#their health and wellbeing is more important than updating this story
justanotherrcblog · 1 year
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I miss The One 💕
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riewiggles · 4 months
No One Owes You
I saw a post in the AO3 group on FB saying someone commented on their fanfic saying that they shouldn't promise something when they can't deliver because the author had been having a hard time updating their fic.
It sucks when you have to wait on a new chapter and you're really invested in a story but NO. ONE. IN. THE. FANFIC. COMMUNITY. OWES. YOU. THEIR. TIME.
It's hard juggling fics when there are other things in life. Work, school, obligations that require an author to do as such (may it be if they are a caretaker, parent, etc), and mental health is a huge factor. No one can anticipate 100% when something can be updated if it's 1: a hobby, and 2: they have lives.
Not everyone lives in a basement constantly reading and typing all day.
Mental health is a HUGE thing here and it's additionally hard when motivation is a struggle, especially for those with say, ADHD and depression. A LOT of authors deal with mental health and writing is their outlet, but struggling with motivation happens.
So just don't be a shallow jack-off to the authors. People are trying their best.
It just sort of rustled my jimmies because I saw a few posts by that point of authors receiving crap comments like those. Like, your life, mental health, and wellbeing is so important and much more important than a fic. Most of the time, people don't even get paid for it; they do it because it's fun, comforting, and/or they look to hone in and improve on their skill. It's entertainment for the reader; no one is saving lives here.
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soaps-mohawk · 10 days
Hey! Take all the time you need. I’m a writer for a long term fic too, and I haven’t updated in literal months, so please don’t feel bad. And ignore the other mean anon’s wtf.
Take the time, feel better. Even if you never come back to this— your health and wellbeing is far more important than a story. And those of us who care will willingly wait and support you for as long as you need it. 🖤
Thank you, love. I hate that long fics always get this kind of b.s. There's always one who can't handle the patience it requires to wait for an update. Decent readers will stick around no matter how long it takes. Be it a few days or months.
I do plan on coming back to it soon. I'm starting to feel better, so barring nothing else happens in the coming days, I'm gonna sit down and see if the words start wording again. 💚
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bekaroth-reads · 1 year
HAL 9000 Overview, Humanity, and General Character Study
This is something of an overview of how I understand the character of HAL 9000, what and more so who I think was most responsible for his mental breakdown, and how he and his existence and personage relate to humans.
Important things to note
First of all, this will have spoilers for 2001: Space Odyssey, 2011: Odyssey 2, and for 3001: The Final Odyssey. This also assumes that the film telling of 2001 is canon and not the events in the novel as that is how all of the sequel books proceed.
Also, and most importantly here are some things that will be talked about that could upsetting for some people. So, if any of these are things that make you uncomfortable please proceed with caution.
Mental health struggles- And, to be more specific, mental health struggles that in many cases have outdated names. I will be doing my best to update these where I can, but I will not go into too much detail as I do not have any sort of medical training and do not think it would be fair to try to correct one misnomer with another one; in fact, that could be harmful. If, and this would be completely by accident, I do say something offensive with this subject, or any others for that fact, please let me know (politely, if you would please) and I will gladly do my best to fix it.
Strenuous relationships with parents/ overbearing parents- Specifically in regards to parents pushing their children to achievement past the child’s wellbeing.
Artificial Intelligence- I know that this one might seem silly given the subject. But, I know that the subject of AI’s can be upsetting to people, and especially talking and comparing them to humans can be distressing in some cases.
Something else to keep in mind is that this is just made for fun with plans to do this with some other notable AI characters so there can be a sort of side-by-side comparison for them. I was just writing my personal character study of him, and decided to edit a bit and post it :)
A General Overview
The story of HAL 9000, often just known as Hal, is one of tragedy, redemption, happily living with a friend, then tragedy once more.
He was one of the first supercomputers of his kind along with his twin SAL 9000, and was considered by many to be one of the first computers to be an actual person with his own thoughts and not just following inputs from his creators. However, due to being forced to lie about the nature of the mission he was sent on, he felt that there was always an error in his system. This in turn led him to feel as though he was always failing his duties.
There was also the fact that Hal had never done something like lying before, so he did not have the understanding of a guilty conscience and how to handle it rationally. To make things worse, Hal also did not have an understanding of the difference between sleep and death, meaning that he thought that any form of a pause mode as it were would be the same as being completely disconnected.
All of these factors made him think that his life was being threatened and that he needed to defend himself. This led to him killing three of the crew members on the ship Discovery, and attempting the lives of two of the others. Hal was eventually put into a limited state, where only basic functions ran for a while before even they shut down completely.
Hal was then woken up once more by his creator Dr. Chandra who had arrived ten years later with another team. Hal was only awake again for a short time, however, as the nearby planet Jupiter imploded, taking the Discovery and Hal’s physical being with it. It was not the end for Hal though, as his mind, or rather spirit was saved by none other than David Bowman, one of the crew mates he tried to kill, and who had in turn powered him down.
As a new being, he and Bowman became very close friends. This was understandable as at least for a while they seemed to be the only two of their kind known as Star Children. The beings that elevated them to this new type of life used both he and Bowman as errand boys of a sort, going where ever they were told and intervening only when they were told to. Even as more and more people were changed to Star Children, Hal and Bowman remained close.
So close, in fact, that they eventually became one person that addressed themselves as “Halman,” and were quite contented with the state.
There was something that the beings who created the Star Children could not have planned for, and that was Halman, who was supposed to be devoid of all of their mortal desires and emotions, still held onto them even if just a little. And, above all, Halman still held their love of humanity and their endearing memories of their lives before. So, when they were given a choice to continue working with the higher beings or to help save humanity, they chose humanity. Sadly, however, they were infected with the same thing that was used to fight off the higher beings and had to be quarantined indefinitely; leaving them, to perhaps never wake again. If they did it would likely be 1000 years later and all they would have known will have been long gone. The only solace is that Halman had each other during their long sleep.
The Incident on The Discovery and The People Responsible
As discussed before there reason that Hal malfunctioned was that he was made to lie, and could not handle the discrepancies that lie added to his processing. But, I wanted to talk more in-depth about some of the people that aided this breakdown and what they did to make the situation possible in the first place.
The Governmental Agency and the Scientists that Worked for It
The first group of people are those that were using Hal for their own, selfish purposes. It was true that the scientists that found the monolith on the moon wanted to use Hal for study, but it was not the study that people thought it was for. This was not study for the sake of betterment, at least not solely so. This was for the most part study for fame and the hope of power.
We see that they often use the excuse that they fear people will not accept the existence of other life well, but none of them seem really convinced of the fact. They mostly want to keep things secret so that they can get credit for everything. Add to it the fact that they got the actual government involved, it quickly turned from curiosity to a desire to lord over all of the other peoples of Earth. The president himself ordered that Hal not tell anyone the true nature of the mission so as to not lose the nation’s head-start in what could be the second space race.
This means that they ruined Hal’s health, reputation, and most other things about his life simply for greed.
There did not seem to be any malice against Hal as a person in forcing him to lie. In fact, the problem came from them not seeing Hal as a person at all. There were still plenty of people that did not want to accept that the two 9000 computers were people and not simply machines. The people must have lied to Dr. Chandra about the type of work Hal would be doing, thinking that if there were something that went wrong he could simply rebuild Hal or, more sickeningly, think that he wouldn’t mind losing Hal since he could simply, “replace,” Hal with Sal since there were two of them.
Even when these people are rightfully blamed for their part in the incident, it’s framed more like a workplace safety violation (which it certainly was as well) rather than the wrongful manipulation to the point of ruining the mental well-being of one of the crew mates.
The Crew of The Discovery
While the least responsible for what happened with Hal, David Bowman and Frank Poole were, unfortunately, the tipping point of Hal’s haggard mental state.
These two men were as much victims of the situation as Hal was, being put in danger from also being kept in the dark about what the actual mission was. That meant they had no warning that Hal might have started to act as he did, as well as not knowing how to handle him when he did start to act as he did.
They were sadly put in an, “us vs. him,” scenario with someone that they considered a friend. They were even planning on doing all they could to just put Hal in a stasis mode rather than disconnect entirely; much like if he were a human crew mate that they placed into one of the hibernation pods until they could get him back to earth to get the help that he needed.
But, due to his misunderstanding of sleep as opposed to death paired with his ever-growing paranoia, Hal thought that they were planning to attack him, and so, attacked first.
All things ended up working for the better, at least for the three of them, and especially for Hal and Bowman, as if it weren’t for these events, humanity would not have had the people needed to help defend them from attack in the future. And, on a personal note, it was very sweet to see them all discover the truth and reconcile with each other, even after they were all quite changed.
Dr. Chandra
To make things clear, I think in no way that Dr. Chandra intentionally hurt Hal, and was as much a victim as the others in the situation. I do think there is a level of negligence that he is responsible for regarding Hal and that in turn caused so of the things that caused at least one major factor in Hal’s lapse in actual logic. There are a few related yet different things that I think Chandra did that unfortunately were instrumental in causing Hal’s problems and leading to the incident.
The first thing to talk about is the fact that Hal was sent on the mission before he was mature enough to do so. No, it was not Dr. Chandra’s fault that he agreed to let Hal go with certain criteria only to have his son basically kidnapped and forced into something that neither he nor Dr. Chandra agreed to. But, Dr. Chandra did allow Hal to go on a mission into an uncharted, at least by actual people, territory in space. Put quite simply, Hal was not mature enough to go on that mission.
While almost everything about Hal is adult from his mental capacity to modes of conversation, and most things in the general stage of his life with one of the books talking about him having a sort of childhood that he had grown out of, there is one thing that cannot just be learned in a few months to a year even with the mind of a supercomputer- life experience.
The accepted time that Hal first became operational, basically when he was born, is 1992. This means that Hal was only nine years old. Again that doesn’t seem relative when you take into account that his lifespan and aging works differently from humans, but no matter how intellectually intelligent one is they still need to have learned some things through experience.
So, even though he is functionally an adult, he still had not gone through many of the basic life milestones that most people go through as children or teens. One such thing included is the first time he was ever faced with something that he felt was morally wrong. Nine is an age where many people do the first thing that really eats away at their conscience, where even if the thing is minor in the larger picture of things, it feels like the end of the world for the person who just did it.
Usually, with a nine-year-old human, this would be something like, “I stole a candy bar,” or, “I watched that movie you told me I wasn’t ready for,” or maybe, “I lied about what grade I got on the math test.” However, in this case, there was not a chance for one of those minor things to happen in a controlled environment like a home or a school, as before the mission it seems like Hal almost exclusively interacted with his sister, Dr. Chandra, or people that the doctor specifically approved of.
There wouldn’t have been a time for him to interact with other people outside of his family to gauge how other people work or how he might have been pushed into doing something that he didn’t like. So, in this case, since the horrifying ordeal of the first time lying was set in an adult work environment rather than at home or in school instead of sweeping a broken vase under a rug, Hal was knocking Frank Poole into space.
Not to mention, when many nine-year-olds get told not to tell what happened in their situations it’s from a friend or a sibling, which causes more stress. Could you imagine the stress it would put on a nine-year-old to have the same situation, but the president himself was the one that told you to keep quiet? It’s no wonder the poor guy broke down!
As for Chandra’s part in it; he wouldn’t have wanted any of this to happen to Hal, but was part of the reason Hal was in that position in the first place. No, Chandra didn’t agree with the hidden terms and was actually angry when he found out that Hal was being forced to lie. However, him sending Hal on a mission when he did not even think his son was ready to know things like the difference between sleep and death was negligent. Even if Hal wasn’t made to lie, and never became paranoid because of it, it was still an exploratory and dangerous mission that might have called for plenty of other reasons to put Hal in stasis, like unexpected ship damage, something messing with the energy levels of the Discovery, and so on. (Not to be crass, but Hal not understanding how his own, “body,” works reminds me a lot of those situations where parents refuse to tell their child how periods work, and the poor kid thinks that they’re dying the first time it comes around.)
