#the official accounts almost always ignore Japan
marleneoftheopera · 10 months
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First off, an official Phantom account posted about the Japanese production. That’s cause for a post in and of itself. Second, I love this PoNR picture.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Good afternoon Storm,
I love saying that! As I am a Marvel SUPER-STAN it feels like I am speaking to Ororo (Storm from XMen) and I love that!
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So here is my first official ask for you (following all this months of “respectful stalking”).
What and/or how long do you feel/think it would take for South Korea to look into same sex relationships?
I come from a “Japanese Backgroud” in the sense that I am very familiar with the ways of the Japanese culture. Never lived there, mind you, but my life from 2010 was very much conditioned by it . Any holidays I could take I would go for weeks to Japan and then go back home in Europe. As a self-though, I successfully got my JLPT level 3 so technically I could live and work there as well.
When Japan announced that they were now lawfully taking into consideration same sex marriage, I was so f***inf shook. I love that country, but as a woman and a person who is part of the lgbtqia+ community I didn’t think I’d see any such change happening in my lifetime.
Now the women movement already had started but the same sex marriage came out of nowhere and literally my colleagues had to tell me that! I was so shook. I really didn’t see that coming. Now it is not a made law yet, but it is under revision in congress and some prefectures can already make it legal! Now, the fact that it is under revision has made many in the community much more comfortable over there and I almost cried on that day.
I’m really not familiar with the Korean culture. Not at all. And I was wondering if you happen to know at what point they are with their lgbtqia+ matters, because at the moment with my limited knowledge they seem to be so far away... Regardless of the Christian community which is very strong and very vocal, I was wondering about your thoughts on the matter. I was wondering if you think they might take a “Japanese stand” on the matter or just keep ignoring the matter and proceed as they are?
South Korea also has a very big lgbtqia+ community and it hurts me to think that they might have to struggle to no end.
Thank you so much in advance💜
Hi! So wow, this is a hard and dense topic where I'm not sure if I can do it total justice here in a blog post. I do have a post up from last year about homophobia in South Korea. Which is here for those who haven't seen it or want to reread as a refresher before this post
And I guess we can kind of take this as a part 2 for that post now.
I can't guess on how long something will take, I don't know that much about how policitical maneuvering works. I just know it will absolutely take too long no matter what. But we can sort of just touch on what things currently are looking like over there right now based on my admittedly limited knowledge.
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They do currently have a new president over there, Yoon Suk-Yeol. In regards to the people he was up against for the presidency his stated stances for the 4 pledge recommendations in the LGBTQ category was a partial pledge in all four. South Korea is still one of the lowest ranking developed countries for gender equality and same sex relationships are still considered bad and taboo.
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Though we can say that there has at least been SOME progress. In April 2022, South Korea's top court overturned a 2019 military court conviction of two soldiers sentenced to now suspended prison terms for a same-sex relationship they had. The Court said the original conviction did not take into account whether the defendants' relations, which took place in a personal space, were consensual, and thus excessively restricting their right to sexual self-determination. The two defendants were indicted in 2017 for having same-sex intercourse in 2016, while off duty and outside their base, which is punishable with prison for up to two years under the Military Criminal Act. In the past, authorities said this law was required in order to maintain discipline.
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But some progress is not a lot. Nor has this (to my knowledge) actually decriminalized gay relationships in the military (yet). In 2019, the now presidential secretary, Kim Seong-hoe, made statements saying he believed that homosexuality was a type of mental illness and should be treated as such. He HAS acknowledged that past statement as hate speech and has "back tracked." In the way that politicians do. His statement is now not any better. His current statement regarding LGBTQ citizens? Here:
“I respect individuals’ diverse sexual orientations. However, personally, I am against homosexuality. And there are people who have innate homosexual tendencies, but in many cases, I think people mistake their habits or tendencies as their sexual instincts. In those cases, homosexuality can be treated, like how a smoker can receive treatments for cigarette addiction.”
And the president himself? When asked in a humans rights watch questionnaire about steps he would take to recognize same sex relationships, Yoon stated:
“Although one may have the right to choose their sexual orientation, I think we need a careful approach to the issue because denying biologically assigned genders and recognizing same-sex couples could have significant social impact.”
No, he doesn't mean a positive social impact either. At least in his "opinion." Yoon also made getting rid of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family a central pledge of his during his campaign. Saying that there is no systemic discrimination of gender in South Korea. Which is fundamentally untrue and should show his stances fairly accurately. Not to mention that queer people are still considered bad, there is almost "witch hunts" for them in the military, which have been shared and talked about. And even Holland a few months ago posted about being attacked and hate crimed while walking the city with his manager just for being an openly gay idol
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So do I think anything is going to change in the next few years? No. I really don't. Do I think that there are people fighting for their rights and pushing and that baby steps are being taken? Yes. I hope they will get there. I hope everywhere will get there. No one deserves to live in fear for simply being who they are or being out with someone they love. And this should serve as an excellent reminder to people who think BTS might be gay or who might be dating in a queer relationship and for jikookers who believe Jimin and JK are together but question why at times they may act differently than normal. Or just want them to confirm something. Or just want them to shut people down more effectively. Or whatever TF it is you want. Remember the society they live in and remember the things you are asking them for can actually harm them. Either mentally or physically or otherwise.
If you are queer, living in a homophobic society, that will affect you CONSTANTLY. And it will affect your actions at times too. Hell, even if you don't live in a homophobic society, it will still affect you at times.
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As of now, with this current administration, I don't see things progressing any further than they are now. I'd love to be proven wrong. And I think that at least not letting anything get worse can be considered a small win. The current president campaigning to even partially promote some LGBTQ stances, but doing absolutely nothing about it yet also comparing it to a smoking habit that needs to be kicked. It's giving the same vibes....
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Depressing. But again, Baby steps are baby steps and we can be happy for those while simultaneously wishing for more. And that's just South Korea. So many countries, even the ones that are doing better, have far to go.
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ibijau · 3 years
I don't think I've seen this anywhere (and if you know of any fics that do have this concept, please link!), but what if the events of MDZS (all media) was actually based on history within a modern AU of MDZS?
So like, as an example, you have people speculating whether or not Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were lovers or not in the same way people do with some real historical figures today, some theories that say Nie Huaisang orchestrated everything that go mostly ignored by everyone except those in the #NieHuaisangDidIt community because it's Nie Huaisang, who is largely remembered as a relatively harmless sect leader, etc... Some even still think the Yiling Patriarch was pure evil, though the novel, shows, and audio drama have since made this an unpopular opinion to have.
And then there's Wei Wuxian, be it through reincarnation with regained memories or immortality, listening to all of this in the background.
“I'm just saying that you wrote your thesis on him, so of course you're biased,” Jin Guangyao said. “There's no way Nie Huaisang organised all this. Everyone in that period agrees that he was so stupid he could barely do basic additions!”
“I have a phd and I can't count either,” Nie Huaisang countered. “Listen, I tell you, the proof is all there if you just look.”
Of course, they weren’t called Nie Huaisang and Jin Guangyao, not in this life, but Wei Wuxian wasn't good with names. In fact, after centuries of being alive, he was worse with names than he'd ever been. Thankfully, this crowd Lan Wangji and him had become friends with didn't mind at all the nicknames he'd picked for them.
“And I can prove that Jin Guangyao didn't even die, and made a name for himself in Japan,” Jin Guangyao retorted. “There's this Han man who suddenly appears out of nowhere in the Japanese court, claiming to know great magic, and...”
“Yes, I've seen the movie too,” Nie Huaisang yawned, taking another sip of his bubble tea.
Jin Guangyao went red and purple, while Wei Wuxian tried to hide a snicker. If there was one sure way to piss of Jin Guangyao, it was by mentioning that recent movie that had come out, very loosely inspired by a series of blog articles he'd written years ago when he was still a student. The inspiration was loose enough that he hadn't been involved in the process at all, because the scenarist had pretended they just happened to have come to the same conclusion.
It wasn't a bad movie, Wei Wuxian thought. It wasn't a goodone either, but he quite liked the actor who played Lan Wangji in it (Wei Wuxian himself wasn't part of the plot, sadly, on account of being officially dead by then), and the fight scenes were pretty fun. Besides, he felt like Jin Guangyao should have liked it even better than he did.
The actor playing him was the tallest member of the cast after all.
“I hope you choke on your tea,” Jin Guangyao muttered, to which Nie Huaisang answered with a bright grin.
It was about to devolve into a fight (an animated academic discussion, Jin Guangyao would have called it) when Lan Xichen entered the boba place, radiant as always. She ordered her own tea (plain black tea but with extra sugar and the sweetest fillings available, as usual) and sat with them, apparently oblivious to the adoration with which Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang gazed upon her.
Wei Wuxian had a bet going on with Jiang Cheng about which man would ask her out first in this life. He also had a bet going on with Jin Ling regarding whether anyone would dare ask her out at all. Wei Wuxian would have tried to help the matter, but Lan Wangji wouldn't allow it, worried for his sibling. A needless worry, Wei Wuxian thought. Lan Xichen was doing well for herself in this life, and so were the other two. Going into academia had been a great way for them to channel their lingering resentment. Their fight had almost never gotten physical in this life.
“I'm sorry for being late, jiejie wanted me to help her order something from overseas,” Lan Xichen apologised, smiling warmly. “I hope I didn't interrupt anything important? You seemed to be chatting, no?”
“We were talking about Guangyao's movie,” Nie Huaisang cheerfully answered.
Jin Guangyao looked about ready to murder him, but Lan Xichen just laughed in that sweet, careless way of hers and in a second both men had forgotten their previous argument.
“Oh, that reminds me, I brought something that might make you laugh,” she said, digging into her handbag. “It's in your field of study... in a manner of speaking.”
She put a book on the table. On the cover were two handsome young men, one dressed in black and carrying a flute, the other in white holding a bright sword. Above them, bold characters professed that this book was called “The Founder of Demonic Cultivation”.
Wei Wuxian's drink went the wrong way, and he nearly died coughing on a tapioca pearl. When everyone was sure that he wouldn't choke so stupidly, they all turned their attention back to the book.
“What's that?” Jin Guangyao asked.
“It's a danmei novel,” Lan Xichen explained, a spot of red on her cheeks. “Jiejie lent it to me the other day, and as soon as I started reading I realised the subject was... familiar. It's about Wei Wuxian. The real one I mean,” she added with a smile to Wei Wuxian who pretended to be fascinated by his bubble tea. “It's, ah... very creative. It takes liberties with some of the events, but, ah, it's very well written.”
“Wonderful, more fiction,” Jin Guangyao muttered.
Meanwhile, Nie Huaisang eagerly grabbed the book and started browsing it with hungry eyes. He had theories about that, too. Mostly, about the exact nature of Wei Wuxian's relationship with Jiang Cheng, which he had once explained to Wei Wuxian with far more details than the immortal would ever have cared to hear... and he hoped Jiang Cheng himself would never hear about it.
In fairness to Nie Huaisang though, his arguments had been very convincing, and Wei Wuxian would have had doubts, if he hadn't been married to Lan Wangji for over a thousand years.
“Oh, Lan Wangji,” Nie Huaisang grumbled, closing the book and sliding it back toward Lan Xichen. “I suppose I see the appeal, but there's really no evidence whatsoever in their case, you know?”
“We know,” Lan Xichen said with an indulgent smile.
“Now, Jiang Wanyin and him, on the other hand...”
“You people are obsessed with romance!” Jin Guangyao complained. “His relationship to Jiang Wanyin was platonic!”
Wei Wuxian distractedly nodded. That was indeed true.
“And so was his relationship to Lan Wangji,” Jin Guangyao added with a disgusted glare at the book.
Wei Wuxian grimaced. That was very much not true.
“From the letters I've read, I think in today's world, the Yiling Patriarch would probably be asexual,” Jin Guangyao argued. “Not that I particularly approve of using modern terminology to describe the sexuality of long dead people, but if you consider everything we know about him, then... are you ok?”
“Peachy,” Wei Wuxian coughed, trying not to burst out laughing. Jin Guangyao's pride was still a delicate thing in this life. “Hey, Xichen-jie, mind if I borrow that book until we meet again? I think Lan Zhan would love it.”
“Sure, I don't see why not.”
Wei Wuxian grinned, and pocketed the book.
Lan Wangji and him were going to have a good laugh that night, as they always did whenever someone wrote a new story about them.
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ohkiyo · 4 years
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characters: black jackals, reader, and schweiden adlers (quick appearance).
warnings: lots of cursing.
word count: 9.3k
a/n: I was supposed to upload this one a few days ago, but I got lazy and I was always feeling sleepy so I didn’t have time to fix it. Hehehe, please enjoy this one! :D I’m lowkey bullying Atsumu in this chapter, but don’t worry, I still love him! XD
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When Shugo was appointed as team captain, he didn’t really give it much thought and accepted the title with pride along with the responsibilities that come with it. He had the experience of being a captain when he was still a student, so it’s nothing new. The only difference is that he’s leading a team full of grown men instead of hormonal teenagers.
With a team like the MSBY Black Jackals, one of the top teams in the V.League Division 1, you’d expect players who are more on the professional side of the spectrum, the kind that always means business, practice first relax later, that kind of thing.
However, he was proven wrong when the younger ones of the team, namely, Bokuto Kotaro, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Atsumu, and Hinata Shoyo are involved, the atmosphere is far from serious. Of course, when it’s time for practice they’re more focused, giving 110% into their training.
Even so, once that whistle is blown, signaling a break from practice, all hell breaks loose. If it is not Bokuto and Hinata bouncing around and screaming, it would be Atsumu and Sakusa bickering, well mainly Sakusa roasting Atsumu and the blond Miya trying to come up with the best come back he could think of.
From what Shugo could remember, Atsumu had none so far, so it was safe to say the setter’s verbal game is weak.
It’s not just them either, the older ones, namely, Oliver Barnes, Adriah Thomas, and Inunaki Shion would sometimes join the other four when they’re feeling playful that day, which just give Shugo more problems to deal with, and when all seven of them joined forces it just increase Shugo’s chances of growing gray hair at age 29.
They have a manager of course and he is there to help keep everyone in check, making sure they behave and all. But, with the team becoming even more well known, emails for brand deals, interviews and magazine photoshoots were sent almost every single day that it needs immediate attention and the only one for that job is their manager himself, Mizuno Takato.
Leaving Shugo to mostly deal with the team on his own.
So when Coach Foster and Takato told him they’ll be having another manager to take care of the team’s internal affairs, he was so happy he almost cried.
“Everyone I would like you all to meet, (L/n) (Y/n) and she will be your manager starting today so take good care of her”
You bowed your head as everyone shouted a “Welcome to the team!” with Takato holding up your very own MSBY jersey jacket. As everyone went around to introduce themselves to you one by one.
“Hey, hey, hey! (Y/n) I can’t believe you’re back!” Bokuto bounded over to you, picking you up, then spinning you around laughing as Hinata excitedly babbles beside him.
“Welcome back (Y/n)!”
You giggled, happy to finally see the friends you left all those years ago “I’m home!"
Bokuto gently places you on the ground, planting your feet to the wooden floor as you steady yourself. While the others who were curious about the exchange and the sunshine duo's familiarity with you walks over.
“You know her Kotaro, Shoyo?” Oliver inquired as Bokuto nodded his head, taking hold of your shoulders and pulling you in front of him, facing your new teammates.
“She was our manager back in high school, while Hinata met her during our training camps”
That was months ago and every day you have proven yourself to be a very reliable manager and Shugo could not be any happier.
“Congratulations everyone! That was a very good game” you said, giving them their towels and drinks as they sat down on the bench. Resting their tired muscles and regaining the lost energy from a very tiring 3 set match.
The Azuma Pharmacy Green Rockets were not an easy opponent, especially with players such as Kiryu Wakatsu, who was once a part of the top three aces in Japan and Goshiki Tsutomu who was Ushijima’s junior back in high school. Nevertheless, they still manage and won the game a good way to start their Monday.
“Goshiki’s straight is still as cool as ever” Hinata stated gulping down his water as Adriah and Shugo let out a sigh, remembering how they had problems blocking his spikes because of how close they mostly were to the line.
“He’s a very tricky opponent”
“Here you go, Sakusa-san” you pass Sakusa his own towel, the one you had specifically separated from the others as the spiker nodded at you in thanks, dabbing it on his face whilst listening to his teammate’s give their own commentary of the game and their insights of the opposing team’s players.
“Shugo, someone wants to have an interview” Takato called as the captain stood up from his seat about to walk to where they were waiting before he stops in his tracks and looks back.
“How about let’s have Bokuto, Atsumu, Sakusa, and Hinata do the interview this time?” he suggested, as Sakusa’s lips turned into a frown while the other three vigorously nodded their head “They're the stars of today’s game I’m sure the interviewer would love to hear from them”
Sakusa tried to make a last-minute getaway, but Atsumu took hold of the towel wrap around his neck and started dragging him, following after their captain.
“C'mon Omi-Omi, it'll be fun" Atsumu just grinned, watching Sakusa's face morph into a scowl as he tugs on the towel “Just live a little”
“I am living”
You quickly pack the empty water bottles and the dirty towels into the bag that Takato was holding while the rest slowly made their way back into the locker room “I’ll leave them to you (Y/n)”
You nodded, jogging after your teammates and immediately spotting them just outside the court, they've already started because you could hear the questions the reporter were asking them as you move to stand beside Shugo. The interview was going well, they were giving honest answers and honest opinions about the game, however, as it goes on, the reporter seems to have taken a liking towards Sakusa because he seems to be the only person the reporter was pointing the microphone at.
While the three idiots who were being ignored decided it was a good idea to do gymnastics at the back. You and Shugo watch in horror as Bokuto does a double backflip, landing perfectly on his feet, both hands raise high, Hinata mimicking his actions and Atsumu following after with a front split all the while not breaking eye contact from the journalist who had notice them. Sakusa who has had enough just plastered on the biggest I-Don’t-Give-A-Fuck face while giving one-word answers.
Shugo who can’t do anything about it just banged his head on the wall. He wished he could have an early retirement but God he’s still young.
“What happened?” Inunaki asks watching from the door as you scolded the four from their stupid stunt. Only Bokuto and Hinata were the ones who look guilty and were muttering apologies under their breath while Atsumu was pouting saying things like.
"I did nothing wrong" or "She was being rude"
Meanwhile, Sakusa doesn't even understand why you're getting angry with him as well, he answered that woman's question like what he was told to do, he just chose the fastest route and the lady seems happy.
“You’ll see later”
They didn't even have to wait long because, after an hour, the video was already circulating the internet, earning hundreds of views by the minute with people commenting like crazy.
“The good thing is, we just earned ourselves more fans” Adriah laugh, Takato’s phone in his hand, the device letting out a ding every minute as the team’s official Twitter and Instagram account were flooding with notifications of new followers or tagged posts.
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Meeting their fans were always one of the things they love to do, the prospect of connecting with people who had supported them throughout the years that they played just keeps them even more motivated to train harder and play better.
“Okay everyone, be gentle with the kids alright? Bokuto, Hinata I’m looking at you” The captain shot the two mentioned players a look to emphasize his point however the mentor-disciple duo wasn't even listening and instead was jumping in excitement, waving at the kids waiting at the other side of the field.
You chuckled, they're just the same as they were in high school and here you thought they've matured a little bit now that they're in their 20s.
Right now, the team was in Kawasaki for a mini fan event held in one of the city's local elementary schools. The team came to an agreement last night, after watching the hilarious black jackals’ post-game interview, that it would not be just fun and games. They should also discuss some bits and pieces of the position they play to give the children some insights and give an early understanding in case they plan to pursue a volleyball career in the future.
However, with kids being kids, didn't seem to care nor interested in the slightest because once it started, they quickly run to their favorite member and started climbing them like trees. The tall ones, especially Adriah and Oliver have at least two kids hanging on each arm, with one of their back, and another on their leg.
