#the OG Lady Violet
hopepaigeturner · 1 year
An Offer from an Avid Reader: Grandma Alexandra--the unexpected crossover
For those who have not read the Rokesby series, Grandma Alexandra is Edmund Bridgerton’s mother. As @lli95s says, she is overprotective, a peacemaker and elegant. In First Comes Scandal sheis shown to be a gifted artist through embroidery, a talent that her youngest daughter notices five-year-old Benedict sharing.
Therefore, I, like many others in this fandom, have hopped onto the ‘Grandma Alexandra taught Benedict to draw’ train. And thought how useful her character can be in S4 as a facilitator for other storylines.
And yes, I'm gonna use Violet Crawley gifs. Who else could I use?
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Grandma Alexandra’s appearance is brief, but her presence is felt as her death facilitates various plot points/scenes.
After the lake scene, Benedict confides in Grandma Alexandra (pre-death) about Sophie and receives some words of wisdom.
Flashback 1: Benedict’s POV showing Benedict’s role in the family post-Edmund.
Flashback 2: Alexandra’s POV showing why Benedict never gets into conflict.
Grandma Alexandra’s death pushes Benedict back into his caretaker role. This leads to little scenes showing how Benedict pushes away his feelings for his family.
It also leads to a big scene between Benophie, where Sophie is the only one who sees Benedict and comforts him through his grief. (Inc. 'you have the soul of an artist')
Grandma Alexandra’s will, notifies the rest of the family to Benedict affections for Sophie…
Context: (to be threaded through generally in conversation and do not need a specific scene explaining them).
Benedict is the only one who calls Grandma Alexandra ‘Grandmama’. Everyone else calls her by her full name.
GA is not a cold grandmother, but (as with the times) she is not necessarily a grandmother who would get on the floor and play with the kids. She has a very maternal air that some see as sombre and a little ‘impenetrable’. (Although Violet argues that the death of both husband and son have caused her to withdraw). Headcanon: My Cottage used to be her residence when she was younger, just after Edmund and Violet moved into Aubrey Hall. This is why Anthony chose to send Benedict there, knowing both GA and B would appreciate being close to one another. Whenever Benedict goes to My Cottage, his family expects him to visit GA even though they have not… (another example of Violet pushing Benedict into performing emotional labour).
So, this is a general overview of how GA could be included…if you want to read more detail then read on bold reader…
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Alongside my usual synopsis of my ideas, I have included a couple of fully written scene. Honestly, I have written all these scenes fully, (but that would make the post even longer) and I think I will upload them on AO3 soon for those who want to read that. The scenes I have included are the flashbacks, and Sophie comforting Benedict in his grief.
have included a couple fully written scenes here: Benedict’s flahsback
1: Benedict visits GA
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Post-Lake scene we have Mr and Mrs Crabtree return to burst Benophie’s little bubble and to remind Benedict that he needs to go see his Grandmother.
Sophie is completely avoiding Benedict due to his ‘offer’ and her mortification that the Crabtrees spotted them. So, Benedict gets on his horse and rides to his grandmother, who has ‘downsized’ to a small house with very few staff (think Lady Isabelle Crawley in Downtown Abbey). He enters to find his ageing grandmother still looking utterly elegant even though she has been confined to a lounger.
The initial exchange is to get a feel for who Alexandra is, the viewer seeing a maternal woman but one with a hidden wit and mind intact even though arthritis has her bed-bound. Even as she complain about needing to abstain and the storm and feeling cooped up, Benedict sneaks her a glass of brandy to which she says,
“Oh, you have always been my favourite—dear.”
“You are not supposed to have favourites,” Benedict teases, “although I have always known you liked spending time with me because I look most like my father,” he continues jovially. His fake smile falters upon seeing her solemn one.
“I spent time with you, my dear, because no one else did.”
2: Benedict’s flashback
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Summer 1804
“I DO NOT WANT TO GO!” Colin shouted and Benedict tried not to flinch at the volume, nor raise his won mellow tone,
“Colin, please, the tailor has been very kind and come all the way from the village—”
“I do not care!”
“Colin, he needs to tailor your clothes for Eton.”
“I am not going to Eton.”
“Colin, you have to—”
“I am not going to Eton!”
Benedict steeled himself and tried to coat honey over his words,
“But you will have so much fun. New sports, new friends, all grown up—”
“I want to stay here. I do not want to go!”
“Colin, please, you have to—” Benedict reached out to comfort Colin, but the boy wrenched himself away.
“You cannot tell me what to do. You are not Anthony, you are not father. You are just the spare!” Colin screamed, running out of the room and slamming the door behind him. Benedict pulled it open but walked into an empty corridor.
He could hunt Colin down to his secret hiding place but that would exacerbate rather than calm the situation. And he couldn’t blame Colin for, with each passing day, Benedict felt the departure date for Eton looming like a monster on the hill.
Benedict sighed, a sigh that dispelled all the air from inside of him, causing him to sag slightly against the door. He closed his eyes and tried to fence in the tears that always seemed be clustering behind his eyes every hour fo the day.
You are not Anthony; you are not father!
He wasn’t and gosh, it hurt. It hurt so much to see the fractured blue of his siblings’ eyes when they looked at him, all of them desperately searching to fill the hole yawning inside of them. Anthony’s shut study door and their mother’s despondent manner had them corralling towards the only other woefully inadequate option—him.
So far, he’d managed to convince them with smiles and soft words, even though he would collapse into bed sobbing, wishing nothing more than to melt into the covers and never wake up.
Benedict shot up and rolled his shoulders.
Twelve-year-old Daphne stood in a very pretty ice-blue gown and matching ribbons adorned in her hair but with her face pinched with worry.
“Are you alright?”
He flashed her his new, crooked smile, the one that seemed to paste over all the cracks.
“Ofcourse, Colin is being a bit of a bear that is all.” He approached her and tenderly tucked a wayward strand behind her ear. Then he cocked his head. “Are you not supposed to be riding off to Victoria’s for tea?”
Daphne looked down and fiddled with her fingers.
“Mama is not well, so there is no one to take me.”
“It is fine.” Daphne does her own roll of the shoulders, and it makes Benedict’s stomach churn. “I should help look after the little ones, I promised to help Francesca with her pianoforte.”
Francesca could barely reach the pianoforte even when sitting on a stool with her legs dangling. But Daphne tried to look Benedict in the eye, but all that did was make Benedict see how fractured they were. Benedict furrowed his brow, then announced,
“Miss Peters shall take you.”
(yes I am using the character @eleanor-bradstreet used here)
“But what about the others? Like Gregory?”
“I can easily play with Gregory,” Benedict explained then motioned for a passing maid to find Miss Peters, the governess.
 Daphne worried at her bottom lip. Benedict knelt to be at her level, putting on his most comforting smile. “Go on Daph, go, and have fun.”
“What about you?” Daphne asked with her wide, blue eyes.
“You do not need to worry about me,” Benedict replied, the words flowing out instinctively, his tongue not catching on the prickly edges of the lie. “Now you must make haste otherwise you shall miss all the wonderful cakes—and you once told me that Victoria’s cook serves the best lemon drizzle out of all your friends.”
“Oh yes!” The sparkle returned to Daphne’s eyes. “And she always has fresh scones, and her nanny lets us put lots and lots of cream on them!”
“Well then,” Benedict rose and entwined their fingers, “let us go find Miss Peters and whisk you away on your adventure.”
“You called Master Bridgeton?”
“Yes, please will you escort Daphne to her playdate this afternoon.” Miss Peters hesitated, “I shall go aid in the nursery until you return,” Benedict placated giving her a significant look. Miss Peters glanced at Daphne and nodded with understanding--using the adept shorthand they had created over the last weeks.
“Ofcourse Master Bridgerton. Gregory has just gone down for his afternoon nap and Master Colin should be with the tailor.”
“I am not sure he shall make the tailor today. But I will work that out.” Once again Miss Peters nodded then took Daphne’s hand and led her away. Just before they descended the stairs Daphne ran back and catapulted herself into Benedict’s arms.
“Thank you,” she kissed his cheek. Benedict gave her a brief squeeze.
“There is nothing to thank me for, I am your brother—it is my duty.”
Then she left, babbling to Miss Peters about the horses Victoria had and the dolls they would play with.
Benedict took a deep breath and turned towards the nursery.
Benedict pivoted around.
There in the doorway stood his grandmother Alexandra draped in a beautiful, embroidered shawl.
She had been staying for the past week or so, once news of their mother’s melancholia had reached the family’s ears. The widow had travelled from ‘My Cottage’ , (more of a country retreat than a cottage but their father had named it as a child), overnight to tend to the grieving brood. Since arriving she had been keeping their mother company even though the latter barely spoke or moved. Most of the time she would take her meals with their mother, although a couple times she had graced family dinner with only Benedict’s goodwill managing to lurch the conversation on.
She was not a cruel grandmother, nor a necessarily cold one, but as she approached him with her dress swaying and posture tall, Benedict felt the need to straighten his back.
“Yes, Grandma Alexandra? How may I—”
“Come here.” Benedict looked around but found no back up. So, he followed her into a room where she directed him to stand in front of an easel. “Sit.”
Benedict obeyed, although sat a little more haltingly than the graceful swoop of herself. She handed him a piece of chalk that matched her own, turned back to her easel and started sketching. Benedict looked at her in utter confusion.
“Are you not going to start?” she asked, eyes flitting across her page.
“I remember you as a child, constantly being dragged away from fireplaces because you would draw pictures in the ash. This is not so different.”
“I am not—”
“And at the dinner table you still draw little patterns and pictures with your fingers during conversation. So, sit for a moment and draw.”
