#then he straps you to his back like tanjiro with nezuko
dracocheesecake · 8 months
New Fatherfigure!/Platonic!Kai x Reader Headcanon:
Kai gets sick of you and the situations you keep getting into and just mongolian swaddles you to keep you out of trouble.
Kai swaddling you:
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Rudra headcanons with Tanjiro!fem!reader
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warnings: anime/manga spoilers, ooc, violence
Here it is guys, my collaboration work @deathmetalunicorn1.  Definitely go check out their blog, they are an incredible writer and deserve lots of love! @praisethesuuun I really hope you will like this piece as I know how much you adore this big guy :) With that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)
You rested your hand against a tree, panting softly as you wiped a small bead of sweat from your brow, having been hiking in these mountains for almost two hours, the blue-hazy skies darkening to nighttime. If it weren’t for the full moon tonight, traveling through here would be a lot more difficult. Thankfully Nezuko was sleeping soundly in her box that was strapped on your back, not stirring by your uneven steps as you resumed the ascension to a high peak in the Hindu pantheon.
Although you had done your best to persuade the Hashira and Lord Ubuyashiki in the trial that Nezuko would not attack humans, Lord Hades was not convinced. He will, however, grant you an opportunity to prove yourself as an unofficial member of the Demon Slayer Corps. This is the mission you and Nezuko were currently undertaking: investigate reported sightings of demons, and if able, eradicate them. They were supposedly hiding within this very mountain range, targeting the gods in the Hindu pantheon to test their strength and devour their opponent’s divine flesh. 
Hades left the decision up in the air if you think you could handle the demon, which did make you feel a little hopeful. He was starting to trust you a bit more after you completed your last few missions. That’s good, right? It had to be. If that wasn’t the case, you’d still be at the Butterfly Mansion, anxiously waiting for your next assignment. 
You reached a clearing near some rocks when a cacophony of sounds reached your ears; the sound of bones breaking, blows being landed, and yelling. Your eyes widened in horror before quickening your pace, breaking into a sprint as the noise got louder in the northwest direction. You zigzagged through the juniper trees, narrowly dodging the branches, never slowing down till you saw a four-armed, tattooed deity exchanging fists with a drooling, pale demon. The other two were sneaking in the shadows, ready to pounce for a sneak attack. 
If it wasn’t the sight of a god trying to take on three demons did not shock you, it was the sight that they, and you, were standing in a field of bright red spider lilies. Blue ones bloomed right in the center, where the fighting was taking place. Some of the petals were missing, other flowers were uprooted entirely, meaning  that these demons must have eaten the blue spider lilies to gain an energy boost and an immunity to the sunlight. 
They had to be destroyed, now. 
You quickly drew your sword. “Get down!!” Inhaling sharply through your teeth and catapulting into the air, the tip of the flaming nichirin blade slicing through the surrounding trees, the invisible threat, and finally, decapitating the lurking demons. You landed in front of the deity, who looked quite shocked at seeing someone rescuing him. 
Perhaps gods aren’t used to being helped when they’ve done all the helping. 
The third demon snarled as his amber orbs glared darkly at you. “Do not interfere, Demon Slayer!”
You shifted your feet, ready to attack when suddenly the weight on your back shifted, causing you to jostle more to the right as you felt Nezuko’s foot slam the box open…just to see your adorable little sister leap out and attack a fourth demon that you hadn’t seen nor sensed. They must be getting smarter at concealing their scent! 
While Nezuko handled that one, you dealt with the other demon, attacking it first with the Hinogami Kagura. You could trust Nezuko to fight against a demon…she’s proven to you time and time again that she isn’t weak; she’s strong, stronger than anyone you’ve ever known. Because of that strength, that will, she didn’t give into the hunger nor succumb to Muzan’s control. 
Once both demons were dispatched, your tense shoulders relaxed as you carefully sheathed the black blade back into its scabbard. You swiveled your gaze to the deity, seeing that he was siting against one of the trees and clutching his side.  Unknotting the dark purple pouch from your belt on the left side, you raced over to him and began pulling out gauze, medicinal oils, and a few other things Shinobu gave to you before leaving the Butterfly Mansion for this mission. 
“Are you all right? Are you in any pain? Do you feel dizzy, nauseous? Did any of the demons scratch you?” You fired question after question as your hands opened the jar of oil for bruising and pain relief,  praying that he had not been poisoned. He didn’t seem to be showing any symptoms, but should you have Nezuko use her Blood Demon Art to purify the toxins that might still be in his system?
He was silent for a moment before he quickly answered. “No, they just tried to overwhelm me with a barrage of punches, though one of them did get close to scratching me. No dizziness, don’t feel sick either. Would…something happen if they did scratch me?”
You nodded, carefully spreading the peppermint-scented oil into his skin, muttering an apology as he flinched. “You would have been poisoned, and there would be purple spots all over your skin by now, followed by difficulty breathing and heart beating rapidly,” You looked up at him and smiled. “I’m so glad I made it in time before things got worse!”
Nezuko hummed in agreement, extending a clawed hand and giving him a pat on the head. The deity blinked before he gave you a grin. “Thank you, both of you. I had no idea those…demons would be all the way up here. One moment I was training, then the next, I was going toe-to-toe with them!”
“Did any of them eat those blue flowers over there?” You asked.
“Uh, yeah. Two, maybe all four? Sorry, everything happened so fast-”
“No need to apologize!” You quickly reassured him. “I just need to document what happened here and send it back with my lord’s crow to headquarters. Would you mind giving a statement?”
“No, of course not. Whatever you need.” 
You beamed. “Thank you!” Now that the oil was rubbed thoroughly into his skin, you made quick work with wrapping the gauze around his stomach and the bruised areas. Once it was secure but not too tight, Hades’ majestic and very large crow landed by your feet, cawing. Around its neck was a scroll. 
 Pulling out an ink stone and brush from a compartment on the top part inside Nezuko’s box, you poured some of the water from your leather canteen (another gift from Shinobu, she’s so thoughtful! And it’s from a foreign country too!) into the ink stone. 
Carefully rubbing the ink stick up and down, a small puddle of obsidian ink appeared in the center of the stone. Grabbing the pen and carefully removing the scroll from the crow’s neck, you wrote in great detail what had happened here, including Rudra’s account of the events and the discovery of the blue spider lilies. Lord Hades valued reports that were detailed but not too long or unrelated to the mission. 
At least your calligraphy was getting better!
Once you were satisfied with the report, you placed the rolled up scroll back around the crow’s neck and watched it flight, disappearing into the night skies. Turning your attention to Rudra, you almost laughed at seeing Nezuko sitting in his lap, curiously playing with his hands. 
“I don’t want to be rude, but why would a bunch of flowers like these…blue spider lilies, be so important to demons? As I recalled, they gain their strength by eating human flesh.”
You nodded, collecting the medical supplies and putting them back in the pouch. “And you’re absolutely correct, Lord Rudra. Human flesh does increase their abilities, including physical strength. But when a blue spider lily is consumed by a demon, it grants them the ability to withstand the sunlight. They’re…nocturnal? That’s what Aoi and Kanao told me.” You thought for a moment before nodding. “Yes, that’s it. They’re active at night, but if they can’t find shade once the sun comes up…they’re as good as dead. They burn up, catch on fire.” 
Rudra released a low whistle. “No wonder they were pissed when they saw me near them. They must’ve thought I’d try to take them or something. So…you’re a Demon Slayer. I’ve heard about you guys…but does this sort of thing…happen all of the time?” He asked, gesturing his hands to the area around the three of you. 
Smiling sheepishly, you scratched the back of your head. 
“Not always. Most of my missions are reconnaissance and information gathering, like this one should have been, but there’s no predictable pattern when it  comes to a demon’s behavior. Still, at least I know for certain that the blue spider lily does exist…whether it will make Nezuko a human again or speed up her demonic transformation is another question.” You frowned sadly, looking down at the blue flower in your hand. “I’m beginning to think it’s more of the latter, unfortunately. Those demons were definitely stronger than ones I’ve encountered so far, and I think it’s because of this plant. Shinobu might know more when I show her some samples. I’ll collect some more to bring back. I hate to ask, but may you make sure she stays with you and not go near me as I collect them, just in case?”
Rudra nodded. He didn’t see much of a problem with entertaining the little one while you did your task. She was adorable, and seemed to love swinging off his biceps. You quickly plucked several of them, carefully storing them in a pouch and tied it to your hip, securing the string near your sword. Nezuko took a little persuasion to get inside her box, pouting as she did not want to stop playing with Rudra yet. 
Now that the mission was completed and the report received by Lord Hades, it was time to rest at a village before making the journey back to the headquarters. Rudra immediately offered to escort the two of you to the nearest one; he knew this mountain range like the back of his hands, so it would be much faster to find shelter before it grew dark. You beamed at him, profusely thanking him as you adjusted the box’s straps on your shoulders. 
The three of you walked through the rocky, uneven terrain, carefully steadying your feet and minding your balance when it got too steep. Rudra helped you along the way, his hands gentle on your exhausted body as the adrenaline finished pumping through your blood after the fight. The three of you eventually took shelter in a cave. You insisted that the two of you switch shifts in case an animal or another demon came by. This way you could keep patching up his wounds with the herbs you brought with you, at Shinobu’s insistence. Rudra tried to resist, saying as a god he’ll heal by dawn, but you had yet to see a deity recover from a demon’s attack. 
For tonight, at least let you take care of him. That was when Rudra gave in but you did not know why his face was slightly red. It didn’t feel hot in the cave at all. You shrugged it off and changed the bandages, pressing the herbs into the mouth of the wound before settling in a corner of the cave with Nezuko’s box by your side. Rudra offered to take the first watch. You gladly complied with his insistence to sleep first. 
