you bite the skin around your nails, there's no way you’re considering this. But, what’s the worst that could happen?
Fuck it. 
They, or at least Eddie, left it here for me. And I’m sure heaps of other people have already watched it so why would it be weird for me to? 
You rush to the living room and pop the tape in the player, sitting on the carpet in front of your tv. 
You sit nervously as the tape starts, opening with all three of them making out and touching each other on a bed. It was surreal to see Eddie and Steve on your tv and even more surreal to see them like this. 
You watch as they all slowly got undressed, your eyes bulged as you see both of their cocks spring free, heat shooting directly to your core. 
You watch as the girl sat back and started to touch herself as they both watched, fisting their cocks slowly. 
She looked so confident, you thought. So sure of herself and her body. The moans she was making were intense to say the least but it seemed like both of the boys were enjoying it. 
You felt that ugly feeling of jealousy rise in your chest once again. Oh how you wished you could be that confident, how you wished they were looking at you like that. 
You shook your head and turned off the tape quickly. That was a mistake, you don’t even want Eddie and Steve, why would you care how they were looking at her? You didn’t care. 
But the tear that slipped down your cheek betrayed you. You quickly wipe it away, annoyed at yourself. 
You decide that you’ve obviously just had a long and stressful day and that it is definitely time for bed.  
You shower quickly, doing your best to stop more tears from slipping and to try and get the images of your two best friends out of your head. 
You pick out some fresh comfy pjs and slide into bed, hoping sleep will take you quickly. 
It doesn’t. 
You toss and turn for what feels like hours, you can’t get comfy and you can’t get rid of the damn aching between your legs. 
You can’t stop thinking of them… of their bodies. How big they both are. The lustful look on their faces as they watched her in awe. Would they look at you the same if you were her? God, how their muscles tensed as they stroked themselves… 
Oh fuck this. 
You throw the blankets off yourself, suddenly overheating and plunge your fingers straight into your soaking hole, as you always do. 
Your head is filled with nothing but thoughts of Eddie, of Steve, of Eddie and Steve of them, them, them. 
You think of their toned bodies, Steve’s slightly tanned and hairy, Eddie’s pale and littered with dark ink, some you didn’t even know he had. 
You think of the lust blown looks on their faces and their laboured breaths as they touched themselves. Pretending it’s you they’re looking at like that. 
You think of their cocks, so hard and throbbing in their hands. How Steve’s was big and gloriously thick where Eddie’s was thinner but oh so long. 
You feel the coil start to tighten in your stomach but just as you think it’s about to snap it disappears. Again. 
You groan in frustration as you throw yourself out of bed. Body moving before your brain can keep up. 
You find yourself sat in front of the tv again as you start the tape where you’d turned it off just hours before. You lean back on one of your hands as the other snakes between your legs once again. Your legs bent and spread in front of you. 
You watch as they move towards her, no longer watching her touch herself. Eddie bends down and buries his head between her legs as she cries out in pleasure. He must be good. 
Steve kneels beside her and kisses her while playing with her nipples. You feel another pang of jealousy at watching Steve kiss her like that but your arousal overtakes the feeling as you continue to watch and finger yourself. 
You watch intently as they change positions. The girl is now on all fours on the bed as Steve comes to stand in front of her and Eddie behind her kneeling on the bed.  The girl starts to suck Steve’s dick, taking it so deep from the start. He lets out a guttural moan which shoots straight to your core, coating you in more slick. 
Eddie starts massaging her ass before shoving two fingers inside her. This causes her to slightly gags around Steve’s cock but this only makes Steve moan louder. 
You move your fingers faster as Steve’s moans increase, god his sounds fucking filthy. 
Eddie then lines himself up with her hole and slowly pushes all the way in till he bottoms out inside her with a deep groan. He sets a brutal pace from the start, letting out even louder moans than Steve. 
Of course he’s still loud when he fucks. 
You feel more jealousy and more arousal build in a weird mix in your stomach as they continue to fuck her. Both letting out dirty praises and sounds that you wish were directed towards you. 
Eddie then snakes his hand around to rub at her clit. You watch in awe as her legs start to shake, you’ve never been able to make your legs do that. 
She must cum then as both Steve and Eddie praise her for being such a good girl and Eddie tells her how good she feels squeezing his cock. 
Shit, you wanna be their good girl so bad. 
They both pull out then as the girl sits back on the bed panting. Much to your surprise Eddie moves over to Steve and captures his lips in a sloppy kiss. The sight alone is enough to get you so close. 
Then Steve mumbles something about wanting to have a taste of her too while shooting her a ink, you think he’s about to have a turn at eating her out but instead he drops to his knees. 
Eddie looks slightly surprised but quickly recovers and laces his hands in Steve’s golden brown hair. 
Steve licks a broad stripe from Eddie’s balls to the tip before taking the red tip in his mouth. He starts to bob his head enthusiastically and Eddie lets out a loud, almost high pitched moan. It sounds different to the other moans, more real. 
You don’t miss the look on Eddie’s face as he watches Steve, he looks almost proud and so turned on. 
This definitely isn’t the first time Steve’s done this but he still isn’t quite as good as the girl was. He gags a lot more but everytime he does Eddie tips his head back with a groan, so it must feel good. 
This sight alone has you moaning out loud, head tipping back and eyes screwing shut as you feel your orgasm finally approaching. 
They must change positions again because you hear the girl moaning too, but you’re too close to open your eyes again, too focused. 
You hear Eddie and Steve praising again, moaning out that’s it, good girl and look at you, taking us so well. Also some dirtier ones like you like that, you filthy slut and taking both our cocks so well in your dirty fucking holes. You didn’t expect it but you like those ones just as much as the nicer ones. 
You finger yourself faster as you pretend it’s you they’re talking to and finally, finally you feel the coil snap in your stomach.
You cum hard around your fingers with a high pitched gasp. Your head swimming with thoughts of Eddie and Steve. 
You see stars as you have easily the most intense one you’ve ever had, granted, that wasn’t too hard. 
Your orgasm lasts for what feels like hours but finally you start to come down from your high, head feeling dizzy and cloudy. Fingers falling from your abused hole. 
You finally open your eyes and take note of what’s happening on the screen. You’re shocked to find a close up of Eddie and Steve’s cocks fucking both her pussy and asshole. 
This snaps you out of your post-orgasm haze and you quickly jump up and turn the tape off at the sight. All previous grey morals from arousal gone. 
You slump back on the ground and rub your face as you realise what you’ve just done. You feel ashamed but also don’t? You stand on shaky legs, making your way back to your bed.
You slump down, suddenly exhausted. Tonight has been weird and has revealed some weird emotions you’re still not sure of. There’s one thought and feeling in particular that won't leave your mind though: 
You really want to fuck your best friends. 
____________________________________________________ Tagging some mutuals that may be interested: @andvys @pxrxcxa @wroteclassicaly @eddiemunsonfuxks @usedtobecooler @corrodedhawkins @prettyboyeddiemunson
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moneymartin · 2 months
so hear me out…maybe reader is like a fam friend of Kate’s. They were best friends and played together all the time. They went to Iowa together, and are roommates. Reader plays volleyball, soccer, softball, wtv you want. And like a slow burn friends to lovers!!?? (i’m a whore for friends to lovers) i’m talking mutual pining, years of attraction and feelings…literally brewing for 22 years (kate’s going to be 24 soon, so like they’re moms were bestfriends so Kate and readers friendship started when they were like 2?)
・❥・- no hard feelings.
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summary: basically the req lol. r plays soccer at uoi and kate is a nervous wreck 😭
warnings: none rlly… just the use of y/n if that even counts as one??? 💀
rpf!!! don’t read it if ur uncomfortable 😣
wc: 2.25k
a/n: not my usual stuff, i know. i’ve just been itching to write something about kate :( plz don’t unfollow me guys and don’t leave me mooties </3 🤧 i swear i’m going back on my yjs grind once school ends. every divider is a timeskip btw cuz this is lowk long and im layz asfk… also kind of messy i’m so sorry
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22 years. you and kate have been friends for 22 fucking years, and she hasn’t picked up yet. your very obvious feelings for her are starting to fade the more she’s been avoiding them. it sucks so fucking much.
these stupid feelings started when both of you ended up at the same university and the same dorm. you never saw kate in that light. she was your mom’s best friend’s kid, and the rest was history. you played tackle football with her when she had nobody else to play with, practiced basketball with her. you two were practically attached to the hip. the same elementary, middle school, highschool, and the same damn college.
it wasn’t like you could just leave too. the scholarship you were offered for soccer was totally worth the taking, and you couldn’t leave behind the team either. the first few times you gained feelings for kate was when you were in middle school. ‘experimenting’ with your feelings. well, that was your guys’ excuse after you two losers got caught by her mom. after that it was just dating stupid boys to get your head out of it and your head off of kate. thankfully, she was trying to do the same exact solution. you knew a lot about her.
but the one thing you didn’t know was that she felt the exact same. she was just too scared to say it. its not like she wants to lose a 22 year friendship over her uncontrollable feelings. first thing she did was go to caitlin, and she was practically freaking the hell out over it. cait was definitely the anchor between the both of you. helping you with accidental arguments so you didn’t lose kate, helping you out with what to say when she was upset. it was good having someone like that, but it was so incredibly stressful having to consistently ask for some sort of advice.
eventually you were tired of it. tired of waiting for something to happen. waiting for a move to be made by kate or maybe just a few little hints that kept you going. although you couldn’t anymore. it was draining, like someone who didn’t realize what you felt about them. you told caitlin everything after that reality set in for you. it was the blinding of your feelings that let everything slip through your mind and basically fly over your head. how could you be so naive to believe that she did and you were just trying hard for nothing in return. it was dumb, and you knew that much.
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one night after a long day of testing and practice, you stumble your way into your dorm, the door locked and a frown crossing your face. the keys were in your stupid locker. “open the door, please..” you murmur, voice tired and confused. you bring your fist up to the door and knock softly, the sound of the lock clicking and the door creaking open. “jeez. soccer must’ve been a pain in the ass. you look like shit.” kate laughs, grabbing your arm gently to stable your body. letting out a heavy huff of breath, you lean slightly into her and drop your arms to your sides. “tell me about it.” she smiles and hoists you up carefully, locking the door and bringing you to the living room.
the moment your butt hits the couch cushion you let out a soft sigh and look at kate, her big stupid and soft eyes locking onto yours. the corners of your lips curl up slightly and you snicker, raising your eyebrows. “do you really wanna know? cause its a stupid story.” you exaggerate and rub the back of your neck. kate takes the spot next to you and nods continuously, her head leaning onto your shoulder. “trust me, dude. i wanna hear it.”
“kay, well… coach dilanni was being a total douche about what i wanted to practice. i mean, its fucking practice for a reason. i’m supposed to practice what i need to practice! not what he wants me to practice.” your voice gets a little low and you start to slur out your words. the repeated words and slow murmurs make her laugh a little, her arm hooking around your neck and bringing your head towards hers. “and he gave me so much attitude. like, the more i tried to defend myself the more he spoke over me. the old head was thinking about benching me during the champ game!!!” you blurt out and let out a groan.
she starts to realize just how tired you are and pouts, her head moving away, and her hands cupping your face. your head involuntarily moves to stare at hers, your eyes half open, your lips pursed slightly, and your head dropped down a little. “he looks like a nice old guy but deep down that man has some serious problems,” you grumble. “and don’t even get me started on the tests i had to take.” kate’s eyebrows raise and her face stills for a moment when you bury your face deep into her neck. your breath tickles at her skin and she feels shivers running up and down her back. you’re so tired you don’t even realize what you’re doing.
“y/n…” she breathes out heavily and you hear her swallow down whatever she needs to say. your head pulls out and you look at her with big eyes too, just like how she did earlier. water forms in your ducts as you try to fight off the sleepiness, but the way kate is looking at you makes it hard to get off of her. “hm?” you hum and drop your head against her shoulder. “never mind, okay.” her voice drops too and softens a bit, a familiar heat rushing up to your face when she runs her fingers up and down your back.
the warmth of her body and the relief you feel when you hear her voice makes your head spin like crazy. its like she knows what you feel about her and is just doing this to mess with you. the second your eyes shut, kate sucks in a sharp breath in through her teeth and practically manhandles you. gently, of course. but shes picked you up like a damn baby and you don’t have the slightest intention of stopping her from doing it.
your stomach spins and churns awkwardly from the contact. you’ve known kate all your life, but right now it feels like you just saw her on campus for the first time. after you got that news you guys shared a room together. you suddenly get the reminder of your feelings for her, like a shit ton of fireworks igniting in your stomach. more so reigniting. she brushes her fingers up against your face to move a few strands of hair from it.
kate likes you. she really fucking does, and its just the fact that she can’t spit it out no matter how much she wants to. no matter how much she wants to scream it from the rooftop and tell the whole world about how she feels. she thinks you’re the prettiest girl she’s ever seen and she has that gut feeling where she believes that you feel the same way. she isn’t stupid but shes smitten and that’s blinding her as well. just like how it did to you.
“y’know how we’ve been friends for like.. a bajillion years?” she laughs nervously and curls her lips downwards a bit. you know that shes nervous and its starting to make you nervous too. you’re starting to sweat a little underneath your shirt and you can somehow feel it under your skin. “yeah, why?” you ask and open your eyes to look at her face. its all red, her eyes open wide with anxiety, and her mouth slightly parted.
“okay, listen to me and don’t freak out… please.” kate squeaks out and moves her hands away from you. her reactions and jitters cause you to sit up and watch her every move just to make sure she really doesn’t start to freak. theres a feeling in your stomach that can’t really be put into words. it’s that feeling where you wanna throw up because of your nerves and the wanna jump off a bridge before you hear what she says. “i won’t go crazy, you idiot. what’s wrong with you?” you ask with a little chuckle but it quickly fades away when you realize what she’s about to say.
you’re not feeling this because you’re embarrassed of what she’s feeling. you’re just nervous and not used to it. at least thats what you’re telling yourself. there’s a little voice in your head repeatedly telling you to “calm the fuck down!” and it isn’t really helping. your brain is fried from the tiredness you feel too, but this seems really important. “nothing is wrong with me, i just dunno.. need to tell you something before its too late.” she whispers and tilts her head to the side a little, figuring out how she has to say it and if she really should let you know. now that she’s declared that she needs to say this little thing before its ‘too late’ confirms everything you need to know.
“this probably sounds stupid and dumb and i’m going to sound like the biggest loser in the world,” she starts, her voice cracking and her face contorting in different ways you’ve never seen before. in all the years you’ve know kate, shes never been so anxious and nervous about something like this before. its kinda scary. “but i think i’m like.. really in love with you.” she stumbles over her words and buries her face into her hands. it takes you a moment to process what she says as the sleepiness corrupts your mind. “i’m sorry, what?” you mutter.
“i said i like you!!!” kate blurts out and you watch her face turn the reddest you’ve ever seen it. you’ve been with her for almost all of her relationships and this is the first time her face has ever looked like that. her previous partners have never had her like this, they’ve never had her the way you have, and you’re realizing that just now. “oh.” you gulp. the words you’ve been waiting to hear for more than half of your life have finally been said, and it is the greatest relief you’ve ever felt in your life. and everything makes sense now.
the way kate brushes up against you in the halls, the fact she always walks you to your classes no matter how far hers is from it, her taking you to soccer practice, her watching your games like how you watch her, and the fact that you are the reason she blushes like she’s embarrassed herself. although she hasn’t, she’s just so into you, and nothing is gonna change the way she feels. “‘oh?’ is that it?” kate spits out and starts to panic a little. after she’s just admitted, she’s expected something different from you. maybe the same thing? she doesn’t know what she was expecting, it just wasn’t that.
your eyes widen and your face grows redder the longer you stare at her and when your tiny tired peabrain registers that she reciprocates what you feel. “no! that’s not it, stupid, i like you too!” you blurt out as well and push her shoulders. kate has a look of something on her face. you can’t tell what it is but she seems happy about what you said, and that makes your emotions explode. “okay, you know what? i love you, actually! i love you, i love you, i love you!!!!!!!!” you stutter out a bunch of times. years and years of hoping and waiting that she’ll finally do something comes to a stop. “i have my whole damn life.” you murmur, catching your breath slightly from the continuous shouting of your feelings at her. the burning and churning in your stomach goes away and is replaced with a certain sense of relief. a relief that you haven’t felt in ages.
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“oh so, you’re serious, serious?”
“yes, okay. i’m not joking, like i meant everything.”
“say you swear or i won’t believe one word you say.”
“i swear on coach dilanni’s life.” you giggle, fingers threading through kate’s blonde strands. her head is propped up on your chest and her eyes are slightly open. you two have been sitting there for about ten minutes, talking about why or how you even got these stupid little feelings for each other. but none of you are complaining. matter of fact, you’re both on the verge of falling asleep but the presence from each other makes you both wanna stay up all damn night if you could.
“he’s not gonna like that...” she murmurs, voice soft and slurring a bit. kate wraps her arms tight around your waist, her head moving into a more comfortable position. your hands are all over the place and you’re basically just messing up her hair, one of her eyes closing when a few strands get in her face. “you have no idea what you’re doing, huh?” her lips turn into that smile you know all too well now, and her eyes closing completely. a yawn escapes from in between your lips and she hears it, snapping her head upwards, that smile turning into a smirk.
“kiss me.”
and you do.
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lovelinoss · 6 months
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Nonidol!hyunjin x gn!reader
Enemies to lovers | highschool!au (seniors)
Warnings : bickering.. semi-bullying? (Not much, they hate eachother so..), no more that I know of let me know if there is any to add
A/n : like a one time thing cause I was thinking about scenarios in my head when I thought of this was and I kept getting ideas 😭 never writing a fic in my life again 😥 also was not expecting this to be THIS long but!! Part 2 maybe.. ^^
(7.7k words)
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Hwang. Fucking. Hyunjin.
Just his name alone was enough to infuriate you and get your blood boiling. Simply put, he was your arch-nemesis. Your rival. Your enemy. Always picking on you in school, acting like he was all high and mighty. He would do anything to make you mad, and it worked. Even if you didn’t wanna admit it.
It was the week before your senior year finally started. You were dreading going to school, not excited to see Hyunjin again. Laying down in your bed, fond memories came flooding back as you were thinking about the upcoming school year.
Once, Hyunjin just so happened to be right behind you while you were in the cafeteria, and just so happened to ‘bump’ into you. Saying how he was “oh so sorry”, saying how he didn’t see you and just ran off, leaving your meal on the floor and you glaring at him.
Another time during hoco, he ‘accidentally’ spilled his almost full cup - and I mean till the brim - of fruit punch onto your white dress. It was obviously planned. He said a meaningless sorry as he ran off cackling with his friends, high fiving one of them. You went home right after, feeling all sticky and a bit humiliated in front of the whole school.
And another time, he threw a football as you were walking past the field. Not when you were even close to the border that marked off the play area. It so happened to hit you right on the head, causing you to drop your newly bought phone to the concrete ground. Everyone knew he had a good aim. You turned back, furious, to see him high fiving his friends.
There was oh so much more, and you wanted this to end. A new year, new you, yeah?
Finally, Monday came rolling around. You quickly got ready, putting on a decent outfit for the first day and finally arrived upon your dear, sweet high school.
As you walked in, your best friend Jisung wrapped his arms around you, welcoming you in a Jisung-signature style way.
“Hey bae!” He said sweetly. “So, whats the occasion? Looking a bit hot today.” You laughed, smacking him on his arm as he exaggerated the pain.
“Nothing,” you responded. “Just.. wanted to look a bit better for the new year yknow?”
“Ah, gotcha,” he winked. “Yknow. Hyunjin came around earlier, asking where you were. Fucking obsessed freak. Anyway, I told him to fuck off and mind his business.”
“This is why I still tolerate you,” you responded, thanking him in your own way. He smacked you back as you guys both giggled and entered homeroom.
Thankfully, it was a free-sit class, automatically making both you and Jisung sit next to each other. As you were taking out your pencil, you heard Jisung groan, making you look up to see Hyunjin enter the doorway. As soon as he entered the classroom, he spotted you, allowing a big stupid smile to appear on that stupid face of his. Oh great.
“Hey,” Hyunjin said nonchalantly as he came towards you. “Thought you were gone for good. Glad you’re still here. That way I’ll still have some fun in this junk of a place.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes before you met his gaze.
“Oh yeah? Are you that obsessed with me that you just have to have me around here? You need me to have fun? Cute.”
You could see the flare in his eyes as he rolled his eyes and walked away from you, finding a seat next to one of his side chicks, all of a sudden making out with her in the middle of the classroom. His eyes glared at you. Staring at you while he made out with is billionth chick of the week. What a creep. You stuck a tongue out, turning your focus over to Jisung.
