#the program really is intended to be helpful overall-
mint-yooxgi · 10 months
Until Your Lungs Give Out - Prologue
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Yandere AU & Dystopian AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour, Sci-fi, Dystopian
Pairing: Ateez X Reader
Words: 1,331
Warnings: Minor violence mentioned. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I blame @anyamaris for feeding my ideas, and thus helping me create this. I plan for it to be almost a mix between Resident Evil dystopia (movies, specifically the third) and My Chemical Romance Danger Day's dystopia world. With robots! I really hope you all enjoy this little teaser hehehe As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist
The crackle of static sounds through your headpiece. The low hum of electricity surrounds you, what’s left of the city’s lights flickering above you as you race down the deserted streets. The heart of the city is a dangerous place, no matter how abandoned it might be. You’ll risk it any day of the week. 
You have to. There’s no other choice.
Long since has the world gone to shit. 
No, no major disease wiped out the planet. No virus that caused people to become the living dead, either. Humans are very much still alive, though their numbers dwindle every day, replaced by the Bots of Life, guaranteeing that people can never truly die. 
These androids are so lifelike, that you cannot easily tell the difference between them and humans unless you are looking for them. Emotions, memories, habits - they are all the same. 
Life Bots, another term for these machines, require a human host. Millions of underground facilities have been made to house the Sacrifices - unlawfully named, in your opinion - for the Bots of Life to thrive. All that’s needed is a specialized pod and a mind link, and humans never have to age again. They can live vicariously through their android counterparts, forever.
Great sale’s pitch! If humans actually got a choice in the matter… 
What’s left of humanity fight to survive, living in hidden suburbs and scraping to get by every day. Every Life Bot is programmed to deliver humans to their intended Sacrificial Pod, destroying what’s left of the living world.
No more hunger. No more strife, chaos, or pain. Only order, and peace.
All things which are easier said than done.
An interesting side effect early Life Bot integrators noticed was how suddenly, members of their family which had undergone the Sacrifice seemed to lose all previous autonomy. The Creator made sure to emphasize his ideals into the Bots of Life, nearly forcing every human associated with one to make the change. He wanted total control over every living human, holding their lives in the palms of his hand for his own gains.
Naturally, the humans rebelled.
War broke out, and now all that remains of the earth above sea level are wastelands. Deserts span more areas than they used to, cracked, dry earth giving way to dead zones not even the Life Bots dare to traverse.
Still, there are those unlucky enough to be forced to live above ground without any protection, unable to have afforded to buy their way into the luxurious underwater cities or air fortresses that had been massed produced for the majority of the upper class and wealthy in society. Those left behind are stranded, lest they be forced to become a Life Bot of their own.
That’s where you come in.
You are one of the last few survivors in this division who still remains on earth, fighting for the human’s survival. Looking out for the stranded is what you do best, and you’ve made taking down Life Bots look like it’s child’s play. Which is exactly why you’re racing to answer the distress call you’ve just received not even a mere five minutes ago. There seems to be one human in particular that keeps sticking his nose into trouble looking for spare parts and supplies. It’s starting to get on your nerves, for he also seems insistent to flirt with you every chance he gets.
Only this time, he’s not alone.
When you originally latched onto the signal, you heard at least three distinct voices calling for help. The noises in the background indicated a fight, so there had to at least have been two more people with them, holding off the Life Bots at the time. You just hope you make it before someone gets hurt. Or worse.
Revving the engine to your motorcycle, you pick up your speed. The distress call came from just around the corner two more blocks up, and from the littered corpses of Life Bots you can see lining the street, you know a fight has just taken place here not that long ago.
Rounding the corner, you skid to a halt.
The screeching of your tires on the asphalt draws the attention of the small group of about eight males that seems to be surrounded on all sides by a small hoard of twenty Life Bots. A few hold makeshift weapons, like broken pipes and a rusted crowbar, while two hold Laftas, specialized stun guns made for subduing the Bots of Life. One practically cowers on the ground amidst the circle of survivors, covering their ears and shaking uncontrollably as his friends surround him as best they can.
The moment you hop off of your bike, you notice a familiar male’s eyes light up, hope dancing on his features. A smile begins to stretch across his features.
A click of your helmet, and it retracts from your face, practically disappearing from sight.
“I told you she would come!” Wooyoung, your resident damsel in distress, and certified pain in your ass, cheers.
“Yeah, yeah,” the tall one with what appears to be a sniper riffle strapped to his back, rolls his eyes. “If we manage to get out of this alive, remind me to give you one of my chocolate bars from my hidden stash.”
The way Wooyoung’s eyes light up even further says it all.
“Can’t go one day without getting yourself into trouble, huh, Gopher?” There’s an almost teasing lilt to your voice despite the disappointed sigh you heave as you spring into action.
Drawing your katana from your back, you unholster your Lafta.
“Guilty.” He chuckles, shrugging lightly.
You get to work, slicing through the Bots of Life as if they were made of silk rather than metal. With your opposite hand, you manage to shoot every target you set your eyes upon, cleaning up this mess in no time. Once finished, you make a show of twirling your sword a few times before sheathing it, shoving your gun back into its holster with a firm thwack.
“There,” you send a firm nod in their direction. “Get yourselves someplace safe before more of them return. I don’t like making multiple pitstops for the same people in the same night.”
You turn around, moving back over towards your bike before a voice calling out to you from behind halts you in your tracks.
You spare the unfamiliar male a glance over your shoulder. He seems to have somewhat shaggy black hair, a black and red leather jacket covering his torso. A red birthmark rests beside his left eye.
“How can we ever repay you?”
You offer him a tight smile in return, noticing how more than just Wooyoung seems to be staring at you with wide eyes filled with awe.
“Keep yourselves out of trouble, and you won’t have to.”
The one crouched on the ground finally stands back to his feet. He rests a trembling hand on the shoulder of the male closest to him, who is also wearing a black and red leather jacket, but in a slightly different style.
“Really,” his voice comes out shaky, staring at you through thinly wired glasses. A tattered beige cardigan rests over his shoulders, a stark head of bright blue hair falling over his forehead and almost covering his eyes. “We should be able to do something.”
You huff slightly to yourself in amusement, finally crossing the last few steps to your motorcycle.
“Don’t worry about it.”
With a smooth movement, your leg is tossed over the seat, the engine revving to life. A click to your ear, and your helmet has rematerialized.
A final nod is sent their way before you’re racing back down the street, on the hunt for any more distress calls that might come your way for the night.
That is the last they see of you for two weeks, until your entire worlds come crashing down.
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modrew71extra · 3 months
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Right, never thought I had to make one of these callouts in my entire time of using social media, but unfortunately due to the seriousness of the subject matter at hand, I have to get this out here to prevent more people being mislead.
Now for a lot of people who follow artist Tumblr might be aware of this one thread circulating in regards to people using Glaze & Nightshade in response to the recent updates made to Tumblr's data services. With the posting in question, @ reachartwork discouraging use of it and presenting an argument for it.