Thankfully, not a single creature came to the cave even between the four hour shifts between you and Rudra. By dawn, you roasted some wild berries and fish that Rudra found, and resumed the journey.  Five days later, just when the sun had gone down, you had reached the foot of the mountain where the village was located. Hopefully, there would be a gate that you could pass through instead of taking an airship. 
The supreme gods were the only ones allowed to pass through the fractured Bifrost gate while the other pantheon deities would use the normal gates that can teleport them wherever they needed to go. Mortal souls, however, had to use mechanical airships. 
Demon Slayers were allowed to pass through the gates that the other gods used with an authorized Wisteria Pass. The Hashira and their successors would use the Iridescent Pass when traveling between Valhalla and Helheim to patrol the Bifrost. In your case, however, you were given a temporary Butterfly Pass since you were an ‘unofficial’ member of the organization. You’d get the Wisteria Pass once you proved to Lord Hades that Nezuko would never harm a human. 
Mechanical airships wouldn’t have bothered you so much if it weren’t for the steep price or how the scent of the smoke and oily gears made you nauseous. It was better to take your chances with the Butterfly Pass and travel on foot. 
You were a bit sad to part ways with Rudra, as he had been nothing but kind to you and Nezuko. He had healed properly as he said he would, so he wouldn’t run into any more trouble with demons any time soon. But your work is finished here. Time to go somewhere new. 
You bowed to the god, and Nezuko gave him a big hug before rushing towards the gate. He smiled, waving good-bye and watching as the two of you disappeared behind the gate in a swirl of blue light. 
What you didn’t realize is that Rudra felt the same. He didn’t want you to leave as he wanted to get to know you a bit more, though he understood that everything you were doing was for Nezuko. You wanted your little sister to become human again, and if working for the Demon Slayer Corps could provide any information on a cure, you’d take it in a heartbeat. Shaking his head, Rudra departed the village. Since he was in the area, might as well visit Shiva. It had been a while since the two of them had talked. 
But that bastard was laughing his ass off by the time he finished his story about what happened in the mountains. Rudra frowned, crossing his arms as he sat across from his old friend. “Really?”
“Uh, yeah! Not only were ya saved by a mortal woman workin’ under Hades from some demons, ya even got a little crush on her? C’mon, it’s almost cute!” Shiva exclaimed, leaning back against his large pillow. His wives, all three of them, giggled in agreement with knowing eyes as they sat around the god of creation and destruction. 
“And you’re not even bothered by the fact these flowers that can increase a demon’s strength is growing here -“
“Rudra, if it were really a problem as ya make it out to be, I would have handled it a while ago with or without Hades’ consent.” Shiva interrupted. “ ‘Sides, you and your Demon Slayer know where they are, right?  That organization will do its job. All I can do is watch, then I’ll intervene if things get too dicey or Hades doesn’t do his job.”
…Dammit, Shiva got him there. Shaking his head, Rudra chatted with everyone for a little longer before he turned in for the night. Shiva insisted since he’d been long overdue for a visit that included alcohol and a good brawl with the other gods. 
The more things changed, the more things stayed the same. By morning, the tempest god was wandering again yet his thoughts kept straying to the image of a swordswoman and her little sister, vanquishing demons and saving lives wherever they went. 
For their sake, he hoped that Nezuko would become a human again. 
Several months later, Rudra was traveling through the jurisdiction under Indra’s protection when he stepped into a derelict village. Wooden buildings possessed large, gaping holes in them or laid on the ground, their foundations utterly destroyed. Men, women, and children wept over small stone mounds as others were scurrying out of the village with their belongings strapped to their backs. He was shocked. He’s known some belligerent deities in the Svarga, but none were stupid enough to launch an attack like this ever since Shiva ascended as pantheon leader! 
Who was responsible? What happened here?
In between helping the grateful villagers with moving some of the larger structures and cheering up the children, he asked around. All he got was the same story:
“Believe me, if Lord Indra were here, none of this would have happened. But because he had been in a battle recently, he is still recovering at the temple. It had been like any other evening, quiet and uneventful when an old man with a large lump on top of his head came here, seeking to know the location of a ‘blue spider lily’. He was crying…and shaking too, as if he didn’t even want to be here!” A woman snapped, her blue orbs narrowed and face bright red with tear streaks. “We said we didn’t know anything about it, and then all of a sudden his body morphed…no, he split up his body into four, five individuals! Each of them were powerful, sadistic, and showed no mercy when we told him the truth about that flower!”
“Yeah, he couldn’t have been a god, and not a mortal like us!” The little boy by her side exclaimed, clutching a wooden toy sword in his hand. “But when the winged one with yellow eyes tried to use another attack from his mouth, he got kicked by a girl with a muzzle in her mouth! She was super strong, and my age too! There were two others with her, pretty ladies! One with dark red hair, and the other had braids, her hair was pink and green. Pink and green!” He emphasized. “Oh, and a rude guy too!” 
Rudra’s eyes instantly widened. He knew exactly who the mother and son were talking about, and his heart began to pound against his rib cage. “What happened to them?”
Another older woman spoke up, her gaze low and gravelly voice wavering. “The young lass with dark red hair and the boy did their best to protect us, trying to evacuate us before things got worse. They fought against those monsters, all of them…yet even though they defeated them…they did not leave the battle unscathed. The lass and the little girl were taken by the young maiden with green and pink hair and the boy to a place called the Butterfly Mansion. Last I heard, their condition was not good.” 
Rudra thanked them profusely for the information and took off, promising to inform the other gods what happened and to send help as soon as possible. 
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Shiva was understandably furious about the whole situation, and yes, he had been made aware of it before Rudra stepped foot in the Little Palace. He’d already spoken to Lord Hades of the Greek Pantheon; suppliers, builders, and the Demon Slayer’s kakushi were en route to provide relief and support to the village. 
He was going to tease the shit out of Rudra when his friend asked him about the Butterfly Mansion but wisely kept his mouth shut under Paravati’s infamous, withering ‘look’. The one that clearly says don’t even think about being snarky with him, this is not the time nor the place. So being the good husband and friend that he is, Shiva complied and told Rudra everything he needed to know.
Durga might the feisty one, but Paravati was not one to piss off if he wanted to get laid tonight. 
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As per the namesake, the Butterfly Mansion was a modest Japanese estate affiliated with the Demon Slayer Corps as a recovery base for the soldiers. Its master, Lady Kocho, was both a beautiful and intimidating human woman even in Rudra’s perspective. 
Dark purple hair pulled back and held together with a butterfly-shaped barrette, a butterfly-winged haori draped over the standard Demon Slayer uniform. She smiled politely, welcoming him to the estate as they walked down the hallway to the medical wing. If it weren’t for her eyes being closed or her back facing him, the deity was pretty sure that his hostess would rather throw him out than allow any guests to visit critically injured patients. 
But Lord Ubuyashiki, whom Rudra presumed is Lady Kocho’s superior, granted him permission so long as he did not bother the child. 
Nezuko was the one who greeted him first as soon as Lady Kocho slid the door open, leaping into his arms with a big smile. Rudra was quick to catch the little one, his lower arms gently holding her while his upper left hand patted the top of her head. Nezuko seemed all right…but what about [First Name]? 
Rudra felt someone staring at him, and saw that it was Lady Kocho. She seemed…very surprised that Nezuko greeted him so warmly, before her smile softened. 
“You may stay here until as long as you like, but please do not touch [First Name]. I don’t want any of her wounds opening up again.” The threat in her voice was subtle, and Rudra understood very clearly what would happen if he didn’t obey her. He thanked her again, stepping inside the medical wing with Nezuko. Lady Kocho closed the door behind them with a soft ‘chink’. 
The tattooed deity froze upon seeing you tucked under the sheets of the third cot on the right side, fast sleep. Your long dark red hair was splayed out against the pillow, your right leg in a cast and your right arm was hooked up to an IV. Bandages covered your jaw, left hand, and forehead. 
You looked like shit, but you were alive.
His heart like it had shattered into tiny fragments and reassembled all at once, stomach doing acrobats and his hands trembling even as Nezuko led him to one side of the bed. She then climbed into his lap, being careful not to jostle the mattress too much.
Seeing you in a fragile state cruelly reminded Rudra that you were not invincible, despite the power you possessed. You were a mortal, and he was a god. Injuries that would take a mere week to heal was a three to five month period for you. How could he have been so foolish to think otherwise? He should’ve been here, protecting you and Nezuko. 
But that was then…this is now. There is nothing he could do except make sure Nezuko did not get into too much mischief and no one disturbed your rest. He had been planning on leaving again once he was sure you were all right…but it wouldn’t be so bad to stay here until you woke up, would it?
He had something he wanted to ask you. Something very important. But he was a patient man; if he could put up with Shiva’s chaotic antics for thousands of years, he could wait until his precious Demon Slayer was conscious again. 
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onecantsimply · 1 year
Jack The Ripper x Tanjiro Kamado Reader (Part 2)
Hello- Happy Valentine's-
“How were you hurt this badly-?” Jack muttered, treating (Y/n)’s wounds. They had stayed silent with a frown.
Their color was of visible sadness.
“… If I may ask… What went on during your job?” Jack questioned. “… Mr. Rengoku died. I couldn’t do anything to help…” The male sat down next to (Y/n) as they leaned their head on his shoulder. But instead of that, Jack had hugged them close. “… I’m sorry, Dear…” He muttered. “Everyone survived except him…” (Y/n)’s arms wrapped around Jack’s figure. He softly rested his chin down on their head, keeping them held close while allowing them to sob into his long sleeve.
