#that most of these jokes were in regards to sims 2
herobrilne · 22 days
In response to your Caliente Sisters post from December: Sammy Sundogs Twitch chat also talks about Spongebob Piss Fics, joking about a child playing with feces, sleeping outside, and selling kids, won't ban them for using slurs, makes fun of depression and bullies people with depression, gaslights the ban evader (me) on her autism, is rude to the ban evader for trying to be nice, then spreads fear about them when they showed remorse for those tweets, and taunts her into DM'ing people, when she finally made the decision to move on in February.
I got banned for a lesser offense, I did horrible things, but I actually show remorse for my actions.
please get help. this is not normal behavior.
ive been a viewer of sammy for months now, and im a regular in chat, and ive never had a bad experience (aside from you) in relation to the community. the things you mention about are all harmless jokes, and no one is discriminating anyone (much less using slurs.)
(i cannot believe youre bringing the stupid spongebob piss fic into this. if you're that pressed about something so stupid and something that was a joke amongst chat then maybe get off the internet and get a hobby, that isnt stalking and harassing someone. we are not the only community making these jokes.)
ive known about you this entire time, and i just read the doc regarding your endless harassment. no one is being rude to you because you have autism, everything that has been said against you is because of your endless stalking and harassing of sammy and their community.
this isn't moving on. you're still in streams, you're still reading everything that is being said in chat (the spongebob thing was in last weeks streams) and you're still sending asks and messages to everyone who even mentions sammy. not to mention the fact that you recently appeared in chat, i was there.
autism is not an excuse for being a horrible person, the problem is you.
most people learn from their mistakes and don't make them again, but you didn't.
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mitigatedchaos · 3 months
2 question. 1 what was the idea behind clint manstock. 2 I’m not sure what the joke/idea behind the trans/religion post was.
Clint Manstock is a hypothetical highly prolific writer of pulpy detective fiction and science fiction, presumably from the late 1960s to around 2010, with dates applied to contextualize the non-existent stories as belonging to a particular cultural period.
For making a joke, it's not necessary to write the entire book, but just an excerpt, or even the title.
For instance, the most famous Clint Manstock post:
The year is 2056.  My name is Kal Royan, and I’m a gender hunter.  My job is to bring those who traffic in illegal modifications of the gender synthesis implant to justice.  Or at least, what they call justice. - opening lines of Clint Manstock’s The Manhunters (1972)
This hypothetical book was published in 1972, shortly after Ursula K Le Guin's 1969 genderbending The Left Hand of Darkness.
He is, in a sense, hopping on the bandwagon, but also in this case he's closer to the leading edge than with some of his other books. Clint Manstock books aren't necessarily good, though.
(The 1970s are also a time where there is more scientific uncertainty generally, more belief in things like ESP or experiments that wouldn't survive review today like the Stanford Prison Experiment.)
There's a lot going on here, but the punchline is the title of the book.
It's not just the play on words. What's the (primary) gender being regulated? It's right there in the title. Men. People talk a lot about regulation of women, but they also talk a lot about male violence, male sexuality, male competition, male hierarchy... so from an insurance-minimization standpoint, and from a blind "anti-oppression" standpoint, we could imagine a society that has set things up so that there are few men in the first place.
Such a society would not be lesbian, but sexless.
Regarding the 2019 post you're asking about,
“Certainly,” the man said, “it may seem to be in contradiction, but if I do this…”
The central sci-fi technology at play is a computer which estimates political coalitions and ideology. Political coalitions are based on a feedback between ideologies and interests. The interests and beliefs of different coalition members aren't always in alignment with each other, so every coalition will have some tension. (This may be the source of the "contradiction" mentioned here, but not necessarily.)
The presentation board even paused with a twirling icon for a moment, before the node finally came loose, and Mr. Blanstak dragged it to the other side of the board. …dropping it in a category named “religion.”
Previously, transgenderism was pursued as 'transmedicalism,' defining transgender people as a tiny minority of the population who were experiencing a diagnosable medical disorder. In this frame the rights and privileges granted would be similar to those for someone with a disability. This implies a pretty significant amount of institutional gatekeeping.
However, while the medical establishment is influential, this left the status of transgender people ambiguous (just how far can you go with a doctor's note?). As such, activists pushed for the idea of transgenderism as a 'basic human right,' with unlimited gender self-identification.
This is a bit of an all-or-nothing strategy. If activists win, they get to teach their gender views in public schools as fact. This places them above all the established religions, on the same level as the implicit peace bargain between those religions. If they lose, even the medical framework could collapse.
Positioning transgenderism as a 'religion' is a kind of fallback position. The United States has pretty substantive protections against religious discrimination, so both medical procedures and presentation would receive legal protection. However, this would be a demotion to one valid worldview among multiple competing worldviews, and rules on teaching the view in public schools would be similar to teaching "Christians believe X," not just teaching "X".
(In practice, this approach wouldn't work, as religious beliefs are generally understood as being about the supernatural, and people generally don't believe in transgenderism as supernatural.)
In this case, the reclassification causes a whole bunch of cascading updates to the ideology and coalitional makeup throughout the system.
“So you’re saying,” I said, “that this was the latent equilibrium all along?”
The perspective character asks if this is the future, because this isn't his technology and he's more of a normal guy, so he's thinking that this is the big ideological change.
Blanstak looked at me over his shoulder. “There are many semi-stable equilibria, Mr. Whipple. The matter of entering one is choice.”
However, in this case the technology's creator is using the shift as more of a demonstration not merely of the technology, but of the idea that there are other self-reinforcing states of society that can be reached.
It is likely that the book would follow on the consequences of such a technology, however...
excerpt, unpublished Clint Manstock manuscript, 1991
It wasn't considered good enough to actually publish.
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hybrid-the-folf · 5 months
The Broken King: Chapter 2, The Wanderer
TW: cursing, injury, sexual jokes
Desert plains wisped sand around as far as the eye could see. It had been years since Tabrix had started his travels, how many exactly, he’d lost count. He’d been too focused on trying to hunt down his father and helping the injured in any way he could. The only thing he knew for certain was that the world had changed drastically. Many things simply weren’t lining up with his old way of life, and he needed answers to his questions, questions that his father would be the most likely to answer.
The first question that came to mind was why was he alive. He had been a medic in the Cathien military, the best in fact, as the many statues showed, as he had been able to become a hero of the people simply by his ability to cure. He was once able to completely wipe out a disease within a week, the chameleon virus. This virus operated by disguising itself as whatever was being used to fight it. He had been able to recognise the pattern, and with the correct use of medications, completely get rid of it.
He had never truly been one for violence, being of more of a mischievous spirit then a deadly one. It had been his dream as a kid to cure, to heal, and to eventually see the end of his peoples seemingly constant warfare. Not that they had tried to seek out fights, rather the fight would always find them. This mindset had caused him to act in ways some of his people felt undesirable. One such act was his habit to take care of the most seriously wounded first, even if they were on the enemy lines. Change might have been possible, but only if one was willing to show the olive branch.
It was only during his last war against an opposing alter that his passion to cure had been useless. He had been brutally tortured, his blood being taken out in needles before being stabbed back into him, a final way to say fuck you to either him or his dad he supposed. He didn’t know what had happened to his body or who had found it, but it was a theory of his that the torture had been less targeted toward him and more so targeted toward his people, a mental attack if ever there was one. If he could remember being killed so mercilessly, then how was he alive now? The second question was the matter of planets. He was sure that when he had died there had been the ability of space flight and what's more, that his fathers kingdom had extended out toward multiple planets. That clearly wasn’t the case here as there were multiple species everywhere and no spacecraft to be found. In fact, what technology he did find was laughably primitive compared to what he had had.
The final question was one regarding the minette. These were the smaller species that were around. While there were some species that belonged only to the minette, most had a titan counterpart as well. While a smaller species wasn’t odd within itself, it was weird that they had so many counterparts. Many theories had been thrown around as to the reason why ranging from it all being an elaborate sim, to it being a realm collision (this seemed the least likely with how many different realms his people had discovered and personally visited), to it simply being the afterlife.
Tabrix kept walking on, he was supposed to arrive at the next town by now, but he was fairly certain that either the inhabitants of the last town gave him the wrong direction or had just miscalculated how long it truly took. He kept going on, maybe if he was lucky he’d find someone nearby who would give him better directions. As luck would have it, he spotted a person up ahead. The only downside was that this person was on their back with blood seeping out of a nasty wound on their neck as well as chest and belly. If he wanted to get directions, then was going to have to work for it and hope he wasn’t too late. The patient in question was a Grindar this time. A Grindar looked like a cross between a jackal and a snake with three horns, about an inch or two big on the females and five to six inches big on the males, on the back of their heads.
The scales were tough to cut though, usually with a build up of sand on them for added protection against enemies. They walked on two legs with a thick tail being used for balance. The more interesting part was that they possessed two hearts, one in the center of what should have been a collar bone, just where the top two ribs parted for an airway in a good chunk of species that Tabrix had seen roaming these lands. The other one was located near the back of the hip on one side with the side in question being left up to genetics. Their lungs were directly in the sides of the belly with an almost gill-like breathing part, if gills had been more of a land based part then an underwater part.
At the very least Tabrix hadn’t run into any patients since Quiblli, meaning he still had a full satchel of supplies. The only thing he didn’t have was Grindar blood, but so long as he worked quickly he wouldn’t have to worry about it. The second heart was supposed to remain inactive in order to stockpile blood for just these circumstances anyway. As he walked over to the patient he noticed something odd. A small creature was performing surgery on the Grindar, standing on the throat of the titan in order to work on his heart.
Intrigue took over him as he settled himself on the sand. The creature in question looked like a small griffon, or even a miniature war cat. The war cats were big enough to ride and smart enough to do something like this. Maybe they had evolved into a smaller breed as time went on. Tabrix watched as the creature used magic to stitch the patient up, using some sort of herb politice in the process.
He would have to ask what was used when the little one was done. As he looked closer, he noticed the small, yellow, birdlike claws and beak. Clearly this creature was more griffon-like than cat-like. The creature climbed off the titan when it was done, heading over to an almost impossible to see bag. When it couldn't find what it was looking for, it shook its head, looked up at the patient, and walked away.
Seeing this, Tabrix spoke up asking, “What are you looking for?" The creature jumped, whirling around to face him. After a brief moment to calm down, they responded.
“Bandages. I just don't seem to have enough for him.”
“Just leave that to me,” he said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a roll. Once the patient was wrapped up, he snatched his notepad and a pencil from the bag. He wrote a note to the Grindar explaining how he was found and that he should go to the nearest hospital in a few weeks so that way the medics could remove the stitches.
“That was the fastest I have ever seen a patient get taken care of. I can only imagine how disappointed your wife must be in bed,” the little one quipped.
“At least she's still satisfied with the length, unlike with your husband and your grip.”
“A person who can both take jokes and dish one back. It’s been a while since I've run into someone like that.”
“I’m just going to assume that these people are titans who just so happen to mistake you for a pebble. Speaking of which, what's it like to get kicked down the road?”
“Hey, it’s not nice to laugh about someone getting kicked when they're down…low. And in any case, those are some bad jokes, kinda like your siblings.”
“If the line of princes and princesses from the kingdom of Cathar is what you consider to be bad, then I'd like to see what you’d consider to be good.”
“Your father is Tobias?”
“He went by many names during my lifetime, but yes.”
“Do you know where he is?”
“No but I've been trying to find him for some time now. Why do you want to find him?”
“I’m hoping that he can help me to find the other alters.” Rook said, deciding not to mention the fact that she had communicated to him through the realm. Not many people believed in the collision theory anyway.
“If anyone can help with that then it’ll be him. I haven’t managed to catch your name by the way. I’m Tabrix.”
“Rook. Would you mind if I join you on your journey? We’d make a great team with me being able to go into titan hunter territory better than you can, being able to help the minette better, some cases simply require the use of magic to fix, and with you being able to cover more distance, and having the better medical skills.”
“I wouldn’t mind it. The more eyes keeping a lookout for dad the better. And you can hopefully learn a few tips along the way. Spells are not everything.”
“Where are you headed to search for Tobias next?”
“Phaneet. I must have gotten wrong directions from Quiblli though.”
“Yeah, you got a bit turned around then. Using this Grindar as a compass, the quickest way there should be to the northwest for about six thousand klicks, and then west till we reach it.”
“I’m guessing you're translating for a minette not a titan?”
“I must have accidentally done that, but yes. I’m also rounding as well. All I know for sure is that you’d reach there in about a day if you follow the right directions.”
“Alright, you’ll be my guide for the way there then.”
“At the very least Phaneet is friendly to both our kinds. I can be more out in the open while we travel.”
“Agreed, having you be in my satchel while also trying to hear what you're saying would definitely be hard to do. I still can’t fully wrap my head around the fact that I’m actually talking to someone and not just a grain of sand.”
“I am not that small.”
“What?” Rook paused for a moment while her mind tried to comprehend what was just said, “Oh fuck you!” she said laughing.
“You walked right into that one.” Tabrix said with a mischievous glint in his eye that Rook only now paid any attention to. Her days of lonely travel had finally come to an end from the looks of it. Rook climbed up the titans arm to the crook in the neck. From here, she would be able to give the directions needed, though it would be a bit tough to spot the correct markers from the new vantage point. “Are you good where you're at?”
“Yeah. If we start walking now we won’t make it to town until tomorrow. It’d be easier if you had a stead but walking is just fine.”
“I haven’t found a replacement yet. My last one got killed by a group of thieves. I knocked them out just fine with a few hits to the right nerves.”
“Alright,” she went quiet for a few moments, most likely trying to figure out something else to chat about while the time passed. “Say, what are those weapons on your hip? I haven't seen anything like those before.”
“Are you referring to the sedative gauntlets?”
“Sedative gauntlets?”
“Yeah, a device I created a long time back for patients who refuse the help.”
“I know a few people that I could use a pair of those on.”
“The question is, have you ever filled them with hallucinogens?”
“Yes, I did that to a friend of mine when we were already drunk. God's he was fun to watch.”
“Fair enough.” They continued to chat like this for the rest of the day with Tabrix only making one stop to kill a bobcat for dinner. “Isn’t this like cannibalism for you?” Rook asked while looking for tinder for the fire. Tabrix was just in the middle of cleaning the animal with a tent already set up not too far away.
“Not really. It’s not sentient for one thing. A better question is can you even eat this animal or do I need to look for something else?” Rook let out a small laugh in response to the question.
“I don’t need to eat for one thing. And no, it would not hurt me.”
“You don’t need to eat? If I may ask, how do you get nourishment then?”
“Time and my own supply of magic I suppose. I never really paid much attention to it.”
“Would you mind if I started taking notes on this phenomenon then? I’m sure I can figure it out eventually.”
“You mean to become your personal science experiment?” Rook asked, finished with her task and looked up at him with a smirk.
“That’s not what I mean.”
“I know what you mean and I don’t mind it. The only question I have for you is regarding how you plan to figure it out. Most titans don’t have much knowledge of the arcana and you seem to fit that type.”
“Even if it is just magic, it's still an unknown that should be fun to solve. Once you get to a certain point most anatomy starts looking the same.”
“Never really thought of that one. You're not wrong though.”
“Back to the topic of food before you go too far into that existential crisis. I know you don’t need it, but would you like it?”
“It’s a cathar making the food so the answer is an obvious yes.”
“What can I say, when it comes to the culinary arts there are only a few species that can actually compete with mine.” After a bit more talking the bobcat had been fully cleaned, cooked and served. Tabrix took his steak and cut a bit off for Rook. “Do you drink?”
“Yes. And don’t worry about the percentage, when it comes to alcohol, I’ve been known to be able to outdrink anyone in a room. ”
“Is that a challenge kid?” Tabrix said, pouring a bit of whisky into a glass for him and into a small minette glass for Rook.
“Perhaps. At least wait until we get back to Tobias. Then things will really get fun.”
“It's your funeral,” he said with a sly grin, taking a swing of the whisky. Meanwhile Rook took a bite of the steak, and immediately fell face first into the sand. “You good?” Tabrix asked with the smallest twinge of concern in his voice. While he was fairly sure that this was just a reaction to, in his opinion, a mediocre steak, he didn’t want to take too many risks just yet.
[The steak is not so good that I’m having a hard time processing it.] Tabrix's only response was to laugh. [It’s not funny.] Rook said in a way that indicated that, on some level, it was indeed funny.
“If this is your reaction to a mediocre steak, then you'd die if I gave you the good shit.”
[Fuck off.] Rook said, now laughing as much as Tabrix was.
“Are you sure you want to watch me do that?”
“No. Not unless I can join.”
“I’m sorry, but no. You will never compete with my one true love.” Tabrix said while showing off his wedding band.
“That just says medicine.”
“I’ve heard of people being married to their work before but fuck. I never expected anyone to actually be serious about it before.”
“There's a first time for everything.”
“I suppose there is.” Rook said, trying not to choke on the steak at the speed she was eating it at. In the end she failed, but was able to get the chunk of meat unstuck fairly easily without Tabrix’s help.
“You do realize that you need to cut it before eating right?”
“I’ve been trying to. It’s not my fault it was made so damn good.”
“No wonder you don’t need to eat, it’d be deadly to even try. I’m honestly surprised you’ve lasted this long on your own.” Rook had nothing to say to that. In the end they sat around the campfire for a while with the whisky. When it was time for sleep, they both headed into the tent. On the floor was a blanket and pillow, and within the side of the tent was a stitched hammock of sorts.
“I didn’t expect that you’d have this bed for minette.”
“You don’t expect many things from me, do you?”
“Not really, most people are out for only themselves. It’s just survival of the fittest. To meet another person who believes as deeply in peace as you do is amazing, but I at least have a hard time believing it.” Rook said as Tabrix lifted her into the hammock. In Rook’s opinion, it was one of the best that she had slept on.
“I understand. I’ve seen a lot of vets go through that same thought process. At this point, the only thing that will be able to help you make sense of this is logic. And maybe physiatric help.”
“I’m already a therapist, I can help myself.”
“Just as a doctor doesn’t tend to his own wounds neither does the therapist.”
“Fair enough. At the end of the day the only thing you can really do is keep to your morals, for without them, you tend to lose yourself.”
“Exactly. Night.”
“Night.” Sleep came to both easily enough, and though both did dream, neither were nightmares. The dreams were only consistent with their past lives. For Tabrix, it was spending time with his twin. While he had died in battle thousands of years before Tabrix did, in this new world, the chances of meeting him again were high. For Rook, it was of leading her realm at the side of the realms emperor. While he had sometimes made the wrong decisions, his heart was fully to his people. Their happiness was all that had mattered to him, even if he had to employ kings and tribe leaders under him to do so.
Tabrix was the first to wake up. He looked over at Rook who was still sleeping pretty deeply from the looks of it. Exiting the tent, he stretched himself out, wincing at the pain in his wings. The thieves had done more than just try and steal from him, they had attacked him as well. Even though he had fought them off, they still managed to break his wing badly enough that the bone had stuck out of the skin.
Taking some painkillers from his satchel, he decided to make breakfast before waking up Rook. He decided to cook more of the bobcat meat from the night before. Some more dried cactus was thrown into the fire as tinder, and when the fire was properly going, he put the meat into the pan as well. Deciding that taco meat was the best way to go after watching Rook almost kill herself over the steak, he ground up the meat, and started browning it. Adding in some seasoning, he finally served the meat inside of some bread that he had bought at Quiblli as well as a few vegetables that he had got there as well.
Seeing as Rook still wasn’t awake, he made his way back to the tent and started to gently rock the hammock. All that met him was a groan, to which he responded by going a bit faster. “No, it’s too early.” Alright, so he was finally getting somewhere. A mischievous thought crossed his mind, as he lifted the griffon out of the hammock. He lifted her up into the air, high enough so that the drop would scare her awake but low enough so as to cause as minimal damage as possible. With an outstretched hand underneath her, he let go. “Woah, what the fuck?!” Was Rook’s response as she fell through the air instinctually opening up her wings and gliding to the other side of the tent.
