#that was like the first original post on that blog or sth
menalez · 1 year
go on the account lesbiansdatingmen . terfectly/kelly wasn’t just “mistaken” lesbians that were there had called her out from the beginning as she went from hm poliles is good to um actually thag was my internalized lesbiphobia to being a homewrecker for her friends man.
okay so i nearly gave up like 3 times going thru that blog bc i scrolled thru so much of it and found nothing but ppl saying shit (which is meaningless. ppl here lie about other ppl like they’re getting paid for it. the number of wild assumptions n claims ppl made about me is enough for me to believe that). i eventually found SOMETHING but none of it backs up the theory that she was lying about her sexuality knowingly & was banging dudes while claiming to be a lesbian, or anything about political lesbianism. there’s speculation based on one post where she’s said sth like “me whispering harder into your ear is one of my favourite memories” which honestly could’ve been her talking about anyone and any kind of sex act 💀 or even not a sex act at all fhdhdhs. ive had sex w many women and i promise that “harder” is also said in lesbian sex. so that was just speculation & assumptions. the one that perhaps had something rly bad within it is this one, which i cannot see what it says anymore bc the blog is gone:
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im guessing that’s her blog in the op? but im not sure.
other receipts were her maintaining she didn’t have sex w the guy, & more of the op of that blog speculating (it seems that’s where the claim that she had sex with this guy with his wife in the same room came from??):
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and then this which is her basically admitting she’s not gay/a lesbian.
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idk man ppl saw posts i made when i was 14 saying stuff like “i loved you and trusted you how dare you hurt me!!” & the tags referring to a guy and ppl assumed i was talking about an ex-boyfriend or sth but it was about my rapist. or one time i asked for monetary help so i can buy dinner & i did buy dinner for my gf and i (cheap burger and fries or sth) and ppl claimed we went to some expensive restaurant and ate lobster there. like. ppl would jump to wild conclusions and create insane reality show / soap opera-esque assumptions & claims about others on here and reality is very often far more boring than their assumptions. so. unless there’s someone from that time who has like proper receipts or is quite reliable that wants to talk about this ima take it w a grain of salt bc that blog in itself looks pretty biased anyways 😭
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edwardianmumbo · 6 months
Verbal Terminology in Autistic Tumblr Survey Results
After quite a long while (and for that I apologise) I’ve finished the results of a survey about the descriptivist uses of the terms Nonverbal/Non-Speaking and Semiverbal/Semi-Speaking in Tumblr’s Autism Community. This survey was originally intended to cover more, and just be a fun side project that unfortunately ended up with many flaws throughout the whole process. I'll go into specifics more at the end in the “Further Notes” section!
All that to say, I heavily implore you to do your own research and listen to others outside of this survey about these terms. Admittedly I think this survey is best taken as a small peek into how a very small group of people currently use these terms, in a fun non-informational survey format. (Also this was my first time doing image ids, so well i tried my best they might be really bad and for that i apologise in advance!!)
Demographic Questions
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[image id: a bar graph called “What Would You Call Yourself” with the options going top to bottom the graph says Nonverbal at 16 (3.5%), Semiverbal at 118 (25.9%), Someone Who temporarily Loses Speech or Temporarily Can’t Talk at 308 (67.7%), Verbal or At allistic Level at 171 (37.6%), and Hyperverbal at 95 (20.9%) end id]
First things first I looked at the different ways survey respondents identified personally, and at a base level we can see most people said they had varying speech levels. The next highest given types overall were Semiverbal and Speaking Autistics, with Nonverbal being the least used term among survey participants. Due to this being multiple choice I also looked at what group of responses where most common:
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[image id: a bar graph of Unique Term Use Types. The highest is Temporary Only at 141 respondents. The next Highest is VT (Verbal and Temporary) at 60, followed closely by Verbal Only at 59. The rest in order of highest to lowest is Semiverbal Only at 41, ST (Semiverbal and Temporary) at 33, TH (Temporary and Hyperverbal) at 29, Other Combinations at 21, VTH (Verbal, Hyperverbal, and Temporary) at 19, Hyperverbal Only at 18, SVT and STH and VH are all tied at 8, SV (Semiverbal and Verbal) at 6, and finally Nonverbal Only at 4 respondents. end id]
This graph more clearly shows that a majority of responders would consider their verbal speech levels to change, but only a minority of that group also considers themself Semi or Non-Verbal. You can all also see how a majority of responders considered themself either as just temporarily losing speech or a combination group using the Verbal option, which highlights a potential bias in the future questions. (Also the other section is for all combinations that got under 1% of respondents individually!)
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[image id: A pie chart pf praticapent’s age groups. The highest at 56% is 18-29 year olds, with 13-17 place at 38.2%. The rest have the percents cut off but in order are 30-29, Under 13, and then 40+ year olds. End id]
Most responders fell in the age ranges of 13-29. This seems to follow general Tumblr trends after a quick search, but possibly leans a few years younger then the general user base. The lack of older adults taking the survey is unfortunate as some of these terms have been around for a while, and it’s always a plus to get an all ages response on surveys like these.
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[image id: A pie chart titled “Where did you find the survey”, The top choice being “Another Tumblr Blog” at 59.1%, and the 2nd “Nd Culture Is” at 37.1%. You can see the slices for “From Someone I Know” and various Other Responses in the pie chart, with the other responses blurred out in the index sheet. end id]
This graph is admittedly a bit worthless, as I made it before deciding where I was going to post the survey to, so a decent amount of people, both those who selected “Another Blog” or Other mentioned getting it straight from the og post or a reblog of it. So needless to say i wasn’t quite exact enough by what i meant in this question (which was to see how far it spread vs any bias from just my “in-group” so to say), but it does does imply that that the survey didn’t make it far from the groups I posted it in. Which is expected with how little "promoting" was done during the survey period.
NonVerbal / NonSpeaking
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[image id: a multiple bar graph showcasing the correlation between how responders self identified vs how they define Nonverbal. Going from top to bottom is The Fully Always option chosen by 3 from Nonverbal Only, Masking with no chosen responses, Little to No Speech at 2 from Nonverbal and other Terms Users, Allow Temporary at 9 from Nonverbal and other Term Users plus 7 from Nonverbal and Temporary and an intentional Nonverbal Only Responder, then All Above with 1 Nonverbal and Temporary plus a Nonverbal Plus Response, Followed lastly by Other Definitions with no responses. End id]
Before going over this data I want to reiterate that the survey had very few nonverbal people taking it, so this data is not going to be all possibly not even most, nonspeaking people’s option on defining those terms. Next The N Plus section on the graph includes the N and T groups as well as other responders who marked themself with more than just the Nonverbal role. That said it seems that the greater community tends to lean towards the “Someone who has periods or is always not able to speak and/or can't speak well” option, and well quite a few nonverbal autistics agree, there’s a group especially among those who only consider themselves nonverbal who prefer defining it as those who always can’t speak fully ever. This matches with trends i’ve personally seen in the nonverbal tags of nonverbal people preferring definitions that centre on the lack of verbalness, even completely or most of the time vs speaking autistics using more broader terms, but again with such a lack of nonspeaking people involved there is no solid reliability to the data.
SemiVerbal / SemiSpeaking
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[image id: a multiple bar graph showcasing the correlation between how respondents self identified vs how they define Semiverbal. Going from top to bottom is Partly All with 8 from Semiverbal Only plus 7 Semiverbal and Temp and 10 from Semiverbal Plus, Next is Inbetween with 24 from Semiverbal Only and 42 from Semiverbal and Temp plus 53 from Semiverbal Plus, Lose Speech has 5 from Semiverbal Only plus 6 from Semiverbal and Temp and 8 from Semiverbal Plus,All Above with 2 from both Semiverbal and Temp plus Semiverbal Only, Context-Based with no responses, and finally Other with 1 from Semiverbal Only plus 2 from Semiverbal and Temp and 3 from Semiverbal Plus. end id]
Like The Nonverbal Section, The S Plus section on the graph includes the S and T groups as well as other responders who marked themself with more than just the Semiverbal role. Otherwise, from this graph we see an overall trend of including anybody “between nonverbal and verbal” regardless of how the respondents identified themself. There also seems to be less of a disconnect between those who are semiverbal vs the greater community when compared to the results of Nonverbal, although whether that is a bias of the survey or a general trend is hard to tell. Most respondents who chose Other seem to have given either an all of the above answer (which I might have manually included???) or mentioned a definition using the idea of always struggling with speech but at different levels.
