#theres no logical reason that he would break up with me
saturnsuv · 6 months
return of the relationship anxiety
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anonymous-dentist · 8 months
GOD I LOVE YOUR AU ok question time
- who is in the federation of heros? What founded the federation? Are they powered like cellbit?
- how is cellbit one of the first few born? I feel theres a science experiment plot caught in this and he broke containment. I wonder if he found this out due to being able to scare himself, and that fear immediately projecting to others, making THEM just as scared. Id imagine hed be diagnosed with severe paranoia/etc and then like. Oh SHIT its not. That. Oh fuck.
- what was that leadup that made him a supervillain? Something so minuscule yet so big as fear, to be considered one of the high villains of the city is insane. Some people would probably laugh it off an say physical destruction was scarier than mental, until they see what he actually does.
- who did he murder?????? I wonder if it was someone who defied the "everyones fears projected back to them" ability. Someone unaffected by this, like maybe their own ability counteracted it. One of the federations lower ranked heros attacked... as a citizen... i feel theres more than meets the eye here..... but of course it ended with murder. I feel there could be done with something of luzu and his look alike there.
- i still keep thinking about breaking dawn and how forever is also considered richas's dad, and just thinking about it being kinda switched in this scenario. Cellbit walked into forevers life again an now richas has another dad to annoy the piss out of. Though i do feel him an jaiden would be at each others throats in investigation. She would totally be a foh member to me. He tries to take down them through HER.
- why jaiden? Shes probably the most visible with her apparent ability. I imagine her having hummingbird like abilities. Flying at such a fast rate it can change the force of wind itself, etc etc etc (running on coffee an headaches atm sorrie) but she KNOWS something. She knows the foh is fucked up. She knows its dictating the definition of right an wrong, but she doesnt have the power (YET!!!!!!) to kill them from the inside out.
- heros who are seen as the light amongst the city, vigilantes who are the underbelly of a growing problem/an antibiotic refusing to kill the infection, and singular villain who wants to put a stop to it for all. God. I am jn love with this au im sorry can u tell
- and then theres fucking SPIDER MAN. nobody knows who he may work for since, by the logic of q city, if your a vigilante, your working for someone else directly related to the foh, and being sponsored as such. But theres no calling for spiderman, theres even active "have you seen this person" signs around the city, marking them as a non verbalized threat to the standing of foh. Cellbits key.
- now he needs to convince his friends to help him find spiderman. For....... research. Yes. Totally. He wishes to interview spiderman in hopes to figure out "who he works for", which not really. Hes not the best at lying, nor was he really trying. He wants to crack down the foh to its rotten core.
- he even tries to ask roier for help at some point, right? He talks about the signs around the city, says its a shame that hes on a watch list- and how he swings around to actively web heros against the walls to stop them from hurting another person.
- and its convinent theyre on a coffee date (cellbit didnt even notice, roier did, an hes just awkwardly like... hahahahabah thats really weird why would spiderman stop him but also yeah i get that- why would thet get rid of MY hero <:((("
- cellbits subconsciously like. Shit. Pretty boy is pouting about the vigilante. More reason to find the motherfucker.
WOW OKAY so let’s see:
1. It’s a lot like the Federation from the canon qsmp, but it’s also more overtly focused on ‘Protecting the City’ from superpowered threats. It stepped in to fill the shoes of the former police state, and by getting rid of the majority of police officers it both opened up opportunities for villains (and thus heroes and thus the Federation) and for heroes (see: previous parentheses.) The founder is anonymous, a “Mister Duck”.
2. I’m actually lowkey playing by MHA rules. Basically, at some point a couple of decades ago, kids started being born with superpowers. It was the more obvious ones that were discovered first, like a girl in France being born with little duck wings. Cellbit’s ability is less obvious, but his parents were constantly overly worried about him because babies and children are always very very scared of everything. Eventually he realized what was up when he was around nine or ten, but he didn’t really tell anybody because even back then he knew that he would “get in trouble” for it.
3. As for villainy, it was an accident. He needed money after his parents died (of sudden heart attacks, and he pretends he doesn’t know what that actually means), and he isn’t a very intimidating guy on his own, so he kinda… helped himself out a little. And it worked super well, so he kept doing it. And he kept doing it. And then he started going a bit overboard with it and the people he was robbing started dying, too.
4. And as for the murder, Cellbit and the hero were both civilians when they got into an argument. The hero, new to the whole thing, ended up using their ability and actually attacked him. He attacked back, notably without using his ability, and he accidentally killed them. The Feds were NOT happy about this, so they messed with the court proceedings and got him sent to prison for three years. But, hey, at least he got therapy there?
5 and 6. Jaiden is 100% working with the Federation in this au. She and Spider-Man are taking very different approaches to what is fundamentally the same issue here. I think her ability is more parrot-y, but she does work for them now. (It’s a very recent development.)
8-10. Spider-Man is a fan-favorite and the Federation does NOT appreciate him ruining their image!! And he knows that he isn’t well liked by them at the moment, and he doesn’t care because it’s fine if Spider-Man dies. He has a job to do, and he is going to do it.
11-end. And it’s a good thing that Cellbit is such a big Spider-Man fan! It’s something Roier thinks they can use to bond. Definitely. Bonding.
…Can you tell superhero aus are my guilty pleasure lol
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HIII THABK U FOR THE TRIVIA AND ASHE SONG before i take forever 2 answer those or forget here is a blank ticket to please please talk about prime defenders and their AWFUL emotional literacy and processing skills i would literally love to read that essay so much ive also been thinking about it incessantly. big eyes staring up at u.png. ok ok peace out GOODNIGHT !!!! <33
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i lied actually im not going to bed im judt thinking about this ans listening to St. John on a loop now. hello catkiss.gif i forgot how youve filled me with so much joy. that cat is so fuckign cute
anyway. hi :) prime defenders huh. this is gonna be less of an essay and more of a sleepy ramble but ohhh i have so many thoughts. they all process things so differently and none of them are good at it they all need therapy so bad. ms.g where is the hero therapy why didnt you build that into w.a.t.c.h ma'am
vyncent is probably the best at actually processing things out of all of them, he just internalizes everything to the point where he wont talk about it unless hes pushed past the breaking point. vyncent is actually very.. emotionally intelligent? i want to say mature but that feels like im singling him out because hes the oldest. i just feel like because he grew up on Fauna and had to be in basically survival mode in a world full of monsters trying to kill you.. that makes a person grow up quicker than they should. i think vyncent had a good childhood and for the most part his parents took good care of him but just.. living in that world doesnt seem like it leaves room for a whole lot of expressing emotions. vyncent is good at quick analysis of a situation, but unless a problem directly interferes with the current goal he doesnt externalize it to everyone else. but bottling up his feelings and emotions just builds up pressure over time until something like the lich makes him blow up and let it all out at once, usually in a dramatic monologue format bc condi is really good at those god damn it. also they played off the fact that vyncent said all of that to the lich and then missed his attack as a funny thing but i like to think of it as. he got too overwhelmed w his emotions and lashed out too soon it made his fighting messy. vyncent is so angry and honestly after what hes been through he deserves to be !!!!
william wisp. my boy. god hes just like me fr so much so that it physically hurts sometimes. anyway. i always think back to the scene where theyre all in the cabin talking about themselves/sharing backstories and william keeps desperately trying not to talk about himself. the fact that hes so ashamed of his powers he hides wisp form every time. two of his powers are LITERALLY a) turning invisible and b) turning intangible, usually as an excuse to leave whatever situation hes in ("accidentally" falling through the floor at opportune moments in season 1) . theres. a thing that happens at the end of episode 13/beginning of epidode 14 that youre really close to and i wont spoil yet but god it has to do with this so extremely much please come back to my inbox when you get there. youll know what it is trust me. um. yeah. so anyway. i think a lot of this comes from a place of. he doesnt want anyone to be scared of him. williams not stupid hes incredibly smart and insightful he knows his powers are objectively SCARY. hes scared of himself constantly, he doesnt want anyone else to feel that way about him, so he shifts focus whenever those aspects of himself are brought up because if someone were to think about it for any amount of time theyd realize the truth that hes scary and dangerous to be around (<< william logic. hey remember how one of the reasons he originally left deadwood was because the monsters there were attracted to the wisps and therefore Him so he left to keep his friends/family out of danger)
i think a lot about williams death and the immediate aftermath, i dont know how much you actually know and how much of this comes later but . how does he go home after waking up from that. his parents know about his powers, so they MUST know what happened. what do you think he told them when he god home muddy and dirty and broken and probably bloody after being missing for. god knows how long. how does he look his mother in the eyes and tell her her little boy is dead. but hes also not because hes standing right in front of her. how the fuck do you think he felt the first time he went into wisp form and saw his body laying there !!! of course he wouldnt want to talk about that!!!! youre gonna have to pry william wisps emotions from his cold dead hands !!!!!!!
dakota's response to the ashe situation was to run away in the woods and do nothing but train for 10 months. he didnt think about it for 10 months. i dont even have a whole lot to say about dakota other than like. stunned silence whenever his inability to process trauma is brought up because grizzly does such an incredible job at being like "you ask dakota how hes doing and his face is just blank" << paraphrased actual quote from an episode i cannot remember which one. either 11 or 12 ?
also because im thinking about him im including ashe in this. we didnt get to see a whole lot of his canon reactions to extreme emotional situations so a lot of this is just coming from My Mind but ashe seems like hed be the type to repress a lot of his emotions too. being alone in your house/in your room for extended periods of time will do that to a guy. i think he feels a lot of things and will probably very openly cry/scream/get angry when hes alone but as soon as he knows another person is there he can immediately flip the switch to turn it all off like nothing happened. very much a deadpan "im fine." if someone asks how hes doing, even if hes got like. the remainder of tear tracks down his face. cannot physically express his emotions in the presence of someone else
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unohanabbygirl · 1 month
I miss you, I hope you come back to us.
