#the loch raven review
soracities · 8 months
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Zsófia Balla, "Embrace" tr. Paul Sohar in The Loch Raven Review [ID'd]
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megacrashcourse · 1 year
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Press Roundup for Periodic Boyfriends
Analog Science Fiction & Fact: "The land of the dead, like the realm of the microscopic, may be invisible to the naked eye, but it’s still there." (interview)
Chelsea Community News: "The poems run the gamut from sneakily humorous to outright hilarity to loss and longing, and sometimes encompass all of the above in a single entry."
CultureSonar: "...a masterpiece of love, lust, loss, and acceptance."
Full House Literary: "This collection of poetry should be on your must read list."
GCN: "...strangely beautiful in its resolve."
Highland Park Poetry: "Pisarra is skilled at emulating the classic moves of the Shakespearean sonnet, deploying enjambment to dazzle his audience..."
John V’s Eclectic Avenue: "...eloquent and masterfully constructed sonnets."
Loch Raven Review: "Much like punk culture, the most provocative, daring, and honest art often comes from the LGBT+ community. Periodic Boyfriends is no exception to this rule."
The London Grip: "Rabelaisian, witty, wistful and intelligent, Drew Pisarra’s poems are a delight to read."
Misfit Magazine: "Pisarra has written a one-of a kind collection of gay 'love poems' that even a straight person can love."
Modern Literature: "...there is no time better than now for reading this voluptuous collection of sensual poetry."
Modern Literature (part 2): "Why do you always write about sex?" (interview)
Ocean State Review:  "If you want to celebrate pride by reading something by a queer author that will make you laugh, gasp, and give you what the kids call 'the feels', and make you go, 'Huh? Huh!', then I highly recommend it."
Other Terrain: "The humanness of this collection is striking, that cannot be understated."
Out in Print: "These poems exist beyond their origins, all 118 of them." Ovunque Siamo: "Pisarra shows not only a keen understanding of chemistry theory and poetic craft, but of psychology and human relationships. These poems are, by turns, incisive, beautiful, salacious, wistful, and flat-out entertaining." (not online)
Penumbra Journal of Literature and Art: "The work is sexual and heady, but brings much more than that to the table the deeper one reads."
Sacred Chickens: "​It’s a rare writer who can combine laughter and tragedy, light and darkness, not only in the same poem, but in the same sentence. Drew Pisarra is that writer."
Vagabond City: "Pisarra’s poetry playfully explores a wide swath of experiences and feelings, making the collection’s specific vision all the more impressive and admirable."
The Washington Blade: "...like hanging out on a summer’s night with the acclaimed queer poet Frank O’Hara and Dorothy Parker."
Your Impossible Voice: "Everything changed for me once I’d experienced Jean Genet’s Our Lady of the Flowers." (interview)
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mftulin · 9 months
Poem: Dad's Coma by Mark Tulin
Poem: Dad's Coma by Mark Tulin
Many thanks to The Loch Raven Review for first publishing this poem. Please visit their fine site. Featured image by Milton Tulin, edited by Mark Tulin. Dad’s Coma by Mark Tulin My father is on his last breath, a crowd of friends and family huddle around, watching him go down death’s spiral, unable to wake up from a permanent dream His lungs move in and out like a wheezy accordion, his lips…
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finishinglinepress · 1 year
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FLP CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: Displaced Dolls and Oviducts by Marigo J. Stathis
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/displaced-dolls-and-oviducts-by-marigo-j-stathis/
Displaced Dolls and Oviducts is a heartrending collection of #verse that speaks to the modern’s #woman’s authentic experience, covering ground from the whimsical and mythically virtuous to the solemn and appallingly foul. Deftly woven together are fabrics of topical issues related to vanity, mental health, friendship, family, self-discovery, grief, trauma, survival, and acceptance. Whether from the perspective of a tattoo artist, assault victim, or stranger in a ladies’ room, poems as lyrics of raw truth serve as springboards for connection, celebration, and healing.
Cognitive neuroscientist by day, creative disrupter by night, Marigo Stathis weaponizes the written word to excavate the bones that #women, #families, and societies often bury. She thoroughly enjoys writing about the absurdity and irony of #life. Her work has appeared in 34th Parallel, Abbey, The Baltimore City Paper, The Baltimore Sun, Bear Creek Haiku, Facedown, FanStory, The Keeping Room c/o Minerva Rising Press, Lite Journal of Satire and Creativity, The Loch Raven Review, The Sometimes and several anthologies. Her first #poetry #chapbook, Displaced Dolls and Oviducts, will soon be published by The Finishing Line Press.
PRAISE FOR Displaced Dolls and Oviducts by Marigo J. Stathis
Marigo Stathis’ voice, from bleak and beautiful Baltimore, wakes up our “slapped dreams” stranded on the Ladies’ Room door. There is manna here in her poems for all writers, whether their instruments are pen and paper, copper wires, or gut strings. These compositions in Displaced Dolls and Oviducts conjure their own unique primal rhythm – musicians, take serious note.
–Tori Amos, Singer-songwriter, Composer, Recording Artist
Displaced Dolls and Oviducts takes us on a curated tour through the female soul- branded, cracked, intricately folded, defiantly laughing, and secretly linked up to all the other female souls. The impressions remind me of those bygone instamatic snapshots we shove aside in boxes for years, then stare at for hours with wonder. Evocative work from a wise and compassionate writer.
–Ilya Chaiken, American Film Director, Producer, and Screenwriter, Liberty Kid, The Unlovables, and Margarita Happy Hour
Marigo Stathis’ poems bring us a world informed by her formidable intelligence, rich imagination, and deep heart. To read her work is to feel renewed.
–Nikia Leopold, Art Historian, Author, Poet, Healing with Shadows
Displaced Dolls and Oviducts invites us into the poignant, often difficult world of girls and women who struggle on the “female warrior’s path to self-worth and discovery.” With lyric intelligence, compassion, and humor, these poems bear witness to the complexities of female experience and celebrate feminine quests and rites. To read this collection is to enter into poetic rhythms that pulse like “things of beauty, / with contused cores— / injured fragments, / human origami.” Yet ultimately these poems give hope: “Remember the wings,” the poet admonishes us.
