#the great catsby
headbandsandflats · 2 months
having just a little gratitude moment. i took the day off of work bc i have a few carryover days that expire at the end of the month. took catsby into the vet and he had, all things considered, a great appointment (current health issues under control). it was an all day visit so when i got back home i ran out for coffee and a bagel and relaxed for a tiny bit. my super came by after and fixed the (THREE) major problems i had in my bathroom and then i (out of necessity 😬) cleaned the whole bathroom. in the middle of all of this i also got some work done and while that kind of defeats the purpose of a day off i was able to do it on my own schedule and it wasn’t anything too taxing and i was glad to be able to get it off my plate.
i’m achy and thrilled to have nothing i have to do tomorrow but a few months ago i truly, literally, wouldn’t have been able to do a single one of these things (physically or mentally) let alone all of them. and this comes on the heels of a busy but nice time visiting my family last weekend, getting to spend time with my niece and nephew and getting to celebrate st. patrick’s day (and by celebrate i mean eating corned beef and three kinds of potatoes). ANYWAY, for the moment, gratitude.
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lotshusband · 1 year
could name a cat jay catz. as in the great catsby
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pagan-corruption · 9 months
There was the whole talk of "AI inbreeding" or when AI feeds off of AI and makes the image unusable. I think about that within the context of using AI to automate acting.
I have a feeling that the first AI "actors" are just going to be Carrie Fisher and the dead guy from Ghostbusters, given that's who we have right now as CGI people, then it will branch out to other older actors but de-aged (like young Harrison Ford in Dial of Destiny) and then original fully AI individuals (think Lil Miquela but better and an actress.) Eventually someone is gonna then get cocky and type in "Young female waitress" for an extra and leave it at that. That's when it's going to get fucky and we're going to have faceless people in the background. It's gonna be like Cats (2019) where characters won't have ears and half of them have fleshless parts of their body. Not just extras, but the main "stars" as well.
We're going to have a period where scenes are flesh colored blobs in the background with Carrie Fisher talking to Carrie Fisher with weird and inconsistent number of eyes.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 6 months
Dustin: I like Chrissy. She reminds me of my mom.
Eddie: *squints* I don't see it.
Chrissy was currently trying to lure a frightened cat out from underneath a car.
Dustin: I have literally seen my mom chase a cat for like an entire block before. Her parents never let her have a cat, Chrissy's parents never let her have a cat. My grandma always controlled what my mom ate, Chrissy's mom always controlled what she ate. They both talk in a sweet voice. Their name starts with a C.
Steve: So, you're saying that Eddie and I are basically dating your mom?
Dustin: Basically. I bet she's going to come up with a cutesy name for the cat.
Chrissy pulled the cat out, cuddling the cat to her chest.
Chrissy: I shall name him Catsby. Get it? Like the Great Gatsby!
Eddie and Steve: Oh God!
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love-and-hisses · 6 months
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Former foster update! You remember former Crate Catsbys fosters Zelda and Myrtle, I presume? well, Zelda is now Ruby, and Myrtle is now Opal, and here's what they look like now! … Maureen says: "Ruby & Opal are doing great and getting along fine with our old dog, Boo. Opal actually exchanges kisses with him on a regular basis. Ruby has become much more affectionate and snuggles quite often, but when she decides she’s in a snuggly mood…she is the queen of her castle. Opal is a lover of everything…food, catching flies, purring and snuzzling until the blanket she is pawing on is soaked from her “nursing” on it. They are very different and that makes it so much fun having them a part of the family!" … (Thank you Maureen!)
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catfindr · 1 year
i don't have a screenshot or anything because this was quite a few years back, but one time a shelter near me had a cat named the great catsby, and i think about that cat often.
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trailtracker · 1 year
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My the great catsby designs in lackadaisy's art style (or my attempt at it). they live in my mind forever, unfortunately
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mothbug · 1 month
love calling pasha and fennel exes even though they never dated. if you think about it two 14 year olds having the worst day of their lives is a lot like divorce in this instance. and one of them is now the great catsby. and the other is umm. well. she’s fine. she’s doing great.
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arcadekitten · 1 year
How did you come up with the names for blackout hospital?
Do you mean like, character names? Because I can go over those!!
Blackout Hospital Major Spoilers below!!
Regarding characters kinda specific to Blackout Hospital:
Mallory: It's often kinda hard to find names with negative meanings because, you know, parents want to name their kids names with good meanings! However, the name "Mallory" means "Unlucky" or "Unhappy" which was...well pretty fitting for her!
Bonus: Catsby is like The Great Gatsby but a cat
Gus: I personally derived it from gastronomy, a word relating to the art of good eating! And Gus LOVES to eat! So it's like...Gus-tronomy, tee-hee.
