#that is one very pretty fella you got there please take him away before i develop a problem
mo-ok · 2 months
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uh oh
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real-jane · 1 year
new year, new steve
[steve rogers x f!reader]
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summary: a stranger kisses steve at a new year's party and it ignites something in him that he never lets himself have.
words: 4.5k
notes/warnings: smut, no use of y/n.
a/n: i'm back, baby! please enjoy one of the most unhinged things i've ever written. written especially for @fandoms-writings for her neon party! <3
The door banged against the wall. Steve turned around fast enough to see a panicked woman rush into the room and leap at him–arms akimbo, lips persistent… she kissed him. 
Steve loved kissing. He just didn’t do it very often. Not since his notoriety became a burden, and being attached to Captain America meant more attention than most women were willing to put up with when it came with questions like how’s it feel to suck America’s dick? shouted at you coming out of his apartment building. Natasha Romanov had never once seen an inkling of Steve’s private quarters, but she had come up with a ready answer for nosy paparazzo anyhow–“Patriotic. Now fuck off.” 
Steve liked women, but by nature of his role in the world, he never got within ten feet of a woman who might really know what the country’s preeminent ass looked like outta spandex or khakis.
But this woman clung to his lapels like his tux was made of crepe paper, and kissed him within an inch of his life, and… despite all his assertions to Nat that he wasn’t interested in dating, he sure slipped his fingers into the velvet of this woman’s dress like it was gonna melt in his palms.
“Shit–sorry, Cap–” a surprised man said behind them.
“We didn’t know!” another man piped up.
The woman pulled away enough that Steve could see her aghast expression, but his body shielded her from the view of the men. He cleared his throat, and nodded at her faintly, as if to say… I’ll take it from here.
“Now you know,” Steve said evenly. Lowly. It was the only way his voice would come out after being kissed like he was a CPR dummy in a high school health class. He turned around. 
“We were just talkin’--”
“I’d say she made it pretty clear she wasn’t interested. Or do you make a habit of ignoring basic social cues, such as–say–actively trying to get away from you? Because where I stand… that kinda behavior is about as low as a guy can get. Wouldn’t you agree?” Steve crossed his arms over his chest to keep his hands from shaking. The fury rising in him seemed to come from another time, another era of his life… when soldiers choked out excuses for pursuing the dancers from his USO act, when the suit he wore was sewn from what fabric could be scrapped together in the middle of a world war and not finely woven wool.
He knew the two men before him, but not well enough to have an established rapport. They were both SHIELD recruits from the Air Force who hadn’t been around long enough for Tony to coach the bravado out of them. 
“You’re still standing here, for what?” Steve asked. Neither men had moved an inch; instead, they were both flushed and at a loss for an explanation. The taller of the two looked angry, but not enough to test Steve’s patience. Which was for the best: when it came to bullies, Steve’s patience had been worn to the bone approximately eighty years prior. 
Steved nodded to the door. “You fellas are going home. Aren’t you?” It wasn’t optional.
The angrier man pressed his lips in a thin line and yanked his buddy out of the room by the elbow.
“Cap’s old lady–Jesus, Benny…” one of the men muttered to the other as they beat a hasty retreat back down the hallway, towards the lively sounds of the SHIELD New Year’s bash. The mahogany door shut forcefully, leaving Steve and his new acquaintance alone.
He turned back to the stranger who had kissed the life out of him, and she stepped back. Her hands rose to cover her mouth, and all the anger and frustration fled from his body.
“Shit–I’m sorry–”
“It’s okay,” he said quickly.
“No, I just… they were bothering me and I couldn’t find my sister, and I didn’t realize this place dead-ended back here… you’re–oh my god. I’m so sorry.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile as she dissolved into embarrassment. “No, don’t be. Not every day a lady kisses me for no reason. Well, I suppose you had one–but it doesn’t happen much. These days. So. Happy New Year to me.” He rocked back on his heels and stuffed his hands in his pockets to pretend nonchalance. The woman wasn’t someone he recognized from the roster of agents he worked with, but… she was beautiful. And so very soft and good at kissing. Too good, maybe. Was he even any good at it anymore? Steve didn’t know. 
“Not every day Captain America comes to my rescue, so.”
“I got carried away,” he cringed.
“Agree to disagree. Should’ve heard the shit they were saying out there.”
Steve thumbed at the door. “I can drag ‘em back here for another round–”
“Don’t waste your time. I think the tall guy pissed himself. I’m satisfied.”
Steve covered a smile with a light cough into his fist. 
“You’re hiding in here,” she said softly, less a judgment than an observation. 
Steve toed the ground. “I’m not a party guy. If this wasn’t the penthouse, I probably would’ve crawled out the window.”
“No… but you’re The Guy–”
“Yeah, well,” he sighed. “Hate being looked at.”
“Hate it,” she echoed with a gentle nod. “Looking at you is torture.”
He chuckled. “Sorry to offend, ma’am. Won’t happen again.”
“Nice lips, though.” 
They smiled at one another as if neither was really sure if the other was serious, or if they ought to play it off as a silly mistake. Instead… Steve spied a sideboard with a carafe of some kind of liquor and a set of crystal tumblers. He nodded to it and raised an eyebrow in silent offering. 
“A double?” she asked.
“How about I pour and you tell me when to stop,” he said, pulling the cork from the bottle. 
“Pour it the length of the kiss.”
He peered at her over his shoulder in surprise and something like… amusement, at her candor. But she was sheepish, and just as uncomfortable with reveling in something done in haste. She twisted her hands. Rather than prolong her torture (or his), he handed her over a glass (with a matching amount of whiskey to his own), and clinked them together.
“I know.” She sipped the whiskey and studied him over the rim of the glass.
“It is customary to provide your name in exchange, I believe.” He leaned against the large desk which occupied most of the center of the room.
“Everybody knows you.”
“Your sister works for SHIELD?” he pressed.
She sat in the chair at his knee, crossing her own, which allowed her hem to creep up her leg. Steve definitely didn’t choke on whiskey over a peek of ink on her thigh. 
“We’re not related. Just—my friend didn’t want to come alone so it was the only way to get me on the list. We don’t even look alike, but it worked.”
“These events are a minefield, especially solo. As our two friends demonstrated.”
“No date?”
Steve shook his head. “Not a lot of women lining up to do the song and dance.”
“Which is…?”
“Shaking hands. Kissing babies.”
“Being good enough for Captain America,” she murmured. Her brow furrowed as she studied him. 
“I’m just a guy,” he chuckled. “Put my pants on one leg at a time.”
“Huh. Who’d have thought? I can’t get a bite on any dating app because I don’t hike or take soul-searching trips for enlightenment, and Steve Rogers can’t get a date because he’s too famous.”
“Pathetic,” he said, but it made her throw her head back and laugh warmly. He felt his cheeks flush.
“I’m hungry,” she said, “want to brave the buffet line for some scraps?”
“There’s a new food truck set to arrive every hour on the hour, so. Probably still more than enough for two.”
“Can you bear being seen with me?” 
His head snapped up again at the thought of making her worry, but her face was sanguine. “Be my date?” He countered.
The pleased moue of her lips said it all. Except— “don’t usually kiss a guy until the third date.”
“All the more reason.”
“And… then what?”
Steve shrugged and cleared his throat. “I don’t know.”
“Hmm. Okay.”
“You might want to, um. Adjust yourself. First.”
“I was really hoping you wouldn’t notice,” Steve cringed. His dick was straining in his briefs like he was fresh outta cryosleep seeing a woman for the first time in eighty years.
“I mean. If you wanna walk out into that party like that—“
“No, that’s good, keep it up; the embarrassment will make it go down,” he said, turning his back to her in mortification.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, “I’m nervous.”
“You, sweetheart?” Steve huffed, downing the rest of his whiskey. “You got me on the verge of making a fool of myself. I don’t know your name, but my dignity just doesn’t seem to care.”
“You must think I’m desperate,” she said softly. 
Steve shook his head. “Such a thought from me at this moment might be hypocritical.”
Her mouth twisted like she was trying not to laugh, but she looked mortified.
“I’m gonna go. Out there. I’ll meet you. Um. You’re—I haven’t had enough booze to be saying this. You’re uh, a good kisser, Steve Rogers.”
“Love to do it again sometime,” he murmured, once he was alone in the room again. Still didn’t know her name, but he sure as hell was going to follow her to figure it out. Once his trigger-happy awareness cooled down. As long as he didn’t dwell on how good it felt to grasp her waist, to feel her surprised huff of a breath against his mouth when he returned her first kiss, or how good she smelled, or the curve of her calf when she crossed her legs, or… or… or anything. Think of this nameless succubus like an amorphous blob, and not like someone who seemed to map herself to his chest like she was as tailor-made to fit him as his suit.
Which… Steve didn’t remember the last time he let himself indulge in a woman. Maybe he was starved for touch, or some such thing. Regardless, he had to get out of that office, and she was a pretty enticing reason to do so. And everyone at that party had signed an NDA at the door, so he could let himself loose a little. Maybe undo the top button of his shirt. Go wild.
He downed the rest of his drink and hastened out of the haven of Tony’s office.
The hallway was blessedly deserted. Twenty strides to the mouth of the beast, and leaning against the wall on the verge of being swallowed by the throng… a familiar woman waited. He admired her figure, the way she was soft and soft and soft, and–Steve sighed. At that rate, he’d walk into a crowd with dick a-waving, and all for this woman whose name he didn’t know. He calmed his breathing and stepped up beside her. Without peering at her, he brushed his knuckles against the hand which hung at her side. She jumped, and then looped her fingertips with his. Loosely, so he’d have to be diligent about staying beside her if he wanted to keep holding on to her. 
Steve couldn’t think of many things he wanted more than that. 
Someone did catch his eye from across the room, and Steve couldn’t stop what followed. 
“Enjoying the party, Rogers?” Tony patted his shoulder harder than necessary and smiled too brightly at the woman on his arm.
“You know I love your parties.”
“He’s a terrible liar,” Tony mock-whispered to the woman.
“One of his better qualities, I think,” she replied with a tone that made Steve squeeze her fingers to… what, warn her? Stop saying nice things about me, it’s torture! She squeezed back. “I heard talk of a Cubano truck. I hope you aren’t going to let me down, Mr. Stark.”
“Cubanos await you in the front drive, along with just about any cuisine you can think of, other than the pierogis. Gone in ten minutes! I blame Banner. ‘M Tony, by the way,” he said, offering a hand. 
“I know,” she laughed, shaking his hand.
“And you are?”
“You gotta earn it. C’mon, Rogers.” She tugged Steve towards the elevator.
Once they were alone in the lift, Steve wiggled his fingers further into her grasp. She looked up at him. “I haven’t earned it, huh?” he murmured.
“Oh you have. I just like to see you squirm.” Her eyes glinted in amusement. 
Steve straightened so he loomed over her, but she lifted her chin defiantly. And then she leaned against the corner of the lift, and pulled his hand until he shadowed her from the ambient elevator lighting. But it was Steve who felt cornered. By the sweet smile on her lips, and the tug of the plush pink softness between her teeth as she watched the wheels turn in his head, and by his own desperate desire to hold a woman again, to be touched and teased–they were sharing air when he came to, a breath passing between them like it was the last air on earth, and he studied her irises… how her pupils dilated, and slyness dropped from her expression to reveal something like curiosity. She tilted her head as if to say ‘what’s wrong?’ Steve shook his head on floor fifteen, and leaned in on fourteen, and kissed her on thirteen. And twelve. And on down, but never once letting his hands do more than squeeze hers. She was peachy, and sweet like the whiskey they had shared.
She gasped when he ground himself against her, and raised their joined hands to her sides. She arched into the warmth of his fingers. Nipples pebbled. Steve couldn’t decide whether to map her body with his hands or his lips, so he chose both–nipping at the soft skin of her neck and teasing one strap of her dress over the curve of her shoulder until it slid of its own volition. God love a woman, he thought. This one, with her breast exposed to the chilled air and heat of his breath. He wouldn’t let goosebumps go unkissed, or nipples for that matter. The moan at the back of her throat when he fastened his lips around her nipple was his triumph. How much more could he find victory in her pleasure? Was there a limit to such things?
“Kiss me again?” she pleaded. Steve cupped her cheeks like an apology. The drag of her tongue against the seam of his mouth had him cursing inwardly, in language he’d never let himself utter out loud. He wanted to fuck her, but if all he could do for her was kiss her sweet mouth, that might be enough. He’d wrap a hand around his dick driving home, he could take care of himself and not put that pressure on her. She didn’t have to do a thing more than kiss him, but he wanted her to. If she wanted to. If she wanted him, too.
She smiled against his lips when the elevator dinged at their destination. Steve groaned. 
“I–there’s no excuse, I’m so sorry,” he began, but she stopped his words with gentle fingers over his lips.
“Please tell me you’re not drunk,” she whispered, straightening her dress to conceal her body, much to his chagrin.
He chuckled. “Only drink I've had tonight I shared with you, sweetheart.”
“Not one woman in your life?”
Steve shook his head. His answer seemed to satisfy her greatly, if her grin was any indication. She pulled him through the lobby, but on the front drive (despite the fact that the sidewalk was choc-full of agents and party-goers making food selections from a cadre of trucks and mingling), Steve looped her hand through his arm and made a choice. 
She kept stride with him. Away from the party, through the lot, to the over-fancy car Natasha had talked him into buying. She leaned against the passenger door, preventing him from opening it. 
“What do you want?” she whispered. “Hm?” Steve looked down at his shoes sheepishly, but she touched his cheek. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, I–I hope it’s obvious that I want you, Steve. We could go to mine. Nobody even has to know, honestly. I won’t tell. I mean, I’ll tell myself sometimes, but I won’t believe me.”
He chuckled, and then shook his head. “We’ll go to my place.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Yeah?”
“Yes. What about your friend?”
“I’ll text her.” She whipped a phone from god-knows-where and shot off a quick text. When she looked up at him again, she was flushed. “I don’t do this–”
“Me neither.”
“You don’t even know my name.”
“About that…” Steve levels his eyes with hers. “I gotta know what name I’m supposed to use.”
“Oh? You a talker?”
“A woman gives me the honor of touching her, I’ve got an obligation to a little veneration.”
“Only if you give me your name,” Steve murmured against her neck, making her shiver. 
“Then you’ll fuck me?”
“I’ll fuck you.” 
“Cap’s got a dirty mouth, huh?”
Steve cringed. “Please–if you wanna fuck Captain America, then I can’t do this–”
“No, no.” She grasped his lapels so he wouldn’t step away. “It’s not like that. You’re Steve to me. Okay? I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m–shit, sweetheart. People are going to give you so much guff.”
“Who’s ‘people’?”
“Anybody who knows. I don’t wanna hide you, but you gotta know that. There’s usually a paparazzo outside my apartment, and we’re just asking for a billion stories about ‘Cap’s New Girlfriend’, blah blah blah. You’ll have people dogging you about it–”
Steve blinked. She smiled at him softly.
“You done thinking of reasons why I shouldn’t want you? Because I’m feeling a little jerked around, here–”
“‘M done,” he said. “I just. Want you to know.” She sought the buttons of his coat and undid them so she could snake her hands inside. Steve stepped into the embrace. 
“I’ve seen what you do to bullies, Rogers. I’m not afraid.”
Steve opened the back passenger door and kept eye contact with her as he slid inside. It took her a split second to follow. The moment the door shut behind her, he hit the lock and tossed the keys somewhere and pulled her to straddle him. She nipped his ear lobe and then whispered her name in his ear. Steve rolled the letters around on his tongue and found it most satisfying to see the way her eyes fluttered as he repeated it back to her. And again when he pressed her hips to his.
“N-nice car.”
“I just bought it,” he muttered.
“Happy to help you christen it.”
“Panties off.”
He regretted that it was too dark to see the color of the panties that she shimmied to the floor, but he had every intention of offering her his laundry if they ever made it to his place, so he was confident he’d get to enjoy them on and off her body more than once, god willing. Steve forgot what it was like to slip his fingers between a woman’s thighs and find her wet, and warm–he cursed himself for depriving himself of such things as this beautiful woman shuddered at his touch. Her bundle of nerves swelled as he worried it with gentle circles, and he was in heaven.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. So wet–I’d have no problem working my dick into you and I’ve barely touched you.”
“Kissing–god, kissing makes me so fucking wet,” she breathed. “And you did suck on my nipple in the elevator. You an exhibitionist, Rogers?”
“Maybe I am. Should I roll down the windows so everybody can see you come?”
“I want your fingers. Finger me.”
“I don’t know, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Ugh–crack the windows.”
“You want them to see you.”
“I want you to make me come so hard that I might give us away.”
“Fucking hell, woman.” Steve unzipped his pants in haste. “Roll them down how much you want them, then I’ll make you come.”
As she leaned over to the passenger side window, Steve rucked her skirt up over her hips and moved behind her so her face was inches from the glass. “What’s wrong?” he asked, but his hands made quick work of touching her exactly how he had been dying to since she first kissed him. He sank one finger into her heat as she depressed the window a few inches. 
“Someone might see,” she moaned breathlessly, sitting back to fuck herself on his meaty finger. 
“I hope they do. You’re a goddess.” He stroked her until she was turned on enough to take a second finger, and then he poised her to take them–but only if she sat on them. She worked herself down slowly, head thrown back. Her mouth was open but all coherent words fled from her tongue. Steve yanked her straps off and exposed her breasts. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
“Fuck me, please, please–”
“Soak my hand, sweetheart.” He pushed her shoulders so she had to brace herself on the door. He thrust his fingers into her pussy, taking great care not to touch her clit to prolong her climax. She whined.
“Ruin my suit. Come on. You’re squeezing me like a vice, I know you wanna come.”
“Can’t, can’t.”
“Listen to me. You can.”
“Touch my clit.”
“What do you say?”
“Please?” she breathed.
Steve crowded behind her, pushing his hips against his hand to fuck her harder into his fingers, and then he found the swollen clit again, begging to be touched. Her orgasm hit like a wave; her head fell back against his shoulder, and she keened. Loud enough to be heard from outside, and like it came from guttural pleasure. Steve reveled in the rush of cum which flooded his hand and soaked his cuff. He pressed the window button down again, releasing the glass a few more inches. Their position was shielded by a cadre of SUV’s, but if someone came for the black car beside them, they’d see her tits flushed with a sheen of sweat while she heaved with breaths of relief. Steve flicked her nipple with his free hand and she jolted, but she grinned up at him. 
“Too tired to take my dick?” he growled in her ear. She shook her head.
“Wanna see you,” she said. 
Steve helped her turn to face him, not bothering to wipe his hand or bother with any such thing. How could he think of such things when her soft hands had crept inside his waistband to cup him through his briefs? He rolled his hips as she stroked him through the fabric.
“You’re beautiful.” She bit her lip. “I need you.” She pushed him until he sat back against the seat, and tapped his hip so he’d lift up enough to let her strip his pants down to his ankles. For just a moment, Steve floated out of his body to watch from above as the gorgeous woman who had just come all over his fingers released his dick from his underwear and rubbed his tip between her folds. How lucky–the thought dissipated. She sank down, taking him slowly to savor the stretch. 
Steve blanched. “Fuck–condom–”
“Don’t need it. Birth control.” She rolled her hips and Steve saw stars. It occurred to him how long it had been since he’d felt a woman’s warmth around his dick, but this one was velvet and he didn’t care if he never fucked another woman again. But maybe he could fuck this woman a few more times. Or a lot more. 
“Oh my god, don’t… I’ll come too fast–”
“My bad,” she giggled. She fully seated herself over him and clasped her hands behind his neck with an innocent smile. “Wouldn’t want you to come, would we?” Steve glared at her.
“You think you’re so cute,” he grumbled, nipping her bottom lip.
“Big talk, I can feel you twitching inside me like you wanna come right this second.”
“Keep it up and I might not let you outta my bed for a week.”
She contracted her inner muscles and Steve bit his lip. “You asked for it. Gonna have to fuck that sass right out of you.”
