#that one olivia rodrigo trend
percy, having a panic attack at the bottom of the river elison: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
annabeth, having tea with the river god: 🎶all the time, im grateful all the time🎶
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avatar-anna · 11 months
Girl Gone Live
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this is literally so stupid and so corny, but i don't care i'm here for a good time, not a long time, you know? enjoy!
"Okay, is this working? How do I know this is working?"
You squinted at the screen, feeling older than you actually were as you waited for some sign that the live stream you set up was working. Thankfully, comments started rolling through and the viewer count went up, and then it started to skyrocket, which made you a little nervous.
"I...think it's working! Cool. Well, um, obviously I'm Y/n L/n, and I'm a celebrity makeup artist. I recently did Olivia Rodrigo's makeup for her music video 'Vampire,' and I thought I would kind of walk you through how I achieved that look, I guess."
Before going live, you'd considered making a little script but decided against it. Hearing yourself bumble through the introduction now, though, you kind of wished you had.
No one seemed to be put off by your awkwardness, though. As comments streamed past, you saw some about the music video and Olivia and what it was like to work with her, but there were also a lot about Harry. You weren't necessarily surprised by Harry's fans flooding the comment section because you sometimes appeared in the background of posts from other people on Love on Tour and you'd become known as the tour's makeup artist. Sometimes you posted the looks you did for performances and little videos of you doing makeup before the show. The attention was a little jarring if you thought about it too long, but you decided it could be worse. After all, you were Harry Styles' long-term girlfriend.
But that wasn't what this livestream was about.
Your eyes scanned the comments as they moved a mile a minute, hoping to snag on a question. "Oh! Someone asked how I met Olivia. Um, as some of you may know, I'm currently working as the makeup artist for Love on Tour, and Olivia came to one of the shows, and we just talked for a really long time about makeup, and she asked me to do her makeup for the video a few weeks later."
It was a fun side gig while you were on tour with Harry and his band. You loved touring for the most part, but this was something different and exciting, so you flew back home during a break in the tour to work with Olivia on "Vampire." Harry tagged along, happy to watch you work instead of the other way around for once. He had a grin on his face the whole time as he watched you do your thing, playing assistant, grabbing whatever you needed when you asked, and holding a palette for you while you did Olivia's makeup. Overall, it was a fun shoot for both of you.
You were back on tour now, and since you had a little time to kill, you decided to go live for the first time to talk about makeup. If it went well, you could maybe make it a regular thing, so you hoped people actually watched and were interested.
Brynn watched her phone intently, pen in hand as she waited for Y/n to name-drop the next product she was using so she could write it down and see if she could afford it later. Not only was Brynn a huge fan of Olivia Rodrigo, but she had been a Harry Styles fan since she was in grade school, and when she got the notification that Y/n was going live, she was one of the first people to join.
"Luxury or drugstore makeup? Good question," Y/n said as she moisturized her face. "Honestly both. I love trying new things and seeing what works for me. When I was starting out, I mostly had MAC in my makeup kit, but now I've branched out a little more and added things here and there. But that's my professional kit, which has all the things I know with certainty will work perfectly for whatever look I'm trying to achieve. My personal one is where I do more experimentation with brands and products and trends. I guess that doesn't really answer the question, so both. I definitely use both.
"And what's cool is that Olivia loves makeup too, so she kind of knew her way around and what products worked best for her," Y/n continued.
She's so cool, Brynn thought as Y/n moved onto explaining how she did Olivia's base makeup. She didn't feel like Y/n was trying to push any particular product on her audience, nor did she hide which products she used. Her explanations were clear and easy to follow, and she even gave alternative products when she used one that was on the pricier side.
"Olivia loves herself a glowy base, and we really played that up because of the song. So to give her that Cullen-esque sparkle, I added some liquid highlighter into her foundation."
Brynn watched intently, wanting to see just how Y/n did it. Then, feeling compelled, she typed a comment. She didn't think Y/n would notice it, or be able to see it at all amongst the thousands of others, but she couldn't help but try to be noticed.
As Y/n blended her foundation in, Y/n smiled. "Someone asked how long it takes to do Harry's makeup on tour. Um...It kind of depends. Sometimes it's hard to actually get him in the chair because he gets so pumped up before he goes onstage. But once he settles enough for me to do it, it goes pretty quick. If he lets me, I get to put a little bit of glowy balm on his cheeks, but that's as creative as I get."
Y/n's smile changed, though Brynn couldn't really say how. It was almost like she was exasperated as she talked about Harry, and Brynn became just a tiny bit jealous that this person on the other side of her screen for knowing him well enough to be exasperated by him. What she wouldn't give to chase Harry Styles around so she could do his makeup. It left Brynn wondering how people even got into these situations.
Y/n finished up her base makeup while she answered more questions about the makeup products she used for the music video and a few about Love on Tour. She talked about her favorite songs and the places she'd been and the people she hung out with before and after shows.
"Oh boy, okay. I'm not a huge fan of bold lip colors on myself, but this is what I used on Olivia," Y/n said as she lined her lips. She'd just finished adding a light, almost haphazard, dusting of shimmer to her eyes, and despite the pixelated live stream feed, Brynn could still see it catch the light. "We wanted this to be the focal point of the whole look because, you know, vampires."
Y/n stopped talking briefly as she applied the lipstick she used for the music video, then shifted from side to side with her hands beneath her chin to show off the finished look. "Not my usual style, but—"
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you."
For a moment, Brynn thought she was dreaming. Mouth dropped open in shock, she watched as Harry Styles appeared onscreen in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. His hair was messy, as if he'd just been sleeping or a storm had just run through it. The video quality wasn't great because it was a live stream, but Brynn couldn't help but think he looked so cute and warm with his sleepy eyes, especially as he stretched his arms above his head, though her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when the waistband of his sweatpants dropped a centimeter. Not even caring that they'd fallen a bit, Harry shuffled forward and sat down next to Y/n and kissed her shoulder. He didn't seem to notice Y/n's phone propped up in front of her, or the look of disbelief and slight horror on her face. Not when she tried to speak to him, and not when he leaned forward to kiss her cheek.
And through it all Brynn watched, feeling like she'd entered an alternate dimension.
"You look cute. I like the sparkle," Harry said, tapping his knuckle against Y/n's nose. She still looked like she was in shock, but when he leaned in—leaned in to kiss her, Brynn realized—Y/n seemed to shake off some of her stupor.
"We—We're not alone," she said, gently resting her fingers over Harry's mouth to stop him.
Brynn didn't want to tear her eyes away from Harry and Y/n, but she darted her gaze down to the comment section, which confirmed everything. This was no dream, this was really happening, and everyone who was watching was losing their minds.
"What do you mean, lovie?" Harry asked, brows furrowing, clearly confused by Y/n's odd behavior. He finally looked at the camera, his brows shooting up when he realized that Y/n was live streaming all of this. "Oh."
"Yeah 'oh.'"
"I thought you were on the phone—"
"I wasn't!"
"Well, how was I supposed to know! You didn't tell me. And since when—"
"Harry put a shirt on!"
Brynn watched their bickering in a daze, waiting for the inevitable end of the live stream. To her surprise, though, Harry grinned a little before taking Y/n—and the whole Internet, to be honest—by surprise and kissing her.