She hovered there as she watched Tabrix with that same glint in his eye that she had seen yesterday. The panic drained away as she took into account the hand that was outstretched, if she hadn’t opened her wings all she would have done was meet the fleshy but rough pads instead. “Are you good over there?” Tabrix said though laughs.
“It’s still too early, but yes.” In reality, she was a bit shaken. If she could so easily fit into the palm of his hand, and he was a prankster, how long would it be before she accidentally got hurt. She brushed those thoughts over with the thoughts of pranks she could pull on him however. If he wanted a prank war, and he was clearly challenging her with this one, then she’d give him one.
“I have some food if you decide you want some. I made it so that no matter how good it is, it’ll be easier not to choke on.”
“I told you, I was fine.” Rook said, flapping to the entrance of the tent.
“Sure you were. Would you like the food or not?”
“I’m taking the food.”
“For a creature that doesn’t need food, you sure are eating a lot. Is it affecting you in any way?”
“Not really.” Once outside Tabrix cut a piece of the makeshift taco off and gave it to Rook, who, after a single bite, fell over into the sand.
“Are you going to do this each time I cook something?”
“It good!” Rook shouted, drool trailing from her beak.
“Will you even be able to hang onto my shoulder as I walk?” Tabrix said, a smirk crossing his face.
“You don’t even have a sense of balance right now do you?”
“So why should I believe that you’ll be perfectly fine on my shoulder?”
Rook paused for a moment. Then with wide eyes said “Magic,” while doing jazz hands.
“Why do I get the feeling that’s not an actual answer.”
“Because it’s not.”
“Let's just see how good you are when we get to that point.” They continued to eat, with Tabrix being the first one done. The tent was packed up just as Rook finished. “I want you to walk forward for me so that we know just how bad the taste got to you.” Rook shook her head but followed the directions anyway, walking perfectly in a straight line. With that over, Tabrix put his hand down on the ground for Rook to climb up on, transferring her onto his shoulder when he was done.
As the two made their way over to Phaneet, they were jumped by a group of robbers. Tabrix quickly pulled sleepytime and night-night, (his gauntlets) out of the satchel. Even though he was quick to react, Rook was faster. She used her magic to create giant vines that wrapped around each of the men. Once tied up, all it took was a simple smacking of the heads and they were out cold. Shaking and tired, Rook flopped down onto her belly. “Are you ok?” Tabrix asked, putting the knuckles back into the satchel.
“Just-Just tired.”
“Here's some water, you clearly need it.” An open canteen was brought up to her face. Crawling forward, she readily accepted the water pulling away when she was finished. “You can rest in one of the pockets of my satchel if you tell me the land marker I should look out for.”
“Be on the lookout for a cactus with purple and white flowers. Some of the locals go out to this spot and dye the cactus once a year. I think it’s the burial mound for someone though I don’t know who that someone is.” Rook panted when she was done talking. Taking out those guys had used up more magic then she had been expecting.
“Got it. Just rest and I’ll wake you up when we get there.” He moved Rook to the open pocket and placed her carefully inside. He wasn’t sure how comfortable it would be but it would be better than nothing. The walk was uneventful for the rest of the way there. He had considered waking Rook up for lunch, but decided against it as he remembered that it was something she didn't need.
When they finally reached the cactus, he decided against waking Rook up again. He could see the town clearly enough in the distance. The first stop would be to find a stead to ride on, the second, visiting a local tavern if Rook was up for that, and the third, finding a place to rest for the night. Upon entering the town, he saw a merchant selling off a group of camels. They had even advertised that you could ride them before buying them and that a saddle came with it.
He purchased one, a youngish one compared to the rest who could run faster for longer distances. The next stop didn’t take too long to find, and he was pleased that they even housed stables for the camel. Kneeling down to the satchel, Rook rose up to greet him. “Hey, how are you doing?”
“Better. We finally made it to the town I see, how long have we been here?”
“Not too long. I bought a replacement stead for the journey. Do you want to head into the tavern here? They seem friendly and willing to share information.”
“Of course. I’m always up for more beer.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“It’s the same thing isn't it?”
“Well that doesn’t mean much coming from a minette. One drop is all you need to get drunk.”
“I can out drink you right here, right now.”
“With the use of an eyedropper, that would take a millenia.”
“Just bring me the entire barrel then.”
“Fine, hope you like drowning in everclear.”
“That’s my favorite way to die.”
“Then let’s go.” With a lift onto Tabirx’s shoulder, they walked into the tavern. Makeshift elevators lined the doorway the moment anyone walked in. Catwalks lined every wall of the place. Bodyguards were there for the minette when they got too drunk to be on the high tables or if the titans were bothering them too much. Really, there seemed an uneasy tension that resonated with everyone to the very core.
“These people need help mentally.”
“Agreed.” They walked closer to the front of the bar, a human there to greet them.
“What can I get you two started on tonight?”
“Tilapia and whisky on the rocks.” Said Tabrix.
“Apple hunter’s blood.” The waiter sent the orders back. “Really, fish? Of all things you choose fish.”
“Am I not allowed to do that?”
“No, there's just a certain humor to it.” At that moment a minette hork bajir walked out with a bottle of hunters blood in hand.
“Rook? I never thought I’d see an altar again. How’s the council been?”
“I have no idea who you are. And I don’t know how the rest are doing. We’ve been scattered and I’ve been trying to find the rest ever since.” Rook said with a grimace.
“You treated my wounds on the, what was it, the first human planet during the war. You must have healed many though. We’ve been hoping that Taggon and the council would take power back again. It’d be far better than the small kings and leaders we have scattered everywhere.” The hork bajir said with hope in his eyes. “Who knows, maybe we’d establish better connections with the titans this way.”
“If I see Taggon we’ll have the conversation then. But I don’t know how to lead on my own like he does.”
“Oh.” The hork bajir fell into a depressive state quicker than a popped balloon deflates. Rook felt almost instantaneously guilty that she couldn’t do much to help him.
“I’ll tell you what though, I will get this room together in harmony by the end of the night. You have my word on that.”
“And how do you plan on doing that?” Tabrix asked.
“I have my ways.”
“No, but that will be plan B.”
“If that sentence came from anyone other than you, that would be terrifying.” The hork bajir said.
“I’ll be honest a part of me was hopeful that the Taggon you were talking about was my twin until you started talking about past wars.” Tabrix said. “While I seriously doubt that he would take over as leader instead of trying to find dad, I have been hopeful that he came back from the dead with me.”
“Please tell me that that’s a joke, that you have a twin named Taggon?”
“No, why?”
“Because my Taggon has a son that named himself Tabrix. He’d do anything for him. But the fact that a set of twins from Tobias’ bloodline exists with the same names, and that you were the first sons he had, I can make so many jokes out of this. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POWER I HAVE?!” Rook jumped up onto the back of Tabrix’s hand to yell this with a look of pure mania in her eyes.
“Well I’m glad I can help you cause chaos.” Tabrix said, gently brushing Rook off.
“Weh, but the fur is soft.”
“I swear with how many odd sounds you make you sound like a chew toy.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that.” Just at that moment Rook noticed that there was a band in the room playing music, and that it just so happened to be an almost karaoke night except instead of some device playing music, it was the band itself. “I’ll be back, I have an audience to astound.”
“With just how small you are, I’d be surprised if they even notice you up there.”
“Keep making the jokes, they need a bit of a laugh anyway.” As Rook flew away, a cathar titan walked up to Tabrix from behind the counter.
“If I heard your name correctly, your Tabrix.”
“That I am. Would you be able to tell me where Tobias is or at least where the kingdom is?”
“I would. I can even lead you there once you are done here.” The cathar said, giving off a strange feeling that he knew something more than he was letting on here.
“Thank you.” Tabrix said, shelving the instinct for later. If this person was of ill-will toward him, well, he did have his gauntlets for a reason. As the night went on he was surprised to find that Rook actually did fulfill her promise. The room was full of laughter and the barrier between the species had been brought down, though he doubted that would last for more than just this night or the next.
The only disappointing thing about the night was that no one had wanted to play darts. Granted, his version of the game involved a dartboard being drawn onto someone's back and sleep or hallucinogenic darts being thrown at the person, but still. At one point during his questioning one person had even reached out to touch his arm in order to ask if he needed help, then gave him directions to the nearest psychiatric ward. He had laughed and brushed her hand off, but the look from the bodyguards near the entrance told him that he had better stop asking for a game.
After some time, he had figured that it would be best to leave for the night as Rook was starting to trip on her own legs and he had long since gotten bored. When he went around back to the stables he had expected to only find the one cathar, but had instead found at least five. The one he had spoken to in the bar seemed to be their leader, though, as he was the only one to walk up to him and start speaking. The others all continued to either tend to the animals or tend to the stables itself, but Tabrix knew better than to think that they weren’t involved. “I had told you earlier that I would show you the way to Catheen, but I won’t do it if you have the griffon with you. Either you leave her behind, or I won’t lead you there.”
“You or I can take it up with Tobias when we meet with him next, but Rook is going along. She has said that she has business to discuss with him, and if she won’t go along with me, she’ll most likely wander the desert till she dies or makes it to the kingdom herself. This is simply the faster way. Besides, I know that if she goes with you’ll have your men watching her. With the type of surveillance that you most likely have, if she makes the wrong moves, then you’ll know about it.”
“Fine, I suppose you have me there. But this will be reported to King Tobias no matter what.”
“Deal.” With that all three of them traveled out into the desert. After about an hour, they arrived at a dune looking almost exactly like the other dunes except that when a piece of it was moved it had a hole in the ground with a tunnel made out of something that looked very similar to concrete. They were going to go through the underground railroad for the rest of the journey. It took a bit more walking before Tabrix finally arrived at a door in an underground facility. Clearly the place was made to be lived out of for at least a while by the number of makeshift bedrooms that littered the place.
A table was placed in the middle of the room for the use of the workers, some of whom were casually talking to others, a bottle of booze in one hand and a hand of cards in the other. The guards ushered Tabrix into a room which was furnished with a bed, desk, and lamp, but not much else. Clearly he’d have to fasten a makeshift bed for Rook. With a thank you and a goodnight directed towards the people who worked here, he closed the door, put a bundle of clothes on the desk, and headed off to sleep.
While Tabrix seemed to have an easy time getting to sleep, Rook was not as lucky. It wasn’t that the nest, which was what she called the pile of clothes, was uncomfortable, rather it was a feeling that something big was going to happen. She had only barely gotten herself to the point of rem that she noticed it. Down on the ground, was a minette human dragging two decidedly dead minette bodies away. Prepared to wake up Tabrix, she stopped as she noticed the form of what looked like, wings, upon the human's back. Hoping against hope that she was right, she glided down to the ground to meet this mysterious figure. “I can hear you ya know. You're not exactly the pinnacle of stealth.”
Joy flooded her heart as she heard the voice of her emperor again. “Well not everyone can be as stealthy as you.” She whispered. She didn’t exactly know why Taggon was trying to be so quiet, but she’d respect his decision for now.
“I guess not.” He said aloofly.
“Hey, what’s going on? It’s been three centuries since we’ve seen each other, longer if you count when I got captured during the war, and you're as cold as ice.”
“Well a lot has changed since then.”
“Why are there dead bodies on the floor, why-” She paused, finally seeing the symbol on his back. A triangle with wings inside it. “You're a titan hunter.” She said, though it was clear she wasn’t fully there at the moment.
“And you're very observant.”
“Tabrix is your target, isn’t he?”
“Was, I don’t go after cathar.” That sentence brought her back, if only slightly to reality. Clearly, Taggon had gone after Tabrix on the assumption that he had to have been someone else, realized that he was a cathar, and killed the rest of his party.
“That’s good at least. If you travel with us, we're heading to Tobias. We could find the rest of the other altars there.” He paused for a moment, then spun back to face her for the first time since they first started discussing.
“If I do that then the rest of my guild will be here to finish the job. While these guards are good, damn they're good, there will still be spilt blood. If I go back now, I will buy you some time.”
“But, it’s been so long.”
“But you know I’m right.” With that, he slipped off into the night, leaving Rook to wonder just how much had really changed.
0 notes
Authors notes: My apologies for the quality of this one, I finished it late. The next episode will be a return to expected quality
Statement of Syed Felice, regarding a patient in the hospital room opposite his.
The Sims Epilogues returns to London Central Hospital. A familiar face performs an experiment, while a hospital patient becomes unfortunate enough to stumble across it.
I've been sick for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was a child I've been in and out of hospitals for several illnesses I'd rather not disclose to you. My parents didn't know how to help, and the doctors could only keep me as comfortable as my body would let them.
My most recent hospital trip was to London Central, I took a bad fall and that exposed a few other problems that had to be looked at for a week or so. I just got out of a wheelchair and we're all hoping I don't have to go back in too soon. All-in-all it's very unpleasant.
I don't get many visitors. Everyone's grown kinda used to it. I mean, yeah, they're concerned, but I just tell them go about their lives. If I'm dying they'll be the first to know. Of course I joke, but sometimes I think that could be an actual problem.
London Central is an odd place. I don't think it's terrible, in fact it's one of the nicer facilities I've gone to. But it has this vibe about it. The bushes outside are a bit too dead to still have green on them. The equipment here seems colder, and sharper. I guess these are weird things to notice, but it all makes me kind of uneasy.
It's just me in my room, and the familiar hospital smell. As many times as I've been in and out I never get used to the smell. It's so sharp, preparing you for the pain you'll have to go through. Disinfecting and cleaning and fixing until you're totally different. Hopefully you'll be better after the ordeal. But not always, rarely, are you fixed.
I'm projecting. I know I am. I suppose after everything I should be used to it by now. But I'm not. I'm not.
Things started getting weird when I had just been admitted, I spent that entire day just looking around my room, I couldn't muster the energy to do anything else. Not even pick up the phone and scroll. There was a room across from mine, it was completely unlabeled, the numbers on the wall had been removed and there was still a mark on the wall where they had been placed.
Whenever a draft came through the hall I would get the slightest whiff of iron, like traces of blood left in a butchered steak. At the time I wasn't really in a state to think that was odd, but looking back on it I see it was a sign of what was happening.
It was 2:30 A.M when I heard the nurse across the hall. It was Nurse Pendleton, her scrubs were wrinkled and her name tag shined in the moonlight, she had been the only person to enter that room as long as I'd been there. She carried a messenger bag covered in old brown stains. I heard her footsteps echo down the hall before she opened the door and shut it behind her. About halfway into her 30 minute long visit to the room I started to smell iron again.
When Mrs. Pendleton left the smell of iron had turned more to the smell of blood. More… fleshy… than it had been previously. Her bag was empty and now slightly tinged with red stains around the opening. Her sleeves were rolled up and she looked to be writing something on her wrist in sharpie marker. Throughout this entire situation I had been acting like I was asleep, but when she left the room I felt the strangest sensation of being watched. That she knew I was awake, even though she never looked at me.
I will admit, the hospital gave me a lot of pain medication. More than I think was necessary. But I know what I saw. The day after Nurse Pendleton went into the numberless room I was permitted to leave my room and start taking short walks. I can only sit in one place for so long, y'know.
The wing opposite mine had another numberless room, this one had caution tape over it. I think it might have been under construction, except there was no equipment that would indicate. I didn't want to look any closer, and I feel better thinking that it was simply under maintenance.
The nurse assisting me in walking kept me from going near either of the numberless rooms. She never told me not to go near, it was always a slight nudge, or change in direction. I didn't ask, mostly because I didn't want to go near them either. I saw Nurse Pendleton on my walk, she was typing away on a computer with what I assume was patient records. When I passed by she gave me an odd look, like I was an experiment and she was a scientist, looking eagerly for results.
That night I was woken much earlier. 11:25, maybe. The medication made me sleep sooner than I would have otherwise. There was a clanging of metal in the numberless room. Like a bedpan, or railing being torn apart, then the pieces smashed together. The clanging concluded with the sound of a pipe backing up. It was similar to the clogging of a toilet but at the time I thought it was more like… swallowing. A loud gulp that was just barely audible through the door.
Nurse Pendleton didn't come that night. No one arrived to stop the gurgling that came from the other side of the door. The fleshy wretch continued until 1 A.M, when I fell asleep.
I sensed a tention in the air the next day. The nurses seemed more on edge, especially in my corner of the hall. In fact everyone was behaving strangely. Nurse Pendleton entered the room during the day, she was holding a box this time, it was bigger than the purse and not stained
The box was slightly wet however, the bottom was beginning to darken with a liquid I couldn't identify.
After 20 minutes she left the room without the box , and she didn't write on her wrist. I assume she hadn't because it was during the day and someone might have seen her.
I could see the black marks of her marker ink tattoos under her sleeve though. Only if I looked hard enough. They didn't look like letters, or even sketches. They looked like the frantic scribblings of a madwoman, I think I saw the one closest to her vein move slowly in place.
The nurse looking after me took me to my room. My pain had gone down a lot but I was still having difficulty moving. I tried to shift while laying in bed but my arms just wouldn't work right. I couldn't hold my phone because I kept shaking or locking up. That night I smelled iron again. Nurse Pendleton, who's oddness I had now become accustomed to, had brought a duffel bag to the numberless room.
I heard the sound of something being thrown against the door. It hit with a wet thud and slid down before settling on the ground. I didn't hear much else, or at least no noise came through the door. When Nurse Pendleton left she didn't have the duffel bag with her. Her eyes were wide and she didn't blink, instead she wrote frantically on her arm. I couldn't make out the notes, they were unintelligible and moved whenever I tried to look at them, then she briskly walked away.
I couldn't bring myself to leave bed the next day, my body just wouldn't work how I wanted. When I tried to get up my legs would go numb, when I tried to grab the side of my bed my hand would lock up. So I sat until nightfall, occasionally turning to stave off pain.
In the middle of the night I was awoken to the strangest feeling. I didn't know what time it was, I was too overwhelmed to check the clock. I felt the most enthralling feeling of intrigue. Like the call of a siren that I had to answer
It was coming from the numberless room.
I tried to get up and my body didn't struggle like it had before. Without any difficulty I climbed out of bed and walked to the door. Nurse Pendleton hadn't been there, her visit would have woken me, so it seemed like I was free to enter as I pleased. I stood in front of the door, the smell of iron was the strongest it had been. Filling my senses with the scent of blood, fresh from muscle.
I took the handle of the door and jostled it open. My body still strained to perform the task, but my arm still shifted and stretched the same. Entering the door the waft of bloody stench hit me like a train. The rotten copper smell assaulted my nostrils and made the bile in my stomach creep up my throat.
At first I thought the room was covered in some odd pink wallpaper. The coating on the walls flexed, bulged, bubbled, and in some places stretched so thin I could see the white wall underneath. But this was no wallpaper. It looked like skin. The skin grew out from the corner, and at this point was draped over at least half the room.
From the floor flesh and bone grew like some foul garden. Sprouting tumors that throbbed or bones on the verge of cracking. I screamed at the center of the cancer growing from the corner of the room and… it screamed back. It opened it's mouth, no, mouths and let out a guttural scream.
The noise was deep and wet, like whatever it was screaming from was clogged thick with mucus. The shout dislodged what I can only assume was food from some of the mouths. Chunks of meat, bone, and even shards of stainless steel shrapnel all slick with saliva were regurgitated right in my direction.
The thing reached out an appendage to me from one of the growths on the walls. I don't think it was an arm. If it was an arm it was a crooked arm. Stretched and distorted beyond anything that could be considered functional, it was especially not human. The arm reached out to me and grabbed me by the wrist. I tried to fight it off and it ended up just scratching me before I could find my way out.