Now unlike most other people, I can tell how off their argument is as it lacked the nuance of how these programs worked and talked about it in a way that came off more enthusiastic, despite their claims of having sympathies people trying to protect themselves.
It's only until I took one little look at their blog and knew what was up, and their later behaviour proved my suspicions.
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Now to get this right off the bat, I do apologise for whatever misgendering I exhibited as I didn't notice that about them, nor am I justifying this callout to harass them.
So please don't
Rather, it's to be weary of this user, and how you really shouldn't be sleeping on these programs.
Now as the original featured, it went out in presenting their argument as followed:
As you can notice in the thread, it's providing very little evidence of their findings of its supposed workings without proper sources, while trying to show ways to work around it (again, enthusiastically mind you).
And yet as you notice, they didn't bother providing an alternative way to combat this scalping situation everyone is in, especially with how replies have been of users expressing their grievances over this.
You'll think that maybe you should have added something to help others or worded themselves in a more sympathetic manner?
But that's when I checked into their profile and knew what seems to be up,
They're into this tech.
I knew this was clear propaganda, why would somebody who is invested into generative tech try and discourage methods in protecting others of data scalping?
Like I'm sorry but you can't be somebody who claims to be sympathetic about the whole power imbalance this whole field is causing, yet enthusiastically be into this tech. Those mixture of ideologies just do not match.
There's no such thing as "ethical AI use" for this tech.
Now upon knowing many were falling prey to this nonsense, I had to step in and present my own counter arguments and why they are so wrong. Both programs Q&A (along with demonstrations of it acting as written) thay explains the inner workings of it as thoroughly as possible:
(Paper is in QA)
Now comes the part when things get more heated
After I posted my retort, this is the response I got:
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A) Again, while I didn't intend disrespect for their gender, "AI-bro" has literally become a catch-all for us who are against the very people who are engaged in this field
B) Since when in my original argument that I did try to villainize the entirety of programmers in general? My wording was superficially against those in that field of ML tech who are for this tech.
C) Trying to spin my own findings with proper context and immaturely handwave it by boiling it down as me going "nuh uh" is making you look childish, the info I provided literally explains the very points they argued.
D) Reason I blocked them straight away is because I knew a lot of these pro-AI tend to be very combative when it comes to criticism, I felt it in my gut that they were going to do so first. And later on other factors of their character proved my point.
Like I'm sorry, you really think me not having a degree of X matter is somehow making me a worst person and that I shouldn't be allowed to voice criticism of something?
Just because somebody is in the field of something, doesn't automatically mean they have the best interests to heart.
And here's my confirmation that like a lot of these AI enthusiasts, they're very sensitive & combative.
Now not too long, I decided to try to reblog my argument on another reblog of the artist @ Kang-Bang as they have a bigger artist presence, while they fortunately did realize what the OP they were quickly blocked upon reblogging my own post:
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But it wasn't that confirmed that behaviour.
I found out through a conversation I had with somebody on the server of artist-rights advocate Zakugu Mignon, that this individual had a similar encounter with this user a year ago on Twitter (I'm Hollow btw);
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And here's the conversation this person had that led to this similar experience:
Notice a familiar pattern of behaviour?
The unfortunate pattern behaviour that these pro-AI types are once again present.
It's always trying to justify the usage of this succeeding.
Now look, I'm not against the idea of the physical unabled being given the ability to produce creations of their own with the help technology means nor do I think that Artificial Intelligence is inherently bad.
But this generative tech is just doing it all the wrong way.
It's by all intentions & purposes, displace hard working people as cheaply and quickly as they can.
It has unfortunately happened to certain working sectors such as journalism, advertisement and translations as we speak.
Now on the topic of whether or not you use Glaze or Nightshade.
Please don't drop it
Now yes it's not a panchea for the societal problems we're currently facing.
But you shouldn't just leave whatever you post online out in the open without any forms of protection is not the wisest route to take.
As the Q&A already shown, it at least offers some way to ensure a means of sabotage data scalping.
There are still many other creatives and general users utilizing these programs for good reason, and WHY they're desperate for a means of protection.
Yes, I understand there's some skepticism going around and we're all frightfully confused about what to do in these uncertain times.
But please.
Don't skim out on a solution to offer some forms of protection.
Having a little protection is better than having none.
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faeriekit · 8 months
Faer i would love to know more about the event about fan ostracization from mainstream comic culture??? Do you have any like, panelist names or details or anything?
OkAY I found the program online because the paper thing they gave me for the programming sucked severely!!
It was a thursday panel, which meant pros/educator oriented (Thu, Oct 12, 2023 • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM). The title was "Geekspaces Assemble! Safe Spaces for our Marginalized Communities". Clicking the link will give you all the details, but the panelists were (Left to right) an owner of a queer/female friendly comics store in Portland, a letterer who's been in prominent aspects of the comics industry for fifty years, a...business entrepreneur (maybe also she was an illustrator?) and Jubilee fan, and an Author/Illustrator who spent a good chunk of his childhood in Puerto Rico. The panel consisted of three women (which, for comics, seems rare as hell), one queer women, two women of color, and a gentleman of color who grew up outside of America.
The only reason I am not putting their names down is that I am Suspicious one name might be wrong and I cannot verify it because they did not link their professional contact information to their NYCC guest pages haha. Their identifying info give on the page is still present.
To summarize the bits I remember, everyone involved gave a rundown on how hostile comics culture and the outside point of view on comics culture was to their efforts to actually enjoy their hobby. The woman in the industry spoke on how hard it was to actually get her voice and interests heard, and how the need to make a safe space for women and people of color helps keep the peace. The business woman spoke on representation and how it affected her growing up, and how when there isn't anything to look up to, we sort of have to make our own role models and characters to lean into, and having a space space to create helps us do that. The man had an interesting perspective on how comics were a huge hobby of his growing up, but when the Simpsons made it to Puerto Rico, the Comic Book Guy made it so that other people looked down on him for engaging in something that seemed so snooty and unpleasant on the show. The bookshop owner talked about how it was not only super vital for her main audience, queer people and women, to have a space safe enough where they could explore comics how they wanted to, but that she heard testimonials after she opened that the main cishet white male audience of comics loved and appreciated her shop as a safe space too, because it was a place where they didn't feel the need to perform in order to engage with their hobby as they had to in the quintessential shops that were so popular at the time.
Everyone was well spoken and brought up great points about how the experience for enjoying comics is so different when you're queer, not a man, or white— something I have absolutely noticed from spending time even peripherally watching the dc fandom here on tumblr and on ao3. Having a place where you can express your interpretations and experiences with your hobby without fear of reprisal or attack makes all the difference. Comics are very often not written for us. Based on their age, comics written about us may be lacking, at the very least, or outright harmful at the very worst. Reading certain DC lore gives me psychic damage. If we want to make comics a fun, welcoming space (and I know that's not every comic fan's goal), we have to make and protect our own spaces from outside prejudice.
