#the only events i dont like are the kind where characters i dont care about are central to the story
silkflovvers · 5 months
Not gonna lie. This current Arknights event? My least favorite so far. I'll be honest... Executor really Does Not Interest Me as a character, so I don't have a lot of reason to be excited about an event centered around him. And the Residents... I do not enjoy them in the stages one bit. It's not even in a "this is too hard I don't like it" way. They are just very annoying. Like you've been standing there for at least 15 seconds or more staring at this hole and you're telling me you're just gonna jump right in and die unless I put down some spare planks???
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babybluebex · 2 years
*claps hands together* okay SO. listen. even though i know some people dont like it, i am kind of a sucker for “tomboy character gets femmed up and male protagonist falls for them hard” cliche, and imagining that with a fem!reader (or just a kinda fem enby like myself) who’s one of eddies childhood friends SENDS me 😭 ofc no pressure!! your writing is wonderful as always and take all the time you need 🥰
𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you’re not exactly a girly-girl, but, after corroded coffin is booked to play prom, you decide to surprise your best friend with a dress and a confession. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: eddie munson (stranger things) x fem!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: tomboy!reader, a LOT of fluff, brief blood mention 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: eek thanks for sending in this request! i had such a good time writing it!
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You didn’t usually give much thought to dances or school functions, or really school at all. All of the events, be it homecoming or the Snowflake Ball or that weird assembly about saying no to drugs, were a complete snooze fest. Even prom irked you. Who would actually want to hang around the gymnasium and drink flat punch for hours and listen to whatever crappy band was hired out for the night? The concept of it never struck any flame inside you, so you never cared about it. 
Until this prom. Until Corroded Coffin. 
“How the fuck,” you started, tossing a crumb at Eddie as he strutted proudly around the lunch table. “Did you manage to get Higgins to hire your sorry-ass band to play prom?” 
“I can be persuasive!” Eddie returned quickly, dodging your crumb with a smile. “Anyway, I also told him that it would motivate me in my schoolwork.”
“How would that…” you began with a roll of your eyes. “Never mind, I don’t wanna know how you smooth-talked that away. So, you’ve got your Saturday booked up. What happened to renting Halloween, like we talked about?” 
“We can still do that,” Eddie told you quickly. “Prom officially ends at 11, then I’ve got the rest of the night for my favorite girl.” 
Your heart swept up into your throat as he passed behind you, his hand lightly trailing your shoulder. You and Eddie had been through thick and thin since meeting, way back in preschool, and he loved you like you were his sister. You, however, had something festering in your heart. 
It had happened back years ago, despite the awful buzzed hairstyle that he had rocked all through junior high. Somewhere between seventh and eighth grade, you had developed a huge crush on your best friend, one that had consumed every second of every day. And now, your last year of high school (and Eddie’s third senior year), your crush had managed to dull down to less all-consuming and more… Loving. 
You didn’t have a crush on your best friend, you loved him. And soon you would leave him for college. You worried if your friendship would survive the distance, but, the one time you had talked to Eddie about it, he had assured you that he would write and visit every chance he got. But, as the time drew nearer and nearer, it felt less likely to happen. He would get a job, you would move, and you’d never have time for each other, and, eventually, he would only be that guy you used to know.
Spending time with Eddie mattered to you, and you were only slightly hurt that Eddie would drop your plans to perform at the stupid fucking prom. He had never gone to prom, nor had you ever heard him express any interest in going, and you groaned at him. “Since when do you even wanna go to prom?” you asked. 
“Since I decided that this is my last chance to,” Eddie said, and he finally settled down in his chair at the head of the lunch table. “I’m fuckin’ done with Hawkins High, and I’m gonna graduate and leave this place in my dust. I don’t have anything to lose. Anyway, it’s a gig. I’ll get paid. We can rent Halloween and buy some snacks. Sounds like a good deal to me.” 
You crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m going,” you told him. 
“Going where?” Eddie asked, and you coughed out a laugh. 
“To prom, dork,” you returned. “I wanna see you guys perform.” 
“Really?” Eddie asked with a furrow of his eyebrows. “Prom isn’t my scene, but it’s really not your scene. Don’t torture yourself just ‘cause you wanna spend time with little ole me.” 
“What do you mean it’s ‘not my scene’?” you asked, and you stole a carrot off of Dustin’s lunch tray. The freshman gasped at you, and you jokingly mocked his gasp before giving him an exaggerated pout. “Prom can be my scene.” 
“You just don’t…” Eddie started. “Getting all dressed up and everything, I know you hate that.” 
“You’re right,” you sighed, slumping back in your chair. “But you never know, I might surprise you and show up. It’s just a Corroded Coffin gig, right?” 
“We’re gonna be playing dumb covers,” Eddie grumbled. “We were given a very specific list of dos and don’ts. No heavy metal, nothing vulgar—”
“So, you’re a cover band for the night,” you giggled, and Eddie scrunched up his face in fake-annoyance before he tossed a pretzel in your direction. It hit your cheek and fell down into your lap, and you grinned as you plucked it up and ate it. “I know how you feel about musical integrity, Eds.”
“Yeah, well, integrity goes out the window when you get paid,” Dustin chuckled, and Eddie flashed him a dirty look. “Well, doesn’t it?”
“Whatever,” Eddie said. “Fuck you guys. If you wanna show up to prom, do it. See if I care.” 
“I will,” you told him, and you stuck your tongue out at Eddie at the same time that he stuck his out at you. “And I’ll watch you care so much.”
Prom, unluckily for you, was only 3 days out. You hated the idea of dressing up for it, just as Eddie had predicted you would. You hated the whole glitz and glamour thing, and the thought of intentionally getting all dolled up with hair and makeup and some big dress and heels made you feel sick. But, you considered, it was for Eddie. You would do a lot for him, this included. 
The problem came with the dress. Dresses were scarce in your closet, let alone something really nice, and you knew that no stores would have anything like what you wanted that was even remotely in your price range on such a short notice. 
On the night, just hours short of prom, you chewed your lip as you held the phone to your chest, debating if you truly wanted to do this, and you rolled your eyes as you got over yourself. It was Eddie— you could show up in a potato sack and he’d still call you pretty. 
You quickly dialed Mike Wheeler’s number, rotating the dial as you tried to remember it. You had only ever called him once before, getting on his ass for being late to Hellfire last semester, but it wasn’t the younger Wheeler that you wanted to talk to. 
His mom answered the phone. “Hi, Mrs. Karen,” you said, hoping to sound sweet and charming. “Is Nancy around? I have a question for her.” 
“Why’re you calling me?” Nancy asked as the phone was passed to her, and you sighed. 
“You’re the only girl I remotely know,” you started. “And I need a dress.” 
“A dress?” Nancy repeated. “Why? Are you going to prom tonight? Don’t you have a prom dress?” 
“Well, no,” you started, curling the phone cord anxiously around your finger. “I, umm, wasn’t really planning on going to prom. But now I am, and, like I said, you’re, like, the only girl I even sorta halfway know. We were in Kaminsky’s class together sophomore year, and Mike’s in Hellfire, and I just… I need a dress. Anything! It could be a church dress, sundress, it could be anything. I just need help.” 
“Right,” Nancy said slowly. “Umm… Come over, I guess. I’ll see what I can do for you.” 
You had never even been over to Wheeler’s house before, and going to see specifically Nancy Wheeler felt odd. You especially felt weird walking into her pink-topia bedroom, wearing your ripped jeans and dirty Converse and flannel shirt that used to be Eddie’s but you had stolen off of him. To top it all off, of course, her only dress options were pink and/or glittery. But you weren’t going to be a choosing beggar, and you decided on one that was the least egregious. A strapless burst of light pink tulle that fell down to your calves hugged your frame, and you examined yourself from every angle in Nancy’s little white wicker mirror. 
“How is that?” Nancy asked, stepping behind you into the reflection. 
“I feel like a princess,” you mumbled, turning again to look at your back. 
“Is that good or bad?” Nancy asked, and you shrugged. 
“It’s…” you started. The dress showed off your dirty shoes and scrunched socks, but you sorta liked the way it looked. You felt pretty. “I think it's good.” 
