#then nearly a whole month to finish :)
cicada-candy · 6 months
the fadeaway as a hunters' bar/ way-station for riders n sorcerers n the like. you agree.
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bitebitesnap · 10 months
Time Skip (Time Patroller!Vegeta/Reader)
AN: I hate this! Very much! It's not my best and I know it, but I reallly wanted to write this silly idea with Vegeta and tbh, I think I made it more complicated than it needed to be. I'm not sure how well I managed to get his personality down and make Reader interesting so please be nice to me-
Pairings: Vegeta/Reader, Goku/Reader and Trunks/Reader suggested
“Hm. And you’re sure of this?”
“Yep. Seems like Fu’s been really active lately.” You take a sip, exhaling warmth, “The later quadrant of the 3rd dynasty has been in a wreck. The Namekians tried their best to remove the problems caused by suddenly having to deal with a wartorn Saiyan instead of the usual overgrown frog monster.”
Vegeta hummed, eyes closed in thought. The cup in his hand steamed softly, light blue glass tapping under a finger. His eyes were closed in silent bliss as he brought the warm drink to his lips, “You’d think he’d get over this ridiculous stretch for power. Surely after all his stunts he’s regained enough of himself to be content after the mockery we made of him.”
You shrugged, “Well maybe he just wants to kick your asses sooner.” His bitter grunt went ignored, “Speaking of,” The red cup was set down onto its plate, “Is Goku going to come back anytime soon? I’ve been wondering about that for the past hour now.” He could feel the weight of those curious eyes falling upon him in a familiar leer. The urge to scoff was pushed down-did you think so low of the idiot already? 
Vegeta sighed through his nose, “The idiot is out on another solo mission. Some bullshit involving Earth this time, Fu seems to have thoroughly pissed him off by removing some important events and resetting triggers again.” A light twitch to his brow belayed his suppressed irritation, but the glass in hand barely rippled. It would be unlike him to let a perfectly good drink go to waste.
The brow raise at his statement was palpable, “Really? What kind of events?” The table rocked just so when you stood. Clearly the buffoon screwed something up in the base again–probably from fucking you too hard on it, again. Which he would have to repair. Again. 
He was quickly tiring of cleaning the moron's mess.
Instead, he focused on his drink, delightfully warm in his grasp. A special blend, made from a hybrid of earl grey and some similar variant from planet Vegeta he had swiped the seeds of during his last visit. Though unfortunately it was very bitter on it’s own, something even the prince admitted was not very pleasant. But adding a few of the more passive leaves from Earth seemed to be enough to drop the acidity, making a near spicy tingle to an otherwise placid delight.
“The one involving that woman he met as a cub.”
All movement paused on your end of the table, halfway between grabbing your dishes. His senses ticked on the curl to your energy that belated the little sneer you'd make whenever you heard something unsavory. The dishware clinked softly as he set the empty cup down, the little saucer being pushed aside.
“...Chi-Chi?” Your voice was soft, he noted. Quieter than your normal bite, “...What did he do to her?” Though you tried–for which he would commend–there was still a wavering note to your voice. A sign of what to come if he spoke the wrong words; sadly, it was all he had for tonight.
“..She was killed. Found dead by the boy version of himself before he could ever know her.” His arms, sleeveless in his blue one piece undersuit, crossed over his firm chest with a finger tapping at his bicep, “It appears he had found her too late and the reptoid chasing her caught up. No doubt because of that twisted imp Fu’s meddling.”
Finally he let his eyes open. A glance towards the woman worthy of being his mate told him all he needed to know.
You were not his former wife. His wife would have been calculating strategies the moment the words left his lips. Her blue eyes would shine with the deep intelligence he’d fallen for, the respect he bore proudly on his breast shining through his own as she dug deep into her mind at possible retribution for such actions and ways to rectify everything back to normal.
It was hours like these where he was consistently reminded of the differences. His old mate was fire incarnate, bursting into a roaring blaze at the sound of any insolence. She would immediately launch into tirades of the bastard’s tyranny and how she’d give him a piece of her mind-something that commonly led to more romps in the bedroom than he could count.
Yet, while you bore the same intense fire and will Bulma had, your reactions differed vastly.
 Tonight you were silent. Your eyes, so unlike his old mate’s, stared at the cold stone with a hard glare as if you intended to break it. If given the power he wouldn't be surprised if you did. Though he could see through the farce you had laid--behind the presented anger on your face the vapidness he’d only seen on planets he conquered centuries ago stalwartly remained. A gaze warriors make when presented with an unwinnable scenario yet refusing to surrender.
He knew you wouldn't admit it, but you were about to cry. He commended you for trying but the salt twisting in your scent gave her away. 
A brow of his own raised, “Woman-”
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, grabbing his cup and heading to the kitchen, “I know he gets emotional about it. I’ll keep some leftovers in the fridge for his stupid ass when he gets home.” The bite in your words was twice as venomous than a stake to the heart. Fury barely suppressed stoked the flames of your ki and he curled his lip at it stabbing into his own.