Hyllindrix: I once had a dream/nightmare? where someone was stealing my identity and all my OCs(online) and when I tracked them down, they went by the name Hyllindrix Vandercorg. So even though the name and design came about at separate times I knew they belonged together.
Minspella: I wanted something very delicate and fairy-tale sounding, very whimsical and magical. So I thought of magical words like "Spells" then "Spella" and took the first part of "Minnie" and combined them and voila!
Drekaride: Similar but opposite, I wanted something very fantasy and very imp-ish for Drekaride. A lot harsher of a sound compared to Minspella's soft sound! (Though Drek themself is pretty soft...) I don't recall where exactly it came from but...it's here now!
Griindel: I wanted something relating to smiles because well...look at his mouth! So I chose a name that had "Grin" in it and added an extra "i" to make it more fantasy.
Emerald: She has big green eyes LOL and emeralds are green!
Lucky: I knew that when I was making the playing card puzzle, the player would go to him for the Clubs card so I wanted his name to reflect that! (Even though Clubs are not 4-leaf clovers...close enough!)
Angel: She's an angelfish! And also her connections with...some mysterious figures...made it fitting for her to be named Angel, she herself is a messenger of higher beings!
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i-have-not-slept · 2 years
Malectober Day 17: Cat
Alec woke up with the bright golden light of morning seeping through the windows, and his cat sleeping on his head.
“Ow,” he mumbled, reaching up to disentangle tiny, needle-sharp claws from his hair. “That hurts, Chairman. Go bother Magnus.” He shoved the cat in the direction of his still-sleeping husband. Chairman Meow gave a satisfied purr, nuzzling into the curve of Magnus’s arm. Alec huffed and flopped back on the mattress. The sudden movement woke Magnus. “What’s going on?” he mumbled, blinking sleepily at Alec.
Alec raised his eyebrows. “Your cat woke me up.”
Magnus slumped back, flinging his elbow over his eyes. “This time of the morning he’s your cat.” he grumped.
Alec smiled, unable to pretend he was angry any longer. He cuddled up to Magnus, absently reaching over to stroke the Chairman's ears.
“How many cats have you had?”
Magnus sat up, looking more awake and blinking at Alec. “What?”
“Ragnor mentioned a few days ago that you’d had a cat continuously since the 1950s. So I just wondered how many.”
Magnus thought for a minute. “Seventeen.”
“They weren’t all since the fifties.” Magnus added. “I’ve had a cat at various times before then, and other pets too. But yes, I’ve always had a cat since then. So….seventeen, in total.”
“What were their names?” Alec asked. He was genuinely curious. He suspected that Magnus had thought up some pretty ridiculous pet names in his time.”
“Well, now I have the Chairman, obviously.” Magnus began. And before him was Catterine the Great. And before her was The Great Catsby….Clary pulled his tail once, when she was a little girl.”
Alec burst out laughing. He rolled onto his side, facing Magnus. “Go on”
“Before him was The Notorious C.A.T.” And before him were Pawsta and Purrito…they were brother and sister…”
“Those names are terrible.”
“Possibly not my finest moment.” Magnus admitted. “Then there was Cat-22 — he was a real mean bastard. I’ve still got the scars where he clawed me. And then there was Charles Mittens…”
Alec curled in on himself, one hand over his mouth, shaking with silent laughter.
“And earlier,” Magnus continued, “there was Miette, and Gib, and Garis-Garis…”
Alec’s brow furrowed. “Is that Indonesian for…”
“Stripes.” Magnus confirmed. “Not the most imaginative of names, I confess.” He put Chairman Meow down for a second, grabbing a silk robe from the floor and wrapping it around himself. He swung himself out of bed, picked up the cat again, and headed for the door. Alec grabbed a discarded sweater from the floor and trailed after him. He shrugged it on over his pyjama pants as he followed Magnus to the kitchen.
“And there was Soctrates, and Teddy, and Birba…” Magnus continued.
“What are you talking about?” Rafe asked, wandering out of his room. Max was already seated at the kitchen bench, with the expectant air that meant he wanted breakfast now.
“Cat names.” Magnus replied, putting Chairman Meow down on the floor. The small grey tabby instantly bolted for the safety of the living room, away from grabby children’s hands.
“What would you call a cat, if we got another one?” Magnus asked the boys, turning on the stove.
Max thought for a minute, then declared solemnly, “Spider-Cat.”
Magnus laughed, and reached into the cupboard for pancake ingredients. Alec wandered into the living room, and coaxed Chairman Meow out from under the coffee table. The Chairman clambered up Alec’s arm and onto his shoulder, clinging to his sweater with his claws. Alec headed back to the kitchen, Chairman Meow riding on his shoulder. He sat at the bench beside his sons, transferring the Chairman to his lap.
