#theres also times where he's genuinely pathetic
clamorybus · 1 year
im not a belos fan per se, but i do love his character. he's such a little bitch, i love it
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sanzuphobe · 2 years
i think i actually very genuinely now ship hanma and draken
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Taking their clothing because you miss them (Creepypasta)
two things: i promise im still working on the eyeless jack x reader fic to celebrate 1k TToTT my steam for writing the fic is just dwindling a little since its very different from my usual posts </3 but i still intend on getting it done! in fact id say its about halfway done, if you dont include proofreading and fixing stuff!! so theres definitely.. something.. i just dont have a time window for it </3 originally i was going to write this with ben/jeff/toby and make it platonic but, i realize this prompt is usually used for romance stuff so theyre gonna sit this post out, ill probably think of another group post soon to make up for it but shrugs getting into the writing i realize i wrote this prompt for some characters a while ago so im going to link those parts in their place
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you take his tie! normally i would say his jacket, but i feel like thats such an obvious choice.. imagine you dont know how to tie it so he walks in on your fumbling with it. trying in vain to get it down... he probably thinks its a little amusing... i mean who wouldnt? kind of just watches you fiddle with it for a minute before making his presence known, likely making you jump. he would much rather you ask than take his clothing, he doesnt have much of it (though is there much need for it, anyway?) (non sexual obviously). probably teaches you how to properly do the tie. his hands absolutely consume yours
just ask him and hes going to give you just about any piece of clothing he has on him! i like to think that he lets you have his hat a lot of the times. especially after he walked in on you trying it on.. sure it might be a little too big for you, what with splendor being very tall and thus having a larger head than yours... probably goes on and on about how adorable you look. i mean hes always telling you how cute or pretty you are but it hits different for him when youre wearing something of his. you dont have to ask for his clothing, hes very open to sharing! definitely gets an alternate outfit so he can match with you every now and then
naturally, you steal his jacket! i mean it looks so comfortable, does it not? this isnt an easy feat, by the way. since hes wearing it most of the time, so youre probably going to have to snag it when hes showering or something. quietly stares at you... he DOES think its cute but i do think he would try to get his clothing bad. another jacket similar in style to his mysteriously makes its way into your closet and its also in your size. dont ask where it came from.. he totally didnt steal it..! likely wouldnt want you to take whats his without asking or at least letting him know.. hence him getting your own jacket. wont physically rip it off of you, though, hes not that cold
i think he loves seeing you in his clothing. he thinks you look cute.. but also... pathetic? usually lets you wear his coat or hat if you ask nicely. he already knows youre going to snatch something before you even do it but stays quiet because he thinks its pathetic/adorable, you think youre being so sly but youve already been caught. will tease you for it. a lot. its kind of his own way of getting you to do it again. genuinely thinks its one of the best things in the world. dont admit you do it because you sometimes miss him or like how he smells, its going to do ungodly things to his ego
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 2
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Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Rinnosuke -
"Rinnosuke Morichika lives in an overly-cluttered curio shop, and has a special interest in making magical inventions. Since he doesn’t live in a modern setting— but a pocket dimension slightly disconnected to the outside world— whenever a modern item shows up in his shop via spiriting away, he can obsess over it for extended periods of time. He is quite blunt without realizing it, even to people he cares for. He also has a special ability to generally understand the name and use of any item he touches (though this backfires sometimes, he thought a Gameboy was a doomsday device once)."
Fuuta -
"okay look theres so many fucking signs hes autistic. he cannot tell tone and often doesn't know how to react to stuff which is a major point in his character id say. he was asked if he remembered his victim's name (hes a murderer. oops!) and his response was something along the lines of "Of course I do. I saw it everywhere." because he did not understand that they wanted to know what it was since it wasnt directly stated. im convinced that hoodies are a comfort object of his because i genuinely have not seen him without one except for one time. also hes canonically a chronically online twitter user. also he gets really passionate about his interests. also not really related but everyone in the fandom agrees hes transgender but no one can agree on what way. ive seen every single gender hc for this dude. vote kajiyama fuuta for this sopping wet poor little meow meow of a man."
Hansum -
"He's just a very odd and strange lad, can't remember names well, is an alien (mild spoiler), he's very popular, obsessed with Doritos and becomes their mascot, just refers to everyone as humans which is a mood, and is completely socially oblivious."
Miyuki -
"Relatable neurodivergent-Gifted Child syndromeTM case with all the superiority-inferiority complex that results. A chronic show-off and scheming strategist with a lowkey hopeless romantic dramatic aspect to him, silly cool and pathetic in a very hilarious way. Shirogane has a trademark glare purely thanks to his eyebags as he runs on coffee everyday having to support his family with multiple jobs in addition to class, on top of student council president duties. He's kind and an obsessive perfectionist who fills his entire wall with the weirdest motivational posters. Shirogane is very devoted to his love. He likes penguins (Kaguya and him is peak asd4asd and bi4bi btw)."
Kirito -
"He's autistic and bisexual as hell, and there's a good bit of trans coding in him 🥺
Autism coding: Bro's literally got a sword and swordfighting hyperfixation where, despite playing a game that focuses around guns, he still chooses to use a sword!! We also see him completely missing Asuna's flirting at first (he tells her she could have just checked her friendlist to make sure he was alive, in response to her tracking him down to see him)
Bi coding: Dual wielding swords is literally a euphemism in Japan for bisexuality; and Kirito initially tries to hide the fact he can dual wield out of fear of how the people he's close to will view him (and once he reveals it to them and they accept it, he begins to be more open about it.) Also in the Underworld arc he becomes very close with Eugeo to the point of living with him (and sharing a bed on occasion), and there are several parallels between Eugeo and Asuna, and they're so gay for each other that despite the anime having only a toned down version of it, they're still very affectionate (Also of note is that Eugeo is the only guy in SAO canon to consistently have a 'laying in bed with Kirito' talk CG in the spinoff games) (There's more but it's spoilers and this is a shortened version)
Trans coding: Kirito is very trans coded in the light novel (which shows Kirito's thoughts in much greater detail than the anime) Aincrad arc reveals that Kirito explicitly Does Not Like his real face, and dislikes how feminine it looks (he mentions that its led to him and his cousin being mistaken for sisters) And in Phantom Bullet arc, he's visibly uncomfortable at being mistaken for a girl due to his avatar's appearance, and in response to being misgendered he briefly panics and checks to make sure his chest flat (at least in the anime adaptation) 🏳️‍⚧️"
Shirou -
"Has one goal in life and ignores almost everything in favor of trying to fulfil that goal."
