#the twins are the third youngest in the group
insertdragonpun · 2 months
This post contains graphic descriptions of violence and gore. If it isn't your thing, or if it's triggering, please mute the tag "apocalyptic comic idea" all of these posts tagged with this will contain violence and gore.
This post will also contain child death, graphic descriptions of injury, social isolation, minor body horror, and burning people. Everything will be surrounded by danger triangles if you wish to still read this post.
I swear in everything, and this post is no exception. I do not and will not say slurs.
You have been warned
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Meet the twins Magnus and Ember! They are highschool freshmen and are ready to kick ass!
They live in an okay neighborhood. It's near a hospital since their mom is always sick. The smog of the city isn't good for a woman with shitty lungs, now is it? Their dad is absent, sending money to help pay for their mom's medical bills, but he isn't in the teens' lives at all.
Speaking of medical bills, because this is a dystopia and I've mentioned the questionable doctors on Dim's posts, their little family is barely scraping by. The twins have a long commute to their school since it's closer to the center of the city. It's cheaper after all and they barely have enough to keep their apparetment as it is.
So every day, the twins walk a mile to the bus stop, ride it for 29 miles (the fare jumps in price once you hit 30 miles. Thanks, Dystopia City) before walking the last 30 minutes to their school. I mentioned that it is in the middle of the city right? It's gonna be so freaky having all of the students wearing gas masks while attending class. (I'm gonna render the shit out of it once I get to it. It's gonna be awesome)
Anyway, today's journey was different than usual. As Ember was playing with the lighter she stole borrowed from the creep of a gym teacher a tall woman shot past them freaking out about something.
Oh! Lore time!
So I've been thinking it over, you know how height is kinda a big thing right now? Like people hating or short dudes and tall women? What if I just multiplied that by 20?
What I mean, is that this is a futuristic world and I think it would be cool worldbuilding if people got surgery to change their height and fit the "ideal" body type. Like women cutting of inches or even feet of their height via science that works like magic and dudes added inches and feet to their height on the otherside of this freaky little coin.
Dim is roughly 6ft (because I love me a tall woman.) This is not a commonly seen height anymore since only those who can't afford it are ever their natural height. So she is crazy tall to the teens (a bit of a role model in the eye of Ember who's been told she's ugly because she's taller than the dudes their age at school.) The only other tall woman they've ever seen is their neighbor [REDACTED] who is part of the military and can get court marshaled if she ever got the shortening surgery because it makes the patient extremely disoriented because they suddenly shrunk.
So the twins are obviously gobsmacked to see this giant lady with white hair rush past them.
"The fuck was that?"
"A distraction. C'mon we're gonna miss our bus."
"Oh shit!"
They make it to school and get some classes done before everything goes to shit. It starts with their teacher pausing in her lesson while looking at her book. Then something fast flies out at attaches itself to her face. It breaks her mask and ⚠️⚠️ (gore warning skip to next danger triangles to avoid) forces itself through the broken glass and into her eye.
She screams and goes down. The kids start scream because of course they do. Suddenly the class is filled with tiny little creatures flying out of the books at attacking people. (I'm tired so this isn't gonna be super descriptive.)
Everyone is panicking a few of their friends go down and stop moving. The twins are fighting for their lives but everytime they squash one of the creatures it just pops back up like a tiny deranged zombie pixie.
The class begins to fill with red, there is broken glass everywhere from the monster breaking the students' masks. Ember steps on a few shards, the glass cutting through her old shoes like butter. She swears clutching her wounded foot. ⚠️⚠️She looks up in time to see another batch of creatures pop out of a book laying open on a desk.
She got a very good idea.
Ember grabs the closest book, and pulls out a lighter from her pocket. A few of the pixies stop staring at her.
She smiles, and lights the book on fire.
With that the pixies scream and turn into ash.
The room goes quiet for a second. The two. Then the pixies rush to Ember. She runs around the room lighting as many of the books on fire, her classmates are running from the room into the hall, a place empty of monsters (at the moment) Magnus waits at the door for his sister.
⚠️⚠️(gore warning number 2 electric boogaloo. This one has body horror focused on the eyes. Skip to the next danger triangles) The pixies have broken through her mask at this point. There is glass in her eyes and it's starting to get hard to breathe. She can feel the mask dying as the room fills with smoke. The pixies are dying too. She grabs the last book setting it aflame, but just as she does pixies charge her eyes.
Their tiny hands scratch and claw. Digging deep into her sclera. An arm reaches into her pupil destroying the delicate nerves, sending waves of pain down her face. Her tears are turning red. The world has gone dark.⚠️⚠️
She stumbles forward into her brother's arms. Everything hurts and she can't see a thing. She's pretty sure he crying; pretty sure she's crying too.
Their classmates rush as a group to the next room down, ducking in when they hear shouts from the stairs.
The room is deathly quiet. Before small groups split off and talk in quiet tones.
Soon the quiet tones turned to silence filled with only quiet groans of pain and the sound of the door clicking closed. Everyone able left. Only the twins and the wounded remained.
"Hey Em. There's a screen in front of you." Magnus holds his sister tightly, there is so much blood running down her face.
"Yeah? What does it say?" She pulls them both to the ground, her head is starting to feel light.
"Uh. 'Congratulations, player! You have completed the tutorial!' What? 'Please wait while we develop your character based on your actions' it has a smiley face after actions. What the fuck is this?"
"You sure you're not hallucinating Mag? Pretty sure that should be me, with the blood loss and all." Fuck she feels really faint now. What the hell.
"I don't know. There was more to it but it just vanished before I could read it."
"Holy fuck I thought you were dead."
"Too bad, you're not getting rid of me that easy."
"Hilarious. You still got that lighter on you?"
"Yeah." She held up her hand, arm shaking as if she was holding up the sky and not just a tiny lighter.
"I'm gonna see if I can cauerize some of the wounds here. Then we can head out after the rest of the class maybe."
"Dude what?"
"There isn't any sort of first aid kit in here Em. I need to do something, they're dying. You're dying."
"I'm not dying."
"And neither are they if I can help it. It would be better if we had some silver nitrate, but Im gonna have to do something. The weird fairy things were small, and so are the wounds. There's just a lot of them."
"I ain't stopping you, just don't be upset of the fire makes it worse."
So Magnus went around the room trying to cauterize wounds if he could, bandage the ones he couldn't with whatever he could. It would all have to be checked over by a professional eventually, but at least it kept the blood in?
[Congratulations, player! You have completed the tutorial! Please wait while we develop your character based on your actions :) NOTE: YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO ATTACKS WHILE YOU WAIT. ANY ACTIONS AFTER THIS MESSAGE WILL NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR CHARACTER. ]
"I just got the blue screen."
"Weir-" before she could finish the word, she started screaming. It raked at Magnus's ears, clawing at his heart.
"Em! Em please!"
⚠️⚠️(body horror time! Skip to the next danger triangles.)He could only watch in horror as his sister writhed in pain. Chunks of metal forcing their way through her skin coated in red droplets that fell from the surface like water sliding off of oil. She screamed as it pushed against her clothes, crying as two new eyes formed in her sockets. Attaching wires to nerves forcing the last of her original eyes out of the sockets. ⚠️⚠️
Magnus threw up.
(For those that want to know Ember is a cyborg mage.)
Magnus looked up from his spot on the floor to see her. Her uniform was replaced by a set of robes falling of her shoulders. (I'll draw it eventually.)
"Holy fuck. You okay?"
"I... it doesn't hurt anymore. You got a screen too right?"
"Do you want my hand when it does... this to you?"
[Congratulations on surviving after the tutorial! All creatures you have destroyed will now be turned into skill points! NOTE: SKILL POINTS WILL ONLY BE ACCESSIBLE IN SHELTERS AND NEUTRAL ZONES. Your character has been decided! Welcome to the game, Cyborg Cleric, Magnus!]
Okay I ain't describing that again. Kinda the same thing except where the metal on the face is placed.
Time to talk about some fun stuff!
Why cyborg? Well, everytime someone uses some sort of technology to take down monsters it makes the game consider them a cyborg. It will also make their robo parts more based on what they used. In the pic it shows that Ember's fire magic is more controlled than normal fire magic because she used a lighter.
Now. Clerics. So you know by now that you can either, kill a monster, or kill a person to become a player. But you can also help people! It's a very rare class, because let's be honest people are probably more worried about killing the thing that's hurting their friends before helping them.
The twins are some of my favorites in this comic. I love them so much.
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vln-vibes · 2 months
Bright Hope, Mighty Will
The Green Lantern Corps have lost many members over its years— a risk that came with maintaining the peace as told by the Guardians. Most of the rings reassigned to a new member of its given sector but on occasion there would come those that were so attached to its wielder that they would not accept another unless they resonated with their predecessors ideals.
It’s one such ring that had been on Oa with no new lantern to wield it. Or it had been.
The Blue Lanterns were still a growing group with whom the Corps had a close alliance thanks to their symbiotic relationship; after all a Blue power ring was at its highest potential when near a Green power ring and vice versa. So why not look for users together?
The rings were set off as a pair in an attempt to create a powerful Union and birthing the most powerful duo either Corps had ever seen.
Meanwhile in Sector 2814, on the third planet from its star— Earth, a small family from the Midwest were camping out in the woods after their youngest begged to see the shooting stars where they’d be the most visible. The oldest child explained to their parents that it was a good way to channel the younger’s passion for space and science much like their own. Everything had been well until the elder duo’s sensors brought up a strange signature from deeper in the wood— Ecto-entities or ghosts as they’d called them. Before being able to drag the children with them the youngest stood his ground and refused to be taken away from his stars, the elder assured that she could take care of her younger brother and that they’d be fine alone (they were alone even when in the same house more often than not)
The sun had since set, the telescope set up, blanket had been laid with snacks for them to consume as they sat in wait with jackets to help with the night chill. The duo sat near the campfire as the younger's anticipation grew but the thought of their parent's absences did as well. They'd been left home alone before but they were only 8 and 10 years old, in the middle of the wilderness with no way to guide them back home or even find where their parent's ghost hunting led them.
"Don't worry little brother, I'm sure mom and dad will be back soon"
"Ye-yeah! Besides mom knows how to kick butt, they'll be fine"
The duo took their gazes to the skies as the twinkling night was accompanied by steaks of white dashing by. The older grabbed her slightly old model camera and took photos of the unsuspecting boy's awe filled gaze before he could complain. He stuck his tongue out at her before turning to his telescope, doing his best to follow the streaks in the sky until no longer visible to him. The girl just took to taking some more photos to show their parents once they'd returned. It'd go on for a while like that, the stars as their only witnesses as they joked around.
"Hey that one's green! And that one's blue!"
She lifted her head from looking at her camera's saved photos to find the twin streaks flying together, a quick click of her camera to save such a strange occasion. She wasn't an astronomy expert but she didn't think shooting stars came in those colors. Taking her gaze off of the small screen and looking back up she noted the bigger size.
"Are they getting closer?"
"Maybe they'll land near here. How cool would it be to see them up close?!"
It was as though those words triggered something as the two stars seemingly stopped flying and began their rapid descent. Straight for them.
"They're headed right for us!"
The duo quickly picked up their discarded flashlights and began running away from the clearing their parents had chosen. No matter how fast or further away they got the stars still trailed towards them. The numerous twists and turns never deterring the streaks of light, even as the elder held the younger's hand in an iron grip to prevent them from losing each other or as the younger turned them around and took haphazard turns in an effort to get them away.
"Everything's gonna be alright!"
She panted as they approached another clearing, no idea where their own was but still looking and seeing the stars much closer to them, the lights were blinding. She felt her body get pushed aside and the roll of cold grass on her back, hair getting tangled with small twigs and a familiar but smaller body land on top of hers.
"Look out!"
They closed their eyes and braced for impact feeling a sudden breeze and a slight shake but nothing else. Until they heard different voices echo. Looking gazes and noticing the glowing eyes the other had they sat up--- only to be met by glowing, floating ----rings?