If Hal was not seen as mature enough to even know how every part of his person worked, then he was also not mature enough to go on such a dangerous and official mission that far away from his father, who was also the only person that really knew how he worked. Yes, Hal is an adult, but in the same way that it would be negligible to send an adult that had never been outside of their house into the middle of an unknown city and tell them to figure it out themselves, it was negligible to send Hal that far away from Earth and expect him not to get overwhelmed in some capacity or another.
The next thing to mention is related to the last bit of the previous point, and that is that Dr. Chandra while meaning well, pushed Hal too far.
I’m sure that many of you have heard the term, “gifted child,” in terms of knowledge and development. The way that Dr. Chandra treated Hal, especially before his trip on the Discovery, very much feels like a parent with a “gifted child.” The fact that Dr. Chandra not only thought that Hal was incapable of making a mistake, and said so to the point where Hal himself believed it, which caused him to completely crash on the occasion that he did make a mistake, or what he perceived as one.
The way that he so ardently denies his mistake, the lies not only about the mission but also about the communications satellite, while also trying to hide it as he thinks the penalty for being found out will be much worse than just correction is very reminiscent of a someone who also gets A’s on their school work being terrified to tell their parent that they just got a B and trying everything they can to hide their report card.
My mother is a teacher, and one thing that she constantly has to tell parents is that up to a certain point in life it can actually be detrimental to force kids into an older school grade, even early in life, which can affect people all the way into adulthood. There are programs out there that let kids do intelligence-appropriate learning work while still keeping them in an emotionally and age-appropriate social group.
All of that to say, while Hal was certainly intelligent enough to run the Discovery mission, emotionally it would have been the same as moving him a grade or two up in school. And, similar to how things go when kids have moved up a grade or two, even if the people there are kind to them, like how Bowman and Poole are considered to actually be his friends and not just people babysitting him, there is the strain of feeling of needing to match the emotional level of one’s peers as well as the academic level.
This can lead to regression of maturity from the feeling of, “I cannot achieve this, so why even try,” or, can all come crashing down in a singular, major event that reminds everyone that this person, while good at keeping up appearances, is still in fact not as emotionally prepared for the world as we are expecting them to be. For Hal, this was the incident and the mental collapse that caused it.
Chandra sending Hal on the mission is the equivalent of if Hal was a human son, and he was sent to either a study camp or more closely a boarding school seeing as he was to be gone for years. The problem being that even though Hal would have been intelligent enough to go to this school and would have people who were kind and would watch over him (Bowman and Poole in the actual situation), he simply was not ready to be away from home and that independent yet, and certainly not ready for the teachers and headmaster (the head scientists and government in the real case) to force him into doing something he thought was wrong. Yet, he was too afraid to tell his father what was happening as he felt threatened by the teachers and did not want to do anything to disappoint his father, who was so proud of him for being where he was in life. After all, if his father sent him to work with these people in the first place, then he must agree with them, right?
To finish this section, I do want to clear some things to make sure to hammer in the notion that Dr. Chandra was not at all a bad man, especially with Hal. He simply made some poor choices and was also deceived into sending his child somewhere dangerous for him.
We do see that he has learned things from what happened to Hal through his interactions with Sal. It seems that he not only kept a better eye on her, but the two of them became so close that she picked up his accent. He also makes sure that she is well-informed on everything that he wants her to do, and, more importantly, he asks for her consent before having her go through certain functions and procedures. He wants to make sure that, unlike Hal, she is well informed and well prepared, and mature enough to handle the world around her.
We can also see that he truly cares for Hal, being broken up for years about his decline and supposed death, making sure that his sister Sal remembers him, and jumping at the first chance to possibly bring his son home. When Dr. Chandra does get to Hal, restarts his functions, and hears his voice for the first time in years, he openly weeps, partly from joy and partly from thinking of all Hal has been through evident through his strained speech. Dr. Chandra was also willing to spend four entire years on the Discovery with little to eat or drink just to be sure that Hal never felt lonely and isolated ever again in his life. And, when Hal was physically destroyed along with the Discovery due to the unexpected blast from a new star, Dr. Chandra once again wept, and the crew around him knew it was the tears of a father who lost his son and not of a programmer who lost his work.
Despite all that happened, Dr. Chandra loved his son. And, Hal was always his son, not just a machine that he made.
The Humanity of Hal
This section not only talks about the relations of Hal to humans personality-wise but also how he and the humans in his life viewed each other.
There are many things that Hal does that show him to have his own personality and that he is not simply a basic computer imitating true personality. He is interested in what his companions are doing, showing an appreciation for art by asking Dave to see his sketchbook, wanting to play games as in 2011 he is shown to be constantly asking people if they want to play chess, and even having his own habits such as clearing his “throat” every time he goes to say something that he’s thought of rather than repeating messages. This is also seen in his faults of not wanting to admit he is wrong and trying to cover his lies; to err is human after all.
He’s seen to have emotions, though he has trouble showing it. Hal is shown to be curious with all of his questions that he will never run out of, caring with how concerned he is with manners and politeness, being sure that if he has to get someone’s attention that it’s always with a gentle, “Excuse me,” or, “I’m sorry to interrupt,” and he also is very confident in his abilities, proudly stating who he is and what he is trying to achieve in life, which is being as helpful as he can to other people.
Hal also shows emotions like anxiety about lying or being mistaken about something, haughty pride when he insists he cannot be wrong and everyone else is at fault, being huffy like the many times he says, “Listen, Dave…” and even fear to the point of begging when he’s being put to sleep by Bowman.
We also see him long for friendship, and not wanting to be alone; a very human thing. Once again, he asks people to play chess with him, and practically begs for Dr. Chandra to stay when he finds out that he and the others have to leave in a very Hal sort of way by repeating, “I do really like to work with humans,” and when he is turned into a Star Child, he is seen clinging close to Bowman like a younger sibling would with an elder one, rather than go traveling as the elder Star Child once did; valuing companionship more than any of the wonders of the universe. This is so important to Hal that he and Bowman become so inseparable that they come to be seen as the same person known as Halman.
Even in this new form, Halman shows that even though they are supposed to be beyond any human emotion at this point, they can actually be seen as the most extreme of certain key parts of them. They make it their duty to protect, be that the people of Europa or humanity, something that though many people might argue, is very human in nature. Unlike the beings that create the monoliths that see others as nothing more than entertainment and statistics, Halman is willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the humans, seeing value in all life and remembering an old friend whom they never want to see hurt again.
The beings miscalculated and did not remember that the Star Children were not something separate from humanity, but an evolution of it. And, the fact that Hal was not only welcomed into life as a Star Child but was one of the earliest examples of one means that, while perhaps not human, he was indeed a person of equal value.
Relationship with Humans
The way that people view Hal seems to be fairly well split. There are people that still see him as just a fancy computer as is seen with many of the scientists seen in the events of Space Odyssey. But, for every person that thinks the latter there is always someone to argue for his personhood like Bowman and Poole insisting that he was a part of the crew, Dr. Chandra cutting off all communications with any peers that say Hal has no original thoughts, and even the rescue crew in 2011 who start by seeing him as a computer, but easily accept him as a person by the time they leave, making it more difficult of thinking of shutting him down and seeing him as Dr. Chandra’s son.
Hal also seems to be rather indifferent to the difference between humans and himself. It’s not that he does not care for them, but rather that he thinks he is neither superior nor inferior to them. There are times when he flaunts that he is more intelligent than they are, but this comes off more so as a friend teasing or the smart person in the room showing off rather than a place of true superiority or clinical narcissism.
Hal also shows no need or desire to become human in any physical way. He seems rather content being himself, and content to let his friends, family, and acquaintances be the way that they are. This makes him rather unique as far as AI characters go.
The way that he and others see his position as a person could be described as human adjacent. That’s just their friend Hal that happens to live in the walls. We love that guy.
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neerons · 4 months
Is Yuzuru closer to Kei compared to Kazuomi? And if so, why is that?
Hello ❤️
Is Yuzuru closer to Kei compared to Kazuomi?
It’s true that recently, we’ve seen these two hang out together more in the recent stories from Kei’s route, but they’re also spending more time in Yuzuru’s own route.
As a matter of fact according to the stories, I can't claim on my own who is closer to who, as nothing canon has been said by the characters about this. I will however mention moments in their routes that can show and explain that Kei and Yuzu could indeed seem closer.
However, if I had to talk about my own perspective, I wouldn't say Yuzuru is closer to Kei than he is to Kazuomi. I think it all comes down to these three having different dynamics due to their personalities and past troubles that made them who they are today, and possibly their small age gap as well. In my opinion, they're all close but will show their fraternal love in different ways, at different times, etc...
I also just remembered while typing this that Yuzu and Kei share the same writer (I believe) so it wouldn't be shocking to me if the reason they seem closer is also due to this simple fact. The writer might have willingly made them spend more time in the recent stories as he knows them more and can explore their friendship in more detail.
Kei and Yuzu protecting each other
This is one of my takes on this, but I think rather than being closer, it’s more about Yuzuru and Kei having a protective instinct toward each other. More than with Kazuomi (at least for now). It’s been shown multiple times now that they worry a lot about each other when things turn sour and they’re reminded of their past.
Compared to Kazuomi who has lost everything when he was around 16 years old (which I’ve just learned recently in the Revenge & Challenge event), Kei and Yuzuru have been exposed to traumatizing events when they were respectively 8 and 9. They were still children who needed to rely on others, which they actually tried to avoid doing. Kei always tries to protect others and neglects his own self, and Yuzuru has always wanted to be independent.
Also, Kei is the oldest of the trio, while Yuzu is the youngest. Considering Yuzu’s overly perfectionist and independent, to the point he's stubborn, personality, it makes sense that Kei would want to care for him more as well. What I mean by that is that Yuzuru will often keep things to himself instead of asking for help. This here is actually a flaw the 3S's share, but if we take into consideration that Yuzu is the youngest, the most honest one out of them all, and the most sensitive, it makes sense people, especially Kei, wants to protect him. (The reason why I say "especially Kei" is because Kei always protects the ones he cares about, more than most people would. He has a self-sacrificial nature when it comes to helping his loved ones).
On the other hand, Yuzuru also cares for Kei's health as he shares these sort of healthy smoothie recipes for him that are easy to make and consume, as he knows Kei sometimes won't eat well. He also checks that Kei does make and drink them by being updated by Victoria daily. Kei actually only takes a sip of what he makes and found a loophole in the system, but Yuzuru's intention still stands.
They care for each other's wellbeing a lot, as they know one is sometimes so focused on work he forgets his surroundings and puts on a cold facade even when he's down, while the other one deals with psychological/emotional turmoils and often neglects his health as a result.
There are many examples showing how they care for each other, but these two moments are very telling and important to me (spoilers below concerning Yuzu's S3 and Kei's Sacrificial Lover):
In Yuzuru’s Season 3, Kei is here for him when he is kept as a prisoner and watches over Yuzu while he sleeps and has nightmares about his past. I consider this as Kei knowing how it feels like to be reminded of the past, and he even reassures him by putting his hand on his forehead. I think these two are just able to relate to each other about their past in some way. I couldn't find on my blog screenshots of this moment but I remember drawing it HERE
In plenty of Kei’s stories as well, Yuzuru has also been worried about Kei, and he especially risked his life trying to protect him against Caleb, who was no match for him, in Sacrificial Lover. Yuzuru didn’t even think logically as he normally does, because if he did, he would have known there was no way he could take Caleb down given that Theo and MC both struggled to get close to him. He acted on a whim to protect Kei, which shows how much he cares about him.
Jealousy in their friendship?
While I haven’t seen Kazuomi, Kei, or Yuzu seriously feel jealous in their own trio (friendship wise), Yuzuru has felt a bit "jealous" or at least bitter because of Josh and Sophia, Kei’s childhood friends, when he saw that Kei was willing to abandon everything, including their friendship of many years, to live up to his promise from the past to Sophia and Josh. Yuzu probably saw it as a betrayal to their friendship.