"Are you insane?"
Harry merely shrugged. He leaned in again, but Y/n pushed his face back with the palm of her hand. They began to bicker again, but this time, Y/n scrambled for her phone in the process.
"You drive me crazy."
"Now, I know that's not true."
"Harry Edward Styles, I swear to God—"
And just like that, the live stream ended with a wink. Brynn stared down at her phone almost as if she was waiting for Harry and Y/n to reappear on her screen. They didn't, and she was left sitting alone in her bedroom, wondering what the hell had just happened.
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ladyluscinia · 7 months
My hottest take from trying to delve into David Jenkins's interviews and piece together where he's going with this is that - for all he and everyone else are consistent about describing this show as a romance and a romcom (and The Muppets) - I don't think he finds the romance compelling??? At least, not the healthy endgame version.
Like, the one interview where he dropped that he was planning an unrequited romance in all those pitches of his until they shot the bathtub scene in 1x06...? Wild twist, but also it kind of makes sense.
Look at the comparisons he makes. Titanic (where Jack dies). Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (where both leads die). Shows like Insecure and Grey's Anatomy, where relationships get messy breakups constantly. He's excited about fanvids set to Olivia Rodrigo's "Favorite Crime". Writes an episode based on Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, a 1966 film of a play that attacks the concept of happy marriages. He mentions A Star Is Born repeatedly in reference to S2, a movie where the disaster marriage ends in suicide and heartbreak.
And even broad spectrum - he repeatedly explains that he's not compelled by pirate stories. Accuses the genre of being "creaky" and "hard to budge", and then claims to want to subvert it in one interview and shrugs about how "it's a pirate story" as reasoning in others. But the part he seems interested in...? Well it's the oncoming end of the Golden Age aspect, and also maybe the short and violent life of organized crime. He's drawing comparisons to mob movies and Westerns - two things I think we can say trend toward the bittersweet to tragic scale with endings. His examples certainly do.
I'm no longer surprised he was really compelled by the Edward and Izzy toxic divorce in S1 and the idea of doing an arc about "Can Izzy find himself outside of this toxic relationship?" only to answer "No." It seems right in his wheelhouse, tbh. Definitely enough that if he felt like Izzy ought to die due to vibes, I doubt he was looking too hard for an alternative.
For all his talk about "Can BlackBonnet put the work into this relationship?" I'm really getting the impression he thinks the more compelling answer is also "No." He likes the idea of a happy ending maybe, but he doesn't really seem into that as a story.
Now, he does seem to have gotten a crash course in "Maybe don't bury your gays?" and he's not lying about wanting to avoid the specific kinds of coming out and queer trauma stories - those are different kinds of tragedies - but I am... skeptical, perhaps, that the forced happy ending feeling of S2 will do anything but repeat in S3.
Just because, like, if I was scrolling these takes on a fic author's blog, I'd put majority odds on the main couple hanging in the final chapter, and I bet a happy sunset ending would come kinda out of nowhere...
Not really a recipe for satisfying, you know?
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader (chubby reader)
Synopsis: Y/N just hates her body, and although the triplets try to make her feel better some hate comments get to her. But Chris is there to make her feel better🫂
Warnings⚠️: None she cute asf or whatever 🤭
Song for the imagine: Jealousy, Jealousy-Olivia Rodrigo
I’m so sick of myself
I’d rather be, rather
Anyone, anyone else
I hated how scrolling through instagram made me feel. Perfect bodies, white teeth, long healthy hair, perfect boyfriends…..just everything I’ve ever wanted. I tried not to fall down this rabbit hole, but it never worked out.
I would scroll and scroll until I felt physically sick. I would then exit out of instagram and stare at myself in the mirror pointing out everything I hated about myself. My skin oily and acne prone, my hair boring, my eyebrows too thin and light, my lips not big enough, my nose huge, my body disgusting. I hated my body with a burning passion.
Curves are good but not my curves. My curves are considered fat and unattractive.My breasts too big, my stomach not flat…bending over and seeing “rolls” God I fucking hated it. My thighs too big, my ass not fat enough….it's brutal. I'm not sure why it mattered what my body looked like. I also wasn’t sure why I cared so much about what people thought of me. I hated it, and I tried to hide myself away and shelter myself from any mean comments.
I tried not to be in the triplets videos because I saw the way some of these “fans” treated Madi, and that girl is perfect….I could only imagine what they would say about me. They even body shamed Chris and it was insane to me. They talked about it in a video saying that body shaming was disgusting and it doesn’t matter what people look like, we're all humans and all our bodies are different. I agreed, but I couldn’t believe these things about myself.
Chris so badly wanted to film a TikTok with me because we both were wearing the same FreshLove shirt, and black pants, and at first I rejected it, but after some convincing I decided to film it with him. I sucked it up and decided to have fun with my friend.
“Okay let’s do the “she wish there were two of me” trend, and like I’ll say it, and then stick my hand out and you’ll slide into frame and high five me” he said
“I love that trend, let’s do it” I said laughing
He set up his phone and started recording, lip syncing
“Walk in that Bih with with that Loui V” he said, and then looked over at me backing away from the camera
“She say she wish there were two of me” he said backing up and high fiving me as I came into frame
We started dancing, and he slung his arm over my shoulder “she fuckin, she know what she doing, B” We sang laughing and dancing
We finished filming and he posted the TikTok. For once I actually wasn’t scared of him posting me because I genuinely felt cute in my outfit today. My FreshLove shirt was cropped and I had my favorite pair of flare leggings on.
“I finally got you to film with me” he said jumping around
“Yeah that's a one time occurrence” I said laughing
“Oh come onnnn so many people want you in more of our videos” he said looking at me
“Yeahhhh, but I don’t know sometimes your guys fans are a little mean” I said looking down
“Yeah well fuck those haters those aren’t fans” he said scoffing
Later on that night Chris, Matt, Nick and I were in their living room playing board games while some random movie played in the background. We were all having a great time until I got a text message, I looked at my phone to see my best friend texting me
My baby🥹
-Hey babes….Im not sure that you’ve seen the comments under Chris video with you, but they’re disgusting and don’t let that shit get to your head
My heart sank immediately, my breathing getting shallow, my throat constricting and my palms getting sweaty. What the fuck is she talking about….
I opened up TikTok and went to Chris' video opening up the comments….my mouth instantly going dry
-“I know she didn’t crop a FreshLove shirt when she’s fat🤣”
-“I hope Chris isn’t dating her, that's actually sad….he must be desperate😗”
-“Why does she think she’s so hot??? Like what am I missing LMFAOOO”
-“makes sense why she isn’t in the video anymore….she really let herself go”
-“Is that Y/N??? When did she gain so much weight??”
