#that and also like in case change in url and stuff
elegyofthemoon · 5 months
i feel like i just need to make friends tags on here LIKE i have a "friends tag" when im just uglycrying about friends here and there but i just meant individual tags for each friend :< but there are so many of you...
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
heads- up: someone is taking jc-centric fics and turning them into jc-bashing wangxian fics
I don't usually like to bring twitter drama over to tumblr but since the perpetrator in this case explicitly said they do this ON TUMBLR I felt it was pertinent to do so.
Today user DyuaLan on twitter, aka @jiaoji on tumblr, publically bragged about finding chengxian, xicheng, and zhanzheng fics and changing the names to make them wangxian fics with jiang cheng bashing.
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When authors (understandably) reacted to this by blocking them, they boasted about still having 15 stolen fics in their drafts on top of the ones they've already posted.
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And that they do all of this stuff on tumblr anyway, not twitter
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If you have written any kind of Jiang Cheng ships, or Jiang Cheng-centric fic in general, and are not a fan of your work being stolen, it's in your best interest to block them.
They also said that they block everyone they steal from. Though if you go to the blog now and are blocked, please don't panic, that might just be for fanwar reasons.
Here's proof that DyuaLan is in fact the same person as Jiaoji:
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(@jiaoji and @jiaoji2 lead to the same blog, it was probably called this because they at some point lost access/moved from their previous blog @jiao-ji)
And here jiaoji is bragging on their tumblr about feeling too lazy to even rewrite someone else's work
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Their ao3 is "Jiao_ji" where they have 16 works total, most of which are in portuguese, making it harder to verify which ones are stolen, as a lot of their "sources" are probably in english. (Most of the fics they have written on tumblr itself are also in english) They also have a wattpad account with the url "Dilf_ji"
As a bonus here they are 2 years ago whining about zhancheng authors blocking them because it means they can no longer steal their fics, this has been going on for a while.
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And talking a bit more about stealing from chengxian and zhancheng authors:
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While I haven't written any jiang cheng ships, I am a fic writer, and I know the work that goes into it. I can work on a single oneshot for months on end. So this kind of attitude, where if you hate a ship the author's work is just free for the taking, is appaling to me. Inspiration is normal, fandom is inherently transformative. Hell, ao3 has a "works inspired by" function for exactly that. But wholesale lifting someone's else's writing, only changing the ship and adding salt about a character you hate? Yeah, no. "Character bashing" fics aren't my cup of tea in the first place, but if you're going to do it, at least have the decency to write the damn things yourself.
I don't like doing callouts, so while I know that I can't really control anyone else's actions, I want to say for my own peace of mind... please just block this person. I don't wanna cause even more discourse. Remember: you don't feed trolls. I posted this because i think writers deserve to be warned when someone is maliciously stealing and editing their work, not to instigate harassment.
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otomiyaa · 6 months
PSA: Back up your blog, check your tumblr e-mail for copyright strikes
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Hi everyone, after suddenly losing my account with main blog + sideblogs last week, I would like to share the following warning with y'all. Not to scare you even though it is shitty, but to raise awareness. If this somehow results in me getting kicked off the platform again, so be it lol.
If you post anything fandom* related on your tumblr blog**, whether that's gifs, screenshots, videos, cosplay pics or even fics (?), you may risk getting a copyright strike (up to 3 in 18 months) or even immediate account termination. The chance is still rather small, but just know that it can happen.
*I say fandom in the broad term, so blogs that post about movies and series, anime/manga, games, celebrities, models, sports/olympics, etc. and it goes for gif and fic creators too. Not just accounts that post music or videos for example.
**I say tumblr blog, but this goes for all of the internet ofc. People have been getting this problem on any platform, from insta to etsy, youtube and twitter.
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Disclaimer: I am no legal expert, just an unlucky blogger who lost her silly multifandom fic blog after 7+ years.
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This will be a bit long and detailed so I proceed under the cut!
What can you do?
...To make sure you don't suddenly lose days, months, and years of content:
CHECK THE EMAIL LINKED TO YOUR TUMBLR. I know a lot of people don't do it, myself included. Tumblr does send warnings (though not always). It wouldn't have changed anything for me because I wouldn't want to appeal - since I don't want to go into this "fair use" discussion for just a fic & editing blog. I personally don't know the chances of retrieving your blog if you protest against the claims, so can't say much about that.
Back up your Tumblr blog if you can. Also save your Tumblr chats with people dear to you if you can. Account termination seems to work differently than deactivation. I was still able to see chats with people who deactivated long ago. But my blog that got terminated has vanished from everyone's DMs and ask boxes à la Thanos snap. I mourn my years of Tumblr chat with my best friend. It was not as if we even considered exporting/copying it just for the memories of the start of our friendship. But now that it's entirely gone, hehe, well. It is sad.
Save URLs and masterposts outside Tumblr. After losing your account, for I thiiink about 24-48hrs (I didn't clock, but it was temporary) you will be able to access it at least temporarily through cachedpages, if you have the URL. It doesn't seem to work for everything, but most of my Tumblr posts I could still see shortly through this site, even after I got wiped off the platform. I did this by googling my tumblr username + certain keywords, and the posts would pop up and give me the URL.
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...To prevent getting copyright strikes and losing your account?
Probably nothing - but like I said, I'm not the expert, just the fool who lost her account. The termination e-mail will give you a numbered URL so it's not easy to see which post resulted in the account loss, but for me the keywords were:
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Despite the 7+ years of posts, many followers and a lot of memories, I did not gain anything else from this blog and didn't think it was worth the (legal-) risks and effort to try and get it back. It would require filing an objection against the copyright claims with personal info from home address to name, and consenting to USA legal law stuff.
Even if I don't know the exact details, I'm sure they're not wrong, because whether it's fair or not, most fandom stuff has copyright issues in the end, so I can't protest against the claims with 100% certainty it won't get me in real trouble. Besides, I read about similar cases, lost cases, and admitted defeat right away.
They work with manual reports and most dangerously, bots, who seem to be randomly picking unlucky people to take down their posts and possibly the entire account.
So besides putting an entire halt to fic writing, gif making, video editing and other fandom indulgement, or the inconvenient act of censoring every single word and image, I don't think there is a way to entirely prevent getting targeted.
The one that treated me to the strikes leading to account termination was a certain Mr. Green who seems to have targeted mostly people on Etsy. But apparently now also on Tumblr. More about this I can share here for further information. I also share some other links that can inform you about how far the copyright problem can go. Again, no reason to panic. It's rare and I was unlucky. But it happens.
About Mr. Green, using bots all over the internet to take down fandom related material:
Tumblr post about his attack on fandom.