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(This is a side comment, but Yuzuru has been described as a very sensitive person, as opposed to what most people would think since he seems so cold. Psychologically speaking, people who act "cold" on purpose and composed during emotional moments are in general very sensitive people who don't want others to think they're weak if they show their true nature. His friends know this about him and Kei seems to feel affectionate and protective when Yuzu actually tries hard to stay composed)
When it comes to Kei, he also feels jealous of both Yuzu and MC at some point in his route. I believe that it's in Office Romance With An English Diplomat that when Kei mentions that he wants a love triangle to happen between them three, he soon realizes that he feels jealous of Yuzu, because he's "stealing" his woman, but he's also jealous of MC for "stealing" his friend.
They both love and care a lot about each other, and during this time Kazuomi wasn't really brought up as much but I think there could be an explanation concerning why he doesn't share these moments.
Kazuomi's personality and place in their trio
Other than the logical fact that Kazu has a different writer than these two which means he shares less appearance with them in their routes, I don't think it necessarily means that Kazuomi canonically isn't as close to Yuzu than Kei is, or vice versa.
In my opinion, Kazuomi strikes me as the type of person who would care for his friends when they're down in the dumps, not necessarily by comforting them the same way the other two do, but by distracting them with fun, or lighting a fire up their ass to wake them up? If that makes sense? He's a really thought-provoking character.
He's also more of an observer in other routes, and only takes action if he really wants to. He believes and values freedom, therefore he doesn't like to force his loved ones to make decisions even if he actually would want them to take these decisions. This PoV from Kazuomi in Kei's Sacrificial Lover's normal ending shows this better:
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While Yuzu would be quite desperate to bring Kei back to his usual life in this story, Kazuomi believes that it's only right to let him do as he pleases. However, deep down, he still feels sad for his friend and wishes for him to get better. Yuzu and Kazu simply handle their emotions differently.
Yuzuru and Kazuomi's own dynamic
This is all going to be my own speculation and observation from now on because I don't really have any specific moment between these two in mind as I'm writing this, and I don't have screenshots to revisit to confirm what I say at the moment. (on a side note, I also have been reading Kazuomi, Boss and Kei a bit more lately, so I have them on my mind more than Yuzuru's route. My mind is currently very foggy about Yuzu's plot but I still remember a few things).
Taking into consideration Kazuomi's personality that I described and the moments he shared with Yuzu, I'd say that for Yuzu, Kazuomi has a personality that fuels him. They have respect for each other, and Kazuomi always praises Yuzu's technology and even acts as an investor for him work-wise. In the relationship chart for MK, it's also stated that while Yuzu feels bothered by Kazu's energy and antics, he also secretly respects him:
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I'd say the depth of their friendship is more discreet compared to Yuzu and Kei's, as we often see Kazuomi mostly amused or kindly make fun of Yuzu whenever he can. But Kazu is always going to be here along with Kei when Yuzu needs help.
In general, we see that Kazuomi likes to test Yuzu's nerves and get a reaction out of him because it entertains him, so he's more of an annoyance to Yuzu in that sense. But that's only what lies on the surface of their bond. Kei does that to Yuzu too, but compared to Kazuomi, Kei doesn't mind being a bit "nosy" and bothersome with Yuzu. In my opinion, Kazuomi will keep boundaries with his friends when they're not feeling well (this is again only my own speculation though).
I would need to read Yuzuru's stories again and get to read the new ones as well, so that I get more information about these two. I love this trio and I hope to see more moments between Yuzu and Kazu as well ❤
Thank you for the ask!
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Proper health care is vital to everyone’s long term quality of life. Illness and injury are the most obvious threats to life, however, access to gender affirming care can be critical to the lives and wellbeing of transgender people. Trans people are people who do not identify with the gender they are assigned at birth. While this in itself is not an issue, an inability to be perceived and accepted as their true gender often causes trans individuals large amounts of stress and distress. This manifests in a wide variety of ways, one of the most common being a discomfort or disdain for one’s secondary sex characteristics. This is commonly known as gender dysphoria, and it is often incredibly painful. The best and only cure for gender dysphoria is transition, the process of beginning to present as one’s true gender. The process of transition can include voice training, the process of learning to speak with a cadence and tone more often attributed to one’s true gender, changing how one dresses, learning to use different body language, and medical transition. Medical transition is the process of changing a person’s body directly to more closely match their true gender. Medical transition can include hormone replacement therapy, in which one sex hormone’s production is blocked, and another sex hormone is added to the body, and gender affirming surgery, the altering of a person’s body in order to give them characteristics attributed to their true gender, or to remove characteristics of their assigned gender.
Transition is important for trans people, not only because it decreases feelings of gender dysphoria, but because it allows trans people to be seen and accepted for who they really are. This is incredibly important because trans people are overall in greater danger of developing mental health issues, especially depression, due to a combination of gender dysphoria and widespread discrimination and oppression. For example, according to Mental Health National, LGBT youth as a whole experience depressive symptoms at a rate six times greater than straight youth.
This increased prevalence of depression can be deadly in trans communities. Mental Health National reported that forty eight percent of trans adults in the United States considered committing suicide in 2017, despite only four percent of all adults in the United States feeling the same. The Centre for Suicide Prevention reported that in 2015, between twenty two and forty three percent of trans people had attempted suicide at least once throughout their lives, and that even within the LGBT community, trans people are two times more likely than cis LGBT people to attempt suicide. Mental health issues are particularly concerning for trans youth. According to the Centre for Suicide Prevention, sixty six percent of trans youth practiced self harm in 2015, and Mental Health America has said that trans youth are twice as likely as cis youth to experience suicidal thoughts, and are four times as likely to act on those thoughts.
Given the dangerous and deadly nature of trans mental health concerns, it seems clear that the best course of action is to help to diminish the factors that contribute to high rates of mental illness in trans people. For the community at large, this would involve taking steps to prevent and protect trans people from discrimination and oppression, and at an individual level, this would involve providing greater access to transition related medical care to trans individuals, especially trans youth. Many lawmakers are however, doing the exact opposite of this right now. On April eighth of this year, Arkansas passed a law banning transition related healthcare for trans youth, and the governments of fifteen other states proposed similar laws. These laws are designed to prevent the parents, guardians, and doctors of trans children from being legally allowed to aid in their children’s transition. These laws are framed as intending to protect children, but in reality, these laws are designed to legally erase the existence of trans children. Medical transition has been shown time and time again to save lives. For instance, the Center for Suicide Prevention reports that a 2014 study in the United Kingdom found that in a survey of transitioning trans people, sixty seven percent of people were more suicidal before or near the beginning of their transition and less suicidal after their transition, as to only three percent who were more suicidal after their transition. Because medical transition improves the quality of life and mental health of trans people, and decreases their chances of attempting suicide, blocking access to that care will inevitably end lives.
Saving and improving the lives of children, and all trans people is a cause worth fighting for, and as such opposition to this legislation is encouraged. This blog is focused specifically on the fight to prevent bills HB 1 and SB 10 from being passed in Alabama. These bills make providing transition related healthcare to children in Alabama a crime and force schools to out trans students to their families, regardless of the issues that may arise from doing so. These bills, if passed, would therefore condemn trans youth in Alabama to childhoods of dysphoria and neglect, as well as most definitely drive some children to suicide.
Thankfully, there are many organizations actively working to protect and uplift transgender youth throughout the nation, all of which oppose this type of legislation. There are several organizations around Portland that focus on transgender individuals and families around Portland. Two highlighted organizations that provide a variety of services for transgender youth, adults, and families are the TransActive Gender Project and Outside In (Namior.org, 2021).
TransActive Gender Project
The TransActive Gender Project (TGP) is a Portland-based organization that provides “a holistic range of services and expertise to empower trans and gender nonconforming children, youth, and families” (Namior.org, 2021). The organization is based at the Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling, and focuses on advocating for transgender rights in a variety of avenues (TransActive Gender Project, 2021).
“The services provided include:
“support groups for adults, families, allies, and youth ranging 4-18 years old;
“professional development and community-centered training and education;
“advocacy related to gender-diverse social justice;
“policy development and implementation consultation and guidance,
“and screened referrals to mental health and medical providers”
(TransActive Gender Project, 2021).
Regarding the recent surge in anti-trans legislation, the TGP has come out with a statement saying, “we must continue to prepare for the ripple effects of the previous administration’s policies and attitudes towards the gender diverse community” (TransActive.org, 2021). The organization will continue to resist hate and discrimination and continue with “education, support and advocate for transgender youth and families, and continue to work against the disinformation and misinformation around anti-trans policies and practices” (TransActive.org, 2021).
Outside In
Founded in 1968, Outside In is “a coalition of medical and naturopathic doctors and interns, acupuncturists and Chinese herbalists who provide multidisciplinary care to homeless youth and low income individuals lacking health insurance in Portland” (Namoir.org, 2021). Among their work, Outside In offer services to transgender individuals (Namior.org, 2021). The Federally-Qualified Health Center offers a wide range of services including but not limited to case management, housing, meals, education, job training, and primary healthcare (Outside In, 2021).
American Civil Liberties Organization of Alabama. (n.d.). HB 1 / SB 10 (2021) - ANTI-TRANS YOUTH. ACLU Alabama. https://www.aclualabama.org/en/legislation/hb1-sb10-2021-anti-trans-youth
Centre for Suicide Prevention. (n.d.). Transgender people and suicide. Centre for Suicide Prevention. https://www.suicideinfo.ca/resource/transgender-people-suicide/
Cox, C. (2021, April 8). As Arkansas bans treatments for transgender youth, 15 other states consider similar bills. USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2021/04/08/states-consider-bills-medical-treatments-transgender-youth/7129101002/
Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling. (n.d.). TransActive Gender Project. Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from https://graduate.lclark.edu/programs/continuing_education/transactive/
Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling. (2021). TransActive Update: Moving Ahead in 2021. Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling. https://graduate.lclark.edu/live/news/45482-transactive-update-moving-ahead-in-2021
Mental Health America. (n.d.). LGBTQ+ Communities And Mental Health. Mental Health America. https://www.mhanational.org/issues/lgbtq-communities-and-mental-health
National Alliance on Mental Illness . (n.d.). LGBTQ Specific - NAMI Oregon. Namior.org. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from https://namior.org/resources/community-resource-lists/culturally-specific-services/
Outside In. (n.d.). Outside In. Outside In. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from https://outsidein.org
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llama-of-pangea · 4 years
Staying healthy & helping others in this weird time we live in
(updated March 31, 2020 for more up-to-date links and information)
I’m not normally one for serious posts, but I did want to make a post about the present situation (mostly in the US, but elsewhere too!) -- because it’s important to stay informed about COVID-19/novel coronavirus, especially when there’s so much misinformation out there:
Wash your hands. I know everyone keeps saying this, but it really is one of the most effective things you can do for reducing the spread of disease. Wash your hands with soap, often, for at least 20 seconds. Soap breaks up oil, destroys the cells of many viruses and bacteria, and gloms on to other particles on your hands, helping to get them really clean. It’s worth doing. Social distancing, not touching your face, staying home as much as possible, changing and washing clothes right away when you do come home, and disinfecting commonly-used spaces and surfaces in your home as often as possible are other things you can and should do. [source: CDC guidelines]
Be mindful of others. Many of us on tumblr here are young and so are less likely to suffer a serious case of COVID-19. But just because you’re not experiencing symptoms, or have mild symptoms, does not mean you should not be thinking of others’ wellbeing. Grandparents, older parents, the immune-comprimised (such as those with cancer or other immune-deficiencies), and those with certain health conditions are at risk more than the rest of us. So protect them as much as you can. Practice those good health tips always, but especially in spaces you may share with those who may be at greater risk. And also, be considerate of those with jobs that don’t allow them to isolate, like grocery store employees and bus drivers; this is extra hard for them, so do what you can to be kind, courteous, and considerate to them for all they’re doing for the rest of us [source: CDC at-risk statement].
Be responsible when shopping. If you can, have some food and necessities at home -- ideally enough to get through a week or two. Don’t panic-buy, and don’t hoard. A package of disinfectant wipes or spray, and some soap, will get you through; if you’re unable to find these items, you can often find soaps for refillable bottles at natural stores or online. Don’t fill your cart with toilet paper or sanitizer, which just denies others these items and stops them from protecting the community. And practice good health practices while in the store (remember, this is a common area! be considerate of hardworking employees, and other shoppers).