These comments made my stomach churn, and my face burn with embarrassment. The one day I feel cute I’m completely torn apart by these so called “fans”
“Chris you have to take that video down of us” I said looking at him
“What?? Why I love it” he said
“Just take it down” I said
“I love that video too don’t delete it” Nick said
“I don’t want it up” I said avoiding eye contact
Matt pulled out his phone to open the video, he opened the comments and immediately his eyes were saddened
“What the fuck” he said scrolling through the comments
Chris snatched the phone from him reading the comments
“This is fucking disgusting….Y/N don’t believe this shit okay” he said looking at me
“How can I not? These are things I see too, and to have your followers point them out is making me feel disgusting” I said
“None of this shit is true okay” Nick said looking at me
“I just want to be left alone right now” I said standing up
I went down to Chris’ room where I would stay when I spent the night. I laid on his bed. Letting the comments replay in my head. My heart racing and my breathing getting deep……I was starting to have anxiety about the comments and slowly I allowed myself to cry
The tears just flowed like a stream. I tried not to let these comments get to me, but it’s hard when people are judging you on the internet and they don’t even know you. I was letting out choked sobs, trying to cover my mouth to control my sobs. This was so unfair.
I heard the door open, so I figured it was Chris. He shut the door behind him, and sat at the end of the bed as I cried
“I know you don’t want to talk and that’s okay, but I want you to listen to me” he said
“I know it’s hard to not believe what people are saying on the internet, trust me I do, but I want you to know that those comments are from a bunch of children being haters okay. None of that shit is true at all. You’re a beautiful, funny and kind souled person” Chris said
I started to calm down, allowing my tears to stop, and trying to control my breathing.
“You don’t have to change for anyone okay. Stay true to yourself. You are amazing and don’t let these haters behind a screen get to you” he said rubbing my leg
“Thank you Chris” I said in a whisper
“Of course Y/N. I’m always here for you” he said smiling at me
I wiped my eyes and began to sit up
“Follow me” he said getting up, I got up and followed him to his bathroom
“What are you doing?” I asked
He walked into the bathroom and turned the lights on
“You’re going to stand in the mirror and look at yourself, you’re going to point out what you find unattractive about yourself, and I’m going to tell you why they’re beautiful” he said standing behind me, and placing me in front of him
“Chris no…” I said looking at him through the mirror
“I’m not letting you leave till you do it” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Ugh fine” I said looking in the mirror, at my swollen eyes, the tears down my face and my lips swollen
“Let’s start with your hair” he said
“I hate it…..it’s boring it’s flat it’s ugly” I said
“Wrong! It’s beautiful. It’s long and shiny and you take the best care of it. It always smells so good” he said looking at me
I just looked at him blushing slightly
“Go on” he said nodding his head
“My eyebrows…they’re so thin and light….and my eyes the color is ugly” I said
“Wrong again! Your eyebrows shape your face beautifully, and your eyes are gorgeous. The way the sun hits them and they sparkle, and the way your lashes are so long and showcase your eyes beauty” he responded
“Do we have to keep going?” I said blushing
“Yes you must” he said
“I hate my lips they aren’t big enough, and I hate my teeth and my smile” I said
“Your lips are pretty. Always glossed, always plump and full. And your teeth….your smile is my favorite thing” he said
“Are you flirting with me?” I said
“I may be” he said giving me a sly smirk
I started to smile and roll my eyes
“Look at that beautiful smile” he said pointing at me
“Chris shut up” I said giggling
“Keep going” he said nodding
“Uhh I hate my boobs they’re too big” I said avoiding eye contact
“Umm I’m going to be careful with my words here, but uhh a real man will never complain about big tits, and I happen to be a real man” he said looking at me making a funny face
“I like how you say you’re going to be careful with your words, and then say some crazy ass shit” I said laughing
“I meannnn I could say something way worse, but I’ll keep that for another time” he said winking
I rolled my eyes at him
“I hate my stomach” I said fidgeting with my hands
“Remember when we went to that museum, and we saw all those sculptures of Aphrodite and those renaissance women and they all had bigger stomachs. Well there was a reason, bigger women were the beauty standard at one point, and the most powerful beautiful women were on the thicker side. I think a woman with meat on her bones is hot. I mean I love all women, but the thicker the better” he said
I just stared at him in awe as I blushed
“Keep going” he said
“I hate my thighs, and the fact that my ass isn’t as fat as it should be” I said
“Let me tell you something, thick thighs save lives, and I live by that okay. The bigger the thighs the better, and so what if you don’t have this crazy huge ass. Your ass is great. I’ll be vulnerable here…I sneak a look any chance I get” he said throwing his hands up in defense
“You creeper” I said laughing
“I can’t help it. When there’s all this woman in my face I just go dumb” he said looking over my body
“You have a way with words” I said sucking my teeth
“It’s all honesty though. Like I said you’re beautiful inside and out, you’re a kind soul, you’re nice, you’re funny, you’re hot….I mean you’re everything a man could want” he said
He came up behind me wrapping his hands around my waist and squeezing me tight, laying his head on shoulder
“Never let anyone tell you otherwise” he said looking at me through the mirror
“Okay” I said in a whisper
“Now give me that beautiful smile” he said pouting
“Shut up Chris” I said laughing
“There it goes!! My favorite” he said smiling with me
He turned me around and pulled me in tighter
“You’re amazing I can’t stress that enough” he said
“Thank you Chris” I responded pulling away from the hug
“Let me take you on a date” he said looking at me
“Okay, yeah I’d like that” I said getting shy
“Don’t get shy on me now Y/N” he said lifting my head up with his chin
“Lets go out tomorrow” he said looking at me
“Sure Chris” I said smiling
He smiled at me before wrapping his arm over my shoulder pulling me in and kissing my cheek
“Now let’s get back to having some fun” he said as we walked out his bathroom and he shut the light off.
We went back up to the living room where we continued to play games and watch movies. These guys were amazing…especially Chris
The End
Alright guys I hope you liked this one 😚 and I honestly think I’m going to open up my requests because I’m all out of ideas as of rn😭 LOVE YALLLL🖤🖤
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I was so impressed with your toe-to-toe comment on the French philosophy anon. So happy to have found you, omg! I heard Taylor called her ttpd set as the "female rage musical." I take it she knows the impact of the song Labour by Paris Paloma which has been dubbed as the female rage anthem. So naturally, here is the 34 year old culture vulture, can't-have-any-ideas-of-her-own that is Taylor Swift hopping there wanting to get the attention away from it when that song is quite phenomenal. One song compared to her 31 diss tracks that's nothing to me, at least, but the excessive sentimentality of an infantile woman in her 30s. It's gross the confessions she's put on that album. And even her own fans are comparing her to Olivia Rodrigo. That's she's copying everything about her - song, outfits, the "female rage" theme just to mock her. Somehow, Swift thinks it would do her a world of good. People are catching on to her antics which are absolutely disgusting, btw. I'm hoping one day you write about all these completely ridiculous gross things she's done using her own lyrics. You know what I mean? I hope someone write about her nasty lyrics and that it completely destroys her.
