#the loophole
fellshish · 7 months
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Or the fic where aziraphale accidentally erases god herself from the book of life
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shazleen · 4 months
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My favourite book covers that I've worked on :)
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izzy2210 · 5 months
I'm reading @fellshish's The Loophole and..
this is starting with a taylor swift reference.
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writebackatya · 10 months
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Whoever did this, did the Lord’s work
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magicalyaku · 2 years
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Finally the month of summer I've been waiting to have: Just sit back and read. That's all I've done. Or all I remember. I'm pretty sure I was kinda exhausted inbetween but I'm opting to ignore that.
Because I read so many gay boys the month prior, I started off with a YA fantasy adventure, The Song that moves the Sun by Anna Bright and it reminded me why I started reading gay boys in the first place. I have no patience for these girls! 8D Throughout the book I kept wondering "Is it just me or is it the book?" I'm not even sure why. One girl was smart after all, the other one overcame her trauma. Nice! But why do the two girls have to fall for the boys who happen to be two as well? I can see one pair, but why both? Also the pacing was terrible, especially towards the end. The chapters switched viewpoints each and were so short later on I had hardly time to adjust to the scene. How are you supposed to get emotionally invested when you don't even get a minute with these guys before being thrown somewhere else? I hate that in movies too. D: Also this:
He smells like the beach somehow, like sweat and boy.
(Emphasis as in original.) What. Who thought this would be a good thing to write? I'm aware that not every sweat smells bad and I assume not every boy does either. But sorry, that line just does not sound good! What is boy-smell anyway? Is there girl-smell too? (The one distinct smell that comes to mind is not a good one ...) They also cuddle a few chapters later after explicitely telling me that they washed their clothes but not themselves. Why would you tell me?! I don't want to knowww!! I don't think the book is a bad one. I just got frustrated. 8D
The next bunch was more fun: Icebreaker (R.L. Graziadei): Not quite what I expected but in a good way! 40 pages to the end I wondered whether they would really wrap it up or need another volume. Thinking about it now I would not mind a 2nd book. uAu Thanks a lot, Universe (Chad Lucas): The wildest Middle grade book I read so far! You know that when the first episode of an anime series is all nice and dandy and then there's that insane after-credits-scene? The beginning of this felt a little bit like that. And it just continued! And it was so nice. The Loophole (Kaz Kutub): I liked it. Felt a bit different from usual. Reggie was a handful and is was glorious. But f*** that "I thought about it for months but I'm upset with you because you cannot decide within three seconds"-Farouk. uAu Boyfriend Material (Alexis Hall): Good characters and that humour that actually reminded me of Earnest by Oscar Wilde (must be because both involve British nobility). 8D Looking forward to volume 2! (I read the German edition, so vol2 will be in January!) Der Heilige Fisch (Dia Lane): A detective novel by a German selfpublishing author with illustrations by Livanya. I bought the book at her artist alley table at Dokomi this year. :D I usually don't read mystery and I could never write any, so my respect to the author. A solid read, I'd say. uAu Small Town Pride (Phil Stamper): More Middle grade! Nice and sweet. I believe this would be a good read for parents as well, because the adults in this have just as much growing up to do as the kids and it'd probably provide a good insight into the perspective of a queer kid. A Little Bit Country (Brian D. Kennedy): I know nothing about country music and I would never have listenend to it by my own free will before but the nice thing about good books is how they can give you a reason to like something you never knew before, right? Not that I actually went and listened to single song but I did open my mind and will be benevolent when I ever come across one. uAub The book was solid and I liked how it all came together (and yes, I bought it for the cover). The Past and Other Things that Should Stay Buried (Shaun David Hutchinson): The Past was my SDH book of the month and it was that book about friendship I've been screaming to read these past months. That's why I feel a little bad I didn't like it as much as some of his other works. 8D But I did like July. Much like Jenny from A Complicated Love Story. They are probably not girls I would like to engage in real life but reading about them is so much better than these boring whiny emotional soft girls. /D I probably said it before, but I just like how Mr. Hutchinson wraps his serious thoughts in these weird ideas and just goes with them. Last was another one by SDH, The State of Us, which I borrowed from the library. I was hesistant about this because the “Red White & Royal Blue” comparison and such, but as you can figure I like the author's other books so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I don't care about US politics so that might've made it easier for me to enjoy. It was far from groundbreaking, but I had fun. I also liked that Dean was on the ace spectrum. uAub
And ... I guess tumblr does do brainwashing after all. I just borrowed The Foxhole Court from the library. We'll be going to Seoul in a few days and it will be a very long flight, sooo ... uAu~ (I also have “A Far Wilder Magic” und “A Taste of Gold and Iron”.)