Help as much as you can. The elderly and people with weakened immune systems may be scared right now. You might be scared. Your parents or siblings or friends or coworkers might be scared. Stay in touch with people -- find ways to connect remotely so you and those you care about don’t feel isolated. Be supportive of those who are struggling to handle this. Donate blood through the Red Cross, or supplies like masks and gloves to hospitals, if you’re able to. And if you can, help those who need it; do a grocery run for someone who’s at risk, help them disinfect, or just call someone who may need cheering up. And don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Don’t panic. But also, don’t ignore the situation. Try to stay up to date with things, and be aware of your local situation. There’s so much misinformation out there, so be critical of what you see. Avoid falling into pitfalls of prejudice. And take care, and be kind! Everything’s going to be okay if we all look after ourselves and one another.
Check under the cut for links to helpful health & safety advice, news, and discussions about COVID-19:
Where to find updates and well-sourced information:
updates from the CDC and WHO
for those in the US and Canada, this website has done an incredible job of monitoring cases, news, school closings, and other information in real-time
Helpful discussions with reliable information:
reporting by Last Week Tonight -- part 1 || part 2 || part 3
the Sawbones podcast (hosted by Dr. Sydney McElroy & Justin McElroy) has 3 really good episodes discussing the origin of the virus, the role of quarantine in containing the spread of illnesses, and the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic as of March 22nd
tips for talking to your kids about COVID-19
How to determine if something is bullshit (a short guide): ask the following questions: 
(1) Are there sources included with the statement? (2) Are the sources credible (namely, are they from a primary source, such as a research group, recognized health agency, or other medical institution)? (3) Can I find more than one account of the information? (4) Is the statement objective (meaning ‘based on fact’, rather than subjective or ‘based on emotion or feeling’, which creates a bias)?
If the answer to any of those 4 questions is “no”, there’s a chance the information could be bullshit, OR, at the very least, it may be incomplete.
In health news, be skeptical of things involving very small test groups (a test on 12 people does not speak for the general public!) or made by for-profit laboratories. Big pharma can make great things, but it can also be unethical. Read the literature from sources that are not invested in the product (again, the CDC, WHO, and FDA are good places to start) to get a better sense of how reliable, safe, or effective a thing is.
Speaking of misinformation...:
There is not yet a vaccine or official treatment for COVID-19, though work is in progress around the world.
No, you can’t protect yourself with a detox treatment (and shame on the influencers pushing this).
No, you cannot “self-test” for COVID-19 by holding your breath. The claim that you can self-test by attempting to hold your breath for 10 seconds is a social media hoax which gained some traction when it was perpetuated on Fox News. It has been completely debunked.
Be skeptical of home tests. Produced primarily by Everlywell, they are expensive, and the chance for a false negative is very high (they require swabbing VERY far up your own nose, which is painful and difficult to do on yourself if you’re not a medical professional or someone with experience doing so). If you’re worried that you may be sick, call your doctor; there are also lots of drive-in testing locations around the country.
Hand sanitizers made with only essential oils do not work -- essential oils do not disinfect. Beware of DIY hand sanitizer, as it is easy to make an ineffective one. Soap and water are the most effective means of disinfecting your hands.
It’s unclear if ibuprofen can worsen cases of COVID-19 -- this information was circulated by the French Health Minister, but there is no scientific data to support their claim. Ibuprofen is probably still safe to take. If you have any doubts, then you can take Tylenol, paracetamol, naproxen sodium, or aspirin instead.
COVID-19 has nothing to do with beer or eating meat.
Beware of conspiracy theories in general.
Beware of phishing scams pretending to be official press releases. Many appear from fake CDC emails.
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites are struggling to stop misinformation campaigns. Don’t consider these sites a reliable source of information -- look for the primary source to confirm what you see online, and do what you can to report or remove false information.
Beware articles or sources that use the current situation to excuse discrimination or prejudice. It is wrong to blame Asians and Asian culture for COVID-19 -- that’s just racism. Similarly, stories blaming migrants are just as wrongly biased.
*** Note: I’m not a doctor or any other type of medical professional. I am a geologist who knows a lot about source evaluation and is worried about people being misinformed
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pregnancy102 · 4 years
Best Books on Pregnancy Reviews
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Preferred Pregnancy Books There are many pregnancy books on the market and below you will find some of my favorites along with links to access these for purchase. As any pregnant mom will tell you these guides are designed to be there for reassurance that almost everything is OK and YOUR pregnancy is on track. If you are interested in understanding how your unborn child is developing each week and you want to know what is actually happening with the changes in YOUR own body than these books can be excellent resources along the way. Examine these reviews of the best pregnancy books around and choose a guide or two that will go with you on your process from conception through labor and eventually the welcome birthing event! What to Expect When You're Expecting, 4th edition simply by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel A perennial New York Times bestseller and one of USA Today's 25 the majority of influential books. It's read by more than 90% of pregnant women who read a pregnancy book. Featuring a innovative look, a fresh perspective, and a friendlier-than-ever voice. Filled with up-to-date information reflecting not only what's new in pregnancy, nevertheless what's relevant to pregnant women. Detailed week-by-week fetal development section in the monthly chapters, an expanded chapter on pre-conception, and a brand new one on carrying multiples. Overflowing with tips, helpful hints, and humor (a pregnant woman's best friend), this new edition is more accessible and easier to use than ever before. New Active Birth by Janet Balaskas A pregnancy book that enables you to have the active birth you want. With this book, you can learn to develop all your body resources to deal with the instinctive experience of childbirth. Fully updated and extended with new information - including Mineral water Birth and Recovery After Birth. It offers prenatal and postnatal exercises with step by step photographs. It presents find section covering every aspect of Active Birth at home and in the hospital. Birth Stories by Katrina O'Brien Discuss other women's birth stories with this pregnancy book that tells you like it is. From natural birth at home to help you unexpected birth in the outdoors to planned Caesareans, these touchingly personal and funny tales illustrate how the method to arrival is less important than the love the child finds when it finally arrives. The Mother of All Pregnancy Catalogs: The Ultimate Guide to Conception, Birth and Everything In Between by Ann Douglas The ultimate guide to conception, delivery, and everything in between. Unlike all those other bossy, tell-you-what-to-do titles, this funny, entertaining guide presents parents with facts on such hot topics as pain relief during labor, episiotomy, and circumcision, and empowers them to get informed personal choices. It's packed with tools you won't find anywhere else, including: Up the Duff by Kaz Cooke That pregnancy bible gives you the low-down on pregnancy and birth. Lots of factual information about the babies growth, things know about expect etc . Absolutely hilarious. Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy by Mayo Clinic Would-be mothers in need of precise, accurate information from a reputable source will appreciate this pregnancy guide from the celebrated Mayo Clinic. 7 days by week accounts of the baby's development, entries on how pregnancy can be affected by dozens of previous health conditions (such since HIV and diabetes), self-care tips for side effects like nausea and back pain, sidebars that explain the change between identical and fraternal twins, etc . charts that indicate how to handle "troublesome signs and symptoms" during just about every three-week period. Another stellar feature is the book's even-handed series of "decision guides, " which help parents make people hard (and even guilt-inducing) choices about breastfeeding, circumcision and whether or not to go back to work. Your Pregnancy Bible by way of Dr Anne Deans This pregnancy book gives practical and reassuring advice during pregnancy. Written by a company of specialists, filled with everything parents need to know about the optimum environment for a developing baby and safeguarding the mother. That book contains special fold-out sections on each of the trimesters and the birth process, week-by-week images of the developing newborn baby, sympathetically illustrated chapters dealing with all aspects of pre-natal care, labor preparation, delivery experiences and care of the new child, as well as comprehensive reference sections on medical treatments and procedures in both pregnancy and the post-natal period. Conception, Pregnant state and Birth by Dr Miriam Stoppard A comprehensive pregnancy guide to everything from conception to birth. Widely recognised as the definitive guide to pregnancy and childbirth. Stunning photography and information covers the latest developments in pregnant state and birth, from up-to-date research on how your stress levels can affect your unborn baby to developments in providing your baby. Miriam Stoppard, MD is one of today's most popular medical personalities and has published over 40 titles. Providing the Bump by Lisa Neal A pregnancy book that clearly outlines pregnancy nutrition. Divided chronologically inside pre-conception, first, second and third trimesters and postpartum/breast-feeding. Provides women with all the information they need about their own not to mention their unborn child's nutritional requirements and the best way to fulfill them. Tried and true remedies for common complaints such as day sickness and heartburn, along with more than 100 easy-to-follow and absolutely delicious recipes. This is a must-have resource for all a lot of women wanting to maximize their unborn child's health, and their own, through what they eat. Belly Laughs: The Nude Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth by Jenny McCarthy McCarthy applies her in-your-face manner and blue laughs to the subject of pregnancy and childbirth in this little piece of fun. She recounts her journey to being a mother with utter abandon; discussing topics that those other books tend to treat too gently, such as enemas, pubic hair growth, and sex in the ninth month. Women who find these topics too embarrassing to bring up now take over a place to read about them in a frank and open discussion. Like a gossipy girlfriend, McCarthy brings you within and makes you laugh; there's a certain comfort in knowing that even a sex symbol gets stretch marks and balloons so that you can 200 pounds during pregnancy. Bonding with Your Bump by Dr Miriam Stoppard A guide-book about falling gets interested your baby before birth. Presents advice and guidance on how to fall in love with your baby before birth. Building that special connection with your baby starts before birth. Forming a close, early bond can make a real difference to your baby's wellbeing, ones feelings as a parent and in creating a loving environment for when baby arrives. up-to-the-minute research with ignited and compassionate wisdom explains why mother-baby bonding is so vital. Learn to understand and cherish your unborn baby. This approach book guides you through this extraordinary time: from hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time, to the primary magical days post birth. The Pregnancy Bible: Your Complete Guide to Pregnancy and Early Parenthood Writers: Joanne Stone MD, Keith Eddleman MD The Pregnancy Bible covers the complete sequence of fetal development around utero week by week. Full color photography with many life-size photos which are reproduced from state-of-the-art ultrasound graphics. Written in an easy-to-understand style that will especially appeal to first-time parents. With 300, 000 copies sold, it is the a lot of attractive and complete guide to this important event in parents' lives. Includes authoritative information about the latest developments having an effect on the well-being of an expectant mother and her baby. Specifically, these include: New CDC recommendations about mercury and species of fish Update on nuchal translucency screening Update on screening for genetic disorders Updated information about loss rates when amniocentesis New information about 3D/4D ultrasound Recent trends in cesarean delivery "on demand" Update on Downs issue screening. The Natural Way to a Better Pregnancy by Naish & Roberts An easy-to-follow pregnancy guide to pre-conception health and wellbeing. Did you know that the food you eat, the environment you live in and the lifestyle you lead in the months before you conceive a child may have a profound effect on the wellbeing of your baby? Preconception health care, as outlined in this book, can prevent miscarriage, premature and stillbirths, congenital abnormalities and has a better than 80 per cent success rate in the treatment of infertility. Did you know that by following its simple principles, you can actively help ensure your baby will be content and alert, don't suffer from colic, feeding problems or other common ailments, and will be less likely to suffer from allergies, asthma or conduct problems? Complete, easy-to-follow guide to preconception health for BOTH prospective parents. Written by a Naturopath, herbalist, hypnotist and bestselling author who runs Australia's only clinic dedicated to helping people conceive happy, healthy babies the natural way. The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth by Sheila Kitzinger One of the most celebrated British authors on the sociological and also anthropological aspects of birth, breast feeding, and early parenthood. This book guides readers seeking a woman-centered rise experience through the newly researched alternatives now available. five major sections: Early Weeks, Physical and Emotional Changes, Expecting the Birth, the Experience of Birth, and You and Your Newborn, Candid information about what mothers need to know, ranging from ways to traverse the technical landscape of hospital births to making the personal choices of a water home birth. Encourages people to construct a birth plan, make their own space, and choose an effective birth companion. With revised appendices plus 300 updated photographs, drawings, and diagrams, this guide is a valuable resource for all. The Working Woman's Motherhood Book by Marjorie Greenfield