Benedict heard a very distant thump, one that caused him to turn to the door.
“I should—the little ones—”
“What is the point of having all this staff if they cannot cope with your siblings for an hour on a  normal day.”
“But it is not a normal day,” Benedict said, quietly. “Nothing is normal.”
Grandma Alexandra sighed and put down her chalk. When she turned to him, Benedict saw a very gentle expression in her eyes—one that only just covered the fractures.
“Indeed…and your entire family is in pain—the entire family.” Benedict wanted to shiver at her stare even though there was no hue of hostility within them. Benedict turned away.
“I need to be with them.”
“Indulge me for one hour,” her smile shifted, smoothing down the prickles inside of Benedict. “That is all I ask.” Benedict looked at his blank page utterly empty of expectations, pasted over smiles or twisted words.
“I do not know what to do,” he murmured. Alexandra took his hand in hers and said,
“Then let me help you.”
The scene returns to the present, Benedict looking intensely uncomfortable with her statement.
“And I always appreciated it, although I am not sure you were the only one—”
“Your mother did no—”
“Mother was ill.” Benedict’s tone is final, non-negotiable, an answer he has repeated over and over until it blocked out any other thoughts on the topic. “She was ill—and not of her own volition.”
“I know, I know…I also sat with her on those long afternoons. Although your brother could have—”
“Anthony had an entire estate and family to run—far more important things than me. And he did it all on his own without complaining.”
“But he had you.”
There is a lull of silence, Benedict neither confirming nor denying.
“Regardless, that is all in the far past and does not matter. Anthony is perfectly well with Kate,” he says instead. Alexandra smiles.
“Yes, indeed. I do like her, she has the fire and steel to match his own. She reminds me a little of my Billie.”
“That sounds like a story.”
“A story for another time.” Alexandra pats Benedict on the knee. “First you must tell me what is warring in your heart.”
“There is nothing—”
“My dear, you might be able to put on a façade for the ton and your family, but not for me. I assume it is a woman.”
She chuckles.
“You are terrible at hiding your heart.”
“Fine, it is about a woman but…I do not wish to talk about it.”
“If you say so—would you pass me that paper and chalk?”
Benedict obeys, thinking he has got away with it. Until he sits back down and pushes the pad into Alexandra’s hands, only to be rebutted.
“No, no. It is your turn this afternoon.”
“Please, Benedict, dear. My fingers can no longer lift a spoon let alone embroider, and I miss it so much.” Benedict hold out for a couple moments before her imploring expression gets the better of him.
“Only for you—just this once.”
“Do not worry, I shall not tell a soul—just as I never have.”
She gives him a poignant look, Benedict returns it, sighs, and puts chalk to paper.
“Her name is Sophie…”
3: Benedict recieves some important wisdom…
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There is a scene with Sophie and Crabtrees, introducing those characters, with the object of the conversation for Sophie to be a little less obstinate in taking up Benedict’s offer to find her employment with the Bridgertons. Then a return to Alexandra and Benedict…
The viewer sees that as Benedict has been talking, he has been sketching Sophie, telling the last moments between Sophie and himself. Alexandra points out that perhaps Sophie values her principles more than material comfort, (something she approves of). With Benedict feeling hopeless, Alexandra retells the story of how her husband wooed her—even though she continually rejected him. Through this conversation Benedict learns that he must not push Sophie into being his mistress; that he does not wish to let Sophie go not only because of his feelings but because he wants her to feel safe; and Alexandra prompts him to consider that Sophie would not only be safe in his bed…
“Is your bed the only place where she shall be safe?”
“Perhaps not…” Benedict’s eyes drift and then he sits up. “No, it is not the only place.” Alexandra smiles.
“While I love your company, I am feeling a little tired.”
“Yes, yes,” Benedict says distractedly, “I should leave.” He turns to her. “Thank you, grandmama.”
“It is always a pleasure. Although one last thing.”
“I was so intent on my fantasy, the dream and life I took refuge in, that I almost missed what was right in front of me.”
Benedict nods.
“My Lady in Silver. Yet another woman just out of my reach.”
“Perhaps you need to go further, step froward rather than just reach forward.” (AKA: get into conflict)
“Marry Sophie?” Alexandra merely shrugs as Benedict stutters. “I do not know if I…if she and I…if I…I cannot.”
“It is another option.”
“You know I cannot,” when he does not see her instant agreement he continues, “My family would not allow it, and the scandal on the family…in the ton…I could not put my family through that.”
Alexandra is contemplative, even a little sorrowful as she says,
“One day you need to remember you are more than your family, more than a Bridgerton, you are Benedict. A man who might need to take what he wants.”
“My duty is to my family.”
“So it is for your older brother, but he was not happy until he took what he wanted, what he needed. And look at what treasures have come from such a decision.”
Benedict wrestles and then because he does not have an answer, he pivots.
“It is not the same…but I wish you would say such sentiments to his face. Maybe then Anthony would not hold you at a distance.”
The pivot works—for a moment—Alexandra’s expression drops.
“Perhaps…but I made mistakes with your brother, like your grandfather I cannot force myself upon him.”  
“I shall encourage him when I return to London.”
“Ofcourse you will. Give my love to the family.”
“I will,” Benedict leans forward and kisses her cheek. “Thank you, thank you for everything.”
The pair banter about how GA will outlive everyone, she asks to keep his sketch of Sophie and tries to fight against Benedict’s self-deprecation of his talent and himself.
Then Benedict leaves, and only once his coattails disappear does she look down on the sketch of Sophie. She smiles at the talent of the lines but also at the moment he has captured—a capitulation of the woman he is falling in love with.
“Perhaps you need a bit of persuasion,” she whispers, “Falling in love has never been a challenge for, however, standing up to your family…
4: Grandma Alexandra’s Flashback:
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Alexandra gives one last smile at Benedict’s masterful sketch of a bird, assembling herself for dinner.  On the final corridor before the stairs, she hears voices and stills, peering around a window.
There, on top fo the portico over the front door is Colin and Benedict. The younger still has tears on his face while the elder speaks softly, so soft that Alexandra must strain her ears.
“…Is that why you do not wish to go to Eton?”
Colin nods, his own voice cracked from tears.
“What if mama does not get better? Papa was not ill, and he died. What if mama dies when I am at school?”
Benedict pulls Colin into his embrace and Alexandra sees the emotions ripple over Benedict face, the tears brimming in his eyes. She also sees how he tethers it all down and away when he addresses Colin.
“Mama will get better. We must never give up on her. She is a Bridgerton, she is strong and she will come back to us. And do you know what that means?” Colin shakes his head. “It means that you are a Bridgerton, and you can be strong. You will be strong enough to got to Eton like every other Bridgerton before you. Hmm?” Colin nods and wipes his eyes on his sleeve. “Can you try and be a brave, strong Bridgerton until you leave?” Colin nods again, more resolutely. “Good,” Benedict ruffles his hair causing the younger boy to squirm away with a laugh.
“Enough—get off!”
“Alright, alright,” the pair stand up and Benedict puts his arm around Colin’s shoulder. “Let us go and get some food. I heard it might be cheese and toast.”
Alexandra rears away, allowing herself to be shielded as the brothers make their way down the corridor. She follows at a discreet distance and sees Anthony being the only one to comes out of the west drawing room his handsome features rigid. Alexandra knows where she shall be having dinner tonight.
“What is this I hear about Colin not going to the tailor?” Alexandra is not surprised at Anthony’s snappish tone. “He was very accommodating and came all the way from the next town. Why did you not get your clothes tailored?”
Colin shrinks a little.
“It was my fault, brother,” Benedict steps up and in front of Colin. “I distracted Colin which meant the tailor did not have time to properly fit his clothes. I apologise.”
Anthony sighs and throws his hand.
“Into dinner you go, Colin. But you will need to go to the tailor in town tomorrow.”
“Yes, Anthony.” Colin bobbed his head then ran off.
Anthony deflated but shirked off Benedict’s comforting arm.
“You have messed up everything Benedict. The tailor was very accommodating, and you squandered it. I do not have time to go into town, I have my first tenants meeting tomorrow I cannot…how will Colin…”
“I can take him.” Benedict offers quickly. “I know what he needs. The entire family can go. We can make a day out of it, all of us.” Benedict gives Antony a comforting smile, “Therefore the house will be quiet for your meeting—a meeting that will be successful, Anthony,” this time Anthony does not brush off Benedict’s arm, his eyes transfixed on his brother’s comforting expression, “you have the capability and have done the preparation. You will gain their respect.” Anthony sighs.
“I hope you are right.”
“I know I am right.”
Anthony gives him a ghost of a smile before returning to passivity.
“You must keep that ego in check, brother, especially if it is used to distract our siblings and create, rather than solve, problems.”
Alexandra bristles—more so when Benedict says,
“I apologise brother.”
The pair turn to go into the dining room when they hear a shout.
“Daphne,” Anthony accepts the hug. “What has got you all bright eyed?”
He holds her hand as she leads him into the dining room, babbling about the doll tea-party she and Victoria had and how she had been allowed two slices of lemon drizzle cake.
Alexandra watches Benedict, the last one left, smiling softly at Daphne before rolling his shoulders and his smile, unseen by everyone except for her…
5: Grandma Alexandra’s Death
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As in my previous post, the second part of season 5 deals with the death of Grandma Alexandra. This will facilitate:
Benedict being pushed back into a caretaker role, even though he is the precise person who shall feel her demise most keenly.
The opportunity for him to receive emotional support from the one person who truly sees him—Sophie—a comparison to when he gave Sophie emotional support in My Cottage.
A wake-up call for the viewer, Anthony and Violet about them taking advantage of Benedict during times of emotional labour.