“You can try, big guy.” She rolled her hips and impaled herself on him, riding him hard. She didn’t seem to care if all the world heard them, or saw her, or if he came in three seconds–and for his part, Steve didn’t see a downside. He curled his fingers into her hips and gave her back as good as she gave him. It was fucking, most certainly, but it also felt like time had ceased to tick since he felt her lips touch his for the first time. Maybe the new year wouldn’t come until he did, he thought, but boy if he wasn’t on the verge.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, slowly canting her hips. “You’re allowed to give in.”
“Am I?” His eyes searched her soft gaze, and she nodded. “I don’t get these things, sweetheart.”
“Says who? Who’s been lying to you? You don’t get to be fucked silly in the back of a car like a teenager?” She smiled. “You of all people.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” Steve touched her cheek, almost like he didn’t mean to, but he felt suddenly bashful.
“I’m gonna fuck every doubt outta your head.”
She made good on that promise. When he came, he saw pure light behind his eyelids, like heat through his eyelids on a sunny morning. With every contraction of her inner muscles, he thrust up into her, even though he had nothing left to give. Her second orgasm was his final triumph. Her nails clasped his shoulders, and she moaned into his mouth, and Steve rubbed her clit until she couldn’t take any more. When her fingers found his wrist to pull his hand away, she linked their fingers. They breathed the same air again, foreheads pressed together, and both of them smiled.
“What am I going to tell the dry cleaner?” he murmured.
She laughed, head thrown back in delight. She rolled the window back up and kissed him sweetly. Nobody saw them, that they knew of, and nobody could hear them over the countdown to the New Year, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t the sexiest moment of his very long life.
Some days or weeks later, when time began to tick again, Steve emerged from his apartment one morning with a woman on his arm. They both wore sunglasses, and they didn’t shy away from smiling at one another like they shared a secret. As promised, there was a paparazzo waiting with indiscreet flashes and even raunchier questions for the woman, but she paused to pose with Steve so the man could get a good photo of them. Then, she dragged her glasses down her nose.
“America can fight me for his dick,” she said brightly to the reporter. Steve shook his head, but he laughed and followed his girlfriend to the car. Try as he might, he just couldn’t fuck the sass out of her.
Sure was fun trying, though.
thanks for reading!
my masterlist - my marvel masterlist
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iliektehhaxs · 10 months
NSFW Alphabet - Cid Telamon Edition
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Pairing: Cidolfus Telamon/Reader Rating: Explicit, 18+, minors DNI Author's Note: There isn't enough about this chain-smoking DILF, and that's just a shame, ain't it? Be the change you want to see in the world fellas.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cidolfus is affectionate both in and out of the bedroom, but especially so after a session of lovemaking. He becomes very vulnerable, so don’t be surprised if he keeps you all to himself after the fact.
He peppers you with kisses, from your neck, to your chest, and back to your lips. It’s almost reverent how he worships you, how he makes you feel alive, seen. 
“Cid, come now, we’ve got to get cleaned up—“ You whine, pushing him away with little success.
He barely acknowledges you, grinning ear to ear as he kisses you slowly, fingertips dancing at your sides. “Let me enjoy myself a bit, it’s not everyday an angel falls into my bed.”
You’re tempted to say something, but his verdant gaze locks you in place, memorizing every inch of your body. 
At this rate you won’t leave the bed until sundown, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Everything, he loves everything about you, but he especially loves your hips, how the plush skin curves perfectly in his hands, how they serve as the perfect grip when he wants to bend you over the desk of his solar, and even more so when they fit perfectly against his pelvis when he presses you into the mattress. A close second would be your neck, for the sole reason that you fall to pieces when he places his lips against it, the prettiest noises threatening to spill from your lips.
For himself, he’ll say his voice. He never thought about it much, but after seeing how his words have an effect on you he uses it fully to his advantage.
He walks behind you, one hand on your hip and the other pressed right below your stomach, just shy of what would be appropriate. He slots himself against your backside, enjoying how deliciously you brush against his cock, the thin fabric of your dress just tempting him to lift it.
“How long have you been at those records my dear?” He groans against your neck, voice like gravel. “I’ve hardly seen you all day.”
His presence is a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. You bite your lip, silencing yourself when he nibbles at the skin of your throat, smirking. “Cid, please, you know I can’t…”
Your pleas fall on deaf ears, and when he starts to suck a bruise you can barely hold the moan that threatens to spill. “Don’t worry about Otto, I’ll talk to him. For now, let’s take a break in my chambers.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
If you let him finish in your mouth, show him how well behaved you are by opening it and swallowing his spend, it’ll drive him crazy. If you bring your fingers to your mouth to lick off any excess while staring at him, be prepared to not walk straight for the next few days. You look up at him, exhausted but pleased. After catching his breath for a moment Cid’s fingers press against your cheeks, a signal you’re very familiar with. “Open.” Wordlessly, you part your lips to reveal his seed, sat heavy against your tongue. A moment passes, and then he nods, watching transfixed as you swallow, gladly sticking out your tongue as proof. He wipes away a stray drop and you bring the digit to your lips without question, never letting your eyes leave his. A visible shudder runs through his body before he drags you upwards, lips meeting in a searing kiss. “You’ll be the fucking death of me woman.” He groans, before pulling you back in for more.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
In his days of travel he’s been experience to plenty of unique locations and even more unique characters, but some of his more odd encounters have been in pubs, surrounded by men of varying morality simply sharing stories around a cup of ale. He recalls one man sharing the tales of his favorite pleasure girl and the various things they do in the bedroom, and he gave mention of how she tied him up once and let her have his way with him. He never thought about the conversation, but when he met you suddenly his curiosity peaked. 
He’d never say it outwardly, but if you were to bring some rope the next time you had sex, he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s experienced, without a doubt. There was a time when his face was known by several women of Waloed who were looking for a good time, even if it wasn’t for a long time. Those days are long behind him, but he’s grateful if only for the fact that he can now use those skills on you. “Didn’t know you were such a charmer Cid.” You taunt playfully, pressed against his side. “Mhm, those days are long past me now. I’d much rather spend my time with a certain someone.” He hums, content to enjoy your company. You smile, asking even though you already know the answer. “Pray tell, who would that someone be?” A kiss is pressed to your forehead, followed by another hum. “Someone very special to me.” 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary, Cowgirl, anything where he can see your face. Watching your reaction is half the fun, and he’s a tease, so expect him to embarass you in the best way.
“I love seeing you like this, all pretty on my cock—“ He raises his hips to meet yours, your mind going blank. On instinct you look down, hiding your face until his rough hands hold you by the neck, unyielding even for a second.
“No no no, don’t you dare look away,” He coos softly, almost as if he isn’t keeping you bouncing on his lap. “Keep those pretty eyes on me or I’ll stop, understand?”
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
More on the serious side, but occasionally he’ll crack a joke or two. Don’t expect any humor from him past the foreplay stage though, he’s here for one thing only and he takes your pleasure very seriously.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He tries, but he really couldn’t care about his pube situation. If you mentioned it he’d probably take more care, but he’s lucky enough that it doesn’t grow out into an absolute jungle.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He has his moments, there’s always a hint of love in his actions even if he’s whispering absolute filth into your ear. He really becomes a romantic after the deed is done, as mentioned in the aftercare. He’s also more of a romantic when you two are alone behind closed doors, where no one can see you.
You lie beneath him, rendered breathless as he thrusts into you viciously, every grind of your cock inside you making it that much harder to function. He tears you apart at the seams, exposes you to your very core, and with a gentle press of his palm in your own, puts you back together once more. “You’re so fucking beautiful—” He grunts, the throaty sound of his voice bringing you back to reality, just barely. “So majestic, so perfect. All fucking mine—” And even when tears brim your eyes, when you struggle to keep your sanity under his skillful touch, he grounds you. A hand at your thigh, or a kiss to your lips, he brings you right back, then pushes you over the edge once again with another sharp thrust. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
High sex drive, but usually doesn’t jerk off. He’s often busy with the hideaway, so he tries to focus on something else and deal with it later. Besides, he’d rather wait for you to take care of his needs, it’s more fun that way. On the occasions that it’s just too much to bear he’ll relax in his bed and think of you, ignorant to anything that isn’t him and his dick in his hand. 
You walk to his bedchambers, searching for his opinion on the latest food shipment when you hear a groan in the hallway. When you get closer to his door it gets louder, and the faintest smirk pulls at your features when you recognize where you’ve heard that noise before. Without warning you walk inside, met with an enticing image of your lover sat against the headboard, thrusting into his hand languidly.
Eyes closed and mouth open, he whispers to himself, hints of your name dancing on his tongue with each grunt, just slightly hunched over with need. At the sound of your voice calling for him he turns, unashamed of his display.
His hand doesn’t stop moving as he speaks, licking his lips at the sight of you. “There you are, I was looking for you. Think you could help?”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dominance - Either giving or receiving. He tends to dominate you but as mentioned before, he has no qualms about letting you take the lead.
Orgasm Denial - He’s a tease, it’s almost downright evil. He could sit there for hours just holding you right on the edge just for fun, he likes how high your voice gets when you’re frustrated.
Praise - Cid would sing your praises to the entire hideaway if he could (and he’s tried, only for Lady Charon to “kindly” tell him to shut his trap.)
Facesitting - Please, sit on his face. He’ll damn near cry at the feeling of your thighs on his ears, please do yourself a favor and sit on his face and you won’t regret it. Sloppy eater.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His bedroom, or on the desk of the solar. He likes to hear you scream, so anywhere he can be sure you’ll make as much noise as possible is fine with him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Those pretty dresses you wear around the hideaway when you’re not adventuring. You look good in anything but something about a nice dress is so domestic to him, makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s also a bonus that it offers easy access. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything pain-related, or anything that can draw blood. He doesn’t want to hurt you, so any and all weapons are off the table.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) He enjoys a nice blowjob as much as the next guy, but he goes feral at the thought of eating you out. If he had his way he’d suffocate himself between your legs and die a happy man. He’ll wring orgasm after orgasm out of you and still not be satisfied, locking his hands together and forcing you still until he's had his fill of you. Tears streak across your face, the pleasure bordering on painful. How many times has he made you come at this point? You’ve lost count after three. Every movement feels strained, your legs have developed a permanent shake, and yet his mouth still moves against your vigorously, no hint of stopping. You beg for him to stop, to let you have a break, but he’s far too engrossed in the taste of you to pay attention. “Please, I need—I can’t—” Words fail you at this point and it hurts to talk, hurts to do much of anything except lie back and let Cid worship your cunt.
“Just one more darling, let me make you feel good.” He gasps against you, barely able to finish a sentence before descending on you again. “One more and I'll stop.” But you know better, because that’s what he said last time. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Sensual, with a hint of roughness. He wants to treat you like the princess you are, but he just can’t seem to help himself when you look so damn good underneath him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes, more often than not he has to leave for one reason or another, and there just isn't enough time for a full session. He’s sure to make it up to you when he gets back.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Doesn’t mind a bit of experimentation, he’ll try anything once as long as you respect his boundaries.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Have you seen this man fight? He can go on as long as you need to, and oftentimes you have to beg him to stop. Whether he listens or not, however…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No, and he doesn’t need to. He can do plenty by himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Incredibly unfair, downright evil. The only thing he loves more than his cigars is the sound of his name on your lips.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Deep groans and hushed whispers, tends to talk you through whatever you’re feeling. Gets real loud when he’s about to come, and likes to bury himself further into you when he does.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Likes when you call him Sir. It started as a joke between you two, calling him the Lord Commander as a joke, which eventually turned into you calling him Sir. He found that he liked it more than he cared to admit, and during a make-out session you actually felt him twitch at the name and made it a point to tease him about it from then on.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
6.5 inches, average girth, well-endowed and knows it. Has a vein running along the underside that makes him see stars, but be careful with that information, because Cid likes to return the favor tenfold.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High, but he knows the importance of time and place. He isn’t thinking about it 24/7 but it's fairly obvious when he’s eyeing you from across the Hideaway that he isn't exactly thinking the most tame things about you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not quick at all, he enjoys the quiet time between you two after having sex, tracing every line and curve of your body slowly, taking his time with you. Need water, clean up, conversation? He’s down for it all. He does find it easier to fall asleep with you in his arms.
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spacexseven · 2 years
ok im finally here with the spy au stuff. sorry this took me so long i suddenly got Extremely Ill and couldnt really do much but im BACK baby.
im gonna do some more than i originally planned since i made u and the venerable budijojo wait so long so buckle up
AKUTAGAWA - ohhhh akutagawa… poor thing. this is about The Most devastating thing that could possibly happen to him. i could see him not realizing he loves darling in time just by virtue of arrogance, similar to fyodor. he doesnt think he’d ever deign to have something as silly as affection for someone like… you. preposterous. doesnt help that he has dazai’s voice in his ear at every second. but, well, here he is: stuck adoring somebody who hates him, and knowing it’s all his fault. although deep in despair, ever the devotee, he will gracefully take any punishment darling throws at him- granted they stay by his side. you might not think so, what with all the ‘stabbing you a hundred times with his jacket’ business he put you through, but you’re truly the safest by HIS side, you’ll see! no one can protect you as well as he can! you can spit at him, scream at him, hurt him, tell him all the ways you despise him; he’ll accept it all, but he won’t- *can’t* let go of you. he needs to keep you safe, it’s the only way he can make up for his sins.
DAZAI - oh christ. if you thought akutagawa had attachment issues get a load of this guy. i could see him REALLY shooting himself in the dick by also getting a bit of torture in before “killing” you- either cuz you suddenly started being cagey with information and he was approaching his deadline or just cuz he felt like it at the time. dazai is… very jarring. his emotional state is such that he feels this very suddenly and very violently, and his demeanor is very dependent on what he’s feeling. this is all to say that when you and dazai meet again, the version of dazai you knew- the manipulative nihilist who kissed your cheek within the same hour he broke all your fingers with a pair of pliers- is all but gone. he’s been replaced with some sopping wet cat of a man who looks honest-to-god shattered at your rejections. and he really IS like a pet cat who just realized hes in trouble, or maybe more of a stray who learned the hard way that people stop feeding you after you maul them. anything he can think of to get even a SECOND of your affection he’ll do, and i do mean anything. he’ll debase himself, scream, cry, beg, kill, anything he thinks will do the job. just please please please please PLEASE dont run away from him he loves you so much please stay he needs you please….
CHUUYA - i think hes the least likely to make this mistake just cuz he seems pretty self-possessed, but i could also see him getting very swept up in the little competition he made up in his head and not thinking his actions through very well. also DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL he’s gonna be the LAST guy to admit his feelings in this circumstance, just cuz admitting it would be much too painful so his brain just rejects it. i mean, the fella kicked you so hard into the wall it made a crater, he can STILL hear the echoes of your bones crunching in his head every time he closes his eyes, thats HARDLY the actions of a man in love. besides, even if you DID somehow survive that, youd never take him back (not that he wants that lol no way) so it’s not even worth thinking about. theres gonna be a lot of waking up from a drunken stupor only to find himself in your old apartment or surrounded by your possessions in a nest and some extremely pitying glances from kouyou before he lets himself accept what he feels and what he did. any peace he manages to make with this over time will immediately shatter what he hears that youve been spotted wandering around the city. our boy is going off the deep end instantly. 
FYODOR -it doesn’t really come as a shock that fyodor didn’t realize his feelings for you til pretty late in the game, given that he’s a black hole where emotions go to die. UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT i can very easily see fyodor feeling guilt over the whole Trying To Kill His Darling debacle, its just that he doesnt really have any kind of handle on this feeling at all. all he can process is that you’re scared of him/mad at him and this makes him feel this Mysterious Bad Feeling™ that he doesnt know what to do with. it occurs to him that he could very easily just make you compliant with him by fiddling with your brain like he did to ivan, but this makes the Bad Feeling worse. he doesnt want you to be a smiling puppet, he wants YOU, as strange as this desire is to him. all the little things used to do that had gotten on his nerves or perplexed him he now feels this alien yearning for. he feels this full body frost whenever he hears you crying through the door of your (cell) room, the distinct sensation of oncoming sickness. he finds himself very hesitant to put his hands on you, or even enter your line of sight out of fear of disturbing and upsetting you. odd. expect him to creepily watch you sleep a lot after he kidnaps you, enjoying seeing your face at peace for once. 
GOGOL - clown boy has established he feels guilt over things as much as the next guy, so ohhh BOY is he not gonna handle this too good. honestly, i could see his guilt overwhelming him to the point where he refuses to kidnap you or approach you again at all. he had his chance and made his choice, best to let his birdie be free now, yes? of course, he doesnt let you go TOTALLY. he has his eye on you as often as his schedule will allow. definitely dons disguise after disguise as an excuse to get close to you, maybe even makes up a persona that works at a shop you frequent so he gets to talk to you every day. eventually his mind might fray to the point where he cant STAND it anymore and NEEDS to get you back no matter what, especially if he insists on prolonged exposure to you, but hed probably try to avoid upsetting you as much as he can. youll give in eventually, hes going to be the only person youre ever going to be close to again, after all, so theres no need to force anything. he can convince you of his sincerity, hes sure of it.
also bonus i think this concept would also work really well with jouno what do you think. couldnt think of anything for kouyou sorry :/
- 🩹
thank you so much for all your effort behind this :> hope you're feeling better now!! i tried to write fyodor a little differently for you so. what do you think eheh :> the linked words take you to the original spy au posts for those characters! i considered writing for jouno but this post is way too long already for an ask lol
cw: yandere characters (akutagawa, dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai), obsessive behavior, violence, forced relationships, stalking, manipulation, mentions of torture/interrogations, deceit, imprisonment (not proofread)
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akutagawa is constantly tormented with his feelings for you. he knows he doesn't have the time to be in love, since he has more important things to do like make dazai recognize him, but he doesn't have a handle on himself. he can't put a lid on the wonderfully complex things he feels for you, and that's why it manifests the way it did. besides, he can't imagine actually tolerating, let alone liking, you, with all your kindness and concern that was long beaten out of him.
you've always been so kind to him, looking out for him, talking to him, treating him like anyone else. but all he could do in response was nod to your questions. akutagawa himself hasn't been shown a lot of affection so his way of showing his feelings is...awkward. he didn't know how to be friendly or be loved, but you didn't seem to care. and then when he finally, finally identified the cause of his palpitating heart and distracted mind, when he finally came to terms with what he felt, everything went wrong. you weren't supposed to find out, and you weren't supposed to get hurt. you weren't supposed to hate him, even if everyone else did.
he had been prepared to face the anger from his coworkers when they found out he fell for the enemy, but he wasn't planning on you finding out the way you did. and the look on your face, the hatred and the betrayal, it broke him. akutagawa, having lost everything already, grovels at your feet. he's desperate for another chance, but he doesn't dare complain, not when you ignore him and scorn him, not when you refuse to even acknowledge him.
he has hope, though, that one day you'd realize he only wanted to keep you safe. he only wants to show you that he's worth keeping around. you saved him before, and he only wanted to repay the favor forever. your organization was down and yokohama was far from safe, but with akutagawa by your side, nobody would dare touch a hair on your head.
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dazai well, it's established he hates you from the moment he was assigned the spying mission. of course he hates you and the dates you planned out and the meals you make and the hand holding and the kissing and the...warmth he never gets elsewhere...and...the adoring way you look at him...and....and...
what was he thinking? you were just a target!
dazai has so many dilemmas during this mission because he's conflicted with hating you for being so damn annoying and feeling something because you're head over heels for an asshole like him, but let's say he pushes down the growing good he feels for you, shoves it away and sticks with hating you constantly for the purpose of this scenario. when the gig's up and you find out he was using you to get intel, there's no point in pretending anymore. no point in going along with your affectionate touches and asking about your day.
dazai has to rely on his usual, faithful method of getting intel—interrogation. he pretends like he doesn't care about hurting your feelings, pretends like it's just another job and it doesn't affect him if you're scared or crying. he doesn't care what you think of him now, of course not.
but right after it's all done, he's drowning in regret. he can't even remember what you told him, he just wants to take it all back. he scared you terribly, he knows he probably traumatized you and he can't undo it anymore. he tries, though, of course he does. at one point you were hopelessly infatuated with him despite how mean he was, so if he was the complete opposite now, you'd definitely look back at him, right? you'll be satisfied seeing him suffer for your sake, right? he'll happily beg for your forgiveness and debase himself if you'd feel even a little satisfied. if there's no way for you to forgive him, then he'll just have to go all out. he'll pull out all the stops and do everything in his power.
