thatfrailsoul · 1 month
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(Pictures that are used here are from Pinterest - check the link at the end of the reading to find and download them from their original creator ♡)
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and in which pile it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that whenever you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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When they see you, when they look at you... They see the strength of someone who keeps trying, even when every part of them is so tired and consumed. They see the eyes of someone who got through it all, but that still tries to calm down that resentful voice that can't but highlight the worst now in this world... They see someone that tries its best to remain the same gentle and loving soul. While feeling the shift in each part of you that tries to face it all, by becoming rigid and unfazed by all the challenges that you are forced to endure. They see someone who is worthy of that love, affection, and serenity that slowly but finally is flowing in your life again...But they see also someone that can't win completely against their hurt and tortured heart that keeps seeing the danger in disguise in every moment... And they truly would like to help that precious and poor soul of yours. Help you to remember that there is more, that there isn't only darkness, loneliness and cold. And that you deserve a chance to live and feel it. You deserve much much more.
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They see in you the version of them that they already lost. The reflection of what they once so ardently desired to be, to appear in this world. That strength and courage in learning, from others, from your own self, in seeing not only the hurt and bad in this world, but also all the other beautiful things that can grow from those. Transforming a wound, remains of a destroyed love or dream, in a new beginning, in gained knowledge, in the strength to live for more. They look at you and they are mesmerized, overwhelmed with admiration for you but also regret and judgment for themselves. For the moment they stopped to look around for more convinced that everything that there is - is not worthy anymore. It might not look like it... But every moment with you, every word you speak... It's gentle but still a hard to swallow pill for them about how there was indeed a different way of coming out of all those challenges and nightmares. That there was, there is, still something to live and fight for.
Pictures used in the reading ♡
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thatfrailsoul · 1 month
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I'm completely new to this beautiful platform, but in just a few days we became so many that I'm simply overjoyed!♡ I want, with every post and reading, to become better and better with this platform and make it as comfortable as possible to interact with my pick a pile readings. And for this reason I have a little question for you:
Thank you for helping me out!♡ Now let's return to our reading...
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and in which pile it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that whenever you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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Deep down you already know and feel it, what they see when they look at you, what they feel when they stand so close to you, when you are in the same room... You feel and know it because the reason you really saw them was the incredible intention, gentleness, interest in their every word and gesture towards you.
You saw them because of the different rhythm in their steps, a different tone hidden in their voice as they talked and smiled at you. And while you now feel so unsure, while you are so afraid of projecting only your desire and seeing in them much more that there really is...
They can't stay still, looking for the right way to come forward, being still so unsure that you might accept them and allow them to come closer, allow them to see and feel more of you and of your world.
Because even if you know so little for now about each other, the desire to understand more pulls you both in and closer. Creating an exciting possibility for more.
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Although it's not by mistake that you feel something subtly moving and shifting between you as you continue to spend time together and learn about each other more... It's not the right moment to allow your heart and mind to be overwhelmed by this idea, by this chance for something more.
You are much more similar than you can imagine now, you are both so familiar with the pain of a betrayed heart. And while you are trying to overcome it thanks to the hope that someone new might be completely different from others... They are trying to heal themselves by protecting and hiding this part of their soul.
They are not ready. Not only for you or for this possible connection, but in general to love and be loved again. Simply because it still deeply hurts.
And being so soon, something more is really uncertain in this future that still needs to be written. And that depends on how much and when their heart will be ready to overcome.
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thatfrailsoul · 1 month
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(these beautiful pictures are from Pinterest - I will leave the links to them at the end of this post for anyone interested ♡).
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and in which pile it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that whenever you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
Pile one, the fool
Their heart, their soul, feels simply so warm and familiar. So sweet and loving that just a thought about them brings back your smile and hope. Coming into your life out of nowhere, they were able so fast to find space just for them and their light and pure soul. They mesmerize you, they inspire you. As no one really did before. Not to this point...