He lifted up and hand, signaling a high five and you did just that, slightly. You let out a sigh. Maybe you could really stand up to him. Maybe even mess around with him a bit, just like he did to you.
These small quarrels went on for a bit. Both of you guys always so happened to bump into each other at the worst timing, and end up bickering over the smallest things.
Once, he fucking tripped you as you were walking to your lunch table with Jisung. Making you fall face flat to the floor.
“I saw what you did, Hyunjin. Apologize,” Jisung said in defense. In response, Hyunjin just lifted to arms and shrugged, acting like he didn’t do anything. You were furious.
The next day, you stole his backpack and threw it in the fountain. Of course, he found you during passing period and shoved you against against a locker.
One day, your teacher announced that there was a new student in our school, joining your homeroom. Honestly, who goes to a new school one month of senior year on a Wednesday? You heard rumors he was hot, but you werent expecting that much until a boy walked in.
“Everyone, meet Lee Minho.” You teacher announced as the guy, introduced as Minho, waved giving a small smile. Somehow he met your gaze, and gave you your own smile. He wasn’t exactly your type, but he was hot. The rumors were exactly right.
Jisung just so happened to be preoccupied in his extracurriculars that time, having to had to leave during class time, but there was an empty seat next to you. Your teacher told Minho to go and sit next to you, which he happily obliged.
“Hey, I’m Minho,” He said as he sat down and faced you. His voice was so calming, like you could practically sleep while listening to him talk. “Well.. you already know that by now. What’s your name?”
“Y/n,” you responded. “Nice to meet you. How’d you end up moving to this school?”
“I dont know.. well I do know. But it’s kind of embarrassing..” he shyly said. “I got in trouble for self defense you could say. This guy punched me first and was going to do the same to my friend.. so I beat him up.” Your mouth gaped. He laughed at your shocked expression. “Don’t worry, I don’t go around beating random people up.”
You let out an exaggerated sigh as a joke and both of you guys laughed. He was sweet, you could definitely tell.
While you were getting to know Minho more, you felt a gaze boring into you. You turned to see Hyunjin staring at the two of you, more so likely to Minho, then back to you and so forth. What was wrong with him?
As the bell rang, you guys parted ways after you asked Minho if he wanted to join you and Jisung for lunch. He happily accepted, having no one else he knew in the school yet. Once you met Jisung in the hallways to go to your other class together, you told him about lunch with Minho. He was ‘skeptical’ at first, saying that Minho may be a serial killer and you may be the next victim. What the hell. So Jisung-like. You slapped him playfully. He whined. You guys both laughed.
Finally lunch came rolling around, and you guys sat in your usual spot. Once you spotted Minho looking around, you waved you hand and he smiled.
“Hey Minho!” You exclaimed as he sat down across from you and Jisung. “This is Jisung, the friend I was talking about?” Jisung waved and put on his stupid grin. Minho smiled, introducing himself. Lunch went smoothly. Minho surprisingly had the same humor as you and Jisung, and you guys all laughed throughout the whole lunch period. However, you caught Hyunjin catching glances over to your table. What a freak.
The bell rang, making all three of you guys split up and head your own ways. You walked to your next period, art class. You loved your art teacher and just art in general. However like always, when you walked in, Hyunjin was there. Sitting right there staring at you.
You don’t even know why and how he’s in art class. A guy like him? Interested in art? Unbelievable.
You ignored him as you made your way to your desk, meeting your in-class friend, Felix. Felix knew about Hyunjin and whatnot, always on your side no matter what. He was your close friend you knew from childhood, but obviously growing up you guys split to different friend groups. You guys still stayed close, especially since you guys shared some classes together.
“Lix!” You exclaimed as you sat down.
“Hey!” He responded, passing you a bottle of your favorite drink - banana milk. You patted him on the back as a thanks. He smiled in response.
Once everyone settled down, your art teacher gave the assignment for the day, allowing everyone to go their own ways. As you were chatting with Felix while you were drawing away, you noticed Hyunjin walking towards you. You groaned, knowing hell was coming your way.
“Y/n,” he spoke softly. “Can i talk to you after school? Serious.”
You glared up at him, scoffing before rolling your eyes.
“Why should I?”
It was his turn to scoff. He slammed his hand on the spot right next to you on your desk and he looked right in your eyes.
“‘Cause I said so. Im serious y/n. I have to talk to you.”
“How about no?”
He gave up easily, what a surprise, and walked off to his desk.
“What was that about.” Felix asked. You shrugged, going back to your artwork.
After the bell rang, you walked out of the classroom heading to your next class before you felt a tug on your wrist and you got pulled back. Startled, you tried to fight back before you were met with Hyunjin’s gaze.
“Wha - what do you want?” You asked, stiffening up as soon as you saw Hyunjin.
“Y/n. Im serious. Talk to me after school? Please.” His face softened, the first time you’ve ever seen his expression so soft. He looked.. genuine. I mean what could possibly go wrong? You accepted, freeing yourself from his grasp as you walked to your next class.
Finally, the bell that indicated that school was over rang. Oh how you were dreading to meet up with Hyunjin. You told Jisung and Minho about the whole situation, which made both of them beg you if they could hide from behind and watch the whole situation. You had no reason to say no so you accepted.
As you were approaching the spot where he asked you to meet you, you saw him, leaning against the wall while he was scrolling on his phone. You looked back to see Jisung give you a big thumbs up and Minho just smiling.
As you got closer, he looked up from his phone and waved.
“Didn’t think you’d actually be here,” he said as he stuffed his phone in his pocket. You rolled your eyes.
“What’d you call me here for? Wanna confess your dying love to me?” You joked, giving him a smile.
“Close,” he responded. “Lets make a deal, yeah?” You glared at him in response.
“Why should I?”
“Because,” he shrugged. “Anyway. Look. Can you pretend to be my girlfriend? Just one day.” Your jaw dropped. You weren’t for sure, but you could also hear Jisung and Minho gasping.
“Why me?” You asked, confused as ever. “We both hate each other. Definitely not a match. There’s other girls in this school that fit you more, and who do you even have to have a fake girlfriend for anyway.”
Hyunjin let out a sigh. He rubbed his face before looking up back at you.
“My little sister. She overheard me talking to my friends about you. A prank I was gonna pull on you. ‘Wow what a shocker’, i know. She thought you were my girlfriend and begged me to bring you home one day. I can’t disappoint my little sister, can I?” You let out a small giggle. You never thought that Hyunjin had a side of him like this. “So?”
“What do I get in return?” You asked, looking up back at him.
“A nice, cute, and very good looking fake boyfriend?” You rolled your eyes. However you thought for a moment. This might help get Hyunjin off your back for good.
“What if I like.. burn the house down and make your sister be in harm's way,” you said. Of course, you wouldn’t. You’ve had babysitting history and you were very good with little kids.
“I’m sure you won’t,” Hyunjin smiled, patting you on the shoulder. He reached into his pockets before pulling out a piece a paper. He brought out his spare hand, signaling you to open yours. You got the memo, and did, and he placed the piece of paper into your hand. “I’ll text you the details okay?” he said before running off..
“Wait! I never said yes yknow?!” You screamed at him but all you got in return was a hand raise from him as he ran off.
Right after he left, you heard hurrying footsteps behind you, and as you turned your head you were attacked by both Jisung and Minho.
“Fuck- what do I do..” you expressed. Jisung placed both hands on your shoulders and shook you, not believing what he heard and saw was right.
“You’re being a fake girlfriend?! For him out if all people? Wake up girlfriend,” Jisung exclaimed. Minho had just heard all this drama between you and Hyunjin during lunch, but he was way too invested.
“What if he murders you at his house?! Y/n, wake up!!” Minho joined in alongside Jisung.
“That’s what I’m saying!!” Jisung agreed.
“Oh my god- you guys are so unbelievable. It’s fine. I won’t die. Promise,” you said tapping them both on the shoulder. “C’mon, lets go.”
Was this some sort of a joke?
Back at home, you were snuggled up in your bed, reading your favorite book. That’s when you remembered the piece of paper Hyunjin gave you previously. You reached into your pocket to find the crumpled up paper that read his number.
You got the piece of paper and pulled out your phone, dialing the number that was supposedly Hyunjin’s.
Hey 6:45pm
You messaged him, now awaiting his response. It didn’t take long for him to start typing.
You Glad you actually messaged me :) I was waiting for your text message 6:48pm
He really was? I guess he really needed you that bad..
You Hm.. so… Are you serious about this whole “fake girlfriend” thing? Istg your messing with me Do you even have a little sister? 6:50pm
Hyunjin Ofc I am Wanna see my little sister? *sends image* 6:51pm
He really did have a sister.. and a really cute and sweet looking one too. Her chubby, rosy cheeks looked so squishable and she looked so friendly.
You Is this little sweet girl from google No way this little girl is your sister 6:53pm
Hyunjin She is my sister and I am her brother Why is it so hard to believe? Are you calling me ugly?! 6:54pm
You Never said that! Although you are very ugly How can a sweet girl be related to your ugly looking ass 6:55pm
Hyunjin You think you’re not ugly?! Your way uglier than me yknow 6:56pm
You scoffed behind the screen. Oh how you wanted to punch him through the screen so bad.
You Ugh. Anyways, when do I have to do this “girlfriend” act.. wait. Aren’t you like pretty popular? You could get any girl and just ask them to come Plus they could be your real, genuine gf Why me? 6:59pm
Hyunjin Cause You’re y/n And my little sis knows your name It’s weird for someone who’s not you to pretend to be you, yeah? 7:01pm
You Ok.. So when? 7:01pm
Hyunjin Uhm.. I hate to break it to you (i don’t. Rlly) Saturday 7:02pm
Saturday? Saturday?! That was like in 2 days. Seriously? Couldn’t he have told you sooner or made the date a little later?
You Saturday?? That’s so soon I dont know who you think I am but I cant just last minute go to a house of a person I hate I have to get mentally ready 7:04pm
Hyunjin It’s not that big of a deal, no? Cmon, i thought you found my little sister cute Do it for her please? 7:05pm
You Ughhh Finnee. What time 7:08pm
Hyunjin Noon 7:10pm read
The next two days went like always, you hung out with Jisung and Minho and there was Hyunjin always bickering with you.
“Hey, wanna go study together at the library?” Minho asked one day while you guys were eating lunch. “Like after school?”
“Cant,” Jisung responded with mouth full of his lunch. “Part-time job, yknow?”
“How about you?” He turned and faced you.
“Hm, I think I can. Yeah, sure. Let’s meet up at the library right after school.” You responded, going back to your tray of food.
After school ended, you parted ways with Jisung after your guys’ last class and went towards the library. There, Minho waved you over once you guys both spotted each other.
Once you sat down, you guys both went ahead to studying. Here and there you guys would chat and giggle.
“Hey isn’t that Hyunjin?” Minho asked looking over you. You turned in response and there he was, leaning against a beanbag that was set in the corner of the library reading some book. “Never knew he was a book guy.”
“Gosh, he’s like everywhere I go.” You groaned, looking back at Minho. “I swear to god this isn’t some coincidence. The lord just hates me.”
Both of you guys laughed at your response and went on with your day.
Saturday came rolling around quick. Dressed in a casual jean and a white shirt, you were standing right in front of the Hwang residents. From the looks of his home, you guessed his family was pretty well off. With a sigh you let out, you walked to the door and pressed the doorbell sitting right next to it.
A few seconds passed without an answer, so you did a good three knocks on the wooden door. You heard a bit of clamoring in there until you heard Hyunjin’s voice shouting.
“Wait a moment!!”
A minute passed before the door opened to reveal a hectic Hyunjin. He was dressed in gray sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt with small stains on it. You almost let out a laugh. You never expected Hwang Hyunjin to ever look so vulnerable like this.
“Hey,” He greeted you, opening the door wider allowing you in.
“Hey,” you responded, neatly taking off your shoes and placing them with the rest in the corner of the doorway. “Where’s your parents? I wanna go say hi..”
“Oh my parents? They’re out, they should be back around dinner time so.”
“Oh alright,” you nodded. “You look uglier than any other days.”
“Are you looking at a mirror?”
He smiled before turning around and leading you to the kitchen while you were containing yourself from not beating him up.
You looked around the hallways, decorated with paintings and images framed up. Now you knew why he was in art class.
“Where’s the infamous little sister you’ve been talking about?” You questioned as you walked in the kitchen.
“Hm? Oh Hyuna. She’s trying to get herself dolled up for you,” He responded, getting out a bottle of what looked like banana milk and handing it to you. “You like banana milk, yeah? I see you drinking it all the time in art class.”
“Yeah.. thanks,” you responded, kind of shocked he caught this detail of you. “Hey, this isn’t drugged or something right?”
He laughed. “What kind of person do you think I am? I hate you but I would never drug you.”
“Hm.. okay,” you said, taking a sip from the container. “Come to think of it, you and Hyuna have very similar names.”
“Yeah.. my parents wanted to go with a theme I guess.” He nodded before muttering a quick ‘wait a minute’ as he turned to a hallway.
“Hyuna~” he yelled as he walked towards a door and opened it. “Y/n’s here, come say hi.”
You heard a small “wait!!” before you saw two small hands pushing Hyunjin out of the room and closing it. Hyunjin sighed in defeat as he walked back towards the kitchen. You giggled to yourself, seeing how cute his little sister was.
He came back to the counter you were leaning against.
“I have a question for you,” he said, turning towards you. You faced him. “Are you like.. dating Jisung or Minho?”
You let out a loud laugh, covering your mouth trying to contain the loud noise coming from your mouth. Hyunjin just looked at you all confused.
“Sorry.. sorry,” you said after you finished your laughing frenzy. “But no, I’m not. Jisung’s just like a brother to me. Me dating him? Ew - ew..”
“I’ve met him just a few days ago. He’s nice, yeah. But not my style. Just a friend,” you responded, taking another sip from your container.
After your response, it got a bit awkward until the door from the hallway opened up, revealing small little feet as it ran towards you. It was Hyuna. She finally reached the kitchen and just stared at you for a moment.
You could tell Hyuna was indeed Hyunjin’s little sister. She looked so much like Hyunjin, having the same plump lips, the same eyes, and even the same small mole under her eye.
“Hi..!” She said first and broke the silence. You crouched down to get to her level and smiled big.
“And who’s this?” You questioned.
“Hyuna!” She exclaimed. “Are you really my brother’s girlfriend?”
You looked back up to see Hyunjin. He nodded, making you face back Hyuna and nodding sweetly.
“Yup, I’m his girlfriend all right.” You said.
“You’re so pretty!” She said. You blushed and petted her hair.
“You more, princess.”
She smiled. You smiled back.
“Wanna go play?” She asked you, having stars in her eyes.
��Sure!” You happily accepted, getting up and following her quick footsteps to her room.
You guys played doll for what seemed like hours. She seemed to be having fun though, which was all that mattered honestly. Hyunjin on the other end was just in the small chair in the corner of Hyuna’s room reading that same darn book you saw him read that one time in the library. Every once in a while would he also join in on both of you guys.
Around 2pm was when Hyuna got hungry, which made you realize that you were also hungry. Hyunjin offered to make lunch as he got up from his spot and left the room. Meanwhile, you and Hyuna decided to read some picture books she had.
After what seemed like was around 20 minutes, Hyunjin called you guys over. You took Hyuna’s small hand into yours as you guys both walked over to the kitchen.
“Y/n, do you mind getting the pitcher of orange juice from the fridge for Hyuna?” Hyunjin asked while plating the pasta he made onto three plates. You rolled your eyes before opening the fridge as he said so, pulling out the pitcher of orange juice and pouring it into a plastic cup.
As you were pouring, Hyuna accidentally bumped into you while trying to help get the utensils. The bump made you lose a bit of your balance, and you ended up spilling some of the bright, sweet orange juice onto your plain, white shirt. You sighed. Hyunjin saw what happened, quickly grabbing some paper towels and handing it to you.
“You okay? Hyuna, apologize,” he said, following the small words ‘sorry’ muttered by Hyuna.
“It’s fine.. I’ll just clean off in the bathroom,” you told Hyunjin as you were doing your best dabbing the juice off your shirt.
“I could lend you a shirt?” He offered. He quickly ran to his room without even hearing a response from you. You just stood there, comforting Hyuna that you were okay.
What you didn't know was that while he was getting you the hoodie, all he could think of was the way your white t-shirt turned see-through because of the way the orange juice spilled over it. He could see the outline of your bra and the curves that the shirt displayed. Snap yourself out of it! he replayed in his mind before he grabbed the hoodie and went down to meet you.
Once he returned, he handed you a hoodie.
“Sorry, I didn’t have any t shirts,” he said. You still thanked him otherwise and found the restroom to change.
You took off your sticky shirt and placed it in the sink for now. You had brought paper towels in with you, so you used those to clean off the rest of the orange juice on your chest. Once you were all cleaned, you put on Hyunjin’s hoodie.
Gosh what were you doing in your arch-nemesis’s house.
Either way, you were kind of shocked that Hyunjin was so caring, even going as far as to lend you his hoodie. What happened to the tough guy act?
Once you got put together enough, you walked into the kitchen holding your wet shirt in your hand.
“Hyunjin, can I have a bag to put my shirt in?” You asked. He nodded, and he got up from his seat and digged through the pantry. He found a bag, and opened it in front of you, signaling you to put your shirt in the bag. You did so, and after all the chaos ended, you finally sat down and ate your lunch.
Surprisingly, the pasta was not so bad, decent actually, especially since an 18 year old guy made it.
“Not bad..” you muttered under your breath. Apparently, Hyunjin must have heard you because he chuckled and said “thanks.”
Once everyone got to eat their full, Hyuna asked if you guys could go to the nearby park that was close to their home. You also wanted a bit of fresh air, so you turned to Hyunjin and mouthed a ‘please?’ while Hyuna kept begging.
He finally said yes, and Hyuna jumped around in joy while you were jumping in your mind.
You guys decided to walk there. Before leaving, Hyunjin grabbed his wallet and an emergency lollipop for Hyuna just in case. In the middle of the walk, Hyuna felt tired, asking Hyunjin to carry her. He sighed, acting all annoyed.
“You’re a big girl aren’t you? You can walk.”
Contrasting to his reaction he still crouched down, allowing Hyuna to get behind him and wrap her little arms around his neck. He lifted her up, having her in a piggyback ride.
After that, the trip went smoothly. All of you guys kept talking about what Hyuna would want to talk about. Finally reaching the park, Hyunjin let Hyuna go to play on the play structure.
“Don’t get hurt!” Hyunjin yelled at Hyuna while she ran off. Hyunjin really wasn’t that bad of a guy.
“I have a question,” you said as you guys both sat down on the bench.
“Why do you pick on me so much?” You turned to face him. “You’re so mean at school and to me but then you turn into such sweetheart to your sister. Such a two-face jerk.” You muttered that last part as you turned back, facing away from him.
“Because I hate you? Duh,” he shrugged.
“Okay but why? What did I do?”
“I dont know. You just irritate me every time I see you.” It was a fact to him. But not because you annoyed him the way everyone thought. You annoyed him because the way you looked. His heart would pound whenever he saw you, especially when you were all mad and furious. It was kind of hot.
“Wow thanks,” you sarcastically said, scoffing.
Just as you guys were both starting to bicker again, Hyuna ran over to you guys on the bench.
“Can you guys play with me?” She asked. You sadly declined because of the bad back you’ve had for a bit, so Hyunjin excused himself and went to play with his sister.
He chased after Hyuna, running in circles together. It was cute for a moment, until you realized what you were just thinking about Hyunjin. Cute? He is a jerk. Never ever.
Once time had past a bit, you guys decided to head home. Hyuna whined begging to stay a bit longer, but Hyunjin firmly said no, saying how he was tired and possibly you were too. You agreed, promising Hyuna to play more with her at the house. She finally gave in, asking Hyunjin to lift her up again. He groaned, letting out an exhausted sigh. You’ve had experience with holding kids when you used to babysit. Maybe this wouldn’t be different at all.
“I can carry her,” you offered, making Hyunjin’s head snap in your direction, wide eyed.
“No.. Y/n, you don’t have to. I was just joking,” he muttered slowly. You kept insisting, saying how he was probably exhausted and tired like he said he was from playing around with Hyuna. He said something under his breath before finally obliging to your request.
You picked up Hyuna, and she was more than happy.
“You’re so strong!” She exclaimed, making you giggle and lightly pinch her cheeks.
“Yeah? I’m strong right?” You looked over to Hyunjin. “Way stronger than your brother. He's so weak, not wanting to carry his own sister, right?” Hyuna nodded, making you laugh and Hyunjin frown.
“Hey I’m stronger!” Hyunjin semi-yelled, making him face to face with Hyuna. Mid-walk, they were having a staring contest. Such siblings.
