#the three jump pillars
stillness-in-green · 1 year
Wait wait wait if spinaraki is one of three pillars what are the other two
(Re: my tags on this post.)
Ahahaha, well, actually, what I was referring to there was my quip about betting on friendship in a Shonen Jump manga—one of the three pillars of Shonen Jump:
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If you google those three terms + Shonen Jump, you can find more in-depth discussion, but basically, they're the themes that manga serialized in SJ generally aim for, not necessarily because it's a strict editorial mandate or anything, so much as because those are just viewed as the most key themes that make a Shonen Jump manga—well, a Shonen Jump manga. This sense of identity accounts for a lot of the traits of the “Shonen Jump main character” archetype, as well as the expected presence of “nakama”-type characters, and plenty of other tropes that you might think of as being synonymous with shonen manga in general.
The importance of this ethos factors into some of my frustrations with Deku, actually. While he had to put in lots and lots of hard work in the early parts of the manga, since acclimating to OFA, there’s been considerably less Effort going into his victories.  It’s part of the conflict between his relationship with his classmates and the secrecy All Might demands, too, a tension that comes to a head in the Deku vs. 1-A fight, but that doesn't really continue on to a better place, I don't think.
If you look at where the three tenets are in that fight, it’s clear from the beginning who’s going to win.  Deku might be putting in Effort, but so are the rest of the kids, and it’s really obvious where the Power of Friendship is between the kid trying fiercely to go it alone vs. nineteen kids working together for a single goal and with the value of their bonds burning in their hearts.  Effort + Friendship = Victory, see?
Even after having proven the supremacy of friendship-based teamwork, though, the characters in-universe (especially the adults) continue putting Deku on this pedestal as the character who'll solve their Shigaraki problem and the kids just kind of—let this happen.
Well, I could elaborate on that more, but EH. That's not why I nor you are here. So to refocus, one of the things that makes the League of Villains so interesting and unique as SJ villains go is how they interact with the three pillars. Villains don't, as a general rule! A key part of having protagonists that express Friendship, Effort and Victory is contrasting them against villains who express the opposite of those things. And, indeed, many villains in BNHA work in exactly that way: AFO has to work for very little, Overhaul is very much not here to make friends (though some of his minions are a different story; the trash trio are very interesting in this context), and so on.
The League, however, is different. That’s most clear in the My Villain Academia arc, with Shigaraki being emblematic of Effort, with hints of Friendship here and there, Spinner’s Friendship taking the form of devotion that powers his Efforts, and Twice being a beacon of both.  Mr. Compress’s faith and self-sacrifice (Friendship+Effort) are instrumental in the villains’ escape from Jakku.  Toga’s grief over losing Twice (Friendship) is pivotal in her endgame arc.  Dabi is pretty bad at the Friendship angle (it’s what most clearly sets him apart from the rest of the League), but he’s a monster when it comes to Effort, pushing through a lifetime of pain because giving up might as well mean dying (and dying absolutely means giving up).
Looking more closely at Spinner and Shigaraki, you can read large chunks of their character arcs through this lens.
Shigaraki starts the story as a cranky and entitled manchild, unpleasantly demanding towards the few people he’s close to; he also bails on USJ once the odds turn against him.  Having thus no Friendship to speak of and being disinclined to bother with Effort, of course he can’t obtain Victory.  His lack of determination is one of the things Deku critiques in their mall encounter; during the training camp, Kurogiri asks if he views the Vanguard Action Squad as merely pawns.  Losing AFO at Kamino deprives Shigaraki of his reset button, meaning he will need to put in more Effort to secure Victory, since there will be no one around to mitigate his defeats anymore.
In the Hassaikai arc, we see him develop an understanding of his team and begin to clarify his ideology, demonstratively opening up to Toga and Twice, and trusting in their Friendship and Effort as the basis of the plan that culminates in the highway attack.  A few months later, Gigantomachia pushes him to extremes like never before, with the place of belonging he offered Twice in particular being key in the League overcoming the MLA.
This arc of finding comrades (Friendship) and discovering the beliefs he’s willing to fight for (Effort) delivers him to a decisive victory (you get the gist) at Deika.
This arc is also why I find the possession plot so frustrating and underwhelming—Shigaraki being subjugated by All For One, his friends scattered and used, feels violently at odds with the way Shigaraki engaged with the three tenets up to this point.  Like, why did we even spend so much time on Shigaraki’s Efforts and Friendships if him spending two years and 85 chapters of the climax as a damsel thanks to AFO is all it was going to amount to?  So I’m very much hoping him taking back control will get us in a better spot going forward, even if I’m skeptical that it’ll be able to wholly undo the damage.
As to Spinner, his arc begins with him being inspired by Stain’s willingness to strive even when he’s one man against the whole world; this admiration of Effort is what leads Spinner to the League, while his sense that his Effort is being wasted is what drives his confrontation with Shigaraki in Chapter 220.  He’s struck to empathy after hearing Shigaraki speak of being empty, however, and seeing Shigaraki’s Efforts lead to Victory in Deika solidifies his loyalty (Friendship). That keen understanding of Shigaraki leads to him being able to wake Shigaraki at Jakku, avoiding a defeat if not securing a victory; his enduring loyalty then leads him into AFO’s hands.
In the last scene we’ve gotten of him thus far, all three tenets are on display: his dedication to Shigaraki drives him to power through heroic opposition and his own fragmenting mind to wake Kurogiri with a plea that’s based in his love of Shigaraki and the League; Kurogiri being woken is directly responsible for Shigaraki being returned to full power just as he also returns to his own mind.
Friendship mixed with Effort leads to Victory—that progression is what I was specifically thinking about when I said I felt pretty good about betting on Friendship in a Shonen Jump comic, and made the quippy tag about the three pillars.
That's the serious answer. See here for the funny/fannish one.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Okay, first of all, how are you? Hope you’re doing well! Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated- Second off, your Sunny fics? *chef’s kiss* so mainly, what if anybody made Sunny cry and Miguel had to find out about it? And Sunny’s trying not to make it seem like a big deal in order to keep Miguel from, you know, absolutely obliterating anyone.
Come on, Baby, Cry.
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((Miguel O' Hara X Female! Reader))
A/N: Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the compliment. All my readers? *Extra chef's kisses* I am very hydrated and I got so excited to write this for you and to add some angsty content lol. I hope you enjoy this and let me know if you are disappointed or if you love it.
A/N: I also wanna address two things before I post this too. 1) thank you so much to the anon who asked me to include translations for the Spanish phrases as I was honestly not thinking about doing that. I will do better to include the translations at the end of the fics. 2) There are gonna be some triggering topics explored in this one-shot so if you don't want to hear about near injuries to children or child loss, then I understand if you don't want to read it. Feel free to enjoy my other fanfics and here's the post where you can stay notified on happier Sunny and Miggy fanfics.
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Barely using (Y/N) ((Sunny is just their nickname, not their actual name.)), Female pronouns, PTSD, Mentions of Child Loss, Endangerment of a Child ((No children were actually hurt, just traumatized)), Trauma, Comforting, Fluff, Angry Miguel, and Google Translate Spanish.
The room fills with squeals and giggles as the chase between the chubby toddler and the jumping spider. Mayday swings her little self around the corridor as the young woman follows behind amused by how agile the little tyke was. 
‘Maybe she’ll make a good sidekick in the future.’ The smiling woman muses in her mind before a bloody image flashes in her mind. Shaking her head, she clears the idea out of her mind as Mayday reaches an open window. 
Her quick scream of horror as she accidentally swings herself out of the window causes the woman’s blood to run cold as she flings herself out of the window after her. “MAYDAY!”
The adrenaline coming from her heightened fear causes the whole thing to appear to be trapped in time as the spider woman falls with the screeching infant falling inches away. Tears clouded her vision as she shoots out her webbing to the pillars around them as the images of flames lick at her eyes. 
So many flames, and too many buildings at once. Screams and pleas from below as she tries to be there. They didn’t matter to her, not at that moment. The only one who mattered was him. Did he scream like that too or did he not even feel it?
Using her webbing, she quickly creates a hammock for Mayday to fall on a few feet from the ground, thankfully trapping the wailing infant so she can’t escape. Unfortunately, reality doesn’t set in time for the spider as she slams into the titanium flooring below, knocking the air out of her lungs.
Many spidermen gathered as they heard the commotion, but she could only focus her blurry vision above her as she tries to regain her sight. A familiar blur of bright pink swings up and grabs the ball of ginger hair in a muddled mess of cries. He quickly drops down to where the disoriented woman was splayed out below with the whimpering infant in his arms.
“Hey, Sunny, you alright?” Peter calls his friend. The damage didn’t look bad from the outside, but he was sure she had some nasty concussion with how she was looking at him.
Hobie crouches down beside the crumbled girl and carefully lifts her head up with one hand. “Oi, Sunshine, you there?” He mutters as he looks into her eyes. He holds up his hand and makes three fingers pop up. “How many fingers do you see, love?”
With a cough, the woman croaks out, “Three?” Her eyes begin to focus as her enhanced healing works out the stars in her vision. With the help of Hobie and Peter, she stands up with a whimper at the feeling of her shattered ribs forming back together. “Damn, I forgot that falling several feet actually hurt.” She attempts to joke despite her wheezing breath. The crowd around them laughs as Peter sighs in relief.
“Thank god, you’re alright.” Peter mourns as a glint of regret shines in his eyes. “I’m sorry for all this, Sunny. I shouldn’t have let her bring the web shooter here. She almost swings herself out of the window all the time and MJ told me that one day I won’t be there to help the next time it happens.” Mayday’s cries end as she sees her favorite play partner up and well as she shows off her gummy smile.
“Well, luckily I was here to save the day.” The disoriented spider muses as she returns the infant’s smile as the men chuckle. The crowd dissipates leaving the injured spider with her two friends.
“I’m still really sorry, P. I got distracted and didn’t see that the window was open.” She winces as she blames herself for being so neglectful.
“Don’t sweat it, kid. This little rascal will probably send me to an early grave with all the mischief she causes.” Peter jokes as he tickles his now roaming daughter, chuckling at her excited squeals.
“Good thing you don’t have a kid, Sunny.” Hobie chuckles. “You would lose them in a heartbeat.”
The bright atmosphere shatters as the woman abruptly pulls away from her friends. The men look at her confused until they saw the look in her eyes. The normal warm and inviting gaze that they all thrived under was gone, only a dark void was staring back at them. Their light now shining in hurt and sadness as memories cloud her mind. Her lip trembles in a tight line as tears begin to roll down her face. 
Hobie looks confused at the sudden shift, but Peter realizes something as he looked at his trembling friend. Her eyes burned with tears as they locked with his. She had a haunted look about her. It's a look only parents can ever understand and fear. The look Peter himself almost experienced. “Hey,(y-” Before Peter can comfort her, she activates her mask and turns invisible before running off, her muffled sobs leaving them speechless.
Hobie groans as he realizes two things. One, he just made the sweetest person in the world cry. And Two,...
Miguel is gonna kill him.
The warm glow of the portal illuminates the surveillance room as the blue spider steps out covered in a musty yellow goo. Lyla smirks as she observes the little chucks slipping onto the ground as Miguel attempts to dust off the slime from his large shoulders.
“Was your mission successful, boss?” The assistant snarks as she sends out a little robot to follow the annoyed Spiderman. The little bug-like contraption eagerly swallows up the disgusting mess Miguel left as he walks up to the platform. “The anomaly was captured and disposed of. Next time, warn me if William Baker is made of anything except sand.” He grumbles as the sound of the little robot annoyed him even more. 
“I’ll make a note of that.” The AI giggles as she downloads the mission info from Miguel’s gizmo. “Also ‘Miss Sunshine’ is here and she doesn’t seem too happy.” She says before fading out.
Miguel’s eyes widen upon hearing that his sunny partner was upset. She was never upset. Never. With concern eating away at him, Miguel shoots out a web and swings himself to the platform above. He lands softly as he sees the scene in front of him.
His sunshine sat in his usual seat in front of the monitor. Her costume was dirty with a chest compression brace wrapped around her ribs as her choked sobs wheeze out of her. Her mask was off as her head rested against the ice pack in her hand, her back leaned forward as her attention was focused on the image before her.
He already knew what was on the screen.
He knew that file name by heart just like how he knows Gabriella’s.
File SW-0001425
World 16457-0
Spider-Woman- (Y/N) (L/N)
Age of infection- 23
Occupation- Intern Medical Research Assistant in the Genetics Department of { REDACTED } working under Dr. {REDACTED}
Sacrifice: Ben (L/N), age 4, Son of (Y/N) (L/N), 1 year into being Spiderwoman
Cause of death: Blunt Force trauma and Smoke inhalation caused by a multi-location attack caused by { REDACTED}
Status of Universe: DESTROYED
On the screen, the laughing face of a younger Sunny shines as a chubby cheek of a baby boy with dark curls smooshes into hers. The faint sound of a child mimicking the smooch of a kiss can be heard as the overexaggerated gasp of the woman causes the toddler to squeal. “That was such a sweet kiss, Benny. Can mommy have another one?” The sweet voice soured the air as the sobbing woman mournfully watches her baby boy.
The baby she failed.
Miguel approaches behind her and slowly takes the mouse from her weak grasp. The broken woman sighs as she realizes her miggy is here with her now, but doesn’t turn to look at him as he pauses the video. Her baby’s matching eyes stare right back at her before Miguel turns the chair around to face him as his mask disintegrates. His eyes glow red under the light of the monitors as he searched her sore eyes. Her face was red with a noticeable bruise along the left side of her face. Tears and snot crusted over her soft features as her lips remained turned into a trembling whisper. Her pupil shone in self-loathing and searching for his comfort. He could tell that this episode isn’t just one of her low days, something happened.
Something happened and he wasn’t here to stop it.
Miguel closes his eyes as his hand caresses her cheek. The warmth of her flushing face nuzzling into his palm allowed him to ground his rage as he focuses his gaze back onto his beloved.
“Mi luz, ¿qué pasó?” He seethes as he looks deep into her eyes. 
She shakes her head as she tries to avoid looking into his concerned ruby gaze. The glass bridge was already cracked as she internally debated with sobbing everything that happened into his warm embrace or to protect her friend from the wrath she knows Miguel will unleash if he knows what was said. The warmth of his other palm cupping her cheek, guiding her to a wandering eye to look at his frowning face nearly broke her.
“It was nothing, Miggy…”She whispered as her voice trembled again. She tried to control her eyes from unknowingly confessing while she tries to bite the wobbling pout. “It was an accident…”
“What.” Miguel runs his thumb under her abused mouth as a piece of her disheveled hair was swept back. “Happened?” His demand is punctuated as he holds her in his stare. His eyes burned with barely contained fury and protectiveness as he studied her reactions. “Odio verte como la suya, mi amor.” He admits with a sigh.
Leaning forward, Miguel places a firm kiss on her forehead as his beloved’s breath shudders at his touch. The gentle heat under his touch left her trembling as the glass began to crack. “Let me ease your pain…” He whispers as he trails his kisses down to her eyelids. “These eyes are meant to be filled with happiness, not sorrow…” The cracks deepen as he gently kisses her nose. “I can’t undo what has happened…” The corners of her lips were caressed by his as his nose brushed against her cheeks causing her eyes to meet his mirrors. Her sorrow and helplessness are reflected in his ruby eyes as he kneels on the ground between her legs. A silent plea breaks the resolve she built as he mutters into her ear.
“Please, mi sol, at least let me feel your pain too…It's me and you against the universe remember…Por favor no me dejes solo ... No quiero perderte de nuevo.” He begs as the tension shatters. 
With her arms snaking around his shoulders, the little spider confesses all that happened hours prior into his ear. Each detail, each scar, burned into his mind as she clung to his neck and hair. His inferno of rage almost imploded until he looked back into her eyes again. The relief of letting go of all of her troubles made her face look years younger as she looked at him with her big vulnerable eyes. 
Hobie will have to wait. His love needed him now.
In a silent nod, Miguel wrapped her weak legs around his waist before he stood up. Feeling her snuggling into his throat, he carries her toward her room down the hallway while the annoying robot follows them to clean up the mess. As he enters the room, he releases some of his anger by smashing the bug with his foot. 
“What was that, Miggy?” She croaks as she weakly tries to look over his shoulder.
“Just a bug,” He sighs as he approaches her dresser and grabs his spare set of clothes from his drawer. “You want your clothes or mine?”
“Yours…” She shyly admits as he feels the heat returning to the cheek on his neck. 
“Muy bien, niña bonita. Lo que quieras.” He whispers as he grabs another set of clothes that he knows will swallow her. With that, he carries them into her personal bathroom and spent the night slowly bringing back his sunshine.
A deep scream rings out through the Lobby as they see a flash of blue fury tackles the residential metal head into the ground. Peter hurries to save his colleague along with a few other Spidermen as Mayday laughs at the anarchist getting thrashed by the clawed man spewing Hispanic curses at him.
Mi luz, ¿qué pasó? - My light, what happened?
mi sol - my sun
Por favor no me dejes solo ... No quiero perderte de nuevo. -Please don't leave me alone...I don't want to lose you again
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
Can you do a story where the reader died? And sukuna’s reaction
As Jesus once said “Someone has touched me”
In this case, I was working on “Sealed” when I got hit with this. I refuse to be moved until I finish this ask There's another question similar to it and I wanna do it also but I was inspired after reading an article on a man whose wife died. I was moved, inspired! My heart ached and for that we all need to ache 😔🤍
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Inside the temple Sukuna had built himself for your family, it took him years to perfect every room, every arch, every window until he was pleased to bring you here. It was a flat mountain top he had carved using his own technique, it was beautiful, secluded. Far away from the dangers of humans and sorcerers, you had finally convinced him, your soft voice, laying on his chest in the middle of a summer night. Fingers pulling at his robes in a nervous fidget, his arm tucked behind his head the other wrapped around you. One foot hanging off the hammock pushing you both back and forth when you spoke up “Ryomen… what would you say if I said I want to move away from here, from the village, to someone where no one can bother us.” You sat up looking down at him with a smile, his face was straight but his eyes were amused following you, “we could start a family far far away so no one could ever hurt them! We could have a son or a daughter! Or two boys or two girls, or one of each, or if you want three or four I wouldn’t mind but…” you looked around before you looked at him feeling his hand on your side, thumb rubbing slowly against your side, you smiled at him “ I just want a family with you, I life with you.” He closed his eyes letting his head fall back against the cushions you’d brought earlier, “I’ll see what I can do.”
It wasn’t long after Sukuna was levelling a city for pure enjoyment, that he saw a ridge of mountains. He thought of you, coming home to you to tell you that he found the perfect place for you to have your silly little family… he stopped his attack on the city waltzing over to the ridge, he spent weeks away from you, away from his home to perfect the biggest mountain behind the ridge. Levelling it, carving out land to give you a little stream he knew you’d love. Pulling together everything, making the survivors of the village work for their lives bringing him the material to build a home for you. Every time he came home to you he never let a world slip of his endeavours instead he’d hold you close listening to the things you’d done in his absence. Finally months had passed and he woke you up early one morning taking you with him on what he called a very special day. You assumed he would be conquering another city and that he just wanted you by his side. Yawing you leaned against him wanting to just sleep where you stood. Sukuna rolled his eyes supporting your weight before he picked you up entirely, “‘m tired kuna.” He held you tighter against his chest, “I know, we’ll get there soon.”
It was early afternoon when Sukuna made it to your new home. Uraume was behind both of you, Sukuna tried to wake you up only for you to bury your face into his chest. He hummed amused, bouncing you in his arms, “y/n, get up or I’ll drop you.” You groaned trying to get out his grip, he let your legs drop supporting your back as you steadied yourself. Looking up you were blinded by the sunlight, holding up your hand you tried to block out the sun. Sukuna moved you into the shadows and you saw it, the big wooden doors and the white marble walls and pillars. You moved closer up the stairs touching the door pushing it open. You turned around, the big smile on your face and your teary eyes led you to run at Sukuna and jump into his arms. He held you against him letting you cry against his chest and neck, “Ryomen” he was confused why you were crying so loudly. But he held you rubbing his hand on your back. “Ryo…” your whispered cries against his skin made him hold you tighter. He tilted his head pressing his nose to the top of your head, “What’s wrong princess?”
“I need to tell you something,” you let your hands slide down his chest when you slipped from his hold. He held your face in his hands looking down at you, his eyes were searching yours for anything before he leaned in closer his lips ghosting yours, “Tell me.” You did your best to smile “I’m pregnant.” Your smile dropped when you saw the way he looked at you, eyes wide and his mouth was open just slightly, his forehead met yours and he closed his eyes. His hands slid down to your sides, he squeezed you slightly, you brought your hands up to his face wiping the stray tears away with your thumbs, you laughed lightly “Ryo…”
“Y/n, cmon.” Sukuna tried to pull you out of bed, your body was weak as you tried your best to get up. Sukuna ended up dragging you with him to get you into a chair. He was scared shitless, ever since the bump in your stomach started to show you looked pale, weak. You couldn’t walk on your own and you slept more.
He’d take you out to the sun to sit in the grass by the stream. Your trembling fingers picking flowers talking to Sukuna about how you couldn’t wait for your child to see these beautiful flowers. Your tears had found a permanent place in your eyes, never falling but always present. Leaning against him, you never saw how he’d dig his hand into the dirt trying to get a grip of life, his reverse cursed technique no matter how often he tried to help it never really helped. You didn't need Jujutsu healing, you needed human help.
He felt hopeless but he decided even if he had to hand carry you over those mountains he would do it. That night he bundled you up in a blanket laying you on the bed. He told Uraume to pack anything they would need, that night when you were asleep he picked you up bridal style the way he carried you into your house he carried you out. He held you close, never letting you shake, making sure you never felt cold. He did his best taking a worn path that went around the mountain ridges. It would be days before you made it to the city, but he held on tight, looking at your face, how your eyes would just barely open to see him, that faint smile on your lips, the tears in your eyes finally falling. When you told him you were sorry, he was enraged it wasn’t your fault, his throat was tight and he fought back the tears in his eyes. Chest shaking when you fell asleep that night in his arms, he refused to rest pushing forward for the third day. It was sunrise when he found an opening by a river, he settled down helping you sit on a large flat stone. Your hand came up to touch his face, he closed his eyes feeling your cold fingers rub the dark circles under his eyes. He brushed the back of his hand over your cheek before brushing stray hairs back out of your face. He dropped to his knees pressing his head against your stomach, he could still hear the heartbeat. You guided his face up, kissing him and telling him, “You’ll be okay Sukuna, let’s just go for a short walk please.”
He helped you up, both of you moving slowly up the beaten path to the top of a hill. There was a willow tree and stone around Sukuna’s height at a pool of water that trickled down the hill side. You moved closer to it, “look you can see our home from here.” You leaned against him and he held you tight in his side, “Our home.” His chest had that same ache and sickness when your breathing evened out and eventually stopped. He slowly felt your bodily slipping in his hold, the tears forming in his eyes as he slumped to the ground holding your body. You were just coming near 4 months, there was no doubt in his mind it wouldn’t make it even if he had the heart to pull him out. He slowly folded over, hugging your body while he trembled. His eyes were forced closed, jaw clenched and tears started to fall, he started to scream, a raw horrifying scream that scratched his throat and vocal cords. His nails pressed into your skin when he took in air and let out another scream Uraume was standing a ways off head bowed, his open eyes staring at the ground, Sukuna was emitting emotions of distress so strongly he could feel them resonating inside himself. His Lord's screams were desperate, full of angst and rage. He watched how his Lord’s face changed, how the cursed presence around him became far more intense. He watched Sukuna lay your body down carefully tucking your hair away. His hand running over your stomach, that was the last time he ever saw Lord Sukuna look at any woman without malice, without annoyance, without intent to kill.
He was screaming and tearing the world to its core, he levelled the city that night he levelled the entire mountain ridge. The beauty of this forsaken land wouldn’t be allowed to exist if it took your life. The land was left in shambles and the city was in fear they would be next when they saw his hulking figure standing on the hill where he left your body staring down at them. It was an elderly woman who tried to approach before Uraume stepped in threatening to end her for getting too close. She saw how Sukuna held your body against him, your stomach bump was evident in your robes. He sat back against the stone, the old lady didn’t leave. She watched how Sukuna cradled you, a hand never leaving your stomach, he looked dead, he was tired, his hands were bleeding.
“It happens all the time, people die travelling to get around those mountains looking for some form of help. There is no consolation for death, you’ll only ever mourn when you think of her young man. But if you do love her, remember her in every instance even if it brings you pain. You don’t know this but in one day you’ll have managed to save more generations to come by levelling those forsaken mountains. What’s beauty at the price of death?”
Sukuna never looked at her, he sighed. He sat there for days. Sending Uraume in his way to the temple, the old lady never returned. He buried you under that willow tree. And he carved your figure into that stone opening the water way so the trickled became a waterfall, in your stone arms he made sure there was a bundle hugged to your chest. He stood under that tree the droplets of water running down his face from the vines mixing in with the tears that fell from his face, void of emotion he truly had nothing left. He went without eating, every time Uraume would urge him to head he’d say he wouldn’t eat without you he’d rather starve. Inside your broken him he sat in the same chair slouched staring at the fireplace in your shared room. His fingertips tingling at the memory of tracing your skin when you’d sit on his lap hugging him whispering your plans to the future. When he walked the cold halls he saw everything you’d used to decorate. The wilted Sakura branches you put in a vase long ago now dry twigs in vases. The flowers outside being overtaken by weeds, it made him sick seeing the nursery you had persistently decorated even in your frail state.
He never starved to death because that day he had become a full fledged curse he ripped out his heart burying it in your chest when he buried you. You were the holder of his heart, the only, and you would only ever be the only one.
Centuries had passed when Sukuna found himself reincarnated in the iconic teenage boy Yuji Itadori. He materialised on his cheek to insult the boy for stating a young woman for too long. “Hey brat do you really think staring a woman like that…” until he saw her, his voice went quiet. Eyes wide mouth agape, if we’re in control he’d have run over to see if it was you. It was almost an exact copy of you, that same damn smile that made him slip into madness all those years ago, those eyes that held a light even in death. But her scent, there was a hint of your sweet scent but it was almost non existent, she had to be a descendant of your family. Aside from that hint she smelled putrid like every other human. Every memory of the years you spent with him, he thought to himself ‘she reminds me of better times when you were alive…’ he quickly disappeared from Itadori's cheek, leaving the boy puzzled. There he sat on his throne, slumped, head resting against his fist, one leg kicked out the other resting normally. His face was void of emotion, except for the single tear his free hand caught with his pointed nail, “After all this time it’s you who haunts me hm?” He let out a dry laugh, the stray tear clinging to the tip of his nail, watching before it dropped over his chest where he had so brutally ripped out his own heart.
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Permanent! Tags: @sakuxxi @mercymccann @certainduckanchor @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare @ynjimenez @simpforyoubitch @domainofmarie @dolliira @ilovemybabies378
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moonlesslights · 1 year
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader.
a little lovely thing for you, loves <3
any comment about it is appreciated!