Of course you’d gone from upset to angry, like all the times before whenever one of them acted like an idiot. If you were a Saiyan he’d be more than aroused by your rage–and he had been many times–but the reason behind your ire was a bucket of ice water to any fire in his loins.
The topic of their former wives was delicate. You’d accepted it was their past, part of them to the core-it wasn’t like you were going to reject their offerings after all this time. But he knew the topic itself was still difficult to cover. You’d been told how long they’d been married and mated. The loss had been devastating- one of the many reasons you’d been their choice next was related to the intense pain both elder Saiyans had felt. To know that one of your mates was reliving the grief had to be an immense weight on your shoulders. Coupled with the insecurity you were undoubtedly revisiting, he knew you were in turmoil. 
Though he could not help the twist in his gut at having to address the issue once more. A bitter coldness dripped into his ribs, the resentment palpable but contained. You were, at your own core, still human. The frailty you fought hard to hide would still find ways to break through regardless of the power shared between you and them. He turned the irritation inward at his own ridiculous response–he could not expect you to be as complacent as a normal Saiyan. 
Though it didn't stop it from being annoying.
Silently he stood up. The chair was scooted back against the table, cup abandoned for now as he entered the kitchen, arms crossed firmly over his chest. Those angry eyes that could rake gooseflesh over his skin were focused intently on the dishes clattering within the sink. The rag squelched soapy suds across the glassware in your irate scrubbing, as if you could scratch out the feelings within. You were completely involved in the task, which left you wide open.
You yelped when your feet were swept out from beneath you, “Vegeta what-!?”
“Quiet, woman.” Firm, muscled arms braced underneath your back and knees as you were hoisted up against his broad chest. The awkward dangle of your long legs and shoulder nearly being shoved into his cheek went ignored as always as he turned away from the sink.
He could feel your confused glare burning into his cheek while he trudged out of the kitchen. Your legs dangled over his arm, back in an awkward angle from his hold. The bemusement seeping from your gaze raised his hackles when he had to scrunch your body together just to squeeze out of the doorframe in the dining room to the living room and it took tremendous effort not to glare in your direction. Instead he dropped onto the couch, cradling his mate in his lap.
Even at this angle you were still so much larger. An eyebrow twitched when his shoulder propped up your bicep, your knees squished up on the other side of his chest in a familiar crushed carry. And yet he could feel you were so very small right now as he held your in his grasp. He could hear how your heart thrummed like a bird in a cage, held back by the irritated glare you leveled at him
“Vegeta what are you doing.” It wasn’t a question. You stated what you wanted, a fact he found incredibly attractive even with your current state. He knew you were upset, both at his actions and the situation you’d found yourself in, but he;d be damned if he didn’t remedy the clear mistake in your logic.
"I know you're overthinking again." You fell silent, no doubt staring at him in mute shock, "You're second guessing Kakarot's bond to you. You're thinking about how he doesn't respond with the same anger whenever you are in danger, and maybe you've even got the insane idea that he would return to the woman of his past." A soft swallow bobbed in your throat. The sound drew him to glance at you, tracing the downward path of your soft skin from the corner of his eyes. Tense as a drum, a frustrated frown on your lips.
"Well I'm going to tell you to get over yourself. The fact you have such little faith in his bond to you is unacceptable, even if he is an idiot. He spent decades on his own grieving the loss of his first mate. It was damn near pathetic how inconsolable the bastard was, always lamenting what he lost and giving me a headache even when he understood I was going through the same." His eyes closed as he glanced away. Remembering the burning pain never ending in his ribs, the encroaching darkness that remained at the edge of his consciousness. It was maddening how close he'd come to reverting to his old ways just to bury his feelings deep until he was nothing but a ball of rage again.
Yet he held firm, glaring holes into the far wall, "And then he found you. And he refused to shut up about it. He prattled on about your face, your voice, not even your name was spared as he made a fool out of himself. He could barely focus during training and got plenty of what he deserved when he allowed his thoughts to drift to you." The prince scoffed, "Even Trunks could see the obsession festering in that idiot long before he could admit it to himself. It was as humiliating to watch as it was to hear."
Finally he set his narrowed gaze to yours, "If you honestly believe he would leave you to return to his old life, after all the blood and pain we've gone through to make you ours, then you're sorely mistaken. And I do not want my mate to be so weak as to have waning faith in her mates."
You were staring at him. The irritation was still present in your eyes but had lost much of it;s intensity. A cute flush began to decorate your cheeks, but it was ruined by the all too familiar struggle of you trying not to laugh. Indignant by your amusement he glared harder, to which you snorted outright.
"You're terrible at making people feel better, aren't you." Your snickering made him huff and look away annoyed, "Don’t be like that, it was cute.” A low growl, “Alright, handsome. You're very handsome when you try." His obstinance weakened when you drew him back with your fingertips on his jaw, kissing his cheek. Had he been a weaker man he would have blushed harder, "Although I didn’t expect you to defend Goku of all people. Are you starting to go soft on him now?"
A snort had him rolling his eyes, "Of course not. I don’t play favorites, especially with Kakarot. It’s just insulting that you think so little of his attachment to you as if he would return to his old life like a cowering dog. And I will not stand to have our Saiyan ways defiled by your ignorance." Now he was letting her go in favor of crossing his arms, refusing to look at her. 