"It's good work-out" Takato noted, telling the other kids to do the same to the rest of the members before snapping a few photos to update the fans of the team's schedule for the day.
You guffawed watching as they tackle Atsumu to the ground, the blond screaming for help while clawing at thin air for something to grab.
"Don't worry Atsumu-san, I'll help you!" Hinata tried so hard to pull Atsumu up, but another kid jump on his back resulting in him losing his footing and falling beside the setter.
Bokuto wanted to offer his assistance, but a little girl accidentally tripped him, landing on the two.
"Bokkun, yer heavy!"
It turned into a messy dog pile and Sakusa, who was beside the chaos, move his own horde of children to another area before showing his wrist trick. A chorus of oohs and aahs was heard, as the kids watch with wide eyes as it easily bends forward before a boy decided to do the same, but backward, and you have never been so bothered by something before.
You close both eyes, involuntarily shuddering 'Goodness, what are they feeding these children?' you crack an eye open to take a quick peek to check if they stopped but no, another kid also wanted to show his own freak talent and now there's three of them.
You turn around, you're just going to let them do their thing, they seem to be enjoying it anyway.
Feeling a tug on your skirt, you look down to see a little girl looking at you with sparkling eyes.
“Onee-san, you’re so pretty” she said in awe, as you leaned down to be at eye level with the girl.
“Oh? But you’re prettier”
She shook her head, and place her small hands on your cheek “But onee-san is like a princess”
You clutch a hand to your chest at how precious this little girl was, Takato was definitely having a field day because he has not stopped taking pictures. The girl took your hand and led you towards the garden, sitting you down under the tree as she picks up a flower crown and placing it on your head.
“There! It fits you perfectly!” she beamed as you try your best not to just wrap her up in your arms and hug her all day, she was just so cute. Her smile is so bright that somehow she reminded you of Hinata, a ball of sunshine with smiles that could light up the whole room.
“Do you have another one?” she nodded her head and showed you another that was half-finish. You remove a few pieces of flowers, switching it with ones of a different color then adjusting its size before tying both ends.
“Now, there are two princesses” you put the crown on her head as she giggled.
You continued making more flower accessories with her, flower bracelets, flower necklaces, and the likes then putting them on each other. She was a bright and bubbly girl, she would share you some stories of her and her older siblings, her parents and her friends in the elementary school.
You wanted to hear more, she was a good storyteller.
Time flies by so fast when you are having fun is what they would always say and you agreed with that saying because before you even knew it, it was time to go home. Everyone is standing by the gate, saying their goodbyes and telling promises to visit again.
“Bye-bye, pretty onee-chan!” she waves at you, standing beside her teacher, proudly wearing her flower accessories.
Later that evening, everyone was lounging around in the living room, tired from playing with the kids all day. The others were watching the news, however, no one was even listening to the television, because their attention was in the game Oliver and Shugo were having.
Inunaki leaned down to whisper something to Oliver, who's face light up, as he moves his queen to eat Shugo's rook.
"Hey, no coaching!"
Inunaki just shrugs his shoulders in response as he discusses their next strategy.
"I'll help you Meian-san" Hinata took a seat beside his captain, observing the board with such concentration. Brown eyes carefully scanning the positions each piece were place before whispering in Shugo’s ear. Following his suggestion with no doubt whatsoever, Shugo moves his queen forward only for it to get eaten by Oliver's pawn.
“Bwahaha!” Atsumu was bent over, clutching his stomach as he wipes the tears forming at the corner of his eyes while Bokuto tries to console his dejected kouhai in between laughter.
Inunaki and Oliver snickered sharing a high five.
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“Adriah, I need you to tighten that block a little more!”
“That’s good, keep it up Kiyoomi!”
“Okay, follow up, follow up!”
You stood at the sidelines, your eyes following their move as they were currently having a match against each other, Coach Foster and Takato were beside you observing the men on the court while occasionally giving out directives.
A camcorder was prep on your left side to record the practices, the videos will be used as a study material to properly assess the things that needs to be corrected in order to improve their gameplay. While you note down the commentary Coach Foster was saying to add later.
It went on for an hour, their stamina never fails to amaze you as they continuously, jump, dive, and run just to keep the ball in the air. After checking his wristwatch Coach Foster decided that it was time to end the training for the day. So he blew his whistle and the game immediately came to a halt, the ball bouncing on the wooden floor and they drag their tired bodies to gather in front of him, wiping their sweat with their shirt as they waited for his announcements.
“Okay boys good job today, keep in mind what I said and practice more on what you need to improve”
They slowly bob their head up and down, too tired to give out a verbal reply. Coach Foster doesn’t seem to mind because he knows they’re taking his advice seriously.
“This will be the last practice for this week so enjoy your weekend off and rest properly”
After that, they immediately spread out and started cleaning up the gym as fast as their tired bodies can so that they could finally rest and eat some good food.
"Shugo I need the report for last week, can you give it to me by tomorrow?"
"Yes coach, I'm almost done"
Lies, he hasn't even started yet and he was nervous that he won’t be able to finish it on time and if he ever submit the report late, Coach Foster was going to whoop his ass. So many things have happened this week that he never finds the time to start it yet, not even a single paragraph.
No, not even a single sentence.
Seeing your captain's inner turmoil, you walk up to him and whispered "Don't worry, I'll help you"
Shugo shot you a grateful smile, ruffling your hair "You're a savior kid"
That was how you found yourself sitting in the kitchen counter, laptop in front of you, staring at your current work. It would have been easy if the report was in Japanese but Coach Foster prefers it in English.
Shugo was sitting across you, hands fast and typing away, Takato was seated beside you rewriting your notes while the others, who still weren’t feeling sleepy at 11 pm were in the living room watching a movie.
"How do you spell Schweiden again?"
"S-c-h-w...uhh" Shugo's mind seems to have failed him mid-spell as he closes his eyes to try and remember.
"S-c-h-w-e-i-d-e-n" Sakusa finished for him as he walks into the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. The movie must have already ended because the others were already piling into the kitchen, cans, and bottles of drinks in hand and food wrappers place in bowls.
"How's the report going?" Inunaki peered behind Shugo's shoulder.
"It's going great" It’s not, it’s actually not, Shugo is definitely close to pulling his hair out. He glared at his laptop as he continues on smashing the keyboard keys, opting to finish the report as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, you felt like your brain was short-circuiting, English is definitely a hard language, it's complex, it's tricky and certainly a pain. One word can mean two things depending on the pronunciation and its sentence usage and can have a whole different meaning when spelled and one letter is missing, like for example 'public', take one letter out and what do we get?
Anyway, that's not the point, the point is English is hard, and you were close to losing your mind.
You took a sip of your drink, which was coffee mix with a monster energy drink, it was definitely death in a cup but you couldn't care less. You need to stay awake and your deadly concoction was doing a great job keeping your eyes open.
"You know” you started resting your chin on your palm, taking a break from your suffering “I find it amazing how the names of professional volleyball teams are so long like-”
You scroll through the list you have saved in your laptop's notepad “-three to five words at most yet they are referred to by a single name"
"What do you mean?" Takato shifts his eyes from his notebook to you tracing the rim of your cup as your eyes focus themselves on the ceiling.
"I mean there's the Eastern Japan Paper Mills Raijin and everyone calls them Raijin, the Azuma Pharmacy Green Rockets is called Green Rockets while Schweiden Adlers is referred to as Adlers"
"Yes, go on"
"MSBY Black Jackals is sometimes called MSBY or Black Jackals but even those names are a mouthful"
By now, everyone's attention was on you, curiosity flooding their mind as they wait for you to finish.
"So the team is mostly referred to as BJ" you look up and with the most serious face ever, you said "But has anyone even realize that BJ also stands for blowjob?"
Hinata, who was drinking a glass of milk choke on his drink while Atsumu slowly turns to look at Bokuto mouthing a "What the fuck?"
Oliver let out a nervous chuckle "You should take a break (Y/n)" he tries to set your laptop aside so you could rest your exhausted brain, but you shook your head and started working again, finally having the idea outlined in your head. That short break was very effective because your hands were seamlessly gliding over the keyboard keys, as input more words in to your work.
"Also, what does MSBY even mean? Most Significant Byte? I don’t get it"
They don’t get it either, as to where this is all coming from. They swore you have it stored in your mind for so long and just waited for the right moment to tell it.
It was amazing too because while you were going on and on about anything that you could think of, you were also typing on your laptop. Hinata took a peek to see if you were actually doing your job instead of just key smashing, but he was surprised when he saw you busting out an actual paragraph in English while spewing out nonsense in Japanese.
Multi-tasking sure is an impressive skill. He should learn it sometime.
You ran a hand through your hair, you were starting to have trouble again. You were in the zone for about 30 minutes but after that, the effect of your drink started to wear off and you were on a dead end.
The others had decided you hang out in the house's big kitchen doing their own thing, your eyes darted from every corner of the room, trying to find some sort of a cure to help your mental block.
Adriah was seated next to you scrolling through his phone as he nibbled on a pocky stick, you tap him on the shoulder as he looks up at you questioningly "Adriah-san, could you slap me in the face?"
Taken aback by your request he sputtered, almost dropping his phone "W-what?"
"I need something to keep me awake and this is not working anymore" you gestured to your now empty cup "I'm guessing the pain might keep me awake until I'm done with this"
Now, if you actually wanted to feel pain you could have asked at least one of the team's spikers, but you were not dumb enough to actually do that.
Adriah search your eyes for any signs that you were joking, but he found none "Are you sure (Y/n)?"
You assured him that it would be fine, so he raises his hand up as you prepare yourself for the impact.
Sleep must have been overtaking everyone's mind because it took them a few seconds to realize what was happening. Adriah's hand already collided with your face, he had underestimated the force he put in that slap but then soon find out he put too much when a smack resonated inside the kitchen as your body fell from the stool and landing on the cold tiles.
The whole room erupted into a panic as your body lays unmoving on the floor.
“Oh meu Deus!”
"Shit, shit, shit. Adriah what did you do?!" Inunaki kneeled down beside you, the cheek where Adriah hit was glowing red with a visible hand mark starting to form.
"I don't know, I just did what she ask me!" Adriah replied, equally as panicked.
Takato was now checking your pulse, to see if it was still beating. It was a bit exaggerated, a slap wouldn't kill you but with how strong Adriah did it. Takato wouldn't even be surprised if you snapped a vein in your neck.
Bokuto being the drama queen that he is, was shouting words like “(Y/n), don’t die you’re still young!” followed by a “Akaashi will be so sad if you go!”
And Atsumu, instead of being a good senpai that he claims he is, didn’t even think to help you. Instead, the first thing he did was to grab his phone and went live on Instagram to broadcast the madness happening in your shared kitchen.
"Goddammit Adriah!"
"Why are you blaming me?!"
Fortunately, you just passed out; picking you up, Takato carried you back into your room, and tucks you in. Gently closing your door, he goes back into the kitchen to calm them down before the neighbor calls the police on them.
He let out a heavy exhale, rubbing his temples “They’re hopeless”
What would he do without you?
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
When you woke up the next day, you could still feel a stinging sensation on your cheek, your head hurt as well, you wondered what happened to you after you blacked out. You sat up in your bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and checking the clock on your night stand to see that it was already 8 am.
So you get out of bed, and walk downstairs into the kitchen to see everyone already there preparing breakfast. It seems like it wasn't just you who woke up late, because after Adriah slapped you to sleep, Shugo roped all of them into helping him with his report, and since none of them were familiar with the job. It took them until 2 am before they were finished and immediately e-mailed the document to Coach Foster.
"Good morning, how's your cheek?" Oliver eyed the slowly fading red mark on your cheek, standing besides Inunaki, holding a plate as the libero carefully places the pancakes in a neat stack, then flipping the other one that was still in the pan.
"It still hurts a little" you took a seat between Hinata and Sakusa, already eating their breakfast. 
Adriah passed you a plate with five pancakes stacked on top of each other, a slice of banana on the side, followed by a cup of your favorite coffee. Your eyes were literally sparkling, the food looks so delicious and it smell so so good you almost drooled “I'm sorry about last night"
He gave you a gentle smile, eyes soft, whoever was going to be this man’s future lover sure is very lucky.
"There is nothing to be sorry about Adriah-san, I was the one who asked for it" He was such a sweetheart, it wasn’t even his fault yet he took the time to prepare your food himself, now you just felt guilty by asking him to hit you.
You took the bottle of maple syrup Sakusa handed to you as you drizzled some of it on top of your pancakes "Also, please remind me to never do that again"
Everyone collectively agreed, after last night's scare, there was no way they were going to agree to any odd request you have, no matter how serious you were. 
Breakfast was quick, mainly because everyone had a photoshoot to attend at 10. It was a magazine photoshoot for a swimwear by a very well known brand, however it was also the photoshoot they were looking forward to. Because not only was the brand a favorite of theirs, they’ll be partnered with famous models as well, so it was a win-win on their part.
After everyone was finished, the dishes were immediately cleaned, the table wiped off of any food crumbs while the trash was taken out. The guys went back to their room to get ready, and once everyone was ready to go, they piled into the bus as it drove off to the beach which was the venue for the photoshoot.
"It's sure is refreshing to be walking by the sea" Inunaki gazed towards the blue water splashing along the shore, following after their two managers towards the area where tents, chairs and cameras were already set-up.
"It looks so beautiful too" Oliver said, kicking the white sand under his flip flops as the staff led them to the chairs lined out. The make-up artist immediately worked on their look that was going to be aligned with the photoshoot's theme.
"Ahh~ it's so hot" you hold the mini fan closer to Bokuto's face while Sakusa takes the one you were holding out for him, beads of sweat running down your face as Takato took care of the others. Of all the times they have to choose, it has to be in the middle of the day, when the sun is up and proudly shining.
The models were in another tent, dressed in their robes while they waited for the stylist to finish the last touches on the boys’ hair, once done, they changed into their designated swimwear, while the girls removed the robes they were wearing. 
It took them about two hours before they were finished, the director wanted to get as many shots as he could so he had plenty to choose from. The break in  between takes were crazy because the make-up artist and stylist had to jump from one person to another just to do some retouches, the girls especially, were very fussy and wanted their make-up redone every thirty minutes.
“This is the last time I’m working with models” Sakusa grumbles, as you hand him a packet of wet wipes as he takes a piece and rubs the lipstick stain off his cheek when the model he partnered with gave him a kiss earlier.
You could only offer him a sympathetic smile, even though this was not his first endorsement, he still wasn’t used to interacting with strangers. Not so keen to them casually touching him and invading his personal space.
“Oh Kiyoomi~” Sakusa let out a groan before turning to look at the woman jogging towards him, already changed into a yellow sundress and a sunhat on top of her head. “Here”
She placed a folded paper on his palm “Call me” then blew him a kiss before she walked away. Sakusa opened the paper to see her name, number and even address written on it.  He stared at the paper for a good second, before he met your eyes.
He just looks so done with everything.
“Isn’t this our lucky day?” Shugo whistled, pieces of papers on his hand while slinging an arm around Bokuto’s shoulder and sharing a grin with the pepper haired male. With Atsumu trailing behind them, saving the ones he received in his phone. Oliver threw his away because he’s happily married, while Adriah, Inunaki and Hinata gave theirs to either Bokuto or Shugo.
“The models” Sakusa started, looking at them as he crumples the paper on his hand “They’re married, all of them”
Shugo dropped the papers in shock, jaws slack while Bokuto immediately deleted his copy, not wanting to get involved in a scandal just in case, and Atsumu was still having second thoughts, staring at his phone, his thumb hovering over the delete button.
Should he or should he not?
Sakusa just rolls his eyes before stalking off into the tent.
They quickly change back into their own clothes, leaving the venue with bags of the swimwear they just modeled. The brand’s logo is big and bright in the middle as your group walks to where the bus was parked.
“Ah, Captain Jackal” Shugo turned his head to see Schweiden’s captain walking over to him, wearing their team uniform, his hand raised in a wave.
“Bird” He leaned to the side noting the group of children crowding behind the area where he just left “Were you doing a meet and greet?”
“Yes, surprisingly the kids love Ushijima and Kageyama” Fukuro pointed to the two mentioned players with kids crowding at their feet, some hanging on their back while the others tugs on their arm “By the way, is (Y/n) here?”
Shugo pressed his lips into a thin line, turning his body to face Fukuro properly. “I know what you’re trying to do”
“No, you don’t”
“We’re not giving you our manager, get your own”
“But you already have two!” 
“I don’t care!”
They glared at each other, a month after you became a part of the team, Fukuro tried to recruit you into joining the Adlers. He even sent Ushijima, Hoshiumi and Kageyama to talk to you hoping that the idea of having familiar faces in the team would change your mind but alas, you were more comfortable with MSBY so you declined every attempt.
However, Fukuro found your one weakness and he’s using it to his advantage whenever he can.
He caught sight of your figure standing near the bus, he shot Shugo a smirk before cupping his hands around his mouth “Oi (Y/n), Adloo’s here!”
They heard you gasp, letting out an excited squeal.
You shove your things into Atsumu’s hands and sprint towards the mascot who was already holding out his arms for you. Shugo felt his eye twitch at the smug look on Fukuro’s face as they watched you rock the mascot back and forth with glee. He marched to where you were burying your face on Adloo’s soft fabric and plucking you from its side, then walking towards the bus, but not before shooting Fukuro the dirty finger.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
It was finally the weekend and it was the start of their long awaited day off, Takato had left early to go home to his pregnant wife while Oliver also went home to his family. Leaving the single ones to enjoy the weekend to themselves. It was already 8 am and you were currently sitting on the laundry room’s floor, separating the whites from the colored ones. 
The dirty laundry had been left lying there for almost a week because of how busy everyone was, everyday there was always something new to do, new places to go, and new schedules to follow. Now that it was Saturday, you took it as the chance to finally do it.
Picking up a piece of shirt, you saw a big spider laying underneath it. You jump up, letting out an inhumanly shriek as it circles around in its place.
“(Y/n) are you okay?! What happened?!” you pointed to the spider now crawling the walls of the washing machine, while running to hide behind them in the hopes they’ll get rid of it.
“What the fu-”
“Miya, kill that thing” Sakusa pushed Atsumu forward as the blond stumbled into the room, brown eyes zeroed in on the insect in fear that it might jump on him the second he turned away.
“Are ya crazy?! That thing’s huge!” 
He jammed himself in between Shugo and Adriah, pushing the two forward to be the new sacrificial lamb, the bug now sitting on the top of the washing machine stared back at them, unmoving. Black orbs following their movement, calculating, as if choosing his victim.
 Which of these idiots should it jump on first? 
“That’s it, this place is infected, we’re leaving”
“Hold on a sec, we ain’t leaving this place just because of one spider” Atsumu tried to reason with the man, but no luck however because Sakusa just thought of another way to get rid of the spider.
“Fine, lets burn it down then”
Sakusa turns to retrieve a fire starter and gasoline from the supply closet, actually serious. Atsumu quickly grabbed the back of his shirt, stopping him from actually setting the house on fire. If there was one thing that everyone learned from being with Sakusa for so long, when he says he is going to do something, he is going to do it.
No bullshitting.
So if he says he’s going to throw Atsumu out of the second floor balcony, best believe he’d be doing it an hour after his declaration.
“Even worse! This house costs millions Omi, our combined earnings won’t even cover for the damage!” 
“Actually, it can”
“(Y/n), yer not helping”
“Okay, that’s enough” Shugo went in between the two “Let’s catch the spider first before it gets away”
“Uh… Meian-san” Hinata lifted a shaky hand pointing to where the arachnid was supposed to be, but the space is empty. Panic ensues and everyone searches high and low for the bug, lifting up furniture and other decorations looking behind paintings and opening kitchen drawers.
