#he was an orphan raised his older brother. but then his older brother eloped with a witch
clamorybus · 1 year
im not a belos fan per se, but i do love his character. he's such a little bitch, i love it
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
Now this is meaner than i like to be when talking about fandom because i am pro people having fun and doing what they want and playing around with dynamics. So let me preface by saying that if you like this headcanon there's nothing wrong with you and I hope you have a great day. That said, aside from the Wen erasure and trying to flatten a more unconventional family dynamic into a nuclear family shaped hole one of the main reasons I vibe less with the "wangxian are a-yuan's dads" headcanon is that I honestly think it's kind of... Lan Wangji character assasination.
Yeah that sounds really harsh but the headcanon recquires Lan Wangji formally adopting a-yuan as his own and/or raising him as his son and i cannot stress this enough he would not do that. Because that would be actively endangering A-Yuan's safety.
To be clear: Lan wangji and wen yuan canonically look so alike that strangers who'd never met either of them assumed they were father and son. If Lan Wangji suddenly comes back with a child that he is insisting to raise, and that child looks exactly like him, people aren't going to assume that's hanguang-jun's adopted son. That is hanguang-jun's biological son with a mystery mother!
Jiang Fengmian didn't even formally adopt wei wuxian, and people knew who his actual (married!) parents were, and they still regularly assumed that he was secretly jiang fengmian's bastard instead of the child of the man cangse sanren literally eloped with.
If that's how eager people are about bastard rumours, what do you think happens if one of the most eligible bachelors in the jianghu turns up with an "adopted" son who looks just like him and refuses to say anything about where he came from?
Yeah, Hanguang-jun knocked someone up and apparantly the union was so scandalous he's deperately trying to cover it up while literally bringing this bastard kid into his own clan. Can you imagine a more juicy rumour? Everyone would want to know who this kid's mother is. A-Yuan's background would be one of the hottest pieces of gossip around.
Which, if you're triyng to make sure that no one finds out that this kid is actually a Wen and came straight from the burial mounds, is really fucking bad. If everyone is looking for A-Yuan's backround and someone succeeds, his life is in danger.
A-Yuan lost his memories, and that must've hurt like hell for Lan Wangji, both for A-Yuan's own sake and because that means this child that Wei Wuxian loved and who loved him in turn now no longer remembers him, will only ever know him from the lies the world tells about him. But he didn't do anything about it, because not knowing was safer for A-Yuan. Even if Lan Wangji wanted to personally adopt him, he would not risk A-Yuan's safety to satisfy his own feelings.
On the other hand, A-Yuan looking like Lan Wangji means he looks like a Lan, and wonky as the mdzs timeline is it's pretty clear he was born during the sunshot campaign. The Lan lost a lot of people in the war, they probably have loads of war orphans, and this kid clearly looks like one, they'd have no problem taking him in. Are they 100% sure who his parents were? No, but they probably died shortly after he was born and weren't able to safely return him to cloud recesses.
It's really easy for Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji to come up with a story from here. Someone came across the kid on the streets, saw the family resemblance, and decided to take him back to his home! After the burial mounds Wen Yuan probably wouldn't look too different form an average street rat. Or maybe the boy was raised by a common family who told them about the cultivators that left him there for safekeeping, unable to idenify them exactly but mentioning the signature white robes and forehead ribbon. Who knows!
The point is that Lan Wangji and Lan Sizhui could, for Sizhui's own safety, not be seen as father and son. From Sizhui's comments that Lan Wangji was "like a father or older brother" to him, and the fact that Lan Wangji chose his courtesy name we can infer that after he got out of seclusion Lan Wangji was more involved in his life than he would've been with other disciples. But from the outside that could be explained as a teacher having a favorite student, and an honoured sect elder (and family member, though now the assumption is "distant cousin/nephew" instead of "bastard child") helping to name a child in lieu of parents that are no longer there. By all accounts, Lan Yuan was raised collectively by the Lan as one of the several war orphans they must have had. Just like how he was raised collectively by the burial mound Wen before that.
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findafight · 1 year
hiii so i just saw a post where you were answering an anon and you said you had a lavender marriage stobin au, one where children break into their house and then get adopted (??), and one where steve has a half sister. if it’s not too much trouble can i have the links for those fics cause they seem rlly interesting and i would love to read all of that? thanks!! - 💜
haha Sure! here are the tags big brother steve au
and Hollywood Studio Era Lavender Marriage Stobin au
but also. I will elaborate under the readmore for Lavender's Blue because I haven't said anything about The Children and I love them so so much haha
They eloped right after Robin graduated, 1936, and end up leaving hawkins in fall of that year, after more than a year has passed since the upside down (in this au, everything is 50 years ealier and it's done after s3 and also hop isn't dead) They get a ground floor apartment in a sketchy part of LA. It's kinda shitty, has all of three rooms (bedroom, livingroom/kitchen, and somehow a private bathroom) Steve is working as a server at a diner and as a sort of gofer/physical labour/just do what we tell you to for the day guy at the same studio Robin rambled her way into being an editing assistant at.
He comes home one day in early 1937 to find a kid, no older than eight, eating a hunk of bread at the table. The child says "you should probably invest in better window locks." Before going back to the bread.
Steve blinks. Huffs. Says "well don't you think it's rather rude to stay for dinner without introducing yourself?"
Which is how Robin finds him with Charmaine, all seven years and 40 pounds of her, eating beans and corn on bread at the table with Steve. She just sighs, because of course he'd acquire another child less than six months away from Hawkins. Of course.
So it becomes routine, Sherry (as Steve has taken to calling her) shows up every few days for a meal or a bath, and slowly they learn that she's an orphan (unsurprising) and is living with a few other street kids who fell through the many wide cracks the Great Depression caused. Robin immediately invites them all to come over, have Steve cook up a nice big pot of chili for them and get them all washed up a bit. Sherry seems weary, but says she'll see.
At this point, it's spring 1937 and Steve's been asked to do a couple walk-on parts, and the studio seems to like his All-America look so is starting to shift him from "guy who does stuff we ask" to "guy who does stuff we ask but in front of the camera this time", which means he's getting a raise and can probably quit the diner job soon, and he and Robin can start looking for a better apartment but don't want to move without letting their newest gremlin know and making sure she's safe.
The next day sees Sherry and the kids she calls her siblings, five altogether, mismatched skin tone and heights and ages, standing outside Steve and Robin's apartment door fumbling with the key Steve gave her in case she needed to get in when they're not there.
One is clearly a toddler being held by a young teenager, another has a visible limp, and they all look dirty and scared. But they came, because Sherry said the Buckleys are actually half decent and invited them all, and Robin said they were welcome to stay whenever and Steve gave her a key, so they obviously won't get in trouble and they can always leave early because she knows their schedules. Steve stumbles home after a double shift at the diner to find them sprawled on the living room floor, bundled in blankets, asleep.
He tucks them in and is sure to make enough eggs in the morning.
After that...they just. Don't leave. Robin and Steve have a lot of talks about what to do about the kids, if they should move, how to ask the kids if they want to move in if they DO move.
