#the Cavendish home for boys and girls
cyanide-sodapop · 10 months
there’s an AU where I never read any of my favorite books with immaculate vibes that inspired me to be like “yep. I like that style of writing. I’m doing that”
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themetallicnemesis · 1 year
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Some more book doodles :]
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aprildiamond9 · 2 years
the only thing in my head rn is a completely nonexistent fancam of victoria wright set to beyonce's alien superstar. that's called brainrot babey
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bluegalaxygirl · 4 months
Celestial wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P12
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, blood, salivary, needles and PTSD.
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P13 - P14 - P15 - P16 - P17 - P18
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With a smile your eyes meet Zoro's who places his hand on your cheek wiping away the joyful tears that slip out of your eye "You ok baby?" The swordsman asks with a small smile happy to have you back but still worried about how tired and injured you are. "Thank you" It's all you could say, words can't describe how happy and thankful you are to be with the two you love again and back on the ship you call home, with the people you call family. Pulling Luffy's face out of your neck, you hug the two of them properly running your hands through their hair feeling how soft it is, Luffy lets his arms go back to normal before wrapping them around the both of you and kissing your cheek. "I love you both" you whisper with a big smile kissing their shoulders making Zoro sigh in relaxation leaning into you kissing your head while running his hand up and down your back "I love you too baby" The swordsman whispers back while Luffy lets out a small laugh squeezing the both of you a little "I love you too", looking up threw teary eyes you can't help but spot the girls laughing and smiling while hugging members of the crew, it brings warmth to your heart knowing that they are now safe and can live their lives again. Sakura looks up from where she's hugging Cavendish and waves at you before running over soon followed by the other girls "Y/n, Thank you so much" Sakura yells running over with tears forming in her eyes soon stopping in front of you and bowing, the other girls doing the same thanking you and your two boys.
Luffy laughs pulling away from your shoulder smiling at the girls while Zoro keeps his head in your neck giving it light kisses not wanting to let go yet. "I'm glad your all ok" You smile at them soon seeing Sanji walking over lighting a cigarette with a large smile on his face. "Sanji, would you mind making some food for everyone, especially the girls" You can feel Zoro growl against your neck at the cooks name but you run your fingers through his hair to try and calm him down which seems to work as he hums into your neck. Sanji smiles at you and glides over swaying a little with slight hearts in his eyes "of course Y/N-Chan, I'll make your favorite too... come on lady's I'll cook you the best meal you've ever had" The cook turns to the girls who giggle at him but the cook blushes bright when Rin hugs his arm and jumps a little in excitement "Thank you so much" Rin smiles making Sanji's nose bleed a little, but he manages to compose himself and wipe it away. Luffy wanted to jump up and join them, but he also wanted to stay with you so he opted for the next best thing "Hay Sanji can you bring me some meat" The captain smiles big getting the cook's attention away from the girls, even though Sanji groaned at the request you could see his small smile "Of course captain" The blonde gives you one last smile before heading up the stairs and to the kitchen the lady's following him after thanking you and your boys again.
From the other end of the ship Nami calls out to your captain with a small smile "Hay Luffy, were gonna head to the next island where we'll meet up with Barto's and Cavendish's crews, ok?" Luffy smiles at the navigator who's standing by the wheel of the ship and waves back "Awesome, tell them to bring meat" You couldn't help but laugh a little at seeing Nami's face drop at the order "And booze" Zoro mumbles into your neck but Luffy heard and nodded yelling again at the navigator "Oh! and Booze too" Nami face palmed as Usopp stands next to her patting her shoulder to comfort her. Pulling away from your neck Zoro kisses your cheek working his way over to your lips which you gladly kiss back, feeling needy the swordsman grabs your chin with his fingers sliding his tongue into your mouth which you accept gripping onto his hair and pulling him closer. Luffy leans back watching you and his first mate make out while giving you a smile, happy to have you back on the ship. Pulling away breathless the swordsman lets your chin go so Luffy can cup your cheek peppering your face with kisses making you laugh "Luffy, stop" you push lightly while letting out a small laugh, it hurt a little when he kissed under your eye or on your cheek bone but you didn't really want it to stop. "At least kiss me properly" You sigh running your hands up his chest and too his shoulders, the captain soon stops kissing your face placing his lips on yours, humming into it you lick his lower lip wanting more.