It was your turn to roll your eyes, "Fine, I'm sorry alright. You're right, I was overthinking." You waved at his glare while sliding off his lap to the cushion next to him. Your hands busied themselves by straightening the rolled up sleeves of your sweater back down over your wrists while he clicked his tongue at you.
"Don't apologize to me, apologize to him. It was his bond you insulted, not mine." With a nod to the closed door he settled into the couch more comfortably. You glanced at him when his arm found it;s way over your shoulders and hauled you into his side, "But I doubt he will be back anytime soon, so get comfortable."
You sighed, “Fine, I’ll just find something to do until then.” With a brief peck to his jaw you made to get up but instead, found you couldn't. A few tugs on his grip proved it sturdy and your wide eyes found his, "Wait, are you going to hold me until he gets back?" Another, harder pull did not change his hold, the beginnings of a smirk tugging the edge of his lips. You faced him with a glare, "Vegeta, I can’t sit here all night."
He raised an elegant brow, unphased, "And why is that? Tell me, is it because you neglected to finish the cleaning you set out to do this morning and have been reduced to doing it late at night." When you failed to answer, indignant rage immediate on your face, he smirked, "Of course you did, lazy woman. You just sat around like a princess waiting to be serviced didn't you? Expecting me or Kakarot to help you through them, I assume?"
Your pout was at full force, "Kind of, yeah. But let me guess, his royal shortness wasn't going to, was he."
His brow twitched but his smug grin remained, "Not even being my mate will spare you from your own incompetence." A devious chuckle answered your miserable groan.
"I know Goku will." The bite punctuated you turning away with your nose in the air. A desperate attempt to gain ground in the argument.
"You could ask Kakarot to rearrange the planets and he would do it for you." He dismissed the thought with a wave of his free hand, reclining back into the couch. Checkmate.
You leveled an unimpressed raise of your brow at him, "You say that like you wouldn't." Unexpected play, but he could retaliate still.
Just as uninterested his gaze lazily flowed towards your lips and back, "As an action to prove my loyalty to you, I would go to any limit. Even bringing the head of that Fu bastard to your feet if you desired." Ground reclaimed, checkmate.
You cringed, "Gross, no. That's Hell to get out of the carpet." Of course you weren;t the same level of tactician as he, but you were much wiser in knowing when to forfeit before the combat became too much. 
He shared a soft chuckle with you in place of verbal sparring, exhilarating as it was. The tension had ebbed out of the air, a peaceful silence falling into the room. He could turn on the TV, since the remote was sitting on the coffee table mere feet away, but he was comfortable as he was. His mate was leaning into his side, pacified once more and his son and Kakarot were nowhere to be seen for the next few hours. He had you all to himself for the foreseeable future, but all he wanted was to remain as he was with you in his grasp.
A soft kiss to his cheek made him grunt, "Thank you, though. For trying to make me feel better." You grinned at him from above, your head nestled down into his shoulder.
He stubbornly ignored the warmth on his cheeks as he let the traces of a smile grace his face. Instead he pressed you even closer in an attempt to drown out the thundering beat of his heart in his ears.
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ruthirlcartoon · 4 months
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no1ryomafan · 5 months
I really question why “damn why haven’t I gotten to any animes I haven’t seen already when I have nothing better to do” or “why is it such a struggle to watch something long when so much anime I need to watch is long” then the autism hits me “oh your gonna watch this 13 ep show a million times and back to back”
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nyoomfruits · 10 months
Hiii, I somehow stumbled upon this snippet again and was wondering if this is still happening?
Hope you have a great day!! 🫶🏻
hi anon!!!!!! the short answer is not currently, no. the longer answer is that i've written about 4k for this au and i do really like it, but rn there's other ideas and other fics that inspire me more, which means it probably won't get written for a while. who knows, maybe if i finish the fic i'm currenly working on (i tend to only really work on one fic at the time) but unfortunately i can't make any promises :((((
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discoreptile · 1 year
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Zaptor from Elestrals!
