#the excessive caution is both an anxiety thing and?? possibly called for here? who knows
wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
okay so if i wanna get real high and watch a single lethal weapon episode with no context, what would be the most batshit (in a fun way) one to watch?
anon it is genuinely VERY funny how completely unqualified I am to answer this question, but I'm going to make an attempt anyway. please also use your best judgment.
if the Council of Martin Appreciation wishes to weigh in on this (or anyone else sees I've made some mistakes), have at it! no-pressure tapping @onyxbird & @darkfinch so they know it exists.
(reblogs closed, but they're weighing in in the replies & also there's this, please listen to them over me <3)
okay. so. my recommendation is none of them!
that said, clearly this is a thing some people can watch (at least in parts) without sustaining significant emotional damage, and we've been talking about it being fun because it can be fun, especially with accurate expectations and proper warnings.
("don't do the thing" is obviously crap advice next to "here are the risks of the thing so you can make an informed decision.")
this is the internet and you're on anon, so: if you're under eighteen, it's cool that you're here and no hard feelings, but I'm not comfortable advising on, like, any of the drugs-related part of this. if you want to check out the episode-specific content warnings here, that's okay! that's good info to have! otherwise please respect my wishes and disregard the rest, because I really cannot advise on this.
if you're over eighteen, then hi! you asked me, so you're getting excessive caution. them's the breaks, I'm afraid.
1) anon, if being high can make you fragile or exposure to any of these themes can make you fragile, or if you don't for sure know the answers to those questions, or you wish to help me sleep soundly at night, please have a trip sitter or at least a trusted friend nearby. I don't know if people actually have trip sitters for this kind of thing, but they seem sensible.
2) my tentative recommendation, because I found it fun and finch survived it and enjoyed it while very sleep-deprived, is 2.7 Birdwatching!
THAT SAID I've seen, like, three and a half episodes so there may be a better one. this is what finch recommended to me though, more or less, and it is a Sleep Deprivation Antics episode, which seems appropriate.
viewing tip A: for the love of all that's holy don't let the next episode autoplay. I don't know anything about it specifically, but just… if you do, there be monsters. the second half of season two is very unkind. I'm not even planning on watching it.
viewing tip B: the birds are specific to that episode, not a general lethal weapon motif.
viewing tip C: if you want a gentler ending to the episode, stop watching after the cosy suburban scene with eggplants in, very near the end. you'll see a very obvious change in lighting.
viewing tip D: if you want gentle martin content after, here is the coffee clip again, here is onyx's fic, here are my babysitting thoughts. (trust me, harper's adorable.)
3) GENERAL CONTENT WARNINGS for the ep, I will put more specific spoilery ones at the end so they can hopefully be scrolled past (or press J on desktop to skip past this post) if you don't want them:
suicidal ideation (this is a big one)
past abuse (also a big one)
gore and body horror
significant food/grossness intersection
some sleep deprivation & flashback-ish unreality stuff
also, this is a Cop Show with Cop Antics, violence, killing, dead bodies etc, just to state the obvious for a sec.
4) honestly, my advice remains to not watch it like that. cc's portrayal of fucked up shit is visceral and believable enough (in a show that's callous and careless enough) that I'm not sure I can recommend any of this. but, best judgment, informed decision-making etc etc. and you know more about the 'watching stuff while high' aspect than I do.
(I told you you were getting excessive caution.)
birdwatching is, however, a Pretty episode and the first glimpse of CC in it… actually I do need to post that too. [edit: done.] I utterly adored him in that moment. if you watch it, I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to come yell at me about it if you want to!
ABUSE: horrid flashbacky nightmares to martin's father, also if I recall correctly a flashback to a physical confrontation involving a gun and his father's face when he was a child. his father seems to have physically and emotionally abused him.
GORE AND BODY HORROR: martin's father in his dreams is missing a piece of his cheek, like an open wound from a shotgun blast. it doesn't seem to bother him.
also, if I recall correctly, someone's finger is deliberately severed.
FOOD GROSSNESS THING: at one point martin's father convinces him to eat a meal and after taking a bite martin sees it contains the missing piece of martin's father's face and starts retching.
SUICIDE: the nightmare version of martin's father tries to convince him to kill himself and dream-martin smiles, puts a gun to his own chin and pulls the trigger, waking up. it's emotionally visceral & affecting.
FURTHER EPISODE SPOILER REGARDING SUICIDE: martin does not, actually, shoot himself while awake.
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Rescue You  Chapter 4 : November 4 and 5.
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Dean x reader
Summary : My name is Y/n. I’m the outcast of my witch community. This is the story of how I rescued Dean Winchester, the story of how he saved me.
Serie Warnings : Swearing. Injuries. Smut. Fluff. Angst.
Chapter warning : Injuries, swearing, a hint of Angst, fluff.
Words : 3k
***Rescue You Masterlist***
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
November 4, 6:14 am
             “Y/n ?” Dean’s voice calls me softly.
In my dream, I’m not afraid to cling to this voice with all I am. Somehow not afraid of what he could do or be… I’m floating in this world where music can be seen and where Dean’s smell can hold and carry me…
“Y/n ?” This voice is not in my dream…
I open my eyes and my breath gets stuck in my throat. His smell is not really holding me, but his arms are, and the only music is his breathing.
“I’m sorry to wake you… You’re crushing me” he says low.
My arm is wrapped around him, nails dug in his opposite side, like I harpoon him. My eyes widen, I let go of his chest in a gasp.
“I’m… I’m sorry” I say sitting up.
“No I am” he sighs. “I just… each time I pushed your hand you grabbed me tighter and… I’m sorry, it…”
“Hurts” I cut him. “Of course.”
Getting out of the cover I feel the violent bite of the cold and rub my face. It’s snowing, already. I sight and look at the table, my breath short, my burned skin still hurting, anxiety getting high… I just hope they won’t make my day too busy.
“I have to… find food” I say, trying to hide the trembling in my voice. “And another blanket. Okay…”
“Hey…” Dean’s voice pierces the fog of panic suddenly suffocating me. “It’s okay Y/n. I can wait, you need to take care of you.”
A sarcastic laugh escapes me. Take care of me…
 November 5, 9 pm.
             I run. I can’t really run because the snow slows me, but I go as fast as possible. My lungs are burning with the frosty air I’m breathing fast, my ears hurts and my fingers too, the tears on my face are the only warm thing I feel.
           They trapped me. My mother trapped me at home, I couldn’t get food and I couldn’t get a blanket for Dean. I had to work like a dog and to beg, I had to lie. She never let me go out, even when I yelled, even when I cried ; until now.
           I reach the door and open it with shaking hands, if he’s dead…
           The room is cold, but not as much as the outside. I fall on my knees. Dean is on the floor, pale, cold, he tried to get up and failed.
“Dean ? Dean !” I reach him, checking his pulse and touching his face. “Dean… Please” I sob.
And he opens his eyes, frowning when he sees me. I take his face and squeeze it against my chest, silently thanking whoever listens.
“I was worried…” he mumbles.
“I’m so sorry… I’m so, so sorry” I sob and I feel his hand rest on my hip.
           We stay just like that for a little while. Me on my knees, and him against me, holding me back the best he can, my tears falling on his head, his hand gently stroking my side, like he was trying to comfort me.
           Then I laboriously help him back on the bed and open the large bag I brought. I wrap him in covers, and put water to boil. I give him something to drink and he finishes it really fast. Then I take my hot water bottle and fill it with the boiling water, with the rest, I make the magical infusion I stole.
           Dean just looks at me, busy like an ant ; he’s clinging to the covers and sometimes trying to speak, but I don’t give him time because I know what he will ask : Where do the bruises come from. And I have no answers, just that Diana came again. At least my mother feels guilty now that this ugly witch beat the shit out of me, and she will leave me be a little.
“Here” I blow on the bowl a little, making the steam moisten his forehead. “Sorry” I smile, wiping his face. “This is a potion I stole, it makes you heal faster.”
He looks at me, suspicious, and smells the mixture with a disgusted face.
“Where did you found that Y/n ?” he asks and I lower my head.
“I stole it” I sigh, not saying I stole it from the old lady Stinson, who broke her neck of the femur. They will give her more anyway.
“I don’t trust witches” he says and my heart sank.
“You don’t…” I can’t speak more, the intense fear and pain I felt sine yesterday, exploding at contact of his words.
I put the precious bowl cautiously on the table and turn my back on him.
“Y/n… I trust you” he sighs. “But this is witchcraft and…”
“Shut up” I say coldly. “J-just shut up.”
I take a deep breath and try not to cry.
“I won’t be able to protect you for long” I start with a sinister tone. “I… You have no idea of the s-sacrifices…”
“Yes I do” he cuts me.
“SHUT UP ! I-I DON’T WANT YOU TO HEAL ! I DON’T WANT YOU TO LEAVE BUT IF YOU DON’T…” I turned to face him and tears are running down my face now. “They will kill you… I don’t know how to heal you without what I know…”
“I’m sorry” he grunts.
“I can’t let them find you… B-but what if next time they lock me up for a week ?”
“Come here” he simply says and I hesitate, looking away. “Please.”
           As I come closer, he sits up more in a groan of pain. I sit on the chair and he puts a hand on my thigh. He closes his eyes for a second, trying to breathe despite the intense pain and the weakness.
“I’ll drink it” he states. “I trust you. But you have to promise me you won’t ever put your life in danger for me.”
I turn my head and catch his eyes with eyebrows frowned and my lower lip between my lips from trying not to cry. His handsome eyes searching mine. And here it is, the moment I can talk for the first time in my life. The person I can trust enough to refuse a promise.
“What life ?” I state low.
 November 5, almost midnight.
             Dean ate and drank. It took an hour but I helped him to the bathroom, using the chair as a support, and for pauses. He wanted to, and while he was sweating bullets because of pain, I clenched my teeth and gave him that because he asked for help. As usual, I talked a lot, at first about nothing important, but now, an hour later, as I help him back on the bed, I’m talking about Diana.