And there is a reason behind it, behind this pure joy in finding them and that lingering fear that what you've shared until now is all that there is in store for this bond. A reason that you already know and feel in your heart and that will keep you side by side through months, years, decades. Giving an opportunity and help for this connection to grow, adapting to all the phases of your lives, all the ups and downs, surviving through them all.
There is for sure a new beginning, a creation of a much deeper bond, or to be exact an evolution and growth of this one. But there are also many and many others that you don't expect now and that are hidden in the situations and moments in your life that you will go through or observe, as they and you will live them on your own. But both always staying here, with eyes focused on the person that it's already so precious for your souls. And ready to help and hold each others hands without any question, judgment or pity. Ready to support each other's journeys and ideas, dreams, no matter how scary those steps might look like for an uncertain and anxious mind.
All of this... simply because you are indeed a family. Perhaps not by blood, but surely by heart.
Pile two, four of wands
It is not a secret for you and them, all those ways that the time and this world keeps challenging your connection again and again. Your hearts one against the other.
But it's also not a secret that you are still and always by each other's side. The life bringing you back one to another, no matter what happens or how much your paths are being divided.
And what happened in all this time up until now... Is reflected by your future too. How much this bond will be able to help you to overcome, how much it will push you to grow and mature through all the ups and downs that characterize a connection. But remaining always the same and old safe place... so familiar and stable in the way nothing seems to be able to tear you apart or change the way you feel about eachother. A safe person that will always welcome you back no matter what.
Even if it will not become something more... Perhaps making it so pure and precious exactly because of that.
Pile three, ace of pentacles
They will come to you when you will least expect it. When you already surrendered to loving and appreciating the connection that you were able to create the way it is... They will come to you, surprising you with an opportunity for something more... But not quite what you hoped it to be.
And it will be simply so difficult to find the right way to handle things and them, their new feelings, and the shift that will arrive all of the sudden in your life... It will take time to accept it, accept them, and let go of that desire and hope for more. And especially of the frustration.
But it will pass, as everything does. And your heart will find peace, even reassurance, understanding at last that what they propose doesn't necessary need to be the end of your connection, only because it's different from what you hoped for... But it's actually its salvation.
A chance to still have them in your life, share many more beautiful and precious moments. Perhaps becoming someone even more important and present in each other's lives through many more days and nights.
(links to the pictures used in this reading)
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thatfrailsoul · 23 days
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Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and behind which image it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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You have still so much to experience and live through, so many moments to create and feel... And yet what you got through until now left you already with so many scars and so much knowledge about how to heal and take care of ones tired heart and soul.
It's not an easy awareness to have within you. It makes your own feelings be overwhelming, so clear and much stronger then many people could bare and feel. It makes you unable to look away when others feel something, when they are the ones to feel turn apart and filled with pain. It makes you feel responsible, for you, for others, for this world... Even if you are not at all the one who causes this pain and despair around you. And it makes you hate this part of you, this gentleness and care that makes you so easy for others to use...
But while so many might have turned their back on you after using your strength and support to live through a moment, leaving you hurt and drained, sad of how often it happens again and again... Your readiness and willingness to feel so much, to understand so well and to find that one thing that could help others, is not at all something bad, a curse on your soul. It's an incredible gift, a natural call that you feel each time and can't resist. Something that so few in this world can do and really handle. Something that you should be proud of, regardless of the way others thank you or decide to take it for granted and to ignore. Because even if they are not with you, even if they might not understand or appreciate what you did for them, perhaps even misunderstanding it and feeling somehow hurt... They still live. They still overcame that storm. Healed that wound. They are still able to make further steps in this world. All thanks to you and to your gift of knowledge and feelings, and your courage to share it with others. To help through such powerful love and gentleness, that not anyone has the strength to embody and carry in this world.
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You just can sense it. You can feel it under your skin... The moment something shifts and hides a danger, a truth that for anyone but you is hidden in plane sight.
So often you try to shake it off, perhaps thanks to so many advices and kind and helpful" opinions of others that convince you that its simply all your mind... But it never goes away does it? Even when you try so hard to not listen, your heart continues to whisper and warn you, guide you, past many situations and people that don't have at all your best in mind.