FMN! My opinion is probably an outlier here but a majority were mad at Jace reaction towards Luke. While I hate that he took his anger out on Luke. His fear was palpable as Aemond is the one who killed his brother and tore the family apart. Aemond coming up to him and telling Jace Luke is crying probably brought out some PTSD in Jace that he wasn’t there to defend his little brother from Aemond and now he thinks Aemond hurt Luke again and made him cry. I feel bad that the family is reacting toxic to Luke but I see where Jace is coming from. It’s something Luke doesn’t understand because he has no memory of Jace. If he did he would get it.
Im back my love! And hopefully the FMN crew will be back again soon too since i’m free to write at the moment. Chapters are loading!
Aemond telling Jace that Luke was distraught 100% brought out those protective instincts in him. And while Jace has always possessed a certain maturity and ability to assess what actions are appropriate for certain situations with being the oldest daughter son and once heir to an entire realm, when it comes to Luke that emotionally detached discernment just go poof and he becomes an act first, ask questions later soft of person. All the emotions he usually attempts to keep under the surface break through without anything to hold them back. There’s simply no room for second guessing when it comes to his brother’s wellbeing.
In his mind, if Aemond was capable of taking Luke’s life once out of what he thinks was petty hatred, what would stop him from causing Luke enough distress to the point where he needed Jace to come fix the problem? That on top of the alcohol and overstimulation due to their environment, it all brought Jace back to a dark place from his past. It’s overwhelmingly stressful for him to see Luke push away from his ‘real family’ and fall into Aemond’s arms when the guy is the reason for so much of everyone’s truama. It feels like betrayal, and sometimes emotions don’t leave room for the logic thats so desperately needed in this delicate situation.
For me, both things are true. Jace is an asshole for treating Luke so badly, but he’s also just a hurt kid finding trouble accepting things may never be how they once were again.
Oh, and theres also the added sexual nature that we can’t forget. Aemond was a bit of a mess when he went to go get jace; the messed up hair, Luke’s smudged lipstick likely being all over his neck, and the fact that his pants were unzipped is basically a flashing red light letting everyone know he just got off. Knowing Aemond has sexual interest in Luke already angers Jace for various reasons (one being that he feels Luke cannot properly consent and wouldn’t if he were still “himself”) but actually seeing that those feelings have been acted on and resulted in Luke crying was the catalyst for that brawl.
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ispyspookymansion · 1 year
like. okay. if amanda had somehow engineered a situation where hoffman would be killed, her motivations could pretty easily be understood as stemming from jealousy/percieved threat. amanda is desperate for approval from john. she needs his support and his attention and his belief in her, otherwise everything she has been through and everything she has forced herself to believe in in order to cope and survive will become pointless. so hoffman being, in her mind, someone john may like more (i mean, lets look at who gets tested and hurt repeatedly with intent and who just gets to skate by) or even just someone who is breaking the illusion of john’s philosophy is a threat to her survival. if the philosophy allows simple brutality, then there is no higher reasoning and there is no salvation and no rationale to justify everything she has become. so.
but theres….no reading hoffman that way. he doesnt really ever seem to care about john’s philosophy or his approval. there is no reason for him to see amanda as a threat, other than potentially to his own safety if she got caught and ratted him out, which is possible but never really cemented as his rationale either. even if that was his logic, it comes from viewing amanda as a stupid, flighty, unreliable addict criminal who he couldnt care less about as someone who wants to be “helped”. the way he sets her up proves that he understands her desperate need for john’s approval and the way she clings to the philosophy being true - either way, the outcome will tear her apart and likely get her killed.
so either he sets her up to get killed because he considers it a distant possibility that his ability to get away with this may be compromised if she was ever caught, or he does it just because he hates her and people like her, or he does it just because he can and he likes to have power to do violence on to others. none of those reasons will ever, in any universe, allow me to consider their dynamic in any friendly light
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narwhalandchill · 6 months
thinking back on skirks dialogue again and like. theres a tidbit on the narwhal that might end up inconsequential but caught my eye all the same so whatever here goes
bc skirk starts out noting that childe and the narwhal ran into each other/started throwing hands (unclear if shes surprised by them reuniting to begin with or just the fight breaking out part tho) much sooner than she wouldve expected right? and straight up referring to what to me logically has to be abt skirk herself letting those events occur as a "blunder" that she expects to be reprimanded for.
and like. obviously it could just as well also be that the blunder refers to the general messiness of what went down with the narwhal and fontaine at the time when skirks assignment was supposed to be just a simple training session with it. but idk i think its interesting she says this right after her comments on childe and the narwhal
bc as we all know the reason ajax was ever trained by skirk to begin with has everything to do with him awakening the narwhal and with 4.2 lore in all likelihood surtalogi himself taking note of this event and sending his own disciple to look after whoever managed such a feat after the narwhal had been inactive for who knows how long. and given surtalogi is, well, the guy keeping an all-devouring narwhal as a pet of all things despite how very. non ideal it is as one. he definitely has his reasons to be keeping it. just as he would have his reasons to send skirk to train a 14yo ajax freshly fallen into the abyss. and childes already told us that his training by skirk was said to be in preparation for some greater purpose in the future.
and this combined with how skirk describes the narwhal as uncooperative nuisance yet we Know it to possess a more complex sentience than just a simple beast to be used as a tool. just makes me wonder if theres any specific designs and potential motives in store from surtalogi regarding when/how/where childe and the narwhal are supposed to be allowed to encounter one another? and whether the narwhal explicitly calling for childe of its own accord is a part of that "uncooperative" nature if it very much led to them meeting much sooner than was supposed. like idk. its interesting. and if skirks blunder and ensuing penance is indeed about letting the narwhal successfully call for childe before surtalogis plans, why is keeping them apart such a big deal?
obviously could just be something straightforward along the lines of skirk/surtalogi wanting ajax at a specific power level before cultivating his connection with the narwhal to the next level as opposed to the current scenario where he did end up in an incredibly poor shape after the fight but. i also find it very curious to consider there possibly being something more to it too.
like the narwhals connection to childe is clearly deeply personal in nature? its literally his constellation and he physically carries traces of it on himself. but at the same time we really dont know how a being of its scale feels about being reduced to a "pet" dependent on another entity at all. and we really have no clue on the nature of surtalogis plans for the narwhal and ajax. if theres any conflict of interest there.... thatd be something. its interesting to speculate
but yeah none of this is anything concrete just yet im just Thinking. narwhal rent free in my head
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minionsunclee · 8 months
i just finished tgaa2 and honestly as good as it was the ending was a little disappointing
Like obviously i get the parallel to nick and edgeworth and i thought the last scene was very sweet but … so much missed potential in a way? Especially for susato, like she just stays an assistant. I thought ryutaro was going to come back somehow and she was going to reveal her own passion for studying law and maybe her own desire to become a defense attorney but i guess not 😞 Like why would they introduce ryutaro and mention all that stuff about women not being allowed to do certain things and what a shame it is and have no resolution??? I get the time period it was set it but if iris has an actual medical degree at ten i dont think the idea that susato might want to try and break japans gender norms and act as the first ever female lawyer would be that crazy.. I honestly wouldve loved for susato to tell ryunosuke he could stay in london and she would go back in his place to be lawyer their country needs.
Speaking of which! Pissed me off naruhodo decided to leave! I fully understand why he would but AGAIN such wasted potential! His drive to want to get to the bottom of things in any given situation and his desire to strive for the truth… i feel like the hints at him wanting to take up a role similar to sholmes’s were all there! he has such fondness for sholmes, sometimes even genuinely impressed by his reasoning, obviously cares a lot about what he thinks and like, yes his “wanting to expose the truth” desire was mostly just as a lawyer in court but would it not be fitting of a great detective as well? How many times has sholmes given them a piece of evidence to be used further into the trial to uncover the truth that was hidden??
I feel like it would’ve worked wonderfully for his final resolution too. Him feeling useless now that kazumas back and theres no need for a “replacement” anymore. Him wanting to choose for himself now that he doesn’t feel the need to keep kazumas legacy going. He became a lawyer only for kazuma, what if he didn’t enjoy being a lawyer but rather just being able to get to the truth, whether in court or outside of it?? what if the game had ended with him asking mr sholmes to take him in as an apprentice … to in a way take mikotobas place as sholmes new partner and have more adventures togetehr … the way he gets so excited during the logic and reasoning spectacular in 2-4 that he kinda even takes on sholmes’s persona it right there !!! I’m not crazy am i, i cant be the only one thinking this (i have not looked into the fandom at all i literally just finished the games)
These are mostly just rambling its almost 1 am and i have barely slept today but i just cant stop thinking about it … prosecutor kazuma, defence attorney susato and great detective ryunosuke… it just makes sen se …..