(i think dazai would definitely kick into the typical "i'll kill for you" yandere thing around here, hoping that by killing your enemies you'd appreciate him. he can't stand knowing other people were around you, people you had no reason to hate unlike him. what if you liked them instead? you liked dazai despite his shortcomings, so you could also fall for someone else that wasn't him. he couldn't have that)
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chuuya (hehehe ive been waiting for this) feels the most guilt out of everyone in this list. i find it hard to imagine him actually hurting darling even if it's for the pm, like you said, he has the most self-control. in the original post of spy au! chuuya, he's completely obsessed with you and ends up scaring you off since you realize something's off, which leads to him finding your new place and what not. so i'll use the premise of him feeling guilty for scaring you and you kinda hating him for being a creep :>
he can't bring himself to hurt you, so knowing he's frightened you, knowing you hate him for what he believed was showing concern for you because he loved you, it shattered him. he didn't mean for you to think that he had it out for you or that he was going to kill you just because he worked for the enemy organization. he loved you and he only wanted you to be safe. he only wanted to get to know you so you'd love him back.
he allows himself to suffer, drinking a dangerous amount almost every night, staying in the apartment you used to instead of his own, looking at all the things he bought you and imagining you using them. it's pathetic to see how he's turned into a helpless, lovesick fool that can't even get you to look twice at him anymore. he tries to throw away the feelings he had, he avoids any mention of you and drowns himself in work and alcohol, but it's only a matter of time before the two of you cross paths again and he's unable to hold back from breaking down and begging you to take him back.
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since i don't have a planned out story for fyodor in this spy au i'll make it up as i go. probably some info stealing for the doa, he can't exactly ask anyone else to go. bram is...in an awkward state, kamui is far too much of a public figure, sigma is too busy with the casino, and nikolai...there's no guarantee he won't just kill you, and fyodor can't have that, not after all his efforts to track you down and choose you for his mission. you should be honored, really, that he's giving you such an important role in his plans. maybe he could even convince you to join his side and completely sell out your organization.
everyone knows fyodor would be successful in his mission, and they know he'd get you wrapped around his finger very quickly. of course you don't think there's a single suspicious thing about this strange man who suddenly walked through the doors of your life and is somehow always around you and wow he's so nice and wow, isn't this moving too fast? but fyodor has that way of reassuring you with a smile and gentle strokes that there was nothing to worry about, and who were you to question him then?
you try to make him happy. he's always a bit emotionless, always a neutral expression on his face so you can't really tell if he's upset or happy when you greet him with a kiss. or is that surprise on his face? you don't know if he likes you holding his hand or if he wants to hear about your day, but one reassuring squeeze of the hand and an acknowledging hum sends you happily continuing your earlier actions. fyodor is a little surprised by your efforts to make him feel included. he's used to silence except for nikolai's random interruptions, but having you constantly by his side isn't the worst. compared to the miserable people in the world, you weren't nearly as unbearable for him.
fyodor is mostly surprised by how disappointed you look when it all blows over, and his identity is revealed. you're not disappointed at him, but at yourself for falling for a lie, and causing your coworkers deaths. he was too good to be true, you think, and you blame yourself for falling for his tricks. trust one charming stranger, and look where that got you? in some obscure prison cell and subjected to cruel questioning.
it's not very satisfying seeing you cry and rub at your red eyes. it's far from nice when you're ignoring him and boiling with resentment. and well, he shouldn't care. you had one purpose in his plan and it was now fulfilled. you should be happy you had a chance to help out in the making of fyodor's goals, but here you were sobbing so uncontrollably. he's a little uncomfortable seeing you look so devastated, and he's uneasy now that you don't tell him anything anymore. it's unfamiliarity that haunts him because you've changed, and not for the better. if he sees you opening up around sigma, who was the most ordinary person in the building, he's a little troubled by it, but you glaring at him with burning hatred is even worse than seeing you talk to someone else, so he just leaves the room.
despite the unhelpful suggestions he gets from the rest, he doesn't want you to lose your mind like ivan, even if the latter claims he isn't unhappy anymore. watching you when you sleep1!! yes, the only time he feels he can be around you now, when you're unaware of his presence. he doesn't like it, doesn't like having to walk on eggshells and hide from you like he was in the wrong. which he shouldn't be. he was only saving you from that hellhole and that shitty organization that never stood a chance against him. if he left you back there, you'd be dead. shouldn't you be grateful?
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considering nikolai is like, the master of disguises, this mission should have been a piece of cake. get intel, and then he can do whatever he wants to you and your friends. this was a fun break for him! he was asked to join the company you worked for (a front for the organization) as a new hire and gather all the intel he could, but he didn't think he'd get attacked to anyone on the job.
you were surprisingly excited to guide him around the office, taking the senior role with pride. nikolai doesn't let it slip that he doesn't care about what you do or where the break room is, so he happily follows you around and shares your enthusiasm. you're all friendly and helpful to him, and he doesn't mind at all but it was a little annoying when he was trying to bug a meeting room and you just came around the corner, insisting he check out the new coffee machine. well, despite how irritating it got, he couldn't bring himself to dislike you for it.
and really, he can't help but tease you a little, watching the startled expression when he stares at you a little too coldly for a little too long, or lets it casually slip that he knew about the organization, though he's a little surprised by how quickly you bounce back to your usual carefree manner. oh, but the fun hadn't started yet! he was mostly looking forward, to the after. he couldn't wait to see your expression when you realize you've been cheated all along, and how you were going to die by his hands—
—but when the day came, it wasn't even a little satisfying to see you crumble. he didn't expect to be consumed entirely with guilt when he sees you tear up, hurt in your eyes. something inside him aches; he knows he's not invulnerable to feeling like this, but this intensity of emotion was new. he can't bear to look at you, facing the horror etched into your face at the sight of him, so he just disappears into his coat, leaving you somewhere far away from the devastation.
despite how much he yearns to be free he can't let you experience the same, unable to stop thinking about you. he checks in on you from time to time, hoping you'd try seeking him out. after all, he was the only other person who knew what happened, and you couldn't rely on anyone like you could on him. he knew you better than anyone else, all your secrets and your thoughts, and you'd need him by your side.
he'll definitely give into his urges and kidnap you eventually. he can't bear to be away from you, not after he knows you're probably feeling lonely, not knowing anyone else who could understand you. well, you probably didn't want to see the man who ruined your life, but it wasn't like you had many options. he's sorry that he hurt you, really! nikolai promises to be good, to go back to being the guy you befriended, but only if you promise to stay by his side.
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Wingman pt. 1
Word count:1004
Suguru and Gojo are besties of course. Suguru has kind of been in a slump lately, and Gojo has a new girly. This will be series, there will be a twist next chapter and I'm very excited to see how long I can drag it out
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Are you sure?" Geto said. "Yes I'm sure I've been thinking about this for like a week now." replied Gojo. "Okay, because you were sure about that last one too." Geto chuckled. "Yeah but this one is different she's sweet, and smart and funny and smokin' hot!" Gojo said, as they sat down at their table. They were at a small cafe in the city, waiting for a third person to arrive. Satoru had been telling Suguru he wanted him to meet his new love interest, before he officially asked her to be his girlfriend. Suguru had been putting it off, because after the last girl Satoru had brought around he needed a break. She was rude, shallow and she didn't want Gojo around anyone but her.
Gojo claimed this new girl was great and Geto didn’t believe him, but he missed hanging out with his bestie, so he figured meeting her was worth the risk. “Okay she just texted that she’s parking, please be nice!” Gojo’s eyes lit up like a kid. “I will… unless she gives me a reason not to.” Geto was fine with playing nice, but some girl was not going to keep him from his bestie AGAIN. He liked being with Gojo it made him feel lighter. As he read over the menu a gentle breeze blew on the patio where they sat. “ I think I’ll go for something iced it’s a little warm out today.” Gojo said eyeing all the fruity drinks. Geto rolled his eyes. "You just want something sweet!" he thought, but for some reason when he thought it, it came out in a woman's voice. A very pretty woman's voice too. He looked up confused, and soon realized why.
A very pretty woman stood next to the table. She was dressed in a nice green short- sleeved dress that hugged her shape, but didn't show too much. She was shorter than both him, and Gojo with hair the same length as his, but a little lighter in color and much curlier. She was curvy and her face was one he wouldn't forget easily. "Baby you're here!" Gojo stood up in a hurry, hugging her and swinging her back and forth, making the bag she had on almost smack Geto in the face. "I'm here!" she laughed as Gojo finally calmed down and set her down. She turned to Suguru, "You must be Geto! Satoru talks about you all the time!" He stood and reached out for her hand. "Yeah" he chuckled, "good things I hope!" "Oh I'm a hugger, I hope you don't mind," she said as she leaned in with open arms. And Suguru didn't, because as he leaned toward her he was welcomed with a sweet scent that reminded him of a laid-back summer relaxing in a field of flowers.
They both sat down, and he found himself feeling hopeful about this new girl. They ordered their drinks, and made small talk as they waited. By the time they got their orders, they were all laughing together and sharing funny stories about their lives. "If you fellas will excuse me for a second that drink went right through me I'm gonna head to the ladies room really quick." she said. "Take your time sweetheart you look great walking in that dress." Gojo winked, as she giggled and walked away. "So what do you think???" Gojo said excitedly as soon as she was out of earshot. "I think you actually might not be a total idiot. She seems nice." Geto said. "And super hot right?" Gojo said looking at Geto over his shades, and grinning like the pervert he was. "She is pretty." Suguru chuckled. "Would you date her?" Geto said as he leaned in like it was a secret. "What? Why does it matter?" Suguru laughed, leaning back confused. "Because! You're my bestie, the only person anywhere near as great or powerful as I am, and I really value your input here," Geto said. Suguru leaned back to his original position and sighed, "I would" and ignored Gojo leaning in a bit closer. "YESS! Finally!!" Gojo exclaimed, but before Geto could ask why he was so excited, she was back from the restroom.
"You boys just win the lottery?" she laughed walking up. It wasn't hard at all to hear Gojo when he was excited. "I sure did and the winning ticket had your face on it!” Gojo said pulling her chair closer when she sat down. “Yeah, yeah I bet you’ve used that one on Nanami, and the others a few times.” She retorted laughing and rolling her eyes. Geto gazed at the two with what he assumed happiness felt like. She really was pretty, funny too. He just hoped he could keep this happy feeling. Here with his bestie he didn’t feel so lonely anymore. Gojo’s new interest was being nice, and he actually wouldn’t mind her being around while they hung out. As he headed home later, Geto still felt lighter. He walked into his place, and didn’t feel like he was descending into gloom. He sat around for a while, meditated, then got a text.
Gojo: Thank you for coming today I’m really glad you guys hit it off it’ll make this all ALOT easier. :D
Geto: no problem I needed to get out and we haven’t hung in a while.
Gojo: I missed you too bestie ;(
Geto: lol whatever
Gojo: let’s hang out Thursday! I wanna see you againnnnn!!!! We can all cuddle on the couch and eat snacks!! ;*
Geto: lol sounds, good goodnight.
Gojo: goodnight!!!<3
Geto laughed to himself as he got ready for bed, Gojo was always so goofy. Gojo’s couch was definitely big enough for the three of them to fit, but he’d likely be off to the side while Gojo got all the cuddling action. Maybe his girlfriend won’t even come, I doubt she wants to hear more of our stories. Would she?
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illiana-mystery · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
Since I gave you a taste of my work in progress for the Dafoeverse fics I've been writing last week, I decided to give you a dose of what I have written for the Molinaverse fics that have been put on indefinite hiatus.
Because I love yall, I appreciate your patience with my ever changing phases (like I'm the goddamn moon), and I've left you on read for far too long.
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Also, side note, if any of you have suggestions about how I should go about continuing any of these WIPs, please let me know in the replies, my ask box, or DMs. Thank you! 😘
Covert Affairs (this one goes out to @freddiefredfive)
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Rafi was talking to Donnie when they walked back in and Leo was nowhere in sight. Kazia figured he was back upstairs with Jeanine, so didn't think anything of it.
But the remaining brothers were talking and laughing loudly and didn't even notice that Tadeusz and Kazia were in the room until Rafi noticed the young woman.
He was staring offly hard with his big brown eyes that perfectly complimented his baby face and reddish cheeks.
He looked like Leo, but had skin as smooth as a baby's bottom and his hair was curly and styled nicely on his head.
Kazia could immediately tell that he probably thought highly of himself, since the threads he was wearing were of high expense and quality.
"Well, hello," he said seductively before he realized that Tadeusz was standing next to her.
Tadeusz scowled at him before he nervously laughed and put his head down.
But next thing he knew, he was grabbed by his collar by the older, taller, stronger man.
"Kazia's mine, got it?" he angrily said before he plucked his head.
"Yeah, yeah. I was just playing, buddy. You know Layla is my girl. I love her so much...I just wish she wanted to marry me..."
"I don't care," he sternly said. "Now, let's have a chat."
He dragged the poor young man away, much to Kazia and Donnie's horror.
"You like them rough, huh?" Donnie teased after.
"Not usually," Kazia admitted before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and blushing. "But Tadeusz is different."
"If you say so," Donnie moaned.
Meanwhile, Tadeusz brought Rafi to one of the backrooms and threw him down before he closed and locked it behind them.
"Who's that Rudy guy?" he sternly asked.
"Tadeusz, do you have history with him or something? Why do you care?"
"My punching fist might be out of commission, but I'll use my other on your pretty little face if you don't answer what I asked you!"
"Okay, okay," Rafi flinched. "He's just a friend of mine. Well, actually he knew Layla first. They have mutual friends and when she introduced him to me, I knew he would be a perfect fit for our familgia."
"Oh, I see," he softly said as he paced. "So we don't even properly vet members anymore. Oh, silly me. Now, tell me Rafi, why do you think you can trust him?"
"I mean I am a good judge in character."
"Yes, Layla is a lovely girl," Tadeusz sarcastically said. "But you really aren't cut out for this life. What would you do if your brothers' lives were snuffed out...one by one? What if you had no one to hold you hand?"
Rafi was about to reply before Tadeusz cut him off again.
"Because I was once naive like you. I thought seeking quick, easy money would be heaven in Belarus...but it wasn't. I was betrayed many times and every time it became harder and harder to take their lives away," he coldly said.
"Until it wasn't anymore. It was just something that had to be done. You cross me, you die. It's as simple as that. So I say all of this to say, Rafi, you better watch that Rudy fella or I'll be forced to take both of you out, painfully...very painfully. Got it?!" 
"Yes, of course."
"Good, glad we had this talk. Now come on. You didn't properly introduce yourself to MY Kazia."
"Right," he moaned as he trembled while getting up.
But Tadeusz just yanked him again and brought him back into the room by his arm. He dropped him again and the young man fell so hard it made both Donnie and Kazia jump.
"Hello, Kazia," he greeted. "I'm Raphael Scaglioni, but everyone calls me Rafi. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," she softly said as he got up.
She shook his hand and then he went over by Donnie.
Kazia looked at Tadeusz confused, but he just put his hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek.
"Nie przejmuj się. Chciałem tylko zapytać go o Rudy ' ego." (Don't be alarmed. I just wanted to ask him about Rudy), he told her. "Rozumie tylko siłę." (He only understands force)
"Nie jestem zaskoczony," (I'm not surprised), she replied back. "On naprawdę wydaje się trochę przytłumiony." (He really does seem a little dim)
"To dlatego, że jest." (That's because he is)
"Prawo." (Right)
"Everything alright, Tadeusz?" Donnie asked as his little brother still hid behind him.
"Yes, everything is fine," he softly said.
Donnie didn't believe him though. He only spoke Polish, usually to himself, when he was angry or frustrated around them. Kazia nervously giggled before her stomach started growling.
"No need to apologize," Tadeusz assured with another kiss on her cheek. "Well, if you would excuse us, I'm gonna take Kazia back upstairs to eat and meet Layla."
"Of course," Donnie said before they both headed back up the secret staircase behind the replica Trevi Fountain.
The secret door closed by itself behind them once their feet touched the hardwood floor of the cafe and when it did, it startled Marla and Layla. They both jumped before they both smiled at the young couple.
Tadeusz and Kazia smiled back but Kazia noticed that Jeanine and Angelo weren't there anymore.
But there was one customer at one of the tables by the painted Union Jack that was munching on a croissant while watching videos on their laptop.
This person was wearing noise canceling headphones, so they were completely unaware of what was going on around them.
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"I don't know what I want to wear," Alice whined as she frantically looked through all of her clothes hanging up in the closet.
Her husband, meanwhile, was sitting on their bed, just watching her.
He began to worry that she was gonna have a panic attack again, so he tried to lighten the mood.
"I don't see why you can't wear what you have on now. You look gorgeous."
Alice giggled.
"Thank you, Aldie. But I want to make a good first impression and an red and brown plaid overall skirt and creme shirt just isn't gonna cut it," she said. "I want to wear something a little fancier."
"I don't see what the problem is. We met Rodney before and in overalls."
"I know, but he has Shaye with him. I do want to start making some friends around here."
"She's no friend until I vet her," Alden grumbled.
"Of course," Alice quickly agreed. "I trust your judgment."
The way she said that made Alden worry again since she sounded like she was about to cry. So he got up and walked over to her, rubbing her shoulders again to comfort her.
"Alice, it's gonna be alright," he whispered. "Although we are safe, I still can't help but be cautious. I don't want anyone to hurt you the way he did again."
"Oh, Alden. It isn't that. I just...even far away from home I still feel unsafe. I hate that I can't just trust people anymore."
"Not all people are untrustworthy," he said before he moved his hands down to her midsection. "Just take a deep breath."
Alice did as she was instructed and as she did so, she suddenly felt herself being picked up and brought over to their bed.
She kept her eyes closed though and allowed Alden to put her down on the middle of the bed.
"Keep deep breathing," he instructed before he hiked her skirt up and slowly took her panties off.
Once discarded, he began to softly kiss her inner thighs before he finally went for the kill. Alice was still trying to keep her deep breathing up during all of this, but then her breath hitched as soon as she felt his tongue inside her.
She, at first, gasped before she got her breaths back up and began to deep breath again. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest as her lover kept going, teasing an amazing orgasm out of her. She tried to hold it back and tightly gripped the sheets below her, but eventually she broke and loudly moaned as she climaxed.
But she didn't just climax, she also squirted a little which amused her husband. She could clearly hear him giggling between her legs, before the sound of joyous slurping invaded her auditory sense.
"I'm sorry," she nervously apologized.
"Don't be," he whispered before he kissed her lower lips. "I haven't gotten you that excited in quite some time."
She giggled.
"Yeah, I haven't had that reaction since before...the first time...he appeared..." she realized before she started to cry. "I'm sorry, Aldie. I just...I just..."
Alden immediately picked himself up and grabbed Alice before he held her in his lap and began to sing to her again to calm her down.
"It's alright, Misu. I won't let him hurt you. I won't let him get near you ever again."
Alice didn't respond, she just kept crying with her head nudged on his shoulder. He gently rubbed her back, still singing a little to her.
But as he sung, his mind went dark...real dark.
He knew he would gain so much joy taking away the life of the man that hurt his wife so. But he had to stop himself.
He had to.
He couldn't risk going to jail. It wasn't worth it.
But yet, it felt so inticing. It felt like a sure fire way to get rid of him once and for all, but he knew Alice would be against it. It was her battle to fight, after all he was her old flame.