Jack didn’t know what to do. He hasn’t comforted anyone before. So to have (Y/n) crying… he couldn’t do anything but keep them hugged close. He considered saying something… but knew it would have been taken the wrong way. So, Jack simply decided to let them cry. The color they had let off was nothing alike to their own before they went on their job, and he didn’t like it. Jack began to hate how helpless he was at comforting.
Eventually, (Y/n) had completely cried until they were unconscious. Jack left them on their bed, gently tucking them in, and leaving a gentle kiss on their forehead. He then grabbed a change of clothes, walking into a different room to change.
“Sorry, Nezuko… Just a bit more… We’re almost back to the infirmary…” (Y/n) looked at their box before looking forward. They had stopped upon seeing a man, clenching his knives with grumbles as he glared into them with malicious intent. Hell, knives were strapped to his Hyottoko mask. “Eh…? MR. HAGANEZUKA?!” Said male had let out a battle cry. “YOU LOST YOUR SWORD?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU FOOL-?! YOU DESERVE RO DIE TEN THOUSAND TIMES OVER!!” Haganezuka then began to chase after (Y/n) while they had ran off, looking back at him. “I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY! PLEASE! I’M TRULY SORRY!!” They yelled. (Y/n) ran past a few trees, with Haganezuka following after.
Soon after, the sun seemed to go down, with (Y/n) climbing a tree. Haganezuka stabbed his way up with his knives, making them scream as they slid down the other tree. They then ran off once again, leaving Haganezuka to drop down and look around. Upon seeing them, he ran after them again with a scream. (Y/n) seemed to run around the Colosseum, jumping past some bushes before rushing off. They heard his screams following after before seeing a door slam open. “Over here!” Jack spoke. “Sorry!” (Y/n) slipped through, with Jack slamming the door shut. “How long have you been running-?” He muttered, locking it. “Until dawn…” (Y/n) answered. Jack stared at them with a blink. “(Y/n).” They wobbled faintly, leading to Jack faintly sighing. He softly picked them up, walking forward.
Jack seemed to faintly sweatdrop, though, he walked forward with a sigh. (Y/n) had only really tensed down upon reaching the corridors of the infirmary. They softly sighed as they saw the numbered infirmary doors. “You can put me down now… Sorry for waking you…” (Y/n) mumbled. “Not a problem at all… I usually wake up at dawn. And I saw that you weren’t in bed. So I walked out to make some tea. Though, I heard some screaming outside and…” They seemed to feel a heat twinge their face with mental embarrassment. “… You need to rest… What were you doing out anyways?” Jack questioned. “Mr. Rengoku’s Kasugai Crow led me there… I was planning on coming back much earlier, but got chased for a while…” (Y/n) answered. The silver haired male softly sighed. He then opened a door, walking in before placing (Y/n) down on their bed. They softly put Nezuko’s box down. “Sorry for all the running…” They mumbled. (Y/n) heard a hum from inside before they saw the door open. Jack softly sat down beside them with a small smile as Nezuko crawled into the bed. “Good morning, Little Lady.” He greeted, softly patting her head. Nezuko closed her eyes while (Y/n) laid themself down. They seemed to fall asleep pretty much instantly. Jack looked towards them, blinking. The male then smiled slightly more. “Good night, Dear…” Jack softly turned off the light.
(I suppose I can sleep in for a small while… -Jack)
He gently laid down beside (Y/n) while Nezuko crawled into her box. As Jack had pulled (Y/n) close enough, he seemed to stare into their colors. He only admired them for a few moments before getting distracted by how they had actually looked.
Beautiful and perfect would have been how Jack described them in their entirety.
He softly placed a kiss on (Y/n)’s forehead before closing his eyes, making sure they were comfortable.
Good night.
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mania-sama · 5 months
rule #30 - brothers
Rule #30 - Brothers - Fish in a Birdcage
Demon Slayer Pairings - Agatsuma Zenitsu & Hashibara Inosuke & Kamado Tanjirou, Kamado Nezuko & Kamado Tanjirou Tags - hiding medical issues, whump, post-mugen | infinity train arc, infection, hurt/comfort Summary - It was impossible to escape without scars, but it’s okay, Tanjiro thinks. His wounds aren’t that bad. Word Count - 1,561 Cross-posted from Archive of Our Own Whumptober 2023 - Day 4: Hiding an Injury See my full Whumptober 2023 Challenge on Tumblr or Ao3
Demons are particularly unfriendly creatures, Tanjiro decides as he limps down a well-trodden path. They don’t seem to like people very much, no less members of the Demon Slayer Corps. The only thing they are interested in when they see humans is the flesh that they can consume. Most of them, anyway.
Tanjiro breathes evenly as he keeps pace with his friends. They both sport their own scars from the battle they had mere hours ago, but neither of them appears as hurt as Tanjiro feels. He can’t hide the favoring of his leg; there is a deep gash that painfully crosses his ankle thanks to the ugly fighting pattern one particular demon had. However, that limp is all he’s willing to show. If his friends can power through without panting for breath or having to stop, then he won’t either.
Zenitsu has already asked a few times if they need to stop on account of Tanjiro’s leg, and Inosuke has also expressed his concern in a more individualistic way, but Tanjiro kindly declined their offer both times. He’s glad they are looking out for him, but he’s fine, really.
Even if he occasionally wonders if his Total Concentration Breathing is the only thing keeping him moving.
In the box strapped to his back, Nezuko sleeps soundly. He can barely hear her soft, even breaths. She spent an extensive amount of energy assisting Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke against the monsters. They had taken his group by surprise — all they wanted was to sleep in a stable kindly offered by a rural farmer. He even fed their group before he bid them goodnight.
The demons showed up not too long after they had all drifted to sleep. It had been Nezuko who protected them until they all snapped out of their drowsiness to focus on the fight at hand.
Demons rarely work well together, much less congregate in groups as large as theirs. There had to have been thirteen or fifteen of them. While none possessed great power or Blood Demon Art, their sheer size in numbers was enough to cause a grueling and long fight. Not to mention that they were all still exhausted from the full day of travel they just completed.
It was impossible to escape without scars, but it’s okay, Tanjiro thinks. His wounds aren’t that bad.
The sun blazes down on the three as they make their way into a small village. It’s not their destination; they have to head further west to a large lake that “they would know the sight of” or so the bird said. They need to stop to purchase food for lunch and for the upcoming dinner they would likely be spending in a makeshift shack or cave.
His breathing labors when he eats. It’s hard to keep up Total Concentration Breathing: Constant when he has to stop breathing in order to swallow. It causes his side to flare up in excruciating pain, and his body feels warmer than it had before. Even the heat of the day doesn’t match the sweat pooling on his forehead and hands.
When he tries to turn and face his friend closest to him, Zenitsu, his vision swarms for a brief second. His world becomes static and disconnected.
Then he sees Zentisu looking at him with worried eyes. “Tanjiro, are you alright? You look terrible!”
Inosuke thrusts himself back so he can take a look at Tanjiro himself. He doesn’t wear the boar head when he’s eating. Tanjiro once found Insouke to be discomforting, both wearing the boar and out of it. The girlish face looked strange on his otherwise extremely male body. However, Tanjro now relaxes in his presence. If there is something truly wrong with him, Inosuke would be the first to lay it down on him thick. Not that he doesn’t trust Zenitsu, of course, it’s just that he can be a little dramatic at times.
“Oh, yeah. I wouldn’t even want to take you in a fight right now,” Inosuke grunts and shoves meat into his mouth. Tanjiro felt the words like a stake through his heart.
“No,” he says, and he pushes the stool he’s sitting on in order to get up. He’s not done eating, but he wants to prove a point. There is nothing for his friends to worry about. Tanjiro is fine. “See? I can—”
As soon as he steps on the ground, shooting fire sears up his ankle all the way to his side. It explodes at his side like a pulsing heart bursting in his chest. He doesn’t have time to think of what to do before his legs give out, lands square on the box Nezuko sleeps in, and his vision goes dark.
Tanjiro wakes up slowly in an unfamiliar bed. The sheets are white and tucked around his body, and the comforting warmth is almost enough to convince him to fall back asleep. He knows better, though. There is never a time when Tanjiro fully lets down his guard anymore.
He turns his head to the left to find Zenitsu and Inosuke both sleeping next to each other. Well, it’s more like Inosuke is spread out over two chairs and Zenitsu, and Zenitsu is hunched over, drooling all over Inosuke’s abdomen. It’s a familiar sight, one that painfully reminded him of their experience on the Mugen Train.
Sometimes, he stops and thinks he’s still trapped in a dream. It’s worse then to see the pitying look on Zenitsu’s face and Inosuke go uncharacteristically sullen when they catch him trying to slice his neck open. Tanjiro wonders, then, for a second. His sword is propped up against his bed, and it takes every amount of his willpower to reach for the hilt.
His breathing comes easier to him. Tanjiro feels the bandages wrapped around his stomach and ankle, and he smells the healing ointments radiating off of them. His pain isn’t gone entirely, but it’s better than before. His side burns with flickering fire.
Zenitsu wakes first, and he wastes no time in throwing Inosuke off of him and falling down at Tanjiro’s bed. “Tanjiro! Tanjiro! I was so worried! I’m so glad you woke up! I knew you couldn’t just die like that, but they said the infection is really bad and they are beautiful ladies so I have no reason to distrust them!” “Are you okay, Zenitsu?” Tanjiro asks gently, and his friend looks up at him with bewilderment.
“Am I okay? Tanjiro, you bastard!” The lightning-breather got up and started shaking Tanjiro by the shoulders. “You are the one who collapsed on us! Why would you ask if I was okay?”