–Marguerite A. Tassi, Professor of Renaissance Literature and Shakespeare,University of Nebraska
Marigo Stathis’ writing is richly thematic, raining clemency on the reader with tight-toned music of compassion and solicitude. There is something more about the splendid collection, splendidly arranged, than can be known: art compresses nature, poetry suffers with the sufferer, or allows the sufferer to suffer with it; perhaps it does so as nothing else can if it doesn’t – and thereby liberates, if just a little.
–Eric Stull, Adjunct Professor of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies, Bowie State University
Please share/please repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry #chapbook #read #poems #women
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My BLUSH BLUSH wish list.
For those who likes the game, fan of the game or anything in between, I wanted to share my thoughts and what I wanted from the game in future updates.
Of course this is just MY thoughts, MY imaginations and just MY wish list so if you disagree, that’s OK! You can just leave what you wanted instead in the comments or in my ask box. I am open to what you have to say. So let’s go right into it:
1. Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Yes, I know I’ve posted this here after I made a screen shots of my conversations in the Steam community, but after the debut and full release of the game, we got up to date 2 DLC characters, voice audios, and a Halloween costume bundles. So if they came up with a special Christmas costume bundle, it would make me up for 2020!
In their older sister game predecessor, Crush Crush, all of their dateable girls have the Santa suit options after you max out their lover levels. (10 diamonds each.) Even though they’ve alternated each of their red Santa style suits, they’re pretty much the same.
Don’t get me wrong! They’re beautiful, but almost the same!
So that’s why if we get UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATERS instead, it would be more festive and think of how some would match their characteristics like for example: Imagine Nihm with a cute pastel colored sweater or Ichiban with a horror reference video parody. (Or imagine a certain guy with a Grinch vibe with a ‘Merry go f#k yourself’ ugly sweater.) 
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2. A new Diamond Boy bundle!
If you have an account with Crush Crush and you played long enough, you already know that there’s the Darya DLC bundle that gives you diamonds on the first run. (The bundle was 15 US dollars.)
So for this, I hope that the Sad Panda team studio would do the same in this game.
I have a few good ideas about what animal forms it could be before you un-curse them:
-A Pokémon knock off of Cloyster and probably friends with that Narcissistic mermaid on the phone fling. They have pearls that looks fabs!
-A dolphin if an Oyster isn’t ‘Shelling’ enough for you nor the others. Think about a treasure hunting dolphin like Ariel who’s collecting human treasures.
-A raccoon thief inspired by the Sly Cooper video games series. This was on PS2 series and had a remake later but this would be an interesting Easter egg reference. (Maybe add some Arsene Lupin reference to ‘compliment’ the detective phone boy fling.) *Wink wink!*
-I found this interesting when I search this topic but an Owl, specifically white barn owls, with ties of Hindu myth symbol of Wealth and Fortune. I’ll leave the link here if you’re interested, but this is like if Sascha was looking for him before scamming...
-A peacock! Think how back in time when you in one of the banquet Henry the 8th hosted and this was served. This was a symbol of pride and luxury so only rich people can have these.
If you have any alternatives references, please let me know in the comments or ask box if you have an ideal diamond bundle manimal and what’s their story. I would love to know and share!
3. Ideal Animal!!!
We all know how a basic Blush Blush dating game is by now: You found their animal forms, you un-cursed them by dates and they’re back to humans again. (For a good humping DLC d!k pic.) We all see that it can be either a real or a fantasy animal like a rabbit to a dragon. So here’s MY idea of the next animal:
-Marine Manimal options!
I’ve said this previously, but all of the guys so far are land animals. I would understand if it’s a bit hard to do, especially with dating scenes, but if it works, I’ll sing Part Of Your World whenever I want!
My personal options are a Dolphin, Shark, Orcas AKA sea pandas, Octopus, Lobster, Crab and Oyster.
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-Bird Manimal!
The only bird species we have there at the time is Kelby as a Rooster.
So for the feathered fans of the bird community, MY personal options would be an Owl, Peacock, Hawk, Eagle, Seagal, Ostridge, a Kiwi (bird) (Yes, they’re called like that in New Zealand.) Duck, Parrot, Toucan, Pidgeon or Dove, Crane or any domestic pet birds.
I would like an honorable mention of a crow or raven but since the first phone fling boy winner is the college student goth Poe, there’s a high chances that’s gonna be our second bird at high predictions. But I could be wrong so we’ll see how this would turn out.
-Insect Manimal!
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I know that there will be some that would disagree that ‘ThAT’s Not An ANImal CataGory!’ which I could agree. HOWEVER! Since the game creators broke that rule with fantasy creatures like a Pegasus and a Dragon, I thought maybe we can bend that rule a bit.
MY personal insect options would be a Scorpion, a Spider, a Bee, Butterfly, a ‘manly’ Ladybug inspired by Pixar’s A Bug’s life, Praying Mantis, Cricket inspired by Jiminy Cricket  and a Beetle. 
Imagine the last one inspired by either the rock band ‘The Beatles’ or ‘Beetlejuice.’
-Land Manimals!
So going back to land animals, here’s MY personal options that hasn’t been done yet.
A Raccoon, Squirrel, Elephant, Barn Pig, Zebra, Bat, Mice, Fox, Monkey, Turtle (Which COULD have been in the marine instead, but they’re are some in land forms too!) Koala, Kangaroo, Bear, Frog, Donkey, Buck (Adult Bambi) and Lizard.
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I would add an honorable mentions or a domesticated Dog or a Cat breed, but we already have a Wolf and 2 Big Cat Boys on the team with DLC. (A Lion would be a nice option, but only if it’s the magical 3 times the charm!)
-Fantasy Manimal.
I’m not entirely sure cause Pegasus and Dragons are already taken, but would think that maybe just a Horned Unicorn, a Loch Nest creature inspired ‘Animal’ or maybe the Eastern version of the Dragon.
Imagine the last one being true and Scales got a rival!
If you have other suggestions, please share if you want.
4. Ideal Manimal characteristics that hasn’t been done yet.
We have some that has characteristic that defines themselves. Nihm’s a shy, cute guy. Eli’s a Bi pride boy. Dmitri is a Smooth talker adult. Anon’s technology attributes.
So for this category, here’s MY personal ones that hasn’t been done yet.
-A Boxing or Kung Fu fighter type.
-Italian Mafia/Gangster or a Yakuza
-Chef or a Baker
-Demon (Unless we get Seth or a different guy.)