Some call it overthinking, trauma, deep fear and negative expectations about the way this world can treat you. Ohters call it intuition, inner knowledge, angels guarding you behind your back... But the truth is much deeper and sweeter. Hidden in everything you overcame all on your own, the battles you won not against the others, but against your own mind that was so mean to your poor heart. You protected it your protected your self every single time, no matter how hard it was to be able to see the truth and work on the subtle ways others and even your own self tried to manipulate you and hurt you. And now... Tha part of you knows and remembers it. Giving you back that love and care, that protection that you had the courage to give yourself, by guiding you thanks to an incredible power. The power that you on your own created and gifted to yourself.
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It is not at all easy to deal with one's tired, confused, sometimes angry and furious mind. It's not at all easy to face it, try to calm it, looking for something positive, something that is worth to keep going, each time your mind screams how it's all useless and wrong. It's not easy to speak it's language, to be courageous enough to look each time deeper and be willing to understand where all that hate comes from... But you did it, again and again. Standing up for yourself, fighting, even when your worst and strongest enemy was your own insecure and vulnerable mind. You found, you find, again and again the motivation, reasons, to go further. To continue this life, these journeys, even if it means doing it one slow and challenging step at a time. You face it all and you overcome it.
Demonstrating each day to your mind how there is no need to be so scared and loud about it. That you can, indeed, have faith in yourself and be proud of each day that you live through moving forward. It is not easy. But you are able to do it again and again, despite it all. You are able to tap into the incredible power of your heart, of hope and faith, of the courage, and use it to help yourself. And to remind your mind and others that nothing is impossible. And that even the scariest and darkest nights can be faced with the light of our soul and the love for our own selves, that deserve to come out of it and experience all that this world and life has in store.
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thatfrailsoul · 15 days
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Painting: "Flora", Max Nonnenbruch, 1892
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and behind which image it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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You should focus on... Not focusing. Not over analysing, checking, controlling things and situations in your life. Simply because you did a lot. You really did. Since the very first moment this situation presented you with a problem, challenge, you threw away everything else just to take care of this. You dived deeper and deeper in it, with your every decision, thought and emotion. With your every second, no matter if you were asleep or awake, if you were working on it or pretending to live the rest of your life.
You allowed it to consume you, from the very first moment categorising it as the most important and for this reason dangerous thing. And maybe it really is. So important to solve this puzzle, find a solution or an answer. But at the same time... Is it really only your responsibility?
Does it really depend only on you and what you will manage to do? Or is it more influenced by others, people or circumstances, sometimes even just the timing of the things..? Deep down you know the answer, but unfortunately it's simply not enough for you to make you slow down and wait.
And more you think about it, more you realize how many other things are actually determining how this will end - and more you become frustrated, more you feel the need to do something about it. Because you can control yourself, not others. And allowing them to decide your fate, the result of the situation that you are in... Is simply not a risk that you can or are willing to take.
But I'm afraid you will need to do it. To step aside and just allow this situation to evolve by itself. Because, even if you are to do something about it... There is nothing else that you didn't already try or did. And there is nothing in you left to dedicate to this situation to which you already gave every single drop of your energy and hard work.
There is a reason behind every situation that we are simply not able to shift and take care of on our own. There is a reason why it takes the work and awareness of so many others, or perhaps their ignorance and neutrality that we are not able to have. You did your best, you did everything you needed and could. And it's enough to come out of this. You only need to give this situation a moment to shift and follow the direction that you showed. You need to give it time, because finding so many solutions and ways, trying them all again and again... You simply didn't allow the situation, right people or opportunities to align, forcing them to constantly change running after you who never stops.
It's going to be okay. Even if it will not resolve in one moment or day. Even if it will not happen exactly like you pictured and prepared for. It will still be okay. Because you are not alone in this. You are not the only one who is doing your part, there are so many people and circumstances, decisions and coincidences that you simply can't grasp...
Allow yourself to step back. Acknowledge what you did, how much you did. And be proud of it for a moment, no matter how and what will happen in the end. And allow for once others, this world, to do their part. Without necessarily expecting the worse if you are not controlling every step and way of this moment in life.