By the time you guys reached home, Hyuna fell asleep in your arms.
“I could take her to her room,” Hyunjin whispered, opening his arms so he could take Hyuna from you.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just lay her in bed and come back,” you responded, lightly making your way to Hyuna’s room.
There, you laid down Hyuna on her bed and covered her in her sheets. She looked so cute sleeping. Would Hyunjin also be-
No! What’s wrong with you? Hyunjin’s your sworn enemy.
You patted Hyuna on the head before turning around and leaving. Right as you exited her room and closed the door, you yelped in shock after seeing Hyunjin leaning against the wall next to the door.
“H-hi?” You stammered.
“Are you gonna leave?” Was all he said, having his arms crossed.
“That’s what I was planning to do, why?”
“I could drop you off.”
What was this Hyunjin and what happened to the one who would play pranks on you and make fun of you?
“Uhm,” you hesitantly said. “Why?”
“Because, it’s starting to get dark. I may hate you but I’m still a gentleman,” he shrugged, making his way to the door. You quickly followed him behind, grabbing your belongings before you started to put your shoes on.
“Why’re you being so nice to me,” you casually said as you followed Hyunjin to his car. He turned back and just stared into your eyes.
“I may be a jerk, but Im not letting a kid go home by themselves when its getting dark,” he answered, turning around on his heels as he walked to the drivers side.
“I’m not a kid?!” You yelled. “Im eighteen, just the same as you.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.”
You got into his car. A really nice one, considering that he was just a senior in high school. Before leaving, Hyunjin handed you his phone. You looked at him all confused before he turned to face you and gave an eyebrow raise.
“Music?” was all he said before you took the phone from his hand and was scrolling through his spotify.
You turned on a song, ‘A Song Nobody Knows’ by Colde. As soon as you turned it on, you could see the satisfaction in Hyunjin’s face.
“You like Colde?” He asked while still keeping his eyes on the road. One hand on the wheel with the other on the hand rest. You nodded, smiling as you put down his phone and just looked out the window.
The car ride was fairly calm. Either of you too tired to start bickering and Hyunjin too focused on getting you home. Once you guys arrived, you got out of the car, thanking Hyunjin for the ride.
He really wasn’t such a bad guy sometimes..
You entered your home. All quiet and dark due to your parents working late yet again. You reached your room, putting down your stuff in their designated spots. However you noticed something. Your wallet was missing. Did you drop it somewhere?
You Hyunjin.. Did I leave my wallet in your car? 5:27pm
You were expecting to get an answer late, knowing that he was driving. But he he answered fairly quickly.
Hyunjin Hm Yeah Want me to drop it off? 5:30pm
You No its fine Just give it to me on monday 5:31pm
Hyunjin I insist I’ll be there soon 5:32pm read
Alright.. i guess he was coming soon. After about 5 minutes or so, there was a knock at your door. You quickly got to it and opened it to see Hyunjin standing there with a smug smile.
“Thanks,” you said, reaching for the wallet that was in his hand.
“No problem,” he responded. “Hm, I may have taken some cash by the way. Yknow, the trip costed me gas.” You looked at him in a ‘i knew it’ expression as you opened the wallet to the cash compartment.
“It’s all gone!” You exclaimed. There was 50 bucks or so in there, and apparently Hyunjin took it all. “Hyunji-“
Before you could finish your sentence he was already running off to his car screaming a faint “see you on monday!”
What a jerk.
You were laying in bed, happily reading your book when you got a notification. You opened it up to see it was from Hyunjin.
Hyunjin Gosh Im sorry to ask y/n But can we do this again? Not that i want to Ew But Hyuna liked u very much And wants to hang out again 8:49pm
You scoffed. Again? You’d have to get something in return.
You Hm Sure 8:51pm
Hyunjin Really? Thank you 8:52pm
You But. I want something in return 8:53pm
Hyunjin Uhm I’ll think about it What is it 8:54pm
You Take me to a concert? Or at least give me the money for it I’ll do it for you multiple times then 8:55pm
Hyunjin What?! Are you crazy No way Im paying for your stupid concert Money doesnt grow on trees yknow 8:57pm
You Shouldve thought the same way when you got that bougie car As a 18 yr old thats too much! 8:58pm
Hyunjin Okay well thats me Not you 8:59pm
You Ok then I guess no more hangouts 🤷‍♀️ You do you.. Do you really wanna disappoint your sis? That’s so mean of you :( 9:01pm
Hyunjin Wait No. I’ll pay you in another way? 9:02pm
You Hmm No thanks! 9:02pm
Hyunjin Who’s the concert for anyway Which artist 9:04pm
You Twice My lovely girlies 9:05pm
Hyunjin Ughhh Fine. 9:06pm
You You got yourself a deal, young sir 9:06pm read
You smiled to yourself.
These small hangouts happened often from there on. Parks, malls, you name it, you were there with Hyuna and Hyunjin. At school, he’d still pick on you, yes, but his demeanor changed when you hung out with Hyuna. He was kinder, a lot nicer. You liked that Hyunjin, the one that would actually care for you sometimes, although he’d still start bickering.
Once he even insisted you guys hung out at an amusement park, saying how Hyuna kept begging to go with you. Hyuna really opened up to you, looking up to you as a role model. You found her cute too. You accepted his offer, obviously just for Hyuna.
He informed you that his parents would also be there, saying how they wanted you and Hyunjin to have your own free time besides being with Hyuna the whole time.
Ugh. Being alone with Hyunjin.
You guys got there early, around 9am, which meant you guys would be at the park for a bit. You guys followed around Hyuna, taking care of her, giving his parents their own little date. Riding the carousel, riding a kiddie coaster, it was fun yes.
You three were in line for the kiddie coaster and there was this kind lady with her own kid.
“Aww, you guys make such a good couple. It isn’t that easy to be such young parents. It seem’s you guys are doing a good job raising her.” She smiled, talking to you guys as if you and Hyunjin were parents. You were flustered, cheeks reddening. You weren’t even out of high school yet. Maybe you did look mature..
“No ma’am that’s no-“
“Thank you so much,” Hyunjin cut you off, giving a kind smile to the lady. “My wife here is doing such a good job, am I right?”
Hyunjin and the lady chit chatted for a bit before it was her turn to get on the ride. Hyuna just looking up at the whole convo the whole time.
“What the hell was that about?” You semi-screamed at Hyunjin after the lady left, hitting him on the arm.
“What?” He shrugged. “Why would I break her heart telling her the truth that we were not a couple and pure enemies. Telling a white lie sometimes is better.”
You covered Hyuna’s ears with your hands before saying a low “you fucking psycho.” He just laughed.
It was around 3pm when you guys met up with his parents, eating lunch, then trading places taking care of Hyuna.
“Im so tired~” you said while stretching your arms, walking alongside Hyunjin. He hummed in response.
He looked to face you, staring at your face before saying “your uglier than normal today.”
“That was so out of pocket!” You exclaimed, slapping him on the back. He rubbed the spot you hit him, giving you a smug look.
“What? I’m just saying the truth.” He said, facing forward again. “Wanna get some cotton candy?”
Wow changing the subject.. well you did like cotton candy so you couldn’t just decline his offer.
“Sure,” you said before doing a little run to the cotton candy stand. It was those stands where they make the flower-shaped ones.
“17 bucks?” You muttered under you breath. Why was it so expensive?
“Why? Too expensive for your broke ass?” He asked while in line. You rolled your eyes. “It’s fine, I’ll buy you one.” At least he was going to do that!
Once you got your cotton candy, you squealed. It looked so pretty. Each string of candy weaving into each other, the colors coordinating with one another so well.
“I gotta show Jisung and Minho this,” you said, taking out your phone from your small purse.
“I could take a photo for you. Go stand over there,” Hyunjin said, pointing to a direction as he held out his hand for you to put your phone in. You happily obliged, putting your phone in his hand before you ran to your spot.
“Cheese~” he said before snapping some photos of you. “There, done.” You walked over to where he was, seeing the photos he took. “Hey i especially like this one. You look extra ugly here.” He said while pointing to a picture he took when you weren’t even ready.
“Fuck you,” you muttered. You snatched your phone from his hand, sending some of the photos he took of you to your group chat with Jisung and Minho.
They couldn’t believe you were still doing this for Hyunjin, well not after you told them about your deal. Jisung kept calling Hyunjin a jerk, and Minho just sat along with Jisung agreeing.
“I’m kinda tired, wanna just go hang out in the ferris wheel?” You nonchalantly asked, turning to face him. He nodded, making you run to the big ferris wheel that was at the center of the park.
“Why do you run so fast?” He asked, panting after he caught up with up.
“Maybe you’re just slow,” you shrugged. You turned to the worker saying “two people, please.” He rolled his eyes.
Once you guys got on in your car, you sat facing each other. You thought it’d be awkward being in silence like this, but it really wasn’t. He handed you one side if his earphones, which you gladly accepted, putting it on to listen to the calming songs on his playlist. It was nice, sitting there and looking down at the view while you were going up. Despite your fear in heights, you found ferris wheels to be fairly calming.
However, when you guys were towards the very top, there was a gust of wind, making the car shake. You yelped, jumping in your seat. The wind increased the fear you had. You noticed that Hyunjin was staring at you, a mixed expression of shock and worry.
“Are.. you okay?” He asked. He didn’t even seem to be affected by the tumbling the car was experiencing. You shook your head. You had your eyes closed, trying not the focus so hard on the shaking when you felt Hyunjin getting closer and sitting down on your side. You took a peep at him from the side, and he embraced you in a hug. A warm hug. He was genuinely trying to comfort you. “Are you scared of heights?”
You nodded slowly, muttering a few words about how ferris wheels really didn’t affect you. Once the shaking stopped, you felt relief.
“Thank you..” you whispered under your breath. He nodded, and he stayed there the whole time. The ferris wheel made a few rounds. During one of them, while you were just staring out at the window, Hyunjin tapped you on the lap. You turned to face him, curious of why he tapped u.
“I have something to tell you.” He said, looking down at his feet, tapping his heels onto the floor. You tilted your head, awaiting for his ‘something to tell you.’ He let out a sigh.
“I.. don’t know how to tell you this.. I’ve been pondering about this for a while but..” he took a deep breath in. He looked up to you and met your eyes. His eyes were glistening. “I like you.”
You stared at him, in shock. He dropped his head back to the ground, sighing.
Him? Liking you? What a load of bullshit
“This isn’t some kind of prank right? Don’t be fucking with me right now Hyunjin,” you said, shaking his arm trying to get him to look up. “Hyunjin. I swear to god.”
“Im not pranking you. I’m genuine. I.. have feelings for you. Ever since sophomore year. Wanna know why I’ve been always messing with you? To get your attention. It seemed to be working, so I kept doing it. I feared that if I stopped, then you’d also stop talking to me. Im always thinking about you. In the morning, during classes, at night before going to sleep? You’re always in my mind. Your smile means everything to me, your laugh is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard, and the way you act with my sister? Gosh that added extra points. Im so in love with you, I can’t handle it. I just had to tell you sooner or later..” he finally looked up at you, allowing you to see the tears building up in his eyes. He looked so vulnerable, like he was on the verge of breaking down and bawling his eyes out.
You instinctively hugged him, tight. Patting his back.
“I.. like you too.” You whispered into his ear.
It’s true. Every time you kept hanging out with Hyunjin outside of school, you saw the real side of him, being playful to his sister, being nice to his parents, and being nice to you. The way he treated you got your heart fluttering even though you didn’t wanna admit it. He got you staying up late at night, daydreaming in class. He was everywhere.
He pulled away from you, staring into your eyes.
“You.. do?”
You nodded, smiling a little when the tears finally started to trickle down his cheek.
You hugged him back, whispering a little “jerk”. He slapped you on the back, chuckling when you yelped a little.
Ever since that day, you guys have been hanging out a lot through the weekends. Going out on small dates.
“you’re dating WHO?” Jisung yelled when you told him and Minho the following Monday at lunch.
“Hyunjin..” you muttered.
“Hyunjin? Like THE hwang hyunjin?” Minho asked in shock. You nodded, making their jaw drop.
“We grew a little closer as I was hanging out with his little sister,” you said, shoving food into your mouth. “He’s not that bad of a guy, he’s like very nice.”
“Very nice in your dreams” Jisung scoffed, shoving his own food in his mouth.
As you were laughing, you felt a pair of arms hugging you from behind. You turned around to see Hyunjin, smiling. He gave you a small peck on the cheek as he sat down.
“Hey,” he said, referring to Jisung and Minho. They said hi back, Jisung with an annoyed look on his face. You rolled your eyes, looking back at Hyunjin.
“Hi!” You greeted him, giving him a peck on the cheek back. Jisung jokingly, well at least you hope so, gagged. Minho just slapped him on the back.
It was Friday, meaning that the weekends were finally here. You decided to hang out at Hyunjin’s house, like you always did.
“Hey!” You greeted him once he opened the front door to let you in.
“Is that my hoodie?” Was the first thing he said when he saw you. You looked down to see what you were doing, laughing when you realized.
“Remember that time I spilled orange juice? And you gave me this hoodie? Its from then,” you said before pulling Hyunjin into a hug. His cheeks flushed.
His parents were going out on a nice dinner themselves, asking if you guys could watch Hyuna. It wasn’t anything new, so you happily accepted. Hyunjin just sighed.
“I wanted us to hang out..” he pouted, sticking his bottom lip out. You gave him a peck on his lips.
“We are,” you smugged. He rolled his eyes.
“You know what I mean.”
“It’s fine. Hyuna isn’t even that bad of a girl anyways. She’s cute, gentle, kind. And did I mention cute?” He gave a small breathy laugh. You turned your back against Hyunjin, calling out a “Hyuna~!” as you ran towards her room. Hyunjin sighed before quickly following your footsteps.
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mvybanks · 1 year
illicit affairs
a/n: first of all this fic is inspired by so many songs i’ve lost count but illicit affairs by taylor swift is my fav. i’ve never written such a long fic so give me some feedback if you want. hope you like it!
warnings: ANGST, mentions of sex and descriptions of intimacy but there’s nothing explicit, alcohol
word count: 8.0k
pairing: jj x routledge!reader
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no one has ever said that a friends with benefits arrangement is a good decision, especially when it’s made between two friends who are already secretly in love with each other, but hey, if it had been the smart thing to do then you and jj wouldn’t have done it in the first place.
stupid things have good outcomes all the time.
that was his motto and you trusted him, so that was how he started finding himself in your bed on the weekends and how you found yourself in his during the week. it wasn’t something new, you two had been fighting the sexual tension between you for too long, and you had given in during alcohol filled nights way too many times. therefore, the agreement worked well for the two of you. you had only two rules: ‘1. stay friends, no matter what; 2. no strings attached.’
“no feelings involved,” you had told him, “i mean i know we care about each other or we wouldn’t be friends, but we can’t have real feelings”
“and what happens if we do?” he had asked you, as if you weren’t already hopelessly in love with each other.
“then we break it off, but we gotta talk to each other.”
it didn’t have to last long either. this new type of relationship started in june and you were supposed to leave for college in september. after highschool, you had decided to take a very needed gap year. you had fun with your friends and worked to help your brother, john b, with the bills and to save your money. when you got accepted, it didn’t feel real; you didn’t know that things like this could happen to you.
but that also meant leaving the island. no more friends. no more living with your brother. no more jj. that was why you decided you were going to spend as much time with him as you could. sure, at first you didn’t mean under the sheets, but you weren’t complaining.
john b couldn’t know about this, though. the amount of times he had told his best friend to not fool around with his sister should’ve scared jj, instead, like a moth to a flame, it only brought you two closer. maybe a little bit too close. you both knew you were playing with fire, yet you never realized you were playing yourselves all along, sticking to a relationship that was bound to end in a heartache.
every look. every touch. every kiss. they all meant more than what you told yourselves, but the only thing you knew how to do was bask in the comforting feeling of each other’s skin as you filled the room with empty words and pleasure filled cries of the other’s name. the important words, the ones that held so much power over the two of you, were hidden in the way he held you each night as he tried to engrave in his memory every single inch of you.
it was almost embarrassing how all it took for him to come running was one text from you. just one, and he dropped whatever he was doing to feel you again. it didn’t matter if the last time he had touched you was only a couple of hours prior, he always wanted you. he wished sex wasn’t the one thing you called him for but if that was the only way to be with you, then he knew he was lucky enough to have you in his life at all.
little routledge: hey, john b’s working tonight. you want to come over?
one text. he lied to his boss and told him he was probably coming down with something and then ran to his bike to get to you. clothes ripped apart as you both couldn’t wait to get your hands on each other. his eager kisses on your exposed skin sent you on another planet as he made you feel like you were the only person in the whole world for him, and, unbeknownst to you, you were.
“shit - i missed you so much, baby,” he said with his hands groping your body as he hovered above you.
“we had sex this morning, j,” you giggled, but you couldn’t deny your need for him.
“it’s never enough. i’ll never get tired of this.”
everything worked perfectly. then why was there always that impending sense of doom at the pit of your stomach? you knew the answer to that, but you tried to push it away as long as you could. you just wanted to savor those last moments with him, because you didn’t know when you were going to be able to come back home once you started college; and even if you did have the chance to go home, you would never be able to be alone with him, not like that.
“you’re so beautiful. how can you be so beautiful?” he mumbled against your skin, one night, as he peppered your neck and collarbone with kisses.
you ran your fingers through his hair and closed your eyes, enjoying every little bit of attention he was giving to you and your body, although you knew that none of it was real.
“you still with me, baby?” he asked as he looked at you with a worried expression. you hadn’t said anything in a long time and he was scared that you were feeling uncomfortable.
“yeah. just - don’t say things you don’t mean, please.”
his eyes bored into yours as he tried to find the right words. jj got off your body and lied next to you, then he took the white sheet of his bedding and laid it on you, covering your exposed self. his arm went around your shoulders before he whispered, “c’mere,” in that sweet tone of his you loved. you obliged and got closer to him, although you still couldn’t understand what he was doing.
“i’ve never told you things i don’t mean, you know? when i tell you that you’re beautiful, i mean it. when i say that i want you, i mean it. so now i’m going to hold you all night and let you sleep in my arms because i mean it, and tomorrow morning i’ll fuck you like you deserve and i’ll mean it.”
you were left speechless and weren’t even given the time to react at his words as he continued, “goodnight, baby,” he said before hugging you tighter to his chest as you let his words sink in.
the words ‘what are we?’ were always on the tip of your tongue. do friends talk to each other the way you did? do they know what makes the other moan in pleasure? is it possible that friends crave each other’s touch like they crave oxygen? is that what friends do?
all your questions were answered in one night. you were at a party, letting loose and drinking with your friends, not even worrying about looking for someone you could be interested in because you already knew in whose bed you were supposed to end up in at the end of the night. you could feel his hungry gaze on your figure as you let your hips move to the music and you were only waiting for him to come up to you and drag you to his house.
but he never did. jj wanted you, more than he ever wanted anyone else in his life, and that scared him. he couldn’t have you and he wasn’t even sure you wanted the same things as he did from you. when another woman approached him, he didn’t deny her advances and let her hands touch his exposed arm, as he tried to forget what your touch would feel like instead of hers.
you saw everything. it shouldn’t have fazed you, he wasn’t yours, then why was your heart clenching at the sight? why could you feel even your ears turn red from the jealousy? and then you thought to yourself that two could play at that game. maybe it was just sex to him, you believed, but you knew that he was the most possessive guy you’ve ever met and he’d go mad over someone else touching you.
when you noticed a man’s eyes on you, watching you from afar as he sipped on the drink in his hand, you smiled at him, giving him the green light. he walked over to you and introduced himself.
“you wanna get out of here?” he asked after you had been flirting for a while.
you thought about your answer. did you really want to do this? he was handsome, you couldn’t deny that, and he also seemed like a good guy, but you weren’t sure you wanted to leave the party with him.
“sorry, i don’t think so,” you said apologetically.
he nodded, “hey, no need to apologize, i get it. can i ask you out though? i’d like to see you again.”
“yes,” you replied without thinking.
you couldn’t take it back at that point. you exchanged numbers before you saw jj walking towards you, an angry expression on his face.
“i’ll see you around, okay?” you wanted to get rid of him before jj would have the chance to ruin everything.
“yeah. i’ll call you.”
you met the blond halfway and waited for the rage fit he was about to have.
“who the hell was that?” he asked, pointing at the other man.
you shrugged, “just a guy who asked me out.”
he was seeing red. how could you even think about letting someone else touch you the way only he was allowed to?
“didn’t look like you were rejecting him.”
“‘cause i didn’t.”
he grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the rest of the party. that wasn’t a scene for everyone to see.
“you can’t go out with him,” he ordered once you were far away enough from everyone.
