#the clone wars commander cody
dangraccoon · 3 months
Can I pleeeeease request a thing about how you think Cody got his scar?
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Request for @techs-goggles9902 Love you, Sha! 💛
Cadet Commanders
Warnings: child abuse (children getting beaten up by a corrupt instructor (they're around 15-16 biologically in this)), blood, knives. This is kind of a dead dove do not eat situation.
Mando'a Guide: shebs - butt par ner vode - for my brothers verd'ika - private, or "little soldier" affectionately vor entye - thank you (literally "I accept a debt") alor - leader
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“C’mon, Foxy! Kick his shebs!” Bly shouted from the bench.
“Bly,” Cody hissed. “You need to shut up.”
Fox, slightly distracted by his brother’s loud disruption, caught a swift kick to his shins, practice blade flying to the side as he fell.
Their instructor held his own practice blade to Fox’s neck.
“Do you yield?” he asked calmly. 
Fox simply nodded, struggling to catch his breath. 
“I can’t hear you,” he growled, the tip of the blunt blade pressing against the skin of Fox’s throat. 
“Yes, sir,” Fox rasped. “I yield.”
The instructor pulled the blade away, looking out to the others. 
“Who’s left?” he called, impatiently, his eyes zoning in on Bly and Cody. “Come on, someone’s gotta disappoint me next. I don’t have all day.”
Bly almost growled a little, his brows scrunching together. He stood, walking towards the training mat at the center of the room.
“Well, well, well,” their instructor chuckled darkly. “And which one are you?”
“Bly,” he answered, picking up his practice blade. He fell easily into a ready position. 
The instructor rolled his eyes. “That is not what I asked, clone,” he spat. 
Bly’s nostrils flared as he looked up at the bounty hunter. “CC-5052, sir.” 
“Ah, so it will be disappointing,” he sneered. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
Bly took a deep breath to center himself, just like Cody had shown him. The practice began, the instructor quickly advancing on the attack, forcing Bly to take the defensive. 
He lasted longer than he had the last time, and a tiny bit longer than Fox had, but soon the bounty hunter had him pressed to the wall with his hand around Bly’s throat, blade on the mat. 
“Pathetic,” he sneered, barely looking as he released the young clone. Bly’s knees hit the ground hard as he coughed and gasped for air, making Cody wince. 
“You,” the instructor commanded, pointing his blade at Cody.
“You got this, Codes,” Wolffe whispered as Cody passed him. 
He got to the mat and faced their teacher. He could feel his blood boiling just below the surface of his skin as Fox and Gree helped Bly up and back to the benches on the side of the training room. 
“Begin,” the instructor said, already lunging for his student before the word had fully left his mouth. Either he didn’t notice that his student didn’t have his practice blade out, or perhaps he simply didn’t care. 
Cody ducked the attack, throwing his shoulder into the instructor’s gut and knocking him off balance. They tumbled to the floor, the young clone on top of his teacher as they struggled. 
Distantly, he could hear his brothers’ cheers from the sideline, but he couldn’t let that distract him. No, he had to put everything into this match. He had to show this sleemo that he and his brothers were to be respected.
He could feel the instructor’s knee slam against his back, and he grunted as a sharp pain accompanied the impact. But he ignored it. He fought to get the instructor’s arm under his knee, pinning it to the mat and began to do the same with the other, but the instructor struggled against him. The instructor’s hand landed on Cody’s face, pressing hard against it. Cody growled in frustration, pushing himself even harder. He had to win this match. Par ner vode.
The instructor bucked his shoulders, trying to throw the cadet off, but he stuck through it, grabbing at his wrist and - finally! 
Cody caught the instructor’s arm by the wrist, slamming it hard onto the mat, the practice blade clattering to the floor. Once he’d wrestled the instructor’s arm beneath him, he picked up the practice blade, pointing the tip to the instructor’s neck. 
“Do you yield, sir?” he asked simply, fighting to disguise the fatigue in his voice. 
“Fine,” the instructor snarled. “Now get the kriff off of me.”
He hesitated, but let the man up. 
“All of you get out of my sight,” he growled, brushing the dust from his shirt.
His brothers were all but cheering by the time they left the training room, but Cody felt uneasy. That feeling carried him through the rest of the day, following him wherever he went.
“CC-2224, report to hangar 14D,” the PA system sounded. The rest of his squad gave him a questioning look, but he just shrugged.
“Do you want one of us to come with you?” Fox asked, clearly picking up on his brother’s discomfort.
“Better go alone,” he frowned. “Thanks, though, Fox.”
The eyes of his squad followed him until the door shut behind him.
It wasn’t long of a walk to the hangar, but he couldn’t help the way his nerves bundled in the pit of his stomach. The tension rose into his shoulders and jaw as he walked into the hangar.