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After a long day dealing with all of the problems being the head of the Spider Community brings with it: catching bad guys and having to be realistic with the good ones just in order to protect them, even if the truth hurt them when he whispers it in a harsh voice after he looses all patience; Miguel found himself, looking at his reflection on the screen of one of the computers, tired.
His eyes wander to the wall next to him. 10:37pm. It is still rather early, most of the people and creatures in the building are probably still awake, and it is still three hours away from the hour he usually goes to bed too. But right now he knows he won’t make it till then, he has so much stuff to do, so much to worry about but his brain can only focus in one thing, can only tell him he needs one and only one thing right now. And it’s your fault.
He grunts when he jumps from the platform all the way to the floor, fighting with his own emotions and his desperation to get out of there. He is mad at himself for the way he’s acting, for the feeling of his body looking for yours… But he can’t do any more today, he knows what he needs and if he stays here like this he knows he won’t get anything done anyway.
Miguel walks out of his “cave”, as you used to call it, and goes on his way, swinging around a couple of times on his web and crawling some more across the diagonal pillars of the building to get where he was sure you were going to be right now. Because it wasn’t like he would often turn on the cameras on one of his holograms and played to look for you till the point of unconsciously knowing your favorite places to hang out by now. Of course not.
He’s so deep in his thoughts that when he finally hears your laugh just a few meters away, his heart skips a beat. And although his face doesn’t show any particular emotion when he walks up to you and your friends, he’s internally fighting with himself again for the whole situation. What was he doing here? Why is he acting this way? What was he thinking?
“Miguel?” You raise an eyebrow at him, he can see the confusion on your eyes but he especially takes notice of how you smile still, happy to see him. Happy to see him.
“Night.” He announces his presence, walking closer to you. The people around, which isn’t much, smile nervously at him, while some others seem unbothered by the new arrival. He looks at you for a moment and he doesn’t say a single word before taking you by the wrist and announcing again: “Night.”
“No, what? Wait… Miguel!” You look back, confused at his actions. You try to plant your feet on the ground and stop the both of you, but he easily continues to drag you across the floor and soon enough, taking you by the waist despite your insistence in questioning where were you’re going, swings you around in quick and confident movements till the noise of the whole building starts to be left behind.
You sigh and let the right side of your face rest against his shoulder. Surrendering to his actions and judgement.
He appreciated that, he liked it so much more than he wanted to admit. How you relax when you’re with him, how you trust him almost blindly, how you know, without him having to say a word, that he won’t hurt you. No matter what he did or how he acted without giving you an explanation, you trusted he would always have a plan. And even if he said to himself that he didn’t need anyone, he can’t deny —he can’t understand— how much he enjoys looking around a room after a particularly hard situation to find your eyes on him, the only ones that are never scared, the only ones that keep shining in trust… He doesn’t know what he would do if that ever changes.
If he reaches to touch you and you step back. If he calls your name and you don’t turn back. He has imagined, a couple dozen times, different scenarios, with you covered in blood, with you inside this very building, with you alongside someone else, but always the same eyes: like a rabbit staring at the fox baring his teeth, terrified, trembling. He always has to look for you after that image takes over his mind, almost convincing him it could be real. He can’t find himself at peace as he erratically opens and closes his hands, until you appear before him, smiling with so much warm that he can’t imagine, he won’t imagine, another emotion in your face than this one, where he reaches out for you and you don’t step back, where he calls your name and you turn around, where he can have you in between his arms for as long as he wants now, closing the door to all of the problems of the world outside.
You take his hand when he finally steps you down, guiding you across the dark hall to his room. You remain in silence but you can hear the thud of his heart beating inside his ribcage. You’re sure he knows you can hear it. You’re sure he can hear yours too.
As he opens the door and lets you get inside the room first, you relax almost instantly. His scent fills your lungs, making the air feel lighter at the very second your take in the first breath.
“Get comfortable.” He says in a neutral voice without even looking at you, and you know exactly what he means.
As he takes off his suit you walk to his closet. You take one of your favorite t-shirts of him to put on once you got rid of your own suit. It was fresh and it brushes your skin deliciously when you put it on, like cold water after a warm day under the sun.
You jump in the bed the moment he removes the cover, humming in content when you feel the cool blankets under you. Miguel lifts one of the corners of his mouth, his eyes are still tired but you can see that soft glimmer one can only take notice of in the dark, if you pay attention, where you can see how much he’s trying, how much hope he’s still guarding inside his own heart.
He climbs onto the bed with one knee, and lets his weigh fall onto his elbows first before finally letting himself rest on top of you with a soft grunt caused by the sore of his muscles. He buries his face on your chest, right between your breasts, closing his eyes almost immediately, easing in the feeling of your skin against his own. One of his hands lifts up, waving its fingers in the air. You laugh at his action, shaking your head.
“You could use your voice to tell me what you want.” You chuckle right above his ear, sending a pleasant shiver all across his body.
“Please?” He asks like he’s not sure of the use of that word.
You smile, lifting your hand and intertwining it with his. Only then, his brows relax, letting both of your hands fall back onto the bed, caressing your skin with his thumb running up and down in a tender swing.
“How are you?” You ask in a soft whisper.
“Better now.” He answers and you can’t not even begin to comprehend how much he means those words. He doesn’t know if he wants you to do it. One step out of the door and he looses the only thing that makes him human. “How are you?” He asks back, this time turning his head up to look at your eyes.
You chuckle. “Never better.” You tilt your head, allowing him to see that warmness in your eyes only reserved for him. His jaw clenches at the sole thought of someone else holding you like he does. He can’t allow it. He knows the implications of your having a whole life on your own universe, of someone waiting to steal you from him. He doesn’t think he could go over the fact of seeing you marry someone else… Well, now the thought of you walking down the aisle in white holding someone else’s hand has ruined his mood again. He frowns, looking down again. You laugh. “What was that face?! What is it?”
He doesn’t answer and you don’t wish to push him. He spends all the time being responsible of this whole place, having to be the voice of reason among all the others. You can’t blame him to act out all his foolishness when he’s alone with you.
After a couple of minutes with you running the fingers of your free hand along his hair, he finally drops out the words stuck on his throat:
“Choose me.” Not ‘stay’, not ‘don’t leave’, not ‘don’t go back’, but ‘choose me’. Even if you’re in another universe, even if we don’t see each other in months or years, even if we shouldn’t, choose me. “You’re free to leave, I would never ask you otherwise. But come back to me every time you do, please.”
“I know what I’m asking, but I promise I would never interfere with your duties in this organization nor anything in that matter. So choose to keep me by your side. So I… Fuck.” He buries his head even more, till the point his words are muffled by the t-shirt you’re wearing. “I might not survive. If… If you go. Y’know?” He says and you can tell how red his face probably is even without seeing it. “It won’t end well for me if you never come back from home.”
“Mhm…” You hum. “I see that that talk we had about opening to your feelings wasn’t in vain. You’re really putting on on practice…”
“Oh, c’mon.” He groans, turning around and trying to get up from his position, but your arms are quicker when you wrap around him, laughing out loud at his face.
“Come here, I’m kidding.” You smile, giving him a soft kiss on his forehead. Your hands start to draw figures on his back, with such tenderness he doesn’t have the strength to try to back up again. You take his chin and, after a few attempts, he finally gives in and looks at you. “This is home, Miguel.”
His eyes slightly widen at your words and his hands fight to cling to your body again, to bring your against him. Because it’s just never enough.
“Any love I have showed you, any love I show and give you from now on, is yours to keep.” You sigh. “I will not turn away, no matter how ugly things get. I will always find my way back to you.”
Miguel didn’t answered, three words were still dripping from his tongue, but what he felt for you was higher than what his voice could express, so he fell silent and took your face with his right hand and asked for permission with his eyes before kissing your smile. His lips against yours felt heavy and soft, you can feel his fear to hurt you in his careful movements, but you open your mouth, letting those three words slide in with his tongue brushing against yours like the sea crashes on the shore.
He drops his head to your neck, pushing with his thumb your jaw up, opening space for him to kiss and lick up in straight lines with his tongue. You wrap your legs around his waist, feeling him press against you. You haven’t taken this step yet, your intimacy grew from long nights talking and soft brushes of skin caressing skin, from mornings waking up beside each other, from the urgency to run to each other's arms, to hear your voice, to have his arms secured around you.
Miguel refused to take it any further because he thought, months ago, watching you sleeping curled against his chest, that if he tasted you whole, there wouldn’t be no turning back. It would be his perdition.
But now he realizes that even without doing that, his life would never go back to the same as it was before you appeared in front of him for the very first time. He doesn’t want it to be like that ever again. He knows, that from the moment he saw you, maybe even before that, one part of his soul tangled around you, and has refused to let go ever since. It belongs to her now. It had belonged to her since she was born. To be hers, to be his.
Maybe, he thinks as he takes both of your wrists above your head with one hand while the other caresses deeply on your hips as his fangs tease above your skin alongside his tongue and hot breath, it is time to go all the way in.
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donutz · 3 months
Yandere Smiling Critters x male child reader[pt. 2]
Requests from Tumblr and Wattpad—!, but not really
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(Minus the fact I didn't include you being turned)
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—☆You are a human in this
Sadly, you couldn’t stay here forever.
You are home now. Adopted. You did spend your time at Playcare for a couple of years though, everybody knew you, everybody in Playcare that is. The critters and kids knew you, the staff knew you, Miss Delight knew you.
So you had a mark on the place when it was time for you to leave. To get your own house. You were happy to get a home, but sad you had to leave your friends behind.
Maybe you could revisit this place again. Come back. But you couldn’t.
Something happened.
You don’t know what happened that day, but you guess it was something pretty bad. It caused the whole company to shut down. You no longer saw any commercials of the toys.
Rumors were spread around, maybe somebody died, maybe a toy hurt somebody, maybe.. Maybe an experiment happened.
Anyways. There was a letter. A letter in the mail, something that related to your old home. Find the flower?
Sure. Why not, you were seventeen, you can handle yourself.
Which is something you shouldn’t have ever thought, after what you’ve been through.
It’s been scary. You haven’t died yet, but death has wanted to shake your hand a few times.
You almost bumped your head on a metal pipe while passing through a dark hallway, nearly broke your leg because you wanted to jump off a platform, wanting things to go by faster.
You’ve been chased through vents, and ended up at a dead end. You didn’t know what to do. You almost got shredded. But, were spared.
“.. Huggy?” He stared at you, maybe he recognizes you, even after all these years.
He didn’t kill you. He let you down on the second level of the metal stairways with his arm, and went back to where he originally was.
Then you were solving puzzles, with a particular doll following after you.
But the doll got snatched up, by a spider. Mommy Long Legs. She did remember you, you were the one who wasn’t so good at the games..(for the sake of your life in this story)
But she thought you left her to die, so she still forced you to play the three games. The first game has Bunzo! He was hesitant to kill you, you were the kindest kid to him when you lived here.
And for the first time, you actually beat the game! He was so proud of you! He wasn’t proud of his unfortunate fate in the future, but at least he didn’t need to kill you.
Then the small Huggies. They also remembered you, so they were sparing you. You also beat that game! They were happy, letting out tiny purrs at your success.
Then Pj— Wait. Since when were you so good at these games? The last I checked, you failed every single one of them! Fine. I’ll just sabotage the game for you, to make sure you never leave.
You could see Pj coming out of his pug-a-pillar hole, and you were sweating a little. Hopefully he remembered you too.
He did, once he saw you he stopped in his crawling tracks, taking a pause. He missed your younger adorable face when he gave you a small bump on your back, signifying that the ‘game’ was over.
But he unpaused at the start of the music playing.
You escaped. Out of there. That’s fine. I could just chase you myself
Three chases. You got chased THREE times. How desperate was she to kill you?!
You were putting the blue hand on the scanner, when you heard Mommy’s quick steps towards you.
You looked behind you— Eyes widening from her abrupt appearance. For the fourth time.
The door opened! And.. Mommy got killed, by you, by your hands.
A hand crept out from the thin crevice of a metal door. It took Mommy’s left over body, to wherever. You didn’t know what it was. Where it took her. But thanked god(or not, depends on your thoughts) at the fact that you weren’t Mommy at this moment.
Now you are somewhere. The train crashed, and you could feel the back of your shirt being picked up. You were sliding down a pipe, into somewhere.
You don’t know where it was, but you needed to get out, fast.
Doing some parkour, you looked around, and saw a long tail(plus paws) crawling up inside a vent.
“... Catnap?”
You went through some doors, and ended up seeing where the crashed train was. Going somewhere, you could see the recognizable entrance you went to at age 5. The way to Playcare.
You could hear the sounds of steps. Hurrying up you went inside the much smaller train compared to the one you were originally in.
“My name is Elliot Ludwig.”
Hm. Those words you could remember.
“When you look around at the world today,” You repeated after him.
“what one thing do you think it needs more of?”
Even at seventeen years, you were still mesmerized by what was shown.
You looked down, and could see 3— no. Five creatures walking or crawling around, resembling the Smiling Critters.
Some of the critters could hear Elliot’s voice continue about Playcare, eyeing the moving train.
They saw your shadowed figure. Not knowing who you were. But a light is shown on your face.
Bubba, Dogday, Kickin, Hoppy, and Bobby saw your face. You’re back?
No. They must be seeing things. You were gone. Away from them.
But Dogday could recognize those eyes. Your skin, your curiosity, your hair(if your hair changed colors, or texture after growing up, then.. Yea, he still remembered you).
“Angel?” (Even if you didn’t really save him, he’s going to call you Angel. Because I needed a nickname for you. Y’know, because I can’t list every single name of the people who’re reading this?)
The other critters heard his whisper. … Maybe it was you.
The train stopped. But you were kind of scared, were they like Huggy or Mommy? Were they going to chase you down?
“Ah shit.”
‘Language.’ Dogday thought, dogs have good hearing y’know!
You were trying to find a way for two possible outcomes of being down here.
A) Try to make the train go back if the critters try to kill you
B) Somehow reminisce in meeting your old friends
B sounded a lot more better than A.
And.. B did happen!
The 5 critters went over to the train, while you were standing there. Waiting for whatever will happen to you.
Dogday crawled over to you, it was you! Your scent!
He gave you the biggest hug while his tail wagged(really fast, it’s kind of crazy).
He was still fluffy even after these 10 years.
“Angel I missed you so much—!”
You were trying to hug him back, but a little too scared because of the critters staring into your soul.
Dogday noticed their silence and spoke up—
“Guys! This is Angel!! You don’t recognize him??”
“I was thinking that it was him but I wasn’t sure…”
You were escorted out of the train, and were greeted by a bunch of animals pawing at you.
You couldn’t get a word in!
Picky, Crafty and Catnap came over, hearing all of the excited animal noises.
Now you were crowded by a bunch of animals. You were so tiny compared to them, so they had to be gentle.
So much noises were going on that even the smaller critters came over to see the commotion.
You were back home!
Now you can’t leave.
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idkfitememate · 6 months
Geovishap reader bothering Xiao and Zhongli perhaps?
It would be cute lol
WE HAVE THE FULL SET NOW YAY!!! ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
Both Zhongli and Xiao stared at the slightly larger and wee bit stronger looking Primo Geovishap that had been following them.
For four hours. Now usually, they would’ve killed you by now, especially seeing as you (despite the previous “wee bit” statement) towered over other primo geovishap, you just kinda… followed them around? Like a big ole puppy?
Zhongli then decided to test something.
The first thing that came to mind…
He summoned a pillar a little was away from the three of you, causing Xiao to look up in confusion.
You, however, ran your big ass all the way to the large pillar, RIPPED IT FROM THE EARTH IN YOUR MAW, and brought it back happily to the duo.
Holy shit.
You sat there, super fucking proud of yourself because maybe you made the duo proud of your super awesome strength, while they stood in shock and confusion at the situation.
You genuinely?? We’re acting?? Like a big fucking puppy?????
Xiao then also decided to run a small experiment of his own.
Summoning his spear, he launched it into the air. It was now Zhongli’s turn to look down, shocked.
You dropped the pillar, but instead of jumping for it, you sumMONED A GIANT FUCKING HAND OF GEO AND GRABBED IT OUT OF THE SKY. You then gently handed back the polearm to him :).
So when Xiao and Zhongli walked back into Liyue with you following close behind, they were totally ready to explain why you were staying.
You became the mascot for Liyue honestly. You’d deliver letters for people, you’d help set of carts, carry crates, more more etc etc.
And when need be, you’d kill- I mean harm treasure hoarders for the people :3.
You’d do anything to keep your new nation wide family safe.
Zhongli and Xiao (along with the other Adepti) are your main caretakers though!
Besides, no has to know what you’ve been doing to the men who try to rob people in the dead of night! No one.
Primo Geovishap!Creator normally: 😁
When you fuck with a single flower in Liyue: 😃🔪
Mmmm, Chaos Boar, Pampered Otter, Parental Tiger, Eepy Fox, and now Slightly Psychopathic Primo Geovishap. The gangs all here! ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
Hope you don’t mind I made em a Primo Geovishap, just thought I’d be funnier lol ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
Hi could I request a Xaden x reader where reader is super nice and kind of shy and is a marked one like Xaden. Possibly set during conscription day where Violet and Reader are in the same year and reader has to cross the parapet. Reader and Xaden are already in a pre-established relationship because they were in the same foster home.
Xaden x reader
A/n: This is so cute anon omg 🥹
Warnings: slight anxiety, some angst, and fluff
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Your heart was pounding as the end of Parapet grew closer and closer. The wind and rain making you wobbly on the narrow stone walkway. You would have lost your very small breakfast had it not been for the two kind girls in front of you. They gave you hope that the Riders Quadrant might not be terrible.
A few more steps. You can do it y/n, you're almost there and he'll be waiting for you, you thouught to yourself.
Two more steps, then you'll be on solid ground.
Violet jumped down. Immediately shaking from the adrenaline coursing through her body. You weren't ready for that and the nausea that would over come you. But you couldn't stay up here forever.
Without looking up from the ground you could feel Xaden's gaze on you. Leaping down onto the gravel you let out a deep breath. "Name?" A deep, familiar voice asks. Looking up at the man you love and have been separated from for two years your eyes sparkled. Tears threatened to spill out. You had to hold it together or you'd be targeted by whoever hates Xaden.
You could see it in his eyes that he wanted nothing more than to pll you into a tight embrace. Xaden bit back that boyish grin you knew all too well.
"Y/n y/l/n." He wrote it down, telling you to wait in the courtyard with the other cadets. You set out to find Rhiannon and Violet, wanting to make sure they were doing ok after one of the most stress inducing tasks you had ever faced.
After being put into your squads you started heading off to the dorms. Along with Violet and Rhi, you had been put in Fourth Wing, which to your relief, Xaden is Wing Leader.
Xaden grabbed your arm pulling you aside in the rotunda. You looked up at him as he tilted his head toward one of the massive pillars away from prying eyes. You followed until the two of you were covered by shadows. Once Xaden made sure you couldn't be seen he scooped you into his arms kissing you fiercely. Pouring all his emotions and love that he had bottled up for over two years.
Breaking apart an eternity later you rest your hands flat against his strong chest. Good gods! How much muscle had he gained since getting to Basgiath. You knew he was trained from his teenage years by your foster family, but still.
Xaden cradled your face in his large hands. You felt the callouses he had earned from training over the years. Gods you want those rough hands all over your body. To get reaquanted with every curve and crevice he left behind.
Your boyfriend stared deeply into your eyes. Like he was making sure his memories of you were correct. His thumb ran across three little freckles on your top lip that had shown up just after he left. Xaden let out a breathy laugh. "Those are new. So cute, so you." He breathed out. You smiled again. Letting the tears pricking your eyes flow now that you were alone.
"I missed you so much Xaden." You say softly just for him. He let his tears go at the sound of his name on your lips. "I read all of your letters over and over again." Xaden pulled you flush against his chest again, resting his head on yours.
"I missed you too my love." You gripped his tunic so hard your fingers started to cramp. You just couldn't imagine letting him go now that he was infront of you again.
Reluctantly pulling away Xaden held you by your shoulders to see all of you. "Are you ok? Did anyone give you trouble?" You lightly shook your head. "No, but I think I made friends. The two girls I stood with in formation." Xaden nodded slowly. He looked as if he was debating telling you a big secret that was killing him.
"Stick with them. I'm glad you're in my wing, that way I can protect you." You nodded, giving him another smile. Gods you were too kind and delicate for the Riders Quadrant. He should've fought harder to have you put in with the healers. Unfortunately General Sorrengail wouldn't budge on her decision.
Xaden lightly traces your relic on the side of your neck. A shiver runs through your body making you giggle. Xaden melted. He missed that sound. He missed you.
"Just keep your head down, stick to who you can trust - especially Liam - he'll watch you. We'll get through this ok." You nod again. It felt like that was all you could do. You still didn't trust your voice. If you tried to speak you'd probably burst into hysterics.
Xaden started walking you to the dorms. He drops your hand putting his arms behind his back. "When you get your own room I can come and see you. For now we'll just have to the day time."
"I'll take what I can get with you." You sigh. Xaden stops halfway down the hall. "I have to go, but I'll see you at dinner." "See you at dinner." Xaden gave you one last longing smile before turning on his heel, heading back down the hall.
Taking another deep breath you push the door to the dorms open. It was loud. People talking, making friends, and fighting over who's bunk is who's. You immediately spot Rhiannon and Violet. They were fierociously guarding three beds. Violet makes eye contact with you, a smile gracing her lips as she waved you over.
You rush over to the girls, throwing your pack on the bed they saved for you. "Thank you." "We didn't want you to miss out." You smiled at the two girls as you all started to set up your beds.
Something told you this wouldn't be so bad. And that this squad is where you're supposed to be.
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Pick Your Romance Starter- Dark Fae Addition
Plot/Story: Oh no, you've fallen into the Fae Realm through a circle of mushrooms. How convenient, I mean inconvenient! And look, there's some hot Fae men wanting you're attention...how so very clique. But they're not all flowers and sunshine. That would be too damn easy, wouldn't it?
Warnings: Dark Fae, slight non-con touch, blood, 10k words
Notes: The dry-spell has finally worn off and I present to you a little morsel of writing.
Poll is 'here' (Patreon) and here (Tumblr)to choose which character is written for first!
Poll has been finished! Hezirus got the pick. Here is another poll to choose what type of spicey story you want with him.
This is all based on a world built together with a friend. The characters are OCs of mine we play with and use in our stories together. And for your amusement, and torture for my friend, I have started a series where you pick which one I write for first.
This will be a heavy female x male character story. I apologize to my MxM and FxF readers. But I do plan on making these three fuck eventually. Just because it's fun. 
And by all means, give me ideas and feedback. I crave the attention!
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The sharp iron-like smell filled your senses and you felt yourself falling. The warm night air turned bitterly cold and the light from the street disappeared into a wall of black. You blinked. The wind whooshing around you was as loud as a hurricane; before your feet slammed onto stone and you stumbled into something hard and cold. And everything went unnaturally quiet.
You opened your eyes. Blinking rapidly to remove the haziness from your vision as you reached out, calling for your friend. It was dark. Too dark for your eyes just yet.
Your fingers found the cold bars of something circling you. Your hand followed it until you pushed away and stood on your own two feet. Swaying a little, the alcohol still affected your body even as the adrenaline coursed through you.
Finally, after some more blinking and squinting into the dark, your eyes adjusted. And horror filled your stomach as you looked around you.
You were in a cage. An iron cage in the center of a dark room. The floor, the pillars, the walls, all made from gray, smoothed stone. Dust layered the ground like a blanket around your small prison. And thick, but empty, cobwebs lined the corners of the room.
It didn’t look like anyone had been in here for…a very long time.
Your eyes caught the faintest touch of blue light on the floor and you looked down. Finding a glowing ring of sigils carved into the floor, fully encircling your cage. And everytime you moved, the strange letters pulsed with energy and that sharp smell filled your nose once more.
Something in you whispered that it was the same diameter of the mushroom circle you had jumped into… And with that thought, horror filled you. It had happened. It actually…worked. But not in the way you expected.
You don’t know how long you stood in that cage for, calling out into the darkness. It was long enough that the effects of tonight's drinks had worn off and the feeling of dehydration was starting to kick in.
The cold of the room settled on your skin like ice. And you tried to huddle up as much as you could, trying to preserve as much body heat as possible. But the cold iron and the freezing stone was sapping away at your warmth like a hungry beast.
Eventually, just as you started to think you’d be in this dark room forever, a door opened. One you didn’t see at the far end of the room that spilled bright, warm sunlight into the shadows. Making the twilight scatter and your eyes hurt from the blinding rays.
“Well, well, well, I thought all my little traps had been sealed off.” A velvety voice echoed from the doorway. The very sound settled on your skin like the breeze of an autumn afternoon. “What a surprise, indeed.”
Something shifted to your right but when you looked, only darkness stared back. Hiding behind a stone pillar, escaping the bright morning light.
You blinked until the sunlight stopped blinding you and the stranger approached. His boots echoed in the empty room as he closed the distance. His face silhouetted by the soft glow of the blue circle at his feet.
He was handsome. Very handsome. The type of handsome you would take a second glance at because you weren’t sure if your brain properly processed his face. His hair was a slight mess, a dark but silky tangle of blonde and deep brown. Matching a gaze that was fixed, but curious. And you felt every inch of your skin alight with a cold fire when those copper coloured eyes raked over your body. Not an inch of you was left untouched by his gaze. And it left you a little breathless when he smiled.
But your mind was racing. A voice deep within your mind was telling you to run. To hide. Get away from this man and never look back.
“What’s your name, sweet thing?” The man asked. The softest curl of a smirk twitching the corner of his lips.
But you didn’t give it. You weren’t stupid. And you remembered what happened. You jumped into a ring of mushrooms and suddenly you were falling. Even if you could blame this on a drunken dream, you still didn’t give this man your name.
When you didn’t reply, the smirk stretched fully across the stranger's face. “Ah, so you’re smart. That’s cute. I haven’t had a smart one in a long time. Come along, then. Let’s get you cleaned up. You’re exactly what I need to make up for my little blunder last night.”
The cage groaned around you and three of the metal bars slid into the ground. Allowing you a doorway to step out of your small prison and into the stream of light from the door.
The stranger didn’t look at you as he led the way out of the cold stone room. But still addressed you as you stepped out into the light. “My apologies for leaving you in that cold room all night. We had a little…accident, and I was busy until this morning.”
The man led you into a long corridor of more stone. Though the temperature was vastly more welcoming than the room, it was just as empty and just as dusty. You passed many doors like the one from where you landed. Some were left open, revealing more empty areas with a single cage. Others were closed but something dark marked the metal entryway. It looked suspiciously like old blood.
If this stranger saw you staring, he didn’t give any move to answer your unspoken questions. He led you up a spiraling staircase and a door of heavy carved wood and granite, creaked open before he touched it. Opening up into a sprawling room of many desks and shelves and cabinets.