“Every witch has one, a godmother… I was so jealous when I was a child… Now not so much” I grunt when he hisses, sitting down. “Here, the pillow is good, you can lean on it…”
“B-before I met you” he pants, trying to hide his pain. “I hated witches… Now it’s worse.”
“I know…” I sigh, leaving a short silence. “Are hunters as cruel as they say ?” I finally ask shyly.
“I guess some of them are… But the ones I know, they’re good people.”
I stare at him for a while, and can’t decide if I can smile right now, I want to, I always want to when he looks at me, but this talk is treason.
           I’m checking on his wounds, and am satisfied to find them healing. His hoodie is open, and he doesn’t wear a t-shirt underneath it, it makes it easier for the bandages. I’m sitting on the bed, against his thigh, cleaning the massive cut on his stomach, when I feel his warm hand on my cheek.
           I look up and find his gaze. His hand flattens on the side of my face and I close my eyes for a second. What is this rattle inside of me ? Like a swarm in my stomach. When I’m deprived of sight, my other senses cling to him, and the skin of his chest under my hand becomes the softer thing I ever touched, the smell irradiating of him…
“You’re cold” he whispers.
When I open my eyes again, everything has changed, my eyes can’t look away, I sit up straighter and stare at his beautiful face.
“I don’t want you to go and come back with bruises again” he admits, his thumb brushing my jaw.
“Tonight I’ll stay” I shrug, not knowing what else to say. “Hey, you will get sick if you stay like that” I finally manage to tear myself off of his charm.
I close his sweater and give him his toothbrush.
“You have to eat something too” he says with his mouth fool of toothpaste before he spits on what I gave him, his arms unable to brush longer.
“I bought like ten chocolate bars, just in case, I’ll eat one” I smile, searching my bag. “Hey look, razor !”
He smiles, his bright white teeth lighting the room. Everything changed since he touched my face, but I can’t explain it, he’s just… I want him close.
           I sit on the bed and put a towel on his chest. While I take foam in my hand, I try to ignore him staring, try to focus. When I put it on his cheek, his eyes are a little too close to mine, almost drowning my will to be careful.
“Where am I supposed to put it ?” I chuckle.
“Everywhere you see beard, and try to avoid my mouth and nose” he smiles.
I start spreading the foam on his face with excessive caution, brushing his jaw, his upper lip, gently grazing his throat.
           If my gestures are very slow, my thoughts, them, are going thousand miles. And yes, this is a freckles on his lip. I just wish I would have met him differently, I wish I wasn’t born a witch, the most useless witch of all times. I wish I could have seen him with all his strength one day ; but I won’t, because the minute he can walk, he will leave me forever. At least I would have known whatever is happening now, and I will have a memory to cherish.
“Against the grain, neck last” he says low.
“I’ll try not to cut you” I state and put the razor on his cheek, making his skin appear behind the foam and hair. “I love the smell of shaving foam” I say absent-mindedly.
“Why ?” his Adam’s apple dances before my eyes.
“I don’t know, it’s manly but soft…” I smile. “Kinda comforting.”
Like you.
I get closer and now I can smell the mint of his breath too, I rinse the razor in the bowl of water on the chair and come back to his face slowly. When I come close to his mouth, he forms a thin line with it, hiding both his lips to make it easier for me.
“Oops” I chuckle when a bit of foam falls on his lips after he made them appear again.
I wipe it with my thumb, immediately freezing when I realize I’m touching those lips. My shy finger just lingers on the plumb pink flesh, and even the awareness of him staring, probably wondering what is wrong with me, doesn’t make me look away…
           His face comes a little closer, slowly, he doesn’t need to move much to make his face touch mine.
His lips capture mine in a shy kiss.
           My heart stops, my world crashes on itself, but not in a bomb-destructive way, more in a revelation. I put a hand on his good shoulder and come closer, desperate to feel him more, to taste him more. His mouth against mine opens just a little to grab my lower lip, his hand comes back to my cheek.
I never felt anything like this before. This dream is the most powerful and beautiful I have ever had, and it’s not even a dream. I wish I could stay like that forever, just feeling those lips on mine.
           When the tip of his tongue wets my mouth, I open it, allowing him to caress me the way he wants. His hot tongue meets mine in a sensual skim at first, then in an eager dance. I grab his face and keep him against me while he devours me, breathing only the air he gives me until it’s not enough for both of us and he breaks the kiss to inhale.
           He stares at me and, for the first time in my life I don’t have any doubt. If he regrets, I will just keep taking care of him until he can be safe, thankful for that day I felt alive in my life ; if he wants to kiss me again…
           He does. Slow and tender, smiling in the kiss, cutting all my thoughts.
“That’s disgusting” he chuckles with a grin and, once again, I have no doubt, because he can’t mean anything unkind, he’s just Dean. “We have shaving foam everywhere. I think I have some in my mouth…”
I laugh through my nose and put another shy and chaste kiss on his lips. Taking the towel, I wipe my face and the rebellious strand of my hair that fell from my bun, now sticking to my cheek. Then I take the razor in my hand and smile in awe.
“Only half your face is shaved.”
He turns his head slowly to grant me access to the hairy side of his face.
           In concentration, I stick my tongue out a little but don’t realize it before he kisses the tiny tip of it. My eyes widen and I blush, pecking his plumb lips once again like we were a thing, like we were usual and natural.
           Several times during the minutes it takes me to shave him with caution, he steals a kiss or two. Until it becomes a little game : me giving him a smile when he catches my lips, or escaping to give him my cheek or nose, just to tenderly kiss him when he grunts… He gives me his throat like he gave me his cheeks, with a trust so pure ; and the razor blade caresses his skin while I put an audacious kiss on the naked side of his Adam’s apple.
           When comes the moment I wipe his face with wet towel, our lips have met a thousand times. And I know now that it never will be enough.
           I lay close, this time slipping between the wall and him, my daring hand coming under the hem of his hoodie to touch the skin of his stomach, he kisses the top of my head and silence slowly wraps us, a peaceful calm, swathed in a snowy night.
“This witch thing…” he says low. “Do you know how fast it works ?”
I shrug and look up to meet the subdued light of the oil lamp reflecting in his bright eyes.
“My ribs already hurt less” he states.
I sit up and smile wide.
“Really ? Oh great !” rubbing his jaw, I realize the cut on his eyebrow is almost healed. “I should steal more…”
“You’re not going back there for now, Y/n” he frowns.
I bend to kiss him, unable to stop tasting him, unable to stay away. His hand grabs my thigh when I kiss the corner of his lips, his cheek and jaw. He turns his head to make me focus back on his mouth.
           I have no idea how long we have been kissing, but I feel like a teen, lips swollen from making out too long. His hand is under my own sweater now, just calmly motionless on my lower back.
“Mh that mouth…” he murmurs. “We will make it, Y/n… They won’t hurt you more.”
We. They.
We means we’re in the same side, and I agree. From now on, I’ll be in our side. I snuggle against him and put my hand on his heart, hiding the anxiety on my face : If I manage to save him, I will have won this battle, and I will be happy just knowing he is okay ; but sooner or later, they will learn of Dean being alive… And I will burn.
He’s not stupid, I know he realizes that, we both know.
“I heard them talking about you” I say, trying to sound lazy when I’m suddenly a little sad. “They were saying you had an angel…”
“Have an angel ?” he chuckles. “I don’t own an angel, like I would have a cat… He’s my friend. Cas, Castiel. He saved me from Hell, and we went to Purgatory together…”
I stay there, listening. He tells me about his brother, and how he became a hunter, how he was raised like a soldier, he tells me about crappy motels rooms and that archangel that made them believe he was the Trickster. I met the actual trickster, he’s not as powerful. He tells me about this witch Rowena, I heard of her once, but the Coven don’t like her because she doesn’t respect the rules…
           I tell him about these rules. About what they did to my father, how this messes with people’s brain, how broken he is now. I tell him about my only friend, Aiden, and our past together, the way they treated me, and convinced him his marriage was for the best. And I start to betray my blood even more : The delicious safety of his hand stroking my back, I start telling him about the Coven operation, about Mam Griffin impressive powers…
             A gust of freezing air carrying snow suddenly enters the room when the door opens. Dean protectively wrap his arm around me even more when I sit up in terror, trying to see clearly if someone just found us.
           The world is about the crash.
           I frown to discern who is that shape, staying outside, staring at us.
           And when it moves, I finally can see.
“Aiden ?”
***Feedback is Gold***
Forever Tags : @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @animegirlgeeky @paradoxical--intentions  @thefaithfulwriter@parinarain@vicariouslythruspn @emeow1496@daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @mogaruke @masterof-agony @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @hawaiianohana31 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99 @neii3n  @alanegaming @im-a-shrub
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loveisah-maze · 6 years
BTS react to their S/O consumed by anxiety
Prompt: The members worry when they see you having an anxiety attack. Filled with urgency they try their best to get your mind away.
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of abuse, details about anxiety, angst, fluff
Word count: 2785
A/N: This is something I always wanted to do as I struggle with anxiety all the time. I tried to do different cases of an attack, because anxiety is different for everyone. I hope this resonates with some of you who struggle, you’re not alone.
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The level of anxiety was becoming unbearable, leaving you in a daunting paranoid state—the sweat dripping down your neck becoming significant. You felt like you were going to burst, all the stress and worries consuming you.
“Y/N?” you hear a familiar voice as Jin stood in front of you, excessively concerned. You wanted to respond, to call out to him but there were no words. Jin hurriedly sat you down on the couch afraid that you would collapse which wasn’t impossible as every attack varied. Jin securely grips your head, hand on both sides and gently connects his forehead with yours. His eyes were searching yours, the color of rich soil flecked with black were all you tried to focus on.