Luffy smiles shoving his tongue into your mouth letting it roam around before meeting yours, his hands starting to wonder finding the place he always loves to place his hand, lost in the moment you didn't stop him just enjoy the feeling of his lips on yours. The captain's hand makes it to your thigh lightly squeezing it making you jump and groan in pain pushing him away "Sorry" Luffy gasps pulling his hands away from you, suddenly feeling something wet and warm coat his hand "Shit babe, your bleeding" Zoro yells pressing his hands to your thigh, you yell in pain but force yourself not to push him away letting the swordsman hold pressure since its bleeding through the bandage. Hearing your yell of pain Chopper jumps up and runs over to you from where he was making sure the rest of the crew is ok "Y/n, what happened?" The doctor yells pulling out his med kit from his backpack and helping Zoro stop the bleeding. "It's ok, it's not your fault" You state placing your hand on Luffy's cheek as he looks over his hand covered in your blood "I-I'm sorry" The captain flicks his eyes to you then your leg gulping at the blood seeping through Zoro's fingers "It's ok, you didn't mean too, it's been on and off bleeding all day... your ok honey" You place your hands on his cheeks making the captain look at your face and not your leg, he nods before placing his forehead against yours making you smile. He hates that your comforting him but it does help, when he swore the blood on his hand the first thing that came to mind was Ace.
This whole time all he could think of was not letting it be like marineford, it was over now but your still not out of danger and the blood on his hand made him realize that "Luffy, It's ok really, I'm not going anywhere" You whisper noticing that glazed over look in his eyes but with your words he comes back to you giving you a small smile "I should be the one comforting you" The captain places a light kiss on your lips before wiping your blood off his hand, you didn't mind comforting him, you hate seeing him go into a PTSD episode but over time those have become less and less frequent which is good. You were also grateful for the distraction, focusing on Luffy meant you could distract yourself from the pain of Zoro's shifting hands and Chopper bandaging your leg as tight as he can to stop the bleeding until he can get it stitched up later. Chopper wipes his hands on a towel before handing it to Zoro letting him do the same before looking over your now bandaged leg, the blood seeped through a little but it was much slower than before soon stopping completely. "Lets get you into the medical room, you can rest and i can patch you up" Letting Luffy go you look at the doctor nodding at him before feeling Zoro put his arms under you to pick you up, wrapping your arms around his neck you lean into him as he follows Chopper to the medical bay while Luffy jumps up running after you and Zoro. "Their ok Captain, you don't need to worry" Zoro reassures watching his captains worried eyes lock onto you but the swordsman's words seem to make Luffy calm down a bit earning a small smile and nod from the captain.
Making it into the medical room the swordsman places you on the bed being careful of your leg as Chopper grabs everything he needs, Luffy spins a chair around and sits on it not wanting to be in the doctors way but also wanting to be close, he rests his arms and head on the back of the chair watching Chopper dig through a few medical boxes. Sitting up you look over your badly hurt and cold legs as the reindeer makes his way back being helped onto the bed by Zoro, placing the medical box's down the doctor opens them and takes out a few things "I'm gonna put an IV in to make things easier, ok?" The doctor asks waiting for you to nod before taking your hand and wiping it with an antiseptic cotton ball, his eyes widen though when the makeup on your hand comes off showing a big bruise. Your breath hitched in your throat completely forgetting the fact you had makeup on this whole time, it surprised you since even with all the tears, sweating and peoples touches, it didn't come off. "Oh, i- urm" you didn't know what to say as Zoro sat next to you on the bed leaning over to see what you look so sad about "Y/N? Can i see your other hand?" the doctor asks but you sigh putting your hands on your lap "It's probably gonna be the same, I-i pissed him off this morning" You look down at your lap only to hear Luffy let out a small laugh earning a glare form Zoro and Chopper "That's my girl, always the fighter" The captains words shocked you but it also filled you with a sense of pride, even though you were hurt Luffy was proud of you for never giving up or backing down.
With a small smile you place your hand on Zoro's shoulder getting him to look at you, he sighs at your face but gives in deciding not to yell at Luffy "I'll clean it all off if you have more of that antiseptic stuff, It doesn't seem like it will come off normally" Chopper nod when realizing your talking to him before turning to the swordsman "Zoro, there's a cloth on the side and in the cupboard there's a big white bottle marked antiseptic, can you get it please?" The Doctor asks with a smile, the green haired man couldn't refuse the reindeer and nods standing up and heading over to get what he needed. "Is there anything else i should know about?" Chopper asks growing concerned that you might be hiding something from them or forcing yourself to forget. You think for a moment then remember your eye and the contact they put in it to make it look normal so you tilted your head back and used your finger to try and get it out. "What are you doing?" Luffy yells in surprise almost making Zoro drop the stuff in his hands as he turns to look over at you seeing you trying to get something out of your eye "They put a contact in so it would look normal" You state managing to grab the contact and pull it out, blinking a few times you look back to your boys who both look at you in shock, Chopper leans up and takes your cheek making you face him, so he can have a better look. Its blood shot but right around the iris is a thin ring of dark red blood "Can you see through it?" The doctor asks as Zoro makes his way back over and sits on the bed placing the stuff down, you nod your head at Chopper who smiles in reprocess.
