#that's the timeline i belonged in i was ROBBED
HAPPY APRIL 1st, i wrote a fic about the suez canal fiasco bc it's still the funniest thing that's ever happened. synopsis is "grumpy gods from different mythologies argue over whose job it is to unstick the goddamn boat"
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divorcedfiddleford · 7 days
You made a post saying “it has been zero days since our last alex hirsch hates ford so much bullshit” and i know it was mostly hyperbole, but you have some really good takes that I would love to be elaborated on in terms of how ford is written
it really wasn't hyperbolic. over the years he's just really shown a lot of hatred towards this one character.
content warning: discussion of abuse
i want to start with this clip from the commentary which i think of as a microcosm for how the writers and especially alex think about ford.
rob renzetti: i mean he [mcgucket] should've basically knocked ford out, and... and destroyed the... you know, tied him up, and, destroyed... and... alex hirsch, speaking over him: yeah he should've beat ford with a wrench and taken this thing apart piece by piece! he's the one who understood how to built [sic] it, but...
... so that seems like a pretty violent course of action. shall we unpack that?
ford is a character who's pretty explicitly written as a victim of abuse, and who now has c-ptsd as a direct result of the abuse he experienced. alex hirsch believes that ford deserved everything bad that happened to him, that it's ford's own fault, and that he also deserved worse things to happen to him. this is why, given every narrative chance, alex hirsch has piled more suffering onto ford's plate. the biggest example of this i can think of is in the journal, when he wrote that fiddleford was actively erasing ford's memory (despite this being a massive timeline contradiction which i still refuse to accept). because god forbid ford even have one remotely healthy relationship with somebody. that would be too good for him. ford was manipulated and lied to by bill, but alex repeatedly compares him to icarus, a teenager whose demise was the result of his own ignorance. this comparison is still so fucking offensive to me. the sun did not lie to icarus, did not guarantee icarus all of the happiness and success and sense of belonging which he had been denied all his life, did not actively shut out the voices of those around him who would try to help him.
alex in general has a very strange relationship with abuse. he seems to get really upset when people read his characters as victims of abuse. the strongest instance of this is actually not with ford, it's with pacifica - especially in the nwmm episode commentary. the episode says "pacifica's parents have conditioned her to respond to a bell" and alex says people got "the wrong idea" about it. like. dude. what the fuck. you wrote abuse. even if you didn't mean to, that's what you wrote. you can't say people got "the wrong idea" just because you didn't think about the subtext of what you were writing. anyway, back to ford: i believe this extends to him as well. alex wanted to write a character who's a foil to stan and who was a selfish unlikable victim of his own arrogance. however that's not what he wrote. he somehow seemingly accidentally wrote a really compelling and relatable awesome autistic guy who had to fight for every good thing he he ever had in his life only for it to be taken from him every single time. but alex can't let go of seeing ford as just "the opposite of stan". when he talks about "how someone as smart as ford could fall for bill's tricks", he refuses to realize he wrote a situation in which a man was being psychologically manipulated and tortured.
it goes back further, too. people repeatedly theorized that filbrick was... not a very good father, to say the least. on top of the very explicit and canon fact that he threw one of his children out on the street (seriously, there is no defense for this), people pointed out that stan would flinch at filbrick, that ford seemed upset by things filbrick said but dared not talk back, that filbrick was mad at stan not for hurting his brother, but for "costing the family potential millions". but alex can't have people seeing ford as sympathetic. ford can't have it bad like stan did. ford had to have everything and he lost it all because he sucks so much. so he wrote the graphic novel story where ford is filbrick's favorite child and filbrick also is not even a bad parent you guys he's just stoic. ignore the whole thing in dreamscaperers where stan perpetuates the abuse that filbrick did to him. ignore the fact that ford was shouting at stan and then completely shut up as soon as filbrick entered the room and did not say another word for the rest of the night. ignore all that because i just made up this story where he cries at a present from stan. filbrick loved his boys for sure you guys!!!
i'm not even touching on how alex repeatedly villainizes traits commonly associated with mental illness and neurodivergence. ford's hypervigilance becomes arrogance. his passion for knowledge means he's a know-it-all. his difficulty socializing and making friends means he's a misanthrope. his lingering resentment for the way he was raised means he hates his brother and is the worst human being to ever have lived. i could go on, go even further into how the finale reaffirms this, but i feel weird talking about this too much.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 4 months
Hi hi!! How are you?
I was wondering if you have any continuation for The jealous one (or other), otherwise no problem!
Have a nice day <3
The Jealous One pt 3
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 3,492
Hiccup tries to catch your attention. You remain stubbornly obtuse and subtly obstinate.
Tags: fem!reader, silly, ambiguous timeline, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, suggestive content, Jealous!Hiccup, Post RoB/DoB, Pre-RTTE
<Previous - Next>
“Hello,” You managed, as you squeezed between two large, metal-breasted women.
You were barely able to hold back the urge to break out into a jolly skip, remembering with glee the look on Phlegma’s face when she’d been greeted with a hall half full of greenish sheep. 
You had plans and people waiting for you, though nothing could ever be important enough to keep you from enjoying the smell of fresh air and rainy weather. Currently, the village had just broken free of a drizzle, the clouds parting in order to welcome through soft sunlight which danced, tingling across the skin of your face.
“Good morning,” You wished with cheer as you passed by Burthair, who balked as you curled your lips upwards. Your apparent reputation as sullen, timid, and alone did you wonders so it must have been an awful shock to see you so bright and chipper.
You tapped your toes against the stone foundation marking the beginning of the forge hoping to knock off any loose, dry mud before you tracked it inside, though you were sure it was for naught. There was already a steady line of dirt leading into the forge made up of large, round dragon prints, bookmarks and small rounded crescents you were certain belonged to Gobber’s peg.
“Hello,” You called at a hunched back, connected to a body which was standing before one of the long benches set around the area, one of his arms extended to scribble something down on a piece of parchment while he scanned a book, keeping track of the lines with his right hand.
A lanky set of shoulders startled before Hiccup, the one and only, set his stick down with a level of finality, shoulders falling as he turned, red undershirt crumpled and covered in smudges. His face was also smudged, and you would have had the mind to worry about the state of his book if you had the care and weren’t in such a hurry.
“Hey,” Hiccup said, turning around and running a hand through his hair, leaving dark streaks behind as he did it. You knew how incredibly dirty his pillow was because of it. 
You grinned lopsidedly, wondering how much brighter his hair would be if he’d washed it more often.
He seemed startled to see you smile so bright, a hesitant smile of his own jumping across his mouth. The light from the open window and the side of the forge hit his face pleasantly, lighting the freshly defined shape of his jaw and the high bone of his cheek. It looked soft.
Your ears pinked. You weren’t sure you’d felt this great since you were kids. Or at least since you were fifteen. It wasn’t often that you saw him without his leather anymore. You admired him without it, skinny frame and all.
You shook that thought away, walking in further, circling to face him as he moved throughout the open room. 
“You had a long night?” You asked as you eyed the tired tilt to Hiccup’s eyes and the exhaustive bruising underneath, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to keep you company.”
Hiccup shut his eyes, furrowing his brow and shaking his head as he looked away, “It’s alright.”
You shrugged your shoulders as if you were feeling them out, trying to dispel some of the nervous energy locked in your nonexistent, but growing, still, of course, muscles.
“So…?” Hiccup began.
“So?” You asked, before realizing, lips quirking into an awful, dopey approximation of a grin. Right. And you had to be quick.
“Snot used up all his Zippleback Gas capsules,” You said, finally. When in doubt, blame Snotlout. He was running low too, of course. Because you’d stolen a few.
You hoped he hadn’t noticed.
“Really?” Hiccup rubbed his hands off on a rag, wiping away dark ash and oil. 
You brushed aside all thoughts of Snotlout to ogle at Hiccup again, wondering what it would be like to press your lips to his, chapped and scratched from all his time up in the air. What all that smoke, wind and metal would taste like mixed with spit.
It was very indulgent. You were sure you’d given up on things like that a long time ago, between conversations about Astrid, girlfriends and shooting down dragons, though some fluttery nasty feeling in your stomach reared its head. You were absolutely sure there must have been something in the air to have your face heating up the way it did, and so you were determined not to stew on it as you had for so many nights before.
Hiccup hesitated, stuck in the space between words, brows furrowed as he stared you in the eyes. It was still, quiet for a moment before he spoke again, “I’ll get you some more.”
He opened his mouth again, then shut it, holding back and looking a little guilty for it.
You sighed, fingers twitching.
 Hiccup looked down, nodding, leaning against the forge window, “So, are you free…?”
“Ah, no,” Your shoulders stiffened, already partially turned away as you began to take a few steps backwards. You were a bit surprised that he had asked, certain that he wouldn’t have missed your absence the past couple of days.
 He seemed kind of bummed at that, and maybe a little confused, the corner of his mouth tilting wide, brows quirked as he turned back towards his desk.
“I have to go,” You said awkwardly, grimacing and rubbing the back of your neck, as you began to back out. You had someone waiting for you, after all.
“Yeah, sure, but-! Will you be-” Hiccup turned back around quickly “-free, soon? Wait-!”
“-Unless you’re trying to light it up with Zippleback gas, in which case- Fishlegs just published a study on that, see, it says that, on page thirty-four-” You gestured with your arms, standing in front the rest of your gang, slumped over a large set of crates in the fields.
“Gods, just shut up,” Snotlout groaned as you spent their attention enthusiastically. 
Still somehow you got dragged into another chore with the Jorgenson. You were certain now that everyone thought you to be two of a kind, especially as you began to hang out more and more, which left you slightly unsettled but joyful yet still.
You had run into the twins along the way, but Tuffnut had been long since gone, and Ruffnut’s had followed soon after, though she had the mind when she was there to nod along occasionally and drop a snipe even as her eyes drifted, so as to at least give the impression that she was paying any sort of attention. Maybe that was why Fishlegs liked her so much.
You were just simply on a break between tasks as you waited for Johannes to get back to you with a list of things he needed doing. He’d even offered coins this time, which kept you from running off with Hookfang.
Snotlout was incapable of handling himself during any sort of long conversation or lecture, period. You didn’t mind, however; you were just eager for the opportunity to talk someone’s ear off, and you found that you didn’t feel bad for him at all.
Valhalla knew it had been a while.
“No,” You said, “Anyways, since- Have you taken a look at Bork’s notes recently? Honestly, even though they were edited, so they’re not reliable, of course, I still think the bit on N-...”
You trailed off in your quest to remind Snotlout why it had taken you so long to become friends in the first place as you felt a tap on your shoulder. You jumped, for a moment, turning to meet Hiccup in the eye.
“Anyways, I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow, but- Uh-hm… What was I going to say..?” 
You wrinkled your nose as you turned, a bit disappointed to have been interrupted. The two of you hadn’t talked in a while so you were certain that whatever was coming next wouldn’t be so good.
“Can I go now?” You waved Snotlout off as he complained.
“I-” Hiccup started twitchily, before continuing on, “Are you free?” 
“Not- not right now,” Hiccup shuffled nervously, at your look, before trying again, “But I’ll be free before the sun’s half down, if you have the time. Though I still have to-” 
Snotlout seemed generally uninterested in what you were doing, head on his fist as his head bobbed, struggling not to fall back asleep.
“Damn,” You grumbled under your breath as you watched his shoulders slump then start as he blinked back to wakefulness.
Hiccup glared at Snotlout moodily, looking like one of Johannes’ sad hunting dogs.
You squinted at him, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m sure,” Hiccup said, scuffing his foot into the dirt as he began to shuffle away, “I’ll meet you later? By the Great Hall?”
You shrugged, “Maybe.”
You watched blankly as Hiccup disappeared around the bend and unsurely made your way back to Snotlout.
“Who took a dump in his boot?” Snotlout griped.
You didn’t deign him with an answer. You weren’t sure how.
You quickly stumbled up the steps to the Great Hall, boots half filled with dirt and a hefty stick lodged down the back of your shirt.
You had lost track of time quickly, easily falling into quick banter and working hard at the promise of coins to spend down at the docks. When you had finally finished and Johannes had finally had the mind to let you leave without any hassle, the sky had already begun to darken and you had realized with a start that you were very, very late.
The sky now was past dark, going from orange to blue and black as you finally made your way up to the top before you were able to bend over and heave, breaths coming quick and heavy as you finished your sprint across the island.
When you finally had enough air to stand back up, you looked around, eyes scanning across half dead half alive grass, listening to the squeaking and chirping of bugs as they came out to explore the night.
“Huh,” You said finally, after a moment. It was empty. You were all too familiar with Hiccup’s penchant for getting dragged away by some task or other, a quest from his father or a want of Gothi or Gobber’s. 
Still, an amount of disappointment in yourself and the circumstance, as well as a small curl of guilt made itself known in your chest. You knew how it felt to be left waiting.
Against all odds, you tried not to let it consume you, though, sure that Hiccup had probably forgotten about it all anyways.
It had been a few days since you’d run up to an empty hall and you had hardly seen Hiccup around at all. If you didn’t know any better, you were sure you would have believed him to be avoiding you. 
You were sure you would see him around soon, though you couldn’t help but to worry.
As such, you became quickly aware of a shadow fastly approaching from your left, as it grew bigger and hovered above you momentarily before continuing forwards, heavy wingbeats blowing against your hair. 
When a quick glance back refused to bear any fruit, you turned your attention back to the bundle of Dragon Nip in your hand, dried and held together by a string which you hung above Snotlout as he shouted and grabbed for it.
You were kneeled over the large stone wall at the base of the hill on the way up the Chief’s hut, one hand clutching the wall as you bounced and dangled the string.