“Clean her.” The stranger said. And from beneath the desks, dark tendrils launched towards you. Black, clawed hands wrapped around your wrists and ankles. Icy cold fingers latched onto your throat, squeezing just enough to silence the scream of fright from your lungs. Iron strength yanked you forward, making your attempts at fleeing fruitless as you were dragged towards a large basin.
More arms of shadows rose from the stone floor and you watched as steaming hot water was poured into the tub. Buckets of water manifesting from darkness and then disappearing when dropped to the floor.
You didn’t get to take a breath before you were lifted and then dumped into the basin. Hot water burned your skin and drenched your clothes. You gasped for air, but a cold hand slammed your head back under the water and you felt harsh bristles scrape over your bare skin. Something sweet smelling poured onto your hair as your head was yanked back out of the water for a brief moment
You coughed and spluttered, barely getting a breath in before you were dunked back into the water.
Your clothes were torn away. Despite your best effort to keep them against your skin, the material ripped apart under the strength of these shadowy limps. You wrapped your arms around your chest, obscuring the man’s beautiful gaze from seeing too much.
His smile was too sweet. Too wide as you were finally released and you turned your back to him. Your skin burned from the brush and soap. Your hair felt silky and smelled like a field of freshly bloomed flowers. But you were completely bare in front of him.
“That’s much better.” The man said. Leaning against a desk nearby. His molten gaze took in every inch of you before he waved his hand and a shadow presented him with a dress. “Wear this. It suits you much better than…whatever else you were wearing.”
When you didn’t get out of the tub, the man sighed and rolled his eyes. Then he turned around so he was leaning against the desk with his palms on the surface of the table. “I won’t look. Go on, try it on.”
You hesitated. But already the water was starting to get cold and you couldn’t sit in here forever. Curled up and shivering. You sighed heavily and carefully slipped out of the water.
Another shadow appeared beside you with a towel. But it didn’t allow you to take it. Instead, it dried you off, harshly rubbing the soft material against your body until your skin felt sore from the material. But dry.
You grumbled a curse towards the man and snatched the dress from the floating shadow.
Surprisingly, the man kept his word and didn’t turn around. Until you were in the dress and staring down at yourself in horror.
The material was thin…extremely thin… You might as well stand in front of him naked without the gentle glimmer of the sparkly dress. And it was very tight. You could see every curve of your breasts and hips, down to your thighs before the dress spilled out around your feet like a bronze ink spill. The only saving grace to this material was that it darkened around your chest and lower center. Refusing to give a full, clean picture of your body that was hidden beneath the dress.
It didn’t stop the perked peaks of your nipples from the cold air. And the stranger hummed a low sound in his throat as he adjusted the sleeve of the dress and picked at some imaginary lint on your waist.
“Much, much better.” The man said. He started to circle you. His eyes scraped over your body as you stood frozen under his gaze. He picked at the dress and the shadows appeared with trinkets and jeweled chains. Your wrists were wrapped in silk and your neck was decorated by a thin, delicate silver chain with topaz stones resting warmly against your neck. A belt of lace loosely circled your hips and your cheeks were assaulted by a dusting of red. Giving you a small blush before cold hands grabbed your face and the man stepped closer.
His forefinger lengthened, growing a black claw that came to a dangerously pointed tip. And you tried to yank yourself away from him but the shadows held you firmly in place. You could only watch in growing horror as the dark talon descended towards your eye…and cautiously drew a line along your upper lashes. Then the man delicately did the same on the other. Giving you a perfect dark eye-liner flick.
The man then stood back. His other hand held your chin as he tilted your face back and forth, admiring the touches he did to you. The shadows relaxed when you did. And you allowed this stranger to do what he wished with your face.
“What’s your name?” You asked him. Finding this close proximity with the handsome face was filling your chest with sharp flutters. You could see the finer details. The sharp, pointed ears. The tattoos under the collar of his shirt and the dusting of gold along his face. Perhaps a decorative choice?
“Jackal Borcalas, Royal Archivist and Spy Master of the Wilds” His smile was predatory. Proud. Cocky. As if the widening of your eyes gave him a sense of smugness. “But Jackal is fine, sweet thing. And yours?”
He said it so casually you almost willingly gave it to him. Like carrying on a normal conversation. But you clapped your mouth shut and glared up at Jackal. Rewarding yourself with a laugh from the Spy Master.
“Ah, well, you can’t blame a man for trying.” Jackal said, shrugging. Then his hands moved from your face down to your body. Adjusting chains and bracelets and anything else the shadows had placed on you.
But you found his hand barely touched you. His fingers brushed over your hips but didn’t linger for too long. The pads of his fingers glossed over your perked nipples but his eyes didn’t stray any longer than they needed. His attention was too focused on his task that you doubted he even knew where he was touching.
“Gorgeous.” Jackal purred. And despite the hungry look in his eyes, you sensed the genuine compliment behind his words. Or was that just a…Fae thing to get you comfortable around him. “Now, a few things before I throw you to the wolves.”
You felt the blood drain from your face with his words. And that wicked smile returned, alongside the cold touch of shadows as they wrapped around your legs and started moving them. You felt like a doll on strings, puppeteered after Jackal as he turned and exited the room.
Your captor led you into more corridors and halls. Many stone steps and coloured glass windows that bathed you in greens and golds and bronze. You didn’t get to look around. The shadows had you transfixed on watching Jackal’s back as he walked through…wherever you were.
“If you want to live through the day, you will follow these rules to the absolute letter. Do not look directly into his eyes. He gets…crabby when you do it for too long. And keep your hands off of him unless he places them somewhere. He doesn’t like to be touched. Do not turn your back on him unless he tells you to do so, and for the love of the Moon, do not touch his horns. Just…keep your hands to yourself unless you’re ordered otherwise.” Jackal said all this while he led you towards a massive metal door. The shadows relieved their hold just enough that you could finally look around you. But your gaze was transfixed on the entrance before you.
Towering above you was a grotesque, twisted display of melted weapons and armor. Swords Maces Axes Shields Any and all kinds had been liquified against the doors. You spotted helmets and chest plates carved through with spears. All dented, all worn, from battle.
“Oh, and also, for my later entertainment, keep yourself alive.” Jackal whispered, looking over your shoulder at him. “We haven’t had a human here in…centuries. So try to make your stay last a little longer than a few minutes.”
With a wave of Jackal’s hand, the war-torn doors opened with an ear-clawing sound of metal on the stone floor.
A blast of heat slammed into you as a voice as deep as thunder growled from within a dimly lit room. “What do you want, snake?” Your very bones vibrated with the voice. And a knot of fear coiled in your stomach as Jackal entered the room.
The shadows had you follow him and you entered a room that was more like a throne room. It was a vast space of furs and blankets. Blazing fires were cradled in braziers along the walls and candles flickered on hanging chandeliers made of bone and skulls. The scent of sulfur and burning meat filled your nose and you tried not to gag as you passed a body laying on the floor. Three deep gashes tore up the person’s back and blood pooled around their limp body. Their face twisted in agony and terror.
Jackal didn’t even look at it. He continued to stroll into the heated room towards a pile of furs and hides.
“I brought you a gift.” Jackal said. His voice echoing in the massive room. Mixing with the heavy breathing of something huge in front of you. The shadows didn’t let you go. They kept you firmly in place behind Jackal.
Something sniffed the air. And you felt the very air around you shift with each deep breath. You started shaking as the tiled floor trembled. The blast of heat came closer and closer. The heat in the room roared and you felt like your arms were being scorched by a blazing fire. Your ears popped and the tremble through the floor halted, but you heard the distinct sound of bare feet stepping over tile towards you.
And then Jackal stepped to the side and you were suddenly staring at a broad chest of muscle and scales.
The shadows released your head. Allowing you to look up, almost craning your neck all the way back, to meet a burning red gaze of a man. He was massive, much taller than 6ft and broad, rippling with muscle. Scars streaked across his arms and chest, giving a stark pale contrast to his dark complexion. A creature of war and battle.
But what was more terrifying was the plating of black scales that protruded from his dark skin. Horns swept out from atop his head. Splitting apart thick, shiny black hair that was braided amongst the crown of thick spikes. And his gaze was heavy. Watching. Calculating.
Jackal tsked harshly and you quickly dropped your eyes. Remembering what Jackal had said only moments before.
The man in front of you growled, a deep rumble that rippled through you like thunder. “A human?” A voice of stone sounded surprised. And you flinched when a massive hand wrapped around your waist, his fingers almost completely encircling your hips, and yanked you closer.
Black scales filled your vision as the man buried his nose into your hair. You felt him take a deep breath and the growl turned into something like a broken purr as the man laughed a cynical chuckle. “Is this your way of saying sorry, snake?” The scaled man snapped at Jackal. Releasing you before stalking over to the much smaller man.
Despite their size difference, and the display of bared teeth from the other man, Jackal remained perfectly calm. His hands resting behind his back as if he was having a casual conversation with someone.
“This is my way of mending my mistake.” Jackal replied slowly. “Hezirus will want her for himself. But I thought you should get some time with her before she’s claimed entirely. I thought it would be a nice…treat, Maahes, from me to you. From a friend.”
That word brought a snarl out of Maahes. Like he didn’t like how it sounded coming out of Jackal’s mouth. “Watch it, snake. You almost cost me my territory last night. A morsel won’t make up for that blunder.”
“Then let it be the start of my amendment to you.” Jackal titled his chin down in a submissive display. And whatever rage Maahes had, seemed to melt away. You felt the sharp tang of something hit your nose and suddenly the beast in front of you roared.
Claws raked through the marble pillar where Jackal had been standing moments before. Then you felt the shadows retreat and Jackal was standing in the doorway behind you. An amused smile across his lips
Maahes roared again, crimson eyes glowing with a surge of anger. “Keep your filthy magic out of my head!”
The doors slammed closed with a thunderous bang as Jackal laughed. Leaving you alone with a creature that was practically shaking with rage.
Your eyes swooped to the floor when the beast looked at you. You heard the click of claws as he approached. Two dark tree trunks entered your view and you realized he was standing right in front of you. He at least wasn’t naked, wearing a loose pair of dark trousers. But the thin dress did very little to make you feel protected at this moment.
“What is your name?” Maahes asked. You didn’t respond, cowering in front of him. The beast snarled and a rough grip wrapped around the underside of your jaw and forced you to look up at him. You kept your gaze from staring into the pools of rubies, looking at the scar that carved down his neck and to his collarbone. “I am not a Fairy, sweet morsel. I won’t use your name against you. What do I call you?”
You felt him lift you a little. Until you were standing on your tiptoes to stop him from choking you. “(y/n)” You managed to say. And the grip released you.
“Get me a drink, (y/n).” Your name rolled on his tongue like he was tasting you through those words. It sounded awfully sinful to hear it. And you quickly hurried over to the table by the dead body. Where an array of goblets and bottles were laid out. You choose the largest cup and fill it with an amber liquid. You had to carry it with both hands to ensure it didn’t spill and didn’t strain one arm too much. Hurrying back to Maahes, who had returned to lounge on the pile of furs. Which even his massive frame seemed to be swallowed by the vast mattress of pelts.
The beast rumbled. But it wasn’t an aggressive sound. You almost thought he sounded pleased as you carefully climbed onto the furs and offered him the wine. He took the cup from your hands. And as he pressed the wine to his lips, his free hand lashed out and took purchase of your hips before you attempted to step away.
You couldn’t fight him. The amount of strength beneath those fingers alone was enough to pull you towards him with barely any effort.
You found yourself flush against his side. His scales, rough and jagged, pushed painfully against your soft skin. And once you were positioned how he wanted, the hand moved down to cup your ass. His talons caught on the material of your dress as he squeezed hard. Making you wince a little.
“How did the snake manage to catch you?” Maahes asked. Placing his cup precariously on a position of the bed as he moved so he was on top of you. His nose scraped against your neck and you felt his teeth playfully pull at the silver chain around your throat. “Trapping humans was outlawed centuries ago. Did he say some pretty words and you were suddenly here? Or did you fall through a mirror?”
His words were surprisingly teasing for how rough his hands were on your body. The pads of his fingers were calloused and coarse, sweeping along your thighs before moving you so he could settle between your legs. He was massive above you. Obscuring the ceiling and bone chandeliers with his mass.
You explained what happened. Recalling the ring of mushrooms on the side of the walkway on your way home. The stupid decision to test fate and jump into the circle. Laughing, thinking nothing would come of it. And then accidentally said ‘we’ jumped in, and those crimson eyes pulsed intensely.
“There’s two of you?” Maahes asked. Glancing at the door as if Jackal was about to come through it again with another person. You said you didn’t see your friend in the cage and the man shrugged. Returning his mouth to the hollow of your neck. His lips sending goosebumps along your skin as his hot breath bathed along your chest.
It was a long moment of licking and hard nips along your neck before Maahes changed position. Burying his face against your breasts. Even through the dress, you could feel his mouth hungrily take in your left nipple and rake his tongue over the peak.
“No matter. I’ll feast on you first before I worry about someone else's pet.” You felt him shift against you and something huge and hard pressed against your clothed core. Then Maahes raised his mouth and a burning hot tongue seared along your neck, carrying the smell of wine and meat along your flesh, up to your cheek before your lips were harshly trapped between Maahes’.
Your struggling only seemed to amuse Maahes. As you tried to push him off and twist away from him. But just as he forced your lips open with his tongue, the doors to the room blasted open in a cold gust of wind. The flames around you simmered out under the gust and the chandeliers swung wildly above you.
Maahes growled and tore his mouth from yours. He poised above you like a beast protecting a kill. Thick arms caging you against the bed as the sound of his snarl ripped through you. You could feel the vibrations through your core, from where his covered bulge was firmly pressed against your core.
You turned your head, peering around Maahes’ arms to see a gorgeous man standing in the streaming sunlight. Like an angel, wings of bronze and gold framed his tall figure and a thick set of arms were crossed over his chest. Lines crinkled his perfect brow and long chocolate brown hair was kept away from his face by a gold crown of gnarled vines and flowers.
“Maahes,” The man said the beast’s name like a warning. But his tone was playful, teasing. “What have you got there?”
Maahes’ snarl crumbled into a softer sound. But he didn’t move from atop of you. His talons ripped into the furs as his hands turned to fists beside your body. “She’s mine.”
“Not anymore she isn’t.” The angel said. Stepping into the dark room, closer to the creature that was bent low over your frozen body. “I caught her scent on my way to breakfast. I don’t know how Jackal got her, but she’s a guest in my palace. I won’t have you break her on her first morning here.”
Soft, bronze eyes fell upon you and his smile softened. But those warning bells in your head were singing again. Even more so than they had with Jackal. “Give her to me, Maahes.” The man said, his wings opening a touch to make him seem so much bigger than he was. “I won’t ask again.”
The beast above you growled deep and threatening. You braced for something to happen. Another gust of wind. A fist. Claws. Something.
But then the heavy, hot weight of Maahes disappeared as he crawled off of you. And you scrambled off the bed to stand beside the winged man. Hiding behind him as his wing opened to protect you from Maahes’ heated gaze. “Good boy.” The crowned stranger said. A very careful smile placed over his lips. “Do not let me catch you playing with her again.”
Maahes’ gaze lowered to the furs. But you could see the tension in his body and the thick, throbbing vein that was protruding from his neck. He bowed. “Yes, Prince Hezirus.”
That seemed to be enough for the…prince. And he turned, his wing shifting to envelope you in a warm embrace against your back and guiding you out of the room.
The heavy doors slammed shut behind you both. And the wings of the prince moved to lazily return to his back. A different type of heat simmered in his gaze when the prince turned to you. A striking difference from the softness he offered you before. “Now, human, you will tell me how you got here. And why you’re…dressed the way you are.” Despite the quizzical tone, Prince Hezirus’ eyes were just as hungry and heavy as Jackal’s when you first got dressed. You instinctively tried to cover yourself but a narrowed glare from the person in front of you made you halt.
Your arms dropped to your sides as you explained everything. But this time, you kept the ‘we’ out of it. Only insinuating that you alone jumped into the very obvious Fae trap.
“But you know our customs,” The prince hummed. Tilting his head like how a dog did when it was intrigued by something. “You won’t give me your name. You even called the circle a trap. So…you knew what it was.”
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment. The drunken stupor of a joke was now very obviously a suicide sentence. “I didn’t think it would work.” You argued. “I was…drunk.”
“Superstition has kept your people alive longer than you’d think. You should start listening to your fable stories, there’s a reason they exist.” The prince began walking and you hurried to follow. The tall man, possibly as tall as the beast on the furs, didn’t shorten his strides to let you keep up. Instead, you had to fasten your steps to almost jog alongside him.
“Where am I?” You asked. Finally looking at your surroundings. There were large paintings that covered the towering walls. The ceiling looked like marble with many hanging candles and torches to illuminate what the sun couldn’t. Massive glass windows bathed your walk with the prince in color. But at least this time you could see the shapes of beasts and battles and fields of flowers as you passed them.
It was all very beautiful.
“You’re in the Fae Wilds. My kingdom.” The prince replied. His chin tilted up with pride as he spoke. “I am Prince Hezirus of the Wilds. Son of Queen Melusine, the Lady of the Forest. You’re in my palace in the deepest forest of our kingdom. My…holiday home, I guess you would call it.”
You stalled for a moment to peek through one of the windows. Spying the grounds of the estate that sprawled out in grassy knolls and flowing creeks that sliced through lush gardens and tumbled through the gnarled roots of mountainous trees.
There were people working in the gardens and some walked the earthy paths through the estate. Someone even started flying into the branches of a nearby tree. With wings like an insect.
A soft cough from the prince made you turn. Finding him standing by the cliff of a long stairwell that led down and into the center of the palace. You quickly hurried back to his side and started descending next to him.
“It’s beautiful.” You said. Unable to keep your eyes on one thing at a time. A man walked past you both, bowing deeply to the prince before walking briskly away. His features reminded you of a rat.
“Thank you. But you will have time to see everything soon. I want you to join me for breakfast.” The prince said. And you followed him down a corridor and into a grand hall. A long table was presented before you. Its surface was chock-full of plates and bowls of food. All steaming, like the dishes had just come out of the oven.
At the end of the table sat a beautifully crafted chair of twisted roots and vines. The cushions looked as soft as clouds and a plate of sourdough bread, bathed in eggs and bacon with a drizzle of white sauce, was sitting awaiting the prince.
Hezirus waved his hand and a chair pulled itself from the table next to the prince. And Hezirus gestured for you to sit, before he flicked his hand and the chair pushed you snugly against the table. A plate was placed in front of you by an owl-faced woman and the prince seated himself in his chair.
Leaning his cheek on his fist, propped up by his elbow on the table, he watched you curiously. “Please, eat. Enjoy.”
The smells of everything laid out in front of you was maddening. Your stomach twisted in hunger and the slight hangover that had plagued you with a headache, wished for water. But you didn’t reach for any of it. And watched the prince take his gaze off you just enough to take a bite out of his egg smothered bread slice.
“So now you start to believe in your fables?” The prince asked. An amused smile twitching his lips as he chewed. “I do not need to charm you to keep you here, lovely thing. You may eat freely. This food is not poisoned and untouched by magic. Other than what is needed to prepare certain dishes.”
You still didn’t reach for anything. Not even the water. Which sat chilled in a glass pitcher in front of you. Like it was teasing you. You shook your head. “Thank you. But I’ll skip breakfast.”
The prince’s eyes flashed gold and suddenly you were reaching for the water. You tried with all your might to stop yourself from pouring a glass, but your hands worked just like they did when the shadows had hold of you.
You tried to cry out as your fingers brought the glass of water to your lips. But your body defied you. And you sipped cleanly, without choking, a long draught of water down your parched throat. Once you had placed the glass down you felt your body return to your control and you stood. Almost knocking the chair over as you jerked away from the table.
“Like I said, I do not need to charm you to make you stay.” The prince said. As if you had asked about the weather. So casually glossing over what he just did. “Your tales of us are true…in some sense. But we hold more power than we allowed you to believe. Please. Eat. You look like you’re about to pass out. And I won’t tell you again. You won’t like it if I have to do it myself.”
It was true. You could feel the edge of your mind falling into a dizzy spiral. And the thought of you passing out in front of him made the hunger turn to fear. You shook your head, clearing it, and sat down before your legs gave out. And begrudgingly served yourself some pancakes.
And it was the best thing you’ve ever eaten. Whether it was because of hunger, or the Fae chefs, it was delicious. Even the fruit you ate was sweet and juicy. Perfect. Also too perfect.
But if you didn’t eat, you were sure he’d probably force you too. So, you gave in. As much as the logical side of the brain was screaming at you to stop.
The prince’s gaze never left your lips as you ate. His eyes were persistently on you, even as he devoured his own breakfast and poured a cup of something that smelled strongly of coffee.
“Did Jackal explain anything to you before he shoved you into a room with a horny Drake?” The prince asked. An eyebrow raising when you told him of the rules Jackal gave you. And you added on that you were meant to be a treat, as a means of amendment from Jackal.“At least he wanted you to live through the morning. And yes, Jackal made a small mistake last night. Maahes exaggerates, it wasn’t so bad he’d lose his territory. He’s just angry he lost a bet at all. You were lucky I found you before Maahes went too far. I do enjoy it when Maahes is rough with me. But your delicate body would snap apart the moment he pulls down his pants.”
The rush of heat that exploded in your body, crawling up your neck and into your cheeks made the prince chuckle. “That’s adorable. But also very dangerous. Don’t do that around Maahes. If he gets whiff that you’re into things like him, you’ll be chained to his hips and riding his cock until your body breaks.”
You tried to argue. Maybe say something that it wasn’t arousal, but shock at the prince’s choice of words. But the prince shot you a look that silenced your rebuttal before it began. “I can smell it on you, pet. Don’t even try lying to my face. It won’t end well for you.” His words carried a threat that made your skin crawl with a chill. Even if his tone was light and teasing. Something in his gaze had your heart racing.
“What are you going to do to me?” You asked. You wanted to know, so you could at least brace for whatever was about to happen to you. How many books have you read about similar scenarios? You had the hot, sexy men part ticked off. A strange, weird place in the Fae realm, checked. But this wasn’t a romance. You were just left to the mercy of a creature with scales. Given a hint at the power that could make you do anything the man in front of you wanted.
Your life very much was in danger right now.
“Hmm, I’m not sure yet.” The prince said. Leaning back in his chair as he regarded you with a critical eye. Like he was appraising a piece of art. “But I’m sure you’re asking if I’m going to kill you. Eat your bones. Turn you into a…I don’t know. What do we Fae do to humans? It’s been centuries since I’ve talked to one. But you never forget the scent.” The prince breathed in deeply and released it slowly with a long sigh. When his eyes opened, his pupils were blown wide like he was intoxicated.
“Such a delicious fragrance. It used to drive me mad in my youth. The lust. The hunger. Oh, fuck, the sex…” The prince finally looked at you again. As if suddenly remembering you were there and had asked a question. “No, dear pet, I am not going to kill you. Some of my court might try. But I’ve already ordered them that you are to be untouched. Left only for me to squeeze.”
He flashed you a smile that made his already handsome face become even more beautiful. “Anyone that tries to force themselves on you will meet my wrath. You are welcome to wander the palace. I do suggest staying as far away from Maahes as possible. And don’t go into the gardens until-”
“If I may, Hez.” The sudden voice of Jackal made you jump as he appeared by your side. Seeming to appear out of thin air as he joined you at the table. Sitting to your right. “I suggest we keep her caged until the staff and court get used to the scent of her in the estate. Already there has been enough unrest that Maahes has had his fill of Fae blood. She will be safer in the dungeons until you solidify the order for her to remain untouched.”
The prince played with the fabric of his tunic as he thought over Jackal’s words. His eyes following the line of your neck to your shoulders and then to the material that smothered your breasts into a perfect soft mound. “You make a good point, Jackal. However…because it was your trap that brought her here, she is your responsibility.”
Jackal’s jaw twinged as he glanced at you. “Hez, I cannot afford to be distracted from my work. I cannot continuously check on her in the cells-”
“Then have her in your office until you ensure she won’t be touched down there.” The prince smiled. A sense of amusement flashing over his face as he winked at you. “Jackal will take fine care of you until I have time for you, pet. Stay close to him and do what he says.”
A sharp scent ripped through your nose and you winced as your mind latched onto the words the prince spoke. An order. An order given by a Fae prince laced with…magic.
“I don’t think she’s stupid enough to try and run from me.” Jackal said. Sighing heavily as he took a sausage from one of the plates and took a bite from it. “Come on then, Lily. Time to watch me do paperwork for hours on end.”
“Lily?” Hezirus asked as Jackal stood. You felt your body follow suit. But it wasn’t anything like the cold touch of shadows or the constricting power from Hezirus. You wanted to follow Jackal. You were told to do as he said, and damn well you will do it.
“It’s not her name.” Jackal assured the prince. “She’s as lovely as a lily. So, that’s what I’ll call her.”
“Hmm, I don’t think that suits her.” Hezirus said thoughtfully. Tilting his head as he looked you up and down again.
“Well, she’s your pet. You pick a name for her.” Then Jackal smiled viciously and tapped the tip of your nose. “Or are you going to introduce yourself?”
When your glare was the only reply they got, the two men laughed and Jackal clicked his tongue. You followed him like a puppy on a leash, up many staircases and through many corridors. Until you found yourself back in the room you started in. Where the basin had now been emptied of water but the room still smelled of the shampoo in your hair.
“Sit.” Jackal ordered. And your body slumped into a wooden chair by a large desk. One that was covered in many long pieces of parchment and piles of books. A few empty ink pots were put to the side. While a stack of new ones awaited to be used. “You might want to get comfortable. You’re going to be here for a while.”
You looked around. Attempting to get comfortable in the wooden chair next to Jackal’s desk. Much unlike the plush, armchair-like seat he possessed, the wood was hard against your ass and the surface cold to the touch.
A few minutes passed as Jackal opened a few books and arranged them to stand in small holders to keep them open. He arranged paper out in front of him and then opened a thick, leather bound book by his left hand. You tapped your fingernails against the wood of the chair. Already insane from the quiet of the room.
“Can I have a book or something?” You asked. And Jackal scoffed a laugh.
“I doubt I have anything here that you can read. It’s all documents and spellbooks; all in languages you can’t read.” Jackal waited for you to argue. But when you didn’t give a rebuttal about knowing more languages than one, he left it to rest. “If you’d like to pass the time, you’re more than welcome to pass the time on me.” The smile was playful. Menacingly teasing as he smirked at you when your cheeks flushed pink.
“You’re not going to order me to do that?” You asked scornfully. And Jackal shrugged, plucking a quill from its seat in an ink pot and started writing.
“I could. Since Hezirus gave you the order to do whatever I say. Or I could force you to do it with my servants. But it’s not as much fun when the giver uses teeth and tries drawing blood every second.” At the word ‘servants’ the shadows from beneath the desks nearby came alive and crawled over the floor towards you. You pulled your dress away from the curious clawed hands and the room filled with whispered laughter as you gasped in horror.
Jackal tsked and the shadows scattered. Returning to being nothing more than dark spots under the desks. “Now hush, I have to concentrate.”