He felt a rush of fondness for the little cat. Chairman Meow had been Magnus’s before Alec had come into his life, had been the only thing keeping Magnus company at home before Alec had met him. He and Magnus had met at a birthday party Magnus had thrown for the cat.
“Without you,” Alec murmured into the cat’s soft fur, “we might never have met. So I’m grateful.” Chairman Meow purred as if he understood. And when Magnus dished up the pancakes he’d made, Alec was amused to see they were in the shape of seated cats.
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ccrv-7 · 1 month
be sooooo fucking happy youre not part of my dnd group cause i just got a campaign idea and now im sitting in front of a google doc with only the sentence “jay catsby, tabaxi noble” in it. i have not read the great gatsby
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salty-rey · 1 year
I said to my sis
"We should name the cat Rohan/Rohirrim from LotR!"
And my sis says
"Catsby, from The Great Gatsby."
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Actually you know what, I was going to go to bed since it is 2.30 AM right now, but I have opinions!
Retellings of classics/fairy tales can be so so GOOD especially when they add more representation or explore new avenues through which to view the story which allows us to see aspects of the story that have been forgotten/wouldn't have been appropriate to focus on in the time period they were created/vastly distributed. Even the 400 pages of smut woth an excuse of story retellings can be good because hey you wrote what you wanted and yes it was set up for smut but you actually sat there and wrote something!
And I know I've bemoaned books that strip stories just so they can write smut before, but that's aimed at books that pretend they aren't just smut. The people who from the gey go basically establish within 100 pages these guys end up in bed have my respect. You're open, honest and ironically enough aren't messing about with foreplay here.
However my issue lies with the influx I've noticed recently on bookinsta and booktok of "diverse" retellings of classics/fairy tales that ... just aren't?
Like on booktok I recently came across a user claiming that now that the Great Gatsby was in the public domain as of last year they were going to be writing the gay gatsby book. As if people haven't been writing literal fanfiction for years of Nick and Gatsby, as if there isn't an entire area of novel analysis designated to the idea of Nick and Gatsby as not only a couple but also as metaphors for different forms of sexual repression within 1920s American society. Like there's nothing necessarily wrong with it, but it's being marketed as something so new and fresh... when i know for a fact within the hours of it becoming public domain there was a great Gatsby retelling but if they were animals, at least 3 Great Gatsby but Nick and Gatsby kiss and the great Catsby published.
Or the fairytale retellings that are queer, but aren't actually retellings or based on the stories. They're using the names for attention.
In particular a recent one I found was a beauty and the beast retlling but Gay. Promising so far, I was imagining like bear jokes you know? Maybe a twink joke, a medieval appropriate fuck boi joke about Gaston.
The prince falls in love with his guard (its supposed to be based on the Disney film) not the Princess (Belle is a peasant in the film) but its all a okay because she's a lesbain.
Again how the actual fuck is this a retelling or even inspired by specifically as the author DOES specify the Disney version!?
Just write queer fairy tales nobody will stop you.
"But proto it's for exposure, it's for the algorithm!"
And anybody who has any interest in reading that goes beyond being spoon fed tropes and wattpad level descriptions won't want to read a book when the marketing itself is deceptive!
It just annoys me because like I said retellings can be so cool -ie hamlet and how it's set in EVERY time period or that one Macbeth adaptation set on a council estate where the Fife lords are drug dealers in Sussex- but nowadays people DONT want to wrote retellings they just want to use the concept and they disregard everything about it and then hide behind diversity cards. And what annoys me so much is that its mostly cis white authors being pushed.
What about the POC authors who are writing queer/POC/ other forms of diversity such as disability stories? Why are they being suppressed when they actually fit the description???
Like for instance cinderlla is dead!? Personally I didn't enjoy it but its a retelling, of the story of cinderella with its own twists and turns!!
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doronjosama · 1 year
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This week's (01/11/23) New Comics Day score: The Great Catsby v.2 by Doha (used)! #NewComicsDay #NewComicsWednesday #NewComicBookDay #ncbd #thegreatcatsby #doha #manhwa #manga #comics #usedbooks #graphicnovels #CleaningOutMySubBox #GirlsReadComics #IBleedComics #Fujoshi4Life https://www.instagram.com/p/CnTKwj8jzpX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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love-and-hisses · 11 months
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I thought I'd do a little then-and-now comparison of the Nestlings, since I got decent pictures of them yesterday. Here are each of them in one of their earliest pictures on the left, and the pictures from yesterday on the right. As you can see, they're growing up! Wren is 11 weeks old today, Rufous turned 10 weeks on Sunday, and Starling and Tater turned 9 weeks on Sunday. They're all well within the normal weight range for their ages (yes, they're quite a bit lighter than the Catsbys were at this age, that's just how it goes) and doing great!
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vainswae · 10 months
The Great Catsby 🐈
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