Keith -
"Speaks in a way that is seen as weird and has mannerisms others think is funny. He struggles with not being taken seriously by others because of this and many of the things others say goes over his head. He struggles to connect with other people because of these things. His entire arc in the second film is about him deciding that the people who don't accept him for who he is aren't worth it and that he's going to continue being himself."
Junpei -
"for other fans of this series, I know the more obvious representation here may be Luou, Junpei is So Good. his special interest is ballet and he has so many hangups involving how his family sees him and how other boys his age interpret him to the point that his idea of masculinity is extremely narrow and he enforces social rules on himself to mask and keep people from realizing that he loves something that Isn't Manly. he misinterprets social cues and takes things literally, like assuming that when Miyako asked him to dance with her she meant Right This Minute rather than as a pair in the studio. for some reason the point where he cuts his hair super short to prove his devotion to ballet is also sticking with me, I think maybe it's the combination of the way it's normal for boys/men in Japan to do that, yet Junpei didn't realize that kind of attitude/action didn't suit ballet at all? he wasn't aware that the context was completely different. Junpei also doesn't act or pretend very well, he's gotta put his whole entire ass into his roles, which he then proceeds to get TOO into and cause a lot of trouble, without giving too much away! he's really relatable to me as someone who's socially anxious but very skilled at masking, and seeing him become more comfortable with himself and start to show how he really feels is so inspiring to me."
Kazuma -
"He may be (wildly) misguided but his intentions are good kinda! He’s just the Guy of all time idk how to explain it."
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i'd love to hear about manmaru metadede !!! i heard it's really Gay but no one ever details it. not a lot of it is translated too, as far as i know, but i really like it.. any excuse to talk about something you like is good too
NO YEA not a lot is translated and the manga itself is already more niche compared to like, mopupupu so its not too well known. translation efforts have really started picking up the past year though (shoutout to @/kirby-manga-translated they do great work). if it needed to be restated for new followers since i havent tl'd in a while, i know a decent amount of japanese so i read them on my own :)c
shoutout to my guy @/rosakikoza as well for giving me his scans hehe. the majority of images below are his or taken from his scans. the rest are mine
*deep breath* the tangent. im gonna need to put this under a cut dont mind me 😍😍😍 did i say 3 paragraphs? i meant 20. like 20 paragraphs
meta knight is absolutely pathetic and incredibly down bad for dedede this manga. its adorable. multiple people ive talked to or seen have come to the conclusion it seems like he has a huge crush on him. a quick brief for those who dont know but this mangas meta is admittedly Veryyyyy different from how you'd expect a meta knight to be. uncharacteristically friendly and cheerful and. pathetic is really the best word for it. hes kinda a loser. incredibly protective of dedede, he switches between two modes of fussing over him quite a bit and semi-often going into incredible rage bloodlust modes over protecting him or his image (youll see a good amount of jp fanwork depict this version of him as a yandere for that reason)
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theres also been more than one occasion where meta knight tries to commit seppuku upon accidently doing something he sees as unforgivable towards his king (its in the chapter i just screenshotted above too, another time he broke dededes clock and freaked out about it). i-. dont consider this a cute ship thing for the record im just stating it to emphasize the extent of metas obsession towards dedede this manga. the mans got Problems...
apart from that, also quite differing from most interpretations of both of them, both of them seem to genuinely really like spending time around each other all the time. it comes off as casually domestic and is very cute...
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regardless of my attempts to brief it, i dont feel like im explaining this very well so lemme just show you a frankly ridiculous amount of reasons for why i keep feeling like this mangaka ships metadede
-fake kiss: self explanatory
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-fake proposal: also self explanatory
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mk: Will you marry me!?
ddd: Yes!
context for this scene is that theyre rehearsing for a play, but actually its later revealed that meta knight is playing the princess while dedede is playing the male protag so im not exactly sure it makes sense that hes the one proposing here. my speculation is that to make the proposal seem legit for the gag they Had to use meta LMAO but thats just my take
also to be noted, right after kirby hears the proposal he immediately runs off and tries to tell everyone the news before ddd+mk stop him and explain that its fake. hes not thrown off or weirded out at the idea that they could be getting married in the slightest. kirby says gay rights Real i love him sm
-this one is from what i call the memory loss chapter:
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dedede loses his memories from getting hit in the head too hard. the gang figures out that beating dedede up or otherwise causing him injury causes him to regain some of them back though, to which kirby attempts to harm him with increasingly violent means, much to meta knights horror. mk spends the entire chapter trying to protect dedede from him, and it doesnt work obviously, but after a particularly hard hit dedede remembers everyone again... except for meta knight. to which meta knight gets upset about and lets kirby lay into dedede for real. you see where people get the yandere personality from now right. i dont recall this trait coming out too often but ill talk more about it later
-the whole chapter thats a cinderella retelling with dedede and meta knight. also also self explanatory COME ON LOOK AT THIS ONE. LOOK AT IT.
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mk: Y…You're…
ddd: Wow, he's so beautiful!! It's like I'm dreaming…!
-theres the mangaka chapter which is a more recent one
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the gang makes manga for dedede. meta knight's manga is about how cool, brave, and heroic dedede is. mysteriously enough however the only thing hes good at is drawing dededes face and nothing else. the implications of this one drive me absolutely insane. is it supposed to imply that meta knight stares at his face all day?? admires his appearance??? he looks at him so much he basically has his face memorized????? HUH???????? theres no heterosexual explanation for this. acting like a teenager with a crush out here got damn
=various images im sharing out of context because they r cute
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head pats. holding hands and reaching the goal together. peak.
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ddd: Hoho, pretty spiffy don'cha think?
mk: Ohh!? It suits you!!