Firstly it is a normal morning in the parlour as Violet receives a letter, opens it, then asks about Benedict’s whereabouts. One of the sisters say something about him lurking upstairs and Violet leaves—Anthony’s eyes following her, concerned.
Violet finds Benedict (who pretend he is not looking for Sophie) and tells him the news. Grandma Alexandra has died in her sleep two days prior.
There is a ringing sound, the screen blurs just as Benedict’s vision does as he reels from the news, from the onslaught of grief just about to break—
“I do not know what to do.”
Benedict snaps out of it to see his mother with tears in her eyes.
And suddenly he, and the viewer, understand that Violet did not seek Benedict because he was the closest to Alexandra—but because she does not know how to handle it, for herself or for the family.
So, pushing down his grief, Benedict embraces and comforts his mother as his mother cries about losing a ‘final piece�� of Edmund, about the guilt for not seeing Alexandra before she died, and how are they to tell everyone?
Benedict just comforts her and says soothingly,
“We can do it together, mother. We can do it together.”
The next couple of scenes are muted, or that effect where the sound is muffled to reflect how Benedict is drowning in his emotions.
A scene where they break the news to the family. Everyone in shock/tears, yet Anthony frowns, realising that Violet went to Benedict instead of him to deal with this family business…
A funeral scene with everyone in ‘couples’; Kate and Anthony, Francesca and John, Benedict and Violet. Benedict’s eyes are distant as the coffin is laid in the ground. And on the opposite side, a little further back with the rest of the servants, Sophie watches, yearning in her eyes to comfort the man she loves.
6: Benophie bonding time.
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Benedict is comforting a weeping Francesca, drying her eyes before excusing himself. He goes to his bedroom and shuts the door. He rest his hands on the wall, fighting back tears, obviously on the verge of breaking. He mutters to himself to pull himself together, and that this is not the place. He scrabbles in the bedside drawer and finds a flask, is about to open it when he hears a creak in the door.
Immediately he reassembles himelf, slipping the flask into his pocket, turning around.
“I am just coming—” his words die on his lips. There stands Sophie, eyes full of compassion.
“I did not wish for you to be alone,” is all she says.
Benedict breaks, bursting into tears and Sophie is instantly in his arms, holding him, comforting him, running a hand through his hair and whispering.
“You do not need to stay silent, never on my account, never with me.”
 (a reference back to My Cottage scene here).
*~*~*~* After a scene between John and Francesca (more about that in her post), the camera returns to find Benophie still in each other’s laps, on the floor of Benedict’s bedroom. Sophie is still carding her hands through his hair, even though Benedict has expelled his emotions.
“She never saw my paintings,” he whispers, voice cracking. Sophie pulls back to face him and sees his broken expression. “I never showed her my art.”
“It did not matter—”
“It did, she was the first person to see me…see that part of me and I squandered it.”
“No, no—”
“I did, Sophie, and now it is too late.”
“Listen,” Sophie cups his face in her hands. “Of course she would have loved to see the art you created, but it did not matter because whenever she saw you, she saw what I see, she knew what I know.”
“Which is?”
With the gentlest of caresses and gentlest of voices, Sophie says,
“That you have the soul of an artist.”
“Sophie—” his voice breaks, but this time not due to grief.
“You do. You can try to deny it Benedict but you do. It is why you feel so deeply, for you are open to the complete spectrum of emotion as well as colour. It is why you see the world in its every hue, in every single layer and accept the dark undertones, the white highlights and the hues in between. It is why your heart beats with such passion but also such compassion. It is why, when you draw, you capture the moment, capture the emotion—like the sly smile of Francesca or the inquisitive spark in Eloise’s eye. I see you, Benedict, more than you allow to see yourself. I see you as an artist. An artist called Benedict.”
“Sophie you are…you are brilliant.”
“Nonsense—” Sophie squirms away but Benedict holds her closer.
“I see it, and I know it. I see you, and you are a brilliant. Thank you,” his words come out hushed, for the lovers’ lips are a hair’s breadth apart, “thank you—I—”
 A commotion occurs outside and Sophie lurches away, eyes wide. The pair stare at each other, a line of fission between them, neither wanting to break the moment but both knowing they should.
Benedict breaks it and stands, helping Sophie up.
“I should go,” she whispers, as his thumb caresses her fingers.
“I wish you would not.”
“As do I.”
He looks up and sees her eyes are wide at her own admission. But the commotion occurs again reminding them of their surroundings.
“Thank you, Miss Beckett.” Sophie blushes and goes to the door, turns back one last time. In her hand is the flask he tried to slip into his pocket earlier.
“Do you want me to take this?”
“Throw it out the window—I have no use of it.”
All can see the truth behind his words.
“I am glad.”
“Thank you, Sophie,” he says one last time and then she is gone.
Benedict sighs—but a sigh that does not drain him of energy. Benedict rolls his shoulders—but not as if rolling on a façade. And he leaves the room, head held high, with something akin to hope…or maybe more…beating in his chest.
There is a second scene that show Sophie supporting Benedict. Benedict revealed (back at My Cottage) that he used to read stories to his sisters to help them with their grief. This time, Sophie tells a story to Hyacinth, Francesca and Eloise, effectively taking the burden off Benedict’s shoulders. This scene will be ina post about how the Bridgertons gradually become aware of Benedict’s role as emotional support and his feelings for Sophie so I will write that up in another post.  But as I said in my Benedict Bridgerton arc post, this final scene solidifies Benedict’s feelings for Sophie, causing him to whisper ‘I love you’ as she walks away.
7: Like every Will reading in any show…things go bonkers
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"You'd think it'd be like a game show, but think of it more as a community theatre production of a tax return." Benoit Blanc
The next scene where GA pops up is when her will reading takes place. Within the episode this is a scene that occurs in the middle of the sofa scene.
First half of the sofa scene runs up to when Beneidct and Sophie…get steamy. // Grandma Alexandra’s will reading// Then the Benophie fallout part of the sofa scene a little like the book. (I need to edit this before uploading it but it’s basically written).
This ‘will reading’ scene provides Anthony with the final evidence to confirm that Benedict is in love with Sophie. Why? Because not only has Alexandra given Benedict her emerald ring (something the entire family had accepted a long time ago), but also enough income to support the life of a family if Anthony cut off Benedict. (Not a lavish one, but enough that Benophie will not be destitute). Because, as GA said when Benedict left, Benedict might need a little persuasion to go against his family…
The purpose of this money is merely to highlight and set in motion the family stopping Benophie from being together (see this post for more info). Benedict never learns about this money until after he proposes to her (showing that he would have married Sophie even if they would have been much poorer).
That is the end for the principal scenes that involve Grandma Alexandra. Ofcourse in the final episode, Benophie talk about Alexandra (due to the emerald engagement ring), and with wrapping up the plot.
Phew! I know a big post coming out of nowhere. But I got inspired by @eleanor-bradstreet and wanted to write up some flashbacks which turned into…this.
What do people think fo this storyline? I know the Bridgerton writers will not stumble upon this, but I thought it would be an interesting idea to push numerous parts of the story along, gives us Benophie content and…might be a little self-indulgent.
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What do people think of this storyline? I know the Bridgerton writers will not stumble upon this, but I thought it would be an interesting idea to push numerous parts of the story along, gives us Benophie content and…might be a little self-indulgent.
I’d love to hear your ideas/corrections/opinions and always open to chat or requests.
Or check out the list here, for more of my ideas.
Or check out the general arcs of my prospective S4 here.
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sadlynotthevoid · 9 months
Does anyone else read or has read "A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady"? Because I'm reading it and it hurts me so much.
I love this novel but my heart is in pain for Violet. Please, why is everyone so mean and stupid and uncomprehending with her? She's practically trying to give therapy to herself and everyone else but the tower servants (Mary, you best girl <3) and that knight are rude and should get a restraining order.
I desperately need a crossover of this novel and lcf with og!Cale because he wouldn't treat her like she was born evil and they could be friends.
Also, both Mary's would get along really well. APVYL!Mary would love LCF!Mary. They're both so kind and APVYL!Mary had quite a normal life and is great at listening people talk their hearts out so she would help her a lot. And LCF!Mary would love her and Violet.
LCF!Mary and Violet it's other thing I want to see. Mary, who grew up knowing people outside her city would hate and fear her and ostracize her, and Violette, who grew up hated, feared and ostracized anywhere whe went.
Besides, I want someone to look at Aileen (or whatever her name was) and call her out on her bs immediately. Og!Cale would notice immediately how much bitchie she's. And Bassen would absolutely hate her. They were in similar positions, but he would never dare to do to his brother what she does to her sister.
Of course, outsiders don't know what the inner situation of both families are. So it would be funny if someone pointed their similar circumstances or compared them, and Bassen just gets— absolutely offended. "The fuck do you mean we're similars? I would never step over hyung-nim's limits nor make him feel cornered on purpose like this pink bitch does to her sister".
Besides, the idea of the Roan princes trying to avoid and hide from her is so funny to me. She appearing and the three of them (yes, even the third prince) jumping out the nearest window because they really don't want to deal with her.