As he held your face his thumbs caress your cheek—hoping and praying that the touch would help bring you back. Tears of emotion flooded yours as you felt yourself regaining conscience to the present. Everything hurt and felt so overwhelming. “Y/N, I’m here.” You heard his soft voice whisper which made you feel ashamed of your condition. Why did you have to be so weak?
Jin didn’t believe you were weak at all, in fact he admired your strength. As someone who came from a rich, and ‘perfect’ family it was a different light he had adjusted to. You were someone who had been through so much heartbreak, and abuse during your childhood. Through all of that it made you into such an empathetic, and loyal person. As you started to breathe more normally, Jin carefully brushed away tears that had already stained your cheeks.  
Your eyes were now swollen and bright from the crying but you didn’t care as you knew Jin didn’t judge. You knew he hated seeing you so broken but nonetheless wanted him to know you were okay when words wouldn’t form. Light, and small hands compared to Jin caressed his cheek and you saw a glimpse of a smile from him. The eyes that you loved so dearly a visual exploration of hope.
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Pale hands embraced you into the warmth you knew so well. When you were walking through a crowded room you felt your anxiety take over, uncontrollable trembles overtaking you. Knowing what was happening, Yoongi took the initiative to take you into the bathroom in hopes to calm you down for the walk home. He guided you gently to the bathroom counter, lifted you so that your legs dangled before he secured the door for your sake.
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry.” You say shakily, embarrassment consuming you as you felt like a burden he had to take care of too often. He shook his head, not wanting to overwhelm you. The veiny hands you endeared lifted your face to his, your eyes now held hostage to his calming ones.
“Focus on getting better Y/N, I won’t leave you.” The reassurance in his deep voice was enough to calm you down significantly. His nut-brown eyes were gently anchored to yours, holding your gaze as you both breathed together.
The two of you had both achieved so much in this relationship as well as learned from each other. As someone who suffered from social anxiety, crowds were something you couldn’t take. This was something Yoongi had to learn to take caution of because of his previous life as an idol. Whenever you two went out, it was almost inevitable to run into big groups of people, or fans wanting a photograph while you buried yourself in a corner to calm yourself.
Yoongi managed his own depression which came to play with anxiety at times. Even during his idol days depression was something he dealt with but even more some not being active in that light. Yoongi knew how loved he was but it was hard to adjust from fame to regular life.
He entwined both of your hands together, giving you a gentle squeeze which you reciprocated. Though he noticed you were more at ease and tickled the top of your hands with his naturally plump lips. He leveled his gaze with yours, his heart-stopping eyes giving you unspoken courage which is exactly what you needed.
“Let’s do this Y/N.”
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Everyone has fears, though one you unfortunately had was losing friends due to past circumstances. It wasn’t something you seemed to have control of, as people just lost interest in staying friends because of how quiet you were. So, when you and a colleague who you believed to be close to sends a text saying some mean things you felt as if your world was crashing down.
The sudden overwhelming fear of losing all of your friends crashed over you like a tsunami. Not only that but the thoughts that you weren’t good enough, pretty enough, or fun enough to be friends with anyone. The usual luminous glow of your curious eyes turned into sorrow as your vision began to blur and not realizing that your boyfriend Namjoon had arrived home.
His relaxed demeanor shifted to alarm within seconds of seeing your state, tears flowing freely down your red face. “Y/N what’s wrong?” he pleaded, trying to afford staying calm but then realizing that you were too hysterical to respond when you shook your head. Namjoon was aware of your insecurities and how they played into your anxiety so he knew what to do.
He sat down on the couch next to you, wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you onto his lap allowing you to sob into his shirt. Warm hands consoled your back as you grabbed his shirt, soaking him in your tears. Namjoon whispered comforting words like, “I’m here Y/n”, “You are so loved”, “I love you Y/N”, he continued to repeat over and over until finally you were spent, no more tears able to form. Namjoon caressed your head, encouraging you to look at him. When you did he gave you a reassuring smile, his magnetic dark brown pools searching the depths of the pain you were feeling. It hurt him to see you in so much pain, especially when he didn’t know what it was about.
“I just… feel like I am going to lose all my friends.” you began, you searched his eyes and he nodded, encouraging you to continue. “I know that some people don’t think I’m fun, especially how reserved I can be. I’ve lost so many friends because of how quiet I am. Everyone thinks I’m uninterested but nobody actually asks what I think so how would they know?” I agonized, my hands wiping the wetness away from around my eyes. Namjoon empathized with you, there was no sympathy because he understood what it was like to his own extent.
“Baby, if they were your friends they wouldn’t drop you so easily.” He addressed, his hand tucking some strands of hair that stuck to your cheeks from the tears. “You are your own unique self, that’s how you were made. The good thing with being you is that you can understand someone’s character in the first conversation. If you can figure it out, you can also prevent this from happening again.” He comforted, both hands grasping your clammy ones but he didn’t care.
“However, I think that you are the most wonderful, captivating, and gracious people I know. How do you think I fell in love with you? Your qualities are so rare, that even though it takes long for you to make friends, the friends you’ll make will be true to you.” Namjoon remarked, giving you his closed dimple smile.
“How did I deserve someone like you?” you whispered in wonder, only making the crinkles around his eyes appear.
“We deserve each other baby.”
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It was exam week at your school though you were seriously considering every alternative to taking them because of how stressed you were. There was so much to understand in such a short amount of time and you started to really panic. You felt your chest contract as you became short of breath, all the worries and stress hitting you like a semi-truck.
“I can’t breathe.” You wheezed and ran outside your flat, hoping that a change of scenery and fresh air would open your lungs.
You were kneeling in the grass in front of your flat, the feeling of grass doing nothing to comfort you in this moment. Suddenly hurried footsteps ran your way, “Y/N! Y/N!” you heard your boyfriend Hoseok pulling your face to face him, his eyes were full of concern and fear for you in this moment.
Hoseok knew that you were stressed because of exams, he knew about your anxiety but seeing you like this was worse than he’d ever seen. Remembering what to do, he kept his forehead on yours his penetrating, scared eyes trying to stay calm for you. “Breathe, Y/N. Breathe with me.” He pleaded, his long fingers wrapping around the back of your neck for more security.
As you watched Hoseok breathe you felt the air flowing into your lungs slowly. Your love nodded, appraising you, “That’s it, just like that.” He breathed and you breathed with him.
After a few minutes, you were much calm than before. “I’m sorry Hobi. I got super stressed.” You trailed off, feeling ashamed that your anxiety had gotten the best of you, especially that bad. You felt his warm breath hit your face once more, and he gave you a reassuring smile, one that reached his eyes making you feel giddy inside.
“I’m just glad you’re okay, that was so scary Y/N.” He shuddered, his thin but sturdy arms wrapping you in his familiar embrace. You exhaled in relief, so glad that Hobi was so understanding about everything about you as you could not imagine what would have happened if he hadn’t been here with you.
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You felt bubbles building up in your stomach as a wave of nausea flowed through you. You had just been informed about a storm coming and storms being one of your fears made you extremely anxious. You’d survive plenty of storms, but it didn’t stop the fact that anytime you knew it was coming you thought of the worst possible outcomes.
Jimin knew about your fear and prepared the flat by lighting candles, finding all of the flashlights just in case the lights were to ever go out. He even grabbed a bucket just in case you couldn’t make your way to the bathroom if the nausea became too overwhelming. With some snacks and a couple cans of sprite you were all set.
The sprite definitely helped keep your stomach sane but when it started pouring rain it went straight to churning causing you to groan. You could see strong winds bending the branches fluidly outside making you clutch your stomach in pain. You couldn’t stop thinking about the possibilities in a storm like this. Negativity swarmed your mind. “Y/N come here.” You hear Jimin murmur, cuddling you closer to him and moving your head so it nuzzled his chest. You adored how constant and strong his heartbeat was, making you feel much calmer than before. He grabbed his headphones and played a tune in hopes to get your mind off of the storm
The song he played was an instrumental beat called I Can Almost See You by your favorite group Hammock. Jimin knew this was your favorite song because of how it transported you to a whole new place. You felt his small hands move your hair out of your face to kiss your cheek. His plump lips were probably one of your favorite features of his, they were so kissable and bore the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. One smile from this boy and it could brighten your entire day.
“You’re safe Y/N” he whispered, lulling you to sleep in the comfort of his arms.
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There were so many things going on all at once; your boyfriend was going to tour, your friend was in the hospital, and your mom and dad were fighting. It seemed like you were losing everyone you loved and that was terrifying. You could feel the numbness spread all over your body, the fear was crippling you inside and out like roots of a tree dragging you through rich soil.
“Y/N?” Taehyung hesitated, appearing at your side when he noticed you not moving. You couldn’t move or talk to him which made you panic. Your panicked eyes began to fill with tears as they lingered on his worried glance. That was your way of saying help me and he understood completely.
Taehyung expertly picked you up so carefully and carried you to bed in which he covered you in a blanket. He then took the initiative to cuddle you even though you couldn’t. You felt his calm heartbeat thump against yours, the difference astounding as yours was so frantic compared to his. As tears cascaded down your face your ears enveloped in the sound of Tae’s voice as he serenaded you softly.
Now cry
It’s only that I’m very sorry towards you
Again, cry
Because I couldn’t protect you
After the song finished you were finally able to cuddle Taehyung back, nuzzling your face in his warm embrace. With Tae’s humming and the steady sound of his heart you were asleep in his arms in no time.
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You and Jungkook were at the airport arriving for your vacation after you finally finished college. Jungkook being the sweet boyfriend he was decided to treat you to your own personal bon voyage with him. Though when you guys finally departed your flight after reaching your destination a flood of fangirls rushed to Jungkook therefore shoving you out of the way. You tripped and felt Jungkook’s hand slip from yours. How did they know where we were vacationing?