Further Notes
One thing I really wish I had done was involve more nonverbal and semiverbal people in the whole process of making this, i think looking back there’s definitely moments were you could tell this was made by a speaking autistic and I really didn’t do nearly enough to include and uplift the voices of those who this survey was literally about. In a similar vein I forgot about pretty much every non-autistic community who uses these terms, but also didn’t make it clear enough that it was unintentional, leaving not only countless voices unheard but accidentally ostracising those whose voices are equally as important as what this survey managed to cover.
Alongside that I was very unclear in what some questions meant to the point even future-me wasn’t sure what the data was for, plus I bit off much more than I could chew, making for a messy at best survey experience. As such survey taker’s might notice not every question was given space here, and that is simply because I couldn't process the data in a timely manner.
I did however let people opt-in to sharing further notes about how they use these terms and will share some of those under the read more with no individual commentary so as to let people speak fully for themselves:
There is a gap in the language available to describe autistic difficulties with speech. Verbal should describe the ability to use language, written or spoken, but in the context of neurodivergency almost always describes speech only. Non-speaking would be a more appropriate term and would free up nonverbal as a term for autistics who struggle with written and spoken English (as in syntax or language in general, not spelling). This has been talked about in high support need circles but is not mainstream.
I think we should look to the wheelchair users for language design, specifically the differences with the language around full time wheelchair user and ambulatory/part time wheelchair user
i wish mostly speaking people would find other ways of explaining their experiences without using nonverbal/nonspeaking people's language. we already have a much harder time communicating and when our language is taken or used in different ways that makes people confused about the meaning and they assume that the experience of mostly speaking people is the same as mostly or fully nonverbal/nonspeaking people. when actually the overall experience is very different
I am not sure exactly where I fit within being verbal but losing speech and struggling to speak almost always, or if I am semiverbal. I think the lines between all of these terms can be blurry, but I think it's bad how verbal autistics who lose speech occasionally (and often talk about being able to push through this and force themselves to speak - which is how I feel almost all the time) have taken these terms which makes it very hard to find content from people whose experiences with speech are similar to mine or who are nonverbal. I think it's connected to how in general lower support needs autistics take most of the space in the autistic community and it can feel isolating for people like me who are higher support needs.
And well this survey was about English specifically, I want to share what this survey respondent said about how the terms work in their language and how that affects their usage of these terms:
third of all: the alternatives to that, such as "losing speech", "having verbal shutdown", or "going mute"... simply do not work in some languages. and as proof, let me show you my beautiful native language, that being ukrainian!
"losing speech" = our word for speech equals our word for talk. when losing speech, i CAN talk - but not by using my voice.
"verbal shutdown" = our word for shutdown is not being used in the same way as in english and there is no good alternatives.
"going mute" = our word for mute has a very long and complicated and problematic history, and is not something most people would be comfortable saying!
so, that means that i am left with absolutely no phrases to use in my language - because the only one, that being "going/becoming non-verbal" which is translatable and has the same meaning - is not an option anymore.
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lol-jackles · 7 months
I can't help thinking the best and easiest way for JA's company to make a hit production is to buy any original script abt two men in love (non-SPN), no matter how flimsy the story is, make JP & JA the leads, give JP executive freedom, throw in a bunch of jealous scenes where JA's character is possessive of JP's character (grabbing JP protectively & putting his hands in JP's hair etc; all the stuff JA added to Dean) & make JA lose the douchy long hair & give him sth close to S7 Dean's hair (the longest it ever got while staying Deanish).
J2's unparalleled chemistry will elevate the script. JP's excellent eye as producer will keep the company safe from its own incompetence & could even snag an excellent script in the first place.
The Wincest and J2 shippers plus every viewer hungry for man-on-man romantic scenes will bring in enough money & drool to rake in a very neat profit.
It'll have lasting cultural value because the Wincest & J2 shippers will fill all SM with gifs & fan vids from the movie as if it's from Sam & Dean's lives, and man-on-man viewers will do the same in non-SPN circles.
End it tragically & get the usual crowd braying abt bury ur gays, keeping it in everyone's minds nevertheless. Or end it happily & have all the viewers salivating & rewatching for J2 (SPN crowd) or for two hot dudes kissing or more (non-SPN crowd who do this anyway with man-on-man scenes; I dislike calling it gay scenes because men who sleep with men can be bisexual, and gays have been famously hypocritically biphobic to bisexuals like me).
Anyway what do you think? Would it really succeed or am I just a simpleton who would die to watch Sam and Dean kiss but has no understanding of what movies need to succeed? Love your blog btw.
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I'm posting your idea in full because it's a giant prompt for J2/Sam&Dean fanfic writers.
Your ideas had me thinking of a Good Omen reboot with Jared and Jensen playing Azri and Crowely. The scenarios you presented can all take place at different points in the past, making the series more of an anthology. In 10 years, J2 will be in their 50s, the same age David Tennant and Michael Sheen are currently. If J2 are game, it could work! One of the reasons why Loki is one of the better Disney+ series is audience like the chemistry between Tom Hiddleson and Owen Wilson. Going by the conventions, the chemistry between Jared and Jensen is still going strong.
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lostdrarryfics · 2 years
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Welcome to the fourth day of our anniversary celebration!
The Big Find is a 10-day long Drarry fic-finding marathon to celebrate the blog’s first anniversary. Below is the Day 4 compilation of lost fics, both old and new, that we’ve been unable to find. Our aim is to get as much attention to these lost fics as possible, to help people finally find their missing fics! Anyone can participate by reblogging, reading through each list, providing additional fic details, and informing us the title, author, or link of a fic, and their respective number in the comment section. Happy finding!
4.1 Time travel au where Draco goes back in time before the start of 1st year. He gets into Hufflepuff with Neville and they become best friends, they have a quite affectionate friendship; always hugging. Harry kept getting jealous of their bond and stuff. I remember this one scene they’re in fourth year and fake Moody was doing unforgivables in class, Draco got angry and defended Neville and left crying. Also Harry and Ron kind of treated Draco badly at first but Neville put an end for that. It was kind of a like a slow burn for drarry. Either on A03 or LJ. (original post)
fic is not dear cousin, love regulus by xx-thedarklord-xx • the most powerful magic always by minnietex
4.2 Harry and Ginny have a twin bond. They aren’t related, it’s a magical bond and they can feel each other’s pain I think. I think Percy was dark in that one. Well I’m pretty sure ONE of her brothers tortured her. (original post)
4.3 It’s a relative short fic, Draco and Harry have been together for a while and they go to celebrate Christmas at the Burrow. Everyone has a huge pile of gifts except for Draco, I think only Bill and Fleur made the effort of getting him sth. He didn’t get a Weasley jumper because the rest of the family still hates him. When Harry proposes to Draco, they all start yelling that he made a mistake and Draco goes home crying thinking that Harry will leave him. Harry shows up later saying that he told the Weasleys off for how they treated Draco and that he chooses him over them. It was either a single chapter or two chapters at most. (original post)
4.4 Post-war and Harry sneaks out of hogwarts to safe houses I think? To help Survivors or something and he gets cursed. Some order members rescue him and he wakes up in the hospital wing. Curse works like this: in Harry’s dreams, a mysterious figure hurts him and the injuries also appear on his actual body. I’m not sure how Draco gets involved but I think he helps Harry somehow? The person who cast the Curse was Lucius Malfoy. (original post)
4.5 8th year, Nott attacks Hermione in hogsmeade and Draco throws himself in front of her and ends up in st mungos. Harry attacks Nott for that and puts him in the hospital too. I think only his friends holding him back and reminding him that Draco is the priority is the only thing that stops him from killing Nott. Narcissa is dating Kingsley and she finds out Draco is injured because he receives news about it while they are having lunch. Kingsley sends aurors to guard Nott in case he wakes up and tries to flee but Harry doesn’t trust them and keeps watch himself in case he tries to attack Draco again. Draco wakes up and someone sends a patronus to Harry and he runs back and I think kisses him in front of everyone in the room. I think Draco was mute/silent for some of the story and talks to Harry using legilimency and he uses that on Hermione when he wakes up to tell her he cares about her because he found it impossible to say it aloud. I remember Draco thinking that Hermione ranting at him for being reckless is amazing because that means she considers him a friend. It was a longer fic and on ao3. (original post)