Overall, it was a great panel, I loved it, and I really wish it hadn't been at 10:30 in the morning because half the intended audience (and a panelist!) was still trying to get into the building by the time it hit 10:30! It also reinforced my need to make the graphic experience in the library better integrated with the younger kids, because I don't want them to think that comics aren't for them if the first experience they have is people being weird and rude when they get into it as teens. I know that the panelists are from at least one if not more generations above me, and that the landscape has expanded and changed since then, but I find the fundamental base of the talk very true, and find it even more prudent that they speak, because their work built the foundations we're trying to build up on right now— with graphic memoirs, with indie comics, with irl geekspace occupancy, with ao3 and tumblr gossip and interaction.
Anyway, occupy your local comics shop. If they suck, get on facebook, network, and see where all the weirdos like you collect.
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autogeneity · 5 months
Hi, I was looking into computer science and I wanted to ask you what drew you to it and how you feel about it as a career choice?
I don't think my reasons for getting into it are likely to be very helpful to anyone else because they are very specific to my life at the time and not actually much about computer science at all. Skip to the last section for more relevant things.
But here is my story —
I went into university with a starry-eyed idea of understanding the True Fundamentals of Everything and was majoring in maths, physics, and philosophy. also my brain was broken and I had a very fuckd't relationship to reality as a concept (mega derealisation with substantial perceptual distortions and potentially some delusional features) and some part of me saw this as Deep Philosophical Insight, while another hoped getting The Answers would solve it.
after a year it became apparent that this was probably at least a little silly and not going to happen, and I didn't actually see myself being a professional physicist irl.
additionally, I felt more drawn to doing something with more tangible outcomes in the real world rather than chasing maximum abstraction. I had a growing interest in neuroscience and AI and simulation, but also could maybe see myself becoming a professional mathematician. so I kept the maths and switched the others to computer science and psychology.
I guess the specific CS appeals were: I already knew some programming and had found it basically trivial to learn, so I sort of figured it is probably a good match for my brain. and I like puzzles (actually when I first got to uni all the departments were doing little recruitment speech thingies and the CS department actually gave us puzzles! I somehow imagined this would be representative of literally anything (it is not)). I still find those, like, code challenge type problems a lot of fun though.
the final thing that sealed the deal was the availability of a scholarship for maths+cs major, and the fact that it could provide a backup plan if my academia plans failed.
As for how I feel about it — well, my academia plans did fail so I am very glad I had a backup in place. Even if they hadn't gone wrong at the time, it's pretty clear to me now that the many mental health issues I continued to deal with in the time since would have led to me fucking up in academia sooner or later in a way they did not in my job. There is much, much more latitude here.
And it's pretty alright as a job; I'm not ecstatic about it but I don't really mind overall and it is sometimes fun. I actually like bug-fixing, lol — the kind where there's an immediately-obvious mistake and I just gotta correct it is boring but the hunt is fun. In general I dislike the amount of small, tedious tasks where I just gotta do some obvious thing, but I like it when I get to build something more substantive that requires more figuring out. I am somewhat fond of the way the shape of the things feels in my brain (not sure that makes any sense lmao). Albeit there are not really many puzzles. :(
But I'm not intending to stay in my current work. I worked briefly in data science and found it much more engaging. I plan to move towards that and/or stuff in the direction of bioinformatics or scientific computing or computational neuroscience. Which is all still computer science but not. software development.
Which is probably the biggest thing I would want to highlight for someone considering computer science. In general working in software development (the most typical career path) is very different to working in computer science. Very often someone interested in the one will not be very happy with the other. I would encourage identifying which is your interest, and seeing what they both actually entail, before pursuing anything.
Because like, if you want a run-of-the-mill programming job, in many places it might be worth considering just doing some sort of bootcamp and projects. The company I work at gets probably like 20% of their graduate hires from that stream. Much cheaper and faster than a degree! Or for various other types of work certifications might be a good approach.
If you like mathy things, you probably want computer science proper. If you like engineering, tiny technical details, performance focus, etc, you probably do want formal education and may want to look at things requiring low-level languages, e.g. embedded software. I think people who like twiddling and configuring enjoy cloud shit? or infrastructure and ops work more generally but I think these days most places that looks like cloud shit. If you like the big picture, modeling, and the human side, you may be interested in systems analysis (I find this Very Shaped tbh but am not up for the human side and honestly don't like making big judgement calls).
Somehow I don't actually know what the people who like everyday application development actually like about it specifically lmao? even though they are surely the majority. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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bluemoondust · 2 years
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✮Day 18✮ Cucking
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˚⭒· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ft. Satan v Lucifer — Obey Me!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: Happy Birthday Satan
General + Warning(s): Cucking, Possessive/Controlling Behavior, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Stalking, Dub/Noncon
Being stuck in the middle of these two is already a situation you don't want to be a part of, especially given how they are. You're very aware that in some cases, it can get tense to the point where you can cut through the tension with a knife. Though, it's all fine at the end of the day. However, as yanderes, you feel the air get heavy. It would be okay as you could just avoid them altogether but fate seems to have some vendetta against you or your luck is excruciatingly terrible. 
Lucifer was a constant in your day to day time at Devildom. Of course, it was mostly due to your lack of knowledge on certain things there but it was also to keep an eye on you. Sure, he left you to the second oldest but that's what he made you think. Sometimes you can swear he could be a step away whenever you're hanging around the place. It just seems like you are always on your toes. This also doesn't help knowing that Lucifer can be utterly controlling, so you grow rigid at the mere thought of slipping up at any given time. 
You have no idea where the sudden shift happened, but it wasn't obvious due to his personality and overall demeanor. Though, it does make you wonder if Lucifer intentionally picks you off or calls you out compared to the others. Maybe it was because you were human, but you didn't really think that could be it. There was no way you could question him about it because confronting this man is a nightmare to deal with. Even if you aren't someone who fears confrontation, he will have you shrinking back and uttering a nevermind as you try to steer the conversation elsewhere. You couldn't win with him and that frustrated you. Though, it did scare you a little. What you might not know is that keeping you under control is what Lucifer absolutely wants; and he will have that no matter what he has to do. 
That is why he is a constant—because he intends that. He can't have you participating in his brothers' foolish antics, especially when some have almost gotten you killed. So, Lucifer makes sure to keep you busy with little things. Sometimes you'll find yourself at fault for something, but having no idea of it. You are confused with how that could be but for some reason Lucifer manages to have you admit to it. Manipulation at its finest. Plus, this makes certain that he knows where you are at all times. The program you're a part of is the perfect excuse to have the right to know your whereabouts. 