You curled up in a fetal position, your breath left your lungs enabling you to cry out for him. Pools of tears filled your eyes in a panic seeing the people surrounding and trampling over you.  “Y/N?!” cried out a desperate Jungkook as he tried to ignore the people swarming him in hopes of getting to you. When he saw you on the ground he frantically picked you up, “Everyone out of the way!” you heard your boyfriend yell, something he never did but everyone seemed to listen. Your hand grasped his shirt in desperation, his eyes inspecting you and rushed both of you to a first aid. “She’s having an anxiety attack.” You heard Jungkook frantically say to the doctor when you two arrived. They hurriedly strapped an oxygen mask over your head.
“Breathe deep.” You heard someone say and you did, eyes fluttering in relief when the air flowed in your lungs. “Good, now keep going.” Said the same voice.
Jungkook looked so anxious for you, his wide eyes watching you carefully. You knew he was really scared as he was biting the skin around his fingers, a nervous tick he did only on scary occasions. You wanted to comfort him so bad, knowing seeing you like this must be difficult for him especially since this trip was supposed to be stress-free.
When you finally regained your breath you both were free to go. The airport security decided to accompany you two to your car to make sure this didn’t happen again and you both were grateful. Once you reached the comforting destination of the car meant to take you two to your place of rest he wrapped you in a bear crushing hug.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I’m sorry I brought this upon, you don’t deserve this.” He tearfully said, burying his face in your neck. You could feel the tears of shame trickling down your collarbone.
“Jungkook, none of this is your fault.” You uttered breathlessly as he was very strong. He just nodded in your neck and you just let him cry it out, your fingers brushing through his hair—something he always loved you to do. When he regained composure, you kissed his swollen lips, a smile forming on yours as you gazed lovingly into his chestnut ones glowing with wonder at you.
“I love you Y/N”
“I love you too.”
(Hi everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this reaction that took me forever to write, but enjoyed nonetheless. If you can please give me feedback if you liked this reaction or any of my others. That way I feel encouraged to keep writing them. Have a great day!)
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easyhairstylesbest · 3 years
Cancer Monthly Horoscope
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MONTH OF January
Monthly Snapshot
Ready for a little fun in ’21, Cancer? Here it comes! Your ambition’s been on fire since the second half of 2020 started, and you could have made serious headway on some key goals. Relationships have been percolating, too—and given the conditions of the world, it’s amazing how unstoppable you’ve been in the face of things.
That said…are you edging into burnout, or just ready to mix things up? This January, your social life sparks up once again. True, much of it may be virtual. But once the collaborative camaraderie starts heating up, you’ll still get the warm-fuzzy feeling of bonding with supportive and like-minded people. Join a mastermind, initiate a daily or weekly group call or hop into virtual workshops.
Another part of you will savor having more privacy because Jupiter and Saturn are spending their first full month (of a long visit) in Aquarius and your intimate eighth house. While Mars has you branching out to new connections, this cosmic duo also wants you to stock your innermost circle with power players, perhaps even teaming up for a potent business or romantic connection.
As one Cancer friend of ours sheepishly confessed, “I don’t really mind having to stay home. Is that bad?” Not to make light of the pandemic, but home IS your happy place. You love nesting and working in your comfiest clothes—at least from the waist down, where the webcams don’t pan (“business on the top, party on the bottom,” anyone?).
Speaking of webcams, you’ll want to back up your data and devices before Mercury, the planet of all things digital and communicative, turns retrograde on January 30. Since the quicksilver planet will impact some of your closest ties, you’ll want to make sure you have everything clearly spelled out between you before the end of the month.
Week 1: January 1-10
A social life reboot
Commune with your Crab crew! A nearly two-month cycle of networking and collaboration begins this week, and you couldn’t be more ready for it. Much as you love your solo time, you equally enjoy bonding with kindred spirits. And the feeling is mutual—as you could soon find yourself in high demand for every meeting or Zoom game night. Even if you can’t get together IRL with people, you can make generous use of online platforms and virtual groups to forge new connections and strengthen existing ones.
What’s causing this spike in your popularity…not to mention the strong urge to branch out beyond your usual clique? On Wednesday, January 6, go-getter Mars wraps up an extended six-month visit to Aries and your career-driven tenth house, which has kept many Cancers focused on professional goals at the expense of your personal life. Next up: Mars will pay a visit to Taurus and your teamwork sector until March 3, and the invitations will start rolling in again.
With Mars in Aries since June 27, 2020, you may have felt excess pressure around work and other responsibilities. This transit also amplified job stress—or gave you anxiety about finding or keeping a job. Long hours and short deadlines may have had you burning the candle at both ends. Perhaps there were weighty duties on your shoulders as you kept your squad afloat during the pandemic.
On the upside, it’s possible you achieved some important recognition for all your hard work. You may have been totally fired up about a project, even happy to put the blinders on and obsessively work on your pet project. But at times you may have felt like the burden was too great to carry alone.
From January 6 until March 3, Mars will blaze through Taurus and your eleventh house of collaboration and technology. Even if you keep working away, you don’t have to do it alone! Now’s the time to create new friendships and build your dream team. With all this hyped-up energy in your group sector, it’s less about what you “do” and more about “who you know.”
Could your tech skills use an upgrade? Invest in getting current on apps, social media or any digital platforms that can increase efficiency. Are you ready to launch that podcast you’ve been thinking about? Dive in! Freshen up your online profiles too; you could draw attention from a powerhouse group so you’ll want to put your best and most current face forward.
Week 2: January 11-17
A shell of a dilemma
Commune with your clique or hibernate in your cozy shell? You’ll be torn between dueling desires for group hangs and private encounters this week, which could create some stress. Balancing alone time and together time will be key. Make sure you don’t overbook yourself with meetings and meetups, whether virtual or IRL. But don’t leave your calendar so blank that you plummet into the post-holiday winter blues.
This week, activators Mars and Uranus are both making moves in Taurus and your eleventh house of group activity. But they’ll run into resistance from expansive Jupiter and staunch Saturn in Aquarius and your private, controlling eighth house. As Mars and Uranus push you into the public eye or a team setting, Jupiter and Saturn are feeling more controlling than democratic, cautioning you not to give away your power too readily.
It all begins on Wednesday, January class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” 13, when speedy Mars locks into a tense square with cautious Saturn. The effect can feel like having one foot on the gas, the other on the brake. While you may be tempted to rush into a collaboration, Saturn warns you to read all the fine print. Make sure you’re not signing away your rights or leaping too quickly into a situation that’s hard to pull out of if things go south.
Have you been feeling isolated—or, on the flip side, overwhelmed by too much group or screen time (hello #ZoomFatigue)? This Thursday, January 14, changemaker Uranus ends a five-month retrograde in Taurus and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. A collaboration that stalled mid-August could pick up speed, especially on a virtual basis. You could be inspired to re-engage with the world, perhaps getting involved in a cause you care about. Don’t overthink it! With zero planets retrograde for the next two weeks, it’s a great time to make decisive moves.
Also on Thursday, the Sun and powerhouse Pluto make their once-a-year meetup, communing in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships. Being part of a dynamic duo could seriously build your cache. Look for people whose skills complement yours, but beware coming across as opportunistic—and steer clear of anyone who gives you “user-friendly” vibes!
Do you think you’re better off alone? The pull between going deep in one direction versus keeping things open-ended gets extra strong this Sunday, January 17, when two of the most freedom-seeking planets, Jupiter and Uranus, move into an embattled square. This only happens every seven years (the last Jupiter-Uranus square was in 2014).
Should you hold your cards close to your vest and wait for a bigger, better opportunity? Jupiter in your strategic eighth house could have you thinking this way. But impulsive Uranus in your group activity zone makes you want to leap into a collaboration and let the chips fall where they may.
Neither is right, as tends to be the case with planetary squares. Weigh your options before deciding which direction to take. This could play into a business partnership, a friendship or a romantic relationship. By keeping things exclusive, there’s opportunity to grow—but there’s a whole other adventure waiting if you give yourself breathing room and DON’T commit. The losses and gains seem equally stacked in either direction. When in doubt, wait it out!
Week 3: January 18-24
Temper your emotions before you act
Hunker down and set your notifications to “do not disturb,” Cancer. On Tuesday, January 19, the Sun shifts into Aquarius and your private, internal eighth house until February 18, joining Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the Water Bearer’s lair. Although your social sector is revved up, make sure to set aside quality one-on-one time for that special person or pet project.
But good luck getting any uninterrupted time on Wednesday, January 20. That day, hyperkinetic Mars and radical changemaker Uranus link up in Taurus and your eleventh house of group activity, making all collaborations extra dynamic. But you’ll also be a bit of a live wire, which could rub people the wrong way.
The energy is fast, sharp and erratic, and if you get too caught up in that, you could come across as overwhelming or even as a loose cannon. (Think of fellow Cancerian Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire…or on Oprah’s couch.) If you feel suppressed in a group, that could bring out an explosive or reactive side of you. Don’t let your ego get the best of you, Crab. Demanding to be heard might get you the floor, but it could also leave other people feeling strong-armed into doing things your way. You’ll win the battle but lose the war when they’re left feeling bulldozed and resentful.
Another day to keep your emotions in check arrives class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” on Saturday, January 23. Rash Mars and impulsive Jupiter lock into a tense square (https://astrostyle.com/aspects/square), which could bring out your inner know-it-all. There could be power struggles and ego trips. But before you engage, ask yourself: What are you really trying to achieve here?
A bit of temperance arrives today as the “me first” Sun makes its annual conjunction with sober and restrained Saturn. As these two connect in Aquarius and your intimate eighth house, you could get a harsh reality check. Perhaps someone you trusted, even poured emotional or financial resources into, is turning out to be a less-than-stellar investment. Maybe you rushed to confront someone or got swept up in the excitement of an idea before conducting your research.