-Business men or CEO.
-Soldier or Army Officers. 
-Car/Motor/Boat Racer.
-Thief. (Arene Lupin, Sly the thief raccoon or Joker from P5 references.)
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If there’s something else that hasn’t been done or that I haven’t posted it, please share with me what you think.
5. Outfit ideas!
I know this would be like a continuation from point numero uno, but here’s a couple of more.
-Swimming trunks.
-Winter apparels. 
-Onesies Animal wear. (Cuz if we don’t get the Animal Options asides resets...)
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-Summer apparels.
-Masquerade attire or wedding tuxedo.
If there’s more you wanted, again, please share.
The reason being is when I saw the reviews on the selected winner from Phone vote fling in Blush Blush.
On one hand, there were people who were happy while the rest... aren’t.
I know we all have different taste of either ‘I like cute boys’ or ‘I want a REAL man!’ but that got me thinking... and maybe if we can see guys in different skin tones or different cultures, that could be a nice inclusivity.
Imagine a Native from Southern America with a poncho or a real buff African who’s passionate with animals.
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But what would you think? Let me know if this is a good idea or needs to rethink.
7. New dating places.
Like their counter part, they only have 4 date spots. So here’s a few more that would help change the scenery:
-The Beach.
-Theatre (But only showing the front, not the silhouettes.)
-Revisiting the same zoo and meet their counter parts.
-Ice cream shop or cart near the park.
-Their bedrooms. (plausible having the uncensored DLC alternate versions too...)
If you have a separate dating options, share that with me too!
8. Daily spin the wheel prizes.
Hear me out on this one! You probably seen these on numerous Gaming apps in any form, but if you think about it, this could be a nice change of pace!
In each chances, you can either get a boosters from Jobs or hobbies, Diamonds, exclusive outfits, or time skips.
What’s more, you’d get 1 free spin by daily and maybe get an extra 4 more for like 5 diamonds each. (like phone votes.)
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9. Decorate your virtual room.
This is only an optional and unrelated to the game. (much..)
If you’d get the option to decorate your in-game room like plushies, posters, BF jackets that was ‘lend’ to you, you’d wanted IT in RL too!!! Also, it would also boost your intimacy's with your manimal such as love hearts intakes or ‘spend less on items with this!’
And this is all I have suggested for now.
If you have other suggestions on what you wanted in that game or update it, please let me know and we can share it here!
Thank you for taking your time to read this and have a wonderful day!
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yespoetry · 5 years
Emeniano Acain Somoza, Jr: Levitation Artist
Levitation Artist
On the heat map of a moonless night
The strong and strange lies still wishing
It was the flu, or fugue for to cover
Shame that the redundant is not there
Again; to shield him from the nightly terror
As visitations by heavy-limbed dreams
Taking residence under the bed 
With other misty-eyed monsters,
Ghosts fat with inactivity, self-loathing 
At any rate because they all feed on air
One of these nights, he will rise
Above it; resolves to take matters 
Picks up cat; hisses as it scurries away
Emeniano Acain Somoza, Jr., considers himself the official spiritual adviser of his roommates, Gordot and Dwight - the first a goldfish, the other a Turkish Van cat. Some forthcoming online and print, his works have been Editor's Choice in The Poetry Magazine, and featured in the Moria Poetry Journal, Fogged Clarity, Everyday Poem, The Siren, Oddball Magazine, The Literary Yard, Loch Raven Review, The Buddhist Poetry Review, Shot Glass Journal, The Philippines Free Press, Troubadour 21, Full of Crow, Indigo Rising, Asia Writes, Triggerfish Critical Review, Gloom Cupboard, TAYO Literary Magazine, Haggard & Halloo, and elsewhere. His first book, A Fistful of Moonbeams, was published by Kilmog Press in April 2010. This year, 'Songs of My Mother,' a collection of five of his poems called a Jog was published by W.I.S.H. Publishing. He is Editor At Large of The Syzygy Poetry Journal.
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ravingirls · 6 years
Ravin’ Girls Special Ep: The Scorpio Races
Episode Summary:
We usually promise no Grey Man violence, but today is the first day of November, and so today someone will die. That’s right, this special episode has carnivorous horses, red ribbons, and... baking? It’s The Ravin’ Girls cover The Scorpio Races! Hear our headcanon for Sean. Find out why Shannon is fired. Learn about Katamari Kelpies. Also, Shannon revels in being a Scorpio, we talk (a lot) about Water Horse myths, and The Ravin’ Girls make (and eat) their first November Cakes.
Subscribe at: https://ravingirls.podiant.co or wherever you get your podcasts, and please comment, rate, or review!
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Next Episodes:
Please stay tuned to social media & subscribed to our feed for announcements of upcoming episode releases! Past Episode Guide: https://ravingirls.tumblr.com/episodes
Follow Us: Twitter: https://twitter.com/ravingirls Tumblr: https://ravingirls.tumblr.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/ravingirls WordPress: https://ravingirls.wordpress.com
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Links to Articles, Websites, and Other Discussions:
Scorpio Races alternate chapter from Finn’s POV: https://www.wattpad.com/353259148-the-scorpio-races-alternate-chapter-twenty-nine
Description of The Scorpio Races: https://www.maggiestiefvater.com/the-scorpio-races/
Pronunciation: https://twitter.com/mstiefvater/status/636881682373718017
Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream (full play): http://shakespeare.mit.edu/midsummer/full.html
The myth of Thysbe: https://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/Mortals/Thisbe/thisbe.html
Puck’s brothers were stolen from Maggie’s: https://www.theguardian.com/childrens-books-site/2014/jul/07/maggie-stiefvater-interview-shiver-trilogy-sinner
Nostalgia: http://maggie-stiefvater.tumblr.com/post/140387335906/hi-maggie-im-a-bookstore-manager-in-qu%C3%A9bec-the
Protection from Fae: http://www.medbherenn.com/faerie-lore.html
Gabe/Tommy Falk/Peg Gratton: http://maggie-stiefvater.tumblr.com/post/121537966321/i-always-considered-gabes-relationship-with-tommy
Eric Edwards, “The Waterhorse and the Kelpie”: https://ericwedwards.wordpress.com/2014/04/11/the-waterhorse-and-the-kelpie/
Puca: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%C3%BAca
Irish folklore of the Pooka: https://www.irishcentral.com/tales-of-the-pooka
Scottish folklore: https://www.scotland.org/features/scottish-myths-folklore-and-legends
The Kelpie: https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/The-Kelpie/
Robert Burns’ poem, Address to the Deil (1785): http://www.robertburns.org/works/83.shtml
Kelpie drowns its victims: http://karlshuker.blogspot.com/2015/04/keeping-clear-of-kelpies-and-other.html
Is Nessie a kelpie?: http://www.strangehistory.net/2013/12/22/was-nessie-a-kelpie/
St. Columba repels the Loch Ness Monster: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loch_Ness_Monster
Misinterpreting The Scorpio Races as Greek: https://bibliophilemad.wordpress.com/2016/02/29/its-all-greek-to-me-misreading-the-scorpio-races/
The Black Stallion: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/272895.The_Black_Stallion
Each Uisge: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Each-uisge
The Leprechuan’s Kingdom: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/134073.The_Irish_Leprechaun_s_Kingdom
The Mermaids Singing: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23700.The_Mermaids_Singing
Mendacity: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/26192/mendacity
Maggie is doing a Scorpio Races readalong starting November 1st, 2018: https://twitter.com/mstiefvater/status/1054786018254163970
Please keep an eye on our social media for announcements of when will will officially kick off Season2: The Dream Thieves! Thank you all so much for your patience.