Robin is getting more responsibility at work, Steve's being looked at for a role alongside Mae West that isn't a gangster (it's a lead romantic interest), and The Kids are becoming more Their Kids. The tiny shitty apartment is crawling with kids and eventually they sit everyone down and say "Hey. We need to move if you guys want to stay with us. Do you want to stay with us? We could, if you wanted, officially adopt you..."
So they do. Steve gets the part, playing a young sailor who falls in love with older married socialite Mae West, and his career really starts. (it has an infamous scene in which West stands on steps, looking down on Steve, who looks up at her, all big eyes and floppy hair. She says, with that famous Mae West drawl, "I'll devour you, kid." to which he says, breathless, "Please do." which barely gets passed the censors) They get a bigger apartment, the kids officially move in, and everyone at the studio realizes that the buckleys have a couple of tagalong kids now. The fanmags eat. it. up.
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bimyself06 · 4 months
Imagine you were orphaned as a toddler and was raised by your emotionally constipated uncle. Years later your a teen and decide to learn more about your parents only to learn that 1.you have another uncle whom your parent was really close to but had a falling out with his brother and 2.that new uncle is married with a kid a few years older than you. Now you have more family, your uncles are patching things up, uncle 1 does not get along with his living in-law but dam is he found of his in-law's older sibling(wink wink nudge nudge), you and your cousin get along really well(his friend is a bit of a bitch, a pretty bitch, but still a bitch).
Months later, at a family gathering uncle 2's sister in law decides to join in, she's fun, pretty and a baddass. A few hours later and she and uncle 1 get into a fight, during this fight you learn that 1.your uncle is single bothe by choice and bc he's terrible at communication, 2.new baddass aunt new your parents, and 3.new baddass aunt is actually baddass step-mum because your parents both developed a crush on the same woman at the same time and decided to elope with her so legally she's your mom too.
Which great, at least you have a living parental figure. Downside is she's currently in a committed relationship and her partner is actually compatible with her and 100% not a secret douchebag(you had him followed for weeks in order to make this decision) so you can't break them up either.
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clippedwngs · 3 years
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 ⌜  ⁰⁰¹ clint barton. boyd holbrook. hehim. cis man. ⌟ looks like CLINT BARTON has joined the search for the missing mutants. the THIRTY SEVEN YEAR OLD is known as HAWKEYE and works alongside THE AVENGERS. they were spotted recently in NYC, hopefully they’ll have some luck finding the missing mutants. ( taylor. 21. sheher. est. )
name : clint barton
code / hero name : hawkeye
age : thirty - seven
height : six foot three
abilities : he shoots arrows and has combat training
faceclaim : boyd holbrook
parent(s) : edith and harold barton ( deceased )
children : unborn child ( deceased )
sexuality : pansexual
following comic canon and mixing it with what i feel like would make sense with like mcu shit because ? i can do what i want but obviously some of this will change if we get a bobbi morse ( please bring me bobbi )
clint is just a regular dude that wants to help and do what he can to ( cliche as it is ) make the world a better place . he wants to leave each place a better place than he found it and is the most well intended dumbass you will ever meet . clint has like four functioning brain cells and spends a lot of his time with his dog lucky . 
won’t go into detail but clint’s father was not the best man . his drinking led to a lot of abuse and eventually the death of both himself and his wife leaving clint and his older brother orphans . jumping from foster home to foster home and then eventually having a run in with a circus clint learned how to shoot a bow and had a real talent for it . 
clint has little to no relationship with his older brother both of them having taken drastically different approaches to life . 
he lost most of his hearing in an accident and has adapted fine . a lot of the time he uses it as an excuse 2 not listen to tony complain about the coffee maker in the avengers tower ( love you tony )
clint met natasha romanoff while she was not yet with shield and despite that definitely not being something that should’ve worked nat quickly became his best friend and family . they raise a lot of hell together because what happens in budapest !
he and bobbi morse met fighting a bad guy and naturally decided to elope after kicking his ass you know the responsible hero thing to do ! despite this though clint loved her. alot and their marriage just fell apart at a point and that was not really the vibe he was going for . 
clint is very happy go lucky so again we need 2 discuss our feelings but will we ? to natasha we will to natasha romanoff only
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Treasure for All: Cast of Characters
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Full Name: Kim Hong Joong
Birthday: November 7
Occupation: Captain, Geographer
Backstory: Being raised by his father, Hongjoong had always wanted to see the world. He had traveled both by sea and sky with his father and learned under his wing, but after his father’s death Hongjoong inherited the ship and renamed it The HALA at the age of eighteen. “Hearts Awakened, Live Alive,” his father always taught him. With his friend Yunho, he was able to repair and upgrade many of the ship’s engines and technological aspects all making a comfortable environment for his future crew. One night, Hongjoong went to a bar to try to relax but ended up rescuing a girl whom he would fall in love with, Jo Da Hae. For three years, the three of them began recruiting their teams in order to search for the greatest treasure to ever be discovered.
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Full Name: Jo Da Hae
Birthday: July 6
Occupation: Zoologist, Medic
Backstory: Dahae was at the top of her class in the science department, majoring in zoology with a minor in nursing. After graduation, she wanted to have a taste of freedom before deciding to work with animals in a sanctuary. However, her family disowned her after deciding not to go to work right away, so she was left penniless and having to find a job on her own. She found work in a local bar and was making a decent living but never felt she was getting anywhere. The night she met Hongjoong was the night her life changed for the better. Two men had tried to flirt with her as her shift was ending, but she rejected both of them. The men fought, and Hongjoong pulled her out of there just in time. Quitting her job at the bar, she joined Hongjoong on his ship and became the zoologist and medic on their adventures.
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Full Name: Park Seong Hwa
Birthday: April 3
Occupation: First mate, Oceanographer
Backstory: Being raised near the ocean, Seonghwa had loved learning about and studying the creatures that inhabited the waters. However, tragedy struck his family when his mother was killed after accidentally slipping off the edge of a cliff near their home, and it sparked Seonghwa’s fear of heights. His father never quite recovered from the tragedy but never failed to show love to his sons. After his father died, Seonghwa and his brother parted ways but kept in touch. Studying oceanography at the university, he met Geology major Grace-Anne Dawes, and the two hit it off immediately. Just after graduation, the university was attacked by a gang of evil pirates, but Seonghwa and Grace-Anne escaped safely. After wandering around for a while, they were picked up by Hongjoong, and Seonghwa proposed to Grace-Anne on The HALA.
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Full Name: Grace-Anne Talia Dawes
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Geologist, Cook
Backstory: Grace-Anne only wanted a simple life after getting her degree in Earth Science, but that all quickly changed after escaping the university with her boyfriend Seonghwa. Her past was already rough with her mother an alcoholic and her father barely in her life, but she had other friends and family who helped her through and got her to the university. After being recruited by Hongjoong, she was able to use her Geology knowledge and cooking skills on their explorations. 
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Full Name: Jeong Yun Ho
Birthday: March 23
Occupation: Mechanic, Engineer, Cook
Backstory: Yunho grew up with Hongjoong in traveling around on the ship. He was orphaned at a very young age, but was taken in by Hongjoong’s father. Instead of learning about maps and navigation, he often studied the mechanical aspects of the ship such as it’s engine and wirings. He’s also known for being the jokester and keeping everyone else laughing. Now, he serves as The HALA’s repairman and will sometimes add new features with the help of Phoebe, Wooyoung, and Taeran.
