#there's just a lot of..... barriers for them to get ther
stoopid-turtle · 9 months
On the Acceptance of Unsteady Ground
Throughout this whole dive into turtle world, I've been very conscious of just how LITTLE access to information I have. I'm relying so heavily on English translations and platforms, and most of these are from turtles, so I'm fully aware I'm getting a biased perspective.
I've tried to read stuff from solos or even just neutral third-parties. The neutral parties don't have much depth of information, though, and I found solos heavy on accusations and declarations but light on actual...evidence. And they sometimes use some really nasty rhetoric against the idea that gg and dd might be gay.
Don't get me wrong, turtles get weird too. There's plenty of clearly false rumors, deceptively edited videos, silly stretches of logic, weird ideas of what how people in a relationship would act, etc. But there's at least enough English-speaking turtles that I can find some who are giving open and, as far as I can tell, accurate information (honestly, I find tumblr turtledom better at that then other platforms). I haven't really found a similar pocket of solo fans.
I'm also aware that there's always going to be a limit on how much I can know. I don't speak the language, so I'm always relying on translators. I have limited access to Weibo (even putting aside the language barrier, I'm in text confirmation limbo in actually getting an account), and I have little familiarity with the culture. I don't get a lot of the jokes or references, and stuff may strike me, an English-speaking American, differently than it would someone in China.
Add on top of that the fact that I'm trying to find out purposely obscured information about two celebrities, and, yeah, I'm fully aware that I'm on unsteady ground here. I can do my best, but I'm never going to know anything for certain.
But I've become okay with that.
It took a while. The dissatisfaction with the unknown (and unknowable) is what drove a lot of my early fixation and subsequent fall into the turtle pit. But now, especially after laying out my thoughts, I've reached a zen place with it. I'm 100% certain ggdd were together during filming/promo, and I'm 95% certain they're still together (I had this at 85% originally, but then the whole dd being sick and gg changing his schedule thing happened and I'm just...welp, guess I'm in this confidence interval, then).
Just having that certainty means I can enjoy updates from them without anguishing about "proof" or uncertainty. Oh, gg took the day off on dd's birthday? That's really sweet! I'm not gonna fuss about if it's coincidence ENOUGH to convince me, because I'm already convinced. It's a good place to be.
I typically don't care about celebrities. In fact, I've long been bewildered by celebrity culture here in the US, and I've often been actively annoyed when people assume/expect me to have opinions on things celebrities do. I'm the nerd who doesn't get why the actors get all the attention when the writer or director would be much more interesting.
So the fact that I've gone all fangirlish over two celebrities is bizarre to me, and I appreciate the irony. Well done, me. I attribute some of it to just being able to watch the bts and see their early interactions play out like a story. I find stories compelling, and both gg and dd are charismatic, attractive and have great chemistry. Whatever disdain I have for celebs, I do love a romance.
In my foray into the ggdd world, though, I've also had to learn more about c-ent, and y'all. It's nuts. Like, US entertainment is nuts too, but c-ent ratchets it up to 11. I've been in fandom a long time, and I thought I'd seen some weird stuff, but it's got nothing on c-ent. Just wrapping my head around the culture these guys are in took a lot of learning.
But I appreciate being able to dive into this culture and this country, because I knew very little about China beyond the antagonistic politics. It's been refreshing to get a view on life on the ground in China to humanize the folks there and get a clearer picture of the country.
I started this thing bc I had been spending so much time on Youtube watching clips, and I had thoughts and opinions and nowhere to put them. I already had a tumblr that I use to lurk on some fandoms and I had started following turtles too. I figured tumblr would be a decent place to splurge out my thoughts, so I set up a throwaway account to do so.
I get the vibe that a lot of new turtles come to bjyx through the same route I took? They watch The Untamed on Netflix. They get curious about the show and start watching some clips on YT. Next thing you know, they have 3 playlists full of purported "proof of love" and they need a whiteboard to connect everything together and their wife thinks they've gone completely bonkers supports them in all their oddities.
Like, I was really confused by turtles at first. I was just trying to watch bts videos on YouTube and I didn't know what bjyx meant, but the videos with the label were weird and had strange disclaimers that they were "only for turtles" and I had no clue what that even meant.
My confusion continued as I tried to read more. The fake story disclaimer convention is hella confusing as an outsider, and my first impression was that turtles were kinda crazy. The videos I saw gave overviews of candies without context, and some of them explicitly said they were proof of Yizhan love while still having that fake story disclaimer. Basically, it was a big confusing environment, and it's why I resisted buying into bjyx so hard for so long. It all seemed delulu.
But in reading more, I guess part of that is the point? Recognizing that gg and dd are in a vulnerable position should their relationship ever come out, having so much noise to muddy the waters makes a twisted, clownish sense. I don't know who came up with that convention or if it just kinda happened (is it a normal thing in c-ent? I don't know enough about celebrity fandoms), but hats off, I guess.
With the supertopic recently hitting 4 million active fans, there's something heartening about such a depth of support for the guys. I'm not naive enough to think all 4 million (plus international fans) are allies to LGBT folk in general, but it surely means something to ggdd to have that sort of support for their relationship. Honestly, it means something to me, as a random gay chick on the other side of the world, to see a gay couple get that kinda of support behind them.
I started watching the bts because I was afraid there'd be a lot of cynical homophobia on the set or some evidence of all the male cast being icked out by the whole thing. Instead, I got gg, who was so passionate about WWX being gay. I love that everybody knew they were telling a love story with as explicitly as they could get away with. I love that the guys wanted more Wangxian scenes and that the cast and crew made "everyday is everyday" jokes in a non-mocking way. I'm glad that the whole shoot seemed like such a positive environment for the cast and crew to being themselves and tell a type of story that they may not be able to be involved with ever again.
So, yes, this is my zen turtle place. When I set up a soapbox for myself, I didn't think too much about the fact that people would respond, but I'm so grateful to have had a chance to talk to some other turtles! Everybody is lovely and thank you for sharing my enthusiasm.
Like I said in the beginning, I don't have the time to keep super-active in the long-term. I had intended to write up my thoughts and poof away. But I do also plan to keep up with gg and dd and turtles, so instead I'm just gonna leave off with the potential for further posts down the line.
I'm not gonna be incredibly active, so please don't expect frequent updates or interactions from me. But if I have more Yizhan thoughts I'll pop up again with a post (I mean, I do have lots more thoughts, but nothing energizing enough to write about), or I'll leave a comment somewhere if I have something I simply must say. I'm also open to responding to asks about the timeline or anything else. And if I ever do stumble across anything groundbreaking with regards to the timeline, I'll probably add that in, because I'm particular about things being complete.
So thanks for being so welcoming! It's been a joy to clown around and make up completely fictional stories with everybody here. 🤡🐢🙇🏼
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ask-rp-devra · 3 years
A few more days passed, the whole island was preparing to lose two staff members for a short while so ther was a handful of new Pokemon squads on patrols, and a lot of handing over of work to Professor Grey and Pari who were happy to stay behind for the time being. Seeing as the trip to the Crown Tundra area in Galar was looming, peach had put in special permission to bring along Valka, her age and subsequently monstrous skill made her usually unable to travel, trained to a fine point, putting her in a gym battle or a league seemed very unfair, but the locals seemed to think she’d fit the bill, Professor Magnolia had mentioned the abundance of legendary Pokemon in the area, so it would seem wise to take along a Pokemon that was able to hold its own.
With bags packed and bodies in seats the woman and her apprentice began the trip back to Galar, not only to collect more data on the new areas, but also to gather Devra’s team mates up to bring back to the island. The flight back was fine, Peach slept, drooling a bit, legs tucked up in the plane seat, her single Pokemon stashed for the journey, it felt uncomfortable having Valka in her pokeball, it didn’t happen often.
Devra had spent most of her free time packing for the trip, and the rest of it bonding with the two Pokémon she’d be bringing to the tundra. She had to make sure Aliza and her newest Pokémon Coal were strong enough to hold up in the tundra. Fiona helped her load with training her daughter, trusting her human to take care of Aliza but also wanting to make sure she’d be okay too. Now that they were on the plane Devra sat in the window seat, watching the clouds go buy. As they got closer to landing she gently nudged Peach. “Professor? We’re almost there.” She then looked out again, excited to see her mom again, as well as all of her other Pokémon.
Peach grunted, awoke with a jolt, and looked around, dazed and somewhat still very asleep, looking rather disheveled. Drool sticking hair to her face, squinty tired eyes, and a miserable headache. Water and pills as she waited to get the green light to get off the plane, and finally see her partner again, the ball sat in her pocket, in her hand, waiting patiently.
by the time they had disembarked, got their luggage and had caught a flying taxi towards Devra’s home, they had been able to finally take in the scenery, and enjoy the view as they made their way back to postwick, a quiet little town full of wooloo keepers and families.
“you must be happy to get home, see the family, you’re old Pokemon.”
Devra had given the corviknight a warm hello when they were picked up, being familiar with his taxi team. “I’m super excited. I told mom we were coming the other day. I think she’s going to have tea and cake waiting for us. I think you’ll be happy for the tea. She says my Pokémon have all been keeping an eye out for me. I have a feeling there’s going to be a mob when I get of the taxi.” She laughed as she saw her house come into view, here eyes bright and happy.
The pair thanked the taxi driver, and his delightful Pokemon, watching them fly off, leaving them outside a quaint little home, the front door swinging open in haste, a woman stepping out, presumably Devra’s mother? Peach smiled a bit, trying to come off as pleasant, and let Dev take the lead here. In her pocket she could feel the pokeball shake, Val trying to get out.
“not yet bud, let’s just get settled, not long now.” She murmured very quietly, not drawing any attention to herself.
Devra glanced over at Peach, her own poke balls in hand. “You can let her out now Peach. Most of my guys know to be polite around new visitors.” She let out Coal and Aliza, the young ponyta snorting as she was finally able to stretch out. Devra quickly explained things to them before a loud cry was heard from the side of the house. “Oh boy...give me a second.” She got up and quickly put some space between the little group and the hoard of Pokémon coming at her. She soon disappeared in a mass of excited cries, her laugher still being heard.
This was...expected. Peach had caught Devra chatting on her phone across videos to a lot of these Pokemon, all shapes and sizes, so she took a perch on the fence out of the way, and let the mob rush over and get their affection out of their systems. The poor girl within the crowd was far from unhappy about it all, they seemed like relatively well behaved Pokemon. While the ruckus went on, she release her darling fire type, who shook her whole body thoroughly, hating the feel of pokeballs, sending little embers out of her fine fur, before seeing the group, and scaling a tree to be as far out of the way as possible. Peach looked up to her, a small almost unnoticeable grin on her face. “you’re probably right to get some distance, never been one for socialising hey buddy.” She grumbled, folded her legs up under her and sat like a loaf in the tree.
As Devra made her rounds through the mob, four figures bounded over to the grumpy woman. Two of them were applin, both rolling around at her feet. Then a smaller than normal dreepy floating slightly behind the excited little ponyta that stood happily in front of peach.
The quad of new and quite familiar Pokemon approached, Peach for once had no snacks in her pockets, fresh from the airport with its restrictions, she rummaged to no avail.
“ah sorry guys, I normally have snacks on me, I’ll have to go shopping sometime soon.” Instead holding her hand out to see if they wanted to sniff. The applin had her attention in particular, her trip to Galar was cut short due to a medical emergency back at the labs, so she never had a chance to catch any or observe them. “you’re all certainly very strong looking aren’t you.” The ponyta reminded her of home, in a weird way, growing up with the species just being around, she became use to them from an early age, though this youngster was Galarian and very different in appearance.
Devra looked over at peach and grinned, seeing her with four particular Pokémon. She managed to make her way over to the little group, her Gardevoir holding onto her harm as she went. “Looks like you met your surprise.”
“my what?” She was a little dense at times, head empty. By this point they’d gotten a bit closer to her, she had been able to pet them all a little, besides the Dreepy who was a little more shy from the looks of it. Val stayed high up and observed quietly, she was use to sharing her human, this was not new to her.
“Your surprise! You were so excited when you saw the Pokedex entries for applin, and curious about Dreepy. So I thought I’d get you a gift for all the help you’ve given me. The ponyta is kind of a bonus. The dreepy has gotten kind of attached to him, so I don’t think it would be smart to split them up.” She laughed as she was hugged buy the gallede as well, the two obviously fond of their human.
“wow, that’s really thoughtful of you, you know you didn’t have to do all this right? But thank you regardless.” Peach didn’t think she’d be getting a few team mates so fast, some may have to go home for now, they’d be too young for battling in the Crown Tundra just yet. “‘what do you all think then? You want to see if we get along? Don’t have to stick with me if you gave it a try and don’t enjoy it, but it’d be nice to get to know you all a lot more for sure.” She directed her questions to the Pokemon before her, not focusing on the little ghost type too much to not freak them out. It would certainly be nice to have the company, and there was no other fox pokemon so Val wasn’t bothered by their presence at all. With so many around it really felt a bit more like home.
Devra laughed as the applin bounced happily. “Oh don’t you worry. They’ve been super excited to meet you. I’ve been telling all about you and what you do for Pokémon. The dreepy has been excited too, but he’s just a little shy.”
“oh! So you all knew me before I even knew you, well that explains why you all came over so quickly.” The woman laughed a bit, noticing Val descend from the tree behind them, sitting bout a meter back from the others, there was a shimmer you could almost not notice around her, she was putting up a barrier to give herself some space, but seemed rather calm and not at all in discomfort around these new faces. Peach shifted to the side a bit, gesturing to her beloved partner. “well then everyone, meet Valka, she’s...well, family. hopefully you’ll all get along and learn a lot from each other. If you’re worried or want some advice, please ask me or Val and we’ll try to help.” Her attention shifted to the Dreepy who was still hiding a bit behind the Ponyta.
“‘Ah, and don’t worry little guy-“ her eyes glanced about secretively, trying to be a little less scary with her expressions, softening as she whispered a little to him. “‘you and me can be shy together, I’m not great with big crowds or lots of eyes on me either. If you ever think it’s too much for you, you can hide behind me and I’ll scare off whoever’s bothering ya, I’ll be the brave one when you can’t.” She did laugh, this wasn’t the first shy Pokemon she’d had to handle, and they had a lot of love to give normally, just took time to get them comfortable. Her attention now off of him, she let Val so her usual thing, advance to the group, sit in her lap, and discuss with the others, get ting to know them a bit. One applin seemed happy to crawl up onto the professors shoulder, the other wiggling up next to her leg where she sat.
“‘honestly Dev they’re all darlings, I’m sure we’ll all get along great in time.”
She grinned happily as she watched Peach with the little group. “I’m really glad it worked out. I was a little nervous that they still might be too shy. Well, besides the dreepy. Oh!” She dug in her bag and pulled out an odd looking apple. “I almost forgot this! It’s a Sweet Apple. You can use it to evolve one of the applin into an appleton.” There was a happy rumble from behind her as her own Appleton stepped forward. “There’s another apple called a Tart apple that can get you a flapple like mine too. But I haven’t been able to find one yet.”
The mention of the specific fruits found in Galar caught the professors attention, also noticing the big rounded Pokemon approach upon seeing it. The Appleton was actually surprisingly small for a dragon type, shin height, and possibly the cutest looking thing peach had seen in a while. She accepted the fruit thankfully and had to look it over, sniffing it, and all too tempted to take a bite to figure out what it’d be best suited to, from the name, it’d be a really good eating apple, the tart one however would be a cooking sort no doubt.
“ill have to keep my eye out, I must have missed this all last time I was here, good thing you kept your eyes peeled for this.” She let everyone of the new youngsters around her have a chance at looking over the apple too, even Val took a sniff. It was always good to let them see as much of the world as possible, and all the items it contained.
“Maybe one of the pair will like the chance to evolve one day, they’ve probably had time while staying here to meet your pair of Pokemon who chose to evolve, so who knows.” She looked to the two Applin who she had become very fond of quite quickly, they had surprisingly big personalities for such small species, giving each other grief at any given opportunity, like bickering siblings. “they’ll figure it out when they are ready.”
She smiled as she glanced back at the house, waving to her mom as she came to meet them now that the chaos had settled down. “My moms name is Olivia by the way. Not sure if I told you that.”
“you did not.” She said matter of factly, and stood to greet the woman who looked very happy to see her daughter. The woman herself had a fair bit of resemblance to Devra, they shared a few mannerisms too peach noticed while offering a smile and a handshake, which did slightly throw Olivia, she had intended to go for a hug, but saw the social queue and changed it up.
“it’s really nice to meet you, you’re daughters been a real asset out in Johto, you should come and visit her some time perhaps, see what she gets up to.”
Olivia smiles warmly at Peach as she shook hands with her. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you as well Professor. Devra has told me so much about you and the island. I’ll have to make a trip out some time. I’ve been meaning to take a holiday for some time now.” She then turned to her daughter and gave her a massive hug, inviting both of them inside for a rest before they continued their trip.
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kristalpepsi · 3 years
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Temptation Stairway Thoughts™ + Theory Discussion
TW: blood + Death mentions, Implied (forced/pushed) integration (systems), racism (against asians), unreality stuff bc the show is Like That, Trauma causd by therapy
TL;DR = I mainly talk about implied integration, n as some1 in a system tht! mkes me uncomfy! I mainly will talk abt wht I’m calling the multi-ena theory (n anothr theory ill call the Multiple/Multi-Enaverse Theory) thts been popping up n disccng how thts kind of the bggst thng keepng me on board! I won’t LIE I might b a little biased bc I rlly do like thise show b I am NOT blind so I will try 2 address som things. I also talk alot abt the Shepard n Phindol bc I love themb so much they make me very heart Big.
Obviously Joel G Highkey/definitely/most probbly did not intend 4 any of thise, but media is very complic8d so u cn end up accidntlly making problmtc things or implyng not great things
I hav a typing quirkkkk so if u cant understand my post I rlly dont blame u! I’m sorry how I type is Incomprehensible™
Not an angry post, more like my brain is holding me host-ge until i talk abt everyth dskfjhd!!
DO NOT Send anyone in thise post hate or angry asks/messages or perish by my sword
OK so this recnt episde has me w vry vry mixd feelngs!!! I’m both happy n exctd! b litrlly 2 things is whts bothrng me. While I CLD jst say :I Am Lookng Away: i rlly do need 2 write it down. Under a Read-more bc im secure SKSJ
Part 0: I’m uncomfortable help
The Section wher i tlk abt n bring up othr ppl’s concerns
So fr most if nt all the frnds I hav who also wtch Ena ALSO has a vry “vr vry mixd feelngs now tht I’ve seen the episde!!” mood twrds Temptation Stairway! It’s 4 a bunch of rsns, like thise post (tw racism) mde by a frnd whch brings up a good point
Part 1: The Actual Intro
Episode 1 = Auction day (AD) Episode 2 = Extinction Party (EP) Episode 3 = Tempation Stairway (TS)
Who is Ena
Ena can b describd as an "abstract girl split in half, w 1 blue side n the other is her yellow side!" Each side (emotion/mood, 2 b specific) seems 2 hav their own voic actor credited along with seper8 credits 4 each mood! So far the canon sides r Ena (happy), Ena (sad), n Ena (drunk)! They seem 2 act accordingly: Happy acts happy n optimistc, Sad acts sad n especlly depressd, n Drunk acts confused n dizzy [In the Credits, it would look like thise: Ena (happy) by Gabe V., Ena (sad) by Lizzie Freeman, (drunk) Ena by Sam Meza
4 Episodes 1-2, thy follow thise pattern exctly! So we cn expect wht 2 see from them, n each voice actor is creditd accordngly as seper8 b all a part of Ena
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On epside 3, Ena is seen as actng diffrnt!! She's suddnly less predictabl! I say thise bc Suddenly, her voic Actors r not stuck 2 Only their sides. Thise is also emphasized when looking at the credit list! No longer is it "Ena (happy) by Gabe V., Ena (sad) by Lizzie Freeman" it's now jst "ENA by Gabe V. and Lizzie Freeman"
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Happy's voic can sound STRESSED n sad, Happy can tlk w Blue's side in mor control n Sad's voic can sound Really happy n optimistic. Somth's Diffrnt n Not The Same
Temptation Stairway Summary
Skipping 2 my point, The summary of the episode Temptation stairway is tht Moony and Ena have a bet 2 race 2 the Great Runas! The Great Runas, can grnt u any wish accordng 2 Moony n som of those Ena passes by on the wy. The wager, is tht "whoever reaches the top of the Great Runas n makes their wish 1st, has 2 pay the debts of the loser" (yes it’s phrased like that) As Ena journeys thru, The DIFFERENCES between Ena Temptation Stairway and Ena Extinction Party n Below, is mor obvious as the epsde progrsses, even 2 wher Happy's voic actor is the 1 screamng in agony 2 jst get murdered already. The Episode ends w Moony beatng Ena (but it's 100% possibl it can be the other way arnd, that ENA Beat Moony, b thats somth I'll discuss in a bit L8r). Moony splits in half, revealing that according 2 her, "she wished 2 be skinny" n a humanoid coms out of her previous form. As 4 Ena, Her blue side slowly dispprs n its not answrd why.