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butchhamlet · 9 months
are there any shakespeare retellings you recommend? i really enjoy retellings but it's also difficult to find ones that like. actually understand the source material... i've read your novella duodecimal and really liked it btw! excellent take on twelfth night :-)
THANK YOU SO MUCH WAH... yes, i can recommend some retellings! i keep intending to make a big post with my recs, actually, but there are so many out there that i haven't read yet... so for now here's an incomplete list:
a thousand acres by jane smiley: the first one that came to my mind seeing this ask. it's a retelling of lear set on an american farmstead, and the adaptation is done beautifully and smoothly--it's just distinct enough from OG Lear that you can judge it as a book on its own but also as a lear retelling. and it's sooooo good. it starts a little slow, but the character work is so excellent and it almost made me cry (i will note that there's a pretty hefty cw on this one but... saying what it is is technically spoilers? but feel free to send another ask or message if you want to know up-front)
the last true poets of the sea by julia drake: books that made me have to turn my camera off in zoom class so i could bawl properly. books written for me specifically. this is a loose YA retelling of twelfth night (looser than some of the other retellings on this list) and it's like. perfect. the teenage dialogue actually sounds like teenagers. every emotional beat clubbed me over the head. the love triangle is present--and done really well; it's not present for drama but because sometimes being a teenager is confusing--but more than that this is a book about the relationship between violet and her sibling, and about mental health, and god it makes me CRAZY. also girls kiss in this one
rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead by tom stoppard: i mean. i think most people into shakespeare know r&gad. but in case you haven't read it yet, it's an absurdist play from the point of view of rosencrantz and guildenstern and it's absolutely fucking brilliant. not sure what else to say about this; you've really just gotta read it
teenage dick by mike lew: another play, this one on the modern side--a retelling of richard iii set in a high school, focusing explicitly on disability issues. kind of more a reimagining than a retelling, honestly, but i really like the exploration of r3's themes and also it's fucking hysterical. although i will say there's a kind of jarring tonal shift in this one near the end, so don't go to it for something 100% comedic
american moor by keith hamilton cobb: okay this isn't exactly a retelling but if you've ever read othello you have to read it. you just have to. please god if you've ever read a shakespeare PLEASE. it's a monologue from the perspective of a black man trying out for the role of othello, half-resigned to being pigeonholed into playing that specific role in a very specific way as directed by a white director, but also half-chafing against that resignation, and also exploring the complexities of loving shakespeare as a black man, and it's soooooo so good
exit, pursued by a bear by e.k. johnston: this one is kind of cheating because it's not really a retelling, in that it has next to nothing to do with the winter's tale except that there is a hermione character and a leontes character and a paulina character. i still think it's a very very well-done YA book, though, and one of the only ones i've read that deals head-on with abortion
foul is fair by hannah capin: okay, i will admit i read this one some years ago when i was more into YA, so i'm not sure i would still go crazy over it now, but the plot of this book is that the modern lady macbeth character gets assaulted by a guy at a party and decides to kill everyone who let that happen. and then she does. and idk i read it in two days it felt like being on crack
the wednesday wars by gary schmidt: this one is DEFINITELY cheating, because this isn't a retelling of anything. but if you like shakespeare and you're open to reading historical fiction about a kid in the 60s using shakespeare as a lens through which to understand the chaos of his life (from the vietnam war to his school crush)... it's so good. it made me nearly sob. beautiful book
i'm also a fan of ryan north's shakespeare choose-your-own-adventure books, but those aren't exactly retellings and also the humor will probably not work for everyone. but i like em <3
and finally, i would be remiss not to shout out the fact that @suits-of-woe wrote an INCREDIBLE retelling of the two gentlemen of verona that, like, redeemed the fact that that play exists. if you've read that play and you thought, "wow, i wish this were explicitly homoerotic, or not a rape apologia, or good in any way," you will LOVE macy's book. unfortunately it isn't fucking published yet but WITH YOUR HELP--
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taocc-updates · 6 days
”Oh, you like Taocc? Name every character.”
edit: I added the vague number of total characters listed. We’re at about 270, and I’m still adding characters.
(*By technicality
**formerly/no longer active/no longer acknowledged by the narrative as existing
***exist as of like ten seconds ago
I will only be including characters recognized as part of Taocc by more than one person. Characters will be vaguely grouped together however the frick I feel like and with only the vague suggestion of transitions. A character must have a tangible role that still has effects at the time of posting to be counted. I’m not counting all the deactivated characters from OG Taocc, for example. I am referencing the updates blog list as well as my following for this, because the challenge is to name them all, not to name them all by memory. Animals barely count sometimes when I feel like it.)
Gangle, Ragatha**, Pomni**, Kinger**, Zooble**, Caine*, Bubble**, S-Gangle, Shadow, Kaufmo, Sproingle, Unnamed Abtractions*, Easton West, Northa West, Lonn Gitud, Lattia Tudor, Felicia, Caleb, Zachariah Woods, Zombie anon, Simon Mallory/Silhouette/Aleksander, Isaac Brennan/Mix, Elida Doyle, Alice Mallory, Nikolai Harrison/Carbine, Artemis/Kepler, Calamity/Cassandra, Remnant, Sami Harrison, Yelena, Daniel, Artem, Charles/Plague Doctor Anon, Dialtone/Drias, Ilas/Amalgam, Trevor***, Archie***, Abigail***, Stella***, Paisley***, Espresso the Cat, Edward/Pharaoh, Abayomi, Clown Anon, Colorbine, Helpful Anon, Waffle Anon, Sparkler Anon, Kumo, Kopi, Violet, Stitch, Chance, Nightmare, Arthur Pendragon, Verie Pendragon, Mercutio, Juliet/Assassin Anon, Aokigahara, Dunite, Rocky, Rusty, Ryan, Dunite’s Parents, Deedee, Usagi/Usa, Icia/Ice anon, Fred, Odette/Odysseys, Samuel, Mytha, Celio, Basso, Vaga, Nova, Hexe, Slynn, Yume, Yume’s Mother and Father, the Protector, Ramona/Rae, Mirobelle, Ramiro, Achilles, Dime, Aklatan, Latte, Alexander (kingdom edition), Mocha, Switchboard, Ace Zeppelin, Damsel, Levi, Nathan, Myau, Nya, Mynou, Dusk, Jessy, Amelia, Jessy’s mother, Fynn, Joy, Ciana, Apollo, Virgo, Aster, Lance, Raina, Flare, Citrina, Citrina’s sisters (the only named one is “Jade”), Nymn, Nymn’s ex, Fae anon, Clara, Chip, Alpen, Unnamed Zodiac Angels, Kade, Feris, Pixel, Vanessa, Unnamed Arcade Worker 2/Mike, Conny, Shairo (deceased permanently), Hans, “John Smith”, Gun Pirate (lol), Unnamed Drunk Pirate, Unnamed Jar Lady, Unnamed third pirate with a gun, Dalia, Mikey, Anderson, Toga, Abstraction Anon, Quin, Blaze (Squiffer edition)/Zephyr, Skeleton anon, Mage Anon/Tanya, Camara, Avian, Sign Anon/Steven, Origami Anon/Octavia, Tea Anon/Kitsune/Katrina, Simon (Bookend), Seer anon/Sarah, Umbra, Arrows anon, Bow Anon, (Other) Bow Anon, Hex, Sun, Moon*, Sigil, Insanity, Dusty, Lantern/Eternal Flame, Eternity, Darkis, Infinity, Entity, Ember, Unknown, Juko, Lilo, Bob, Hammer, Mallet, Fox anon, Teleporting anon, Nuffle, Pyxel, Thanatos, Tiger, Siam, Sabrina (Sun’s daughter), Taika, Sisu, Quest, Tip, Stranger, Radio, Shelly, Astrion, Gaia, Aella, Electricity anon, Conspiracy anon, Bap Anon, Eve.chr, Phoenix*, The Dragon of Abyss, The Dragoness of Sky, Lemonade/Lewis, Reverie/Guidance anon, Unnamed Autumn Season, Unnamed Winter Season, Neb, Cardlan, Minimi, Entity (Backrooms edition), Casper, Manna, Pamela, Eden*, Grif, Trudy, Pen, Paper, Sophronius, Acacius, Milo, Drunk anon (deceased), Scissors anon, Thief Anon, Void anon, Cupcake anon, Chaos Enjoyer Anon, Thyme, Angst anon, villain anon, “Lucy”, Simp anon, Comax, Pickle gifter anon, pickle stealer anon, fish anon, deus ex machinanon, mail anon, foundation anon, lost anon, dropkick anon, Bug anon, Paranoia Anon, Rocket launcher anon, Kyubey, Mimic, Rodger, Ludvic, sunshine anon, anger anon, beezle, Wade, Loyal anon, Loyal Servant anon, the cookie run cookies lol, Felicia (top hat edition), Tophat, Greenie, Red(?), The Polygon Bees (TM), Eepy anon, Ethan, Dark, Void/Ollie, DJ, Star, Mercury/Marcus, Elysia/Evangeline Elizabeth Ambrosia, Blaze (Planetquest edition)/Brandon, Jasper, Callista/Leilani, Ursula, Ari, Lumiel/Lark, uhhh…I think that’s it
did I do it do I freaking win
Someone please count how many characters there are (there should be one comma per character if that helps)
Edit: Nevermind, I did it for you.
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This is a vague number, the actual number is higher than this, maybe about 270-300
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sea-owl · 1 month
Do you remember that bad endings AU? Where the Bridgertons lost their loves but then got a chance to redo everything starting with Daphne’s debut? Well, I was thinking what if that was the catalyst for them snapping? They lost their loves once they are not losing them ever again.
Bad endings? Like the isekai au? Guys I'm going to be honest if you are mentioning the isekai au I need you to be real specific in the details, there are so many variants to that au I've lost track of it.
There's the OG villainess isekai au. This is the classic one that basically Portia came from our world into the Bridgerton world where they were books. She takes in all the spouses and becomes best friends with Mary and tries to set them on the right path while avoiding everything Bridgerton.