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Acknowledgements: The Scorpio Races and all affiliated properties are copyright Maggie Stiefvater and Scholastic, Inc. The Ravin’ Girls reference these properties for the purpose of literary analysis.
Intro and Outro music by Damiano Baldoni, used under CC Attribution License: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Damiano_Baldoni/Lost_Dinasty/
The original tracks have been edited for the podcast.
Ravin’ Girls logo and banner art © 2018 Mio Mäkijärvi, All Rights Reserved. Please visit  http://kojotei.tumblr.com/ for more information.
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cathygeha · 5 years
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The Viking’s Cursed Bride by Maribeth MacMillan
The Brothers of Thunder #1
A bit of Cinderella with the ugly stepsisters and horrible stepmother but so much more that that fairytale with a marriage of convenience, a bit of clairvoyance, a few unhealthy doses of treachery, battles to be fought, secrets guarded then shared, a bit of romance and a series that I can’t wait to read the next book of.
Aiofe is a woman that was mistreated, maligned and miserable only hoping for a place to belong. Being given in marriage to Tormod was a surprise but she was hopeful that if she did as a good wife was expected she might find that place to belong...even if it was with barbarians.
Tormod was a younger son from the north who wanted to carve out a place of his own and who brought with him men and women to create a settlement. His dreams of sons and daughter, family and friends and a group of his own were to be made real by taking land that was once belonged to Aiofe’s father. Knowing that he could not trust the woman he would marry or the family she came from he still was hoping that she would be okay...or perhaps better than okay. He would not let his guard down, though.
What I liked:
* Aiofe – strong, resilient, unwilling to give up and a charming person in more ways than one. I would love to have her as a friend
* Tormod – wise, strong, caring while putting his people first he provided a soft place for Aiofe to land – eventually
* The way the two main characters grew to care for one another – really was rooting for them
* Tormod’s cousins (three of them) – would love to know more about them and hope to hear about them in the coming books of the series
* The way the visions played a part in the story...along with the ravens and the one-eyed man
* The trust that developed between Aiofe and Tormod
* It seemed real and in keeping with the times
What I did not like:
* Ula – the stepmother
* The way Aiofe was treated before she married Tormod
* Pretty much what I was meant not to like
* Not finding out what the punishment was meted out by the king
* not knowing what happened to Rhiannon (and perhaps the wicked stepsisters)
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
Thank you to the author for asking me to read and review this book – this is my honest review.
4.5 Stars
Half Briton, half Pict, Aoife has been an outsider all her life. Rejected by her family, despite saving them from the Norse raid on Alt Clut, she is forced to marry one of the invaders to ensure her family’s safety and rid them of a cursed daughter, while putting her own life at risk. Jarl Tormod intends to settle on the Clyde and to marry a Briton. One as high-born as Aoife ought to ensure the safety and prosperity of the Norse settlement. When their relationship grows beyond convenience, loving one another may prove to be disastrous. All Aoife wants is a place to belong, but when her family’s deception is revealed, a near-fatal betrayal in Tormod’s past threatens to destroy all hope for a peaceful and prosperous future.
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AUTHOR BIO                                          
Mairibeth MacMillan lives on the shores of Loch Long  on the edge of Argyll and Bute. While very picturesque, living there seems to  involve endless driving and family life currently involves running a taxi  service.              
She was a drama teacher for many years until, during a career break,  she studied for a Creative Writing degree through the Open University followed  by a Masters degree in Playwriting and Dramaturgy. Over the years she has had  some success with short stories and flash fictions in various competitions,  magazines and anthologies. In 2014 she was shortlisted for the New Writer’s  Award at the Festival of Romance.
Inspired by the discovery of a Viking fort  marked on the Ordnance Survey map in a friend’s garden she started working on a   series of Viking Romances set in the Kingdom of Strathclyde at the end of the  Ninth century. The Viking’s Cursed Bride is the first in a series of books  about four Norse cousins as they build new lives far from home.