Long detailed doc from an Etsy user.
Insta post about also loss of Etsy account.
Also Etsy related, but same Mr. Green and his bots taking down something only because it used the NAME of an anime character.
Tweet about him and his company not being officially contracted but getting compensated.
About copyright claims on Tumblr - they are still rare, no panic, I just call it russian roulette and these are all unlucky people like me :')
Post by user @/marilynjeansiims about claims against users who post about Sims, including a petition against it.
Post by user @/happyheidi about Moomin posts facing issues.
Post by user @/hanyusan about olympic related claims.
Example by user @/koov about what a vague copyright warning looks like.
Good news, post by user @/yunghos about getting their account back after filing a counter notice. It seems to be possible.
Post by user @/iamkatehardy about getting a strike for using a gif.
Post by user @/stxrshxpxd about getting their acc terminated for no 100% clear reasons.
Post by user @/tekweela about getting terminated mercilessly because of a reblog.
Post by user @/fromanotherroom-revived about losing their account with similar advice as I write here.
Post by user @/ladyphasma about gifs and US law
Knowing this won't bring lost accounts back, or change the law, I do hope at least you can be better prepared just in case it happens... Better prepared than I was at least.
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jinruihokankeikaku · 2 months
2024.03.21: Ten Years (At Least!)
「夢はつまり 想い出のあとさき」 ―井上陽水、『少年時代』
Well, here we are. I started this blog (under the url "aelphvyne") on 21 March 2014, making today the blog's 10th anniversary. The blog has changed a great deal, I think, as have I, in many ways, over the past decade; but, in many ways, I really haven't.
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(me c. May 2014 / me c. today)
This blog has changed my life in a lot of ways, which feels weird to say, but it's true. There are a number of people I'd never have met were it not for our Posting on here - I won't tag anyone to avoid being obnoxious, but! I'm really glad I met you! Sincerely! A number of ideas i never would have encountered (for better or for worse). A number of places - like actual literal places in the real world - I might not have gone. Books I might never have read, songs I might never have heard, films I might never have watched. The list goes on. But why did I come here in the first place?
I started this blog to be closer to people I liked and in some sense I guess that's still the blog's raison d'être. This site is, after all, where I've spent the most time talking to people for the better part of the past decade. It's also become the de-facto hub for various projects that have rotated in and out over the years - the Homestuck stuff in 2020, an (unfinished) novella in 2021-2022, and most recently, the Evangelion Annotation Project (which I promise is still ongoing & will update...soon-ish).
And since it's been going on for so long, I guess the other thing this blog has become is an archive. A record of various moments in my life. A lot of the stuff I've posted and reblogged over the years I wouldn't stand by or endorse today. A lot of it I would. (Some of it I don't remember having posted in the first place; but I am reminded, when I look through this archive every now and then, that these, too, are remnants of who I was at some point.)
I like to take photographs every now and then, of the sky outside my window, of rain on leaves & the moon & things like that. I guess I've been doing that since around the time I made my proper return to Tumblr in 2020. If there's one really important thing on this blog, one thing that I feel really good about, it's that; those pictures are the kind of record that I really wish I had kept in earlier years, and that I hope to be able to continue to keep going forward.
And I will keep going forward. I've thought about leaving this place on a few occasions; and, I suppose if the Internet continues on its rather sad present trajectory, I may have to soon enough. But until then, "the show must go on" - at this point, I have no plans to leave any time soon. In a way, it's a line of continuity between myself 10 years ago and now. When I look back ten years from now (God willing!) I'll remember that we both liked doing this - rambling self-indulgently on the Internet to an audience of mostly strangers but - importantly - some friends, too. Some good friends. After all, who else would we have said all that too? Would we have said it at all? I think, in any case, that having said it is preferable to the alternative. By a mile.
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themainspoon · 8 months
If you are a WoD fan and you aren’t aware of how fucking wild White Wolf’s strategy for marketing Demon: the Fallen was, that changes right fucking now, get ready.
So, the year is 2002, American Culture is still moving past the Satanic Panic, and your job is to market a Table Top Role Playing Game where you play as literal demons who were aligned with the Biblical figure of Lucifer. The book has a big ass pentagram on its cover, and is filled with information on fictional demons and their demonic powers.
How do you market this?
Well, isn’t it obvious?
You satirise Chick Tracks by making a fake one about how the game you’re supposed to be promoting is satanic. I’ve linked it below, it’s only 23 pages long;
But you may be thinking: “Ok, that’s a funny concept, but why is this such a big deal to you?” Well, buckle the fuck up kiddo’s, because I want you to look at that last panel again:
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Do you notice anything about it that could prompt further inquiry? What about that URL?
You see, the chick track was only one part of this little marketing stunt.
And so, I ask again, how do you market Demon: the Fallen?
You create an entire fake Evangelical church website called the Eternal Grace Evangelical Church, and write a fake sermon in which you claim that the brand that hired you is producing games that turn children into drug addicts and sexual predators, also claiming that Vampire: the Masquerade was involved in real world murders including the fucking Columbine School Shooting.
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Below is a link to the site from the Internet Archives Wayback machine, the main bulk of the interesting stuff is in the sermons section.
Quick note, they used EVERY part of the evangelical bullshit playbook to make this site look legit, they went hard on this. So, the site is satire, but it still feels like it would be a good idea to mention that they satirise everything about Evangelicals, including their homophobic, transphobic, anti-catholic, and anti-pagan beliefs.
If you don’t want to read it yourself, here are some actual quotes from this fake Evangelical site that was, and I can’t stress this enough, MADE BY WHITE WOLF TO PROMOTE DEMON: THE FALLEN: (above disclaimer applies here too)
“Eternal Grace Congregation Church is a community of Christians who seek to love, worship and praise Him and to communicate the Word of the Gospel to the world around us while exposing the lifestyles and and recruiting prctices of those deviants who would make this world a place of horrors. Among these are homosexuals, gamblers, drug addicts and role-players.”
“You may find it useful to tell role-players about the Dallas youths who were burned to death in the steam tunnels of Southern Methodist University (of course it was the Methodists) while exploring them for treasure. Tell them about the syphilis-related insanity of Jimmy Cox, a Tennessee teenager who used role-playing games to build around him a coven of homosexuals. Tell them about Michelle Sikes, the Montana role-player who had a sex-change operation. The more perversion you can ascribe to involvement with role-playing the better. You may even wish to fabricate some of your own, to better illustrate the point to your specific at-risk individual.”