The usual Dragon Nip spots had been harvested to dirt, and Snotlout was too busy doing whatever he did on his lonesome to even search for seeds, not before it was too late.
“Hey!” Snotlout scowled as you stuck your tongue down at him, smiling benignly. You quite enjoyed looking down on him from above.
 You had low stamina but, as you found, with how lazy he had been getting flying everywhere on Hookfang, it was enough for you to just barely run circles around him.
“Hey, Hooks! Give me a hand!” 
Said dragon grumbled, laying behind him, head on his clawed wings, resting in the sun like a lazy, fat cat. 
His eyes were closed, though occasionally he’d snort amusedly and flick his tail, paying vague attention. His gaze might have been just as raptly kept on the grass if you hadn’t raked your hands just under his jaw earlier, dropping a few blades into his open maw, Snotlout none the wiser. So, at the moment, it seemed as if he was just pleasantly out of it, taking in the cool morning breeze.
You heard a thump before the familiar gurgle of Toothless, as he landed just behind Snotlout, stepping and hopping lightly as he landed. 
It was not soon after that that Hiccup dismounted, swinging his leg off Toothless and stumbling to his feet.
“Hiccup?” You asked, just as Snotlout let out his own annoyed exclamation.
“Urgh. Watch where you’re going!”
“Hey,” Hiccup said nasally, rubbing sticks and twigs out of his hair, before grumpily greeting Snotlout.
“Cool it, twinkle toes,” Snotlout didn’t fail to notice the bite in his tone, smearing and snarking back, “What do you want?
Hiccup glowered at him sourly.
You held back a laugh as you began your climb down the side of the top of the stone wall, Dragon Nip bundle still in hand. 
You jerked back as a branch from one of the bushes to your side caught on the side of your tunic and scowled to yourself, putting the Nip under your armpit as you fumbled with the branch, trying your hardest to undo it.
“Fishlegs is on his way over,” Hiccup mumbled under his breath irascibly, as you trotted up to them.
Once free, you walked forward, noticing with glee how quickly Snotlout had turned his attention away from you, who was trying to move as quietly as possible.
“I didn’t catch that. Do you mind repeating it?” Snotlout jabbed smugly.
“Fishlegs is on his way over!” You shouted loudly, laughing again as he jumped away, hands over his ears, no doubt nursing sore drums before turning his scowl onto you.
You turned towards Hiccup. He looked, in part, ruffled, eyes wide, lips quirked downwards though you found him no less charming and no less saddening as you did before, especially, as you were suddenly reminded, after you had left him waiting at the Great hall. 
You slumped slightly, brows cinching and lips turning down, about to mumble a sullen apology for the other day before you felt a heavy weight crash into your side. 
 Perhaps realizing you were now at his level, once you were turned away, Snotlout began to scramble for you.
You yelped as he grabbed for the bundle of Nip, shouting nonsensically and running around Hiccup, keeping close to his back and using him as a human shield.
“Give it to me!” Snotlout shouted, “You don’t even have a dragon!”
Hiccup stared at the two of you, brows furrowed disconcertingly the whole time, head swiveling in an effort to keep up, arms up in an effort to keep balance, nearly tripping over his own feet.
“No!” You scoffed, shouting back wheezily, knowing very well that if you didn’t give any to him, he’d have nothing for Hookfang for a good long while, “You snooze you lose.”
You startled as he feinted to Hiccup’s left, moving to his right. You ran the opposite direction, the two of you running circles around Hiccup.
“So what-” Hiccup panted, trying to keep up with you, who was already working up a sweat, trying to carry a bit-too-large basin in you arms, “What’s been going on between you and Snotlout?”
“What?” You shouted back, feet moving a bit too hurriedly for the load you kept wrapped in your arms. 
Your eyes trained on the top of the hill as it grew nearer, legs working furiously to meet your goal.
“You and- Snotlout-?”Hiccup asked, prosthetic giving him slight trouble as you stumble-ran across a large incline, little red with plants, grass, rocks, roots and budding bushes on the other side of the large bridge leading out from the village.
“What?” You asked back distractedly, again, “I can’t hear-Whatever you’re asking, the answer is probably ‘no!’”
“Really? Because I really, really-” 
You blocked him out slightly, though not on purpose, the effort you were already expending on working your legs and on keeping a bare grip on the smooth wood basin with sweaty palms making it difficult to pay attention.
You weren’t sure when Hiccup began tagging along, probably once you bridged the gap between the forest and, well, bridge. In all fairness, you were a bit too preoccupied to be sure.
You took a moment’s rest as you finally reached the top, surface plateauing and settling into a flat, open-ish only barely tree-ed plain. You walked past a set of trees into the grass, stopping by a shallow ditch filled with plants and bordered by roots.
Then, with a pitiful whine, you realized that you’d come the wrong way.
You heard there was a new outcropping of Dragon Nip on the other side of the island. You needed to get there before anyone else could harvest the spot dry, and before Snotlout could hear anything of it, so you rushed immediately to compensate. You hurried it up tenfold after the twins began putting in their own requests. So it wasn’t just you and Hookfang on the line.
You should have just told them to stick it. You grit your teeth with the realization, set now in your motivation to grab everything and not give them a bit. You’d sell it instead.
You turned, then, from the middle of the clearing, the head of your foot caught on a rock, causing you to stumble forward, into Hiccup.
“Son of a-”
The two of you grappled with the basin and with each other in an effort not to tumble, which ultimately ended in you losing your grip on it, sore and strained fingers twitching erratically as blood once again rushed through them.
You tried to go after the basin as he grasped your arm in a panic in an effort to keep steady, causing the two of you to fall, made all the worse by the subtle dip in the earth.
You hit your elbow as you fell, the world blurry and confusing until you came to a quick and dizzying stop, as if you’d been flipped.
It was a struggle, but you landed forwards, with your hands on both sides of Hiccup’s head. 
Sun filtered through the leaves, light landing gently on his face, framing one cheekbone and the other eye, lightly caressing the sides of your face, covering you like a soft, thin, weighted blanket.
In the short moment you took to glance down at him, he was mid-blink. His brows were up high, and the set of his mouth and jaw were lax.
 He looked stunned, most probably because of the weighty pressure of your torso against his gut and one knee pressed between his, the other on the outside of him, though you didn’t have much to take notice or to marvel, which was in part by design.
Why would you, when you knew for sure that this boy was one who wouldn’t marvel back?
Moments passed by in a hurry, a rush that should not have allowed you to even register a moment. The kind of rush of experiences and memories made to meshed and flow like a stone tumbling along a river, ephemeral and summed up by the emotions you felt in that exact instant.
Of course, you realized that had you slowed down you might have imagined a world where this would have seemed, to you, to be a magical moment. Perhaps there was something special about it, though you didn’t have much of a mind to care for anything besides the nip and the awful soft -but brief- look in the eyes of the boy below you. It really was quite the beautiful day out.
“Come on, come on,” You startled, pushing off the ground and rolling over him, ignoring his soft grunt, rushing and scrambling for a hold against the hill, grabbing for grass as you scrambled out of the ditch, running after your basin as it cracked against stone and rolled all the way down the hill and back towards the cliffs.
As you ran off, half rolling again down the hill back into the forest, you left Hiccup, turned over on his side with furrowed brows. 
He pulled his hand, reaching to grab after you, back towards his middle, confused and startled tilt to his lips as he watched you go.
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rcksmith · 2 years
All versions of you — Five Hargreeves
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You can find the 3 request here: anonymous 1, anonymous 2, anonymous 3.
Resume: Years on The Commission made Five Hargreeves commit horrible atrocities, massacring his humanity and robbing his chances to belong to somewhere. Somewhere stable. But all the torture they put on his soul every day, was all worth when he found in that agency the one thing he knew he would love irrevocably until the end of time: You. But all that love hadn't been able to stop the separation when he returned to his family, when the breakup was inevitable and took the last spark of happiness from him. Forever. Surviving the end of the 1960s world, and finally accepting that a reality where the Sparrow Academy existed was better than messing up the timeline all over again, Five was prepared to find everything in that chaotic place, except the one thing that could bring him to his knees: You.
And like Ben Hargreeves, you didn't remember any Five.
Angst Prompts: 
8. “Why can’t you just look at me for one god damn second!”
10. “don’t touch me!”
13. “we can’t go back in time, so stop trying to reverse what you said.”
17. “stop making empty promises!”
Fluff Prompts:
28. “You’re not going to leave me alone, are you?” “Not.”
33. “I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
39. “You’re more than that.”
51. “I promised to love you forever.”
Smut Prompts:
19. “You’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are.
27. “Can you help me with this zipper?”
75. “Tell me what you like.”
Couple: Five Hargreeves /Fem!Reader.
Warnings: arguing, swearing, mention of murder/blood, A LOT OF ANGST, fluff, smut, dirty talk
Word count:
A/N: Spoiler from season 3. I changed some details of this season too, but just to make sense of the story.
Because I have a lot of requests in my box, I compile 3 orders that are similar and put together, but I took care to added all the elements that were asked for individually, and made sure that all ideas were respected and written down.
We not tolerate any pedophilia here !! I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter, MHA and others fandoms.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are  OPEN. Love you ❤️
There was a kind of evil joke that ruled the lives of Five Hargreeves, from their birth until now, 28 years later. He didn't believe in God, fate or luck, but the cosmic irony of his life was too palpable for him to totally rule out higher beings involvement. Beings whose greatest delight seemed to be seeing pain strike Five's Egyptian blue eyes.
His soul has always been constantly tortured. The relentless search for Reginald's approval and validation, the excruciating loneliness of the apocalypse, the longing for his family - or just the voice of an acquaintance - the brutal slaughter he had to commit to The Commission every day. Every day.
Five Hargreeves had known the pain, the deprivation, the loneliness, and the weight on his shoulders for all the lives he had taken. He knew by heart the bitter, pungent taste of blood on the roof of his mouth, the feeling of self-revulsion, the Herculaneum effort he had to make every day to push his traumas, fears and despairs into the dungeon of his soul to the very depths that he could.
That was all he knew. Until you.
Until you show up on that Commission as his sidekick. Just a girl to take care of his paperwork while he was in the field. Killing.
Five shouldn't have felt a new kind of shiver run through his body when he saw you. He shouldn't have wondered if you weren't the most beautiful woman to ever step foot in that universe. He shouldn't have been fascinated by the way sunlight streamed through the window and bathed your skin.
But in that moment, insane moment, Five Hargreeves understood Icarus' fascination with the Sun.
Nothing could unsettle Five's good mood whenever you were together. Not even when he met  your hot temper, your sharp tongue, mocking gaze, your strong, almost aggressive personality. While The Handler thought you were brash and difficult, Hargreeves thought you were wonderful. Perfect. He knew very well how to mask the turmoil inside him, so well that you accused him several times of being rude, surly and mean to you. But, even so, didn't go unnoticed to anyone the way that him smiling more easely for you.
Very quickly, Five knew that, like everyone who had a weakness, you would always be his. As long life coursed through his veins.
Hargreeves knew almost every possible human sensation, but the way he felt when you kissed him for the first, was superb, overwhelming. In that instant, as his hands tangled in your hair and his mouth melted into yours, Five knew that his soul would forever be yours. Always yours. He silently ask that you belonged to him, because he belonged to you forever. Until the end of times.
"You're everything to me." Those were yours words when you two slept together for the first time. And as much as Five was embargoed with too many new emotions to be able to utter a single sentence ,he pressed his lips to yours and begged whatever deity there was - for the first time - that he could convey in that kiss everything he felt for you.
You were the point of salvation in the raging, evil sea that was Hargreeves' life.
Time passed and Five kept you like a promise, an unspoken prayer to a God he didn't even believe in. He branded your name into his soul like a red-hot iron and silently swore eternal love to you each time his long, thin fingers brushed your soft skin. He worshiped you in secret and admired your beauty out of the corner of his eye. Like a nicotine addict, Five consumed you, filled his lungs with your heavenly scent and held his breath until his brain felt the effects of the addiction. Not even Reginald could explain why you made the ocean waves of Five calm like a prayer mass. You promised eternal peace with just one look and Hargreeves wanted to confess all his sins just so he could enter your gates of paradise after death.
Would it be a crime for a murderer to want redemption so badly? Would there be a timeline where he could follow you to the last of days? A reality where he wasn't haunted by the constant feeling that the villain couldn't wish for a happy ending. Not when he's already taken away so many other people's happy endings.
Was it a crime that he didn't want to smear blood your cheek whenever he touched that spot? Because no matter how many times Five washed himself, the red liquid from his victims would always be there. Invisible, but there. Always.
And, just as he knew what a evil joke his life was, the gods showed once again that their fun was to see him suffer.
“What's this, Five?” You asked him one night, holding an open notebook full of notes.
His notebook. With his notes of the calculations that he was trying to get right to get back to his home. To his family.
You felt a hurricane of emotions that clouded your senses, a mixture of sensations that made your ground shake.
You know that Five always wanted to come home, he's told you that himself several times. It wasn't a closely guarded secret and you shouldn't be feeling so...betrayed. It was petty and selfish not to want him to leave. It was wrong to wish you were enough, to make up for the absence of an entire family. You were aware that a relationship was not enough to have a full, completely happy life. And from the bottom of your heart, you really wanted Five to be able to return to his family. Everyone deserves a family. And you couldn't, and wouldn't, take that away from him.
But… but you wanted to be more than a consequence of his plan. Just a person he'd met in the midst of his mission to go away. You wish Five would see you as a life partner. You didn't want him to give up on his family, but to take you away with him if that was the case.
But Five Hargreeves wouldn't take you along whit him. It was always in his eyes whenever his family got into the subject, you just misled yourself into thinking that the time you two spent together might change his mind. Make him want you for the rest of his life. You didn't want him to give up his true life to stay and remain with you, but you would give up to yours to follow him to hell. If he asked. If he wanted you.