Tanjiro recalls his last memory. He hadn’t known how he ended up in an infirmary, but it wasn’t so hard to guess with his track record of getting injured. “Oh,” he says a little belatedly, “one of the demons must’ve gotten my side.”
Zentisu sinks to the floor at that. He whispers: “You are hopeless.”
A boar head finally pops up from the ground. Inosuke stands up and leans over Tanjiro’s bed with his fists planted firmly into his sides. “I know you’re not stupid, Shinjoru,” he remarks with an accusatory tone. Tanjiro deflates at the name. “Hiding an infection like that? That’s rule number one in surviving the woods. Infections kill.”
The water-breather stares at him and wonders how he managed to mess up this badly. Inosuke rarely has sympathy, and even rarer does he express himself in a serious manner. This is some sick mixture of both, where Inosuke feels so many things and it comes out in a coagulated mess.
It’s just like when Tanjiro tries to escape a “dream”.
He grabs the top sheet with his hands and curls in tightly. Instead of meeting the twisted boar eyes, he bows his head deeply. “I’m sorry for causing you two to worry. I didn’t know the extent of my injury.”
Before either of them can respond, the tell-tale squeak of a door makes them all turn their heads to the other side of the room. It’s the most shaded area of the room — Tanjiro wonders which one of them told the women of the village’s infirmary about the box’s “conditions” — and Nezuko travels alongside the darkness until she joins the rest of the group.
She looks at him like she had on the Mugen Train. Like she’s scared to lose her only remaining family member.
To her, Tanjiro painstakingly leans over and wraps her in his arms. “I didn’t mean to, Nezuko. I promise.”
Inosuke tsks at that, and Zenitsu wails, but Nezuko only returns his hug with equal strength. Tanjiro. Tanjiro believed it when Zenitsu and Inosuke expressed their worry and contempt over his infection, but Nezuko’s reaction is what really breaks the dam.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. He’s not apologizing for getting injured while fighting demons. He’s sorry that he can’t promise them that he won’t hide his injuries again in the future. He doesn’t know why he does it, sometimes; to perhaps cause the least amount of stress in the group, or to not slow them down. Whatever the case, he knows it’ll happen again.
They don’t have to accept his apology. They never have, and they never will. And that’s okay, Tanjiro thinks, because they’ll always stay with him when he has to recover.
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kny-stardust · 10 months
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Chapter 14 — First Assignment
Word Count: 3014
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Summary: You finally learned the name of the one responsible for the tragedy of your family. The feelings it evokes on you are... indescribable. None the less, you leave your family once more, to take on the role you worked so hard to reach. On northwest, a tragic family meets another.
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You were traveling to the northwest town, closely following (C/N), that was flying right ahead of you to show you the path. You could hear your siblings' peaceful snores on the box you were carrying on your back. Thanks to your training, and lifestyle of carrying charcoal up and down the mountain you all grew up in, they felt as if they weight nothing. However, your thoughts weren't on the mission right ahead of you, nor on your siblings, that you have "been away" for two years. It was on your uncle's words when you left his house.
Your siblings made a line up in front of the house for them to tell the three of you goodbye. Takeo and Shigeru were more understanding and Hanako complained about being the only girl left and feeling lonely, but knew what needed to be done. Rokuta broke your heart the most, begging you, Nezuko and Tanjiro to not leave, rivers of tears running down his eyes. You were barely present in his life for the last two years, and he had grown used to your presence in the last couple of weeks; you leaving now, for God knows how long? He couldn't accept it. You had to put him to sleep before handing him to your other siblings.
Finally, it was your uncle's turn. He didn't say nothing at first, just fixing your uniform and the straps that held the box to your back. His dark eyes looked at your red ones for a short while before he hug you. At first, you thought he was showing off his care and worry for you, until he whispered to your ear.
“There's one more thing I need to tell you.” He said, being careful to not be heard by your siblings. “Aizetsu told me that on the night your family was attacked and you two met, he was with somebody, that recognized the oni that attacked your family. The oni your looking for is the one who fathered the whole demon race: Kagaya Ubuyashiki, the Demon King.” You felt chills run down your spine as you heard that name. Your uncle and Aizetsu had told you about the Demon King and his elite of demons, but you never expected to be so closely related to any of them. “I know that you also want to avenge your mother, but I beg you: don't be reckless. You have your siblings to cure and others waiting to have the three of you back in their lives. Even if you, by any chance, come across him, don't fight him. You won't be able to do nothing against him on your own, and your life is far more precious than some stupid revenge. Run if you have to; just don't throw your life away.”
His words still echoed in your mind as you walked a long road to your destiny. For some reason, the name of the Demon King was cried out loud in your head ever since you left your uncle's house.
Something about it made you disgusted.
Something about it made your blood boil.
Something about it... made you want to run the whole of Japan until you found him and kill him with your bare hands.
You didn't know what this feeling was. You had never felt something like this, not when you learned your auntie killed her children, who you considered your friends, and not when you decided to find the demon that attacked your family before you learned of his name.
You couldn't explain why you felt this way, or why this feeling felt older than time itself. You just knew what it felt like.
Only the worried gaze of your uncle and siblings seemed to contain this burning feeling on your just. But only a little bit.
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You reach the northwest town before sunset. You look around, seeing people lead their lives. At a first sight, it would seem like a peaceful town, but your instincts are saying the opposite. With a closer look, it's possible to see people walking in groups. The women and girls are looking fearful while the men carry a very badly hidden anger in their eyes, as if they could kill anyone and anything. Knowing the true culprit behind the disappearances, you know that they could barely do anything to it even if they caught it red-handed. A newly transformed demon is not to take lightly for someone without training and one that has eaten as many people as the one from this town is something only a slayer like you can deal with.
You walk around a bit more before you see a group of three young men with long hair. They seemed beat down, in more than one sense. The bruises on their arms is evident even under their sleeves, but it's the dark circles under their lifeless eyes that tell you that something was up with them.
“What's up with those three?” You heard a voice nearby. “They aren't running around causing trouble today.” You look and see a group of grown ups talking among themselves.
“Don't you know? Their younger sister disappeared last night.” A second one said.
“What? Really?” The first one asked.
“I'm surprised you don't know.” A third one said. “They were knocking every door this night, asking if anyone saw their sister. It seems like they were bringing her home when she vanished.” They chuckled. “Honestly, it was a really ridiculous sight.”
“The three of them were with her and it still happened to her?!” The first one exclaimed.
“Shhhhh! They are right beside us, you idiot!” The second one said, looking at the trio that had dark expressions on their faces.
“Honestly, I think that's karma.” The third one said, turning their eyes to them. “Those three have been nothing but throuble since them moved to our town. Now they're getting what they deserve.”
“Maybe, the culprit was their victim and targeted their sister to teach them a lesson.” The first one said with an evil grin on his lips.
“It's such a shame, though. Their sister was such a sweetheart. But, none of the girls that disappeared was seen again. They might as well be dead.” The second one said before sighing. “I feel bad for her.”
“I don't.” The third one said. “She was still young, but I don't doubt that she would turn exactly like those three. Or even worse. It's only expected, coming from such a family.”
You couldn't help the disgust that emerged from you as you heard those words, but you couldn't do nothing as a person passed by you, pushing you to the side and walked towards them. It was one of the three brothers. He grabbed them by them clothes and lifted them.
“Listen to me, you bastard!” He screamed at them, making the person shriek. “I don't give two fucks about what you say about us! But one more word about our sister, and you're fucked! You hear me?!”
“Hey! You two! Stop!” You cry out loud, pushing both away from one another. “And you!” You point at one of the other people there. “Put that away, or I'll make you do so!” You glare at them, which prompts them to drop a knife they had hidden. “Don't you have no shame? You insult their family and when they get angry, you go and try to kill them?” They can't face your gaze and look away. “If you're such aware of the circumstances, then at the very least apologize for what you've said.”
The three of them looked at each other before apologizing and quickly running off. You sigh in relief that the situation was solved.
“Hey.” You heard someone talking at your side, and you saw the three brothers in front of you. Now that you could see them together, you could tell that they were identical, triplets. They were back to their down selves, but were silently sharing looks before they talked again. “We... Huh... We would like to... properly thank you for... helping us. What's your name?”
“It's (Y/N) Kamado, but you don't need to thank me.” You tell them.
“But Hatsue said we should always thank when helped, so...” One of them said.
“Is Hatsue your sister?” You asked them. They flinch at it, and you can only sigh. “I came here to help, so if you could take me to where you saw your sister last, I could try to find her.”
“For real?!” Two of them exclaimed, but the third one didn't say anything, just showing surprise.
“Yes. I won't say it's certain, but there's still a chance we can save her. So please, tell me what you know.” You plead.
The three brothers exchanged one more look before turning to you and nodding.
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The day had ended before you could notice it.
You were guided by the triples to the place they had last saw their sister, where she disappeared. The eldest, Ichiro, did most of the talking, explaining that they were going back home after spending her birthday playing by the river when she disappeared. The middle one, Jiro, told you that he was holding her hand, but that in the moment he let go of her, she was gone within a second. The youngest, Saburo, had yet to say a word, just staying in silence the whole time. They seemed uncomfortable telling you what had happened to them, as it sounded absurd and no one had believed them. You don't blame them, nor the people who didn't believe them. Had you not had a previous experience with onis, you wouldn't have believed them either.
“I believe you. I'll help you find your sister and the culprit.” Your words seemed to calm them, at least in the beginning.