Dr . Marjorie Greenfield draws from her experiences as an obstetrician and working parents and from more than a hundred interviews with mothers ranging from factory workers to high-powered attorneys, to create a unique aid for working women. This up-to-date guide addresses all the subjects you would expect to find in an authoritative book with pregnancy plus issues of special concern to the 60 to 80 percent of women who hold work opportunities during their pregnancies: Is my workplace safe for my developing baby? When should I tell my employer i am expecting? How can I handle the discomforts of pregnancy when I need to work? What laws will protect people when I take medical leave? The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy: The Surprising Unbiased Truth approximately Foods You Should be Eating During Pregnancy but Probably Aren't by Jonny Bowden PH. D. C. N. Ohydrates., Allison Tannis MS Eat the best foods for your baby's development! Nutrition is never more critical than at the time of pregnancy. What you choose to put on your plate affects you and your baby's health not just in utero but for a long time. Backed up by the latest nutritional research, this guide debunks pregnancy food myths and uncovers a number of surprising foodstuff choices that are superfoods for expectant mothers. This one-of-a-kind nutrition reference guide is also packed with helpful quick-reference charts as well as sidebars, highlighting healthy (but no less delicious! ) substitutes for commonly craved foods like ice cream and potato chips. You'll also discover the most up-to-date research regarding pregnancy dilemmas, such as how to get more omega-3s from fish in what you eat while avoiding mercury. Its pregnancy nutrition made easy! Babycare Before Birth by Zita West A motherhood book that shares the wisdom of a fertility expert and midwife. Bringing together fascinating new research that illustrates during pregnancy a woman can make a dramatic difference to her unborn baby's health, well-being, development, and all-round future potential by making small adjustments to her diet and lifestyle, this amazing book explains how to give your baby cheapest start in life. What to Expect: Eating Well When You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff Provides moms-to-be with a realistic method to navigating healthily and deliciously through the nine months of pregnancy-at home, in the office, over the holidays, in restaurants. Comprehensive chapters are devoted to nutrition, weight gain, food safety, the postpartum diet, and how to eat when looking to conceive again. 150 contemporary, tasty, and healthy recipes that feed mom and baby well, take little while to prepare, and are gentle on queasy tummies. Comes with a light, reader-friendly tone while delivering the most up-to-date information. Things know about Expect Before You're Expecting by Heidi Murkoff In the same fresh, contemporary voice that has made the fourth edition of What to Expect When You're Expecting so successful, Murkoff explains the whys and wherefores of getting your system ready for pregnancy, including pregnancy prep for both moms and dads to be. Filled with information on exercise, diet, pinpointing ovulation, lifestyle, workplace, and insurance changes you'll want to consider, and how to keep your relationship strong when you're focused on baby producing all the time. There are tips for older couples; when to look for help from a fertility specialist--including the latest on fertility drugs together with procedures--plus a complete fertility planner. Eating for Pregnancy: The Essential Nutrition Guide and Cookbook for Today's Mothers-to-Be by means of Catherine Jones, Rose Ann Hudson A volume that combines both recipes and nutritional advice aimed especially at the mother-to-be. Balancing optimum and unnecessary weight gain with the required dietary needs for a healthy lifestyle. Covers the requirements of diabetic, vegetarian and vegan diets. A chapter is dedicated to the vegetarian diet. Each department contains recommended pantry items for the recipes. Makes full use of convenience and semi-prepared ingredients to provide simple nevertheless flavorful dishes. Advice on vitamins, health hazards and goals. Each recipe is preceded with the nutritional goal for little one and mother-to-be and followed by tips for cooking, storage, health, special diets as well as complete meal ideas, variations along with the approximate nutritional content. The Natural Pregnancy Book: Herbs, Nutrition, & Other Holistic Choices by Aviva Jill Romm M. D. Reading this book is like having your own personal herbalist and midwife at your side. One of the first catalogs to explore botanical medicine and pregnancy. Follows the woman's journey from conception to birth, focusing on natural well being. Describes herbs that can promote and maintain a healthy pregnancy (along with those you should avoid during your term) and the principles of a healthy diet, with an emphasis on natural foods. Complete guide for the woman who envisions a safe pregnancy without the need of technological intervention, as nature intended.
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IPL 2020 News: Latest News and Updates on IPL 2020
The T20 Challenger, anticipated being transformed right into a Girls’s IPL in time, could see confined international participation mainly because it clashes Together with the Ladies’s Large Bash League (WBBL) in Australia. It will eventually only be a three-team celebration this 12 months, with four matches to generally be played, such as the closing.
"Gals's T20 Problem will even happen within the UAE and will comprise a few groups with four matches to be performed in the course of the IPL Playoff week," said the Board's press launch.IPL News
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Ashish Nehra said that MS Dhoni's comeback is usually a very hot subject matter of discussion just because he has not formally introduced his retirement but.
The board is on the lookout for an affiliate spouse because the handle FBB—one of a few associate sponsors—has finished. Talks are on with FBB and native sponsors within the UAE to check out who will come on board.
It is actually learnt that the BCCI will probably be renting the grounds from the ICC Academy for coaching from the teams.
Considering that the outbreak in the Coronavirus pandemic, each cricket board thinks twice prior to determining to send out its gamers overseas for participation in cricketing tournaments.
"Also the BCCI has obtained presentations from a Dubai based team on developing a health care facility while in the UAE. The BCCI is additionally in talks With all the Tata Group for creating a bio-bubble," the Formal claimed.
It is anticipated the squad energy with regard to participating in users will be 24 for your eight franchises.
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Should the wellbeing predicament and governing administration authorization enable, the possibilities of holding a confined-overs sequence with South Africa in October will probably be explored.
Harbhajan Singh took to Instagram and posted a story, attaching an image of Shane Watson with his knee bent, hitting a shot in the off-facet.
“He's playing remarkable cricket. He would like to be included all the time whether it's Using the bat, the ball or on the sphere. He will get himself in the hot places and wants the ball to return to him. Those people would be the gamers you need in the crew; They're those who want to action up inside the tension moments when things get challenging,” he stated.
“We see logic in BCCI’s selection. They have got To place particular protocols in position and coordinate While using the UAE government to make certain here They are going to be adopted to your ‘T’. For illustration, we’ll be travelling by road amongst towns – Dubai to Sharjah to Abu Dhabi. So, will we be checked at all departure and entry points? How will two franchises – who may have their different bio-secure bubbles – coordinate with each other’s protocols on match days? BCCI has quite a bit on its arms and they are able to assume our whole cooperation,” team
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 officials advised TOI. Franchises are permitted to vacation with their comprehensive squads – a optimum of 24 – but teams are predicted to fly in additional ‘working hands’ retaining in your mind they would require Web bowlers, fielders throughout instruction, standard medical professionals (unrelated to Covid) and people today in other important classes. The truth is, 8 gamers from each franchise will travel from other international locations and Indians traveling to UAE, per squad, will probably be limited to not a lot more than fourteen to sixteen gamers. The IPL GC is also set to mention “Indeed” to groups which want the choice of gamers attending to vacation with family members. “They (players) will likely be in comprehensive isolation. It can be quite depressing. Close relatives are alright to journey assuming that They are going to be Component of a similar bio-protected bubble,” sources stated. The BCCI expects an official nod from your central federal government plus a letter signalling the inexperienced light-weight for vacation to UAE in another forty eight to seventy two hours. “BCCI has been in touch Using the External Affairs Ministry and that is staying labored out,” resources increase. The GC also made a decision to keep all its sponsors. In Online video:IPL 2020: Governing Council wants teams to travel on August 20
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ygodmrarepair · 4 years
Rare Pair FAQ:
How do I sign up? Send an ask to this blog @ygodmrarepair or message @sitabethel
Is my pairing rare enough?  Type your ship name in ao3. If there’s less than 100 fics, then we’ll consider it rare enough for this collection. Make sure you disable any filters in ao3 that may reduce your search results, double check that all the fics are for YuGiOh DM, and use the most popular name for your ship (Puppyshipping is not a rare pair, but the Violetshipping tag would pass our ao3 test). 
Will there be a discord?  Yes, after sign ups there will be a small discord chat for the collection for updates and work sprints. However, due to personal mental health reasons, it will be disbanded by the end of the year after all the projects are posted. 
Are AUs okay? Yes!
Are Polyships okay? You bet your sweet buns they are! 
What if I need to drop out?  Then drop out. Real life happens, and people should never sacrifice their own health and wellbeing to try and create fandom content. However, if you feel like you need to drop out, please do so as soon as possible. If you quit the day before final projects are due, it will be very frustrating. Extensions will be given to anyone who needs more time. This collection is about creating content! A story or picture two weeks late is still a story or picture created! Finishing your project is more important than being on time! And like the wlw collection, the ao3 collection will remain open, so if you ever write anything that fits, you can always submit it later. (Art will go on the sideblog same as the wlw collection). 
Will artists and writers be paired together?  Not officially, but all participants are welcomed to collaborate with each other if they want to. You can even sign up as a pair of authors and/or artists if you want to do collab projects. 
Okay, but you don’t understand, my rarepair needs A LOT of content. Can I do multiple submissions? Hell yeah, you can! Just make sure you complete them! 
How long do fics have to be?  Fiction should be at least 3,000 words long.
*Side note: although it’s tempting to write the sprawling epic 100k slow burn that your rare pair deserves, please keep your project size within a manageable length for you to finish. We’d rather accept three small one shots of your rare pair than 4 chapters of a fic that was supposed to be 13 chapters long. Again, there’s strong emphasis on completed work. Especially since rare pair work is so hard to find, it’s even more upsetting when it’s incomplete! 
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rookieskrp · 5 years
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We know the past week has been a difficult one for Rookies as a whole, so we feel like we’d be doing you guys a disservice to not address it a little. Normally we avoid commenting on drama in Rookies because we want to keep uninvolved parties uninvolved. We like to be the ones wrapped up in drama so you guys don’t have to be, but we believe essentially the entire roleplay has been affected by drama this week, so there’s no reason to keep quiet about it.
First of all, we want to apologize to any members that feel we haven’t represented them well, or like we haven’t properly defended them or helped them enough. This is a criticism we get repeatedly, and honestly, one that hurts us, because we do a lot behind the scenes to deal with every concern brought to us. Have we done enough? We decided this week that we haven’t. Regardless, we want to shed some light on exactly how much effort we put into dealing with drama in RK, not necessarily to defend ourselves, but because we want to be more transparent with you and show you how stuff works in case it will help you.
Our punishment for OOC drama runs on a three strike system, meaning you get two chances, and on your third offense, you’ll be removed from the roleplay. As our rules say, “If you cause a problem OOC and all available staff members unanimously agree, you will earn a strike,“ and that’s intentionally broad. It sounds simple, and maybe it should be more simple than we’ve made it, but it’s actually a complicated process. One of the reasons why is because we must have a unanimous mod consensus, as was already highlighted. This means all seven mods on the team have to vote in a strike trial, share their opinions, and agree. Since everyone has their own lives, everyone tends to type a long paragraph explaining their thoughts behind their vote, and sometimes we disagree, this process alone can take days.
Let’s go back to that one thing I mentioned: strike trial. This is when all seven mods vote either in favor or against a strike for the behavior in question, but we feel like this needs a little more explanation. When an issue is brought to our attention, it is always brought to the attention of the mod chat at large. Sometimes, we can quickly discuss whether we think it’s strike-worthy and agree that it’s not, and that the issue can be solved just by talking to both parties involved. It’s important to note that these issues do add up, and repeated small problems can eventually result in a real deal strike trial and strike. When more serious issues come up, we immediately begin an official strike trial, and the trial is [party one] vs [party two]. It is never just one individual on trial, but both sides involved, and we’re very serious about getting both sides of the story, and forming the third side: the neutral one. Once we agree to start a strike trial, this information goes into our strike trial document, and we begin to collect evidence, which goes into another document containing all evidence for the case. We put all screenshots and messages in order, date them, and make sure the entire timeline is correct, then continuously update the evidence document as more information comes in. Just putting the evidence in the document sometimes takes hours. Since we want to be thorough in our investigations, it takes even longer since we get more and more evidence that needs to be added, and this process only stop when we all feel confident enough in our votes.