Taking the cloth and wetting it with antiseptic Chopper wipes your other hand seeing that it isn't baldy bruised, Zoro take the cloth off him and start wiping your face as the doctor puts in the IV. You hiss at the pain in your hand and face as the swordsman wipes under your eye showing the bark blue and purple skin under the makeup, Luffy's eyes widen when seeing your black eye and cut cheek, his anger boiling as Zoro wipes away more and more of the makeup on your face and arms. Zoro clenched his jaw as more and more of your injuries where revealed, he can't believe all of this seemed to be from this morning. "Is it bad?" You ask after the swordsman puts the stained cloth down, they both looked shocked and angry as they stared at anything but you. "He did this to you?" Your captain asks through gritted teeth his hands gripping the chair he's sitting in, remembering what happened you cover your mouth and nod trying to stop your sobs and tears from falling. Zoro wraps his arms around you letting you bury your head into his neck as you cry the memories flooding back and the pain returning. Starting to hyperventilate Chopper acts quickly giving you some medication to help with the pain and to help you calm down as Luffy stands up making his way over to the bed and leaning over placing his hand on your cheek "Your safe now Muffin, we won't let him touch you" Luffy gives you a small smile as you lift your head up and way from Zoro's neck "Slow your breathing babe" Zoro whispers as he strokes your hair, leaning in the captain kisses the red cut on your forehead while his hand lightly runs up and down your back.
Luffy places kisses down your face soon getting to your bruised and blood shot eye which you close feeling him kiss it lightly a few times before going to your lips giving you a small kiss. Managing to calm down and breath normal again you sit back up, Zoro places his hand lightly against your cheek feeling you lean into him wanting to take in the feeling of his touch, the swordsman smiles leaning closer lightly brushing his lips against yours, when you lean into it he lightly presses his lips to yours before kissing the bruises and cuts on your cheek and neck. "My Strong lady" Zoro whispers against you neck, it sparks something in you, making you want to cry out of happiness but a part of you couldn't believe that you were strong, you couldn't stop him from hurting you or stop the guards from shoving your head under water. Noticing you spiraling again Luffy cups your face mirroring what you do to him in times like these "Hay, Y/N your ok, your fine, you safe with us" The captain whispers trying to remember your tone of voice, it makes Zoro smile seeing how much you all learn from each other. The swordsman rubs your back while looking over your face seeing it twist in pain and anger. "I couldn't stop him" You whisper taking Luffy's hands off your face so you can look away only now noticing that Chopper has been cleaning and bandaging your legs this whole time, luckily though he hasn't gotten to your thigh yet not wanting to disturb the clot that has most likely formed by now.
Luffy tries to take your face back but you shake your head at him your body stating to tense up and shake "You did well-" Zoro tries to say but your head shoots back to look at him, your eyes filled with a mixture of anger and fear "No i didn't... Once that collar was on i just gave in and the one time i stood up i- i could have gotten one of the girls killed" you almost yell gritting your teeth as tears start to fall down your face "It was humiliating, i hated every second with that disgusting pervert" Your hands grip into fists as you stare down at the sheets. They didn't know what to say or do as you ramble and rant about what happened this morning but as you spoke things got worse. Zoro's heart broke hearing what that dragon did to you and what you had to go through, how he starved you all, made you feel like an object and beat you when he dared to touch you. Luffy's anger grew tilting his hat down so his hate filled eyes were covered by his hat, he wanted to tune out what you were saying but his mind wouldn't let him, all he could think of was tearing that man apart for what he did to you. Finally, calming down and finishing your rant that you couldn't even register just happened a long silence filled the room until Zoro leaned in and wrapped you up in a hug making you release a breath you didn't know you were holding "We've got you baby" Those simple words meant so much to you but it still didn't stop the hurt you felt. Luffy reaches his hand out and places it on your arm, he wanted to comfort you but he also didn't want you to see the hate filled look on his face "Zoro's right, We've got you muffin" you can't help but smile at the nickname while leaning into the swordsman.
As time passed Chopper fixed your legs, arms then your face, the drugs he gave you helped with the pain and tiredness you were feeling. Robin was kind enough to drop off some clothes for you which Zoro and Luffy helped you into, with the dress off and in warm clothes and comfy socks you felt free and a bit more relaxed. Luffy sat back in his chair holding your hand while Zoro sat next to you on the bed his arm around your shoulder as you lean your side into him resting your head on his shoulder. Chopper was almost done with the big bruise and scratch on your side, which you didn't know you had until your dress was off, so that meant the next thing would be your thigh. You didn't want to see it, you didn't want your tattoo to be gone but you knew deep down it was. Chopper finished wrapping a bandage around your side sitting back a bit to make sure it looked right before going to your thigh to remove the bandages but you grabbed his hand making Luffy and Zoro look at you in confusion. "Wait.. I-i'm not ready to see it yet" You tear up a little, a part of you hopes that when you take the bandage off your tattoo will still be there but you know that isn't the case and seeing it will just confirm it. Zoro sighs feeling you shake a little so moves you forward, so he can sit behind you letting your back rest against his chest while he takes your hands holding them in his to stop you from grabbing Chopper again "Please baby, just let him work" The swordsman begs placing a kiss on your head but you shake your head mentally not prepared to see it.
