restingobject5757 · 9 months
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This was made off the Prison Au from @llamagoddessofficial
However I put a few spins on it. Mc is racked with a slow growing sickness. More knowingly as a Monster sickness. However it has interacted with the human body in a different way. It's called “Mangeur d'espoir” , a fancy word for “hope eater”.  (Yes Asgore named it, he just used different languages to make it sound cool.) It acts like a cancer eating at peoples hopes or joys. But if left untreated, its symptoms are, leaking from breasts, lack of sleep, fainting, puke, and violent depression. And if left for too long it may lead to seizures. The brain is freaking out trying to expel the sickness anyway it can. To human doctors it looks like depression, like black spots in the brain, however Monsters know different.
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harumichan12 · 6 months
✨️💜 Apple twins 💛✨️
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I tried to draw them with @jokublog 's art style uwu
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theawokenmultiverse · 4 months
Ok! the Lore has been updated , rewritten a bit and fixed! There has also been some things added!
Stain: the force of creation, creativity, and soul
Null: the force of destruction, rebirth, and loss
Piety: the force of thought, wisdom, and free will.
The Blossom Age
Three forces of chaos made the multiverse. Together they made the multiverse whole. However, Null grew vein, Despite being loved he was not seen as a true “guardian” and was often respected because he was feared. He knew that he would never be as adored as the other two and because of this, he was susceptible to insecurities.
One day, a being from another multiverse was sent to theirs, Being taken by the wormhole that leads to the multiverse this being took root after meeting null. Phobia is a being with twisted morals and fear woven deep into their very creation. Phobia believes they are helping everyone by giving them what they truly lack, the power to combat their greatest fears and destroy them. They planted seeds of doubt into his fragile psyche which caused him to believe that even the ones he loved the most only stayed because they feared what he’d do if they left.
The roots of insecurity grew ever larger in his soul until he could bare it no longer and inevitably lost himself. Destruction became hectic, rebirth was no longer an option causing the aus to be stuck in a dormant state and loss was abundant. Those who survived fled to the order of the multiverse, A safe haven for all Aus. Eventually, the entire multiverse would crumble and in its last dying breath, piety and stain used the remnants of what was left to create the reset soul and by combining their powers they were able to fuse it to Null’s soul and shatter it in the process.
The pieces scattered all around the multiverse, planting seeds that lay dormant in the empty aus. The shattering caused a great slumber, freezing the multiverse order in time. That is until one faithful day, two strange beings were sent into the multiverse by accident. Geister and Stellar had accidentally reawoken the universe, however, stellar was trapped while his brother roamed around freely, his memories completely erased by the timelines.
Stellar had accidentally reawoken the universe, however, stellar was trapped while his brother roamed around freely, his memories completely erased by the timelines.
The Reawakening
Stain was reawakened as a code spirit. Upon finding anomalous he could sense a powerful sense of wonder and curiosity deep in his soul.
This caused him to view him as a capable heir to his role, however, he was not a fool. He knew well that he had to train him before he could be able to take up the mantle of guardian. He knew it would take years and years for him to be ready but something was keeping him from being patient. He could feel Piety’s presence growing ever stronger and he knew that he wouldn't be able to prepare him to take up the mantle so he had to at least teach him to fight. The future of the multiverse depended on it. However, even he knew that This new change would not please the council if such a thing remained. Geister was given a new name, anomalous. He could not remember his own nor did he understand the world around him so Stain found it fitting to name him after a word that means to be different or strange.
Stellar however wasn't so lucky, null’s fragmented code whispered to him, promising freedom, love, respect and so much more if he’d allow him to use his soul as a vessel To help strengthen him so he may return to the realm of reality and not be scattered in the fragmented code. In return, he’d get everything he desired. Now null was no longer himself, he was estranged from his old name so he chose a new one, corruptus. Spying through the code, corruptus soon learned about Stain’s little new pupil and it filled his torn soul with RAGE. With this, he began to push seeds of doubt into Stellar’s mind. Manipulating the memories he had to make him believe that anomalous had abandoned him anomalous could not be trusted for he was a liar! A thief! A disgusting brother abandoner. Why, null was such a better brother to him and he could do no wrong.
After all, he was only looking out for him. At least, that’s what he always claimed. The fusion was painful, it burned. Stellar’s poor little soul felt as though it had been set ablaze. “ do not worry. You will grow stronger and soon you will no longer feel the pain” null would always comfort him with these words. Eventually Stellar learned to harvest this feeling, this magic. It manifested as an odd orange smoke that would pour from his soul and eventually enveloped his body. He felt reborn, at least that's what he told himself. To cement this to himself he chose to let his old name die and chose a new beginning, arcana.