You must have dozed off somewhere after the third hour mark of sitting and doing nothing. The room was bitterly cold now and you shifted in your seat. Trying to find a comfortable position when a touch of fire brushed over your thigh.
You jerked awake. Startling when you came face to face with Jackal. Who had turned his chair towards you and was sitting almost directly between your legs. Both of his hands were coiled around your right thigh. Molding the cool skin with his fingers so gently that it almost tickled.
“Get your hands-”
“Shush, I’m thinking.” Jackal barked back. And the harshness of his voice froze you in place. Or was it the order to do as he says? You had no idea, but you knew that you were helpless in that chair as he squeezed your leg like he was kneading dough into shape. Scraping his palm along your skin through the velvety material of your dress. You had to lean back as he lifted your calf and draped your leg over his lap. You were left completely open to him in this position. But Jackal didn’t seem to notice.
He never went any higher than your upper thigh. His eyes were distant, staring at your chest but not actually paying attention to the shape of your cleavage. It was just the last place he looked before his thoughts trailed off.
You kept quiet. At least welcoming the warmth from Jackal’s lap and touch over your chilled skin.
Any longer here and you were going to freeze. You’d even welcome the harsh treatment of the hot bath just to warm you up. The dress was useless against the breeze that blew in from the open window. And the sun was beginning to go down.
Shit…have you already been here the entire day? No wonder your back was killing you.
Jackal startled you by humming and dropping your leg from his lap. Non-delicately letting your bare foot slap against the stone and you shuffled back onto the chair. He returned to his desk and started feverishly writing something down.
You stayed silent. Kicking your leg over the other to try and savor some of the tingling warmth from Jackal’s fingers. You hated how tenderly he had touched you. Because your core kind of enjoyed the attention.
The sky outside was pitch black and somewhere in the castle, you heard distant screams. It had started some hours ago and had long since lost its pitch. But the volume was still there. Telling you of the absolute agony that was ripping through someone.
“It’s no one you know.” Jackal assured you. Seeing your worried expression. “Maahes told me that there was a second human that jumped in the trap with you. And so far, I haven’t found them. Even if someone already claimed your friend, there would be traces of her. When a Fae consumes or fucks a human there’s…changes.”
That was at least comforting. But hearing such visceral cries turned your blood cold and nausea twisted in your stomach.
They were cut off rather quickly some hours after nightfall. And you weren’t sure if the silence following it was worse or better.
Jackal leaned back in his chair and stretched. Your eyes caught a glimpse of the toned body beneath the fine black tunic. But you tore your eyes away just as Jackal glanced at you.
“You’ve been rather quiet…Oh, right, I told you to shush. You can talk now. I don’t need to think for a bit.”
“I was going to say to get your hands off me.” You snapped. Suddenly finding an urge to speak now Jackal told you so. “Don’t ever touch me again.”
“But you’re so soft and warm.” Jackal practically purred. His arms hanging over the back of his chair as he stared at you. And this time, he really stared at you. With an intensity that had you looking away and a fresh wave of heat flooding your center. And that little nibble of his bottom lip was an added unfair flare.
“You’re disgusting.” You mumbled.
“I’m sure you'll change your mind eventually.” Jackal chuckled. The molten copper turned sharp once more as he returned them to the desk full of freshly scrawled paper. “If you were literate I’d have you read these so I can rest my eyes. But you’re unfortunately not that useful.”
“I can read.” You hissed and Jackal rolled his eyes. Lowering his arms so they came to rest on the desk.
“Can you read dwarvish?” Jackal asked. Then he clicked his tongue when you huffed a curse at him and turned your head away again. “Like I said, illiterate. Shame…it would have been cute having you sit on my lap while you read this over.”
“Fuck off.”
Jackal laughed and sighed. The breath was heavy as it filled his lungs. “I better get you to your cell before I let your arousal do anymore to me. Get up, little flower. And stay close. Maahes is wandering the halls looking for a chance to drag you under him again. And Hezirus is busy ensuring the court doesn’t devour you through the night. So, I’m all you have keeping you alive until we get you to your cage.”
You stood before your mind could think of doing so. And then you were walking beside Jackal through the palace, a step behind him. “What is stopping Maahes from…getting in my..cage?” It sounded weird to say. And you dearly hoped it wasn’t going to be a cage in the middle of a room like the one you appeared in.
“Hezirus.” Jackal replied, as a matter of factly. “Our prince holds alot of power. And not even a Drake as powerful as Maahes can disobey his orders while in his own home. He’ll try to lure you to his bed chambers, or the floor, I’m sure. But as long as you keep saying ‘no’, you’ll be safe.”
“That’s all that is stopping him from…you know…”
“Words hold more power here than your world, sweet flower. And Hezirus has explicitly ordered your words are the rules to your body. So, be mindful when speaking to anyone here. It might save your life.”
You trailed alongside Jackal as he took you deeper into the palace. Down even more stairs and corridors, until he stopped outside of a steel door. You weren’t stupid. This was a dungeon, deep under the palace. You could smell bile and filth from the other locked rooms. And the air was cold and thick.
But there were no guards here. Only the flickering torches along the walls and the soft, pained whimpering of the other prisoners.
“I had your cell cleaned before I brought you down here.” Jackal said. As if his words made it all better as the door to the cell opened without him touching it. Revealing a cramped, dark room. A cot was pushed into the corner. Merely a wooden pallet with hay stuffed into the crevasses and a thin blanket covering the splintering wood.
The pillow looked thin and splotched with gray marks.
“I’m going to freeze down here.” You said. Pulling at the stretchy material of your outfit. “This is barely going to keep me warm.”
“That’s Hezirus’ problem, not mine.” Jackal replied.
Then a hard cold force slammed into you and you stumbled into the cell. The door creaked shut and you heard a lock click into place. You rushed to the door as Jackal opened the little slit, allowing you to see his copper eyes through the darkness.
“Whenever Hezirus remembers his pet is down here, I’m sure he’ll provide you with all the best luxuries your little human body needs.” Jackal said with a roll of his bright eyes. “I, however, do not have time to babysit you at every minute. So, you’ll sit down here, in the dark, like a good girl until things settle. My servants swarm this place, so you’re safe. Just don’t make too much noise. Or you’ll attract some unwanted attention. Get some sleep, little flower. You’ll need it for tomorrow.”
You beat your fists against the door as the slit slid closed. Calling after Jackal in a colorful array of words and sentences. Some even got an impressed whistle out of the spy-master before you heard his boots disappear.
You retreated from the door when someone screamed from a nearby cell. The whispering laughter of shadows echoed through the darkness in response.
You went to the cot. The wood creaked under your weight as you curled up against the corner of the room. Gathering the thin blanket around you. Ignoring the itchiness from the hay and tried very hard not to think of bugs crawling in your hair or down along your arms.
You tried to stay awake. Something was moving beyond the cell door but it never came any closer. Someone would scream or start crying. Another would start begging. Only to be silenced by a harsh hiss that made your blood run cold.
You curled up tighter and closed your eyes. Hoping the sun would scatter the shadows when it rose.
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hxney-lemcn · 2 months
Should I? — Bryon (AFK Journey) x gn! reader
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summery: Bryon saves you after you get into a bit of trouble, and you find yourself unable to hold back your feelings.
tw: none
a/n: this isn't the best but I had to get it out of my system. This is for all my Bryon lovers.
wc: 1.6k
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You watched on in awe as a dark colored falcon swooped down and attacked the enemy in front of you. You knew the forest was getting more dangerous, but you refused to let that hinder your research. At least that’s what you wanted to believe as you had been researching the animals in the dark forest for years, yet you were quickly proven wrong. 
You had tried to walk around the hypo-fiend who had managed to get into the forest, yet it had caught on to your presence quickly and went to attack you, which led to your current situation. Your heart jumped for more than one reason as Bryon stepped up and stood in front of you, sending an array of sharpened leaves towards the enemy. 
He had managed to quickly down the enemy, sustaining some small scratches. Elona flew over to us, landing on his shoulder. It was hard to understand how Bryon felt (that is if he didn’t outright state it), his blindfold blocked the view to his eyes, and his face would tend to remain stoic. That was the only reason you’d ever feel anxious in his presence, as otherwise he was a sense of comfort for you. 
You had met Bryon the first day you arrived in the Dark Forest. You had been incredibly anxious as it was your first big step on your own, thankfully, the wilder’s had been extremely kind. You first met Lyca, debriefing her on your situation and she quickly brought you to Bryon. She explained how as a Windwhisperer, he could help you find the perfect spot for the animals you wanted to observe. At first you were intimidated, he was stoic and looked no-nonsense. Not to mention he was the most beautiful man you had laid eyes on. 
Quickly, you learned that he wasn’t as scary as he looked. Both him, and his falcon, you learned to be called Elona, were quite sweet. When he brought you to a river clearing where all kinds of animals stopped by for a drink, he had offered you an abandoned cottage just a few meters away. You were flabbergasted to say the least, as you hadn’t expected such an offer. You had fumbled, offering money or some form of way to pay for the place, but Bryon had merely shook his head. He simply stated, “No one is currently using it, no reason not to let you stay there for the time being.”
That had been three years ago, and you found yourself running into Bryon more often than not. He had checked in on you after a few weeks of your move, stating that “You are my responsibility.” You weren’t sure what he meant by that, as other lightbearer refugees hadn’t spoken of having wilder companions. Of course the wilder’s would help them if needed, but otherwise the two factions would just let the other be. Of course you weren’t opposed to making friends, but you weren’t sure how to react to such a statement. 
Over time, you realized that Bryon seemed a bit lonely, and you had started to go out of your way to give him things. Whether it would be making a pie or giving him a sketch of an animal you thought he’d like (you only started doing this when he revealed he could actually see things). You both had quickly become friends, as when Bryon had free time, he would join you in your watch party and point out facts of the animals that you might’ve missed. 
You found yourself quickly falling for the reclusive man. You caught yourself thinking things you’d never thought of before, wanting things you hadn’t cared about before. It felt embarrassing, wanting such things with someone who showed no interest. He had been kind to you, he had cared for you, he didn’t judge you, and when prompted, he gave good advice. It felt wrong to care for him in such a way. He was a pillar of perception, someone who would listen to emotions and the facts to make correct judgements. Yet you couldn’t help yourself. The wish to tuck his hair behind his ears, the wish to hold his hand and hold him. It all felt wrong.
So the moment he stepped in to save you, you felt a mix of emotions. He had warned you of the dangers a few days ago, but you had foolishly ignored them. You felt ashamed, embarrassed, but also happy and lovesick. Bryon had gone out of his way to save you, even if you were being dumb. Does that mean he listens for you? Does he check in on you even if he’s not around? You felt yourself swooning at the thought.
“Haven’t I warned you to be careful?” Bryon asked, turning around to face you. Even though he had only lightly scolded you, you felt like you had done the worst possible crime.
“Yes,” You replied, looking down to avoid facing him. Once again you felt intimidated as his lips curved down into a slight frown.
“You could’ve been seriously hurt,” He continued to lightly chastise you. “You’re lucky I was coming to visit you today.”
You pouted, wanting to stand up for yourself slightly, “I thought I could sneak around it.”
“You’re louder than you think,” Bryon muttered.
“It’s not my fault you have such good hearing,” You replied back, crossing your arms. “Besides, I still need to do research, I’m close to a breakthrough!”
“Then I’ll be your guard,” Bryon concluded. “Lead the way.”
It wasn’t fair how easily he managed to fluster you. You weren’t sure if he did it on purpose or if he even realized the effect he had on you, but you hated it. You stumbled forward as his words kept repeating in your head. He’ll be your guard…that felt like such an intimate position. You weren’t a noble, you weren’t someone important, but Bryon had deemed you important enough to protect. Dura above you just wanted to kiss him to get these feelings out. 
“Are you alright?” Bryon asked as you both had walked a little. “Your breathing is rapid.”
How you wished the ground could just swallow you whole. One thing you found out rather quickly is that Bryon caught on to things quickly, but he knew when to back down thankfully.
“I’m fine,” You replied, feeling your face warm. Imagine him finding out your feelings now of all times…
“...” Bryon paused, contemplating his next words carefully. “Do not be afraid to come to me with anything. I’ll be by your side no matter what.”
He just won’t stop. The more honeyed words he spoke, the more you felt yourself wanting to confess. You had kept these feelings to yourself for so long, you were close to bursting. It didn’t help that the way he spoke towards you gave you an inkling of hope that he may reciprocate. You hadn’t ever heard him utter such things to Lyca or Solise. Of course he was friendly with them, but he was a bit more quiet with them.
“I know,” You replied softly, glancing at him as you neared the river bed. Dura, how did he manage to look at you so softly with cloth covering his eyes? You paused as the blue river came into view. The gentle tinkling of water was heard along with the cries of birds. A rabbit froze, before continuing to eat the leafy greens in front of it. A sudden longing filled you. The need to get these stupid feelings off your chest. To free your heart from the cage you entrapped it in. As always, Bryon seemed to read you perfectly, keeping his attention on you as you fully faced him.
“Bryon,” You called out, causing him to tilt his head cutely. “I hold romantic feelings towards you.” Not exactly the most romantic confession, but you didn’t want to say love so soon, as you needed more time to process your feelings. You had managed to catch Bryon off guard, as he wasn’t expecting a confession from you. He knew that people found him attractive, but they always ended up being put off by him somehow. No one really stuck around long enough. Yet you were different, you stuck by his side, you gave him your friendship, and now you were giving him your heart? 
Yes, he found himself liking you more than most. He liked the sound of your laughter (it sounded even better when he was the cause), he liked the warmth of your touch, he liked the smell of the berries you always carried on you. He liked your compassion, he liked your passion, he liked your stubbornness. Most of all, he liked you. Bryon isn’t completely sure when his feelings had shifted from friendly to more, perhaps it had always been more and he was just now realizing, but the fact remained the same. He felt the same way, and he was more than relieved to hear you felt for him in such a way. 
You, on the other hand, had become a nervous wreck the longer the white haired man stayed silent. His face gave away nothing as he faced you, Elona made it all the more intimidating. Perhaps you shouldn’t have said anything. He probably couldn’t even have a relationship due to his role as Windwhisperer. He was probably thinking of a nice way of rejecting yo-
“I feel the same way,” Bryon said softly. Oh what you would give to see the look in his eyes. 
“You know,” You started, shifting back and forth on your feet. “I could use a break from research, maybe we could go on a date instead.” You couldn’t see it, but Bryon felt like he was on fire. He was still wrapping his head around the fact that you liked him, and now you two were going on a date? He wasn’t prepared at all, but he couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. 
“Okay,” He agreed, a small smile taking over his features. “Lead the way, I’ll be right by your side.”
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runningfrom2am · 9 months
i'll tell her you stopped by
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happy birthday to one of the most talented, intelligent, hard-working people on this planet <3 kezie it is such a treat to get to be your friend and i’m so so glad we met and im just so lucky you picked me! you’re amazing and i hope you have the best birthday ever bc i know you deserve it :)
so, obviously, this one goes out to @keziahcore / @winterrrnight bc i love you so so much
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summary: rafe just wants to hangout while you study- is that really a crime? (aka: three times he tried to sneak in while you were studying, and the one time he succeeded... kind of)
pairing: soft!rafe x fem!reader
wc: 1.5k
tags/warnings: soft!rafe (bc ik how much you're a sucker for it kez ;)), highschool!au, established relationship, not much else? idk one mention of teen pregnancy (it's just mentioned, it doesn't actually happen lol) so stay safe out there y'all
a/n: this is doubling as my day seven for obx week bc it is a 3 times/1 time but i'm posting a lil early bc it's my girls birthday :)
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The first time Rafe tried to sneak in to see you, you were studying in your room. Headphones in, you were absolutely dead to the world as your boyfriend took the classic approach of throwing small rocks up to your window, the stones dinging off the glass repeatedly with no notice from you. He tries calling, again, but your phone is still on silent. You didn't want any distractions- as much as you would have loved to see him, you were busy.
After about ten minutes Rafe is startled by the back door to your home opening, jumping back from the sudden sound.
"Rafe, you gotta go, buddy. You'll distract her. Head home." Your dad says, gesturing to the side of the house for him to go around.
"Yes sir. I, uh, I'll go." Rafe nods at him, giving him a quick salute before quickly heading for the gate.
Your dad sighs with a fond smile on his face, shaking his head as he closes the door again and locking it behind himself.
The second time, a few days later, Rafe was coming to your house with a better plan. Making noise wasn't an option, so he had to be extra careful as he scaled the siding of the back porch, trying to get up onto the roof to reach your window. You shared fond memories of climbing out when he was over, when you weren't busy with exams, sitting on the shingles and looking up at the stars and out at the vast and infinite ocean. However, Rafe had never tried to reach your window from below before.
He made it up, just barely after almost falling no less than three times. He brushed off his knees and stood up, creeping past your parent's window towards yours. He can see you now, your room dimly lit with the flashes from Gilmore Girls playing on your TV and a candle flickering next to your bed as you sit there reading. He smiles to himself, almost there when he hears a window sliding open behind him. "Rafe, honey, is that you? It's late." Your mom whispers and he silently curses himself, quickly turning back to face her as she leans over the window's ledge.
"Hi Mrs. Y/L/N. How are you?" He asks, awkwardly glancing over his shoulder towards your window again.
"I'm well, Dear, but it's too late for you to stop by. Y/N has a test early in the morning, and she needs to focus right now." She smiles sympathetically at him. "I'm sorry."
"No, no, of course. I'll go home." Rafe nods, giving her a quick wave and watching his step as he heads back to the pillar he climbed up from.
"Hey, no, don't climb down that way. You'll fall and break your neck, come in and use the door." Your mom chuckles, stepping back so he can fit inside the window of her room.
"Oh, uh, yeah. Thank you." He says, looking toward the light seeping through your window one more time before climbing in to follow your mom down to the front door.
"I'll tell her you stopped by in the morning." Your mom nods at him, gently closing the door behind him as he says a quick thank you.
Maybe Rafe had been overcomplicating his break-in attempts. He realized as he drove home that night that night was that the one thing he hadn't tried, was using the door. Well, the back door. Which is why he was determined this time for his plan to work. Especially since your parents wouldn't be home. Although, they had told you not to have anyone over.
You had told him earlier in the day that you would be busy that night, and he knew that just meant you had homework. No harm in him joining you, he swore to himself that he would just be silent company, he was more than happy to watch Gilmore Girls again while you went over readings and notes from earlier in the week.
At this point, he knows where to step on your back deck in order to not make a sound. Or, that's what he thought. The light is on in the kitchen, and it's about eleven o'clock- no one should be up except for you anyway. With the first step he took onto the deck, the board creaked and his eyes flew up to the kitchen window to double confirm to himself there was no one there, but he was unlucky today. He makes solid eye contact with your big sister, now standing in the kitchen with a mug in her hand. Your parents must have asked her to stay with you while they were away- despite you being far too old for a babysitter.
There's a solid three seconds of eye contact before Rafe or your sister make a move, but it happens all at once when she breaks his gaze to look at the door, seeing it was unlocked. She looks back at him, and in a split second Rafe is bolting for the door as your sister drops her mug in the sink and sprints for the door, reaching it and turning the lock right as Rafe grabs the handle.
Through the glass she laughs quietly at him, shrugging and mouthing 'too slow' to your boyfriend on the other side of the window.
"Come on, this isn't funny." Rafe groans, pulling at the handle hopelessly.
"I can't let you in. I promised my parents, sorry." She shakes her head with a slight laugh.
"Please? I promise I won't distract her. I won't tell them. Come on." He begs, voice muffled by the pane of glass between them.
She shakes her head again. "Nope, she's not getting pregnant under my supervision. Not happening. Go home, she'll see you tomorrow."
"Ugh, fine. You're no fun, I get it." Rafe raises his hands defensively, stepping back from the door.
"Boohoo, Rafe. Go throw yourself a pity party at Tannyhill." Your sister mocks him, rolling her eyes with a smile and closing the curtain over the door as he sulks away back through the yard.
Rafe was so caught up in the idea of a romantic surprise to visit you late at night, throwing pebbles at your window or climbing up to it and letting himself in, even overlooking the idea that hearing someone walk in the back door when you're meant to be home alone may scare the life out of you. Another thing he hadn't tried was just asking you.
"Hey, can I come over later?" He asks you, walking you from his car up to the school.
You look up at him, about to nod before you think about it. "Well, I'd like to hang out but I think I should get ahead on my chem homework." You resign to answering, not pleased with it either.
"We can study together, like a date. Come on, it'll be fun." Rafe insists, slotting his hand into your free one.
"That's what I'm afraid of." You giggle, squeezing his hand gently and swinging them between you. "Studying isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be productive."
"I can be productive." Rafe nods, smiling at you smugly.
You squint at him, unsure of how true that is. You give in anyway. "Okay, fine. I'll unlock the door for you."
"Yes! Thank you, it'll be good. I promise you won't regret it." Rafe smiles, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek before dropping your hand to open the front doors of the school for you.
"I better not." You laugh, shaking your head at him as you pass him in the doorway.
That night, you crept downstairs after your parents had gone to sleep, and as promised, unlocked the front door. Nonchalantly, you walk into the kitchen to make a cup of tea while you wait for Rafe to arrive.
Rafe was already outside, having parked down the block and watching from behind the neighbour's fence to see when your silhouette would come down the stairs and up to the door, remaining only for a few moments before turning and walking towards the kitchen. He gives you a moment before throwing his backpack over his shoulders, and standing up straight ready to head up to the door.
You're just pouring your tea when you hear the front door crack open, quickly turning to go meet Rafe at the door so you can head straight upstairs- curbing the risk of your parents seeing him.
Rafe slowly, delicately closes the door behind him as you walk up, eyes drawn to the small handful of flowers he holds- freshly picked from the neighbour's garden. Your cheeks burn as he holds them out to you, smiling as you take them silently before gesturing for him to follow you upstairs.
Your mother let her book fall into her lap as she listened to hushed giggles and whispers coming down the hall, quieting as they faded away towards your room. She smiled to herself and shook her head, lifting the paper back up once more to continue from right where she left off.
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy, @madelynie, @whore-4-drewstarkey, @slut4drudy, @winterrrnight, @totalswag, @sadfury, @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron, @urfaveluvr, @chenslucy, @hxnnah-397, @s-we-e-t-t-ea, @tahliac11, @saccharinesammie, @ietss, @maybankslover,  @redhead1180, @suzyheartsrafe, @wpdailyminimeta, @aegons-bitch, @rafegirly, @lovelyxtommy, @thelomlisrafecameron, @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles, @flonkertn, 
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heartthrobin · 10 months
catch me if you can
hobie brown x female!reader
wc: 1k
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, a questionable attempt at british slang, Miles' pov (it makes sense i promise), established relationship, Miles is a little baby boy angel, implied chubby/thick reader, Miles' 'jealous of Hobie' dynamic
an: this idea popped into my brain as i was trying to sleep last night so here it is :) it's actually funny cause i'm a hobie brown girl first and human second but have been working on so much miguel content. go figure. remember to reblog and comment to support your favourite writers :) THIS IS A REPOST! i woke up this morning and the original post literally disappeared from my page :( sorry y'all
summary: you and Hobie are absolutely incorrigible.
Miles didn't like the sound of Hobie Brown.
and now that he's faced with the man in question, he doesn't particularly like the sight of him either.
the spider-society foyer is a menagerie of characters, different suits and capes and hairstyles and --horses? but Miles can't move his line of sight off Hobie's back where he just bumped his too tall frame against Gwen's much shorter one.
she stumbles sideways and laughs, and Miles wants to throw a fit right there.
Hobie stops walking. his figure tightens and his shoulders draw up.
Miles frowns in confusion and follows his gaze.
under the archway of the door towards where he assumes is this Tio Miguel's office stands some spider-women, three in varying outfits.
there's one in a forest green suit, your eyes have found Hobie's. they're wide, round in something Miles can place most akin to fear.
you're beautiful, he can tell that easily: all full-bodied around the edges and soft in the face.
you surprise him when you turn on your heel, running out only three wide steps before spitting out a web onto the nearest ledge of those that lingered above his head and hoisting yourself up.
the green suit blurs, swinging over hundreds of spider-people and you glance back over your shoulder in panic.
more surprising than that, Miles finds that Hobie is chasing you.
his long thin legs stride down the walkway, abandoning Gwen when he too sends a thick white web at a tall pillar and flies across the foyer. he sticks to another dais and climbs wildly along walls after your escaping figure.
Miles jaw is loose, face dripping in concern.
somewhere behind him Jessica sighs. "those two are incorrigible."
his head is flicking back and forth between his companions, unsure if he's the only one who can see what's unfolding. your figure is climbing desperately up the side of the wide window, you're fast but Hobie is gaining ground.
Gwen and Pavitr are walking still ahead of him, arms swinging by their sides. he steps quickly, eyes never leaving the chase in the air.
"is nobody seeing this?" Miles' hands motion up to the air, they're frantic. "Hobie is chasing s-some ... poor woman!"
glancing back over her shoulder, Gwen's eyes finding the two colourful blurs, she draws to a halt. "i guess we should wait for them. they're so annoying sometimes."
Pavitr's head lolls to the side, an endeared expression twisting into his face. "i think they're adorable."
your grunts can still be heard echoing down the chamber, Hobie's too. you yelp as Hobie just misses your leg, escaping his clutch by swinging low over a random spider's head. the spider grumbles up at you.
"he's ..." Miles shakes his head, fingertips twitching against his web shooter. "is nobody gonna help her? i-i'm gonna help--"
"help?" Gwen and Pavitr were looking at him like he'd grown a second head.
there's a sharp shriek from above, he finds you mid-air. a wide web has enclosed over your shoulders, locking your arms against your side and you're hoisted back against Hobie where he's perched along a wall.
Miles hand jumps up to web his way to you when Gwen's hand closes over his wrist. she just shakes her head at him. "chill, Miles."
he looks back up.
you crash against Hobie's chest with enough force to jostle him off the wall. your joined figures slide down the side of the wall to land a few feet from where Miles stands.
your shoulders are shaking. if you weren't so low on the ground, he might not have recognised that you were ... laughing?
"got'cha, luv."
Hobie's forehead meets yours gently. you wriggle in the webbing that's bound you.
"took you longer than this morning." your voice crumbles out between giggles.
a ring-clad hand finds your chin, tilting your face against his. you press up on tippy-toes, teetering like you're drunk with his kiss. Hobie's hand is creeping over your waist and dipping you backwards under the influence of his height.
"i mean, we've barely been gone a couple hours." Gwen mutters at the sight. Pavitr is holding his hands up to his chest and lets out a soft "they're so cute."
confusion is still tugging on Miles' mind but it's drowned by the waves of relief coursing like coffee down his gullet and warming his stomach.
"they ... they do this often?" he asks tentatively.
"every damn day."
his gaze flickers between Hobie and Gwen. "so they're ... dating?"
Pavitr nods. "Hobie doesn't like labels. but pretty much."
"so," he is feigning nonchalance as far as he can carry it. he speaks at Gwen. "you and him ... you're not--?"
she's affronted. "me and Hobie?"