Theories so far, are:
Moony wished 4 Ena 2 b happy (or 4 her sad/blu side 2 go awy. 4 wht reason can b eithr wholsom or 2 Moony's advntge [like so she "doesnt have 2 deal w Sad Ena"]) - b if Moony wished 4 Ena 2 b happy/b rid of her sad side, tht wld mean perhaps she lied about wishing 2 be skinny (her new humanoid form may be how she is "paying her debt 2 the loser"). Unless the Runas can grant u more than 1 wish.
Ena ws the 1 who wished her blu side awy, whch is a little depressng tbh
If both the above r tru, it may b possibl bc it wsnt clarified (afaik) tht the great runas can only grant ONE person a wish (or more). I think we only get tht implica8ion bc we see 1 (open) door while in the distance, ther r more doors tht look like their eyes r closed. We hav 2 remembr Moony said "whoever makes their wish 1st whch means Ena n Moony can totlly mke wishes @ the sme time
Somhow, turning pure yellow/only happy is how Moony is payng her debt 2 Ena(??) (opposite 2 the 1st theory)
OR If Ena won the race, it can even b possibl 2 consider tht Ena did not make ANY wish, n her debt 2 pay 2 Moony is her sad/blue side removed (I do not subscribe 2 thise) 
This info that was brought up 2 me is high evidenc that Moony won the race, n it explains how Moony surprises Ena whn Ena arrives. “I’m The Best and you’re the worst! I wonder who got the hair chest?” said by Ena, is a direct reference 2 a phrase usd by kids when they lose that goes “First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest.”
“Whoever reaches the top of the Great Runas n makes their wish 1st, has 2 pay the debts of the loser.“ Might be phrased tht way as a weird way 2 pay 4 ur greed? (Last minute addition from me since some people wld think this is quoted wrong in and outside of the youtube comments)
i'm p sure ther may even b mor theories b i dont rmmbr them OOPS
Part 2: The Implied Integration Part AKA: How the System!Ena theory is affected by this episode
TW: Final fusion discussion, medical trauma (Is that the right word)
Disclaimer: This is 100% unintended by Joel G. That’s y the Alternative title 2 thise part is “How the System!Ena theory is affected by this episode”
2 GET IN2 the whole Implied Integr8ion part of my Essay™ I hav a theory calld system ena or sys!ena! (Check out my #system ena tag. This is in chronologicl order!) While thers no canon explan8ion 4 how Ena herslf is how she is, she mkes very intrstng n almst good accdntl Sys Represent8ion 2 me! They even show cofronting rlly well! I headcanon Ena as a system bc of the accidentl system!rep, but it explains 2 me y n how she switches! she has triggers 4 when she switchs 2 a diffrnt side, etc!
Ther hav been theories about Temptation Stairway in the past (before the episode cme out) wher ppl try 2 explain y the trailer Looks Like Tht. Besides theorizing abt the introduction of a new forme (I'm ok w just calling it Scared/Anxiety 4 now until 4rthr notic), 1 of the theories ive seen is tht Temptation Stairway's new introduced forme is due 2 being something akin 2 being "integr8d" (probably by force, accordin 2 the OP) (in other words, all her sides merge in2 one) n Ena being devast8td abt it
While tht theory is now DEBUNKED, bc the new forme clearly did not come out bc of being One Single Mind now, the "integr8ion" part of tht theory is unfortun8ly a littl tru
What is Integr8ion?
Integr8ion is not inherently a bad thing. In systems, ther are 2 definitions: "the breaking down of barriers 2 form healthy multiplicity, n then healthy communic8ion n less amnesiac barriers" and the othr, n mor FAMOUS definition bc its the oldest 1, is "final fusion"
Fnal Fusion is when all the members "fuse/merge" 2gether until ther is 1 single mind left. While not necssrlly a bad thng, final fusion n ther4 "integr8ion" is a scry thing 4 a lot of systems 2 talk abt, because in the history of Treatment, Final fusion is uslly somthng forcd on2 systems 4 the longest time :^(
Very valid 2 hav final fusion as a goal, b showng it as a desire n end goal is uslly seen as a sad n even scry thing 2 promote accdntly or not in media, bc of the previous traumas in the medicl/therapy world of system treatment etc
What's Worse. is tht if we apply the Ending 2 Temptation Stairway to the System!Ena Theory, thts wht hurts!!!
Scrolling back up 2 the possibl theories of who won the race and wht happened aftr, Either Moony or Ena wishing 4 the blue side/Sad Ena 2 go awy is rlly painful!
B I'll be honest, thts a RLLY biased n personal opinion i hav!! I've seen ppl think its rlly wholsom altho a bit Sad, tht the blue side disappears. I've seen ppl think its rlly sweet esp if it was Moony who mde tht wish
BSCLLY If I were to hold on2 the System!Ena headcanon while watchng the Temptation Stairway episode, its Hurtful, not rlly bc of the implied Integr8ion of Sides, but bc most top theories r that the blue side disappeard on Purpose either from Moony or Ena wishing her away or involvng the debt! It's like asking 4 ur sibling irl 2 Disappear and cease 2 exist. it's scary n rlly sad esp whn the audienc can c tht Sad, Happy, n Drunk cn almst b seen as their own persons n mite even b abl 2 interact w each othr (as seen by the many fanart of Happy n Sad having their own seper8 forms)
  Ok so Now tht ive described my intro n Main Beef w the Episode, here's a theory I cn rlly get behind tht dsnt mke me wnna cry behind a Denny's. Prsnlly it's a rlly relievng theory even if it mite b hard 2 take in
Ther's no name 4 it, som call it the Enaverse, b just so it dsnt get confusd w other definitions (like, u wldnt call it the Marvel Cinematic Universe theory, the MCU is jst wht it is) I'm gnna call it the Multi-Ena theory! Bsclly, there's mor than 1 Ena in thise universe. But I'll get in2 a sub/partner theory tht is also possibl: ther is mor than 1 enaverse n somhow u may or may not b abl 2 travel between them
Part 3: The Multi-Ena theory
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Something interesting I noticed was that the shepherds says “another ENA troublemaker?” Which definitely means more than one ENA/person has been there before.
(I blockd out the rest of the commnt not bc it ws bad, b i wantd 2 focus on this part of the commnt, but thise commnt will come up again L8r)
Not connected 2 System!Ena or the integr8ion issue I mentioned earlier, the multi-ena theory seems 2 b 1 of the top suggstd theories bc of many thngs! Bsclly n in short, thise theory believs tht in the series (or Enaverse), ther is multipl ena's! So fr i havent seen a post tht RLLY went in2 depth on thise so here is my attempt!
(See: above explanation on how the voic actors r credited 4 their roles individlly 2 explain my system!ena theory/intro) In episodes 1-2, Ena's diffrnt emotions/sides r creditd individually! In Temptation Stairway, Gabe n Lizzie Freeman r all creditd undr the sme nme, just as "Ena" (mening thise is a completely different Ena from the past)
Again, as said in my summry 4 Tempt8ion Stairway, thise Ena acts compltly diffrnt n is not follwng the sme "pattern" or rules as Ena did in Episodes 1-2! (Read above in my summary section) Either ther r stuff we've missd between Extinction Party n Temptation Stairway, or thise is a diffrnt Ena entirely.  I'd hav 2 sy prsnlly tht I'm leanng 2wrds the latter bc of how the VA's are crdtd. but if ur not convinced, let me continu:
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When we meet the Shepard in 7:52 of the episode, they say (verbatim) "Arghh... Another ENA trouble maker." which implies there r more than 1 Ena's
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9:08 - 9:19 when Ena jumps in2 the "Holy Code" where we head undrwtr in2 a sea of diffrnt doors, we see floating Ena models (n the comment section seems 2 gravit8 2 callng them "dead bodies") (Honorary mention: You'll notic they glitch in2 Mannequins if u pay attention 2 them). This piec of info is Direct Evidence 2 the multi-ena theory, bc ther r Explicitly mor thn 1 ena's on screen! wht's concernng n unanswrd tho, is y do they glitch in2 mannequins? Does tht mean all the mannequins we sw on screen in the begnng of the video (n onwards) were all previously an Ena? Is it only an Ena tht can transform in2 a mannequin or cn othr chrctrs also become mannequins?
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Not the strongst evidenc b i'll input it anywy: Ena's Action boxes (Like when she receivs or gives items) spell her nme her as ƎNA (with a backwrds E). The thing abt thise 1 is tht we can't compare it with Auction Day n Extinction Part bc they don't have any action boxes. BUT What we CAN compare is how she is spelled in the dialogue boxes of those speakng in diffrnt languages AND in the Credits! In Episodes 1-2, She's Spelled as Ena with this captialis8ion. In Temptation Stairway the dialogue and credits consitntly spell her as ENA in all caps. May or may not allude 2 her being diffrnt, b i will admit this is the most Strechiest piec of evidnc. Tru or not, I'd like 2 refer 2 Tempt8ion Stairway ena as TS!Ena or ƎNA, prsnlly 2 differenti8 her frm the othr episodes
Pronounci8ion: BUT 2 build on the above evidence, In the beginning of the episode, Moony DOES pronounc Ena's name in different wys a lot, startng w I-NA (ai-na), ENA (ehna), n finally JENA. And this isnt new! She’s been doing it sinc Auction Day (ee-nah/ii-na) n Extinction Party (ay-nah). Thise may or my not sggst that perhaps Moony's inconsistancy is bc these othr pronunci8ions or names cld b of other ena's she's met in the past w similr or diffrnt preferences! I’d say because of her constant switchng in the beginning of Temptation Stairway, it would lean 2wards that she may know different Ena’s @ once. Otherwise, c the Multi-Enaverse theory below
Note: Every othr charctr besides Moony (So far; Merci and the Shepard) Pronounces Ena as ehna (or ehna) so it might be that perhaps Eh-na is the universal way of pronouncng Ena?
Conlusions/thghts on this theory: I prsnlly like thise a lot!! It makes Enasonas Very Possible, b also tht any interpret8ion of Ena cn b corrct or possibl! It knda saddens me tho bc im not rlly sure if we'll ever return 2 the Ena we're used 2, I wldnt rlly want 2 b stuck w/o Sad bc I thnk her role is rlly neat n can b importnt, b im biasd. I also rlly subscribe 2 thise theory bc it means whtvr happend 2 TS!Ena ds not hav 2 be permanent in the long run; Again litrlly the only thng keepng me from gettng supr upset abt the ending of Temptation Stairway, is tht the prev ena’s r not the sme n wld possibly not do thise, or tht ther r othr ena’s out ther besides THISE episod 1, who wld nvr do tht, etc
Part 4: The Multiple Enaverses/Multi-Enaverse Theory AKA The Alternative In Defense of Moony Mispronouncing Ena’s name over and over
An alterntve 2 the Multi-Ena theory, is tht there is MORE thn 1 Enaverse! So bsclly, a multiverse theory. Primarily thise my explain Not jst Ena's sudden Shift in how diffrnt she is in thise episode b may also explain how Diffrnt Moony is actng in thise episode 2. While thise isnt the top theory i prsnlly subscribe 2 (sinc ther isnt explicit evidence besides it bein an explan8ion 4 Moony n Ena's weird/diffrnt behavior), it DOES open a lot of doors 2 intrstng things 2 thnk abt!
Bsclly Moony keeps mispronouncing Ena’s name a lot (in Tempation Stairway) n its Really Rude, esp consdrng she’s always said it properly (As in @ least 1nce in an episode n not switchng multiple times) b4! so 2 Explain her Sudden change in behavior, this is actlly a Different Moony, besides a different Ena. this is a whole different universe/timeline!
LIKE If not multiple Ena's, The different Loca8ions in Ena cn probbly b traversible across dimensions! The Holy Code may b the door 2 diffrnt enaverses. The Shepard's garden cld b an interdimensionl place tht is singular n deals w diffrnt beings passing thru! While i dnt hav mch 2 sy on thise, its RLLY Interestng 2 thnk abt
Like the Multi-Ena theory, thise also opens the doors 2 enasonas being vry possibl :^) Som ppl's evidences r all involvng Moony besides how Ena's rlly diffrnt
Moony can skateboard??
Moony's square shape hole can shrink 2 hold an item
while not strong ATM or frm wht i cn see, its still very inch restng!!! Tho I would sy it is VERY on par w the Multi-Ena theory anyway
Part 5: Honorary Mentions: Mini Theories
The Great Runas is actlly a play on the "Run As" Command! I'm not very Smart engh 2 break thise down vry well, b bsclly w all the allusion 2 "codes" n the Blood ID looking like a Chip, The Great Runas being abl 2 grant u wishes makes a lot of sense! This ws brought up 2 me from a friend (@ambercard​)!
like its a command line. so then the great runas being able to grant wishes makes sense if its digital world like all the code stuff says Allows a user to run specific tools and programs with different permissions than the user's current logon provides.
Runas is a command-line tool that is built into Windows Vista. To use runas at the command line, open a command prompt, type runas with the appropriate parameters, and then press ENTER.
In the user interface for Windows Vista, the Run as… command has been changed to Run as administrator. However, you should rarely have to use the Run as administrator command because Windows Vista will automatically prompt you for an administrator password when it is needed.
and my friend who i was talking to said that probably explains what the password was for and the blood id being a login or something?
its possible using the blood id akin to using the run as administrator command since idk their name but one of the people ena met said the blood id didnt seem like her which is like. if she isnt administrator then it would make sense that using that command wouldnt match who she is
My response:
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man do u realiz Ena uslly does not hav the corrct passwrd/admin privileges all the tme? Bc the guardian entity in extinction party askd her 4 1 b i guess it ws so Low Game tht it wsnt supr necsrry in the end
The Enaverse is all a computer code of some sort- most probbaly a game! AKA: This is a digital world
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... If we were too treat this world as a video game this would make more sense since different play through bus and all that. Oh god this feels like a fnaf situation, taking a video that just wants to be a video and turning it into a big serious thing
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Going with the whole ‘there are multiple enas representing the player’ theory, perhaps this ENA realized that she’s in a video game and isn’t taking it too well? But the game is kind of glitching out because of it.
Honorable Mentions: Random Info + Unanswered Questions
Ena seems self-aware of smth! (10:24 Ena screams "YOU'RE ALL LIVING A LIE!") May help the Run as command idea n the video game/digital reality idea! If not a video gme, they sure r Somewhere
What does the Great Runas look like?? is it the door? is ther mor thn 1 Runas?
What is Mariya n Gabo's Job? R they just like the Guardian Entity in Extinction Party but are assignd 2 this part/location of where they are?
In 6:30, wht does Ulysses mean by "Desires r never fulfilled nor quenched"? "You Will fail like the rest of them" Is he referring 2 the other Ena's that's passed by? who else have come n failed?
This Post Also brings up som good points I hvnt noticd yet!
Thise comment pretty much says everythng:
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Standout things from this animation:
-This Ena switches between a male & female voice at seemingly random instead Happy speaking with a male voice and Sad speaking with a Sad voice. The text boxes noticeably refer to this Ena with a reversed E, and The Shepard says "Another Ena troublemaker", implying that there are multiple Enas. We also see some Ena corpses flickering into the mannequin bodies at one point. Third, at the end we see Ena's sad half turn from blue to yellow over the course of Ena & Moony's conversation. My personal theory is that this Ena is possibly 'broken' in some manner. -Moony either doesn't care or dosen't realize that Ena's voices aren't matching the personalities anymore. -The grey personality appears to come out when Ena gets too stressed out. Notably the transformation involves the happy half turning into static and exploding out, erasing Ena's face in the process. It also appears that some physical trauma (in this case, Brick Frog kicking Ena) is necessary to exit the grey personality, unlike the previously seen 'blackout' personalities which can possibly be switched by the other personality exerting themselves (in the auction episode, Ena enters her sad blackout/depressed personality, then switches to Happy!Ena, who apologizes to Moony about her depressed outburst). -Moony's hole is capable of closing to hold things, and she also knows how to skateboard. -Judging by Ena's reaction, Moony's transformation at the end is weird even by this universe's standards.
aaaand thats all 4 now! I really hope thats all my brain can think of skjsdhfsdfkh
Feel free 2 send me asks abt Ena theories n stuff! While this is a Comprehensiv post, it’s definitely mor focused on the Multi-Ena theory n my thghts on the episode whn it comes 2 how it affects the System Ena theory. I’m open 2 questions!!
Last Edit: Feb 19 2021 (GMT +8)
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enasallavellan · 3 years
30 Day Dragon Age OC Challenge: Day One
Made by @meridok-old , I saw this and couldn't wait to do it! I'll probably take more than 30 days so I can post around my normal update schedule without flooding people's feeds.
Describe your character in 140 characters. Now have your character describe themself in 140 characters. Also provide any of the basic biographical stats you wish: full name, age, pronouns, gender, class/specializations, etc.
Enasal from my POV. 
Enasal is tiny, enthusiastic, earnest, and really, wishes everyone would just get along. She has really wild red hair that's akin to Merida from Brave, but she keeps it short and can't stand when it touches the back of her neck.  She's sensitive and ends up crying easily - it's how she processes strong emotions. She loves to be with her friends and always looks forward to meeting up with them to drink, get into shenanigans, make bets, and occasionally getting thrown around by Bull.  Sometimes the group goes overboard, but she has a lot of fun.  Eventually, she finds that she has some artistic talent.  She's always had fun with singing, but she's also learned that she has a bit of talent for art as well.  She loves Cullen very much, but hates when her friends tease her about him.
Enasal from her POV (And I’m going to write as she speaks in the fic because I’m a dork).
Okay, so I'm Enasal - I don't really like being called Inquisitor and... please don't use my clan name.
Anyway, so I have red hair.  It's a pain, but Cullen seems to like it - and Lady Vivienne taught me how to make some cream so it doesn't get too poofy.  Ther curls are actually nice and shiny!
What else... 
Oh! So I like to fight with double blades and I found a neat little trick with the mark.  I accidentally made a barrier this one time and then Solas helped me learn to summon them whenever I want.  Then I learned that I could move them around and whack people with them!
Well, my friends are really important to me.  Even if we tease each other a lot and sometimes they fight with each other, I know we're all a family.