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Like … look at them … it makes sens e …..
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banesberry-anomoly · 3 months
Thinking about Allen. Hes such a guy. A goober if you will. And also a bit of a god complex, but its part of a mask she puts up.
They had a really bad falling out with a group of friends in high school. Knew them for years, and the group was really fuckin close too, which is a shame, because the reason the group crumbled wasnt even Allens fault, but the group blamed them anyways.
CW: Moderate angst, little bit of blood (but no gore beyond that)
Imagine youre out and its 1, 2am maybe. Pitch dark except for the glow of phone flashlights, and for some reason youre in the woods. The group splits up to fuck around and youre left alone. And then theres a scream and you hear a thud because some dumbass decided it would be a smart idea to climb a tree in the dark.
You go to find the idiot that climbed the tree, but theres silence. You can see where they fell, because the dirt is all messed up. And theres blood. But they arent there.
And then you see the jacket, lying there. Dirty and blood stained, with- with a hole through it. And you know this jacket, because its the one you got a matching set of for you and your best friend of the time.
So you start frantically looking around for them, only to realise that the whole forest is completely silent. Which normally would be fine, because you love liminal spaces, but there should be other voices right now. The voices of the people that found your best friend before you could and rushed him to the hospital.
The voices of people that would stare at you as you walked into the hospital lobby because you were worried. The voices of people that would blame you for not being there sooner, because they all thought you two were together. They didnt know. They didnt know that you two had been split up in the forest.
And youre standing there, dumbstruck, still clutching the ruined jacket as they yell.
You cant hear them, not really anyways. Their words kind of just float around you as your staring at the blood that coats your hands. The blood of your best friend. And you think to yourself 'maybe hell believe me, maybe hell tell them that it wasnt my fault.'
So you go home. And you wait, counting the days until you can visit him.
And he was angry at you.
Because for some reason, he thought that you were there, right behind him. You had no one on your side.
So you decided you were better off without them all. That, if they couldnt use some fucking logic, they werent worth it. You knew what actually happened.
You were better than them.
So, you buried the ruined jacket of your former best friend in the back of your closet– because despite it all, you didnt think you could just throw it away– and continued attending the rest of your senior year of high school. And you used that time in between getting classwork done to listen to all the rumors, to all the secrets that they accidentally let slip about themself. And you were close with them before, so you knew quite a lot about them already.
Then you used your grad party speech (because the host of the party wasnt part of that group and still one of your friends) to rip them to shreds. Because you knew all the little things about them that would break them. Because people just dont know how to keep their mouths shut.
You didnt spread highly over personal things, but you did plant the seeds for rumors about them to start that would haunt them for years. You knew how to fabricate stuff that would follow them around, because you wanted to be an author, so youd had a bit of practice. And it worked.
You moved away after that. Cut basically all contact with all except a few people from your hometown.
Because that wasnt the only thing that haunted you. You dont want to think about it right now though.
Youd have plenty of time too once the timeloop gets triggered, though.
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malka-lisitsa · 9 months
Verse: Polymayhem (Katherine has two husbands)
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General disclaimer: This verse is for fun and for exploring a dynamic everyone involved found interesting- this verse will be highly canon divergent and will not make sense at all in canon bc yes Katherine has a child and its not Nadia. If things like this do not fit in your canon and you are gonna get triggered about it, might be easiest just not to read past the break, mkay pumpkin?
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Verse heavily affiliated with: @baby-royalty @ripper-royalty and @retconned-royalty
In 1864 Katherine did actually manage to get BOTH of the Salvatores out of there with her. Both were turned in the process as their dad did still shoot them, and later Stefan lost control and went back to kill him.
Upon finding out he was a ripper, Katherine started to help him gain control. To work with and through his animalistic ripper side.
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Over the years the three of them were in a relationship, and very much in love- however this did not stop the rivalry between brothers for Katherine's affection. Damon specifically upon turning vampire got MUCH more jealous and insecure. All three of them were on again off again for decades depending on how badly the rivalry between brothers got. (it wasnt ALL Damon, just a very large portion)
Despite being at each other's throats the brothers did love Katherine more than anything, and she loves them just as much- BOTH OF THEM.
Hop and a skip down memory lane and at some point all the stars aligned and one of the salvatores managed to knock up their favourite foxy little vampire and let me tell you, the emotional impact that had on EVERYONE.
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It terrified Katherine, and while she completely contemplated it for a second she couldnt bring herself to do anything but come to terms with the fact that she was going to have another child. Racked with guilt for everything involving Nadia Katherine had incredible mixed feelings.
She was a nightmare while pregnant if anyone was wondering.
Once she had the kid, a daughter, Elizabeth Nadia Petrova-Salvatore; it took Katherine six months before she broke down and ran away, leaving Stefan and Damon to raise Lizzy for an undetermined amount of time. This would not be the first or the last time Katherine ran away from being a mother. Damon always tries to chase her, he does not agree with Stefan's 'you know she'll come back just give her space' logical and healthy reasoning.
Stefan is, however right. Because no matter how long it takes her, Katherine is two things- never that far away, and never gone forever.
Katherine's relationship with her daughter (on Lizzy's side) never seems to waiver. Katherine could be gone for years and she sometimes IS- and Lizzy will just know instantly who she is even as a toddler.
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And when she IS there and she IS present, Katherine is a wonderful mother. Shes playful, cuddly, and sweet with Lizzy... she just gets overwhelmed and scared. Remember Klaus is still out there... and all of the guilt she has about Nadia... Theres a lot to unpack for her, but shes TRYING and her daughter and her husbands love her enough to keep trying to reach her. They know she tries, they know shes scared.
It HAS come up multiple times between the three of them which brother is the father. Katherine claims she doesnt know when she absolutely does, but she dodges the answer by simply saying "You're both her father, what does it matter which one of you she sprung out of? At the end of the day, youre both her father, she is a Salvatore. Isnt that enough?"
The same answer she would ever give Lizzy if her daughter asked.
The family is little, and broken, but they're all people who are capable of, and do consistently love with all of their being... Lizzy is in no short supply of unconditional love.
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
Hi @barkingcrows sent a long ask and because it's an unsustainable format, I'm posting their ask under the cut
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY FAVOURITE EPISODE! i love you mag85. its not even really the pre- or post- statement that i love (though when jon amends his opening, you can HEAR the 😒 in his voice and its lovely) but its the statement itself. i simply love it So Much. theres something about it that stuck out to me and i dont quite know what
(cont. under cut)
i adore the tone the statement is given in. the statementgiver sounds almost hysterical in a falsely composed manner. think : the narrator of The Tell-Tale Heart. they sound like theyre moments away from begging you to believe them and begging you to tell them you understand. like theyre trying their damnedest to make themself understand just as much as theyre trying to make you understand…… a bit like helen in her first statement, even. but far more gone than her. helen is still holding onto logic as her lifeline, refusing to let go of logic and reason for the sake of staying sane. 85’s statement giver went mad long ago, and doesn’t care about why or how it doesn’t make sense—they just know it doesn’t make sense and there’s nothing more to it. they’re looking back at it all with a “i can’t fucjsking believe this happened to /me/” lens, sort of. i think so, at least
the contradictions are a fun thing. they make the statement stand out and grab your attention back even if youre doing something else while you listen. in order to wrap your head around it, you have to pay attention. It starts out simple, eases you into the senselessness. after all, if it threw you in headfirst then you wouldnt know what to make of the statement. it would make no sense because youre looking at it through the wrong lens, defaulting to applying rules to it that simply dont apply. “Because nonsense is what it is. It is playfully impossible. He cannot be not there. But he is. He was. And so am I. I did not meet him on the staircase as well.” it takes a second for you to make it make sense, but then just trading out every “i did not meet him” for “i did meet him (its just that he was the man that wasnt there)” and suddenly it makes the senselessness make a lot more sense, and puts you into the correct mindset for this episode.
but it only stays simple for a short bit, quickly upping the absurdity more and more until its depicting batshit stuff that you cant even understand by backwards logicing out of it. but by now youve accepted that this statement giver’s story is not one that is meant to make sense, and you can listen to the impossibilities without it breaking your immersion at all. In fact, it enhances it. a fun example of that is: “My father said nothing, as I had taken him up the stairs an hour before, and he now lay dead in his chair, his heart unsuited for the expedition. [...] Eventually, after almost an hour descending the spiral, he keeled over in his seat and lay lifeless. My mother got abruptly to her feet, and told my father that they were leaving. My father got to his feet, and silently followed her out.” its senseless! its plenty comprehensible, but it just doesnt make sense! are the stairs metaphorical or literal? did the dad die in a dream and wake back up? if he died on the stairs, how did he get to the chair? did he die and his corpse got up and walked out? the listener doesnt know! jon sure as hell doesnt know! and i really doubt that even the statement giver knows! its not like theyre there, anyways. no use in figuring out the hows and whats and whys of events when theyre hardly a who or what themself.