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Full Name: Kang Yeo Sang
Birthday: June 15
Occupation: Medic, Botanist, Quartermaster
Backstory: Yeosang’s father was a doctor, and he decided to follow in his footsteps; but he didn’t feel that he was studying medicine for himself. He felt as if it was just to please his family. Dropping university wasn’t easy, but as long as Phoebe was with him, he was confident in any path they chose. Although, he hadn’t quite completed his schooling, he was able to gather whatever medical books he could find and study from them. Now, on The HALA, he’s the medic and the Quartermaster. He may be the more quiet and reserved type, but that doesn’t hide his kind heart.
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Full Name: Phoebe Jocelyn Daniels
Birthday: January 10
Occupation: Hacker, Computer scientist
Backstory: Phoebe had been raised by her grandparents since she was two years old. Her parents had gotten into a horrible fight, causing her father to hang himself and her mother to abandon her. Her grandparents had always been loving and supportive of Phoebe in whatever she did, and eventually she was able to get into university for computer science. There she met and fell in love with med student Kang Yeosang. The two eventually decided to drop university to start a life of their own, but were recruited by Hongjoong after he was injured on an expedition.
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Full Name: Choi San
Birthday: July 10
Occupation: Navigation, Astronomer
Backstory: San had been an orphan since he was small, but he grew up under Mr. Wilcox’s wing and eventually being taken in as his intern. He studied astronomy and navigation while working for the Wilcox’s company. San lived with the Wilcox family, and fell in love with the youngest daughter Celestia. He often would hear her sing whenever she studied, was getting ready for the day, getting ready for bed, anything. Her voice melted his heart; and knowing that she’d be the woman for him, he saved part of what he made for a ring to propose to her with. For years, they had been friends, but it wasn’t until they were both eighteen when San confessed his love to her and she had felt the same. The two eloped shortly after San’s twentieth birthday. However, after a break-in in the Wilcox home, he and Celestia had to escape without looking back. After mourning the loss of Celestia’s parents and two older siblings, the two were soon recruited by San’s friend Hongjoong. While on the ship, San is able to use his knowledge in Astronomy to navigate the ship and care for his pregnant wife.
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Full Name: Celestia Joy Wilcox-Choi
Birthday: May 7
Occupation: Archaeologist
Backstory: Celestia was brought up in a wealthy family. Her father was the CEO and owner of Wilcox Inc., but she was brought up to be kind and good-hearted to those around her. She studied artifacts from ancient ruins and grew a love for archaeology. Singing was also one of her favorite pastimes, but it also helped when she would work on her studies. However, one fateful night, robbers broke into her home, causing her mother to give her a large amount of money to take with her and San to escape. Mrs. Wilcox was the only one who knew of her daughter’s marriage to San. Once on the captain’s ship, the two feel safe again. Due to her pregnancy, she spends most days quietly studying the artifacts the crew finds on their journey.
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Full Name: Song Min Gi
Birthday: August 9
Occupation: Pilot, Aeronautics
Backstory: Both of Mingi’s parents were pilots. That’s where he learned about aeronautics, but it wasn’t until he reached high school where had heard about Hongjoong’s father’s ship and became fascinated with how it flew when it traveled overseas and made a goal to one day fly it. He spent countless hours studying both aeronautics and pirate ships until he was able to teach himself how flying ships worked. Mingi was also known for being a sweetheart despite his strong features, and when he met Kim Taeran, she had rocked his world. About a year after meeting, their college was set ablaze, so the two ran off and eventually joined Hongjoong and the rest of ATEEZ and their significant others’ on The HALA.
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Full Name: Kim Tae Ran
Birthday: June 24
Occupation: Mathematician
Backstory: Taeran had been building walls around herself ever since her best friend betrayed her when they were fourteen, which resulted in her parents’ murders. From then on she had the hardest time trusting people. Although it seemed weird to others, solving math problems helped her to cope. When she got to college, she met Mingi but didn’t trust him right away as she did with others. As time went on, she opened up to Mingi more and eventually found another one of very few people to trust. After running away with him after their school burned down, she and Mingi joined Hongjoong and she is able to put her math skills to use when she and Phoebe decipher codings on artifacts and helping Yunho with adding new technologies on the ship.
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Full Name: Jung Woo Young
Birthday: November 26
Occupation: Physicist
Backstory: Wooyoung grew up in a wealthy family, but his parents were barely around due to their jobs. His nanny was the one who really raised him, and taught him to be kind and loving to others, and this allowed him to have many friends growing up. One of those friends was Dinah Grady, and eventually they became lovers. He studied physics all throughout his schooling, and eventually earned himself a degree in that field. However, he’ll have times where he doubts if people genuinely love him due to the lack of love from his folks. In order to get a fresh start, he and Dinah ran off to begin a new life for themselves and eventually stumbled onto The HALA.
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Full Name: Dinah Ruth Grady
Birthday: June 27
Occupation: Barrelman (Crow’s nest), Meteorologist
Backstory: Being a labeled a “wild one” due to having a few tattoos and a couple of piercings, Dinah has actually always been a sweetheart. She grew up climbing trees and taking gymnastics, but eventually took up meteorology for a career path. Dinah had always been known for being beautiful, but she wanted to show others that there was much more to her than a pretty face. When her heart was stolen by Jung Wooyoung, she knew she wanted to be with him for the rest of her days, but she’s always there for him when he needs someone to hold. The two of them eventually joined The HALA, and were the last ones to join, completing the crew. Dinah was appointed the barrelman due to her knowledgable in detecting the weather, noticing things really well, and being able to use her agility to climb up the crow’s nest.
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Full Name: Choi Jong Ho
Birthday: October 12
Occupation: Gunman, Pyrotechnic
Backstory: Jongho had a rough childhood. When he was seven, both of his parents were killed in a car accident, which sent him to live with his aunt and uncle and cousins. He was often neglected, and eventually led him to be a troublemaker, often getting his hands on matches and fireworks. When he was in middle school, he was sent to counseling and his mentor waisted no time in helping Jongho get back on his feet. His mentor was also a gunman, so he taught Jongho how put his pyrotechnic skills to good use. Once Jongho was able to go off on his own, he ran from home, and sneaked onto The HALA, but not without Dahae noticing and taking him to Hongjoong. Since then, Jongho has been in charge of the weaponry on The HALA. He might have a short temper sometimes, but he’s learned to control it greatly.
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
A/N: I’m sorry if some of these backstories seemed vague. I just wanted to make a basic explanation of how each member got onto The HALA.
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shirasade · 5 years
Wangxian Shadowhunters AU
This post about Wangxian being parabatai material wouldn’t leave me alone. However, since currently I’m struggling somewhat with my mental health, an actual fic feels out of my reach. I might absolutely write more in this ‘verse, though. Send me an ask if there’s something specific you’d like to see.