“And if you let your hair down…” Nancy started softly, reaching out and shaking your hair out of the perpetual ponytail that it was in. Your hair was dented from the ponytail holder as it fell down, and you took a deep breath. “Maybe curled it… A little makeup… Is Eddie your date?” 
“No,” you scoffed, but you looked away from the mirror all the same. “No, his band is performing, and I was gonna surprise him.” 
Nancy suddenly got a smile on her face, like she knew something or understood you, and she said, “You’re trying to look nice for Eddie.”
“No, I’m not!” you said. “I… I don’t know. I just wanna… Look like I’m going to prom, I guess. It’ll shake him up, seeing me in a dress, it’s gonna be funny.” 
“Honey,” Nancy said gently. “It’s okay to wanna look nice for the guy you like. I mean, any girl would want that.”
“I don’t like Eddie—” you tried to say, but Nancy shook her head, her permed curls bouncing around her face. 
“Then why do you wanna look so nice?” Nancy asked. “You could’ve showed up in your jeans.” 
You frowned, examining the dress once more, and you sighed. “Okay, fine,” you mumbled. “I just… I like Eddie, I really like him, and I just… Maybe I do wanna look nice for him, whatever. Don’t judge me.” 
Nancy looked at your reflection for a few more quiet moments, and she finally said, “You can keep that dress. I never wear it.” 
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The band was already performing by the time you showed up. Given, you had shown up a little late, but you were sure that Eddie wouldn’t mind. You were sure that, even if you hadn’t showed up at all, he wouldn’t have minded. 
That way, you would’ve missed seeing him in that dumb fucking suit. 
Suit was not exactly what it was. It was a tuxedo, black, with a white shirt that had some frilly bullshit on the chest. You could tell that Eddie was despising the black bowtie around his neck and the cumberbund around his middle, and you also knew for a fact that he was hating every second of having his hair pulled back into a ponytail. You almost wanted to laugh at him. Your hand came up to cover your mouth to hide your laughter, as if he could see you from across the gym. 
Eddie was standing very still as he played his guitar, some gentle-paced love song that couples all around the gym were slow dancing to. You had seen him play guitar before, and you knew that he usually played with all of the energy in his body, headbanging and jumping around. You had wiped blood off of his face before after he had rammed his head into the headstock of his guitar, even. He looked miserable, and you frowned. Poor Eddie. 
You weaved through the dancing couples to make it up to the small stage, and Eddie’s dark eyes found you in an instant. You waved at him carefully, not wanting to draw his attention away from the song for too long, but that failed in an instant. He had already missed a cord and, as his hands floundered to get back on track, he struck a sour note. 
You saw him mutter something that looked like “Fuck it”, and he pulled his guitar up and over his head before he said something in Jeff’s ear. Then, he jumped down from the stage and, smugly adjusting his bowtie, swaggered up to you. 
“Alright, cut that shit out,” you laughed as he approached you. “I can tell you’re not having a good time.” 
“Jesus Christ, am I that easy to figure out?” Eddie asked, dropping his hand from his tie. “I hate this fucking monkey suit.” 
“You look like the kid from Back To The Future,” you giggled. “That tux is hideous, Eds.” 
“Kinda felt like him too,” Eddie mumbled. “My hands stopped playing when I saw you. Holy shit, by the way! You look—”
“Hideous?” you repeated with a shrug. “I know.” 
“Beautiful,” Eddie said breathlessly. His eyes were canvassing your whole body, from your curled hair to your pink-painted lips to your dress, and even down to your scuffed Converse and scrunched-up socks. “I didn’t know you had this in you.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, reaching out and punching Eddie’s shoulder. “If I look beautiful, then you’re downright handsome.”
“I’ll take it,” Eddie chuckled lightly, and the smile dropped off of his face. “You wanna… You wanna dance?” 
“Seriously?” you asked. “Do you really wanna dance?”
“Kinda,” Eddie shrugged, and your heart jumped in your chest. “But not if you don’t want to.” 
“Oh,” you said softly. “Well… Yeah. Sure.” 
You watched Eddie swallow thickly as he took a step towards you, and your skin rippled as he put his hands on your waist. “Have you ever slow danced before?” you asked, and Eddie shook his head. 
“No,” he said. He seemed nervous, and you were taken aback. Eddie, your high-strung best friend, never afraid and always loud, was nervous. Was he nervous to dance with you? Or was he really that insecure about the way he was dressed?
“You do look really nice,” you mumbled. “Really… Seriously handsome.”
“Thanks,” Eddie said as you circled your arms around his neck. “Umm, are my hands okay here?” 
“Yeah,” you told him. After a moment of consideration, you added, “They can go lower, on my hips, if you want.” 
“No,” Eddie said. “I like holding you here.” 
You nodded, trying not to think about his words too hard. Sure, you had hugged Eddie before, loads of times, and he always threw his gangly arms around you and squeezed hard, and he never seemed anxious about it. Your heart was racing inside your chest as you moved even closer to Eddie and rested your chin on his shoulder, letting your cheek brush his neck. Your body fit against his like the most perfect puzzle piece, and you sighed lightly. 
It was now or never. “Eds?” you whispered. His grip tightened on your waist at the gentle nickname, and you started to add, “I—”
Eddie cut you off, though, in the best way he could have. He turned his head and swiftly pressed his lips to yours, lingering for just a moment before pulling away, all too soon for your liking. “Sorry,” he said quickly. “I, umm… I’ve had the biggest crush on you for a long time. A-And you’re about to leave for college, and you look so fucking beautiful— not that you don’t look beautiful every day, I actually sorta prefer your jeans and everything— and I just, I can’t hold it back any more. I love you.”
“Eddie,” you sighed heavily, your voice trembling. “I mean… I don’t know what to say to you.”
“Tell me you love me,” Eddie whispered, and he pushed a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Tell me I didn’t just fuck everything up.” 
You looked at him, entranced by his wide, dark eyes, and you leaned back in, pressing your lips to his again. His hands fluttered on your waist for a moment before he dragged you right up against him, his palms pressing flat to your back, and his lips moved gently against yours as he kissed you. Eddie was kissing you; it was your dream come true. 
As you broke the kiss, you could feel Eddie’s heartbeat flush against your chest, and you giggled softly, looking down at your swaying feet. “I love you, you dork,” you told him. 
“You still down for Halloween later?” Eddie asked hopefully, his eyebrows raising. “Watching a scary movie with your boyfriend?” 
“Yes,” you told him with a smile. “Yes, I am so down for that. As long as you let me hide during the scary parts.” 
“I’ll kiss it better,” Eddie said. “How does that sound?”
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olvitier · 2 months
Sorry its so late buf i am in an Edling mood tonight and I will never stop thinking about the idea of how theyre the epitome of right person wrong time.
(obviously in a context of like fandom shenannigans where canon events arent 100% set in stone like edling arent canon but also idc !! they are to me! im ignoring it let me be insane) ANYWAY
Even if they wanted to be together post promised day Ling has all the responsibilities of Xing and his clan and Edward would never hold him back from that for a second. Im of the opinion that brotherhood Edward feels a lot of guilt for wanting love from the people around him particularly those he sees as good (winry, alphonse, etc) especially if hes done things hes perceived as hurting them (maes’ death, the transmutation, etc etc). Which is why I think Edward connects with Ling so well cayse he doesnt carry the weight of a lot if his past mistakes, and then when the stone happens its like goddamn it i roped this guy into my shit again. Like i dont know Edward doesnt really dedicate himself so fully to people outside of winry and ed a lot so its interesting like!!
He cares about a lot of people like the majority of the allied cast and we see him be openly affectionate towards Nina and Hughes pre their deaths but I think Ling is the only person hes ever decided to stick with WITHOUT alphonse? I may be wrong but the whole sure Ill stay with you and trust my brother and Winry to stay safe and follow you around the outskirts of the east for a week till the promised day to protect my new friend is so??? what?? huh???
But anyone my point is post promised day Edward cant really ever see a future with Ling because of all the responsibility Ling holds outside of him and its veyr tragic imo like especially because in a different scenario if Ling didnt have those responsibilities and Edward wasn’t so dedicated to the people around him to a fault of never thinking about his own desires I think they could have the possibility of a future.