The Sun-Saturn conjunction is often a harsh or pessimistic day, a moment that can feel like you’ve been put in the penalty box. But during such a volatile week, this transit could act like the “adult in the room,” stopping you from doing something self-destructive based on raw emotion. Better to request a few more days to think something over than rush into a bad decision. (Our advice: Set your sights on the illuminating full moon of January 28!)
Week 4: January 25-31
Sharing is caring—up to a point
  Intensity is afoot this week, with a big batch of cosmic action brewing in Aquarius and your eighth house of intimacy, shared resources and investments. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are all crowded together in this loyal sign, placing unusual emphasis on the chart zone where you deeply merge or join forces with others.
On Tuesday, January 26, the Aquarius Sun will square off against disruptor Uranus in stubborn Taurus, echoing the tension of the January 17 Jupiter-Uranus square. Once again, you could feel pulled between your desire for privacy in a tight, intimate circle and the adventurous allure of collaborating with a larger, more inclusive group.
Do you cave to the crowd or follow your inner GPS? Early this week, your intuition could send frantic signals to not go along with the herd or share your state secrets with someone who hasn’t proven themselves trustworthy. And why should you, Cancer? You don’t have to divulge private information to anyone—not even your closest confidantes—until you’re ready. But make sure you’re not being SO secretive that you miss an opportunity to team up with a powerful person who can advance your cause.
Here’s an idea: Sit tight until Thursday, January 28, when the first full moon of 2021 arrives in lucky Leo and your second house of work and money. La luna will rev up your revenue and bring a potentially profitable project to a turning point. If you’ve been job-hunting or in line for a raise or promotion, these moonbeams could manifest that with a roar! Ready to ditch a self-defeating habit and get your resolutions in gear? Start now.
Even better? This Thursday, the Sun will conjunct expansive Jupiter for its once-a-year meetup, now dubbed the Day of Miracles and considered by astrologers to be one of the luckiest days of the year. As these luminaries unite in innovator Aquarius, they could bring news of a joint venture, an investment or a large financial windfall. In your personal life, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction might herald an engagement, a sexy soulmate connection or a move toward more permanent status. The sky’s the limit with these two abundant and confident planets in sync!
Strikeclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” while the iron’s hot though, because on Saturday, January 30, Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, will turn retrograde in erratic Aquarius until February 20. As Mercury scrambles signals in your intimate eighth house, old embers of mistrust or jealousy could flare up. With Aquarius’ independent, free-ranging energy at play, an ex (yours or your partner’s) could make an unexpected guest appearance. Tempting? Maybe. Toxic? If so..step away.
Love has been all about goals since the beginning of summer, thanks to passionate Mars marching through Aries and your tenth house of long-term plans since June 27. This extended visit (four times longer than usual!) ends on January 6. If you’ve been anxious about where things are going or overly fixated on the future, that should change after the first week of the year.
From January 6 to March 3, Mars will freestyle through Taurus and your eleventh house of platonic and casual connections. The vibe should lighten up, and you could be attracted to someone in your friend group or who you meet online. Even if you have to keep things virtual with COVID restrictions, you won’t mind as much. Right now, you don’t feel like being overly pinned down with anyone!
And yet…things could get deeper than you expect after January 8, when romantic Venus shifts into Capricorn, igniting your committed relationship house until February 1. Even if you’re just getting to know each other, you’ll still be able to playfully and candidly talk about the future.
For couples, spending time together can be lighthearted and fun after January 8—and that’s a good thing since it’s likely you’ll be together a lot. Give each other lots of space and respect the other’s autonomy, which you’ll also be needing in large doses.
On January 9, Venus and Mars form a supportive 90-degree trine. Sparks could fly with a friend and you might get more experimental with your mate. With the love planets aligned in grounded earth signs, as long as you talk about your feelings and respect your partner’s needs, there’s almost no limit to how far you can stretch.
Key Dates:
January 9: Venus-Mars trine
Bring on the lasting love! As affectionate Venus and passionate Mars harmonize in stable earth signs, you could have true romance with all the trimmings—sensuality and stability. Skip the “come here now go away” players and their mixed messages. A partner who makes you feel secure is suddenly the most attractive catch in town. Coupled? Mark a long-term relationship with a thoughtful gift to let your mate know how much you cherish them.
  Dear Reader: To bring you cutting-edge financial and career astrology, we’ve replaced ourclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” monthly Money & Career horoscope with an expanded new offering. And we’re bursting with excitement to announce it!
We invite you to join the waitlist for our Astropreneurs community, where we’ll be sharing tools, trainings and cosmic career coaching in 2021 and beyond! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a dreamer with a side hustle or just looking for deeper satisfaction from your work, we’ll guide you to your path and purpose by the stars.
2021 Vision Board Experience: January 28 class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” with The AstroTwins Ready to design a path that truly fulfills you in 2021? Join us for a star-powered live online event to create success, leadership and impact on January 28, 2021. Tickets available at https://astrostyle.com/visionboard21
Love Days: 8, 11
Money Days: 19, 28
Luck Days: 26, 16
Off Days: 24, 10, 13
See All Signs
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Cancer Monthly Horoscope
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9w1spso · 7 years
The 27 subtypes
Knowing our instinctual patterns can help us live healthier, more balanced lives. Indeed, our subtype pattern is one of the primary ways that we “fall asleep” in daily life. And like a shadow element outside of awareness, we don’t often notice its impact as clearly as others in our lives do, especially when they are a different subtype. Without understanding and conscious communication, even small differences in subtype emphasis can erode a relationship over time. So by becoming more awake to your own subtype – and the subtypes of those close to you – you can help prevent misunderstandings and conflict with others whose preoccupations differ from yours. 
Type 1: the Perfectionist
Self-preservation: Anxiety – The Pioneer Either very anxious or self-controlled, this subtype channels concerns about survival and security into material achievements as a way to be a good person and do the right thing. It seems important to subdue nature and to impose order on the natural world. Family, home, food preparation, etc. take precedence over other needs. However, too much self-sacrifice can fuel physical tension and resentment.
Social: Inadaptability – The Social Reformer Comfortable with a secure social role and a clear set of rules, this subtype is usually quite friendly and gregarious on one’s own turf. But an emphasis on doing things the right way can make it hard to adapt to new situations, and also can generate resentment or criticism toward others who may be acting “incorrectly.”
One-to-One: Jealousy/Zealousness – The Evangelist With clear rules and standards for correct behavior, this subtype keeps a highly charged instinctual center under strict self-control, leading at times to over zealousness in everything. Keeping a partner’s attention is vital to avoid self-recrimination. Jealousy toward a partner is common, and also may be experienced toward others who seem to have more room for self-expression.
Type 2: the Giver
Self-preservation: Privilege – The Nurturer Excelling in creating warm, personable relationships with many kinds of people, this subtype spends much attention on supporting and nurturing others, which can lead to a feeling of entitlement when it comes to getting one’s own needs met. This can contribute to a prideful attitude, or an insistence on going last that supports another kind of specialness, as in false modesty.
Social: Ambition – The Ambassador Gaining self-esteem through both social approval and visible accomplishments, this subtype empathizes and attunes to other’s needs to create an important, even indispensable role within an organization or cause. Being allied with the right people is usually more important than taking center stage.
One-to-One: Seduction/Aggression – The Lover This subtype uses all of the Two’s capacity for interpersonal attunement to make a connection and win the approval of selected people in a one-to-one relationship, even a brief one. The use of body language and feeling tones can be experienced as seductive, although not necessarily in a sexual sense. The same capacity also can show up in a more aggressive style that demands personal attention and recognition.
Type 3: The Performer
Self-preservation: Security – The Company Man/Woman With this subtype, the Three’s ability to work hard, perform well and maintain the right image are placed in the service of material success. With considerable drive and energy, this subtype can accomplish goals of financial security, a nice home, etc. The danger is losing contact with one’s real self in this effort, and becoming overly identified with one’s role at work.
Social: Prestige – The Politician The drive for success is directed toward winning social approval, knowing the right people, and achieving power in social institutions, whether in government, business or community groups. There can be genuine social leadership or simply self-aggrandizement through propaganda and image-making.
One-to-One: Femininity/Masculinity – The Movie Star The ability to create a successful image is focused on gender identity and issues. Personal power or charisma rests on being attractive as a woman or man. Yet underneath, there may be confusion about one’s real sexuality. This subtype tends to stay in the performer role, whether on stage or in personal relationships.
Type 4: The Romantic
Self-preservation: Dauntlessness – The Creative Individualist This subtype is willing to jump into new situations, to pack up and move, to get going or take risks when the preservation instinct is triggered, or when an authentic life seems elsewhere. To others, these actions may seem reckless, like throwing caution to the wind, but it can work well with an unorthodox, creative or artistic style. The tension here is between wanting to acquire material security and feeling detached from it all.
Social: Shame/Honor – The Critical Commentator Feelings of deficiency can be provoked by social situations, with envy directed toward other people’s status or appearance of belonging. This subtype seeks to establish an acceptable social role, possibly as the emotional truth-teller for the group, and often feels a need to resolve the tension between the quest for individual authenticity and social expectations.
One-to-One: Competitiveness – The Dramatic Person Competition with others helps to overcome feelings of inner deficiency and create motivation for a personal agenda. This subtype takes the power or strength of others as a personal challenge, and one’s own value tends to rise and fall in comparison.
Type 5: The Observer
Self-preservation: Home – The Castle Defender Home is one’s castle and a place to retreat from the world and feel safe. This subtype is concerned about having enough supplies, which can lead to hoarding. Or the opposite may be a true, with a lack in allegiance to any geographical location, forever traveling or moving from place to place.
Social: Totem/Symbols – The Professor This subtype has a hunger for knowledge and mastery of the sacred symbols and language of the group or society (totems). Yet at the same time, this subtype can become trapped in the role of observer or learned teacher by over-emphasizing analysis and interpretation, which can get in the way of participating with others.