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fellas is it gay to shout "OHH! META KNIGHT!!" with a dopey grin on your face upon being saved like a damsel in distress
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sometimes meta knight acts domestic as fuck too. his copy abilities as he states are: cook! clean!! and sleep!!!
regarding my thoughts on their dynamic in this series overall, i think theyre absolutely adorable. meta knight emits dog energy in this one. eager golden retriever towards dedede, though dedede has his sweet moments towards meta knight too. (viewing it with a shipping lens just for this post ofc) while meta is the more active crusher, some of the stuff above seems to imply that dedede has feelings in return as well :') they just get along really well too its great. theres a different chapter where they perform as a comedy duo. theyve done plays in multiple chapters. its my hc for these versions of them that they love doing performances of all kinds together and do a lot of rehearsals and writing in their free time...
and the yandere stuff i feel like i should address as well. i try not to take some aspects Too seriously because its to be expected things are over emphasized for the sake of the joke with gag mangas. but oh man the man definitely has problems. he needs therapy. i tried to be transparent in listing those aspects as well so people can make their own conclusions on it But theres one more thing id like to mention regarding that
meta knights personality has been shifting to be different from what i listed, as of the most recent volume. my beloved forgotten land arc... a first for this series in that, while the chapters still retain their gag humor and dont take themselves that seriously, its a serialized story that mostly follows along with the game plot that lasts nearly the whole volume (as opposed to other game arcs in this manga being episodic stories, using the games as their theme rather than a full on setting). with the more serious tone of the serialized story, theres a frankly startling hint of character development i never wouldve expected from a gag manga at the end of it
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kirby gets ko'd the first round of the meta knight cup so meta knight joins the meta knight cup instead. turns out when he does that the final boss of the cup is dedede. meta knight Really doesnt want to hurt dedede and so dedede promptly kicks his ass without a second thought and wins the tournament. while the crowd cheers for dedede's victory, meta and dedede have a small talk where dedede tells him he doesnt need to fuss so much about hurting him/him getting hurt. presumably this is supposed to mark the end of meta knights intense overprotectiveness because (its never been clear-cut due to the nature of the manga previously, so its a lil hard to say) dededes shown he can handle himself, or like, isnt some fragile thing. i really hope itll stick around because i think its a great addition to both of their characters. the meta-knights have also been appearing way more frequently as of very recent chapters (ones that havent been compiled into a volume yet) which seem to also hint to meta knight getting more independence to his character from dedede's loyal servant. im very excited to see where it goes :D
and like, last last disclaimer if anyone needed it; even tho i love metadede and i like to see things through ship glasses sometimes i absolutely try my best to keep my biases out of my translations. putting out accurate translations means a lot to me! this entire post is me purposely putting the ship glasses on so please dont take it as "omg metadede is canon in this manga". you know way back when i was the only active translator for this manga someone tweeted at the mangaka on twitter mentioning that there were english translations around and he replied to that person. didnt respond to the fan translation thing specifically but the fact that he could know who i am definitely kinda terrifies me. if anyone goes around saying that his manga is the metadede manga because of me and he even has the slightest sliver of a chance of seeing that i will kill yall fr LOL
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sukifoof-art · 2 years
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hyperdeath asriel :) thinkin about how hyperdeath asriel is probably the most. genuine asriel... some Thoughts under the cut 👀
 a lot of “flowey” is pretty much an act built from self hatred and a need to protect himself-- he needs to justify his self hatred in a way that makes sense, so he takes it out on others and acts terrible and rationalizes that as the reason he hates himself. its also definitely a wall he puts up so that he doesnt get close to someone and lose them again... while “prince asriel” is more of him just trying to live up to who he used to be,, and flowey in the no mercy route kinda also follows this!! hes with who he believes to be chara so he immediately puts on his Perfect Friend act where everything is fine... but hyperdeath asriel is kind of more of an unfiltered asriel u know?? hes very clear about how he wishes he could go back and how he wants to see chara again,,, and he finally lets go and talks about how alone he is... its only him and frisk so he doesnt have a need to act any certain way,, theres another part to it where hyperdeath asriel himself isnt anyone that has been seen before. asriel can act however he wants as hyperdeath asriel and Not feel Weird about it. it also allows him to be truthful with himself and accept what hes done and who he is now,, i think about this a lot........ theres plenty of times where his flowey act seems to break too,, like when he took care of toriel and how he says theres no happy endings and the way he gets defensive over his gift from papyrus..... i really like that hes comically the level headed guy in the cast despite his extremely annoying persona where he constantly tries to rile u up. i think he gets annoyed easily but in a less explosive way,, like Yeah hes explosive but in the stinky older brother way where he WILL insult u if u piss him off and most of the time if hes annoyed hes like “UGH this is dumb” hes just kind of a pathetic loser and i appreciate this about him. thinks about the hard mode dialogue so hard
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anyway read growth spurt and ask fallen royalty they get asriel so well i think about them all the time. one day i will work on my two asriel centric aus i prommy
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kenergized · 5 months
like a week ago or whenever i was poking at morty's 'reliance on rick' and what that could mean and it just hit me how much of his baggage is inherited from his mother... man.... rick and morty actually is more transparent about beth's deal than it is morty's, so looking at her for insight into her son can be lucrative.
one thing we dont ever see is what the smith household was like before rick crashed his ship into their garage. however from what we see of them now, its pretty clear that rick (prime) abandoning them fucked beth (and everyone else by proxy) real bad. she has raging abandonment issues. theyre pretty obvious about that in the wedding episode.
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this people (specifically rick) pleasing behavior is ingrained into beth, summer, and morty. jerry is less emotionally invested in keeping rick around but is bullied into it by everyone else (more on him later). this tendency of beth is often hidden by her abrasive, honestly mean personality. beth is cold. she is distant. in the pickle rick episode it is explicitly made clear that she is this way because she thinks masks her own problems and because rick is the same way:
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if she doesnt let people in, she doesnt risk depending on them, but more importantly she wont feel like their burden and they wont leave her. one of the few times beth comes to rick for advice in a vulnerable way was when she was behaving the most like him (hooking up with space beth behind her familys beth), to which rick actually replied suggesting she consider her familys feelings. beth's child-mind rationalized primes departure was her fault and that idea went unaddressed as she matured. she is scared of not being interesting enough for him to stick around, which when u consider that it was prime who had actually abandoned her, it's likely that theres some truth to it. and the real kicker is she genuinely thinks that this is working, that this is healthy, and that this is "better" than any alternative.
clearly its not tho, as her kids demonstrate. returning to morty, i think he is afraid of becoming his mother, who absolutely 'relies on rick' in the same way the hole means it. morty didnt experience rick's initial abandonment first hand (an aside: analyzing his reactions to ricks shorter periods of absences would be...interesting) but beth accidentally taught him that rick is the best a person to be, to put it frankly. he wanted to measure up to him but knew that he absolutely never could.