On piety’s once echo flower-covered throne sat a solitary halo, dust all around it but never gathering directly on top of it, forming a barrier ring of pristine cleanness around it. Statues littered the walls, one standing just behind the throne, a curled-up angel with horns curving toward anyone facing the throne, wings hiding his face. The other statues were all covered by their own wings in upright positions as if hidden in cocoons Only small parts were visible behind their large wings. The one in the center appeared to be the smallest of all the other statues. The Lord’s Return***
The Clicking of boots could be heard as a tall familiar figure stepped towards it. Arcana reached out and a tentacle formed from his hand, a painful process that was necessary for Null to reach through him and grab the halo. The halo glowed as Arcana began to be drained of some of his magic in order to free the being left inside. The Candles around them began to flicker before flames burst on every wick as a figure formed from the halo.
Suddenly a glow burst from the other statues, large cracks forming through them as they began to move, and the outer shell of the stone crumbled off. The centered one rose first, his wings unfurling around him, a blindfold taking his wings' place in obscuring his vision. He stood on his hooves before standing in an upright saluting position, soon the others following suit after being freed from their stone prison. All around the palace, the statues began to awaken.
The figure stood in front of the throne, hands clasped together, wings folded around them before unfurling to open proudly behind it. A wicked grin spread across their face as the rings spun before eyes opened slowly on said rings to stare at arcana “Greetings father, It is so lovely to see you so soon.”
Every angel standing in the room began to bow before them, getting on one knee in respect to their former ruler, Null. The angels were all varying, flesh, bone, and blood. Skeletons stood amongst human-like figures, some with animalistic features. Each looks familiar yet completely different in its own way. The only consistency was the placement of wings, though some had more than others as well as each one having a blindfold with an eye pattern on the front, seeming to mimic the eye that floated between the figure’s halo.
“Now , enough pleasantries. It appears you miss your old form, fear not! For I can bring that right back” Immediately he put out his hand, strange code like symbols flashing before disappearing into blinding light, arcana flinching as his body was enveloped in it. Letting out a scream of pain before in a flash his soul was torn into two, falling to his knees he looked up to see the half floating before him , it seemed almost…rotten. A sickly blue and green color as a body formed around it. A towering figure in a raggedy black robe appeared, this must be…null. Turning to face arcana , The first thing he noticed was the gaping hole in his skull, only one of his eyes being slightly visible, no eye light or pupil in any way, just pure black darkness.
Tentacles moved from under his robe as he got closer, They seemed to have replaced his legs. He looked like a skeleton remade from fragments of others or perhaps it was just what was left of him before it all. “Celeste, I must introduce you to my new “brother” he grabbed arcana by the shoulders and pulled him up, causing arcana to stumble a bit before regaining his composure and looking up at the large angelic being. The figure, now known as celeste stared down at him, his many eyes scanning this new figure , a falter on his smile could be seen as it twitched however soon he opened up his arms and pulled arcana into a hug “ welcome new ‘uncle’ , pleasure to meet a new addition to our little family” celeste’s many eyes seemed to glare daggers into arcana’s back before he let him go.
Null clapped his hands happily with a slightly unsetting giggle “ now, now, we have to get back to work! Our lord has also returned and he you know how impatient he may get. So, where is that son of yours?”
Celeste chuckled and slowly moved out of the way “ where he has always been” he gently gestured towards the centered figure “ the real question is..what do you need of him?”
The centered figure stood tall, seeming to not be phased by anything happening before him, but it he was indeed listening to everything being said. Null grinned widely “ I know stain has a new pupil whos just DYING to have a new PLAYMATE, so I say we send sauriel over to have a little playdate “ malice lined his voice , adding a strangely sinister tone to such an innocent string of words.
celeste belongs to @azulsundertaleblog ! ( or @azulscrown )
phobia belongs to bananachicke
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art of celeste by azulscrown! <3
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art below is by azulscrown! (celeste and sauriel)
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dollance · 2 months
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HELLOOOO!!! i’ve been collecting sans variant ocs for a whiiiile now, and i finally drew all of them together with their canon heights!!!