(And yes, this is an AU where they’re parabatai but fall in love anyway. So I totally ignore the main point that parabatai meta was trying to make. Oopsie? *g*)
The day Wei Ying asked Lan Wangji to be his parabatai was simultaneously the best and the worst day of Wangji’s life.
The best, because it meant that they’d be bound together for life in ways not even most Shadowhunters could truly understand. The worst, because it was the death knell for the fledgling feelings Wangji had been harbouring for his foster brother. Eros, romantic love between parabatai was forbidden, and cut sleeves were generally looked down upon in a society that needed to keep its membership up in order to continue protecting the mundane world from demons and monsters.
Maybe it was better this way, though, Wangji considered that evening, alone in his room, which he’d been sharing with Wei Ying ever since his uncle had brought the orphaned boy to the Gusu Institute. Lan Qiren had known Cangse Sanren back in Alicante, before she’d eloped with a lang ren, a werewolf, much to everyone’s shock. Her son was born a Shadowhunter, however, leading to rumours that Wei Changze might not have been his father.
The first time anyone had dared to imply anything of the sort to Wei Ying, he’d jumped the older boy and thrashed him thoroughly. Of course Lan Qiren as Head of the Institute had to punish Wei Ying, but he’d also made his victim do penance. After this, no one else ever repeated the rumour, at least not where Wei Ying or any members of the Lan family could hear. It also helped that Wei Ying turned out to be one of the most gifted Shadowhunters of this generation, one of the few who could hold their own against Wangji.
Their similar skill levels had led to them being partnered more often than not, and much to Wangji’s surprise he’d found himself with a friend, the first one he could ever remember having except for his older brother. Unfortunately Wangji’s feelings had started to change a couple of years after Wei Ying’s arrival, his gaze drawn to the developing muscles of his friend’s lanky body, to the brilliance of his smile, the way he wielded a Blade with such deadly elegance... If only Wangji could still look at Wei Ying and think brother, his life would be so much easier.
It was this, along with the memory of the quickly hidden pain on Wei Ying’s face after Wangji had asked him for time to consider, which made Wangi’s choice for him. Since he’d never have Wei Ying the way he dreamed of anyway, he would settle for being his parabatai, his soul brother, fighting by his side, protecting him. And wasn’t that was Wangji wanted most of all? To take care of Wei Ying for the rest of their days?
Having reached his decision, Wangji raised his voice, “Wei Ying, I know you’re hovering out there! Come in before Uncle catches you out after curfew.”
“Only if you say yes,” came the familiar voice from the corridor.
Smiling despite himself, Wangji got up and opened the door.
“Yes. Of course I’ll be your parabatai, Wei Ying.”
The pout on Wei Ying’s face immediately turned into a blinding grin, and he threw himself at Wangji, who caught him with the ease of long years of practice. Holding him tightly, Wangji nodded to himself.
Yes. This would be enough.
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circushawk · 5 years
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( canon divergent / a mix of matt fraction’s hawkeye comics + mcu )
abuse and injury tw.
            CLINTON FRANCIS BARTON , born to harold and edith barton, was raised in waverly, iowa. along with his older brother, barney, the two boys worked in their father’s butcher’s shop. however, harold was an abusive man who often drink more than he could take and beat his young boys whenever he felt like it. one particularly violent case left clint partially deaf at six years old when harold slammed him against the refrigerator. barney taught clint to fight, to improve his aim with his slingshot, and the two created their own codes through signs. clint also learned sign language and lip reading to further understand those around him, mostly relying on the latter as he wanted to hide his disability when he was a child. but most importantly, the two boys vowed to each other that they would outlast their father. 
and they did. howard’s alcoholism took his own life in a car accident, but the boys also lost their mother. orphaned, clint and barney were sent to numerous foster homes, but they were really never home. the two boy ran away and encountered a traveling circus who took them in as roustabouts.  two of the circus performers, swordsman and trickshot took a liking to clint and barney, treated them like sons and trained the boys in skills that could be useful in their future as members of the circus.  
swordsman trained clint in art of throwing knives and the two grew close, although they discovered that his true talents was with the bow and arrow while also being trained by trick shot. clint was happy in the circus, until he discovered that his mentor, swordsman, had been stealing money from the circus. compelled to do the right thing, clint wanted to turn in his mentor to authorities. but before he could, he was severely beaten by his mentor, a man he saw as a father figure, and left him for dead until he was discovered by trick shot and barney. swordsman’s betrayal and escape created tensions within the circus, deteriorating his relationship with both trick shot and his own brother. it didn’t take long until barney had enough of the circus and left, enlisting in the army.
 abandoned by his brother, clint focused on his archery training and later on, became the carnival attraction known as HAWKEYE, the name a tribute to his native iowa. 
HAWKEYE, “the world’s greatest marksman” as the carnival’s patrons would call him caught the attention of SHIELD.  nick fury personally asked clint to join SHIELD, to help save the world from threats with his incredible marksmanship. but there was one condition that he asked from fury, a simple enough task for a man with such power: to help him find his brother. 
fury immediately tracked down barney, who was a fbi at the time. the two brothers began to reconcile and stitched up old wounds so they could move forward. before climbing up the ranks in SHIELD, clint worked under the supervision of phil coulson and melinda may, and was often paired up with bobbi morse. the two dated on and off, before they eloped on a whim --- which didn’t particularly end well. their marriage lasted only a couple of years but two remained amicable and there for each other. 
when clint rose as a level seven agent, clint was tasked to assassinate a global security threat known as the black widow. fighting off the KGB all across europe, he was able to finally track down the mysterious assassin. but unable to pull the trigger to kill someone who clint saw good in during his espionage and reconnaissance, he made a different call. he knew natalia was capable of good, if only someone would give her the chance. clint barton asked her to join SHIELD under his supervision, and natalia became natasha. the supervision quickly became a partnership and with every mission, their friendship developed. 
with a near perfect success rate in his missions, clint asked fury of another favor. barney wanted to start a family and retire but clint feared that his status as high-level shield operative and barney’s own work in the fbi would endanger barney’s life. with fury’s help, barney was given a farm off-the-grid, his information erased from SHIELD and other records that would link him to clint, so he could live peacefully with his girlfriend, laura and start their family. clint would often visit barney and laura, sometimes with natasha --- one of the few people he trusted enough to tell about his family. 
no serious change.  
recuperating after the battle of new york, clint decided to stay in new york than go to washington d.c. like steve and natasha. ( also i just need to make up some reason why clint wasn’t involved there despite being a higher-level shield agent than both natasha and steve. ) 
during this time, clint met kate bishop who he began to train to take up the hawkeye mantle whenever he’d decide to retire. 
clint forced the boss of a russian mafia to let him an apartment building to prevent his neighbors from being evicted when their rent was tripled. clint got in an argument with the “tracksuit draculas” and lucky who was the mafia’s dog at the time decided to protect clint when the criminals began to attack him. in the fight, lucky was hit by a car and clint rushed him to the hospital. lucky survived but lost an eye, and clint decided to be his new owner. 