“Everyone it’s here!” Adriah called from the living room, he tiptoed towards the spider, jar in hand, ready to catch it in case it disappears again. You held in a breath when he was only a few centimeters away, slowly he lifted the jar and covered the spider. Sliding a paper underneath it, then took it outside to dispose of it.
Inunaki let out a sigh of relief before walking back into the kitchen to finish inspecting the fridge for any more ingredients to cook. The gang had decided to have Shabu-Shabu for lunch later and he was checking if there were enough ingredients left to serve 8 people. While you went back to the laundry room to load the clothes into the washing machine.
“We need to buy more” Inunaki closes the fridge door, as he checks the cupboards for the sauces and other spices.  “Meats and vegetables especially”
He took a piece of paper and wrote down what needs to be bought, double-checking the list if he forgot anything. 
“We’ll go!” Atsumu pulled Hinata and Bokuto towards him then pointing a finger at Sakusa who was spraying the kitchen counter with some lysol then wiping it with a rug “Omi-Omi too”
“What? No” 
He declined, but the blond just ignored his protest before looking at the older members. “We’ll be fine”
“Are you sure?” Adriah leaned on the counter as he looked at the troublesome four, they have done grocery shopping so many times before and it always turned out okay, the only difference is that before there was at least one of the older members accompanying them, while this time, they were choosing to go by themselves.
“No need to worry Adriah-san” Hinata tried to reassure the man, and although Adriah did relax a little he still hadn’t agreed to it yet. You walk in the kitchen, the first batch of laundry already in the washing machine, tumbling around as the detergent removes the dirt and bad smell.
“I don’t see a problem” Shugo pipes up “They’re adults now, I’m sure they wouldn’t fail something as simple as grocery shopping”
Inunaki was still a bit hesitant, his eyes darting to each face of the younger members of the team, though mainly focusing themselves on Atsumu and Bokuto, because he knows those two share a brain cell but don’t know how to use it.  However, Shugo is right, so he gave you the list and the money before following the five of you into the garage.
“So who’s driving?” Shugo held up the keys, twirling them on his fingers while they put on their face mask and cap to avoid getting recognized in public.
“I will” 
He stared at Atsumu, eyes blinking before turning to you, jiggling the keys. “(Y/n)?”
You shook your head. “I’m still learning Meian-san”
“Ya gotta trust me captain!”
“I find that hard to do Atsumu”
Shugo retorted, but still dropped the keys to Atsumu’s hand as the blond opened the car and turned it on.
“Don’t damage her!”
“We won’t!”
The three of them watched, as the car went out into the driveway and zoomed through the streets. Leaving a trail of dust behind as the vehicle went out of sight in just seconds.
“I think, I made a mistake”
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
You stumbled out of the car, your heart beating fast and knees wobbly, clutching the side of the door as the trauma of a near death experience still haunts your mind.
"I think I'm going to throw up" Hinata pressed his palm on his mouth, face pale, his other hand wrapped around his stomach as he tried to contain the puke threatening to come out.
“I thought you said you could drive?” Sakusa shot Atsumu a glare, adjusting his mask. When the setter offered to drive, you thought he was actually good at it, you did not expect for him to almost crash the car at the gasoline station or nearly run an old woman over.
“That was dangerous Tsum-Tsum” Bokuto massaged his forehead, he hit the back of the driver’s seat rather hard when Atsumu slammed his foot on the break, just a few feet away from killing an old lady. Fortunately, there were no traffic enforcers nor police officers nearby and the woman didn’t even realize she was close to meeting her creator today. She happily crossed that street, as if she owned the place.
“Hey! I’m just not use to this car okay?” the setter reasoned patting the car’s hood, rubbing his palm over the sleek black top “It’s different from the one I drive back home”
“If you can drive it doesn’t matter what car, you’ll still be able to drive it properly” Sakusa crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow “Did you even pass your driving test?”
“Of course I did, I got 90%,” Atsumu answered proudly, placing his hands on his hips with his head held high and his lips upturned into a smile.
“Was the instructor a girl?”
There was silence, everyone staring at him doubtfully, eyes narrowed and judging.
“Stop looking at me like that!”
“But guys…” Hinata called as he waved them over, pointing at a long scratch mark on the passenger’s door. It was big, about an arm’s length. “Captain is going to kill us”
You walk around the vehicle to check the other side, to see another one on the side of the car’s hood. You clutch your head in frustration, face drained of any color, it would’ve been okay if it was just one, but there’s actually two of them. “Meian-san just bought this four months ago”
“We have to pass by a repair shop before we go home” Bokuto scratched the back of his head. “Tsum-Tsum is paying for the paint job of course”
“Alright, alright. Sheesh. Let’s go buy the groceries first” Atsumu quickly huddled everyone together and started pushing you all into the market’s entrance.
The farmers’ market is always the best place to buy ingredients, it’s cheap compared to the ones sold in malls where prices are doubled, sometimes even tripled, and it’s just ridiculously expensive. You can bargain with the vendors as well, in case some of the items were a bit too pricey. Luckily, the market isn’t too crowded, there weren’t many people buying yet which was unexpected since this place is usually packed during the weekend.
However, there was also one thing that you didn’t expect. Apparently, with how many times you frequent this place during your shopping trips, either one of the boys had made friends with some of the vendors.
“Hinata look, it’s you!” Bokuto held a tangerine next to Hinata’s head lifting his hat a little and grinning at how the fruit’s color was almost the same shade as his disciple’s hair. 
You pick up another tangerine, examining it for any damages before looking through the rest of the ones displayed. While the others look through the rest of the fruits they offer, bananas, avocados, apples and some grapes. Anything they found very appealing was picked up and placed inside the bag.
“How much for all of these?” you look at the girl, pointing at the bag that’s almost filled with fruits, but she seems to be looking at something else. You turn around, following where her eyes were focused to see the troublesome four eating some of the fruits.
“We haven’t paid for those yet!” you shriek before turning to the girl again and bowing furiously “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!”
“Wouldja relax (Y/n)-chan?” Atsumu took hold of your shoulder, stopping you from hitting your forehead on one of the crates “These are free samples”
He pointed to the little corner of the stall where smaller size crates were neatly arranged, three pieces of each fruit sitting inside with the sign reading free sample, pasted at the front.
“They’re really good (Y/n), here” Bokuto fed you a piece, watching as you munch on the sweet and juicy fruit.
You let out a hum, swallowing the fruit “This is good” you turn to look at the girl, eyes wide “This is really good
She gave you a shy smile, a light shade of pink now visible on her cheeks “Really? Thank you”
“So, how much for all of these?” you opened your bag, pulling out your wallet.
“It’s okay, this is free”
You almost drop your wallet from what she said, you shook your head fishing out a few thousand yen bills and giving it to her “No, this is too much”
She pushes back your hand, lifting up your bag and giving it to your companions “Consider it as a gift” then she moves to serve the other customer in waiting, waving your group goodbye.
Sakusa pushed you to move when he still saw you staring at the rejected money in your hand, leading you to where you were going to buy your meat. Passing through the vegetable stands where you still need to buy some for when you’re finished at the butcher’s shop.
“Hiruma-san good morning!”
“Ah, come in come in!” an old man from behind the counter grinned, lifting the clever over his head before bringing it down on the thick meat place on his wooden chopping board. “What would you like today?”
He wipes his hands on his apron, walking behind the glass case grabbing a tong, snapping it a few times as they pick the meat they like for their lunch later. They were pointing mostly at anything they lay their eyes on, and Sakusa has to remind them about the budget and that they can’t have pork, beef, lamb, and duck at the same time.
“The others didn’t come with you today?” the old man asked, picking up the pork and beef slices that were far too many and bagging them.  Then he grabbed another bag and went to the fish area.
“They’re busy at the house”
At the corner, you were counting the money, mentally calculating your budget again. The old man was giving large portions of the meat and you knew that it wasn't very cheap. Just a few cuts alone were worth a few hundred yen, what more when there are two types of meat involved with different varieties of fish thrown into the mix.
He tied the bags then gave it to Atsumu and Bokuto as Sakusa refused to touch the raw meat, not until it had been washed properly, not even if it’s packed away in a bag.
“This one is on the house”
“What? No!” you scrambled towards the man, almost tripping yourself in the process “Hiruma-san please just take the money, this is too much”
“This is a thank you for being such good patrons” he didn’t even let you say another word, the man just walked off to the other side of the display case catering to another customer who walked in.
What is up with these people ignoring you?
Hinata led you out, patting your back, chuckling at the pout on your face.
“Hinata, is our money not good enough?” 
“Maybe they’re just feeling generous today (Y/n)” 
You stood outside the shop, eyebrows furrowed in thought, you were starting to wonder if they were genuinely just being generous folks or there was something hidden behind their actions. 
“Now, all we need are the vegetables then we can go home”
You look around for a nearby vegetable stall, one that you think is not friends with any of the guys so they’ll have no choice but to accept your money like a proper businessman.
“That one” you pointed to the one just besides the meat shop. “I’ll go”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, just stay put” then you walk off face determined. “Hello”
The vendor put down the crate he was holding, wiping his hands on his pants and walking over to you.
“(Y/n)?” You internally groaned, your old high school classmate standing in front of you at the other side of the stall, and here you were hoping it wouldn't be anyone you know.
“Masuda, long time no see” you nodded your head at him, picking through the vegetables. They were all fresh, he must’ve just arrived.
“Yeah, six years is a long time” He grabbed a basket holding it out for you, as you picked out, mushrooms, carrot, green onion and napa cabbage. “Doing some grocery shopping for the team?”
He gestures to the large amounts of vegetables you’re dropping in the basket “Yep, they’re big eaters. All of them”
He laugh placing them inside a plastic bag “They’re athletes after all” 
“How much?”
You accepted the plastic big, the money ready in your hand.
“No. it’s free” you squint your eyes at him, pursing your lips “Consider it as my payback for helping me so many time during high school”
“School has nothing to do with this Masuda” you grab his hand, slamming the money on his palm “So for the love of all things holy, just accept the money”
You stared him down, daring him to refuse it one more time. He nodded his head, clutching the cash as you walked away satisfied that finally, finally, someone accepted your payment. You swore, if these people just keep on giving their products away just because the customer is a friend or a relative, you won’t be surprised if they go home without any profit at the end of the day.
“Let’s stop by the repair shop first then we’ll go home” Atsumu reminded before looking down at Sakusa’s outstretched hand “What?”
“Give me the keys, I’m driving this time” He snatched it out of Atsumu’s hand then climbed into the driver’s seat.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
"It's such a nice day today isn't it?" Shugo leaned back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head. The cabana tent serves as a good shade from the afternoon sun.
Adriah removes one of the earbuds from his ear, hands still moving across his notebook as he writes his notes from his Japanese lessons "It is, the sun feels really good"
They were now in the backyard enjoying the rest of the day besides the pool, Hinata and Bokuto were already playing in the water doing some diving tricks they saw on YouTube. (Y/n) and Atsumu were on the other side, the girl dying the setter’s hair as his roots were starting to show up, meanwhile Sakusa was still inside, probably finishing up on his cleaning.
“Wish days like these would last” Inunaki leaned down, opening the cooler beside his feet, grabbing three bottles of beer and giving it to the two. Opening the packet of chips resting on the table as they munch on some snacks, listening to the song they had put on the speaker to play.
"Kiyoomi, what have you got there?" Adriah asks as the germaphobe walks towards the garbage bags. Masked on his face, his hands covered with plastic gloves, holding what seems to be a ziplock bag filled with some sort of articles of clothing.
"Miya's dirty underwear" he swiftly answered, opening one of the bags and immediately tossing the ziplock bag inside and closing it again "He left it lying around in the bathroom again so I'm throwing it away"
He walks back into the house, probably to resume his cleaning escapades as the three older men could only watch his retreating figure, speechless.
"Should we tell Atsumu?" Adriah took a worried glance towards the piled garbage bag, eyebrows furrow in concern, before looking at the two again.
Inunaki waves his hand, biting on a potato chip "Nah, he'll find out soon once he realizes he's missing a few pair"
So they just continued whatever they were doing, Hinata and Bokuto's shouts and laughter echoing throughout the open space. A cool wind blew past them, ruffling the leaves of the trees planted near the fence as the flowers swayed along with it.
"Bokuto grab a drink here" the pepper haired male pauses his game with Hinata as he climbs out of the pool, water dripping from his body as he crouches in front of the cooler.
"Do you have soda Meian-san?" He rummaged through the multiple bottles and cans of alcohol, pushing the blocks of ice to the side before his eyes landed on the familiar green and black color scheme of a mountain dew can. 
He took the can, and three more bottles before opening them and walking to where Hinata was now sitting at the edge on Atsumu and (Y/n)'s side of the pool, giving (Y/n) the soda and the two other bottles to Atsumu and Hinata.
“I’m still bothered about Atsumu’s underwear” Adriah once again turned around in his chair, eyes trained on the garbage bag, waiting for the time it gets to be picked up. “We could-“
A loud honking sound was heard from the other side of the fence as you stopped what you were doing. "The garbage truck is here" jogging to where the bags were resting. Bokuto and Hinata follow after her. Helping the girl carry them out, with their setter's underwear lying amongst the trash in one of the bags, and Atsumu, who was none the wiser, happily held the back gate open as the three walked out and gave it to the garbage man.
They shared a look, as if they had just indirectly participated in a crime, as the garbage truck drives away towards the other houses in the neighborhood. 
“Let’s just hope Atsumu still have some spare left”
Sakusa who have already finished cleaning walk towards their area. Already changed into a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and a pair of flip-flops with a book tuck under his arms.
"You want a drink Kiyoomi?" 
"No, thank you" Sakusa answered, before situating himself on the lounge chair and opening his book. It was rare for Sakusa himself to willingly join everyone, he's usually not into gathering or bonding that much, so the team must have reached a new level of personal hygiene for the Sakusa Kiyoomi to hang out with them.
It's probably the result of (Y/n) constantly reminding them to wash their hands with alcohol and hand sanitizers, telling them to wear face masks when they're out travelling. Lecturing them how pollution and their constant exposure to sweat and social interactions with other people can lead to a disease. When you had said that, they thought you were going to evolve into Sakusa 2.0 but remembered that you were a university graduate with a degree in sports science so they can’t really argue with that one.
“Maybe I should dye my hair as well, what do you guys think?” Shugo started as the two looked at him questioningly, watching as the captain inspected his hair through his phone’s front camera, running his hand through it as he tugs at the end.
Inunaki snorts, slumping on his chair “Oh please, you’re already old”
“I’m not old! I’m only 29”
The libero deadpanned at him “You’re literally one birthday away into turning 30”
Adriah just laughs, closing his notebook and looking at his captain “What color do you have in mind?”
“Blond looks cool” Shugo shrugs his shoulders, watching as you apply the last remaining dye on Atsumu’s hair.
Inunaki groaned “Oh god no, you’ll look like an old man trying to be hip”
“I told you, I’m not old!”
“Oh yeah? Because that gray hair says otherwise”
Inunaki and Adriah pointed at the front part of his hair, as he held up his phone to see a strand of gray hair sticking out among his dark locks.
“What the fuck”
“Congratulations captain, that is a milestone” Adriah patted him on the back laughing.
Shugo stared at it in disbelief, lifting a hand and wrapping it on his finger then tugging.
"Don't pull it out, did you not learn from your elders?" Inunaki scolded him, slapping his hand away.
"Learn what?"
"If you pluck it out, they'll spread faster. Just let it be, it's not even that noticeable"
Shugo looked at it again then ruffled his hair to see if it could be hidden within the rest, and was satisfied when he saw it could be covered.
Silence filled them again, munching on their chips and drinking when Atsumu's booming voice erupted from the depths of the huge house.
“Where the heck are all my underwear?!”
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z-iridest · 4 years
Can you do hawks and todoroki reaction to meeting their s/o for the first time after months of long distance online dating🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️🌸
(A/N: This is such a cute idea! :3 Hope u don't mind headcannons again)
Online, Long Distance Dating: First Time Meeting In Real Life
Shouto Todoroki
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To be fair, Shouto Todoroki hadn't even known what Instagram, or any other social media platform even was besides Facebook.
When he was first introduced to Instagram, the account made for him by his friends, he had instantly gained 1 million followers almost overnight. (He says it's only because of his father, but c'mon, ladies, he's just that hot)
The account posts page is filled with tagged, sneaky pictures from his friends, all of them adorable, pictures of soba, his mother (totally appreciation posts for Mamaroki) Fuyumi and Natsuo
But, one follower of his in particular caught his herochromatic eyes.... Y/N L/N. They had liked every one of his posts since day one, always leaving a friendly "hello" in the comments or leaving a comment about how wonderful his family seemed to be. If only Shouto knew just how whipped he was about to be....
The specific post that started it all popped up in his feed one fateful day was a picture of you that had been taken at the perfect moment. Your h/c floated in the breeze, your e/c shut as you were caught in an open mouthed laugh, Shouto finding your smile to be not only infectious, but bewitching. Yet, he yearned to hear what your laugh sounded like.
Before he knew what the hell he was even doing, he had -How would his friends put it?- slid into your dms, saying hello.
Since you lived in America (and were a light sleeper on top of being a slight insomniac), you weren't expecting a dm before the sun could wake up, so the minute your phone went off with a notification, you nearly fell out of bed due to the earbuds in your ears... That notification was LOUD!
When you looked at the message, it was from DamnIcyHot (that username was all Bakugo) and read: Hello, I'm Shouto. You looked beautiful in your recent post, and I thought you deserved to hear that. I hope you have a wonderful day
You blushed and that dm... Well, let's just say it wasn't the last.
Just two months after talking to you, Shoto asked you out.... On a video call, dressed in a tux with a red tie, and holding a half white and half red rose. (Pic above, folks)
Poor baby is so nervous, he's shifting and fixing his tie every few seconds and it's all you can do not to start squealing.
Y/N... I never thought it was possible to fall in love with someone I have yet to meet in real life, but, I have. I've fallen hard for you, Y/N. Everytime I see you post, it brings me so much joy and makes me smile everyday, and... I don't want it to ever stop. Y/N, I want to be able to video call you every night, to tell you how beautiful and perfect you are in my eyes until you fall asleep. I want to be able to see you every night and wake up to your beautiful face every morning. If I may have this chance, I promise, you will be treated like the princess you are, and I will never let you forget how precious you are to me.
The poor, half white, half red haired baby is now stumbling over his words as a blush darker than the red half of his hair appears on his face. Y/N... I was wondering... Would you... Maybe... want to be mine?
You had blushed and hidden behind your hands, a sight that Shouto still remembers as the cutest thing you've ever done, and nodded in response. If you had dared looked up, you would have seen the relieved look on his face as a laugh, a genuine laugh of relief, spills from his lips.
And that was only the beginning...
It only took a couple days before his friends noticed that their herochromatic eyed friend was acting a bit... Stranger than usual.
He was grumpier on certain days, happily smiling down at his phone, excusing himself to go to his room for hours on end.
Nobody knew what was going on, or why he was on his phone so much.
Kaminari had suggested spying on Todoroki, but Izuku had gone with a more... Direct approach.
When asked why he was on his phone so much, Todoroki had just blinked and said matter of factily, I have an S/O. The whole class, except for Yamomo, is shocked by this. This one of those, "I thought it was obvious" moments for Yamomo.
Speaking of Yamomo, she asks who the lucky person is. Instead of answering her, Shouto shows her the screenshot he unashamedly took of you.
In the screenshot, you're sporting a bright smile, e/c eyes filled with adoration and love, the look you had given him before calling him your Peppermint Baby for the first time, that baby boi was soooooo flustered by it. (What? He couldn't help it, it was too cute of a moment to let pass). The girls instantly squeal and ship you two together while some of the boys (*cough, cough* Kaminari and Mineta *cough*) are wondering how the hell you guys had even gotten together.