i feel like it sort of raises the question of if there was ever a man not there in the first place that the statement giver fell victim to, but that’s the point, isn’t it? there was no one there. “The stairs were real. He wasn’t there, but the stairs were.” note the word choice. ‘real.’ not ‘the stairs were there,’ but that they were real. is it possible to do something like this to yourself? the man who was not there became real as time progressed, yes, but any delusion can become real to someone if they believe it sincerely enough. mix the Literally Supernatural spiral into that and you have one hell of a trip. is it possible to lose yourself in a poem so much that you lose your own self? have you ever considered this statement being largely metaphorical? turned literal only by the spiral finding a new plaything? they say that he did not offer them to join him on the stairs. so is that to say the man who was not there did not offer simply because he was not there, or that the statement giver’s spiral (heh) was self-inflicted? “He didn’t come back until I made… a horrid mistake. I called to him. I stood on the landing and shouted at him to go away. I asked him if he was there. I demanded he show himself. All utterly impossible, of course. I was shouting at nobody but myself, and so it was into my own mind that my curses and pleas burrowed and nested.”
personally, i think it makes for a more interesting statement if it’s litera; there is, in fact; a man who was not there tormenting the statement giver. but for it to be metaphorical would make for a much more interesting question
“I walked and I walked. And then I didn’t walk, and that got me moving much faster.” i just like this line
“He had sworn at me as he tried to climb them to the top, telling me I was no son of his, and I was trying to agree with him, but if I could have done so, then he would have been wrong.” THIS line. if there’s one thing i want you to take away from this rambling essay of a loveletter to mag85 then it’s this line. i want everyone to look at it and just. think about it i guess??? it’s my favourite sentence in this episode. something about it is so interesting and i really don’t know how to put it into words. “I was trying to agree with him, but if I could have done so, then he would have been wrong.” GOD i love that ?!!!??!?? its so good
i love the twist on the poem at the end too. changing it to “i was a man who wasn’t there”
i don’t think enough people talk about just the statement for this episode, so i’ll leave off my thoughts on the post-statement banter. not to mention that this post is already far longer than it should be HAHA. i love georgie and season three is very eventful, but this statement by itself should be highlighted more often when it has such an interesting premise <333
finally, while i’m here: i would absolutely recommend listening to The Man Who Sold The World by David Bowie after listening to this episode. or whatever cover you prefer of the song—i personally enjoy Nirvana’s most. The Man Who Sold The World, just as mag85, was at least in part inspired by the poem Antigonish. (and the timeline would allow for mag85 to potentially be partially inspired by both the poem AND the song, but i don’t believe that is confirmed or denied anywhere.)
it’s a great song and i never have a reason to talk about how this episode was actually the thing that introduced me to the song
thank you for bearing with me as i rambled about the episode i can never find a good reason to ramble about!
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silvernyxa · 10 months
Ooooooh I read through the Luv on TV posts and I am HOOKED. Have you written a fic or anything anywhere? It's soooooo good and I'd like to see more!!
unfortunately theres no fic! doing a full fic for this AU would like actually take me forever to write, but i might end up doing little snippets here and there!
in the meantime, tho, here's some of my initial notes 👍
Patrick and Joe still meet in Borders, but all talk of starting a new pop punk band is just that. All talk. Fall Out Boy, before it’s even called Fall Out Boy, dies right then and there. Patrick doesn’t end up sharing his demos, doesn’t meet Pete Wentz, isn’t cajoled into becoming a singer. 
Without a band to focus on, Patrick goes on with his life. He graduates, goes off to college, graduates again, and he finds himself back in Chicago living in a shitty apartment working a shitty retail job because it turns out, there’s kind of nothing to do with an English degree. 
It gets to the point where the only conversations Patrick’s really having is small talk with customers and clipped reassurances to his mother that he’s fine, yes he’s eating his vegetables, he’ll come see her next weekend maybe and yeah he kind of does need help paying rent. 
Maybe some of the wires in Patrick’s brain are a little crossed, or his morals are a bit looser than the average person’s, or perhaps he’s just gone crazy from standing at a register all day- whatever the reason, Patrick makes the very logical conclusion that to solve his social problem, he needs to steal a dead body. 
Patrick’s the kind of guy who just knows weird shit because his mind is constantly searching for something to scratch that itch for knowledge and the depths of the internet is a wonderful place for that sort of thing.
Patrick is also the kind of guy (or, he likes to think of himself as the kind of guy) who can learn anything he sets his mind out to. Drums, trumpet, foreign languages, coding, how to break into a morgue, how to get bloodstains out of your carpet before your landlord sees, you name it. There’s a plethora of online forums that Patrick has to make sure to clear from his search history or better yet he ought to just destroy his whole laptop. 
His robot’s kind of a weird guy. Patrick doesn’t know if it could even be considered a robot. He’s just…weird. He’s not got the best control over his body. He seems to be insanely freaked out by small moving creatures, so Patrick has to keep scaring off the feral alley cats that gather on his fire escape. He doesn’t sleep and sometimes just sits there staring at Patrick, quietly watching, his screen flickering in the dark of the night, both alive and dead at the same time.
But Patrick likes him anyways. There’s nobody else in the world who can keep up with him, match for match, when it comes to quoting 80s movies (it definitely helps that he’s, like, basically a walking talking computer) He doesn’t get annoyed in the way other people tend to do when Patrick goes off on a ramble, and even seems actually interested to hear what he’s got to say. He treats Patrick’s shitty GarageBand tunes like they’ve been composed by fucking Mozart and the impressions don’t piss him off, either, and he doesn’t leave. He stays and he lights up when Patrick gets home from work and asks how his day was and it’s fucking nice, so yeah, Patrick likes him.
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fairyfried · 2 years
stranger things 4 vol 2 spoilers
“it was predictable that eddie would die” yeah. but i expected it to be for a reason. there were SO many reasons for him not to die in that setup, and they just… acted like they didnt exist, when some were far more logical than his “sacrifice”?? (and no, i dont think the “well he had a shitstorm to go back to” is a viable excuse. bc first of all: theres no way he would do something so scarring to dustin if he didn’t absolutely have to in order to save him. second of all: if they can find a way to have a character survive being exploded, then break out of—and back INTO— a russian prison, they can find a way for them to clear eddie’s name.)
on top of that, i expected all the bonds he made in the season to, ya know, mean something. instead of only having dustin mourn him ALONE. (and wayne for a hot fuckin second, but we get like, five minutes of them looking at ash in the sky.) and leave his body without making anyone go back to drag him the VERY SMALL DISTANCE back to the gate. maybe ppl will say they couldnt get back in, but then how did they get out of the upside down in the first place?
another thing that wouldve destroyed the audience (in a good way) is steve having to console dustin when he tells him what happened. wouldve given the actors more time to be serious as well, something we know gaten is clearly capable of doing well, and likely the same could be said for joe keery.
it feels like they decided to include SO MANY unimportant parts, made the episode over 2 hours long, just to cut out what wouldve been impactful and satisfying (especially considering how much they played up the finale.) and that doesnt just go for eddie related things! that conversation between jonathan and nancy was so rushed, and i know it’s probably to continue that plot in season 5– but still. at least attempt to make things feel natural. and that conversation between robin and vickie (dont even get me started on how little they put into her character) felt completely tacked on at the end.
in my opinion, a lot of things felt very “we have to hit this story beat, and this story beat, and then this one, and then we gotta tie up loose ends enough for next season,” which is obviously how u make a story, but u also have to make it flow. and it was just… choppy.
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wizzardhat · 7 months
you know i had a feeling i would end up having to break my oath to make an in-character choice, and it would have been cute and gay if it came as a consequence of something to do with gale, but all things considered im like, of course it would end up being related to astarion. an oath of the ancients paladin cannot just become besties with an undead vampire without enduring at least one major moral dilemma. gonna add a readmore for spoilers and rambling
i released the 7000 spawn. of course i did. the alternatives were to let them rot in cages for eternity or kill all of them. im curious if letting astarion complete the ritual would have broken the oath as well. It would be painfully ironic if the answer was no. but when it came down to make a choice between protecting the innocent and destroying the undead, my paladin chose to protect the innocent, and that was apparently the wrong answer. But really, it was the only answer that didnt prove them to be a complete hypocrite.
i like this a lot as the logical conclusion of their friendship with astarion, extreme opposites meeting in the middle. specifically im thinking of a line you get from him early on, when he tries to convince you to take control of the cult of the absolute. if you say "that is evil power" he says something along the lines of, "power is just power, its the people who use it who are good or evil." Damn if that isn't almost exactly the same sentiment you get form your conversation with the oathbreaker knight.
i have an imagined backstory for my tav that is related to the character they're based on--which is, ironically, also an oathbreaker paladin. That character broke his oath because he refused to give up on someone he loved past the point when they were dangerous to keep alive, and betrayed another paladin to protect them. But for my Tav, I let the opposite be true--they did give up on that person, because their order had convinced them it was the right thing to do, and as a result they had to watch their loved one die. So my Tav carried a deep sense of regret their whole life for that one mistake, and made a personal conviction to never give up on someone who needed them, or who they loved.