[Sentience located]
[Daniel James Fenton of Earth, you have been chosen]
[Jasmine Dahlia Fenton of Earth, you have been chosen]
[You have the ability to Overcome great fear]
[You have the ability to instill great Hope]
[Welcome to the Green Lantern Corps]
[Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps]
A bright flash of blue and green surrounded the duo, hands still clasped and feeling a tug on their unoccupied hands, the warmth traveling on their bodies before disappearing altogether.
"Jazz what are you wearing?"
"What am I wearing!? What are you wearing Danny? Is that your old astronaut costume?"
Jazz noted the blue ring on top of her opera gloved right hand, also clenching the handle of a blue lit lantern? She could feel her knee length puffy blue dress move with the night breeze but didn't feel cold. White boots with blue bottoms kicked a pebble to the side, hearing it hit the nearby lake. Given the full moon she took a gaze at her reflection, finding her usual teal ribbon replaced by a giant blue bow at the back of her head and her eyes glowing a brilliant blue.
Danny was busy looking at his green suit, looking much like the costume he wore in a near daily basis when he was five until he started school. His own white gloves had puffier cuffs which reminded him of the astronaut costumes he and Tucker had looked at online for Halloween the year before, green ring also on his right, shaking the green weird lamp in the process. He pulled at the black suspenders before joining Jazz at the lake. His raven locks now had a single green streak near his bangs and icy blues now a vivid green.
Jazz was panicking, wondering what this could mean; what was a Blue Lantern anyway? Why did it choose her? And why was Danny green?
"Whoa!" Her glowing eyes turned to Danny but couldn't find him, hearing the sudden clatter of something falling on the floor and seeing the lantern rolling on its side, had he fallen in the water?!
"Up here!" her eyes widened as he little brother flew above her, laughing as he looped around in the air, "C'mon Jazz!"
"How did you do that?" her eyes never leaving the faintly green glowing boy, "Can I do that?"
[You can. Just have Hope]
Trusting the voice in her head she reassured herself that they would be fine before feeling the ground disappear from under her feet and got closer to Danny, dropping her own lantern next to Danny's. She felt her surprise turn into a smile before doing a cartwheel in the air and the giggles escape from her.
Neither took track of time as they flew above the clearing before Danny had the idea to race above the lake, streak of blue and green reflected on its surface as it rippled from their speed. It wasn't until they flew back to the clearing that they remembered--- they had no idea where they ran off to. There hadn't been a lake where they'd set up camp.
"Mo-mom and dad will find us Danny! We'll be okay" They had to be okay, they would be fine. The idea of flying above the trees to look for their clearing was tempting but she had no idea how long it would take; did these things run on batteries? Would the power run out soon? Can they even take off these outfits? It'd be weird to be stuck like this for forever. If mom and dad find them what will they think of the glowing? It reminded her a bit too much of how the ectoplasm in the basement glowed whenever she or Danny were dragged downstairs and the substance covered near all the surfaces (that's when they'd know dad was making them clean up)
Whilst Jazz marinated in her thoughts and worries Danny couldn't help but think if there was a way to ask for help, though even if they had phones he doubted they'd even have service or know how to guide help towards them.
[Activating Emergency Beacon for Sector 2814]
"Huh? Emergency beacon?"
"What was that Danny?" Jazz snapped out of her thoughts as she heard his confusion, noting the slight pulsing now coming from his ring.
"I-I think my ring asked for help?"
"...Let's hope that's a good thing "
The brother-sister duo took to sitting by the lake once more, still viewing the stars above and keeping an ear out for any sign of their parents--- they were never quiet for too long. Especially when 'ghost-hunting', not that ghosts actually existed.
They were starting to get hungry again, having not touched their assorted snacks before the whole fiasco began when a steak of green, followed by another, approached the horizon. The first stopped, the second following suit... Were they like them? It looked like two people flying now that they weren't moving so fast. They were too far to properly see but it looked like they were searching for something.
Danny's ring flared up in quick brilliant flash before going back to its blinking; it seemed that was the cue the two in the sky were looking for as they made their way towards them.
"I think that's our ride Jazzy"
The duo finally hovered above the lake shore, the surprise clear on their faces even as one had a mask on.
"Hello, I am Green Lantern John Stewart of Sector 2814" the first man with matching vivid green eyes like Danny elbowed the man next to him.
"Uhh and I'm Green Lantern Hal Jordan of Sector 2814" he said sheepishly, running his white gloved hand through brown locks of hair. "You're the ones who send the distress call, what sector are you from?"
"Sector?" the duo looked at each other confused before Jazz remembered what the rings had said. "I- I think they said 2814?"
The duo looked surprised, disbelief easily conveyed even though Mr. Jordan's mask, actually he seemed more surprised than Mr. Stewart. "I'm sorry but what planet are you from?"
"Earth? I mean its not like--- Are aliens real!?" Danny's wariness disappeared and hovered in the air as he said it, "That's so cool!"
"You two are Earth children then" Mr. Stewart's eyes gained a dark look as he said so, "How long have you had the rings?"
"Umm I'm not really sure" Danny turned to his sister for guidance only to find her rubbing her arm nervously "Maybe an hour or two?"
Mr. Jordan's look matched Mr. Stewart's, like they were mad but they didn't seem mad at them like the teachers would when they caught him and Tucker talking during class. It was like whenever mom and dad's inventions malfunction and they'd go to school with bruises. (Those days mom and dad would mention their teachers calling them, they were always busy with the portal and never answered)
"Do you know what those are?" Mr. Jordan bent down to Danny's level, pointing at the matching green ring. Danny looked at his and wiggled his fingers.
"Not really? The voice said welcome to the Green Lantern cops?"
"Close, little man" Mr. Jordan chuckled, "My friend and I are part of the Green Lantern Corps. We help protect the universe, pretty much space cops if ya ask me"
"You get to travel into space! Awesome!" Danny literally brightened as his green glow intensified. "But why isn't hers green?"
"Your friend is actually part of the Blue Lantern Corps. They're a little different from us but we work together from time to time. They like to spread hope throughout the universe"
"Hope. It said I had the power to instill great hope. But why me? And why did they choose him?" her voice wavered as she turned to Mr. Stewart with a grave lookin his eyes.
"That... That is something neither of us can answer for you" he admitted, a solemn lookin his eyes as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "But we'll do our best to help you two with this"
"Its unprecedented for either Corps to choose children" Mr.Jordan frowned before looking towards Danny again, "What are you two doing in the middle of the woods?"
"I wanted to see the stars" Danny admitted sheepishly, all of this started from his request to their parents. They wouldn't be in this mess if he just watched from home like always, heck Mr. and Mrs.Foley had offered to take Danny and Tucker camping once school let out if he wanted to (but no he couldn't wait a month, he needed them now). "So mom and dad brought us camping but then the stars--- the rings started chasing us and we got lost"
"That must of been scary huh guys?" Mr.Jordan gave a look to Mr.Stewart and the man walked away a bit, placing a finger into his ear and whispering. How weird.
"So you guys are siblings?" he turned to Jazz, she just nodded slowly, took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. She kept rubbing the blue ring on her hand as she did. "Do you guys mind telling me your name?'
Jazz still had that worried look in her eyes, like when she knew the turkey would come back to life in any second but mom kept saying it'd be fine. (Jazz was always right, it was always the same every Christmas). His sister liked to think she was a grown up and didn't get nervous talking with strangers but she was still a kid like him. He would be brave for Jazz!
"I'm Danny and that's my big sis Jazz"
"Its nice to meet you two, or well at least know your names now?"
"Hold right there"
The two adults just kept talking in whispers, looking back at them every few seconds, Jazz wasn't sure what to make of them but they were the ones who knew the most about the situation. Danny also had a pretty good sense for people and they seemed friendly but she also knew better than to trust complete strangers. Stranger danger was very much ingrained to them at a young age. Jazz knew it was rude but couldn't help but hear Mr.Jordan's outburst of "Seriously, nothing? Its been hours"
It seemed like forever before the adults came back and gave them strained smiles in turn.
"Well kids we're going to help you guys find your camp and make sure you get back to your parents" Mr.Jordan winked.
"We'll also explain more about the rings and what they mean while we wait. Sounds like a plan?" Mr. Stewart made sure to look at them in the eyes and didn't move until they both nodded in agreement.
The brother-sister duo didn't know what they were getting into when they went camping that day but everything was in motion, a new path diverging in time to create a brilliant new future; tragedy, love, and courage would always be on their path no matter how much he'd tried to avoid, it was inevitable. He could only witness as they embarked on this journey together and bring about the Rebirth with allies at their sides.
And he couldn't wait to meet them again, in due time.
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duplicitousfate · 8 days
Hear me out: Lamb but two 👀
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Literally everyone knows about there being two lambs. The Bishops, the cultists, the crowns. Everyone EXCEPT Narinder
It made... quite a first impression when he was later revived after bringing the bishops into the cult
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Now the whole cult's placing bets on how long it'll take for him to figure out which of the lambs killed him and which lamb he kinda, maybe, likes hates with a passion.
(Art by @dashing-through-ecto )
No one looks at tumblr blogs anymore so under the cut is more in depth refs about the bishops and such! WARNING: LONG.
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LAMBERT: Masc They/Them. The main caretaker of the followers. The few times they go on crusades, they prefer the blunderbuss and the golden fleece combo. Did, in fact, one-shot Leshy’s fight with this min-max strategy.
They are gentle and treat the followers more like their kids than their followers for the most part. They are the one that loves Narinder, but for the sake of the bit, they keep it subtle.
LAMBARI: Femme They/Them. The main crusader. They can work with generally any weapon, but will refuse and in fact rage-quit if they get the gauntlets or the dagger, preferring to strike heavy. They were the one that made the original deal with The One Who Waits, and was more than happy to slay the bishops.
They are more stern, preferring to take a more tough-love approach that will tell you immediately if they don’t like something. They eventually get with Shamura, and have the goal of restoring their mind.
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NARINDER had absolutely NO idea there were two lambs until he was brought back to life, after his siblings were brought into the herd. The twins did what any pair of identical twins would do: Fuck with him.
Now, he not only has to figure out which one was the lamb that struck him down, but also which one he began to harbor feelings for. The entire cult is now taking bets.
His role in the cult is undefined, as he is far more occupied in figuring out his conundrum.
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SHAMURA was the first Bishop of the Old Faith, and the first to be betrayed by Narinder. They were the last Bishop to be struck down by the lambs, and the last to be brought back. The God of War and Knowledge, the most savage and yet the most diplomatic, attempting to warn the Lambs of their imminent betrayal and the quickest to listen and convert when they bested their brother.
They have the most vague position in the cult, often focusing on the personal care of Lambari after their long, grueling crusades. They are often seen at the refinery otherwise, when there’s nothing else to keep their many hands busy.
KALLAMAR was the second Bishop of the Old Faith, the second to be betrayed. Third to be struck down, third to be brought back. The God of Pestilence and Vitality may be a coward, but he is an impeccable fighter, providing the most trouble thanks to how devoted his followers are to him.
While his official role is that of a healer and the main refiner, he will be seen in various roles to help any number of his multiple boyfriends. He is also often the one sent out on missionary work as the most charismatic of the siblings.
HEKET was the fourth Bishop of the Old Faith, and the third to be betrayed. The second to be cut down and brought back, and the first to make moves when the group acts as a unit. The God of Famine and Fertility took over when Shamura’s injury proved too debilitating, acting as the big sister despite being the second youngest. She is strong, stern, and acts in the best interest of the siblings, which the Lambs respect despite the implications of her involvement with the extinction of the sheep and goats.
She is the strong silent type, overseeing the farming and cooking. She keeps to herself, when she isn’t busy making everyone swoon, intentionally or otherwise. Many men’s hearts have been broken when she made her preference for women clear. Much to the delight of many girls.
LESHY was the final Bishop of the Old Faith, the youngest and last to be betrayed. He was the first to be struck down and the first to be brought back, both times cut down in one single attack from Lambert. As the God of Chaos and Order, and someone who respects a good fight, he was easily converted thanks to Lambert’s dedicated attention to dealing with him.