I ran out of the room in terror. When I exited into the hall I fell on the ground, my body had returned to not working again. Someone stood at the end of the hall, staring at me. She watched me run and fall helpless. There was Nurse Pendleton. She walked into my room and came out with my wheelchair, hoisting me into it's cloth seat. She rolled me to bed, and gently laid me in it. She didn't blink the entire time, and she stayed completely silent.
I didn't sleep all night. I tried desperately to clean the spit off myself, but nothing worked, I just wriggled in bed. The next morning Nurse Pendleton came to my room. She stood by my bed, and began to speak. She offered me 500 pounds to stay quiet about what happened, and told me that what was in that room would be dead by the next morning. I just nodded along, half asleep.
That night Nurse Pendleton went into the room and she didn't come out until that morning. She left without making a fuss, just nodding when it was done. Eventually my stay came to an end. I feel in tip-top shape now, better than before, actually.
Pendleton kept her end of the deal, she wired me 500 pounds after I left. I haven't mentioned whatever was in that room to anyone since. Except you. Don't let her know what I told you, please. I don't know what she could do to me.
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This is the fan-created personal home of Arthur Kirkland I made, realistically, like anywhere between a year to two years ago. This is well before the Cottage pack that just recently came out (And I am upset because that could’ve added so much more but I can’t be bothered to alter it now after all this time). Remember: This is fan/headcanon created. I build for fun and am not a professional. I do not build with the intention of having it livable/non-clashing. If something clashes it will be up to you to fix it because I build for the pure aesthetic and not functionality. I own a lot of packs so if you don’t own all the ones used in this there might be issues. After the cut here I will provide a visual walk-through via screen captures. You’re more than welcome to download it and look at it for yourself. My username on Sims4 is Shinoshallbugyou.
First up, the outside overview. Keep in mind that Sims 4 limits the lot to a harsh degree. I actually really miss Sims 3 in how you could alter and change the environment otherwise I’d have Arthur’s home buried in a garden/trees. I have placed his home in the University area because it felt the best suited. There wasn’t any particular designs I was going for... I just kind of made it and went with it. His home, unlike Spain’s that I am working on, is much smaller in comparison. I particularly wanted to bury this home in foliage and green with ivy climbing up the wall and etc. Something to where you could have enchanted little areas to sit in, fairies, and etc. Something to where he can be more introverted and away from others.
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3rd Floor- Attic/storage.
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2nd Floor - Full bath, office, and his bedroom.
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1st Floor - Entry room, 1/2 Bathroom, Living room, dining room, kitchen. Outside there is a small backyard area as well as a greenhouse.
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I specifically always want to try to do a ‘triangle’ entry or a sloped half triangle entry. It ALWAYS clashes and hates being put in there but the aesthetic of it appeals to me and I’m always trying things even if they’re difficult. I know some of these objects may seem more German than British but... I don’t care lmao. I don’t do this to do a 100% British Speedrun. Just fun.
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The greenhouse in particular was something I wanted and is difficult to implement. Those are not full walls and as such do not drop down like normal walls for those of you who download this. Also, previously, I had custom content on the windows and doors of this greenhouse that were removed with several updates and I can’t be bothered to re-download it so I chose something from a pack. That would do. I love the idea of a greenhouse and wanted to try it and I particularly liked making this house in specific ‘cramped’.
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I really liked adding this ‘side door’ that goes into the living room with its little step-up.
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I really tried, to the edge of it, building the lush garden and foliage covers.
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A small, quiet area for tea and fairies. There are lots of gnomes and stuff hidden throughout this house! Just a fun little surprise. My fiancee tried to play this build of mine and since I have seasons fall is triggered but it just adds to the look, in my opinion.
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The backdoor into the kitchen with another cute step-down.
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My hands were killing me by the end after adding all this foliage but it’s worth it. We also joked in a larp once that when America visited he accidentally broke a gnome and hid it in the bushes. Arthur immediately noticed that Reginald was missing. Where did Reginald go? Reginald???
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The front entry room or, I suppose, a ‘mud’ room. I never do these and I really liked it.
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A lot of Arthur’s house will be cluttered and lived-in. I love those looks. Also, my apologies in advance, I didn’t realize there would be an outline where my mouse was hovering. I’m a builder, not a photographer.
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I wanted a nook of a kitchen. The walls aren’t even that high but the Sims 4 is great about making things ridiculously tall. I think I joked about putting a step-stool in there for him lmao. The door leads down below into a 1/2 bathroom. I also in particular liked that oven because it was a ‘London’ oven.
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Greys and browns were something I thought that Arthur would like. More Earthy tones. I wanted a ‘round table’ for obvious purposes. I had a custom content here too and had to improvise when they removed it. I like to think that Arthur also collects those cute dishes that some people do.
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The living room as well as stairs going up. I wanted it old-fashioned a bit with an old record player and the TV isn’t the main focus but is there because he has reluctantly upgraded over the years. And while you can’t see it... I miss in Sims 2&3 I believe it was that they would put on ‘chimneys’ for the fireplaces. I love how realistic that is rather than it just... Being in the wall???? So I make 1x2 spaces behind the fireplaces by default now that they’re missing from the game. I miss those. The clipping from the half triangle roof is here along with foliage. Usually my brain just blocks out that stuff or I try to hide it. In this case... I blocked it out and ignored it.
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Going upstairs, peering down into the living room.
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I really, REALLY wanted this weird bay-window with a ledge here. A lot of stuff I want is a pain to do but I always want to. I temporarily removed a clipping roof object here (It is the ‘rounded roof’ here). I enjoy how it looks outside but not inside. For the pictures sake, I removed it. The window doesn’t allow it to disappear and for some reason it clips into the bathroom as well even though that makes no sense. Roofing is one of the hardest aspects in this game.
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The full bathroom first. The top view gives the most details as to how it looks. Since it isn’t big I have to remove the walls to see further into it.
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Arthur’s personal office. I wanted to involve a bit more of the spiritual or supernatural things he’s into since I wasn’t interested in making a basement for this project.
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Arthur’s bedroom. I really enjoyed this one because of the quilted bed and things like that. I added the rocking chair and knitting sidekick there as an afterthought while looking at this room since, at the time, the knitting pack hadn’t come out when I made this. I thought the contrasting red and green would actually look good and not just Christmas-y. He has his own little walk-on balcony.
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Here is the half triangle structure I was talking about as well as the circular roof down below. Roofing is incredibly difficult and I’m OCD and want it to look a particular way. I about had a fit on Spain’s home recently in regards to roofing.
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The 3rd floor... The attic that has been transformed into a storage area. I actually really enjoy making storage areas in particular that help reveal some aspects about these characters I create for. In England’s case I like to imagine that America used to live up in here with him and he’s converted it from Alfred’s bedroom into storage. The babyshoes are supposed to be Alfred’s that he still keeps around. Just little bits and pieces over the years that he’s tossed in here and yet it’s still not really that chaotic... All things considered.
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Anyways... That’s it! I hope you all like it! I’ve been working on Spain’s and, unlike England, I like to picture him having a HUGE home. Because of how big it is... It has taken much longer. I have the majority of it done though and am mostly left with his 2nd floor and outside foliage to complete before it’s done! I’ll probably upload the ship and island I’ve made for them on the next post.
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sugarandspice-games · 3 years
Spicy take time (costarring Sugar): The Bros rated by how well I think their arcs/character development/relationship with MC was written and how much it makes sense. (Disclaimer: Our affection for these characters and how interesting, compelling, and lovable we find them has ZERO bearing on this list. ALSO, beware, here there be salt, IE, this is critical of the writing. It’s also long as fuck, so if you just wanna skim and read the bold parts, that’s okay too. You are also free to disagree with us as this is just an opinion, and keep in mind that we have only read to chapter 24 so if there are elements of the story we are unaware of... please be understanding of that and don’t spoil it.) Let’s get started, shall we?
1) Starting at the top is BEST BOI IMO: Beelzebub. So, yeah, in terms of character development and growth, he really doesn’t change all that much, aside from starting off not trusting MC to slowly opening up to them about his trauma. But putting that to the side, his relationship with them makes the most sense. After sharing a bedroom and helping him open up, as well as having the mutual goal of protecting Luke, and then even later going on to save his beloved little brother, it follows that he absolutely adores you afterward. Also, he doesn’t start off disliking you like some of the others. So, all around, he makes the most sense. He’s also one of the deeper characters with his backstory, even if I wish they’d give him other flaws than just being hongry (and playing his unhealthy eating habits/coping mechanism as a joke. Disordered eating should be taken more seriously, especially binge eating but that’s a can of worms for another day)
2) Second best is probably going to shock you, but Satan takes this spot. Why? Well, strictly in terms of arc progression, his relationship with MC starting out as one of manipulation and growing into something more genuine when they go on a heartwarming and wacky adventure together with his hated older brother which causes him to open up makes a lot of sense, at least more so than some of the others. While I wish they gave him more meat characterization wise, I think his arc was pretty well done in terms of story structure.
Okay, so, Sugar here. While I agree with Spice that Satan could use some more meat (and that we should be able to have some more information on Baby Satan because we all need that in our lives), I think that the progression of him and LUCI’S bond (not MC’s) could have done with more subtlety. While I appreciate him softening up, and see that progress, we don’t really get to see the tension of the newfound change and how he settles into letting things go/mellow out and I get it-- it’s a dating sim and the secondary relationships are well, secondary, but it would be interesting to see him and MC bond more through time.
3) Third place probably won’t be all that shocking, because this is where I’m placing Lucifer. He’s arguably one of the characters in the series who’s gotten the most love from the writers, having the most screentime, the most affectionate scenes with MC, and the most fleshed out backstory and characterization as well as fleshed out relationships with each of the characters. His relationship progression with MC also takes a nice, even pace, with him slowly learning to trust them and respect them, culminating in an almost-confession (I THINK. Unless I’m reading that part wrong) and then being shattered at MC’s betrayal, and then earned back in true Pixar-movie fashion by them teaming up for a common goal. HOWEVER. And this is a big however. I would love to see his unhealthy tendencies addressed and NOT fetishized. (Don’t come at me with that “BUT THEY’RE DEMONS THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE EVILLLLL” dude. If a demon being in a healthy relationship is where you draw the line in terms of believability, then why are you playing a fantasy demon dating sim anyway?) I love him, I stan him, I simp for him, but I wish he had at least apologized for his not-subtle threats of physical violence toward MC rather than jumping straight into the ALSO kinda violent “You’re mine and nobody else’s” gimmick.
Unlike some men (SPICE), I am actually not a Luci stan and while I do have a soft spot, and understanding of his place as an eldest sibling... I would also like to see the writer’s unravel the unhealthiness/coping Lucifer has in place and why/how it came to be. I feel like we get a sense that Luci has thawed since coming to the Devildom but we don’t really see how Lucifer in the Celestial Realm (and how his friendship with Simeon) has progressed. Luci has a lot of love from the writers but from a story stand-point, he is never really allowed to be weak and own up to his own flaws and how that has impacted/hurt MC.
4) Sharing fourth place is Leviathan and Mammon! I’m putting them in the same spot because the issues I have with them are the same, though I plan on addressing their good points individually. But since my beef is simpler, I’m going to start off with the bad. IMO, a good rivals to friends to lovers romance happens in STEPS. You start off from not getting along, to then finding some things in common, and gradually coming to respect each other, and then like each other, and finally love each other. This... doesn’t really happen with these two, and while we see the change from both tsundere boys starting off disliking you and eventually coming to love you, we don’t really get that inbetween that makes the payoff so much worth it. And if those inbetweens are there, the story doesn’t really tell us that, and it doesn’t show us their thought processes. Like, how much would it suck if in pokemon, your charmander evolved immediately into Charizard upon beating your first few gyms? It’s like that.
But as for the good, Levi’s arc makes sense because you’re the first person to really let him be himself and not shame him for the things he loves. You let him ramble about his interests and show interest in them yourself (AT LEAST IF YOU’RE NOT A FUCKING MONSTER. I’ll let Sugar talk more on him, that’s their boy.)
Whoo, boy. Here we go! For whatever reason, the otaku became my favorite and I love him, but as far as arcs go... He could have gotten a bit more screentime and progress. It makes sense that he would become attached to MC as his brothers are very, very... critical and patronizing about his interests. He is also by far the most skittish and introverted of the bunch, coupled with his sin and seeing all the ways he falls short (in his eyes) is a recipe for loneliness and desire for companionship/friendship. While I am not happy with the progression, for me, it makes sense and I would also have loved to see some breaking/softening of how much his Sin influences him when it comes to MC. I’m not saying erase it because demons are meant to give in to temptation but some reassurance and acceptance of that would be good.
(I also know that there is some disk horse about him guilt-tripping you about spending time with his brothers and while I agree it can be hard... It definitely isn’t on a painful level. Like, say... Ray’s in Jihyun’s route in Mystic Messenger. This also is a difference for players who are interested in one love route versus the many route and different strokes, but I digress.)
As far as Mammon goes, well, you’re his first. And he’s not only glad that there’s someone who’s kind to him instead of making fun of him, but also takes pride in having someone to protect. His puppy crush going to full blown love is adorable.
This blog is all about spicy takes, yeah? Well, here’s mine (Sugar): Mammon is lovable but not as lovable as he could be and before all the Mammon stans, come for me- let it be known I like Mammon but his introduction and how he comes to be soft is NOT an easy, or believable transition. There are ways to write a good tsundere and the writers just missed the mark by having Mammon be too callous and then slipping to lovable without that sweet slide into the other end. I will not deny he is very cute, and a good character, and a good brother (and also the most human, according to Satan’s home screen interaction) but... The progression and endearment factor is lacking because of the structure of the narrative.
5) Is another unsurprising one, but this spot is Belphegor’s. Solmare. My dude. Why did you do this. We could have had it ALL. It could have been great. But you screwed the pooch. You took anything good about this relationship out behind the shed and shot it like a lame horse. Let it be known that I LIKED Belphie and MC’s alliance to get him out of gay baby jail, and I adored that love he still holds for Beel... I thought he was going to be a fav of mine, in fact. But how they handled the... uhm... murder ruined it for me. I’m sorry, I just cannot believe that I’m supposed to suddenly be besties with the man who manipulated me and crushed me to death like, a week after it happened. What if I have PTSD from that??? Also... he claims that he loves MC for who they are and not because of Lilith, but that’s not believable when his whole turning point is finding out that they’re Lilith’s descendant. The change needed to be more gradual, and having a subtle, gradual forgiveness arc would have been AWESOME but we were robbed. ROBBED I TELL YOU!!!!!
Annnd... Belphie is actually one of my favorites FOR SOME REASON. I DON’T KNOW MAN. I agree that we could have had it and I’m like (Insert Hades red flaming hair gif here). The decision to not have a redemption arc ruined it for me and while I love Belphie and his softness/brattiness mixture with handling MC... It is underscored by a lack of believable affection and the payoff of struggle on both Belphie’s part and MC’s. Also, there is a lot of ‘You are not who I want you to be, but it’s good enough’ with MC regarding their lineage and connections to the brothers and how that plays out/color the relationships with maybe the exception of Satan and surprisingly, Mammon that irks me but again, another thought for another time.
6) Aaaaand last and also the least... Asmodeus. “YOU GET NOTHING!!! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR.” --Solmare to Asmo. The writers neglected him SO much, I like him but what the hell are they doing? There’s so much that could be explored here, and with anything involving Asmo they’re like “I do not see it”. His love for MC also isn’t really that believable when his turning point is realizing that they’re powerful. It doesn’t even fit with any of his potential conflicts. The Diavolo’s castle arc set us up to think that Asmo would have some deep seated insecurities with not being able to be loved or desired by everyone, or maybe some insecurities about not being an angel anymore, or some vulnerability issues or something, and they were just like NOPE. It doesn’t make any gotdamn sense! I just... Grrr. Asmo, I’m so sorry, sweetie. You deserve better.
Asmodeus definitely deserves better and I will stand by that until the day I stop playing this damn game. While I, personally, think that his intrigue with MC makes sense (because he is lusty-- probably not just for sex but in general), it makes sense he would want someone with power but while the set up is there, his character falls flat because there is no bonding moment, or turning point for him at all. His affection for MC is still that playful, carefree, flirty persona he carries and I would love to see it dropped and how his fall from the Celestial Realm really weighs on him and an arc where he and MC talk about vulnerability and the power behind being seen as someone attractive and the way it dehumanizes you at the same time. It could be good-- hell, it could be great-- but it was killed before it started and I will never not think that Asmo could have had some KILLER growth. As it stands, he has more connection/romantic potential with Solomon than MC.
Anyway, that’s all for now folks! Feel free to yell at us in the replies, you know you want to. If this post blows up enough, maybe we can rate the undatables (though they don’t have any story arcs so... that would be a challenge.)
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geezsims · 4 years
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Doctor Amber Gonzalez — interview for @toxoplasmajuice​’s Atkins’ MMBC!
1. Tell me a little about yourself. Y'know, name, pronouns, age, where you’re from, anything else you might say if I asked you, “Who are you?”
I’m Amber. Well, I should say Amber Gonzalez, or Dr. Gonzalez if you want to be formal. I’m hoping you won’t be for too long... [chuckles drily] It’s hardly the time for formalities, wouldn’t you agree? I feel similarly about pronouns, if you must know—a tedious necessity while we remain shackled by language as it is now. [another chuckle] TL;DR: you’re welcome to use whatever pronouns take your fancy, though I tend to default to ‘they/them’ for the sake of ease. I’m 21 years, three months, and sixteen days old.
As for who I am... I am an acolyte of science. Always pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished through the power of the mind. [momentary pause] I’m not sure there’s much to know about me beyond that.
2. Before the world ended, did you have any long-term goals? Where would you picture yourself in the future if the future didn’t crumble in front of our eyes?
There were countless projects amongst which I was dividing my time. The memory’s a bit... blurry around the edges, but I’m pretty sure my primary focus at the time would have been cloning. Or was it robotics? [shakes head] No matter. Many of my resources have gone kaput in the aftermath, but that isn’t going to stop me from dedicating myself to other scientific endeavours. Even if I have to resort to... [shudders] anthropology.
3. Any talents or skills? What about hobbies?
My skills are mostly restricted to science and research, though I’ve been known to dabble in the occult when the mood takes me. Alchemy especially is a dear hobby of mine, and one that doesn’t require anywhere near the amount of power demanded by my large-scale experiments.
Mh... after giving it some thought, I should also add that I have another hobby. One that doesn’t slot quite as neatly into my pioneering lifestyle, but that may be of interest to Clyde. It may also shed some light as to why I’m here, ah... [coughs] Let’s just say that some of my bags coming here are weighed heavy with hurriedly salvaged romance novellas. For reasons I cannot rationally explain I simply can’t get enough of those formulaic love stories!
4. If you feel like sharing, what was your love life like before this? Totally fine if you don’t wanna talk about it.
[another cough] If you must know... apart from the aforementioned literature things have been pretty quiet on the romance front for me. I’ve just never found the time for anything more serious than the occasional fling with a spicy lab assistant.
5. Besides the sanctuary part, what made you sign up for this BC?
I, ah, would like to meet Clyde. Very much, in fact. But I won’t pretend that some safety and security to get back on track with my experimentation doesn’t hold a certain appeal. Given the circumstances, I’m sure most if not all the contestants are going to be bringing some sort of ulterior motive to the table.