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
New Releases: June 21, 2022
New Releases: June 21, 2022
The Loophole by Naz Kutub Syyed is pining for his ex, who left home to—save the world? He doesn’t know much more, except to wish he’d gone along when Farouk asked. But Sy is shy and timid, from a controlling Indian Muslim family, and wants most to make a life and home with people he loves. Then he meets Reggie, an heiress—is she magical or just rich?—who, in exchange for his kindness, offers to…
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standupcomedyhistorian · 10 months
Hi, everyone!
I had an awesome birthday trip (thanks for inviting me, @nicoleanell!), and I'm now catching up with comedy news.
Also, thanks for everyone's birthday wishes! I'm so thrilled to share my thoughts and hyperfixations with this community. 🥰
First, there is a HUGE new announcement for British Bo Burnham and Kate Berlant fans—Kate is returning to the Soho Theatre next month! 🤯
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If you are able to attend this extraordinary show, I urge you to get tickets immediately (they sell out FAST...ask me how I know). It's one of the best plays I have ever seen, and I am currently working on a post about the history of the show while also interviewing fans who had attended the NYC performances.
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If you'd like to be interviewed about Kate, please reach out on here or email me at [email protected]!
In other comedy news, my girls Garfunkel and Oates made a splash at a Republican senator's campaign announcement call when some clever person blasted "The Loophole."
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Here's Riki's Instagram post about it. So hysterical 😭
Keep it here for more comedy fun! ✌🏼
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goldenphoenix4 · 3 months
*me, trying to remember where i recognized the victim from*
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oh- Oh. OH MY GOD
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zo1nkss · 6 months
🎵 cause everyone knows its the sex that
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fellshish · 5 months
If Agnes predicted that Newt and Anatema would fuck then she must have also predicted that certain angel and demon will do the same
What if i told you i wrote a fic in which she does exactly that 👀👀👀
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shepscapades · 9 days
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[dbhc flavored] Hermit a Day May: Day 14 — Doc!
Featuring both a current-day s10 doc and a verrry early s8 post-deviant doc! :]
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The Loophole by Naz Kutub
Honestly, I’m at the point where the only thing I need to hear about a book to be interested is that it’s queer. Bonus points if it’s diverse in other ways, from disability rep to a BIPOC author. So I was already sold on this book before I even found out it was about mythology, another one of my favorite things. Of course, I still tempered hopes, since I’ve been burned by hyping a book up too…
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bookbaran · 2 years
Let's just take the line "He sneers at me, but I leap back." I don't know why this one line has stuck with me, but I just can't figure it out.
It would be fine if the line was "He sneers at me and I leap back." He sees a sneer and, having experienced physical abuse, puts more distance between himself and the possible aggressor.
But using "but" instead of "and" changes the meaning. It implies something might have happened with the sneer, but he leapt out of the way to avoid it. And I'm just left confused as to what. These two characters are having a verbal fight (which we're already starting with one character having a much bigger reaction than necessary given what we've been shown in the narrative so far) and are separated by a window. It's not like the sneer is a physical attack that the other character has to leap back to avoid.
And, yeah, it's just one line with one small word, but it's emblematic of the unclear and confusing narrative that just makes it harder to get into the story.
You'd think a competent editor would have caught this.
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chiliger · 11 months
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This close to avoiding a social event.
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average-hua-cheng-fan · 3 months
imo you can never have canonical t4t fengqing because if one of them transitioned, the other one wouldn't so they didn't copy the other guy. their transitions are mutually exclusive. gender dysphoria is no match for their stupid rivalry
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