Like I have read a lot of fanfiction abiut Ed traveling to Xing and living with him there but?? I realistically cant see him ever doing that just solely because Edward is not the type of person to settle down! like its my one and only criticism of the fma manga is that I cannot see Edward ever being satisfied with a simple life? Like even in Fma 03 which is my favourite interpretation of Edwards character once he gets stranded in our world he learns?? Rocket Science?? For the chance to get back to Amestris but he doesnt really seem to take that goal all that seriously especially considered Alfons ends up getting involved in a lot more aircraft projects than Edward like Edwsrd genuinely enjoys learning!!
Im pretty sure he was the one who dragged Alphonse into Hoenhiems office when they were kids after he left, probably to Al’s reluctance of if they were allowed in there, and started ripping through all of his old books just to learn. Edward never stops and it gets so bad that he never stops to even consider himself constantly worrying about getting his brother back or improving the states of others lives especially when! ya know! the whole country is at stake!!
So in a circumstance post promised day where Ed decides what he wants to do (my personal favourite interpretation is either an alchemical researcher outside of directly performing alchemy, ie revolutionizing the circle matrixes and discovering nee combinations or becoming a professor of some kind) I dont think he would give that up to settle again. And obviously Ling cant exactly up and leave being Emperor unless he decides he doesnt want to, im not the most knowledgable on Lings characterization so I wont speak there but!
They have so much fun together and compliment each other and genuinely care about each other so much but their happiness and fulfillment as people to themselves and others make it so its nearly impossible they would ever realistically end up together and its really doomed and tragic!! idk i think about it a lot.
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soapskneebrace · 4 months
same anon who sent the ask abt price: MW3's writing was embarrassing tbh. i agree 100% that narratively, its the most logical and sensible for price to be the one who takes the fall. what you wrote i flat out completely agree with, and its deeply disappointing that we are stuck with an extremely poorly written and rushed story. the game was a hot steamy pile. everyone was slightly out of character, they all growled their lines like mad dogs, and the missions were ass. i cant believe no one talks about the mission where you get anti arab hate crimed. what was that??? what was the reason??? (the only thing i liked about that game were the 9 minutes of nikolai. i just find him entertaining.) i was replaying mw2019 while super high and got to the mission where you threaten the butchers wife and son and just thought to myself; that lady and that kid are gonna have nightmares about price for the rest of their lives. that room is going to come back to them again and again and again. they literally did nothing wrong except the crime of being the butchers family. what price and gaz did is never going to leave them, and gaz was right to question price on that. of course, the game doesn't care at all. they're disposable NPCS for a shock value scene. i dunno, the fact that the game doesn't really give a fuck, and seemingly even condones what happened, just kinda hit different and i had to put the game down for the evening. i guess that hit at that moment bc i had also read a fic a bit earlier where the reader was price's civvy gf and gets kidnapped by his enemies. it bent my brain a bit bc, the thing in the fic is literally a canon event perpetuated by price, portrayed as a good thing by the source material, that now price is the victim of. it was a very weird feeling for my weed addled brain to try and process. think i blue screened actually. i wanna put price in a jar and shake him vigorously. pin him to a board like a entomology insect. i want to bite him. i do love him i swear. but maybe make him actually face a single real consequence for his war crimes? (disappointing that it will never happen on screen bc these games are all gas no breaks outright propaganda. not to mention real war crimes are happening constantly in front of everyone's eyes and going completely unpunished) sorry this is really long, i have no one to talk to abt these games and i dont understand my feelings toward that British man
Yeah. The thing about Price is that he's not a good person in the slightest. We write fiction about the kind of man he can be--the best version of himself, a version we can all stomach--but the real Price is distinct from that, and the best people in this fandom recognize that.
Soap and Ghost have some plausible deniability simply because we haven't seen them doing anything other than action movie stuff. Gaz is on the road to becoming Price--Price is doing his damndest to turn Gaz into himself--but he isn't there yet. (@391780 did a GREAT analysis of the driving scene in mw19 and how Price subtly manipulates Gaz, but I can't find it.)
EDIT: Early kindly provided.
We, as the audience, are not actually supposed to worry that much about the Butcher's family, because Price is one of the Good Guys who would never let something Bad actually happen. Infinity Ward does not take the Butcher's family seriously, and does not want us to take the family seriously, because they are just a convenient vehicle with which to move the plot along. Their presence is, in the end, shock value. We are meant to stare, wide-eyed, wondering is Price really going to go that far? while in the back of our minds knowing of course he's not, because he's our hero. He's just doing whatever it takes. The family is not meant to be anything other than fodder for Price's characterization.
Same with Samara. We are not supposed to care all that much about her, personally--we're supposed to marvel over Makarov's canny brutality, his bRiLLiANcE in recognizing the obvious fact that an Arab woman would make a perfect scapegoat for a plane bombing. Samara does not matter to MW3. Only the shocking way she dies. None of these Arab characters matter to Call of Duty--only the entertainment value of their pain.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I am reminded of when Price threw a man restrained into a bomb jacket off a balcony, with not a shred of remorse afterword. I'm forced to ask the question--who would Price scapegoat, then, if he felt justified enough?
And yeah, he's never going to suffer the consequences of his actions, because Infinity Ward doesn't think he's actually done anything wrong. We throw the word propaganda around a lot without actually defining it, but Price is emblematic of how the propaganda of Call of Duty works. Price does something reprehensible, and is shown to be justified in doing it--implying that real men like him are justified, too, because don't you understand how little choice Price had? Don't you get that there's no good choice to be made? This is how he has to act, and this is how all soldiers have to act, because war is a dirty business, and someone needs to be willing to do it for the benefit of the ignorant public.
The question of why any of this should be happening at all is never asked.
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samarecharm · 1 month
i love makoto so much but fanon does her so much better (the good parts of the fandom) because in the game her character is so lack luster. they butchered her confidant it is so borning and not even about her. they made her a cop. A COP. they pushed this "canon waifu" role onto her (before sumire came along and did it Even Worse). and it SUCKS because SHE IS SO MUCH MORE!!! SHE IS SO MUCH BETTER!!!! SHE COULD'VE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER!!! the way i feel about canon makoto is the same way i feel about the canon ryuji events post komoshida where he's horribly mistreated and used purely as comic relief: i ignore them <3 my game now <3 never happened <3 my ocs <3
You are so right. I generally apply this to all characters in p5 bc the game does such a shit job of staying consistent with character arcs and personalities. Theres a desperate need to throw in perverse jokes at the expense of female characters and a need to show that the police (as a whole) are reliable people who are not influenced by things like money and power; only the BAD cops do that. Not to mention this obvious fatphobia and homophobia but i feel likes thats a given.
But back to Makoto. Shes a victim of bad writing just like everyone else. Ryuji during the kamoshida arc was fighting with self loathing and genuine anxiety, and aside from the like. One comment on Panthers outfit in the metaverse, hes more than well behaved. All of that is shelved as soon as Kamoshida is gone and replaced with him being weird comic relief (and the focus of alot of sexual jokes that were nonexistent in the beginning of the game). Anns arc about self love and empowerment is completely dropped as soon as the nasty bad guy is put away (so that its good to be weird about her w the Good Guys). Makoto loses her a chunk of her personality to be the mature waifu which is INSANE to me bc shes like. Not okay or normal at all 😭😭😭 she THINKS shes responsible and so does everyone else on her team, but its an act! She doesnt know shit! And she doesnt know that she doesnt know shit bc shes respectful and adults dont care about anything as long as u respect them!