But the way Five Hargreeves looked at you in that moment, made it clear to you that he would never see you the way you saw him.
And it tore you apart.
You were too smart a person to know that his silence was an answer. “How close are you to coming home?” was just the only thing that came out of your mouth.
"Very close.'' 
His voice was like desert sand, and a part of you died in that hour.
“And you didn't bother to tell me that?''
This time Five frowned. "Why should I?"
Laughter escaped yours lips as an incredulous, mocking sound, and the hurt part of you began to turn to anger.
“Do you really think it's okay to come into my life and leave whenever you want? Without even telling me what hell is going on.”
“You always knew I would come back to 2019”
“Yes but…'' but I didn't think it would be so soon. but I thought that when the day came you would want me by your side. but I wanted you to stay.
In a perfect world, Five would have told you he wouldn't take you with him because the calculations were uncertain, dangerous, fatal. Not even a genius like him could accurately hit all the math that was required, the difference was that he was aware of and accepted the consequences of his near-fatal mission. Dying or getting lost in time trying to get back to his family has always been a very high probability, one that Hargreeves couldn't, and wouldn't, involve you.
Maybe that was love. The absurd desire, almost torn apart, of wishing with all his soul to stay with you until the end of time. But to give it up without hesitation when it came to your well being. Five Hargreeves might be a murderer, a monster and an executioner, but he would never put you in the crossfire just for his selfish desire to have you forever. And he couldn't give up his family too.
The evil joke that was his life once again found a new way to make him bleed. This time, in a way he never thought possible, in such excruciating pain that there, looking into the deep hurt in the eyes that meant the reason he was still breathing, Five was sure he would never be happy again. Not completely. Not fully.
He found love where he shouldn't have found it. And those months of paradise were paid for with his soul.
Five couldn't look at you anymore, and the sound of your angry voice at him was drowned out by the pain that welled up in his chest and spread through every part of his body.
“Why can’t you just look at me for one god damn second?!” 
He wanted. He wished he could look at you one more time and not feel that horrible pain. But Five knew that if he did that, he would see not only the reason his heart kept beating, bu also that he was hurting the one person he swore to protect. He wasn't strong enough for it.
But, the truth was Five Hargreeves couldn't protect you from himself. From the chaos and hell that followed him wherever he went. He couldn't protect you from the death trail he left behind. But he could protect you from the mess he was. And that's what he was doing.
"Things shouldn't have gotten this far." He didn't recognize his own voice.
That was no lie. He shouldn't have loved you with every cell in his body. He shouldn't have found heaven in you when he was always destined for hell. He should have been honorable and let you go when he first realized that you would be the spin of his world. He should have loved you from afar, in secret. However, like the cretin he knew he was, Five gave in to his soul's pleas. He gave in to the overwhelming desire to kiss you. Once again. One more. And when he realized, his naked body was already wrapped around yours several times, mixing sounds of sin and ecstasy, as he drowned in your body his heart condemned to be forever yours.
"Are you telling me you're sorry for us?" The pain and anger in your voice was too much for him to handle.
As Five got up from the chair he was sitting in, your eyes burned with a fire of irritation and smoldering hurt.
How could he?
“You know that's not what I meant.''
Fucking lier.
“But it sounded just like that to me.”  You hit back, as you always did with him. “You can barely face me and the only thing I hear you say is that we shouldn't go that far. What kind of sick game is this? Do you wear me for months and then discard me as if I am a piece that is no longer useful to you?”
Emotions overflowed your body in the form of tears. Fights with Five were always exhausting, he never let you in on his deepest emotions and constantly say something that tore at your heart. Several times you've wondered why you stayed by his side when it was clear Five didn't think twice about hurting you with something cruel. Why were you mad that he didn't want you on his side in another timeline? When it was clear that not even in this timeline he felt much appreciation for you.
Because you love him with every breath.
“I didn’t call you useless to me.”
"Sure. Because I give you good sex when you need to vent.” Your voice shook with crying.
"Y/n, that's not what I meant..."
“I know what you mean, Hargreeves.” This time he looked at you, but only for seconds. "It means I'm good enough for you to fuck me over at the end of the day, but not good enough to want to be with me in other ways."
That was a slap in his face. How could you think like that?
Five Hargreeves forgot that only him was aware of the visceral magnitude of his feelings for you. He forgot that his inability to express what he felt in words was much loud, because while he burned in a blazing fire of love and passion inside, on the outside he only let on a firm frown, a crooked smile and a longer look in your direction.
Five never said he loved you. And the lack of communication was fatal.
To you, who didn't know Five's real feelings, it seemed very clear from his actions that he didn't love you.
"Isn't that what I..."
But you had reached your limit. There was a limit of rejection you could take.“We can’t go back in time, so stop trying to reverse what you said.” 
That had been the mother of all ironies. Because he could go back in time. But apparently not enough to show you that, all these months, you've been the reason his heart is still beating.
Five approached you, almost as a side effect, but you nipped the action in the bud. “Don't Touch Me.”
"You know I didn't mean to hurt you in any way, I promised myself that I wouldn't.”
“So stop making empty promises!” You left his house, and Five didn't stop you. 
When the sound of the front door echoed off the walls, all hope of happiness was gone along with you.
The next day, Five come back to his home, his family, and he used the consolation that you would be safe on the Commission. Protected from the ongoing chaos that he was.
And it hurt like he'd lost the best of him.
Luther had the romantic heart and common sense of a banana. He took risks and changed his world in the name of love, happiness, passion. Every cell in his body pulsed with romanticism and the joy he felt in being in love clouded his rationality.
There was hardly a shred of discernment in that gigantic body when love was involved in the equation. And maybe that's why he'd been oblivious to the subtle signs that timeline was giving him when he'd been kidnapped by Sparrow Academy, and Sloane had introduced him to her best friend. All Luther could see was Sloane next to a girl who seemed to do her a lot of good, a good friend. And anyone who made that beautiful smile appear on the face of the woman he was in love with was already his best friend too.
Luther didn't realize the air sounded different. That the world seemed to hold its breath, as if it had just watched a plot unfold. He didn't feel any of it, because Luther wasn't sensitive to the little hints life gave him.
“This is Y/n.” Sloane smiled once more as you sat next to her at the gigantic breakfast table.
If Number One had been more attentive to the details around you, he would have noticed that something deep in your eyes looked familiar. But he wasn't the most attentive of the world.
The conversation took place calmly, as normal as circumstances allowed. Luther knew that to the people of that reality, the Sparrow Academy were a good, friendly, heroic bunch. Maybe his crush on one of the members was compromising his judgment, but Luther started to think that maybe his siblings only hated them for meeting under those circumstances. Perhaps, in another reality, they would all have gotten along and found something in common. Just like you were doing, sitting there while talking to everyone.
Apparently, you were a person dear to that family. Ben seemed to smile a lot more at you and Fei seemed less scary around you.
“So how did you two meet?” 'Luther asked you, as he stuffed a whole piece of toast into his mouth.
“She's Sloane's childhood friend.'' Fei said, saving you from answering by having your mouth full.
You smiled at Luther and nodded.
“Our childhood friend.” Ben corrected, and the whole family rolled their eyes.
“He's not always this grumpy.'' You told Luther as you gulped down your food, the kind, bright smile not leaving your aura.
“Only 99% of the time’’ Sloane joked and you both laughed.
The end of that interaction was given when Ben stood up and asked for everyone but Sloane to be in the living room. Leaving the two lovers alone, Ben asked you to accompany Luther back to his family when he left. Just to make sure he wasn't up to something or lying.
You would accompany the guy, but only to make sure that Fei's crows didn't do anything bad or that Alphonso didn't pick on him, but you wouldn't come back with information about the Hargreeves.
The dynamics of Sparrow's with you has always been very present in everyday life, for many years. And as much as Ben was extremely manipulative and the other siblings had their equally thorny flaws, over time you came to learn how to deal with each one, what each one was capable of doing.
"Whatever." Ben rolled his eyes, and was already turning to leave when he turned a few inches back in your direction ''But be careful." and he left.
When night had fallen and Luther was allowed to leave, you said you would accompany him to his destination. You didn't make up lies or half-truths, you said what Ben had asked you to do and your reasons for doing so. You weren't interested in the war between the two families, only your friend's happiness. And if being with Luther made her happy, you wouldn't be the one to get in the way.
The journey was smooth. Hargreeves asked almost everything he could about Sloane. And you helped by telling him the things she liked, what she didn't, her favorite foods and ways to win her heart. You always thought love suited Sloane, and you would do what you could to help a man who seemed genuinely interested in making her the happiest woman alive. She deserved it.
Luther entered the huge hotel first, carrying the gift bag Ben had given him. You should have stopped there and walked away, you had already completed what you came to do, you had already arrived at your destination. But something, an energy that raised the hairs on the back of your neck, urged you to enter that hotel with Luther, just one more step...
The air suddenly changed as you followed Luther toward a huddle of voices, and the closer you got, the more your heart raced, like a ticking time bomb. The hotel's mood turned red and rosy, as if the lights of the world were dimming, and there was something lyrical about the way the air swirled around you.
Five Hargreeves was tired. Tired of apocalypses, exhausted from having to save world after world, win fight after fight. It was as if he was constantly putting off the inevitable, pushing himself to the limit, using energy he didn't even have anymore.
He really needed that retirement that only lasted a few minutes. Five wanted to see the world, visit new places, but not for him…
“One day we could take a vacation.” You said one day, lying inside Five's arms, both bodies naked.
He frowned at your comment, and you didn't even have to look at him to know that was the expression he was making.
“I always wanted to see the world.” You explained. “But… I don't know, it's one of those things in life that we keep putting off, blaming work, tiredness… loneliness.”
"Where would you like to go?"
"All the places." You laughed. “To know even the stupidest things, like… how to know the biggest ball of twine in the world”
And this time he laughed too.
Five wanted to see the world, visit new places, but not for him, for you.
Maybe that's why Five was so angry with Klaus when he learned that they hadn't traveled for a vacation. Maybe that's why he nearly killed them both in a car accident to see that twine. Because…maybe if he did the things you wanted to do, he would feel closer to you once again. Maybe.
If he could just imagine your snarky comments, your boisterous presence, he could feel alive once more.
But he had stopped in front of that stupid ball of twine. Giant and perfectly round. He waited for some revelation, some sensation…but nothing came. And that was another evil joke in his life, tearing apart another piece of his soul shards. Nothing could replace you. Hargreeves returned to the hotel feeling worse than when he left, with a new end of the world knocking at the door, with more family dramas to resolve.
However, this time, something was very different.
He sought within himself that survival instinct, that will to fight, to stop another apocalypse, to see another tomorrow. Only to find nothing. Only for the answer come at him like a big void.
And he thought 'why?'. Every time they tried to save the world, something worse happened. And now that he'd had a taste of what a calm, normal life would be like, without you, Five found no motivation to keep fighting.
He was still alive, but he had left his heart two timelines ago.
“I'm back.” Luther's voice trumped Alison's talking to Viktor, and Five remembered thinking when  Luther had left.
But that didn't matter. And he began to wonder which things still mattered.
His hearing picked up Luther's conversations with the other siblings, but his brain wasn't processing anything. With his back to Number One, Five had his direction towards Klaus, more specifically to the whiskey glass in his hands.
He really should get fucking drunk...
“Sorry about the Sparrows, they really go overboard sometimes.''
That's when the Earth's rotation stopped. The world stunned in slow motion as every hair on Five's body stood on end. The completely stunned silence in his mind lasted only seconds, interrupted when his soul screamed so loudly that Five was stunned. The chords of the music of fate grew more agitated by the minute, like a premonition of the climax.
Five Hargreeves knew that voice better than he knew himself.
His body abruptly swung toward Luther, startling the other brothers beside him, drawing all attention his way. Klaus frowned as Diego followed the same action.
That's when his eyes focused on you. The symphony of fate reached its climax and was like an atomic explosion.
And, after a fucking long time, his heart beat frantically, alive.
His jaw dropped open, his eyes widened in an explosion of emotions and sensations. The glass Five was holding tumbled to the floor, shattering on a splash of glass and splattering the expensive alcohol all over the floor. There was some exclamation from someone, but Five didn't hear. He wouldn't have heard anything but you.
Holy damn shit.
His pulse raced wildly through his veins, heightening all his senses and turning life back on in his body that had been operating in automatic mode for far too long. It was like finally being able to breathe. Like hot coffee after ages of braving the excruciating cold. Suddenly, the world had color again, life flowed through his body and his soul thanked on its knees to gods that did not exist for seeing you once again.
If this was a hallucination, another evil joke, Five didn't know how he was going to recover from it. Perhaps he would never recover. His body moved, his powers being completely forgotten as he advanced towards you. Step by step. Everyone looked at Five in bewilderment, but he could only see that you were as beautiful as the day he lost you.
So are this how the devotees felt when they arrived at the gates of heaven? So this are like to come back to life?
Five stopped in front of you, his hands shaking and his heart pounding in his chest, as if it desperately wanted to get out of his chest to find yours. To touch you. He didn't notice your confused look, didn't notice that his own eyes were watering. Five Hargreeves just felt you.Totally.
“Y/n?” His voice was a thread of sound. Trembled, broken, conveying so much pain and despair. There was so much emotion in a single name that Klaus felt himself holding his breath and squeezing Diego's arm.
Five's feelings, always so well hidden and buried in the graveyard of his being, now consumed the entire hotel. Filling every floor, hallway and room with an intensity no one knew he carried. This wasn't Number Five meeting an old friend. This was a man finding the reason his life made sense again.