i think theres a gendered aspect to it as well, which is where jerry comes in. if rick is the 'best' at being a man, then jerry is the 'worst'. the hole episode has a joke about morty fearing becoming his father, but its still true. sniveling and pathetic, at best the family pities him. once he gets in the way, they get nasty. i think what drives the smiths a little crazy is when jerry gets to the point of, like, fully accepting his patheticness.
ending this with another poor morty he doesnt deserve this but also poor beth. even if shes mean but we love mean women here <3
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calebwittebane · 2 years
people who say philip wittebane isnt interesting personality-wise are outta their minds like. him going through Smelly Ex-Puritan Redditor Who Loves To Appear Pathetic And In Pain (And Also Literally A Serial Killer) -> Ancient Barely-Human-Anymore Spiteful Bitch And A Cosmic Scammer pipeline is one thing, like thats the superficial Mess; where the fun really begins is when you look at how truly emotionally stunted he is i mean theres so much to unpack here... like hes old as balls and yet he never quite developed past the mindset of a 7 year old. like theres genuinely a developmental impact present of a shitty upbringing (im sure caleb did his best but being raised by yr older brother who was also a child who didnt know shit and probably experiencing a ton of horrible shit otherwise doesnt sound great) that philip never really did anything about, never addressed and never worked through. like hes just stuck in one place mentally and emotionally and goals-wise. and stuck recreating what he knew by doing the same thing over and over (creating clones of caleb) expecting different results. like the best he can do is yearn for the few things from his past that were good. he thinks of witch hunts like its a game hes playing and wants to be the specialest boy with the best score getting the coolest title Um Excuse Me Its Witch Hunter General.
(lmao the way he got to actually pretend to be a little kid in hollow mind, he was having SO much fun doing that. it came so naturally to him. really committed to the bit to the point where you wonder if its even a bit. the answer is no its not a bit although when it was time to be a big boy again and see the look on their faces that too was sooo fun to him. he TRULY was vibing in that episode like he was having SO much fun its horrible)
but those things were long ago and he has a skewed image of them and the way he recreates them is extremely imperfect too. he leans into his childish selfish urges without thinking. he wants the copies of caleb to be “improved” by which he means he wants them to be the caring, patient, protective caleb who always had time for him and who was endlessly dedicated to him (who, i speculate of course but, likely didnt even get to have a childhood of his own because he had to grow up fast to take care of everything and never really got to hang out with his peers - something that hunter’s experience is eerily similar to) that he remembers from his childhood. i mean we dont really know what caleb’s and philip’s entire Attitude Journey towards witches was exactly (yet) but what philip really murdered caleb for, at the core, was moving on and changing and trying to have a life and family of his own, becoming too different from the caleb he had cherished as a source of comfort as a child. caleb changed and grew up and developed aspects of his own life that philip had no access to, and philip couldnt handle that and destroyed him. and then tried to recreate him as exactly what he had wanted him to be. and failed time after time, because no matter how much he tried to prevent it, the grimwalkers too would be their own people and they too would develop into something he couldnt control. and because philip is emotionally 7 years old, he doesnt get it. to him its just a repeating nightmare of caleb Abandoning Him, not something that just like, is part of being a person
and the fucking. shitass little family he created for himself. himself, the collector, and the grimwalker. whichever grimwalker it was at the time. one of so many. himself, his Loyal Not-Brother Whos Always There For Him, and the collector who is his buddy who is also perpetually stuck being a child (i am THINKING about how well they had to have gotten along, i mean they seem very fond of each other up until the betrayal (which again doesnt negate anything, philip is perfectly capable of just throwing people out like hes discarding toys even when he used to be super fond of them. You Know, Like A Child), they had to have been VIBING, im super fascinated by this tbh and wonder if the collector ever got to see philip being childish silly and goofy. we as viewers even get to see bits and moments of philip being childish silly playful and trifling and im like imagining philip just allowing himself to be that all he wants around the collector because Theyre Both Eternal Children). like its literally kid philip’s idea of a perfect family. just he and his eternal buddy and his eternal parentsibling. both being toys he can then discard, or in the case of the grimwalkers abuse and then destroy. Shit Ass Little Family For A Shit Ass Little (6′8 tall) Loser
he doesnt do anything for religious reasons and hes not shown to be bigoted except for his hatred of witches - its like he doesnt get it and never did, because no matter the circumstances children arent born believing what the people around them do, they learn and internalize it from their environment, and he and caleb only really had each other it seems and just kind of observed adults from far away, so what philip Did internalize was this distant idea of witch hunts being something totally cool that earned you ranks and being important and Protected Humanity (also a very nebulous concept). like all of that was abstract and nebulous enough that caleb being the more mature of the two upon actually meeting witches and getting to see the demon realm immediately understands theres nothing to fear or hate and its a beautiful rich world and he can be one of them and start a life there
philip knows how to win games, he knows how to survive no matter what, he knows how to earn sympathy from people, he knows how to lie and steal, he knows how to destroy things and toss them away and take them apart and put them back together. he knows how to run an empire based on arbitrary rules he invented to play into his bigger scheme and final plan. he doesnt know how to have anything genuine without ruining it. he doesnt know how to avoid being an unbelievably cruel creepy sleazy ridiculous insufferable BEAST
like at the end of the day he did this to himself (the imagery of him gradually losing humanity and basically just wearing a person suit to hide that hes pretty much a semi-solid at best is awesome too), and he lost and is in an absolutely pathetic state now all because of his own actions, he ruined COUNTLESS lives; but theres also like, consideration given to how he became this way, how it was a combination of things he couldnt help and growing up in an environment that was cruel and didnt allow him to develop properly - but how that too was not impossible to overcome, and we get proof of that in the show, and he failed to overcome it largely due to his own decisions - and his own actions he committed with full awareness and premeditation. like hes so much more than “villain who is a product of his time” and so much more than “villain who doesnt know any better because Tragic Backstory” and so much more than “villain who is just evil because he is”. hes a great villain ok. so far the most compelling and interesting ive seen in this type of media. icon and legend. invented being horrible. a petri dish of a person, designed to be studied in a lab. cant stand her fake ass *10 seconds later* me and the bestie
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sahaquiel43 · 1 year
My thoughts on IY ships:
Sesskik: OTP. objectively the best ship. best themes. Go read The Rift Between Auras. It also has the best art and the best fandom.