Its very telling that for literally every single thief (and goro), you can see the exact moment the writers gave up on adding anything of worth to their characters outside of the social links. Its like they didnt know what to even do w the characters at their disposal after their main arcs were complete. No mention of friends hanging out without you, no mention of having group hangouts. Everyone is treated as a core, important member of the friend group DURING their arc, but outside of it, they are acquaintances at best. Theres nothing in the game that convinces you that these guys are legitimately friends who care for each other and do Friend Things. And i describe it like that bc there IS a game that treats them all as friends, and its strikers! Strikers/Scramble genuinely feels like the game p5 wanted to be; a road trip w your team where they stay up at night talking to each other and hanging out and doing things together that dont necessarily include you, the player. Its refreshing and lovely but it sucks that u get that kind of attention to detail in a ‘spinoff’ title
#chattin#i hesitate to use spinoff bc its a pretty big game#and theres an amazing plot with wonderful characterization#and their handling of jails and jail owners is LEAGUES better than the bs they tried to make up w palace users#and all the thieves feel like family. and not in the annoying fandom way; like#were family in the same way a family is forged and tended to. i love you. no one is left behind. no one is made to feel inferior another#its really good and honestly if u want more interactions between everyone i really recommend a playthrough#but yeah#p5 sucks#i love it but i love the version of it i made in my head LMAO#maybe p5r did a better job w the dialogue and some questionable scenes#(i wouldnt know. i didnt play it lol)#so maybe thats what people need to be using as a point of reference#but i only plyed p5 so this is what i have; a group of people who show up for meetings and then go about their life#and that kinda sucks. why make this wholly unique experience in which these teens can only relate to each other#make them bonded over their shared experience w this unbelievable world#and then not only make them NOT interact; but have the end be ‘okay by akira.’ and leave it at that#they just. didnt know what to do w anyone#they needed their girls to be waifubait and the boys to be an afterthought#they needed a buffet of older woman for pathetic men to fuck through their self insert#and they needed a story convoluted enough to keep people stuck trying to figure it out themselves#its bad. its so bad. its so fucking bad. but i have to be here. WE have to be here.#bc who else is going to take these characters out of hell and treat them right ??!!!
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Hi! I love your Lords of Chaos writings,(love how you describe Pelle)
I wanted to ask if you could do a necrobutcher x reader(fem)... To be hones anything. But if you want an idea, you could do something where reader is friends with necro, and Eronymous made a party where he invited reader.( I dont really care what kind you do tbh, its just annoying that no one really writes for necro and hellhammer.
If you do, thank you sweets! Have a nice day!
Party and a cold night
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warning : drinking, fluff, kissing
Info : Happy that you like my writing (and on Dead as I'm always saying I try to keep the characters as realistic as possible) I could work with your request don't worry a sweet kinda things have fun reading :)
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
It was a call he had needed that the band no the group of friends of darkness knew where they would get not only free beer next but also the best music. Black Metal.
The black circle had planned not to terrorize the city this weekend but to do something quiet like a small home concert, a concert that the founder and messenger of the only true music Eruonymous had announced to his friends on the phone. He knew that at a party for all young adults, teenagers and metalheads the best inspiration and music could be heard.
It would be almost like a dark fair because a few artists would also come and with Dead's art and his almost poem-like words, everything would be perfect with Faust's music collection. And in the end they would all wake up drunk with a hangover anyway just to either carry on or go home and make music again the next day.
There was only one or the other. Including the calls from his one and only album cover artist who came across the group by chance with the help of her then chance acquaintance Necrobutcher.
She almost ran him over with her car on her way to a showcase in some music store but now. Now, as her gaze turned out the window towards the street, she could see the light shining on her car, the light that was pointing towards her apartment, the machine that led to the tyo she almost killed.
He was here she hurriedly put black lipstick on her lips and took one last look in the mirror, grabbing her bag before running down the stairs out of her apartment and falling into his arms outside in the cool darkness of the night. The smell of leather and flowers on him was almost cute.
She knew that he liked flowers, unlike the others, he was still "normal" and always helped his mother plant flowers because of the sweet smell. ,,Evening, my love," he greeted her and gave her a gentle kiss before she got on the bike behind him and they both rode through the night towards Euronymous.
The one who was responsible for the fact that they would all soon be ruling the world if you overdo it either way was a thing they both agreed on. Even though all the rumors and incidents had told them both to be careful, the last thing they wanted was to have the police with them.
But that was something they wouldn't worry about now that night she could feel his warmth despite the elder jacket wrapped around his upper body, the light muscles from his training, his motorcycle, the trips they had always taken together and so many more to come.
,,You sweetheart must have missed me, didn't you?" he asked, looking briefly over his shoulder and winking at her before she gave him a kiss on the cheek and he was able to concentrate on the road again.
But his grip on her as they drove around curves he put his hand on her thigh he was gentle warm and tender he loved her she knew it and she loved him they both held each other no matter the time. ,,I miss you every second," she said, smiling before enjoying the cool breeze of the night as the minutes passed and the conversation moved from small talk to new artwork, flowers and date ideas.
One thing she appreciated about him was when he told her exactly what he wanted and didn't hide behind the cool façade like the others. He put a little heart in her eyes and she gave him another kiss, which he returned as they slowed down.
They stopped in front of the shack that served as a house and music studio but like everything, it was the inner values that counted. ,,The incredible castle," he mumbled, getting off the mojo bike before offering her his hand, which she accepted with a grin.
,,Quite incredible," she replied and the two of them walked to the door laughing and banging on it as the doorbell didn't work and they both knew that Euroynmous wouldn't spend money on such a thing. The music was loud and they thought they would have to smash another doorbell to get in.
But luck seemed to be on their side as the door opened and the black-haired band founder stood in front of them with a beer. ,,Guys! Come on in, it's nice that you're here, you're missing Dead's singing, come on in!" he shouted through the music and simply pressed his beer into Necrobutcher's hand and gave the artist a new one and closed the door behind them.
But his two friends could only smile, they didn't know their mutual friend any differently when he was drunk, he was exuberant and in a celebratory mood.
And that's exactly what they did: they drank, celebrated, sang along and had a damn good time together for themselves and with their friends at this amazing party night.
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neet-elite · 15 hours
Hi hi, I wanted to ask a question about writing! I love the way you write (honestly my fave). I want to get into writing fanfic/smut but I don’t know where to start?? I have fantasies ideas but I don’t feel confident in the way I write :’))
Do you have any tips for descriptive writing (for smut and in general)? I’m also interested in what your process is like, if you have one.
Also your event masterlist has me weak I’m acc so excited hehe okay bye <3
hello! thank u so much for ur message! i really appreciate ur kind words, im so happy to hear that u enjoy my writing MWAH !!!
i feel like it's important to note that i only started writing fanfiction because i read a lot of it but was never 100% satisfied with how other people wrote/portrayed my favs. so i started writing because i thought: i could do better, and i think that probably comes into play with my confidence in posting online.
as for writing fanfic tips, i have a few.
write what you find hot. that's literally the bulk of it. don't care for what other people wanna read, write only what you wanna read. i promise that you'll find much more enjoyment doing that, and there'll always be people who are into your brand of hot, yknow?
care not for being "weird" or "cringe". this ties into the above point, but if you feel like someone might dislike a detail of your writing, include it anyway. i strayed from writing things like "angel cunt" for so long because of this, but it's so hot to me !!!! and other people rlly enjoyed it too, so i promise that the right audience will find you and appreciate details like this.
don't be afraid to use dirty words. such as: cunt, cock, asshole, etc.
and also don't be afraid to use normal words. such as: eyes, cum, pretty etc. even if you feel like you're repeating yourself, there's only so many ways to say one thing.
when it comes to descriptions, i like to keep them as plain as possible. say exactly what you mean :D finding other words for things can be tiring, and it can often throw people out of the reading experience if you use the classic "orbs" etc. this is of course down to personal preference, but the general outlook within the fanfiction community (from what i've seen) is the consistent want to just have the words that you mean said, rather than using alternatives.
dont forget the small details! sweat, sounds, smells, is the character smiling during the act? maybe their expression is more pained? a lot of what i write when i write smut is less the actual act of sex itself, and more so the surrounding factors. the bed squeaking, the internal thoughts, etc. smut doesn't have to be 100% sex all of the time.
dont be afraid to get silly with it! it's fanFICTION. want ur character to cum 10 times in a single session? fuckin go for it. want ur character to cum a stupid amount all at once, so much so that it gushes out? go for it. want there to be an extreme size/strength difference? go for it. there are no rules, and if you find it hot, i think you should explore it, because other people will find it hot too.
edit: also, keeping a sort of scrapbook of snippets, phrases, ideas, words, etc that you like can be helpful! i have my own discord server that just has me in it so i can dump information there for future use.
i think that's all for now. most importantly i think is that you write something that you love and find sexy. that's really all i try to do, and i think people can tell when you've enjoyed writing something.
and for my writing process it goes like this:
have a general idea, such as: puppy sam going into heat
and then i just write until i'm done.
i never really plan, although i feel like planning is the best option. all of my writing has been done on the fly, with a general theme/idea that i explore until i feel like it's done. i hate planning, so i never fucking do it even if it would benefit me. and im so lazy..... like... i view planning as me writing the fic without writing it, and why would i wanna write it twice LMAO.
unless im doing a bigger project, in which case i take similar, but longer, notes. here is an example:
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it's just very barebones so that it gives me some direction, but gives me the opportunity to elaborate and change and add and remove stuff yknow?
most of my writing, however, has been done by giving myself a one line prompt, and then i just go ahead and start babbling nonsense until it starts to take shape.