while in new york, clint and kate began to aid against crime in clint’s neighborhood, getting in the way of various mob bosses’ plans. the tracksuit draculas also wanted the apartment building back from clint. the mob bosses hired a mercenary named kazimierz kazimierczak to kill clint. kazi killed grills, one of clint’s friends and neighbor, and in their fight, kazi the clown stabbed clint’s ears with his own arrows, worsening clint’s hearing loss. 
however, clint and kate were able to stop kazi and the mob bosses in the end before clint had to leave to aid the other avengers in taking down hydra bases. clint left lucky with kate during this time. 
the farm was barney's and laura was barney’s wife. 
barney’s baby would still be named nathaniel pietro, a tribute to his brother’s best friend and someone who saved clint’s life. wanda would also be introduced to the barton family.
clint didn’t retire. probably just took a much needed indefinite leave so he could spend time with his brother and the new baby.  clint was obviously against the accords and just ignored thunderbolt ross’ calls, thinking that none of the avengers would sign it anyway nor would they tell the government the farm’s location. but when steve asked his help which meant things were turning into shit, he was very quick to act to save wanda from the house arrest in the compound and picked up scott lang along the way.  
during the snap, clint lost his brother and barney’s entire family.
 it sent clint in really deep depression where he just refused to communicate. he took his hearing aids out and just stopped talking to people. the once loudmouth clint barton lost all his self-confidence and became a silent shell of the man he was.  i think only natasha could have gotten him out of this stage and brought him to the avengers compound.
takes out his hearing aids whenever tony starts talking about himself
he usually just wears pajamas, drinking coffee out of the pot, getting drunk on the couch, and not showering for let’s-not-guess-how-long. likes to sleep and sometimes only talks to natasha and his dog. really just wants to hide away and tune the world out … boi is rly going thru it.
but when he does feel energized, he probably spends most of it in children’s hospitals and taking care of kids because of how much he misses his nieces and nephews. 
when conflict arises, he still does his duties. he may be a human that would never scratch thanos in a team of supersoldiers, gods, and mutants but he still has the conviction, the sense of justice and right and wrong, that makes him worth of being an avenger. plus, its hard not to do the right thing when you’re around captain america. clint barton is really just this guy that no matter how shitty his life is, how much of a hot mess he is, he will always help people no matter what whenever they need him.
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st-riley-the-brave · 7 years
[ Portals | The Verses ]
[ ((Welcome to the newly revised Verses page!! All have been sorted into three categories corresponding with her age range, Young Riley and Gravekeeper Riley, with the 3rd category for Verses that do not fit her Chronological Timeline. Please feel free to ask me anything in regards to any and all Verses!
ALSO--Face Claims. Face claim is Kate Winslet as Rose from "Titanic" with the exception of the Little Monsters Squad Verse; the face claim for LMS!Riley is Molly C. Quinn.)) ]
☉ [ Before the Darkness: Young Riley | Aurelia Marie Cranston was born and raised in Stormy Oaks, England on 6 June 1817, to Alexander and Stella Cranston. When she was only 2 years young, her father was killed by Audergine Wright, a sky pirate who worked for Victor Rotham (the mayor at the time). Elijah Jones, Stella’s older brother, moved from Ireland to live in Stormy Oaks and help in raising Riley. As she grew up she took after her father’s bravery and stood up repeatedly against Rotham, who despised the Cranston clan. At age 12 she was hailed by the town as St. Riley the Brave, defender of orphans and encourager of the underdogs. Her dream was to become an engineer, and she apprenticed under her Uncle Eli, who was an inventor. She was kidnapped by Rotham when she was 17, and was rescued partly by Audergine, who turned his back on Rotham and the other sky pirates. After her rescue she sought his acquittal after he confessed to killing her father, and adopted him as a big brother when his acquittal was won. Rotham was eventually deposed, captured and executed; her childhood best friend was voted in as the new Mayor. ]
+ [ Before My Life Went Dim | in which we meet a younger, more rebelliously braver Riley… 18 years young to be exact–title of Verse is a line from the chorus to “Dim” by Dada ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ Teenage Riot | in which Riley attends school in an America a good century ahead of her time... but makes the best of it anyway--title of Verse inspired by the song of the same name by Sonic Youth ] *NEW VERSE!*
+ [ Rock Around the Clock | in which Riley is attending high school in the 1950's and having more fun than she'd like to admit!--inspired by the show "Happy Days" and set in the 1950's ] *NEW VERSE!*
☀ [ After the Darkness: Gravekeeper Riley | At the age of 20 Riley witnessed the deaths of both her mother and Uncle Eli. Overwhelmed by grief, she gave the family home to her childhood best friend, and moved to live in the Graveyard just outside the town. Using her knowledge she acquired in her upbringing, she designed her humble abode, the House'oleum, and took with her only a few possessions and her clothes. She would soon take to task as Gravekeeper after fighting off robbers who wanted to raid the grave of a duke whose treasures were buried with him. Over time the Darkness all but overtook her, and she learned to control that which tried to control her. Eventually she came across the Time Lock and Keys again, which was the last invention she and Uncle Eli worked on together before his death. With her Time Key once more, she began to make use of the whim and wonder of a gift that was time travel… ]
+ [ The Main Verse | untitled, includes Ghost+Grave, Englishgirl in New York, Powered By Steam and Magic, Time Travelling Gone Wrong, Interdimensional Travel ~ Derivative AUs: The Future and Forever After (set in the future with the Spengler Family: Egon, Riley, and their two children) / Werewolves of New York (in which Riley is a werewolf… and an awkward one at that!) / Little Courage (Riley as a child/young teenager) / Jukebox Hero(ine) (derivative version of an otherwise completely separate verse) ]
+ [ Party Gone Out of Bounds | different and completely separate from the Main Verse–does not belong to any other verse (and definitely NOT crack!) ]
+ [ Rigor Mortis | horror verse–Riley is still the Brave One, but her life as a Gravekeeper didn’t prepare her for life on the way-worse-than-gothic-horror side… ]
+ [ StormLight | in which the darkness all but consumes Riley… and may end up with much darker results in her wake ]
+ [ What a Book Won’t Teach | in which Riley travels to different events in history and learns what history books won’t dare teach ]
+ [ BIB: Brave In Black | in which Riley decides to take a permanent break from gravekeeping and do something radically different–“Men In Black” verse ]
+ [ Bloodshot | in which Riley encounters vampires–which she once thought didn’t exist outside of the stories she’d told with her Phamily / AU is Her Deathly Majesty in which Riley becomes one and tries to figure her new existence out as best as she can ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ Where Are We Now? | modern verse in which Riley has retired from gravekeeping and is now working as a nurse–inspired by the show “House”–title of verse inspired by the song of the same name by the late David Bowie ]
+ [ Time:Crossed | in which Riley meets and befriends a few peculiar time-travellers, starting with a certain Captain–“Doctor Who/Torchwood” verse ]
+ [ Jukebox Hero(ine) | in which Riley ends up in situations depicted by actual songs–title of verse inspired by the song “Jukebox Hero” by Foreigner ] *NEW VERSE!*
+ [ Fionnsgeul | in which Riley ends up in the world of various mythologies--title of verse is the Scottish Gaelic word for "myth" or "divine story" ] *NEW VERSE!*