Thank you ha, I'm glad you found something meaningful in that post. I will not lie, that Anon actually hurt my feelings for a second (I got over it by writing my response), but I was upset at being so misunderstood. I'm not out here levying unreasonable criticism at Taylor Swift. All will be based on reality, or interpretation of her own lyrics.  I’m defs out to get her though- in the most legitimate way possible- and maybe someday I will publish for real on her. I have a couple of criticisms that I will not be putting on my blog- because I want to say it on a bigger platform. : )  
I do see a lot of harmful things in her music that I have been resisting the urge to write about for YEARS! Even back in 2009, listening to "Love Story" I remember thinking to myself, oh this is nothing like what Shakespeare meant and it's also a weird appeal to the patriarchy through the "I talked to your Dad/ Go Pick out a white dress." It's so clear that she's just reduplicating mainstream attitudes on romantic relationships by using Christian Conservative social standards of needing the father's permission to ask the girl's hand in marriage. She obviously wanted to attract the Christian- Conservative fan- base with that song, and that's exactly what happened. Her marketing is tied to the phrases she places inside her songs in a way that is extremely calculating. She, Afterall, learned from the best at attracting mainstream, Christian, conservative fans, Toby Keith (hate that fascist, white nationalist freak). (WHoops, that was mean- oh well, he’s dead anyway). (and if he wanted me to be nice- he shouldn't have been a fascist).  
It's so obvious, and I really figured everyone else was also aware of the ways in which Swift interpolates patriarchal standards in her music. I have many more examples- I could write a whole essay on it.  
Apparently, everyone thought she was a feminist? Bro, she became a "feminist" if only to evade criticism and capitalize on mainstream pop-feminist trends. She's not a real feminist. Her use of “feminism” to evade critique ties directly into her other marketing strategy of telling the world “I’m so innocent and young” all the time. 
Also, her co-opting of the phrase Female Rage has made me angry, exceptionally angry. I saw that she's trying to trademark the phrase. I am incensed. I will post about it soon. 
I wish Swift would stop co-opting legitimate terms and pulling only the most shallow- self-centered conception of the term out to use in her mediocre music. She’s like if Pinterest was a person- and I’m tired of it.  
Paris Paloma’s “Labour” is amazing, because guess what- it actually speaks about the experience of women under patriarchal standards in a way that respects the seriousness of the topic. I absolutely believe that Swift saw how viral that song went and decided she needed to cash in on that too.  
And she is totally copying Olivia Rodrigo. Can you imagine being 34 and trying to act 20? I would die of embarrassment. But it's so obvious that it's getting weird.
I have much more to say on this topic- sincerely I could write a book on the conceptual point of “Female Rage” in media. I have thousands of examples, and I’ve been studying this stuff for years. I will, however, ramble on no longer. Thank you for your kind words- and I hope you enjoy my upcoming writings.
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solarwynd · 10 days
It's a comfort for other solos to believe that all of Jimin's fans are bots as if we didnt regularly see the huge crowds he drew when he was at Paris fashion week or Tiffany ny or at various airports. Or acting like him posting random things like a pic in a japanese restaurant didn't inspire a trend of people posting in the same pose at the same table or that the places he visited in Jeju didn't become part of a small ritual for armys who visited the island.
Also online armys might be taekookers and hidden ot6 yet offline you'll see his dad's cafe become a required visit if you're an army in busan and we saw the crowd there when BTS had their Busan concert. Also every member has fan clubs who do special projects during birthdays and I've seen some very expensive ones put out by Jin and V solos or cafe events like for other members but I don't think I've every seen a members birthday become a month long celebration in Korea ever like it is for Jimtober nor have I ever heard of possible crowd control measures being discussed because of the crowds at magnate during his birthday.
Antis have to keep chanting threemin otherwise it's embarrassing to realise that most of the replayed parts in BTS videos were Jimin's parts or that he started the trend of most viewed fancams. And in these situations we saw that after making concentrated efforts, other members numbers started goibg higher. And yet Jimin's the one with bot allegations when he's the one always starting trends like these organically and other members tend to go higher when their fans start doing whatever they're doing because they're mad at seeing Jimin on top.
Also regarding Thai streams, there's a reason we look upon it with suspicion. Love to all the Thai pjms streaming but the numbers from that country are weird as hell with the huge debut numbers or sudden 500k increases and decreases that can happen from there if it's a members songs anniversary. I dislike how Indian armys are so clearly biased towards only two members of their favourite ship but atleast those numbers are consistent just like the US numbers are consistent for Jimin. The majority of your streams coming from certain countries like the US isn't weird when they're well known as major music markets. Antis trying to equate Thai streams and US streams doesn't make sense for that reason.
Anyways my point is Jimin is everywhere in real life. Beyond followers, he's always in the zeitgeist whether it be in Hollywood movies or having things specifically named after him like the Jimin effect, or having hit tweets from actual locals (and not just armys masquerading as them), or having his merch constantly sold out.
Tae might be more popular among kpop stans and as of this moment, JK might have more name id globally than the other members but acting like Jimin is always behind them in terms of popularity only works if your criteria is very narrow - as in let's ignore how well his music sells and charts, or how often he's name-dropped specifically by other celebs or publications (NYT mentioning him for their year end events for ex) but according to other solos let's only focus on social media followers and Tiktok edits. To me that doesn't make sense - if Jennie from BP has more followers, Tiktok edits and live viewers than Olivia Rodrigo, will that make her music more popular than Olivia? Those things aren't nothing but stans also completely overestimate how much they matter as well
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9800sblog · 2 days
pick a card tarot reading
what do you wanna hear from your person?
sometimes, what we want is exactly what we need, let's find out!
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pile 1
10 of pentacles, 7 of wands, page of swords, the empress reversed
you've got all it takes to finish it, you don't have to be a professional right now, the world is just a big classroom even teachers never leave school. it's ok to protect yourself and rest for now, or for the rest of your life, there are rules oppressive enough to be followed, everything's already been done, think of evolution, ask for help, chill with friends and family, with yourself, with animals, sit by a window, just don't let anybody make your life more complicated than it needs to be.
pile 2
strength, 2 of cups reversed, the star, 10 of cups
being messy is the cue for being healthy, crying, laughing, sneezing, vaccine, vegetables, dirt exists for a reason! don't try to be balanced or minimalistic, you either is or isn't, listen to your heartbeat and scream if that's what it feels like. grandparents, ancestors and history seem relevant, found family may be the thing you're missing. the vibes are very hippie communities. be your own clown, look in the mirror and hate yourself, everything passes. look at the sky when you miss something, life's brutal, planet earth is embarassing as hell, anything you do will pass.
pile 3
5 of cups reversed, the chariot, 4 of swords reversed, 3 of wands reversed
opposite vibes from the first pile, you don't have to plan anything, just do it! what is so wrong about following your gut? sometimes it tells us to vomit because we took something bad in. no need to follow someone's advice if you don't feel like it, you're the one living inside your head, you have to sleep with it, pick the ones you wanna be around and just follow where your feet takes you. trends pass then come back, generations die, we live in the future, nothing makes that much sense, leave it to those who know, or how the oppressive say "stick to the stuff you know".
pile 4
4 of pentacles, judgement, knight of pentacles, wheel of fortune reversed
pirates? steal back what's yours, you know when the time is right, you miss it, there's no shame in being jealous of what you once had. sometimes people play god when they lack control of their own lives, choose your character and play along! don't be hesitant to be creepy and embarrassing, you know that doesn't matter in a casket, what matters is how/what you feel and do when you feel alive. when we die, we become dust, where are you spending your eternity? what are you attractive to?
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victorspindrop · 2 months
Music Artists I think the HOA Characters (Season 1 Specifically) would listen to!
Note: First head canon type thing I am putting on here (yay!). This is something I have thought a lot just myself in my lonesome so Id thought Id share it here! If you have any other ideas of what certain characters would listen to I would love to hear!