ANYWAY i hope all of this made sense and can be of some use to you! thank u so much again and i wish u lots of luck in ur writing journey! it's a lot of fun once u get started <3
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ot3 · 1 year
I can't tell if you're genuinely enjoying Riverdale or not. like you're enjoying it but not because it's enjoyable or good?
i'm having a blast with riverdale. it definitely is not 'good' but it's absolutely enjoyable. In this context by 'good' i mean the show doesn't have what i consider to be particularly thoughtful, complex, or emotionally impactful character and narrative writing. but this is also an instance where i don't think that stuff is really the point here. i'm not here because i genuinely care about the way these events are going to play out or their longterm effects on the characters lives, i'm here because there's something just absolutely fascinating about everything this show is doing and the fact that it exists at all.
it does have some genuine strong suits. i think all of the actors are fully committing to the shit that's happening here in a way that is absolutely pivotal to it working. the show honestly just Looks good a lot of the time too. i enjoy the weird anachronisms of the aesthetics and character styling, there's some really fun color grading, it's got some really nice shot comps from time to time.
but more than that it's just really different from everything else that's on TV, while simultaneously being almost entirely composed of individual elements that are overdone on their own. earlier i said its the most TV per minute of TV and that was a bit tongue in cheek but i do honestly think its true. it's like they've distilled a specific kind of media down to it's most concentrated form and dished it back out, without watering it down at all by trying to ground it.
i dont really watch edgy teen dramas or anything as a hobby because its so not my shit, but overall I feel riverdale manages to feel very campy and honestly somewhat avant garde when other shows before and since have just been eyeroll inducing and unbearable. and i think its because its got this weird negative space of self awareness. A lot of modern media that Knows it's kind of ridiculous likes to do a lot of wink-wink nudge-nudge about how silly and convoluted it all is, making sure the audience knows that the writers are in on the joke in a way that rips you out of the story more than the events themselves do. but riverdale so far (keep in mind i'm only a season and a half in) presents itself in a way that comes across as fully understanding exactly unserious it all is while stalwartly refusing to break character. like a mime pretending to be trapped in a box.
i could say more on the subject but i feel like i need to watch the rest of the show before i can really lock in my broadstrokes conclusions about the nature of this beast
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tsukasalover · 9 months
#1 tenma defender
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(screenshots from saki’s first bday card side story) can people stop pretending like the tenma parents are complete assholes for UNINTENTIONALLY neglecting tsukasa and actually notice how they’re more morally gray for deciding to parent in that way than anything else
im not sorry but i had a good time reading this side story and i think it’d be funny if tenmadad and tsukasa were actually really similar bcs i imagined tenmadad with these extremely dramatic expressions that were just like Tsukasa’s every time he spoke
but really, people try and focus too much on ONLY the fact that Tsukasa was neglected, not the details, and dont care enough to think about the fact that the tenma parents CLEARLY didn’t intend for that to happen (do you think they would REALLY know that saki would be hospitalized for most of her life? come on pjsk is much more realistic and has better writing than that) and something that i believe is extremely important as well is that usually childhood neglect (well specifically the tenma’s somewhat complicated case) has a lot of pieces missing or kind of blurred parts, and it’s probablyyy going to take a while to really get more information on what the fuck was going on back then and more about the tenma parents because they still don’t exactly seem to play like REALLY big roles or anything AND even when they’re around it’s NOT like they’re bringing up the topic of the tenma’s childhood and describing it in more detail? (i mean specifically what happened with tsukasa) i want another Tenma event where we get cards where the tenma parents are in them and they’re all having a good time 💔💔this isn’t fair i want to get to know the tenma parents better WAAAHH
also tsukasa has like. some serious repression issues going on. that’s just been obvious for a long time now. so when both parents AND the god damn child who got unintentionally neglected and has memory and emotional repression issues don’t really ever look back on the past for a really long period of time or try and talk much about it from what they can remember… yeah. it’s just kind of a big question mark for now. i mean, I’m sure we’ll probably get more stuff about it down the road (maybe from toya too? who knows) but for now there’s no EXACT answer. it’s up to everyone’s different interpretations and I’m not here to hate on everyone’s own opinions, but don’t just slap on the “tenma parents are complete assholes and don’t love tsukasa” and call it a day without doing actual deeper dives into childhood neglect and how messy the effects and situations can be. i strongly believe that one day the tenma parents probably WILL mention Tsukasa’s situation or be aware of how Tsukasa’s childhood continues to affect him in the present, and they will actually care for him and try to be there for him more often. they love BOTH of their kids so much, but one happened to end up in a very unfortunate situation and that caused some very poor parenting choices to be made UNINTENTIONALLY. sorry for word vomiting but GODD this just goes to show how realistic and detailed pjsk is. like i find so much comfort in these silly characters from a rhythm game. it’s so clear that tons of love was poured into building the world around them and even their own personal lives. colopale really wants to make me cry for once with how much they manage to nail realistically writing rough topics like these.
anyways this is just how i personally view the tenma family and Tsukasa’s situation after analyzing my own experiences and how much of a messy situation (my bad i don’t know how to word this but like, hard to figure out?? piece together??) childhood neglect will ALWAYS be, and then if there’s also things like repressed memories and never really much or any discussion of “hey wtf happened back then and how do we all think of what happened from our own perspectives,” uhh yeah. that’s rough. i woke up in the middle of the night so this might be edited in the future btw
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tokusaatsus · 1 year
HI HI POOKIE CONGRATS ON 300!!!!! U DESERVE ALL THAT N MORE MWAH MWAH (wipes tear... they age so fast)
aside from that im here for the event aswell >:) Q R W with natsume leo and tsukasa if i may request !!!! if you dont feel up to it feel free to change the characters or ignore! congrats once again <3
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warnings: mild mentions of guilt/unhealthy coping mechanisms (leo)
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q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Despite Natsume’s lax personality, he’s actually quite good at remembering things. Though he may act like it slips his mind, he will never mention it ever but he’s trained himself to memorise all those important dates–like your anniversaries, birthdays, etc. He might not be as good at recalling everything about you, but he does his very best to at least keep the things that he or you deem important in mind. Your favourite food, your favourite colour, your likes and dislikes–and so on and so forth. Though it may not seem like it, he hoards all the information you tell him, treasuring every part of you that you share with him, because it comes from you. 
The minute you say something, rest assured that Tsukasa is noting it down–mentally, if not physically. A compendium of notes in a small booklet that he carries around everywhere, containing nearly everything you’ve ever told him about yourself. He takes care to memorise as much as he can–and it’s enough that, if tested, he can rattle off a rapid list of information pertaining to you. It’s cute, honestly. This is his first time being in a relationship, and Tsukasa doesn’t want you to ever feel underappreciated. He cares for you, truly, and he does his best to show it to you by paying attention. And if you remember things about him, you’re guaranteed to make him smile and blush.
When it comes to this, Leo’s funny because his brain is almost always on overdrive. He’s constantly thinking about something or the other, composing countless melodies in his head, that anything he’s told goes in one ear and out the other. Oh, sure, he tries to pay attention but, well–it’s hard. However, that’s not to say that Leo doesn’t remember anything about you, he does. It’s just… Leo’s the kind of person who doesn’t know your favourite colour, but knows the name of your third-grade teacher. He knows all your obscure knowledge. It’s endearing, really, when you think that he at least made an effort to learn about you–even if he still doesn’t know your favourite colour.