• • •
• Find Mairibeth Online •
Website Facebook
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books-in-a-storm · 7 years
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Snowflake Book Review Master List N-Z
Nothing But a Dare- Molly O'Hare
Not Your Hero-Anna Brooks
Nanny and the Beast-Georgia Le Carre
North Ridge-Karina Halle❤
Wild Card(North Ridge #1)
Maverick(North Ridge #2)
Hot Shot(North Ridge #3)
North Star-Tracey Ward
Knockout(North Star #1)
Brawler(North Star #2)
Over the Fence- Melanie Moreland
One Night-Jodi Ellen Malpas❤
Promised(One Night #1)
Denied(One Night #2)
Unveiled(One Night #3)
Out of the Cage- Lane Hart
Cain(Out of the Cage #1)
Poles Apart-Kirsty Moseley
Predators MC-Jamie Begley
Riot(Predators MC #1)
Stand Off(Predators MC #2)
Hostage(Predators MC #3)
The Powers That Be- Harper Bentley
Gable(The Powers That Be #1)
Zeke(The Powers That Be #2)
Loch(The Powers That Be #3)
Reed’s Reckoning- Ahren Sanders
Revved to the Maxx-Melanie Moreland
Real-Katy Evens
Real(Real #1)
Mine(Real #2)
Remy(Real #3)
Rogue(Real #4)
Riggs Brothers-Julie Kriss
Drive Me Wild(Riggs Brothers #1)
Take Me Down(Riggs Brothers #2)
Work Me Up(Riggs Brothers #3)
Make Me Beg(Riggs Brothers #4)
Real Love-Jessica Lemmon
Eye Candy(Real Love #1)
Arm Candy(Real Love #2)
Rescue Me-Debbie Burns
A New Leash on Love(Rescue Me #1)
Sit, Stay, Love(Rescue Me #2)
My Forever Home(Rescue Me #3)
Redemption-Sarah Castille
Against the Ropes(Redemption #1)
In Your Corner(Redemption #2)
Full Contact(Redemption #3)
The Ride-Megan O'Brien ❤
Cole(The Ride #1)
Sal (The Ride #2)
Axel (The Ride #3)
Ryker(The Ride #4)
Cal(The Ride #5)
The Rule Breakers-Jennifer Blackwood❤
The Rule Book(The Rule Breakers #1)
The Rule Maker(The Rule Breakers #2)
Ravage MC-Ryan Michele
Ravage Me(Ravage MC #1)
Seduce Me(Ravage MC #2)
Consume Me(Ravage MC #3)
Inflame Me(Ravage MC #4)
Captivate Me(Ravage MC #5)
Rocky Mountain K9 Unit-Katie Ruggle
Run to Ground(Rocky Mountain K9 Unit #1)
On the Chase(Rocky Mountain K9 Unit #2)
Survive the Night(Rocky Mountain K9 Unit #3)
Through the Fire(Rocky Mountain K9 Unit #4)
Reapers MC- Elizabeth Knox
Blackjack(Reapers MC #1)
Here Kitty, Kitty(Reapers MC #2)
Booger(Reapers MC #3)
Raven Riders-Laura Kaye
Ride Hard(Raven Riders #1)
Ride Rough(Raven Riders #2)
Since Drew-J. Nathan
Secret Billionaire Baby Daddy-Ember Flint
Stuck with You-Nikki Mays
Sugar Baby Beautiful- J.J. McAvoy
Smith Brothers-Sherilee Gray❤
Mountain Man(Smith Brothers #1)
Wild Man(Smith Brothers #2)
Search and Rescue-Katie Ruggle❤  
On His Watch(Search and Rescue 0.5)
Hold Your Breath(Search and Rescue #1)
Fan the Flames(Search and Rescue #2)
Gone Too Deep(Search and Rescue #3)
In Safe Hands(Search and Rescue #4)
After the End(Search and Rescue #4.5)
Second Chance-Jessica Lemmon❤
Bringing Home the Bad Boy(Second Chance #1)
Rescuing the Bad Boy(Second Chance #2)
A Bad Boy for Christmas(Second Chance #3)
Return of the Bad Boy(Second Chance #4)
Sons of Templar MC-Anne Malcom
Making the Cut(Sons of Templar MC #1)
Firestorm(Sons of Templar MC #2)
Outside the Lines(Sons of Templar MC #2.5)
Out of the Ashes(Sons of Templar MC #3)
South Island PD-Ranae Rose❤
Dark Blue (South Island PD #1)
Past Midnight(South Island PD #2)
Stage Dive-Kylie Scott
Lick(Stage Dive #1)
Play(Stage Dive #2)
Lead(Stage Dive #3)
Deep(Stage Dive #4)
St. Luke’s Docuseries-Max Monroe❤
Dr. OB(St. Luke’s Docuseries #1)
Dr. ER(St. Luke’s Docuseries #2)
Dr. NEURO(St. Luke’s Docuseries #3)
Spartan Riders MC -J.C. Valentine
Grit(Spartan Riders MC #1)
Mettle(Spartan Riders MC #2)
Vigor(Spartan Riders MC #3)
BRASH(Spartan Riders MC #4)
Cocky(Spartan Riders MC #5)
Savage Brothers MC-Jordan Marie
Breaking Dragon(Savage Brothers MC #1)
Saving Dancer(Savage Brothers MC #2)
Loving Nicole(Savage Brothers MC #3)
Small Town Romance-Vanessa Vale
Montana Fire(Small Town Romance #1)
Montana Ice(Small Town Romance #2)
Montana Heat(Small Town Romance #3)
Montana Wild(Small Town Romance #4)
Stark International -J. Kenner
Say My Name(Stark International #1)
On My Knees(Stark International #2)
Under My Skin(Stark International #3)
Surrender- Ahren Sanders
Surrendering(Surrender #1)
Surviving(Surrender #2)
Stumbling Through Life- Molly O'Hare❤
Stumbling Into Him(Stumbling Through Life #1)
Stumbling Into Forever(Stumbling Through Life #2)
Stumbling into the Holidays(Stumbling Through Life #3)
Souls of Bedlam MC- Ainsley Summer
Hawk(Souls of Bedlam MC #1)
Rage(Souls of Bedlam MC #2)
Teased by Fire-Molly O'Hare
Tone Deaf-Olivia Rivers
Trick-Laramie Briscoe
Trails of Sin-Pam Godwin
Knotted(Trails of Sin #1)
Thorn Tattoo Studio-Leslie North
Rose(Thorn Tattoo Studio #1)
This Man-Jodi Ellen Malpas
This Man(This Man #1)
Beneath This Man(This Man #2)
This Man Confessed(This Man #3)
Until Harry- L.A. Casey
Unruly-Cora Brent
Ultimate-Lori Foster
No Limits(Ultimate #1)
Holding Strong(Ultimate #2)
Tough Love(Ultimate #3)
Underground Kings-Aurora Rose Reynolds
Assumption(Underground Kings #1)
Obligation(Underground Kings #2)
Distraction(Underground Kings #3)
Vested Interest-Melanie Moreland
Bentley(Vested Interest #1)
Aiden(Vested Interest #2)
The Werewolf Tycoon’s Baby- Celia Kyle
Warnings & Wildfires-Autumn Jones Lake
Why I’m Yours- S. Moose &  C.A. Harms
Why It’s Real- S. Moose, C.A. Harms
The Whiskeys-Melissa Foster
True Blue(The Whiskeys #1)
Truly, Madly, Whiskey(The Whiskeys #2)
Driving Whiskey Wild(The Whiskeys #3)
Wicked Whiskey Love(The Whiskeys #4)
White House-Katy Evens❤
Mr. President(White House #1)