FOUND! 4.6 It was on LJ, there was an important person who was like a wish granter or something, he definitely behaved as shopkeeper offering his wares. So Draco goes to the wish granter, and he says that he wants Harry Potter’s love. And the shop keeper says something akin that he doesn’t have that in stock, so he gives Draco a substitute. I can’t remember the names of all the things the shop keeper gave him, the one thing I can remember was that affection was one of them. At the end of the story, Harry goes to the wish granter, and he asks the wish granter for Draco Malfoy’s love, and the wish granter is like “I can’t sell to you what you already have” or something along those lines. (original post)
FOUND! 4.7 harry is dating ginny but he’s not attracted to her? she tries to ride him but he can’t get hard or something? i think i remember harry had to go to the doctor for it im not sure. But he does go to draco instead and finds draco attractive. (original post)
FOUND! 4.8 Everyone is at Hogwarts and Draco wants to get closer to Harry so he gives him a potion to lower his guard and trust Draco for short amounts of time. Draco feels so guilty he self harms himself by cutting his leg. (original post)
4.9 I can’t remember if it’s an 8th year fic or a rewrite of sorts. Draco is at hogwarts and befriends the golden trio + luna + Ginny and for some reason I have this memory that in the midst of it all they decide they want to become animagi? And that at some point they come to the conclusion that they’re avatars (for lack of a better word, I guess heirs) for the original founders of hogwarts. (original post)
4.10 George throws a life celebration for Fred at the Burrow and Draco is there. At night Draco and Harry sleep together at the Burrow and Draco wakes up in the middle of the night to Harry missing, he goes downstairs and Harry is talking with Ginny in the kitchen and Draco gets jealous. (original post)
FOUND! 4.11 I’m looking for a fic where Draco tells Harry: “the Prophet had a lot to say about certain Chosen Ones who snuck off with his best friend during the Yule Ball.” And Ginny asks Dean (this is a group convo) if he ever experimented and Dean says no. (original post)
4.12 Draco quit the aurors to become a potion master/unspeakable because the aurors treat him wrong? And there’s this scene where ron asked harry something like “so he won’t come back to the aurors then?” And hermione says something like good for him because the aurors wasted on him or something. It’s very vague, but I think ron said he used to be partners with draco too! (original post)
FOUND! 4.13 Harry and Draco are hiding during the war at Andromeda’s house? Little by little more young people start to arrive, among them several Slytherins. English is my second language, I remembered that this story had a difficult word (for me) in the title. It was some synonym for rebel or renegade. (original post)
fic is not lilium school for magic series by snowy1138
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bearybutch · 1 year
saw sth in an older post of yours and wanted to give you heads up that the "q slur" movement of people opposing the use of queer originated from terfs because they thought the usage of queer was too inclusive of trans, ace, aro and other identities that exclusionists hate. you've said you're not on tumblr much besides posting art so you might've missed that development! since you're trans inclusive I gathered you might wanna know :)
going to start with: as much as this might have been well intentioned, you’ve come off patronising. keep that in mind reading what is me trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that this was not meant to be condescending, but still rubs me the wrong way.
I have heard this argument. I have heard this argument made but in the reverse. I have heard this argument since I was looking at tumblr blogs without an account when I was 12. I do not put much stock behind “terfs started it” as a way to invalidate someone’s stance these days as it can be cited at whim without evidence any day of the week. and when you’re telling that to a transmasc lesbian over the fact that they do not enjoy being called queer (which is a reasonable and harmless boundary to have) and is disgruntled that queer has been normalised as “ok to use by everyone” (again encroaching on the individual and personal boundaries of many LGBT+ people) it is especially patronising.
Second, I Am Trans (not just trans-inclusive). I can be trans and not enjoy being called queer, and not enjoy that people insist on my behalf that queer is ok to use - doesn’t make me exclusive, doesn’t make me backward, doesn’t make me a terf.
to finish this neatly: I help run a local LGBT+ youth group and have done for the past year. I’m actually headed there now as I type this - we’re making a community banner to celebrate our year together tonight. It’s filled with wonderful young gay and trans and yes, queer-identifying people! They are so creative and different and I adore them.
And they all helped contribute to a group agreement that acknowledges we do not call each other terms like queer without checking in with each other first.
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kyonoc · 10 months
Twst, Umehara, Leona and Alhaihtham
Umeme's voice awakens sth else inside me
O no my inner fangirl demon has escaped 😨😨😨😨 Run for your safety!!/hj
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Fr no his voice got me giggling like a dim sum (dumb simp) everytime without fail
Post-script stuff:
With that being said, Umeme is the sole reason why I'm interested in Alhaitham in the first place 😭😭
Back in my twst phrase, I was obsessed with the game. I followed a bunch of twst artist on twitter, I followed a bunch of pages & blogs that translate the game (since the global version is not available until like, 2-year anniversary). I even bought official merchs for the first time (smh I managed to manifest Leona's card from a gacha pack with the 1/22 rate 😭😭😭😭).
Originally, I was coaxed into playing the game bc someone wanted me to translate their doujinshi & stuff for Riddle. I wasn't really interested in Kuroshitsuji or Yana Tobaso but I played twst nonetheless because well, why shouldn't I?
After that, I got really invested in the storyline & the gameplay, and the rest is history.
Turn out I have a soft spot for "I can fix him" characters haha savior complex kicks in, and I liked Leona's voice (Ume 🫶🫶🫶). So I ended up biasing him. I also ended up catching a twst stream (featuring the game seiyuus) to listen to his VA's voice, despite barely understand any word :(;゙゚'ω゚'): I started to grow fond of Ume's voice after that.
In all honesty? I did not expect to hear Umehara's voice anywhere else after my twst phrase is over, definitely not in Genshin, and I definitely didn't think I would end up biasing Alhaitham either.
At the time, I actually liked Cyno more for his joker/comedian character. Yes, I like comedies. Yes, I also have the humor scrapped from the bottom of the barrel. Yes, I genuinely find Cyno's jokes to be funny and I like it.
That was until I heard Alhaitham's voice in the Archon Quest. I recognized Ume almost immediately, and it sparked an interest in me for Alhaitham. I ended up liking his scholarly/knowledgeable vibes and his personality. His character design is the last thing I grown to be fond of.
Also here's my canonxoc take with Leona lol (edited: back in 2020 21 sth). The fandom is pretty much chill with OCs since, well, twst have been staying ambiguous with Yuu's identity for the longest time so the player can self-insert. Not to mention, Malleus seems to never got invited to the meeting where everyone was unanimous about twst not being an otome game.
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a-weird-cryptid · 1 year
Tumblr's really starting to get depressing...
I came here thinking it would be the perfect place to post my original art on and connect with/find fun communities. I was wrong. I couldn't have been more wrong.
I'm not angry, or mad, just... extremely dissapointed and sad, tbh.
As a traditional, mostly original artist you don't seem to have any chance on this app. If you want to build any kind of audience that doesn't just leaves you the second you post something unrelated to their community, you need to dedicate most of your blog to that community/audience. Any other traditional artists I've seen so far usually do stuff related to a fandom or astablished trope/community. Such as g/t for example. But if you want to make diverse, mostly original based stuff, the people here really let me down. Just having a few bits of different interests and fandoms here and there doesn't cut it either.
I have nothing against the fact that digital art is so loved by Tumblr. It is also loved by me, after all. And I get that what I draw is pretty damn bad in comparison to what others do... But partly seeing literally noone interacting with it really demotivates me to post more. I'm really starting to consider making this entire blog private, because the result would basically be the same. Though I see even less of a point in posting here, if it's private.
Another thing that really dissapointed me is the fact that the same people who voted on my polls never seemed to actually come back to see what came after. I was making those polls for my "audience", if you can even call it that, to be able to have a say in what I post next. I wanted them to feel like I care about them and their opinion, which I do. That's why I so far always "kept my promise" to make posts related to the results.
But seeing, for my standarts, extremely many people vote for sth and then never wait for the actual stuff they voted on? Where is the logic at that? I was getting my hopes up so much that I finally found communities, only for them to turn around and leave me alone.
Every single time a post of mine got over 10 notes I was getting excited. Thinking I finally found people to connect with. Only for then to get "slapped in the face" by as good as noone caring about things I've worked on for hours. No notes, no asks, nothing. It really makes me feel like the effort I put into things isn't enough. Like I'm not good enough. It's pretty discouraging.
I can't believe that I have more supportive audiences on TikTok (and Insta) than here. I thought Tumblr would be the perfect place to share my original, traditional art, stories and thoughts. I thought I'd have fun discussing different things I care about, finding others who I can relate to. Apperently I was wrong.
And the more I think about it, the more I start to understand why I hesitated to post things on Tumblr in the first place because of those reasons. While I could easily find people to connect with on other socials, I'm really struggling to do so here.
