#the legends are TRUE I don't only write smut
imthefemalemonster · 1 year
⸻The Viper and the Sage
Lucemond - Aemond Targaryen x Lucerys Velaryon (FPS!AU, Mature)
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CHAPTER I. Sword and Shield
⸻ Summary: It’s during one of his worst FPS matches, harassed by toxic and sexist players, that Luke meets his newly found mentor, Aemond, when the man comes to his defense.
Tags: Modern Setting, FPS/Video game AU, Aged Up Characters, Fluff & Angst, SEXISM/SEXIST INSULTS, Read NOTES, Mention of other characters
⸻ Read on Ao3
Notes: Modern Lucemond FPS/Video game!AU - Inspired by this post.
There WILL be smut later! In chapter 3, 4 and 5 if I live long enough to write them.
TW : Sexism and Sexist insults - Please be careful, it’ll only occur in this chapter but I wanted to warn since it can be triggering (taken from my own experiences - be bad at video games, but don’t be a dick kids)
Game I used for reference is Valorant, even if I don’t use the name. (Sage = Lucerys, Viper = Aemond)
Tumblr for requests/ideas: @imthefemalemonster
Hope you enjoy it. ♡
⸻ Words: 3477
You can skip this part if you don't care about vocabulary or don't need it.
A bit of FPS/Video game related vocabulary for people not familiar with it:
Basic rules: 2 teams of 5 players who plays “agents” (characters with different types of spells and ways to be played), one team attacks (have to put a “spike” on a point, a kind of bomb), the other defend (defuse the spike and/or kill all opponents), there’s 2 or 3 points (A/B/C) depending on the map. They exchange positions after some rounds. First to a certain number of round wins. Mostly gunfights with various types of weapons (sometimes “cut” = knives. Very rare)
Agent : Characters you play in the game that all have special abilities
Point A/B/C: Area on the map you attack or defend
Duelist / Controller / Sentinel: Types of characters (specialized in duel, control of the map or protection/healing)
Ranked (or competitive) / Normal / Custom games: Ranked are competitive matches where winning or losing influence points you’ll gain at the end of the game to “climb the ladder” (reaching higher ranks) / Normal are the same without the competitive aspect, same rules apply between Ranked and Normal / Custom are between certain players, to play between them or train with rules they can decide of.
Training ground: Place to train your aim in a special map in the game
Voice chat: In game voice chat to talk to your mates
Carrying: Same as “carrying on your back”, being so good you win the game alone despite what your mates are doing
Attack/Defense round: Teams are split in two, one attacks, one defends, round are ended once a whole team is dead or the bomb exploded or was defused.
Smurf: A side (or sometimes main) account where you play against players under your usual rank, smurf can also be used as a compliment for good players “he is smurfing” “you smurfed” when they did very well in the game.
K/D/A: Kill (number of kills you made), death (number of times you died) and assists (assistance on a kill, participating to a kill but without being the one who killed), often accessible during the game in the scoreboard
OP or operator: Sniper type weapon
MVP: Title given to the best player of the game at the end of it
Patch: An update adding new content into the game
The day had been long, mostly boring. Waking up, going to college, hearing Jace rumble about incomprehensible things that annoyed him in his lessons. Going to class, some interesting, some not really, some extremely tiring. Lucerys was but impatient to go home. It was the week-end, he hadn’t much work to do, thankfully he had worked this week to avoid being too overwhelmed by homeworks. Headphones on his ears, bus crowded, lost in his own thoughts thinking about what he would do once home. His mother and stepfather probably wouldn’t be home yet, maybe Rhaena and Baela would. All day he and his friends had talked about the game they were playing. A new patch had come out, and a new agent with it. They were all super excited to test it. Entering the silent house, Luke thought that he should probably play a little bit, some warm-up games before their usual nightly ranked session.
He closed his door in haste, throwing his bag on his bed, sitting on his chair. His computer was asleep, having the bad habit of never turning it down. He checked his friend's chat, ready to invite his friends for some games.
Just got home… let’s play tomorrow, I think I’m too tired tonight.
ur weak
my parents want us to go out BRO. i’ll see you tomorrow too. plz no spoilers about the agent man i want to test it first. don’t tell me it’s shit i won’t believe you
??? tf you are saying
LMFAO. it’s always either shit or cracked up man
Luke pulled a face, annoyed. Guess he had to play alone for now. Resigned he opened the game. Nobody he knew was online, it was still only very early in the evening, most people hadn’t come out of work or school yet. He sat properly, one hand on the keyboard, the other on the mouse, he was ready. He clicked “PLAY” and chose “COMPETITIVE”, he pressed “START”.
The queue wasn’t long, only a few seconds and he was in the game. He had to choose his agent first, he didn’t hesitate, he went for his favorite girl. It was a type of support, she could heal, protect, revive her allies, and also slow or block enemies. She wasn’t simple to play but he loved her very much and wanted to train her more, he always loved being the protector, the support for his team. Maybe his aim wasn’t very good, but he could control the map very well to help out his allies.
The game started rather slowly, it was quite messy. His allies, and himself, were running in random directions, sometimes picking up an enemy, mostly by chance, sometimes being destroyed by someone behind them. The voice chat was active, he could hear two very loud boys with him and a third, deep voice that only spoke one or two words from time to time. Luke clearly wasn’t having his best game, he struggled to shoot, or even to find good opportunities to help his mates. It was starting to stress him out a lot, he hated to suck but couldn’t help it, pressure only made it worse, and the toxic boys were not helping.
“Jesus fucking christ! What the fuck is she doing?!”
Lucerys knew it was about him. He truly hoped it wasn’t but it was for sure, he just died to a random bullet because he didn’t take cover fast enough, confused about what he had to do.
“You’re fucking lost?! You’re trolling right?”, yelled one of the boys, in a very low quality microphone.
“S-sorry”, mumbled Luke, he probably should have said nothing. He often did because he was just too shy to talk.
“Ah fuck I knew it fucking egirl.”, shouted another voice, a bit deeper, but still sounding very young, “Of course a fucking girl ruining our fucking game!”
Luke frowned his eyebrow. A girl?! He was confused.
“I’m not a girl bro what the fuck.”
“The kitchen is too fucking busy bitch?”, yelled the first boy, laughing.
“You sound like one”, continued the older boy, “Fucking high pitched voice go suck some dicks you’ll be better at it than at aiming.”
They both wheezed loudly, still throwing a torrent of sexist insults toward Luke who was way too anxious and panicked to defend himself.
“F-fucking weirdos. Failed my position, it…”, Luke hesitated, “It was my bad I’m fucking sorry. Don’t need to be cunts about it.”
“F-f-ff”, repeated one of the boys, “Mouth so full she can’t talk!”
Luke’s fingers were so tense, clenched on his mouse that it hurted.
“Fuck off! Stupid ass sexists.”. Lucerys wanted to be way meaner but he couldn’t find the words, the strength.
“Cry me a river fucking dumb bitch go play animal crossing.”
“Aha you’re a fucking sexist bro”, yelled the younger boy, “She gonna cry on twitter about it soo-”
“Fuck off I said! Fucking focus on the game you’re ruining it more than m-”
“Shut the fuck up.”
It was deep but perfectly audible. Each word decomposed, their very sound piercing through Luke's frail body like a thousand knives.
“I’ve been carrying your stupid asses for rounds now.”, the guttural voice continued, “You’re fucking useless. Absolutely unable to keep a fucking point or understand the basis of the game, so instead of crying in the voc use your energy for something useful like aiming correctly.”
Lucerys was done for. After this game he would probably close the game, uninstall it, jump under his sheets and cry to sleep for being the worst ever video game player. The silence that followed was long as the next round hadn’t started yet. Hands shaking, Luke moved to take position, hoping nobody would notice him anymore, that the game would end soon and he would never play it again.
“Lmfao you’re right man, fucking cry baby girl”, one of the boy laughed, “Try playing from the kitchen maybe it’ll work better.”
Fists clenched on his keyboard and mouse, Lucerys was about to mute the voice chat, even if it meant losing precious information and maybe losing the game too, he had heard enough. Baela had often told him about toxic guys and how it felt to be a girl playing video games, Luke wondered how strong she was to take that everytime. Maybe she wasn’t, it probably made her as angry and saddened, even scared as he was now. He wanted to seek her confort now, Rhaena and her knew better than everyone how to handle that.
“I’m talking to you dipshit.”
There was another silence. Luke heard one of the boys mumble, visibly confused.
“Me?”, asked the boy with the higher-pitched voice.
“Yeah you.”, husked the voice, “You talk a lot for a fucking useless player.”
The two boys bursted out laughing,
“Holy shit bro! Did I insult your girlfriend?”
“This your girl? That’s why you're so mad? It’s ok bro she probably ugly as fuck.”
The round started before anyone could add anything, voice chat going back to inaudible noises, messy information and laughs. Luke followed the agent with the deep voice, sticking close to him. They successfully took control of the point and won the round, the two other boys dead from going too deep into the map, caught by the enemies.
“Makes sense now”, teased the older boy, “Wants the girl number.”, a wheeze was heard in a low quality mic, probably from the second toxic boy.
“I don’t know him”, continued the man, “I don’t fucking care. But you are being fucking annoying. I can't focus. Your information are messy at best, false at worst.”
Luke didn't know where to stand. Glad someone took his defense, but he also felt the voice could turn against him at any moment if he made these big positioning mistakes again. He decided to stick with him still, it worked for a few rounds, it should work again, the man didn’t seem to care or protest.
“Lmfaoo I would love not to hear some dick sucking in vocal bro”, rasped the younger voice, “I’m trying to fOcUS.”, the boys started laughing again.
“Ignore them, follow me.”
The two boys repeated the man’s words, adding obscene noises of mouths mimicking a blowjob, and very cringy moans. Luke didn’t hesitate and did as he was told. There were only two rounds left if they won both of them. Luke saw it like deliverance, focusing the best he could so this awful game could end. He couldn’t wait to drop out of it and report the two boys, even if nothing happened to them like it often did, at least it would relieve him to do so.
The two last rounds went surprisingly well, mostly thanks to the agent with the deep voice. He was clearly way too good for this match, Luke thought it was probably a smurf, he was thankful to get carried by one. Most of the time, smurfs were guys previously banned that reassured everyone they would carry but ended up never doing so, instead they would just be toxic in vocal and insult the entire team for being “useless”. Lucerys smiled, happy that he won the game despite the terrible treatment he received.
“Good job guys”, said the fifth voice, silent until now.
“You too, good job man. Good job support.”, the voice whispered, always both calm and cold. Luke smiled at the compliment.
The two other toxic boys had already disconnected, their ego probably hurt from being carried so hard by a guy who humiliated them both in voice chat and in the game, showing that he was definitely better than them. Obviously the man won the match MVP, even getting congratulated, and a bit insulted, ‘fucking smurf carrying’, by the enemy team. Luke checked his score, in the end he didn’t do so bad. He wasn’t very good at making decisions but excellent at following them.
“T-thanks”, mumbled Luke, unsure if the man was still here to hear him.
“No problem.”
Lucerys heart jumped a little bit. How hard he wished he had that voice, skill, and confidence. He sounded a little bit… threatening too. Which only made it better. Luke wished he didn’t sound so childish, he could easily stand up for himself, but his skills were still lacking to shut some mouths up. Staring at his screen, Luke felt weirdly relaxed, but it was mixed with sadness as he would probably never play with that man again. He also doubted anyone would defend him like that ever again. Most of the time, it was girls who stood up for each other, even for others. Lucerys admired them, despite everything they had to endure everyday, he had but only lived a percent of what they live daily. Fingers tingling on his mouse, Luke was staring at the man’s name on his screen… Should I? It was bold of him to ask his mate as a friend. The man would probably not accept, he probably already forgot who he was, and there was no point for him, a way better player, to rank with Luke.
Lucerys sighed, ready to close his game, he wanted to step out of his room and seek for Baela and Rhaena, they were probably playing too but he absolutely had to tell them what happened. It would help him relax a bit, Rhaena would be reassuring when Baela would ask for the boy’s names and probably use her FBI-like skills to track them down and make sure their voices could never ever see a mic again. Luke smiled at the idea.
[You received a friend request.]
The boy jumped on his chair. Taken aback by the sudden noise. Eyes staring at the screen, they widened when he saw the friend request and by whom it was sent.
“Shit!”, he yelled, grabbing his mouse the best he could, hand moist with stress.
Lucerys blinked, once, twice, three times, he stopped counting at ten times probably. It couldn’t be! It couldn’t be … him. Lucerys shook his head, closed his eyes, opened them one last time, before reaching for the notification, and finally accepting it, after what felt like hours. The name appeared on his friend list next to his friends and family members. He fixed it like it wasn’t real. Luke was so confused. Confusion soon replaced with absolute anxiety when his chat turned purple, the color of a private message.
Luke wanted to take the message out of the screen, hold onto the words, grab each letter, imprint them on his skin. What’s wrong with me… He loved the attention, but most importantly, he craved to know why the man would give him any of it at first.
Sorry for what happened. Hope you are ok.
He smiled, heart warming up at the kind attention. The sentence felt weird, both cold and kind, like the man was in voice chat. A sudden thought sent shivers down Luke’s spine. What if he really thinks I’m a girl? The boy’s face twisted, he hoped it was not some creepy behavior, as it sadly often was. He typed shakily.
thanks i’m good. first time this happens it’s
He sent it and paused.
feels weird. i’m not who they think i was it didn’t impact me
There was a long pause, he didn’t know if his words made any sense.
You clearly sounded like it did.
Luke frowned his eyebrow, split between confusion and disappointment.
i’m not a girl. but they were annoying
You don’t need to be one to be annoyed.
Luke shook his head. I’m so stupid!
yeah sorry that’s not what i meant. hope these sexist fucks get banned tho
I hope too.
thanks for the game btw, i clearly sucked
It’s fine. It’s my smurf account. It was quite an unfair game for them.
yeah i figured that out pretty quick lol. you were way too good for this match. thanks again
No problem, you did good.
Lucerys smiled widely, kicking his feet. Something inside him felt weird, he could not quite put his finger on it. There was nothing strange about meeting people, maybe making a new friend. He had plenty of them on social media. Maybe it was the man's true intentions, still vague to Luke, that confused him.
‘Good’ maybe wasn’t the best word. Aemond didn’t want to type again to correct himself. Well you did… your best, he thought. The boy looked absolutely lost on the map, his aim wasn’t too bad, he used his spells with care and was very good at following orders, particularly his. Most of the time he was rather silent in game, especially on his smurf, he would share basic information. He rarely stood up for others, because most of the time it was a bunch of kids indistinctly yelling at one another, sometimes in languages he had never heard. He mostly played with his brother and sister, communicating only to them. He was more than well aware of some toxic behavior because Helaena would suffer from it even when he was here. When Aegon was too busy insulting back and mocking their toxic mates, Aemond would be calmer, but only deadlier in his words. He knew his voice and tone impressed more than one, he would love to use it against badly educated boys or men that crossed the line, their ego too big for their own good. Nothing annoyed him more than to have his ears polluted by these whines and screams, especially if it was to insult people he loved and cared about. Too many immature crybabies roamed free in this game, so between two bullets, it was good to relieve himself with some good old threats. He was excellent anyway, they rarely could criticize the way he played.
So when he heard these boys, which probably were not even adults considering how their voice sounded, mocking their poor support who was clearly trying his best, he intervened. It simply reminded him all the time his own sister suffered from childish men who couldn’t bear the idea that yes, girls did indeed play video games, and that no, they are not always the one who suck in your games or ruin your matches. From the first time he heard the support, he wondered too, not wanting to misgender or assume anything, he rapidly got the confirmation he seeked for when the boy yelled that he was in fact, not a girl. Not that he considered himself a hero, he truly did not care, but he was raised good, and taught that this is not the kind of thing he should let happen without saying anything. So he was quick to react, unsurprised at the boys’ reactions. They mostly always react like this, sometimes they just shut up, most of the time their ego is too big and it slips out of their nasty mouth accompanied by the dumbest words a human could hear. But in the end, Aemond would always win, especially on his smurf account, he was better, he was carrying, and his voice reached far deeper into these stupid boys hearts, like perfect little knives cutting them open.
‘This your girl?’, the words had confused and disturbed Aemond more than they should have. He was used to be insulted back, called all sort of homophobic or bigoted things, even by enemies when he was destroying them. It did little to no damage to him. He was confident in his skills, he was untouchable. But something changed, shattered almost when he heard the pain in the boy’s voice. The immediate assumption that he was protecting his… girlfriend? Aemond wasn’t particularly fond of romantic relationships, and not really of girls either, or boys, he didn’t much think about it actually. Not that he never had interest in other people, sometimes he had, but it was superficial, he would brush it off. But he was always closer to boys, romantically. He didn’t have many friends apart from his siblings and mentor Cole, who got them into gaming and taught him a lot about this game. He couldn’t quite understand, or comprehend, what attracted him in the boy. Despite the pain, he sounded cute at the end, scared or impressed by him, Aemond couldn’t say. He wanted to see if he could get more of it.
Online later?
Confidence ran through him like bullets into his enemies. He waited a few seconds before getting a quick response.
yeah, why?
Don’t want to sound weird, but we could play again some time. We’re missing a player with my group. If you don’t mind joining us.
Aemond cracked his fingers, the response took seconds to arrive but it felt like hours. Had he been too straightforward? He wasn’t even sure if he wasn’t talking to a 14 years old boy, he might sound very creepy. He estimated that the boy was around 18 or 20 but he wasn’t sure.
if they are all like you… yeah i prob will be a burden man. idk
Aemond started typing again, unsure how he could convince the boy with the cute voice to play with him again.
It’s fine, we can do some custom or normal games, I could teach you some things. If you don’t mind.
that’s very cool man. sure it doesn’t bother you? i clearly was better at following you like a pup than playing the actual fucking game
Aemond smirked, at least the boy was conscious of it. He liked the mention of “pup”, that's really how he pictured the boy.
It’s all fine, if you intend on climbing the ladder, better learn some few useful tricks and tips.
He paused, hesitating. It was better if he knew.
Btw, we are in our twenties, forties for our oldest one but don’t worry, you can bully the grandpa. If that’s ok for you, don’t want to sound creepy.
There was yet another pause that almost sent Aemond into a coma, not realizing how tense he was, waiting for the boy to answer like a man in a desert seeking any drops of water he could find.
uh, i’m a fucking baby. i just turned 18 so i hope taht’s fine man
He smiled, once again he was right.
If it is for you then we are good.
nice, well see you tonight ig
See you tonight mate.
Aemond spent a few minutes staring at the game. Torn between a weird feeling of accomplishment, of pride, and confusion, head dizzy. He shook his head, he liked to be organized, precise, concise, in charge. So he decided to review the boy’s game, he opened a document and started to write down everything he saw, everything wrong and good, and what he could teach him, in a very private lesson, a smirk on his prying lips.
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cuntycheol · 10 months
To You (C.SC)
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Summary: Silence has always been a long-term paying guest between you and your husband. It took a cohabitation and more, to turn things around for Seungcheol and you, to figure out your true feelings.