6. Okay, okay, hot take: this question is fucking stupid. First of all, MMBCs have happened even with this question, so it’s not even protecting anybody. Second, if we really needed this information–or if the network did–there’s better ways to do background checks. You can just lie here. You can literally just lie.[*] Third, it’s just so vague. Sure, if you’ve got some degree of murder on your record, maybe that would be important, but–what, being caught with a gram of weed in the summer of ‘15 is supposed to tell me you might be a murderer? And, most importantly, it blatantly contributes to the stigma against felons. Non-violent criminals, people who’ve changed for the better, people who were falsely accused–we’re basically saying all of them might as well be murderers. And I’m not for that. But the program we’re doing this through is requiring that I ask, so, whatever: do you have a criminal record?
Not that I know of. I seem to remember some former test subjects, ah... holding a bit of a grudge, but I don’t recall any charges. As I’ve mentioned previously, my memory is not the best, but I doubt I would forget something as grave as that.
7. Anyway. Random fact about you?
Hmm... how about this: due to a past experiment, there is always a slight current of electricity about my person. My hair often crackles and stands on end depending on what sort of floor I’m standing on. Oh, and I’ve taken to wearing these gloves most of the time to avoid giving people nasty electric shocks when they come into contact with me.
8. Is there anything important I should know about you? Health-related stuff, ancient curses following you, that sort of thing?
Barring my spotty memory, my body and mind are pretty robust. There are some other side-effects from my experimentation which surface from time to time—glowing eyes, erratic sleep schedule, energy bursts followed by severe lethargy...—but nothing so serious as an ancient curse. Apart from my own hubris, which is scheduled to catch up with me any day now. [laughs] That was a joke.
9. Is there anything or anyone you had to leave behind to come here? (This one’s optional, too.)
Ah, no. No one. [drily] Just the proverbial smoking ruins of my life’s work and a dozen or so lab rats.
10. What’s the first thing you’re gonna do when things calm down and we can leave the BC house again?
It all depends on the state of the world then. I’m a highly adaptive person. If my abilities are required in the aftermath, I’ll provide as best I can, but I’d be equally happy to seal myself away hermetically at the first chance and simply get back to work. There is so much left to be discovered!
OOC questions:
1. May I draw your Sim? (No one’s ever said no to this, but it never hurts to ask, right?)
Of course!
2. Do you have any tips for writing your Sim that you feel the interview and/or your intro post don’t already give me?
She’s often sarcastic and prone to long tangents. And she alternates between quite formal speech and casual informal, bordering on the over-familiar when presented with strangers. Just quite chaotic in general. I can see her not getting along with everybody as she can be pretty wrapped up in her own shit at times, which can come off as self-absorbed, but she also won’t ever judge a book by its cover.
As for the clone thing—she isn’t one, as far as I’m concerned, but due to her excessive experimentation she sometimes worries she can’t prove to herself or others that she isn’t. It keeps her up at night sometimes.
3. I want to start decorating contestants’ rooms this time around. Do you have any pointers as to decorating your Sim’s room? General themes are fine, and if you have any specific objects you want me to put in your Sim’s room (EA content or CC), that’d be great.
Aw, that’s a cute idea! Really just any odd gadgets and doodads, maybe the robot stuff that came with Ambitions (I think? It’s been a while, lol!) rather than the overly fancy/modern stuff from ITF. I’m picturing kind of Spartan sleeping arrangements, metal flooring and/or walls, maybe those biohazard posters (no idea where they were from, sorry). Don’t worry if you can’t find any of those things, that’s just kind of the general vibe I’m imagining. Her favourite colours are bright orange, grey, teal-ish blue and neon green, if that’s useful at all :v
4. Will you generally be around for random questions I have regarding your Sim? I might need random bits of information from everyone from time to time… for reasons. :)
If not here, then on Twitter for sure!
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flyingcookierambles · 4 years
plans for 2020???
graduate college
get a part time job and take a gap year for academia/save up money while job hunting for my first Real Adult Job?????
figure out my gender??????????????? probably switch to like they/she pronouns or something bc i realized that every time i post something on twitter/snapchat/tumblr/whatever i always refer to myself as a “a foolish child who makes bad financial decisions” or “a person who makes their wallet cry” or like “guess who just spent like $40 on a steam sale???? this kidddddddddd” like ive always just been unconsciously referring to myself in like third person or they/them/gender neutral pronouns?????? like. i dont think that in any tweet/toot/snap ive ever written i’ve called myself something like “a foolish girl” or “a girl who makes her wallet cry” or anything so like theres that. and honestly ive made/been making some posts about this gender thing for like the past year. ive asked the cool mods at feminism and media about it (ill post the screenshot later). ive changed my main tumblr about page which i dont think anyone’s ever visited since it’s listed under “hi” and like maybe i should change it to “about”? anyways ive like changed most of my stuff online to be something like “gender questioning, but she/her pronouns are fine for now” or like “gender questioning/probably nonbinary” and then just straight up changed my facebook pronouns to they/them (but im p sure my family hasnt noticed thank goodness cuz thats not a can of worms i wanna explain to a bunch of religious baby boomers rn), changed my myanimelist gender to non-bianary (again why is this a thing? a rando blue anime hellsite is not the place i expected to have this option but like im not complaining so lol), and also put “gender questioning, probably non-binary” in the write in gender option on goodreads so like. uhhh. i guess im probably non-binary????? but also im a terrible and indecisive person so like every time i say im probably non-binary my stupid brain goes back to bein like. wait is this some internalized misogyny that makes me not want to be a girl/cis girl? but also i find the dysphoria memes/jokes on the egg_irl subreddit really relatable and its just a bad cycle in which i go “oh these gender dysphoria memes on a trans subreddit are really relatable” -> “huh maybe. im not a girl???” -> brain awakened to being not a girl -> self doubt of brain might have internalized misogyny -> haha im a cis girl even tho i always refer to myself with they/them pronouns in writing -> haha wait that doesnt sound right a cis person wouldnt refer to themself with gender neutral pronouns right -> i know, ill go to a sub that i know makes gender dysphoria jokes and caused this self doubt/gender questioning in the first place with dumb jokes like “would you push a button?” and this meme but replace the “im bi” with “im ace” -> haha these gender dysphoria jokes are really relatable -> oh no (repeat this hell cycle of self doubt for 2 years and its me haha) 
regarding the above example sentences of steam sales and my finances, uhhhh, i wanna play more video games this year. and actually finish them. because i think according to steamdb or whatever account rating site it is, my account’s games net worth is something ridiculous like $600. and like. ive only played like 30% of the stuff i own. so uh. i should get my moneys worth and play stuff
the above resolution does not apply to games that are technically endless with no real goal/end, such as the sims, cities skyline, prison architect, etc. this resolution applies only to games that do have an end, such as nameless, pesterquest, steins;gate, etc.
the above resolution also may have some exceptions due to technical issues or time since some games, mostly japanese visual novels like steins;gate, are not compatible with macbooks i guess maybe they’re not popular with gamers (not surprising the macbooks has terrible venting lol) and also maybe not popular in japan so japanese companies just dont think to port things to mac os??? idk what the issue is here exactly but like since im in a college dorm and not at home ill only have access to my macbook for a majority of the time.
also similar to the “finish the games” thing, i should read, or at least attempt to read, all the books i’ve brought. i have so so many ebooks. that are unread. yet i also keep buying more books. i should stop buying books and finish the ones i do have and also use the library more.
also i should probably figure out how to save money lol. im 22. but im constantly broke. 
also i should uhhh probably find more diverse books lol. like i love my shitty indie fantasy books and stuff but the protag is usu a white dude so like eh. but also. sometimes when i read books w female protags im like haha cant relate. and then the gender questioning sets in once again. is it because im probably non-binary? or am i actually trans or something???????? i mean i hang out on egg_irl, a mostly mtf trans sub, but also an occasional non-binary or ftm trans post comes up which is also nice to see. idk mannnnnnn lollll
also there was this whole like haha cant relate brain reaction to my school’s vagina monologues event when i went in to listen to my nursing major friend have some monologue. like she talked about some thing about like delivering a baby and it was kinda near the end of the event bc i got there late and the ones that i did hear at the end were just like haha cant relate but also ive been told that the monologues that year were particularly terf-y, probs in response to my college turning co-ed (it was up until i think 2 years before i entered a womens college and the older students, alumni and current students that were there at the time, were apparently super pissed about it, so the school i guess doubled down on “(cis) girl power!” but also kinda excluded trans/gender queer ppl that weren’t cis girls in the process)
gender is stupid i feel like id much rather not have to deal with it/pick a label to be and move on with life lol but my brain wont let me
push this internal gender crisis out of my mind by playing a ton of video games/reading a ton of books/do school work ig hahahahahaha
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glassc0ffin · 5 years
hee hoo i wrote a tma fic in the form of frankies statement to the institute
words: 2245
warnings: none, except for phil collins and thrown staples
pairing: oc (frankie james)/jonathan sims
-That a tape recorder? It's so cute! We've been trying to get one for the station, just so we can say we have one - y'know, to impress the hipsters - but they're well out of my budget. How did you get one?
I - Uh, it was here when I got the job, it was my predecessor's.
Wow, well, I'm jealous. [GIGGLES] A little tempted for thievery…
...Right. Would you like to begin your statement?
Oh, yeah, of course.
Alright. Statement of Frank James, radio DJ at -
[PAUSE] Frankie James, radio DJ at Tranzishon Rock, London, regarding…?
Uh, a series of...obscene phone calls from an unknown person. 
Recorded direct from subject by Jonathan Sims, head archivist of The Magnus Institute, 21st of September, 2019. Statement begins.
Ah, so, okay. [SIGHS]
...Are you alright?
Yeah, I just… [SIGHS] I have a hard time...getting words out. I'm not...articulate.
Would I be able to help?
How would you? It's in my head.
[SIGHS] You'd be surprised. [PAUSES] When did it start? The phone calls.
On my show. I have a radio show at Tranzishon, late nights, 7 till 10, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Towards the end of the show, from 9 till 10, we do a requests hour. Listeners call, or text, or tweet, or send a carrier pigeon, to ask us to play songs. The last one is only if they're fancy.
[PAUSES] Sorry. You were saying?
[LAUGHS FAINTLY, A LITTLE BREATHLESS] Ah, yeah, erm… [AMUSED] I can't quite remember where I was…
The requests hour?
Yes! Okay, so, er, I was announcing the requests hour, reading out our phone number and the twitter account, and as soon as I had finished reading the phone number, we got a call. I- We've got a small team of techies - well, two - that handle incoming calls, texts, tweets, whatever. One, Paul, looked up from the switchboard at me and put me through to the listener, and I did my usual spiel. Y'know: [RADIO VOICE] You're listening to Frankie at Tranzishon rock, dear listener, what's your request?
[NORMAL VOICE] And they didn't say anything. There was dead air for a couple of seconds, then as I began to say 'Anybody there?' my headphones are blown out by the sudden high volume. The person on the other end must have been right up on the mic, because there was an immense amount of feedback and white noise. I'm sort of thankful for that, 'cause it nearly covered up what they had to say.
[PAUSES] [DEEP BREATH] I... don't want to repeat what they said. Suffice to say, the techies had some lightning speed reaction time when they cut off the line. There was more dead air as I tried to recover from the shock, I think I made a joke about them wanting the number for Babestation instead.
[PAUSES] [LAUGHS, WEAKLY] Yeah… Ah, so, w-we banned that number so they wouldn't call again, and I ended the show with Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) by The Offspring. Because I cope with bad experiences by burying them with humour. 
[UNDER HIS BREATH] Give it to me, baby. [EVEN QUIETER] Uh huh, uh huh. 
Uh. Anyway. I went home, had my day off, and went back into work the next night and tried to forget about what happened. And for the most part, I did. The first 2 hours passed without incident, and then when I announced the requests hour, I joked about the caller the other day. My techies looked at each other nervously as I laughed. I gave them a questioning look, but said nothing. I'd ask them after the show. I read the number and twitter and waited for the requests to roll in. Again, we had another phone call straight away. I said my spiel, and my heart was in my throat as I waited for the caller to speak. I looked at my techies. Sheena, my other tech, shrugged at me. I sighed, about to give them a signal to cut them off and answer someone else when the feedback returned, louder and more harsh this time. I threw my headphones onto the desk in front of me, but I still heard the words spilling out of them.
[SWALLOWS] Y'know that scene in Silence of the Lambs? Where Lecter asks Clarice to repeat what that other inmate had said to her? Y'know - [SOUTHERN AMERICAN ACCENT] 'He said, I can smell your cunt.'
Good lord.
Yeah. It was a bit like that. There was a lot more...squelching with mine, though. Ugh. The techs cut the call, as I knew they would. I was more than a little pissed off. I started playing a song someone had tweeted and turned off my mic, turning to my techies. I asked them, why didn't you ban them like you said you would last time? Sheena said she did, that she guessed they were using a payphone or something to harass us. Paul tentatively asked if we should inform the police, and I told him to F off. We've had no help from coppers in the past when we had Nazis and TERFs flooding our lines calling us all sorts of shit, why would they help now? Cops avoid gays like the plague unless its for propaganda. So, Paul backed down. 
Before the song ended, I quickly mentioned that maybe we shouldn't take calls anymore, just texts and tweets. I didn't want it to come to that, not really. I ended the show again with a song from a small local band, earning me a shoutout on their twitter. That felt good, at least.
I went home, picking up a 6-pack of Stella on the way. I wanted to make sure I slept that night. As I sat on the tube, a good 20 minute journey to my flat, my phone began to ring. At that moment, it didn't strike me that it shouldn't have been able to get any reception underground, yet there it was, ringing in my hand. I was more annoyed at it interrupting my music, but I answered anyway. It was the same fucking caller. I couldn't hit the 'disconnect' button fast enough. But I still heard what he said. [LAUGHS SHAKILY] At least the guy has some imagination. Never the same thing twice. [VOICE BREAKS, STUTTERING] I looked around the tube to see if anyone would be witnessing my quickly approaching panic attack, and finding no-one in the compartment with me, I broke down. The next 15 minutes passed with a blur, and then I reached my station, tears stopping as fast as they had came. 
I stepped off the tube and started walking in the direction towards my flat, and my phone started ringing again. My breath caught in my chest as I froze on the pavement, phone vibrating away in my pocket. I picked it up, screen lit up and facing toward the ground. Slowly, I turned it up, half shutting my eyes, as if the person on the other end wouldn't be able to see me if I couldn't see the phone. [SIGHS] Stupid. It was my mum's phone number. I answered, talked with her for a little bit - she lives a ways away, I don't get to see her a lot - and said goodnight when I got to my flat. I got blackout and passed out on my couch when I got in. Yeah, I know I'm a lightweight. When I woke up at 12pm, my TV was still on, replaying the DVD menu for Black Christmas - the 1974 version. I guess in my Stella-crazed state I was desperate to watch it again.
The entire day, I left my phone switched off. My boss won't be too pleased with me, especially after 2 shows of mine had very explicit profanity, thanks to our mystery caller, but I didn't care. 
Listen, I-I know, alright? I know it sounds stupid, I know I probably sound like a pearl-clutching housewife, how scandalous that I'm terrified of a few dirty phonecalls, but...you didn't hear them. You wouldn't want to hear them. Paul, Sheena, and I certainly didn't. At least they only heard them at the station…
Thankfully, on the Friday, we had decided not to do requests hour. Yeah, a few listeners would be upset, but the more loyal listeners would understand when one person ruins it for everyone else. We just settled for the last hour of the show to be requests from Paul and Sheena. Strangely enlightening, but I don't wish to hear any more Phil Collins than is necessary. And with Paul, he seems to think 10 songs is necessary. It isn't.
[OFFENDED] What's wrong with Phil Collins?
Apart from the fact that we're a punk rock station?
Fair enough. You were saying?
Okay, so, ah… I was on my way home again, and had all but forgotten the mystery caller. We'd figured it had just been some weirdo that got bored of us cutting him off. But as I was walking from the tube station from my flat, I heard that ear-splitting feedback again. Doubling over in pain, I reached up to pull my headphones off, only to find that I had left them at the radio station. I pressed my fists to my ears, crumpling to the ground as the whine of someone being too close to a microphone pierced my eardrums. I felt something cold trickle out of my ear. I didn't have to check my hand to guess that it was blood. I hyperventilated as I lay on the ground. Something was shouting, screaming at me, screeching slurs and threats of what it wanted to do to me, what it will do to me. I remember vomiting, and then blacking out as the overlapping cacophony reached a fever pitch.
I woke up not too far from where I had passed out, £10 and a phone lighter. It was probably some homeless guy who took them, and honestly, I'm not too bothered. I'm more angry no-one took me to a doctor or something. I think, the last thing I saw before I passed out was someone standing in the distance. Staring. Yeah, it could have been some rando, but the image stuck with me.
They were silhouetted against the bright signs of the takeaways on the street behind them, hands stretching too far down, a little too tall. I might have been delusional or in the throes of oxygen deprivation or something, but I swear I saw it smile as I lost consciousness. 
I haven't been back to my flat. I've been staying with Sheena for the past couple of days. She's alright, but I can tell she wants me out. She doesn't want what's happening to me to happen to her. 
Statement ends. ...Are you alright?
[SNIFFS] Er, I - Uh, I should be, in a bit. Thanks for, uh...I don't know. Listening?
It's my job. 
Is that it then? What happens now?
We'll get in contact with you if we find anything out.
Oh! Then, you'll probably need this then. [SCRIBBLING]
[SHOCKED NOISE] Wh- What are you doing?
Giving you my phone number, what's it look like?
Well, I'm sure you can give it to me on paper, not my hand! And didn't you say your phone was stolen?
[SCRIBBLING STOPS] Oh. Yeah. Well, if I ever get it back, then. You know where to call.
R-Right. Goodbye, Mr. James.
...Goodbye, Frankie.
Mr. James -- Frankie's behaviour was certainly... strange during our conversation. He kept looking at me, pausing and then quickly looking away again, having to restart his sentence whenever he did so. Maybe he realised that he had virtually no evidence to back up his testimony. The only witnesses we have are this Sheena and Paul, and they can only back up the instances of the phone calls happening at the radio station, not anywhere else. Conveniently, Frankie does not appear to record his mobile phone calls, so we have no evidence the phone call on the tube happened. Assuming it even could happen.
Furthermore, his constant stuttering only made me think he was making the whole thing up. Maybe he just wants a story for his show. He --
Knock, knock. Was that Frankie James?
Yes, i-it was -- Tim, saying 'Knock, knock' is not a good substitute for knocking. 
Did I hear you saying that he was making it up because he was stuttering?
Well, yes. It's a common tell for lying.
It's a common tell for a huge goddamn crush.
Oh, come on. You didn't notice?
No, n-no, I didn't.
Jon, he was the colour of a tomato. He wrote his phone number on your hand! Look, he even drew a heart, for god's sake.
[MUTTERING] Hmm, yes, I suppose it does look like a heart… No, don't be ridiculous, Tim.
[IN A SING-SONG VOICE] Jon has got a boyfriend, Jon has got a boyfriend!
Are you twelve?! Get out! [SOMETHING CLATTERS ON THE GROUND]
Ow! Stop throwing staples at me!
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soveryanon · 5 years
Reviewing time for MAG125 /o/
- I’m still going to nickname that power ~Insight~ until further notice because of MAG123 (“I have no theories on it, no… no sudden insights.”), though Basira’s “spooky brain” is A Very Tempting Phrase to cover it. Interestingly, there were similarities in the ways it has manifested so far:
(MAG124) ARCHIVIST: Still no sign of Peter Lukas of course, or Mar– [STATIC] Wait– Wait.
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: Peter Lukas is just… sitting up there, doing whatever the hell it is he [STATIC-] and Elias have planned, and Melanie still has that bullet pumping violence into her, waiting to turn this place into another Lanncraig. [/STATIC] I just wish there w– … w… … Wait, I, I, I didn’t… Did I read that somewhere, or…? R–right, yes [CLEARS THROAT]. The bullet, er, didn’t show up on… electronic or… mechanical scans, but it’s still lodged in her leg, just above the tibia. … And it’s been getting slowly infected ever sin– I have to find Basira.