That same night, he called you and told you about the day's events, which honestly had you in fits of laughter.
Shortly after that, you were informed that you were being moved to Japan. Were you excited? Yes! You get to meet your boyfriend face to face for the first time, you were nervous and excited at the same time.
Did you tell him? Nope. You were waaaaay too giddy with the thought of how surprised he would be to see you.
Since you were being moved to Japan, that meant being transferred into U.A. High. Your Class being 1-A.
Shouto was talking to his friend group when you arrived, and thankfully for you, his back was to the door.
A green haired boy was the first to see you, his green eyes going a little wide while his friends were unawares, discussing who the new student could be.
Just as he opened his mouth to say something, you quickly put your finger to your lips, silencing him.
Thankfully, the Broccoli Boi gets the hint and schools his features before his friends can notice.
You quietly tip toed until you were directly behind him.
Covering a giggle, you covered his herochromatic eyes with your hands.
The second his eyes were covered, he jumped
Just as he was about to react, he read an all too familiar voice. "Hiya, Peppermint." It couldn't be....
Hands trembling slightly, he gingerly took hold of your hands and turned around, surprised to see a pair of e/c eyes looking back at him. "Y-Y/N?" You were so much more goregous in person....
"Surprise!" You giggled before you felt his arms wrapped tightly around you, a laugh leaving you as your feet left the ground as he picked you up, slightly spinning you before setting you down.
"Is this the girl you were telling us about, Todoroki?" A girl with big brown eyes and floating brown hair asked. The excitement in Shouto's eyes was evident as he finally turned to his friends, realizing you from his hug but still keeping his arm wrapped around you.
"Ururaka, Iida, Midoriya, this is my s/o, Y/N. Y/N, meet my friends Midoriya, Ururaka, and Iida." Shouto introduced you to his friends first. Iida's loud greeting captured the attention of your fellow classmates, and pretty soon, you were surrounded by a bunch of new friends.
It took a while for the excitement to die down, but when it finally did and Shouto finally got you alone, you suddenly found his lips on yours. Your first official kiss with Todoroki... Scratch that, your first one ever.
You found out that day that the Peppermint nickname you had given him... It was well deserved. That boy's lips tasted like sweet peppermint, and his kiss had been so gentle but passionate at the same time, it had taken your breath away.
Let's just say you guys shared a lot of firsts after that..... ;)
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
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Hawks? On Instagram? Bitch, please...
This motherfucker is always on Instagram when off duty or taking a break from hero work. He's the number 2 hero now for crying outloud, like he's gonna just ignore the fans that hit him up?
The Instagram he uses for his hero work is officialhawks, set up by his management that he visits every once in a while. That's the one the fans usually float to, and when fans dm, that's when he goes on it.
His personal Instagram, though? That's where the fun really begins.
His personal Instagram? Spice-E-Wings
Only follows a select few on it, and honestly, it'd be a lie if he said he didn't follow Endeavour's accout...
When your profile popped up under his suggested, he got curious....
Seeing as curiosity killed a cat, but never a bird, he satisfied his curiosity by checking out your profile.
Dis Bird Boi was not prepared for what he found.... And he instantly wanted to dm you...
Since you were used to your phone not going off, you were startled when your phone went off. Your roommate, who had seen you jump, teased you about it, to which you simply waved them off as you unlocked your phone to check the messages
Spice-E-Wings? What kind of a username was that?
Nevertheless, you accepted the message and saw this:
Hey there, wyd? ;) Jk, how r u?
The conversation started from there and took the most random turns, eventually turning into you two trying to one up each other on memes
He revealed who he was about a month after talking to you.
You... freaked... out....
You'd been talking to the Hawks the whole time?! Hawks was the one pro hero you had a crush on!
Just months later, on your bday, he asked you to be officially his.
Hey, dove, I gotta be serious here, okay? I really, really like ya, and I wanna get to know ya better. So, with that in mind.... U wanna be mine?
You have never squealed so loud in your life.... Once you were composed, you accepted.
The minute he saw your dm back, his heart exploded, ngl: Only if I get to call you my baby bird ;)
Month after month, it was like the two of you had an unexplainable chemistry despite never seeing each other in real life. Every morning started for you with a G'mornin princess 😘 from Keigo, he never wasted the day when it came to showing you affection over the phone
Despite having never seen your face, Bird Boi was whipped for you.
Did he want to see what you looked like? Hell yeah! But, he knew just by talking to you all this time, that it wasn't something you were ready for.
Imagine his surprise when on his birthday, he received a picture....
When he opened it, it read Happy Birthday Baby Bird, featuring the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life! His jaw dropped a little, ngl
Those beautiful e/c eyes, your silky h/c hair... Don't even get him started on that bod of yours... That man could praise you like a goddess for hours if you'd let him
His message back to you after that picture?
😍😍😍 Best. Birthday. Ever.
About a year after the two of you started talking, you ended up being transferred to a different city to work.... 12 hours away from your hometown.... To the very same city Keigo patrolled and was responsible for!
Instead of surprising him, knowing he was a Pro Hero, you told him about what was happening and the day you were moving.
Keigo was beyond ecstatic when you told him. He was finally gonna see you in person!
I have an idea, princess, as soon as you're settled in, meet me at the cafè Leblanc. I'll treat you to some coffee jelly on my break.... Leblanc's got the best coffee jelly in Japan. I wanna see you in person, and the sooner the better.
You felt nervous, but agreed to a time to meet up at
When you moved about two weeks later, you moved into your apartment and found that your place was only about a 10 minute walk from the cafè Keigo mentioned.
Now... If Keigo wasn't whipped for you before....
He certainly was now.....
The minute he spotted h/c hair in the crowd, he moved up into the air, his amber eyes easily finding you in the crowd.
You were soooooo much more beautiful in person, and it made him extremely happy to see you.
But, all of a sudden, Hawks felt nervous... What would you think of him when you saw him in person? That baby bird watched over you from the skies until it was time to call it quits. When he finally got everything done, he flew back to the cafè, where you were still waiting for him
No backing out now, Hawks... That's your baby down there, go see them. No big deal.
The mental peptalk did nothing for him... His body wouldn't move...
After an hour, you were getting worried, your brow furrowed as your mind raced through the horrible things that could have happened to him. You decided to text him, Hey, where r u?
And what was this bird brained bastard's reply?
Look up, princess
When you did, you saw him. Big red wings, amber eyes, messy blond hair and all. You watched him as he gracefully glided to you despite his nervousness.
The look in his amber eyes was so soft, a look of pure, unadulterated adoration and love for you clear as day. He immediately wrapped his arms around you
"I'm so sorry I kept you waiting, princess... Forgive me?"
You answered by kissing him, threading your fingers through his soft blond hair as he held you close to him, his wings wrapping around you too. When the two of you pulled away, a goofy grin was smiled before the first of many dates at that cafè took place
His Instagram post that day consisted of a very adorable kiss over coffee jelly with the caption: Finders Keepers, and I found a keeper :3
(A/N: A big thank you to @prismaroyal and @sadistiks for helping me out with Hawks' part :3 hope you guys enjoyed!)
Taglist: @fakeanimefanntnt @lxvely-mha @bnhabookclub
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bunnis-babes · 4 years
Oh oh! So exciting! Could I please get hmmm... either aizawa, Shinso or Tokoyami. Readers first time seeing the snow! Thank you!
Shinsou and Tokoyami’s Love’s First Time Seeing Snow
WHOLESOME GOODNESS YES!!! I know for a fucking fact there is no more snow on the ground, but fuck you let me dream. I dropped Aizawa cause I have so many ra’s for him, but thank you for asking for my underrated (#2) bird boyfriend. I’m very excited. I need to shut up now and write I’m sorry.
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🐱Shinsou knew his lover was not from Japan, and he knew for a fact they came from a much warmer environment than what he was used to, but it never really clicked that they might not have seen snow before.
🐱He only put two and two together when, in the middle of class, they let out an awestruck gasp drawing everyone in the room’s attention. (Including the teachers, yikes! sorry babe)
🐱Their little wonder filled smile and sparkling eyes as they gazed out the window was enough to melt his cold dead heart a little and draw a smile out of him — he had the cutest little lover didn’t he?
🐱He looked out at what they were staring at, and for a moment he couldn’t figure out what it was until he noticed the little white flakes falling from the sky; suddenly the cute little outburst made sense to him. He’d have to show them the wonders of snow… just after the teacher was done lecturing the class.
🐱That’s exactly what he decides to do, immediately pulling them up and out of their desk and back to the dorm to get better prepared for the colder weather — he was going to take them on a walk, build a snowman, have a snowball fight. They hadn’t seen Shinsou so dedicated and excited to do something likes this in a. While, but it wasn’t like they had room to talk.
🐱So the second he’s done prepping he’s dragging them out of the dorm, ignoring all of his classmates questions. He brought them to a little park not too far from the school, children already playing around in the snow.
🐱First thing he shows them is, obviously, catching snowflakes on their tongue — classic right. He also shows them how to make the perfect snow angel, something he can proudly say he’s absolutely amazing at (You can pry this hc from my cold dead hands). He chases them around and has the time of his life in the snow with his amazing lover, enjoying the way the snow rests on their hair and face making them look like an angel of sorts.
🐱Eventually their antics catch the attention of some rowdy kids, who decided to start a snowball fight with the couple — bad idea. Shinsou and his love absolutely decimate those poor kids, but made up for crushing their tiny egos by building snowmen with them.
🐱Both of them caught a cold immediately the next day, but it comes with the territory and cuddling up on the couch with some hot chocolate together isn’t so bad anyway.
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🕶He actually figures out that they’ve never seen snow before they started dating, they admitted it offhandedly when the two of them were having lunch with some other members of 1-A. He thought it was precious… almost innocent… and he loves innocent things. (Wowza, who would’ve thought?)
🐣So the first snowfall they ever experience is after the two of them have become official, and taking into account what they mentioned to him previously, he plans ahead to make it a memorable date for the both of them. (One that he desperately hopes he can share with you for many years to come).
🕶So when the day comes — a Saturday thank goodness — he wakes them up earlier than they normally would please and tells them to dress warm. Which they reluctantly do, curious to see what their ‘dark and brooding’ boyfriend is plotting.
🐣When they get down to where he’s waiting patiently, he greets them with his adorable rare smile and tells them to close their eyes as he leads them outside of the dorm. They feel little cold wet things hitting their face — rain? When Tokoyami tells them to open their eyes they realize it wasn’t rain, but snow, and they were standing in a winter wonderland. Tokoyami swears there was nothing cuter in the world then their smile at that very moment — so big, so sweet, so innocent.
🕶The two of them took a walk, Tokoyami letting them take in the beautiful early morning scenery with a smile. He was sure they would love this, but the payoff was way better than he thought it would be.
🐣When they stopped in the middle of the sidewalk with a distant look on their face, Tokoyami was worried something was wrong. Until they turned to him with the widest smile — he could practically see the lightbulb go off above their head.
🕶”Hey, lets make those snow thingies,” they flapped their arms up and down at their sides with a big joyful smile.
“A snow angel?”
(They were gonna be the death of him)
🐣So, being the good boyfriend he was, he decided to make snow angels with them. Not a single one was any good, but he had to admit it was fun to do — hell Dark Shadow even joined in and made a few (really really awful) ones.
🕶After all that’s said and done, he continues his walk with them until they reach a little cafe that just opened. The two of them head inside to warm up and have some hot cocoa, an essential part of snowy weather in Tokoyami’s opinion.
Lmao, I totally forgot I chose those emoji’s for Tokoyami. I swear I love him, its just fun to pick on my emo baby bird. Anyway, I have this weird specific HC that Shinsou really likes the cold and gets super fucking pumped (pumpernickels) about all its activities… so yeah this was totally just a way for me to put that shit out there. I know he’s OOC, but honestly idc excited for snow Shinsou will always win in my heart.
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hrthrive21 · 3 years
Ready for Myan-War
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Myanmar, also known as Burma, is in South East Asia. It neighbours Thailand, Laos, Bangladesh, China and India. It has a population of about 54 million, most of whom are Burmese speakers, although other languages are also spoken. The biggest city is Yangon (Rangoon), but the capital is Nay Pyi Taw. The country gained independence from Britain in 1948. It was ruled by the armed forces from 1962 until 2011, when a new government began ushering in a return to civilian rule. Following 10 years of gradual progress on political and economic liberalization—and a landslide victory for the NLD in the 2020 election—the Burmese army took power in a coup on February 1, 2021, just hours before the newly elected members of Parliament were set to convene. The army has quickly reversed hard-won progress toward democracy and human rights in Burma. It has arrested elected officials, activists, and journalists, done away with even the most basic civil and political rights, blocked access to social media, and, intermittently, to the internet entirely.
Those who have followed transition from a military authoritarian government to a civilian one in other countries of the world, know quite well, the inherent constraints in that transformation, more so in a country wrecked by ethnic fragmentation and rebellion with external involvements, and where all civilian institutions were systematically emasculated and replaced with military organizations and institutions, and its economy controlled by an inefficient and corrupt military clique. Unlike in other countries where the military got involved in businesses as they consolidated their political control in course of time, in Burma the take-over was simultaneous. Almost all private property was confiscated and handed over to a number of military-run state corporations. The old mercantile elite, which to a large extent were of ethnic Indian and Chinese origin, left the country, and so did many of Burma’s intellectuals. To restore all that were lost, is a stupendous task for any government and requires full cooperation of all the stakeholders in that process, including the international community and foreign investors.to create the enabling environment for the same.
That enabling environment lies in the rapid economic development of the country allowing everyone to be able to have a share of the cake. Average GDP growth so far under Suu Kyi’s leadership has failed to reach even 7%. When the need was for much higher rate for the challenging task of eradication of poverty of large sections of the population, and improving the quality of life for others. To sustain current experiment in democracy and development, the twin goal for which the people of Myanmar have fought and sacrificed under a crippling military dictatorship for more than five decades, success in the economic arena is the only weapon she could use in the absence of enabling political conditions.
Even while the investment environment in Myanmar have improved with the implementation of the new Company Law in 2018 and the Investment Law in 2017, Myanmar has not been able to attract much-needed large-scale foreign investment from foreign manufacturing companies to create jobs from the Western countries, some for economic reasons, but more for extra-economic factors like lack of progress on human rights issues. Although Myanmar’s democratization was expected to increase investment from Europe and the U.S., large amounts have come mainly from Asian countries such as China, Japan, and South Korea. The West will have to have a fresh look at Myanmar, increase their investments for companies to establish reliable supply chains.
Despite some minor differences, the pathology, the ideological outlook and the experiences of the Myanmar army is similar to Indonesian military, and is likely to follow the same trajectory in its movement towards democracy — a guided political system with a certain role for the armed forces till the economy grows to accommodate both the security and economic interests of the armed forces through an expanded defence budget, opportunities in corporate sectors for children of military officers and eventual creation of a middle class demanding greater transparency and accountability from the government. However the international community might try to push for political change in Myanmar, it will not happen under conditions of sanctions or strained relations between the Tatmadaw and other stakeholders, even while the coup was illegitimate and on flimsy grounds of voter irregularities with no substantial evidence to prove that charge.
India has always been steadfast in its support to the process of democratic transition in Myanmar. We believe that the rule of law and the democratic process must be upheld. We are monitoring the situation closely.” India has learnt from its earlier mistakes of democratic activism in late 1980s and early 1990s and have become more pragmatic in its approach to Myanmar keeping in mind its national and security interests. Myanmar is too important to New Delhi to ignore as it sits at the of India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ and ‘Act East Policy’ policies, being the land bridge to connect South Asia and Southeast Asia, and thus demands a special place in India’s diplomacy in the broader region of Indo-Pacific.
Apart from strategic necessity to maintain links with whichever dispensation is in power, New Delhi can use its access to military leadership to impress upon them the need for peaceful transfer of power back to the civilian elected representatives through back-room channel. From that perspective, Indian response to the coup has been mature, though it may not satisfy the democracy warriors in our country who find ideology more important than actual ground realities in a country like Myanmar.
 Case in hand:
Indian government has decided to work in hand with ‘Secret e-Cell’ unit of the country where the units are planning to help Myanmar in its difficult times as well as willing to extend the support to the Democratic Party and the citizens facing the injustice. For this, the government has opted for 2 years Transfer Strategy of some specialized agents of the RAW and fresh talent personnel from Indian Army officials who will be solely responsible for negotiating with and spying the Military troops who are in action, and communicating the scenarios to the Secret cell on the regular basis to come up with a solution to help Myanmar regain its democratic power.
Task in hand:
Considering the above mentioned situation and keeping in mind the pandemic, you are appointed as the Executive Head Officer for the mission and you are responsible for:
Prepare an overview of the execution plan for the span of 2 years.
Define the recruitment drive and strategy adopted for the same.
Expatriate selection procedure.
Expatriate training and development program.
Define the expatriation policy adopted and compensation provided.
Perform a locational analysis and security check for the accommodation and travel.
State the contingency plan that would be taken into consideration in case of any emergency.
Specify the usage of Tech based equipment and Artificial Intelligence in the whole mission.
Any extra deliverables you seem necessary.
Prepare a report of not more than 30 pages.
A ppt summarising the same.
P.S Top 10 much?
Submission Details:
Deadline: 9am, 7th April 2021
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ikenugs · 4 years
I was literally just thinking of what new thing I should fantasize in my head about, and that's when my dad called me to say good night. As like everyone in my family says, "Goodnight, love you" or something along the lines and gives each other a hug. So the Mc really missing the same practices her parents used to do, as she had an affectionate family. While also being too afraid to ask anyone about it, especially Nobunaga.
Ikesen Scenarios~ Goodnight Hugs
And here she found herself in the meeting room, yet again being dragged from the comfort of her bed and bearsace. Agriculture was a very important part of Azuchi's economic structure and was thought to produce some of the ripest crops around. Though along with that, to have the ability to cultivate the land, the farmers had to acquire the right materials and skillfully use them. The Oda had just received fertile land a little to the east, so this meeting was mainly about transporting supplies there and investing the money for the supplies. Though she didn't recall much that she learned in school on Japanese history, she found this sorta thing a bit interesting. Obviously, it's different reading it from a textbook you've been staring at for hours, then actually experiencing and observing farmers. Watching them plow fields instead of using huge machines that pollute the Earth, like they do in the future. She hadn't seen anything beyond Azuchi's bustling shopping area, aside from the woods and Honno-Ji. So it'd be nice to see more of ancient Japan. She was still very sleepy, and blah blah money, blah leader accounting financial stuff. And you could occasionally see the drool falling from her mouth, as she dozed off. Though she did brighten up when they began decided who would deliver the supplies. Which ended up being Masamune, as he was 'itching to get out and cause some mischief somewhere else' resulting in a whack from Hideyoshi. Besides that he glanced over at her with his signature cheeky grin, "Would you like to accompany me, Lass?" Now that wasn't an offer she could just refuse, again, a bit of adventure couldn't hurt. She wondered how different their lives were compared to Azuchi. "Well, that would be lovely, only if I'm not a burden." Which she could see the unmistakable glint of mischief in his eyes, and knew there was more than just and invite to deliver materials. For all she knows, that look could mean he's gonna set a tree on fire and tie her to it. Maybe throw a dagger at her while he's at it, so this was going to be some journey.
In a commanding tone, Nobunaga officially dismissed them all, though everyone lingered and chatted comfortably. Now that it was over, she couldn't stop herself from imagining the toasty feeling of her bed 'soon my love'. It didn't ease the thoughts that have been pestering her recently though, they were thoughts about her family, ones she missed dearly. She recalled when her father would knock on her door to tell her goodnight and give her a hug. Her loved ones always hugged and wished everyone a 'goodnight, love you', as she grew up in a very affectionate family. So, you could say that she was feeling quite 'touch starved', not in a thirsty way, but a pure one. All the warlords gathered in that very room, we're playing the roles of her Sengoku family, and she loved them all very much. But she missed her old family habits, she was even affectionate towards her friends and loved hugs. So even after being there for a month, it was difficult not to reminisce on her past (or now, future). She didn't notice that she had zoned out in deep thought, her gaze landing right beside Nobu's head. He silently scrutinized her, it seemed as though she wanted something.