One-to-One: Confidentiality – The Secret Agent This subtype will share confidences from the inner, private world in one-to-one relationships. A secretive quality or profound reserve can reflect some of the tension between the need to make contact and the need to preserve autonomy.
Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic
Self-preservation: Warmth – The Family Loyalist Overcoming fear by making connections and agreements with others through personal warmth, this subtype doesn’t want to be left out in the cold. Experiencing a lack of warmth or a threat to their security early in life can create a fear of taking risks and a need to stay within well-known boundaries.
Social: Duty – The Social Guardian Being clear about one’s role in the group or society is an overriding concern. To overcome fear and avoid rejection, this subtype needs to know the rules and create clear agreements with friends and colleagues. Yet there may be ambivalence about belonging. Doing one’s duty can be both a calling and a burden.
One-to-One: Strength or Beauty – The Warrior The first style is based on overcoming or avoiding fear through willpower and feats of physical strength and bravery, or through the strength of one’s intellect and fierce ideological positions. In the second style, fear and self-doubt are handled by channeling one’s idealism and keen perceptiveness into creating beauty in the environment. This helps create some stability and control.
Type 7: The Epicure
Self-preservation: Family – The Gourmand This subtype likes to enjoy an abundant lifestyle within family and a circle of friends. The emphasis is on sharing good ideas and conversation, preparing elaborate meals or dining out, and planning fun projects. This subtype can have problems with over-talking, over-eating, and over-stimulation.
Social: Limitation/Sacrifice – The Utopian Visionary A paradox exists for the social Seven who needs friends and group projects to express both social idealism and love of life. Harnessing oneself to the greater good of the group or community creates a sense of sacrifice, as participation with others requires limitations to personal expansiveness and planning for future outcomes.
One-to-One: Suggestibility/Fascination – The Adventurer Suggestibility works both ways. This subtype can be influenced easily by the attraction of new ideas, adventures and people, falling into a state of fascination or entrainment. The one-to-one Seven also has great powers of suggestion, and can use personal charm to lead people into a new paradigm, a new purchase or a new relationship.
Type 8: The Protector
Self-preservation: Satisfactory Survival – The Survivalist In this subtype, the Eight’s aggressiveness and excess are channeled into physical survival and material security. In a hostile world, the self-preservation Eight will either win or go down fighting. Fiercely protective of friends and family, this subtype can establish more territory and stockpile more supplies than anyone, but in a friendly world, may miss the boat altogether.
Social: Friendship/Social Causes – The Group Leader/Gang Leader A sense of powerlessness or injustice is overcome by being part of an aligned group, usually in a leadership role. This subtype’s anger and aggression are mediated by the group’s needs, and harnessed for a common agenda. Loyalty to friends and social causes take precedence over personal feelings and needs.
One-to-One: Possession/Surrender – The Commander A one-to-one Eight uses forcefulness and self-assertion to possess (or control) a partner or significant others. At times unable to adapt or let go, a strong enough yearning to be met fully can help this subtype let go of control and turn it over to a partner.
Type 9: The Mediator
Self-preservation: Appetite – The Collector This subtype excels at creating the practical infrastructure and the daily rhythms that support instinctual life. But there is a tendency to fall asleep to personal needs or narcotize oneself with food and other kinds of material consumption. (They are often collectors.) A life of material abundance and comfort can preclude efforts toward personal or spiritual growth.
Social: Participation – The Community Benefactor Blending well with the style and agenda of their friends and different social groups, this subtype can show great leadership and selfless contribution for the common good (on the high side) but tends to fall asleep to personal priorities in a comfortable social role or through indiscriminate activities (on the low side).
One-to-One: Union – The Seeker This subtype has a longing to merge, either with a partner, nature or Spirit. This can be indiscriminate or heedless at times, but also can be a doorway into a transcendent state. In daily life, this can become problematic with keeping personal boundaries and focus, since it’s so easy to be pulled outside of oneself.
0 notes
11 Convincing Health Benefits of Sweating
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/health/11-convincing-health-benefits-of-sweating/
11 Convincing Health Benefits of Sweating
I’ve talked before about the benefits of sweating it out in a sauna, but sweating in general offers some impressive benefits. Relief from hot flashes, lowered risk of heart attack, and better recovery times are just a few of the advantages.
True, some of us find sweating takes effort and is even a little unpleasant, but the health benefits of sweating are worth getting hot and sticky over!
What Is Sweat?
It seems like a basic question, but sweating is more complicated than it looks. Each of us has about 4 million sweat glands that excrete a mixture of water, salt, amino acids, proteins, and other substances. The exact composition varies based on our hormone balance, physiological changes, and what bacteria and viruses are in the body.
Interestingly, sweat composition and how our glands function (or don’t) tell a lot about our health and are even used to diagnose certain conditions like cystic fibrosis.
Why Do We Sweat?
There are several reasons why we perspire. The body uses sweat to regulate temperature and cool the body during times of stress. This can be due to anxiety, elevated body temperature (like fever or in a sauna) or just the positive stress of working out. Sweat is also an effective detox pathway for heavy metals and toxins.
The Health Benefits of Sweating
Here are 11 pretty incredible reasons why sweating is good for you… It can help:
1. Detox Heavy Metals
One of the primary functions of sweat is to cool the body down, but the other is detoxification. Despite some claims that detoxing through sweat is dangerous nonsense, there’s a lot of evidence to back up this function of sweat. One study found that those with mercury toxicity had their levels return to a safe amount after sweating sessions and sweating also excretes arsenic, cadmium, and lead.
With China experiencing record level of industrial pollution, toxic heavy metal buildup is a major concern. A study of Chinese residents found that those who exercised more had fewer toxins in their body and that the elimination of heavy metals was more concentrated in sweat that urine. This seems to indicate that those who exercised had fewer toxins because they perspired more.
2. Help the Body Remove BPA, PCBs, and other Endocrine Disruptors
The endocrine disruptor BPA is commonly found in plastics and is one reason I avoid plastic as much as possible. Research shows BPA and its harmful effects are more effectively remedied through sweat than other detox routes.
In addition, studies show PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) found in older building materials and PBDES (a flame retardant chemical) excrete through sweat, not urine. (Also, taking niacin along with sweating can increase the mobilization of stored toxins.)
3. Promote Healthier Skin
Like the gut, our skin has its own microbiome balance. Sweat may act as a prebiotic that contributes to healthy skin bacteria. Deep sweating can also improve skin cell turnover and remove pathogenic bacteria from the skin to help with acne. (TIP: I also use this skin spray to keep my skin bacteria healthy and balanced)
4. Defeat Harmful Microbes
International studies have also shown that sweating can cut our chance of getting the flu by one third! It turns out sweat contains some of the same antimicrobial proteins that are known to bind with certain bacteria and viruses in the body, including H. pylori, E. coli and HIV. These antimicrobial substances help flush out toxins and attack germs.
Research also shows that heat from a sauna helps to kill off infections and pathogenic viruses and quickens healing times.
What’s more, our sweat composition even changes depending on what toxins are in our body and if we have a specific condition or disease. In a study of people with tuberculosis, their sweat contained 26 unique proteins related to their immune function and transportation of proteins across membranes. This suggests our body intuitively knows what proteins to increase to get rid of the issue at hand.
5. Protect the Heart
Sweating through exercise or in the sauna increases circulation and strengthens the cardiovascular system. In a study of regular sauna goers, researchers found that those who had the most weekly sauna sessions were the least likely to have a negative cardiovascular event.
Saunas are also known to promote relaxation and stress relief, which are also good for the heart.
6. Speed Recovery After Exercise
Sweating boosts blood flow to the skeletal muscles. This helps to increase recovery time from illness, injury and muscle strain. Studies show sweating even boosts growth hormone production, which is the body’s way of repairing itself.
7. Lower Stress Hormones
Sweating activates the parasympathetic response in the body that allows us to relax, digest properly, and recover. Breaking a sweat in the sauna or through exercise helps to boost our happy hormone and relieve anxiety and depression. Cortisol and stress hormones reduce after sweating, while other adrenal hormones help maintain a proper electrolyte balance increase.
8. Decrease Risk of Alzheimer’s
Sweating is known to detox heavy metals from the body, promote relaxation, improve focus, and strengthen blood flow to the brain, all of which have benefits for Alzheimer’s prevention. Frequent sauna use decreased the risk of Alzheimer’s in one study of Finnish men by 65% compared to the group that only used the sauna once a week.
9. Boost Sexual Drive and Attraction
When sweat is excreted, it carries certain pheromones with it. While our noses may not be able to notice the scent, our brains do. One study found that when men excreted pheromones through sweat it improved both mood and focus as well as increased attraction from women. (Even though it seems like the opposite would be true!)
10. Reduce Menopause Symptoms
Estrogen dominance is thought to be the culprit behind menopausal hot flashes in women, but sweating may be the answer. Researchers found that women who got their heart rate up and sweated during menopause had fewer episodes of hot flashes.
11. Lower Risk of Kidney Stones
Interestingly, there’s another bonus to sweating more often. Although incidence of kidney stones in women over 50 has risen dramatically in recent years, researchers at the University of Washington found the benefits of sweating through consistent exercise reduces this risk. Excess salt and calcium can form kidney stones over time, but sweating boosts the body’s natural balance and directs calcium to our bones instead.
After researching these benefits of sweating, I’m convinced … and vowing never to skip a workout again!
Why Some People Sweat More (Or Less)
Even though sweating is a free and easy way to boost health, we don’t all sweat the same. Here are some reasons why the amount we sweat might vary:
Men vs. Women – A study of both male and female athletes found that men tend to sweat more than their female counterparts. (I think we all knew that already!) The study found this is because the men had significantly more muscle mass, so their bodies had to work harder to cool.
Weight – Similarly, people who carry extra weight around sweat more.