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It is honourable, the way you found up until now the strength and resistance to keep going, to looking for a solution day after day, trying and putting in the work in hopes to make it through and see how it was all worth it. It makes you proud, as it should, for your courage and patience, of the simple but so important desire and motivation to create that life that you deserve. But in this proudness, in all those challenges and obstacles that you were able to overcome all by yourself again and again... Something changed in you. Something shifted, passing by unnoticed. Something that now is, from deep down, sabotaging and limiting you so much, without you realising why that same perseverance and hard work is not enough now.
You became so confident in yourself, in your own abilities. You learned so much about what you can do, how many solutions and ways you can find. With which mastery you can execute your own ideas and plans... So much that it became sacred, the only way of doing and handling things that makes you feel truly sure and in the right. The only one that doesn't put you at risk by trusting others, their advices and thoughts that only add sourness to the situations that of it already have enough.
And it was true, it is true: the reason you are here, the reason you came so far is exactly thanks to you and your courage to believe in your own decisions and goals, not listening to those that tried to pull you back...but now it's somehow different. Now those voices, those advices... Are not trying to stop you - they are actually giving you insight on what else might work. What you can do instead and make it. If only you stop protecting your plan, looking for other reasons that explain why it doesn't work.
You had a plan, and you did your very best to follow it. And it's something that for sure deserves respect... But you can work hard and still make mistakes. You can be sure of something, and still realise that perhaps it wasn't the right direction to take. You can be able to handle a lot on your own and thanks to your experience and creativity... And you still can recognise and follow the advice or the example of someone else. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. What matters is the fact that you have enough courage to admit it the same way you have it now to ignore and keep pushing your initial plan.
So take a step back. Allow your plan to change and adapt. Without any shame or fear of trusting others. Because being indeed capable of so much and so confident in your own judgment and ideas doesn't exclude the possibility that the ones of others might be still good and valid too. And the falsity of some, doesn't invalidate the good intentions and genuine desire to help of others.
Breathe. Slow down. You are doing just fine. And it willl be still fine even if you change the way you walk on this path. Your goals, you desires and your needs will still be there and wait for you. And you willl make it. But only if you allow yourself to learn something new, to try something new. The same way you did back then when you discovered your own indipendence and strenght. With the understanding that not every word, opinion or different idea is to look down upon you or judge you... But to help you and show you how easier and still worthy it might be when you accept that help. When you let in the guidance of others who already did this path and want to warn you about the mistakes that they did.
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thatfrailsoul · 28 days
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Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and behind which image it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that whenever you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
Your message is right after this little question from me. You don't need to stop here and let me know your opinion - but it would be really helpful and important for me if you decide to do so!♡
Hi!♡ This blog grows day by day, and I really want to make it as comfortable and interesting as possible for every beautiful soul that finds and joins us!♡ For this reason I would like to know your opinion regarding something... To connect to this World, to our Guardians that are always by our side and ready to help us, I use my trusted tarot cards. And I always mentioned the cards that come out for every message and pile... But thinking about it, I realized that perhaps there might be many people that enjoy the guidance and messages on this platform regardless of where or from whom they are coming from. So I wanted to ask you...
Thank you for helping me out!♡
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It's so painful, so tiring... To look at your life right now with all its challenges, constant ups and downs that never give you the time to enjoy a little moment of peace... Never allow you to breath remaining in the now that so rarely feels safe... The same things again and again, repeating themselves through different people or situations... But still and always coming back, as if you never did all that hard work, never tried and gave your best, never deserved some reassurance and serenity for all the lessons that you've endured...
It makes your heart ache, your mind feels heavy and so confused... Creating a natural need to escape. To hope that somewhere or through someone you can find the keys to a different reality, get to know about the mysterious destiny of your soul. Something deeply different from what you are forced to live right now, but more familiar and needed to make you feel your truest self, to make you feel at the right for you place and time.
But... No matter how many challenges, how many obstacles and battles that this life puts on your shoulders, making you face them no matter if you are ready or not... It's still your life. It's still a journey, an adventure, a story that is unique to you. That you once imagined and created in your mind the same way you are doing now, trying to hide from the present moment and this life.