As hours passed, you walked around the town. You stopped by a couple of places around the place, with people looking at you ⁰ as you stopped to check on something that seemed invisible to all but you, or to sniff around. You felt the glare of the brothers on your back, but you said nothing, just walking around the town, finding trails of the oni. By their scent, you could tell that it truly had quite the number on his list. Maybe it was too late to save her, but you couldn't let go of the chance even of it was this small. Besides, you had to kill the oni, so no more victims were made.
“Aren't you tired?” Ichiro asked you. “It's late. We should continue searching tomorrow.”
Turning to him, you could see his expression turned into one of worry, but you just shook your head, with serious eyes.
“If we rest now, someone else will be targeted by the one responsible for these disappearances. It might even become too late to save your sister.” You tell them, making their eyes go wide. “Besides, they're only active at night, so this is the only time we have to find and get rid of them.”
“Do you even have any idea of who they are actually, woman?” Jiro asked, clearly annoyed if his tone was any indication.
“I wouldn't be here if I didn't know what they are.” You tell them, your tone colder than the night's air.
You continue looking, paying no mind to them, until you sniff the air again. Your body freezes and your heart beats faster as the scent felt much more stronger than before. It acted. Your body reacta instantly, jumping to a nearby wall and then to a roof of a house. From the higher ground you have a better view from the city, already asleep except for a couple of residents. You sniff the air again, closing your eyes and heightening your senses. You feel their scent, just a couple streets over.
Without wasting anytime, you rush towards the origin, leaving behind the triplets that cry out to you, calling you, asking questions, but a second of hesitation is all that's needed for a life to be lost, and you have none to spare. You dash through the roofs and the top of the walls, until you see it: a weird shadow rushing through the walls, yet with no body to cast it. The scent is strong and there's no doubt: that's a demon and with a special ability of their own. You jump down to the street, unsheathing your swords in the process and adjusting in your hands.
“Concentrate. Stardust breathing.” You breathe in deeply, analyzing the shadow. It had a weird shape. You couldn't imagine a person with that shape, but as you saw with your auntie, demons can deform when they've eaten plenty of people, so it wasn't impossible to imagine a deformed demon like that. However, there's another possibility: that the demon was carrying someone. That and the mixed scents you felt gave you a clearer picture of what you were dealing with, and where and how to hit. “Fourth Form: Morning Star!”
You thrust your sword into the shadow, where you picture it to be the neck of the oni. The shadow stopped moving and you heard something that was a mix of a gasp and a groan. Then, you finish the job slicing the "neck". The shadows undo themselves, revealing a pale figure with a limp body on their grasp. A girl! You reach out to her clothing and pull her away from them, who falls to the ground with their hands holding their neck.
“Hurts! It hurts!” They scream, quickly crawling away from you.
Your sword is pointed at them, as a mean to be sure it won't attack you as your eyes scan the girl's body. She's unconscious, but doesn't seem like she was hurt anywhere. You too don't feel any scent of blood, so that's a relief.
“(Y/N)!” You hear the voice of one of the triplets. You look behind to see them rushing towards you, but they stop once their eyes find the fallen demon.
“What the fuck is that...” Jiro asks, with his hands shaking.
“You... BASTARDS!” The oni cried before they touch the wall and turn into shadows again. You try to hit him, but with an unconscious girl on your arms and your sword, despite long, having no strength behind it, you end up just hitting the air.
“It disappeared!” Ichiro cries in surprise.
“Not exactly!” You tell them, before standing up, with the girl in your arms and rushing to them. Your eyes are focused on the shadow of the clone, that quickly moves around, and smash the nearby lamp posts, diving the street in the darkness of the night and merging their shadow with it. The only light that that's left is coming from one of the brothers, Saburo, who's holding a portable lantern. “Here.” You tell one of them, you can't see which and you don't have time to identify them either. “Hold her and stay close to me. As long as you do that, I promise to protect you.”
“O-Okay.” You hear them replying.
You focus around. With their presence, the lantern can barely light them, casting your shadows on the floor and the wall, where the oni was hidden somewhere.
“You better not run. You won't make it.” You warn the oni, but you know they're not trying to run, since their scent hadn't moved at all, but you wanted to make them appear, so you were trying to taunt them. “I have a couple questions for you, and you'll answer them.”
“Arrogant... Too arrogant...” You heard the oni's voice and you immediately knew where it was coming from.
Wielding your long sword, you rush around the three brothers, to slashing the darkness behind one of them. You feel your blade stop momentarily before moving more slowly, followed by a cry of pain. The brothers react to your actions and their movement allows the light to be cast over the oni, who had their shoulder slashed up to the middle of their chest.
“I said I would protect them. Don't turn me into a liar, demon.” You warn them as they groan, adjusting your sword in hand. “Now, tell me: where are all the girls that you kidnapped?” Your hand holds tighter to the weapon, in response for your anxiousness, which only heightens once the oni gives you a crooked smile.
“You know where they are, girl.” They tell you. “You know what happens when a oni hunts a human. Why waste time, when that will only let them spoil?” They say, before pointing at the brothers, or more specifically, at the girl with them. “Give me that girl, now! She'll spoil soon enough, and I want to make sure I savored her before then!”
No other word is needed.
The fate of those girls, including the triplets' sister, was clear to you now.
The temptation of killing them was high, but a hand was placed on your heart calming you down. You still had other two questions for them. After that, you didn't need to hesitate any longer.
“You'll have to get past me to touch any of them.” You tell them, breathing in deeply, prepared to react.
“Then, I shall savor you first, girl.” They replied, melting back into the shadows.
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amethystia1208 · 2 years
Addams Family/Demon Slayer Crossover because I’m the writer and I do what I want.
Just keep going, protect your sister. It’s just the two of you left. These thoughts were the only things that ran through Tanjiro’s mind. He had found his family murdered and his little sister transformed into a demon, so not knowing what to do, he set out to find help.
Now he was close to exhaustion, a large bamboo basket containing his only living family member strapped to his back, searching for help. “I��m…so sorry…. Nezuko.” The poor boy then passed out on the snow.
Unbeknownst to him, a couple strolling through the forest came upon his tired body. “Oh dear. Whatever happened to this boy? He’s much too tired to enjoy this lovely weather.” The woman spoke. She was a pale, slender woman, with crimson painted lips, and long ebony hair with a dress and shawl to match. “Never mind that, Tish. Where are the boys parents? Do you think something happened to them?” Her husband spoke. He was a tall, put together man, with slicked back hair, and a thin mustache.
“Oh I do hope so, Gomez. Funerals are always such a treat. Oh my, what’s this?” The woman, Morticia, bent down to open the basket on Tanjiro’s back, and revealed Nezuko, staring at the new faces in a mixture of fright and curiosity. “Hello dear. What are you doing in there?” The girl began humming, and Morticia nodded.
“What did she say, Cara Mia?” Gomez asked. “She said her name is Nezuko, that boy is her brother, his name is Tanjiro. Poor darlings. Their family was killed by a man with bright red eyes and black hair. The same man made her a demon. Such a beautiful creature, too.” Morticia said, and Gomez crinkled his brows.
“Kibutsuji. That shrewd bastard. He’s a horrible business man as well as a bloodsucking worm. And I don’t mean that as a compliment.” Morticia scooped Nezuko up into her arms. “Don’t fret, child. If it’s alright, you and your brother are welcome to stay with my husband and I for as long as you like. And if you want, you could also meet our children. Wednesday and Pugsley. I did always promise they’d meet a demon one day.”
Nezuko looked up at the pale woman and saw a glimpse of her mother. She clung tightly to Morticia’s dress, and Mortica smiled. “Well, Tish. It’s settled. Bring her to the car and I’ll bring the boy.” Gomez said, lifting Tanjiro easily off the ground. When the couple arrived at their car, an unnaturally tall man with a blank expression on his face was waiting for them.
The man looked curiously at the two new children, and Nezuko huddled into Mortica in fright. “It’s alright, Nezuko. That’s just our butler, Lurch. He wouldn’t harm a single hair on your head.” Nezuko hummed through her muzzle at Lurch, and he nodded in response. “Lurch, my good man, send word to Fester and the children. Have them prepare a room for our guests.” Gomez instructed, and Lurch made a grunting noise, indicating he would do just that.
Nezuko sat in between Gomez and Mortica, who had Tanjiro’s head resting on her lap, and sadly looked out the car window. Somehow she was not sad to be leaving home. She and her brother were safe now, and she really liked these people.
Nezuko had a really good feeling of the things to come.
Okay, I really like where this is going, so tell me if you guys want another part, because I would be more than happy to supply it. Also I did art of Mortica and Nezuko and I kinda like it. I used a drawing base since I can’t draw for the life of me though.
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tsukituke · 2 years
I love all your Nezuko stories, they’re all super fun!! Would you be willing to write something cute like sleepy cuddles or making flower crowns between her and a demon reader?
Rainy Letters
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A/n: First fanfic post in 2022 !!! Man It feels good to get back into writing and putting more detail in the story I hope you enjoy this<3 {In this fanfic you and Aoi have a close bond} - Tsukituke
- It was a rainy day. You,Tanjiro,Zenitsu and inosuke were suppose to go training outside but sadly it was Raining.
- Inosuke was quite pissed with the news and toke all his anger out on Zenitsu as Zenitsu struggled to argue back. Tanjiro decided that he would stay inside the room with Nezuko since he had nothing in plan to do.
- You were quite pissed with the news as well but not as pissed as Inosuke was. So instead of training you decide to clean up the place and help Aoi with the chores.
- After you finished helping Aoi out with the chores you had nothing left to do. So you went inside the room you and Others shared but before you opened the door you heard Zenitsu and Inosuke arguing as you decided you didn’t wanted to be between their mess and walked away.