“Listening to accounts of the role-players’ games is either the height of tedium (it must be said, pardon my air of judgment) or evinces strong feelings of pity, […] Invitations to participate, if accepted, place the individual in a precarious position himself, and will probably expose him to the scourges of drugs, fornication, homosexuality and Catholicism/paganism in many cases.”
“point out to them that the activity borders on delusion (“You are not an elf, Tommy!”) and heresy (“If God intended for you to act like a demon, he would have made you a demon, Jenny”).”
“In addition, rumors (which is why I relegate this to a side note instead of including it in the main body of my discourse) link the activities of the Columbine high-school “trenchcoat mafia” with Vampires Masquerade.”
“As good Christians, it is obviously our duty to prevent our youth from learning the corrupt ways these books and games teach. Sex, suicide, drug abuse, homosexuality, “golden showers” and many other behaviors proscribed by the Lord and the Good Book come as a result of players taking their games too far. In particular, the moral execration contained with the Demon book takes these aberrations to new levels by openly encouraging players to act in the interests of Satan (or Lucifer, as he is depicted herein).”
“Additionally, role-playing games teach that violence is an acceptable and even admirable way of solving problems. Significant portions of their rules are devoted to combat and weaponry. Demon, for example, also contains systems by which the satanic characters can attack or use magic upon their enemies, with dark arts spawned from Hell itself. These are not unlike the gay community’s reactionary “straight bashing” in response to the more physical efforts of their loving fellows (but loving in the Lord’s intended way) to bring them back into the fold.”
“This Week: Pastor "Father" Ramos discusses the Catholic Church and the 68 Million deaths its evil has caused throughout the world! You won't read this in the history books! Father Ramos also discusses why he has chosen to reclaim the Holy tile"Father" from Catholocism.”
White Wolf was frequently quite edgy, and often wasn’t great at dealing with social issues (you could argue this is still true of the modern World of Darkness in some cases). But honestly I think this is a fun stunt. It mocks evangelicals for all their insane bigoted beliefs, and for basically giving all the stuff they call satanic free advertising. No matter what though this is an unhinged marketing stunt, and it is so wild that they actually did this.
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countriesgame · 6 months
Hello and welcome to this game!
Inspired by @thestategame I'm creating a version with countries.
I'm going to be collecting associations in the google forms so it's not just my opinions and then what associations come up the most are going to show up in the polls.
Every official country has already been posted and you can see the list of every poll on the blog right here:
Polls that are currently open
Closed polls
I am opening the blog to non-country places as well (including places that want independence and places that don't but are distinct enough to warrant a poll), and you can suggest places you'd like to see a poll here. Instructions on the form.
>>>>Tell me your associations with places here&lt;<<<
Please notice that posting a poll is NOT an endorsement of these places' independence or anything. I am aware these places are not countries, I just don't feel like changing the url.
You can send anything you like as an association. Food, people, locations, art, characters, movies, concepts, adjectives.
I recognize that associations are going to end up being stereotypical and often that ends up being racist. Since I only have one (1) nationality I'm not an expert on knowing what is going to be considered offensive for every country and some lines are blurry. The same thing can be said for different countries and in one case be racist and in the other not really.
Taking that in consideration, I will allow anything to be submitted and decide in individual cases if something can be considered too offensive to enter the game. Am I going to be wrong? Probably many times.
But the point of making this kind of game is celebrating different countries and having a space when people can "well actually" about their own countries.
So if you see something about your country that does not represent it, it's an opportunity to come say why and correct people. Also you can say things that you think everyone SHOULD know about your country instead!
I just think it makes more sense to make it an educative moment than just having me not add anything that seems negative in the poll!
I try to check stuff that I'm not sure if it's true, but there are many countries and sometimes I get tired and forget. So if any option is wrong, inappropriate or just offensive you can tell me. I will edit the post to correct it (polls are not editable, but I can add an observation under it) or delete the entire poll and redo it in case of offensive associations.
I've been trying to contact people from the places before the poll, but not every place has volunteers. If you'd like to talk about your country, check to see if it's included in the next form! If your country's poll is already up or closed, you can still reblog and add it.
If you talked about a country in a post and would like me to reblog it, please mention me in the post or send me a message (ask or DM). Sometimes it gets lost in the notes or I'm not sure if the person wants me to reblog it.
Suggestions are welcomed!
Polls that are currently open
Closed polls
Suggest places
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faggotry-enjoyer · 5 months
new pinned
if you're here because i reblogged your post with an image description: please edit it into the post. make whatever modifications you want, with or without credit
if you know me in real life: please block me and stay away. i'm not joking, i'm not being hyperbolic. leave.
everyone else: hi
introduction: i'm some guy who hasn't picked a psuedonym. he/it, 18-24, disabled transmasc. goy, if you are too this post is required reading (archive link in case my beloved mutual OP deactivates or changes her url), and this post has a number of recommended readings and resources. these days half my blog is on antisemitism but i'm also here for queer stuff, disability, posting nonsense, etc.
DNI if you glorified Aaron Bushnell's suicide and would stand by that
tagging: i have a very intricate tagging system which i do not fully comprehend. most of my tags are primarily for archival and search purposes rather than filtering, and many of them are vibes-based. if you have anything you'd like me to tag, feel free to ask and i'll either tag it or tell you that i won't.
i take misinformation very seriously. if you see me share some, please let me know in good faith and i will either take it down or publicly correct depending on the exact situation (after verifying your correction, of course). same goes for any and all forms of bigotry and hate. "OP is a Zionist" does not count as good faith correction.
lastly: feel free to say hi, introduce yourself, or reach out in general whether in replies, asks, or DMs. i might take awhile to respond (or might forget...) but do appreciate it regardless.
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vergess · 10 months
V, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the recent @staff announcement with regards to making Tumblr more algorithmic? Especially as someone very new to the site.
People are way too worked up about it, tbh.
First of all: The chronological dashboard is staying! No one ever said anything to fucking threaten that. People literally made that up, and @staff had to make a whole separate post about it.
The "algorithmic changes" would affect things like recommended blogs and the notoriously broken search feature we've all been begging for a fix to for a decade now.
This is VERY much the tumblr user base being hostile out of habit. Literally the announcement gave us two (2) features we've been begging for for years. Fixes to search AND the ability to make custom chronological dashboards featuring only specific blogs.
But instead of celebrating, everyone is losing their actual shit over the word "algorithm" with no idea what it actually means. Algorithm does not mean "super evil magical AI boogeyman that takes away your ability to blog with your friends." I know that's how facebook and google use it, and the fear is well earned, but it's misdirected in this case.
Of course, it's worth noting that I'm biased. I am very lenient with tumblr's current staff. I've lived through every era in tumblr staffing, and this is the only staff group that has ever taken user feedback seriously.