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nicka-nell · 4 years
I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa and I'm a germaphobe - Chapter 34: From nightmare to dream and picture book (END)
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Words: 2.357 Warning: fluff, manga spoiler
Chapter 33 -  When everything breaks, I believe in you.     | Masterlist
(y/n) = your name | (l/n) = last name | (e/c) = eye colour | (h/c) = hair colour  | (c/n) = child name
Time flies and Kiyoomi holds his little miracle in his arms and hopes that her first words will be Father and not Mother. (y/n) is still at the weekly market when Kiyoomi sits on the couch with his little daughter and holds her tiny hands in his. “Fa- ther.” he forms the words with his mouth. But the little one looks at him questioningly. “Fa-ther” he repeats, but again nothing. Slightly sulking, he lifts her up and holds her tightly in his arm. “It’s no big deal. You don’t have to say Father yet. You’re still my little princess.” lovingly, he gives her a kiss on her little nose and watches her smile on him joyfully. It looks so funny when such a small creature smiles without teeth. “Kiyoomi? Darling? Are you there?” he hears the voice of (y/n). “We’re in the living room!” he calls to her. With the groceries in hand, she walks past the two into the kitchen, followed by Kiyoomi and her little ones. “Do you need help?” he asks, with his daughter still in his arms. “No. Thank you, darling.” she smiles and greets her husband and their daughter with many kisses. “Hello my little (c/n).” (y/n) greets her. “Mo-ther!” she mumbles incoherently to herself. Both look at her with big eyes. “Did she just say mother?” asks (y/n) Kiyoomi. For real? All the time he’s practicing the word father with her and the first thing she says is mother? “No, I think she said father.” Kiyoomi tries to talk himself into it. “She must have said mother.” (y/n) grins mischievously and looks over again in (c/n). “Did you say Mo- ther or Fa- ther my little sunshine?” Her tiny hands still cling to Kiyoomis shirt as she looks at her mother. “Mo- ther, mo- ther, mother.” she says a little louder and faster. (y/n) looks triumphantly over to Kiyoomi with her eyebrow raised, who turns away from her with an eye roll and sulking mouth. “You won. You two have already conspired against me. How will that be when she can speak properly?” he keeps pouting. “Come on, honey, come on. Don’t be such a bad loser.” (y/n) calls him from the kitchen. “Yes...” he murmurs surly and sits down on the couch with(c/n). - Kiyoomi is often at his training. However, try to take as much time as possible for his family. Because his family is the most important thing to him. He doesn’t want (y/n) to be solely responsible for the education. After all, they decided to have a child together. Therefore, he only plays as a substitute for the Japanese national team. But still has to come to important games. Today he has another game, fortunately in Japan. Somewhat tensely, he says goodbye to his two favorite in the morning and then goes to the hall where the game will take place. The hall is filled with several hundred thousand people and the crowd is raging as they see the players of the national team enter the hall. “So many people...” he muttered as he looked around the hall. “Hey, Sakusa, how’s your wife and daughter? Are they also at the game today?” he hears Ushijimas voice behind him. Thoughtfully he turns to his fellow player and stays in his movement. “Ushijima. (y/n) is fine and (c/n) is also fine. They are not here today. I think (y/n) wanted to meet my father.” He mumbles to himself. “Oh... To bad... I haven't seen them in a while. Maybe we’ll see them again at practice soon? Will you bring them back soon?” he asks curiously. Because he likes (y/n) and he also likes little (c/n). She liked to be lifted up by him or sit on his shoulders. “I can ask them if they want to come next time. Yes.” he answers him with a small smile. But what he doesn’t know, (y/n) had talked to his coach and managed to stand behind the barrier with her little daughter in the front row. She wore one of Kiyoomis jerseys and had also bought her little princess a small jersey, which was still too big for her, because the jerseys were only for children from three years. (y/n), with her daughter in her arms and (c/n), with a rattle and a flag bearing her father’s name, are looking for Kiyoomi. They start the game and Kiyoomi has the serve. “Go Dad! Go Dad!” brings him the voice of a very familiar person from the concept. With his eyes searching for the voice, he looks into the crowd until he sees his wonderful wife and his beloved daughter standing in the front row with a wide smile. A narrow but loving smile draws his face, and he waves to the two briefly, but then concentrates again on the game and makes one of his best serves. It is not easy for their team to play against such a strong team as the Argentina's. But after two exhausting hours they can look forward to it. Because they did it and they won. The players embrace each other with joy, but Kiyoomi is the first to break away from the embrace of his comrades. Then he wants to go to his wife and daughter. Hold them in his arms. “What a nice surprise that you two are here.” he greets them joyfully and hugs them. “You did a great job, darling.” (y/n) grins and gives him a kiss. “Great Dad! Great Dad!” Even the little pretty (c/n), who sits on (y/n)’s arms, is happy. She has her eyes, but her father’s dark and curly hair. “Come here my little one!” Like a proud father, he takes her out of (y/n)’s arms and lifts her up. The cameras on them don’t bother him. Because the most important thing right now is his family. “Hello (y/n)!” Ushijima greets her and looks at Kiyoomi. “Didn’t you say they weren’t here today?” Laughing, (y/n) beats her hand on his shoulder. “That was a surprise. He didn’t know we were going to be here." With a barely visible smile Ushijima looks from (y/n) over to (c/n), who also looks at him joyfully and reaches her hands out to him. “Wow just look at yourself (c/n). You've grown up so well my pretty girl. Shall we look again at the clouds and let you fly?” he asks her. She joyfully raises her hands, cause on Ushijimas shoulders everything looks completely different. After the departure of the Argentine team, the team decides to go to Osamu together with (y/n) and her little one to celebrate their victory. Having arrived there, Osamu is already expecting the troop, but is most looking forward to his little princess. When he sees her, he approaches Kiyoomi with sparkling eyes and takes the little one from his arms. “There’s my little princess! Do you want to come back to the kitchen with Uncle Osamu and make Onigiris?” he asks joyfully. “Yes! Uncle Osamu is great, but dad is greater!” Laughing, (y/n) puts her hand on her stomach. “That means better, my pretty one.” Thoughtfully she looks at her mother and then looks at Osamu again. “Dad is better!” She grins, but that’s fine with him. As long as he’s in second place with Kaede, that’s okay. When the two disappear in the kitchen, Kiyoomi and (y/n) sit down next to Atsumu, who still pouts because the small whirlwind did not want to come to him. She kept saying that Atsumu was a stray. Whoever taught him that... “Don’t sulk around Atsumu...” sighs Kiyoomi, who puts his hand on his forehead. “Did you really teach (c/n) I’m a stray? What's wrong with you Omi-Omi?” he keeps pouting. “But I'm right with that. Who knows where you’ve been all day.”, hisses Kiyoomi. Atsumu wants to answer him just as a voice prevents him. “Can we join you all?” This voice... He knows that voice. Somewhat surprised, Kiyoomi looks at the entrance and sees Kaede and his father entering the restaurant. “Father?” he asks a little surprised. “I wanted to congratulate you on your victory. Besides, I wanted to see my granddaughter. (y/n) told me she wasn’t coming to me today, but that I could come to the store after your game.” With raised corners of the mouth, Kiyoomi greets the two men. Not only did he have a wonderful wife by his side, an incredibly great child, friends who stand by him, and a well-running career. He has had very good contact with his father since his accident. He and his siblings were at their wedding and congratulated the two. He didn’t want his mother there. He didn’t forgive her for what she did to (y/n). His father is often at their home and plays with (c/n), reads to her or makes a few trips with her. His siblings also visit the three regularly. And his cousin? Yes, he is there almost every week and does a lot with them. And from Osamu and Kaede he doesn’t even have to start. The two are felt thirty of twenty-four hours a day there. They always help (y/n) when Kiyoomi is abroad. Sometimes he has to admit that he is also jealous. Because the men were also there in situations in which Kiyoomi himself would have liked to participate, but he had to go abroad for a volleyball game. For example, Kaede was there when (c/n) first said 'Dad is the best'. Osamu was there when she got her first tooth. But Kiyoomi was also there in many situations. He was there when she took her first steps, at her first word. When she was sick for the first time, (y/n) and he sat at her bed all night and measured her fever. He was also the one who got up at night when (c/n) cried. The only thing he didn’t like was changing diapers. To this day, he does not understand how such a small person can bring so much out of herself and how the diaper dustbin can stink so much. “But then you have to get her away from her beloved uncle Osamu.” (y/n) grins and puts her hand on Kiyoomis lap. Your touch gets him out of his mind. “Wait! Osamu won’t be the better uncle!” Kaede hisses sulking and stomping towards the kitchen. Followed by Bokuto and Atsumu, who also believe that Osamu should not be the only one who can seize this sweet little princess. Also Hinata wants to play again and runs after the men. “Osamu! Give us (c/n) finally! She is not just yours. We all want to play with her and make her laugh. The little mouse doesn’t always have to sit in the kitchen with you!” Atsumu calls to his brother as he stomps into the kitchen. “Yes Osamu! Just because you’re her godfather doesn’t mean she can’t do anything with her real uncle. So give me my little princess.” Kaede also calls to him into the kitchen, followed by Bokuto and Hinata. Ushijima, who is sitting at the table in front of Kiyoomi, clears his throat and stands up. “If you’ll excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom.” He says in a quiet monotonous tone. But he does not move towards the toilets, but also goes into the kitchen. “Don’t be so loud. You still scare little (c/n).” he says earnestly and goes over to Osamu, who holds (c/n) in his arms and protects her from the men in the kitchen. “May I?” asks Ushijima and takes without waiting for an answer, (c/n) from Osamus arms. “We both wanted to fly again after the game. Right?” Usually Ushijima never smiles. But (c/n) warms his heart, and without realizing it, his corners of his mouth warp. “Yes! Fly, fly, fly!” she shouts joyfully, while Ushijima puts her on his shoulders. “Excuse us.” are the last words that come out of Ushijima as he passes the men together with (c/n). Partly sulking, partly with open mouths, they all stand silently in the kitchen and look after Ushijima as he walks away with little (c/n). “But she’s still far too young to leave with such a serious person as Ushijima. She needs idiots like us...” Bokuto sulks. “She grows up so fast.” Atsumu complains when his brother pulls a rag through his face. “So! Now get out of my kitchen!” “If I’d known we were going to bring such a crazy bunch together, I would have stayed in bed today.” Kiyoomi sighs a little desperately and leans his head against (y/n)’s shoulder. “But this colorful bunch belongs to us Kiyoomi. They love us and we love them, too.” (y/n) answers, lovingly scratching his head with her hand. Yes, this colorful bunch belongs to them and somehow it also completes their colorful picture book. Kiyoomi would never have thought that he would be so happy at some point. And all this is thanks to (y/n). Her, her personality and his then sprained index finger. “I love you, my queen.” He whispers softly and a gentle smile draws his lips. “I love you too, darling.” Together with (y/n), he is already looking forward to getting old and cranky and sitting together with her in two rocking chairs on the terrace. Holding her wool while she knits little baby socks for her grandchildren. In the end, it was not wrong to face his fear... although he is still a germaphobe and could not completely overcome his fear... because he has gained something wonderful instead... A life like a picture book.
Taglist: @kara-grayson04​ @suna-allie​ @pleasemelafook-outta-ere​
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captain-mcdavid · 5 years
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word count: 3.3k
smut: yes | no
warnings: drinking, swearing, yelling, angst
You panicked as soon as you read the message, and then you calmed down a little when you realized what time it came in. His last message was sent forty five minutes ago. If he left when he said he did, he would have gotten here before you.
You pointlessly look out the window and down at the street, you can make out most of the cars and none of them look like his. And, if he was actually here, he’d need to get buzzed in.
The second that thought crosses your mind your stomach drops. If he left when he said he did, he would have gotten here when Lindsay was here. What if she talked to him? What if she spun some other web of twisted lies and that’s why he left?
You’re taking off out the door before you can stop yourself, she’s still waiting by the elevators, and you’re shouting down the hall like a maniac before she can leave, “Was Josh here?”
“Huh?” She responds, and you roll your eyes, your psycho bitch making an appearance when you find yourself laughing.
“Was Josh here? He texted me to say he was coming over, did he? And don’t even think about lying, I’ve had enough with your mind games.” You’re speaking a mile a minute, and Lindsay looks stunned at all the words coming out of your mouth.
“No,” She spits out. “He wasn’t here.”
You study her face, waiting to see if there’s any indication of her being untruthful but she looks serious, so you turn around and start back to your place.
“Oh and by the way,” You’ve barely even gotten a foot away when her ratchet voice stops you again, “If I’m never gonna see you again then you could use some advice, so listen carefully.”
You turn to look back and you feel like you’re in high school, getting publicly harassed by a mean girl. You should ignore her and leave cause there’s no where you’re walking out of this without crying, or getting arrested, but you can’t seem to be able to move. “I’m not the only person that’s fucked you over. Josh played you just as much as I did, and yeah we might be in the wrong, but so are you. You did nothing to help yourself. You’re naive as hell and that’s why shitty things keep happening to you.” The elevator doors open as if on queue and she steps in, and you pray to god that that’s the last time you’ll ever have to see her.
As much as you know you shouldn’t listen to her sociopathic rambling, you can’t help but replay her words in your head, and they sting. You’d never considered yourself naive before, but you were beginning to realize, as much as you hated to admit it, that Lindsay was kind of right.
When you tried to convince her that Josh felt the same way about you she had said, “I’m just trying to guard your heart since you don’t seem to be.” Those words had no true emotion besides vengeance behind them, but they were still true. You weren’t guarding your heart, you had no defences.
You went into the relationship the second time with an agenda, but as soon as you felt the slightest bit of reciprocation from Josh you went all in with no reservations, the exact same way that you did the first time. You had to admit you were setting yourself up for hurt, you knew what Josh was capable of, you should have gone in with more guard.
You’re so overwhelmed with emotions that it’s exhausting. You’re sad, and angry, and you’re feeling pretty stupid too, but you’re also just as confused. Where is Josh?
He should be here by now...
As mad as you are it’s hard not to be a little worried, what if something happened?
Against your better judgement you send a quick text, a simple question mark that after a half hour receives no reply.
The ice cream you’re eating isn’t doing much to take your mind off of the current situation. You shouldn’t do it, but your actions are purely based off of worry, so you press the little phone button by his contact. It rings through, then goes to voicemail, and you’re left yet again wondering what’s going on.
After more ice cream and countless episodes of friends, it’s four forty five in the morning, and you’ve convinced yourself that if something bad happened to Josh, you would have heard from someone by now, and you fall asleep.
The next days proceedings include work, and then most of yesterday’s activities, eating ice cream and watching reruns of old shows. Its bittersweet to see all of Lindsay’s things gone, the apartment looks empty and for the first time since she left, you actually take a minute to mourn the loss of a friend.
Sitting on the undressed bed in her empty room brings tears to your eyes, and for about a half hour you just sit and cry. Before you knew about her backstabbing ways you considered her your best friend. She was the person you turned to for everything, and now she was gone. Who are you supposed to lean on now?
Your pity party doesn’t stop there either. It’s not a good idea. Really, it’s not even remotely smart but you do it anyway. The ice cream isn’t making a dent in your feelings but maybe vodka will.
Drinking alone is a new low for you, but in your messed up mind what you’re feeling warrants it.
You’ve lost count of the amount of alcohol you’ve had at about six pm. And because drinking alone isn’t bad enough you might as well add day drunk to the mix too right?
You’re drunk dialing someone, but your mind doesn’t catch up to your actions until the phone is lifted to your ear, and when her sweet voice sounds on the other end, you break down in tears almost right away. “Mom,”
“Y/N?” She says, “Y/N, honey are you crying?”
You nod, even though she can’t hear, and she still keeps rambling. “Y/N talk to me, tell me what’s wrong,”
In one big long run on sentence you tell her everything that’s happened in the last two days leaving out the last two months, and she’s silent for about a minute once you finish,
“Oh honey,” She sighs finally, “I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Mom, I love him.” The words come out fast and you’re just as surprised to hear them as she is. Did you really just say that?
“Aw baby,” She says, and you just wish that she was here in person to hold you. “I think you should talk to him. Tell him how you feel, maybe there’s something you don’t know.”
“Do you think?” You choke, hiccuping in between words. “I thought you’d tell me to move on,”
“Sweetie, I can’t do that. Believe me I’m not this guys biggest fan at the moment but everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves. Maybe it isn’t as bad as it seems.”
You hiccup over the phone, biting your nails while you murmur out, “You think?”
“I hope.” She reiterates, “You never know unless you try.”
You breathe out a little chuckle at the end, biting the inside of your cheek before you whisper out, “Yeah I guess.”
“I wish I could give you a hug,” She says, and you smile at the thought. “Do you want me to come over?”
Yes is your first thought but there’s something you need to do, so with a small smile you say, “No ma, that’s okay. Thank you though. I love you,”
“I love you too sweetheart,” She says, and then you’re hanging up the phone, getting to your feet while you down the rest of the mixed drink in your hand. Moms always give the best advice so this was obviously the best decision.
You must look like an absolute train wreck to other people, stumbling out of your building and into an Uber, so obviously drunk on a Wednesday evening. As if you hadn’t already stacked up enough lows for the day, you’re adding another. Not only are you piss drunk by yourself, you’re piss drunk by yourself on a weekday. You probably couldn’t look any worse right now.
You can’t even imagine what your uber driver is thinking...
The ride is long and awkward but when you finally make it to Josh’s building, you step out of the car feeling like a million bucks. His car is in the parking lot, so he’s home, the sour feeling in your stomach that comes from drinking too much has settled and you’re just tanked enough to not give a shit that you look like a complete mess.
Your mood disintegrates almost immediately though because for the second time you forgot that you needed to be rung up. You stand blankly, staring at the door while you try to decide if you should actually do this.
You release a big puff of air before straightening your posture and dialling Josh’s apartment. It rings three times and then the message button sounds and words are fluttering out of your mouth before you can even stop them.
“Okay look I know you’re mad at me and I’m mad at you, both of us are mad and we both have every right to be. I did a shitty thing and so did you, but as mad as I am, and I am. I’m like seriously mad, I know because now when I picture your stupid cute face I don’t wanna smoosh it, I want to slap it, but despite all that, I want to fix things because I accidentally told my mom I loved you. So can you please just let me up?”
When you finish you’re out of breath, and there’s no response. You sigh deeply and then turn around, jumping when you see a very confused looking man behind you.
He has keys for the building in his hand, and judging by the look on his face, he heard absolutely everything you just told Josh’s ringer.
His eyes flick to the sign plastered on the door, in big letters it reads, “Do they live here? Holding the door for strangers: Its not polite, it’s dangerous. Help keep our building safe.”
You smile sheepishly, and he cautiously walks towards the building.
You watch as he opens the door, studying you from head to toe while you look back with a hopeful glance.
He sighs and then rolls his eyes, “You’re not a serial killer?”
You shake your head with a sweet smile and saunter in, quickening your step once you’re in the building. “Thank you so much. I promise you won’t have any trouble from me!” You opt for the stairs instead of taking the elevator with him, hopping two steps at a time to get up to Josh’s as soon as possible, only to stop at the top to catch your breathe before knocking on his door.
You tap gingerly at first, talking quietly through the barrier. “Josh, I know you’re in there. Please open the door I just wanna talk.”
This goes on for about two minutes before you give in and bang louder, nearly yelling. “Josh! Open the damn door. You said you wanted this solved and I’m trying but I can’t do that if I’m out here!”
When there’s once again, no response, you take to slamming your fist against the wood repeatedly. Someone is probably gonna yell at you for this but you really don’t care.
You’re just about to open your mouth again when someone yells your name from a few doors down. You look to your right, and Seth is standing in his doorway, looking at you like you’ve lost your mind. And you pretty well have. “What the hell are you doing?” He asks, walking towards you.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You fire back. Raising your hand to knock again, but Seth is quicker, grabbing your wrist before it can make contact.
“Are you drunk?” Seth asks, and you groan at how condescending he sounds.
“Yes,” You admit, “But I don’t need a lecture, okay? It’s been a shitty day, I just needed to take the edge off.”
“Looks like you’ve taken off a lot more than just the edge.” Seth observes, and you shrug.
“I might have drank half a bottle of vodka, but that’s none of your business.” You stab a finger at his chest.
“I’m not even gonna ask how big the bottle was.” Seth whispers, and you almost laugh.
“That’s probably a good idea,” You say, lifting your hand to knock again. “Josh!” You yell, and Seth shushes you.
“He’s not here.” Seth says, and you look up at him with an eye roll.
“Well then where is he-“ You’re in the middle of your sentence when you actually look at him, and when you see his eye, your stomach drops. His entire eye socket is coloured a dark purple, and you actually feel sick. That looks to you like an angry right hook from Josh.
“Seth, holy shit, what happened to your face?” You’re praying to god that his answer is not what you know it will be.
He looks at you with grave eyes, and shakes his head. “Do you really have to ask?”
You can see it vividly in your head, and it hurts to even think about it. “I don’t-,” You start, your voice coming out shaky. “I don’t get it. How?”
“He saw your purse by the door when he came in.”
“Seth,” You reach out to touch his arm but he calmly steps back, avoiding your gaze. “I’m so sorry. I should never have come last night,”
He just shrugs and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I can fix this Seth. I just need to talk to him. Where is he?”
“Y/N, he left.”
“Yeah,” You say dumbly, “But where did he go? I’ll just wait until he’s back or something-“
“He left, as in he went home. He’s gone for the summer.”
You nearly choke on Seth’s words, you can’t even process what you’re feeling but tears are brimming your eyes already. “He...” You suck in a staggered breath and swipe away the tear that falls, “H-he left?”
“It’s for the best.” Seth says, and you cover your mouth to at least attempt to control your emotions. “He needs some time to cool down.”
You stand in silence for a moment before Seth touches your arm gently. “Do you need a ride home?”
You shake your head immediately, and he looks like he’s about to press further, so you cut him off, “I just need to be alone I think.” Seth gives you a semblance of a smile before heading back down to his place, and once the door shuts behind him the tears flow freely.
You’re holding back sobs the whole walk down, trying to focus on anything but what Seth just told you.
It’s inevitable though, and as soon as you’re outside, everything comes out all at once, and you’re collapsing onto the curb bawling your eyes out.
None of this makes sense to you anymore. You’re so utterly confused with everything that has happened that you can barely focus on one event at a time. All the lines are blurred and you have no idea how to clear them.
In a last ditch effort you pull out your phone, opening your conversation with Josh. You type the words fast, sending them before you have time to second guess it.
Nothing happened between me and Seth.
You don’t know why you stare at the screen, waiting for something you’re sure is not gonna happen.
But then you wipe your tears and look back, and instead of seeing the dreadful “delivered” note under your message, you see a read receipt. Your breath hitches in your throat and you watch as the text bubble appears and disappears numerous times. He’s debating what to say, and you wish he’d just let it all out, but the message never comes. It disappears for about a minute, and you’re close to giving up, when your phone vibrates in your hand, Josh’s name lighting up the screen.
You answer it without hesitation, but freeze as soon as you lift it to your ear.
You sit there holding your breath, taking in the silence, unable to form words, and then he speaks.
You suck in a breath, finally pushing out a word, “...Yeah?”
He doesn’t say anything on the other end, and once again you’re left in silence. About a minute goes by and you’re worried that you won’t be able to hide the sounds of your sobbing anymore, so you whisper, “You punched Seth,”
He sighs, but doesn’t say anything, so you continue, “Josh, he’s your friend. You shouldn’t have done that.”
Josh laughs bitterly and immediately you know this isn’t going to go well. “Yeah well you probably shouldn’t have slept with him to get back at me.”