KogKag: Personal favorite. Love the pure unadulterated passion of it. And theres lots of good content on it. And admittedly….I think it's the sexiest relationship.
InuKag: Wonderful ship, Canon, good, nothing really to say.
MirSan EDIT nope, screw this ship, Inusan is best!: best. It makes sense. I always have some misgivings (Sango deserves better after the shit she’s been through, and Miroku’s antics get unfunny at times, and I like strong women), it sometimes feels a bit disrespectful. But I admit there's a genuine bond; they’re a decent couple. Heck, even the more sexist elements make sense. It’s feudal Japan, literally, the 1500’s even if it’s a fantasy setting. The fact they have 3 kids immediately makes sense. Not bad, but I feel like she deserves better.
EDIT: and it doesn't help that the author basically locked in mirsan from the start with not even the slightest consideration for other possibilities. It's basically a forced ship, for good or bad.
Inusan: UPDATE: I am really starting to like this ship, it suffers from having very little content, but what does exist is intriuging, and its starting grow on me. I would love to see it explored more. Its definitely moved up to one of my top ships.
InuKik: really good ship, it's deep and complex, even in canon, but personally I find it a really good pair with KogKag. Two pairs where everyone is happy!
Sesskagu: a spicy couple, the most common theme being they end up being a sassy couple of assholes, revelling in each other’s evil, but with the undertone of a deeper emotional bond.
Sesskag: I don't like it. one of the more popular ships that I actually have genuine grips with. I can’t get aboard, I don’t like it. They don’t fit well. And I get the feeling that it’s the “sesshomaru fangirl-self-insert ship”. The “badass guy going with the bubbly semi-normal girl.” They don't fit. It almost feels a bit....predatory?
Koh/rin: A really cute relationship, childhood friends.
KagSan: Love their interaction they’re really good friends, and I would love to see more interactions between them. But taking it to the romantic level also is would be great.
Kagkik: would have loved to see more interactions between them, there’s so much chemistry. I like it both as friends and even romantic partners. I just want them both to be happy and get past their angst and issues.
KaguKik: I can definitely see the dynamic, and this one would be 90% romantic. Two lost souls finding a bond with each other.
EDIT: a few extras.
AyaKag: makes no sense, but there's one tumblr Artist that makes really cute art of it. Thumbs up.
InuKog: I can respect it. full disclosure, I'm a guy, so I never was into M/M ships, but I can respect it, probably the most reasonable M/M ship.
Naraku X anymone: nah,, Naraku is "pathetic evil", he's the type that you can't even like for being a "dark badass". He's just an all-around looser, he's literally an Incel. So I don't care for it, but whatever floats your boat.
InuSess: just.....why? And all the content involves some form abuse/rape/nasty stuff.
Sessr*n: No.
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wri0thesley · 1 year
Imagine Jing Yuan reacting to hayfever. His poor little short lifed love and or darling is so /pathetic/ but also. the genuine worry. I feel like he definitely knows and understands illness but theres soemthing that hits different about seeing your partner weak and the panic that sets in. Him coddling you and overdoing it because hes getting flustered
oh, ESPECIALLY if you're a short-life species. he does think your sniffles and your little pout are so cute, but . . . a part of him worries that perhaps this is it. this is all the time he gets with you. you sneeze and he worries and fusses over you because - what if that sneeze killed you? he wouldn't be bothered or affected, but you're just so different physiologically and so much weaker--
he cannot come to the seat of divine foresight for the foreseeable future. all work must be sent to him at home, where he will sit by your bedside (you are not leaving the bed until you're recovered properly!) and tell you stories and spoon feed you and baby you. no buts!
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officialgleamstar · 10 months
oh if its okay to ask, id love to know some of your thoughts on Ron/Jodie? like I like them in theory but I haven’t really considered them much? if that makes sense?
i might be too eepy to be coherent here. rodie makes me feel like i could walk to the moon. but like. LIKE. rodie just makes sense to me on a lot of levels.
we have the canonical element of jodie like, literally, being tied to ron via a demon bond. i will never be normal about that. on another level, jodie liked ron even before the demon thing came to fruition! if i recall correctly, ron was the dad who got along with jodie best at first! they had some fun moments ("call me bad again" ARE YOU KIDDING MEBJHGBFHJBDHJGBF) and i miss them so much!
i also think theres this interesting element of like... they are both losers bghbghfdfdbdjh my favorite joke will always be "the demon king of hell is obsessed with the world's goofiest-looking emotionally awkward step-father, and the demon king is the bigger loser between the two" LMAO. ron is a genuinely good guy, but hes so socially inept and bumbling and just... clueless. meanwhile jodie is just an pathetic wet blanket at all times. theyre just so FUNNY TO ME BFJGBDFGDFGBJD daddy issues x mommy issues couple of all time
and going back to jodie's over-attachment to ron - i just think its a little sweet. i just think its cute! the idea of ron, a man who has grown up with the childhood trauma of being unwanted by his father, utterly unloved, being treated as useless, having a partner who he knows 100% for a fact would never leave him or not love him anymore. OBVIOUSLY ron has samantha who can also fill this role, he has the other dads who are his best friends forever, he has these people who absolutely adore him, and thats good! they fit this too. but theyre not obligated by demon magic and i do think that adds an extra something to the like... power fantasy, i guess, of it all? the escapism might be a better term? its reassuring to have someone who you know will never not adore you, who literally CANT not adore you, and jodie is just. literally that.