- While you were walking, you came across the door Tanjiro was in with Nezuko. You always wanted to see Nezuko everyday just check up on her well that was your excuse to see her but you didn’t wanted to bother the two lovely siblings in there.
- You were just about to walk off as Tanjiro opened the door and looked straight at you with a smile as you kept your plain face with with no smile at him. “Hey Y/n! Can you do me a favor and watch Nezuko? I need to go use the bathroom” You looked at him the looked at Door that was blocking you from seeing Nezuko.
-“I guess I can, After all I have nothing else plan to do” you said keeping a monotone voice “Great thanks Y/n! And I won’t take to long so don’t worry” “Okay” with that being said Tanjiro walked to the direction where the Males bathroom was.
- You opened the door seeing Nezuko sitting inside her box as she looked up to you. “Hello Nezuko, Your brother wanted me to look after you as he went to the bathroom” Nezuko just looked at you for ten seconds then Nodded her as she crawled out of her box towards you.
- You as soon as you saw Nezuko growing bigger that’s when you remembered that she was still a demon as Nezuko was wear her light pink kimono with an asanoha pattern, the lining a paler pink, secured by a red and white-checkered hanhaba obi with an orange-threaded obijime and a green obiage.Also wearing a long, dark-brown haori that reaches her calves, as well as a pair of zōri with pink straps and white tabi socks, wrapped with thick pieces of black material resembling kyahan.{ I think I added way to much detail into that Ѷ} 
- As you look up and down at her something you forgot how pretty she is. As Nezuko walk closer to you and stands beside you. As she makes a little Hum noise and looks at you with a closed eye smile as blush rise towards your cheeks as you talk with her even tho she wasn´t able to speak back to you. It sure seem like she understanded everything as you told her about how you wanted to train and wanted to cook new things and pick flowers but tried to not complain that much.
- After 2 hours of talking with Nezuko you felt more light hearted as that plain bored face you had turn into a smile with light to heavgy blush on it, After all it had ¨I´m In love¨ writen all over it. As the door open with Tanjiro as her explain that he had to stop inosuke from hurting Zenitsu and help Aoi cook the food and talked with kanao. As Tanjiro see your dumb looking smile and Light to heavy blush as you pay no attention to Tanjiro as you looked at Nezuko pretty sure Tanjiro understanded you fellen for his sister.
- Tanjiro asks if you were okay as you quickly move your head to his Direction as you retrened to you plain face as a litttle blush was on it from embrassment ¨Ah! Yes Im fine. Since your back I shall leave you back with your sister” You said in a monotone voice as you got up and went to door when Tanjiro moved aside and put his hand on your shoulder before you left ¨Hey Y/n if you want you can stay with me and Nezuko and hang out¨ You looked at Nezuko as you can see in her pure eyes that she wanted you to stay as you looked away and said ¨No thank you. I´ll like to return to my things¨ You said as you walked out of the doorway and walked into to room with Inosuke and Zentisu.
- After a few hours later it was time for dinner as everyone went to the dinner table as you told everyone you were gonna eat in the room as you sat on you bed in front of a table with your food aside as a paper and pen was in front of you. As you wrote into it...12mins later.....After you finshed writting on the paper you ate your food and gave the tray to Aoi and washed your hands as you fold the paper and put it into a envlope as you walked towards the room Nezuko was in as you slide the letter under it as you return into your room. As the letter said:
¨ Dear Nezuko, Your a old soul with beatilful young eyes, As eveytime I look into I see the hope that was waiting to overfill my despair. Your a girl who don´t need a man,Your the girl that a man needs in their life and Tanjiro is so lucky to have such a calm sister like you. As I have feelings for you for quite a while as I tried not to expresse it but now I feel like I should do. And No I´m not Zentisu, I´m someone who tries to keep everyone but Aoi away from me¨ - Unknown
- After Reading the letter, Nezuko put it in her box feeling a little bashful After reading that as Tanjiro came back from eating and played around with his sister as he sent her to bed and left.
- The Letters coutine being sent to Nezuko as more the letters came the more Nezuko fell more for this mysterious writer as The only person you told about your Romantic feelings for Nezuko was to Aoi as you know you could trust her as she saw you as a older sibling.
- That´s until Tanjiro found one the letters in Nezuko´s box when she was asleep and brought to show you,Inosuke and Zenitsu as Tanjiro was quite surprised someone else fell for his sister that wasn´t Zenitsu, As Zenitsu was full of Anger and Jealous But Inosuke didn´t really care and carry on with his life as for you. Your face and Voice showed no care but on the inside you were trying to keep calm as Now you need to plan on confessing your feelings to Nezuko.
- It was a quite a Nice day, you did all you can to help Aoi and spend time with her as she returned the favor as you want to Nezuko´s room as Tanjiro was in there as you asked to have some alone time with Nezuko as Tanjiro didn´t mind as left the room
- You confessed your feeling to her and told her all the letters came from you as Blush didn´t rise on your face but instead rised on hers. As Nezuko hug you showing that she felt the same way as you asked Nezuko to be yours as she agreed with it as Tanjiro heard everything from the other side of the door and smiled.
A/n: Now we can get into headcanons 
How does everyone feels about your relationship?:
Tanjiro Really don´t mind he´s glad that Nezuko found a Significant other. Of couse sometimes when he´s hangs around Nezuko and your there He´s kinda is a 3rd wheel but you try your best not to make him feel that way. He´s is also happy about the relationship because You don´t always have that plain face on anymore plus Tanjiro always wanted to get closer to you and now he can! Overall He really happy and Glad of you guys relationship and can´t wait to see it grow bigger when Nezuko returns back to human!
Inosuke: For real don´t see the difference so he don´t really care nor pay attention the only he actally likes and the change in you is that you´ll will train with him which he likes training with you cause your a challenge! Overall don´t care for your little relationship just wanted to train with you more.
Zenitsu: He hates it. He wanted Nezuko to be his but Now you toke her away from him! He started being rude towards you as you didn´t really care and pay him no attention which did annoy him. That´s when he learned he had to accept the fact Nezuko was taken by you and Apologized for being rude towards you as you accepted and told Zenitsu that you´ll help him find a girl cause you knew a lot of wonman after hearing that Zenitsu wanted to be your best friend lmao. Overall At first he hated but now he likes it and thinks you and Nezuko looks cute together!
Aoi: She loves it. She´s glad that she can see you with a happy smile even tho she´s not there cause you used to smile like that when you were only around her but Now you can smile with your New Significant other. Of couse Aoi had to accept the fact you won´t be able to hang out with her as much as you used to but it´s fine.
After when Nezuko turned back into a human she was able to spend more time with you and make flower crowns and you two would sleep and cuddle together and spend time out in the sun! Walk arounf holding hands as you now enjoyed and loved Nezuko even More as she fell in love with you all over again.
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bossmansayu · 2 years
Tanjiro x Reader oneshot
Wc: 1,203
Warnings: none
You’re a nurse at the butterfly mansion and you get news that Tanjiro has just got back from his mission
Pre established relationship
gn! reader
a/n : yay! This is my first oneshot posted! I hope you enjoy, I tried my best to proof read but I just wanted to get this out. 💗
It had only been a few days since Tanjiro and Nezuko had left for a mission, it was always stressful when he got long or drawn out missions, especially when communication was scarce or unavailable.
But you knew Tanjiro was strong and he had Nezuko literally strapped to his back. But still, every time he would leave you couldn’t wait for the moment he would return, it was like a small voice in the back of your head telling you,
“he’s already dead you know”
“He’s probably bleeding out hurt and you cant do anything about it”
They were cruel words but for some reason you couldn’t shake those feelings.
To stop the dark thoughts of consuming you, you decided to go on a walk, it was around 9:00pm at the butterfly mansion, it was summer so the sun was still out as it would be for another hour. you wore a light purple Andon Bakama and a white kimono, it wasn’t to hot but you still wore it a bit loose around your shoulders, you weren’t expecting to see anyone on your walk so you weren’t worried about giving off the wrong idea.
Sliding open the back doors to your room, you were meet with a cold breeze that felt refreshing in the summer heat. You decided it would be best if you just walked through Miss Kocho’s garden behind the mansion. Since your room was facing towards the back it was only about a 15 minute walk to the garden, and it was a path you took regularly, Miss Kocho’s garden was like a safe haven for you. It was covered in bight purple pink and blue flowers and was infested with colorful butterflys that were there almost year round.
It always calmed you even if you were just thinking about the garden so as you walk you were expecting the feeling of dread to go away, but you still couldn’t get it out of your stomach. Deciding to continue walking hoping it would dissipate eventually. Making it to the garden after a few minutes you headed to the middle of the flower field but before you could move into the garden a loud caw of your name stoped you in your tracks.
You looked behind you to see Kanao’s Crow flying at you, you realized after a second that it was flying awfully fast, too fast, you were sure that at that speed the crow would end up hurting itself if it crashed. But to your surprise the crow landed on the ground with little to no visible difficulties,
You weren’t the top nurse at the butterfly mansion but you were probably in the top 5 recommended nurses for bigger injuries, like amputated limbs, deadly gashes, and the more gory scenes that they younger butterfly children wouldn’t be able to handle. So whatever had happened to this patient must’ve been bad, bad enough that the other nurses couldn’t take care of them.
Tightening your Kimono, you began to run towards the destination Kanao’s crow was leading you, out of all the days you decided to go to that farthest side of the butterfly mansion another reminder why you weren’t a demon slayer.
Reaching your destination, you turned the corner to see Kanao and Nezuko, both the girls turned to look at you Kanao with a upset expression on her face and Nezuko with glossy eyes with tears that threatened to flow over. Nezuko quickly ran towards you and hugged you around your legs, “Whats the issue?”