I tried to get this app. To understand it's culture and how the people here think and act. But nothing I did actually seemed to matter. Everybody keeps praising Tumblr for being unique and "not like other social media apps". Which is an aspect I really got excited about. But by being that "different" it also made it extremely exclusive so far. As if I had to get some kind of fucking VIP ticket to become part of the communities here.
It's pretty hard to find any communities and actually get what you post to your targeted audience, without any kind of real algorithm. With the only way to get there being by reblogs. Aka sth that many say you should do, but apparently most "ignore". When my posts got to the targeted audience, as good as none of those people decided to stick around. Even if I more often than not have/had some other posts that they might have enjoyed.
I tried to organize my blog more and put links into posts that are related to others, so you could find things easier and quicker. Mostly because I thought that might be part of the problem why noone seemed to find my other posts. But organizing things has literally changed nothing.
I also made a comic about all of this in a nutshell, which can be found here. But I doubt anyone's actually interested about it. Therefore I didn't bother to make it very readable and so on.
I'm really starting to understand why so many, from what I've heard, moved on to other apps and left Tumblr. I'm starting to understand why everybody keeps saying that "Tumblr's dead", cause it is. Except to those who are on it. Outside of this place though? It's dead. Noone really talks about it anymore.
I looked for other alternative to post my art on and find fun communities to connect with because of those reasons. I found some, when it comes to discussions and my opinions on things, but when it comes to art, fandom and random stuff, I couldn't find any. At least none that I would enjoy posting those things on. So I guess for now I'll continue using Tumblr for those things.
Another thing I want to mention, knowing that users can't change anything about it, are the porn bots. I won't blame any users for it. I know it's not their fault (most likely). But getting a notification that I have a new follower only for them to be a bot, is pretty dissapointing. It got to the point in which, every time I open Tumblr, I wonder how many bots I'll have to report and block.
For my few real followers: Thanks for staying around. I really appreciate it. :)
The same goes for anyone else who liked, commented on and reblogging my posts/art.
Also, because some don't seem to understand that posts like these are subjective and I don't want to attack or blame, etc anyone by writing this:
This post is about my subjective experience on Tumblr and with the people on here so far. I'm glad for everyone who's having a fun time on here, I really don't want to ruin that for them. I know that most prob don't see this app the same way I do and I'm most likely part of the problem. I'm not trying to attack or blame anyone for my experience, nor do I want to guilt trip anybody or make them feel like they have to interact with me and like, etc my posts out of pity.
I don't want anybody to interact with me/my posts just out of pity. I'm not writing all of this because I want to get attention by being a "special snowflake", "not like other Tumblr users" or similar.
I'm writing this to explain why I might not put that much effort into upcoming posts or not post regularly/as often anymore. I'll prob go down to making just one post per week. And I'm pretty sure some of you might have noticed the declining quality of posts over the last few weeks already.
I doubt I'll reblog, comment on, etc, many other posts, since I'm not spending that much time on this app anymore. None, besides the casually checking if I have any notifications. I try to mostly ignore it since it really drags me down, only coming to make a post or schedule stuff and that's it. Perhaps I'll reblog more on my "reblog blog", but here, on my "main blog" you prob won't find many reblogs in the future.
I also doubt that I'll post many opinion related things anymore. Might make a book review and a few random opinion posts here and there, but I'll try to focus on my art.
Because I'm really starting to question if all of that is even worth the effort. It really doesn't seem like the communities on here are into any kind of discussions.
If you honestly like my content feel free to follow, like, comment, ask away and/or reblog. But again, I'd really appreciate it, if you don't do it just because "look at that poor little artist".
More on all of that can be found in my last update. Because literally nothing has really changed ever since.
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I have a couple of bleach related question about some topics you already mentioned and since I love your thoughts and you have bleach moment I hope I won’t be to annoying. Obv don’t need to answer
Is Grimmjow your favourite bleach character? What moment made you change your mind on orihime? Was there specific moment, or just all of it? Why arrancar arc is your favourite? Do you like any other one? Can you elaborate on grimmulqui? What do you find interesting about their dynamic, since it’s described as completely incompatible in canon? You saw Di Roy as basically looking up to grimmjow, do you have other ideas about the group dynamic? And sth with drama but I need to know Is your feeling about gr!m!chi based on age difference they have? Cuz I felt the same after I became an adult and wonder if it’s similar to you, but someone pointed out Isshin and masaki who are also similar in ages, so idk what to think rn?
And btw I hope one day you will feel comfy enough to share your OC/character. I always look forward to what you post so I’m sure it is fun and interesting. Thanks and sorry again.
Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh ok I’m sorry to everyone for what I am about to inflict upon your dash. 
So i think back when I first watched bleach as a tiny middle schooler, I did like Grimmjow the most. But my best friend had said that Grimmjow was HER favourite, so i opted for Ulquiorra instead out of respect (my kid logic was unmatched, i know lmao). Now Ulquiorra is a character that I love a lot and I did RP as him for a couple years because of that (he is a sad clown. he is an emo. like how can i not like him), but Grimmjow has absolutely retaken the spot of Number One Guy of All Time. He is the Original Catboy, he's blue, he’s a dickhead, he's a lot more observant and intelligent than literally everyone gives him credit for, he loves to beat the shit out of everyone, AND he’s emotionally constipated, I love him. 
Also for Orihime it was like, when I was getting back into bleach in college i was peeking at some blogs for it while also reading the manga and the hate people have for her is so unreal dude. Like part of it really was just out of spite for those people lmfao. There's nothing wrong with her, people are just so venomous!! And for what!! Her big boobs????? She’s weird! She’s compassionate and will heal even her enemies! And not to repeat myself but she’s ALSO more observant and intelligent than literally everyone gives her credit for. She intuits so much that other characters dont pick up on, like??? Why. I mean I know why, its just tiring lmfao
I guess I like chapters before Rukia’s capture because the energy for them is really good? And the shinigami arc is all good because it sets up a lot of new shit for the rest of the series. And also the Fullbringer arc is a lot better than I thought it was going to be. BUUUUUT Arrancar Arc is my favourite bc the arrancar are my favourite. No competition. I think their world is interesting, how it worked before Aizen and after Aizen fucked it all up; I like the struggle between the animalistic lifestyle and cycle of violence they’d all been subjected to rubbing up against the reclamation of their humanity and figuring out what that means for them, and how the promise Aizen gives them of power makes that even harder because he’s forcing them to stay in that survival-of-the-fittest, hyper competitive mindset so they can all be his little murder machines. I also love that they all have fursonas lmfao.
For Grimmulqui it’s like… I think I just like the idea of two dudes with a shitty grasp on their own emotions (mostly from being in an environment that’s forced them to suppress anything that isn’t going to keep them alive) not realizing what it is they're feeling for each other. Seeing Grimmjow noticing things about Ulquiorra (mostly to size him up as a threat, I’m sure lmao) like how he notes that he will always stab prey he’s interested in right where his hollow hole is, as a quirk that he thinks Ulq himself probably doesnt realize. And like, he’ll say shit like “haha, you’re scared to fight me! Because you think we’ll tear each other apart!” and then turn around and just remove Ulquiorra from the situation entirely instead of actually fighting him (which yes is because he had the objective of fighting Ichigo instead and that would just prolong everything and get in the way) But idk! It reads to me like he might be projecting a tiny bit! Also like. The Penis Swords Chapter Cover. Need I Say More.
As for Grimmjow’s group, yeah, but it’s like. It’s less about each of them on an individual level and more about them as just a group? Because of how little we really got for them it’s a lot more work to extrapolate things from lmao. Like I think they all idolize Grimmjow in a way, but Di Roy does the most and is the most obvious about it. Most of my thoughts on them are just about how cool it’d be if they were all still alive and could pal around with their favourite guy :( They could have the shittiest mancave in Las Noches that Shawlong fruitlessly tries to lecture everyone else about cleaning, and it’d be great! Also I think its funny that Yylfordt is the jock to Szayel’s nerd and the potential for more sibling rivalry shit would be cool. 
And uh. Well for Grimmichi and Isshin/Masaki like…….. Dude idk what to tell you lmfao. Like we could have a whole discussion about Kubo being lame for Isshin/Masaki but I think people using the fact that it’s canon in spite of the age gap as a defense for grimmichi (which i think is what you’re implying, right?) is fucking dumb lol. As if that suddenly makes it less weird. Ok.
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siren-of-agony · 2 years
Okey, actual introduction post time!
I'm Lea, 29.