Any attempts to assign Leshy to a duty end in failure. He often does whatever work interests him that day, to mixed results. So his “official” role is that of an enforcer, which he often takes to mean “the bookie, right? The guy that keeps track of all the bets? Yeah I got that, no problem.“  But he has no hesitation when it comes to helping Lambert take care of the cult.
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penkura · 21 days
OP Men as Dads Part 2
Note: I chose to do another five OP men for this one!! My brain won't shut off about these men being dads, I'm losing it omg. I hope these are good, I kind of struggled a little but just wrote whatever came to mind. Maybe I can do a part three at some point with more of them! I have a small idea for Mihawk and Franky, but that's it so far. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Sticking baby Ace for the image because I got nothing else lol.
Part One Here!
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Kid is a boy dad, I’m sorry he just is. I can’t see him with a daughter really, unless she’s the youngest and was a surprise. But anyway! He’d have three boys that were all three years apart, and all are exactly like him. You really do love your sons and husband, but how you wish at least one of your boys was calm. The four of them are always roughhousing to the point you’ve had to set rules to keep from Kid accidentally hurting them, or your children from breaking things when he isn’t involved. When you have a set of twins a few years after your third son, another two boys, you’re done and just accepting your fate as a boy mom. You and Kid love all your boys though, neither of you would change anything, especially when your youngest ends up being a momma’s boy who’s finally calm and would rather spend his time with you than anyone else. Kid isn’t jealous, he swears.
Usopp I can see with two girls! A few years between them, and they’re both the light of his life aside from you of course! Every story he tells them before bed makes them both so excited to grow up and become Pirates themselves, brave women of the sea! The oldest will want to help Usopp and Franky with inventions and fixing up the ship, while the youngest wants to be a sniper like her dad. You have no complaints about either one of those, more than grateful they both want to take after Usopp and following in his footsteps. Your girls absolutely love their dad, you get a little jealous sometimes, but getting to watch the three of them bond is your favorite thing in the world. It might make him a little emotional, especially after not having Yasopp around as he grew up.
Shanks, I’m sure a lot are wondering about, would be such a great dad, we’ve seen him with Luffy and Uta, there’s no way he’d let down his biological kids imo. I see him with a son first, one with his hair that’s even more wild, and then twin girls! They’d all be about four years apart in age, but they’d run him ragged day in and day out. He'd teach your son how to wield a sword and help him develop his Haki, while your daughters will learn more hand to hand combat, though your youngest will join the sword lessons when she’s ready. When they’re little, he lets your girls put pins and braids in his hair, while telling all three of them stories about his time on the sea. The rest of the crew adores your children, Shanks knew they’d all be great uncles to your little ones.
SHACHI WOULD SUCH A GOOD DAD OMG. You think I’m pushing Penguin propaganda, I’m here for Shachi now too. He’ll have two boys within two years of each other, yes the second is a surprise but so beyond welcomed, and then several years later a little girl that has all three of them wrapped around her finger! Your daughter would have his red hair, she’d just be the prettiest little thing, with chubby cheeks and her hair pulled back into two little ponytails. Your sons would have a mix between your hair and Shachi’s, both taking more after their dad in personality than anything. Of course, Shachi will teach all three of them to defend themselves, but especially your daughter since she’s the baby and he just wants her to be safe, even with her big brothers as her guardians.
Rosinante, Corazon, however we wish to call him, he would be the best dad out of this group, I’m sure of it. Apart from taking in Law, he’d have two of his own children, a girl first and then a boy a couple years later. Law would act as a big brother to the two, it’d be the cutest thing ever. While your daughter would be outgoing and ready to take on the world, your son would much shier and would rather hide himself behind you or Corazon, normally his dad though. Corazon would NOT let Doflamingo around them; he’d probably keep the three of you a secret, maybe even his adoption of Law too, just to keep you all safe. He’s lost family before, he doesn’t want it to happen again, even if that means picking up and moving you all where his brother can’t find you. Apart from that, Corazon would make sure all of you had everything you needed, and your son would hold onto him through everything.  Your daughter would attach more to Law, but that’s perfectly fine, he’s accepted her as his new little sister and wants to protect her, he wants to protect your son too where he can. Your daughter would also want to keep her baby brother safe, not one of you would let a thing happen to a hair on his head. Corazon finally has a family again, a family of his own, he’s not letting anything happen to any of you anytime soon.
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quazardrawing · 8 days
Now for Emmett's stars as part of my 'Ingo reunites with his pokemon' Eelektross and Archeops!
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[ Image description: Ingo, pictured from the waist up holds Eelektross who is warped around him twice in one hand and has Archeops who sits on his shoulder, flaps her wings and nuzzling her face on his cheek. Ingo is almost not visible under these Pokémon, regardless all three are smiling ]
Fun fact is Eelektross is about 2 seconds before squeezing the stuffing out of Ingo, benefits of being a almost boneless eel I guess
More headcanons below the readmore
- Eelektross is named Third Rail, I've already mentioned that Chandelure and Eelektross were traded between Emmett and Ingo, as they caught the two thinking they would match the twin dragons typing but ended up liking the other more, but that means that it was baby Ingo that named them!
- When Ingo and Emmett went apartment/ house shopping two of their important factors were having water/ pond access for Third Rail and ground access for their ground and rock types, I personally headcanon that they retrofit a old unused werehouse/ train yard on the harbor, which gives them not only plenty of room for all their larger Pokémon but also has a local battling ring (more of a feild of dirt but still rated for 'will not destroy the local buildings' ) This is pretty normal since Professional battlers are known to be space hogs (due to having a full team of 6 all of whom need enough room to live comfortable and since each different typing has different needs) Luckily if you make it big in the Pokémon battling scene you get pretty rich, and being the Subway Bosses they are pretty much rolling in it (not that they do much with it besides reinvest it into the subway system, or help out other regions public transit )
- Third Rail does have a special always filled kiddie pool indoors, the funniest use for which is as a dramatic feinting couch for Third Rail only, Third Rail is also very protective of the pool, mostly because they have caught some of the other Pokémon either drinking () out of it or risnsing off the stupid amount of dirt (Excadrill) that gets on them off into the pool making it pretty dirty or full of crumbs, Third Rail will shock anyone who enters the pool if they see them, but will allow Ingo and Emmett to put their feet in to cool off if they ask first (both because they will clean the water after and because Third Rail loves them)
- Third Rail also prefers They/Them pronouns, why? They insist having no gender helps them slip into tighter spaces and smaller holes, which is something Third Rail prides themself in, Which is wierd seem they do not need any help with this as they have a clear advantage when compared to any of Ingo and Emmett's other Pokémon due to having no exoskeleton (Haxorus, Crustle, Durant ) and having less bones than even mammalian Pokémon ( Gurdurr, Excadrill ) due to being inspired by the lamprey or leach, which I imagine makes they a bit like an vampire octopus
- Third Rail and Archeops love flying up into small holes together and sticking themselves in them, they insist that this is an important Hide and Seek tactic, (it is not) dispite hide and seek not being played at all between the trainer's and/or Pokémon (due to the drastic size difference between the Pokémon) it either frustrates or amuses their trainers depending on how long it takes to find the two when inevitably fall sleep and stop responding to calls
- Archeops is named Express! He wasn't part of Ingo and Emmett original team plan but was found as a fossil when they were digging out the battle subway tunnels, Emmett maintains that it was Fate and that the original Archeops wanted to join the battle subway and Express was destined to joined the team. This also makes Express the baby of the group since he is by far the youngest, although he wasn't the last to join the team, that was a trade
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aemysbabyofficial · 4 months
Sweet Heart; Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!OC
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The sweet innocence that Baela and Saela called their sister would soon be back in their arms. But could time and colors finally divide the Targaryen Three?
Warnings: canon divergence; anxiety; tense situations; swearing; no mention of Aemond in this fic btw
The brick of the Red Keep looked down on the sisters. Even if they were greeted in open arms, nothing felt pleasing nor warming about walking into what felt like the lion’s den. Rhaena Targaryen kept up a gracious smile when her cloak was taken off while on the other hand, her older twin sister Baela kept a stern gaze around them. The woman’s cold glare would have frozen all that stood around her if it wasn’t for the beam of sun that melted the ice around her.
It was cold. The courtyard was void of its former rowdiness. Lord Caswell’s greeting was gracious among the grey sky and soundless space, but it did little to stir their hearts. Baela and Rhaena were escorted through the halls.
"Where is our sister?" The eldest inquired.
Caswell's head dropped before a rushed excuse past his lips. "The lady has personal affairs to attend."
"And when will she be...done?"
Baela's voice trailed off when the group were split up. Her arm latched onto Rhaena's while the rest of their family were escorted down separate halls. In place of Lord Caswell was a handmaid. By the freshness of her face, she wasn't that older than them--maybe just two and one.
"My Lady apologizes profusely for not greeting you today." The corner of the handmaid's mouth curved upwards. "Personal affairs of the household occupied more time than she would have liked in her schedule. Plans for future meetings will be further sent to you by letter."
Walking back through the Keep’s halls disturbed them—it felt like they were disturbing something, even if nothing rattled or shook in their presence. The handmaid stood before two doors across from each other, motioned to them with her hands, and left the sisters with a bow of the head.
Once they got settled into their rooms, Rhaena moved to her twin's room where the fire heated them and trays of food and wine were served.
“She is something, that girl. I wonder how life is treating her.”
All around them, moving past dusty linens and lighting candles, were handmaidens preparing for their travels back to King’s Landing. Evening had crept up so fast the sisters hadn't realized their cups of tea were changed for wine.
Since the beginning, Baela and Rhaena knew their youngest sister was something. Was that something good or bad they would never question, but their sweet Saela was something they weren’t for sure. Whereas Baela, the fearsome girl who’d rather fly than sit in a boy’s presence, Saela blossomed around in the attention of the male sex. But just as Rhaena, who was ever graceful with her gentle tongue, Saela had the tooth of a viper if talked to the wrong way.
The twins were four when they first saw their sister swaddled in her cradle. It had come to surprise Lady Laena Velaryon was expecting another child; the early signs hid themselves until late, she had never fallen sick in the months leading up to the birthing bed. Laena had both lamented and rejoiced her birth was the easier but happened so quick she was faced with shock when she held her third daughter. The pressure of bearing a son crushed the lady’s shoulders but the cries of the girl she named Saela eased off her worries. The same dawned on Daemon. Baela remembers more than Rhaena the mix of emotions their father wore. A son would have continued his legacy, but a third daughter…would complete the nest his family created. The prince could not stop his racing heart every time Saela opened her lilac eyes to look into his.
“Jaelan naejot ūndegon Saela, kepa!”
Baela reached to grab the bundle in Daemon’s arms. I want to see Saela, father! Even at the young age, the young lady roared her flames of protectiveness over the innocent. Rhaena hummed behind her sister, peeking her head around to get the best glance.
The bundle called the Targaryen Three were inseparable in their shared qualities and uniqueness.
The girls shared beds until the last moment possible (their sworn protectors had to rip their hands from the sheets that evening); shared gowns until one of their growths spirts ripped too much fabric; would disguise as each other until one of them cut their hair too short and another grew her hair out too long for the rouse to continue.
The Targaryen Three were each others best friends when the days looked to cloudy, and nightmares pricked the skin. They held each other tight until thick blankets and wooden tables, grounding the other in times of need and violent currents. No matter the time, day or night, if either sister needed a cheer up, talk down, or help from afar, Baela, Rhaena, and Saela would burn the world down for their sister.
No secret would leave their mouths from their ears. They were the only ones they could trust—sworn by blood with flames of fire, they whispered at night. No man, no power, no riches could strike their bond.
"You would think she would show her face to at least greet us in this cold." Baela shrugged her shoulders while burrowing herself further into the couch's cushions. The night sky was dark, the halls were quiet, and not a peep from their favorite person. It tickled the lady's mind that Saela hadn't shown her face--at all gatherings she made sure everyone knew her name.