#elestrals#pixel art#Hey gang another secret tag update#I am in talks with the guy who makes this and he's commissioning me to make every elestral :')#this is my first animation commission/job that will stop me from having to worry about commissions for like... months#maybe even a full year. who knows. But the point is I will finally be a big shot#My home and love life are comfortable as can be but I have been worried about money a little recently as commissions are sporadic#But... I'm actually on track to move to full time animation. I'm so excited.#Game is still under construction. Story is done and I'm still coding. Might need a new computer soon because this one is nearly a decade old#I'm so hopeful that the universe has finally thrown me a proverbial bone at least career wise#I have a small fanbase who is really really nice to me and I met a lot of friends there and I need to remember them when this all kicks off#Misty Ripley Heck are three that have been super supportive and I will help give back to them for keeping me afloat this whole time#Ashley has also been subscribed to me for a year. It's our year anniversary soon and I'm so nervous bc I'm not certain what to get her/do#Will just be grateful to have more memories w her. Might get a little trip away somewhere if she can get someone to watch pets#just checked. Nothing standing out but I'll figure it out now that money is significantly less of a worry#I guess that's nearly every one of my worries gone. Just gotta actually grind and finish game and I'll have nearly nothing to complain about
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aturnoftheearth · 1 year
i should make amvs again
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kasper-k · 2 years
It sucks when you want to draw a million things and have a lot of great ideas but when you finally start drawing you get burnt out immediately
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malkaviian · 1 year
i am having a great time here on life dot com
#/s#i only ate a scrambled egg today; i couldnt finish it and i feel sick#something else happened today that just showed how this girl is even more manipulative. how did you turned out like this.#or maybe you were ALWAYS like this and youre just showing your true nature now? how i didnt realized this before? we were friends for years#and honestly at this point i would say whatever ruin your life; nobody is going to stay that long around you like we did.#but you have A WHOLE ASS CHILD. A 4 NEARLY 5 MONTHS OLD BABY THAT DEPENDS TOTALLY ON YOU!!!!#STOP BEING SO SELFISH!!!! AT LEAST THINK ABOUT THE SON YOU CLAIM TO LOVE!!!!#maybe im exaggerating but i feel betrayed by someone i saw as a sister + i saw her son as a nephew.#i already lost a 11 years friendship last year why is this happening to me again. and is ending in a horrible way#sorry that the rest of the group dared to still do friend stuff even after you became a mom and thus became unable to do certain things now#i *get* it; you feel envious. but we cant stop our lives just because YOURS changed. we told you multiple times we love you and your son#we love when you bring him with you because we love him; and two of us dont even like kids that much. we were excited the whole pregnancy#we supported you because we can imagine how difficult being a young; single mom is. we did that because youre important#but we committed the horrible sin of doing things without you; because you yourself said you couldnt and/or dont want to go#we committed the horrible sin of still being friends with each other and eventually bring in another friend#whom we tried for you to get along; but it didnt happened and were in the wrong for still hanging out with him.#we tried to talk about you feeling excluded from the group; but you only told us 'i dont know'; because if you directly said#'i dont like that you three have a social life together without me even when im literally unable to follow your steps now because im a mom'#you would sound extremely selfish. and you know what? you are. i get missing the stuff youre not able to do now being a mom; its normal#but its not a fucking excuse to try to destroy the rest of the group. i love how youre pretending to be the victim in this case#by saying 'oh [x] said she felt uncomfortable with me she doesnt want to be friends with us anymore :((' when its not what happened#she said the problem is YOU; not the rest of us. she told you the problems she has with you; we saw the fucking convo#and youre twisting her words to make her look like the attacker. plus trying to make us think she also wants to stop being friends with us?#literally not whats happening. you think were just going to take your word anyway and not ask her about it?#even when breaking a friendship out of nowhere is pretty important? were just going to go 'oh [x] is a bitch' without asking anything.#also we know now she has been your punching bag for so long. we saw convos and your recent attitude towards her confirm it.#anyway youre a fucking selfish manipulator who cares about things going her way only. and were seeing it now#well; i guess at least it means were aware of your true nature; even if we feel betrayed for how long you pretended towards us#things are going downwards and is literally your fault#negative
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pangolen · 1 year
#cw i'm being mean about a stranger's fanfiction because i've been reading it for weeks or months now#and it's consuming me but i need to finish it at this point#ok one of the problems w this fic is really just. how much the author fucking hates y qy#what'd this dude ever do to you#his death was so much more brutal than was really called for#and yet!!! not nearly detailed enough#cut off his arm without any fanfare#ripped out his whole stomach within a sequence of 'and then's#unnecessary AND uninteresting#like the author was already grossed out or something and didn't want to touch it further#also maybe im desensitized to fictional Bad Things Happening#or maybe this fic is just so fucking long some of it's faded into the bg of my mind#but i don't really think his Crimes warranted all that#cut off his cultivation and let him rot or whatever. eye for an eye and force a truth serum down his throat in front of an audience#idk i just think setting up a whole arena and cutting off his limbs was a little excessive#telling him his beloved friend & the person he promised to protect has been dead under his nose for like 10 years or whatever is also#A Bit Much#like yeah he did a lot of fucked up stuff#but it's only getting punished so hard because the fucked up suff was done to the protagonist#m bj killed a bunch of kids and would've had no problem killing more if s qq hadn't intervened#well. teens and young adults but still#but that's not worthy of punishment i guess because we like m bj?#'it was for revenge' oh that's fine then#& anyway on top of all that. it just felt like the author was setting him up to Do Bad just for the ability to punish him later#if that makes sense#like not to move the plot forward or anything. or for character depth.#just to make sure we know y qy sucks and he has it coming to him#so tldr my notes are: 1) make it make sense; 2) lean into the violence a little more damn#also i know it's a fic someone worked hard on and posted for free and it's silly to criticize it like this#but god i'm almost 300k words in im invested and it's for the worst