obviously, like, a demon bond like that can turn toxic really fast, on either side, but i think ron and jodie just have that perfect balance of. it would never dawn on ron to take advantage of that for anything besides like, making jodie open pickle jars for him. and as over-possessive and obsessive as jodie can be, he does not have a high enough self-esteem to consider himself worthy of dominating all of ron's love and time. it would never occur to him to even believe that he deserves to keep ron to himself, it would stay as an idle fantasy he never acts on forever. they are both so dumb in different ways and it keeps the bond at this perfect level where it stays sweet HDFJKGHFDJKHJK
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dawning-day · 5 months
top 15 tv shows (in no particular order except i did number them bc otherwise i would forget to do 15)( love u @soleadita and fuck with the icon change immensely)
crashing (2016) call me marissa cooper the way i am ruthlessly stealing this pick but yeah it's. it's insane and fantastic and terrible and beautiful and so much happens so fast but its so so important to me
inside job (it's gross and weird and funny and sad and it's one of the only times i was genuinely upset when i heard about a show being cancelled)
young justice (pointing at an on fire garbage can - this is my son and i love him)
gilmore girls (comfort media of all time what else do you need)
bob's burgers (similar to the above it's very i am falling asleep to the weird bisexual man who is a mess at all times except for how much he loves his family)
fleabag (why yes i have a perfectly normal relationship with the catholic church and the concept of being truly known. why would you ask. and yeah i real life cried)
yuri on ice (idk if anime counts but fuck around and find out this is My List (tm)) ((it's beautiful and soft and lovely and sad and stressful and i listened to the instrumental track so many times it was on my spotify top songs. it's literally just a piano and a boy with a dream and i have wept about it))
given (it's the first anime i ever watched all the way through which in retrospect, fucking insane way to come out of the gate. as a Band Kid (tm) who wanted to be a theater kid but was bad at speaking in front of groups of people, this show did a lot to my psyche in the best way possible)
will (enough with the tears its time for something almost embarrassingly niche. in 2017 TNT had a drama series about william shakespeare and to this day it remains one of the greatest things ive ever seen. jamie campell bower plays the sluttiest version of christopher marlowe you've ever seen in your life. it's chaotic and ridiculous and i absolutely adore it. i have no idea where to find it im pretty sure they want us to forget it exists but i cant)
numb3rs (silly little show about a nervous man who solves murder with the power of math and being a pathetic little wife guy to the hottest woman ive ever seen. theres an episode about trains that i think rewired something in my brain)
white collar (look at me. obviously im a white collar guy. come on now)
invincible (i think ive seen the pilot episode like 4 times. i genuinely think it redefined to me what superhero media could be. oh i adore it more than anything. it's only 9 because i haven't seen season 2 yet but holy shit. holy shit. media of all time. if you want to know me fundamentally and wholly please watch the pilot. i'll watch it again anytime im not kidding)
teen titans (cherished childhood media of all time. only group of people who have ever understood dick grayson)
bridgerton season 2 (i'm bias on account of just finishing it yesterday but holy shit two people have never been in love like they are in love)
the flash (cw) (im sorry to both my mother and god for this one but unfortunately i don't have taste and also it's the reason i started caring about dc in the first place which is the reason i got back on tumblr and met all the cherished gay people in my telephone so yeah. barry allen's allowed to be cringe as fuck i owe him everything)
leo already tagged everyone i know on here but if u see this pls do it and @ me im nosy
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misqnon · 2 months
yeah i definitely liked sanuso more than i liked sanji. before... before i came to like sanji. i don't think i was rly an Actual Fan though. seeing fan content of sanji (shipping content included) is part of what made me grow to like him. so ur right that a ship i like with characters i dont like would make me grow to like the characters!!
tashigi and reiju is so insanely good.. theyre perfect for each other...
robin definitely would notice but it would have so much more impact to have luffy intervene imo?? he is probably the most important person to both of them (arguably true for all the crew) and also he just . idk hes emotionally intelligent. hes perceptive. people dont give him enough credit. luffy is not stupid!!!!
"he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her more…" YEAH EXACTLY!!! there doesnt need to be a whole arc but just show us that he isnt JUST the cool guy. i need him to cry .... i need emotional vulnerability.. please oda ..... on my knees begging for this. PLEASE Oda...
"already there babes 🫡 just doing my part" thank u
"DID. DID THEY ACTUALLY CALL HIM TRACE HEATFIST IN THE 4KIDS DUB…ARE U SERIOUS RN…IVE NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE PLEASE SAY SIKE." YES THEY ACTUALLY DID. its a stupid change but HIS VOICE IS SO COOL... theres a scene where he and luffy meet on alabasta n luffy is like: hey, trace?! and trace is like "yours truly 😎😏🔥 hey luffy, whats up? 🔥🔥💪✨" and i fucking Fell In Love on first listen. i have the biggest . fattest crush on 4kids ace. why is he so suave. why is he so cool. pathetically showing my love for the worst dub's version of the best character
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i was so relieved that luffy sounded different that i can forgive anything else. i don't care if the acting is worse...
AT A CHRISTIAN GALLERY???? ur so brave
"i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it"
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(hoping i havent used this image before)
"BUT IM TOO BUSY READING ONE PIECE" good point... reading both would be hard.. /gen
"lion…and wings…so u want to be a griffin 👁️" i did not realize this. but yes i GUESS I DO?? i like manticores and unicorns the most out of any fantasy creature but i could never be a manticore bc it means i keep my face.. and unicorn.... doesnt have cool paws... oh and i love dragons... i WOULD be a dragon but i would like to be like. fluffy.. i want to be fluffy..
"DIDN THE BEAT OUT ZORO IN THE POPULARITY POLLS ONE TIME" YEAH HE DID... i dont know maybe i just missed it?? there were a lot of ppl there... and my memory is kinda hazy.. i will be on the lookout for law next time i go to a con
"WRONG bangs my sanji gavel." I FORGOT U WERW THE SANJI MAGISTRATE..... please forgive me....
that is so cool 🥹
"also sanji’s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth." I KNOW RIGJT... like hes a cook.. he should hate them... but he doesnt!!! hes super fond of them!!! because he had mice friends at the lowest point in his life!!!! GOD.. i also used to love mice so . thank u sanji. representing rodent lovers. im having too many moments lately where i relate to sanji.... former sanji hater becomes sanji
"they’re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and he’s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names." STOP THATS SUCH CUTE IMAGERY 😭😭😭 sanji would never hit a woman mouse.
"also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! 😭" IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
"we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY" HSJDHS
"should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)" YES..... YES DO IT.... in return i will sned... uhmm... law!??
ok but sanji in glasses. even at the peak of my sanji hatred i begrudgingly admit that he was very attractive in those glasses...
LOOK AT HIM SOB... whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???
heres this loser
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i have this sanji saved bc he looks so pathetic and sad
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omg nooo how did choso get in here ...... noooo ...... that was a big accident.... completely an accident.... not on purpose at alll........