“But she must be busy if her own handmaid was sent down."
Rhaena could feel Baela's ire and much like their father, its flames would grow if untamed.
"You remember how she opens the thread on her sleeves? A tell for whenever she did anything naughty. Mother always scolded her for having ruined her dresses.”
A child Saela was and a child she will always be. Tenderness burned Baela’s eyes come the last drop of her drink. Her hands reached for the decanter before her mind could stop her. A night drinking with her sister to reminisce washed them in a waters of melancholy. With the times they talked about their Saela recently, their hearts truly believed she was with them. But when the wind blows past their open windows and when gowns should go flowing, their minds break not seeing Saela’s open hair fly in the wind.
“And how breathless she becomes when she panics. A trait from the gods, I guess.” Rhaena shrugged her shoulders. Between them both, she could always find their sister’s tells.
“You always acted like mother to her, finding her tells and all. No wonder she went to you after she caused trouble.” Baela hid her smile behind her goblet.
“She needs a mother in her life. After mother…after mother left, that young girl needed a shield from the storm this family went through. She was a blessing we all needed, even if some deny her powers.”
The night was long, and memories were brimming the Targaryen twins minds. Even if their eyes watered and chests ached with the loss of their sister by their side, that gap would soon closely come the new day. Their Heart would be back and safe in her sisters arms.
“Your presence is requested for tea.” A knight stood at attention at large doors. A different handmaid stood at Baela's door with the letter requesting their attendance to tea.
An unspoken pressure settled on the sisters shoulders as their handmaids dressed and prepared them. The messenger stood at attention and made no move to leave or even turn around. The sisters exchanged glances before soundlessly following the woman. When the doors to a dining room was opened, Baela was surprised to see Rhaenyra, Daemon, and their children standing and seated around the room. The youngest children sat next to a lit fire with Rhaenyra on a couch while the boys and Daemon looked around the table.
“Was it for tea, as well?” Rhaena asked the room. Rhaenyra nodded. “Wasn’t told from whom.”
Daemon’s cold glare around the room mirrored Baela’s from earlier. It was calculating all he could see and could not: any secret passageways, a hidden guard, a trapped knife. With the Greens in control of their former home, one couldn’t become too comfortable.
A rattling against the door confused the twins behind them. All that could stand were silent when it was finally pushed open. When the heavy barrier connected the family back to the Keep opened, sun shone bright on them. No longer did the cold chill their bones or unsettle them in their gowns but comforted them in this time of uncertainty. Saela’s smile grew hundredfold when she saw her family.
Saela sprung into her sister's open arms. Tension in the room eased; shoulders relaxed, and breaths were no longer bated. The sisters danced in each others’ arms, warmed against the Keep's cold walls. Two handmaids stood behind Saela’s shoulders, their heads down and hands clasped to their fronts. Rhaena's brow twitched when she recognized the one on the right as the lady that showed them to their room the previous day.
“How was the journey?” Saela rubbed her hands over her sisters arms as she led them to the table. “Long and boring, I assume.”
“All that boredom was worth it,” Rhaena smiled. Her gaze jerked to Daemon standing tall above their heads. His eyes looked past her to find Saela’s. They greeted each other in muffled High Valyrian—the leather of his jacket muting some of her words. The way he spun his youngest daughter made the younger twin happy, but it pinched her heart. Rhaena instead focused her sights to the teacups and spread of desserts.
Saela finally curtsied to Rhaenyra. It was prim, perfect, and controlled. The gown she wore covered her whole body and her hair was pinned away from her face. Saela’s back was straight, and her head was bowed.
The Queen skilled her too well. What else could she say? Saela picked up things fast.
“The moment I heard you would all return, I knew having tea would start everything on the right foot. It’s been so, so long since the days I hosted my childish tea parties, I just couldn’t wait to have one for real.”
Saela spoke once she sat at the table. Her sisters sat on either side, caged by Jacaerys and Lucerys on either end, while Daemon, Rhaenyra and Joffrey were on the other side. Memories and longings spanning six years were shared throughout the afternoon.
As they dined, both sisters mentally picked at Saela. The glow of the youngest shone from her, yet under the gold dress it felt shadowed. May be it court life, Rhaena told herself. Saela's face had slimmed, yet her gentle smile remained, even at Aegon's snotty face. She never pointed but the handmaids knew what she wanted--be it more tea, a rub on the back, or more sunlight--they were an extension of her mind.
"Before I forget, gifts." Saela clapped her hands. "Palina, Arah, the gifts!"
The two handmaids far behind Saela's shoulders dashed to dark corners of the room to retrieve small baskets addressed to each person. Inside were various treats from all around Westeros--lemon cakes, honey cakes, vibrant fruits, and Dornish Red. The smile on Saela's face was one of hostess--like a highborn lady to her guests.
The sisters clung onto every passing second, wishing it would not pass them by. Daemon and Rhaenyra excused themselves to put the young Aegon and Viserys to nap, kissing the girls heads before leaving the heavy doors.
“Does she want to sit down?”
Rhaena muttered under her breath. From the corner of her eyes, she caught a figure in gold ducking behind hanging tapestries, peeking its head of silver out. In. Out. In. Out. It was like the girl was playing a hiding game. Helaena peeked her head out the moment the sisters looked in the direction. Her eyes widened before she tucked herself back into the shadows. One of her sister’s handmaids whispered something into the princess’ ears.
“Hmm, who?” Saela followed her sister’s line of sight to the corner opposite of them. Rhaena turned to see her sister freeze—her cup stuck between the table and her mouth. It was like her body steeled.
The handmaid speed-walked back to the table and whispered into Saela’s ears. The chatter between Lucerys and Baela drowned the little Rhaena could hear. But by the way her sister’s brows furrowed and how hard she swallowed, she knew something was wrong. Saela whispered back with dark eyes.
The air in the tea room dampened drastically. No one besides Rhaena could feel and see it. It was choking, heavy, and scary. The Lady had no idea where the air could have turned sour. The sun Saela brought with her vanished behind dark clouds and stones.
“Is there anything I can help with?”
The handmaid from before whispered into Saela's ear. The girl's fingers rimmed her sleeves. She whispered back before shooting Helaena a look.
"No!" Saela whispered loudly. Luke, who passed by to sit, shot them a glance before adding his point to Baela's comment.
“No, no.” Saela's breath hitched even though she was seated. Her eyes warned her handmaid a message. “No, um, Helaena was--"
The flames of the dragon were heated in Saela's eyes. Urgency burned through her bones and threatned to burn all around her. Rhaena rested a hand on her sister's shoulder to feel her tremble.
"Is something the matter, Saela?" Rhaena's voice was hushed. Yes, the younger lady loved attention, but her sister's shadows was where she found comfort. Fear was stared back at Rhaena. Unspoken fear. Rhaena felt her gut drop. Her mouth opened, but her eyes watched Saela turn to her handmaids.
Whatever Helaena was saying through her waving hands forced Saela from her seat. Rushed apologies fell from her lips before her gold gown trailed behind her running figure. Neither Targaryen nor Velaryon had a chance to stop or thank Saela for hosting them tea when the door slammed behind her, but in the wide space, the cousins continued their talk about anything.
Through all the drinking and dining, a thought tugged at Rhaena's mind. Baela would chide her for bringing it up, but her mind screamed at her heart.
Gold thread from Saela's sleeve were scattered on the table and seat.
Saela wasn't seen for the rest of the day. Whenever Baela or Rhaena asked for her whereabouts, knights would shake their heads and handmaids would bow their heads deeper.
Baela skipped the path she memorized led to her sister's bedchambers. Her daydress was already changed to riding gear and in-hand were matching gloves Rhaenys saved for her granddaughters. It was a surprising hot day at the Keep. The moment heat passed through the red walls, the castle was deserted and those afforded the luxury of not only returning to their homelands, but also those who could sit out the impending succession hearings, vacated the Red Keep.
"I hate the cold." Saela told her sister as they prepared for flight. A hot sun shone down on them without clouds to block its rays. The hot weather was the reason she went without a leather coat or gloves.
"Laevon loves the sun as much as you do." Baela smiled at the silver pair.
"It is how we connect, dear sister. Skin-to-skin. Heat-to-heat."
When Baela reached the hall of her sister's chamber, a knight stepped from the shadows with a lifted hand. Baela didn't miss the other hand on the hilt of his sword.
"Where is my--"
"Tending to business," was the only excuse she and anyone else was given. Baela wasn't given another chance to ask or even open her mouth when the knight physically turned her around and pushed her away. Where she was, she couldn't care less. The problem lay with the fact no one could say where her sister was--almost like it was a sin, or a crime.
Saela was absent for Driftmark's succession hearing--the penultimate reason they were at the Keep.
It was finally at the dinner two days later she reappeared, this time quieter than ever and her eyes dancing all around the table. Fortunate to sit next to her sister again, Rhaena felt her attention was somewhere else. Daemon must have noticed, she thought, because the quiet lady watched her father bore holes into her younger sister's soul.
"You know I love you two, right?"
Saela's drawled under her sheets, muffled from burying her head in her oldest sister's shoulder. It had been over a decade since the Targaryen Three had shared a bed and after a day like today, they needed it. In tangling their limbs and talking until past the Hour of the Owl, the three ladies could be young children again.
"You only have us to love," Rhaena chided with a smile. Saela's body sunk further into the blankets.
"I love you so much, I would do anything for you."
In the dark of the room with the candles blown out, Baela and Rhaena looked over Saela's head. Her head was lolling to the side and her eyes were hooded--sleep threatened to take her under even though she fought hard to stay awake.
"There is nothing I would do to hurt you. Do you understand?" A silent beat past. "Rhaena? Baela?"
"Are you awake, sister?" The latter poked her sister's cheek with raised brows.
"I am always awake...waiting."
Sleep captured the sisters without a word, knocking them into unique worlds of dreams. As the hours slowly passed, their bodies rolled side-to-side and gentle snores past their lips. The scarfs around their heads shifted high and low. A low scoff broke the tranquility in the room.
Baela rolled her eyes as she sat up to re-wrap her hair and readjust her robe. She was about to lay head back down again when she noticed the empty space. Saela was gone. To not disturb her soundless twin, she peeled herself from the bed to peer around the room. She couldn't have gone far, Baela told herself. Light from the moon illuminated enough for Baela not to bump into anything. In the dim state, the lady noticed nothing out of order. The table next to a vanity was higher and as she grazed her hands over the furniture, she was surprised everything was taller and softer. Nothing was out of order.
The hallways were quiet, lit by lamps and littered with few knights and servants going to and fro. In spite the fact it had been years since she walked these halls at night, Baela's feet guided her throughout the Keep until she made a new turn. A hallway to her left was darker than the whole castle. A cool wind blew at the lady's nightgown, both driving and inviting her in. The moment Baela took a step into the hall, laughter filled the air.
It was light, weightless.
A child. No, children.
Light peeked from a single door in the hallway. The more Baela approached the door, the louder the children's laughter became. Then voices intermingled with the supposed children. Her fingers glided across the cold walls before the cool metal of the hinges stung her skin. A voice inside asked for the windows to be shut. No, just "a voice. The tone was familiar, smooth with its warning yet sharp in its urgency. That voice carried a light laugh at the end as it shushed a loud yell, telling the child they shouldn't yell at night. The cold touch of the metal hinges froze Baela in her place.
The door suddenly creaked open. Saela caressed her breasts with a low groan. Her robes hung loose around her and fatigue dripped from her long breaths.
“Where were you?”
“Fuck!” Saela screamed. Her hands flew to her chest and her eyes, wide with fright, stared at the long figure in front of her.
A pregnant pause passed around the sisters; confusion in the dead of night swam through the air, unravelling thoughts and perceptions of their space and time. The door Saela clung to closed to allow the little most pass through the crack. Given her taller height, Baela could just the collection of silver-haired children sitting in a circle.