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bobzora · 2 years
god. will today finally be the day that the stars of my physical and mental health align and ill be able to do a little bit of animatic work. please. please
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isatoru · 2 years
guys.................... i want yoshida so bad. the blorbofication process is nearly complete.... i may enter a brainrot any time now
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Why am I so proud of myself for doing something that is basically a failure on all levels
#so i started this level 2 certificate back in like march when i first started thinking about quitting teaching#i was like ‘if i just stay busy then the existential dread won’t catch me’#but it turned out that grad school plus teaching plus frantically trying to find a job was uhhhhh a lot#and the one thing that didn’t have a deadline was this random level 2 certificate. so i just sort of. never did the assessments#i still have the textbooks and assessment booklets slung under my coffee table judging me for my terrible time management and general lack#of commitment to things i commit to. but they’ve sort of blended into the scenery now#and i got an email in like.. june i think it was asking me if i’d completed the course yet & if i needed help#and i was like ‘omg yeah i’ll get it done soon! i have some assessments for my main course which are taking priority#but i Will finish this’ [john mulaney voice] AND THEN I DIDN’T#it’s been nearly a year. i cannot believe this#so anyway. on the 9th of this month i got an email from a whole different person. this one was damn near a welfare check#i mean on the surface she’s just asking if i’m still going to complete the course and if i need help but there’s this undercurrent#that’s like ‘are you even still alive?’#so i saw that and i felt bad and was drafting a reply in my head. but then i immediately forgot#i only remembered today. but i did email her back! i said sorry for the late reply; thanks for reaching out & i asked how i should hand in#the assessments. because i genuinely don’t know. i think this is part of what’s causing my mental block#i mean they gave me assessment booklets but does this mean i have to physically take a train 50 minutes to campus to drop them off??#or can i just type everything up. like. i’m fine scanning in the title pages if they need my signature#but it seems so much easier for everyone if i just type this#OKAY she just got back to me and said i can email the answers if i’ve typed them & asked if i can have this back by the end of marxh#*march. which is honestly way more grace than i deserve imo#fucking hallelujah. i’m going to put this on my calendar#i do not know why i’m proud of myself for sorting this out. like. it took WAY too fucking long#i guess it’s true that it’s never too late to own your shit and fix it. but also. god fucking damn#there was no need for this thing to take A FUCKING YEAR#personal
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wolftheidioticfan · 10 months
Hey, if Todd is still around... would he like a train? But a train mecha.
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endlessthxxghts · 10 days
Just One
DBF!Joel Miller x afab!reader | w/c: 819 (she just a baby!)
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Summary: You’re still worked up even though Joel’s tapped out for the night. Maybe you need a kiss to satisfy you—a simple, sweet kiss. Right?
Content/Tags: Reader is able-bodied and has female sex anatomy, but is otherwise undescribed. Pussy pronouns (she)!! 18+ MDNI. Making out. Bulge grinding 😋 let me know if there’s anything I missed!
A/N: @pinkypromisepascal and I had a conversation…and then I said I wanted to write a drabble based on what we talked about, to which she said “DO IT.” So I did. Y’all better thank her brain for this too!🙂‍↕️ and to @strang3lov3, thank you for the extra pair of eyes AND THE MOODBOARD!!!😭 I love you both so much. To everyone, I hope you enjoy, all my love xx
masterlist | update blog
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It’s been thirty minutes. 
Thirty minutes since Joel had you folded nearly in half, your legs pressed against your torso, the slam of his hips pushing you higher up his mattress. 
Thirty minutes since he made your eyes roll back, throat burning in pleasure. 
Thirty minutes since he wiped you clean and massaged your hips. 
It’s been thirty minutes. 
And he’s knocked the fuck out. 
You sit up in his bed. You’re not here very often. Ever, really. It was by chance you stayed over tonight. So you study the area. Take his space in. The painting and posters above his bed. The nightstand. The white fan sitting on his dresser, pointing directly at him. He runs hot when he sleeps. Too hot. 
Your eyes trace his figure, then. His broad back on display, hips covered by his sheets. 
His face. God, his face. Salt and pepper scruff around the edges, smile lines and furrowed eyebrow lines adorning his face. They’re not as harsh now as he succumbs deeper into his slumber, but they’re present nonetheless. 
His hooked nose sits prettily, the same nose that had you squirming and gasping for air earlier in the night. Your core flutters at the thought. 
You’re looking at his lips now, and you can’t help the way your own forms a smirk. 
“Joel,” you whisper. 
A rock. Unmoving. Unfazed. 
On your knees now, you shuffle to face him. Leaning forward, hand on his shoulder to nudge him, you try again. 
“Hm?” his sleepy voice rasps. 
“I need your help,” you respond. 
One eye peels open. His eyebrows move into their natural habitat, furrowed. “What’s wrong, darlin’?” 
You put on your sweetest face. “Can I have a kiss?” 
You stifle a giggle at the daggers being thrown at you. “Jesus,” he mutters. “Have you been up this whole time?” 
“It’s been thirty minutes,” you retort. 
“No, it ain’t—” you gesture to his clock before he can finish his thought. He faces it immediately, throwing his face back into his pillow with an incoherent grumble. “Sleep,” he finally says. 
“I will, sleeping beauty,” you giggle. “Can I please have a kiss first? Just one,” you ask again, lowering your voice an octave, a tone he can never deny. 