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in order from left to right, it starts with Boutons—or, in english, Buttons!
mime!sans! his name is sans obviously, but he’s adopted the entertainer name ‘Buttons!’
his au takes place in paris, france! though his underground is the catacombs ^_^
funnily enough, he is the second most powerful on this lineup.
charmmmm!!! or bittersweet!sans! a murderously overpowered 3’5 skeleton who eradicates aus and robs the humans of their souls all for his ‘father’s’ (his gaster) plans.
in his au, his soul was deconstructed by his gaster, stabilized, and rebuilt. he has no memory of who he was before the reconstruction, and the monsters of his au treat him as their savior, or a god.
naturally a romance lover and a sweetheart (heheh), Serif (otherwise known as Sweetheart) is probably the most harmless in this lineup. she comes from darlingtale! polyamory and romance is very common. of course so are the ‘bedroom activities,’ but they are seen as intimate, enjoyable activities, and consent is ALWAYS key. everyone is happy and loving here.
this ‘sans’ was made as a last resort after Nightmare had eaten the apples off of their mother. a last resort to conserve her power, he was created and dropped off by the other guardians to another au, posytale (OWNED BY MY BFF @kipperschalkboard !!!) with secrecy to protect him and his remaining power. he lives clueless to his heritage and brothers, though Nightmare really wants to get his hands on him.
he’s the physical embodiment of balance! ^_^
coming from underwest, his au was unfortunately destroyed thanks to Charm. he was rescued off to the Omega Timeline, and has become a multiversal sheriff! althouuugh… he is not the best at his job, and has since aided his friend, Connie, in trying to stop Charm from destruction of other aus.
or otherwise known as Sen (instead of Sans), is the guardian of space and time in her multiverse. Charm (THE ULTIMATE MENACE TO ALL OF MY OCS!!!) destroyed her au as well, and killed her sister, Papyra. utterly angry, and distressed, she fled. she dedicates the rest of her time to her duties and trying to kill charm.
the most op on this list!!!:3 he used to be a regular sans, until his creator simply got bored, and turned him into a KILLING MACHINEEEE!!! he cant move without being in immense pain due to his horrible errorfied state. he’s solely op for the reason that he is almost never solid, so landing a hit would be really hard. if you did swing, and it goes through him—if he solidifies in that moment, your hand will be sliced clean off.
he is incredibly unstable, and his emotions change insanely rapidly in under 30 seconds. poor guy. (i did this to him)
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lampshadechild · 4 months
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Sans OC, Debating on making a comic 🤔 we need more undertale comics
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whoknowsthatonedude · 8 months
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Will be putting this guy up to the podium of main antagonist for the sequel of this story:
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edenverseedentale · 2 years
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[Edenverse] White - Flow of Creation
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darkone2022 · 2 months
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Imagen hecha por @thelio123yt
#Undertale #UndertaleAus #Multiverse #DarkWorld
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santsfa1016 · 3 months
Hola :D,les quiero compartir algo del gaster de mi aú safrantale :³.
Por fin acabe el diseño del gaster de mi aú safrantale:'D,dios ame como me quedo ,este es uno de los personajes de mi aú que ya a pasado por un montón de cambios y diseños ,tanto físicamente estaba un poquito más delgado y más mal vestido XD.
un poco de su historia:D.
Gaster viene de linaje de magos muy poderosos al punto que ellos fueron los magos más poderosos en su momento y los más reconocidos ,fueron incluso muy cercanos al rey de los humanos lo cual su familia fue parte clave en la guerra de humanos y monstruos.
Su familia es la única capaz de poder controlar al ángel de la profecía "serift"safrantale es uno de los pocos au's que aún sabe cómo se ve en ángel de la runa delta.
Ellos son los que se encargan de mantenerlo a raya para no destruir este au.
Debido a ello desde la primera persona que lo pudo controlar han escrito lo que han descubierto en el libro que aparece aquí abajo:D.
Es un libro mágico hecho y solo permitido usar por personas de su misma familia o el propio ángel serift.
Su collar es una señal más de que tienen una conexión,algo como "dueño y cuidador "Serift es un ángel, el es poder de la runa delta de manera física...odia ver cómo mueren las persona que no lo tratan como un monstruo....bueno aquí está algo de lo que tenía muchas ganas de poder hablar ^^.
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karusart · 2 years
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Los trillizos reciviendo las advertencias de Nightmare si llegan a traicionarlo
The triplets being warned for Nightmare if they betray him 
Nightmare belongs to @jokublog
and the triplets belongs to me 
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restingobject5757 · 9 months
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Page 3-12: Baby Au First meet
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annieartist03 · 3 years
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A redraw gift for @_silverplace
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theawokenmultiverse · 3 months
if there is any papyrus in there i would shake his hand , also i really like each character and avatars your making
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sorry for how poorly y/n is drawn ^^"
but yeah! theres a few more in the project <3
funfact! underfate is the "classic" au for this multiverse, kismet is the of kismet therefore he is the classic of the multiverse <3
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saoglix · 3 years
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This is from June 2020, I have thought to upload drawings that I do, even if they are more sketches, because later I will regret never showing these things. This is Bax's design from my Undertale AU: Abiencetale. Bax is a Sans who wishes to escape from his universe with Dolly (a human whom he treats as his daughter). He can't use magic because it has been blocked by Terion (his Papyrus). Bax wears a mask to hide his identity as he has an arrest warrant from Terion (who is currently king), yet he prefers to hide as best as he can. He will soon have to face Terion thanks to the help (maybe not so helpful) of Sans and Papyrus from other universes as the Abiencetale universe was detected as: "Encrypted by Terion" which raised Ink's suspicions.