She never wanted to put Alden in the middle of this, but now here he was. Here he was miles away from the place he used to call home, consoling his anxious and brow beaten wife in their so-say dream home.
The man took everything from them. So was he in the wrong to want to cause him the most harm he could?
He still kept his singing up, well until Alice stopped crying and moved her hand to his cheek.
He just looked at her before she leaned over and kissed him.
"I love you so much, Aldie," she softly said.
"I love you too, Misu."
She lightly smiled and was about to kiss him again before her phone began to ring.
Alden kissed her cheek and reached for the phone that was closer to him before he handed it to her.
"Hey Nick," she greeted. "What's up?"
"I just finished watching your first local interview," he started. "I love the storefront. It's gorgeous."
"Thank you," Alden smugly said. "It makes a perfect bookstore."
"It really does. Nice taste, man," he said with a laugh. "Also I can't believe Lori Amato is your cousin."
"That's what I'm saying! I was fangirling a little too hard. But she's so nice," Alice chirped. "His whole extended family is so sweet. They've been nothing but friendly."
"Well, I'm glad to hear that. I also see that you have a lot of new fangirls, Alden. There are a lot of thirst comments on this video."
"I don't see why. I'm not the stern Dr. Bertanelli of Middleburg University anymore."
"So," Alice huffed. "You're still handsome and fine as hell and these girls agree with me."
"You're not mad?" he asked.
"Why would I be? I don't get jealous like you do," she joked. "They can say whatever they want, but at the end of the day, you're sleeping next to me."
He chuckled and kissed her nose.
"Also, I noticed that the amount of views and comments on our first video with Alden performing with us as Java Joe's has gone up by a lot."
"Really?" they both asked.
"Yep, really. We also have a lot of returning reviewers to our second performance with Alden. Most of the viewers are from Navassa, of course."
"Wow, well maybe we'll have to get the band back together...for the sake of the fans," Alden said.
"I'd be down. I'm sure Quinn would be too. Adam's a father now so it might be a bit difficult and then Mitzi and Maisie have their own band, Ungaii, now but maybe I could intice them."
Ring Around the Rosie
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"Dinner's ready!" Sabrina called from the stairs while Otto and the actuators were setting up the dining room table and bringing the stew and the freshly-baked soda bread to the table.
As soon as Flo placed the last fork down, Rosie came down with Mallory in her grasp, while Margaux clung to her free arm.
She was giggling with them which made Sabrina smile before Rosie put Mallory down for both of the girls to greet their mother.
They both hugged and kissed Sabrina, then ran to the table and took their seats.
"They're such wonderful girls," Rosie told Sabrina as they walked to the table together.
"Yes, yes they are," Sabrina chirped before she took her designated seat.
Otto led Rosie to her seat while Harry cut the bread and Flo and Moe helped scoop the stew unto Margaux and Mallory's bowls.
"Daddy," Margaux asked.
"Yes, Rosie Posie?" he answered back while he took his seat, watching as Flo and Moe went ahead and put the stew in the adults' bowls too.
She giggled.
"What's this?"
"It's Irish Stew and Soda Bread," Otto answered. "Thom Donaghue's recipe."
"Who's that?" Mallory asked.
"My father," Rosie excitedly answered with a big smile, making the girls giggle. "And your father learned the recipe and now he's able to make it for us."
"He's never made it before," Margaux admitted.
"I wanted to make it for Rosie. To welcome her back into our family," Otto explained.
"It was my favorite meal my father would cook for us," Rosie added. "It was also the first meal he had with my parents. He was so nervous to meet them but then he and my father bonded over Tolkien."
"Who's Tolkien?" Margaux asked.
"He's a wonderful author. He wrote fantasy novels. His literature was a great escape for me when I was younger."
"He wrote The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings," Rosie added. "Are you familiar with those books?"
"I didn't know they were books. But I know of the movies," Margaux answered.
"Otto, you need to get them into the books," Rosie nudged. "Have I taught you nothing? They love literature. I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing your love of Tolkien with you."
"How many books did you read to them upstairs?" Sabrina suddenly asked.
"Just three. But they are so inquisitive and curious. They're two bright little girls. Well advanced beyond their age."
"Thank you!" they both chirped.
"Would you be interested in learning more about Tolkien?" he asked them.
They both nodded, so he said, "Well, alright. Guess we're gonna be taking another trip to the library."
The girls both cheered.
"But until then, we can watch The Hobbit tonight if you would like. We do have Family Movie Night on Fridays. And Rosie, you're welcome to watch the movie with us."
"Where can we watch The Hobbit?" Otto asked Sabrina.
"We have a subscription with the parent company of our SmartTV. You can rent it or buy it on their website."
"Oh, well guess we have our movie for movie night!" he cheered.
Rosie giggled after taking her first bite of the stew.
"Otto, you really outdid yourself. This is really good."
"Thank you," he said with a genuine smile.
"You're welcome," she said before taking another bite.
"I suppose he used to spoil you too with his cooking."
"We would switch nights to cook, but when it was his turn. He always blew me away. I'm not surprised though. Maria was a wizard in the kitchen. She always had the best side dishes at my family's parties."
"Maria was close to your parents?" Sabrina asked Rosie.
"Oh, yeah. After his father died, she would come around all the time. We loved having her."
"How nice," Sabrina cooed.
"Sabrina," Rosie started. "I must say I love the way you decorated this home. Otto told me you picked out most of the decor and I'm impressed. Also I love the crushed flowers hanging on the walls in the guest room. It just takes me back to our old apartment and my old office at the university."
"I figured you would," she said. "We actually bought those for our old apartment when it was just us two. Otto told me how much you loved crushed flowers so I decided to get them since I love them too."
"My mother and I used to make scrapbooks of different flowers we would find around the yard," Rosie started. "I would pick them and show them to her before we would crush them and add them to the book."
"Small world," Sabrina chirped. "That's what I used to do with my grandmother back in Atlanta."
"No way!" Rosie chirped. "Well, now we have another reason why Otto fell for you."
"I guess so," she joked. "But wait, are you from NYC?"
"No, no. I'm from Rochester but moved to NYC when I got accepted to Columbia University."
"Oh, gotcha. I'm from Atlanta originally, but moved here to pursue my dreams of being on Broadway. Of course my dreams changed when I met Otto and especially when we had the girls, but I love my life. I wouldn't change a thing."
"Glad to hear it," Rosie said. "It's funny because my dreams changed too when I met Otto on those steps. I was planning on moving to Belfast and being a professor there, but then he knocked me off my feet with his science know-how and dorky smile."
"Am I that charming?" he asked before blushing.
"Don't flatter yourself too much," Rosie warned. "No one looks good with a big head."
"Fair," he moaned before taking a bite of his soda bread.
"Mommy," Mallory asked.
"Yes, Muffin?"
"Can Rosie stay with us?"
"Yeah, can she?"
"Well, I hope she can. Your father did set up the guest room all nice for her."
"Rosie?" Margaux asked with big puppy dog eyes. "Would you like to stay with us?"
"I would love to," she answered before looking at Otto. "I see she has your puppy dog eyes."
"Yeah, she's my little twin."
"Daddy, can she tell us a bedtime story tonight?" Margaux asked.
"Am I not good enough to read you a story anymore?" he asked with a whiny tone. "I thought you liked Story Time with Sailor Aubrey."
"We do, daddy," Margaux assured. "But we..."
"Margaux, how about this. What if Sailor Aubrey had a first mate? How about we have Story Time with Sailor Aubrey and First Mate Annie?"
"Anne is her middle name," Otto whispered to Sabrina, noticing her confused face.
"Yay! I like that! Can we do that, daddy?"
"Sure we can, Rosie Posie," he told her. "Thank you, Rosie."
"Of course. I hope you don't mind, Sabrina."
"Oh, no. I don't. I let Otto handle story time. I handle bath time."
"Okay, good. The last thing I want to do is ruin your groove."
"Oh, no, you're fine, Rosie. Thank you for being considerate though." 
"No problem," she said. "So what's for dessert?"
Jolly Ol' Saint Otto
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Imag'n Toy Boutique was not too far from their Chelsea townhome, so it was a quick, quiet drive.
Their parking lot was behind the building, so Otto slowly turned the corner and parked in the empty space next to the back entrance.
He got out of the car first, taking in the crisp cool air as his breath was first taken away in a wisp of cold smoke as he took a first.
His actuators, who were once out and free huddled next to his vehicle's heater, quickly tucked themselves tight inside his big coat, jittering from the cold sensation they were forced to feel.
And although Otto was freezing and shaking in his coat, he couldn't help but adore how adorable Sabrina's reaction was to the snow.
The whole ride there she was silently humming Christmas carols while watching the snow fall, making his heart skip a beat.
Slowly, he opened her door and helped her out. She giggled and twirled around in the snow fall after she was released making her cold husband laugh in delight.
Swiftly, he joined her before she ran over and hugged him. He tightly hugged her back, enjoying the fluffinest of her coat as well as her natural warmth before he remembered the task at hand.
"We should have a snowball fight," she cooed as they walked gloved hand and hand to the front entrance.
He chuckled and answered, "After we finish shopping. I think there's probably enough snow in the parking lot to do that."
"Okay," she happily chirped.
They didn't even manage to fully get through the front door before the owner jumped out from the back to greet them.
She had a very happy attitude with a big white smile to boot. Her very curly red hair was bouncing in the reintroduced wind that the open door brought while her blue-green eyes twinkled in the bright lights about her.
"Hello, welcome to Imag'n!" she cheered before she realized who was standing in her doorway.
It was like she lost her train of thought as she stared at her customers, immediately noticing the actuators popping out of the bottom of Otto's coat to enjoy the warmth from the store's heater.
She squealed and ran over to them.
"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I can't believe you're in my store. I'm such a big fan, Sabrina."
"Oh," she chirped. "Would you like..."
"Yes!" she immediately answered before she took her phone out of her pocket. "I just want a picture."
Sabrina nervously giggled and replied, "Okay."
Flo moved over by them and picked up the woman's phone much to her surprise. Meanwhile, the others came over to observe her before Otto told them to come back by him.
Reluctantly, they obeyed and Flo was able to take the pictures in peace. She took three and then handed it back to the woman, but her claw stayed opened with a faint glow of yellow.
"Ooh, these are really nice," the lady chirped. "Who knew the tentacles were this good at photography?"
All of them screeched at her comment before Sabrina pet Flo's claw and corrected her.
"They're called actuators. They hate being called tentacles," she said before the other three came by her and pet her cheeks in response.
"Wow, they really like you," she observed. "Not that I should be surprised. I watch your podcast all of the time and they're always all on you."
"You're an Actuatually fan?"
"Am I? I started watching it after I saw you perform as Giselle. You were amazing. And honestly, you two make such a cute couple. Relationship goals."
"Thank you, I think," Otto responded.
Sabrina giggled.
"Oh, where are my manners?" she jokingly asked. "I'm Elinor Whittaker. But you can call me Ellie. I'm the owner of this establishment."
"Oh, we know," Otto remarked. "I read about your grand opening in the Post."
"Funny, I thought you would have said The Daily Bugle."
"I don't read that trash," he grumbled.
"Right," she moaned. "Well, I assume you're here for the little one. I heard the news. Congratulations. You two are gonna be wonderful parents. Now if you just follow me, I'll take you to the baby toys."
"Actually, we're here for..." Sabrina started before Otto stopped her.
He insisted that Elinor take them to the baby toys, despite Sabrina's look of frustration at him.
Elinor didn't notice though and led them to the back of the store nearby the many Lego building sets that were displayed based on difficulty.
The baby toys, which were on the adjacent wall, were displayed flawlessly with each type of toy being put in a certain place.
The sensory and teething toys were right in the center of a buyers focal point while the educational toys were to the right and the plushies and dollies were to the left.
But Otto's eyes lit up when he noticed a plastic toy boat that looked a lot like the one he had as a child.
However, he reserved his excitement until Elinor finally left them alone to browse.
After she left, Sabrina started to softly tease him about the fact that they weren't there to look for toys for Margaux. But he was so fascinated with the boat that he didn't even register her teasing.
Slowly he grasped it in his leather gloved hands and just took in the amazing craftsmanship of it.
Although it was just plastic unlike the wood carved one his abuela gave him decades ago, he still could admire the beautiful paint job reminiscent of his old toy.
He hypothesized that whoever made this really want to put a nice little touch on it.
Sabrina soon noticed his fascination and the little admiring twinkle in his eye, which made her warmly smile.
Leave it to Otto to find the simple, little things in life so intriguing, she thought.
But she did admire that about him as well though.
"Starlight, we should get this for Margaux."
"Octi, we came here to shop for..."
"I know, I know," he playfully huffed. "But I want our little girl to have a piece of my childhood."
"Piece of your childhood?" she asked curiously.
"I used to have a toy boat just like this," he happily explained. "But it was handmade...wood carved. My abuela made it for me. She painted it almost exactly the same."
"Your abuela was a woodworker?" she asked in a surprised tone. She knew that his mother, Maria, was half Spanish so the fact that he called his grandmother 'abuela' didn't confuse her, but what did confuse her was how fondly he spoke of her.
He rarely talked about his family other than his mother, but it was a welcomed info-drop nonetheless.
"Yeah," he said with a bright smile as he kept looking at the boat in his hands. By then the actuators also fully crept out of his big coat and admired it too, their lights glowing as pink as Otto's pale face.
"She was a woodworker and a potter. Her mother was gifted in the work of clay and her father was a carpenter. She was the third of five girls and my great-grandfather was afraid that he wouldn't have anyone to pass the skill on to. But she grasped it real fast and helped him at his shop until she met my Opa. He was on a European tour and they met at a Cafe. They fell in love and eventually moved here. My mother grew up not too far from here."
"You never told me that."
"It never came up," he said with a chuckle. "Maybe I'll show you on the way back home."
"I would like that," she replied. "So I guess you really loved that boat."
"I did. I took it every where I went when I was little. My Opa was an boating enthusiast. He had his own boat that he would take me on all of the time and we even participate in some boat races near the Hudson. We won a couple of tournaments."
"Hmm, so that's why you're so good with your hands," she hummed. "It was all in your hereditary."
He chuckled.
"Yes, well that and many summers with abuela and opa."
If you haven't seen my Dafoeverse WIPs and are interested in reading them, you can read them here.
Stay tuned for some Otto & Sabrina and Alden & Alice fics that I shelved until further notice. As well as my long-overdue WIP for Closing Time!
But until then, Happy Reading!
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poupeesdecirque · 5 months
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"Tainted Dolls" - And how I handle them
I have mentioned on IG I want to actually blog more, write down my thoughts and impressions to get things out of my mind and share my expierence. This is a rather personal entry on how I handle dolls that got "tainted" in some way.
With "tainted" I mean difficulties that I came across during ordering, receiving, working with other artists, postal services and maybe my own standards.
The pictures above all feature some different dolls that got tainted for me, I have a lot more some carry heavier weight, some have lost their tainted status/I forgot about it, some are old, some are pretty recent.
If you are interested in those please read ahead.
Let's define what kind of dolls truly fall under the "tainted" term for me with examples and how I handled them ever since. Not doing all that's... too much of negativity to deal with rn. Starting with some ages cases and moving on to more recent dolls to see how things can develop.
Before I start I can tell I always try to give the doll a chance, to win my "love". There was one case I but the doll/head on sale after unboxing because I was so disappointed, let's start with that one.
Elisa - Unoa Lusis FP - Wrong Colors
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With Elisa it is... Ara was my main Face up Artist for years but I wanted to expand a bit. After Nathan (Elisa's BF) was painted by Lynsey and it worked greatly I send Elisa's FP off to another local Artist to paint her. The photos looked great and I always wanted a cute Unoa.
But as I unboxed the FP the colors were completely off, nothing matched to the photos, the artist was baffled insisting the photos were correct. I put the FP on sale right away ... she was bought by said face up artist .. well.
I can tell I later on got my Unoa Lusis with the most beautiful Face up I think this was a gap to fill.
Now to the dolls that got a chance with me:
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Samuel (LM Little Bear) - Goodbye head?
Samuel's 2nd shell was send to Canada for a Face up by Belladonna. I absolutely adored her style & her circus crew but I wasn't in for what was upon me. She went mia. Alright I knew she did that from time to time - I tried anyways. But she went really mia on doll forums but was super active on Instagram and I actually made my IG account back then to get in touch with there as she didn't reply to mails or PMs. She told me the same over and over again if she didn't ignore me or pretended I never wrote her. It took me months of back & forth to get him home after treatening to open a paypal dispute after the time she told me like 4 or 5 times "he'll be ready by the end of the week" but poured out Cosplay photos and was super active in everything but not this commission. In the end I finally got him back 3 months overdue. After I ordered a replacement head because I was certain to never see this head again.
As I got him back I instantly loved him and all the hassle was almost forgotten. I can tell he is a very tame case of 'tainted'. The replacement head was send to a local artist whom I trust a lot to paint him as casual variant. Ever since Samuel is fine for me.
There are several other cases in which issues with the Face up artist left a bitter taste for me, may it be the Artist being incredibly weird, taking forever or me getting back dolls unfinished, some of the dolls are doing great, some still have a bitter vibe, I won't get into all here. I can tell that the majority of the ones with face up issues are indeed dolls I am not doing much with, I take them out here and there but don't 'feel' it. Why don't I sell those? Well I still like the dolls and it's not like they feel anything, I can put them on display and still think they look nice.
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Captain - Dear Mine Gorgi - Wrong delivery
Captain was a curious case, you might wonder what was wrong with the little fella?
Well it was that this was his first unboxing ....
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Yep, I got send the wrong doll. I was devastated. But gladly Dearmine helped out, I was allowed to send the doll back, they paid me the shipping and shipped out the correct doll later. This got happily resolved and Captain doesn't feel tainted for me anymore.
Weirdly Tyki arrving broken/bend on arrivel didn't taint him for me, just in case you were wondering.
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Artists going MiA - What about my doll?
I'll put these two together as they are similar.
First case here is a "happily resolved" I will start with that one. The doll in question is my ZeligenArt Anglerfish. Marie went mia from time to time, updated here and there. But after a year and her being mia for some time I made a callout post asking if somebody had heard of her as I knew she had some of the dolls in for a while. She got to me within hours, send my doll out the coming week and even gifted me a 3D file of a bjd. Which was the BJD Shark (Hanke), the whole transaction ended well and I like the doll, it's not taken out much but it's a fish anyways, that's okay.
Second case is the infamous Bulbasaur from Into the Deep Dolls. I never have expierenced such a liar of an artists in before. His bad luck was that Ara had an order going on as well and I could call out his lies af of "postal service is not operating in your country" as Ara got the order in a day prior. It was fight as the order date had passed any protection in the end I got the doll tossed some paint onto it, not even posted a boxopening as I hated it so much but felt bad when I would sell it as it's fanart of a series and made me torn from the start. I didn't even look at the doll for over a year.
Until my hobby burnout came and I somewhat decided to try everything to make it better.. Pumpkins helped. I repainted the little thing.
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Now it's on a better display and taken out for photos even.
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The Storyteller - DC Alva - Perfectionism and the Burnout done
Coming to more recent or interesting cases here. The Storyteller. What is wrong with him? I can tell my own personal standards. I projected a lot into his, I was hyperfixated on this character, everything needed to be perfect. As I failed to paint him myself I send him out to theUgliestWife who did an amazing job painting him. But upon arrival none of his eye made him look like what I wanted him to be, he looked DEAD to me. I have to say he arrived during the time my hobby burnout was happening and every little bit was enough to make me wheep. (I will get to the worst case here after him)
The photoshoot above is the 2nd take of the first try, the first is still so ugly to me that I can't look at the photos. The 2nd photoshoot is okay-ish but still feels icky.
I tried over and over again, had him ob display next to me, every time I changed things and took photos it felt wrong and dead. But I loved the character, I think in 2023, after 2 years of having him, I finally resolved the issue. He is easier for me now, the taint still swings with him a bit. But photos feel more natural. I think the main point was retaking the photoshoot that started it all.