Meanwhile with Satan, he didn't have much interest in you at first. You must have been another attempt to annoy him by his older brother. Typical. So, initially, he didn't see the need to interact with you. He'd still be polite, but a quick hello and good day is the most the two of you exchange. Lucifer's words about Satan echo in your head, making you wonder if the smile the fourth born puts up is truly just an act. Still, it seems like almost everyone and everything is something to be wary of... 
After actually getting to know you, Satan couldn't help but feel compelled the more interactions that went on. You're someone who understands his troubles and even when he's not at the stage where he feels comfortable being vulnerable... He can't help but want more from you. So that's what he does. Knowledge is always regarded as a powerful weapon that can be used, and Satan utilizes it well. Any piece of information on you, whether you know of it or not, he will have it. 
The two are highly aware of each other's interest in you. It was immediate, given how they can sense the other's presence wafting from you. Everyone can tell that something was up with them from the glances, but no one really speaks up about it. Probably for the best. Of course, Satan is trying to keep a cool head during all this, but he will admit that it does make his blood boil when his elder brother purposely steals you away with pathetic excuses. Anyone else could have accomplished the tasks he handed out to you. Satan knows that and Lucifer does too. 
What makes matters worse is... Satan feels mocked by Lucifer's actions. Is it really that entertaining to watch him seeth in silence as you run around doing errands for his brother? Well, two can play at this game. Satan knows that the eldest has his duties with the program and Diavolo, so that gives the fourth born an opening. He can just take your time. Convincing you to join him in some activities is simple enough, with a little push here and there. Because he has studied you for a while, Satan practically knows what makes you tick; what buttons to push and so on. A sense of satisfaction washes over him when you have to politely decline his brother's offer to join him for tea. You already have plans. 
Oh... But what if this was turned up a notch? These two are extremely possessive, so at some point in time one of them will break and take the next step forward. Satan tells himself that he can't allow Lucifer to take that step. He will be the first to take you and honestly doesn't give a damn what his brother will say. He honestly hopes he is highly aware of the fact that he beat him to the punch. 
Everything happened too fast for you to fully process what was going on. One minute you were looking through the library with Satan, the next you're bent over on your stomach over one of the desks as he rams into you. Nothing could have predicted something like this to occur. You didn't even think Satan would have this intention when you two entered the room. He only mentioned wanting to relieve some stress by reading and asked if you'd like to tag along. 
You accepted, mostly because you enjoy his company but you also wanted to unwind for a bit. You had just finished some note taking and thought to yourself that maybe you could ask him to look through them. Just to make sure you didn't miss anything. It all started very innocent. Now you can't even remember how it all came down to this. He was stronger and faster than you, so it was futile to try prying him off or even stopping him. 
He probably never had the intention to do so. 
It was getting hard to stay quiet with the pace Satan was going. Long, hard thrusts and it seemed like he took a small pause between pulling out and pushing himself back in—like he wanted to make sure you felt every bit of this. 
Satan gave a quiet hush sound, "Shh, you shouldn't be too loud. What if the others hear? You don't want them to see you like this, right?" He gave your thigh a smack, making you yelp slightly. 
You bit your lip and shook your head. Your legs quivered as he gave another firm thrust. Everything was so overwhelming. The sounds of your bodies connecting, the roughness of his cock, the grip he had on your hips and the fact that his body was pressed down onto yours. He was practically laying on top of you at this point. His breath fanned over your ear as he spoke to you. 
"Maybe you do want them to see. Let them see who you truly belong to." A choked moan comes out of you as his next thrust jerks you slightly forward. "I think the looks on their faces would be priceless. Witnessing you getting fucked by someone that isn't them. Knowing that they lost their chance." 
It was all too much. You were almost over the edge. 
The feeling of Satan's movements slowing down made you blink and brought you to some of your senses. You wondered why his pace slowed. Maybe it was to torture you; make you writhe in desperation while begging him to keep going. 
You slightly lifted your head up and immediately froze. Lucifer stood at the entrance of the library. How did you not hear the door opening!? 
Shame and embarrassment washed over you as you avoided eye contact, but you could feel his eyes scanning the two of you. The tension was obvious and you felt smaller than ever. 
Things couldn't get worse, but they did. Your hips jerked as you felt Satan picking up his pace again, which made your eyes widen. He wasn't serious... Was he? You bit your lip to prevent any noise, but it felt so good. A part of you wondered what Lucifer was thinking; how did he even react? It would soon become an afterthought. 
Meanwhile, Satan had remained composed as he kept eye contact with his brother. He grabbed your chin and raised your head up. "Don't be shy darling..." He quietly panted into your ear. 
A whine escapes you as you avert your eyes from Lucifer. It seemed like he was staring blank faced, but his fists and jaw were tightly clenched. 
"Let's let Lucifer know who you truly belong to."
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jmdbjk · 2 years
This week's wrap up:
Bad Decisions:
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Pure pop, catchy tune. A chair dancing beat...you know like if you are sitting at your desk you can't help but wiggle your ass in your chair... Fun to sing along with. It does have a tinge of Adam Levine (Maroon 5) in the oooooh, aaaaahh. The promo leading up was brilliantly different. Good job, Benny. I am glad he was able to get Snoop Dogg in on this. For me, Snoop's part was not what I expected, I enjoyed his presence on the track. The song is added to my playlist rotation.
The entire BTS vocal line sounds fantastic as expected. But you know I am gonna gush a little harder about Jungkook and Jimin's vocals.
Jungkook's vocals always feel like he's holding my hand when I hear his voice, his vocals are strong and steady and Jimin's sexy vocal fry is like the extra sprinkle of sugar or glitter that always makes a song sparkle. They need to really try to get a song(s) together for the both of them. They would kill it.
The video was funny, and I guess we should have expected something like this and yes, I was a little let down when there was no sign of the vocal line in it. But overall, it was fun. Benny started the day 13 hours before a BTS concert. And good luck getting that cake icing smell out of that car (I think it was a Tesla hahahaha).
The lyrics fiasco/debacle. Did Jimin sing "man" or "name"? His pronunciation was impeccable and it sounded like "I want your name" to me from the very first time I heard it. If indeed the lyric really was "man," I could only imagine it was intentionally pronounced like "main" and why would Jimin sing it like that? But since it is supposed to be "name" I don't know what Apple Music's deal was...Freudian slip?
In the Soop: Friendcation
I had intended to watch all the episodes of In the Soop: Friendcation but only with English subs. If anyone has a link to the programs with english subs and it's also a site where I do not have to sign up to view, I would greatly appreciate. I did not sign up for Disney+ just for that show. I have only been able to watch the first episode so far. The place where they stayed looks very very nice. I see where people posted snippets of where Hobi and Tae did a facetime call. Interesting. When did they shoot footage for the shows? I heard it was this past December, but also could have been anytime from then through March because it was freakin' cold then, remember how they were worried about Armys freezing to death during PTD Seoul?
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Jimin in LA
Already posted about Jimin being in LA. Hobipalooza was last Sunday and today is Friday and as far as we know, Jimin is still in the States. I can't wait to find out what he's been doing here. Rumors are flying about a collab with Khalid.