Themes: romance, fluff, smutty, old money Seungcheol cuz he's your rich, cold but tender husband and you're his smart wifey, scenes of a firebreakout(please skip if you're triggered), some nice scenes of Singapore, and the first smut happens already (virgin!couple, slight inexperiences, orals, vanilla!) Cheol's very warm please I love him so much we'll save the real Cheol monstercock for the future ;3
WC: 7.7K (sowwy)
Playlist: Seventeen's (To You, All My Love, Falling for You SDSMSN, Darling), By My Side by Junny, Better Siopaolo , Alina Baraz (Floating, Alone with you, if you let me) I.M Flower-ed, Bibi Step
feel free to arrange them sowwy they're a lil mis arranged
A/N: helloo carats!! Had to make my first post about my man Cheol(thank u to my man) with the good ol' husband!au. It's evident im in my "oh husband cheol feelings" where we loving him real good! I've been impatient so I posted it a bit earlier than expected :D my comfort loving carats, this is based off All My Love and To You lyrics <3 I hope you enjoy this piece of writing as much as I enjoyed writing this! Happy Cheol Day you living legend coupranghae btches :")
Updated: mini sequel here <3
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Life was divided into four distinct categories, after one whole month of your brand new status as Mrs. Choi, or Mr. Choi Seungcheol's wife:
Breakfasts with and for Seungcheol because he confessed he anticipates what you offer in the am
Touring the exquisite royalty of the mansion built by his great grandparents(specially the crimson paints)
Spending time with Seungcheol's Mom since she adores you more than her son!
Dinner n Slumber, where you sleep with a wall that separates you from your husband.
You don't exactly think it'd change; however you do expect it to. Everyday, you wake up in your own room, without the warmth of your husband because neither of you are exactly ready to sleep on the same bed together, and neither of you can sacrifice your comfort on the couch. Therefore a shared decision convinces your elders to grant your marriage the gift of time, a chance to understand one another before embracing a shared room and shared life. All credit to Seungcheol's mom, who chose you to be her son's perfect match, a decade ago. She envisioned you as the one to be her son's beacon of illumination in his life, and the way your personality coincides with his. Who knew you'd be repaid for your kindness of tagging along with your grandfather to meet his ailing friend, (Seungcheol's grandfather) with a coerced, arranged marriage to their youngest grandson. It was on you to navigate this relationship towards love and the more easier it sounds, the harder it gets.
Your husband's honesty shines through, expressing that his family holds the utmost importance in his heart, and he could never deny his mother's wishes. Although he initially declined the marriage proposal, the elders' persuasion led him to reluctantly agree. Absolute zero differences in both of your situations. Despite the arranged marriage, he promises to ensure your comfort and well-being. Polite knocks on your door in the morning signify his presence, seeking breakfast if you're up for the task, and he would either leave a note saying "ThankYou" or he would leave a fresh flower on the dining table as a small gesture of appreciation for your efforts in preparing breakfast, letting your pride swell with all this generosity, although you'd wish he says it with his own mouth, overcoming those barriers. Considerate compliments follow whether you're dressed in your best, try some new hairstyles, or ofcourse, after enjoying your delightful meals, was one thing that made you hopeful about this relationship.
It's evident he lacks communication, since he only speaks to you at mornings and occasionally on texts, whenever he's late. He possesses no punctuality but you're quick to realize he has a pattern in timings of when he wakes up, when he returns, when he sleeps. Throughout the day, you don't exactly see him. At nights you barely sit with him. He's either in his room or on his laptop. Nothing, among you two, seems like you're in a bond with the youngest heir of this luxurious business.
"Don't forget, the dinner's scheduled tonight" you chime, while he was leaving. He nods and drives his way out for another busy day.
Marrying a business tycoon of "old money" and serving him great breakfasts, were the last thing you expected  in your simple life, where you were focused on academic and personal glowups, and rarely had any serious past relationships, or have slept with anyone.
You just believed better things await for you, and if those better things were in the shape of a young handsome husband, who were you to complain.
"So! Have you decided a honeymoon destination?" Seungcheol's sister-in-law questions, at a calm family dinner. Seungcheol takes a sip from the drink, "I'm positively considering Greece or Bali, or maybe Fiji.  We haven't played rock papers scissors yet to choose one destination" earning a small chuckle from everyone, Seungcheol continues to feast on the delicious dinner you had prepared. A variety of topics continue to be discussed and that was the only response Seungcheol ever said throughout dinner.
While the family members took their departure, after another hour of dessert sessions, you thought about his remark, if there's any depth to it. The honeymoon idea and what he has said so far, made you a bit ecstatic.
Seungcheol's seated on the couch, of the lounge upstairs, sipping his usual coffee. you lean towards the railings of the top floor, where yours and Seungcheol's bedrooms neighbored. He looks at you, with tender eyes, yet a cold expression. "So, about the whole honeymoon thing, are you-"
"Oh "don't worry about it," Seungcheol's dismissively remarks, taking another sip of his coffee. "Family dinners are meant for prying into things we wouldn't discuss on a typical morning," he explains. "And Honestly, I don't see the need for a honeymoon." Your heart sinks at his response, disappointment clouding your expression. "But I thought we could at least look at brochures together? Atleast discuss this thoroughly" you respond, trying to mask your disappointment with a glimmer of hope that he might consider it.
Seungcheol lets out a weary sigh, his tone becoming more serious. "You don't have to give in to everything my family demands. They can be nosy, but they'll eventually drop the topic after a few days." He glances down at his laptop, signaling that the matter is closed.
You can't help but feel a pang of hurt as Seungcheol's words crush your hopeful expectations. The thought of a romantic getaway had brought some solace, but now it seems like a distant dream.
"But Seungcheol," you protest softly, trying to keep your emotions without losing your temper, "it's just that a honeymoon could be a chance for us to spend some quality time together, away from only meeting on breakfasts, away from the hustle of daily life, away from being silent everyday, and both of us make an effort, to get to know each other better" He glances up from his laptop, his expression stoic, but you can sense a hint of frustration in his eyes. "I understand your perspective," he replies calmly, "but I'm not sure a honeymoon is the right way to achieve that. We can spend time together here, without the pressure of a fancy trip. We're not close enough nor we're a match to be doing this in the first place"
at this moment, you find yourself getting defensive...
"It's not about a fancy trip, Seungcheol. It's about creating memories, experiencing new things together, and building a connection outside of this huge mansion... where we live in distant bedrooms" you gesture around you, emphasizing the splendor of the place that seems to distance you both from the real world.
His eyes widen momentarily at your words, and you see a flash of emotion that he quickly hides. "It's not that," he retorts yet defensively, "I just think this honeymoon is an unnecessary pressure, and we should be honest about our feelings and not pretend."
You take a step back, hurt and anger welling up inside you. "So, all this time, we were just a pretense? You're quite audacious to say we're incompatible, considering the amount of time you spend with me. Count the days we ever went out? That's right. Zero" you scoff, "you know what, let's just forget this. Forget I ever asked you anything. Thankyou, for lightening my evening, Good Night" Before he could utter a response or rephrase everything, you stomp your way into your bedroom, hiding your face in your palms, feeling a bit guilty of losing your cool already when it hadn't been a while.
Seungcheol stood there, a mix of regret and realization washing over him. He knew he had made a mistake, once again, with his poorly chosen words to convey his thoughts. The truth was, he had never really learned how to express himself properly; heck he couldn't even say a proper "you're so pretty, I think I have started to find some meaning into this relationship?" to the woman he's been living with, in the same house. Unfortunately words often tumbled out of his mouth without a second thought, and he rarely considered how they might sound or how they could impact the other person. As a result, he found himself remaining silent at critical moments, fearing that his words might only cause more harm than good.
The argument with you had brought this flaw to the forefront of his mind. He recognized that his lack of effective communication had hurt you, leaving you disappointed and disheartened. He raises his fist to knock at your door, wishing he could take back his words and find a way to bridge the growing distance between the two of you, yet again, he retreats.
The same gesture was for you standing in front of your door, trying to atleast add a subtle apology, but an instant realization made you stomp your foot dramatically and jump into the warm bed.
The next day, you refuse to make any breakfast, or contribute to the daily household activities like you usually do. You sulk in your room, either pacing back and forth, ordering your meal,coffee and everything upstairs.
It angered you how much you like Seungcheol. How deep of an infatuation you've developed towards him, in such a short time, finding glimpses of someone beneath the surface that you want to know better. Yet, the argument hangs heavy in the air, making you doubt whether your budding emotions stand a chance. You journal everything; how much of an asshole he is to not communicate properly, how many layers are there to him, and the only time you two talk, is for an arguement? Everything frustrated you. You hear Seungcheol in the distant, and as much as you were cross with him, you want to look at him, and admire his presence. Although its the first ever arguement you two share, the typical wife in you, expects flowers and apologies first from your husband.
Seungcheol, on the other hand, would often glance upstairs, or at your door. He would expect to see your charming face, he silently admires. Only to slump his shoulders and leave for work everyday.
Two days pass by, and midnights strike, as you sit alone in your room, the argument with Seungcheol still fresh in your mind, you try to calm your emotions, occassionally collecting your thoughts in process of reading. Lost in your contemplation, you fail to notice the faint smell of burning wires in the air. The faulty switch connected to the lamp had been giving you trouble for a while, but you hadn't paid much attention to it, thinking it was a minor inconvenience, and indeed the most minor issues ignite major disasters.
Suddenly, a small spark ignites near the switch, and within seconds, the flames start to spread rapidly. Second situation of the night escalating this quick. Panic sets in as you realize the danger you're in.
Your heart races as you rush to the door, only to find that it's jammed, likely due to the fire's heat warping the frame. Fear grips you, knowing you're trapped. With no time to waste, you quickly grab your phone and dial the emergency number. Your voice trembles as you explain the situation and your exact location in the house. You yell out Seungcheol's name, as loud as possible, but unable to do so with the smoke rising.
Soon it starts to fill the room, making it hard to breathe. You look around for something to cover your mouth and nose, finding a nearby cloth to protect yourself as you wait for help to arrive. With all your remaining strength, you fan the rising smoke outside the door, to trigger the smoke alarms.
Seungcheol, who was now downstairs fetching a glass of wine trying to prompt an apology for the day he gathers his courage to, smells the smoke and hears the faint crackling of flames; soon he's shaken by the fire alarms sensing smoke. Panic overtakes him as he realizes this leads to your room. As he rushes upstairs, he hears faint bangings from your room, which stops. He calls out your name, but there's no response. Fear for your safety drives him to take action.
Seungcheol approaches the door, with all his force, he breaks it open. only to find the room engulfed in flames. Your figure is barely visible through the dense smoke. He rushes towards your feeble helpless frame, ignoring the scorching heat and billowing smoke. He finds you near window, trying to escape the inferno. With tears in his eyes, he wraps you in his arms and guides you towards the window, with the flames slowly engulfing the entrance door of your room.
In a span of a few minutes, sirens grows louder, and moments later, paramedics and fire brigades arrive, rushing to extinguish the flames and rescue both of you. They break through the main gates, helping you and Seungcheol escape to safety.
"Please check on her! She was unconcious and barely breathing I'm -I Plea-" Seungcheol fails to form a proper sentence.
"Please calm down sir, we're checking on her, and we'll assisst you. You are...?"
"Her husband! Please hurry and check on her god damnit!!" He yells in frustration hoping you're safe.
Soon, you were able to breathe on your own, and slowly you flutter your eyes open, chest heaving from the sudden attack of the horrific accident. Before it could escalate any further, you were given appropriate medications to trigger your drowsiness.
In the aftermath tranquility of this burning situation, Seungcheol stand outside, watching as firefighters work tirelessly to put out the remaining flames. Grateful to have survived the terrifying ordeal, he holds onto your numb hands, finaly letting his tears slip his eyes. He was so grateful to stop a major tragedy, and you're safe, with him.
The morning sunlight gently seeps through the curtains as you feel it, only to be met with haunting flashbacks of the previous night's terrifying fire, your hopeless voice calling your husband's name, beneath your vision. You shot your eyes open and sit up, heart pounding in your chest as the vivid memories replay in your mind, leaving you trembling with fear. Tears stream down your cheeks as the trauma overwhelms you, and you find it hard to catch your breath.
Seungcheol's immediately awaken by your distress, pulling you into his arms. " I'm here y/n calm down shush..." he whispers tenderly, stroking your head, trying to comfort your trembling body as best as he can. He embraces you tightly in his arms, allowing you to cry and release the floodgates of emotions open from the harrowing experience.
He listens to your trembling sobs, his heartbeats a steady rhythm against your ear, and he continues to stroke your arms and back, comforting you through the turmoil. As you find consolation in his warmth, your clenched fists loosen their grip on the fabric of his shirt, his touch brings a sense of safety and reassurance that you desperately need in this moment. You look at him through your red eyes, as he smiles at you endearingly.
"Seungcheol- I...I'm so sorry" you sniff, gripping his hand, "I never knew that faulty switch would bring this huge mess upon us. You must be the one affected the most. I'm so sorry you had to go through this because of me. I should've let you known" you sob.
He gently wipes your tears, resting your head back on his shoulders "as long as you're safe, I'm at peace. It is my fault that I'm so...uh..quite unapproachable? But I went through hell when I saw you. I was sick worried. I'm sorry I should've protected you better. I should've run a new repair scheme as soon as you moved in. It was my insensitivity to let the most minor things slide" he slowly lies down, with you close to him. He smelled nothing like how the entire house did. He smelled sweet and strong. Everything indeed happens for a reason, as you sense how you're into the man, who rarely touches you, holding you dear.
Throughout the day, your husband Seungcheol stayed by your side, enveloping you in comforting embraces. He ordered breakfast to be delivered to his room, encouraging you to take small steps towards regaining your strength and energy to get on your feet. He offered the support you needed to gather the courage to move on your own and freshen up with a soothing shower.
While you were in the shower, he quietly left the room, allowing you some privacy to release the pent-up emotions that had been bottled up inside you. As the water washed away your tears, the conversations from two nights ago still loomed heavily, unresolved between you both. Yet, amidst the silence and uncertainty, there were his tender gazes - soft and caring. They were like ice on a sunburn, cooling your worries and offering a glimpse of hope. Though words may not have been spoken, his presence spoke volumes, showing that he was there for you in this trying time. You peer outside the window, to see the iron gates glistening with the fog, pitch black sky and the time's almost 11.
Once again, your husband returns into his room, after confirming you've changed, and he smiles at you, approaching with a plate of fruits and berries of all kinds. He was unsure of what your favorite fruit was. He felt unfortunate, of how unaware he is of your preferences. He hands you a bowl of strawberries, and elegantly peels an orange, handing the fruit to you.
"I'm sorry about the previous night" he begins. It catches you off-guard, yet you figure out you're the listener now. "I'm not the best with words, and I do realize I've hurt you-or even worse, left you disheartened. Yet again, I'm at a loss of what should I say, except that let's go on with the honeymoon plans. It may not be the best time right now, but whenever you're sure of doing this, tell me every detail about it; everything you desire for. We'll discuss it." he lifts his eyes towards you, with a subtle smile.
"I thought about everything, and upon contemplation, I realize I do want to give us a chance" you couldn't contain the bubbling happiness, and immediately hug him "thankyou so so so much Seungcheol. I'm glad you get my point" he was frozen at this sudden gesture, yet didn't fail to chuckle. Although he smiled discreetly knowing how wife-coded you are. "Let's begin as friends? Married friends? We'll know each other little by little" you suggest. "Sure, whatever you suggest" he smiles, shaking your hand.
Amidst the haunting shadows of the accident's aftermath, and quite some insomnias later, time became your ally, gently coaxing you out of the horrors that had shaken your world. However you found an unexpected haven of love and affection with your husband. In your head, this friendship has escalated rapidly. A realization dawned upon you - the past may have shaped your paths, but the present had the power to rewrite destinies. Over time you had found solace in cohabitation with your husband, late-night conversations about life's intricacies, you delved into shared preferences, whispered dreams, cherished birthdays, and bittersweet memories of childhood. And everyday you discover new sides of him. Soon, you call him "husband" essentially finding pride and power in doing so. He was surprised at first, yet now he loves being called nicknames like "Cheol" or "Cheollie".
In Seungcheol, you found everything you admired in a man - daring, possessive, with a stunning face and a strong physique. He loved to be in shape, and encouraged you to stay fit, though romance wasn't his forte, he never faltered in taking care of necessities. While you weren't sure if you brightened his world, he became your epiphany. His struggles with eye contact and occasional mindless words unveiled the emotions he guarded, making you grateful for the accident that brought you together; without it, you might have given up on him. Now, you cherished the connection that had grown, exploring the depths of both your hearts.
Seungcheol realized soon that the collision of your worlds had a purpose, unveiling the potential for love and connection he hadn't dared to imagine. He slowly felt a major change in himself. Slowly, a transformation took place within him. Moments that were once filled with hesitation and distance, now became opportunities for seeking your attention, for his eyes to meet yours. He longed to be closer to you, finding comfort in watching you sleep peacefully at night and waking up to your smile each morning.
However, amidst this newfound affection, he couldn't decipher where his heart truly lay. Your mother's loving gestures and his sister-in-law's respectful fondness were easy to understand, but when it came to your feelings, he was left uncertain. Did you like him back? Would you ever be able to reciprocate his love? The questions lingered, leaving him vulnerable to the unknown, anxiously awaiting the day he could unravel the mysteries of your heart. It's an endless marathon in his mind.
It took him 4 days to gather his courage and ask you for coffee. You laugh and obviously agreed to accompany him to the city's famous coffee spot. Like the man he was, he memorizes your order and pulls into a drive thru.
Seungcheol drives to a spot he usually stops by, to ease his frustrations; Parks. Laughter of children, romantic couples sharing pda, and a bridge that separates cherry blossoms from the playground, you're immediately in love with this scenario. Both of you share some laughter, and enjoy your coffees and croissants, while the petals of the blossoms shed upon you. The look of love you two exchanged was long; to leave your coffees cold and croissants dry. Both of your worlds revolved around each other, only for Kkuma's barks to bring you back in reality, being greeted by Seungcheol's brother and his wife. Your delightful evening ends with a comfortable dinner and living your best chances of being Kkuma's mother, something your two month marriage with Seungcheol lacked.
Soon enough, you persuaded Seungcheol to shift houses permanently. Despite your old room being perfectly repaired, the trauma of sleeping alone had left a lasting impact. Bonus was Kkuma finally moving in with you and Seungcheol. Understanding your perspective, Seungcheol readily accepted to have you in his room in this house, and the new one seeking, welcoming the idea without hesitation.
Within a mere three days, you both found yourselves settling into your new furnished apartment, which, wasn't expansive, it rather held the essence of a cozy aesthetic. With only one guest room upstairs and a spacious bedroom, you had insisted on sharing the same space, declining any notions of personal separation. He made sure to double check every single thing, to disapprove any mishaps.
"Cheol, this is beautiful! I-I love it!! Thankyou so much, husband!" To him it's no new information, but his cheeks flushed shades of cherries. You were too busy exploring your new house, and he couldn't help but adore every inch of your ecstacy.
"Any time, wife" he replies after clearing his throat, and containing his ecstacy.
You poured your gratitudes to Seungcheol the entire day and actively joined hands with you, playfully engaging in household tasks, cherishing every moment as you transformed the apartment into your shared abode, a place that signified the start of your new world together.  Nothing changed in terms of routine, however, you two communicate often,and now there were sparks of mischief from Seungcheol, indicating that silence was no more a welcoming guest. And now Kkuma being an addition, you enjoyed being indoors and outdoors with her. It wasn't often both of you enjoy going out often unless its something such as icecream dates or coffee, or some relaxing walks, because neither of you go anywhere out of your comfort zone; except for a business trip or grocery shopping, however the joy of turning down people who ask for your status, was thrilling. You felt a sense of superiority.