The doctor looks you over noticing your teary eye, but he needed to do his job. "I really need to deal with this Y/N, its stopped bleeding but it needs to be cleaned and properly assessed" Chopper places his hand on your leg giving it a light rub in reassurance while watching your tired eyes look over your thigh "I know your tired and everything is overwhelming you but i need to fix this" The doctor begs giving you big eyes which you can't help but look at, you knew he was just trying to help but it scared you. Zoro squeezes your hands before pulling them into your chest while laying his chin on your shoulder trying to see face. "Come on baby, it's the last thing, then you can eat and sleep ok?" Zoro kisses your cheek, feeling you relax into him a bit, Luffy leans closer when you don't answer and takes one of your hands from Zoro "Muffin please don't make me order you" He smile at you as he jokes but you could hear a bit of seriousness in his voice, reluctantly you nod watching as Chopper puts some new gloves on before starting to undo the bandages. Luffy sighs seeing your eyes still focused on your thigh, your breath quickens and your eyes water making his heart ache. "Don't worry Muffin, I'm sure Chopper can fix it" Luffy smiles trying to reassure you as he squeezes your hand but you can't help but break at those words, tears spilling out of your eyes as you shut your eyes tight, there's nothing to fix and you couldn't stop it from happening. In a way you felt like you betrayed your crew, your captain, your lovers, it hurt your heart that it was gone forever.
Luffy kisses your hand while Zoro rocks your side to side slightly trying to calm you down as you gasp for breath with tears streaming down your face. "There's nothing to fix, she took it from me" Your voice breaks as you sob leaning back into Zoro slightly turning in his arms so your can shove your head into his neck. Luffy raises an eyebrow at your words but Zoro holds you closer seeming to know before the bandages are even removed. "It's ok baby, i know, i know" The swordsman whispers to you resting his head on yours as he strokes your hair and back trying to sooth you "Y/n? It's gonna be ok, Choppers the best doctor in the world" Luffy gets up out of his chair to sit on the bed next to you so he can wipe the tears form your cheek but you shake your head unable to get words out. Chopper gulps when taking the last of the bandages away seeing a big patch of skin missing where your tattoo used to be "I'll give you a nerve blocker and then fix this up so don't worry" Chopper digs through the medical bag as Luffy turns to see what the doctors on about, his eyes widen at the sight and now understands what you mean, anger boils in him knowing how much that tattoo meant to you. Zoro grabs Luffy's shoulder snapping him out of his hate filled gaze on your leg trying to get some help in calming you down "I'm sorry baby" Zoro whispers to you kissing the top of your head while Luffy leans closer placing his hand on your cheek giving it light rubs with his thumb. Pulling out what he needs Chopper goes to your hip trying to find the nerves he needs, when the doctor injects you jump a little in pain letting out a small whimper.
The captain sighs pulling your hand to him and resting it on his chest letting your fingers grip onto his skin before relaxing managing to feel Luffy's heart beat, it was calm and steady despite him being angry seconds before. "I know it hurts muffin but you still have us, we're not going to leave you" Panting a little you managed to open your eyes to see the captains face and the loving look he sent you, it helped you calm down bit and stop the excessive amount of tears falling down your face. "Get some sleep, it's been a long day" Zoro kisses your head as he leans back against the bed frame pulling you with him so you can hopefully sleep. Gulping you nod letting your tears dry up, the nerve blocker was working wonders, you couldn't feel a thing as Chopper worked hard to fix up your thigh, so it was easy for you to let your eyes close and relax into Zoro's warm chest. Luffy smiles at you and places a kiss on your hand pulling it off his chest to let it rest on Zoro's chest "Someone will always be with you, ok?" The captain whispers knowing that being alone in a time like this is scary, so he wanted to reassure you that it won't happen "Thank you... I love you both... Thank you Chopper" You whisper finally managing to talk again, Chopper smiles and let's out a few happy hums as he fixes your leg while Luffy lets out a small chuckle. "I love you to baby" Zoro kisses your head again as Luffy leans closer kissing your cheek "I love you muffin" The captain gives you loving glance before turning to Zoro and lightly kissing his lips. The swordsman smiles into it kissing back a bit harder before pulling away letting Luffy rest his forehead against his "I love you Zo" Luffy whispers as the swordsman brings a hand up to cup the captains cheek "I love you too, my captain".