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Looking forward to (pretty sure it will be) Jungkook's Vlog this weekend. FIGHTING! Gasp! What if it's Jin camping and fishing! and Jungkook is doing cooking next week? Remember he said he had been looking up "how to grill" videos during his hiatus damage control V Live. Ha ha, just kidding. But we'll see.
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alexcaninnit · 1 year
okay so, we're gonna start off with the one who made the whole au even exist.
so, the mikester ended up with big mama, pretty much immediately after the explosion in draxum's lab. essentially, big mama sent some goons to go and check out the rubble of her old rival(?)/enemy(?)'s laboratory. they quickly came across mikey, who was injured and crying and a little baby. he grew up really spoiled, being big mama's kiddo, and is a master manipulator because of that as well. big mama even finds it difficult to say no to him sometimes.
he's not close to anybody besides big mama, really, and a few of the yokai under big mama have a sort of grudge against him, for one reason or another. he's not a super nice kid. he also wears some clothes, including heart sunglasses, an orange bandana tied like over his head, like people do to keep hair out of their face but also just look cute. he also has a massive pink feather boa and a jacket with big mama's logo on the sleeve. ((i gave her a logo for that very reason lol))
he's also dramatic as all hell. really sensitive and perceptive, and not afraid to make a scene, no matter what. he will scream and or cry at you in public. overall, kind of a selfish, bratty kid at first. i intend for his arc to follow sort of his journey of fixing that up, plus some other details i wont disclose.
next up, the second one i worked out fully, leo!! the blue boy himself.
the first parts of his life, leo can't remember at all. he ends up running from wherever he was at age 6, getting lost and finding himself in a random alley. he's quickly found by senor hueso in front of the entrance to run of the mill, and after some silly little things happen he is adopted by hueso. growing up, he learned spanish and adopted a love for jokes and puns. his personality is the closest to the actual show, but he's a bit more responsible and talks back less.
nowadays, he works at run of the mill on the weekends to help out and even make some pocket money, and attend school in the hidden city. he's made friends, there, including some familiar faces from other series, people we didn't see in rise :]
fun little fact, he convinced hueso to let employees, specifically servers, wear rollerskates, and it's totally a vibe the customers are up for. he also wears his mask normally and keeps the tails in a bow since they're so long!
thats all for leo :]
next up is donnie boy!
he ended up with hypno, actually, and is put quickly into foster care, and when the group home he's in shuts down, he ends up on the streets. he gets super ill while homeless((i think pneumonia at the very least)), until eventually being taken in by hypno. much of his young life is just getting treatment for his numerous medical issues, and as a result he wears a mask literally everywhere. he ties it in a bow in the back.
he's more interested in tech than magic and mystics, but he does have an interest in all due to hypno. he's much quieter and more subdued than in the show, but does have some of his donnie defiance. one example includes how often he'll take off his mask or put it down on his chin, and then cough or sneeze into his elbow or hand. he's often reprimanded for taking off his mask.
he has some issues with having weak little bones and can't attend school in person, so he does it online, and ends up finding his way into a human school's online program. here he becomes acquaintances with april.
last but definitely not least, there's raph!
he stays with draxum, who isn't the best caretaker when he's younger. he puts raph on a strict training regiment and diet. raph, however, has decided draxum is his dad. through all his minor antis and silly little childish words, he slowly worms his way into draxum's heart. he becomes a better father over time, and is now the best father raph could ask for. draxum turned his life around, and because of his connections in the hidden city police force, raph is able to pursue his interests in crime prevention.
in a series of unfortunate(in raph's opinion) events, he somehow ends up getting tangled up with the mud dogs, and has to desperately try to keep these guys out of trouble along with himself. he hates to hide it from his dad.
hint hint: his trauma doesnt help either.
okay so i have more ideas about each of them and also a lot of ideas about side characters and the parents of each turtle and i am just bursting with thoughts this was awesome to type out and share!!!
thank you :]
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
What's the story with guardian au? Sounds like Melody and Kyrie got off on a smoother start 😏
hehe I haven't fully figured it out yet. I wound up building a world with no main story in it so far, but that's exactly right it was a smoother start!
In guardian au they met as humans with him just being stupidly tall compared to her (she's 5'2 he was 6'5). Normal bumps that come with relationships that they worked through. Trust issues, Insecurities, the fun stuff.
The immediate background for the first story was:
Melody went away for a kind of study program for a little over a year while Kyrie stayed home. The two were mostly living together before that. While she was gone he started growing, instead of telling her he hid it until it was done and she was about to come back home. She'd been working with guardians the whole time she was gone so she wasn't nervous, but Kyrie is currently the biggest on public record. Melody never actually checked that number so his real height still shocked her.
It's more about adjusting to his changes and overcoming the change in their plans for those two.
Both intended to work with guardians by the time they met (i wanna say college or towards the end of high school). Kyrie wanted to help with mediation, Melody wanted to improve the tech that the guardians at their full height had access to. Her goals were shifting while she'd been away studying as she interacted with guardians directly more often. She was one of the few 'normal' humans who didn't hesitate to argue and debate with any of them. She'd been approached for a different career long before learning Kyrie was a guardian too.
So now she's working more mediation like he planned and he's working as a kind of protector. His job is to make sure newer/younger guardians don't do anything to harm the 'normal' humans. I have some ideas I want to put together, but I don't have a like major story for the world. I also have a like world explanation I'm working on like I did for the Mafia AU!
For a little bit of lore:
There's more to what happens when someone becomes a guardian than just growing. Some things the government hides like the mental change Kyrie admits to where his memories at his human size are getting changed to match his new size. (A memory from his childhood would be replaced with how tall he'd be relative to his current size). The government doesn't want to cause concern if people learn the giants in their lives aren't really just taller.
One fact that the government publicizes is that no one can confirm who will or exactly when someone will become a guardian. They have an age range, but that's all. It's not extremely common either so Melody and Kyrie both acted under the assumption neither would become one. For them it would mostly be adjusting to their new dynamic despite the insecurities it causes.
Overall it's probably more of a daily life au I can randomly throw ocs into it. Play with how their dynamics change when they knew each other before, how the mental changes becoming a guardian can change their actions. Fun stuff if I ever start playing with it more lol
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
my undergrad gpa was really bad, but then my masters gpa was really high, so i hope my undergrad gpa won't affect my phd program admission 😂
the thing is, everyone knew i was smart during my undergrad. like, professors were always vocally impressed with my projects and presentations, students said that i explained stuff better than the professors did, my thesis was said to be one of the best thesis works that year BUT my mental health state was really really really bad and in the end of the day, it affected my gpa since i had a lot of absences.
i'm a lot better now, handle things a lot better and got my masters, my country isn't strict about gpa, so i hope my bachelors cgpa won't mean much.
ok i'm telling u all this bc i'm curious how are things in your uni/state, is undergrad gpa important for phd even if you have masters? 😂
Well obviously, things vary everywhere and it depends on where you're applying and for what program and so forth, but as a rule, graduate applications receive more attention than undergrads and they read them more holistically -- i.e. they take everything into account, rather than just the GPA-and-test-scores which can be the primary basis for admission at places that get a lot of applications. So while a middling-to-bad bachelor's GPA might make them look more carefully at other parts of your application, they do usually look at the whole picture. If you then had a very good master's program, they would in all probability weight that more highly than the undergrad.