Unfortunately, people seem to think that the exorbitant excesses of the indie era and the obnoxious censorship of the corporate era are also the fault of the current staff.
In actuality, those are inherited problems that have been nightmarish to untangle from the heinous spaghetti code that they also inherited.
The stuff we love about tumblr (chronological dashboard, ability to turn off ads and recommendations, custom urls and blog themes, etc) is here to stay.
But fixes to the way the search and rec algorithms are long overdue. We should be delighted by this news, not enraged.
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restlessmaknae · 8 months
restlessmaknae's request event [guide]
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Celebrating 6 years on Tumblr and a number of followers I thought I would never reach, I would like to repay you for your love and support in the form of a request event. Writing is a hobby of mine that allows me to escape, to push my boundaries, and to leave an impact on readers. Even if you crack a smile, laugh at the words or feel understood by them, I'm truly honoured that you've joined me on this journey. 💞
Now, onto the good stuff.
As voted by you, readers, in a previous poll of mine, you can request stories based on genres, settings, but you can also throw a prompt into the mix.
You send me an ask with a genre and/or setting and a certain idol in mind, but you can add a prompt from these lists as well (they might help with certain settings):
Prompt list #1: Enemies to lovers but one is injured
Prompt list #2: Prompts for ex-lovers
Prompt list #3: Sacred romantic moments
Prompt list #4: Hurt comfort starters
Here are some examples:
best friends to lovers with Jake (Enhypen)
prince!Intak (P1Harmony) in a fantasy kingdom
zombie apocalypse au with Serim (Cravity) + enemies to lovers
[prompt] with Hyunsuk (CIX)
[prompt] with Hyunsuk (CIX) + exes to lovers
[prompt] with Hyunsuk (CIX) + exes to lovers + murder mystery
Smaus, bulleted stories and reaction stories can't be requested
I don't write smut, and if I feel uncomfortable by your request, I have the right to reject it and not write it
Only member x reader/OC, no member x member stories can be requested (you can specify if you want a gender-neutral reader insert story, otherwise I write female!reader stories)
I decide on how long the story will be, but I plan on writing stories less than 5k for this event (so expect drabbles and one-shots)
There's no deadline by which I plan on posting your story, it depends on how much time I have beside my full-time job and how much inspiration I have for your requested story - so please, bear with me, I'll get around to it as soon as I can 🥰
One user can request up to 2 stories - for tagging reasons, I kindly ask you to let me know about the blog you want me to tag in case you would write the ask on anon (for instance, if your main blog isn't kpop-related, you can write on anon and tell me your kpop sideblog's URL/username)
I close the requests after receiving 12 requests or by 30th September - whichever comes first
I will combine all the requests into a masterlist as soon as they start coming in, so you know that I've received your message
NCT (Mark, Johnny, Jaehyun, Doyoung, all of WayV)
Soloists: Kang Daniel, Woodz, Demian, Ong Seungwoo, Park Jihoon
If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask me!
Otherwise, enjoy the event and request to your heart's content! 🥰
Tagging everyone on my taglist in case you would be interested in requesting (some I couldn't tag, unfortunately): @dat-town, @stories-inbetween-the-stars, @koishua, @tranquilpetrichor, @americanokisses, @effulgentfireflies, @kuleo26, @wccycc, @littlestartonightsposts, @squiishymeow, @sunooslover, @heyditseeey, @syrxiee2, @tsunchani, @hyunjinswife, @sweetjaemss, @laaylaaz, @fvrteez, @chaeryeongs-wife, @hyu-won, @bamboongi, @kyusqult, @chang-ryul, @winterbeartaehyungbestboy, @i2kittenz, @miafox117, @hannieyooon, @soobin-chois, @ishuayou
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staghunters · 1 month
Figured I should make a new post at this point because the other one is getting too long to keep reblogging. I've been tinkering away at the site and it is shaping up! Here's a lil page by page tour under the cut
you can view the site here!
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Splash screen!
It's a little bumper so the css can load without it scrabling the home page. It looks alright, but to add some more text to the image, I have to make a new one in the death screen generator, which is not ideal.
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The home page!
I've changed the middle window so it fits in better with the rest. Not very visually exciting there in terms of color, but it is for now the best look imo. Text there is aligned justified, I've condensed it a bit more and added the randomized quote section underneath it instead of it being a seperate window on the side.
To do list needs an update but is still accurate. The team is still there, but on the other side, I have set the blinkies to be a bit larger. The music player has been removed because I couldn't find a way to add songs to it that weren't included on the source site. Snufkin is here now. The webrings will need some more. Retronaut is there, but not functioning as it should. it just forwards you to random sites in the ring instead of where it should be, but I can't find what exactly I'm doing wrong with the code.
Another thing that is not working on neocities itself is the "last updated" part. For some reason it doesn't display there what it does display on my local html. Maybe a bug at neo.
And icons at the top on the nav par! Adds some more flair to the place. The footer has also received a minor update: it now has a sitemap link instead of another back-to-home url.
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I'm thinking of moving the small window with the short info to the right, but it is here for now. Links that are web-building related are on the right, also for my own referencing. The essentials lists on the left are hidden on load, but can be revealed by tapping the puttons. The lists are in tree-view and the window shouldn't expand over the cassette image once the construction sign is removed. Speaking of, the cassette has a lil playlist.
I might expand on the info a bit more, but that is for me to ponder. I liked including links to tumblr, the guestbook, and a button in case anyone wants to link my site on theirs.
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Hasn't really changed much. I've been looking at moving the sidebar info to be in the main section upon load, but idk if that would just make things more complicated. Right now it loads to an empty section there, stuff appears once you click a button. PDF support is only available once I'm a supporter of neocities, which i do wanna do but isn't a priority atm just for getting this part running. The links to ao3 will do just fine for now.
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The space for my rambling. It can be browsed by entry through the post-it, and all that seems to be functioning alright. Added a kitty and a sticker for decoration. The Stop Making Sense bumper sticker will now load a local video of the performance, but once again I won't be able to add this to the site until I get a supporter thing going. It plays/pauses on click, hehe.
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Decided to add a page for it. Basic info, schedule, link to the room, my letterboxd, and an overview of past movies. It's a nice spot on the site that is also the most cramped, but I like how it turned out.
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In case any page/url error happens, you can send a movie recommendation to B (their askbox is linked when you open on desktop)
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The art and other pages are very much works in progress. Art can be up and running once I upload art to the site, but I'm not sure if I want to post full pieces here. Maybe I'll make it a space for sketch stuff that I'd otherwise discard.