“and who are you to say that? it’s not like we’re together, is it?”
he swallowed thickly while his eyes were focused on yours, saying a thousand words, “i don’t want you to go out with other people.”
“you’re drunk, jj. go home.”
as you tried to leave, he stopped you by reaching for your forearm again.
“we need to talk,” he said through gritted teeth.
“we’ll talk in the morning, when you’re be sober and are thinking clearly. go home.”
the thing was that jj had never thought more clearly than he was in that moment. he wanted you and he knew he couldn’t see anyone else in his place. you were his. that was how much he knew.
the next morning, he came over to the chateau. when he opened the door, you were in the kitchen, making coffee and trying to look awake after the restless night you had just had. yet, you were still perfect in his eyes. the way your messy hair was held together in a bun, your pyjama shorts gave him the perfect sight of your exposed thighs and he couldn’t help but notice that the shirt you were wearing was his and how it hung loose on your body. his hands itched to touch you.
“good morning,” he mumbled, catching your attention.
“how did you sleep?”
you rolled your eyes at him, “i’m tired, jj. let’s just cut to the chase. what happened last night?”
he sighed and decided to sit on a stool, “i don’t know. listen, i know you didn’t mean what you said-“
“what?” you interrupted him immediately.
“well, you were pretty mad. i thought you wanted to apologize for what you said,” he admitted as he looked at you with a confused expression.
you laughed incredulously at him, “jj, i told you to come here so that you’d have the chance to apologize to me!”
“why would i do that? i did nothing wrong!”
“you told me you don’t want me to go out with other people as if you were going out with me and then you didn’t give me an explanation!” you tried to keep your voice as low as you could since your brother was sleeping in his room but the man in front of you was making it very hard to keep your composure.
“what explanation do you need? i don’t want another man touching you the way i should! i thought that was pretty clear,” he said as he stood up from his seat.
“why? why don’t you want another man touching me?”
you wanted him - no, you needed him to admit how he felt about you.
“because i’m the only one who’s allowed to touch you,” and his voice was stern, no turning back.
“and who says that? we’re friends, aren’t we? what if i want to go out with someone else? you’re a friend. that’s what you want,” you punctuated your words by pointing at his chest.
“if you want to go out with him, then do it. but don’t come cry to me when he doesn’t make you feel the way i do.”
you shook your head and looked at the ground, “what the hell are we doing, jj? what is this?”
when he didn’t give you an answer, you lifted your head and stared at his conflicted look, “do you want us to be friends?”
“it doesn’t matter what i want,” he said bitterly.
“yes, it does!”
“it doesn’t! what do you want, y/n?”
the question left you speechless. what did you want? “i - i…” you were going to leave in a two weeks, did you really want to make him suffer by telling him that you wanted much more than just sex? “i don’t know.”
he shook his head as a humorless laugh left his lips, “you know what? i’m done,” jj snapped, hurt written across his features.
“done? with what?”
he gestured between the two of you, “with this. with us. with the whole friends with benefits thing. i-i can’t do it, i can’t pretend anymore! let’s stop before one of us gets hurt,” although he already was.
“jj-“ you began as you started to see the pain in his eyes.
“no,” he interrupted you immediately, “we said no strings attached, so that’s what i’m doing. i’m giving you an out.”
he didn’t want you to stay away from him, he craved your touch more often than he would’ve liked to admit but if you didn’t feel the same he couldn’t put himself through that heartache.
a moment passed before you had the courage to speak again, “are we still friends?”
a simple question. you had always been sure of the answer but in that moment everything changed and you two became suddenly strangers. he thought about what to say to you, the word ‘yes’ would’ve left such a bitter taste in his mouth, the realization that he was just your friend again hurt.
“i don’t know,” and he was honest as he didn’t want to lose you but he couldn’t see you with anyone else either.
your eyes were welling up with tears, you didn’t want this to end, “we said that whatever happened between us, it didn’t have to ruin our friendship. you can’t break the rule”
‘1. stay friends; 2. no strings attached’
“that’s not the only rule i’ve broken”
the pounding of your heart was the only sound you were able to hear, “what?” you swallowed thickly, “listen, i just want us to be friends again. i don’t wanna lose you”
jj stood there, shaking his head and running his hands through his hair in frustration, and he couldn’t take it anymore, “how can i be your friend? how can i do that when i know what your body feels like underneath mine? how can i just be your friend when i know what you sound like when you moan my name? those are not things friends should know. that’s not what friends do. friends don’t kiss like we do and you know it!”
you were looking at him with teary eyes, your instinct screaming at you to run to him. he rubbed his hands on his face, clearly shocked of what he just said to you.
“j, please-“ you tried to say as you began to get closer to him.
“no, listen just go out on that date. you’re free, you don’t have to worry about me anymore. i have to go.”
he turned around and slammed the front door behind him, leaving you a mess and your heart broken for him.
you. i want you.
that was what you wanted to scream at him. but as you tried to protect the both of you, you ended up hurting yourself and ruining your friendship with jj.
you didn’t see much of him the following week. he came over to the chateau but barely talked to you. your friends noticed the shift between you two but never mentioned it, they all knew something was going on but none of them wanted to be part of it because it was obvious that whatever it was, it would’ve upset your brother.
on saturday, exactly one week before your departure, he was hanging around at yours, playing cards with john b and pope on the porch as you tried to take a nap. everything had been so crazy lately as you were getting ready to leave your childhood home.
when you got out of your room to get some water, you were taken aback by jj’s presence. apparently, he had had the same idea as you, standing in front of the fridge with a water bottle in his hand.
“hi,” you said as you found yourself in front of him.
he only nodded once at you before closing the fridge and walking past you.
“right,” you whispered to yourself. you knew he was mad but you didn’t expect him to just ignore you completely.
regret was eating him inside. you didn’t deserve to be treated like that. jj turned around and let himself have a look at you. he had missed you so much in that week and he didn’t know how he was supposed to go on with his life without you for months.
“i made a mistake,” he said, although you were still facing the refrigerator, “when i asked you to be friends with benefits, i made a mistake.”
you finally turned to him and almost gulped at the sight of his intense gaze, “i don’t wanna hear this, jj.”
“i think you want to,” he walked closer to you and caged you between his body and the kitchen counter with his arms on either side of you, “because my mistake was assuming that we were ever friends in the first place.”
you inhaled sharply, the smell of his cheap cologne making your insides twist with desire as you had missed the feeling of his perfume surrounding you, “my brother is outside, j,” you whispered.
he only pressed his body further against yours while your lips were now dangerously close to his, “did you go out with that guy?”
the question caught you completely off guard, but it was obvious that he was ruining himself just to get you to answer to him, “no.”
“why?” his head lowered to your neck as you closed your eyes and instinctively threw your head back to give him more access while your hands flew in his hair.
“i didn’t want him.”
at your words he nipped the exposed skin of your neck and your breath got heavier. he started leaving wet kisses down to your collarbone, “i miss you, baby.”
you sighed, “i miss you, too, j, but we can’t-“
he raised his head again and rested his forehead against yours, “look me in the eyes and tell me we were friends,” he was pleading you to finally admit what you both knew very well.
you only stared into his eyes, a look you had never seen in them and that you couldn’t really decipher. your hands were still on the nape of his neck as you let your eyes flicker to his lips for a second, but he noticed it. he leaned in, brushing his lips against yours for a moment as you both closed your eyes, savoring the feeling you had missed so much.
however, the moment didn’t last long as you heard the sound of the door opening, “jj, did you fall or s-“ pope stopped in his tracks when he saw the both of you jumping away from each other.
“i - i’ll be right out,” he stuttered while you were trying to regain your breath, although you hadn’t even realized you were holding it until everything stopped, and you avoided pope’s eyes.
he stood there, his mouth agape as he couldn’t believe you two were kissing when john b was literally on the other side of the door, “pope, get out, please,” jj said.
“no, jj. i think it’s best if you get out right now,” his friend added as he lowered his voice.
you looked at jj and nodded at him, “go.”
he ran his hands through his hair and released a puff of air before following his friend’s order. pope stayed inside and looked at you, “pope-“ you started, but he interrupted you, “i won’t say anything.”
“thank you.”
“y/n, you’re leaving in a week,” he reminded you, as if it wasn’t the only thing on your mind.
“i know.”
as you started walking back to your room, his words stopped you again, “listen, i love you both, you’re my friends. i don’t want you two to hurt each other.”
“huh,” you said with a sad smile, “too late for that.”
jj didn’t talk to you for the rest of the week, completely avoiding you and everything that included you this time. he was running away from his feelings, confusing you with every action, or lack thereof, he made.
one day. that was all you had left in the outer banks before leaving and he still refused to talk to you. when john b told you that he was throwing you an away party with the pogues you thought jj was going to be there, but when he didn’t show up you knew it was time to make things clear.
after the party, you sneaked out and drove the twinkie to his house. he had to give you an explanation. he couldn’t just go around, kissing you and telling you that he misses you and then start avoiding you the next day; it wasn’t fair.
when you found yourself outside the front door of his small home, you knocked on the door, gently at first and then it progressively began to be more demanding and insistent as no answer came. you saw his bike on the lawn so you knew he was in there.
“jj! open this fucking door right now!” you all but yelled.
he finally got the courage to get up from the couch he was lying on and face you, “what?” he said as soon as he opened the door.
“what?” you echoed, conflicted between crying or laughing at the coldness of his tone, “i’m leaving tomorrow and you’ve been avoiding me for a week! what the hell, jj?”
he avoided your eyes and shrugged, “just starting to get used to you being away.”
you chuckled humorlessly, knowing full well that wasn’t the real reason, “really? is that why you won’t even look me in the eyes? talk to me, for god’s sake!”
“what do you want me to say? i think i’ve said enough to you,” he snapped.
as he tried to close the door, you stopped him and quickly entered the house, “you’ve said nothing! stop being a coward! were you planning on saying goodbye to me?”
“leave,” he said sternly. he couldn’t even be in the same room as you without having the urge to wrap you in his arms.
“no. answer me. were you planning on saying goodbye to me?”
“no! i won’t say goodbye!”
you almost flinched, “why?”
“because it hurts! is that what you wanted to hear? you wanted to hear that the thought of you leaving this island for good is tearing me apart? that looking at you is hurting me? is that what you wanted to hear? huh?” he paced around the room and grabbed his hair with his hands.
“jj, it’s tearing me apart, too,” you said more calmly this time.
“no, you don’t understand!” he stopped his movements and walked closer to you, “after everything we’ve been through, this is how it ends. do you have any idea how much i care about you? how much i’m gonna miss you? god, y/n, i’m - i - shit.”
you closed the gap between you two and rested your hands on his chest, looking up at the blue eyes you’ve known since you were a kid, “what? you what, j?”
jj sighed and shook his head, “i - i can’t say it.”
“then show it to me.”
he didn’t waste a second before his mouth was on yours, kissing you hungrily as you hadn’t touched each other in one long, agonizing week. you didn’t know how you were supposed to survive months without him.
he held your body close to his, but he needed more. he needed to engrave in his memory the feeling of your skin, the softness of your lips, the scent of your sweet perfume. he craved the sight of you falling apart in his hands, unraveling just for him.
his hands grabbed your exposed skin wherever it was possible, feeling the need to have you, while your hands tugged at his hair and his shirt, pulling him impossibly closer to you. jj pinned you against the wall as the kiss turned even more heated. he didn’t know how to put into words his feelings without hurting but he knew how to show them, so that’s exactly what he did.
if that was going to be the last time then he would’ve made it worthy of your time. the way he grabbed you, threw you on his bed and worshiped your body showed you exactly how much he needed you. he made you come undone under him over and over again, until you could barely breathe, but you weren’t going to stop him. you let him do to you whatever he wanted because, for one last night, you wanted to feel his, completely giving yourself to him. both yours and his actions said more than a thousand words would have as you held each other close.
you managed to fall asleep for only a couple of hours, before the alarm you had set for that morning started ringing from your phone. jj’s arms tightened around your naked body as you turned the alarm off and then rested your head back on his chest. you lied on his body completely, your arms wrapped around his torso as you were scared to get up and face the real world.
“j, i have to go,” you whispered as you tried not to cry.
he shut his eyes tightly and kissed your head, “that was the perfect last night. right?” he asked, although he wasn’t able to hide the breaking of his voice.
“it didn’t have to be the last, j. we could-“
he swore he had never felt so much pain inside in whole life; even the tip of his fingertips hurt. he couldn’t bear the ‘maybe’s and the ‘what if’s, he needed to see the truth in front of him: you were leaving. that was all he knew.
you raised your head and cradled his face in one hand, “i don’t want this to end,” you mumbled.
jj looked away from you, “you should go. you’re gonna be late.”
you knew that it had to end but you didn’t want it to end like that. your heart broke in a thousand of pieces when he didn’t spare you one look as you got up from his warm body and began gathering your clothes. your hands were shaking when you put your clothes on, the heartbreak was ruining you.
he only sat up in his bed but still refused to glance at you. your hand touched the door handle before you turned around and decided that it was then or never.
“just give me one reason; one reason why I should come back,” you pleaded, tears welling up in your eyes, “that’s all i’m asking, j. please”
he finally looked up at you, bloodshot eyes staring into yours, “i can’t. there are no reasons.”
“then i hope you’re happy, i hope that never seeing me again is what you want,” you can’t stop your tears anymore as they stream down your face freely, “i know you won’t but don’t call me, don’t make this harder than it already is for me.”
as your hand goes to open the door, he stops you. his fingers tightly wrapped around your arm while you took a shaky breath at the sudden closeness. your heavy breaths mixed together and you waited for him to talk, to tell you to stay, to kiss you, to just do something, but he didn’t.
“are you going to let me go?” you both knew what your question meant; you weren’t only referring to his hand around your arm, but to yourself, to the relationship, to everything that you two shared together: was he going to let that go?
that was when the conversation he had with pope a couple of days prior flashed in front of his eyes. his friend had advised him to be careful and to not ruin a lifelong friendship if he wasn’t serious. but the words that were echoing in his mind in that moment were the ones he said after:
“if you really love her, let her go, jj. if it’s meant to be, you’ll find each other again.”
he closed his eyes and swallowed, “i’m sorry,” was all he said before taking his hand off and watching you leave, and for all he knew that was going to be the last time.
his heart ached for you, his whole chest felt like it was on fire while he couldn’t stop his tears. everything felt like it was out of his hands but it was his fault.
he’s the one that made you cry, the one that broke both his and your heart, he started that stupid arrangement and put an end to it, he pushed you away, he let you go. it was his fault because he got greedy, wanting more from you, and he fell in love with you even though he shouldn’t have. now, he had to deal with the consequences
he never even showed up at the airport. he never said goodbye properly, too busy blaming himself for breaking the best thing that ever happened to him.
he hurt you and he promised himself he’d never do it again, but he did by not being there for you that morning.
“he’s not coming, is he?” you asked when you finished saying your goodbyes. pope looked at you and shook his head.
“i’m sorry, i tried calling him but it keeps going to voicemail.”
“it’s not your fault,” you smiled sadly at him.
a part of you wished he would have come running through the door and apologize for everything he said, but he never did.
three weeks later
jj lied limp on his bed, the sweatshirt you left at his place still smelled like you and it was the only thing that still brought him comfort. bottles of beers and cheap whiskey littered the room as a reminder of everything he wanted to forget about but couldn’t.
he missed you.
he reached for his phone countless of times, looking at your contact and wishing he could call you and hear your sweet voice, yet he knew you would never even pick up. he was certain you hated him and he admitted that you had every right to do so.
but waking up without you was so hard, falling asleep without you in his arms was impossible, so he thought that alcohol was the only way to cope with your absence. getting drunk by noon, avoiding his friends and trying to forget, forget, forget.
how could he ever forget you?
his friends were worried about him, but none of them really knew what he was going through, because whatever was going on between you two was a dirty little secret, something to hide, a love that no one was supposed to know about.
however, pope had always been the smartest one. he already knew about your agreement, but it was easy to figure out that the blond had fallen hopelessly in love with you.
when he saw his friend at the boneyard, he knew it was time to talk. he had had enough. pope dragged jj back to the chateau, a beer bottle hanging from his friend’s hand as he threw him on the couch of the porch.
he snatched the bottle from his fingers, “jj, stop. you’ve been drinking like a damn alcoholic, what the hell is going on with you?”
jj only shrugged, a look pope had never seen before adorning his features. he was empty.
“i need to forget,” he slurred.
“i drink, i forget. that’s how it’s supposed to be right? it’s always worked. but this time, i can’t. i forgot my address last night, literally couldn’t remember where i live and she was still on my damn mind. i could still remember her face, her name, her perfume, her touch. everything. and if you would’ve asked me my name i’m not sure i would’ve guessed right,” he chuckled humorlessly at his last sentence.
pope sighed and sat next to his friend.
“jj, she left. you told me what happened between you two but you never told me why you didn’t say goodbye at the airport. what’s going on?”
jj looked away, almost disgusted and ashamed of himself, “she hates me.”
“you know she doesn’t.”
“she’s gone, pope. she’s gone and she hates me. you didn’t see the way she looked at me when she left; i hurt her and i hate myself for it too. but i miss her - god if i miss her. i can’t breathe when i think about her, it’s like everything around me is fake and she was the only real part of my life and now she doesn’t want to see me anymore. she told me not to call her, did you know that? i can’t stop thinking about her, i need her. everyday of my miserable life, i need her. living without her is not living, i’m in pain all the time and i don’t know how to make it stop. please, make it stop, help me, man.”
he was pleading, the alcohol already cursing through his system and making him spill everything, because he couldn’t keep it in anymore.
“jj-“ he started, but jj didn’t know he wanted to warn him about the presence of someone else.
“i know i fucked it up. it’s my fault, but i didn’t want to lose her. she’s - fuck, she’s everything. she ripped my heart out of my chest and took it with her, and you wanna know something else? i don’t fucking care because i want her to keep my heart. i don’t want anyone else to have it, it’s hers, it’s never been mine. i’m in fucking pieces without her. you wanted to know why i’ve been drinking, now you got your answer.”
“then why are you still here, you moron?!” that was when he finally noticed john b, standing behind him with a shocked and angry expression.
“i - i can explain-“ to say he was shitting himself is an understatement, but john b wasn’t there to yell at him, or at least not for sleeping with his sister.
“yeah, you better explain. you gotta explain why you’re here, crying like a fucking baby about how in love you are with my sister instead of running after her. i heard you, i heard everything. you gotta talk to her.”
jj didn’t know if it was his inebriated state but was john b really telling him to be with you?
“she doesn’t want to talk to me, john b, and i don’t blame her,” he put his head in his hands as he sighed.
“then make her listen to you. when was the last time you felt like this about someone?”
“never. it’s always been her.”
john b could only nod his head, still incredulous that his best friend finally realized his feelings for you. he had always suspected something but he hadn’t understood how real his feelings were until he heard him talk about you. he couldn’t let jj throw everything way.
“you owe it to yourself, jj. you owe it to my sister. so run to her and tell her how you feel.”
he shook his head, “she’s thousand of miles away from here. how can i run to her?”
“uhh, i don’t know, jj. take a fricking plane? ask me for the address of her dorm?” he humored him.
“oh right, i forgot about all the money i have lying around that i can use to buy a ticket.”
“jj, are you willing to do this?” he finally asked.
“i’d do anything for her, i just need her to know that i love her.”
john b went inside the chateau, leaving the two confused boys outside on the porch.
“what just happened?” pope asked.
“i’m not sure…” jj trailed off.
when the brunette came back, he was playing with the stack of money he had in his hands, held together by a rubber band.
“i was saving this money to surprise her and fly to her but…i think you need this more than i do. she needs to see you and listen to you in person.”
the blond was speechless, “ i - i can’t let you do this, jb. why are you doing this?”
“because i care about her and i know now you’re supposed to be together.”
jj stood up and hugged his friend, grateful that he was giving him the green light.
“thank you, jb.”
“c’mon,” he said patting his back, “i’ll drive you.”
the pair drove to the airport in silence, although jj’s mind was going crazy. what was he supposed to tell you? he broke your heart, he couldn’t just expect you to forgive him because he was in love with you.
meanwhile, hours later, you were sitting on your bed, trying to reach your brother, when your roommate sat next to you.
“are you sure you don’t want to go out with us tonight?” she asked, worried about her new friend.
“i’m okay. i usually call my brother on fridays and i’m kinda freaking out because he’s not answering.”