The next evening he returns home a little earlier than expected, searching for an important flash drive in his drawer. It seemed you were in shower, considering how loud you were singing. He smiles, hearing your soft voice echoing in the room, and suddenly the door knob twisting open. Seungcheol quickly slides open the closet door and gets inside.
It was foolish of him to hide instead of leave, but he thought maybe his presence would freak you out. He slowly opens a little to take notes of the surrounding and was taken aback, seeing you in a towel, and your hair wrapped. He gulps, seeing your glistening body smell like lavender, spreading in the room.
Seeing you in this new light, he couldn't help but feel a surge of desire mixed with love. He had never viewed you with such intense admiration before. Tempted to touch and hold you, he controlled his impulses, knowing it was too soon for his hands to explore your curves yet this is the most skin he's seen of you.
You lie down on the bed, laughing and smiling to everything that went in your beautiful mind. Soon you dial your best friend and start off a conversation. Seungcheol senses this was a grave mistake, because phonecalls are obviously long. He had no choice but to stay inside until you're distracted. He facepalms himself, and slowly leans towards the side. You put the phone on speaker while you do your post shower rituals, moisturizing yourself in view of the full length mirror.
"Is Seungcheol home right now? Or should I say your husband" your friend teases you
"Good lord, no he's not. Infact a business trip awaits his presence"
"Tch that's sad. No wonder why you're calling me and not him"
"My man's busy. Sometimes I just hope come early one day and catch me like this? My mind goes places whenever I get out of shower and think of him coming in without notice" you smile coyly "darling you're on my to-do list tonight" you chuckle. Seungcheol could only smirk, after hearing your fantasies.
"Honey you're too inexperienced for this" she retorts
"Inexperienced my foot, I miss my husband already.... and safe to say I actually love him" you sigh.
"Have you told him about your feelings? Have you told him you've never been laid and are deprived" Seungcheol closely listens to everything, occasionally holding his laughter.
"No" you pout again, falling on your back, unaware of seungcheol who was shamelessly hearing you, while admiring your raised chest, that was swollen out off the unknown feelings of you, from him.
"I want to. Everytime I look at him, I want to tell him  'oh Cheollie I love you' " you laugh with your friend, "I'm seriously in love with him and it scares me how quick and sudden it all was. And now its- he's giving me mixed signals. Sometimes he's distant, and sometimes he makes me the most lucky woman ever. I want to tell him I love him, I just don't know when or how" you continue
"Dont say anything. Just go on your honeymoon, and sit on his face, the 2nd hour. Afterall actions speak louder than words"  both of you laugh heartily. Seungcheol breathes out a laugh yet onto it, knowing it's over if he's caught.
"Tell me about it" you sigh.
"Seriously! Talk with him and confess! Since when did you become such a big pussy"
"Honey I'm the one with the pussy"
"Goddamn, you- seriously- talk to him. What if he s involved in someone else the time you say the words"
You went silent, the thought just made you sit back up, nd think about it. Could he really have someone else?
"I...highly doubt that. My mother-in-law said he's never really had a serious relationship, since he was focused on training back then"
"Honey its not written on your face that you've never had a man, it aint written on his face that he may have a potential girlfriend before you. What you'll be doing then?" Your friend continues "I hope he's not doing this out of sympathy, considering that whole incident"
Again you felt numb all over, it would've killed you inside out if the signs of Seungcheol's empathy and love was all out of sympathy. However you shake your thoughts, and put a heavy heart on your words, "Then what I'm the one who married him, and I get to choose if I stay or take the other way"
Seungcheol gulped, knowing time is definitely ticking and if he still don't do anything, he'll surely regret.
"Atta girl!"
Suddenly Kkuma runs out from underneath your bed and into the bathroom, and you chase her. "Ahhhhh kkuma stop you frenzy lil- I'll call back later" you chase your daughter, and Seungcheol seeks this as a perfect opportunity to escape.
"Kkuma!!!! That's your dad's favorite shampooo aaa!" You exclaim. Seungcheol takes this opportunity to sprint out of the room, laughing a little at your banter. The smile plastered on his face was priceless. His chest heaved with happiness, ego swollen with pride, heart relieved and thrilled with all the revelations. If he knew anything as a businessman, it was to have a plan. He needs to be prepared for everything beforehand and time was a precious investment. And it was finally time he need to make his first move.
"Are you interested in accompanying me to this business trip?" Seungcheol asks, out of the blue during breakfast.
"Well, I don't see exactly why wouldn't I" you raise your brows "thought I'd say no"
"Hey hey, it's not that! I just wondered if you'd be up for some adventure, that's all."
"Adventure, huh?" you reply, pretending to ponder dramatically. "Hmm, only if you promise to bring some fun into this 'business' trip."
He smirks, tapping his fingers on the table. "Deal! I'll make sure it's the most adventurous business trip you've ever been on" you're aware of your husband's antics, and it's evident he's brewing something.
You laugh, finding his playful demeanor contagious. "Alright then, you've got yourself a travel buddy. But you better keep your promise, Mr. Businessman."
Seungcheol winks, flashing you a charismatic smile. "Oh, don't you worry, Mrs. Businesswoman. It'll be an unforgettable journey" Kkuma barks in excitement
"Exactly Kkuma" he cheers.
You couldn't help but smile, at how domestic life has turned ever since the coast is clear between you two. The idea of being overseas with Seungcheol sparked a new imagination for you.
✿═══✿ ═╡°˖✧✿✧˖°╞══✿════✿
Whoever said travelling is easy, it never is.
After hours of a tiring flight, you found yourself in Singapore, the astonishing city of tourism. The sights were indeed beautiful, with city skyscrapers and landscapes that mesmerized you. The fresh air was a welcome change, adding a touch of excitement to this trip. Your husband, with his penchant for luxury, had chosen a hotel room at a height, providing a stunning view of the city and the rivers below."It must be even more beautiful at night," you thought, taking in the scenery.
Seungcheol's voice broke through your thoughts, and you turned to see him leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, looking incredibly attractive in his white shirt.
"Like what you see?" he teased, clearly enjoying the attention he was receiving.
"Sure I do," you replied with a nervous smile, trying to contain your admiration for him.
"I'll shower first then! I'll be heading out soon, so please order lunch for me as well," he said, scrunching his nose playfully before disappearing into the bathroom.
Following his request, you ordered lunch and kept yourself busy taking pictures of the breathtaking views from your room. Lost in the beauty of the city, you were interrupted by the doorbell, and to your surprise, there stood Seungcheol, clad only in sweatpants, with the towel hanging around his shoulders. You tried your best to keep composure "Oop! Quite a timing, lunch is here" you tried to maintain eye contact but it was hard; both for your eyes to keep to his face, and for his nipples to remain soft in the chilly air of the A/C. It was thrilling and embarassing, considering you now know what he is inside that white shirt he always wears.
"Sure, Thanks. Heard my phone ring" he walks over to the side table for his phone "I'll be quick" he chuckles knowing the effect he had on you. You swore you felt tingles everywhere, and bury your face in your hands, hiding the flusters of your red face and feels. Unbeknownst to you, Seungcheol could see your flustered reactions through the reflection of the window; full enough to capture the city's highlights. He knew he has unlocked a new level.
"Sure this journey will be unforgettable"
While Seungcheol's been busy attending meetings and chats with his clients, you took this opportunity to explore the city's famous landmarks, enjoying some street shows, and a visit to art galleries and ice cream parlors. The times he's available, he shines as usual; enjoying different flavors, mingling with the dancers, and spending like anything on ferris wheel rides, and to exquisite places you've either seen on searches, or never heard of it.
"So Mrs Businesswoman how are you enjoying your stay so far?" He inquires, leaning rowards the railings of the bridge.
"Amazing, you really know how to explore, Mr Dora" you smile. "How long is your business work though?"
"Why is it? Don't you like it here?" He frowns
"No no, it's that you must be tired commuting back and forth, just making sure you don't get sick"
"Don't worry, besides, weren't you the one to be enthusiastic about a honeymoon" he looks up at the starry sky. An instant realization came to you
"Ooh.... I-damn you sneaky lil I should've known why would you ask me to accompany you all of a sudden" you squint at him "I'm not complaining though. You have quite an elite taste" you smile
"Then lets go get dinner and we'll chill on some champagne later" the idea sounds wonderful already. Seungcheol holds your hand, and your heartbeat accelerated at this gesture
"You don't mind...this do you?" He asks, eyes glistening with innocence as if he doesn't tease you every morning.
"No, Honey" you smile. Despite Seungcheol's occasional flirty tactics, you realized that he had eyes only for you.
The next hour after a delicious dinner, you were in shower, and decided to make him suffer twice the time he does, so you come out in slippers, and a piece of towel barely covering your body, just enough to enhance your curves. Your husband who was pouring champagnes, turns around, to his absolute shock, he was foaming, eye-fucking you. You instantly knew you hit the bullseye.
"Forgot my toner here" you smile innocently, and unintentionally fulfilling your fantasies. Whatever was hard, was definitely not because of the temperature. Soon you return in just an oversized shirt and some shorts, that has been your usual night-fit. He hands you your glass, looking a bit horny. There was silence. Quite a sexually tempting one. Lights were dim, the view was spectacular.
It's when he realized he's had enough and pulls you on top of him, your lingerie-less body hitting his hard chest
"God..Seungcheol what is-"
"I'm I hav- Oh god I don't know how to say this" he contemplates, as you see his soft lips between his teeth
"What the hell you're the one to pull me on you" you roll your eyes
"Sorry I'm I-"
"Never mind" you hold his face and attach your lips with his. To be frank, you've had tolerated enough and it's time you do sit on his face.
The synchronization of your lips moving with his, was very perfect for a first time. You kept on kissing and kissing, exploring every inch of his mouth until he pushes you for a catch of breath. You flutter your eyes open and smile, slowly transcending to a laugh
"God you're so...menacing" he speaks "about time you finally do what you said to your frien-" he stops knowing he said a little too much. You look at him in shock "does that mean you-"
"Sorry" he nervously says. You squint your eyes at him again, very suspiciously "how much did you listen"
"Everything" he confessed "it was unintentional, you were busy on the call and I came for something then I forgot common sense. Sorry" he apologizes. You knew the cat had been out of the box, you were unable to notice it. You sigh, after a quick contemplation
"Well, it's no secret anymore. Here I'll say it fir-" he puts a finger on your lip, switching positions, where he is on top of you now. It earned a small squeak from you, yet you felt your core getting a bit wet by how attractive that was. His leg rested between yours.
"Let me" he stares in your soul. You gulped, kind of getting wet by how his built is hovering on you.
"Y/N, I'm foolishly, in fucking love with you" the sudden profanity made you grin a little harder, all while he strokes a loose strand off your face "honestly. I can't believe it took me this long to express my..sheer love for you, y/n. Back then, i would've died without you but now I...would die for you. I can't imagine a world without you, so if you please let me be yours forever?"
"I hated every inch of air I shared with you then, and how we were just bonded without sharing a hello" you smile, cupping his face "I never imagined I'd find every moment with you, so profound. Every minute with you was magical, and it only concludes how destined we are for each other"
"I love you Seungcheol"
"I love you too..."
With that, he took the "action speak louder than words" a little too serious. His lips wrestle for dominance with yours, and the thigh that was calm, started stirring up a storm between your legs, as he continuously grinds on you. You pull onto the hem of his shirt, and he immediately does, while his hands explore your body inside your shirt. He slowly makes his way from your lips to your neck. Everything felt so ecstatic; it was your new high. You clenched onto the soft pillows for dear life, when Seungcheol slides himself into your oversized shirt, his lips between the valley of your perky breasts, craving his attention. He admires every inch of your perfectly created body.
"Stop...teasing" you moan. He feigned ignorance, continuing to play with your sensations. He pulls you up by your back, and swiftly removes the shirt and throws it on the floor. "There's no stopping me tonight y/n," is the last thing he says before pinching your nipples, and making the best use of his mouth on them. He enjoys hearing the profanities escape your lips, and how your voice changes upon pleasure.
You push him by his shoulders and get down on him, sliding the waistband of his shorts down to his knees, his dick springing high on your face. You gaze at his length before mindlessly taking every inch in your hands. "You..you..do..nt hhhave to ddoo t-ohhh" he groans. "You don't tell me what to do...."
"Such a brat" he smirks, letting you rule his excitement. He felt his high, once you slowly took him in your mouth, taking in as much as you could without gagging (yet) it's a matter of time he shifts from a thread of "oh ffuckk" "you're doing it so good" to "I'm gonna cum" and it's when you stop. You hastily take your shorts off and slowly grind on him. Seungcheol was panting manic. He was a mess. The entire room reeked of lust and his musky scent overshadowing, with his sweat. It proved how much of an authority you held on him
"Slide all the way up to my face beautiful I don't bite"
That's all you needed for your dripping core to slide on his nose, to his mouth. His tongue did wonders. You were sure you wouldn't last long considering this is your first oral ever, and sure you didn't, his tongue toyed with your nerves, and used every "shits" "fucks" "oh cheol" as his drive to go deeper in your cunt. "I'll cum I'm cumming I-" you release on his lips, and like a man, he devours it all.
"You...you sound like cand..candy crush for god's sake" you breathily chuckle, and he follows, slowly getting up, to position himself on you.
"Then allow me to...'smash' " he presses a tender kiss on your forehead, before entering your core. You squeezed his hand, asking him to be gentle and burying your face in his neck, fingers in his back. It felt so...weird the first few minutes, but as he slowly moves, the funky feeling, the pain, it all vanishes. It's all when you realize you're actually getting laid. The sounds you've never considered you'd make, were too loud, way too unholy. Seungcheol was holding your leg, and was going slow till you adjust to him. His low groans and breathy moans turned you on even further, where you move your head to face him and slap his arm
"Giv...give me e...every..thing, husband. Take me all the way up" you breathe out. It's when he increases his pace, once he received your green signal. The slow slaps, were now louder and faster. Your bed was also giving up on concealing it's squeaks. He holds you in his arms, and continues thrusting in you.
Nothing else in the world mattered but the pressure you felt in between your legs and your delicious heat wrapping around him, engulfing him in until he bottomed out. His head falling into the crock of your neck, whispering sweet nothings against it while he started to fuck you slowly.
“Y-You feel so good, so w-warm.” Seungcheol kissed you, feverishly, swallowing your moans. His soft lips whimpering against yours. “I want to be inside you forever.” His hips moving against yours slowly, making sure you could feel all of him inside you. His hands never leave from your back and pushed you against him, chests heaving against one another’s. You arched your back, gripping the blankets underneath you. "Oh Seungcheo...god....cheol..." you breathe. He continued tinting your neck with his masterwork, and swiftly positions you on all fours. The joy you felt by the way he dominated you, and messed with your fucked out state, was bringing you heaven. You go low, arms stretching towards the headboard, while he grabs them, locking them behind your back, and even going hard.
There was no stopping him, all while the whole city from your foggy windows witness you making love witb your husband.
"Look at yourself, love" he turns your head to the mirror on the right "look at us..mmm..." he moans in your ear his hand snaking in between your bodies searching for the little bud of pleasure. You scream in pure ecstscy.
He turns you around, so swiftly,  with his thumb hovering over it, the suspense had you withering, begging for him to touch you the only way he knew how. You whimpered feeling the ghost of his touch, your fingers tweaking at your nipple, sending a rush of pleasure through your body. "C..ch..chheoll..., mmm, I-I need to cum.” You pressed your chest into his back, turning your head all the way up, watching as his face contorted into pure bliss, his thrusts getting sloppier, his connected thumb with your clit and rubbing slow figure eight, constrasting the speed of his thrusts. You gasped raising your hips rocking against his hips and hand, feeling the sweet coil start to build up "im..fucking serious oh....my..."
"Release all on me, love" he demands amidst moans "Cum with me. Savour every drop of it" and it's all you needed to finally finish on him. He groaned finding your free hand and interlocking your fingers with his. You clenched around him. He was pumping as well, and you felt all warmth being filled inside you. Every thing about this was so surreal, so new, so perfect. You breathe as if you had run a marathon; a marathon of lust. Seungcheol hugs you, and stays inside you, caressing your head, showering you with compliments that you were brave and did well for your first time. The sense of encouragement brought tears to your eyes as you bury your face in his chest. He caressed your back with tender touches, and slowly lays you on your back, plopping down next to you.
"You're officially all mine" he kisses your shoulder. You hold his hand tightly, "you're mine as well, babe"
For the first time, you felt real comfort, real love, and an unimaginable intimate experience with your husband. And a shower too.
Seungcheol's heart hadn’t stopped palpitating since. His stomach erupted into butterflies whenever he had held you close throughout the immoral escapades the two of you had engaged in all night. He never wanted to let you go and now as he looked down into your glittering eyes with the heat of the golden sun rays hitting your sensitive bodies.
"Wake up husband"
"I think I want to sleep all day tonight" he shuffles closer to you.
"Oh who knew it would hard to wake my husband up from his slumber"
"Blaming on your irresistable charm" he squeezes your butt under covers.
"Owh! I'll need my own room again if you do th.." his hands cup your clothed core
"Hmmm...you were saying?"
"You.." you fail to form sentences once he starts rubbing your core, slow dense circles.
"Hands to yoursel..f or I'll bite" you whisper
"Oh, my damsel in distress" his voice is contagiously attractive;waste no time as he goes down on you undercovers.
"We're really leaving Singapore as lovers" he chimes, an ear-to-ear grin fixed on, enhancing his dimples.
"Yeah if it weren't you to have the same traits as you family, you nosy lil witch" you exhale, standing in front of the fountains, almost nearing the airport
"I'm always nosy about everything" he smirks
"Honesty is not always the best policy Mr Choi"
He pulls you dangerously close "You have no idea, Mrs Choi"
"You need a haircut"
"All I'll ever need is...you" he holds onto you like a sloth on a branch, as you two harmonize in a melodious laugh.
It is you, he wants to tell everything to. He'll express his love for you, while he holds your hands in his.
And if there's eternal love, Seungcheol is that person for you.
Thenkyoui for reading!! Stay bias wrecked by him <3
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @cactusdragon517 almost a month ago lol, I'm slow to get these done.
How many works do you have on ao3? 21
What's your total ao3 word count? 202,835
What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Call of Duty and I'm still hanging around the TOG fandom. But I've hardly posted anything in years lol. Someday when my toddler is a little older I'll get back into posting more.
Top five fics by kudos:
Share Your Address - Fencer!Joe/TA!Nicky College AU - Insta-love. So much texting. Everybody wants to punch Keane.
It Feels Like Flying - Joe/Pilot!Nicky AU - This is porn. Enjoy.
Brothers Fight - Joe & Booker working through their issues post movie.
Everything I Did to Get to You - Sequel to Share Your Address (my top fic by Kudos) - AU - A few years later Joe and Nicky spend the holidays with friends and family.
Collapsing Walls - Book of Nile!!!!! - Established Booker/Nile - Booker and Nile get caught in a building while trying to assist during an earthquake.
Do you respond to comments? Yes!! I try to respond to all comments for at least a few days after I post something.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write a lot of angsty ENDINGS. I'll Never Love Another (Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky) has a fuck ton of angst in it, and I know some people thought the ending was bitter sweet bordering on sad.... but idk (spoilers?) no one died and they're together sooooo that's a happy ending in my book lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Gees, idk lol Share Your Address?? It's so sweet you'll get cavities.