I'm never able to actually make short posts, so i'll put most of this under a read more, but here's the summary: I like most tropes so I can't promise that anything will not appear here, but I will tag original posts. I LOVE making playlists did quite a few whump playlists already! I'm also slowly trying to upload some of my writing!
My two Masterposts so far: Duochromatic - (The Taste of Fear)
I have been lurking in the tag ever since I first found it, and have also daydreamed about what I now know are whump scenarios my whole life.
I'm honestly not super picky and like most stuff, so trying to pick my fave tropes feels not rly possible :D like the uquiz by @royalwhumpness told me, I like 'general hurt/no comfort' (i do like comfort, but only when it shows the hardships of actually healing from trauma)
I do however, apart from tropes, love:
Memes, this will not stay serious
Women. I'm a big lesbian, and I just love women in all roles and all narratives, as long as it isn't misogynistic. Also, I'll tag everything w lady whump.
Making playlists! I love music, and I love to use them to daydream, so I make tons of playlists!
I don't really have any absolute nope-tropes, but there's some stuff I'm not a big fan of, so you won't see a lot of this here:
Sickfick/Medical whump etc (if there's anything medical, it will probably be me repackaging my rants about my own body as whump recs :D)
Pet stuff (if, then only the "after" part, since I'm just a bit fan of healing from trauma of ALL kinds)
legal slavery or anything too "society" based, I like it more... personal
non-humanoid creatures getting whumped. If it feels closer to an animal than a human it's just not my deal
People dying (like fine if they're side-characters, fine if it's faked death, fine if it's close to death, just no main character death-death)
Here's a more comprehensive list:
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(whump tier list made by @snuffhimout and @coldresolve, click to make it readable)
Also extra shout out to @for-the-love-of-angst and @dont-touch-my-soup for just being wonderful and being my friend even if I just disppear of the face of the earth regularly
Also, some of the blogs which writings and prompts finally convinced me to make this blog so I can finally reblog and comment and like your stuff were @painsandconfusion @hurt-the-innocent-ones @quickhatchwhump @its-getting-worse @trope-appreciation-tuesdays @whumpwillow @patheticlittleguy and honestly, quite a few more, so thank you for that!
I will always tag my original posts with everything I think I should, if I forget sth, pls let me know! I will TRY to tag reblogs but uhhh I'm super forgetful, so be warned.
My pinned post has all the important links!
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jjheejz · 3 years
About Internet Water Army in the case
This is an ongoing update about the case from start to development. List of all related posts can be found on this blog's pinned post (link provided at bottom of each post as well).
19 August 2021 update: Added the scale of his success for reference, before bonus below
18 August 2021 update: Added timeline of events, orange title in post, found out the official English term for Immoral Media = Internet Water Army)
Major updates since first draft: Added bonus, added disclaimer, certain info details
Originally posted on 16 August 2021
[The purpose of this post is to provide a perspective as to why the Media is raised/blamed regarding the issue. Especially for international fans, as all the encounters happened on Weibo. Also, those who were on weibo, do read through if you will. So although it's lengthy, do try to read all, at least if not the last two parts].
The Media referred by most, is not the common perception of the Entertainment Industry (celebrities, directors, shows, channels, staff etc), but the dark side of the Entertainment industry: Antis, toxic fans, toxic marketing accounts. They are called Internet Water Army💧.
Toxic Marketing Accounts is one of the things they do, these accounts on Weibo has millions of followers, each of their post likes are in the hundred thousands (buyable) to give credibility to passer-bys. Some use similar names to Official accounts, some use similar logos. Their posts are usually subjective or aims to steer view points of a certain celebrity/movie/show. Before the latest update of this post (18.08.21), I just group them all together and term them as Immoral Media*.
*Below is my original post using my original term because at point of first draft, I did not know the official term (so have changed/added the term from Immoral Media to Internet Water Army in content below but retain the content based off first draft).
If you have chased before celebrities, or just simply passed by an article about certain celebrities, recall how some title that caught your attentions were like. Clickbaits is one of the many things they do. If GZ is your first and you do not have Weibo, then this read(link) is good enough.
Just as the term Immoral Media (Internet Water Army), it’s immoral and unethical, but they exists because they are paid to do so. Who pays them? Entertainment Companies, and maybe other Organisations
Normal Media/Marketing vs Immoral Media/Toxic Marketing/Internet Water Army
When a show or movie comes out, the normal Marketing department will generate outreach and buzz so that people know a show is airing soon/know the show exists etc. Official announcements are not enough, because there isn’t much context (limited content to put up as well) so having some other Marketing accounts do the buzz in a planned period to gain awareness through posts, some articles about the casts, the plot summary, the production details etc is normal. This is Marketing, bigger companies will probably have stronger Marketing departments (aka influence) and can hire more Marketing accounts to generate buzz. Celebrities (aka casts) themselves, are also Marketing point.
Then we have the Internet Water Army/Immoral Media, these are what they mainly do:
Create Fanfiction-rumors: Creating rumors about celebrities to shift audience perception of them. [eg. XX was seen with XX leaving a hotel, XX was drunk on Event Y and did ZZZ to AA, XX is dating BB and has been in a relationship for N years etc]
Honing their brain degrading skills: Come up with titled clickbait headings/ trending topics with negative written contents. For articles, exceptionally out of heading content related to the celebrity. [Refer to Baidu, it’s a winner of these, feel free to Google Translate]
Regressing their common sense and understanding skills: Take everything a celebrity does completely out of context in a negative way and create a topic out of it [eg. XX said AA is a ---, “XX raised his finger, a sign of ---?”, XX pushed BB aggressively on Variety Show Y - A competition variety show, XX is in beef with CC because XX was caught giving CC the eye]
Using their fingers to stir shit and bathe each other in it: Escalate all smallest form of possible tension created by fans/themselves into a huge thing by acting as the fandom's fans/lurk in fandom chat groups, and voicing their disguised opinion to spread tension/exaggerate severity of the issue [eg. XX fans mocked AA - in groupchats: tbh I've never liked AA before, AA just gives off a vibe that I dont like and now this? It just disgusts me even more > Yea, i feel this way too. AA has problems / XX Lurkers expressing views on XX about NN, slowly to NNMHFXW - XX did NNMHGT - I cannot accept NNmHfHw, I'm leaving = multiply by 1000++]
Epitome of a self-deteriorate: Creating something out of nothing and react to that something negatively to gain massive attention/reaction [eg. “XX raised his hand on show Y” - dk what XX fans are thinking, are they literally blind? XX fans are tasteless just like XX hahaha / “XX did community service” - they are acting / “XX breathed” - From the start, i thought XX was NN, but I am so ZZZ that XX breathed. Goodbye fandom, i’m leaving. Those who still want to stay I urge you to rethink your life choices] - if I may add, Xiao Zhan’s fanfiction case as well. 
Metaphor - Ability to use bare hands to collect paychecks from the urinal/toilet bowl where their boss/client peed in: Doing all of the above.
Apologies for any term offense, but not apologetic of the term context. This is what they do for a living. Any normal human being who do not like anything, will generally not be interested at anything about it in the first place, so to have some antis/toxic fans knowing certain things and inside jokes/references in their posts questions their goal.
On involved in Internet Water Army/Immoral Media 💧
Fans on weibo during these few months witnessed many of the above on GZ. From rumored girlfriend (spammed with articles) to mean and nasty comments on trending topics, to bouts of insults and fake emotional cryouts by certain fan accounts that GZ's office has to release a number of Lawyer’s letter to them. 
Aside from WOH there were also a few other BL adaptation films that were actually released this year but they did not reach exponential success like WOH. BL adaptations are so highly followed by because this is the key to wealth. Literally. Successful BLs like The Untamed and  Dao Mu Bi Ji saw the amount of wealth fans are willing to spend on the celebrity as compared to say BG or idols (younger fan groups). This is why when WOH shot up exponentially, Immoral Media start to sweat.
Major anticipated adaptations were supposed to air this year eg. Hao Yi Xing(HYX), Sha Po Lang(SPL) etc but was severely held back due to the stricter change in BL adaptations submitting their scripts for approval regulations (WOH manage to submit earlier before the change). Because of this, most final films were rejected and they have to keep re-editing, by then WOH was already months into reaping tonnes of major brand endorsements, shows/movie casting, variety show appearances etc, something that is seen as too successful in the Immoral Media’s eyes, because they have to create buzz for other celebrities, some are specific celebrity oriented and thus circulate rumors about having endorsement opportunities shifted from celebrity X to GZ (think fanfiction-rumors and shit stirrer) causes tension in celebrity fandoms. - A real event just in July:
The Untamed’s cp fandom is called BJYX which had always been in the Top 1 of Cps for 2 years dropped for awhile to Top 2, over taken by LLD. Both of them had a war and hated each fandom, one fandom is somehow not allowed to like the other fandom even casually after everything broke out because it started out with some BJYX toxics photoshopped GZ on of portraits .