"Do you know my name?" Your voice swamped Five with more emotions, taking their structures brick by brick.
In other circumstances, he might be sad that you don't remember him. Perhaps, the fact that the moments you two spent together only exist in Five's mind forever now, will be cut him deeply. But none of that was important. None of that mattered.
You were there. Live. Standing in front of him as wonderfully breathtaking as the first time he saw you.
Hargreeves gave a broken, shaky smile, stretching his fingers toward your cheek, completely losing his breath as him brushed against your skin once more. It was like coming home.
“I know everything about you." He whispered, his thumb running down your cheek as the tears in his eyes welled up.
You didn't move, you didn't reject him, you didn't yell at him. Not like you used to. You just looked at him with a look that made his world spin again, a look with amnesia but that let him see your soul. And was the same one he fell in love with.
Holy shit.
"Okay, I'm not understanding anything that's going on here." Luther gestured with his index finger at the two, with the others nodding. “Do you know him, Y/n?”
Your eyes didn't leave Five's, absorbing all the emotions that blue sea revealed to you. You thought you had seen the love, the devotion, the passion. You thought the way Sloane looked at Luther was a look of love.
You have never been so wrongly deceived.
That was a look of love. That which was eternal devotion.
Five Hargreeves didn't look at you like you were a pretty girl, not like his were in love. He looked at you like you were the only thing that kept him alive. And that tore you apart. Because whoever that handsome man was thinking he found, it wasn't you. You didn't remember him, and you sure as hell wouldn't forget a face like his.
"I think you got confused." You said it in a whisper, as if speaking softly would change the truth, would make him keep touching you in that…careful way.
Your head instinctively leaned into his hand, as if already knew the way.
Five smiled again, his whole body burning in the heat of a thousand suns. "I would never get confused." The certainty in his voice took your breath away. "Not with you."
You could hear the rumble of his heart, and you could see that yours was beating the same tune, the same waltz. None of this situation made any sense, and you knew you had a million questions to ask later. Later. Not now, not when he was looking at you and touching you like this.
Reality could wait.
Five Hargreeves wouldn't let you leave his side after that day. It doesn't matter if you had things to do, places to go. That apocalypse was tearing people apart and he couldn't even think straight about the possibility that you were one of them.
It was unacceptable.
You had the answers to your questions, and Five gave you all of his time, explaining any questions, giving you his full attention. Treating you like you're the reason that he still standing.
The end of the world was knocking at the door and, looking at you once more, Five was sure that he wouldn't spend the precious time he still had chasing solutions or doing elaborate equations. He wouldn't waste his last days focusing on saving the world, on escaping to another reality. Not again.
He learned his lesson the first time. He understood that the priority should never have been going back to 2019, or keeping you away. His priority should always have been to stay by your side until the end of time. And that's what he was going to do.
"So I'm a version of your true love?" You said, sitting on the edge of a bed in one of the hotel rooms.
“You’re more than that.” he assured you with a firmness that took your breath away, looking at you with all the honesty in the world.
The smile you gave made Five smile too.
“Shouldn't you be trying to stop the apocalypse? Your sister seems to really want to change reality.”
Hargreeves shook his head. “I won't leave you. Never. Not again.”
Your heart was pounding, your hands were shaking, and there was something about Five that made you feel like he was something you'd found after many years of searching, even if you hadn't realized it. You didn't feel the urge to say you weren't the same person he fell in love with, to argue about it. Not. The end of time was coming and you just…wanted to spend the rest of them in his arms.
Someone's arms that your heart cried out never to leave.
And just like in past reality - even if you didn't know it - you would follow Five Hargreeves to hell if he asked you to.
And, this time, he asked.
"You can kiss me?" Your voice came out as a whisper, and you thought you saw him catch his breath.
Five didn't wait for a new invitation. He didn't wait for any more signs. His warm hands cupped your cheeks, his body leaned into yours and his mouth finally, finally, captured yours.
It was like living a miracle.
Hargreeves kissed you like you were the only thing that mattered in the world. He kissed you like sky was going to collapse tomorrow and hell was finally coming for him. His tongue curled around yours in a sensual, needy waltz as their hearts beat in time and their souls touched once more.
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.” His voice sighed against your swollen lips, still sensitive from the kisses.
Your hands came up to Five's shoulders and tangled in the dark hair at the back of his neck, sinking your mouth once more to his, as if it was impossible to stay away now that you tasted him. The environment took on a more reddish air, smelling of passion and need, the air had a tone of paradise and all of this was felt by both of you. The mouths now danced with more precision, the hands roamed the bodies and the troubled feelings clouded the reality outside that room.
But if Luther and Sloane were getting married, why couldn't you and Five get lost in the same seething madness?
It was the end of the world. And you would spend together.
His body pressed against you, and the heat of his ample chest on youe sensitive breasts made a heavy sigh escape your lips.
"You don't know how much I missed your sounds." His voice was muffled by the kisses that trailed down your neck, marking your sensitive skin with red prints and burning desires.
You didn't notice when you pushed his suit off his long arms, or when you helped him with his tie. When you found yourself, that maddening body was on top of you, glued to you, running his hands down your thighs as he drowned his mouth on your lips. The body-to-body contact was too much, too much for the arousal that was rising to alarming levels, too much for the sensuality the climate adopted. His fingers gripped you with possession, and you knew you'd find a print of his fingerprints as he gripped your thighs more tightly.
The hem of your blue dress had already bunched up around your waist, and you shifted your hips toward his pelvis, earning a loud groan in return and a hard bite to your bottom lip. His shirt was the third piece of clothing to get out of the way, and the sight of Five unbuttoning the white fabric was a show that made your pussy ache with desire.
You needed him. Just like he needed you.
“Can you help me with this zipper?”
Five flashed a sly smile that accentuated his dangerous features, giving you one last hard kiss as he knelt between your legs. His long hands flipped you onto your stomach in just one motion, pulling your hips up and pressing the cock covered in your soaked panties, drawing a loud groan from you as he pulled the zipper down your back. The piece of black fabric and the bra dropped to the floor along with the other pieces, and Five turned you onto your back once more as he returned with the deep kisses.
There was an endless list of positions he wanted to fuck you in, but right here, in this moment, Hargreeves just wanted full skin-to-skin, chest-to-chest, mouth-to-mouth contact as he entered you. Five needed to make sure, once again, that you weren't just a figment of his imagination. And physically feeling you, completely, was the only thing that partially soothed him.
He lowered his pants and underwear just enough for his cock to pop out. Thick, bloated and needy. Your  panties were pushed to the side, and Five couldn't wait another single second to fully enter you.
“Fucking hell” It was his groan against your mouth, as your drenched walls sobbed around him.
"You are too big." You whimpered in a whiny voice, your hips working to swallow him and trying to pull away at the same time.
“But you take so well.” His voice was broken, and Five bit your shoulder as he reached your end, slamming into the mouth of your cervix and drawing a loud groan from you.
Your head fell back, your nails dug into his back and your legs spread even wider in a pathetic attempt to swallow him without squeezing too hard.
“Tell me what you like.” It was a mixture of request and order, a sentence lost in half sentences.
"I like. I like it, I like it.” You repeated frantically, afraid he would stop.
“Thank God” was the only whisper you heard before he pulled most of his cock out and slammed into you harder. Again. And again. "Your pussy won't let go of me." he moaned against your skin. “God, you're still fucking perfect.”
You wish you had said something too, something that showed you were loving it as much as he did, something that expressed that he was perfect too, something that said you wanted him to be yours forever. But you couldn't, because Five picked up the pace and he beat relentlessly at that point that made you scream out loud. His long arms encircled your waist while your around his neck. There wasn't a single piece of skin that wasn't touching, and the only distance between the two of you was his cock moving in and out of your weeping pussy.
His name took the form of loud screams and moans, with the sound of bodies colliding and spreading across the hotel.
“You’d better be quiet or everyone’s going to know what a naughty little slut you are.” 
If you weren't already on edge, that dirty phrase would have done the job. You came in a burst of color, and your sensitivity was assailed by the hot, thick jets of cum that Hargreeves filled your pussy shortly thereafter. His cum continued for a few more seconds, and you felt your womb starting to fill with all the white load.
“Holy shit.” Five bit your neck, tightening his arms around you and pushing his cock even deeper, trying to force his way through whatever barrier was holding him back.
His new moan came breathy and hoarse, and you whimpered that he was still trying to push himself as deep inside you as possible, as if he wanted to mark any part of you as his. He seemed to want to make sure his cum had entered your womb, because his movements continued to try to push the white load even deeper. You brought him into a broken kiss, panting and slow, following his movements with your hips and holding back from giving him everything he wanted.
The breaths of two of you were starting to calm down, but your firm grip on Five's body made it clear that you didn't want him to leave you. And he wouldn't, even if the world ended now.
‘'How did I think I could live without you?'’ His confession made you laugh, your hands caressing the back of his neck as you sought his lips for another kiss.
“You’re not going to leave me alone, are you?” you said.
His eyes met yours, and the topic was no longer about sex or desire or need.
It was about staying. Together.
“Not.” This time, Five wouldn't abandon you. He would do it differently this time.
And he was thinking about that when he running his hand over your sweaty face, looked at you deeply as he said. “I promised to love you forever.” he never told you he loved you in the past, and this time he wouldn't make the same mistakes.
Five Hargreeves would stand by you until the end of time. Because forever is his whenever he is whit you.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Incredibly lucky to even be here
I just realized, exactly one year ago today (May 11th) I was diagnosed with endometrial stromal sarcoma and given less than a 34% chance of survival. I'm incredibly, miraculously lucky to be well and cancer-free today. I owe that to my amazing doctors, and also in a small way to BTS.
The moment I got told I had cancer, I immediately decided to only entertain thoughts of complete health and victory. It was a pure and immediate defense mechanism and I stuck to it. So no sad songs or movies or TV shows. No online drama. No negative nellies or naysayers. No stressful projects at work. No arguments, no entanglements, no regrets.
For months, I would focus only on laughter and quality time with loved ones and things that brought me joy, even as I had to deal with practical stuff like creating a will and a pet trust and filling out life insurance forms and undergoing test and surgeries.
BTS (and Jimin, as my "recruiter") gave me moments of grace and beauty and art and warmth and giggles--and kind ARMYs gave me a sense of belonging and community, especially during a dark and terrifying time, when in the quiet of the early morning hours, the sense that my own body was my worst enemy would eat at all my mental defenses. I could switch on my phone, go to the timeline, and ARMY and BTS would be there.
If I seem to be very Pollyanna-ish or boringly polite these days, it's because I decided one year ago to focus on what I want instead of giving energy to what I don't. I know bad things are very real and they need to be confronted--of course! But I also know that depression, anger, and fear can erode the myelin sheath wrapped around our nerve endings and weaken the walls in the chambers of our hearts; that toxic emotions can bleach our hair of color and rob our nails and skin of suppleness; that negativity can lengthen our immuno-response times to bruises and cuts.
So if other folks get a thrill, a hit of adrenaline, from drama and trash talking in our fandom, more power to them, I guess. It must serve them in some way I don't understand. Me? I find meanness and pettiness draining and damaging. So I'll never do that. I'll never rudely call someone out in public or go on their blog to rant or snipe openly about members or fellow ARMY. I will just keep myself to myself and do my best to be authentic and kind and hard working.
Doesn't always work. I'm human. I will absolutely make mistakes (case in point--the campaign idea yesterday that could have really harmed Jimin. I didn't think about all the consequences and I'm so grateful to the people who patiently set me straight.) Please know that if you ever feel strongly I'm going in the wrong direction, you can always speak to me--I'll ask a million questions, I'll hear you out, and I'll try to be flexible in my mindset. You don't have to hide behind throw-away accounts or talk to others about me. I will do my best to always be kind and act in good faith with everyone. (But I'll likely still make some mistakes, because my intentions are good but I myself am not perfect.)
By and large, I feel I'm just really astronomically lucky to be here. I know the kind of cancer I had is very sneaky and could come back at any time. So how I spend my time left in this life matters to me. I want to be a source of good in the world, help other people, experience bliss and celebrate good things. I don't want to be selfish or destructive. If I start to go that way, I know good friends will gently call me back.
Like BTS, I want to connect with people and help build something worthy. So if you're on board with that, let's be friends. And if you're not, let's part amicably.
I just... figured I should probably say that... out loud. So that's that on that.
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Love you guys,
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seb-reads31 · 4 months
Request - My brain overflowing with thoughts of dream world
Tw's - Kerano twisting her ankle, screaming child, alcohol, Kerano being left on Faithful's doorstep
Genre - Fluff
Type - head canons
Comments - I was obsessed with this and need to share it cause why not 🤷 feel free to give your thoughts!!
Dream World
☁️ So, my understanding of the dream world is that Albus is an actual paladin, and isn't considered a good for nothing bastard, and he actually has a good relationship with Devlin
☁️ Now, we all know Faithful wasn't exactly supposed to be there, but let's just say that the dream world is another timeline/au for my sake
☁️ And in this world, Albus isn't a bastard, he had a loving mother, older brother, as well as a father
☁️ I'm going to guess that they (Albus and Devlin) had different mothers still
☁️ So, in this world, perhaps Devlin's birth mom passed away due to an illness not long after he was born or when he was very young, and later on Knight Paladin York met Albus' mother, henceforth having him
☁️ (None of that was important, I just want to touch on all of the things that aren't really explained for reasons yeah but I was curious and came up with my own explanation. Cause my brain is everywhere for this one y'all.)
☁️ Now, like it mentioned in the video, Albus was trained by Devlin, as well as part of Devlin's group. Albus definitely admires his big brother, cause who wouldn't??