There's the what if everyone remembers but Violet version. This one builds off the original but the spouses remember their original stories and go we're not doing that again. They still aren't afraid to play dirty but they are trying to be good. The Bridgertons don't remember that timeline but a different one to where the spouses were the second love interests and they are trying to get with them this time around. Violet knows nothing and Lady Danbury
There is isekai and yanderes that's the one where we build of what if everyone rembers but violet but in this one the Bridgertons, including Violet are yanderes who snapped.
There's the what if Edmund lived version which is basically like the others but we threw in Edmund in there too and he's joining his wife in trying to seduce Portia.
Then the most recent addition is the reverse isekai au where the spouses were the orginal heroes and the Bridgertons were the villains. The spouses don't remember anything in this one but the Bridgertons do remember their original timelines and are hellbent on making the spouses there's.
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trashlie · 2 years
Bee’s Age and Cardamon’s Origins
I never got around to writing all of my Bee and Puppycat thoughts before the new series dropped and I’m definitely annoyed with myself for it but OH WELL! 
I’ll go ahead and put a cut because I have some rambling musing about the 3 new episodes, so I’ll mar them for spoilers for those who can’t/haven’t watched (lol it’s only day 1 so) 
I know a lot of people have their gripes with the way the 3 new espidoes/s1 recap were done but I think a lot of that is probably on Netflix. If they’d given them 5 episodes to recap everything and better flesh it out, those 3 episodes would feel far less rushed than they do. But that’s not the fault of the writing as much as Netflix being continuously abysmal in general but especially to animators. Those episodes take SO LONG to create and having to cram everything into three episodes? So hard!
But I appreciate the newly added lore SO MUCH. I’ve always suspected Bee is a LOT older than we think - much like Puppycat. The fact that the arcade was so overgrown and had a WHOLE ENTIRE TREE growing inside of it was a pretty big indicator that Bee hadn’t been there in a LONG ass time. But the new episodes REALLY play into this, with people referring to Bee as “old young lady” or whatever, and Bee’s remark about the forest growing denser every time she comes through - which means not frequently at ALL because the rate at which trees grow is NOT fast lol. She herself even refers to herself as REALLY OLD, as if she doesn’t actually want to come outright and admit it - as cavalier as she is about some of her more robot-y aspects in these eps, she is also really hesitant to outright admit it. 
(Likewise, Puppycat is OLD old, too, it would seem, he was already pretty grown when BEE’S DAD was a TODDLER. And then we now know he was already in his Puppycat form babysitting little Bee?! If Bee is OLD, Puppycat is ANCIENT.) 
I also loved the update to Bee and the candy - the casual mention of how she and Cardamon have shared it before?! The way the energy burst forth when she broke it in half like when her dad smashed it?! AAAAHHHHHHHH love that and how it ties those threads together - in og s1, nothing happens when she eats the candy and she shares it with Puppycat, so while it made sense that they were the same candy and that it may even help “power” her, it was hard to confirm, but now it’s very in our face and connects to s2 so much better. I know there’s been theories that Cardamon is not fully human, too - as far as we know, there’s no father around - but they are a little bolder about it this time around. Previously we didn’t find out Cardamon is supposed to be asleep until during Lazy in Space but Bee just! Up and goes oh you’re up what about your mom? 
So Bee knows they’re SUPPOSED to be asleep? Or?! 
I will say because of how much they had to rush the s1 content there’s some things that still come across as confusing - or more confusing. Bee seems so cavalier about Cardamon’s mom - was everyone just.... content to be like “yeah the landlord and her child are just hibernating nbd” and also hOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN ASLEEP LIKE THAT, THEN?! Is that why everyone is behind on rent? 
Another thought I’ve had and hadn’t had a chance to write up is: in the apartment complex, Violet and Bee’s dad are clearly related by their history as Candy Chasers, and Puppycat has babysat Bee and was close to Violet and Bee’s dad. The Wizards.... like I’ve always thought it interesting that the Space King sent his warlocks after Puppycat and now they live in the same apartment complex as Wizards. I’ve always felt there may be more to them than the show lends us - they’re not just a family Bee is supposed to watch over, right? I mean like, narratively, what is their purpose? I don’t think they are with the warlocks (at least, not the kids) and Cas was always calling things weird so if their parents dipped out to space I feel like that would be weird, right? I don’t have a coherent thought about this, clearly, but it’s like HUH surely they tie into this more than being innocent bystanders? 
idk I have other thoughts but I have to rewatch things but I wanted to throw these ones out before I forget about them afljafkajf 
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Molly, I so badly badly need more of you writing Kate and Anthony in their peek OG regency era. Pleaseeeee could we see just a little bit of their interaction in the ballroom, in the recent months after their marriage?!?!?! I would love to see how badly the towns react towards the glowing blushing newly weds?
Okay but let's... revisit Hearts and Flowers a year later
Because you know the show's going to forget they said it was annual
Kate could feel their eyes on her everywhere she went these days, When she went to the modiste with Francesca, she and Violet bolstering the girl's quiet confidence as she looked at herself in the mirror a little nervously.
Both Lady Bridgertons accompanied Miss Francesca to the modiste this morning, Heaven only knows what required such attention.
When she walked through the park with newton on his leash and Anthony's arm in hers while he whispered wicked nothings in her ear.
Lord Bridgerton was seen being rather attentive to his wife this morning last, perhaps he, unlike most men, does not subscribe to the theory that women need be left alone to shepherd new life into the world.
And now even here, at Aubrey Hall where she and Anthony had made a home, where they'd hidden from the world under the bedsheets upstairs Anthony poking his head out as the door of their chambers opened with his hair rumpled in a million directions a boyish grin on his face Ah! Sarah! Lady Bridgerton won't be requiring your services for the next... three days. Take some time off! See your family! Full pay! Where they'd married in the very room they were standing in now with only their families around them, cheering as the vicar had declared them man and wife and Anthony had held her so gently against his chest and his voice had whispered, Finally.
And now they'd done what they must, they'd allowed the Ton inside to peer over them, inspect them, as they'd been wanting to since their engagement had been announced. She'd worried over it for weeks, her stomach churning with anxiety as her mother in law had nodded approvingly at the invitations she'd selected, and the food, and finally the flower arrangements, Kate, Darling these are beautiful. And Anthony hadn't seemed a bit bothered by it. In fact, very little seemed to bother him these days. Though she knew he tutted and sighed, and spent hours in his study pouring over accounts, worrying over Benedict who seemed suddenly apathetic towards the things that had given him joy, and Eloise who had scoffed before trodding on Lord Arthur's foot last week, and who sat with Gregory for hours looking over his work: As soon as he saw her he smiled. Jumped from his seat the wrap his arms around her, breathing her in deeply. There you are Darling, I've missed you. And she rolled her eyes though she left a kiss between his eyebrows. It's been 30 minutes my love. And of course he hadn't seen the problem. He'd merely swanned into the drawing room, picking up the samples of cake, his words muffled by the cake.
"These are excellent!"
And she'd hissed at him, "You are useless to me, get away."
His voice had dropped low and his teeth had nipped at her ear "Oh I know a way I can be very useful to you, Viscountess."
She'd taking a shuddering breath before she'd stood calmly and said, "Well I'll need you to show me, I'm afraid, Lord Bridgerton."
And he hadn't seemed to see the problem even now. Even as they'd stood on the drive greeting guest after guest, he'd nodded politely, pretending to know who was going to get out of the next carriage as if he'd paid any attention to the guest list when she'd shown it to him, instead of just grinning at her, Whatever you think is best.
Anthony still didn't see the problem, as they stood in the ballroom, the entire room still overtly curious as they interacted. As they stared at the woman who had made London's least enthusiastic groom a very happy husband.
"Anthony," Kate sighed as she stood to the side of the dance floor, smiling beside Violet. "What are you doing loitering about?"
"Anyone would think you didn't enjoy my company." Anthony mused, shuffling a little closer as though making to hide behind her ad Lady Cowper looked in his direction.
"I do enjoy your company, But it's hard to do so with you hovering like a worried mother duck over me and our child."
"His father was just the same way when I was pregnant with Anthony." Violet sighed. "Like a worried chicken with his head cut off the entire time."
"He's lucky he's awfully handsome." Kate bit back a smile at Anthony's indignant expression as she took a sip of her lemonade.
"Oh his father was that as well."
"Ladies if I may remind you, I am within earshot." Anthony said dryly, shuffling closer to Kate once again, his hand closing around the light fabric of her skirt.
"We know, dearest. Truly, what do you think married ladies discuss at such-"
"Violet!" An older matron, Kate couldn't quite recall the name of, cut Violet off as she made her way over, "I thought I'd take the opportunity to congratulate you on another lovely party. A true success."
"I'm afraid I can take very little credit this year, Lady Fitzroy." Violet smiled gently, nudging Kate forward, "You must have met my daughter in law, Lady Bridgerton. Hasn't she shown us all a wonderful time. And of course, you remember the Viscount."
Lady Fitzroy's eyes widened in surprise, as though she hadn't noticed Kate and even less did she seem to expect Anthony to be peeking out from behind her. "I'm not sure I've had the pleasure."
Lady Fitzroy moved on quickly, looking curiously back over her shoulder as she took Violet with her, though Kate was suspicious that had more to do with Lady Fitzroy's path taking her much closer to Eloise who appeared to be reading a book behind a flower arrangement.
Anthony's hand flew out, taking Kate's empty glass, replacing it with a small cake. "You haven't eaten in three quarters of an hour."
Kate sighed, "Sweet of you, little duck."
"I'm not sure, I-"
"Lord Bridgerton." A man's voice cut Anthony's off, The earl of Gloucester appearing from nowhere with a gallant bow in Kate's direction. "I fear it would be very remiss of me not to ask our hostess for a dance this evening."