+ [ Requiems and Balloons | in which life is more than a frightening circus--horror verse inspired by "IT" ]
+ [ Boldly Gone... | in which the Brave One finds herself in the final frontier--"Star Trek: The Next Generation" verse ] *NEW VERSE!*
+ [ We Didn’t Start the Fire | in which Riley ends up in another world, another existence… and with no exact possible way of going home–Marvel verse ]
+ [ The Wrong Turn At Albur'quirky! | in which you wish Riley could order a time machine from Acme!–“Looney Tunes” verse ]
+ [ Life (and How Not to Live It) | modern Verse–in which Riley tries (almost desperately) to adjust to life in modern England ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ 聖ライリーザブレーブ | magical-girl Verse–inspired by various magical-girl anime and manga ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
🌟 [ Outside the Chronological Timeline | These are the Verses that do NOT fit the Chronological Timeline and are all separate. Note that some of the Verses may involve either Young Riley or Gravekeeper Riley! ]
+ [ The Anti-Princess | royalty AU in which Riley is a princess and does not want to sit idle, standing up for the sake of her people ]
+ [ To Guard the Throne… | inspired by the “Anti-Princess” Verse–in which Riley is a Princess and it’s more than just a royal pain in the butt (so much so that she elopes with her true love and takes matters into her own hands!) ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ Sealand | in which Riley is a mermaid–title of Verse taken from the song of the same title by OMD / AU is Discovery in which human 18-year-old Riley meets merfolk ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ Liittle Monsters | modern Verse–in which Riley is a young spitfire among other “little monsters” ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ I Hear People Singing… | Christmas Verse–can involve either Young Riley or Gravekeeper Riley ] *NEW VERSE IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ Beyond the Snow… | Christmas Verse in which Riley finds herself in a world beyond the Land of the Snowflakes–based on “The Nutcracker” ballet and story–can involve either Young Riley or Gravekeeper Riley ] *NEW VERSE IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ It’s a Small World After All… | in which… basically this is the Disney verse with various AU’s based on the movies ]
+ [ We Were Famous Once | in which personifications of classic film and television logos exist ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ World War Whatever | in which nationality personifications (Columbia, Britannia, Hibernia etc.) exist and try to figure out existing in an unusual reality ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ The Revolution of Roses | in which Riley is the Rose Bride... and complete with the power to revolutionise the world–“Shoujo Kakumei Utena” verse ] *IN DEVELOPMENT!*
+ [ ROFLMAO! (Crack) | completely different Verse in which almost anything hysterical goes basically–this is the only Verse that encompasses ALL of the Verses! ]
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truthofherdreams · 7 years
“Maybe he has a weird fetish.”
“He’s a stripper.”
“He’s secretly Edward Cullen.”
“A stripper Edward Cullen.”
“Girls, come on!”
Rosaline and Livia stop grinning like lunatics at each other to stare at their cousin. Juliet stares right back, unamused pout on her lips and closed fists on her hips – she thinks it makes her look threatening in some way, but Juliet is as scary as a kitten on a good day. As it is, both sisters just smirk at their cousin, not chastised in the least.
Still, the question remains – why Romeo’s cousin keeps finding excuses to skip on their gathering, and how glitter seems to be following him everywhere. Not that Rosaline really minds his absence – if he has a weird kink going on with his habit to open the legs of every Not-Capulet girl in town, then so be it. And if he can do it as far away from her as possible so she doesn’t have to spend time with him, then even better.
The less the merrier, when it comes to Montagues.
It doesn’t stop Rosaline and Livia from speculating away, mostly because they’re bored and because they particularly enjoy how frustrated Juliet gets now when they make fun of her husband’s family. Rosaline has to admit Romeo Montague isn’t that terrible, all things considered. And it may have taken a lot of warming up, but they’re finally getting along with Mercutio – mostly because he’s really good at finding great bars with cheap alcohol, and because he’s even worse than them when it comes to gossiping.
The elusive Benvolio is the only one Rosaline can’t stand, and she’s pretty sure it will remain that way forever. Because he made sure they knew he would rather fuck all of Verona instead of spending one evening with them, and because when he does indeed agree to have a drink with the group, he keeps fighting Rosaline. She wonders if he’s aware of how borderline mansplaining his arguments are, or if he even cares – probably not.
Livia leans closer to her cousin with her chin in hand, smiling sweetly. “Do you know what he’s up to?”
Juliet huffs and rolls her eyes, before she drinks from her latte. Rosaline raises an eyebrow at the obvious stalling, even more so when Juliet replies, “No, I don’t. And it’s none of our business.”
So she knows.
 Two weeks later, Rosaline catches Benvolio coming home in the morning, glitter in his hair and neon streaks of paint on his arms. She crashed Romeo’s couch after the party last night, and didn’t expect to witness the other Montague’s walk of shame the following morning.
His eyes widen a bit when he notices her, but he doesn’t say anything nor does he appear ashamed.
“Good night?” she leers, standing up to go and make herself some coffee – if the snoring coming from the bedroom is anything to go by, Juliet and her husband won’t come out until the middle of the afternoon.
“Was okay,” Benvolio replies as he follows her to the kitchen.
She sips on her coffee while she watches as he scrubs his arms free of paint. Neither of them comment on it until, with one last glance his way, he goes and locks himself in his room.
“Yeah, like – bright pink and yellow and stuff. In his hair.”
“I swear to god, Livia, if you tell me…”
“He’s a drag queen.”
“That. If you tell me that.”
 When Romeo asked Rosaline if she could go shopping for Juliet’s perfect birthday gift with him, she had somewhat pictured the outing to be the two of them and no one else. Rosaline should have expected Romeo never to go out with his two other soulmates, though. And let it be known that Rosaline doesn’t really appreciate Mercutio and Benvolio following them around at the mall and complaining about everything. What did they expect anyway?
She forces herself not to roll her eyes too much, fearing that they will get stuck at the back of her head before the end of the day, but they really are testing her patience. Romeo notices, and sends her a grateful smile before he calls a break and buys her a coffee and a donut. They sit on uncomfortable plastic chairs and watch people go by, all the while trying not to be disgusted by the sugary monster Mercutio calls an ice cream – he basically put all the toppings available on top of it. Diabetes in a cup.
Rosaline makes a face at him, before she focuses on her phone – the Verona Venuses group chat is in a frenzy, Bianca telling the latest gossips about Kat and her not-really-boyfriend-but-close-enough. She is typing one particularly smarmy comment toward Patrick when she’s interrupted by a kid showing up at their table.
The girl can’t be older than twelve, with pigtails and a puffy skirt, grinning at Benvolio like he hangs the moon and stars. He pales at the sight, with a quick glance Rosaline’s way before he focuses back on the kid. He offers her the most awkward smile Rosaline has ever seen in her life, and she would almost feel bad for him. Almost.
“Hi, Ben!” the little girl exclaims, too loudly.
“Hello, Maria.”
“We missed you this morning.”
He blanches even more, and all thoughts of Bianca’s drama jump out the window in Rosaline’s mind as she focuses on the scene in front of her. Livia’s voice in her head is squeaking with excitation, but Rosaline is good enough of an actress to smooth her features into a neutral face instead.