☁️ And now, cue dream world Faithful 🥰
☁️ I mentioned this in my Albus or Devlin brain rot, but Faithful is a painter
☁️ A traveling painter✨
☁️ She travels around painting the pretty scenery she finds, and sells her portraits along the way
☁️ She has a home that she shares with her precious baby, Kerano <33
☁️ Kerano showed up on Faithful's doorstep one chilly night, swaddled in a blanket with a note that said "This is Kerano, her birthday is [her birthday], please take care of her kind stranger."
☁️ Faithful quickly brought her inside and warmed her up a nice bottle of milk
☁️ As you travelled, so did Kerano
☁️ You can't exactly let that chaotic little gremlin stay home alone, and all of Faithful's relatives lived very far from her
☁️ But the travels are filled with learning experiences!
☁️ How Faithful and Albus met are a bit similar to the video, except Kerano had sprained her ankle while running around as Faithful painted
☁️ She didn't see the root and fell to the ground, letting out a shriek of pain
☁️ Faithful drops her paint palette and brush as she ran towards Kerano, not realizing that there are heavy footsteps heading the same direction as her
☁️ Faithful is reaching for Kerano and is asking what happened and what's hurting when Albus shows up, frazzled and ready to pull his sword out on some bandits trying to rob someone
☁️ Faithful whips around and asks him who he is, slightly frazzled in the whole situation
☁️ Albus explains as gently as he can that he's a knight, and ran over to the scream assuming that there was a bandit
☁️ He briskly walked over to Kerano, looking her over and seeing her now swelling ankle
☁️ "Twist your ankle kid?" He didn't wait for a response as he turned to Faithful, asking her something
☁️ "I can bring her to my brother's tavern nearby, he has some beds where you and the kid here can rest."
☁️ Faithful was nervous, and slightly hesitant about accepting his offer, but did so because he was a knight, and the knights here were well known for their hospitality
☁️ "O-okay, but I need to grab my equipment first, I-I was painting when she fell and if I leave it alone someone is sure to steal it."
☁️ Faithful runs quickly, haphazardly putting her paints into their box, tossing the brush she was using into its bag with the knowledge she'd have to clean the entire thing later, and quickly folds her easel down while grabbing the small canvas, only half of the stream she thought was so endearing was finished
☁️ As she started walking back, she heard a familiar giggle, one that belonged to Kerano
☁️ When she saw Albus and Kerano, she was on his back as he told a story about a thief around here who did the same thing she did, but while he was escaping from a pickpocket from the wrong person
☁️ Albus saw that Faithful was coming back, and started to walk in the direction of his brothers tavern
☁️ The walk wasn't too long, and you got to learn a little about Albus along the way
☁️ By the time you three arrived, the sun was setting, the tavern having a few people start to walk inside the doors
☁️ Albus walked up to the bar and spoke to a dirty blonde, who you assumed was the "Devlin" he spoke of during your walk
☁️ And that's how you, Albus, and Devlin met
☁️ Kerano is Devlin's pride and joy, even though she eggs Albus onto drink more than he should when he's supposed to be on patrol, she's a sweetheart
☁️ Albus is showing Kerano how to fight with swords in his free time
☁️ Why you might ask? Cause he can't resist her puppy eyes 🥺
☁️ So now, a good chunk of the time Kerano is training with Albus behind the tavern with some wooden swords that all knights start out with
☁️ After some talking between Faithful and Devlin, he learns that she's an artist and commissions her to do something with the walls
☁️ They're kinda.. bleak
☁️ There needs to be more color, more personality, more life in the building
☁️ Sometimes, when Albus is feeling a bit extra, he'll ask Faithful to paint some portraits for him in very, what's the word, extraordinary poses, convincing himself that he can hold it for as long as you need him to
☁️ Only for him to regret it within the first 20 minutes
☁️ Kerano and Devlin are making bets on how long Albus will stay still for before he decided he can't do it anymore
☁️ Whether you, as Faithful, choose Albus or Devlin is a sweet ending
☁️ They both love you and Kerano, she's a joy to have around!
☁️ However, they do have questions
☁️ Like, did she have a spouse that produced the child, did she get a sperm donation, or did Faithful steal her?? (Thank you Albus for the last two.)
☁️ And when Faithful explains they're surprised someone did that, but also understand that they had their reasonings and are happy she could give Kerano a good life and childhood
Notes - I'll probably add more onto this later on. If there's anything wrong in here or something doesn't make sense please let me know! 😓 I'm a tad bit tired as I'm writing this and it might not make sense to y'all.
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enchantedblackrose · 2 years
Not Pretty
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Gif credit @haileyupstead
Jay Halstead/ Fem Reader Partner, mentions of Kim and Erin.
Summary: You and the other girls from Intelligence are sent to a nightclub, but the bouncer won't let you in.
Warnings: No canon timeline. Some swearing, feelings of not being pretty. A dude calls you ugly. Largely unedited but I'm tired of looking at it.
Author's note: I really thought I had such a good idea. Then I sat down to write this and omg this is just...idek. I'm sorry? It's nothing like I thought it would be. And I'm seriously doubting posting it. Huge thanks to Resa for talking it out with me otherwise I'd still be stuck hahaha
A contribution to @resanoona 's 3k Fiesta bingo! Square filled: Hurt Feelings
Not Pretty
"Not you," dripping with disdain and a sneer while the onlookers snicker, echoes in your mind as you sit on the bench in the locker room at the precinct, momentarily sidetracked from gathering your belongings.
You shouldn't be feeling like this. Sad. Defeated. The sense of utter failure lingering over you. You and the team made the bust. And yet all you hear is that bouncer's voice. 
Of course it's a frigid Chicago night as you stand outside the nightclub with members of your team undercover and underdressed. Your knee high boots help conceal your credentials as well as your backup piece, but your left little toe is already numb with pain and you're positive your heels are going to blister. You tug the bottom of your dress as if that will magically make it grow longer.
Kim playfully swats your hand. "Stop fidgeting."
"This dress is tiny and it's freezing," you stick your tongue out and she laughs at you.
"Yes, well in lieu of making your dress longer or warmer, try to relax," she offers you a tentative smile.
Through your earpiece, your partner's voice rings out, "She's right, y/n. You look...fine. just concentrate on the task." Feeling chastised, you scowl in Jay's general direction. He's somewhere in the crowd of people in line for the club in case there's trouble before you even get in. He somehow manages to catch your eye, before you plaster on the fakest of smiles.You turn to Kim just as Erin bounces up to you both, hooking her arms through Kim's elbow and yours. "Ladies! Let's get this started."
Laughing with each step, feigning flippant attitudes, you and the girls walk past the line, straight to the bouncer by the door. He barely glances up from his clipboard.
"You won't find our names on your list, but-"
"End of the line," he barks.
"Please," Erin pouts.
"He's just doing his job," Kim says. He looks up, appreciating the recognition. "We'll go," but none of you make to move. His eyes rake over your bodies. Erin acts as if she's about to move, but then tilts her head slightly.
"Are you Rob? Because my friend, Cassidy, was here two or three nights ago and she said you had all the right moves," she says, dropping the name of her CI.
He laughs, "You lot know Cass? That girl is wild. You party like her?"
"Harder," you say with a cheeky smile. 
"And longer," Kim winks.
She and Erin giggle. You laugh a little late and very awkwardly. Rob moves finally granting entry. 
You all move to go in, but he stops you.
"Not you," He sneers.  Erin and Kim halt. "You two can go in. She has to wait." They scoff and protest, but he's unwilling. 
"Sorry no uglies." You feel your heart plummet; his words sting no matter how badly you wish they didn't. But even though you're hurt and angry, your face remains neutral. A group of smug girls on the other side of Rob snicker and point in your direction. Another wave of dejection hits you and you shove your emotions down again.
"Rob!" Erin scolds, but he shrugs, unabashed.
"It's fine," you force a smile, not wanting to  waste any more time. "Go and I'll meet you inside." Kim, you can tell, is conflicted. Erin isn't happy. You wink and before you're even walking away, Voight's in your ear, instructing the other two to continue on as planned and for you to wait in line with Jay. You can't help but roll your eyes. Of course you were going to go wait with your partner. There was nothing left for you to do but wait. This whole night was going down as one of your worst.
Jay is towards the back of the line with only a few people behind him so no one is bothered when you take a place by his side.
"Do you want my coat?" His offer is genuine, but you hardly notice.
"No, I'm not cold anymore." It's true. Your anger is enough to warm you. You huff involuntarily.  Jay notices how you don't look him in the eye.
He watches you carefully as to not earn your attention. Your jaw is set tight. Y/e/c eyes unblinking, fixated on up ahead. Your tongue presses to your cheek. Arms fold across your chest. Your order to join him has clearly irritated you.
Minutes pass by with the line never really moving. Jay notes how you look down at your dress. You ran a hand over it to unnecessarily smooth it out. You shift uncomfortably in your boots. Jay starts to think maybe there's more to your bad mood. It wasn't just Voight, but that asshole bouncer, too. Jay's jaw clenches tightly. He starts to put a hand on your shoulder when you both hear the order to move in.
"Chicago PD, you guys need to leave!"
"Get outta here." Together you and Jay clear all civilians before entering the club.
Erin's CI had given incredibly accurate intel. Plenty of arrests and drugs were seized. Lives were no doubt saved.
"Hey y/n, we're gonna go to Molly's for celebratory drinks," Kim's voice is extra soft, weary even, sensing your bad mood, but not knowing the best way to approach you. "You coming?"
"I already have plans," you lie with ease and a cheery smile a bit too big to be sincere. "Thanks though!" Kim looks like she wants to press on, but ultimately decides against it.
As she walks away, you sigh. If she and Erin hadn't teamed up with you, if you had attempted to get in the club alone, would the team still have made arrests and confiscated all the drugs? It was unlikely. Moving fast was key and you would have been forced to wait in that line. And while it had been Erin's CI providing some crucial facts, this had been your case. You couldn't even get into the club because you're not pretty. Hot tears prick your eyes. You hastily wipe them away.
Your club dress lays angrily thrown in your bag. Your boots too. Now sporting sweat pants and your PD tee, you remain on the bench, waiting for the laughs and voices of your colleagues to die down. You give extra time even, not wanting to catch any of them in the parking lot. But even when the silence settles in, you don't move. You're alone for five minutes when a voice comes from behind you, startling you.
"What are you doing?"
Your hand flies over your chest. "Jeez, Jay. I thought you left with everyone else." You let out a breath.
"Why aren't you at Molly's?"
"I told Kim. I have plans."
"I don't think you do." He crosses his arms over his chest as he comes to stand closer to you.
Annoyance sets in. You zip shut your go bag before standing up and slamming your locker door close. "Well I do, so if you'll excuse me…"
Jay doesn't budge. "No. Because you're lying and I want to know why."
"I don't appreciate being called a liar."
"I don't appreciate you taking me for an idiot. Your only plans must be a large pizza at home on your couch alone because you don't go out in sweats, except to the gym. And you never go there on Friday nights. So tell me. Why are you letting what some idiot said bother you?"
You're beyond stunned by just how well Jay knows you. It reminds you how much you love him, not only as your partner, or a friend, though you would never, ever,  confess it. Tonight being the perfect reminder, you're not enough. 
But his astute knowledge of you, has left you feeling vulnerable and angry. You need to get away. From him. From work. From your emotions.
"I'm not talking about this with you. Now move."
"Jay, I swear-"
"What are you going to do?" His frustration with you seems to grow with every second. Those normally light eyes of his are turning dark. His voice is slightly raised.
You've seen Jay mad before, but not with his anger directed at you. It only seems to fuel your temper.  "Why are you being such an ass about this?" You snap. 
"Why are you being so stupid about this?" He shouts.
Your eyes widen in disbelief. "Don't fucking yell at me and do not call me stupid."
"I'm thinking you might be if I'm right and you're all upset because some lowlife bouncer said-"
"Oh for fuck's sake! I'm upset because what he said is true. I'm not pretty. I look nothing like the other girls. It's not like I haven't noticed. This isn't about just one guy. It's about me. I never get hit on when I go out. I never had a lot of dates when I was younger. It's fine. There's so much more to life. It just stirred up some bad feelings. And this sounds silly to you, I'm sure, but there it is, Jay. Your partner isn't pretty. And it almost cost us the case! I almost cost us the case because I'm not pretty," your voice breaks at the end. Tears threaten to spill, But you stiffen your lip instead. You look Jay in the eyes.
He's shaking his head. "You're wrong. You're fucking beautiful, y/n."
You don't think you heard him correctly, "...What?"
"I," he pauses, nervously licking his lips before continuing, "You're my partner and I know it's inappropriate, but I just," he sighs, like he's losing an argument with himself, and then with one step towards you he closes the space between the two of you. His mouth is on yours, tongue begging for yours.
Once you have time to react and reciprocate, he gently pushes you into the lockers, deepening the kiss. His one hand rests on your hip. The other cups your chin, desperate to bring you impossibly closer. Your hands stay at your side, unable to process what is happening. The only thing you're able to do is kiss Jay back.
A moment passes before he pulls away. His kiss has left you breathless and feeling dazed. When you finally manage to look him in the eyes, you see his face is much more relaxed now.
His tone is gentler, too. "It's unfair how beautiful you are. Your face is so soft and lights up every time you smile. Your eyes twinkle after you've been laughing. And you're smart. You're good despite all the bad we see. And you're sexy, y/n. When I saw you dressed for the assignment tonight, I-," he doesn't finish the statement, rather a pink tinge spreads across his cheeks.