Commander in Chief(White House #2)
Worth the Fight-Sidney Halston
Against the Cage(Worth the Fight #1)
Full Contact(Worth the Fight #2)
Below the Belt(Worth the Fight #3)
Laid Out(Worth the Fight #4)
You First-Stephanie Fournet
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an-american-whovian · 7 years
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An American Whovian Reviews:
‘Thin Ice' Last week the Doctor and Bill flung to the far future — so it's only fitting that this week they travel to the past. In doing so they encounter street urchins, possibly another version/cousin of the Loch Ness monster — and some not so subtle racism. • What's Dope: After last week's SLIGHTLY above average episode — we get the SUPERIOR episode that is 'Thin Ice'. I'm a HUGE fan of series 9's 'Face the Raven' — so it was safe to say I was looking forward to Sarah Dollard's latest story. Sincerely — this lady knows how to write some Who. She's pro'ly up there with Jaime Mathieson as my fave Twelfth Doctor era writers. 'Thin Ice' is PERFECTION. From the way it opened with how it ended last week — to the continuation of what's in the vault in its conclusion. (Btw, I'm calling it now: it's the First Doctor. I'm really hoping those rumors of David Bradley playing him, again, are true.) • Not So Dope: WHERE'S MY NARDOLE!? The Verdict: An instant CLASSIC — that I can't wait to rewatch. The continuing bond between Twelve and Bill is so fucking legit. I know we're only three eps in: but this might be my fave TARDIS crew — ALL TIME. Four outta four glow fishes. 🐟
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arablit · 5 years
'New Voices' Free Online: Eleven Arabic-Language Poets
‘New Voices’ Free Online: Eleven Arabic-Language Poets
The Maryland-based Loch Raven Review has put together a collection of 11 Arabophone poets, curated and translated by Zeina Azzam and Sharif S. Elmusa:
Sixteenth-century miniature by Nasuh Al-Matrakî which depicts the city of Aleppo.
Although the list of 11 features the towering twentieth-century Syrian poets Muhammad al-Maghout and Saniyya Saleh, and also the well-known Saudi poet Fowziyya…
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thebroadkillreview · 5 years
Sid Gold's "Clear Intent", from the archives, National Poetry Month
A native New Yorker, Sid Gold is a two-time recipient of a Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award for Poetry, and a first prize winner in the California Poetry Society contest. Poems of his have appeared recently inPoet Lore, Loch Raven Review, the Southern Poetry Review, the Cimarron  Review, Tar River Poetry, Free State Review. His third book, Good With Oranges, is forthcoming from the Broadkill River Press. He is the author of two earlier poetry collections Working Vocabulary and The Year of the Dog Throwers. He teaches creative writing at The George Washington University and lives in Hyattsville, MD.
The other night a storm
buzzsawed through & brought down
that 40-foot beech with a crack
like a hammer & chisel cutting stone.
A spear of lightning struck it
near ground level, splitting its trunk
along its height like a gutting knife
& now its limbs lay splayed
& bleaching like some monstrous skeleton,
the bones, perhaps, of an untold constellation.
Soon a work crew will arrive, men
of clear intent carrying chains & saws
like briefcases, their tongues
still sour with sleep. Hired for a task
of someone else's choosing, they may
have room for nonsense in their hearts,
but have been taught to keep it close
while on someone else's clock.
That towering beech, some of us
surely believe, still had much to say
about things for which we often
cannot find the proper words.
Others, living in some other moment,
prefer to turn a deaf ear.
via Blogger http://bit.ly/2veRbs7
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finishinglinepress · 3 years
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FLP CHAPBOOK OF THE DAY: The Population of Dreams by Eugene Stevenson
TO ORDER GO TO: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/the-population-of-dreams-by-eugene-stevenson/ RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY
Eugene Stevenson is the son of immigrants, the father of expatriates. His poems have appeared in numerous literary journals. He lives in the mountains of western North Carolina.
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR The Population of Dreams by Eugene Stevenson
“Gene Stevenson is a visionary. He has an eye for small towns, lonely roads, the past, and the past in the present. When his poems talk to you, they haunt you.”
–Dan Cuddy, editor, The Loch Raven Review
“Stevenson’s poems are as gritty as the places they ride us through: Over and through the mountains/ miles and miles of emptiness to Eureka; from Santiago to the funeral mass for a mother who when she could no longer/ repeat her children’s names in birth order…smiled;; to Union Station, Chicago, where the sandwich is greasy and good; and his words catch us hard in a Pittsburgh picket line where we are instructed to Keep quiet. Keep your eyes straight ahead. These are poems for all of us who make plans to leave only to find that a move cannot take me from myself. Where I am is/ where I have been, Stevenson’s poems keep our eyes straight ahead, watching for the next poem like a signpost.”
–Dana Wildsmith, author, One Light
“Thoughtful, creative and descriptive; a lovely little collection of ‘on the road’ poetry.”
–Robin Barratt, editor, THE POET magazine.