Do you get hate on fics? I never have. *knock on wood*
Do you write smut? Hardly ever. I mean I HAVE, and actually the most recent thing I posted was like straight up porn lol. But mostly if there is sex it is only hinted at/fade to black. Or buried in a 60k fic so you have to work for it!
Craziest crossover: Probably Book of Nile + Princess Bride (it's a WIP that I haven't touched in like 3 years *sweats nervously* I swear I will finish all my WIPs EVENTUALLY)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of???
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!! A one shot I did was translated onto a Japanese website that I forget the name of lol. I've also had a podfic made of one of my one shots if that counts.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ashley and I tried at one point lol it was a modern AU DinLuke fic.... it kind of fizzled out eventually. @ashleyrguillory we should look at that again someday lol
All time favorite ship? Obligatory "Just one??!!" ok but idk Charlie/Claire (LOST), Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) and Derek/Stiles (Teen Wolf) are the most important to me??? I read the most fic for Ghost/Soap, [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #1], and [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #2] lol
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I refuse to give up on any of my WIPS!!! I have 4, and all of them are planned/outlined to the end... I even have multiple completed chapters for two of them. I'm not a quitter... I do take my time though lol
What are your writing strengths? Oh gees... idk someone else who has read my stuff needs to tell me this... I think I've gotten a lot of comments complimenting me on keeping characters true to canon?? idk guys! someone else answer this!
What are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with action and sex scenes. Where are they? I, the person writing this fic, certainly don't know. (come to think of it this might be part of the reason that I don't write a lot of smut)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Whatever floats the author's boat.
But I personally have done it a few ways. My favorite to both write and read is just to write what they say and then identify what language is being used if the POV character can understand the language. something like: "Oh no," he shouted in Italian.
OR if the POV character doesn't understand the language I would write something like: Nicky shouted something in what Joe thought was Italian. OR Nicky said something in a language Joe couldn't quite place.
First fandom you wrote in? Supernatural lol
Favorite fic you've written? One????? You're getting 2!
I'll Never Love Another - Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky AU - SO MUCH LETTER WRITING - This was my Big Bang in 2021, and I love the FUCK out of it. It's my favorite fic I've ever written and I reread it kind of often because of how much I enjoy it lol
Impelled by the Persuasion of Love - Canon verse Joe/Nicky and Andy/Quynh - Takes place in France during the 100 years war. I have an obsession with courtly love/chivalry and figured I should shove it onto our favorite immortals <3 - I wrote this for a TOG zine that came out in early 2021
=== Truly, IDK if I've got 20 people to tag but I'll give it a go!!
@innerslumber, @alloutofgoddesses, @ashleyrguillory, @stevethehairington, @sindirimba, @disregardandfelicity and anybody else who wants to do this, consider this your tag!!!
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fuckyeahfightlock · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers 2023
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total A03 word count?
1.2 million (!!!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
BBC Sherlock (Sherlock TV, ACD), Doctor Who/Torchwood, Black Sails/Treasure Island, Maurice (film/novel), Raffles/Raffles TV, Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, Dexter, The Sandman (comics), Versailles, The Untamed, MST3K
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Imposter Art and Nature Boyfriend Material Eight and Fifty Nights Wind and Winter
No surprise three of those are from the same series (my most popular one). I kind of feel like The Imposter is my fandom legacy, which is fine by me; I'm proud of it.
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(they're all beauties, in my eyes)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I started out responding to every one. I barely do anymore, only because when I was writing long, chaptered fics, it became overwhelming. Lately I get many fewer, so I do respond to some. I tend to reply to comments on non-Sherlock fics more now, because the fandoms are smaller and I like to gas us up a little!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Am and Was, the final story in my fight!lock series Bleed So Pretty, ends with a double suicide.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably All Said and Done, the happy ending for the 1920s stately home series, Dawn Before the Rest of the World. But a lot of my fics have happy endings, even most of the angsty ones.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have! Very early on someone got very angry that AUs even exist, and took it out on one of my stories (maybe it was the first AU she ever read???); she mostly complained that I was writing Them out of character, which is probably true to some extent, but everyone has their own tolerance levels for that kind of stuff, so, whatever. Someone got very angry that one of my missing-scene fics based on a novel included verbatim text at the beginning and end (context being necessary to the bit I wrote in the middle), even though I made that VERY CLEAR in the beginning notes; she was not satisfied and felt I was a plagiarist, which to me is not a concept that even applies to transformative works, so again, whatever.
I don't mind any comment except ones that boil down to "I don't like this," because there's nothing I can do about that. I can fix spellings and punctuation, sew up plot holes, and make other minor adjustments to the technical stuff. But if someone just comments that they don't like the story, I'm helpless.
9. Do you write smut?
Very much so! I have written entire long novels just as set dressing for smut.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Several! I decided as soon as Sherlock came out on BBC that it takes place in the very same universe (London, present day) as Doctor Who/Torchwood (so, aliens exist). So I crossed those over a bunch. Doctor Who/Torchwood also got crossed over with Dexter, and with The Sandman comics. ACD!Holmes crossed over with Raffles, based on a screenplay of a film featured on MST3K. Black Sails is already Treasure Island pastiche, so that counts though I'm not responsible for it.
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(this legendary bitch was only a bitch from a legend in Treasure Island)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I was a victim of netscraping of the AO3 by various pay-to-read schemes, twice. But to my knowledge, no one person has like, copy/pasted my fic and put their name on it as the author.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple in Russian, a couple in Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Twice. It's not really my jam.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A final story in my Road to Home series, a fix-it fic where Donna gets her memory back (which I began writing in 2013 or 2014). Now that she's got it back in canon, it seems even less likely I'll ever finish it.
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(Russell T Davies accepted it maybe a little TOO hard)
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Right now, discipline (mine, not in my BDSM AU characters')
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it, probably not 100% correctly or well, but I try really hard (not just google translate! I consult native speakers!) to get it right. Generally I recommend keeping it to a minimum unless you learn the trick where AO3 lets you hover a cursor over text and you can put the translation in the pop-up. Too few people are multilingual.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote self-insert Duran Duran bandom fic starting when I was 12, in 1984. My first fic on the AO3 was a Sherlock fic.
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(my first husband, John Taylor)
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Don't make me choose! I can't choose a favourite child. Today I was writing on One-Man Advantage, so that's a fave because of recency bias, but I was also thinking about Stages, so that's a fave because when I think of it my heart aches. The Re/Formation of Billy Bones is a fave because I love the backstory I created for him and I think I wrote it well. At Depth is a tiny hidden gem. I love all the Christmas ones and all the snowed-in ones. I love the kinky ones and the fluffy ones and the ones with OCs. I love some I've forgotten about. I love'm all.
Thanks for tagging me, @onesmallfamily !
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taeraeszn · 1 year
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hi! my name is hari and this account is dedicated to writing for zb1 and only zb1. i used to be zb1luvr.
i do not write for other groups. i decided to open this account so there can be more writings for zb1!
please read my rules below before requesting, they are below my writings!
legend: (f) = fluff, (a) = angst
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kim jiwoong
none so far!
zhang hao
enchanted to meet you (f)
sung hanbin
jealousy, jealousy (f,a)
seok matthew
true love (f)
kim taerae
rough days (f, a)
the situationship (f, a)
shen ricky
full of love (f)
protective (f)
not alone (f, a)
kim gyuvin
none so far!
park gunwook
none so far!
han yujin
when zb1 misses a date - yujin scenario extension
how would zb1 react if their s/o slept on another member? (f)
how would zb1 react to you using another members perfume? (f)
how would zb1 react to their jealous s/o? (f)
when zb1 pats your head/caressing your hair (f)
how would zb1 react to you asking for kissing and cuddles after a long day? (f)
how would zb1 react to you getting stood up on a date? (a, f)
when zb1 misses a date (a, f)
when zb1 are jealous (f)
when something reminds zb1’s s/o of another member (f)
how zb1 fell in love with you (f)
zb1 as
zb1 as love languages (f)
works in progress
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rules for requesting
i do not write smut, i want my writings to be open for readers of all ages. i also just suck at writing suggestive scenes lol.
any rude ask will be deleted without hesitation.
if there is any request i am uncomfortable with, i have the right to ignore it/delete it.
please consider if your request is suitable for the maknae line before submitting it
please don't spam my ask box if i haven't done your request.
if you are requesting for an individual member please state the scenario and genre so i am able to write it exactly how you want!
i'm open to writing individual stories for the maknae line but please make it age appropriate.
i will write for yujin but it will be VERY fluff, i’m very careful with what i write for him and please remember that before requesting.
i write using a gender neutral reader, as of july 5 2023 i no longer do afab or amab writings and only do gender neutral. i feel more comfortable writing for everyone.
i am not always available to write! i work and have a job so i am not always free. please understand that it may take a while till i get to your request.
please do not re-upload any of my works and claim it as yours. i put a lot of effort into writing them.
thank you!
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orangepanic · 10 days
Thanks for the tag, @noexoozes
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 143! Wow, how did that happen?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,611,020 words. Oh. That's how that happened.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Predominantly Avatar: The Legend of Korra, with a few Avatar: The Last Airbender and the odd crossover for funsies.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
AWOL - An LOK season two rewrite where General Iroh defies President Raiko and goes with Asami Sato on a secret mission to aid the Southern Water Tribe. Irosami.
Severance - A twisted soulmate AU where General Iroh dies in the Battle of Yue Bay and sticks around to haunt Asami Sato. Irosami.
The Mango Tree - The last days of Mai's life as told through her family members as she gives them one final gift.
Glass - A sequel to AWOL where Asami and Iroh get caught up in a lot of intrigue leading up to a new civil war. Irosami.
Smoke - My Equalist!Asami enemies to lovers AU. You guessed it, Irosami.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! I try to respond to every comment if I can.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Without a doubt, Endgame, a story where Asami and Hiroshi's battle at the end of season one goes differently. I usually write happy endings. This isn't it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The 142 other fics? Lol, most of my fics have happy endings. I'm particularly partial to the ending of Glass though.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Less than I used to. I think the fandom has moved on. 100% of the hate I've gotten has been from people who don't like the ship I write.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do. Not a lot. It's not particularly sexy, either. I write awkward characters in love and the smut usually reflects that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Very very rarely. I think the only true crossover I have (where characters from two fandoms interact) is Asami Sato and the Goblet of Fire where Asami is a muggle student at Hogwarts. I still think it's cute but my brain doesn't do crossovers well.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Someone recently asked about this. I hope they do it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I've co-written a few fics with @ideklolwat.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh gosh I just don't know I have no idea what I could ever
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15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? No. I'm determined to finish everything.
16. What are your writing strengths? Practice? I spend a lot of time writing so there's a lot of it. I like to think I learn something.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Oh gosh, everything else. Characters moving through space. Proofreading. Plots. Endings. Kisses.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've rarely had the occasion to do this since everyone in Avatar seems to speak the same language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Avatar: Legend of Korra
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? There's no way I can pick a favorite! I don't even think I can pick a top five. I'm my primary audience so all my fics are for me.
Tagging @thatoneguy56fanfic @yell0wsalt @oldandirrelevant @myargalargan @wishingforatypewriter and whoever else wants to consider themselves tagged!
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melodious-tear · 3 months
fic writer interview
Thank you @bitterflames for tagging me! this was fun <3
How many works do you have on AO3? currently 24
What’s your total AO3 word count? 189 321 words (more than I expected 👀)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Amour phew: 112 2. Mail from Ye Baiyi and other inconveniences: 107 3. Bed hair: 88 4. Lava Cake: 77 5. Rhythm of the night: 59 Lava cake is actually a surprise lol. I do not like this one very much.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! Even if it's just a comment with some hearts. I appreciate every interaction and I also know how it feels to create something for the void, that goes for commints too.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I'd say that's "Evening with an old friend". Or "keep me cold?" oh I forgot about "Puppet play". hmmm 🤔 XD you see, I wrote lots of angsty stuff ("point of no return" is surely the worst (tm), but it's a collage so I won't count it in)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? That's "A ghost in the neon light", I think, at least out of the dark fics.
Do you write crossovers? no, not a fan of it at all
Have you ever received hate on a fic? not really, I got one passive-agressive comment from the XiYao troll back then, but apart from that I only get nice comments. one benefit of writing niche things, I guess :P
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? me, an ace, writes smut surprisingly often XDDDD, but only non-explicit
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes, that silly little fic "Bed hair" got translated to Spanish
Have you ever co-written a fic before? no, and I'm not sure if I could do that
What’s your all-time favorite ship? oh, I can't really answer that, I love them all <333 And I'm sure there will be new ones. But XueYao was always the easiest to write for me!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? hhhhhhhh ... I'll consider only the published WIPs, otherwise I'd have to cry XDDD "synchronize me with the night" is one of my faves and I really like to finish it someday :(((((
What are your writing strengths? that's a bit hard to say as an insider XDD I think I'm good at dialogues and I really like writing them, and my muse is a crack addict, so I thrive at funny things. otherwise ... I think I'm also good at being true to the original character traits even in a modern setting, but that's something others can judge better, I'd say
What are your writing weaknesses? to actually write of course, and also finishing things :)))) I mourn the times when I only wrote one-shots, but now I almost always get myself into multi chaps (multi as in no end in sight) - so I fall out of fandom until I can finish, or the lack of interaction gets to me, or something doesn't work out as I thought it would ... I deleted some unfinished fics that kept haunting me. it's sad, but I felt bad whenever I opened AO3
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? untranslatable things like suffixes are okay imo, and sometimes when two characters speak in a language that's foreign to the one from whose POV it's written for example, then it makes sense - otherwise I think it's not good for the reader's flow.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? SS-GB! that was before I fell into the cdrama trash bin
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? there are quite a few, I want to write something about the snow boys (as I call them XD) from My journey to you, Luo Mingxi/Linlang (Legend of Anle), mmmmmaybe Ning Yuanzhou/Yu Shisan (A journey to love), and I still haven't written Yuan Lang/Lize Palace Leader (Love and Redemption) even though they are very dear to me!!! they are so complicated and one of them doesn't have a name ffs :(
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? please don't make me choose between my children :))))))
tagging @moonstone-vibe @bitterfrosts @qinghe-s no pressure ofc and everyone else feel free to do it!
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phiralovesloki · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers:
Tagged by the wonderful @idoltina!
If you're looking to check out any of my fics, everything is currently locked. That just means that if you go to my page, phiralovesloki, it'll say I have 0 works unless you log in. If you log in, you can see everything, no problem.
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
I used to write for the Legend of Zelda fandom, but switched to OUAT in the mid 2010s (I took down all my LoZ fics, it's just OUAT on Ao3). I am technically still writing for OUAT but my document history begs to differ.
what are your top five fics by kudos?
With Affection, You'll Know It's Him, Rescue Me, Wishing for You to Find Your Way, and Coming Home to You.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I used to! Eventually, I got overwhelmed by life and stopped responding. I do read every comment I get, and each one is very lovely!
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No Time Like the Present, which is I think technically canon compliant if you really squint at it. Essentially, there's a weird crossing of the time streams in Neverland, where S3 Emma bumps into S6 Hook and they have a really weird conversation because she doesn't realize he's in the future. The result is that when she finds the engagement ring in S6, she misunderstands his reluctance/caginess. I tend to write happy endings only these days (which LoZ-writer me would be really surprised by!), so this is probably the only angsty-ending I've got.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Like, all of them minus the above? Probably Tell Him, because time travel shenanigans end up fixing a lot of ridiculous BS from S4 through S6.
do you get hate on fics?
Not usually. I've gotten a few comments over the years that haven't been very nice, but they can be boiled down to the affectionately named Charminator (who would scour FFnet fics and criticize their portrayals of David, it was very weird!), and the one time someone did not like that I wrote a completely AU fic where Leopold and Regina, two background characters, were happily married.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I don't know what "what kind" means, but yes, I write smut! I've got some fics that consist of plots that are excuses for smut. I used to accept kinky smutty prompts in my inbox, although I took them down several years ago, sorry.
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
So, funny enough, when I was a wee lil fic writer, writing in notebooks after my parents thought I was asleep, I wrote crossovers between the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and the Belgariad (@optomisticgirl). No true crossovers since then.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not quite. I've had a fic reposted on Facebook without my permission or knowledge, which caused a great deal of fandom drama when I found out about it and asked to have it removed.
have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. I forget which one, but someone years ago asked if they could translate one of my stories into Russian, and I said it was fine.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Uhhhh ... I don't think so? (This is genuinely me not remembering.)
what's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't love this question, not because I don't understand where it's coming from (I do!), but because I feel like ships are often like books or movies or TV shows or even foods. Different things hit the spot differently, even if you love them equally. I think Emma and Hook from OUAT are definitely the pair that ate up the most brain space for me. But I've got a steady rotation of LoZ ships as well, including MaLink which is the one that originally got me writing fic. And Link and Midna also wrecked me emotionally and primed me for Captain Swan (and that's the basis for the OUAT Zelda AU that will never get finished at this rate). These days, thanks to Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, I'm also just very certain that those versions of Zelda and Link belong together and I shrieked when we got to Hateno Village in TotK and found out that they're COHABITATING (there's only one bed!!!).
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Omg, same answer here as Tina, why don't you just @ me next time.
I've actually got 3, one of which is the Zelda AU that is almost 100k words long and is maybe halfway done. One of my new year's resolutions is to find the time to work on it.
Another one, which I really wish I could finish, but I don't see it happening, is a canon divergence where Emma returns from the Wish Realm without regaining her memories/Savior-ness. She's desperate to get "home" and strikes a deal with Rumple, where in order for him to send her back, she has to make Hook believe she's in love with him again, and then break his heart.
And finally, I have a modern AU where Emma fake dates her ex-best friend Killian in order to secretly date Neal, who's come back into her life very suddenly. This one is never getting finished specifically because 1) too many Captain Swan shippers are flat out uncomfortable with the Emma/Neal bits even though it would be a CS story, and 2) I am actually hoping to someday rework the main gist of it into an original contemporary romance.
what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and plotting. Are you stuck with a plot point? hmu
what are your writing weaknesses?
Everything that's not dialogue and plot. My writing isn't flowing or descriptive or beautiful or anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm just writing down what's happening, what the characters are feeling, and what they're saying, and that's basically it. (LOL props to @lifeinahole27 who let me know that I fucking forgot to finish my sentence, oops!)
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for fic?
I can only speak English so I don't feel comfortable writing in another language for fic.
first fandom you wrote for?
favourite fic you've ever written?
(Strong Bad voice) My fics are like my childrens: I love them all!
I think Powerful Magic is probably my favorite that doesn't get a ton of eyes on it.
tagging: @spartanguard, @iverna, @eirabach, @initiala, @lifeinahole27, and whoever else is up for it! If I've tagged you and you've done this or you don't want to do this, no worries, feel free to ignore. If I didn't tag you, but you really wanted to be tagged, then I'm tagging you and you can say so!
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the-knightmare · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @daddygrandpaandthebeaver for the tag.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write for mostly The Legend of Zelda and Bob's Burgers, but I have written for Escape Room and had thoughts about Six of Crows stuff. And that one Uncle Obi-Wan fic I did for flufftober last year.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Too Late
Seeking Solace With You
A Life Interrupted
Stay in Bed
I Met You in a Closet
The first and third aren't surprising, they're both older works of mine. Too Late is an angsty coldfalsh fic I wrote back when I was into the the Flash/Legends of Tomorrow. A Life Interrupted is my unfinished Roudise soulmate au (perhaps the upcoming theme week will motivate me to finish).