You said as you pickup Nezuko’s smaller form holding her like a baby as she clung to your chest. It was very unusual for you to be called at this late as most demon slayers would start working when the sun set.
“Its um…”
Kanao was looking down at her feet playing with her fingers obviously uncomfortable with what she was about to say , you walked towards her still holding Nezuko as you put a hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eyes, “Its okay Kanao, just tell me what’s wrong”
Kanao looked up at you a soft smile on your face, it was probably her favorite thing about you, your ability to make her anxiety basically go away with only a few movements. To her it was like magic, she took a deep breath in and got out the words that she was to tell you,
“Its… Tanjiro, he just got back from a mission- well he got back a few hours ago but he’s been knocked out since he got back, he was badly injured so I dong blame him. Im… sorry for not telling you earlier, I wanted to but I decided against it.”
Tanjiro usually ally got hurt from the missions he was put on but Kanao always told you whenever he would get back and how hurt he was, the one other time she didn’t tell you was when he was at a near death condition.
That thought crossed your head and instant worry froze you. What happened? Was it that bad that Kanao was so hesitant to tell you? You swiftly set down Nezuko and ran as fast as you could to Tanjiro’s room.
You got to his closed door, and took a deep breath in imagining the worst outcome and then opened the door.
The room was quiet the orange color of the sunset filtered through the windows laying a spot light directly onto to Tanjiro’s bed. His head was facing away from the door and looking out the window, despite his outer condition he was sitting straight up in his bed. You knew he knew you were there, standing in the doorway staring at his bandaged back, he didn’t dare move though, you took a step forward as of you were testing the temperature of a hot spring.
“Im sorry”
It was quiet, like a whisper almost, and it came from Tanjiro’s mouth. You took more steps until you were at the edge of his bed, Tanjiro turned his head to look up at you, he looked like a sad puppy. You quickly hugged him and he immediately hugged back, you both stayed there for a while not moving just happy that their lover was safe in their arms. “Why do you do this”
You and Tanjiro both knew that the sunrise was never guaranteed for a slayer, in fact it was the first conversation you both had with each other her when your relationship became official, but it was never a easy thought to stomach.
Tanjiro didn’t reply he just hugged back harder, you weren’t mad at him you never were, its just things like this scared you.
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Platonic x gn!reader
Characters: Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke
Autumn Celebration: So. 03.10.21 Harvest, Demon Slayer
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: the characters are aged up
Note: Link to the Autumn Festival Masterlist
Note 2: I wrote “EEEH?!” at some point. I don´t know if that´s the English way of expressing this (in German it´s “häh?!”), but that´s what the sub always says so I´m going with it.
Wordcount: 902
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The air was filled with the warm smell of crops, golden from the light of the sun. Tanjiro, with the wooden box carrying his sister strapped on his back, was walking a path between the fields. Zenitsu was trailing behind him, already dreading the next mission, though it had yet to be announced. Inosuke was walking beside you, though walking was not the right word. He was jumping around, head turning around excitedly as he took in the fields surrounding your path, nearly hurling himself at the closest farmers in some instances. You had to use all of the strength in your body to prevent him from doing so.
As late afternoon came, there were no villagers nearby anymore, nor any townsfolk. The world seemed empty and vacant. At least for a moment, then squirrels appeared, and foxes scattered, running between bushes and trees. You all trotted along, Zenitsu having long quieted down, exhaustion finding him. Even Inosuke had stopped to attempt to catch unsuspecting animals. You dreaded the evening, as you saw the surprisingly warm autumn sun nearing the edge of the world, and thus nightly darkness. You would have definitely preferred to stay at a house, but it seemed unlikely with the never-ending forest and the absolute silence that only places without any human-lives in them create.
Red specks flew up in the breeze, taken away from the campfire. You sat in a circle around it, sticks with forest food on it to cook over the flames.
“You know, around this time of the year we would all be sitting close to each other, watching our mother cook,” Tanjiro said, absentmindedly combing through Nezuko´s hair, as she rested her head on his lap. “Later she would join us and tell us story after story.”
Inosuke started snoring, making you and Zenitsu start with laughter. For a moment Tanjiro only stared dumbfounded, but then he started laughing as well. Inosuke turned and muttered in his sleep.
“Jī-chan would always make us work on the fields,” Zenitsu said after you had all calmed down. “It was really rough,” he whined, glancing at Nezuko for maybe the smallest of reactions. She only nuzzled deeper into her brothers´ lap. Zenitsu sighed. “I always hoped for a Princess to pass the fields, for her to fall in love with me, and bring me to her far off castle.”
“That didn't work,” you chimed in, and Tanjiro spluttered.
“Ha, ha,” Zenitsu said sarcasticly. “It´s not like you have any royal folks at your feet, (Y/N).”
“I never said I did,” you answered, “however, I definitely get more suitors than you do.”
“That's true,” Tanjiro said, backing you up, and Nezuko mumbled nonsense in accordance.
“You too, Nezuko-chan? Oh, how hurtful! That even my beloved Nezuko-chan-“
With one hit Inosuke had rendered Zenitsu unconscious even in his sleep. First, you and Tanjiro admired such immaculate handiwork. Then the comfort of at long last quiet washed over you. The three of you sighed in content.
When you finished eating, Nezuko stood up and pattered over to where you sat, nudging your shoulder.
“What is it?” you asked her.
“Mmmhmmh,” she mumbled, putting acorns on her head and nudging you again.
“Maybe she remembers the harvest celebration from the village close to our home,” Tanjiro thought out loud. You laughed:
“Do you want to celebrate with us?”
Nezuko let her arms fall and nodded, before jumping to wake Inosuke and Zenitsu.
“Eeeeh?! Mushrooms?” Inosuke barked. Tanjiro nodded excitedly, Nezuko hanging from his sleeve.
“If Nezuko-chan wants to, I will find the most! Come on, Nezuko-chan~”
You dragged Zenitsu back by his Haori, however, he didn´t seem to realise, still making grabby hands towards the young girl.
“Maybe Zenitsu can stay here and us four leave to find mushrooms, and maybe some chestnuts?”
Tanjiro nodded, fully ignoring the now appalled Zenitsu.
“That sounds good.”
In the end, Nezuko dragged you with her from tree to tree, running back to make the two others carry your harvest (although she started to avoid Inosuke after she had realised that he was already eating the food). You returned when the night was completely dark and all but the demon girl were fighting to keep their eyes open. Inosuke was already snoring as he led the way, stumbling. When you returned to your camp no one even complained about Zenitsu already being fast asleep, instead of keeping a watchful eye out. The moment you hit the ground sleep washed over you as well.
In the morning you awoke to the smell of roasted food. Dawn had not come yet, although the night had already lightened up a bit. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, to come to the sight of Nezuko diligently working on your breakfast made with your harvest. Confused, you also noticed corn amongst the ingredients. After looking at an equally surprised Tanjiro, who simply shrugged, you decided not to question it.
The crow came soon after breakfast, and you went off to your next mission. Nezuko was save in her box, but instead of sleeping, she started to sing a tune. Only when the forest was already behind your group did she fall asleep. Tanjiro smiled:
“She used to sing that to our siblings.”
You hummed. After a moment he added, more to himself than to anyone else:
“We will find Kibutsuji Muzan."
You and the other two nodded in agreement.
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
Writing night~ Tanjiro, Giyuu and Zenitsu's thoughts on an s/o with a large but supportive family? Thank chuuu~
This one touched me just a lil’ because I come from a HUGE hispanic family and it just made me soft. This was such a nice request, thank you~
Family means everything too Tanjiro, so to find someone who feels the same about theirs makes him feel so lucky. Despite the cruel fate his family unfortunately met, he embraces each of your family members and is ecstatic when they do the same for him. And, despite knowing she’s a demon, they happily accept Nezuko too, “We trust Y/n, so we trust you both too” they said.
Sadly you aren’t able to see them very often, but whenever you're even the slightest home sick Tanjiro would be all over you. Asking to hear stories about your many family members. 
When he finally meets your family, he can’t help but feel touched.  “I’ll be right back babe, my mom needs me in the kitchen” you said leaving your boyfriend. He watched your siblings chase each other, the sounds of their laughter filling him with warmth. He was pulled from his little daydream by a small tug on his haori, “Up” your youngest sister pleaded with her small hands in the air. Tanjiro froze, reminded of his siblings as a sad smile graced his lips. He brought the small girl into his arms, cradling her head as she leaned down to rest on his shoulder. He couldn't help but hold onto her a little tighter, tears welling in his eyes. 
“You okay?” you asked gently, your heart swelling at the sight. Tanjiro stayed silent for a moment, he was so overwhelmed by so many emotions, but of all of them, the one he felt the strongest was love. He sniffled “I’m great”
Tanjiro stared at you with adoration, he couldn't wait to start his own family with you. His children would be loved by so many, your family and, although they won’t all be there to show it, his.
You met Giyuu long after he sadly lost his sister and best friend. They were the only real sense of family he had so when he started dating you, someone with a huge family he didn’t know how to feel. He was nervous and afraid of how they’d react to him. Would they think he wasn’t good enough for their daughter? Would they hate the fact they he sometimes left you alone when on missions? These thoughts plagued him constantly. 
“You know,” you started, feeling the tension in Giyuu’s hand as you two walked to your childhood home, “when I first decided I was going to send myself off to be a Demon Slayer, my family was a little reluctant, but now that they know I have such a talented, strong boyfriend I’m sure they’ll feel a lot better” your attempt at making Giyuu feel better worked, even if it was just a little. Giyuu was grateful for you words, squeezing you hand in a silent ‘thank you’.