As for the other page: I might be filing it under the writing page as a section, since the only thing here is WvW atm. It's cool that it has it's own thing, but I'm not sure if something that is basically a fanfic warrants such a space. That, or I keep it and drop all my other-media stuff in here so there's more to look at.
That's it for now! I got some ideas on how to continue, but they're not super-duper set in stone.
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riality-check · 1 year
Advice for New Fans
AKA: Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started Out
I’m by no means an expert. 
This list is not comprehensive. Please add your own thoughts to it!
I’m approaching this from a lurker/fic writer perspective, so artists/gifmakers etc. might have different perspectives. 
I’m also really only on tumblr and ao3, so different advice might apply to different sites. 
This advice will not apply in every single case; it is just broad generalization that I have found to work most of the time.
Protect your personal information! I’m going to sound like my mother for a minute, but be aware of how much you’re sharing online. Don’t make yourself easier to dox by sharing personal information like names, locations, etc. Be careful. The internet is more good than bad, but bad still exists. Please protect yourself, especially if you’re a minor.
Respect people’s boundaries! For example, if accounts say “minors do not interact,” don’t interact if you’re underage. It sucks (I’ve been here personally), but it’s better for everyone if you scroll away. Boundaries like that are in place for people to curate their own online experiences for whatever reason they see fit. You don’t have to understand a boundary, but you do have to respect it. Be mature.
Don’t be afraid to create! If you’re debating over whether or not to hit the post button, do it. Just do it. If you had fun making whatever your creation is, and you want to share it with people, DO IT. This kind of stuff is supposed to be fun, and it’s all about collaboration. There’s an audience for everything, so someone will absolutely see what you put out and love it, even if you just made it for yourself.
Don’t feel ashamed for not creating! If you’re nervous or unsure about making something, but still want to participate, that’s totally fine! There are so many ways to do that, and I’ll talk about them later in this post. But even if you’re not creating, you’re still a vital participant in fandom (I remember all of my regular commenters!)
Two cakes! Just because it’s been done before doesn’t mean it’s been done by you. No one can make what you make in the way you make it, so even if it is similar to something that already exists, go for it! Chances are, people want more of that thing and will be happy to see it.
Don’t be afraid to join fandom spaces! If you see a link for a Discord server you’re interested in (and you meet requirements set by the mods), join it! If you see an event you want to participate in, participate in it! Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and talk to people. More often than not, you’ll make really awesome friends, and you’ll have a lot of fun. We’re all just people, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Don’t be afraid to change up your blog! I’m going to be honest: most people won’t care about your blog title. Make it as silly as you want and change it on your own time. Your url isn’t permanent (though it is more recognizable), so feel free to change it whenever and however you see fit. Icon, layout, anything else, change it up. Nothing here is set in stone, so make it what you want!
Curate your experience! “Unfollow” and “block” should be your best friends. Don’t like something? Unfollow. Still keep seeing it? Block. Poof, all gone, you’re done. Don’t pick fights. Don’t waste time energy on fighting when you could be making something or doing something that makes you happy. Follow who you want, like what makes you happy, and, most importantly, REBLOG.
Reblog, reblog, reblog! You gotta do it. It’s how this site works. If you enjoy something enough that you want to show another person, hit that reblog button. It’s how more people see the post, and it makes creatives super happy to see. Likes are for storage, reblogs are for sharing.
Tag your stuff! I really, really wish someone had told me this earlier because now my blog is an absolute wreck. Use tags to make your life easier and your blog more filterable. They don’t have to be funky custom tags like some people use. Fandom tags are a good place to start, and then you can add character, ship, and personal tags if you’re feeling fancy. But please, please, please, tag your stuff, it’s going to make it easier to find it all in the long run. You’ll thank me later.
Talk in the tags! In addition to being organizational, the tags are a fun little place for you to share your thoughts, and only OP (original poster) and the person you reblogged it from. As a writer, I love seeing people’s thoughts in the tags, so don’t be afraid to share them, weird or incoherent or long as they may be!
Yes, and! tumblr has a really, really cool “yes, and” culture. Meaning, if you see a cool little post and have your own ideas that you want other people to see, reblog and add on to it! Just go for it. You’re not stealing anyone’s post or ideas, you’re adding your own thoughts, and, chances are, other people are going to find that pretty cool (and may even add some thoughts on your thoughts, and down the line it goes!)
Post your stuff! I seriously wish I had done this earlier. For a long time, I only posted on ao3 and didn’t really bother with tumblr, which I kind of regret. For example, have you written a snippet you can’t fit into your fic? Post it! Posting to tumblr is a really fun way to get engagement on stuff you may not be ready to post to other sites, like ao3, or it is the final site you had in mind. Whatever the case, go for it! Tag with your fandom, characters, ships, any personal or additional tags, and send it out into the world. More people are going to love it than you think, I promise.
Titles! Don’t sweat the title too much. Most people don’t read it. They’re going to pay a lot more attention to the summary and tags of your fic. If you are struggling with a title, I recommend song lyrics or a phrase you really like from your fic.
Summaries! This is what’s going to draw your reader into your fic. Don’t just say “I’m bad at summaries,” that’s not going to interest people. Either summarize your fic in one sentence or take an engaging excerpt from it and copy it into the summary box. No matter how bad you think that is, it’s better than no summary at all.
Tagging! Honestly, same principle as tumblr, but for a different reason. Tag your stuff so that people know exactly what’s happening in your fic. Most people filter by tags, meaning that what you put ensures that they get the best reading experience possible. Best advice I can give: tag major romantic and platonic relationships, characters, dynamics (ex: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson), and themes of the fic (ex: fluff, angst, pwp, etc.). Better advice: go find the fics you like that are similar to what you’re writing and see how they tag.
Format! This is the biggest one, and it’s the thing that made me want to create this post in the first place. Please, do not give me a wall of text to read when I click the link to what looks like an amazing fic. It hurts my soul. The best advice I have for format is to read actual books and see how they’re formatted. Briefer, more simplistic advice: start a new paragraph every time someone new speaks or the focus changes. You also don’t have to indent on ao3, and if you’re in Rich Text, it’ll put spaces between paragraphs for you. Also, there’s a horizontal line button in rich text, so you don’t have to spam the underscore key to manually create one.
Comment! I personally have to get better at this, but comment! If you liked the fic, share your thoughts, even if it’s just a little heart emoji! Writers spend so much time on their fics, and they love feedback that’s a little more in depth than a kudo (although kudos are always appreciated)! If you’re able to, comment. You’ll make a writer’s day, I promise. If you’re a writer, don’t feel pressured to respond to every comment. If you want to, go for it! If you don’t, that’s okay, too. You’re all good either way.