I was actually really happy to see Seeking Solace With You to be the second most popular. It's one that I'm proud of, and put a bit more into emotion-wise.
I'm actually surprised Stay in Bed and I Met You in a Closet (both zelink) made it into the top five as I didn't think they were my best works.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I respond to some of them. I'm a bit shy/anxious and I tend to overthink what I say. I absolutely love every comment I get, and I read every one even if I'm slow to respond.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That would be Too Late, as it deals with the aftermath of The Flash's season three finale where Barry enters the speedforce (I had to refresh my memory of what happened it's been so long, haha).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since I love happy endings, there's a few of them. I'll highlight two and cheat a little:
A Call to Ears: A roudise fic where Louise catches Rudy trying on her bunny ears.
Dancing with Freckles and Glasses: a Telink fic post Wind Waker where Link helps Tetra practice dancing before a ball.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Luckily no, even when I make typos and errors.
9. Do you write smut?
I do not. The most I do is hint and let readers make their own decisions.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, not really.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know, I have not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I cheat again, as I love both Roudise and zelink.
But I also love a lot of ships that I don't write, but read and enjoy canon material of.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
There are a few I have in early stages of writing in notebooks or scraps in a word doc, not much of note.
I suppose A Life Interrupted is one that I have no idea if I'll actually finish since I would have to think of a new way to end it. A good gist of what I may have originally meant as an ending can be read in Hidden in Plain Slide where I have some of my headcannon of Louise not liking things changing is on display, as well as the running away after a confession.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I had a comment on a fic that mentioned nonsexual intimacy and friendship underlying the characters attraction, and I would say that I always try to write relationships that feel balanced in their romantic elements.
I also think I've learned how to tell when something is working and when something is needed to make it work. Especially keeping character's true to their characterizations as best I can. So long as it sounds proper, I'm happy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing multi-chapter fics. It haunts me that I haven't finished A Life Interrupted, and every so often I think of it.
I could stand to go over my writing for typos and mistakes more. If I think about it too much, I'm sure I could think of a million things.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I could only do French outside of English, but I wouldn't. While I'm technically bilingual, I'm fairly rusty and don't have confidence to write a whole story in French.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It would either be Harry Potter or the City of Ember all the way back in my fanfic.org days.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I'm going to cheat again and list some I haven't mentioned yet:
Morning Person (roudise)
Burger Approval (zekina, with the Bob and Zeke relationship as a focus)
Lies Carved in Stone (zelink)
This was an interesting one. For tags, if anyone wants to do it, then feel free.
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atreuswritxr420 · 7 months
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New Writer Here!
💙~ Hey y'all! I'm a new writer and there's not much to say about me other than I'm anonymous and I love to skateboard and smoke weed! I hope you enjoy my future writings and here's my requesting rules. (Request anything!!) Don't be discouraged if what you were thinking of isn't on the list, request anyway I might have accidentally left it out!
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Movies! 🎬
Avatar (Na'vi)
Dark crystal
Harry Potter
How to train your dragon
Hunger games
Pirates of the Caribbean
Spiderman (Into/Across the spider verse)
Spirited away
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Shows! 🎬
Angels of death
Assassination classroom
Big mouth
Dark crystal age of resistance
Demon slayer
Helluva boss
Hunter x hunter
Legends of monkey
Megalo box
My hero academia
The promised Neverland
True beauty
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Video games! 🎮
Assassin's Creed (Ezio)
Fnaf (All)
Genshin impact
God of war 2018
God of war Ragnarök
Red dead redemption
The last of us
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For your request;
You can ask for certain Themes ex. (Red, Vampire) or something like (Christmas)
You can ask me to leave out special fonts or make the writing larger because you have a sight disability or reading disability such as dyslexia or just trouble reading in general!
In your request, tell me what character, whether you want a headcannon list - short story - matchup etc.
Tell me if you want y/n to act a certain way!
You can request for ANYTHING. Let your wildest fantasies run free! But the only thing I won't write is angst, but still request your angst if it's mild!
💋- for smut
💘- for fluff
⛓️- for angst
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Please send in many requests!! 💙
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persephones-journey · 7 months
Thanks to @emilyhufflepufftlk for the tag.
How many works do you have on AO3?
77.... So.... yeah....
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
Oh man... you are going to make me look at this.... okay...
Excluding the odd one shot I have posted here on tumblr but not on Ao3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Last Kingdom, House of the Dragon, Bridgerton, anything Ryan Corr has been in lol, ah, Supernatural, True Blood .... bascially most of my fave fandoms lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Targaryen Heart Set A Blaze
The Tales of the Complete Non-Legend of Yesterday
I Wanna Swim in You
Yes, Sex is Always the Answer
Fire, Blood, and A Strong Seed
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. I love reading the comments and responding. It's how I have met some of my closest friends.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, the people who read them would say.... ALL OF THEM... but... probably for one shots You were All I Wanted, But Not Like This and for full length fics Nothing Lasts Forever
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happy endings?.... what is this? LOL.... Kidding.... Ahh... Okay both are Aisling/Finan AU fics but... This Love Left A Permanent Mark and This Hope is Treacherous A couple other fics have good endings but these are probably what I think are the happy ending ones.... for now...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, I have.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. Sometimes it feels like all I write is smut LOL. And I have totally stopped blushing when I write it.... Okay, most of the time lol
As to what kind... ahh, I think I've written almost everything once.... maybe...
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes. I do. Craziest one.... The Last Kingdom and House of the Dragon, titled What Could've Been, Would've Been, Should've Been You
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yeah, back in the day... It was a Supernatural fic. I don't talk to the person anymore so....
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
Me/fave fictional character....
Also Finan/Ingrith is good too lol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Four Warriors and the Bastard I've gotten distracted by everything else lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. My friend once told me I nail dialogue. Also creating OCs and making them feel real... I've been told...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah, everything not listed in strengths lol
Seriously though, probably emotion. Sometimes I find it so hard to put into words what my characters are feeling.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Finan's Irish is probably all wrong because I use Google Translate for it so.... that's my only thought lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
That's like choosing who my favourite child is!.....
Through the Dark
As much as Aisling and I could not agree on some plot points, that story felt so easy because... Aisling and Finan were themselves in it, you know. They had been married for a few years but they were still finding their way as a couple and of course, learning to trust their love for each other.
It's honestly the one I reread the most too lol
I tag: @bhxrdy @gemini-mama @butternutbran and anyone else who wants to do this...
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asharinhun · 1 month
Got tagged by @yuniemaki, and archons damn it, I'm not ready for this xD
How many works do you have on ao3? Only 4 (and a really old one I anon'ed, so that one doesn't count!)
What's your total ao3 word count? 46,162 and it will increase further this week.
What fandoms do you write for? Currently it's Genshin Impact, though I keep playing with the idea of posting some of my WoW shorts from this blog to my ao3 profile after a quick touch-up.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Reckoning With The Past 2. A Lesson In Honesty 3. Of Pain And Priorities 4. Moonlight Rendezvous 5. -
Do you respond to comments? Definitely! I mean, people leaving comments on my stuff is somethign I really appreciate!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I have to disappoint here, all my fics have happy endings. No, I don't plan to change this.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All my works could qualify for this, considering all of them are 'Angst with a Happy Ending', so I will leave this decision to the readers :D
Do you get hate on fics? I don't want to jinx myself, so I will say 'not yet'... though it's true I turned on comment moderation for my latest fic, so that might've contributed.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Nope, and I don't plan to.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? When it comes to fanfics, not yet. Though I got really inspired by a quite enthralling Jeanlisa Elden Ring/Genshin crossover fic, so I might try my hand at including a version of them in my own Elden Ring fic (if I ever get around to writing it).
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, I'm far from that level (luckily, in this case).
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, and to be honest I don't like the idea that much. It's just too different from roleplay in my eyes.
What's your all time favourite ship? Huh... I actually like too many ships to to pick an all-time no.1., but I can say that my current favorites are mostly Genshin-related.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Huh... well, there is a League of Legends WIP, but it would need serious rewriting and editing, not to mention I'm too interested in other fandoms at the moment to even consider going back to it anytime soon (though who knows what the future will bring).
What are your writing strengths? Huh, do I have any? xD Jokes aside, I've been told I can cause decent emotional damage, so maybe that haha.
What are your writing weaknesses? Proofreading, editing, and loooooong sentences. Oh, and repeating words (mainly names) too often, but I'm working on that one.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Not really my thing. I have a hard enough time writing in English as is, since it's not my first language, though I admittedly did this in my Clorivia fic: I added probably 2-3 french words, but I think -hope- that the context makes their meaning quite obvious.
First fandom you wrote for? Overall, it would be World of Warcraft. If we only consider ao3, well, it's the anon'ed one, so it shall remain a mystery :D
Favorite fic you've written? Of course this has to be the last question... At the moment it's probbaly 'Of Pain And Priorities', since I'm neck-deep in the whole thing, but I 'just' need to write the final chapter to finish it.
'Kay, I'm not tagging anyone, if you found this interesting and would want to give it a go, consider yourself tagged!
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cybrsan · 1 year
Pirate King — K.HJ
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SUMMARY: You are playing a dangerous game with an even more dangerous man, and you don't know how much longer it can go on before everything falls apart around you.
PAIRING: Kim Hongjoong x F!Reader
RATING/GENRE: M ; smut ; pirate au, rivals w/ benefits
WARNINGS: Toxic relationship dynamics, poor bdsm etiquette, dubious consent, knife play, unsafe sex
A/N: Hi! This is the first part in the collection of stories I am writing based on each of ATEEZ’s title tracks & singles, as well as the very first piece of my writing I am posting on this blog. Please enjoy! 
LINKS: AO3 Link | Series Masterlist | All Works Masterlist 
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You slip silently through the shadows, your eyes fixed on the mansion ahead. You have been planning this heist for weeks, and the payoff will be enough to finally get a ship and a small crew of your own. You have taken everything into consideration—the guards’ patrol routes, the location of the target, all the way down to the best escape route. You even planned around the weather, the rain being a perfect distraction from any noise you might make. Nothing will be left to chance. Nothing can go wrong.
You climb the garden trellis that leads to the third-floor window and pop open the latch with your pocket knife, slipping inside. You cast a cursory glance down each side of the hallway, but just as you expected, the guard is nowhere to be seen. At this time, he should be patrolling the opposite end of the floor, which gives you about six minutes to neutralize the two guards in the display room, get the necklace, and get out. The time frame is tight, but you’ve dealt with worse scenarios.
The necklace you are after is an ode to jewelry craftsmanship, and no expense had been spared in its creation. The design consists of a solid gold chain, polished to a gleaming shine. Dangling from the center of the necklace is a single, massive diamond, a flawless gem that sparkles with a brilliance that is almost blinding. Supposedly, when it catches the light just right, it creates a mesmerizing display of color. The Aurora, people call it.
But it isn’t the diamond alone that makes the necklace so valuable—it is the history behind it. Legend has it that the necklace once belonged to a powerful queen who was gifted it at her coronation. It had been passed down through generations of royalty before her, and people say that anyone who wore it was blessed with great wealth and success. That part of the story obviously isn’t true, as no one who has since come into possession of the necklace has reaped the benefits.
It’s not that you don’t believe in magical items—they certainly do exist. In fact, part of the reason you are trying to get a ship is to track one that has captured your interest. The Aurora just happens to be a normal item of jewelry. Of course the people who owned it were wealthy and successful; they were royalty. It was all no more than a mere coincidence. But alas, it is still a hot commodity and one you are willing to provide.
The governor you are robbing recently purchased the necklace at an auction for an inconceivable amount of money, much to the chagrin of your employer. You couldn’t care less about petty disagreements between the wealthy—you just want to do the job and get paid.
You enter the display room, poisoned knife at the ready. One cut is all you need to get the toxin into a man’s bloodstream and paralyze him. You freeze momentarily when you see that the guards have already been dealt with, their unconscious bodies lying in a heap on the floor. The confusion only lasts for a moment before panic surges through you, spurring you into action. You switch into a defensive posture and spin around so your back is against a wall, prepared to face whoever has beaten you here.
Your eyes take in the room, but you don’t see anyone else. There are too many hiding spots to consider, and you start listing them off in your head. Behind one of the doors? No, too obvious. Inside the suit of armor? No, too impractical. Inside one of the cabinets? Perhaps, but which one? There must be at least 6 that you can see and walking around aimlessly will leave you vulnerable.
What you don’t account for is the man crouching behind a display case to your right. He jumps out and catches you by surprise, trapping you in his arms. Without hesitation, you throw your elbow back, connecting with his stomach and forcing him to release his hold on you. You follow up with a wide arc of your knife, but he counters your attack with ease, twisting your wrist and causing you to lose your grip on the weapon. You curse under your breath, knowing that you're outmatched in close combat.
Refusing to back down, you bring your leg up and land a solid kick to his midsection. He staggers back, only knocked off balance for a second, but it is enough time for you to cross the room and grab the necklace. With a burst of speed, you dash towards the exit, thinking you have the man beat. But just as you near the window, he grabs you by the hair and pulls you back toward him. Pain radiates through your scalp, and you almost bite your tongue in an attempt to hold back a scream. You go to elbow him again, but this time he’s prepared, pulling you tightly against his chest and rendering you immobile. You strain to catch a glimpse of his face, but it's hidden behind a dark cloak.
“Sorry,” he says, before covering your mouth with a sickly sweet-smelling cloth. You struggle against him, thrashing your arms and legs, but it's no use. The last thing you recall is the fact that you recognize his voice, a sense of frustration flooding through you as darkness overtakes you.
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You let out a groan as you slowly regain consciousness, blinking your eyes in an attempt to adjust to the harsh sunlight. Your senses gradually come back to you, and it doesn’t take you long to recognize where you are. You can smell the sea in the air just as much as you can feel it beneath you. That and the fact that your hair is currently whipping around your face from the wind is enough to let you know that you are on a ship. Not just any ship, though. The worn wooden deck, the orange and black flag waving above your head, all down to the sound of laughter in the distance are things that are more than familiar to you. Even the uncomfortable feeling of being tied to the mast, unable to move, is nostalgic. You’re on the Destiny.
Your head is pounding, and your limbs feel heavy and numb, an awful reminder of how you ended up in this position. Your clothes are stiff against your skin and still slightly damp—it must have continued to rain while you were unconscious. Of course none of your captors had the decency to put you in the brig, protected from the elements. You’re sure you can thank the Destiny’s sadistic captain for that; he likes to think doing things like this gives him sort of power over you.
You test your bonds but, as always, they are as secure as can be. Fucking San. You can’t believe you let him capture you again. You’ll get him back for this—maybe you’ll steal his cat when you escape this time as a warning you aren’t to be messed with any longer. Plus, Byeol is such a sweetheart and she deserves better than to be surrounded by all of this chaotic, masculine energy.
“Well, well, well,” a familiar voice remarks, the timbre of it instantly grating on your nerves. “Sleeping Beauty has finally decided to join us after her two-day nap.”
“Wooyoung,” you spit.
He looks no different from the last time you saw him, other than the fact that his long, dark locks are pulled back in a ponytail. He dons a black vest and tight-fitting trousers, his white linen shirt slightly open at the collar to reveal his tanned chest. A gun holster is fastened to his hip, containing his favorite ornate pistol. In all the years you’ve known him, you’ve never seen him without it.
“You look like shit, Y/N,” he laughs. The way his eyes crinkle makes him look deceptively innocent, but you know better. “San really did a number on you this time, huh?”
“Nice to see you too, bastard.”
“I know, isn’t it always?” He ignores your harsh language and squats in front of you. “Captain sure is happy to have you back. I’m almost jealous.”
“Jealous?” You scoff. “I never wanted that sadist’s attention in the first place. Feel free to have him all to yourself.”
“I said almost. He gives me plenty of attention, don’t you worry.”
You raise an eyebrow. “That so?”
Wooyoung nods, smirking. “Yeah. In fact, just the other night, he—”
“Wooyoung, knock it off,” San interrupts, voice stern. He walks over holding a metal cup in one hand and a plate of food in the other. No longer hidden under a cloak, you’re able to see that his black hair is freshly cropped, accentuating the chiseled angles of his face. “Why don’t you go let Hongjoong know Y/N is awake since you’re apparently so fond of him, hm?”
“Don’t be jealous, Sannie,” Wooyoung says, standing up and caressing the back of San’s neck. “You know I love you too.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get out of here, brat.”
Surprisingly obedient, he walks off, but not without one last witty remark. “Have fun with her. Watch your fingers!”
San ignores him and kneels in front of you, setting down the food and water. Despite seeming flippant about Wooyoung’s warning, he still eyes you warily. “I’m gonna feed you now, alright? Please don’t bite me.”
You roll your eyes in response. “That was one time; let it go.”
“It hurt! I have a scar from it!” He holds up his right index finger; sure enough, there’s a pale white line right where you sunk your teeth in.
“You poor baby. Not as if you, I don’t know, kidnapped me or something.”
He pouts and picks up the water cup, raising it to your lips. You greedily gulp it down, eager to rinse away the lingering taste of whatever he drugged you with. Some of it escapes from the corners of your lips, dripping down your chin and soaking into the neckline of your shirt. San gently dabs at your mouth with his sleeve, and there is so much kindness in the action that you almost feel bad for all the shit you give him.
“Can’t you just join our crew since we want the same thing? I don’t particularly enjoy kidnapping you, you know.”
“Okay, then stop doing it!”
“Y/N,” he whines, “You know that whatever Captain says, goes. Or I’ll be the next one tied to the mast.”
You pout as you accept the next bite of food he offers you. “If he is such a tyrant, why are you and Wooyoung and everyone else so loyal to him?”
San sighs and sits more comfortably, crossing his legs. “There’s a lot of reasons. I’ve never met another captain as fiercely protective of his crew, who is as loyal to them as they are to him. Nor have I seen anyone as passionate, or as dedicated to what we do and what we fight for. He makes people believe in something, you know?”
“So? That excuses the way he acts?”
San doesn’t answer right away, continuing to feed you bread and cheese as he ponders what to say. Being fed is somewhat humiliating, but this isn’t the first time you have found yourself in this situation, and it probably won’t be the last. Plus, you don’t feel like biting any fingers today, so you may as well put up with it.
“It’s not that simple,” he says eventually, eyes soft and hazy as if recalling a distant memory. “I may not be a fan of some of his crueler practices, but I understand that everything he does is necessary. He isn’t evil; it’s not all about fear, at least not when it comes to the crew. It’s about respect. He demands our respect because he needs to know that we have his back just as he has ours. He only punishes those who deserve it. And when it comes to our enemies? The fear he inspires in them makes our lives a thousand times easier. He’s earned my loyalty beyond a shadow of a doubt. I owe him everything.”
You will never admit it out loud, but hearing him talk about his captain with so much reverence inspires similar feelings within you. You can say you hate him, that you want nothing to do with him, and that you find his sadistic fascination with you nothing more than an inconvenience, yet you still always end up right back here on his ship. If you were smart, you would avoid port towns completely. But maybe, just maybe, part of you is drawn to the captain just as much as his crew seems to be.
Before you can probe San for more details, Wooyoung hollers for the both of you from the bow of the ship. Giving you one last, apologetic look, San stands and unties you from the mast before guiding you toward him. 