"Is there something you need, Emi? You've been staring at me for the past few minutes now." Now she was alert, and apologized sheepishly. "I-im very sorry, I was just thinking about something. And was wondering......um.." Mitsuhide's attention was drawn to the flustered girl before Nobunaga and chuckled a bit 'what could she be on about now?' She tried to begin again, shakily, " uh.... Well, umm.. You see... I" He raised his eyebrow as if to say, 'if you're gonna say something then get on with it' She just started at his desolate frosty eyes, with lack of warmth. Asking him for affection may not be the best, maybe Mitsunari would be easier to ask? "Actually, uh.. I think I'll just go ask Mitsunari, instead.." Emi began to think away from the lord. 'What does Mitsunari have that I don't?' Is what went through his brain as he waited to see what would happen if she asked the sweetheart of their group.
With a blush still dusting her cheeks, she reached a hand and tapped on Nari's shoulder, who turned around with a welcoming smile. "Lady, Emi!!" She giggled at his innocent reaction, her conversations with him were a bit flowier. Yet again she became a little shy, but the friendliness radiating off of the sweet angel gave her the courage to continue. "Mitsunari, .......? Could you give me a hug??" He titled his head for a moment then spoke, "A..........hug?..Well, of course Lady, Emi!" He then embraced her tenderly, what a fricken cinnamon roooooooooooooolllllll.
"Is it comfort that you seek? Because I can't give that to you." Nobu said as monotone as ever, Nari's enthusiasm had drawn all eyes and ears. "So you just wanted to ask for an embrace, then?" She bowed her head a bit towards him and spoke what was bothering her. "Well, yes, but that's not everything. You see I was just missing my family, and we had a practice where before bed we all gave each other hugs and said that we loved each other. And whenever we did that... I got a warm feeling in my chest, it always helped me sleep." They all noticed the wistful look in her eyes, it was difficult to ignore the way her heart ached, a pleading for intimacy. It was a pretty lonely feeling. No one wanted to feel that way, and I guess the loneliness she felt could be understood by the lot. She couldn't see her family for at least two months around 61 days, it was a bit heartbreaking. She did have Sasuke and Bearsace other than the six there, but Sasuke was quiet busy doing Ninja stuff, and Bearsace isn't a person. She even tried expressing her emotion and passion in her sewing, but things like that were just momentary distractions from her inevitable feelings. Even though she was in a bit of a vulnerable state, Mitsuhide being the tease he is decided that this is perfect bait, and he couldn't just let this chance slip by, could he? He chuckled softly, and his eyes sparkled with amusement.
"So, if what my ears are hearing is correct, you want us to express our love for you and embrace you warmly as though you were our wives?" Emi immediately flushed, I guess in this time that would be something only lovers would do. "N-no, of course not, I just want a hug, as you guys are the closest thing to family I have here, " The unmistakable tear in her voice pierced the hearts of even the coldest warlords in the room. Her hair covered her eyes as she bowed down, she had said her family was so far you couldn't point it out on a map, but they were in different TIME PERIODS. But, she couldn't cry, a show of weakness like this one could cost her too many precious things in the Sengoku period. Her actions even made Mitsuhide loss his composure for just a moment, only a second though.
Hideyoshi frowned and looked seriously towards his vassal. "Mitsunari, " "My Lord, should we........?" "I believe it's time..." Mitsunari nodded in understanding. Ieyasu's face turned to one of dread, of pure horror. Mitsuhide raised a singular eyebrow, as Masamune grinned, Nobu remained stoic, though you could see the shine in his cold eyes.
Ieyasu quickly protested, "No........... You must be kidding me, no way. Nuh uh. I refuse to participate in that, not again." She looked up concerned, what could possibly be so awful to have Ieyasu practically running in the opposite direction. Well, actually there are lots of things, having to interact with Mitsunari, acknowledging his emotions, another one of Hideyoshi's lectures, the list just goes on. This time Nobunaga stepped in to assist, "Ieyasu, " He gave a stern unwavering look, "Do you dare.... Betray the Oda by defending the victim due to your lack of being able to process physical--" "Ugh, please stop. Fine. But if you ever speak of this again, you won't wake up the next morning." This caused Mitsunari to break out in a sweet smile.
After their interaction, each one, with Ieyasu a bit more hesitant than the others, began to surround the poor girl trapped in the middle. Even Nobunaga had arose from his dias. They slowly began tightening around her, closing in on their one and only target. 'Victim?! What we're they going to do to her?! Did her declaration define her as too weak?!' Suddenly, they all slowed to a stop, a calm before the storm, a glance passed around the circle, resulting in Emi's pulse to quicken to the pace of lightening. At last, the look ended at Hideyoshi, who gave the final nodding signal.
"GROUP HUG!!!" Rang around the room as the warlords pounced on her, squishing her tight in the middle. She opened her eyes only to see a cluster of the six samurai clutching onto her in a warm embrace. Correction, actually, five samurai, as Ieyasu lingered and watched. Masamune was the first to notice, "Come on Ieyasu, wouldn't it be nice to get in on the action?! Don't be such a sourpuss!" Ieyasu scoffed at his comment, though it did look comfy, and comforting. "Oh, Ieyasu-sama, why don't you come join us?! You'd surely enjoy it!" Mitsunari called to him, that sealed the deal, despite his snide comments towards Nari, he had a bit of a soft spot for the boy. Ieyasu sighed one last time, closed his eyes and walked towards the group. Ending up squished next to the very same angel, their cheeks almost touching.
After a few moments, they backed off only to uncover a beaming Emi. She actually thought they were going to like attack her or something, her heart felt so warm, she felt like poppers we're going off in her chest. In all her excitement she went around the room and hugged each one individually. Ieyasu didn't even deny her this time, her hug with Nobunaga was a bit odd, but still made her feel fuzzy and loved.
"Hey, why does Mitsunari get two hugs?" Masamune asked, "What if I wanted another one?" She smiled brightly again and began moving in for another hug, she never took Masamune as the overly affectionate type. At the last second, she realized his cheeky tactics. "You flirt?!" There was still this feeling on her heart, as they laughed away his attempts. And each said their good night's before the sweet girl skipped out of the council room. A satisfied look on her face. Nobunaga rested his cheek on his palm as he watched her go. Shortly after they heard the crash and concerned apology from their princess.
"What an unusual woman........."
Sasuke's whole face was beet red as he watched the whole situation play out. He could most definitely say he was jealous of the woman, +15 Jealousy gained! Fanboi mode activated! If there was ever a time he wanted to fall through the ceiling tiles, it was then, how lovely it would have been to join the group hug.
"Wow, who knew the Oda were such softies....." Whispered a soft voice behind him, he jumped a bit and had to adjust himself as to not actually fall through the ceiling. "Yuki?!" He had forgotten he brought his BFF along, his fanboi had placed him in his own little world.
Needless to say, she slept very soundly and happily that night..
I SWEAR, GET THE HISTORY BOI HIS VERY OWN PERSONAL GROUP HUG! Anyways, but just imagine this scenario, it's like so adorable. Also, Ieyasu had learned what that look meant the hard way, as he hadn't seen Wasabi for a few days and he was a little saddened by that fact, despite claiming Wasabi could run away anytime and he wouldn't care. As Mitsuhide could practically pick up anything, like the sneaky snake he is. It started with a whisper from Mitsuhide to a gasp from Hideyoshi, and with a look from his vassal, he was actually like AMBUSHED and HARASSED with hugs. It did make him feel better, though he'd never admit it lol.
Ieyasu and Mitsunari make such a cute pair don't ya think 😊 (whether platonic or not). Also I realize I forgot to include Ranmaru.. Forgive me for that...
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Are you one of those lucky people to own a walk-in closet? lol lucky people. No I don’t have one of those. Is there a random object you own that has a huge personal significance? Well it’s more significant today because we had our virtual graduation this morning... so I’ll go with my graduation sash. Ever since I started university I’ve always wanted to wear my own sash in a physical ceremony so again, it sucks that our batch got affected by the pandemic. Do you use Google? For just about everything, yeah. Would you like to go swimming right now? That would be soooooo so nice. I’ve been going through old vacation photos and I really miss the beach. Can you play electric guitar? Nope.
Do you have an HDTV? My parents do. When was the last time you drank something through a straw? Around a month ago when my dad bought milk teas for me and my sister. Have you ever tried to teach yourself a different language? I didn’t teach myself per se, but I have tried my hand learning Spanish on Duolingo several times. It always comes in phases – I get passionate about learning and use the app for weeks, then it kinda burns out after a while. Right now I haven’t used it since I got sick in May. How long was your last phone call? A little longer than an hour, I think. It was pure silence though; we just wanted to hear each other’s surroundings. Do you need to repaint your nails? No, I never get it painted. Has there ever been a horoscope that came true for you? Psh. Are you a fan of industrial metal? Holy shit I feel so stupid right now. I thought this was referring to a literal kind of metal and I thought, that is such an odd thing to be a fan of...Google quickly taught me that it is in fact NOT a material for building infrastructure jdsskfjskf. Anyway, no I am not a fan. Are you one of those people who chew two pieces of gum, not one? Yeah, occasionally. I don’t like how one piece loses flavor all too quickly so I go ahead and pop two in. Do you have a wall calendar? Not since 2008. We only had a wall calendar in our old house; when we moved here we started to rely on digital clocks and our phones to tell the time. Have you ever taken the pictures from a calendar and used them as posters? I haven’t had a calendar like that, so no. I’ve done this with magazines though. Can you handle the cold? Hahaha no, I can’t. I was already in so much pain in 20ºC weather in Sagada, and I fared much worse in 12ºC Japan weather. I would still pick living in a colder climate in a heartbeat over a tropical one, though. Have you ever been to Canada? Nope.  Do you believe in superstitions? Just one superstition involving my university that doubles as an inside joke, so it’s not like I take it 100% seriously. It’s a generations-old joke that’s impossible to ignore if you’re a student, so I just jumped in. When was the last time you took a taxi somewhere? It was from the airport to back home, but I forgot where we landed from. Bohol I think? Palawan? I don’t even know anymore. It was so inconvenient I begged my dad that we stop using taxis as transportation for our future trips. Would you ever join the army, airforce or navy? No. How old is the person you last kissed? 22. Is there a friend that you can always rely on to get you out of a jam? I don’t think so. When it comes down to it they all have their own different things going on and I can’t just call them whenever and expect them to come to me, and that’s okay. Generally though, I think my most reliable friends are probably Andrew and Angela. What was the most embarassing thing you've had to buy? I’ve never felt embarrassed by anything I had to buy, but it can get a little uncomfortable trying to buy napkins when my dress or pants are already soaked. I get over it quickly though, since menstruations are normal lol. Have you ever tried to balance the light switch between off and on? When I was a kid. I haven’t tried it in a while. Do you believe in ghosts / supernatural occurences? They’re fun to think about, sure, and I do enjoy watching the supernatural episodes of Buzzfeed Unsolved where they go ghost-hunting. I like to think that they somehow exist, but I still also very much maintain my skepticism at all times. Have you ever mistaken a person's gender? I’ve used the wrong pronouns accidentally but I always correct myself and apologize once I’ve noticed my blunder. What was the most expensive thing you've broken? My old iPhones. I’ve also sported a few dents on my car, but I wouldn’t say I broke the car. Has anyone texted you yet today? Not text, but online chat. We had our virtual graduation this morning so my inbox was swamped with congratulatory messages and such. Did you stay calm during the whole swine flu scare? I did, but I mean I was 11 and had no clue how serious it was supposed to be. I remember cheering when they suspended classes for a week because of a local swine flu case, so yep – still ignorant back then. Is there a light on in the room you're currently in? There is, but it isn’t turned on. Are your feet touching the floor? Nope, they’re on the bed. Have you ever been in a car accident? Mild ones, nothing too life-threatening. Do you usually make back-up plans? Yeah man I’m so anxious I always have at least plans A-C lined up in my head and ready to go whenever necessary. Can you focus well in high-stress situations? Usually. Without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes? I do. I get compliments on it all the time too. I didn’t realize it was apparently a nice feature to have until more and more people pointed it out haha. Is there a kind of music you listen to that helps you release your anger? Yeah I have a playlist that’s lined up with all of my favorite loud, angry punk rock music specifically for when I’m pissed off. Are you one of those people who keep their feelings bottled up? I can, particularly whenever I feel like it’s not worth it to blow up. Is one of your friends extremely odd but you love them regardless? Not really. Aya’s pretty weird but I wouldn’t call her extremely odd. Is there anyone you dread going into public with? My mom when she’s mad. Are you a victim of writing run-on sentences? For the most part, I wouldn’t say so. If I write a run-on sentence it’s almost always in an informal setting where I’m more loose with punctuation, like if I’m chatting on IM or writing an answer on here. Still, I try to avoid them and I never do it in a formal situation. Graffiti: an art or an act of vandalism? They can be both. Some people who genuinely just want to fuck around vandalize, like how I’ve seen “Mark <3 Erica” in spray paint on public walls or some similar shit lol. But a lot of graffiti are art as well; many have important messages or symbolisms to say. Do you buy things online? I’ve done it a few times. Not regularly. I like being able to see and touch something before buying it. Are you easily frightened? I definitely am but at the same time I’m really into horror movies and serial killers and a ghost-hunting series? Hahaha it’s weird. I guess I enjoy the thrill that comes with having those interests. Do you have a favorite model? Over the years I’ve loved Elizabeth Jane Bishop, Kiko Mizuhara, Taylor Marie Hill, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, and (controversial pick!) Kendall Jenner. Have you ever watched Titanic? So many times. Honestly, one of my favorites. What's your current facebook display picture of? It’s my official graduation photo wearing my graduation sash! :) I finally changed it last Friday after I got the email saying I’m on the list of graduates. How about your IM display picture? My main IM is my Messenger, which also uses my Facebook photo. Is there anyone whose hair you envy? Gabie’s for one. Hers is really smooth and silky and wavy. Would you act in a movie if it offered a role? If I was going to be a mostly unseen extra in a blockbuster film and still be paid like $600 for it, then I don’t see why I wouldn’t take it. Does speaking in front of people make you nervous? Only if there’s going to be an unscripted aspect to it that’ll make me have to come up with answers on the spot, like miting de avances or thesis defense. If I have a script or even just a general gist of what I want to say, I have no problem improvising and speaking in front of a crowd. Can you read in a moving vehicle or does it make you sick? It makes me sick but it hasn’t stopped me before. Have you ever dated someone who was extremely shy? I’m the extremely shy person... Or have you dated someone who took things too fast? I felt that way with Gab at first when she wanted to have sex like two months after we started dating, though I was scared mainly because it was going to be my first time and I wanted to make sure I was comfortable. Now that I’m a little older, two months seems like a healthy amount of time. Does the idea of driving 220 mph sound exciting to you? Sounds terrifying. It could be fun, but only if we’re in the middle of nowhere where there’s loads of space to go that fast and no chance of crashing. Everyone has a weakness, what's yours? Food. Do you or anyone you know have an account on Deviantart? I had classmates in high school who had accounts but I’m not sure if they still have it, or if Deviantart is even still as active as I knew it to be. Thoughts on the Dunkin Donut commercial that says "America runs on Dunkin'"?  It’s a creative slogan but if I was American I wouldn’t want a doughnut place claiming to represent my country. It cute though. Do you bother buying movies on DVD anymore or do you just download them? I watch them on Netflix, which is still technically like buying them since we pay for the subscription anyway. Do you listen to Daughtry? No. Do you get your eyebrows waxed? I don’t. Waxing looks so painful to me. How do you take your coffee? Lots of creamer or milk, a little sugar. I like trying out different coffees, but when I’m simply relaxing I do want my coffee as least bitter as possible.  If you have a dog, what breed is it? I have an aspin mix, though we never figured out what Kimi’s other half is. And I also have a beagle. Have you found someone who makes you unconditionally happy? I don’t know if 'unconditionally’ is possible but yes, I do have people who make me very happy. Do you have a friend who always seems to be dying their hair? Not anymore. Jo used to dye her hair like every month though and she must have been able to go through the entire rainbow. She looked sooo good in each of the colors. Would you swap names with a friend? I love all their names but I don’t see why that would be necessary. Do you plan on going to university? I did. I graduated today. Guys who wear muscle shirts, yes or no? Idk man, they can wear whatever they want. Are you a fan of Carrie Underwood? No. I liked some of her singles when I was younger, but I’m not a fan in that I have her albums and know her lesser-known songs. Do you make playlists on iTunes? I used to, when I still used iTunes. I make playlists on Spotify now. Have you ever forgotten someone's birthday? I don’t think so. Are you scared of being left behind? Yessir. I’m super competitive, so I hate the feeling. Do you remember your last dream? No. I’m really bad at remembering them unless they’re nightmares or insanely strange. I do know that I dreamt while we were watching mass earlier on the television though, hahaha. Do you know someone who is an obsessed Star Wars fan? So many people in my circle are. Is politics something you don't care about? No. If there’s anything I give tons of fucks about, it’s that. What's a movie/tvshow/book/series that is way overrated? I’ll go with the first things I thought of...in that order: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before; Stranger Things (it’s good, but not as good as people hyped it to be); I don’t really read anymore; and what do you mean by series? Just realized I only gave 2 out of 4 answers lol oh well. Do you think Barbie presents an unhealthy image to young girls? I don’t like how its physical features are still unrealistic; but I appreciate their attempts at diversity. I can’t say it was upsetting seeing a Filipino-themed Barbie :) Is there a pet that you desperately want? All I ever wanted were dogs, and now I’ve got two of them. Would you ever get your bellybutton pierced? Nope. Are you musically talented? Hahahahaha Have you ever shot a gun? Not a real one, so no. Athenna’s dad had this practice gun he used for target practice (duh) and I messed with that a few times. Do you have a friend that always changes their mind last second? That’s Gabie. She’s lucky she’s my girlfriend and that I love her, because it’s actually a big pet peeve of mine. Are you not afraid to voice your opinion? Yup. The only time I don’t say it out loud is if it’s unnecessary and if it’s going to be simply disrespectful. An example would be when my uncle offered to make me a carrot cake for my grad gift, and I just said yes because it was already generous enough for him to offer me a free cake when he runs a food business. In reality it’s not my favorite cake at all; it wouldn’t even be in my top 20. Are you one of those people who are always pushing their limits? Yes, I definitely overwork myself to the point of exhaustion and burnout. But I honestly prefer doing things and being busy than sitting around. Is there a word that you will always find humorous? Bubbling. Because Drake and Josh.
Do you frown upon immature people? Typically. Have you ever slipped on ice and hurt yourself? This may have happened to me once or twice when I was still regularly visiting the ice skating rink at the mall. People were always super nice and helped me get up, though. Do you try to have an intimidating impression? I don’t try. Apparently it’s naturally the vibe I give off. Living in the big city or chilling in the country? BIG CITY. Always the big city. I’ve gone to the country/province so many times; I already know what it’s like there. I’ll always prefer a noisy city. No one seems to obey the legal drinking age, do they? Hahahaha a lot seem not to. I know so many high school kids who’ve had a drink before turning 18. Do you like your country's flag? Sure. I like that we can switch up the colors depending on if we’re at war or not. Have you ever made a totally amazing snow fort? I’ve never even seen snow before. Do you use Bounty Paper Towels? No. Are you the one usually behind the camera or the one in the picture? BEHIND If you get married, will you have a traditional wedding? Traditional, yes. Religious, no. Do you feel you’re slowly losing one of your friends? No. But now that I’m no longer in school, I really hope I’ll continue to be friends with my orgmates. I’ll certainly keep in touch as much as I can. If you draw, what's one thing you always have trouble with? Everything about it. Is there someone you know moving away any time soon? No. I do know my friend’s sister had already moved and started her new job in California, but when the pandemic started she had to go back here. This virus is just ruining so many great things for everyone, man... Allergic to anything? Nope. How many cars have you owned? Zero. I drive one; can’t say I own it because my parents bought it. What are you going to do after this? Maybe take another survey.