You see in you memories a deeper meaning, more fulfilling adventures, romantic and poetic lives. You find yourself feeling that sour and subtle mourning of the lives that seemed so much more, so much better, so more right for your soul then the one of the now. And without realising it, or perhaps contrary knowing it, you try to shut this life down, to skip it by hiding in those memories, visions and dreams... Forgetting a tiny but important detail: that those are past lives for a reason. The same one for which your heart, your own soul, decided to live once more, to experience more, to feel something more and different. Something that you never experienced and lived before.
It might be frustrating now, perhaps it is your whole life that you can remember... But it's still your life, the one that you are meant to live now, grow into, and shift adapting it to your dreams. And those are still memories, still past lives, still things that were not enough for your soul back then, not enough to make you stop from experiencing this Universe through many more lives. Exactly like this life seems not enough for you now.
You will always keep them in your heart, those experiences, those adventures and moments that you got through in all those centuries, making you be who you are now. They will always talk to you, sometimes even guide you. Those past versions of you will always speak to you and remind you of something that you now are not really able to understand... The fact that it is not this life that is too difficult, not right, somehow wrong and torturing for you, too hard to deal with and overcome, and simply not how you want or need it to be, never enough... But it's just the desire in you that you were never able to satisfy, traveling through literal lives to find that something more... It's just the excitement and wander for what else there might be out there, how else you can experience a human life. That feeling that now... Is being slightly misunderstood, confused and influenced by the hardships and obstacles in your life. The one that your own self, through space and time, is trying to explain to you, by gently reminding you that those stories, those things.... You already did them, you already lived them. And that much more that you are seeking is ahead of you and not behind.
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You feel so stuck, so overwhelmed, so lost between all these options and possible mistakes in front of you that seem all the same. Making it impossible for you to choose the right thing... And overwhelming you with the paralysing fear of choosing the worst.
It is tiring, not being able to choose or find a solution no matter how much you look around, no matter how much these situations surround and pressure you, demanding your attention right here and now...
And seeing all these dreams, remembering those moments... Seems just a mean joke of your subconscious mind that reminds you of others, perhaps better situations, so different from what you are forced to deal with now.
But is it really? Is your own subconscious mind so mean and determined to confuse you only more? Or is it perhaps your own self that tries to remind you something... That tries to show you how many moments, situations, literal lives you were already able to live through and overcome?
Is it adding more salt to your fresh wounds, or is it trying to show you how much strength, courage and inventiveness you have hidden in your heart? Is it mocking you with the lives that you can't have, or is it trying to help you shift your perspective, making you realise how much potential has the life that you live now?
It might not feel like it at all now - but you have an incredible power, such a strong spirit within you. The ones that can transform every obstacle, every fearful moment in a mere chapter, followed by another one. It is not the end, what you are going through will not be able to destroy you. You are not consumed completely, you are not hopeless without any possibility to get out...
You are only tired. You just need a moment to stay still and recharge your energy again, thanks to the powerful and almost magical work of your mind and heart. And this... Doesn't mean that you are weak, or falling behind everyone else in your life. It is only a moment of rest that even the strongest heroes need, before overcoming amazingly every obstacle that they come across in the adventure of their life.
You got this. The same way you did in the past, in this or other lives. There is nothing that you can't overcome, resolve, manifest or experience. And those mistakes that seem so scary and dangerous now... are just ways to spice this story up. Adding more character and worth to you, the one who will one day be looked at with admiration for your strength and courage to, sometimes, mess up. Learning even more about yourself, your abilities, and the different aspects of this world and this life.
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thatfrailsoul · 27 days
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Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and behind which image it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that whenever you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
Hi!♡ Before looking deeper into this question... I would like to do another one to you.♡ Obviously you don't need to stop by here if you don't want to - your message and reading is right here after this question. But if you do answer, it will be incredibly helpful for me to make this blog more comfortable and interesting for you and others.♡ So... which forms of tarot readings and messages here on Tumblr are more interesting for you?♡:
1) A lot of piles/images to choose from so it feels more real that the message is for you, and shorter messages that can be read more fastly and comfortably.