Pavitr is laughing.
"no!" she clarifies, clearly put out. "that's so weird ..."
Miles is practically blind with relief.
you've clearly been detangled from Hobie's webs when you bounce over to where Miles is standing amongst the others.
"Gwendoline!" your voice is light and animated, you're panting slightly from your chase.
Gwen grumbles like she hates the name, but smiles sideways under the weight of your hand ruffling her hair. you bump into Pavitr's side and he greets too.
they smile like they love you.
your eyes find him. "you must be Miles!"
he discovers you're as keen on physical touch as your boyfriend, hoisting him tightly against your chest before pulling back: holding him at arm's length to examine him.
"you're taller than I thought you'd be."
"you should see mans fly, babe," Hobie's hands slink into his jacket pockets. Miles thinks he's referring to him. "wicked with the webs, i tell ya'."
he blushes at the compliment. you're smiling at him like you're proud. "oh, yeah? maybe boss will put us on a mission together and i can check these moves, hey Morales?"
Miles nods. "sure."
you let go of his shoulders, eyes finding your boyfriend's.
skipping ahead of the kids, your hand slips into Hobie's and he leans down to kiss your temple. "how was your day, rockstar?" he hears you ask.
Gwen slides in beside Miles. they start walking again and she smiles at him.
he returns it. ahead of him, you're teetering on your toes so you're walking completely pressed against the side of your boyfriend.
Miles finds that maybe he doesn't dislike Hobie as much as he thought.
comment and repost if you enjoyed <3
@iximis @kristarose18 @everything-moa @roxannedaybreakermidnight @sleepyisy @blogtheanonymouse88 @artsimatsu @moccas-posts @champagnelovers101 @rasasvavda @slvrtty @thebitchinyourmind @kre3ce @felciasblog @dolores-kafka @lipstickghoulie @actuallyitskal @xxa-rora @idontevenknow556-blog @teancloud @n00v4 @arty546 @idkchuuu @iriiak-kaiiri @fruitypebblesstuff @heartbuckles @ete3rnal @cessakk @lilylamps @natsuwife @angelbunnyboo @hakudaru @rapmonwoozi-blog @yukk0rz-blog @pengaserma @silverwareq @darkdakota8998 @emotionalasf @hiheyhiheyhih @daughterofapollo-7 @frogsandhomicidalducks @wyldeflovver @premiumsaltinecrackers @divinerin @belos-simp69 @typicalsimpsstuff @gigiisbest @chidorichild @lqveharrington @chasingbuckybeans @totallynotawes @lavishzx @goinghamsamwich @naughtyslashers @witch-works @hystericalcannibal @mcuslut @bringontheweirdworld @winkawonkas @intherowangroves @lavnderluv @sweetlovins @void-pyro @cecilsrandomeverything @snowflxke @rockabieesstuff @rin-tesoro @finchshr00mz @lowkey357 @arainbowteddybear @xxthebangmasterxx @hauntedtacoeggpainter-blog @feather-of-the-moon @calamaarii @miss-megan @autumn-hiraeth @heyyo-peeps @drac3lara
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zorosbeau33 · 2 months
Working~ Sting Eucliffe Headcanon/Drabble
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❖ Fairy Tail, Sting x genderless reader
❖ Headcanon, Drabble, Fluff, Romance, established relationship au
❖ No warnings for this one~
❖ wc: 843
❖ @tojiseviltwin @kimnamshiks ❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
This ended up nearly becoming a imagine by accident oops? So uh headcanon/drabble. Might do nsfw headcanon if anyone is interested sometime
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Being guildmaster is something he takes great pride in, although he knows he is only so good at it because he has the support of people like Rogue and Minerva
He already finds it very hard to concentrate on paperwork when there are so many cool things out there and his guild is having fun partying or relaxing in their new pool
Which is how he would end up holed up in his office desperately trying to get himself to concentrate on the task at hand.
Digging himself out of all the backed-up paperwork that hadn’t been deemed important enough to be a same day issue.
Funny that those projects and paperwork which wasn’t really needing to be dealt with for another two-three weeks suddenly were all due at once
Rogue had been tasked (by Minerva) with letting the guild members know he was not to be disturbed for anything, even the guild burning down (Rogue could handle that without Sting's help). 
The members were on their best behavior too! Trying so hard not to disturb but to also be helpful, like delivering the finished mail for him, or leaving snacks at the door with a tiny knock. (I think they forget about his sharpened senses because yes Orga he sees and smells you hiding behind that thin ass pillar at the other end of the hall) 
Sting feels even more determined with all of them being so kind and helpful to him, especially you
Your willingness to sit beside him and carefully help sort the paperwork, file it away or arrange it to be sent out in the mail was making this process so much faster. He could tell you had teamed up with Minerva to find out exactly what she as financial and aid needed from him because before she could do it you were already guiding Sting to the next document she needed him to address
Thus after three days with late nights and early mornings the end was nearly in sight
The budget for the festival was making his eyes swim as he tried to allot the right amounts where, and Minerva herself had stepped out to take care of a time sensitive task for him when your “help” suddenly became “hindering”
“I am working babe” He would whine and pout a bit trying to ignore you sitting on his desk and moving in closer to him, a tactic that normally had him jumping into your arms or pulling you into his lap with a laugh
Sting was such a good boyfriend he always put your needs first whenever he could, and that included entertainment or cuddles…yet another reason he may have fallen a bit behind because even after your needs were met he overindulged himself in spoiling you
Your pout and little cooes and pleas for just a few minutes made him whine louder looking distraught
How could you do this to him? Puppy pout when he was trying his best to be good and do everything so he could in fact indulge himself all he wanted in your magnificent presence? 
Did you wear his clothes too knowing how that made him melt even more for you? This had to be a plot, you waited until Minerva and Rogue had stepped away to pull this.
“Please?” He would whimper and beg, eyeing you desperately wanting nothing more than to tackle you for cuddles and a nap, or some kisses “I just have a bit more, I need to…just a bit longer…” 
It was his downfall, the minute his eyes glanced at your lips he knew it was over
Crashing your lips together in an exhausted but needy kiss Sting was quickly falling into your trap
Looping his arms around your waist, hugging you as he leaned up out of his seat to reach your lips for the kisses he’d been longing for. 
Sting's exhaustion would hit him all at once and despite kissing you like a man who would drown without air, his body went slack leaning against you to stay up. Sunken eyes closing as he surrendered to the bliss of your taste
Minerva would be fuming when she came back but right now he just needed to lean into you as you sat on his desk before him and steal as many kisses as he could before falling asleep
Her anger would melt though when she saw only a few small things left, and the soft way you were stroking his hair as he used your lap as a pillow
Maybe a small nap couldn’t hurt, she could also maybe use one
Sure enough, Sting did still finish his paperwork that night
Lastly, he made sure to pay you back for interrupting and distracting him like that too ;)
From that day on Sting however, would request your kisses as a reward and a “rejuvenating spell” whenever he needed to do paperwork
Though skeptical of the method Minerva and Rogue were both relieved that paperwork never truly piled up anymore they guess they could say it’s “working”
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fancyfeathers · 4 months
Rain and Dirt (Yandere Rex Lapis/Zhongli x Goddesses!Reader)
Chapter Two, A Harbinger
Sequel to The Moon Will Sing and Time Alone
Chapter One
Summary: Stories are told of Rex Lapis the God of Contracts and his darling the Goddess of the Moonlight, but what people do not know is the truth of what their relationship really is. People think at Rex Lapis’s death that his wife would be the first to weep, but what if she is the first to smile.
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You stood there in absolute shock for a moment, not even noticing the Millelith rushing in and taking in suspects who got to close. All you could do was stare at the body before you and wonder if you were really free after all this time. You could hear the voice of Lumine but could not process it until you felt the hand of the blond woman grab your own which made you flinch for a moment.
“We have to go, now.”
You could only nod as you almost mindlessly followed after the traveler. You two snuck around the guards, ducking behind the pathways, hiding behind pillars and plants, but you could barely process anything besides the blood roaring in your ears and the shake of your body. You were really free, you could leave, your contact was till death do us part and death did, you could leave. 
You had managed to evade much of the Millelith, Lumine peaked around a corner to make sure no one was watching before she waved you and Paimon to follow. She just did not notice the leaf beneath her foot, with one step she alerted the entire Millelith. She grabbed your hand and pulled you behind her, running and even jumping down the stairs. 
You could hear shouts of…
“They’re here!,” and, “Arrest them!” 
That shot your mind back into reality very quickly, you were a suspect for the murder of your husband. As Lumine led you to turn the corner of the stairs, you only found more Millelith coming to meet the three of you and Millelith chasing you from the other direction of where you came, you were cornered. You could try and summon your own divine magic, but it would look far too suspicious without the use of a vision, if you got out of this you would have to see to the purchase of a fake one . Now you were only in a state of panic as Lumine drew her sword, but there was no way she could fight all of them off.
“Hey girlies-hold still.”
You saw it before you could process what the voice said. You saw arrows made out of water blast down on much of the Millelith before you, knocking the weapons out of their hands. Then jumping up from behind you, seemingly from the rooftops, a man, dressed in gray, red hair, blue eyes, and a strange mask on the side of his head. Upon landing on the ground he was able to cut through the remaining Millelith, quickly and accurately with blades made up of hydro energy, it seemed only second nature to him. Before you could process anything of what just happened, the bodies of the Millelith were on the ground, but there were more coming. 
“Come with me.” He said, gesturing his head, and you and Lumine did not think twice before running after him.
You stood nearby while Lumine and Paimon caught their breath, but something you noticed is that the red haired man did not look exhausted in the slightest like you, but you were not mortal, so who was he? 
“Paimon is exhausted.”
“Just what muscles does magical floating use exactly?” Lumine snapped back and you would have cracked a smile if it was not for your shocked state. Paimon was almost about to lose her head if it wasn't for you turning your attention to the man.
“And you are?” You questioned, trying to seem polite, but not joyful given what just happened.
“Call me Childe.” He answered, giving a polite semi bow to the three of you.
“Childe? What, so we’re supposed to dote on you?” This comment made him laugh and shake his head no.
“No, no, not at all. It’s an alias of sorts.” You watched as Childe shifted his attention to Lumine, which means he is probably here for her and not you which came as somewhat of a relief given that nowadays you were simply known as a housewife to a funeral parlor employee to the people of Liyue Harbor, your real identity remained unknown to them. “In Mondstadt, I don’t suppose you came across a “Signora” by any chance?”
Apparently this had some sort of implication that you did not understand, but clearly Lumine and Paimon did because not a moment later…
“You’re Fatui! One of the Harbingers!”
This statement from your floating friends snapped you right out of thoughts and made you go wide eyed and look up at him. By no means did you want to but you had the means of defending yourself if need be, but his response soothed that suspicion.
“Oh no. Don’t worry, I’m not looking for a fight. Signora gave you quite the bad impression, huh?” He tsked and rolled his eyes. “That woman… can’t say I’m a fan either. Right, let’s forget about her, shall we? I’m here to help you…” his eyes darted over to you for a moment, making direct eye contact. “…both of you.”
“Go. Leave.” Lumine snapped, clearly not wanting to deal with the Fatui and you could say you shared the sentiment.
“I don’t need help from the Fatui.” You said, turning up your nose and crossing your arms, trying to seem closed off. “I may not know what happened in Mondstadt, but I am quite fine on my own thank you very much.”
“I’m not a bad guy…” you raised an eyebrow to his statement, which made him pause for a moment. “Okay perhaps I’m kinda a bad guy, but I’m not here to give you any trouble. Would it be too much to ask for you to keep the sword sheathed?”
You watched as Lumine grew somewhat relaxed but not letting her guard down, so you shrugged. Might as well make sure Lumine is okay before you run off.
“I thank you for your knightly nobility, Lumine, and you ma’am for your willingness. I heard of your deeds in Mondstadt…” He then again glanced at you, a smile on his face as if nothing was wrong with what he was about to say, but he didn’t say anything to you, just looked back at Lumine. “So I couldn’t help but notice you during the proceedings back there and because I had my eye on you the whole time, I know it wasn’t either of you. Someone else was clearly behind this. Regrettably, given I’m a Fatui envoy from Snezhnaya… there’s no way I’d be trusted after something of this magnitude, the ruling Qixing of Liyue has always been overly suspicious of us.”
“Well can you honestly blame them?” Paimon said, scolding the harbinger which made you snicker along with the laughter from the harbinger.
“Guess I shouldn’t try to deny that. Okay, sure. Maintaining a distance between strangers is probably a good idea. Either way, I’m already used to it at this stage.” He glanced around before looking back at you, clearly wanting to wrap up this part of the conversation. “But right now, if you want to clear yourselves of any suspicion- you need to get yourselves to Northland Bank. Staying here isn’t an option. As the old Liyue saying goes, the walls have ears.”
Lumine glanced at you for reassurance and you could only give a mere nervous shrug. “That is actually true, I’ll see to it that you’re okay, but I can make no promises beyond that.”
You two followed the harbinger up through the buildings of Liyue, including your own home, which was locked now and all the lights were off which made you sigh. When you reached the bank, it looked like any ordinary business in Liyue, minus the Fatui agent outside, standing guard. You heard Childe and Lumine converse in the background while you stared over the city, it was all but a panic. The death of your husband and captor had all shook the city to its core, much like an earthquake. You sighed and wondered what was to become of this nation now in Rex Lapis’ death? We’re the Qixing to take over? Or perhaps the Adepti?
“This is a…”
And speaking of Adepti, out of the corner of your eye you spotted Childe handing Lumine a slip of paper and you nearly gasped.
“Where did you get that?” You demanded, cutting Paimon off, which made Lumine raise an eyebrow before looking between you and the harbinger.
“What is it?”
“All I know is that it is a sigil. A sigil to keep the “mighty and illuminated Adepti” from bringing harm to you.”
“Adepti?” Paimon questioned, also looking terribly confused like Lumine.
“If you head north from the harbor, then west from Guili Plains, you will eventually reach a stone forest known as Jueyun Karst. The people of Liyue believe it to be the abode of the Adepti.”
At Childe’s explanation you heard and saw Lumine sigh and roll her eyes. “Isn’t it just a legend?”
“I assure you it’s not, the Adepti are very real, and trust me, no one ever goes in if they value their life.” You say, interrupting the harbinger before he can speak. You know the Adepti all too well, Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, Cloud Retainer, you even had the odd encounter with the Conqueror of Demons from time to time. You could only imagine what their reaction would be to the death of the Prime Adepti. “I could only imagine what anger they’ll be in at the death of Liyue’s Archon.” 
“I hate to admit it, but thanks to Mrs. (Name) your Fatui intel seems alright.” Paimon replied, glancing over at you for a moment to make sure you weren’t going to say anything else. “But. Why would we go looking for the Adepti anyway?”
“Because the Adepti would clear you of any suspicion.” Once again you answered before Childe could and he nodded.
“Once again, she is right. Liyue was founded by the Geo Archon and the Adepti- of course, it was built by force.” Childe’s explanation made you think. Did you really have a hand in building Liyue, or were those just the stories told as you sat at your husband's feet? You were not an Adepti but surely as a goddess of Liyue you must matter to its formation in some way besides being a pretty little songbird to sit by its Archon’s side. “Look for them. And be faster than the Qixing’s messengers, so you may give your version of the events first. If there is anyone who can help you now, it can only be the mighty and illuminated Adepti. If that fails, there is one last source we can turn to, the wife of Rex Lapis if she is still alive.”
Oh dear…
“Rex Lapis has a wife?” Paimon asked, turning between you and Childe. You both nodded but let the harbinger explain thing one, out of fear of over sharing and exposing yourself to the group in front of you, after your newly acquired freedom.
“He does, the goddess of Moonlight and Rain. There are many stories of their love, but from what I understand she is a gentle and loving goddess. If Rex Lapis is the father of Liyue, looking over it and protecting it, then his wife is the mother, nurturing and caring for her children.” Childe laughed a bit and gave a bit of a shrug. “Despite her name being practically unknown, the people hold her in the same amount of reverence as Rex Lapis despite her being far more weak than her husband.”
“I wouldn’t say all that about her, Liyue hasn’t even seen her in hundreds of years.” You said, turning away from them, going to look over the city of Liyue Harbor. Childe was right, Liyue did see you as their mother, your gentleness, your compassion, your tenderness. But these traits made you prone to your husband, you were forced into this position, you were weak. “I’m sure at this point she is nothing but a bedtime story.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure, I think she matters much more to Liyue than you think.” You hear the harbinger speak as you lean over the railing, your eyes never once leaving the figures in the streets. “Perhaps more of the truth shall be revealed here in the next few days.”
“Perhaps… Perhaps…” You sighed and turned around to face the three before you. “As opposed as I am to it, you will need a guide to Jueyun Karst. Lucky enough for you I know the way.”
“You’ve been before?!” Paimon gasped and you nodded. “But didn’t you tell us no one should go? Why would you go?”
“Don’t worry about that right now, finding the Goddess that is Rex Lapis’s wife is next to impossible so the Adepti are your only hope.” You sighed and looked off to the streets of Liyue Harbor one last time. None of them know where you are, nor what has happened to you over the last few thousand years, and perhaps ignorance is bliss. Despite the mortals not knowing, the Adepti did and nor did they mind which made you shiver. “But I would be lying if meeting the Adepti did not shake me to my core.”
Chapter Three
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theworldofotps · 1 year
Recording It All (NSFW)
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader Word Count: 1,356 Description: Rhea comes to you with a request, she wants to record some intimate moments between the two of you.
Part Two
Warning: Smut, fingering, recording of sexual activities. _________ Tag list:  @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @auburnwrites @aews-four-pillars @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @mcreignsera
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. _________ When Rhea mentioned wanting to talk to you about something important after she got back from her house shows over the weekend. It left you feeling just a little bit anxious. She normally just told you what she wanted to talk about but today she withheld it. So, you spent the whole evening trying to distract yourself as you waited for your girlfriend to return home. When her car finally pulled into the driveway you ran to the door to greet her. 
“Hi babe.” 
You smiled, kissing her lips after she set her bag down hugging you tightly. 
“Hey love.” 
Rhea kissed your temple as the two of you chatted and made your way into the kitchen then up to your room so she could unpack her bag. Sitting on the bed you wait listening as she spoke about her trip.
“So you wanted to talk about something?”
“Yes, I did. I’m just not sure how you’re going to react to it because it may sound a bit weird. It’s nothing bad, and if you want to say no that is totally fine as well. I won’t be upset.”
“Ree just tell me what it is please you’re worrying me a little.”
You say taking her hand as she sits down beside you on the bed, you hadn’t seen her like this since you two first started dating and she asked you to stay the night. Rubbing her hands along her jeans she looked at the floor.
“This weekend while the guys and I were traveling we played this game where we asked each other questions. It was like sip it or spit it something like that. Anyway, one of the questions Dom asked Damian was if he had ever recorded any moments in the bedroom. He gave his answer then all three of them were sort of sharing stories. Well not so much Dom but definitely Damian and Finn.”
Rhea explained as she looked over at you, she needed to be able to see your expression. To know if there was even a fraction of a chance you may be okay with what she was about to ask.
“It got me thinking and I was wondering if we could do that. I have an old camera we could record on. So, we wouldn’t have to worry about it getting leaked, but I just thought it sounded kinda hot.”
If you tried to guess what she wanted to ask this probably wouldn’t even have entered your mind. Sitting there for a few moments you search her face. Rhea was getting a little anxious that maybe she had overstepped. Opening her mouth to tell you to forget it you speak. 
“That does sound kind of interesting, and it could be fun maybe to watch back together or when one of us is home alone?” 
You questioned biting your lip as you offered her a smile. 
“Wait seriously?” 
Nodding you laugh as she jumps up kissing you deeply before rushing off to find her camera. Slipping off the bed you let out a shaky breath as you dim the lights just slightly. 
“Took me a minute but I found it.”
Rhea spoke as she walked back into the bedroom turning the camera on. She smiled at you, placing it on the nightstand and aiming it at the bed. Making her way to you Rhea pressed a soft kiss against your lips. 
“If you want to stop at any time, please just tell me.”
She whispers to you, smiling as you nod your head wrapping your arms around her. Bringing her down to meet your lips in a kiss. Rhea backed you towards the large bed laughing at the squeal that left you when you suddenly toppled back. Scrambling towards the headboard you laid on your back watching as Rhea crawled up the bed like an animal hunting its prey. Kissing your knee, Rhea removed your top and bra, her lips pressing against your skin as she got behind you. Settling yourself between her legs, you turned and pressed your back to her chest.
“Are you ready?”
She asked wanting to be sure that you were still okay with this all.
You whispered feeling a little excited when you glanced over to see the red record light was on. Reaching over Rhea picked the camera up, holding it in her left hand as her right slipped down into your sweats. Your hips lift so you can slide them down together, your body was already trembling in anticipation as Rhea left wet open mouth kisses along your shoulder. 
“Fuck princess, look at how needy you are, I can already see the wet patch on your underwear. You really do like the idea of us recording this.” 
Zooming in on your bright red panties Rhea slides her fingers down your stomach tracing a familiar path. Feeling the soft skin that she had felt against her face and fingers so many times before. Your legs part almost automatically for her as her hand moved down closer to where you needed her most. Pulling the fabric to the side Rhea made sure to get the perfect view of her fingers slipping knuckle deep into your cunt. The cool metal of her rings made you tremble slightly, soft moans falling from your lips as her fingers started moving. Filling you over and over again, not quite touching your clit just yet. She wanted you to beg and whimper for her to touch you there. The sounds of your sweet moans always got her worked up. 
“You’re already so wet for me baby, look at how your wetness glistens on my fingers.”
Her voice was thick with lust as she held her fingers up for you and the camera to see, licking her fingers Rhea moaned. The taste of you coating her tongue, her fingers filled you once again and finally you begged.
“Babe please I need you.”
“What do you need?”
Whimpers leave your mouth as she slowly works her fingers up towards your clit but leaves it untouched. Licking your dry lips your mind was clouded with arousal.
“Make me cum please. I want to feel your fingers against my- ohh.”
Your words are cut off into a moan as her thumb rubs against your clit starting in slow circles that had your head falling back into her chest. Rhea made sure to pan the camera up to your face to capture every moment of your impending orgasm. The sound of her fingers in your pussy could be heard lightly filling the room. A smirk crossed the Aussie’s face as your walls began to clench around her fingers. Your moans grew louder as she worked faster, her lips pressed kisses to your neck as she whispered dirty things in your ear.
“You have no idea how badly I want to fuck you right now, feeling your sweet pussy clenching around my fingers. Feeling how your wetness is dripping along my fingers. I want you to be a good girl y/n and cum for me.”
Whimpers fell from your parted lips as that familiar feeling of delicious pressure started building in your stomach. A tingling sensation went through you as Rhea worked your cunt and clit at a fast pace, her lips attached to your neck as you cried out her name. Your orgasm suddenly hit, causing your body to tremble in her hold as your vision darkened. The sound of your moans and your heart pounded in your ears. 
Rhea made sure to capture every moment, one of her favorite things was watching you cum. You felt your body go limp as you began to come down from the high, panting softly. Rhea removed her fingers causing you to whine at being empty. Watching her lick her fingers clean made your legs clench ever so slightly as her eyes filled with lust. 
“You’ve made a mess princess. I think it’s only fair if you let me clean it up.”
A wicked smirk crossed her face as she set the camera to the side, this time her face was buried between your legs.
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heartateasee · 5 months
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“The Gallery”
Word count: 15.1k
Warnings: Unprotected sex
You can check out more of my work here: https://www.wattpad.com/user/heartatease (but I plan on uploading tumblr specific writing to this blog as well)
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Darcie stood in front of the three black and white canvases that were hanging on one of the walls of the art gallery she was currently employed at. Her head was tilted to the side as she hugged a glass of champagne against her chest. She was dressed in a pale pink jumpsuit with a corset-like top that complimented her olive colored skin, and accentuated her curves perfectly, but it wasn't all that revealing. Nude strappy heels were on her feet, and her hair was straightened, but still a bit big given how thick it was.
She wasn't working tonight, her boss giving her the night off to truly enjoy the showing that was happening. This gallery was a dream of hers, and she knew that she was on her way to being part owner of it. Art had always spoken to her. Whether it be paintings, photography or just drawings - it moved her all the same.
Taking a small sip from her glass, she walked a bit closer to the canvases, fingertips drifting along the bottom of one of them.
"Don't think you're supposed to touch those, you know?"
Darcie jumped slightly, quickly turning to see a man leaning against the pillar close to her. Shaggy chestnut curls were pushed back by a pair of sunglasses, but piercing green eyes were staring back at her. He was adorned in a pair of khaki trousers and a rust orange sweater - black and white old skool Vans on his feet.
"Oh, I just-"
"Those portraits are of you, aren't they?" He asked, raising his hand that held his glass of caramel colored liquor so he could point a finger at the wall.
The mystery man pushed himself off the pillar, beginning to walk in her direction. She nibbled on her bottom lip as he stood beside her, shoulder to shoulder, and he continued to admire the work in front of him.
"Why do you think these are me?" She asked, finally speaking to him after a moment or two.
Smirking softly, he looked over at Darcie - taking a sip of his drink as he looked back to the art. "The lighting may be completely different in this room right now, but I know how shadows would hit your curves. The way that I see it in my head is the exact way it's portrayed in these photos right in front of us - it has to be you. The curvature of your body is beautiful, and there's absolutely no way you can tell me that what I'm envisioning in my mind isn't what I'm seeing on this wall right now."
Darcie felt a warmth covering over the apples of her cheeks, and she quickly looked away from the man standing next to her as she stifled a giggle. He looked away from the wall to watch her, and a smile of his own took over his lips as he saw just how flushed he had caused her to be.
"So, do I get to know if I'm right?" He questioned, pursing his lip slightly to the side.
Darcie slowly looked back over at him, tapping her fingertips against the champagne flute in her hand. "You're right."
The man smirked softly, and she watched as the tip of his tongue ran along the inside of his cheek. "Well, it would be hard to get it wrong when it comes to someone as gorgeous as yourself."
Silence took over the both of them, but neither of them felt uncomfortable. They walked along the wall together a bit further, and Darcie could feel her face redden even more as they got to canvases that were so obviously her. These were more casual - her laying on a blanket in the middle of a park on an autumn day.
"Now these - there's no denying that these are you," he joked, glancing over to her, and she noticed the dimple denting his cheek as she looked back at him. "You must be quite the muse."
Darcie swallowed harshly as her brown eyes held his moss ones, and she quickly looked to her feet as she started to feel a bit overwhelmed. She was confident in herself, but there was something about this stranger that caused nerves to tingle in the depths of her stomach. It was a sensation she hadn't experienced in some time.
"Uhm, I guess so?"
"I'm Harry, by the way," the man spoke, holding his free hand out to her. He bit down on his bottom lip to conceal how much he was enjoying the pink tint covering her skin. It contrasted against her tanned complexion in such a way that drew him in.
"Nice to meet you, Harry, I'm-"
"Darcie," a voice came from behind the pair, and she looked over her shoulder to see her boyfriend, Joel, approaching them - causing Harry to quickly drop his hand.