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usopp out here converting more ppl to sanji likers than i am…smh. i do love the way sanji backs him up so often in canon tho, its very sweet
the entire crew IS important to both of them but arguably he is the only person on the crew they would listen to in a situation like that is luffy yea. he’s the mutual friend that they both love deeply and loves both of them deeply even tho they hate (“hate”) each other. AND he’s emotionally intelligent and wise!! yea!!
joining u in the begging for sad zoro. campaigning for abusing zoro in the next chapters. ready to make this meme real
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NOT TRACE HEATFIST…his voice did seem cool tho ur right. i like to imagine he speaks with the emojis like you typed them. (“how are you saying that out loud-”) is the crush only on 4kids ace specifically..sorry sorry TRACE. IS IT ONLY FOR TRACE
dragons. [breathes in] dude i love dragons so fucking much. i watched that documentary animal planet or discovery made where they said dragons lived in the prehistoric time with t rex and shit and BELIEVED IT FOR SO LONG. also obsessively played httyd games on the internet and other Dragon Themed Things. and i had legend of spyro: a new beginning for the gamecube and it was like my first ever video game i owned myself that wasnt a hand me down and i beat it literally 9+ times…after 9 i stopped keeping track..i loved spyro and CYNDER so much. CYNDER WAS SO COOL. THAT WHOLE GAME WAS SO COOL. just last year i started playing flight rising (but i fell off lmao)
“former sanji hater becomes sanji” KJSDBDNKJSN YEAH relating to sanji is half of why i love him. and the amount i relate to him is. way far more than i thought i would ever relate to. the pervert stereotype anime character of any given show. so mad…but also i love him a lot 😭 has become a bit of a comfort character for me UNFORTUNATELY…but i relate to his passion and his low self esteem and his self sacrificial nature and his (percieved) gender issues and even his stupid easy-to-fall-in-love shtick. god. anyways
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“sanji would never hit a woman mouse.” sanji vs. minnie mouse his hardest battle yet
dude. thank you for saying that bc. when sanji had those fucking glasses on as mr. prince in alabasta. i was simping just a little bit. and mad about it.
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this outfit was gay as hell by the way. like how am i supposed to believe that is a fuly straight man-
“whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???” it 1000% was down to him leaving the crew and needing to be rescued and learn to love himself and live for himself. robin and sanji are my two favorite strawhats and GOD THE SIMILARITIES ARE BRUISING. have u seen that post where its drawings of each of the strawhat “rescue teams” of arlong park, enies lobby, and whole cake?
law 1: edgy. flipping u off. deranged. a bit evil looking. kinda hot
law 2: naptime. flourishing. in his lane. never done wrong in his life. thats just a guy
here are a couple more one piece memes i have collected. i will be sending u a discord message...soon
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pinkrabit · 3 months
Episode 2 of ATLA LA
"He's a coward!" That's part of his character arc, Zuko. Just like yours I'd growing hair.
"[Before] you kill someone?" And then Aangs sigh of grief feels so on brand.
Also, aang, baby, I know you want to avenge your family but you have to know you are allowed to be a child. Even in war.
"Idk about you, but I can't go back" paralleled with "No! I will never turn my back on people that need me!" (Painted Lady)
Gran Gran giving Katara the scroll instead is such a nice touch. Because Gran Gran was always proud of her "little waterbender."
I still hope Katara steals a scroll though. It feels important to her character. Where she feels she's right, beyond logic or practicality. But she morally feels in the right. Which we see her demonstrating a lot in the original series.
Aang's apology to gyatso 🥺
"I bet you taste like chicken." Sokka. I don't think there's chicken in the poles.
Zuko raging at his Uncle trolling him is perfect. And then him bringing in logic/his "General" ideology.
Zuko doesn't have tact Iroh.
Suki, my love
The wariness of the Kyoshi Island leader seems genuine to the original source
"I know I don't belong here. Thats something I've been feeling a lot lately."
"If I can learn to be the Avatar, maybe I can bring the place I knew, a world where people are happier, back."
I truly think Aangs actor has nailed his character. It feels so genuine and accurate.
Kyoshi didn't benefit from the kindness of strangers, she terrified them if I remmeber correctly.
Him stumbling because of a pretty girl omg.
Aang laughing at Sokka. Yes, he's a little more serious, but are we all watching the same show???? He still has a sense of humor, he's still a little shit <3
Sokka covering himself like a blushing maiden, omg
Aang is such an optimistic. "It's more than you knew before, though, right?"
Yes, Katara! Tell him he can't avoid the responsibility. "We're not going anywhere. "
My sweet children.
Sokka is unimpressed with bending. Since 2005.
Katara saying he'll save the world by making connections. Because it's true. We learn throughout the original series that there's good and bad everywhere. Primarily, because of Aang connecting with others.
Zuko’s crew dissapointing him 20 years ago, and now.
Suki's stealth feels like a nice touch. Pretty girl just shows up all the time.
At least he seems a little arrogant and tooting his own horn too much.
He might not be sexist, but his masculinity is still fragile in the first half. Feels important to acknowledge that.
Humble that man Suki. Thank you.
HE STORMS OFF! What a little bitch. Love him. He's so pathetic.
Aang terrified of hurting people, and seeming so hurt by people being afraid of him. The doubt!
"How many people will I hurt??"
My boy, this is war. You can do it. You have so much to learn.
Sokka. I expect an apology and DRAG.
Sokka loves getting beat up by women.
Ew. Wait. Why is fighting always so flirty.
Aangs inner turmoil. Aang asking for help.
"There's a lot you don't know." No shit, Kyoshi.
Zuko having a reflection about his banishment paired with, "Sometimes hope can be a cruel thing."
Solka is so enamored about being tackled.
Suki taking off her makeup and armor, potentially symbolizing her showing herself to sokka as a girl not a soldier. Showing her insecurities, allowing her vulnerability.
Aang, now is not the time to talk with your former life.
Kyoshi mentioning roles of the avatar without including, "human," "friend," feels so intentional. Because Aang just wants to be human. He just wants to be himself, but the Avatar cannot afford that.
The pai sho anecdote, omg
Strong leader leady!!! What a bad bitch.
Katara double checking on Aang before going to fight on Kyoshi in the LA vs thr North Pole.
"But, what if I hurt someone along the way??" Poor airbender just wants to live a peaceful life. My boy, it's not your fault. You were born too late. However, you are the only one to fix this.