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veronicaleighauthor · 8 months
Banned Books Week 2023
It’s that time of year again, when we honor and focus on the books out there that have been banned. And boy, it seems the last few years that book banning has been on the rise. You know if you don’t like a book and you don’t agree with it, no one is forcing you to read it. I’ll even go as far as understanding parents taking books out of their own kid’s hands. My objection is when parents take books out of some other kid’s or adult’s hand. Growing up, if someone had taken “The Diary of Anne Frank” off of my library’s shelf, I would have been lost.
This year I’m focusing on… “Anne of Green Gables,” by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Yes, you read that right, our dear old unromantic Anne Shirley was banned!
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Eleven-year-old Anne Shirley has never known a real home. Since her parents’ deaths, she’s bounced around to foster homes and orphanages. When she is sent by mistake to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she wants to stay forever. But Anne is not the sturdy boy Matthew and Marilla were expecting.   She’s a mischievous, talkative redheaded girl with a fierce temper, who tumbles into one scrape after another. Anne is not like anybody else, the Cuthberts agree; she is special, a girl with an enormous imagination. All she’s ever wanted is to belong somewhere. And the longer she stays at Green Gables, the harder it is for anyone to imagine life without her.
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Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in Clifton, Prince Edward Island, in 1874. Educated at Prince Edward College, Charlottetown, and Dalhousie University, she embarked on a career in teaching. From 1898 until 1911 she took care of her maternal grandmother in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, and during this time wrote many poems and stories for Canadian and American magazines. Montgomery’s first novel, Anne of Green Gables, met with immediate critical and popular acclaim, and its success, both national and international, led to seven sequels. Maud Montgomery also wrote the popular Emily of New Moon in 1923 followed by two sequels, and Pat of Silver Bush in 1933 with its sequel. L. M. Montgomery died in Toronto in 1942, but it is her early years of lush, green Prince Edward Island that live on in the delightful adventures of the impetuous redhead, the stories Mark Twain called “the sweetest creation of child life yet written.”
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Why It was Banned:
You’re probably asking yourself, who on earth would ban something as adorable, and funny, and innocent as “Anne of Green Gables?” (Who on earth bans any book?) Well, let’s find out!
After “Anne of Green Gables,” was published in 1908, it wasn’t long before it was translated into other languages, that way others could fall in love with Anne Shirley. In 1912, it was translated to Polish and it found a captive audience amongst the Polish people. Soon, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s other works were translated, and she grew very popular there. Anne’s individuality was endearing. In 1939, when the Nazis invaded Poland, Polish soldiers were issued copies of Montgomery’s novels to take to the frontlines, as a means to raise the moral. When the Nazis occupied the country, “Anne of Green Gables” and Montgomery’s other works were banned, but that didn’t stop the Polish people. Copies were sold on the black market; resistance members carried them. Anne Shirley had become a beacon of hope. The war in Poland ended in 1945 and I’m sure the Polish people were looking forward to being free…unfortunately, they had been liberated by the Soviets and a Communistic government was put into place. Similarly, because Montgomery’s works were so beloved and “Anne’s resistance to authority” was a threat, the Soviets viewed it as “subversive” and banned “Anne of Green Gables” in 1953 to 1956.
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My Thoughts:
I first read “Anne of Green Gables” when I was thirteen or fourteen. My family and I were visiting family up north and we stopped by this huge warehouse that sold old, used books for cheap. I stumbled across “Anne of Green Gables” and from the title I was intrigued, and it was one of the ones we bought. I devoured it and soon fell in love with odd, weird, red-haired girl. She turns her hair green, hits a boy with a slate, gets her friend drunk – what’s not to like? I had no idea it was Classic Lit – to me Anne Shirley felt modern and realistic. I went on to read the rest of the series, and re-read them off and on over the years. Then, I found the miniseries! Imagine my surprise when I learned it was a banned book.  
So, you see, the Nazis and the Communists banned and censored books…Those who are on the side of good don’t ban and censor books. And I’ll leave it at that.
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reflectismo · 1 year
Stalked by fans
❝On one such off day, June 26, Paul, spotted Carolyn Mitchell, the 24-year-old who moved from Salt Lake City to London in March 1969, to be near Paul, and who regularly camped out in front of his house on Cavendish Avenue. She had spoken with Paul several times and appeared in several press articles about the girls who kept vigil at Paul’s London home.
“I came from America to be with Paul and, just my luck, I arrived the week before he got married,” she lamented to one reporter. “My feelings towards Paul are different from those towards a pop idol, really they are. They’re as real as they can get. I don’t often go out with boys. I just don’t like them. Nobody could replace Paul for me. Maybe I will have to be an old spinster, like some people have told me. I can’t help it. I just want a relationship with him that would mean I don’t have to stand by the gate. I’d like him to be a friend.”
Paul recognized Mitchell when he saw her, perched on a rock just over the property line, looking down at High Park. Hopping into the Land Rover, he drove over to her and gave her a piece of his mind—as well as, she claimed, a clout on the nose.