So that's how he now feels for me:
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At least as doll, the character is still not back to full force with me, OCs are hard to me. But I need the distance I guess. Maybe one day I will get into them again.
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The UPS Desaster & Hobby Burn Out Triangle
What finally had led to my hobby burn out might be that photoshooting with the Storyteller as last drop but a big chunk of it was the UPS Desaster.
To make it short: these three dolls were shipped in May and arrived in August. They arrived in Germany in May. I live in Germany. They were scanned each day by UPS over and over and over again, 3 hours from where I live. The dealer (Angelesque) helped from the other side trying to free the parcel. After almost 3 full months in transit I finally got the dolls (I had to treaten them with a lawyer...), pissed off because I wanted to work on them to get them to the sea with me, I was super into merfolk around that time and even ordered one more which got tainted as well, but well they came in too late.
I pulled through customizing all three dolls at insane speed because around that time I kinda had a mental race going on with having them done upon arrival to be one of the first to have that type of doll finished ... I have literally no idea why that was a thing for me but it somehow developed. This was not possible anymore and my little shell got more and more cracks. I completely burned myself out by doing insane mods on them (breast removal by hand, additive mods, bodyblush for 3 dolls, 2 of them 70+), face ups, hair, photos. I was drained for my full summer break and beyond. I tried to get into things again but nope. Then the thing with the Storyteller happened. OCs seemed to be cursed for me, they didn't spark joy anymore. That's when I turned into fandolls again and pumpkins.
Kaneki saved my ass and Pumpkins helped, a few dolls (OCs) arrived around that time I never really got into them. Those are Tamani and Leopold.
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They fall into the Triangle, I never was able to develop their characters as they somehow hit a negative nerve for me. I really like them as doll they are pretty to look at. What got me out was my DC Enoch arriving, scrapping making him into a OC (he was planned as Guardian for the Storyteller and uh... nope not happening), turning him into Clown Mana saved my hobby ass and got me back into the hobby along with D.Gray-man. Things got a bit lighter and I even got 1-2 "fresh" dolls after that but not for a "race" like I did in earlier days.
But a doll whom I ordered during the high time of the Burnout was Eeske my DC Beacher
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She kinda got the treatment of "okay I will customize you but toss you in a corner afterwards" and I still kind of treat her like that. I will eventually come back to her when more time has passed.
This whole ordeal peaked with ...
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Preorders out of Hell
These have different stories and this still hurts as they are super fresh .. but alright. Imagine you just had the whole Bulbasaur fuckup that leant into UPS being the most horrible shipping service and ultimately getting into a hobby burn out here. This all within a span of several months.
Pumpkins and D.Gray-man were my safety zone here. I got several preordered, got some heads, all fun and stuff.
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1 - Pumpkins by Mirror. Not Mirror's fault she shipped my order in time but ... the postal service ate it. She replaced the order and 1 year later I had it and she even gifted me the other two heads. I can tell the little pumpkin Patchlings are already 'green lit' for me and have lost their tainted status.
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2 - The failed Lavi.
Picture here is Lavi's 2nd shell as I am still super pissed towards the artist of the first shell. To make it short: Preorder happened, Preorder had problems with the Casting. Got promised a solution (that was Other caster with Body), solution was cancelled because "It's impossible to make such a body" (yeah they promised to make it without people needing to pay what was not that smart to begin with but alright, I would have paid for a matching body) ALBEIT happiliy posting that they made up a body in no time on their media. Preorder forth and back, got told "I will write each of you what we will do" - Refund without any further word. While we were mutuals. Artist pretending nothing happened towards me, Refund was less than what I had paid because of the exchange rates, I didn't get any apology, they got protected by the community, I got told to shut up. Ultimately I blocked the artist everywhere for my own sanity. And my mind will hate you if you support such an asshole behavior. End of story.
I got a replacement for Lavi because I want to have him as doll, I want to get over with this but he is still super hard for me. I am not sure if this head will work but I will try.
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3 - Vampire Pumpkin not so much fun
Okay you have two lost pumpkin heads in the mail, a preorder failing on you and then a preorder going on for 1 year already with the artist ghosting you for two months.
This was not fun, I got Sokrates after some very questionable mails on my side and then ... UPS. Trying. the. same. shit. as. with. the. mermaids.
But this time with the artist (aka sender) not cooperating with helping me to free the parcel. I played the lawyer card right away as I was still getting flashbacks from the mermaids. As he arrived after 1 1/2 years after I ordered him I pushed him back on my working list for almost a year. I painted him inbetween to "do" something on him but well.
He is now a full doll and working on him yesterday was not a "yay he's here" but more "oh lord he is here finally this shitshow will end, come on I just want you to be done to put you into a dark corner and forget you exist".
The whole thing resulted in me pushing back ordering dolls/bodies for the heads I got as I wasn't able to deal with shit anymore. I turned to making more clothes for the dolls I have, finish my own head, pour more time into the customs overall. And got Cosplay sewing back to my mind. Yes, Cosplay is now my way to cope when the Hobby turns its back on me.
I mean there are things that frustrate me, but if I am the one doing it (aka being stupid while sewing) I am at fault and can try again later, I want to give my dolls a chance too. Ultimately I get up when I fall, I like my dolls.
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I think the best way for me is to cool down for a while, set them aside and try again later on. The later could be the next day, month or even years later.
Some never will reach the status others have, some always will have a bitter taste to them. Some turn into fun dolls to have, some into favorites maybe. It's different from doll to doll.
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
H_NGM_N | part 1 | J.Seresin
Summary: y/n knew when she started dating Jake Seresin that he had a lot of secrets, none of which she ever pressed him to share. But one night when the nightmares are worse than before, y/n starts digging, hoping she can find an easier way to help him.
Pairings: Jake Seresin x reader
Warnings: terrible descriptions of panic attacks and nightmares, mentions of death
Notes: based off the theory of how Jake got his callsign.
Word count: 2.1k
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“Well if it ain’t Phoenix!”
Y/n’s attention snaps from to pool table to the female aviator walking towards her.
“And here I thought we were special Coyote. Turns out the invite went to anyone.”
“Jake quit being an ass.” Y/n laughs poking him across the pool table with the cue in her hand. “Nat, how’s Lemoore treating you?”
“Great, but I missed my best friend.” Nat pulls y/n into a hug. “Fellas,” she turns to the two men that entered with her. “This is y/n.”
“Hey guys.”
“Are you in the Navy?”
“No.” Y/n chuckles. “I’m a high school history teacher.”
“And the hottest teacher ever.” Jake smirks, moving the stand beside y/n. “I know I would’ve payed more attention if I had this pretty girl standing at the podium.”
“And thats Bagman.” Phoenix groans, y/n laughs at the nickname.
“Hangman.” He corrects.
“Whatever.” Phoenix tolls her eyes. “You’re looking at the only aviator on active duty with a confirmed air to air kill.”
“Stop.” Hangman protests, his egotistical humbleness making y/n roll her eyes.
“Mind you, the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War.” Phoenix continues.
“Cold War, actually.” Y/n corrects. Military History was her favorite class to teach, mostly because she could drag her boyfriend into the class to help. Plus she loved to tease Jake over the same thing.
“Different wars, same century.” The taller aviator jumps in.
“Not this one,” came from the shorter of the pair.
“Who are your friends?” Coyote questions.
“Hey Coyote.” Phoenix turns to the other aviator.
“Hey baby, I’m gonna go get a couple beers okay?” Y/n turns to Jake.
“Alright, sweetheart.” Jake kisses her temple before she walks away.
“Hey Penny, can I get 5 beers please? On the poor soul who got the bell rung on em.”
“Coming right up.” Penny smiles at girl. Y/n turns to see Jake heading towards the Jukebox, scrolling through the songs.
“Bradshaw! Is that you?” Y/n looks over to spot Bradley Bradshaw walk into the bar.
“Great.” Y/n mumbles. Jake and Bradley have had it out for each other for as long as y/n has known Jake so she knew they were going to get into it.
“Here you go.” Penny smiles, setting the bottles in front of y/n.
“Thank you.” Y/n smiles, grabbing the bottles, she walks over to where Jake still stands by the jukebox. “Here you go, baby.” Y/n hands him one of the bottles.
“Thank sweetheart.” Jake takes a swig and sifts through the songs. Y/n laughs before reaching across to dial the song she knows he’s looking for. “I love this song.” Jake looks up, his usual smirk plastered on his face.
“I know. Lets go.” Y/n leads him back to the group of aviators, handing out the beers. “Play nice.” Y/n says, turning around to face Jake, walking backwards to the group.
“I always play nice.”
“Bullshit.” Y/n chuckles just before Jake does the exact opposite of what she just said.
“Bradshaw. As I live and breath.”
“Hangman. You look… good.” Bradley tried to find another word, everyone could see it, but they all knew there was no point.
“I am good Rooster.” Jake smirks, snatching the cue from Bob’s hands. “I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true.”
Payback tries to change the subject as y/n leans close to her boyfriends ear to whisper. “I thought I said play nice?” She snatches the cue from him.
“Couldn’t help myself.” Jake flashes his signature smirk at her.
“I’m gonna close our tab, Hangman.” Y/n tells him before walking away. She can hear the team talking as she pays but doesn’t pay close attention until she hears Rooster say something she didn’t expect.
“Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave.”
Fanboy nearly spits out his beer, chuckling. Coyote and Phoenix look up in shock at the comment. Jake’s demeanor drops and y/n catches a glimpse of guilt in his eyes before is facade returns.
“Well anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel.” Phoenix spots how close y/n is standing, knowing she just heard the comment.
They all had an agreement with Jake. Phoenix, Coyote, and Bradley. Bring up the air to air kill all you want. But don’t bring up anything else about that mission around y/n. Phoenix knew y/n was going to be asking questions later.
“But thats just you, ain’t it, Rooster? You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment, that never comes.” Jake glances over to spot Y/n standing there, eyes wide as she watches the interaction. “Ready to go, honey?”
“Uh y-yea.” She stutters as Jake walks over leading y/n out to his truck.
No one brought up the conversation from the hard deck again and when Jake didn’t go after Bradley for bringing up that mission, they all knew y/n hadn’t said anything about it.
Y/n knew no one could tell her about the detachment. That didn’t mean she couldn’t tell it was a rough one.
Jake was prone to panic attacks and nightmares. Go through enough in the military, you would too. Y/n could tell how bad a detachment was based off how bad his panic attacks were before hand. But what really set off her radar, were the nightmares.
Everything was normal that night in y/n’s opinion. Jake returned home from base and immediately headed to take a shower, refusing to stain the sweet scent of y/n’s perfume with the smell of sweat and jet fuel as he repeatedly said.
“Hey babe, dinner will be ready in a bit. You want a drink?” Y/n questions. Y/n loved how domestic they were when it was just the two of them. She loved to take care of Jake after a long day of flying.
“Just some water, sweetheart.” Jake sighs, sitting at the kitchen table.
“How was work?” Y/n asks, setting the glass before him. She immediately starts massaging his shoulders, feeling how tense he was.
Jake groans as y/n rubs out the knots. “I wish I could tell you all about it.”
“I know baby.” Y/n sighs. “How about after dinner we take a hot bath and then turn in early for the night?
“Sounds perfect.” Jake smiles softly.
It was late when y/n heard the whimpers. She had waited until Jake was dead asleep to tiptoe into the living room to go over some over her students essays. The noise dies down before y/n can even get up. Settling back into the couch she picks up another essay before the screams started.
“Miami!” He calls in his sleep.
Y/n jumps up, running to the room.
“Come on! You gotta get up!” Jake shouts.
“Jake?” Y/n slowly walks up to the bed.
“Wake up.” Jake almost pleads in his sleep. “Wake up baby, please.”
Y/n pauses as he continues to call out, thrashing softly under the covers. He’s never verbally called out during a nightmare. She sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for it to pass, Hoping that was at it was. A nightmare.
“Baby come on. We gotta go.” Jake shakes the girl in the cockpit, trying to wake her.
“Hey baby girl. You gotta get up for me. We gotta get outta here.” Jake pleads, trying to unlatch her seatbelt.
“Come on, why won’t this come apart?”
“Jacob!” Miami uses the last of her energy to force Jake to stop. “I’m not coming out of this.”
“Don’t talk like that, baby girl. I’m gonna get you outta here.” Jake almost jokes on his sobs. He knows she’s right but thats not gonna stop him from trying to save her.
“No! Mi, no! This is my fault!” Jake cries, tugging on the straps. “If I wasn’t so damn cocky…”
“Jake, stop. This isn’t your fault.”
“I had do go for the fucking kill!”
“Jake…” His head shot up at the sound of shots being fired.
“Shit. Come on baby girl.” Jake tries to tug her out of the jet.
“Shit! Jake! Stop!” Miami screamed in pain.
“I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry.” Jake cries.
“You gotta go Jake. I’ll be okay but you gotta get out of here.” Miami pleads.
“No, baby. I can’t leave you.”
“Jake, go! I love you. So god damn much!”
“I love you too, baby girl.” Jake leans in to firmly place a kiss on Miami’s lips. “So god damn much.”
“Go Jake.”
Jake reluctantly pulls away from the crashed jet, moving in the opposite direction of the jet. He crouched behind a bush, trying to make sure that Miami was okay. It was then that he caught the glimmer of metal come up over the jet, pointed towards Miami. Jake watched with tears in his eyes as they moved closer.
“Please. Please.”
“Jake? Baby, wake u—“ Jake jolted up from the bed, tears streaming down his face. “Jake?”
Jake’s eyes darted around the room, his heart beating quickly in his chest, breathing heavily.
“Jake, it’s okay.” His eyes settled on the girl seated across the bed from him. “Baby, take deep breaths please.” Y/n didn’t move closer to him. She’d read all the articles of PTSD, she didn’t want to risk setting off Jake’s fight or flight response, so she waited for him to calm himself down. Her eyes bounced between Jake’s eyes and where he white knuckled the sheets. “You’re safe Jake. It’s just me.”
“Y/n?” Jake’s eyes soften as his senses calm down.
“Oh baby. Come here.” Y/n moves across the bed, leaning her back against the headboard. Jake turns into his girlfriend. He rests his head on y/n, his arms wrapped around her waist as she combs her fingers through her hair. Jake cries as y/n holds him, breaking her heart as the sobs rack through his body. “Its okay. I’m right here baby.” Y/n mutters, “I’m right here. I’m always gonna be right here.”
“Hey Y/n!” The aviators greet y/n as she walks in the pilot lounge.
“Hey, I’m looking for Jake. He left his lunch.” Y/n holds up the brown bag in her hands.
“He’s in the air. You can drop it in the fridge.” Coyote tells her.
“Here. I’ll put it up for you.” Bob offers. Y/n mutters a thank you as Phoenix calls her over.
“Is that Jake and Bradley?” Y/n questions, hearing the arguing over the radio.
“Yea, they’ve been at each others throats all day.”
Y/n sighs, listening intently. “Hey Nat, can I ask you something?” Nat nods, turning towards her friend. “Who’s Miami?”
The chatter in the room stopped immediately. Coyote and Nat’s eyes widen. Coyote quickly pulls y/n out to the hallway, away from prying ears. “Did Jake say something to you?” Coyote asks.
“No.” Y/n sighs. “His nightmares are back and I’m worried about him.”
“Where did you hear the name Miami?” Nat asks.
“He was screaming it in his sleep last night.”
“Okay, you need to ask him. Its not our place to tell you all this.” Nat tells her.
“Natasha, please. Its been 5 years of the same thing. I can’t help him if he wont open up and he never does.” Y/n sighs. “I’m worried about him.”
“He’s gotta be the one to tell you, y/n.” Coyote says. “We only know cause…”
“So you do know! Why does everyone close to Jake know but me?” Y/n pleads.
“Its from a dark time in his life. He almost didn’t come out the other end because of it.”
“Nat, Javy. Please. I feel like I’m losing him because he keeps shutting down on me anytime I try to talk to him about it.”
“I’m sorry, Y/n. We’ve already said too much.”
Y/n sighs. “I’ll see you guys later.” She turns to leave but Nat stops her.
“Hey, just ask him but don’t press. He’ll tell you when he’s ready.” Y/n only nods before continuing down the hallway, too lost in her thoughts to hear the shouting over the radio or Bob telling Phoenix and Coyote that there was a crash. It wasn’t until she was pulling out of the parking lot that she saw Coyote running towards that she knew something was wrong.
Throwing the car in park she jumped out meeting Coyote halfway. “What happened?”
“He broke the hard deck, ejected last minute.”
“Where are they taking him?”
“Get in, I’ll drive you to medical.”
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doodle17 · 7 months
Just got back from the fnaf movie
Please remember if you reblog go tag with every fnaf spoiler tag you can think of btw!
Was so... godamn...
First of all: absolutely loved how it wasn't overly violent. I'm not a prude, but when it comes to gore and violence, I'm very particular. Everyone who follows me knows I'm not a fan of gore, and luckily this movie had none!
It was still pretty gruesome. Like the guy getting his face eaten by Mr. Cupcake and that one girl who got bitten in half by Freddy. But even then, all you could see was the silhouette and her lower half fall to the floor. And 90% of the other scenes you do see, but they kind of let the sounds of what's happening fill in the gaps as the camera goes somewhere else, like with Mr. Cupcake.
Even when you see their bodies later on in the parts and services, the end results of what happened earlier aren't even that bad! Tbh it's almost too dark to even see anything
I loved that! It made it perfectly fine for me to watch and not squirm uncomfortably or feel sick. It actually shocked me! Most gore just makes me roll my eyes and want to gag but this stuff literally made me say "WOAH that's MESSED UP" (enthusiastically) out loud a few times!
Also the parts with the animatronics playing with Abby.... GOD that really filled a void in me that I never knew I had... Watching them play and build a fort and be goofy... Really made me smile so hard!... Uh, as if they didn't kill a bunch of dudes earlier.... Hmm..
All the little references made me point at the screen and squeal! That MatPat cameo my goodness! It made me laugh too lol, which I was pretty surprised about! I wasn't expecting to laugh, smile and cry in a scary movie but here we are!
Every Balloon Boy jumpscare got me, because even though it was, as all those video game critics say, "a cheap spook with a loud noise" I can guarantee a lot of other people did too
I think I was pretty pleased with how they did the springlocks. The reveal... The way Abby said "They can see you now." As they turn to William... Their real Killer... HOT DAMNNNNN AND THEN HE SAYS THE FUCKING LINE AND PUTS ON THE HEAD JUST- CHILLS DUDE (I should probably mention how loud this movie made me btw)
And that part legitimately made my eyes water too! When they dragged him away, the music and him twitching... All I could think was "JUSTICE!"
And I love that they made William a horrible father from what we saw when he talked with Vanessa. It always irks me the wrong way when people try to portray him as a sad parent who lost his daughter and that's why he did what he did. Like- no. He wasn't okay in the head you guys, he was NOT a good father, EVER. I'm sorry but no, he literally neglected, emotionally, and possibly, physically abused his kids.
And I love what they did with characters too! I like how the movie just did its own thing that to me, felt like What fnaf REALLY is.
I never like fnaf lore as it is now. I like when the premise was simply: "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him." Before all that sci-fi stuff got involved. And the Movie is just that! "guy kills kids, hides their bodies in suits, ghosts posses the animatronics, and want to take revenge but don't remember their killer, so they kill anyone they think is him."!! It was awesome!
And I like how it explains that there's the possibility that while the kids posses them, they also have somewhat minds of their own. At least that's what I got from some stuff revealed. There's ways been a part of me that thought the animtronics themselves had minds of their own, so to see that it could be a possibility (in the movies canon at least) was really cool!
Also... Living tombstone fnaf 1 song :) in end credits!
And to end this off, sadly there wasn't a post credit scene sadly (unless you count that CoryxKensin getting jumpscared by the BB toy after the fancy credits)
But!!!! Did anyone else notice the fnaf 2 music box playing in the end credits? And the one noise that says the letters and stuff during the secret fnaf 2 minigames...?