1°) After Jon read a statement. (It had also been the case in MAG099 when he had dropped Gerard’s name amongst the list of Gertrude’s acquaintances when he’d been given absolutely no reason to do so.) 2°) Both times, regarding the assistants – who are Jon’s primarily concern as of now (at least explicitly). (3°) Right after Jon mentioned Peter Lukas, but that one is most likely to be a coincidence. Probably.)
-> … is this the equivalent of Beholding throwing him a treat and going “thank you for the meal”.
- If his screams are any indication: Jon got hurt. Again. Beating his own record from season 2, in which it had taken 7 episodes for him to Get A New Injury (the reopening of his worms-induced wounds in MAG041 notwithstanding). I wonder how long it will take for us to know where he got hurt and what happened exactly? It had taken from MAG047 to MAG053 to learn that Michael had cut him deeply enough to require five stitches – and even know, we don’t know where he got stabbed exactly. (I’m love it, I love that we know that Jon gets hurt but that it’s rare to know which part of his body was damaged every time around; we’re not even sure what hurt him here? Could have been the scissors, could have been the scalpel, could have been a surprise! hidden knife. So many sharps things laying around.) (*Tim’s voice from MAG082* “When you[’ve been hurt] and there are more than three different ways you might [have gotten sta]–”.)
On the one hand, insert jokes here about how Jonathan “Disaster” Sims is collecting the set.
…………….. on the other hand, he is. Indeed. Slowly completing the set of getting physical injuries from other entities, things that might be considered a form of marking?, and/or getting live-statements from other avatars, and it has never been highlighted as a problem by Elias – all the contrary, it’s technically a good thing according to what he said about Jon’s job description (MAG092: “It is your job to chronicle these things, to experience them, whether first-hand or through the eyes of others.”):
* The Web: encountered “A Guest For Mr Spider” as a child (recounted in MAG081: “The first of the dark powers to touch me, perhaps, but it did not claim me.”). * Beholding: claimed him hard (when becoming the Archivist? when he signed on as Head Archivist? when he began working for the Institute? when he watched the other boy get taken as a child?). * The Corruption: worms digging into him during the Jane Prentiss invasion (MAG039), Jon still has the scars on various parts of his body. * The Spiral: slashed/stabbed by “Michael”, probably on his arm/hand since he was trying to stop it? The injury required five stitches (MAG047). “Michael” gave its statement in MAG101. * The Desolation: one hand burned by Jude Perry following a Handshake Event (MAG089). Received her live-statement. * The Vast: thrown into it by Mike Crew, sayonara to your already tar-filled lungs motherfucker (MAG091). Received his live-statement. * The Hunt: Alice “Daisy” Tonner did something to his neck, half-strangling him or cutting it with his own knife, we don’t know, but it wasn’t pretty since Elias commented on it the following episode (MAG091). Received her live-statement in MAG061, and Trevor&Julia’s in MAG109. * The Stranger: terrorised by the Not!Them (MAG079), punched or strangled a bit by Nikola (MAG097), held captive by Nikola for a month (MAG101), the whole Unknowing mess (MAG118-MAG119). (And Nikola left her mark on his skin uwu) * The End: approached it following the bombing of the Unknowing, and received a live-statement from Oliver Banks (MAG121: “You’re… balanced on an edge where The End can’t touch you – but you can’t escape him”) + dead-but-not-dead-dead!Gerry’s in MAG111. * The Slaughter: given his screams, probably hurt by Melanie (MAG125).
Now, for the missing ones:
- The Buried: no direct injury on that front, but a few weird occurrences around that one – Jon received that live-statement from Karolina Górka in MAG071, who might have been claimed after her experience (“Aside from that, all that’s left to do is sweep up after Ms. Górka. She left the place rather dusty.”); the “DIG” ad that crept into Jon’s nightmares (MAG120) was not from a statement he had read, but from one read by Martin (MAG088), and Elias’s narration had the same static as Martin’s when he described it (what happened with that one?!); the statement-giver, Enrique MacMillan, had felt something in what is now Jon’s office and tried to dig it up in November 2003 (“cold, empty and calling. There’s something here, you see. Something to be dug up, rooted out, buried within. A hollow space that all eyes point towards. And I intend to reach it, if my fingers don’t give out first. I know where to dig.”) – the tunnels? Daisy had mentioned they felt “empty”… - The Flesh: attacked the Institute when Jon was in a coma (as mentioned in MAG123). Curiously, we haven’t met/heard any avatar of that one yet, not… in the flesh (badadadumdum), so it might be coming? - The Dark: has people lurking around (MAG125: “In the last week, I’ve seen two different people wearing symbols for the People’s Church of the Divine Host”) and, in the same way, we haven’t met/heard any avatar of that one yet (though Basira has). - The Lonely: has Peter as interim director of the Institute, and Jon has already highlighted that he’s feeling isolated on multiple occasions:
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: I wish I could talk it through with Martin. … Or Tim. Or Sasha. But we never really did that, did we…? … Everything’s changed.
(MAG124) ARCHIVIST: It’s been a week and… Melanie’s attitude towards me hasn’t softened. And Basira, though she is very willing to talk, still doesn’t seem to trust me enough […]. Still no sign of Peter Lukas of course, or Mar–
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: I find myself basically alone.
So… it might be at least affecting him already, although it’s not a physical injury (yet).
Once again: is Jon supposed to catch them all as a part of The Watcher’s Crown ritual…? ;;
- There were a few hours of panic for Patreons when the episode came out in early release, because Martin was listed in the voicecast for the episode. So, WHERE WAS HE. WAS HE THERE DURING THE SHOUTING AT THE END OF THE EPISODE?? HAD HE COME BACK JUST BECAUSE JON SCREAMED AND HAD BEEN HURT AGAIN?? HAD HE BEEN TRYING TO STOP THE OTHER TWO WHEN THEY BEGAN OPERATING ON MELANIE?? IS HIS VOICE SOMEWHERE IN THE CHAOS??
In the end, nop, genuine mistake, he wasn’t meant to be in the episode.
Schrödinger’s Martin.
- I stand with this statement-giver on the idea that Sheep Are Weird And Evil. You’re valid, statement-giver.
- I really like the way Slaughter statements are tackled, because there is an overall quietness in them: the violence erupts, or has left its victims behind and is only reconstructed through them, but it’s mostly… stillness and silence. The Slaughter has its own logic and, from an exterior point of view, you never understand why things are happening; they just happen, breaking all the links and coherences that had been reigning until then. It might actually one of the fears that gets me the most, now that I think about it, because of the suddenness of its outbursts, the fact that you don’t see the violence coming? (This plot in particular made me think of the last arc of Naoki Urasawa’s Monster, too!)
- … this statement felt especially gruesome, and one of the things that freaked me out even more, at first, was that Jon… was apparently unfazed by it?
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: Statement ends. Hm. An Englishman returning from Scotland with a fear of bagpipes and sheep. I’m sure we can all relate! In many ways, The Slaughter fascinates me.
Immediately throwing a joke and then going on philosophising about the Slaughter’s implications, without giving a thought to the villagers…? Really, Jon, really…? Nnnnnot the time, maybe? On first hearing, I was very unsettled/worried (comparatively to MAG123 and MAG124, it sounded… very harsh); after stepping back, I realised that it’s… actually a Typical Jon Thing, though. He wasn’t only doing that in season 1 (when it’s official that he was faking it to conceal the fact that he was actually afraid), and he wasn’t discovering the story for the first time (like us listeners), so that could be why he felt too detached to me there. Still. Not great, Jon ;;
(I’ll keep being a bit paranoid about Jon having lost something since he woke up, until we learn about what it’s supposed to mean for him…)
- Also, I’m *squints* about this bit:
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: Regardless, I’ve hit another research dead end with this. It’s… frustrating, to be honest. I finally feel myself, I feel… focused, and ready – and I find myself basically alone.
Sidenote, but I wonder whether Jon is absolutely sincere and genuine here, or trying to… wave a hand at Elias or whoever can be listening in, basically trying to bait them into acting by showing that he’s impatient/waiting for them to do something? I’m glad that, at least, Jon has no illusion that Peter’s behaviour might be going all according to Elias’s plan, slumping them in the same bag:
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: But honestly, it’s the internal threats I’m worried about. Peter Lukas is just… sitting up there, doing whatever the hell it is he and Elias have planned […].
(I love that although they’re (almost) entirely absent, Jon delivers a Quota of mentions about Martin and Elias(+Peter).) Peter could actually be something outside of Elias’s control/plans/interests but… I’m glad that Jon is assuming that they’re on the same side, and that it means Bad News, for now. (/ meanwhile, other side of my brain: “oh my gods, it sounds like Elias&Peter are a power couple when you say it like that, Jon.”)
- This is the third statement picked up by Jon since he woke up (since he didn’t have any say on MAG122’s), and the second one that delved a bit into an aspect of “control”, together with MAG123’s.
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: There seems to be, in all cases, a question at its heart about… control. Is it a mindless dance, dragging participants along by the beat of a drum or… is there a kernel of will in there, a lucidity and deliberateness to the random fury and violence? I suppose that’s the question with so much of “violence”, “war”: how much are you really in command of yourself or of others? I’m not sure what scares me more: the idea that deep down, everyone is in complete control of their actions, that everything is, on some level, intentional; or that ultimately, we don’t have any control of ourselves at all, and the rest is just… rationalisation.
It sounded a bit too Relatable to his own situation and concerns, uh? Since the end of season 3 had a few moments of Jon’s worry about becoming a monster and how to deal with it – Georgie’s advice in MAG093, Tim’s “These things aren’t human. It’s… instinct. You can’t not!” (MAG114), Jon’s decision to trust the assistants in MAG117, etc. Jon’s lines, here, specifically reminded me of Tessa Winters’s pondering about the human consciousness, what control you exert on it?
(MAG065) TESSA: […] Assuming I’m not losing my mind, of course. ARCHIVIST: Yes, I hear that a lot too. TESSA: Well, that’s what’s terrifying, isn’t it? Your mind is all you are. There’s no backup, no reset, if it goes… I’m not just talking about madness as it appears, but what it is from inside… The way people talk about it, it’s like you have to think you’re saying that our mind is everything we perceive, everything we are. Well that means… you can never know when your grasp might be slipping. I’m not convinced that’s it, though. Or maybe deep down, somewhere inside, you understand what’s happening to you and… No, I am… I don’t know which scares me more.
That’s still a relevant thematic, now more than ever, since Jon apparently ~became The Archivist for real~ and we still don’t know what that means, and what he truly knows about it (officially, he’s missing some of his memory, but to what extent?). Jon’s “and the rest is just… rationalisation” also put me to mind of how the Web tends to operate according to Trevor:
(MAG056, Trevor Herbert) The weirdest sensation began to flow through me; I wanted to leave. It wasn’t like with a vampire, where I would feel like I’d been spoken to. This was just a sudden awareness of my own desire. I’d been sober for three years at that point, but I felt like I desperately wanted to get high, and I knew that the best place to get some was out in the night. Looking back, I think it might have been my own mind rationalising the way I felt my will being tugged out of the room, but it was still very powerful. If I hadn’t had a lifetime’s experience of identifying and fighting off the effect of the vampire’s gaze, I probably would have done it, too.
Aaaand of course, what Elias had said to Melanie about her own intentions (which is a bit more relevant here in a Slaughter context):
(MAG106) ELIAS: Whatever I’m planning needs to be stopped! Even if it costs a few lives. Including your own. MELANIE: Well, that’s not even– ELIAS: A rationalisation, of course. A lie, about your own selfishness, that you would rather be dead than trapped without the self-determination you prize so highly.
I was assuming that Slaughter and Web would probably be on opposite sides on the spectrum of Colours-That-Hate-Me, since respectively unleashed chaos and absolute control, but I’m not so sure anymore?
- There was a tiny allusion to “What The Ghost?” in Jon’s pondering, though! Patreons got one episode of it (so far? I hope that they are more to come, the first one was… plainly amazing) and this bit sounded like a reference to its content:
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: […] In many ways, The Slaughter fascinates me. There seems to be, in all cases, a question at its heart about… control. Is it a mindless dance, dragging participants along by the beat of a drum or…
We already knew that Jon listens to WTG but still… nice!! … and also sad because that’s a way to think about Georgie without even naming her. *cRIES*
- Jon, please.
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: Another Leitner, obviously. Not one I can readily identify, though it sounds like it would now be… inert, anyway. Given the blank pages, I do wonder whether its destruction was a last-ditch effort to stop its effects, or the exact thing that released its power in such an… extreme way.
Technically Not A Leitner since the statement was from 1993 (implying that it never made its way into the library before it was destroyed in 1994), how dare you slander Leitner by associating his name to this book :ww
- Okay, so Melanie and Basira are now living in the Institute, that was made explicit.
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: You’ve been staying here too. BASIRA: Got a camp bed at the other end, near the tunnels. I like to keep an eye on them. Besides, I wanted to give her some space, y’know. But yeah. Living outside the Institute, ’s just not safe anymore. ARCHIVIST: What about Martin…? BASIRA: I think he’s still got a place? He’s not down here anyway.
1°) Not exactly sure where exactly they’re sleeping? It definitely sounded like they were in the tunnels, but Basira very clearly said that she’s sleeping “near the tunnels” (not inside of them)? Unless they’re in one of the rooms and Basira is staying close to its entrance to keep a broader look on the corridors? 2°) (Melanie and Basira… are… roommates… (OH MY GODS THEY ARE ROOMMATES.)) 3°) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Where is Martin sleeping, that is a good question. Does he really still have his flat or did he… leave everything behind when he began working with someone-that-we’re-assuming-must-be-Peter? Or is he living in the Archives, too, though in ~another space~? DO HE AND JON SOMETIMES ACCIDENTALLY SHARE A BED IN THAT-ROOM-IN-THE-ARCHIVES, WITHOUT EVEN REALISING IT? (… Or does he sleep at Peter’s place.)
- Except for season 1 (in which he was a stuck-up ass) and season 2 (in which he was a paranoid ass), Jon has never mentioned Martin so much, has never been so concerned about Martin… and it’s understandable that he would, if Martin is acting in a worrisome way!! But. But. Still. He immediately wondered about Martin’s own accommodations and, after their encounter in MAG124:
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: I am now sure Martin is actually avoiding me.
aOUCH… I’m glad that Jon is preoccupied about Martin, thinking about Martin and not taking him for granted anymore (kind of)… but AT WHAT COST………………
- uUUUuuuh… Meanwhile, Jon kind of implied that he is still going outside?
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: Basira was right about the Institute being watched, though. In the last week, I’ve seen two different people wearing symbols for the People’s Church of the Divine Host, and it’s rare I go anywhere without cobwebs anymore. … I, er, find myself keeping my guard up around mannequins as well, though I’ll admit that one is more likely to be my own projection.
I would have assumed that Jon would have been the most likely to migrate long-term in the Archives, there is something funny in the idea that he… isn’t, somehow. (Also, Jon: what. are. you. doing. with all this free time.)
I’m not sure if cobwebs are a new thing around Jon, or if it’s only that he is able to pay attention to their gravitating around him nowadays: spiders had been… very prevalent in the Institute before. Or is it just growing even worse? (;; Sad for Jon, regarding the mannequins mention… Jude Perry is a prime example of avatar being still around and holding grudges after Gertrude messed with them, so… Jon being cautious of potential Stranger agents is not unwarranted. Maybe some survived, and maybe some would want to go after him…)
I’m laughing at the fact that is sounds like you can NEVER GET RID OF THE PEOPLE’S CHURCH OF THE DIVINE HOST. From “a small cult that grew around the defrocked Pentecostal minister Maxwell Rayner in London during the late eighties and early nineties. […] Mr Rayner himself disappeared from public view sometime in 1994 and the group fragmented shortly afterwards.” (MAG009) to them being around in March 2015 (MAG025), to Maxwell Rayner being stopped by the police in February 2017 (MAG073). It’s almost a running gag at this point, that they’re still there and lurking in whichever circumstances efurefdvhjnref. (Julia!! Julia, come back!! They’re still around, surely you would like to take care of them? Please? Pretty please?)
- ONE GOOD THING ABOUT WHAT THEY DID TO MELANIE if it was indeed in the tunnels (it sure sounded like it): assuming that they’re right and that Elias can’t see shit inside of them… then Elias didn’t see it, didn’t watch as Jon was able to ~see~ the bullet inside of Melanie. I’m taking all the Positivity I can, okay. :[
- But also: Jon escapes your Eyes for 35min, and he comes back bloody and with a new stab wound. Typical Jon. (Do you think that Peter and Elias had a bet going on about how much time Jon would need before getting a new injury once he would be back? Or about the nature of the next injury? Who betted what? We know that Peter was implied to go with the gruesome option when betting with Salesa (MAG066); but on the other hand, Elias is supposed to know Jon a bit more. Who would have gone the most realistically pessimistic about Jon?)
- I’m worried that Jon is using his powers so much since he woke up, because it feels like there should be a compensation or a catch – it’s… very beneficial to Jon right now, and I can’t really believe that it could be solely positive and something he’s using without being used by it. Jon is more than ready to use it to his own advantage, quite obviously; the contrast with how he had been startled and thrown-off when Elias had highlighted the phenomenon in MAG102 is just… telling:
(MAG102) ARCHIVIST: […] Is there anyone else who might know what it is, or– or where? Aside from Leitner, or Gerard. ELIAS: … Sorry? Gerard Keay? ARCHIVIST: Uh… yes…? ELIAS: How did you… Who, who told you he was working with Gertrude? ARCHIVIST: No-one, I–I–I just, I… I read it in one of the statements. ELIAS: I don’t think you did. ARCHIVIST: I… but… aaah… ELIAS: You just… knew it! ARCHIVIST: What, no, I, I… Th– that’s not a– ELIAS: No, no, no. No, Jon, this is good. It’s a promising development! ARCHIVIST: [GETTING FLUSTERED] No, No I… It’s just, it’s just… just d–deduction or– ELIAS: Is this the first time it’s happened? ARCHIVIST: Look, I don’t– Look… Haaa… Gerard’s not really a lead. He… he’s dead, isn’t he?
^His stuttering was terrible back then. In MAG125, he was startled, a bit shaken at first, but quickly got back on his feet, accepted what had happened, and ran with the new information in order to do something for Melanie. More used to it? More comfortable with it? Ready to use everything he can in order to fight? There was something overall… more firm, more goal-orientated within Jon afterwards, and it also made me think of… Gertrude.
(MAG101) “MICHAEL”: Gertrude Robinson did not waver. She did not… hesitate. She gave no indication that she saw anything more or less than was expected. Hers was not a mind that left room for doubt. She stared into us carefully, her eyes scanning for something that was my heart. Looking for my door. And she found it.
(MAG125) BASIRA: The guy said you’d need to hit the right nerve for it to work. Do you know much ab– ARCHIVIST: [STATIC-] Here. [/STATIC] BASIRA: You sure? ARCHIVIST: [SHARPLY] Yes. […] … God. Look at that. [STATIC] BASIRA: I don’t… It’s a leg. ARCHIVIST: No. Inside… BASIRA: I don’t know what you’re seeing, Jon. ARCHIVIST: It’s… Christ, it’s all rotten… BASIRA: Can you see the bullet? ARCHIVIST: Yes… […]  BASIRA: You better be right about this. ARCHIVIST: I am.
Jon was sure when it came to what was happening and… that part was a novelty. It wasn’t the fake-it-until-it-becomes-real from season 1, nor the blatant bullshitting from season 2; he was certain of his information. (And!! Using it for good!! Gertrude had one priority, stopping the rituals, and… so far, it seems that Jon’s is more about protecting the assistants. … which means there will probably come a point where he’ll have to choose between the two, and it will hurt, uh.)