Also another case of which he wore the same costume as WYB did in a previous photoshoot and it became a useless comparison of who wore better, who looks better, degrading the other. (Finger stirring shit).
Now apply all of the above things the Internet Water Army do and we have them earning money, while both fandom reacts and hate each other.
In LLD, our own fans started suspecting each other on who is a spy from BJYX and what not.
The first few months of Internet Water Army saw LLDs mostly mocking them because the average age is 30-40s, they know and see through all of their intentions so nothing was big. They were trumpeting and LLDs didn’t even care, what with all the doing tedious stats was not even important to them.
Over time, as the issues they create became more and more serious LLDs did start to care, reporting Toxic Marketing accounts/toxic fans became a daily task, go vote for GZ at certain polls etc, solo fans, and LLD fans also split apart. Solo fans think cp fans use GZ to furnish their fantasies, and cp fans thinks they are the ones furnishing their dreaming-girls fantasy with (aka my boyfriend).
There was also a period where LLD had a habit of continuously mentioning “we are in the 30-40s so we can see through everything about the media, we are all fans for the first time, we are good at spending money (because of purchase power compared to other fandoms)” it was prevalent for so long it felt odd, ‘chasing celebrities the first time’ in particular sounds more vulnerable as a weakness than a strength / sth to be proud of.
Gradually, more secretive/insider confirmed ‘sweets’ were flying around. Fans advised each other to not circulate, and the mindset of “if you know, you know, dont tell.” (This is a problematic mentality, of which fans will still be curious to know and search for it themselves, but this secretive hook is unhealthy. Over the long term, it becomes hard for existing fans to know a lot of things properly to judge for themselves, especially those who knew and publicly reacted, but blasting those who ask and telling those who know to keep quiet, this did not help some to understand why on certain things, even so for international fans, dont know and dont understand, causing misunderstandings. Yes, certain information should not be shared, so why should you react about it publicly in the first place? - Internet Water Army effect)
The last few months (for example the July fan war) created a tonne of seriousness and anger. A period even broke out with a tonne of ‘insider confirmed sweets’ (which is LLD’s daily dose of happiness), it was hard to tell what was real and what was fake. Trending topics became negative and everyone warned each other not to enter because it will give the trends ‘views’ and trend statistics, in reality entering there is to enter an exhibition by the self-deteriorates, collecting the fandom's traffic data (it's a sure lose for fans each time they enter the topic). Everyone even starts thinking that the trend’s popularity was caused by each other (it's true but it can be bought daily and not caused by fans). There was a raise in the number of fans who were getting emotional because they want to protect but Internet Water Army kept coming and got worse, because fans, tbh, not just GZ fans, every other celebrity’s fans are always fighting with an Army, getting played and plotted in that Army's calendar.
Even so, despite all of these, LLD is actually a fandom Internet Water Army may find the hardest to break because they understand GZ so much, they could tell what are fake news regarding GZ, because among everything above, there are still plenty of logical fans to stop many fans from drifting too far and debunking them. Why? 30-40s are grown up adults.
Why 13.8.21 and the Japan issue is plotted?
First of all, in the political climate of China, there are many political dates in a month that is NO-Entertainment news. Because it’s the honoring of certain important political events. It’s like Remembrance Day, thus the sensitivity is higher. On these days, there are usually no news and even the Internet Water Army zip their pants. This year also marks the 100th year of the Chinese Communist Party(link)
Secondly, he had no work schedule on 13 August 2021. A great full day to focus on any other news (because if he had schedules, everyone will turn their attention to his events, what trumpeting outside is just bird chirps). 
Thirdly, when the news broke out, especially about the shrine, the reception was actually quite serious within the fandom so the scale of this might be big but to what extent in reality?
Lastly, 15.8.21 marks the 76th anniversary of the announcement of surrender of Japanese in World War 2(link). Also a day of NO-Entertainment news. 
Timeline of events:
13.8.21 - [His rest day, Eve of Chinese Valentine's Day, Japan News broke out] His rest day, no schedules = increased attention about him online. Lowered guard among fans because they are getting ready for tomorrow's Chinese Valentine's sweets = Caught off guard = Huge break out of fans' reactions
14.8.21 - [Chinese Valentine's Day, Eve of the 75th Anniversary of the announcement of Japanese surrender] Keep a wishful and happy demenaor to not destroy the mood, suppressed thoughts about ZZH's Japan news
15.8.21 - [75th Anniversary of the announcement of Japanese surrender, Official announcement of ZZH's boycott and all China social media account ban] NO-Entertainment news day, Solemn day, not allowed to voice anything so the fandom can only wait for tomorrow to start voicing out/debunking but before they can wait out, the boycott and social media ban happened, every official accounts about him was gone overnight, fans had no time to react
17.8.21 - [All official fandom accounts related to ZZH and JunZhe were locked/removed]
Forced to be silent since the day his matter broke out, over the course of official news release with everything taken down in a day because of the Japan correspondence, his accounts banned overnight across the Chinese media and the overnight cancellation, fans could not speak anything about it. Overnight cancellation like this scale happened for the first time in China, leaving no time to react by the fandom, by the time they can, they are silenced.
When the period of events occured within a set of special dates, it’s not coincidence.
Because he was too successful and had many actually honorable past things, and a hard to influence fandom, Internet Water Army view him as a huge threat enough to want to destroy him, because it’s hard to defeat. With a chance they have, they will hold it till the end, bringing up this issue to the Government during this period also shows a sign of how scared they were of him and perhaps his fandom to plot something like this.
Updated on 19 August: Here's a screenshot of assumed calculation on the scale of GZ success for reference while chatting with a fellow fan, assuming GJ also has 27 brands, and there are 1000 brands. Rationale of numbers used: Only big brands can hire big celebrities.
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Mentioned in the first post, will mention again in case. After the news broke out within 2 days, there was a drop on his weibo followers from 18.9mil to 18.7mil. 200k+ drops, if the politics was such a big national issue, there should at least be a huge drop, even at least a million right? Because weibo is a China-Chinese majority right? Nope, we get a puny 200k drop.
What's funny? The self-deteroriates:
Translation: "Are his fans bought? Why didnt he drop fans? Those people got brainwashed to this point?" / "I've never entered his weibo and today i feel like having a look yet it showed I've followed him. All his fans were bought right? It disgusts me, i immediately unfollowed. This kind of process is worse than WYF..." / "i dropped fans because of him...no...I just reposted 2 posts and I've dropped 4 fans?"
Isn't the tone and regressing brain cells, all too familiar and same?
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Added above, will remind again to read this link. It has an even more in-depth knowledge on who are paying them.
So what should we do? Link here
Related posts 🛏️:
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hugthepanda12 · 2 years
Hi, so I saw an amv about Chase and at one point they briefly show the moment where he’s being “tortured” by having water drip on his head and his abs painted mustard yellow. I presume that the water dripping is a reference to Chinese water torture but I’m absolutely confused about what the stomach painting could mean. Thoughts? I like your blog ☺️
Ah, yes. TAT arc. Oh boy, there are many things to unpack in the ‘heylins’ prison cell’ scene. Let's dwell into this.
It is evident that Wuya, Bean and Chase are put in chains or other types of constraint. They used to be powerful beings, so no wonder tat!jack took into consideration the possibility that they might at least try to escape at some point. However, Chase seems to be trapped in a machine which stranded him completely.
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Hannibal is put in the cage, while Wuya is hanged by the handcuffs on the wall. Yes, they indeed are in a bad situation, but Chase is the only one being actively tortured.
You are right, Chase is the victim of the Chinese Water Torture. But there is more! Bloodstains on the floor? His limbs being stretched??? (simply torture rack -modern version but this one is only my assumption) Ouch, everything about this image is worrisome. And look at his hair! Undoubtedly, it is shorter. Jack frickin Spicer has cut mighty Chase Young’s hair. And as we know, in China cutting hair is regarded as a punishment or humiliation.
What is more, I think, getting rid of his armor was a way to make Chase uncomfortable. Who knows? Maybe it is a personal vendetta for that one time a tiger interrupted boy’s bath session and dragged almost-naked Jack in front of Chase and (ghost!)Wuya (dangerous minds ep)?