I mean, Matthew did say he signed for 2 more movies... So who's to say we won't get a Fnaf 2 movie based off the evidence of what we heard there, huh? Just a little thought I decided to leave here before we end things off :)
FORGOT TO MENTION that both me and Cherri SCREAMED the lyrics for the fnaf song at the end lol,and two girls next to us started recording us lol (not in a mean way we all talked and ranted for a good 3 minutes afterward it was fun!)
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tracle0 · 1 year
hi hi Trade, I am here because I simply Must know more about Elan immediately please and thank you (also do you have any tunes for him? just by the look of him n his vibe I feel like he'd have some bangers) mwah ok bye
I'm tagging @khufiya-khaufnak-antariksh here as well cause you both asked about Elan and I figured I'd just babble a lil about them to both of you here, hello, thank you for your interest!!!
Okay okay okay Elan issssss yeah! A fucking mess, basically! They, they, they. Hmm. HMMM!
They're basically the result of a fun kidnapping and testing that was executed on a wide number of colour mages. Elan semi-volunteered for it, with zero intention of actually taking part, and then took part anyway. Sucks to be them.
I don't know an awful lot about the actual process, but the general aim of it was to see how much colour could be taken from a mage before they. Yknow. Fucking died. Which for most people was alarmingly far! Strip magic away and see how deep this colourlessness can go.
Alas, most of the people fucking died before anything truly interesting could happen. But but but! Elan did! Not! For various reasons I'm keeping disclosed, they were full of spite and rage and Vengence and decided actually, you know, I'm not gonna die, I'm gonna take this white you're pumping me full of and just. Harness that, thank you very much. Reject the magic you were born with and embrace this synthetic model instead.
Basically, edge 14-year-old brain went 'teehee evil science experiment character :)))?' and I went oh HELL yeah!
Elan is the kinda guy who likes gardening :)! Lil gardener fella! They've got a section of BigBad's base wardened off for Just Them, where they have a little living area and a big garden, where they spend most of their time, chilling out, feeling At Peace, crushing any sliver of green that starts to edge into any stalks or leaves. It is a petrified garden. It could not survive without them. They love it dearly. Sometimes, when they get overwhelmed or frustrated, they smash it and sob in its remains until it's replaced and they start the cycle over again.
They also stand as one of the first characters of mine where I looked at them and decided they wanted to be in a lil relationship, which is nice and good for them! Less good for them that it's, uh, with the. BigBad. The woman who funded and dictated the research that made them Like This.
The relationship is very much a. Toxic one. Power struggles between the two, knowing full well they've hurt each other badly and still coming back for more. By the end of the first book, they quite literally stab her in the back and ease her into her death, all romantic style.
Mmmm despite how things have been phrased, I think Elan does quite like being a White. They want more people to be White so they can understand how things are, how they should be. Very obsessed with perfection and cleanliness and purity. Bleached as many pigments out of themselves as they possibly could, and still finds the red of their blood to be grating.
I have exactly one (2) songs that vibes for them at the moment which I think you know both of, Monday? Tis 'The Quittin' Kind' by Eleisha Eagle and 'Pretty Little Head' by Eliza Rickman. Both vibe with the more toxic part of their relationship with the BigBad. Who has no name. Pretend she does.
Okay that's it! Bye! Thank you!
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Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix Recap: Hollow Bastion (The Showdown)
“Did it work?” Donald asks as Sora looks at the computer with crossed arms.
“Hey! These things take time, okay?” Sora snaps.
He pokes the keyboard a few times, and a window pops up.
“Woah…” a wowed Sora remarks, “It’s doing something!”
“I think it wants to know what we wanna know!”
Sora pokes a few keys and tries to ask the computer about Riku and Kairi, very clearly STILL not getting how this works.
He gets an error message.
“Even Ansem’s computer doesn’t know…” Sora laments, sulking away from the computer.
Goofy decides to give it a try, and tries to ask the computer for information about the Nobodies.
A report featuring the Nobody Emblem appears in a window on screen, followed swiftly by an error message.
“The data is corrupt,” a computerized voice (not the MCP, Sark, or Tron) announces.
Goofy tries to ask about the Organization.
“The data is corrupt.”
“Stupid computer!” Sora snaps, before mashing the Keyboard.
The others try to calm him down as multiple windows open at odd angles, until suddenly, a picture of a light skinned, blond, bearded man with amber eyes appears on screen.
“Who’s this guy?” Sora questions.
“Welp, I see ya got things workin’!” King Mickey remarks.
“Oh! Your Majesty!” Sora and Donald reply.
The King hushes them again.
“Good goin’,” he praises, “The computer should tell us the things we need to know.”
“But it keeps sayin’ the data inside’s all ker-skuffled,” Goofy replies.
“All we got is a picture of some guy we don’t know,” Sora explains.
The King, however, does know that guy, and leaps for joy.
“Ansem the Wise!” he declares, much to SDG’s confusion.
“Come on, are you teasing us again?” Sora replies.
“Did you forget what Ansem looked like, Your Majesty?” Donald asks.
“Of course I do!” the King replies, “And this is him! I’m positive!”
“Excuse me?” Sora remarks as he takes the King’s hand and drags him out of the computer room, “Could you come this way, please?”
Donald and Goofy follow after him as Hollow Bastion’s music fades out, along with the camera.
When we fade back in, they’re standing in front of the portrait of “Ansem”.
“Look, THIS is ‘Ansem’,” Sora explains, “You know, the guy we all worked reeeally hard to defeat?”
“Oh, that’s right–” the King remarks, “I never finished explaining.”
Fade to black, fade back in to a montage of “Ansem’s” scenes form the final boss and ending of KH1
“Well, the man in the picture is definitely the one who tried to take over Kingdom Hearts – the one you fellas defeated,” King Mickey explains, “But, what you guys actually fought was his Heartless.
“Ya see, he wasn’t really Ansem. He just went around telling everybody that he was.”
Fade back to Ansem’s Study.
“You mean…” Sora’s voice trails off as he shares a glance with Donald and Goofy, before all three say the exact same thing:
“We went through all that trouble to defeat an impostor?” Sora exclaims.
“Yep. A fake,” King Mickey responds, “But he still had to be stopped.”
“Aw, I can’t believe it…” Donald groans.
“Uh, I’m kinda confused,” Goofy admits, “If he’s a fake, then what happened to the real Ansem?”
“Welp, that’s just what I’m trying to figure out,” King Mickey explains, “Ansem the Wise should know all about Organization XII’s plans, and what’s happening to the worlds.
“I’m pretty sure he’ll give us some help.”
Goofy scratches the side of his head.
“Don’t tell me there’s more!” Sora begs, “I’m lost enough as it is!”
“Well, let’s see,” Goofy opens, “Some feller named Ansem, who wasn’t really Ansem, became a Heartless.
“Does that mean a Nobody got created when that happened, too?”
“Yup!” King Mickey answers, “And that Nobody is the leader of the Organization!”
“Whaaaat?!?” SDG shouts.
“I know I’ve met this fake Ansem before,” the King explains, “and I’ve seen the leader of Organization XIII, too.
“Hmm, kinda felt like being around the same fella.”
“So, where did you meet this guy?” Sora asks.
King Mickey crosses his arms and closes his eyes.
“Gosh…” he comments, “I can’t remember.”
Sora, Donald, and Goofy slouch in disappointment.
“Ansem the Wise – the real Ansem – must know the imposter’s true identity,” King Mickey continues, “That’s why I’ve got to find him and ask him about it.”
Sora, meanwhile, is glaring at the portrait.
“You…!” he growls, “You started all of this! Because of you, Riku and Kairi…” Sora suddenly remembers something. “Your Majesty, do you know where Riku is?”
The King flinches.
“He’s…” he sighs, “I’m sorry… I can’t help.”
Sora looks at Mickey for a second, before pressing.
“Really, Your Majesty?” Sora asks as he walks up to the King and steps around his back and into his peripheral vision, “Are you sure?”
“I’m sorry, Sora,” the King replies as he turns his back to Sora, despondent.
“What about Kairi?” Sora asks, “Organization XIII might’ve kidnapped her.”
“Oh no!” King Mickey whirls around to face Sora, and then turns to the portrait of “Ansem”.
“Sora, Donald, Goofy,” he opens, before turning to face SDG, “I was plannin’ to go get help from Ansem the Wise. But – now I know I forgot the most important thing.
“Helping others should always come before asking others for help.
“We’re safe and sound – and free to choose! So there’s no reason we shouldn’t choose to help our friends!”
SDG nod.
“Let’s look for Riku and Kairi together,” King Mickey proposes.
The entire castle shakes, causing the King to briefly lose his footing until the shaking stops.
“Outside!” Sora shouts.
“Sounds like we gotta start by helpin’ out here!” King Mickey declares as Sherzo di Notte starts playing.
He dashes out into the maze-like corridors to provide his aid, and the cutscene ends.
The Battle of Hollow Bastion has begun.
The battle theme continues playing as you regain control of Sora, and Donald and Goofy are both currently NPC’s you can talk to.
There’s still that Save Point by Ansem’s Computer, and it ISN’T too late to go and finish your business in Agrabah, Halloween Town, the Pride Lands, and/or Twilight Town. You can in fact replay the summer job minigames (even if Sora won’t get paid), or play Struggle by talking to the tournament announcer. (Defeating Hayner 20 times unlocks Setzer, defeating Setzer 20 times unlocks Seifer, and Seifer is by far the easiest opponent in the entire game, even more pathetic than his simulated counterpart was during Roxas’ combat tutorial).
Regardless, exiting Ansem’s Study and going into the Corridors kickstarts the next cutscene.
Survey Robots and Armored Knights spill through a hole in the wall and flood into the Restoration Site, marching into the town and castle.
Exiting into the Corridors progresses the story.
Just outside Ansem’s Study, Maleficent and Pete are leading the Heartless in battle against the Organization’s Nobodies, with the Nobodies gradually thinning the Heartless’ numbers.
“Hear me, my Heartless!” Maleficent orders, “Attack the white husks! Sweep them away!”
“What are you nuts? We’re never gonna win!” Pete declares, “I don’t know about you, but I’m outta here, sister!”
Pete dashes down the corridor, leaving Maleficent to direct the Heartless against the Nobodies.
“You pathetic coward,” Maleficent groans.
In the manga, Pete stuck around throughout the entire battle and risked his life to save Maleficent from a crumbling tower, at which point she berated him for not doing a good enough job in SPITE of her coming out unscathed.
In the novel, she instead stumbles upon Riku’s old room from when he worked for her and starts getting nostalgic, with the implication being that she wasn’t lying when she said Riku was like a son to her. Which, honestly feels like it kinda undermines the moment where Riku stands up to his memory of her in Castle Oblivion.
She then looks back towards the battle, where most of her Heartless have fallen, and the no-longer preoccupied Nobodies have turned their attention towards her.
She also notices Sora, Donald, and Goofy dashing into the room.
She and Sora glare at each other.
With a scoff, Maleficent teleports away, then orders the Heartless to ignore the Nobodies to focus on Sora and his friends.
The Nobodies, who were only fighting off the Heartless to protect themselves, also turn their attention to Sora now that they have the freedom to.
You need to defeat all of the waves of enemies that spawn.
Another new Nobody is introduced in this battle: Dancers. They’re feminine-looking Nobodies in pink, and their swaying and pulsating is a lot more dance-like than with the other Nobodies.
Avoid them at all costs when their hands light up, as that’s an unblockable attack wherein they grab Sora, dance with him for a bit, and then throw him in the air to deal massive damage.
When fighting multiple Dancers, this can easily end in Sora getting stun-locked and killed in a matter of SECONDS.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to escape a Dancers’ grasp once it grabs Sora and starts dancing with him, meaning you are powerless to do anything but WATCH in most circumstances.
They primarily attack through kicking, however, and are weak to Magnet.
The Nobodies in the battle also ALL have more HP than the Heartless, so be aware of that.
The battle ends when there are no more Heartless or Nobodies to fight.
The Gullwings fly into the room.
“Where’s Maleficent?” Yuna asks.
“Looks like she ran away,” Sora answers.
“Well that was PRET-ty lame of her,” Rikku remarks.
“I guess we picked the wrong side,” Payne deadpans.
The Gullwings turn and whisper amongst themselves, and I have no idea what any of them say because they’re all talking simultaneously and it isn’t subtitled.
“Um, hey…” Sora cuts in, “if you’re looking to pick sides, why don’t you pick Leon’s? They can always use help.”
The Gullwings turn to face Sora.
“Does this Leon have any treasure?” Yuna asks.
“Yeah, lots of stuff!” Donald claims. (Note: I read a particularly humorous fanfic, YEARS AGO, where this claim lead to the Gullwings digging through Leon’s or Cid’s sock drawer to try and find the treasure. I sadly can’t remember the name, but it was on FFN.)
“Perfect!” Rikku declares.
“Come on,” Payne states.
“Who ARE you?” Sora asks.
“Oh, we’re nothing worth mentioning,” Yuna claims.
“Just three treasure fanatics,” Payne remarks.
“Later, taters!” Rikku shouts.
The three sparkle away.
“Did Leon… really have any treasure?” Sora asks.
Donald chuckles evilly and runs off, prompting Sora and Goofy to run after him.
In the manga, what prompts the Gullwings to ditch Maleficent is her berating Pete after he risked his life to save hers from a crumbling tower, deciding they had no interest in serving an ingrate.
The game skips straight ahead to the Postern, where SDG are met by three Dusks.
“We don’t have time for you!” Sora declares, before our Junior Heroes proceed to finish off all three in one hit each.
They dash up the ramp to the platform where they spoke with Aerith earlier, only for a beam of light to strike the ground in their path.
When the light clears, Sephiroth emerges from the spot it struck, unfurling his three wings as he rises to his feet and turns to face our Junior Heroes.
“Sora, it’s Sephiroth!” Donald shouts.
“Ain’t Sephiroth the one who’s supposed to be the dark part of Cloud’s heart?” Goofy asks.
“Did Cloud tell you that?” Sephiroth asks, “Then he must understand now.”
“Just what are you gonna do to him?” Sora asks.
“Nothing,” Sephiroth answers, “Cloud is the one who hungers for darkness.”
“He said he’s got a score to settle with you,” Sora remarks.
“I see…” Sephiroth replies, “He wants to meet me again.” He turns and walks away from SDG. “Then I should give him what he wants.” He stops walking. “That last bit of light is always the hardest to snuff out.” He rises into the air and vanishes into a dark portal of some kind before Sora can catch up to him.
Following this is a Final Mix-exclusive textbox cutscene, where the Gullwings fly overhead.
“Huh?” Sora remarks.
“They came from that hole over there,” Goofy points out.
Low and behold, there’s now a gaping hole in one of the castle’s walls, leading to a cavern that was NOT present in vanilla KH2.
“I don’t remember that being there before,” Sora admits, “I wonder where it leads.”
“We don’t have time for that now!” Donald shouts, “We have to go after the King!”
The Postern still has a Save Point, and Donald and Goofy are now NPC’s you can talk to, so no enemy spawns here.
Additionally, that hole leads to the Cavern of Remembrance, a special Bonus Dungeon created for Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix.
Even if you can survive the super powerful Heartless that call the cave home, you CANNOT reach the end until you’ve maxed out all of your Growth Abilities, so don’t even BOTHER going in now.
Instead, progress to the Restoration Site for the next cutscene, where Sora, Donald, and Goofy find Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith battling the Heartless.
“We’ll help!” Sora calls to them.
Aerith turns around.
“Sora! Behind you!” she warns, sounding genuinely worried.
Our heroes turn around to find a bunch of Dancers creeping up behind them.
Welcome to one of the WORST fights in the whole game!
These gals will JUGGLE YOU TO DEATH if you slip up even ONCE!
I struggled HARD on this battle back when I played KH2, and it’s the ENTIRE reason I DESPISE fighting Dancers!
They REALLY needed a Reaction Command or SOMETHING to turn that devastating attack back on them!
After the last Dancer FINALLY falls, Aerith and Yuffie run ahead while Leon tells Sora that the King is in the bailey.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy run straight there during the cutscene.
Upon arrival, our Junior Heroes spot a massive hole in the wall that leads beyond the borders of the town, explaining what the explosion they heard earlier was.
Sora looks out over the battlefield.
An army of Armored Knights and Sentry Robots is advancing through the Great Maw, the LARGEST Heartless army depicted yet in the series.
More Heartless approach from the outcroppings above the valley and jump down to join the assault.
There are enough Heartless that the ground shakes as they advance.
Yuffie catches her shuriken and falls over from exhaustion as the army rushes past her, until Aerith gets her back on her feet with a Curaga, and the two rejoin the fray.
Stitch leaps into action, dual wielding his blasters as he guns down Heartless after Heartless.
Payne lures an Armored Knight to a cliff, allowing Yuna and Riku to kick it over the edge, at which point reinforcements force them to retreat.
Cloud and Leon stand back-to-back on a cliffside path, Heartless advancing from all directions.
“Think you can handle this many?” Leon asks.
“Well…” Cloud replies, “Might be tough if one more shows up.”
Leon chuckles.
“Then that’ll have to be the one I take care of,” he snarks.
“What, you’re fighting too?” Cloud jokes.
Leon chuckles again, and the two leap towards the armies advancing on them, cutting down Heartless after Heartless.
Fade to black.
When it fades back in, Cloud is surrounded by armored knights, when Sephiroth cuts down a dozen in one swing of his sword, Villain’s Vale just barely visible on the horizon as the music fades out.
The camera zooms up to Sephiroth’s face, making Villain’s Vale and the entire crevasse outside of Hollow Bastion look downright miniscule compared to him.
“Sephiroth!” Cloud shouts as he brandishes his weapon, and the Heartless scatter.
Sephiroth takes a handful of steps towards Cloud and points his sword at him.
“I understand that you’ve been looking for me,” the SOLDIER states as he raises his sword.
“Yeah,” Cloud replies, “Once I get rid of you, the darkness will go away.”
“Can you do it?” Sephiroth asks, “That darkness comes from your own dark memories. Do you think you can erase your past?”
“Shut up!” Cloud snaps.
“Face it – you turn your back on the present and live in the past,” Sephiroth states, “Because the light of the present is too much!”
“You don’t know me!” Cloud insists.
“Cloud!” Tifa calls.
A bright flash covers the screen as Cloud shields his eyes.
Sephiroth grins.
“I know. Because… I am you.”
He teleports away, leaving black feathers to flutter away on the wind.
Cloud glances around, then runs off.
“Cloud! Wait!” Tifa calls as she runs after him.
Some Armored Knights make the mistake of blocking her way and surrounding her, prompting her to punch and kick them all to death.
Fade to black as she glares at the nearest Heartless.
We return to Sora’s POV.
“Leon, everybody – hang in there!”
The battle theme restarts. Proceed through the hole in the wall to the warzone outside of town to continue the story.
However, before they can advance to the battlefield, the King spins/rolls through the air and lands on the ground in front of them, albeit facing towards the battlefield instead of towards our Junior Heroes.
“Okay, fellas,” he starts as he spreads his arms out, “you’ve gotta go find Riku and Kairi!”
“But Leon and the others are friends too!” Sora protests.
“Don’t worry,” the King replies, “There’s already lotsa help here.” He briefly glances over his shoulder back at them. “We’ll take care of this fight.”
“But… I promised Leon!”
Donald and Goofy give Sora a sympathetic look.
“Donald! Goofy!” the King orders, prompting both to stand at attention, “Take Sora and get goin’!”
The music fades out as the camera focuses on Sora.
“Riku, Kairi…” he opens, “give me a little time, okay?”
Donald and Goofy share a glance, and nod.
“Your Majesty!” Donald calls as he looks up in the air AWAY from his King and moves rather stiffly.
“We understand,” Goofy continues, doing the same, “We’ll go search for Riku and Kairi!”