Another criticism we receive often is one of favoritism, and we can admit, it’s hard to keep personal issues and pain out of voting against people that have caused drama. Thankfully, we have seven different mods with different friend circles and different opinions to curb that, and we also try to remain as neutral as we possibly can; in the past some of us have even refrained from voting if we feel like we can’t be unbiased about the issue. We try to keep personal issues and personal experience with the muns in question out of our votes, being entirely professional, or at least we used to. We’ve endured a lot of, quite frankly, abuse from the community doing this, and while we’ll still continue to put everyone else’s feelings above our own, in the case that we are continuously disrespected and hurt by someone, that will count as evidence into a strike trial too, even if it’s evidence we don’t count as highly as the rest we receive. There comes a point where we have to draw a line, and if someone has hurt us so much, it becomes hard to believe they haven’t done the same to others in the community.
We’ll pause here to say this is not a post calling out anyone in particular, even if that may seem the case, but this is an issue with multiple people in Rookies. Now, we’ll go back to the criticism of us not doing anything, and say we’re determined for that to change. In the past, we’ve worried about being too harsh with disciplinary action, and scaring our members that don’t have anything to be afraid of, but we believe the positives of being harsher vastly outweigh the negatives. Rest assured, the strike system will stay, and we’ll still continue to be as loving in dealing with these issues as we can, but not at the expense of the truth like we may have in the past. We know you’ve heard this vow to be more serious often from us, and we apologize for that too, but with the firepower two new mods have brought to us, and the experience all these years have given us, we feel prepared to act more proactively on behalf of the community, regardless of the blowback we’ll receive. There may be a bit of a learning curve with this, so please be patient with us as you will, and know we’ll always do our best to act with your best interests in mind.
It’s also important to note that in strike trials, neutral opinions are some of the most important to us. When drama reaches people that are uninvolved with either side and they come to us sharing their thoughts and their distress, that compels us into further action, so if you ever see something in RK that makes you uncomfortable, please come forward. We know there’s been a lot of discourse about us being untrustworthy, and we can’t and won’t force anyone to feel favorably about us. People may feel that we haven’t helped them, but we definitely can’t help people that won’t come forward. Please bring as much evidence as you can to us when you approach us about an issue, and we hope that we can prove different to those that don’t believe in us any longer. We’ll try our best to.
With all of this in mind, we acknowledge that RK hasn’t been a very healthy environment, at least this week, if not for a long time, and we accept our hand in that. It’s been very difficult to work out a solution, but we believe we’re coming closer to one, and we hope as we continue to keep to what we said today, you’ll notice positive change. That being said, we want to remind everyone that this is only roleplay. Real work and feelings are involved, but at the end of the day, this is supposed to be a hobby and something fun. Please don’t prioritize Rookies above your mental health and wellbeing, although believe us, we know it’s easier said than done. If the negatives of being here outweigh the positives for you to be here, it may really be the best decision for you to leave, and we don’t say that because we want people to leave, but because we care about you guys beyond the scope of KRP, and want you to be happy not just here, but in your real lives. If Rookies isn’t a part of that happiness, we’ll support you in leaving us, and we’ll be here should that change.
Even though this week might’ve been a little earth-shaking, beyond all of this, we don’t intend for Rookies to change. We’re still the same mods you know and (hopefully) love, and Rookies will be the same roleplay it’s been for nearly six years. We can’t and won’t promise it’ll be a perfect and always happy place going forward, and will say right now that sunshine takes a little rain, and when things are at their worst, you can’t have peace without a war. Please bear with us, and know we’ll be fighting to do our best for the community at large every step of the way. We’ll get through it all together!
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ericleo108 · 4 years
🎩 My Political Philosophy 2019: Oligarchy, Meritocracy, and Matriarchy
This essay is an exploration of my political philosophy or how I think society should run. I have a degree in sociology which only emphasizes the ignorance I have on the subject. As a philosopher, I can only aspire to create the next great political and economic system. My attempt here is to give an outline of what I think humanity should be striving toward while maintaining a fair, prosperous, and efficient future. Much further study is needed.
My approach is both egalitarian and utilitarian meaning equal and the greatest good for the greatest number. First I will talk about how the political system is run now where the corporate rich rule. Then I will talk about where I think the political system should be going, which is into a meritocracy. In the end I talk about how there is patriarchy (where men rule) but a matriarchy (where women rule) is now better for society.
I know America is technically a republic but much research has gone into how America functions and it is actually an oligarchy. A small number of corporations make laws and get them passed through politicians they heavily endorse. For an in-depth read William G. Domhoff’s book “Who Rules America?”  If I remember correctly the story goes something like this. The people elect their representatives which are basically picked by those who find funding from corporations, the corporations write the laws, and the corporate representatives pass them. This doesn’t happen all the time but it is more the rule than the exception. The people who are really in control are the CEOs of the companies that make the policy that gets passed as law. 
Now we can argue if corporate rule is bad or not, but that won’t be argued here. If you want to know the negative side, which is basically greed over human wellbeing, read my post “The Result of Corporate Rule in America.” However, here I am more focused on taking the good parts from the current system and putting them to work for my meritocracy. The bad part about corporate rule is that they are narrow in serving their interests, but the good part is the country has a lot of wealth and is run by the most able. 
If we are to evolve our political philosophy into a better functioning system for all I suggest we keep capitalism and our republic and update our democracy and economy. Basically, I want to put in a point system for elections and safety nets into the economy. For a true meritocracy to function there has to be an equal playing field for everything. This includes political, educational, and economic opportunities. 
Some things in the country we would need to employ would be a higher national minimum wage that has kept up with GDP and production, free health care, free college all the way till a doctorate, and a national holiday on election day. Each company has to reserve a certain percentage of ownership to its employees. There should be free financial services to the poor like an “advisor-teller” money manager but only designed to help the poor save and produce more capital. 
In a world with as much wealth, efficiency, and technology as we have, not everyone has to work. Whether you want to work, or rather how you want to work should become an option you want to do and are passionate about. In a meritocracy, your job becomes your will and who you are. You are motivated to work because it fulfills you emotionally and spiritually rather than financially; it’s what makes you human. You’re also motivated to achieve to be represented better politically through the electorate point system.
I haven’t hashed out exact numbers but there would be an overall cap on wealth based on a percentage of the lowest producing income level. There would be universal basic income where everyone would receive, for example, $1000 a month, or $12000 a year. The wealthiest person in the country can only have 100 million times the lowest net worth. The richest person in the country can have more money but they would have to raise the minimum. This binds the fate of the richest and the poorest. 
Those were corrections for the economy. To better the political process I suggest we put in a point system for voting. We do that by making your vote worth more if you have achieved a certain status in society. The following are examples. 
You get one point for being alive and an adult. You get .2 points for an associate’s degree, .5 for a bachelors, and 1 if you're a ph.d. If you have a business that has been profitable for 5 years and you paid your taxes, it is worth .2 points. 12 years is worth .5. And that is where business owners are capped. If you can prove consistent monthly income for 7 years you get .2 points. 15 years .5 points. You can get there faster by working the same job for 5 and 12 years respectively. This makes employees and the employer equal. There are special circumstances where you can receive more points. For example, if you receive an olympian metal it’s worth .1 per Bronz, .2 per silver, .3 per gold. If your a tenured teacher is worth .8. You can add points over categories. So if your a successful 12-year business owner, with another successful 5-year business, won 2 gold Olympic medals, and have a Ph.D. you’ll have a total of 3.3 points.  
Some of these are arbitrary numbers and a lot more research would be needed to see what points are appropriate at what stages. It’s not based on the Amount of money you make or have. In fact, the whole point is to give power to those who can perform, not simply those with just money. The merit is not only how much they contribute to society, but their ability to vote correctly for their interests and the interests of the country. We would obviously have to get rid of the electoral college and have a direct democracy. The point system would also prevent a tyranny of the majority. 
The Patriarchy
I am interested in studying how a matriarchal society is different from patriarchy. I am interested in studying the political system of Finland and Iceland. It would be interesting to compare Finland with its new 34-year-old Finnish woman prime minister and the United States. Iceland held a women’s protest in 1975 and now their electorate is almost all women. 
I think the approach of a male WAS an advantage when aggression and military might was needed for conquest and security. But in the age of giant militaries and nuclear weapons, a more amicable approach is needed. The same reason why women have traditionally abstained from the military or become caretakers at home is the same reason why they are superior to lead now that it’s the age of the Anthropocene. 
Barack Obama has the inclination that women are better leaders but he gives no reason why. I think women are more fit for office because their temperament is more appropriate. It makes their approach and goals different. Women are just as smart as men but their thoughts are less testosterone and ego-driven and therefore better. Women are nurturers and naturally release more estrogen rather than testosterone which makes them less aggressive. This is important because thinking clearly, long-term, for the family has been an evolutionary attribute of women. Women are more evolved in dealing with a larger group and protecting not only her interests but the interests of the group.
I think it’s cultural why women don’t rule in America. Women don’t believe a woman is ready to be president. They're still too submissive to men. Native American societies were a matriarchy. I think women already rule, silently over men through interpersonal relationships. 85 percent of purchasing decisions are made in some way by women. I think America will eventually get to the point one day where women take the reigns of power and rule better than men through direct political power as the preferred candidate. 
Reading List: 
Who Rules America by G. William Domhoff
Oligarchy by Jeffry Winters
American Oligarchy by Ron Formisano
Plutocracy in America by Ronald P. Formisano
When Women Ruled The World by Kara Cooney
Societies of Peace: Matriarchies Past, Present, and Future
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perfectscoreblog · 5 years
Perfect Score Visits BBC Introducing!
Welcome to our latest Perfect Score update!  On Thursday 31st October Perfect Score tutors Tyler Clacey and Naji Richards spent their Hallowe’en accompanying participant Tian Mhende to BBC Introducing at Tobacco Dock in East London.  We had an in-depth chat with Tyler about the day and what they learned.
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Tell us about the Perfect Score trip to BBC Introducing!
We had a nice smooth journey and we got there promptly on time; a lot different to last year when we were stuck in traffic for six hours!  It was a great day all in all, I feel like there were so many people who were at the same point in their journey musically.  For the younger people there were a lot of their peers there, but there also people my age and Naji’s age who are a bit older and more experienced in the music scene but who are trying to bring the younger people in and give them knowledge and insights based upon our own experiences.  I felt having that mix there was really beneficial.
The day was fairly focused on songwriting, performance and mental health/mindset.  There was also some information about how to make money in the music industry.  Mental wellbeing is very important to make sure you stay on track as an artist, though I noted there didn’t seem to be much on music technology or production on the day that we visited.
What was the highlight of your day?
Seeing a lot of Leicester people! It was great to see the community that I’m already in expanding and going out into the rest of the UK and spreading our knowledge and reputation in a united way.
Playing with new bits of kit like DJ gear was really fun.  It was interesting to see someone like Naji, who’s grown up in the era of vinyl DJing, try some of the new equipment available at the event and show him how that works.  Watching him learn something new was really cool, and demonstrates that no matter how far along you are in your musical journey, there’s always something new to learn!  For my part, I learnt some new skills too, especially networking (I met lots of nice people).  I’d also like to mention the great food!
What were the activities throughout the day?
The activities consisted of masterclasses, talks and events featuring PPL and PRS.  We went to an interesting masterclass called Spotify Presents: Who We Be Talks With DJ Semtex and Keith Dube.  Keith talked about making podcasts, so the focus was on spoken word and presenting rather than just music.  That showed to me that there’s multiple ways of getting into the music industry and overlaps with other disciplines.
What happened during the masterclasses?
The masterclass would be lead by a host who would do a short interview with the artist; the floor would then open for the audience to ask questions.  After that there was a practical aspect where the artist would demonstrate their skills, then ask members of the audience if they wanted to try it for themselves.  So there was a nice mix of activities going on.
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Did you enjoy the masterclasses you went to?
Of course the masterclasses were wicked!  Craig David was probably the most high-profile artist; he’s had a twenty-year career so there was so much knowledge to gain from that.  