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theliterarywolf · 5 years
So... Let's talk about Hetalia. Controversies, Specifically.
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Tagging @apply-force-too-begin since they’re the one who was interested.
Hetalia was one of my first big fandoms outside of 'The Big Three' anime (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece) and outside of video games (mostly whatever wee babby weeaboo me could get on the Gamecube).
And, you know what? It's a dumb, silly anime about stereotypes, poking fun at the absurdities of History, and one's relationships with clashing cultures. It's dumb... But, remember, we all need our daily thirty minutes of dumb. And some of the characters are cute.
And, you know what? Most of the most engaging aspects of the fandom were those who used the initial shallow splash of history that the anime gave them to actually research and make engaging, well-written, culturally-sensitive content.
Of course, I'm not going to ignore how... Over-the-top some members of the fandom have been. We've seen how, whenever recent political conflict or natural disaster have occurred, we have to remind younger members of the Hetalia fandom to not cutsiefy it with the Hetalia characters. Examples that come to mind are: when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was surging up, kids kept trying to draw art of 'Russia just wants his big sister back~!', and the last major earthquake that hit Japan that had people making fanart of the Japan character which, while some was tasteful and was meant to bring awareness and donations for Disaster Relief, not... all of it was...
Hell, that’s not even bringing into account the last time I went to Anime Expo (way back during Hetalia’s hayday), I was walking around and saw a bunch of Russia and Baltic State cosplayers being interviewed by the news and the one dressed up in a USSR uniform was holding up a Communist flag and shouting ‘Whoo! SOVIET TAKEOVER!!’
However, one thing that I have noticed, while researching for this write-up, was this:
Most of the controversies and pieces of fandom-wank that have surrounded Hetalia and its fandom... Aside from one instance... Are the results of the Western-fandom and Western-localization of the anime  via Funimation.
Aside from one... Most of the issues surrounding Hetalia are due to the West and not even the source media in of itself.
So, with that in mind, let's talk about the main controversies of both Hetalia and its fanbase.
Controversy 1 – The South Korea Controversy/Protests
As I recently answered a question about this, so I'll just pull that answer for this segment:
'To summarize it: there’s a Hetalia character meant to represent South Korea. As every Hetalia character has a gag related to them (America gorges himself on fast food and constantly proclaims himself to be the Hero, Italy is cowardly, Germany is constantly angry, China constantly builds Chinatowns wherever he goes and sells bootleg merchandise, etc), so did S. Korea.
His gag was calling all the other Asian countries ‘big brother’ as well as groping the chests of male characters (China and Japan mostly), proclaiming ‘these mountains belong to South Korea, da ze!’
Of course, people would draw pictures of S. Korea doing his thing but one day during a meeting between a bunch of South Korean politicians and representatives, someone brought out a piece of fanart that depicted S. Korea groping Japan’s chest with the latter looking embarrassed and what not.
They interpreted the character as being an offensive, lecherous stereotype that was somehow belittling S. Korea’s worth as a country.
There were a bunch of small protests until, finally, Himaruya Hidekazu (the creator of Hetalia) just decided to say “you know what? Fine! I’m not getting rid of the character but he’ll never appear in the anime adaptation, okay?!’
So… Yeah! Fun times…'
Magnitude of Controversy – MAJOR
Like... In what universe is 'this meme hurt my feewings, we need to take VALUABLE TIME DURING GOVERNMENT FORUMS to talk about it RATHER THAN OTHER PRESSING ISSUES' a good response? And the fact that people took to the streets to protest? Come on, guys! There's so much more to worry about in this world...
Controversy 2 – Emperor Heliogabalus and Himaruya's 'Transgender Erasure'
There was a section of time where Himaruya Hidekazu, rather than focusing on the nation characters of the series, made chapters and updates about certain historical figures. They were all done for laughs while interspersing various bits of trivia and facts about them.
One of these updates centered around the Roman emperor Heliogabalus (or 'Elagabalus'). And this is where certain portions of this hellsite got soooooo upset...
You see, Himaruya titled the update centered on Heliogabalus as 'The Emperor Who Tried to Live as a Woman... Even Though He Was Really a Guy'.
Almost immediately people were typing up callout posts about how 'transphobic' Himaruya was for the title and 'how dare he misgender my precious trans baby~!' or 'this just goes to show how ignorant Japanese people are to Western history' and so many more, all because Himaruya didn't use out-and-out female pronouns for Heliogabalus.
Now. Mm, two things!
One! This was during the time when Himaruya had an open blog where, not only did he post pictures and updates about where in the world he was traveling and what he was researching, but it also had an inbox that was open for people to send insight to him.
So, if people were really incensed by this, you would think that they would use such a means to let a creator know 'hey, this is kind of problematic; can you edit it to show this information', right?
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NO ONE tried to inform Himaruya of their upset; they literally didn't want an answer, they just wanted to be upset!
But, here's the kicker: the guy that all of these people were stanning for? Emperor Heliogabalus?
The real Heliogabalus was a sadistic little shit who was connivingly put on the throne by his mother via a bunch of espionage and assassinations... Who, as thanks, had his own mother murdered once he was emperor. Other wonderful exploits of this 'icon' that tumblr kids decided to stan was:
Getting politicians and countrymen drunk and then, while they were passed out, brought in lions to kill and eat them
Deciding 'fuck Jupiter, Helios is my husbando – We're all going to worship him now!'
Completely wrecking Rome's monetary system
Promising favors to his lovers (whom he called his 'husbands' despite not making anything official) that strictly contradicted favors to his other lovers
And just generally being a hot mess
So... why were tumblr children so insistent on him being a transgender woman?
You ready for this?
Because he occaisionally dressed in women's clothing and called his male lovers his 'husbands'.
One of the earliest case of tumblr children trying to ruin someone's life because they didn't follow their headcanons.
Magnitude of Controversy – Honestly, this was just fandom-wank. But it was one of the earlier instances of fandom brats using serious terms (transphobia) to justify being upset at a creator not following their headcanons.
Controversy 3 – The Passover Photoshoot
I'm sorry, just...
Everytime I remember or have to go over this one, I have to stop and reflect; maybe grab a drink.
So, pretty early into the Western reaches of the Hetalia fandom, a group of friends and Hetalia fans decided to meet up together at a mall for a cosplay photoshoot.
Okay. Cool. Fine.
They were all dressed up as their favorite characters from the series! Germany, Austria, Hungary, P-Prussia, Holy... Roman Empire...
Ahem. Okay. Cool. Fine.
So, they get to the mall and start taking pictures. But then someone in the group gets the amazing idea for everyone to do certain poses.
I... You know, why did I start this, I could have just not done thi--
Nazi salutes. You had a bunch of dumb kids dressed up as Germanic nations. Performing Nazi salutes and shouting 'Heil Hitler'.
Now, as bad as this was... you could have just drawn it out as shitty edgelord humor; we still have plenty of that going on today.
H-however. There were two factors that made this photoshoot 50 Shades of Tasteless.
Number one. This photoshoot took place during Passover.
And number two. The mall that this photoshoot took place at...
This is the one, THE ONE, instance where, anytime someone talks about 'lol, young Hetalia fans are so cringey', this is what pops into my head.
Those of us older members of the fandom can never fucking forget this. Yeah, the perpetrators were called out; yeah, they learned their lessons, yeah it opened up a conversation about appropriate behavior in fandom. But this one event will always remain as the big 'Ooh, baby, nooooo! What are you doing?!' moment in the fandom.
Even moreso than what the current batch of hatedum is about.
Magnitude of Controversy – Huge. The South Korea controversy was discussed on a governmental scale, but the Passover Photoshoot is what remains as the biggest mark on the fandom.
Controversy 4 - FUCKING FUNIMATION!!
Okay, I... 
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This one is so infuriating because it’s the result of Funimation just not giving a DAMN.
So, Hetalia got popular enough to be localized! Yay... And it was going to be handled by Funimation. Yay... They do quality work... Sometimes.
*kicks the Black Butler dub into the sun*
So, they dubbed Hetalia. And, you know what? So many questionable decisions went into this fucking dub. 
You have Vic Mignogna! You! *clap* Have! *clap* Vic! *clap* Mignogna! You could have easily put him as one of the Axis characters or the Allied characters and you...
Don’t use him...
Until three seasons down the line...
And then you have him as Greece. 
A character who barely says anything.
... And this was WAY before the clusterfuck of KickVic, so they really had no excuse. 
Oh, also! For China, who is a main character, maybe we should have an actual voice-actor?
Pssh! Fuck that shit, let’s just have some random chick from accounting voice him. 
... They literally had some random-chick from accounting do an overly stereotypical Chinese accent and said ‘yeah, that’s fine; print!’
And she gave us such... wonderful line-reads as: during the Hetalia movie Paint It, White! --
“SUCK BALLS! I knew za fortune cookie today was bad ruck~!”
But as bad as the dub got sometimes (Oh God, I’m having war flashbacks of Russia...), the exchange from the dub that people constantly point to as ‘see! This show was antisemitic all along!’ were these: 
Exchange 1 - 
S. Italy/Romano - ‘Hey asshole, I have a surprise for you~!’
Germany - ‘What is it? Another Jew?’
And, you know what? As asinine and idiotic as that brief exchange was... 
Funimation, in their infinite wisdom, wrote that in and thought ‘yeah, that’s fine; print!’
So, there goes another issue of ‘problem that only existed because of the idiocy of a Western presence’.
Magnitude of Controversy - Well, people are still talking about it, despite it literally being because of Funimation’s laziness, so...
'Controversy' 5 – The Civil War fanart
So, this segment will be short because it doesn't even need to exist. But, you may have noticed an upsurge in people hating on the series again; even going so far as to raid Discord servers for fans of the series with gore.
Hell, I even scrolled past one person doing a 'call to arms' for people to spam any server that has to do with Hetalia as a big 'gotcha'.
And you wanna know where this fandom-wank started?
Someone on tumblr re-posted an old piece of... questionable chibi fanart of Confederate!America and Union!America. Union!America is hiding a slave woman behind him while shouting at Confederate!America to 'Pick your own damn cotton!'
(deep breath... okay)
And, while the art in of itself is... not great, the fact that it is an old piece of fanart and that someone posted it onto tumblr for the 'lol, look at this cringe' lolz, is what rallied some people to start shitting on fans of the show and raiding servers.
There also may have been some drama over on picrew by some teenage LGBT user lashing out at the whole 'stop spamming Picrew with gay shit' sentiment and then some edgelord over on this hellsite screencapping their game and talking about 'lol, of course it would be a cringey Hetalian to post some dumb shit like this; get off the site, queer' but, honestly, this last one, while being the reason why people are acting dumber than usual, is the most inconsequential.
Magnitude of the Controversy – It would be minimal at best, especially compared to the other ones in this write-up, but like I said, it does have some trickling into the current hatedumb.
So, yeah, here was my little write-up/mini-dive into the madness. You guys can let me know if you want more insight or if you have any questions, and I love you and buh-bye!
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askneruandhaku · 5 years
Disrespectful behavior towards Neru, Haku and their fans
This is a letter of complaint, venting and opening my heart to you guys about a subject that has to do with the blog and matters lots to me.
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I usually don’t address the disrespect towards fanloids and fanloid fans i’ve been seeing from Vocaloid purists since the very day i made this blog, but today is a heavy topic day.
As you guys know Miku is no longer gonna be a Vocaloid. What that means to the relationship between Piapro and Neru/Haku i do not know. If they’re gonna appear in Mega39s, if Crypton will use their image rights ever again and so forth is to be seen. But what’s going on in the Vocaloid Wiki is something i have seen coming for a couple of years now.
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The Vocaloid WIki has been on a Vocaloid purism purge for a good couple of years. It started with the deletion of some character pages that were confirmed not Vocaloid like Alys or Meaw and it’s extending now to Teto, Vocalina, Acme Iku, etc. The topic of deleting fanloids was brought up by the same person who was doing the purge at the time and was ignored. Now that Miku is abandoning Vocaloid this user who to put it as kindly as i can has a hateboner for fanloids is taking the chance to get their pages completely deleted, arguing there’s the much copypasted, much more bare-bones and disorganized fanloid wiki for them if anything.
The initial purpose for Neru, Haku, Sakine, Hachune, etc having pages on the Vocawiki was to avoid confusion and correct the idea clueless fans have about them being Vocaloids. It’s there to inform and archive facts, story, trivia. I am someone against Vocaloid purism and deletion of information (fe all the interesting information on the Meaw project has been lost FOREVER wiped from the entire internet because their only wiki page with their profile and history was deleted by this same user) because it never hurts anyone to archive all the interesting tidbits things this Vocaloid fandom overall has gone through. It’s not occupying space on your computer so i don’t understand why it’s harmful for it to exist online for the curious to learn.
Because of my opposition to this direction i already had my qualms towards this user but on top of that they have given me reasons to believe they actually loathe Neru and Haku.
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There are no comment sections more policed and controlled than Neru and Haku’s in the wiki. Any innocent fun cheeky comment under their page will recieve a lengthy reply from this person shutting the fan down because Neru/Haku are unoriginal Miku copies, “irrelevant” and “just memes”. It’s very disheartening for fans and disrespectful. They spread tons of misconception like saying Haku was made as a form of bullying users or that Neru and Haku have no merchandise since 2013. I myself bought official NeruHaku Piapro badges from the Animate store in my trip to Japan in 2017. Sega released in 14 a macaron set with Neru and Haku’s logos which Piapro reported on. Crypton staff featured a Haku song in their official “classics” Vocaloid collection in their playlist site Kiite... this same year.
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Moreover, this person has a DA account which they use to comment rude things under MANY!! Neru/Haku artworks (such as "if they disappeared tomorrow it would have no impact") and try to get fans to ditch them for "real Vocaloids" instead, f.e. leaving comments like “sigh i’d love to see you draw Miku” (instead of Haku, etc).
Their crusade against Neru and Haku specifically borders on obsessive to me. I understand trying to clarify what's a Vocaloid and what's not to people, but why is it so important to you that you go out of your way to BROWSE arts of characters you dislike and pressure people into not drawing them any longer.
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Bigger version here
Please don't listen to comments like this if you ever get them, block and move on. You're in the right to draw and love whatever characters you want no matter their recognition or label. There is a decently sized Japanese community of Neru and Haku fans over on Twitter so don't get a devastating picture of "nobody cares about those characters and if you do you're outdated" from these misinformed comments. Don't feel crazy or wrong for loving Neru and Haku in 2019 even OVER actual Vocaloids, there are many of us who love them still the most.
This is not my first rodeo with Vocaloid purists saying horrible things about Neru and Haku, however this time i had to speak on it since the person is involved in Wiki editing and it's going to affect the information available for all of us on their history, official links, artwork/concept art, most popular songs etc. This person themselves is also running the new Piapro Studio Wiki which means they will also have no future over there (even though Crypton’s Wat has recently tweeted being interested in including more characters in the MMD Piapro official model lineup in the future).
There is no point in protesting to such a stubborn person, so i’m just gonna archive Neru and Haku’s pages on the wayback machine and post links for everyone in the future. Personally i have no energy anymore to compile info, translate and make my own site about them.
But i want you guys to know. Even if i disappear for a year or two, for a long time. You all will always have a place here in my blog as Neru and Haku fans, you are valid. You enjoy whatever fanloid you want. You stan your dead fanloid, your dead Vocaloid, your Hibiki Lui, hell, whatever. Screw people who only see facts, software and data. Even their popularity “status” or recognition. Many people love Leon, Lola, Miriam, Piko... to this day. A fictional character dies when YOU decide it, when it doesn’t exist in anyone’s thoughts anymore. Not when a truly irrelevant “authority” figure Hereby Declares your Fave has Henceforth Become Irrelevant.
I made this blog at 19. I’m almost 30 now. And i still love Neru and Haku as much as when i first made this blog, if not even more!! Neru and Haku allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people in my e-life, like all of you askblog mods, but related to the subject in particular, some NeruHaku fans such as @ask-neru-and-or-haku who i still talk to every single day.
Life got super difficult and tragic for me so i’ve been having difficulties to post; partly it’s adulthood but partly just my luck (had three people die on me on the course of running this askblog... two a couple months ago). But thinking about Neru, Haku, the people they brought into my life. Makes me so happy.
I wish i could be back posting here everyday. I will be back for sure, from time to time, sporadically doing answerbombs in rampages... until i’m very old i hope :) but in the meantime have my blog as a safe Neru Haku loving space. A little shrine blog. I won’t tolerate disrespect towards my daughters here or bullying towards any of you Neru and Haku fans.
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Phew... that’s it. Some good old venting and... sad but unsurprising news coming from this dry, canon-limited new wave in the fandom. Not “canon” to Vocaloid or Piapro? Gotta go!
RIP Neru and Haku Vocaloid Wiki entries  (2009-20??)
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brynhildr13 · 5 years
MY personal unofficial live report of NYC!
Again, this is NOT OFFICIAL. I was NOT PRESS. This is just MY PERSONAL account of my amazing experience!!! I copied it from my Facebook post i made. @baby-come-bach is "Melissa".
Okay. So now that im home and safe and I committed everything to memory i wanna talk about the show!!! IF you wanna just skip down to the meet and greet go down below the line. The stuff above is what happened during the concert.
There was the stage, then the pit, then behind the pit was about 6 steps and a platform with a railing. Behind that was another set of steps and a railing and seating in the back. Once we got into the venue i told Melissa to take my poster and go get me the spot i wanted while i got merch. We were behind the pit at the railing on Uruha's side. He's my fave bandman and OHHHO MY GOD THE VIEW WAS. PERFECT. Melissa must have read my mind because she knew i like uruha but didnt know what side he stood on. Lolol. She guessed correctly and stayed to the right. I stayed in line for merch and got my stuff and went to meet her. I couldnt have asked for better view. We werr SO CLOSE. And above the pit so i didnt have to fall victim to my stature.
So we wait and then they start the show. And they all walk out all stoic and tall and QIDNWODNWJD. Kai came out first, then aoi and reita and uruha, then ruki last. And they went right into their songs. They sounded SOOOO good omg.
My highlights from the show:
Ruki kept dancing and shaking his shoulders and hips. He cant dance that well so it was endearing and funny but also kept the mood.
Kai was smiling like the sun the whole time. He LOVES to perform and it shows.
Reita kept bending down really low and slapping his bass really hard. Especially when they played one song that featured him. (the mortal) He went HAM. IT WAS AWESOME.
Aoi was so majestic. He didnt really MOVE much but he did walk around the stage with the others a lot. He was so captivating just like before.
And there were two or three 15-30 second pauses. Their english was WAY better than last time, especially Ruki's! He said "we were so excited to come to New York!! We're so happy to be here!!!!" And then they riled us up with call and answer. It was great!!!!
The second pause was Kai!! I didnt even know it was him until I heard talking and didnt see Ruki on stage!! But Kai said, "i love new York!! I love you guys!! We are so excited to be here!!" And then he did a call and answer with us.
I SWEAR THEY ALL LOOKED AT ME LIKE 25 TIMES DURING THE LIVE. It was like they wanted to see EVERY FAN. They kept their eyes up and out to the crowd most of the time!
I TRIED to show them support but i also wanted to actually stand and WATCH. So I really only Committed to Ninth Odd Smell, UGLY, abhor god, and Filth in the Beauty. The rest I was more tame on cuz i wanted to SEE them. But all those songs get me HYYYYPE so i had to give it my all.