“Right. Watch for danger!” the King directs, not even turning to face them.
“You be careful too!” Donald replies, not taking a step to take Sora anywhere.
“Wait, you guys!” Sora protests.
The King continues surveying the battlefield.
“Sora, do as you’re told!” Donald replies.
“You’re comin’ with us whether you want to or not!” Goofy adds.
“C’mon Sora! You gotta be good!” Donald adds, before winking at Sora.
Sora catches on to what they’re doing.
“Gotcha,” he says with a smile.
“Well then, skedaddle!” Goofy orders.
Sora mouths a thank you.
“Let’s go!” Donald declares, and the trio rushes right past King Mickey, jumping over the edge onto the lower outcropping, catching the King off guard.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty!” Sora calls, before leaping down into the battle.
Donald and Goofy salute.
“Hope you can forgive us!” Goofy calls as Donald jumps after Sora, before jumping after them himself.
The King watches them go, sighs, but still smiles sadly.
Cue a Final Mix exclusive cutscene where a security camera scans Ansem’s computer room and spots the Unknown
It zooms in on him, fails to identify him (even calling him “Unknown”), and is swiftly destroyed by one of the Unknown’s signature energy attacks.
The Unknown slides a disk into the computer, which prompts it to load a password window.
The Unknown types in “ANOTHER” and the computer brings up six more password prompts.
The Unknown types in six passwords, and while all six are shown as asterisks, we can infer what they are from later Secret Ansem Reports.
The computer starts the system and ejects the disk, at which point the Unknown walks out the other end of the computer room and goes down to the room that’s visible from Ansem’s study but you have yet to visit.
Upon reaching the floor, it opens up, and a ramp materializes. He walks down the ramp, which dematerializes as the door closes behind him.
This leads to a spiraling ramp that leads even DEEPER below the castle, as the Unknown has an audio-only flashback about a moment that we’ll see in a couple of cutscenes, ruining the impact of said scenes by dropping the big reveal NOW instead of then.
Once he reaches the bottom, he steps into an eerily pristine and well-lit hallway, full of empty cells where his original self had experimented on Hollow Bastion’s residents. For maximum eeriness, the camera follows him from INSIDE the cells, giving the perspective the false Ansem’s victims would’ve seen all those years ago as he walks past the unlit cells, until he reaches the doorway at the other end of the hall.
He steps through, to a small room with a throne at the center, it’s back to the door.
He sits down in the throne, and the chain-patterns on the floors and walls light up, revealing a battered, blue armor on the floor.
“It has been far too long,” he comments, “’friend.’”
The camera cuts to a view of the armor and zooms out, revealing a thin, blue Keyblade leaning against the wall near the helmet.
Flashback to the Organization’s headquarters, to a few years ago, as Zexion walks  across a glass platform in a large, empty room.
“Zexion! Zexion!” Vexen calls
“Right here,” a clearly annoyed Zexion replies as Vexen dashes down the stairs towards him, “What is it?”
“Where is Lord Xemnas?” Vexen questions.
“His usual spot,” Zexion answers.
Vexen scowls.
“The Chamber of Repose?” he questions.
“Yes,” Zexion answered, “Go and see for yourself.”
“That isn’t funny,” Vexen snaps back, “I suppose I have no choice but to wait. But the clock is ticking. Time is running out. What to do?” Vexen stomps off down the stairs past Zexion. “Why is he never around when I need him? It’s almost as if he knows I’m looking for him.”
Zexion tries to make his way up the stairs.
“You know, I don’t like that place either,“ II replies from offscreen.
Zexion looks up to the pipes where his colleague is sitting.
“What about you, Zexion?” II asks from his perch, “What do you think?”
“I think eavesdropping is intrusive,” Zexion replies, “Why are you even here? You and Xaldin were tasked to recruit new members.” II jumps down as Zexion continues. “Have you forgotten, or were you procrastinating?”
“As if! I’m doing my job,” II answers, “I’ll have you know, I found one just yesterday. ‘Mar’ something. That puts the Organization’s count at 11.
“And since I’ve been working so hard, I had Lexaeus take my place for today.
“I want to rest up for tomorrow, so I can wake up feeling nice and refreshed.”
“Is that so?” Zexion questions, “Well, then, I’ll leave you to it. I have work to catch up on. Good day.”
Zexion tries to walk off, only for II to run after him.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” II remarks as he throws an arm around Zexion’s shoulders, “Come on. Stay and talk.
“Isn’t it time you told me about Xemnas’s secret?”
II releases Zexion’s shoulder and walks ahead a bit.
“How long ago was it?” II asks, “When a bunch of warriors wielding key-shaped swords appeared and unleashed a spectacular battle. And when it was all over, all that was left was a man lying unconscious without his memories. Xemnas… er,” II says the imposter’s real name, “was found by Ansem right around then, wasn’t he?”
“Your point?” Zexion asks.
“The Chamber of Repose,” Xigbar answers, “If you recall, that’s where we spent our time researching the darkness that resides within people’s hearts. It’s a graveyard that was sealed by order of Ansem the Wise.
“The first thing Xemnas did once he got rid of him was to undo the seal and build a room in the back. Ever since then, he holes himself in that room when he can, and he talks to someone.
“But who? For all I know, he’s the only one in that room.”
“Need I repeat myself about eavesdropping?” Zexion asks as II approaches him.
“Not eavesdropping,” II insists, “Couldn’t hear what they were saying. Dying to find out what it was though.
“You wouldn’t know anything about it, would you?”
“I know I would very much like to focus on my own duties,” Zexion replies, before continuing past II and up the stairs, “As you should with yours. For we need to prepare the new facility immediately, but there are only 11 of us in the organization. We’re going to need a few more hands on deck.” Zexion continues walking.
“What new facility?” II asks, “Oh! You mean Castle Oblivion?
“What does Xemnas plan on doing with that place, anyway?”
“He already shared his intentions with us,” Zexion remarks as he keeps walking.
“But did you know there’s something he DIDN’T share?” II asks, prompting Zexion to pause once more.
Silence falls over the room.
“The Chamber of Repose is part of a pair,” II explains, “The Chamber of Waking is the other.
“Another graveyard, if you want to call it that.
“It was constructed by someone other than Xemnas himself. And that’s’ where he’ll find it.
“That’s where he’ll find his other ‘friend.’”
Zexion stares at II as the cutscene fades to black.
Hollow Bastion’s battle theme starts playing again as we return to scenes from the base game.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy arrive at the Castle Gates, where Demyx emerges from a Corridor of Darkness as the music fades out once more, an awkard bit of editing brought on by the point the new scenes were added in.
“Hey, you guys are looking lively,” Demyx greets.
“Scram!” Donald shouts.
“Didn’t we catch you messing around in the Underworld?” Sora asks, “How’d a wimp like you get into Organization XIII?”
Demyx flinches and recoils.
“I bet you can’t even fight,” Sora taunts.
“Yeah, but we can!” Donald adds.
“You shouldn’t judge anyone by appearance,” Demyx scolds.
Our Junior Heroes summon their weapons.
Demyx flinches and turns away.
“I told them they were sending the wrong guy,” he grumbles.
“Who is this kook?” Sora questions.
“Remember, the Organization’s made up of Nobodies,” Goofy reminds him.
“Right – no hearts!” Sora remarks.
“Oh, we do to have hearts!” Demyx claims, “Don’t be mad…”
“You can’t trick us!” Donald snaps.
“Silence, traitor,” Demyx coldly replies as he points at Sora.
All of the required Organization XIII battles so far have used either The 13th Struggle or Tension Rising.
For the first time ever, The 13th Dilema starts playing as Demyx forms a dome of water over himself, and summons his sitar to his hand, forming it out of the water.
Cue Demyx’s ACTUAL boss battle.
Demyx opens the battle by shouting “Dance Water, Dance!” and summoning a bunch of clones.
Destroy them all within the time limit, or you’ll get the “minigame/mission failed” game over screen, with Sora looking disappointed.
No in-universe explanation is provided for why failing to destroy all the water clones in time does this, but whatever.
When the water clones are turned into music notes, Sora can use “Wild Dance” to take a lot of them out at once. Be warned that the Water Clone you initiate “Wild Dance” with will not count as defeated until the end of the Wild Dance, meaning that time can run out while the only water clone left is one that you’re spinning around as a flail, and it’ll still count as a failure.
Fire and Limit Form are also good to use, thanks to Demyx and his Water Clones counting as Blizzard enemies.
As soon as the last water clone falls, the fight with Demyx begins proper.
He attacks by summoning jets and waves of water to strike you with, leaping around the arena and calling up geysers behind him as he goes.
He can do this even when knocked into the air by aerial combos.
He’ll even summon blobs of water from above to dump on Sora. He’ll also summon several water spheres around himself and detonate them.
Occasionally, you’ll get the “Show Stealer” Reaction Command. Hitting it will cause Sora to interrupt Demyx’s sitar strumming to stun him.
Failing to hit it will result in a cutscene where Demyx slams his sitar into Sora’s face.
He’ll occasionally repeat his “Dance Water, Dance!” attack, such as when his health drops below half, so try to be quick.
And as you’re outside the town’s limits, the defense system can’t help you.
Wisdom Form, Fire Magic, and Thunder are the best strategies here.
Many people consider this to be one of the most frustrating bosses in the series.
Kinda appropriate when you realize that the Dancers work for him.
Defeating Demyx awards Sora with an Armor Slot and Blizzard Element (boosting Blizzard to Blizzara), Donald with Blizzard Boost, and Goofy with +4 Max HP.
In the post-fight cutscene, Demyx’s sitar dissipates back into water, and Demyx himself wails in despair as he fades from existence, vanishing into a pillar of water.
“Anyone from the Organization who’d like to be next?” Sora asks.
“Hey Sora!” Donald shouts, “Don’t antagonize them!”
“Yeah, we gotta go help our friends out first,” Goofy adds.
“Oh. Sorry,” Sora sheepishly replies.
“Then lets go!” Donald shouts.
He and Goofy take a step forward.
“Aha! There you are!” the King shouts.
He stomps up to the trio and crosses his arms.
The trio have the decency to look guilty, but the King drops the act pretty quickly.
“You sure have lotsa friends to help,” he remarks, “So, I guess we better all pull together and finish this battle for good!”
“Yes, Your Majesty!” SDG chorus.
King Mickey walks towards the trio, unaware of the battle between a Survey Robot and a Dusk on the cliff above his head.
Goofy notices that some of the debris is heading straight for the King.
“Look out!” he shouts, shoving the King out of the way.
The boulder hits Goofy square in the head, sending him sliding across the ground and hitting a rock wall.
“Goofy!” Sora shouts as he, Donald, and the King rush over to him.
“No…” Mickey mutters as he realizes Goofy isn’t getting up.
Sora and Donald run right up to his side.
“Hey! You’re the King’s captain! You gotta get up!” Donald shouts.
“C’mon, wake up!” Sora begs.
“I’m sorry about the ice cream!” Donald adds.
“Goofy…?” Mickey begs.
No response.
“Goofy…” Donald weeps into his friend’s chest.
“This is not happening…” Sora tells himself, “It can’t be happening… It can’t…”
The King’s fingers curl into a fist as his eyes harden into a glare.
“They’ll pay for this.”
He tears off his black coat to reveal his Kingdom Hearts II outfit, summons the Kingdom Key D, and rushes towards the battle.
Donald’s grief turns to rage as he brandishes his staff and charges into battle.
Sora spares Goofy one last look before rushing after him.
The camera lingers on Goofy’s unmoving body for a few seconds, before cutting to Sora running further into the battlefield as the cutscene fades to black.
GOD this is tragic and epic and lore-filled and Goofy fuckign DIES but also I’m laughing because the Final Fantasy Characters /REALLY/ seem to just be doing their own thing with no fucking context why are they here lmao
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tylrgalpins · 1 year
so thoughts on the ted lasso finale since you reblogged to say you enjoyed it.
i'm going to put them undercut just cause it will contain spoilers!! but yes, i did like and enjoy the finale.
so my thoughts on the ted lasso finale, why I enjoyed it and why I felt the majority of the characters ended up where they should be.
so first let's address ted because so many people didn't like the fact he went back to kansas and left his found family just for henry. I saw loads of people say it was very out of character for ted but I got to disagree.
in s2 we found out that a lot of ted's issues and struggles stemed from the fact his father committed suicide when he was only 16 and that resulted in him feeling like his father abandoned him.
with ted having carried that all his life I understand why he felt he needed to go home to be with his son and be more active in his life. he never wanted henry to feel like he had abandoned him and so he went home to be with him even if it meant sacrificing his life in richmond. ted put his son first. and yes, it's nice to think 'well Henry could come to England' but realistically, to uproot his life like that and take him away from everyone in his life would be a lot for a teenager to go through.
Now let's talk about Rebecca.
I know loads of people are angry about tedbecca, which personally I don't ship so maybe that changes my opinion but I generally don't think the fact them two not getting together spoilt her story or her arc.
To me, the entire arc of Rebecca was for her to finally stop caring about Rupert and what he thinks, to get out of his hold and actually realise how much she loves and care for the club.
And she did that, she stopped caring about beating rupert and cared about the team instead. she realised how much good she had done with the club and how important it was to her and how important she was to the club.
That was her story arc done, and to me it was satisfying.
I know tedbecca shippers are upset and yes it sucks when your ship doesn't happen but to me there was no way they could have worked. ted needed to go back to henry, and rebecca needed to stay. imagine how angry everyone would have been if rebecca gave it all up to be with ted. just look how much everyone hates ross & rachel for the exact same reason.
So the roy/jamie/keeley part.
So this was maybe the part i was least happy about but also I don't think it was that bad.
I loved roy & keeley and it sucked so much that they didn't end up together but I do feel that was best for the characters at this moment.
they broke up because roy didn't feel worthy and then he did nothing to help change that mindset. we finally saw him making strides in the last few minutes and i do feel he needs to sort himself out before him & keeley give it another go because at the moment nothing has changed.
I also kinda liked that Keeley ended up single, for the entire series she's pretty much always had a partner. I like that she's decided to focus on her career for a while.
Sure it would've been nice if they had done the previous two bullets throughout season 3 but they didn't, and I think they are important for the relationship to work.
Now jamie, i do largely want to ignore the comment he made about keeley because he's made the best character progress of the season and I love him. at the same time, while the comment was out of line, i do sort of think it's on brand. a lot of the roy/jamie friendship is based on trying to out do each other and I just don't think jamie thought before he spoke which I also thought was on brand for jamie. that said I don't agree with the stuff he said.
I still love jamie and i don't think that one comment ruins his entire redemption.
other stuff.
I was really happy colin got to kiss his fella even if we all saw it coming. i've really enjoyed his storyline and I thought it was done well.
I am really pleased with where the team ended up at the end of the season.
I loved that sam got to play for nigeria.
i've seen a few people say they hated that nate didn't really move forward, especially as he came back to richmond as a kitman. but i felt this was the whole point of his story. he reached the top and it sucked for him, he lost everything but then realised that actually, that didn't matter anyway.
YES for roy kent as manager.
a little gutted they didn't end up winning the whole fucking thing.
happy with where trent crimm ended up.
loved that beard stayed but not so much that he married jane.
i think that covers everything but come talk to me about anything you want regarding the final.
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weirdo09 · 2 years
(by)wheelclair <3 royalty au pt. 3 of 4(?)
mike dragged lucas away from the garden to the town. they went shopping for a bit until mike saw will thinking ‘what’s he doing here?’ will was at a food stand when he noticed mike and lucas. he started walking over, meanwhile, mike was having an internal panic attack. “hi, mike.” will said with a small wave. “uh, pretty boy, who’s this fine fella?” lucas says bluntly. will slightly blushes at the compliment.
‘god, why are they so attractive.’ mike thought as his mouth was wide open looking back in fourth at the two of them. “mike?” will said confused “oh, uh, right this is lucas, my friend.”mike replied finally grabbing a sense of reality. “and, uh, lucas, this is my suitor’s brother, william from wisetropia.”lucas quietly huffed at the mention of mike’s ‘suitor’. will says (kinda) hesitate “you can just call me will.” “alrigh’ then, will, as you know, i’m lucas.” he winked as he tipped his hat in will’s direction. will blushed yet again and chuckled softly. mike and lucas suddenly thought ‘god, this laugh is adorable.’
“so, what brings you two to town?” will said, hoping to start some conversation. “well, we was just here looking around, yk.” lucas said. “and, uh, what brings you here, will?” mike said nervously still stuck looking him and lucas up and down. “oh, well, i thought i’d take a walk, look around, things like that.” will said as he rubbed his neck and flashed a charming smile. mike looked at his mouth as will did that thinking ‘wonder what his lips feel like’ but shook the thought out of his mind. “oh, nice.” mike barely whispered “well, it was nice meeting you, lucas, can’t wait to spent more time with the both of you.” will quipped before he went and walked up, smiling.
“well, he seems like a nice fellar.” lucas said as will walked far enough not to hear. “a very cute one, too” mike whispers “whatcha ya say?” lucas said suspiciously “oh, uh, nothing.” mike said nervously flashing a nervous smile to prove it. “uh huh, sure, pretty boy.” “anyways, whatcha ya wanna do next?” lucas said. “uhm, go to the woods?” mike suggested thinking ‘maybe there i can tell him my feelings.’
and so they were off, holding hands. mike was looking down at his hand the time thinking ‘i’m holding his hand.’(bbg’s so love, it’s insane) they went to their usual spot and laid down. “soo, lucas, uh can i, uh tell you something?” mike said unsure of how to say what he was planning to next. “sure, thing pretty boy.” lucas said as he started to sit up and look mike in the eyes. “so, uhm, i uh-“ “yk, what? i’ll just say it.” “I like you, like really, really like you.” mike said, closing his eyes for fear of rejection. “hun, look at me, please.” lucas said grabbing hold of mike’s chin. mike slowly opened his eyes. “i really like ya too, darlin’.” lucas said smiling.
mike said with barely much volume “can i kiss you, please?” “sure, baby.” lucas replied but he went in first. the kiss was pure passion, no words could describe this kiss. as they parted, mike placed a finger on his lips whispering “that was…amazing.” lucas chuckled.
“yea, it was.” lucas exclaimed. “so, what does this make us?” he asked curiously “partners, I guess?” mike answered. “partners? i like it.” lucas said, looking at mike’s lips again. “kiss me again?” mike said. “sure thing, baby.” lucas replied as he went back in to kiss him, mike’s hand on lucas’ neck. it was just them and the sounds of world around them.
mike went home to the castle, thinking about the kisses the whole way there. he passed his sisters and his parents without a single word til he bummed into eleanor. “uh, sorry.” mike said as he looked up to look at her properly. “it’s ok-.” she started to say then “what has got you all excited?” with her hands at her hips. mike’s eyes widen at the question then, he smiled and said “uhm, nothing-.” el smirked but said “oh, already, just tell me when you’re ready.” she also whispered “give me all the dirt, ok” then, she walked away to who knows where.
mike ran to his room and closed the door softly. he sighed as he closed the door and smiled to himself remembering what lucas had said previously. he went to lay in his bed and ponder what just happened. he’s in a relationship with someone who’s not his suitor. how would his parents and sister(nancy) react? he could care less, all that was in his mind was his partner, lucas.
with lucas, he was in his room on cloud nine and his sister could totally tell. it was so embarrassing on erica’s part. she again barged in his room asking “who’s got you this smitten?” “uhm, uh, no one.” he said quickly as he got out of his daydream. “it’s sad how hard you’re trying to hide it.” she said, chortling. lucas huffed and went over to push erica out. “go away, erica.” as he pushed her, she stuck her tongue out saying “you gotta tell me who the special someone is eventually.” after he threw erica out, he closed the door and returned to his daydream.