“I just told you nothing happened,” You defend yourself, and almost stop there but his comment is unwarranted and hypocritical, so you call him out, “But even if I did you did the exact same thing to me so don’t go getting all moral here,”
You really didn’t want to have a screaming match with him but how can you help it? He gets so angry so quickly and tries to pin everything on you. It’s impossible to have an actual mature conversation with him.
“It is not the same thing,” He backs, and you find yourself rolling your eyes.
“Are you really trying to deny the fact that you cheated on me with my best friend?”
You’re unable to catch it, it just slips out, but when it does you know he’s gonna use it against you.
“Oh get over yourself, we were never together. I didn’t cheat on you, stop trying to make this worse than it is.”
You knew his response would be harsh but you didn’t expect that. That was worse than you thought. Every word has more and more venom and you actually start to feel physical pain.
“I am not the one making things worse here, Josh. You are the one that fled the fucking country to avoid talking this out!” Every word comes out louder than the last until you’re yelling right back, finishing your rant with fire.
“Cause maybe I didn’t want to!” He shouts back, and you swear you feel your heart stop.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask quietly, petrified for his answer.
“Why are we acting like there’s feelings here?” He starts, and you hold your breath, waiting for him to continue. “All we were doing was fucking so why are we acting like it was more?”
Cause it was. And you know it.
Those words don’t actually come out of your mouth though. Nothing does.
“I left because I couldn’t care less if we fix this or not.”
You really don’t believe what he’s saying right now. There was more. You both felt it, he’s just hurt.
That’s what you tell yourself at least.
“You don’t care? Is that why you punched Seth? Cause you don’t care?”
“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore, Y/N.” Josh sighs, and you have to pull the phone away from you momentarily because if you don’t, you think he might actually be able to hear your heart breaking.
“Fine.” You say, but it’s not. “We won’t. This is done. Have a nice life Josh.”
And then you cut the line.
i’m kidding it’s not done. pls don’t come for me.
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nautiscarader · 5 years
marco/harem 22
() (Ao3) (next>>)
As a psychologist, Marco Diaz wasn’t exactly used to making home visits, but in the recent months, he had to end his work an hour earlier to make sure he’d be able to make all the stops along the way. And he had quite a few of them…
The canvas of reality was set aflame and torn apart when Marco used his dimensional scissors, stepping into the familiar, stone chambers of Mewni’s royal castle. He looked around the seemingly empty bedroom, until a raised voice attracted his attention.
- Marco! - Star shrieked, as she stepped outside her screen - I thought you were gonna be later, I’m-I’m not ready… - Well, I managed to sneak out earlier. - he smiled and opened her arms, welcoming his partially clothed girlfriend.
Their lips met in a long, ravenous kiss, and their arms automatically gravitated towards their backs; Marco had to make just a few moves to undo the last pieces of her royal attire, while Star pressed her hands against his bottom and used her magic to puff the clothes away. She let out a giggling purr when her naked body met with his, and she was able to smell the familiar cologne and enjoy the muscles on his chest.
- How was the day for you? - Marco asked, kneeling down, peppering breasts of the Mewnian princess. - Oh, nothing unusual. - she toyed with his hair - Just some problems with monsters and Mewmans, but nothing serious. - They still don’t like it? - Some don’t… - Star sighed, and Marco at once closed his lips around her nipple, hoping to ease some of the problems of his magical friend.
It’s been good ten years since Queen Eclipsa brought peace between the monsters and Mewmans, with the help of Star, Moon, and the rest of their entourage, and while Mewni could claim was mostly at peace, there were a lot of smaller problems that cannot be solved even with magic. And as Star was instrumental in bringing down Mina, she was usually the unconventional diplomat to to the job.
But now, she was just a woman moaning under Marco’s caresses that slowly ventured down. And nothing encapsulated Star’s ability to be the bridge between two worlds than her enlarged belly that Marco was worshipping right now. tired of standing up, the two hopped onto her spacious bed, giving Marco chance to cover the entirety of her baby bump with kisses, naturally gravitating to the most delicate and arousing part of her body that attracted Marco with its enticing smell the moment Star spread her legs.
- And… and how was the magical… high… commission… session? - Marco asked, sneaking a kiss between words that made Star shiver with anticipation. - Have you…. seen… Hekapoo? - Why don’t you… ask.. ask herself?
Marco rose from between Star’s legs, and he didn’t have to look back to feel the fiery presence behind him, when Hekapoo cupped his face and tilted his head back.
- Hey, there, Muscles. - Hey, there, H-Poo. - he replied, placing a kiss on her hot lips.
Star scooted aside, leaving place for the third visitor that soon got rid of her clothes with a quick fire spell and lay beside Star, giving her swollen breasts a quick massage to accompany Marco’s efforts.
- I thought I was gonna visit each of you separately. - Marco raised his brow and continued licking Star’s puffy pussy, keeping a tight grip on her quivering legs. - Like the usual? - Yeah, but where’s fun in that?
A third voice reached Marco’s ears when Jackie and Janna walked out of the bathroom, their robes being the only barrier between him and their naked bodies. Star, though her mind was quickly becoming a bliss, touched her bed that grew in width, giving the two human girls place to rest their tired bodies.
- Is Kelly gonna visit too? - Marco asked, trying to divide his attention between Star and Jackie now, sneaking his hand between her legs. - It wouldn’t be a complete set without me!
Kelly replied with a slightly croaked voice, arriving through another portal. She waved her wolf Jorby goodbye, and let the portal close behind herself. Compared to the other four, she was the oddest one, clad in a suit of armour that disappeared when her vast hair covered her body and sheathed anything that could prevented access to her naked body.
- Don’t tell me you forgot, Diaz… - Jackie gave Kelly a hand and made the green-haired girl comfortable right next to Marco, already salivating at the sight of his muscles. - Forgot? - Marco asked, emerging from between Hekapoo’s breasts. - It’s been exactly four months… - Kelly answered, stroking her equally swollen belly. - …since we got here, in this very room… - Janna continued, placing delicate butterfly kisses across Jackie’s belly. - …and we got very, very horny… - Star added, taking his hand to put it on Janna’s stomach. - …and then you bred us.
Hekapoo finished, in a low, and smoky voice, before she pushed his face against her enlarged tummy, eagerly waiting for his caresses. Marco blinked, watching sly smiles on his five girlfriends, and he couldn’t believe that it has been nearly half a year already. Many things have happened ever since that fateful night when Marco Diaz engaged in a marathon of love-making that would have been near-perfect night of indulgence if not for a tiny detail that Star forgot to cast her protective spell on herself and the others, ensuring that the seed Marco has flooded them with will find a very fertile ground.
It wasn’t easy coming to realisation that he will be a father five times over, but if there was something Marco could be sure of was that with enough help they would be able to overcome any problem. He worked five times harder, but each of his girlfriends offered a supportive hand towards the others, sometimes quite literally crossing boundaries of their dimensions. Marco couldn’t choose one of the women he loved, and so each day he made his trips, making sure each of the mother of his children had everything they needed. and of course, in many cases, what the needed the most, was Marco himself, proven by their ravenous stares and handsy gestures.
Kelly was the first to grab Marco’s cock; she fixed her glasses and began licking him, tasting first drops of salty, raw cum. Jackie and Janna followed their friend, and soon three mouths and six hands caressed Marco’s tool, while his hands and most importantly, lips, were had to be split between Star and Hekapoo. For once, Star didn’t have to feel inferior to the other gals, as her blessed state made her breasts a bit more prominent, though compared to Hekapoo she was still smaller. But for Marco size didn’t matter, as he happily kissed, licked and nuzzled their very sensitive racks. With each hand between their thighs, Marco synchronised moves of his fingers, trying to give the lady on each of his side the same treatment, and judging by the amount of juices flowing from their pussies, he was on the right way.
With their pregnant bellies, Kelly, Jackie and Janna found it a bit more difficult to maneuver around, opting to just lay next to each other and pass Marco’s cock between the three, letting each hungry woman get a taste of their lover, only occasionally meeting in between and giving him the triple presentation. Marco’s moan,s coming from between Star’s and Hekapoo’s bodies only slowed their roulette, as they knew the reward was going to feel much better if they let their man suffer just a bit longer.
Marco Diaz was more than busy, however. Once his fingers proved to be not enough, his face was occupied by Star, who unceremoniously pushed herself against his lips, bringing her wet sex to his mouth. Fortunately, she didn’t have to rely on help of others or strength of her legs to hover above him; she became coated in yellow light and soon afterwards, she was simply flying above him, feeling nothing of the extra weight she was carrying, giving Marco even better access to her pussy.
From his position Marco had the chance to observe her big, sensitive belly, and each touch of his invoked a deep and primal, almost religious feeling of ecstasy and pride. Even though he knew about it for the last five months, remembering that it was his child that grew in his girlfriends’ bellies, made him double his efforts each time. He licked, he sucked, he nibbled, and soon he was tasting Star Butterfly’s magic she was cumming with, and each lick of the thick, glittering juice tasted deliciously. But the butterfly was soon pushed over, and her delicate legs were replaced by heated thighs of Hekapoo that demanded very much the same from the lover that made the unthinkable and got her pregnant.
But before he had the chance to satisfy her, Marco had to let urges escape his body. Marco’s legs writhed and quaked, while the other three girls continued their triple blowjob. They could all feel the tension in his balls they caressed, and each tasted his cock for just a split of a second, wondering which one of them would be granted with his explosive orgasm. As he pressed his lips against Hekapoo’s pussy, Marco Diaz lost it, and his hips jerked, sending a fountain of cum into the air that soon found its way to coat one very lucky girl.
- K-Kelly? - Marco Diaz asked, breathing heavily and looked from behind Hekapoo’s body.
Just as he suspected, her hair were now only partially green, split with a hefty streak of white in between. Kelly smiled, took off her glasses and licked one end of the long, thick rope of cum, swallowing each and every single drop.
- Alright, Diaz, go on. - Hekapoo nagged him,and with that attitude in mind, he continued.
As the night went by, he made sure that reach of his girlfriends would be satisfied that way. After he brought Hekapoo to her orgasm, Jackie took over, while Janna climbed onto him and let his cock slide inside her. In the past months Marco read a metric ton of books, both from his and other worlds, about pregnancy and about risks making love to a pregnant lady can be. But given the fact that Kelly has juct came back from her training, and Hekapoo was still riding a dragoncycle, he concluded there could be very little wrong his cock can do to them.
The other ladies took care of each other; Hekapoo and Star were engaged in a heated 69, while Kelly sneaked herself behind Janna, supplying Marco’s cock and her pussy extra tongue work neither of them expected. Hekapoo preferred to be taken from behind, taking her by the horns giving her the memories of the night during which Marco has pumped her full of his virile seed, and she was more than glad to cheer Marco with her dirty mouth, telling him to fill her again and again. Star took Marco into the air, her six hands providing enough security to his adult, bulky body that allowed him to buckle him inside her, as if he was lying on her comfy bed. The others had to catch the two, though when Star was torn by her orgasm and her wings gave up. She as just a foot above their bed, though. Jackie liked doggy-style too, but insisted Marco would keep his hands on her belly, holding not one, but two future Diazes, and Marco was more than happy to grant her her wish, kissing her throughout their slow love-making. Janna and Kelly came up with a plan to be taken at the same time, and even though Marco had only once cock, they found a way to achieve their goal, closing their puffy sexes tightly around his stiff mast, and letting Marco’s hips do all the work, pushing up and down between them. This technique proved more than satisfying as Star quickly added her hands to they mix, caressing the cock’s head that showed up from between them, and with her help, their pregnant bellies were soon covered by the same sticky substance they were once full of and changed them forever.
Each of the women had their turn, enjoying Marco Diaz the way they wanted, and Marco gladly let them, though with each climax he lived through and each portion of his seed he filled their pussies with he got more and more tired, even by his standards. And so, by the end of the night he was merely supplying his girlfriends with hugs, kisses and body warmth, while his body rested from being torn by orgasm after orgasm. As Marco Diaz looked around, he oly saw content, happy faces of his ladies, all either chatting, or exchanging soft kisses with each other, leaking copious amount of his seed.
He crawled from one of them to another, placing a single kiss on their swollen bellies, receiving often equally tender caresses back. Janna spilled the beans that she has found quite a nice piece of dimension with enough time and space to build a house there, and the five talked, imagining how life under one roof could have looked like, giving Marco Diaz a breather. Their discussion was abruptly cut by a loud snore from Marco Diaz that found himself a nice spot to fall sleep, spread against Jackie’s body, using her breasts as a pillow.
He dreamt about life with the women he loved and their children he loved even more. He knew he still had around five months until they’d arrive, and he could be sure two things: that he’ll make their lives as good as possible, and that night like this one certainly won’t be the last.
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onadacora · 6 years
WTMYH’s Ending
So I said I’d do this ages ago, but never quite got around to it, so here we go.
Disclaimer: This was just how I mapped it out in my notes. The big strokes probably wouldn’t have changed, but some of the in-between stuff always ends up tweaked in the process. It also wasn’t 100% figured out how we got from certain points A to B so forgive any missing bits.
Okay so. Here we go. 
Chapter 209
Supposed to be Morwenna POV, big talk between her and Gaster about their argument that drove Frisk away, them reaching a mutual agreement about their admittedly-childish behavior. This was meant to be build up for their dynamic moving forward. @mod2amaryllis You had totally convinced me to do more with Gaster/Morwenna thanks to your wonderful art of the two of them. <3
The two of them were going to preemptively apologize to Hope for what happened, and then she was going to ask Frisk exactly what happened, and there was a possible subplot planned where she was going to get Gaster a pet or something to distract him and keep him occupied aside from pestering people.
Chapter 210
Fatima POV! A nightmare about her time with the Vigilum, focusing on emotional manipulation/deception by Avery Fletcher (the big bad from ACT Two, if you forgot) to highlight the source of her trust issues.
After she wakes up, she decides to text Chris to see if he’s awake so she can talk, he asks if he can call her, she realizes he actually WAS asleep but they’re all cute and this was more setup for their relationship. After Chapter 210
Those were the only two specific chapters I had planned out. So after that...
There were certain setup things I needed to do:
More monsters being killed by the Anathema, possibly even secondary/tertiary characters with recognizable names such as the Nice Cream Guy, Leveretta, or Bonnet. 
Deacon was going to spend more time with Howard (you know, the mage cop) talking about his concerns about having kids.
We were going to see more of a mage girl named Valerie Bowman, who had been introduced once before in an earlier chapter. She was going to befriend Fatima after a few failed attempts at flirting with Rashid.
Sans was going to start having flashbacks of his forgotten memories, mostly the ones with Gaster as he spends more time with his dad.
More moments with Morwenna/Grant/Gaster.
Bonding between Morwenna and the twins.
The kids were then going to get back to school as the summer ended, and after a few more people went ‘missing’. Enough that the monsters were starting to notice.
Frisk and Deacon were going to have some bonding over Frisk talking to him about using their magic, nudging Deacon a bit in the direction of giving having kids a chance (he eventually does decide to say yes to Bo, they eventually have a little sandy-colored wolf girl that @mod2amaryllis guessed correctly ages ago).
The timing of things are a little wobbly here but bear with me.
Fatima was going to start realizing her feelings for Chris, things there were going to develop.
Deacon, forever a grudge-holder, tries to warn her away from him, citing his flakiness with being there for Hope a million years ago as signs of his un-trustworthiness (and knowing playing into her own trust issues). He was also specifically supposed to drop the line, “He’s beneath you.” in reference to Chris as a callback to what the Busperson told Fatima before.
Hope would find out by accident from Gaster about the Geno runs. There would of course be some drama and fallout, and mostly tie in with some Themes of closure for Sans that we’ll get to in a little bit.
As more of the monsters started to go missing, the monsters start to cast suspicion on the mages. They’d spent years trying to get over their deeply-ingrained divide, but this new, subversive threat is starting to wear down that peace. 
In response to that, the Literatum decides to take it upon themselves to look into what’s happening to prove that it isn’t them. However, Fatima and Rashid are excluded from these ‘team meetings’ because Grant still doesn’t trust the twins, thinking that they’re still brainwashed by Avery and the Vigilum. They, of course, resent this.
Frisk and Asriel, who are also worried about what’s going on, also want to look into the disappearances. The two of them, the twins, and a hesitant and worried Chris form a ‘scooby gang’ to work on their own. (Chris is very worried, but wants to spend time with Fatima and Frisk, but also thinks that Hope is going to kill him if she finds out. He also feels kind of like the ‘idiot without magic’ in the party.)
Morwenna breaks things off with Grant again, frustrated with his stubborn refusal to believe Gaster and the hostility forming between Grant and Gaster. Morwenna has been spending more time with Gaster by this point. The very beginnings of a maybe-relationship start to form.
Then shit starts to get real.
Frisk and the scooby gang witness the Anathema killing someone, and specifically see it using Cyan Magic. Chris drags them away and they rush over to the Literatum who are currently having a meeting.
But when they get there, they discover that Howard is missing.
A little bit of time passes here, and it is believed that Howard is dead.
However, Howard had just been kidnapped by the Anathema and was feeding off of him because unlike monsters, it could drain some of the magic out of a mage without taking all of it, kind of like a vampire reusing a victim over and over again. Howard eventually found a way to reach out to the others while the Anathema was gone before getting re-captured. He is being kept in the Underground.
The Literatum stage a rescue mission. This culminates with Morwenna and Deacon getting separated from the party, but finding Howard and then getting cornered by the Anathema. Morwenna tells Deacon to take Howard and run, that she’ll keep it distracted so that they can escape. (The Anathema constantly fights with itself, between the multiple personalities of the primary Souls that comprise it, so she had a plan to manipulate that to her advantage.)
Morwenna ultimately sacrifices herself to save Deacon and Howard, citing the fact that they both have families who need them. (Bo, at this point, is pregnant. Howard has his wife and daughters.)
The aftermath of Morwenna’s death is explosive.
Grant, in particular, is devastated, and takes his grief out on the people around him. Primarily Deacon, who he blames for her death, and goes so far as to try and punch him when the news breaks. Grant and Gaster also get into a heated argument because Grant wants to start an all-out offensive against the Anathema, against better judgement.
Speaking of Gaster, he becomes very withdrawn and throws himself into his research into how to combat the Anathema. He and Morwenna had never began a relationship, but he’d been holding out hope of it.
Deacon, Fatima, and Rashid are all very much in mourning. They all saw her, in different ways, as a surrogate maternal figure.
The rescue of Howard and the discovery of the Anathema fully puts everyone into crunch time. 
This is where my notes start to get a little foggy.
Sans and Gaster come up with a plan to use The Machine to get the Anathema back into the Font. They do their best to keep Frisk and Asriel in particular uninvolved in this plan, since they’re children. Hope agrees. 
They get The Machine up and running again. This is particularly troubling for Sans, who has been using The Machine as a safety net in case of another Reset. This goes back to those themes of closure for Sans in having to relinquish this last piece of ‘safety’ from his past.
However, before they can execute the plan. Valerie Bowman (you know that girl from before) reveals herself as Avery Fletcher’s niece, there to exact some kind of revenge for her family (who are sort of on the outs with the rest of the Vigilum). She and her family don’t want the Anathema gotten rid of, instead wanting to use it for themselves (or something). So Valerie sabotages the machine.
This results in Frisk and Asriel ultimately having to open up another tear into the Font like before. However, this time Hope refuses to let the kids do this alone, and her presence and the way her Soul resonates with Frisk’s helps ground them and prevents the kids from getting sucked inside like last time (because of Chara’s Soul and its connection to the Font). This was meant to be a sort of echo back to the end of ACT One.
The end. Sort of.
So obviously there’s some holes in there. There was also a lot of debate on my end over how exactly the Anathema was going to be dealt with. I had a lot of stuff in my notes about the different Souls of the mages who comprised the core of the Anathema, in particular the Red Soul, who was a mage who was actually on the side of the monsters, who had married and had children with a monster and whose family was among those trapped behind the Barrier. 
She, along with a couple other mages on the monster side, were forced to help create the Barrier in exchange for the surviving monsters being spared instead of massacred. This was a big cause for the huge conflict among the parts of the Anathema, because they were enemies. The Red Soul in particular had held onto scraps of her sanity after becoming the Anathema, which is why we would never see the Anathema use Red magic against anyone. The Anathema’s central eye color would change based on which Soul was most in control, and she was basically never in control.
We were going to find out that the Red Soul’s family was actually Undyne’s family line. That one of her ancestors was a mage. Asgore was meant to later reveal this to her when, during an encounter with the Anathema, it refused to attack Undyne after the Red Soul took over and called Undyne by a different name before retreating.
There was also some uncertainty over what exactly was going to become of the Anathema itself. The groups within the story were going to argue over this as well because there were a few different ways to go:
They could try to destroy the Anathema. It would release, theoretically, every single mage Soul that they had absorbed, releasing all the contained magic. This would mean that mages would go back to their pre-war power, which has it’s own risks.