“For three years now,” Paul told the Daily Express, “I have been asking her politely—pleading with her—to leave me and my family alone. She refused to recognize that I am married with a family. When I saw her sitting, looking down on us, that was the end. This time I told her to go away, and not politely. I admit it. I was rude.
“All I did was chase her away. I never touched her. If she’s injured, she must have fallen on the way down the hill. I moved here for peace and quiet—not to have cranks and sightseers around. If I didn’t try to stop girls invading the privacy of my home here, I’d never get rid of them.”
Mitchell lodged a complaint with the Campbeltown police, who sent an officer to investigate. Her complaint was later dropped. In Campbeltown on their own, Hugh and Holly McCracken had their own glimpse of being stalked by fans, an experience that put Paul’s invitation in an uncomfortable perspective and reminded Hugh that apart from other concerns, he had to decide whether, after a decade of mostly studio work, he was comfortable being in the public eye to the degree he would be in a band with Paul.
“I had long, straight blond hair,” Holly said, “and Hugh had a beard, as Paul did at the time, and he looked a lot like Paul. So there were people following us around, and we figured they thought we were Paul and Linda. Hugh said it felt like someone had thrown cold water in his face, and he woke up to the reality that being in Paul McCartney’s band would be huge. And that gave him pause. He loved Paul, and he loved working with him, but he didn’t feel comfortable with that level of fame.”❞
— The McCartney Legacy, Volume 1: 1969 – 1973 by Allan Kozinn and Adrian Sinclair (2022)
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basedkikuenjoyer · 6 months
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I hit 100 followers a while ago. It's not the biggest thing ever I know, but I also didn't really expect anything like that when I started this silly little blog about a mysterious lady and her goofy samurai gang. For 50 we did 27 favorites. People seemed to like it. Main cast taking up a bunch of spots is boring, though I do think a few of these could potentially end up in the main one. For now though that's Nami, Brook, & Jinbei. This time is more measured, I actually thought about a Sweet 16 and why. It's fun to see how it changes over time:
Cabbage: I love pretty idiots in anime. This one was necessary to keep me invested in Dressrosa. But there is a real amount of nobility there and the story of actually being a fallen prince obsessed with stardom is a good one! Most little guy Leo is surging but Cavendish is still my favorite of the Grand Fleet captains.
Queen Otohime: I've already said a lot about her with our Seafloor Sidestory. Such a great examination of a political leader, a civil rights icon. I've flirted with that role myself at times and always been around it as a quirk of fate...so it's cool to see someone who gets the nuances like Oda did with this story. How it plays off of Tiger's, influences someone like Jinbei. I rate Fishman Island very high and Otohime is a huge part of that.
Pudding: Pudding is such a two-faced little snot but young enough and cartoonish enough about it I think she's funny. Whole Cake is a great arc, love how she plays off of Sanji, the "Doll" element hits a little close to home.
Crocodile: He's got style, he's got grace. He'll throw sand in your face. Cool villain, loved him in Impel Down/Marineford, epitome of T-Boy swag.
Miss Goldenweek: Marianne, Goldie...such a treasure. Girl makes me laugh so much. Comically lazy but the secret weapon that was a nightmare for Luffy. Cover story that made her shine as a capable operative and Rainbow of Dreams rocks. Please come back to Cross Guild you little weirdo. I need you and Buggy playing off each other, I need Crocodile hyping up one of his superstar agents to Mihawk only for her to doze off/ask for snacks in the middle of it.
Nekomamushi: He is a massive yellow cat man. This is a great start. Had a nice theme song too. He loves lasagna but isn't an asshole like Garfield. Rising love. Samurai cat man. Then he's Kiku's lil bro and I enjoy pondering that dynamic. Goro nya nya.
Kin'emon: He was pretty funny before, making the chauvinist a simp for his classy af wife and the confused, but caring father figure to a sweetheart trans girl is hilarious. I love his devil fruit and impersonating Doffy was classic. His supernatural luck forced his way deeply into my heart.
Conis: Conis is lovely. Sweet angel girl...with a big ol bazooka she is not afraid to use. People forget Conis but I still love her. Sky Island was fun.
Jewelry Bonney: Being an angry child makes her so much more fun. Always thought she was a solid Supernova. Being such a glutton is funny. Egghead has elevated her. Interesting devil fruit, it's the one my sweetie would want to eat himself which is neat.
Izo: Izo is very, very pretty. He is also good at shooty but have you seen how pretty he is? He is also the dashing elder brother of #1 blorbo...
Kiku: I know this inclusion will surprise some of you. She's a total sweetie with hidden narrative weirdness. What's not to love and obsess over? Plus she's really tall and forgets that when hiding behind things. Imagine if we saw her trying to hide behind Chopper sticking most of his body out from behind a hiding place. That would tick us back at least one minute from midnight.