As I mentioned in an earlier ask, I work at (for context) an American private university that is pretty good; not Ivy League, but we're generally ranked in the top 100 schools in the country and some of our graduate programs are top 20 in the world. Nonetheless, the minimum undergrad GPA we require for a graduate application is 2.5, so you don't NEED to have graduated cum laude from undergrad to get admitted to grad school, even a good school. Besides, admissions counselors in any school are generally aware that people can struggle in undergrad or have other issues that affect their overall GPA, and they would be more likely to lean toward your most recent experience, i.e. the master's degree.
As ever, however, this is just hypothetical, and will vary depending on your field, your intended degree, the school you want to go to (and in which country). If you get in contact with program admins/faculty beforehand and seek their help in putting together an application, which is generally the case with most PhD programs, you're also more likely to be successful and have a chance to explain your undergrad circumstances in more detail. If any of your undergrad professors write letters of recommendation for you, they can also address the situation specifically, so the admissions office knows that it's not just you saying that. But yeah, it it's definitely not a dealbreaker, especially if you're upfront about it and have a good master's degree to boot.
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ursbearhug · 1 year
Okay, so on a side of a little other project I have, I'm going to say this;
I know that you cannot influence ending much. I'm saying this now that I have finished the game. And I'm hazarding a guess that there are many "crossroads" you cannot affect either (which pains me to no end. Caspar... I'm so sorry my boy). That being said your actions ultimately affect villagers nevertheless (i.e. getting them laid or getting them burnt at the stake. Choose your own adventure amrite?) and how you performed will change the outcome for their lives. To me, that is satisfactory.
I've been making some fun off Life is Strange (though only the first game, to an extend BTStormm, I've never played/seen the others and I do not intend to) for a while now; as most people I've seen have. Life is Strange is advertised as "your choices matter" and it is a lie. Life is Strange have 2 linear endings and everything in between does not matter in the slightest. Whether or not you decide to help What's-her-face throughout the game, does not change anything. If you go with ending one, she's there but who cares. If you go with ending two, she and many others are be-gone-thot-ed and nobody cares. I kind of stay true to my word that you play LiS for two reasons; you want to fuck Chloe in hopes that once you dick her down she will finally shut the fuck up and won't be such a bitch; or you play for the art style. I've seen a lot of people clown on LiS for the... Unconvincing and non-stellar animations and facial expressioness, but I'm not that stuck up. As long as game looks decent and is not blowing my computer, I don't care. I'd much rather have very rigid and hardly human expressioned LiS models than have yet another Witcher or Something-something of the West type of graphics and style that can cause heat death of the universe.
Choices in "Penitent" matters. Because if you've been mean to that one guy at all times, he will refuse to help you 9 hours later (real life 9 hours, not in game ones). Or if you've been encouraging something they might end up dead (Ursula please forgive me). I'm guessing the ending will be exactly the same no matter what but the point is that your choices matter on other planes. By being good pagan I am I got two people burnt at the stake. Because I'm such a good matchmaker I made sure Master Smith has loving wife of his dreams and dozen kids, also of his dreams. Because I'm bad investigator I had to pick between one bad killing and the other bad killing. Yeah, somebody probably would want 36 different endings but considering that almost EVERY single dialogue choice can be matter of "this will be remembered" (at first playthrough), programming and setting 36 different endings might be tad difficult. That strikes nice balance. There is one concise ending (that you might be able to manipulate? As I hope I'll learn in time) but your choices matter in the moment and in the very end. (Which again ain't the case in case of LiS; because whether you beat someone's ass or not, Max might be bitching about it for 10 seconds or not and who cares if you be-gone-thot them hoes?)
Visuals are on fucking point. There is a lot of beauty in these simple graphics and style they went with. Animations in some cases are really smooth (for the rigidness the 16th century illumination-esque models enforce) and really quite captivating in some moments. Music happens to sometimes be very good too. However, as said before I'm not really game music nerd. I've not noticed the ambient sound, but the choir music was bees fucking knees. Plot wise and narration wise, it was also very entertaining. I have not seen any of it coming. Not the way it was delivered anyway. I was right about a lot of stuff though, so hurray for being perceptive! 15-16th century Bavaria is *NOT* my field of expertise, I loathed my paleography classes and overall much of Christians and medieval times are not things I can speak in great details. Things that I can comment on have not really been glaring. I have almost but fogot latin by now, but ancient latin (which, again, is different from the medieval or church one. Not uber different but still) was correct and nothing obscenely offending. When they referenced my home country in it's 16th century glory, it was on par with what I've been taught in school (there are two prominent characters from there as well, one of them even from the same city as my previous univeristy, so I feel more honoured than ever probably). I don't know much about 16th century medical knowledge but whatever was mentioned does fall into *my* medical knowledge.
Overall, for what it is worth (my opinion that is) the game is entertaining, it has more or less 23 hours of gameplay (which, for it's price; is a lot) and it has been real treasure to play.
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
Hay... so about my TS2+SC4 process
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I will try my hand at it fairly soon to better study and emulate this workflow, making a few tutorials & gameplay content along the way. But let me clear the wider goal of this endeavor is:
I want to make a FLOSS software toy system like such for creative worldbuilding, cozy play and overall manifesting purposes. The biggest limit over such that I am facing right now is pretty much how to make it visually & creatively more appealing.
It is related to my constructed world project and technological efforts over the matter. And hopefully this full workflow stays free libre and open source.
I definitely feel a fairly strong need to automate much in this workflow to support my visualization efforts, especially as I like sapient-style agents doing things on their own and emulating several timelines at once. But those two sides can wait to a grand degree.
So ya, I am not so surprised to be overwhelmed over the matter despite having access to tools to help over such matters ('Love/Hate' system from 'Pixel Crushers' being one such tool) but any help is welcome. I still feel quite lost and unmotivated tbh. Take care of yourselves and cya soon.
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I do not know about you but it feels like a great opportunity to make a vector sector (BUILD2 vibes!) community building game with some QGIS and LibreOffice bindings. Thinking much about Vim, ZealOS, Common Lisp, Qodot and Micropolis in there as well because I really want much in my Servitor data processing architecture without any of the usual proprietary blobs I see on mainstream Linux distros.