“I’m sorry about that,” Benvolio replies. “How’s your brother doing?”
“He’s okay. I came to buy him a new teddy bear for when he gets out of the OR tomorrow.”
Benvolio finally cracks a real smile, and ruffles the girl’s hair a little, which makes her giggle in response. Rosaline is mesmerized, unable to look away. “Good girl,” he says next. “Tell everyone I’ll be back next Saturday, okay?”
And with that, the girl skips her way back to her mother, with one last wave at Benvolio when she grabs the woman’s hand. Benvolio waves back before focusing on his phone, so pointedly ignoring the other three around him that even Romeo raises a surprised eyebrow at his antics. Rosaline shares a look with Mercutio, hoping to get answers from the most talkative of the trio, but he just shrugs at her. Rosaline knows when to drop it.
Except she doesn’t.
Romeo and Mercutio are excitedly checking a new console in the video games store, Benvolio standing by the entrance, when she corners him. Not too obviously, just standing next to him and pretending to care about – some Pikachu plushy, or something. She has no idea.
“So what was that about, earlier?”
He doesn’t glance her way, doesn’t even acknowledge her presence, but the tip of his ears is suddenly red with a blush that doesn’t reach his cheeks. Rosaline knows a thing or two about the power of silent staring – she does have a younger sister and cousin, after all – and it only takes Benvolio about three more minute before he sighs loudly and shakes his head.
“I volunteer at the children’s hospital every Saturday morning,” he confesses. “We do arts and crafts.”
“That’s not really…”
“And I play football with the kids at the orphanage every Sunday morning.”
Rosaline is left staring at him, mouth opened in surprised. She closes it after long seconds, blinking twice, hard. But Benvolio doesn’t suddenly laugh at her and tells her he got her, simply keeps evading her eyes, like – like it pains him to admit it. Like he really didn’t want her to know he actually is a kind, selfless person.
“That’s… Oh my god, Livia thinks you’re cross-dressing.”
That does the trick, Benvolio looking at her with wide eyes. “What?”
“She…” A laugh bubbles out of Rosaline’s mouth, and she pressed a mouth to her lips to swallow down the sound even if it’s too late. “Oh my god. The feathers and – so much glitter.”
“Kids fucking love glitter, okay,” he argues back, folding his arms on his chest defensively. It’s not all that effective, when he’s also smiling a little.
“So when everybody thinks you’re just slutting your way through Verona’s crowd…”
“I’m going to sleep early ‘cause I have to be at the hospital at eight in the morning.”
“But why?”
It should maybe scare Rosaline that Benvolio understands her question immediately, understands that she isn’t asking why he does it. Benvolio and she may not agree on a lot of things, but they share a common knowledge – that of being orphans and having to take care of your own because nobody else is there for them. That of being treated like dirt by family members who couldn’t care less about you. That of being the only ones to know Juliet had eloped with Romeo for an entire week, despite trying to stop them.
So she knows perfectly why Benvolio is doing the things he does.
What she doesn’t know… He just shrugs at first, then says, “Because it’s easier that way, I guess? I’ve never really cared about my reputation, and I don’t want to suddenly be that guy who’s nice to orphans and shit.”
“Yeah, cute guy being cute to children. What a fucking turn-off. No girl will want you now.”
Benvolio shifts to face her, a smirk finding its way to his lips. “Capulet, do you find me cute?”
Rosaline huffs and puffs loudly, grateful for the shitty lightning in the store – it hides the crimson shade of her dark skin from him and his mocking words. There is no point in arguing that she was talking about girls in general, not herself, because it would only be digging an even deeper hole for herself. And he’s right anyway, kinda. It does make him cute, knowing that he cares so much about children. Not that she particularly cared about his one-night stands before – not her thing, but who is she to judge? – but she almost feels, dare she say, relieved to learn it wasn’t the case? Happy, perhaps?
Which, of course, doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t change the fact that he called her a harpy more than once, sometimes to her face. It doesn’t change the fact that she can’t stand him, or that he always finds a way to push her buttons. It doesn’t change anything at all.
He smiles like he knows things, which is even more unnerving, and adds, “You can come with me next week if you want.”
 The next Saturday, Rosaline watches as a little girl with a nasal cannula sits on Benvolio’s lap and draws in a colouring book while he careful braids her hair.
It changes everything.
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avac-screencaps · 7 years
‘An orphan raised by carnies’
(I have some down time- I won’t be getting Ultron for a couple of days, at least. So I thought, let’s talk about my favourite character.*)
Clint Barton made his first comics appearance in Tales of Suspense #57. (1964) He was part of a travelling circus, where he ran into Iron man saving the day.  Deciding to change his life, Clint decided to be a hero. This... didn’t go as well as he thought it would. He stopped a robbery, but was mistaken for the robber. He then went on the run, where he ran into the Black Widow.  Cue a love that has lasted over fifty years. (More or less, anyway). In 1983, Clint met Bobbi Morse. Both were investigating Cross Technological Enterprises. During the final battle, Clint lost his hearing. Not wanting Bobbi to know, he pretended to be able to hear her, and in response to her asking if he wanted to go out, said “nice to meet you, I’ll be on my way”.** A week later, the two had eloped.  Lots of time later, and we get to 2012. Clint has a solo comic, called Hawkeye. In it, Clint’s background is explored: his father is revealed to have been a drunk, who crashed a car, killing him and his wife. This left Clint and his older brother, Barney, as orphans. The two were moved from home to home, until they ran away to the circus.  The circus is where Clint learnt his craft, becoming Hawkeye. He also learnt of betrayal, at the hands of both his mentor and his brother.  The series also revealed that as a child, Clint had lost his hearing, at the hands of his father. As he grew up, his hearing came back, only to be lost again after a run in with the tracksuit mafia. This time, the loss was permanent, requiring Clint to use hearing aids. He is also shown to know sign language.
*one of them, anyway.  **words to that effect, anyway.
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Book Blitz: Grand Finale: The Renegade's Redemption by Stacy Henrie (Giveaway)
On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Renegade's Redemption
By Stacy Henrie
We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:
Launch - Note from the Author
Ever since sharing some of Tex’s story in my last Love Inspired Historical book about his twin brother Tate, I’ve eagerly anticipated the chance for readers to get to know Tex better—through his own story this time. A legendary, charismatic outlaw, Tex was a fun and complex character to write. So, too, was his reunion with the girl he left behind eight years ago Ravena Reid.
Hearts & Scribbles - Character Descriptions 
An identical twin, Tex looks just like his brother Tate with their matching blue eyes and brown hair, but their similarities end there. Tex is charming, fun-loving, and never in one place for long. But when he realizes Ravena needs help with her farm, he offers to stay and help, if only to atone for leaving her behind years ago. In the process, he comes to face-to-face with his past, his mistakes, and his long buried faith. Before long he’ll have to make the toughest decision of his life—to stop running or not from everyone, including himself. 
Christian Suspense Author Mary Alford - Review
"This story was such an amazing journey for me. Filled with rich characters, precious children, a wounded past, and best of all…forgiveness and a second chance at love.