Wooyoung nods to the captain’s quarters. “Time for your date.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, gee, can’t wait.”
San walks you to the door, but, before he can knock, you move in front of him so that you’re blocking his way. Figuring you have nothing to lose, you give him your best puppy eyes.
Before you can even say anything, he’s already shaking his head. “No, no, don’t even try it. Sorry, Y/N, but I’m not getting involved in Captain’s business, which is exactly what you are.”
“San, come on, I can make it worth your while.” You bat your eyelashes at him, and he flushes, embarrassed by what you’re implying. You wouldn’t normally stoop this low, but it’s not like he’s unattractive… Plus, it’ll make it easier to steal Byeol if you’re already in his room.
He goes to say something and then freezes, eyes widening. “Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“What? Are you not attracted to me? Actually, don’t tell me if that’s the case, you’ll hurt my feelings.”
He backs away, raising his hands in a sign of surrender. “I’m not getting involved,” he says, reiterating his statement from earlier. It’s only then you realize he’s no longer looking at you, but behind you.
You slowly turn around to face none other than Kim Hongjoong, Captain of the Destiny and the bane of your existence. He dons his usual tan coat that has his logo embroidered on a black armband, indicative of his authority. A small scar cuts through his left eyebrow, giving him a dangerous edge, and his hair is styled away from his face, showcasing his deceivingly delicate features. His intense gaze seems to burn right through you, his aura as imposing as ever.
"Y/N," he greets, his voice just as you remember. It has a sweet, almost musical quality to it, like a bell. But there's also a hint of darkness that makes your hair stand on end. "Come in, please."
Despite the polite request, you can't help but roll your eyes. He asks as if you have a choice, but you know better. If you don't comply willingly, he will force you to do so. You walk past him, purposely bumping your shoulder against his. He just smirks and shuts the door behind you, the lock clicking ominously.
You've been in his quarters many times before, so you know the layout well. The room is humble but cleverly designed to appear larger than it is and lit by several lanterns, casting a warm glow over everything. The air is thick with the scent of spices, sandalwood, and the faintest hint of tobacco smoke. The centerpiece is an ornate desk made of dark wood, with a leather-bound journal and quill at the ready.
The walls are lined with shelves containing books, trinkets, and other treasures from Hongjoong's travels. A large map of the sea hangs on the wall behind his desk, covered in pins and strings marking his various ports of call and potential targets. You try to memorize the details, hoping they'll be useful in your future journeys. He notices you looking and laughs as if he doubts you’ll be able to garner any information from it.
His laughter makes you bristle. “You left me tied up for two days this time, bastard.”
“It’s no fun if I go too easy on you, is it?” he hums, watching you walk around his room.
“I don’t think it’s any fun at all, actually.”
You come to a stop in front of his bed, large enough to fit two comfortably, with silk sheets and plush pillows. You remember the feeling of the silk on your skin and flush, quickly turning away from it and focusing your attention on Hongjoong who has taken a seat on the edge of his desk.
He tilts his head, eying you the same way a cat eyes a mouse. “I’m not so sure that’s true. You never do stay away long, do you, Y/N?”
“It’s not like coming here is my choice.”
“Oh, but isn’t it? You know the ports we frequent yet still choose not to avoid them. I can’t help but wonder why.”
“If you think it’s because of you, you need to get your ego sorted out.”
He smirks. “I never said that, did I? But I believe you just confirmed it.”
You take a deep breath, determined to keep your cool. You hate how he gets under your skin so easily but would hate it even more if you made it obvious. As if he doesn’t already know exactly the effect he has on you.
“If you would just let me go about my own business and stop sending your little henchman after me, we could simply avoid each other and make both of our lives easier.”
“Ah, yes. San, my infiltrator, to whom you made a very interesting offer.” He stands up as he says this, stalking toward you. “Are you interested in him? You want him to think you’re pretty?” You say nothing, the intimidating aura rolling off of him rendering you speechless. You didn’t realize you were backing away until your knees hit against his mattress. “Have you thought about what it would be like to have his cock in your mouth or his head buried between your legs?”
As he runs his thumb over your bottom lip, a part of you longs to draw it into your mouth, but you turn your head away. “You’re sick.”
“Don’t act like you don’t love it.” He pushes you just hard enough so that you’re forced to sit on the bed, head level with his abdomen. He stares down at you with a twisted smile, obviously enjoying the change in perspective. “So, tell me,” he continues as if he hadn’t just said some of the most vulgar things you have ever heard, “you have new information on the location of the Cromer?”
The Cromer—the magical object you are both after, an hourglass that grants the owner the ability to move through dimensions. You’ve been hunting it for years, with Hongjoong and his crew always right on your tail.
“Funny how you’re asking as if you expect me to just hand it over.”
“Won’t you, sweetheart?” He pouts, and that is almost enough to break your resolve.
“No way in hell. You’d have to torture the information out of me first.”
He smiles again as if the idea is appealing to him. But then he gives you a once over, and his eyes darken. “Let’s save the torturing for another day, shall we? It has been far too long since I’ve last had you.”
His words send a jolt through you, making you clench around nothing.“Fuck you, Hongjoong. I’m not your whore.”
“Whose whore are you then? San’s?” He places a knee on the mattress next to you, leaning over you. His breath fans against your face when he speaks next. “Do you think he’d be able to make you scream the way I do? That he’d be able to fuck you the way you like?”
“Maybe he would,” you say, though you don’t actually believe it.
“He’s too good for you, Y/N, and I think you know that. He’d be gentle, loving, and treat you like a doll. A real gentleman. But that’s not what you want. What you really need, what you truly desire, is someone who can break you over and over again until you can’t even remember your own name.”
“You’re such a—” Before you can even get the full phrase out, he crashes his lips onto yours. It’s pathetic how you can’t even bring yourself to resist; instead, you moan into his mouth, granting his tongue access.
He kisses you with bruising strength, and you kiss back just as fiercely as if you’re desperate to prove him right. That no one else could ever satisfy you the way he does. Your mind is at war with the fire in your veins, the need that permeates throughout every inch of your body. You shouldn’t want him, but you do. You have fallen into his trap yet again.
He backs away far too soon for your liking, undoing his belt in the blink of an eye and letting his pants fall to his knees. You’re pleased to see that he is already straining against his briefs—at least you aren’t the only one plagued by want.
“I think you should put that smart mouth of yours to good use.”
As he stands there, expectant, you reach out and gently trace the outline of him. He lets out a sharp exhale through gritted teeth. You pause for a moment, squeezing him once before slipping your fingers underneath the waistband of his underwear and pulling them down underneath his ass. His cock springs free, slapping against his abdomen. The tip is already leaking, and you smirk in satisfaction.
“And you say I’m the needy one.”
“Oh, you are. I know you love letting me use you, so I’m just giving you what you want.”
“I should bite your cock off.”
He laughs, not worried in the slightest. “Why would you when you like it so much?” He slaps it against your lips and you instinctively stick out your tongue, savoring his familiar taste. “See, look at you. What a pretty little cock slut,” he croons. “Open wide for me.”
You do so, eagerly taking him into your mouth. You sink almost all the way down to the base of his member, your nose practically brushing against his abdomen. His tip hits the back of your throat; he’s not quite big enough to gag you, but as he begins to thrust, saliva pools out of the corners of your lips. He moans, throwing his head back as he fucks your throat.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Use that dirty little mouth on me. No bite to back up your bark, hm?” You graze him with your teeth in response, and he pulls harshly on your hair, making you whimper. “Always so eager to be punished, aren’t you?”
He gives a few more hard thrusts before pulling you all the way off of him. Strings of saliva still connect you to his cock momentarily before they break and fall away as he pulls his pants up once again.
Picking up his previously discarded belt, he smacks it once against his palm, staring at you expectantly. “Hands against the headboard.”
“No way in hell am I letting you tie me up again.”
His eyes narrow. “I think you will. Or would you prefer I use this on your ass instead?”
Glowering at him, you do as he asks. He isn’t gentle when tightening the belt around your wrists, and the leather digs into your skin uncomfortably. You squirm in your bonds and he grabs your face, squeezing it between his fingers.
“Aw, does it hurt?” His grip on your face tightens. “I don’t care.” He gives your cheek a rough slap before walking over to his desk and retrieving a small, ornate knife. He returns to the bed, twirling it skillfully between his fingers as he does so. “You know, some pirates cut the hands off of the thieves they catch.”
Nervous sweat dampens your brow as you watch light glint menacingly off of the blade. You know that Hongjoong is not one to shy away from violence, but you can’t see him ever doing something to injure you so grievously. You can feel the cold metal of the knife against your skin as he runs it teasingly down the length of one of your bound arms. You're trapped and at his mercy, yet, you aren’t entirely powerless. Not when you know he craves you just as badly as you do him.
“You would never go that far and we both know that.”
Hongjoong sighs. “You’re right, of course. But—” He brings the blade down and cuts right through the front of your shirt, exposing your chest to him. “I’m still going to leave my mark on you.”
He presses the blade into the skin right under your collarbone with just enough pressure to bring a few droplets of blood to the surface. You exhale through gritted teeth—the pain isn’t excruciating, but the sting is unpleasant.
“I thought you weren’t going to torture me this time, hm?”
“Oh, darling, don’t be silly. You know what real torture looks like. I just want to claim what is mine. That way no one—not San, not Wooyoung, nor any other soul—will ever even dream about touching you.”
“I’m not yours, Hongjoong. I’m not anyone's.”
He laughs, dragging the knife down from the top of your neck to the middle of your sternum. “Whatever you say.”
His touch is light enough that your skin only sustains injuries in the few places his grip wavers, though you know that his hand is steady and his small blips are probably a lot more deliberate than he would have you think.
“How about here?” He says, tapping his knife against the area of skin between your breasts. “Should I carve my initials right here, so that anyone you ever bare yourself to will know that you belong to Kim Hongjoong, Captain of the Destiny? The notorious Pirate King and most wanted man in all of Elysium?”
Your heart flutters like a bird. Whether it is out of fear or exhilaration, you cannot say.
“You sound quite silly listing off all of your titles like that. A bit narcissistic, no?”
“Maybe I’ll cut out your tongue too.”
“I don’t think you would like kissing me much, then.”
He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours once again. He kisses you sloppily, without any care, all gnashing teeth and conquering tongue. You kiss him back with equal fervor, your body thrumming with desire. The threat of a knife mere centimeters from your chest does nothing to quell your need for him.
He pulls back, lips glistening with saliva. “I think you’re right about that, my dear. I would be loath to rid myself of one of my greatest pleasures.” You feel flush, the slight praise doing more for you than it should. Hongjoong notices too, of course. “Look at you, all beautiful and rosy for me. Only me.”
With more force than before, he returns the knife to your skin. Gone are the teasing touches, the small cuts. Now, your chest begins to burn, throbbing with a deep and intense ache. You scream and thrash in your bindings, unable to deal with the pain like before. Hongjoong has no choice but to pull his knife away lest you mess up his work. He tsks as if you’re no more than a disobedient child and climbs on top of you, forcing your body to still underneath his own.
“Just another minute, darling. Be good for me.”
One minute feels like ten but eventually, he seems satisfied. He places the knife on the bedside table and leans back to admire his work, a blinding smile lighting up his face. “Now you’re perfect.”
You feel too exhausted to respond, only able to blink your eyes through the tears you have no memory of crying. Your chest throbs and, though you refuse to look down, you can feel the blood soaking through the remnants of your shirt. Hongjoong kisses you on the forehead and climbs off of you, being careful not to jostle the bed with his movements.
With purposeful strides, he makes his way over to the wash basin in the corner of the room, where a rag lies waiting. He picks it up and thoroughly wets it before returning to your side. With a deft hand, he peels away the remaining shreds of your ruined shirt, discarding them carelessly onto the floor. His movements are gentle and almost tender as he wipes away the blood and sweat, all the while holding you still with a firm grip. Despite your attempts to pull away, he murmurs soft reassurances as he tends to your wounds. It's a strange juxtaposition, this act of care and concern from a man who just minutes before carved his initials into your flesh with a dagger. You find yourself almost being lulled to sleep by his sweet words and soft touch.
“My most precious treasure,” he coos, coaxing you back into reality. “I think you deserve a reward.”
Discarding the rag, he once again climbs onto the bed, this time lowering himself down comfortably between your legs. Your stomach tightens with anticipation—this position isn’t one he often favors. He looks up at you through his eyelashes, and he looks so beautiful at this moment that you almost forget how to breathe. The way his tan skin glows in the warm light and sweat sparkles on his brow make him look borderline angelic. Suddenly, you’re struck by the thought that Lucifer, too, was God’s most beautiful angel before he fell.
“Hongjoong…” you murmur his name, breathless.
“I need you.”
“I know you do. And so you’ll have me.”
Hongjoong loosens the ties at the front of your pants before slipping his fingers beneath them, gently tugging them off of your body along with your undergarments in one swift movement. His fingers trace invisible patterns over the insides of your thighs and his breath ghosts over your core, so close yet so far from where you so desperately need him. He continues teasing you until you’re writhing and begging for more, something, anything.
He laughs at your desperation before finally giving in and pressing his tongue flat against you. The moan you let out is completely wanton, almost animalistic. Your chest still throbs, a grim reminder of your new marking, but the pleasure mixes with the pain in a way that has you feeling lightheaded.
He works his tongue with great skill and when he adds a finger inside of you, you just about melt into the sheets. The sounds you’re making must please him because he hums around your clit, causing your body to jolt as the vibrations send another shockwave of pleasure through you. He adds a second finger and you cry out, thighs tightening around his head. You can’t help but grind against his face, completely dizzy with lust. To your surprise, he lets you, continuing his ministrations with vigor.
You don’t know what you’ve done to deserve this, or how one man can completely overwhelm you with pleasure. No one else you have ever laid with can shine a light on him or the way he makes you feel. You would swear that he was a god or a devil if only you weren’t so privy to the vulnerable, human sides of him. If he needs to cut you or make you bleed so that you can feel like this, so be it. He can do whatever he wishes to you.
Hongjoong curls his fingers against the spot inside of you that makes you see stars and you can feel the waves of your orgasm begin to crash over you. He doesn’t relent, instead sucking your clit into his mouth and helping you over the edge. White heat spreads throughout your body and you shake as you come completely undone beneath him.
You don’t have a chance to collect yourself before Hongjoong adds a third finger. You clamp your thighs down around his head and try to squirm away from his touch, overly sensitive. He doesn’t let you, securing your waist with his other arm. He’s much stronger than he looks and, in the state you’re in, it’s almost no challenge at all to keep you under his control.
“I think you can give me one more, can’t you? And then another after that when I finally plow you into this mattress.”
You wish you could reach down and tear his hand away from you; the feeling of his fingers inside of you after you have so recently orgasmed setting your nerves on fire. “C-can’t— wait, too much—”
“Hush now, slut. I own you and I own this cunt.” His sudden switch from praise to degradation is overwhelming, the possessiveness in his tone making you shudder. “You’re gonna come again, I can already feel it. Do this and I’ll fuck you dumb, just the way you like.”
He’s right—you can already feel yourself clenching around him, your second orgasm approaching so quickly the pain hasn’t even had the chance to fade into pleasure. You tremble under his touch, fresh tears falling down your cheeks. Whatever protests you had die on your lips as all you can manage now are moans and broken mantras that sound like “Joong” and “please”.
You whine as you come again, fresh tears falling down your cheeks. Hongjoong finally relents, pulling his fingers out of you and letting you come back down to earth. You struggle to gain control over your body again, your chest stinging with each heaving breath. Luckily, Hongjoong takes his time freeing himself of his clothes and by the time he’s done, you’re sane enough to speak.
He laughs, throwing his head back. “You never stay pliant for long, do you, darling?”
He crawls back onto the bed and cages you in his arms, hovering above you. The way he looks at you now is the same as when he tracks down a lead or finds something he has been searching for, his dark eyes full of pride and hunger for more. He kisses you right above the mark he carved into your chest.
“Well,” he murmurs, breath fanning against your skin, “It wouldn’t be as much fun if you were.”
He reaches down and gives his cock a few lazy strokes before positioning himself at your entrance. You don’t have to look to know that it is an angry red from lack of attention—the way his eyebrows scrunch and he grits his teeth are enough to tell you he’s sensitive to the touch. He doesn’t ask for permission, immediately bottoming out inside of you. You strain against your bonds; if you could, you would be raking your nails down his back.
He sets a relentless pace, lifting up one of your thighs so he can reach even deeper. His bed shakes, banging against the wall of his cabin, and you’re positive that the rest of the crew will find out what you are doing shortly if they haven’t already.
“Oh my god—you’re so fucking—so good, god—”
“Is that what you’re calling me now? Are—fuck—are you going to worship me like one?” He punctuates his statement with an especially hard thrust.
You answer with a loud moan of his name, back arching off of the mattress. “Fuck, yes, whatever you want—please, just—”
He stops abruptly, pulling out of you. You whine at the loss of him and clench around nothing. Despite how desperate he must be to cum, somehow he still manages to look put together with barely a strand of hair out of place. If it wasn’t for the sweat dampening his skin and his labored breathing, you would never guess he was fucking you into oblivion.
He repositions himself so that he’s only supporting his body weight with one hand and wraps the other around your neck, using the lightest amount of pressure. Your breath hitches and your thighs clench instinctively. He maneuvers one of his own thighs between your legs and you grind against it pathetically, searching for any kind of release. He looks oddly triumphant for a reason that you can’t place, but he doesn’t leave you wondering too long.
Leaning down, he nips at your earlobe and whispers, “The information. Give it to me.”
You gasp for air, trying to form a coherent thought. “What?”
“I know you found the location,” he growls, tightening his grip on your neck. “Where is the Cromer?”
You struggle to think straight, your body still reeling from the intense pleasure he just ripped away from you. “I didn’t,” you manage to choke out.
He quirks his scarred eyebrow. “I find that hard to believe.” He moves his thigh against you, brushing against your clit as he does so. You moan and grind down harder against him, but it isn’t enough to satisfy you. “Is this how you want to finish, then? Humping my leg like a bitch?”
“No!” you insist, your voice getting louder. “If I found the location, don’t you think it would be in my possession right now? All I learned is that there’s a guy called ‘Left Eye’ that is supposed to know about it, but I don’t know where he is.”
He doesn’t seem convinced, but he loosens his grip on your neck. “Fine. For now.” He pulls back, shifting his weight and positioning himself between your legs once again. “But I’ll be keeping a closer eye on you from now on. And if you’re lying…”
He lets the threat hang in the air, but you know what he means. You nod, understanding that you’re in a precarious position.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, resuming his thrusts. You bite your lip to keep from moaning too loudly, but it’s no use.
As he continues to pound into you, you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge once again. It's like he knows your body better than you do, hitting every spot that sends you spiraling out of control. He buries his face in your neck, biting down harshly on your shoulder. Your whole body jumps, clenching around him, and finally, you hear him moan against your skin. No longer can he act collected, not when your body is so responsive beneath him, not when he’s prolonged his own orgasm for so long it surely hurts.
As you reach your peak, he growls your name, his own orgasm overtaking him simultaneously. He spills inside of you, the feeling of his warm seed filling you up sending you over the edge. You lay there, sweaty and panting, as Hongjoong collapses on top of you. You know that this is not the last time he will hurt you or use you, but you can’t bring yourself to care. As much as you don’t want to admit it, you are his, and he is yours. No matter how fucked up things are, that’s all that matters.