That conviction is what I imagine lead them down the morally dubious paths they had to take to complete the various companion quests, and on some level, i think they knew that eventually the oath they made to their god and the oath they made to themself would split. this backstory tidbit also adds a lot of extra layers to the line you say to gale (if you are romancing him) when you confront the elder brain at the end of act two, to "choose the one who loves you." because thats exactly what they failed to do, and it was a mistake they refuse to make again.
And in a game where gods are generally not to be trusted, my paladin abandoning an oath in favor of their own sense of justice thematically makes a lot more sense then being like, rip to you guys but my god is different lmao (although i guess selune is shown to be unambiguously good but thats only because shes standing next to shar, the bitch of all time.) also when romancing gale theres something kind of extra gay about "lets abandon our gods together." im sure gale would have a LOT to say to a distressed paladin with a freshly broken oath given everything with mystra being just as fresh.
mechanically though, idk if i can keep this change lmao. i rely way too much on misty step to give it up as a spell. Unless i dual class in to something else that gives me misty step. or i can just stay next to gale every fight and rely on him dragging me around with dimension door lmao--i do have at least one item that gives me one free misty step per short rest. also not having speak with animals will shatter my heart lmfao. i guess ill decide tomorrow if i want to reclaim my oath for purely mechanical reasons and just hc the oath staying broken, or actually commit to the practical consequences. I could also just like. try it out for awhile and talk to the knight again if i change my mind. at least i fucking hope thats the case lol.
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evansencezz · 1 year
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ヘ(^_^ヘ)—ROMANTICITIZE ME, DIONYSUS—ヘ(^_^ヘ) —Every Ishito x Various—)♡
Notes: yes, baised off of the BTS song, i cant stop listening to them help me, various is greek gods, dionysus, apollo, they are my ocs though or interprataions, very ‘out of character’ greek mythology, loosely based on greek mythology, hints of modern/ 200’s AU, shes a journalist, she works for hades, mortal every, non-royal every, i love her, she doesn’t put up with anyones shit, multi-lengual every ofc, theres some greek, latin, and koeran in here, you rlly thought, drinking, smooking, smooking tabbaco, very rustic hints in here, dancing, ballrooms, i love her so much, they also have touches of BTS members in here, mainly more fluff, in my fluff era, comedy, hades is suposed to have the apperance of jin, all of apollos and artiemis’s are in koeran, hints of sad background, abadonment issues, greek lore, old termoniology, old beliefs, beliefs that woman should please men and only men, no homophobia though, believes that woman are weaker then men, sad love, star-gazing, there’s a kiss at the end, morally grey ending, she spends 7 weeks, one week with each of the gods, Aethena has the looks of Jimin, holy shit, fuckfest, smut everywhere, she fucks all the gods what tje fuck, litterally everything you could think of, insanity, std’s everywhere, jealousy, oh my god, happy valentines day post, give my girl a break holy shit, bow down bitches fr.
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Every held her clipboard tighter to her as she walked down the long spiral staircase. By all logical reasons, she shouldn’t even be here right now. But hey, everything else had failed, so why not?!
“Ah..” She mummbled as she finally got off the final step.
She was in a bleak room and there was a small table sitting in the middle. A man was already sitting down, head held in his hand.
He perked up and his dark, honey eyes clased with her bright orange/amber ones. He placed a somewhat polite grin on his face.
“Ah hello, you must be Every Ishto, correct?” He asked.
His voice was deep, surpursingly deep. It had a slight comforting tone to it too..now for apprence, the male was ceritanely intimadating. Compared to Every, he could probably kill her in seconds.
He had dark, striaght and form fitting hair it also stopped right belpw his earlobe. It also stopped his bangs, shaddowing right above his eyebrows. He had a strong jaw-line and again, dark golden eyes.
His overall physic was toned, tannish. He was wearing a red and black suit with rings and a red pendant necklace. It reminded her of something.
“Miss Ishto??” He snapped his fingers.
The red haired girl jolted before grimnacing in embrassment. She held the clipboard tighter before making a slight bow gesture.
“Yes, that would be me..Mr.Hades..” She answered.
She was about to refer to him by his last name, but then relized, Greek goods didn’t have last names. They just weren’t a thing back then..
He only flashed a breif smile before gesturing towards the seat across from him.
“Please do take a seat.” He said.
The girl only nodded firmly and scampered over and sat down. She still held onto her clipboard though. Now that they were closer, she noticed he was BIG.
He basically had a looming presence even though hs was sat properly. Even from here, she could tell he smelled like oak and embers.
“It’s good to see that you don’t seem that afraid of me..” He breathed, looking away.
She wasn’t afraid of him, despite all common sense. Most mortals would probably freak out if they saw face to face with the god of death and underworld.
“I don’t see a reason to, you don’t look scary.” She blurted.
The girl immeditally grimnaced and slapped a hand over her mouth. He did look scary, frame wise. The books just got the looks part wrong.
He faced her again and eyed her, with a simper expression.
“Really? Why do you say that, now?” He questioned, seeming curious.
The girl only removed her mouth and hestaintely replied.
“Because..uhm..in our books your described as some revengeful spirt..and terrifying..but..you look..human enough to me..” She tried to clarify.
He, thankfully seemed satisfied with this as he smiled again. She never expected someone like this would smile so much.
“So, I’m assuming you know what I’m asking you to do for the job?” He visbly straightened a little.
Every smallely grinned and finally let go of her clipboard. She slid the clipboard closer and let him glance at it.
“Yes, this was the list of gods I was sent to interview? Double check it if you wish.” She shrugged.
Internally, she grimnaced and faceplamed. Was she seriously talking like this to the god of death?!
“Yep, besides me you have six to interview. Want me to give you a quick pitch on their personalities??” He offered.
The red haired girl immeditally nodded, eager. She wanted to know who she was going to be talking to..
“Ah okay well, the first one on your list is Aethena..just a quick warning, he’s not a girl. He prefers to be called Aethen, since he dislikes being refered to as a girl.” He explained.
The girl blinked a few times, that was surprsing..were all of them guys or something??
“As for personality, it’s very dual supported..he can be very agressive. But most of the time, he is very hospitol, just watch your mouth around him.” He warned.
At least that was simaliar to what she had read in books. Yeah, she was a avid reader of greek mythology. She also liked folklore, really anything mythological.
“Alright?” He tried to get her to react.
She only grunted and and watched as he lookex at the second person. Visbly grimnacing, he sighed.
“Ah, Dioynysus..” He breathed, laughing slightly.
Dioynsus, the god of wine and parties. From what Eve had read, he was a very..intresting character. He was said to have a sort of sleazy, yet fancy presence.
He was very casual and flirty for a god because of how much acohol and parties he hosted. Hades looked at her again.
“Dionysus is very..attention seeking. Odds are, he’ll take a intrest in you. All of them probably will, not much I can do about that.” He sighed.
She made a slight confused face and he laughed softly.
“It’s funny, your name is Eve. Or Every..y’know, like Eve from Adam and Eve??” He raised an eyebrow with a smile on his face while gazing at her.
She blinked a few times before making a ‘oh’ expression.
“I’m no godess.” Was all she replied with.
Hades paused for a second before bursting out in laughter. She tried not to flinch before sweat-dropping. Had she had something?
“Hahaha! Ah-your amusing for a mortal!” He said before laughing a little more.
She only smiled her nervously, one of her eyes shrinking slightly. What, by not saying she was the bibcal Eve?
“Anywaysss’, don’t mind him if he offers you a drink, I don’t care. Just try and get him to at least answer a few questions.” He slumped slightly.
She blinked before nodding, there wasn’t much she could say. He glanced at the next name and slumped further. He seemed pretty tired and relaxed.
“Posiedon. Ugh..” He groaned.
“He’s not the best person, right?” She boldly asked.
He perked up at this before staring at her for a few beats, making her nervous. Then, he burst out into laughter again.
“Yeah! He acts like he’s mensturating half of the time..Anyways, he has very bad mood swings. As said, I’m the oldest of us so..” He shrugged.
“He also threatens alot of people, on reflex. So if he does with you, just kind of brush it off, ok?” He grumbled.
She merly bit her lip and nodded. Could she stop noticing how attractive he was?! God, the neckace on his suit glinted and winked at her, so she decided to focus her eyes on that.
Unfourtnately, he seemed to notice as he hummed and grinned.
“Oh, this seems to have caughten your eye. Do you like it?”
“Uhm-Yes it’s very pretty.” She hestiated before answering.
He only hummed and looked down at the clipboard again. He only looked back up at her with a curious glint.
“Hm, Hephestaus, but before we talk about him..I must ask something..” He trailed off.
Every only leaned a tiny bit forward before straightening her posture.
“Yes?” She polteily inquired, edging him on.
“How exactly do you seem to know so much? I know that we have books written on us and stuff like I said before but you seem to know more then the average person.” He explained.