"But you never said anything. I didn't know…"
"Now you do. Maybe you'll see it for yourself now." Between his kiss and his words, you can hardly think. Jay takes your silence as an opportunity to apologize.  "I never meant to call you stupid, but I really didn't. It was implied that I thought you were being stupid, and though there's a difference, that wasn't cool either. I honestly couldn't understand you being hurt by someone's words, especially when they were so wrong. I had no idea you had no clue how pretty you truly are or that your feelings about this stem so far back. I didn't get it and I'm sorry y/n."
"It's fine, Jay. I don't exactly go around broadcasting my insecurities."
"I could've been more sensitive."
"Maybe. That kiss helped a bit," you quip, finally feeling more like yourself.
Jay's grin is almost smug. "Oh yeah? Well in that case, since I know you're not doing anything, how about we get a pizza, take it back to my place and then later I'll show you just how beautiful you are to me?"
Wordlessly, almost like you still can't believe what's happening, you nod. Jay takes your bag in one hand, and intertwines your fingers through his with the other. Hand in hand you leave the precinct.
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dramioneasks · 4 months
Hello love. Was wondering if there is any fic you can recommend me where draco and hermione had a secret relationship and broke up cause of the war and all and meet again years later (where theyre both in a good place and mature) ?
Destined to Collide Again - morallygreylover5557 - E, WIP - They had something unspoken, the lengths that they would go to each other were far. Draco Malfoy fell in love with Hermione Granger during 5th year. After everything during 6th year, the war and being torn to opposite sides to protect those they love, they finally have their chance. So why were the two still fated to never be together? Why was Draco engaged to be married just 3 months after? Why had Hermione moved on with Ron? What led to the downfall of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, and will 8th year be the closure they need, or the second chance they both so desperately want.
Where We Belong - cleotheo - T, 19 chapters - A tragedy robbed Hermione of the wizard she loved during the war, but she managed to move on with her life with some help from her friends. But what happens when Hermione starts seeing a face from the past? Is she imagining her dead boyfriend, or is there something more sinister at work? Is Draco really alive, or is Hermione just losing her mind?
Amor Vincit Omnia - The Beginning by Twin_Flame_Blues - M, 7 chapters - All of the flashbacks (plus a few new ones!) from the original AVO, organized in chronological order. This is essentially the prequel fic to AVO, telling the story of how Draco and Hermione got together at Hogwarts, how they kept their relationship a secret, and what they went through in the lead up to, during, and immediately after the war. I really wanted to compile all of the flashbacks from AVO into their own story so you could read it all the way through in order for a different experience than you get in AVO. The story begins during 4th year and continues through the end of Draco’s trial after the war. You can read this either if you have or have not read the original AVO, it will make sense either way, and the backstory built in this fic will remain consistent for all other works in the AVO universe, including alternate timeline fics that will pick up where this story ends. Enjoy these two idiots falling in love!
A Past Erased By: Ariel Riddle - M, 9 chapters - “His face contorted with a mixture of rage, indecision, and determination. Hermione did not care, she ran all the way up to him before flinging herself in his arms, wrapping her arms and legs tightly around him—she would never let go.” A Hermione get’s obliviated, Draco defects story.
Between the Sheets - ThedreamerandTheDance - M, 47 chapters, Words: 182,405 - ***COMPLETED***Voldemort is in control, the Golden Trio has been separated for protection, and Hermione Granger’s memory is as shaky as the tremors in her hands.But one day when a gray eyed Death Eater follows her through a local market, she quickly realizes she knows him – she just can’t recall how. But it doesn’t matter because in a matter of hours – those gray eyes change everything.
Divine Artifice By: jessiy - M, 25 chapters, Words: 162,391 - The story of how Draco Malfoy found redemption, his heart, and reclaimed his family’s honor. All thanks to a mislabeled bottle of Experimental Amortentia. Hermione/Draco
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maxphilippa · 1 year
"She looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl I've ever seen..."
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"Love is a burning thing, and it leads to a fire ring. Burnt by wild desire, she fell into a ring of fire."
i had a vision and passed out while making this. /j
Look I just. I just love them. I haven't drawn anything of them except for now. I can't put it into words. But. Imagine realizing that you're deeply in love with someone after months of kind of both dating her and her boyfriend.
Character Swap Mayhem (from Rob's timeline) belongs to @burgycreeper405-blog , Vas Wanabi (Alter Roles AU) belongs to me!
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scalproie · 11 months
ok I slept hi good morning anyway I see we're still having a november 5th situation in the tags and still arguing over which sub zero it is so. let me tell you why Im not that bothered until we see names and the actual plot
Let's start with scorpion. what makes scorpion scorpion? Being a ninja, a shirai ryu to be precise, a yellow outfit, fire, dying and coming back for revenge with said fire, the rope spear, and the funny catchphrase.
mk12 scorpion is lin kuei, he has a lin kuei badge. This strikes me as more wrong than being brothers with a sub zero because the lengths OUR scorpion went to in the previous timelines are heavily motivated over how scorpion loves and grieves his family AND CLAN. so why is he shown to belong in his enemy clan at the beginning of this game's story? Why would firegod liu kang create a timeline that robs his fellow pyromancer of his identity?
My theory is that this scorpion is gonna be the founder of this timeline's shirai ryu. He even has a scorpion tattoo. It would make sense for the clan to adopt the emblem that was on the skin of their founder.
It would also keep in line with the theme of choice in the game said by liu kang in the first trailer: will you fight as enemies or united as brothers? If the game starts with the brothers fighting alongside one another, maybe you will have a choice to keep the family united, but maybe you can make the heartbreaking decision to break them appart, which would result of this lin kuei scorpion defecting, and found the shirai ryu we know, and also kickstart the clans rivalry... you'd keep things as they were, but there's a tragedy in doing so as the brothers would fight each other.
And THAT'S a sub zero thing. Brothers fighting each other.
Now what makes sub zero? Being an assassin from an ancient chinese clan, wearing a blue outfit, being a cryomancer, having brotherly drama, and the conflict of tradition vs change.
Bi-han is a pure product of the lin kuei, he was the top assassin, he liked how things were or at the very least didnt questionned them, he was ruthless and cunning, he changed against his will when he was killed, but that change just fed into his worst traits.
Kuai Liang welcomes change, its how he was able to get the sub zero mantle after all, also please note that his desire to avenge his brother is fairly recent as it was almost an afterthought to him in the og timeline. Anyway he is the sub zero that wants to change the lin kuei for the better after he deems they went too far with the cyberization (which shows he still values a bit of tradition as well), and in the most recent timeline, he's the one who offered peace to hanzo and the shirai ryu.
If the backstory of both clans is still legit, kuai liang and hanzo's generations were the closest at uniting the clans after a rift between them happened at one point. And if Im right, we will be able to experience that rift first-hand in the upcoming game
Again I think thats what the game is gonna go for. Will you make this sub zero more like bi-han? or more like kuai liang? So far in what we've seen he has a bit of that bi-han edge, but I really dont think its meant to literally BE him.
Also for the argument that "Dam, if the lin kuei/shirai ryu division is even legit, it happened ages ago and we just saw johnny's alive huge ass with his huge modern villa and kenshi in a suit" well the timeline is already funky anyway: kitana and mileena are in free edenia and mileena is undergoing tarkatanization in the presence of kenshi in the trailer. It looks like everything is happening at the same time.
Maybe thats the point of this game: firegod liu kang wanted to create a timeline as peaceful as possible but some things will just have to stay the same, so hes giving us the choice: to keep the peace as weird and ooc as it feels or to let tragedy happen but tragedy we know.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Why Women Kill vs the ST Stage Production Teaser and Some Predictions
So, the drawing of the house from the ST stage production teaser trailer actually isn’t fully accurate to the Creel house:
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The windows on the left side of the creel house are all wrong. Because the image from the teaser trailer has been mirrored, it’s the right half of the Creel house twice.
And when we look at some of the info that we have about the stage play (ignoring the Hellcheer part bc that’s pure speculation from the article), we can see that there’s two fourteen year old kids listed- George and Betty.
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This all ties into this post that I made about Why Women Kill (and how Victor and Virginia have very strong visual parallels to Rob and Beth Ann). In Why Women Kill, three different couples move into the same mansion throughout the decades (not at the same time), and all three storylines end up with the women in each relationship committing murder in the mansion. However, what’s especially interesting to me is that the scene of all 3 husbands being murdered has all three timelines overlaid, as if all of the couples are in the same room at the same time, but they’re actually not, it’s just an artistic choice to show the 3 stories/timelines and how they’re similar but also different:
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The other couples are like a ghost to eachother in their different timelines- just like Nancy was when she was seeing the scenes of the Creel house.
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I bet they’re going to do a similar sort of thing here, where the story of the stage play and its characters is going to mirror the Creels and there’s going to be two families instead of three couples. And that some sort of murder is going to happen with a family in the play, and it’s going to give us subtext about the Creel murders/mirror/parallel them. After all- we don’t know who lived in that house before the Creels did.
I’m also staring Directly at George and Betty, because I won’t be surprised if their relationship ends up mirroring young Creelarke/subtly foreshadowing the S5 young Creelarke reveal, especially with the whole “moody outcast,” thing, which is very Henry coded.
It’s like. Henry and Scott already parallel Will and Mike, but there’s certain aspects of them that don’t quite match/fully parallel eachother- and I bet that those gaps are going to be filled in by George and Betty’s relationship.
It’s also interesting that Betty is the daughter of a preacher, considering that according to the Indianapolis Gazette, Victor was known for going to church, and according to the Weekly Watcher, Victor had a priest exorcise the Creel home.
And if another family lived there before the Creels did, it would explain all of the extra furniture in the attic that doesn’t seem to belong to the Creels.
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jaytoons7 · 1 year
Incoherent rambles about Crusher and stuff
I realized that you guys don't actually know much about his backstory and what happened to him post death.
Rambles under the cut (TWs: Mentions of murder, Toxic family, Gun violence):
General info
His real name is Richard Hughes (Only a small handful of people are allowed to still call him that). His nickname Crusher came from his general strength.
His age and birth year would be different depending on the universe (Although that can be said about most of my characters). In my timeline at least, He was born in the 1970s.
His birthplace and childhood home was in New York City (He still has a slight NYC accent).
His family had been part of a powerful mafia for many years. His parents were very powerful people within it.
With that said, Crusher was basically robbed of a normal childhood. As soon as he was old enough to properly hold a weapon (At about 10), His parents immediately began training him to his limit.
He first killed someone when he was only 13, His parents practically forcing him to. Due to the trauma of this incident, Crusher refuses to use melee weapons, Since he used a knife to kill said person.
A year after that, Crusher's parents were killed by Toppats. Wilford found him afterwards and after seeing the shit he had to go through at such a young age, He took Crusher into the Toppat Clan.
Toppat Life
A lot of what happens during his time as a Toppat varies depending on the universe. So I'll just say some general stuff.
Crusher discovered he was gay at about 19, Considering he didn't have a lot of time to discover himself back at his old home.
He gravitated towards pistols as his main weapon. He even learned a few tricks while using them (Like twirling them in his hands).
He tended to downplay his own pain, Which Wilford grew more and more concerned about.
He was always welcoming and patient towards new and young Toppats.
He always gave his enemies a fair fight if they deserved it. He always tried to be an honorable opponent.
Although he was a generally calm and fun person to be around, He was the last person you'd wanna piss off. He could be really scary if he needed to be.
He admired Wilford a whole lot. He saw him as a father figure of sorts, Although he's a bit too embarrassed to admit that.
His relationship towards Terrence was complicated, And also different depending on the universe. In Shifted Timeline, He's indifferent towards Terry. In Captured!Charles, He despises Terry.
He was extremely close to Right and Slice. He saw the two like little brothers and always tried to help them out in any way he could.
He was also fond of Reginald and Carol too. In the CC universe specifically, He tried to stick up for Reginald as much as possible.
Crusher was also friends with some OCs, Mainly Brutus and Morgana (Who belong to @smoresthehalloweenqueen )
When Crusher first met Danny (Who belongs to @capturecharlesau ), I wouldn't say it was love at first sight, Although he did definitely think Danny was cute. Overtime, Their relationship developed and the two started dating.
Crusher actually has two canon deaths.
In Shifted Timeline, He was killed in a raid gone wrong. He was out helping some other Toppats before he got ambushed. He eventually succumbed to his injuries before he could be brought back to the airship.
In Captured!Charles, He was killed during the rebellion against Terrence. Terrence had grabbed Reginald and was about to run off with him, But Crusher stood in his way. Terrence responded by shooting him straight in the chest. He succumbed to his bullet wounds shortly after Reginald killed Terrence. Some Toppats think he died in the crossfire though.
Technically, Both deaths were caused by Terrence. The main difference is whether he was directly involved (And whether he actually meant for him to die or not).
Post Death
No matter what universe, Crusher ends up stuck in the ghost realm (Think where the dead leaders kinda are).
Nobody in the living realm can see, hear, or touch him unless they have the power to see and communicate with ghosts.
He wanders around to keep an eye on the Toppats, Especially Danny.
His tie back to the living realm may slowly be growing stronger...
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ashes-writing · 2 years
wanna be yours pt I | mcu ; p. maximoff
A/N: There will be a few parts to this and I will post them sporadically whenever the mood strikes -kind of in the same vein as my eddiexreader, stevexreader, jonathanxreader from stranger things, and this is also a reader fic BUT... reader/you is the daughter of Tony Stark and an unknown/deceased mother. Look, I had to do it, alright? This was begging to be done. Even if I'm the only one who reads this, it's out there and I had fun.
That said, the more people bother me for continuations to any of the reader x character things I've written lately, the more likely I am to post follow up stuff so... I guess what i'm saying is if you think you wanna see more of this, by all means, scream at me about it pls.