They could simply send the Anathema back. Let it continue to weaken mages as it removed mage Souls from returning properly to the Font and the cycle of human magic.
Or, what I think I was ultimately going to go with, they were (somehow) going to be able to alter the Anathema somewhat. Put the Red Soul in primary control of the Anathema through some method I was going to worry about later so that the Anathema still existed, but didn’t continue to capture Souls going forward. 
The ending was still giving me some trouble, as you can see, and there was lots of character-development planned between lots of different groups of people. (I have a LOT of notes!) 
But, well, this was basically how WTMYH was supposed to go!
If you have any questions about it, feel free to send me any asks or even a direct message, I’m more than happy to fill in whatever blanks I can. <3
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baepsaetan · 6 years
A Slice of Sweet (A Touch of Heat)
Pairing: Jackson x Reader
Summary: Prompt: "what tastes better, me or the hot chocolate?"
Genre: Fluff, Idol! verse
Warnings: Mildly suggestive content
Length: 2.7k words
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Burning into your lungs, the cold makes every gasping breath painful… which is unfortunate, because you’re laughing so hard each breath comes in a pant, and you can’t seem to stop. You duck under a snowball that sails over your head and hits Yugyeom in the shoulder, and he shakes his fist at BamBam, who grins and dives away. The white battleground, made dim by the late hour, has slowly degenerated into a chaotic sprawl, mounds of snow springing up here and there to act as hasty barriers for each team. For some reason Youngjae and Sana have spent the last half hour making a snowman near one of the streetlights that circle the park, only half-heartedly adding their snowballs to your team’s arsenal. The process is hampered by Jinyoung and Tzuyu, who are taking great pleasure in trying to knock the snowman over or hit the carefree duo – either seems to work.
You move away, not wanting to be targeted by the two, before scooping up more snow in your gloved hands. Breath misting out in front of you, you narrow your eyes, trying to spot the rest of the boys and girls as they dart through the darkness. A high-pitched laugh calls your attention, and you swivel. Mark’s doubled over, laughing so hard he almost looks like he’s going to be sick, and JB is racing across the field, white powder streaming from his hair, vengeance in his face. You’re not certain, but Mark probably pegged him pretty good. You’re even less certain your ‘enemy’ will live long enough to enjoy his hit, given the way your teammate JB is running. With a slight snort, you pitch your projectile at Mark despite his total distraction – all’s fair in love and snow fights, right? His yelp carries across the field as the cold, wet bullet hits him in the neck, and you smirk and bend over to grab more ammunition.
Which is when the ambush happens.
Suddenly someone crashes into you, knocking you harmlessly into a snow drift, and your indignant cry is closely followed by a victorious crowing that’s all too familiar. A weight settles on your hips, pinning you, and Jackson grins down at you with a smugness that would have been annoying if it weren’t so cute. His neck and chin are swathed in a thick red and yellow scarf, his eyes peeking out from underneath a black beanie, and his winter jacket is so thick you’re surprised he can move at all. He can, though, shifting to kiss your nose teasingly as you struggle to throw him off you.
“Aish Jackson, get off!” you complain, though your skin feels warm where his lips pressed against. Still – it’s the principle of the thing, and you’re not about to let your enemy (and boyfriend) say he beat you. Unbeknownst to the oblivious Jackson, your scrabbling hand finds a good clump of snow, and you go limp, pretending to be defeated.
“The first victim of the war!” he declares with a smile that’s entirely too happy. “Can true love’s kiss resurrect this poor girl?” When Jackson leans in to give you another kiss, you act – your hand flies up, shoving the snow into his face.
With a dramatic howl – you don’t know what else you were expecting – he collapses backwards, sprawling out onto the soft ground with his arms outstretched, looking for all the world like a kid who fell asleep making snow angels. His theatrical faint gives you time to get to your knees, snow cascading off your back and toque, and you shuffle to his side and then lean over him, trying to look stern. Jackson sneaks open one eye, sees you watching, and quickly closes it again. You snort under your breath before taking off one glove, reaching down and brushing some of the snow off his face. Under your palm his jaw tenses, obviously fighting off a smile, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Oh, what a poor boy,” you say teasingly. “If only he’d survived this war, maybe I would have kissed him.”
Jackson sits up like he’s been electrified. “It’s a miracle!” he exclaims shamelessly. “Your love’s brought me back to life! A kiss would totally make sure I don’t die again, though.”
The blond boy tilts his head expectantly, and you suppose it wouldn’t hurt. Leaning over, you brush your lips just barely over his before pulling back, still teasing, and he whines a complaint. His eyes are soulfully wounded, and you sniff, unsuccessfully fighting a smile. Mouth curling, you rest one hand on his thigh for balance and move closer. This time Jackson gently traps you, his gloved fingers finding either side of your face, though when you kiss him - for real this time - you have no intention of pulling away. His lips are warm but chapped by the cold, and when he exhales against your mouth, his hot breath flutters softly against your wind stung cheeks.
“Get a room!” someone shouts – it’s probably BamBam – and though a laugh rumbles in Jackson’s chest, he holds you tighter, your lips pressing together harder. You lean into him more, his warmth and stability drawing you in, and his arms shift to circle your back, tucking you more firmly into his body. Your eyes close with the feel of the velvety kiss, an encouraging moan rising in your throat, and you shift closer –
And the movement disturbs some of the snow that your hair and toque picked up when you first got tackled to the ground, making it slide in icy trails down your neck, and with a gasp you pull away from Jackson. Twisting, you try to shake the snow off, but that just makes it worse, the rapidly melting slush skating between your shoulder blades and following your spine. “Ugh,” you mumble, more ruefully than anything, and find your feet with the disgusted sound.
Looking down at the bewildered Jackson and dancing uncomfortably on the spot, you reproachfully say, “You could have kissed me without knocking me into the snow, you know.”
As some measure of understanding crosses his face, he laughs, totally unrepentant. “Yeah babe, but then you wouldn’t have been a snow angel.”
“Oh my god,” is your unimpressed response, but before you can stalk theatrically away, he grabs at your hand, hauls himself to his feet.
“Okay, okay, how about I make it up to you?” Leaning closer, he lowers his voice into a conspiratorial whisper. “Let’s ditch everyone and head back to the dorms. I’ll make you some hot chocolate.”
At this point you and the rest of GOT7, as well as some members of TWICE, have been outside for close to two hours, and you’re definitely not going to argue with the idea of going inside. Glancing shiftily at the people scattered throughout the field that you’ve claimed for the night, none of whom seem to be looking your way or inclined to leave yet, Jackson giggles and begins to tow you after him, constantly looking over his shoulder. You go willingly, raising your free hand in a cheerful wave when Sana happens to look your way. She smiles, shakes her head, and goes back to helping Youngjae shove a giant stick into their snowman to give it another arm.
No one else notices your departure, although Jackson is snickering so much you’re a little surprised no one hears. Still, you guys stumble out of sight and are quickly on your way to the dorm, never letting go of each other. This late at night, there’s almost no one around, and though most of the idols would claim they managed to sneak out right under the manager’s nose, you’re pretty sure he just let it happen. It’s close to Christmas, past midnight and cold out, and not too many people, even the fans, are likely to be out trying to snap pictures right now. The managers of both groups probably figured it’d be a nice break for everyone involved.
You get to the JYP building without any problems, and it’s a relief to stagger into the warm shelter, Jackson’s arm slung around your shoulder. By the time you get to GOT7’s apartment, you can almost feel your nose again.
“All my clothes are wet,” you complain as you begin stripping off your jacket and snow pants, neither of which did much to protect you after spending so long being pelted by snow.
“Such a shame,” Jackson replies, tilting his head. “I wonder how that happened?” He yelps and ducks the mitt that you fling at his head. “Hey, hey, we’re trucing right now, remember? How about you grab a shirt from my room while I start on the hot chocolate?” He arches an eyebrow suggestively. “No pants necessary.”
Your second mitt hits him square in the face, but as he staggers melodramatically you make your way out of the entrance hall and through the short corridor to Jackson’s room. You’ve been here a lot – it’s been over a year since you started dating – and there’s nothing uncomfortable about opening his door and stepping inside. The room is a little messy, but GOT7’s been busy with promotions, and Jackson has his own separate schedule on top of that, so you can’t really blame him. It doesn’t take long to rummage through his drawers and find an oversize shirt, though you’re mentally cursing taking your extra pair of sleeping clothes home a few weeks ago. Your boyfriend had been so busy you hadn’t gotten to hang out much, and finally you’d grabbed your comfy pair of shorts and casual top that you usually left here and brought them home.
Too late for regrets now. Some of the guys will probably give you a hard time in the morning, but it won’t cause a scandal or anything. Slowly stripping off your clothes but leaving the underwear, you wiggle into the baggy white t-shirt. Honestly, it’s not that ideal – falling only a little way down your thighs – but with just you and Jackson in the dorms right now, you’re not going to be too uncomfortable. You’ve just finished hanging your clothes to dry across his desk and over the foot of the bed when Jackson’s voice comes from the kitchen area.
“Babe, it’s gonna be done soon. You find something okay?”
“Yeah,” you reply, and leave his door ajar as you walk barefooted back to the kitchen. Even after all this time, there’s something really satisfying about the way Jackson pauses when you come into view, his eyes skirting down to appreciatively note where the hem of his shirt ends, his hands stilling over the mugs he’s been filling. The smile that comes to his lips is a little different from his usual wild grin, softer but still fierce, and under his considering gaze you shift, a mixture of pleased and still almost… surprised that someone would look at you like that. That makes your hands fall, running self-consciously along the edge of the shirt, and if anything his smile becomes softer.
Shaking his head, almost as though to snap himself out of it, Jackson finishes filling up the mugs. “You look better in that than I do,” he complains while putting some marshmallows into the hot chocolate, and that makes you laugh, the tightness in your chest easing like it always did with him.
“You think JB would let me take your place in GOT7?” you ask, accepting the mug from him and gratefully clasping it to warm up your hands.
Jackson snorts, offended. “Babe, no offense but you can’t rap. I’m not just the pretty face, you know.” He gently nudges you and you both head for the couch. Jackson sits down first, and you sit down a little bit away, shoving your bare feet under his legs as soon you’re both settled, practically cuddling with the hot chocolate and ignoring his mumbled protest at your cold toes. It’s almost hot in the dorms, but the cold has sunk into your bones and you’re happy to steal his warmth. Besides, he’s in a thick hoodie, and even if his pants are kind of thin, you’re sure he’ll be fine. He grabs a blanket off the back of the couch and throws it over you, fussing until you’re tucked in, and you can’t help the warmth in your stomach that’s got nothing to do with hot chocolate.
“You’re not just the pretty face,” you agree once you’ve both shifted into a comfortable position, “but you’ve definitely got the prettiest face.”
He flutters his lashes outrageously and makes a face that’s supposed to be cute, laughing at the way you wrinkle your nose at him. “Thanks jagiya! Don’t tell Markie though.”
“You kidding? I won’t. I don’t want to get thrown out of the dorms.” Grinning, you take a cautious sip of the hot chocolate, hissing as it burns your tongue. “Ow ow ow too soon!” you explain to his curious expression, blowing and trying to get rid of the stinging pain.
Jackson shakes his head. “Want me to blow on it?” he asks with an impish grin, and you would have prodded him with your foot except you’re well and truly cocooned by the blanket and it would take too much effort.
“No, thanks, I’ve got it,” you reply instead. “I’m better at blowing than you, anyways.”
Having just taken a sip of his own drink, Jackson chokes, spilling some of the liquid onto his hoodie, and he coughs so hard you’re on the verge of abandoning your smug amusement and getting alarmed before he manages to get a hold of himself. Your boyfriend fans his mouth and side-eyes you while you smile innocently. Running a hand slowly through his hair, eventually Jackson speaks, and his voice is a husky rasp – although you can’t tell if that’s from choking or something else entirely. “Are you ready to prove that?”
You have a judicious mouthful of hot chocolate, deliberately taking your time and enjoying the way it warms your core. Lowering your mug, you arch an eyebrow at him. “Have I not proved it before?” you ask with prim confusion, and he’s recovered enough that he doesn’t choke again.
If anything his voice gets rougher. “Evidence has an expiry date, babe. Gonna need more proof if you want me to agree.”
You settle yourself more firmly into the heat of the blankets, pouting. “That sounds like a lot of effort,” you complain. Before he can protest, you wave your mug a little. “Besides, I wanna finish my hot chocolate.”
Smoothly, in a way that reminds you of just how fit he is, Jackson sets his drink on the coffee table nearby and then straddles you, the blankets trapping your legs and making escape a not-so-regrettable impossibility. Taking your glass from you (and you can’t honestly say you put up much of a fight) Jackson sets it on the ground next to the couch before leaning over you. When his lips press against yours, the taste of chocolate slides bitter-sweet into your mouth and his tongue follows a second later. You hum in appreciation, a throb of a totally different kind of heat settling in your stomach. Arching up as much as the blanket allows, you press against him, your fingers threading through his blonde hair and pulling him closer.
He grunts, shifting on you, and draws back just enough to trail his tongue over your lips, catching them gently between his teeth before he’s kissing you in earnest again. The friction builds in your limbs, against your mouth, not quite enough, and when you bite at his bottom lip in return Jackson groans. You slide one hand from his hair, trailing it down his shoulder, lingering briefly on the tautness of his lower back before slipping over his hip. When you palm his hard on through his pants, Jackson groans again, breaks away, his hand braced on the couch arm for support.
Now you’re starting to finally feel warm, and as you meet his eyes your tongue runs across your lips, the sweetness of him lingering in your mouth. His words come out in a sharply teasing hitch. “Come on babe, be honest… What tastes better, me or the hot chocolate?”
A/N: @bangtanwriters-net, @kwriterskollection
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triumphorce · 7 years
I write.
I express emotions.
I ain’t a poet tho..
I subside to lies
Of iambic holds
Now I’m a poet.
I don’t rhyme..
Now that’s cool.
I’m a poet.
I abide by strict lines..
I keep thinking…that..
Never no mind it.
I’m a poet now
Like, phew..
I try haikus
hell yeaaaa
I’m rollin now
super duper
cultural guru
try this, try that..
I fail this and that don’t feel right
You can’t get that back.
No second chance..
I’m getting anxious.
and I wonder why..
I feel I’m digging my own grave
So I..
Implement myself..
I take me off the shelves.
Okay Clave.
Be careful, now..
I hear a voice call out.
Somewhere, out ther-
Be careful.
Okay. Stick to theme.
Oh no, I’ve clearly lost it!
I mean.
Yo ellanore,
I mean Dear lenore
I feel empty, evermore.
I see dreams deferred.
Ravens pick at a corpse.
Along a road I walk,
One less traveled by..
To get told to fall behind.
I dwell in possibilities,
Like am I poet and
They just don’t know it..
I look in awe to false realities.
The intensity builds.
Time closes.
The barriers lower.
Dead space opens.
Why’s frozen..
Finally free..
As the time approaches,
For me to switch from quiet..
Dead Poets looking more alive than me..
Shit, I need help then
shit, I gotta write twice as much, work twice as hard
fly twice as high & plan to fall just as far.
waitin like a car alarm
anticipating antipathy..
Protectin art in hearts
Takin timid out intimidate
show em choice has always been innate..
No less a given right at birth
than the right to live,
right to breathe,
is the right to dream
To express as you see fit
In any way, until you wish to change,
so I protect that right
stand next to kindness
on the other side, a pride of lions
protectin myself from
And hateful beings.
Fusion held in spheres
By doubt and fear
To excel;
Where fails spawn
According to myself..
I’m ill a li'l..
Lonely soul..
But I only grow..
And sometimes..
Not even the gravity
Of situations can keep control
of a mind lost to chaos
seeking truth to trust aggressively
I think I lust the fight, the thrill to must will
Solar flares breaking molds of what I past wrote,
Of mostly every past goal.
Into empty space.
On empty pages.
All that Potential
Just sittin there..
While I kneel here..
I gotta get it..
just get to it..
So I’m always reachin
Till my arm strong
And fingers feel,
hold, clutch hope..
Till light of mind touch the most
constant growth from constant writing
As long as I continue forward..
then I’m straight with
As long as what’s unexplored
ain’t unignored..
then I’m all on board
all over keyboards to express how much I don’t know
what’s unknown, what’s original, what becomes of anything done…
and other shit to make me sound not dumb..
just make sure that
.. I
don’t go too far..
or collapse it all,
under pressures of tomorrows
or become an addict to syntax
quick fix of lyrics any and every chance presented
while I’m lookin in the mirror.
In my eyes.
Seein lines.
Write like I created a language
To explain myself,
What the hell amongst Stars
This Fox is quite troubled
And says a lot..
Types a lot,
The type to
Open mouth
And open fire.
Twin lasers..
Bluest Light Burning Brightest..
Usin boosts
bustin’ somersaults..
Forever more.
More and more clever
More clever than Athena,
Than Apollo
than Shinichi
As I…
set the stage.
tell Dionysus to take a seat
I don’t neeeeed
an Encore..
I’m an Enclave to Darkness.
Where approval is
Just sharpening Wit
On metaphysical stones
Of aureole revolving my dome..
Create a cleaver to make separate hate..
Cut out all this critic shit,
And involvement of Art in competition..
I know there’s no fault to pin..
Except on them..
-Points at Ego and Tradition-
-Then checks his Watch-
Like -sigh- oh look
It’s time to go.
Please Allow that to seep through
Your cerebral
Yo, Hold up Clave..
What the hell?
You was doin’ good..
But how I feel?
Like I wish I would..
Wish I would hold back how I feel..
The injustice, it kills.
And how that feel?
Like I filled
My mind..
While digging to find it..
But I’m doin’ just fine
Ace of Spades..
Laid up, doin well
King of all trades..
People’s champion..
Jacks that I chose to slay
Inside my tact to
Protect the truth..
And expose the Knaves.
For all those who feel unimpressive..
If there’s any..If my message has any direction..
I hope that it’s this one..
To help and to lift up..
To challenge those meddling with medals
And digital pins to address the issue that they misuse the pen.
Is stronger than steel..
So how you think the damage deals?
How it feels..
Just observe me make it right..
Watch me make it heal.
Jot the Skills.
I dream into Nil
To return with
The man behind the curtain..
Playing off insecurities
Keeping people fighting uncertainty..
And makes them feel as if fate’s a jury..
Shit’s a journey.
A learning process.
I am certain.
Especially when I write..
When we write;
We write to express.
We write in context of purpose.
Not in contest, to be worthy.
Is subjective to concerns.
Don’t ever let others blur theirs with yours
I just stay on reserve
In A universe of verses..
Already purgin what I feel
Don’t deserve a further look
Already workin
On ways to improve
What I believe is amiss..
I write.
We write to prove this.
Nothing circumstantial.
This is for We.
We is of anyone
Who see we as progression
And not as steps up..
An ascension of Love
And trusting someone.
That takes we..
In an effort
To make effortless
The will to stand and help stand up..
And then some..
And this is to anyone..
Anywhere, anywhen.
Message in a bottle.
This to whoever.
From yours truly.
I write for peace.
Excuse the Teeth.
And you know what?
I’m startin to see
I will never be
Only gone for a moment
To seize everyday moments.
This ain’t over..
Just an Ocean.
Go Explore.
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IT Movie Review: Pennywise Lives Up To The Hype (Now with Less Spoilers!)
New Post has been published on https://nofspodcast.com/movie-review-pennywise-lives-hype-now-less-spoilers/
IT Movie Review: Pennywise Lives Up To The Hype (Now with Less Spoilers!)
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The It movie delivers on all of it’s lofty promises with a terrorizing new take on a classic Stephen King Legend of Pennywise the clown. Andy Muschietti delivers a nostalgic thriller with a lot of heart. The core lead by a stellar Losers’ Club.
A note: This mini-review is Spoiler Free! The podcast we will be releasing later this weekend however, will not be. if you haven’t seen the movie, you can read this review. But do go see the film before you listen to our Bonus Episode.
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As a Horror fan, hype is not really something we have to deal with as a community all too much. We see hype, we can recognize it. Wonder Woman had Hype. Deadpool had hype. Batman vs. Superman may have had hype.. before preview audiences got to the internet. But it’s not often that a Horror release gets to experience that anticipation of a Blockbuster. One that’s just waiting and ready to burst through the theatre doors.
I believe part of the reason is that Horror is a genre with so many facets, nooks, and crannies. When discussing Horror among the community, one can simply argue away a dislike without much of a debate ‘Oh, I’m not into found footage‘, ‘Creature Features aren’t really my bag‘. Horror itself is a niche, and it’s audience get s to pick and choose the branches of the weird tree where they like to hang out most. It’s hard to appease a tree full of weirdos, it really is. And somehow, the It movie may have done it.