@adoremaxmayfield @adorewillbyers @tinylittle-superfan @forever-augustine @forevereternally-janedoe @feelin-a-bit-frazzled @pimplepogue @background-character-341 @ronanticized @rock-n-bowl @willbyerswithagun @butterflies-for-michael @no-ordinary-demigirl @delusional-dingus @borispavlikovskymybeloved
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ezamevolni · 1 year
Cryptic: Generosity
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Hello fellow military spouses, have there ever been times when you've listened to conversations that BTS had and wondered what on earth are they talking about? You sort of got it, but at the same time had a nagging feeling that you didn't.
Don't fret for the solution is simple.
As it turns out all you have to do is to start appreciating the exclusivity of Jinkook's bond. (Yes, ship them) What was once puzzling and veiled will transform into loud af/TMI overload/guns ablazing/zero filter conversations. It truly opens up the third eye.
Cryptic is going to be a series. These are harder to churn out and hold up the line but they're too fun to not write 🔥
Previously in the last exchange covered, Hobi was side eyeing the lovebirds (esp JK) for being too loud on camera. This time around it's Jimin - fearless and unfaltering - standing his ground in the face of Jin's feeble attacks.
Overall, this little argument affirms an unspoken dynamic of Jijinjung off-cam as well. And if I were to pick sides.. point to Chimchim.
Before getting into it, everyone please take a moment to appreciate RM's styling 🌈
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Not exactly fashionable but very forward.
This episode is brought to you by Jinmin🌙 with a special appearance from Hobi
Esquire Magazine Making Film (2020)
All was well on an early winter day as the boys dressed up as big cats, in cropped blazers, under a thousand layers and one for the Esquire magazine photoshoot. It was noticeably overcast on location outside the stout, brutalist factory, which mayhap set the right mood for the impending tiff.
JK was done with his styling first for their second group shoot, so he was waiting around for the others and exercising by himself.
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Shortly after, Jimin entered into frame and began imitating JK's arm moves, directly opposite him.
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Working the arms expressionlessly.
There wasn't much else to do, they're bored and had to pass time while on standby, so it's by no means Jimin's fault for wanting to get playful.
Because after a few repetitions, Jimin was aiming right for Jungkook's nips with his fingertips.
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Not even half a beat passed before we can hear Jin, out of frame, going, "DON'T-
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-joke around."
The speed of Seokjin's reaction - he was either watching like a hawk or has a build in radar. And by how quickly his guard broke down after seeing his beloved getting touched by the angel.. our cryptic study, it begins.
Jin didn't stop at just one warning but instead was rattling off, "Don't joke around, we're in a shoot. Don't joke around x4, focus on the shoot. No no, don't joke around.."
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Like two bumper cars in the night, they made contact again and again. Jimin pushed Jin away but Jin was constantly coming back, trying to increase the distance between him and Kookie.
As it were at that point the spotlight had shifted over to Jin and Jimin, because JK had taken a step backwards and looked simply in dire need of a nap,
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eyes half closed, warm and sleepy
Jinmin's petty debate soon began with Jimin's opening line, "And you think you are generous? Don't you feel small?"
Which prompted Jin to emit a sheepish laugh.
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Gotta hand it to the English subtitles for making the conversation more cryptic than it had to be. A better word for 'generous' could be 'tolerant', and a better word for 'small' could be 'shabby' in the sense that Jimin was saying.
So Jimin actually said to Jin, "Saying you are tolerant.. don't you feel shabby?" Petty much sir?
Right after Jin stepped in to usher him away from Jungkook.
Fellas, is this even cryptic? 😗
To clarify, Jimin was also referencing something Jin said during their interview earlier. The captions read [Jin said he is generous in the interview] so despite the part not making it into the final print, the editors and the members did hear him say so.
"I am pretty generous," Jin retorted feebly. Jimin went "EH?" at this reply but Jin did not give him a chance to retaliate because he threw the conversation to Jhope, who was resting on the sidelines.
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"Ya Hope-ah, tell me honestly, aren't I more generous?" Help me bro
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Jhope went, "Hyung is cooler (more laidback)."
He cleverly stood in the middle ground by using another term. Hm, but this 'more'...more than who? (war flashbacks to somebody physically edging everyone out of his way to stand next to yeobo)
+ points to BH's DP (cameraman) here because they panned to Hobi for only a sec and quickly returned to center on Jinmin. They knew where the main arena was✨
As Jin was just thrown a lifeline from Hobi to save him from his embarrassing show of petty jealousy, he was not about to let go of it.
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"Right, cool! Generous, that's it!" That's what I meant by tolerant. Yes, I'm really tolerant.
However Jimin, a man of principle, wouldn't let Jin get away with it that easily.
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Btw this DP is really doing some of their best work. That back and forth panning between Jinmin - excitement levels ⚠️⬆️
"Brother. Haven't you ever considered that your beloved younger brothers have become more generous because of you, brother?" He said with the poise of a seasoned lawyer.
Yeah, these are real subs. I just used the raw video to make the visuals look cleaner.
"Ha, what are you talking about- You towards me.. Because of you I-!" -fumbling-
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"-Not considering others, you and Jungkookie..."
...aand I wish he finished his sentence but alas, Jin trailed off. If he did, maybe we would have reeled in a whole school of Jinkookers the day this video was released.
And Jungkook came back into focus in this fierce debate because yes, it had been about him this whole time. He started it and never left. I'd like to also pause for a second here to leave for pondering: how common this kind of argument could be between Jin and Jimin.. because JK wasn't even a little bit motivated to intervene. It's happened before? Many times? He's over it.
Ball was back in Jimin's court and he continued the relay with ease:
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"Is this being 'generous'?" came Jimin's scoff. Look at yourself bro. And Hobi in the back, looking thoroughly entertained.
Jin's still trying to save his pride, "I...! Oh...!? Hey, you..." @%!$@!&
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He's going down.
Jimin went in for the final kill. "Even your clothes don't look generous-
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Teasing his Jin hyung is so fun
"-I can see into your heart." Reaching out, touching Jin's lapel while Jin was warding him off, bravado shrinking, clinging onto the last shreds of his ego.
Now at the very end there was nowhere else for him to run, so almost like a last resort Jin decided to exclaim,
"You look shabby!"
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LMAOOOLJLHJJ Seriously what kind of a random attack is this..? Terrible, Seokjin, what happened to your eloquence 🙁
The verdict was basically set but Jin will still not admit defeat (even if battered).
"This, what is it? Is it gold?" Jin said finally as he tried to change the topic and move it along.
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Jimin laughed while answering, "You have nothing more to say. This is gold."
K.O. He won. ✨
To summarize, Jinmin just had a very honest conversation about Jin's pettiness - specifically about how much he minds others getting too close to Jungkook.
In this instance, Jimin was just playing around and barely did anything (in addition we have to admit that these guys are known for excessive touchiness and affection). Therefore I'd say Jimin did not cross the line and Jin overreacted a bit. Especially since they were being filmed.
But I don't know :/ maybe some of you guys would side with Jin more..
Because it's hard to even stomach the thought of him peeling perilla leaves for another friend.
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Overall, very on brand as the two archangels argue over their favorite shaggy coconut.
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hanalwayssolo · 2 years
I've scoured your page for your ocs so I have two. Please, all the questions for Briony and Javier?
I’m sorry if this took so long anon but all questions???? I am absolutely happy to serve! 🫡
Placing this under the cut because I got carried away with the idea of Briony and Javier meeting through a virtual chat and getting to have a conversation.
OC interview questions
1 Who makes up your family? How close are you to them?
Briony: So there's Cor, and he’s my dad. Not by blood, though.
B: Then my mom. Her name's Candela. Again, not by blood.
B: Never met my real parents. According to my mom they gave me up because my real dad didn’t want a girl as a first born. So...
Javier: so i think--and pardon me for saying this--but your real parents should rot in hell.
B: LMAO thank you for standing in solidarity with me. 🥺
B: Anyway! There's also my ten-year-old daughter, Ellie.
B: I could I say I'm close to all of them, and I love them all very much. 💖
B: So yeah. That's pretty much it for me. How about you, sir?
J: well no need to address me as sir, ‘javi’ is just fine, your majesty.
B: Please, I’d also appreciate if you’d just call me Briony. 🥲
J: alright then :)
J: ok so i have a younger brother. his name is carlos. not sure if we’re close. he can be annoying and i know i can be annoying to him. or worse.
J: then darcy, my ex-wife. my bonita and scout, darcy’s kids from a previous relationship whom i both treat as if they were my own flesh and blood. greta, emma, leticia. i know it sounds strange and i won’t go deep into our affairs but all i can say is that even after all my shortcomings, they were still very generous enough to give me another chance. so i’m grateful for our blended family. 
J: as for my parents, well. mi padre--i mean my dad, our relationship was not exactly a good one. it’s more of like a professional relationship. he was only el jefe to us. nothing more.
J: my mamá, however, was the best of us. but my dad didn’t really treat her well so she ended up leaving.
B: Oh gods, I’m so sorry.
J: don’t be. my dad should be the one apologizing. 
B: This is probably the reason why they put us together here. We both have issues with our real parents.
J: jajajaja looks like it.
2. Who is your best friend? Tell us about them!
B: My best friend is my husband, and his name is Gladio. He looks absolutely mean and threatening because he’s 6′6″ but he’s just about the kindest and sweetest fella I’ve ever met. 
B: How about you, Javi?
J: not to put a damper on things but i don’t have one. a best friend, that is. 
B: You can’t be serious? But you seem so amiable. 
J: you are far too kind to me, briony. :)
B: Surely you had one before?
J: well... 
J: my ex-wife. i guess she was my best friend. we’re still friends now but our relationship is not like the one we had before. 
B: Oh. I see. 
B: Okay then, I won’t probe further. And I apologize for even broaching the subject. 
J: it’s alright, don’t worry about it. 
3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
J: so my mamá is a costume designer and she often took my brother and i to the local theatre to watch musicals and shakespearean plays. we would hang out backstage and we’d help out with everyone’s costumes. i love those days.
B: Your mother sounds like a lovely woman. 💖 
B: Which reminds me, when I was a kid, Mom would also take me to theatres and we’d watch all these plays, and we were always so fascinated with the music. Especially the costumes! The masks, the props, the entire production. And whenever we get home, she’d sit at the edge of my bed and we’d talk about it all night.
B: Thinking about it all makes me miss my childhood so much.
4. What is your least favorite childhood memory?
B: Now this is the question that makes me not miss my childhood at all LMAO
J: my sentiments exactly.
J: ladies first? jajaja
B: Fine. 
B: When I was ten, my hometown was invaded by the Empire. I watched as one of their generals killed our queen in front of her children, my childhood friends. I was separated from my Mom for a long time because of it. That’s when Cor found me and took me in.
B: I think that changed me.
B: Sorry, no—it really did change me. Made me really angry at the Empire. For a time, all I wanted was to hunt down every single Imperial soldier who killed my friends, who destroyed my home.
B: But at this point… I’m not so sure anymore. And I’m just tired of being angry, of being so lost.
J: it’s strange. your experience somehow reminds me of my own.
B: Really? How so?
J: my father runs a cartel for a living. one day a rival cartel broke into our house and beat the living daylights out of us. my mother included. i was 8, my brother was 5.
J: my father changed after that. i wasn’t surprised that he would want revenge; he has always been prideful, self-assured. but that incident… something about it made him ruthless. the way he treated my mother changed. he also changed how he treated my brother and i, most of all. he wanted us to be stronger, demanded us to do better. he even punished us for being weak.
J: about what you said about being angry for a time, he was angry for the rest of his life. he certainly made good of his promise that he would make the rival cartel pay, and pay they did with their life. i remember him bringing my brother and i to their hideout and showed us the bodies. everything was drenched in blood. when my brother started crying, my father forced him to look and said, “this is what i am willing to do for our family. i want you to stare at it. i don’t ever want you to cower in fear over this kind of violence, do you understand?”
J: so i guess long story short: my brother and i, we somehow inherited that anger. and we’re still paying the price.
J: and i know i’m the last person you’d want to hear this from, briony, considering i’m but a stranger to you… but i hope you don’t let your anger consume you. as someone who has ruined a lot of good things in my life: anger is poison. nothing good ever comes out of it.
5. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
J: ay dios mío, finally an easier question to answer.
B: I’ll let you go first!
J: my most favourite thing to do in my free time is to cook, make wine, and to also spend time with scout and bonita.
J: how about you?
B: I love reading books and watching movies with my daughter. She’s also been very keen recently in making costumes ever since we started going to our community theatre so I reckon she and your mom would definitely get along.
J: oh for sure. :) scout enjoys hanging out in old bookstores and i can see you and him getting along, too.
B: I would certainly love to meet him! 💖 I have a good friend who tends to a humble little book shop in my city. He’d probably have a swell time there.
6. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
B: Why are these questions like a rollercoaster ride????? LMAO
B: The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do is to answer all of these. And we’re not even halfway there yet!
J: likewise jajaja
J: but kidding aside though, what is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
B: Hmmmmm. I’d say having to raise Ellie on my own in my early twenties. I didn’t know better at the time, and even though I’m thankful that I managed to get the support I need from Cor and my friends, it was still tough having a kid during a very tough time.
J: once again, you remind me of someone i know.
B: Really? Please do elaborate, if you don’t mind.
J: not at all. darcy had scout and bonita when she was in her twenties, too. i saw firsthand how difficult it had been for her—physically, emotionally, mentally. it took a toll on her once. bonita was at the peak of her tantrums and darcy screamed at her, too, telling her, “you think your life’s hard? you’re just a bloody baby! you don’t have the right to cry!”
B: Okay, I know how stressful that situation is because I have to admit, I had a similar experience with Ellie when she was a baby. I was so stressed at work and so I cried with her when she started throwing a tantrum.
B: Being a mother is hard work. My heart goes out to Darcy, truly.
B: But honestly whenever I think about that time now, I just find it hilarious. There I was, unable to afford therapy, so I was having a breakdown with my baby LMAO
B: I do hope Darcy finds that time as something she could laugh about now.
J: oh she does. she’s very transparent to the twins and she’s shared with them her lowest moments as their mum often as a light-hearted anecdote.
J: but i have to say—despite that, all darcy’s self-deprecating jokes aside, scout and bonita are very much understanding of their mum’s circumstances, which only goes to show how she has beautifully raised the twins. bonita is especially well aware that she can be a pain in the ass and that she’s glad her mum just cried with her even when she was a baby if it meant having to get a proper scolding without her understanding a single word.
B: So… would you count that as the hardest thing you ever had to do? Raising the kids together?
J: not really, no. i mean raising the twins was hard but it’s the kind of hard that feels so easy? i hope that makes sense.
B: Yup, it does. I get it. I felt the same way with Ellie.
J: so yeah. i suppose having to leave them that is the hardest.
B: How so?
J: because i ended up hurting them.
B: Can I ask you something?
J: sure, go ahead.
B: You still love her, don’t you?
J: yes. i suppose you can say that the other hardest thing i had to do is how to stop loving her.
J: clearly i’m not very good as it.
7. Who do you look up to?
B: My Mom and Cor, for sure.
J: i’m not sure…
B: Do you mind if I take a wild guess?
J: sure, go shoot your shot.
B: You look up to Darcy. What you’re not sure about is whether to share that information or not.
J: i’m starting to hate how astute you are, Your Majesty.
B: Why thank you very much. 🥰
8. What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
B: Javi and I both agree that our answer here is the same as the one we gave in #4 LMAO
9. Are you a spiritual person?  If yes, what do you practice?
J: i was raised a catholic but now i really don’t practice anything.
B: As for me, I was certainly raised to practice not giving a fuck about the gods.
10. Where were you born?  Where did you grow up?  Where do you live now?
B: Born and raised partly in Tenebrae and currently living here once more. The rest of my childhood was spent between Leide and Insomnia.
J: born and spent most of my childhood in la paz, bolivia until my family and i were moving between one south american city after another in my teens. now i live in kent.
11. What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
B: Books all the way. And Pablo Neruda has a special place in my heart.
J: it would be movies for me. i am particularly fond of historical drama and war films and my current favourite would be the one scout recommended that i watch, which was the pianist.
12. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? (on vacation or permanently!)
B: I’m actually interested to go and see where you live, Javi.
J: i could say the same with you.
B: I guess we could exchange cities for a while for a vacation, no?
J: a wonderful idea. you can run my winery and i would…?
B: attend meetings with my advisors, hold court for tenebraeans needing counsel, and help my husband train my queensguard.
J: great. i think i’ll just stick to my winery then.
13. You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
B: Rebuild the cities destroyed by the Empire, restore Tenebrae’s historical sights, improve the transport system, create more creative spaces for young people, among many other things.
J: i don’t think i could follow from that excellent response but all i could think of is the same thing but i’ll do it in la paz. fix everything that the cartels have destroyed.
14. What are your favorite music genres?
B: Indie rock and pop and classical.
J: Jazz. And classical, too.
15. Do you play any instruments?  Which ones?  How long have you been playing?
B: Unfortunately I can’t play shit for the life of me LMAO
B: Javi?
J: i’m strangely proud to admit that i do know how to play the guitar. my mother taught me when i was very young and it’s how we spent most of our time together: me playing her favourite songs while she sings along.
16. Describe your perfect day.
B: Breakfast with Gladio and Ellie, a quiet time in the library, a nice swim down at Zoldara Lake, and a day without me having to go about any royal duties. All four would in one day would be absolutely perfect.
J: A good cup of coffee, a walk down the vineyard, drive around town, getting some time with the twins.
17. What makes you laugh?
B: Ellie’s actually pretty funny and witty so she’s the one who makes me laugh the most.
J: bonita made me watch these silly videos of cats from this social media platform and i hate to even admit this but those are funny.
B: I didn’t peg you as someone who would enjoy cat videos. Color me surprised.
18. What’s the best way to cheer you up?
B: A good glass of wine should do the trick.
J: funny you should mention that because wine also cheers me up and i happen to have a winery.
B: Yes that’s me saying I would appreciate a bottle every now and then. As a treat.
19. What makes you sad?
J: can we skip this one?
B: Absolutely not.
J: okay then i guess what makes me sad is thinking about the things i’ve done in the past.
J: your turn
B: I’d say… thinking about the time I lost Ellie’s dad.
20. Describe your biggest pet peeve.
B: Idiots.
J: same.
B: Also people who are just deliberately unkind and those who refuse to change.
J: as bonita would say… big samesies
21. Describe your ideal partner.
B: I am very fortunate to have married my ideal partner and best friend.
J: then i guess i’m very much unfortunate that my ideal partner and i have already divorced.
B: Javi, I shit you not, after this interview I will hook you up with someone.
22. What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
B: Here’s the thing… sometimes I can be completely oblivious with how flirting works. Which drives my husband mad at times because he’ll be doing this extraordinarily sweet thing and it just registers to me as him being awfully nice because there’s a special occasion LMAO
J: now that’s a relief to hear
B: LOL why!!
J: i just realized that i’m not as awkward as i think i am jajaja
J: to be perfectly honest, i can quickly get on with it through text or anything in the written form, which is probably the easiest way that anyone could flirt with me. but if it’s done in person, i do have the awful tendency to be oblivious. i have a number of people who have pointed this out, my brother most especially.
B: Now I’m curious to know: how did you and Darcy even started dating when you’re this awkward little duck? Like how did you even flirt with her?
J: texting was still not a thing at that time so i wrote her letters and poems.
B: Are you serious?? you say you’re awkward at flirting when you WROTE HER POEMS? Get the fuck outta here!!
23. Have you ever had a crush on someone?  Do you have a crush now?
B: Um, yes. And not to be an absolute sap but my crush now is my husband?
J: don’t worry, that is completely valid.
24. What would you consider your main love language?
B: I can’t say I only have one main love language; I’m actually inclined on both quality time and acts of service, for sure. I love doing things for the ones I love and whenever I get to spend time with them, and I very much appreciate it when they do the same.
J: i’m a quality time kind of guy, and also physical touch. it is certainly nice to hold someone you love and to be held by them.
B: Goddamn the poet jumped out, good sir! 🤭
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brunmarcher03 · 6 months
The Basic Principles Of Scrap Car Removal Toronto
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