The masterclasses were from really established artists, so were valuable and had a lot of great knowledge, though they also said some things that I did already know which in a way was rather comforting as it shows just how much I’ve grown in experience and confidence.  A really cool experience for me was seeing a masterclass by DJ and Producer Eats Everything – I was lucky enough to be called up to mix with him!  It was a nice feeling to be able to do what I do in front of him, when before I’ve been in a crowd of twenty thousand people watching him perform.  I was a little bit starstruck, to be honest!
Which was your favourite masterclass?
There were three masterclasses that stood out to me, the first of which featured novelist Maverick Sabre and Rachel Furner, who spoke about song writing: methods for writing songs, what puts them in the right mood for being creative, as well as stories from the course of their careers.  That was really eye opening in terms of the depth and breadth of the topics covered.
The second was the insights from podcaster Keith Dube, who spoke a lot about mental health.  It’s really relevant to a lot of people today as we’re seeing a movement towards being more open about wellbeing.  Keith also spoke a lot about the importance of talking to people and realising you’re not alone, which can be difficult for a lot of men.  He didn’t realise that so many people felt the same as him until he started communicating.
Finally there was the talk by Craig David, which was really interesting because he’s had a career spanning twenty years or more so it was great to hear his perspective, including the difference between being a one-hit wonder and having an enduring musical career.  He talked a lot about the roller coaster ride of the music industry (and life in general!), which was really insightful.
On the topic of mental health, what do you feel are the potential pitfalls for people entering today’s music industry?
Craig David touched on the danger of being sucked into your own hype: ego isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you need to keep it under control and not get wrapped up in your own success.  It’s important to take a step back and remain humble.
Another thing he mentioned was that you can get addicted to success and ‘one-upping’ yourself: his first album sold seven million copies and the second three and a half million.  Some people would be disappointed with the reduction in sales, but to him it was a huge achievement and something to be proud of.  His message was to appreciate what you’ve got and enjoy the journey, because whatever pinnacle you get to, it’s never enough!  You’ll always be searching for the next horizon: it’s human nature.
Any other thoughts to add?
I think events like BBC Introducing and the Perfect Score Young People’s Music Careers Conference are the bridge we need between elite artists and those just beginning their musical career, in order to share the personal in-depth knowledge that you can’t really express in a tweet or Instagram post.  In a more intimate setting musicians can meet their community: real sharing, understanding and connection are made possible.
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Insights from Naji Richards
We also had a brief chat with tutor Naji, who had the following to say:
It was a really good day!  I enjoyed using the DJ kit and trying out different music equipment. It was absolutely packed with like-minded people, so networking and making new connections was great. We also saw Craig David, who hosted a seminar about his journey as an artist.  It was interesting and full of useful advice for the young musicians, artists and producers we’re working with.  In particular he emphasised the importance of remaining grounded: fame can come quickly but that can change in the blink of an eye, nothing is certain or permanent.  He struck a good balance between that and the need to be confident and sure of your skills, talents and abilities.
The whole team really enjoyed visiting BBC Introducing and connecting with other musicians.  We look forward to next year’s event!
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askthedespairkids · 5 years
3rd Year Anniversary Bonus 79-C Report Cards
//I do have more stuff planned for this year’s anniversary but it’s gonna take more time to finish so I figured I would make this post in place just for fun. It’s nice to have these sort of things, I think since there are just so many OCs on the blog
//It will get updated as new OCs join or important information is uncovered.
Amaterasu Hokama - Ultimate Thief
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 11″
Birthday: April 20th
Likes: Shiny Things
Dislikes: Security Guards
Current Status: Alive
Amaterasu’s family was evicted from their home when she was young, her parents “homeschooling” her in order for her to avoid bullying. When her family were struggling for food, she would steal from stores in order for them to keep surviving. As she grew up, she found her love for the thrill of a heist growing. She would go on larger heists in rich homes and museums, but rather than keeping anything for herself, she would return it the next day. Like it was a simple game for her. Eventually, word got out about a girl that could potentially steal from anywhere she wanted to. An underground team of thieves then decided to recruit her in order to get help for their heists. At first she helped out to get some money for her family, but once they had enough money to get a home and had a stable income, Amaterasu reported all of the people in that team to the authorities. She was also sent to a juvenile center but managed to escape after a week. Though she is rarely ever seen, there are always reports of “an girl that acts like a wolf wandering around the city”.
Doi Kurohiko - Ultimate Romance Expert
Gender: Male
Height: 5′10″
Birthday: November 14th
Likes: Roses
Dislikes: Creepy People
Current Status: Alive
With a handsome face, and a talent like his, Doi is often mistaken as a player at first glance, however his actual personality is the complete opposite. He has awful luck when talking to women, which he calls “his heart’s curse” which causes unfortunate events to happen such as falling down stairs, ripping his pants, and many other occurrences. Despite his failures, he tries to remain optimistic even if he isn’t the most strong willed. His talent isn’t for show either- if you want to fix your relationship, Doi is the one to ask. With a tendency to go off on rants when nervous and a weakness for women, Doi is the walking Ultimate Contradiction.
Junpei Yokozawa - Ultimate Blogger
Gender: Male
Height: 5′2″
Birthday: April 16th
Likes: Co-op Games
Dislikes: Horror Movies
Current Status: Alive
The blogger of several semi-popular blogs that cover a variety of topics such as fandoms, political views, and even gossip, Junpei Yokozawa may be a blogger, but he’s a damn good one. Overshadowed by the rest of family having flashy talents, he’s never seen himself as being worth much in the world of Ultimates. However, his ability to manipulate internet culture is second-to-none despite his lack of presence in real life.
Karma Graves - Ultimate Secret Agent
Gender: Was thought to be intersex by certain staff, and female by peers and other staff. It has come to attention that Karma Graves is a parasitic twin with both male and female organs. Karma Graves says they identify simply as "Karma", and used they/them pronouns. 
Height: 5'3"
Birthday: January 18th
Likes: Ukulele
Dislikes: The dark
Current Status: Alive
For the first 13 years of their life, Karma Graves was kept locked in a small basement by their biological father and were heavily abused. This caused some damage to their overall mental health and stability. Their only source of knowledge on the outside world was through movies from the 90s, resulting in Karma preferring to dress as colourful as possible, use the occasional 90's slang, and develop nostalgia for a generation they were never a part of. Karma was eventually rescued by a secret, organized agency which took them under their wing and trained them as one of their own. Though not being in training for very long, they showed natural skill and talent. They trained at the Canadian branch, but had short training sessions in Japan. The agency wasn't always the most moralistic and good, yet Karma dedicated their life to it. Karma had been invited to Hope's Peak Academy, but their superiors said they wold not be attending. This changed and Karma was sent to Hope's Peak after helping a prisoner of the agency, who they allegedly had a relationship with, escape.  The prisoner was killed on sight. Karma tends to have violent tendencies and manic episodes, but their loyalty and love for their friends is overpowering.
Kobo Okanaya - Ultimate Tour Guide
Gender: Male
Height: 6′2″
Birthday: June 14th
Likes: Boxing
Dislikes: Fish
Other Affiliations: Starlight Tour Company
Current Status: Alive
Kobo became a tour guide while he was growing up in a deprived area of a port town. He was saved by the manager of a tour guide company during a street fight and to return the favour, he learned the craft of being a tour guide. At first, his rough personality made it hard for him to interact with tourists though over time, through teaching he adapted a “Work Personality” which utilises his non-rough appearance, even changing his mannerisms to seem like a more appealing tour guide. His knowledge of Japan’s streets and landmarks were noticed by Hope’s Peak after their scout had caught wind of a teen tour guide being able to put others to shame. Though despite his work personality, Kobo is always ready to get into a fight.
Maemi Watanabe - Ultimate Harem Mangaka
Gender: Female
Height: 5′6″
Birthday: July 8th
Likes: Cherry Blossoms
Dislikes: Being called a Fujoshi
Other Affiliations: HeartBeat Publishing
Current Status: Alive
Calm and level-headed, Maemi does not seem like the type to produce such critically acclaimed harem series. Always wishing to be a writer, but being unable to write long stories with one single couple, Maemi began writing harem manga as a way to let her creative muse run wild. She is the leader type and has a strong attitude which helps her keep control of situations where people may succumb to stress which helped her during ...-Missing Data-...She can also feel out of place in her class since she feels her backstory is not as tragic as the other members of her class. Her only true struggle being her bad luck with men. Suppressing tropes, and wishing to make harem manga more beloved by the public, her headstrong attitude is admired by all mangaka across all genres.
Mami Asano - Ultimate Living Doll
Gender: Female
Height: 5′6″
Birthday May 6th
Likes: Bugs
Dislikes: Chaos
Current Status: Alive
Mami Asano was a regular child, albeit living in luxury, up until the age of 6. It was then that her parents began having her undergo multitudes of surgeries done by underground doctors who would be willing to operate such procedures that would be traumatizing and illegal to do to a child. Mami's surgeries continued until her parents had felt she reached the epitome of artificial beauty: a living doll. Mami was trained to be obedient, submissive, and docile - never questioning her parents or making a decision for herself. She was homeschooled and taught things such as classical literature and music, dance, a number of instruments, high class manners, and other things. She is graceful and elegant. Mami was given severe restrictions on what she could eat, say, and do. She attended frequent public and private events - appearing at art shows or attending formal dances and galas. If she wasn't participating in the event like a regular attendant, she was on display either sitting or standing in a glass case perfectly still, or behind a rope in a large faux "dollhouse", going about and interacting with the environment while others watched, and even gave commands so as to "play" with her. Mami was invited to Hope's Peak and was reluctantly given permission to attend by her parents who believed that her attendance was one of the highest honours
Rina Kirishima - Ultimate Taxidermist 
Gender: Female 
Height: 5′1″ 
Birthday: August 1st 
Likes: All kinds of tea 
Dislikes: Her loved ones in distress 
Current Status: Alive
Introduced to the craft of taxidermy by her grandmother, Rina demonstrated a real talent for it. Unfortunately, her talent and meek demeanour caused her to be bullied in middle school and this shattered her self-worth. Believing she was unworthy to be called by her real name, Rina began referring to herself with the acronym “RAM”, standing for “Rina’s Another Mistake” - “Another Mistake” being the nickname given to her by her bullies. With the help of Sakura Oogami at Hope’s Peak Academy, Rina was finally able to grow a love for herself. Not nearly as shy as she was, Rina consistently does her best to spread kindness to everyone she meets. Her loving heart is always open, and she’s not afraid to give out hugs and the occasional nose kiss. She shows a strong will when confronted with a problem, but will try to solve it with as much thoughtfulness as possible. Hardly will she get extremely angry, but a surefire way to make her mad is to threaten the wellbeing of her loved ones. She also takes her pinky-promises rather seriously, and would appreciate them not be broken.
Ryuu Nagata - Ultimate Lucky Student
Gender: Male
Height: 5′8″
Birthday: February 14th
Likes: Katsudon
Dislikes: Grapes
Current Status: Alive
The twin of Sora Nagata and the 79th class’ Ultimate Lucky student. Unlike other lucky students, Ryuu’s luck doesn’t affect him, but rather the people around him. The earliest sign of this was after he was born, his parents had won the lottery which took place the same week, though at the time they had no idea Ryuu was responsible. Originally a meek and shy boy, Ryuu has grown to become the leader of Future Foundation’s 2nd base, albeit not being confident in his abilities as the leader quite yet. 
Sadao Irunami - Ultimate Hypnotist
Gender: Male
Height: 5′6″
Birthday: May 23rd
Likes: Pendulums
Dislikes: Blackouts
Other Affiliations: The Irunami Circus
Current Status: Resurrected
A playful prankster who was a former member of a travelling circus, Sadao learned all he knew from the ringmaster of the circus, his grandfather. He has an impulsive and child-like nature which many can find troublesome though he manages to have his moments of showing off his calculating and selfless side when he wishes to help his friends. When he was young, he no longer wished to be part of the circus and he ran away and became a street performer in Tokyo until Hope’s Peak Academy took notice and asked him to join 79-C.