“maybe he’s busy. listen, if you want to be with us, you know where to find us, okay?”
you nodded and watched as she got out of the room, leaving you with your thoughts. john b never forgot about your weekly calls, sometimes he was the one to call you first, so what was the problem? why wasn’t he answering?
when you called sarah and she also told you she didn’t know where he was, you were stumped. there was only one person who would know where your brother was but you refused to call him. he ended it.
and there he was, on your mind again, despite all your efforts to forget about him, he was always there. you knew these things take time but it hurt. your heart ached just thinking about him.
you were suddenly distracted by the gentle knock on your door, which made you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“emma, did you forget your keys a-“
you never knew it was possible to actually feel your heart skipping a beat and then thump out of your chest at the same time, but apparently everything is possible.
everything. even seeing your childhood best friend, the guy that broke your heart, the same one that you couldn’t stop thinking about, outside your dorm room. your breath was knocked out of your lungs.
“hi,” he said with his hands in his front pockets, as if he didn’t just travel thousands of miles to see you.
“jj…” you didn’t know what to say, completely taken aback from the sight of him outside your room, “what are you doing here? did something happen? is john b okay?”
“no, no,” he shook his head, reassuring you that no one was hurt, “john b’s okay. actually he told me to say hi”
“he-what? why are you here?”
you hated yourself because just looking at him hurt you, knowing that you couldn’t touch him, you couldn’t run into his arms and finally feel safe, it was causing you too much pain.
“do you remember the day we met?”
had he come all the way over there to say that?
“what are you talking about?”
“john b and i spent the whole day on the playground, being stupid and shit, you know the usual,” he smiled and your whole chest ached, “so we got back to the chateau and you were there, playing with your dolls. john b introduced us and then, while he was talking to your dad, you noticed i was hurt. i think i fell or something and my knee was scraped and it burned, but i didn’t say anything, yet you noticed, because…you always did. you told me to sit down and you patched me up, and god you were what? six years old? and you were already taking care of me. you said you always helped your brother when he got hurt so you knew what to do. i was eight, i didn’t even know what love was, i’m not sure i know what it is now either… but i know that i fell in love with you that same day and i haven’t been able to stop since,” he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “i’m not perfect, i don’t know how to show my feelings, i don’t know what my feelings are most of the time, but i do know that for the last thirteen years whenever i hear someone talk about love, i think of you.”
you didn’t know when the tears had started streaming down your face but at that point they were reaching your neck and you couldn’t stop them. his arms were itching to take you and hold you against his chest, but he knew he had to wait for you, he had waited thirteen years, he could wait a little bit more.
“you came all the way here to tell me that?” you tried to keep your voice steady, but how would anyone be calm after listening to someone pour their whole heart out for them?
“i came here because i miss you. i can’t stop thinking about you, you’re on my mind all day and all night and it hurts, because i know it’s my fault. i could never get over you, i could spend the rest of my life trying to forget you and i know that it’d never work. you’re in everything i do, everything i say, everything is about you, it’s always you. i can’t keep pretending that i’m okay or that i will be, i know i was okay when you were in my arms, when you kissed me, when you let me hold you until you fell asleep. i was okay when i could pretend, even for a night, that you were mine and i was yours. i’m sorry i acted like a jerk, i am; you didn’t deserve that. i should’ve said goodbye to you at the airport, i know, but i couldn’t. it was selfish but the more i thought about it, the more it hurt and i couldn’t watch you leave again. i should’ve begged you to stay, to give us a chance, but i was scared and i’ll regret that for the rest of my life,” he chuckled drily, looking up at the ceiling and then back at you, “i don’t know how i ever thought i would be able to forget about us, about you. i’m nothing without you. you’re in my heart, in my bones, in my soul.”
only in that moment of weakness you let yourself take a real look at him. you didn’t notice the dark eye bags he was wearing when you first opened the door or the way his whole face was different, the light that once adorned his beautiful features was completely gone.
“baby,” your heart clenched at the nickname you had missed so much, “i’m here because this time i’m not letting you go that easily. if you want to scream at me, calling me the worst names possible, if you want to break my heart again and again, by all means do it. i’m ready and i’m not scared, because i’m going to fight for us this time, even if you don’t believe it anymore.”
and after weeks of painful heartaches, you finally saw the man you fell in love with. the one who would do anything for you, that would protect you with everything he has, the man that owns your heart.
“say something, please,” he said, voice breaking, when you still refused to open your mouth and react at his words.
“you know when in movies people say that they can’t live without the person they love? how life is impossible without them?” you asked and he could only nod, confused at what you were trying to say.
“i can live without you, jj,” his heart dropped in his stomach, “i can do everything i used to do when you were in my life. i can still laugh and have fun, i can go out with my new friends and pretend like everything’s okay,” you inhaled shakily, “the thing is: i don’t want to live without you.”
he swore his whole body stopped for a second.
“every single inch of me misses you, jj. i look at you and i miss you. i know my life would go on without you but my heart would ache for you until my last breath, because i was stupid enough to fall in love with you and i know i could never fall out of it.”
at this point you were both crying your eyes out. jj got closer to you as your whole body all but shook at the thought of having him so near to you after weeks of separation.
“you hurt me, j,” you said looking up at him.
“i know. i’m so sorry, that was the last thing i wanted to do,” he whispered, his raspy voice making your stomach flutter.
“i know,” you mumbled as his face was so close to yours you could feel his breath mixing with yours, “you’re an idiot, maybank.”
he chuckled, “that i am.”
you shakily put your hands on his shoulders, then slowly brought them to his neck and finally on the back of his head. he closed his eyes and inhaled sharply at your touch. when you felt his hands on your waist, you smiled up at him and he could hear his heart beating fast at the sight.
“are you gonna let me fight for us?” he asked.
“on one condition.”
his lips turned up into a smile, you and your damn rules.
“whatever you want,” he pressed his forehead to yours and you closed your eyes.
“kiss me.”
and he did. he kissed you until he couldn’t breathe anymore and then he kissed you some more. this time, the room was filled with real words, they weren’t hidden behind your actions anymore as you weren’t scared of the consequences.
“i love you,” he repeated against your skin and your lips like a broken record that you can’t stop listening to.
“i love you,” you replied each time, because you weren’t broken, not anymore. you were both finally whole again.
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mia-ugly · 10 months
In honour of Good Omens Season 2
HAVE A SLOW SHOW FICLET with thanks to @weatheredlaw for the amazing graphic ❤️❤️❤️ how we doing fam
It’s a kid on set that first tells him. 
Not really a kid, but anyone less than thirty seems a kid to him these days (ugh, that’s a loathsome thought.) Jiyana’s a queer and pink-haired punk type, rainbow pin on their jacket, trans-pride flag tattooed on their inner wrist. The first time he met them, the whole wirey confident glittery thing made his gut clench with - what was it - joy and gratitude but also envy? Maybe? (because what must it be like to be that young and that certain of yourself? What must it be like to have the whole world open in front of you? Not that there still isn’t a lot of shit to deal with, and in Merry Old fucking England there is More Shit than Otherwise, but. Still. It’s something Crowley thinks about. Sometimes. When he hasn’t had enough sleep or when he’s had too much of it.)
The kid came up to him Day One to mumble about “being a big fan” and once they wore a Warlock t-shirt to an afterparty (“Vintage!” they said cheerily, and Crowley wanted to swallow his own face at the thought of something from the 2010s being considered vintage, good Christ.)
Anyway, Jiyana tells him first.
“Congrats on the new season!” They’re beside him in the makeup trailer. Crowley doesn’t realise they’re talking to him, assumes they’re wearing AirPods or something, until George gives him a nudge with the powder puff.
“Er, yeah, cheers.” It’s too early to talk to anyone this perky. Then his exhausted, coffee-less brain takes a moment to catch up with his exhausted, coffee-less mouth. “Er, wait, what?”
“Warlock. Heard it’s coming back. Did I tell you I wrote a paper on it in, like, Grade 10? So cool, the GSA at my highschool used to have watch parties, I can’t wait to see what they do with your -“
“Wait -“ Warlock? It’s been bloody years. “Where’d you hear this?”
The kid starts to list off some sites or social media whatsits that Crowley has never heard of, so he just nods and pretends to understand, the same way he does when Az’s niece tries to explain some show called “Jojo’s Big Adventure” or something. Validate, validate, empathise. Just like Pepper taught him.
It’s probably nothing right? A rumour.
But it’s a rumour Az has heard too.
When Crowley gets home that night (they’ve rented a house in Buckinghamshire, even though the studio’s not two hours from their cottage) Az is on him immediately. Heard about it from his sister apparently, who got the news from one of the kids.
“Isn’t that exciting?” His face is all lit up and his hair is wet, bathrobe snugly belted around his waist. The house has an indoor pool, and there are little indents on Avery’s nose where his extremely attractive and sexy swimming-goggles must have been resting.
Crowley presses his lips to each mark.
“Not that we’ve been going hungry or wanting for work –” Az continues.
“You work too bloody much,” Crowley murmurs into his cheekbone.
“But I do love those characters. The whole thing wrapped up so nicely though – what more is there to tell?  I wonder what the arc could possibly be.”
“I wonder what you’ve got on under this robe –”
“Anthony!” Az laughs in fake protest, tilting his head back so that Crowley can get his mouth on his throat. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Az tastes like chlorine, and maybe Crowley should join him in the shower after this. After a day in the studio, he could probably use it.
“Would you really want to do a series again?” Crowley asks after he’s finally let his husband go, turned to hang up his coat and thrown his bag on the nearest chair. “Awful lot of commitment. And you’ve that whole run at the Globe coming up, don’t rehearsals start in the spring?”
“We’ll have to see if Helen can mind the goats again while we’re in London.” Az has wandered into the kitchen, turned on the kettle. Crowley looks at the back of his neck (Crowley always looks at the back of his neck. Sometimes he dreams about it.) “If she’s free. I called her this morning to check in, Elmyra’s eating, so her anxiety must be getting better.”
“Cool, yeah,” Crowley says, casual and nonchalant and no big deal. As if Elmyra isn’t his favourite of the bunch and he doesn’t have a song that he made up and no one knows that he sings just to her. As if he didn’t hand feed her all night once because she wasn’t sleeping or eating and neither was he because he was so afraid this tiny rescue goat was going to starve to death, anyway whatever, super cool, who cares. “Is it weird that no one’s reached out to us, though? Do you think?”
“About the goats? Helen has my number –”
“No love, the Warlock thing.”
Az blinks at him, flutters his pretty blond lashes in an attractive, aggrieved sort of way. “You mean you haven’t heard from Beez?”
“I haven’t heard from anyone.”
“Oh.” Az thinks it over. “Well. Neither have I, actually. Do you – is that odd?”
“Maybe they’ve recast us with younger models.”
“They wouldn’t dare.”
“Gotta up the sex appeal of the whole thing. Jawlines. Cheekbones. Sexy results.”
“I –” Az goes a bit pink. Glances at Crowley and then away. “Fail to see how they could improve upon perfection.”
Crowley looks at his husband’s bathrobe and the slight scattering of silver chest hair and his hand on his tea cup and fuck off, his neck. His neck, his neck, who gives a shit about Warlock actually?
 “Come over here and say that to my mouth.”
Avery smiles, and sighs, and he does.
Crowley opens the email from Beez.
Tumblr media
He fuckin' closes it.
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hearts4golbach · 5 months
could u do johnnie guilbert smut? maybe with him being sub? like whimpering and shit 💀 idk how else to explain lmao 😭
Disco Stick. (Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.)
warning: consensual sex under the influence of alcohol.
im not sure if all of this is true so if its not pretend it is!
The club was definitely not my first choice of entertainment, but it'd do. Me and F/n pulled up to the most popular club near us, hoping we'd meet new guys to spice up our boring lives.
we got in surprisingly quick and went to find somewhere to sit and get drinks. we settled on the bar, sitting in the very far corner so we wouldnt bother anyone. I ordered my usual while f/n decided not to drink at all so she could drive us home. sadly, next time id be designated driver.
"its boring over here, once you get your drink lets go walk around or something." she offered, sipping her sprite.
i nodded in agreement. shorty after, i finally got my drink and we got up to walk around. i sipped on my drink as we began to walk into a crowd. i was worried id spill it. i pushed through a couple people carefully, making not to disturb anyone. 2 guys with black hair stood in front of me, i began to swerve around them before one turned around, bumping into me. luckily, my drink didnt get spilt.
"shit, i am so sorry." i heard an old, oddly familiar voice apologize.
"its all good," i looked up to see his face. "no fucking way, johnnie? do you remember me from chemistry?"
excitement twinkled in his eyes as he smiled. "yeah, you were the best lab partner i ever had. how could i forget?"
"i remember you too!" jake said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"sorry, jake! how could i forget you, you always made chemistry genuinely funny!"
"junior year chem was the shit with the 3 of us!" johnnie added as he giggled.
"we should catch up! ill buy you 2 a drink!" i yell over the blaring music.
"im down." he grinned. i grabbed his hand and we walked back to the bar, f/n and jake behind us.
as we sat back down, i introduced them to f/n. "this is f/n, she didnt go to the same highschool as us but we went to middle school together and weve been friends ever since."
jake shook her hand and johnnie waved. "im jake, and this is johnnie." he said, tilting his head towards johnnie.
"hey! its nice to meet you guys." she smiled sweetly.
we spent a couple more hoirs drinking and reminiscing over all of the awkward but funny moments we had together. the three of us were the chemistry group as people would say. although we fucked off a lot, all of us ended with a 95% or higher because we made that class bearable. id rather not talk about my other grades, though.
by the time we were leaving, me and johnnie were drunk as fucking sailors. we held onto eachother, stuck like glue as we giggled over everything. we frequently tripped, unsure of our footing causing f/n or jake to help us regain our shared balance. i had my arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other holding onto the arm that was wrapped around my waist. me and johmnie clicked, just like old times.
f/n and jake threw us in the backseat. johnnie laid his head on my shoulder and i rested my head on top of his. i was nearly asleep before i was awoken by johnnie gagging loudly. "ew, what the fuck was that about?" i slurred.
"i felt like it." he laughed. i rolled my eyes and got out of the car as we parked. i dragged johnnie out behind me and gripped onto him the same way i had before.
while i was drifiting off, f/n and jake had decided theyd just stay the night at our apartment. me and johnnie were estatic about our sleepover. "why dont we just share your bed?" he smiled and laughed, making his eyes squint.
i sighed contently. "that sounds amazing. you can be my pillow." i smiled sweetly.
"of course." johnnie slurred, following me into my room.
"goodnight, lovebugs, sleep tight." f/n teased while jake ooo'd from the living room.
i laughed at her comment and laid in bed next to johnnie. he looked deeply into my eyes, looking like he had something to say but holding back. but i knew what he wanted to say, and i wanted to say it too. "i was in love with you all throughout highschool." i confessed.
"really?" his face brightened, "i was, too. theres not a day where you dont cross my mind, still." he admitted.
"me too, i was so scared to reach out. i wish you said something before we graduated." i frowned.
"me too." he whispered, his eyes flickering down to my lips then back up into my eyes. his blue eyes pierced through mine, making my insides turn to mush.
we gazed into eachothers eyes for a solid minute before i leaned in and kissed him. he immediately kissed me back, grabbing my waist and pulling me in. it was passionate and needy, making chills run down my spine. i pressed into him, wanting more. his tongue swiped my bottom lip. i ran my fingers through his hair before flipping us over and sitting on top of him. his hands carefully slid down to my ass, giving it a gentl squeeze before moving down to grip my thighs.
johnnie pulled back. "is this okay?" he asked, breathing heavily.
i nodded fast, pulling him back in. i grinded down onto his hard member, making him whimper quietly into my mouth. he began to take off my shirt, breaking the kiss long enough that i could get his off, too. i lazily unbuttoned his pants, not bothering to break the kiss. i felt his hot breath heavy on my face. i pulled his jeans down just enough so i could see his boxers.
"fuck, y/n," johnnie whispered, pulling my shorts and underwear off from under my skirt. he didnt bother removing it.
i desperately oulled his boxers down, revealing his hardened cock. i bit my lip as i looked up at him. "youre okay with this, right?"
"yes, please, i need you so bad." johnnie moaned quietly, gripping my hips as i
lined up my entrance with his tip.
i slowly began to sit, just as eager to feel him inside of me as he was. "you dont know how long ive wanted to do this, pretty boy. fuck, you feel so good." i moaned, leaning down to kiss his neck, i sucked and bit, leaving dark hickeys all over his neck and chest.
his fingertips left prints in my hips, which were most likely going to bruise in the morning but the pressure was perfect. he melted under my touch, whimpereing curses under his breath.
i sped up the pace, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "youre so amazing," i moaned, placing my hands on his chest and tracing his tattoos.
"fuck, if you keep doing that im going to cum even quicker." he admitted, throwing his head back and biting down onto his lip.
i swiftly bounced on his cock, moaning and praises filled the room. "you fuck me so good." i tell johnnie, making his cock twitch inside of me.
"im going to cum," he whimpered and moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
"cum with me, johnnie." i cursed under my breath.
my body tensed as i felt my stomach swirl and knot. i hit my climax, slowly riding his dick to help him ride out his high as well. he pulled out and came all over my stomach. "fuck." he said one last time, his body going limp.
i dropped down next to him, pulling the covers over our naked bodies. "i needed that so bad." i admitted before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
wrapped in eachothers arms, we slept like rocks.
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Part 2 to this!
Eddie had never considered himself to be a lucky person. Could anyone really blame him? For one thing, he was eaten alive last year. And that wasn’t even counting the fact that he had been a twenty-year old, drug-dealing highschooler before he was sent to literal hell. All after witnessing multiple horrifying homicides. 
But now that he had Steve Harrington on top of him, shoving his tongue down his throat like his life depended on it, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. 
Part of him still couldn’t believe that it was happening at all. He had been fully prepared to just play the part of the pining best friend and suffer through his unrequited crush. He even convinced himself that it would slowly disappear after he got off the high of seeing Steve all bloody and gorgeous in an alternate reality.
But it didn’t. It just got worse and worse. Eddie’s crush just bloomed into a full-blown love. Because Steve Harrington was nothing like he expected. Eddie had never experienced this much whiplash when getting to know someone before. Steve went from highschool bully, to a monster fighting badass, and landed on an adorable, snarky goofball who Eddie basically wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 
It had felt like such a long shot when he asked the question. The question that had been haunting him for months, but Eddie couldn’t help but ask. Not after everything he’d seen. At first he thought it was all in his head, just his overactive imagination trying to convince him he wasn’t alone in his feelings. 
But then he started noticing things. Like how Steve was always available to him, even when he had better options open. It was around the third time he witnessed Steve tell a pretty girl, “Sorry, I have plans tonight,” for him to raise a brow. Because the only plans he ever had was doing stupid shit with him. 
It was when he actually rejected Nancy in favor of getting high and listening to music in Eddie’s room that he got optimistically suspicious. It made him pay more attention, the little voice inside his head was getting louder and louder, that told him, maybe, just maybe, Eddie wasn’t the only one in love here. 
So Eddie let himself get a little bolder, terrified all the while but determined to figure out what was going on here. 
It was small things at first, touches that he would let linger. A hand on Steve’s waist when they puttered around the kitchen together, always giving him a little squeeze before he let go. Brushing his bangs out of his face, his hand curling around his ear before pulling away. Resting his head in Steve’s lap when they were sprawled out on the couch, talking about nothing and everything for hours. 
He didn’t miss the way Steve’s cheeks would redden at every touch, or the sweet little smile put on when he thought Eddie wasn’t looking. It made him feel emboldened, and terribly hopeful. 
So he let himself do more, obvious things that were not normal between two male platonic best friends. He waited until night, because despite what Steve said Eddie was not a brave man. At least then if Steve rejected the hell out of him, he’d never have to see his face. 
In theory it should have been easy. They shared a bed almost every night anyway, Eddie always making easy excuses to explain away why Steve didn’t need to go home. 
It was too late, it was cold outside, the trailer was closer to his work anyway, he could still be high from a hit he took two hours ago, Eddie wasn’t above a single excuse. And Steve never complained, he’d just nod along, agreeing to whatever stupid thing Eddie could think of for the night. 
They slept back to back, trying to hold onto some semblance of normal between them. And Eddie would be lying if he said the thought of breaking it didn’t scare the hell out of him, but that didn’t stop him from draping an arm over Steve’s waist one night. He had pulled him against his chest, heart on the verge of exploding as he waited for Steve’s reaction. 
He hadn’t expected him to turn over in his arms, and Eddie had been almost sure that he was doing it to ask him what the fuck he was doing. But Steve just sighed, all relaxed and happy as he snuggled into his chest, wrapping his own arm around Eddie’s waist.  They woke up tangled together, happy and restful. 
They never talked about it, but every night when Eddie opened up his arms, Steve went right into them. And God did Eddie love it, he loved him. And the idea that there was any chance he could be with him and he wasn’t taking it, was killing him. So he took a shot, and asked the question that had been plaguing him for months. 