"Oh well, I-"
Anthony clicked his tongue, a flicker of irritation crossing his face before he sighed. "I'm afraid, Lady Bridgerton's dance card is rather full this evening, Gloucester, perhaps another time."
The man walked off with a slightly disappointed expression before Kate tutted, "Well, thank you for getting me out of that, but I rather think he might notice when I'm not seen on the dance floor all evening."
Anthony tutted, placing her now empty plate on a passing footman's tray. "I think you'll find that wasn't a lie."
Anthony flicked at something tied to her wrist that hadn't been there before, Kate's eyes widening in surprise.
He;d tied a dance card there, pink ribbon hanging from her wrist every line filled with familiar handwriting-
Anthony, Viscount Bridgerton
Tears pricked at her eyes as she stared down at it, Anthony already tugging her towards the dance floor, the same dance that had been the very first they'd ever danced together striking up around them.
"When did you do that?" Kate gasped, as they fell into step, a little breathless.
"I'm very nimble fingered, you should know that." He winked at her, and Kate couldn't help the giggles she dissolved into, and neither it seemed could Anthony.
The New Lady Bridgerton's first heart and flowers ball went off this week past with nary a hitch. The food was lovely, the flowers beautiful and the lady in question's dress was truly something extraordinary. But the real spectacle was Lord and Lady Bridgerton themselves who were not seen off the dance floor all night and served as a true reminder of what everyone ought to be searching for on the marriage mart: Love.
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genderandanger · 1 year
So killua represented snakes twice in CAA
Whenever I think about it, his fighting style always resembled the fuid movements of snakes, but it've been stated outright only twice
Symbolically snakes can mean a two faced person, evil, and most importantly here: reincarnation
They can also be linked to the Zaoldyck family (all zeno attacks have the Chinese dragon, which looks like a snake, there are also some of em on top of the testing gates, also in the same arc kalluto represented one too)
First time was in fight against mostiquo lady
It's the first time in a while where hes asked to kill
He *switched on* his bloodlust
Shows how well controlled it is in comparison to say the hunter exam arc
(Also haha electricity boy go)
His attack was called "*Snake* awakening" (more accurate translation provided by me: snake coming back to life/ resustication)
The word indicates that the snake remains desactivated within him/dormant, but he can chose to revive it when needed as easily as a switch
Although that means that he cant erase it
Neither that he counts it as part of himself
(two faced/the Zaoldyck part of himself)
(Manga doesnt show it being switch off after so that's not important)(but anime does thx madhouse ((: )
The second time it comes up is against the fight with Ramoth
He is a shrike hare(rabbit??) hybrid
First thing first shrike and hares can beat/ eat snakes in the wild which means they are equal in the food chain to em(?), hence why killua is scared of him
(Also snakes that eats insects (mostiquos) r very small)
Shrikes tho (the show made a point to SPECIFY their type) can ALSO be a reference to reincarnations
*Apparent when ramoth giving the rest of the ants nen, aka rereviving them as he gave em nen*
So killua fight the guy til he takes out the needle(his own reincarnation!!) Then he beats him
In a fight between two reincarnation with killua winning in such a brutal way It feels like the moral is that the ants may evolve but they can't beat human growth, in power, in evil
cus humans malise is worse than the ants's ect ect
The anime makes a point to make his hoody violet (Zaoldyck color) and to give him Zaoldyck ost(flute version instead of the og)
=Instead of his Zaoldyck side being forced on him by family n him trying to hide it/keep it controlled( more on this l8r), now he choses to go full on out=
This is apparent in the way he killed em both:
Mostiquo lady: he cracked her neck, then said that if she behaved he'll kill her faster
Almost merciful
The time he and gon fought ramoth the 1st time was also merciful, neither tried to kill him, just electrecute/ punch him afar
Now the 2nd fight with Ramoth: killua made a show to kill him exactly like he killed Johns in the Hunter Exam
with crushing his vital organ after showing it to him
The pages in the manga are very similar
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Ramoth could feel/see his head flyingout of his body
While mostiquo lady died immediately
If we compare Johns fight with ramoth's
killua gave a warning instead of faking innocence, He also wasnt smug after the kill, instead he was very dismissive of it
Its shows that he got a grasp of how the world works, like instead of it being a superiority match he was doing it out of protection n he understood that what he was doing was wrong
Cus he understands how the world works now
Cus he gets that murder is wrong
It shows that killua didnt change since day one, he just got more experience
It shows that Killua even after all this time still thinks he's fucked up and evil, cant change for good
Tho unlike the hunter exam, he is not flaunting it proudly, he think he has to do it, cus HE is the evil one (this one meta by @whipshaw explains it perfectly, he got nuked tho so idk if it's still here THANKS TUMBLR)
Maybe that's why he was STRONGLY against gon killing any ant other than pitou(?) Taking them all out on his own
*He spends heaven arena and Greed island trying his best not to harm
Saving zushi in secret in peace is one
In the fight against the bomb devils he is the one who turned up with the least hurt guy (thanks aspoonofsugar and their great Illumi/killua meta)
He was trying his best to keep himself away from killing cus, well that him :)) , but in this context he might of thought that it was the least he could do in order to be good
When he had NO CHOICE other than killing, he embraced the fact that he has to be a "villain"
The moment he took off the needle was powerful, but I dont think that it means emotional growth as much as it means killua being able to SEE clearly (his words), ...not enough tho :(
Love the fact that election arc is spent with the Zaoldycks complaining how dumb/ kind killua is tho
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Bridgerton Rewatch S1E2 - Shock and Delight (Part 2)
I love Lady Danbury’s speech to young Simon when she takes him under her wing. That trust and belief is something Simon desperately needed, and she gave it to him freely. Also, with her past of being a shy wallflower, I really hope she plays some part in the next season with Penelope. I think she will, but we’ll see.
Simon and Daphne dancing together will always make me smile. They move so well together, it’s great to watch.
This next bullet is pulled straight from my notes, no changes: “Would she?” Simon, the man you ARE <3
Simon’s speech is such a powerful storytelling tool. He uses diction and words as power now that he has power over them. Where I had this note was during the alley scene between him and Berbrooke. The way he says “understanding” in that exchange really stood out to me because it’s like the word is venom that he’s spitting at Berbrooke. It’s fascinating.
We love seeing entitled assholes getting their asses beaten.
Something that confuses me a little is why Simon’s father kept the letters? I don’t know, he just seems like the kind of spiteful asshole that would burn them as soon as he got them. I could be reading it wrong, who knows?
“Might I go promenade for suitors with Eloise” is the funniest thing Penelope has said so far in the show. You cannot change my mind.
The audience doesn’t see this until later in the show, but what stands out to me in this rewatch is how wrong Eloise is about marriage. I think it would be good for her to have a conversation with one of the younger married women of the ton so she can realize how much liberty is afforded to a woman once she is married. It sucks that marriage is a condition of said freedom, but that is something that I think Eloise will have to eventually come to terms with anyway.
Everyone squaring up ready to fight Berbrooke when he comes in with that special license is truly something special to me and I cannot explain why.
I feel so bad for Eloise being shoved into the carriage next to Anthony after that whole ordeal with Berbrooke. When my older brother’s angry, it’s scary. Take that and add the whole murderous rage thing and I wouldn’t be able to manage. And you can tell by the look on her face that she is terrified.
Ah, my favorite trope. Queer-coded siblings take a smoke break.
For someone who isn’t used to Queen Charlotte’s erratic behavior, Violet is taking it like a champ. She has no other option but it’s still impressive.
I wrote down “Lady Berbrooke, the OG boy mom” and I don’t think there’s much else to say on that one.
I love that this show really emphasizes that gossiping is an Olympic sport. Especially with this Lady Whistledown sequence and the way the information spreads. It starts small and we see it spread to the point of the men at the gentlemen’s club reading about it in the sheet. I don’t know, I just think it’s fascinating.
I think it’s blown over a lot but Eloise does love Daphne. She resents her like any younger sibling would resent being compared to their seemingly perfect older sibling. That’s just natural. She’s more flippant about her disdain for Daphne than is necessary but she’s lashing out. I really wish we got more development with their relationship.
Finally, I’m gonna expand on my earlier point about Simon’s speech. At the end of the episode, Simon’s stutter kind of peaks through when he’s hiding his feelings for Daphne. There’s raw emotionality there. His words say one thing, but his body says the opposite.
Anyway, there we go. E2 DOWN! I'm about to watch E3 and take my notes so hopefully I can manage to keep this schedule I have.
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nasutchi · 11 months
(Warning: Swear words)
Okay so, *AHEM*
I’m PROBABLY gonna get my ass beaten for this probably by “OG” Powerpuff Girls fans who were fans of the original, but…
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I like to see Slim, one of the Amoeba boys, being transfem. Because she (fyi I’m referring Slim to being a girl to avoid transphobia accusations + I see her being transfem) got replaced with Violet (A pink/violet) Amoeba in the Powerpuff Girls anime (Powerpuff Girls Z)
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My Headcanon for this is being that Slim started to feel uncomfortable being referred to as an amoeba “boy,” so one day, Slim decides to dye herself pink and put on makeup and a sun hat, and goes under the name of Violet instead of Slim, which made her feel more comfortable and more like herself. While she IS still on the amoeba “boys,” they still go by that name even if Violet has changed her appearance (Idk if it WOULD count as transitioning since I’m not transgender myself nor idk how an amoeba in the Powerpuff girls universe would transition, not hate to anybody who’s trans and is reading this post btw) Also, after I watched the League of Lovely Ladies episode from the anime, I seen it as Violet starting to feel comfortable with spending time around Princess Morbucks and Sedusa away from the other two amoeba boys, in which Morbucks and Sedusa accept her for who she is even if she was apart of the amoeba boys
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Once again, this is my interpretation and view of how I see Slim/Violet from the Powerpuff Girls, mostly cause of the PPGZ anime. Other opinions are aloud, but NO transphobia is TOLERATED on my blog, thank you
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whisperstemptations · 3 months
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formerly, kiissme. penned by, Y V E. 30s. she/her. SMUT CENTRIC but not exclusively. low activity. semi-selective. most muses are 30+. no minors engage and will be blocked on sight. no personals, pls. discord on request. under construction.
wanna interact? opens ! — memes ! — muse list ! — wanted plots ! — wanted opposites !
be sure to read the rules. ( when I write them )
Where in the world is (👉゚ヮ゚)👉 y v e ?