He flips himself over, so he’s more on his back now. “It’s never just one.”
“That’s not true,” you fake pout, leaning closer in, letting the tips of your nose dance.
“You said one kiss months ago. Look where that got us.” His breath fans against your lips.
“I don’t see you complaining,” you whisper, your body on fire with this conversation. 
You let your lips finally meet, soft and sweet, but the heat building in your cheeks keeps you from breaking the seal. Without thinking, you climb on top of him, straddling him as your hands find the base of his neck, the length beneath you already beginning to stir. 
You break away for less than a second before you bring your lips to his again, but he’s quick to stop you, a shit-eating grin between his cheeks. “Thought ya said one?” He breathes. 
“Shut up,” you murmur, smashing your lips against his once more as your tongue coasts the expanse of his bottom lip, the taste of you from earlier still lingering. 
“Shit, sugar,” he groans into your mouth, his hips bucking into you on their own accord. “She’s still so needy, ain’t she? That why ya can’t sleep?”
His bulge catches perfectly where you need him most, pulling a whimper from the back of your throat. “Please, baby,” you pant. 
“Told ya ‘s never jus’ one kiss,” he rasps as his heavy hands grab at your waist, guiding your hips into a more frenzied rhythm.
“You’re right,” you cry, eyes clamping shut, nothing but the sweet sounds of your ecstasy blessing his ears. 
Too blissed out to continue kissing him, you bring your lips to his jaw, nipping and licking the places you can reach. With a few harsh grinds of your hips, you’re moaning out into his ear—his partially deaf one, luckily—with millions of white sparkles flashing beneath your eyelids. Joel’s breathing stops at the same moment your body convulses, strangled grunts leaving his throat as he adds to your mess of his boxers. 
“She satisfied, yet?” He hums as you lay across his sweaty chest.
“Mmm,” you pretend to think it over. “I think it’s her turn for a kiss now.” 
Joel scoffs. You can hear his smile with it. 
You lift your head to look him in the eyes, a faux innocence in the way you jut out your bottom lip. “Just one, baby,” you reason with him.
Joel tosses you to your unspoken side of the bed. “Sleep.” 
“She’ll get her kiss in the morning.” 
Your eyes nearly pop out at the realization of his words. “G-Goodnight, baby,” you reply quickly. 
“‘S what I thought. G’night, darlin’.”
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screampied · 7 months
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gojo, nanami, toji, getō, choso, jujutsu kaisen men & how long can they last during nnn
2.7k+ ☆ total wc ☆
☆ tags ☆ afab!reader. overstim , edging , dry humping , unprotected sex , oral [f] , orgasm-denial , semi-public sex , dirty talk , choking , dumbification kink, brat taming.
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poor gojo fails on the first day immediately. he's so cocky once you suggest you two should try it—see which one breaks first and it's obviously gojo. you walking around in a sundress was just about enough for him to forget about the entire challenge.
“you really don’t think i’ll last for the entire month?” gojo says, and he’s just following you around. it’s november first and he’s already losing it. the pretty sundress that hung down you, practically and barely reaching your ass made him ten times hornier. “pft. please. i can last the whole month without—” and then he stops mid-sentence at the realization, and his lip quivers a bit whilst he’s rubbing himself against you from behind. “…can't i at least.. touch you, baby?”
“no,” you spoke, letting off a gasp once he bends you straight over the kitchen counter. all it took was for gojo to pull up your sundress a few inches towards your waist, and he nearly lets off a needy moan once he sees you’re wearing no panties. “you can last a month satoru. it's not that long.”
“hey ‘s not fuckin' fair,” he groans, and he’s so close propped up against you. his bulge hardens against you, he’s only wearing simple grey sweats and he slides his hands against your waist. “planned this all out, d-didn’t you,” and he lets off a low breathy sigh. “there's no rule sayin' i can’t bend ya over like this,” he speaks, his voice sounding whiner by the second—you gasp once he squeezes your ass, feeling his thumb brush against your slit. “is there, baby?”
gojo couldn't help himself. once he had you bent over, you now found yourself in mating press with him being pumped full over and over again. a day hasn’t even passed and he already lost—to be fair, in his defense it was your fault for walking around in a pretty short sundress that nearly showed the bottom parts of your ass.
“s-so nice ‘n warm f’me.” he’d pant again and again, having you in quite the position to where you’re laid flat on your back, his own cum is so much it’s oozing out of your pussy. your grip onto his wrist tightens as he dips his hips in and out, you’re moaning from his thrusts—already forgetting about the stupid dumb challenge you suggested for you and your boyfriend to participate in.
to think of going one month without being intimate with gojo.
“s-satoru,” you moaned, and his base just smacks just smacks and smacks against you. you're so dizzy, craving more of his sticky load by the second, desperately wanting to be even more full. it was such a mess between your legs. he’s panting and staring at you with that same hungry feral gaze, swiping a tongue across his sheeny lips—gojo leans in to kiss you hard, yet more so passionate. he’s moaning and whining into your mouth while preparing to cum again and he’s so sensitive. he can barely think straight. “m-mhm.”
your body is basically being fucked dumb into the fats of the silkened mattress. gojo’s weight hovers against yours as his cock thrusts in and out, giving you whiplash so good to where it has you digging your pretty nails into the pale roots of his arm.