The female only leaned back with a knowing look on her face.
“I was always into greek mythology. But I guess I can’t really call it mythology anymore cause one of the main gods is in front of me.” She grunted.
The male only nodded along with what she was saying.
“Ah, well it’s good to see we’ve still somewhat influenced you guys..” He said.
Silence covered the two of them before he laughed slightly.
“Your not very talktative, are you?” He snickered.
The orange eyed girl only tensed slightly and raised an eyebrow.
“What has this got to do with hepheastus?” She questioned
The god infront of her only snickered before studying her a little more. She had formal fitting clothes, not expensive though. She had said she relized a lot of people wanted the job in her email, and wasn’t overly eager to get it.
She was also very curious, seeming to gravitate towards the listening type.
“Enough about them, you’ll do fine.” He brushed the clipboard back towards her.
She made a horrifed face. He wasn’t going to give her any more information?! But there were like four other gods!!
“Tell me about you..you didn’t say much in your application:” He spoke.
She didn’t mind how eager he was to get to know her.
“Well..I’m 22 and uhm..My full name is Every Ishto..I’m italian and Koeran..and..I grew up in New order.” She explained a little.
He hummed and squinted his eyes. He could defentily hear the tones of Koeran in her voice.
“You have a very..Koeran accent..?” He said.
The girl only flashed a nervous smile and looked down at her lap for a second.
“I actually learned most of my english while learning Italian aswell.” She answered.
Her eye seemed to twitch but Hades was none the wiser. He only raised an eyebrow and nudged his face in question.
“Oh? Well that’s good, Apollo and Atremis are koeran and talk in that language aswell.” He simply said.
She blinksd slowly a few times, now that was also surprisng. She wasn’t expecting apollo or ATREMIS of all people to only speak english.
He sighed and leaned back into his chair, fixing the cuff of his sleeve. She merly watched him.
“I can see your soul..all gods can, obviously. Your soul is really pretty.” He vaguely said, gazing at her upper chest.
She could’ve sworn her heart was speed up and imiedtaited a orange glow. There was a medium speick of black though.
“Of course, it has some corruption. Every person has corruption.” He said.
The female only flustered slightly and looked away. She knew it wasn’t met to be perverted, but still. A male shamelessy looking at her soul, wasn’t that ment to be intamieaite.
“Ah sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized.
She only tensed at this and grimnaced.
“No it’s alright, I get it.”
A akward silence covered the two of them before he cleared his throat.
“Your hired, just so you know.” He said.
Every bounced her leg up and down in comfort to hype herself up. She couldn’t just get up and run around while squeeling which is what she wanted to do. A somewhat giddy smile covered her face.
“Thank you so much, sir-!” She started but was cut off.
“Please, just Hades is okay.” He smiled, standing up.
She nodded before clearing her throat and standing up aswell.
“Thank you, Hades. I’m assuming that I’ll get a start date?” She tilted her head while grabbing her clipboard and holding it close to her chest.
The man only chuckled slightly before sticking his hands in his pockets.
“Yes, I will send one of my escorts in a week to take you to the person your interviewings abode…” He answered before moving away from the table.
She smiled and also moved away from it. But she tensed when he reached to grab her hand and shake it. He was extremely warm, strange.
“만나서 반가웠어요, 예쁜 아가씨.” He said before letting go and walking away.
Every was stunned for a good minute or two.
“What the actual fuck.”
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The girl, needless to say was nervous. It was her first day on the job and she was meeting Aethena-sorry Aethen.
“Miss Ishto??” A unfamilar voice knocked on her door.
She peaked through the crack and saw a majestic looking being. They didn’t have a mouth and their skin was entirely white. They also had their eyes closed.
“Yes..? Are you here to be my escort..?” She slowly asked.
The person seemed to smile, even though they didn’t have a mouth. Their eyes raised and squinted.
“Yep, please come..” They softly said.
She opened her door and blinked. A fancy looking brown car was parked on the side of the road.
She gawked when the white colored person simply closed their eyes like they were happy and walked across the busy street.
“Mortals-Besides you cannot see me..” They clarrifed.
She simply nodded stiffly before adjusting the bag she had on her hip. She quickly looked from side to side before having an opening to cross the street. She held a hand up as thanks towards the car who had stopped to let her stop.
Only for the car behind that car to agressivly honk..
She skipped onto the sidewalk and walked over to the side of the car.
“Assholes..” She muttered under her breath.
The escort only smiled again with their eyes and both of them entered the car. She glanced around, nothing seemed special.
“How are we going to get to Aethen??” She questioned.
The person only hummed before pressing a button. All of the sudden, a flash of white flashed before her eyes, blinding her.
“Ack-!” She felt insane turbalance as her body was guled to the back of her seat.
Silence greeted her until..she opened her eyes..
“Miss Ishto?? We have arrived.” The escort said.
She made a sound of confusion before looking around. She was still inside the car, but now she was on a different street.
There was a extremely large looking white palace infront of her. There were gold accents and horse statues right infront of the doors. And a tone of steps leading up to the door.
The girl flinched slightly when ladies in white, silk and dress attire laughed and walked together.
“There’s no need to worry..they don’t bite.” The white colored person waved their hand and the door unlocked and unbuckled Every on its own.
She yelped when her body was gently levitated and placed on the first step of the many leading to the palace. She made a face and glanced behind her, hands clutching onto her thick bag strap, only to see no car or person behind her.
She flinched when some girls and people passing by a gave her an odd glance. Well, she wasn’t wearing simaliar clothes. Or atleast, simaliar clothes to them.
She was wearing a simple form fitting red blouse shirt that had lace around the drop that showed her collar bones. Two buttons were also below that in the middle. The sleeves started right below her shoulders and flared out polietly.
She was also wearing a red, long skirt. Not extremely long, mid-calf. Finally, she had a peral necklace on and black and brown flats.
She made a grimnace before slowly walking up the stairs. It was kind of daunting-to be seeing a god. Of course, Hades was extremely nice to her.
A girl in a group, out of the corner of her eye she could see point at her. Eve only looked down and went quicker.
There was a line of people outside the doors, pretty long. The girl who had pointed at her was now ahead of her.
“Hey, you.” The girl, who had now turned around gave her a quick once over.
“Hello, may I help you?” She tried to poletiely said.
The taller girl scowled and glowered at her further. She was geniuley confused, what? Did she not like humans or anything?
“Why are you, as a mortal, here? I mean, out of all the places and you pick Aethen??” She tried to stress.
Every only glanced at the emptyiness on stage. It was bassicly like a menu.
“I work for hades.” She blurted.
The female seemed to blink a few times before gawking. She completly stopped, making the other halt aswell.
“YOU-A MORTAL WORKS FOR HADES?!” She leaned closer.
Unfourtnately, her outburst caused multiple to look over. They all gasped and a few other females crowded around.
“Hades?! Isn’t he scary?!” One asked.
Every only leaned away and sweat-dropped.
“Uh-? No not uhm..really?” She said.
She flinched when someone ran their hands through her hair. It was a taller girl with brunette and golden eyes.
“Your hair is so pretty! How did you get it this color, mortal?” She adimired.
“Oooo! And look at her eyes!!-~” Another leaned surprisingly close to her face and stared at her orange hues.
She had enough and quickly tore herself away and fit through the crowd. Smiling nervously, she made a waving gesture and said something before running away.
“Thanks! And uhm..my Name’s Every Ishto..!” She said before scampering away.
She sighed as she finally looked at the large door infront of her. She grunted and pushed it open with a good amount of effort in it.
She blinked a few times as she took a few steps inside. There was a garden, past the door, odd layout. She noticed there was a heart shaped bush and multiple more white statues throughout the garden.
She grunted again when someone bumped into her.
“Excuse me.” It was a male.
He had fancy clothes on, and a otherwordly apperance. Sure, everyone here looked angeliec but this guy..
He noticed she was staring at him and he gave her a quick tilt of the head and up and down. He blinked a few times when he relized something..
“Hold on a second- Your a mortal.” He blurted.
Was this suposed to be Aethena-Aethen?? He could’ve fit the bill.
“Are you..?”
He only spared her a somewhat amused look. He came a little closer and she moved further back, to move away from him and the door.
“The greek god, Aethen? Yes, that’s me.” He smiled.
She squinted, wasn’t this a little odd?? She ment, Aethena was suposed to be a woman and almost a femanist. She was the god of justice.
He only squinted back at her and she noticed something..
‘Are those fucking dimples..?’ She gaped, how cute!
“So, how can I help you? It’s very rare a mortal chooses to meet with me, they usually pick eros or aphordite..” He curiously questioned.
Every glanced down towards her bag before tensing. Right! The interview!
“Right, uhm- I’m here for an interview..uhm-with you..I’m with Hades- as in..I work..for him..” She tried her best to explain.
Aethen blinked a few times before gawking slightly.
“Hades?! You work for that old man?” He questioned.
She only laughed nervously and glanced around, not many people were here. Most of them cut straight through the garden and towards the door that was on the opposite side.
“Ahaha..yeah..hey..uhm do you have somewhere we could sit down for the interview.?” She nervously asked.