Toxicity – People who have more of a toxic load tend to sweat more, since their body is working overtime to eliminate the toxins.
Hyperhidrosis – Some people sweat 4-5 times what a normal person does. This condition is called hyperhidrosis and is thought to be primarily triggered by infection, medications, overactive nerves due to genetics, or hypothyroid.
Tattoos – One side effect of getting inked? Losing more sodium and electrolytes in tattoo covered areas. This probably won’t affect someone with a small tattoo here or there, but suggests significant ink over large areas of the body impedes the health benefits of sweating significantly.
How to Get the Benefits of Sweating
So sweating is good, but many of us aren’t sweating enough. Here are a few easy ways to make sure we sweat enough:
1. Stop Using Antiperspirant
It seems logical, but the first way to get the benefits is to stop blocking your body’s ability to excrete sweat. Antiperspirants can contain heavy metals and also block pores and reduce the body’s ability to sweat. Instead, try a natural homemade deodorant or a pre-made like my favorite Kokomo Cream Natural Deodorant.
2. Get More Exercise
We all know that exercise induces sweat and has a host of other benefits. But most of us aren’t doing it nearly enough. Find out a way to get in a quick workout once a day for the most benefit.
3. Sit in a Sauna
This is my personal favorite way because the effects and the benefits of sweating are noticeable and immediate. We have a two-person sauna in our house and use it often for the many benefits.
Natural Ways to Reduce Excess Sweating
What to do if too much sweat is the problem?
Conventional solutions to condition like hyperhidrosis include potentially risky methods like botox injections, temporarily collapsing the lungs and severing the nerves, and mild electrocution. Or, if medication is the cause of the excessive sweating, there’s a pill to treat the side effect from that too.
Natural solutions to balancing the body’s sweat functions instead address the root cause. Balancing hormones, detoxing, and supporting the nervous system with things like frankincense extracts and copaiba essential oil can be helpful, depending on the underlying reason. If concerned be sure to discuss with a qualified health practitioner.
Risks of Sweating (and a Few Cautions)
The most common risk of sweating is dehydration, so make sure to drink plenty of fluids and check out the recovery tips below.
When done responsibly and with a doctor’s OK, the benefits of sweating outweigh the risks for most people. We all sweat at some point, but certain people should take it easy:
People with heart conditions
People under the influence of alcohol
Eczema sufferers
People with high blood pressure
A Caution on Sweating and Eczema
Those with eczema should take extra precautions and may want to shower soon after sweating as certain substances in sweat trigger a histamine response in the body that can exacerbate eczema. I’ve shared our family’s experience with eczema and how to treat the root cause in this post.
A Note for Pregnant and Nursing Moms
The right kind of exercise is great for most pregnant and nursing moms without health complications. Pregnant moms with high blood pressure or heart conditions especially should speak with their health care provider to see which types of exercise are safest for them.
In regard to sauna use, studies show time in a sauna increases lactation in nursing moms and is considered safe. Pregnant moms also get the OK for sauna use. Of course, when in doubt consult with a doctor.
How to Recover from a Sweat Session
Since sweat is 98% water, it’s important to hydrate after sweating. Replenishing electrolytes with a homemade electrolyte drink (and much more fun than getting a huge needle IV in your hand … check out that post to see how I know…)
It’s interesting to note though that the body has a natural electrolyte balancing mechanism. Our sweat glands excrete electrolytes, mainly salt onto the skin. However, our body has a method that reabsorbs the sodium, chloride and ions back into the skin. Researchers found that athletes who are used to working up a sweat reabsorbed the excreted ions better than those who don’t exercise as much.
So Start Sweating!
Hopefully reviewing these benefits inspires us to get out there and break a sweat. Lift weights, jog in place, swing those kettlebells, or sit in a sauna … today and every day!
Do you try to work up a sweat on a regular basis? Are you inspired to start? What health benefits of sweating have you noticed or would like experience?
Genuis SK, Birkholz D, Genuis SJ. Human Excretion of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Flame Retardants: Blood, Urine, and Sweat Study. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:3676089.
Adewole OO, Erhabor GE, Adewole TO, et al. Proteomic profiling of eccrine sweat reveals its potential as a diagnostic biofluid for active tuberculosis. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2016;10(5):547-53.
Sheng J, Qiu W, Xu B, Xu H, Tang C. Monitoring of heavy metal levels in the major rivers and in residents’ blood in Zhenjiang City, China, and assessment of heavy metal elimination via urine and sweat in humans. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2016;23(11):11034-45.
Robyn Peterson et al. Sweating the Small Stuff. Glycobiology, Volume 26, Issue 3, 1 March 2016, Pages 218-229, https://doi.org/10.1093/glycob/cwv102
Genuis SJ, Beesoon S, Birkholz D. Biomonitoring and Elimination of Perfluorinated Compounds and Polychlorinated Biphenyls through Perspiration: Blood, Urine, and Sweat Study. ISRN Toxicol. 2013;2013:483832.
Luetkemeier MJ, Hanisko JM, Aho KM. Skin Tattoos Alter Sweat Rate and Na+ Concentration. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017;49(7):1432-1436.
Verhaeghe J, Gheysen R, Enzlin P. Pheromones and their effect on women’s mood and sexuality. Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2013;5(3):189-95.
Bailey TG, Cable NT, Aziz N, et al. Exercise training reduces the frequency of menopausal hot flushes by improving thermoregulatory control. Menopause. 2016;23(7):708-18.
Available at: http://www.jdsjournal.com/article/S0923-1811(17)30039-7/fulltext. Accessed January 4, 2018.
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dorothydelgadillo · 7 years
How To Give Remote Presentations Without Feeling Super Awkward
There are plenty of perks and benefits to remote work in tech on a macro level— like the ability to work from anywhere with an internet connection, the diverse variety of job opportunities, and the flexibility—but what about some of the more micro, day-to-day realities once you land a remote job? One of the things you’ll need to get used to are remote meetings: Whether over an audio connection or a video conference, if you’re working remotely you’ll be checking in with your colleagues, clients, and team members using virtual communication instead of face-to-face in a meeting room. It’s one thing to be a spectator at these remote meetings—it’s not to hard to figure out how to hit the mute button and listen—but eventually you’ll find yourself being the one who has to present.
Sound like full-blown anxiety meltdown material? Relax—it’s not! Remote presentations are different than conventional in-person meetings, but it’s helpful to keep things in perspective. At the end of the day, both approaches are still in the same genre, so if you have experience presenting in person you’ll be able to make the transition to a remote setting with a few minor tweaks. To put you on the right track, I spoke with a group of remote professionals who shared their own dos and don’ts when it comes to giving remote presentations.
DO Prepare the Tech for Your Remote Presentation in Advance
Unlike physical presentations where the presenter and audience are subject to the same environmental conditions, when you’re presenting remotely the environment that your audience sees and/or hears is up to you to create and adjust.
If you’re able, consider a standing desk or finding another way to stand comfortably while you present. John Nicholson, Principal at Marketade, says in his experience, standing instantly puts you into presentation mode, giving you a boost of energy and confidence.
Gary Bushey, President at Gary Bushey LLC suggests following up your desk solution with a reliable microphone (quality USB microphones like Blue Snowball are available in the $50 range). Even an entry-level external mic will do a better job at delivering your voice clearly to your audience and minimizing background noise than your computer or smartphone’s internal mic.
Finally, give yourself a time cushion to get settled and ready to go—and some testing time on whichever software you’re using.
DON’T Forget You’re On Camera
You’re giving a presentation—how could you possibly forget that people are looking at you? But between going back and forth with sharing your presentation deck if you have one and not having the feedback of seeing people look at you, it’s actually easier than you might think to forget that you’re being watched.
Kindra Svendsen, Director of Digital Marketing Services at Speak Creative, says she’s witnessed plenty of goofs when clients don’t realize they’re visible, or when a presenter accidentally shares an entire desktop—which can often include personal items—instead of a particular window. Svendsen says that a misstep like sharing something personal is hard to come back from, so . . .
DO Get Your House in Order
. . . Bushey says to double check your on-screen background for anything that shouldn’t be there. (Tip: Keep a neutral background and throw all of your desktop files into one folder).
As for your physical background, make sure there’s nothing visible that’s blatantly unprofessional or distracting—for instance I make sure my unfolded laundry and action figure collection aren’t on-screen whenever I meet with our editorial team.
Trying to keep any pets, kids, or other folks who happen to be home out of the room while you’re presenting—errant family members don’t need to make a cameo. And if a toddler comes running in? “Most people understand,” Bushey says, and you should simply take a quick pause to usher your unwanted guest along.
DON’T Ignore the Clock or Your Audience
Going over the presentation’s allotted time is always something to stay away from—everyone’s time is valuable and needs to be respected, Alexis Davis, Founder and CEO at Hoo-Kong says. She also cautions against speaking without listening. One of the unique strengths of a remote team is that it can bring together diverse talent from all over the world who otherwise couldn’t be working together on the same projects. Davis says this means it’s particularly important to listen, be open to new perspectives, and collaborate with team members.
DO Make a Plan to Read the Room
Removing body language from the equation is one of the stickiest obstacles in remote presentations. While Bushey says he always tries to use a conferencing platform that allows you to see your audience (like Zoom or Google Hangouts), tiny icons of faces still don’t have the three-dimensional immediacy you get from being in the same room, and little things like shifts in posture, gestures, and vocal nuances are harder to pick up. And, you can’t account for someone opting to turn their camera off, meaning you won’t get to see them at all.
In order to adapt to this format, you’ll need to proactively carve out space for feedback at intervals while you present—Davis says that you can make sure this happens by building in a concrete moments for welcoming feedback from team members. This means pausing after every few points to say “Before I move on, does anyone have any questions?”