But ya, I am still learning my way forward to a test playthrough in SimCity 4 + The Sims 2 to see how I can emulate such and get it back onto the drawing board. (pun intended too)
If anybody wants to guide or help me some, that would be really appreciated as there is so much content to be tinkered and analyzed so to start this social simulator. (Mostly tinkering around far far away future cozy AI agents within a cylinder map layout that is a planetary simplification and NOT a spaceship. I like to think of it using swappable/addressable vector fontmap assets and easing the simulation of relatively large groups of sapients over quite long periods of time as to simulate linguistic & wider historical patterns.)
This software toy suite's name would be either "Maynard" or "Maskoch". And it would indeed be a alternative to my current FreeCiv+QGIS+SC4+TS2 imagination workflow with a couple of thematic tweaks and 12-bit level retro custom programming (or somewhat Lambda Calculus-style Lisp tree structure) level optimizations / constraints even if it costs all graphics & sound all together.
What counts is that it generates lively simulations that can easily be tinkered in open source software like LibreOffice, plain text documentation systems with macros like Vim or custom development environments like ZealOS'. So like a step further in abstraction than TS2 rotational play spreadsheets by going into Turing Tarpit territory. I am getting there with my Servitor instruction set but ya I would appreciate some feedback over that whole thread direction.
Aka, would you mind it as a retro demake (Servitor has a 12-bit CPU and I would prefer 48KW-4MW in total runtime size) of this game-y workflow? Otherwise it may be done directly with rich media format documents and simply be compiled together as a animated series of worldly instances. (It is one way for me to handle multiple timelines at once by connecting dots and interpolating between various timely "snapshots", and not always linearly either. Like save files, 7ZIP files or GRP files but history tracking done outside, in a version control software like Git or something similar?)
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thewerechinchilla · 2 years
I run a small writing group. Most of the other members just write for fun but me and one other guy intend to be traditionally published one day. And that guy has submitted one bit of writing in the past six months. It was part of the novella he’s been working on since we started. Before that it was probably another couple of months with him only submitting one or two pages.
Now this guy has decided the best thing to do to be a good writer isn’t writing, but getting a masters degree in creative writing. So I’m a little petty here because that sounds super fun and I’d love to do a masters in creative writing, but I don’t think I could balance it with my job and they’re so expensive. I’m annoyed at him though because he took out student loans for this when he could have literally been writing for the past year! A degree will improve your technique but it’s not going to do him sod all help if he never actually writes a single word! I’ve known him for years, and his problem isn’t craft it’s that he never actually finishes any first drafts of anything longer than a few pages. Which is a problem because the thing he really wants to write is like seven books long! If a masters program taught you how to finish a seven book long series I’d do one in a heartbeat but I suspect that’s not the case. And he got rejected from so many schools and then said he was too sad to write because of that but he didn’t even do any research. He only applied to schools in places he wanted to go to. He didn’t know about low residency programs until I told him and then he forgot about them and his partner had to tell him about them again! He also didn’t look into any more established workshops or community college classes. He only wants the masters because he comes from a family with a lot of people with masters and Phd degrees.
I think I’m a little mad because I’m jealous but also a little mad because he took out student loans for this instead of actually writing and or maybe therapy? And I know it’s not my job to make sure my friends do sensible things but dang! This dude was excited about going to a writers workshop when he goes to one weekly and doesn’t do the work! He has to be thousands of dollars in debt to do the work?!  I want to see him actually write!
And I think the underlying reason I’m mad is because we have a lot of the same writing problems, and all the reasons he shouldn’t have gone and started a masters program(money, time, the lack of guarantee of it helping you ever pay back those loans, the fact that’s it’s overall not super useful for the industry, how that all the craft in the world isn’t going to help you if you can’t discipline yourself enough to finish things on your own time ect) are reasons I decided to not do a masters.
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2009 - final
originally posted 6/25/20
France Patricia has no stage presence and I really hate her voice. The song itself is okay, I like the piano melody in the background and the weird dance break section, but for the most part I remember this song because of how much it annoys me. It did have pretty good staging though - compared to the video of the French NF this was definitely adapted well to the stage. Russia The chorus here is good, but I'm creeped out by the floating faces on all the screens. Anastasia has a powerful voice, although it borders on guttural at times. Overall this song is really powerful but it goes too far in trying to be that. Germany I like the style of music here, and the styling of the performance itself - except, maybe, for Oscar's shiny pants. This song is easily MLM-WLW solidarity - I know a lot of queer women who do burlesque, and I mean look at Oscar and his tight pants and try to tell me he's not gay. It's a good song and a performance that makes me laugh in a good way! United Kingdom Why is Andrew Lloyd Webber here. We do not want him. Jade has a great voice and so it's a shame she got stuck with this song, which in my opinion is boring as shit - like, this got fifth? Funny thing I noticed in the staging, I'm pretty sure Jade accidentally got hit by one of the violinists bc she got too close to him. I really like the stair setpiece too. More entries should use stairs in their staging. Just a thought. Spain Camerawork here was absolutely awful. It was shaky, Soraya wasn't often centered in the frame, idk I don't know too much about cameras or whatever but this looks bad. The staging and performance didn't suck too bad but... I really like the phrase "aggressively mediocre" for this one, I know I use it a lot and I know that the performance itself wasn't generic or whatever but in terms of quality here I don't like Spanish pop so I can't find it good but it's not bad relative to the year. My top 42
United Kingdom
North Macedonia
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Voting/Intervals Cirque du Soleil was a little much, but Dima Bilan's entrance and performance were cool! The Believe performance was just as over the top as the rest of the programming but it was executed a lot better. Lmao I love how there's one chair used in all the performances with chairs... it's in Montenegro's and Denmark's and a couple more that I can't remember off the top of my head. I'm greatly amused by the skit about "these are all the stereotypes about Russia, and they are Not True!". I laugh every time the bears come onscreen, I can't help it. The act with the people on the ceiling was weird and a little bit creepy, and it went on waaay too long. It was only five minutes but it seriously felt like forever. Is this supposed to be performance art? A weird dance routine? I don't know but I don't understand it. It did have a good score though. It amuses me how Ivan and Alsou pretend they don't understand when the audience is clearly chanting something (like "Sakis" or "Israel"). You're not fooling anyone lol but at least you're trying not to call anyone out. It's wild to see what a lead Norway had right from the beginning. After 4 spokespeople they'd already hit 40 points. Just speaks to what a huge margin they won by. Like seriously not @ them breaking 100 after only 10 countries had voted. The distribution of points this year was just so whack. Like you had Norway with the clear lead, the rest of the top five battling it out, and then everyone else with a slow gradiant down. THE FUCKING SLOVENIAN PRESENTER when it became clear he actually intended on just being quiet I burst out laughing... that was so fucking funny
Thoughts after watching Can you imagine being Alexander Rybak like... imagine being this Belarusian kid who moves to Norway, you're a fucking concert violinist, you go to Eurovision when it's in Russia of all places, win with a margin of 169 fucking points, like, and the hosts are just casually bantering with you because you speak Russian, like, god. Alexander Rybak at age 23 must have had a hell of a year. Can you imagine how surreal that would be.