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lampshadechild · 4 months
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fabledoranges · 4 years
I’m now looking for some voice actors for my Visual Novel Seronverse. This Au is owned by both me and co-owned to FuzzyOranges06.
Important note: This is a voluntary project so no payment at all and is for fun or if you just want more experience under your belt in acting.
For the time there are no female roles but will be open for audition for a few female roles later in the next chapter of the visual novel.
Now for the characters. Below is also some lines you can say to audition for.
You must be able to record your audio at HQ in MP3 format when sending to me your audition and make sure there’s no crackling noises in the background.
Alright, decided gonna try to find voice actors. Voices needed for the characters is
Fable/Narrator- The storyteller. They travel the lands of Seronverse to tell tales. (No design yet for him. Must have a good strong bold voice preferably like giving speeches.)
Line1: Come gather around and let me tell you a tale. A tale about a magical world created centuries ago full of magic and wonders.
Line2: The newly born world now thrived with life being abundant in both magic and growth. Yet, the goddess still felt lonely so she created two sons to rule the lands of Seronverse. She named them Ilios and Fengari.
Astral- Considered to be the most reliable and powerful mage, he is allied with the Order Association. He’s also tasked to raising the five elemental brothers. (Voice preferably be around late thirties.)
Line1- “Hm, who might that be at this time of hour? It’s rather late.”
Line2- “I see, very well. I’ll take the five brothers in and raise them.”
Line3- *Sigh* “I didn’t expect to become a babysitter overnight. But, I guess it can’t be helped. I’ll make sure to look after you five.
Xanu/Seronverse Cross- Member of TOA. (Preferably a brash stern voice)
Line1- “Have you forgotten what happened centuries ago? Our world was nearly destroyed! They’re a threat to our Au!
Line2- “Tch, very well.. But I still don’t agree with the rest of you.”
Line3: Infants or not, it would be better if we got rid of them swiftly.
Driotic/Seronverse Dream- Member of TOA (Preferably a kind gentle voice)
Line1- “Xanu, they’re just infants. I think they deserve a chance at least before we decide.”
Line2- “.... I know, I haven’t forgotten what happened in the past. But we have to move on.”
Line3: “Astral, we’re sorry to bother you at this time of hour but it’s rather urgent and we need to talk to you for a moment.
Glenwood/Seronverse Reaper- A Member of TOA (Preferably a smooth calm voice)
Line1: “Xanu does bring up some valid points in the argument. Those five possess great power and if gone down the wrong path they’ll be the demise of our world.”
Line2: “We should think about the greater good for our world however.”
Talray/Seronverse Geno- A Member of TOA (No preference)
Line1- “We could ask Astral to look after them. He’s reliable and I trust that he’ll keep them well hidden and safe.”
Line2: “I feel kinda bad that we’re just dumping these five off for you to take care of but we don’t know who else to trust to care for the five brothers.”
Line3: “Astral might know a powerful enough spell to suppress their elemental powers or seal them away.”
Delirium -Member of TOA (No preference)
Line1: Alright, since we decided finally that they’ll spared who’s going to look after them?
Line2: “Astral seems like a suitable choice. He’s a talented to teacher and he’s good around kids.”
Ochido- Member of TOA (No preference)
Line1: Frankly, I don’t care what happens to them if we decide they should live or not.
Line2: “I mean, I’m all for chatting but shouldn’t we discuss this issue in a more private and safe place?”
Chernila - Member of TOA (No preference)
Line1: “They’re just babies, chill.”
Line2: “Instead of jumping to decisions we should all talk this through so please Xanu, stand down.”
Ruga/Seronverse Red- Member of TOA (Preferably a gruff sounding voice)
Line1: “I agree with Xanu, it’s better if we got rid of em instead of letting em live and later on waiting for another problem to uprise again.”
Line2: “Ok yeah, I don’t like kids that much but still, they possess enough power to wiping out our Au.”
Azaraq- Member of TOA (Preferably an upbeat sounding voice)
Line1: “Awww, but how could something this cute be any threat? Well, maybe dangerously adorable.”
Line2: “I say we let them have a chance to live. They haven’t done anything wrong yet.”
Artist credits from first to last
1. Art by Kitxal
2. Art by me
3. Art by FuzzyOranges06
4. Art by FuzzyOranges06
5. Art by FuzzyOranges06
5. Art by Voidforcreativity
6. Art by me
7. Art by FuzzyOranges06
8. Art by me
9. Art by me.
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