@whisperstemptations ( fandomless multimuse - you are here! ) @ofashesandthorns ( got / historical - margaery tyrell ) @qveenofnoise ( stranger things / fandom based - jane bardot ) @quinntessentialmuses ( joe quinn muses, wip. ) @corrodedmaster ( stranger things based - eddie munson, wip. )
IN QUEUE — 14 / 33
mobile muse list under the cut !
💋 — FAYE BROOKES, OG, 36, bisexual, journalist, karen gillan fc. 💋 — FAYE BROOKES, CEO, 46, bisexual, publisher, lotte verbeek fc. 💋 — FAYE BROOKES, 30s, bisexual, historical lady, eleanor tomlinson fc. 💋 — FAYE BROOKES, 40s, bisexual, historical countess, lotte verbeek fc. 💋 — SHEILA BROOKES, 59, hetero, english teacher, michelle fairley fc. ( non-romantic ships ) 💋 — PATRICK BROOKES, 64, hetero, construction foreman, gary lewis fc. ( non-romantic ships ) 💋 — JERRY BROOKES, 60, hetero, pub owner, john hannah fc.
💋 — ALYSSA MITCHELL, 30s, bisexual, criminal lawyer, amy manson fc. 💋 — KEITH MITCHELL, 30s, hetero, detective, sam heughan fc.
💋 — LYDIA COLLINS, 40s, bisexual, bookshop owner / author, laura fraser fc.
💋 — CHARLIE CLARK, 30s, hetero, music journalist, matt smith fc. 💋 — NATHAN COLE, 30s, hetero, craftsman, joseph quinn fc.
💋 — ELLIE MATTHEWS, 30s, bisexual, graphic designer, felicity jones fc. 💋 — LIAM JACKSON, 40s, hetero, CEO of family oil, josh henderson fc. 💋 — JADE HART, 30s, bisexual, assistant to FAYE BROOKES, kat dennings fc.
💋 — FELICITY HARRINGTON, 40s, bisexual, actress, natalie dormer fc. 💋 — ALISHA KNIGHT, 40s, bisexual, heart surgeon, freema agyeman fc. 💋 — JEONG-EUN KWON, 40s, hetero, CEO of father's company, hyun bin fc. 💋 — BRYAN ALEXANDER, 40s, hetero, college professor, chris evans fc. 💋 — SANTIAGO BARRERA, 40s, hetero, artist and professor, diego luna fc. 💋 — RICHARD LIVINGSTON, 40s, hetero, duke / royal, henry cavill fc. 💋 — KURT BAKER, 40s, hetero, private investigator, dan stevens fc. 💋 — CHERYL ABBOTT, 20s, bisexual, young actress, sydney sweeney fc. 💋 — SCOTT WEST, 40s, hetero, talent turned talent manager, idris elba fc. 💋 — ABIGAIL CHAMBERLAIN, 20s, bisexual, preacher's daughter, lili reinhart fc.
💋 — CARVER ASHFORD, 50s, hetero, architect, timothy olyphant fc. 💋 — JASON ASHFORD, 30s, hetero, chef, joe keery fc.
💋 — ALICE ASHE, 40s, bisexual, brothel madame, natalie portman fc. 💋 — VIOLET DARLING, 30s, bisexual, escort, lily james fc.
💋 — TRIXIE HOLMES, 40s, bisexual, corporate lawyer, january jones fc. 💋 — ROXY WRIGHT, 20s, bisexual, OF content creator, josephine langford fc.
💋 — JOHNNY BARRETT, 50s, hetero, rock legend, jeffrey dean morgan fc. 💋 — JOY BARDOT, 30s, bisexual, law secretary, brianna howey fc. 💋 — JANE BARDOT, 20s, bisexual, aspiring singer, danielle campbell fc.
💋 — LUISA GUERRA, 30s, bisexual, influencer / business owner, melissa barrera fc. 💋 — DANIELA GUERRA, 20s, bisexual, investor, camila mendes fc.
💋 — MARK SPENCER, 40s, heterosexual, college dean / headmaster, tim downie fc.
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hopepaigeturner · 6 months
I really love your AOFAV series so can you do the Bath and Jail scene.
Aww thank you so much Nonny! I do love it and I have so much stuff stored in the WIP document I just...time runs away from me.
Bath Scene:
So I've gone into a little detail here about this...but go on, I'll give you another little taster.
"I want you to join me," Sophie whispered against his lips, the words slipping out. Benedict's eyes darken, his smirk widening as he stands and turns away to strip.
"I would like to watch"
Benedict looks over his shoulder, and raises an eyebrow. Sophie swallows, then stares him down with aburning intensity that is starting to settle in her stomach.
"I want to watch you."
Jail Scene
So I've split the jail scene, for @eleanor-bradstreet's post challenged me (I can't find the OG post, apologies Eleanor!). And while I love the comedic potential, and some fo the thematic points of that scene, it is lacking. So, essentailly I've split the jail scene in two. The first being : the proposal, Posy intervention, Sophie freed etc. The second part being the Violet and Araminta showdown...in a place a little more gentile.
“I am so glad we could come to an agreement.”
“Is that what we are calling blackmail these days?” Araminta sneers.
“Lady Penwood, how absurd." Violet says picking up her teacup. "We are merely ladies having tea.” Violet smiles a saccharine smile and takes a sip of tea .
Thank you for your support and I can't wait until I can show you all the stuff I've been working on. :)
Hope x
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ivyprism · 1 year
OG Sonas Updated! (Info Dump)
Trigger Warnings: Some AUs include death, trauma, and famine!
Ivy - Me
Personality: She's me. That's that. She's an extremely exaggerated version of me, but still. I treat her the way @kioko-noodles treats their sona! ^^
Appearance: She's a woman about 5'1" with long brown wavy hair (which can be changed to true violet). She is chubby in physique and is somewhat curved.
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(But purple in color!)
Hollyhock (Holly) - Horrortale H
Personality: Her personality is introverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting. She is a very calm, open-minded, and innovative person who approaches everything they do with care and creativity. She may appear unassuming or calm, but she has endured a great deal in order to live. She is inventive and creative, and she appears to be constantly lost in her thoughts and daydreams. She is upbeat and compassionate. She sees herself as lonely or invisible, lost in a world that doesn't seem to value the qualities that distinguish them.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has long curly brown hair. She has two scars on her face. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She also has more scars on her torso and body. She's the thinnest one here, but she's a healthy weight. She's 5'1".
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(with Gloves!)
Marguerite - Underfell H
Personality: She is a strong and fearless woman. She appears to be everywhere at once and works extremely hard at her job. Underneath her cold exterior is a compassionate and empathetic attitude. She is honest and tries to be gentler than others perceive her to be. She is completely in control of her temper and is unwilling to fight. She is close to the others because on the inside she is a very lonely person. She collaborates with friends on her writing. She is a great listener and knows nearly everything. She is also very calm and relaxed.
Appearance: She’s a woman with hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She has a scar on her face. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She also has more scars on her torso and body. She's muscular, yet chubby. She's 5'1". She has red highlights in her hair.
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Primrose - Underswap H
Personality: She is an honest and lovely young lady. She tells the truth, but she sugarcoats it sometimes to avoid hurting people's feelings, even if they need to hear it. She has good control over her temper and isn't afraid to fight. Her writing is done in collaboration with friends. She is extremely creative and open-minded, and she approaches everything they do with care and originality. She is a social butterfly who isn't afraid to approach new people. She is intelligent and creative, and she appears to be constantly lost in her thoughts and daydreams.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has short curly brown hair. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is thinner than her various counterparts, except Hazel. She's 5'1". She has prominent scars on her shoulders, back, and torso.
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Willow - Swapfell H
Personality: She is both fiery and aggressive, but she is also very quiet and cold. If people need to hear the truth, she tells them without regard for their feelings. She possesses strong self-control and is not afraid to fight. She is stern, but she knows how to keep her cool and avoid hurting others. Because of her quiet demeanor, she remains largely unknown. She is close to the others because on the inside she is a very lonely person. She usually avoids other people and only speaks with those she knows. She assists people when she can and isn't afraid to kill them when necessary.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has short curly brown hair. She has a scar on her face. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is muscular and thin. She's 5'1". She has slight purple highlights in her hair.
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Marigold - Dancetale H
Personality: Marigold resembles H in SO MANY WAYS. Nonetheless, she is more assured and less dense. She is incredibly sweet and considerate. She has a good temper, but if you push her too hard, she will give you cold responses. She enjoys all types of dancing and will go out of her way to dance with her friends and family. She is exceptionally talented and skilled in all forms of dance. Her personality traits include introversion, intuition, feeling, and prospecting. She is a calm, open-minded, and imaginative individual who approaches everything they do with focus and creativity. She is astute and inventive.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is chubby, yet flexible. She's 5'1".