The male only grinned again and nodded.
“Of course, come!” He said.
He lead her to the middle of the garden where there was a small gazebo. Both of them entered it and flowers surrounded the area. There was a small table and multiple chairs around it.
He quickly took a seat down and she followed, taking one across from him.
She took a good look at him before getting her question notes. He had dark brunette hair, straight. Sort of styled simaliar to Hades.
But his eyes were a dark blue, understanding. But if annoyed, they could quickly turn to ice.
“So..uhm I must ask..how old are you in god years?” She inquired.
He only smiled and raised an eyebrow.
“Ah, well..I would say around maybe..uhhhhh..20 centuries??” He didn’t seem completly sure.
She shot him a look but didn’t say anything else.
“Right, so..not many mortals vist you?” She went slightly off the script.
The male only sighed and leaned back on the bench. His arms wrapped around the back of it and she tried not to gawk.
‘Holy shit.’ Her mind freaked out.
“Yes, not many mortals vist. And if they do, it’s usually on accident. They’re always looking for some other god..not you, though!” He mummbled before beaming at her.
She couldn’t help but feel a little weak at that saying. She really wasn’t that special, did he already forget this was suposed to be bussiness related??
“Right..and uhm..do you know anything about the modern world?” She scribbled something down before asking.
Aethen only grunted and looked away for a second. God he was ho-!
‘STOP IT.’ She breathed in and out.
“A little bit, I prefer to be social with people, you know? Plus we can’t really get our hands on that stuff.”. He said.
“But I can get my hands on you, can’t I?” He said.
She gawked at him, eyes wide. Excuse you?! She blinked a few times in surprise, making him snicker.
“Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to see how you would react.” He apologized.
She only scowled slightly before leaning back in her chair. She lifted her clipboard with the notes again close to her face and squinted.
When she grunted and lowered it, he was closer then she would of liked. But not wanting to give him a reaction, she only cringed for a second.
“Right. Who would you say your closetest to among the gods?” She inquired, shifting slightly.
Aethen only raised an eyebrow at her indifference but looked away. It looked like he was pondering the question actually.
“Uhhhh..maybe Eros? He’s a little shit though.” He huffed.
The red-nette tried not to gawk again. Cursing?! She wasn’t heavily religous but she certianely didn’t expect that.
But it did make sense, if he did favor Eros. It would make sense because he was so flirty towards her.
“Honestly, Hades barely tells us anything anymore! Or I’m out of the loop, one or the other!” The brunette whined.
She glanced down at her notes again, some of them were filled out. She had a place for extras and she decided to write down something.
‘Way too flirty and actually childish.’ Was what it said.
Every looked up again when he started speaking again;
“Either way, it’s odd he hired a mortal. Speaking of, I never did get your name.” He looked away before finally snapping his eyes back to her.
The female only nodded before answering.
“It’s Every, just call me Eve though.” She said.
The man only smiled, his dimples everso present. He also seemed amused.
“Like, garden of Eve? You look the part to be a godess.” He smoothly said.
Her orange eye twitched twice. Honestly, why did everyone compare her name to that?! Was it really that intresting?
“Funny, your older said that too.” She hissed with a sharp smile on her face.
The blue eyed male only made a fast smirk expression, one she almost didn’t catch. What a little shit.
“Anyways, I’ve heard that Greek gods don’t have much luck in the love area of things..care to forward me?” She settled for a more bold question.
He seemed slightly surprised at this, making her grin for a second.
“Are you asking or telling?” His expression went netural.
It was sort of scary, seeing him drop his smile and beaming personality. His eyes were dark now, no light in them. This is what a greek god looked like when you ticked them off.
“Asking..?” She trailed off, seeming hestiant.
“Yes, it’s true that we don’t have alot of luck with love. Hell, just ask Apollo. His lovers turned into fucking plants or something.” He snickered slightly.
She furrowed her eyebrows slightly at this. Was he seriously laughing at someones misery??
“Don’t you feel bad for him..?” She leaned forward a little.
He glanced into her eyes before looking away and scoffing. He treated the question like it was a stupid one.
“Of course I don’t. It’s his fault for falling in love with a mortal anyways.” He huffed.
Her expression shifted into something bitter for a second. He didn’t seem to notice though.
She wasn’t a romantic, but she didn’t blame people for falling in love. Wait a second-
“Didn’t your buddy Eros fall in love with a mortal too??” She raised an eyebrow.
Aethen only scowled slightly and scoffed again.
“Your asking these questions like your intrested in me or something.” He placed a sarcastic smile on his face.
Every only hummed and made a ‘woah’ expression.
“Nope! I’m gonna’ ask everyone these questions.” She smiled with her eyes closed.
The god only ran a hand through his hair while her eyes were closed. Well, here goes nothing.
The girl flinched and yelped when a hand grabbed her rather roughly. She tumbled onto his lap and immeditally stiffened, almost as hard as a rock. His hands moved to her hips and she scowled.
“What are you doing?!” She veomonsly asked.
He only had a shit-eating grin on his face with his fingers practically digging into her hips.
“Don’t you wanna’ see a god up close and personal?” He tilted his head slightly.
Her hands were on his shoulders, and digging into them aswell. Sparks went off in between them; irratated ones.
“No.” She bluntly answered.
He would’ve adimitted, it was a good front. She didn’t look flustered at all, almost bored.
But you couldn’t fool the god of justice and wisdom, nice try Ishto. She was practically crystal clear to him. Every mortal was.
“Are you stupid or something?” He blurted out.
The red haired girl blinked a few times before her eyes returned to their hodded nature.
“Huh.” It wasn’t really a sound of confusion, more of a breathy scoff.
“I mean, lying to a god of justice? Do you relize that your in for it now?” He mockingly said, grin coming back.
She looked actually confused this time before making a face when he grabbed her face with one hand. His right kept her stable on him.
“But don’t worry, pretty girl. I’ll help you..” He cooed.
She tensed stiffly when his one hand teasingly crawled up higher to her ribcage.
“Unless you don’t want me?” He tilted his head.
The red-nette couldn’t help it, her stomach was turning. But not with dread, but with anxiety.
The orange eyed girl only scowled before leaning closer to him. In a swift motion, she connected their lips.
“Mm!..” He seemed somewhat surprised and she only dug her hands further into his clothes.
The male quickly softened and tugged her closer, making them press aganist each other. His hands carefully slid up to her collar bones and rubbed the skin.
His hands were cold, and practically froze her own burning skin. It was like she had just downed a shot of vodka, that’s how knocked up she was.
“Closer..” He accritvely mummbled aganist her lips and did exactly that.
There was no way she could come any closer. They breathed the same air.
His hand that had placed itself on her hip moved to her jaw. It basically held it in place so she couldn’t move away.
“Ack!-!” She flinched when he bit harshly down on her lip.
The girl hissed when he slid his tongue into her mouth. He was gentle at first, but now he was back to being harsh.
Both of them grunted when they switched positions.
Aethen was ontop of her when they were still on the bench. He somehow fitted onto the medium sized surface.
She was practically fitted together, her shoulders being forced together. Not actually together mind you, just so close to her frame that it shrunk.
Of course, the position wasn’t overly comfortable but she was too focused. She was only focused on everything and any movememt he did.
He leaned into her and his hands trailed away again, one of them moving extremely low and one at a medium area on her stomach.
He pulled away for a second to let her breath. Oddly enough, the sky was darker now. Considering she could see shades of almost black looking at her.
“Odd, right? I don’t control it..” He laughed softly as his lower had crept closer and brushed aganist her thighs.
Every loved the stars, and was somewhat happy her first was happening under them.
“Aw, I don’t want the stars to steal your attention away form me..” He complained softly.
Every grunted when his hand brushed aganist her clothed clit. His fingers were long and bony and pressed harder. Out of the corner of her vision, she could see him grin slightly.
“Am I your first, Eve?” He teasingly whispered.
She only grunted but hissed when he moved his left hand to pinch her hip. She grunted as he moved her underwear aside and kissed her roughly.
In all honesty, she should’ve probably expected something like this. Wait-should she have?! Where did that thought even come from?!
“Ngh!..” She was muffled when his hand gently touched her own bare private.
It was embrassing, how senstive she was. She only touched by someone before-herself. And she had never gone too far.
Aethen broke her train of thought by pressing impossibly closer. He had already smoothly entricted his fingers and hadn’t moved them yet.
Like said before, his fingers were impossibly large. Yet they weren’t hard to fit around, because they were light.
“Your so cute..” He whispered.
Every whined slightly at that, was he teasing? You see, whenever Every blushed or turned the slighest bit hot, her face would burn.
Just like now, her face was burning. It burned with heat and almost stung. And Aethen’s face barely even looked red.
“I’m not even touching you that much, baby..~” He snickered, very lightly.
It was strange, she thought the greek gods would talk alot more proper. Or maybe it was just this guy..
“Ack!-!” She moaned when he started moving his fingers at a medium pace inside and out of her.
Looking despreate to try and cover up the noise, she grabbed him closer and kissed him again. Of course, she was much more softer then him.