“not finished with you,” he pants, his eye-lids were low, and he was still panting up a storm once he pulls out for a brief moment. gojo stares down at the mess he create—licking his lips once more before leaning down to briefly lick a little of his own cum from your thighs before letting off a sigh. “we… can try again next year, y-yeah?”
choso would have honestly failed on the first day too, but he has a bit more self control which is surprising. he's a very needy man not to mention quite clingy too. three days felt so long for the poor guy though. three days without cumming inside—he'd go mad. so he had to improvise.
“just a taste princess, just a…taste,” he’d pant, staring at you with such intent. you’re just lying down on the bed, glancing back up at him while rubbing a hand over your tummy before smiling. “don’t look at me like that.”
“choso it’s only been three days,” you giggle, reaching for his hand and he was so warm—he lets off a soft moan just from your touch alone, so touch starved and it hasn’t even been that long.
a big baby.
but eventually, he was so cute and you gave in. choso didn’t even want to fuck you. all he wanted to do was please you, more than please himself. but he does end up pleasing himself just a tad bit. you getting off gets him off if that makes sense. the raven-haired man was propped securely between your legs, his tongue latched onto your sweet cunt, lapping it up continuously while his moans fanned against you—making you create out tiny whines and moans yourself.
“s-so good, so hungry,” he whines, and choso can’t help but reach into his black and white boxers, stroking himself. he couldn’t help it, just hearing your sweet noises was enough to make him cum right through his sweatpants. “drivin’ me s-so insane.”
“fuck choso,” you whimper, some long strands of his hair tickles and brushes against your thighs, he’s so sloppy too. making sure to spit on your pussy only to clean it up. choso wasn’t never fond of his pretty baby to be messy. he’s so into it, his lashes remained closed as he ate you out, continuing to stroke his dick—moaning right into your folds, eventually your slick drips down his chin and he’s craving more and more. “don’t stop, your tongue feels so g-good, baby.”
“praise me more,” he whines, giving you a brief stare, his eyes opens for a second and his eyebrows raise down and furrow. a cute saddened expression of how wanting and needy he was. “want you to tell me how good ‘m makin’ you feel, gorgeous.”
you’re panting heavily from his tongue and how deep it reaches, each suck and slurp he creates before you dig your fingers through his hair to make him maintain eye contact. “you’re so good, choso. you’re making me feel so good.”
“….oh, s’ all i want, pretty,” he sighs, giving the front part of your pussy a sweet kiss before dragging a single orgasm out of you.
you make toji fail because you’re just…horny. toji believe it or not, toji could last a few days of nnn despite being an actual walking sex-machine. it was your idea, but now you regret it. it makes his ego boost tremendously seeing how you couldn’t take it anymore, such a cock hungry girl.
“toji!” you’d pout, desperate for him to at least touch you at least—but no, he was busy occupying himself by working out. raising the hefty bench pressed up and down, he looked so good. and he was just ignoring you. a smirk lightly pressed against his lips as he lifts the gym equipment up and down, counting his sets in his head and you bit your lip.
you had to do something, you couldn’t wait. it’s been nine days, you were sitting on toji’s lap. specifically, his hard bulge that was poking through his grey gym shorts. “yes baby,” he speaks, acting as if you weren’t squirming on his lap, so desperate to get him off.
“i need you,” was the only pathetic words leaving your lips, and he watches as you slide your hands up his white tank tee, brushing your fingertips against his abdomen—his rock hard abs just flexing, a bit sweaty and you nearly moaned. “so bad. sosobad. fuck me please. ‘s was a stupid idea.”
“tch. ‘bout damn time. and ya said i’d break first,” he chuckles, setting the black dumbbells aside to their original position. “mm. at least y’er aware. now now, be a good girl ‘n take those filthy panties off f’me.”
you whined, thankful you wore a skirt so all you had to was really slip your panties off—you stare down at toji as you’re riding him and he’s still laid flat on his back on the gym bench. at least it wasn’t many people around but they’d still probably see you. but from anyone’s perspective, it’d look like a silly girl on her boyfriend’s lap for whatever reason.
“s-shit,” you moaned, feeling his cock expand deep just from his girth alone. it was so good, it nearly had you drooling. toji’s fat dick was something you could never get enough of. it stretched you out so good—it was indescribable to say how great it made you feel, your pussy yearned for more each time, your mouth grows dry as you grind your hips against him. and he’s just staring at you with his toned arms are just smugly pinned behind his back, watching you have the time of your life. “s’big toji. fuck.”
“ya know how to take it every time though, doll,” he grunts, bringing a hand towards your waist to somewhat guide your movements. you whimper once he brings a hard smack to your ass once he feels you start to slow down, he’s so big, his tip kisses against deep inside of your pussy and you’re so dizzy, you can’t even speak words. “fuckin’ whore-” he groans, and you end up making toji cum quicker than he thought he would—it shoots right inside you, his head goes back for about two seconds and it’s sexy, you can see his adams apple just briefly.