Cindry: The other Okiku and subject of our Spooky Sidestory. Maliciously compliant zombie with a showgirl vibe. Far out. Hucking plates rules as a combat style.
Ginny: Some might say she's too new. Some Might Say is a pretty good early Oasis song. Neither of those are relevant right now. I love Ginny. She's wonderful. She got done dirty because flashback characters always get done dirty.
Hina: Hina pleased to be included. Hina pleased. She was our Shackled Sidestory and I love her. The cool vibe mixed with a couple of childish traits. One of our truly good Marines who probably hasn't gotten high enough up the ladder to really know how depraved the World Government is. Cool fruit too, perfect for a Marine.
Monet: Punk Hazard came out right before I went into grad school. I love thinking of her as the beleaguered, far more talented assistant to Caesar Clown who I hate and should just die. Harpies are also classic cool and I will not accept statements to the contrary. I love her snow power too.
Gecko Moria: Touched on this in a post about him for Halloween. He's grown on me a lot as a villain as I've gotten old enough to understand him. There's a realism in his motivations that makes him more of a unique villain. I actually believe if he was serious from the start Luffy would never have stood a chance. Shadow fruit is cool and Thriller Bark is an excellent arc.
Bellemere, Kawamatsu, Denjiro, and Hancock would be the honorable mentions. But these are my true One Piece loves.
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nellieuno · 1 year
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@hunternocedas recommended me a book called "The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls" because we're both dcfdtl kinnies and she wants me to die so bad
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librarycards · 5 months
five books i like: consent: a memoir by natasha lehrer, the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson, my dark vanessa by kate elizabeth russell, sunshine by robin mckinley, aaaand--the cavendish home for boys and girls by claire legrand! love this idea <3
love a creepy + uncanny list!
The Deer, Daniel Carrera
Dark Neighbourhood, Vanessa Onwuemezi
The Seas, Samantha Hunt
Bonus: also recced elsewhere but I think you'd enjoy Fantasian by Larissa Pham too!
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confoundedpangolin · 7 months
Yoo what's your favorite book? If you have one of course
Aahhh this is like asking me to pick a favorite song! It's different based on my mood and the genre and everything! But here's a list of things I can think of right now:
Everything by Rick Riordan and Adam Silvera, The Da Vinci Code, all the books in the Greenglass House universe, the Wildwood trilogy, warrior cats, wings of fire, the silenced, the king in yellow short stories collection thing, the hunger games, the killing code, the glass sentence, the Cavendish home for boys and girls, Nevermoor series, the Six of Crows series/grishaverse books in all, the cruel prince series, keeper of the Lost cities series, the Hawthorne trilogy, children of the fox, all the books by alex aster, the looking glass wars books, the fire keepers daughter, iron widow, the bookwanderers books, the mysterious Benedict society books, Mrs peregrine's home for peculiar children books, the lotr books, the midnight library, Artemis fowl, it's kind of a funny story,
I have so many more of you ask me in the morning and I promise I read adult books but I mostly get them from the library so the ones I own are mostly YA
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finalgirlfall · 2 years
"Parents, police, reporters, they won't help you. You'll be on your own. And it probably won't work. You'll get stuck too. She'll have you. And if you get out, you won't remember enough to tell anyone, and even if you do end up remembering, you won't want to, and you won't want to say anything. You'll be too afraid. Like me. And if you don't get out, you'll never, ever leave."
— The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls, Claire Legrand
Scream queens are damsels, perpetually in distress. The final girl is no damsel. She doesn't scream to call a man in to help her. No, she takes this lumbering beast down herself. Specifically, she's the only who can. The authorities can't, bullets can't, but the final girl, when all the chips are down, when this campaign of terror has reached a fever pitch, she finally—unlike everyone else—turns around and fights. The reason she can is that she's the built-in governor on the slasher's cycle of violence. How werewolves have silver, vampires have daylight, and zombies have headshots? What the slasher has is the final girl.
— "Let's All Be Final Girls," Stephen Graham Jones
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themetallicnemesis · 1 year
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Woe!! More cavendish home character designs upon you!
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the cavendish home for boys and girls fanfiction:
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rockycuzzo-blog · 2 years
7. The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls by Claire Legrand
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Victoria had never considered Lawrence a friend. He was a project, someone that must be saved from his messy hair, rumpled clothes, poor grades, and unhealthy obsession with the piano. Someone who needed improvement.
But then, Lawrence is suddenly gone without a trace, and the Prewitts are acting strange.  Wide smiles-too wide-, bad tempers, cockroaches infesting their house, and an attitude that tells Victoria that something is wrong. Kids are disappearing, and no one seems to notice? Yes, something is very wrong. And if there’s one thing Victoria hates, it’s nonsense.