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Lotus - Mafiatale H
Personality: She is a quiet and polite person. She wants to avoid injuring others and injuring herself. She has great self-control and is not afraid to fight. She is harsh, but she knows how to remain calm and avoid hurting others. She is a pacifist who despises and attempts to avoid the mafia lifestyle. She is both cautious and sweet. She is intelligent and creative, and she appears to be constantly lost in her thoughts and daydreams. She is cheerful and caring. She desires connections and friendships. She is extremely intelligent and attentive.
Appearance: She’s an extremely pale woman with hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is chubby. She has two scars on her face. She's 5'1".
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Lillium - Angels Fall H
Personality: The most reserved member of the group. She was a Savior Angel who became a Guardian to escape her life's stresses. She is completely absorbed in her work. She is harsh, but she knows how to maintain her composure and avoid causing harm to others. She is both cautious and sweet. She is an introvert with intuition, feeling, and prospecting skills. She is a composed, open-minded, and creative person who approaches everything with care and creativity. She may appear unassuming or calm, but she has been through a lot just to live. She is inventive and resourceful.
Appearance: She has hazel eyes. She has curly brown hair. She either wears glasses or has contacts. She is chubby but petite. She's 5'1".
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@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @the1920sisntaphasemom @hearty-dose-of-ranch @miscneilleaneous @buff-borf-bork
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jaysgirlx · 4 months
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hi i'm kleo aka ayo!! i'm a woc, my pronouns are she/her, i identify as pansexual, my personality type is entp, i'm a sagittarius and i'm lawyer in the making.
relationship status: single & heavily confused.
current obsession: a 3ds that i bought since my parents wouldn't let me have one growing up. it's even light pink!!
YES !! anything red, riting, legal studies, comics, animanga, lipgloss, cooking, bell-bottoms, winter, fast replies to texts, late nights, cuddling, over ear headphones, classic literature, legos, mini skirts, videogames, drinks with caffeine, attention, affection, hot pretzels, skateboarding, motorcycles, criminal justice, and always listening to music.
NO !! liars, entitled men, bugs, country music, my insomnia, bad wifi, bad hair days, double standards, pick mes, arriving late to functions, slow walkers, any form of discrimination and being broke.
FAVE SHOWS !! degrassi, suits, carmen sandiego, the bear, criminal minds, abbott elementary, the boys, camp camp, you, bridgerton, inside job, young & hungry, rwby, business proposal, cyberpunk: edgerunners, boy meets world, rick and morty, violet evergarden, atla/lok, and gilmore girls.
FAVE MOVIES !! 10 things i hate about you, atsv, a silent voice, black panther, clueless, httyd & trolls trilogy, now you see me, the princess and the frog, the batman, og monster high, the truman show, barbie, ocean's 8, bullet train, legally blonde, pretty woman and (500) days of summer.
FAVE ARTISTS !! arctic monkeys, bruno mars, megan thee stallion, twice, beyoncé, lady gaga, aepsa, burna boy, mitski, lay bankz, sabrina carpenter, flo milli, jungkook, laufey, sza, the neighborhood, metro booming, the weekend, stray kids, kendrick lamar, davido, willow, doja cat and the strokes.
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alrightsnaps · 1 year
what do you think of the queen charlotte show
*deep sigh*
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to state the obvious: i think that no one in the bridgerton fandom would have minded this show if it weren't for the shitty treatment of the bridgerton series by shondaland. some may have loved it, some may have passed on it but in either case there would have been no hard feelings.
the problem is that at this point shonda is using a show that's supposed to be about the bridgerton family for her own OG characters, while screwing over the canonical protagonists.
it's one thing to make a spin-off about an OC. it's been done before. as a matter of fact when i first watched s1 (before i read the books and waaay before the disaster of s2) i remember being intrigued by the charlotte/george scenes. but combined with what's become of the main show? where instead of focusing on the bridgerton fam (spouses included obv) and expanding on them half the screen time is about trashy plotlines of the featheringtons and queen charlotte obsessing over some gossip rag writer? where the most beloved couple received #that treatment in s2 and kate was little better than a supporting character in anthony's story? well.
plus the whole social media thing is just the production provoking fans atp. what spin-off doesn't get its own accounts for promo?! why do they call it a bridgerton story when it has nothing to do with the bridgertons and there's not even a bridgerton character in it?
with that out of the way: my honest opinion after seeing the trailers is that it's gonna be a bingeable show. unlike s3, which i honestly believe is gonna be a snoozefest outside the 5 minutes kathony, frannie and benedict get, QC has a very strong female lead in india, the chemistry with the male lead is there and arsema’s lady d and young violet will probably steal the show too. the story looks compelling enough for it to be a big success.
there's the issue of the shitty plotline of king george marrying a black woman and “uniting two societies” but ig we'll have to wait and see how that plays out. at least im glad that from what we've seen so far it seems that black people have been an established part of the aristocracy way before the george/charlotte marriage (charlotte’s brother makes a comment about them coming from a european aristocratic bloodline or something and lady danbury is a lady) so at least it won't be like. king george marrying a woman from a socially ostracized minority and that magically bringing equality to the realm. then again i may be underestimating shondaland’s ability to fuck up and i’ll be eating my words. it's happened before when it comes to bridgerton predictions and will probably happen again.
but entertainment wise it shows that it'll be good.
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the-strange-world · 10 months
Masterpiece 10 | amazing 9 | good 7-8 | ok 5-6 | skip 0-4
BLUE - XEED : 8/10 • it’s chill and summery a bit | FAV BSIDES - Priceless & Hold my hand
DO or DIE - xikers : 9/10 | FAV BSIDES - Run, Skater, & HOMEBOY. I really liked this album!
The Flash - KWON EUNBI : 7/10 | FAV BSIDE - Beautiful Night
dangdang - MAMAMOO+ : 9/10 • the beat sounds so similar to something but I can’t think of the song. I LIKE THIS sounds like another mamamoo song so much but idk which one 😂 it has old mamamoo vibes. The other bside was chill. I liked both bsides
Turn it off - NINE.i : 10/10 • they are soooooooo underrated | FAV BSIDES - Like Crazy, ONE, & Power Up. I liked Hurt too
The summer night - COOING : 5/10 • very pretty and chill. I just wouldn’t listen to it again probably
Planet - BXB : 6/10 • the beginning sounds like something else. The bside (Thirsty) is so funny but I don’t think it’s meant to be
ONE MORE TIME - BBGIRLS : 9/10 • omg why do all these songs keep reminding me of another song? | FAV BSIDE - LEMONADE
Mad - ABLUE : 10/10 | I like both bsides - BITE & DIEF
Madeleine - LIMELIGHT : 8/10
TGIF - XG [prerelease] : 10/10
FREE WORLD - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 10/10
LIP GLOSS - THE BOYZ : 10/10 • ITS SO GOOD AND FUN!!!! A SUMMER BOP! I had high expectations and was NOT disappointed. I LOVE THIS SONG. It’s so catchy and I’m a pop girlie for sure 😂 Fun fact: apparently from20 helped write the chorus. This whole album didn’t disappoint. No skips. Every song was amazing. I’m even more excited for the other 2 parts of this album. THE BOYZ ARE BACK BABY. IM CRYING. This is probably one of my fav albums from them. Fantasize has potential of being another salty for me I think | FAV BSIDES - Passion Fruit, Fairy Tale, Fantasize, Lighthouse, & Fire Eyes
Fast Forward - JEON SOMI : 10/10 • ok LADY GAGA. This song gives rain on me vibes. I love it! This album was everything. I can’t believe this album and the boyz album were released on the same day. GREAT MUSIC! | FAV BSIDE - The Way & Fxxked Up
On the road - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 7/10
Horizon - JAEHYUN : 7/10
Wormhole - n.SSign : 9/10 • it’s kinda Halloweenesque so idk why they released it now but the song is good. I’ll be listening to it during Halloween time. I’m getting exo vibes too. This album slapped! | FAV BSIDE - SPICE. I liked Melody (it reminded my of another song) & Home too
TAXI - Jo Yuri : 10/10 • she doesn’t miss. It’s a happy and fun song | FAV BSIDE - Lemon Black Tea. I liked Hang On too
Maker Breaker - DAIZEE : 8/10 • this definitely has a sample or something of some song in this but i can’t think of the song. Maybe hate on me?
SMILEY (Japanese Ver) - YENA feat. CHANMINA [JP] : ♾/10 • i actually love this version so much. It’s better than the og imo | FAV BSIDE - Déjà Vu
DUBI DUBI - ARTBEAT v : 8/10 • i liked it more as it went on. I love the chorus. The song has an 80s vibe
HEARTBEAT - TAN : 10/10 • they are so underrated. People should stop sleeping in them! | FAV BSIDE - VIOLET and I liked all the bsides too especially the 3 unit songs
Mirage of Flower - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 4/10
Break Out - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 5/10
EUROPA - HYNN : 6/10
Love Me Love Me - Kwon Jin Ah : 7/10
Drive5 - HWIYOUNG : 7/10
My Sunshine - CHEN [JP prerelease] : 6/10
OUTLAW - Bz-Boys : 9/10 • I’ve never heard of this group. This song was great. The album was good too! | FAV BSIDE - Find you
All Yours - DKB : 9/10 | FAV BSIDE - Told You (I liked both the regular and remix)
I Don’t Know Yet What Love Is - TSUKI (Billlie) : 6/10
Bubble - STAYC : ♾/10 • they did it AGAIN!!! Bubble is one of the my fav songs already. The choreography is everything | FAV BSIDE - Not Like You
Truth or Dare - Rocking Doll Roa : 10/10
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