And finally, the last element of the elaborate humiliating puzzle set up by the new Prince of Darkness Jack Spicer – the brush that helps spread a yellowish liquid on Chase’s torso.
My first guess – that’s Lao Mang Long Soup. Jack holds a grudge towards his ex-partners in crime so big, he wouldn’t care to visit them tbh. Jackbots handle feeding the prisoners, although the immortality soup is a separate case.
I reconsidered the following thing: is drinking the soup the only way for the body to take advantage of its miraculous effects? Can it be absorbed through the skin? What if Jack found out the answer to the latter question? And that answer is: yes, it can be absorbed through the skin but it would take a veeery long time for it to enter the digestive (and then the circulatory) system. As a consequence, the bearer of the soup curse would be weakened due to drinking less than it is needed but they would NOT die because the body receives small doses of Lao Mang Long.
Therefore, Chase has his stomach painted only to keep him alive for a while, that is, until The Prince of Darkness gets bored. But it is unlikely to happen mostly because the Heylins are like trophies to Jack.
So, this was my take on that mustard yellow substance. It could make sense because the show didn’t give us any specifics on how Lao Mang Long works except for the following factors: changes you into a monster, increases strength and thinking immortality deal.
However, I refuted this little theory of mine when I read the Tumblr post about the TAT timeline. Someone suggested that in the USA yellow stands for cowardice and in such a way Jack keeps reminding Chase that he is a coward. (in such moments I really want to know what the hell happened in those 80 something years bc WOW JACK that is a pretty thought-through scheme right there). Additionally, as I recall, the soup was more greenish rather than yellow, so it can’t be Lao Mang Long (unless Jack added a yellow pigment or sth)
Coming back to the symbolism of the yellow color, in the western culture the phrase “yellow-bellied”—a term for those who are cowardly—may have originated from chickens (“Don’t be a chicken”) and the rich yellow of their egg yolk, as this site reports. And well, it makes sense because it is so Jack to do the chicken dance to make his enemies angry.
On the other hand, some may argue that XS show has many references taken from the Chinese culture, that is why the Chinese meaning of the color yellow should be taken into consideration.
In China Yellow is a royal color. It symbolizes imperiality, the power of the throne, and prosperity. As a result, yellow is associated with Emperor or Buddhism (temples having yellow elements, etc)
What if Chase is an Emperor of the Heylin side? He used to be the big bad and even Jack’s evil hero. Maybe Jack by that belly painting meant something like:
‘Hey, you were on the top, now I am! You should’ve taken me as an apprentice but NO! You were always looking down on me and look where it got you! Your empire is mine. But, y’know that little part of me still respects you, so here, have some yellow paint! Oh, and sorry about the hair I was angry at you xoxo'
So, in short, Jack honored Chase’s past accomplishments as the former Heylin King but implemented it as a kind of torture as well. Because, I guess, due to its repetitive nature (this brush goes on and on without stopping) I bet it has similar effects as the water torture.
Still, how I see it, the ambiguity about the meaning of the color yellow is something Jack would love. As we know, the boy genius pays attention to details. For me, Jack at this point of his life as an old man considers Chase as both hero and a coward, so he simply mixed the meanings of Chinese and western culture to show how smart he is.
Mind you, that the other Heylins are being mocked by Jack too. Hannibal Roy Bean has been renamed the Musical Fruit and Wuya wears an outfit of one of Jack’s cheerleaderbot. I wonder if it’s because she made fun of those girl-robots or the fact Wuya kept cheering and motivating Jack to hunt more and more wus for her, treating him like trash afterward. Oh, and Jack has cut her hair, too. ;u;
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All things considered, the appearance of the Heylins is the proof that Jack punished them in the most sadistic way possible and Chase got an extra set of humiliating tortures because Jack’s resentment towards the warlord was so big, the genius had to design something „special” to show who is in charge now. And he wanted it to be personal.
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molinaskies · 3 years
You Need to Read This.
It (Re)Started In The Cafeteria
I'm going to do something I've yet to do on this blog - something I don't intend to do ever again as it's not really the point of what I think I want to do here. However, I really need to talk about this - both for myself and for the people I think this will benefit. That said, please bear with me on this.
StarryScarstar's It (Re)Started in The Cafeteria is a Sonic the Hedgehog Sonamy high school AU fanfiction rewrite I stumbled upon a while ago and never really paid attention to by nature of what it was. AU work, in general, is usually not something I hold an interest in. I vaguely remember seeing/reading some of the original from 2012, but I don't remember a thing about it. Recently, curiosity got the better of me (you can see the significant praise and audience this piece has), and I started reading.
The first entry in the piece is an author's note, in which Starry explains why they wanted to rewrite this work and where their inspiration came from. Seeing their perspective and hearing their thoughts, I told myself that I would see this through to the end, no matter what.
Like I said, this is a Sonamy high school AU fanfic... but it turned out to be so much more than that. For the plot alone, this is damn near one of the best young-adult narratives I've ever read because what it does and what it stands for is so fucking important.
If you are a young person, you need to read this.
If you are struggling, you need to read this. I don’t care if it takes you 35 hours like me. I don't care if it'll take you longer.
I don’t care if the idea of an alternative universe weirds you out.
I don't care if you found this post by accident and don't even know what the fuck a Sonic is - that doesn't even matter here, to be honest.
I don’t care if the (admittedly egregious, at times) continuity errors frustrate you. I don’t care if you struggle to get invested through the first five chapters, where things are, naturally, still falling into place, and Starry is still world-building in their head. You need to read this. This is a narrative about anxiety, depression, PTSD, loneliness, self-loathing, partying, peer pressure, sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, divorce, orphanship, eating disorders, transitioning gender identities, sexual identities, teen pregnancy, classism, sexism, LGBTQ+ navigation and discovery, daddy issues, mommy issues, appearances versus reality, conflicting feelings, feeling suppression, tricky teenage relationships, and genuinely so much more. If you are in a headspace to handle these topics, or if you want to learn and/or safely challenge yourself, then you need to read this.
trigger warnings, for those who use them, are often written at the top of sensitive chapters.
The things you will learn - the solace you will find here - is worth the investment and perseverance. I’m twenty years old, now, and this is a story I wish I had when I discovered this franchise at age twelve and wanted to get involved, or at age fifteen when shit at home got complicated. If not an interesting alternative take on this franchise (with a LOT of fun references), it is a whole-heartedly, genuinely GRIPPING story with characters who blossom and grow and thrive with each other. The writing is phenomenal, if unpolished at times, but the story is beautiful, important, challenging, and needs to be shared. You will laugh, cry, scream, and have your expectations subverted left and right. Cliche tropes and popular fanon, who? I promise you won’t regret it. This is easily the best high school AU out there for StH if you’re looking for that. But truly, if nothing else but a young-adult fiction piece, you need to read this.
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
Easter Time is Max Time and Chocolate Bunny OCs
🇵🇷Me: Today's the day of what I came to prepare during this year's Easter with Maxwell and his family. Though decided of bringing two related artworks I've work on from past weeks, but originally would've save it at DA. Nevertheless, I'm came for to share at Tumblr as a way to celebrate Easter with my closest friends. Hope to see them and everyone can have their good Easter Day as well. What that being said, here's what I called my latest art posts to worth checking in.
🦊⚽️Sam: Definitely. While looking at it though would've been so cool if you go with digital coloring via PicsArt app when you had much time to go around.
🇵🇷Me: I know. At least knowing I'm doing well with using colored pencils to work out. Although needed to edit things up later to make it look brighter as I can.
🦊⚽️Sam: I see. Good thing that it looks alright for both artworks in quality. 👍🏼
🐰🖌Maxwell: Mhm. The first one that he placed on top though is surprisingly bring some of my cartoon art style appearances. There's even on the left side in "Jellystone!" version of myself that you've previous did back in November. 8th, 2021 to list on; including others as well.
Ollie and Moon Maxwell (April. 18th, 2018) - Link Here
Playkids Maxwell (November. 6th, 2018) - Link Here
Peppa Pig Maxwell (April. 19th, 2019) - Link Here
Cuphead Maxwell (July. 3rd, 2019) - Link Here
George of the Jungle Maxwell (October. 13th, 2019) - Link Here
The Simpsons Maxwell (Dec. 9th, 2019) - Link Here
STH Maxwell (February. 15th, 2020) - Link Here
Animaniacs (April. 18th, 2021) - Link Here
Jellystone Maxwell; aside May and Sam's inclusion (November. 8th, 2021) - Link Here
🐰🖌Maxwell: Though almost complete of myself that would like to see all of them, but at least this came close enough while having to celebrate this year’s Easter.