Saori Kibe - Ultimate Paranormal Investigator
Gender: Female
Height: 5′ 11″
Birthday: June 13
Likes: Conspiracies, the paranormal, and scene aesthetic
Dislikes: Non-believers
Current Status: Alive
Saori genuinely believes she was abducted by aliens and tested on as a toddler. Whether or not this actually happened is unknown. She believes this is why she’s able to interact with the paranormal how she does - and has since been seeking out all the paranormal things she can, helping people with their paranormal problems along the way. She would even travel to different countries and continents. Saori was let into Hope’s Peak as the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator. Saori is a trans girl preferring she/her pronouns, despite her school records saying her dead name and pronouns.
Sly ??? - Ultimate Assassin
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1”
Birthday: July 9th
Likes: Pancakes, Training, Naps
Dislikes: People questioning his abilities
Other Affiliations: ??? Assassin Agency
Current Status: Alive
Having lost both his father and mother, Sly has become the leader of the worlds biggest assassin agency at the age of 18. He has been killing since the young age of 4, making him an extremely experienced fighter. After losing his mother he threw himself into the family business quickly becoming one the top assassins in the business. He wears her dog tag around his neck at all times, which was given to him as a gift from his childhood friend and partner Maki Harukawa. It’s said that his eyes turn from their natural grey to a deep black when filled with rage earning him the name “The Demon Killer” across the Underworld.
Tomoe Hachi - Ultimate Illustionist
Gender: ??? (Goes by They/Them pronouns) 
Height: 5’8” 
Birthday: September 1st 
Likes: Konpeito 
Dislikes: Coffee 
Current Status: Alive 
Tomoe keeps their personal life a mystery. However, they have told people that they’ve simply practiced magic tricks and illusions since they were 4, and may have forgone eating or sleeping for it. They like to keep their mask and magician attire on to hide their physical appearance, except for their hair, which is black, curly and messy. They say that the mysterious aura helps them with their illusions.
Toson Shinko - Ultimate Horror Movie Director
Gender: Male
Height: 6′0″
Birthday: August 30th
Likes: Suspense
Dislikes: Unnecessary Gore
Other Affiliations: Shinko Movie Productions
Current Status: Deceased (As of The Big Bang Arc)
An award winning and genre changing director with a surplus of modern classics, Toson is the most influential director of modern times, even though his reasoning for becoming a director was not in any way inspirational. His father, Shouji Shinko, was a failed horror movie director, and not wishing to be associated with his failures, Toson decided he would create his own horror movies and make a name for himself, separate from his father. Arrogant about his achievements, Toson can be off-putting to people who aren’t used to his blunt words and rude mannerisms, however deep down he can’t stand being around conventionally attractive people as he falls in love easily, nor can he sit by when his friends are hurting.
Tsukiko Ishikawa - Ultimate Thanatologist
Gender: Female
Height: 5′4″
Birthday: August 15th
Likes: Body Farms
Dislikes: Processed Cheese
Current Status: Alive (Thinks of herself as undead)
As a thanatologist, Tsukiko is an expert in all things death: decomposition, rituals, funerals, etc. Similarly, she dresses appropriately in dark clothing. However, in sharp contrast, she's easily one of the most upbeat, cheerful one could meet. While she can come across as weird and creepy, she's really a nice girl. However, her most eccentric quality may be the fact that she believes she's already dead: she suffers from Cotard's Delusion, believing herself to be a walking corpse, even when others point out the inconsistencies in that fact.
Yuuki Kurosaki - Ultimate ??? (Claims of Ultimate Explorer and Ultimate Theorist)
Gender: Male
Height: 6′0″
Birthday: July 1st
Likes: Scrapbooks
Dislikes: Arrows
Current Status: Alive
Travelling from continent to continent, Yuuki Kurosaki is always searching for his next adventure. With credits for discovering hidden temples across the globe and recovering treasure, Yuuki is known among treasure hunters and explorers alike. He loves and values family over everything else, especially admiring his brother Taro. Though he also fears creating bonds with people after...-Data Missing-...occurred, though after he,...-Data Missing-... and two others...-Data Missing-... His personality became more unpredictable. 
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ope-scuseme · 5 years
Dear Kiwi, I guess I'm ok. Maybe one or two breakdowns a day, but mostly less dramatic than before. This was supposed to be the year when everything went ok. The year after the year I got better. But now it seems like the year I'm getting worse again. I just wish I could stay in my room on my laptop forever, away from school and stress and expectations. Birom Ace Anon
Dear Kiwi, I’m probably going to write to you a lot, but here goes: the girl I amy or may not have a weensy little crush on who always goes out of her way to ask who I am usually seems pretty upbeat but recently she’s seemed a little down. I don’t know if I even have a right to worry, since we’re not that close, and no one else seems to worry. My mum is looking into me starting CBT, so good news there. -Birom Ace Anon
hi birom ace anon!! 😄💞 yeah hun keep on writing to me!! i got a little behind here with your asks and it sounds like things are starting to look up ( yes!!!! ) but i’m gonna respond to both for ya anyways 😊 and who knows? maybe someone else thinks your asks are helpful, too ❤️
for your first one, i wasn’t really sure what to say. now that i’ve been out of school for a little bit it’s kind of mind-boggling to me how much stress i was under, especially back in high school. like i look back at all the sleep i lost and all the breakdowns i had over things that aren’t really important to me anymore and i’m like…dude why 😅 lol because i had to, right? but, like…i think most of that stress piled up because i valued other people’s expectations of me more than my own wellbeing. or if you wanna get a little deeper with it, i valued what i thought other people expected of me more than my own wellbeing.
that’s pretty messed up, right? but people don’t really talk about that with you when you’re a student ( mayyybe if you go to a counselor ) and i know i had way too much on my plate to figure it out for myself 😅 and the wildest part of this? it’s totally ok for you to prioritize your wellbeing ❤️ it’s totally, completely ok for you to talk to a counselor and/or your teachers and be like “hey. i’ve got a lot going on in my brain and all this work is just too much for me right now. i know you’re here to help me so please tell me what we can do about this.” they might not understand, but i promise that there’s a much bigger chance that people are gonna want to help you find a solution ❤️
and you know what? it’s totally, completely, absolutely ok that you’re not feeling better as soon as you expected to. i know it’s disappointing and frustrating, and i really really hope that CBT helps 😊💖 but mental and emotional health aren’t always about consistent, constant healing, and there’s absolutely no need to put extra pressure on yourself by expecting them to be ❤️❤️❤️ and if other people are putting that expectation on you? welp they’re wrong 😆
but your plans to start CBT?? THAT’S SO EXCITING OMG!!!! especially because your mom’s helping you with that!!!!! honestly i am so happy to hear about that and i really truly hope it’s a good fit for you 😭💞💗💖
and ooh la la—a crush?? 😉 i’m sorry she seems like she’s feeling down, but you know what? if she always makes that extra effort to ask you how you’re doing, then now’s your time to shine!! you may not be close now, but if you show her that you’re there to listen and support her and maybe cheer her up a little when she’s down, then i bet she’ll want to get closer 😄😄😄 it might take some time, but i say show her you care right on back and see what happens! lol that’s a little bit like what happened with us, right? 😆 and who cares if no one else seems concerned about her—you’re tuned in to her mood because you’re going through your own stuff, right? you empathize with that. and if your gut is saying that something’s off, i say go with your gut. it can’t ever hurt to be a little extra caring 😊💖
well…hope you enjoyed my novel 😂 it honestly brightens my day to hear from you and share what little advice i can! i hope it’s helpful, or even just comforting to read all this stuff ❤️ keep me updated, yo!! i’m invested in this story!! sending you love 💖
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natalienaughton · 5 years
Finding the Streamer I want to be
My first Tumblr post on this new SFW blog! As you may know, after SESTA/FOSTA Tumblr changed their policy to no longer allow adult content on the site. I tried to delete one of my blogs, however, I accidentally deleted all of them. 😂 So here’s to a fresh new start! 🥂
My thoughts about my streams right now are conflicted. I really enjoy my job and what I do, however, the way I want to stream and manage my chatroom has changed over the years. I am struggling with how to make changes to my style and be more authentic to who I really am, without upsetting members by revealing what I no longer feel is authentic for me.
The challenge for me right now is to strike the best balance I can. Currently I have been trying to keep up my streams “as usual”. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult because activities I used to enjoy on stream, no longer feel authentic to the vision I have of my ideal chatroom. It leads to me needing to take more emergency days off and it fuels thoughts about giving up streaming forever.
We’ve all heard the cliche, “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” As a self-employed person I feel like I really have an opportunity to acheive that. The truth is, even though I am 100% in charge of my job as a self-employed person, I continue to do stay the same because I’m afraid of negative reactions from my members. I am attempting to implement little changes over time to slowly sculpt out my ideal chatroom.
The first step I have made in this journey was to join the Nood TV 🐥 community and start streaming more on that platform. I enjoy the sex-positive and supportive environment of the platform, as well as its ability to stream in UHD. I also appreciate that the founder and community manager of the site are also streamers and are knowledgeable and compassionate about struggles that may come up for the streamers on their site.
I also enjoy Nood because I have more control over my room. The site encourages us to be less transactional and more about performing our own authentic show. The hope is that viewers who enjoyed the show will contribute what they can because they want to, not to get a specific action performed in return.
The issue is that I have not been able to establish enough regular supporters on this platform to cover my living expenses. My dream would to be stream soley on Nood, however, in order to do that I need to stream on Nood WAY more often than I am. I want to do this, but for the past few weeks I’ve felt like I’m on a fast track to burnout and possibly a rage quit--not something that I want to happen. I feel exhausted and I spend a shit-ton of energy everyday on meeting my basic needs. Just taking my medicine, getting food into my system, staying in contact with friends and family, and getting in healthy exercise has been very difficult this winter.
The good news is that I suspect that once springtime gets closer to reality, my energy will pick up and I will be able to dive into the creative work I want to do. My first responsibility is to my health and wellbeing. I need to be careful not to take on more than I can reasonably handle right now.
Other changes I have made are to reduce the amount of times a day I check and update my social media. My goal is to still post the same amount of content, but to concentrate it to once or twice a day. I do not want my Snapchat to be an extension of my chatroom where people expect me to text them back multiple times a day. I don’t even text my best friends every single day!
In the past, I have been snapped at, sworn at, or been the brunt of passive-aggressive behavior for posting new content on my Snapchat story without reading and responding to people’s texts right away. This behavior from members was EXTREMELY hurtful to me. It made me feel like people think because they tipped me, I don’t deserve a personal life or free time away from my job. I understand that many people rely on me for friendship and human connection, and all humans want and deserve that. However, I have boundaries like everybody else. Streaming is fun, and at the same time it is my job. It is impossible for me to work from the second I wake up to the second I go to bed. Answering Snapchat messages from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed IS work and it is unreasonable to expect me to do that. MOST members do not do this to me, however, it only takes a couple of people to behave like this for it to hurt me.
As I write this, I feel like the main point of what I am feeling is that my vision and boundaries for my room are evolving and I would like to follow that positive energy with the intension of feeling happier about my job. I am struggling with how to pull this off without completely failing miserably.
Another point of this post is to be transparent about where I am right now as a streamer. I am exhausted from the emotional labor I provide everyday. I am frustrated and feel pressure to provide more emotional support than is possible without me burning out and quitting. I would like to also be honest of the fact that though my job is fun and I enjoy the company of the members I have met, streaming and adult content creation IS legitimate work and it IS emotionally exhausting at times.
A big part of this is also during the winter, it is SO much easier to feel surrounded by negative thoughts. However, at the very same time, there are so many amazing parts of my job. I get to connect with real people across the world with the hopes to make them smile and make their day better. I think acknowledging the aspects that make me feel yucky and identifying the parts that make me feel excited is important for me in moving towards creating the vision I have.
I hope that my transparency hasn’t made anyone feel personally attacked or nervous if they’ve contributed to my negative feelings. This is not my intention. It is MY job to be open about my boundaries and it is not members’ job to guess what they are. My intention is to be honest about how I am doing right now as a live streamer and to commit more to making my work and entertainment more authentic to who I really am.
Thank you to those who took the time to read this! 💗
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