They played Suicide Circus again too!!!!! And Inside Beast this time!!!! Those were the two songs Melissa knows best so she got to hear stuff she enjoyed! Also, we made sure to watch Aoi in the second verse because he bowed most regally with his arm up and he twirled his wrist as he brought it down into the bow. Just like in the music video!!! It was AMAZING. SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!! And Ruki's rapping was SO COOL TO HEAR LIVE AGAIN. it was even better than last show!
ONE THING I always enjoyed was when Ruki adds a little improv to long outros. For Sono Koe Wa Moroku which is a slow ballad he added his own little wisps of vocals and screams which was so cool!!
They ended the set with filth in the Beauty and the crowd kept trying to call for encore but no one knew how to keep time so everyone kept thunderclapping instead of joining together in one voice.
One girl in the pit got on someone's shoulders and lifted her top and flashed the camera that was recording us. I couldnt tell if they kicked her out or not. All i remember thinking was "thats DEFINITELY not gonna make them wanna come on stage any sooner." Also no one crowd surfed that I saw like last show. And this girl behind us was yelling "WE /DESERVE/ AN ENCORE." which irritated melissa and i a bit. Like, bitch, no you dont deserve it. You deserve the OPPORTUNITY for it. What a gross fan. I hoped they werent VIP cuz I wouldnt want her to be a bad fan to them and say anything rude. When they did come on stage that girl was acting like she single-handedly brought them out on stage. She otherwise didnt bother us. We ignored her the rest of the time. She was gone from my mind in two seconds once they came back out.
They played 3 encore songs and ended with Tomorrow Never Dies!! Which is a good song to end on. It has a beautiful message of hope. Once it was over Ruki kept saying "thank you!!" And we'd answer with a cheer and he said "we will see you again real soon!! Good night, New York!!" And then as we filtered out they checked our wrist bands and we were allowed into the seating part to wait until they were ready for the meet and greet.
They called row by row and we were in the middle of the last section so we scooted out and ran to the top. I wanted to be LAST FOR THE MEET AND GREET. And we ended up DEAD LAST. We were next to these girls who flew FROM JAPAN to see them. I would have liked to talk to them but I was so nervous to, so i just quietly listened to them converse in japanese.
When they called us we filed down! And we went thru these doors and there were small steps and THERE. THEY. WERE. right there!!! I saw Reita's mask and hair and my stomach dropped cuz it was ACTUALLY THEM. So melissa helped me get the poster out and I unfolded it and I get up to Aoi and I was so star struck I forgot EVERYTHING I was gonna say. But i saw him look down and see it and he said "oh wow!!! Design?" I couldnt even answer. The staff beside him thought I didnt understand so she said "he asked if you drew this." And i said "ohhh my god. Yes. Yes. Design. Yes." And he looked at me, IN MY EYES with these bright wide eyes and he said "thank you! So cool! Thank you" and he took my hands in his and we looked in each other's eyes and I saw warmth and love and dedication. Im sure he saw pure terror and awe in mine but we said thank you. I slide it down to Reita and i see him look down and his eye we could see through his mask, which up close almost looked like cloth and not plastic, got so big and he has a deeper voice so he just said "WOW!!" AND stared for a second and then he looked at me and said "you draw this??" And I still had no words so I just nodded and said "YES. YES. DRAWING." And we still held eyes and he said "this is amazing!!! Thank you so much!" And he took my hands in his and shook and we said thank you!! Then I slid it down to Ruki and OH MY GOD RUKI WAS PERFECT. From my peripheral i glimpsed aoi and reita following with their eyes. And ruki saw it and his face LIT UP and he said "WOW! YOU DREW THIS?!" And I found my words so I said "yes! Kakimashita! I drew this!!" And he pointed to himself and he smiled and said "I LIKE THIS!!!! I LIKE THIS!!!! THANK YOUU! THANK YOU!!!" and he grasped my hands in his and we shook and said thank you. Then I move to Kai and he says "HI!!!" AND I SAID "HELLO!!!!" and i show him and he SMILES SO BIG and he said "oh wow! A drawing!?" And I said "kakimashita! I drew this!" And he looked at me and said "its amazing!!! Good job!! Thank you!!" And his smile WAS EVEN BIGGER AND HE just MELTED MY HEART RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!! AAHH!!! and he grasped my hands in his and shook and we ssaid thank you to each other and last was MY FAVORITE URUHA and let me tell you. He recently dyedd his hair blonde and I did not like it. It was cut like a bob and it was super "I wanna talk to your manager." Our ongoing joke was to call him Susan. But i saw HIM. AND HIM AND HIS HAIR WAS A FOOT AWAY FROM ME. AND HE LOOKED. BEAUTIFUL. IMMACULATE. I ALMOST HAD THE NERVE TO APOLOGIZE. But I showed him my poster. His reaction was my favorite. His eyes got real big and he said "ooooooooooooooohh!!!! Wow!!!!!!!" And i said "kakimashita!! I drew this!!" And he couldnt even speak he just kept saying "wow!!" And he looked at me and I looked at him and we shook hands and he took my hands in his and he said "thank you so much!" And I said "thank you!!!" And then i don't remember but i think uruha was still super close to me after we let go and i turned away and i think i turned back around and black out yelled "OMG YOURE MY FAVORITE." AND I think he smiled embarassed and said "thank you so much!" And then we tried to fenangle it back into the box and i caught the smallest glimpse of Aoi and Reita leaning over the table to look and see. Eventually we got the plastic on and the staff member said "ill take it." So we handed it over and then I both hand waved and said "BYEEE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!" AND OH MY GOD ALL 5 OF THEM LEANED OVER AND LOOKED AT ME AND WAVED AND SAID "BYEE THANK YOUU!!" and then they gave us our VIP towels and we were told to scoot so we went down the hallway and out the door!! And that was IT!!!
This is what I gave to them and Showed them.
AS MELISSA SAID, "it was a Total Eclipse Of The Art."
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alexsmitposts · 4 years
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China – The Belt and Road Initiative – The Bridge that Spans the World The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called the New Silk Road, is based on a 2,100-year-old trade route between the Middle East and Eastern Asia, called the Silk Road. It wound its ways across the huge landmass Eurasia to the most eastern parts of China. It favored trading, based on the Taoist philosophy of harmony and peaceful coexistence – trading in the original sense of the term, an exchange with “win-win” outcomes, both partners benefitting equally. Today, in the western world we have lost this concept. The terms of trade are imposed always by the ‘stronger’ partner, the west versus the poorer south – the south where most of the natural resources are lodged. Mother Earth’s assets have been and are coveted by the west – or north – for building and maintaining a lifestyle in luxury, abundance and waste. This trend has lasted for centuries of western colonialism: Exploitation, loot, esclavisation and rape of entire peoples of the Global South by the Global North, to use the current soothing World Bank lingo. The New Silk Road, or BRI, is Chinese President Xi Jinping’s brainchild. It’s based on the same ancient principles, adjusted to the 21st Century, building bridges between peoples, exchanging goods, research, education, knowledge, cultural wisdom, peacefully, harmoniously and ‘win-win’ style. On 7 September 2013, Xi presented BRI at Kazakhstan’s Nazarbayev University. He spoke about “People-to-People Friendship and Creating a better Future”. He referred to the Ancient Silk Road of more than 2,100 years ago, that flourished during China’s Western Han Dynasty (206 BC to 24 AD). Referring to this epoch of more than two millenniums back, Xi Jinping pointed to the history of exchanges under the Ancient Silk Road, saying, “they had proven that countries with differences in race, belief and cultural background can absolutely share peace and development as long as they persist in unity and mutual trust, equality and mutual benefit, mutual tolerance and learning from each other, as well as cooperation and win-win outcomes.” President Xi’s vision may be shaping the world of the 21st Century. The Belt and Road Initiative is designed and modeled loosely according to the Ancient Silk Road. President Xi launched this ground-breaking project soon after assuming the Presidency in 2013. The endeavor’s idea is to connect the world with transport routes, infrastructure, industrial joint ventures, teaching and research institutions, cultural exchange and much more. Since 2017, enshrined in China’s Constitution, BRI has become the flagship for China’s foreign policy. BRI is literally building bridges and connecting people of different continents and nations. The purpose of the New Silk Road is “to construct a unified large market and make full use of both international and domestic markets, through cultural exchange and integration, to enhance mutual understanding and trust of member nations, ending up in an innovative pattern with capital inflows, talent pool, and technology database”. BRI is a perfect vehicle for building peacefully a World Community with a Shared Future for Mankind – which was the theme of an international Forum held in Shanghai, from 5-7 November, a tribute to China’s 70th Anniversary of her Revolution and achievements – with a vision into the future. BRI is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese Government. Already today BRI has investments involving more than 150 countries and international organizations – and growing – in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. BRI is a multi-trillion investment scheme, for transport routes on land and sea, as well as construction of industrial and energy infrastructure and energy exploration – as well as trade among connected countries. Unlike WTO (World Trade Organization), BRI is encouraging nations to benefit from their comparative advantages, creating win-win situations. In essence, BRI is to develop mutual understanding and trust among member nations, allowing for free capital flows, a pool of experts and access to a BRI-based technology data base. At present, BRI’s closing date is foreseen for 2049 which coincides with new China’s 100th Anniversary. The size and likely success of the program indicates, however, already today that it will most probably be extended way beyond that date. It is worth noting, though, that only in 2019, six years after its inception, BRI has become a news item in the West. Remarkably, for six years BRI was as much as denied, or ignored by the western media, in the hope it may go away. But away it didn’t go. To the contrary, many European Union members have already subscribed to BRI, including Greece, Italy, France, Portugal – and more will follow, as the temptation to participate in this projected socioeconomic boom is overwhelming. Germany, the supposed economic leader of Europe, is mulling over the benefits and contras of participating in BRI. The German business community, like business throughout Europe, is strongly in favor of lifting US-imposed sanctions and reconnecting with the East, in particular with China and Russia. But official Berlin is still with one foot in the White House – and with the other trying to appease the German – and European – world of business. This balancing act is in the long run not sustainable and certainly not desirable. At present BRI is already actively involved in over 80 countries, including at least half of the EU members. To counteract the pressure to join BRI, the European Union, basically run by NATO and intimately linked to Washington, has initiated their own ‘Silk Road’, attempting to connect Asia with Europe through Japan. In that sense, the EU and Japan have signed a “free trade agreement” which includes a compact to build infrastructure, in sectors such as energy, transport and digital devices. The purpose is to strengthen economic and cultural ties between the two regions, boosting business relations between Asia and Europa. It is an obvious effort to compete with or even sideline China’s BRI. But it is equally obvious that this response will fail. Usually initiatives taken in ill-fate are not successful. And China, non-belligerent China, is unlikely to challenge this EU-Japan competitive approach. In another approach to counter BRI, The U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), launched on 4 November the Blue Dot Network (BDN), an initiative supposedly run entirely by private actors, funded by private banking, intended to bring together governments, the private sector, and civil society “to promote high-quality, trusted standards for global infrastructure development in an open and inclusive framework.” It is not clear how the BDN will interact with or counteract BRI. Anything run entirely by the private sector, especially western private banking, is no good omen for the country their “development effort” touches. Such investments’ objectives are primarily shareholder profits, not socioeconomic development benefitting the countries where they plan to invest. No competition for China’s BRI. Again, non-aggressive China is unlikely to react. China’s New Silk Road is creating a multipolar world, where all participants will benefit. The idea is to encourage economic growth, distributed in a balanced way, so as to prioritize development opportunities for those most in need. That means the under-developed areas of western China, eastern Russia, Central Asia, Central Europe – reaching out to Africa and the Middle East, Latin America, as well as to South East Asia and the Pacific. BRI is already actively building and planning some six to ten land and maritime routes, connecting Africa, the Middle East, Europe and South America. The expected multi-trillion-dollar equivalent dynamic budget is expected to be funded by China, largely, but not exclusively, by the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), by Russia – and by all the countries that are part of BRI and involved in singular or multi-country projects. The long-term return on these massive investments in people’s wellbeing is an exponential multiple of the original investments and cannot be limited to numerical economics, as social benefits of wellbeing cannot be defined by linear accounting. Implementing BRI, or the New Silk Road, is itself the realization of a vision of nations: Peaceful interconnectivity, joint infrastructure and industrial development, as well as joint management of natural resources. For example, BRI may help with infrastructure and management advice resolving or preventing conflicts on transboundary water resources. There are some 263 transboundary lake and river basins, covering almost half the earth’s surface and involving some 150 countries. In addition, there are about 300 transboundary aquifers serving about 2 billion people who depend on groundwater. The Chinese government calls the Silk Road Initiative “a bid to enhance regional connectivity and embrace a brighter future”. Today, John Lennon’s “Give Peace a Chance” is more relevant than ever. And China is a vanguard in promoting peaceful development across the globe. BRI, China’s foreign policy flagship, is clearly an initiative towards world Peace.
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snibnoom · 5 years
All of what is said below is my understanding of the situation. I am not fluent in Korean, therefore I might misinterpret some things. Please take this into consideration.
TL;DR: A group of Korean fans came forward with their complaints concerning several issues: Fantagio keeping a schedule in Japan where the members might get sick due to a flu epidemic, announcements and events being changed, fans not being respected by fan club personnel, staff lacking preparation, a lack of appearance on daytime entertainment programs during promotions, and other miscellaneous issues. They are calling for a change in the way Fantagio handles events and issues moving forward.
A group of fans organized as 아스트로 불판닷컴 “ASTRO Hot Grill Dot Com” have issues a complaint statement to Fantagio Music. The fan group was established in November 2017 and “have experienced charges of [Fantagio Music] ignoring fans, refusing to communicate, and poor behavior of staff members.” 아스트로 불판닷컴 (will be abbreviated as ㅂㅍㄷㅋ from now on) have a website here and a Twitter account here with more than 5,000 followers. ㅂㅍㄷㅋ say that they are not representative of all AROHA, and that the common opinions they hold between themselves may not hold true for all fans. The official members of the ㅂㅍㄷㅋ board have been under constant stress from events like those listed in their complaints, and chose to come forward with these complaints now so that they will no longer have to wait and see if Fantagio Music and associated individuals will come forward with an explanation.
Complaint #1: Thorough ignoring of objections to schedules that do not prioritize the artist’s health. There is a schedule for Japan that includes hi-touch. There are concerns over the continuation of the hi-touch event despite the high chance of members catching the flu due to an outbreak. Many Japanese fans are expressing their opposition in going through with the Japan fan meeting through fax and e-mails, but Fantagio is pushing ahead and completely ignoring the requests of fans.
(T/N: I can’t tell from the wording if this complaint refers to a previous event or an upcoming event. My guess is that it is a future event, as a tag “cancel the Japan fan meeting” has been used in combination with the sharing of these complaints.)
Complaint #2: Related to offline events, such as concerts/fan meetings. 
Of the 2018 2기 Fan Meeting:
Did not allow for everything proposed in the original announcement, such as 떼창 (T/N: a common Korean concert manner, literally “crowd singing”), video, robongie, slogan event (T/N: when fans pull out their slogans during a specific time in the show).
A slogan event organized by ㅂㅍㄷㅋ failed because of the above
The slogan event was called You&Me, but due to the event not having the sign off of the assistant director, the event was removed from the line-up. The mistake was easily correctable, but Fantagio Music instead removed the event. ㅂㅍㄷㅋ’s complaint calls this “...the biggest example of a lack of respect for fans.”
Of the 2018 STARLIGHT concert wreath:
Certain members had almost no wreaths dedicated to them as wreaths were assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis.
After learning this, ㅂㅍㄷㅋ quickly modified the words on their wreath so that all members could be represented.
Of the 2018 STARLIGHT concert event:
Before events could be submitted, Fantagio Music had already decided the song and event methods.
Despite Fantagio saying they would make a countdown and lyric video, the planned event ended up failing due to sloppy organization.
After the event failed on the first day, the guide given to fans was ignored so the event didn’t proceed.
Complaint #3: Related to Public Broadcasting — No Respect for Fans’ Time
Frequent changes in the number of people allowed into the main room, always announced just before entering
1/22 SBS The Show: of 30 people waiting, 12 were not allowed entrance
1/27 SBS Inkigao: of 25 people waiting, 9 were not allowed entrance
2/1 KBS Music Bank: no people admitted to the main room — AROHA were not informed of this until just before admittance so they waited indefinitely.
2/3 SBS Inkigayo: of 20 people waiting, 4 were not allowed entrance
However, for other rookie idol groups, 8 more people were added to the main room — ㅂㅍㄷㅋ says “this revealed an example of the fan manager’s incompetence.”
Staff lacks preparation
Staff did not pre-prepare first-come-first-serve items and photocards for winning lottery tickets, so those who won were asked to attend the next event to receive them. The fan didn’t have time to visit and asked for the items to be mailed, but staff refused the request and asked the fan to visit the next event. ㅂㅍㄷㅋ says that “this is a behavior with no consideration for fans who do not have much time” and that staff did not apologize to the inconvenience from the lack of planning on their part.
A temporary sticker was given due to staff having an insufficient quantity of the stickers. Staff says “come and get it next time” but the next time, preparation is no different.
On 2/2 at MBC Music Core, the first 30 fans received 2 photocards while all other fans did not.
Fairness in issuing public broadcasting goods
In the case of “signed Polaroids” which can be received after having 24 stamps on an attendance card, there are cases where member selection or several photographs are displayed unfairly.
In some cases, certain member photos were chosen quickly so those who chose later didn’t get the same options.
Each time an issue with the application occurs
1/24 M Countdown: After quietly modifying the time for entry to the main room, staff did not publish it again.
There are no explanations or apologies for frequent mistakes and inconsistent omissions in the notices.
T/N: I can’t figure out what this point is saying, but it’s something to do with the comeback showcase on 1/16 and (I think) a notice being posted with only 2 hours for adjustment.
There was no explanation for an issue, and protests from e-mails were ignored.
Offline staff ignore fans and are unfriendly
Each time at a public broadcasting station, staff does not take into account the time and health of fans waiting outside for 2 to 3 hours, and ignores the fans’ opinions and protests at the issues.
The fan manager was not faithful to their role in offline events and was unable to support fans’ discomfort during offline events.
No contact in any form that exists, such as fax, email, or the fan club cell phone number.
Staff selectively responded to complaints.
Poor safety management related to field participation
Due to the nature of the pre-recording process being at dawn and despite the danger factors such as dark and icy roads, accidents occurred due to insufficient management from existing personnel.
Complaint #4: No support of album release at company-level activities.
Even though it is a regular activity, there are 0 appearances on entertainment shows other than music broadcasting.
No appearances on public entertainment programs. (Have not appeared on any since Dream Part 2.)
If they cannot appear in entertainment shows due to internal circumstances, they should create their own content to upload, but until the end of all the music shows, the contents of “We Came Back” have not been released. (T/N: During previous promotional cycles, Fantagio released backstage videos of ASTRO filming themselves and having fun at music shows under the title of “We Came Back”).
No uploads of ‘Ddoca’ content from after 1/16.
Complaint #5: Miscellaneous Issues
Related to events conducted by the agency
There was an event that did not take into account the streaming list of an ASTRO streaming team, which was designed to manage ASTRO’s ranking on music charts.
All Light album’s “green card event” has not been received despite activities being 2/3 completed.
The “All I Want event” has not been followed up despite activities being 2/3 completed.
Notices for a polaroid gift event have not been issued. However, polaroids have since been distributed despite failure to publicize the draw criteria and winning numbers, raising questions about the fairness of the event.
There was an event item that was supposed to be distributed at all broadcasts, but despite the overlapping schedules of The Show and a radio broadcast, no changes or follow-ups were made.