"W-what are you doing here?" Saela asked breathlessly. She still held a hand to her chest while the other let the door shut fully.
"I believe we share the same question." Baela raised a curious brow. "You leave your sisters sleeping in your bedchambers without a word, Saela. You can't--"
Saela shook her head while she focused her gaze onto her older sister. It was more controlled before and her voice came out clearer, like she hadn't been running through the halls, "I mean, what are you doing here?"
The air around the girl's mouth must have tasted salty because she smacked her mouth and licked her lips. An uncharacteristic show of expression. Baela frowned at the expression.
"I-I was--" The door whipped open again.
"Jaehaera was asking if--" the moment Helaena noticed Baela, she disappeared back into the room. Before the door shut, her flashing eyes tuned to Saela's back before it locked.
"This is nursery, if you had to ask, for whenever a child gets sick. I was helping Helaena with her daughter. The poor girl felt horrible and I couldn't let my friend suffer in silence."
A twinkle returned to Saela's eye after she looked at the closed door. Her chest fell down with a soft sigh and the fingers rubbing circles on her chest soon fell to her sides.
"It is late and those children had me running around. You need to stop asking me questions before my head explodes. Let me tell Helaena goodnight, first."
Baela had yet to say a word in what felt like ten minutes. Saela had ducked back into the room and said all the goodbyes she needed to before trekking down the Keep's quiet halls back to her bedchambers. The walk was quiet and no questions were asked. Even as they slid under the sheets of the softest cotton, velvet, and fur, it was quiet.
Not a word passed through the room until the morning. Unlike the previous mornings where handmaids would dress them before their minds could snap into focus, the Targaryen Three were left to their own devices. Morning light from a drawn curtain forced Rhaena from her sleep. When she turned to poke her sister's awake, she gasped an early morning breath.
Baela stared at her with a near-hollow gaze. Her eyes were awake and alert, darting over them like she expected something to happen. On the contrary, eyebags hung under Saela's closed eyes. Her breathing was deep and slow.
"She won't wake any time soon," Baela spoke, though her voice descended to a whisper.
“Do you think she is hiding something from us?”
Rhaena frowned. It was too early to think about hidden antics or double meanings. But she couldn't deny her own thoughts. She looked over to her sister.
“Do you think she could?”
Saela Targaryen was many things if not something, her sisters could not deny that fact. A liar? They would never wish, not even imagine, that name to be spoken in the same sentence as their sister’s name. Hiding something? We all had our secrets and private wants.
After the sisters rose from their bed and the twins left the bedchambers, Saela vanished again.
What Saela was hiding made them curious, urging them to discover the truth their sister hid behind the Keep’s walls. Maybe it was the long time that separated them—over half a decade apart could change a person. How much that time could mattered on the power of pigment and the fealty to one’s union. Whether Saela’s blood shed for Black or Green was a question they would never ask. Not yet, they hoped, or not ever.
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theresattrpgforthat · 5 months
Hey! Do you know of any adventures / adventure paths that features and supports non-violent scenes as the majority of the play content?
I've seen games that have so many rules/moves/etc for non violent resolution, but the actual supporting material (like, rooms/locations/characters/their routines/cool information) is very light, so the players have to generate pretty much all of the content themselves.
Theme: Non-Violent Adventures
Hello friend! I’m going to put a disclaimer here and say that I think that it would technically be possible to introduce violence into pretty much everything that I’m suggesting today - if the players really want it. What I’m presenting today are adventures that have the option to be non-violent, and it’s important for the table to be on board if they want to keep it that way. I’d recommend setting up a Session 0 with your group to make sure that everyone is able to talk about what they’re excited about, and what they’d rather avoid.
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Second Sight Homicide, by Hendrik ten Napel.
They didn't see this coming… Twin clairvoyants put it to the audience: who is the real medium? When only one sister survives the show, this night out turns into a different mystery all-together.
The Sibyl Sisters have a long-running rivalry. Each claims the other sister is a charlatan and not a medium at all. To settle the score, Saige, the youngest, has challenged her sister Prudence to tour the United States with her. Every evening, both will try and contact the spirits of the dead. It's up to the audience to decide which sister is really making contact with the other side.
When the show reaches Brindlewood Bay, the Murder Mavens can't resist. Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, it's bound to get interesting. One of the Mavens even gets invited to the stage, together with a couple of other seemingly random theatergoers. While Prudence is busy summing the spirit of the Maven's deceased loved one, disaster strikes. A brief blackout. A murdered mystic.
Each story arc of Brindlewood Bay presents the characters with a mystery, and a series of clues for them to uncover. Together, the characters will assemble a theory, and then roll to determine whether or not it is correct! This means that planning for the GM is much easier, although the nature of the game does require a good bit of flexibility and improv.
While Brindlewood Bay deals with violent content (murders), the characters themselves, as elderly ladies, are not really expected to get into a fight. This is also a game with a lot of really good support, with adventures like this one made by third parties (like my Copper Shores supplement), but also officially-created supplements like Nephews in Peril, which comes with multiple mysteries, as well as a few new rules for folks who want to shake things up.
The Spring and Sprocket Express, by TTRPGkids.
An all-age focused steampunk themed premade tabletop RPG setting that can be used with any system that you want!  It takes place on a magical train made of a wild variety of train cars that defy time and space!  Make your way from one car to the next to save the train from bots, Dr. Wyverstone, and more!
This is a system-agnostic adventure that puts your characters on a steampunk train and pits them against the (villainous?) Dr.Wyverstone. Because this adventure is aimed towards kids, I would expect there to be plenty of opportunities for characters to find non-violent solutions to the problems presented to them. This game comes with a deck of cards that detail challenges, characters, locations and puzzles, such as tiny robots that steal bits of metal, or a large lever in the middle of the room, with no indication of what exactly it does.
This creator has plenty of train-themed adventures, such as The Midsummer Mischief Express or the Fall Fright Express, but they also have a game called Glyfi Scouts, a game about inter-dimensional scouts, earning patches and learning magical abilites. They’ve also written adventures for this game!
To Rob Death’s Dominion, by Xavid.
It is said that in a golden age long ago we of the world were not yet beset by uncertainty and doubt. The exalted beings who lived in those days knew their own worth, saw their own meaning. For held in the center of the world was the cintamani, a brilliant jewel of red and black and orange. It was the answer to all the sorrows of the world, the key that allowed desire free of suffering. It is the very jewel that proved that existence was worthwhile; in its light was illuminated a virtue and purpose within us each. It was made available to all, there in its temple in its shining city, and the miracle of that age was that none in the world sought to claim it for their own.
To Rob Death's Dominion is an introductory one-shot (one to four sessions in practice) mortal Adventure Fantasy campaign for the Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine RPG by Jenna Moran. Play one of seven variously-queer international criminals from Earth's notorious Breaker One-Nine gang who've come to steal the cintamani, the answer to all the sorrows of the world, from the Headmaster of the Bleak Academy. Or play their dogged recurring antagonist, Inspector Bao! Or play Leonardo de Montreal, the Heartless Researcher, or Jasper Irinka, Death's Daughter, who seem to have gotten swept up in the shenanigans.
Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine is a diceless ttrpg that focuses on slice-of-life stories. The base game comes with guides to playing very different kinds of genres, from Gothic, to Epic Fantasy, to Pastoral. To Rob Death’s Dominion contains quests and prompts that fit in many of these genres, but provide extra support for Adventure Fantasy in particular.
For Pastoral gaming, you might want to check out Fortitude: by the Docks of Big Lake, while Fortitude: the Legendary 139 is more suited for Immersive or Gothic play.
Gothic Society: Monastery, by Martian Machinery.
The sound of thunder echoes outside the walls of Verges Abbey. You raise your head, the sanctity of matins shattered by the voice of the heavens. You attempt to disregard the unease that echoes in your mind, stilling your thoughts with the recitation of familiar mantras. All is quiet.
The sunrise brings news of the death of the abbot. The refectory is rife with worried looks, and innumerous whispers follow the prior's announcement of the performance of last rites that will be held later in the day. Apparently, he died of unnatural causes. 
Gothic Society: Monastery is a setting expansion for Good Society and Gothic Society. Games played in this setting take place entirely in a monastery in the Middle Ages, with the players playing members of a monastic order - monks or nuns.
Good Society is a game all about romance, scandal, and maintaining the proper reputation in polite society, and the supplements created for it, such as Gothic Society, place a lot of similar restrictions but change the setting in some way. This supplement places your characters into a middle-ages type of monastery, and while it’s meant to be horrific, much of the prompts ask you what your characters do after violence has already occurred.
If you want something a bit more goofy, you can also check out Bird Society, which turns all of your Good Society characters into birds, or Drama Society, which is all about the actors and artists in a movie or stage production.
Sister Escape, by KTPie.
In this Blades in the Dark score, a rich noble hires your crew to break out the love of his life out of a convent of the Church of Ecstasy. However the high bounty for what he explains as a "simple breakout" seems to be too good to be true.
In this convent of the Church of Ecstasy you will find hollow servants and sisters alike roaming around the courtyard and participating in both public and private rituals. Should you enter its library of hollowing you might find the convent's Head Mother, Mother Erma, doing her own research on Cleansing rituals.
Blades in the Dark doesn’t necessarily need pre-written scores, but they can certainly be helpful in providing you with a pre-set list of NPCs, obstacles, and set description. This is one such example.
Because this is set in a grim, Victorian-era, ghost-ridden steampunk city, I can’t guarantee that these will be non-violent, because the methods involved are up to your table more than anything else. If your players want to focus on infiltration and deception, then they’ll likely choose methods that are more focused on stealth and subterfuge. If you as the game runner want to keep the game non-violent, then you’ll also want to make sure you’re introducing threats that can be dealt with in non-violent ways. If you feel like this is the setting for you, then I’d also recommend checking out the Hour of Chains collection of unofficial scores by A Couple of Drakes: you’ll get a lot of really interesting, diverse scores to play with for any motley crew of criminals.
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im-tops-bottom · 9 months
Jeongin: I'm done being the maknae. Sick and tired of all this babying
Felix: well tough. You're the youngest
Jeongin: I'm so glad that the person who I baby the most in this world even though he's older has decided to be the new maknae in the group
Felix: excuse me what?
Jeongin: Everyone I present to you Stray Kids' new maknae, Lee Yongbok Felix
Felix: that's not how this works
Jeongin: we have decided to swap ages, everyone congratulate him
Felix: that's not how any of this works
Han: *sobbing* my 00' liner birthday twin~ nooooooo
Jeongin: I now identify myself as the third youngest of the group, soon I'll be able to reach my dream of being the oldest in the group
Chan: and how on earth do you plan to do that?
Jeongin: through shear will, spite and motivation
Seungmin: I'm just glad that doesn't make me the maknae. I'll be happy to keep my position. Yongbok come here my new maknae.
Minho: no no come here new maknae, let Hyung dress you up. I got a new blue onesie with little chicks on it screaming your name
Changbin: I must protect Yongbok even more now.
Jeongin: nope, you're still latching on to me hyung. WILL YOU STOP THINKING I'M LIXIE
Changbin: oh sorry
Hyunjin: exactly how possessive can I get with Felix now that he's the new maknae? Well let's find out
Felix: I hate all of you. Channie hyung, please 🥺
Chan: well I mean....it's kinda cute.... and suits you perfectly
Felix: I hate it here
Chan: welcome home ... new maknae??
Felix: asdfghjkl
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shitakimooshrooms · 4 months
since I’m feeling like talking about Percy Weasley, here are some of my headcanons about his year/friends.
- There had originally been more kids in the year but most of them were muggle born or half bloods who grew up in the muggle world
- all the half blood and muggle born kids left part way through the first year aside from Oliver Wood and Penelope Clearwater, as well as the muggle born Audrey Westwind
- some more on Audrey; yes she is supposed to be the same Audrey that Percy canonically marries. Since we don’t know her maiden name I decided on Westwind to keep with the ‘w’ name. I made her a muggle born because the fandom wiki puts her as a muggle so she’s a muggle born witch.