THE RENEGADE’S REDEMPTION was impossible to put down. I read the entire book in one sitting, it’s that good. "
Heidi Reads... - Review
"I loved the various personalities of the orphans that Ravena cares for and how it shows her compassionate nature. She struggles with her long-held feelings for Tex and forgiveness of others and self is a big theme in the story. There is some action as Tex's outlaw background catches up with him but I appreciated that he came to terms with it of his own volition before he was forced to by circumstances. Lovely romance between a stalwart young woman and a charming rogue!"
I Am A Reader - Excerpt
“Ravena,” Tex called as she reached the door.
She blew out a sigh and turned to face him. “Yes?”
“Thank you for this. But you said one night and I won’t stay longer than that.”
Gripping the edges of the tray until they dug into her palms, she willed the words she wanted to say to reach her lips. Yes, Tex, you have to leave. I have enough concerns right now, without worrying about you and the fragileness of my heart.
Sylv.net - An Old Flame
Can past hurts be overcome and forgiven in order to have a second chance at love? In my newest Love Inspired Historical book, that’s what Tex Beckett and Ravena Reid must decide.
Tex and Ravena grew up together on neighboring farms in Idaho. They were inseparable friends, though Tex’s twin brother Tate often tagged along with them. As they grew older, Tex and Ravena realized their friendship had developed into something more. Though different in temperament—Ravena is far more serious, and Tex is fun-loving and eager for adventure—they complemented each other and shared a deep love.
Rockin' Book Reviews - Review
"This Historical fiction is full of action, suspense, drama and romance. The reader will be unsure of the ending until the last pages. The characters are defined well and the reader feels very endeared to them. The background scenes are portrayed well. The story steadily flows smoothly until the very end. The reader’s interest is held throughout the tale."
Reading Is My SuperPower - Review
"Vivid characters with lots of personality join forces with swoony romance, adorable children, and a heartfelt message of redemption and restoration. Stacy Henrie is skilled at knowing the right combination of each of those elements to achieve a ‘just right’ balance and a smooth story. If you’re a fan of stories set in the late 1800s West then you need to definitely make time to read Stacy Henrie’s books as well!'"
Singing Librarian Books - Review
"Stacy Henrie has done it again! Her novel Renegade’s Redemption is simply splendid!! This western romance is filled with plenty of adventure and romance that readers will not want to miss. In addition there are themes of inspiration, forgiveness, and redemption that will tug at the heartstrings of readers. . . . This sweet historical romance novel is a fantastic sequel to The Outlaw’s Secret that readers will adore."
Katie's Clean Book Collection - Review
"I enjoyed the gentle chemistry between these two and the way they each worked through trust issues. I love the descriptions of their every day lives and the way the past and present fit together. There are many things to be resolved and through journeys of self-discovery and responsibility, a satisfying conclusion resulted."
Mel's Shelves - Review
" I devoured it quickly and love the way it all came together! I love Stacy Henrie's writing style and she is quickly becoming a favorite author! If you enjoy clean historical romance, you will want to read both of these books!"
Getting Your Read On - Review
"Tex and Ravena were great characters. The book flowed gently and easily, weaving in daily life events with the rekindling of friendship and love. The children in this book were a fantastic addition and really gave the story a feeling of family and love."
Wishful Endings - Excerpt
For one moment, Tex knew the familiar thrill of a clean escape. Then the sheriff shot at him again. This time the bullet found purchase. It struck Tex in his right side, and his body jerked hard to the left in reflexive response. He clung to the horse with trembling arms to keep from falling as searing fire registered through his shock.
Paulette's Papers - Five Fun Facts about The Renegade’s Redemption
1. The final scenes of this book take place on Independence Day. And while I knew the release date for the book was in July 2017, I didn’t pay much attention to which day. So it was serendipitous and lots of fun when I realized it was releasing on Independence Day.
The Power of Words - Review
"The road for this unlikely pair seemed impossible, and I loved how everything was resolved. . . . I enjoyed The Renegade’s Redemption very much and look forward to much more from Stacy Henrie."
Tell Tale Book Reviews - Review
"The Renegade's Redemption is a sweet historical romance with strong themes of forgiveness and trusting in God. The story begins and pretty much ends with a bang, and the pages in between are sure to keep readers anxiously turning them to find out what happens with Tex, Ravena, and the orphans."
Cafinated Reads - Review
"This is a truly wonderful story of seeking one’s faith, relying on God, forgiveness and redemption. Ms. Hernie will steal you away with this book and leave you wanting more instantly! This 5 star book is the second in a series, and while I wasn’t confused and it could be easily read as a stand alone, I do plan to go back and read book 1 and see where it all began with Tex. Hats off to this talented author who is now on my favorites list!!"
Brooke Blogs - Review
"I really enjoyed this sweet story. I quickly found myself attached to the characters and immersed in the setting. I loved this story so much. The setting and time period was just perfect. The Renegade’s Redemption is well-written and a quick read. If you are looking for a sweet, clean romance, give this one a try. You won’t regret it."
And don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...
The Renegade's Redemption
by Stacy Henrie
Inspirational Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 288 pages
July 1st 2017 by Love Inspired Historical
Refuge for the Outlaw
When Tex Beckett arrives at Ravena Reid's farm, he's eight years too late for the elopement they'd once planned—and it's far too early to win her forgiveness. He's seriously wounded, though, and she can't turn him away, though she knows better than to trust him. Yes, it's wonderful having help with the farm, and with the orphans she fosters, but if she opens her heart, she'll get hurt again when he leaves. And Tex always leaves.
As a notorious bank robber, Tex is used to danger. Yet reuniting with the only woman he's ever loved is the riskiest thing he's ever done. All he wants is to stay with Ravena and the children. But can he build a new start before his past catches up with him?
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Other Books in the Series
The Outlaw's Secret
by Stacy Henrie
Christian Historical RomancePaperback & ebook, 288 pages
February 7th 2017 by Love Inspired Historical
Lawman in Disguise 
Getting taken hostage by a gang of train robbers wasn't in dime novelist Essie Vanderfair's plans, but interviewing these men could make her career soar. Especially since the gang includes legendary outlaw Tex Beckett, better known as the Texas Titan. Tex is famed for his protection of women and children, so she'll be fine…right? 
Keeping the gang in line was hard enough before a stubborn, beautiful writer interfered. Now Tex is scrambling to keep Essie safe, to gather evidence against the gang and most of all to hide his dangerous secrets. First, that he's a detective working undercover. And second, that he's not the Texas Titan at all, but Tex's twin brother, Tate Beckett.
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About the Author
USA Today bestselling author Stacy Henrie is the author of western romances and the Of Love and War series, which includes Hope at Dawn, a 2015 RITA Award finalist for excellence in romance. She was born and raised in the West, where she currently resides with her family. She enjoys reading, road trips, interior decorating, chocolate, and most of all, laughing with her husband and kids.
Tour Giveaway
- 1 winner will receive  copies of The Express Rider's Lady and The Outlaw's Secret, and a $10 Amazon e-gift card (US only)
- 1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon e-gift card (open internationally)
- Ends July 22nd
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