And it fucking worked. Here he was, vindicated and rewarded with the most handsome, funny, kind boyfriend to ever live. In all honesty, not that much changed between them, considering how they were basically dating back when they considered themselves “friends”. But now there was the added bonus of being able to kiss the living hell out of him whenever he wanted. And the fact that Steve had apparently been holding out on him, because overnight he became the clingest cuddler Eddie had ever had the pleasure of knowing. 
Whether that be hugs from behind, arms draped around his neck in bed, or Steve clambering up into Eddie’s lap whenever the opprunintuity arose. And it was so fucking cute it made Eddie feel like he could die from happiness. And when he returned the favor, Steve would just melt. A hand on his thigh while they drove, an arm around his waist at friendly get togethers, any small touch was enough to make Steve a blushing, gooey mess. 
The whole thing was amazing and Eddie had never been happier. 
There was just one problem. 
For the life of him, Eddie couldn’t stop making him cry. 
The first time, he understood. It had been a bit of a dick move on his end, to force Steve to admit his feelings because Eddie was too chicken-shit to do it himself. He should have thought about that and he'd apologized more than once for the way he handled the whole thing, even if Steve insisted it was more than fine. He just…never wanted to be the cause of that sad, dejected face ever again. 
But then he did it again, completely accidentally. It had been a lazy Sunday morning, the both of them deciding to sleep in until someone from the outside world forced them out of bed. Eddie woke up first, blinking into the late morning light. Steve was draped across his chest, still sound asleep and only slightly drooling on him.
Eddie ran a hand through his tousled hair, completely lovestruck. The small movement was enough to have Steve shift against him, mumbling about it being too early to wake up. But Eddie was already trailing his hands down his back, more than ready to tickle him awake if need be. And it worked, it always worked, because the next thing he knew Steve was batting his hands away, a tired laugh escaping as he finally opened his eyes. 
He groaned as he blinked into the light, pouting up at Eddie as he rubbed his eyes, “You’re lucky you’re pretty Munson. Or I would have kicked you out of bed by now.”
Eddie grinned, wrapping his arms around him a little tighter, “You’d kick me out of my own bed? That’s cold Stevie.”
“My bed now. A consequence of being with me,” Steve laughed, snuggling closer, “It’s in the contract.”
The snarky comment on his tongue died the second Eddie looked down at him. Steve just looked so…relaxed. Unfairly handsome and happy to be there, tracing patterns along Eddie’s bare chest. He was struck with the realization that he wanted this for the rest of his life. Just Steve, with his bed-head and sleepy smile. Eddie had to look away, staring up at the ceiling as he was suddenly overwhelemed by just how much he loved this guy. 
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, embarrassingly earnest, “I think you’re the love of my life.”
Steve was quiet, but he could feel him nodding along as he traced Eddie’s collarbone. For a second, Eddie thought he just hadn’t heard him, and was doing that thing when he pretended like he did. He was a few seconds away from teasingly calling him out for it when he heard it. A soft sniffle, accompanied by a wet feeling, dripping onto him. 
Eddie glanced down, eyes widening at the sight of Steve wiping his tears away, trying and failing to be quiet about it. 
Eddie sat up, slightly panicked as he dragged Steve up with him, “Steve? Baby, what’s wrong? Was it what I said?”
Steve let out a wet laugh, “Not at all. I-fuck, Eddie I think you’re mine too. I swear this hasn’t happened before.”
Eddie was too worried to show how ecstatic that confession made him feel. He held Steve’s face in his hands, wiping away a few tears with his thumbs, “But you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, I swear.” Steve sighed, leaning into the touch, “I’m just being a fucking weirdo.”
“My weirdo.” Eddie corrected before kissing him, the salty taste of his tears be damned. Eddie reasoned that he was probably just overwhelmed, which was normal, considering how Eddie was speedrunning the pace of their relationship. It was a fluke, and that was fine.
But then it happened again. 
It had been a completely normal day, no fights with anyone, no problems at the video store or with any of Eddie’s clients. They were watching a movie on the couch, Eddie’s head resting in Steve’s lap as Fame rolled on in the background. Steve was braiding his hair, absentminded as they commented on the muscial, both agreeing that Robin had really oversold it. 
Though Eddie was a sucker for the New York based movies. He used to dream about running away there when he was a teenager. Working and playing in dingy bars until he was magically discovered and skyrockerted into stardom. But now, at the ripe old age of twenty one, he was much more interested in going wherever Steve would follow. 
He watched the screen, mind wandering as he asked,  “Where would you want to go when we leave Hawkins?”
The hands in his hair paused for a split second before Steve answered, “W-what do you mean?”
“When the kids graduate,” Eddie continued, missing the stutter in Steve’s voice, “We won’t really have any reason to stay here right? It’s probably about time that Wayne got the bachelor pad back anyway.” 
“You…you want to live with me?”
Eddie let out a small laugh, rolling his eyes, “Babe, I don’t know if you’re aware but we kind of already live together.”
He watched the screen, someone whose name he forgot was starting another monolouge, “New York is a bit much, but Indianapolis could probably work. Somewhere with some options, y’know?”
Steve cleared his throat above him, fingers still working in his hair, “Y-yeah. Sounds good.”
Eddie smiled, pleased as he went back to trying to follow the plot. Then he felt something wet hit his cheek. He scrunched his nose up, confused as he shifted to look up at Steve, heart jumping when he realized what was happening. 
“Holy shit, don’t look at me for a minute.” Steve groaned, covering his face with his hands, failing to hide his sniveling, “Seriously, just ignore me.”
Eddie sat up, ignoring Steve’s protests as he pried his hands from his face, “What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing!” Steve insisted, avoiding Eddie’s eyes, “I swear, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.”
“Sweetheart, if moving in together is too much to talk about that’s fine-”
“No!” Steve interrupted, voice loud in the small space between them, “I-I mean, that’s not the problem. Of course I want to live with you.”
“I don’t want to pressure you-”
“You’re not,” Steve insisted, grabbing Eddie's hands. He squeezed them, warm and comforting, “Whatever is wrong with me has nothing to do with you, or us. I swear.���
Eddie nodded, even if the worry didn’t fully leave his head. He couldn’t help it, because it just kept happening. Eddie was averaging on making Steve tear up at least once a month and everytime he would insist he was fine. That it wasn’t Eddie’s fault, he was just being a freak. 
It’s not like Eddie minded. In fact he kind of liked comforting him. And it didn’t help that Steve was fucking adorable when he cried. With his scrunched up nose and pretty wet eyes, Eddie was more than happy to be the one to kiss his tears away.  
He just wished he could figure out why it was happening, because despite what Steve said, he knew that he was the cause. It only happened when they were alone together, usually right after Eddie said or did something particularly mushy. He just wanted to know what he was doing wrong. 
It was starting to keep him up at night, and as embarrassing as it was, Eddie was having anxiety nightmares about Steve leaving him for someone who wasn’t making him weep on a semi-regular basis. 
Eddie blinked into the night, waking up from another one of those stupid dreams. He blindly reached over for Steve, his hand hitting the empty mattress with a thud. Eddie groaned, assuming he was in the bathroom, but knowing there was no way he was getting back to sleep without having him next to him. 
Eddie stood, deciding to get some water while he waited for him to come back. He stepped out of his room into the dark hall, cocking his head at the odd scene in front of him. The phone cord was stretched from the kitchen to the bathroom, peeking out through the half cracked door.  
Eddie stopped infront of it, curious as he made out what Steve was whispering through the phone, "Robin, if I cry in front of him one more time I'm going to have to change my name and flee the country."
Eddie snorted behind his hand, quiet enough to not be heard. He leaned in a little closer, fully aware that he should just turn around and not be an eavesdropping dick, but…if he could just find out why Steve kept crying, maybe he could actually do something to stop it. 
"I'm not telling him. I'm lucky I haven't scared him off yet as it is."
Eddie frowned, confused. That didn’t make sense, there was nothing Steve could do to scare him off, not after everything they had been through. Didn’t he know that? 
Steve sighed into the phone, sad and resigned, "I just…I don’t know how much more I can fall in love with him. When he ends it…it's going to fucking kill me."
Eddie could feel his heart stop in his chest. Where the hell did that come from? Sometimes Eddie spent half of his day just day-dreaming about their future, and here Steve was, thinking that he was going to end the best thing that ever happened to him?
"I know, I know. Maybe you're right. I love you too, I'll see you tomorrow."
Eddie backed away from the door, still feeling vaguely ill at what he’d heard. He slipped into bed, pretending to still be asleep when Steve eventually followed. He was back in bed for maybe five seconds before Eddie was reaching for him, tucking him tightly into his arms, like he could cuddle the doubts out of him. 
Eddie could barely sleep that night, mind-racing on what he could do to make Steve realize that he wasn’t going anywhere. It made sense, in the grand scheme of things. Steve’s parents were total shit heads who had no appreciation for the wonderful son they had. The only other person he’d fallen in love with besides Eddie ended up cheating on him, right after drunkenly declaring the fact that she never loved him back. 
And that wasn’t even mentioning his “best friends” who dropped him the second he decided to stop acting like a dick in highschool. Now that he was thinking about it, Eddie was kicking himself for not putting the pieces together sooner. 
Of course Steve would be worried about that. But Eddie wasn’t like them, he’d never be like them. In his head, the only way this relationship was ending was if Steve dumped him, not the other way around. 
If Eddie was extra clingy that morning, Steve didn’t complain. Even if he was making it a bitch for him to get ready for work. Eddie was still draped all over him by the time he was trying to get out the door, laughing at his antics all the while. 
“Someone’s needy today, huh?” Steve chuckled, prying Eddie’s arms away from his neck, “I’ll be back before you know it.”
“That’s not soon enough,” Eddie whined, going as far as to follow him to the car. He kissed him goodbye through the window, not giving a single shit who saw them. Not when it made Steve blush and beam at him. He waved at him as he drove away, a plan already forming in his head as he started his day. 
If Steve had fears, Eddie would just love them right out of him. No reason to make a big deal out of anything, not when Steve was already so embarrassed about the whole thing. He would play it cool, and slowly but surely alleviate all of the anxieties. 
That was the plan, but the plan went straight out the window that same night. Basically the second he laid eyes on him after stepping through the front door. Steve wasn’t even doing anything. Just sitting on the couch, lazily watching TV. But then he noticed him, gave him that bright smile, and the floodgates just opened.
“I love you.” Eddie blurted out, making his way towards him, “Like I really fucking love you.”
Steve cocked his head, confused but still happy to see him. He shuffled over for Eddie to sit next to him, “I love you too?”
Eddie shook his head, “I mean I love everything about you Steve. Everything.” 
Steve stared at him, surprise still painted on his face, but Eddie just kept going, aware on some level, that he probably sounded slightly unhinged, but he didn’t care. He needed Steve to understand, “I love how much you care about everyone. I love how you take care of me, and how you let me take care of you. I love how your hair sticks up in every direction in the morning, and how you get pouty whenever you wake up. I love it when you’re bitchy and you make fun of my music. I love it when you get too excited and scream at the TV over basketball. I love the little blush you get whenever I call you pretty. I love all of it, and I want it for the rest of my life. ”
Steve laughed, quiet and nervous as he looked away, ‘What the hell are you even talking about?”
But Eddie wasn’t having that. He grasped his face, tilting his chin up to force them eye to eye. The tears were already starting to form, but Eddie wasn’t worried. He knew what they meant this time, “I’m talking about how you’re the only person I’ll ever want. I’m talking about how I want a life with you Steve. You and no one else.”
The tears were really falling now, and Steve was looking at him like he ripped his heart out, versus perfusing his undying love, “You…you shouldn’t say shit like that Eddie. You don’t know how things will change later on.”
Eddie shook his head, steadfast, “I’ll never not want you. I’m serious Steve. You’re it for me.”
They stared at eachother, Steve searching his face as Eddie kissed his tear-stained cheeks, “I want to believe you.”
“It’s okay that you don’t yet,” Eddie murmured, “I’ll just spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”
Steve let out a weak laugh, pulling away from his hands to hide his face into the crook of Eddie’s neck, his self-proclaimed safe space, “You promise?”
Eddie kissed the top of his head, “I swear.”
It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen. Their days together became months, months became years. Eddie never went a day without reminding him how much he was loved, Steve stopped waiting for the day that Eddie was going to leave, and slowly but surely, the tears stopped with it. 
It was ten years to that day, ten amazing years with the love of his life, when Eddie found him in their kitchen, making coffee and yawning while he absentmindely stared out the window, just as adorable at thirty-one as he was at twenty. 
He wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, kissing at his neck with a pleased hum, “You believe me now?”
Steve sighed, sleepy and happy as he leaned back into him, “Yeah, I think I do.”
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euphoricimagination · 9 months
Growing up in a neighborhood in which you were the only girl meant many things, one of them being your passion for soccer; playing with your neighbors after school was a normal thing, so your passion for the sport was natural.
That's also how you met Ego Jimpaichi, a college student at the time who was just starting his pro player career. Being passionate about the sport himself, he decided to "train" your group of friends so you can become better players.
You're now 16 when you received a call from the man himself. He didn't give you many details about it, just asked if you could meet him and his assistant to talk about one of his projects, Blue Lock. You weren't sure at first, you haven't seen him in years after all, but curiosity won you over.
“Ah, you must be Yn-kun, welcome, welcome” a woman with short hair greet you as you enter “I'm Anri Tejero, I work with Ego-san”
“Hi, nice to meet you”
“Same here, please follow me, I'll take you to Ego-san” she began walking towards a room nearby with you right behind. She opens the door and let you in, closing it as soon as you enter
“Yn-chan, long time no see” Ego looks at you while fixing his glasses
“Yes, long time indeed Ego-san”
“Let me go straight to the point” he stands up, turning one of his many monitors towards you “I'm the creator of the Blue Lock Project, which aims to bloom the best striker the world could imagine. For that we'll be inviting prodigious Japanese football players, so they can follow a strict personally-designed training regimen. And I want you to join” he tells you with a determination that only he could have for such an ambitious project
“Eh? You want me to join? With a bunch of highschool boys?”
“Well, it'll be just for the first stages, I want to have someone that can push these diamonds in the rough and have an informant on my side”
“You…do realize I'm a girl, right? How am I supposed to join this?” you asked, confused
“You will need to cut your hair and wear some binders” he explains like it's normal “I understand it's a lot to ask, especially considering you will not be able to become the best striker in the world. However, you'll get paid to do this, a hefty amount of money, and of course, you'll get to play soccer with the best kids your age. It's up to you to accept these conditions” he stretches his hand so you could shake it as the money that you'll be getting appears behind him, lots of zeros on it.
And that was enough to consider the option. Sure, you'll have to pretend to be a boy and find ways to hide your body for shower time, but it couldn't be that bad, right? After all, you'll be receiving money for just playing soccer for a few weeks, maybe even days. How bad could it be?
"...Fine, I'll do it" you scoff, shaking his hand. A big smirk appears on his face, in excitement for the project to begin.
Part 2 - Masterlist
Would anyone want this? It has been on my mind since forever now ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙
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whalesforhands · 5 months
of public transport and amusement parks
summary: gojo satoru has been sheltered his whole life, never having seen the amenities available to the general populace until his first year of highschool. (ft.first year!sashisu)
The turnstiles clatter against a certain someone’s thigh, a clench of teeth, red cheeks and the shine of a slightly teary gaze as his hands quickly fly to grip onto the affected area.
Gojo Satoru is not going to admit he was hurt by the inanimate gate that allowed entrance into what his classmates called ‘public transport’.
“What an idiot.” Ieiri Shoko is sipping upon an iced coffee, the bitterness lingering on her tongue as she crossed her arms, her totebag shifting slightly as she rolled her shoulder.
“Rich people are certainly a different breed.” Geto Suguru is less than impressed by that new pompous classmate of his, a quirked brow and narrowed eyes.
“Is he… Okay?” You’re in two minds as your nervous eyes flitter between your all too calm classmates and the one practically kneeled over in pain.
“He’s perfectly fine. Look at him.” Suguru’s tilting his head towards the boy that was limping towards your little group, a frown on his face and words said through gritted teeth. “Commoner amenities…”
“Oho? I thought you were the one who wanted to go?” Geto’s face is smug as he watches irritation emanate from his classmate, your form inbetween the both of them as you feel the tension raise.
Oh no.
“Spouting off as if you’re so high and mighty, am I starting to rub off on you, Weird Bangs?” A provocation as sunglasses start to slide down the length of his nose.
“Dream on, pretty boy. I’d rather swallow a thousand curses.” Flared purple meet egoistic blue.
“Why? Don’t feel like talking things out with me?” A smirk upon his good-looking face. “I’ll make sure to say everything real~ slow for your ears.”
Rising attitudes and sparks fly.
(You’re trying to hide your face behind your sunhat and pretend you don’t know these two.)
“Oiii, train’s coming in 2 minutes.” Thank goodness for Shoko, you feel her arm hoop around your arm. A hushed whisper under her breath.
“Let’s go before they start a brawl.”
Grand opening of XY Amusement Park! The largest ferris wheel, the fastest rollercoasters, a beautiful carousell and much more! Come enjoy a fun-filled day of adventure with your family and friends!
(Not to mention the cheap entrance fee just for students.)
And Gojo Satoru was hooked. It was a spur of the moment decision, a yearning want in his chest, an impulse that pushed him to burst into the dorm loungeroom, flyer in hand and sparkling eyes that expected full compliance.
“Huh?” Geto Suguru is blinking at the flyer basically thrusted into his face. “You’re into this kind of thing?” Copper-purple scan over the colourful words and cute mascots littering the paper before he lifts an arm to push it away.
“Stop smushing it onto my face, I can see perfectly—“
“Weird bangs, I demand you to show me the way to this!” The flyer is pulled away to reveal an all-encompassing blue that commanded attention; a hint of childish excitement within those sparkling orbs.
A look of disgust. “No way. Get there yourself.” Geto easily dismisses him as his gaze flits back to the book upon his lap. “This kinda thing is a waste of time.”
A quick rejection, but as a Gojo, he won’t give up so easily.
“Oi, healing girl! How do I get to this place?”
“I-ei-i-ri.” She slowly enunciates each syllable of her last name, her grimace slowly devolving into a smirk upon her face as she notices the irritation on the white-haired boy grow. “Why? Can’t figure it out yourself, genius?”
She still hasn’t forgiven him for eating the strawberry roll cake you had bought for her earlier this week.
Another rejection. Will he really not get to go afterall…? Maybe he can ask Yaga or somethin— His ears perk up at the sound of a muted squeak.
Crystal blue immediately shoots to your form reading a magazine on the sofa, hiding your face away behind the papers as you curl up and make yourself seem small.
A devious grin.
“Sayyyyy…” He thinks for a moment, eyes narrowed and a smirk upon his face. “(name).” A shiver runs down your spine at the mention of it, drawled out with each syllable enunciated with an underlying motive.
“You know, I’ve always been locked away in my home.” There’s a groan from Geto at your side, a chuckle from Ieiri at the table.
Gojo chooses to ignore both of them. “It’s been so lonely… And I’ve never gotten to experience such peasant activities.” A sideways glance reveals that his head is downturned, a melancholic smile upon his face.
“It would be nice to have some memories…”
You can still sense the evident pompous nature in his words, yet you still freeze in expected guilt, nervous eyes hooked onto the same sentence you’ve been rereading since he entered the room. It looks like ruffles are a charm point this season…
A patter of socks against the wooden floor, and he’s towering above your sitting form, sunglasses pinned onto your ‘distracted’ self.
“You wouldn’t deny me the chance to have a normal highschool life, would you?” A pout in his words as you slowly start to lower the magazine.
Maybe it’s a good thing that he wants to involve himself in such activities…
“None of you have any sense at all~” Ieiri Shoko is absolutely glowering with pride, a flip of her short hair as she holds onto the stuffed whale that she had just won. A lovely blue, fluffy and mochi-like in texture, beady little eyes and a dopey smile. It was adorable.
A win of the century, as compared to the tiny windchime Geto held and the empty hands of Gojo.
“How did you even do that…?” Suguru is at a loss for words as his little consolation prize jingled lightly.
“Huh? You don’t get it?” Shoko’s smile grows ever wider. “It’s just like a fwoo, you have to let it go; then it just happens.” The look on her face was just too proud, the explanation just far too lousy.
Gojo Satoru’s head steams with confusion as Geto Suguru just scratches his head.
“Too bad then.” She’s humming as she approaches you with her grand prize. “(last name), here.”
Your eyes are widening slightly, squeezing the softness of it in your hug. It’s— freaking adorable.
“You’ll… Really give this to me?” Your face feels hot, embarrassment and gratitude flooding through your very veins.
“(last name).” A snap of fingers fail to snap you out of the staring trance you were in. Confused brown following your trail of sight to the large, fluffy mass that was the whale you couldn’t keep your eyes off of. A carnival prize?