- Percy befriend Audrey, Oliver, Penelope, and Marcus on the train to hogwarts as they all shared a compartment on the train.
- I am deciding that Marcus is indeed a pure blood for this though I don’t know if the Flints are part of the pristine 28. If not then we will say that a few generations ago his (however many) great grandparents who were both from pure blood families realized they wouldn’t be getting inheritance so created a new family and have still been intermarrying but now is a new one. Idk though.
- When they get to hogwarts they all get sorted into different houses(Marcus in slytherin, Penelope in ravenclaw, Audrey in hufflepuff, and Percy and Oliver in gryffindor)
- after all the muggle borns and half bloods drop out Dumbledore decided that the five of them can go to any of the common rooms to hang out so that they have friends their age
- in their second year Oliver, Marcus, and Audrey join their respective quidditch teams
- Audrey made the hufflepuff team as a beater and during her first game which was against gryffindor which was also Oliver’s first game, she somehow managed to hit him with the bludger within the first 2 minutes.(this is a canon thing to happen to Oliver)
- Oliver is out for a full week and the whole group spends all their free time in the hospital wing with him
- during this time is also when the rests of the group meets Percy’s older brothers Bill and Charlie who come to check on Oliver and also make sure Percy is ok
- Bill then graduated
- charlie still sorta floats with the group and sometimes tags along to make sure Percy is ok
- Audrey befriends a first year hufflepuff by the name of Cedric and he starts tagging along with the group
- In their third year Penelope befriends a first year ravenclaw named Cho
- During this time they also have a camaraderie with two gryffindor first years who just so happen to be Percy’s younger brothers Fred and George Weasley
- in their fourth year any camaraderie that Marcus and Audrey had with the twins was gone due to immense rivalry on the quidditch pitch. While the twins now have an immense hatred for those two, they are have a more friendly rivalry with Cho and Cedric
- the twins pranked the whole group quite a lot
- charlie then graduated
- in their fifth year they meet Ron, Percy’s youngest brother, as well as Harry Potter.
- they each (minus Oliver) become prefects of their respective houses as they are the only options (yes I have decided Marcus is also a prefect for plot reasons)
- Percy has the same kind of light camaraderie with Harry as his friends had with the twins.
- Oliver becomes a mentor to Harry, while Audrey, Cedric and Marcus become rivals. Harry doesn’t meet Penelope that year. Though he does meet Cho and starts to have a very obvious crush on her
now at this point the story can split in one of three ways, so I’m taking the polyamorous route right now but under maybe eventually there will be the more canon route as well as the route where Percy and Oliver get together
- Percy and Penelope start flirting with each other, which kinda throws off the group
- After a slight confrontation between Oliver and Percy the two realize that they like each other, which gets more complicated when Marcus reveals to Oliver that he likes him
- Audrey also makes a love confession to Penelope and after the five of them have a sit down and talk about their feelings they all realize that they like the idea of being in a romantic relationship with everyone in the group, so they secretly become polyamorous
- in public Percy and Penelope are dating as they really are the most showy and romantic out of the group and also are the ones who can truly be seen as a romantic couple through those affections.
- obviously the whole philosophers stone thing happens but that doesn’t really affect any of them. Did I put Percy and Audrey getting together a little early? Maybe. But they aren’t really fully public yet and just seen as most definitely flirting.
- In their sixth year they meet Percy’s little sister Ginny. Part way through the year she starts acting weird and everyone in their group is worried for her.
- Cedric becomes a prefect for hufflepuff
- almost immediately after Penelope and Percy become a public couple, Cho and Cedric corner the group and basically tell them they know they are polyamorous and they want in.
- its a little awkward with Cho Chang being 2 years younger, but they don’t want her to be left out and she and Cedric are publicly dating by that point so they let her in.
- She and Cedric aren’t really the most involved with the rest of them but they enjoy the group and didn’t want to be left out.
- when the chamber of secrets is open they walk in pairs (minus Marcus who walks with the his fellow prefect the year below him)(Oliver gets away with walking with Percy due to him being Percy’s roommate. Somehow that’s allowed.) (if it wasn’t obvious I made them all prefects so Audrey and Cedric could ‘patrol’ together) (also same thing with Cho as with Oliver, so she and Penelope ‘patrol’ together)
- Marcus, Audrey, Cho, Cedric, and Oliver all get really upset when quidditch gets canceled that year.
- in their seventh year shit gets Sirius. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and the whole school is on edge.
- Cho becomes a prefect for Ravenclaw
- Cho, Marcus, Cedric, Audrey, and Oliver are all way too happy when quidditch isn’t cancelled that year.
- The only real change was that Percy became Head Boy, while Penelope and Audrey became Head Girls
- oh and also they each have to go to therapy after Ron reveals that Scabbers was actually an illegal animagus. So much therapy.
- after they graduate, Percy works for the ministry, Penelope works at St. Mungo’s, Oliver plays for Puddlemere United, Marcus plays for the Kenmare Kestrels, and Audrey plays for the Montrose Magpies
- the whole group ended up going to the Quidditch World Cup (qwc) in 1994
- At the qwc, they met Bulgarian quidditch star Viktor Krum. They immediately befriend him and after the dark mark was released, he spent time with the group and ended up joining the polycule.
- Cedric and Viktor both become triwizard champions and Percy someone convinces the ministry to allow him to be part of the committee or whatever ran the tri wizard tournament.
- Percy befriends all the champions and helps Fleur get in contact with Bill
- at the Yule ball Cedric takes Cho, Viktor takes Fleur because they actually have a good healthy friendship in this and we don't need to involve weird age gaps, the golden trio go together as friends(and since Harry needs to dance with someone he dances with Ron), and then Penny goes with Percy.
- Cedric DOESN’T die because he actually knows how to apparate because look at this group, you think they don’t all know how to apparate? Anyways Voldy does still come back because Harry got nicked before getting ahold of the cup.
- Cho, Cedric, and Viktor all also become pro quidditch players. Cho joins the Chudley Cannons, Cedric joins the Kenmare Kestrels, and Viktor continues playing for whatever the Bulgaria team is called.
- After that I honestly have no clue as I never actually read the books after that. Maybe post war Percy and Audrey have Molly II and Lucy, but Audrey, Oliver, Cho, Viktor, Cedric, and Marcus continue their careers. Cho and Cedric also have a boy named something like Reggy(short for Reginald). Idk everyone lives/nobody dies and we have the daughters and son being raised by their 5 dads and 3 moms. I honestly don’t know how to end this.
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blueyluey05 · 5 months
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Spectacular SheZow Characters: 1
Damien Gai Hamdon- Damien (mostly referred to by his middle name Gai) is the main character of Spectacular SheZow and the alternate version of Guy Hamdon. While responsibility and masking his voice isn't his greatest, Gai still has heart of gold and tries his hardest to continue his great aunt's legacy as the pink hero.
Personality: Cocky, insecure, immature, friendly, rebellious
Maz Robyn Kelper - Maz is the second member of the team and the alternate version of Maz Kelper. He is in the youngest of the group in this AU and serves a loyal sidekick to Gai as well as a bit of comic relief.
Personality: Friendly, goofy, clumsy, loyal
Kelly Deonne Hamdon- Kelly is the third member of the team and is the alternate version of Kelly Hamdon. She is Gai's twin sister and president of the SheZow fanclub, as well as her brother's mission instructor/trainer. While she doesn't tag a long on missions, she along with with Sheila are always ready to lend a helping hand.
Personality: mature, bossy, caring, intelligent
Ash Leroy Robinson- Ash is the fourth member of the team and is the alternate version of [REDACTED]. Dubbed as "the smarter version of Gai", Ash is the brains of the four, being known for their forensics testing/inventing skills. They later would tag along with Gai and Maz on missions and eventually create useful gadgets/weaponry to help both them and the gang out.
Personality: intelligent, sassy, sarcastic, loyal, calm, a bit chaotic at times
SheZow belongs to Obie Scott Wade
[Spectacular SheZow is a FANMADE series that takes place in an alternate universe. It follows the same concept as the original series but with a few differences to its own story.]
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Tips for writing triplets? Especially if two are identical and one is not
Things to consider: Do they all have the same gender? If they all do there could be more conflict in two of them being identical in looks and maybe being closer because of it, while the third one looks different from them and maybe gets forgotten as being part of the triplets.
Looking the same could be an advantage in some way and a disadvantage in others. The one who doesn't look the same could feel left out, like I said above, but they could also have the advantage of not having to "share" their appearance. Because they already share their birthday, they share their parents in probably the same way (which sometimes is different with siblings in different age groups), they could go to the same school, have the same friend group, do the same sport, etc. So it would be great to have something of their own.
I would also think about how much they actually share in life together. Do they really go to the same school and are in the same class and go to the same activities? Because some parents try to split up their twins/triplets, so they can develop individually.
- Jana
Edit with more info under cut:
Edit from @sadieb798
To the triplet ask: I knew triplets in high school!
They were fraternal triplets (meaning they didn't look alike), however they had some similarities if you knew what to look for: nose, eye shape, mouth shape, etc.
The two oldest shared similar interests and were "good kids" whereas the youngest really wanted to be their own person and smoked and went to raves and made those beaded bracelets that were really popular to give out in 2008 during raves.
But the two eldest didn't look alike: the oldest was gorgeous with perfect blond hair, slender hands and nicely cut fingernails that she joked she could be a hand model. The middle child was shorter, with mousy brown hair and came off as frumpy looking with a really infectious laugh.
They also had unfortunate names. Their last name was Graham, and their first names had to deal with matching up with that: Holly, Mille and Candy.
The things they had in common though was they loved their parents and they were all into acting. Hope that helps with anything!!
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List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore 💜💜💜
Time to meet the first of two sims we'll be following into the Tudor Era:
Lord Cassian de la Clare
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He is the third child of Lady Ursula and Lady Elisaria de la Clare of Monte Vista. He was a twin, but his twin sister died as an infant. Though not technically the youngest, he has always felt like and been treated like the youngest in the family as his younger brother died at birth, along with his mother Lady Ursula.
When he aged to young adult, his mother Elisaria arranged a political marriage to Lady Ella of Brindleton Bay. It was an unhappy marriage from the start and Cassian was relieved when she died in childbirth with their son, Henry. He quickly married his mistress, an actress called Margery, and had a daughter called Charlotted. However, she was much older than him and now she is nearing elderhood - something Cassian finds repulsive.
His traits include: self-assured, kleptomaniac, glutton, bookworm, romantic, evil, mastermind, responsible, good manners, insensitive, high self esteem, business savvy, dastardly, professional slacker, beguiling and needs no one... so.... he is not a particularly pleasant person.
He is the boss of a criminal group. Their work is mixed but includes blackmail, racketeering, illegal gambling dens, murder for hire etc. You know, whatever your wealthy merchants and nobles might require. He has considered focusing on more legal pursuits, but has not yet seen any potential pathway that interests him.
5. The only person he is close to is his older sister, Lady Isabeau.
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liviavanrouge · 3 months
WHB Kids(Will upgrade if more are made)
Description: Askios is the eldest of the kids and the son of Bael. He is quiet, preferring to indulge himself in a book, enjoying the quiet more than the loud ruckus his friends make. He's not the one to judge others and will join the antics if it means everyone leaves him alone. Is confirmed to have a crush on Davina but Satan would kick his ass before letting him get close to the girl.
Description: Davino is the second eldest of the kids and the older twin brother of Davina along with being Satan and Eve's son. He enjoys reading books and is always willing to indulge in his friends loud antics despite enjoying the peace and quiet. An enjoyer of sketching, he has a notebook filled with sketches that he carries around with him.
Description: The third eldest of the kids, and the younger twin of Davino alongside being the daughter of Satan and Eve. She's hyperactive and enjoys running about playing a few pranks with friends and dragging her brother around after her. She's called Satan's Princess due to acting like him at times. She's a big enjoyer of dancing and always pulls one of her nannies or guards to dance with her.