Please share/please repost [PROMO] #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry
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tinymixtapes · 6 years
Animal Collective give Feels an overdue vinyl reissue, share live bootleg circa 2004
Once upon a time, the lads in Animal Collective released an album called Feels. Critically acclaimed, the album was, as the kids used to say back in 2005, “quite sick.” Our own review called it “a psychedelic wonderland filled with life-affirming warmth.” Sound like an album you want to pick up on vinyl, get lost in, and completely wear out necessitating buying multiple copies? Before today, you’d have been out of luck; Feels has long been out of print on vinyl. Fortunately, we all live in 2018, a futuristic utopia (first and only time anyone’s gonna say that) where Animal Collective has at last remastered and reissued Feels on vinyl. In commemoration of the occasion, Animal Collective are also releasing an old live bootleg. A FREE old live bootleg. Recorded by Sparkle Girl in 2004 at Neumos in Seattle, the performance features what are most likely the earliest recorded versions of a handful of the tracks off of Feels. It was also the reason the band was able to convince Scott Colburn to serve the album’s producer. Historic! Commenting on the performance, lead headlamp-wearer-in-charge-of-the-band Brian Weitz says: The show was the first time [producer] Scott Colburn heard any of the Feels songs. We had already asked him to record the album but we didn’t have demos and he wanted to hear the material first. He was playing in Climax Golden Twins at the time, who were also on the bill with us and Black Dice that night, so this was the test. Luckily, our set sealed the deal and we all moved into his house six months later to start tracking. A small part of us never left. You can get the Feels vinyl reissue here via My Animal Home, and listen to the 2004 Neumos performance here, via Animal Collective’s Soundcloud. The requisite album art and full tracklisting for Feels, as well as the set list for the bootleg, are below. This album is still great, and “Grass” would totally make great entrance music for a relief pitcher based on Avey Tare’s yelping alone. Feels tracklisting: 01. Did You See The Words 02. Grass 03. Flesh Canoe 04.The Purple Bottle 05. Bees 06. Banshee Beat 07. Daffy Duck 08. Loch Raven 09. Turn Into Something Animal Collective - Live At Neumos (Seattle, WA - 08/22/04): 01. Wastered 02. Did You See the Words 03. Kids On Holiday 04. People 05. Loch Raven 06. Banshee Beat 07. The Purple Bottle http://j.mp/2MU2HPY
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meganrosereads-blog · 7 years
2018 New Releases
I love finding new releases. There’s something just so satisfying (and smug) about being one of the first to read an amazing book before everyone else. I often like to trawl the web and find out about the new books and debuts that pique my interest and note them down, because who doesn’t love a good list right???
So here are the first 10 books to be released in 2018 that I have my eye on.
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Glass Town by Steven Savile - UK release 13 January 2018 (Fantasy) - St Martin’s Press
“ In 1926, two brothers both loved Eleanor Raines, a promising young actress from the East End of London. But, along with Seth Lockwood, she disappeared, never to be seen again. Isaiah, Seth’s younger brother, refused to accept that she was just gone. It has been seventy years since and the brothers are long dead. But now their dark, twisted secret, threatens to tear the city apart. Seth made a bargain with Damiola, an illusionist, to make a life size version of his most famous trick, and hide away part of London to act as a prison out of sync with our time, where one year passes as one hundred. That illusion is Glass Town. And now its walls are failing. Reminiscent of Clive Barker’s Weaveworld and Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, Savile brings out the magic in the everyday. Glass Town is full of gritty urban landscapes, realistic characters, conflict, secrets, betrayals, magic, and mystery.”
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Swan Song by Kerry Andrew - UK release 25 January 2018 (Literary Fiction) - Jonathan Cape
“ In this stunningly assured, immersive and vividly atmospheric first novel, a young woman comes face-to-face with the volatile, haunted wilderness of the Scottish Highlands. Polly Vaughan is trying to escape the ravaging guilt of a disturbing incident in London by heading north to the Scottish Highlands. As soon as she arrives, this spirited, funny, alert young woman goes looking for drink, drugs and sex – finding them all quickly, and unsatisfactorily, with the barman in the only pub. She also finds a fresh kind of fear, alone in this eerie, myth-drenched landscape. Increasingly prone to visions or visitations – floating white shapes in the waters of the loch or in the woods – she is terrified and fascinated by a man she came across in the forest on her first evening, apparently tearing apart a bird. Who is this strange loner? And what is his sinister secret? Kerry Andrew is a fresh new voice in British fiction; one that comes from a deep understanding of the folk songs, mythologies and oral traditions of these islands. Her powerful metaphoric language gives Swansong a charged, hallucinatory quality that is unique, uncanny and deeply disquieting,”
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The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock by Imogen Hermes Gowar - UK release 25 January 2018 (Historical Fiction/Magical Realism) - Harvill Secker
“One September evening in 1785, the merchant Jonah Hancock hears urgent knocking on his front door. One of his captains is waiting eagerly on the step. He has sold Jonah’s ship for what appears to be a mermaid. As gossip spreads through the docks, coffee shops, parlours and brothels, everyone wants to see Mr Hancock’s marvel. Its arrival spins him out of his ordinary existence and through the doors of high society. At an opulent party, he makes the acquaintance of Angelica Neal, the most desirable woman he has ever laid eyes on… and a courtesan of great accomplishment. This meeting will steer both their lives onto a dangerous new course, on which they will learn that priceless things come at the greatest cost. Where will their ambitions lead? And will they be able to escape the destructive power mermaids are said to possess? In this spell-binding story of curiosity and obsession, Imogen Hermes Gowar has created an unforgettable jewel of a novel, filled to the brim with intelligence, heart and wit.”