So she starts investigating the house at the end of her block. The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. A home that, at first, seems very welcoming to Victoria, The Good Girl, but very quickly turns into the stuff of her worst nightmares when she starts asking too many questions of the mysterious Mrs. Cavendish. Soon, she finds herself in a small, dark room watching her parents through a plate glass window. Except, her parents cannot hear her screaming for them behind the glass, and they don’t even remember that they had a daughter.
Mrs. Cavendish has decided to make Victoria into her new project, just like the rest of the missing kids in town. Everything that has made Victoria unique is going to be stamped out of her, painfully, unless she can find a way out through the living, crawling hallways of the Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls.
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literally you know all the books i like do i really have to list them
right then.
•The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls (Legrand)—kids from the town are disappearing, and a handful go to figure out the mystery. full of suspense and it kind of makes your skin crawl.
•the curious incident of the dog in the night-time (Haddon)—beautifully written, later turned into a play. about a young autistic boy who wants to make new discoveries.
•Carry On (Rowell)—knock off, gay Harry Potter.
•The Raven Boys (Stiefvater)—four unlikely boys, and a girl set off to solve ancient welsh mysteries and cure themselves of terrible curses.
these are some of my favorites. cherish them.
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picklepie888 · 4 years
Steven Universe may be over, but the good news is that there are still plenty of other awesome cartoons that are currently airing! So if you're looking for something to watch, why not give some recognition to these underrated gems:
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Genre: Fantasy, Comedy, Adventure
Synopsis: Ordinary Anne Boonchuy, 13, finds a treasure chest that sends her to Amphibia, a world full of frogs, toads, and giant insects. With help from Sprig, she must adjust to life in Amphibia and discover her first true friendship in her life.
Where to watch: Disney Channel, Disney Now App, Disney+
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We Bare Bears
Genre: Comedy, Adventure
Synopsis: Three bear brothers do whatever they can to be a part of human society by doing what everyone around them does.
Where to watch: Cartoon Network, Hulu, CN App
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The Owl House
Genre: Fantasy, Dark comedy
Synopsis: A teenager finds herself stuck in the Demon Realm and battles the forces of evil alongside a rebellious witch and a pint-sized warrior.
Where to watch: Disney Channel, Disney Now App
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Craig of the Creek
Genre: Slice of life, Comedy
Synopsis: Craig of the Creek follows a young boy, Craig, and his two friends, Kelsey and JP, as they go on adventures within a world of untamed, kid-dominated wilderness in the creek.
Where to watch: Cartoon Network, Hulu, CN App
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Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Synopsis: Hilda follows the adventures of a fearless blue-haired girl as she travels from her home in a vast magical wilderness full of elves and giants, to the bustling city of Trolberg, where she meets new friends and mysterious creatures who are stranger - and more dangerous - than she ever expected.
Where to watch: Netflix
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Final Space
Genre: Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama
Synopsis: Gary Goodspeed goes on intergalactic adventures with his planet-destroying sidekick Mooncake and anthropomorphic cat (and bounty hunter) Avocato. Together they will take on The Lord Commander and try to stop him from getting to 'Final Space': the most powerful and mystifying force in all the universe, which could very well mean the end of life itself.
Where to watch: TBS, Adult Swim, Amazon Prime
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Epithet Erased
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Comedy
Synopsis: Twelve-year-old Molly gets stuck in Sweet Jazz Museum after dark with warring groups of odd thieves who have unique powers like her called epithets attempting to steal an amulet rumored to have the ability to take a person's epithet.
Where to watch: VRV, YouTube (Jelloapocalopse channel)
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Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Synopsis: Kipo Oak, a thirteen-year-old girl, is searching for her father after being forced to flee from her underground city. To do so, she travels through an overgrown post-apocalyptic urban wasteland ruled by sentient mutant animals ("mutes"), together with her new friends Wolf, Mandu, Benson and Dave.
Where to watch: Netflix
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Glitch Techs
Genre: Sci-fi, Action
Synopsis: Game-world monsters are wreaking real-world havoc. Here comes tech support.
Where to watch: Netflix
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Milo Murphy's Law
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure
Synopsis: An animated comedy adventure series that follows 13-year-old Milo Murphy, the fictional great-great-great-great grandson of the Murphy's Law namesake. Milo is the personification of Murphy's Law, where anything that can go wrong, will go wrong; but he is prepared for every possibility, armed with knowledge, a backpack full of supplies and his fearless friends, Melissa and Zack. Together, with an endless sense of optimism and enthusiasm, the trio turn any catastrophe into an adventure and often ruin Dakota and Cavendish's attempts to salvage pistachios along the way.
Where to watch: Disney Channel, Disney Now App
Also, the season premieres for DuckTales and She-Ra are coming on April 4th on Disney Channel and May 15th on Netflix respectively. Those two shows aren't particularly underrated, but you should still watch them because they're awesome!
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