Please add on to this with whatever you wish you were told when you were first starting out! And new fans, welcome! We’re happy to have you here, and we hope you have fun!
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go-learn-esperanto · 9 months
So, I've been wanting to switch over to Firefox but I haven't because I'm just straight up kinda lazy, but with all this talk of KOSA and with Firefox apparently being one of the KOSA-safe browsers, (I have no way of confirming this, just what I've heard) I wanna switch over just to be safe.
The thing is, how much new stuff to I have to download in order to replace Chrome with Firefox? Ik it's not owned by Google, and I've got stuff like Google-owned apps like Maps on my phone so do I have to make a thousand different changes in order to effectively switch to Firefox? Or just download Firefox, make the switch and I'm good?
Well, Firefox is just a browser. What that means is that if you want you can still use the Google apps on your phone. They aren't connected to chrome so if you remove chrome they won't stop working. You can also, if you really want, delete those apps but sign in on the browser, in your case Firefox, and you'll be able to use your Gmail and Google Maps but on your browser instead of having a specific app for that. You decide what's most convenient to you. I personally still use those apps, but if want to be extra secure and don't want to have Google tracking too much stuff about you you can choose to only use the browser.
Firefox will, by the way, give you the option to migrate all of your passwords from Chrome to Firefox. This means you have way less work. You just need to download Firefox, tell it to migrate your passwords from your Chrome (it means you have login with your Google account if I remember correctly), and it will do that for you, meaning you don't have to go and put your passwords to whatever site you use one by one. It's honestly really easy to migrate.
What do you have to understand: a browser is just an app that allows you to use various search tools. You can still use the Google search on Firefox if you want! I usually have DuckDuckGo as my primary search engine but sometimes I switch to Google (the search engine not the company) because I want to have a specific kind of search that DuckDuckGo isn't really managing to do. DuckDuckGo by the way is the search engine that tracks you less. That's why it's usually preferable if you want to not have all your search history being shared with third parties.
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These are the standard search engines but you can add more if you want. You can use Yahoo or Wikipedia for example.
What Firefox allows you to do that chrome, on the mobile app, doesn't is to have add-ons, more commonly known as browser extensions. The normal Firefox app doesn't have many add-ons available but it has at least some and the ones that are available are very useful.
They're great for adding extra security protection, or just to have a better experience using the browser.
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These are all 17 mobile compatible add-ons. Highly recommended UBlock Origin, Clear URLs and Privacy Badger.
You can technically have more but that will make it so you need to use the Firefox Nightly app instead of the standard Firefox. Firefox Nightly is a developer app and you need a lot of extra hoops if you wanna have extra Add-ons on your phone. To me it's worth it because it means I can have XKit Rewritten, Tumblr's saviour at this point, on my phone which almost makes me want to delete the Tumblr app. However you want to keep things simple so just Firefox will do just fine. No need to complicate things.
In conclusion:
Migrating is easy because you can migrate passwords from a browser to the other, you can still use your Google services on Firefox, add-ons are cool.
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thewebcomicsreview · 9 months
See, this is a good submission, because the comic's only five pages and I can read and review it quickly.
So, two things immediately jump out at me
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I'm not at all a fan of a giant "The Rusty Owl" logo in the middle of a tense execution scene. Not only is it distracting, it's not even useful as a watermark. Just put the URL at the bottom of the page, or even the gutter between panels. Or, if it's meant to be a title drop, have the dad's blood spell it out or something.
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I'm also not a big fan of these Ninja Info Cards on every page. This stuff should be on the cast page (also, you should have a cast page). These profile panels seem to be a bit of a trend now in some comics, but they're just an extremely weak way of doing exposition. "Show, don't tell", as they say. This is especially true of your first few pages, which are so critical for hooking the reader. It's like I'm reading about your comic instead of reading your comic.
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Compare and contrast the first page of Saffron and Sage. We know Saffron's the one with the axe, and Sage is the Fox. We know what Saffron' is trying to do, we know how she plans to achieve that goal, we know her personality, we know this other girl's personality and role, and we have a joke. Bing-bang-boom, no need for a card explaining anything. This is an in media res opening, but there are other ways of showing personality even in quieter waking up scenes.
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Also, hiatus announcements should be under the comic, not in it. You can add a second image if you have to (I think? I don't know ComicFury), and then remove it later so archive readers don't see the 4th-wall breaking hiatus announcement months or years after it's needed. It just makes the comic look unprofessional. I guess in this case the "Crash" panel is just a sound effect on a black border so you just edit the page to extend black border, but...bluh.
Anyway, let's look at the comic proper, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to stop nitpicking!
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First off, "Neb Honey" should probably be "Neb, honey?", and "Well, I mean, my plan was to find the bad guy, and shoot" doesn't need that comma after "bad guy". Secondly, the serif font looks kind of MS Word-y, which is even more notable because the text is left-justified instead of centered. Thirdly, you've shaded the tail of the word balloon in the first panel, as if it's a physical object. Fourthly, the tail is separated from the balloon itself by a line. Fifthly, the tail is ginormous wide compared to the balloon itself.
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It's a little hard to explain what I mean by that in text, but google "Shouting word balloon" and look at the tails and you'll see what I'm trying to say.
Finally, the actual words are generic enough that it requires a another panel on the next page to explain it.
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Like, this lettering is still not great, I did it in literally three minutes on MS paint using the free Anime Ace font, but the slight dialogue change goes a long way here at increasing the information density of the page. You don't need that extra panel in the next page, and can find a better use for that precious space. Also, this page is now more specific and thus more likely to grab the audience's attention. It's not "an excursion" with no plan, they're trying to stop a Portian who can teleport and they intend to shoot him. That's more exciting! Lead with that!
The good news here is that most of these things I'm picking on are relatively easy to fix (which is why I'm picking on them!). My recommendations are
Find a nicer font. I linked Anime Ace above, which is the font Saffron and Sage uses, but there's a ton out there better suited for comics.
Center your text when adding it to the comic
Add the text, then draw the balloon around it
Try and get a bit more information into those text boxes (while still keeping it natural). Getting a personality off and then expositing is fine and good, but can you do both in one panel? In one line? Could Neb have gone "Hey, Doc" in panel 1 there, greeting Stella while letting us know she was the Doctor? Or, could she have gone "Hello, Doctor Luna" while rolling her eyes, which would establish a relationship between them (probably not the one they're meant to have, but as as example). Asking yourself "Can I do more with this line" a lot will make you a better writer, and also save you a lot of unnecessary drawing.
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booasaur · 3 months
how are you downloading Ici tout commence?
From the official site!