"Being the Avatar means putting your duties above all else. Even your life!"
Kyoshi. He's 12. He just woke up. Aang needs an adult. Aang needs a protector. In the animation and LA. Katara. Your role in his life is this. Protect his gentle spirit.
Katara. Honey. You can't fight a small army.
I love seeing her PTSD being accentuated in the LA is so amazing.
Avatar shape shifting carries from animation to LA I see. Does this count as drag? You think Aang identifies as genderfluid?
Aang is constantly fainting. He's always confused but rolling with it. He always feels guilty. He NEEDS love.
"..a reason to believe again.."
Give aang recognition and respect despite his mistakes and flaws. He's a child and he's doing great, for all that he is.
"Thank you.. for bringing the world to me."
I can accept the lack of drag if I see Sokka fighting like a Kyoshi Warrior with a murder fan.
Kyoshi = Scary Lady
"Don't worry, kid. You don't have to do this alone."
Such a pissing match between Zuko and Zhao.
Sokka feels okay, a little bland. Zuko’s character needs to be more dramatic. Once again, Aang's character feels amazing.
Aang this episode has had to come to terms with the idea that his life is not his own. His right to live is a privilege. His existence is transactional. And he will never know the peace he craves for long intervals.
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spatio-rift · 4 months
Hiya there! I see a lot of your saiki k content, and I love it sm lol. Now, I'm curious as to what your fave ships are besides kubometo. >.< Considering your recent ask which encouraged me to do this, may I also ask what your least faves are? Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the takahashi squad with metori so much, mwa mwa kudos to you.
Hiii im glad u enjoy my stuff even when theres not much of it going around lately😢 when summer break comes i will make more.💓(maybe)
i will answer that question about my other fave pairings with an additional condition which is that they cannot include saiko ^_^ i wont have a looot to say about them because i have really bad tunnel vision but lets try.
i think the one i probably like the most after kbmt is kaiyume ^_^ not in a way where like the situationship is so hilarious that it compels me to write 15 posts in a row about them but i think they have a special kind of really funny like. early 2010s cringe highschool couple vibe. or something. embarrassing couple on the internet. blurry grainy matching profile pics. couple cosplay. the chuunibyou. LOL i do genuinely love their relationship and its evolution from the moment kaidou defended chiyo in okinawa to chiyos confession and the way chiyos feelings for him are so consistent despite being the 'girl who falls in love super easily all the time' archetype and shes so considerate in liking him and i think they fit really well together but most importantly the idea of their romance is so weird and embarrassing to me meaning theyll never be boring (which is as weve established a capital offense for a gag manga). i think it brings out so many fun parts of their character. chiyos unhinged but shes so caring. kaidous so pathetic but hes so brave and gentlemany. its great! 👍
wait hold on i just remembered i have a relationship chart. i couldnt for the life of me remember what else i liked LMFAO. lets see whats on there.
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oh my god right i love satou and hii together. i dont care much for that whole thing about helping her guardian spirit so that shes not life-threateningly unlucky anymore i thought it was hilarious how satous normal powers cancelled her bad luck and they were very cute for the like 2 or 3 chapters they were around. <3 ive got a soft spot for them for real.
lets do a quick round. midori and chouno altered my brain chemistry in a way that i find a little embarrassing to talk about HAHA but its a dynamic i quietly Really enjoy the chapters that touch on it are favorites of mine regardless of the note on which it ends for them. lately ive been really enjoying imu and arisu together for completely baseless reasons i just think theres potential there for real funniness w both thinking the other is a creep. and of course you will always find me fighting on the front lines for kurumi and kuniharu.
as for my least favorite pairings.... i really dont want to be on peoples dash bashing stuff they enjoy so i will just let the chart speak for itself :') its just not for me!
and Lastly. im so happy my $quad awareness campaign is working <3 (gives u a big wet peck on the forehead) saiko and his idiots forever. peace &love.
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So because of my hentel mealth i havent really been able to read or do creative stuff so Ive just been spending most of my time properly synching up the subtitles i have for various takarazuka Elisabeth productions and idk how coherent this is gonna be bc I dont know how much of an overlap there is between people who like to complain about sjm books and euromusical fans, but I cant stop comparing Death and Rhysand and getting even more pissed off about Rhysand
like, listen, both of these guys are weirdo freaks who feel entitled to and are oddly possessive of a young vulnerable woman but the thing about Death is that hes like that because hes meant to be like, a metaphor for what its like to have suicidal thoughts and for what its like to live in ~turbulant times~ so hes kinda alluring but also very scary and in the original austrian production hes just fuckinh flingin people around, but Rhys is not a metaphor or a personification of a concept, hes just a guy. Not just that but hes meant to be like, the better guy. thats wild right. Rhysand, the guy who endangered Feyre for no fucking reason with the weaver stunt he pulled and whos forced her to lie to and steal from a potential political ally whos been nothing but kind to both of them, is the better one. and im making a point here to only mention the acomaf crimes Ive witnessed so far, obviously hes done and will do a lot worse
And you wanna know what the worst part is? Its what it always comes down to and its what I always complain about, he doesnt even serve cunt. And that truly is the worst thing about Rhysand for me because I am a very shallow person, if he wore black lipstick, if he wore clothes that glitter, if he dressed like some kinda dracula instead of just wearing plain black leather most of the time, not only would I not care about the actually shitty things he did, I would not care about him being pathetic and annoying, which, him being annoying is worse to me than any of the shitty things he did btw because hes not even interesting or endearing while hes doing those things yknow what I mean
like idk, im working on the 1996 star troupe production where Deathbis played by Asaji Saki and she does a really good job playing this inhuman weirdo experiencing regular sincere human emotions for the first and being made vulnerable by that experience, its genuinely pretty cute. theres this scene where he briefly interacts with rudolf, elisabeths child son, and then it transitions into a different scene and a bunch of recurring adult characters run onstage and Death trips one of them up to make rudolf laugh and its just cute and genuine yknoe. Whenever Rhys has a quote unquote vulnerable moment thats supposed to humanize him (that isnt just him being a horndog) it just feels so fake me, like when he talked to Feyre about Tarquin being easy to love and being noble because he had it easy while Rhysands been suffering or whatever i was just like, buddy youre doing that to yourself, if you wanted equality for the lower fae in the night court you couldve already done that in the 500 years youve been on the throne literally no one is stopping you
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