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heathiswelth · 1 month
Getting Started with a Healthy Habit: A Review of the 30-Tage-Online-Aktivprogramm
I recently started using the "30-Tage-Online-Aktivprogramm zur Zahn- und Körpergesundheit Digital - Membership Area" (30-Day Online Activity Program for Dental and Physical Health - Digital Membership Area), and I'm impressed! As someone who was looking for ways to incorporate healthy habits into my daily routine, this program offered a fun and informative approach.
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Structure and Content
The program is well-structured, with daily activities spread over 30 days. Each day focuses on a specific aspect of dental or physical health, with easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tips. I found the content to be engaging and informative, covering topics like healthy eating habits, simple exercises, and proper dental hygiene techniques.
The best part? The program doesn't require a huge time commitment. Each day's activity can be done in a short amount of time, making it easy to fit into my busy schedule. This flexibility was a major plus for me, and it helped me stay consistent throughout the program.
Variety and Personalization
What I really enjoyed was the program's variety. The activities included short instructional videos, downloadable guides with exercises and meal plans, and even access to a discussion forum where I could connect with other participants. This mix of resources kept things interesting and helped me stay motivated.
The program also allows for some personalization. While there's a set structure, I found I could adjust the activities slightly to suit my needs and preferences. For example, if a particular exercise wasn't suitable for me, I could find a similar one that worked better. This level of customization made the program feel more manageable and engaging.
Positive Impact
After completing the 30-day program, I've noticed a positive impact on my overall health. I'm more mindful of my food choices, I've incorporated some simple exercises into my routine, and I feel more confident about my dental hygiene practices. The program also helped me develop a sense of accomplishment, which has motivated me to continue these healthy habits.
Overall Impression
The "30-Tage-Online-Aktivprogramm" is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to take charge of their dental and physical health. It's informative, engaging, and flexible, making it a great fit for people with busy lifestyles. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to kickstart a healthier and happier lifestyle.
Additional Notes
It's important to note that this program is intended to be a starting point for developing healthy habits. While it provides valuable information and guidance, it's not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any underlying health conditions, it's always best to consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise or dietary program.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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anxiousanteaterr · 2 months
Finally getting back into d&d and i got the hugest bomb dropped on me. my dm just came out swinging as my character slowly discovered that their life was pm a lie and my sweet, sweet robot The Beekeeper may not have actually been bought on clearance by a hopeful and humble farmer, but instead was BUILT by him! And that the blueprints used to manufacture the war droids going on a crusade for the Spider Queen ARE BASED OFF OF THE EXACT UNIT MODEL FOR THE BEEKEEPER. 😭😭. WHICH WAS THE ONE EXACT FEAR HE HAD WHEN HE FIRST SAW THEM.
the dm even pulled our god cleric into another chat to show him the lore legend stuff, and then the cleric showed me after, and it turns out this little farmer guy who made The Beekeeper has been like, gutted and hooked up to a mainframe and is being used to create and power the evil ones 😭😭
so now we gotta go and stop him (the overarching goal is to basically give the army their own sentience so they hopefully wont work for the Spider Queen anymore + kill your first best friend ever haha 🙂) and im NOT!!! LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!! The Beekeeper has only the sweetest and happiest memories of his owner/builder?? and neither he or I as the player are prepared to have to pull the plug!
The Beekeeper has also apparently been able to think and care and feel THIS WHOLE TIME? We all thought it was like, gained sentience. That's what I initally intended. Built over time. A weird quirk or a marvel of some kind. But apparently FROM THE VERY BEGINNING he was PLANNED to be able to do this. But so much of it was erased and/or locked for reasons he does not know and/or cannot remember.
I'm assuming it was to protect him, seeing as he's the only one of his unit that wasn't forced to be evil (unless THATS just bc its the newly built ones, not the old ones). I'm bracing myself for the gut-wrenching monologue both me and the Beekeeper are going to have to endure as he goes to end this poor man's life and free the robots.
This all just hit SUPER HARD in SO MANY WAYS because a huge part of the Beekeeper IS his sentience and freedom! He's very unique in this! The world this campaign takes place in has plenty of Warforged, the planet we started on is v futuristic, but the Beekeeper is not a Warforged. He is a ROBOT. Built for BEE KEEPING. Who gained (or I guess unlocked) sentience all on his own. And it started all the way back (20+ years ago) when he was first made. Part of his sentience gaining too, was getting files from the other Beekeeper units, whomst of which many of THEM gained sentience as well, and we're trying to help awaken the others. He didn't even really see the signs until after he was sentient enough to really look back on his old files and actually think on them.
THIS IS ALSO HUGE because The Beekeeper's class is "Barbarian". The way we made this work is he is just built with special kits to get juiced up and "rage". Programmed to know how to fight with Barbarian skillsets. Special mods and all that, and skills that "unlock" once the proper experience is gained (this is something he had from before meeting the party, too. His current memory for it is "a friend of the farmer modded me to be this way to help protect him from robbers", but uh... we'll see...)
His subclass though, is the "Path of the Ancestral Guardian", which I specifically picked bc of the previous Robo-Agri robots that also gained sentience. And also bc the Beekeeper's main goal in battle is to kill fast in order to protect his family (the rest of the party). He has on multiple occassions dove headfirst into battle while everyone else stays back, shielded others, and overall tries to be the main target. That part was not planned, but worked out well in the end. I also implimented the subclass in a more traditional Barbarian way.
Meaning that, for The Beekeeper (and he unlocked this when we were in the middle of an illithid dungeon), he flew into his semi-robotic, semi-sentient soul powered rage one fight when things were looking bleak, and the ghosts of previous Robo-Agri robots who had also gained sentience but paid the ultimate price for it, rose up to help out by protecting the other party members.
EVERY TIME The Beekeeper goes into a rage THE GHOSTS OF HIS FALLEN BRETHREN come to aid him! Being one of the few of robot-kind to awaken, they are willing to follow and aid a fellow sibling! And they help protect his family because thats what he wants the most! And The Beekeeper is aware of this and is very grateful for the help!
So OFC The Beekeeper going to want to help the robots who were built and/or converted to be evil! ESPECIALLY since the blueprints for them are ALMOST IDENTICAL to him, and The Beekeeper KNOWS that Aknor must have taken his creator and... did that to him... BECAUSE he saw how useful and versatile The Beekeeper is! The bitch had FRONT ROW TICKETS to see The Beekeeper NOT be an apiary tender, but be a fucking WAR MACHINE that did the job WELL.
And for The Beekeeper to just ignore that?? To just brush it off and go "eh not my problem" ??? That would be THE most ooc thing I could do.
I just RRARRRGH. This whole session has been a fucking CRISIS for The Beekeeper and for ME!!!
... i need to go lay down.
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