You don’t know how long you stay like that, but eventually Hongjoong pulls out of you and unties your wrists. You immediately stretch, trying to forgo some of the stiffness that comes from being in that position. You can feel the marks he has left on your body and the soreness between your legs, but it doesn't matter. You’ve dealt with worse from him.
You expect him to get up and escort you to the brig now that he’s gotten what he wants from you, but instead he pulls you into his arms. You tense from shock but it doesn’t take long for you to relax, lulled by the feeling of his fingers carding through your hair. As you lay there, listening to the sound of his heartbeat and the creaking of the ship, you can't help but wonder how much longer you can play this dangerous game with the Pirate King before it all comes crashing down.
No more words are shared between the two of you that night and, eventually, Hongjoong falls asleep first. You’ve never been in this position before—never has he let down his guard around you to this extent. You could take revenge on him for all the torture he’s put you through, could stab him through his heart with his own knife. But you won’t. And he knows you well enough to know that.
You wait there, quietly, listening to his steady breathing and observing his face as he sleeps. The harshness that can usually be found in his features is nowhere to be seen, replaced by an uncharacteristic innocence that tugs on your heartstrings. It strikes you how young he looks, not much older than yourself. For the first time, you find yourself wondering why he is the way that he is. Where did his cruelty come from? Has it always been there, or did it seep into him like a poison, spurred on by some traumatic event? There is that side of him that’s gentle, the side of him that inspires the loyalty and respect of his crew. You see it, rarely, when his touches are featherlight and his words sweet as syrup. How different would he be if that part of him was not overshadowed by darkness?
Once you’re sure he’s in a deep enough sleep, you gently remove yourself from his grasp and climb out of bed. You move as quietly as possible, hoping that he’s spent enough from laying with you that he won’t wake as you try to make your escape. The ship most likely hasn’t left the dock yet as Hongjoong was waiting to see if the Cromer was nearby.
Shuffling back into your pants, you pick up the discarded rag Hongjoong used to clean your wound and utilize it as a makeshift bandage to cover the carved initials on your chest; it is the best that you can do for now. You won’t risk stopping by the infirmary out of fear that the crew might catch you. With your shirt torn to shreds, you steal the one that Hongjoong was wearing. He shouldn’t miss it too much.
The air outside is salty and damp, a stark contrast to the warm and intimate atmosphere of Hongjoong's cabin. You pause for a moment to take in your surroundings and confirm that the ship is still in fact docked. Luck is certainly on your side—perhaps you will make an offering to the gods in thanks if you come across a shrine on your journey.
You carefully make your way towards the gangway, keeping as low to the ground as possible. It looks like those that are on the night crew are busy with their own tasks and while you’re sure that someone is positioned in the crow’s nest, they should be focused on the horizon for signs of enemy ships and not on you. Just as you are about to make a run for it, you spot a few figures walking onto the ship and quickly duck behind some supply barrels before they can see you. It seems like San and some other crew members are just returning from a night out, a drunken flush to some of their cheeks.
You quiet your breathing and hope that they pass by without issue. San stops for a moment, looking directly toward your hiding spot, and you almost bolt in panic—you swear that he has inhuman instincts. After a moment, he must figure that he is only imagining things and disappears into the crew’s cabins. Finally in the clear, you take off down the gangway and sprint away into the night, leaving Hongjoong and the Destiny far behind you.
The next morning Hongjoong wakes and reaches for the empty spot in bed next to him, now cold to the touch, realizing that his most precious treasure has slipped from his grasp once again.
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999 notes · View notes
duckybarnes1917 · 2 years
🎉 Natbarnes1917's 2021 Fic Rec List! 🎉
This year has been--a lot. But the one thing that got me through it was writing. I have found a new passion, new friends, and an excellent coping mechanism. Now I want to take a moment to celebrate just a few of the amazing MCU fanfic writers that I have come to love this year. Your fics have inspired, distracted, and amused.
Please do yourself a favor and read these amazing stories--if you do be sure to leave a comment or reblog to let the author know you liked it!
*All fics are 18+ only. Minors DNI*
Happy New Year!!
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Pleasures Remain, So Does The Pain by @cherryblossomtease
Summary: Helmut Zemo was only supposed to be your weekend escape, but your heart just can’t play by the rules especially When Zemo’s past inevitably catches up with you both in the shape of James Bucky Barnes. Instead of running, your worlds collide and you find love in the arms of not one, but two very, different men. A story of submission, dominance, discovery and love.
The Legend from a Golden Castle by @fivepointedstar
Summary: In mythology, Loki often turned into a woman and was described as a shapeshifter and is the most complicated character of the Norse gods. Often left to deal with the mess the other gods caused. In this story Loki tries a different approach of life after what happened at the end of Thor the dark world. Steve tries to build a new life for himself in the future. Our Super Soldier is in for some changes. Thor takes the role as the big brother; he always should have been.
The Empress (part 1 & 2) by @rosemaremembrance
Summary: So You’re Babysitting Your Ex’s Pet Villain: How to Demoralize Yourself in 8 Easy Steps
Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full @becca-e-barnes
Summary: You rile Bucky up during a briefing and after everyone leaves, you make it up to him in the conference room, whether Steve is there or not
2:22 AM by @sweetdreamsbuck
Summary: Bucky comes over to your apartment for the first time since letting you into his guarded heart.
A Little Help by @captainsimagines
Summary: Bucky’s been having difficulties in a certain… department. He’s at a loss, completely ready to give up until he starts theorizing. If you have the ability to heal people, maybe you can help him out. Maybe you’ll be able to fix him.
Almost Had Me Believing It by @tuiccim
Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
Mine by @sweetdreamsbuck
Summary: Mafia!Bucky X f!Reader
Looks Like Your Husband Has No Objections by @becca-e-barnes
Summary: The reader is Zemo’s wife but she catches Bucky’s eye. After years in prison, Zemo decides to be a little adventurous and thinks sharing his wife with Bucky Barnes for the night sounds like fun. No jealousy or weird relationship dynamics that might come with a threesome, just loads of smut!
Came for the Low by @cherryblossomtease
Summary: Christine Vargas was one vial away from becoming a Flag Smasher until Baron Zemo crushed her chances, only to offer her the world instead…his world. True love comes at a dangerous price, but it’s one she’s willing to pay if it means another day with the Baron. Flash backs and forwards of love, sex and violence tell this globe trotting story of a woman smitten with the villain whose good heart is no match for her tenacity. They’ll fix the world together or die trying. This is a love story.
My masterlist
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closedafterdark · 2 years
Would you compete in a writing survival competition if the grand prize is acting out your entire masterlist with the idols you’ve written, but failure means you must erase your entire masterlist and never write again?
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A flurry of keystrokes being pressed and mechanical keyboards lit up.
You weren't sure exactly why you were here, having gotten a call from an unknown number about your willingness to participate in a special event never seen before. Once you asked them to clarify further, the call ended. It wasn't until a few days later that you received a business card in the mail. No names or anything - just the address to a location along with the date and time.
Curiosity got the better of you so you decided to check it out. Upon arrival, you noticed a decent size of people gathered upon the same space. A giant screen soon lit up, a person wearing a red one piece baggy suit and a mask with a white square on it appeared.
“Welcome, all. To the Smut Writer’s Invitational. The winner of this contest will have all their wildest dreams come true.”
Which is how you found yourself in your current predicament. Looking at the screen, the cursor taunted you. Repeatedly blinking, mocking you for not having written a single word yet. You bring your hands to your head and sigh.
You weren't used to such pressure. Writing took time. You had to be in the right environment. Free of distractions and under specific circumstances. The sound of high heels clanking soon wakes you out of your thoughts.
“Need some help?” the sultry voice asked.
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You looked up and your eyes widened. She was an ethereal beauty, curves as far as the eye can see and the most inviting deep cleavage that was held together for dear life by a brassiere you wanted nothing more than to rip off. Her white button up shirt and loose tie left little to the imagination as the tight fabric was thin enough to see through. Her gray pencil skirt complimented her wide hips nicely, showing off her long legs and dangerously thick thighs. All of it combined to create the perfect woman, one written about in storybooks and told in legends. One you would give up everything just to say you had her in your life, if only for a brief moment.
“You poor thing, why don't I give you some motivation?” she said, tilting your head up by placing her thumb and index fingers on your chin. She smiles once more before leaning down and gently placing her lips against yours. Each kiss is sweeter than the last, the woman letting her intentions be known as she gently sucks on your lower lip.
Once her lips disconnect from yours, you whimper at the loss of such a nice experience. She brings your chin up once more and caresses your cheek with her thumb. You were once again wide-eyed, shocked that a woman you met no less than thirty seconds ago had such a powerful hold on you. As you raised yourself up, wanting to reconnect with her plump lips, she stops you.
“Now, now. Don’t be a greedy boy. I know you liked it, but that was just a taste.”
She untied the loose piece of fabric around her collar and neck, as if unwrapping a birthday gift just for you. Each button being undone was like a lock to a safe being opened. She stops halfway, grinning in satisfaction at the thought that you were slowly becoming angry from her teasing methods.
“I do feel bad, though. Maybe this will help clear your head.”
The woman gets under the desk, looking up at you with the same lust-filled eyes she had during your exchange of erotically charged kisses. She smiles as she rubs her hands up and down your thighs, stopping just at the creases of your crotch. Your bulge is prominent, outlining the blood rushing to your lower body. She removes the button and unzips your pants rather loudly as you are unable to do anything else but watch as she grabs onto the hem of your boxers and pulls down. Your stiff cock emerges, hitting her cheek as she giggles.
“There we go. Look how nice and hard you are already.”
Precum has begun leaking from your needy tip. The woman applies a small amount on both of her cheeks, proud of how you erect you were just for her. She nuzzles it, as if it was a veiny flesh pillow all for her. She blows hot breath on it, causing your cock to throb and strengthen in her hand.
“I bet you taste yummy.”
She spits a copious amount of saliva onto your cock, spreading it with her slim sexy fingers. You moaned as her motion was fluid as could be; each stroke causing the gradual build up of tightness in your stomach. One chaste kiss on your leaking tip later, she parts her lips and slowly sucks your dick. Making sure they coated your length, she gradually adds inch after inch with each descent of her head. All of your senses are heightened and the hair on the back of your neck is raised as she bobbed her head up and down, training her mouth with your cock until you could feel yourself striking the back of her throat. You throw your head back from the pleasure and moan as she engulfs your entire length with hardly any effort.
“F-Fuck… that feels so good. Your mouth is amazing.”
You find the strength to look down and see that her eyes never left your gaze, looking up at you with such ferocity and hunger. She removes her hands from your thighs and interlocks her fingers with yours, the sudden contact causing you to slowly melt into the seat. She pulls on you slightly, removing your connection as she gently holds on your wrists and brings your hands onto both sides of her head.
Your mouth watered when you remove your cock from her mouth, the woman whining cutely as saliva begins to leak profusely out of the corners of her lips and stain her beautiful cleavage and plentiful breasts below. Your cock twitches, insatiable lust being sparked. You stroke yourself a few times, slapping her beautiful cheek and features, leaving behind trails of spit. Her wanton neediness is evident, she giggles with excitement when you gather her long, silky hair into a makeshift ponytail and sink her head between your legs.
You start off slow, letting your cock reach the back of her throat for only a second before removing her head. You do this several times, hearing her moan and gag in a harmonious symphony of erotic audio. Tears slowly begin to stream down her cheeks as she revels from the liberal use of her cock deprived mouth. On one of her head bobs, she widens the hold her lips have on your shaft, causing you to groan at how warm and wet her mouth truly is.
Your hips work in tandem with her lips, both using the necessary amount of force and suction in order to create the ultimate pleasure experience as you feel your climax begin to build up. She had no showings of a gag reflex, but your cock repeatedly piercing the inner walls of her throat excited you even more as her breasts jiggled with each of your thrusts.
A mixture of choking sounds that you could only describe as “glug”, “gough” and gwock” if they could even be real words were emanating from the real life succubus’ throat as she consumed your cock with purpose.
“F-Fuck, your mouth is so good. I’m about to cum.”
You grabbed onto her hair and bobbed her head up and down at breakneck speed. Gone was the slightly cocky woman in front of you. Now, she has become a vessel for you to use for your own personal needs. The squelching sounds of your drenched cock and her slobbering throat filled the space at the bottom of your desk as you both chased perpetual bliss. Groaning as the knot in your stomach was about to reach its tipping point, you forced her head all the way down your crotch and held your breath as the floodgates were finally opened.
Wave after wave of thick, hot semen shot out of your length. Her lips gripped onto the end of your shaft as you felt her eager throat begin to consume your tasty treat for her. Not wanting to let it all be swallowed, you lifted her off your cock, causing you to erratically throb and paint her beautiful face. Small ropes landed on her cheek, forehead and even caused her to close her eyes. When she opened it back up, you saw the amber pools of lust in her gaze begin to wash away. Replacing it was a genuine sense of happiness. She opened her mouth up and showed you the small amount of cum still adorning her tongue. Swishing it around back and forth, she tilted her head up and swallowed with a loud sigh of satisfaction.
“You tasted fucking delicous.” she exclaimed, bobbing her head up and down your sensitive length, making sure to lap up the last remnants of leaking cum. She turned you on even more by using your blunt tip and massaged the streaks of cum into her skin, wiping the leftovers all across her lips. She gave a long chaste kiss on your tip before standing up and doing the same to your lips.
“I hope that was enough motivation for you, daddy.”
Several thousand words later, you find yourself hitting a wall, unable to progress further.
The transition from plot into an intimate setting had never been your strong suit. Your stories lacked something, just one piece to tie the whole thing together into a cohesive unit. Placing a hand on your head, various videos and browsing through social media provide a momentary distraction. That is, until you find a very loose pair of rolled up sleeves slam against your desk.
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The owner seemed aloof - an unreadable expression on her face. Her tie was in a half Windsor, perhaps one of the easiest knots to be undone. Ruffles that adorned her dress shirt left little to the imagination when highlighting a certain area. The loopless slacks were held together by a pair of suspenders that appeared to be fashioned from an old belt. Not a single hair was out of place, a healthy mix of brown and black in color parted at a neat forty-five degree angle. You made note of the minimal makeup she was wearing: a light pink eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, and bright pink lipstick. The moles on her right cheek and just below her left eye were cute, you thought to yourself. Though her clothing was not form fitting, it still managed to show off her curves nicely.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here? Unable to write your disgusting stories without a slut’s mouth on your poor excuse of a cock?”
It seems she got straight to the point. She kept her hands in her pockets as she traced around you, her gaze never leaving yours. She watched you intently, like a predator studying the mannerisms of their prey. Unsure of her intentions, you simply nodded.
“I know your type. Pretends to be nice and quiet in real life but actually is addicted to lewd thoughts. You sicken me.”
“What are you-”
Her palm met your cheek with such force, you felt the wind briefly knocked out of you. Rubbing the rapidly growing sensitive skin, you were about to respond before her fierce leering gaze rendered you mute.
“You will only speak when I permit you to. Now, where were we…”
While she took her time analyzing your reactions, she stopped when she noticed a bulge forming between your legs. Looking around, she realizes what was causing the reaction.
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Not even ten feet away, the woman from earlier was on her knees performing oral sex to another writer. She changed her outfit, wearing black thigh high socks that ended just below her kneecaps, black shorts that showed the curvature of her plump buttcheeks, and a black Calvin Klein bra that was worn underneath a modified loose gray long sleeved sweater that gave a wonderful view of her enticing cleavage. Her long hair was tied into two ponytails, both of which served as handlebars for the writer who was currently pulling on them as he guided the rhythm of each bob of her head between his legs. His primal grunts and inner desires were being released as you could feel yourself growing erect from the sight.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
You were brought back to the woman’s attention - who was even more furious than when she first started talking to you. Your breath is taken away when she reaches down and squeezes your painfully hard shaft.
“Is that seriously all it takes for you to get hard? A slut deepthroating some other guy’s cock? Is that what you’re into? Watching other people fuck?”
“N-No, ma’am.”
“I knew you were a pervert, but this is something else. I can’t believe you’re turned on watching some slut who can’t even suck dick properly.”
If there was one thing you learned from watching various police dramas, it’s that the detective should always have the upper hand. But this woman was different. The cracks in her defenses began showing. But you needed more conclusive evidence. You had to test it out yourself.
“Is there some envy I hear in your voice, detective?”
She looked at you and scoffed. “Jealous, who me?” she said pointing at herself.
“Why would I be jealous of that whore?”
“Could it be because she knowingly stole my boyfriend from me? Or that my best friend slept with the guy I had a crush on? Maybe it’s because I’ve been dick deprived since work keeps me so busy?”
She squeezes your crotch harder.
“Tell me, pervert. Do I look jealous to you?”
And there it was. The pangs of spite and anger clouded her deep, rich, dark hazel eyes. She rolled her sleeves up and loosened the knot around her neck.
You laughed silently, causing her to raise an eyebrow.
“And just what is so funny?”
“You. I’ve finally figured out what kind of person you are.”
“Well, then by all means, please do share. Who am I?”
“You’re the leader type. Strong-willed, caring. Spent years fostering a family-like bond between her entire squad.”
Raising the palm of her hand, you expected it to meet your cheek and sting once more. Instead, she rubs the back of your head, allowing you to continue.
“That type of dominant personality is naturally going to show up in the bedroom also. Turns a lot of guys off because they’re scared. Must be why you haven’t had much luck on blind dates lately. You want someone to love you the same way you show them.”
Once you finished speaking, you cleared your throat. You certainly weren’t so straightforward, especially towards a stranger. Expecting her to yell at you for making so many assumptions, you closed your eyes and prepared for the worst. Instead, she mirrors the actions of the first woman, who had just finished swallowing the second writer’s cum - a third writer appeared and is holding onto her wide hips, beginning to peel off her poor excuse of shorts while the other writer’s cock is still in her mouth. The detective plants her own lips against yours. They were much fuller, but no less sweeter. She gives you a deep, long kiss before removing herself from you and moving to the side of your face. She licks your ear, the very act sending shivers from the top of your head all the way down to your toes. Her voice having been reduced to nothing more than a sensual whisper, she finally speaks.
“You’re right, I do love being dominant during more… intimate times. Want mommy to let you experience it first-hand?”
Nodding even though you knew it was a rhetorical question, your heart skipped a beat when you felt your chair suddenly drop thanks to the woman pushing the lever downwards. She grabbed her coat and threw it just below you, using it as protection for her knees from the cold floor.
The woman rubs her hands up and down your thighs, lightly squeezing them as she lets out a mischievous smirk. Holding onto your belt loops, she pulls your pants and boxers down with one swift motion, tossing them aside. Your fully erect shaft hits her in the face, causing the woman to lick her lips in anticipation as she slowly begins stroking you.
Her slightly warm hand causes you to close your eyes and tilt your head back, savoring the pleasure of her wonderful strokes. She does so in counterclockwise and smooth up and down motions. The friction is a bit uncomfortable, but is quickly quelled when she spits on both her palm and your mushroom-like blunt tip. Her hand moves up and down with ease thanks to her saliva lubricating you. Your moans increase in volume the longer she continues. This certainly beat all those lonely nights at home. Sometimes, you would try to switch things up by using your non-dominant hand.
“How does mommy’s hand feel?”
“S-So.. good…” you grunted in between strokes.
“This is nothing compared to what I have planned for you.”