“Oiiii.” She tries again, and there’s yet another failure, your eyes still blank. Looks like there’s only one solution. She turns around to face the arguing duo, cutting in their conversation.
“Anyone up for a challenge?”
“Thank you, Ieiri…!” You stare down at its beady little eyes. “I love it!” A cuddle into its face as you giggle.
The smile upon your face is worth it enough for her, a satisfied hum leaving her as she twirls her hair.
“Show-off.” Gojo crosses his arms as he pouts. He clearly could’ve won that too!
“If you’re so upset,” Shoko’s eyes gleam with mischief as they spot the haunted house attraction close by. “I have just the perfect thing.”
“Ieiri…?” You’re whispering into the still darkness as you take a step forward, arms crossed tight to your chest as you continue forward slowly. “Are you there…?”
(The haunted house required you to place everything you held into a locker for safekeeping.)
“See? There’s nothing to be afraid of—“ She’s cut off abruptly as a hand appears on her shoulder, pulling her into the darkness unnoticed as you turn the corner.
Now you’re all alone, wandering the creepy halls lined with lingering shadows and unsettling sounds that made you squeak in surprise. It wasn’t long before a jumpscare caused you to turn tail, backing up quickly only to hit something akin to a person, your screams echoing through the halls before a hand is placed over your mouth.
“Please calm down—“ The familiar calming voice of Geto Suguru is blown into your ears. “It’s just me.”
(Oh. You feel like smacking him for scaring you like that.)
You can barely make out the silhouette of him in this dreary dark, always trailing a little too far from him. “Ah— Here. Hold onto my arm.”
“Are you scared, (last name)?”
You nod, only to hear a laugh that makes you hot with embarrassment, your body immediately facing away from him with a self-conscious pout. “Sorry, sorry.” You hear him stifle his chuckle. “We quite literally deal with curses. It’s funny that you’re still afraid of such things.”
“I-It’s just the atmosphere…! I’ll be fine after we get—“
There’s a sudden crying wail of a child, one that causes you to jump in surprise, your classmate immediately standing in front of you protectively as he feels you tense up.
“Mama…! Mama, I’m sorry! I won’t run away from you anymore!” There’s a little boy sitting upon the ground, knees to his chest and crying. “Please save me…!”
“(last name),” His eyes turn to look down at you. “You can open your eyes now, it’s not a jumpscare.”
Geto was the first to realize.
Are the staffs not around? How could they miss him? You notice the ordinary civilian clothing he donned, out of place from the ‘deep sea terror’ theme of the haunted house.
He certainly was not an attraction.
“And your name?” The little boy was held in your arms as he continued to sniffle lightly, small hand gripping onto your shirt as you walked towards the exit.
“Junpei…” He blows his nose into Suguru’s handkerchief. “Yoshino…”
“Yoshino,” Your voice takes on a stern, yet all too gentle tone. “It’s bad to run from your mother. She could be so worried about you, you know?”
You feel him bury his face into your shoulder, a whimper coming from his already small voice.
“You have to apologise to her, okay?”
“Okay… I promise, big sister…”
Geto Suguru finds it funny how your fear disappeared the instant you had to help someone, how quickly you disregard everything else. You didn’t even notice that you were walking ahead of him, fear absolutely dissipated as you near the exit.
“You’re a good kid, Yoshino.” A grin on your face is just barely seen, a look of gentle fondness and happy eyes.
He thinks it’s kind of cute.
“Crepes.” He repeats the words back to you as you hold the strawberry cream flavoured one out to him.
“Yes, Gojo-san…”
(Geto was actually off puking his guts out after losing to Gojo in the parfait-coaster showdown. Just what kind of monster is this menace to be able to down 5 overly sweetened parfaits without a sweat? Especially after they had just rode the biggest rollercoaster available there 7 times in a row.
Ieiri just wanted a smoke break.)
So that left the both of you. Alone. Together.
“Um— G-Gojo-san, would you like—“ Your eyes are darting throughout the park. You really, really feel the awkwardness of being left alone with him without Ieiri or Geto here to subvert his attention towards them.
“Crepes?! I-I’ll pay!”
That’s 1300 Yen down the drain…
“So this is what I’ve seen in all those anime.” He’s close, poking at the treat and the shine of the glaze. “Commoner street food.”
“Ahaha— Ha… Yea.” You want to die, gulping nervously when you catch a glimpse of the wholly unimpressed gaze he gives you. The dessert is gingerly plucked from your hands, an almost bored gaze having trained their eyes on it, before they flicker back up to you.
He’s unnerving.
You’re twiddling with your fingers, eyes looking to the side as you feel sweat start to form from your nerves. Please, please…! Any god up there please make him stop scrutinizing you so much…!
“…it’s— Good!” His eyes are shimmering, cream on the corner of his lips as he takes another bite, and another, and another. There’s an entire crepe stuffed into his mouth before he knows it.
A jolly melody gallops into his ears, his eyes widened, sparkling with childish wonder.
“What? Whatcha staring for?”
“Your lips—“ You point to the corner of your own pair. “There’s something there…”
A pointed stare and following silence.
“Well? Get it for me?” It’s expectant, almost as if he was asking you what you were waiting for. Is this a byproduct of being waited on hand and foot? Nevertheless, your own handkerchief is produced from your pocket, leaning up to dab lightly at his chin.
It was meant to be a joke. He didn’t expect you to actually— Did you always smell so good? Your sudden close proximity shoots a tingle into his cheeks, hell, not even those maidservants got this close to him—!
“O-oi—“ Your eyes look up to stare at his, head tilted to the side and a pretty (colour) that he never really got to look at up close, his hand subconsciously holding onto your wrist as you began to pull away.
Did you always look so—
“Uhm… Did you want the handkerchief too…?”
A breeze flutters by your hair, the swaying in the wind causing a swirling in his heart. His eyes are slightly widened as they keep staring into your own, a pause in the atmosphere as his senses are all focused on you.
(He’s just been staring at you. You really want to run away now.)
“I-I’m sorry, you can have it too…” You release your wrist from his grip and place the cloth onto his palm, nervous stuttering and tripping of your words. “I think I heard Geto calling for help…”
And you ran. (You really liked that handkerchief…!)
Gojo Satoru realizes there’s quite a few things he doesn’t know about you, the fabric of your handkerchief soft against his palm the flutters of it much alike his heart.
“What are you listening to?” His voice is quiet, smooth on your ears that tingle slightly due to the proximity.
“Just… Something, I suppose.” Your whisper back to him is barely audible, trying to keep your conversation hushed as Shoko’s head nuzzled on your lap. If you’re being honest… You have no clue what you’re listening to, the old portable music player softly murmuring lyrics into your ears.
“I don’t think I know this song…”
The mere sight of seeing Gojo Satoru passed out upon Geto Suguru, your whale plushie hugged tight to his chest and his head lolling about the long-haired boy’s shoulder as drool seeped from the corner of his lip.
(You’d think that your usually gentle classmate would throw him off… But you’re pleasantly surprised he didn’t. It’s strangely… Relaxing right now.)
“…do you like it?” His soothing voice is refreshingly clear within the mumbling snores of your 2 other classmates.
“Mmm…” Your eyes close to focus on the sound just a little bit more. You don’t think you can really decide, or make an unbiased decision when your heart just feels so at ease.
A decisive hand removes the bud from the side closest to Geto, body shifting ever so slightly and nudging a fast asleep Ieiri that doesn’t stir. Your careful fingers gently prod his ear, a sheltered lull playing that begets an amused chuckle.
He could just imagine your face right now, proud, and anticipating silently for his reaction as he loses focus on the song.
It was on that day that Geto Suguru decided that you really were cute.
Shoko and Suguru only decided to go after you agreed to bring Satoru.
Gojo Satoru has been to amusement parks before. It’s just that whenever he went, the entirety of the park was booked, an army of bodyguards followed him to-and-fro in utmost silence and it was just… Lonely and unenjoyable.
Jujutsu High provides assistants that will drive students to their mission sites. Keyword; Mission sites. Hence Gojo’s request for private transportation was denied.
Gojo Satoru learned that taking the train isn’t as complicated as it seemed.
Geto got separated from Gojo in the haunted house, and he found you by following your screams.
nvy’s aftertalk:
guys i had so many rejected drafts for this i couldn’t decide which ones to put 😭😭
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Mrvlbimbo's Eddie Munson Masterlist 
hiiiiii everyone, I figured it was time I made a master list for all my Eddie fics.
For anything in the series and longer fics catagory y'all can send me requests to further those stories and/or HCs you have for them.
Everything other than the drabbles is explicitly xfem reader because I write in third person using she/her pronouns.
The summaries are bad but hopefully this is helpful for everyone.
Smut meter
🍓complete fluff
🔥full on smut
Other tags
🍬sub! Eddie
🧁sub! Reader
🏠established relationship
🎲virgin! Eddie
💎virgin! Reader
Series and longer fics
Secret admirer series, pt1, 2, 3, 4
reader leaves romantic notes in Eddie's locker because she's too shy to talk to him in person.
Rating: 🌶💎🎲 (will change when chapter 4 is posted)
Eddie x bimbo!reader series masterlist
based on this request: eddie and bimbo reader!! a unique pair, but reader likes metal and rock music, and they find other ways to bond later
Rating: there’s too many parts but it’s a mix of all
Incentive, pt 1
Eddie has a crush on the assistant coach of the Hawkins High women's tennis team. She's only a year older than him, only problem is she refuses to date a highschooler. Looks like Eddie has some incentive to graduate
Something isn't right here, pt 1/2
A few weeks after returning from the upside down, Eddie wakes up changed. His new bloodlust only rivaled by his regular lust for his best friend.
Bimbo!reader x Vampire!Eddie
Perv!Eddie thoughts,
some hcs
Just a little quid pro quo, Virgin!reader buys drugs from Eddie and just so happens for 'forget' her money
Eddie's neighbor gets drenched in the cold and he just neeeeds to help her warm up
Sub!Eddie thoughts,
using a vibrator on Eddie
making Eddie cry his eyeliner off
What’s the plot of Romeo and Juliet again?
based on this request: eddie X (cheerleader?) reader where reader is dating jason. they get into an argument and eddie steps in to protect her. maybe they end up breaking up and eddie is really happy about it.
Rating: 🔥💎🧁
And they were roomates (pt 2 eventually)
Eddie and the reader are roommates, she catches him jerking off. She offers to help.
Rating: 🌶🍬
You mean nothing (everything) to me
friends to enemies to lovers. They fuck in the hellfire chair. It's almost 5k words.
Rating: 🔥🍬☁️
Practice makes perfect, first times the charm (coming soon)
based on this request: Eddie fic? where poor baby is a virgin but his not-girl-friend is more than happy to let him give her head for ‘practice’?
Rating: 🌶🍬🎲
It’s about time someone wrote an Eddie Munson sex pollen fic
its an Eddie Munson sex pollen fic.
Rating: 🔥
Jason doesn’t know
Eddie and reader are fwb and she's cheating on her boyfriend (Jason) Loosely based on the song Scotty Doesn't Know.
Rating: 🔥
One shots
Don’t move
cockwarming with subby Eddie
Polar Opposites
based on this request: eddie with a hyper feminine, super spoiled girl? Like, everyone just being exhausted by the stereotypical girly thing she is, and her just sitting all pretty in his lap in the throne in the hellfire club room
based on this request: Eddie coming home after a club meeting that went rlly well and he’s super pent up and energized and he gets into his room and he’s greeted with the sight of his sweet y/n on his bed in the cutest pink lingerie set waiting to have him basically rearrange her organs, and ofc he does cause how could he say no to his needy girl
Rating: 🔥🏠
I like-like you too
based on this request: eddie x fem!reader where they both like eachother and it’s sooo obvious to everyone but them? and they get teased all the time by everyone
Rating: 🍒
One more?
based on this request: Eddie fucking readers brain out and then taking care of her while she's in subspace
Rating: 🔥🧁🏠
based on this request: u eat some of eddies gummy bears only to find out they were edibles, n now eddie has to deal with a very high y/n who wont stop gushing about him and being all giddy
Rating: 🍓
Road trip
based on this request: reader and Eddie aren’t really close but they both unknowingly think each other are attractive but reader thinks Eddie is way out of her league. So they’re in the car with dustin, max, mike and Steve, but there’s no room for the reader so Eddie offers for reader to sit on his lap. So they’re both really nervous and reader keeps shifting in his lap so he grips her hips to get her to stop because he’s getting hard and he’s really embarrassed about it
Rating: 🌶🍬
I’ll never leave
based on this request: eddie having a nightmare where his gf leaves him only for him to wake up with her drooling all over his arm in her sleep
Rating: 🍓☁️🏠
It goes both ways
based on this request: reader getting into a fight with a jock because he hit and/or upset Eddie? Like, maybe she could kick his ass but she would also have gotten her fair share of hits?
Rating: 🍓
Not so innocent
based on this request: y/ns like this good girl teachers pet-- pleated skirts and mary janes and all-- with straight a's and she's sent to tutor eddie bc man is failing with a capital F so they're studying in her pink room with a bunch of awesome stuffies (in my head a lot of them are dragons and gargoyles and eddie's nerdy lil heart fricken explodes but this is just me being stupid in love) and he has full intention to do absolutely zERO work
(corruption kink and dom!eddie if you couldn't tell by now jdjjd)
and the whole time he's just teasing her (cough degrading her cough) and flirting with her (cO U G H praising her ahem) and- oops now they're fucking *acts shocked*
Rating: 🔥💎🧁
based on this request: idk idk i’m just imagining eddie being like bold bold
“you wish you could handle me”
“yes, i do. roughly…thoroughly…for hours…”
Rating: 🍒
Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
based on this request: eddie accidentally calling you mommy while you’re edging him? so u like slightly laugh cause ur like omg???????? and he’s just so embarrassed BYE
Rating: 🔥🍬🏠
Rings can’t go in there
based on this request: eddie having to fish his ring out of your coochie
Rating: 🌶🏠
Teenage rebellion
Based on the request: What if Jason’s sister flirts with Eddie just to annoy his brother but she ends up having sex with him (I like how you write, specifically submissive Eddie)
Rating: 🔥🍬🎲
Wearing his rings
Giving him hickies
Boobs, boobs pt2
Belly bulge
Your first time with Eddie
Praise kink
Sub Eddie with begging
Naked Polaroids
Eddie x plus sized reader
Eddie with a mommy kink
Eddie x y2k aesthetic reader
Role play
Possessive Eddie
Giving Eddie head scratches
Flirting with Eddie
Jewlery and tits
Eddie is needy and wants attention
Eddie doesn't want to share his cookies with Hellfire
Getting Eddie's name tattooed
(Plz lmk if any of the links don’t work)
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imhidingfromschool · 5 months
Arcade- (Highschool) Satoru Gojo
WC: 1.1k (?)
TW: none! fluff :p, not proof read sorry
Tumblr media
"Aweeeee come on [Y/N], please give me one chance?" Gojo whined while giving you his self proclaimed ‘irresistible’ puppy eyes.
You were about to start a mission with your fellow first years, Nanami Kento, and Yu Haibara when the three of you were ambushed by your upperclassman, Suguru Geto, Shoko Ieiri, and of course the infamous Satoru Gojo.
"Will you get off the poor girls back already Satoru?" said Geto, trying to save your poor soul.
Chuckling you began, "You know Satoru you shouldn't be dragging your classmates around with you, I'm sure you guys could be doing something much more interesting with your time than harassing your lower-classman."
"HARASSING? What ever do you mean? I'm truly hurt by these allegations [Y/N]. Also 'Satoru'? I didn't know we were already on a first name basis [Y/N]." He says with a wink that you could barely make out.
Slightly annoyed you responded "You always call me by my given name so I thought I could do the same. Would you prefer me calling you Gojo?" To really try and pull on his heart strings you added a small pout.
After seeing your cute expression a small blush crept over his cheeks. Suddenly embarrassed he quickly responded "You can call me whatever you want! I don't mind!" 
"Hmm... well we'll be on our way then Satoru~"
The way his name rolled off your tongue stunned him. He was unable to move, he felt his heart swell rapidly. "Adorable" he thought to himself.
[Later that week]
The mission had been a success! You along with your fellow first years decided to take a well deserved break. You and Haibara decided on hanging out at a local arcade, dragging Nanami with you guys...(perhaps by force.)
Arriving at the arcade you all gawked at the wide variety of games available. You and Haibara decided to have a competition on who could obtain the most tickets. Despite being annoyed Nanami decided to go along with the immature antics of his two classmates.
Walking over to the first game that caught your eye something (or someone?) grabbed your wrist and yanked you into a photo booth. Your confusion quickly dissipated when you realized it was Gojo.
"Huh, Satoru? When did you get here? Did you follow us?" You asked surprised to see him.
Frustrated Gojo put his hand to your mouth, shushing you. "Tooooo manyyy questionssss" He replied with his usual sassy attitude.
You smiled softly at his sass. For a moment Gojo thought cupid had just shot right through his heart. Just your smile was enough to get him flustered.
"You could at least answer some of my questions Satoru." You say pulling his hand away from your mouth.
An arrow of love was shot through his heart, you were just to cute to handle. Your little "please" almost pushed him over the edge. "So cute" he thought to himself with a slight blush.
"Well I finished up my mission early and wanted to come see you, so I asked the manager where you had wandered off to." (Basically whoever held Ijichi's job back then) He stated confidently.
"Ohhhh, did you miss me that much?" You smiled cheekily, leaning in close to his face.
"Ah, [Y/N] don't tease me" Gojo said clutching his heart, faking a 'pained' expression.
Laughing you quickly responded "Help me win lots of tickets, then maybe I'll consider this a date."
Gojos eyes lit up and he almost pounced out of his seat before remembering where you two were. "Let's take a picture first though, for memories?" He asked sheepishly, you nodded and grabbed some coins out of your pocket to insert.
You two posed in different positions for each picture.
[1. Peace signs]
[2. Heart hands]
[3. You kissing his cheek]
[4. Gojo covering his blushing face with his hands and you just smiling at the camera]
After many hours of hard ticket earning you and Gojo far surpassed both Nanami and Haibara. Of course Haibara kept insisting that you didn't 'win' because you clearly 'cheated.' The two of you denied these allegations.
After collecting your prizes you decided that it was time to head home and knock out.
Of course Gojo insisted on walking you to the dorms while the other two first years were still trying to decide on prizes. (He more like begged to walk you home...)
On the walk home you two shared simple conversation and a few laughs. All of a sudden Gojo jumped up, grabbed your hand, and began sprinting. "Hey wait up, what's gotten into you??" You said, barely being able to keep up with his long legs.
Quickly he fell back onto the grass and yanked you down with him pointing at the sky. The millions of stars shown through the dark night sky. You looked up, hypnotized by the beauty. Until suddenly you began laughing.
"Huh?? Why're you laughing, have you lost your mind?" Gojo asked looking at you confused.
"No, no, it's just...ah never mind." You wave your hand in a dismissive way.
"Hey! Tell me." He insisted with an adorable pout.
"The sky, well more specifically the stars, they kinda look like your eyes." You said pointing at the sky, barely holding back a laugh.
The sentence wasn't much but it caught him off guard and he quickly sat up covering his face. "[Y/N] you say the most embarrassing things." You just smiled at his blushing face.
You stood up and offered him your hand, he of course took it happily. Staring at his eyes you slowly cupped his cheek. Gojo felt his heart begin to race, all he could do was hang onto your arms and let you continue with your actions, he was completely at your mercy. You both leaned in, slowly closing your eyes.
"Just kidding!" You said pulling back with a cheeky smile, removing your hands and stepping away.
Gojo gawked at you, completely shocked by your actions. "You're so cruel [Y/N]."
"It's gonna take more than that to win my heart Satoru, are you willing to go the extra mile?" You asked him sincerely.
"Anything for you [Y/N]." Gojo smiled softly.
"Okay then, I look forward to it! Let's go back to the dorms before they lock us out." You say smiling cheekily and skipping away.
[Little Bonus]
Rolling out of bed Gojo looked over at your sleeping figure and smiled softly. He was completely entranced by your beauty. He was so lucky to have you in his life.
Stretching he slowly stood up walking towards the bathroom. Suddenly he stopped short looking down at your desk. Pinned to the the hanging bulletin board was the photo booth photos the two of you had taken so long ago. Gojo chuckled thinking back to how you heartlessly swerved him.
"How different things are now..." He smiled warmly while looking back at your sleeping figure.
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recycledraccoon · 16 days
Quick! I'm from the future!! I need your inkblade headcanons or scenarios or the universe will implode!
Ok ok, I can do this. I can answer this ask without going out of control. I can be normal about this, I can.