2) Less piles/images to choose from so there isn't anxiety in deciding, but longer and more detailed messages.
3) More piles/images to choose from and more detailed messages so it feels more destined to you and provides more clarity and information.
Thank you so much for helping me out!♡
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No matter what you see, what you feel when you are stuck in that dream and vision... There is something important there, a key to your current situation, a solution to the confusion and uncertainty that overwhelms you.
It might confuse you or even scare you, with its mysterious story that each time unfolds in your mind.. But there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to fear. As it's only a particular way of your subconscious mind to talk to you, to give you the alternative to giving up or running away that you consider now...
Because is not all that there is to this situation, difficulty or problem. You are not meant at all to suffer as you walk on this path trying to achieve your dreams. There is a solution, right here and so close to you. A different way to overcome it shifting the situation from the worst to something much much easier and even enjoyable to go through.
Your mind is asking you to wait a little more here, to give this situation another chance, to look at it from a different perspective exactly as you do with this dream trying to understand more of it. Your mind tries to tell you that exactly like this dream... It will end.
All the confusion, anxiety and worry will end. Allowing you to return to your life, to the safety and the balance that you managed to create. You need only to allow yourself to live it, to see it like this dream, knowing that there is much more that will follow it, no matter how scary, confusing or strange it seems.
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It's difficult to stay present in the life that feels so harsh, so confusing, so different from the way we pictured it when we were younger. It's difficult to push our own selves in keep on going, in facing the situations, in taking our responsibilities or sacrifice ourselves to resolve the ones of others who don't care that much...
But it's so easy to hide in our mind, in different and misterious worlds. In other dimensions where when facing the same problems and fears, or perhaps even worse... We have much more control on it.
And you did it for a really long time. You hid inside your mind, inside does hopes and wanders. The ones that nourished became something more, a whole different story about who you are, adventures that you live through... It became your safe space, far away from the situations that continued to get worse and more painful to deal with. To the point that it's simply scary to face them, difficult to don't look away.
And when you are still forced to do so... Your mind is overwhelmed with fear and stress, finding relief only in those dreams that are so strange but that feel much more appealing than this world. But while this is what your conscious mind does and needs... The subconscious mind is aware of how wrong it is and is against it.
And through those same dreams that were always the only real and clear way it could talk to you - it tries to regain its power back by shifting your visions, the sweet stories and lies they tell you. In hopes that you can, in that confusion and impossibility to understand and connect so much to those dreams like you used to... You could become aware of how unfortunately false they've been. How they never were the truth, never were what you needed to overcome all of this. How they instead were only a distraction, a way to escape this reality and hide.
Your subconscious confuses you, makes it uncomfortable to be in that state in which you escape for so long and for so many times. But it's not because it's mean to you, because it doesn't want you to have a safe place... It's more because it wants, your inner self wants, to feel so safe in this and real world. It wants you to live, to fight back, and in doing so to find your strength and courage. It wants and needs you to learn how to live and go through it. Instead of putting yourself in a golden cage from which you will never be able to grow.
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thatfrailsoul · 1 month
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pick a pile ~
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and in which pile it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that whenever you will be ready or will have the need, this message and I, your gentle oracle, will wait for you here.♡
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The eight of swords, the nine of pentacles, the eight of wands.
There will be so many doubts, uncertainty, constant pros and cons overwhelming your minds. Exactly like right now. There will be so many details and circumstances in your lives, in this situation and connection, that you will simply not be able to ignore, not willing to put aside... That it will feel impossible to choose, making you constantly feel like no matter what will be the decision...you will both have something that you will need to sacrifice in return. So you won't simply do it. Nor you nor them. Leaving everything to the Universe, to your lives and how it will affect this situation... Hoping that one day it will make sense, that it will be easier to understand the reason for all of this, even if it might be perhaps too late. But what you will consider as both of you giving up, demonstrating that you made once again the mistake of thinking that this is the one... Will be actually your and their pure surrender, to the pace, time and challenges of that moment in your life. It will be you both finally stepping back and allowing the life to do its course, to give you its lesson, help and protection. So you won't break each other's heart wide open, while being convinced that you are doing what is the best. And this... This will make everything go exactly like it's supposed to. Keeping you apart for a moment, but with a promise to guide you one day back. A promise that will be maintained and fulfilled by this World that will not let you lose sight of the person that you love and care for so much.