Pairing ; Pietro Maximoff x Stark!reader
Timeline ; we're scrapping the fact that Pietro died, okay? Also, we're scrapping Tony's death too. I'm pretty sure this takes place somewhere after Age of Ultron and the other movies and Pietro/Wanda are Avengers. So, this is kind of an au written in it's own damn timeline that probably makes zero sense but I like it.
Warnings ; for the time being, nothing. Just a lotta father/daughter fluff, mentions of a breakup, Pietro being a hothead and being very very... seductive without saying a word and that's it. As this one goes up in parts, it'll likely have other more important warnings tacked to it.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || rules + fandoms and some of the characters I write for || requests ; open.. pls pls pls... any fandom/character but wrestling and any headcanon / filth alphabet letters / fluff alphabet letters you have. Anything goes as long as it fits within the above perimeters but no pro wrestling because I'm not writing for it right now. anything else would be greatly greatly appreciated. pls.
Tag List ; @beardedbarba is the only person on my actual tag list for MCU. However... I wanna tag @readingandwritingandreading because I just feel like they'll get a kick out of this as it goes on. If you don't wanna be tagged bb, please feel free to ignore.
Lastly, I do not consent to have my work reposted here. I also do not consent to having it reworded/reworked/copied and reposted anywhere else.
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After keying in your specific keycode to the compound, you waited -humming along to the radio as you watched for the wrought iron gates to swing open. When they finally did, you parked the red second hand Porsche that belonged to your father next to his muscle car of choice for the week.
“Friday.” you hold your wrist up to your mouth to dictate a text to send to the old man. “Yes?”
“Tell my father Tiny Dancer is incoming. So I won't catch him in a meeting or something.” you lowered your wrist and reached into the passenger seat to grab the grease-stained bag and the tray containing two large chocolate milkshakes.
This has been a tradition since you were old enough to sit in your father’s lap when he’d ride you around the block at your old place in  Upper Manhattan. The tradition didn’t just end because you were a college girl now and when you spoke to your father the night before you could tell that something was bothering him. Something was stressing the normally calm and laid-back Tony Stark out and as his daughter, as the one person who’d always tried to take care of him -despite his insistence that it should always only be the other way around instead, you were making it your mission to stop by. Check in and hopefully, take his mind off of whatever had him all stressed out with nobody to choke.
Almost as soon as you got halfway across the parking lot of the compound, the storm that had been holding off all through the drive up let loose and you were soaked to the bone in literal seconds. The rain was cold. Wet as it soaked through your thin Rob Zombie concert tee and you could feel the little makeup you happened to be wearing as it ran down your face. The doors leading into the compound’s lobby slid open with a quiet hiss and the blast of cold air from above had you hugging yourself as you stopped in the middle of the drab, military grade concrete room to get your bearings.
Pepper caught sight of you and hurried over, grinning. Laughing softly at your drenched state which had you sticking out your tongue and laughing right back. “How hard is the old man workin himself?” you question before she can even ask you about college or your new roommate or the boy you were dating but have since broken up with.
She frowns. “They’ve been chasing this answer for months. Even with Bruce’s help he’s no closer to a solution.” You cringe at her answer and take a deep breath. “Do you think he’d be talked into taking a break? Just a little one, I uh…” you held up the tray with the two milkshakes and the iced coffee you’d gotten for Pepper as a little treat. “I kind of missed family dinner because stupid rehearsals last weekend and I wanted to make up for it.”
“Are you sure it was just rehearsals? Or did this happen to have anything to do with a certain little jerk that your father and I don’t happen to like?”
“Oh, the little jerk isn’t going to be a problem anymore. I dumped him on Monday. Yeah, apparently he was sleeping with one of the girls in the chorus line, that’s probably the only reason he bothered coming to watch my rehearsals all the time.” you sigh and shrug because there’s not much else to say about the end of your most recent relationship.
Nothing that your father would want to hear because for as long as you or him can remember, since the night your mother went into labor and passed just minutes after  safely giving birth to you, it’s been you and your father against the world.
And Tony Stark is nothing if not fiercely overprotective. Especially since his near death experience in the Middle East.
So he tends to turn into a big ol’ baby when you even hint that you might be interested in somebody. And he hasn’t liked any of the guys you’ve dated since at least junior high, give or take a very small and select handful.
Pepper winced and slipped an arm around you. “Hey.. It’s his loss.”
“I know.” you sigh and take another deep breath as you hold out her iced coffee to her and she takes it, taking a sip, “It’s just the usual. Disappointment because so far, any guy I happen to show just a sliver of interest in is either a huge dog, an asshole pretending to be a nice guy or they’re rushing to check off some stupid mental checklist.”
“Maybe you just need a break. Stop looking. Take down the Tinder profile, stop letting your friends set you up with these idiots.” Pepper advised, giving you a soft smile. “Just focus on yourself and sooner or later, the rest will happen.”
You can only nod. Give her a smile because you know she cares about you as much as she cares about your father and she’s only trying to help. And her advice does make a lot of sense. If you stopped looking for the fairytale, for the prince charming or the rare knight in shining armor that doesn’t seem to exist anymore, you’d probably get a lot further in Nursing and maybe you could even open more doors for yourself with your dancing.
Without your stupid side quest for a dream guy who probably doesn’t exist, you could definitely focus more on your upcoming Fall Solo for the dance troupe you managed to get into and attend two days out of the week. They’re not a big deal, they’re local to the area your college campus happens to be located, but… At one of the last Solo shows, there were some pretty big names from Broadway in the crowd.
“Yes ma’am. Yeah… I think I’ll do that.” you smile at Pepper again just as Rhodey makes his way over. He’s all grins and hugs but he does pout when you tell him you didn’t bring food in for him. You laugh soft as you pull away from the man’s bear-like embrace and look up at him. “Has he thrown any chairs out of the lab yet, Uncle Rhodey?”
Rhodey chuckles and shakes his head no. “Banner almost hulked from sheer frustration earlier, damn near caused an incident.”
“Oh no!” your eyes widen and you laugh softly. Somehow, it never fails to make you laugh, picturing your father’s new close friend Bruce -a very quiet and very mild mannered, meek man, getting angry and turning into his alter, Hulk.
Your father tells you some things about his work with the Avengers and the US government. But he won’t tell you everything and as far as the world outside of the team, Pepper, Colson, Fury, Hill and your uncle Rhodey know, you’re not connected to Tony Stark at all.
It’s something that bothered you for quite a while until you realized your father was doing it solely for your sake. To keep you out of danger and the spotlight.
“And there comes the old man now, lil ballerina.” Rhodey nods in your approaching father’s direction and your entire face lights up in a grin as you race towards Tony Stark. He picks you up and spins you around and then he’s solemn. Thick brows knit in concern. “It’s not the weekend, little bit.”
You shrug and shuffle your trusty black leather boots against the speckled concrete flooring of the lobby. “Yeah, well… You sounded like you were verging into code red, old man. So here I am.”
Tony grinned, reaching out to fluff at your hair. You pout up at him a little and Pepper makes her way over to the two of you, holding out the milkshake to him. “Take a break, Tony. She came all this way.”
He chuckled and nodded. Then he turned his attention to you, searching your face with eyes filled full of concern. “Everything okay, little bit?”
“Yeah. It’s just what I said. You sounded and looked stressed out when we had our video call last night.”
His eyes settle on the grease stained bag and he grabs for it, making Pepper laugh as he unwraps the all american cheeseburger you’d gotten for him and nearly inhales it.
You and Pepper share a look.
Commotion from a set of massive and heavy looking double doors nearby has you glancing in that direction and when your gaze settles on the muscular platinum blond you seem to keep bumping into at the gym lately, you try not to stare. You look away and you’re smart enough to do it quick. The blond is being dragged one way by Bucky Barnes and the other guy, a trainee you recognized as security detail from your father’s New Years Eve party, he’s being dragged the opposite direction by Sam Wilson.
Neither Sam nor Bucky look particularly thrilled to be wrangling the hot-headed younger men and the younger men are still shouting, mostly obscenities with the platinum haired male almost feral with rage as he lapses into another language entirely.
Tony chuckles. “Eyes over here, little bit.” and he shakes his head. “It’s the fourth time today those two have tied up. Wilson says it’s over some girl they’re both into. Bucky’s solution was to let ‘em go in and spar a few rounds. Only now we can’t get ‘em to knock it off.”
You laugh softly. And despite knowing now that the platinum haired male is probably worlds away from in your league, there’s just something about him that makes you keep staring. Intently. Not as intently as you were the past few times you found yourself sneaking down to watch him box down at the quiet little gym you both go to, but intently.
,, Your father literally just said the man has a girlfriend… Or a girl he’s interested in.” your mind taunts and this prompts you to focus less on the confrontation in the background and more on what you originally came to the compound to do in the first place. You follow your father and Pepper into your father’s massive private office and you flop down into one of the big leather rolling chairs and promptly recline your feet on the desk as you dig into your own food. Pepper grabs her usual grilled chicken salad and applies her dressing to it and digs in also, the three of you eating in mostly silence. 
“So that kid.. Dylan.”
“Hm?” you question.
“Did you ask if he wanted to come out this weekend?” your father asks. You can tell he’d really rather not deal with your former boyfriend. You laugh softly. “Nope. And I’m not going to, either.”
“Why not?”
“We broke up. I don’t move fast enough for him or something. Either way, he was sleeping with Marina, that chorus girl.”
Tony winced. Gazed at you in concern. “Are you alright? Do you wanna talk? Hug it out? Go somewhere and smash something together?” and his choices to help you get over the little bit of hurt you do feel make you laugh softly and shake your head. You take a sip of the thick milkshake through your straw, blowing noisy bubbles. You shrug as if it’s nothing because if you really stop and think about it, it kind of is.
You have standards. You weren’t feeling the connection required to even consider giving yourself to your former boyfriend.
“I think I’ll be okay. I can just focus on the nursing program and dance now. I mean..” you pause to take a bite of your own burger, grimacing when tomato drips down and onto your shirt just above the red lettering, “The fall solo is coming up. This just means I can work harder.”
Your father nods. Then gazes at you with a gentle look of concern. “Just not too hard, kid. You started dancing because you love it. It starts to feel like work, you won’t anymore.” he says it in a gently firm tone and you nod, quick to reassure him that you’d never do that to yourself.
You can feel him relaxing the longer you stay but you also know that you need to get back into the city and it’s a good two hours drive. Your father’s never particularly liked you driving at night and honestly, you’ve never cared for it either.
As you hug him goodbye, you catch a glimpse of platinum hair and dark gray under armour as the platinum male speeds around a corner down the hallway, disappearing through a door and into a room. You want to roll your eyes at yourself.
He’s a fucking Avenger. So not only is he off limits for other reasons but if your father even thought something was going on between you two... oh my god.. And you’re just the typical garden-variety college girl. Sure, you’re Tony Stark’s daughter, but your father’s always been more of a normal, down to earth -and slightly eccentric, guy who just happens to have gotten lucky and made his way in the world.
You’ve always just seen him as Dad and yourself as a normal girl.
You convince yourself again that finding out the platinum blond male you’ve been eyeing at the gym for weeks now is definitely out of your league and you make yourself focus on saying goodbye to your father and Pepper. And you walk out of the compound into the fading sunlight.
As your hand reaches for the handle to the red sports car you drive, you catch sight of him lurking behind you in the reflection of your driver side window. You turn abruptly and this puts you molded tight against firm muscles and you have to try really hard to bite back any number of unholy noises threatening to fall from your lips as a large and rough hand settles palm down against the curve of your hip and his fingers dig against the thin fabric of your favorite shirt while he takes several long and deep breaths. He’s got icewater eyes locked on you, his gaze lingering heavily on your lips. You gulp because suddenly the air is thick and it’s hot; heavy enough you’re almost choking.
Some hair falls into your face and his other hand raises, catching softly against the side of your face as he pushes the fallen strands back behind your ear. His hips dig against your lower body.
He still hasn’t said a single word. But there’s something so territorial and yet so soft ; slow and gentle and yet somehow, slow doesn’t seem to fit him at all,  about the touching, the look in his eyes.  You swallow hard again and he bites his lip as he stares at your mouth.
You can feel the way he’s straining against dark gray sweatpants and before you can stop it, a whimper does fall from your mouth. The whimper makes him smirk ever so slightly.
And then, without a single word from either of you, he’s gone, leaving behind only a literal dust trail and the ghost of his scent to linger in the air just a little.
You lean back against the car and take several deep breaths.
“But of fucking course I want the one guy I know I can’t have. What happened to giving up on the fairytale?” you laugh aloud at yourself as you mumble the words in fading light, “Because that was… Not doing it.” you tug at your shirt and use it to fan yourself because your body feels hot all over. Especially the places his hands were against your skin or on you at all.
“Jesus christ.” you mutter as you finally calm down enough to unlock your sports car and get into it. As you drive away, all you can do is replay the whole thing in your mind.
And wonder why it felt like the little impromptu appearance he made while you were in the parking lot was him, staking his claim.
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hiii i just wanted to say i really like how each of the protags in your fics have different personalities!!! adds a lot of flavour and depth i think to how hiccup interacts with each version of reader in different contexts :)
 The Jealous One pt 6
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 1,964
You’re caught off guard in the woods. Hiccup might have a thing for rejection… Or you. He’s really not sure. 
Tags: fem!reader, silly, ambiguous timeline, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, Jealous!Hiccup, Post RoB/DoB, Pre-RTTE
<Previous - Next>
You wanted to kick as you braced your foot against a rock, pulling your cup up to your face again, shoulders pressing painfully into the bark of a tree, curved so that the center of your shoulder blades felt as if they were being dug into by two very thick thumbs.
You wanted to say that you were getting good at keeping it all stuffed inside -your emotions, as it were, not necessarily your lunch- but if you’d been good at that, you wouldn’t be here dealing with this with a large, leaking barrel of stolen mead. Day drinking.