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Natsume’s favourite moment is when you confessed to him. You were so cute, stuttering slightly as you told him, I like you! It had made his heart skip a beat, watching your eyes dart here and there, as though you couldn’t bear to meet his gaze–like you were afraid of rejection. But how could Natsume ever say no to you? The way you smiled tentatively as he accepted, replying to your declaration of love with a confession of his own, is something he’ll never forget. A memory that is always circling in his thoughts. Of course, it definitely helps that he got to kiss you afterwards–got to taste your chapstick and hear you giggle against his mouth.
Leo’s favourite moment is any moment when you’re paying attention to him. He likes resting his head in your lap, like a spoiled cat, while you pet his hair as he rambles to you about his day or vice versa. Just being able to spend time with you is calming to him, soothing the nervous energy that circulates through his blood, like he’s just taken a shot of espresso. When you look at him, he feels seen. He knows you’re a busy person, but that only makes it all the more special when you take time out of your schedule to be with him. Staying with you, no matter where in the world you are, is something Leo feels he could do forever and never get tired.
Tsukasa’s favourite moment is when he gets to shed the pretenses and simply be himself with you. There’s no specific scenario, to be honest. He just likes spending time with you–not as the Leader of Knights or the Suou Heir, but just… Tsukasa. Your Tsukasa. And he thinks he might like that part of him best. The one that gets to hold your hand, that gets to go on dates with you, that gets to kiss you…! Any time that he’s with you is important to him, is special to him. As long as he’s with you, he’s content. He’s happy to do anything, so long as it’s you who’s next to him as he does it. Being with you is one of the pleasures of Tsukasa’s life–one that he wouldn’t trade for anything.
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
Natsume wouldn’t necessarily feel incomplete without you. He’d feel a little empty, sure, but it’s not like it’s something time won’t fix. He’s not the kind of person to give love too much importance, so he’d be more calm about it. He’d miss you, definitely, but he wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. If you ever break up, it’d take him a while to get over it, but he’d manage in the end. Natsume would try to treat you the same, and not act like there are any problems that stem from his lingering feelings, but he’d be good at putting them aside if he deems it necessary. He’d force himself not to think too much about it, only allowing himself to indulge in nostalgia when he’s feeling especially down.
For Leo, who’s the kind of person to love unconditionally and passionately and with wild abandon, he’d feel hollow. Not incomplete per se, but something similar. He’d blame himself at first–for not being good enough, for not convincing you to stay, for all those things–and he’d self-isolate. From you especially. Keeping away from the thing that hurt him, hiding himself away as much as possible. Being around you reminds him too much of how things used to be, which is a constant ache now, and Leo is a master of not dealing with things healthily. He’d probably just keep avoiding you for as long as possible, not giving any chance for either you or him to talk your issues out.
Tsukasa would feel guilty. His first relationship crumbling? And so easily? Was it…was it something he did? Not incomplete, but he’d feel awful. A sick sort of feeling, a persistent ache that won’t go away, that won’t leave him alone. Heartbreak, Narukami-senpai would tell him, a wise look on her face and Tsukasa thinks, oh. Maybe his heart is breaking…? Interactions with you after that would be awkward, because he isn’t quite sure how to treat you, other than not like a lover and not like a stranger, leading to a strange mix of overly-familiar and overly-distanced. He wants to ask you why, but he doesn’t want to ruin this carefully crafted equilibrium, so he just stays silent.
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WC: 1.1k words
reze txt HI NATSUME TYSM <3 ILY ILY SM OMG !?!??! ofc u can request babyyyy i hope u enjoy ur skrunklies !! here they are !! at long last !! tysm again and mwah mwah <33
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leastdatablebracket · 9 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Baxter Ward
That Boy Needs Therapy
He ghosts you after the end of step 3, even if you try and date him.
look i love my boy, but baxter literally dumps you outside of your childhood home, shuts the door in your face even if you’re sobbing in the middle of the street, and then ghosts you for five years and then pretends he doesn’t care about you when you meet again. this is even if he’s aware that he’s your first love (if you chose to make him that). he literally says that you have bad taste in men if you choose to date him again before you’ve talked anything over shshhshssbb. love him but he needs a therapist waaaaayyyyy more than he needs a partner.
Ryouta Kazama
ok so i havent actually seen all of his route cause the game's only available in japanese and the streamer i watched play the game switched to a different guy like halfway through the game n i seriously doubt anyone else is gonna submit him i just need someone else to know about this so! ryouta and the player character (doesnt have a canon name but is given the nickname of marii by the two girl friends) were friends in kindergarten with ryouta having a very blatant crush on her n wished on a pinwheel for them to get married when theyre older he then moves to england as soon as he gets old and he n marii dont interact at all until nine years later when he comes back for high school and is still very blatantly down bad for a girl he last talked to when they were six but has spent the last nine years still thinking about (theres something in the game you can unlock called adv events where you get the love interests pov on moments in their lives and one of ryouta's reveals that even though he couldve he never sent marii any letters but very much did spend all those years thinking about her) n a lot of his interactions with marii are weird n circle back to him being obsessed with them being friends as kids and like a first it just kind of seems like oh he hasnt gotten over his puppy love yet lol but it is kind of like acknowledged that this is a weird thing in game as if marii gets his gift in the christmas exchange ryouta will say something about it being fate n marii pointedly ignores that n is like wow what a coincidence that we got eachother's gifts (not in an oblivious heroine way btw ryouta's straight up is like oh ok ur ignoring what i said) n he treats her like shes naive n completely innocent which like marii is cause shes a mostly blank slate otome heroine but its still noteworthy as being weird due to his aforementioned memorialization of them being friends in kindergarten n that none of the other love interests really treat marii that way or really make note of those being notable traits of hers that often while its something ryouta does frequently anyway so the moment that made my thoughts on ryouta switch from "lol hes kind of weird" to "i want to study him like a bug" is that His Bedroom Is The Exact Same As It Was When He Was A Six Year Old Child In Kindergarten And Hes Keeping It That Way On Purpose like genuinely thats immediately read to me as horror movie shit imagine reuniting with a childhood friend of urs who keeps bringing up stuff you did as kids (that you dont really remember cause you were like six n are now in high school) n making comments about how naive and easy to read you are n gets weirdly jealous about other guys being buddy buddy with you and then like a year or so after hes moved back n you've becomed friends again he invites you to hang out at his house so you go over and then His Room Looks Like It Belongs To A Six Year Old and hes telling you about how his room hasnt been altered (beyond cleaning) at all since he left n since hes come back hes chosen to keep it exactly the same n hes telling you this like its a reasonable thing literally what the fuck also while ryouta is the posterboy childhood friend love interest of this game theres another love interest who was both ryouta n marii's childhood friend and you'll never believe this he treats her like a normal person and is just a normal guy who barely remembers being friends in kindergarten and him n marii only learn that theyre childhood friends cause of ryouta being mildly exasperated that neither of them really remembers them being a trio when they were six theres definitely like worse love interests i could submit from this series (like the teachers n one of the three secret love interests in the second game whos route is just straight up him emotionally abusing the heroine) but im submitting ryouta cause his reasons for sucking as a romantic partner are bizarre n live rent free in my mind
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spacedlexi · 8 months
ive been intrigued by modern au of certain twdg characters, like we know some of their back stories (lee being a prof or javi a baseball player) but like actually picturing/designing them is interesting, idk if you've ever thought of it past clem, louis and violet [unfortunately im unskilled so just sharing my ideas!]