There stood his hand-to-hand instructor, but that didn’t surprise him. He figured he’d have to pay for his victory in training earlier.
“CC-2224,” the instructor drawled, not bothering to turn and face him. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yes, sir,” he answered carefully. He didn’t want to earn any more ‘reinforcement’.
“Since you seem to have your hand-to-hand training down, I thought perhaps you might like a bit more of a challenge.”
Cody didn’t like the man’s tone. It sounded too cordial for this particular instructor.
“What did you have in mind, sir?”
The instructor chuckled darkly. “A more… realistic fight,” he murmured, turning and pouncing at Cody.
He caught his wrists, but not before it nicked his uniform. They struggled for a moment, but the instructor used Cody’s hold on his wrists to pull the young clone towards him, slamming a knee into the boy’s gut.
Cody coughed hard, doubling over. The instructor took the advantage, pushing him back, nearly knocking him off balance.
“Today is the day you’ll learn,” the instructor spat, landing a swift uppercut to the same spot. “You’ll learn what it is to respect your betters.” Another hit. “To know your place.” Another. “Your worth.” He gripped the cadet’s arm, twisting it painfully. “That you are utterly disposable.”
With a punch to his cheek, Cody was down. He crumpled to the floor, breathing no longer coming easily to him. His vision felt blurry. His heart was pounding in his ears. There was something warm and wet dripping down his temple- was that blood? There was a metallic taste in his mouth.
“Pathetic,” his instructor huffed out. Laying on the cold durasteel of the hangar, curled in on himself, bleeding, panting, and nearly crying in pain, doubt crept into his mind. Maybe he was pathetic. A let-down. A disappointment to his squad. Maybe he was just a number- 2224.
“You know as well as I do just how much the Kaminoans hate imperfection,” the instructor sneered. The sharp hiss of a vibroblade being unsheathed echoed in his ears. “We’ll see how long you last with this.”
The instructor forced him onto his back, arm pressed across his shoulders. Cody’s vision was blurry, but he could just make out the shape of the knife inching towards him. White hot pain seared through his body, originating at his temple. He was sure he cried out, but he couldn’t hear anything over the rush of his own blood. He was moving, struggling against the sadistic man, trying desperately to break free.
The arm holding him down shifted, moving up his body, until it situated across his throat. He was gasping, his hands clawing at his restraint, but it got harder and harder to fight, and he felt a cold, inky, blackness enveloping him.
“That’s enough!”
Cody opened his eyes. The harsh white lights of the medbay burned as he blinked the blurriness away. His head felt like it was being split into a million pieces.
“Good, you’re awake,” said a woman, who just came into focus. He recognized his heavy weapons instructor, and realized she must have been the one to find him.
“I-I’m sorry,” he breathed, voice hoarse.
“None of that,” she answered. Stern, but kind, as always. “This was not your fault, verd’ika.”
Dinua Atina was a tough Mandalorian warrior, but she seemed to have a bit of a soft spot for the cadets, and the cadets held her in a similar regard.
He sighed. “Is my squad okay?”
“Always worried about ner vode,” she smiled, shaking her head gently.
“W-when-” he stuttered, having trouble pushing the words out of his mouth. “When will I be… decommissioned?”
Alor Atina’s eyes grew wide. “No, verd’ika,” she asserted. “You will not be decommissioned.”
His hand rose to gingerly touch the ruined skin on the left side of face. “But-”
“I have already stopped them from decommissioning you, verd’ika, and the man who did this to you has been removed from Kamino.”
As his eyes shot up to meet her’s, his mind swam as he searched for words that would be enough. “V-vor entye, alor,” he whispered, his Mando’a coming out a little broken.
She smiled widely, her hand grasping his. “No debt is owed, verd’ika. Guide and protect your brothers in the field, and you will bring kote to the Republic.”
She patted his shoulder and began to leave, picking up her helmet from the foot of his cot.
“Alor Atina,” he spoke, stopping her. “What does ‘kote’ mean?”She smiled. “‘Glory’, verd’ika. You will bring glory.”
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Thanks for reading! - River
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twinterrors29 · 15 days
Ahsoka is a young ambush predator, and does not handle the 'hurry up and wait' pace of life between battles well at all
so Rex develops a game for her:
Rex will discreetly tag one of the troopers with the equivalent of a space kick me sign on the back, and Ahsoka then has to isolate them from the herd and pounce
not only does this serve as Enrichment in his Commander's Enclosure, it's also a good test of his men's situational awareness
not to mention, it's a good mechanism for a little petty revenge every now and then
he'll occasionally also 'loan her out' to Wolffe or Cody as a chance to stress-test their own troopers' level of vigilance (and give Torrent a break from her reign of terror)
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fellthemarvelous · 2 months
I don't know what's funniest about this. The fact that Cody is clearly regretting putting Rex in charge, the fact that Rex was like LOL THIS IS GOING TO BE HILARIOUS, or that this is Domino Squad's first meeting with General Skywalker's second-in-command.