So, how did It reach Looming Blockbuster status? Well it’s hard to pinpoint, exactly. First off, I think this film landed at an extremely opportune time. Horror Movies have been dominating the Box office in 2017. Jordan Peele‘s Get Out is reigning as the most profitable movie of 2017. Annabelle: Creation‘s impressive run at the box office pushed The Conjuring series into the elite $1 Billion franchise club. Audiences seem to be receptive to horror this year. And, it’s no surprised we latched onto Pennywise the Clown after 2016’s breakout 80’s thriller Stranger Things. It was the sleeper hit of the year, captivating viewers across genres and typical viewing audiences, to become one of Netflix’s Top 3 most watched series. Fans seem primed and ready for a retro tale of kids in paranormal peril.
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But with all the things working for It‘s release – the film also faced some pretty high barriers. Not only are they trying to re-imagine an already successful property, but two. Stephen King is the single most iconic author in Horror. His works have been adapted countless times; from Carrie (1976), Christine (1982), The Shining (1980).. I could literally rhyme off adaptations for another 3 paragraphs if I found myself needing to hit a word count. And with such an extensive and beloved body of work, comes a passionate fan base. Stephen King’s readers can be a tough crowd to please when it comes to interpreting his work. The recently adapted Dark Tower Series has been pretty much panned by audiences and critics, despite being one of the highly anticipated releases of the summer. On top of impressing Stephen King‘s audience of avid readers, this film had the lofty task of impressing fans of the Original 1990 TV mini-series. (spoiler: I’m one of them) Tim Curry’s portrayal of Pennywise was the nightmare fuel that likely steered the majority of macabre Millenials towards the Horror genre.
This is where the film’s marketing really intervened. To battle the potential skeptics and nay-sayers, It movie played extremely coy with their marketing campaign. They hid Pennywise from us as long as they possibly could. They teased us with yellow slickers and red balloons, giving us a promise of something scary, but showing no cards. Horror fans were desperate for behind-the-scenes glimpses, stills, and sneak-peaks, but we had to sit tight. When the Trailer was finally released in the Spring, it received 197 million views globally within 24 hours. The film set and holds a new record for the most watches in a single day.  It wasn’t until mid-August that the more traditional and revealing marketing was unleashed; The It Float VR Experience, the Neibolt House haunted house installation in L.A.
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By the time opening weekend had rolled around, I don’t think fans could have scrambled faster to their seats. Even myself, someone who tries very very hard to not get my hopes up with Blockbuster releases (lest we have another The Mummy meltdown), found myself front-row-center at Thursday night’s preview screening (which also broke records, btw).
So, did IT movie live up to the hype? I’m sure you read my title. If you didn’t, scroll up. I’ll wait.
It did. 
Now, know that we normally don’t write our reviews of big Blockbusters here at Nightmare on Film Street. We typically record them. Our podcast hosts many a live discussion of films immediately upon seeing them, in a segment we call Drive Home From The Drive-In. And, we’ve done the same for It movie. We’ve compiled all of our jumbled thoughts for you, and are editing them as we speak. Or.. as I type from the past. I’m going to be saving a lot of my thoughts for that bonus episode of Nightmare on Film Street. It’ll hit the internet either late tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. Oh, stop booing. I’m going to talk about the movie right now..
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Pennywise the Dancing Clown, portrayed in this film by Bill Skarsgård, is an effective villain. Audiences are familiar with his rules; the parameters of his mythology. Because of such a rich back catalog and viewers’ familiarity of the character, Andy Muschietti’s vision got to be free to twistedly dance across the screen. Terrify us from scene, never repeating a gimmick. What we were served in this film was an erratic, mischievous character. One that can play as both deadly and whimsical. Moments you laugh- a slip of a lazy eye, a strange dance or giggle, and then you are catapulted into a world of terrifying imagery, left reeling from rows upon rows of exposed teeth.
The Losers’ Club are an equally effective counterpart. The kids really shine as a team. Their dialogue is effective and realistic. Ther can be crude and hilarious, as kids are – and then switch to something poignant and thoughtful. Their growing friendship, and the hurdles it faces in this film, is the glue that holds this entire story together. Without a successful Losers’ Club to empathise with and root for, our Pennywise would just be one cool clown short of a circus.
It movie succeeded in all it set out to do. They re-imagined an iconic character with it’s own rules, quirks, and mannerisms. They took us back in time, to a fictional small town (that I live pretty darn close to, actually) and made us fall in love with a new Losers’ Club. (Free of the perspective of their damaged adult counterparts. Sorry, novel and 1990 version. I still love you!) And they took all of those elements to deliver a story that is ultimately about friendship. It isn’t about a creepy clown terrorizing a bunch of kids (though there is a lot of that). It’s about sticking up for the little guy, defeating the bully, and vanquishing ancient evil clowns back from whence they came.
It movie is now playing in theatres. Our Bonus Episode and full, spoiler-filled thoughts will be available soon.
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bluesunsdusk · 5 years
--// Okay, the Andromeda verses are thus far like this:
Ser: Serrus was kept on the Nexus as science and repair personnel after a full on and partially falsified recommendation from Therrin Takara. When the Nexus hit the scourge, he was among those that woke up in the chaos and flames. While awake, he helped as part of the tech teams looking after the Nexus shielding and omni-tool functions. One of the few used to situations where one couldn't afford to eat much, he was quick to hold onto parts of rations he didn't finish. His time on Omega had taught him how to hide these as well. When food stores were low, he was part of one of the eight scouting teams sent out to seek resources on viable worlds, but returned empty-handed. This was the spark that finally set off the uprising, two weeks after his return. He stayed out of the fighting for the most part, but did help keep people who were not partaking in combat safe by using both tech and biotics to shield them from the frey and from the looters the upstart life support team had inadvertently caused. He's glad Kesh is on the Nexus and assists wherever she requires it. He mainly specializes in hacking/programming(VIs in the various parts of the Nexus, consoles, Omni-tool, etc.) as well as navigation systems and shields. He's known to be able to put a lot of what others may call junk to use, though he plans things out more than he builds them. When required, he will assist in APEX missions, but he regrets to inform that he's both Rusty and no longer used to small squads.
Tor: Toreg, having been let onboard after giving as much information on any slavers he knew of and helping Therrin take some who posted the largest threats to Citadel space out, had been recommended by Therrin on the grounds of his leadership, determination, care for people, and combat prowess. He was originally supposed to be on the Salarian ark with a few batarians meant for security detail. Lucky for him, Therrin made ‘arrangements’ for him to be kept on the Nexus as his assistant and possible extra security. Unfortunately, that didn't last. The Nexus his a patch of what he later came to knows as “scourge”, the chaos leading to many people being yanked out of stasis too soon or not soon enough. Both him and Therrin were unceremoniously awoken by Kelan and Serrus to fire and death. He used his biotics to free several people from their pods before the hell surrounding them took them and protected them on their way through the Nexus. Being limited in technical knowledge and skill, Toreg wasn't given much work, so he ended up offering help of his own accord. Sometimes, that meant holding a large section of Nexus in place while a Krogan worked their magic, another time that meant assisting security carrying items, yet another time it just meant taking stock of morale and living conditions. He kept a close eye on the rising tension on the Nexus while doing his best Batarian attempt at keeping the peace. He was on one of shuttles sent out to scout for supplies, meant to act as muscle and as mediator if the situation called for it. Despite his barely hidden disapproval of the Nexus leadership, he didn't join in the uprising. Instead, he took to trying to break up fights and forming barriers for the security personnel, having a close friend among them. Known to be a powerful biotic with combat and security experience, he's been asked for various tasks that are more martial in nature, and he assisted Therrin in his continued search for the Arks and illicit attempts at seeking out the exiles and krogans for any signs of life.
Ther: Therrin Takara was contacted by a member of the Hierarchy about this budding Andromeda Initiative humans had started early on. At first, he paid it little mind, but he eventually looked into it. They were looking to start new lived. Considering that the Pathfinding teams and new colonies needed people to look over information and such, and that his son had basically given up on him by now, he and a few of his team signed on. Despite his age, he was accepted, since he knew his shit. With him, he brought on his polit, radar technicians, and comm specialists. When his son finally came back to him, he spilled the news as soon as he could. His role was as a member of the Nexus crew. Not leadership, but someone people could turn to for direction. Mostly he was concerned with managing bodies and colony communication. Colonies didn't happen, of course. First, there was trying to survive the floating coffin the Nexus had been reduced to with his awoken team intact. Recognize a tense environment, he jumped at the chance to go on a scouting mission. As much as he cared for the Initiative, he'd even packed his things in case it came time that it was best to leave. Unfortunately, it felt like that time was coming once he'd returned. When the life support team turns into death support, you know someone fucked up. Looking out for his people, however, he played it safe. Don't pick a side till you can pick out the winners. The winners would obviously be the ones with krogans. He remained tight-lipped, using his team to get information on what was going on as covertly as possible and assisted in the attempts to settle Eos. He continued to search for the Arks and seek out signals from the exiled parties. When he finally found a way to contact the exiles, he took to feeding people information on their relatives and transporting items they wanted to give them. He never would ask where these were from. Can't be held accountable for information one doesn't have. Besides, Nexus can't make everyone an exile. Despite his sympathy for the exiles and their families, he's generally not a fan of Calix Corvanis’… or Sloane's people. They were foolish. Not subtle enough. The only good mutiny is one no one notices till it's already done.
Hel: Helena was recommended by Therrin based on her having been eligible for the N-program of the Alliance military. She was originally planned for the Hyperion, but was eventually moved to Nexus security under director Sloane Kelly. Assuming Sloane had agreed to it, Helena was among the eight security staff chosen to go on shuttles to scout for a way to remedy the Nexus’ dwindling supplies. During the uprising, she stuck with Sloane's group and Kelan, much more willing to “do what needed to be done” than Kelan, until Sloane turned on them. She stayed loyal to the Nexus, in spite of the bloodshed they'd caused, not wanting to abandon her friends or the hope of the Arks, but she is glad to help Therrin do his not exactly legal dealings just to know how the parts of his team that got exiled are doing. She acts in Kandros' APEX missions and is put into the field for infiltration, assassination, and information gathering missions that may be solo missions on rare occasions. She sometimes works alongside Resistance soldiers who volunteered for APEX as well.
Tal: Taleen joined the Initiative as mechanic and shuttle pilot, having jumped at the chance to go on a better adventure than the one to Omega. She was put on the Nexus team, since they imagined the Nexus arrived Arks and any shuttles on the station would need some maintenance once they reached their destination. The arks never came, and this turned out to be worse than Omega. Tensions rose, and she helped fix the damage caused by the first hostage situation that cropped up. Supplies dwindled, and she was one of the co-pilots to go search for supplies. Supplies hadn't been found, and she fixed the shuttles that had been damaged on the trek. A mutiny broke out, and she hid. She stayed out of the fighting as well as she could, but she did help a few exiles by giving them slightly more supplies than they'd been permitted upon their departure. Kandros doesn't know yet. No one does. She knew better than anyone that they were being sent to die from starvation out there, if the scourge didn't kill them first. She considered joining them as she helped their shuttles prepare, but she'd be another mouth to feed. She sometimes helps APEX get transported on missions and might pitch in with the various outposts when they need supply drops. She still doesn't like the Nexus leadership and thinks Calix was right and Sloane was right to leave. Not an opinion one could openly share without threat of exile, however.
Kel: Kelan is part of Nexus security in this verse. Serving under Sloane, she mainly guarded whatever rooms or supplies needed guarding. She resorted to the least amount of lethal means as possible during the uprising, but it evidently wasn't enough and would amount to very little. The krogan made sure of that. She's angry at Nexus leadership, but there's nothing she can do other than that make sure everyone on the Nexus is safe. While knowing what happened, she keeps it to herself, electing to let her new commanding officer, Kandros, believe what Tann and Addison want him to believe, lest she inadvertently plant the seeds of another uprising. Kelan generally is kept on the Nexus and she prefers it that way.
Dex: Dexius was recommended based on his combat ability. Not having the same sense of duty as Kelan, nor the military training of Helena, however, he wasn't put on the Nexus security team. While his father wanted Dexius on the Nexus, he was kept on the Natanus instead. He was part of the military personnel and would be able to act as scout if needed. After the Natanus hit the scourge, his pod was among those ejected. He survived on his own for a while on a strange planet before finding others of his people. After they're found by the human Pathfinder, he's brought to the Nexus and gives himself a long time to recuperate from what happened before joining APEX missions.
Val: Val'an was another Therrin couldn't get reassigned to the Nexus. This was in large part due to the needs quarians had making it difficult to accommodate her. Therrin tried to have her kept on turian ark, Natanus, with only one other quarian, but it didn't work. They thought explosives could be useful in mining resources on the turian golden world, but she was ultimately kept on the quarian ark. The Ark that has yet to arrive and possibly never will… Boy will that be a mess once I finish the book on this thing.
Bal: Bala and Kanta were stationed on the quarian ark as part of commerce. I hope they avoided the plague, but I've not read that book yet.
To add muses:
Edera: Resistance soldier, and collector of oral family history. Born and raised on Havarl.
Possible to add muses:
Sila'Karro: Quarian xenobiologist and chemist.
King Logan: Moved from withtaintedcrown. Fable 3. King of Albion. Lagan, a turian, in Mass Effect verse, because I apparently love turians.
Lictor kgrln(which I can scarcely believe I spelled correctly on the first try): Kett destined bodyguard under Hzzek. Keeps his head low. Wavering loyalty. Tired. Soft-spoken outside work. Clasps hands together on many occasions. Resting sad face. Likes drawing, sometimes. Had boosters around the hips. Can be classified as a bruiser/diver. Am I using League of Legends classifications without ever having played the game once in my life? Who knows?
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my-fidel-dreemurr · 7 years
Hybridtale: Chapter 1.
Hybridtale Chapter one
Frisk knew that they had done a lot of things ever since coming to the underground. They had been saving and reloading each time they died or if they saved everyone from Flowery, who had turned out to be the son of the King and former Queen of the underground, Asgore and his ex-wife Toriel. Frisk had fought Asriel in both his God form and his true form and he had released everyone but he himself couldn't be saved. No matter what Frisk did they couldn't save him. Thus, they started a cycle they would use their ability to 'Save' and 'Reload' and start over trying their very best to save the small goat child.
But it was for not, as no matter what the determined child did they couldn't save their friend. In a fit of despair and anger at themselves when they 'Reloaded' once again they had done something they had never thought possible.
They had done the one route they swore they would never do.
The Genocide route.
It had started as an accident. They had been fighting Toriel once again, trying to leave the ruins so that they could go through and try and save Asriel, but they had gotten frustrated and in their frustration they had taken out the toy knife and had lashed out. It took but a single blow to kill their mother and the horror that had filled Frisk's face was immense. They were scared. They hadn't meant to kill her! They were just ready to 'Reload' when they had felt it.
The feeling of their LV of violence fill them giving them Exp. They wanted to reload, they truly did, but they felt 'Determined' to kill more, and so they did. They went through the underground, killing monster after monster.
First starting off in Snowdin, where they killed the 'great' Papyrus. When he had tried to get them to see the errors of their ways and get them to stop, they sliced off his head and then crushed it under their foot.
They went on to Waterfall killing monsters left and right, collecting a layer of dust on their toy knife. Then a monster kid came and tried to stop them. They meant to kill him, only to be stopped by Undyne, who had taken the killing blow.
The leader of the royal guard had told the kid to run, telling him that she would fight them. Once the kid had left, Undyne's body began to break apart and Frisk left, but the fish woman didn't die. Instead, she had transformed using the one thing that monsters themselves couldn't use.
Using her Determination, Undyne had transformed from her regular form to her Undyne, 'The Undying'. That had been the toughest fight Frisk had with a boss monster. Undyne's magic spears came flying faster and in more numbers. She could send them flying at Frisk one way only for the to turn around and try to attack Frisk from another side.
Despite her boost in power, and even her HP and defense, Undyne killed herself. Determination, while a great power for monsters, was a double edged sword as it broke the monsters' bodies down and caused them not to dust, but to melt. When Frisk felt the final blow, they watched as Undyne laughed and smiled despite the fact she was melting. When her form was gone her soul remained for a short second before shattering.
Frisk moved to Hotland and looked for more monsters, but they had all been evacuated thanks to the help of Doctor Alphys, the lead scientist of the underground. Even if most monsters had left, the ghost in the metal shell, Mettaton, who had wanted to kill them and take their soul, stayed. He even went so far as to use his battle form that was dubbed 'Mettaton Ex'. He thought he could kill them. All it took was a single blow to kill the animatronic, who fell to pieces.
They moved on killing more and more monsters until they came to the castle, where they were now fighting their best friend.
Sans, the skeleton.
The hall of judgment, or 'Judgment Hall', was filled with scorch marks, blood stains and craters. There were bones, both white and blue, stabbed into multiple areas of the once beautiful hall. Standing at opposite ends were two different figures.
One was a child with short cut brown hair. They had on a purple and blue striped sweater, along with blue shorts and brown shoes. In the child's hands was a large butcher knife that had a silver colored blade with a thick layer of dust along the edge. Around their neck was a golden heart shaped locket. The child's eyes were open, showing their dull whine colored orbs.
This is the seventh soul needed to break the barrier to let monsters leave the underground.
The child of Determination.
This was Frisk.
Standing across from them was a skeleton who was an inch taller than Frisk. The skeleton wore a blue hooded jacket with fur around the hood along with a white shirt, black shorts and furry slippers. The skeleton's right eye was glowing blue with a trail of wispy blue energy leaking from it. Floating behind the skeleton were floating heads that looked draconian in origin. Each having white eyes and their jaws open, smoke trailing from them.
This was Sans the skeleton, the second to last boss monster in the underground, older brother to Papyrus, and judge of Judgement Hall.
The two stood there, both panting heavily from their fight, both were exhausted. ...At least sans was. Frisk, on the other hand, knew that if they died, they could reload and start the fight over. But they wanted to end this once and for all. Gritting their teeth, Fisk charged at Sans swinging their knife aiming at his chest.
Sans dogged once again by teleporting to the side and retailed with a blast of energy from his Gaster blaster. Frisk cursed and skipped backwards, avoiding the blast. "Ugh... That being said" said Sans as his Gaster blaster returned to his side, "You, uh, really like swinging that thing around." Sweat dripped down Sans' skull.
"...Listen" said Sans as he closed his eyes, his hands still in his pocket. "I know you didn't answer me before, but, somewhere in there, I can feel it." Sans opened his eyes showing that ther were back to normal, two black sockets with white pin pupils.
"There's a glimmer of a good person inside of you, the memory of someone who once wanted to do the right thing." He said, closing his eyes. Frisk's hands curled around their knife as they tried to keep a tight grip on their weapon, but they found themselves with tears filling their eyes. "Someone who, in another time, might have even been... A friend?"
The tears were running down Frisk's face as they felt the sins crawling down their back as the happy memories from the previous timelines appeared in their mind.
Sans' ever present smile was smaller now. "C'mon, buddy, do you remember me?" Frisk eyes filled with more tears as their hand holding the knife began to shake. "Please. If you're listening let's forget all this, ok?" Frisk found themselves nodding and Sans smiled with his right eye open his left closed.
"Just lay down your weapon and-" The blade dropped from their hand and clattered along the tile floor. "Well, my job will be a lot easier." Frisk knew Sans was sparing them. He wanted this all to end. Just as Frisk did.
"Don't do it!" hissed the voice inside Frisk mind, "Don't believe that fucking comedian! Grab the knife and kill him!" Frisk ignored the voice and opened his arms and gave Sans a tearful smile.
Sans' smile widened as he saw that the kid was sparing him. "You're sparing me?" He let out a small laugh. "Finally." he winked at Frisk. "Buddy. Pal. I know how hard it must be, to make that choice," Frisk nodded at him, "to go back on everything you've worked up to." Sans opened both eyes. "I want you to know, I won't let it go to waste." Sans opened his arms, smiling. "C'mere, pal." Frisk ran over and embraced sans in a hug, tears staining his coat.
Sans smiled, but his white eyes vanished, leaving black sockets. Below them the ground glowed as a large bone shot through the ground and stabbed Frisk through the chest and out the top of their head, spraying blood along the floor and turning the, once white, bone red. Frisk coughed up blood as they felt their HP depleting rapidly before their soul shattered and their body went lifeless.
Their eyes turned from wine red to brown before they turned empty and their arms fell lifeless at their sides. Sans held the kid despite the tears falling from his own eyes. "Get...dunked on." Sans whispered loudly through his tears. "If we're really friends, you won't come back."
Frisk floated in a black void, looking at two floating buttons. One said 'Continue', while the other said 'Reset'. Their hand hovered over the 'Continue' button, but it slowly lowered and moved towards the 'Reset' button. Before they could even press it another hand grabbed Frisk's wrist.
"What the hell are you doing?!" screamed a voice, making Frisk wince. The voice belonged to another child, this one looking similar to Frisk in appearance, but had a few key differences. Where Frisk's eyes were brown with a wine colored tint, this child's eyes were as red as blood. On the child's cheek were two pink circles. Unlike Frisk's purple and blue striped sweater, this child's was green with a light green stripes.