Reaching into her back pocket, you assumed the worst. You closed your eyes in fear, not knowing what she had planned. Expecting to be met with a pair of steel cuffs around your wrist, you were instead met with the sound of a cap being opened and cold liquid being generously applied on your tip. The woman used her index finger and placed it on your slit, causing your body to shiver as she spread the fluid all over your shaft that was slightly glistening with her saliva. It began to gradually warm up, bringing with it a sense of relief as it blended together and almost formed a barrier of protection. For what remained to be seen.
She placed a finger on your lips, both as a warning and for you not to make too much noise. With another seductive smirk, she uses a nail to fling off each of her suspenders. Rolling up her sleeves ever so slightly, she begins to unbutton her shirt. Each removal was comparable to a lock slowly opening. Your mouth watered the moment your eyes opened and you were met with a black boost plunge bra. It did very little to cover up her soft looking flesh. A sensual moan escaped her lips as she wrapped your shaft with her warm, perfectly plentiful tits.
“Oh, fuck.” you groaned softly, biting your lower lip almost to the point of bleeding as the pressure quickly spikes as she takes you in and out of her hot cleavage. She reaches for the vial and applies more lubrication, both on her chest and your penis. The wet squelching sounds emanating from the drenched skin is heavenly as her tits are moving up and down the length of your cock. You knew you would regret looking down, but gave into your desires and saw her squeeze her breasts together as she pinched and pulled on her nipples with her thumb and index fingers.
“Do you like that?” she lustfully moaned as she sheathed your cock between her pillowy breasts. “Mommy’s big tits sandwiching your cock just like this.”
The detective’s large, round eyes were calm as could be - even though her breasts wrapped themselves tightly around your shaft. Admittedly, she was cute. She possessed pure features that you found to be very quickly replaced with wanton lust and desire. The tip and upper part of your cock constantly poked in and out between her cleavage. Each thrust was delicious, wet and hot - all adjectives you would describe about pretty much any woman, but especially this detective.
“Is-Is this one of your interrogation methods, detective?” you asked.
She interlocks her fingers in front of your chest and begins to increase the pace at which she was pleasuring you. A slight glint in her gaze appeared when you asked her that question.
“It is one of many, yes. And that’s mommy to you, mister.” she replied as she stuck her tongue out and began lapping up the precum leaking profusely out of your needy tip.
“What other methods do you use?” Curiosity got the better of you. But the fierce daggers of her eyes caused you to cough slightly and correct your mistake. “Mommy.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” The same slight arrogance from earlier had returned. But this time, you found it erotic rather than irritating. And how could you not with the woman stimulating your penis with her breasts. “I only use them on really bad boys.”
“A-Am I not a bad boy? You kept calling me a pervert.”
“Let’s just say…” the woman began as she sucked ever so slightly on your tip before releasing it with a loud pop.
“You don’t deserve mommy.”
And like the detective earlier, cracks began to appear through your own defenses. It seemed her interrogation methods were unusual, but effective.
You weren’t going to let her get away with this.
Grabbing the back of her head, you yanked on her ponytail.
“I think you have it all wrong, detective. It is you who doesn’t deserve me.”
At this point, this woman has become your own personal fleshlight. And with someone as well endowed as she was, that certainly was an understatement. She moved her chest up and down, trying to be in perfect sync with your thrusts. Lube spread each time you appeared between her cleavage, both coating your cock and her breasts. Animalistic grunts fueled your erotically weaponized grunts, thinking of getting to fuck the detective’s tits every single day. Moving her heavy breasts up and down creates a pleasurable friction for your cock thanks to her applying another fresh coating of the tingle-inducing lube.
“Look at how fucking rough you are for mommy. Is that all mommy has to do to turn you on? Insult you? Were you this easy with that slut earlier too?” The detective said in a sensual whisper as her intimidating eyes locked onto yours.
“Fuck, mommy… that feels so good.” you moaned as her breasts collided with your crotch. She affectionately kisses the tip of your cock before lowering her head to taste more of you.
“Give mommy that disgusting cum of yours. Mommy knows you can’t last much longer between these wonderful titties of mine.” she said in a teasing manner. Her vulgar words were depreciating, but also motivated you. She managed to wrap her lips around the head of your cock each time it reemerged from her cleavage, adding another layer to the pleasure stimulation you were doing your best to endure.
“Fuck, I’m cumming. I-I’m cumming, mommy.” you managed to say as you hold onto her ponytail with one hand while the other grips the back of her head and locks it in place. One final thrust was all it took for you to erupt.
A thick rope of hot cum glazes her neck and lower jaw. The next one one manages to get on her left cheek just below her mole and lower chin area. Subsequent releases coat her beautiful bountiful chest. She reaches down and squeezes your balls, working in tandem with her tits throughout all of this to milk out as much semen from you as possible. With the last few remnants remaining, she releases you from her chest and wraps her lips around your cock. You savor this newfound change and feel her bob her head a few times as you ride out the euphoric feeling you hoped would never end.
“Not bad… my boyfriend cums a lot more, though.”
The detective thoroughly cleans your cock, making sure not to miss a single drop as she puckers her lips around your still throbbing and sensitive length. With a few descents of her mouth for good measure, she releases your cock with a loud pop. Satisfied with her work, the detective gives you a long, loving kiss on your exhausted tip before grabbing her coat and walking away. You are once again left alone in the workspace area with your clothes tossed all over the place and missing the busty nameless detective already.
At long last, all that remained was to write a conclusion. Something to tie the entire story together. Normally, this would have been the first thing you wrote. But this was different. It took what felt like several weeks just to write the first three-fourths of the story.
Another pair of high heels rang through the large room before stopping at your desk. You looked up and were met with the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
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“Hi!” she said brightly. Her round eyes were stunning, filled with brightness as she twirled several strands of hair between her fingers. Her clothes were practically form fitting. She chose a simple outfit - a white tee shirt that showed off her flat stomach and just the right amount of midriff. Her breasts poking through and highlighting the brand name that you weren’t able to decipher or quite frankly care what it said. Her jeans, practically hugging her lower body. Her wide hips that weren’t at all out of place, her toned thighs and to top it all off, a plump ass that wasn’t comically so.
How could such a woman exist, you mentally ask yourself.
“Hopefully those unnies didn’t drain you too much. I’m your last gift.” she beamed.
“Gift?” you questioned.
“Mhm.” she said, wrapping her arms around your neck as she straddled your lap with her soft thick thighs. She gave you a kiss on the lips before blowing a light puff of air into your ears.
“You’re going to forget your own name by the time I’m done with you.”
Your eyes widened as she flashed you the same sweet smile, although her words genuinely did excite you. There was a lust and hunger in her eyes that has finally been unleashed. She rubs her clothed crotch up and down yours, causing you to grow harder underneath her. She giggled as the two of you began kissing one another.
“D-Do you want me to ride your cock?” she asked, managing to catch her breath in between spine tingling kisses.
Before you know it, you both are fully naked. She rubs her healthy asscheeks, sliding your erect length in between the tight crevice. With one smooth push of her wide hips downwards, your blunt tip finally began to part her silky velvety smooth walls. Her lustful moans gained volume with each inch of you entering her body.
“F-Fuck, baby…” the woman breathlessly whispered. She was hot, wet, and tight - all things that could have described the previous two women, but especially the one you were currently buried inside. She ran her fingers through her hair once more, arching her back straight as she let you admire her tight and toned body in all of its glory.
Her movements were smooth - her hips fluid as could be as her juices began to lubricate and coat the full length of your cock. She would occasionally up the ante, lifting herself up until only your tip is inside before slamming her ass against your thighs. Each penetration of her caused a greedy, satisfied moan.
While her breasts weren’t as large as the previous two women, she was definitely bustier than others, something you were more than happy about. They bounced hypnotically along with her enjoying herself on your cock.
You took your time to massage her breasts, the puffy pink nipples of hers growing erect with excitement as you squeezed and pulled on each nub.
“B-Baby, so good… your cock feels so good inside me!”
“Y-You’re so tight…” you managed to say, closing your eyes and gritting from how her walls wrapped themselves around your length.
She clenched her walls the longer you played with her nipples. Her moans became more desperate, if it already felt good for you, it was tenfold for her.
She wanted more.
The woman eventually became more aggressive with her methods - slamming her perfectly sculpted body down hard on your own. A thin layer of perspiration misted her soft, beautiful skin as she was full of wanton lust and desire.
Forwards and backwards. Side to side. Each much tighter than the last.
“Baby, I’m cumming…!”
There was only one true purpose for which she was riding your cock in such an aggressive manner. You fondled her breasts as she erratically pushed her hips up and down loudly against you. She clenched her inner muscles hard as her pussy needily pulsated, signaling her climax was fast approaching.
“Baby… Fuck!”
A sinful moan escaped her pursed lips as her plentiful thighs almost combined with your own. Her buttcheeks were delicious - as was the rest of her body. She shivered from the pleasure as her juices drenched your cock.
But that wasn’t enough.
You moved her exhausted body back and forth as you slowly began fucking the woman through her intense orgasm. The silky smooth velvety walls were just as tight, but much easier to penetrate. Her moans were going to become your new favorite song to listen to.
“C-Cum for me, baby. Fill me up, please. I need it so badly.”
You interlock your fingers with hers as the woman continues bouncing up and down your cock. Tears slowly flowed down her cheeks as the glassy look of satisfaction washed over her bright features, her beautiful smile plastered on her pursed lips as she repeated her previous statement.
“Cum for me, oppa.”
With the woman sheathing your cock fully, you finally erupted.
Hot, thick semen was released from your length and entered her awaiting orifice. She made sure to tighten her muscles, wanting you to reach the very depths of her womb. Each spurt caused both your cock and her walls to pulsate. Goosebumps formed on your body as the woman helped you both chase the last remnants of such a euphoric high.
“Wow, fuck…” the woman laughed, leaning down and giving you several deep, long kisses. One final peck later, she raised her tight naked body and disconnected your connection together. The two of you watched as your load began to leak from her freshly fucked pussy. She took a swipe from between her thighs, and tasted your combined love essence.
“That was delicious, baby.”
After a few more swabs of the creamy present you deposited inside her, she got on her knees and began to clean your exhausted cock with her mouth. You gently placed your hand behind her head, giving her nothing but praise on such a wonderful experience.
“Why don’t you join me in the shower once all of this is over? You can even fuck my ass.”
Post Now? Yes.
You finally finished submitting the story. Looking around, you were surprised to be the only person still left. With not a soul in sight, you logged out of the computer and began to collect your things. Each woman had a contributing factor in why you were able to publish your work, and you wanted to find and personally thank them individually. Just as you were about to leave, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
The masked figure from earlier appeared. You were beyond exhausted, but this mysterious figure piqued your interest. Grabbing the mask, the person raises it above their head revealing a beautiful woman underneath. She seemed familiar, but you weren’t sure how.
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“S-... S-...”
“Your story was chosen to be the winner, sir.”
“It-it was?”
“It was. But unfortunately, you won’t be able to receive it.”
“W-Why not?”
“Because… you chose the wrong person. All those women just now were figments of your imagination that only felt real. You even chose a lookalike, what the hell was that?”
“What are you talking about…?”
“She will be the last person you will see. Good luck.”
A hard force meets the side of your head as your vision fades to black. The woman’s eye smile was undistinguishable.
The sounds of something creaking break you out of your sleep cycle as you struggle to open your eyes. Fluttering them, your vision begins to adjust as you feel the weight of a woman bouncing herself on top of you. Her hands were on your chest as the sight of her succumbing to her temptations as she tossed her long sweaty hair back and smiled at you lovingly.
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“H-Hi baby!” she says in a half-scream, half-laugh as she rides your cock vigorously.
“J-Joohyun noona?”
“Seulgi told me you were being a really bad boy, baby. Being suffocated by her tight asscheeks while she was busy working? Looks like mommy will have to punish you.”
309 notes · View notes
Hello, Tumblr! This is Red Batty speaking.
I'm all done with school now so, hey! I thought I'd open my ask box for fic requests. 
Smut is A-Okay! NSFW, Angst, the works. I'll just have to make the final call, but I can do the same prompt but milder if I'm not comfortable with the ask. No Yandere either, there's too many impressionable teens on this hell site that might think that's true love and I'm not risking it. I also don't do sad endings or major character death, because. I don't want to <3
Below are the characters I'm willing to write for! 
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Justice League Dark
John Constantine
Etrigan/Jason Blood
Zatanna Zatara
Deadman/Boston Brand
Batman/Bruce Wayne
Robert Pattinson/Batman 2022 version
Comics version
Christian Bale/Dark Knight version
Arkham games version
Anything more niche than that literally just ask I'm probably down, like if he's voiced by Kevin Conroy, I'll probably write for him
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Red Hood/Jason Todd
I haven't played Arkham Knight yet so Arkham!Jason isn't available yet
Red Robin/Tim Drake
Batgirl/Cassandra Kain
Oracle/Barbara Gordon (I can do Batgirl!Babs also)
Spoiler/Stephanie Brown
I'm also open to do Spotlight/Duke Thomas but I know f$%king nothing about him so if its an ask generic enough to apply to any Robin I'm down.
Rogues Gallery
Comics, Arkham games and animated series versions only right now. Well, that and Nolan!Rogues. Just not Bane, don't make me write fic for Rises.
I could do Gotham but it'd have to be plot nonspecific or you'd have to be specific about the ask (not against that) but still,,, yeah ahem anyways
Harley Quinn
Arkham games version
Comics version
Animated series version
Still haven't seen BoP or Suicide Squad so not those versions yet,,, sorry gang
Poison Ivy
I WILL do Harlivy if requested, and Harlivy x reader, and Harlivy x Selina x reader… Basically just send me your ideal fictional polycule and I'll do it. Love wins.
Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch
Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane
WOOF Cillian Murphy too fine, if not specified that's the version I'm writing
Riddler/Edward Nygma
NOT PAUL DANO VERSION. I'm sorry but the 2022 la version is a little creep and I won't write fic for him
If I get a Joker ask It better be the f$%king Lego Joker ONLY. 
Catwoman/Selina Kyle
Zoe Kravitz Selina my beloved, so hmu for 2022!Selina if you like also
Uhhhh I'm tired and ran out of ideas, If I missed one literally just ask
Justice League
just animated series and comics. No, I haven't seen Snyderverse. Yes, I'll be a little bitchy about it. Shazam and Aquaman and Wonder Woman can stay though. I'll write for live action Aquaman and WW, but not Shazam bc he's. Literally a child. Mkay.
Superman/Clark Kent
Batman (see above)
Green Lantern
John Stewart
Hal Jordan
Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
Aquaman/Arthur Curry
Wally West
Barry Allen
Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
Arcane (League of Legends)
Haven't seen Arrow in years so bear with me if you want arrowverse!Ollie
Sandman/Neil Gaiman!DC
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless
Death of the Endless
The Corinthian
Hob/Rob Gadling
Rob x Morpheus x Reader
Constantine (Joanna or John, see above)
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Vi x Caitlin x Reader or any other polycule for that matter
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Fallout 4
Nick Valentine
John Hancock
Paladin Danse
Preston Garvey
Fallout (TV Show)
The Ghoul/Cooper Howard
Mercer Frey
Adrianne and Ulfberth War-Bear (at Shieldmaiden's) 
this one is niche as hell they're not even companions or marriable but I'm putting it on the list
Mortal Kombat
If there's anyone missing just talk to me about it, thanks guys love u
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I'll do the game or the movie I'm just a bit rustier on game lore, pls bear with me.
Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade
Johnny x Sonya or Johnny x Sonya x reader
Kotal Khan
Cassie Cage
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I'm having a bit of a love/hate relationship with the MCU right now so these are the few I'm writing for, if there's someone you want me to write for from comics lore, just hmu and we'll see what I can do for you
Moon Knight
Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, all together or individually
Doctor Stephen Strange
**or any of his variants. 
Also AUs. I'm down for AUs like "in this universe of DS he's like [blank]" so when mcu!DS comes through its like [blank]... you get the idea.
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximo
Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
I'll do Peter Maximoff also but X-men get their own special section, see below
Disneyland Loki
Its not that I think I'm better than people because I prefer writing comics/animated series it's just. I know that better. And the movies make my head hurt sometimes but a few of them are cool it's literally random so just. Ask.
Cyclops/Scott Summers 
(This one for my bestie mwah)
Emma Frost
Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
Deadpool (does he count? Fuck it, he was a trainee)
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin
Mystique/Raven Darkhölme
Magneto/Erik (Magnus) Lensherr
This is one I will write straight from the movies because good lord is his character hot as fuck compelling and a dilf well written
Shadowcat/Kitty Pride
Gambit/Remy LeBeau
Gambit x Rogue x reader, and any other polycule basically
Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
Storm/Ororo Munroe
There's so many at this point I can't remember them all just ask
Daredevil/Matt Murdock
Jessica Jones
Foggy Nelson
Karen Page
Punisher/Frank Castle
I ask that you keep my punisher reqs spoiler free as I'm catching up on the show right now
Peter Parker
Peter B. (ITSV)
Tom Holland
Andrew Garfield
Tobey Maguire
(I'm rustier on the live action babies so give me grace here)
Spiderman 2099/Miguel O'hara 
Spiderman Noir
Spider!Gwen x Andrew Garfield!Spiderman
Spiderman/Miles Morales 
He WILL be aged up or shipped with a teen reader, anything else will get doused in gasoline and set on fire.
Eddie Brock/Venom
Note: I'm more willing to do spiderverse x ocs bc I know the spidersona brainrot is real. Hell, at this point, I might do oc x oc content for spiderverse because I've been there (and I've got a bestie with two spider ocs in a ship, love u cas)
Doc Ock/Otto Octavius
Doc Ock/Liv Octavius
Lmao I might do liv x aunt may if its funny or wholesome enough
Mysterio/Quentin Beck
It'll only be mcu!beck if explicitly stated that's what you want. 
Green Goblin/Norman Osborne
Electro/Max Dillon
Sandman/Flint Marko
Lizard/Dr. Curtis Connors
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If you think I'm missing someone just ask
Umbrella Academy
Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
Fka Vanya for anyone not up to speed, he's going by Viktor now that Elliot Page has come out
I will not use she/her pronouns or the name Vanya, if I get a req for Vanya it will be written for Viktor.
Star Wars
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Prequels/Clone Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Captain Rex
Commander Cody
Padme Amidala
Original Trilogy
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa Skywalker
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
Mandalorian/Post War Era
Mando/Din Djarin
Bo Katan-Kryze
Cobb Vanth
I know I'm missing some I know it just ask and I'll let yall know
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
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Ghost/Lt. Simon Riley
Soap/Sgt. Johnny MacTavish
Gaz/Sgt. Kyle Garrick
Captain John Price
Colonel Alejandro Vargas
Rudy/Sgt. Rodolfo Parra
Commander Philip Graves
Monster AU
AU is NOT MINE: it belongs to @/bluegiragi I just think it's sexy
Ghost/Lt. Simon Riley: Wraith
Soap/Sgt. Johnny MacTavish: Werewolf
Gaz/Kyle Garrick: Harpy
Captain John Price: Dragon
Colonel Alejandro Vargas: Nagual
Rudy/Sgt. Rodolfo Parra:
Commander Philip Graves: Vampire
For my König gays and girlies, I love him, and I will write for him, but I don't know a lot about him so bear with me here, I'm trying.
I'll write Monster!AU König as well just ask <3 and the ask doesn't have to be within the confines of the AU "canon," or any canon for that matter
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