i dont think about modern aus all that often since ive always been more of a fan of in-universe explorations. the only time i Really think about modern au stuff is when im playing them in the sims lmao (i keep my traumatized faves safe there)
i dont think their designs would be all that different? the only reason i see clem vs modern clem as variations of the same person is because we knew what she was like as a kid and we saw how beat down by the world she became after 8 years on the road. but without the trauma of that i feel she would be able to retain a lot of that optimism and kindness she had as a child that she became hardened to as she got older (that kindness is still there deep down but shes become hardened by the things shes been through and shes had to become tough to survive). and even with her parents still dying, getting to have lee permanently as a supportive guardian lets her still retain that general attitude for the most part, she just becomes more of a realist. but she never gets as low emotionally as she was in like S3. she also has less responsibility since she doesnt have to care for aj alone either. she actually gets to be a sister. shes much more lighthearted overall while still taking things seriously
but for characters like lee or javi (or any of the adults), we've seen them outside of the apocalypse. and their outlooks didnt change all that dramatically because of it. at least not in ways that would influence their personal styles. just take the layer of zombie grime off them give them a bath and clean clothes theyre good to go
when i think of modern aus i imagine most of the adults to be the same, just more relaxed as they dont have to deal with fighting to survive day after day. its really the younger characters that i feel would have the possibility of being different. in-universe their lives were shaped by the apocalypse. but without the apocalypse who would they be? and how do you still keep those characters feeling like Themselves when you remove such a big part of why they are the way they are?
especially when it comes to the ericson kids who, when i imagine modern aus, were not sent off to boarding school by their families either. thats another huge change to something so so foundational to their characters. how were those situations handled? did those events even happen? in louis' case i personally keep his relationship with his father tense and strict, but i make his mother more supportive of him and his goals, and so while he still has to fight for what he wants there was never a time where he felt he needed to teach his dad a lesson, because at least he has his mom. in violets case things dont change all that much, her dad still sucks her mom still works 3 jobs and her grandma still offs herself in front of her, only difference is they have no financial ability to send violet off, and so she just has to Deal with it. but even these changes dont have all that much effect on their personal styles compared to their canon selves. louis just gets to keep wearing his expensive designer shit, and violet has had the same wardrobe for 5+ years and it shows in its wear and tear
when i think about how characters would dress its heavily reliant on their personalities, outlooks, and circumstances. how do i show these things based on looks alone? but thats why i dont imagine most of them looking all that different. theyve just been reverted. lee is still a fun but reasonable (for the most part) history professor who wants to start a family, and javi is still a happy go lucky uncle dealing with being kicked out of his dream career while trying to be more present for his family. their styles remain largely unchanged
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hinokagutsuchi · 1 year
it sucks that i am committed to writing kotone as close to her canon characterization as possible, something that is tricky but doable for the others, because she really does not have many consistent characterization moments. they're either player determinant or from pq2, which have their unique issues
if you go by just p3p, assuming all social links were maxed and only aigis was romanced (the others are player determinant and ultimately, you end up with aigis anyway so im assuming platonic relations all around), you have to go by social link dialogue options and very little else. luckily, s. links have objectively correct answers and thus contain things that canonically kotone would and would not say. this at least gives us a little bit; she's kind, a good listener, and willing to show her fierce side if the needs arises (see saori's social link). but everything else?
now what we have left are the choices during s. links or story events that have NO consequences. this is where things go off the rails: depending on what you choose, you can end up with wildly different versions of the same character. for example, at multiple points, you have the choice between attempting to use violent force to solve a problem or trying to get others to help/resolve it peacefully. we see this is yukari's social link where kotone can try to straight up fight three dudes harrassing yukari, and in saori's where she can try to punch a girl who slapped saori over something that wasnt her fault.
depending on what the player chooses, we get two very different results: either someone who can and does fight well, but chooses to talk out her problems, or someone who seems almost eager to start a fight. its important to note that no one else in this entire cast except maybe akihiko displays this much willingness to throw hands. and again the problem with determinant choices: what do the choices you didn't select mean? was it something kotone was thinking about but didn't do or an abstract method of building your own protagonist? we don't know.
i mentioned pq2 earlier, and my main issue with it is despite kotone being a fully written character, we dont get any more information you couldn't get from p3p or just by looking at her. yes, she's pretty and social and bubbly and fun but she's a little sad too! and now shes back to being fun. yes, you can put together that she's pushing her own emotions down to not burden the group (as it her role in p3p to help others shoulder their burdens) but we really don't see any of it past that one scene. meanwhile in p3p, especially with ryoji near the end of the game, she can say some fairly haunting stuff. like when she's asked what lovers talk about, all she can think of a depressing or (and this is the really worrying one) pointless things. what does that mean? what is kotone's definition of a pointless thing to talk about? it could well be she deems her own emotions as "pointless" because beyond these perhaps unintentionally revealing lines, she never ever talks about how she feels. like ever.
this makes it really important to me to have a very strong interpretation of kotone in order to accurately write her (i dont mean to insult anyone, but i am not a fan of works where her personality is not pulled from the text. i once read a fic where for no reason whatsoever she was portrayed as very immature and described as "childish" and it really did not make any sense to me). so here's my take:
i think kotone is a girl who has a very carefully crafted persona of cheerful indifference; not so much "i don't care", more so "i don't mind". she's clearly okay talking with people, but has no motivation to become close until she connects with SEES (whether because of the wild card ability urging her to do so, or if you're like me and writing an alternate timeline, a golden opportunity to make friends for once.) she is genuinely kind, friendly, and a good listener, that is not a mask; rather its the non-existence of negative emotion she seems to display, using her inherent selflessness to keep everyone at arms length, to make sure things are "about her" as little as possible. she shoulders the burdens of others to avoid talking about or dealing with what burdens her.
however, that negative emotion still absolutely exists: we know she was bounced from one foster home to another, signifying neglect or worse from the parents and/or because kotone was (or perceived as) doing something wrong. this rough childhood shows us the cracks in the mask, as she can be standoffish, depressed, angry, or outright violent towards those who wrong her or the ones she loves. she doesn't want to talk to and gives a nosy girl who just wants akihiko's secrets so she can date him attitude, she's more than happy to tell maiko's parents exactly what she thinks of them, makes at least one actively suicidal comment ("i wish i was dead..." when talking to junpei and yukari), and even attempts to kill takaya after defeating him in battle. the only reason she doesn't is because aigis asks her not to.
in short, her cheerful and energetic exterior is just armor to cover up her severe depression, anger issues, and an unwillingness to open up to others (whether because she doesn't want to be vulnerable, because she doesn't trust others with how she feels, or both).
anyway. this was just a very long-winded ramble. feel free to toss in what you think in the tags, comments, whatever. i honestly love talking about characters like this and am happy to discuss
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girl-kendallroy · 5 days
Hiiiii :)
I just saw you on my feed talking about the show „Under the bridge“ which I started and am totally obsessed with because I love lily Gladstone and ✨butch women✨ but on a more serious note I wanted to ask if you are maybe personally a fan of Lily ? Because just like I said I’m a fan of her and I have been following her for 3 years now and with the on going situation about the met gala, her playing a cop in this show.. and not really speaking up about Palestine the way I expected, makes me kinda sad and uncomfortable. I know celebrity worship is not positive in any way but I always liked her acting and also the way she seems to be when not on camera. I know I can’t say much about her because I don’t know her personally but I said to myself kind of ironically before the met began „I‘m gonna stop supporting everyone who will be there“ but I kinda meant it and seeing lily there made me sad knowing that she would be willing to pay 75k for this sh!t is not it for me. Idk maybe I‘m overreacting I‘m just not really happy about what‘s happening lately when I thought some celebs actually stand on the right side but it turns out most don‘t care one bit about others and us the working class ofc.
Could you maybe tell me your thoughts on this ?
To start off I don't really keep up with the met gala/celebrities in general and I haven't heard of any specific controversies with the met gala this year? All I really know about it is that it's a fundraiser for the costume section of the met museum and she was there this year. so even if she did pay for the ticket the money goes directly to that non-profit cause. Take this with a grain of salt though because I really don't put any effort into keeping up with events like these. maybe i should but i'm just not particularly interested :) anyway this is quite long so i will put the rest under a cut.
as for her playing a cop- i think it's a good thing- her character occupies such a nuanced space; she's queer, a first nations woman adopted into a white cop family. yes she's a cop as well, but she's also a victim to that institution in a lot of the same ways reena was, and i think it makes for a great plot where she's forced to reckon with the institution she's a part of even though she is a marginalized woman in many ways. (i dont want to cite any specific things from the show because i don't really want to spoil anyone since the newest episode came out only yesterday, but there are several parallels between her and reena.)