-> I think we as a fandom have collectively decided that Nina would 100% be a swiftie (and I agree). Her favorite album would be either Speak Now or Folklore, however, her fav song would probs be "London Boy" off of the Lover album though (for obvious reasons)
-> I can see her listening to some other softer artists like beabadobee, Clairo, and Boygenius (shes a softie at heart what can I say)
-> "All American Bitch" by Olivia Rodrigo is her confidence booster song for sure
-> Her and Amber have 2000-2010's pop music dance parties in their room together (which make annoy some of the housemates from them jumping around and dancing; also get in trouble with Victor about it but its worth it to them)
->Ok I need you guys to HEAR ME OUT with this one, but...Nina definitely is a little (just a little bit) of a theatre kid. I mean let's be real, she wrote an entire play for the school AND performed in it,,,my girl def is a little bit of a theatre girl. So with that being said, she listens to some show tunes from musicals (mostly Waitress and Mamma Mia)
-> She would so be a Y2k pop listening type of girl
-> Favorite songs would be "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani, "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, HEAVY ON "Stars are Blind" by Paris Hilton!!!!!!
-> Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Gwen Stefani, Beyonce, if its an iconic pop girl, she listens to them
-> Marina and the Diamonds. IDK IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE TO ME I CANNOT EXPLAIN. Some of her songs just give that "it girl" energy and if there is an "it girl" of the Anubis house its miss Amber Millington. "Bubblegum Bitch" is blasted in her car with the top down (because she def has a convertible and its pink)
-> Ariana Grande stan. Probably had a stroke when Ariana came out with a makeup line and bought ALL OF IT.
-> Fabian def listens to alternative music old and new.
->LOVES THE SMITHS! Like its almost the only thing he listens to
-> Favorite songs by the Smiths include "There is a Light that Never Goes Out" and "Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want"
-> Listens to the Arctic Monkeys for sure
-> Some other artists he listens to are Radiohead, The Cranberries, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and TV Girl.
-> Fabian is my favorite awkward loser boy... he listens to Weezer
-> Didn't Alfie call her like a "Punk rock/goth vixen" or something like that? (I can't remember the quote or the episode it is in for the life of me)
-> Regardless of whatever the quote was, this is our punk rock alternative queen right here
-> PARAMORE SHE LIKES PARAMORE (has a crush on Hayley Williams because I said so)
-> Had a Panic At the Disco and FallOutBoy phase for sure
-> Listens to the Smiths a little bit (because Fabian showed her some songs)
-> Also listens to some metal rock, loves Poppy and always liked her weird concepts
-> Alfie listens to anything and everything I feel like
-> alternative, pop, rock, jazz, electronic, DISCO, hell even fucking dubstep.
-> If he likes it, that's all that matters to him. He doesn't care about the genre or style of music it is
-> I feel he would listen to a lot of artists from the 70s and 80s (idk if that's because of Jeromes quote about him being stuck in the 80s but it would make sense!)
->Loves ABBA, BeesGees, Earth Wind and Fire, and WHAM
-> When "Lets Groove" by Earth Wind and Fire was trending on tiktok, he played it every chance he could. That song has been banned from the house since.
-> Like Fabian, he's an Arctic Monkeys fan
-> Favorite song by IDKHBTFM is Choke
-> I feel like he would also love Childish Gambino idk why I just feels right
-> Secretly listens to Mitski. That boy has been traumatized even BEFORE he was at Anubis, he deserves to cry to Mitski
-> The Neighborhood is a favorite of his (especially their song Daddy Issues because of,,, obvious reasons) Second favorite song of theirs would be Single (if you haven't heard that song highly recommend)
-> Hozier feels right for him idk
-> I think as a fandom we have concluded that she is also a swiftie. Her favorite album is Midnights and Reputation imo
-> HEAVY ON OLIVIA RODRIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-> The Sour album was life changing for her (same can be said for Guts)
-> Literally her top songs of the year were all from the album. Jealously Jealousy, Favorite Crime, Hope You're Happy, Good for You to be specific
-> I can see her being a Harry fan
-> Definitely forced Patricia to go to Love on Tour (Patricia liked it, but she definitely won't tell you that)
-> She was a One Directioner so naturally, the love carried on into the members solo careers (had to miss class when Zayn left)
-> Also just listens to old Frank Sinatra, Doris Day, Dean Martin
-> Listened to 5SOS during her brief "bad girl" era to help prove her point but she actually ended up really liking them!
-> Ed Sheeran and Jojo Siwa
*AUTHOR NOTE* I really hope you guys enjoyed this! Tbh it took a while because a few were tricky for me. Please fell free let me know if you have any you would add. Sorry some descriptions are longer than others
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gwcnstcy · 2 months
joining the trend lol
*wanted to only add one from each artist for ✨diversity✨
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seeingivy · 3 months
method acting asks!
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and if I told you blind items are in the next chapter then what. also deuxmoi....
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WAIT YOUR BRAIN IS SO HUGE BC THAT IS SOOOOOO GOJO. I am obsessed with that performance like actually it was so iconic. anyways nanami would be one of the kens.
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I do!!! i've talked about this before but I usually put olivia rodrigo as y/n, sabrina carpenter as historia, ana luis corrigan and logan lerman as couple pics for eren and y/n, and leah sava jeffries and walker scobell as falco and gabi
also I had this thought the other day bc @leave-rae-alone asked who y/n would be if she was poc. I answered megan thee stallion but also I would like to add ayo edebri to the mix after seeing this vogue photoshoot
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hi nonnie!!!! I love you so bad. also u make me giggle bc this is in the next chapter
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THIS was almost a song that y/n released as her comeback. I was originally going to have hyla bring up the whole cheating thing again when y/n comeback news was trending AND THEN she released a bad idea right music video w/ eren ON A BEACH. but then it made more sense for revenge purposes for her to just call her a bitch and dog her and her only. what hyla said in that chapter (all american bitch I think) is referenced again w/ one of the songs in the next chapter
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correct. also I was obsessed w/ the mv as a kid
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elisysd · 11 months
Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
The way you sold me for parts As you sunk your teeth into me, oh Bloodsucker, fame fucker Bleedin' me dry like a goddamn vampire
A week later, Charles was cleared to be transferred to Monaco and continue treatment at home. He was happy to leave the hospital at last and try to forget that he wasn't in Mexico battling with the rest of the grid. He wouldn't miss the hospital. He was going to be able to return to the comfort of his bed and his flat. The only downside was that Lyanna wouldn't be joining him for a few days. She had some urgent business to attend to in London. He didn't know much more about it. Of course he had tried to get her to talk, but the young woman always managed to avoid the subject by redirecting his attention elsewhere. After a while, he finally gave up, telling himself that she would talk to him when she was ready to do so.
Lyanna was going to travel back and forth between London and Monaco. She had a meeting with her lawyer to find out how they were going to proceed following James' lawsuit. Her lawyer had told her that he sincerely believed that James barked more than he bit and that he would not go any further.  Although Lyanna was of the same opinion, she preferred to take her precautions and explore all her options so as to be able to fight back. She had just told the truth. But if things got any worse, she knew it would be her word against his.