I don't have very many hardset headcanons, but more vibes that rise and fall like the tide. Oisin's fins/head-crest flare out ramrod straight and the spines turn as purple as his face if he's blushing hard enough. I will die on this hill. Oisin's non-verbal emotions are actually really easy to pick up on if he's too distracted to keep them tightly in control. A thick dragonborn tail lashing back and forth like an outlet for Emotions That Are Too Big can be really inconvenient in a highschool hallway. The rise and fall of his fins/head-crest are MUCH harder to hide however. Oisin also smells perpetually of petrichor, and it drives Adaine insane.
1. I think Oisin's crush started softly, and with indescribable longing, probably before he ever knew who she was. Freshman year, a Thursday Intro To Glyphs class. He doesn't know or talk to her at all, just a face in a class he has that he barely notices. So he's not falling for her quite yet.
I think he first fell in love in the way one does when you see a stranger sitting across from you on the public bus or train. The sunlight hit her hair and he couldn't take his eyes off suddenly. Maybe he saw her smiling and laughing with her friends, maybe she was rolling her eyes at them with her nose scrunched up just a little in faint judgement, maybe he can't even remember because while walking past in the hallway he had been so dumb-struck for a second he walked face first into an open locker door to Ivy's absolute confusion. (She does laugh at him mercilessly, even if he won't say why he walked into it.)
It's a moment of "I don't know you, you don't know me, but for one unfathomably long moment I wanted nothing more than to imagine a life lived that included basking near you and your smile every day until I die."
Unrealistic right? Just a passing stranger, this isn't a love story, it's an average Tuesday and Oisin has homework and an appointment with his party in the forest after school.
He gathers his bearings and moves on, and if his mind wanders back to the girl in the hall who had captivated him to lethal effect? Well it's a pleasant memory for him and he thinks that's allowed, right?
Except she's in his Glyph class two days later, he realizes, and suddenly that hallway moment of longing rushes back until his entire face is purple and he's trying not to stare at the occasionally stuttering but brilliant wizard girl two rows ahead in class.
1a. I think Oisin continued to take Glyph classes at first because he hoped she would too. Adaine doesn't, but Oisin continues because he is good at them and enjoys it and it's certainly easier to learn when he's not distracted in class 70% of the time.
2. As Oisin gets older, more and more of his dragonic nature becomes apparent. It's like a second puberty happening concurrently with normal puberty, which means it's a rollercoaster nightmare for him and the High Five Heroes/Rat Grinders.
2a. Dragons have hoards, but not all dragons hoard the same things, even within their own subclasses. Still, Oisin has quite a few gems and jewels in his fledgling hoard, despite not knowing what he most wants to hoard, and if his favorite gem just so happens to be one that reminds him of the shade of blue in a particular elven girl's eyes then-
2b. Oisin also has a deep fondness for rain and storms. He always knows if it's incoming even if it's not in the forecast. Something primal in him connects to the raging skies, for good or ill. It makes him feel confident and powerful. He also considers it very romantic. Unfortunately, Adaine gets so cross with him anytime she hears him predict a storm coming, even if he's talking to literally anyone else. (Adaine thinks Oisin is a storm himself, and if she is not careful she will be like the last Oracle and have forgotten to stock up on water breathing spells and drown in him amidst the storm of his being.)
2c. Dragons also hold great respect for power and prowess. Physical fights for hierarchy, play, or even courtship are very normal. For all that they are sentient brilliant beings, Dragons are still wild, untameable, primal things. This lurks underneath all of them, good or evil. Some are just more adept at hiding it. For courtship, this comes into play as sizing the other up. Both sides are looking to find out whether or not the other has any worth as a long term partner who would need to help guard the nest. Protecting eggs and hoards from greedy adventurers is serious business. There are reasons there aren't many truly ancient dragons. Too large a discrepancy in strength can sometimes be a turn off for the stronger one, so the most successful courtships are usually of similarly strong dragons, or at least, ones that put up enough of a fight despite the gap.
c1. Oisin, seeing the great accomplishments and prowess of Adaine Abernant over the course of Freshman year, feels a deep stirring even before he's rage-starred. He wants to fight her so badly, to sling magic and bloody teeth until the raging beast inside is sated. Naturally this scares him at first, and Oisin REFUSES to seek Adaine out to talk because of it, because the teen boy part of himself wants something kind, soft and tender between them, while the dragon making itself known as he ages wants to prove itself strong to her.
Later, he will tell himself this urge was ENTIRELY because he'd been on the path towards being contaminated-then-consumed with rage and wanted the Bad Kids dead. Absolutely not because it's the first step in traditional dragon courtship. He just wants to prove himself to her. He wants to feel for himself the confirmation of her renowned battle prowess. This is all for purely rival-related reasons, he tells himself. He is, perhaps, a bit of a liar.
3. Adaine's crush, not just her thinking he's cute but her actual legitimate crush on him, actually starts when the Rat Grinders are being redeemed post-Junior Year.
Like, she hates his GUTS. He made her feel belittled and stupid during Junior year, and yes they kicked his and his friends asses, but also now they just have to deal with them still being around. (Yes this is how they made friends with Ragh too, but they're petty.)
Except...so now they have to spend time together, maybe in classes maybe because Lucy loves her friends despite everything but is also now a friend of The Bad Kids. The former Rat Grinders are CLEARLY trying so hard to be better and kinder, but still the parties are mingling and there is tension but its also so fucking funny.
So Adaine and Oisin's interactions is just a montage of them being assholes to each other. Oisin can be polite and respectable, funny even, with everyone BUT Adaine apparently. Bickering about wizard things, taunting cutting words, and Adaine repeatedly trying to punch his smug face whenever he gets too close while gloating if he's right about something.
3a. Adaine literally tells Aelwyn that while she wants and needs kindness, she does acknowledge that it's messed up that she wishes someone was a little mean to her sometimes. This rivalry with Oisin is NOT WHAT SHE MEANT!!!!!! (the monkey paw curls)
3b. The worst part, is no matter how much Adaine hates Oisin, is that it doesn't stop him from being attractive. Oh sure, she thinks he's an absolute asshole when he's sitting across from her in the library, but......
He's still absurdly tall, with large arms that are for more than just show. The conjuration tattoos are both practical and very pleasing to the eye, the almost electric blue of them a pleasing contrast to the softer blue shade of his scales.
The contradiction of those large round spectacles resting on his snout makes him look just dorky enough to go from being just another buff guy to being....well. Unfortunately, the glasses also do nothing to shield Adaine from the weight of his gaze.
When he looks at her with his full attention, behind those glasses are eyes of molten gold, and trained solely on her that gaze feels searing hot wherever it lands.
3c. Or perhaps, the worst part is she despises how he laughs. Sometimes, when she says something as clever as it is cutting, Oisin throws his head back just a little to laugh, bright and warm, all while his throat rumbles. It must be something draconic in nature, like a strong purr or distant rain clouds. It's much harder to get him to make that particular sound when he laughs, and the rumble feels unfairly like victory. Like she cracked the careful fascade he puts up to pretend like he's not a dragon.
The rumble also feels particularly reminiscent of butterflies in her stomach. (She elects to ignore this part.)
4. Oisin is a dragon, and he is a little obsessed with Adaine even if he doesn't dare to dream of going on an actual date with her after everything from the previous year. He cannot imagine a world where she would ever again believe him to be genuine in affection or intention towards romantic feelings. No instance of genuine fluster could ever be seen as anything but a clever ruse, he tells himself, he certainly wouldn't believe it if it was him.
But he's got her attention now, and he is possessive of that, of what he CAN get. Even if she hates his guts and pointblank threatens to kill him if he steps out of line-
Even if it's because she hates him, Oisin still has her eyes on him. Eyes like clear skies before the rolling storm, like they can pierce through everything he is and will ever be and know the truth of it.
Every conversation is like a battle, a verbal sparring that he TELLS himself is nothing at all like the courtship fights, but oh how sweet does it sound to his inner dragon. She could be cussing him out and he could feel like his heart would burst from his chest from the affection he feels, even as he riles her up further, until she slips into saccharine elven curses that he can practically taste on his forked tongue.
4a. Once he tosses back a clever jape in draconic at her. When she immediately starts in on him with the gutteral words of his native tongue, perfectly fluent but lilted ever so slightly like a refined melody, his tail accidentally knocks over a chair and his crest flares so strongly that he KNOWS his face must be more purple than a ripe plum. He's lost a battle and her laughter at the way he flees claiming he forgot something haunts him for days. He tries to get revenge by whispering things under his breath at her in Elvish, and her glare is divine, but it's so risky because she might just start talking to him draconic again and Oisin fears he could live a thousand years and still not be able to handle the sound of it when it falls from her lips.
a1. It's a lost cause. Adaine has a weakness now, and she wields it with all the precision she's developed on a battlefield. It's the cutest surest way to put him in his place, rile him up with the same burning fire that he seems so expert in stirring up in her. Oh he might try to argue back in draconic, or even throw a taunt out in Elvish, but he always stalks off first. (He makes the refined, posh but ancient language of Elvish sound like something Tracker would appreciate. He makes it sound ever so slightly wild, like something else is lurking behind all the refinery. Adaine is well practiced in steadying her breathing, and Oisin always cracks first.)
5. Everyone has seen these two bicker back and forth, and everyone knows trying to get them to stop or get between them means the two turn as a united front against whoever interrupted, and that's honestly worse.
5a. The Bad Kids and High Five Heroes/Rat Grinders have an ongoing bet amongst themselves on on if the two will snap and legitimately murder each other, or snap and start making out in the library. It's honestly way too elaborate of a betting system with odds changing all the time, but it is actually probably the most fun, non-tense bonding the two groups have together. They have also gone to GREAT LENGTHS to keep it secret from the two wizards, especially when one of them is the fucking ORACLE.
6. It's not all bickering and scathing words. Sometimes, when nobody else is around to see behind this precarious curtain...its soft and tender too.
6a. Sometimes, when Adaine is genuinely having a bad day and feels one wrong moment from truly snapping, she feels the magic of a conjured summon passing by whatever table or nook she stowed herself away to hide in. The smell of arcane-tinted petrichor lingers afterwards, and settled nearby is a warm drink that hadn't been there before. Sometimes its tea's she's fond of, sometimes a warm peppermint mocha from her favorite coffee place downtown. Against her better judgement, she is increasingly fond of the smell of rain. 6b. Sometimes, the rage feels like it never left Oisin's body. It burns him inside and out, and he's so exhausted fighting back these aftershocks. He is trying every day to make up for what he's done, but the feeling of unbridled rage haunts him. To indulge is to fail, fall off the wagon, and he will not falter, even if he squeezes his hands so tightly they bleed beneath his claws. A message cantrip blooms to life in his mind. Melodic, lilted draconic, giving not words of comfort, but familiar unafraid taunts. It's a challenge, he knows it, and somehow that makes it easier, rage giving way to fondness and the desire to prove himself. 6c. There are more late nights in libraries and sitting close at tables in out of the way restaurants working on difficult projects then either would ever let anyone know, not that they let anyone know of them at all. It's quiet honest conversations over dusty tomes and scattered papers. (They couldn't know how to make the most cutting of remarks if they knew nothing about each other, after all.) a1. Its Oisin, laying his head down in his arms over the library table, eyes watching her sitting next to him with hair falling in her face like it always does when shes bent forward focusing intently on her work. There are many, many times when Oisin does nothing but watch in silence. Sometimes, rarely, when its late and nobody will come by except to kick them out- He reaches a claw to gingerly tuck the silken gold hair behind the bright red ear of a girl who doesn't say anything about it, before he looks away entirely, trying to ignore the way he can feel his crest fluttering up and down as it seemingly contemplates flaring out.
a2. It's Adaine, rolling her eyes with no heat, as she steps into his personal space and is enveloped in the smell of petrichor. Calloused fingers lingering on rough scales as she ever so gently corrects a stance or spell casting motion that the unfairly tall dragonborn boy next to her had been working on perfecting.
The both know she doesn't have to be so close for this, that another demonstration from beside him would work just fine. He doesn't have to bend ever so slightly, dip his long draconian neck down so he can better hear her murmured words either, so close they can feel the heat of the others breath. He casts the spell perfectly, and Adaine steps back out to a respectable distance, and neither of them say anything about it.
7. Neither of them ever mention any of it. It feels taboo, like the triggering of a spell that will destroy both of them. The fighting, the bickering, the cutting words and sharp swords aimed at jugulars? That's easy, that's familiar and safe. It's what's supposed to happen between them, safe territory they can walk with eyes closed. It's the tenderness that's hard. It's the yearning and soft touches aborted at the last moment-
This is what would be their ruin, and the threat of it lingers above them, rolling clouds heavy with rain that just wont fall. Days, weeks, months pass by and they do not mention it.
8. Adaine, flush with Oracle-sure certainty, gestures for Oisin to slow down, to bend down low so she can tell him something. He protests, its about to rain any second and really Abernant, they're going to be late- Adaine kisses Oisin first, soft and sure as her hands cradle his scaled jaw, just as the dark clouds above them break open.
The kiss tastes like rain, and the loud, pleased rumble in her ears certainly isn't from the storm coming down on them.
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syddsatyrn · 5 months
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Chapter 1⛤Chapter 2 ⛤ Chapter 3 ⛤ Chapter 4 ⛤ Chapter 5 Masterlist
⛤Pairing: - Eddie Munson x FemReader
⛤Warnings: Swearing, drinking smoking, fluff, friends to lovers
⛤Words: 1.6k
⛤Song: "Photograph" By Def Leppard
⛤Summary: Moving away from Hawkins was the biggest mistake of your life. You left your best friends and forgot to stay in touch. Years later, you decide to hit up your good friend Steve. Its time to make a plan and make amends. The one thing you didn't expect was feelings to resurface when you saw your old highschool crush.
⛤Notes: This series is 18+ Minors scram. Special thanks to @hellfiremunsonn for being my sound board and fanfic support. You are an absolute unit! I have returned from the dead with a fluffy fanfic with a Sydd Satyrn twist. Enjoy!
⛤Chapter One: Phone Call
It had to be the worst day you’ve had in a while. You were late to work and your boss scolded you. The cafe was so busy today, you had to skip lunch and your feet are killing you from all the rushing around and taking orders. You broke a plate in the cafe kitchen and accidentally cut your finger. You tripped trying to get to your car and scraped your knee, everything spilled out of your purse and you had to go through the embarrassing motions of picking everything up in public. Today was a total bust.
When you walked through the front door of your apartment, you breathed a sigh of sweet relief. You were not scheduled for tomorrow so at least you’ll get some time to relax. You notice your mom has already come over and dropped off a few boxes of your old high school stuff. She’s attempting to clean out the garage and says everything must go. It wasn't much but you still had to find the energy to go through it all.
After a much needed shower, you poured yourself a glass of wine and called in some Chinese takeout. It didn’t take long for you to devour half of the food in front of you. A reality show is playing on the television, you lean back and finish your glass of wine. The sun is starting to set, things are finally feeling peaceful.
That's when you notice the reflection on the TV screen. Those dusty old boxes staring at you piqued your curiosity once more. Despite your lack of energy, you really wanted to know what was in those boxes. After getting yourself another glass of wine and a pair of scissors, you grab the first box and set it on the coffee table. You opened the box and to your surprise, it was a bunch of your old Polaroid photos from high school.
You looked through each one, remembering each face like it was yesterday. There’s a photo of Steve and Robinat Starcourt mall. Oh and this one was from Prom when no one asked you out, you went with Nancy Wheeler, one of your close friends. You guys had the best night goofing off and dancing. Each photo was something special you left back in Hawkins.
After senior year, your parents got divorced and your mother ended up with full custody. This meant saying goodbye to Hawkins and hello to Shelbyville. Has it really been that long? Since you saw your friends. At first, you visited and called but life just got in the way. Long hours at work, finishing school, and just surviving in general kind of took over. Maybe a dash of depression thrown in.
You pick up another one, it is a Polaroid of Eddie Munson passed out in your bed. You had such a huge crush on him in high school. He was so hot in a bad-boy kind of way. Eddie was kind of like your best friend though, there were many late movie nights at his trailer, and sleepovers while your parents were out of town.
You chuckled to yourself when you remembered that one time Eddie climbed through your window. Your parents heard something and came to check on you, you had to stuff him in the closet before you got caught. All these memories flood your mind and you start to tear up, feeling a little too nostalgic. You notice the phone number scrawled on the bottom of the Polaroid of Steve and Robin.
You know that number, you're pretty sure it's Steve's house phone number. You had to wonder what that man was up to these days. Is he still obsessed with his car and his hair? Did he finish high school like he wanted? You wondered if he and Nancy ever got back together. You sure miss your old hometown and all the trouble you and your crew got into.
You finish another glass of wine and look through some yearbooks, you giggle at old goofy messages written on the inside covers.
“You better visit or we will kidnap you! Miss you already” -Robin
“Don't change a bit, sweetheart.” -Eddie
“Keep your head up and Don't do anything stupid!” - Steve
“Love you so much! Call me!” -Nancy
You glance at the pile of photos on the coffee table, the Polaroid with the phone number is eating away at your ability to focus. The nostalgia clouded your brain or maybe it was the wine. Would they even want a phone call from you? Have they forgotten all about you? You brushed off all the self sabotaging thoughts and picked up the phone. You had no idea who would pick up but at least you had enough liquid courage to try.
"Hello, Harrington residence." Said the lady on the phone.
"Hey there Mrs. H, it's Y/N."
"Well oh my stars! We haven't seen you in ages! How are you, hun?" She asks politely, she's always been really nice to you.
"I'm good! I'm making good money, everything is rather ordinary in Shelbyville." You try not to sound depressed when you mention the last part.
"Good! And how is your mother? You tell her hello for me okay?"
"She's great! She's lost weight and her new boyfriend is pretty cool. I will tell her you said hello." You weren't one for small talk, but you humored her anyway.
"Oh goodness, I'm sure you're calling for Steve? He got a new apartment just a few months ago. I can give you the number."
"Oh, that would be great! Thank you!" You reply.
Mrs. Harrington gives you the number and you write it down on the back of some junk mail. You say your goodbyes and hang up. After a couple of deep breaths, you dialed the new number.
"....Y/N?" He sounds like he just got a phone call from a ghost.
"Yeah, it's me." You said, a little nervous.
"How the hell are you?! I haven't heard from you in what feels like forever." Steve's over excitement made you grin.
"I'm good! My mom brought over some boxes with my high school pictures in them. I was feeling nostalgic so I thought I'd call. How are you?" You ask, a lot of your worries fade away as you keep talking to him.
"I'm doing alright! I got an apartment with Eddie downtown. He does a lot of shows now so he's often out trying to live the rockstar life. I bought an old Camaro and fixed it up so it's all mine. Things are good."
"How is the rest of the gang?" You ask.
"Nancy went to college in Indianapolis, Robin works at the record store now. She lives just down the road. Eddie has been a little reclusive lately but I think overall he is fine." Steve sounded a little bummed about the Nancy part.
"Wow, sounds like you guys are staying busy. I wasn't sure if you'd still–" Steve cuts you off.
"You should totally come visit! You can stay here, and we can invite everyone. It will be like old times. What do you think?"
"I uhm…do you think everyone wants to see me?" You ask, unsure of your place in their lives since it's been so long. You honestly thought they would all be irritated with you.
"Are you kidding?? Dustin and I still talk about you all the time, Robin does too. But you know who I think misses you the most?" He says in a playful tone.
"Eddie." Steve chuckles.
"Why do you say that?"
"He still keeps one of your senior photos in his wallet." He has to be gossiping as usual.
"Still?!" You were genuinely shocked. There's no way, he has to be kidding.
"Yeah, he was pretty bummed when you moved. Poor guy. He was down bad."
"Shut uuuuup. He doesn't like me like that. Haha, we were just close friends." You try to brush off his words as nothing but nonsense. Steve is just implanting ideas in your brain.
"Close friends don't sleep in the same bed together." Steve snorts.
"Whatever Harrington." Your face gets a little red as you remember the many times you shared a bed with the brown haired misfit.
"So will you come stay? For a week?" He asks again, this time a little more desperate.
"Well…I do have some vacation days saved up…" You admit it would be fun. It sounds like they miss you and want to reconnect despite the time and distance.
"YES! This is gonna be so rad!" Steve is stoked.
You make a game plan with Steve, figuring out when would be a good week. You had to give your job enough notice to cover your shifts. Steve offered once again to give you a place to crash and you accepted. The final decision you both made was to keep this a secret from the others. It will be a surprise and everyone will "totally flip out" he says. You agree to stay silent and you say your goodbyes and hang up.
Then it dawned on you. You'll be staying at not just Steve's apartment, it's also Eddie's. You are bound to run into each other. You both are going to need some time to talk. It's no secret you miss him and can't wait to see him, but is he going to feel the same way about you? Does he still have feelings for you? Do You have feelings for him? Does he really still keep a picture of you in his wallet?
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