- But at the same time, it was still… Jon. Jon being awkward, Jon asking the wrong kind of questions to the person in front of him,
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: … yes, right. Sorry. You, er… you managed to get some anaesthetic? BASIRA: Here. The guy said it was a nerve block. Should numb pretty much the whole leg. ARCHIVIST: Right. Right. … Was it hard to come by? BASIRA: No, I just popped down Superdrug. Yes it was hard to come by. ARCHIVIST: You–you couldn’t get any general anaesthetic, knock her out fully? BASIRA: Oh, sure! Did your spooky brain tell you the right dosage to not kill her? ARCHIVIST: … N–no. N–no, it didn’t. BASIRA: Then it’s got to be the local. Here, get on with it. ARCHIVIST: What, me? BASIRA: Yeah, she comes around, she’s gonna kill us or someone, and… You know. Not it. […] Okay, go for it. ARCHIVIST: [SHAKY VOICE] R–right. BASIRA: And pray the injection doesn’t wake her. ARCHIVIST: Yes, thank you Basira. […] BASIRA: You ready? ARCHIVIST: [DRY HOLLOW LAUGHTER] No…? [SHAKY VOICE] You’re sure you don’t have… restraints, or…
1°) I’m love Basira. I’m love how casually dry and savage she can be, how she’s just throwing Jon into the lion’s den without any hesitation nor remorse. What a legend. 2°) That [“You ready?” “No…? *laughs hollowly and does it anyway*”] refdhbjrefdhj Jon, you absolute millennial icon.
The mix of Jon being certain and awkward and obviously thinking about how it could easily end badly for him was so… satisfying and fun and hilarious to me. Still an awkward dork, I’m glad!! =D
- BUT I’M STILL WORRIED ABOUT THE WHOLE “JON USING POWERS” DEAL… if Elias had portrayed it as a good thing and as Jon sinking deeper into Beholding territory, then it’s *gulps*:
(MAG0116) ELIAS: I have been doing my best to prepare you, Jon, to See. You should hopefully have it a bit easier than the others. ARCHIVIST: Another of my… powers? ELIAS: More… an aspect of your becoming. DAISY: You don’t say. ARCHIVIST: Er… right. ELIAS: Regardless, it should, I hope, give you an edge. Otherwise I would never suggest you go yourself.
It wasn’t only a punctual ~insight~, it was a series of them (helping Jon to know where to inject the product and block the nerve) and x-ray vision allowing him to see the Spooky State of Melanie’s leg, when it was officially fine in our realm (the scans hadn’t revealed anything). I’m glad that Jon is using his powers for Good, but I don’t believe that it can last and remains as positive as it is, even though there would be something very beautiful and satisfying in the idea that no, the Fears do not actually corrupt you – it’s just that most avatars were already rotten humans to begin with? ;; (There is something fishy, to start with, with the fact that Jon is missing memories…)
(… okay, and there would also be something utterly satisfying if Elias was proven totally wrong. And bittersweet, if Tim was also proven wrong about the idea that you can’t fight these things or things happening to you.)
- The way I understood Jon’s “The bullet, er, didn’t show up on… electronic or… mechanical scans, but it’s still lodged in her leg, just above the tibia. … And it’s been getting slowly infected ever sin–” is that: Jon had listened to MAG117’s tape(s), potentially even before the Unknowing, and knew about Melanie’s recollection of how she got shot – I think that part wasn’t coming from the Insight? But the new knowledge that was planted within him, or emerged from him, was something irrefutable: that the bullet was still there and the root of the problem (“Melanie still has that bullet pumping violence into her, waiting to turn this place into another Lanncraig.”) It could/should have been a hypothesis from him, it sounds like a logical explanation; but the way it was presented, it wasn’t some wild guess or pondering. It was a certainty.
Insert here obligatory sobbing about how compulsion and this power provide Jon, who is prone to paranoia fits, who is prone to be wary of people, with absolute truth… yeah, the powers cater a bit too much to him, as a way of keeping his own personal human relationships-oriented fears at bay, uh.
- On the relationship side: gOSH, Melanie… probably won’t be fine, and would have every right to not be ;; But Melanie specifically… won’t react positively with something deliberately done to her while she had not consented (MAG102, Elias: “Even more than the others she has a visceral hatred of being trapped. Regardless of how much freedom I afford her.”), even if it could ultimately save her from The Slaughter. She probably won’t forgive.
She was already in an antagonistic spiral regarding Jon, (MAG102: “We’ll try it your way. But whatever your way actually is, you’d better figure it out fast. Because it is your fault that I’m here. Fix it, or get out of the way!” / MAG124: “Wipe that look off your face. Like you’re not the reason all of this is happening. Like you’re any better than– […] He’s still alive. You are still alive. So THIS PLACE is still–!”), and even though part of it was probably Slaughter-induced (MAG117: “Elias thinks he’s got this ingenious way to hurt people, but it’s just the same old bullshit in a creepy new package. … asshole… God! I just want to rip his…! [BREATHES] When did I… start to lose the parts of me that weren’t just anger…? … Hum.”), Jon highlighted in his conclusions about MAG125’s statement that perhaps The Slaughter is not making people lose their mind so much as making them follow something they already had inside of them.
At the same time, we already got Tim resenting and antagonising Jon at every turn, so I don’t know if Melanie will ultimately follow the same path? Technically, it’s… probably Basira who should deserve her ire about the non-consensual surgery on her asleep body, since:
(MAG125) ARCHIVIST: And it’s been getting slowly infected ever sin– I have to find Basira. [STANDS UP] [CLICK.] […] You’re sure we shouldn’t just… tell her…? BASIRA: … I really don’t know how she’d take it. Not well. If we want to get it out of her, this is it. ARCHIVIST: [SIGHS] Okay.
JON WANTED TO TALK TO MELANIE ABOUT IT!!! Holy shit, Jon!! Such progress ;__; First for going to talk to Basira about it right away, and then for offering to talk to Melanie, and for ultimately trusting Basira’s judgement about it!!
Basira’s cold pragmatism is not… exactly surprising, to be honest: she’s always been prone to assessing the situation and making drastic decisions right away when it comes to saving lives or to doing what she deems right (Daisy in MAG092, the expedition to stop Rayner, the fact that she took the tapes from the police to give them to Jon when they tried to cover up the reason her colleague died…). In this particular case, there was no right thing to do? Melanie would have probably exploded and ruined any chance for them to remove the bullet if they had even tried to mention its existence to her, true? But they took the decision for her and it was definitely wrong on many levels, and Melanie will have many reasons to feel shaken, violated and betrayed by what they did ;; She already had it bad in season 2 (the fact that her old team fell apart, her first injury, her downfall) and season 3 (the second injury, the lack of options, the fact that she actually got trapped in the Institute, Elias torturing her with the memories of her father’s death), I hope she won’t get too messed up by this new thing?? ;; But the concept of non-consensual surgery applied to her, with her personality, with everything that has already happened to her… is especially horrifying ;; (And she has no support network either… Maybe Georgie still applies, though, but the situation is likely to get complicated in that area since Georgie is also tied to Jon.)
… at the same time, there could be something comforting for Melanie in getting a hold back on her own anger, instead of the foreign surge of violence that was injected into her? I really don’t see how the situation could get better for her and ;; I’m sad sad sad.
… on the other hand, Basira will probably open up a bit more to Jon after this, since… he kinda proved himself to her, here? Proved that, even though he has powers, even though he’s ready to use them, even though he has sunk deeper in, he’s also there to help the assistants, even if it means getting hurt or ruining his relationships with them – as long as it helps them to survive. So. We’ll see.
(I have trouble picturing that nobody will visit Elias in prison at some point, so, hey. Basira is the one who has contacts in the police. She might be a bit more willing to share them with Jon.)
- I can Never Believe how this show manages to always make moments… creepy, and tense, and horrifying, and convey that well a sense of dread while, at the same time, making them so hilarious. The dialogues are always lovely; but Basira and Jon were just… amazing, here.
  (- Patreons already got the title for MAG126 with the new schedule planning, and it feels so weird to speculate with the title alone! Not spoiling it, then, but I’m worried about its second meaning (outside of the statement itself). Could be many very wrong things, and the worst I’m coming to on my own, as of now, is “what if it’s about Peter and Martin”.)
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archer3-13 · 5 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses Direct: Persona Trotter and the Mystery of the Treehouses
so we finally have some more info about this damn game and...
overall its looking fairly solid to me. i have some personal quibbles but most of them fall into the annoyance category and not even the passionately angry annoyances but the annoyances that ill still enjoy if their done well like some kind of fucking moron.
anyways, time to get into my more specific thoughts on treehouses, throw in cute joke about how its proof if proof be needed that hogwarts can in fact work without a slytherin the gits, and lets get this show on the road!!!
1. art style and direction: the most immediate thing that sticks out to me, and a strong contender for best artstyle within the fire emblem series, treehouses nicely combines the stronger elements of modern fire emblem artstyles and classic fire emblem artstyles into one and it really benefits from this approach, well still bringing its own unique aspects to the table. to put it more simply, it doesnt look as archaic as some classic fire emblem styles can be, and it also doesnt look as plasticy and cheap as some modern fire emblem styles can be, it strikes the right balance is me point. hell even the splattering of anime highschool outfit tropes dont bother me that much because of the art style and design, thats how strong i feel it is within this trailer alone. with two notable exceptions of course, namely the not tiki lady and the female avatar (in my opinion anyways)
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starting with the more forgivable one in my opinion, not tiki helps distinguish herself from tiki by going for extra long kinda pigtails and weird multicoloured braids, well sporting a fashionable rope bondage shirt. well this particularly irked me when i first saw it im digging it a bit more now that its sat for a bit but it still feels stupid, and i hope that in the final game it works better. as for the female avatar...
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it seems shes decided to strut her stuff in a sexy school teacher outfit version of the male avatars outfit, though on further inspection she is at least wearing shorts as opposed to a skirt and thoroughly fucked leggings. this one really bugs me, and i really hope theres other costumes for them to wear or at least different body types that might help make the outfit look less stupid. just, blegh. still the above two dont change my overall praise for the artstyle in this game as we’ve seen so far.
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I mean look at that, that is clearly a schools vice principle or an English prof and yet im really digging it. hell id love form him to be recruitable or somethin... cause i would romance the shit out of him. so long as i liked his personality anyways.
2. flexibility and innovation: The other biggest thing that stuck out to me was that IS really do seem like they want to take a spin at actually innovating the wheel here and if it proves to be successful then im all up for it being the direction to take things if only for a while anyways. to try and not ramble one here, treehouses seems set to offer the most unrelenting amount of variety and flexibility in how we are allowed to build units in the series, because now you can chose atleast some of the weapons and even mov types a unit gets to wield.
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not only is this infinitely more flexible then reclassing, though presumably there will be limitations on what you can pair with what but if not booyeah, but it offers a lot more replayabilty through unit builds. also it seems fighting is the new actual weapon type which presumably allows a unit to wield claws as seen later in the trailer or other small weapons. but more importantly, it means we can now punch enemies to death
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im going to guess that if daggers appear they’re going to be considered a ‘fighting’ weapon but im quite interested in seeing how that interacts with the gameplay. but yeah this promises a lot of versatility which will hopefully work well with the multiple different promotion options that the game also offers (atleast for the royal villagers of the game)
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still dont know much about formations unfortunately, but it does seem like you can use artes or atleast special moves with them. also, highly suspect that turnwheel mechanics are indeed coming back. dont know why though, so it could be just a hunch
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3. a persona dating sim: i actually kinda mean this as a compliment, though otherwise im gonna keep this short and it does come with cavets. ill be honest here, the support system was always the least interesting part of fire emblem to me, and especially its heavy emphasis in fates and awakening in particular. controversial opinion incoming.
fates and awakening have often been accused of being dating sims in trench coats by people who don’t like them and i feel thats a little unfair to dating sims. the truth of the matter is that awakening and fates are really fucking bad as dating sims. if they were to be sold as dating sims, they would be a disgrace to dating sims and that is a really fuckin low bar to clear.
treehouses on the other hand seems to be cribbing from persona and actual dating sims in this regard, atleast from what i can tell and am being led on to believe, and i feel that overall thats for the best. although, that does come with the cavet... well the avatar is technically a teacher and even if they are closer in age to the sutdents under their care its still pretty creepy and weird to have a teacher date their students (there is a certain power disparity there). it might just be me, but still just... nnnghggh > <
4. da plot: to early for me to say anything definitive, but in general im intrigued as to where they plan to go with the story. seems like the perfect setup for a degree of moral complexity and ambiguity especially with the line noting that the students often go and ‘put down rebellions’. also we do indeed gotta pick a house though thankfully it so far seems to all be contained in one game.
5. overall mood: despite my personal skepticism i am quite intrigued and even a little excited for this one. if theres one line that definitely speaks of my thoughts on the game so far though it would be that “fire emblem treehouses seems to be making a genuine effort to innovate the series” so overall good showing so far guys!
also the official name does indeed seem to be three houses so it is no going to be called treehouses by me for the rest of time
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stayingwhelmed · 6 years
Feelings on Love, Simon
*Spoiler Free...ish*
You know what it’s like.
There’s this movie, about someone like you. 
There have been movies with gay characters. There have been movies where they’re even the protagonist (sometimes they’re not even AIDS-related or even remotely tragic). 
Love, Simon is perhaps the first I’ve gone to see in the cinema. It’s probably the first I’ve been able to go see in the cinema. That, combined with the fact that I’ve read and loved the book Simon vs. The Homosapien Agenda, I can truly say that I adored this film.
The list of queer films I’ve loved can be counted down on one hand or less.
1. Love, Simon
2. You Should Meet my Son
and that’s about it. Still the perfect number for an offensive gesture though.
That’s not to say that these films are perfect or that other films aren’t good. I’ve either just not got around to seeing them or they’ve not been to my taste. I want a movie where there’s conflict but ultimately acceptance, a happy ending, and even something to make me laugh in my seat.
Love, Simon did that for me. 
I know I shouldn’t be bitching or complaining, that there are other films and shows where I can see myself, but in those cases, like I’ve said, I’ve either not seen them or felt anything for them. Or the people behind the scenes think a token lesbian, maybe with a girlfriend, is enough LGBT representation for one example. That’s not an entirely accurate statement, especially considering the increasing number of bisexual characters on television (Rosa Diaz is my heroin(e)), but boy does it feel like it some times. 
The whole gay guy finds himself and comes out has been done to death. But not in film. Not in television. Not like this. 
I’ll get around to Call Me By Your Name eventually. Probably. Hopefully. But Love, Simon isn’t an Oscar-bait masterpiece or an artsy film that I find out about a few years later on a Wikipedia page. This is a RomCom, about a gay kid coming out. I’m sure my Mangsting or whatever it’s been dubbed is grating on a few nerves by now, but I’m going to give myself this. It’s a movie about a gay guy. It’s been released in cinemas. It’s been played in Wales of all places. We’re not backwards people, but for even Love, Simon to reach this far is glorious. 
I’m just thankful that I wore a hat into the cinema because believe you me, there are just some scenes that, whilst they’re not horrible or horrific, are just...
...you ever just feel secondhand embarrassment for a character and have to pause the film or episode the cool down or skip a beat? Yeah, there’s moments like that. Anyone who’s seen the movie can pinpoint exactly two of the scenes I’m talking about (both involving a character who unquestionably earned the big “FU” they got). 
I’m not going to pretend that I’m a seasoned film critic, or that watching movies is my life, or that I come even a smidge close to that level of ilk. But I will say that in terms of plot, this movie is great. 
It’s the classic tale of mistaken identity and trying to find “true love” in the time of adolescence. With computers! 
Only this time, the love interest on the other end isn’t the manic pixie dream girl, the popular princess with a secret edgy side, or the often-ignored-until-relevant female best friend. It’s the god-honest handsome jock, and the protagonist isn’t the misfitted girl who “isn’t like other girls”. 
They’re gay. 
They’re gay, and it’s not a joke!
The film is so self-aware of this fact too (granted, it’s self-aware of a lot of things). There’s an internal monologue regarding a young man’s identity as a gay person, and what society expects of that, and how unfair it is that he and other gay people are in a position where they have to verbalize their identity and how the alternative is considered the norm and unrequiring of verification. This comes alongside the comparison with another gay character, who’s sexual identity is implied to those around him by his behavior that coming out does not surprise his friends.
Of course, acting feminine and “girly” doesn’t mean that a guy is gay. I think, in a sense that’s the point. There are different kinds of gay guys, who act differently and like different things, but because of popular conjecture homosexuality is believed to go hand-in-hand with it, and anything else makes someone’s homosexuality invisible, easily overlooked, and all the more shocking when it’s revealed to those around you. Love, Simon presents three examples of young gay men, all three of them different and all three of them struggling in some way with how their sexuality informs, hinders or contradicts the rest of their being, but not because of homosexuality inherently, but how homosexuality is perceived.
The film does not shy away from the homosexual angle just like it doesn’t shy away from the other teenage RomCom tropes it invokes. The main character does something stupid, because either they’re scared, desperate and don’t think things through. There’s backlash to secrets and crappy behavior, even when the audience can understand the behavior. There’s parodying of tropes and archetypes that can be found in other movies and there’s the sense that the whole world is watching this handful of teens whatever they do. 
Quite literally in one respect, and whilst that’s a scene where I had to avert my gaze (truly, it was painful to watch), it was quite realistic. Which is what the film is. 
The parents aren’t crappy. They’re lovely. The angsty family dynamic of warring siblings, disinterested until-necessary parents, and free-range of the children isn’t washed away, but it’s watered down into something believable. To something that actually feels as though these are real people. 
The brother-sister dynamic is adorable and you kind of want to kick Simon for the scene of them in his room (although a panic attack is justifiable in my opinion). The mother isn’t the bridge between father and son and her intuitiveness isn’t just because she’s his mother, but because she is close to her son and knows him as a person, moreso as the movie goes on. 
The father-son dynamic is even believable. They enjoy spending time together, and the father feels guilty for never figuring out his son’s secret, feeling like a bad parent not because his son is gay but because he failed to notice it and said some shitty things that I have to forgive because I know more people who thoughtlessly say things like that than I would care to admit. I’ll even admit, the Grindr gag had me snickering too and most of us can only imagine how that experience would have played out if Simon hadn’t explained to his dad first.
The friends, the friends. Good God, his friends.
I love ‘em. I can understand where they’re coming from when shit goes down. Simon’s actions have very detrimental effects on their lives, and he did it because he was cowardly. 
(But they literally live in walking distance of his house and one of them saw the beginnings of his panic attack. Did no one think to walk over to his house and ask him what the hell? If that were my friend I’d be over there with oreoes in one hand, a jabbing finger in the other, and a fist on standby for You-Know-Who. Most know why.)
I could say more. I could even wax poetry about the side characters, the love interest (I knew who it was from the book and I understand the need in films for foreshadowing for audiences but damn), or bitch about the “antagonist” (boy I could go on about that one. He’s almost forgettable in the book. Here he’s the personification of MP), and I can even go on about other things. But then I’d be ranting.
In all, Love, Simon is a great movie. It’s something I’ll definitely get on DVD and watch to feel good about the world we’re living in now. It’s hopefully and heartful and its a promise of things getting better for LGBTQA individuals. First books, then television, now movies. I give it 5/5, but then again I’m biased.
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nighttimepixels · 6 years
Matchups, part 1 of 2!
alright, putting all these under a cut since even at only half, this took up some 7 or 8 pages in my word processor, woops. hope you cuties enjoy! 
i’d love to hear your reactions too >:D (feel free to screenshot/copy-paste you section into a reblog if that’s what you want, since i’m putting them below a cut, heh)
the 2nd part will be up soon!