Late music video release
Number of views on the music video was lost due to the reversing of posting and deletion of the music videos, which finally appeared an hour late—this negatively affected scores on music broadcasts.
Official Cafe Aroha 3rd Gen Level-Up
The 3rd Gen level up applications have not been completely processed, even those posted before the 1/20 cut-off date.
Not enough announcement when changing notice
Many people are not aware of the changes in schedules because they are not actively notified of important issues when announcements in the official fan cafe change.
ㅂㅍㄷㅋ completed their statement with the following points:
1. The health of ASTRO and AROHA is the top priority. As a result, take care of the schedule in Japan after the flu crisis in Japan has calmed down.
2. Ignoring fans’ opinions is not okay. They spend time and take health losses because they love a Fantagio Music artist. Strive to communicate with fans who request e-mail, fax, fan club cell phone, etc. when issues arise.
3. Fantagio Music should take appropriate disciplinary actions and personnel movements for those in charge of the fan club who have consistently caused inconvenience to fans due to frequent mistakes and insufficient work organization.
4. Fantagio Music should do its best to prevent fans from receiving unfair treatment from staff at the broadcasting stations and when participating in events related to artists at public broadcasting events.
5. Fantagio Music should always be grateful to fans who support ASTRO, respect them, and give them priority. Fans should not be ignored for cheering for artists, nor should they be taken advantage of by the Fantagio Music personnel.
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scripttorture · 5 years
(1) Long ask here! I think you'll need context before the anti-torture character can be made, here's where story will be at time of introduction.  Chromain is the Arch Mage in the Imptulan royal court, a high ranking official. When my character Sab Sab starts causing trouble, he sees it as his personal duty to put a stop to this "Muse of Anarachy".  He eventually corners Sab Sab and Myrn (Sab's friend, not actually part of her stuff). In the scuffle, he grabs Myrn rather than arrest Sab Sab.
(2) Chromain begins by leaving a message that he will release Myrn if Sab turns self in/reveals the rebel group she's with. He threatens to hurt him in her stead until she does. Carries out his threats. Chromain escalates as he more desperate to make Sab Sab reveal herself. Tries getting Myrn to reveal secrets, but a.) isn't the kind to divulge secrets b.) doesn't know anything . Sab stops responding to the messages. In spite, Chromain leaves Myrn in a stress position until he dies.(3) What might be some ouch methods? Its a fantasy world, with steampunk elements, mostly sword&sorcery, renaisance-esque. Myrn doesn't die permanently (key story point, old gods stuff), but intents and purposes,this kills him. Long recovery even with magic, lasting nerve damage in at least 1 arm and hand, chronic pain, bad limp will be there for the rest of his life upon return. I was wondering what u think could cause that.(4)how long someone be left in stress position before they for sure are dead? Cause he gets left until after he's showing no signs of life. Lastly, mental issues. Chromain (who both employs poorer people and gets his own hands dirty) I was thinking would have suicidal thoughts, and develop alchohalism as a means of coping that got out of hand.
OK,I’m taking this to mean that you want some suggestions for torturesthat will cause the kinds of long term injuries you’re looking forbefore the character actually dies. I’m also assuming the characterdoes actually die and doesn’t just look dead.
Ifyou want something to make the character look dead then a stressposition isn’t a good choice. That’s because due to the way itkills a person can be taken out of a stress position and die days orweeks later from the injuries they sustained.
I’mnot sure I can make a good suggestion for a torture that would make acharacter appear dead. Some of them might, but only for a period ofseconds or minutes. Most torturers would stick around that long andtry to revive the victim. And- since I’m not sure you wantsuggestions for things that could make a character appear dead I’mgoing to leave that there.
IfI’ve misunderstood the ask by all means send another so long as theask box is open.
Forthe record torture does not work as an interrogation technique evenon the rare occasions when victims doknow useful information. The situation you’ve outlined here, wherethe victim doesn’t know anything and is being tortured primarily toinstil fear in other people, isrealistic and reflects the circumstances and motivation behind a lotof torture.
Thesymptoms you’ve chosen for the torturer seem plausible to me. I’vedefinitely read interviews with torturers that seemed to suggest boththose symptoms. If those are the symptoms you feel fit the characterand story best then there’s nothing wrong with choosing them.
Theway I’m going to handle this is by suggesting tortures that mighthave caused the injuries you wanted if the character had been rescuedbefore being killed. I’m going to assume the magic is as good or alittle better then modern medicine.
Ithink the best way to treat the tortures isn’t as an ‘escalation’but as abuse continuing past the bodies point to recover from it. Thejudgement of which tortures are ‘worse’ is subjective. Some ofthem are more likely to cause particular lasting injuries. Some ofthem are more likely to be fatal. But our judgements of what’s‘worse’ often underestimate the amount of pain torture causes andthey usually also ignore the fact that we process pain differently.
Theworst possible pain means different things for different people.
Goingback to the injuries-
Thecauses of chronic pain can be complex and aren’t always obvious. Itcan be caused by direct physical injury that can’t be repaired. Butit can also be psychosomatic or a combination of the two.
Asan example of how that combination can work in reality I’m going tosummarise something I read in an account from an abuse survivor. He’dbeen subjected to standing stress positions fairly regularly. Laterin life he found that he’d often get shooting pains in his calveswhen he was under a lot of stress.
Eventuallyhe and his doctor found the cause: when he was stressed he’d changethe way he stood and tense his calves. This posture and theinstinctive tension of muscles put additional pressure on his calfmuscles and caused the pain.
Thesekinds of subconscious reactions can be almost impossible to stop.
Andthey mean that whatever the torture there’s a chance of chronicpain. Some tortures do seem to be more likely to cause it becausesome are more likely to result in physical injuries that lead tochronic pain. But there’s always a chance there.
Fornerve damage in the hands and arms I think your best bet is asuspension torture.
Forhopefully obvious reasons I’m going to focus on the ones thatattack the arms.
Themost straight forward suspension torture is when the victim’s handsare tied in front of them and they’re hoisted off their feet. Afterabout twenty minutes that starts causing permanent nerve damage.
NowI don’t know if there’s a way to limit that damage to one arm ifthe character is suspended from both arms. With this form ofsuspension the character could potentially be suspended from one arm.Although this would mean there’s a chance he’d be able to freehimself and that could mean he’d sustain injuries from falling.
Ifhe was suspended a significant distance (several meters off thefloor) you could use that to cause the injuries that result in thelimp. Being suspended and then dropping could result in broken bones.Complex or untreated breaks could result in a permanent limp.
Anothercommon suspension torture is tying the victim’s hands behind theirback and suspending them that way. In some cultures victims weresuspended like this, dropped and then suspended again.
Icall this ‘strappado’ which is the Italian name, but it was alsoused in Japan and a number of other countries historically.
Thistype of suspension dislocates the shoulder as well as causing nervedamage in the hands and arms. It can’t be done with one arm. Onceagain the drop can cause injuries if it’s a long enough drop.
Bothof these suspension tortures can cause chronic pain via long termphysical injury.
Thetechnique the British call ‘dorsal flexing’ could alsopotentially cause nerve damage but my understanding is it’s lesslikely then it is in suspension tortures. Dorsal flexing involvedpinning or restraining the victim and pulling their arm up behindthem.
It’sessentially putting someone in a painful armlock and keeping themthere. It can damage the joints and ligaments which can result inlong term chronic pain.
Ifyou wanted to have chronic pain in both arms but would prefer to onlyhave nerve damage in one arm dorsal flexing could be a good fit forthe story.
Thereare other tortures that could cause nerve damage to the arms andhands, butI’m struggling to think of tortures that are both deliberate andwouldn’t also come with a significant risk of losing the limb.(Restraint tortures can sometimes cause nerve damage but this isn’tguaranteed and it’s not a deliberate injury, it’s more likely tobe the result of something going ‘wrong’).
Thefirst thing that comes to mind for the limp is a badly treated brokenbone somewhere in the leg or foot and there are a lotof ways that could happen in a torture scenario. I describedaccidental injuries from drops during suspension and there areprobably a lot of other ways breaks could occur accidentally.
Torturers(more often historically) did sometimes inflict deliberate breaks.This was usually done with a heavy object like a hammer.
Anotheroption would be scarring falaka.
Falakais beating the soles of the feet with an object, and depending onwhat the object is it can be a clean torture, it can be scarring orit can be lethal. Something like a hard wooden cane would bescarring. That would likely cause cuts on the feet and could causebreaks or fractures in the bones of the feet.
Thatcould end up causing the limp. Falaka is also one of the torturesthat often causes chronic pain.
Amuch rarer torture that could result in difficulty walking would becutting the soles of the feet, filling the wounds with alcohol soakedcotton and lighting it. The cuts themselves can potentially be deepenough to cause the limp and burns to the sole of the foot can shrinkthe skin, resulting in difficulty balancing and walking.
Ifyou want the limp to be deliberately and intentionally inflicted thiswas often done by cutting tendons in the leg, either the achillestendon at the back of the heel or one of the tendons at the back ofthe knee.
Ifyou want the character to die because he was left in a stressposition, well the chances of death increase if a victim is in astress position longer then 48 hours. But the exact time of deathwould have quite a bit of individual variation. Considering that thischaracter has been tortured for quite some time before this attack,well his health would probably be pretty poor and he’d probably diemore quickly then someone who was fit and healthy at the beginning ofthis ordeal. Somewhere between 48 and 72 hours should be a realistictime frame.
You’vealready got quite a few options to pick from here. But you might notwant to use all of them. If you wanted to add in more the most commontortures globally are beatings, sleep deprivation and starvation.Poor prison conditions and neglect are also incredibly commonglobally and many cultures used a form of whipping historically.
Idon’t recommend using every torture I’ve suggested in your story.Pick something like 3-5 to use based on what you feel comfortablewriting and what fits the story.
Youcan also take a look at my posts on National Styles herefor modern torture and herefor torture during world war two. They might provide someinspiration or have something you could link to the culture yourfantasy culture is based on.
Ihope that helps. :)
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femnet · 6 years
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On June 27, 2018, United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced that he was going to retire from the Supreme Court. For those who do not know how the Supreme Court works, the justices are elected to a life long term provided they exhibit “good behavior.” Their terms end by retirement or death. Only one justice has ever been impeached by Congress.
The top pick to fill Justice Kennedy’s seat is Brett Kavanaugh, a member of the Republican party who once served in George W. Bush’s White House. His ruling history shows a bias towards government over individuals claiming rights violations. Consequently, women and Democrats across the country started talking about one of the most polarizing Supreme Court cases of all time: Roe v. Wade. Issued in 1973, the decision in Roe v. Wade made abortion legal in the entirety of the United States. There were still regulations that weren’t resolved or ruled upon until 1992 (Planned Parenthood v. Casey), but abortion was no longer illegal.
The renewed debate brings a new interest in Roe v. Wade, including a new group of people who either have never heard of the case, or don’t know the history behind it. We’re stuck listening to the same ignorant rhetoric for another news cycle.
So, let’s talk about abortion.
Abortion hadn’t always been illegal. For a period of time, it was advertised in magazines and on the radio. Up until the 19th century, abortion was a common occurrence in the newly created United States. Abortion was permissible until a woman felt a fetus move, or “quicken.”  In Leslie Reagan’s book When Abortion Was a Crime: Women, Medicine, and Law in the Unites States 1867-1973, she notes, “the popular ethic regarding abortion and common law were grounded in the female experience of their own bodies.” No one believed that life began at conception, not even the Catholic church.
In fact, it wasn’t the Church that lead the push to ban abortions. It was doctors, seeking to drive out traditional healers (“quacks”). Many home medical guides had recipes for “bringing on the menses” with herbs found in a common garden, or even the woods. Commercial preparations became so common by the mid eighteenth century, the phrase “taking the trade” became a popular euphemism. However, many of these drugs were unregulated and fatal.
The first statues regulating abortion were passed in the 1820’s and 1830’s. These laws were essentially poison-control laws. The sale of commercial abortifacients was banned, but abortions were not. This, like so many other anti-abortion laws to follow, did not deter women from getting abortions. The commercialization of abortion continued, and by the 1840’s, business was booming. Perhaps one of the most famous abortionists, Madame Restell, openly provided abortion services in offices in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. She had traveling salespeople who touted her “Female Monthly Pills.”
The American Medical Association lead the fight against abortions, attempting to push midwives and homeopaths out as regularly called upon physicians. Moreover, anti-abortion sentiment was also connected to nativism, anti-Catholicism, and anti-feminism. Citing the number of non-Catholic, non-white immigrants, physician and anti-abortion leader Horatio R. Storer is quoted as asking if the West would “be filled by our own children of by those of aliens?” The birth rate among white native-born Protestants had declined, as the typical abortion patient of the time was a middle or upper-class white married woman.
Licensed physicians, including prominent members of the AMA, kept providing abortions. Their issues lay with the homeopathic remedies, not with the practice itself. And despite their own organization calling for it’s end, it remained legal. It’s estimated that some two million abortions were performed in the late nineteenth century, making the per capita rate of abortions seven to eight times higher than today. This was in the era before hospitals, where doctors practiced out of their own offices and on their own terms. Many women sought out doctors who would listen to their needs and work with them. Thus, providing abortions (while sometimes motivated by compassion) was self-serving, as women would continue to see that physician for all other medical issues.
In 1880, laws were passed in every state banning abortions in all but “therapeutic reasons,” which left medical practitioners and the legal system to determine who did or did not have one. As you’d expect, wealthier women with access to doctors had abortions, and poor women bled. Rachel Benson Gold of the Guttmacher Institute says that the stark indication of illegal abortions was the death toll. “In 1930, abortion was listed as the official cause of death in almost 2,700 women – nearly one-fifth of maternal deaths recorded that year.” She notes that, “in New York City in the early 1960s, 1 in 4 childbirth related deaths among white women were due to abortion; in comparison, abortion accounted for 1 in 2 childbirth-related deaths among nonwhite and Puerto Rican women.”
Women of wealth started to leave the country for abortions as other countries legalized the practice. The California based Society for Humane Abortion helped women go as far as Japan to have abortions. In Chicago, a society called “Jane” was founded in the late 1960s, which had a hotline where women could ask for “Jane” to be referred to an illegal abortion. Eventually, members learned how to and performed abortions themselves. These women performed an estimated 11, 000 abortions by 1973.
And then we come to Roe v. Wade.
The facts of the case are this: Roe, a Texas resident, sought to terminate her pregnancy by abortion. Texas law prohibited abortions except to save the pregnant woman’s life. After granting certiorari (an order by which a higher court reviews a decision of a lower court) the Supreme Court heard arguments twice. The main question the Court had to decide on was, “does the Constitution embrace a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion?”
By a 7-2 vote in favor, from an all-male Court, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that a woman’s right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy (recognized in Griswold v. Connecticut) protected by the Fourteenth Amendment (ratified in 1868, defines national citizenship and forbids the states to restrict the basic rights of citizens or other persons). The decision gave women total autonomy over the pregnancy during the first trimester and defined different levels of state interest for the second and third trimesters. As a result of the ruling, abortion laws were affected in 46 states.
So where does that leave us today?
Well, if you’ve been listening to the talks surrounding abortion lately, you’ve heard of something called a “trigger law.” A “trigger law” is a nickname for a law that is unenforceable but may become enforceable if a key change in circumstances occurs. Essentially, if Roe v. Wade is overturned by a “Pro-Life” leaning court, these laws banning abortion become the law. At least 4 states have trigger laws in place, while many others (of those 46 where abortion laws had to change) have existing laws that could be voted back into effect.
Anti-abortion sentiment isn’t just institutional, as you’d expect. While there’s plenty of government officials (and back during the first anti-abortion push, doctors) who are staunchly “Pro-Life”, there’s a very vocal and incensed contingent of voters who are anti-abortion. (While they call themselves “Pro-Life”, for the duration of this piece, they’ll be referred to as simply “anti-abortionists”, as there’s simply no evidence to the matter that they care about any lives aside from fetuses.) This group of people has often turned violent and there’s an entire history of domestic terrorism against abortion doctors.
The most notable anti-abortion group is an elusive one called the “Army of God”. They are an underground domestic terrorism group that’s incredibly hard for the FBI and other government agencies to track. In fact, in their manual, it says that the purpose is that the “soldiers” do not communicate with one another. It’s believed the group was created in the early 80’s (after Roe v. Wade), after a “privately printed, closely guarded” how-to manual began circulating within anti-abortion circles. The AOG advocates violence towards abortion providers and clinics. AOG followers have kidnapped, assaulted, and murdered doctors, sent letters containing fake anthrax to clinics, bombed clinics, and sent death threats to not only clinics, but Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun (one of the Justices who voted in favor of abortion rights.)
One of the most recent incidents of anti-abortion violence occurred at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, Colorado in November of 2015. A man, who had previously acted against other clinics and referred to himself as a “warrior for the babies” left three people dead and several others injured. More recently than this, there have been numerous prosecuted vandalizations on women’s clinics and Planned Parenthoods across the country. In some parts of the country, people line up outside these clinics daily to harass and threaten violence against the people working in or going inside.
If you’ve never gone to a Planned Parenthood, I’ll give you some insight. There are no signs indicating that the clinic exists in the building. The only sign is on main floor entrance, and on the clinic door. The clinic doors are all glass and because I asked, the glass is bulletproof. The receptionists sit back from the entrance behind thick glass they can close, also bulletproof. You have to be buzzed into any of the clinic areas. They asked me if it was okay for them to call me and say they were calling from Planned Parenthood, and if it was okay if I received mail from them. In some areas, people can volunteer to walk women into Planned Parenthoods. Some clinics have no windows at all. Others have constant security on site, as there’s constant protests and the possibility of violence.
All because some Planned Parenthoods provide abortions and the organization receives federal money.
Legally speaking, no federal money can go towards providing abortions. This was set up in the Hyde Amendment. Most federal money given to PP goes towards preventative care, sexual education, pregnancy prevention and birth control, sexually transmitted infection screening and treatment, and breast exams. Because those are services that the organization provides. But most anti-abortionists don’t want to listen when you explain the other services women’s and sexual health clinics provide. However, every time there’s a new abortion debate in this country, clinics like Planned Parenthood are threatened because abortions are 3% of what they provide.
Ultimately, the anti-abortion debate has shifted to being anti-women. What started as a push by physicians over healthcare concerns has turned into a debate that’s thinly veiled misogyny. They’ll claim their reasons are religious, and the ever present “Pro-Life” line has become tired. Many of the same people who claim to be Pro-Life are also the people who turned a blind eye to children being locked in cages at our borders, torn away from their parents. Even on a domestic scale, these “Pro-Life” politicians want to take away social programs that help single/poverty-stricken mothers take care of their children. They’re only “Pro-Life” until birth, then you’re forgotten.
Hope springs eternal though, and even as anti-abortion voices become louder and find their way into positions of vast power, the pro-choice voices are growing louder still. A personal favorite story is of Wendy Davis, a Texas senator, who in 2013 brought her pink running shoes to a state house session to filibuster for 13 hours to prevent a vote on a bill that would severely restrict access to abortion in Texas. People across the country are donating to abortion funds and calling their senators daily. Prominent leaders in the Democratic party are speaking out against the nomination of Kavanaugh, and the importance of Roe v. Wade.
In the end, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, abortions will continue across the country. Women will find a way, as they have for decades, to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Banning abortion doesn’t stop the practice, it just makes it more dangerous. People are already driving hundreds of miles to have abortions, saving up for weeks until they can afford them. By making safe abortions illegal, we’ll see numbers like we saw before, of abortion related deaths. Poor and working-class women will, once again, bleed.
So, what can you do?
Call your senators. If you don’t want to call, use RESIST BOT.
Donate to Planned Parenthood and other abortion/women’s health clinics in your area.
And most important, vote in the 2018 midterms. The midterms are going to be one of the most important elections of our lifetime.
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