She hadn't said anything to Charles, he had enough on his plate without her adding to it. And she preferred to forget. Even if it wasn't easy every day. He complained a lot, and needed help with the slightest movement. Lyanna was happy to help him, mainly because it allowed her to forget her problems. She felt useful and busy. She avoided social media like the plague. The one time she had gone on them, she had been surprised to find herself trending, and looking at the comments was a lesson learned.
Finally, the day came for Charles to leave for Monaco. A medical plane had been specially prepared for him. Lyanna had arrived early in the morning to help him get dressed, as Charles refused to let the nurse look after him. He had far too much pride to let strangers see him in a vulnerable state and only felt comfortable with Lyanna.
He tried to argue with the doctor when the latter came to bring him his latest recommendations and a wheelchair so that he could get around. Charles claimed that he didn't need it, that he could stand on his own two feet, but when Lyanna looked at him disapprovingly, he finally complied, on condition that the young actress was the one to push him. He found it humiliating enough as it was, having his girlfriend by his side made things a little easier.
“And remember Mr Leclerc, a lot of rest, taking your medication regularly while following the treatment and I’m sure you’ll be fine in no time.”
“Don’t worry doctor, he has me and his mom who will make sure that he is taken care of.”
Charles grumbled, but when he felt Lyanna's firm hand on his shoulder, he refrained from making any comment.
It was Charles's mother herself who greeted them when they finally arrived. Tears of relief rolled down her cheeks as she was finally able to see her son. Lyanna had planned to step away for a moment to give them some privacy when Pascale approached the young woman and wrapped her in her arms.
“Lyanna, you don’t even imagine how thankful I am for everything you’ve done for Charles. It made me sleep better at night knowing you were there with him. Thank you. So much.”
Lyanna stuttered out a confused "you're welcome", but was nevertheless touched by Pascale's gesture.
"Charles, I hope you don't mind but I've moved into your spare room. I thought it would be easier to help you on a day-to-day basis if I lived with you temporarily. And it would give Lyanna a chance to rest too."
"Are you implying that I'm a handful, Mom?"
"No offence, baby, but you've been a pain in the ass with the nurses. Thank you, Pascale, that's very kind of you. And it helps me leave for London tomorrow with some peace of mind.”
At Charles's, while Lyanna helped him settle into bed with pillows to make him comfortable and ensure his painkillers were taken, Pascale was busy preparing food. As Charles drifted off to sleep, exhausted by the pain and the journey, she slipped away and headed for the kitchen. There, she dropped onto a stool and held her head in her hands. She was exhausted as well which Pascale didn't fail to notice.
“Lya, darling, you’re about to passed out.”
“It’s fine. It’s just all the emotions of the last few days that are catching up to me. I have not had a minute for me in the past week. Always being there for Charles, helping him, reassuring him, trying to distract him… I’m sorry, it’s selfish but I’m relieved you are here, I have finally someone to lean on.”
“It’s not selfish at all. And I’m here for that. Now tell me, how is he? Really. He is always downplaying what he feels when he talks to me. I know he doesn’t want to worry me but he won’t stop me. I don’t think he realizes how scary that accident was. For you or me or his friends and brothers.”
“He tries to be tough and not show he is in pain but it’s pretty obvious. I mean, his ribs are broken. We can’t do anything about it beside waiting for them to repair themselves. And not being able to race is bothering him. He is always on his phone checking the news or calling other drivers and Ferrari staff. He is worried about next season also, I think.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him. But take care of you too, okay? I think being away from him for a few days will do you some good.”
“It would if London was a fun trip but it’s business related and I have a headache just thinking about it.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” asked Pascale as she stirred the contents of the pan.
Lyanna glanced toward the room as if Charles might emerge at any moment.
“My ex-boyfriend sued me for defamation because of the interview I gave.”
“Little fucker” muttered Pascale. “Sorry. I read the interview; it was very brave from you. You are admirable Lyanna and I have to admit that I misjudged when I first met you.”
“It’s okay. I would have misjudged myself.”
“Does Charles know about the lawsuit?”
“No and I have no intention to tell him. I want to settle it on my own. Telling him will only add stress on him and it’s the last thing he needs.”
Pascale nodded. The two women ate in silence before Pascale forced Lyanna to take a rest, seeing that she could barely stand. Mechanically, Lyanna went down the corridor to Charles's room and was careful not to make too much noise when she opened the door, as she didn't want to wake him. She undressed silently before slipping under the sheets. Charles was fast asleep. She would have liked to be able to snuggle up to him, in the reassuring warmth of his arms, but the last thing she wanted was to hurt him. So she cradled herself at the end of the bed and hugged the blanket, imagining it was her boyfriend's body. Exhausted, it didn't take her long to fall asleep.
At around 2am, she felt Charles' body tens up and heard annoyed sighs mixed with grunts. Half asleep, she fumbled to turn on the bedside lamp and when she did, she saw Charles trying to get up. She leapt to her feet and put both hands around his shoulders to force him to stay down.
“What are you doing?” she whispered, not wanting to wake Pascale who was sleeping next to their door.
“Nothing. It’s just that, it’s starting to hurt again so I wanted to take a painkiller but I don’t have any water left in the pitcher. I just wanted to go to the kitchen to fill it. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Don’t move, I’m going.” Lyanna sighed.
She got up from the bed and took the pitcher from Charles’ hands. In the half-light and still a little asleep, Lyanna did not see the corner of the coffee table. She bumped violently against it, dropping the empty pitcher from her hands, and watching it shatter into a thousand pieces on the floor.  
She tried to extricate herself from the mess she had made, but stepped on a piece of glass, causing her to yelp in pain. The noise woke Pascale, who rushed into the living room. Lyanna had managed to sit down on the sofa and was staring dejectedly at the blood beading from the wound.
“Don’t come any nearer Pascale, it’s full of glass around here.”
Charles's mother didn't listen to her, and after taking a broom from the storage cupboard and clearing away the broken bits, she sat down beside the young woman. She was crying. From pain, exhaustion, anxiety and a whole range of other emotions that she could no longer separate from one another.
“Oh my darling… come here.” Said Pascale while taking her in her arms where Lyanna could finally let her tears go freely.
“I try to be strong Pascale; I really try I promise.”
“I’ve never doubted that, Lyanna. Not one second. It’s okay to cry.”
“I love your son; I really do but I feel like sometimes he doesn’t understand that he made things difficult for me since the crash. I’ve been there for him all day every day and took care of him because he didn’t want anyone else to see him like this. And I did that because I love him. But it was hard and not one time did he ask if it was bothering me or if I was okay. It was like everything revolved around him and his accident. I listened to him complaining about everything, I helped him the best I could. And I did it without hesitation and I would do it again. But… in the meanwhile I did not have the time to process everything that happened. I’m sorry, I don’t make any sense. I’m just so tired.”
“I understand sweetheart. I know it’s different but, when Charles’ dad passed away, I became a whole other person. My sons needed me to be strong for them, they did not need to see me torn apart it would have done no good. I supported them and helped them going through their grief because that’s what as a mother thought I was supposed to do. But who was helping me for my grief? They were too caught up in their pain to see that I was sinking too. I never held that against them. But sometimes all we want is to be seen by the other person and for them to recognize that you are also not okay. What you feel, Lyanna, is not selfish or makes you a bad person. It makes you human. I doesn’t mean that you don’t love Charles.”