Note: matchups are closed! this was a limited event to help me work through some distinctions while i’m scripting out the dating sim X)
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Your match is with Underswap Papyrus! Stretch is easy to get along with when your anxious, his presence so easygoing and laidback that it's hard to not warm up to him and his easy jokes. Once you do and your own joking – raunchy ones included – comes out, he trades line for line with you until one of you can't continue for laughter. He's enamored by your baking, and the way you take care of others makes you a kindred spirit with him in the subtle way he's always got an eye out for his friends. Video game marathons with snacks and the laziest of comfy pajamas are freqent...
Without a doubt, in a dating sim situation, you would hit on the Fake Dating trope with Stretch – where to save you from an uncomfortable situation he steps up and smoothly pretends you're dating. After the situation is left he eases your nerves with a joking apology, but can't help laying out a line about how normally he'd ask a cutie like you out on a date before being your bonefriend.
Naturally, the next day you find yourself meeting up with him at Muffet's, needing to give back the phone he 'accidentally' left next to you when he had quickly disappeared with an easy wave and a wink.
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Your match is Swapfell Sans! This isn't the standard two-dimensional Blackberry, of course – while certainly the type to rub others the wrong way and be more than a little exacting in most things he does, he's got a secret soft spot that you managed to find your way to. Your slight tsundere behavior accidentally drew him in, and secretly he loves that you're a little possessive of him – it tells him you truly do want him and value him enough to want to be the one at his side. When you're alone he's extremely physically affectionate, though certainly has his own tsundere streak that has it take a while into your relationship to be as automatic as it will be in the long run. His confidence and unwavering attitude helps balance your anxiety & depression, and his experience with his brother has taught him when to push you to keep trying and when you just need a day to recover. He adores your creativity, though he doesn't always say it outright – not unless someone tries to insinuate otherwise, in which they better hope they can run quick before he catches up to them and nearly deafens them with his in-depth analysis of why your efforts are so deserving of ALL OF THE ADMIRATION, YOU TASTELESS IDIOT-!
In a dating sim scenario you'd end up hitting on the Accidental Kiss trope! You're just starting to get closer to this strange skeleton, things a little hot and cold with how you've noticed he keeps showing up at your favorite hangout spots, but not everytime – yet he pulls away before he might touch you, even though he definitely bought you your favorite coffee/tea from that place and handed it to you, the cold somehow staining his cheeks purple... And then one day you're talking, both of you lingering longer than necessary on the sidewalk, about to part ways yet drawing out the conversation – when suddenly someone rushes by and knocks into you, pushing you into him-! He's mid swear, ready to tear into the asshole, when your mouths meet. His skull turns purple. Once you pull away he nearly stutters, something about needing to go meet someone named Alphys, immediately-
The next day, he finds you with purpose in his stride, though one of his hands keeps clenching and unclenching. He asks you to meet him in the park for the local winter festival – and after a wonderful night, asks you to be his datemate with the winter stars sparkling overhead.
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Your match is Underswap Sans! Overhearing you talk about videogames at a local coffeeshop first had him bounding up to meet you, a charming grin on his face and a delightful sparkle to his eye as he asked you what you thought of the release of That Game you were talking about. In a whirlwind of connection and friendliness within a week you find yourself playing videogames with him and his older brother at their house, and have the night of your life and everything falls into place from there. He helps you everytime your depression rears its head, knowing how to both give you time and space to feel what you need to feel while also being the kind, encouraging rock he is, keeping you from spiraling and providing the light to help see your way out of it. He helps you every way he can to find a job you can bear or even like doing, and delights in your art & your passion for it, and is drawn to your empathy – he seriously admires you tempering your anger so much, seeing how hard it can be for you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Friends to Lovers scenario! Your bond grows quickly into the fastest of friends, but as strongly as Blue feels for you, he'll never pressure you into anything. It isn't until the night that you come home from work, exhausted and upset and even angry, only to find that your best friend had come over with his brand new console, cleaned your apartment (as he had done before – you had long since given him a key, and struck a deal regarding private place to Not Touch versus realizing that he was just wanting to make things easier for you and was damn good at cleaning too), and had the copy of the brand new game you had both been geeking out over for months. He had even ordered your favorite takeout, acquiescing to not cook for once given what he had gleaned from your frustrated texts throughout the day, and after a long night of games, good food, and the best pillow pit you've ever snuggled in, you looked up at him laughing at one of your jokes about a character in-game and felt your heart skip a beat.
It's less than a week before Blue asks you out. He's a sweetheart and a cheeky gentleman, but never underestimate how observant he is.
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Your match is with Underswap Sans! You are two adorable peas in a pod with how you like to look on the bright side. And despite his extroversion, even Blue has some introverted tendencies – namely in getting to spend at least the occasional time with you where it's just you two have a sweet night in, and more often than not playing videogames together. He gets excited for you about your anime interests, and particularly doesn't mind sitting down to do a little binging with you if it means he gets to have you cuddling with him and spending treasured time together. He balances out your laziness well, and you help ground him when he tries to do too much at once and pushes himself too hard. You're both a couple to be reckoned with when it comes to how much you love one another- and how well organized you two can be together.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Caught in the Rain trope! You meet him when a light drizzle you're rushing through by taking a shortcut through a small local park when it suddenly turns into a torrential downpour- and caught without an umbrella, you take shelter under a nearby gazebo! He's there too, staring up with starry eyes at the way the water's making the hanging flowers glisten, and you find out he was there early to 'train' with his friend. You talk with him for nearly an hour before you realize that the rain had let up quite a while earlier – in the end, you end up with his number and an impossible-to-refuse charming request to meet him for coffee this weekend.
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Your match is with Underfell Papyrus! He's first drawn to you when he sees your passion shine – and the way you manage to find such fierce confidence and rely on logic over the temptation of emotional response. Your high standards are impeccably matched with him, both outwardly and inwardly – as is your lack of chill. Still, once you're with him, your empathy is a balm on every scar this edgy skeleton has born in silence and pretended to not care about – it's an extremely slow process, getting him to open up, and between you the trust is definitely built gradually – but for your natures, once it's built, it's nigh unbreakable for how time and action tested it is. After a significant amount of trial and error you end up being great balances in the matter of confrontation; he learns when it's necessary to ease up at least with those he cares about, and you're able to find a better balance in communicating and speaking up for yourself – though you both have a tendency to get passionate in more ways than one when you're both bullheaded about admitting fault. He is always there for you, though he values action over words – he's sometimes too harsh, but his deep passion for his work, hobbies, and you is unwavering. You teach him that emotion and empathy isn't purely weakness, and he teaches you ways to have true confidence – taking gruff but true interest in your interests, and over time you even piece together that as he's learned more about you, he has never once forgotten a detail of what you have told him regarding your passions or deeper fears. Together you're by all means a power couple – and in the long run, your fierce loyalty and passionate ways bring out the best in both of you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Fakeout Makeout! Yes, that one. You've known him for some time at this point, finally having edged past longterm acquaintances of a very odd variety and into friends, but not yet together – you're both still a little too uncertain with your trust for that, though you both are a little too secretly aware of your own respective interest in one another. When an ex/pushy asshole/etc shows up one night when you're at a club with friends, Edge had already been standing silently by you for much of the night – in the end, to show them up and after a strange cascade of events, you find his mouth moving passionately against yours, the act a little too good – and the person's long gone by the time you both break away, breathing hard, heat on your cheeks and magic on his.
It's not long before he finally cracks and asks you out on the most well-put-together date you've ever known.
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Your match is Swapfell Papyrus! You're both laidback beyond the belief of your friends, and your dark humor bounces off one another in a terrible but witty spiral that neither of you judges the other for. He loves simply relaxing on the couch with you between his legs as you draw, either idly passing the time as he reads or plays video games, comfortable in silence or swapping jokes and easy conversation with you like no one else can quite manage to get him to do. He'll even take note of your favorite art styles/artists/interests in art, and though you've missed a lot of exhibitions, he'll get you access to one most up your alley and make a casual date night of it – maybe even making the exhibition a surprise. He may not have a lot to say about the art, but you can bet he's staring at the best piece of art he sees there- you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Friends with Benefits trope! You both are a little too laidback to actively pursue a relationship, but your friendship was so curiously natural that you were hanging out all the time regardless, and eventually one night a long and dirty conversation devolves into a shameless makeout session – it becomes a natural and unforced part of your relationship to whatever degree you're comfortable with, until one night he's laying back, watching you laugh in that special way that's so uniquely you, and he finally can't ignore the way his soul thrums when he's with you, the way you draw those crooked grins from him – and the same night, you find yourself thinking the same thing. It may be a while until you both finally bring it up given a general concern to 'not ruin things', but once you do, it's the most damned natural thing that it ends up becoming a running joke that you guys both managed to be so lazy and so relaxed with one another that you didn't even realize you had truly fallen in love.
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Your match is Undertale Sans! Quite the prankster duo, you both end up finding way too many hijinks to get up too in increasingly clever ways, whether with one another or with your friends – and you've definitely dunked on a few people with him via pranks, when they truly deserve it. Your empathy is what truly gets through to him and finally draws him out of his reluctance to be in a relationship due to his baggage and self-esteem issues; he truly feels he can trust you, and those good vibes of yours bring out the best in him. He's always down to watch movies, animated or otherwise with you, particularly because it means he can do what he loves the most- have a lazy night in, cuddling the shit out of his vertebae and cracking terrible jokes.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Accidentally In Love! You're best friends before you even realize you have feelings for one another – late nights at Grillby's, movie marathons each week, easy conversations and jokes all build together, braiding and weaving into one hell of a tapestry of friendship, and you're the first person he thinks of (and vice versa) whether something great or something that upsets him has happened. You're watching an animated movie together, snacks strewn with haphazard delight about you in your blanket nest where you ended up casually – theoretically platonically – cuddling with him.... he glances over to you during your favorite scene, and ends up missing the entire thing as magic rises on his cheekbones at the way your eyes shine in awe. He realizes he's in deep within the span of a second – it may take him another month to ask you out, but all the while he's trying to figure out if you like him too, and it's driving his second-guessing ass up a wall – but once he finally gets himself together, you find yourself on a date to watch a movie at a local drive in, the stars twinkling overhead, and his fingers twining with yours.
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Your match is Undertale Papyrus! He absolutely adores every inch of your warm and creative spirit, matching you stride for stride in your love of varying colors and fantastical stories. He's just as much as a morning person as you, and despite his reputation for going to bed on time, he rarely sleeps until much later – he's usually up reading, making plans or new puzzle concepts, or otherwise passing the time actively in a more surprisingly quiet manner. His confidence and outgoing nature is a great balance for your anxiety, and he is more than happy to hand you a box of markers he picked up specially for you and spend happy hours chatting with you, listening to your interesting odd facts, munching on something odd you baked, and watching you draw on yourself and him both. It takes him a bit to really get down the issue with loud noises, but he has a special softer & warm voice he reserves for you, particularly delighting with a mischievous sparkle in his gaze when he can use it to fluster you.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Innocent-Turned-Not Cohabitation! When you find yourself in dire straits, your best friend, the Great Papyrus of course, takes you in. He's the perfect gentleman and views it as one long sleepover while also making sure you have everything you need – but about a week in, he catches you singing with the bathroom door cracked a little too wide, and drawn in by your voice he glances inwards – only to see a little more of you than he'd ever intend. His entire skull colors with his magic and he all but flees to his room, shutting the door a little too hard and trying to figure out why he reacted like that as opposed to shutting the door with a mild blush and apologizing profusely – but he isn't that dense, and within the night he fully comes to terms with the fact that he doesn't just view you as a best friend – but loves you romantically, too. The next several weeks place a strain on even his control, though he never blames or pushes it on you – though you notice a lot more blushing on his part. Finally, once your living situation is sorted out and he feels he can safely ask you out without burdening you with the pressure of accepting only because you were staying with him for free, he does so – and with flare, even though his confident charm is slightly betrayed by the true flustered blush coloring his cheekbones.
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Your match is Undertale Sans! A homebody, you say? Well boi howdy is this the skeleton for you. As laidback as he is, once you're with him, prepare for cuddle central – he's got something of an extreme interest In how soft you are as a human, and loves listening to your heartbeat to boot. He'll give you so many kisses just to hear the way you slowly break down from warm delight to laughter to... everything else, and however you want to spend the time, he's down. You also bring out the best in him on the topics of science and all manner of learning – whether it's marathoning Mythbusters or gorgeous documentaries on wildlife and more, you start to help chip away at his lingering issues with it, and indulging in nerdery with you makes his eyelights light up – you both challenge each other in the best ways in this, and you quickly figure out that you have quite the extended memory once you start associating new topics of learning with Sans and his crooked grin, waggling brow, and terrible puns.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Matchmaker! In fact, this one deeply involves eternal-sweetheart and secret ultimate wingman, Papyrus. He's learned over the years more about dating, and by the time he meets you, he knows better what Sans likes and what dating is better as – and though you end up friends with Pap first, it isn't long until he brings you home for a 'friendship movie marathon' with his closest friends – including his brother. From there it is a surprisingly well orchestrated (if often hilariously gone cockeyed) series of sly setups to encourage you both to get closer, even setting you up in romantic scenarios – only for you and Sans to simply grow closer outside of this to the point that each romantic scenario ends up with you two becoming better friends, and just when Pap's starting to think that maybe you both are too dense to see how perfect you are for one another, one of you slips up and it's a natural fall into a proper date and becoming the best of vertebaes.
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Your match is Underswap Sans! Sweethearts, anti-bully, and warm-humored, you two are quite the pair to be reckoned with when it comes to being an adorable couple. He helps you come out of your shell around strangers, taking the bulk of any ice-breaking tension on his surprisingly broad shoulders with that bright grin of his, and his way of making friends wherever he goes helps make it more comfortable for you in such circumstances. He adores your tenderness, and while he loves the cold, he loves even more the fact that you're inclined towards seeking warmth with him when it does get cold – because you better bet this cutie is a snuggler. One of the best, in fact – and more than anything, he loves it when you laugh, and won't stop telling you how much he loves the sound of it – because to him its beautiful, because its a sign of how high your spirits are... and seeing you happy is his joy.
In a dating sim, your trope would be the Interruption Gauntlet! In a nutshell, this means that while there's no one source, every moment Blue gets the courage and timing right to confess his feelings for you/kiss you, you're interrupted. The first time is almost a relief – he's left blushing but waves it off with aplomb when you later ask what was making him so flustered. He had been interrupted from spilling his feelings in a sweet moment you two had ended up bonding over, already dear friends at that point – his brother had gotten home then, and Blue just took it as a sign that he needed to prepare better, anyways. You deserved only the best after all!
… And then it just kept happening. His brother would come by, or Alphys would show up, or your friends/family would call right freaking then, or there was a sudden shift in the weather – it happens for nearly two months before one day he snaps. His brother had come by – all of you/your friends out on a day at the park – and he'd (truly accidentally) interrupted you two when Blue had managed to get you alone in a cute sidepath. You turned to follow after Stretch, but suddenly Blue had snagged your hand, and you only had a split moment when you looked back in surprise at him to catch the heated and determined spark to his eyelight- and then he was kissing you, gentle but passionate, one hand holding yours and the other lifting to cup the line of your jaw.
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Your matchup is Undertale Papyrus! He doesn't mind your clinginess one bit, simply laughing brightly and fondly and picking you up – half the time you end up looking like a koala hugging the tall calcium-filled tree that is Papyrus. With his own flair you both have a sort of redirectic dramaticness about the two of you, and it often turns into a fond game in its interpretations, whether in talking about your day or playfully turning into something akin to a terrible and hilarious soap opera scene at having to part for one of you to go run an errand. He's also got an issue with sitting still with movies if he's already seen it (the exception being MTT specials and certain animated musicals). He's great at handling stress and his constant optimism and charming attitude help you find a balance, and his experience with Sans has him knowing all the tricks and tips necessary to help support you in your tiredness – and to help keep him grounded when sometimes he's a little too gung-ho about tackling the day.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Accidental Partners in Crime! You first meet – and then keep running into – Pap at the grocery store. After the first few times the conversation goes beyond passing, with Pap generally delighted with you as a person – and his mood infectious. You follow along easily enough with this cheerful skeleton, and it becomes something of a tradition now when you go shopping to end up wandering the store with him. In fact, after about a month of this, you're so caught up even though you had only stopped in to grab a drink, you and a similarly lightly-burdened Papyrus stroll right on out of the store together, too used to your time being longer together... It isn't until you're well out of the store that you realize you both just technically stole your items, and after hijinks and hilarious overreactions (particularly on his part) occur, you manage to return the items – and from there, he insists he treat you to dinner for the trouble.
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Your matchup is with Underfell Sans! While he isn't the kind of guy you'd call 'social', he is a hell of a lot more charismatic than some people give them credit for. He adores your humor, and with that wicked grin of his he'll trade joke for joke with you until you're breaking down in laughter (and sometimes, even more, just to see you laugh harder – because stars, does he love your laugh.) Being the laidback guy he is he's down for your Netflix binges – especially the comedy specials, though he's got a thing for B-grade scifi too – and is always down to try the results of your baking. In fact, you're gonna need to get some better hiding spots if you want to have leftovers by the end of the night. He'll play videogames with you, and his attitude is so chill it helps soothe your own fidgeting – but he doesn't really mind if you're preferring to be doing something with your hands... particularly if it involves him. What? That's where your mind went? Well he's certainly not gonna turn you down... His teasing can be merciless, but truthfully, he just likes being able to chill with you at home. You quiet the burning in his soul, and replace it with something much gentler and warmer. He also sticks the hell up for you, and gets annoyed when he realizes you were just letting too many things slide – in the end, he ends up being the one who helps you start to stick up for yourself a little more – and when you won't, you better bet he sure as hell will.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Trapped in the Closet! You know damn well you're attracted to this skeleton – and hell, vice versa. Your flirting is incessant, but neither of you have made a proper move – that is, until the night you're hanging out with him at a party Undyne's throwing, and everyone's more than a little tipsy – the party gets rowdier as the night goes on, and you and Red end up accidentally pushing into Undyne's room to get a breath when someone starts a challenge regarding a significant amount of alcohol. Your talking turns into dirty joking and clear flirting, though it's such a standard at this point neither of you quite believes the other's actually interested – and that's when you hear Undyne fumbling drunkenly and loudly at her own door, Alphys' voice with her – you panic and before Red can react you shove him into her closet, falling in after him and shutting the door just as they enter the room. When you get your bearings, you realized he's half shoved onto the floor, staring up at you with a red glow on his cheekbones, and you're straddling his lap.
… Yeah, by the next day, you're officially dating.
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Your match is with Underfell Papyrus! Interestingly, you and Edge would actually strike the perfect balance, on top of your similarities. It takes a while to realize that you've even become friends, honestly, but before you know it the way you challenge one another and overreact becomes almost like a game – and its one day when you're not responding quite as lively to his jabs and clever turns of phrase that Edge goes... oddly quiet. After a minute he strides out of the room, and you figure his probably mad, as is his inclination – but within a minute he's back, and before you can blink you find yourself scooped up in his arms, the telltale sound of a kettle heating in the kitchen to no doubt brew his admittedly excellent special blend of tea, and he has the TV on to a Mettaton special – before sitting lithely down on the couch, a blanket covering you and a scowl on his face – but he doesn't release you. Despite any protests he shuts you down, and then with a smart twist of his words he has you finally venting, relieving your built up stress and worries in a way that... well, hell, you'd never really had anyone quite get you to do before. It's a steady rise from there as you really do become close friends, little changing in your constant spikey, sassy banter, but you realize he's now got a knack for getting you to vent too, and for somehow getting you to build your own confidence through it. Believe it or not, the edgelord actually does have a sense of humor – and while even once you're dating he'll huff or roll your eyes at your meming, you can tell he secretly likes it... but only from you, dammit. You're both passionate as hell, too, which only comes out more once you're in a relationship, and his sometimes hard-to-see concern for you has him backing off his own tirades a little easier. You soften up his edges and soothe his deep-seated concerns over being truly liked (feared is great, but once out of a kill or be killed world... gods does this spikey edgelord need love too – he is a Papyrus, after all), and once you're dating you find out that in private this man is insatiable when it comes to cuddling, taking pride in your own affection, and easily overriding a lot of your easy-to-build concerns about being selfish.