First, I use a VPN to get a French IP (or Belgian--I'm not sure which they accept, I just know these two work) so I can access the network's streaming site, TF1+. You should be able to sign up for a free account without issue. This is the page for the season 4 eps:
Apparently there are always two eps in advance available for the premium subscribers but I'm not caught up plus I think it'd be a little harder to sign up for an actual paid account so I probably won't be able to do that.
So normally I would use youtube-dl/yt-dlp to download the eps but that won't work here, or at least not without some extra steps, because these are DRMed. This is where it gets a little tricky and the whole process isn't super well documented both because it changes a lot and it makes more sense to teach people to learn how to do it than how to do it and also because, well, the more these methods are spread, the more networks change things up and make things harder.
This thread can help you get started: https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/412113-MYTF1-Help-needed-New-DRM-system-can-t-download
The whole forum is quite useful and I've only had to post for help a couple of times, mostly I just search my issue and read through.
That provided command in the second post, that's something to be used in your command line, on Windows in Start you can open that by typing in cmd or PowerShell or just google what you'll need for your computer.
These are the things you'll need to get to run the command:
N_m3u8DL-RE is a tool you can google and download, and also ffmpeg and mp4decrypt. You'll want them in the same folder for convenience. (I think you might need to install python too? If it says you do, then go ahead, lol.)
The way to get the key, this is the most gatekept part, probably. The various streamers out there use different methods of encryption and increasing security levels, and if you read up on it, you'll see stuff about kid and pssh and cdm and L3, it can be overwhelming, but in this case, the things you need are relatively easily accessible.
I'll tell you how to get the pssh and the license URL and you'll be able to use those to get the key. There are several tools you can use them on, one is public and easy, one is private but still easy-ish, and one is pretty complex and not a route I've gone down myself yet (it's the pinned thread in that particular forum). I don't want to link any of them myself, but I'll link to a thread that mentions the easy public one. It does go down at times which is why the hardcore people recommend that last method.
First, before you click on an ep, open up your browser's Developer Tools, usually Ctrl+Shift+i will do the trick. Go over to your Network tab, this shows all the requests your browser makes when you go to a site.
Then click on the episode in the actual browser. You'll see a flood of requests in the Network tab, filter on mpd.
Select the mpd result and the details for it show on the side, click on Preview. Scroll down until you see <!-- Widevine -->. A couple of lines below it, you'll see something like <cenc:pssh>AAA[a bunch of characters]</cenc:pssh>
Grab that whoooole part that starts with AAA, that's the pssh. Go to the Headers detail tab while you're there and grab the Request URL, this is the mpd link we're going to use later.
Now to get the license. Usually you can filter in your Devtools Network tab on license or, in this case, widevine. Since we're already on the Headers detail tab, grab this Request URL now, it should start with https://widevine-proxy-m.prod.p.tf1.fr/proxy?
Now go back to that easy public tool linked in that thread I linked, lol, and just fill in the PSSH and the License. Hit Send and you get a list of three keys at the bottom. I've always gone for the one in the middle and not bothered with all three, but you can try them all.
So at this point, you should be able to fully create and use the command in the first forum link above. If you read the documentation for N_m3u8DL-RE, there are various flags you can use, --save-name "Outputname" will let you name the output what you want, -sv best defaults to the best video quality, -sa best is best audio quality, and so on.
The way to get the subtitle is to turn on subtitles on the video player on the site and to go back to the DevTools box and filter on textstream. Grab the first request, the one that ends with =1000.dash and paste it into a new browser address, and change the .dash to .vtt. That's the subtitle. :) You can use the free tool Subtitle Edit to both convert it to srt, which will let most video players play it with your video, and there's also an Auto-translate option that lets you translate to English. It offers several ways but as I don't have a Google API, I just use the normal "slow" method, it's not that bad.
A second way to get the subtitle is to use the same command as when you're downloading the ep but remove the -M format=mp4 at the end, and instead add -ss 'id="textstream_fra=1000":for=all'
This was all figured out through a LOT of trial and error on my part so please do try your own best if you hit some issues, that's the best way to learn. Also, I just don't want to be the helpdesk on this, lol.
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the-kipsabian · 8 months
Ayo! Greetings! I hope you are doing pretty well! I’m really sorry for asking this as I’m truly in dire need of help. My cat needs some immediate help for her surgery so I’m trying to raise some funds for her. If you have some spare time, please check it out the post that I have pinned for her, and if you feel it in your heart to help, please do us the favor by boosting the post or share it! Even if you cannot donate, spreading the word is definitely more than enough. Thank you for your kindness, and so sorry again for being this direct! <33
//update they blocked me instantly so hey anyone peeping this post or in their url tag just know this is a scam :) stay safe out there kids
you know what i feel in my heart
fuck no 🙏❤
hey kids, lets play a game of spot a scam again!! (im copying the message ive replied with before here and the original is at the bottom if you wish to reblog that one :) just editing this a bit here to show the new stuff they are putting out there in this very message yay!!)
okay this is literally the same story ive seen before at least three times. its word to word the same. youre not even trying
reblogging ONLY FROM ORIGINAL SOURCES posts in the past two days so :)
also they try to act more human with a decent description and likes and follows turned off. dont try hun
their only original post as far as i scrolled (which admittedly wasnt very far as its obvious this is a scam lol) is the donation post. unsurprisingly
ive said it before and i’ll say it again - they seem to target people in similar positions that they are supposedly in, trying to pluck that sympathy cord with “your pet is sick so you are sensitive and know how this feels”. this isnt my case rn but i obviously have posted cat photos and i have a donation ko-fi link in my pinned post sssoooo
“pls consider answering this ask privately” lmao so what people dont know youre a scammer? NEXT (this isnt in this ask surprisingly, but im leaving it in here cause they do this occasionally still)
a simple search even within tumblr tells you people already know about this. the account, the story and the cat. you aint fooling anymore
if unsure kids, ask a friend and google things 👍 reverse image search, for example, is your best friend!! also googling the latter half of the given paypal name reveals immediately that this is a scam. plastered all over the first search page lmao
also kids, in case youre asking “well what bad could a one little me reblogging a post even if its a scam do if i dont donate :/” 1. im sorry what and 2. it makes them look legitimate which they are not. the more notes the more trusted the source cause tumblr is full of idiots (sorry not sorry ive been here for over 11 years i know what people are like) plus you put your friends, mutuals and followers in a risk of participating in a scam. and have your name associated with it as well. do i need to go on?