On the other side of the room, leaning against the wall and trying as best he could to stand, Charles, alerted by the noise, had heard the whole conversation between Lyanna and his mother.
The next day, Pascale accompanied Lyanna to the airport, without Charles. He wasn't feeling very well and preferred to stay at the flat. When Lyanna had returned to the bedroom, he had pretended to be asleep so as not to have to face her. He had spent the night replaying the conversation he had overheard. He felt guilty. He hadn't realised how hard he'd made life for the world around him. As far as he was concerned, they weren't the ones who'd had an accident and broken bones, they weren't the ones who'd been forced to put their careers on hold for a few weeks, weeks he wouldn't be able to make up for. They weren't the ones suffering most in this situation. He was.
But to hear Lyanna, the person he loved the most, mentally pushed to the limit, partly because of him, had hurt him more than all the broken bones in the world could. So he preferred to let her go alone. He was going to give her some space, he knew she needed it. If not having contact with him would make her feel better, then so be it. He had felt Lyanna come up to him before she left to place a kiss on his cheek and whisper an I love you, and he had had to fight with every fibre in his body screaming at him to hold her back for even a moment to tell her how sorry he was for hurting her.
Pushing open the doors of her London flat gave Lyanna a weird feeling. As if it wasn't really her home anymore. This flat, which she adored and had spent months fine-tuning to make a cosy, reassuring place, now gave her nothing but a feeling of immensity and emptiness.  She almost felt like a stranger there. She felt deep down that she had changed, that her vision of life was no longer the same, that she no longer aspired to the same things as a year ago. She knew that this was at least partly due to Charles. She felt more grounded, more alive. Life had regained some colour and was no longer a perpetual mix of greys. She didn't yet know where all this would lead her, but whatever the outcome, she was grateful that life had put Charles on her path.
Just as she was about to take a shower, she received a text on her phone from an unknown number.
We don't have to go to court, Lyanna. We can settle this like two mature adults. Meet me at this address tomorrow.
She didn't need to ask who it was. The address given was a restaurant she knew well, it was where James had taken her on their first date, where it had all started. It was a posh place in central London and the young woman couldn't help wondering what kind of sick game he was playing. She knew she should talk to her lawyer about it, but he would probably advise her not to go, that it was a trap and could backfire. But he couldn't trick her if she tricked him first, could he?
He was already there when she arrived. At the back of the restaurant, away from prying eyes, at the same table as their first date. He watched her walk through the restaurant and arrive at the table without a word. Nor did he hide the way he gawked at her from head to toe, and Lyanna had to do her best to suppress a shudder of disgust. She sat down and looked him straight in the eye.
“What do you want James?”
“Oh come on Lyanna, let’s have an appetizer before the serious talk.”
He leaned back in his seat to call the waiter.
“I’m not interested in small talk. Say what you need to say so we can get this over with.”
He put down the glass of red wine the waiter had brought him and leaned forward on the table to look Lyanna straight in the eye.
“What I want? Simple Lyanna. Excuses. I’ve got a shit press lately because of you. It’s not fair.”
“I’m not going to say sorry because I’ve told the truth.”
“Truth? What truth, Lyanna? Your truth. You have no proof. You never had. Just assumptions.”
“Look me in the eyes and tell me that the videos and pictures are not from you, that you never had them on your phone.”
He smiled completely unphased.
“What would be the point to admit or not admit it? It’s in the past.”
“Maybe for you but not for me. I just want to know why? Why did you do this to me? You cheated, you were awful during our relationship, it was toxic. But never, never would I have ever thought that you would step that low.”
“You really want to know why? You had always been the one people loved on the show, the little prodigy, the beautiful and innocent Lyanna, little miss perfect. All the attention was on you, at all times. What Lyanna wanted; Lyanna got it. Have you ever thought about what you made us all feel, next to you? Uninterested, untalented. You never knew, you were too busy building your career, planning your next big step. That was all you cared about.”
“That’s not true.”
“Only the truth hurts, Lyanna. We looked good together on screen. It did not surprise anyone when we started to date. I thought that maybe now that I was in your light, opportunities would come at me the same way they were coming at you. But it never happened. It was always you, you, you. So yeah, I was jealous. It was not fair. Why you and not me.”
“So just because of stupid jealousy and rivalry you woke up one day and decided to make my life like hell.”
“Not like hell. You finally got a taste of what me but also the other cast members, our colleagues felt during the shooting of the show. Undesirable. Have you ever taken the time to call them, to talk to them and ask them how they felt. Because I was not the only one who felt that way all those years ago. Everyone did, but I was the only one to have the courage to act. I played you, yes. I made you believe that I loved you. The more you felt on top of the world, the harder I knew the fall would be.”
“So you released those pictures and videos. You knew that I would be deeply impacted by it and that it would follow me for a long time.”
“I never planned to release them. They were supposed to only be for my own entertainment…”
“You are disgusting” se cut him.
“You were not supposed to leave me. I was the one supposed to break you heart to million pieces. It was the plan.”
“So why?”
“I got mad, furious. I couldn't imagine that you'd get away with it and end up looking like the poor little Lyanna, she doesn't deserve that. So yeah, I did the one thing that I knew would crush you. Tainting the innocent and sweet Lyanna was the only way for people to turn their back on you.”
“And what good did it make you? Did you land more roles? No. And you know why James? Because people are able to see how a shitty human being you are. They see right through you.”
“I don’t regret it. I lost everything because your agent made sure that I would never work again. But the thought of knowing that you had the same fate as me, helped me sleep better at night. But now you are back at the top and it’s like those pictures never existed. You almost got an Oscar, you have a shiny toy at your arms with your little Ferrari driver… Speaking of, does he can stand on his own two feet? I have to admit that knowing what happened to him made me believe that there was still a justice out there.”
“Don’t drag him into that. But you know what, he is and will always be a better human than you. He doesn’t make me feel shitty, he loves me, he supports me, he makes me want to be a better person. I don’t wake up in the morning dreading of insults or narky. He is a good man. One you’ll never be. Now, what are we doing here James? What do you want, now?”
“The thing is Lyanna, I won’t ask you to publicly excuse yourself, I would not ask you such a thing.”
“How considerate of you.” She sarcastically said.
“I know, right. However, I’m ready to drop the suit on condition that you pay me some money in return. I have a hard time making ends meet. £500,000 seems a reasonable amount in your case.”
“I don’t earn that amount of money.”
“If you don’t maybe your boyfriend will.”
“So this is what it is about, hum? You can't stand that someone else has me. You're not just after me, you're after Charles too. You can kiss my ass, James. You'll never get a penny from me.”
“See you at the trial then Lyanna.”
“Or not. I recorded this entire conversation and I’m sure that press would be highly interested about it, don’t you think. After all, you know a thing or two about leaking private things, James. Right?”
“You, little cunning bitch.”
“I’ve learned from the best.”