As for her activism, with celebrities in general i don't necessarily look to them for moral guidelines. that isn't to say that i support any celebrities in any way with heinous views, but i'm also not keeping tabs on everything a celebrity who's work i enjoy has said about x y z issue. while i, too would imagine that she is sympathetic towards palestinians, i think it's not really fair to expect lily to take on every single issue concerning indigenous people around the world, seeing as indigenous people in north america alone are still in a shitty position (in terms of mmiw, threats to their land, mental health crises, natural disasters, and these are issues off the top of my head.) i think i also hold this opinion because i am a pretty privileged white woman and i think it would be beyond hypocritical to point at lily and go "you're not being a good activist for palestinians even though you're indigenous yourself!!" and this goes beyond whether i think of myself as a good activist or not. i also think that since she's really just 'broken through,' she doesnt want/maybe has been told not to rock the boat in that way in order to protect her future career, though i honestly dont know. it's not an excuse for not speaking out, but it's just something that came across my mind. again, take this all with a grain of salt.
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candysharkart · 10 months
thank u for your interest :)! sorry this got kinda longwinded i think. i never write stuff down lol…….
okay sooo i basically wanted an excuse to think about jack being alive post-canon, but i figured if u bring back the guy who had it coming its only fair to bring back other characters who should not have beefed it. and so! the best option seemed like the new-U system! i know they're just a game mechanic thats not supposed to be taken literally but if they're not gonna use it i am lol.
(putting all this under a cut)
roland not respawning after jack kills him in bl2 is kinda weird since he defs uses new-Us in bl1, but i could see jack using a jammer or some chump shit to interrupt the process. maya n lilith's deaths happen in ways were i……. get that they wouldnt respawn but their data could be still in the system somewhere. i also think non-vault hunter npc like scooter would have at least fast traveled once (most of the fast travels are also hyperion? i think? they feel like the same tech) so they might also have digistruct data. sometimes the system trips up, or u cant pay the fee ect ect, and u dont respawn, but ur up there! backed up in the damn cloud or some nonsense.
wilhelm, nisha, n aurelia are all perma-killed in canon, but are replayable fights, so TECHNICALLY they kind of are respawning they're just………… stuck. the new-U puts them back together but they cant move on for some reason. some goes for a lot of the other infinitely respawning bosses/enemies.
so the catalyst for this au now that bl3 is out is that post-canon, tannis is training her siren powers by shifting thru hyperion's systems, she decides familiarizing herself with the new-U system might be useful when she uncovers all these backed up and malfunctioning respawns, and realizes that if she just like. refreshes the system, all these people might come back. she consults with the other raiders about her findings, n that she probably COULD pick and choose profiles to revive their friends but not their enemies, but tannis is trying to AVOID playing god these days thank u very much.
ultimately they all want their friends back too much to pass up the opportunity and have tannis go thru with it. everybody respawns!! everybody gets a lot of confused echo-messages!! everybody cries!! the crimson raiders are reunited!!!
(this is the part where i talk abt jack and angel's respawns bc they're. specific.)
jack not respawning at a new-U is kinda weird with the context that he like. owns them? it tracks that he thought he was too good to need them, but hes also very paranoid, so what if he had his set up different? a failsafe in the Very Unlikely Event something happens to him, where instead of the nearest new-U, he's respawned at a station in a saferoom somewhere where he can be in immediate control of the situation again. it also tracks that he was very confident he could keep angel safe, but again. what if the very very worst happens? angel's respawn is set to be something only jack can activate, but he has to do it manually so no one else can get to her first. his ego was too big to see any flaws with this!
he doesnt think about the chance that something happening to angel while she's so deeply ingrained in hyperion's systems might mess stuff up. so when she dies, the saferoom goes dark, and jack's too far gone to notice. he's going to win the day and revive his daughter into the better, safer world he's going to build. this does not happen, he dies and his data has no new-U to go to so it just sits there. until tannis resets the system, which powers his saferoom up and spits him out. a new-U glitch he didnt care enough about to have anyone patch interrupts the reconstruction process and he loses his arm to it. he manages enough first aid to not just die again, and finally respawns angel, hoping she'll help him.
after respawning, once angel is able to get her bearings, she's devastated by the idea that jack won, but quickly realizes he DIDNT and he's very hurt and weak right now and this is her CHANCE. but she cant bring herself to kill him she wants to so badly but she just. cant go through with it. but she sure as shit can pistol whip him, collar him, and march him straight to the crimson raiders. once she finds them.
(there are some other specifics we have about this au, and lots we havent figured out yet but this post is already so long im sorry……..)
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imjustabeanie · 2 months
yo its seras ... i decided to send one in for fun. id like a relationship matchup for someone from jjba + genshin if you could please.
any prns, cancer, intj, aro bi (im in romantic relationships so idm it. i just dont prioritize romantic gestures as they make me uncomfortable), true neutral, i have bpd + autism + bipolar + chronic pain so woo
im like 5'2, shorter hair like dirty blonde almost brown, pale also bc i dont leave the house except to go to work lol, freckles, blue eyes but they look more gray. i dont emote much at all really. i have a hard time talking about feelings / emotions / much of anything. i only talk passionately when it comes to my interests and things i really like. im very stubborn and overwork myself often. it takes me a long time to warm up to people and be trusting. i dont like touch unless ive been around you a Long time. i like people who make me feel looked out for and who won't be afraid to essentially force me to calm down / take breaks. not super pushy but like. kind pushy if that makes sense? i dont want to be smothered and need my space and would rather like parallel play. i like watching / playing games together and just enjoying time together. i also deal a lot with extreme emotions and hiding them, hence the bpd... my mood swings are a lot of the reason ppl can't handle or deal with me so someone who won't mind them so much would be nice? or someone who can rationalize and help me through emotions and things. i also need a lot of attention but not in an overwhelming suffocating way. im also hypersexual and it has a big part in my relationships and i need someone to keep up with that too. i have tendencies of being a bit manipulative but i dont. like that about myself. i dont like to go out a lot and would much rather stay at home. i dont mind going out to quieter places or just doing mundane things! i also do like going out for food + for conventions or events related to my interests. amusement parks also rock. i have special interests in animals (marine animals, cats, dogs), mythological creatures, the paranormal, cryptids, cosplay, animanga, video games (especially rpgs + visual novels + dating sims + rhythm games), old web, character analysis, horror media, and psychology.
hopefully thats enough? tysm
Your genshin match is Wriothesley!
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He's patient, funny, a great judge of character and respectful. What more could you ask for? Once you two break the ice you hit it off rather well. He's very caring as a lover without being overbearing. He's always here when you're in trouble and always looks out for you in his own way.
Wrio is definitely someone who can deal with you, he's patient after all. Especially with his lover. He knows when you're reaching your limit and he has a space in his office just for you to rest. But at the same time he's ready for you to innitiate more activities together. The most important is that you know he loves you. He shows his love through small acts and gifts. He always gives you his time and learned to convey his feelings with little gifts through the day.You always receive flowers, chocolates and a good lunch from him.
When he can, he'd love to go assist events at the surface! When he really can't he'll just order/make the foods he wants you to try. He also always gets a bunch of movies so the two of you can watch them together. As much as he enjoys physical affection, he'll always wait for you to initiate first. Once you give him the go he becomes another man.
Overall, it's a very nice relationship where you don't publicly show your love but people still know it's there. Wriothesley is patient and will always wait for you to come around. And he still gives you gentle pushes to encourage your goals.
Your JJBA match is...Kakyoin!
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Not gonna lie, Bruno was a close second but Kakyoin is way more playfull and chill. Both know how to guve you space but Kakyoin knows how to have fun.
Kakyoin shows his love through acts and quality time. He likes going on dates with you to explore new places yet also takes care of you and does his best to make you more comfortable. He's not that big on physical touch either so you don't really have to worry about this. When you engages he'll just happily welcomes it.
He absolutely loves playing video games with you! The two of you spend hours at arcades and the scores are often a tie! He also loves horror movies. One of the most common things you two do is just...sit in a pleasant place and discuss a recent movie/video game you two did. He's also quite cultivated in mythology so he has nice book recommendations. Food isn't much his things so he'd rather follow your recommendations.
Overall, you two are the average high school sweethearts but on the more timid side. People just know that you're soulmates by the way he looks at you.
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