anyways hi go report this blog and always be hesitant if someone you dont know asks you for donations like this. unless its a beloved mutual on your dash, reconsider. stay safe, thanks 💜
looking forward to being blocked immediately after posting this, but i’ll be sure to report you for a scam. :) also fuck you for using someone elses poor cat and their situation to literally scam good natured people out of money, what the fuck is wrong with you
peace and love, fuck you ✌💜
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rillils · 1 year
RILS, my love, how have you been? its been so long since i left an ask, honestly.. what do you think our boys are doing rn for valentines??
anyways, HAPPY VALENTINES!! I LOVE YOU <333 💛💛💛 😘😘😘
HONEYYYYYYYYY MY DARLING MY PRECIOUS, ILYSM!!! 😍💖😍💖😍 I cannot tell you how HAPPY I was when I logged in today to find one of your asks!! First things first, happy Valentine’s Day to you too, darling! 💕💕💕 I hope yours has been lovely :3 Second, I just wanna say you’re the sweetest cinnamon roll that ever cinnamon rolled, and whenever I see your url/icon around, my little heart just goes “!!!!! FRIEND!!!!! I LOVE YOU FRIEND!!! 💕💕💕”, so there’s that :3
Lastly, and I think I should warn you here – I’ve been thinking long and hard about what Steve and Bucky must have been doing today, and because I’m the most indecisive scrunklekadoodle out there and I can never make up my mind about anything, I thought I might offer you not one, but a few little scenarios :3 They’re just a few of the infinite possibilities, but they also happen to be a few of my faves, and I hope at least one of them is to your liking, honey!! 😘😘😘😘😘
I think there’s at least one timeline out there, where they get to do something like this before the war, and like–
end of the night, they’re coming home – just the two of them, just on the right side of tipsy, you know, warmth in their chests and a sweet buzz under their skin, and while Steve’s fishing for their keys in his pocket, Bucky meets his eyes for a moment and damn but he’s been a fool to go looking for stars up in the sky when they’ve been shining so bright right here in front of him.
So key turns in the hole, door swings open for them, and maybe tonight even their apartment is feeling good – maybe their old radio chooses to crackle back to life for a change, and they pull their curtains closed, they only leave the one lamp on, pick their little corner away from the window just in case.
And they’re supposed to be dancing, see, just a little box step like Becca taught them for laughs the last time the Barnes’ had Steve over for the holidays, but then. But then their eyes meet. And their noses, so softly – and their lips, and that’s so much softer somehow – and Bucky’s hand’s travelling up Steve’s spine, and Steve’s sliding his fingers in Bucky’s hair, and they were meant to be dancing, but they just end up making out for twenty-seven minutes straight instead.
alright, there’s definitely a universe out there, in the always blessed post-CATWS timeline where CACW never happened, and just-- please consider:
Steve’s been planning tonight for so long, ‘cause he wants it to be special, wants Bucky to have a Valentine’s Day just like the stuff you see in the movies; and since he can afford it these days, he has precisely 1107 red roses (one for each day they have been together in the new century) delivered to their apartment, with a hand-scribbled note that reads, Hope to send you a million more.
He’s made a reservation at Bucky’s favorite place, and when Bucky steps out of their bedroom that night, with a fresh shave and his hair carefully pulled back, in tight-fitting black pants and that deep burgundy button down that hugs his shoulders just right and brings out the natural red of his lips, Steve nearly falls to his knees in religious worship.
He fits both hands around Bucky’s slim waist, heart drumming out a crazy beat in his chest, just where Bucky’s hands choose to rest awhile.
“You look like a million dollars, honey.”
Bucky smiles that one secret smile of his, the one that so rarely appears outside the safe walls of their home. His metal hand slides up to stroke at the nape of Steve’s neck, slipping tender fingers under the collar of Steve’s shirt to brush, kiss-soft, against his bare skin – and his touch is thrill and gooseflesh spreading down Steve’s spine.
His voice rumbles deep and warm, just a whisper away from Steve’s lips. “You clean up nicely too, doll.”
And I mean, maybe they make it out the door, or maybe they don’t.
But like have you considered the possibility of Valentine’s in Wakanda, because I mean–
catch these boys living it up in their blissful little bubble like they’re on their own special kind of honeymoon, okay, making total goo goo eyes at each other all the time, and there has to be, there HAS to be a little moment somewhere in there, okay, like
it’s February 14th and- and I don’t think they’ve even checked the calendar in like a week, because who needs to know what day it is when they’ve been savoring their time together like this? Content to explore life on their little farm, going from one meal to work, to the next meal, to more work, and so on and so forth, and measuring their day in how many kisses they managed to sneak in between?
Come sunset, they find each other in the kitchen, and Bucky pulls Steve in by his beltloops and captures his lips all sweet-like, like a greeting and like a promise all at once, and Steve tells himself it’s well worth sweating all day long and chasing after stray goats and getting his work clothes all nice and ripe, if at the end of it all he gets to be kissed hello like this.
Bucky chuckles against his mouth, and Steve tastes the sweat off his whiskers, and the faint sweetness of the dried apricots he knows Bucky keeps on him these days.
“You smell like goat,” Bucky pulls away just enough to say to him, his whole face scrunched up with laughter, his eyes screwed shut, all happy crinkles and them mile-long eyelashes and if god has any mercy at all he won’t let Steve’s heart stop dead in his chest the way it feels like it’s going to do, nope, ‘cause Steve’s got so much more of this to bask in yet, so much more of it, so much more.
“You smell like goat shit,” he tells Bucky, and there’s a story somewhere in here left in the trail of clothes they strew across the floor, and a plot twist for sure where they knock over a lamp and a book and almost trip over Steve’s old boots, but the epilogue sees Steve hoisting Bucky up in his arms and stumbling into the shower with him, same way he keeps doing a little too often lately, and nowhere near often enough.
What they start in the shower, of course, they can finish in the bedroom; and if Bucky moves slow and languorous on top of him, and teaches their hips the old rock ‘n’ roll once more, just to make sure they both remember it still, well Steve has always loved to learn.
Now I was thinking– how about a little bit of a romantic getaway? Maybe a long weekend out of town, perhaps in the mountains, to make the best of what’s left of winter. They spend the whole day going for walks around the local village, sipping on a cup of hot cocoa, playing in the snow just like they used to when they were kids, building a sadly short-lived snow dick together, sledding, until they’re tired all the way down to their bones.
That’s when they go back to their private chalet, proceed to slip out of their damp clothes and climb together in a nice hot bubblebath, where Steve sits himself between Bucky’s legs and lays back against Bucky’s chest, and they alternate between trading slow, lazy kisses and feeding each other the fancy chocolates they brought back with them, until the water’s gone lukewarm.
and I could honestly keep going, but it's getting late and I need to get up early tomorrow, so for now, happy valentine's day to both you and our favourite boys!!
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