"Hi darling," she cooed softly as he wrapped his arm around her waist, leaning down to plant a kiss against her cheek. "Did you make that sale?
Joel had left Darcie to speak to a potential buyer who was interested in the canvases of snapshots he had taken during a small trip to Portugal last year.
"I did, he was very happy to take them off my hands," Joel responded.
Harry immediately realized how much he had overstepped, and he grew a bit uncomfortable. Darcie turned to look back in his direction, placing her freehand against Joel's chest.
"This gentleman was actually just admiring your work as well," Darcie stated, noticing how uneasy Harry had started to look, and she felt a bit guilty.
"Oh, thanks man," Joel said, reaching a hand out. "I'm Joel."
They shook hands, and Darcie quickly downed the rest of their champagne as she wasn't sure how this could go. It was apparent that Joel was completely oblivious to the flirting that Harry had been doing previously though.
"Do you shoot as well?" Joel asked curiously.
Harry cleared his throat, taking another sip of his drink before answering. "I do, actually. What are you shooting on? These are magnificent. Both sets."
Harry's hand gestured to both the black and white photos that he had first noticed, as well as the ones of Darcie in the park.
"Well, it comes a little easy when I have someone as beautiful as her in front of the lens," Joel chuckled, squeezing Darcie's hip before focusing back on Harry. "I'm currently shooting on a Fujifilm GFX 100S, how about you?"
Lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck, Harry suddenly felt a bit awkward about the information he was about to share. "Oh, I've been shooting on a Leica S3 for the past year or so."
Darcie watched as Joel's eyes widened, and his jaw slightly dropped. "Holy shit, that's an almost twenty grand camera."
"It was a gift from a teacher," Harry said, really hoping that he didn't come across as some pretentious prick. "Not a college professor or anything like that, just someone who helped me learn a lot of things, and he thought of me like a son so..."
"I'm sorry for your loss," Darcie spoke up, immediately catching onto the fact that Harry was speaking about this particular person in the past tense.
Harry's eyes flickered over to hers, holding them. "Thank you."
The three of them looked in the direction of where Joel's name was called from, and he quickly leaned down to press another kiss to the corner of Darcie's lips. "I'll be right back."
Darcie kept her eyes trained on her boyfriend as he walked away before turning back to Harry.
"I feel like I need to apologize," Harry rushed out, walking just a bit closer to her. "I'm sorry, if I had known that you were seeing someone I would've never flirted with you the way I was."
"Harry, really, it's okay," Darcie said, shaking her head softly at him. "And to be fair, yes, you were flirting, but you were extremely respectful. I also didn't necessarily stop you so..."
Harry let out a soft sigh, pressing his hand against his chest. "Okay, good, I just...I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. That's the last thing I would ever want."
"You didn't," Darcie giggled, finding this all a bit amusing. "I promise."
"Do you frequent this gallery often?" Harry asked, trying to steer their conversation in a more friendly, not flirty, direction.
"I actually work here," Darcie told him, giving him a large smile. "Hopefully working up to part owner soon."
Harry raised his eyebrows. "Wow, that's impressive. Good for you."
The two of them continued to walk along the gallery, exchanging simple conversation, and having a drink refill along the way. As they approached the end of the photos, Harry placed his now empty glass on a table and turned to Darcie.
"I just want to say, you were exceptional company tonight," he confessed, tucking his hands into the front pockets of his pants. "And I have to tell you this because I can't leave without doing so, but you're a very stunning woman, and if you didn't have a boyfriend, I would absolutely be asking you to get a drink with me once you were finished here."
Darcie knew that Harry didn't mean any harm by what he was saying, and she actually appreciated his honesty. She couldn't blame Joel for being away all night, but she would admit that Harry's company was nice. They didn't know each other at all, but something about his presence helped her get through it all.
"Babe," she heard Joel's voice calling out to her, and he quickly rushed over. "I just made another five grand."
Darcie's eyes widened, shaking her head. "Oh my god, what did they buy?
"Your black and white portraits."
A frown quickly took over her features, and she took a step back from her boyfriend. "You told me that you weren't going to sell those. You said that those were only for you or me - other than displaying them to showcase your work."
Harry suddenly felt a bit of disgust brew in his chest from what he was hearing.
"I know, Cece, but it's a lot of money," Joel tried to reason, and Harry watched as Darcie took a deep breath.
Darcie actually hated the nickname 'Cece', but she never tried to correct Joel. She didn't want to hurt his feelings.
"I understand that, Joel, I really do," Darcie said, nodding her head. "I know we had them here tonight, but those are personal photos, and it's one thing for people to see them - it's another for someone other than me and you to have them in their possession. That's...that's my body. That's me."
"Oh come on, you let me take them, didn't you? You knew they were going to be shared around."
"Hey man," Harry didn't think twice about stepping in. "It is her body at the end of the day. From photographer to photographer, if she didn't consent to you selling, that's a bit fucked up."
Joel cut his eyes at Harry, quickly pulling Darcie behind his body to shield her from him. "Yeah, well I think it's a bit fucked up that I've looked over several times tonight, and I've seen you lingering around my girlfriend. What do you have to say about that?"
"Oh my god, Joel!" Darcie exclaimed, gripping his arm. "Please, he wasn't doing anything. We were just talking about your work, really."
"Look, I don't mean any harm, but-" Harry started, but before he could get another word in, he felt a shove to his shoulder.
"I advise that you leave - right now."
Darcie looked between the two of them with wide eyes, her full lips parted as she tried to make sense of what was happening in front of her. Part of her wanted to defend Joel, her boyfriend, because he had been her partner for the past eight months, but there was another part of her that wanted to defend Harry, the man she had just met.
"Okay," Harry nodded, eyes flashing to Darcie for a moment before looking back to Joel. "I'll go."
Joel and Darcie watched as Harry exited the main gallery and started towards the lobby, and it caused that feeling of guilt to creep into Darcie's stomach once more.
It was a week or so later that Darcie was working at the gallery, and she was still extremely irritated with Joel for selling off those pictures of her. The ones of her in the park returned to his apartment as planned, but the black and white ones had been sold, and they ended up being sold to someone for twice the amount that Joel initially planned to sell them for.
It caused a big rift between the two of them, and she questioned their entire relationship at the fact that he would do something like this for money. Regardless of her pleading with him not to let those pictures go anywhere but his or her place, he still did it. That sour taste in her mouth at the whole thing was growing hard to get rid of.
"Darcie," Fiona, one of the interns, spoke up as she knocked on the doorway of her office. "There's a package for you at the front desk."
"Thanks," Darcie said, hardly looking up from her computer as she was finishing up an email to a potential client.
She was expecting a few shipments of art to display as a lot of recent pieces had ended up selling, so she wasn't the least bit surprised to hear that there was a delivery for her. Darcie pushed herself up from her desk and walked towards the front.
"These mine?" She asked Angie behind the desk who was currently on the phone. Angie gave Darcie a nod, and she collected the wrapped pieces before heading back to her office.
She placed them on her desk, undoing the tie that was holding them together. As she began to unwrap the first canvas, her jaw dropped slightly. It took her a moment to process, and her eyes wandered over the picture.
It was her.
Darcie quickly worked to unwrap the other two pieces, realizing they were also her. All three of the black and white portraits from Joel's show. As she unwrapped the last one, a piece of folded paper fell out of the wrapping and she immediately grabbed it. She unfolded it, and allowed her eyes to bounce along the handwriting covering the page.
"I know you didn't want these pictures going anywhere but the two of you. Before I left, I offered to pay double of what Joel previously accepted, and I was met with an immediate 'yes'. I only did that so I could get these back to you - just as you wanted. I hope this can bring you some relief in knowing they aren't just hanging up in some random person's home.
Take care, Darcie. Maybe at some point we'll meet again. xx
Darcie let out a small laugh of disbelief, her hands tracing over the canvases in front of her once she set the letter down. She knew it was Harry - it had to be. No other person heard the fight between her and Joel, and the fact that the letter was signed 'H' just solidified that it was him. The way that he would go to these lengths just to protect these pictures of her after hearing her plead with her boyfriend not to sell them was unfathomable.
She sat down quickly at her computer and went into their customer database. It was a bit risky to do this, as she was breaking a few rules by searching for a customer's personal information for something other than a sale, but she needed to find him. Her eyebrows narrowed as she typed 'Harry' into the search engine under the first name, and an immediate groan left her as over fifteen thousand matches popped up. It's what she should have expected, but all she wanted to do was thank him for what he had done for her.
It was the following June, a little over a year since Joel's showing at the art gallery, and Darcie was preparing for another showing tonight. This one she would be working, seeing as she did get the position of part opener at the end of last year. This particular showing also was not one of Joel's, but a gentleman who was new to the area. His name was Ethan, and this was his first showing in the city.
The showing was already in full force come eight o'clock, and Darcie hadn't stopped moving around since it started. She thought that by now she would be able to leave things in the hands of others so that she could have a cocktail while viewing the pieces, but that looked almost impossible at the moment.
"Darcie, please go and enjoy the showing," Angie, who was now her personal assistant instead of just working the front desk at the gallery, pleaded as she followed behind her boss. "I promise that we can take care of everything else."
Darcie let out a sigh, standing with her hands on her hips as she looked along the crowd around them. "Are you absolutely positive, Angie?"
Angie nodded eagerly, placing a hand on Darcie's back as she guided her to the bar. "Have a drink, and go."
There wasn't another second to spare an argument from Darcie as Angie had quickly turned on her heels and started back towards the main area of the showing. Turning her attention back to the bartender, Darcie ordered herself a dirty martini with extra olives and the bartender obliged. With her drink in her hand, she walked to the beginning of the gallery - starting from 'the beginning' as Ethan had labeled it.
Her feet carried her into the next room a few minutes later, quite bigger than the first room, and there were benches in the middle that you could sit on and admire the work if you chose to do so. As she stared at one particular piece, one that displayed a woman laying in a field of flowers, she suddenly felt a presence behind her.
"I much preferred the showing from last May, if I'm going to be completely honest."
The rich accent that Darcie figured she would never hear again flooded into her ears, and she slowly looked over her shoulder to see Harry with a small smirk on his lips.
"Is that so?" Darcie asked playfully, watching as Harry's dimples appeared as his smirk morphed into a wide smile.
"Absolutely, bought three pieces myself, didn't you know?
Looking down at her drink, Darcie laughed at Harry's statement - knowing that he was referring to her pieces that he had sent her. She lifted a hand to twirl the small skewer with her remaining olives, watching as she moved it around her drink. By the time she looked back up, Harry was directly at her side.
They took a moment and allowed their eyes to drag over one another, and Darcie noted at how much more formal he looked tonight than the last time he was here. Harry made note that Darcie looked a bit more carefree, and the dress she had on tonight was way more revealing than the jumpsuit she wore last year.
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"Another showing of your boyfriend's?" Harry quipped, and Darcie just about choked on the sip she had just taken of her martini. He chuckled softly, muttering a quick 'sorry' as he watched her wipe her fingertips over her lips.
"Well," Darcie started once she had gathered herself. "Would be difficult for this to be a boyfriend's showing considering I don't have one of those."
Harry raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his own drink as he hummed in response.
"What?" Darcie questioned, biting one of the olives off the skewer.
He tried so hard not to, but Harry couldn't help that he directed his eyeline to her lips as she pulled the garnish into her mouth. Darcie noticed immediately, and as much as she wanted to tease him for it, she decided not to.
"Nothing," Harry cleared his throat, and Darcie disguised her crooked grin as she saw a soft blush on his cheekbones.
They both looked back to the canvas in front of them, taking it in together, and they each felt as if they were experiencing deja vu. Darcie's heels lightly clicked against the floor as they continued to make their way around the showing, and eventually Harry turned to look at her again.
"So, did you get your part owner position?" He asked, finishing off his drink as he could see they were nearing the end of the pictures.
Darcie's eyes widened, shocked that Harry had remembered that detail from their conversation. "Uhm...yes, actually," she said with a soft nod. "I was in charge of planning this whole showing tonight. It was so busy I didn't think that I'd be able to enjoy it myself, but my assistant made it a point to tell me that she could handle it."
"Well, I'm glad she did that. I caught a glimpse of you when I first walked in, but you looked like you were extremely busy. I didn't want to bother you."
"Looking for me, were you?" Darcie teased, finishing off the rest of her martini - popping the last olive into her mouth once she swallowed.
Harry pulled his bottom lip through his teeth, but his boyish smile still made its way through. "Can you blame me? I meant what I said last time we saw each other, Darcie. You're stunning, and I enjoyed your company that night. I hoped that this time I would actually be able to do what I wanted to do last time."
"And what would that be?"
Harry walked a bit closer, still leaving the slightest gap between the two of them. "Me asking you to have a drink with me once you're finished here. We can go wherever you want - I'm just not ready to say goodnight to you yet."
Darcie's stomach flipped with excitement at Harry's request. She hadn't been on any dates since her and Joel broke up not too long after his showing. She saw his true colors that night, and she didn't like them. Since then, she really hadn't had any time to focus on dating. All of her time was invested in the gallery these days, and she enjoyed it that way.
But she had hoped that one day she would get the opportunity to thank Harry for his kind gesture, and the fact that he was opening that door for her, she wasn't going to pass it up.
Not to mention he was also extremely attractive, and his raspy accent made her want to melt into the floor.
"I think I can manage that," Darcie responded, trying not to seem too eager when really she was ecstatic to be going out with him. She felt like it was fate that he ended up back here tonight, and that maybe this was going to lead to something more.
Harry and Darcie placed their empty glasses back on the bar, and Harry's hand found the small of her back as they began to walk through the crowd of people.
"I just need to find my assistant and make sure that everything's good before we go. This is going to be ending here soon anyway," Darcie told Harry over her shoulder as they walked, given he was walking at an angle behind her, but he still made sure he kept his hand securely on her back.
Darcie quickly located Angie, and she told Harry to excuse her for just a moment. He nodded, eyes staying trained on her as she made her way over to a blonde in the corner of the room. He watched as the blonde's eyes flickered over to him, and Darcie quickly turned so that their backs were facing him. Harry laughed to himself, as the blonde was clearly told not to look over at him, but she did it anyway.
It was only a few seconds later that Darcie made her way back over to Harry with a small black handbag over her shoulder. "Angie actually has it all covered, so I'm ready to go whenever you are."
"I think I'm all set," Harry told her, his hand finding its home on her back once again.
They made their way out of the gallery and onto the street, the newly summer breeze fanning over their bodies. "There's a nice tapas bar a block or so down that has really good tequila if you're interested in something like that," Darcie suggested with a small shrug.
"Lead the way," Harry encouraged her, making sure to walk close to her on the sidewalk.
Darcie decided to be a bit brave, and she curled into Harry's side slightly as they walked. Harry noticed, and his stomach knotted just a bit. As confident as he tried to come off to her, Darcie did make him nervous. She was easily the most gorgeous woman he ever had the chance of being in the presence of, and the fact that she was reciprocating his advances had him both excited and anxious.
"Do you go to this bar often?" He asked, trying to start up another conversation with her. The silence wasn't awkward, but he wanted to be able to talk to her as much as possible before the night was through.
"I do," Darcie said with a soft nod. "It's a regular after work spot for a lot of us. We're missing it tonight, obviously, but they have a really great happy hour. Are you hungry at all? The food is fantastic and authentic."
"I could eat."
Darcie pointed at an upcoming building, and once they reached it, Harry held the door open for her. They stepped inside, and Darcie immediately walked up to the hostess stand.
"Hi there, is the rooftop bar open tonight?" She asked, and the hostess gave her a nod. "Would it be possible for my friend and I to be seated up there, please?"
"Absolutely - just the two of you, Miss Crane?"
"Yes, just the two of us. Thank you so much."
Darcie walked back to Harry and locked her arm around his, her hand cupping to his bicep, as they began to follow the hostess up the staircase that was right near the entrance. The building wasn't too tall, so they only had to walk up two flights of steps before they were exiting out a side door that brought them out onto the roof.
The hostess walked them over to a small two top table that had an incredible view of the city before placing their menus down. "Your server will be right with you guys. Good to see you again, Miss Crane."
Harry quickly pulled out Darcie's seat for her, earning him a 'thank you' before he assisted her with scooting it in a bit. He sat in his own chair, shrugging off his suit jacket - draping the garment over the back of it. His eyes wandered over the drink menu as he undid the buttons of his sleeves around his wrist, beginning to roll them up to his elbows.
Although Harry's eyes were on the menu, Darcie's eyes were glued to Harry's actions. She watched as his fingers gracefully tucked and rolled the shirt, and her eyebrows raised as ink became visible on both of his arms. Harry could feel her eyes after a moment, and he eventually looked up to see her staring at him with slightly wide eyes.
"What? Are tattoos a deal breaker?" He joked, causing Darcie to come back into the present moment. They both laughed softly at his remark before she shook her head.
"I mean, if they are a deal breaker it's because I tend to be attracted to those with tattoos, not the other way around. How long have you been getting tattooed for? You seem to have quite a few."
"Since I was eighteen, and I have plenty more. My torso, hips, thighs and a few here and there along the rest of my legs," Harry said with a shrug.
Darcie's mouth began to run dry, and she quickly grabbed the complimentary water the hostess had poured for them before she left, taking a few big sips to try to get herself together. Thinking about the tattoos on his hips and his thighs caused her mind to slightly spiral, and she knew if she allowed herself to linger on it too much that she could become a babbling mess.
"Seems like you do come here quite often since you're on a name basis with the staff," Harry smirked as he took a sip of water himself.
"I insist that they call me Darcie, but the owner is adamant that they don't," Darcie cringed slightly. "Miss Crane just sounds so formal."
"Darcie Crane," Harry mused, letting out a bit of a hum afterwards. "That's definitely a beautiful name."
"Darcie Lennox Crane, if you want to get official."
Harry's eyebrows raised, slightly surprised that she would reveal her full name to him so suddenly. "Well, Darcie Lennox Crane, I'm Harry Edward Styles," he stated, holding his hand out to her. "It's nice to officially meet you...again."
Darcie's stomach somersaulted at Harry's gesture, and she let out a small laugh as she placed her hand in his. They shook them a couple times before they both busted out into a fit of laughter, dropping their hands back onto the top of the table.
A server ended up coming over to the table, and Darcie ordered herself an Añejo old fashioned. Harry was surprised by her drink of choice, and decided on ordering one of those for himself as well. The server walked away to ring in their drinks, and Darcie turned back to Harry.
"Any dietary restrictions?" she asked. "I have a few go to tapas that I could order for us, but I want to make sure I get what you like or what you can have."
"I'm a vegetarian, but other than that, no allergies or anything," Harry responded, tapping his fingertips against his glass of water.
"I can work with that," Darcie teased playfully.
"So, tell me a little bit more about yourself," Harry said, leaning forward to cross his arms on the top of the table.
Darcie pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, looking out at the city for a moment - tucking a strand of hair that was blowing in the breeze behind her ear. It had been a while since she had to do this. New people didn't come into her life very often these days, at least not on this level, and she wasn't really sure if she found herself all that exciting.
"Well," she started, after clearing her throat, looking back over to Harry to see him still looking at her so intently. "As you know, I'm now part owner of the gallery, and I'm really enjoying that. I have a master's degree in art history, so if that doesn't tell you where my heart lies."
Darcie chewed on the inside of her cheek, trying to think of anything else that would still have her come off as interesting to the appealing gentleman in front of her. "I speak fluent Spanish. I have my whole life practically because my grandmother speaks very little English and, if I'm not at the art gallery, I enjoy readings...like poetry readings."
Harry had moved to cup his chin in his palm as Darcie spoke, his focus completely on her. He couldn't remember the last time he was so intrigued with someone. He'd be lying if he said her beautiful face, and her stunning figure, hadn't popped up into his mind more times than he could count over the past year or so, but now it was nice to match her inviting personality with that as well.
When he witnessed how much of an ass her boyfriend was at that showing last year, and the fact that he would let some random person buy pictures of his girlfriend without her consent, he knew he needed to do something about it. He didn't even think twice about stopping by the table that was set up for those who were interested in buying on the way out. Although Joel had threatened him to leave, there was no way he was going to do that without ensuring those pictures were his. The intention was always to get them back to Darcie, and with him knowing that she worked at the gallery, it made it all so easy.
"A master's degree...speaking fluent spanish?" Harry quirked a brow with a small nod. "Intelligent and beautiful. Consider me one of the luckiest men in the world to be here at this table with you tonight."
Darcie shook her head at Harry, shielding her face slightly for a moment with her hand. "You're ridiculous," she laughed, feeling the heat on her cheeks.
"I'm just telling the truth, Miss Crane."
The server came back over with their drinks, placing them down on the table before asking if they were ready to order.
"Yes, we're going to order a few things, actually. We'll take one order of the patatas bravas, pimientos de Padrón..." Darcie quickly turned her attention over to Harry. "Pesecetarian?"
Harry gave her a quick nod before she turned back to their server. "An order of gambas al ajillo, and pulpo a la Gallega."
Harry was more than impressed at the fluidity of how Darcie ordered, knowing exactly what she could and couldn't order for Harry due to his restriction. Once the server walked away, Darcie focused back in on him, seeing the slight smile tugging on his lips.
"What?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.
Harry took the moment to really admire her. The shape of her sculpted nose with the freckles that were scattered across it. Her lips with the defined cupid's bow, and the way her hair framed perfectly around her face. He was so drawn in already, hell, he was already drawn in last year, but now seeing how she truly carried herself - it just made her that much more appealing to him.
"That was..." Harry started but cleared his throat, licking over his bottom lip. "I'm sorry, but for lack of a better term, that was sexy. You're a woman who's very sure of what she wants, and you deliver that with such confidence."
"Oh but if he only knew," Darcie thought to herself.
The only thing that she was sure she wanted was Harry's attention, and maybe more than that, but her confidence that she had in almost every other aspect was not coming to her tonight. He intimidated her in the best way possible. He was so sure of himself, and she hadn't really met anyone who exuded that as much as he did before.
"I told you, I just come here a lot," Darcie said, trying not to have him read too much into her.
"It's not just that," Harry responded with a shake of his head. He ran the tip of his finger around the rim of his glass, waiting to cheers her properly before taking the first sip. "It's everything about you as a whole. I hope I don't overstep by saying that you intrigue me, Darcie. You did a year ago, and even further now that I'm seeing more of you."
Darcie honed in on his finger dancing around the rim, and that's when she noticed just how many rings he had adorning both of his hands.
If Darcie had been standing, she surely would have been weak at the knees. Her body was turning into complete jello the more he spoke about her. Sure, others had talked about her in the past in ways that complimented her, but never like Harry was tonight.
"Well, you intrigue me too," Darcie admitted, lifting her drink out to him. "To an unexpected reunion."
"To an unexpected reunion."
They allowed their glasses to clink together before they each took a sip from their drink. Darcie's eyes peered at him over the bottom of the glass - waiting for his reaction. Harry's brows launched into his forehead for a moment before they settled, and they both lowered their drinks.
"Oh wow," he said, patting his lips together for a moment before licking over them. "That's really good. I've never had one of these before."
"It's my tried and true," Darcie said with a shrug. "I'm glad that you enjoy it."
Darcie now took the time to study Harry. His curls were a bit shorter than the last time she had seen him, and he was obviously dressed up a bit more than he was the first time. She had to wonder if he did that consciously, or if he switched his style up on a whim.
"So I have to ask," she spoke up again after taking another sip of her drink. "You spoke about a mentor of sorts that helped you learn what you know as far as photography goes. How long did he teach you?"
"A few years," Harry responded, swirling the liquid around in his glass a bit. "He was older, and he knew he wasn't in the best of health. There wasn't anything in particular that was wrong, no disease or anything - it was just his time. He left a lot to me, and he actually just passed away before I went to the showing last year. He was my biggest supporter."
Darcie nodded, and she could see a glaze of sorrow coat over Harry's emerald eyes. Slowly, she reached a hand out to run her fingertips over the back of his hand that was still casually resting on the table. "I'm sure he taught you so well, Harry, and I'm certain that teaching you was probably one of his greatest joys. From the little bit you've told me, I think he cherished you dearly."
To try to get his mind off of the sensitive subject she had brought up, she gave his hand a small squeeze before pulling it away. "So what is your typical thing to shoot? Do you shoot people, animals, objects..."
"People mostly," Harry said as he looked down at his drink in his glass. "I shot a few models here and there throughout photography school, but after that I really only shot people that I was...involved with. Men and women."
Hesitantly, Harry brought his eyes up to look at Darcie who remained sitting there with an unchanged expression on her face. Usually when Harry had brought up that he had been with men in the past, most women he was interested in would quickly end the encounter and leave. He wasn't getting that type of vibe from Darcie, but he couldn't quite make out the look she was giving him.
"Well, I think sometimes it's better for the artist to work with someone they feel close to," Darcie began to explain. "You can read them better, and you can sometimes pose them in a way that feels more comfortable - not to mention the model feels safe and relaxed when they know who's behind the camera."
Harry's eyebrows narrowed slightly. "You...you don't care that I've been involved with men?"
"What?" Darcie asked, her brows now mimicking Harry's. "No, absolutely not, Harry. I've been with both men and women myself. Were you worried about sharing that part of yourself with me?"
For the first time tonight, Darcie was seeing a bit of Harry's vulnerability.
"It's not so much that it was about you. I've just had bad experiences with revealing that part of myself. Both men and women, actually, have issues sometimes. It's mostly women though that aren't the biggest fans of me involving myself with both genders. I've even been with those who choose not to label themselves at all. I'm just attracted to people in general, I think. I don't really label myself."
"Trust me, if anyone gets that, it's me. I feel the same way. I'm just attracted to people. Joel actually hated that about me," Darcie confessed. "Was always worried that his beloved Cece was going to leave him for a woman...insecure bastard."
Darcie took a large sip of her drink, and Harry couldn't help but slightly snort at the name she had given her ex, and the fact she had brought up his nickname for her. "Yeah, he wasn't the kindest human around was he? And I could tell you hated that nickname, by the way.”
"Not at all a nice guy, and fuck, that nickname was so cringy. I was way too nice, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him that I absolutely hated it."
They took in the sound of the city for a few moments before the server came over with a large tray, setting down all the different tapas that Darcie had ordered onto the table. Darcie and Harry both thanked them as they placed their napkins in their laps.
"Okay, let me give you the run down before we start," Darcie said, a smile creeping onto her lips. She was a true foodie, especially when it came to authentic foods, and she enjoyed introducing people to new things. "So this here is fried potatoes mixed with spices and sauces, these are just blistered Padron peppers..."
Darcie's dainty finger pointed to each dish as she explained it to Harry, and it honestly warmed his heart that she was taking the time to explain what he would be eating. "These are shrimp in a Spanish style garlic sauce, and lastly this is octopus."
Harry made a slight face and Darcie quickly raised her finger. "Hear me out for a second," she giggled. "It's boiled in a copper cauldron so that the consistency is just right, and it's seasoned with paprika, salt and olive oil. They say it's best if you drink it with red wine, but we'll stick with what we have because I think it's still just as good. And that's just bread on the side that pairs well with it."