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clonesuperiority · 2 months
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Have a Ventress doodle while I'm working on more clone content 👀
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sabellart · 3 months
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tem study with cody
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meebles · 22 days
Bought the greatest thing ever at the flea market yesterday:
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A normal looking toy truck, perhaps?
Wrong. Transformer Commander Cody
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Also the description on the back of the box is killing me, I must’ve missed this episode of the Clone Wars…
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captora · 2 months
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Cody holding baby Luke <3
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stealingpotatoes · 5 days
do you have any clone related headcannons/aus? Personally I love the 501 bc they collectively have 1 brain cell and it’s passed between Ahsoka, Rex, and Echo (anakin’s never seen it)
huge agree, but I think the 212 looks after the braincell for them most the time
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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phantasm-echo · 23 days
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Cody and Obi-Wan are such parents—
they mean so much to me ;-;
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twinterrors29 · 3 months
Jedi Padawans have the classic sitcom bag-of-flour baby assignment to ensure they're prepared to look after young ones in emergency situations
this assessment is not one of the many canceled or postponed during the war
which means that when Ahsoka is abruptly deployed dirtside along with her Master, Grandmaster, and the 501st, she had to scramble to find an appropriate babysitter for her sack of flour
desperate, she tossed it to Commander Cody, who was staying aboard the Negotiator to oversee the campaign, with only a frantic list of the required steps to take care of it while she was gone
when she returns several days later, Cody has painted the sack 212th gold and constructed a sling to carry it around on his front while he keeps his hands free for work
judging by the rank pins attached to the front, the sack of flour is now a lieutenant
once Obi-Wan's heart eyes abate enough, though, it becomes clear to him that Cody and the 212th troopers have not understood that the sack of flour is not, in fact, a literal Jedi tubie
and none of the Jedi or their siblings in the 501st have the heart to correct them, so they let them keep the thing, stomping on the feet of anyone who tries to ask too many questions about their new mascot
once the war ends, Obi-Wan discreetly replaces the sack with a Jedi chrecheling in the middle of the night, having resigned himself to raising another too-young-Padawan
Reva, for her part, is all to happy to gleefully coat herself in flour for the occasion
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blitzink · 6 months
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a huge project i’ve been working on all semester!
Star Wars The Clone Wars Poster Collection<3
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kheimerios · 4 months
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frostbitebakery · 4 months
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“Dear Force,” he prays. Threatens. He’s arriving at the bargaining stage from left to catch it off guard. “Have I not suffered enough?”
“Quiet over there, I’m trying to reach a mystical entity.”
“Thanks, Ponds. Knew I could count on you.”
Sitrep. Cody’s currently trying to take a nap. It is not going well.
“Why didn’t you turn into shrimp or something easy,” he mutters, shoving the pillow up with his shoulder.
He’s had an incredibly long night in the Jedi Archives trying to help find texts that might help his batchmates turn back into the humanoid assholes they are.
“Watch the hair, Wolffe.”
Wolffe chooses to ignore him, naturally. He continues impersonating a broken speeder and kneading Cody’s head.
Bly is— “Meep!” - still stuck behind Cody’s back.
Right. Nap.
His head kind of slumps back with the sigh, the stress flowing out of his shoulders like water down a stream—
There’s a rustling. One of them jumps on the couch, it seems.
Cody deigns to open one eye and watches as Ponds drags a Jedi robe onto the backrest before nesting in it in quick, efficient moves.
“Is that General Windu’s,” he asks as if he actually wants to know.
As an answer he gets a stuck up tail and a frankly unnecessary view of his brother’s butthole before limbs, tail, and head are tugged into the fluffy ball of fur.
Alright. Time to close his eyes again.
Crossing his arms, he wriggles around until he’s - “Meep?!” - comfortable. Wolffe is still kneading, Bly is fighting a cushion, Ponds is living Cody’s dreams by being asleep and snoring—
“If you stick your tongue into my ear again, I’ll shoot you into orbit, Fox.”
“Yeah yeah, come here, you fool.”
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cawsceries · 4 months
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okay. one more art piece for cody day. definitely my last one (<- lying)
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skeletons-eat · 15 days
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Happy mermay!!!!!!!
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journen · 28 days
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Cody and Rex selfie! ✌️📸
Commission for my awesome friend @bitwhizzle , or @/Bittipins on Instagram! 😊
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