Though you hadn’t participated, soon after you’d left your table, a fight in the hall had broken out and taken a lot out of you, having devolved into a full-on brawl that the majority of the Riders hadn’t been too pressed to join in on.
By the end, you were sure most of the busy folk, the ones who hadn’t been knocked out, had left, most of the Riders had either fallen asleep or had drunken themselves into a stupor and the more studious ones, being Astrid and Fishlegs, had already long made of in the night either to chase off another poor Viking with a sharpened axe and clenched muscles or to hide and cower until the night had been done.
For you, the distraction had made it much easier to make off with a barrel of mead, and you’d dragged it, half bent over, into the woods, arms straining at the heavy weight.
And just in time, too. It was usually after the first fight that the mead-ladies and cup-bearers always began to charge coin for each pint.
Your arms were so sore. But it was worth it.
You weren’t too far off from the bridge separating you from Berks main village, you and your tapped barrel hiding somewhere off in the trees just after the foliage began to grow thicker, so even now, from a distance, you could hear the stormy rocking of the ocean against Berk’s sturdy shores.
You shook off a light buzz as the sound of crunching leaves grew louder, louder than what was appropriate between the mingling of tiny forest creatures, in which case you meant the Terrors scrabbling through the trees as there weren’t so many woodland creatures close to Berk’s main village.
You rested the bottom of your mug on one of your knees, your legs spread apart so that you could lean forwards whenever you wanted to fill your jug, thinking slowly and taking the time to try and listen harder.
You wanted to groan, then. Many different vikings on Berk with prosthetics, peg legs and the like but what you’d figured for sure was an approach came packaged with the slight spring of metal against metal, which you knew could only belong to one Viking.
You debated trying to hide the evidence of your night spent out alone in the cold dangers of the woods but decided against it, instead pushing yourself up, palms against cold bark, the divets between strips pressing imprints into your palm.
You didn’t give yourself much time to loiters, legs placed slightly farther apart than what was comfortable as you stumbled, dropping your mug against wood roots and grass and upturned dirt with a clatter just as a familiar face made its way past the treeline.
You resisted the urge to grumble, nearly stumbling over a shallow tree root as you brushed past him, your shoulder checking his in your distraction.
“Where…” Hiccup asked, stopping slowly behind you, now shivering himself, the head of his hair wild and on end, “Where are you going?”
You were slightly drowsy, the hands on your arms working overtime in an effort to scrub away the cold. The wind did a great deal to help, brushing through your skirts as you made your way down towards flat ground.
“...To bed,” You mumbled, eyes nearly closed, buzzing with your sudden need to sleep and the weightful urge to drop, all the muscles in your lid looser than they’d be if you had any control over your own body.
You blinked sourly into the canopy of pine above you, the light glaring brightly through the spindly leaves against trees.
You didn’t keep time, not particularly concerned as early early morning turned to brighter still early morning. 
You sighed, more a breath than a chirr, blinking groggily, turning in half as Hiccup moved to catch up with you, at a steady pace yet not fast enough to be called anything but a strong walk.
You stood on a small, flat rock, poking out of the ground like a tiny boat in the middle of a storming, wide ocean of grass, trees and shrubs, mimicking still, titanic waves all around you.
A Terror called out in the distance and a wind rushed past, nearly causing you to slip.
You jerked as you felt the feel of hands grabbing onto either side of your upper arms, craning your neck awkwardly to face the one who held you aloft as your tilt neared the diagonal.
You grunted lightly, shaking him off with slow movement, burdened by many things and turned to face him.
The way he stood was easy, compared to you who was subtly off kilter, swaying with the breezes.
“I… I was a poor sport,” Hiccup said finally, voice thick with tension, reaching out for you in tone and hand; you felt a gentle tug on your tunic sleeve, the brush of a callous against the soft skin on the inside of your wrist.
He didn’t need to explain any more.
He was eager to apologize.
“Right,” You said, as your stomach dropped again, the beginnings of guilt prickling its way up the lining of your stomach like the sharp sprout of a plant bursting through thin soil.
He seemed much more awake than you, but the faded bags under his eyes implied he might not have slept as much as he’d… Liked to have implied, most likely.
A while ago, you would have forgiven him instantaneously. Now, you realized you didn’t feel that pull, the need to wait and languish. You still stewed, but it wasn’t with that simmering loneliness fueled desperation lying underneath a wave of discomfort.
It was a bit of a relief.
“I shouldn’t have...”
That wasn’t. It was awful.
You wondered how many times you could reject him before it became unreasonable.
You didn’t know what you wanted to say, but you knew he got it all wrong. You hoped he felt regret, though.
“You said things just fine,” You grumbled, shaking him off and letting your arms loosen, “I don’t care.”
He hadn’t been so insecure about his cousin since you were younger teens. You didn’t like him enough at the moment to try and find out why.
“And I’ve been thinking-” Hiccup continued anyways, grumbling slightly, “and I really- maybe I deserve it.”
“Right,” You said shortly, though not short enough to really imply that you’d been holding a grudge, still intent on leaving, feet shifting. The two of you were on the same step, practically standing toe-to-toe. 
Of course you still held a grudge. Or, maybe grudge wasn’t the right word. Grudges were for things that were old, that had been long since made up for and pushed under the rug, then brought out and dusted off and looked over at night when secrets were best kept.
You’d had half a mind to let it pass. Not because you wanted to be the better person- no, because ‘letting it go’ didn’t always mean being the better person, not when you were still so upset, anger lying like a poised snake in your stomach, but because you wanted him to squirm.
To think about it just as much as you’d had to.
In this instance, however, you didn’t particularly think that holding to your anguish made you a worse person. It made you a wronged person, for sure.
You remembered how you woke up early to see him, to be the one to say ‘hi’ first. How he’d greet you, then how he wasn’t there. And again and again and again you checked, your heart soaring each time, only to be left sorely disappointed.
 It was silly. And selfish. And something only someone a few years younger could do- keep their hopes up so innocently high and without any real expectation only to be disappointed each and every time by a result that through pattern they must have known to be sure. 
You grumbled, shaking him off and turning to leave anyway. “Fine. Save your apologies.”
“-No, you’re right.” Hiccup folded quickly, “I-What?”
Of course, it would be just like him not to see your worth. 
“...You haven’t paid this much attention to me since we were kids.” Seriously, why? You said sternly, pushing past the slogging fog clouding your mind.
“What?” Hiccup paused.
“Of course,” You scoffed, stepping your way off the rock and kicking your way past a large pile of leaves.
As you stalked- or, stumbled, more like- out the treeline and up to the wooden planking lining the wide floor of the huge bridge leading back to Berk, dark boots dirty and scuffling loudly against the wood, Hiccup watched you.
Hiccup watched you and he paused with mounting horror as his eyes followed you, whose long gray skirt was falling down to your ankles.
At this point, you’d refused two of his apologies, both times with a gloomy, stormy expression on your face, shoulders hunched and miserable.
You had asked him why.
And, well, there was a reason why. 
He was a bad friend.
Deep envy, spiked as thorns in chest twisted as a friend of his became the friend of another, attention that had been allotted for him lost like spare coin. As what he knew to be a feeling or certainty became pangs of hurt when you became someone he couldn’t any longer recognize, fast speech becoming a slow, morbid, familiar prose becoming, dare he say it, ribbing.
Even now, he wanted to keep it up leave still, to escape off into the sky with the other riders in an effort to keep running away in part from a feeling he couldn’t name, a thing that grew and writhed as he realized that he’d mistaken the value of one friend for a group of a few others when he really should have made an effort to have kept all of his sheep in line.
It was a feeling that was familiar but that he hadn’t paid much mind to, even as he’d grown more distant from you, even as his eyes began to linger and as his heart pounded and eyes widened. 
It had become unavoidable now, especially after you’d fallen over him, looking wonderful and fine and shining with the sun pressing into your back and glinting around your head like a crown made for you by the very Gods.
It was a feeling he hadn’t felt since… He was a teen, when he had been very much into... -But, it was slightly different; a little bit of want-to-see mixed with a heaping pile of desire-to-impress mixed with something a little bit more like ‘I-know-you,’ which, in hindsight, had always been there, at least for a while though it was a slight weaker now and had not always paired so brightly with the previous two.
And all of it was twinged by something else, wrapped up in a twisting, bitter, covetous cage, locked and keyed by a budding, intense resentment for his cousin.
Even in your drunken state you were so, so pretty. And now you were mad at him. 
He had to wonder how he always got himself into these situations.
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dollance · 2 months
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HELLOOOO!!! i’ve been collecting sans variant ocs for a whiiiile now, and i finally drew all of them together with their canon heights!!!
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in order from left to right, it starts with Boutons—or, in english, Buttons!
mime!sans! his name is sans obviously, but he’s adopted the entertainer name ‘Buttons!’
his au takes place in paris, france! though his underground is the catacombs ^_^
funnily enough, he is the second most powerful on this lineup.
charmmmm!!! or bittersweet!sans! a murderously overpowered 3’5 skeleton who eradicates aus and robs the humans of their souls all for his ‘father’s’ (his gaster) plans.
in his au, his soul was deconstructed by his gaster, stabilized, and rebuilt. he has no memory of who he was before the reconstruction, and the monsters of his au treat him as their savior, or a god.
naturally a romance lover and a sweetheart (heheh), Serif (otherwise known as Sweetheart) is probably the most harmless in this lineup. she comes from darlingtale! polyamory and romance is very common. of course so are the ‘bedroom activities,’ but they are seen as intimate, enjoyable activities, and consent is ALWAYS key. everyone is happy and loving here.
this ‘sans’ was made as a last resort after Nightmare had eaten the apples off of their mother. a last resort to conserve her power, he was created and dropped off by the other guardians to another au, posytale (OWNED BY MY BFF @kipperschalkboard !!!) with secrecy to protect him and his remaining power. he lives clueless to his heritage and brothers, though Nightmare really wants to get his hands on him.
he’s the physical embodiment of balance! ^_^
coming from underwest, his au was unfortunately destroyed thanks to Charm. he was rescued off to the Omega Timeline, and has become a multiversal sheriff! althouuugh… he is not the best at his job, and has since aided his friend, Connie, in trying to stop Charm from destruction of other aus.
or otherwise known as Sen (instead of Sans), is the guardian of space and time in her multiverse. Charm (THE ULTIMATE MENACE TO ALL OF MY OCS!!!) destroyed her au as well, and killed her sister, Papyra. utterly angry, and distressed, she fled. she dedicates the rest of her time to her duties and trying to kill charm.
the most op on this list!!!:3 he used to be a regular sans, until his creator simply got bored, and turned him into a KILLING MACHINEEEE!!! he cant move without being in immense pain due to his horrible errorfied state. he’s solely op for the reason that he is almost never solid, so landing a hit would be really hard. if you did swing, and it goes through him—if he solidifies in that moment, your hand will be sliced clean off.
he is incredibly unstable, and his emotions change insanely rapidly in under 30 seconds. poor guy. (i did this to him)
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goldenfox3 · 2 months
(WIP...? Unfinished snippet?) Time traveller Rob gets dangerous aka I was gonna sleep early but divine inspiration hit me at ass o'clock as usual and I scrambled to write this down before it left me.
I hestitate to call this part of Möbius verse because I originally had a scene envisioned where Rob purposely gets himself sent on the fateful Zoda mission and blown up instead of the Summers because he is, in his mind, "less important to the timeline" (only to wake up to both Summers crying on him in his hospital bed). However, the idea of a darker Stewart would not leave me—what would entice such an upstanding man to become more ruthless? What else, if not love and the pursuit of good? Taking a page from Hold Me Like a Grudge Rob's book, here is that what-if.
Zoda is…a large part of the timeline, as reprehensible as Robert finds it. As much as his life was manipulated from the start to be part of it. Acting against him means spiralling off into the great unknown, the vast oceans of unpredictability where even greater dangers could lurk.
What happens is this: Robert is, this time, assigned to a certain fateful mission. He follows along behind the Summers, where he belongs. Where he’s always belonged. There’s a shootout, which Robert holds his own in.
Then Zoda steps out with the rocket launcher, aimed straight at Robert’s entire world. His Summers.
What happens is this: white-hot fury, cold flames devouring all sense and reason. What happens is the unwavering hands of a surgeon discarding his gun for another. Robert may specialise in robotics, but he’s also a chemist, a biologist. A scientist in every sense of the word. He knows exactly how to bring a body back from the brink of death or to send it there in an instant if he chooses.
What happens is this: Robert aims his gun armed with degenerative serum and fires. And fires. And fires.
People often scream when they’re in pain. It’s something Robert’s heard many times as a surgeon. It’s something he imagines is unsettling to others who don’t have the background he does. He must have grown numb to it, because the sound of Zoda shrieking as his flesh and bones dissolve into ashes does nothing but bring about a grim satisfaction.
“No one,” he starts, silken steel in the ringing silence, “no one gets to hurt what’s mine.”
Cleanup is easy, after that. The rest of the crooks either hightail it double time or have lost their nerve enough that they’re easy to subdue. Robert tucks his guns back into their holsters, checks that his knife is still attached, and looks up to find Andy standing in front of him with a stricken expression. Jody hangs back behind her brother like she hasn’t since she was a child.
“Doctor,” Andy chokes out.
The frigid flames blazing within him die out abruptly, replaced by all-too-familiar churn of guilt. Not for killing Zoda, though he’ll doubtless have to deal with far too many consequences. For letting the Summer siblings see that side of him. For making them watch as he murdered someone in the worst way possible. For claiming to do it for their sake. As if he hadn’t done it for his own selfish heart.
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