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The sun, the devil, the four of wands.
It won't be an easy journey. It won't be something so easy to overcome. Because this challenge... It is not only about this connection, about your bond. But it's a disguise for a more intimate lesson. It's a call for courage to face your and their past decisions and actions, and admit how they were wrong. How the person who you were before, perhaps who you are still now... Is much more naive, and in its innocence dangerously hurtful for you and others, then what you are aware of and are ready to admit. This shift and pause, this distance that pulled you so abruptly apart is not something that you wanted or expected...but it's something that you both need. In order to stop this play of back and forth that is only consuming your hearts. In order to make you understand, to make you reflect and see, when you are out of the heat of the moment, how what you are doing to each other is exactly what you once feared and was forced to feel because of others. Recreating the same macabre and torturing scene of what your younger self promised to never allow, to never make others feel. And while it is so frustrating now to go through it - you will be deeply grateful once you will be on the other side. Seeing everything from a different perspective, having a much deeper understanding of how what happened was the best intervention that could truly protect your hearts.
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thatfrailsoul · 6 days
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A detail of "Cupid and Psyche", August Riedel, 1872
(Full painting at the end!♡)
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
You waited for so long... for a moment when you finally feel someting like this. The tenderness, the genuine affection, the deeper understading that you feel between you and them now. You waited, you had hope, while stressing and consuming so much your poor heart that was so ready to love and be loved again... And it made you afraid that once you will feel and see it... it might be all your delusional and desperate mind. That will build such beautiful castles in the skies, filling their air with so much love for someone that perhaps it's a nightmare in disguise...
And this thought, this fear, this little doubt... is enough now to not allow you to feel it, to taste this love and genuinly affectionate connection that you are creating with them every day that passes. It's enough to make you desire more, more proof, more confirmation of more deeper feelings and serious intentions... although it is only the start, only the beginning of this connection between your hearts. A detail that although true, you are not accepting now for an answer, for an explanation, of why they are not ready to give you what you want and need to be reassured and feel safe in staying by their side.
But it's ironic, isn't it? How unsure and vulnerable you feel in front of them because of your past, or perhaps that dangerous future that you can't stop imagining in your mind... while not believing in these same feelings when they are described by them, perhaps with different words, in response to your desires. Almost like... you are the only one who can feel this way now, who can have doubts and lack of faith. The only one who might not feel ready to commit if you don't know that it's for sure, for real this time. Even if it's so so soon to think so hard about what is next in life.
A heart feels, experiences, everything so differently from the mind. It has a different pace, needs a different time to feel safe and slow down, without the constant need to fight or flight. And it is even more challenging when a heart is like yours and theirs, so tired from all the battles it had to endure.
You have your valid reasons, to feel this way and need those things... but so do they. And even if now you can't help but feel frustrated and judge them so quickly... those lips never said any lies. Those eyes never hid the intention of using you and play with you.
Your past, your fear of it, is chasing you, it makes you run. Further and faster. Burning all the stops right away. But it will not protect you, if you expect more and faster from others, it will not lead you to the right one that will be ready to give it all. But it will hurt them, that right person, because in your fear you will be so unwilling to understand, and for this reason to connect... and recognise the right ones for you.
Just breathe, slow down, there is no need to rush. There is so much to feel through them and this bond that is only starting to grow now. It doesn't matter what will happen in the end - it doesn't take or add the worth to what you have now. Because that... only being present will give you. Only enjoying the time with this person, in knowing them, more deeply, giving yourself and them the needed time. Protecting your and their heart from the influences of your past.
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"Cupid and Psyche", August Riedel, 1872
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