It was stupid, in his mind. Sleeping around with mortals, Eros did it all the time. He cracked an eye open to get a good look at her face.
She was shaking, poor thing..it was like she had never even been touched, sexually or not.
He went faster with his fingers, as his other hand trailed up to her jaw again. It really didn’t make sense as to why exactly he would do this..he was suposed to be the god of justice!
But there was a certian allure about her..something otherworldly.
No way she was mortal, he almost scoffed. His hand on her jaw tightened, making her almost flinch back and whine.
No mortal would be acting like this..no mortal would work for hades.
His fingers pumped in and out of her, almost at a thinking pace. Sometimes, they would go agonzingly slow, or harsher when something seemed to annoy him. It was like he wasn’t fully there, with the way his eyes clouded over.
The female was actually that loud, only soft grunts and babbling was heard. The occasnily call of his name made him snap out of it and harshly kiss her, how mean.
Could Aethena be so sadistic, so cruel? Sure. Did she ever expect it?? Hell fucking no! She also didn’t expect the cord in her stomach to already tighten and sit there uncomfortablly.
No one else could hear them, propely something he did. After all, he probably made it night aswell.
“Will you do with this all the other gods, hm?” He skeptically questioned, moving slightly to her neck.
She only muffled a moan in response, her one hand covering her mouth. The male only tsked in response and moved one of his hands so that it held her wrist, while his fingers fit into her mouth.
She made a yelping sound around them and almost bit them but didn’t. His blue eyes narrowed.
“Don’t bite.” He simply hissed out.
The girl only peeked an eye open and nodded. The chrod in her stomach was building and she could feel him slow down slightly.
“Ngh! Please..please..” She begged around his fingers.
This seemed to peak his intrest as he made an amused expression.
“Please? Please what?” He mockingly said.
“Release..please..” She begged.
Ah, she was so cute. He really ment it. Her face was all red and he wanted so badly to be rougher with her. But was midly concerned if he was too rough she would litterally die?!
“Fine, pretty..” He softly agreed before speeding up his fingers again and working softly on her neck.
He was being slightly gentler now, atleast compared to his fingers. The nickname was also nice.
“Ngh!” She moaned when the chord in her stomach came back.
In all honesty, Aethen could probably dick-her down right now, but her body seemed exhausted from all the edging. It earned this atleast.
“Come on, baby.” He hissed.
She got louder as he bit down on a part of her neck. Her skin was sweet, odd for a mortal. Not that he was complaning though.
“Hngh!..” She panted when her body seized up and she finally released.
Oddly enough, it didn’t come out as rushed as she thought it would. Every had every climaxed before in her life. It just came in stronger to mild waves.
Aethen smiled and pulled away from her neck, also carefully removing his fingers. Her body peived in exhaustion.
“I think this interview is over, don’t you?” He added on, jokingly.
The red-nette only frowned and tiredly peeked an eye open.
“Fuck you..” She breathed before closing them again.
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The next week was easy going, each week the mortal girl spent time with each of the gods. Of course, he still teased her but didn’t fuck her again..he seemed satisfied enough. He also didn’t seem intrested in keeping connections towards her.
Maybe he did that with all mortals, and the thought distruped her a little.
“Did you have a good interview week with him, Miss Ishto?” A random cocubine asked the girl as she was packing her things.
She had dark skin and black hair. She also had pitch black eyes but a small smile on her face.
“Yep. Thanks for the help.” She blandly replied.
What was she suposed to say?! Thanks for not pestering me about my bussiness like all your friends did?!
Which is exactly what they did, actually. People flocked around her everytime she exited the area with Aethen and pestered her. Apprently not many peopld got one on one time with him.
“Most would think your lucky, you know. Not alot of people get to meet Aethen face to face.” She reminded.
The girl placed a sharp, thin lipped smile on her face. How many people were gonna’ say that?!
“Oh yeah? Thanks.” She blandly replied.
The concubine only laughed slightly and shook her head. She must have relized she took it the wrong way.
“No, I ment it in a postive way!” She quickly said.
Every only lifted the filled up bag and adjusted her clothes.
“Oh, alright then..” She replied.
Honestly, it was kind of akward. Everyone who had tried to talk to her was so formal, and offputting.
“Well, I hope the rest of your interviews go well!” She said, before leaving the other.
lol i scraped this
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tonya-the-chicken · 1 year
Bing pure villain might have been better for him. It shows confidence and power and gets a uncontested cult following. Theres this particular manga dad who has this adoration from majority fandom going stronger. Being a designated villain makes it ok for people somehow no matter how taboo breaking and against their morals the character is.
I mean it is the same in the bnha fandom. If the character is a villain, people simply won't apply the same moralistic standards to stanning them because "they are evil and they act like it, what else you expect?" and at the same time no matter how clear it is made that the character is an abuser, some people will always go "oh you like him 🤨 so you support his actions?"
For some reason, people apply different standrads to loving the good guys and loving the villains. I guess it is because we instinctively grasp that all the wrong things villains do are the appeal and then extend this thought to good guys, implying the appeal of liking them is their goodness. But it's um. Very simplistic thought? Excludes any complex or grey character
Another thing is that villains have the anti-establishment appeal that gets "I hate my parents" people going. They will deny logic and jerk off to antagonism
Now, when we talk specifically to Enji, I think he just didn't have enough of an appeal as an antagonist. Let's be honest. He is kinda cringe in the way he acts. Many villains have charisma but in his first appearance, he had very little charm. Without redemption, he would never get popular. And if he was to be a villain, he wouldn't have enough appeal to reach the same popularity. He is rather off-putting in his mannerism
Personally, I would love myself an AU where he is evil and does worse things because he is a person of shaky morals and little empathy but he simply ain't sexy enough to pull it off in canon. You have to already adore him before thinking "how to make him worse" because look how annoying it looks every time Horikoshi brings up again that he is a literal monster like ugh we get it. He just ain't sexy about abusing his family. And he wouldn't be sexy about villainy either. IMO
He's just kinda cringe in canon. To me. But his redemption is the entire appeal that got all the people hooked up
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transgenderer · 2 years
Please share more of your thoughts on Midsommar, I am curious
hmm, im not REALLY sure how many more thoughts i have
usually when i finish a piece of fiction i try to find some interesting discussion/analysis, unfortunately most things are either so popular that the big guys have moved in and filled the results with garbage or its so unpopular that theres just...nothing. so midsommar is mostly in the former group, and while there are some insightful analyses out there, i feel like everybody focused on the like, indoctrination aspect, which is generally the least interesting to me? getting someone recently traumatized to join a cult isnt *difficult*, yknow? its not some machiavellian brain magic, cult-joining is a well-established failure state of human reasoning. so anyway i guess the stuff im more interested is like *sigh* the "lore"? like, the culture of the hargas is intriguing to me. i think theres more details in the script and the directors cut? maybe ill read them. seems like a pain. hmm. watched this deleted scene, i dont really like how this changes the films.
also, if its not on indoctrination, i feel like analysis often focuses on the relationship with her boyfriend, which really doesnt feel like the core of the movie to me? idk, its not a realtionships thats bad in an interesting way. the cult is interesting, its specificities, its internal logic. i mean, i think its pretty intentionally far-fetched, the whole gathering thing where they send recruiters out to pretend to be normal, its all very...exaggerated. which is interesting! like, how does pelle's psychology works, why isnt he more affected by the outside world, how much does he think of himself as being deceptive.
oh! also, christian sucks, but i think its interesting to consider his perspective at the beginning, like, say you wanna break up with your girlfriend, you have for a long time, and then her whole fucking family dies. what the fuck! what the fuck do you do! you cant break up with her now! how long do you have to wait? like. obv dani's situation is worse but thats a very bad situation! what a nightmare!
oh! im not sure if i saw anyone point out that dani killing (indirectly) christian is a cool bit of classic indoctrination, like, you get somebody to kill for you and then they have the guilt associated with it, so it requires believing theyre good or youre bad, etc, its a whole thing! like with child soldiers, or in sparta, etc. good detail. what a carefully constructed film!
oh, i like how christian and his friends are definitely kind of shitty (why didnt josh tell them about attestupa! what the fuck!) but theyre not like, THAT bad, theyre a reasonable human level of bad. i feel like it would have been really easy for it to get out of control, all silly and exaggerated, but its not! even the harga are *mostly* grounded, theyre not THAT absurd. i mean theyre absurd. but just grounded enough you could sort of believe it, especially because cults really can get crazy.
oh, having the characters be on drugs half the time is a good way to make their passivity and stuff more plausible, like, theyre intentionally kept off kilter, which lets the harga get away with being more bizarre and terrible while them not leaving is still sort of plausible. also it lets you be more surreal and intense with your visual in a diegetic (and so less danger of feelign silly) way, etc
i really like the running detail where they verbally mimic when other people experience intense emotion. idk if this is the intended reading but to me it felt like an intentional blurring of the boundary between the self and the other, like, intense emotion when other people are feeling normal makes you aware that youre yknow, your own separate person, while the people around you screaming along with you makes it seem like youre sort of...mentally connected, it breaks boundaries between people. its good!
okay i had a lot more thoughts than i thought
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