DON’T Panic When Things Go Quiet
If you hear dead air when you solicit questions—don’t panic. Nicholson says it’s human nature to assume a lingering silence or a subdued response during an audio call means you’re losing your audience—but this assumption is often a mistake, and you should avoid repeating yourself excessively or giving unsolicited explanations. Instead, make your point once, and then move on to the next one. If nobody has any questions, simply say “Fantastic! Moving on.”
DO Look at the Screen
Once you’re all set up, remember to look into the camera while talking or fielding questions, Bushey says. If you’re scanning your screen or looking at an external monitor in a multi-monitor setup, your audience might think you’re not paying attention. And hey—since nobody can see this—so how about a Post-It note next to your camera that says “Look Here!”?
DON’T Freak Out if Something Goes Wrong
But what happens if—even with all of these tips in mind—something goes really wrong during a remote presentation? Mistakes are inevitable, and sometimes the things happen that are totally out of your control—the trick is how well you respond once they’ve happened. Cristian Rennella, CEO and Co-Founder of elMejoTrato.com, has a perfect case in point regarding a time where things went about as wrong as they could go, but he still managed to affect a happy outcome.
“I was presenting our services to a very large international client that for months we’d wanted to move forward in the sales cycle,” Rennella says. In the midst of this important presentation, the largest earthquake Rennella’s city had experienced in 80 years hit out of nowhere—something he was experiencing immediately, but that his clients on the other end had no idea was happening. “At that moment, I honestly didn’t know what to do,” Rennella says. “[Do I] say [something about] it and stop the presentation, or not say anything and continue?”
Finally—although it felt like the world was ending on his side of the remote conference—Rennella decided to eke his way to the finish line of the presentation, a strange experience that sticks with him to this day. “Luckily everything ended well—no lights [went out, we kept our] internet, [and no one in our office] personally suffered any problems.” And—on top of that—Rennella’s presentation led to a continued working relationship with the client who is now the company’s biggest account.
Of course, no one will fault you for stopping and dropping in the event of your own cataclysmic earthquake, but Rennella’s tale is an example that any weirdness during a remote presentation can be effectively neutralized with calm perseverance. The people on the other end have probably been there too, and cutting each other some slack is all part of working, meeting, and presenting remotely.
from Web Developers World https://skillcrush.com/2017/12/05/how-to-give-remote-presentations-without-feeling-super-awkward/
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easyweight101 · 7 years
NEW Herbal Quiver Review 2017 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?
Herbal Quiver is an herbal sexual supplement for women that promises to increase the quality and pleasure of orgasms, as well as the overall sex drive. It is intended for daily use, and comes in pill form.
When used properly, Herbal Quiver claims to be able to take a woman’s sexual experience to the next level, making her climaxes stronger, more powerful, and more satisfying. It contains a number of herbs that are supposed to support a more intense sexual response, and to help assist in stimulation of the genitalia alongside natural stimulation during intimacy. By doing so, the product promises to improve women’s sex lives overall and make their intimate relationships deeper and more satisfying.
Many women suffer from a lackluster sex life, but the the best product for treating the issues which limit women’s sexual potential is a pill called Libitrinex. Its blend of natural herbs don’t just promise improve natural lubrication and orgasms, but to restore optimum sexual health overall. To read about all the amazing benefits we found in reviewing Libitrinex, and to see what customers have said about it, click here.
Do You Know the Best Female Libido Enhancers of 2017 ?
Herbal Quiver contains a mixture of different herbal ingredients and other elements mainly derived from natural sources. Here are some of the main active ingredients:
Royal Jelly Wheat Grass Guarana Gotu Kola Kola Nut
Royal Jelly: A secretion made by worker bees in hives, it is used to nurture the development of queen bees and is supposed to have medicinal applications such as treating the symptoms of menopause and insomnia. However, it does come with some possible side effects, including:
Asthma, breathing problems, respiratory symptoms
Swelling of the throat, suffocation
Wheat Grass: Considered a highly-concentrated source of nutrients, this grass is prescribed in naturopathic medicine for a number of symptoms, including water retention, inflammation, and high blood pressure. While there are no serious side effects  associated with this plant, but there is no definitive scientific consensus on its supposed medicinal properties.
Guarana: A plant from the Amazon, its seeds were used in tribal medicine as a method of increasing energy and enhancing sexual potency. One of its main components is caffeine, which adds to its stimulating properties. There are potential side effects in certain doses, and when taken long-term, including:
Delirium, tremors, insomnia
Stomach cramps, anxiety, and vomiting
Gotu Kola: Used in ancient Indian and Chinese naturopathic medicines to treat a variety of symptoms, this herb is said to be able to treat low libido in women, as well as other reproductive issues like preventing pregnancy and to regulate periods. There is, however, not a lot of scientific consensus on whether or not it does what it is claimed to.
Kola Nut: Also written “cola nut,” this seed contains caffeine and has been used in traditional West African cultures to treat things like depression, fatigue, and migraines. The large amount of caffeine contained in it, however, makes it likely to give some people headaches or irregular heartbeat.
We’ve made a list of women’s sex supplements – Here are our top choices.
Herbal Quiver has the claim of containing only natural ingredients, and many people reading that claim may take it to mean that the product is 100% safe. However, just because something is natural does not mean it is safe, and the side effects of some of these ingredients just support that claim.
Royal jelly’s origins may seem harmless enough – after all, bees make honey, and that’s good for you – but there are people who could suffer serious allergic reactions to it. The fact that it could cause some people’s throats to swell, and even to cause possible suffocation and death is definitely cause for concern. Whatever its positive effects may be, the fact that many women may have life-threatening reactions to taking this product is a reason to approach this product with caution.
The same likewise goes for guarana and kola nut, both significant sources of caffeine. Not only can excess caffeine cause jitteriness and heartbeat irregularity, but it also may have a negative effect on the customer’s ability to sleep. If a woman were to take it at night, a common time for lovemaking, it is possible that she could end up being up all night. The threat of losing a night of sleep does not make this product seem very desirable.
Click here for the world’s best naturally-derived women’s libido supplements.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven female libido enhancer such as Libitrinex for better results.
Herbal Quiver is available at certain retailers for around $14.99 for a single bottle. Some retailers have deals where you can buy more bottles at a time and see a reduction in cost, but it only brings the price down by about a dollar a bottle, which is not significant.
Each bottle contains 30 capsules, but this is where the catch comes in. The suggested dosage is 3 pills a day. Some simple math tells us that that means each bottle will only last for about 10 days, meaning that for a supply that lasts one month a woman would have to buy three bottles or more, driving the costs up.
Given the lackluster scientific basis of some of the products included here, the dangers some of them pose to certain women, and the volume of product someone would have to buy in order to see regular benefits in their life, the customer is in for a disappointment. The value is just not there.
This link will show you our Top Ten list of women’s sexual enhancement supplements.
BUSINESS OF Herbal Quiver
Herbal Quiver is made by Herbal Groups, Inc., a company based in California. To contact them, here is the information to use:
Phone Number: (800) 434-7129
Address: 9045 Corbin Ave, Suite B-1, Northridge, CA 91324
The company offers a 60 day full refund policy for any of their products, minus shipping and handling costs.
There seems to be some confusion as to where exactly the business is located. On one web page the primary business address is listed as being in Northridge, but elsewhere in their “Terms and Conditions” page they list their address as being in Van Nuys. And that isn’t all. The Better Business Bureau lists their address as being in Chatsworth.
The overall effect is confusing, and may lead some customers to be mistaken about where they should turn, and may not have their business handled effectively. Their letters could end up going to the wrong people by accident, or return packages could be mistakenly sent to a potentially defunct location. Herbal Groups, Inc. would do well to clear up this confusion and improve the clarity of their online business listing.
For improved energy, better moods, and a higher sex drive, these supplements can help.
This business claims to be “the leading supplier of herbal supplements,” but there is very little to suggest that this is true. The company seems to make very few products, actually, and their website appears to contain mostly articles with suggestions for how people can improve their health. Not only that, but their website is in need of a serious overhaul, with an outdated interface and several pages being blank except for some text insisting that they are “updating” the site.
Overall, this does not appear to be the sort of company that can legitimately claim the be an industry leader, as a quick perusal can suggest.
For supplements that can improve a weak libido in women, this list has the best options.
There are no customer reviews of Herbal Quiver that we could see on any of the product pages that advertise the supplement. There are few reviews of the business at all, and some of it is mixed or outright negative:
“Rude customer services reps, and the fine print roped me into paying for things I didn’t want to. I don’t advise anyone to order from them!”
“There was a problem with their billing and collections department, and as far as I’m concerned, they still haven’t solved the problem.”
Health supplements are so many and so varied, and thus customer reviews are crucial for telling new and potential consumers about their experiences and to give everyone else some sign of the product working. The lack of any mention of the product – either good or bad – is disappointing. Not only is there no sign that anyone has had a good experience with the product, it could very well be that no one has even purchased it in the first place.
This Top Ten list has all the best supplements for enhancing women’s sex lives.
Herbal Quiver claims to be able to change a woman’s sex life for the better, by increasing her sexual drive and her sensitivity, but the problem is that not only do the products have significant and possibly life-threatening side effects, but the product could get expensive if taken regularly. Not only that, but there are no testimonials from customers to prove that it has ever worked for anyone.
We can recommend a better alternative, one which can address the issues which affect women’s sex lives, and that is an herbal supplement called Libitrinex. It uses a powerful mix of natural ingredients, is made in the USA, and has customers raving about how it’s improved their sexual energy. The resulting product is one that can regulate  hormones effectively, make arousal even easier, and even promote better sensitivity for a more intense experience during intimacy.
We’ve found that Libitrinex stands out from all those other products out there that promise to give women stronger sexual health and a more satisfying love life. For our review of Libitrinex, and to see all the benefits it can provie, check out this link.
from Easy Weight Loss 101 http://ift.tt/2yTp1Hd via The Best Weight Loss Diet In The World
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