The thought of different food didn't disgust Harry really, he had just never tried it before, but he was the type of person who was open to trying any food at least once. "Well, I guess starting here is as good as anywhere, hm?" He asked, pointing to the plate stacked with the octopus pieces.
"I would say so, yes."
Darcie and Harry each grabbed a piece of bread before grabbing a chunk of octopus to place on top. "Cheers," they said in unison, tapping their pieces of food together. They plopped them into their mouths and chewed, a large smile overtaking Darcie's lips as they did so.
Harry licked over his lips once finished, and gave her a nod. "Okay, that's extremely delicious."
"I told you!" Darcie exclaimed, grabbing her drink to take a sip. "See, you got through the hard one, now everything else you don't have to be scared of."
Darcie and Harry made their way through the food, Harry actually liking the octopus dish so much that he ordered a second serving when they ordered another round of drinks. By the end of the night, they were slouched in their seats with full bellies and a nice buzz from the alcohol.
"I'm taking you didn't drive this evening?" Harry asked Darcie after requesting the bill from their server.
Shaking her head, Darcie finished off her drink - ice clinking around the glass as she did so. "Nope, I knew I'd probably have a few drinks once the showing was over, so I grabbed an Uber."
"Thankfully I can walk to both here and the gallery from my place. How far out is it for you?"
"Walking wise? Probably a twenty minute walk," Darcie shrugged, snagging a large claw clip from her bag to pin her hair up loosely. "I've done it before, but I'm too full tonight to do so."
The bill came and both Darcie and Harry reached for it at the same time. Darcie shook her head, hand clasping around the book. "Harry, please, let me," she insisted. "I ordered all that food with the intention of paying."
"There's no way I'm letting you pay for this, Darcie," Harry argued, his hand closing down around part of the book as well. "Especially considering it was a big night for you with your showing and all. Let me help you celebrate."
Darcie shook her head again, beginning to tug the check in her direction. "C'mon, I really don't mind."
Harry pursed his lips to the side, studying Darcie for what felt like the millionth time tonight. Now that her hair was up in the claw clip, he could see the long line of her neck, and his mind was already picturing the way he could pose her to where the light would hit it beautifully.
"Okay, fine," Harry agreed with a soft nod, but he didn't release the check yet. "I'll let you pay if you model for me. I need a few more pictures for a portfolio I'm sending in for a showing a few states over. You'd be perfect."
He hoped he didn't run her off with his offer. He wasn't sure if she had even posed for anyone since Joel, or if she'd be interested in doing so again. Part of him felt a bit foolish now because he wasn't sure if there was hesitancy there.
Darcie smirked softly at Harry, tilting her chin up a bit. "Is that what all of tonight was for? Just to get me to pose for you? You did say I was quite the muse - I haven't forgotten."
Harry's eyes widened a bit, and he moved his head in disagreement. "No, no absolutely not," he stated, beginning to fumble over his words a bit.
Holding it in for as long as she could, Darcie busted out laughing after a moment, falling back in her seat a bit. "Harry, I'm just joking. I'd love to pose for you."
Harry let out a loud sigh, dropping the check onto the table as he was still holding it. "Goodness gracious, Darcie," he chuckled. "About to make me start sweating over here."
Darcie quickly took care of the check and they stood from the table. Harry slung his suit jacket over his shoulder, not bothering to put it back on as Darcie grabbed her purse. They walked back down the stairs and towards the front of the restaurant, Harry making sure to keep a firm arm around Darcie's waist considering they both had alcohol flowing in their system and she was in heels.
They walked outside, and Darcie pulled her phone out. "So where will I be meeting you for this said photoshoot?" She asked, pulling up her Uber app.
"My studio, if that's okay," Harry said, leaning against the brick wall on the side of the restaurant, watching Darcie as she concentrated on the screen in her hand. "Just got it all set up actually - you'd be the first to help me try it out."
Darcie's eyes lifted at that sentence, and she tucked her bottom lip through her teeth. "Well in that case, I'm excited."
Harry's eyes were glued to the way Darcie's teeth sank into her plush lip, and he held his hand out for her. He sent her a crooked smile, and she quickly tucked her phone away. She had ordered her Uber, but it was going to be another few minutes before it arrived. Her hand slid easily in his and he pulled her close.
Slowly, he moved their conjoined hands up to his shoulder, letting his slip away so just hers rested there, and his hand dropped to her hip. "I really enjoyed tonight."
"Me too," Darcie breathed, eyes dancing all over Harry's face.
They were both a bit flushed from the tequila, their heads fuzzy, but they were still very much aware of their proximity. Darcie moved a bit closer, her other hand coming down against Harry's chest. Sucking in a deep breath, Harry's free hand cupped the nape of her neck, his thumb raising up to run the pad of it against her jawline.
"And I've been meaning to tell you all night, but thank you so much, Harry," she said sincerely, her hand smoothing up and down one of his pecs. "For the portraits you bought. I don't think there's anything I could ever really do to truly thank you for that, but just know that meant so much to me. Such a selfless act for someone that you didn't even know."
Harry shook his head. "I wasn't about to let him get away with doing that to you. From a photographer standpoint, it was wrong. You weren't consenting, and that's enough to get him blacklisted from ever having another showing - he's lucky I didn't take it that far. But from a human to human standpoint, especially when that other human was you, I couldn't let it happen. That look on your face when you realized he was talking about your portraits...it bothered me so much."
"God, you're so..." Darcie trailed off, not even knowing what she wanted to say with a shake of her head. She could still feel Harry's thumb against her jawline, caressing the area so gently.
"I really want to kiss you," Harry admitted, swallowing harshly as he waited for her reaction.
Darcie held Harry's eyes, heart thumping against her chest. "Entonces bésame, chico bonito."
Harry groaned, eyes slipping shut for a second at the sound of Darcie speaking Spanish to him. His eyes fluttered back open, and he shook his head. "As fucking sexy as that is, I can't understand what you're-"
Taking the initiative, Darcie leaned forward and pressed her lips against Harry's. His lips were soft and plush against hers, and she found that hers were immediately parting to prod her tongue against his bottom lip. Harry obliged without hesitation, and they both snuck their tongues out at the same time to roll against one another. They could taste the alcohol on each other, both of them tasting the same but different all at once. His hand moved up the nape of her neck to cup the bottom of her chin, thumb pressing into one cheek with the tips of his fingers digging into the other. His rings were slightly indenting her skin, but she didn't care - not in the slightest.
Darcie moaned softly into his mouth, her chest now flush against his. They could each feel their hearts pounding, but if anything, it gave them a sense of security to know they were both just as nervous and worked up as the other.
The kiss was having Darcie weak at the knees, and if Harry didn't have such a strong grip on her face and her hip, she was sure that she'd be falling against the concrete beneath them. She knew that he was probably a good kisser, but this was exceeding her expectations completely. There was never a time where she had an initial kiss with someone that was as good as this.
They each pulled away with a soft 'smack', and their eyes opened back up at the same time - both remembering that they were still very much in public. Darcie gave Harry a lazy smile, sliding her hand up his chest a bit to run the tips of her fingers along what she could see of his collarbone. She opened her mouth to speak, but she felt her phone vibrating in her purse, indicating that her Uber was soon approaching.
She quickly pulled it out of her purse and handed it over to Harry. "Put your number in and I'll text you," she said with a nod. "We can set up a time for me to come over."
Harry was still out of it from the kiss, but when Darcie raised her eyebrows, urging him to hurry since they didn't have much time, he took the phone from her and put his number in. He handed it back to her as a car pulled up on the curb and Darcie held up a finger to them.
"Goodnight, Darcie," Harry said once she turned back to him.
Humming, she pushed onto her tiptoes to press her lips against his once more. "Goodnight, Harry," she spoke, pulling back. She cupped his cheek in one of her hands, and she dragged the pad of her thumb down the middle of his heart shaped lips. "Voy a soñar con estos labios."
She pulled away from him completely, sending him another quick wave before slipping into the Uber. They waved at each other through the window, and Darcie immediately lifted her phone up in her hand - sending Harry a quick text. She was already excited and comfortable with him taking photos of her, but now she really couldn't wait to see him again.
Darcie found herself outside of the door of Harry's studio the following weekend. His studio was actually in an apartment building, and she wondered what it was going to look like inside. It was a bit aways from where she suspected his place and the gallery to be since he said he could walk to the tapas restaurant and the gallery from where he lived. This was actually a bit closer to her place - about a ten minute walk. She was a bit nervous, but she had to remind herself that Harry had taken pictures of probably hundreds of people, and that he knew what would and wouldn't work for her.
But she was mostly nervous because she was unsure if anything further was going to happen after their kiss.
Sucking in a deep breath, she lifted her fist and knocked on the door, her other hand wringing the strap of her duffel bag that was on her shoulder. He had asked her to bring a few things to change into as he expected to shoot her in a few different outfits. She wasn't too sure what all he was looking for, so she packed about six or seven options to choose from.
The door flew open, and Harry's lips immediately curled up into a smile as he took in Darcie standing in front of him.
"Good afternoon, Darcie Lennox Crane," he said playfully, stepping out of the doorway and gesturing his hand inside. "Nice to see you again."
Just like the other two times she had been in his presence, Darcie found herself blushing furiously due to his charm as she stepped into the apartment. "Nice to see you again as well, Harry Edward Styles."
Her eyes took in the apartment, and she was impressed to see that he had a few different set ups throughout the rooms. The kitchen and bathrooms were the only rooms that seemed untouched and just decorated like they normally would be.
Harry watched as Darcie walked around, her expression showing just how intrigued she was with everything. She finally turned to look at him again, a smile washing over her.
"This is incredible, Harry," she complimented him, dropping her bag near the bathroom as she figured that's probably where she would do most of her changing.
"Thanks," Harry's cheeks flushed a soft pink, lifting a hand to rub the back of his neck.
After a second or two, he cleared his throat and pointed towards the bathroom. "If you want to get dressed in the first outfit that you chose, you can go ahead. Meet me in this room over here," he instructed, pointing to one of the bedrooms that had darker hues on the walls, and less lighting than the other bedroom.
Darcie nodded and walked into the bathroom, deciding she'd settle on the darker outfit she had brought with her. She stripped out of the leggings and hoodie she had on, pulling on a pair of black leather trousers, a pair of black ankle boots and a deep red corset type body suit. Tilting her head to the side, she shrugged on a black blazer as well, lifting her hands to get her hair out from under the collar.
Her makeup and hair were done as she usually did them, and it was the natural look she always went for. A lot of makeup had never really been her thing as it covered her freckles, and they were honestly one of her favorite things about herself.
She stepped out the bathroom, the clicking of her boots making her presence known as she rounded the corner into the room Harry was occupying.
Looking him over, Darcie could see that his brows were furrowed in concentration as he stared at the screen on his camera. He had a pair of glasses resting towards the end of his nose, and she took the moment to take in his apparel. He had on a pair of black slacks with a white tank top tucked in, a red short sleeve button up that was open rested on his shoulders. A pair of beat up white Vans authentics were on his feet, pink laces on one with just the plain white ones on the other.
Harry looked up after a moment as he could see Darcie in the door frame out of the corner of his eye, and he felt speechless as he saw her outfit choice.
"Oh wow," he breathed, licking over his bottom lip. "Darcie, you look...you look amazing."
Darcie sent him a soft smile as she walked further into the room. "Thank you, I hope that it's appropriate for what you're going for."
Harry nodded adamantly, having this outfit blow his vision right out of the water at this point. "Better than what I had in mind, actually. You've given me a whole new array of ideas to work with," he said honestly. He walked over to the dark curtains that were covering up the window, separating them just enough to let a little bit of light shine through.
He walked back over to Darcie, gently slipping his hand in hers, still holding the camera in the other, as he walked her over to stand against one of the walls that was adorned in a dark floral type wallpaper. She made notes that the outfit she had chosen matched the colors perfectly, and she could early see the vision that Harry was going for.
Darcie easily posed for him, Harry having to hardly guide her at all. He shot her at different angles, perching down on one knee, standing on top of a chair or just capturing her straight on. It was all he could do to not drool while looking back at the pictures on the small screen of his camera. He was right in what he said the first time they met - she truly was the perfect muse.
"Okay, I think we can do an outfit change if you're comfortable with that," Harry stated as he walked closer to Darcie, showing her some of the pictures he had taken. "These are great, Darcie. You're so beautiful."
He peeked up from the screen, and he saw that her eyes were already on him - her hand lightly on his shoulder as she was peering over it. His eyes dropped to her lips for a moment before he cleared his throat while stepping away from her. Harry wanted to kiss her again so badly, but he also didn't want Darcie to think the only reason he was doing so was to use her as a model.
"Alright, Mr. Styles," Darcie joked with a soft smirk as she started to walk out of the room. She saw a white button up draped across one of the arm chairs. Her fingertips trailed over it, and she looked over her shoulder to see Harry pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose as he was switching out the memory cards in his camera. Licking over her bottom lip, she snatched up the white button up as a new idea for her next outfit popped into her mind.
She could tell the button up was his as it had little splotches of paint on the back, and they matched the walls of the room he had just been shooting her in. It was obvious that for some reason he had either worn that shirt while painting, or nudged against something while the paint was still drying, but as long as she faced forward those spots wouldn't be in the picture.
Darcie stared at herself in the mirror as she stripped out of the clothes she was currently wearing. She switched out her undergarments for a matching set - a white bra and a pair of white underwear. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she pulled Harry's button up over her shoulders. She went back and forth on whether or not to walk out just like this, but she decided she'd go for a big reveal during the middle of him taking her picture.
After doing up the buttons of the shirt, only leaving the top three unbuttoned to reveal a bit of her sternum, Darcie exited the bathroom. Her feet were bare, not having her make any noise like she did previously when she walked out in her ankle boots. She noticed that Harry was no longer in the previous room, and she began to wander around the apartment. Eventually she found him in the other bedroom that had pale pink walls except for one white accent wall. She couldn't help but smile softly to herself when she realized she had made another right choice - what she had on was perfect for the feel of this room.
Harry's back was to her as he was fiddling with a white sheet he had over the window, and she could tell he was trying to figure out how to get the natural lighting to hit the way he wanted. Doing her best not to startle him, Darcie grazed her fingertips over his back as a surge of nervousness flowed through her.
"Can I help get anything squared away for you?" she offered, and Harry groaned slightly out of frustration - causing Darcie to bite down on her bottom lip to stifle a laugh.
"No, it's okay," he sighed, shaking his head. "I think I'm going to have to change this sheet out for this sheer curtain I have instead. This is blocking too much of the light and I-"
Harry suddenly lost his words as he turned and looked over his shoulder at Darcie. His eyes traveled over her lean, but curvy, body in nothing but his white button up. "Where...how did you-"
"Saw it laying over the armchair in the other room," Darcie said, lifting her hand to run the tip of her index finger down her sternum - stopping right where the first button she had done up on the shirt was. "Is it okay? I can go get changed into something else, if you'd like."
"No!" Harry exclaimed, almost instantly blushing when he realized just how fast he had answered her. His hands were free as he had set his camera down on one of the small tables when he was trying to figure out the window situation, and he walked forward - grasping to Darcie's hips. "No, please, I'm...this is perfect."
Darcie moved a bit closer, still leaving a decent amount of space between them, before she raised a hand to play with the curls that draped over the back of his neck. Her other hand rested on his shoulder as she stared into his eyes. "Then tell me where you want me, Harry," she whispered, tilting her head to the side.
Sucking in a deep breath, Harry leaned down to run the tip of his nose along her cheekbone, and one of his hands slowly trailed down from her hip to cup her ass. "Up against the white wall, please," he instructed her, giving her ass cheek a small squeeze, causing her to gasp out.
The action had Darcie squeezing her thighs together. It had been a while since someone had their hands on her body in that way, or since she had someone speak to her in such a manner. She only had a couple of hook-ups after Joel, and they were pretty unsatisfactory, which led her to just give up for the time being. She was extremely busy with the gallery anyway, so it really wasn't a priority for her.
"Okay," she responded breathlessly as they broke their hold, and she started towards the white wall he had been referring to.
Harry quickly changed out the curtain for the sheer sheet, and he smiled once he saw it gave the perfect light - shining on Darcie so beautifully.
Darcie returned his smile once he stood in front of her, camera back in hand, and he began to snap pictures of her. They were coming out just as he imagined, and he reached behind him to grab the wooden chair he had in here. He sat down and continued to shoot her, giving her small directions here and there, but she was truly a natural.
He thought that he was imagining things when he saw her start to undo the buttons of the white shirt, and he hadn't even noticed he stopped shooting - pulling the camera down and away from his face. His jaw went slack once the shirt was completely open, and he was looking at the matching white set that looked so stunning against her olive skin.
"Hold on," he said, setting his camera down and exiting the room for a moment. When he came back, he held a instafilm camera in his hands, and he tilted his head to the side. "Do you mind if I take a picture of you with this too?"
"Not at all," Darcie swallowed harshly, her nerves slightly getting the best of her, but she did her best to disguise it.
Sucking in a deep breath, she pulled both arms over her head, letting one of them extend up the wall above her, and the other moved down to drape over the top of her head. She bent her leg closest to the camera slightly, and tilted her body just a bit.
"Perfect," Harry whispered, looking at her through the viewfinder. "So fucking beautiful, Darcie."
He snapped the picture, and pulled the print-out out of the slot once it was finished. He set the camera down to the side, and dropped the picture onto a white blanket he had on the floor nearby before grabbing his regular camera again.
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"Hold that position for a little bit," he told her, beginning to shoot rapidly again.
After a while, Darcie switched it up a little bit, and eventually, she let her shirt fall off her shoulders. This time, Harry remained behind the camera, but his mouth began to run dry as he watched her reach behind her back. "Is this okay?"
Harry peeked around the camera to look at her. "I'm comfortable with whatever you're comfortable with."
To be honest, Darcie had never felt so confident in her life, and she knew it was because of the praises coming from Harry behind the camera. "Have you done nude portraits before?"
"Once. A man."
Darcie couldn't help but smirk to herself to know she was the first woman that he would be shooting nude. Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she unclasped her bra and let it fall to the ground. She ran her hands over her breasts for a moment, before moving down to her underwear, pulling them down to the tops of her knees until she could let them just fall. Stepping out of them, she kicked them over to the side
Turning her back to Harry, she began to pose, and he soon realized that she was posing in the same way she did in those black and white portraits from last year. He wanted to curse himself at the way he felt his cock throb against his thigh, but he couldn't help it. Here Darcie stood in front of him, with her full ass, and he was taking in the length of her beautiful back.
She was a fucking dream.
It was only a few moments later that Darcie looked over her shoulder at Harry, fingers still in the sides of her hair. "Now you have some portraits of your own."
Harry quickly set his camera down on the floor beside him, and he surged forward to press Darcie up against the wall after turning her around. She moaned out already, his only contact with her being his hands on her hips as she stared into his moss-colored eyes.
"I need to know, Darcie, did you think about me as much as I thought about you over this past year?" Harry asked, hands massaging against the flesh of her hips.
"Yes, I did. I tried to find your information so I could thank you for the portraits, and I was hoping you'd somehow just pop back up. I thought about you so much, Harry."
Walking backwards, Harry sat down in the chair he had in the room, and he pulled Darcie over his lap - her plush thighs straddling over his own.
"I need your words. I'm not touching you any further until you tell me," Harry's fingertips indented into the small of her back as their eyes remained connected, both their hearts pounding just like they did the night they kissed.
"I need it, Harry," Darcie reached down to wrap her hands around Harry's wrists, guiding his hands over the plush skin of her stomach before moving them to rest on her breasts. She leaned down, ghosting her lips over his. "Touch me."
Harry tilted his head up to fully connect his lips with hers as his large hands kneaded the soft tissue of Darcie's breasts. She moaned against his mouth, her own hands dropping from his wrists to reach forward to push the opened button up off his shoulders. Her fingertips trailed down his arms, dipping into the creases of his muscles as she felt the pads of Harry's thumbs circling over her hardening nipples.
"You like that?" Harry asked when he heard Darcie whimpering against his lips, and she nodded. "Perky little things. Just want to..."
Moving one hand away to rest back on one of Darcie's hips, Harry disconnected his lips with hers to drop his head down - closing his lips around her now fully pebbled nipple. She threw her head back with a whine, feeling herself clench down around nothing since she currently had no stimulation between her legs.
"You have such a gorgeous body, baby. God, I can't believe you're real."
She reached forward to rid Harry of his glasses, seeing that they kept sliding down his nose, and she lifted both of her hands to run through the back of his curls as he latched onto her other nipple. The tip of his tongue moved round and round before he began to lightly suck.
"Oh, fuck me," Darcie's breath hitched in the back of her throat, and as Harry kept his mouth on her breast, his hand dropped from her other one to dance his fingertips down her stomach. He trailed them over the junction between her thigh and her pelvis before moving over her mound.
Darcie was fully squirming in his lap, having him so close to where she truly needed him to be. He couldn't help but smirk against her skin when he felt how worked up she had gotten, and it wasn't until the pads of his middle and ring fingers began to rub against her clit that he heard the first true noise of pleasure leave her.
"Such beautiful noises you make. Need more of them, Darcie," he groaned as he began to kiss over her chest.
Skillfully, Harry lifted the pad of his index finger to pull up the hood of her clit, giving him more access as his fingers worked her.
"Holy shit, you're good at this," she inhaled sharply as Harry's lips sucked at the hollow of her throat, tilting her head back to give him more access. "More, please - I need more."
Humming, Harry ventured his fingers away from her clit to circle them around her dripping entrance. His prick was now throbbing inside his trousers, especially when he felt just how wet she was, and he slowly entered his middle finger inside of her. He couldn't help but groan at the slight resistance he felt as he started to kiss over Darcie's jawline.
"Oh, you're so tight," he cooed as he sucked on the hinge of her jaw. "I'm gonna need to properly work you up."
"Cocky are we?" Darcie laughed before moaning when she felt the tip of Harry's finger tapping against her g-spot inside of her.
"I feel like you'll be appreciative once you're feeling me inside your tummy, Darcie."
She choked on another noise of pleasure once Harry sunk an additional finger inside of her, feeling the pads of them running along her front wall. Her hips were bucking against his palm - stimulating her clit as his fingers massaged the sweetest spot.
"Want you naked," Darcie whined as she reached down to tug the hem of Harry's tank top out from the waist of his pants. She pulled it over his head, tossing it to the side before looking down at this chiseled torso. "Oh...oh my god."
Her eyes were trained on the butterfly inked on his stomach that was pulsing with each heavy breath that he took - dropping to the ferns lined along his hips. Darcie couldn't help but dig her nails into Harry's skin now that she had lowered her hands to his shoulders, and he groaned at the sensation.
"Told you I had a lot more tattoos," Harry smirked as he began to pulse his fingers in and out of Darcie, causing her to collapse into his chest. "Look at you - your whole body is trembling just from my fingers. I can't imagine what you'll be like when I'm tucked up deep inside you."
"I want that," Darcie confessed, resting her forehead against Harry's. "I need to be trembling around your cock."
"Hm, you want my cock?" He watched as she nodded eagerly, and he tilted his chin down. "Be a good girl, and take my pants off, yeah?"
"Mhmm," Darcie hummed, pecking over Harry's lips as she unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers as Harry removed his fingers from her. "Want to be your good girl."
Lifting his hips, she hooked her fingers around both his pants and his boxers, tugging them down. Harry kicked them the rest of the way off after toeing off his shoes, and he situated Darcie properly back on his lap. He felt as she began to grind her folds along his hardened length, and he titled his head back with a groan.
"Darcie, I don't have condoms here."
Time seemed to stand still as they looked into each other's eyes, and she nibbled on her bottom lip.
"I'm clean, and I'm on the pill," she admitted, eyes darting over Harry's face. "But if you're not comfortable..."
"I'm clean too."
This would be the first time that either of them slept with someone and didn't use any protection initially, but both of them were too turned on to walk away from this. Even though they still hardly knew each other, they trusted each other.
Darcie's eyes held Harry's as she reached down to wrap her hand around his length. He hissed in sensitivity as she gave it a squeeze, and she looked down for the first time to truly look at it when she felt how heavy he was in the palm of her hand. Her eyebrows jumped up onto her forehead when she saw his size, mouth gaping as she looked back up to him.
"Holy fuck, Harry, you're so big," Darcie blurted out without a second thought. "You weren't joking."
Harry chuckled, but it turned into a moan as she began to give him long, and fluid strokes. "I-I meant it when I said I needed to prep you."
Wiggling a bit to get into a proper position, Darcie popped Harry's tip into her inviting entrance, and then she slowly sank herself down on top of him. Her hands gripped to his shoulders, and she threw her head back in a moan like scream when she was fully seated on top of his thighs once again.
"Tienes que estar bromeando," Darcie gasped, her neck completely exposed to Harry. "¿Esto es lo que podría haber tenido hace un año?"
Harry groaned in response to Darcie speaking Spanish once again, and his hands kneaded the plush skin of her hips. "So sexy, baby, but like I told you before - I wanna really hear you," he coerced, leaning forward to kiss over the side of her neck. "Wanna hear what you're thinking."
Breathy moans from Darcie began to fill the room as she rocked herself against Harry, not even moving up and down, but just rolling her hips against his. It felt so good. He was so deep inside of her that she didn't even feel the need to ride him yet - this was stimulating her wonderfully, and she knew she had to be dripping down his prick.
Harry ventured a hand up to cup Darcie's jaw as her head was still tilted back and away from him. He moved his hand along her jawline before hooking two of his fingers behind her bottom teeth, and he used the leverage to tilt her head back down so that she was looking at him. They held each other's eyes as she continued rocking her hips, her jaw slack, and Harry making no movements to remove his fingers from her mouth.
After a moment, her mouth closed to seal her lips against his digits, and she hollowed her cheeks out - sucking on them. It was then that she used the balls of her feet to lift herself up, still clutching to Harry's shoulders as she began to properly ride him. The position was a bit uncomfortable, and the burning in her thighs grew quickly, but it felt so good that she couldn't be bothered to stop.
"You're so tight and warm, baby," Harry crooned as she continued to suck on his fingers. His other hand assisted with the movements of her hips, but when he felt her thighs beginning to shake, and he knew it wasn't from her pending orgasm, he was aware they needed to switch it up. "Hold onto me - get a good grip."
He pulled his fingers from her mouth with a soft 'pop', and Darcie quickly wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. One of his hands pressed against her middle back, the other against her lower to keep her chest flush to his as he stood up out of the chair. He walked a few steps before lowering them to the ground, and she sighed in relief as the ache in her thighs began to dissipate - staring up at him as it did so.
"Let me know if this gets uncomfortable too, yeah? Just wanted to be on top of you, could tell you were also getting tired," Harry stated as he lifted a hand to move some of Darcie's hair out of her face. "Sorry I don't have a bed or anything in here."
"It's okay, Harry. Thank you," she breathed, hands running up and down his pecs. "You feel really good, by the way. This...this is nice. It's been a bit for me."