🇵🇷Me: That's alright, Maxwell. I had the same feeling as you were for a reason. However I may wanted to included those in their rabbit forms as your are. You know, because today’s Easter Sunday in terms of rabbits? 😅
🐰🖌Maxwell: I see. Well no problem that you've tried your best to go through it. Still looks pretty good anyways. As for the second one though, wasn’t that a remake from your original 2016 Easter artwork that you’ve posted on DeviantArt?
🇵🇷Me: That’s right. Thought I’m hoping it was a good case to have. I did well to redrawn your family or just your chocolate designs of yourselves; while making sure to added details and changes. It looks better to make as a comparison if you wanted to check out my original through link down below. ⬇️
Happy Easter 2016 - Link Here
🐰👊💥May: That’s really good to take us back in memories from years ago, but this looks better with the flowers bloom then last time you’ve drawn. No offense, though.
🇵🇷Me: That’s alright, May. It was something I worked on when doing practice I’ve been getting through in my life.
🐰🖌Maxwell: Well gotta say that it turn out alright after you’ve finished it, but also to share with my family and friends together. Just wish you can join us, Sam.
🦊⚽️Sam: Yeah. Though make me wanted crave those chocolate bunnies to snack on....I mean not literally on real bunnies of course! Just saying. 😅
🐰🖌Maxwell: Okay then? Anyways, hope you guys enjoy our creator friend’s art post to celebrate Easter Sunday this year. See you next year when we’re hopping around! 😆
Maxwell (plus other of his alternate cartoon art style versions of himself), May, Choco, Windy, and Scottie created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
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griffinkid · 3 years
I'm pretty sure the person who made the term impure regression meant no harm with it, and it probably stemmed from the ptsd all-time hit of feeling impure due to triggers/trauma, whatever. Compared to the more carefree / happy regression that they considered to be more like that "Purity" of childhood or sth.... All that aside, (sry if you knew that already) I agree that it's definetly not the best label/term... even the words pure/impure make some ppl uncomfortable by default, & I know they made me for a while since they'd cause ruminating... I will never tell others what words they can/can't use when talking about their own experiences & stuff, but I do wish it wouldn't be the popular term. Since it does kind of imply this hierarchy of regression in general ... or just some level of it being undesirable. And sure, no one enjoys feeling uncomfortable, sad, hurt etc. But I made some of the best progress with my mental illness during "impure" regression. Which I'm not sure non regressed me woudlve been able to accomplish. There can be positives to it and I feel like the term just makes it seem like an awful experience yk
On a different tangent, I personally like to call one therapeutic/traumatic (depending on how much I process, and how much is just letting emotions out lol) & the other recreational regression. This might not work for everyone, but it does for me? Since the "impure" part of regression to me at least is nearly always caused by trauma being triggered on some level, or thinking about it, processing it, .... not just big trauma, but "smaller" ones as well. Being regressed means I'm able to allow emotions about it out, and not just bottle it up and push all thoughts about it away. It's really relieving tbh. Recreational in its meaning of doing something for fun is pretty self explanatory I guess..
Just my 2 cents on this idk
Answer under the cut because long-
I agree when you say that the term likely wasn't meant to sound as bad as it does, and I don't want to shame anybody for whatever terminology they choose to use, so I hope it doesn't come across like that in my original post! Everyone should use whatever term suits them. The views expressed in my original post were just my opinion.
Calling it a word with negative connotations like 'impure' definitely implies it's undesirable, as you say. I understand that it might not be desirable to have negativity out in the open- I don't post about the crying breakdowns that I have during regression because this is meant to be a nice fun blog for others to look at, that stuff is a) private and b) not entertaining for an audience. So I understand only wanting to post positive stuff, but we're at the risk of forgetting that agere is still a mental health thing. Basically, calling it ‘impure’ kinda sucks when ‘impure regression’ is what age regression was intended to be in the first place, really.
I love your distinction of therapeutic and recreational. Regression is definitely unique to the person in every case, and it's not 'one term fits all' because it's always going to be different. As you say, I just wish 'impure' wasn't the common term for trauma related.
A footnote because I didn't mention this in my first post: I have nothing against people who have no trauma and just use regression as a cutesy aesthetic fun thing. I've just said it's unique to everyone, so in case anyone is reading this like "oh no that's what I do", I don't mind that. The issue is taking the term 'age regression' to mean a fun cute roleplay thing, so the risk of taking the term away from traumatised people who use it as a mental health thing, and then labelling them 'impure' which has negative connotations. Really that's the upshot of this and my other post. It sometimes feels as though that's what's happening with a term like 'impure regression', but also, 99% of people I've seen on here are very caring and supportive of the mental health side of agere. Keep doing what you’re doing! 💖
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ctl-yuejie · 3 years
tag game ✨
tagged by @howdydowdy​ (thanks babe, I am somehow 38 days late with this which cannot be true since it felt like yesterday you answered that your tumblr crush is me and I have been thinking constantly about it <3 )
1. why did you choose your url?
only ever meant to use this for Crossing The Line content since my main blog was exclusively for NIF content. I added the original name as well since crossing the line was a. already taken b. the tag contains a lot of porn
since I love to gush about shows with others and do overshare it slowly morthed more into a personal very gay blog. but i like the name and the show is still very dear to me so I don’t think I’ll change it.
2. any sideblogs?
this is my sideblog!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
made my first blog in 2009, took a break long enough for my account to get deleted (rip “stroke-you-like-an-arpeggio”) and came back in 2017 when the second season of Nirvana In Fire started airing and I began to make gifs + there wasn’t any fandom content outside of tumblr (at least easily accessible to me).
4. do you have a queue tag?
no. i am happy enough when I remember to slowly mine down my likes and put them in the smeltery that is the queue
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
see no 1.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? 
chose it at random because I needed sth but had no idea what would fit. really uninspired and i have no inspiration nor will to change it
7. why did you choose your header? 
to fit the name!
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this found family trope post from the untamed with 4.249 notes. i do really like that post.
9. how many mututals do you have?
hmmmm, around 12 or so? some of them haven’t been active in a long time. and i do tend to unfollow mutuals at times if there’s too much content on my dash that I’m not that into, but I also refollow and try to hold up the rapport.
10. how many followers do you have? around 4000
11. how many people do you follow? 44 (I am pretty selective and want to be able to scroll through all of my dash without being smothered by content)
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Definitely tried to, I am very untalented at posting one deliberatedly.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I check my dash in the morning and I try to get some more time in on some days to actually reblog content
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? 
not a real fight, even some anon that made me angry turned out to be understanding so luckily I didn’t have to deal with any of that. I do tend to stick my nose into other people’s arguments from time to time and not always for the better
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
just scroll past them or try to find a version that doesn’t have that addition to reblog if the content itself is worth sharing
16. do you like tag games? eh...most of them don’t seem to apply to me
17. do you like ask games? yes! even though i sometimes take ages to do them
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
none. some of my mutuals do have very large and/or active followings though. i adore that some of my mutuals are lauded for some particular posting skill or fandom contributions - it’s really nice to see
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
writes @howdydowdy more love letters
20. tags?
@florbexter @piningbisexuals @minmoyu @somewhatavidreader @weilongfu @earthpodd  -> nvm if you have done one of these before, my head is empty
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headphonemouse · 3 years
before i start noo i wasn't going back through your art n reading all the lil notes like a creep 🤪, i was going through it like a completely normal hpmouse content enjoyer👍, anyway i noticed this
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basically this mess of html is what happens when you try to edit on mobile a post you originally uploaded on desktop, so if you go to edit it on desktop again it should look normal and you will be able to put the readmore back in 🤗
this same readmore glitch happened to me once when i edited a long post on mobile to add an extra tag or sth, after that the readmore would like work in some cases and in some not, but i just edited it on desktop and after that it worked on all platforms again (i hope this makes sense gdhdhd🤣🤣)
Yeah, thanks! I noticed that a while ago, and I think it only happens to image posts? When I start those drawing liveblogs on desktop I can edit them on mobile just fine and they're text posts, but I haven't officially tested that or anything yet. I've gotten used to ignoring that mess whenever I edit image posts now because usually I only go back to edit the tags, and those work just fine
And you have full permission to wander into my blog and rifle through my things. In fact, you can look even harder because whenever I edit posts and add more paragraphs, those extra paragraphs don't appear in the notes section: you have to check each consecutive reblog for the bonus content. But I'm pretty sure you've already seen most of that the first time it was posted
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