Giyuu stiffly greeted your parents, bowing deeply out of respect. “Oh please son there’s no need for that, anyone that makes our daughter that happy doesn’t need to be so formal” your father smiled. “Oh yes! You should just hear the way Y/n gushes over you in her letters-” “Mother!” you interrupted. Giyuu couldn't stop the small quirk of his lips. 
After some small talk, your parents left you two alone to settle in. Giyuu began to relax, your parents and younger sibling all immediately accepted him with a warm embrace; he felt comfortable. 
“I’m back!” a male voice called from the door way, a bag of wood strapped to his shoulder. Ah yes, your infamous older brother. “So this is the guy my little sister is always raving about” he called, his set face causing Giyuu to tense up. “Hey ease up will ya, I’m not a kid...” you started but were interrupted by your brothers stern voice. He gripped Giyuu’s shoulder in a ‘friendly’ manner, “If you ever hurt or fail to protect my sister I will kill you myself”
“I would expect nothing else, but I promise neither of those things will ever happen” Giyuu spoke cooly. Your brother shook his head in approval, moving to bring the wood out back. 
As the night progressed, Giyuu just watched how you interacted with your family, “no wonder she’s always so full of love” he thought happily, “she’s always been surrounded by it”.
Zenitsu was a nervous wreck about meeting your family, who wouldn’t be? He wanted their approval, wanted them to accept him as someone worthy of their daughter. That was a touchy subject for him because he felt at times that he didn’t deserve you in his life, so maybe if your family thought he was good enough he’d feel better. 
“Just breath Zeni! My parents already love you since I’m always talking about you to them and my siblings are going to love you just as much!” You comforted the shaking boy next to you before letting yourself in. “We’re here!” you called, “Y/n!” your siblings shout in unison, excited to see their older sister after having missed you for a few weeks. Zenitsu melted as you all pilled on top of one another, creating a heap of laughing children on the floor. 
“You must be Zenitsu” a soft voice called. Zenitsu turned to face a short woman. She looked so much like you, similar face structure and same warm, inviting eyes; this must be your mother. “H-hello nice to meet you” he bowed. “No need to be nervous, my husband and I are so grateful to have you in her life” she said admiring all her children, “You make her so happy” your mothers smile was almost identical to yours. “If my husband tries to give you a hard time, just come and find me” she winks before retreating to finish dinner. 
“Tag you’re it!” your brother tapped Zenitsu, surprising him “Huh?!”. You chuckled at Zenitsu’s expression “You heard em babe! Your it!” you teased running outside. The night went on without a hitch, you all having played numerous games of tag and hide-and-seek. “Dinner!” your mother shouted, all the children ran inside excited to finally eat. “See Zeni, I told you they loved you” you spoke quietly, placing a small peck on his cheek before heading inside with the rest of your family. “She’s amazing”
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destinychose-a1 · 4 years
A  familiar,  nauseating  scent  halts  Tanjiro  in  his  tracks.  A  hand  falls  to  the  hilt  of  his  blade  at  his  waist,  thumb  brushing  against  the  guard  as  he  inhales  deeply  through  his  nose,  seeking  out  the  source.   The  repugnant,  sharp  smell  nearly  overwhelms  his  senses,  but  beneath  the  unmistakably  foul  presence  belonging  to  a  being  that  has  certainly  killed  many,  many  humans  exists  a  confusing  scent  that  hangs  in  the  air  like  a  thick  fog  —  a  tangle  of  emotions  that  causes  him  to  hesitate.
The  overwhelming  self - loathing  .  .  .   The  indescribable  loneliness  .  .  .   A  sadness  so  raw  and  mournful  that  it’s  almost  too  much  to  bear,  his  heart  aching  with  sympathy  .  .  .   And  with  silent  understanding.
He  remembers  this  scent.   He’ll  never  forget  it  for  as  long  as  he  lives.
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❝   I  know  you’re  there.   ❞   It’s  not  an  accusation,  but  a  softly  spoken  statement  directed  towards  the  sprawling  forest  and  the  lone  occupant  hidden  within  the  shadows.   Calloused  fingers  tighten  around  the  straps  of  the  lacquered  box  at  his  back,  his  eyes  scanning  the  treeline.   ❝   Back  then  .  .  .   Something  changed,  didn’t  it?   That’s  why  you  ran,  isn’t  it?   ❞
He’s  met  Demons  like  this  before  —  their  final  moments  drenched  in  regret  and  grief,  a  desire  for  forgiveness,  or  a  bitter  acceptance  of  their  fate.   They’re  tragic  creatures.   Many  of  them  are  turned  against  their  will  and  forced  to  give  in  to  a  primal  instinct  beyond  their  control,  their  reason  and  humanity  ripped  away  from  them.   He  thinks  that  this  Demon  might  be  the  same.
He  hurt  Nezuko  —  Tanjiro  can’t  forgive  that  —  but  he  won’t  ignore  his  pain,  either.
↳     @demonmoonrui​     /     𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 !
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halfseoulco · 3 years
Don’t let go of my hand forever: A BTS x Demon Slayer AU
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Originally published on Friday, November 5th, 2021 for Instagram
Updated Sunday, December 12th, 2021 — She looked small, soft, a little lost under the light of the full moon even though it was the freest she would ever be. A long curtain of dark, silky hair moved with the night air behind her, trailing its own path through the wind. Bright, jeweled pink eyes seemed to stare past him, the innocence in them reminding him of Jungkook. Jungkook, who was so deep into his training that Yoongi had not seen him in several months. Jungkook, who was learning how to destroy creatures like her.
His heart clenched uncomfortably.
Yoongi’s thoughts strayed back to his meeting with Tanjiro, concealed by dark, sweeping branches and shadows that loomed seemingly in endless shapes. Yoongi wasn’t a demon slayer. He wasn’t even a fighter. Why on earth Tanjiro had thought that he was the right person to protect his sister when she had better chances of defending herself while traveling alone, he had no idea.
Looking at her now, he couldn’t even picture her harming a human being. Almost docile in demeanor, she seemed like she would sooner cling to his side than split a human in half. Shaking his head to rid it of the gruesome imagery, he instead wracked his brain for what little conversational Japanese he knew, the barrier between them growing too large for the success of his mission. Hopefully his own personal studies would help him bridge the distance between them.
"Nezuko, we need to leave. Your brother's waiting for us," he said softly, kindly, the way one would speak in order not to spook a small child or kitten. His Japanese came out a little awkwardly, choppy from lack of practice.
She blinked up at him from where she sat on the wooden bench, legs swinging, making her seem even more like a child than her expression and features would suggest. Tanjiro had explained their situation to him, that he was training to be a demon slayer in order to find a way to change Nezuko back. They were the only remaining survivors of an attack on their home; and although Nezuko had been transformed, she seemed reluctant to hurt any humans. Instead, she trained alongside her brother to grow stronger so that she could assist him—protect him.
“You strike me as the type of person who thinks about every single side of the story before passing judgment,” Tanjiro had said. “I’m trusting that you will keep Nezuko safe until I can rejoin you.”
That had been only two days past, Tanjiro’s silhouette slipping into the darkness as he bid Yoongi and his sister farewell. He hadn’t told him when or where they would meet again, only that they would—when it was safe.
Safety was beginning to seem like a luxury.
"Your brother?" Yoongi tried again, suddenly worried that his Japanese was awful and that she just wasn’t understanding him. He looked around nervously, growing increasingly more anxious about the shadows in the night that may be trailing them—trailing them still even after Tanjiro had long since left them to travel by another road. "Nezuko," he pleaded. "We have to keep moving. It's not safe and your brother is waiting for us."
Nodding, she jumped up, and took his hand, swinging his arm as they started off together down the path. Yoongi was too relieved that she had understood him to comment on the fact that she had taken his hand. For the first leg of their journey, she had been keeping her distance, whether out of respect for his personal comfort or out of wariness despite her brother's endorsement. She slept in her basket during the day and padded silently behind him at night. Traveling with the basket strapped to his back jostled old, lingering pains in his shoulder, but he persisted. Now they were walking side by side, maintaining a brisk pace little less than a jog as to avoid drawing attention.
Why do you care so much about two kids you just met a few days, Yoongi? he chastised himself. Whatever mess they got themselves into is their problem... isn’t it?
But he knew why. He had never been able to turn away from someone in need. No matter how much he tried not to show it, he knew how it felt to need help but be afraid to ask for it, not knowing who to place his trust in or when he would next be in a position of safety. And for that, he would have never turned down Tanjiro’s request.
Yoongi believed in the significance of their mission. He knew nothing was as black and white as it seemed. Not all demons were bad—not all humans were good. Tanjiro and Nezuko were proof of that, the Kamadas a pair of walking contradictions—a demon slayer traveling with a demon who didn’t harm humans, bound by the love between brother and sister.
Yoongi knew then that he would do everything in his power to make sure that when Tanjiro rejoined him, Nezuko was the same as when he had left them. That was the best that he could do.
"Your brother is okay," Yoongi said suddenly, feeling the need to reassure her without really knowing why.
Nezuko looked at him, eyes unchanging, and he tried not to grimace. She hadn’t seemed worried up to that point and he didn’t want to be responsible for planting doubts in her head that previously had not existed; but she simply let go of his hand to hold up her pinkie finger.
He swallowed. He knew the significance of what she was asking him. She knew it was something that he had no way of knowing—no way of guaranteeing—but she was counting on him to make that promise anyway.
He wanted to believe in his own words.
"Promise," he said firmly, linking his pinkie finger with hers. "I promise."
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