This was the first fallen child, the second child of the King and Queen, sibling of Asriel, the demon that comes when it's name is called.
This Chara Dreemurr.
Frisk looked at chara in surprise. "I'm resetting" they said in a calm voice despite the fear they felt "this....this was wrong I should have reset at the beginning.....Toriel....Papyrus......Undyne, everyone" said frisk as they felt tears falling down their eyes. "I'm going to make this right, I'm going to reset and  are sure a genocide route never happens again" frisk eyes were filled with a familiar gleam that they had ever since coming to the underground, they were filled with...Determination.
Chara's eyes were filled with anger in accordance to frisk's determination. "Do you really think it's that simple!" Roared the first fallen child. "All our hard work! All our goals! And for what just so you can go and give them a happy ending!" Chara's voice had reached a new level of screeching that the black void seem to shake. "You think that you can just go back on all that we did? On all that you did" snarled the second child of the Dreemurr family as they squeezed frisk wrist tighter.
Fisk winced and was able to yank their wrist from chara's hand. "This isn't right and you know it" yelled frisk. "You once wanted to save monsters and help them break the barrier, and now you want them and humans to die!" Frisk gave chara a look of pity. "What happen to you chara?" Chara's glare intensified to the point their red eyes were blazing like San's own right eye.
"You think you can judge me!? Like that worthless bag of bones of a comedian?!" Shrieked the red eyed child. "Do you think you have control? That you are above the consequences of your actions?!"  Chara's eyes bleed a strange black liquid substance, and they gave frisk a smile the same black substance leaking from their mouth, in chara's hand was the knife that frisk had used before only the blade was glowing a deep crimson red that glowed eerily in the black void. "Since when were you the one in control!?" Hissed chara and lunged at frisk. Eyes widen frisk held their hand out and grabbed the worn dagger and blocked chara's attack creating a shower of sparks that lit up the black void.
Chara glared at frisk eyes black as tar with two glowing red orbs in the center, they pushed down harder on frisk worn dagger wanting more than anything to kill frisk take their soul and erase the world once and for all. Frisk struggled to hold off chara's attack as they tried to push back but fell to one knee.
 "Give it up frisk!" Yelled chara as they slashed their knife down but frisk roles to the side and lashed out with their own knife, chara's laughed echoed as their body flashed like static and they were gone, frisk looked around before their sense of danger flared and they dogged rolled to the left to avoid a arc of energy.
Chara had a sinister smirk on their face as they slashed their knife again, another blade of energy flying from their knife, frisk eyes widen as they did their best to doge the arcs of energy, frisk ran towards chara his knife in hand and jumped into the air bring their knife down, chara smiled at the cute attempt to hurt them before they vanished.
Frisk landed on the ground and looked around once again, a bright red glow came from behind them and struck frisk across the back. Frisk cried out in pain as they felt their Hp drop to one, they bounced across the floor and skidded to a stop their weapon skidding off into the blackness of the void.
Chara giggled red eyes glowing. "You lose frisk" they walked forward with a little skip in their step twirling their knife. "I'll take your soul and kill that skeleton, then the old man, and then I will personally rip off flowery no Asriel's petals before I kill him" the fallen child let out a childish giggle that would have sound cute if it weren't so twisted and dark. Frisk look at chara and gave a pained laugh if their own. Chara looked at frisk and hissed. "And what is so funny?!"
"The fact that you think you won"
Chara's eyes widen as they saw frisk's hands on the reset button which had appeared behind them. "No!"  Roared the demon child as their knife glowed and they pointed it at frisk and fired off a blast of energy. Frisk smiled and slammed their hand on the button and the black void was filled with a bright white light, just as the orb struck and chara screamed in anger before everything went white.
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New home Building Tips
Yes, these kinds of are slightly costly than a run-of-the-mill bulb. However, if you care about becoming environmentally friendly, perhaps be an amazingly simple technique do . The American Water Spaniel is used as by hunters looking for a dog that can flush out as well as swim and retrieve game. These dogs possess a gentle mouth and a superb nose thus used mostly as an industry dog for hunting quail, duck, pheasant, grouse, and rabbit. Because of its small size, this dog is widelly seen as to be a good type of gun dog for anyone hunting using a water in a small boat or a good canoe. There is an assortment of techniques to insulate your house. Depending on the weather and climate your own live, things will work better than some others. For example, if you have a home a hot climate for lots of sunshine and warm air, radiant barrier may emerge as way go to. Other times things like fiberglass or spray foam will work just fine. Last thing . recessed lighting. Turn them on .then elevate in your attic and appear for light . when there is light shining up any. then ther' be holes . and hot air always finds them cracks. Usually there is also no Insulation Products Melbourne around the cans any. that's supposed to be that strategy let heat escape. ( OK, which means you see the actual issue now don't you?). Only fix to do this is adjust out the fixtures for sealed individuals. The sealed cans are equally about 15 bucks every single should afford themselves in a single season. In order to aren't very handy and/or don't like playing "fun with high voltage" for. leave this one with a pro. Brisbane roof restoration will be perfect you if an individual suffering from such problems and in need of permanent supplement. Before going for https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/You-and-your-home/Building-and-renovating/Insulation , its good to discover the factors which are hampering the condition of roof in order to select right brisbance roof remodelling. The outer side of the roof is directly exposed for the sunlight nicely bear now and fingerprints. Apart from such problems, the molds and lichens also create cracks in the top mortar and the shingles. If happen to be a do-it-yourself enthusiast, essential to create need to is comply with the instruction guide. If you have a how-to-do video, watch it very first. The steps are simple and may even take only a short period for apply. The guide can tell you everything to be able to be done. How to properly prepare region before spraying, what Insulation Melbourne type of clothing, mask and gloves, tools and materials needed, how to combine and spray the foam and the post application clean-up. There are simple suggestions to remember. If to accomplish about a jacket getting too heavy with the only thing that insulation a person can search one with insulation as torso. A jacket that doesn't have insulation in the arms will still a person stay warm while being gentle. The same applies when looking for a women's snowboard jacket.
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stulum3 · 5 years
Day 6
So today is Shazza’s 1st 60th birthday. Today she is 60 in NZ and tomorrow she will be 60 in Canada.
Up early today to avoid the queues for the Gondola. Left from the Whistler village up the Gondola for 25 minutes. To be honest it was torture. Sweet FA ventilation in the car and the sun streaming in. It was like being in an oven only to reach the top and having to throw layers on to stop freezing to death. Wandered around the near the top station to take a number of photos looking down on Whistler. The Shazza understanding that discretion was the better half of valour decided to sit out the next adventure. That adventure was walking across and up to the next gondola station which took you to the top of the peak and the suspension bridge between two of the rock outcrops. The lift was an open chairlift.
Walking between the two sites we spotted some more wildlife which is some relation to a Marmot. Apparently they communicate by whistling and that is where Whistler got its name from. Personally sounds like a cover for dirty old men like me whistling at the young babes and blaming the Marmots😎
Went up the open chairlift and all agreed we were glad Shazza was not with us. Amazing amount of hats, drink bottles and walking sticks littering the ground below the chairlift. Reached the top and walked across the suspension bridge that is ther for no other reason that it is bloody high and designed to scare the shit out of you. Promptly followed by a suspended walkway that hung out over the sheer drops. Great views all round with aircraft flying below our position. Could see down into Whistler and on the other side our accommodation. Amazing how many people were stepping over the ropes that were ther to warn you of the cliff/drop danger to get photos. We are talking about parents putting their young kids on cliff edges to get photos. Dicks
Went back down to meet up with Shazza. Some big drops and then we were blown away to see a couple of women coming up on the chairlift who had not dropped the barrier Armand were just dangling there. May have been a language issue but scary as.
Back down to meet up with Shazza who had got bored in our absence and had done some pole dancing. Unfortunately being 60 she is not as co-ordinated as she used to be and nearly knocked herself out with a headbutto the pole. Guided Shazza to the peak to peak gondola. Pretty spectacular ride and not sure that the pictures do justice to the height you are at.
Arrived safely at the next peak and saw what looked like tailless rats running around the mountainside. About Gerbel size and bloody fast. To hard to catch on camera.jumped on the next gondola down which took us down the mountain we had been up the day before on the Jeep tour. Still did not see any bears.
Arrived in the upper village and had a gelato for lunch. Walked from their to the lost lake which is a local swimming hole. Lots of the trails around the lost lake are closed off at this time of year due to a toad migration. The reason they close it off is because the roads are so small probably not as big as your small fingernail
Walked back to Whistler and tried to drive around the lakes surrounding Whistler but you cannot get to them by car as the land beside the lakes is all privately owned. You can get to them by walking tracks only. Walked into Alpha lake and I decided I didn’t like competition and the others just felt hot so we decided to return to hotel pool.
A nice couple of hours by the pool which is very much a family pool with lots of young kids. Back to the room and Pete and I were dispatched to buy bubbles to celebrate Shazza’s coming of age. Back at the room a bottle was quickly dispatched and then down to Dusty’s for tea. Spotted a hummingbird which blew me away because I thought they were in South America but apparently no they have seven species in Canada. Lovely meal withShazza making the comment that it was obviously a boys night in the restaurant. Had to point out that there was actually an equal number of men and women and perhaps her perception had more to do with where she was looking.
0 notes
adambstingus · 6 years
17 Frightening Stories Of Abandoned Hospitals And Asylums As Told By Urban Explorers And Security Guards
1. Watchman at an abandoned mental hospital
I was the night watchman at an abandoned mental hospital turned state park for a summer in college. The only creepy thing that happened was one night I was with one of the state park police and we saw flashlights in one of the buildings. Kids constantly broke in and other people broke in to gut the old buildings of any copper they could find. So as I was saying one night we saw flashlights moving around so we went in. The officer pulled her gun and flashlight and in we went. We could her footsteps on the floor above us and we slowly and quietly went upstairs. We checked every room and found nothing. Then we heard footsteps above us again. This happened for a few floors until we were on the top floor below the roof. We heard footsteps up on the roof so we went up there. Still nothing. We never found anyone or any indication that anyone had been there. It was friggin creepy.
2. Exploring an insane asylum
When I was a teenager (20+ years ago) my friends and I trespassed on a condemned insane asylum called Eloise in Southeastern Michigan.
The worst thing wasn’t that it was at night with shitty flashlights, the dirty patient records scattered on the floor, the broken furniture, the torn up walls, the leaking water pipes, or the huge fungal bloom from the leaking water.
The worst part was finding a tunnel and following it to a place inside where power was still on. There was a light, an ominous looking double doors… and an active security camera.
It was like… why is this here? What’s going on?
Later on, I found out that the asylum and a nearby hospital were connected. However, the wikipedia page says it closed in 1984… but we were there several years after that.
I think I saved one of the patient records somewhere.
3. Exploring ruins
When I was in high school living in Seattle, ghost hunting (visiting abandoned places) was a frequent activity for us.
There is a place north of Seattle called 13 Steps to Hell. The story is that a satanic family once lived in a house where they had a cemetery deep in their backyard. These stones date back at least 100 years. The family built thirteen steps into the cemetery with two giant pointed pillars at the top. Supposedly – each step down would give you hallucinations, you would hear things, feel things, and on the final step you would see fire (hell).
The steps continue to be bulldozed because the current residents surrounding the area probably do not appreciate late night visitors. But the steps always seem to reappear – I’ve seen them.
Our first journey – it took us nearly four hours of driving and walking to find it. There are no clear directions anywhere online (at least at that time). We accidentally stumbled upon a path just as we were about to give up. It is about a mile hike deep into the woods. Along the overgrown trail you have a lot of barriers to duck under and over and there are random things everywhere; such as crashed cars in the middle of the woods, abandoned items as well.
After 30 minutes of hiking in the creepy darkness of this overgrown forest, we were going to head back when my friend pointed to me and said “SHIT, look where you are standing.” I looked down and I was unknowingly standing between the pillars and on the first step down to the cemetery.
At that point I was not going to walk down the steps – but I did explore the cemetery. My friends explored further down and started yelling and screaming – they told us stop scaring them – even though we were at least 200 feet away from them. We left promptly after they ran up and insisted we leave. Never talked about it again.
I went back 5 times after with friends who had heard and I was the only one who knew how to get there, so I gladly took them. Nothing creepy happened on those trips.
One year later, some friends asked me to take them. We went at midnight one evening and went there, looked around the cemetery – nothing out of the ordinary. I went down to the cemetery and rubbed one gravestone so I could read it. Some satanic symbol. We were standing in a circle debating how much longer we would stay when all of the sudden a 3 foot log comes flying at us and lands in the middle of the circle. We all look around and notice that no one from the group is missing – so it wasn’t any of our friends. Thirty seconds later all of this shit is flying at us. I look at them and just say “run!” We started running back through the overgrown trail with logs, branches, rocks, etc being thrown at us. I’ve never ran so fast in my life. At one point my friend looks back and sees two giant yellow eyes after us and all we heard were growling noises running after us. Ducking under fallen trees, running through sticker bushes and falling several times we run to the car get in and drive away as fast as possible.
None of us said a word to each other for at least an hour. And I have never been back since.
4. Schoolhouse-turned-residential housing
My mother in laws house is pretty creepy. Lived there for a little over a year when me and my wife were younger. Built in something like 1900, it was originally a schoolhouse, but turned residential sometime after WWII.
A few of my wife’s stories are pretty chilling. Standing in front of the house, to the left, there’s a shed/garage, and about 80-90 feet behind that a large barn. She claims every so often she would look to the top of the barn and notice a bright light, even though that area of the barn was cut off due to the access door being nailed shut ( there was a fire up there at some point ). Her mother went to investigate, found no signs of squatters, only a load of spiders and a raccoons nest.
Once, the large stereo in the living room kept turning on. Thinking it was the remote malfunctioning, she took the batteries out, but it still kept turning on. She claims after she unplugged the stereo, the display was still flickering on and off for 4-5 minutes.
There was also the time her mother’s music box got inexplicably wound and started playing at 2:30 am. She unwound it, wrapped it in a towel and shoved it in her drawer. Two weeks later, it happened again.
I once heard a woman scream “Get Out!” while feeding my son. He was fresh out of the hospital, we were on the bed watching TV, I had him on my chest and my back to the wall, the bedroom door was shut. All of a sudden, I hear a woman scream, “GET OUT!” I placed my son in his crib and ran downstairs, thinking her aunt, whom we were living with at the time, was in some sort of trouble. I get downstairs to find all the lights off, her aunt asleep in her bed, and no-goddamn-body else there.
Also regularly heard children running, though my son at the time wasn’t old enough to walk. One time in particular, heard what sounded like a LARGE group of children coming up the stairs, laughing hysterically at something.
5. An old jail tour
My two friends and I visited an old jail (a local company did regular tours.) The jail used to regularly keep women and children there, and there were a lot of deaths, especially in the winter. During our tour, my friends and I went inside one of the cells just as the tour group moved along to the next section of the jail. We were making stupid jokes, but the vibe was super creepy. We finally decided to catch up… except we were locked in. Nobody was there to do it (the group had moved on before we all entered completely) and the doors were NOT self-locking. Someone would have had to push the bolt across from the outside. We couldn’t get out. We ended up having to shout for help to have someone come and set us free.
Almost ten years later, none of us have an idea what happened…
6. In a funeral home
I used to pick up dead bodies for a funeral home. One stormy night, I was in one of the coolers putting a guy on the shelf. In a matter of a couple seconds, the following happened:
– The guy on the next shelf up shifted and his hand fell down in my face.
– The doorstop slipped and the cooler door closed behind me.
– The power went out and the lights went off.
All purely coincidental, but I still puked in my pants.
7. Abandoned nun’s home
My dad worked at a mental hospital that used to be connected to an abandoned nun’s home by underground passage. He says that one night he was walking down there when he saw a praying nun. He walked by her and said hello. She did not acknowledge him.
My dad does not believe in ghosts, but he says there was a nun down there that night.
8. This is an incredible story
I wasn’t able to sleep, so I figured I’d try for a night time job at this sleep clinic as a security guard. They offered the job and I accepted straight away, filled in a couple of forms, and that was that. It seemed perfect: if I was going to be awake anyway, I might as well get paid for it.
I got into the swing of things right away. It wasnt difficult: my duties consisted mainly of walking through the softly carpeted halls every hour or so, checking that the security doors were locked, and helping myself to as many free cups of coffee as I could. There were always two nurses on call in case of a medical emergency, but they mostly slept through their shifts so I barely saw them.
My contact with the patients was limited. There seemed to be perhaps fifteen or twenty of them, with some there for extended periods and others coming and going on an almost daily basis. I only ever saw them when they were asleep. It was strange seeing them like that, robbed of all context. They could have been bankers or beggars for all I knew.
In the staff room, watching over the half-drunk remnants of other peoples coffee and dog-eared magazines was a bank of CCTV monitors wired up to the patients rooms, so that the staff could keep an eye on them whenever they needed to. I spent most of my time there when I wasnt patrolling the corridors. It was oddly relaxing to watch all these strangers sleeping peacefully in their beds throughout the night, stirring gently every so often as they dreamed their unknown dreams. It gave me great comfort to watch them all lying there, dead to the world with me as their silent custodian.
Then there were the sleepwalkers. The clinic had a policy of leaving them to their own devices as much as possible, provided they werent in any immediate danger (which they never were: the windows were bolted and made of toughened glass, and all external doors were kept securely locked). I used to come across them often in the halls and corridors, strange lost souls acting out their own private, intangible dream roles, murmuring to themselves while they performed odd and unintelligible actions.
One night I was walking down one of the usual corridors, the faint sounds of snoring echoing through the air like waves rising and falling on a beach, when I came across one of the usual sleepwalkers. A middle aged man, swollen and red-faced, wearing powder-blue pyjamas and and incongruous pink dressing gown that flapped open as he walked. He seemed utterly oblivious to the world around him.
As I approached, however, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face the wall, standing as motionless as a statue with his face only millimetres away from the pastel-shaded brickwork. A dry, papery voice emanated from him as I passed.
I stopped myself, and gazed bemused at the thinning hair on the back of his round head.
Im sorry?
, he repeated, in that same thousand-year-old voice.
Are you talking to me?
That was true. But usually the sleepwalkers are too wrapped up in their own nocturnal preoccupations to register other people, let alone speak directly to them. This was something of a novelty. My curiosity was piqued.
What do you mean?
Well thats cheery. You should probably go back to bed.
The man gave a little chuckle. It sounded phlegmy and unpleasant, like dark bubbles popping in tar.
It was my turn to laugh. I work here. Looking after you guys.
There was no way he could have known about that. The back of his head was as implacable as ever.
I just stood there staring, with the nameless muzak simpering on in the background. Perhaps I was hallucinating again.
I have to go, I mumbled, unsure of what else to do. My palms pricked with sweat. I walked on down the corridor, breathing an inward sigh of relief. Strange. The sleepwalkers were usually placid and uncommunicative, locked in their own private little worlds. This man had been downright confrontational.
I walked down to the staff room, my head a fog of speculation and confusion. I was surprised to see one of the nurses seated at the table, a fresh cup of mud-brown coffee steaming in front of her.
She had her back to me. The patients are lively tonight, I said.
It was that exact same voice echoing through the softly furnished room.
It felt as though an electric shock had jangled through my body. I ran round the table to face her, but when I did I found that her eyes were closed and she wore the sanguine expression of someone lost in a deep and dreamless sleep.
Just then the bank of TV screens on the wall behind me fizzed and crackled, lighting up the cramped little room with a brief flare like a flash of lightning from behind a dark cloud. I turned to face them, and found only static bleeding into the room from each and every screen.
But one by one a picture flicked into life on each of the monitors, each showing a different scene in grainy black and white. It took me a moment to resolve the overexposed images into recognizable shapes and figures. In each screen the camera gave a first-person perspective of someone moving jerkily through an unidentifiable scene, sometimes a hallway or corridor, sometimes a busy city street.
All at once every screen exploded into action, a flurry of manic movement lurching drunkenly this way and that. In this chaos of motion I could see people wide-eyed and panic-stricken, their mouths open in silent screams, staring into the camera with horror in their eyes and fleeing in abject terror. Here and there a hand could be seen on screen, the hand of the faceless protagonist, and on each screen the unmistakeable flash of a large knife cut through the hazy images.
My stomach lurched as my eyes flicked from screen to screen, finding one scene of random carnage after another. The blade swung and stabbed and slashed, biting into flesh with sickening regularity. Black gouts of blood welled from every wound as the unknown assailant ploughed his way through victim after victim. Somehow the grainy low-resolution images lent a further reality to these grim and brutal vignettes, and I felt each and every thrust of the knife with a visceral twist in my own guts.
My eyes settled for a second on one particular screen, a confusing tumult of greys and blacks that resolved into a stark scene of bloody violence in a dingy vestibule as I fixed my attention on it. As I watched, the camera lurched past a battered door with a grimy stained-glass window set into it. For an instant, a reflected blur of the protagonist was caught in that window, and the camera froze and then panned in on the image. It was a face. The reflection of a face.