“better savor that shit,” he grumbles, watching you catch your breath yourself, and he brings two fingers and dips them inside your pussy before letting off a grunt. “should make ya lick my fingers clean. bet you’d like that, little slutty girl,” and he gives you a brief head pat while you’re pushed into his chest, panting over and over. “yeah ya fuckin’ would.”
geto could last long, but everything changed once you decided to tease him a bit too much. sending him videos of you touching yourself while he’s out at work or busy. he comes home to you—and he just can’t take it anymore.
geto’s breath shakes once he holds his phone in one hand, seeing you on the screen—only in your bra and panties, sliding a hand up and down your body. his eyes trail and observe every inch, his mouth dry a bit, wishing you were with him right now. “suguru baby, you miss me?” you’d say in the video recording, dragging your fingertips further and further down until you eventually stopped at the very hem of your panties. “it’s been eighteen days since you last touched me.”
“yeah…” he pants, knowing you obviously can’t hear him, but he wished you could. so bad. “miss you so bad, princess. miss your pussy.”
“remember, you can’t touch yourself to me either. or cum until the month ends, okay? love you.” and the video clip ends. of course, he watches it at least seven more times—nearly cumming his pants just at the sound of your voice alone.
geto groans, feeling the bulge in his pants strain staggeringly get bigger and bigger. once he finally gets home, he couldn’t contain himself any longer.
you were already waiting for him on the bed, with a sly smile—geto's quick to pick you up and kiss you all over, staring with your lips and your neck. “the tip, just the tip. swear. jus’ gotta feel you baby. feel your warmth.”
“fine,” you smile, already making your way onto him. geto tells you at least ten shaky thank you’s once you’re hovering over his cock—geto looks so pretty underneath you, his hair covers his face and he starts whining once you’re doing as promised, just the tip. “what’s wrong, do you want more than that?”
“yeah but baby, you’re gonna make me c-cum.” he moans, feeling you start to sink down lower until your hips rocks against him and he lets off a soft whimper by accident. “damn, just like that. ride me baby. make me cummm,” and his voice is so smooth but shaky, his dark pretty eyes nearly rolls back and it’s so sexy, he’s so sensitive he keeps swallowing and bracing himself before within seconds—geto ends up shooting white ropes inside, you feel his dick twitch as he’s still spasming, it’s been so long and his load is so much.
“shit.” he whines, leaning in to kiss you and he ends up moaning in your mouth once you return the kiss. “saved- saved s’much for you, baby,” he moans, grabbing ahold of your hips, making you continue to rock against him—only before he grips your waist, and starts to make you slam onto him and you whined, completely taken aback. “gotta remind this pussy who it really belongs to though.”
nanami's the only one of the few who can actually go an entire month, although he just about barely makes it. he comes home from a long day at work and he’s just so pent up and stressed. all he can think about is using you as his personal cum dump.
“you don’t know how hard it was to not—” and he pauses, having you lied flat on your back, using a single hand to pry your pretty legs open. you shiver from feeling the cold band of his watch brush against your thighs. “woman, you torture me, you know that?”
you whimper from feeling him slowly sink himself inside—he’s staring down at you and his weight presses against your ass, he groans once he goes in and out, he’s teasing you. his cock was so thick, it stretches you out in every shape or form. your pussy hugs and grips him tightly, and he just can’t help himself. “kento, cum in me p-please,”
“thought you said i couldn’t cum until december first, sweetheart,” he says in a low voice, it’s almost seductive by the sounds of his pronunciation. nanami’s just sliding his tip in and out, it’s leaking with some of his own pre-cum, and he lets off a chuckle once he hears your cute whine of frustration. “this is your little game, i’m just playing by the rules.”
“didn’t mean it,” you cry out, so needy for him to fuck you. he was so warm, so so warm, your eyebrows parted together in annoyance and you bit your lip at him sinking a few inches inside your tight needy cunt before pulling out again. “kento please. fuck me, cum-cum in me, i need it.”
“oh, i know,” he breaths, and you gasp once you feel him spank your ass before rubbing it softly. nanami groans—swiping his fat reddened tip against your throbbing hole, spitting on his hand before rubbing it against your entrance to make you whimper, then spanks your pussy. “to think i haven’t touched this pretty body for a damn near month. you only ended up torturing yourself, sweetheart. can’t last a day without me filling this sloppy cunt up,” and as he’s talking, you’re growing more and more dizzy. you’re practically drooling from how needy you were.
and he dumbs his words down just a tad bit for you, his voice grows low once he leans up close to you purposely, wrapping a hand around your throat as his weight pressed against your ass. “tell me,” he whispers. “say the words and i’ll overflow your pussy with everything i have, pretty girl.”
“please kento, need your cum. need it so bad. fill me up please. breed me.”
“anything for my girl.” he kisses the top of your head, stroking a thumb against the middle part of your neck before stuffing two fingers of his into your mouth—he didn’t expect you to suck on them, but you did, whining and whining over and over again once he starts to thrust inside of you. he’s slow but his strokes are deep, and it’s so romantic. “that’s it, jus’ relax for me. let me claim these walls, then i’ll claim your heart next.”
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