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The Wicked Cometh by Laura Carlin - UK release 1 February 2018 (Historical Fiction) - Hodder & Stoughton
“ The year is 1831 Down the murky alleyways of London, acts of unspeakable wickedness are taking place and no one is willing to speak out on behalf of the city’s vulnerable poor as they disappear from the streets. Out of these shadows comes Hester White, a bright young woman who is desperate to escape the slums by any means possible. When Hester is thrust into the world of the aristocratic Brock family, she leaps at the chance to improve her station in life under the tutelage of the fiercely intelligent and mysterious Rebekah Brock. But whispers from her past slowly begin to poison her new life and both she and Rebekah are lured into the most sinister of investigations. Hester and Rebekah find themselves crossing every boundary they’ve ever known in pursuit of truth, redemption and passion. But their trust in each other will be tested as a web of deceit begins to unspool, dragging them into the blackest heart of a city where something more depraved than either of them could ever imagine is lurking … “
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The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton - UK release 8 February 2018 (Mystery) - Raven Books
“A brilliantly original high concept murder mystery from a fantastic new talent: Gosford Park meets Inception, by way of Agatha Christie ‘Somebody’s going to be murdered at the ball tonight. It won’t appear to be a murder and so the murderer won’t be caught. Rectify that injustice and I’ll show you the way out.’ It is meant to be a celebration but it ends in tragedy. As fireworks explode overhead, Evelyn Hardcastle, the young and beautiful daughter of the house, is killed. But Evelyn will not die just once. Until Aiden – one of the guests summoned to Blackheath for the party – can solve her murder, the day will repeat itself, over and over again. Every time ending with the fateful pistol shot. The only way to break this cycle is to identify the killer. But each time the day begins again, Aiden wakes in the body of a different guest. And someone is determined to prevent him ever escaping Blackheath…”
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The Coffin Path by Katherine Clements - UK release 8 February 2018 (Gothic/Horror) - Headline Review 
“ The Coffin Path by Katherine Clements is an eerie and compelling seventeenth-century ghost story set on the dark wilds of the Yorkshire moors. For fans of Michelle Paver and Sarah Waters, this gothic tale will weave its way into your imagination and chill you to the bone. ‘The vibrant new voice of historical fiction’ - Suzannah Dunn. Mercy Booth has lived at Scarcross, the old hall just off the coffin path, for all her life. The moors and the house are in her blood - and her soul. Ellis Ferreby is a mysterious, unpredictable outsider who arrives there unexpectedly and finds himself increasingly drawn into her world. But the house holds a tainted history. And the moor top hides something far darker…”
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The Sealwoman’s Gift by Sally Magnusson - UK release 8 February 2018 (Historical Fiction) - Two Roads
“ In 1627 Barbary pirates raided the coast of Iceland and abducted some 400 of its people, including 250 from a tiny island off the mainland. Among the captives sold into slavery in Algiers were the island pastor, his wife and their three children. Although the raid itself is well documented, little is known about what happened to the women and children afterwards. It was a time when women everywhere were largely silent. In this brilliant reimagining, Sally Magnusson gives a voice to Ásta, the pastor’s wife. Enslaved in an alien Arab culture Ásta meets the loss of both her freedom and her children with the one thing she has brought from home: the stories in her head. Steeped in the sagas and folk tales of her northern homeland, she finds herself experiencing not just the separations and agonies of captivity, but the reassessments that come in any age when intelligent eyes are opened to other lives, other cultures and other kinds of loving. The Sealwoman’s Gift is about the eternal power of storytelling to help us survive. The novel is full of stories - Icelandic ones told to fend off a slave-owner’s advances, Arabian ones to help an old man die. And there are others, too: the stories we tell ourselves to protect our minds from what cannot otherwise be borne, the stories we need to make us happy.”
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Folk by Zoe Gilbert - UK release 8 February 2018 (Fantasy/Literary Fiction) - Bloomsbury
“ Every year they gather, while the girls shoot their arrows and the boys hunt them out. The air is riddled with spiteful shadows - the wounds and fears and furies of a village year. On a remote and unforgiving island lies a village unlike any other: Neverness. A girl is snatched by a water bull and dragged to its lair, a babe is born with a wing for an arm and children ask their fortunes of an oracle ox. While the villagers live out their own tales, enchantment always lurks, blighting and blessing in equal measure. Folk is a dark and sinuous debut circling the lives of one generation. In this world far from our time and place, the stories of the islanders interweave and overlap, their own folklore twisting fates and changing lives. A captivating, magical and haunting debut novel of breathtaking imagination, from the winner of the 2014 Costa Short Story Award.”
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The Toymakers by Robert Dinsdale - UK release 8 February 2018 (Fantasy/Historical Fiction) - Del Rey
“Do you remember when you believed in magic? The Emporium opens with the first frost of winter. It is the same every year. Across the city, when children wake to see ferns of white stretched across their windows, or walk to school to hear ice crackling underfoot, the whispers begin: the Emporium is open! It is 1917, and London has spent years in the shadow of the First World War. In the heart of Mayfair, though, there is a place of hope. A place where children’s dreams can come true, where the impossible becomes possible – that place is Papa Jack’s Toy Emporium. For years Papa Jack has created and sold his famous magical toys: hobby horses, patchwork dogs and bears that seem alive, toy boxes bigger on the inside than out, ‘instant trees’ that sprout from boxes, tin soldiers that can fight battles on their own. Now his sons, Kaspar and Emil, are just old enough to join the family trade. Into this family comes a young Cathy Wray – homeless and vulnerable. The Emporium takes her in, makes her one of its own. But Cathy is about to discover that while all toy shops are places of wonder, only one is truly magical… “
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The Philosopher’s Flight by Tom Miller - UK release 13 February 2018 (Fantasy) - Simon & Schuster
“ A thrilling debut from ER doctor turned novelist Tom Miller, The Philosopher’s Flight is an epic historical fantasy set in a World-War-I-era America where magic and science have blended into a single extraordinary art. “Like his characters, Tom Miller casts a spell.” (Matthew Pearl, author of The Dante Club and The Last Bookaneer) Eighteen-year-old Robert Weekes is a practitioner of empirical philosophy—an arcane, female-dominated branch of science used to summon the wind, shape clouds of smoke, heal the injured, and even fly. Though he dreams of fighting in the Great War as the first male in the elite US Sigilry Corps Rescue and Evacuation Service—a team of flying medics—Robert is resigned to mixing batches of philosophical chemicals and keeping the books for the family business in rural Montana, where his mother, a former soldier and vigilante, aids the locals. When a deadly accident puts his philosophical abilities to the test, Robert rises to the occasion and wins a scholarship to study at Radcliffe College, an all-women’s school. At Radcliffe, Robert hones his skills and strives to win the respect of his classmates, a host of formidable, unruly women. Robert falls hard for Danielle Hardin, a disillusioned young war hero turned political radical. However, Danielle’s activism and Robert’s recklessness attract the attention of the same fanatical anti-philosophical group that Robert’s mother fought years before. With their lives in mounting danger, Robert and Danielle band together with a team of unlikely heroes to fight for Robert’s place among the next generation of empirical philosophers—and for philosophy’s very survival against the men who would destroy it. In the tradition of Lev Grossman and Deborah Harkness, Tom Miller writes with unrivaled imagination, ambition, and humor. The Philosopher’s Flight is both a fantastical reimagining of American history and a beautifully composed coming-of-age tale for anyone who has ever felt like an outsider.”
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tracydimond · 9 years
5:13 On Friendbook, Andrew had five minutes ago scribbled his landline on her wall and asked her to grab dinner. His actual landline. Thunder clapped in the distance. She imagined her mermaid self swimming to shore, to dry landline, opening her palm and handing Andrew a penny-size starfish. Maybe they could eat enormous crab cakes and talk about whatever, face-to-face—maybe.
@TheBetsyBoyd in The Loch Raven Review
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