In a dating sim, your trope would be Rivalry As Courtship! Like mentioned above, you two don't hit it off in the average sense of the term – but you challenge him, and intrigue him, and he seeks that out more and more – as do you. It becomes a sort of rivalry over time, losing some of the sharper edges as you see more sides of one another, but retaining that passion – until eventually, after that pivotal vent/cuddle session, it takes on a distinctly courting vibe as Edge ups the ante, whether through clever turns of phrase that shoot down any assumption that you are unworthy, or literally whisking you off your feet later on and taking clear smug and secretly soul-thrilling pride in making you breathless, to effectively having rivalling dates 'on accident' before he at last asks you out at the end of a truly unmatched outing.
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thesims4blogger · 7 years
In today’s Sims 4 Cats & Dogs Create-a-Pet Live Stream, SimGurus answered questions regarding Pets in the game. Note that this live stream was only focused on Create-a-Pet, and they will be live streaming gameplay and buy/build mode in two weeks. To see the upcoming stream schedule, see this post here.
Create-a-Pet Info Bits
• Cats who have the “Fluffy Trait” will hack up hairballs more often.
• You can use the search function in Create-a-Pet to search for breeds to create, and also use it to bring up different breeds in the Breed Mixer. You will also be able to search by filters like Herding, Hound, Sporting, Terrier, Toy, Working, and Non Sporting.
• Pre-made Cats & Dogs in the breed bin will have certain traits already assigned to them based on their breed type, but you can always remove and add traits.
• There is a kitten version of the Raccoon available in CAP. Raccoons are automatically assigned the “Territorial and Mischievous Traits”. The only difference between cats and raccoons is their head shape and the special voice the have.
• Pets will have both direct and detailed manipulation with regard to their face and bodies. You will also be able to directly manipulate their eye balls (cross-eyed for example).
• There are many ear, fur, and tail options available so you can customize your pets.
• The expansion pack comes with a simified version of a Roomba to clean up things like poo, throw up, and hair, around the home. To bring in a bit of fun to the game with the automatic vacuum, the team added the ability for Cats to ride on it. If you own The Sims 4 Parenthood Pack, the Roomba helps clean up the messes of your children as well.
However, cats who wear a “shark hat” while riding the automatic vacuum will “break the internet game” in the most amazing way. The simified Roomba and the cat interaction was most likely inspired by a viral video released some years ago.
• The Sims team decided to add poses to CAP so that players can paint and customize pets at all angles with ease.
• You will be able to randomize breeds with the breed mixer and chance the name of the breed in the upper left hand side of the Pet’s details.
• Players can randomize Pets just like Sims, and a filter is included to help you narrow down the specifics of what you want to randomize.
• Through testing, the team found that the wagging short tails for dogs were a bit annoying to customize and manipulate in CAP when animated, so they don’t move in CAP. They do, however, move and wag in live mode.
• If you do not want to go crazy with Pet coast and use all the different stamps, stencils, and painting tools, you can just change the color/pattern of different layers of fur instead. Additionally, you can also use the pre-made breed coats (little circles under a breed) to pick and choose different colors of the breed.
• When creating and customizing pets you can use the paint tools provided to paint individual areas of a pet, or use the “mirroring” tool to apply the same customization to both sides of the body, face, eyes, etc.
• “Hold and drag” to continuously paint or apply stamps/paint design is available. The tool will automatically rotate the design so it has a pattern as you drag and hold.
• There are 37 different paint brush designs to use.
• There are 53 different stamp designs you can use.
• There are at least 15 different stencil types.
• Stencils allow you to place a template onto a pet and use it as guidance to paint between the lines. You can also use the mirror tool on this as well to create the same effects in each section of the stencil on both sides. The stencil creates a “pulsating effect” so you can easily see where you can paint. This allows for custom painting that doesn’t require you to have the painting skills of an artist.
• The Detailed Paint mode allows you to paint the inside of pet ears, around the eyes, nose, the body, and also their paws pads. (Or toe beans as I like to call them)
• Any customization or painting that you do to pets in CAP will stay with them if you decide to switch their age to a puppy/dog or kitten/cat. You will not lose the customization just because you decided to change their age.
• You can select whether or not Pets can reproduce right in Create-a-Pet. Use the ellipses under the pet gender to bring up this option. Select either “Natural” or “Fixed”.
• There are three age groups for pets. Young, Adult and Elder.
• The shadow that is seen behind certain dogs in CAP allows you to visually know whether or not a dog is considered “large” or small”.
• Gurus showed off the Baby Fox.
Live Mode Q&A
• Pets can be acquired and added to your family by making them in Create-a-Pet, adopting a stray in the world (high enough relationship required), adopt via the adoption services, by allowing pets to breed in game,
• There are a ton of different illness dogs can get.
• Pets do not have careers.
• Fox and Raccoons have unique voice styles.
• Pets do not have unique walk styles. The animation team did give puppies and kittens unique walks compared to their adult counterparts. However, they will have different walk styles depending on their emotions.
• When pets are pregnant you will visibly see that they are pregnant, and be able to track their trimesters just as you do Sims. The amount of time it takes for pets to give birth is less than that of an adult Sim.
• When pets give birth they will have 1-3 babies in their litter. The amount of babies is random each time, but also depends on the amount of space you have available in your household as they do take up one of the eight slots in your household.
• There is a new Lot Trait called “Breeding Ground” that will increase the chance of Pets having 2 or 3 babies in their litter. There are also additional lot traits that they will talk about during a future stream.
• There are new clothing options for Pets and Sims.
• The game does not add clothing for Kittens and Puppies.
• There is not a slider for fur, but just a variation of fur types that apply to the entire body. You cannot have a more furry upper body and less furry lower body.
• The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs has been in development for years.
• Once again, you cannot control Pets.
• Small Pets and Horses were not included this time around due to the feedback the team received from the community. In order to focus on adding more depth and content to the game, the team decided to focus exclusively on the more common household pets.
• Grant spoke about an interaction he saw a few days ago where his Sim was eating food and the dog came up to the Sim and begged for food and the Sim scolded the dog for it.
• Cats can jump onto and dogs can lean up onto counters and eat a Sim’s food.
• Sims can cook special (gourmet) food for Pets.
• Sims who leave behind ingredients before they begin cooking might have the ingredients eaten by pets.
•  The life span of kittens and puppies as stated by Grant is “a couple days”.
• SimGuruRomeo stated that the “normal life span” of cats and dogs is about 3-4 Sim weeks. If you start with puppies or kittens it expands to 5-6 weeks.
• There is a “brush” interaction in game for some dogs.
• There is training for pets. Potty Training is an example.
• Pets are fully autonomous and driven by their traits and training.
• Training works similar to that of character values in Parenthood. As you scold or encourage them for their actions it shapes their behavior
• Training has two systems: Training & Discipline and Misbehavior. Training dogs to go to the bathroom and not eat human food, but training them to sit and roll over and fetch are part of the training skill.
• If you use the retail mechanism of Get To Work, you will be able to sell items that are pet related at the store. You will not be able to sell the actual pets in this manner though.
• Service Dogs are not included in the game.
• Pets will help satisfy a Sim’s social and fun motives. An example they gave was a Sim comes home from work stressed out and they give their pet a hug to be immediately relieved of the stress and be happy.
• The new roof types that SimGuruHouts teased a few months back will be coming for FREE in the Pets game update.
• It is not required that you add a collar in CAP to walk Dogs. As a reminder, you cannot walk Cats.
• Cats will jump on almost everything in the game. If Sims are cooking dinner they will jump on counters and the fridge to look at the food.
• There is a new music genre and radio station is called “Singer/Songwriter”
• Sims will not be “allergic” to Pets.
• Ghost dogs who “howl” have a spookier voice sound that echoes.
• A question was asked about expansions the Gurus would like to make, and SimGuruGrant responded by saying that “he thinks they’re actually going to make the expansion he wants to make” (therefore he was unable to speak about it) and proceeded to mention the post-apocalyptic gameplay mentioned in an interview a few weeks back.
• Pets will only die of old age, so you cannot have ghost puppies and kittens. Pets cannot die in fires either.
• There is a townie cat named Mayor Whiskers.
• Brindleton Bay will consist of 4 neighborhoods. Three of them are “full” neighborhoods, and the 4th is a “special lot” that Sims can visit. Sable Square is the name of one of the neighborhoods.
• Pets can enter most lots in the game. They will not be able to enter Sixam.
• Pets in the game were voiced by “real people” rather than animals sounds. They tested with real pets, like SimGuruGrant’s dog “Peaches”, but because they can’t really control the emotional range of pets, they decided to use voice actors.
• SimGuruGrant stated we do not have burglars in the game because “we don’t like crime”. SimGuruJM followed up with “that was the meeting we had”. SimGuruDrake then stated on Twitter it was a joke, but there was a rumor about this that popped up on the forums.
• Sims will have a “Training Skill” (?) and that will help their dogs level up in agility.
• Pets cannot be aged up manually. More information about that here.
• Pets can be shared in the gallery as a household or individually.
• There are no “Pet Contests”.
• There will be plenty of pets roaming around town. Sims will also bring Pets out into the town with them.
• Cats, Small Dogs, and Puppies can be carrying by Sims.
• Many of the dogs can sleep on Sim beds.
• Cats cannot swim.
• Pets can run away from home and they can also return. When they run away or go missing, Sims can post an alert to (social media?) from their phone.
• Pets in your household can mate with townie dogs or strays as long as they have a prior relationship. Sims can also direct their pets to breed with random pets.
• Small and Large dogs can breed.
• All pets can fight with each other.
• There aren’t any Dog Houses, but there are Cat Trees.
• Pets can randomly get pregnant if they are not spayed/neutered. They might also return home pregnant after running away.
• There is a place in the world that will have tombstones from Pets where Ghost pets come out during night. There isn’t a dedicated cemetery though.
• If you lock the doors in your home Pets cannot go through them, but a Cat on the Roomba will be able to get through locked doors.
• Lastly, here is SimGuruRomeo’s attempt at the Cheshire Cat.
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A Great Experience
Sim Isabela Arana
Preparing for the exhibit is no joke. Especially for me as the leader of our research team. My members contributed but Gepriel and I did most of the working in terms of writing our paper. During the exhibit, we presented our research entitled “An Evaluative Research on the Effectiveness of Deworming Program at Brgy. Zone III, City of Koronadal.” The whole experience is amazing. Especially the part where we have to explain our research to the visitors and the judges. I am happy for the group of Shairra Sainz for winning the best research during the exhibit because I saw their efforts during the process. I learned so much for the even and I am really grateful to be a part of it.
Anthony Steve Asug
I learned many things in the activity of academic week. I learn how to help other who need help i learn also what is the feeling of panic like there is many things to do with but there is one person told me to calm down don’t panic. I do what he says to me when the academic week was done. we defense our research and our product we learn how to talk with other people and share our idea in research. When the night comes, I see my crush walking in the street and then she asked me “Do I look alright?” and I say yes, you look wonderful tonight.
Farrah Amor Bolanio
I learned how to defend our research. In front of the evaluator. And to make our explanation clear and good. I also learned that I need more learning to express my thoughts and emotions in front of the evaluator. I need to wear a formal attire to make myself be responsible and also a good defender in front of the judges. I know it is hard, but I try my best to do my duties of being a defender on this studies. I always say to myself that I can do this even it is hard. I know I am not good in English but I try my best to do this to defend our studies in front of the evaluator.
Chriselle Ivan Cabillas
In what I've learned on the exhibit day is to have confidence in order to have a good output. On exhibit day, we have discussed our research to other students and it is fun to teach them what we have done in our research. Some were interested to listen and We the researchers are very grateful for that. Even though it is a tiring day for us, we just keep our faith strong and also without a teamwork we can't explain it to the judges. Although we have some difficulties in order to present our research at the end of the day we made it successfully and I am so proud of my team/ research buddies. In life, there is really challenges that will come all you will able to do is to fight and take courage to handle this challenge in your life.
Humphrey John Mendoza
When the day research exhibit started my groupmates and I were preparing the boxes to put in at the tables and what to answer on the expected questions by the judges. I was nervous because other researchers are very prepared, but I just listen to the instruction of our teacher. I also learned many things on the 2 days exhibit and I am thankful that I experienced that kind of activity so that it will improve my knowledge in presenting our hard works to everybody.
Gepriel P. Caparida
I together with my groupmates  encounter a lot of obstacles but when the exhibit started it all payed off. It was over whelming when we can all answered the question regarding our paper which is entitled “An Evaluative Research on the Effectiveness of Deworming Program at Brgy. Zone III, City of Koronadal.” .I learned in the whole duration was, patience is really a virtue, obstacles would come but if we have patience and perseverance we could overcome those trials. That’s what i realized and learned.
Princess Avegail Salas
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. – Confucius”
For the past weeks, we have been busy doing our requirements that needs to be complied on the specific time given to us. This has been a challenge for us students especially we will be graduating Senior High to finish what is being required and of course learn from all the things that we are doing.  As the academis week is fast approaching we need to manage our time to finish everything even though there are some that we tend to forgot to do but we did everything just to finish all of them as we are given time to finish all of those. At the end what’s important is how you manage your time and positivity among yourself is important even though the requirements are competing.
0 notes
randomsquirrel · 7 years
Simblr Story Meme
*Laughs and grins.* I’ve been tagged by the delightful @valoisfulcanelli, and it would simply be RUDE not to say something, so here we go!
 Here’s a fun thing: YOU’VE BEEN TAGGED! Let’s talk about your story! Here’s what you do:
 1. How many stories are you writing?
Um, heh, not that many sadly. I’ve been working on a series set in the Stardew Valley game-universe for over a year now, on its third book, with a fourth one starting up some time in fall once I finish the third one. At least, that’s the PLAN; I’m updating thrice weekly, but even at 51 chapters so far it’s still not quite done, and I don’t want to rush it like I did book one.
Rose & Sunflower is the current series, and hopefully I’ll be done with it after book four. (I mean, seriously, four books for this little game?!) It’s the story of someone running from a problem that he created and it trying to start over again, and happens to find friends, a new use for his skills, and more. Where most SDV writers tend to follow their farmers, their farm, and all of that stuff, I went for a different tangent, hitting the musical angle that to my surprise, nobody else has tried. There’s also romance because of course there is, but it’s still a decent story despite that. XD
A Legend from the Gem Sea is a little one-shot short story written as a Tumblr Secret Santa this year, and it came out rather nice. Just a quick story between their farmer and Elliott, and I’m pretty pleased with how it came out.
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day is another short-story one-shot I’ve had in mind for a little bit but haven’t had the time or energy to sit down and write, just a small Sam/Sebastian thing, but not set in the R&S “universe.”
For REAL stories and not just fanfiction I have a few other stories in mind, like the high-tech high-magic world that I’ve been tinkering with for over a decade, and another with a near-future version of Earth that’s basically “network engineers in low-earth orbit.” Trust me, it’s much more interesting than it sounds. :P
I’ve also got a few FFXIV-centric fics planned, based on the adventures my RP character and his Free Company (and allied/neighboring FCs) get up to. But again, those are on hold for a bit until I untangle my schedule a bit more and cache some ideas and events. Haven’t built any stories around my Sims 3 version of Lys yet as I’ve been too busy getting his FFXIV incarnation to level 50 before the new expansion drops.
2. What’s your favorite story/favorite post you’ve written?
Rose & Sunflower, of course, but Legend was a cute story and I’m pleased with it. The R&S project has been a lot of fun and I’ve had a number of great moments in all three books. Some of my favorites are easily the Chatter logs (basically the equivalent of Discord in this universe). Also, I LOVE writing dialogue for Sam, and have given him so many good one-liners and moments, alternating between having him be the butt of a joke or making him a cheeky troll. One I particularly love is partway through book 2 where Lysander notes aloud that “I’m heterochromatic” when he discovers that he suddenly has mismatched eyes, and Sam remarks that he thought that “you like both men AND women.” One of the other best moments in general came early on from book one at the end of chapter 7. (The people in chat are Sebastian, Abigail, Sam, and then Lysander, in that order):
As he sat down on the edge of his bed to take off his boots his phone chirped with a Chatter message. Curious, he picked up his phone and was greeted with a shirtless photo of Sam, taken in the bathroom mirror, while making the for-some-reason-popular kissy-face.
What in the hell…
L33tK3ys: d00d wtf
PurpleGoth: MOAR :D
L33tK3ys: no
RawkStar: sry guys, misstell -_-
Initially confused, he began giggling until he dissolved into a full fit of laughter, collapsing back onto the bed.  He wiped away tears and checked the rest of the messages he had just missed.
PurpleGoth: c’mon Sebby, your turn.  You too, Lys, if you’re still up! ;)
L33tK3ys: NO
RawkStar: your turn, too, Abby, if you wanna play like that :P
L33tK3ys: ...okay maybe
PurpleGoth: nope, not until I get another pic from someone else. I’ve got two boobs, that means I need two pics to bring the girls out to play :3
L33tK3ys: the hell I will.  Mom almost saw this and I don’t have the energy to deal with that
Suddenly feeling cheeky, Lys typed out a quick reply.
SixStrings: why? There were already two boobs in the first pic; you and your reflection :P
PurpleGoth: there needs to be a microphone drop emoji
RawkStar: that…. That was actually a good burn.  I’m not even mad, bro
L33tK3ys: damn it, mom and Demetrius want to know why I’m laughing so hard. SMH, FML
SixStrings: good night :)
 3. Who do you personally ship in your story?
*Puts on tricorn hat.* I be shipping alllll the booty!
*Removes hat, coughs politely.*
Lysander/Elliott of course, but non-canon to “my universe” I think that Sam and Sebastian are a great match, and in-story I really wish I’d taken the time to develop Sam and Penny together a bit more. They’re such a cute couple, and I really got a kick out of how he’s such a snarky, energetic pain in the ass around his friends, but turns into a blushing, grinning doofus around Penny, because she’s a sweet cinnamon roll and he will protect her. Though I do love the bromance that ended up growing between Sam and Lysander, they are such adorable and awful shits together when they’re up to something! :D
 4: Who do you think has had the most character development in your story (bonus: why)
Funny enough, Elliott. Lysander got a lot of personal development over book 1 (and a bit more in book 2), but for the most part he was already mostly self-actualized. He was running from a problem that he’d created, and had a few self-esteem/confidence issues, but overall his character arc through the first (and technically the third) book was a story of redemption, ultimately. Elliott, however, definitely changed since the moment you meet him, and in book 3 (which tells events from his side), you get a much bigger picture of how he changed and developed thanks to his friendship (and later, relationship) with Lysander. His is much closer to a coming-of-age story in that regard, and he is a distinctly different person at the end of that story (and therefore the start of book 2) than he was at the beginning.
 5. Tag 3 story simblrs that you’ve been reading!
Ah, heh… I follow a few artists here and there, but I follow no other writers (save for Valois), so I think I’m gonna hafta risk the seven years of bad luck for breaking this chain. (That’s how this thing works on the internet, right?) Send me an ask with someone’s name and I’ll tag THEM, then, just so this space doesn’t end up blank. :3
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