He leapt to his feet, his face flushed with anger, before violently grabbing Lyanna. The young woman tried to resist, but fortunately the noise had attracted the attention of the customers, who didn't hesitate to take photos and videos of the scene. The waiter rushed to her side and forced James to release her, who clutched the table in shock. Realising that he would get nothing out of her, he gave up and stormed off, leaving Lyanna to release her breath. One she was not aware she was holding back.
author's note: What a chapter. So many things, so many things. My sneaky little Lyanna; I love her. James finally got a taste of his own medicine. As usual, I can't wait to have your thoughts about the chapter! taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse @fangirlika @writerscurse @elijahmikaelsonbitch @leclerc13 @heeseung-baby
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lyrakanefanatic · 5 months
congrats on 100 nova oml u deserve it sm <33
if u dm, can u do [ clover symbol, am on laptop rn so i cant find it ] for thea calligaris?? once again, CONGRATSSS 🗣️❗🔥
and here are some hcs for queen thea 💗😍
- can do perfect eyeliner, like with her eyes closed
- when they were younger, xander used to go to her for relationship advice when he would have a crush on somebody at school 😭💗
- he never told the girl he liked that he liked her though 😶
- is extremely loyal to her friends and those she cares about, and will stick up for them no matter what
- made sour by olivia rodrigo her ENTIRE personality when it first came out 💀
- religiously listens to reputation
- texts rebecca good morning and good night, always checks up on her and is just the best gf <33
- gives bex knuckles and forehead kisses 😭😭💗
- her and max kept in touch after max left for college
- was one of those people who could put her hair up in a messy bun in like 3 seconds in 2019 (IF U KNOW THAT TREND YK) 💀💀💀
- prefers cats over dogs
- NEVER brings it up, but she had a small horse phase when she was younger 💀
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hawthornesbiggestfan · 3 months
you fell hard, i thought “good riddance”
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ NAKAIRA [call me whatever]
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
about me;
15th of feb | southeast asian | minor | INTJ | i heart pink | strawberry flavoured and scented things are my mwah | i love collecting mutuals | music music music | i tend to forgive the most hated characters in every fandom | i write in my free time | i speak only two languages | i try my best to be a positive person | on the path of self love𑁤
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
you can talk to me about;
mitski, gracie abrams, taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, conan gray, sleeping at last, laufey𑁤
the inheritance games, agggtm, six of crows, the naturals, better than the movies, tfota, the naturals, sge, five survive, the gilded wolves, kings of sins, dreamland billionaires, check and mate, shatter me𑁤
baby, hilda, eah, anne w an e, gilmore girls, heartbreak high, carmen sandiego, aot, one of us is lying, spinning out, shadow n bone𑁤
book of life, charlie's angels, little women, pride n prejudice, knives out, enola holmes, the silent voice, marvel movies, spider man: itsv, twilight, the half of it𑁤
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Honestly, what did I even listen to with TTPD? One long commercial? Her spilling her ego all over my speakers?
I just cannot believe how derivative TTPD is... and how she's calling it the most honest form of poetry,
The songs are either modeled after TikTok trends/ youth slang, or just her name-dropping other famous people.
She's doing this on purpose. It doesn't make sense otherwise, because it's just so inartistic. I'm sorry but the phrase "down bad crying at the gym" is supposed to be artistically moving?
Are you joking?
Don't even get me started on Fortnight. Obviously, the Fortnight challenge was huge a few years ago.... and what does Taylor Swift do with the first single? hmmm.... could it be that she made a fortnight challenge.... hoping to also go megaviral on TikTok.
Honestly, I'm pretty sure she thinks her audience is stupid... or that they are children.
Not to mention "Imgonnagetyouback" clearly copied Olivia Rodrigo (who has a young audience, clearly Swift is desperate to keep the focus of the youth)
It's just such a blatant way to key into viral moments in order to inflate her own music sales/ streams/ platform.
It's not art.... it's business.
Any attempt at art, either through metaphor or clunky prose is obfuscated by oddly placed recalls back to pop culture internet trends... The metaphors don't land either because they are internally contradictory to other phrases. Also, don't get me started on the sheer number of grammatical errors throughout the songs. Does every phrase need 57 prepositions? no! Does every phrase need to be a run on sentence? no! Did she even notice the subject verb disagreements? no? You're telling me not one person with an English degree works for Taylor Swift as an editor?
Come on man.
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joesalw · 6 months
helloo i've come here after reading the time magazine profile, and i know people have pointed out how she's used the platform to basically talk about herself only, but i also want to point out how woolly the profile is? like it tells you absolutely nothing about her, it only circles around her brand.
it's not sycophantic exactly, like how some of the rolling stone's reviews of her work are, this is somehow worse: it's just barely anything. the single greatest takeaway i had after reading it was that she seems like an awfully flat person. she's clearly good at what she does, but there seems to be nothing to her personhood beyond that: no greater art she loves or talks about, no cultural trends or moments she finds inspiration in, no hobbies, not even what she thinks about her own songwriting and music, nothing new. she's literally just dug up and addressed older events, there's no future trajectory or even a semblance of it.
i guess what i'm trying to say is that the profile was giving "head empty no thoughts". from what i see, she doesn't do interviews or profiles like this often, and the timing of this one is obviously worth unpacking too, but just as an PR opportunity, she seems so so uninterested in being a serious artist who recognizes and has had an actual coherent thought about her work.
part of it also just the responsibility of the journalist doing the profile -- here i'd like to point out the nyt profile of olivia rodrigo (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/24/arts/music/olivia-rodrigo-guts.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article), which makes the effort to see her art as part of a larger pop culture.
nice observation
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #72: 2021
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Dua Lipa, The Weeknd and Ariana Grande, The Weeknd, 24kGoldn, Olivia Rodrigo, Doja Cat and SZA, Silk Sonic, Olivia Rodrigo, Lil Nas X, Justin Bieber and Daniel Caesar and Giveon. End description]
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In 2021, the charts started to open up again after the lockdowns, but we're mostly seeing how this is affecting newer up-and-coming artists. Olivia Rodrigo's Driver's License was notable for shattering streaming records upon its release, making Rodrigo the first female artist since Carrie Underwood to have a single debut at number one. With her debut album, Sour, the trend of music of the 2020's playing homage to previous decades will continue. Good 4 U is obviously inspired by the pop punk of the early 2000's. The Weeknd's Save Your Tears continues the synthwave influence of his fourth album, After Hours. Levitating, like most of Future Nostalgia, is nu-disco. And Silk Sonic, a musical project conceptualized by Bruno Mars and Anderson .Paak with assistance from funk legend, Bootsy Collins, obviously takes influence from the funk and Philadelphia soul sound of the 70's. I like how the final decade in this series feels like a look back at the previous years we've covered. It's like everything is coming full circle.
But the 2020's isn't just made up of homages to the years prior. As far as trends to look towards, obviously TikTok is going to have a major say in what reaches the charts (I believe almost all of the songs listed trended at some point). Could be a chicken and egg thing, since obviously songs that are already popular are going to be more widely used on the app. But as we'll come to see, TikTok will also help to bring songs to the forefront that otherwise wouldn't have charted. Lyrically, the music of the 2020's pop scene also seems more introspective than the start of the previous decade. This works well with the lean towards the "bedroom pop" sound, but even the uptempo dance songs bring up queerness, depression, therapists, and anxiety. Whether these songs handle these topics well is another debate I don't feel like having, but it speaks to a shift in both awareness as well as self-image.
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