Description: Hunapo is the fourth eldest of the kids and the only child of Leviathan. He tends to be lazy, sleeping in his coffin and rarely coming out. He takes after Leviathan, causing his friends to call him his Father's Boy or tease him asking if he and his father were siblings rather than father and son. He enjoys threatening to hang others if they irk him. He is stated to be fond of Charaka possibly hinting at a crush.
Description: Flavis is the fifth oldest and the son of Mammon. He is at times the voice of reason in the group, but indulges more in his chaotic side rather than his reasonable side. He frequently switches between being a child and being a mature prince depending on where he is and what he's doing. He enjoys collecting gold and silver coins having a stack of them in his room to look at.
Description: Lesley is the sixth oldest of the kids and the daughter of Michael and Vivia. Her father now lives with her in the human realm. She enjoys sweets and always hold hope within others no matter who they are. She tends to be naive and at times going along with what the others wanted even finding the fun in some of the crazy things they end up doing. She's the love interest of Davino and enjoys sitting still for his sketches.
Description: Charaka is the seventh oldest and the son of Beelzebub. Charaka is stated to be a free spirit, running away from home whenever he's able to and hanging out with his friends. He's stated to be the one who keeps the group together, lending an ear or a shoulder for whenever one of them needs it. He appears to find Hunapo adorable confirming a possible crush. He learns breakdancing and enjoys showing off his moves.
Description: The son of Andrealphus, he's the fourth youngest of the kids, being born a week before Lithea. He's close friends with Charaka and Hunapo, having been friends with the two for a long while before the others combined with them and made their group bigger. He has a distaste for blood and a weak stomach unable to eat most foods. He's supportive of his friends and tends to act out with Lithea the most. He enjoys firing off gun like weapons and is able to hit far away targets.
Description: Lithea is the third youngest of the kids and the daughter of Lucifer. Lithea takes pride in her appearance and who she hangs out with. She's loud and even more hyperactive than Davina and Lesley combined. She can be kind, compassionate and thoughtful towards others and tends to speak with a gentle voice when she's not being overly hyper. She finds Prism interesting hinting at a possible crush. She enjoys making flower crowns and giving them to her father.
Description: Sergio is the second youngest and the son of Stolas. He tends to be the slow one of the group, not having much stamina or a quick thinking process, depending on the others to enlighten him on things and help him understand what's going on around him. The others usually say a three sentence line to help him understand most things. He enjoys collecting angel wings but always cleans the blood off of them due to Andre's weak stomach.
Description: The youngest of the group and the accidental son of Michelleel. He's jumpy and tends to let out a squeak whenever he gets startled. He's shy and tends to hide behind the taller kids, peeking out whenever there's a conversation but not truly engaging in it. Lilthea teases him the most, causing him to become a flustered jittery mess, stuttering out any words. He finds Lithea fascinating possibly hinting at a crush. He likes to learn archery.
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siren-darkocean · 9 months
Mata Kids AU Time!
Age groups
So my first idea with the AU was to have the Toa Nuva in pairs of two for their ages (Takanuva tho tied between middle siblings and youngest siblings pair) but then I thought "eh why not change it"
Onua & Gali
Onua and Gali are basically twins and the eldest(no this was not because they were the most mature of the Toa Mata/Nuva)
This does tie to Onua's gigantic height I see from him, Gali is kinda a bit over half that height (bc tall women yes)
Though they are the first created of Mata Nui's kids they do kinda cling a bit, thus how Gali got her love of meditation from seeing her dad do it so many times
Tahu was third created
His temper is still unknown to Mata Nui of HOW his sons temper is so bad when he himself is pretty mellow and takes a lot to piss Mata Nui off
He does have a protective nature over his siblings and really does care for them, he just doesn't know how to express it very well compared to his other siblings
But he will not hesitate to burn someone alive if you mess with his siblings
Though due to that temper it does cause him to have his arguments with his siblings
Ice Toa Kopaka was fourth created
Mata Nui was actually quite surprised how mellow and quiet Kopaka was
Though he did also notice Kopaka did not get along with Tahu the most of his siblings
He often wondered if it was the clashing elements or something else
But he does see the two are quite similar of each other despite as much as the two get defensive saying otherwise
Mata Nui is also VERY WELL aware of Kopaka's social anxiety, which at Kopaka's younger years he would cling to Mata Nui more than he'd seen from Gali and Onua in fear of disappointing his siblings and of course in those younger years would need constant reassurance he wouldn't from Mata
Our Herald of Light and Chronicler was fifth created and actually an unintentional creation of a child
Mata Nui has a sudden power surge in his sleep
Normally that would've made a new Rahi out of his control but this time it made Takanuva who would often like to be called Takua almost like a nickname
Though despite being an unintentional creation child, Mata Nui still loves his Light Toa son nonetheless
Even after his other siblings were created they'd all warm up to him rather quickly, almost like a beacon
Mata Nui has made mental notes of this and theorizes he's like the bridge between his siblings holding them together despite their differences
Stone Toa was created sixth created
Compared to Kopaka to Mata Nui's surprised, Pohatu was quite friendly
Like Takanuva his siblings all seemed to get along quite well with him, Kopaka being the most to Mata Nui's surprise of his social anxiety but also his relief
Before the Brotherhood, Pohatu was the only one allowed to call Kopaka nicknames playfully and not get an aggressive reaction, just a small eye roll in slight amusement
It was also very obvious from the start to Mata Nui that Pohatu was very interested in the Po-Matoran's Kohli
Thus leading the running joke that even in their amnesia minds of their siblings relationship that the Mata/Nuva would call Pohatu the "Patron of Kohli"
Mata Nui would actually watch Pohatu drag his siblings into their own Toa Kohli matches, which unfortunately led to Takanuva's Matoran mask to be so loose on his face due to some chips missing from a comet hitting his face
Lewa was the seventh and last created
Like his siblings he was created as an infant to go through the growing process they did as well (more on that at end of post)
Lewa was even more clingy to Mata Nui than Gali, Onua and Kopaka were in their younger years but it actually stayed
Mata Nui only had control of what elements they welded, their genders and their names upon their creation, everything else was a random so you can imagine Mata Nui's surprise to the apparent Autism or some sort of mental illness Lewa had
Nonetheless despite the mental disability, Mata Nui didn't treat Lewa any less like his siblings though making some changes of his parenting for Lewa due to the mental disability
Outside of being clingy to Mata Nui, Lewa was also clingy to Onua and would often be on the Earth Toa's back on a piggyback ride
When the Brotherhood attacked, Mata Nui fighting them to provide his children to get to the pods, Lewa was still a child sense during that time
Lewa actually remembers more of what his siblings have amnesia of, though some memories especially regarding who their father is are quite foggy. Thus he remembers certain things his siblings don't from before the Brotherhood that after regaining their memories actually surprise them of. They do theorize that it may be his mental disability that gave him that mercy but their not sure
Lewa actually has control of two elements, Wind and Jungles (it's in all my AU's for Lewa due to G2 Bionicle changing his element and it always threw me off(like removing the Treespeak) because I do like both elements on Lewa)
All together
Their growth development was similar to humans but a bit faster, Lewa's development was a bit slow mental wise due to his mental illness
Their time in the iffy pods sped up their growth process until Takua/Takanuva used the Turaga Metru's Toa Stones to bring them to the island (the only reason it worked when he did it and not the Turaga was due to his sibling connection to them even in his Matoran form) but unfortunately their mental ages did not change and were the same when they entered the pods thus their childish actions and arguments, since they are children in adult bodies
The reveal of the seven being siblings was a surprise to the Matoran but it did explain a few things of the Mata/Nuva
Alright! Next up of a post on Mata Kids AU will be regarding the Elemental Creatures (bc their the only good thing from G2 Bionicle to me honestly)!
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toonqueen · 6 months
Duckvember Day 21: Community Duck
My original plan was to write info on the 2nd Generation Team I have for Mighty Ducks but then it flowed more better talking about the main teams and who we shipped them with and how their kids are like compared to them. I GUESS???
Whenever I say WE I mean @ flux java because she was there when all this was going down back in the day. I’m citing dark magic and she was there when it was written yadda yadda. 
Grin - We had him shipped with OC Nina by @fluxchix who was a duck from the planet Cheribu. That planet has brightly feathered ducks, with Nina being pink with bright yellow hair. The ducks there were actually related to Puckworld ducks A LONG STORY. 
They have three kids, Karma, Krystal and a third I cannot remember the name offf. Loool. Krystal and the one I can’t remember the name of were twin girls. Fractional and looked very different.  One was very muscular. Lol. Karma pretty much looked like his Dad but mom’s blonde hair. Nina had magical healing powers cuz her planet was renaissancey and magical. Grin’s kids end up noy being magical in a sense but more uh- Dragon Ball Z knock off Ki energy force stuff. I DUNNO I was 15ish when we were coming up with this stuff I’m not to blameeee.
Anyways Grin (and Nina) are great parents. Have pretty chill kids. I really didn’t write them much so I don’t have  much else to say. Lolol. 
Actually now I think about it I think Krystal had healy magic too.  Karma was pretty much like Grin, Krystal was like her mom Nina, and the one whose name I cannot remember was a combo of them both. Karma is pretty much the peace maker of the group. Since the three main protagonists of the 2nd Gen can be very fiery and he needs to get them to chill a lot. (That being Luke, Tayshia, and Mercedes which we will get to THEM soon.)
Mallory - So we shipped her with Chrono. He’s an OC that was the leader of the Galaxy Team. A team that was sent out to find Canard’s team and the mask they disappeared off with. Chrono was part of the Puckworld Special Forces too, with a perfect record great at  everything. Also a big sweety. Weh. He had a mask as well that was assumed to be a prototype mask before the main one was made. It didn’t have all the abilities of  the main Drake Ducane mask, with less of the scanning and not really seeing invisible stuff. However it did give who wore it increased physical strength. 
ALWAYS. Chrono was a known war hero through word of mouth because he had been captured by Dragaunus back early in the war  on Puckworld. He was electric shock tortured to try to get info of where the resistance bases were. Chrono didn’t give out any info tho, and was rescued by other resistance. The torture though had given him a speech impediment of switching words around when speaking. It sometimes made what he said confusing. Later on he was chosen to be given the prototype mask to test it out, he found with it on he spoke like he used to. He used to wear the mask almost 24/7 but once he gets on Earth and has down time he went without it more and more, with people around him learning to understand him without it. 
Anyways we ship him with Mallory because she seemed like the type  that needs a nice military hero. That one ep where they went to a town where there was a human military hero that she was a fan of was just ASSUMED she would find someone that's a military hero to be cool okay. 
Sometime later Chrono and Mallory have twins. I can’t remember their real names but their nicknames were Caster and Blaster. They are actually the youngest out of the 2nd Gen team. Well youngest of the canon characters kids. Lol. Identical twins and redheads like mom. Blaster is more weapons inclined while Caster actually had a gift for magic. Once again we didn’t write these kids much. So not much to say other than Mallory and Chrono were good parents. One being a magic user I think Mallory would first find confusing to relate to. She (and Chrono) seem like a multi generational military family and magic is just weird man. But they’d still be supportive and get help with training Caster in their talents. (Which means getting Cheribu team to help wheee)
Nosedive - He gets shipped with my main Mary Sue OC Duluna L’Orange. She’s Duke’s younger sister by MANY years. Very much the ray of sunshine with a cynical storm cloud ship. Of course Nosedive did have his cynical moments in the show too, maybe that's what they bond on lolol. Nosedive was very ‘love on first sight’ with Duluna while she took awhile to begrudgingly like him and then fall in love over time. They’re both opposites in a lot of ways but then end up getting together by some miracle from hell. Duluna does realize he can be brave and sweet and does like him dragging her to things like amusement parks and actually having some fun. 
They have a daughter named Mercedes after she’s practically born in Phil’s Mercedes on the way to the hospital. Ruined his car’s interior. A sign of things to come. She pretty much looks likea  carbon copy of her Dad but with mom’s black hair and green eyes. Mercedes gets spoiled by her Dad ALOT. Nosedive is clearly the YES parent while Duluna is the NO parent. Not that Duluna is no fun but also not wanting her daughter to get hurt be it physically or emotionally. Just a little bit protective. Weh.  