"Yeah?" Harry sent her a crooked grin, one of his dimples popping as he did so. "I'm glad you feel good, baby. You feel incredible, and just so you know, it's been a bit for me too."
Darcie isn't sure why, but knowing that brought her some extra comfort. Her thoughts are interrupted though as she feels Harry began to shuffle his body, which caused him to shift deeper inside of her for a moment, and she let out a strangled noise of pleasure.
Her eyes were glued to him as he propped himself up onto his knees before sitting back on his heels, pulling Darcie's thighs up so that they were flush against his hips - her torso outstretched on the floor in front of him. She was practically in his lap again, back arched as her chest heaved up and down.
"God," he groaned as he pulled out a bit just to push back in slowly, causing her mouth to gape open from how deep he was at this angle. "Such a stunning sight in front of me. I don't know how I'll ever get over this. You're so perfect."
"Harry," she mewled, stretching her arms out above her head, flipping her hands over to dig her nails into the hardwood floor underneath her. "M-more. Harder, please."
The mounds of Darcie's breasts jiggled as Harry clashed his hips against hers, finding a pattern that seemed to satiate them both quickly. Every time his pelvis would meet hers again, little 'uh's of pleasure escaped her mouth. It was music to his ears, and he wanted to know if he could get her to be even louder.
His eyes watched as she dropped her hands from beside her head to knead at her own breasts, and he growled as her eyes shot open once more to stare up into his.
"So deep," she moaned, pulling at her nipples, bottom lip tucked between her teeth.
"Yeah?" Harry smirked, knowing that he had warned her just how deep he could get. "You think I could get deeper?"
Darcie choked on her scream of pleasure as Harry threw her legs over his shoulders, nudging him even further inside. He stayed flush against her for a moment, just rubbing his pelvis against hers as she whimpered. She moved her hands down to grasp his wrists, and she used the leverage to start meeting his deep thrusts.
"Squeezing me, baby," Harry could feel the ache in his knees, but he wouldn't dare stop after seeing the look of absolute euphoria etched across Darcie's face. "Did I really get you there already? What if I..."
He trailed off as he moved one of his hands from her hips, her own hand falling to tangle itself into the side of her hair, and he rested his palm against her pelvis. Harry pushed the pad of his thumb against her clit, and it was then that her noises increased tenfold. He began to press slick circles to the swollen pearl as he continued to roll his hips.
"Harry, I'm coming, oh my god," she whined, arching her back even further off the floor to where he couldn't even see her face anymore. "Oh, it's...I'm-"
Darcie cut herself off with a large gasp, which turned into a lewd moan as she dropped her back onto the hardwood floor again, and Harry was convinced that he had never seen anything more phenomenal than her face when she came. It was something he knew he wanted to see over, and over again, and god, did he hope that she'd let him.
"Can't get over that you're letting me see you like that. The most beautiful girl I've ever fucking seen, and she's coming on my cock?" Harry's jaw dropped as he lifted his head to stare at the ceiling, feeling her walls continuing to pulse around him as she rode out her orgasm. "Never gonna see anything as stunning - never gonna be with anyone as gorgeous as you ever again."
Not knowing how she found the strength, but being completely spurred on by Harry's words, Darcie pulled her legs off his shoulders - locking them tight against his hips. Harry's movements stopped, and he looked down at her with wide eyes before he saw her lifting herself and pressing her hands against his chest. "Lay back."
Harry obeyed her command blindly, and his back clashed against the hardwood floor underneath them as Darcie snuggled her hips right against his. This whole time, since she had sunk down on him on the chair, they hadn't lost any contact, something Harry and Darcie realized at the same time - causing them to smirk at each other. "And now," she breathed, slowly starting to lift herself off of him, and then come back down. "I get to see your face when you come. You're already so pretty, Harry, know you're gonna be even prettier."
The knot in Harry's stomach began to tighten, and he knew he wasn't going to be able to last much longer. He watched as her tits bounced up and down with every hard snap of her hips back down against his, and he groaned as he lifted a hand up to cup one of them. Sneaking his other hand behind his head, he found himself trying to memorize everything about this moment - just in case it didn't happen again.
"Oh, I'm gonna come again," Darcie mewled, eyebrows narrowed as she stared down at Harry. "I want you to come with me."
"Y-you want me to come inside you?" He asked, a bit shocked that she would be okay with that.
"Yes, please, I wanna feel it," she begged, fingernails digging at his pecs as she rode him the hardest she had.
The sound of skin against skin filled the room in such an erotic fashion, and Harry knew he was reaching his climax. Darcie moved one hand from Harry's chest to begin to play with her achy clit once again, and leaned forward so she was hovering right over Harry's face. "Come with me, Harry. I need you to fill me up."
"Fuck, I-I'm coming, baby. Come on," he grunted as he felt his cock throbbing inside of her, beginning to fill her with white ropes of pleasure.
Darcie cried out in ecstasy, collapsing against Harry's chest once she saw the look on his face, having that bring her to her second orgasm. He took the initiative to grab her hips, and bend his legs to thrust up into her, helping them ride out their climaxes to full completion. Their motions began to slow, and Harry eventually dropped his legs back down to where Darcie was just laying on top of him. He continued to pulse inside of her every now again, causing small whimpers to leave her with her face tucked into the side of his neck.
"That was fucking amazing," she confessed after a moment. "The bruises tomorrow are going to be worth it."
Harry chuckled as he moved his hands to cup her full ass, giving her cheeks a nice squeeze. "I can't help but agree," he continued to try and catch his breath, and he tilted his head a bit to press a kiss against Darcie's temple. "You're so wonderful."
Darcie lifted her head to rest her hand against his chest, and then she rested her chin against the back of it. "So are you," she whispered, eyes studying his face. "I'd like to do this again with you, only if you would. Maybe a date this weekend? We can go out, and then you can come back to my place?"
Harry's heart fluttered, and he gave her a nod, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You don't know how badly I want that."
It had been ten months since Darcie's reunion with Harry, and tonight was another showing at the gallery. She was running around like crazy, similar to the night they had found each other again, only this time, she was ten times busier. The gallery had only continued to grow, and tonight, the showing they had was bringing in the most people they had ever seen.
She had checked with catering, as well as the bar, making sure that everyone had everything that they needed before beginning to walk around and greet guests. She was trying to seem as calm as possible, but on the inside she was freaking out, and there were multiple reasons for that.
Not hardly paying attention, Darcie had made her way out of one of the show rooms, attempting to go check on things in another when she felt hands around her wrists, pulling her into a nearby hallway. She yelped in surprise before she was pressed against a wall, and her eyes fluttered as she stared up at Harry.
"If you don't take a second to breathe, I think you'll surely pass out from lack of oxygen," he smirked at her, and she rolled her eyes, shoving playfully against his chest.
"It's your fault I'm running around like this. This is the biggest showing we've had, and it's all thanks to you."
"Now see, Darcie, that's where I disagree," he leaned down to press his lips against hers, and she sighed against them running her hands over his chest. "Walk with me."
Darcie contemplated it for a moment, there was so much she needed to check on, but just one look at the emotion swirling in his moss-colored eyes, she nodded. He smiled, and he laced their fingers as he walked her into the show room she had been heading to anyway. There weren't as many people in this room at the moment, and he paused in front of one of the portraits in particular. She recognized it as one he had taken of her during an episode of snow that happened when they were on vacation in New York this past December. She was in the middle of Time Square with a bright smile on her face.
"Look at you, and look around," he said into her ear as he stood behind her, hands smoothing up and down her sides. "Everyone is loving this, and it's all you, Darcie. You say they're here for me, but I'd be nothing without you."
Darcie turned around to wrap her arms around his neck, pushing herself onto her toes to connect their lips. She moved them fluidly for a moment before pulling back to stare up at him. "I love you so much."
"And I love you too," Harry agreed, giving her hips a squeeze. "I told you the first time I met you, and not a thing has changed it - you're quite the muse, and the best part? Now you're my muse."
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As You Wish, Chapter 10
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, angst, panic attack, drinking, sadness, reference to divorce, kids doing sneaky things, swearing, character falling in the pool
A/N: No flashback for this one because I wanted to jump right into the chapter you've all been waiting for!
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Hotel Zaza, Now
Charlie kept her eyes peeled as she scanned the lobby for her mother, her father, and her potential future stepmother. She couldn’t believe that Uncle Bob had lost her mother. It was literally his only job in this whole operation.
Beside her, Natasha grumbled under her breath, echoing her thoughts. “…great WSO, terrible wingman,” she had just finished grumbling, leaning against a large white column as her one good eye surveyed the people coming and going. “Heads up, there’s your mom,” Nat jerked her head as Buttercup rushed from the elevator, clad in her yoga pants and tank top from earlier.
Charlie groaned as she saw her father and a blond young woman emerge from the crowd, the woman looking around as though looking for someone before heading to the front desk. “Oh crap, they’re gonna end up right next to each other!”
“Would it be so bad if they did? Takes the pressure off you and Abby to be the ones to reintroduce them,” Nat shrugged.
“I don’t know! Javy and Roo always made it seem like the world would end if my parents ended up in the same room together,” Charlie moaned, watching anxiously as her mother and the blond that she guessed was Savannah came closer and closer to each other, Jake trailing behind with his eyes on his phone.
Beside her, Nat rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, Javy always had a knack for the dramatic.”
“I thought you liked my dramatics, Phoenix?” a deep voice sounded from behind them, and they both turned.
Javy stood smiling at them; his thick arms crossed against his chest.
“Uncle Javy!” Charlie launched herself at him and found herself caught in his strong tattooed arms.
“Hey there, girlie!” Javy hugged her close for a moment before placing her back on her feet. “No warm welcome from you, Phoenix?” He held his arms open playfully, an earnestness twinkling in his eyes that Charlie wasn’t sure she’d ever seen before, but Natasha just scoffed.
“How about you do something useful and go stop your best friend from blowing this whole operation before it starts?”
Javy blinked at her, hurt flashing momentarily in his eyes before he crossed his arms. “Is that anyway to talk to your friend?”
Natasha rolled her eyes, turning her head slightly so that half her face was against the pillar. “We haven’t been friends in a long time, Machado.”
Javy’s shoulders bowed forward. “I know, but I never wanted it to be that way.”
“Then what did you want?” Natasha snapped.
Charlie huffed and turned away from them. The concierge desk had four people working at it, and, luckily, her mother was in line for the first person, and her dad was in line at the third. The odds of them seeing each other weren’t high, but Charlie didn’t want to take any chances.
With a gulp, she ran over to where her dad was in line, Savannah hanging all over him.
“Dad?” she hid her trembling hands. She had missed him so incredibly much, despite being so angry with him for hiding her mother and sister from her. He was still her dad and she hadn’t seen him in over a month, so while she really wanted to give him a hug and never let him go, she instead hid her hands behind her back and waited for him to respond.
Jake disentangled himself from Savannah, turning to her with a bright smile on his face. “Hey sweetheart, did you and Rooster find the pool?”
“Yeah, but…they don’t have any change rooms!” she blurted out the first excuse that came to her mind. “Could you show me where our room is so I can get changed?”
Savannah pouted before Jake could even open his mouth. “Sugar, we’ve got to meet the wedding planner.”
Jake fixed her with a look that had her pouting bottom lip sucking back in. “And we’ll have plenty of time to do that. But I’m not allowing my daughter to wander around the hotel alone. C’mon, Charlie. I’ll take you up to the room.”
Charlie felt a smile creep onto her lips. “Thanks dad.”
Savannah sighed, a dramatic, long-suffering thing, before she nodded. “Fine. Let’s go back to the room. But then we have to meet Phillipe.”
Charlie glanced at her father’s face quick enough to catch the tail end of him rolling his eyes. “Yes, dear.”
Charlie stifled a giggle as they weaved through the crowded lobby and hustled into the glass elevator. Savannah pouted and leaned her back against the glass as Jake punched their floor number before taking the two steps towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist.
“It’ll take five minutes, tops,” he murmured, pressing a placating kiss to her hair as the car started to move, rising them up above the lobby.
Jake glanced down, always having loved heights, even if he was only going a few stories high, and his heart stopped.
There, standing below them, waiting for the next elevator car, was…
But it couldn’t be. She wouldn’t be in Texas. There was no way. She had practically sworn off the States after the papers had been approved, even going so far as to take her brother and her closest friend with her when she had basically fled.
Jake blinked, but the phantom from his past didn’t disappear. Instead, she raised a timid hand and waved at him, a small smile tugging on her lips.
Jake felt his knees begin to buckle, and it had nothing to do with the elevator car coming to a halt or his girlfriend—no, fiancée—kissing his neck.
She was here. His Buttercup…she was here. In the same hotel as him. In the same hotel as him and Charlie. Did that mean Abby was with her?
Jake’s heart began to race. She was here. She was here.
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The second her dad and Savannah wandered off to meet Phillipe, Charlie scurried back to the elevator, rode it two floors down, and practically sprinted to her mom’s room, where she knocked rapidly.
Her own familiar face opened the door and she smiled brightly. “Abby!”
Abby returned her hug with fierce strength. “Charlie!”
They stood standing, smiling at each other for a moment before a deep voice interrupted them. “You two are gonna blow our cover if you keep standing out there for the world to see you.”
Charlie grinned and sprinted at her uncle. “Uncle Roo!”
He scooped her up with his usual begrudging smile. “Hey kid. Good to see ya. Now get your butts inside before someone spots you.”
Both girls rushed into the room, both smiling at Bob where he lounged on the bed.
“Crisis averted?” he teased.
Abby glared playfully. “There wouldn’t have been a crisis if you hadn’t lost our mother.”
“I had to take a phone call,” he defended, a small smile playing on his lips. “Where is your mom?”
“I’m right here.”
Abby turned and spotted her mother, standing in the doorway that connected the two rooms.
“Mum!” she launched herself across the room and was caught by those soft, strong arms that wrapped around her fiercely.
“Oh my girl…” Buttercup whispered into her hair. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Abby whispered into her mother’s neck, feeling the tears stinging her eyes. As much as she had loved being with her dad and uncles, she had missed her mother just as much. Her warmth, her strength, her slight floral smell, the way she laughed. All of it. “I’m sorry I went to Texas without telling you.”
Buttercup sniffled and straightened. “I understand why you did, baby. However, what I don’t understand…” she placed her hands on her hips. “Is why your father just looked at me like he had no idea I was on the same planet as he is, let alone the same continent.:
Abby stepped back, falling into line with Charlie, and they both gulped. “What do you mean?”
“Your father spotted me when he was riding the elevator up, and, from the look on his face, he had no idea I was going to be here.” She looked between them sternly. “You did tell him that I was going to be here, yes?” As the two sisters stared at each other guiltily, she groaned. “You didn’t tell him?”
“Well, mum…” Abby started. “You see, we…that is to say, Charlie and I…”
Rooster and Bob started to edge around the room towards the front door, but Buttercup held a finger up at them.
“Freeze, you two!” she barked. “You allowed my daughters to—to—bamboozle us this way?”
Bob tensed while Rooster purposefully dropped his shoulders. “Bamboozle you how?” he asked, a forced calmness in his voice.
Buttercup huffed. “What is this? Is this about you still not believing that a divorce was the best course of action for us, Bradley? Or about how you always thought we should have tried harder with the custody arrangement, Bob?”
Charlie stepped up. “It’s not their fault, mom. We…we wanted you and dad to be happy.”
Buttercup couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that escaped her. “And how is cornering your father on the tour of his wedding venue going to make him happy?”
Charlie felt herself flush and she opened her mouth, but it was Abby who spoke first. “We don’t want to have to live with this custody arrangement anymore, mum. We were hoping that, if you and dad saw each other again, you’d be able to figure out another way, so we can share the two of you instead of having to live separate lives.”
Buttercup folded in on herself, arms crossing in front of her, not defensively, but protectively. “I…I know the custody arrangement wasn’t fair to the two of you. I…you’ll never know how sorry I am for that. But forcing your father and I into this…” she shook her head. “Why didn’t you just talk to me? Talk to us? Especially once you met at camp.”
“Mum…” Abby bit her lip. “I wanted to. I really did. But you always seemed so hurt whenever I brought up dad, and…and I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I wanted to talk to you too, but…” Charlie gulped. “But I was so scared that you wouldn’t love me if I pushed you to talk to dad. And I was terrified that you were going to say no.”
Buttercup drew in a deep breath and her shaky exhale drew the attention of Rooster and Bob, still edging towards the door. They paused in their quest for freedom, and Bob looked tempted to approach his sister, but Rooster’s hand on his shoulder stilled him.
“I…I’m so sorry, girls,” Buttercup whispered. “I wish I could do it all different. I wish that things had turned out differently for all of us. I wish that your father and I—”
The door that stood mere feet from Rooster and Bob burst open, letting in a bickering Natasha and Javy. Buttercup jumped as their voices raised.
“—I never said that!”
“Oh, but you implied it! How else was I supposed to take that?”
“You can take it and shove it up your—”
“Enough!” Buttercup shouted, bringing the room to a standstill, quiet as a pin-drop. Her hands covered her face, and it was only the keenest of eyes that could pick up the slight trembling of her limbs. “The four of you—” she shot a pointed look at the four retired aviators in the room. “Owe me a massive explanation for why you thought it was okay to manipulate J-Jake and I. I trusted you. Natasha, you and Bob know how I felt about this meeting and you still decided to blindside me. And I’m sure Jake will feel similarly once he finds out that his two closest friends are pulling the rug out from under him while he’s planning the happiest day of his life. And girls? There are so many reasons why what you did is not okay. First, switching places at camp and now forcing your father and I into close proximity. I’m trying to be understanding but…” she sighed heavily, her hands sagging back to her sides. “I need a drink,” she murmured, backing towards the door. “You four can watch my daughters,” she added with a glare at the four adults quietly sulking around the edge of the room.
Looking down at the guilt-ridden faces of her daughters, Buttercup sighed and stooped to hug them both into her arms. “I love you both,” she whispered, sniffling slightly. “I’m not mad, I’m just…I need some fresh air. Stay here. Please.”
With another small sniffle, she turned and fled the room, leaving six guilty parties staring after her.
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Jake found himself boring holes into the ugly paisley wallpaper of the hotel hallway, listening to Phillipe yammer on about some special flooring package. Or was it a floral package? Either way, Savannah seemed thrilled and was too busy chatting with her new bridal BFF to notice that her future husband hadn’t said a word since the elevator.
Buttercup was here. In Texas. He hadn’t seen her since…
His stomach roiled at the thought of their last meeting, the tears they had both shed as they left their wedding rings on the table and said goodbye to one of their daughters. Her tear-stained face and the gauntness of her cheeks, the bags under her eyes. His memory was in sharp contrast to the woman he had seen in the lobby, all full cheeks and glossy hair, all smiles as she had waved at him.
He shuffled his feet as a funny feeling exploded in his stomach at the thought of her. It was Abby. It had to be because of Abby. Jake hadn’t held his daughter in over ten years, and if she had come to Texas with her mother…
Jake’s hand dove into his pocket before he could second guess himself. He wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to see his daughter. And if his chest tightened at the idea of seeing his ex-wife? That was just the nerves talking, of course.
“Hey, sweetheart?” Jake called, his eyes widening theatrically. “I just got a call from Sarah. Our vet on staff? Apparently something came up on one of the horses tests and she wants to talk to me about our options. She says it’s urgent, otherwise I wouldn’t be asking. But why don’t you and Phillipe make some decisions and you can tell me all about them later?”
Savannah pouted and Jake was honestly a little surprised that she didn’t stomp her foot for emphasis. “But Jakey!”
“I know, sweetheart,” he crooned, his feet already shuffling him away towards the door. “But I trust you. You can make whatever choices your heart desires. I just want you to be happy with this wedding.”
Apparently, he had said the magic words because Savannah turned back to Phillipe without another word to Jake and said, “In that case, what about the premium lighting package? Can we add more chandeliers?”
Jake ignored her as he took off towards the elevator, wondering where he should even start looking. The hotel was huge, but he would knock on every door he could if it meant finding his Buttercup. Jake shook his head at himself. No. He wouldn’t allow himself to go down that path. He was searching for Abby. His daughter. Not his ex-wife. However…his daughter was likely to be wherever his ex-wife was, so he supposed he would have to search them both out. But where the hell to start?
Jake exited the elevator onto the main floor and scanned the lobby. His Buttercup wasn’t much of a gym fiend, more into home yoga and cardio than anything, so the gym was out. She was an author, he knew, but it didn’t seem likely that she would be in a conference room.
Jake paused and leaned against a white marble pillar. He had to think. Think like Buttercup. She liked the water, he remembered. They had had way too many fun memories on the beaches of Coronado for him to pick just one favourite, but the way she had smiled at him while surrounded by the sun and sand and surf was enough to warm his soul even ten years later.
The mere thought of it had him turning and racing down the hall towards the indoor pool. He quickly palmed his keycard against the magnetic lock and stepped into the room, almost taking a step back when the overwhelming smell of chlorine caught his nose, but he persisted, doing a quick lap of the pool and surrounding deck chairs to try to spot Buttercup or Abby.
“Sir, can I help you?” a lifeguard regarded him suspiciously, and Jake took a second to realize how it must have looked, a fully dressed man scanning every woman and child in the pool room.
“Sorry,” he felt himself redden. “I just thought…my wife said she was heading to the pool with our daughter, but I don’t see her.” He didn’t see Charlie either, but he had enough questions on his mind to wonder where she might have gotten to.
“She might’ve meant the rooftop pool,” the lifeguard offered helpfully. “There’s a cabana bar and a waterslide that the kids really seem to love.”
“Thanks, man,” Jake replied, already turning on his heel to head back to the elevator. Of course, she would head to the rooftop pool instead of the indoor pool. She hated the smell of chlorine and she always said the water felt better when you could feel the breeze in your hair. She was up there. Jake could feel it in his bones.
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Buttercup placed the glass back on the bar with a little more force than necessary before meeting the bartender’s gaze and saying, “Another one, please.”
He frowned a little disapprovingly but poured her another rum and Diet Coke, her second since sitting down at the cabana bar next to the pool five minutes ago.
I love my daughters. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my daughters. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my daughters…she chanted to herself as she sipped the second drink slowly. What they had done, tricking her here on some half-cocked dream of getting her and her ex-husband back, was so far over the line that she was fairly certain they didn’t even know where the line was anymore, but she loved them. Her daughters especially had their hearts in the right place, and she couldn’t fault them for wanting a normal dynamic between their parents. It’s what she herself had always wanted for her family. But things didn’t always turn out the way you dreamed. That was made especially clear to her when she spotted the bottle blond wrapped around her ex-husband, at least ten years her junior and basically painted into her blue jeans. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was her daughters. She would face Jake. She had to. She wouldn’t live a life without Charlie, not anymore. She wouldn’t fight him for full custody, but she would do everything in her power to make 50/50 possible for her girls. She could do that much for them…after she had another drink.
She threw back her second drink and asked the bartender for another one. He rolled his eyes but poured the drink and handed it to her before moving off to clear up some of the glasses that had been left on the poolside tables. Her eyes followed him as she nursed her third drink, tracking his movements as he collected glass after glass before her eyes caught on a figure rapidly approaching from the roof’s door.
Her stomach roiled, and she decided that three drinks in less than ten minutes was a bad idea. “Oh god,” she whispered, turning away from him and stumbling to her feet. She couldn’t do this. She wouldn’t do this while drunk. She needed to be stone cold sober to be able to face him, otherwise she’d make a fool of herself. And she had promised herself that she would never make a fool of herself in front of Jake Seresin ever again.
Buttercup quickly straightened and walked away from him. If someone accused her of running away from him, she would have no defence but that didn’t matter to her. She wouldn’t face him until she was confident in herself, and she couldn’t be less confident after three drinks.
Buttercup passed the bartender as she heard Jake’s footsteps pounding behind her. “Buttercup, wait!”
“Don’t call me that,” she whispered, feeling her heart pound at his nearness.
“Buttercup, I—”
A loud crash sounded behind her, and Buttercup spun on her heel to see what was happening, but she didn’t see anything before her flip flop caught on the tile of the pool and she stumbled unsteadily, falling backwards right into the pool.
The chill of the water immediately sobered her as she flailed in the deep end, trying to figure out which way was up before a strong arm wrapped around her waist and tugged her to the surface.
She gasped as the fresh air kissed her face, that arm not leaving her as it towed her towards the edge of the pool.
“Th-thank you,” she panted, frantically pushing her wet hair from her eyes.
“Don’t mention it…” an achingly familiar voice replied, deep and playful with a beautiful Texan twang.
Buttercup clutched the edge of the pool as she blinked, her vision clearing enough to see Jake Seresin a mere foot away from her, his dark blond hair plastered to his forehead and his white button-down shirt almost see-through.
He grinned, that cocky grin that she had always hated because it meant his shields were up. “You weren’t trying to run away from me, were you?”
“No!” she shivered and started pulling herself along the pool’s edge towards the stairs. “Don’t be so full of yourself. Not everything is about you.”
Jake chuckled as he did the butterfly stroke beside her, easily keeping pace as she clumsily looked for an escape. “But it’s so much fun to think that everything is about me,” he grinned a Cheshire cat smile at her that would’ve had her defences melting a decade ago.
Buttercup reached the pool’s ladder and didn’t have it in her to swat away Jake’s hands on her waist to help steady her as she climbed out of the pool, a staff member greeting her with a fluffy white towel as she stood in her dripping clothes. Jake smoothly exited the pool next to her and wrapped the towel around his shoulders.
“So, are you saying you’re not in Texas to see me?” Jake asked, his green eyes glinting in her direction.
Buttercup swallowed. “As a matter of fact…” She had to tell him. She had to just come out and say it. It wasn’t fair to the girls to make them do it, and it wasn’t fair to him to keep him waiting. “I am here for you. And I thought you were here for me.”
Jake’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
Both jolted away from each other, not realizing how much they had moved into each other’s space as they talked.
Abby and Charlie stood before them, mouths gaping.
“What on Earth did you do?”
“Why did you go swimming in your clothes?”
Buttercup pulled the towel tighter around her shoulders as Jake turned and gaped at the two almost-12-year-olds standing in front of him.
“Did I hit my head when I jumped into the pool after you?” Jake murmured, not taking his eyes off the two girls.
Buttercup shook her head. “No…they’re both here. It’s…kind of a long story.”
One of the twins gulped. “Please don’t be mad.”
“It’s not Mum’s fault.”
“We met at camp—”
“—and we figured out that we’re twins, and—”
“—and we decided to switch places—”
“—because we wanted to meet you and—”
Jake crouched in front of them as they rambled and slowly, carefully, placed a hand on each of their shoulders before pulling them into a tight hug.
“I don’t care,” he whispered tightly, cradling them both against his strong body as years of pent-up longing and grief threatened to spill out over his cheeks. “I don’t care how it happened. I’ve waited years to hold you both in my arms again. So that’s what I’m going to do.”
He pulled them even tighter against his chest and his heart fractured as he felt them—both of them—wrap their arms around him. And if a few tears fell, then who could blame him?
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