I looked to another monitor: a street scene, streaked with blood in the gutters and bodies strewn about the sidewalk. The chrome of a parked car threw an image back the camera, which instantly halted and zoomed in on it. The same face, stark and washed-out by the low-quality film.
My eyes darted from one screen to another, and in each the same thing happened: the movement ceased, and the monitor filled with a single image taken from some small reflection in a puddle or a pane of glass. Soon every one of the bank of monitors was displaying the same thing from a multitude of different angles a single face, the features all but erased in a blurry white mass, but still recognizably and irrevocably mine.
As soon as I came to this realization the screens all instantly snapped to black. The nameless muzak tinkled on in the background as I struggled to take in what I had seen.
Nothing seemed to make sense anymore. The sleep clinic had been my own private cocoon, like a warm and comfortable womb which had taken me in and shielded me from the storms of insomnia, but now Even the walls around me and the soft carpet under my feet seemed as unreal and intangible as a dream. I had never felt more lost. Adrift in a sea of doubt, uncertainty and overwhelming confusion.
The sun was starting to rise. My shift would soon be over, and it would be time to leave. To venture out into the real world again. As if in a trance I moved over to the area of the staff room that served as a makeshift kitchen for preparing snacks and ready meals. I opened a drawer, and found what I was looking for: a long, sharp kitchen knife, shiny and barely used. It felt reassuringly cool in my hand solid and substantial, a silver slash of reality that could cut through the fog of insubstantiality that surrounded me. It fitted snugly into my pocket, and without another thought I slipped out into the dawn of a brand new day.
Now Im back in the sleep clinic again. Its hard to imagine ever leaving. I still dont sleep, but thats okay I get the feeling there are some terrible nightmares awaiting me on the other side of sleep, on the other side of these welcoming walls, so Im happy to stay here and just wait them out. I pad silently down the softly-furnished corridors throughout the long hours of the night, that tuneless muzak tinkling away in the background like a babbling brook, safeguarding the slumbering patients from whatever terrors their dreams may hold for them. The voice comes back every now and again, but its easier for me to ignore it now. After all, I know whats real and whats not. And its getting easier for me to hold on to that now. Easier by the hour.
9. Exploring an abandoned manufacturing plant
Broke into an abandoned manufacturing plant in highschool with a friend. The first floor was aisles with large shelves on either side, about six foot aisles, and you could only see between the aisles through slits in the shelves, so your view of everything was really limited.
At the end of the aisles there was a staircase that went up to a second floor. The floor was mostly rotted through so moving around up there was dangerous, but we were small and 17, so we checked it out anyway. We found a bunch of old rusted out tools and the like but nothing too interesting.
We were up there probably 20 minutes when my buddy yelled over to me that he saw something move downstairs. We assumed we were busted so we snuck back to the staircase. We didn’t see anything moving around downstairs after a couple minutes, so we went down.
When we reached the bottom, we saw someone/thing sprint at the other end of the aisles to the north most aisle, where the window we broke in from was. We moved towards the south end slowly, watching for movement. Eventually we saw something move on the stair side of the north most aisle and we bolted for it, got out, got in the car, drove away.
Still have no idea what the fuck it was. You’d think a person would have some sort of light.
10. At a mental hospital
A friend of mine was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis and was so upset over it that she made a suicide attempt. She landed in the mental health wing of the big hospital, and I went to visit her one evening. Had a hell of a time finding the right place and felt like I’d walked through miles of increasingly decrepit hospital before I found the right wing. Went through a set of double doors and found myself staring down a dimly lit hallway with an incredibly creepy, weathered-looking old lady in a housecoat standing right in the middle of it.
I walked down the hallway nervously, not taking my eyes off of the old woman. She didn’t take her eyes off me, either. I flinched as I walked by her, but she didn’t move. Ten feet beyond her was the doorway to the waiting room of the ward I was looking for. I breathed a sigh of relief as I reached the doors, then glanced over my shoulder to see if the woman had moved.
She was right behind me, staring into my face. I don’t know how she managed to silently cover that ten feet just as fast as I had moved, but she did.
11. Lived in a haunted house
Hopefully this doesn’t get buried. When I was in school we lived in a town called Byron, CA. We lived in a house that I believe was haunted. The room that was in the back of the house I shared with my brother and we had a dog and a cat that WOULD NOT under any circumstance enter that room. On occasion there would be glass marbles that would come rolling down the hallway (wood floors) when nobody would be in our bedroom.
One day we walked into the barn that we had and there was a four point tire iron that was bent into the shape of a swastika and was standing straight up. We found a hole that was approximately 4 feet deep and 5 feet by five feet across. Stacked up next to the hole was a few bags of lime. We had a fenced off yard that had a couple weeping willows growing inside of it. (yard perimeter was about 40 x 40 yards.) More often than not the trees would be moving like there was a strong wind blowing through, however, none of the other trees in the area would be moving and you wouldn’t feel the wind if you were outside the fence line. My mom had a cigarette case that she would always keep two packs of cigs and her lighter in. Every so often she would find the case in obscure places. One time it was the silverware drawer, one time it was in the barbecue pit.
Finally when we decided to move my mom hung up a picture that had a few religious scenes depicted in it. The main focus was the face of Jesus, There was the three wise men crossing the desert, The coming of the Messiah, etc. She hung it up the day that we started staying at my Grandma’s house and were still in the process of moving stuff out of the house and into storage. We came back the next day and found scratched in a few places on the picture. There was a puncture right under Christ’s right eye and just general damage to the picture itself. We changed the locks when we moved in, all the doors were locked, none of the windows were broken, and nothing else was missing or disturbed.
12. Explored an abandoned mental hospital to film a movie
I broke into an abandoned mental hospital to film a movie with some of my friends. It wasn’t a ghostly presence that made it creepy, just the atmosphere. Old rusted-out cribs. Stains on the wall. Asbestos falling down like snow. The place had a documented history of patient abuse and overcrowding. In the sixties, you could get thrown in a state facility relatively easily. Many of my friends are being treated for mental health conditions, and it really freaked me out that had some of them been born forty years previously, they may have been subjected to the same conditions.
13. Lived with ghosts
I grew up Christian and was still religious during the time my family and I lived in a home with what I believed to be multiple spirits. Since then I have become an agnostic atheist, but have been unable to revisit the home and debunk or further investigate. I was in middle school.
At the time, there were, at least, three separate facets that I noticed. In the kitchen of the home there was a sort of warm presence if I was alone and listened very carefully. Once, I heard a beautiful melody of bells-I looked at maps later to see if there was a church nearby that could account for it, but found nothing closer than 5 miles, and we lived in a heavily wooded area.
In the main body of the house (the first floor) there was something that felt somewhat mischievous in that weird, almost malicious but not quite way that a small child has. That one liked to hide things-once it was my mother’s engagement ring, which she finally got fed up and told it off over, and the ring reappeared on her chest of drawers later that day, where she had checked and looked a dozen times already. While slightly annoying, it wasn’t threatening.
And then there was the thing in my bathroom, which was directly adjacent to my shared bedroom with my sister. I always had a bad feeling in there-it was this old bathroom, with carpet (weird, right??) and a clawfoot cast-iron tub. I always felt like I was being watched, whether I was bathing, making my daily ablutions, or using the toilet. Sometimes I’d talk to whatever it was, hoping to lay down the law, and it seemed to listen, although the uneasy feeling didn’t abate.
One night, I was terrified for some reason, and pushed myself back as far as I could against the wall and hid under the covers. That seemed to help, but I had no idea what it was doing if I did that, I realized, and so I pushed up the courage to crawl out from under the blanket and confront the thing face-to-face.
Standing in the doorway to my bedroom was a small boy in greyscale color with ugly purple traces. He stood there, staring at me, and I blinked; suddenly, he was gone, and in his place was a pulsing mass of the same colors, green and grey and purple like a violent thunderstorm rolling in place and menacing me.
That was all I could do. I shoved myself further back against the wall until it hurt and then curled up under the blankets again in terror. Eventually, I fell asleep.
On separate occasions, when my youngest brother was very young and recovering respiratory infections caused by our previous residence (which had black mold), my mother and stepfather’s bedroom was directly under mine. She said she’d hear footsteps from our room to his, and he’d stop coughing. She’d race up the stairs, my stepfather listening for returning footsteps, and find nobody in my brothers’ room-just them, sleeping peacefully.
I’ve been convinced for a long time that something bad happened there, and that the other spirits in the house were keeping the bad one at bay.
14. While out delivering pizza
Wasn’t at a haunted house or anything, but it happened while I was delivering pizzas.
I have no belief in the paranormal nor any spirituality for that matter. Anyways, I was delivering pizzas because I work for a pizza chain. It was about 9:00 at night with almost a full moon out, it was dark but I could still see a good 20 feet in any direction. So I bring the pizza to the door everything goes normally and I start to head back to my car. At about that time I hear a noise like the plastic wheels of a big wheel or something of that nature going down the road a good fifty feet from me. My first thought was “Why would a parent let their child play outside this late?”
As I look over all I see is a faint orange light above where I hear this noise. Not thinking too much of it, I get in my car and back out of the driveway, as my headlights reach where the light is I see the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. There is like this midget thing just staring off into the woods. The best way I can describe it is it was like it was made of scribbles. Like a moving drawing of sorts but the lines were really jumpy and weren’t contained. I had my headlights on this thing for about 5 seconds before it notices me. As soon as it notices my car, it makes an all out sprint to where I’m sitting. I sat there frozen as this thing sprints at me, It gets about a foot to my car and then disappears. As soon as it disappeared my car died and my headlights cut out. I sat there for a good thirty seconds with my heart racing just waiting for something to happen, my headlights came on after about a minute and I didn’t see anything there. I turned my car back on and noped the fuck out of there. This is the first time I’ve told this story and still have absolutely no idea what it was. I am a firm skeptic but this baffles me
15. Creepy, creepy moments
The phone connected to nothing My mom and dad moved in to a small house, old, 1940/50’s something. Back in those days they had 1 phone in a house and it was usually in a central location so they had a thing called a Phone Niche, a small shelf or pedestal built into the hall or wall near the center of the house somewhere.
Anyway my mom, dad and my older sister (I was not yet born) moved in to this old creepy house and it had one of those and on it sat an old fashion antique phone. The phone itself wasn’t actually connected to anything. You could pick up the entire unit and carry it around so there was no phantom connection under the phone or anything but every once in a while if you picked it up you could hear a dial tone. My mom swore to my dad, if that fucking phone ever rang, they were moving out.
Creepy Rackley house This is why me and my sister called it for the fact that our landlords were Mr and Miss Rackley. Mr Rackley was a nice old man, Miss Rackley was a vindictive witch who hated people being in “her” house. I don’t recall the specific reason that Mr Rackley was renting it out but IIRC it had something to do with medical bills they needed money to pay for. You see, Miss Rackley was pretty sick. I don’t remember with what.
Anyway, at some point after moving in Miss Rackley bit the dust and Mr Rackley continued to live in his apartment and let us rent the house. That’s when shit started getting crazy.
My mom would be laying in bed when she’d hear someone open the deadbolt on the front door, walk in through the house, and sit in bed with her. She’d turn over expecting to see my dad back from work and only see nothing. No one, she’d get up and the front door would be wide open.
So someone was unlocking the door, walking through the house and sitting next to her in bed, yet no one was there. This happened a few times.
My mom started having dreams of walking into the kitchen and seeing Miss Rackley. She’d be covered in blood and she’d point at my mom and scream at the top of her lungs GET OUT!!!*
Now I was a very little guy at the time but I saw a few things like things standing at the end of my bed and my sisters saw the same thing from time to time but being little we didn’t understand that we were seeing something only that there was something there and it scared the crap out of us.
One morning I woke up from a fairly uneventful night, walked into the back yard to find the entire back yard absolutely covered in bones. I don’t mean there was a few bones back there, I mean the entire back yard was fucking blanketed in cow bones, cat bones, dog bones. I don’t think we saw any human bones but I don’t think my parents checked too hard.
Before this I had uncovered 1 cow skull once while digging in the garden. Never saw this amount of skeletal remains before in my life and at 32 I haven’t seen it since with the possible exception of that crazy church made out of bones in France or something.
Needless to say, we moved… but things didn’t get better.
The House on Villa Fresno CA, if you want to look it up. This house, to me, was amazing. We moved in and the previous owner had left not only an awesome fat cat named Lucky but the garage had a box full of HeMan toys including the entire Castle GreySkull play set! FUCKING SCORE!
My sisters weren’t so lucky. By this time it was 3 of us, My older sister me and then my younger sister. I had my own room being the only boy and my sisters had shared a room at the back of the house. My older sister kept waking everyone up in the middle of the night screaming. She said there was someone in her room. She kept seeing a shadow of someone standing over her bed. Then she’d see lights racing around on the wall and hear something stomping around in the attic.
I was a little older by now and skeptical as all hell about everything supernatural so I insisted the lights she saw were merely headlights of people driving down the street. The shadow of the man on the wall was nothing but shadow of the tree outside and the thumping in the attic was probably just her imagination. To back up my claims I pointed to my little sister who also slept in the same room and never once experienced anything. Of course she was very young and might not have noticed.
So one night as an experiment we traded beds. I slept in my older sisters bed and she slept in mine. The only thing you hear in my room was my Hamster running on his wheel.
So there I was, in my sisters bed, listening and watching. Nothing. I fucking knew it! She was making it all up I thought. Then it started. A shadow moved on the wall and I heard something stirring just above my head in the attic. I layed there very still thinking I must have imagined it when I heard it again. It was a very deliberate foot step. Then, slowly one after another Klop, Klop, Klop! across the ceiling. Something or someone was definitely up there doing something! I gave up my vigil and ran screaming into my parents room, waking them up and telling them someone was in the attic. Of course my parents didn’t give a shit and thought I was just being a typical scaredy cat kid. I went back to my room and me and my sister waited out the night.
Days went on and my sister went back to her room. Shit continued to happen and no one did a thing. Finally one day the family was out doing something and we came back home. Just above the front door there was a small vent and inside the vent was a kittens head kinda pressed up against the vent. The kitten was obviously VERY scared and wanted the FUCK out. HOW a kitten got up there is anyones guess.
So my dad has the brilliant idea of giving me a lighter for light and sending me up the portal into the attic…. in my sisters closet. I protested but was overruled as I was a kid and up I went. Dad hoisted me up and I sat with my knees on the upper shelf in my sisters closet with just the upper half of my body in the attic. My only light source, the lighter wasn’t doing much but there was light coming from the vents in various parts of the attic so I could see. I saw…nothing. Of course I didn’t DARE turn around and face the part of the attic that extended over my sisters room. All I did was look straight ahead towards where the little kitten sat scared and curled up in a ball.
I looked around to my sides a bit and saw an old wood burning stove, the kind you’d see in a really old house, a few boxes of god knows what and ahead of me about 8 or 9 feet, the kitten. I tried my damnedest to make the kitten come to me. It very slowly came crawling towards me and without thinking I nabbed the kitten and turned around to climb out of the fucking closet when I came face to face with this. I don’t know if it was a mask or what. It was back about 2 yards or so surrounded by darkness as there weren’t any vents in that part of the attic or something. It was entirely motionless. Didn’t move, didn’t blink didn’t do anything. It made no sound. Nothing.
I straightened my body and me, and kitten, fell out of the closet to the ground and just above my head I heard a lot crash as if something had just pounced on my previous location. I looked behind me, eyes wide in fear, and the porthole to the attic had been closed.
I ran the FUCK out of the house with the kitten and didn’t return for 2 weeks, staying at my grandmothers apartment with my sisters. I had succeeded in at least convincing them that something was up there. Finally being forced to come home eventually I didn’t ever go back into my sisters room. How they slept in there, I’ll never know.
Finally months later my mom and my sisters go out to the store. We’re gone for a while and my dad is left at home drinking beer and cleaning his pistol, fucking awesome combination as, while he was cleaning the thing it discharged into the attic. There was a screeching sound of some sort and something broke through the attic porthole in my sisters room and raced down the hole and out the open front door. Scaring the shit out of my now shitfaced dad.
My mom, my sisters and I came home that night after shopping to find all the neighbors in their front yards staring at our house with their mouths gaping open. My dad in the front yard with his pistol in hand. Apparently we had JUST missed it. I heard the story from my dad and our next door neighbor at the same time. My dad told his version of events and the neighbor told his. He was watering his lawn when he saw this thing emerge from our front door and run and break neck speed, on 4 legs, down the street and disappeared.
Now it’s entirely possible that my parents were in on this, they fabricated the whole thing including the neighbors involvement to make it appear genuine just to put our minds at ease that there was no monster in the attic any more as my dad had apparently shot it on accident. But man were they committed to the lie, as there was a gunshot hole in the ceiling in the living room and the piece of wood that covered the attic hole in my sisters closet was broken in half leaving splintery wood everywhere.
16. Spookiest things came from when it was still operating
There is this abandoned mental hospital in my town called Prudhoe hospital which is sort of the scary place kids go to show bravado. It’s surrounded by woods so obviously you hear lots about it.
You hear lots of stories from people after it was abandoned but the spookiest things come from when it was still in service.
My Mam worked at an auxiliary nurse there for years and she said at night the crippled kids who couldn’t move due to severe diseases and birth defects would somehow get out of there cribs and into the middle of the floor on the wards. Whatever was doing this would also go around and remove blankets from all the patients and again pile them in the centre of the room.
Eventually security was hired believing it was someone getting into the hospital at night and doing all these things to scare people or to just be trouble.
However even with security they never found out who was doing these things at night.
17. Chased by an ambulance
One fall afternoon a buddy of mine and I decided to visit a massive abandoned mental hospital to take some photos. We’re talking 11 wards of two floors and a basement all connected from ward to ward. In total it must be 200-300 linear yards of winding connecting hallways on each floor. You get in and see open cell after cell after cell, peeling paint and graffiti all over the walls. We check the basement, walk through the majority of the wards and are now at ward 8.
We got there early in the afternoon maybe around 2 or 3 because we were too pansy to go at night. Mind you, we’ve heard there are cult gatherings and people have been known to stumble across the occasional hobo on their visits, so we came equipped with a couple of kershaw’s, praying not to get in some fucking knife fight. But, shit, its better to have one than not right? So. Ward 8.
We’re in a connecting hallway with a couple of wired off windows that can see outside, and my buddy says “Yo, yo get away from the window.” We look outside and theres an ambulance, no lights on, creeping slowly around the hospital. He must’ve been going at about 5 miles per hour, so we thought dammit, if theres an ambulance, there must be a cop somewhere (bad logic, I know, but we we’re just worried about being busted for trespassing). The ambulance disappears from our line of sight from the windows, and must’ve driven around all of the other wards at the same pace because a minute or so later, we see the ambulance pass right alongside the hallway we were standing in. Still fucking creeping. Thank god, the ambulance drives away, so we think, okay shit that was just a scare, there’s no cops around, let’s just keep on going.
We slowly advance for another 3 or so minutes and come across a huge lobby, probably the cafeteria and start taking a couple shots of the collapsed ceiling. We walk a bit further into the cafeteria and are by the windows again. The see the ambulance again! Creeping, just like last time, along the perimeter of the building. We hide from the windows hoping that we weren’t seen as the cafeteria is full of windows to the exterior. This time, we start to shit ourselves a little bit more.
He disappears from our line of view again, and of course, comes accross the other side of the building, circling it just like last time, 5 mph, just like last time. This time, however, he doesn’t go leave the complex, he drives up to ward 11, the last ward and parks in a cove with no exit that was right out of our line of sight. We hear the door open and close, and another door open and close. We were able to tell that there was only one person in the ambulance from the first time we sighted it. What the fuck is going on?? Was this guy here to shoot up? seemed like a bad place for a trip. Was he here for some sort of drug deal? Or was he back to “play” with us because he saw us on his last ride around?
We stay put, and at this point, we’re maybe 50 yards from ward 11 and 100-200 yards from the exit that we came in from. We know of no other exits except for the ones at each end. Trying to be as quiet as possible, we begin to hear footsteps on the floor above us. seconds later the footsteps turn into running. Towards us! NOPE, we both instantly go for our knives and begin to book the fuck out of there. The fastest 200 yard dash I will do to this day.
We finally reach the exit. We’re safe goddammit we’re safe. We continue to book it a ways out of the hospital till we’re on the path that gets us back to our car. On the way back to the little lot with my buddies car we see there’s a truck, one of those Jeep Wrangler types parked right next to my buddies car. We get maybe 50 yards away from it when he turns the car on and starts driving down the road towards us. In the car is another middle-aged man, looked real real sketchy. He drives past and thats the last we saw of both of them.
I never got a shot of the ambulance as I was too scared to go near the windows and that my flash would go off, but I did get a shot of the Wrangler in the parking lot.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/17-frightening-stories-of-abandoned-hospitals-and-asylums-as-told-by-urban-explorers-and-security-guards/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/177650801027
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