Mercedes turned out being like Nosedive but amped up 110%. And Duluna and Duke made the mistake of teaching her sword fighting lololol. She’s very much a combo of her parents will all of their pluses and their faults. SWEATS. 
When Mercedes is older, even though she has a good relationship with her parents, she didn’t go to them first to be like “Heyyyyy, so I’m kinda seeing this Saurian and also he’s Dragaunus’s son….” She still felt like she had to hide that from them for a while. SHE DOES TELL TANYA FIRST THO. lawd. 
Duke - So he’s shipped with @fluxchix OC Gallery who came to Earth with Chrono’s Galaxy Team. Gallery is a NERD like Tanya. Her and Tanya actually went to college together. Of course Tanya in college was still a kid being an overachiever. When the Galaxy team came to Earth Tanya vouched for Gallery knowing she could be trusted. I remember the canon team and Galaxy team were so sus of each other at first. Main team didn’t want Galaxy team to be another “Lucretia” situation. I do not know why the Galaxy team were suspicious of the canon team. Maybe because Canard not being there was OFF. and this other dude is wearing the mask of Drake Ducaine now. And they’re telling a LIKELY story of Canard ‘jumping’ off the ship because they needed to lose weight when uh- couldn’t the muscular guy just rip out some chairs maybe???? Gallery hacked Drake One for info it was great. Fun was had by all. 
ANYWAYS - Duke and Gallery end up hitting it off I’m assuming not as a serious relationship at first tho kinda hard to have a one night stand with someone when they live down the hall in the underground complex you live in so have fun with that. Gallery is not my char so It’s not my job to remember how she fell for Duke lulz.
Their first kid is named Luke and is technically the oldest of the 2nd Gen kids BORN on Earth. He has a good 5-7 years ahead of the others that get born on Earth later. He’s smart and techy like his Mom. But as he gets older he doesn’t seem to apply himself. But more of the  ‘genus kid gets burned out’ kinda vibe. Can have dry sarcasm and sometimes have a temper. (usually justified.) While Duke and Gallery are good parents, as Luke gets older he doesn’t share his negative feelings with is parents so they don’t really know what's 100% going on with him emotionally when he’s having a tough time. He does sometimes talk it out with Karma and used to with Tayshia a lot and later Maestro too. (I’ll get to them  sooon.)
Duke and Gallery’s second kid Mollisa. She’s the quietest of all the 2nd Gen kids. I wouldn’t say shy, but probably the only one of the core 2nd Gen Team that is introverted. Also smart with tech like her Mom. Luke was always supportive of her. And not surprised that she got the main tech person of the team position over him. But he’s sometimes bitter over it but isn’t mad at his sister about it.
Lucretia and Canard - They actually don’t stay together as a ship it was just a THING that oops made a kid lol. Mind you this is stuff I came up with in High School okay. But the idea was Canard was already imprisoned by some bad Saurians in Limbo. Lucretia ends up in the same cell as Canard and they’re supposed to be executed the next day. I headcanon that Canard had already had Tanya on his team when the Lucretia incident happened on Puckworld. So He knew who she was. ANYWAYS since they think it’s their last night alive they decide to screw it and screw. Lol. Then the next day I think the plot was that they actually escape because there are other Saurians that attack the Saurians that were holding them. They use the confusion of the civil fighting to get out of there. They end up traveling together for a bit and figuring out how this whole Limbo thing works. They find out there are different Saurian clans and some are seemingly good over others. There is one called Scale Way that are good and nice to wayward ducks in Limbo. There’s been more than just Canard and Lucretia in the past. 
They end up having a son and Canard asks to name him Wildwing after his best friend. Lucretia, instead of saying no to that, finds it ironic to name the kid after the person whos the reason she’s here and goes along with it. 
Long story short, Wing Jr. ends up not seeing his dad much because Canard spends his time traveling around looking for a way out of Limbo. Canard picks up his own little Saurian crew.  Lucretia stays with her son at a major hub town with her new Saurian boyfriend. Wing Jr ends up having some reality bending and illusion powers. Saurian boyfriend, Ricochet, ends up giving Wing Jr. the nickname Maestro which sticks because who names their child Wildwing. Terrible. Lucretia ends up being a good mom with some wine aunt vibes but really looking out for her kid. 
Maestro is deaf and his Saurian step dad teaches him saurian sign language, which he finds out later is much different from Puckworld sign language but that is a whole other story. Lucretia, since she is a good mom, is quick to learn the language too. He grew up to be a very sweet boy and very empathetic to everybody. 
Being exposed to like wild ether areas of Limbo is said to cause madness and Canard ends up getting a little weird. He learns from other shady Saurian sources that Maestro’s powers could make a gateway. Maestro is about 13ish at this time. Canard sets up some stuff for Maestro to make the portal out. The kid starts to do it for him but it starts to wear on him. Luc tells them to stop but Canard has one of his buddies hold her back. She ends up wiggling free and then pushing Maestro through his own portal and POOF - Maestro ends up in that storage room the Earth Mighty Ducks team keeps all the random things they get from villain battles. 
The Earth crew take instantly to Maestro but what throws him off is this. The people that knew Canard there think Canard was great and that Lucretia was a baddy. But Maestro grew up with Canard not being the quite right one and Lucretia being a great mom. So that's heavy. 
Tanya and Wildwing - I’ll be real with you, the main reason I shipped these two since I was 15 is because I read into some random things that happened in some eps where it seemed like Tanya had a crush on Wildwing.  Tanya was my fav character (I wrote about her way more than I did my main OC and Nosedive) and if she liked Wildwing I was gonna get her Wildwing lol. 
They both has insomnia and are up brainstorming strategies to get Dragaunus. And in the process of being the two teammates together all the time they ended up dating and then together and then married okay AWWH TRUE LOVE. 
They have a daughter name Tayshia, named after Tanya’s mom even though she didn’t have the best relationship with her mom.  She has the positives of both her parents and does not seem to have the negatives of them. BUT  Sometimes good parents have jerk ass children.  
When Tayshia as an adult becomes leader of the 2nd Gen team, she ends up being a very harsh and cold decision maker on the battlefield. Now, she wasn’t made leader cuz her dad was leader. All the kids were taught all different skills by different adult team members of the team and saw what they got an interest in and let them build on what they were best at. They had trials and all that stuff to see who was best fit, and it ended up being Tayshia. 
The reason Tayshia starts out her leadership rather jerky is, since she was a kid she internalizes the stress she sees Tanya and Wildwing in. Wing and Tan never even purposely said anything around Tayshia but like most kids they know more than you think and pick up on things. She drove herself to perfection because she felt now it was her obligation to deal with the Saurians. Even though Tanya and Wildwing NEVER directly said this to her. She just stressed herself out on her own. 
With time though and kinda co-leading with Luke and Karma she does get better. Once she realizes she doesn’t have to hold the burden to herself.
Tanya and Wildwing end up pretty much taking in Maestro when he appears. Tayshia considers him to be her sibling and he feels the same. Canard was Wildwing’s best friend so he’s happy to take him in. Also, Wildwing can share with him good stories about Canard since Canard wasn’t quite himself in Limbo. Tanya also knew Canard a short time in the resistance, and also technically knew Lucretia a short time too. The whole TEAM does their best no to talk badly of Maestro’s mom, they know it's complicated. 
Tanya and Wildwing also take in Rex, Dragaunus’ son, at some point too. They don’t really RAISE him as much as they did Maestro. Rex was already in his late teens. He willingly left the Saurians because hey he didn’t like it there and also he and Mercedes were having a THING. His mom was a Saurian known as Tracey who had it out for Tanya. That's a whole other long story. Tracey could shapeshift like Chameleon but do it much better most of the time. Rex can also transform but his duck form is very red tinted. 
Unlike with Maestro, the whole larger earth team (including a lot of OCs at this point) aren’t as accepting with Rex. But Tanya and Wildwing had seen him in fights with the Saurians and know he seemed to let them escape and be more helpful than attacking. Also Wraith as Rex was growing up kinda realized this kid wasn’t gonna fit in around them and started telling him stories about a Saurian group called Scale Way that were defending the ducks during the great war. Wraith always seemed a bit grey area disgruntled worker and man if the Boss’ son wanted to defect well I’ll push him that way. There was actually a concept with Wraith being a triple agent but that's a WHOLE other story too. 
Whole other point to this is Tanya thought she would be a bad mom and then pretty much all of 2nd Gen calls her Aunt Tanya and tells her stuff they might in in trouble with before telling their own parents. Lol. Of course Tanya tells Wildwing everything when they’re on their own and they often have a good laugh about it. Ha.
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aita-blorbos · 1 month
AITA for double-crossing a man who blindly conquered half a continent?
I (M30) recently became Emperor of my country. Prior to that, I was a Duke, having inherited the position at a young age after my father's passing (he was not a good man, and I have no sympathy for him). A few years ago our country was accused of murdering the heir to another country's throne, an act we did not commit. I suspect it was a certain underground group that I am (unfortunately) entangled with. We went to war, and most of our men were sent to the front lines. Not long after that, the country bordering us to our southwest attacked and kidnapped a noblewoman.
This is where S (M25) comes in. S was childhood friends with this noblewoman, as their dutchies border each other. S set out with a small band of men (including my half-brother (M23)) to rescue his dear friend. This spiraled into S annexing that country by complete accident. The youngest prince of said country ended up joining him, and I believe there was intent to rebuild and give power back, but things never got that far.
The crown was so impressed with S that they stationed him at the border their country and ours, as well as a third to the north. A civil war broke out in that third country and S rushed up to assist his old classmate. Once again, it ended with our country occupying theirs. S and the crown agreed to stay for a year until an agreement was reached. It did not last. The king of said country grew impatient and began an assault six months in.
It was around this time I met my wife, D (F23?). She had amnesia and could not remember anything from her prior life. I suspected foul play. But I could not keep my heart from falling for her-- she is the sweetest, most beautiful woman you will ever meet. We found out later that she was the lost granddaughter of our king, and that whoever married her was next in line for the throne. I must admit, the thought of becoming king made me giddy, but I assure you I married her for love.
Also around this time, two of the other dukes killed the crown prince and framed S's father for the crime. S and his company fled to a neutral country in the north that gave them sanctuary. To no one's surprise, S managed to get himself involved in that country's civil war as well.
S sent word of his innocence to the capital, as well as a plea to help locate his missing wife. I had a hunch I knew who it was-- my beloved D. With my engagement confirmed to her, I realized I had to make a move. I invited him back under the pretense of forgiveness. He brought his company back. I sent my aide to fetch them. She lead them right into our trap. I brought out D to test my hypothesis, and I was correct-- S cried out for his wife, who failed to recognize him. D tried to speak with him but I had her rushed back to the castle. I set S ablaze, and my men massacred his.
I know my actions were rather harsh. D was distraught for weeks without knowing quite why. I will never dare tell her what happened, for I do not want her to hate me. My half-brother disappeared after the battle and has not contacted me since, and I fear for him. Yet I did this all in the name of a better future.
In the time since I became Emperor, I have established many policy changes aimed at bettering the life of the commonfolk. These changes are all in their infancy, but we have seen an improvement in the general quality of life, as well as had many members of the gentry rise to ranks otherwise unachieved.
S was a good man, but he blindly supported a system based solely on the merits of the nobility and never questioned the impact his actions had on the commonfolk. For him to become king would have been a disaster. Perhaps in another world he could have lived, but not in mine.
Edit: Yes, D is doing fine now. We are expecting a child! Some of the doctors say it may even be twins.
Edit Two: Regarding the group I am involved with, it is not a willing relationship. It is blackmail. One of my plans for my rule is to shake them from my grasp while also leading my country to a more tolerant future. It will take a lot of effort, but perhaps by the time I die I will see my efforts come to pass.
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